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Plan your commute or trip

Find traffic & transit info.

You can use Google Maps to quickly find all of your frequent trips in one tap. You’ll get information about your ETA, the traffic reports and the accidents along the way.


​ Tip : To show the map, tap anywhere on the map or drag the tabs back down.

Change the way you commute

  • Search for your destination in the search bar at the top.
  • At the bottom, tap on “Directions.”
  • At the top, select your transportation mode.
  • Select your preferred route.

view trip google maps

You can pin your trip and find it back in the Go tab next time you need it.

Turn off your regular routes

If your Location History is on, we might show you directions for your regular routes. If you don't want the routes you take regularly to be associated with your Google Account, you can turn off your Location History.

Note: Your regular routes are only visible to you.

Account Circle

  • Scroll to “Location settings.”
  • Tap Location is on .
  • At the top, turn off Location History.

Check traffic now & later

To reach your destination as quickly as possible, check typical traffic before you drive. You can avoid the busiest times of day.

  • Search for a destination, or tap a place on the map.
  • At the bottom, tap Directions .


  • The current traffic on your route
  • Typical traffic by the hour and any slowdowns on the way

Change the mode of transportation for part of your trip

Tip: Only available on mobile and in some locations.

You can combine different modes of transportation, like driving, ride-sharing, or bicycling with transit on the same trip.

Once you’ve selected your route and can view the directions, you may be able to change how you travel for part of your trip. The rest of the route, like transit departure times and total journey time, will be updated when you change the mode of transportation.

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The Winding Road Tripper

How to Plan a Road Trip with Google Maps: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

This post may include affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I (The Winding Road Tripper) earn from qualifying purchases.  Read more . 

This post was originally published on August 8, 2021, and updated on February 16, 2023.

Ready to start planning your road trip using the power of Google Maps?

Then you’ve come to the right place.

Google has two amazing tools to help you plan your road trip: Google Maps and Google My Maps.

Google Maps is a great tool for plotting out your route, while Google My Maps is an amazing tool for road trip planning and organization.

In this post, I’ll teach you how and when to use each of these powerful free tools.

Let’s start by looking at Google Maps since it’s the simpler of the two.

But if you are looking for how to use Google My Maps, then click here .

How to Use Google Maps to Plot Your Road Trip Route

Google Maps is a great tool if you want to plot out your road trip route.

We use it as a starting point for all of our road trip planning to get a sense of how long our trip will be or what we can accomplish in the time we have.

Step 1: Open Google Maps

Start by opening up Google Maps on your desktop or phone.

When trip planning, we like to use our desktop computers to make use of the bigger screen.

Image of google search screen with Google Maps as an option to click on.

Step 2: Plot Your Road Trip Route

To start plotting your road trip route, click on directions.

Image of google maps with instructions to click on directions

Then enter your starting point and your first destination.

Image of google maps with two destinations on map

Continue to add stops to your road trip by clicking on the (+) to add destinations.

Image of google maps with instructions to add destinations.

Stop when you have all your road trip stops added to your map. Google Maps allows you to add up to 10 points to your map. If you want to add more, then Google My Maps is the tool for you.

view trip google maps

Step 3: Reorder Road Trips Stops

If you want to play around with your route and reorder your stops, Google Maps makes it easy to do so.

On the left, where your stops are listed, you can drag and drop the stops to reorder them.

Image of Google Maps with directions to reorder road trip stops

Step 4: Move the Driving Route

Google Maps will choose the fastest route between your road trip stops. But sometimes, there may be a scenic route you want to take.

You can easily move your driving route as desired by dragging and dropping your route.

view trip google maps

Step 5: Send the Driving Route to Your Phone

Once you plan your road trip, you can send the directions to your phone for easy access during your trip. Directions can be sent via text message or email.

Note: You will have to have a Google Account to send directions to your phone.

view trip google maps

Google Maps is a great starting point for planning a road trip.

But if you want to harness the power of Google and use it to plan your road trip and as a resource throughout your trip, Google My Maps is the choice for you.

Google My Maps: The Best Road Trip Planning Tool

Planning a road trip can be a daunting task. It’s hard to know where to start, and all the research can feel overwhelming. But that is where the ultimate road trip planning tool, Google My Maps, comes to the rescue.

Google My Maps is a very similar tool to traditional Google Maps, but it’s much more powerful and customizable.

In this section, we’ll start with detailed information on the features of Google My Maps. And then, we’ll get into exactly how we use Google My Maps to plan each one of our road trips.

Using this tool will help you seamlessly organize and plan your road trip.

Once we tried it, we never looked back.

Let’s start by giving you a little introduction to Google My Maps.

What is Google My Maps?

Google My Maps utilizes all of the data in Google Maps to allow you to create your very own custom map for your road trip. It’s a way for you to create a map containing the places important to you .

Once you create your map, you can access all of the personalized information you’ve added, so you never miss a beat while on the road.

Why is Google My Maps the Ultimate Road Trip Planning Tool?

Google My Maps is our favorite tool for planning a road trip. Here is why:

  • It Helps You Visualize Your Trip Plotting all of your points of interest on a map helps see how your road trip may take shape. At the start of road trip planning, we typically have no idea what route we may take until we see all of the things we want to do on a map. And this is where Google My Maps can help.
  • It Helps Organize Your Research When planning a road trip, you are likely gathering information from many sources, including websites, tourist bureaus, and recommendations from friends and family. Google My Maps can help you organize all of your research so you can more easily plan your road trip itinerary.
  • It Consolidates Your Entire Itinerary Using Google My Maps allows you to have all of your road trip information in one place. There will be no need for a separate spreadsheet with your day-to-day itinerary or to bring your travel books with you.

What Are the Limitations of Google My Maps?

  • Google My Maps Can Not Be Used Offline You will need access to wifi or cellular data to use your map on your road trip. But don’t let that stop you from using it to plan your road trip. There are ways to download your map to other apps for offline use, which I’ll take you through in the tutorial.
  • You Can Only Add 2,000 Locations to Your Map Likely, you will not need over 2,000 locations when planning your road trip. And if you do, you can make separate maps, possibly divided by days or weeks, to get around this limitation.
  • You Can Only Add 10 Layers to Your Map Layers are ways to categorize your location points. When using Google My Maps, you can only have ten layers per map.
  • Planned Routes Can Not Be Accessed for Driving Directions on Google Maps When planning your trip, you may add a direction layer on your map to display the route you plan to take. Unfortunately, you can not use those directions to give you turn-by-turn navigation on your road trip. You’ll have to use Google Maps or click on a destination point on your custom Google My Map to bring up directions. I go through this in detail here .

How to Use Google My Maps to Plan a Road Trip

Now that you know why Google My Maps is the best road trip planning tool, let’s dive into the nuts and bolts of Google My Maps.

We’ll start with an in-depth overview and then show you exactly how we use Google My Maps to plan our road trips. Use the screenshots I’ve provided to help guide you through all of the steps.

Overview of Google My Maps

If you want to know how we use Google My Maps to plan our road trips, then feel free to skip down to the step-by-step guide for planning a road trip here .

But if you want to learn the ins and out of Google My Maps, this is where to start.

You can start from the beginning or jump to the section you want to learn more about by clicking on the links below.

Here is what we will cover to familiarize you with how Google My Maps works so you can start road trip planning like a boss.

Google My Maps Layout

  • Markers/Locations

Google My Maps allows you to add locations and driving directions to your map while allowing you to organize them as you wish.

To get started, let’s get familiar with the layout of Google My Maps.

view trip google maps

I suggest creating your first Google My Map and playing around with the functions of the map to help you get familiar with them.

Note: You must either create a Google Account or sign in to your Google account to start using Google My Maps .

Location Markers

Location markers are points that you add to a map. They can be things like restaurants, hotels, sights-to-see, bathroom stops, etc.

Find things to do along your route with our Favorite Tools to Find Things to Do Along Your Road Trip Route .

Each point you add to a map will include any information that Google already has for that point.

These include things like:

  • GPS coordinates
  • Website address
  • Phone Number

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Three Ways to Add Markers to Your Google My Map

You can add markers to your road trip map in three ways:

  • Using the search function
  • Selecting a Point already on Google Maps to add to your own map
  • Add a point manually

Let’s look at how to do all three.

Search Function

You can find a marker by typing in the name, address, or GPS coordinates into the search bar.

view trip google maps

Adding a Marker That is Already on Google Maps

Google Maps already has many markers in its database. When you zoom into an area, many points of interest will start to show up. If any of these markers look appealing to you, you can add them to your own map by clicking on them.

view trip google maps

Adding a Marker Manually

You may need to add markers manually when you can not find them via the search function and don’t have the location’s GPS coordinates.

For example, sometimes, I struggle to find the exact location of a trailhead via the search bar. In these cases, I find the location of the trailhead via a different resource and plot it on the map myself.

view trip google maps

Color Code and Change the Icons of Your Markers

To keep your map organized, you’ll want to customize and color-code your icons to help you group locations together.

Luckily, Google lets you fully customize your markers.

view trip google maps

Map layers are a great way to organize your maps.

But before we dive into adding layers, let’s talk about map layers.

What are Map Layers?

A map layer is a set of markers that are layered on top of an existing map. You can see your different layers on the left-hand side of your map.

view trip google maps

When you add a marker to a map, Google My Maps will add it to a layer. You can then use these layers to organize your map.

The added marker will appear on the selected layer. If you want to move a marker to a different layer, click and drag that marker to the desired layer.

For example, I made a map of Wisconsin Campgrounds to help me find campgrounds nearby during our road trips.

I have chosen to use separate layers for different types of campgrounds; National Forests, State Parks, and County Parks.

The benefit of using separate layers versus adding all of the campgrounds to a single layer is that I can check and uncheck specific layers depending on what information I want to see on my map.

If I don’t want to see the State Parks on my map, I can uncheck “Wisconsin State Parks,” and they will not be plotted on my map until I recheck the box.

How to Add Layers

Within Google My Maps, you can have up to 10 layers on a single map.

To add layers, click on “add layer” on the left-hand side of your map just below the map title and description.

Image showing how to add layer to Google Map

Google My Maps then adds an “untitled layer” to your map.

To change the title, click on “Untitled layer,” and it will give you the option to rename the layer.

The current layer selected will have a solid vertical blue bar on the left side of the layer panel. Any new markers created will be added to the selected layer.

Image of how to change Layer title

You can use Google My Maps to plot your driving route. Unfortunately, you can’t use these routes for navigation in Google Maps. This is one of the downfalls of Google My Maps.

But that is not to say that adding driving directions to your Google road trip map isn’t helpful. Adding driving directions helps you visualize your route so you can better understand where you are going while on your road trip. It also will help you figure out how long you can drive in one day .

Here’s how to add and use Directions on your Google Map:

Start by clicking on the direction icon located below the search bar.

Screen shot of adding driving directions to Google Map

You will then continue to add stops along your route to get a visual of your driving route.

Screen shot of creating a driving route in google maps

Google Maps will default to the quickest route when creating your driving route. The quickest driving route will likely be the main highways and not always the most scenic. Therefore, there may be times you want to deviate from the quickest route and take a more scenic route.

Fortunately, you can adjust your route by dragging it to where you want it to go.

Start by clicking on the route, and a small circle will appear.

Screen shot of how to change route on google my maps

Then drag this route to where you want the route to go.

How to Plan a Road Trip with Google My Maps – A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Now that we know the ins and outs of Google My Maps let’s learn how to use it to create your very own customized road trip map.

  • Create a New Google Map
  • Add Layers for Different Types of Locations
  • Add Locations to Your Map
  • Plan Your Road Trip Route

Step 1: Create a New Google Map

You will need to sign in to your Google Account or create a new account to create your own Google My Map.

Once you’re logged into Google, follow this link to bring you to Google Maps .

Click on the hamburger ( 𝄘 ) in the top left-hand corner of Google Maps.

view trip google maps

Click on “Your Places”.

view trip google maps

This brings up any saved information you’ve stored in Google maps, like your favorites

Now it’s time to bring up your very first map.

Click on Maps on the top left →, then click “create map” on the bottom left.

view trip google maps

You now have your blank map! 

Give your map a title, and get ready to create your first custom road trip map.

view trip google maps

Step 2: Create Layers for Different Types of Markers

I like to start trip planning by creating different layers for the types of markers I plan to add to my map.

The layers I typically use are: – Places to Sleep – Places to Eat – Places to Drink – Things to Do

You can always add layers while you plan. But I find it easier to stay organized if I start with some layers on my map before adding locations.

view trip google maps

Step 3. Add Markers to Your Map

This is the best part of planning your road trip with Google My Maps.

Whether you are in your brainstorming stage of travel prep or you already know where you want to go, this step is where your trip starts to come together. 

To start, you’ll research your destinations to find markers to add to your map.

I like to use the following resources for trip research:

  • Google: Search for things to do, places to eat, places to stay, etc., in the areas you plan to visit or pass through
  • Visitor Centers: Find tourism information online or request info from your destinations’ tourism bureaus to be mailed to you
  • Travel books: We like to get ours from the library
  • Facebook groups: Join a Facebook Group for the area you are traveling to. They are filled with tons of suggestions on the best things to do in the area.

When you find a location you want to make note of, add it to your map.

Do this by entering it into the search bar.

view trip google maps

The great thing about Google Maps is that it pulls up all of the information on a location that Google has. If available, you can find the exact address, reviews, and website address. 

If the location looks good, you can then add it as a marker to your map by clicking “add to map”.

view trip google maps

Once added to your map, you can customize your marker by changing your icon’s color and/or shape by clicking on the paint bucket icon labeled “style”.

I like picking a specific color and icon for each marker category. For example, my “restaurants” may all be blue with a fork and spoon icon, while my “sights to see” will be yellow with a binocular icon.

view trip google maps

One of my favorite features of Google My Maps is that I can add my own info to the marker. Typically, this info comes from the research I’ve done on the location. If I found a blog post recommending a specific restaurant, I’ll add that to the marker, so I have that info at my fingertips when we are on the road.

Add any info you want to your marker and click save.

Google My Map image changing the location description

Your marker will now be added to your map.

You can see your marker in two places: one on the map and the other in the layer it was added to in the layers menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

Continue to add locations until your map starts to take shape.

Here is an example of a map we made for a West Virginia Road Trip .

Map of locations added to West Virginia Road Trip Map

Step 4: Determine Your Route / Itinerary

Now that you have location markers on your map, you can determine your route and day-to-day itinerary.

Take a look at where all your location markers are situated and start planning your route.

Start by creating a directions layer on your map.

Once you have your directions layer, rename it, and begin plotting your route.

First, you will need to enter your starting point. This can be done by either entering an address manually or clicking on a marker on your map.

view trip google maps

Continue to add stops until your route is complete.

google map image of driving route for road trip

Here is an example of what our Lake Michigan Circle Tour Road Trip looked like.

Google map image or Michigan Road Trip Route

Google Maps will default to the quickest route from two points. If you want to go a different route than the one suggested, you can drag the route to force it to go a different way than it was originally displayed.

You now have your own customizable Google Map for your road trip.

We use these maps for both planning our trip and for reference during our trip.

Now let’s look at how to use your awesome map during your trip.

How to View Your Google My Map on Your Phone

Now that you have your map customized, you’ll likely want to be able to view it on your phone.

You will first need to download the Google Maps app from your phone’s app store.

Once you have the Google Map app, here is how you access your map:

  • Click on “Saved” on the lower toolbar on your phone
  • Click on “Maps” on the lower right
  • Select your customized map

view trip google maps

Now you can view your location markers and all the customized information you added to your map.

view trip google maps

Click on your marker to bring up basic information. For the more detailed information you added, swipe up.

view trip google maps

How to Use Your Google Map to Get Directions During Your Road Trip

Unfortunately, you can’t use the turn-by-turn directions you may have added to your map for actual driving instructions for your trip.

But not all is lost; you can still get directions to the next stop by using your customized map and Google Maps.

To do this, click on the location you want directions to and click on directions.

view trip google maps

This will launch your Google Map app and allow you to get turn-by-turn directions to your next stop.

How to Export Your Map for Offline Access

Google My Maps works great when you have cell phone service on your trip. Unfortunately, you will not always have service, and you can’t download your Google My Map for offline use like you can in Google Maps.

Thankfully, there are ways to export your map for use offline.

To do this, we use Gaia GPS .

Let’s walk you through downloading your Google My Map for importing into Gaia GPS, an offline mapping app.

On your computer, click on the ( ⋮ ) in the top left corner by the map’s name. Then click on Export to KML/KMZ.

view trip google maps

A pop-up will appear. Keep the default of “entire map” and click “download”.

view trip google maps

Now you can import this map into Gaia GPS.

Start by creating a Gaia GPS account .

Once logged in, click “Import Data” and select the .KMZ file you downloaded from Google My Maps.

view trip google maps

Your locations will now populate in your Gaia GPS map. Make sure to click “save” .

view trip google maps

You can now access your map locations offline on your phone via Gaia GPS.

To do this, download the Gaia GPS App on your phone and log in.

Once logged in, you will see a notification that you have a saved location available.

Click on the Saved folder

view trip google maps

You can now see all your locations on your Google My Map. Including the details, you added.

view trip google maps

More Road Trip Tips: Road Trip Hacks for a Stress-free Trip Road Trip Activities for a Long Car Ride Road Trip Meal and Snack Ideas Money-Saving Tips for Your Next Road Trip How to Budget for a Road Trip

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How to Make a Travel Itinerary with Google Maps

Last Updated: March 14, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was reviewed by Stan Kats and by wikiHow staff writer, Nihal Shetty . Stan Kats is a Professional Technologist and the COO and Chief Technologist for The STG IT Consulting Group in West Hollywood, California. Stan provides comprehensive technology solutions to businesses through managed IT services, and for individuals through his consumer service business, Stan's Tech Garage. Stan holds a BA in International Relations from The University of Southern California. He began his career working in the Fortune 500 IT world. Stan founded his companies to offer an enterprise-level of expertise for small businesses and individuals. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 84,726 times.

If you’re planning a trip, you might be wondering how to figure out where to go and in what order. Luckily, Google has a free tool that you can use in order to get a better sense of your travel plans. We’ll walk you through how to make a travel itinerary with Google Maps through its My Maps feature. In a few easy steps, you can master an excellent organizational tool that’ll help you plan the best trip possible.

Setting Up Your Map

Step 1 Sign in to My Maps on your web browser.

  • Unfortunately, as of October 2021, Google no longer supports the “My Maps” app on phones. If you’re on mobile, you’ll have to use your phone’s web browser to access the site while on the go. [2] X Research source
  • If you don’t already have a Google account, setting one up is a quick process. A Google account gives you a number of benefits, including a new gmail address. Check out this link to start the set-up process: https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount?flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=SignUp

Step 2 Create a new map through the home screen.

  • For instance, your might name your map something like “California Summer Trip 2022,” and you could enter a description like, “Places to see and eat during two-week California road trip.”

Step 4 Search for places to visit on your trip.

  • For example, for a California road trip, you might enter “Golden Gate Bridge” into the search box. My Maps will automatically direct you to its location.

Step 5 Add the locations of any places you want to visit to your map.

  • For instance, if you’ve searched for “Golden Gate Bridge,” there will be a white box that offers some information on the location, and even a rating from other users. Click on the “Add to map” button to send it to your saved locations.

Step 6 Add descriptions to your saved locations.

  • For example, you might fill in the description to the “Golden Gate Bridge” box with something like, “Spend at least 1 hour here—must-see location.”

Step 7 Color-code your locations for convenience.

  • You might consider changing the colors of your pins to match how important each location is to your trip. For example, must-see locations could be red pins, your housing spots could be green pins, and optional places to visit could remain as blue pins.

Creating an Itinerary and Planning Routes

Step 1 Organize your selected places with the “layers” function.

  • For example, you might have a layer titled “Places to see,” one titled “Places to eat,” and one titled “Places to sleep.” You can then put sightseeing destinations, restaurants, and hotels you want to stay at in their respective layers.

Step 2 Plan your travel routes using your Google Map.

  • You can add more than one location to a single route. For example, if you wanted to plot a route from Big Sur to the Golden Gate Bridge, and then to Palo Alto, you can add all three locations to your route layer and create a multi-stop path. [11] X Research source
  • By clicking on the three dots next to the layer with your travel route, then selecting “Step-by-step directions,” My Maps will create a set of directions for your travel. Handy!

Step 3 Use your map to create a daily schedule.

  • For example, by using My Maps, you might notice that seeing the Golden Gate Bridge, walking around San Francisco, and eating at a restaurant in Berkeley are close enough to all be doable in one day, while visiting Big Sur might be better saved for another afternoon. My Maps can help you plan out the most efficient trip possible, so you can enjoy your travels even more.

Step 4 Use the “Share” option to loop your friends in on travel plans.

  • When sharing your map, you can also choose the option that allows others to edit the map as well. With this option selected, your friends can pick places that they’re interested in as well, so you can have them all on the same document. [13] X Research source

Step 5 Print your map for offline use.

  • Although My Maps can’t be viewed offline, you can download an offline map of any areas you’re interested in on your phone. Using the Google Maps app, type in a location into the search bar, tap the name of the location, then navigate to the option “Download offline map.” [15] X Research source

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  • ↑ https://support.google.com/mymaps/answer/3024925?visit_id=637744367666134651-2428484219&p=lite_addplaces&rd=1
  • ↑ https://9to5google.com/2021/07/20/google-my-maps-android-shutdown/
  • ↑ https://support.google.com/mymaps/answer/3024454?hl=en&ref_topic=3024924
  • ↑ https://support.google.com/mymaps/answer/3024925?visit_id=637744500327517491-717751493&p=lite_addplaces&rd=1
  • ↑ https://support.google.com/mymaps/answer/3024925?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop
  • ↑ https://support.google.com/mymaps/answer/3502610?hl=en&ref_topic=3024924
  • ↑ https://support.google.com/mymaps/answer/3109452?hl=en
  • ↑ https://support.google.com/maps/answer/6291838?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DiOS

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Stan Kats

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How to Use Google My Maps to Plan a Trip (Ultimate Guide)

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view trip google maps

I love a good map. I’ve got maps hanging on my walls. I go to the bookstore to read maps. Whenever I navigate my way home using only a map, I feel like I must have some innate bushcraft skills. And if you’ve read my posts about traveling in Maine , you’re probably sick of me talking about the DeLorme Atlas by now.

But while reading paper maps will always inspire a sense of get-up-and-go adventure for me, I’m not totally opposed to using tech for planning my trips and navigating on the ground.

And one of my favorite techy solutions? A secret little trip planner called Google My Maps, buried inside of everyone’s favorite map tool.

Google My Maps lets you create shareable custom maps with multiple layers, plus location pins with icons and notes. It’s a great way to brainstorm travel plans or create a trip itinerary from a desktop. And since the map can be viewed in the Google Maps app, you can use it to navigate on the go. 

To give you an example of what this post will show you how to do, here’s one of the custom Google Maps I’ve created for a trip.

Keep reading for an overview of how to use Google My Maps to plan a trip, plus a video tutorial of how to set it up—all updated in 2023. I’ll also share answers to commonly asked questions and some lesser known tips to help you get the most out of this tool. 

A quick note: Creating a custom map in Google My Maps is distinct from Google Lists of saved places. Check out our Google My Maps vs Lists comparison to see all the differences and our full guide to using Google Maps Lists .

8 Top Google My Maps Features

(AKA Why It’s Awesome)

Google My Maps allows you to see your trip itinerary. 

This is so helpful, especially if you’re a visual person or enjoy using maps. But even if you’re not, it’s still really useful to see where everything is in relation to each other as you plan your trip, vacation, or holiday because it helps you be realistic about your plans.

It connects with other Google apps. 

Setting aside my (ahem, very rational) fear that they may take over the world soon, I love all things Google. My Maps stores a copy of the map in whatever Google Drive account you’re using. (Am I the only one who has six of these?) So if you like to create Google Docs or folders to store trip planning information, documents, photos, or itineraries, it’s nice to have your map easily accessible in the same folder.

You get additional location information since it’s part of Google Maps. 

If a location is on Google, you can see their website, phone number, address, reviews, and website when you add it to your custom map. (Note that you can’t see this information when clicking on your saved pin from the Google Maps app, but you can from desktop.)

You can add your own extra notes and photos.

Customize your map even more by adding notes, photos, or videos. Use the notes during planning to add website, hours, or tips. If I hear about the location from a particular website, I usually add that link and what was noted in the article about the location (e.g., it’s a great sunset spot, which dish on the menu is recommended) so I can reference it later.

You can view your route by creating a layer with directions. 

When I traveled to Burlington, Vermont, I wanted to see the length of the bike trail on the map, so I used the directions feature to show the whole route. (Check out the Burlington travel guide for an example of the travel map I created that includes the bike path route.) And while I haven’t done this yet, you could also use Google My Maps to plan a road trip itinerary for a longer adventure. 

Caveat: As I’ll discuss later, you can’t use directions layers to get turn-by-turn directions (but I mention an alternative below). For this reason, I only use these layers to visualize my route.

It’s highly customizable. 

Don’t mind me while I swoon over the color coding and organization options over here. Use custom icons, layers, and colors so it’s easy to see what things are at a glance. For example, you can give different locations individual styles: a coffee cup icon for cafes, a bed icon for hotels, and a swimming icon for beaches. You can also use layers in many different ways, such as one layer for each day of your trip or one layer for each category (like dining, lodging, and things to do).

In-depth planning on your computer. Easy, on-the-go access from your phone. 

While you can’t edit the maps from the Google Maps app on iPhone or Android, you (and anyone you’ve shared them with) can view them. You can click on icons and see your notes, as well as navigate to those locations. 

Note that there used to be a dedicated My Maps app on Android, but this has been deprecated. 

It’s easy to share it with a friend or with the world. 

If you’re planning a trip with other people, it’s easy to share the map with others . And if it’s something you want to make available to everyone (like I do on my travel guide posts), just change the privacy setting and share the link or embed it on a website.

3 Ways to Use Google My Maps

Brainstorm and store ideas for future “maybe” trips. 

I often come across a really interesting hotel, restaurant, or fun thing to do in destinations I want to travel to in the future, and I want to make sure I don’t forget about them. I have so many bookmarks in so many places (Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram), but Google My Maps is the place I’ve started storing ideas for future trips.

Plan your trip itinerary. 

Want to use Google Maps for route planning? When you’re ready to plan an upcoming trip, plot it out visually by using Google My Maps to create your itinerary. If you like structured itineraries, you can easily create a detailed day-to-day plan. 

Or, you can use a looser itinerary structure like we usually do by adding all the places you might like to go. 

For example, on a day trip to NYC, we added tons of places to eat on the map (thank you, Tiktok). As we were walking around doing other activities and started to get hungry, we were able to easily see which saved restaurants were closest to us. 

Navigate on the go.

Whether you’re using your map loosely for ideas or for a structured itinerary, you can pull it up on your phone anytime and get directions to your next location. 

Not sure what you want to do today, or want to see what the closest restaurant from your list is for dinner? Pop into your custom map to jog your memory from the notes you made or to get directions to your next location.

Recommended: Need an organized backpack to take on the road? Check out my favorite luggage for camping, road trips, and flying: the Cotopaxi Nazca 24L and Allpa 35L !

How to Use Google My Maps to Plan a Trip

How to create a new custom map.

Go to Google My Maps from your desktop browser . Check the Google icon in the top right corner to make sure you’re using the Google account you want to. Click “Create A New Map” and a window will open with a blank map. To give your map a name and description , click the map name (“Untitled Map”).

Google My Maps Create New Map

You can also change the color and style of the base map if desired. At the bottom of the layer panel on the left, click the arrow next to “Base Map.” You’ll get a window with nine options, including terrain, light political (a very light version of the standard Google Maps), satellite, and some different colored versions. Note that changing the base map style on desktop won’t change anything when viewing on mobile in Google Maps.

How to Add and Edit Layers

When you create a new map, the first layer will already be created, so you’ll probably want to rename it. To give your first layer a title , click directly on the title name like you did with the map name, or click the 3 dots next to “Untitled Layer” and then click “Rename Layer.” Clicking these 3 dots next to a layer title is also how you can delete a layer if you add one accidentally or change your mind. In this example, I’m changing my first layer to “dining” and will add all restaurants to this layer.

You can use layers any way you want to, or simply stick to one layer if you don’t need multiple. To add new layers , simply click “Add Layer” in the gray section below the map title and description.

To move a pin between layers , click the pin on the layer and hold down the mouse, and then drag it to the desired layer.

Google My Maps Create New Map

How to Add Location Pins

There are various ways to add location pins to a layer. First, make sure the correct layer is chosen by clicking anywhere in the white area on the layer. You’ll see which layer is selected by looking for the blue bar on the left of the layer.

  • In the map search bar, type either a place name or an address. Click “Add to Map” to add a pin for this location . This is how I add most pins.
  • If you don’t need an exact location or don’t have an address , you can click the pin marker button below the map search bar (“Add Marker”). It will turn your mouse into a T and you can click anywhere on the map to add a blank pin. You’ll immediately be prompted to add the pin title and description.
  • If you’re dealing with very remote locations (or you just like geeky map stuff), you can also use latitude and longitude coordinates in the search bar.

To delete a pin , simply click on it and click the trash icon.

Google My Maps selected layer

A few tips and best practices for adding pins:

  • If the place you’re searching for does not have a listing on Google, you’ll have to use an address. One thing to note is that sometimes Google Maps listings aren’t correct or don’t take you to the right place, so you may want to double check the location if you’re not using a street address to add the pin (especially if it’s a small business without a website).
  • I have also found that hiking trail heads are frequently on Google Maps, but they’re not always correct in terms of navigating there by car. I usually add them to my map to get a basic idea of where they are while planning, but I use a paper map or atlas to find them while traveling.

How to Customize Location Pins

To change the title and add notes to your listing, click on the pin on the map, and then click the pencil icon (“Edit”).

To change the color and icon of the pin , click the paint bucket icon (from the pin itself or directly in the layer). Click “More Icons” to view all the icon options. You can color code by type of activity, by layer, or any way that makes sense to you.

To add photos or videos to a pin , click on the pin on the map, and then click the camera icon (“Add Image or Video”). This is another way to make your map interactive, especially after you’ve visited a location and want to share it with others.

Google My Maps Change Title & Notes

How to Add A Directions Layer

I find that directions layers are helpful for showing the route of a walking tour, bike path, or road trip you want to take, but I don’t find them useful for directions while traveling since I can simply use the maps app to navigate. 

I use directions layers whenever I want to show an entire route on a map , rather than a specific location. Think of this as the 2024 version of mapping out a trip with AAA paper maps and a highlighter (if you’re old enough to remember).

Click the arrow icon underneath the search bar, which will create a new directions layer. On the legend, click “Driving” if you want to change this to walking or biking directions. Add a location name or address to Points A and B in the legend. If you find that the pins are not exactly where they should be, you can drag the points on the map.

Continue adding points by clicking “Add Destination” on the map. You can either type the information into the legend or hover your mouse to a spot on the map and double click it. (This is especially useful if you’re tracing a route on something like a bike path or hiking trail that won’t have an address.)

Rearrange the order by dragging the items around in the legend. Just like altering directions on Google Maps navigation, you can click on part of the route and drag it to a different road if you want to change part of the route after it is complete.

If you need to access the directions so you can see the distance of your route or the time it will take, click the three dots on the layer and click “Step-by-Step Directions.” Note that you can’t actually use this to get turn-by-turn directions in Google Maps.

Google My Maps Add Directions

How to Share A Google My Map

There are several options for sharing your Google Maps trip plan.

Open up your map, then click the share button in the gray bar above your layers. To allow others to view your map (which includes embedding on your website), click “change” under the section “Who has access.” For embedding, you will need to make this setting public.

Otherwise, if you want to allow others to edit your map, add their email address in the “invite people” section.

Google My Maps Trip Planner - Sharing a Map

How to View Your Custom Map in Google Maps (iPhone or Android)

Open Google Maps and go to the Saved icon at the bottom. Scroll to the bottom of this screen and click “Maps.” Choose the My Map you want to view. The layers with your custom icons will now be visible on your Google Map. You can click on any pin to view your details (such as description or photos), as well as to navigate there. 

To close a map, click on a pin and then click “View Map Legend.” There, you can click the Close icon.

From the Map Legend, you can also toggle layers on and off, and then backing out to the main map (don’t click Close—just the back arrow or back button).

How to Navigate with a Custom My Map (iPhone or Android)

To navigate to one of your pins, open your map, find the pin for where you want to go, click it, and then click “directions.” When you do this, you won’t see your custom map anymore but will be looking at the regular navigation of Google Maps.

You can’t use a My Maps “directions layer” for navigation. If you’re looking for that functionality, I recommend just creating a route in Google Maps and sending it to your phone (or sharing with others). See here for more details. 

How to Import Locations from Google Sheets, CSV, or Excel

Importing locations to a My Maps layer can be helpful in a few scenarios:

  • You have a significant amount of locations to add to your layer
  • Your data is already in the form of a spreadsheet
  • You want additional fields included besides the default Name and Description
  • You want to create groupings of pins (for example, a list of 50 restaurants could have a column for “Cuisine,” which will give you the option to group and style the pins by cuisine)

The process is simple, and you can import a variety of file types, including CSV, Excel (XLSX), or directly from Google Sheets. There are also special file formats that import map data from other programs, but this section is focused on spreadsheet-type files that you create and format.

Create a spreadsheet with the desired column headers. At a minimum, you need place names and either addresses or latitude-longitude information . 

If you want to group your pins by some type of categorization, you should include that as a column. Other columns you could include: website, phone number, description, or notes. While Google Sheets allows you to include photos in a cell, Google My Maps will not import photos in this way (it will include the column as a field, but will be blank). 

Once your spreadsheet file is ready, click “Import” on a blank layer (if your map already has layers, you will need to add a new layer to see this option). If uploading a CSV or XLSX, do this from the Upload tab. If using a Google Sheet, click the Google Drive tab and choose your file. 

Choose which column has location data (address or latitude-longitude) and click “Continue.” Choose the location name column next and click “Finish.” 

To change the icons individually, click “Uniform Style” next to the paintbrush on your layer. Under “Group Places By,” choose “Individual Styles.”

To change styles by a category column (such as Cuisine), click the link next to the paintbrush and choose to group places by the desired column. You can then give each category its own color or icon.

You can manually add new pins to this layer, and they will include all the fields you imported from the spreadsheet columns. 

You can also add more items to your spreadsheet, and import this new data. Click the three dots on your layer. Under “Reimport and Merge,” click “Add More Items” and choose your file. It will add the new rows to your layer.

How to Import a Route from Google Maps Timeline History (KML) or GPS Data From a Fitness App (GPX)

Google My Maps can import routes and locations you’ve already traveled to via special file types that are very easy to download from certain apps. This could be useful if you want to share a walking, biking, or driving route that you’ve taken without having to recreate it on a directions layer. 

Note that this only works as well as the GPS satellites were able to track your location while you were traveling.

If there are a lot of clouds, dense forest, buildings, or anything else blocking the GPS signal, your tracked route will be much less precise. I’ve noticed that Google Maps sometimes has my route showing somewhere I couldn’t have walked or driven. 

If you have your location history turned on in Google Maps, you can download a KML file from a trip, which will include the route traveled and location pins for any stops. Sometimes it misses a location name or adds a pin in the wrong place, but overall it’s pretty good.

Go to your Google Maps Timeline and locate the day you want to export. Click on it, and you should now see your route highlighted along with any stops you made. Now click the gear icon on the bottom of your map, and click “Export this day to KML.” Go to your My Map and on a new layer, click “Import.” Choose the KML file you just downloaded. You can now edit each portion as needed—changing the color and thickness of the route line, changing the location icons, as well as adjusting the route where desired.

If you have other apps that track your location, such as fitness apps, you may be able to download a GPX file that shows the route you took. The instructions for doing this will vary from app to app, but I was able to easily find it in Samsung Health by looking at the detail of a particular workout/walk and clicking the three dots to download a GPX. The import process to Google My Maps is the same as above.

With both methods, you can make adjustments to points/stops along the way or even add more pins. With the Google Maps KML file, you can also adjust your route by moving the small white dots.

Google My Maps Tutorial

Here’s a walk through video to show you how to use Google Maps to plan a trip, along with several of my own Google My Maps itinerary examples. Coming soon: a 2024 update!

Google My Maps Examples

Here are a few more examples of My Maps I’ve created for sharing recommendations, trip ideas, and actual vacation planning.

Screen shot of desktop view of a custom My Map for Hawai'i

Google My Maps FAQs and Tips

As great as Google My Maps is for planning a trip, there are some limitations to using it. Lots of questions have also come up about more specific uses and ways to use its features. Thanks to all the readers who have asked or shared tips in the comments as I’m always looking to make this a more robust guide. I’ve organized the questions and tips here since it makes it easier than scrolling through the comments.

How many layers can you add to a map?

Google My Maps limits you to 10 layers. If you are planning a longer road trip and want to create a layer for each day, this limitation may prove frustrating. 

Here are a couple of workaround ideas: You can create 2 maps, and have the entire master route as 1 layer on each (showing the very basic route for all 12 days—say from city to city) as a reference. Then build individual layers for each day. As a second option, you could add multiple days to 1 layer and change the titles to start with the day they correspond to (so it would be “1 – Name of Place” instead of just “Name of Place.”) However, this option may not be ideal since you can’t see the titles until you click when you’re on the phone.

How many location pins can you add to each layer?

You can add up to 2,000 pins per layer, and the entire map cannot exceed 10,000 lines, shapes, or places total. I haven’t tested the limits, and it’s possible adding this amount of items could slow things down. My guess is that most travelers wouldn’t need anything so large, but it is possible according to Google . 

Are custom Google My Maps available offline?

No, but keep reading for a workaround and alternative. 

One of the biggest complaints about Google My Maps is that you can’t download your custom map and pins to use offline, unlike the rest of Google Maps. 

However, I have been able to use it in areas with spotty reception. I pulled the map up when I did have reception, and I left it running in the background. It would stay loaded in the app and I was able to pull it up to look at it later when I was out of reception. I’m not sure I would rely on this as a surefire workaround, but it can work in a pinch.

Another alternative, especially if you’ll be traveling in another country where you’ll be completely offline, is to use Google Maps Lists, which can be edited from desktop or your phone but don’t offer the option for separate layers, unique icons, or adding photos. 

Is there an app for Google My Maps?

There is no separate Google My Maps app, but you can view your maps within Google Maps. Just make sure you’re signed into the same account, and all your maps will sync. 

(There used to be a dedicated My Maps app on Android, but this was deprecated in 2021.)

Can you create or edit maps from your phone?

No, the maps cannot be edited from the Google Maps app. Google My Maps can only be created or edited from the desktop version of the site. This is another huge advantage Google Lists has over Google My Maps because Lists allow you to add new places or entire lists from any device—iPhone, Android, tablet, laptop, or desktop.

Is there a bridge height filter?

No. For RVers and others who need to plan ahead for height limitations, there is no bridge height filter available in Google Maps. Since I haven’t had to use this feature myself, I am not confident in an alternative to recommend. However, from a bit of digging around, there are some apps and GPS units for truckers that may be a good place to start looking if you have an oversize vehicle.

What is the difference between Google Maps Lists and Google My Maps?

They both allow you to create custom maps with pins, but there are some key differences, such as offline access, layer capabilities, customizable pins, and creating/editing within the app. Check out the details on how Google My Maps compares to Lists (including a features comparison table).

How many stops can you add on a directions layer?

You can only add 10 stops per directions layer. This is also the maximum number of stops you can add for navigation in Google Maps. As some readers have pointed out, this can be limiting when you want to use this feature for a long road trip.

Can you use the directions layers on your phone for navigation purposes?

No, you cannot create a directions layer and then access those turn-by-turn directions for navigation in the Google Maps app. 

So…are directions layers totally useless? What’s the point of having a Driving Directions layer in My Maps?

Personally, I still like to use these layers, but only to show a route for my very visual brain, rather than to actually create custom directions. 

Can you send a custom created route (layer) to someone else so that the other person will take that specific driving route on google maps?

No, you can’t do this from My Maps, but there’s a workaround I can suggest.

Forget My Maps, and use Google Maps from desktop or mobile to plot a route. You can add up to 10 stops, and then you will be able to share your custom directions. 

From desktop, there’s an extra step in first sending the directions to your phone. If you’ve created the directions in the mobile app or once you have them pulled up there, you can share them with anyone by clicking the 3 dots next to your list of locations (sharing must be done before clicking “Start”—if you’re already in the navigation, you need to back out of it to share). When you share, it will list all the steps as well as send a link for the other person to open the directions in Google Maps directly. 

An important caveat to sharing custom routes: Google Maps will reroute the directions as it normally does according to current traffic at the time of driving, so this method cannot be relied upon if you’ve mapped a specific route for bridge clearances. As a workaround, you can add “stops” on the desired interstate (zoom in and add this literally on the road itself so navigation doesn’t try to take you off an exit), which will force Google Maps to take the driver that way. This is what I do when driving south from Connecticut to PA because Google Maps always wants me to take its beloved George Washington Bridge and I always don’t want to. I add a stop to force my route across the Tappan Zee Bridge. However, I’m not sure I would rely on this workaround as a sole method for RVs or truckers.

Can you see how much time the directions will take?

Yes, on desktop you can view the details if you want to know the distance or how long a route will take. To view distance and time for a directions layer, click the 3 dots on the laye, then click Step-by-Step Directions. 

Of course, this doesn’t really help when you want to get this information on your phone or use the directions for navigation. As mentioned elsewhere, the “directions” layer functions best as a way to visualize a route. If you need turn-by-turn directions, see the steps mentioned above to save and send directions in Google Maps. 

This post was originally published on July 27, 2017 and has been updated in May 2023.

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Travel Photographer | FAA Certified Drone Pilot

Naomi is the coffee-loving, crazy-about-Latin-America writer and photographer behind everything here. She's guided by curiosity and a belief that every place has a story to tell–whether it’s through the intricate details of nature, history that has shaped a culture, or the people who call a place home. Learn More

Google Maps 4+

Places, navigation & traffic.

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Navigate your world faster and easier with Google Maps. Over 220 countries and territories mapped and hundreds of millions of businesses and places on the map. Get real-time GPS navigation, traffic, and transit info, and find what you need by getting the latest information on businesses, including grocery stores, pharmacies and other important places. Get where you need to go efficiently: • Find the best route with automatic rerouting based on live traffic, incidents, and road closure Find important businesses: • Know what’s open in your area and their latest business hours • Find local restaurants offering delivery and takeout • Create lists of your important places Get there faster with real-time updates • Beat traffic with real-time ETAs and traffic conditions • Catch your bus, train, or ride-share with real-time transit info • Save time with automatic rerouting based on live traffic, incidents, and road closure • With Live View in Google Maps, see the way you need to go with arrows and directions placed right on top of your world. There’s no second guessing or missing another turn. More experiences on Google Maps • Offline maps to search and navigate without an internet connection • Street View and indoor imagery for restaurants, shops, museums and more • Indoor maps to quickly find your way inside big places like airports, malls and stadiums Some features not available in all countries Navigation isn't intended to be used by oversized or emergency vehicles

Version 6.112.2

Thanks for using Google Maps! This release brings bug fixes that improve our product to help you discover new places and navigate to them.

Ratings and Reviews

5.9M Ratings


In the recent past if I wanted to go to a specific location all I had to do was open up my browser, hit the directions button, and the Google Maps app would open and take me right there. Now when I go through that same process an alternative screen comes up, but you can’t see all of the options when you’re driving so you pull over and you’re still fumbling your way through the process with extended steps to maneuver through it and ultimately wants you to open up the Google Maps app, but by the time you get there the address is completely gone and won’t transfer over to the app. This app is completely useless because it will not allow you to navigate anywhere with directions now. I’ve done all of the updates, but to no avail does this app work. I’m sure I’m not the only person to complain about this, but at this point, I’m going to have to completely delete the Google Maps app and go with an alternative solution. Google Maps has one job to do. Why did you have to mess up what was already working? Now your app is non-functional.

Cycling Maps feature unnecessarily falls short

Map doesn’t display on screen when I’m using step by step navigation but it does when you’re driving. So you can’t see where you’re going…you get notifications on your screen for each direction instead, something you have to try to read and pedal and steer simultaneously, unless you enjoy stopping to see what your next direction is after every single one you complete. That’s the other thing, it gives you directions literally the moment you need them. When you drive, if it says go left, you turn left and it tells you your next street and turn to look for and the distance before you reach it. In cycling mode, in the same scenario, it would say turn left as you reached the street and continue to say turn left until you reach your next turn. So you have no idea at all what to look for, can’t anticipate anything, and you’re basically riding blind between each step. And if you miss a step, it automatically re routes you, so I rode about three miles uphill needlessly in the rain yesterday because I couldn’t hear my phone over the road and rain noise, nor had any idea what turn to look for, when to look for it, or how to rectify all of those failures in real time, I was pretty much being led astray in the pouring rain by an app that doesn’t have any of these problems in driving mode…
Drove home from New York to Indianapolis and this app increased our trip by 2 hours. Leaving the Bronx should’ve taken 10 minutes because there is an on ramp to I-95 right by the house we were in. We knew how to get to the highway without using the map but we didn’t even bat an eye that we were using the app from the get go because one would think it would just take you on the quickest route. Nah. This app took us 40 minutes through the Bronx and made us sit through morning traffic. Once we crossed the George Washington Bridge, it asked it we wanted to take I-70 instead of I-80 because it’s 3 minutes faster. I clicked no be cause 70 is littered with tolls on the PA Turnpike and 2 minutes later it asks the same question. I said no again. Then I realized an hour later we are still in New Jersey when we should’ve been out of it by now. I thought it was strange we were still on 95. Sure enough I checked the map and saw that we were on I-95 south and headed for 70 after saying no TWICE. The voice never even told us to exit on to I-80 which happens almost immediately after getting off the GW bridge. This app is 5 stars in sending you to the most inconvenient routes and not communicating properly. I would give it no stars if possible. Spent over $100 in tolls when they should’ve been avoided because I should’ve been on I-80. Tired of having my money and time wasted because of this app.

App Privacy

The developer, Google , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • Financial Info
  • Contact Info
  • User Content
  • Search History
  • Browsing History
  • Identifiers
  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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How Do I Save A Trip In Google Maps

Published: December 6, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Blancha Woodhouse

  • Travel Essentials & Accessories
  • Travel Guide



Google Maps is not just a handy navigation tool; it is also a powerful trip planning tool. Whether you are taking a road trip, exploring a new city, or simply mapping out your daily errands, Google Maps can help you save and organize your trips.

In this article, we will show you how to save a trip in Google Maps so that you can easily access it later, share it with others, or make modifications whenever needed.

With Google Maps, you can create a personalized trip itinerary, add multiple destinations, and customize your route. Whether you want to plan a cross-country drive, a weekend getaway, or a simple day trip, Google Maps has you covered.

By saving your trip in Google Maps, you can have all the information you need at your fingertips, including directions, estimated travel times, and even recommendations for nearby attractions, restaurants, and hotels.

So, let’s get started and discover how you can save your trips in Google Maps, making traveling and exploring a breeze.

Step 1: Accessing Google Maps

Before you can start saving your trips in Google Maps, you need to have access to the application. Google Maps is available on various platforms, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop browsers.

If you are using a smartphone or tablet, you can download the Google Maps app from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android) and install it on your device. Once installed, simply open the app and sign in with your Google account to gain access to all the features.

If you prefer using Google Maps on your computer, you can access it through your web browser. Open your preferred browser and navigate to the Google Maps website (maps.google.com). Again, make sure you are signed in to your Google account to enjoy the full functionality of the platform.

Now that you are logged in, you have full access to the various features of Google Maps, including the ability to save and customize your trips.

Before we move on to creating and saving your trip, it’s important to note that Google Maps requires an internet connection to function properly. While you can view saved trips offline, any modifications or updates to the trip will require an active internet connection.

Now that you are familiar with accessing Google Maps, let’s move on to the next step: creating a trip.

Step 2: Starting a Trip

Once you’re logged into Google Maps, starting a trip is a straightforward process. You can begin by following these simple steps:

  • Open Google Maps on your preferred device or browser.
  • In the search bar, enter the destination or starting point of your trip. You can type in the name of a specific location, an address, or even a landmark.
  • Google Maps will then display the location on the map and provide you with detailed information, such as the address, reviews, and photos.
  • If the location is correct, click on the “Directions” button, usually indicated by an arrow icon.
  • Next, choose the mode of transportation for your trip, such as driving, walking, or public transit. You can also specify any additional options, such as avoiding tolls or highways.
  • Once you have selected the desired options, Google Maps will calculate the route and display it on the map. You will also see the estimated travel time and distance to your destination.
  • If you want to add more destinations to your trip, click on the “+” button next to the destination field and repeat the process of entering a location and selecting the mode of transport.
  • Continue adding destinations until your trip is fully planned.
  • As you add destinations, Google Maps will automatically optimize the route to ensure the most efficient travel sequence.

Now that you have started your trip and added destinations, you can proceed to the next step: customizing the trip to suit your preferences.

Step 3: Adding Destinations

Adding destinations to your trip in Google Maps allows you to create a multi-stop itinerary that suits your preferences. Here’s how to add destinations to your trip:

  • With your trip already initiated in Google Maps, look for the “+” button located next to the destination field.
  • Click on the “+” button to bring up the search bar.
  • Enter the name of the next destination you want to add to your trip. You can search for specific addresses, landmarks, or even categories of places like restaurants or attractions.
  • Google Maps will display a list of matching results based on your search query. Click on the correct destination from the list.
  • The chosen destination will be added to your trip, and you will see it displayed on the map. The route will automatically update to include the newly added destination.
  • If you want to add more destinations, repeat the previous steps by clicking on the “+” button again and entering the desired locations.
  • As you add more destinations, Google Maps will optimize the route to provide you with the most efficient travel sequence.
  • If at any point you want to remove a destination, click on the “X” button located next to it in the destination list.
  • Continue adding and removing destinations until you are satisfied with your trip itinerary.

By adding destinations to your trip, you can customize your journey and ensure that you visit all the places you desire. Whether you’re planning a sightseeing tour or mapping out the best restaurants to try, Google Maps makes it easy to create a comprehensive itinerary.

Once you have added all the desired destinations, you can proceed to the next step: customizing the trip to suit your preferences.

Step 4: Customizing the Trip

After adding destinations to your trip in Google Maps, you have the flexibility to customize it according to your preferences. Here are some ways you can customize your trip:

  • Reordering Destinations: If you want to change the order of your destinations, simply click and drag the destination markers on the map to rearrange them. This allows you to optimize the route based on your preferences or any time constraints you may have.
  • Adding Waypoints: Along with your main destinations, you can also add waypoints to your trip. Waypoints are additional stops that you want to make along the route, such as rest stops, scenic viewpoints, or places of interest. To add a waypoint, click on the route between two destinations and select “Add a stop.”
  • Modifying Transportation Options: If you initially chose a specific mode of transportation for your trip but want to make changes, you can easily do so. On the trip overview screen, click on the mode of transportation (e.g. Driving) and select a different option like walking or public transit.
  • Exploring Alternatives: Google Maps provides alternative routes for your trip. To view these options, click on the “Route options” button on the trip overview screen. This can be helpful if you want to consider different routes based on factors like traffic, scenic routes, or avoiding tolls.
  • Adding Notes and Labels: Google Maps also allows you to add notes and labels to your trip. These can be useful for adding specific instructions, reminders, or any important information you want to remember about each destination.
  • Checking Traffic Conditions: Before starting your trip, it’s a good idea to check the current traffic conditions. Google Maps provides real-time traffic updates, which can help you anticipate delays and make necessary adjustments to your route.

By customizing your trip, you can ensure that it aligns perfectly with your needs and preferences. Whether you want to optimize the route, add additional stops, or make specific notes, Google Maps offers a variety of options to make your trip truly personalized.

After customizing your trip, it’s time to save it so that you can access it later or share it with others. Let’s move on to the next step: saving the trip.

Step 5: Saving the Trip

After creating and customizing your trip in Google Maps, it’s essential to save it so that you can access it at any time. Saving the trip allows you to view, modify, and share it without the need to recreate the itinerary from scratch. Here’s how to save your trip:

  • On the trip overview screen, make sure all the destinations and customizations are as desired.
  • Click on the three vertical dots located in the top-right corner of the screen. This will open a dropdown menu of options.
  • From the dropdown menu, select the “Save trip” option.
  • You will be prompted to provide a name for your trip. Enter a descriptive title that helps you easily identify the itinerary.
  • Click on the “Save” button.

Once you save your trip, it will be added to your list of saved trips in Google Maps. This allows you to access it whenever you need it, whether you’re using the app on your smartphone or tablet or accessing Google Maps on your computer through a web browser.

Remember that saving the trip also synchronizes it with your Google account, ensuring that it is accessible across devices. This means that any modifications or updates you make to the trip from one device will be reflected on all other devices connected to your Google account.

In addition to saving the trip for your personal use, Google Maps also allows you to share the trip with others. This can be useful when planning a trip with friends, family, or colleagues. To share your saved trip, follow these steps:

  • Open the saved trip from your list of saved trips in Google Maps.
  • Click on the “Share trip” button, usually indicated by a share icon.
  • Choose the desired method of sharing, such as email, messaging apps, or social media.
  • Enter the recipient’s email address or select the desired contact to share the trip with.
  • Send the invitation to share the trip.

By saving and sharing your trip in Google Maps, you can easily collaborate with others, receive feedback, and coordinate your travel plans.

Now that you know how to save your trip, let’s move on to the final step: accessing your saved trips in Google Maps.

Step 6: Accessing Saved Trips

Once you have saved your trips in Google Maps, accessing them is a breeze. You can easily retrieve your saved trips on any device using the following steps:

  • Launch the Google Maps app on your smartphone or tablet, or open Google Maps in your web browser on your computer.
  • Sign in to your Google account if you haven’t already done so.
  • In the app, tap on the “Menu” button (usually represented by three horizontal lines) in the top-left corner of the screen. On the website, look for the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top-left corner of the screen as well.
  • From the menu, select the “Your places” option.
  • Tap on “Saved” to access your list of saved items, including your saved trips.
  • You will see a list of all your saved trips. Tap on the trip you want to open.
  • The selected trip will open, displaying the itinerary, customizations, and any added notes or labels.

When accessing Google Maps on a computer, you can follow a similar process:

  • Go to the Google Maps website and sign in to your Google account if you’re not already signed in.
  • Click on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top-left corner of the screen.
  • Select the “Your places” option from the menu.
  • Click on “Saved” to access your list of saved items, including your saved trips.
  • You will see a list of your saved trips. Click on the trip you want to open.

By following these steps, you can easily access and view your saved trips in Google Maps whenever you need them. This is especially useful when you’re on the go and need quick access to directions, information, and your customized itinerary.

Remember that any modifications or updates you make to the trip, whether it’s reordering destinations or adding new stops, will be automatically saved and synchronized across all your devices connected to your Google account.

Now that you know how to access your saved trips, you can confidently plan and navigate your future travels with ease using Google Maps.

Google Maps is a powerful tool for not only navigating but also planning and organizing your trips. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can save and customize your trips in Google Maps, ensuring a smooth and organized travel experience.

Starting a trip is as simple as entering your destination and selecting the mode of transportation. From there, you can add multiple destinations, customize the route, and even include waypoints for additional stops along the way.

Once you’ve created your trip, it’s important to save it so that you can easily access it later or share it with others. Saving a trip allows you to review and modify the itinerary whenever needed.

Accessing your saved trips is also hassle-free, whether you’re using the Google Maps app on your smartphone or tablet or accessing it through a web browser on your computer. Everything is synchronized across devices, ensuring that you have your trip details readily available no matter where you are.

With Google Maps, you can rely on accurate and up-to-date information, including real-time traffic updates, recommended routes, and even information about nearby attractions, restaurants, and hotels.

So, whether you’re embarking on a cross-country road trip, exploring a new city, or simply planning your daily errands, Google Maps is an essential tool to enhance your travel experience.


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How-To Geek

How to save a route on google maps.

Get directions to your favorite places with fewer taps!

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What to know when saving routes in google maps, save a route in google maps on iphone, ipad, and android, save a route to your home screen on android, key takeaways.

  • On your iPhone, iPad, or Android phone, open the Google Maps app and tap the directions icon to save your favorite routes. Type in the source and target locations, choose your preferred way of transportation, and tap the "Pin" option at the bottom to add the route to your pinned routes list.
  • You can only save driving and public transport routes, and customize the source location for public transport routes.
  • Easily remove a pinned route by tapping "Pinned" on the directions page. On Android, you can also add a shortcut for a route to your home screen, making it even more convenient to access your favorite route in Google Maps.

By saving a route on Google Maps, you can quickly get directions to your specified destination. You can save routes on your iPhone, iPad, and Android phones, and we'll show you how.

In this guide, we will use the "pin" option to save your route as a pinned item, since it is the most convenient and universal way to save a route.

When saving routes, know that you can only save driving and public transport routes . If you save a driving route, your source location will always be your current location regardless of what you used when you saved the route. For public transport routes, though, you can customize the source location.

On your iPhone, iPad, or Android phone, use the Google Maps app to save your favorite routes to your favorite places .

To start, open the Google Maps app on your phone. In the app, on the right side, tap the directions icon.

At the top of the Maps screen, type both source and target locations for which you want to get directions. Then choose your preferred way to get to your destination (driving or public transport).

On the same page, at the bottom, tap the "Pin" option. This adds your current route to your pinned routes list.

To view your pinned routes, including the one you just saved, open Google Maps and tap "Go" at the bottom.

In the "Go" tab, you will see all your pinned routes. Tap a route to open the actual directions.

Removing a pinned route is equally easy. To do so, on the directions page, tap "Pinned" at the bottom. This removes the selected route from the pinned routes list.

And that's how you get directions to your favorite places without manually tapping many buttons. Very useful!

On Android, you can add a shortcut for a route to your home screen . Then, when you tap this shortcut, your route will directly open in Google Maps.

To do so, open Google Maps and search for the directions you want to save.

On the directions screen, in the top-right corner, tap the three dots.

In the three-dots menu, tap "Add Route to Home Screen."

In the "Add to Home Screen" box, either drag the widget and place it on one of your home screens, or tap "Add Automatically" to add the widget to a vacant place on your home screen.

And you are now a tap away from accessing your favorite route in Google Maps. Enjoy!

In addition to routes, you can save your favorite places as well on Google Maps. If you'd like to protect your travel privacy, it's easy to delete your Google Maps movement and search history too.

How we built Immersive View for routes on Maps

Nov 02, 2023

[[read-time]] min read

Immersive View for routes is starting to roll out in 15 cities. Here’s how we used AI and imagery to bring it to life.

Three phones showing different screens from Immersive View for routes

When navigating to a destination, it’s helpful to get a sense of your route so you can travel with confidence. Let’s say you’re biking to the park to meet friends; you might look at the weather, see if there are road closures along the way, or scope out the bike parking situation on Street View. That’s why we introduced Immersive View for routes, a feature that gives you all of the information you need about your journey — like weather and traffic — in a single, multidimensional view whether you’re walking, biking or cycling. This feature, which has started rolling out in 15 cities, builds on Immersive View for places that allows you to experience a place before you go.

Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at how AI and imagery bring Immersive View for routes to life in Google Maps.

Putting together a jigsaw puzzle of 2D imagery

To start, billions of high-resolution images are collected – these can come from planes, as well as Street View cars and Trekkers. The images are then stitched together in a process that feels a lot like putting together the world’s largest jigsaw puzzle.

Four photos showing different layers in Google Maps

Different map layers showing object labels, elevation, vegetation and color.

In theory, this sounds relatively straightforward, but several factors make this process quite complex. All of the imagery needs to align with existing Google Maps data so that each road, street and business name fits together. This is only possible with our advanced photogrammetry techniques that can align imagery and data within centimeters.

Visualization of our models aligning 3D aerial imagery to Street View data.

Using machine learning to extract and label helpful information

Once the images are aligned, we use AI and computer vision to understand what’s in them. Within seconds, our machine learning models can understand elements in a photo — like sidewalks, street signs, speed limit signs, road names, addresses, posted business hours and building entrances. These models are trained on millions of photos from around the world, so they’re able to learn and adapt to different regions. For example, they can recognize a “SLOW” sign in the U.S., which is a yellow or orange diamond, and in Japan, which is triangular and largely white and red.

Understanding these elements helps us show you the most helpful information in Immersive View for routes. For example, this allows us to navigate you right to a building’s entrance rather than just the general vicinity, saving you a time-consuming trip around the block!

A photo of a crosswalk and a simplified photo that only shows the different types of objects in

Our AI labels helpful object categories like sidewalks, street signs, speed limit signs, road names, addresses, posted business hours and building entrances.

Transforming 2D imagery into 3D

With all the visuals and object labels in place, it’s time to reconstruct the world in 3D. One of the biggest challenges with building a 3D map is modeling the terrains of roads and heights of buildings. To do this, we use imagery from our state-of-the-art aerial camera systems that are much like the 3D cameras used to film Hollywood movies. These systems have clusters of cameras pointed in slightly different directions, allowing them to take pictures from multiple viewpoints and accurately understand depth. Once we have this set of imagery, our advanced photogrammetry techniques help us place these on top of our 2D model of the world, turning it into a 3D model.

A preview of the route overlaid on 3D terrain.

Creating a realistic, helpful route

Once our model is in 3D, we need to actually show you how to navigate. This is the piece that differentiates Immersive View for routes from Immersive View for places. One of the biggest challenges of overlaying the route line in 3D is creating a realistic and helpful overview of your travel path, whether that’s a road, bike lane or sidewalk. We solve this using a couple of techniques.

We include a lot of intricate camera zooms, pans, and tilts to show you both a big-picture overview and street-level details about your route. We use a technique called occlusion to hide the blue route line when it is meant to go behind buildings, under bridges, or around trees. To make sure all of this dynamic movement is not jumpy or jarring to you, we use a mathematical construct called a B-spline curve to create a smooth camera path that has a clear view of the route. Combining these techniques, our system can quickly compute what should be in view at each step and always generate a path that’s easy to follow and beautiful in real-time.

Adding Google Maps’ trusted, real-world information

Finally, we layer on Google Maps’ trusted information — like weather, air quality and traffic — so that you can visualize what your route will look like as conditions change throughout the day and week.

To simulate live traffic — both current and in the future — we partner with Google Research to analyze historical, aggregated driving trends. So if a street is known to be congested at 5 p.m. on Thursdays because of heavy traffic from delivery trucks, you’ll see more trucks reflected in Immersive View. This allows you to get a sense of what you’re likely to encounter on the road.

Using aggregate traffic data, our models simulate what traffic might look like at any given time.

Bringing it all together

All of this comes together to show you your route on your phone by utilizing on-device and real-time cloud rendering so you can visualize where you’re going from the palm of your hand. Immersive View for routes is starting to roll out in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Dublin, Florence, Las Vegas, London, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Paris, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, Tokyo, and Venice.

To learn more about the technology that powers your favorite features in Google Maps, check out our Maps 101 blog post series .

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5 Google Maps Tips You Need To Know When Planning Your Next Trip

W hether a brief weekend escape or an extensive expedition across continents, planning a trip can be a daunting task. The challenge of selecting the ideal destinations, navigating through unfamiliar territories, and ensuring that you experience all the essential sights without overlooking anything, can quickly become overwhelming for any traveler. This is where online maps come into play, and one prominent tool that almost everyone has used at some point is Google Maps.

Google Maps goes beyond basic directions . It offers a suite of features designed to make trip planning not just easier, but also more enjoyable. You can map out itineraries, discover new attractions, get insights into local restaurants and services, and even find electric vehicle charging stations . The platform's real-time updates, user reviews, and detailed information on points of interest can help you make informed decisions while exploring new destinations. Moreover, its customization features allow you to create personalized maps that cater specifically to your travel plans, which are also shareable. Here are five essential Google Maps tips that every traveler should know. These tips will not only help you streamline your trip-planning process but also ensure that your travels are as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

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Utilizing Offline Maps

When you're heading out on a trip, one thing you definitely don't want to worry about is losing access to your maps when your signal drops. That's where offline maps come in handy. Google Maps allows you to download maps for offline use, ensuring you never get lost even when you're off the grid.

Downloading maps for offline use is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

  • Open the Google Maps app on your smartphone or tablet. 
  • Tap on your profile icon in the top-right corner.
  • Choose Offline maps.
  • Tap Select your own map in the following window.
  • Drag the map window to your desired area.
  • Select Download.

Depending on the size of the area you're downloading and your internet connection speed, this process may take a few moments.

Once the download is complete, you'll be able to access the map even without an internet connection. Offline maps are not only convenient, but they can also save you time and frustration. Imagine hiking in a remote area and losing your cell signal — having the offline map ensures you can still navigate your way back to your starting point without any hassle. This is also one of the many secret Google Maps features that can come in handy.

Customizing Your Route With Multiple Stops

We all have days packed with errands or sightseeing, where we just wish we could plan the routes efficiently. Google Maps allows you to do that by customizing your route with multiple stops. It's a nifty feature that can save you time and make your trips more organized.

Follow these steps:

  • Open Google Maps on your device and enter your final destination.
  • Click on the three buttons next to your starting point and select Add stop. 
  • You can add multiple stops by repeating this step. 
  • Rearrange stops by dragging the three lines next to each destination.

Now, Google Maps will calculate the most efficient route for you, taking into account all your stops along the way. This is perfect for those days when you have several places to visit or errands to run, but you want to make sure you're not zigzagging all over town. It can also save you time and fuel. Plus, it's a great way to ensure you don't forget any important stops along the way. 

When customizing your route with multiple stops on Google Maps, keep in mind to arrange your stops in a logical order to minimize backtracking and optimize efficiency. Additionally, consider traffic conditions and estimated travel times between each stop to plan your schedule accordingly. Lastly, ensure that all stops are accurately inputted to avoid any confusion or missed destinations along the way.

Taking Advantage Of Live Traffic Updates

This feature provides real-time information about traffic conditions, allowing you to avoid packed routes and save valuable time.

As you navigate with Google Maps, the app constantly monitors traffic conditions along your route. If there is heavy traffic, accidents, or road closures ahead, Google Maps will highlight the problematic area on the map using yellow or red markers.

To enable live traffic updates, open the Google Maps app and enter your destination. Once your route is set, Google Maps will display real-time traffic information along the way, including any incidents or slowdowns. You can then choose to follow the suggested route or explore alternative options based on the traffic conditions. 

When using live traffic updates on Google Maps, keep in mind to regularly check for updates throughout your journey to stay informed about changing road conditions. You can also report problems on the road yourself on Google Maps . Lastly, be flexible with your travel plans and prepared to follow alternative routes suggested by Google Maps to avoid congestion and minimize travel time.

By taking advantage of live traffic updates, you can make informed decisions about your route and avoid getting stuck in gridlock. Whether you're commuting to work or heading out on a road trip, this feature can help you reach your destination more efficiently.

Exploring Nearby Attractions And Restaurants

When you're in a new area, or even just exploring your own neighborhood, Google Maps can be a great tool for discovering nearby attractions and restaurants. 

To start exploring:

  • Open Google Maps and zoom in on the area of your interest. You should see several options below the search bar, including Restaurants, Gas, Coffee, Shopping, ATMs, and more. 
  • Click on the option you want to explore. For instance, if you are looking for places to eat nearby, select Restaurants to see a list of dining options in the area. Each restaurant will be marked with its location on the map, along with details such as the establishment's name, its rating, and sometimes photos or reviews. 
  • Refine your search further by applying filters for rating and distance. 
  • After selecting a restaurant that catches your interest, click on it to view more detailed information, including its address, hours of operation, contact details, and directions on how to get there. 

Google Maps also allows you to call the restaurant directly from the app if you wish to make a reservation or inquire about menu items.

You can explore all these categories by swiping right on the options pane below the search bar. To view the full list, click on the More button (three dots) at the very end.

Create A Custom Map To Share With Friends And Family

You can also easily create a custom map and share it with whoever you want on Google Maps. It's a great way to collaborate on travel plans, recommend must-visit places, or simply share your favorite local hangouts.

  • Open Google Maps on your computer and sign into your Google account. 
  • Click on the menu icon and choose Saved > Maps > Open My Maps. 
  • Start a new map by clicking the Create A New Map button. 
  • Give your map a title and a description that encapsulates the essence of your adventure or theme. This could be anything from "Family Road Trip to Yellowstone" to "Best Coffee Shops in New York City." 
  • Populate your map with markers. Click on the marker icon, then click on the location on the map you wish to mark. For each marker, you can add a detailed description, upload photos, and even include links for more information. 
  • Additionally, Google My Maps allows you to draw paths and shapes, perfect for outlining routes or highlighting areas of interest. 
  • Once your map is ready, click on the Share button. Here, you'll be prompted to set the map's privacy settings. You can choose to make it public, share it with specific people, or keep it private with a link.
  • Finally, invite your friends via email or simply send them the link.

Read the original article on SlashGear .

Google Maps on a phone

  • Nation & World

Google unveils updates to make trip planning easier

Google Maps is launching new updates that are intended to make finding travel inspiration and local recommendations in your destination easier. Users will start seeing these lists of suggestions popping up in Google Maps in more than 40 cities across the U.S. and Canada this week. These updates will also be rolled out globally on Android and iOS mobile platforms later this month.

With this trio of updates, users can discover curated lists of local recommendations from other users and esteemed websites, customize their own lists and access key insights, making vacation planning a breeze and ensuring a seamless on-the-go experience. To access the new features, simply search for a city in Google Maps and swipe up to see curated lists of places from people who know the city inside and out. You’ll also see lists from such reputable sources as Lonely Planet, The New York Times and OpenTable.

And, when away from home, the question of where to eat is always top of mind. Now, whether you’re a traveler or just want to find a trendy spot in town, you can use new restaurant lists created by Google Maps. These lists will spotlight the eateries people are showing interest in or rating highly on Maps at the time. Google has sorted restaurants into three separate lists based on various criteria, creating indexes for trending, top-rated, and hidden gem locations.

The Trending list is updated weekly to spotlight places that experienced a recent spike in popularity on Maps, making it ideal for discovering the latest hot spots.

The Top list showcases the places that the Maps community has consistently shown love for. Use this list to find a neighborhood’s longstanding favorites.

The Gems list is for places that are considered an area’s best-kept secrets, highlighting great restaurants that still fly under the radar.

Creating Maps lists allows you to organize places you’d like to visit and places you’ve already been that you might wish to revisit. With the new lists format, users will also be able to more easily arrange their selections for easy reference, as they can now choose the order in which places appear. Simply move them up or down in whatever order you prefer to have them displayed. Users can also link in content from their social media streams, such as their own reviews of a certain venue.

Similarly, to give users a good sense of each place at a glance, Google’s AI pulls key insights to display from the Maps community. When you search a spot, you’ll see select photos and reviews that encapsulate what patrons love about it. The AI function can even help you identify the name of a particular dish and display helpful information based on a restaurant’s menu.

New design updates are also set to give Google Maps a fresh look, including a simplified home screen and new pin colors that make places on the map easier to find.

Trip-planning AI

Google has also just announced an update that’s coming to its Search Generative Experience (SGE), which will enable users to create travel itineraries and compile trip ideas using AI. This means that Google will be taking on other companies that are already applying the generative AI’s capabilities to help travelers plan their trips, such as Mindtrip and Layla.

To come up with its travel recommendations, Google’s AI engine relies upon information from sites across the internet, as well as photos, reviews and other specifics users have submitted about any given place. Conversationally, users can ask the AI something like “plan me a five-day trip to New York City that focuses on entertainment” and receive a sample itinerary that includes local restaurants, attractions and points of interest. Once you’ve constructed your ideal itinerary, you can export it to Gmail, or Google Docs or Maps.

This new capability is currently available only in the U.S. (in English) to those who are signed up for Google’s Search Labs program, which invites users to experiment with early-phase Google Search functions. The company has not stated if or when this function will become more widely available. According to TechCrunch, Google is not only testing out new realms for using generative AI, it’s also gathering data about consumers’ travel purchasing intent, which would support its wider ad business.

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Google announces new features for travel.

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Google has announced several new features for Google Maps and Google Search aimed at helping people find less carbon-intensive ways of traveling and commuting.

One of the key additions is a new EV filter on google.com/travel, enabling users to locate hotels that offer onsite EV charging facilities. Additionally, numerous updates have been made on Maps to facilitate the discovery of charging stations.

When planning a trip, users will now have access to suggested charging stops, forecasted energy consumption, and more.

Google Map EV Charger Stations Updates

Furthermore, in addition to the EV updates, Google Maps will now assist users in finding lower-carbon travel alternatives.

Highlights from Googles Press Release: More sustainable ways to commute & travel:

  • Driving alternatives in Google Maps: When people look up driving directions, we’ll soon show a public transit or a walking suggestion next to driving routes, if travel times are comparable and practical (coming to 15+ cities).
  • Trains & buses in Google Search: You can now see train schedules & ticket prices directly in Search, for rail travel in 38 countries around the world (including the US), as well as long-distance buses in 15 countries. This is an expansion of an existing feature.
  • Train suggestions on Google Flights: In the months ahead, when you’re on Google Flights and there’s a reasonable rail alternative, you’ll see train route suggestions in the flight search results. This builds on similar suggestions we already show in Google Search for flight queries.
  • Travel Impact Model: You can already see estimated emissions in Google Flights, powered by our Travel Impact Model methodology. Now, estimates from the Travel Impact Model are also available through a developer API , a Google Sheets extension and a calculator on the TIM website .

Electric vehicles:

  • Google Maps (all features coming soon):
  • EV Charging Station Pins: We’ll highlight nearby EV charging stations for in-car Maps, with information about station availability and charging speeds.
  • AI-powered summaries for EV charging stations: AI summaries from user reviews will better help users pinpoint charging stations.
  • Multi-waypoint EV trip planning: When users create a multi-stop trip, in-car Maps will suggest required charging stops.
  • Google Search - Hotels:
  • You can use the new EV filter on google.com/travel to find hotels that offer on-site EV charging. This is already live.

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Google Maps and Search gain new features to help you travel sustainably

Published on April 17, 2024

google maps transit directions

  • Maps will soon provide public transit and walking suggestions next to driving routes if the travel times are comparable and practical.
  • Search is expanding a feature for finding information on long-distance train routes and adding support for buses.
  • Maps will also introduce a few features to help you find chargers for your EV.

Google is about to introduce a bevy of new features to Maps and Search. These new features are centered around making sustainable travel easier for everybody.

Today, Google announced some updates to Maps and Search will be coming soon. These features range from eco-friendly travel suggestions to electric vehicle (EV) charger placement and more.

One of the updates coming to Maps will help the user find alternative travel options that produce fewer carbon emissions. Said to be landing in the coming weeks, this feature will allow Maps to provide public transit and walking suggestions next to driving routes. This feature will be available in 15 cities including: Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, Montreal, Paris, Rome, and Sydney.

Maps transit suggestion

On a related note, Google says it is expanding a feature in Search that allows a user to see schedules, tickets, and links to complete bookings on the results page for long-distance train routes. This feature will now be available in 38 countries, such as Australia, Japan, Greece, and more. In addition, the firm is adding support for long-distance bus trips as well, which will be available in:

As for flying, Google is making it easier to see the carbon emissions created by your flight. The company plans to make travel impact model (TIM) insights — which provide emission estimates — available as a developer API that can be applied on any website or app. This will also be available as a Google Sheets add-on and a calculator on the TIM website.

Moving on to EVs, Maps is getting some features that make it easier to find chargers. Google says in the coming months, the app will start showing AI-powered summaries that describe where a charger is located in an area, like a multi-level parking lot. On top of that, Google is adding the ability to see chargers on the in-car map, joined by information like real-time port availability and charging speed. This is expected to roll out globally in the coming months, starting with vehicles that have Google built-in.

The final two features deal with planning your trip with your EV. Last year, Google debuted a feature that shows drivers the best charging locations for EVs with Google built-in. The company is now expanding that feature for multi-stop trips. Along with this, google.com/travel will now display hotels that offer EV chargers.

If you’re trying to lower your carbon footprint, these features should come as a welcomed addition to Maps and Search.

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Google Search & Maps Get Upgrades For Greener Travel

Google updates Search and Maps to show greener travel options and highlight emissions data.

  • Google Maps will suggest eco-friendly transit and walking options alongside driving routes.
  • Google Search and Flights will prominently display train routes as alternatives to some flights.
  • Google is making estimated flight emissions data more widely accessible across its products.

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Google announced updates to its Maps and Search products on Monday aimed at helping users find and choose more sustainable transportation options over gas-powered vehicles.

James Byers, Google Search’s Group Product Manager, states:

“When it comes to traveling and commuting, we want people to have the right information to make more sustainable choices.”

Eco-Friendly Route Suggestions

A smartphone displaying Google Maps navigation centered on Paris, with several greener travel routes and estimated times to a destination marked on the screen.

If travel times are comparable, one of Google Maps’ key new features will be the provision of transit and walking route suggestions alongside driving routes.

This update will be rolled out in over 15 major cities worldwide in the coming weeks, including Amsterdam, Barcelona, Paris, Rome, and Sydney.

Train & Bus Route Information

A smartphone displaying a Google Search for greener travel options for train tickets from Boston to Philadelphia with several travel options listed according to time and price.

Google is expanding its ability to find long-distance train and bus routes through search.

Users searching queries like “Boston to Philadelphia train” will see schedules, prices, and direct links to book tickets on the results page.

Train route information will now be available for 38 countries, while long-distance bus routes will initially be added for 15 countries.

When users search for flights on Google’s dedicated Flight tool, they will see train route suggestions as an alternative for applicable routes.

“So it’s easy to find the more sustainable option no matter where you begin your search,” Byers stated.

Highlighting Lower-Emission Flights

In cases where flying remains the best option, Google will show you the environmental impact.

Byers explains:

“These estimates are powered by the Travel Impact Model (TIM), a methodology we published in 2022 for predicting per-passenger flight emissions. To make this information even more accessible, TIM estimates are now also available through a developer API that allows any app or website to display flight emissions.”

Google is also releasing a Google Sheets add-on and online calculator to make the emissions estimates more widely available.

Looking Ahead

While Byers acknowledged “there’s still a long road ahead when it comes to sustainable travel,” he expressed hope that “today’s updates will give more people the information they need to choose lower-carbon alternatives.”

The new features come as consumers increasingly seek ways to make sustainable choices. By integrating these metrics into its flagship maps and travel tools, Google is nudging users towards greener options.

Featured Image: Screenshot from blog.google/products/search/, April 2024. 

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...

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How New Google Maps Features Encourage Sustainable Travel

Google Maps

Are you a Google Search or Google Maps user? You’re not alone – Google Maps has over one billion monthly users and approximately 99,000 search queries are processed by Google every second, resulting in about eight and a half billion searches daily and roughly two trillion global searches annually, or hundreds of millions of users daily.

So, Google is supporting its users in finding more sustainable transport methods. 

“When it comes to travelling and commuting, we want people to have the right information to make more sustainable choices,” says James Byers, Group Product Manager, Search.

“With new updates to features in Maps and Search, you can find convenient public transit and walking routes, see alternatives to air travel and better understand the estimated emissions of flights.”

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James has been at Google since 2017, moving from Cloud to Search in 2021. An alumni of economics and management at Cornell University, he founded WikiSpaces in 2004 and grew monthly visitors to 50 million before 2014 when it was acquired by TES. James was the Global Director of Marketplace at TES until joining Google. 

Google supports sustainable user decisions 

Despite growing travel demands post-Covid, to reach the global sustainability goals and reduce global warming the transport sector needs to reduce emissions by around a quarter by 2030. 

The updates to Google Search and Google Maps are designed to encourage users looking for travel information to consider the environmental impact of their decisions. 

In Maps, this comes in the form of a new feature that suggests public transport or walking options where travel times are comparable to driving routes. In Search, a new expanded feature supports users finding information on buses and long distance train routes. 

Last year, a new sustainable Search feature gave users looking for flight information about train routes, which is now being rolled out to Google Flights too. The Travel Impact Model (TIM), a methodology published by Google and created by James in 2022 for predicting per-passenger flight emissions, filters results in Google Flights by lower-emitting options – this has been made more accessible in the update.

James concludes: “While there’s still a long road ahead when it comes to sustainable travel, today’s updates will give more people the information they need to choose lower-carbon alternatives.”

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