happy traveller barcelona

Las mejores excursiones, escapadas y viajes en autocar desde Barcelona

Excursiones en autocar de un día | Excursiones en autocar fin de semana | Viajes organizados desde Barcelona | Excursiones organizadas desde Barcelona | Circuitos desde Barcelona | Excursiones de un día en autocar desde Barcelona | Viajes en autocar organizados


***Estimad@s client@s agradecemos que consulten la disponibilidad de plazas por Whatsappp antes de realizar el pago***

Todos nuestros viajes son en autocares propios e incluyen un coordinador acompañante. Recomendamos llevar ropa y calzado cómodos. Garantizamos todas las plazas una vez realices tu reserva. No incluimos comida, bebida o cualquier detalle no que no esté especificado.

happy traveller barcelona

6 de septiembre ISLA DE RÉ - FRANCIA

Precio: 100€ por persona  


20h00 Salida Av. Alcalde moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

20h30 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

21h00 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Visita de ISLA DE RÉ con nuestro coordinador y tiempo libre para disfrutar del lugar

22h00 Regreso a Barcelona 

Llegada a Barcelona sobre las 10 de la mañana 

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6 de septiembre LA ROCHELLE - FRANCIA

Visita de LA ROCHELLE "ciudad blanca" con nuestro coordinador y tiempo libre 

para disfrutar del lugar

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Precio: 2 0€ por persona  

*Sábado 7* 

07h00 Salida Av. Alcalde moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

07h30 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

08h00 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Visita de * BEGUR* *PALS* *PERATALLADA* y tiempo para disfrutar de la Feria de los Indians

18h00 Regreso a Barcelona

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Precio: 20€ por persona  

Visita de * OGASSA *

1 7 h00 Regreso a Barcelona

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8 de septiembre PORT DE LA SELVA

Precio: 20 € por persona  

* Domingo 8 * 

Visita de * Port de la Selva * costa brava + playa

17h00 Regreso a Barcelona

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8 de septiembre LLANÇÀ mar y montaña

*Domingo 8* 

Visita de * Llançà * costa brava + playa

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13 de septiembre FUENTES DE ALGAR & BENIDORM

Precio: 69 € por persona  

* Viernes 13 * 

23 h 59 Salida Av. Alcalde moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

0 1 h 0 0 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

0 1 h 3 0 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Visita de * Fuentes de Algar * senderismo y baño

19:00 Traslado a *Benidorm* visita con nuestro coordinador

23 h00 Regreso a Barcelona

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20 de se p tiembre MERIDA Descubriendo rutas romanas

Precio: 110 € por persona  

*Viernes 20 * 

20 h00 Salida Av. Alcalde moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

20 h30 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

21 h00 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

* Sábado 21 * 

Visita de * Merida * con nuestro coordinador 

22 h00 Regreso a Barcelona

* Domingo 21* 

Llegada a Barcelona sobre las 10:00 de la mañana

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Precio: 89 € por persona  

*Viernes 20*

*Sábado 21* 

Visita de *LAUTERBRUNNEN e INTERLAKEN con nuestro coordinador

*Domingo 22*


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Toscana Italiana: Lucca, Pisa y Livorno

Precio: 1 49 € por persona Suplemento habitación si vas sol@ 25€

* Viernes *  

20h00 Salida Av. Alcalde Moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

Visita de *LUCCA & PISA & LIVORNO* con nuestro coordinador

Traslado al Hotel


Salida a Barcelona sobre las 10 de la mañana

Llegada a última hora de la tarde/noche  

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Austria & Alemania & Liechtensten

Precio: 249€ por persona S uplemento habitaci ón si vas sol@ 25€/noche

20h00 Salida desde Av.Alcalde moix esquina plaza españa (Sabadell)

Recorrido turístico Visitando *Feldkirch* *Vaduz* con nuestro coordinador

Traslado al hotel a última hora de la noche.

Visita a *Constanza* con nuestro coordinador.

Regreso a Barcelona sobre las 23.00

Llegada  a Barcelona sobre media mañana 

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Precio: 189€ por persona  Suplemento habitaci ó n si vas sol@ 25€

Visita a *MALAGA* con nuestro coordinador.

Visita a *GRANADA* con nuestro coordinador.

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Santiago de Compostela

Precio: 169 € por persona S uplemento habitaci ó n si vas sol@ 25€

Visita a *SANTIAGO de COMPOSTELA* con nuestro coordinador.

Visita a *LEON* con nuestro coordinador

Regreso a las 22.00 a Barcelona

Llegada sobre media mañana 

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Granada Mixtura Cultura

Precio: 129€ por persona Suplemento habitacion si vas sol@ 25€

Regreso a Barcelona 

Llegada sobre las 11 de la noche

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Precio: 2 4 € por persona

7h30 Salida Av. Alcalde Moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

8h00 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

8h30 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Parada para ir al WC y desayunar

Día para conocer Rupit y Tavertet

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Precio: 22 € por persona Niños de 0 a 23 (10€) y 3 a 12 (27€)  

7 h 3 0 Salida Av. Alcalde Moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

8 h 0 0 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

Recorrido turístico con nuestro coordinador + día libre en Montserrat y Sitges

1 8 h00 Regreso a Barcelona


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Precio: 20 € por persona 

* Domingo * 

Visita de *SANT FELIU DE GUIXOLS * pueblo con nuestro coordinador + PLAYA

17h00 Regreso a Barcelo n a 

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23 de agosto ALICANTE

Precio: 69 € por persona Niños de 0 a 12 años ( 6 4€)

23h59 Av. Alcalde moix, 2 (Sabadell)

00h30 Estación Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

01h00 Plaza España (Barcelona)

Día libre para bañarse, hacer turismo, descubrir esta ciudad.

Llegada prev ista 07h 00 horas 

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23 de agosto BENIDORM

Precio: 59€ por persona  Niños de 0 a 12 años (54€)

Día libre para bañarse, hacer turismo, descubrir este encantador pueblo.

23h00 Regreso a Barcelona 

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Precio: 7 9€ por persona  

Travesía en Barco hasta Isla Tabarca (incluido)

Día libre para bañarse, hacer turismo, descubrir esta encantadora isla

Travesía en Barco hasta Alicante 

Tiempo libre en Alicante 

Llegada prevista 07h00 horas 

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23 de agosto GINEBRA & ANNECY

Visita de GINEBRA & ANNECY con nuestro coordinador

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Precio: 10 0€ por persona  

Visita de CATARATAS de RHIN y tiempo libre para disfrutar del lugar

Despúes del mediodía, visita de ZURICH con nuestro coordinador

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15 de agosto TOSSA DE MAR

Visita de *TOSSA de MAR* pueblo con nuestro coordinador + PLAYA

17h00 Regreso a Barcelona 


Precio: 89€ por persona  

Visita de CATARATAS de RHIN& ZURICH con nuestro coordinador

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Vis ita de *P ALAMÓS * pueblo con nuestro coordinador + PLAYA

1 6 h 3 0 Regreso a B arcelona  

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Vis ita de *PLAT JA D´ARO* pueblo con nuestro coordinador + PLAYA

17h00 Regreso a B arcelona  

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Visita de *BRESCIA* con nuestro coordinador

Llegada a Barcelona sobre las 10 de la mañana

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Precio: 25 € por persona  

06 h00 Salida Av. Alcalde moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

06 h30 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

07 h00 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Visita de * COLLIOURE * con nuestro coordinador

17 h00 Regreso a Barcelona 

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Precio: 1 5€ por persona  

* VIERNES 26 *

14 h00 Salida Av. Alcalde moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

14 h30 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

15 h00 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Disfrutar del concurso de fuegos artificiales en *Blanes* con nuestro coordinador

23 h 59 Regreso a Barcelona 

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* DOMINGO 28 *

07 h00 Salida Av. Alcalde moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

07 h30 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

08 h00 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Visita de *Calella* con nuestro coordinador + Playa

16 h 30 Regreso a Barcelona 

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12 de julio LAUTERBRUNNEN Paisajes de cuento de hadas 

Visita de *INTERLAKEN & LAUTERBRUNNEN* con nuestro coordinador

22h00 Regreso a Barc elona  

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1 2 de julio: SAN FERMIN - PAMPLONA

Precio: 59€💶 por persona


23h00 Av. Alcalde moix, 2 (Sabadell)

23h30 Estación Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

23h59 Plaza España (Barcelona)

*Sábado 13*

Día libre para asistir a los actos festivos de PAMPLONA y conocer este magnífico lugar.

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Precio: 40 €💶 por persona

Día libre para bañarse, hacer senderismo, descubrir este paraje natural (entrada incluida)

Llegada prevista 22h00 horas

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Precio: 49 €💶 por persona 0 a 12 años: 44€

06h00 Av. Alcalde moix, 2 (Sabadell)

06h30 Estación Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

07h00 Plaza España (Barcelona)

Día libre para asistir a los actos festivos de ALICANTE y conocer este magnífico lugar.

01h00 Regreso a Barcelona 

Llegada primeras horas del lunes

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21 junio IMPERIA & SAN MARIN0 (2 DÍAS)

Precio: 199€💶 por persona// Si vas sol@ Suplemento habitacion 25€

22 h 0 0 Salida Av. Alcalde Moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

22 h 3 0 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

23h00 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Visita de dia completo IMPERIA con nuestro coordinador

Desayuno y traslado 

Visita de dia completo SAN MARINO con nuestro coordinador

*Lunes festivo*

Llegada a media mañana

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Precio: 40€ por persona + (opcional) 15€ entrada a Monkey forest y gestión

6h00 Salida Av. Alcalde Moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

6h30 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

Día libre para conocer Rocamadour

20h30 Regreso a Barcelona

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Precio: 2 0 € por persona

7 h30 Salida Av. Alcalde Moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

8 h00 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

8 h30Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Día libre para hacer ruta de senderismo por el rí o Segre , picnic, familia

1 7 h30 Regreso a Barcelona

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Precio: 25€ por persona Opcional pasarelas + 5e

6h30 Salida Av. Alcalde Moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

7h00 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

7h30Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Día libre para hacer ruta de senderismo, picnic, familia

16h30 Regreso a Barcelona

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Precio: 3 0 € por persona Niños de 0 a 12 (27 €)

Visita de día completo a Carcassonne

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05 mayo MONTFALCO Ruta de castillos

Precio: 29 € por persona 

07h30 Salida de Plaza España (Sabadell)

08h00 Salida de Estación de autobuses de Fabra I Puig, andén 15 

08h30 Salida de Plaza España, Barcelona (Hotel Plaza)

Recorrido turistico por diferentes lugares.

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0 4 mayo VALL DE NÙRIA

Precio: 49€ por persona 

06h30 Salida desde Av.Alcalde moix esquina plaza españa (Sabadell)

07h00 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

07h30 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Llegada a Ribes de freser y subida en cremallera (incluido)

Día libre para disfrutar de la Vall de Nuria

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12 mayo Lago San Mauricio Parque Nacional Aiguestortes

Precio: 40€ por persona Niños de 0 a 23 ( 3 0€) y 3 a 12 ( 3 5€)

07h00 Salida desde Av.Alcalde moix esquina plaza españa (Sabadell)

Subida y bajada en 4×4 al lago Sant Maurici

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1 1-12-19 mayo GIRONA Temps de flors

Precio: 20€ por persona Niños de 0 a 23 (10€) y 3 a 12 ( 15 €)

Día libre para asistir a los actos festivos que se celebran en Girona

19h00 Regreso a Barcelona

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Precio: 22 € por persona

8 h 3 0 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Día para conocer Besalú y Castellfollit de la Roca

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28 abril MONTBLANC

Precio: 22€ por persona 

07h30 Salida desde Av.Alcalde moix esquina plaza españa (Sabadell)

08h 0 0 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

08h30 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Día libre para disfrutar del ambiente festivo en "Setmana medieval Montblanc"

19h00 Regreso a Barcelona 

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Precio: 22€ 💶 por persona Niñ@s de 3 a 12 años: 19€   Niñ@s de 0 a 23 meses:10€💶

Recorrido turístico con nuestro coordinador  + tiempo libre en 


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27 abril CARDONA

Recorrido turístico con nuestro coordinador  + tiempo libre en CARDONA

Opcional visita a Minas...15€

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20 abril Ripoll Sant Joan Camprodon


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Precio: 12 0 € 💶 por persona 

Visita de *FLORENCIA & PISA* con nuestro coordinador

Llegada a Barcelona sobre media mañana

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✅20h00 Salida Av. Alcalde moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

✅ 20h30 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

✅ 21h00 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

✅Visita de *INTERLAKEN & LAUTERBRUNNEN* con nuestro coordinador

✅22h00 Regreso a Barcelona 

✅Llegada a Barcelona sobre las 10 de la mañana

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Precio: 35 € 💶 por persona Niños de 3 a 12 años: 32€ 💶

07h30 Estación Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

Visita matinal a *Carcassone*

Visita tarde a *Colliure*

Llegada sobre las 22h00

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Precio: 89€ por persona 

Visita de *CINQUE TERRE* con nuestro coordinador

(Recomendamos comprar billete de tren para agilizar el traslado de un pueblo a otro)

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Precio: 249€ por persona  (en habitación doble) 💶 *Suplemento de habitación individual:* 50€

✅20h00 Av. Alcalde moix supermercado Prime (Sabadell)

✅21h00 Plaza España (Barcelona)

✅Visita de dia completo a *OPORTO*

✅Por la noche traslado al hotel y alojamiento.

✅Visita matinal a *FATIMA*

✅Visita dia completo a *LISBOA*

✅23.00 regreso a Barcelona 

✅ Llegada a  media mañana a Barcelona.

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29 de marzo MONT SAINT MICHEL 

✅19h00Av. Alcalde moix supermercado Prime (Sabadell)

✅ 19h30Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

✅20h00 Plaza España (Barcelona)

✅Visita de dia completo a *NANTES*

✅Visita de dia completo a *MOINT SAINT MICHEL*

✅Por la noche regreso a Barcelona 

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23 de febrero MILAN - GENOVA

Precio: 99€ por persona  

✅Visita de *MILAN & GENOVA* con nuestro coordinador

✅23h00 Regreso a Barcelona 

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Precio: 7 9€ 💶 por persona 

20h00 Salida desde Av. Alcalde Moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

 21h00 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Visita de CHAMOMIX MONTBLANC con nuestro coordinador

Visita a GINEBRA con nuestro coordinador 

Llegada a Barcelona sobre las 8 de la mañana

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Precio: 22 € 💶 por persona Niñ @ s de 3 a 12 años: 19 €   Niñ @ s de 0 a 23 meses:10€💶

Recorrido turístico con nuestro coordinador  + tiempo libre en AMPOSTA

Desembocadura del Río Ebro   (Opcional Travesía en 🚢...12€)

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Precio: 12 9 € 💶 por persona Suplemento habitacion si vas sol@ 25€

* *Viernes*

20h00 Av. Alcalde moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell) 

20h30 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 

21h00 Plaza España (Barcelona)

Visita a *Cordoba* con nuestro coordinador.

Traslado a Sevilla

Visita a *Sevilla* con nuestro coordinador.

Desayuno y regreso

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Precio: 30€ por persona  Niños de 3 a 12 años: 25€

25 de Febrero

02 de Marzo

16 de Marzo

17 de Marzo

✅ 06h00 Salida de Plaza España (Sabadell)

✅ 06h30 Salida de Estación de autobuses de Fabra I Puig, andén 15 

✅ 07h00 Salida de Plaza España, Barcelona (Hotel Plaza)

✅ Tiempo libre en la VALENCIA para disfrutar del ambiente fallero

✅ 20h30 Regreso a Barcelona 

✅23h59 Llegada a Barcelona 

16 de febrero LAUTERBRUNNEN

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9 y 10 Marzo F loración AITONA

Precio: 2 0€ por persona  Niños de 3 a 12 años: 17 €

 07h30 Salida de Plaza España (Sabadell)

 08h00 Salida de la Estación de autobuses de Fabra I Puig, andén 15 

 08h30 Salida de Plaza España, Barcelona (Hotel Plaza)

 Mañana libre para disfrutar de la floracion de *Aitona*

 14h00 traslado a *Lleida*

 Tiempo libre 

 18h00 Regreso a Barcelona 

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16 de febrero CARNAVAL MENTON

Precio: 69€ por persona  

✅23h00 Av. Alcalde moix supermercado Prime (Sabadell)

✅23h30 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

✅23h59 Plaza España (Barcelona)

✅Visita de dia completo a *MENTON* para asistir a los magníficos carnavales

✅22:30 regreso a Barcelona.

✅Llegada a primera hora de la mañana.

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MOLINA 27,28 de enero | 03,04,10,11 de febrero

Precio: 20€ por persona  Niños de 3 a 12 años: 15€

06:30h Salida de Plaza España (Sabadell)

07h Salida de la Estación de autobuses de Fabra I Puig, andén 15 

07:30h Salida de Plaza España, Barcelona (Hotel Plaza)

Parada para ir a WC

Recorrido con paradas en diferentes lugares.

18h Regreso a Barcelona 

Llegada sobre las 21h

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16 de febrero CARNAVAL DE NIZA

Precio: 79€ por persona  

✅ 23h30 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

✅Visita de dia completo a *NIZA* para asistir a los magníficos carnavales

✅23:30 regreso a Barcelona.

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23:59h Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

00:30h Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Visita a SEGOVIA 

Visita por la noche al PARQUE de la NAVIDAD (entrada incluida)

23:59h regreso a Barcelona 

Llegada sobre las 8 de la mañana.

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11 de febrero CARNAVAL DE SITGES

Precio: 15€ por persona  Niños de 3 a 12 años: 12€

✅ 12h00 Salida de Plaza España (Sabadell)

✅ 12h30 Salida de Estación de autobuses de Fabra I Puig, andén 15 

✅ 13h00 Salida de Plaza España, Barcelona (Hotel Plaza)

✅ Tiempo libre en 

SITGES para disfrutar del ambiente que se vive en este día.

✅ 21h30 Regreso a Barcelona 

✅ 23h00 Llegada al lugar de origen.

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09 de febrero PARÍS

Precio: 199€ por persona  (en habitación doble) 💶 *Suplemento de habitación individual:* 50€

✅Visita de dia completo a *PARIS*  con nuestro coordinador

✅Travesía en Barco (incluido)

Salida a media mañana del hotel. 

Regreso a Barcelona.

Llegada a media noche.

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24 de Noviembre  01 - 06 - 08 - 15 de Diciembre

21h Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

21:30h Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Día libre para conocer *GINEBRA* y su fantástico mercado navideño

21h Regreso a Barcelona 

Llegada a Barcelona sobre las 09 de la mañana

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08h00 Salida de Plaza España (Sabadell) 

08h30 Salida de Estación de autobuses de Fabra I Puig, andén 15 

09h00 Salida de Plaza España, Barcelona (Hotel Plaza) 

Tiempo libre en la VALLS para disfrutar del ambiente que se vive en este día. 

Por la tarde Visita a Montblanc 

17h30 Regreso a Barcelona 

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02 diciembre BARCARES Noel Village

Precio: 35€ por persona  Niños de 3 a 12 años: 32€

12h Salida de Plaza España (Sabadell)

1230h Salida de la Estación de autobuses de Fabra I Puig, andén 15 

13h Salida de Plaza España, Barcelona (Hotel Plaza)

Llegada a Barcares Village de noel (entrada incluida)

23h Regreso a Barcelona 

Llegada sobre las 02h00

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29 diciembre FIN DE AÑO PARIS

Precio: 349€ por persona  

*Suplemento de habitación individual:* 50€

20h Av. Alcalde moix supermercado Prime (Sabadell)

20:30h Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

21h Plaza España (Barcelona)

Visita de dia completo a *DISNEYLAND PARIS* 

Por la noche traslado al hotel y alojamiento.

*Domingo*FIN DE AÑO*

Visita a *PARIS* de día completo con nuestro coordinador 

02h traslado al hotel 

Salida a media mañana del hotel. Regreso a Barcelona Llegada a media noche.

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Visita a MADRID

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21h00 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

21h30 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Día libre para conocer *COLMAR* y su fantástico mercado navideño

21h00 Regreso a Barcelona 

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22h00 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

22h30 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Día libre para conocer *BURDEOS* y su fantástico mercado navideño

Llegada a Barcelona sobre las 08 de la mañana

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Precio: 95€ por persona  

Día libre para conocer *ESTRASBURGO* y su fantástico mercado navideño

20h00 Regreso a Barcelona 

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Día libre para conocer *ESGUISHEIM* y su comarca de la ALSACIA

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Día libre para conocer *MULHOUSE* y su fantástico mercado navideño

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ANDORRA 27 y 28 de enero

Precio: 25€ por persona  Niños de 3 a 12 años: 20€

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Precio: 69 € 💶 por persona 

23 h00 Salida Av. Alcalde moix esquina plaza España (Sabadell)

23 h30 Salida desde Estación autobuses Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona)

23 h 59 Salida desde Plaza España (Barcelona)

Visita de *LOURDES* con nuestro coordinador

Asistencia a los actos festivos

Llegada a Barcelona a primera hora de la mañana 

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Precio: 39€ por persona Niños de 0 a 12 (27€)

16h00 Regreso a Barcelona

Llegada sobre las 20h00

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Precio: 7 9€ por pers ona Niños de 0 a 12 años ( 74 €)


Llegada p revista 07h00 horas  

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Happy to Wander

The Ultimate FREE Barcelona Tourist Map (Things to Do, Photo Spots & More!)

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Looking for a Barcelona tourist map that covers all the main sights?

Great news! Hi – I’m Christina, a shameless travel nerd who has already made one. WITH cute stamp icons… that are colour coded.

So yes, below, you’ll find a handy Google Map that you can use on your phone that includes…

  • Top Barcelona museums & sights
  • The prettiest photo spots and views in Barcelona
  • Barcelona food, drink & bar recommendations
  • Fun shopping spots to visit in Barcelona

I hope you find it helpful!

happy traveller barcelona

Save this Free Barcelona Map for Later!

You’ll be very glad you did.

My Free Barcelona Tourist Map

On mobile? Click this link here and the map should automatically open on your Google Maps app.

NOTE: Free sights are marked with a green background – be sure to expand the Map Legend to see the different layers and categories I’ve included!

More Barcelona Travel Resources

Finally, if you’re a bit more old school, then here are some articles and blog posts to help you out with your London planning!

  • Things to do in Barcelona
  • Barcelona Travel Tips
  • Bunkers del Carmel Guide
  • Spain Travel Tips

happy traveller barcelona

My Go-To Travel Favourites:

🧳 Eagle Creek: My favourite packing cubes

💳 Wise: For FREE travel friendly credit cards

🍯 Airalo: My go-to eSIM

🏨 Booking.com: For searching hotels

📷 Sony A7IV: My (amazing) camera

✈️ Google Flights : For finding flight deals

🌎 WorldNomads: For travel insurance

🎉 GetYourGuide: For booking activities

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The Happy Traveller

Showing South Africans how to travel affordably and accessibly

Barcelona, Spain

Plan a trip to Barcelona

Getting there 

Travelling Europe by train? Just out these Eurail options . Or book a flight from anywhere in Europe using EasyJet .


Where to stay

We stayed at St Christopher’s Inn Hostel which is a short stroll away from La Rambla of Barcelona. There was a fun vibe at the hostel and it was well located. If you’re travelling as a family of four this apartment near Sagrada Familia may be a good fit for you.

La Rambla

Top things to do in Barcelona

Visit Passeig de Gracia to see Gaudi’s Casa Ballitó

Check out the La Rambla

Enjoy foodie heaven at the Boqueria Mercat

Walk past Plaça Reial and the Christopher Colombus statue

Visit Port Vell and the beach

Drink sangria and eat tapas

Visit La Sagrada Familia

Spend an afternoon losing yourself in the beauty of Park Guëll

Port Vell

That evening we shared a jug of sangria; a Spanish concoction of red wine, soda and fresh fruit and ate quesadillas at the bar in our hostel. We then went for a little walk along La Rambla which was just 2 minutes away from our perfectly located hostel. We just had a little squizz before heading back and saving the real exploring for our first proper day in Barcelona.

And what an amazing day it was! We walked down to La Rambla after breakfast, enjoying the loud and colourful nature of the Spanish city, so well expressed and represented in the pedestrianised walkway lined with street vendors, souvenirs stalls and ice cream stands.

La Rambla

We walked along the Port Vell and then down to the beach. It was SO hot and so the refreshingly cool sea water was a welcome relief, although the relentless heat left you dripping in sweat a few minutes later.


After we’d enjoyed the Spanish coastline for a few hours we went back to the market and delighted our palettes with flavours of juicy pomegranate, Catalonian croquettes, fried squid and jamón iberico, all for very affordable prices. We then found an adorable café, which was so hipster you could have sworn you were in Town somewhere, and had our first churros con chocolate. But really it was chocolate con churros. A beautiful glass of thick, melted chocolate into which you dipped the crispy, warm, sugar-coated churros. Absolutely DIVINE. We just sat for a few hours, chatting and journaling, just so content with where we were.

Churros con chocolat

That evening we decided to join the free sangria meet and greet welcome that the hostel offered. It was an awesome way to meet all sorts of people. This hostel really was top-notch in terms of having a fun, social, party vibe.

Our final day in Barcelona was definitely my favourite. It really was a SUPER day, lasting 22 waking hours. We started by taking the metro to La Sagrada Familia, a massive cathedral that looks like it’s made of sand dribble castles, designed by Antoni Gaudi. It is so immense that construction still continues today, the final product not yet realised. We marveled    at the grandeur of it all and could only begin to imagine what it might look like when it is finished and can stand in all of its glory.

La Sagrada Familia

We then walked up to Park Guëll, filled with anticipation for what would turn out to be my absolute highlight of Barcelona. (The monumental zone of the park used to be free but will now set you back 7€. It may seem a lot for a park but let me say that it is worth EVERY cent. An entrance fee to a tourist attraction has never been so worth it! So if you’re going to Barcelona soon, and are on a budget, be sure to not skimp on this one!)

 Park Guëll

We strolled back down through the Gracia district stopping at a local recommended tapas bar called L’Anxoveta. We knew we’d stumbled upon a gem when the owner spoke no English and so we tried our best hand at Spanish ending up with freshly cooked jamón ibér, squid and mushroom croquettes, and some spicy patatas bravas. That evening after our siesta (really getting into the Spanish rhythm of things!) we went out for another round of tapas, this time enjoying tortillas patatas (Spanish omelette) and suckling pig skewers. I was so blissfully happy, really feeling like I’d done tapas in Barcelona justice and ticking off many foods from my ‘must-eat in Spain’ list.

That night our hostel had organised a group to go to the famous club, Opium, along the Barcelona beach front. We decided to go along too and partied like the Spaniards, only falling asleep at 6:30 AM. We met so many wonderful people and had a really fun time.

 Park Guëll

Barcelona may have gotten off to a rocky start but that definitely didn’t dictate how the rest of our stay would pan out. I absolutely adore this colourful, expressive and vibrant city and we had such an enjoyable time here, making memories to last a lifetime. As I write this I am sitting on the three-and-a-half-hour train to Valencia, struggling to keep my eyes open, running on three hours of sleep. There we’re meeting up with someone we knew in high school, Giulio, who has been living there for the past year. We’re very excited to experience the city from a bit of a local’s perspective and of course catch up with an old friend. So far, Spain has not disappointed and I can’t wait to experience what else it has to offer!

 Park Guëll

Planning a trip to Spain? Make sure you read my blogs on Madrid ,  Valencia  and  Sevilla . Portugal is also a great country to combine with your trip to Spain so why not read up about Lisbon , Lagos  in the Algarve and  Porto while you’re at it?

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15 Best Day Trips From Barcelona, Spain

Now that you’ve spent your fair share of time wandering among Barcelona’s streets, admiring iconic Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia and Modernist buildings, exploring the captivating Gothic Quarter, and tasting delicious local cuisine… It’s time for a trip! You see, Barcelona isn’t only a great city break or holiday destination, but it’s also a great starting point for discovering Catalonia and experiencing Catalan life beyond the metropolis. Whether you’re looking for outdoor adventures, beautiful landscapes, historic towns or sleepy villages, or just scenic sandy beaches – this area offers it all. Vamos, let us show you the best day trips from Barcelona, Spain. 

Discover 15 Best Day Trips From Barcelona, Spain

Created by Sonia & Wojtek

One day, we packed our lives and slowly rushed into the unknown with smiles on our faces. We’re full-time digital nomads traveling in Europe who inspire to live, travel, and discover differently. Sunny coastal destinations are what we love most. We share travel guides, tips, and know-how to make planning your next trip a piece of cake. Real human experience and verified facts only!

This website uses affiliate links thanks to which we may earn a commission for purchases you made at no additional cost to you. If you like the content, consider using those links to support us. Thank you!

Transport on day trips from Barcelona

The best and fastest way of getting to all the soon-mentioned places is definitely by car, either yours or rented. If you don’t travel with your own car, you can easily rent the best one for your needs through the Rental Cars website. 

Most of the places are also accessible by public transport, by trains or buses. You can search for the connections that might interest you on the rome2rio or Omio website. For the best train ticket deals visit Trainline . 

If you don’t want to put too much effort into planning, you can always take advantage of the guided tours and let someone else take care of all the details. For a wide selection and well-reviewed tour options be sure to visit GetYourGuide or Viator .

Note. In this post, we’ll only mention places that are only max 1.5 hours away from Barcelona, if you’ll be driving by car. Keep in mind that using other means of transport may take longer. 

How to get to best places near Barcelona?

Best day trips from Barcelona, Spain

Girona is located about 100km from Barcelona. It’s one of the most enchanting cities in Catalonia. There you’ll find one of the best preserved Jewish Quarter in the world, medieval walls with great views over the city and its surroundings, colorful houses hanging by the river, and an old town full of winding streets and historic landmarks. Oh! And many filming locations of Game of Thrones that fans of the series will love. Girona is without a doubt one of the best day trips from Barcelona, perfect for a picturesque and quiet getaway. 

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Sitges is located about 40km from Barcelona. If you’re looking for a place with scenic beaches (including nudist ones!), a quaint old town perfect to wander aimlessly, a relaxed vibe, lively festivals, or wild all-night-long parties – it will be a great choice for you. No matter if you’re a party-seeker or just looking for a picturesque day trip from Barcelona – this city should satisfy all your interests and needs. Also, Sitges is one of the most liberal and open-minded cities in the world with an amazing LGBT-friendly atmosphere.

One day trip from Barcelona to Sitges

Best day trips from Barcelona, Spain – Summing up 

There are so many beautiful places to discover near Barcelona, right? Charming historic towns, medieval villages, natural sites… If you’re staying longer in the city you definitely won’t be bored. We hope this post was helpful, and now you’re one step closer to choosing your best day trips from Barcelona. 

Enjoy the time during your trips and share your experience in the comments. We’re curious about which towns and natural sites you chose. Oh, and if you know about some gem near Barcelona that we haven’t covered yet, let us know as well! 

Our opinion about day trips from Barcelona & TOP3 

So far we’ve spent 2 months in Catalonia , living right next to Barcelona. Even if the area didn’t make it to our favorite regions in Spain ( Andalusia and Asturias are still our favorites!), we enjoyed our time there. During that time we had a great opportunity to visit quite a large part of this region and got to know it pretty well. We really liked our trips during which we explored the mentioned villages, towns, cities, and natural sites. We stayed there during May and June, and thankfully there were still no wild crowds and we explored most of the places in peace. 

So what are our TOP3 places for trips from Barcelona? Girona is our unquestionable number one. Next are Sitges, and Tarragona. 

Happy Little Traveler Top3 Trips from Barcelona

Book your accomodation in Barcelona

15 best day trips from barcelona, spain - map of places, pin & share: 15 best day trips from barcelona, spain, your travel resources handy in one place 🗺️, 🏨 accommodations.

For a short stay check out Booking or Agoda . Staying longer? Take a look at the offers at Airbnb .

🎫 Book tours

Are you up for taking part in epic guided tours? Book ones you like using GetYourGuide or Viator .

🚗 Rent a car

To find great rental car deals check out Rental Cars and get ready for your car trip!

✈️ Book a flight

For the hottest deals check out WayAway or Skyscanner .

🚆 Get train tickets

Love traveling by train in Europe? Book your tickets on Trainline .

🧳 Travel insurance

Enjoy peace of mind during traveling and don't leave your country without good travel insurance. SafetyWing or World Nomads are the best in class. 

To stay safely connected while traveling, don’t forget about a good VPN. We recommend Surfshark or NordVPN .

🌐 Mobile internet

To stay online always and have roaming bills in check use Airalo - the world’s first eSIM store with digital data packs for over 200 countries/regions!

💰Travel finances

Get your travel finances smart and straight with Wise or Revolut .

1 thought on “15 Best Day Trips From Barcelona, Spain”

happy traveller barcelona

There are loads of places on the list I have never thought of. Thanks for the information. Tom

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Happy Little Traveler Authors

Hello Travel Seeker! Sonia & Wojtek here. One day, we packed our lives and slowly rushed into the unknown with smiles on our faces. We’re full-time digital nomads who inspire to live, travel, and discover differently. Join us and get all the answers you need to start your own journey.

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The 6 Best Day Trips From Barcelona

6 Best Day Trips from Barcelona and the Itinerary to Know for Each

Barcelona may be Catalonia ’s headline star, but don’t dismiss the rest of the region as supporting acts. North, just shy of the French border, the wild Costa Brava coastline was the creative fuel for Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, and Truman Capote. Here, Cadaqués remains a hypnotically beautiful waterside address, while colorful Begur is a gateway to the arts, and to the art of splashing in sparkling rockpools. In Girona, you’ll likely recognize the architecture from Game of Thrones , but its exceptional gastronomic scene, heaving in Michelin stars, continues to release new chapters. Those hungry for the great outdoors will be intrigued to learn that the Catalan Pyrenees make skiing in Spain a realistic offering in winter, as well as cycling year-round.

Venture south, and the region of Tarragona pairs Roman history ( UNESCO -honored, no less) with access to wineries and the luxurious wine-focused hotels of Priorat and Montsant. If you’d prefer to stay local, Sitges serves up beaches and a fun, liberal-minded spirit. Spoiled for choice? This comprehensive guide to Barcelona’s best day trips will direct you where to go, where to stay, and what to do in each.

Read our complete Barcelona travel guide here .

This gallery has been updated with new information since its original publish date.

All products and listings featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. If you purchase something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.


Casa-Museu Salvador Dalí Arrow

Mere meters from the ocean’s edge, a white-walled villa in Port Lligat looks dreamy, but nothing out of the ordinary—until you go inside. Artist Salvador Dalí bought this place in 1930 as a single fisherman’s hut, expanding it, absorbing the neighbors’ cabins, and creating a fantastical web of bony corridors that’s like the wandering tendrils of a creature. Until 1982, it served as Dalí’s primary space for working, living, and socializing—the isolation of the ocean on one side, and his wacky, eccentric life on the inside. It’s peppered with personal mementos that make your mind boggle about his life—a taxidermy polar bear (stuffed, word has it, by Dalí himself) and several sofas shaped like lips.

Cadaques Barcelona Restaurant Compatir

Compartir Arrow

Hear that it’s run by three El Bulli alumni, a trio that also heads up the two-Michelin-starred Disfrutar in Barcelona , and you’d be forgiven for feeling a bit… stiff. It’s bound to be fancy, right? The sight of an airy outdoor terrace, full of orange trees and low-slung lamps and big, hearty laughs will put your mind at ease. Compartir means "to share" in Spanish, so every plate is designed with fork-to-fork combat in mind. The vibe is laid back—but not so laid back that you’d let the last razor clam go without a fight. Book ahead and it’s a great group spot. Not the cheapest, granted, but they get the basics (and the not-so-basic) dead right.

Cadaques Dali Theatre Figueres Barcelona

Dalí Theatre-Museum Arrow

The Theatre-Museum in Dalí’s hometown, Figueres, isn’t just a wacky place to store his works, it’s considered the artist’s last great work: he chose the spot and designed the build (which is actually a rebuild of ruins of the city’s Municipal Theatre, bombed in the Spanish Civil War). Today, it’s thought of as the largest surrealist object in the world. At its most simple, it follows a linear trajectory through his work—but this is Dalí, and nothing is really linear. The best space to appreciate his surrealist headspace is within the epic glass dome, made by architect Emilio Pérez Piñero, and now an icon of Figueres. Of Dalí’s 1500 works inside, there’s a taste of every side of his character: the humor (see ‘Soft Self-Portrait With Grilled Bacon’), his love for wife Gala (‘Galarina’), his coastal inspiration (the remarkably normal looking ‘Port Alguer’) and, of course, the wacky.

Arrels Hotel Cadaqués Cadaques Barcelona

Arrels Hotel Cadaqués Arrow

You may need to close your eyes before arrival; such are the swirling, neck-straining mountain roads that make you feel like you’re traveling in the original DeLorean. When you open them, perched sky high above the vista of Cadaqués, you simply utter something else very cheesy, like: “wow."" Then double-check that you put your car’s handbrake on. The hotel—a series of white villas amid cacti—stretches out like a tiny hamlet. Come for the incredible breakfast, hospitality, and view, and stay for the swimming pool with gleaming turquoise waters and sun deck.

Cami De Ronda Cadaques Barcelona

Camí De Ronda Arrow

It says something about a walk when it has its own Instagram account, and the small matter of 20,000 Followers. Camí de Ronda is spectacular, though: A coastal trail that scales rocky cliff tops, glides past secret coves with water the color of spa pools, and brings civilization to tiny beach villages. If you like hiking, Camí de Ronda is essential. Even if you’re a reluctant walker, the views—we’re talking blue sea on steroids—will persuade you. For the time-short, start in Cadaqués and walk in the other direction. There are short climbs that still deliver the photographic goods.

happy traveller barcelona

Narita Cadaqués Arrow

The cozily packed tables of Narita’s terrace may look onto the main square of Cadaqués, but this is no tourist trap rolling out box-tick tapas. The Japanese-infused menu is probably the most unique you’ll find in Cadaqués, while the interior combines the informal buzz of an Izakaya (a casual Japanese tavern where booze and bites flow freely) with the warmth of a Mediterranean kitchen. Visually, that translates as a snug affair where chefs cook open-plan, jars of ferments are dotted around like antiquities, and bottles of natural wine with zany labels line up like rows of naughty school children.

Cadaques Gerona Province eastern Spain. Sunny day with boat and coastline

Restaurant Es Baluard Arrow

In Catalan, ‘baluard’ translates as bastion, so it makes sense to find this restaurant built into part of an old sea wall. That also gives you an idea of just how close to the ocean it is. Beg for the table by the window and the fishing boats and soft wave ripples practically feel within touching distance. Though at least half your eye-line will consist of a thick band of blue sky. Inside, the décor is simple and rustic: white walls with paintings of the ocean, and cozy arched ceilings that make it feel like a den. There’s nothing overly fancy in terms of the cooking—most simply grilled or oven-baked—but that’s the point. When the fish is that fresh you don’t need bells and whistles to compensate. Go for lunch, for the freshest fish of your trip. Any dining companion will be happy with that.


Amfiteatre Romà Arrow

In its day—thankfully, we’re talking Roman times—Tarragona’s amphitheater was the scene of bloody, spear-launching battles between gladiators. There were even public executions. Today, it’s more about taking aim at the neighboring sea view than one of your compatriots, but the site is steeped in gruesome history. These days, around two thirds of the seating complex remains, but you can wander into the action pit and under the archways where fighters would have unleashed their battle charge. The backdrop of the glistening Mediterranean adds a special (less gory) touch.

happy traveller barcelona

Terra Dominicata Arrow

An on-site winery, vineyard picnics, and barrel-shaped spa cabins quench guests’ love of wine, and of luxury—this former monastery has a holier than thou attitude to all things indulgent and delicious. You’re only two hours’ drive from Barcelona, but it feels like another world. The hotel’s low-lying pink buildings, barely touched since their 12 th -century incarnation, hunker down in front of the wild, rocky, Mars-like mountains of Priorat. It’s incredible that a landscape that appears so barren can produce some of the most appreciated red wines in the world. With that in mind, the adults-only crowd is certainly here to get their lips dirty. It’s also a place for catching up on simple pleasures—a wine-fueled game of cards, say, or a few laps in the ultra-private, slope-flanked pool. Terra Dominicata is a spot to unwind in, and to be seen in, so the look is outdoorsy—but make it fashion.

PortAventura World theme park Tarragona Barcelona

PortAventura Arrow

Tarragona’s PortAventura World is the where for the scares. Think of it as Spain’s take on Disney: heavy on the cheesy branding, extortionately priced food, but a really, really good time. No ageism here. Three rides top the thrill bill: Furius Baco, a catapult that flings you 135km/h in three seconds; Shambhala, a 76-meter-high rollercoaster; and Hurakan Condor, a pole that sends you plummeting, stomach-in-mouth, on a 100-meter freefall. But the newest attraction, which opened in June 2023, is Uncharted: The Enigma of Penitence. Inspired by the Uncharted movie (an action-adventure starring Tom Holland and Antonio Banderas), it takes place indoors, in pitch black, and uses audio-visuals to immerse you in its fantasy land. As for the physical journey? Brace yourself for a 150-meter freefall, as well as Europe’s first sideways drop.

Platja del Fangar Tarragona Barcelona

Platja del Fangar Arrow

An hour’s drive south of Tarragona, or two below bustling Barcelona, it’s hard to imagine that you’ll find a nature reserve of rice plains, flamingos, and semi-desert. Yet that’s exactly what the Ebro Delta gifts you with: a vast strip of tropical-style sand that’s simply pristine. There are wind-rippled sand dunes and a landscape that changes color with the rice crop—bare and blue in spring, lush green in summer, and burnt yellow as fall comes. Bizarre as it sounds, this is one of the few beaches where you don’t really come to get in the water—but to look at the water. The colors at sunset are paint-palette spectacular. Platja del Fangar has no services, so it’s vital to come prepared. That means more food and water than you think you’ll need, heavy-duty sunscreen, a windproof jacket, sunglasses, even a scarf to offer respite to your grit-speckled face.

The Santa Maria church in Siurana Cornudella de Montsant Spain overlooking the Siurana reservoir

Siurana Arrow

The body-flinging hairpin bends here are worth it: if there was a list of all the pretty hamlets in Spain, Siurana would surely be in the top 10. Its location is dramatic—teetering high on limestone cliffs, above a reservoir of the same name that’s popular with water-sports fans when the water level allows. As for sights: you’ll find the remains of a Moorish castle, an impressively preserved Romanesque church, as well as prolific views (notably beautiful at sunset) over the mountain ranges of Montsant. The village of Siurana may have less than 50 inhabitants, but the charm of its quaint medieval streets is plentiful. It also has its own denomination of extra virgin olive oil, DOP Siurana, if you’re looking for a unique souvenir. Siurana’s most famous feature is a lookout point called Salt de la Reina Mora. Translated, it means “the jump of the Moorish queen” for Queen Abdelazia who, rather than be captured during the fall of the Moorish stronghold, decided to leap from the summit on her spooked horse—and it’s rumored that an imprint of the horse’s shoe can still be found in the rock here—which adds to the fantastical nature of this fairy-tale-like village

An interior of a hotel room.

Gran Hotel Mas d’en Bruno Arrow

This is wine country at its most sumptuous. All 24 suites have double-sided fireplaces, vineyard views, beamed ceilings, red marble baths, and modular-inspired furniture that extends the hotel’s obsession with curved, sinuous forms. Several rooms have outdoor patios, while others have deep-soaking tubs looking out over the mountainous scenery, but for total immersion in place, stay inside the Atelier annex, which fronts endless miles of vines owned by the Clos de L’Obac winery. Resist the urge to go and steal a grape and uncork a bottle from the excellent minibar, which features wines from Clos de L’Obac along with other well-known producers like Bodegas Mas Alta along with herbal infusions from Tarragona-based Chas & Chas Tea Co. The best of Priorat is within striking distance; all of the region’s wineries are on your doorstep, and the hotel can set up tours and masterclasses with all 114 producers. Borrow an E-bike and motor up pine-covered hills to the 12th-century Carthusian monastery of Scala Dei, now a museum complex with cloisters, gardens, and churches.


Girona Cathedral Arrow

Girona Cathedral is so colossal that if you look up from the bottom of the stairs, people outside the entrance appear ant-like. To talk stats, the central part of the structure is actually the widest Gothic nave in the world. Though, these days, it’s not so much nave-league-tables that make the cathedral famous as its starring role in 'Game of Thrones.' (Yeah, that tiny show.) Fans will spot it as the Great Sept of Baelor in King’s Landing. And that huge stone staircase up? A frequent sight in season six, as are many streets and squares in Girona—or, rather, Braavos. Built between the 11th and 18th centuries, its walls and spaces are a real patchwork of styles: there’s our record-breaking Gothic nave, a Romanesque cloister and tower, while the steps and the façade are certainly Baroque. It’s pretty staggering to behold.

Barri Vell Girona Barcelona

Barri Vell de Girona Arrow

Admire the colored houses along the River Onyar and you could easily think you’d woken up in Amsterdam or Copenhagen rather than Girona. They are a sunrise in brick form—all yellows, reds and ochres. They don’t signal the start of the day, however, but the start of the Barri Vell, Girona’s old quarter. Cross one of the bridges (the red iron Pont Palanques Vermelles is the most famous, built by Gustave Eiffel, no less) and everything starts to get less structured. Streets turn into pedestrianized passageways, time rewinds, and life appears to slow before your eyes. For any visitor (and local alike), Girona is a wanderer’s city. Barri Vell is ripe for exploring; a fascinating mix of centuries of architecture. Hotel Palau Fugit is a beautifully designed boutique base whose courtyard screams cocktail hour, while restaurant Dit i Fet is run by two creative young disciples of the three-Michelin-starred El Celler de Can Roca.

Garrotxa National Park Girona Barcelona

Parc Natural De La Zona Volcànica De La Garrotxa Arrow

An hour’s drive northwest of Girona will present a word you never thought you’d see in mainland Spain: volcanoes. Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park actually has 40 of them (no longer active, you’ll be relieved to hear). Volcà del Croscat, the last to erupt, did so (a rather reassuring) 11,000 years ago. The area is still considered seismically active though, with earthquakes in the early 1900s. Scary stuff aside, it makes for a spectacular national park: the ground bursts into giant forested domes and misty valleys, while tiny villages perch perilously on cliff edges. For hikers and cyclists, it’s a dream.

El Celler de Can Roca girona Barcelona

El Celler de Can Roca Arrow

To call it beautifully lit doesn’t sound dramatic enough. After all, this is one of the best places to eat in the world, according to the annual World’s Best 50 Restaurants list. It’s been number one twice, to the point where its success excludes it from being entered again. And, while we’re talking numbers, it also has three Michelin stars. But, to bring it back to lighting—if anywhere was going to have filter-perfect light (surely today’s most valued commodity), it would be here. Multiple walls of the dining area are glass, facing a tranquil inner garden. It’s a beautiful and considered space, the staff move with a ghost-like footfall so as not to disturb you, while the airiness has a clever way of making you feel like you’re the only diner there. Trust us: the waiting list proves otherwise.

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La Fàbrica Girona Arrow

Owned by former Tour de France cyclist Christian Meier and his wife Amber, La Fàbrica is an institution for Girona’s ever-mounting cycling crowd. Thanks to a rider-friendly combo of flat roads, ocean-side routes, mountains over 1000 meters for altitude training and, word has it, motorists that generally don’t try to mow you down, Girona’s terrain lures pro athletes and bike hobbyists alike. Since its 2015 opening, La Fàbrica’s cycle-friendly facilities (bike parking, water-filling stations, CO2 cartridges for flats) have secured its position as THE refuel spot for the saddle sore. As such, the open-plan diner space is full of celebratory cycle-inspired knickknacks, such as bikes mounted high on the walls as if they were stag heads. You won’t feel left out if you don’t rock a helmet, cleats, and a cycling jersey, just perhaps a little unfit. The packed bike rack outside is testament to its core crowd, but the quiet, roomy outdoor terrace (there’s space for seven tables) is extremely popular with all ages and sporting levels.

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Tramuntana Girona Arrow

With a perfect position at one end of the poppy-red Eiffel Bridge (Pont de les Peixateries Velles), you’ll spot Tramuntana cafe by the throng of people perched outside. Inside, this tiny-but-colorful store has a big personality. For starters: there’s a mirror with a big blue smiley face on it. The coffee-making magic takes place along one side. Along the other, there’s a floor-to-ceiling party of Spanish natural wines with labels as funky as the wild stuff inside them, craft beers (including alcohol-free), teas, candles, and art prints. Duck your head down one level to find a chamber of ceramics. The standout quality of the coffee is the variety. Even ordering something simple like an americano comes with options—play it safe with flavors or go for a funky blend; then there’s filter coffee, as well as cold brew. Coffee beans are cherry-picked from pioneering local roasteries, such as Valencia’s female-run Bluebell Coffee, and two of Barcelona’s best known—Right Side and SlowMov.

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Hotel Boutique Casa Cacao Girona Arrow

Some stay overnight at this property purely for the breakfast. After all, this is the hotel sibling of the three-Michelin-starred restaurant, El Celler de Can Roca. There’s also a cacao workshop next door—visible (but not smell-able) via a curious glass wall in the lobby—as well as top quality non-edibles, such as all-suite bedrooms and a garden-inspired roof terrace. Overnighters are here for the charms of Girona herself; whether your goal is stomach-first or sights-first, the terrace is the place to be: It feels unexpectedly vast compared to the size of the hotel, and it boasts some of the best views of Girona’s colorful riverside apartment buildings and the Old Town. Since opening, the terrace has earned a cult following among locals, too, with plenty of residents popping up for a sceney brunch.


Gala Dalí Castle of Púbol Arrow

The Gala Dalí Castle is all about two people—eccentric Surrealist Salvador Dalí and his Russian wife, Gala. At its most sincere, it’s a private declaration of their unique take on love: there are plush velvets, lavish tapestries, a piano, and one exquisite painted ceiling consisting of birds, the moon and fantastically beautiful architecture. Gala is even buried in the basement’s mausoleum, dressed in red Dior. But it’s equally weird, too. Take the garden—which has sculptures of elephants with legs like mosquitos.

Sa Rascassa Restaurant Begur Barcelona

Restaurant at Hostal Sa Rascassa Arrow

Hostal Sa Rascassa—in the tiny cove of Cala d’Aiguafreda, 10 minutes’ drive from Begur—is essentially a restaurant with five rooms, each of which has direct access to the ocean. That last word is important, because it’s where the magic happens. The restaurant uses all of its oceanic wizardry: First, in its logo, a poppy-red illustration of the spiky rascassa (scorpion fish) that it’s named after. Secondly, in its courtyard, all shady trees, pots of lavender, and the undeniably salty taste of sea air. Third, in its simple menu that doesn't trade in double-digit ingredient lists or molecular foams; instead, fresh fish that lets its quality do the talking. Much is grilled, such as octopus or brill, there’s a fish rice, or, for something lighter, a warm salad of scallops and prawns. One specialty to definitely try in Begur is the rock fish (or peix de roca ), which even has its own culinary festival.

Catalonia Costa Brava Coast Fornells de Mar Panorama. Aerial view to Fornells Coastal Fishing Village Harbor and small...

Terracotta Ceramics Museum Arrow

La Bisbal d'Empordà, a 15-minute drive west of Begur, is one of Catalunya’s most important ceramics producers. So much so, that ‘Ceràmica de la Bisbal’ is a protected designation of origin, like a Champagne of the potter’s world. Given that the first recorded pottery market here was way back in 1511, the Terracotta Ceramics Museum fills in the gaps: what was produced, how, and where we can get our hands on some. The museum building itself isn’t what you’d call a looker—a skinny chimney providing the only thing of interest. But the fun stuff happens inside.

Aiguablava beach Begur Barcelona

Aiguablava Arrow

Begur has 20km of coastal path, a continuation of the stunning Camí de Ronda trail that runs further north to Dalí’s favorite village, Cadaqués. In Begur, however, the path isn’t continuous—the cliffs have other ideas—so the route is divided into four. All are beautiful, but the furthest south is something special. It’s the longest (and we’re suckers for strolls), and the reward for finishing is a whole new shade of blue: the beach of Aiguablava. You can drive straight, park up, and be bathing under the balmy Costa Brava sun before the rest of us have programmed the GPS. But to make the most of the coastal path, it’s more of an adventure to start at Platja Fonda and hike south. To be fair, hike is an exaggeration (the most you’ll have to deal with are stairs). From the grey sand at Platja Fonda, follow signs towards Fornells, continue past little ports and swimming pools carved into rocks. You’ll know you’re at Aiguablava when the color of the ocean gets, frankly, ridiculous, and the slither of sand is pure gold.

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Palau de Casavells – Alzueta Gallery Arrow

With sister galleries in Madrid and Barcelona, a rural Medieval village isn’t the obvious candidate for a contemporary art center with international clout. And yet, aided by the magnificence of the building—a 16th-century palace offering 30,000 square feet of exhibition space—Alzueta Gallery’s countryside outpost is a crowd-puller, where every corner is exciting. On arrival, there’s a sleepy farmhouse look to it. A bucolic setting with a higgledy-piggledy stone house that, in places, looks held together by vines. Inside, however, there’s nothing twee about it. Having been restored with minimal architectural invention, the building is an adventure in itself. The ceilings jump from vaults to wooden beams to ornate cornicing, while your feet caress giant hunks of stone and centuries-old tiles. One minute you feel as if you’re in a cellar, encased under a shrinking dome of exposed brick. Then the height expands and you’re surrounded by natural light and stark grey concrete. The building is exquisite, and integral to the experience.

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La Bionda Arrow

This exceptional—and exceptionally quirky—eight-room boutique hotel embodies all that’s joyful about the genre: phenomenal service, talking-point design (which tapped Wes Anderson for inspiration, then French markets for the goods), and a cozy-cool atmosphere where a purple velvet sofa reclines next to an honesty bar. Mention La Bionda to anyone who’s been and the reply will be a predictable, “Oh, the breakfast!” It’s a delicious address, in every sense. Like other pleasures built around surprise—Christmas crackers, a child’s music box—La Bionda’s exterior gives nothing away. If it weren’t for the discrete bronze plaque beside the entrance, you’d likely stroll past mistaking it for a townhouse. Those in-the-know tend to be artistically minded couples (both local and international) on European travels, recharging their batteries, or who’ve offloaded the kids for a weekend of hedonism (La Bionda is over-16s). It’s a crowd well-versed in interesting stories, ageless in their approach to life, who crave spontaneous ocean dips, addresses yet to become Instagram-famous, and everything soul-enriching.



Sant Climent de Taüll Catalan Pyrenees Barcelona

Sant Climent de Taüll Arrow

It’s ironic that the oh-so beautiful Vall de Boí valley is most famous for something that looks quite low-key from the outside. UNESCO World Heritage status has been awarded to eight churches and a chapel, though a glimpse at their exteriors could have you wondering what the fuss is about. Even the most famous, Sant Climent de Taüll with its six-floor bell tower, is pretty but —dare we say—no Sagrada Familia. Look inside, however, and the Romanesque style they excel at comes alive: intense, brightly colored theological paintings that do not hold back when it comes to drama.

Ski Boi Taull Catalan Pyrenees

Boí Taüll Ski Resort Arrow

Spain and skiing might not seem like natural amigos, but the Catalan Pyrenees could pull off a credible version of the Winter Olympics. Boí Taüll gives you the best runs for your money: blue skies (well, usually) and baking-soda peaks as far as the ski goggles can see. It’s easy to get around, and—extra bonus—rarely crowded. As well as claiming the highest peak in the Pyrenees—Puig Falcó at 2751m—it’s also north facing, preserving the snow’s icy quality for way longer than your après cerveza. A visit is perfect for the type who likes their feet and their Old Fashioneds on ice.

Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park Catalan Pyrenees Barcelona

Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park Arrow

If pronouncing the name makes your tongue trip, expect the scenery to finish the job and render your mouth aghast. Some 200 million years ago, Catalunya’s only national park was a glaciated valley. Today, that’s left us with vast U-shaped valleys, spiky mountain peaks that jut up like pinecones, and a wide expanse of yellow-flowered prairies. But it’s also extremely visitor friendly: flat paths suitable for wheelchair users and children, plus off-the-grid routes for experienced climbers only (who’ll need snowshoes in winter). The national park is one of those something-for-everyone places—of course, being devastatingly handsome helps. A winner for the camera roll, lungs, and glutes.


Mas Sant Marc Arrow

This family farmhouse, renovated and run by the tastemakers behind Barcelona’s hip Hotel Brummell, attracts both hardcore nature explorers and those pondering what a move to the countryside might look like. It ticks off the checklist of rural fantasies—there are chickens, an equestrian center, a golf course, and sink-into armchairs crying out for a good book. All without scrimping on those key urban essentials: an excellent restaurant and strong Wi-Fi. Outdoor pursuits are the thread connecting guests, making Mas Sant Marc somewhere casual, cozy, and the type of place where woolly socks serve you better than heels or dress shoes. The daytime uniform is Lycra-based—from athleisure right up to serious cycling attire—then layered in gilets come nightfall to compensate for that stone-house-in-the-country temperature drop. Lively chatter, particularly over breakfast, thrashes out what hiking route to follow, or who won last night’s battle at the billiard table. Massages can be reserved with a physiotherapist, and there’s an outdoor pool whose temperature can politely be described as “fresh”. (Ok, you might scream.) Those who haven’t adopted the ice-bath trend may be more interested in the hot springs at Dorres, a 20-minute drive away.

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Mas el Mir Arrow

There’s more than a touch of the yesteryear to this charming stone house, which transports you into the Catalan countryside via cottage-core décor, board games, and leafy hillside views. The best spot in the house is curled up on the sofa in front of the open fire—if you can beat the house cat to it. An outstanding restaurant, overseen by the founder of Barcelona’s trendy Asturian-Catalan tapas joint, Llamber, stops it from erring on the side of too twee. The non-technical description of your location is: middle of nowhere. Rural enough to see a sky full of stars; civilized enough to swerve a GPS meltdown. Guests (mainly couples) arrive with the same purpose—to spend the day exhausting themselves in nature (hiking, cycling, marveling at how beautiful it all is), and then bed down somewhere ridiculously cozy, where the food is satiating and the drinks are poured on a help-yourself basis. The fireplace turns into a share-your-story mixer event, where you may well be joined by a cat or one of two pet dogs. All rooms are pet-friendly, too, so if you’re not an animal person, this probably isn’t the place for you; ditto if your decor aesthetic is modern minimalism.

Cable car or gondola in Núria Sanctuary in summer Ripollès Girona Catalonia Spain Pyrenees.

Vall de Núria Arrow

In one of Catalonia’s most beautiful and untouched valleys, it’s not just the scenery that delights but the way in which you get up here. Roads don’t play a part. Rather, there’s a 40-minute ride on a solar-powered rack railway that whisks you up the 1000-meter incline. Along the way, expect all manner of gorge-side “oohs” and “ahhs” before arriving at a natural wonderland that brilliantly lends itself to family-friendly activities. Once inside the valley, the Coma del Clot Cable Car is a thrilling journey up one level steeper—the views at the top are wild and panoramic. The Leisure Park is a good stop for restless kids, offering plenty of exhausting activities, such as go-karting, trampolining, rock climbing and adventure playgrounds, which will make them temporarily forget that YouTube exists. For photography fans, the most iconic shot is that of the Núria monastery reflected, mirror-like, in the boating lake before it. While it goes without saying that there are hiking trails aplenty, covering all levels, as well as skiing in winter. In fact, it was the rise of winter sports—as well as pilgrimages to the monastery—that called for the rack railway to be built back in 1931.

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ME Sitges Terramar Arrow

ME Sitges Terramar, an ultra-modern, tiered edifice, stands out like the sorest of thumbs beside the elegant residential villas and less-populous beaches found at the far end of the Passeig Marítim promenade. But as soon as you approach the entrance and observe the well-heeled guests sipping generously sized cocktails on the Besito beach club terrace, you'll be taken with a feeling of calm. The relaxed vibe continues inside, where attractive staffers, dressed in head-to-toe white, offer a big smile and a choice of welcome drink.

Fragata Barcelona Day Trip

Fragata Arrow

Fragata, an upscale, dimly lit space with monochromatic framed photos and stacks of wine bottles, feels more like a New York city hotspot than a small town mainstay. But its terrace, offset by a shady tree and medieval stone wall, is a veritable Sitges hotspot that draws well-to-do locals in droves. The restaurant first opened in 1965 and remains a beloved institution to this day, both for its ritzy look and its quality cooking. The menu, a la carte for both lunch and dinner, keeps carnivores salivating (there’s beef Wellington, steak tartar, a knife-glidingly good fillet), but Fragata is predominantly known for its seafood; say, king prawn salad with fresh avocado slices followed by the tuna tartare on a bed of cassava chips.

Passeig Marítim

Passeig Marítim Arrow

Despite its diminutive size—less than 30,000 inhabitants—Sitges boasts no fewer than 17 beaches, and the palm tree–lined Passeig Marítim is the panoramic pedestrian passage that connects them all. At the foremost eastern tip, Aiguadolç and Balmins beaches attract seclusion-seeking nudists and feature the best views of unspoiled natural landscape (not a euphemism). Further along, past the domed medieval Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla church, family-friendly beaches include Ribera, Fragata, and L’Estanyol. For those preferring less-inhibited tranquility, Terramar, the westernmost beach, and the tiny cove of Anquines are the best bets.

Sky Bar at Hotel MiM Sitges

Sky Bar at Hotel MiM Sitges Arrow

White leather booths, jumbo bonsai trees, transparent Ghost chairs, and a DJ’s melodic beats: Sky Bar at MiM Sitges feels like a club. But what you'll notice above all—and what probably brought you in to begin with—are the 360-degree views over Sitges. The drinks are decent but all pretty standard; mojitos are particularly popular, and the caipirinha and margaritas fit the scene. But most folks are here for the chilled-out vibe and killer views.

Museus de Sitges

Museus de Sitges Arrow

Museus de Sitges, a group of museums housed within a series of connected buildings, offers visitors a rare glimpse into the homes and art of notable turn-of-the-century collectors. Archways and staircases separate each collection from the next, making it easy to get (delightfully) lost inside the complex. If you're looking for just the highlights, don't miss Cau Ferrat’s second-floor Grand Hall (full of medieval wrought iron keys, doorstoppers, ancient pottery, and glassware) and the somber paintings in the arched rooms of the Museu Maricel.

El Pou Barcelona Day Trip

El Pou Arrow

The menu at El Pou as eclectic as the decor; international bites such as Wagyu beef sliders, ceviche, and yakisoba noodles co-exist alongside traditional Catalan cheese plates and fish dishes. Adventurous palates will love the fusion tapas such as crunchy calamari with kimchi mayonnaise dip, steamed scallops on a bed of mushroom risotto, or artichokes topped with smoked speck and manchego. Desserts feature similar twists; fondant with coffee ice cream and raspberries, crema catalana, the Catalan answer to the crème brûlée.

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Sabàtic, Sitges, Autograph Collection Arrow

This bright, modern, box-fresh hotel combines the sleek aesthetics of a Mediterranean beach club with a siesta pace of life. Entering the lobby feels like opening a design magazine—kentia palms lean next to smart sofas and bookshelves where the books’ spines intentionally turn inwards. But it’s the focus on small-group experiences with local makers, such as a ceramics lesson or a vineyard tour, that ensure there’s plenty of heart behind the good looks. It’s initially surprising that Sàbatic isn’t right beside the seafront, given that beach life is kind of Sitges’s thing. But being a 15-minute walk outside of town brings several blessings. For one, lots of space—and you’re really struck by this in the roomy bedrooms. Then there’s the involuntary exhale you catch yourself making when you step away from Sitges’s pretty-but-pumping little streets. While Sàbatic has multi-visitor appeal—families, business travelers, friendship groups reconnecting via the hotel’s exclusive in-house wine—everyone seems to travel with a Zen energy. Maybe it’s the light, or the morning yoga, or the swaying-lavender-filled terraces, but being stressed just doesn’t work here.

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Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona

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ΒΑΡΚΕΛΩΝΗ: Πλήρης ταξιδιωτικός οδηγός για την κούκλα πρωτεύουσα της Καταλονίας

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Τι να πει κανείς για την Βαρκελώνη που να μπορεί να αποδώσει όλα όσα μπορεί να σου προσφέρει ως πόλη; Μάλλον αν δεν την περπατήσεις, αν δεν γευτείς τις γεύσεις της και αν δεν νιώσεις τον παλμό της, είναι πολύ δύσκολο να καταλάβεις γιατί είναι η αγαπημένοι τόσων πολλών ταξιδιωτών.

Εμείς έχουμε επισκεφθεί την Βαρκελώνη και παλιότερα, όμως το τελευταίο μας ταξίδι σ΄΄αυτή την υπέροχη πόλη ήταν τον Μάιο του 2021, όταν εγώ ήμουν έγκυος στη δεύτερη κόρη μας και φυσικά έχοντας μα΄ζί μας την πρώτη μας κόρη.

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Χώρα: Ισπανία Επίσημες γλώσσες: Ισπανικά Αυτόνομη κοινότητα: Καταλονία Υψόμετρο: 9 μέτρα Πληθυσμός: 1.664.182 κάτοικοι Νόμισμα: Ευρώ Οδηγούν στα: δεξιά

Γενικές πληροφορίες: Η Βαρκελώνη είναι μια υπέροχη πόλη της Ισπανίας και πρωτεύουσα της Αυτοδιοικούμενης Περιφέρειας της Καταλωνίας. Αποτελεί τη δεύτερη σημαντικότερη πόλη του ισπανικού κράτους όσον αφορά τον πληθυσμό και την οικονομία μετά τη Μαδρίτη. Εντός της πόλης ζούνε περίπου 1.6 εκατομμύρια άνθρωποι.

Μια πόλη με κουλτούρα, ιστορία και καλό φαγητό είναι κάποια πράγματα που κάνουν την Βαρκελώνη να μοιάζει τόσο γοητευτική στα μάτια των ταξιδιωτών. Η αρχιτεκτονική της είναι ζηλευτή ακόμη και από τις κορυφαίες ευρωπαϊκές πρωτεύουσες. Μπορεί να είναι αρκετά πυκνοκατοικημένη,όμως αυτό δεν την κάνει λιγότερο ενδιαφέρουσα. 

Οι Καταλανοί θεωρούν την Καταλονία ξεχωριστό κρατος από την Ισπανία και αυτό είναι ένα ζήτημα που απασχολεί πολύ τους πολίτες.  Πότε να πάω:. Οι ιδανικές εποχές να επισκεφθείς την Βαρκελώνη ειναι το φθινόπωρο και η άνοιξη, αλλά και οι αρχές του καλοκαιριού. Τότε ώστε ο καιρός είναι καλός και η πόλη ζωντανή. Βέβαια οποία εποχή του χρόνου και αν ταξιδέψεις εκεί, πάντα θα βρεις διαμάντια για να ανακαλύψεις. 

Που να πας – Τι να δεις: Γνωρίζεις πριν καν διαβάσεις αυτόν τον ταξιδιωτικό οδηγό ότι ως πρώτο αξιοθέατο θα έχουμε την επιβλητική  Σαγράδα Φαμίλια (La Sagrada Família) , το πιο εμβληματικό αξιοθέατο της πόλης. Συνεχίζουμε με την πλατεία Cataluna που είναι και αυτή μια από τις πιο must στάσεις που πρέπει να κάνει κανείς στην πόλη. Για τους λάτρεις του φαγητού φυσικά προτείνουμε την αγορά « Mercado De la Boqueria ». Φυσικά από τη λίστα των επισκέψεών σου στην Βαρκελώνη δεν μπορεί να λείπει το Πάρκο Γκουέλ (Parc Güell) . Εκεί μάλιστα βρίσκεται και ένα από τα σπίτια του Γκαουντί -που σήμερα είναι μουσείο- αλλά είναι και το πανέμορφο πάρκο που δημιούργησε ο ίδιος). Η είσοδος κοστίζει 10 ευρώ. Επόμενη στάση βόλτα στη γοτθική συνοικία και στα μοναδικά σοκ΄άκια της. Φυσικά must είναι και ο πολυσύχναστος  δρόμος Las Ramblas που ουσιαστικά ενώνει την καρδιά της πόλης με την παραθαλάσσια περιοχή της. Αν θέλεις να δεις μια πανοραμική άποψη της Βαρκελώνης, τότε κάνε βόλτα στον λόφο Tibidabo . Πέρασε το βράδυ από το μαγικό συντριβάνι Μοντζουίκ και επισκέψου το Κάζα Μιλά αλλά και το Κάζα Μπατλό .

Κλοπές στη Βαρκελώνη: Γενικά δεν συνηθίζουμε να εφιστούμε την προσοχή σας στα αρνητικά του κάθε τόπου. Παρόλα αυτά λόγω του υπερπληθυσμού που διαβιεί στην καταλανική πρωτεύουσα, υπάρχουν πολλοί που εκμεταλλεύονται την πολυκοσμία για να κλέψουν χωρίς να γίνουν αντιληπτοί. Επουδενί να μην πάτε φοβισμένοι ότι θα σας κλέψουν, απλά καλό θα ήταν να έχετε το νου σας λίγο παραπάνω στα πράγματα σας, σε πολύτιμα αντικείμενα και στο αυτοκίνητό σας (αν έχετε νοικιάσει). 

Που να μείνω:  Στη Βαρκελώνη μετά από πολυυυυυ ψάξιμο βρήκαμε το Four Petals Barcelona Boutique Apartments μείναμε  4 βράδια και πληρώσαμε 368.88 ευρώ. Πολύ μοντέρνο και καλά διακοσμημένο. Ευρύχωρο και άνετο. Ιδανικό για όλους όσους θέλουν να εξερευνήσουν το κέντρο της πόλης. Κλείσε και εσύ δωμάτιο εκεί, πατώντας εδώ .

Αν θέλεις να δεις που μείναμε καθ΄΄ όλη τη διάρκεια του οδοιπορικού μας στην Ευρώπη, τσέκαρε το άρθρο μας, εδώ .

Τι δεν ήξερες για την Βαρκελώνη:

  • Η Βαρκελώνη και ολόκληρη η Καταλονία έχει τη δική της γλώσσα. Τα καταλανικά. Τα καταλανικά δεν είναι διάλεκτος, αλλά μια άλλη γλώσσα. 
  • Ο Πάμπλο Πικάσο ο γνωστός Ισπανός καλλιτέχνης κατάγεται από την Βαρκελώνη. Εκεί μάλιστα υπάρχει και ένα μουσείο που έχουν φτιάξει προς τιμήν του. 
  • Η Sagrada Familia χρειάστηκε περισσότερο χρόνο για να ολοκληρωθεί από τις Αιγυπτιακές Πυραμίδες (δεν έχει ολοκληρωθεί μέχρι και σήμερα 2021). 
  • Υπάρχουν πάνω από 20 εστιατόρια με αστέρι Michelin στη Βαρκελώνη. 
  • Η Βαρκελώνη φιλοξενεί το μεγαλύτερο γήπεδο ποδοσφαίρου στην Ευρώπη.

Happy Traveller επεισόδιο στη Βαρκελώνη, δες το εδώ .


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Happy Traveller στο Λίβανο | ΜΕΡΟΣ Α | Ολόκληρο επεισόδιο

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ΛΙΒΑΝΟΣ: Πλήρης ταξιδιωτικός οδηγός

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Happy Traveller στη Σικελία μέρος 3 | Ολόκληρο επεισόδιο

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10 πράγματα που πρέπει να κάνεις στη Βουδαπέστη (Ουγγαρία)

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Οι 10 κορυφαίοι κοντινοί προορισμοί από Θεσσαλονίκη

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Συνάλλαγμα: Που και πότε να αλλάξω λεφτά όταν ταξιδεύω;

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Happy Traveller (TV Series)

Barcelona (2021).

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  1. "Happy Traveller" Barcelona (TV Episode 2021)

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  2. "Happy Traveller" Barcelona: Part 2 (TV Episode 2021)

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  3. Happy Traveller Woman Against Cityscape of Barcelona, Spain Stock Image

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  6. Barcelona signature style. happy trendy traveller woman in Barcelona

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  1. Happy Traveller στη Βαρκελώνη!

    Γεια, Ευτύχης εδώ!! Ευχαριστώ που είσαι και συ εδώ! ΚΑΝΕ ΕΓΓΡΑΦΗ / SUBSCRIBE http://bit.ly/ftbletsasInstagram http ...

  2. Web

    Precio: 79€ por persona Niños de 0 a 12 años (74€) Itinerario: *Viernes*. 23h59 Av. Alcalde moix, 2 (Sabadell) 00h30 Estación Fabra i Puig Andén 15 (Barcelona) 01h00 Plaza España (Barcelona) *Sábado*. Travesía en Barco hasta Isla Tabarca (incluido) Día libre para bañarse, hacer turismo, descubrir esta encantadora isla.

  3. Happy Traveller στη Βαρκελώνη

    Και αυτό θα είναι μόνο η αρχή. Για τη Βαρκελώνη σας έχουμε ετοιμάσει και δεύτερο επεισόδιο. Δείτε το Happy Traveller στη Βαρκελώνη, ΜΕΡΟΣ Α - ΜΕΡΟΣ Β. Αυτήν την εβδομάδα ταξιδεύουμε στη γοητευτική ...

  4. 50+ Helpful Barcelona Travel Tips & Tricks: Must

    Avoid taxis if you can in Barcelona. On a similar note, I would avoid taking too many taxis. This is because Barcelona is a delightfully walkable city marred with hilariously bad traffic. Given that the city's public transportation system is so clean, safe and cheap, I wouldn't advise trying to take a taxi anywhere.

  5. The Ultimate FREE Barcelona Tourist Map (Things to Do, Photo Spots & More!)

    WITH cute stamp icons… that are colour coded. So yes, below, you'll find a handy Google Map that you can use on your phone that includes…. Top Barcelona museums & sights. The prettiest photo spots and views in Barcelona. Barcelona food, drink & bar recommendations. Fun shopping spots to visit in Barcelona. I hope you find it helpful!

  6. "Happy Traveller" Barcelona (TV Episode 2021)

    Barcelona: With Eftyhis Bletsas. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows. What's on TV & Streaming Top 250 TV Shows Most Popular TV Shows Browse TV Shows by Genre TV News.

  7. The Happy Traveler BCN

    The Happy Traveler BCN, Barcelona, Spain. 296 likes · 138 were here. Café artesanal italiano, vinos del mundo, empanadas argentinas, tapas, cócteles, acai de Brasil y mucho más!

  8. Barcelona, Spain

    The Happy Traveller. Travel blog for fellow adventure-seekers and wanderlusters. Travel guides and stunning photography to inspire you to explore the world. Menu. Africa. Cape Town; ... September 10, 2016 August 20, 2023 Spain by The Happy Traveller 4 Comments on Barcelona, Spain.

  9. Happy Travel

    Happy Travel, Barcelona. 15,272 likes · 391 talking about this. Organizamos las mejores escapadas y excursiones en Autocar.

  10. Cozy and happy!

    The Happy Traveler: Cozy and happy! - See 13 traveller reviews, 21 candid photos, and great deals for Barcelona, Spain, at Tripadvisor. Barcelona. Barcelona Tourism Barcelona Hotels Bed and Breakfast Barcelona Barcelona Holiday Rentals Flights to Barcelona The Happy Traveler; Barcelona Attractions Barcelona Travel Forum Barcelona Photos ...

  11. 15 Best Day Trips From Barcelona, Spain

    Salou & PortAventura Park. Salou is located about 105km from Barcelona. The town is best known for being one of the most popular holiday resorts on Costa Dorada which offers a perfect blend of relaxation and excitement. There you'll find nice views, sandy beaches, exciting attractions, and lively nightlife.

  12. "Happy Traveller" Barcelona (TV Episode 2021)

    "Happy Traveller" Barcelona (TV Episode 2021) on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows.

  13. The 6 Best Day Trips From Barcelona

    Find recommendations and ideas on the best day trips from Barcelona, Spain, with pictures, details, and travel tips. See the best places to visit outside Barcelona, based on your interests.

  14. Best bar in Barcelona hands down!

    The Happy Traveler: Best bar in Barcelona hands down! - See 13 traveler reviews, 21 candid photos, and great deals for Barcelona, Spain, at Tripadvisor. Barcelona. Barcelona Tourism Barcelona Hotels Barcelona Guest House Barcelona Holiday Homes Barcelona Flights The Happy Traveler;

  15. THE HAPPY TRAVELER, Barcelona

    The Happy Traveler, Barcelona: See 13 unbiased reviews of The Happy Traveler, rated 5.0 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #3,568 of 8,506 restaurants in Barcelona.

  16. The Happy Traveler

    Explore menus, photos, reviews for The Happy Traveler in Barcelona,, Barcelona.

  17. "Happy Traveller" Barcelona: Part 2 (TV Episode 2021)

    "Happy Traveller" Barcelona: Part 2 (TV Episode 2021) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight.

  18. The Happy Traveler, Βαρκελώνη

    The Happy Traveler, Βαρκελώνη: Δείτε 13 αντικειμενικές κριτικές για The Happy Traveler, με βαθμολογία 5.0 στα 5 στο Tripadvisor και ταξινόμηση #3.575 από 8.574 εστιατόρια σε Βαρκελώνη. ... Barcelona Ξενοδοχεία κοντά σε: Barcelona ...

  19. "Happy Traveller" Barcelona (TV Episode 2021)

    "Happy Traveller" Barcelona (TV Episode 2021) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows.

  20. Βαρκελώνη

    Happy Traveller. Monday, July 15, 2024 Sign in. Welcome! Log into your account. your username. your password. Forgot your password? Get help. Password recovery. Recover your password. your email. A password will be e-mailed to you. ...

  21. ΒΑΡΚΕΛΩΝΗ: Πλήρης ταξιδιωτικός οδηγός για την κούκλα πρωτεύουσα της

    Που να μείνω: Στη Βαρκελώνη μετά από πολυυυυυ ψάξιμο βρήκαμε το Four Petals Barcelona Boutique Apartments μείναμε 4 βράδια και πληρώσαμε 368.88 ευρώ.Πολύ μοντέρνο και καλά διακοσμημένο. Ευρύχωρο και άνετο. Ιδανικό για όλους όσους θέλουν να ...

  22. 10 Beauty And Wellness Spots To Try On Your Next Trip To Barcelona

    AIRE Ancient Baths in Barcelona, Spain. Whether you travel for adventure, to relax or are venturing into the growing niches of wellness and beauty travel, Spain has a number of destinations for ...

  23. "Happy Traveller" Barcelona: Part 2 (TV Episode 2021)

    "Happy Traveller" Barcelona: Part 2 (TV Episode 2021) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows.

  24. "Happy Traveller" Barcelona (TV Episode 2021)

    "Happy Traveller" Barcelona (TV Episode 2021) Parents Guide and Certifications from around the world. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows.