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On le sait que les sorties en famille coûtent de plus en plus cher, voici toutes les façons d’économiser sur vos billets d’entrée pour le Parc Safari d’Hemmingford.

Le parc Safari est situé au 242 Rang Roxham, à Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle.

Rabais d’automne au Parc Safari

Obtenez un billet journalier pour le Parc Safari à seulement 25$ +tx pour tous, l’entrée est gratuite pour les enfants âgés de 0 à 3 ans.

La promotion est en vigueur pour les 2 dernières fins de semaine de la saison.

  • 29, 30 septembre et 1er octobre
  • 6, 7, 8 et 9 octobre 2023

Pour plus de détails sur cette promotion on vous invite à visiter le site web du Parc Safari.


50% de rabais au Parc Safari

Grâce au site web Antidote Mobile, il vous est possible d’obtenir un rabais de 50% sur votre entrée au Parc Safari.

Pour 40,50$ vous obtenez un billet adulte et un billet enfant pour le Parc Safari, le prix régulier est de 81$.

Ces billets sont valide du 19 mai au 29 octobre 2023 .

Il faut cependant faire vite puisque cette offre est disponible en quantité limitée.

Entrée Gratuite au Parc Safari pour les 2 ans et moins

Les enfants de moins de 2 ans ne paient pas pour leur billet d’entrée au Parc Safari. Aucun code promo nécéssaire.

Rabais pour le Parc Safari chez Costco ?

Malheureusement, il n’est pas possible d’acheter vos billets d’entrée pour le Parc Safari, chez Costco.

Vous pouvez cependant obtenir des billets pour d’autres activités comme les glissades d’eau, le cinéma et plus encore…


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Passeport Vacances

Parc Safari, Pas Bête !

Parc Safari, Pas Bête !

Plongez au cœur de l'aventure cet été au Parc Safari ! Explorez notre incroyable tunnel des lions, une attraction à couper le souffle qui vous permet de vous rapprocher de ces majestueuses créatures comme jamais auparavant. Rafraîchissez-vous à l'Oasis Tropicale, notre parc aquatique sensationnel, où vous pourrez dévaler la Descente du Nil, affronter les vagues de la Boule à vagues et glisser le long de nos 3 grandes glissades colorées. 

Osez l'aventure ultime au Safari Aventure, où 300 animaux de 30 espèces différentes évoluent en toute liberté au cœur de la prairie. Embarquez à bord de nos camions de brousse électriques pour une immersion totale dans la savane africaine, le tout sans quitter le Québec ! 

Les passionnés de camping-car et VR ne voudront pas manquer l'opportunité de passer la nuit à proximité des animaux. Réservez dès maintenant votre terrain sur notre camping pour motorisés (sans services) et vivez une expérience inoubliable au plus près de la nature. Pour réserver, cliquez ICI  

Découvrez également la Plaine des Guépards, où vous pourrez observer les félins les plus rapides de tous les mammifères, ainsi que la Terrasse Afrika, où vous vous retrouverez nez à nez avec les girafes. Du haut de la passerelle Olduvai, observez des hyènes tachetées et des macaques japonais entres autres. Et n'oubliez pas de visiter notre Pavillon Découvertes, où une fascinante collection de minéraux, fossiles, insectes et bien plus encore vous attend pour éveiller votre curiosité et enrichir votre expérience au Parc Safari.

PROMOTION POUR UN TEMPS LIMITÉ : Rabais de 25 % applicable sur tout achat de billets en ligne jusqu’au 21 juin prochain.  Utiliser ce code promo : FX210624

SORTIE CAMPING MOTORISÉS / VR - sans services Du 17 mai au 27 octobre 2024 Profitez du plein-air et venez stationner votre motorisé/VR au Parc Safari et réveillez-vous avec le chant des lions. Pour réserver, cliquez ICI   : 

  • 2 jours - 1 nuit : Accès aux secteurs animaliers et au parc aquatique lorsqu'il est ouvert - 199 $ + tx
  • 3 jours - 2 nuits : Accès aux secteurs animaliers et au parc aquatique lorsqu'il est ouvert - 249 $ + tx
  • 4 jours - 3 nuits : Accès aux secteurs animaliers et au parc aquatique lorsqu'il est ouvert - 299 $ + tx

PASSEPORT SAISON Du 17 mai au 27 octobre 2024 Profitez de l’été et venez vous amuser tous les jours au Parc Safari. Achetez votre passeport ICI .

3 options s'offrent à vous :  EN TOUT TEMPS :  Vous donne accès au Parc Safari tous les jours de la saison, sans restriction

  • Enfants (2-12 ans) 64,50 $
  • Adultes (13 ans et plus) 123,50 $

À PARTIR DE MIDI :  Vous donne accès au Parc Safari tous les jours de la saison, à partir de midi 

  • Enfants (2-12 ans) 48,50 $
  • Adultes (13 ans et plus) 98,50 $

JOUR DE SEMAINE : Vous donne accès au Parc Safari du lundi au vendredi durant la saison 

  • Adultes (13 ans et plus) 98,50 $

Sortie corporative et de groupe : MOTIVER- BRAINSTORMER -TRAVAILLER- CÉLÉBRER Organisez une sortie de groupe, un séminaire, un anniversaire d’entreprise, une réunion, une séance de consolidation d’équipe, une formation, un lancement de produit dans un parc magique. 4 salles uniques, ludiques et fonctionnelles : La Galerie, L’Explorateur, Le Pavillon Découvertes, La Maison Kumbukumbu. Le Parc Safari est un endroit magique et surprenant, vos invités auront l’occasion de faire le plein de souvenirs qu’ils n’oublieront jamais.  Pour réservations, cliquez ICI : 

Pour une sortie scolaire, un camp de jour, une visite éducative avec les enfants. Le Parc Safari offre à ses visiteurs de vivre une expérience zoologique ludoéducative exceptionnelle. Le contact avec la beauté et la diversité du royaume animal fait naître un sentiment de responsabilité; il incite à réfléchir, à poser un geste, qui peut contribuer à préserver ces magnifiques bêtes, ces symboles vivants et menacés, comme l’est présentement notre planète bleue. Depuis 1972, le Parc Safari accueille les enseignants, enseignantes et leurs étudiants, étudiantes. Quelques mots d’un texte sur une affiche, la rencontre avec un guide, un zoologiste, peuvent faire naître la curiosité et l’intérêt renouvelés d‘apprendre. C’est ce que nous tentons de faire et de réussir depuis 51 ans. Réservez ICI

À voir :

  • SAFARI AVENTURE - Voyez les espèces menacées en camion de brousse.
  • TUNNELS DE VERRE- 19mm de verre vous sépare des lions.
  • TERRASSE AFRIKA- Observatoire de la Plaine africaine et carte géographique (700 mc) illustrant les pays du continent africain.
  • FERME DES CINQ CONTINENTS- Présentation d’espèces domestiquées, dont les lamas, les kangourous et la reproduction fidèle (170m linéaires) de murs Incas du 11 au 14 ème siècles.
  • PAVILLON DÉCOUVERTES Exceptionnelle collection de minéraux, pierres et fossiles millénaires qui sont les traces marquantes de l’apparition de la vie sur terre.

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Informations utiles

Parc Safari 242 Rang Roxham Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Qc J0J 1V0 Tél. : (450) 247-2727

Partagez votre expérience avec nous!

coupon parc safari 2023

Annie Gaudreault, Marc Forget , Louise Forget, Robert Forget

C'est une sortie familiale.

Juliette Asselin

Très belle sortie en famille....a refaire !

Beau parc surtout à faire avec nos enfants et petits enfants

[email protected]

Je veux y aller

Belle sortie en famille. Merci à l'équipe du Parc

Super pour une sortie avec les enfants!

coupon parc safari 2023

Très beau parc!!

Le parc est magnifique, c'est une sortie idéale à faire en famille! Un gros coup de cœur!

Très cool de pouvoir nourrir les différents animaux nous-mêmes!! Belle activité à faire en famille! Plusieurs attractions sur le site!


Vraiment impressionnant de voir les animaux aussi près!! J'ai adoré les singes, les loups..et les jeux d'eaux! À faire et refaire!!!

Vraiment cool!

J'y suis allé juste une fois mais j'en garde un super bon souvenir! Le safari auto, c'est la meilleure partie selon moi!


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Mine capelton - visite guidée de la mine, sites de camping en foret - parc de la matawinie, centre musical cammac.

Quebec Attractions

Parc Safari, Wilderness up close!

Parc Safari, Wilderness up close!

Dive into adventure this summer at Parc Safari! Explore our incredible lion tunnel, a breathtaking attraction that allows you to get closer to these majestic creatures than ever before. Cool off at the Tropical Oasis, our sensational water park, where you can rush down the Nile Descent, brave the waves of the Wave Pool, and slide along our 3 large colorful slides.

Embark on the ultimate adventure at Safari Adventure, where 300 animals of 30 different species roam freely in the heart of the prairie. Hop on our electric safari trucks for a total immersion in the African savannah, all without leaving Quebec! RV and camper enthusiasts won't want to miss the opportunity to spend the night close to the animals. Book your spot now at our motorized camping site (without services) and experience an unforgettable adventure close to nature. To book, click HERE  

Also, discover the Cheetah Plain, where you can observe the fastest felines of all mammals, as well as the Afrika Terrace, where you'll come face to face with giraffes.  From the top of the Olduvai walkway, observe spotted hyenas and japanese macaques, among others.  And don't forget to visit our Discovery Pavilion, where a fascinating collection of minerals, fossils, insects, and much more awaits to awaken your curiosity and enrich your experience at Parc Safari.

LIMITED TIME PROMOTION: 25% discount applicable on all online ticket purchases until June 21st. Use promo code: FX210624.

MOTORIZED CAMPSITE / RV EXIT - without services From May 17 to October 27, 2024 Enjoy the outdoors and come park your motorhome/RV at the Safari Park and wake up to the song of the lions. For reservations, click HERE

  • 2 days - 1 night: Access to the animal areas and the water park when it is open - $199 + tax
  • 3 days - 2 nights: Access to the animal areas and the water park when it is open - $249 + tax
  • 4 days - 3 nights: Access to the animal areas and the water park when it is open - $299 + tax

SEASON PASSPORT  From May 17 to October 27, 2024 Enjoy the summer and come have fun every day at Parc Safari. Buy your passport HERE.

3 options are available to you:

AT ALL TIMES: You have access to the Safari Park every day of the season, without restriction

  • Children (2-12 years) $64.50
  • Adults (13 years and over) $123.50

FROM NOON: You have access to the Safari Park every day of the season, from noon

  • Children (2-12 years) $48.50
  • Adults (13 years and over) $98.50

WEEKDAYS: You have access to the Safari Park from Monday to Friday during the season

Corporate and group outing: MOTIVATE- BRAINSTORM - WORK - CELEBRATE Organize a group outing, seminar, company anniversary, meeting, team building session, training, product launch in a magical park. 4 unique, fun and functional rooms: The Gallery, The Explorer, The Discovery Pavilion, The Kumbukumbu House. The Safari Park is a magical and surprising place, your guests will have the opportunity to make memories they will never forget. For reservations, click HERE

For a school trip, a day camp, an educational visit with the children. The Safari Park offers its visitors an exceptional zoological edutainment experience. Contact with the beauty and diversity of the animal kingdom gives rise to a feeling of responsibility; it encourages us to think, to take action, which can contribute to preserving these magnificent beasts, these living and threatened symbols, as our blue planet is currently. Since 1972, Parc Safari has welcomed teachers and their students. A few words from a text on a poster, a meeting with a guide, a zoologist, can give rise to renewed curiosity and interest in learning. This is what we have been trying to do and succeed for 51 years. Book HERE

To see :

  • ADVENTURE SAFARI - See endangered species in a bush truck.
  • GLASS TUNNELS- 19mm of glass separates you from the lions.
  • TERRACE AFRIKA- Observatory of the African Plain and geographical map (700 mc) illustrating the countries of the African continent.
  • FIVE CONTINENTS FARM - Presentation of domesticated species, including llamas, kangaroos and faithful reproduction (170 linear meters) of Inca walls from the 11th to 14th centuries.
  • DISCOVERY PAVILION Exceptional collection of minerals, stones and millennia-old fossils which are the significant traces of the appearance of life on earth.

coupon parc safari 2023

Useful information

Parc Safari 242 Rang Roxham Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Qc J0J 1V0 Tel.: (450) 247-2727

Share your Experience with us!

coupon parc safari 2023

Annie Gaudreault, Marc Forget , Louise Forget, Robert Forget

C'est une sortie familiale.

Juliette Asselin

Très belle sortie en famille....a refaire !

Beau parc surtout à faire avec nos enfants et petits enfants

[email protected]

Je veux y aller

Belle sortie en famille. Merci à l'équipe du Parc

Super pour une sortie avec les enfants!

coupon parc safari 2023

Très beau parc!!

Le parc est magnifique, c'est une sortie idéale à faire en famille! Un gros coup de cœur!

Très cool de pouvoir nourrir les différents animaux nous-mêmes!! Belle activité à faire en famille! Plusieurs attractions sur le site!


Vraiment impressionnant de voir les animaux aussi près!! J'ai adoré les singes, les loups..et les jeux d'eaux! À faire et refaire!!!

Vraiment cool!

J'y suis allé juste une fois mais j'en garde un super bon souvenir! Le safari auto, c'est la meilleure partie selon moi!


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Fossilarium - a museum for the whole family, hôtel de la cité perdue - sleep with lions, canadian war museum.

How to do San Diego, from Beaches to Zoos.

10 Best San Diego Safari Park Discount Ticket Deals | 2024

Quickly find cheap San Diego Zoo Safari Park discount tickets. My chart compares the zoo, Costco, AAA, Groupon & 6 other deals. Including a coupon code that always works, even if you’re at the gate! But first, here are the basic deals that you should know about.

San Diego Safari Park ticket discounts include 50% Discount Admission Coupons and Complimentary Guest Passes bundled with certain memberships. Seniors, students, and groups with 15 or more get 10% off. Groups of 100+ get 15% off. Active US military, teachers on field trips, and kids in October get in free.

Cartoon woman chasing San Diego Safari Park discount ticket deals (represented by a flying dollar bill)

Discover the cheapest legitimate Safari Park admission tickets (plus unpublished deals!) for you and your family in the chart below. Then scroll down the page for the need-to-know details for each cash-saving offer.

If you make purchases through the links in this post, I may be compensated. Read my Advertising Disclosure for more info. Thanks! ~ Nancy

* Save with a secret promo code on each San Diego Zoo or Safari Park 1-Day Pass. Go any day. Go directly to the gate. Click  HERE  to get your code, instructions & discounted tickets by email. By clicking the link above you agree to receive an automated email message. Valid only at aRes Travel , San Diego’s local authorized ticket seller. Read my full privacy policy .

San Diego Safari Park Discount Tickets Comparison Chart

Is it better to buy san diego safari park tickets at the gate or online.

Buying Safari Park tickets online is cheaper, faster, and safer. Safari Park encourages you to purchase your Safari Park tickets online and in advance. But it is not required.

Buying your passes on the internet costs less. If you purchase in advance through the San Diego Zoo Global website you’ll save $2. Get my promo code from local aRes Travel to save 10% off the $71 gate price.

Buying online reserves a spot for you and your group. This is especially important on busy weekends and holidays. You don’t want to drive 30 miles to Escondido from downtown San Diego only to be turned away because they’ve reached their guest headcount limit for the day.

You’ll also avoid the sales ticket window lines if you buy online. With a mobile ticket, you’ll go straight to the gate. Wouldn’t you rather get right to seeing exotic animals rather than being one of the herd waiting in line for a ticket?

NOTE: San Diego Zoo Global charges a $1 convenience fee for online purchases.

Online Ticket Discounts are Becoming Harder to Find

Due to increasing costs due to economic inflation, San Diego Safari Park has asked websites to stop publishing some of our best discounts. You can understand their position. They’re a non-profit and feeding the animals has got to come first. You’re not the only one hurting from the high price of energy and groceries.

Fortunately, my favorite authorized ticket source, aRes, has gone the extra mile for SanDiegoing readers and carved out the best possible deal for you under the circumstances. Click on the koala below for details.

Photo of koala saying" Click on my cute furry face for Surprise Savings on 1-Day San Diego Zoo and Safari Park tickets. You'll be sent a one-time email with a promo code and a secret link for your discount online purchase."

How Much Are San Diego Zoo Safari Park Tickets At The Gate?

San Diego Safari Park ticket prices at the entrance are:

  • $71 for adults
  • $61 for children up to 12 years old
  • FREE for toddlers and infants under 3 years old with a paid adult

Parking is not free at this attraction. It costs $20 per normal-sized passenger vehicle.  If you’re driving an RV the fee is $38. Call 619-718-3000 to see if they’ve restarted preferred parking. 

What’s Included In San Diego Zoo Safari Park Admission?

A San Diego Safari Park ticket one-day pass includes:

  • Animal Exhibits
  • All Gardens
  • Africa Tram
  • Cheetah Run
  • Frequent Flyers Bird Show
  • Tiger Keeper Talk
  • Training Talks

NOTE : Please call 619-718-3000 to find out which (if any) of these activities have been canceled due to county COVID-19 restrictions. Read this section on another page of my site which details what’s included in San Diego Zoo Safari Park tickets .

Also, visit my page on the best places to eat at Safari Park . In addition to details on all their restaurants, I’ve included tips on how to save a few bucks while eating well there.

When Are San Diego Zoo Safari Park Free Admission Days?

The best-discounted deal at San Diego Zoo is free entry, right? Here’s the scat on all of the free days at San Diego Zoo.

How Kids Free in October at the Safari Park Works

Kids get San Diego Zoo Safari Park tickets free in October. Children under the age of 12 can get in free. There are some limits:

  • They must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
  • Only 5 children are permitted per adult. 

Your cheapest option is to buy a discounted adult ticket that allows you to bring in children for free. 

Unfortunately your Southern California CityPASS , and Go San Diego passes are not eligible for special events like this. AAA discounts won’t work either because they cannot be combined with any other discount offers.

You’re going to have to purchase a separate adult ticket. But you don’t have to pay full price. Click HERE for a discount code that will work on adult tickets during Kids Free in October.

Discover more kid fun for less! Check out my page where I uncover all the  discount ticket deals at Sesame Place San Diego  for you.

Seniors Get in Free During February at San Diego Safari Park

1-Day Passes are free for everyone over 65 all of February. This deal is only available at the entrance. Present a valid photo ID with a birthdate showing that you’re over 65 at a Safari Park ticket window. Only one ticket per senior. You still have to pay for parking.

Which San Diego Zoo Annual Membership Is the Cheapest?

San Diego Zoo Annual Memberships include unlimited Safari Park entrance privileges. If you love animals and walking in beautiful surroundings this is one of the best ways to get cheap tickets for the San Diego Safari Park. You can save up to 99.6% off the standard 1-Day Pass price if you visit the zoo daily for a year with the Resident Adult Premium membership. The cost is 29 cents per daily visit.  But what if you don’t want to come every day?

If you want to visit often on weekends, buy the San Diego Resident Premium Adult membership ($109). If you plan to see the animals during the week, purchase the San Diego Resident Adult Membership ($95). This membership level has all weekends and major holidays blacked out, that’s 123 days. Yes, I counted them all on their blackout date calendar. You can find the current year’s blackout dates calendar in the membership sections  HERE .

You’ll find a chart with the least expensive San Diego Zoo membership options and their restrictions below:

Annual adult membership plans cost from $99 to $10,000 per year. Here’s the San Diego Zoo annual membership page so that you can check them all out for yourself.

Bob and I are  Wildlife Protector Premium  members. At this level, we get free parking and unlimited entries to both the Safari Park and the San Diego Zoo. We usually visit Safari Park on Saturdays. Our favorites are Tiger Trail , Elephant Valley, Africa Tram, and eating lunch while watching herds of antelope and rhinos from a bench above Kijamii Overlook. If it’s a special occasion, we’ll dine at The Watering Hole restaurant.

Free Guest Admission coupons are one of the major perks of most San Diego Zoo annual memberships. Each of these printed tickets is like a 1-Day Pass – good for a one-time visit for one person. Guests can use these without a member being present.

How to Get and Use Free Guest Passes for Safari Park

You can visit San Diego Safari Park for free if you’ve got Complimentary Guest Passes. But the only way to get them is if you know a member who is willing to give them to you.  

You do NOT have to be with a member to enter the park using a San Diego Zoo Guest Pass.

Longtime members are more likely to have unused Guest Passes. Chances are that they’ve taken their visiting family and friends to the zoo and Safari Park many times. Members love sharing their passion for animals and they feel bad about letting their passes expire without being used. So asking them doesn’t cost you anything and may make them feel better. 

Buying Guest Passes online is risky . San Diego Zoo Global says that the resale of guest coupons is fraud and a violation of the seller’s annual membership agreement. They’re just printed tickets with a barcode. Anyone with a scanner and a printer can fake them. And you will not know that you’ve paid for a fake until you try to present it at the gate. You may be turned away because the scanner says that code has been used. 

How to Get 50% Off Discount Admission Coupons for Safari Park

This half-off San Diego Zoo Safari Park admission deal is legit. But they are also only available from someone who has an annual membership.

But these discounted tickets are MUCH easier to find than the free Guest Passes. Most of the annual membership options include 2 of these per year. Once again, ask the zoo members in your network if they have any unused coupons.

And just like the Guest Passes, buying these discount admission coupons online is not recommended.

Are Safari Park Shoppers Passes Worth It?

A Safari Park Shoppers’ Pass is another free way to enter the park. Actually, it’s a 1-Day Pass that will be refunded if you meet certain conditions.  Those conditions are:

  • You’ve purchased a 1-Day Pass at the standard rate
  • You’ve returned to the ticket sales window at the entrance within 45 minutes

Start back to the gate when you’ve shopped for 35 minutes because there may be people waiting in line at the ticket booth.

Are There Group Discounts at San Diego Zoo Safari Park?

You get 10% Off 1-Day Passes for groups of 15 or more paying visitors at Safari Park San Diego. This is a wonderful way for large families to get together while maintaining social distancing.  Of course it’s also ideal for businesses and social group outings. 

15% off the 1-Day Pass for groups of 100 or more. Call 619-718-3000 (Reservation Sales Department) well in advance of your trip. They will make sure that your group numbers will be counted in that day’s total. Also, they have meal vouchers for many of the eateries inside Safari Park for an extra fee. This can save your group members some money off of buying entrees à la carte.

What is the San Diego Zoo Tickets Senior Discount?

You can get 15% off a 1-Day Pass for guests over 65 at the gate . You must present a valid photo ID at a zoo ticket sales window to get this discount. They do not offer this deal online or by phone.

Save More Than 10% With Authorized Ticket Seller Deals

San Diego Zoo Global (SDZG) works with a limited group of vendors who have the right to legally sell Safari Park tickets. They are tied into the Safari Park reservation system. They have to maintain strict standards of customer service and abide by the rules set by SDGZ. 

These rules include maintaining their agreed-upon ticket parity so that the non-profit zoological organization can maintain its funding for conservation projects.

SanDiegoing Ticket Deals From aRes Travel

aRes Travel and San Diego Zoo Global have been partners since 1993. The Zoo and Safari Park online reservation system was developed and is being maintained and updated by aRes. All of the other authorized ticket sellers use that system to sell tickets according to SDZG’s standards.

Here’s why I recommend aRes:

  • Many thousands of San Diego visitors have saved money with their worry-free discounted Safari Park passes and tickets
  • 100% authentic tickets Guaranteed. All passes come directly from the Safari Park, Zoo, and other attractions like SeaWorld San Diego, LEGOLAND, Disneyland, and many attractions in southern California
  • They’re always cheaper than Safari Park gate prices (call for their unpublished rates at 800-719-8961 .)
  • Fast, automated delivery via email to your inbox
  • Never wait in line at a ticket sales booth. Go straight to the gate entry turnstiles.
  • Save up to 30% on tickets/lodging for multiple theme parks and 100’s of hotels
  • They’re a local San Diego company . They’ve got longtime relationships with hotel managers, attraction companies, and tour groups so they can put together great deals for us
  • Their CEO is a nice guy . I dropped by their office one day and he spent at least 40 minutes answering my questions. At the time, no one was reading my blog but me, my husband, and sometimes my Mom. It was a gracious gesture.

One thing to note is that aRes charges a $2 online convenience fee ($1 + the SDZG’s $1 online fee) for Safari Park tickets. But that doesn’t bother me too much.  Because… you can actually TALK to them if you need help by calling 800-719-8961 . How rare is that? Google them to check out their great online reviews.


San Diego Zoo Safari Park entrance

Save more than 10% Off 1-Day Passes to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park . Click HERE for a special unpublished discount code for SanDiegoing readers. Get your tickets by clicking the orange button below.

The tickets are easy to use. 

  • Call 800-719-8961 to get your unpublished discount on your tickets
  • Your tickets will be emailed to you after your purchase
  • Print out your tickets or show them on your mobile device at the gate
  • The Safari Park ticket attendant will scan the QR code
  • You enter the park and have a great time 

Parking is not included at either park with this package.


LEGOLAND® California & San Diego Safari Park Combo Deal

LEGOLAND® California & San Diego Safari Park 2 photo collage

Save $24 for each adult vs buying each of these tickets separately. You get a 1-day LEGOLAND ® admission ticket and a 1-Day Safari Park Pass. Both allow you to bypass the ticket sales window and head straight to the entry gate. Safari Park parking costs extra. Guided Safari Park tours need to be purchased separately. Check out my Safari Park tours review page  

This ticket package is great for families traveling from Los Angeles and Orange counties for a weekend. You stay up in north San Diego county and avoid the worst of the traffic jams around downtown.

  • $159 99 per adult (aged 12+)

Legoland California, San Diego Zoo & Safari Park Combo Deal

San Diego Zoo, Safari Park and Legoland ticket package. 3 photo collage

Save $24.49 for each adult vs buying each of these tickets separately. You get a 1 day pass to each of these popular attractions. Parking at Safari Park is not included. NOTE: Legoland California is not yet opened. This entry is for your planning purposes. Please check the operating hours prior to booking.  

This is a great bundle for a 3-day weekend getaway. Each of these attractions has enough to hold your interest for a full day. And kids will love it. 

Legoland California, San Diego Zoo & Safari Park Combo:

  • $196.50 per adult
  • $172 for children under 13 years old

Or call 800-719-8961 to get questions answered and for assistance.


Lions, Tigers, and Baby Elephants, Oh My! – The San Diego Zoo or Safari Park Package

Lions, Tigers, Baby Elephants package with Lodging near San Diego Zoo or Safari Park

You can save up to 30% off if you book your hotel and a San Diego Zoo 2 Visit Pass together. Of course the discount depends upon which hotel you choose. 

This deal is perfect for a short staycation for locals or a quick getaway for those traveling from Los Angeles or Orange counties. Choosing a hotel may be a difficult choice though, there’s over 110 to choose from. My advice is stay close to where you’d like to spend your evenings. 

If you’re looking for more of San Diego’s wild side, stay in the Gaslamp Quarter at the Horton Grand Hotel (scroll down the linked aRes page a bit to find this one). This historic boutique hotel has cozy fireplaces in every room. And you’ll be right in the middle of our nightlife district. 

Or call 800-719-8961 and let them help you create a memorable weekend.

San Diego Family Fun Vacation Package

Photo of Safari Park Rhino family. Speech bubbles saying "Now that we've seen Safari Park, let's go to the Zoo! And then take Old Town Trolley Tour to a little Italy restaurant. I'm tired of eating grass."

This bundle is kid-friendly and you can save up to 30% off on your hotel plus San Diego Zoo and other attractions . This build-your-own custom package includes the Safari Park and the Old Town Trolley Hop-on, Hop-off Tour, and many more San Diego sights. Many of the hotels have FREE breakfast and parking. 

One of the more than 125 hotels featured in this deal is the beautifully situated Cape Rey Carlsbad . It’s a Hilton property located in Carlsbad with direct access to Carlsbad State Beach. It’s also a AAA 4 Diamond Resort with a great restaurant (Chandler’s) and an award-winning spa. Summer beach picnics, bonfires and watching the sun fall beyond the Pacific Ocean from an exquisitely designed fire pit will be highlights of your stay.

Or call 800-719-8961 and let them help you customize great family memories.

Other Hotel and attractions bundles from aRes Travel.

Costco San Diego Safari Park Tickets

If you search the internet you’ll see many references to super-cheap San Diego Zoo and Safari Park tickets sold at Costco. There’s just one problem, all of those posts are old and the offers are expired.

I spent hours scouring online forums, coupon code sites and large travel websites and the most recent  example of a Costco zoo ticket deal is from 2010. And in that comment thread they didn’t even give the price for the 1-Day Pass. 

I suspect that the killer Safari Park Costco deals will not be coming back. In the last couple of years San Diego Zoo Global, the Safari Park’s parent organization, has instituted a policy of price parity among authorized ticket sellers. SDZG doesn’t want other companies significantly undercutting their own gate prices. 

They’re not just being greedy. It’s for a good cause. Their mission is to end extinction and promote conservation awareness worldwide. And they aren’t subsidized or run by their local city like many other zoos. The San Diego Zoo and Safari Park are mostly self-funded through ticket sales to people like you.

Go ahead and check Costco’s Ticket Savings page to see if they’ve got Safari Park passes. But if you don’t find any, don’t be surprised. 

Costco San Diego Zoo Safari Park Ticket Bundles – There’s still a PDF for the Go San Diego Card discounts on the Costco website, but it’s an orphan. The Go San Diego Card is not on their ticket page, just links to a few restaurants. If you want to buy the Go San Diego Card click the link to go to aRes, our local San Diego authorized ticket source.

San Diego Zoo Safari Park Tickets On Groupon

Up to 70% off a 1-Day Adult Pass – This is misleading clickbait. Groupon’s last significant discount offer was in September 2020. If you go to their website you’ll get the standard 3% off deal that you’d get directly from Safari Park. Granted, 3% off is technically “up to 70% off”, but the wording is sneaky.

To get a better deal anytime, anywhere, buy your tickets from my travel partner aRes Travel of San Diego. Use this Safari Park Discount Ticket Form to get a discount code and the link where you can use it to buy your cheap tickets. Or, call 800-719-8961 and ask aRes for the unpublished San Diego Safari Park discount instead.

San Diego Safari Park AAA Discount

10% off a 1-Day Pass – You can only get this deal at the gate and if you’re a AAA member.  It’s good for you and 5 more in your group.

Present your AAA membership card and a valid ID at the ticket sales booth and purchase a 1-Day Pass for your ten percent discount. You cannot get this offer online or if you buy your ticket on the phone.

You can’t combine a AAA discount with any other coupons or offers. So you can’t use it during Kids Free in October or the Seniors Free in February events. But you CAN call 800-719-8961 ahead of time. Save yourself a bit of cash. Load the ticket onto your mobile device (or print it). Skip the ticket window line!

Public Service & Trade Associations Ticket Deals

San diego safari park ticket discounts for military.

FREE 1-Day Pass to the San Diego Zoo

Active duty US military are entitled to a free 1-Day Safari Park Pass. You’ll need to show your Uniformed Services ID Card or Common Access Card (CAC) at the entry turnstiles. You will not be allowed free access without that ID.

Military Family Discounts at Safari Park

Screenshot of MCCS Camp-Pendleton, Travels & Information Tickets & Tours web page

10% Off 1-Day Pass at the Gate – Spouses and immediate family members must show their valid dependent ID cards at any ticket sales booth to get this discount.  

Get a 15-20% Discount at your local base’s Ticket and Travel Office. However you must buy in advance of your trip to Safari Park. You cannot get this deal at the gate. The percentage you will save varies by the service branch, the location of the base and other factors.

You can also find better deals on annual memberships and 2-Day San Diego Zoo/Safari Park admission bundles at your base travel office. For an example,  here’s a San Diego ticket price list from Camp Pendleton . Scroll down to the “ Download ITT Price List ” button to see it.

Veterans & Retired Military Safari Park Discounts

15% – 20% off 1 Day Pass – MUST BUY ON BASE. Free entry to San Diego Safari Park is only available to active duty military personnel. Retired military must buy their 1-Day Pass from their base’s Ticket and Travel Office. . Veterans and retired military can also get 2-Day San Diego Zoo Admission Passes and annual memberships at a discounted price at the base. For an example link over to the Latitudes Travel Information, Tickets and Tours page . Scroll down to the “Download ITT Price List” button. Click to open the PDF.

Law Enforcement Discounts on San Diego Zoo Safari Park Tickets

San Diego Police Officers Association logo

18% off 1 Day Pass – MUST BUY THROUGH SDPOA.org. San Diego Safari Park does not offer any discounts for those who serve as San Diego law enforcement and their families. But you can get significantly cheaper tickets if you buy through the San Diego Police Officers Association website. Login, click on the Members tab and you’ll see the Theme Park Tickets category.

On the SDPOA.org members’ page you’ll see these ticket deals:

1 Day Passes:

  • $49 for Adults 
  • $39 for children 3-11 years old

2 Day Admission Passes:

  • $89.60 for Adults
  • $79.60 for children 3-11

Tickets purchased through SDPOA.org will be delivered via email or sent to your mobile device.

Firefighters Free in September at Safari Park

Active US firefighters with a valid ID can get a free 1-Day Pass for the San Diego Safari Park during September “Firefighters Appreciation Month” . Safari Park is located in the rural San Pasqual Valley and has sometimes been threatened by wildfires. So everyone who loves the animals here is VERY appreciative of the firefighters efforts to keep it safe. 

To get free entry under this program you must present your active firefighter ID with a photo. It doesn’t matter if it’s a department ID or a Union ID. This complimentary ticket is not available by phone or online.

Firefighters’ Family Discount

10% off 1-Day Passes for Family & Friends of Firefighters.  

During September, San Diego Safari Park offers 10% off each admission for up to 6 people accompanying an active duty US firefighter who has a valid department or union photo ID.

Do AZA Members Get a Discount at San Diego Safari Park?

There is no American Zoological Association (AZA) member discount at Safari Park . San Diego Zoo Global is a member of AZA, but unlike most zoos in the United States, it is self-funding and cannot afford to offer reciprocal AZA benefits and fulfill their primary mission which is to end extinction.

San Diego Zoo and Safari Park are both self-funded by your entry fees, food and concession sales, and extra add-on experiences like tour safaris. Most of the zoos in the AZA discount ticket program receive the majority of their budget from municipal coffers.

Travel Industry

Airline and cruise lines employee discounts.

10% off 1-Day Pass at San Diego Safari Park.   Airline and cruise company employees and one guest are eligible for ten percent off one day admission. This deal is not available if you pay online or by phone.  You must present your company-issued photo ID or CLIA card before paying at the zoo ticket window.

San Diego Safari Park Travel Agent Discounts

10% off 1 Day Pass to the Safari Park. If you’re a member of IATAN (International Airlines Travel Agent Network), you and a guest are eligible for a ten percent discount at the gate. If you’re a tour operator, travel agent, or wholesaler you can get this deal. All you need to do is show your up-to-date ITAN card prior to paying at any Zoo ticket window.

Deals for Educators and Students

San diego safari park teacher discount.

15% off a 1-Day Pass to Safari Park in San Diego for teachers directing curriculum-focused student trips. For more details, check the Zoo’s education and field trips page. The CTA Member Benefits website is a good resource for discounts and offers that teachers can use on personal trips to San Diego Safari Park.

San Diego Safari Park Student Discount

15% off 1 Adult 1-Day Pass to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park is the standard deal for students . All students 12 years of age and older are eligible. You must present your valid student ID before payment at any ticket sales booth to get this deal.

This offer is good for high school, community college, and university students as well as those working towards graduate degrees.

Is There a Diego Safari Park Residents’ Discount?

There aren’t any discounts for locals on 1-Day Passes for San Diego Safari Park. The best way for residents to save on Safari Park tickets is to buy an annual membership . These memberships offer significant savings for California residents in the 91900-92899 zip codes. The lowest tier costs $115 for a single adult. That means that your Safari Park and Zoo entries are free after just 2 visits.

How to Avoid Safari Park Online Ticket Scams

Cartoon of hacker at desk selling fake San Diego Safari Park tickets

1) If the price for San Diego Safari Park tickets sounds too good to be true, you’re probably right. That’s the first rule to avoid being the victim of any online swindle. Pay attention to your little voice which says, “So what’s in it for them?” Sometimes it’s not just money, but your identity that’s at stake.

2) The Craigslist About Scams page says that most online fraud can be avoided if you insist on meeting face-to-face with the person selling the tickets. 

3) Guard your identity online by using payment systems like Apple Pay, Google Wallet or Payoneer. If you are asked to make payment via PayPal, add on the Buyer Protection fee. It’s inexpensive, only 3.1% + $0.30 per transaction. Otherwise you are not shielded from having someone take off with your money without giving you a valid ticket in return.

Reselling of San Diego Safari Park Tickets is Prohibited

Photo of San Diego Safari Park Guest Pass with text prohibiting resale.

The sale or transfer of guest coupons, complimentary tickets, or unused memberships is a violation of the legal terms of the San Diego Zoo Global annual membership agreement. Words to that effect can be found on all Safari Park tickets. 

Buying tickets from someone who is not an authorized ticket seller is a chancy proposition. Someone could have purchased a ticket online and printed more than one copy at home. There’s no way for you to tell if that ticket is good until it gets scanned at the gate. 

I understand that sometimes vacations are canceled due to illness or emergencies. But it doesn’t happen very often. Keep in mind that there’s a good chance that an amazing deal on Safari Park passes is a scam.

Never purchase an unused membership to San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Annual pass holders must show a valid photo ID with their Zoo membership card at the gate. You’re out of luck unless your name is the same as the one on the card.

Don’t Buy Safari Park Tickets on Craigslist

Buying cheap San Diego Zoo Safari Park tickets on Craigslist is a gamble with the odds against you. None of the authorized ticket sellers list their inventory on Craigslist. And although you may find the occasional person who had to cancel a trip posting their unused tickets it is rare.

Before you put money down on cheap Safari Park tickets posted on Craigslist read Craigslist’s Avoiding Scams page . PLEASE.

Some people have had success if the Craigslist post says “pay after entry”. That usually means that the person selling the entry pass is a member who is selling their guest passes. The zoo member brings you in through the gate as their guest and you pay them the agreed amount after you’re inside. 

This activity is prohibited by the members’ agreement with San Diego Zoo Global. Thus it’s morally questionable. It’s up to you whether you feel right about not doing the right thing to support endangered species. 

eBay – That incredible Safari Park ticket deal on eBay could be real or could be a steal (with you being the victim). Before you try to purchase them, read the eBay  how to recognize scams section.

Reddit –  I’ve read about a few meetings for transfers of San Diego Zoo or Safari Park tickets arranged in these forums. The ones that were successful were of the “pay after entry” type.

Closing Thoughts on Buying San Diego Safari Park Discount Tickets

EVERYONE can save some money on admission to San Diego Safari Park. There’s no reason to pay the gate price. And I hope that I’ve proved that to you in this article. Between the SanDiegoing readers unpublished discount that you can get by calling 800-719-8961 and my discount tickets chart I’m hoping that you’ve found a San Diego Safari Park discount ticket deal that will work for you.

Nancy Ulrich

I'm nuts...about animals, polymer clay, mixed media art & husband Bob. Happily planted in San Diego among good friends, family that I would have chosen if given the choice and optimism for a bountiful future for us all.

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San Diego Zoo & Safari Park Discounts & Coupons

LAST UPDATE: 7/18/24

The world-renowned San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park are on opposite ends of San Diego County but are both operated by the San Diego Zoological Society.

There are many promotions that can save you money on your visit to the Zoo or Safari Park. Check below for the latest San Diego Zoo discounts and  San Diego Zoo Safari Park discounts .

If you need tickets to the San Diego Zoo or the Safari Park and other Southern California attractions , it’s worth checking out the available multi-attraction ticket discounts under both attractions to see if they can save you extra money. Be sure to compare the final cost of a multi-park pass to the combined cost of the individual tickets; the best deal varies depending on the specific attractions and the discounts that are currently available.

All offers are subject to change without notice. Always call ahead and confirm before driving out of your way to take advantage of a particular offer! 

San Diego Zoo Gate Prices

San diego zoo ticket discounts.

  • Discounts on Multi-Attraction Tickets that include the San Diego Zoo

Hotels near San Diego Zoo

  • San Diego Zoo Safari Park Gate Prices
  • San Diego Zoo Safari Park Ticket Discounts
  • Discounts on Multi-Attraction Tickets that include the Safari Park

1-Day Pass – Any Day  is $74 per adult (age 12 and up) and $64 per child (age 3-11), if purchased online in advance. It includes admission plus unlimited use of the Guided Bus Tour, Kangaroo Express Bus and Skyfari Aerial tram (if available). 

1-Day Pass – Value Days is $70 per adult (age 12 and up) and $60 per child (age 3-11), must be purchased online in advance. It includes admission on Value Days (blackout days include weekends, late March/early April and most holidays), plus unlimited use of the Guided Bus Tour, Kangaroo Express Bus and Skyfari Aerial tram (if available). 

1-Day Pass Plus -Any Day is $81 per adult (age 12 and up) and $71 per child (age 3-11), if purchased online in advance. It includes all features of Any Day Pass, plus admission to 4D Theater Experience.

1-Day Pass Plus – Value Days is $77 per adult (age 12 and up) and $67 per child (age 3-11), must be purchased online in advance. It includes all features of Value Days Pass ( see above ), plus admission to 4D Theater Experience.

2-Visit Pass is $126 per adult (age 12 and up) and $116 per child (age 3-11), if purchased online in advance. It includes two 1-Day Passes that can be used at the San Diego Zoo and/or San Diego Safari Park.

San Diego 3-for-1 Pass is $165 per adult (age 10 and up) and $155 per child (age 3-9) and includes one admission to each of San Diego Zoo, San Diego Zoo Safari and SeaWorld San Diego. Must be used by the same person within seven consecutive days from the first visit.

San Diego Resident Membership , valid only for those who live in San Diego County, is $99 per adult (age 18-64) and $89.10 per Senior (age 65+). Includes limited weekday admission with blockout dates to the San Diego Zoo and the Safari Park for one full year (excluding weekends and holidays); 2 coupons for 50% off regular admission to either park; 5% off food and merchandise and other benefits.

San Diego Resident Premium Membership , valid only for those who live in San Diego County, is $129 per adult (age 18-64) and $116.10 per Senior (age 65+). Includes unlimited admission to the San Diego Zoo and the Safari Park for one full year; 2 coupons for 50% off regular admission to either park; 5% off food and merchandise and other benefits. 

Wildlife Protector Membership is $149 per adult (age 18-64) and $134.10 per Senior (age 65+). Includes limited admission with blockout dates to the San Diego Zoo and the Safari Park for one full year; 1 FREE guest pass; FREE parking at the Safari Park; special early hours; 2 coupons for 50% off regular admission to either park; 10% off food and merchandise and other benefits.

Wildlife Protector Premium Membership is $169 per adult (age 18-64) and $152.10 per Senior (age 65+). Includes unlimited admission to the San Diego Zoo and the Safari Park for one full year; 1 FREE guest pass; FREE parking at the Safari Park; special early hours; 2 coupons for 50% off regular admission to either park; 10% off food and merchandise and other benefits. 

Wildlife Explorer Youth Membership is $74 per child (age 3-17). Includes unlimited admission to the San Diego Zoo and the Safari Park for one full year.

Additional levels of membership are available, see their website for details.

Parking at the Zoo is free.

Discount Tickets from Undercover Tourist

Aaa ticket discounts, costco ticket discounts, senior ticket discounts.

  • Airline /Cruise Line Employee Ticket Discounts

Military – FREE Tickets & Discounts

October is kids free days, san diego zoo ticket discounts from undercover tourist.

Undercover Tourist, a great ticket vendor we’ve recommended for many years, offers significant discounts on San Diego Zoo tickets and tickets for other California and Florida attractions. We really like Undercover Tourist because they constantly strive to have both the best prices and best customer service in the business. That’s a tall order, but we have years of experience and feedback from our readers that tells us they really deliver!

  • Get great deals on San Diego Zoo tickets and other attraction tickets from Undercover Tourist!

Exclusive Discounts for MouseSavers Newsletter Subscribers

Undercover Tourist offers its best prices to subscribers to the FREE MouseSavers Newsletter and Hot Deals announcements! By using the exclusive link located in every monthly MouseSavers Newsletter, you always get an extra discount on most tickets, and the lowest prices Undercover Tourist offers, across the board! In addition, Undercover Tourist puts a handful of individual tickets on sale every month, and those tickets are offered only to Hot Deals subscribers! (It’s a different set of tickets every month, and can include any combination of Disneyland, Walt Disney World and/or other California or Florida attractions.) The MouseSavers Newsletter and the Hot Deals emails also contain exclusive hotel and other discounts not found anywhere else. Remember, it’s completely FREE.

  • Sign up today for the FREE MouseSavers Newsletter and optional FREE Hot Deals emails!   The main newsletter comes out on the 15th of each month (or the next business day) and the Hot Deals announcement with the special Undercover Tourist sale prices comes out on the final Monday of each month (or the next business day). We do not send out the private links separately from the newsletters, so please plan ahead.

AAA is a loosely associated group of clubs that each cover a small geographical area, usually a single state or portion of a state. Different clubs have different offers, so it’s worth checking both your own AAA state club and the Southern California AAA club websites. To check your own state club, just go to AAA.com and you will be redirected (usually) to your local club. If you haven’t yet set up your online access, you’ll sometimes need to do that to see your local club’s discounts.

To check the Southern California site, use this link and enter zip code 92112. Once you get to the club home page, select the “Discounts & Rewards” tab and then select “Theme parks & attractions.” If a particular discount on the Southern California site involves booking online through the club site, you will usually need to be a Southern California member. Discounts that involve showing your card at the gate are available to any AAA member. If you can get to a Southern California AAA club office, you can usually take advantage of offers that must be bought in person, even if you’re a member of a different AAA club.

AAA members get 10% off a 1-Day Pass, and sometimes discounts on other things such as food or merchandise.

Costco.com sometimes offers a very good discount on San Diego Zoo tickets and you don’t have to be a Costco member to buy through their site. (Non-members pay a 5% surcharge, however.) There is a shipping charge when ordering from Costco.com.

Seniors (65 and older) get 15% off a 1-Day Pass. Available at the ticket booth only (not in advance).

Airline / Cruise Line Employee Ticket Discounts

Airline and cruise line employees presenting a company-picture identification badge or CLIA at the ticket windows receive a 10% discount off the 1-Day Pass.

Active duty military personnel with valid military ID card receive FREE regular admission. Spouses and dependents receive 10% discount on 1-Day Pass only. Valid military ID required. Available at the ticket booth only (not in advance).

Children ages 3-11 receive FREE regular admission to the Zoo during the entire month of October (must be accompanied by a paying adult). The Zoo’s Guided Bus Tour is not included with Kids’ Free entrance and must be purchased separately at the Zoo.

Discounts on Multi-Attraction Passes that include the San Diego Zoo

If you know you want to visit other attractions as well as San Diego Zoo, there are a number of discount pass options available that can save you a lot of money, and eliminate the hassle of buying all of your tickets individually. We’ve scouted out some of the best discounts you can find from reputable companies and describe them here. For more details and pricing, just select the pass name.

Go City San Diego All-Inclusive Pass

Balboa park multi-day explorer pass.

Go City San Diego All-Inclusive Pass allows you to visit as many attractions as you want within a set number of days (usually 3 to 7 days). You pay one discount price for the number of days you choose, and can save up to 40% off gate prices with some planning! These work well if you are visiting at least two major attractions plus some less expensive attractions. The more attractions you visit, the more you save.

Go City San Diego Pass : If you want to fit in as much as you can in 1 to 7-days using one simple pass for one price, consider this all-inclusive pass. This pass includes the San Diego Zoo and the Safari Park , Legoland California ,  SeaWorld San Diego on 3+ day cards,  Knott’s Berry Farm , plus multiple other attractions in the San Diego area. Plus, MouseSavers readers get an extra 5% off total pass purchases!

If you also plan to visit Balboa Park, consider the Balboa Park Multi-Day Explorer Pass , which includes one admission to each of the 17 participating Balboa Park museums (valid for 7 consecutive days) and 1-day admission to the San Diego Zoo.

Looking for a place to stay near the San Diego Zoo ? Choices are plentiful in the San Diego area near the San Diego Zoo, and getting around San Diego is fairly easy by car. If you don’t have a place in mind, we suggest checking out the hotels below. Our recommendations are not the cheapest places you can find– there are plenty of those out there– but we feel they offer a very good value for your dollar. As with our Preferred Hotels for Walt Disney World (Florida) , we suggest accommodations that will enhance your stay while not breaking the bank. That said, if you are used to Orlando area pricing, you will be in for some sticker shock. Low rates for decent but average hotels start at around $80-$120/night, mid-range hotels start at around $120 and can run upwards to $275/night or higher in peak seasons.

The San Diego Zoo is located at 2920 Zoo Drive in Balboa Park, just north of downtown San Diego. Zip code is 92101.

If you don’t know where to start, we suggest checking out:

  • Courtyard by Marriott San Diego Downtown – 1.2 miles from the Zoo, 15 minute walk to USS Midway Museum; historic hotel with contemporary amenities.
  • Hilton Garden Inn Downtown – easy walking distance to the Zoo and one block from the bay, new property with interior courtyards and heated rooftop pool. Note: self parking is not available – valet only.
  • Best Western Cabrillo Garden Inn – Good value option if you are on a tight budget. Great location, exterior corridor style hotel, includes free continental breakfast.

Hotel Websites

Sometimes the best offers are directly through the hotels’ own websites, and if you are a member of a specific loyalty program, you probably want to search across all of that hotel company’s brands. For example, Hilton owns DoubleTree, Embassy Suites, Waldorf Astoria, etc. Here are links to the overall parent company websites where you can search their whole portfolio– use Balboa Park, San Diego, California to find hotels closest to the San Diego Zoo:

  • Hilton Hotels (DoubleTree, Embassy Suites, Hampton, Homewood Suites)
  • Marriott Hotels (Westin, Sheraton, Four Points by Sheraton, Courtyard, Fairfield, Residence Inn, SpringHill Suites, TownePlace Suites)
  • Intercontinental Hotel Group (IHG)  (Candlewood Suites, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn, Staybridge Suites)
  • Choice Hotels (Clarion, Comfort Inn, Comfort Suites)
  • Wyndham Hotel Group (Howard Johnson, Ramada, Super 8, Travelodge)

San Diego Zoo Safari Park Regular Gate Prices

1-Day Pass – Any Day is $74 per adult (age 12 and up) and $64 per child (age 3-11), if purchased online in advance. It includes admission plus the Africa Tram. 

1-Day Pass – Value Days is $70 per adult (age 12 and up) and $60 per child (age 3-11), must be purchased online in advance. It includes admission on Value Days (blackout days include weekends, late March/early April and most holidays), plus the Africa Tram. 

2-Visit Pass is $126 per adult (age 12 and up) and $116 per child (age 3-11) and includes two 1-Day Passes that can be used at the San Diego Zoo and/or San Diego Safari Park.

Parking is $20 per vehicle; RV parking starts at $38. Preferred parking (available on weekends and holidays) starts at $38.

San Diego Zoo Safari Park Admission Discounts

San diego zoo safari park ticket discounts from undercover tourist.

Undercover Tourist, a great ticket vendor we’ve recommended for many years, offers significant discounts on San Diego Zoo Safari Park tickets and tickets for other California and Florida attractions. We really like Undercover Tourist because they constantly strive to have both the best prices and best customer service in the business. That’s a tall order, but we have years of experience and feedback from our readers that tells us they really deliver!

  • Get great deals on San Diego Zoo Safari Park tickets and other attraction tickets from Undercover Tourist!

Costco.com sometimes offers a very good discount on San Diego Zoo Safari Park discount tickets and you don’t have to be a Costco member to buy through their site. (Non-members pay a 5% surcharge, however.) There is a shipping charge when ordering from Costco.com.

Seniors (age 65 and older) get 15% off a 1-Day Pass. Available at the ticket booth only (not in advance).

In February 2024, seniors (age 65 and older) get FREE admission to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Parking is not included. Available at the ticket booth only (not in advance); must show valid ID. 

Children ages 3-11 receive FREE regular admission to the Safari Park during the entire month of October (must be accompanied by a paying adult). The Safari Park’s Africa Tram is included with Kids Free entrance.

Discounts on Multi-Attraction Passes that include the San Diego Zoo Safari Park

If you know you want to visit other attractions as well as the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, there is a discount pass option available that can save you a lot of money, and eliminate the hassle of buying all of your tickets individually. 

  • Go City San Diego Pass

Offrez en cadeau des souvenirs pour la vie! Jusqu'à 30% de rabais pour une journée inoubliable au Parc Safari - Taxes incluses

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Ne ratez aucune offre en vous abonnant à notre infolettre

Safari auto - parc aquatique - parc animalier - parc d’amusement partez à l’aventure sortez des sentiers battus et vivez un safari à bord de votre véhicule ou d’un véritable camion de brousse parmi les éléphants, rhinocéros, autruches, zèbres et plus de 500 animaux provenant de l’afrique, l’asie et de l’amérique du nord. vivez un face à face avec les lions et les tigres en parcourant le tunnel des fauves, nourrissez les girafes à la terrasse afrika, surplombez la plaine des guépards, caressez les daims, touchez les animaux de la ferme des cinq continents, assistez au vol des dieux du ciel en parcourant le jardin des oiseaux de proie et participez à la collation des animaux., vous obtenez.

  • Chaque option donne droit à un billet journalier au Parc Safari!
  • Option 1: 20,08$ (taxes incluses) pour un billet journalier enfant (2 à 17 ans) (valeur jusqu'à 28,69$)
  • Option 2: 29,74$ taxes incluses pour un billet journalier adulte (18 ans et +) (valeur jusqu'à 42,49$)
  • Une journée au Parc Safari vous donne accès à de multiples activités:
  • «L’Oasis tropicale»: Vous offres trois nouvelles glissades de 10 mètres de hauteur, une aire dédiée à la baignade et pour la détente sous les parasols
  • «Descente de la rivière du Nil »: S’ajoute à l’expérience, une nouvelle descente de rivière en tube, qui vous transportera de la source du Nil en Ouganda jusqu’ en Égypte. Vous découvrirez les secrets les mieux gardés de l’Afrique, tout en vous rafraichissant
  • La piscine «Vague & Cascade», baignade, vague et cascade d’eau
  • Le Lagon des Dauphins, cinq glissades et des jeux d’eau
  • Pataugeoire Mombasa, parc de jeux d’eau pour les plus petits enfants
  • Safari auto
  • Safari Expédition à bord d’un véritable camion de brousse ($)
  • Pavillon découverte
  • Tunnel des lions
  • Spectacle déjeuné face à face avec les lions ($)
  • Passerelle Olduvai
  • Jardin des oiseaux
  • Ferme des cinq continents
  • Sentier des daims
  • Terrasse Afrika
  • Plaine d’Afrique
  • Plaine des guépards
  • Parc Nishati, jeux gonflables, labyrinthe, glissades et jeux d’adresse
  • Animations et spectacles
  • Présentation et collation des animaux (voir activité animation)
  • Services de restauration ($)
  • Tour de dromadaire ($)
  • Aire de pique-nique

Détails importants

  • Aucune limite de coupons à l'achat
  • L’entrée est gratuite pour les enfants de moins de 2 ans
  • Les billets sont valides en tout temps sauf du 19 juillet au 1er août 2020
  • Les billets peuvent être utilisés jusqu’au 1er novembre 2020 et vous donnent accès à une journée de plaisir au Parc Safari
  • L'offre débute le 15 mai 2020 / Prend fin le 1er novembre 2020 (vous devez consulter le www.parcsafari.com afin de connaître les journées d’ouverture et les heures d’opération des secteurs aquatique, animalier et amusement)
  • Veuillez présenter votre coupon Tuango imprimé à la billetterie du Parc Safari / Aucun coupon numérique ne sera accepté
  • Taxes incluses
  • Ne peut être jumelée à aucune autre offre / Non monnayable / Non échangeable
  • La politique de remboursement Tuango ne s’applique pas sur cette offre / Aucun remboursement ne sera effectué
  • Veuillez noter qu'aucune promotion Tuango ne s'applique à cette offre (code promotionnel ou remise en argent)


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Lion Country Safari Discount Tickets - Save $6.00 with Coupon Codes, Promo Codes

Save $6.00 off lion country safari.

Lion Country Safari Discounts

Discover Lion Country Safari and save $6.00 on admission with our exclusive coupon code. Florida's only drive-through safari and walk-through amusement park invites you to spend the day on safari with over 1,000 animals -- roaming free within inches of your vehicle.

Explore a 4-mile safari, with large herds of animals roaming wide open, naturalistic habitats. The safari preserve is divided into 7 main habitats, where you will see a variety of iconic animals, including some of the largest herds of zebra, rhino, and giraffe on record in the country.

Discover a 55-acre adventure park with rides, animal habitats and encounters, food, shopping and more! There’s something for everyone to enjoy in Safari World. Discover what makes different species unique, get a sneak peek of hidden animal talents or observe how we train giraffes for husbandry and care purposes at our presentations and animal talks. 

Cool off at the water park and get closer than ever at the animal encounters! Enjoy the interactive water sprayground with 23 water different water features. For your convenience, changing areas and restrooms are located inside the attraction area.

Buy tickets online and get instant ticket delivery.

Hours:  Open Daily. Rain or Shine. We recommend you allow 4 hours or more for your self-guided, self-paced visit. Tour completely at your leisure.

Admission includes:  Drive-thru Safai and Adventure Park. Most attractions are included complimentary with park admission; some attractions or encounters require a small fee in addition to the admission price. Location:  LION COUNTRY SAFARI, 2003 Lion Country Safari Rd., Loxahatchee, FL 33470. Just 20 miles west of West Palm Beach. Parking $8.00 per vehicle.

Instant ticket delivery!

Smartphone tickets accepted!

REGULAR PRICES : SAVE $6.00 Regular (10+): $56.38  ... $49.81 Children (3-9): $43.83  ... $37.61 Toddlers (0-2): FREE *  Price INCLUDES tax & fees!! NO processing fees! Prices are subject to change without notice.

Click the BUY NOW button. Choose date, number of people. No Promo Code required. You will see your Discount Code DESCOUPON5  has already been applied. Continue with your purchase.

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LION COUNTRY SAFARI 2003 Lion Country Safari Rd. Loxahatchee, FL 33470 Phone: (561) 793-1084 Website:  lioncountrysafari.com Facebook:  @LionCountrySafari Twitter:  @LionCountry Instagram:  @lioncountrysafari


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Take advantage of a 10% discount on all fibre Internet, TV and home phone plans!

YUL Montreal-Trudeau International Airport

From June 14 to September 8, 2024, get up to 42% off by reserving a parking space at P4, P5, P7, P9, l'Étagé or HôtelParc, at YUL Montréal-Trudeau International Airport, for any stay of a minimum of 7 days.

Immerse yourself in the world of the musical Waitress presented in Quebec from August 10th to 31st! Get 20% off regular priced tickets.

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  1. Tuango.ca

    1 coupon valid for 2 adults and up to 5 children (0-6 years old free) aboard the same vehicle. Offer starts on January 27, 2023 / Ends on March 12, 2023 (period to claim the coupon from the merchant) Schedule for Féerie: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 4pm to 9pm / Parc Safari may close on account of BAD weather conditions - Consult ...

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  5. Tuango.ca

    Up to 30% off for an unforgettable day at Parc Safari - Taxes included. Get off the beaten track and experience a Safari aboard your vehicle or a real bush truck among elephants, rhinos, ostriches, zebras and over 500 animals from Africa, Asia and North America. Live face-to-face with lions and tigers as you walk through the Wild Tunnel, feed ...

  6. Tuango.ca

    Maximum of 5 coupons upon purchase & 5 additional coupons to offer as gifts; Entry is free for child under 2 years of age; The tickets give you access to one day of fun at Parc Safari from May 17 to July 3, 2019 (upon opening hours) Offer starts May 17, 2019 (opening day of the Parc) / Ends July 3, 2019; No reservation required

  7. Parc Safari

    427 reviews. #1 of 10 things to do in Hemmingford. Nature & Wildlife Areas. Write a review. About. Since July 15, 1972, twelve million guests have discovered a piece of Africa at Parc Safari. In 40 years, Parc Safari has embellished its grounds, diversified its activities and invested continuously to improve and maintain exceptional life ...

  8. Rates and Hours

    Parc Safari is CLOSED. 1-day tickets ... SAFARI EXPEDITION. Tour of Safari Aventure in a Lion Electric Bush Truck. SCHEDULE. Spring/Fall. Site: 10:00 am to 4:30 pm. Animals areas: 10:15 am to 4:30 pm. Last admission: 3:00 pm. Restaurants: Café 10:00 am, other points of service 11:00 am. Closing times vary.

  9. Parc Safari, Wilderness up close! tickets

    Children (2-12 years) $64.50. Adults (13 years and over) $123.50. FROM NOON: You have access to the Safari Park every day of the season, from noon. Children (2-12 years) $48.50. Adults (13 years and over) $98.50. WEEKDAYS: You have access to the Safari Park from Monday to Friday during the season.

  10. Parc Safari

    COOLBOX at Parc Safari! Enjoy a sleepover in nature, close to the animals, with all the comforts of home! Details. 5 February 2024. The hackers have deleted our Facebook page. We have started a new one, please like, follow and share it! Link to the new page is here. Thank you for your support!

  11. Tarifs et horaire

    Dernier départ du Safari Expédition : 15h30. Restaurants: Café Sahara 10h00, autres points de vente 11h00. Heures de fermeture variables. Certains restaurants sont fermés les jours de semaine. Consultez la page des Restaurants pour l'horaire détaillé. Boutique: 10h00 à 16h30. Parc aquatique: Lagon des Dauphins: 11h00 à 16h00.

  12. 10 Best San Diego Safari Park Discount Ticket Deals

    San Diego Safari Park ticket discounts include 50% Discount Admission Coupons and Complimentary Guest Passes bundled with certain memberships. Seniors, students, and groups with 15 or more get 10% off. Groups of 100+ get 15% off. Active US military, teachers on field trips, and kids in October get in free.

  13. Family package at Parc Safari at 50% off

    Several packages available including this special offer for 4 people at Parc Safari for only $85 (value of $170). ... Aug 14 to Aug 27 Discounts on Dell Computers. Aug 14 to Aug 20 Furniture & accessories Up to -50%. Aug 17 to Aug 30 Roots Online Sale!

  14. San Diego Zoo & Safari Park Discounts & Coupons

    San Diego Resident Premium Membership, valid only for those who live in San Diego County, is $129 per adult (age 18-64) and $116.10 per Senior (age 65+). Includes unlimited admission to the San Diego Zoo and the Safari Park for one full year; 2 coupons for 50% off regular admission to either park; 5% off food and merchandise and other benefits.

  15. Tuango.ca

    Connectez-vous avec votre compte Tuango. Avec un compte Tuango, vous pouvez : Offrez en cadeau des souvenirs pour la vie! Jusqu'à 30% de rabais pour une journée inoubliable au Parc Safari - Taxes incluses. Sortez des sentiers battus et vivez un Safari à bord de votre véhicule ou d'un véritable camion de brousse parmi les éléphants ...

  16. Discount San Diego Zoo Safari Park Tickets: 17 Cheaper Ways

    If you go this route, here are the numbers crunched with taxes and fees included. Gate San Diego Zoo Safari Park prices: $74/adult and $64/kids ages 3-9. 10% discount off gate prices: $66.6/adult and $57.6/child. Compare to online price with my promo code: $68/adult and $58/child. I am all for using membership perks.

  17. Lion Country Safari Coupons & Promo Codes

    Discover Lion Country Safari and save $6.00 on admission with our exclusive coupon code. Florida's only drive-through safari and walk-through amusement park invites you to spend the day on safari with over 1,000 animals -- roaming free within inches of your vehicle. Explore a 4-mile safari, with large herds of animals roaming wide open ...

  18. African Safari Wildlife Park Coupons, Promo Codes August 2024

    RetailMeNot.com has a dedicated merchandising team sourcing and verifying the best African Safari Wildlife Park coupons, promo codes and deals — so you can save money and time while shopping. Our deal hunters are constantly researching the market in real time to provide you with up-to-date savings intel, the best stores to shop and which ...

  19. Rabais Dollars CAA rewards program

    Take advantage of a 10% discount on all fibre Internet, TV and home phone plans! See offer. YUL Montreal-Trudeau International Airport. From June 14 to September 8, 2024, get up to 42% off by reserving a parking space at P4, P5, P7, P9, l'Étagé or HôtelParc, at YUL Montréal-Trudeau International Airport, for any stay of a minimum of 7 days.

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    Answer 1 of 6: Any plans to spend New Year on the Red Square? Just found a great package from Go Russia in the UK and they are offering all inclusive tour for 1,299 per person. You will be staying in a hotel opposite the Kremlin. They are even offering Matreshka...

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    Skip to main content. Review. Trips Alerts