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▾ dictionary english-french, counsellor be noun ( plural: counsellors ) —, conseiller m (almost always used) ( plural: conseillers m ), guidance counsellor n —, school counsellor be n —, legal counsellor n —, career counsellor be n —, marriage counsellor n —, job counsellor be n —, addiction counsellor n —, investment counsellor n —, qualified counsellor n —, rehabilitation counsellor be n —, financial counsellor be n —, general counsellor be n —, municipal counsellor n —, counsellor education be n —, management counsellor be n —, high counsellor n —, private counsellor be n —, ethics counsellor be n —, counsellor training n —, immigration counsellor be n —, primary counsellor n —, professional counsellor n —, capable counsellor n —, king's counsellor n —, community-based counsellor be n —, government counsellor n —, ▾ external sources (not reviewed).

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Travel counselor certification program .

Guidelines for National Endorsement of State Travel Counselors Certification Program

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⏎ Back to National Council of State Tourism Directors (NCSTD)

The U.S. Travel Association and the National Council of State Tourism Directors created the national endorsement program for two reasons:

  • To promote travel information services nationwide.
  • To encourage individual states to develop a certification program that enhances individual travel counselors' efforts, skills and achievement to direct and advise travelers seeking assistance at travel information centers.

Endorsement of a state's travel counselor training programs is available exclusively to NCSTD members or the officially designated state entity responsible for the state travel/welcome information center program.

Program Guidelines

For a state's travel counselor training program to receive NCSTD's National Certification, it must meet the following standards:

  • Candidates must have been employed as a travel counselor for a minimum of one operating year to become eligible.
  • The program must include a written examination (view full exam guidelines  here ).
  • State information center managers must provide appropriate recognition to counselors who complete the test.
  • Each program endorsement is valid for three years.

Program Certification Process

Follow the three steps to receive your state’s endorsement and request certificates.

For a state’s travel counselor training program to receive NCSTD’s National Certification, it must include a written examination, in a minimum of two variations to allow for retesting of those who do not pass the test initially. The exam may also be available in alternate formats if needed.

You can view guidelines and sample questions here .

Complete the Request for NCSTD Endorsement of State Travel Counselor Certification Program form .

Please note, that you will be asked to upload two versions of your state’s certification exam. Please allow six weeks for approval.

After counselors pass the exam, you can submit counselor names through this request form .

Please allow 48 hours to receive a confirmation notice that your certificates have been mailed.

Key Resource Links

  • Program overview and exam guidelines
  • Sample exam
  • How to submit your exam
  • How to request certificates

Cynthia Zhu, Project Manager, Member Engagement & ESTO

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Traveler Experience

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Contribute to CWT's success

Our travel counselors and those who support them are the face of CWT around the world. They are the foundation of our business model and the service we deliver to our clients. Individually and collectively, they delight travelers and travel arrangers, building commercial value and strengthening the CWT brand.

Travel counselors work with their clients to build smart itineraries for travelers, delivering informed and insightful recommendations, and a consistent and efficient booking experience - as well as service and value that continually exceed our clients’ expectations. Travel counselors and traveler experience support teams allow us to fulfill our commitments to clients, shareowners and suppliers, thus contributing to the overall success of CWT.

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We go beyond simply making reservations and offering a consumer-grade experience. At CWT, we deliver personalized travel booking services that always give our travelers the best possible options - satisfying their needs and enhancing their satisfaction, to generate value for our customers while contributing to CWT’s overall profitability.

We work together as one global team

Our quality assurance processes and global customer service culture enable us to attract and retain top talent worldwide, so we can delight travelers anytime and anywhere – ensuring we continually meet our clients’ evolving needs with the flexibility they expect.

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The Traveling Traveler

Helping therapists find adventure and freedom through travel jobs

If you landed on this website because you want to become a travel therapist, you have come to the right place! This website, The Traveling Traveler, was founded by me, Julia Kuhn, a travel therapist. I began my career in 2010 with a yearning to travel the country and experience new places. Now, after years of travel and learning the ins and outs of the industry, I am here to teach you how to do the same.

How to become a travel therapist is not an easy question to answer. In fact, I produced a course with over six hours’ worth of material to answer this question in depth. I also believe that there is not a right or wrong way to learn how to travel and experience your travel journey. Each travel therapist’s journey is unique, which is why I always recommend starting by thinking about why you want to be a travel therapist. 

How to Get Started as a Travel Therapist

Getting started as a traveling therapist can vary for each individual. Some people may want to jump right in and take a job as soon as possible. Others might want to be more strategic and plan more in advance.

a suitcase filled with stuff

Here are some basics that I recommend for getting started in travel therapy:

  • Have clear goals for why you want to travel and what you want to experience.
  • Understand how therapists get placed in jobs through agencies.
  • Understand how reimbursement works.
  • Know the basics on how to find housing.

More reads to get started:

  • How Does Travel Therapy Pay Rates
  • What is Travel Travel Therapy & How do I Become a Traveling Therapist
  • How to Find Housing for Short Term Assignments

Wait, what is travel therapy?

When I say travel therapy, I’m referring to the industry that places physical, occupational, and speech therapists in short-term contracts across the United States. Generally, these contracts are 13 weeks at a time. Travel therapy jobs can be anywhere and everywhere in all 50 states, even Alaska and Hawai’i. Travel therapy contracts can be in schools, outpatient clinics, hospitals, home health, rehabs, skilled-nursing facilities, and long-term care facilities.

Travelers are needed to fill immediate staffing needs. These staffing needs might be caused by chronic difficulty maintaining staff due to a variety of factors, or it could be more of a short term need, such as a need to cover a maternity leave or family medical leave of absence. 

As a travel therapist, you are temporary help who is going into a building that may desperately need you. You are generally expected to do your job with little to no training and be efficient from the beginning.

At the end of 13 weeks, there might be an opportunity to extend your contract for longer, or you may be looking for a new position. 

a women standing in joshua tree national park

First Up: Make Your Travel Therapy Goals

Whether you are a novice traveler or somebody who has been traveling for years and years, I think it’s important to have clear goals and understand why you are traveling. Being a travel therapist is not easy. In fact, it can be a stressful lifestyle that can strain relationships and mental health, and even cause financial difficulties. Before you travel, really think about your why and if travel is for you.

money, profit, finance

If your goal is to travel for money…

Many travelers take contracts because the jobs pay better than work at their home location. They may travel for a set period of time to pay off a bill or save money for a large purchase. To these travelers, I say “proceed with caution.”

The travel therapy job market is just that, a market. It fluctuates and relies heavily on supply and demand. Sometimes, there are a lot of jobs for a few therapists, and pay rates may be great! Other times, many therapists might be competing for the same positions, and pay rates can drop. 

In times of low job markets, clinicians may go for long periods of time without work. Unlike perm positions, there is no paid time off with travel, and when you don’t work, you don’t get paid. Unemployment can also be difficult to get as a traveler who works in multiple states.

While many therapists have used travel contracts to pay off student loans, put down a downpayment on a mortgage, or find other financial freedom, there are others who have struggled financially due to lack of work or the instability of contracts.

If you want to travel for experience in new work settings

I meet a lot of travelers who want change. They are looking for a new job, a new experience, and a new challenge clinically. They want to become a traveling therapist to work in new settings. I think that can be harder for some versus others and it helps to be flexible with locations. If you have previous experience in a setting, I think you could be a candidate for a travel position, pending who you are competing against for the job. Some facilities in places that are harder to staff (like rural areas) might be more likely to take somebody with no experience and train them on the position.

a group of healthcare workers

Travel for the journey!

If you want to travel just to travel, join the ride! I think that the travelers who come in with open minds and are open to different locations and experiences tend to be some of the happiest in the long term.

Here are some examples of things that happened on my travel journey:

  • Worked in 5 states (HI, CA, TX, CT, & MA)
  • Went from a SNF only therapist to working in acute care, inpatient rehab, and home health
  • Traveled to over 15 countries while I wasn’t working for fun!

Now, how do you get a job as a travel therapist?

Travel therapists primarily get jobs from intermediary staffing agencies. Clinics, rehabs, schools, etc. will contract with these staffing agencies directly, or through vendors, to list employment opportunities, and those agencies will in turn find talent to bring on to staff those positions. 

So when you are looking for jobs, you need to get verified to apply for jobs through a staffing agency. Each individual agency will want to run their own application process, background checks, etc. to ensure you are a qualified candidate to submit to positions. 

Now, this is important, you do not have to be exclusive to one agency. You can apply and get verified for job submission by multiple agencies. This can work for your benefit since different agencies may have different job opportunities. 

In Case this sounds confusing, here is a breakdown of the steps…

How to get a job as a travel therapist.

  • Identify a travel agency you want to work for.
  • Connect with a job recruite r from that agency to represent you and connect you with jobs. You can also head right to our job board to connect with jobs and recruiters there.
  • Complete the application process to verify you are a credentialed therapist and a job candidate. This can include background checks, reference calls,  submitting your licenses, etc.
  • Be licensed in the state where you are applying for a job, or be able to obtain licensure ASAP.
  • When you are verified, your recruiter can tell you about jobs and submit you to a position, if you are interested. 
  • Once submitted for a job, you will be contacted for a phone interview if the position is interested in learning more about you. 
  • If you get the job, it will be offered through your agency.
  • Once you get a job, you will have to go through further onboarding to prepare you for the job. This can include TB testing, drug testing, online course modules, fit mask testing, physicals, etc. 
  • Finally, when you get through all of that, you can start a job only to have to go through the steps all over again in a couple of months to find your next job.

A note about travel therapy contracts

business, signature, contract

As a traveler, you are a freelancer working for staffing agencies. You won’t get paid when you are not working and you will only receive minimal benefits packages. You are also at the mercy of your contracts, which tend to favor the facility over the travel therapist, unfortunately. Most contracts have clauses that state you can be terminated from a position immediately if you are not proficient at doing your job. Or, you can be given notice (generally a 2-4 week notice) for any reason at any time. 

For these reasons, I always urge therapists considering travel to be very aware of their financial situation. Our jobs are far from stable and can end at any time. I highly recommend having an emergency fund of money set aside to help weather a bad financial situation that you could encounter.

Understanding Travel Therapy Pay

Pay as a travel therapist can be quite different from what you are used to seeing. Instead of receiving a salaried or hourly rate, you will see your paycheck broken into different payment amounts. 

Generally, you have two main portions of your weekly pay. You have an hourly rate that is taxed, and then an untaxed stipend amount. You receive the untaxed stipend because you are incurring expenses for work by being on the road. The tax-free portion is for lodging, travel, and incidentals. 

In addition to your paychecks, you may also receive reimbursements at the beginning or end of your assignments for travel to and from your assignment, or any licensure reimbursement that you asked for. 

To learn more about travel therapist pay check out this article: Understanding Travel Therapy Pay Rates

Here is the important thing to understand about travel therapy pay:

Everything is based upon the rate that your contract location is paying for you to work. Pay rates are set by the place you are working, not the agency you are working for. 

So, if a building offers a pay rate of $65/hour, your agency will first deduct a percentage of that right away to cover their expenses and profit for the contract. 

Agencies use their portion of the bill rate to pay for things like:

  • Operating costs of the staff and office
  • Contribution to your health insurance and 401k benefits
  • Payments to social security and unemployment
  • Premiums for workman’s compensation and liability insurance for workers

NEXT, they may put a portion of the money aside to cover your moving reimbursement or licensure expenses. 

Then , whatever is left of that money, they will split into a taxed rate and an untaxed rate. 

Finally , when you are looking at the pay rate, you may be confused because it shows a taxed hourly rate of $24/hour, which is low for a therapist. This is because you are also receiving an untaxed amount of the equivalent of $22/hour AND reimbursements for travel. You combine your taxed rate and untaxed rate to get your blended pay rate for the assignment.

In this section, I want your take-away to be that nothing is “free” in travel and that all of the money and reimbursements come from somewhere in your pay package. A single number, e.g. $65/hour x 40 hours/week x 13 weeks will be the amount that the agency is working with to pay you all of your money, and also keep the agency afloat and pay them. 

If you have questions on the nitty-gritty about pay or understanding if you qualify for these reimbursements and tax-free money, I highly recommend first of all learning about a tax home and then reviewing the FAQ page on www.traveltax.com

Finding Housing as a Travel Therapist

a house in the desert

It is a constant struggle of travel therapists to find housing. Temporary housing can be expensive and difficult to locate. Agencies may offer some assistance to help you find housing, but you are generally on your own to find and secure housing. 

Some agencies may advertise “free housing.” As mentioned above, nothing is free in travel. If an agency provides housing to you, they will deduct the cost from your overall pay package and your taxed pay rate will reflect that deduction. Generally I find that, economically, it is better to find your own housing, although it can be difficult to do.

My most basic advice when finding housing is to go through a website that verifies their listings and acts as an intermediary between the traveler and host, such as Airbnb , Furnished Finders , and VBRO . Extended Stay America and other long-term stay hotel chains also are comfortable accommodations for travelers.

Other places that are also good for housing, but take a little more caution, include Facebook Marketplace for the area you are working in, online Facebook groups for the area you are moving to, and Craigslist. Since these platforms do not verify the listings posted, they are more prone to scams.

Read more about housing

  • How to Find Short-Term Housing

Finally, work and repeat

There is a lot of repetition in the world of travel therapy. Just when you think you have a routine and are settled, it’s off to your next assignment. Thirteen weeks goes by a lot faster than you realize! Sometimes you just need a break. One of the nice things about travel is that you can work when you want to. If you can financially afford it, you can take a month off in between contracts to relax or travel the world. Or, you can hop right to your next job. 

If you truly want to dive into the world of travel and become an expert of your own, I highly recommend enrolling in my signature course, The Guide to Travel Therapy .

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Remember, travel is what you make it! 

Enjoy your journey and make it yours!

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We put people above all else.

With people at the heart of everything we do, we’re redefining the 1-1 service you'll receive when you travel. Our community of trusted independent Travel Counsellors all share a passion for making every element of your experience completely personal to you. And we’re with you every step of the way.

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We know that holidays are happier when you have confidence that everything is taken care of. When you book with your personal Travel Counsellor, you can rest easy knowing you have the choice, flexibility and financial protection needed to enjoy every second of that well-earned break or business trip. 

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Become a Travel Counsellor

Run your business on your terms, with uncapped earnings and a wealth of support. To get started, call us on 0161 464 5243.

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Enjoy freedom and flexibility as a Travel Counsellor

  • Start a full-time career that’s built on your terms. Have the freedom to be your authentic self, to work from anywhere and set your own targets. Plus, with uncapped earnings, the sky is the limit – you can truly be your own boss.
  • That’s what’s waiting when you set up your own travel franchise with Travel Counsellors.

Why choose Travel Counsellors?

Over 2,000 travel enthusiasts across six countries have chosen an exciting career with Travel Counsellors. Here’s why:

Best-in-class training

  • Tailored, industry-leading training, whatever your background
  • A fast track to selling, whichever training course you join

We invest in the tech you need to put the customer first

  • £7 million annual investment in our tech
  • Online and mobile-friendly customer portal via our ‘myTC’ app

Realise your full potential

  • There’s no limit to your earning potential and no sales targets to hit
  • You keep 60% of the profit on whatever you sell

Everything needed to put the customer first

  • Cutting-edge technology to create bespoke travel experiences
  • The freedom to provide exceptional customer service

Support that goes the extra mile

  • The freedom of being self-employed with the reassurance of our full backing
  • Unrivalled inventory of suppliers and product to tailor-make travel

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We have everything you need to succeed

To succeed, you’ll need to be:.

  • Be eligible to work in the UK
  • Commit to it, full-time - the hours you work are up to you, but you need to dedicate time to be a success
  • Understand that you’ll be running your own business, on commission-only
  • Be able to fund your training

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How do I become a travel consultant with Travel Counsellors?

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Kirsten Hughes, UK Managing Director "We provide 6 different entry routes, depending on your previous experience in travel. Each travel training programme is tailored to your background and our New Franchise team will be able to advise on the best route for you."

Can I work as a travel consultant from outside the UK?

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Jim Eastwood, Global Sales Director "As a Travel Counsellor, you can make bookings from anywhere in the world as long as there is internet connection, but your business must be registered to a UK address and you will only be able to access UK products and fares."

How much money will I make as a travel consultant?

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Karen Morris, Engagement Director "Our business model has the scope to support you, whether you’re targeting the six figure earnings of our top Travel Counsellors, or our above-industry average of £32,000 pa"

We have a training course for everyone

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Minimum 3 years travel experience — If you sell holidays to customers in a travel agency or work for a tour operator, find your new home with us.

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Spend less time on paperwork and more time building your own travel business as a corporate travel consultant with Travel Counsellors

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Return to Travel

For people who used to sell travel, but who have been out of the industry for more than 12 months.

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Travel Trade

If you’re an experienced travel industry professional who’s never sold holidays directly to customers, we can help you transfer your expertise to your own travel business.

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Travel Academy

For those of you with an entrepreneurial spirit; passionate about travel, but without professional travel sales experience.

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Currently running an independent or franchised travel agency. For owners of existing travel agencies with an established business, this is the page for you.

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We always have room for experienced sales, account management and business development professionals from the corporate travel sector.

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Joining Travel Counsellors is a big career decision, and we're here to guide you throughout this exciting journey. Whether you're a newcomer to the industry or an experienced travel pro, we're ready to help you chart your course to success.

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“Fantastic service from beginning to end. Cara went above and beyond to find us the perfect holiday.” Customer of Travel Counsellor, Cara Hudson

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“Neil is amazing! So helpful and determined to get things right for his customers in such a professional and personable manner.” Elizabeth, customer of Travel Counsellor, Neil Maslan

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Top 12 Travel Counselor Skills to Put on Your Resume

In the dynamic world of travel planning, mastering a certain set of skills can significantly enhance your resume and set you apart as a travel counselor. Possessing a unique blend of interpersonal, organizational, and technological abilities not only demonstrates your proficiency in creating unforgettable travel experiences but also showcases your adaptability and commitment to excellence in this fast-paced industry.

Top 12 Travel Counselor Skills to Put on Your Resume

Travel Counselor Skills

  • Multilingual
  • Itinerary Planning
  • Customer Service
  • CRM Software
  • Negotiation
  • Cultural Awareness
  • Time Management
  • Problem-Solving

Amadeus is a global travel technology company that provides a comprehensive reservation system used by travel counselors to book flights, hotels, rental cars, and other travel services for their clients.

Why It's Important

Amadeus is important for a Travel Counselor because it provides a comprehensive and efficient platform for booking flights, hotels, and other travel services, offering real-time access to inventories and prices, thereby enabling personalized and cost-effective travel solutions for clients.

How to Improve Amadeus Skills

To improve your proficiency with Amadeus as a Travel Counselor, focus on these key areas:

  • Training : Enroll in Amadeus Learning Universe for official courses ranging from beginner to advanced levels.
  • Practice : Utilize the Amadeus Selling Platform Connect for hands-on experience.
  • Stay Updated : Regularly visit Amadeus Service Hub for the latest updates, tips, and troubleshooting guides.
  • Networking : Join forums like TravelMole to exchange insights and tips with fellow travel professionals.
  • Certification : Aim for Amadeus certification to validate your expertise and increase your value as a travel counselor.

By focusing on continuous learning, practice, and networking, you can significantly enhance your Amadeus skills.

How to Display Amadeus Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Amadeus Skills on Your Resume

Sabre is a global travel technology company that provides a broad range of software and data solutions to the travel industry, including airlines, hotels, and travel agencies. For a Travel Counselor, Sabre offers a reservation system that enables booking and managing travel services, such as flights, accommodations, and rental cars, efficiently.

Sabre is important for a Travel Counselor because it provides comprehensive access to a wide range of travel inventory, including flights, hotels, rental cars, and more, enabling efficient booking and itinerary management for clients.

How to Improve Sabre Skills

Improving your skills with Sabre as a Travel Counselor involves continuous learning and practice. Here's a concise guide to enhance your proficiency:

Official Sabre Training : Enroll in Sabre Training for comprehensive courses ranging from beginner to advanced levels.

Practice Regularly : Consistent practice is key. Use the Sabre Red Workspace for real-time practice and familiarization.

Stay Updated : Sabre often updates its system. Keep abreast with the latest by visiting the Sabre blog .

Join Forums : Engage in forums like Travel Agents Forum to exchange tips and tricks with peers.

Utilize YouTube Tutorials : Watch and learn through tutorials on channels dedicated to Sabre training, like the Sabre Travel Network channel .

Read Manuals and Guides : Dive into Sabre manuals and quick reference guides available on their official documentation site .

By following these steps and maintaining a commitment to learning, you can significantly enhance your Sabre skills.

How to Display Sabre Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Sabre Skills on Your Resume

Galileo is a global computer reservation system (CRS) used primarily for booking airline tickets, hotel rooms, and other travel services. It provides real-time access to inventory and facilitates transactions between travel providers and agencies, helping travel counselors efficiently manage and book travel arrangements for their clients.

Galileo is important for revolutionizing the study of the universe with his improvements to the telescope and pioneering observations, laying foundational principles for modern physics and astronomy, crucial for understanding celestial navigation and timekeeping in travel.

How to Improve Galileo Skills

Improving your use of Galileo as a Travel Counselor involves enhancing your skills in navigation, efficient data entry, and staying updated with the system's latest features. Here are concise steps and resources:

Master Keyboard Shortcuts : Familiarize yourself with Galileo's keyboard shortcuts to speed up navigation and tasks. Galileo Quick Reference Guide provides a comprehensive list.

Undergo Advanced Training : Enroll in advanced Galileo training courses to deepen your knowledge. Travelport Academy offers various courses tailored to different expertise levels.

Utilize Galileo Desktop Custom Scripts : Customize your Galileo Desktop with scripts to automate repetitive tasks, improving efficiency. Travelport Marketplace has scripts and plugins that can enhance your workflow.

Stay Updated : Subscribe to Travelport’s Customer Portal to receive the latest updates on Galileo’s features and functionalities.

Join User Forums : Engage with other Galileo users in forums to share tips and best practices. Travelport Community Forums is a great place to start.

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly enhance your proficiency and efficiency in using Galileo for travel counseling.

How to Display Galileo Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Galileo Skills on Your Resume

4. Worldspan

Worldspan is a global distribution system (GDS) used by travel counselors to access and book airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, and other travel services for their clients. It provides real-time availability and pricing information, facilitating efficient travel planning and reservations.

Worldspan is important for a Travel Counselor because it provides comprehensive access to airline bookings, hotel reservations, car rentals, and other travel services, enabling efficient itinerary planning and customer service.

How to Improve Worldspan Skills

Improving your proficiency in Worldspan as a Travel Counselor involves several strategies:

Understand the Basics : Start with a strong foundation by thoroughly understanding the basic commands and functions of Worldspan. Worldspan Go! Res training offers a starting point.

Continuous Learning : Engage in ongoing training to stay updated with new features and functionalities. Travelport Academy provides courses tailored to various expertise levels.

Practice Regularly : Hands-on experience is crucial. Use simulation tools or practice environments to refine your skills without affecting real bookings.

Join Online Forums : Participate in forums and online communities where you can exchange tips and tricks with fellow users. Travelport Customer Portal is a good place to start.

Utilize Support Resources : Make use of the support and resources provided by Worldspan and Travelport, including guides, tutorials, and customer support.

By focusing on these key areas, you can enhance your Worldspan skills and improve your effectiveness as a Travel Counselor.

How to Display Worldspan Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Worldspan Skills on Your Resume

5. Multilingual

Multilingual refers to the ability to understand, speak, and often write in multiple languages, enabling a travel counselor to communicate effectively with clients and professionals from diverse linguistic backgrounds, enhancing service delivery and customer satisfaction.

Being multilingual is crucial for a Travel Counselor as it enables effective communication with clients from diverse linguistic backgrounds, enhances the ability to understand and meet clients' needs accurately, and provides a competitive edge by offering personalized services in multiple languages, improving overall customer satisfaction and experience.

How to Improve Multilingual Skills

Improving multilingual skills, especially for a Travel Counselor, involves practicing languages in real-life situations, engaging with native speakers, and utilizing language learning resources. Here’s a concise guide:

Practice Regularly : Consistent practice is key. Use language learning apps like Duolingo or Babbel for daily exercises.

Engage in Language Exchange : Participate in language exchange programs or meet-ups. Websites like Tandem connect you with native speakers for mutual language practice.

Immerse Yourself : Listen to music, watch movies, or read books in the target language. Resources like Netflix for films and Spotify for music can be valuable.

Travel Virtually : Explore destinations using resources like Google Earth and try to understand the culture and language nuances.

Attend Workshops and Courses : Look for online courses or local workshops focused on language learning for professionals in the travel industry. Platforms like Coursera and Udemy offer specific language courses.

Use Professional Tools : Leverage tools like Rosetta Stone that offer advanced language learning tailored for professionals.

Practice with Colleagues : Organize language learning groups within your workplace to practice and learn from each other.

By systematically integrating these strategies, a Travel Counselor can enhance their multilingual capabilities, offering more personalized and efficient services to clients from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

How to Display Multilingual Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Multilingual Skills on Your Resume

6. Itinerary Planning

Itinerary Planning is the process a Travel Counselor uses to organize and outline a detailed schedule of travel activities, accommodations, transportation, and attractions for clients, tailored to their preferences, budget, and timing to ensure an enjoyable and efficient trip.

Itinerary planning is crucial for a Travel Counselor as it ensures a well-organized and efficient trip, tailored to the client's preferences and needs, optimizing their travel experience and satisfaction.

How to Improve Itinerary Planning Skills

Improving itinerary planning as a Travel Counselor involves a strategic approach to enhance travel experiences for clients. Here are concise steps with relevant resources:

Understand Client Needs : Conduct a detailed interview to grasp their preferences, budget, and expectations. Virtuoso provides a guide on essential questions to ask.

Destination Research : Use platforms like Lonely Planet for up-to-date information on destinations, attractions, and local customs.

Optimize Logistics : Utilize tools like Rome2rio for planning efficient transportation routes.

Leverage Technology : Incorporate itinerary planning software such as Travefy or Tourwriter to streamline the planning process and provide clients with professional itineraries.

Stay Informed : Keep abreast of travel advisories and updates through official sources like the U.S. Department of State for safety and visa information.

Personalization and Flexibility : Customize itineraries based on client feedback and be ready to adjust plans as needed for a personalized travel experience.

Post-Trip Feedback : After the trip, gather feedback using tools like SurveyMonkey to improve future itinerary planning.

By following these steps and utilizing the provided resources, Travel Counselors can significantly enhance their itinerary planning process.

How to Display Itinerary Planning Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Itinerary Planning Skills on Your Resume

7. Customer Service

Customer service for a Travel Counselor involves providing expert advice, planning, and support to clients before, during, and after their travels, ensuring a seamless, enjoyable, and safe travel experience.

Customer service is crucial for a Travel Counselor as it ensures personalized support, builds trust and loyalty, enhances customer satisfaction, and fosters positive experiences, leading to repeat business and referrals in the competitive travel industry.

How to Improve Customer Service Skills

Improving customer service, especially for a Travel Counselor, involves enhancing communication, personalization, and efficiency. Here are concise suggestions:

Enhance Communication Skills : Foster clear, empathetic communication. Active listening and clear, concise responses can significantly improve customer interactions.

Personalize Customer Interactions : Tailor recommendations and solutions to the individual needs of each client. Utilizing CRM tools can help track preferences and history.

Improve Response Times : Use automation tools for quicker responses to common inquiries, freeing up time for more complex client needs.

Educate and Empower Customers : Provide clients with resources and tools, such as travel guides or a FAQ section on your website, to help them make informed decisions.

Solicit and Act on Feedback : Regularly ask for feedback through surveys or direct communication and use it to make improvements. Tools like SurveyMonkey can facilitate this process.

Continuous Training : Ensure ongoing professional development for yourself and any team members on the latest travel trends, destinations, and customer service strategies.

Implementing these strategies can lead to more satisfied clients, repeat business, and positive referrals in the travel industry.

How to Display Customer Service Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Customer Service Skills on Your Resume

8. CRM Software

CRM software (Customer Relationship Management) for a Travel Counselor is a digital tool designed to manage, track, and enhance interactions with clients, streamlining the booking process, scheduling, and client communication to improve customer service and increase sales in the travel industry.

CRM software is crucial for a Travel Counselor as it enables personalized service by centralizing client preferences, history, and interactions, ensuring efficient communication, and streamlining trip planning and follow-up, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How to Improve CRM Software Skills

To improve CRM software for a Travel Counselor, focus on enhancing user experience, integration capabilities, and data analytics:

User Experience : Prioritize a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. Simplify data entry and retrieval processes to save time. Salesforce is renowned for its intuitive design.

Integration Capabilities : Ensure seamless integration with other tools used in the travel industry, such as booking platforms and communication tools. Zapier can automate workflows between different applications.

Data Analytics : Enhance the CRM's ability to analyze customer data. This can help in personalizing travel recommendations and understanding client preferences better. HubSpot CRM offers robust analytics tools.

Mobile Accessibility : Optimize the CRM for mobile use, enabling travel counselors to access information and communicate with clients on-the-go. Zoho CRM offers a comprehensive mobile version.

Security Features : Strengthen data protection measures to secure sensitive client information, essential for maintaining trust. Oracle CRM focuses on high security and compliance standards.

Each improvement should aim at enhancing efficiency, personalizing client interactions, and ensuring data security, ultimately leading to better client satisfaction and business growth in the travel sector.

How to Display CRM Software Skills on Your Resume

How to Display CRM Software Skills on Your Resume

9. Negotiation

Negotiation, in the context of a Travel Counselor, involves the strategic discussion and arrangement of terms between the counselor and suppliers (like hotels, airlines, and tour companies) to secure the best possible prices, amenities, and experiences for their clients, aiming to meet specific travel needs and preferences while maximizing value.

Negotiation is crucial for a Travel Counselor as it enables them to secure the best deals and accommodations for their clients, ensuring customer satisfaction and maximizing value within budget constraints.

How to Improve Negotiation Skills

Improving negotiation skills, especially for a Travel Counselor, involves honing the ability to communicate effectively, understand the needs of both parties, and find a mutually beneficial outcome. Here are concise tips with resources for further exploration:

Prepare Thoroughly : Research your options and understand the value of what you're offering or seeking. Harvard Business Review provides insights into negotiation tactics that can help in preparation.

Build Rapport : Establishing a connection can lead to more favorable outcomes. Forbes discusses the importance of rapport in negotiations.

Listen Actively : Understand the needs and constraints of the other party. The MindTools guide on active listening can enhance this skill.

Aim for Win-Win : Focus on finding solutions that benefit both sides. The PON - Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School offers strategies for achieving win-win outcomes.

Be Willing to Walk Away : Know your bottom line and be prepared to end negotiations if necessary. This Investopedia article explains the concept of BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement), which is crucial in knowing when to walk away.

Practice Empathy : Understanding the other party's perspective can reveal new solutions. Psychology Today explores the power and benefits of empathy in negotiations.

Negotiate the Process : Set the rules for the negotiation to ensure fairness. The American Psychological Association offers insights into procedural tactics in negotiation.

Each of these steps, supported by the linked resources, can significantly enhance your negotiation skills as a Travel Counselor, leading to more successful outcomes in your interactions.

How to Display Negotiation Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Negotiation Skills on Your Resume

10. Cultural Awareness

Cultural awareness for a Travel Counselor involves understanding and respecting the customs, beliefs, and practices of different cultures to provide informed, sensitive, and appropriate advice to travelers, ensuring respectful and enjoyable travel experiences.

Cultural awareness is crucial for a Travel Counselor because it ensures respectful and appropriate interaction with diverse clients and local communities, enhances the travel experience by providing deeper insights into local customs and traditions, and helps in avoiding cultural misunderstandings, thereby fostering positive relations and experiences.

How to Improve Cultural Awareness Skills

Improving cultural awareness is crucial for a Travel Counselor to offer insightful, respectful guidance. Here are concise steps:

Research: Prioritize learning about the destinations you advise on. Focus on history, social norms, and cultural values. Websites like Lonely Planet and Culture Crossing provide country-specific cultural information.

Cultural Training: Enroll in cultural awareness courses. Platforms like Coursera offer courses on intercultural communication and understanding.

Local Interaction: Engage with local communities through forums or social media groups such as Meetup to gain firsthand cultural insights.

Travel: Experience cultures personally when possible. Immersing yourself in different cultures through travel enriches your understanding and advice.

Feedback: Seek feedback from clients post-travel to learn about their cultural experiences and how you can improve future advice.

By actively engaging in these steps, a Travel Counselor can significantly enhance their cultural awareness, leading to more personalized and culturally sensitive travel advice.

How to Display Cultural Awareness Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Cultural Awareness Skills on Your Resume

11. Time Management

Time management for a Travel Counselor involves efficiently organizing and prioritizing tasks, appointments, and client interactions to optimize productivity and provide high-quality service within given time constraints.

Time management is crucial for a Travel Counselor as it ensures efficient planning, maximizes productivity, allows for the timely handling of clients’ travel arrangements, and enhances customer satisfaction by meeting deadlines and providing prompt responses to inquiries.

How to Improve Time Management Skills

Improving time management, especially for a Travel Counselor, involves prioritizing tasks, planning ahead, and leveraging technology. Here’s a concise guide:

Prioritize Tasks : Identify and focus on high-value activities. Use the Eisenhower Box technique to categorize tasks by urgency and importance.

Plan Ahead : Allocate specific time slots for tasks. Tools like Google Calendar can help in scheduling and visualizing your day.

Leverage Technology : Utilize travel management software for efficient itinerary planning and client management. Consider exploring TravelPerk for streamlining travel-related processes.

Set Boundaries : Establish clear work-life boundaries to prevent burnout. Communicate your availability to clients and colleagues.

Continuous Learning : Stay updated on time management strategies through resources like Coursera which offers courses on productivity and time management.

By prioritizing effectively, planning ahead, embracing technology, setting clear boundaries, and engaging in continuous learning, you can enhance your time management skills as a Travel Counselor.

How to Display Time Management Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Time Management Skills on Your Resume

12. Problem-Solving

Problem-solving, in the context of a Travel Counselor, involves identifying travel-related issues clients face and efficiently devising and implementing effective solutions to ensure a seamless and enjoyable travel experience.

Problem-solving is crucial for a Travel Counselor as it enables them to efficiently address unexpected travel issues, ensure client satisfaction by providing quick solutions, and enhance the overall travel experience by foreseeing and mitigating potential problems.

How to Improve Problem-Solving Skills

Improving problem-solving skills, especially for a Travel Counselor, involves enhancing your ability to assess situations, anticipate issues, and develop effective solutions quickly. Here’s a concise guide:

Understand the Problem : Clearly define the issue at hand. MindTools offers techniques for analyzing and understanding problems deeply.

Research and Learn Continuously : Stay informed about travel trends, destinations, and regulations. Utilize resources like Travel Weekly for up-to-date travel news.

Develop Critical Thinking : Practice analyzing situations from multiple perspectives to identify the best solutions. Critical Thinking Web offers free online courses to enhance this skill.

Enhance Communication Skills : Effective problem-solving requires clear communication with clients and partners. Toastmasters International can help improve your public speaking and communication skills.

Embrace Creativity : Sometimes, unconventional solutions are the most effective. Platforms like TED Talks can inspire creative problem-solving approaches.

Learn from Experience : Reflect on past problem-solving successes and failures to improve your approach. Keeping a journal or blog about your experiences can be beneficial.

Remember, practice and continuous learning are key to improving your problem-solving skills as a Travel Counselor.

How to Display Problem-Solving Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Problem-Solving Skills on Your Resume

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  • Paid sick time. Aya provides paid sick leave in accordance with all applicable state, federal, and local laws. Aya's general sick leave policy is that employees accrue one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked. However, to the extent any provisions of the statement above conflict with any applicable paid sick leave laws, the applicable paid sick leave laws are controlling.
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Zhukovsky International Airport

Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014–2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016. The declared capacity of the new airport was 4 million passengers per year.

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You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

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  • Balashikha Arena
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
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  1. Travel Counselor Certification Program

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  2. Travel Counselor Job Description

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  3. Travel Counselor Job Description

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  4. Travel Counselor Job Description

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  5. Travel Counselor Jobs

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  6. Travel Counselor Job Description

    travel counselor traduction


  1. Travel, trip, journey: quels mot pour parler de voyage en anglais ?


  1. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  2. travel counselor

    De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "travel counselor" - Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises.

  3. travel counselor

    Many translated example sentences containing "travel counselor" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations.

  4. Traduction counselor en Français

    traduction counselor dans le dictionnaire Anglais - Français de Reverso, voir aussi 'camp counselor, bereavement counselor, careers counselor, marriage counselor', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques

  5. Counselor

    Counselor, this is an opportunity for your client. Maître, c'est une opportunité pour votre client. We have the murder weapon, Counselor. Nous avons l'arme du crime, Conseiller. Counselor, you don't seem to understand. Maître, vous semblez ne pas comprendre. That's motive and opportunity, Counselor.

  6. counsellor

    conseiller m (almost always used) (plural: conseillers m) The counsellor helped me deal with the divorce. Le conseiller m'a aidé à accepter le divorce. less common: conseillère f. ·. avocat m. ·.

  7. What does a Travel Counselor do? Role & Responsibilities

    A travel consultant uses their expert knowledge to arrange and make reservations for flights, hotel stays, travel excursions, and vacation packages. They speak with contacts at properties across the globe to help customize clients' vacations to their needs. They recommend restaurants, sightseeing destinations, and may arrange travel discounts.

  8. counselor

    Principales traductions: Anglais: Français: counselor (US), advisor (UK) n (advisor) conseiller, conseillère nm, nf : Your school's counselor can help with career advice. Le conseiller de ton école peut offrir des conseils d'orientation. counselor (US), counsellor (UK) n (talk therapist)

  9. Travel Counselor Certification Program

    The U.S. Travel Association and the National Council of State Tourism Directors created the national endorsement program for two reasons: To promote travel information services nationwide. To encourage individual states to develop a certification program that enhances individual travel counselors' efforts, skills and achievement to direct and ...

  10. Travel Counselor Jobs

    Our travel counselors and those who support them are the face of CWT around the world. They are the foundation of our business model and the service we deliver to our clients. Individually and collectively, they delight travelers and travel arrangers, building commercial value and strengthening the CWT brand. Travel counselors work with their ...

  11. How To Become a Travel Therapist

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  12. Travel Counsellors

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  13. Travel Counsellors

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  14. CTC®

    The learning toolbox that makes up the Certified Travel Counselor (CTC®) program prepares you to face the new demands of today's travel managers. Each of the online course topics builds upon each other - and you will see how the courses create a complete management preparation program. Enroll Today. Free CTC Webinar.

  15. How to Become a Travel Consultant

    To succeed, you'll need to be: If you're interested in finding out more about becoming a Travel Counsellor, our Franchise Team is always ready to talk. Just complete the form below, call them on 0161 464 5243 or email at [email protected].

  16. CTA Certified Travel Associate

    Candidates must fulfill the following requirements to earn their CTA Certification: Pass the proctored CTA® exam with a grade of 70% or higher. Earn a minimum of ten (10) Continuing Education Units (CEUs) annually to maintain Certification and participate in the public Certified Travel Agent Directory. ASk a Question.

  17. Top 12 Travel Counselor Skills to Put on Your Resume

    Travel Counselor Skills. 1. Amadeus. Amadeus is a global travel technology company that provides a comprehensive reservation system used by travel counselors to book flights, hotels, rental cars, and other travel services for their clients.

  18. Elektrostal, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.

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  20. Zhukovsky International Airport

    Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014-2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016.

  21. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a railway station in Moscow Oblast. Elektrostal is situated nearby to Часовня and Пожарная часть № 2. Mapcarta, the open map.

  22. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel Guide. Check-in. Check-out. Guests. Search. Explore map. Visit Elektrostal. Things to do. Check Elektrostal hotel availability. Check prices in Elektrostal for tonight, Jun 15 - Jun 16. Tonight. Jun 15 - Jun 16. Check prices in Elektrostal for tomorrow night, Jun 16 - Jun 17. Tomorrow night.