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The Apolitical European Tour That’s Only for Conservatives

Ken Chase created a company that provides luxury tours for American conservatives. It's—this is important—not a place for angry Cambridge democrats. Also: "angry Cambridge democrat" is really redundant.

Ryan O'Hanlon

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Ken Chase used to be in politics—conservative politics, he’ll say, definitely conservative politics—and he’s still in politics, just not as deep. (He ran against Ted Kennedy for one of Massachusetts’ Senate seats in 2006.) After the election of a certain person, who Ken likes to describe with three names, as President of the United States, Ken was forced to close down his Boston-area, for-profit, foreign-language school for American children. So, he got into the touring business. No, the conservative touring business—as in, he runs a company that takes conservative-identifying Americans on luxury tours of Europe. At least, the company is called Conservative Tours , and it bills itself as “the nation’s leader in luxury tours to Europe for Conservatives,” but the tours themselves aren’t conservative. Or something. I don’t know, but I spoke with Ken soon after the inauguration. He’ll explain.

How and when did you come up with the idea for Conservative Tours? I came up with the idea after Obama came in, and because I work in politics and I’ve been active in international matters for the better part of 30 years. The how was very simply: on my own. I basically decided I was going to combine the two domains in which I resided in some professional matter.

How’s the company doing, then? It’s a very difficult economy for a luxury product like this, but we’ve been in the green since we’ve started. So now we’re at the point where we’re expanding at a respectable clip and that again makes us rather pleased because hopefully we’re gonna come out of the—I was doing my weekly radio interview this morning on national politics. I said the larger picture here is that, just by force of luck and time and economic gravity, I think when Obama leaves, we’re going to have to be doing very well four years from now, so he’s probably going to ride off into the sunset, claiming to be a worker of wonders.

So, you say the company started in 2008. Is that timing— I ran an after-school language school. We taught French and Spanish using native speakers to American children in the Greater Boston Area. It was a for-profit enterprise. When he got in, that was when, of course, I don’t know how much you remember, Lehman Brothers collapsed. And it was great turmoil. Then, he got elected. 

In that interregnum between getting elected and taking office, he was talking about the necessity to pass his stimulus bill, saying that if it were not passed, millions of people would lose their jobs. Of course, he didn’t understand at the time, but when you’re in that position, the elected-but-not-yet-installed president of this country, when you make a statement like that, you frighten people. That December and January, instead of the moms calling me up and saying, “I wanna sign Johnny and Sally up for the second or third trimester,” they would be saying, “I can’t sign them up again,” or “I’ve got three kids and I’m only gonna sign up two.” I knew the writing was on the wall. I decided to close that school, but I tried my best to honor my commitment to the teachers.

So, you’re saying it’s not just a coincidence that you started this right around when the president was elected? When he told people they might lose their jobs, the discretionary purchases are the first things to go, and that’s what happened with me. So, that’s why I saw my business take a sharp hit when he started beating the drums on the stimulus package, back in the winter of 2008. That’s what happened, and my business model started to dry up, and I just put the finishing touches on it and said “I can’t make a living at this rate,” so that was it. Then I started the new company around January of ‘09.

There are obviously hundreds, if not thousands, of tour operators in America. I don’t know if we created this strategy, but I’ve had more than a handful of people over the years tell me, “Gosh, I wish I thought of it,” but yes. We ask people to make a consumer-luxury purchase based, in part, on their political affiliation.

Is there a certain demographic of people? Yeah, the demographic is conservatives: Americans who are of a politically conservative bent.

A certain age group? Well, they’re luxury tours, so generally speaking, less the 20-something crowd and more adults who are working or have a certain amount of discretionary income.

What makes the tours conservative? The tour itself is not political. The tour itself is not conservative, except insofar as some of the destinations we choose have particular appeal to conservatives, and conversely would not have appeal to leftists and liberals. Such as the D-Day beaches.

Liberals wouldn’t be interested in the D-Day beaches? In politics, when you’re talking nationally, we talk in terms of numbers. As a rule, conservatives have an admiration for our military. As a rule, liberals do not or are indifferent. Therefore, the average liberal has no interest in going to the D-Day beaches. You know, Barack Obama went to the D-Day beaches, but we all know who Barack Obama’s mentor in politics was. It was Bill Ayers. So I don’t think you need a degree in psychology or political science to know that Barack Hussein Obama had no interest in the D-Day beaches until he found himself sitting in the Oval Office. If I wanted to do a tour for liberals, I’d say, “Let’s go to Cannes.” That’s not the kind of destination that conservatives are attracted to.

There’s a note on your site where you tell travelers that, on your tour, you don’t have to worry about getting stuck on a train next to a liberal for three hours. Is that the main appeal of this, then: being with like-minded people? Well, there are many ways the product appeals to Americans. As I said, the tour is not political. The tour is not conservative. The company is conservative insofar as the president is conservative, insofar as the president is active in conservative politics. The tours, if you read the itinerary, are about touring. The tours are not about political rallies. 

However, as it’s indicated—see, that’s part of what it means to be a conservative: we don’t mind telling you what we really think. We don’t have to hide what we’re really up to because we’re conservatives. So, we don’t say we’re about uniting people, but then divide people when we get into office. That’s why we tell people up front, “Here’s the tour, but if you go on the tour you should know that we solicit participation on our tours from people who are like-minded politically.” Having said that, again, it’s up to people to choose—we’re very much pro-choice on that score. We believe in associating with people whom you’d like to associate and not having anybody telling you or compelling you.

That’s another good thing about being Republicans: when it comes to freedom of choice on that matter, we’re very pro-choice. When people come on the tour, I think everybody on the tour knows they’re in the presence of other conservatives, so it makes for a very cohesive and friendly group. See, the difference with conservatives is: they’re traditional. They’re Americans who are easy going, affable, nice, better with their time and money, and of good humor. So, they’re kind of the opposite of the Cambridge democrat.

How would you describe one of them? It’s the people I live with. I live in Cambridge every day, so I think I have a certain familiarity with Cambridge democrats.

You say the actual touring is not political, but at the same time, the events are catered to a certain type of person, who you’re labeling as a conservative, who you’re trying to bring to your tour. So, it seems hard to ever really remove the political aspect from it. Nobody’s asking you to remove anything. We market to conservatives only. Once, I violated my own policy and I went on a non-conservative radio station, and it was a marketing disaster. The two bread and butter tours of the corporation are Paris with the D-Day beaches and when we do the grand event in Italy we visit the American military cemetery just outside of Florence. If I go into Cambridge or San Francisco or Madison, Wisconsin, or Austin and say, “Tell me what you know about Montecassino, Anzio, Salerno,” they’d look at me as if I had three heads. The liberal is like Barack Hussein Obama, that’s how they think. Like Bill Ayers. You know what they think of the military. The last thing you’re going to do is see people like that saying, “I want to pay money to go Salerno.” The converse is true of conservatives. They’re captivated by this because they’re conservatives.

At the same time— How old are you? 

24. Where did you go to school?

Holy Cross. And where are you from? 

New York. Where? New York’s a big state.

Long Island. OK.

Isn’t part of traveling to another country about experiencing things you wouldn’t necessarily experience at home and doing so with people you wouldn’t necessarily be with at home? It’s important not to be narrow-minded. It’s important to respect diverse points of view. See, that’s one of the good things about being conservative. Conservatives are generally easy-going. Cambridge democrats are not easy going. They’re generally angry, generally have a chip on their shoulder. If you talk to them about a subject, virtually any subject other than “How’s your coffee?” if you don’t agree with their viewpoint, they tend to become very angry, agitated.

Why would you want to spend four- or five-thousand dollars on a luxury tour only to be with somebody of that temperament? I wanna spend four- or five-thousand dollars on a luxury tour to be with somebody who’s pleasant. In other words, if I asked somebody in Cambridge, “Can you tell me the accomplishments and the failings of George W. Bush?” they would say: “I hated George W. Bush, he’s evil. He’s a toady for the oil companies from Texas. I wish he was dead.” I don’t want to risk five-thousand dollars of my hard-earned money only to find out the guy across from me is that kind of person. I wanna invest that kind of money—because I’m a hardworking person—to be with somebody who’s nice, who’s pleasant, who’s agreeable, who has a sense of humor. That’s part of the joy of being with conservatives: everybody’s normal. They’re not angry, they’re not bitter, they’re just pleasant. They’re just the traditional Americans. It’s the difference between normal people and Cambridge people.

Aren’t you just grouping all Cambridge liberals into this one type of person and saying that they don’t fit any of the characteristics you listed of the people who go on your trips? That seems like the opposite of open-minded. It has nothing to do with open-mindedness. It’s either inaccurate or it’s accurate. I’m a little older than you and I have 30 years experience working politics in America, so the question has nothing to do with being open-minded. The issue is: Are you tolerant or intolerant? I placed adjectives of the nature on conservatives and conversely of Cambridge democrats. That has nothing to do with being open-minded.

What you’re getting at is tolerance. See, if you’re a Cambridge democrat, you’re angry, you don’t like people, you hate people who don’t think as you do. Tolerance is, “We have a disagreement on that, but I’ll respect your point of view, and I’ll treat you with equanimity.” That’s accepting of diversity. Cambridge democrats don’t do that. That’s why they say: “I hate Dick Cheney. I hate George Bush.” They say things like “George Bush hates blacks,” because they’re so narrow-minded they don’t get out very often. But when you travel as I do, and you spend 30 years living abroad, off and on as I have, you’ll understand these things a little bit better.

Part of being a conservative in my particular role is to fight the intolerance and narrow-mindedness of the Cambridge democrat. We need to teach them to be tolerant, not to hate people who have different opinions than theirs. If you say, “I favor homosexual marriage,” and Ryan says, “Well, I’m against homosexual marriage,” what does a Cambridge democrat say to you? Does he respect your point of view or does he call you a homophobe?

People are different. How can you expect the same answer every time? No, no, no. You’ve gotta answer my question.

I’m not comfortable reducing a group of people into one stereotype. Ryan, you can’t run away from a question. When you call me to have an interview, you can’t pretend to be afraid—event though you are—when I ask you a very simple question. Now, you can’t pretend to be dumb. I don’t think you’re dumb. So, you can’t start now. You don’t have anything to be afraid of. Nobody’s going to throw a net over you and dump you in a lake. Now, you answer my question.

I’m not sure it’s fair to talk about any group of people like that. I don’t think that’s me being dumb. No, you’re pretending to be dumb because you don’t want to answer the question because you know what the answer is.

Well, let’s just go with the answer you’re expecting then. The answer I’m expecting is the answer of an informed person. But if you’re not informed, you can’t give an answer. That’s why you can’t start to play dumb. You can’t fool me, Ryan. I’ve been working around the world in politics. I know a little bit about these issues, OK? This is always the fall back. I don’t wanna answer that question—because you know what answering the question is going to reveal. It’s going to reveal that you’re proving my point.

The essence of a Cambridge democrat, and we generalize here for the sake of discussion—we don’t need an anecdote about the one in a million who’s open-minded. We’re dealing with statistics; we’re dealing with politics on a national level. So, you’re proving my point that the essence of the Cambridge democrat is to be intolerant. And that’s easy; it’s what ignorant people do. Being tolerant is a challenge. That’s why it’s great to be with conservatives: you can’t just be angry like liberals. You can’t just hate like a lot of liberals. You actually have to state your position and explain why it’s a smart position. When you’re with conservatives, they don’t yell and scream; they make a point and then they give you the rationale. Liberals say: “Oh you don’t agree with abortion on demand? Well that’s because you hate women.” Stupid people act that way, but the nice thing about going on tour with conservatives is you don’t get people like that. You get people who say, “I’m pro-choice or pro-life because,” and then they say their rationale. They’re thoughtful people, they’re not angry people. Who on Earth wants to be next to a Cambridge democrat when he says something outrageous and intolerant of divergent points of view? There’s a lovely cohesion on our events. Everybody’s happy, everybody’s nice, everybody laughs, and everybody jokes. And that’s a good thing, Ryan.

I would like you to go on one of our events. Why don’t you go on one of our events with a group of conservatives from Pittsburgh in March. I’ll bet you this: If you don’t come away thinking they’re the nicest tour group you could ever imagine, then your tour is free.

I don’t doubt that, and I’m sure you’re right. And I’m sure if there was a “liberal” tour—or whatever you want to call it—it would be the same, which you obviously wouldn’t agree with, but that’s fine. Anyway, last question: With the inauguration just passing, do you still stand by your characterization of the president as “Our Dear Leader?” In 2003, I think the year was, George Bush declared Iran as part of the axis of evil. In 2008, the very intelligent Barack Obama went before the cameras, and he was asked “Would you meet unconditionally with the leader of Iran?” His said, “Yes.” Because the question was so fraught with political danger, the reporter wanted to give Obama a chance to back out, so he said, again, “Knowing what you know now, would you meet with Ahmadinejad unconditionally?” He said, “Yes.” 

Now you don’t know what that means because you inhabited a university campus, and I’m sure Holy Cross is like virtually every other college campus in America: it’s 98 percent populated by teachers who write checks to the DNC. Let me translate: “George Bush is a southerner. He speaks with a drawl. Therefore, I’m a liberal. I have a Harvard degree. He’s stupid and I’m smart because I’m a liberal. George Bush has screwed up the planet. Everybody hates us around the planet because he’s stupid. And because he’s stupid, he’s lacking the finesse, the intelligence, the sophistication, and the diplomacy. Therefore, countries like Iran hate us. I’m Barack Hussein Obama. Get rid of a stupid George Bush and put in the smart socialist like me and Iran will like us. We’ll stall the Iran problem. All we’re lacking is someone intelligent and diplomatic and sophisticated like me from the left.”

That’s the translation of that interchange. Now how do I know that? I’m a little bit deeper than the average politician.

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Explore Germany’s most beautiful city: Munich and the most German of German cities: Nuremberg, along with a visit to The Alps at Zugspitze, The Mad King Ludwig’s masterpiece, Neuschwanstein Castle, Dachau Concentration Camp, Mozart’s Salzburg, Berchtesgaden and the Eagle’s Nest, Frankfurt, Rothenburg, The Rise and Fall of Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich. Visit the land that precipitated D-Day and The Battle of the Bulge.

DEPART : AUG 31, 2022 – RETURN : SEP 11, 2022

To all those who’ve journeyed with Conservative Tours to the D-Day Beaches you understand how we craft an event like this. Our goal is to savoir the beauty and exquisite culture of three European countries while also plunging into the not-so-distant history of a movement and an ideology that almost succeeded in conquering Europe, including Great Britain & Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union.

This tour adventure has been several years in the making and as with our similar events to Asia and Europe, it will be substantive historically and satisfyingly pleasurable, with great cities big and small, fine dining and elegant hotel properties for your lodging comfort and pleasure.

Click here to see the Conservative Tours website .



Welcome to Munich, Germany’s “secret capital.” With its exuberant atmosphere and vitality, Munich is one of Europe’s great cultural centers and is considered Germany’s most enjoyable big city. Moreover, all the elegance and style that made Munich so lovely before the war are what make Munich so beautiful today as all the destruction via Allied bombing has been meticulously restored!

Generations of serious drinkers rent lockers for their personal beer tankards at the Hofbräuhaus in Munich

Your guide from Conservative Tours will meet your group at the airport and after a short panoramic tour of beautiful Munich you arrive at your hotel in the heart of the city.

In the evening you’ll enjoy a hearty welcome dinner at the famous Hofbräuhaus in Munich accompanied by live Bavarian music… only the locals can do it!!



In the morning you discover the highlights of Munich and at the same time follow the traces of the Third Reich, one of the darkest moments in the city’s history. Learn more about the emergence of Nazism, Hitler’s rise and the infamous Third Reich. Follow the rise of Nazism from the first mass meeting at the Hofbräuhaus to the unsuccessful attempt to seize power in the Feldherrenhalle. Among other things walk to the scene of party meetings at Königsplatz and stop in the Hofgarten to talk about the White Rose resistance group.

After a lunch break you will discover the beautiful historic side of Munich during a visit of Nymphenburg Palace. To celebrate the birth of their son and heir, Elector Ferdinand Maria and his consort Henriette Adelaide of Savoy built a beautiful summer residence west of Munich. The tour includes a guided visit of Nymphenburg Palace with the massive great hall decorated in Rococo style and the famous “Gallery of Beauties” painted for King Ludwig I situated in the extended English landscape garden surroundings of Nymphenburg.


Today discover the palaces of Neuschwanstein and Linderhof, two of the most opulent castles, built by Ludwig II, the fairy-tale King of Bavaria. The excursion into the so-called “cleric” Pfaffenwinkel region includes a stop at Wieskirche, an amazing realisation of Bavarian Rococo art, and an extensive guided tour of the fairy-tale castle  Neuschwanstein  built by King Ludwig II , perched on an imposing rock, artfully secluded in the mountains.

Close by are the old castle of  Hohenschwangau  and the crystal clear Alpsee Lake. Lunch stop will be in  Oberammergau , famous for its woodcarvers and home to the famous passion play, held every 10 years for centuries. Oberammergau is noted for its attractive and beautifully decorated painted residences, typical of Upper Bavaria. After lunch a guided tour invites you to discover  Linderhof  castle, the king’s favorite; and you’ll savour the castle’s beautiful gardens.


Dachau was Germany’s first concentration camp – a few weeks after Adolf Hitler had been appointed Reich Chancellor, a concentration camp for political prisoners was set up in Dachau. It served as a model for all later concentration camps and as a “school of violence” for the SS men under whose rule it stood. In the twelve years of its existence, over 200,000 people from all over Europe were imprisoned here and in numerous sub-camps. 41,500 were murdered. On April 29, 1945, American troops liberated the survivors. Explore the remaining buildings and reconstructions and learn more about the biographies of former prisoners. Maintained as a memorial, this visit at Dachau will provide insight into one of the darkest chapters in the history of man.

Afternoon free to explore beautiful  Munich !

In the evening enjoy a dinner in one of the many brewery restaurants in Munich.


Today you travel directly into the foothills of the Alps and its green valleys. Discover the pittoresque town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen on a walk through the streets and alleys from Richard-Strauss-Platz, the pedestrian zone, through historical streets full of charm and beauty, meticulously hand-painted “Lüftmalerei” houses, beautiful squares, and a prominent green oasis in the heart of the village.

To the top of the German Alps

Continue to the valley station of the  Zugspitze , Germany’s highest mountain (2963m). With the new cable car you can reach the top of the mountain in a few minutes from where you can enjoy a spectacular 4-country view to the two and three thousand metre peaks (and the only four thousand metre peak) of the Eastern Alps. The spacious terrace allows views of the Großglockner, the Piz Bernina or the television tower in Munich. Since December 2017, the ultra-modern Zugspitze cable car has been opening up the country’s highest mountain with maximum comfort for the passengers. The two large-capacity cabins with floor-to-ceiling windows each offer space for up to 120 people and can transport up to 580 people per hour to the summit without waiting. The descent takes place with the historic rack railway……itself a traditional Alpine treat, German style!

BERCHTESGADEN (THE EAGLE’S NEST) & SALZBURG                                          

Today you leave Munich and travel along the German Alpine Road through impressive valleys to Berchtesgaden, a typical traditional Alpine village at the foot of Mount Watzmann. Berchtesgaden National Park, created in 1978, is the only national alpine park in Germany. The region’s attractions include the salt mines, Lake Königssee and Obersalzberg with the Eagle’s Nest, once the site of Hitler’s mountain retreat. A special bus and tunnel lift will take you to the Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle’s Nest). After a visit to the infamous Eagle’s Nest (depending on the weather conditions) and the NS Documentation Centre at the Obersalzberg you will enjoy a break at lake Königssee. Then we’ll meander onto neighboring Salzburg in Austria, birthplace of the famous composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, where the tour ends for today.


After breakfast start your day by diving into the medieval world of impressive Hohensalzburg Fortress, visit the Gothic princely rooms and enjoy the fantastic view onto Salzburg. Afterwards you’ll discover the enchanting Old Town. Here you can find everything your heart desires, from shopping in noble boutiques and culinary delights to art and culture. During a city walk enjoy the highlights of Salzburg such as the cathedral and the monastery of St. Peter, the residence, the festival houses, the oldest pharmacy and the oldest coffee house, river Salzach and the city mountains. In “Old Europe” local color is exactly what we enjoy as visitors, and Salzburg is bursting at the seams with charm and color all its own!

Another highlight certainly is the interior visit of Mozart’s birth house which is particularly interesting.    In the evening enjoy Austrian specialties in a typical local restaurant.


Today you leave Salzburg and continue on a leisurely drive to Nürnberg, a typical medieval town where visitors will find many remnants of its 950 year history at every turn. In the afternoon you visit Nuremberg’s historic city center and learn more about its impressive history with a tour of the well-preserved Kaiserburg Castle, the house of Albrecht Dürer, Gothic churches, romantic houses and peaceful squares. During the walking tour you are invited to taste 2 types of beer from 2 different local breweries.

Dinner takes place at a typical  Frankonian Bratwurst  restaurant where you can enjoy grilled sausages, a typical Frankonian specialty.


After breakfast you visit the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Ground. Still today, the gigantic remains of buildings in the southern districts of Nuremberg are a reminder of the megalomania of the National Socialist regime, and in particular Adolph Hitler. Across eleven square kilometers, a monumental backdrop was to be created for the self-promotion of the Nazi Party. Today the unfinished Congress Hall houses the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds.

Enjoy a free afternoon at leisure for your own activities in beautiful center city Nürnberg.


In the morning we head towards  Rothenburg ob der Tauber , one of the oldest and most pittoresque cities in Romantic Germany. If you’ve never heard of Rothenburg you’ll understand why we make a point of coming here every time!!!!  Discover the typical and well preserved medieval old town of Rothenburg during a guided walking tour.

After a lunch break you travel to Heidelberg, Germany’s oldest university town and one of the most popular destinations of the country. Heidelberg is also known for its famous castle, majestically enthroned above the roofs of the old town. Your guide shows you around and you will enjoy the ambiance of this romantic town which is considered one of the most beautiful locales in the country. Not surprisingly, the locals are very proud of their hometown!

Enjoy a hearty farewell dinner in one of Heidelberg’s traditional restaurants before you travel on to your final destination of Frankfurt; where we will overnight before our flight home the next day to America.


After breakfast we will have to say a uf wiedersehen  as you head back to home sweet home.

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Book a trip to Germany with Tom Bauerle brought to you by Conservative Tours

Depart: September 8th, 2024

Return: September 19th, 2024

Join Tom Bauerle on a trip to Germany brought to you by Conservative Tours.

What’s included:.

Ten (10) nights’ accommodation in four star hotel properties in the heart of Munich, Nuremburg and Salzburg, Austria.

Five (5) dinners with wine or beer.

Breakfast every day.

Welcome dinner with live Bavarian music.

Farewell dinner with folkloric show.

Porterage at all hotels.

Comfortable modern German motor coach throughout the tour.

English speaking tour leader.

Local Guide services as mentioned in the program.

Additional WWII historical narration throughout the event.

Entrances fees included: Nymphenburg Palace, Neuschwanstein Linderh of Dachau memorial site, Zugspitze cable car and panoramic platform, Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest, Fortress Hohensalzburg, Mozart House, Nazi Party Rally Grounds, Konigsplatz.

Round-trip airfare from the U.S. to Munich and return from Frankfurt.

All entrance fees as per the itinerary.

All transportation as per the itinerary.

Knowing that your tour leader has been leading tours to Europe since 1981!

Don’t miss out! To join Tom in Germany call (888) 733-9494 or  CLICK HERE  to learn more.

Conservative Tours

Travel Right

Our deluxe escorted tours combine the beauty and charm of the world's great vacation destinations with visits to area locales that have significant meaning in American history.

In 2016 on the anniversary of D-Day on June 6th we will step aboard the famous Bullet Train after an amazing visit to Paris and head towards the iconic beaches of Normandy. There we will breathe the same air and learn and remember the legacy of our brave American heroes on that fateful day.

Come join us .

Can't make it in June? We offer D-Day events throughout the year as well as wonderful excursions to China, Vietnam, Spain, Italy, Ireland and more.

© 2016 Conservative Tours - Not affiliated with the RNC or any political party. We conduct luxury escorted tours to Europe and Asia.

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Harris and Walz reach out to voters in GOP strongholds in southeast Georgia bus tour

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Associated Press

HINESVILLE, Ga. (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, dropped in on a high school band practice Wednesday as part of a two-day bus tour through southeast Georgia, a critical battleground state that Democrats just narrowly won four years ago.

Harris and Walz paid a visit to Liberty County High School in Hinesville, listening to the marching band perform its school fight song and delivering brief remarks to students and faculty on the first day of their Georgia swing, which will culminate in a rally in Savannah on Thursday night.

“We’re so proud of you and we’re counting on you,” Harris told the students, some shrieking with excitement at the sight of the vice president. “Your generation … is what is going to propel our country into the next era of what we can do and what we can be.”

Harris told the students that she, too, played in the band — an aide said the vice president had played the French horn, xylophone and kettle drums.

The visit is part of a two-pronged strategy by the Harris-Walz campaign to make inroads in GOP strongholds and to use smaller, more intimate settings to showcase a softer side of the ticket — which is still relatively unknown by the electorate. Campaign officials believe that in order to beat Republican Donald Trump in the state, they will need more than Atlanta and the suburbs that delivered for Joe Biden in 2020.

Harris campaign communications director Michael Tyler said bus tours offer an “opportunity to get to places we don’t usually go (and) make sure we’re competing in all communities.”

The campaign wants the events to motivate voters in GOP-leaning areas who don’t traditionally see the candidates, and hopes that the engagements drive viral moments that cut through crowded media coverage to reach voters across the country.

Harris and Walz also stopped at Sandfly, a barbecue restaurant outside Savannah, where some of the patrons were teachers. One thanked Walz, a former high school teacher himself.

Tyler said the campaign’s strategy of using informal engagements to reach voters has been consistent from when President Biden was on the ticket, but the nature of the events has shifted along with the candidates. During a bus tour in western Pennsylvania, for example, they stopped at a football practice — Walz is a former assistant high school football coach.

Walz met Harris on the tarmac in Savannah, and the two greeted students from Savannah State University before setting off in their bright blue bus with “Harris Walz” emblazoned in big letters on the side, along with the phrase “A New Way Forward.”

It looks like a regular campaign bus, but this one is an armored U.S. Secret Service vehicle driven by agents that comes with lights and sirens and secure communications. After the first stop, Harris shifted back to her traditional SUV, the bus relegated to the back of the motorcade.

Harris and Walz are also sitting down with CNN anchor Dana Bash for their first joint interview. The interview will air Thursday night.

The Democratic strategy to peel off votes in Republican parts of the state has had some success before. Raphael Warnock, Georgia’s first Black senator, won reelection in 2022 by nearly 3 percentage points — while Biden carried Georgia by only a quarter percentage point about two years earlier — in part by venturing into the deepest red areas. The operatives involved in Warnock’s win are now on Harris’ campaign team.

The Georgia trip is a makeup visit from earlier in the month, when the duo was set to embark on a seven-state swing tour introducing the new Democratic ticket . The North Carolina and Georgia legs of the trip got scrapped as Tropical Storm Debby battered the region.

The easygoing stops were a contrast to a bakery visit last week by Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance in Valdosta, Georgia, where he struggled to banter with employees while buying doughnuts and one worker asked to be kept off camera.

During an NBC interview Tuesday, Vance said that he felt terrible for the worker.

“We walked in, and there’s 20 Secret Service agents, and there’s 15 cameras, and she clearly had not been properly warned, and she was terrified, right? I just felt awful for her.”

Vance also said Wednesday that he was among those who spoke with Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp after Trump’s blistering attacks against him at a rally in the state just a few weeks ago. Trump blamed the governor for his narrow 2020 loss in the state, railed against Kemp for not giving in to his false theories of election fraud and attributed his legal problems in the state to Kemp’s not stepping in to stop a local district attorney from prosecuting him .

“I encouraged him to support the president, and he didn’t take much persuasion. He wanted to support the president because he thinks Kamala Harris is going to be a disaster,” Vance said.

Trump changed his tune last week, thanking the governor in a social media post for all his “help and support in Georgia, where a win is so important to the success of our Party and, most importantly, our Country.”

On the eve of Harris’ visit, Kemp told Fox News that Republicans “need to be telling people why they should vote for us, what we’re going to do to make things better than they are right now. And there’s a host of issues that I think you could contrast Kamala Harris and her record.”

“To me, that’s what we need to stay focused on, not some dustup from two or three weeks ago,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Harris campaign launched a new ad across the battleground states, seeking to tie Trump to the conservative “Project 2025.”

The first ad asserts that Trump is “out for control” over voters, juxtaposing Trump quotes with ominous screenshots of the plan. It’s part of Harris’ $370 million in digital and television ad reservations between Labor Day and Election Day.

Led by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, Project 2025 is a detailed 920-page handbook for governing under the next Republican administration, including ousting thousands of civil servants and replacing them with Trump loyalists and reversing the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of medications used in abortions.

Trump has tried to distance himself from Project 2025, though it was drafted by longtime allies and former officials of the Trump administration. Last month, he posted on social media that he had not seen the plan, had “no idea who is in charge of it, and, unlike our very well received Republican Platform, had nothing to do with it.”

Associated Press writer Michelle L. Price in New York contributed to this report.

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Harris and Walz Point Their Campaign Bus to Rural Georgia

The Democrats’ presidential ticket will head to the Sun Belt, aiming to sway voters in more conservative areas to their side.

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From left, Tim Walz, Gwen Walz, Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff stand and chat in front of a campaign bus that says Harris Walz.

By Maya King and Nicholas Nehamas

Maya King reported from Atlanta, and Nicholas Nehamas reported from Washington.

  • Aug. 28, 2024, 5:07 a.m. ET

Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, seeking to build Democrats’ momentum in the Sun Belt, will campaign on Wednesday in the rural counties of southeast Georgia before holding a rally on Thursday in Savannah.

Democrats outside the party’s Metro Atlanta engine have long complained that focusing on the capital city, where a majority of Democratic voters in the state live, ignores pockets of supporters in less populous areas. Organizers have emphasized the particular need to engage voters in rural South Georgia and the state’s mountainous northern regions — both heavily conservative parts of the state that will still require high turnout from Black and moderate white voters to keep Democrats competitive.

A visit from the presidential ticket, some rural Democrats say, shows that top party leaders heeded their calls.

“A little does a lot in rural areas,” said Melissa Clink, the former chair of the Democratic Party in Forsyth County, north of the Atlanta suburbs. “If we can get some face time with, especially, the top of the ticket, then not only does that help donors open up their wallets to fund get-out-the-vote operations on the ground but it also inspires more people to do more work because they feel seen.”

The Georgia bus tour is similar to a campaign trip that Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz took to a conservative-leaning county outside Pittsburgh this month. Like South Georgia, Democrats in western Pennsylvania have also said their voters were being unwisely ignored by presidential campaigns. On their tour, Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz made sure to highlight the diversity of the area, engaging with residents in Aliquippa, a former steel town that has a large Black population, where they spent time with a high school football team alongside the former Pittsburgh Steelers star Jerome Bettis. (Mr. Walz is a former high school football coach, which might also play well in Georgia.)

More broadly, Democrats hope Mr. Walz — who flipped a largely rural and more conservative House district in southern Minnesota in 2006 — can help stem their losses with rural and white working-class voters, especially men, who have grown increasingly hostile to their party. He has worked to present a more caring version of masculinity that contrasts with the brash aggressiveness of Mr. Trump.

His party knows it cannot hope to win those rural voters outright. But in what is expected to be a tight election, Democrats are aiming to keep their margins manageable outside the cities and suburbs, something Joseph R. Biden Jr. accomplished during his 2020 campaign. Ms. Harris has made few gains with white men since taking over the ticket.

The Harris campaign says it has invested heavily in rural Georgia, hiring nearly 50 staff members across seven offices, in places including the small cities of Valdosta and Albany close to the Florida line and rural towns like Millen and Cordele, which calls itself the watermelon capital of the world .

Polling shows that Ms. Harris has made Georgia competitive , after it seemed to be slipping out of reach for Mr. Biden. And Mr. Trump has devoted a significant chunk of his advertising budget to the state, suggesting his team also sees the state as being back in play.

In Savannah, where Ms. Harris will hold a rally on Thursday, Democrats are hoping her visit will reignite energy in a city that is home to the second-largest cluster of blue votes in the state.

“Love is an action word — you show people first by your presence,” said Van Johnson, the mayor of Savannah, who has lobbied the Biden and Harris campaigns to campaign in the city for months since Ms. Harris visited in February. “Her presence is going to really be indicative of that esteem she has for our community.”

Maya King is a politics reporter covering the Southeast, based in Atlanta. She covers campaigns, elections and movements in the American South, as well as national trends relating to Black voters and young people. More about Maya King

Nicholas Nehamas  is a Times political reporter covering the presidential campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris.  More about Nicholas Nehamas More about Nicholas Nehamas

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The Splendors of Italy’s Best Kept Secret: Puglia, Plus the Amalfi Coast, the Isle of Capri, Rome, the Abbey of Montecassino and a Gastronomical Excursion Throughout Southern Italy! (WPHT – April 5-17, 2024)

$ 5,267.00

A glass of orange juice and an orange slice on the table.


Morning departure from Caserta. Transfer to your lovely hotel in Puglia. En route we’ll stop at a local winery for lunch.



Morning visit of Alberobello, Puglia’s picture postcard town famous for its conical roofed houses, as well as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. With its narrow pedestrian streets, little shops selling local produce, and a few nice cafés and trattorias, Alberobello will enchant you. Today experience a local lunch inside a “Trullo”. In the afternoon, on the way back to our hotel visit an olive oil farm.

Return to your hotel tonight. Dinner is on your own as you explore local trattorias and traditional restaurants.


Matera-Poligano a Mare

Today we explore Matera, known for its picturesque  sassi  district, a large ravine with cave dwellings and churches dug into the soft limestone. The  sassi  date from prehistoric times and were used as housing until the 1950’s when residents, primarily living in poverty stricken conditions, were relocated. Because of its similarity to Jerusalem, several movies have been filmed in the  sass i district including Mel Gibson’s  The Passion of the Christ.

The  sassi  district is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In the afternoon we depart for a stroll in the charming village of Polignano a Mare – shining gem on the coast of the Valle d’Itria, perched atop a 20 meter-high limestone cliff above the crystal clear waters of the Adriatic.


Amalfi Coast-Sorrento

This morning we depart for the Amalfi Coast area. En route we visit Bari, the Capital of the Puglia region. Visit of the old town center. See the Cathedral of St Nicola.  Meander through the charming medieval network of passageways with plenty of fine architecture arranged around the picturesque fishing port.

Bari is also home of  orecchiette  pasta and you can learn the techniques from the locals. Time is at your leisure for lunch. In the afternoon we continue our journey to Sorrento overlooking the Bay of Naples. Check in at your lovely hotel in Sorrento followed by Dinner.

Faraglioni Rocks at Island of Capri

Amalfi Coast

Gaius Julius Caesar

Julius Caesa

This morning we start our tour at the ancient marine republic of Amalfi. Here you can visit the beautiful  Cathedral of St. Andrew  and the old  Arsenals  where the galleys used to ship goods and spices to and from the Orient.

Time is given to shop or explore on your own. From Amalfi you might be interested in taking an optional mini-cruise (weather permitting) along the breathtaking Amalfi coast to reach the famous village of Positano. Dinner tonight is at your own leisure.  

Buffalo salad

A morning jet foil whisks you across the blue Bay of Salerno to the fabled Isle of Capri. Upon arrival experience the famous  funicolare  where you will ascend to the  Piazzetta , visit the Floral Gardens of Caesar Augustus overlooking the Faraglioni Rocks.

Time at leisure for lunch before returning to your hotel. Tonight enjoy dinner at a fine local restaurant.

Montecassino Abbey

Mozzarella Farm and Winery

Today we hill head south of Sorrento to visit a buffalo mozzarella farm. Our guests will learn from master craftsmen how this iconic delicacy is hand made using a centuries-old method. A tasting of the fare is included. Afterwards we’ll enjoy fine regional cuisine at lunch.

Continue to the slopes of Mt Vesuvius for a wine tour and tasting event.

Afternoon return to Sorrento and dinner on your own.

Vatican City

Vatican City at dusk

Michaelangelo's Creation of Man

Michaelangelo’s “Creation of Man” in the Sistene Chapel

Panoramic view of Gallipoli. Puglia. Italy.

Panoramic view of Gallipoli. Puglia. Italy.


This morning drive north along the  Highway of the Sun past the Bay of Naples. Check in at your centrally located hotel in Rome. Evening at leisure to explore Rome.

Day at leisure or book an optional guided tour of Rome… including the  Vatican Museum ,  Sistine Chapel, St Peter’s Basilica  or  Ancient Rome  including the Roman Forum and the Colosseum – a testament to the greatness of Rome’s past or a half day trip to the Tivoli gardens.

Tonight we bid  arrivederci  to Rome with a special farewell dinner at a lovely Roman restaurant.

Day Thirteen

After breakfast, depart to Rome Fiumicino Airport for your flight back home to the USA.


There are so many sites for your eyes to feast upon all over this stunningly beautiful country, and we’re going to start at an iconic one: The  Coliseum . With any luck, the lions won’t be there to greet us but in case they are we recommend to all our guests the purchase of a spray can at the entrance of “Roman Coliseum Instant Lion Repellant.”


Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, a.k.a. Raphael

The Romans were great builders and everywhere they went and conquered they built monuments to themselves and their culture (and asserted their architectural prowess.) Both inside and out, you’ll marvel at the symmetry and beauty of the construction! How did they do it, particularly the arches? What holds it all together? You’ll find out from our Roman expert, Paolo.

In the comfort of our private motor coach we’ll visit the other ancient ruins of Rome featuring the Roman Forum, the Palatine Hill, and the Imperial Forum. We’re not done yet on this our first day in the eternal capital; we’ll continue on to the Arch of Constantine, Circus Maximus and the Aventine Hill.

Vatican City

St. Peter’s Square, Vatican City

Tour Price: $5267.00

Deposit: $515.00 (Includes $15 Processing Fee)


  • Round trip air fare from our USA gateways to/from Italy on American Airlines.
  • Four star deluxe hotel accommodations for eleven nights
  • Breakfast each morning
  • Four (4) lunches each featuring regional gastronomical specialties
  • Three (3) dinner feasts
  • Two (2) wine tasting events
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  • All entrance fees as per the itinerary
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A large building with many arches and columns

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A picture of the front of an old building with text that reads " palmalfi coast home, lucca. Temple of capri ".

The Splendors of Italy’s Best Kept Secret: Puglia, Plus the Amalfi Coast, the Isle of Capri, Rome, the Abbey of Montecassino and a Gastronomical Excursion Throughout Southern Italy! (KKOB – Albuquerque – The Bob Clark Show – April 17-29, 2024)

A boat is in the water near some buildings.

The Splendors of Italy’s Best Kept Secret: Puglia, Plus the Amalfi Coast, the Isle of Capri, Rome, the Abbey of Montecassino and a Gastronomical Excursion Throughout Southern Italy!

Discover Vladivostok. Tourist guide - the city of Vladivostok and beyond.

Walking in vladivostok, route 3. in arsenyev’s footsteps..

When you want to get acquainted with the detailed history of Vladivostok and Primorye, set out on this engrossing route. It is short, but none the less interesting. Start your tour with a visit to the Arsenyev Museum , Ulitsa Svetlanskaya 20 (Svetlanskaya Street).

After diving into the world of indigenous peoples of the region and learning about ancient archaeological findings and the flora and fauna of Primorsky Krai, continue uphill on Svetlanskaya (Svetlanskaya Street). Incidentally, near the museum there is an interesting shop under the sign "Flotsky Univermag" ("Naval Emporium") where you can buy not only souvenirs with symbols of the sea, but genuine Russian military uniform accessories like a blue-and-white striped sailor’s shirt, caps, visor hats, and much more.

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Moving further along Svetlanskaya (Svetlanskaya Street) toward the sea, you will find several trendy restaurants and shops located in historic buildings. In one of the courtyards at Svetlanskaya 5 (Svetlanskaya Street) lurks the “Contemporary Art Gallery – Arka" . Written on an adjacent wall is their understanding of art as expressed by street artists.

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A bit down Svetlanskaya (Svetlanskaya Street), the Hotel Versailles , which is more than a hundred years old, will attract your attention.

Crossing the road and keeping the Sportivnaya Gavan (Sports Harbor) embankment (naberezhnaya) on the right, you will see the "Ocean" movie theater (Kinoteatr "Okean"). In the main hall there they recently completed installation of IMAX-format technical equipment. So, now you can watch movies with high quality pictures and sound that creates a special effect so viewers in the hall feel like they are directly present in the center of the film’s events. If you are in Vladivostok in September, the so-called "velvet season," when the theater becomes a main venue for the "Pacific Meridian" Film Festival, it would be worth your while to attend a showing of a Japanese, Chinese or Singaporean film.

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When you circle your way around the theater, you will come face to face with the master of the taiga - the Siberian tiger (Ussuriisky tiger), immortalized in bronze. Among tourists it is considered a good omen to scratch the cat behind the ear. The hill where this sculpture sits is named “Tigrovaya” (Tiger). In the early years of life in Vladivostok, tigers were frequent guests in the streets who induced panic in residents. They nearly annihilate all the local dogs, attacked the horses, cows, and even people. These days only bronze or stone tigers can be found on the streets.

But if you still want to see live tigers in their natural environment, go to the Safari Park not far from Vladivostok. Out regional tigers are loved and even worshiped - the tiger is depicted on the city crest, and every year in late September in Vladivostok is a special holiday - Day of the Tiger.

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Near the Square is a Korean-grill café called "Busan." If you have gotten hungry by now, you can try different kinds of marinated meat here. A grill is built right into the table, so guests can cook for themselves according to their own preferences.

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Back out on Ulitsa Naberezhnaya (Seafront Street), walk up a bit to the rotunda. This place is very popular with Vladivostok romantics. Although you won’t get much privacy here, you can admire stunning views of Amursky Zaliv (Amur Bay). On Military Fleet Day, which is celebrated at the end of July, it is better to occupy a place near the rotunda early since this is the best vantage point for observing the parade of warships.

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Not far away, next to “AZIMUT Hotel Vladivostok" , is another square that bears the name of Russian writer Anton Chekhov, who visited Vladivostok in 1890. It is not known whether he walked in these exact places, but in a preserved letter Chekhov wrote to his friend that there was wonderful, warm weather in Vladivostok in October, and "an actual whale going along the bay splashing its giant tail left an impression that remains, in a word, splendid. Peaceful times in Vladivostok, as in Europe, are not boring. And what delicious fish! Oysters along the coast are large and tasty." Incidentally, whales can also be sighted these days near Vladivostok.

From the seaside, we turn onto Ulitsa Pervaya morskaya (First Marine Street). Walking through Vladivostok, you will have noticed that the names of many streets are associated with the sea - Beregovaya, Katernaya, Korabelnaya, Korallovaya, Matrosskaya, Okeansky Prospekt, Rybatsky Pereulok (respectively - Coast, Cutter, Ship, Coral, Sailor, Ocean Avenue, Fisherman's Lane). It is impossible to imagine life in Vladivostok without the sea; the world's first female sea captain, Anna Shchetinina, who lived in our city, probably thought the same of her own life. Her house is located in this area on Ulitsa Posietskaya (Posietskaya Street).

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Now we go down Ulitsa Pervaya morskaya (First Marine Street) a short way and turn right on Ulitsa Arsenyeva (Arsenyev Street). Go to the end of the street and straight to the memorial house-museum of Vladimir Arsenyev. Here this outstanding Russian writer, scholar, and adventurer, who made such an enormous contribution to the development of the Far East, lived and worked. The house was built in the early 20th century. Once inside, you are easily transmitted to that time as all items are authentic – the bookcase, bentwood chairs, the rocking chair, globe, typewriter, photographs and documents. Any indefatigable traveler will be interested to peruse Arsenyev’s expedition journals, consider his personal hiking tools and archaeological finds.

And when you are inspired by the work of the researcher, it is possible to set off on a new route.

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Come to Vladivostok!

We recommend.

  • History and Culture

Arch of the crown prince

Arch of the crown prince

This is the place where Vladivostok residents met the future Emperor Nicholas II with bread and salt upon his visit in 1891.

Primorskiy State Picture Gallery

Primorskiy State Picture Gallery

  • Tourist Attractions

Masterpieces of world class fine art and pearls with a local hue.



The old Vladivostok churches from different religious denominations. Some survived the revolution and Soviet power to once again become centers of spiritual and cultural life for the faithful.


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  15. Vladivostok, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    46,210. Vladivostok, Russia. With its steep hills and suspension bridges backdropped by the ocean, Vladivostok often draws comparisons to its Pacific sister, San Francisco—but this seaport city is no copycat sibling. Boasting a dramatic landscape and rich architectural heritage all its own, Vladivostok exudes authenticity and eastern charm.

  16. Vladivostok in One Day Guided Sightseeing Tour

    All Vladivostok Hotels Vladivostok Hotel Deals By Hotel Type By Hotel Class By Hotel Brand Popular Amenities Popular Vladivostok Categories More Vladivostok ...

  17. Best-in-Class Tours and Services

    Conservative Tours Advantage. We know the best sights to visit because we've worked with the locals for nearly 30 years. The linguistic advantage of Conservative Tours is paying dividends for our guests long before you've arrived in Europe, and makes your tour so much easier once you're there! Landing in a foreign country can be a tad ...

  18. Reviews of Conservative Tours, Inc. (Travel Agency)

    Go to Reviews. We've got all the opinions of real people like you who know the services of Conservative Tours, Inc. (Travel Agency) around Massachusetts area. At the moment this firm has a score of 3.0 stars out of 5 and that score was based on 2 reviews. You must have seen that it reaches an opinions average is discreet, but it's only based on ...

  19. Reliable travel agent/ Tour guide

    Re: Reliable travel agent/ Tour guide. 5 years ago. Before our three day visit to Vladivostok last week I spent time reading reviews of driver guides of the city. Explore Primorye seemed to be a standout so I contacted them. Sergei responded promptly and replied to all my queries and I could mix and match the two half day tours to make up the ...

  20. The Grand Event/ Rome/ Tuscany / Florence/ Orvieto/ Modena/ Venice

    Upon arrival in Rome you will be greeted at the airport by one of your tour leaders from Conservative Tours who'll help you with your suitcases and lead you to our motor coach for the short ride into the Eternal City. ... Travel Right (888) 733-9494 Toll Free [email protected] Site Links. Home; About; Services; Upcoming Tours; Custom Tours;

  21. Harris and Walz Point Their Campaign Bus to Rural Georgia

    The Georgia bus tour is similar to a campaign trip that Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz took to a conservative-leaning county outside Pittsburgh this month. Like South Georgia, Democrats in western ...

  22. The Splendors of Italy's Best Kept Secret: Puglia, Plus the Amalfi

    Travel Right. Upcoming Tours; ... Here you'll be met by your Conservative Tours tour leader and we'll head south of Rome towards the Abbey of Montecassino. Enjoy a private tour of this iconic landmark, including historic narration of the Allied bombing campaign in early 1944 that destroyed this world heritage site. Marvel at the perfect ...

  23. Route 3. In Arsenyev's footsteps.

    WALKING IN VLADIVOSTOK. Route 3. In Arsenyev's footsteps. When you want to get acquainted with the detailed history of Vladivostok and Primorye, set out on this engrossing route. It is short, but none the less interesting. Start your tour with a visit to the Arsenyev Museum, Ulitsa Svetlanskaya 20 (Svetlanskaya Street).