Journey Makes Triumphant Return With New Album 'Freedom'

By Rebekah Gonzalez

July 8, 2022

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Journey is back with an all-new album and an exciting new opportunity to see the legendary group live! On Friday, July 8th, the band dropped their 15-track album Freedom , making it the band's first album of new material in eleven years. The last was 2011's album Eclipse . The group's founder, guitarist, writer, and producer Neal Schon teamed up with keyboard player and primary vocalist Jonathan Cain and vocalist Arnel Pineda for the epic new songs. In addition, they also worked with bassist Randy Jackson. This isn't the first time the group has collaborated with Jackson. He actually previously played on Journey's 1986 album Raised on Radio .

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Journey (@journeymusicofficial)

The iconic rock group prepped fans for Freedom with singles "You Got The Best of Me," "Let It Rain," "Don't Give Up On Us," and "United We Stand." The album was greeted with rave reviews with Rolling Stone praising it for being "A mixture of classic Journey ballads, heavy rockers, and funky numbers." Vulture commended the new material for encapsulating "the scorching spirit that listeners have always loved about Journey, whose wheels keep churning out stadium-ready anthems and ballads after nearly five decades together."

In addition to new music, Journey and AEG have also announced four exclusive Las Vegas show dates with a symphony orchestra at the new state-of-the-art Resorts World Theatre. The special engagement will kick off on July 15th. For tickets and more info click here . To listen to Freedom , click here .

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Journey Frontman Arnel Pineda on the Band’s New Record, Dreams of a Steve Perry Reunion

By Andy Greene

Andy Greene

In early 2020, Journey frontman Arnel Pineda flew back to his native Manila after playing a corporate gig in Texas. He was gearing up for a big year in which Journey would cut their first new record since 2011’s Eclipse and play amphitheaters all over North America with the Pretenders.

The pandemic changed all that and he’s been in Manila ever since, but Journey still found a way to work remotely on the record. It’s their first full-length since parting ways with drummer Steve Smith and bassist Ross Valory. They were replaced by bassist Randy Jackson (who briefly toured and recorded with Journey in 1986–87) and drummer Narada Michael Walden, who’s doubling as the album’s producer.

We checked in with Pineda via Zoom to talk about his lockdown life in Manila, the in-progress Journey record, the upcoming biopic about his life, and why he still dreams about a Journey reunion with Steve Perry.

How are things going? Good. I arrived here in Manila last year just a week and a half before the lockdown began. I was lucky. Otherwise, I would have been stuck in America for six months before they let me back.

This must be the longest stretch of time you’ve been home since you joined Journey in 2007. Yeah. This is the longest. I like it because I got to spend a lot of time with family and the kids and more time with myself and my wife. There are other things I would rather do than tour, so I got the chance to be here. In a negative way, it’s quite bad. The survival here is a day-to-day deal. I’m the one that goes out a lot. I’m the one that goes to the market and the grocery to refill our food stocks.

You wonder if you have the virus every day. There’s a lot of paranoia going around. It’s like what is happening in America.

Do you miss playing live? Yeah. I especially miss the energy and the adrenaline of doing it. I’m delivering on the legacy that the Voice [Steve Perry] has left behind. Especially now that he formally passed the torch to me in 2017 [at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction], he made that known and he was very gracious. It was very kind of him. It was so generous of him to say that in public. It was really an honor.

What was it like to finally meet Steve after all these years? I posted on Instagram that I had waited 35 years for that. It was dreamy. I couldn’t believe I met him since he’s very reclusive and he avoids people. He didn’t want to get interviewed, at least until he released his new record [ Traces ] and then suddenly he was out there, going to radio stations and accepting interviews.

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I was really surprised that he agreed to meet me. It’s one of the most special things that happened in my life. He’s one of my heroes when it comes to singing. I remember back in the Eighties, I would sleep on the bus with my Walkman on in my ears as his voice sang all these favorite songs from Journey.

I really dug his new record. It was amazing. I’ve been teasing Jonathan [Cain] and Neal [Schon]. “Why don’t you invite Steve Perry over for a tour?” Oh, my God. I never saw them back in the Eighties. I was just a young kid in Manila, just playing around, with no chance of going to the States and seeing their show, but they were one of my favorite bands.

I’ve spoken to Steve a bunch of times in the past few years. We even talked just a few weeks ago. Oh, my God!

Judging by our talks, I’m extremely confident that he’s happy to leave the Journey baton with you. That’s even more pressure I’m getting, hearing this from you. At the same time, I’m truly honored. But I’m not losing [the hope] that one day he’ll join the band for two or three songs. It would be one of the highlights of my life if that happens.

It would almost be on the scale of Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd re-forming at this point. My God. It would be the same thing for me with Led Zeppelin because I haven’t seen them either, or Pink Floyd. I wish they would be complete again. It’s like completing a circle, being back up onstage again.

Do you think this long break has been good for your singing voice? Has it given you time to rest the muscle? I think so. At the same time, I can’t help but sing four or five songs here every day. The problem with the voice is that it changes as you grow older. It’s like athletes. They reach their peak on their 30th birthday. As they approach 31 or 32, it starts to change. It’s the same with my voice. I just want to make sure I can be of use to the band until they decide to throw the towel in.

Those are hard songs to sing for any singer. You guys go out and do 60 straight concerts in the summer and you need to hit the high notes on “Faithfully” every single time. That would be hard for anyone at any age. We’ll do five or six shows a week. I’m just quite amazed with myself a little. Somehow I was able to take it for 13 years. Let’s see what’s going to happen in the coming days. We’re on to finishing the album. We finished six songs so far. There’s talk of going out somewhere first, maybe Las Vegas for a residency. We don’t know yet. We haven’t decided. Just to break the ice between the new members and us.

You have six songs totally done? Yeah. And maybe seven songs to go.

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Are these ballads? Rockers? For now, we’re doing the rocker songs first, not the ballads. I think the seven songs they’re working on, they’re working on something huge, like how you’ve known Journey doing ballads. It’s between [1981’s ] “Mother, Father” and [1978’s] “Winds of March.” We’re working on that song. We’ll see what happens. I’m waiting for them to send me the demos so that we can record it next week.

Working remotely like this must have been an adjustment. Normally, you’d be in the room together. I know. It’s quite hard right now. I have a few melody ideas that I’m into and want to share with them, but you can’t right now because of what is happening. I just have to listen to it and learn it. We use Zoom to record and I turn on my laptop and go into Logic Pro. They get ahold of it. If there’s something I want to change, I tell them. But it’s all pretty much done and I just record with them.

Are you doing the vocals on your laptop? Yeah. I’ll show you [ turns camera around and shows a microphone plugged into a computer in front of soundproofing foam ]. I share my computer, like mirroring. They can see what’s happening in my laptop. It allows them to hack it for a moment and then they can hear it. It happens in real time.

There’s no lag. I can hear that right now while we talk. It’s like you’re in the next room and you’re actually more than 8,000 miles away. Yeah. Thank God for the technology.

Do you think the album will come out this year? I think so. Neal thinks so. He can’t wait to release it before we do a full-on tour.

How do things sound different now that Randy Jackson and Narada Michael Walden are in the band? It’s somewhat like the sound back in the Eighties when Randy Jackson joined the band for the Raised on Radio album. It’s kind of like that, but it’s also more updated. Narada is producing my vocals and mentoring me on how to do it. He’s telling me to sing it this way and that way. It’s amazing. I’m learning a lot from Narada. It’s truly an honor and I appreciate him for doing so. It’s amazing.

Has the band even been in the same room yet? Have you met Randy and Narada in person? Right now, it’s just been virtual. It’s tough. I wanted to do it. I keep telling Neal, “If only I had been there, we would have done this in two months. Sorry it’s taking so long.” But with all these health protocols where you need to quarantine for two weeks, and then I come back and I’d be quarantined for another two weeks before I can join my family. It’s too much of a hassle, so we decided to do it this way even though Neal isn’t too happy about it. He wants it the old, classic way of making an album.

Moving on here, what’s the status of the movie about your life? It’s going to happen. I think they’re gonna start. Some people from Warner will start coming here. I think maybe with [ Crazy Rich Asians director] Jon Chu and [ Joker and The Fighter screenwriter] Scott Silver. They might come here to audition actors and actresses that will take part in my biopic.

Are you going to take them around town and show them the places you grew up? Yes. That’s the deal, of course. I want to show them where I grew up, where I was born, where everything happened before this whole magical thing.

Do you think the story will start in your childhood and show all your early bands and struggles and focus on the pre-Journey period? I think so, yeah. That’s the plan. I’ve spoken many times with Scott Silver. What’s interesting about my story is that I’ve survived two coup attempts here in the Philippines before I went to Hong Kong for 10 years. I don’t know he if plans to tell what happened to me in Hong Kong, but I had 10 years there. He might focus on my love story with my wife now.

I can see the grand finale in my head. It’ll be you walking onstage in Chile at your first Journey show. You’re nervous and they push you out and you burst into “Separate Ways.” Yeah. I was trying to back out five minutes before. I was like, “Neal, I cannot do this. This is not built for me.” They were like, “No. It’s too late. Get out there and do it.”

It was the turning point of your life. Everything is either before that moment or after that moment. You should tell Scott Silver about this idea. I’ve been implying it to him that we should end everything in Chile. And I remember when my wife decided to join me on tour in 2011. We were playing to a 30,000 crowd that night. I was telling my wife, “Remember Hard Rock Cafe when there were only three tables? Now it’s 30,000 people.” It was just unbelievable. It doesn’t get old to me. It’s still so surreal and bizarre.

I saw you at Citi Field with Fleetwood Mac and Madison Square Garden with Def Leppard. I could tell you were still having a blast. It’s still unbelievable. I’m just so blessed. I can’t thank them enough, especially Neal Schon. He was the one that was really sold that I am the one since 2007. But then again, I still think, “If only they could bring back Steve Perry.” You know what I mean?

I do, but if he came back, that would mean … I know, but I miss them so much together. Every now and then, I watch their videos together. It’s always them with Steve Perry that I watch. I mean, no offense to Adam Lambert. He’s an amazing performer and he has an amazing voice, but I still watch the old [Queen] ones with Freddie Mercury. That’s why when people say things like “No Perry, No Journey,” I understand it. Where I come from, we’re so influenced by Western music. We loved the originals, if you know what I mean.

His return would put you out of a job. That would be OK to me! I’m telling you. That’s how much I adore him and I adore Journey and how much I adore Steve Perry. Back in 2005, I resigned from my job in Hong Kong because I lost my voice due to acid reflux. I was telling my friends back then that my only regret was I lost my voice before I had the chance to sing side-by-side with Steve Perry. I was joking with them, but then a different situation happened. I just wish that one show with him … it would change my life forever. It’s been 30 years now and the band keeps changing my life in ways nobody would ever guess would happen.

Do you miss Ross Valory and Steve Smith now that they’re out of the band? I do, of course. We had a real bond that nobody can deny. [ Sighs ] When the first day came that Steve Smith went back, I could feel that he was trying to feel everything out and observe. When he got the good vibe again, we clicked. Four years with him was very special. And 11 years with Ross was amazing. I cannot ask for anything more. Those friendships I’ll take with me until the end of time.

The group has dealt with a lot of tensions and feuds during your time with them, but you always remain neutral and out of the fray. How do you do that? I try to stay away. It’s like, “Oh, the big boys are fighting.” I’d rather stick to my guns, which is just singing and delivering the legacy with them onstage. When we’re up onstage, I think everyone forgets their differences behind the scenes. That’s my happy place. When they’re having some petty quarrels, I try to stay away. I talk to everybody without having to talk about their differences.

Your White House visit caused a bit of controversy. Do you have any regrets about going there and meeting Trump? I do not. As a Filipino, I am such a big fan of the White House. It’s not about Trump. It’s not about who the president is. It’s the whole history of the White House. I was just amazed. When I went there, I looked at all the pictures of past presidents and how old everything was. And then the table where President Trump was seated was about 100 years old. Who wouldn’t want to see that? Who wouldn’t want to touch that?

His presidential guard was laughing at me because President Trump was talking to the other members [of the band] and I was just mesmerized by the table. I was like, “Wow! This is truly 100 years old?” I’m just a kid from Manila and I was in the White House for the first time, so no regrets. I guess I didn’t even have a chance to apologize to Neal. He must understand. I’m just a kid from Manila that wants to see the White House, in general.

What’s the status of your next solo record? I’m doing it right now. I’m just waiting on a couple of friends that are helping me finish it from the States. Because of the recent banning of some countries from coming in here, we got delayed. I’m expecting them to arrive here at the end of March instead of the end of January. Even my online streaming concert was moved to April 18th. It was supposed to happen in February. To those who want to get a ticket, it’ll be at .

Back to the movie, do you think being on set and watching someone play a younger version of you will be a surreal experience? It will be weird, but it’ll be weirder if I am there portraying myself! [ Laughs ] I will not be able to stand there and look at myself. I don’t really listen to myself singing either. When the documentary Everyman’s Journey came out, I could barely watch it. The premier was in Tribeca. I was like, “Do I really have to watch this and see myself on the big screen?” I was cringing.

Do you think the actor in the movie will actually sing, or will you provide the vocals? I think I’m going to use my voice. Do you remember the Queen movie [ Bohemian Rhapsody ]? Marc Martel did the voice. I think I’m going to do that too.

I can’t wait. Crazy Rich Asians is a great movie. Jon Chu really knows what he’s doing. It’s unbelievable that he took notice of my life and my story and wants to make a movie out of it. It really humbled me.

They should film it in Manila and not somewhere else. It should look authentic. They definitely will. There’s so much to remember, I’m telling you. At one point in my life, I was really on drugs. It quite affected my memory. I need to recover all those things that happened to me when I was young. But I’ve recovered a lot of my childhood memories. Scott Silver is quite happy with what I was able to tell him.

I’m very hopeful that before 2021 ends, you’ll be back onstage with Journey. Me too. I can’t wait to see those smiling faces and that rolling-thunder sound of the audience. It’s quite an adrenaline [rush] when you experience that every night. That’s what keeps you going.

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You Got The Best Of Me

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One of the most legendary rock bands of all time, JOURNEY, announces the continuation of their highly successful tour with the 50th Anniversary Celebration Freedom Tour 2023 featuring, very special guest TOTO. JOURNEY , Diamond-selling Rock & Roll Hall of Famers will take the stage in 38 cities across North America with their catalog of global chart-topping hits, including "Don't Stop Believin”, "Any Way You Want It", "Faithfully", "Lights" and more.

Presented by AEG Presents, JOURNEY Freedom Tour 2023 begins February 4 in Allentown, PA – making stops in Austin, Montreal, Memphis and more – before wrapping April 25 at the brand new Acrisure Arena in Palm Springs, CA. The 2023 run includes rescheduled dates in Washington DC, Hartford, Toronto and Quebec that were postponed earlier this year due to covid.

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The Best Journey Songs Of All Time

Jared Baly

f you’re on the lookout for the best Journey songs of all time, you’ve landed in the right spot. Journey, the legendary rock band formed in the 1970s, has an extensive catalog of hits that continue to resonate with fans old and new. Their iconic anthems, powerful ballads, and infectious melodies have made them a staple in rock music history.

Among their most unforgettable tracks is "Don't Stop Believin'," a song that has become an anthem of hope and perseverance, spanning generations and inspiring countless sing-alongs. Then there's "Faithfully," a heartfelt ballad that captures the struggles and dedication of life on the road, showcasing Steve Perry’s soaring vocals and emotional delivery. And let’s not forget "Any Way You Want It," an up-tempo classic that’s guaranteed to get the crowd energized with its catchy chorus and electrifying guitar riffs.

Now it’s your turn to participate. Scroll through our list and vote on your favorite Journey songs. Whether you’re drawn to the timeless classics or have a personal favorite that brings back memories, your votes will help highlight the tracks that define Journey’s enduring legacy. Let’s celebrate the music that continues to inspire and move us.


Best Lyrics:

And being apart ain't easy on this love affair Two strangers learn to fall in love again I get the joy of rediscovering you Oh girl, you stand by me I'm forever yours, faithfully

Don't Stop Believin'

Don't Stop Believin'

Strangers waiting Up and down the boulevard Their shadows searching in the night Streetlights, people Living just to find emotion Hiding somewhere in the night

Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)

Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)

Someday, love will find you Break those chains that bind you One night will remind you How we touched and went our separate ways

If he ever hurts you True love won't desert you You know I still love you Though we touched and went our separate ways

Who's Crying Now

Who's Crying Now

One love, feeds the fire One heart, burns desire I wonder who's crying now? Two hearts, born to run Who'll be the lonely one? I wonder who's crying now?

Stone in Love

Stone in Love

In the heat with a blue jean girl Burning love comes once in a lifetime She found me singing by the rail road tracks Took me home, we danced by the moonlight

Those summer nights are calling Stone in love Can't help myself, I'm falling

Any Way You Want It

Any Way You Want It

She said, any way you want it That's the way you need it Any way you want it

I was alone I never knew What good love could do Ooh, then we touched Then we sang About the lovin' things

Only the Young

Only the Young

Shadows of a golden age A generation waits for dawn Brave carry on Bold and the strong

Only the young can say They're free to fly away Sharing the same desire Burnin' like wildfire

Send Her My Love

Send Her My Love

Callin' out your name I'm dreamin' Reflections of a face I'm seein' It's her voice That keeps on haunting me

Send her, send her my love Roses never fade Memories remain


When the lights go down in the City And the sun shines on the bay Ooh, I wanna be there in my City, oh Oh, oh, oh

Wheel in the Sky

Wheel in the Sky

Winter is here again, oh lord Haven't been home in a year or more I hope she holds on a little longer Sent a letter on a long summer day Made of silver, not of clay I've been runnin' down this dusty road

Wheel in the sky keeps on turnin' I don't know where I'll be tomorrow

Still They Ride

Still They Ride

Spinning 'round, in a spell It's hard to leave this carousel 'Round and 'round And 'round and 'round

Still they ride, on wheels of fire They rule the night Still they ride, the strong will survive Chasing thunder

Feeling That Way

Feeling That Way

Opened my eyes to a new kind of way All the good times that you saved Are you feeling You feeling that way too Or am I just Am I just a fool

Girl Can't Help It

Girl Can't Help It

If he could hold her, so close in his arms again If she could show him The letter her heart forgot to send why They're livin' dreams on their own Ooh they'll never stop running

The girl can't help it, she needs more He hasn't found what he's lookin' for They're still standing in the rain He can't help it, and she's just that way

Ask The Lonely

Ask The Lonely

You've got some fascination With you high expectations This love is your obsession Your heart, your past possession Let down your defenses Won't be up to the one who cares

Touchin', Lovin', Squeezin'

Touchin', Lovin', Squeezin'

It won't be long, yes, till you're alone When your lover, oh, he hasn't come home 'Cause he's lovin' who he's touchin', he's squeezin' another

He's tearin' you apart Ooh, every day, every day

I'll Be Alright Without You

I'll Be Alright Without You

I'll be alright without you Oh love's an empty face, I can't replace (You don't need it) People wonderin' why we broke apart The great pretender here I go again These things I do (It's all because of you) I'll keep holdin' but I'll try (Try not to think of you)

Mother, Father

Mother, Father

Through bitter tears And wounded years, those ties Of blood were strong So much to say, those yesterdays So now don't you turn away.

Hey, mother, father, sister Hey, come back, tryin', believein' Hey, mother, father, dreamer

Just The Same Way

Just The Same Way

Take a chance now the timing's right. You're free to leave the key to my life. Stay with me. Won't you stay the night, In the mornin' feelin' fine, yeah.

That's the same way you love me. 

Be Good To Yourself

Be Good To Yourself

Runnin' out of self-control Gettin' close to an overload Up against a no win situation Shoulder to shoulder, push and shove I'm hangin' up my boxin' gloves I'm ready for a long vacation

Be good to yourself when, nobody else will Oh be good to yourself You're walkin' a high-wire, caught in a crossfire

When You Love A Woman

When You Love A Woman

When you love a woman You see your world inside her eyes When you love a woman (Well) You know she's standing by your side A joy that lasts forever There's a band of gold that shines Waiting somewhere, oh, yeah


I see your face at the movies I hear your voice on the radio You're making love on the silver screen I want you more than you will ever know Temptation...Infatuation

Suzanne, don't walk away

The Party's Over (Hopelessly In Love)

The Party's Over (Hopelessly In Love)

So I will tell you this, Our love is in a fix. Just what more can I do. When I'm hopelessly in love with you?

Why Can't This Night Go On Forever

Why Can't This Night Go On Forever

Lost in twilight, the memories Precious moments, you and me We've been old friends, all through the years Picture postcards, sharing tears

What's in our hearts, there's never time, to say Need you tonight, lover don't fade away I've seen your city lights As I walk away Why can't this night...go on forever

After The Fall

After The Fall

But a head strong stubborn man Only works it out the best he can Valentines he never sent There's not enough time he's a working man

Can't stop falling Heartaches calling Finds you after the fall

After All These Years

After All These Years

A faded wedding photograph You and me in our first dance Our eyes are closed We're lost in one sweet embrace Since those days the world has changed But our love remains the same God knows we've had our share of saving grace

Where Were You

Where Were You

I didn't know what the hell was goin' on, Someday you're gonna break. So don't try to get yourself straight, You're just a little too late.

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All 173 Journey Songs Ranked Worst to Best

Journey 's discography will always have a clear line of demarcation: before Steve Perry and after Steve Perry. That makes sense on a couple of levels. The albums they made together remain Journey's best-selling and best-loved. But, as the following list of All 173 Journey Songs Ranked Worst to Best shows, the band did important work before he arrived and it's had some perhaps overlooked successes afterward. ( Revelation , their first with current singer Arnel Pineda , was a platinum-selling No. 5 hit, for instance.)

So, we decided to take a complete accounting. Whether you're a fan of original contributions by Gregg Rolie or Jonathan Cain , George Tickner or Steve Augeri, they're all here. The only thing we left out were live takes and cover songs including Perry's version of Sam Cooke's "Good Times" from the Time3 box and Pineda's return to earlier Journey songs on Revelation . Which one will end up on top? Keep scrolling as we count them all down on the following list of All 173 Journey Songs Ranked Worst to Best.

No. 173. "Back Talk" from 'Frontiers' (1983)

This song almost single-handedly kept Frontiers from becoming Journey's best '80s album . That's enough to earn it this spot.

No. 172. "Gone Crazy" from 'Generations' (2005)

For a singer, co-founding member Ross Valory is a terrific bassist.

No. 171. "Can Do" from 'Infinity' (1978)

Actually, can't.

No. 170. "Butterfly (She Flies Alone)" from 'Generations' (2005)

Steve Augeri, Perry's first replacement, drew a bad hand. He had to follow a legend, to lead a difficult transition after Journey was dropped by Columbia Records, to endure gimmicky moves like sharing the mic with everyone in the band, then to step aside after faltering out on the road. But this misfire was all his.

No. 169. "Baby I'm a Leavin' You" from 'Trial By Fire' (1996)

If you were wondering what Journey would sound like as a reggae band.

No. 168. "Venus" from 'Eclipse' (2011)

As Journey co-founder Neal Schon consolidated his latter-day power, a long-dreamt-of goal of a guitar-focused Journey album – on hold since 1977's Next – finally came to fruition. This freed Pineda, a former cover-band singer Schon found on YouTube, from the trap of sounding exactly like Steve Perry. But it also opened the door for plenty of indulgent Schon-related moments. Eclipse inevitably ended with yet another three-and-a-half minutes of Schon.

No. 167. "Pride of the Family" from 'Generations' (2005)

Augeri had to have been dismayed as some of the best material on his second album went elsewhere – including "A Better Life," found later on our list of Journey Songs Ranked Worst to Best. But Jonathan Cain's thin, objectively lazy bonus track (he swipes a line from .38 Special ) isn't one of those times.

No. 166. "The Journey (Revelation)" from 'Revelation' (2008)

If you're wondering what Journey would sound like as a boring fusion-jazz band.

No. 165. "Human Feel" from 'Eclipse' (2011)

Eclipse at its worst took Eclipse at its best to a mind-numbing zenith. What's missing on this pummeling, endlessly propulsive track is, ironically enough, human feel. It's is all head, no heart.

No. 164. "After All These Years" from 'Revelation' (2008)

Another of Journey's undeniably well-crafted, but often un-involving later-period ballads.

No. 163. "Departure" from 'Departure' (1980)

Pretty but insubstantial, this brief instrumental was tucked into the middle of co-founding member Gregg Rolie's last proper studio effort with Journey.

No. 162. "I'm Cryin'" from 'Departure' (1980)

Perry usually had a canny ability to convey emotion. "I'm Cryin'," however, slipped off into abject mawkishness.

No. 161. "Every Generation" from 'Generations' (2005)

This is the first time Cain had been at the mic since singing lead on "All That Really Matters," a Frontiers -era leftover found elsewhere on our list of Journey Songs Ranked Worst to Best. Admittedly, he's a better singer than Ross Valory, but not Deen Castronovo – and certainly not Augeri. A missed opportunity.

No. 160. "Positive Touch" from 'Raised on Radio' (1986)

The demos for Raised on Radio were completed with a click track rather than in a room together as Journey had typically done in the past. That left drummer Steve Smith to either copy these metronomic sounds – heard to teeth-grating effect on "Positive Touch" – or to stay home. Part way through the sessions, it became the latter. "They felt that the drum machine itself was part of the compositions," Smith later complained in Don't Stop Believin': The Untold Story of Journey . "I started feeling that it wasn't a band, and it certainly didn't have the same band approach as when we wrote collectively."

No. 159. "La Do Da" from 'Infinity' (1978)

Steve Perry's initial collaborations with Schon were a revelation. So many of the group's foundational songs emerged from those initial writing sessions. And then there was this.

No. 158. "Liberty" from 'Time3' (1992)

If you were wondering what Journey would sound like as a country band.

No. 157. "Troubled Child" from 'Frontiers' (1983)

Another Side Two dud. Replace this with "Only the Young" or "Only Solutions," and all is forgiven.

No. 156. "Wildest Dream" from 'Revelation' (2008)

Schon wants to rock, and he's always talking about rocking, so every once in a while they let him rock. The results are sometimes better than those undeniably well-crafted, but often uninvolving later-period ballads. And sometimes, as with "Wildest Dream," they are not.

No. 155. "Into Your Arms" from 'Time3' (1992)

One of a pair of unfinished jams from the Raised on Radio sessions that were later completed for release as part of the Journey's Time3 box set, and the less interesting of the two.

No. 154. "Tantra" from 'Eclipse' (2011)

Pineda spends most of the album inhabiting a fresh, almost feral persona, which makes this downshift into required balladry even more jarring. He sings like it's required too, recalling every Perry tick he can manage without giving any of himself to the lyric.

No. 153. "Lady Luck" from 'Evolution' (1979)

Journey join a number of artists who have sung tracks called "Lady Luck," including Deep Purple , Rod Stewart and David Lee Roth . Come to think of it, none of those are really any good either.

No. 152. "Karma" from 'Next' (1977)

The last pre-Steve Perry album ends with a grinding, unfocused rocker featuring Schon at the mic. Changes were coming.

No. 151. "Resonate" from 'Eclipse' (2011)

There might have been a hook buried in this song somewhere. Schon's army of guitars marched right over it, though.

No. 150. "Happy to Give" from 'Raised on Radio' (1986)

Perry had trouble nailing the vocal on this too-atmospheric ballad, which should have told them something. (In fact, it got to the point where Cain started calling "Happy to Give" Perry's "pet song.") It's understandable: "Happy to Give" grew out of a soundtrack idea Cain had, and it sounds like it. Journey never played the song live.

No. 149. "Ritual" from 'Eclipse' (2011)

Imagine one of those classic-era mid-tempo Journey tracks, but in a wild-eyed 'roid rage. Settle down, boys.

No. 148. "What I Needed" from 'Revelation' (2008)

There's slightly more drama here than on the weirdly slack "After All These Years," but Journey seemed to be struggling to update their tried-and-true ballad style in Augeri's absence. Pineda co-wrote this song, but he's utterly subsumed in the trademark Journey sound. He ends up sounding like the nondescript tribute singer he once was.

No. 147. "Topaz" from 'Journey' (1975)

There's no denying the level of musicianship here. It's just not very interesting music.

No. 146. "Believe" from 'Generations' (2005)

Any good coach will tell you players have to be positioned to their strengths. So if you have Jonathan Cain available to play, you let Jonathan Cain play, right? Instead, we find Augeri at the keyboard on a repetitive song that becomes pure drudgery. "Well, I have a love and a desire to play the piano, and I love the way Jon plays and I get a chance to listen to him every night," Augeri told Melodic Rock in 2005. "So, he has influenced my writing and my arranging." Seriously, though, coach: Put Cain in.

No. 145. "Chain of Love" from 'Eclipse' (2011)

Journey spend roughly a minute and a half lulling you into thinking that they've put the sledgehammer away. Then: nah.

No. 144. "In the Morning Day" from 'Journey' (1975)

This serviceable mid-tempo song abruptly turns into mostly shapeless jam.

No. 143. "Change for the Better" from 'Revelation' (2008)

A Journey-by-the-numbers tune, kicked into another gear by Pineda's undeniable energy.

No. 142. "La Raza Del Sol," B-side of "Still They Ride" (1981)

The song's heart in the right place, as Cain finds inspiration in the plight of immigrant California farm workers. Unfortunately, that narrative is surrounded by a meandering music bed that sounds like a rightly discarded leftover from their pre-Perry days.

No. 141. "Let It Take You Back" from 'Revelation' (2008)

This was the first bonus track on Pineda's initial studio album with Journey, and a much better conclusion that Schon's amorphous instrumental "The Journey (Revelation)."

No. 140. "All the Things" from 'Arrival' (2001)

The last thing Augeri – a largely unknown Brooklyn-born singer trying to separate himself from the obvious Steve Perry comparisons – needed to be saddled with was an anonymous rocker. But that's what he was given.

No. 139. "Knowing That You Love Me" from 'Generations' (2005)

Jonathan Cain has been trying to write the next "Faithfully" since the day after he brought it into a Journey recording session. He still hasn't found it.

No. 138. "Mother, Father" from 'Escape' (1981)

An overwrought, understandably disjointed song that was pieced together from two separate ideas by Perry and Schon, then completed with another interlude written by Schon's dad.

No. 137. "I Got a Reason" from 'Arrival' (2001)

This isn't as a faceless as "All the Things," but it's close.

No. 136. "The Time" from 'Red 13' (2002)

After a promising opening track that tapped the band's Journey's early fusion-loving roots, "The Time" falls back into more comfortable, and far less intriguing, blues rock.

No. 135. "Better Together" from 'Generations' (2005)

Augeri boasts a rare co-composing credit on a Glenn Hughes -ish song that tries very hard to be heavy, to be anthemic, to be defiant. Too hard, actually.

No. 134. "Majestic" from 'Evolution' (1979)

An abbreviated multi-tracked instrumental that was used as this album's opening theme, their last with producer Roy Thomas Baker. It's probably best remembered as the taped intro music for Journey concerts during this era.

No. 133. "Colors of the Spirit" from 'Trial By Fire' (1996)

This seemed like it was going to be more intriguing. They begin (and end) with a vague world-music feel, but return to expected post '80s-era Journey-isms in between.

No. 132. "All That Really Matters" from 'Time3' (1992)

Jonathan Cain took over the mic for this Frontiers outtake, returning to a sound that's more in keeping with his earlier tenure in the Babys . That's fine, but it's not Journey.

No. 131. "With Your Love" from 'Arrival' (2001)

Unfortunately, "With Your Love" doesn't live up to the thoughtful reinvention surrounding "Loved by You," found later in our list of Journey Songs Ranked Worst to Best.

No. 130. "Homemade Love" from 'Departure' (1980)

Despite discovering a newfound chart prowess, Journey were still prone to longing looks back to their earliest musical excesses. In keeping, this sludgy, clumsily salacious song couldn't have sounded more out of place on Departure . Positioning "Homemade Love" as the album-closing song made even less sense.

No. 129. "One More" from 'Trial by Fire' (1996)

The first in a number of Trial by Fire songs that made overt faith references. That became an underlying theme on the album, sparked when Perry arrived at the sessions carrying a Bible.

No. 128. "Never Too Late" from 'Generations' (2005)

Augeri was probably relieved to learn that Castronovo didn't get all the good songs.

No. 127. "To Be Alive Again" from 'Arrival' (2001)

There's nothing too offensive about this one, but nothing all that interesting either.

No. 126. "I Can Breathe" from 'Red 13' (2002)

This often-forgotten EP was initially self-released as a thank-you note to fans after Journey lost their longtime label support from Columbia. It's formatted as a kind of four-song travelogue through their history, with a proggish track, a blues rocker, the expected ballad and a more uptempo melodic rocker. The latter is the least interesting of the bunch. Augeri is in fine voice, but he's saddled with poor material.

No. 125. "Nothin' Comes Close" from 'Arrival' (2001)

This deep into Side Two of the ballad-heavy Arrival , basically any rocker was a relief. Even one this generally unimaginative.

No. 124. "To Whom It May Concern" from 'Eclipse' (2011)

Pineda's crying vocal gives this otherwise rather mechanical slow song a notable emotional underpinning.

No. 123. "Live and Breathe" from 'Arrival' (2001)

Yes, another ballad. At this point, even Neal Schon was, like, "Dude, really?" And he was listed as co-composer on almost all of them. "Yeah, I did write a lot of music on this album with Jon and everybody else this time – a lot of ballads and a lot of rock too," Schon told Melodic Rock in 2001. "But I had no idea that, you know, they'd pick every ballad that all of us wrote, you know what I'm saying?"

No. 122. "Dixie Highway" from 'Captured' (1981)

"Dixie Highway" sounds like what it was: a throwaway track written on Journey's tour bus while traveling the eponymous interstate into Detroit. It was perhaps interesting enough to be tried out live, but not interesting enough to make it onto a studio album.

No. 121. "Livin' to Do" from 'Arrival' (2001)

This song doesn't live up to thoughtful reinvention surrounding "Loved by You," either. It nevertheless holds an important place in the band's catalog because of a strong connection with Neal Schon's father Matt, who had earlier co-writes on "Winds of March" and "Mother, Father." "It was a couple of years before he passed away, and it was one of the last things that him and I sat down on a piano and we were playing together," Schon told Melodic Rock in 2001. He presented the rough idea to Cain and lyricist Kim Tribble, "and before the day was out, that song was sitting there. We really didn't change much at all in the studio on that one from the demo."

No. 120. "It's Just the Rain" from 'Trial By Fire' (1996)

Perry achieves a sweet sense of reverie, his most favored place, but the surroundings owe too much to rather boring solo forays into smooth jazz by Cain and Schon.

No. 119. "Lifetime of Dreams" from 'Arrival' (2001)

Journey's inventive call-and-response, first vocally and then with Schon's growling guitar, lifts an otherwise somewhat rote ballad to the next level.

No. 118. "The Place in Your Heart" from 'Generations' (2005)

Augeri sings his guts out, but this kind of undistinguished Cain/Schon-composed melodic rock is why Generations sunk to a paltry No. 170.

No. 117. "Keep On Runnin'" from 'Escape' (1981)

A pedestrian rocker, "Keep on Runnin'" is the only stumble on Side One of Journey's biggest-ever selling album.

No. 116. "Trial by Fire" from 'Trial by Fire' (1996)

This track made direct reference to verses in 2 Corinthians, underscoring once again how Cain's long-dormant songwriting partnership with Perry was reborn through a shared interest in scripture. "It was refreshing," Cain later told the Christian Post . "We wrote about 'treasures in jars of clay, let the light shine in the darkness.' I thought, 'This was fresh.' That was my first encounter with scripture and music, and I have been a believer all my life." Cain later returned to the theme on 2016's What God Wants to Hear , which consisted exclusively of faith-based songs.

No. 115. "Next" from 'Next' (1977)

Journey remind you of their canny knack for achieving liftoff here, but this time it's only window dressing for a song that doesn't feel completed.

No. 114. "Remember Me" from 'Armageddon: The Album' (1998)

Steve Augeri's first song with Journey was actually a soundtrack contribution that arrived years before his official full-length debut on 2001's Arrival . "Remember Me," unfortunately, was more utilitarian than memorable. They'd incorporated a nifty soundalike, but still needed to figure out how to draw out something creative from what began as a blatantly commercial decision.

No. 113. "Still She Cries" from 'Trial by Fire' (1996)

See "It's Just the Rain."

No. 112. "Dead or Alive" from 'Escape' (1981)

The second of two throwback-style songs on Escape that seek to approximate Journey's more rugged, fusion-leaning '70s-era, and the lesser of the pair. That "Dead or Alive" came directly after the too-similar "Lay It Down" didn't do the song any favors, either.

No. 111. "City of the Angels" from 'Evolution' (1979)

"Lights," found later on our list of Journey Songs Ranked Worst to Best, was originally about Los Angeles , before Perry shifted its locale to his new home base in San Francisco. He later returned to the idea of paying tribute to L.A., with much poorer results.

No. 110. "I Can See It in Your Eyes" from 'Trial by Fire' (1996)

The obvious goal of getting the early-'80s lineup back together was to recreate the sound of that era – and they did that here. Unfortunately, it was the sound of their throwaway stuff on Side Two of Frontiers .

No. 109. "With a Tear" from 'Time3' (1992)

A leftover instrumental track from the Raised on Radio -era that Schon and Cain returned to finish in 1992. After "Be Good to Yourself," this would have been the edgiest thing on the album, had it come to fruition earlier.

No. 108. "Can't Tame the Lion" from 'Trial by Fire' (1996)

See "I Can See It in Your Eyes."

No. 107. "Kiss Me Softly" from 'Arrival' (2001)

One of four Jack Blades co-writes on Arrival , "Kiss Me Softly" started out as a much heavier vehicle for a Schon riff before the Night Ranger singer-bassist suggested they move in a different direction. It worked.

No. 106. "Escape" from 'Escape' (1981)

Cain and Perry are credited as co-composers, but the title track from Escape still feels like the first of what became a series of not-always-successful attempts by Neal Schon to balance Journey's new knack for balladry with ballsier rock songs.

No. 105. "Winds of March" from 'Infinity' (1978)

Credited to a crowd including Matt and Neal Schon, Fleischman, Rolie and Perry, "Winds of March" actually sounds like a meeting of two minds: Perry, who deftly croons his way through the first two minutes, and his new bandmates – who absolutely tear through the remaining three.

No. 104. "Someone" from 'Eclipse' (2011)

The penultimate moment on Journey's heaviest album since the pre-Perry days was – wait, what? – a pop song. And a pretty good one, to boot. It's like a fever that just broke.

No. 103. "Line of Fire" from 'Departure' (1980)

A perfunctory rocker best remembered for a sound effect at roughly the 2:10 mark that Perry cribbed from Junior Walker's chart-topping 1965 R&B hit "Shotgun ."

No. 102. "Signs of Life" from 'Arrival' (2001)

This appropriately titled song emerged from a period of deep uncertainty, when Schon and Cain were still waiting for Perry to make up his mind about rejoining Journey. "I said, Why don't we start writing?" Schon told Melodic Rock in 2001. "I mean, you know, maybe Steve will decide that he wants to come back, maybe he won't. But at least when we decide what we're going to do, and we figure out what's going on, we won't be starting right at the beginning again." Steve Augeri eventually stepped in, and they had a ready-made song to help introduce him to fans.

No. 101. "Precious Time" from 'Departure' (1980)

Rolie adds a gurgling harp squall, but not much else stands out.

No. 100. "Lay It Down" from 'Escape' (1981)

Smith approximates co-founding drummer Aynsley Dunbar's thudding, heavy-rock approach while Schon swirls into the stratosphere on one of two songs from Escape that could have seamlessly fit into a Rolie-era album.

No. 99. "Turn Down the World Tonight" from 'Revelation' (2008)

Pineda breaks the mold here, following Augeri's example of doing more with less emoting. There's another twist: "Turn Down the World Tonight" appears headed toward an almost operatic conclusion before they switch gears again, ending on a nicely placed grace note.

No. 98. "Midnight Dreamer" from 'Look Into the Future' (1976)

The book on Journey was always that Steve Perry arrived and they suddenly shook themselves awake to commercial considerations. One listen to "Midnight Dreamer," and a good portion of the album it originated from, makes a powerful counter-argument. They still stretch out – dig that crazy keyboard solo! – but "Midnight Dreamer" wasn't that far from what album-oriented radio was playing at the time.

No. 97. "Chain Reaction" from 'Frontiers' (1983)

Schon finds a fusible groove, then joins Perry for a gutty vocal interplay. But "Chain Reaction" ends up getting lost somewhere along the way.

No. 96. "Once You Love Somebody" from 'Raised on Radio' (1986)

They tried for a bluesy feel on a song echoing the relationship troubles that both Perry and Cain were then experiencing, but there's simply not enough grit to this.

No. 95. "What It Takes to Win" from 'Revelation' (2008)

Pineda lets a roughness slip into his vocal, and a little bit more of himself. "What It Takes to Win" is better for it. He was 40 when he joined Journey, a fully formed singer in his own right. He deserves a lot more of these moments.

No. 94. "For You" From 'Time3' (1992)

An important, if not entirely successful, Robert Fleischman-sung track from the demo phase for 1978's Infinity . Journey were already headed toward a more compact, radio-ready direction, even before Perry arrived.

No. 93. "World Gone Wild" from 'Arrival' (2001)

The Augeri-era Journey lineup credibly recreates a "Separate Ways"-type groove, switching things up with a spacious, inspirational bridge.

No. 92. "Never Walk Away" from 'Revelation' (2008)

Arnel Pineda came bursting out of the gates with the opening track on his first Journey studio effort, singing with power to spare. Kevin Shirley, back for his third Journey album after 1996's Trial by Fire and 2001's Arrival , turns everything up around Pineda – in particular Schon.

No. 91. "In My Lonely Feeling / Conversations" from 'Journey' (1975)

The cool interplay between Schon and quickly departed co-founding rhythm guitarist George Tickner is perhaps best showcased on this composition by Rolie and Valory. Tickner was given two subsequent songwriting credits for 1976's Look Into the Future , but was already gone by the time it was released.

No. 90. "I'm That Way" from 'Arrival' (2001)

Augeri's ability to handle this kind of lithe, very Steve Perry-esque ballad is precisely why they brought him in. Unfortunately, you'll have to search way too hard to find it: For some reason, Journey originally tucked "I'm That Way" away as a bonus track on the Japanese version of Augeri's debut.

No. 89. "Natural Thing," B-side of "Don't Stop Believin'" (1981)

Your average classic rock radio-loving fan might not peg Steve Perry as a died-in-the-wool R&B guy who can totally pull off this sometimes very un-Journey style. Tell them to start here.

No. 88. "People" from 'Next' (1977)

Journey get proggy, and it would've worked – a few years earlier.

No. 87. "Easy to Fall" from 'Trial by Fire' (1996)

Presented in their classic arena-ballad style, but without much to differentiate it from other, better, more popular iterations, "Easy to Fall" is the sound of Journey trying to sound like Journey. This would go on for a while.

No. 86. "Walkin' Away from the Edge" from 'Red 13' (2002)

Before being felled by vocal issues, Augeri was able to convey a depth, a relative darkness, that no other Journey singer since Gregg Rolie could touch.

No. 85. "On a Saturday Nite" from 'Look Into the Future' (1976)

Rolie opens their second album with an approachable, yet still tough-minded song that confidently moves Journey more toward traditional classic rock, if not all the way over to the pop-leaning sound that later sent them to the top of the charts.

No. 84. "Rubicon" from 'Frontiers' (1983)

This song drove a seemingly permanent wedge in the band. Schon was playing "Rubicon," he told The New York Times in 2003, when Perry came over and turned down his amplifiers. "They want to hear the voice," Schon remembered Perry saying. "That was the start of it for me." They put out only two more albums together, and it took them 13 years to do it.

No. 83. "Look Into the Future" from 'Look Into the Future' (1976)

Everybody was into Led Zeppelin at this point, including Journey.

No. 82. "When I Think of You" from 'Trial by Fire' (1996)

"When I Think of You" appeared on Journey's Perry-curated Greatest Hits 2 not because of its chart history, but because of what it meant to him. Perry wrote this little-known deep cut after his late mother appeared, happy and healthy, in a particularly vivid dream. "She had been sick for so long that this was what I needed to know – even if it was a dream," Perry said in a 2011 fan Q&A . "I later went to Jon Cain's and told him I wanted to write a song about this experience and started singing a melody, and we finished it together."

No. 81. "She Makes Me (Feel Alright)" from 'Look Into the Future' (1976)

"She Makes Me (Feel Alright)" builds on Rolie's album-opening foray into more digestible song structures, though Schon's metallic asides nearly push it into hard rock.

No. 80. "Loved by You" from 'Arrival' (2001)

Augeri updates the patented Journey ballad model by staying modulated, singing with a steadier, quieter certitude. That showed no small amount of guts. Problem: This was not what Journey fans wanted. Arrival stalled at No. 56, the group's worst finish since Next in 1977.

No. 79. "Mystery Mountain" from 'Journey' (1975)

"The way I look at the early Journey stuff is, if we played that now, we'd be out with Phish, or the [Dave] Matthews Band ," Rolie remembered in 2011 . "We were a great jam band." Exhibit A: their trippy debut album-closing "Magic Mountain," written by Rolie and Tickner with help from Ross Valory's wife.

No. 78. "Frontiers" from 'Frontiers' (1983)

The second-best song on this album's deflating flip side. Singing in a clipped, coolly detached tone, Perry offers a great put-down for warmongers: "War is for fools; crisis is cool."

No. 77. "In Self-Defense" from 'Generations' (2005)

A track that had been bouncing around since Schon's 1982 Here to Stay collaboration with Jan Hammer. That version showcased Journey's early-'80s lineup (minus Cain) at the peak of their increasingly rare heavy-rocking form. Same here, with Castronovo in place of Steve Smith. They miss Perry's elevating vocals during the solo, though.

No. 76. "It Could Have Been You" from 'Raised on Radio' (1986)

Schon's riffy contributions work in brilliant counterpoint to Perry's poignancy, underscoring why this partnership meshed so easily – and so well.

No. 75. "She's a Mystery" from 'Eclipse' (2011)

A lovely, Pineda co-written acoustic aside, "She's a Mystery" is that rare moment on Eclipse where Journey take their foot off the gas without swerving into power-ballad cliche.

No. 74. "Sweet and Simple" from 'Evolution' (1979)

Perry brought this dream-like song with him, having written it years before while looking out over Lake Tahoe. Journey completed it with a quickly ascending final segment that matched now-patented multi-tracked vocals with a Schon's typical pyro.

No. 73. "All the Way" from 'Arrival' (2001)

In their first album without Perry, Journey clearly had an eye on recapturing the successes they found when Jonathan Cain joined the band in the '80s. Cain was game, co-writing this instantly familiar love song with Schon, Michael Rhodes and the recently installed Steve Augeri. "All the Way" may not have been a big hit, but it showed Journey could still be Journey even without their famous former frontman.

No. 72. "Cookie Duster" from 'Time3' (1992)

Journey's label asked that they replace this underrated Ross Valory instrumental with something more commercial for 1977's Next . The album stalled at No. 85 anyway.

No. 71. "Anything Is Possible" from 'Eclipse' (2011)

On an project that boldly reanimated the wide-open heavy fusion of Journey's original '70s-era records – a period when Schon fiercely pulled and stretched his muse – "Anything is Possible" gave Arnel Pineda an opportunity to showcase his pop-star sensibilities. There's a feeling of soaring expectancy here that balances the tough, guitar-focused tracks found elsewhere on Eclipse .

No. 70. "Where Were You" from 'Departure' (1980)

There's a reason Journey opened their concerts with "Where Were You" for so long. They were just coming off an opening gig with AC/DC at this point, and clearly the headliner's knack for outsized, riffy rockers rubbed off.

No. 69. "Spaceman" from 'Next' (1977)

Co-written by Aynsley Dunbar and Gregg Rolie, "Spaceman" offers Journey fans some of the most obvious initial flowerings of a pop sensibility. They placed it first on the album, and released it as a single – to no avail. "Spaceman" failed to chart as a single, and Journey were ordered to rework their lineup. They briefly added Robert Fleischman — who arrived shortly after the album’s release, toured with the band and even received co-writing credit on three songs for Journey’s following album — but eventually settled on Perry.

No. 68. "Castles Burning" from 'Trial by Fire' (1996)

A badly needed rocker on an album that too often played down to their ballad- and mid-tempo-loving fan base.

No. 67. "Beyond the Clouds" from 'Generations' (2005)

A slow burner co-written by Steve Augeri in his final outing with the band, "Beyond the Clouds" illustrates why he was such a good initial fit. Augeri's ability to elevate, as this track zooms into the stratosphere, and then to wind down into a whispery vulnerability recalls a Certain Other Steve. This wouldn't prove to be his principal strength, but it mattered at the time.

No. 66. "Like a Sunshower" from 'Revelation' (2008)

Schon couldn't have done a better job of smoothing the way for the just-arrived Pineda than he did on "Sunshower," which begins with a lick straight out of "Stay Awhile" from Departure . Fans reacted positively, making Revelation Journey's first platinum-selling project since Trial by Fire , their last with Perry.

No. 65. "Little Girl," B-side of "Open Arms" (1981)

"Little Girl" was the most Journey-sounding thing on 1980's Dream After Dream , which isn't really part of the band's catalog since it's otherwise filled with incidental music for a now-forgotten foreign film. Elsewhere, the instrumentals provide an untimely restatement of their old penchant for prog and fusion, considering Journey were already on a pop-chart roll after the Top 25 hits "Lovin,' Touchin,' Squeezin'" and "Anyway You Want It." Unsurprisingly, Dream After Dream disappeared without a trace once Journey issued their multi-multi-platinum smash Escape a year later. This too-often-overlooked song has since became known — if it was known at all — simply as a B-side to the "Open Arms" single.

No. 64. "Out of Harms Way" from 'Generations' (2005)

A hard-nosed war song, "Out of Harms Way" was handled with an eye-opening aggression unique to Journey, thanks to the gone-too-soon Augeri.

No. 63. "It's All Too Much" from 'Look into the Future' (1976)

Journey drill down to the marrow on this throwaway piece of psychedelia, finding a seriously nasty groove beneath the Beatles ' old atmospherics.

No. 62. "Raised on Radio" from 'Raised on Radio' (1986)

Radio holds a talismanic place in Perry's imagination for two reasons. It's a constant presence in the youthful places where he returns, time and time again, for creative sustenance. If things had gone another way, he also could see himself as a DJ, rather than a huge pop star. "I love radio," Perry said in that 2011 fan Q&A. "I think the idea of playing whatever music comes to your mind and talking about it is exciting to me."

No. 61. "City of Hope" from 'Eclipse' (2011)

You could say Schon is an unstoppable force on this song, except that Pineda – in one of his most impressive vocal performances – is every bit the equal of his molten riffs. At least at first. Eventually, Schon and company step forward for a floorboard-rattling, song-closing jam that edges all the way into fusion. Journey, who saw Eclipse become the second consecutive Pineda-sung Top 20 album, haven't sounded this wide open since the Jimmy Carter administration.

No. 60. "Nickel and Dime" from 'Next' (1977)

This very Mahavishnu Orchestra-influenced instrumental was originally constructed in three parts. The final section was ultimately cut off, however, leaving a pair of segments with unusual Aynsley Dunbar signatures – thus the name, "Nickel and Dime."

No. 59. "Higher Place" from 'Arrival' (2001)

Journey again move beyond Augeri's similarities with Perry on this composition by Schon and Jack Blades, which at one point has an almost a proggy feel. In that way, "Higher Place" references the group’s previous successes, but ultimately uses them as a foundation for something new.

No. 58. "Message of Love" from 'Trial by Fire' (1996)

A continuation of the untroubled sleekness of Raised on Radio -era Journey, this could have easily passed as a Steve Perry solo track.

No. 57. "Red 13 / State of Grace" from 'Red 13' (2002)

Journey return after the soft rock-dominated Arrival with a scorching, fusion-kissed EP-opening song. They spend two minutes easing into things before launching into a wrecking-ball groove – and Augeri is with them, step for breathless step.

No. 56. "I'm Gonna Leave You" from 'Look Into the Future' (1976)

Early rhythm guitarist George Tickner – he joined after a stint in the San Francisco psych-rock band Frumious Bandersnatch with Ross Valory – wasn't around long. He left behind this intriguingly offbeat 5/4 shuffle for fans to ponder what might have been.

No. 55. "A Better Life" from 'Generations' (2005)

Poor Steve Augeri. One of the best moments on his final album with Journey is this delicately conveyed track, featuring one of Schon's more restrained turns. And Deen Castronovo on vocals.

No. 54. "Where Did I Lose Your Love" from 'Revelation' (2008)

Here's Pineda's version of the familiar arena-ballad Journey sound, which is, on one level, very much in the style of their Escape / Frontiers era. Castronovo and Cain, who co-wrote this track with Schon, even close things out with a fierce entanglement that also must have brought older fans right back to "Separate Ways." But Pineda adds a few new wrinkles along the way to ultimately move past the same old Perry comparisons.

No. 53. "Ask the Lonely" from 'Two of a Kind' (1983)

"The guy can write love songs in his sleep," Jonathan Cain said of Perry in the liner notes for Journey's Time3 box set. Unfortunately, this only-okay leftover is an example of that assembly line-type approach. That said, "Ask the Lonely" is still better than most of the stuff on the back end of Frontiers .

No. 52. "Faith in the Heartland" from 'Generations' (2005)

The urge to return to an everyday working-stiff theme has been almost unavoidable for a group that, in no small way, is best remembered for "Don't Stop Believin.'" And yet "Heartland" never slips into tribute – or, worse still, parody. Credit goes most of all to Augeri, who strikes a visceral pose on upbeat tracks like this one, singing every line as if his whole heart is in it. Unfortunately, Generations went nowhere, and Augeri – citing throat problems – was gone after just two albums with Journey.

No. 51. "Lovin' You Is Easy" from 'Evolution' (1979)

Starts out as another cookie-cutter '70s-era Journey song, then Perry gets to the ear-worm title lyric and everything changes.

No. 50. "Anyway" from 'Look Into the Future' (1976)

A dark then searching rocker from Journey's second album, featuring one of Rolie's most desirous vocals.

No. 49. "When You Love a Woman" from 'Trial by Fire' (1996)

Featuring a saccharine sentiment with a too-sweet string section to match, this is Journey balladry at its limpest. Still, "When You Love a Woman" became a gold-selling No. 12 smash. Because, Steve Perry.

No. 48. "We Will Meet Again" from 'Arrival' (2001)

Deen Castronovo's inventively layered rhythm gives "We Will Meet Again" a distinct character among Journey's more anthemic-leaning tunes, setting the stage for a moment of controlled fury from Augeri. It all builds toward a sweeping vista reminiscent of Journey's Roy Thomas Baker-helmed sides like "Winds of March" and "Opened the Door," a welcome development indeed. And as with those two 1978 tracks, "We Will Meet Again" serves as an emotionally resonant side-closing moment.

No. 47. "Don't Be Down on Me Baby" from 'Trial by Fire' (1996)

Nobody aches like Steve Perry.

No. 46. "Hustler" from 'Next' (1977)

An explosion of heavy-rocking sexuality, "Hustler" found Journey considerably toughening up its by-then-established fusion-based formula — something the group would eventually return to, but only decades later, with 2011's impressively muscular Eclipse .

No. 45. "Why Can't This Night Go on Forever" from 'Raised on Radio' (1986)

Written in tribute to their fans, "Why Can't This Night Go on Forever" moved past its quite overt "Open Arms" / "Faithfully"-style ambitions on the strength of performances by Schon and Perry.

No. 44. "Edge of the Moment" from 'Eclipse' (2011)

Castronovo and Valory create a foundation-rattling rhythm, while the big-voiced Pineda ably conveys a fiery sense of sensuality required by the song's narrative. But "Edge of the Moment" will always belong to Neal Schon, who is by turns melodic, out there, gurgling, eruptive – and nothing like we've heard from him since the days of the spaceman 'fro. Long after their hit single-making days, and a couple of albums into Arnel Pineda's tenure, Journey finally found their rock-music mojo again on this track, emerging with a sense of furious third-act abandon.

No. 43. "To Play Some Music" from 'Journey' (1975)

The most accessible song on Journey's self-titled debut, "To Play Some Music" provides a down-to-earth vocal vehicle for Rolie on an album dominated by epic, often spacey instrumentals.

No. 42. "Patiently" from 'Infinity' (1978)

Schon memorably gave Perry a ride home after sitting in with Azteca in San Francisco, but had no idea his passenger was a singer. Five years later, Perry finally got the chance to make an impression. He stopped by Schon's hotel the day after a Journey show in Denver, and they wrote this song. "It was really about the determination of me wanting to get next to those players," Perry said in the Time3 liner notes.

No. 41. "I Would Find You" from 'Next' (1977)

Schon takes a rare vocal turn with Journey, and it's his most successful.

No. 40. "Kohoutek" from 'Journey' (1975)

Named after a comet then approaching Earth's orbit, "Kohoutek" bridges the sounds that Rolie and Schon made earlier as part of Santana with those to come from their new band. Makes sense: This track dates back to Journey's earliest rehearsals.

No. 39. "You're on Your Own" from 'Look Into the Future' (1976)

Their slow-fast approach gives "You're on Your Own" a noticeably modern feel; Rolie's heartfelt singing centers it all.

No. 38. "The Eyes of a Woman" from 'Raised on Radio' (1986)

Steve Smith only appeared on three Raised on Radio tracks, but that doesn't mean he didn't have an undeniable impact. His anticipatory rhythm builds a palpable tension on the underrated "The Eyes of a Woman," as Schon's echoing chords surround the vocal. Perry has called this one of his favorite Journey songs, and that might be because "The Eyes of a Woman" is one of the very few here that fully recalls their Escape / Frontiers sound.

No. 37. "Here We Are" from 'Next' (1977)

Perhaps Journey's heaviest-ever pop song. Rolie had a knack for Beatlesque touches (see their earlier cover of George Harrison 's "It's All Too Much"), even if it was buried in a cacophony of sound from Schon and Dunbar (see their earlier cover, etc. etc.).

No. 36. "Suzanne" from 'Raised on Radio' (1986)

If Steve Perry sounds a little overwhelmed on the second single from this album, there's a reason for that. This No. 17 hit was written in tribute to an actual crush. "It was a fantasy encounter with a film star, who also had a vocal artist career," Perry said in a 2011 fan Q&A. "Just a secret person that's in the song to live forever in that song. Real or not, she's real in the track."

No. 35. "Somethin' to Hide" from 'Infinity' (1978)

Journey's first attempt at a power ballad was devastatingly effective, though it arrived years before "Open Arms." Perry's final cry is just astonishing.

No. 34. "Edge of the Blade" from 'Frontiers' (1983)

Side Two of Frontiers gets off to a roaring start. Buckle up, though. As things progress, you're in for a bumpy ride.

No. 33. "If He Should Break Your Heart" from 'Trial by Fire' (1996)

One of the best-ever meldings of Solo Steve (verses) and Journey Steve (the rest).

No. 32. "Be Good to Yourself" from 'Raised on Radio' (1986)

A throwback Top 10 rocker, "Be Good to Yourself" had little in common with the sleeker, more adult-contemporary feel found elsewhere on Raised on Radio . It didn't make for the most representative lead single, but manager Herbie Herbert prevailed. "[Perry] phoned me at my house, and just went nuts about 'Be Good to Yourself' having been the first choice of a single," Herbert told Melodic Rock in 2008. "And I said, 'It's a great song, it's a great production, it's great sound – it's Journey.' That was the problem: It sounds too much like Journey. Well, too many of the other songs sound too much like a glorified Steve Perry solo record."

No. 31. "Of a Lifetime" from 'Journey' (1975)

Journey's recorded output begins here, with a seven-minute jazz fusion-influenced, at times Pink Floyd -ish excursion that boldly stepped away from Rolie and Schon's previous work in Santana. "Talking about Santana screws up the whole concept of everyone in this band," Rolie lamented in Don't Stop Believin' . "A lot of people would come to see us and expect conga drums. The last thing I was to see for the rest of my life is conga drums!"

No. 30. "I'll Be Alright Without You" from 'Raised on Radio' (1986)

Schon, who earned a co-writing credit with Cain and Perry, tried out a then-new guitar in search of a distinct sound for this song. Best known for using a 1963 Fender Stratocaster, Schon experimented with a graphite Roland 707 to see if he could get a different, more even tone. It worked: "I'll Be Alright Without You" remains Journey's penultimate Top 20 hit, followed by 1996's "When You Love a Woman." Cain, like Perry, was going through a breakup and called this track the other half of the emotions expressed in "Once You Love Somebody."

No. 29. "Only Solutions" from 'Tron' (1982)

Unjustly forgotten, and barely used in the film at all, the hooky "Only Solutions" would have greatly enlivened what turned out to be a letdown on Side Two of Frontiers .

No. 28. "People and Places" from 'Departure' (1980)

A circular vocal effect makes the song's larger point, as Perry and Schon share a vocal that examines life's maddening duality.

No. 27. "Opened the Door" from 'Infinity' (1978)

The last song on the first album to feature Perry, "Open the Door" begins like every gorgeous, ear-wormy love song they ever hit with a few years later — but after Perry's initial three minutes, Rolie joins in a huge vocal bridge ( "Yeah, you opened ..." ), and from there Schon and company are loosened from those binding conventions. Drummer Aynsley Dunbar, on his final recording date with Journey, sets a thunderous cadence, and Schon powers the song — and this career-turning album — to its quickly elevating conclusion.

No. 26. "Faithfully" from 'Frontiers' (1983)

Cain has said this No. 14 power-ballad smash, written in tribute to a happily married musician's life on the road, came from nowhere – literally. "He told me he got the melody out of a dream," Schon later mused in the Time3 liner notes. "I wish something like that would happen to me." Cain wrote it in his own key, and that allowed Perry to explore a different vocal timbre. They finished the song with a memorable back-and-forth between Perry and Schon, also completely unrehearsed.

No. 25. "When You're Alone (It Ain't Easy)" from 'Evolution' (1979)

Perry chirps and coos his way through this winking tease of a song – that is, until about a third of the way through, when Schon provides a moment of release.

No. 24. "Forever in Blue" from 'Trial by Fire' (1996)

As with "Girl Can't Help It," found later on our list of Journey Songs Ranked Worst to Best, "Forever in Blue" represents that rare moment when the latter-day edition puts it all together again.

No. 23. "Wheel in the Sky" from 'Infinity' (1978)

He never got much credit, but Robert Fleischman played an important role in Journey. "Wheel in the Sky," the band's initial Billboard chart entry, was originally a poem written by Ross Valory's wife – until Fleischman rounded it into song form. Schon added a guitar melody, and they handed it to Steve Perry after Fleischman's ouster. The rest is, as they say, history.

No. 22. "Walks Like a Lady" from 'Departure' (1980)

A great example of the way Journey songs evolved in the studio. Perry brought in a rough sketch, Schon added a blues-inspired riff, then Smith picked up his brushes. All that was left to complete things was Rolie's greasy Hammond B3 groove, reportedly one of his favorites.

No. 21. "Too Late" from 'Evolution' (1979)

A delicate, beautifully conveyed song of encouragement, "Too Late" was aimed at a friend of Perry's who had fallen into drug abuse.

No. 20. "Girl Can't Help It" from 'Raised on Radio' (1986)

Perry essentially took control of Journey in the run-up to this album, switching out band members for sidemen with whom he'd worked before then serving as the project's de facto producer. That led them to some song treatments that moved well away from anything Journey had done before, or since. "Girl Can't Help It," one of three Top 40 singles from Raised on Radio , was the exception. This was classic Journey, spit-shined up for a new era.

No. 19. "After the Fall" from 'Frontiers' (1983)

Perry began this song on the bass, perhaps an early indication of the changes in store for Journey. By the time they released 1986's Raised on Radio , Ross Valory had been replaced by Randy Jackson, later of American Idol fame. Smith departed too, but not before proving himself utterly invaluable here.

No. 18. "Good Morning Girl" / "Stay Awhile" from 'Departure' (1980)

Inextricably linked by their successive appearances on Departure , these two songs showcased Perry's dual gifts: "Good Morning Girl" was a fragile, impossibly beautiful ballad that emerged from a jam session with Schon, while "Stay Awhile" showed off his R&B chops.

No. 17. "Who's Crying Now" from 'Escape' (1981)

The initial single from Escape , a No. 4 hit, perfectly illustrates how Jonathan Cain's new presence changed Perry's writing style, then forever changed Journey. The first inklings of the track came to Perry as he was driving up to San Francisco on Route 99. But "Who's Crying Now" was a song with no real direction until Cain suggested the title. They worked out a cool b-section featuring only voice and keyboard, and their very first co-written composition was completed. "He helped me go to another place as a writer," Perry later gushed in the Time3 notes. Inspired, Perry also fought to keep Schon's extended guitar solo on the single.

No. 16. "Do You Recall" from 'Evolution' (1979) Maybe the perfect blending of Journey's tough early sound and Perry's sun-flected sense of reminiscence. Roy Thomas Baker's familiar stacked vocals propel the bridge to untold heights.

No. 15. "Someday Soon" from 'Departure' (1980)

The final major vocal collaboration featuring Perry and the soon-to-depart Rolie and, still, one of the more memorable for its thoughtful optimism. There were plenty of reasons for this upbeat outlook, even though "Someday Soon" appeared on Journey's next-to-last album with Rolie. Departure reached the Billboard Top 10, then the band's highest-charting effort ever. Meanwhile, a subsequent, wildly successful tour was chronicled on 1981's Captured .

No. 14. "Open Arms" from 'Escape' (1981)

If you dislike power ballads, blame Jonathan Cain. He brought this seminal example of the genre to Journey after John Waite , the frontman in Cain's former band the Babys, rejected an early version. Schon didn't really want "Open Arms," either. But Perry intervened, and they turned it into a soaring paean to renewal. Oh, and Journey's highest-charting single ever.

No. 13. "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'" from 'Evolution' (1979)

A song with a real-life storyline, "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'" came to life in another Journey jam session, then went on to become their very first Top 20 hit. Rolie's Nicky Hopkins-esque honky tonk piano rides atop a stuttering, 12/8 rhythm, building inexorably toward a cloud-bursting nah-nah-nah conclusion. Steve Smith has compared that blues shuffle to "Nothing Can Change This Love" by key Perry influence Sam Cooke. The heartbroken Perry, who's described the writing of this song as "love justice," again played the bass on the initial sessions. The results opened the pop-chart floodgates.

No. 12. "Still They Ride" from 'Escape' (1981)

A touchingly emotional trip back to Perry's San Joaquin Valley youth, "Still They Ride" showed that the seemingly ageless Escape could still produce a Top 20 single, more than a year after its release.

No. 11. "The Party's Over (Hopelessly in Love)" from 'Captured' (1981)

"After I left," Rolie later mused , "it became more pop rock. It was a little heavier when I was in it." That transformation started with "The Party's Over," a Top 40 studio song tacked onto a live project which marked Rolie's exit. Journey's original keyboardist doesn't even appear on the track. Instead, the session featured Stevie "Keys" Roseman, who was later part of VTR with Ross Valory and George Tickner.

No. 10. "Stone in Love" from 'Escape' (1981)

Schon had a tape recorder going while he fooled around with the guitar during a party at his house in San Rafael. Perry and Cain did the rest.

No. 9. "Daydream" from 'Evolution' (1979)

An episodic triumph, "Daydream" is defined by dreamy, Jon Anderson -esque verses, rangy guitar riffs and forward-thinking keyboard asides – very much in keeping with the prog-rock pretensions of the '70s, though that sound had already become decidedly passe.

No. 8. "Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" from 'Frontiers' (1983)

Cain and Perry looked on, feeling a little helpless, as Valory and Schon endured painful divorces. "There's got to be a more soulful way of looking at this," Perry countered in the Time3 liner notes. Just like that, the pair had the makings of the Top 10 opening single from Frontiers . "Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" so energized Journey that they began performing it onstage before Perry had completely learned the words.

No. 7. "Just the Same Way" from 'Evolution' (1979)

Built off a Rolie piano riff, "Just the Same Way" once again leveraged Journey's layered harmony vocals, already a trademark of producer Roy Thomas Baker from his previous work with Queen . Baker achieved this effect by having Perry and Rolie double and triple their parts, an incredibly time-consuming new approach that almost derailed "Anytime." (Rolie and Schon still considered themselves jam guys at this point.) But that's what ultimately gave this song – and Journey themselves – such a striking propulsion.

No. 6. "Send Her My Love" from 'Frontiers' (1983)

One of four Top 40 hits found on the album, the lonesome No. 23 anthem "Send Her My Live" is notable for an ambient turn by Schon (he used a high-end Lexicon 480L echo unit) and perhaps the most intriguing drumming contribution on Journey's string of familiar ballads from Steve Smith. A jazz lover who later founded his own combo, Smith added a slyly involving polyrhythm lifted from Miles Davis' "In a Silent Way." "The drummer on that was Tony Williams," Smith said in 2011 , "and he played quarter notes with a cross-stick on the snare drum — a very hypnotic groove." Same here.

No. 5. "Only the Young" from 'Vision Quest' (1985)

Another song that, had it been included, might have pushed Frontiers past Escape as Journey's best Cain-era album. Instead, "Only the Young" appeared much later on this soundtrack, and by then Kenny Sykaluk – a 16-year-old fan suffering from cystic fibrosis – had already died after becoming the first person to hear it . "Only the Young," which opened every concert on Journey's subsequent tour, will be forever associated with his brave fight.

No. 4. "Lights" from 'Infinity' (1978)

Perry had an early version of this song in his back pocket when he joined Journey, and it's a good thing. Rolie has said that the rest of the band wasn't sold on Perry until they harmonized on "Lights" while backstage at the Swing Auditorium in San Bernardino. "It dawned on me right then," Rolie later admitted in the Time3 notes, "that this could really be great."

No. 3. "Any Way You Want It" from 'Departure' (1980)

Perry said the vocal and guitar interplay on "Any Way You Want It" was inspired by the performances of Phil Lynott , after Thin Lizzy opened for Journey. "I loved his ability and phrasing," Perry revealed in Open Arms: The Steve Perry Anthology . "This guy is one of the more under-recognized geniuses of that era." Perry and Rolie brought a tight focus to the bursts of shared vocals that close things out, fashioning Journey's second-ever Top 40 hit.

No. 2. "Don't Stop Believin'" from 'Escape' (1981)

It difficult to believe, considering how rightfully ubiquitous this anthem has become, but "Don't Stop Believin'" originally only barely cracked the Top 10. What's up with that, 1981?

No. 1. "Feeling That Way" / "Anytime" from 'Infinity' (1978)

These paired songs took a convoluted path to the top of this list, as everyone worked and reworked both halves into a legacy-defining moment for Journey and their new singer. "Feeling That Way" began as a Rolie track called "Velvet Curtain" then evolved into "Let Me Stay," which was considered for Next . When Perry arrived, he added a gliding new chorus, and they were halfway there. Meanwhile, the Fleischman co-written "Anytime" – released as a separate, No. 83-charting single but forever linked on the album and rock radio – was going nowhere. At one point, Journey almost dropped it altogether. Then Schon decided to tap the music of his childhood by adding a Beatlesque lyric, " Anytime that you want me ." The then-new mixture of Perry and Rolie's voices did the rest. "As soon as the vocals were put in, the song came alive," Rolie remembered in 2014 , laughing. "I'm glad we didn't can it!" The results meld every great thing about the band's earthy first era with the pop-facing second era to come. In that way, it's the perfect Journey moment.

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Journey Song list

  • After All These Years (2008)
  • Any Way You Want It (1980)
  • Anytime (1978)
  • Be Good To Yourself (1986)
  • City of Hope (2011)
  • Dixie Highway (1981)
  • Don't Stop Believin' (1981)
  • Faithfully (1983)
  • Feeling That Way (1978)
  • Homemade Love (1980)
  • I'll Be Alright Without You (1986)
  • Lights (1978)
  • Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' (1979)
  • Never Walk Away (2008)
  • Only The Young (1985)
  • Open Arms (1981)
  • Send Her My Love (1983)
  • Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) (1983)
  • Still They Ride (1981)
  • Suzanne (1986)
  • Sweet and Simple (1979)
  • The Journey (Revelation) (2008)
  • Too Late (1979)
  • Wheel In The Sky (1978)
  • When I think Of You (1996)
  • Where Were You (1980)
  • Who's Crying Now (1981)

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latest songs from journey

Watch: CHRIS DAUGHTRY And LZZY HALE Drop Video For Cover Of JOURNEY's 'Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)'

Multi-platinum rock act DAUGHTRY has released the official music video for its cover song, "Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" , a tribute to legendary rock band JOURNEY featuring vocals from Lzzy Hale , lead singer of HALESTORM .

The hit cover, which was originally made available in January, exactly 40 years to the day that the original song was released, is currently sitting at No. 6 on Mediabase 's Active Rock chart. The track debuted at No. 1 on iTunes ' All Genres chart. True to its roots with an updated grit, the single has racked up millions of streams on YouTube and Spotify , earning praise from heavy-hitters like Variety , Billboard , Consequence and American Songwriter , among others.

"This was an unexpected video in a lot of ways," Chris Daughtry admits. "I don't think either of us, Lzzy or myself, were actually 'dressed' for a video shoot. We were basically just trying to get some b-roll to capture the studio experience of recording this track. But when we got the footage back, it was like, 'Well… This looks way cooler than I expected, so… I guess we have a music video now?' Haha. It was the most low-key, low-pressure video I've ever done."

“There's a magic that happens when you decide to do a project with people you've adored for years," Hale adds. "We cultivated that chemistry into such a beautiful launch point, and 'Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)' is the result of that friendship. Thank you to everyone for giving this song wings, and thank you to the incredible Daughtry for inviting me to fly alongside!"

The visual comes hot on the heels of DAUGHTRY 's sold-out show at London's Royal Albert Hall last week, where the band surprised fans with a performance of the duet, bringing Hale onstage as a musical guest.

When DAUGHTRY 's cover of "Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" was first released, Lzzy said in a statement: " Chris Daughtry and I have been threatening to unleash a duet for years. What better way to do that than by paying tribute to one of our mutual influences…. JOURNEY !" said Lzzy . "This song is not only part of the 'Stranger Things' soundtrack, but has been my go-to for karaoke for as long as I can remember! I'm so honored to have been a part of this and I hope it makes you smile as big as I did while recording it!"

Chris added: "I've always loved the song and I was wanting to do a classic cover and my wife and I were watching the 'Stranger Things' season finale and there's this incredibly intense scene and 'Separate Ways' was a big part of this scene. It was so moving just the way it was used, it felt so cool and epic and I was immediately like 'THIS is the one! We have to cover this song.' Then I was, like, 'How can we make this extra special? What if it was a duet? What if we got Lzzy on it!!??" Needless to say I was pumped she said yes and I absolutely love how it turned out."

DAUGHTRY , one of the most visible and best-selling rock bands of the 21st Century, has sold out concerts across the globe. Their debut album, the self-titled "Daughtry" , was the top-selling album of 2007, and was the fastest-selling rock debut album in SoundScan history. It was also nominated for four Grammy Awards and won four American Music Awards and seven Billboard Music Awards , including "Album Of The Year". The subsequent albums, "Leave This Town" (2009), "Break The Spell" (2011) and "Baptized" (2013) have all gone platinum, with "Cage To Rattle" (2018) certified gold. In 2020, DAUGHTRY released its first single from the album "World On Fire" , which marked a return to the band's rock roots and the top of the charts.

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Jamey Johnson Gets Candid About Substance Abuse and His 13-Year Sobriety Journey

Erinn Callahan


Fifteen years ago, Jamey Johnson scored his first Top 10 country hit in 2009 with “In Color.” It was fans’ first example of the Alabama native’s vivid imagery and rich storytelling. Both the Academy of Country Music and the Country Music Association named “In Color” their 2010 Song of the Year. Since then, Johnson has nabbed multiple GRAMMY nominations and been inducted into the Grand Ole Opry. On his latest song, “Sober,” the country singer-songwriter dives into his experiences with substance abuse and maintaining his sobriety.

Videos by American Songwriter

Jamey johnson is 13 years sober.

Fans have been anxiously awaiting a new record from Jamey Johnson since his third studio album, The Guitar Song , dropped in 2010. The outlaw country star has already released three new singles in 2024 alone: “21 Guns,” “What a View,” and the Charlie Daniels cover “Trudy.”

[RELATED: Jamey Johnson Announces What A View Tour in 2024]

The fourth came Friday (Aug. 30) in the form of “Sober,” co-written with James Slater. The lyrics are heartbreaking in their simplicity, as Johnson sings frankly about struggling to hold onto his sobriety in an environment that glorifies excess:

It ain’t easy on the wagon / Hell I lost more of my mind than I have found / All these drinking songs we’re playing / make it hard staying sober in this town.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jamey Johnson (@jameyjohnsonofficial)

While he hasn’t touched “a drop of alcohol” since 2011, Johnson is mindful of the fragile nature of sobriety. “I know that could end this afternoon,” the “Dollar” hitmaker said in a press release . “It is a day-to-day, hour-to-hour decision. Most of the places I play are bars, or I am still hanging out in bars. That’s where most of my friends are. Now I can hang out in them and not be drinking like I used to. That is what ‘Sober’ is about.”

Social Media Reacts to “Sober”

Jamey Johnson announced his latest track in an Aug. 22 social media post. “For those who struggle with sobriety, I understand,” he wrote simply. “This is Sober.”

The news stoked excitement on social media among fans who have waited more than a decade for a new Jamey Johnson album. “New JJ music! Everything is right in the world again!!!” one Instagram user wrote.

Another thanked Johnson for his music, writing, “I’m at 8+ years of sobriety. Your music always helped me cope when i was still locked in drugs/booze and the hold it had over me.”

Featured image by Kristina Bumphrey/Shutterstock

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From viral sensation to charity stage: Shazza's musical journey

From viral sensation to charity stage: Shazza's musical journey

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You probably recognise Shazza from a certain viral video that made waves on social media in February.

The local singer-songwriter – whose real name is Shareefa Aminah – crafted a verse on the fly for popular music act Crash Adams’ social media content, attaining more than 21 million views on TikTok.

But the 23-year-old singer-songwriter's journey began long before that internet explosion, fuelled by a lifelong passion for music and an unwavering support system.

“My parents are big music lovers,” Shazza told TNP. “I can’t pinpoint when I started getting interested in music because it just feels like, straight out of the womb, it was a thing I was drawn to.”

This innate affinity led her to penning her first songs at the age of 11.

@crashadams this song “good side” is out everywhere🌎🔥 I was not expecting that from this random rapper in Singapore🤯 @shazza ♬ Good Side - Crash Adams

While she dreamt of a music career, she acknowledged the practicality of pursuing a more traditional path. She completed a polytechnic education in communications, but even then, music remained a constant companion.

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Related stories, i wrote song 7 years ago about being swept away by wife: sezairi, golden beng hits golden milestone, renew vows, rejuvenate love.

"I was releasing covers and originals on YouTube during poly," she said. "None of them went viral, but seeing people I didn’t know reacting to my music, that was very special.”

That spark ignited a fire. After graduating, Shazza took a leap of faith, putting her communications degree on hold to pursue music more seriously.

She released her first professional song, Pity Party, in 2023, complete with a music video, an endeavour made possible by the help of her parents and the collaborative spirit of her friends.

“It was a proper effort,” she affirmed. “We sent out press kits and reached out to the media. I’m most grateful that both my mass comm education and my dad being in the creative industry helped a lot.”

Her efforts paid off, earning her radio play and the opportunity to perform on bigger stages, including a performance at the Sands for Singapore Charity Festival on Aug 25.

The annual event, organised by Marina Bay Sands, was a celebration of giving, bringing together local artists, non-profit organisations, social enterprises, and the community to raise funds and awareness for a range of causes.

Shazza's performance was part of a three-day extravaganza featuring live music, a bustling marketplace for charitable organisations, and unique community engagement activities.

This whirlwind journey hasn’t been without its challenges.

“I sometimes feel like I’m not living up to the hype,” she admitted, reflecting on the pressures that come with increased recognition. “Like, I’m still learning to swim, but I’m in the deep end.”

Despite the anxieties, she credits her close-knit circle of friends and family as her anchor adding that she is always mindful to listen to her inner voice.

“The main thing is, I’m trying to look out for my mental health,” she shared candidly, revealing the toll juggling school and music had taken on her.

“As much as I want a degree and I want this, I think I can still have the best of both worlds without losing myself.”

She's currently on a leave of absence from her communications degree at NTU, focusing on her music and striving for that elusive work-life balance.

But this commitment to music isn't born from naive ambition. Shazza is keenly aware of the the local music industry's inherent unpredictability.

"I'm not gonna lie, I know how fickle the industry is," she admitted frankly when asked if she had any long-term goals for her music career. "The way I've been approaching it is trial and error, and that hasn't changed."

This pragmatic approach is coupled with a deep understanding that the current wave of attention might not last.

"I know it's not going to last," she acknowledged, a hint of somberness in her voice. "At some point, I'm not going to be the shiny new thing anymore, and I'm very aware of that. If there comes a point where I have to walk away from it, then I'll walk away from it."

Shazza added that for her, getting into music was never about riding the fame, but using her platform to inspire others.

“I've always wanted to do it to carve a path for people to feel free to pursue it and to know that anything is possible. And there’s no limits on what we can do as Singaporeans, right?”

Her advice to aspiring musicians facing similar crossroads?

“Your dreams are worth a shot," she declared with a firm nod. "But you have to do it for yourself. Just because you have a god-given gift doesn’t mean you owe anyone anything.

“Nobody is going to suffer from it if you walk away.”

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    This innate affinity led her to penning her first songs at the age of 11. @crashadams this song "good side" is out everywhere🌎🔥 I was not expecting that from this random rapper in Singapore🤯 @shazza ♬ Good Side - Crash Adams. While she dreamt of a music career, she acknowledged the practicality of pursuing a more traditional path.