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Exercise normal safety precautions in Vietnam.


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Local emergency contacts

Fire and rescue services, medical emergencies, advice levels.

Exercise normal safety precautions  in Vietnam.  

Exercise normal safety precautions  in Vietnam.

  • Road accidents are a major cause of injury. Be alert at all times on the roads. 
  • Petty theft, including bag slashing, is common in tourist areas and crowded places, especially during holiday times. Snatch-and-grab theft by thieves on motorcycles is also common. Hold bags and backpacks in front of you or on the opposite side to the traffic to make them harder to steal. Be aware of motorbikes approaching as you walk. Carry the minimum amount of valuables. Be prepared to surrender your valuables rather than risk being injured in a struggle.
  • Aggravated theft, sexual assault and assault happen. Travellers have been assaulted after having their food or drinks spiked. Pay attention when your drinks are being mixed. Get urgent medical help if you suspect drink spiking.
  • Personal or commercial disputes sometimes lead to threats of physical violence or death. Have a clear agreement on the expected level of service. Report any threats to police.
  • Travellers have been robbed withdrawing money from ATMs. Credit and debit card fraud and card skimming happen across Vietnam. Taxi and gambling scams are also common. Only use ATMs in banks and shopping centres. Always keep your credit card in sight. Use metered or prearranged taxis, especially at airports. Report gambling scams to police.
  • During the rainy season (June to November), floods, typhoons and severe weather can disrupt essential services. Follow the advice of local officials.

Full travel advice: Safety

  • Air pollution levels can be high in Vietnam, particularly in large cities.
  • Insect-borne diseases such as dengue, Japanese encephalitis, malaria and zika virus are a risk. If you’re pregnant, discuss your travel plans with your doctor. Use insect repellent. Get vaccinated before you travel. Consider taking anti-malarial medication.
  • Rabies occurs in Vietnam, especially in the north. It’s fatal without treatment. If you’re bitten or scratched by an animal, get medical help immediately.
  • HIV/AIDS is a risk. Take precautions if you’re taking part in high-risk activities.
  • Measles and Diphtheria are a risk. Ensure your vaccinations are up-to-date.
  • Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is common. It mainly affects children and young adults. Foodborne, waterborne, parasitic and other infectious diseases include cholera, hepatitis and typhoid. Wash your hands well and often. Drink only boiled or bottled water. Avoid raw or undercooked food.

Full travel advice: Health

  • Don’t use or carry illegal drugs, including marijuana. Penalties for drug offences include the death penalty and life imprisonment. Never carry parcels or luggage for others.
  • Get professional legal advice before signing any contract. If you're in a business or civil dispute, officials could stop you leaving Vietnam until it’s resolved.
  • It's illegal to gamble in a non-government licensed casino or possess pornography. Non-state sanctioned political or religious activity or material, or involvement with groups perceived by the Government of Vietnam to be associated with dissident groups, is also illegal. 
  • It’s illegal to export antiques without a permit. Get a permit from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Vietnamese) . It’s illegal to photograph border areas or military sites. Be careful when taking photos.
  • Possessing or distributing images or objects linked to the former Republic of Vietnam, including commemorative or Vietnam War service-related items, is an offence that could attract harsh penalties.
  • Vietnam recognises dual nationality in limited situations. If you're a dual national, travel on your Australian passport. You may need to do compulsory military service. Contact your nearest Vietnamese embassy or consulate for details.

Full travel advice: Local laws

  • You must have an appropriate visa before travelling to Vietnam. You can  apply online  for an eVisa for tourism or business purposes. If approved, the eVisa allows for a stay of up to 90 days and is valid for multiple entries. Entry and exit conditions can change at short notice. You should contact the nearest embassy or consulate of Vietnam for the latest details.
  • You must check your details are correct when applying for a visa. The visa details must match exactly the information on your passport's biodata page, such as your full name and date of birth. Any errors or name omissions may result in you being refused entry. You may be charged a significant fee at check-in or on arrival to correct the visa error.
  • If you're travelling with prescription medication, check the value and quantity restrictions on the import and export of prescription medication with the nearest  embassy or consulate of Vietnam .

Full travel advice: Travel

Local contacts

  • The Consular Services Charter details what the Australian Government can and can’t do to help you overseas.
  • For consular assistance, contact the Australian Embassy in Hanoi , or the Australian Consulate-General in Ho Chi Minh City .
  • To stay up to date with local information, follow the Embassy’s social media accounts

Full travel advice: Local contacts

Full advice

Petty crime.

Petty crime, street crime and harassment happen, especially in larger cities.

Bag slashing is common in tourist areas, at markets, on crowded trains and buses, and at supermarkets. It increases in the lead up to and during Vietnamese and Western holiday periods.

Thieves on motorcycles commit snatch-and-grab crimes against pedestrians. This happens often and sometimes results in injury.

Thieves steal valuables, such as jewellery, handbags, mobile phones and cameras.

To protect your belongings:

  • take care crossing the street or walking along footpaths
  • be aware of motorcycles approaching from behind as you walk on the footpath
  • hold bags and backpacks in front of you or in ways that make them harder to snatch
  • carry only what you need and leave other valuables in a secure location
  • be prepared to surrender your valuables rather than risk being injured in a struggle

Violent crime

Aggravated theft, sexual assault and assault happen. Hot spots include:

  • Ho Chi Minh City
  • Sapa, especially on the train to and from Lao Cai
  • Cat Ba Island, near Ha Long Bay

Reports of groping and other sexual assault are rising.

Drink spiking occurs. Foreigners have been robbed and sexually assaulted after having spiked food and drinks. This happens at late-night establishments in major cities.

To protect yourself from drink spiking:

  • only drink alcohol at reputable places
  • pay attention when your alcoholic drinks are being mixed
  • stay with people you trust in bars and at nightclubs

If you think your drink or a friend's drink has been spiked, get urgent medical attention.

If you're a victim of a violent crime, especially sexual assault, get medical attention. There is a risk of contracting HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other sexually transmitted diseases in Vietnam.

Although gun violence is uncommon in Vietnam, there have been isolated incidents in recent years. 

Travellers have been robbed after withdrawing money from ATMs.

Break-ins to hotels and private homes are reported. This happens even while guests are in their rooms.

To protect yourself from robbery :

  • only use ATMs in banks and shopping centres
  • make sure your hotel room is locked at all times, including when you're inside
  • pay close attention to your personal belongings, especially in crowded areas
  • be alert on overnight trains and buses and on quiet stretches of road

Report thefts straight away to the local police and hotel management.

Personal or commercial arguments sometimes lead to threats of physical violence or death.

If you're threatened with violence, report it to local police.

To avoid commercial disputes, have a clear agreement on what the expected level of service is.

Many travellers have become victims of credit and debit card, taxi and gambling scams .

Credit and debit card skimming is where card data is taken for use in fraudulent transactions. This happens throughout Vietnam.

Some Australians have lost thousands of dollars after accepting invitations to private homes from friendly locals. Beware of rigged card games and other confidence tricks organised by criminals.

Gambling may break local laws, which also apply to travellers. See Laws .

To avoid credit and debit card scams:

  • keep your credit card in sight at all times
  • don't share or show your PIN to others, especially when using ATMs
  • check your transaction statements

At airports, use airport taxis, prearranged hotel transfer services, taxis from clearly marked taxi ranks with staff, or one reserved through a car booking app.

Check that any person holding a placard with your name on it knows where you are going.

Be careful of people who are overly friendly and invite you to their home.

If you're a victim of a gambling scam, report it to local police.

Cyber security

You may be at risk of cyber-based threats during overseas travel to any country. Digital identity theft is a growing concern. Your devices and personal data can be compromised, especially if you're connecting to Wi-Fi, using or connecting to shared or public computers, or to Bluetooth. 

Social media can also be risky in destinations where there are social or political tensions or laws that may seem unreasonable by Australian standards. Travellers have been arrested for things they have said on social media. Don't comment on local or political events on your social media. 

More information:  

  • Cyber security when travelling overseas  

Kidnapping can happen anywhere, anytime, including in destinations that are typically at low risk.

The Australian Government's longstanding policy is that it doesn't make payments or concessions to kidnappers.

More information:

Civil unrest and political tension

Although rare, protests sometimes happen.

Don't take photos of demonstrations, the military or the police. Authorities may not tolerate this.

Some localised violent clashes between protesters and police have resulted in casualties. The most recent incident occurred in Đắk Lắk Province in June 2023, when several police were killed in organised attacks on police stations.

Public protests and events that draw large groups of people can turn violent.

Demonstrations and civil unrest

Terrorism is a threat worldwide.

Tours and adventure activities

Transport and tour operators' safety and maintenance standards may not meet your expectations. This can include adventure activities, such as mountain climbing and boat trips.

If you plan to do an adventure activity :

  • check if your travel insurance policy covers it
  • ask about and insist on minimum safety requirements
  • always use available safety gear, such as life jackets or seatbelts

If proper safety equipment isn't available, use another provider.

Climate and natural disasters

Vietnam experiences natural disasters and severe weather , including:

  • flash floods

Severe weather events can disrupt air, sea, road and rail transport, electricity and communications.

If there's a natural disaster:

  • always carry your passport in a waterproof bag
  • keep in regular touch with family and friends
  • check the media and other local sources for information
  • follow the advice of local authorities

Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System

Flooding and typhoons

Floods , flash floods, typhoons and severe weather are common during the rainy season, from June to November.

Flooding can lead to landslides including in built up and residential areas of towns and villages. 

Typhoons mostly affect the coastal areas of the north and central regions. Though less common, typhoons also happen in the south.

Monitor the media, and weather and flood level reports during the rainy season.

The Mekong River Commission gives information on flood levels for the Mekong River region.

If there's a flood, typhoon or severe weather:

  • don't enter the affected areas without getting advice from local authorities
  • check with tour operators before travelling to affected areas
  • if in doubt about the safety of any location, change your travel plans. 

Large, frequent earthquakes in the region make destructive tsunamis more likely.

Be alert to warnings. A tsunami can arrive within minutes of a nearby tremor or earthquake.

To receive tsunami alerts, register with the Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System .

Move immediately to high ground if advised by local authorities or if you:

  • feel a strong earthquake that makes it hard to stand up
  • feel a weak, rolling earthquake that lasts a minute or more
  • see a sudden rise or fall in sea level
  • hear loud and unusual noises from the sea

Do not wait for official warnings. Once on high ground, monitor local media.

If there's a tsunami or if a tsunami warning is current, check the US Tsunami Warning System .

Travel insurance

Get comprehensive travel insurance before you leave. 

Your policy needs to cover all overseas medical costs, including medical evacuation. The Australian Government won’t pay for these costs.

If you can't afford travel insurance, you can't afford to travel. This applies to everyone, no matter how healthy and fit you are.

If you're not insured, you may have to pay many thousands of dollars up-front for medical care.

  • what activities and care your policy covers
  • that your insurance covers you for the whole time you’ll be away

Physical and mental health

See your doctor or travel clinic to:

  • have a basic health check-up   
  • ask if your travel plans may affect your health
  • plan any vaccinations you need

Do this at least 8 weeks before you leave.

If you have immediate concerns for your welfare, or the welfare of another Australian, call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61 2 6261 3305 or contact your  nearest Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate  to discuss counselling hotlines and services available in your location.

  • General health advice
  • Healthy holiday tips  (Healthdirect Australia)

Not all medication available over the counter or by prescription in Australia is available in other countries. Some may even be considered illegal or a controlled substance, even if prescribed by an Australian doctor.

Some addictive and psychotropic medications are controlled.

If you plan to take medication, check if it's legal in Vietnam. Take enough legal medicine for your trip and always carry it in its original packaging.

If you are travelling with prescription medication, check the value and quantity restrictions on the import and export of prescription medication with the nearest embassy or consulate of Vietnam .

Carry a copy of your prescription or a letter from your doctor stating:

  • what the medication is
  • your required dosage
  • that it's for personal use

Health risks

Measles and diphtheria.

Localised outbreaks of measles and diphtheria can occur in Vietnam.

Seek medical advice to en sure your vaccinations and those of your children are up-to-date.

  • Diphtheria (HealthDirect)
  • Measles (HealthDirect)

Insect-borne illnesses

Zika virus  continues to be a risk. There's no vaccination for it.

If you're pregnant, the Australian Department of Health recommends you:

discuss any travel plans with your doctor

consider deferring non-essential travel to affected areas

Dengue  is found, especially in the south. There's no vaccine or treatment.

Japanese encephalitis  is also found. To protect yourself, consider getting vaccinated. A vaccine is available in Australia.

Malaria is a risk in some remote mountainous areas.

To protect yourself from disease:

  • make sure your accommodation is insect proof
  • use insect repellent
  • wear long, loose, light-coloured clothing
  • consider taking medicine to prevent malaria

Discuss your travel plans and other vaccination needs with your doctor before you travel.

Infectious diseases

Rabies is potentially fatal if you don't get vaccinated or receive quick treatment.

Rabies is found in infected dogs, monkeys, bats and other mammals.

Most reported cases are in the mountain areas of northern Vietnam. It's most commonly passed on through dog bites.

To reduce your risk of rabies, don't go near dogs and other mammals.

If you're bitten or scratched, seek medical help immediately.

HIV/AIDS is a risk.

Take precautions if you engage in activities that expose you to risk of infection.

Hand, foot and mouth disease

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is common. Sometimes more serious outbreaks happen.

Outbreaks usually peak from March to May and from September to December.

HFMD mostly affects children under the age of 10 years. Adult cases, especially young adults, are not unusual.

The illness appears as a fever, blisters and rashes on the hands, feet and buttocks.

HFMD is spread by direct contact with nose and throat discharges and faeces of infected people.

To reduce the risk of getting or passing on HFMD, pay close attention to hygiene. Wash your hands well and often.

Bird flu (avian influenza)

Human cases of avian influenza or 'bird flu' are reported in Vietnam.

Cholera and other health risks

Acute watery diarrhoea and cholera occur.  

Waterborne, foodborne, parasitic and other infectious diseases occur. These include:

  • tuberculosis

Serious outbreaks sometimes occur.

To protect yourself from illness:

  • drink boiled water or bottled water with sealed lids
  • avoid ice cubes
  • avoid uncooked and undercooked food, such as salads

Get urgent medical attention if you have a fever or diarrhoea or you suspect food poisoning.

Air pollution

There can be high levels of air pollution, up to and including hazardous levels, in major cities, especially during January to March. Pollution can increase the risk of breathing problems. People with pre-existing medical conditions, particularly heart and lung conditions, may be affected.

If you're concerned about the levels of air pollution:

  • seek medical advice
  • follow advice from local authorities about methods to reduce exposure
  • monitor an air quality index
  • reduce your exposure

World Air Quality

Drug use has been reported to cause psychotic episodes and hospitalisation.

If you use drugs in Vietnam, you face possible health and legal risks. See Local laws

Medical care

Medical facilities.

The standard of medical facilities and care varies, is generally below Australian standards, and may lack medicine and supplies.

Foreign private medical clinics are available in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang. They may not meet Australian standards.

Medical facilities and care at most public hospitals are poor. This is especially true outside Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

You may need medical evacuation to a major centre, even for minor operations.

Doctors and hospitals expect payment before providing medical services, including for emergency care.

Some hospitals may talk with your travel insurance company to secure payment. Others may need up-front payment before they will start treating you.

If you become seriously ill or injured, you may need to be evacuated to Bangkok or Singapore. Medical evacuation can be very expensive.

You may need to show a legalised birth certificate to be recognised as next of kin for medical consent purposes.

You're subject to all local laws and penalties, including those that may appear harsh by Australian standards. Research local laws before travelling.

If you're arrested or jailed, the Australian Government will do what it can to help you under our Consular Services Charter . But we can't get you out of trouble or out of jail.

Vietnamese authorities have broad powers to implement various measures to contain COVID-19. These include movement restrictions and mandatory isolation for positive cases. These can vary from province to province. Follow the advice of local authorities.

There are strict security and investigative measures to stop drug trafficking.

Penalties for all types of drug offences, including those with small amounts of drugs, are severe. Many drug offences attract the death penalty or life in jail.

Marijuana in any form is illegal.

More than 20 Australians are serving sentences for drug offences in Vietnam. More have been arrested and are waiting for further investigation or trials.

Never carry parcels or luggage for others.

For information about carrying prescription medications into Vietnam, see Travel .

Carrying or using drugs

Marriage laws

Foreigners who want to marry a Vietnamese citizen in Vietnam must get formal approval from the Department of Justice. This must be done in the province where the Vietnamese citizen is registered.

You also need a Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage (CNI) if you plan to marry in Vietnam.

Apply for a CNI through the:

  • Australian Embassy in Hanoi
  • Australian Consulate-General in Ho Chi Minh City

You can also apply for the CNI from DFAT in Australia.  Fees apply. The embassy or consulate of Vietnam in Australia needs to authenticate it. Only then will the Department of Justice in Vietnam recognise it.

Getting married

Business laws

Increased Australian business activity has resulted in a higher number of commercial disputes in recent years.

If you're thinking about entering into a contract, get professional legal advice.

If you're involved in a business or civil dispute, authorities could stop you from leaving Vietnam until you resolve the matter.

  • Doing business
  • Doing business in Vietnam
  • Living or working overseas

Disputes over alleged misrepresentation of working and living conditions for Australians working in Vietnam often happen. This is especially the case for people teaching English.

Before signing an employment contract or travelling to Vietnam for work, verify the true nature of the work you're offered.

Check for unacceptable employment conditions. For example, conditions for early termination may state that you surrender your right to a return air ticket. Your potential employer may also withhold your pay.

To safeguard your stay, also:

  • check the living arrangements your potential employer has offered
  • make sure you have the correct visa before arriving — ask an embassy or consulate of Vietnam
  • get professional legal advice before signing any contract
  • get all the work permits you need

The Australian embassy or consulate-general can provide a limited range of notarial services for some documents needed for a work permit.

Never hand over your passport to your employer, even for safekeeping. Reputable businesses won't ask you to hand over your passport.

Make sure you keep a valid visa and work permit. If you don't, authorities will fine you and could detain you.

Going overseas to live or work

Penalties for serious crime, such as rape, espionage and hijacking, may include the death penalty.

It's illegal to:

  • take photos at border crossings or military installations
  • go too close to the border with China, Cambodia or Laos without prior written permission from the local authorities
  • gamble, except in government-licensed casinos where foreign passport holders can gamble
  • possess pornography
  • possess non-state sanctioned political or religious material

These activities may result in arrest and imprisonment.

Taking part in unsanctioned religious activities, including online, is against the law. Any involvement with non-state sanctioned political organisations, or groups perceived by the Government of Vietnam to be associated with dissident groups is also illegal. If authorities suspect you of involvement in these activities, they could stop you from entering the country, detain or deport you. Authorities could also stop you from leaving, place you under surveillance or subject you to interrogation until an investigation has been completed.

It's illegal to export antiques without a permit. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Vietnamese) offers advice and necessary permits.

Possessing or distributing images or objects linked to the former Republic of Vietnam, including commemorative or Vietnam War service-related items, is an offence that could attract harsh penalties. 

Embassy or consulate of Vietnam

Australian laws

Some Australian criminal laws still apply when you’re overseas. If you break these laws, you may face prosecution in Australia.

Staying within the law

Local customs

Same-sex relationships are legal. However, social and cultural attitudes towards same-sex relationships can be conservative, especially in rural areas.

Avoid public displays of affection.

Same-sex partners aren't legally protected or recognised.

Advice for LGBTQIA+ travellers

Dual citizenship

Vietnam recognises dual nationality in limited situations.

If you're a dual citizen and you enter Vietnam on a Vietnamese passport, this limits the consular services we can give if you're arrested or detained. Vietnamese authorities may not tell us of your situation.

Always travel on your Australian passport .

Australian citizens must re-enter Australia on an Australian passport.

If you're a dual national, you may need to do compulsory military service in Vietnam.

Contact the nearest embassy or consulate of Vietnam in Australia before you travel.

Advice for dual nationals

Visas and border measures

Every country or territory decides who can enter or leave through its borders. For specific information about the evidence you'll need to enter a foreign destination, check with the nearest embassy, consulate or immigration department of the destination you're entering. 

To enter Vietnam, you must have either a:

  • visa exemption certificate

Australian passport holders are not able to obtain visas on arrival in Vietnam.

Learn more about  visa requirements.

You can now apply for an eVisa for tourism or business purposes. It allows eligible travellers to stay up to 90 days in Vietnam if granted. The eVisa is valid for single or multiple entries.

You can complete the  visa application form  online. As there have been reports of difficulties in accessing eVisas during airport check-in, once granted, you should consider printing a hard copy of the visa approval document.

Make sure you enter your details correctly when applying for a visa. The visa details must match exactly the information on your passport's biodata page, such as your full name and date of birth details. When you're issued a visa to enter Vietnam, check that all your Vietnam visa details are correct, match the information in your passport, that your full name is listed, and that there are no spelling or other errors. Any errors or name omissions may result in you being refused entry, or you could be charged a significant fee at check-in or on arrival to correct the visa error. 

For stays longer than 90 days, please contact the nearest embassy or consulate of Vietnam.

If your visa expires or is no longer valid, you may be detained and/or fined when leaving.

The Australian Government cannot sponsor your visa application or extension.

Entry and exit conditions can change at short notice. Contact the nearest  embassy or consulate of Vietnam  for details about visas, currency, customs and quarantine rules.

You must register your place of residence with local police within 24 hours of arrival. Check that your hotel does this as part of the check-in process. Register at the local police station if you're staying in private accommodation.

Travellers have been scammed by private online visa services and travel agents.

Only apply for your visa through the Government of Vietnam’s official website or offices.

Vietnamese spouse or parent visas

If your spouse or parent is a Vietnamese national, you can apply for a visa exemption certificate.

Changes to visa status and visa extensions

You can't change the status of your entry visa to any other visa type in Vietnam. For example, you can't change a tourist or a spouse visa to a working visa.

Vietnam does not issue automatic visa extensions. If your visa has expired, contact the Vietnamese immigration authorities to make arrangements to exit Vietnam. Visa extensions are only possible before your visa expiry date.

To get a visa extension from the Vietnamese immigration authorities, your passport must have at least 6 months validity left at the time of application. 

This requirement is subject to change.

Check with the nearest embassy or consulate of Vietnam  for details.

Border measures

Travel and entry requirements may change rapidly. Contact your nearest Vietnamese Embassy or Consulate for details on entry and exit requirements.

Other formalities

Import and export of prescription medication .

Medication  and medical equipment 

Register place of residence

All foreigners must register their place of residence with the local police within 24 hours of arrival.

The Australian embassy and consulate can't provide translation services to help with registration.

If you stay at a hotel, check that you'll be registered as part of the normal check-in process. They'll need your passport details.

Many hotels ask foreigners to leave their passport with hotel staff for registration purposes. It isn't a legal requirement for hotels to keep your passport for the time you stay there.

If you stay with family, friends or in another private residence, you need to register at the local police station. Use a translator if needed.

Local hosts need to pre-register foreign guests. If you stay in a private residence, make sure your host has followed this legal requirement.

Some countries won’t let you enter unless your passport is valid for 6 months after you plan to leave that country. This can apply even if you’re just transiting or stopping over.

Some foreign governments and airlines apply the rule inconsistently. Travellers can receive conflicting advice from different sources.

You can end up stranded if your passport is not valid for more than 6 months.

The Australian Government does not set these rules. Check your passport’s expiry date before you travel. If you’re not sure it’ll be valid for long enough, consider getting a new passport .

Lost and stolen passport

Your passport is a valuable document. It's attractive to people who may try to use your identity to commit crimes.

Some people may try to trick you into giving them your passport. Always keep it in a safe place.

Keep a photocopy (or photograph) of your passport bio page and visa somewhere separately in case you lose your passport.

If your passport is lost or stolen, tell the Australian Government as soon as possible:

  • In Australia, contact the Australian Passport Information Service .
  • If you're overseas, contact the nearest Australian embassy or consulate .

Passport with 'X' gender identifier

Although Australian passports comply with international standards for sex and gender, we can't guarantee that a passport showing 'X' in the sex field will be accepted for entry or transit by another country. Contact the nearest  embassy, high commission or consulate of your destination  before you arrive at the border to confirm if authorities will accept passports with 'X' gender markers. 

  • LGBTQIA+ travellers  

The currency of Vietnam is the Vietnamese Dong (VND).

When you arrive or exit Vietnam, declare:

  • foreign currency in excess of $US5,000, including cash and traveller's cheques
  • more than 15 million Vietnamese dong

If you carry more currency or gold than you declared, authorities could confiscate it. They could arrest or fine you.

These requirements may be subject to change. Contact the nearest embassy or consulate of Vietnam for details.

Credit cards are widely accepted throughout major cities in Vietnam.

ATMs are widespread in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang.

Check with your bank to confirm if your ATM (eftpos) card will work in Vietnam.

Card skimming happens throughout Vietnam. See Safety .

You may have trouble getting replacement ATM cards.

Many Australian banks don't have local or regional branches with English-speaking staff.

The Vietnamese postal services are generally unreliable. If you need a new card, consider using an international courier service. The Australian embassy or consulate can't help you with money while you wait for a new card. It can't act as a personal mail-holding service.

Local travel

Travel is restricted:

  • in some parts of the central Highlands
  • around some border areas
  • near military installations

Long Tan Cross site

The Vietnamese Government won't permit official Long Tan commemorations at the Long Tan Cross site in Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province.

Access to the site will remain open to small groups of people for private visits without media coverage. This may change at short notice.

Visitors to the site may not:

  • wear medals or uniforms
  • carry banners or flags

You must behave in a solemn manner, respecting the wishes of local communities.

Landmines and explosive remnants of war

Unexploded ordinance and landmines are a danger in former battlefields, especially in central Vietnam and along the Laos border.

Mine-free roads and paths are well-marked.

If you visit former battlefields, stay on marked pathways.

Driving permit

You must have a valid Vietnamese driver's licence to drive or ride in Vietnam. This includes for motorcycles of 50cc or more.

An International Driving Permit (IDP) issued in Australia is not recognised in Vietnam.

Authorities may fine you for driving without a valid licence.

Your travel insurer will likely deny any claims you make if:

  • You're unlicensed and/or
  • You don't hold the correct class of licence.

Australian embassy, Hanoi

Road travel

You're more likely to die in a motor vehicle accident in Vietnam than in Australia.

Hazards include:

  • crowded streets in major cities
  • drivers ignoring road rules 
  • poor vehicle and road maintenance

Traffic accidents often happen and attract large crowds.

If you're involved in an accident, you could face criminal charges. This is regardless of who's at fault. You may need to pay a large sum to the injured person or their family.

If you're not familiar with local conditions, avoid driving or riding a motorcycle.

Whether driving, riding or walking, be very careful when crossing busy streets. Traffic can appear from any direction.

Road Safety


The number of travellers involved in serious motorcycle accidents is increasing.

Check your travel insurance policy covers you when travelling by motorcycle.

Always wear a helmet that meets Australian safety standards.

Only ride motorcycles if you're:

  • properly licensed (Australian driver licences or International Driver Licences issued in Australia are not accepted in Vietnam; you must hold a Vietnamese driving licence to ride a motorbike 50cc or above); and
  • familiar with and comfortable in local driving conditions

Be careful using taxis hailed on the street.

Major metered taxis are generally reliable. Ensure the taxi driver knows how to get to where you're going before you get in.

Check the meter is used. Leave the taxi if the driver tries to pick other passengers up.

If you book a taxi online or through an app, make sure the details of the vehicle and driver match those the company gives you.

Unless using an Australian safety standard-approved helmet, we discourage using motorcycle taxis as they provide riders with helmets that offer little to no protection against injury in the case of an accident.

Be careful of taxi scams. See Safety

Public transport

Inter-city buses have a high accident rate.

Petty theft often happens on buses. See Safety .

When travelling by rail, keep the ticket stub as you need it when leaving the train station.

Getting around

Boats, hydrofoils and ferries may not meet Australian safety standards.

Accidents on waterways happen. Vessels have sunk and people have died. This includes in Ha Long Bay.

Whenever you plan to travel by boat :

  • ask tour operators about the safety record and emergency procedures
  • make sure there is enough safety equipment such as life jackets on board
  • if proper equipment is not available, use another provider

Piracy happens in coastal areas of Vietnam.

  • Reducing the risk of piracy
  • International Maritime Bureau piracy reports

You may need to show your luggage tags when leaving a Vietnamese airport. Keep your luggage receipt from your airline on you at all times.

By law, children under 14 years travelling alone on domestic flights must:

  • bring a birth certificate
  • have an authorisation letter between the legal guardian of the child and the airline confirming the child can travel alone

Contact the airline in advance to check what is needed for unaccompanied minors.

DFAT doesn’t provide information on the safety of individual commercial airlines or flight paths.

Check Vietnam's air safety profile  with the Aviation Safety Network.

Travelling by air


Depending on what you need, contact your:

  • family and friends
  • travel agent
  • insurance provider

Emergency numbers in Vietnam are operated in Vietnamese only and may be unreliable. You may have a long wait before emergency services arrive.

Always get a police report when you report a crime.

Take a translator with you to report a crime to the local police. Cases reported by foreigners may be accepted at the discretion of local police.

Your insurer should have a 24-hour emergency number.

Consular contacts

Read the Consular Services Charter for what the Australian Government can and can’t do to help you overseas.

For consular assistance, contact the nearest embassy or consulate.

Australian Embassy, Hanoi

8 Dao Tan Street

Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Phone: (+84 24) 3774 0100

Website: vietnam.embassy.gov.au

Facebook: Australia in Vietnam

X: @AusAmbVN

Australian Consulate-General, Ho Chi Minh City

20th Floor, Vincom Centre

47 Ly Tu Trong Street

Ben Nghe Ward, District 1

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Phone: (+84 28) 3521 8100

Website: hcmc.vietnam.embassy.gov.au

Check the relevant website for details about opening hours, and any temporary closures.

24-hour Consular Emergency Centre

In a consular emergency, if you can't contact an embassy, call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on:

  • +61 2 6261 3305 from overseas
  • 1300 555 135 in Australia


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Vietnam Holidays

Vietnam Holidays

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Welcome to Vietnam

Natural Wonders

Natural Wonders

Vietnam’s landscapes are wonderfully diverse. Stretching from the mountains and rice terraces of the northern highlands to the magnificence of Halong Bay’s karst towers, to the rich, lush greenery of the Mekong Delta. One of the most wonderful things about all this beauty is how easy it is to access on your Vietnam tour – an overnight train from Hanoi up to the spectacular views of Sapa, a couple of hours by road from Saigon into the heart of the Mekong Delta. It is all within reach.

History & Culture

History & Culture

Vietnam’s culture is a real melting pot of influences, but all the more fascinating for it. Under the influence of China for a millennium and part of French Indochina for 70 years, this is a country where about half of the population earn their living from agriculture. As you can imagine, the Vietnamese people’s way of life, beliefs and values are very different from our own – ancestor veneration is a part of everyday life and many people still wear traditional dress.

Culinary Delights

Culinary Delights

Vietnam’s cuisine is not only one of the world’s healthiest, but also one of the most delicious and the cuisine is sure to be a highlight of your Vietnam tour! Full of distinctive flavours, created by perfectly balancing salty, sweet, sour, and hot, it is the use of plentiful fresh ingredients, herbs and spices that make it so good. Whether you are eating in a high-end restaurant, or find a mouth-watering snack on one of the plentiful Vietnamese street stalls, your food will be prepared and cooked to order – be it summer rolls, pho, or a banh mi.

Halong Bay

Ha Long, the Bay of Descending Dragons, is one of the Vietnam’s most spectacular destinations. Out of the emerald waters of the bay, thousands of sheer limestone karst pinnacles and islets rise, creating an element sculpted ocean-scape of magnificent proportions. It has long evoked the imaginations of the many who have seen it and has plentiful myths and legends of invading armies and heroic dragons told about it.

Top Holidays to Vietnam

Angkor to the Bay

Angkor to the Bay

Vietnam at a Glance

Vietnam at a Glance

Vietnam & Cambodia Discovery

Vietnam & Cambodia Discovery

Classic Mekong

Classic Mekong

Indochina Delights

Indochina Delights

A Mekong Experience

A Mekong Experience

Grand Tour of Indochina

Grand Tour of Indochina

Mekong Explorer

Mekong Explorer

Vietnam Trails

Vietnam Trails


Upcoming Vietnam departures

Amazing cities to visit in vietnam.


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Things to see in Vietnam

Floating village, mekong delta, japanese bridge, cu chi tunnels, ho chi minh quarter, water puppet show, best time to visit in vietnam, hung kings festival, mid autumn festival, wonderful experiences in vietnam, the a o show, hanoi cyclo tour, tra que traditional village, useful and interesting.

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  • Look up FTA tariffs and services market access - DFAT FTA Portal
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Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai

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Australia is a stable, democratic and culturally diverse nation with a highly skilled workforce and one of the strongest performing economies in the world.

Australia in Brief publication

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  • Smartraveller – travel advice

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  • Australian Passport Office

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  • Getting help overseas
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Flag of Vietnam

Country information

  • Vietnam country brief
  • Vietnam country/economy fact sheet [PDF]
  • Vietnam aid fact sheet [PDF]
  • Development assistance in Vietnam

Key bilateral political documents

  • Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Viet Nam and Australia (7 March 2024)
  • Australia-Vietnam Enhanced Economic Engagement Strategy and Implementation Plan (1 November 2021)
  • Joint Statement on the Establishment of a Strategic Partnership between Australia and Viet Nam (15 March 2018)

Travel information

  • Read the travel advice for Vietnam
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  • For how we can help Australians overseas, see the Consular services charter
  • Australian Passports Office
  • Visa information

Heads of Government

  • Includes Heads of State, Prime Ministers, Foreign, Trade and Aid Ministers .

Embassies and consulates

  • Australian Embassy in Vietnam website
  • Australian Consulate-General in Ho Chi Minh City website
  • The Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Australia website
  • Consulates-General of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Trade with Australia

  • ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA)
  • Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
  • Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)

Related links

  • Austrade - Information on Overseas Markets - Vietnam
  • Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Vietnam Program
  • Australia-Vietnam Enhanced Economic Engagement Strategy Website
  • Vietnam country profile and action plan, Invested: Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040

Travel Vietnam from Australia: A Detailed Guide

Embarking on a journey from Australia to Vietnam opens the door to a world rich in history, diverse cultures, and stunning natural scenery. Whether you’re drawn to the dynamic energy of bustling cities, ancient temples, or tranquil natural retreats, Vietnam offers a wealth of experiences for every traveler. From the lively streets of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to the picturesque landscapes of Halong Bay and the Mekong Delta, Vietnam is a treasure trove of sights and activities to suit all preferences.

This comprehensive guide will equip you with all the necessary information to plan your trip effectively, covering travel logistics, optimal travel times, visa requirements, and top destinations to visit. We’ll explore everything from how to travel to Vietnam from Australia by air to the best seasons for visiting different regions of the country. Additionally, we will address visa requirements for Australian travelers to ensure a smooth and hassle-free entry into Vietnam.

By the end of this guide, you will be well-prepared to embark on an unforgettable adventure as you travel Vietnam from Australia . Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a nature lover, or a culinary explorer, Vietnam promises a rich and varied travel experience that will leave you with lasting memories.

Travel Vietnam from Australia – How to Plan for Your Trip?

travel vietnam australia

Planning a trip to Vietnam from Australia involves several key steps, from selecting the best travel method to understanding visa requirements. This section will guide you through the essential preparations to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. We will discuss various ways to travel from Australia to Vietnam, including by air and sea, helping you choose the best option based on your preferences and schedule. Additionally, we will cover the best times to visit Vietnam to enhance your travel experience and outline the visa requirements for Australian travelers.

The Distance from Australia to Vietnam: How to Get to Vietnam from Australia

travel vietnam australia

The most convenient way to travel from Australia to Vietnam is by plane, covering a distance of approximately 6,500 kilometers from Sydney to Ho Chi Minh City. Direct flights are available from major Australian cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane to key Vietnamese destinations such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang. Airlines such as Vietnam Airlines, Qantas, and Jetstar offer direct flights. Typically, these flights take around 8-10 hours, making air travel the quickest and most efficient way to reach Vietnam.

travel vietnam australia

While traveling by sea from Australia to Vietnam is less common, it offers a unique and scenic travel experience. Some cruises that include Vietnam in their itinerary depart from major Australian ports like Sydney or Melbourne, making stops at various Southeast Asian destinations, including Vietnam. This journey by sea takes several days to weeks, providing a leisurely and picturesque travel option.

Best Time to Travel Vietnam from Australia

travel vietnam australia

Vietnam’s diverse climate means there is no single best time to visit the entire country. However, understanding regional weather patterns can help you plan your trip more effectively. Generally, the best time to travel Vietnam from Australia is during the spring (March to April) and autumn (September to November) seasons, when the weather is relatively mild and pleasant across most regions.

  • Northern Vietnam (Hanoi, Halong Bay): The best time to visit is from October to April, when the weather is cool and dry. Avoid the summer months (May to September) due to heavy rainfall and high humidity.
  • Central Vietnam (Hue, Da Nang, Hoi An): The ideal time to visit is from February to May. Avoid the rainy season from September to January, which can bring typhoons and heavy rainfall.
  • Southern Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, Mekong Delta): The best time to visit is from December to April when the weather is dry and temperatures are more moderate. The rainy season from May to November brings heavy downpours, especially in the afternoons.

Visa Requirements to Travel Vietnam from Australia

E-visa Vietnam Application

Australian citizens need a visa to enter Vietnam. There are several options available:

  • E-Visa: The most convenient option is to apply for an e-visa online through the official Vietnamese government website. The e-visa is valid for 30 days and allows for a single entry. Processing time is usually 3-5 working days.
  • Visa on Arrival (VOA): This option is available for those arriving by air at one of Vietnam’s international airports. To obtain a VOA, you must first apply for an approval letter through a Vietnamese travel agency. Upon arrival, present the approval letter, completed application form, passport photos, and the visa stamping fee at the VOA counter.
  • Embassy Visa: You can also apply for a visa at the Vietnamese Embassy or Consulate in Australia. This process requires submitting your passport, application form, photos, and the visa fee. Processing times may vary, so it’s advisable to apply well in advance of your travel date.

Highlights of Vietnam – Your Checklist to Travel Vietnam from Australia

Vietnam is a country brimming with cultural richness, historical significance, and natural beauty. This section will highlight some of the must-visit destinations that should be on your checklist when you travel Vietnam from Australia . From the bustling cities in the north and the historic towns in the central region to the vibrant life in the south, each part of Vietnam offers unique attractions and experiences. We will explore key destinations in Northern , Central , and Southern Vietnam , ensuring you get a comprehensive view of what this incredible country has to offer. 

Whether you are interested in exploring ancient temples, enjoying the scenic beauty of limestone karsts, or experiencing the lively street markets, Vietnam has something to captivate every traveler. Let’s dive into the highlights of this fascinating country.

Northern Vietnam

travel vietnam australia

The capital city is a blend of ancient history and modern culture. Explore the Old Quarter , Hoan Kiem Lake, and the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. Don’t miss a traditional water puppet show or a visit to the Temple of Literature.

travel vietnam australia

Famous for its emerald waters and limestone karsts, Halong Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Opt for a cruise to explore the bay, visit caves, and enjoy water activities like kayaking.

Sapa Valleys

Known for its terraced rice fields and ethnic minority villages, Sapa offers breathtaking landscapes and trekking opportunities. Visit the local markets and experience the unique culture of the hill tribes.

Central Vietnam

Inside The Citadel. Imperial Forbidden City. Hue, Vietnam / Source: Smoke666 - YayImages

Hue , the former imperial capital is home to the UNESCO-listed Imperial City, ancient pagodas, and royal tombs. Take a boat ride on the Perfume River and explore the historic sites.

Da Nang Bridge / Credit: FOX - Pexels

This coastal city boasts beautiful beaches, the Marble Mountains, and the famous Dragon Bridge. Don’t miss the nearby Ba Na Hills and the Golden Bridge, known for its unique design and stunning views.

travel vietnam australia

A charming ancient town, Hoi An is known for its well-preserved architecture, lantern-lit streets, and vibrant markets. Visit the Japanese Covered Bridge, historic houses, and enjoy a cooking class to learn about Vietnamese cuisine.

Southern Vietnam

Ho chi minh city.

travel vietnam australia

The bustling metropolis, also known as Saigon, offers a mix of historic sites and modern attractions. Visit the War Remnants Museum, Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica, and the Cu Chi Tunnels . Experience the vibrant nightlife and local street food.

Mekong Delta

travel vietnam australia

Known as the “Rice Bowl of Vietnam,” Mekong Delta is a network of rivers, swamps, and islands. Explore the floating markets, visit fruit orchards, and take a boat trip through the canals to experience local life.

Phu Quoc Island

Phu Quoc beach

A tropical paradise, Phu Quoc offers pristine beaches, clear waters, and lush jungles. Relax on the beaches, snorkel or dive to explore the coral reefs, and visit the Phu Quoc National Park for hiking and wildlife spotting.

Final Thoughts

Traveling from Australia to Vietnam is an exciting journey that promises a wealth of experiences and memories. By carefully planning your trip, understanding the best times to visit, and ensuring you meet all visa requirements, you can make the most of your adventure. From the historic charm of Hanoi and the natural beauty of Halong Bay to the cultural richness of Hoi An and the vibrant energy of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam offers something for every traveler.

For a seamless and memorable vacation, consider booking your trip with Viland Travel . Our customized tours and expert guidance will ensure you don’t miss any of the best attractions Vietnam has to offer. Viland Travel provides tailored itineraries that cater to your interests and preferences, making sure you experience the best of Vietnam in comfort and style. Whether you’re interested in exploring historical sites, enjoying culinary delights, or simply relaxing on beautiful beaches, Viland Travel can help you plan the perfect trip.

Additionally, Viland Travel’s experienced guides and comprehensive travel packages take the hassle out of planning, allowing you to focus on enjoying your trip. We offer a range of services from visa assistance to personalized tour recommendations, ensuring every aspect of your journey is covered. Embark on your journey with confidence and create unforgettable memories as you travel Vietnam from Australia !

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  • Halong – Lan Ha Bay
  • Ho Chi Minh city
  • Mekong Delta
  • Phu Quoc Island
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  • Nong Khiaw & Muang Ngoi
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  • Classic highlights
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  • Art, Culture & History
  • Beach Getaway
  • Vietnam culture
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  • Travel guide /

Travel to Vietnam from Australia - A Comprehensive Travel Guide for Australian Updated 2024

May 22, 2024


How far is Vietnam from Australia?

Which airlines fly to travel to vietnam from australia, what can you expect in vietnam, do australian citizens need a visa to visit vietnam, vietnam currency, vietnam electricity and what do you need to enter vietnam from australia, vietnam transportation.

Are you planning to travel to Vietnam from Australia but don’t know where to start? This comprehensive travel guide will provide all the information you need to plan a trip from Australia to Vietnam, covering everything from flight options and visa requirements to transportation and currency. Get ready to embark on an adventure and immerse yourself in the wonders of Vietnam, a destination that will leave a lasting impression on Australian travelers.

travel to vietnam from australia vietnam highlights

Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia, while Australia is in the southern hemisphere. The distance between the two countries varies depending on the specific cities, but generally, the distance from Australia to Vietnam is around 5,000-6,000 km.

From the major Australian cities, the distance to Vietnam is:

  • Sydney to Ho Chi Minh City: Approximately 6,000 km
  • Melbourne to Hanoi: Approximately 5,500 km
  • Brisbane to Da Nang: Approximately 5,700 km
  • Perth to Ho Chi Minh City: Approximately 5,800 km

The flight time from the major Australian cities to Vietnam can range from 7-9 hours, depending on the departure and arrival points, as well as the airline and layover duration.

There are several airlines that offer flights from Australia to Vietnam, including:

  • Vietnam Airlines – Vietnam’s national carrier, offering flights from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth to major Vietnamese airports like Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang.
  • Qantas – Australia’s national airline, with flights from Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane to Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Jetstar – A low-cost airline owned by Qantas, with flights from major Australian cities to Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.
  • Singapore Airlines – Offers flights from Australia to Vietnam with a stopover in Singapore.
  • Thai Airways – Flies from Australia to Vietnam with a stopover in Bangkok.

There are both direct flights and flights with stopovers available from Australia to Vietnam. For example, the flight time from Melbourne to Ho Chi Minh City is around 9 hours, with a direct flight option. The flight time from Sydney to Hanoi is approximately 8.5 hours, with a typical stopover in Singapore or another Asian hub.

travel to vietnam from australia flight to vietnam

Nestled in the heart of Southeast Asia, Vietnam is a captivating destination that has captured the imagination of travelers from around the world, including many Australians. With its rich cultural heritage, stunning natural landscapes, and delectable cuisine, Vietnam offers a truly immersive and unforgettable experience for those seeking to explore beyond Australia’s borders.

For Australians, the allure of Vietnam is undeniable. As one of the closest Southeast Asian countries to Australia, Vietnam is an accessible and intriguing option for those looking to venture into the vibrant and diverse regions of Asia. Whether you’re drawn to the bustling streets of Ho Chi Minh City, the serene beauty of Ha Long Bay, or the charming historic charm of Hanoi, Vietnam promises to enchant and delight visitors from Down Under.

When visiting Vietnam from Australia, you can expect:

  • Vibrant cities: From the bustling streets of Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) to the charming old town of Hanoi, Vietnam’s cities offer a unique blend of modern and traditional elements.
  • Stunning landscapes: Vietnam boasts breathtaking natural wonders, including the iconic Ha Long Bay, the lush Mekong Delta, and the picturesque mountainous regions in the north.
  • Delicious cuisine: Vietnamese food is renowned for its fresh ingredients, healthy balance, and complex flavors, featuring dishes like pho, banh mi, and spring rolls.
  • Friendly and welcoming people: The Vietnamese are known for their hospitality and warmth towards visitors.
  • Rich cultural heritage: Vietnam’s long history is reflected in its numerous UNESCO World Heritage sites, ancient temples, and unique traditions.

>> Vietnam Travel Guide: What To Know Before Your Journey. Discovery  here !

travel to vietnam from australia halong bay in Vietnam

Yes, Australian citizens require a visa to enter Vietnam. There are several visa options available:

  • e-Visa: Australia is eligible for the Vietnamese e-Visa , which can be applied for and obtained online before your trip. The e-Visa is a single-entry visa valid for up to 30 days.
  • Visa on Arrival: You can also apply for a visa on arrival at major Vietnamese airports. This requires pre-approval and can be a more time-consuming process.
  • Tourist Visa: For longer stays or multiple-entry requirements, you can apply for a traditional tourist visa through the Vietnamese embassy or a visa service provider.

The cost of a Vietnamese visa for Australian citizens varies depending on the type of visa and the application method. Generally, the e-Visa costs around AU$50-$100, while a standard tourist visa can range from AU$80 to $150.

>>Read more: Vietnam Visa Requirements for Australian Citizens: Latest 2024 Update

When it comes to currency, the Vietnamese dong (VND) is the official currency, though Australian dollars (AUD) are also widely accepted, especially in major tourist hubs. The exchange rate fluctuates, but the approximate exchange rate is 1 Australian Dollar (AUD) to 16,000-17,000 Vietnamese Dong.

It’s a good idea to exchange some cash before your trip, as having a mix of both VND and AUD can make transactions more convenient. Many businesses in Vietnam also accept credit and debit cards, particularly Visa and Mastercard, though it’s wise to notify your bank and card providers of your travel plans to avoid any issues with usage.

It’s recommended to exchange some Australian Dollars for Vietnamese Dong before your trip, as this will help you with day-to-day expenses, such as transportation, food, and shopping. You can also withdraw Vietnamese Dong from ATMs in major cities, which often offer better exchange rates than currency exchange bureaus.

travel to vietnam from australia vietnam currency

  • Electricity: Vietnam uses 220V, 50Hz electricity, the same as Australia. You can use your Australian electrical devices in Vietnam with a simple plug adapter.
  • What to bring from Australia: In addition to your passport and visa, it’s recommended to bring any necessary medications, a travel adapter, sunscreen, insect repellent, and any other personal items you may need. It’s also a good idea to notify your bank and credit card providers of your travel plans to Vietnam.

Vietnam offers a variety of transportation options for visitors, including:

  • Domestic flights: Domestic air travel is a convenient way to cover long distances within Vietnam, with major airlines like Vietnam Airlines, Vietjet Air, and Jetstar Pacific offering flights between major cities.
  • Trains: Vietnam has an extensive railway network, with trains connecting major cities and tourist destinations. The trains range from basic to more comfortable options.
  • Buses: Buses are a popular and affordable way to get around Vietnam, with a wide network of routes and different classes of service.
  • Taxis and ride-hailing apps: Taxis and ride-hailing services like Grab are readily available in most Vietnamese cities.
  • Motorbikes and scooters: Renting a motorbike or scooter is a popular way to explore Vietnam’s scenic roads and backstreets, but it’s important to ride safely.
  • Is it safe to travel to Vietnam from Australia? Vietnam is generally a safe destination for tourists, but it’s important to exercise the same precautions you would when traveling to any new country, such as being aware of your surroundings, avoiding isolated areas at night, and keeping your valuables secure.
  • What is the best time of year to visit Vietnam from Australia? The best time to visit Vietnam from Australia largely depends on your preferences and the regions you plan to visit. Generally, the dry season from October to April is considered the most comfortable and popular time for travel.
  • Can I drink the water in Vietnam? It’s generally not recommended to drink tap water in Vietnam. Bottled water is widely available and affordable, and it’s the safest option for drinking and brushing your teeth.
  • Do I need to learn any Vietnamese before my trip? While it’s not essential to know Vietnamese, learning a few basic phrases can be helpful and appreciated by the locals. Many Vietnamese people, especially in major tourist areas, also speak English.

With the information provided in this guide, you now have the tools to plan a seamless and enriching journey to Vietnam. Whether you’re seeking to immerse yourself in the country’s vibrant history, indulge in its tantalizing cuisine, or simply bask in the breathtaking landscapes, Vietnam is a destination that will captivate and inspire you.

As you finalize your travel plans, remember to embrace the spirit of adventure and flexibility that Vietnam is known for. Be open to spontaneous experiences, engage with the friendly locals, and savor every moment of your exploration. With the right mindset and preparation, your trip to Vietnam will undoubtedly be a cherished memory for years to come.

So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags, book your flights, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey to the enchanting and diverse country of Vietnam. Australians, the wonders of this Southeast Asian gem await you!

As the premier tour operator in Southeast Asia, Asia Encounter is dedicated to helping Australian travelers like yourself craft the perfect Vietnam adventure. We understand that no two journeys are alike, which is why we offer fully customizable itineraries to ensure your experience aligns seamlessly with your interests, budget, and travel style. You can visit our best-seller tour below for your reference:


Whether you envision an immersive cultural exploration, a scenic nature-focused retreat, or a vibrant culinary adventure, our team of local experts will work closely with you to curate an itinerary that exceeds your expectations.

Most importantly, our commitment to sustainable tourism and immersive cultural experiences means you can travel with the confidence that you’re making a positive impact on the local communities you visit.

So, what are you waiting for? Reach out to the Asia Encounter team today and let us help you design the Vietnam adventure of a lifetime. With our expertise and your vision, we’ll craft a truly personalized journey that captures the essence of this captivating country. The wonders of Vietnam await!


travel vietnam australia

Have you ever wondered What not to do in Vietnam for the best experience? Being one of the worthiest destinations to visit with its rich culture, stunning landscapes, ...

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Join Asia Encounter as we explore the best Vietnamese cuisine restaurant in District 1, where each bite tells a story of Vietnam's rich gastronomic heritage.

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With foodaholic when coming to Vietnam, one of the first questions that comes to mind is: what type of rice is used in Vietnamese cuisine? This simple query opens the door...

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The best of Vietnam unlocked for you

Experience Vietnam differently. Enjoy one-of-a-kind experiences and uncover local secrets when our friends across the country open their doors to you. Here’s just a sample of the rich experiences you can expect.

5 million happy guests and counting

Burning incense sticks in Chua Ba Thien Hau Pagoda in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Vietnamese dong

Capital City

Good morning

Chào buổi sáng

Good evening

Chào buổi tối

"Vietnam is home to some incredible natural wonders, from the world's largest cave and the largest waterfall in Southeast Asia, to the mighty Mekong River and the iconic Ha Long Bay."

Travel Director

Take a dreamy Halong Bay cruise

Board a traditional Vietnamese junk boat and cruise the emerald waters and limestone karsts of Halong Bay. We’ll visit Tien Ong Cave and Cua Van Fishing Village, enjoy a swim at one of the golden beaches, then watch a cooking demonstration and the dazzling sunset on the boat, where we’ll sleep for the night.

Enjoy a Water Puppet performance in a local theatre

The Water Puppet performance is a northern Vietnamese art form, which paints the story of rural life in Vietnam a thousand years ago. The puppeteers stand in waist-high water to represent flooded rice fields and you’ll be swept up in the legends they tell through their dancing puppets.

Visit Cua Van Fishing Village

We’ll visit the ancient Cua Van Fishing Village on our Halong Bay cruise, and stop to meet the locals who live in the traditional floating houses. It’s the largest fishing village in Halong Bay, with around 180 floating houses set on gentle waters surrounded by beautiful limestone mountains.

Help local farmers in Thanh Dong Organic Village

Our Local Specialists will take you to Thanh Dong Organic Village in Hoi An, where you’ll meet the local farmers and spend time learning about their daily working routines. You’ll also get to help the farmers in the garden and discover their unique methods that leave a positive impact on their environment.

Visit the UNESCO-listed Imperial Citadel in Hue

Jump on the back of a cyclo and take a journey to the Imperial Citadel in Hue, the former capital and home of the Nguyen emperors. You can enter the large square fortress and explore the ancient palaces and temples, and we’ll even take you inside the Purple Forbidden City.

Our top 5 things to do in Vietnam

Our Vietnam holiday packages reveal the magic of the country, from the magnificent Halong Bay and the ancient citadel of Hue, to the local farmers in Hoi An.

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

Located in Ba Dinh Square in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum is the final resting place of President Ho Chi Minh, the iconic Vietnamese Revolutionary leader. Known to his people as ‘Uncle Ho’, his body is preserved in a glass case and protected by a military honour guard.

Temple of Literature

One of Hanoi’s most beautiful sites, the Temple of Literature is an ancient complex built in 1070 and dedicated to Confucius and scholars. It’s also home to the Imperial Academy, Vietnam’s first university and you can see the historic pavilions, turtle steles, courtyards, a lake of literature and the Well of Heavenly Clarity.

My Son Temples

The My Son Temples are a complex of ancient Hindu temples, built between the 4th and 14th century to worship the god Shiva. It was once the site of royal religious ceremonies and the burial place for Cham royalty, and today you can explore the ruins of this UNESCO-listed site.

Best museums in Vietnam

Our Vietnam escorted tours will reveal the country’s best museums, from the ancient My Son Temples to the resting place of President Ho Chi Minh.

One of Vietnam’s most famous dishes, pho is a noodle soup that’s loved all over the world. It’s made from a slow-stewed beef broth poured over rice noodles, and topped with slices of chicken or beef. You can also add a variety of herbs, sauces and chilli to your tastes.

Also known as rice paper spring rolls, goi cuon are light and fresh rolls with plenty of flavour. A rice paper wrapping is filled with bean sprouts, lettuce, meat or tofu and other crunchy vegetables. It’s best served with a sweet or spicy sauce for dipping.

Banh xeo is a thin crepe filled with shrimp, pork, bean sprouts and fresh herbs. It’s a classic northern Vietnamese dish with French influences, and the best way to eat it is cut it up in bite-sized pieces, roll it up in lettuce leaves and dunk it into the zesty side sauces.

Best food in Vietnam

An organised trip to Vietnam with Trafalgar will ensure you taste the best of Vietnam’s incredible cuisine, from warm bowls of pho to fresh goi cuon rolls.

What to pack for Vietnam

People packing for a tour

Adaptor plug

In Vietnam, the standard voltage is 110 / 220 V and the power plugs and sockets are of type A, C and D. The standard frequency is 50 Hz.

Reef-safe sunscreen & insect repellent

Protect yourself from the harsh sun with SPF 30 or higher and protect the reefs with reef-safe sunscreen. You’ll also need to pack some DEET insect repellent to avoid any nasty bites.

Vietnam is lined with spectacular sandy beaches, and you’ll also need a swimsuit for swimming in the turquoise waters of Halong Bay.

Versatile clothing

Vietnam is a massive country with a myriad of climates, from the chilly northern mountains to the blazing southern jungles. Pack versatile layers to be prepared for all weather.

Vietnamese phrasebook

Learning a few Vietnamese words and phrases can be a rewarding part of your trip and will help you to have more enriching encounters with the locals.

Pack for sustainable travel

Consider your environmental impact when you next take a trip and go single-use-plastic-free by packing a reusable water bottle, a steel straw, your own shopping bags and refillable toiletry bottles.

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Want to discover the best Vietnamese foodie secrets?

Travelling to Vietnam from Australia (Flights, Visa Requirements, Travel Tips)

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Discover Vietnam’s beauty and culture on your next adventure! Learn everything you need to know about travelling to Vietnam from Australia .

Are you looking for an escape to a land of breathtaking natural beauty, rich history and delicious cuisine? Look no further than Vietnam.

Located just a short flight away from Australia’s major cities, Vietnam offers a plethora of unforgettable experiences that cater to all types of travelers.

From the bustling streets of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to the tranquil beaches of Nha Trang and Phu Quoc Island, there is something for everyone in this diverse and captivating country.

So pack your bags, grab your passport and get ready to embark on a journey you’ll never forget – a trip to Vietnam.

Vietnam Entry Requirements for Australian Citizens

As you plan your trip to Vietnam from Australia, there are various necessary documents you need to consider.

First on the list is visa requirements. Australian citizens need a visa to enter Vietnam, and you can apply for one at the Vietnamese embassy in Canberra or the consulate general in Sydney. Alternatively, you can also apply online for an e-visa.

In addition to a visa, it’s essential to take health precautions before traveling to Vietnam. Vaccinations against hepatitis A and B, typhoid, and tetanus are recommended. Moreover, it’s advisable to avoid drinking tap water and eating street food as they may cause stomach upsets.

As for accommodation options, there are plenty of choices ranging from budget-friendly hostels to luxurious resorts. It’s wise to book in advance during peak season as rooms fill up quickly. Currency exchange is also a crucial consideration since the Vietnamese Dong is not widely available outside the country. You can exchange money at banks or authorized currency exchange centers upon arrival at Vietnam’s international airports.

While English is spoken by many locals in tourist areas, language barriers may still exist in remote parts of the country. To overcome this challenge, carry a phrasebook or download translation apps on your phone before embarking on your journey.

Now that we’ve covered the necessary documentation for your trip let’s look at travel restrictions that may affect your itinerary.

Vietnam Travel Restrictions

As much as we all crave for an exciting adventure, recent travel restrictions have made it difficult to quench our thirst for exploration. Vietnam is no exception to these limitations, and the quarantine procedures in place can be daunting. However, with proper planning and preparation, you can still make the most out of your trip.

Before packing your bags, it is essential to check the visa requirements for Australian citizens traveling to Vietnam. A visa must be obtained beforehand, whether it’s a tourist or business visa. It’s best to apply through the Vietnamese Embassy in Australia or use an online service that provides visa services.

Additionally, make sure to keep yourself updated on any changes in transport options due to COVID-19 restrictions. Currently, there are limited flights available from Australia to Vietnam.

When it comes to currency exchange, it’s recommended that you do so upon arrival at the airport or any reputable banks and exchange bureaus. Avoid exchanging money at hotel receptions or street vendors who may offer unfavorable rates.

As for health advice, ensure that all necessary vaccinations are up-to-date before embarking on your journey.

In terms of flights and routes, several airlines operate direct flights from major cities in Australia such as Sydney and Melbourne to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City. Alternatively, you can opt for connecting flights with a stopover in countries such as Singapore or Malaysia.

As travel restrictions continue to fluctuate during these unprecedented times, it’s crucial to stay informed and adaptable when planning your trip. With careful consideration of quarantine procedures, visa requirements, transport options, currency exchange rates and health advice; a visit to Vietnam from Australia can still be a memorable experience worth cherishing.

Flights from Australia to Vietnam And Routes

For those looking to travel from Australia to Vietnam, there are a number of flights available, as well as some popular routes. With the right planning, you can make your journey to Vietnam a smooth and memorable experience.

Flights From Australia To Vietnam

Traveling to Vietnam from Australia is a thrilling adventure that requires careful planning and preparation.

When it comes to flights, there are various airlines to choose from, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Before booking your flight, it’s essential to read airline reviews to determine which one suits your needs best.

Additionally, consider the flight duration as this will affect how much time you have for exploring Vietnam.

Don’t forget to pack all the necessary items and follow packing tips for a smooth and stress-free journey.

Overall, with the right airline and preparation, your trip to Vietnam from Australia is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

Popular Routes

Now that we’ve covered the basics of flights and airlines, let’s dive into some popular routes for traveling to Vietnam from Australia.

One of the most common routes is from Sydney to Ho Chi Minh City, with multiple airlines offering daily direct flights.

Melbourne to Hanoi is another popular route, with several connecting flights available.

When planning your trip, it’s worth considering which city you want to start in and what accommodation options are available there.

It’s also essential to be aware of any language barriers and pack accordingly.

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, following packing tips can help ensure a smooth and stress-free journey.

Costs And Budgeting

After securing your flight and route to Vietnam from Australia, it’s time to start planning the details of your trip.

First on the list is ensuring you have all necessary documentation, including a valid passport and any required visas. Australian citizens can obtain a tourist visa upon arrival in Vietnam, but it’s important to double check any specific requirements and fees beforehand.

Next, consider your accommodation options. Vietnam offers a range of choices from budget hostels to luxury resorts. It’s important to research the areas you plan on visiting and choose lodging that fits your needs and budget.

Don’t forget to pack accordingly for your trip, including appropriate clothing for the climate and any outdoor activities you plan on participating in.

When it comes to food choices in Vietnam, there are endless options for every palate. From street vendors serving up traditional pho noodles to upscale restaurants featuring French-inspired cuisine, there’s something for everyone.

And don’t forget about local transportation – while taxis are available, consider renting a motorbike or taking advantage of public transportation options like buses or trains.

As you prepare for your adventure in Vietnam, it’s important to also consider cultural considerations. Vietnamese culture values respect and politeness above all else, so take care when interacting with locals and follow their customs as closely as possible.

In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into these cultural nuances that will enhance your experience in this beautiful country.

Cultural Considerations

Delving into a new culture can be an exciting yet daunting experience. Vietnam is a country rich in history and traditions, and it’s important to understand the cultural etiquette before immersing yourself in the local way of life.

Language barriers may also pose a challenge, but with a little bit of effort and patience, you can communicate effectively with locals and gain a deeper appreciation for their customs.

When it comes to cultural etiquette, there are a few things to keep in mind. It’s considered impolite to touch someone’s head or show the soles of your feet, as they’re seen as the lowest part of the body. Additionally, don’t be surprised if someone asks personal questions such as age or marital status – it’s a common way of getting to know someone in Vietnamese culture.

To truly immerse yourself in local traditions, attend some cultural events such as Tet (Lunar New Year) or Mid-Autumn Festival. You’ll witness vibrant parades, dragon dances and fireworks that showcase Vietnam’s rich heritage.

While experiencing Vietnam’s cultural events is essential during your visit, there are also numerous tourist attractions that you shouldn’t miss out on. From exploring the bustling streets of Hanoi’s Old Quarter to taking a boat ride through Halong Bay’s stunning limestone formations, there’s something for every type of traveler. And let’s not forget about the local cuisine – whether it’s slurping up pho from a street vendor or indulging in fresh seafood on the coast, Vietnamese food is sure to tantalize your taste buds.

In conclusion, immersing yourself in Vietnam’s culture will make your trip an unforgettable experience. By being aware of cultural etiquette and attending local events, you’ll gain valuable insight into this beautiful country’s traditions and customs. And with its stunning tourist attractions and delicious cuisine, there’s no doubt that Vietnam has something for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

1/ what are the visa requirements for australian citizens travelling to vietnam.

For Australian citizens planning a trip to Vietnam, it’s essential to know the visa requirements.

To enter Vietnam, Australians must have a valid visa, which can be obtained online or through the Vietnamese embassy in Australia. It’s important to note that visa exemptions are only available for short stays of up to 15 days and may not apply to all entry points.

When travelling to Vietnam, it’s also recommended to exchange Australian dollars for Vietnamese dong upon arrival as cash is still widely used throughout the country. Additionally, packing tips should include lightweight clothing suitable for hot and humid weather and comfortable shoes for exploring tourist attractions such as Ha Long Bay or Hoi An’s ancient town.

Visitors should also be aware of cultural norms such as modest dress when visiting temples and removing shoes before entering homes or certain buildings. While English is commonly spoken in tourist areas, language barriers may still exist outside of these areas, so learning some basic phrases in Vietnamese can be helpful in communicating with locals during your travels.

2/ Are There Any Restrictions On Bringing Medication Into Vietnam?

When traveling to Vietnam, it’s important to be aware of the country’s medication regulations.

While there are no restrictions on bringing medication into Vietnam for personal use, certain drugs may be considered illegal or require a prescription.

It’s recommended to check with the Vietnamese embassy or consulate in your home country before packing any medication.

In addition to vaccination regulations, transport options, and cultural differences, staying safe should also be a top priority when visiting Vietnam.

There are plenty of accommodation options available, ranging from budget hostels to luxury hotels.

With proper planning and consideration, travelers can have a safe and enjoyable trip to this beautiful Southeast Asian country.

3/ What Is The Best Time Of Year To Visit Vietnam?

When planning a trip to Vietnam, it’s important to consider the best time of year to visit.

The ideal time varies depending on what you want out of your trip.

If you’re looking for cooler temperatures and smaller crowds, then visiting during the winter months from November to February is recommended.

However, if you’re looking for cultural experiences such as the Lunar New Year celebration, then visiting during January or February is a must.

Regardless of when you choose to visit, keep in mind any luggage restrictions and transport options when packing for your trip.

Additionally, consider the cost of living and food options when budgeting for your stay in Vietnam.

With these factors in mind, you’ll be able to make the most out of your trip to this beautiful country.

4/ How Can I Avoid Scams And Tourist Traps In Vietnam?

When visiting Vietnam, it’s important to be mindful of scams and tourist traps that can put a damper on your trip.

To avoid falling victim to these scams, it’s best to brush up on haggling tips and become familiar with the local currency exchange rates.

Additionally, taking safety precautions such as being aware of your surroundings and avoiding carrying large amounts of cash can help keep you protected.

Cultural sensitivity is also essential, as communication barriers may arise due to language differences.

By respecting local customs and traditions and making an effort to learn basic phrases in Vietnamese, you’ll be able to navigate the country with ease and enjoy all that Vietnam has to offer without any unwanted surprises.

5/ Are There Any Specific Customs Or Etiquette I Should Be Aware Of When Travelling In Vietnam?

When travelling to Vietnam, it’s important to be aware of the customs and etiquette that are unique to this beautiful country.

Respecting elders is a key aspect of Vietnamese culture, so be sure to use formal titles when addressing them and show deference in your interactions.

Embracing the local culture is also highly recommended – try sampling some delicious street food, learn a few phrases in Vietnamese, and take part in traditional activities like a water puppet show.

It’s also important to be prepared when it comes to practical matters like currency exchange and packing lists. Make sure you have enough dong (the local currency) on hand for small transactions, and pack comfortable clothes that are appropriate for the hot and humid climate.

Finally, public transport is a great way to get around Vietnam – hop on a bus or train for an affordable and authentic experience!

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it – all the information you need to make your dream trip from Australia to Vietnam a reality. As someone who has been travelling between these two countries for years, I can confidently say that this is a journey that will reward you with unforgettable experiences and memories.

Firstly, let’s talk visas. Australian citizens are required to obtain a visa before entering Vietnam, but fortunately the process is relatively straightforward. Make sure you apply in advance and have all the necessary documents ready to go. And if you’re planning on bringing medication into the country, be aware of any restrictions and make sure you have a doctor’s note if necessary.

When it comes to choosing the best time of year to visit Vietnam, it really depends on what kind of experience you’re after. From December to February, northern Vietnam can get quite chilly, while southern Vietnam is hot and humid year-round. The rainy season runs from May to October, but don’t let that put you off – some travellers prefer this time of year for its lush greenery and fewer crowds.

One thing to keep in mind when travelling in Vietnam is the prevalence of scams and tourist traps, especially in popular destinations like Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City. But with a little caution and common sense (and by avoiding overly cheap deals), you should be able to avoid most of these pitfalls.

Finally, remember that Vietnamese culture has its own unique customs and etiquette that may differ from what you’re used to in Australia. For example, it’s considered rude to touch someone’s head or point with your feet. But don’t worry too much – locals are generally very forgiving of tourists who make innocent mistakes.

Overall, travel between Australia and Vietnam offers an incredible opportunity to discover new cultures and ways of life. With some careful planning and an open mind, your trip is sure to be one for the books!

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Custom Asia Travel

Vietnam Tours from Australia

Discover the beauty and culture of Vietnam with our exclusive Vietnam Tours from Australia. Immerse yourself in the wonders of this Southeast Asian gem as you explore vibrant cities, tranquil landscapes, and rich history. Our expertly crafted itineraries promise a journey like no other, from the bustling streets of Hanoi to the breathtaking Halong Bay, the ancient allure of Hoi An, and the historic treasures of Hue. Join us in creating unforgettable memories in Vietnam, where diverse experiences and warm hospitality await. Start your adventure today with our tailored tours designed for Australian travelers.

Highly Recommended Packages

Vietnam Highlights

14 Days/ 13 Nights

Southern Vietnam (4 nights) - Central Vietnam (4 nights) - Northern Vietnam (6 nights)

This is a private trip and it can be customised to meet your own requirements & preferrences.

Vietnam Discovery

18 Days/ 17 Nights

Southern Vietnam (3 nights) - Central Vietnam (5 nights) - Northern Vietnam (9 nights)

Glimpse of Vietnam

10 Days/ 9 Nights

Southern Vietnam (2 nights) - Central Vietnam (2 nights) - Northern Vietnam (5 nights)

World heritages Ha Long Bay

Crafting Your Dream Vietnam Adventure

Consult with Us for Tailor-Made Vietnam Tour Programs that Suit Your Tastes.

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Welcome to Custom Asia Travel! Your Gateway to Tailor-Made Vietnam Advent ures.

Welcome to a world where your travel dreams come to life – Custom Asia Travel, your premier consulting service for crafting personalized Vietnam tour programs. We understand that every traveler is unique, and so should be their journey. Our mission is to transform your vision of an ideal Vietnam adventure into a reality, ensuring an experience that goes beyond the ordinary.



Expertise in Vietnam Travel: At Custom Asia Travel, we don't just plan tours; we curate experiences. Our dedicated team of expert consultants specializes in designing Vietnam tours exclusively for American travelers. Here, you're not just a client; you're a co-creator of your own adventure. The beauty of Vietnam awaits, tailored to your preferences and desires.

Personalized Experiences: Your journey should reflect your desires. At Custom Asia Travel, we prioritize personalization. We go beyond generic itineraries, crafting a travel experience that aligns with your interests, preferences, and pace.


Tailored Itineraries: Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all travel. Our consultants work closely with you to understand your interests, preferences, and travel style, creating a personalized itinerary that reflects your unique tastes.

Access to Hidden Gems: Experience Vietnam like a local, discovering hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path treasures that most tourists miss. We unlock the secrets of this enchanting country, ensuring your journey is authentically Vietnamese.

Flexibility and Customization: Your journey, your rules. Enjoy the flexibility to customize your itinerary at every step. Want to linger a little longer in Hanoi or embark on an impromptu adventure? With us, it's all possible.

Night Drive

Get Your Trip Customized

1:1 Support |  Within 24h Response  |  Local Specialist

Embark on a travel experience as unique as you are. At Custom Asia Travel, we believe that the magic lies in the details, and your journey is no exception. Your time in Vietnam will be more than just a vacation; it will be a seamless blend of your interests, our expertise, and the rich tapestry of Vietnamese culture.

Are you ready to turn your Vietnam travel dreams into a reality? Let's embark on this exciting journey together.



5. Fine-Tuning and Finalization:

Fine-tune the details to ensure every aspect aligns with your vision.

4. Collaboration and Feedback:

Collaborate with your consultant, providing feedback to perfect your itinerary.

1. Imagine Your Dream Journey  

Share your aspirations, preferences, and travel dreams with us.

2. Connect with Your Personal Consultant: Matched with a dedicated consultant to guide you through the journey.

3. Tailoring Your Itinerary:

Meticulously craft a personalized itinerary based on your unique preferences.


Don't just take our word for it!

Hear what our fellow American travelers have to say. Our satisfied clients have experienced the magic of Custom Asia Travel firsthand. From the bustling streets of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) to the serene landscapes of Ha Long Bay, their stories speak volumes about the authenticity and excellence we bring to each journey.


14-Day Vietnam Highlights: 

Southern Vietnam (3 nights) - Central Vietnam (4 nights) - Northern Vietnam (6 nights)


Brief Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) - Overnight in Saigon

Day 2: City Tour & Cu Chi Tunnels - Overnight in Saigon

Day 3: Ho Chi Minh City - Mekong Delta - Overnight in Can Tho City

Day 4: Cai Rang Floating Market & Flying To Danang - Overnight in Hoi An

Day 5: Hoi An Experience - Overnight in Hoi An

Day 6: Hoi An at Leisure - Overnight in Hoi An

Day 7: Hoi An - Hue (Tour of the Ancient Citadel) - Overnight in Hue

Day 8: Tour of the Imperial Tombs & Pagoda - Fly to Hanoi - Overnight in Hanoi

Day 9: Hanoi City Tour - Overnight in Hanoi

Day 10: Hanoi - Sapa - Overnight in Sapa

Day 11: Sapa - Hanoi - Overnight in Hanoi

Day 12: Hanoi - Halong Bay Overnight Cruise - Overnight on a cruise

Day 13: Halong Bay - Hanoi - Overnight in Hanoi

Day 14: Departure From Hanoi - Good bye Vietnam

To receive the comprehensive day-to-day itinerary, kindly fill out the custom form below. We will promptly send it to your email, along with an estimated cost for the trip. It's important to note that our consultation service comes at no cost to you !


The 14-Day Trip Gallery

Boat ride in Mekong Delta


(Click on the gallery to view all the pictures)

Bun Bo Hue, Hue's Specialty


An Overnight Boat in Halong Bay, Northern Vietnam


Importance of Personalized Experiences:

Your journey is as unique as you are. Our commitment to personalization goes beyond the ordinary. We understand that your travel preferences are as diverse as the landscapes of Vietnam, and we tailor your itinerary to match, ensuring an experience that feels exclusively yours.


Our Knowledge, Your Journey

Our expert consultants bring a wealth of knowledge about Vietnam and a keen understanding of the preferences of travelers from the United States.


Fiona Phuong


Minh Ninh


Susan Hien

Click on the pictures/ name to read some information about them

Travelling in America

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yoga on beach

Date of Experience: Mar 2023


We highly recommend Custom Asia Travel for your trip to Southeast Asia! They provided a great combination of visiting historical and religious sites, temples, and also cultural connections in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia that we could have never made on our own. Our local guides were informative, and shared personal experiences that made our journey meaningful. We asked for an active trip, and Custom Asia Travel tailored our request with biking, kayaking and hiking. We enjoyed local cuisine in Laos, and were amazed by the history and significance of the temples in Cambodia, experienced via a beautiful bike tour.

Angkor thom gate

We did a day trip in a Jeep in Ninh Binh with Thu, which included Trang An, Hang Mua, Bich Dong and Tam Coc. Thu was an amazing tour guide and was extremely helpful throughout the whole day, organising everything from start to finish and giving us insightful information about the things we saw, as well as life in Vietnam and it’s history more generally! The lunch was also great and the day turned out to be one of the best days of our trip! Couldn’t recommend Thu enough 😊

Cao Bang Karst Geopark

We had an amazing time! Me and my friends visited the Halong/Lan Ha Bay and the Dry Halong Bay. Everything was perfectly organized & all the pick-ups were punctual. The guide and driver were very nice. The cruise ship and the eco lodge, in which we stayed, were great. The staff was very friendly and everything was clean. We can definitely recommend booking a trip with Custom Asia Travel! The organisation and contact with the company was great before, during and after the trip.



The consultation process for a tailor-made tour is a crucial step that ensures the travel experience is personalized to meet the unique preferences and desires of the traveler. Here's a breakdown of how the consultation process typically works:

1. Initial Contact:

a. Inquiry Submission: Travelers initiate the process by submitting an inquiry, expressing their interest in a tailor-made tour. This can be done through the tour operator's website, email, or other communication channels.

b. Response from the Tour Operator: The tour operator acknowledges the inquiry and provides initial information about the tailor-made tour services.

2. Assignment of a Dedicated Consultant:

a. Matching Process: A dedicated travel consultant is assigned to the traveler based on their interests, preferences, and the destination of interest (in this case, Vietnam).

b. Introduction: The consultant reaches out to the traveler, introducing themselves and providing information about the consultation process.

3. Information Gathering:

a. Traveler's Preferences: The consultant engages in a conversation to understand the traveler's preferences, interests, and travel style. This may include questions about preferred destinations, types of activities, accommodation preferences, and travel pace.

b. Special Interests: In-depth discussions may take place regarding any special interests or specific experiences the traveler is seeking, such as cultural immersion, adventure activities, or culinary experiences.

c. Budget and Logistics: The consultant discusses budget considerations and logistical details, ensuring that the proposed tailor-made tour aligns with the traveler's financial expectations and practical considerations.

4. Itinerary Design:

a. Proposal Creation: Based on the information gathered, the consultant creates a preliminary itinerary that reflects the traveler's preferences. This may include details on destinations, activities, accommodation options, and transportation.

b. Collaboration: The proposed itinerary is shared with the traveler for review and feedback. Collaboration takes place to refine the itinerary based on the traveler's input.

a. Iterative Process: The itinerary goes through iterative revisions, with the consultant fine-tuning details based on the traveler's feedback.

b. Finalization: Once the traveler is satisfied with the proposed itinerary, the final version is prepared and presented.

6. Confirmation and Booking:

a. Confirmation: The traveler confirms their intention to proceed with the tailor-made tour based on the finalized itinerary.

b. Booking Arrangements: The consultant makes the necessary bookings for accommodations, activities, and transportation as outlined in the confirmed itinerary.


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This inquiry comes with absolutely no cost. There is no need for a credit card at this stage, and you are not obligated in any way.

Vietnam Tour Packages

Vietnam – where culture meets modernity.

Paradisal landscapes, intoxicating food markets, misty mountain villages and fast-growing metropolises – Vietnam is an amalgamation of traditions and technology & culture and modernity. Wrapped around by jade-coloured waters, Vietnamese landscape is blessed with insanely tranquil beauty in every square foot of its land.

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Whether it’s the surreal limestone-surrounded seascape, world’s most complex cave system in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, impressively stunning scenery or the mind-numbing hustle of a fast-growing metropolis – A trip to Vietnam will leave you with an overload of sensory pleasure. Embark on a never-before-taken voyage with our exclusive Vietnam tours.

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At Asia Travels, we believe that just like an exclusive work of art, a holiday package should be tailor-made to ensure each detail resonates with your idea of a perfect holiday. Whether you want to go on adrenaline-filled kitesurfing over the ocean waves off the Mui Ne or revisit the history by witnessing the ancient temples; our Vietnam tour is a complete package!

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  • Tailored Packages from Top to Tail for an Unforgettable Holiday 

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  • Impressive Itineraries 

Our Vietnam holiday packages from Australia are well thought out. We provide travellers with ample opportunities to explore and experience the diverse Vietnamese landscape and culture. Combined with safety concerns and knowledge of local customs, we assure quality holidays in Vietnam.

For more details on holiday packages to Vietnam from Australia, contact us today.

Sample Itineraries for your Referance…

Get inspired with our sample tour itineraries as append below. You can have any tour, tailor-made for your private travel.

  • Any Number of Days.
  • Any Departure Date
  • Any Experiences you want.

Vietnam Holiday Packages

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Get Visa Vietnam


Travel to vietnam from australia: visa, flights, tips + budget.

Vietnam, a captivating destination in Southeast Asia, has long been a popular choice for Australian travelers. With its stunning natural landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant cities, Vietnam offers an unforgettable experience for those seeking adventure, relaxation, or both. Whether you’re planning your first trip or a return visit, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to make the most of your travel to Vietnam from Australia .

Vietnam Friendly to Tourists

Vietnam Friendly to Tourists

Planning Your Vietnam Adventure: A Comprehensive Guide for Australians

Deciding on the perfect time to visit vietnam.

When it comes to planning your trip to Vietnam , the timing of your visit can greatly influence your experience. Vietnam’s diverse climate and geography mean that different regions offer their own unique charms throughout the year. Consider the following factors when choosing the best time to visit:

  • Peak Season : The peak tourist season in Vietnam typically runs from November to April, when the weather is generally cooler and drier in the north and central regions. This is a popular time for Australians to visit, so be prepared for larger crowds and higher prices.
  • Shoulder Season : The shoulder seasons, from May to June and September to October, can be an excellent time to visit. Prices are often lower, and you’ll encounter fewer tourists, but the weather can be more unpredictable, with the possibility of increased rainfall.
  • Monsoon Season : The monsoon season, from July to August, brings heavy rains to much of the country. While this may not be the ideal time for beach-focused vacations, it can be a great time to explore the country’s lush, green landscapes and enjoy fewer crowds.

Deciding on Your Itinerary: Highlights and Must-See Destinations

Vietnam’s diverse landscape and rich cultural heritage offer a wealth of destinations and experiences for travelers. When planning your itinerary, consider the following must-see spots:

  • Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) : Vietnam’s largest and most dynamic city, Ho Chi Minh City, offers a vibrant blend of modern and historic attractions, from the bustling Ben Thanh Market to the iconic Notre-Dame Cathedral.
  • Hanoi : The capital city of Vietnam, Hanoi, is a captivating mix of French colonial architecture, ancient temples, and lively street life. Explore the charming Old Quarter, visit the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, and enjoy the city’s renowned cuisine.
  • Halong Bay : One of Vietnam’s most iconic natural wonders, Halong Bay is known for its stunning limestone islands and emerald-green waters. Consider taking a multi-day cruise to fully appreciate the breathtaking scenery.
  • Hoi An : This well-preserved historic town is renowned for its charming old town, colorful lanterns, and thriving tailoring industry. Explore the traditional architecture, stroll along the Thu Bon River, and indulge in the local cuisine.
  • Sapa : Located in the mountainous northern region, Sapa is a highlight for nature lovers, offering breathtaking landscapes, trekking opportunities, and the chance to immerse yourself in the culture of ethnic minority groups.

Budgeting for Your Vietnam Adventure

One of the key considerations for Australians traveling to Vietnam is the overall cost of the trip. Fortunately, Vietnam is generally more affordable compared to many other popular destinations, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious travelers. When planning your budget, consider the following factors:

  • Flights : Flights from Australia to Vietnam can vary significantly in price, depending on the season, departure city, and airline. Research and book well in advance to secure the best deals, you can find relatively cheap flights to Vietnam even during the high season.
  • Accommodation : Vietnam offers a wide range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly hostels and guesthouses to luxurious resorts. Prices can range from as little as $10 per night for basic lodging to $100 or more per night for high-end hotels.
  • Food and Dining : Vietnamese cuisine is renowned for its freshness, flavor, and affordability. You can enjoy delicious local meals for as little as $2-$5 per dish, with the option to splurge on higher-end restaurants as well.
  • Transportation : Getting around Vietnam can be very affordable, with options like local buses, trains, and ride-sharing services available. Domestic flights can also be a cost-effective way to cover larger distances within the country.
  • Activities and Attractions : Many of Vietnam’s top attractions, such as museums, temples, and natural wonders, have relatively low entry fees, making it possible to experience the country’s highlights without breaking the bank.

By considering these factors and planning your budget accordingly, you can enjoy a fantastic Vietnam adventure without overspending.

Visa Requirements for Australians Traveling to Vietnam

Before embarking on your trip to Vietnam, it’s essential to ensure that you have the necessary visa requirements in order. As an Australian citizen, you will need to obtain a visa to enter Vietnam, and there are a few different options available:

Vietnam Visa on Arrival

One of the most convenient visa options for Australians is the Vietnam Visa on Arrival (VOA). This allows you to apply for and obtain your visa upon arrival at designated Vietnamese international airports. To apply for a VOA, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  • Apply for a Vietnam Visa Approval Letter : You can apply for this letter online through a specialized visa service provider. This letter will serve as your pre-approval for the visa on arrival.
  • Pay the Visa Stamping Fee : Upon arrival at the airport in Vietnam, you’ll need to pay the visa stamping fee, which is typically around $25-$50 USD, depending on the length of your stay.
  • Receive Your Visa : After completing the necessary paperwork and paying the fee, you’ll receive your Vietnam visa, which will be stamped in your passport.

Vietnam e-Visa

Another convenient option for Australians is the Vietnam e-Visa , which allows you to apply and pay for your visa online before your trip. The e-Visa is valid for a maximum of 30 days and can be obtained through the official Vietnamese government website. The application process is straightforward, and you’ll receive your visa electronically, which you can then print out and present upon arrival in Vietnam.

Traditional Visa Application

If you prefer, you can also apply for a traditional Vietnamese visa through the Vietnamese embassy or consulate in Australia . This process typically involves submitting a completed application form, passport, passport photos, and the necessary visa fee. The processing time for a traditional visa can take several weeks, so it’s essential to plan ahead.

Regardless of the visa option you choose, it’s essential to ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond the dates of your intended stay in Vietnam. Additionally, be sure to check the latest visa requirements and application procedures, as they may be subject to change.

Getting to Vietnam from Australia: Flight Options and Costs

Traveling from Australia to Vietnam is relatively straightforward, with a range of flight options and routes available. Here’s a closer look at the various flight options and expected costs:

Direct Flights from Australia to Vietnam

Several major airlines offer direct flights from Australia to Vietnam, with the most common routes connecting major Australian cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) and Hanoi. Some of the airlines that operate direct flights include:

  • Vietnam Airlines : Offers direct flights from Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane to Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.
  • Qantas : Operates direct flights from Sydney to Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Jetstar : Provides direct flights from Melbourne and Sydney to Ho Chi Minh City.

The flight time for a direct Australia to Vietnam route typically ranges from 8 to 10 hours, depending on your departure and arrival cities.

Indirect Flights with Stopovers

In addition to direct flights, there are also numerous indirect flight options with stopovers in other cities, such as Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, or Hong Kong. These flights may be more affordable, but the total travel time will be longer, with the stopover duration often ranging from 1 to 6 hours.

Estimated Flight Costs

The cost of flights from Australia to Vietnam can vary significantly depending on factors such as the departure city, airline, travel dates, and class of travel. As a general guideline, you can expect the following:

  • Economy Class : Flights in economy class can range from $600 to $1,200 per person, with prices typically being higher during peak travel seasons.
  • Business Class : Flights in business class can range from $1,500 to $3,000 per person, depending on the airline and travel dates.
  • First Class : For those seeking ultimate comfort and luxury, first-class flights can cost upwards of $3,000 per person.

It’s important to note that these are just rough estimates, and prices can fluctuate based on market conditions and availability. To find the best deals, it’s recommended to book your flights well in advance and be flexible with your travel dates.

Essential Travel Tips for Vietnam: Currency, Safety, and Culture

Preparing for your Vietnam adventure involves more than just booking flights and accommodations. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the local currency, safety considerations, and cultural etiquette. Here are some essential travel tips to keep in mind:

Navigating the Vietnamese Dong

The official currency in Vietnam is the Vietnamese Dong (VND). While the conversion rate may seem daunting at first, with 1 AUD equaling approximately 16,000 VND, understanding the currency can make your financial transactions much easier.

  • Cash and ATMs : It’s recommended to carry a mix of Vietnamese Dong and Australian Dollars, as many establishments, especially in urban areas, will accept both. ATMs are widely available in major cities, making it easy to withdraw local currency as needed.
  • Exchanging Currency : You can exchange your Australian Dollars for Vietnamese Dong at banks, authorized exchange offices, or even at your hotel. Be sure to shop around for the best exchange rates.
  • Tipping : Tipping is not as widely expected in Vietnam as it is in some other countries, but it is generally appreciated, especially in tourist-oriented businesses. A tip of 5-10% is considered appropriate.

Ensuring Your Safety in Vietnam

Vietnam is generally a safe destination for travelers, but it’s always important to take precautions and be aware of your surroundings. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Petty Crime : Be mindful of your belongings, especially in crowded areas, as pick pocketing and bag snatching can occur. Keep valuables secure and avoid flaunting expensive items.
  • Traffic Safety : Vietnam’s bustling cities are renowned for their chaotic traffic, so exercise caution when crossing the streets and use designated pedestrian crossings whenever possible.
  • Health and Medical Care : Research and purchase comprehensive travel insurance before your trip, as it can provide valuable coverage in the event of illness or injury. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the location of hospitals and medical facilities in the areas you’ll be visiting.

Respecting Vietnamese Culture and Etiquette

To have a more rewarding and respectful experience in Vietnam, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the local culture and customs. Here are some key considerations:

  • Dress Appropriately : When visiting temples and religious sites, dress conservatively, covering your shoulders and knees.
  • Gestures and Body Language : Avoid pointing your feet at others, as this is considered rude. Also, be mindful of your hand gestures, as some may have different meanings in Vietnamese culture.
  • Photographing Locals : Always ask for permission before taking photos of Vietnamese people, especially in rural areas or when they are engaged in traditional activities.
  • Bargaining Etiquette : Bargaining is common in Vietnam, especially at markets and with street vendors. However, be respectful and avoid aggressive negotiation tactics.

By familiarizing yourself with these essential tips, you’ll be better equipped to navigate Vietnam’s unique culture and customs, ensuring a more enriching and respectful travel experience.

Must-See Destinations in Vietnam for Australian Travelers

Vietnam’s diverse landscape and rich cultural heritage offer a wealth of destinations and experiences for Australian travelers. Here are some of the must-see spots that should be on your itinerary:

Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)

As Vietnam’s largest city, Ho Chi Minh City (formerly known as Saigon) is a vibrant and dynamic destination that seamlessly blends the old and the new. Explore the bustling streets of the city center, visit the iconic Notre-Dame Cathedral, and immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of the Ben Thanh Market.

The capital city of Vietnam, Hanoi, is a captivating mix of French colonial architecture and ancient temples. Wander through the charming Old Quarter, visit the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, and enjoy the city’s renowned street food and café culture.

One of Vietnam’s most iconic natural wonders, Halong Bay is known for its stunning limestone islands and emerald-green waters. Consider taking a multi-day cruise to fully appreciate the breathtaking scenery and explore the region’s hidden coves and caves.

This well-preserved historic town is renowned for its charming old town, colorful lanterns, and thriving tailoring industry. Explore the traditional architecture, stroll along the Thu Bon River, and indulge in the local cuisine, which is heavily influenced by both Vietnamese and Chinese culinary traditions.

Located in the mountainous northern region, Sapa is a highlight for nature lovers, offering breathtaking landscapes, trekking opportunities, and the chance to immerse yourself in the culture of ethnic minority groups, such as the H’mong and Dao people.

This coastal city is a popular beach destination, known for its stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and excellent scuba diving and snorkeling opportunities. Relax on the sandy shores, explore the nearby islands, and indulge in the fresh seafood.

Mekong Delta

The Mekong Delta, often referred to as the “rice bowl of Vietnam,” is a lush, verdant region where the Mekong River branches out into a vast network of waterways. Explore the floating markets, visit traditional villages, and experience the unique way of life of the local people.

By exploring these must-see destinations, you’ll be able to fully immerse yourself in Vietnam’s diverse cultural, natural, and historical wonders, creating unforgettable memories during your Australian adventure.

Experiencing Vietnam on a Budget: Accommodation, Food, and Transportation

One of the major draws of Vietnam for Australian travelers is its relative affordability, making it possible to experience the country’s many wonders without breaking the bank. Here’s a closer look at how to make the most of your Vietnam adventure on a budget:

Accommodation Options

Vietnam offers a wide range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly hostels and guesthouses to luxurious resorts. Here are some tips for finding the best deals:

  • Hostels : Vietnam has a thriving hostel scene, especially in popular tourist hubs like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. Expect to pay as little as $5-$15 per night for a dorm bed.
  • Guesthouses and Budget Hotels : For a more private experience, consider staying in a guesthouse or budget hotel, which can range from $10-$30 per night for a double room.
  • Airbnb and Vacation Rentals : Vacation rentals and Airbnb properties can offer great value, especially if you’re traveling in a group or looking for more space and amenities.
  • Splurge on a Luxury Resort : If you’re feeling indulgent, Vietnam has a range of high-end resorts and hotels, often at a fraction of the cost of similar accommodations in other parts of the world.

Affordable Dining Options

Vietnamese cuisine is renowned for its fresh, flavorful, and affordable offerings. Here are some tips for eating on a budget:

  • Street Food : Sampling the vibrant street food scene is one of the best ways to experience authentic Vietnamese cuisine at a fraction of the cost of restaurant meals. Look for bustling local markets and street stalls.
  • Local Restaurants : Family-owned and local Vietnamese restaurants offer delicious, budget-friendly meals, often for just a few dollars per dish.
  • Supermarkets and Convenience Stores : For self-catering, make use of the well-stocked supermarkets and convenience stores to stock up on snacks, fruits, and other supplies.

Budget-Friendly Transportation

Getting around Vietnam can be very affordable, with a range of transportation options available:

  • Local Buses : Vietnam has an extensive network of local buses that can take you to destinations across the country for just a few dollars.
  • Trains : The train system in Vietnam is a convenient and affordable way to travel between major cities, with sleeper trains available for longer journeys.
  • Ride-Sharing Services : Apps like Grab (the Southeast Asian equivalent of Uber) offer a budget-friendly way to get around urban areas.
  • Domestic Flights : For longer distances, consider booking domestic flights, which can sometimes be more affordable than taking the train or bus.

By taking advantage of these budget-friendly accommodation, dining, and transportation options, you can experience the best ofVietnam without overspending, allowing you to stretch your Australian dollar further and enjoy more of what this beautiful country has to offer.

Adventure in Vietnam: Trekking, Diving, and Exploring the Great Outdoors

For Australian travelers seeking adventure and outdoor experiences, Vietnam is a playground waiting to be explored. From trekking in the lush mountains of the north to diving in the crystal-clear waters of the south, here are some thrilling activities to add to your Vietnam itinerary:

Trekking in Sapa and Mai Chau

The mountainous regions of Sapa and Mai Chau in northern Vietnam offer some of the best trekking opportunities in the country. Hike through terraced rice fields, bamboo forests, and traditional villages, interacting with ethnic minority communities along the way. Don’t miss the chance to conquer Fansipan, the highest peak in Indochina.

Diving and Snorkeling in Nha Trang and Phu Quoc

With its clear waters and diverse marine life, Vietnam is a fantastic destination for underwater exploration. Head to Nha Trang or Phu Quoc to discover vibrant coral reefs, colorful fish, and even shipwrecks. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or a first-time snorkeler, there are options for all skill levels.

Caving in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park

Unleash your inner explorer by venturing into the vast network of caves in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park. Marvel at spectacular limestone formations, underground rivers, and intriguing biodiversity as you navigate through these ancient subterranean wonders. The Son Doong Cave, the world’s largest cave passage, is a must-see for intrepid adventurers.

Motorbiking along the Ho Chi Minh Trail

Embark on an unforgettable motorbike journey along the historic Ho Chi Minh Trail, a network of roads traversing Vietnam from north to south. Wind your way through dramatic landscapes, remote villages, and cultural sites, immersing yourself in the country’s history and natural beauty along the way. Rent a bike or join a guided tour for an adrenaline-pumping experience.

Rock Climbing in Cat Ba and Ha Long Bay

For thrill-seekers looking to conquer new heights, rock climbing in Cat Ba and Ha Long Bay offers stunning views and challenging routes against a backdrop of limestone cliffs and emerald waters. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced climber, there are options for all levels, making it a great way to combine adventure and scenery.

Whether you’re trekking through the mountains, diving into the depths of the ocean, or exploring hidden caves, Vietnam offers a plethora of exhilarating outdoor activities for adventurous Australian travelers looking to push their boundaries and create unforgettable memories.

Vietnamese Cuisine: A Culinary Journey for Australian Foodies

Vietnamese cuisine is a delightful blend of flavors, textures, and colors that will tantalize your taste buds. From street food stalls to high-end restaurants, here are some culinary experiences not to miss:

  • Pho : A quintessential Vietnamese dish, pho is a flavorful noodle soup made with broth, rice noodles, herbs, and your choice of meat (usually beef or chicken). Enjoyed throughout the day, this comforting dish is a must-try.
  • Banh Mi : A fusion of French and Vietnamese culinary influences, banh mi is a delicious sandwich filled with savory ingredients like pate, pork, pickled vegetables, and fresh herbs, all tucked into a crispy baguette.
  • Goi Cuon : Also known as fresh spring rolls, goi cuon features shrimp, pork, herbs, and vermicelli noodles wrapped in rice paper. Dip these light and healthy rolls in tangy fish sauce for a burst of flavor.
  • Bun Cha : Originating from Hanoi, bun cha consists of grilled pork served with rice noodles, fresh herbs, and a sweet and savory dipping sauce. This dish is a favorite among locals and visitors alike.
  • Ca Phe Trung : For a sweet treat, indulge in ca phe trung, or egg coffee. This creamy concoction combines strong Vietnamese coffee with whipped egg yolks and condensed milk for a decadent caffeine fix.

Exploring Vietnam’s vibrant street food scene, sampling regional specialties, and learning about the country’s culinary traditions are essential parts of any Australian foodie’s journey through this gastronomic paradise.

Navigating Vietnam’s Diverse Landscape: Transportation Options

Vietnam’s diverse landscape, from bustling cities to serene countryside, is best explored through a variety of transportation options. Here are some ways to navigate the country efficiently:

  • Motorbikes : Renting a motorbike is a popular choice for exploring Vietnam’s cities and rural areas. Be sure to wear a helmet, follow traffic rules, and embrace the exhilarating experience of weaving through chaotic traffic.
  • Cyclos and Xe Oms : For a unique mode of transportation, take a cyclo (a pedal-powered tricycle) or xe om (motorcycle taxi) for short distances or leisurely city tours. Negotiate prices beforehand to avoid surprises.
  • Public Buses : Vietnam’s extensive network of public buses is a cost-effective way to travel between cities and regions. While schedules may vary, buses offer a glimpse into local life and scenery along the way.
  • Boats and Ferries : With its long coastline and network of rivers, Vietnam offers picturesque boat and ferry rides to explore islands, floating markets, and Mekong Delta waterways. Opt for a cruise or join a local boat tour for an authentic experience.
  • Domestic Flights : When time is limited, domestic flights are a convenient option for traveling between major cities in Vietnam. Several airlines operate daily flights, making it easy to cover long distances quickly.

By combining different modes of transportation, you can traverse Vietnam’s diverse landscape with ease, whether you’re navigating bustling streets, cruising along waterways, or soaring above the countryside, creating a memorable and immersive travel experience.

Returning Home: Things to Consider Before Leaving Vietnam

As your Vietnam adventure comes to an end, there are several important things to consider before leaving the country. Here are some essential tips for wrapping up your trip:

Currency Exchange and Souvenir Shopping

Before departing Vietnam, exchange any remaining Vietnamese dong (VND) for your home currency at authorized currency exchange counters or banks. If you plan to buy souvenirs or gifts, haggle politely at markets and shops to secure the best prices.

Airport and Departure Procedures

Arrive at the airport well in advance of your departure time to allow for check-in, security procedures, and customs clearance. Keep your departure card and any necessary documents handy for smooth processing.

Cultural Etiquette and Respectful Behavior

During your final days in Vietnam, continue to show respect for local customs and traditions. Dress modestly when visiting religious sites, refrain from public displays of affection, and greet people with a friendly smile and a nod of the head.

Health and Well-Being

If you’ve been exploring remote areas or participating in outdoor activities, monitor your health for any signs of illness or discomfort. Stay hydrated, protect yourself from the sun, and seek medical attention if needed before flying home.

Reflecting on Your Experiences

Take time to reflect on your journey through Vietnam, from the bustling streets of Hanoi to the tranquil waters of Ha Long Bay. Document your memories through photos, journal entries, or conversations with fellow travelers, preserving the highlights of your adventure.

As you prepare to bid farewell to Vietnam and return home to Australia, carry with you the warmth of Vietnamese hospitality, the flavors of its cuisine, and the echoes of its rich history, knowing that you’ve embarked on a transformative travel experience that will stay with you for years to come.

Embarking on a Vietnam adventure as an Australian traveler opens up a world of possibilities, from savoring delectable street food to trekking through breathtaking landscapes and immersing yourself in the country’s vibrant culture. By planning ahead, understanding visa requirements, exploring budget-friendly options, and embracing new experiences, you can make the most of your time in Vietnam and create lasting memories.

Whether you’re seeking adrenaline-pumping outdoor adventures, culinary delights, cultural discoveries, or simply a relaxing beach getaway, Vietnam offers something for every type of traveler. So pack your bags, set out on your own Vietnam adventure, and prepare to be captivated by the beauty and diversity of this Southeast Asian gem. Safe travels, and may your journey be filled with unforgettable moments and enriching experiences!


First Time Travel Tips in Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam

First Time Travel Tips in Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam

48 Hours in Hoang Su Phi: Rice Terraces and Cultural Charm

48 Hours in Hoang Su Phi: Rice Terraces and Cultural Charm

Planning Your Sapa Trip. How Long Is Enough?

Planning Your Sapa Trip. How Long Is Enough?

China – Vietnam Border Crossings Essential Information

China – Vietnam Border Crossings Essential Information

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Traveling from australia to vietnam in 2022: what you need to know.

travel vietnam australia

Starting on March 15, 2022, Vietnam opened its borders to people traveling from Australia to Vietnam. Before heading out on your Vietnamese adventure, it’s essential to plan ahead for COVID-19 quarantine, testing, and rules. As Australians, there are specific rules you must follow when re-entering Australia.

From touring the Hanoi Old Quarter to shopping at the Ben Thanh Market, Vietnam has a wealth of must-see destinations for visitors. Before you can spend the day sunbathing at Nha Trang, you have to plan out the best way to travel between Vietnam and Australia.

Entering Vietnam and Reentering Australia

When traveling from Australia to Vietnam, you no longer have to take a COVID-19 test before you travel. There are health screening procedures at ports of entry, but you don’t have to take a special test beforehand. Before traveling, you should get medical or travel insurance for US$10,000 in liability and coverage for COVID-19.

While medical declarations and negative COVID-19 tests are no longer required, you are expected to wear a mask in Vietnam. For local changes and updates, pay attention to the local news.

When returning to Australia, you no longer need to get a COVID-19 test. However, local governments, airlines, and transport authorities may have special requirements. While vaccinated travelers generally don’t have to quarantine, this isn’t true for unvaccinated travelers.

Unless you are the flight crew, you will have to fill out Australia’s Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD) when you arrive. Many states no longer have quarantine rules, but this varies from state to state. For example, the Australian Capital Territory doesn’t have any special requirements, but New South Wales requires isolation until you receive a negative test result.

Getting Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Testing in Vietnam

While you don’t have to get a PCR or antigen test before or after arriving in Vietnam, you may want to get a test if you begin feeling sick. Fortunately, PCR tests are readily available everywhere. Once you take your test, you can generally get your results within 24 hours.

How COVID-19 Treatment and Quarantine Work in Vietnam

If you get sick after traveling during your Australia to Vietnam trip, there are COVID-19 treatment options available in Vietnam. Public hospitals don’t always take foreign patients, so you should try to find an international or private hospital.

After testing positive, you are required to self-quarantine. Depending on the number of vaccinations you have had, your quarantine must last for 5 to 10 days. Each province has specific rules, so it’s important to check the rules for your local area if you do test positive.

Transportation Options in Vietnam

Currently, Jetstar, Vietnam Airlines, Bamboo Airways, Singapore Airlines, and Scoot all have flights going from Australia to Vietnam. Flights may be limited, so you should reserve your ticket early. Once you are in Vietnam, you can use public transportation as long as you are wearing a mask and following any local restrictions.

Movement Restrictions in Vietnam

There are no movement restrictions in place at this time. Because the on-the-ground situation can change based on caseloads, it’s important to stay up to date about potential changes.

Fines for Non-Compliance With COVID-19 Restrictions

When traveling from Australia to Vietnam, you should do your best to comply with local rules and restrictions. If you don’t comply with these rules, you could face penalties and fines. These may include criminal as well as administrative penalties.

According to a government decree from 2020, people who don’t take personal protective measures may be fined for non-compliance. The fines can vary based on the location and the violation, but the following are some examples of the maximum fine for different violations.

  • Not wearing a mask in public: VNĐ3 million (US$132)
  • Deliberately hiding your health status: VNĐ20 million (US$876)
  • Escaping or breaking quarantine protocols: VNĐ20 million (US$876) and up to 12 years imprisonment if these actions lead to infections

Consular Options for Australians

If you need help while traveling in Vietnam, you can visit the Consulate General of Australia in Ho Chi Minh City or the Australian Embassy in Hanoi. Currently, the consulate is only offering notarial and passport services by appointment.

Traveling From Australia to Vietnam

Before you travel from Australia to Vietnam, it’s important to be aware of any restrictions. Because many flights are booked far in advance, you should also arrange your transportation as early as possible. With a little planning, you can enjoy a relaxing adventure in Vietnam.

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Travel Vietnam is your trusted booking agent specialising in both Premium Group Tours as well as Exclusive Private Tours showcasing the most beautiful and enriching parts of Vietnam. Our aim is to totally immerse our guests in the true Vietnamese experience of warm hospitality, stunning landscapes, rich history and getting our guests in touch with the incredible people that make this breathtaking country so welcoming and rich with culture. Whether it be immersing our guests in the incredible city of Ho Chi Minh or visiting the jaw dropping Halong Bay with its picture postcard scenery, our tour providers will give you the most unforgettable, locals-only experience that you will cherish for a lifetime. No group is too large or small, we handle all guest numbers, and all our tour operations are open to all ages and ability levels. 

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We provide premium group tours and exclusive private tours.

Discover The Beauty of Vietnam


Travel Vietnam Exclusive Tours

Unforgettable private tours showcasing the best of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Real experiences, true locals, lifelong memories. Choose one of our featured tours or get in touch and allow us to cater a bespoke tour to your exact specifications. Travel Vietnam understands that a great tour guide can make your time in Vietnam and Indochina a magical experience. Our tour guides are passionate about their homeland and culture and eager to share their knowledge and experience of this fascinating part of the world. These Exclusive Private Tours are developed to be exciting and interchangeable. Your travelling schedule can be altered according to your interests and priorities. These tours do not follow a hardline schedule of timings and schedules but instead allow room for extra time spent in places you love or the ability to personalise your experience more. Our tour guides are at your disposure to ensure you have the most memorable trip of your life.

Travel Vietnam Premium Tours


Our group tours are immersive, enriching and will offer experiences our guests will never forget. We operate SIC (Seat In Couch Tours). How do these work? These are daily departures where we book all of your internal flights, hotels, tours/events & transfers. Just follow our carefully planned schedule and let us do the work! There is no travelling in packs , you may meet one group of people on a street food tour for example and another group on a Mekong Delta tour. Transfers are often private and the tour portions of the journey are by group. This gives you maximum chance to share your experiences with lots of like-minded travelers. Simply choose your accommodation at three, four or five star   standard depending on your preference and budget. Our tours are extremely well organised and excellent value for money. Please let us do the work for you so you can start relaxing long before your journey begins!

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TRAVEL to VIETNAM – Tips and Information Guide (2024 Edition)

Everything you need to know about travel to Vietnam in our comprehensive 2024 Vietnam travel guide.

We get it. You’re wondering what the absolute best destination to travel in Southeast Asia is.

You’ve spent hours researching.

Talked to friends.

Scoured the internet for blogs.

Watched YouTube videos.

And you’ve finally realised something.

Without a doubt, Vietnam is the place for you.

And trust us, as a couple that have travelled the world for over a decade, we think you’ve made the right decision.

There’s a reason Vietnam is our all-time favourite country…

From the tropical coral reefs of Nha Trang to the northern mountains of Sa Pa, travel to Vietnam is one of the most adventurous yet culturally empowering experiences you can have.

One moment you will find yourself haggling for  banh mi  deep within Saigon and later that day you could be watching a breathtaking sunset from the Mekong Delta.

Vietnam is more than a country. It’s an experience.

You’ll find yourself immersed among street food vendors cooking up exotic cuisines such as  pho  along streets with stores selling suits and ties.

Or you’ll be cruising the waters of Halong Bay while monkeys jump from island to island.

Or you might find yourself trekking to the highest peak in Vietnam, Fansipan soaring to over 3,100 metres!

Not into adventure activities? Homestays are the perfect way to spend your day as the monsoon rains fall across the endless snaking rivers of the Mekong.

Vietnamese hospitality is unrivalled and is something that you should experience once in your life, so what are you waiting for? Say good morning Vietnam! And go get lost!

So we’ve convinced you to travel to Vietnam? Awesome!

Now check out the basic information about the country in our Vietnam travel guide.

Grey Pic

25 BEST Things to Do in Hue, Vietnam (2024 Edition)

The perfect vietnam itinerary for 1, 2, or 3 weeks, canyoning in dalat – what it is really like, travelling in vietnam: at a glance.

Here are the basics about travel to Vietnam.


Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Da Nang, Hue

Vietnamese Dong (see  current exchange rate ). 1USD approximately = 23,000 dong. 1 beer = 30,000 dong ($1.30USD)


Travellers from most countries in the world are required to have visas. In most cases these can be obtained upon arrival for either 3 or 6 months. For information about your specific visa requirements click  here.

Vietnam is fairly safe for travellers. Petty theft tends to be the biggest concern and always be on the lookout for taxi scams. Also of concern are minor auto/motorbike accidents. This is one place it’s great to have travel insurance when visiting.


220 Volt at 50Hz. Power plugs – Type A: 2 vertical pins, Type C: 2 round pins, Type F (also known as Schuko plug): 2 round pins (Be sure to get your  universal travel adapter  before you leave)


Intercity travel is possible by plane, train and bus. Within cities, towns and villages you can expect to get around on bicycle rickshaws, motorbike taxes, taxis and bus.

Don’t Forget to Pack the Most Important Thing: Travel Insurance !


With so much to see and do in Vietnam, it really is hard to pick the top experiences.

However, we think that to truly appreciate Vietnam you need to plan to do these 5 activities during your visit.

Take the Overnight Train from Hanoi to Sapa

Said to be one of the most eye-opening train rides in the world, as you pass through lush forests, rice paddy fields on your way to the Vietnamese – Chinese border.

Book your  train ticket here .

Sapa Trekking

Hike Through the Rice Terraces of Sapa

Explore the area with the local hill tribes. Stay with them during your trek. And enjoy the beautiful terraced countryside for which Sapa is known.

Here’s our full post about  trekking in Sapa .

Mekong River, Laos, Luang Parabang, Boat, Cruising

Cruise the Mekong Delta

Probably one of the ‘must do’s of Vietnam.’ The Mekong Delta is full of hidden gems including floating markets, friendly locals and late afternoon storms.

Book a multiday  tour of the Mekong Delta

Things To Do In Vietnam

Go Caving in Phong Nha

Caves there can fit a 747 plane in it. They are massive and spectacular. This is an adventure you will never forget.

Book your  Phong Nha cave tour

Motorbikes The Evolution Of Nomadasaurus

Ride a Motorcycle

Yes, that’s right! Hiring a motorcycle or scooter is a must. But maybe do it out on the country roads. Opt for the famous ride to the mountain village of Dalat, or pretty much anywhere throughout the country.

Read about how to ride through the famous  Hai Van Pass

Other Things to do in Vietnam

Learn to cook Vietnamese food . Eating delicious Vietnamese food is one thing. Eating it after you’ve  learned to prepare it  is another!

Scuba dive  in Nha Trang. You may not think of Vietnam as a big scuba location, but there is  some great diving  to be had in Nha Trang.

Go canyoning  in Dalat. Rappel, slide, jump and  climb your way through canyons  in this gorgeous place!

Explore the Marble Mountains  in Da Nang.  These beautiful mountains  have been mined for marble for years and have incredible views and temples to visit along the way.

Sandboard down the sand dunes  in Mui Ne. It’s like snowboarding, but down massive sand dunes! Enjoy this rush!

Visit the Giants Causeway  in Ghan Da Dia. Half the world away from the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland, be amazed at  this unique geologic structure .

Visit the Cu Chi Tunnels  outside of Ho Chi Minh City. No trip to HCMC is complete without  touring these historic tunnels  that were used during the war.

Conquer the Hoi An Pass on a motorbike . This is known as one of the most beautiful sections of highway in the world. Enjoy!

Explore the world’s biggest cave . We have a special connection with  Hang Son Doong  as it is where we were engaged. Make your own special moment too!

Climb the highest mountain in Indochina  in Sapa. Fansipan is over 3,000m above sea level and  offers incredible views  along the way to the top!



A First-Timer’s Guide to Trekking in Sapa

The 11 Best Things to Do in Da Nang, Vietnam (2024 Guide)

33 BEST Things to Do in Vietnam (Epic 2024 Guide)

10 BEST Things to Do in Ninh Binh, Vietnam (2024 Guide)

Scuba Diving In Nha Trang – Is It Worth It?


There are plenty of amazing places to visit in Vietnam. Depending on your interests, trip duration and time of year you will find plenty of things to do during any length of stay. 

When slurping a bowl of pho in a local market or exploring an ancient temple, it’s easy to feel like you’ve stepped into a time machine in Ho Chi Minh City.

Halong Bay Photo Essay

A collection of over 3,000 limestone islands providing endless kayaking opportunities. Take the time to relax aboard a boat or venture to Cat Ba National Park for mystical waterfalls!

Book your  tour of Halong Bay

Tenple Hanoi

The capital of Vietnam is also one of the most ancient capitals in the world. The history of Hanoi is rich, devastating and full of legends. This mystical city is also known for its cuisine, silk, buzzing nightlife as well as cultural diversity.

Plan your 3-day  Hanoi itinerary

Temples Of My Son Near Hoi An

My Son Temple

Ancient temples dating back 1,000 years give a culture understanding into Vietnam’s past all while showing the scars of the war.

Book an early morning  tour of My Son

For more information on specific things to do in the top places to visit in Vietnam, reference our following city travel guides: 

Ho Chi Minh City:

*  Ho Chi Minh City Itinerary *  Day Trips from Ho Chi Minh City

*  Hanoi Itinerary * Day Trips From Hanoi

Dalat Hoi An

Da Nang Hue Ninh Binh



We’ve put together a few Vietnam itineraries that are sure to leave you wanting for nothing at the end of your visit. 

There are so many amazing things to do in Vietnam that planning an itinerary for your travel can be a little overwhelming. 

Even though the country is one united nation, you can think of it geographically as being divided into a northern and southern region.

So depending on how much time you have, you may want to explore the northern region, southern region or the entire country.

Of course, no one-size-fits-all plan will suffice. But if we were to head back to Vietnam these are the top places and things that we would want to do! 

1-Week Vietnam Travel Itinerary Highlights

Most people spend at least a month went hey travel to Vietnam. But if you had just one week, or were willing to split a few weeks between the northern and southern regions, this is how we’d spend our time! 

Northern Vietnam

  • Fly into Hanoi
  • 2 nights – Hanoi
  • 2 nights –  Halong Bay or Bai Tu Long Bay
  • 2 nights  – Sapa
  • Alternative to Sapa  –  2 night in Hue
  • Fly out of Hanoi

Central Vietnam

  • Fly into Hanoi or HCMC. Get a local flight down to Dong Hoi
  • 3 nights  – Phong Nha
  • 2 nights  – Hue
  • 2-3  nights  – Hoi An
  • Fly out of Da Nang to either Hanoi or HCMC to leave

South Vietnam

  • Fly into Ho Chi Minh City
  • 2 nights  – Ho Chi Minh City
  • 2 nights –  Mekong Delta
  • 2 nights –  Dalat
  • 1 night –  Mui Ne
  • Fly out of Ho Chi Minh City

READ MORE: Check out this post for more details on our  Vietnam travel itinerary . 

Hoi An Streets


Best time to visit vietnam.

The best time to travel to Vietnam really depends on what you are looking for in terms of weather, scenery and budget.

Peak season occurs from mid-December through to February. But expect prices to double during this time. The low season is perfect for those on a budget.

  • Low Season –  April to June, September to November
  • Shoulder Season –  December to March
  • High Season –  July & August

Northern Vietnam  –  The best months to travel Northern Vietnam are April to May or September to October. There are mostly sunny days and the rain has stopped.

The weather gets really cold from December to March and is not suited for hiking or sailing a junk boat in Halong Bay that time of year.

Central Vietnam –  The best months for travel to Central Vietnam are January to June. There are heavy rains in October and November and the really hot months are from May to August.

Southern Vietnam  –  The best months to explore Southern Vietnam are January to April where conditions are beautiful.

You really can travel the south at any time of the year. Just note that from May to November there are afternoon downpours.

Things To Do In Hanoi


Vietnam is a cheap country to travel if you want it to be, this all depends on what your budget is like. Our advice is always over-budget when making plans, and if you come home with money, it can go towards your next trip. All prices below are in USD per day.

Budgeting Tips

To make your money go further here are a few tips: 

  • Eat street food as often as possible. You can usually fill up for $1-2USD.
  • Travel in groups when possible. Staying in hostels will lead to making friends. And with friends, you can split transportation costs and barter on other expenses.
  • Negotiate taxi fares before taking the ride. Vietnamese taxi drivers are notorious for flexible fares that tend to fall int heir favor. Don’t be afraid of a little negotiation.
  • Drink  bia hoi . Sure it’s not the more delightful beer. But it is shipped in fresh each day, it’s cheap and it’s what the local drink.
  • Take in the sights for free. Do a little research and walk the streets on your own. You’ll also find there are a number of free tours and other opportunities if you ask around.
  • Sleep on overnight busses for longer trips. Combine the transportation and accommodation line items of your budget and save a few dollars.

But there are a few things you should know about the different budgets at which you can choose to travel.

Note: Budgets shown as Single Traveller / Couples per day. 

Budget Traveller ($35 Single / $50 Couples)

If you are on a backpacker budget and planning on staying in dorm rooms, getting street food, drinking a few nights of the week, I would budget for about $35 a day.

A single hostel bed can be $5-$8 per person. A budget basic private room is $15-$20. A street food meal can be $1-$2. A bottle of beer is about $1- $1.50 and a  bia hoi  is $0.20 per cup. This is not the nicest beer. But it is passable and you get to make new friends when drinking it.

Walking or taking public transport will keep your budget down. There are many free things to do, you just need to think outside the box.

Mid-Range Traveller ($100 Single / $120 Couple)

If you have a little more cash in your budget your travels in Vietnam will become a lot more comfortable.

A nicer hotel is definitely affordable.

There are restaurants where you will pay more than the street food price. But the food is definitely of nicer quality (most of the time). The local beer can get a little too much sometimes so you will be able to enjoy an international beer or wine.

For the attractions you are most interested in, get a guide and learn more about the history of the country. You’ll be able to commit much more of your budget to do things rather than cutting corners just to stay alive.

Luxury Traveller ($90+ Single / $120+ Couple)

You don’t have to have that much more to enjoy a luxury trip to Vietnam. With a few more dollars in your budget, a nicer hotel is definitely affordable. Eat and drink anything you would like at virtually any restaurant.

You can hire transportation without having to haggle. And you can pretty much do any tour you would like to do when visiting any part of Vietnam.

Steaming Grain Best Compact Travel Camera


Entry requirements.

Most travellers are required to have visas when travelling to Vietnam, which can typically be arranged upon arrival. You are typically allowed to stay for 3 – 6 months, depending on nationality.

For information about your specific visa requirements click  here

Additionally, Vietnam has introduced an electronic visa (e-visa), which costs $25 USD and is granted for single entry visits for up to 30 days.

You no longer will have to apply through an agent to get an invitation letter or queue at the airport immigration for hours waiting to receive your visa upon arrival.

Apply in advance  here .

Once you are approved, all you need to do is print the visa out and present it on entry to Vietnam. Don’t lose this e- visa print out as you will need this during your travels in Vietnam.

Hotels will ask for it on check-in at the accommodation and travel agents may ask for it if you are booking flights.

Also, print out your  travel insurance  as well. Immigration will ask for this also as they want to know you are covered if you fall ill or get injured during your stay.

Japanese Bridge In Hoi An

Getting to Vietnam

There are a number of different ways to travel to Vietnam, depending on where you are coming from and how you like to get around with transport.

There are a lot of different airlines that fly to Vietnam from all over the world. There are two major international airports in Vietnam: Tan Son Nhat Airport (SGN) in Ho Chi Minh City in the south and Noi Bai Airpot (HAN) in Hanoi in the north.

Direct flights to Vietnam from Australia, Europe and North America are still limited, but it is improving. You will most likely have to book a flight with a stopover in either Hong Kong, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul or Singapore.

There are many domestic airports scattered among the country. Vietnam Airlines is Vietnam’s national carrier. We have flown with them several times and they are amazing.

You can cross into Vietnam by train from China, all the way from Beijing to Ping Xian. This is the Dong Dang Crossing which is 160km from Hanoi.

After you have crossed the border hop on a train to Hanoi. Don’t buy the direct ticket from Beijing to Hanoi. It works out cheaper to buy your ticket from Beijing to Ping Xian then cross the border and purchase another ticket from Dong Dang to Hanoi.

If you do the train trip from Beijing through to Hanoi, it will take 36 hours so it is best to book a sleeper. Make sure you have your visa organised before getting to the border.

You can bring your own food and drinks for the train or purchase them from the cafeteria on board. There are squat toilets on board and areas to store your luggage.

You can get to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City through either the Cambodia, Laos or China borders. There is a route from Vientiane (Laos) to Hanoi, and one from Siem Reap or Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh City.

Most travel agents in Vientiane, Siem Reap or Phnom Penh will sell the tickets or at your accommodation. You can also get a minivan from Guangzhou through to Hanoi.

Make sure you have your visa ready. The border crossings by land may not be set up as well as others.

If you want to book any of your bus trips online rather than trying to deal with travel agencies in the country, you can do so on the popular website  Bookaway .

Man In Rickshaw

Getting Around Vietnam

Getting around Vietnam is surprisingly easy. Public transport goes everywhere, and there are plenty of moto-taxis that are happy to take you to the places that public transport won’t reach.

Travelling by Air

The fastest way to get around the country, of course, is by air. There are many domestic airports all over the country and you can fly in from major cities.

You can get cheap flights within the country through VietJet Air and Vietnam Airlines. For the best deals head directly on the airline’s website.

Travelling by Taxi, Tuk Tuk Or Mototaxi

When you are in the cities and town catching a taxi, tuk-tuk or moto-taxi can be the best way to get around. For taxi companies, look for the biggest and most reputable companies as you can be ripped off.

For the tuk-tuks, ask your accommodation the average price to your destination so you can agree on a price with the driver.

We recommend Uber and Grab (car or motorbike) which you can use an app and get the price.

Travelling by Bus

It is possible and advisable to travel by bus throughout Vietnam. Busses inside of cities can be complicated and should be a last resort.

However, when travelling long distances in Vietnam busses are a great option. This is especially true if you take night busses and sleep during the ride.

Travelling by Motorbike

We think travelling by motorbike is the best way to see Vietnam if you have the time. Buy your own motorbike and ride the length of the country. Or you can choose one area and explore Northern Vietnam or South Vietnam.

Here’s our post to help guide you on  how to buy a motorbike in Vietnam .

Travelling by Train

Taking the train is a great way to get around the country. They are great for overnight journeys as the trains have bed cabins.

In Vietnam, there are many places with roadwork that can last for years. So trains can be the best way to go.

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We know you’ll absolutely love travelling in Vietnam. But technology has made it easier, more affordable and safer to travel than ever.

Here are a few apps we think you should definitely acquaint yourself with prior to your travels:

Grab  – Use this app to catch a ride from any metro area in Vietnam.

XE Currency  – Transfer, monitor and calculate currency as the need arises. This app may not be totally necessary as you are typically tied into rates the banks charge for services. But it is handy to have around. 

Express VPN  – This will protect your sensitive information wherever you travel – not just in [Country]. Be sure to have this to keep your online information secure as you travel. 

iTranslate  – Even if you don’t know more than a handful of Vietnamese words, iTranslate will help you communicate as you travel in Vietnam. 

WiFi Finder  – With this app, you no longer have to guess whether the next place on your itinerary has WiFi or scramble across town looking for hot spots.

Market Be Your Own Travel Concierge


When you travel to a foreign country one of the new and most exciting things you will experience is the food. There are so many amazing food choices in Vietnam, and Vietnamese food is delicious.

Here are a few of our favourites.

Goi Cuon:  This is a rice paper packed with greens, coriander and various combinations of minced or shredded pork, shrimp or crab. It will be served with a sweet and sour sauce or a delicious homemade peanut sauce.

Sometimes to make the experience even better, you get to hand roll them yourself. This was our favourite dish.

Banh Mi:  With this one, it will be different in every corner of Vietnam. This is a baguette sandwich that is filled with meat, greens, pata, pickled vegetables, soy sauce, cilantro and sometimes an omelet.

The meat filling will be roasted pork belly, grilled pork loin, barbecue pork, boiled chicken, or a fried egg.

Pho (pronounced ‘fur’):  This flat rice noodle soup is either light beef or chicken broth flavoured with coriander and ginger with spring onions and bits of meat (chicken, pork or beef).

It is a dish you can have any time of the day and is delicious, but it can be hit and miss in some places. If you have an average one, please do try it again. We ate pho a lot for breakfast and never got sick of it.

Bun Cha:  This is a Hanoi specialty and it is deliciously addictive. Bun Cha is served with grilled fatty pork over a plate of white rice noodles. It will be served with a sauce.

It will all be served separately and you combined everything together. You can ask for some little fried spring rolls on top too. It is so delicious!

Coa Lau:  Hoi An is the best (and only authentic) place to try this one. as the noodles are made using water from a special well in town.

It is chewy rice flour noodles with Chinese barbecue pork, bean sprouts, croutons and fresh herbs in a delicious pork-based gravy.

Bun Cha Hanoi


There are accommodation options for all budgets in Vietnam. You can stay in a shared dorm for $5 USD per night, or a luxury hotel for over $300 USD.

The accommodation standards can vary in each destination.

For example, we got a really nice hotel in the middle of nowhere when we were on our bike for $12 a night. But we would not find a place like this in Hanoi, Hoi An, HCMC or Hue for less than $25.

NOTE –  In Vietnam, the accommodation will keep your passport for the duration of your stay. This is to do with the government. Officials will randomly come around and check hotels and hostels.

If they do not have the ID or passport of every person staying there, the accommodation will be fined. The accommodation will keep your passport in a safe. If you are unsure just ask, “do you lock my passport up?”

Types of Accommodations

Vietnam is wildly popular among backpackers. Because the costs are generally incredibly low, budget travellers flock to the country.

This means that there are lots of great hostel options when looking for accommodations in Vietnam.

Whether you are busy spending all your time exploring and are just looking for a cheap place to crash for the night or want to make friends along the way, you will find most of what you are looking for in a variety of hostels throughout Vietnam.

Because costs are generally lower in Vietnam than in most parts of the world your quality of life can go up quite a bit when you travel to Vietnam.

One way you can upgrade your travel experience is by booking rooms in hotels instead of beds in hostels. For a few dollars more you’ll get vastly more space and privacy.

In some towns and villages, hotels are your only option.

But generally, these are very reasonably priced. You can expect to spend USD$20-30 for a decent hotel room in most cities, towns and villages across Vietnam.

Another good option in recent years is AirBnB, and there are more and more amazing places popping up to stay in Vietnam for very affordable prices every day.

As is typical in many destinations where Airbnb accommodations are available, you’ll likely find great value and a little more personal space with an Airbnb stay. 

If you’re looking for an awesome place to stay, we personally love using Airbnb. If you’ve never used the platform before,  sign up using this link to get USD$35 off your first booking .

Our Favorite Places to Stay in Vietnam

We travelled from the south to the north and stayed in many different places. Here are a few accommodation options we highly recommend.

Temple Hoi An


The Vietnamese people are friendly, welcoming and hospitable towards travellers. It is a great destination to travel to in Southeast Asia.

The people are very respectful and would like the same back from you. Here are a few things that you should know before going to Vietnam.


While we have  many basic travel tips  we suggest you use when travelling to Vietnam, there are also plenty of Vietnam-specific tips that will make your visit the best it can be. 

Here are a few we recommend you consider as you plan your trip to visit Vietnam: 

Please show respect to their religious beliefs and their cultures . You are travelling to someone else’s country. They have different religious beliefs and cultures in your home. Please respect them.

Watch your belongings.  Vietnam is a safe country but unfortunately, there still is petty theft. Whether you are at a restaurant or on a bus always watch your belongings.

Beware of the counterfeit tour agencies . Unfortunately, there are plenty of these around, especially in the main tourist areas. Book through the main owner or operator or any of  these tours that we recommend .

Do not drink the tap water.  The locals don’t even drink the water. There is bottled water available everywhere. Popular tourist restaurants will usually have on their menu that they wash their salad and veggies in sterilised water and make tea, coffee and soup from that too.

Carry toilet paper everywhere . There are toilets available in restaurants or in public but there may not be toilet paper. Most of the time you have to pay for the public toilet and they may give you some toilet paper, but don’t count on it. Always have your stash.

Toilet paper goes in the bin . DO NOT put the toilet paper in the toilet. Please put it into the bin provided. Vietnam’s sewerage systems are not built for much more than human waste so toilet paper and other items will just clog up your toilet.

Embrace the “bum gun “. Next to every toilet in Vietnam, there is a water hose. This is not to wash down the floor. This is to clean yourself up after you do your business. Don’t be disgusted by this. Embrace it.

Vietnam is bigger than you think . This country is huge and many people underestimate it. Vietnam is about 1,650 kilometres long from north to south. The distance on buses and trains is long so be prepared.

Take note of the Vietnamese money . It will be a new currency for you so do take a look at it before you go out spending. There are more zeros in it than you might be used to (1USD = 23,000 Dong)

Always take photos when you rent a scooter . Renting a scooter in Vietnam is something everyone does. It is a great way to get around and see all the attractions. But where you rent it from can get you into trouble. Whenever you rent a scooter take photos of the bike or else might end up with a crazy expensive bill.

Always wear a helmet. Always . Please wear a helmet. The roads are crazier here than they are in your country. The rules are different and road conditions are not the best. A quality helmet could save your life in an accident.

Make sure you have travel insurance . We tell people who are going travelling, “if you can’t afford travel insurance, you can’t afford to travel.” You do not know what is going to happen while you are away and knowing you are covered will put your mind at ease.

Be confident when crossing the road . The roads in Vietnam are crazy. Crossing the road can be daunting but you need to be confident. Do not walk backward or hesitate. Walk slowly and watch the traffic coming towards you. They will all move around you.

Take your shoes off before entering a temple or a person’s home . It is a custom that stems back to ancient times and a big part comes back to cleanliness. The ground is used for chatting, dining and even sleeping.

Cover your shoulders and knees when entering a temple . This is common in most religious sites. There are always signs suggesting visitors dress ‘appropriately.’ Shoulders and knees should be covered. If it is a hot day and a t-shirt is too sticky, carry a scarf for when you visit to cover your shoulders.

Keep a low profile . Do not be loud, raise your voice in aggression or show off. Do not show dramatic affection publicly like kissing. Save it for the hotel room

Ask for permission before taking a photo of someone . This is polite and ensures you are not intruding on them. The people are not there for your entertainment. If they say no, smile and thank them anyway.

Do not take photos of anything to do with the government or military.  This is a big NO in any country and can end up with you in jail.

Do not touch someone on the head . The head is the most important part of the body. Touching someone’s head who you don’t know is like saying you are more important than they are.

Place your chopsticks across the top of the bowl when finished . Don’t have your chopsticks hanging out of the bowl, and don’t point them at anyone when they are resting on the plate.

Riding Northern Vietnam


We always travel with a  core packing list  wherever we go. And when it comes to Vietnam, many factors will affect what else you need to bring along with you. 

Check out our  travel essentials  and be sure to add any of the other additional items listed below. 

Important Note!  Before you book any international trip, we honestly recommend getting travel insurance. You never know when things will go wrong, and medical bills can add up quickly if you get sick or injure yourself overseas.

Our personal recommendation based on our own experience is  World Nomads .


Which countries or regions are you traveling to, what’s your country of residence, enter traveler’s age, staying safe in vietnam.

Vietnam is extremely safe, apart from the one major danger which is the roads. They are crazy, even more so if you try to ride 10’000km around the country on motorbikes as we did!

Aside from that, common sense will keep you safe.

Here are a few reminders of what common sense when travelling in Vietnam means:

As you saw above, Vietnam is extremely safe. We did not feel unsafe once in the 7 months we were there (excluding the roads).

This doesn’t mean you can completely let your guard down though, and petty theft does happen in this country, although it’s not common.

Some tips for protecting your things:

In other words, use common sense and you’ll be fine.

Band Playing In Street Hanoi


Staying connected with friends and family (and work) when travelling in Vietnam is important. But if you don’t know how to connect you can find yourself greatly inconvenienced or spending too much money.

We feel like your money will go a lot further if you consider a few options. 

Purchase a SIM Card

Picking up a SIM card has become the quickest and typically most affordable way to stay connected in Vietnam or any country for that matter.

If you have an unlocked phone you can use a 4G SIM card to connect to the cellular networks in Vietnam. From there you can cast a hot spot if you need to crank out some work on your computer or want to connect a tablet.

This 3G/4G SIM card  is a great and affordable option for a SIM card if you are flying into Vietnam.

Rent a Portable WiFi Device

Alternatively to a SIM card, particularly if you don’t have an unlocked phone, you can rent a portable WiFi device during your travel to Vietnam.

This device  will be delivered to you when you arrive in Vietnam and will provide 4G service for less than USD$5 per day.

You’ll be able to connect anywhere you can find service across the country, which will be most of the places you are likely to travel in Vietnam.

Access Free WiFI

Free is always best, if it is convenient. And there are plenty of places throughout Vietnam that will provide free WiFi in public spaces or at restaurants, cafes and hostels and hotels.

We recommend using the  WiFi Finder  app, which will help you locate WiFi anywhere you travel in Vietnam.

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We absolutely love Vietnam. And we love the idea that it will remain a beautiful and friendly place for travellers for years to come.

Here are a few tips specific to travel to Vietnam that will promote sustainable tourism in the country:

Use your own energy to get around.  Walk or cycle through town as much as possible. Taking a cyclo-taxi is a close alternative if you don’t have the energy to propel yourself through the city. But this reduces the impact of taxis, busses and other forms of automotive transportation.

Mind your plastic . Plastic is everywhere in Vietnam. But using your own reusable bag for groceries and other shopping, carrying a reusable water bottle and having your own straw are just 3 of the many simple ways you can reduce the amount of plastic you use.

Shop local . Visiting the markets will be one of your top experiences when travelling to Vietnam. Support local vendors as often as possible, including in taking tours when available.

Be mindful of wildlife . Wildlife in the wild is great. But be mindful not to provoke, feed or otherwise molest wildlife. And never purchase any item made of or involving rare or endangered species.

Attempt to communicate in Vietnamese . You’re probably not going to be fluent as soon as you arrive in the country. But knowing a few phrases and doing your best to communicate with locals will show respect and earn trust and make your experience richer.


You don’t have to be fluent in Vietnamese to have a great time when you travel to Vietnam. But it does help to know a few key phrases.

This will not only assist you in your travels but it will also show respect to the local Vietnamese people that you are doing your best to assimilate into their culture. 


Maybe you already know everything about Vietnam. Chances are you don’t!

But even if you are well-read, here are a few suggestions that might be worth your time while you’re on the plane to Vietnam. 

The Quiet American  (Graham Greene) – Originally published in 1956 and adapted for film twice, this story by Greene became an instant classic. Greene fictionalizes life in 1950s Vietnam as told by a British correspondent trying to understand the roots of the rising conflict set to occur.

At Home In The World  (Thich Nhat Hanh) – World renown Vietnamese monk, Hanh reflects on lessons and stories in life from the Buddhist perspective.

Vietnam: Rising Dragon  (Bill Hayton) – A piece of nonfiction that looks back on the Vietnam of old and attempts to projects its place in the future of Southeast Asia.

The Sympathizer  (Viet Thanh Nguyen) – The Pulitzer Prize-winning book, allegedly influenced by  The Quiet American , is told through the eyes of a double-agent during the Vietnam War who struggles to understand the minds and hearts of men engaged in war.

DISCLAIMER:  Some of the links in this article are affiliate links, which means if you book accommodation, tours or buy a product, we will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These commissions help us keep creating more free travel content to help people plan their holidays and adventures. We only recommend the best accommodations, tours and products that ourselves or our fantastic editorial team have personally experienced, and regularly review these. Thanks for your support, kind friend!

Table of Contents

Read our vietnam posts, 20 amazing things to do in hoi an, vietnam (2024 guide), 14 incredible things to do in dalat, vietnam (2024 guide), the perfect 3 days in hanoi itinerary [2024 guide], 25 amazing things to do in hanoi, vietnam (2024 guide), the perfect 3 days in ho chi minh city itinerary [2024], the 8 best day trips from ho chi minh city (2024 guide), caves, zip lines and deep mud in phong nha, ganh da dia – vietnam’s own ‘giant’s causeway’, ba be national park – the lake, trekking and happy water, motorbiking the road from dalat to nha trang in vietnam, riding sea to sky: hue to hoi an by motorbike, getting a chinese visa in hanoi, vietnam.

A young woman harvests lotus flowers in early morning at West Lake, Hanoi, Vietnam, Asia

Getty Images

Golden Bridge in Ba Na Hills,Bana hills.

A land of staggering natural beauty and cultural complexities, of dynamic megacities and hill-tribe villages, Vietnam is unforgettably compelling.

Best Time to Visit

Best places to visit, attractions, must-see attractions.

Fighter planes outside War Remnants Museum.

War Remnants Museum

Ho Chi Minh City

To understand the US invasion of Vietnam, and contextualize its devastating impact on the country's civilians, this remarkable and deeply moving museum is…

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Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park

North-Central Vietnam

Designated a Unesco World Heritage Site in 2003, the remarkable Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park contains the oldest karst mountains in Asia, formed…

Hang Son Doong cave in the heart of the Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park in Vietnam.

Hang Son Doong

Hang Son Doong (Mountain River Cave), located in the heart of Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park, is known as the world's largest cave, and is one of the…

Tu Lan Cave.

Tu Lan Cave

The Tu Lan cave system comprises of more than 20 wet and dry caves, which are thought to be between three and five million years old. Huge caverns,…

Unoccupied beach at the Lan Ha Bay in Vietnam

Cat Ba Island

Lying to the south of Halong Bay off the north-eastern coast of Vietnam, the 300-or-so karst islands and limestone outcrops of Lan Ha are just as…

Paradise Cave,Vietnam.

Paradise Cave

Surrounded by forested karst peaks, this staggering cave system in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park extends for 31km, though most people only visit the…

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Phu Quoc Island

With picture-perfect white sand, the delightful curve of beautiful Sao Beach bends out alongside a sea of mineral-water clarity just a few kilometres from…

Dragon bridge in Da Nang, Vietnam.

Dragon Bridge

This wonderfully wacky bridge takes the form of a ginormous, colour-changing dragon, weaving its way across the Han River. If that wasn't attention…

Planning Tools

Expert guidance to help you plan your trip.

Best Things to Do

Vietnam is a dream destination for travelers but what to do when you finally get there? Here are 15 can't-miss experiences in 2024.

Things to Know

Vietnam serves up a lavish buffet of Asian sights, sounds, scents and flavors, but there are things to know before you come. Try these tips.


Whether it's bus, train, private car, motorcycle, bike, plane or boat, you can plan your trip around Vietnam with this guide to getting around.

Visa Requirements

The process for obtaining a visa for Vietnam can be confusing, but for a short trip, you may not need a visa at all. Here’s what you need to know.

Money and Costs

One of the many great things about Vietnam is how much you spend is within your control – just choose wisely. Here's how to visit Vietnam on a budget.

Traveling with Kids

From family beach days to hiking in the highlands, here are the best activities for kids in Vietnam, along with some top planning tips.

Best Road Trips

Vietnam was made for exploring by road. From the mountains to the Delta, here are our top road trip routes.

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Aug 27, 2024 • 5 min read

Picture yourself waking up on a beach inside a cavern as big as a city block. Here's how to explore Hang Son Doong, the world's largest cave, in Vietnam.

Quang Binh, Vietnam - April 7th, 2024: Inside Phong Nha Cave in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Quang Binh , Vietnam

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Rower using her feet to row a boat along the Ngo Dong River at the Tam Coc between giant karst mountains.

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JAN 1, 2018: Sao beach on Phu Quoc island, Kien Giang, Vietnam.

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A boat among the karsts at Halong Bay in Vietnam, as seen from Ti Top island.

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Live fully in Vietnam

Vietnam opens its door widely to welcome visitors all around the world! Starting from 15th August 2023, Vietnam extends e-visa validity to 90 days and unilateral visa exemption will be valid in 45 days! We are more than happy to welcome you all here and admire our stunning landscapes, free your soul on white sandy beaches, experience our unique and beautiful culture and meet the people in the most friendly country. Particularly, to indulge in our scrumptious cuisine at Michelin rated restaurants or to join us in outstanding mega culture, music, sports and tourism events! Let’s live to the fullest in Vietnam!

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The Ha Giang Loop

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Vietnam Visa for Australians

The Vietnam eVisa for Australians is an electronic travel permit which allows Australians to enter Vietnam for various purposes, including tourism. You can choose either a single-entry or multiple-entry visa. Both allow a maximum stay of 90 days at a time.

The main benefit of the Vietnam eVisa for Australian citizens is how quick and simple it is to apply. The online application form only takes a few minutes to complete and it can be done from anywhere with an internet connection.

You can find out more about the Vietnam eVisa for Australian citizens in the sections below.

How to Apply for a Vietnam Visa from Australia


Step 1: Complete the Vietnam eVisa application form

Fill out the application form with basic personal information and passport details. Information about the arrival date and accommodation in Vietnam is also requested.


Step 2: Review application and complete payment

To avoid processing delays, Australian applicants should review their application carefully. Applicants can then pay the Vietnam eVisa fees securely online to finalize the request.


Step 3: Receive the approved Vietnam eVisa by email

Most Australian applicants will receive their approved Vietnamese visa by email in 3 to 6 days.

The online application can be completed from anywhere in the world . You just need to complete the online eVisa form by entering information such as your name, date of birth, address, and passport details.

All the information provided is screened by the relevant authorities after the application has been submitted. To minimize the chances of delays, please ensure you answer all the questions accurately.

If you have 2 or more passports you should use the same one to apply for the eVisa and to enter Vietnam. The visa is attached to a specific passport and cannot be transferred to another one.

Vietnam eVisa processing times for Australians

Completed visa applications take around 3-7 days to process . You should apply at least 10 days before traveling to Vietnam to ensure your eVisa is processed in time.

Your approved eVisa is sent by email. You can enter Vietnam by presenting a printed copy of the eVisa , along with your passport, to the Vietnamese border authorities.

Vietnam Visa Requirements for Australian Passport Holders

To be eligible to apply for the Vietnam eVisa , you need to meet all the following Vietnam visa requirements for Australians :

  • Apply at least 10 days before traveling to allow plenty of time for the application to be processed.
  • Provide all the required information on the application form including personal information (name, address, date of birth, etc.), passport details (number, expiry date, etc.) and travel plans (dates, the address of stay, etc.).
  • Upload a digital passport-style photo (dimensions of 4x6cm),where you're looking straight into the camera and not wearing anything that obstructs face.
  • Provide a digital scan of the main page of a valid Australian passport valid for at least 6 months upon entry, with 2 free pages to receive a stamp at the Vietnam border.
  • Pay the visa fee using a credit or debit card.

How Can I Get Visa on Arrival for Australian Citizens?

There’s no visa on arrival service in Vietnam for Australians . You must get your visa in advance, either online or through an embassy .

The E-visa is easy to obtain online and allows stays of up to 90 days each time, so unless you plan to move to Vietnam permanently, this option is usually the most convenient. Single and multiple-entry E-visas are available. The latter allows you to visit Vietnam numerous times.

Benefits of choosing VNM Visas

At VNM Visas, we’re dedicated to simplifying the Vietnam E-visa application process for Australian citizens. So far, we’ve helped over 5,000 Australians to get their E-visa for Vietnam.

Complete your Vietnam E-visa application with VNM Visas to take advantage of our comprehensive service for Australian nationals :

  • Simple application process - Complete a single online form, specially designed to be easy to use.
  • Reviewed by specialists - We’ll double-check your application before it’s submitted to make sure your details are correct.
  • Expert advice - Get help from visa specialists at any stage of your application.
  • Fast processing times - Receive your visa for Vietnam in just 3 to 7 days.
  • Fee Protection - We’ll refund your visa fee up to 120 days after you’ve paid if you can’t travel due to illness, flight cancellation, or other unavoidable circumstances.
  • Embassy Registration service for Australian citizens - Select the checkbox for Embassy Registration when completing your visa form, with no extra paperwork required.

FAQ’s for Australian Travelers Traveling to Vietnam

Do australians need a visa for vietnam.

Yes, Australians are required to obtain a visa to enter Vietnam. Fortunately, Australian citizens are eligible to apply for an eVisa (electronic visa) online , meaning that they do not have to visit a Vietnamese embassy or consulate in person.

What vaccinations do I need for Vietnam from Australia?

Vietnamese immigration policies do not require Australians to get vaccinated before traveling to Vietnam. However, visitors are advised to make an appointment with their health practitioner 6 to 8 weeks prior to departure to verify whether they are up-to-date with their vaccinations.

Can an Australian citizen get a Vietnam visa at the airport?

There are no Vietnamese visas on arrival available to Australian nationals . This means that Australians must obtain a visa for Vietnam prior to departure. The easiest way to get a visa is through this online eVisa portal.

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15 things you must know before you go to Vietnam

Affordable, accessible, visually stunning and - boy oh boy - the food.

David Smiedt

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Do I need a Covid test before I go to Vietnam?

Not to get into the country but airlines may still require a negative COVID-19 test before boarding a flight to Vietnam. 

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Is Vietnam safe?

The reality is that petty crime can take place in tourist areas. Bag slashing is one method to watch out for. Another involves snatch and grab raids by thieves on motorbikes. A simple hack involves wearing backpacks on the front of your body. It’s also a good idea to be vigilant on drink spiking and withdrawing cash at ATMS - only use the ones in banks and shopping centres. Card skimming happens across Vietnam so keep your debit and credit cards in sight.

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Are taxis safe in Vietnam?

Not all of them. Stick with official or prearranged ones - especially at airports.

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What is the best time of year to visit Vietnam?

The rainy season (with its attendant risk of typhoons) runs from June to November so avoid this stretch or at the very least book on the fringes.

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What are the health risks of travelling to Vietnam?

Insect-borne diseases such as dengue, Japanese encephalitis, malaria and zika virus are a risk in Vietnam. If you’re pregnant, discuss your travel plans with your doctor. Even if you’re not, be vigilant with the use of insect repellent, get vaccinated for conditions like diphtheria before you travel and consider taking anti-malarial medication.

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Can I pet dogs in Vietnam?

That’s a big no. Especially in the north where cases of rabies occur most.

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Can you drink the water in Vietnam?

Negative ghost rider. Drink only boiled or bottled and while you’re at it wash your hands frequently as hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is common in children and young adults. Foodborne, waterborne, parasitic and other infectious diseases include cholera, hepatitis and typhoid.

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Do you need a visa to travel to Vietnam from Australia?

Yes. And, unlike many other Asian tourist destinations, you can’t just sort it out at the airport on arrival. You will need to apply beforehand here . It costs around $35 and takes around three working days to approve.

travel vietnam australia

How long can I stay in Vietnam?

The e-visa covers stays of up to 30 days per visit. 

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Do I need travel insurance in Vietnam?

Oh hell yes. And make sure it covers medical evacuation. 

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What medications can I take to Vietnam?

You should generally be okay with those prescribed by your doctor but make sure you have enough to cover the entire trip as finding refills can be a mission and a half. Also carry a copy of your prescription or a letter from your doctor stating what the medication is, how much you take and that it's for personal use. 

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How long is the flight from Australia to Vietnam?

The flight from Sydney to Ho Chi Minh City is just under nine hours.

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What is the currency of Vietnam?

The marvellously named dong. One hundred Aussie dollars will score you around 1.6 million of them.

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What should you wear in Vietnam?

Short shorts, crop tops and singlets are probably best avoided anywhere but the beach. Long loose clothing - just look to the locals - is best for both comfort and respectfulness.

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Do you haggle in Vietnam?

It is part of commercial life and if you want to do it, start at half of the asking price and meet a compromise at around 75 per cent. And always remember that the extra few dollars can make a real difference to someone’s livelihood.

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I’ve hiked everywhere, these are my top spots

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Travel to Vietnam from Australia

Did you know that vietnam is now one of the top destinations for travelers from australia travel to vietnam from australia is easy..

But how did you go to Vietnam? Did you know that Vietnam is becoming one of the most popular locations for Australian tourists? It is simple to travel to Vietnam from Australia. Take a look at our article right now!

Many foreign tourists have visited and continue to visit Vietnam. There are numerous reasons why Vietnam tourism is attractive in the eyes of international tourists, particularly Australians. 

Ha Long Cruise

Halong Bay, an interesting destination for Australian travelers

Why Vietnam?

The masterpieces come from vietnam.

Vietnam lacks notable sights such as Niagara Falls, the Sydney Opera House, and the Grand Canyons. However, this is a “hidden” gem that only those who step within can sense. Vietnam has multiple UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including Ha Long Bay, Phong Nha – Ke Bang cave, Hoi An ancient town, Cu Lao Cham, and others. Beauty is another reason why Vietnamese tourism is well-known around the world.

Vietnam tours from Australia

Travel to Vietnam from Australia – Lanterns in Hoian Ancient town

Visitors are surprised by these landmarks when they arrive. Da Lat is a good example, the antique French villas close to the swaying pine forests and the rich red strawberry gardens transport visitors to a certain European city. When you arrive, the gorgeous scenery with its unique personality will undoubtedly satisfy you.

An affordable travel destination

Vietnam is well-known for being an excellent destination for budget travelers. Despite rising costs and a suffering economy, the cost of living and travel in the United States remains significantly lower than in other countries across the world. Vietnam’s restaurant and hotel system is well-developed, with many distinct varieties to suit all types of tourists.

Hoan Kiem Lake, the highlight of Hanoi

Hoan Kiem Lake, one of the highlights of Hanoi

There isn’t much that Vietnam leaves to be desired with its many famous beaches, national parks, melting pot cultures, traditional foods, art galleries, museums…all paired with beautiful international standard holiday accommodations to rest at the end of your long, sensational days.

The low cost of the dishes, particularly the diversity of street foods, has left visitors immensely impressed with Vietnam. Even in the most developed cities, such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, you may spend a day for roughly $15.

Diverse street food

Vietnam is also well-known for having a wide array of street food. Many popular Pho restaurant signage can be found while walking through the streets of major cities. Pho is basically a bowl of soup made composed of noodles, herbs, chicken, beef, and other ingredients. Although Pho is the most well-known cuisine in Vietnam, Bun Cha is the first option for visitors to Hanoi. 

Travelers enjoying Hanoi beer in Ta Hien Beer Street, Hanoi

Some foreigners enjoying Hanoi beer in Ta Hien Beer Street, Hanoi

Banh mi is also a popular street snack among Vietnamese people. Vietnamese people frequently consume bread with butter, pate, fried egg, cheese, cold meat, sausage, beef jerky, coriander, chili sauce, and other condiments. Furthermore, each region has its own delicacies, such as Hue beef noodles, Quang noodles, Hai Phong crab cakes, Hoi An Cao Lau, and so on. If you have the opportunity to visit a specific province in Vietnam, don’t miss out on the affordable street cuisine!

Bustling markets with cultural diversity all along Vietnam

Markets, in addition to eco-tourism areas, are popular tourist destinations. People appear to tell themselves to go to the markets whenever they arrive to discover a new land. Each region has many markets with extremely distinct selling methods. Floating markets in the western provinces, marketplaces in the Northwest, and major markets in central towns can all be visited. Foreign tourists visiting Vietnam should not be concerned about not being able to get real Vietnamese cuisine. Travelers can visit marketplaces in Vietnam where commodities, food, drinks, and necessary items, such as clothing, are displayed and traded.

Hung King Festival

Hung Kings Festival

Tourists can taste different regional foods at the markets, they can also learn more about the cultural beauty that is revealed in the manner local people buy and sell. Shopping for gifts for your loved ones will become more convenient in front of the market’s many stalls. However, the price on the markets may frequently differ greatly, so you should refer to the pricing to avoid losing money unfairly.

Vietnam tours from Australia

There isn’t much that Vietnam leaves to be desired with its many famous beaches, national parks, melting pot cultures, traditional foods, art galleries, museums…all paired with beautiful international standard holiday accommodations to rest at the end of your long, sensational days. 

Would you like to:

  • Explore the magnificent Vietnamese coastline, dotted with islands and breathtaking national parks?
  • Check out the lively cities that beg to be explored?
  • Shop at the many markets, designer shopping malls, and talented tailor boutiques, at prices you won’t believe?
  • Discover the surprisingly authentic French influenced architecture, pastry, and coffee shops?
  • Learn about the diverse and fascinating range of cultures that have made their home in Vietnam?
  • Cook and feast at some of the world’s best restaurants and fine dining cooking classes?
  • Take photos at some of the most noteworthy historical relics in SEA?
  • Learn about the significance of Vietnam’s many heavily decorated citadels, pagodas, temples, churches and tombs?
  • Trek, cycle, surf, rock climb, kayak, sail, golf and beach on a Vietnam adventure?
  • Dance the night away with locals and travelers alike, in one of Vietnam’s energetic cities?

If YES , our Vietnam tours are for you! We have tours to accommodate interests at any level.

My Khe Beach – Da Nang

Visa to Vietnam for Australians

Australians must follow the following procedures when applying for a Vietnam visa :

  • Form for applying for a visa to Vietnam.
  • Blank page passport (valid for 6 months).
  • 02 3×4 images with a white background and no glasses.

If wishing to apply for a visa in person, you may do so at the Vietnam Embassy in Australia, at the following address:

  • Address: No. 6, Timbarra Crescent, O’Malley, ACT, 2606, Australia
  • Phone: (02) 6286 6059 (EXT: 101/102)
  • Email: [email protected] 
  • Website: www.vietnamembassy.org.au 

If you would prefer the convenience of applying online, then head to the visa on arrival to Vietnam website to obtain a pre-approval letter in just a few easy steps. The letter for visa on arrival is issued and approved by the Immigration Department of Vietnam, and we will send you a copy within 2 working days (or faster if needed). Notably, Information needed : full name, date of birth, nationality, date of arrival.

Vietnam visa for Australian

Getting visa to Vietnam is easy

Travelers, after obtaining the letter, simply take a copy of the letter in hand, with you to your flight and the visa will be stamped at any Vietnam international airports upon arrival.

Our service offers the visa on arrival to Vietnam, pre-approval letter, free of charge to any of our guests. If you need any consultants, feel free to contact us.

Flights to Vietnam from Australia

Flights from Australia are making their way to Vietnam daily out of Melbourne (MEL) and Sydney (SYD) airports. Don’t forget, for your visa on arrival to be valid, you have to fly into one of Vietnam’s three international airports. Please see the table below for further information about flights from Australia to Vietnam:

Cheap flights are easier to find than ever and we’re here to help you get yours! If you wish to talk to someone in person, then head to your nearest travel agency or flight booking office, where they will go through many different options with you. However, with so many options and the convenience of online, why don’t you check out one of these fan favorite websites that we have found for you, to easily book a flight of your own!

  • Vietnam Airlines: Vietnam Airlines
  • Skyscanner: https://www.skyscanner.com.au/flights-to/vn/airlines-that-fly-to-vietnam.html  
  • Google Flights: https://www.google.com/flights/  
  • JetStar: http://www.jetstar.com/au/en/cheap-flights/vietnam  

Exchange foreign currency in Vietnam

In Vietnam, only Vietnam Dong (VND) is accepted in any purchasing transactions. At some places like hotels, restaurants, souvenir stores, etc., travelers can use US Dollars to pay for the goods and services.

You should not prepare VND before your Vietnam trip since the exchange rate in your country may not be favorable. You can exchange foreign currency in some Vietnamese banks such as VietcomBank at the airport and around big cities (Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City).

Notably, avoid unofficial places such as souvenirs or jewelry shops.

Check our best Vietnam tours for Australians here .

Premium Thailand and Vietnam

19 days | explore the hearts of northern thailand and vietnam, from bustling cities to serene natural landscapes.

Vietnam insights with Peregrine Adventures: Sample local food at a street market

Get to know the essence of local culture as you travel from the city streets to the mountain tops of Northern Thailand – a land of mouth-watering food, stunning landscapes, fascinating history and incredibly hospitable locals. Explore the ancient temples of Ayutthaya, spend time with Lisu hill tribes, meet the experts at an elephant sanctuary in Chiang Mai and uncover the country’s past in Kanchanaburi. Then, hit the streets of bustling Vietnam and take part in enriching local encounters as your leader shows you the soul of this diverse metropolis. Get lost in the districts of Hanoi, cruise past the limestone karsts of Ha Long Bay on an overnight cruise, discover the old-world charm of Hoi An and navigate the winding streets of Ho Chi Minh City. With an unbeatable mix of culture, cuisine and history, your Premium journey through two of Southeast Asia’s hotspots will surely surprise and delight.

Trip overview

Our best 4-star accommodation and the highest level of service

All must-see locations plus authentic experiences exclusive to Premium

Trips led by our most experienced and highest-rated local leaders

  • Stay in the beautiful Lisu Lodge for your Feature Stay in Thailand. This community-based project employs Lisu villagers and allows you to immerse yourself in local culture while enjoying creature comforts.
  • Support an important animal welfare initiative, speak with local experts and get close to incredible creatures at the Elephant Nature Park.
  • Explore the cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City with your local leader, who will help you uncover the vibrant mix of influences, from the French to Asian traders, settlers and Indigenous peoples.
  • Enjoy an overnight cruise in Ha Long Bay on a boat as beautiful as its surroundings for your Feature Stay in Vietnam. Take in spectacular views while enjoying a candle-lit dinner on deck.
  • Sit down to a soul-stirring Hat Xam performance, your Exclusive Experience and an art form that dates back over 700 years to the Tran Dynasty.
  • In 2023, Tet (Lunar New Year) will run from the 21st to the 27th of January. This is a fascinating and rewarding time to see the region, however you do need to be prepared for some businesses to be closed, tourist sites to be very busy and for transport to be packed as many Vietnamese are travelling around the country. Please consider your travel arrangements carefully before booking travel for this period.
  • You will visit a number of temples that require a level of modesty. All travellers must bring clothes that cover the arms and pants or skirts that go past the knees. The heat can be challenging, especially in April and May, so please pack accordingly.
  • This trip includes a cycling tour around Sukhothai Heritage Park, so confidence on a bicycle will be required. The roads are quiet with minimal traffic, so it’s a leisurely ride.

View the itinerary for departures between 02 August 2024 - 31 December 2024

Welcome to Thailand! Your journey begins in Bangkok, where you’ll be collected at the airport and transferred to your hotel. After settling into your room, an important welcome meeting will take place at 6pm. Please check for the Intrepid Premium noticeboard in the reception area of the hotel. If you arrive early, take some time to enjoy Bangkok’s irresistible energy. By day you’ll encounter a city steeped with history and tradition, but by night Bangkok is taken over by a flood of music and neon lights. Watch torrents of tuk tuks zip by while traditional khlong boats slowly wind down the Chao Phraya River. After your meeting, join your small group for a welcome dinner at an excellent local restaurant where your leader will introduce you to a food scene that’s bursting with local flavour.

  • Ramada Plaza Bangkok Menam Riverside Hotel Bangkok or similar (1 night)
  • Complimentary Arrival Transfer
  • Bangkok - Welcome Dinner

The arrival transfer is only valid if arriving on Day 1 or if you have booked pre-trip accommodation through us. Please provide your flight details at the time of booking, or at a minimum 14 days prior to travel, as we may not be able to confirm a request made within 14 days of travel.

Rise early for an optional exclusive experience away from Bangkok’s well-trodden tourist track. Join the locals for to a visit to a temple along the Chao Phraya River, where you’ll ‘make merit’ by bringing an offering to the temple’s monks – a truly unforgettable moment. Today your leader will take you for a day of sightseeing and activities in lively Bangkok. Tour Wat Po, a larger-than-life temple complex in the city - home of the Temple of the Reclining Buddha. Also visit the majestic Grand Palace and learn about the site which has been the official residence of the kings since the 1700s, and enjoy a boat tour of the city's canals as your leader shows you how Bangkok’s locals live today. The afternoon is free to do as you wish, perhaps check out the art collection at the Jim Thompson house or relax with a Thai massage.

  • Bangkok - Grand Palace
  • Bangkok - Wat Pho
  • Bangkok - Khlong boat canal tour
  • Bangkok - Temple Merit Making
  • Bangkok - Jim Thompson's House - THB200
  • Bangkok - Thai Massage - THB250

Please note when visiting the Grand Palace you will be required to wear clothes covering your shoulders and knees (long pants or skirts are suitable) plus covered shoes/sneaker (no sandals).

Unleash your creativity and learn about the history of Benjarong, a traditional style of painted Thai porcelain, with a visit to a ceramics community. The name literally means ‘five colours’ (although it’s not unusual to see up to eight) and artists use enamel to create intricate floral and geometric designs. This morning you’ll get to paint your own mug or teacup which will be fired and sent to you to take home as a unique and very special souvenir. There will be time to buy lunch if you wish, before you continue to Kanchanaburi to visit to the Kanchanaburi War Cemetery. This prisoner of war cemetery was one of the first museums to attempt to educate the public and keep the memory of the Asian and POW workers who died constructing the infamous Death Railway alive.

  • U Inchantree or similar (1 night)
  • Benjarong - Ceramics Workshop
  • Kanchanaburi - Kanchanaburi War Cemetery
  • Kanchanaburi - Bridge over the River Kwai

Your travel time today will be approximately 3.5 hours.

Start your day with a visit to Erawan National Park where you can explore the park’s famous seven-level waterfall or simply swim and relax. The falls are regarded as some of the most beautiful in the country, with glacial blue waters rushing through the forest into bamboo-shaded pools perfect for a refreshing dip. Many Allied prisoners of war and conscripted Asian labourers were engaged here to help build a rail route to Myanmar (Burma), including the passage infamously known as Hellfire Pass. Visit the memorial museum of the pass where your leader will provide more information about this chapter in history. Take a historical train journey across a portion of this 'death railway' along the Kwai Noi River and travel over the original wooden viaduct, known as the Krasae Bridge, constructed by the allied POWs. Pass through peaceful and naturally beautiful scenery as you learn of those who lost their lives building this rail route. The evening is yours to explore the town.

  • Kanchanaburi - Erawan National Park Visit
  • Kanchanaburi - Hellfire Pass Memorial Museum

Today’s total driving time is approximately 3 hours.

If you are travelling in September, you will visit Sai Yok Noi Waterfall instead of Erawan National Park. Erawan will be closed for restoration during this time.

This morning head to Ayutthaya, one of the ancient capitals of Siam and a World Heritage site. On the way, visit Baan Nong Khao CBT Village, an agricultural village that is famous for its Pha Khao Mah hand-weaving. Visit the community’s museum, a palm sugar field and a local house to see how desserts featuring this famous Thai ingredient are made. Of course, you’ll get to sample these delicious, sweet treats. Then watch the weavers at work as they use more than 100 colours of yarn to create traditional Thai clothing. Upon arrival in Ayutthaya, explore the photogenic 13th-century ruins of Wat Phra Mahathat and discover rows of Buddhas beheaded by the Burmese. Look out for the displaced Buddha head suspended in the roots of a Banyan tree - one of the country’s most photographed images. Tonight, the past will come to life as you board a traditional rice barge and tuck into a delicious Thai dinner.

  • Kantary Hotel Ayutthaya or similar (1 night)
  • Baan Nong Khao - Weaving Community Visit
  • Ayutthaya - Temple Visit
  • Ayutthaya - Traditional Rice Barge Dinner Cruise

Today you will leave Ayutthaya and travel to the town of Phitsanulok by train. Sit back, relax and watch the scenery roll by. After arriving in Phitsanulok, change to a private vehicle and continue on this comfortable journey which will see you arriving in Sukhothai at approximately 5pm. The rest of the day is free for your own discoveries. You may like to relax by the pool or unwind with a Thai massage, and for dinner this evening be sure to ask your leader where you can get a bowl of Sukhothai’s famously tasty noodles.

  • Legendha Sukhothai Resort or similar (1 night)
  • Ayutthaya - Train to Phitsanuloke

Today’s travel time is approximately 5 hours.

Sukhothai, established in the 13th century, was one of the first ancient capitals of Siam. Start your day with an optional alms offering before visiting its famed World Heritage listed historical park, which captures the Golden Age of Thai civilisation. Visit the historical park, which spans the ruins of the town, where you will rent a bicycle and take part in a cycle tour. As you ride around, your leader will let you know more about the history of this former metropolis and its fascinating structures. Enjoy a picnic lunch in the beautiful grounds of Sukhothai Park. The rest of the afternoon is free to explore the town, or you might want to simply read a book by the pool back at your accommodation. This evening, regroup and head to the home of one of our local friends where you’ll enjoy a wonderful homecooked dinner and a unique insight into life in this part of the country.

  • Sukhothai - Morning Alms Offering
  • Sukhothai - Historical Park Visit and Bike Ride
  • Sukhothai - Dinner in a local home

Travel from Sukhothai to the Mae Taeng region. Draped between tranquil rice fields and fruit orchards, you’ll find the enchanting Lisu Lodge, your Feature Stay accommodation. The lodge is a community-based project that trains and employs Lisu villagers from the nearby hill tribe and aims to preserve their cultural heritage. The Lisu people are a Tibeto-Burman ethnic group and one of the six main hill tribes of Northern Thailand. Meet the colourfully dressed villagers and learn more about the Lisu way of life - a truly special experience that is sure to be one of your enduring memories of Thailand. The lodge offers gorgeous guestrooms decorated in the traditional Lisu style with modern comforts. Savour unforgettable views of the surrounding hillside and valley, and enjoy a tantalising dinner of Thai food mixed with traditional Lisu dishes. You don’t have to look for a cultural experience here - it’s all around you.

  • Lisu Lodge or similar (1 night)

Today’s total driving time is approximately 7 hours.

After breakfast at Lisu Lodge, it’s a quick trip to Muang Kued Village where you will meet with a local villager and enjoy a private guided tour. Learn about village life, the reforestation of the surrounding area and how produce is grown in the village orchards. Explore the organic farm and choose the ingredients for a cooking class where you’ll learn how to cook traditional Thai food. After a delicious lunch, join the villagers for a chance to learn how to weave palm leaves to create ornaments and accessories. You’ll also enjoy a tasty barbeque dinner at the nearby Mae Tamaan Base Camp.

  • Muang Kued - Village Visit, Cooking Class, and Handicraft Workshop
  • Mae Taeng - Mae Tamaan Base Camp BBQ Dinner

Travel to the Elephant Nature Park - a unique project that provides sanctuary for elephants and other animals. Be greeted by an expert local guide and learn the stories of the rescued elephants and the issues they face in South-East Asia. Feed the elephants from a viewing platform, walk with the expert staff to watch elephants bathe and play, and enjoy a vegetarian buffet lunch. On arrival back in Chiang Mai in the late afternoon, the evening is yours to enjoy your way. You may like to visit the vibrant Night Bazaar or take a stroll around the old town which is bounded by moats. Your guide can give you recommendations on where to go for dinner.

  • Smile Lanna Resort or similar (1 night)
  • Chiang Mai - Elephant Nature Park Half Day Trip

Start your day with a caffeine hit and a visit to a sustainable social enterprise with a focus on all things coffee. From here, you will drive to the famous temple complex of Doi Suthep. Take in stunning views along the scenic and winding mountain road which brings you to an impressive 300-step Naga-guarded stairway. The rewards justify the ascent to the top, with one of the most beautiful temples in Thailand on display, not to mention the fantastic panoramic views of the city. Return to Chiang Mai where you will have time to relax before an exclusive farewell dinner cooked by a local chef. Dine on delicious traditional northern Thai food like kao soy, yellow wheat noodles in a curry broth, traditionally served with chicken or beef, as you reminisce about the wonderful adventures you’ve had in Northern Thailand.

  • Chiang Mai - Akha Ama Coffee Social Enterprise Visit
  • Chiang Mai - Doi Suthep Temple Visit
  • Chiang Mai - Farewell Dinner

Today’s total travel time is approximately 1.5 hours.

Xin chao! Welcome to Hanoi, Vietnam’s vibrant capital city. When you arrive, you’ll be met at the airport by a representative and transferred to your hotel. This evening, join your leader for a welcome dinner at a beautifully decorated restaurant resembling an old-fashioned Vietnamese house. Dive into the world of Vietnamese cuisine as your leader introduces you to a range of classic dishes made with the freshest local ingredients.

  • The Ann Hotel Hanoi or similar (1 night)
  • Hanoi - Welcome Dinner

Depart Hanoi and travel to Ha Long Bay – one of the great natural treasures of Vietnam and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Board your Feature Stay accommodation for the evening – a gloriously beautiful and traditionally decorated junk-style boat featuring modern conveniences. Set sail in total comfort as unforgettable views of scattered islands and towering limestone karsts slowly unfold in front of you. Explore the bay and sit down for a seafood lunch onboard. Learn about the geography of the region, visit Surprise Cave where your leader will point out interesting rock formations and in the warmer months, maybe swim on Ti Top Island Beach or take an optional kayaking tour. Soak in the stunning surroundings with a candlelit seafood dinner on deck before settling in for a night of stargazing and swapping stories.

  • Secret Halong Cruise (Feature Stay) or similar (1 night)
  • Halong Bay - Overnight Boat Cruise
  • Halong Bay - Kayaking Tour - VND250000

Your total travel time today will be approximately 3.5 hours.

Your main luggage can be left in the hotel in Hanoi.

Surprise Cave is accessed via staircases, but the pathways inside can be a little uneven and slippery, so good walking shoes or sandals will be useful.

Your junk-style boat has twin-share cabins with en suite facilities and air-conditioning. Due to the limited cabins on board, the single supplement is excluded, and accommodation will be on a twin-share basis.

Local authorities permit a limited number of boats to stay overnight in Ha Long Bay. To ensure all travellers can be accommodated on board available boats, on rare occasions you’ll stay on a larger boat (with up to 12 cabins) and share your boat with another group. Or your group may be split across different vessels, in which case a group leader will be present on each boat. The route taken and inclusions on board will be the same.

Start your day with a peaceful breakfast and maybe take part in some Tai Chi on board the boat before returning to Hanoi. This afternoon, you’ll take part in a once-in-a-lifetime experience and sit down to a soul-stirring traditional Hat Xam performance. Hat Xam is an art form of Northern Vietnam dating back to the Tran Dynasty. Originally, this was performed by blind performers and was enjoyed by local working-class audiences right up until the late 1950s, when a wave of communism deemed all art forms to be corrupting influences. Today, these performances are rare, but you and your group will be taken to a private club house and treated to an exclusive show in one of the few places where artists still sing acoustically. The performance takes around 60 minutes, and includes possible interaction with guests, so be ready to get involved!

  • Hanoi - Hat Xam performance
  • Halong Bay - Tai Chi
  • Hanoi - Street Food Experience Urban Adventure - USD40

This morning, you’ll get to know Hanoi on a half-day tour with your leader. Discover a captivating city where traditional and modern sit side by side as your leader shares knowledge on the Temple of Literature – an oasis of calm in the heart of town. You'll also visit the infamous Hoa Lo Prison, known as the ‘Hanoi Hilton’, which held American POWs. Today’s lunch is extra special as you’ll visit the fantastic KOTO cafe – a social enterprise that provides hospitality training and experience to disadvantaged youth in Vietnam and offers a creative menu of Vietnamese dishes made with local ingredients. This afternoon you’ll say goodbye to Hanoi and fly south to Danang. Drive on to Hoi An and take in views of lush scenery along the way. The rest of the day is yours to epxlore or chill out in the hotel’s pool.

  • Mulberry Collection Silk Eco or similar (1 night)
  • Hanoi - Temple of Literature
  • Hanoi - Lunch at KOTO
  • Hanoi - Hoa Lo Prison

Your total travel time today will be approximately 2 hours.

Set off on a walking tour of Hoi An’s Old Town and discover a blend of traditional treasures and cultural influences from historical traders. Your leader will discuss the city’s history as you wander the pagoda lined streets, visit a Chinese assembly hall, cross the Japanese Covered Bridge, enter the ornately decorated historic house of a former trader and check out a local museum. Hoi An was once a great trading port for pottery, and centuries-old pottery villages still exist to this day. No trip to Vietnam is complete without trying its famed coffee – your leader will take you to a local coffee shop, where you can savour a delicious brew as you watch the hustle and bustle of Hoi An. Maybe try a traditional egg coffee or a refreshing iced coconut coffee. Your afternoon is free for your own explorations.

  • Hoi An - Old Town walking tour
  • Hoi An - Farm to Table dining experience at Tra Que Village and Mua restaurant - USD84

The morning is free for you to enjoy more of Hoi An and the surrounding area. Maybe browse the market for silk and other materials or collect any garments that you might have had crafted by the efficient tailors or hire a bicycle and ride along the lanes and out to a nice nearby beach. Your leader will have great recommendations for places to eat and drink. In the afternoon, transfer back to Danang and fly to Ho Chi Minh City. Check into your hotel and enjoy a free evening – the bustling food stalls at Cho Ben Thanh market might beckon you over with the sweet and savoury aromas of pho and bun mam.

  • Paragon Saigon Hotel or similar (1 night)

Rooms in Ho Chi Minh City are compact given the style of the buildings and the central location.

Head out of the city to the nearby Cu Chi Tunnels – an extensive underground network dug by the Viet Minh and later expanded by the Viet Cong. Enter a widened section of the tunnels with your leader who will help you imagine what life underground must have been like and explain how the tunnels contained hospitals, accommodation and schools, and were used for refuge, storage and as a military base for the Viet Cong. Return to Ho Chi Minh City for a tour of the dynamic city where daily life plays out on the streets. Your leader will take you to the Reunification Palace – formally the Presidential Palace and the site of South Vietnam’s surrender in 1975 – before visiting the War Remnants Museum. In the evening, maybe spend some time with your fellow travellers and enjoy a final dinner at a local restaurant. Your leader will have some great options!

  • Ho Chi Minh City - Cu Chi Tunnels
  • Ho Chi Minh City - War Remnants Museum
  • Ho Chi Minh City - Notre Dame Cathedral

Your adventure comes to an end after breakfast this morning. If you wish to spend some more time in Ho Chi Minh city, we would be happy to organise additional accommodation for you (subject to availability).

  • Ho Chi Minh City - Mekong Discovery Urban Adventure - USD73

17 breakfasts, 6 lunches, 8 dinners

Boat, Plane, Private Minibus, Train, Bicycle

Hotel (15 nights), Lodge (2 nights), Overnight boat (1 night)

  • Arrival airport transfer
  • Tipping for accommodation, activities and transport
  • Luggage transfer
  • Daily breakfast and signature local meal experiences
  • 24/7 on-ground support

Dates and availability

Important notes.

1. A complimentary airport arrival transfer is included; valid if you are arriving on Day 1 or if you have booked pre-tour accommodation through us. You must provide your flight details to your booking agent at least 14 days prior to travel. 2. A single supplement is available if you’d prefer not to share a room on this trip. The single supplement excludes the Halong Bay boat overnight where you will be in shared accommodation, and is subject to availability. Please speak to your booking agent for further information.  3. This trip includes domestic and international flights as indicated on the trip map. The luggage allowance is 20kg for check in luggage and 7kg for carry on. 4. Full name exactly as per passport required at the time of booking (including any middle names listed on the passport), for internal flights. Ticketing fees may apply for amendments to details within 45 days of departure, and in some cases you will be required to cover the cost of issuing a new ticket. 5. Due to limited luggage space in our vehicles, please ensure that you are packing light and compact. Large, bulky suitcases are unsuitable for this trip. Please refer to the Packing section of the Essential Trip Information for details.  6. Local authorities only permit a limited number of boats to stay overnight in Halong Bay. To ensure all travellers can be accommodated on board available boats, on rare occasions you may stay on a larger boat and share your boat with another group. Otherwise, we may swap the activities and destinations of Days 13 and 14 to provide you the best possible experience. The route taken and inclusions on board will remain the same. 7. Flight schedules within South East Asia are currently limited. Whenever possible, you will be on a direct fight. However, some flights may require a stop. 8. On the TTPVC231111 and TTPVC231114 departures, the Thailand Feature Stay will be Sibsan Resort, rather than Lisu Lodge, in Mae Taeng.

Want an in-depth insight into this trip? Essential Trip Information provides a detailed itinerary, visa info, how to get to your hotel, what's included - pretty much everything you need to know about this adventure and more.

Check back later or explore reviews for similar trips.

Travel Vaccinations for Vietnam

Are you planning to travel to Vietnam soon? It’s a beautiful destination in Southeast Asia full of vibrant and welcoming people, scenic beaches and historic sites, and enticing cuisine with French, Chinese and Cambodian influences.. There are a range of vaccinations for Vietnam that should be considered before your next adventure. It’s crucial to get in contact with a medical provider specialising in vaccinations for Vietnam so that you have plenty of time to get the ones you need.

Remember that many vaccines do not provide lifetime immunity. Even if you have been vaccinated in the past, booster vaccinations which boost your immunity are often required for a range of serious illnesses that are prevalent in Vietnam.

If you plan to travel to Vietnam or also nearby Southeast Asian countries like Cambodia and Thailand, this brief guide will help you learn about the vaccinations for Vietnam and Cambodia and how to reduce other potential health risks during your journey.

Pre-travel Preparation Will Help Protect Your Health While You Are Away

The life and lights of Vietnam can place well-meaning travellers at risk of exposure to diseases and illness. Consult a travel doctor prior to departure to assess your risks in relation to your medical history and travel plans as diseases like Japanese encephalitis may be of risk depending on the time of year and places you visit in your Vietnam travel.

Safe Eating and Drinking Practices

One of the great pleasures of Vietnam travel is sampling the local cuisine. However, contaminated food and beverages are a common cause of traveller’s diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal illnesses. Safe eating and drinking practices are essential in minimising your risk of contracting traveller’s diarrhoea.

Insect Avoidance

There are a number of viruses and illnesses that are contracted through insects such as fleas, ticks and flies. Mosquitoes however are the biggest culprit of spreading insect borne diseases such as Zika Virus and Malaria which are a risk when you travel Vietnam. Ensure you a prepared and read up on our insect avoidance tips.

What vaccinations do I need for Vietnam?

These routine vaccinations for Vietnam should be up to date prior to your departure date. You will need to be vaccinated if you did not receive these in childhood or if they are past the date in which a booster vaccine should have been received.

  • Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis Your medical provider will ensure that you are up to date on your routine vaccines including your tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough vaccinations). You may need a tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) vaccination booster if it has been 10 years since your last vaccination.  
  • Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) These are easily spread viral illnesses that are found in Vietnam and many other countries. Outbreaks have occurred recently in Vietnam. They are easily preventable through vaccinations. If you do not have evidence of immunity, or if you have not received two previous vaccines in your lifetime, a booster dose will be recommended. In some states this is provides as part of a free program.

Additional potential vaccinations for Vietnam

These additional vaccinations for Vietnam may be recommended by your medical provider depending on where you will travel, your prior vaccinations and other factors:

  • Hepatitis A Hepatitis A is a viral disease that affects the liver and can be spread through contaminated food and water no matter where you end up visiting. This vaccination is recommended for most travellers to Vietnam. Once you complete the vaccine course it is lifelong.  
  • Hepatitis B This viral illness also affects the liver and other organs and is spread through sexual contact, blood products or contaminated needles. This vaccine has been part of the standard vaccine schedule for over 20 years now so many will already be vaccinated. This vaccine is often recommended for those who may be travelling in more remote areas or who are frequent travellers to at risk countries. It would also be recommended in those who may have sexual contact with a new partner, who may have medical procedures or receive a tattoo or piercing. These activities would cautioned against in a country such as Vietnam due to this risk. Once the course is completed vaccination is lifelong.  
  • Typhoid Fever Typhoid can be transmitted through contaminated food or water and it is common in developing countries like Vietnam, therefore this vaccine is often recommended, particularly for travel to smaller cities or for those who plan to be more adventurous with eating and drinking.  
  • Yellow Fever There is no of yellow fever in Vietnam, however if you have visited a country with a yellow fever risk, the government may require proof of vaccination prior to your travel to Vietnam.  
  • Japanese Encephalitis This is a serious viral illness transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. Because this illness is endemic throughout the country, this vaccine may be recommended, especially for those visiting rural areas, rice farms or irrigation areas.  
  • Rabies Rabies is a deadly viral illness transmitted through the bite or scratch of an infected animal. Depending on where you travel and the nature of your activities, you may be recommended to receive a course of rabies vaccination. Once vaccinated it is gives lifelong cover and reduces necessary treatment if bitten significantly.

Other potential health risks for Vietnam travel

There are a range of other health risks to take into account before you travel to Vietnam. Most of these risks can be reduced by ensuring you receive vaccinations for Vietnam before you travel and by following simple precautionary hygiene habits like frequent hand washing, practicing social distancing, and taking caution with food and drink consumption.

  • Cholera Cholera risk is minimal in Vietnam. Following basic sanitary practices like hand washing and only drinking treated water will significantly reduce your cholera risk.  
  • Insect Borne Diseases Japanese encephalitis, malaria, zika virus, dengue fever, chikungunya, and other insect borne diseases can be prevented by taking steps to avoid mosquito bites. Malaria risk in Vietnam is present in parts of the country, including rural areas, and as a result anti-malarial tablets may be prescribed depending on where you travel. A vaccine is available for Japanese Encephalitis as above.  
  • Traveller’s Diarrhoea This can affect anywhere from 20%-50% of travellers to Vietnam and can vary from mild to very severe dysentery It can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever, and other symptoms. Prevention involves frequent hand washing, only drinking treated water, botted or boiled water, and taking precautions with food and beverage choices. Medications can be provided in a kit to take with you for your trip to self-treat yourself for travellers’ diarrhoea if required.  
  • Other health risks This is not an exhaustive list of illnesses that you may encounter in Vietnam, you may also need to receive vaccinations for diseases such as chickenpox, pneumonia, influenza, shingles, and meningitis. Your medical provider will inform you about additional these and other potential vaccinations that you may need to receive.

Do you need vaccinations for Vietnam?

Although there are no specific vaccinations required for Vietnam travel by Vietnamese law other than potentially yellow fever in some instances, you are strongly recommended to meet with a medical provider to determine the vaccinations needed for Vietnam.

Even if you have received many of these vaccinations in the past, you will very likely need some of the above-mentioned vaccinations for Vietnam or boosters before you travel.

Your medical provider will give you specifics on which vaccinations for Vietnam that you are recommended to have based on where you plan on travelling, your prior vaccinations and other health factors.

Travel to Vietnam from Australia can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it is important to contact a medical provider specializing in vaccinations for Vietnam as soon as you know you will be travelling to the country.

Speak to a medical provider no later than 6-8 weeks before you travel to Vietnam. This is because it takes time for your immunity to build after receiving a vaccine and you may need to space your vaccinations required for Vietnam apart.

Even if your trip to Vietnam is occurring sooner than this, you should still schedule a consultation because you can receive your required vaccinations on a more urgent schedule.

Health Risks

How can we help.

Travel Doctor-TMVC provides specific health recommendations tailored to your individual holiday plans. Our medical and nursing staff at Travel Doctor-TMVC have extensive knowledge of international health issues, immunisation and preventative medicine. Travellers should have individual risk assessments by one of our doctors whether they are holiday makers, businesspeople, or long-term expatriates.

Travel Doctor-TMVC has clinics throughout Australia. We are always available to assist you before you travel, on your holiday, or when you return. You can book an appointment online at any time of the day or night by visiting our locations pages, or you can talk to one of our friendly team members during business hours on 1300 658 844.

Health Alerts

Chikungunya outbreaks increasing around asia, bird flu cases continue to rise in cambodia, thailand reports case of new mpox variant.

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Now select one of the available clinics listed below.

  • South Australia

Suite 1, Ground Floor 55-67 Hindmarsh Square Adelaide SA 5000

Level 5, West Tower 410 Ann Street Brisbane QLD 4000

Coolangatta Medical Centre 4/91 Griffith Street Coolangatta QLD 4225

  • Australian Capital Territory

Suite 14, Lena Karmel Lodge 1 Childers Lane Canberra ACT 2601

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22 Smith Street Darwin NT 800

200 Elizabeth Street Hobart TAS 7000

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Wodonga West Medical Clinic 60-62 Waratah Way Wodonga VIC 3690

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28 Cranbourne Road (PO Box 889) Frankston VIC 3199

M15 Southgate Arts and Leisure Precinct 3 Southgate Avenue Southbank VIC 3006

  • Western Australia

Level 1 847 Hay Street Perth WA 6000

  • New South Wales

Level 16, 60 Margaret St, Sydney NSW 2000


241 Queen St Campbelltown NSW 2560

Artarmon Medical Centre 134-136 Hampden Road Artarmon NSW 2064

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