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T-Mobile wprowadza Travel & Surf Świat. Internet w roamingu
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T-Mobile ma nową promocję – Travel & Surf Świat . To nowe pakiety Internetu mobilnego w roamingu, do wykorzystania w Unii Europejskiej oraz poza jej obszarem, w najpopularniejszych kurortach, np. Egipcie, Turcji czy Tajlandii.
Oferta Travel & Surf Świat skierowana jest do klientów indywidualnych oraz biznesowych. Można z niej skorzystać w dwóch opcjach: jednorazowego pakietu i cykliczną. T-Mobile przygotował cztery pakiety Travel & Surf Świat:
- Travel & Surf Świat – 7 dni 30MB (29.90zł),
- Travel & Surf Świat – 7 dni 100MB (99,90 zł),
- Travel & Surf Świat – 14 dni 500MB (359,90 zł),
- Travel & Surf Świat – 14 dni 1GB (599,90 zł).
W momencie, gdy do końca pakietu pozostanie 10 MB, klient zostanie o tym poinformowany. Jest także opcja abonamentowa. W takiej sytuacji miesięczna opłata za pakiet danych doliczana jest do faktury. Oferta dostępna jest z 500MB lub 1GB transferu za odpowiednio 359,90 zł i 599,90 zł miesięcznie.
Szczegółowe informacje o ofercie znajdziecie na stronie operatora .
źródło: informacja prasowa T-Mobile
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Najlepszy smartwatch do 1000 zł kupisz teraz w jeszcze niższej cenie. HUAWEI Watch GT 4 wymiata w polskiej promocji
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current page: Media information: Mobile surfing abroad made easy with Travel & Surf
Mobile surfing abroad made easy with Travel & Surf
- Low-cost, easy-to-purchase passes for data roaming on cell phones, smartphones, tablets and laptops worldwide
- No need to worry about big bills: Telekom gives customers clear control over costs
- Travel & Surf is available to all contract customers and Xtra customers
- Offering being launched at 10 of Deutsche Telekom's national companies
Telekom launches its Travel & Surf data roaming option on July 1 , 2011. This add-on makes it easy for customers to purchase a range of different data passes that let them e-mail and surf worry-free while on their travels - flexibly and worldwide. This has the key advantage of giving customers full control over their data roaming costs. What is more, customers enjoy low prices with extensive price cuts in all three of Telekom's roaming country groups. In EU countries the DayPass S costs just EUR 1.95 for 10 MB , the DayPass M only EUR 4.95 for 50 MB , and the seven-day flat rate just EUR 14.95 . Alongside Germany, a further nine of Deutsche Telekom 's national companies in Europe are launching their Travel & Surf offers around now. "Travel & Surf makes connected life even more attractive to our customers," said Niek Jan van Damme , member of the Board of Management of Deutsche Telekom AG and Managing Director of Telekom Deutschland GmbH . "It lets our customers surf, e-mail and keep up with contacts on their social networks when abroad without having to worry. Our data roaming campaign shows that market and pricing competition in Germany can also work perfectly well across national borders - and without the need for regulation." The Travel & Surf option for data roaming in country group 1 includes the DayPass S, the DayPass M, and a flat rate, with a DayPass S available for country groups 2 and 3. The following prices apply in country group 1, which comprises the EU Member States plus Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Croatia: For customers with fixed-term contracts:
- DayPass S with 10 MB of data for EUR 1.95
- DayPass M with 50 MB of data for EUR 4.95
- WeekPass with unlimited data volume for one week for EUR 14.95
For prepay customers:
- DayPass S with 10 MB of data for EUR 2.95
- DayPass M with 50 MB of data for EUR 6.95
In country group 2, which also includes Turkey, the United States and Canada, the DayPass S with 10 MB of data costs EUR 14.95 and in country group 3 EUR 24.95 . These prices apply for both contract and prepay customers. The Travel & Surf add-on is available to all Telekom consumers irrespective of which voice roaming plan they currently have. All data passes can be used with smartphones, cell phones, tablets and laptops and are easy to purchase. Customers simply request the Travel & Surf option free of charge. As soon as they try to go online in the foreign network, a text message is received with information on the data passes available in the respective country. The desired pass can then be bought either directly by text message or via browser link. When customers then open the browser, it initially directs them to the page with details of the data passes. The passes offer full control over the costs of mobile surfing abroad. Customers are sent a warning text message once 80 percent of the volume has been used up. Once they have used up the data volume of the day pass, the Internet session is interrupted and they can simply purchase another pass via the Internet site or by text message. The day pass data volumes are available for 24 hours after purchasing the pass, and the flat rate for seven days. The maximum transmission rates outside of Germany are the same as the usable bandwidth specified in the customer's rate plan and any add-on. The Travel & Surf option is pre-configured for new customers. In Germany, there are several ways for existing customers to order the new data roaming add-on free of charge, including on the Internet, by telephone or in a Telekom Shop. Travel & Surf is also available to business customers. Alternatively, they can continue to surf abroad using the existing attractive data passes with low prices per MB for any excess volume used. Telekom customers can make substantial savings on mobile calls outside of Germany with the free-of-charge Smart Traveler option. This enables customers to use the minutes included in the budget of their current rate plan for calls within the destination country and to Germany. Calls outside of the minutes budget cost just EUR 0.29 a minute, with incoming calls free of charge for up to 60 minutes . Inbound and outbound calls are subject to a one-time connection charge of EUR 0.75 .
Visit Deutsche Telekom's stand in hall 6.2 at the IFA in Berlin from September 2 - 7 and experience our products and services live. Deutsche Telekom's entire presence at the trade fair is carbon-neutral: All CO2 emissions generated in setting up and operating the stand are offset fully by carbon-reduction projects abroad. About Deutsche Telekom Deutsche Telekom is one of the world's leading integrated telecommunications companies with around 128 million mobile customers, 36 million fixed-network lines and almost 17 million broadband lines (as of March 31 , 2011). The Group provides fixed-network, mobile communications, Internet and IPTV products and services for consumers, and ICT solutions for business and corporate customers. Deutsche Telekom is present in around 50 countries and has approximately 244,000 employees worldwide. The Group generated revenues of EUR 62.4 billion in the 2010 financial year - more than half of it outside Germany (as of December 31 , 2010).
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T-Mobile Travel & Surf
Dear customer, the travel & surf app is a handy app that supports you abroad. you can purchase our profitable travel & surf passes to surf the internet when you are abroad. with just one click you can see at any time your data consumption and have all expenses at a glance. in addition, you can also make the choice to pay per mb. with the app you always have an insight into your data usage and can avoid unexpected expenses. you enjoy the following benefits: • no unexpected internet costs with travel & surf, even if you have turned on data roaming. • full control: if you used up your volume, your internet connection will be interrupted or your speed will be reduced. • flexible: depending on your usage and the length of your stay abroad, you can choose different passes it works very simply: • enable data roaming in the settings of your phone • start the travel & surf app once you're abroad • choose a travel & surf pass or pay per mb • you can directly use the internet and e-mail tip: you can use travel & surf only if data roaming is enabled. go to the settings of your phone to turn it on. using the travel & surf app itself is for free, also abroad. good trip with travel & surf. greetings, t-mobile netherlands, 9/17/2015 3:07:07 am.
What devices support eSIM?
- Apple — iPhone XR and above
- Samsung — Galaxy S Series and Note 20 and above
- Google — Pixel 7 and above
- Motorola — Motorola Moto G Stylus 5G 2023 and newer models, Motorola Razr+ 2023 and newer models, Motorola Moto G 5G 2023
How do I activate a T-Mobile Prepaid SIM card?
For more details on eSIM: https://www. t-mobile .com/support/devices/sim-esim
Connect to America's largest 5G network while you visit.
It's easy. Just download the T-Mobile Prepaid eSIM app to get started.
Check if your device is eSIM compatible.
Get 30 days of Unlimited talk, text, and data starting at just $50.
Plus taxes and fees.
Plans packed with features. Perfect for traveling.
Plans include: hotspot data, Wi-Fi calling, Data Maximizer, scam-blocking protection, and more.
Simply pick a plan with the data you need. No ID required, pay as you go.
Experience America’s largest and fastest network.
Unlimited high-speed data plans that include 5G at no extra cost—all on the T-Mobile nationwide network.
Extended 5G range includes dedicated low-band 5G signals & Ultra Capacity 5G includes dedicated mid- and/or high-band 5G signals. See 5G device, coverage, and access details. Fastest: Based on median, overall combined 5G speeds according to analysis by Ookla® of Speedtest Intelligence® data for Q2 2023.
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- O kompaniji
- Tourist prepaid
- Korisnička zona
- Magenta Moments
Travel&surf 4G
Brz i bezbrižan surf.
- Bez nepredviđenih troškova
- U čak 18 zemalja svijeta
Surf bez nepredviđenih troškova
Aktivirajte neki od Travel&Surf 4G dodataka i nakon potrošenog sadržaja iz dodatka, do kraja perioda trajanja dodatka, osiguraćemo da nemate dodatne troškove sprečavanjem daljeg internet saobraćaja u roamingu. Vodite računa da ste izabrali mrežu u kojoj usluga važi.
Travel&Surf 4G 1 dan
Na broj 14555 pošaljite TS1
Travel&Surf 4G 3 dana
Na broj 14555 pošaljite TS3
Travel&Surf 4G 7 dana
Na broj 14555 pošaljite TS7
Brz i bezbrižan surf u 18 zemalja
Usluga Travel&Surf 4G važi u mrežama:
- Uslovi korišćenja
- Kontakt centar
- 1500 Privatni korisnici
- 1515 Poslovni korisnici
- 1400 Volim prepaid
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T-Mobile Announces T-MobileTravel.com with Priceline for Exclusive Customer Travel Benefits
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CHICAGO, Ill. and BELLEVUE, Wash. — June 16, 2022 — Today, Rocket Travel (NASDAQ: BKNG), the industry-leading provider of online travel platforms, and T-Mobile (NASDAQ: TMUS), America’s Un-carrier, announced they are joining forces to introduce T-Mobile TRAVEL with Priceline , a dedicated travel site delivering steep travel discounts exclusively for T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile customers, including legacy Sprint customers. Starting today, anyone with a T-Mobile number — including businesses — can visit T-MobileTravel.com , enter their phone number, then get a code to unlock exclusive savings and plan their next trip.
“This is an exciting new experience we have built with T-Mobile,” said Bart Welch, CEO, Rocket Travel. “T-Mobile recognizes how important travel is to its customers, and they are creating new and exciting opportunities through this new launch to help drive growth and build brand loyalty.”
With summer travel set to break records and increasing inflation, T-Mobile TRAVEL with Priceline is helping customers get back out there with less worry. As America's largest and fastest 5G provider, the Un-carrier is committed to providing customers with the best experience possible. That’s why T-Mobile scored some exclusive deals that customers won’t find anywhere else on the internet. T-Mobile customers can save up to 40% on hotels or Pay Now rental cars, plus customers can book flights and more! Travelers can easily scroll through ratings and reviews and see their massive savings up front.
During the pilot of T-Mobile TRAVEL with Priceline, customers saved over 17 MILLION dollars on hotels alone in just this past year, with many saving more than $500 on a single trip.
“The Un-carrier strives to be the best at keeping our customers connected to their worlds,” said Mike Sievert, CEO, T-Mobile. “What better way to do that than by helping them to see, explore and experience new places around the globe? I’m thrilled we’ve teamed up with Rocket Travel to help our customers live their best lives.”
Major savings are available right now through the T-Mobile Tuesdays app and at T-MobileTravel.com .
Oh, and T-Mobile’s not just going full throttle on helping customers save on hotels and Pay Now rental cars. Check out the additional ways the Un-carrier is making travel better at T-Mobile.com/Travel .
Follow T-Mobile’s Official Twitter Newsroom @TMobileNews to stay up to date with the latest company news. Also check out T-Mobile travel benefits , information about our 5G network and an updated coverage map .
Fastest based onmedian, overall combined 5G speeds according to analysis by Ookla® of Speedtest Intelligence® data 5G download speeds for Q1 2022. See 5G device, coverage, & access details at T-Mobile.com. Up to 40% off select hotels and rental cars. Save and redeem in the T-Mobile Tuesdays app. Qualifying plan required; government lines excluded.
About Rocket Travel Rocket Travel, part of Booking Holdings (NASDAQ: BKNG), partners with global brands to bring their customers rewarding and engaging travel experiences. Rocket Travels white-labeled and co-branded solutions bring together unique technology, distinctive customer service, and proprietary access to global accommodation, flight, rental car, and activities supply. Rocket’s solutions focus on maximizing rewards, delivering value, and building customer loyalty for partners’ brands. Learn more at rockettravelinc.com .
About T-Mobile US, Inc. T-Mobile U.S. Inc. (NASDAQ: TMUS) is America’s supercharged Un-carrier, delivering an advanced 4G LTE and transformative nationwide 5G network that will offer reliable connectivity for all. T-Mobile’s customers benefit from its unmatched combination of value and quality, unwavering obsession with offering them the best possible service experience and undisputable drive for disruption that creates competition and innovation in wireless and beyond. Based in Bellevue, Wash., T-Mobile provides services through its subsidiaries and operates its flagship brands, T-Mobile, Metro by T-Mobile and Sprint. For more information please visit: http://www.t-mobile.com .
Media Contacts T-Mobile US, Inc. Media Relations [email protected]
Investor Relations Contact T-Mobile US, Inc. [email protected] http://investor.t-mobile.com
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Everything You Need in Your Go Bag
Best T-Mobile cell phone plans in 2024
These are the best T-Mobile cell phone plans for families, seniors and anyone who needs unlimited data
- Best overall plan
- Best family plan
- Best plan for seniors
- Best for travlers
- Best for streamers
- Other plans
- T-Mobile alternatives
Is T-Mobile a good carrier?
Singling out the best T-Mobile cell phone plans should be easy. But then you look at all the options available at T-Mobile — most of which feature unlimited data — and you realize how tricky things can get.
1. The quick list 2. The best T-Mobile plan overall 3. The best value T-Mobile 4. The best T-Mobile plan for families 5. The best T-Mobile plan for seniors 6. The best T-Mobile plan for travelers 7. The best T-Mobile plan for streamers 8. Other T-Mobile plans 9. Getting T-Mobile coverage on a budget 10. Is T-Mobile a good carrier?
The good news is that T-Mobile includes plans that cost less than what competitors charge for comparable service. And you're going to get data — a lot of it — no matter which of the half-dozen or so T-Mobile plans ends up as your own. But you will have to do some searching, as not every plan is visible when you look at T-Mobile's website — you've got to keep scrolling and clicking to see every available option.
Fortunately, we've gone through all of these plans, digging into their details to see what options deliver which benefits as we look for the best cell phone plans overall. And we're happy to report that T-Mobile offers some of the best unlimited data plans out there. Need more than one line? You'll find some of the best family cell phone plans through T-Mobile, too. There's even choices for people who don't need a lot of data as well as discounts for seniors who are 55 years or older.
As complicated as sifting through the different T-Mobile options may be, your reward is a large range of prices that match up well to what rival carriers have to offer. And if you want to save even more while still enjoying the benefits of T-Mobile's network, plenty of mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) such as Mint Mobile and Tello use T-Mobile towers to provide coverage of their own at discounted rates.
If you want to find a great option at T-Mobile, here are our picks for the best T-Mobile cell phone plans for a variety of different customers.
The quick list
Unlimited data for $75/month
The Go5G plan includes 5G coverage, 15GB of hotspot data and six months of Apple TV Plus. Taxes and fees are included in the $75 rate, too.
Read more below
5GB of data for $15/month
If your data needs are modest, T-Mobile connect offers you a low monthly rate for a plan that includes 5G coverage. This plan's data allotment has grown every year while the price has stuck at $15.
Unlimited data for $180/month (four lines)
The best unlimited plan at T-Mobile is also the best plan for families, thanks to escalating discounts as you add lines. Family plans get a Netflix subscription, too.
Unlimited data for $60/month (two lines)
Seniors 55 years or older should turn to T-Mobile's Essentials Choice 55 plan for basic coverage including 5G with unlimited data. This is T-Mobile's cheapest option for seniors.
Unlimited data for $90
Globe trotters will appreciate the more expensive Go5G Plus unlimited data plan, which gives you 5G of high-speed data when traveling in 215-plus countries. In-flight Wi-Fi is included, too.
Unlimited data for $100
It's T-Mobile's most expensive plan, but streamers will find value as perks include subscriptions to Apple TV Plus, Netflix and Hulu. You can also upgrade your phone every year.
The best T-Mobile cell phone plan overall
T-Mobile Go5G | unlimited data | $75/month - T-Mobile's best plan plan With few exceptions, T-Mobile plans mean unlimited data, and the best of the bunch is T-Mobile's Go5G offering. At $75 for a single line, it features a few more perks than the slightly cheaper Magenta plan such as 15GB of hotspot data instead of 5GB and double the data (10GB) you can use when traveling in Mexico and Canada. Go5G customers are also eligible for the same upgrade offers available to new customers, making it easier to switch to a different phone. Pros: More hotspot and roaming data than Magenta; Easily to upgrade device Cons: More expensive than Magenta
Best value plan at T-Mobile
T-Mobile Connect | 5GB data | $15/month — Best low-cost T-Mobile cell phone plan T-Mobile's Connect plan is a great option if you're on a tighter budget and don't need a lot of data. The plan has grown to 5GB of data, thanks to annual boosts from T-Mobile. (Data increases end in 2025, though.) This plan only costs only $15 a month, but once you hit your data cap, you can't use any more for the rest of the billing cycle.) You can upgrade to T-Mobile's connect plan with 8GB of data instead for $25/month, while there's a 1GB option available for just $10/month. (That latter plan remains capped at 1GB.) Pros: Low costs, 500MB data boosts annually Cons: Out of data once you hit your cap
The best T-Mobile cell phone plan for families
T-Mobile Go5G | unlimited data | $180/month (4 lines) - T-Mobile's best family plan Families should also turn to the Go5G plan, as discounts for every line you add help keep the cost lower than family plans at other carriers, not to mention T-Mobile's own plans. You get the same hotspot and travel benefits a single linge of Go5G enjoys, and once you add two or more lines, T-Mobile includes a free Netflix subscription with your plan. T-Mobile frequently runs a promotion that waives the price of the third line of data, brining the cost of this plan down to $155 for four lines. Pros: More hotspot and roaming data than Magenta; Includes Netflix subscription Cons: Families an't mix and match different T-Mobile plans
The best T-Mobile cell phone plan for seniors
T-Mobile | Essentials Choice 55 senior unlimited plan | 2-line plan | $60/month — Best value unlimited senior plan If you're 55 or over, you can get a T-Mobile unlimited data plan for lower price and with a few changes to some of the perks. The best price for seniors comes with the Essential Choice 55 plan, which includes two lines of unlimited data for $60/month after a $5 price hike. (A single line now costs $30.) This comes with unlimited data, calls, and texts with no speed restrictions, 3G mobile hotspot speeds, and scam protection. However, you are limited to SD streaming, and if you're in Mexico or Canada, you can only use 2G data. Pros: Affordable price; No annual contract; 5G coverage at no extra cost Cons: Limited to 2G in Mexico/Canada; Only SD streaming
Best T-Mobile cell phone plan for travelers
T-Mobile Go5G Plus | unlimited data | $90/month or $220 for four lines - Best T-Mobile plan for travel If you do a lot of travelling, you'll want to pay up for the Go5G Plus, a super-sized offering that packs in more perks. Even single lines of data qualify for a Netflix subscription as well as Apple TV Plus, and you get 50GB of hotspot data. Travel perks includ 15GB of data for use in Mexico or Canada, plus the ability to use 5GB of high-speed data in 215-plus countries. (Data is slowed to 3G speeds after that.) In-flight Wi-Fi is also included where available. As with many T-Mobile plans, the cost of a third line of data is often waived, lowering the amount families of four need to pay. Pros: Extensive travel benefits; Free streaming services Cons: Expensive, particularly for families
The best T-Mobile cell phone plan for streamers
T-Mobile Go5G Next | unlimited data | $100/month or $260 for 4 lines Go5G Next is T-Mobile's most expensive plan, and it has all the perks of Go5G Plus. So why pay extra? If you're a streamer, you get the ad-supported tier of Hulu with Go5G Next to go along with Netflix and Apple TV Plus. Those extra streaming services can save you money elsewhere in your budget. You also get to upgrade your phone every year under Go5G Next. Pros: Lots of streaming perks; Extensive travel benefits; Ability to upgrade phone every year Cons: T-Mobile's most expensive option
Other T-Mobile plans
We're highlighting the best T-Mobile cell phone plans for particular situations, but these aren't your only option at the Uncarrier. Here's a quick summary of the other plans currently on offer at T-Mobile.
T-Mobile unlimited data plans
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- Magenta Max ($85/month): One of T-Mobile's older offerings, this plan includes the same travel benefits as Go5G Plus, though you only get 5GB of data to use in Mexico and Canada. You're also limited ot 40GB of hotspot data.
- Magenta ($70/month): Essentially, the Magenta plan is just like the Go5G plan, but with less hotspot data (5GB instead of 15GB) and only 5GB of data when traveling in Mexico and Canada.
- Essentials ($60/month): This used to be T-Mobile's cheapest unlimited data plan, with only 3G speeds for hotspot data and few other perks. Your data speeds can be slowed if you use more than 50GB in a month.
- Essentials Saver ($50/month): If you need only one line of data and can bring your own phone, you can sign up for this cheap unlimited plan, which otherwise has the same perks as Essentials. This is the only option families can't sign up for.
T-Mobile senior plans
- Go5G Next 55 ($120/month for two lines): The senior version of Go5G Next, this plan lets you upgrade your smartphone every year.
- Go5G Plus 55 ($100/month for two lines): Anyone 55 years or older can get a discounted rate on the Go5G Plus plan, while receiving the same streaming and travel benefits included with unlimited data.
T-Mobile prepaid plans
- 12GB plan: T-Mobile's most expensive prepaid plan costs $35/month.
- 8GB plan: Like the 5GB connect plan, T-Mobile has increased the amount of data while keeping the price the same. This plan costs $25/month.
- 1GB plan: T-Mobile's cheapest prepaid plan is for people with minimal data needs. It costs $10/month.
Low-cost T-Mobile alternatives
Pricing on the best T-Mobile cell phone plans compares very well to comparable service at AT&T and Verizon , particularly when it comes to unlimited data plans. But there's a way to get T-Mobile service for even less — turn to a discount carrier that uses T-Mobile's network to provide low-cost coverage.
Such a service is known as a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO), and there are plenty that use T-Mobile for coverage. Our favorite happens to be Mint Mobile (which T-Mobile is actually in the process of buying). Mint offers four plans , ranging in price between $15 (5GB) and $30 (unlimited data) per month. You get those low rates by paying for your service in advance — prepaying for a year of data gets you the very best rate at Mint. A frequent promotion at Mint drops the month cost of every plan to $15 for the first three months, if you're looking for additional savings.
Mint's a popular choice because it includes full coverage on T-Mobile, including 5G speeds if you've got a comparable phone. As with any MVNO, you do risk seeing your traffic slowed if the network is congested and T-Mobile prioritizes its own customers.
Other MVNOs using T-Mobile's network include Tello , TextNow and Metro by T-Mobile. The latter service is owned and operated by T-Mobile.
T-Mobile is not just a good carrier — it's currently the runner-up in our best phone phone carriers rankings. This position comes down to a couple of benefits and factors T-Mobile does very well.
When it comes to terms of plans and offers, T-Mobile is one of the most diverse options. It offers a wide array of prices that span family plans, unlimited data choices, prepaid plans and more.
Past that, our LTE network testing showed that T-Mobile is one of the faster carriers available, and subsequent testing by third parties backs that claim. In Ookla's most recent testing , T-Mobile was rated the fastest mobile operator in the U.S. with the best download and upload speeds.
T=Mobile also ranks well in 5G performance testing by third parties, with RootMetrics currently rating T-Mobile tops for 5G speeds and availability. (Verizon's 5G is judged to be more reliable.) T-Mobile's 5G service reaches more than 330 million people and through its incorporation of Sprint, 5G speeds have increased further by adding Sprints 5G into the spectrum. T-Mobile now offers its fastest 5G to 300 million people after an aggressive upgrade program.
T-Mobile also has weekly giveaways and a host of incentives for its customers. The carrier's blend of affordability, features and coverage make it a top choice if you're looking for a wireless provider who offers something more than just a low monthly bill.
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Philip Michaels is a Managing Editor at Tom's Guide. He's been covering personal technology since 1999 and was in the building when Steve Jobs showed off the iPhone for the first time. He's been evaluating smartphones since that first iPhone debuted in 2007, and he's been following phone carriers and smartphone plans since 2015. He has strong opinions about Apple, the Oakland Athletics, old movies and proper butchery techniques. Follow him at @PhilipMichaels.
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- Home and Business Internet
- Gateways and devices
Travelling with Gateway
- 4 months ago 23 April 2024
If you have T-Mobile Home Internet and you travel to another location, can you bring the gateway with you? If there is a signal it should connect, right?
- 5961 replies
No. The gateway is geolocation locked to your local towers of your service address. It will not work outside of that area.
- Helper Level 2
- 4 months ago 24 April 2024
I have used mine at friend’s house 30 miles away as a test when he was having problems with his. People use them in RVs. Try it I don’t think you will have a problem.
- 9670 replies
IIt depends on the plan. Tmobile is going to lock them to the address on file using GPS on the router. If you want to use them at a different location you will need to sign up for an away plan.
- Helper Level 3
T-Mobile is going to start enforcing this. The Gateway is suppose to be stationary in your home. I believe they are expanding out a new services for people who use it on RV and travel with their Gateway.
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NEW! Internet Balkan package
Travel and surf worry free abroad with the new Internet Balkan package with included 3GB mobile internet in roaming with validity of 30 days as of the day of the activation, for only MKD 499.
If you travel to Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Turkey, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia this summer, Internet Balkan is the real solution for you.
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Once the traffic included in the package is spent, the internet access will be blocked and you will be completely protected against unplanned costs in the period of 30 days as of the activation.
Abroad, the package activation will be charged at regular roaming prices.
These operators provide 4G internet
Important! The Internet Balkan packages are only valid if you are connected to the network of the foreign mobile operators stated in the tables. E.g. : If you are in Greece, you should be connected to the mobile network of the Greek operator Cosmote in order to be able to use the Internet Balkan internet package; otherwise, internet in roaming is blocked.
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Free Hour of GoGo Internet on Every Flight for T-Mobile Customers
More instructions are available online at the T-Mobile website. I’ve also copied the access guide below:
Before you board, make sure to:
- Have a valid T-Mobile phone number.
- If you don’t have Wi-Fi Calling on your phone, no worries! You can still use data, iMessage, WhatsApp, and Viber.
- If you have a Wi-Fi Calling capable device, you can send and receive SMS, MMS, and VVM on top of the other benefits. You need to have a T-Mobile branded phone with Wi-Fi Calling, valid E911 address on file with T-Mobile for your mobile number. To review or add your 911 address please access your T-Mobile account, either via T-Mobile.com or via MyAccount on your handset. You will also need to have made at least one Wi-Fi call with your current SIM card on your current phone.
Once you’re on board:
- Follow the instructions from your cabin crew to hear when the Gogo service is available.
- Turn on Wi-Fi and make sure you’re connected to the ‘gogoinflight’ Wi-Fi network.
- Open the browser. Select the ‘T-Mobile FREE hour of in-flight Wi-Fi and unlimited texting’ option.
- Click the “LET’S GO” button and follow the on screen instructions.
- Your device should connect to T-Mobile Wi-Fi Calling.
- It can take a few minutes for your device to register on the ground for T-Mobile In-flight Texting. If you don’t want to wait, just reset (turn off, then on) your Wi-Fi or start messaging using iMessage, Google Hangouts, WhatsApp and Viber.
- Android Users: You should see a WFC icon, in the upper left corner.
- iPhone Users: Your network indicator should say “T-Mobile Wi-Fi”.
- Start texting and browsing!
I’ve used T-Mobile before , when they offered me a complimentary phone to try their service during a two-week trip to Southeast Asia. Their Simple Choice plan is a great pick for frequent flyers and includes unlimited text messaging and internet as well as calls at a discounted rate. This is all included in your normal plan for service here in the U.S., and you can upgrade to faster internet abroad if the free stuff doesn’t cut it for you.
So if you’re interested in T-Mobile service, an hour of free GoGo is just another way that they make it easier for frequent travelers to stay connected on the road. (There are also other freebies. The company separately announced that they’ll also be giving away stock to all their customers, and T-Mobile Tuesdays include perks like free pizza.)
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About Scott Mackenzie
Scott is a former scientist and business student who created Travel Codex to unravel the complexity of travel loyalty programs. After 11 years in Seattle, he now lives in Austin with his wife and flies over 100,000 miles every year.
Mint Mobile vs T-Mobile: which carrier is best for you?
Updated: our guide to these superb carriers
Mint Mobile vs T-Mobile is a question that's no doubt in the minds of many a cell phone user over the past few months, given the incredibly high-profile ads campaign of the former. Both being on the same network makes them directly cross-compatible too - which begs the question, which one's best for you?
On one side is Mint Mobile, a smaller service that we rank at the very top of our best prepaid phone plans guide. On the other, T-Mobile, a well-established phone plan giant that specializes in offering some of the best unlimited data plans around.
In short, both are going to appeal to a very different type of user and both have advantages and drawbacks. To help narrow down which is for you, we've put together this direct Mint Mobile vs T-Mobile to see how they stack up when it comes to price, features, speed, and service - including a handy verdict and summary at the bottom of the page.
Mint Mobile vs T-Mobile: at a glance
Mint Mobile: prepaid plans from $15 per month Mint Mobile is a fantastic prepaid carrier that's been going from strength to strength recently. Just a few months ago the carrier upped the data allowances across the board on its superb range of prepaid plans, making them an even more compelling option for those on a budget. With Mint, you pay for your plans in allotments of three, six, or twelve months upfront, with the longer plans averaging out as cheaper on average. While you'll have to pay a fair bit upfront, Mint's excellent prepaid plans offer almost unbeatable bang for the buck if you can forgo a few perks and extras. 5GB: $15/mo | 15GB: $20/mo | 20GB: $25/mo | Unl: $30/mo
T-Mobile: unlimited data plans from $34 to $85 per month T-Mobile specializes in offering feature-laden contract-free unlimited plans that are perfect if you're a heavy user. Starting at $60 a month for a single-line user, you'll be able to cut those per-line prices down by adding multiple's to an account - including getting the third line for free. With HD streaming options, free Netflix accounts, and prioritized 5G data speeds, T-Mobile's a great choice if you're looking to stream a lot of content on the go. Note that as of 2023, the T-Mobile's Magenta plans have been re-branded to "Go5G". Overall, the new plans are a little pricier but feature an expanded Mobile Hotspot allowance and more international roaming data. Essentials: $60/mo | Go5G: $75/mo | Magenta Max: $85/mo
If you're strictly on a budget, then Mint Mobile is definitely the cheaper of the two options on average. For a single-line user, for example, you'll generally be looking at paying about half ($30 versus $60pm) for Mint Mobile's unlimited data plan versus the similar Essentials Unlimited plan at T-Mobile. You do, however, get slightly less 5G data allowance on Mint Mobile (45GB vs Essential Plan's 50GB).
Plan pricing Mint: $15 to $40 per month T-Mobile: $60 to $80 per month (1-line) Family discounts Mint: No (but you pay less upfront) T-Mobile: Yes (up to 5 lines)
Where things start to weigh in T-Mobile's favor is with its excellent family data plan options. Like most major carriers, T-Mobile will give you a discount on each line if you have multiple signed up for one plan. Unlike most major carriers, however, T-Mobile actually throws in the third line for free, which makes its three to four-line options particularly competitive. With three lines on your account, you'll pay just $90 a month for the Essentials plan and $130 for the Go5G plan - the latter of which includes 6 months of Apple TV+ and a free Netflix Basic account.
It's worth noting here that Mint Mobile does actually have its own family plan , which is a relatively recent addition at the carrier. It's not completely analogous to T-Mobile's as you don't get a per-line discount based on how many lines you add. You do, however, get each line at the cheapest (yearly) rate while only having to pay for three months at a time. It's a handy addition to the carrier's current roster of perks as it can cut down the associated red tape of holding multiple accounts and make the prepaid payments easier to manage.
Features, speed and service
As we've already hinted at, and covered in the comparison table above - T-Mobile offers the most feature-laden plans out of the two carriers, but at a significant cost.
Plan perks Mint: No T-Mobile: Netflix, T-Mobile Tuesdays Free hotspot Mint: Yes (10GB allowance) T-Mobile: Yes (up to 50GB allowance) International roaming Mint: No T-Mobile: Yes International calls Mint: free to Can & Mex T-Mobile: free to Can & Mex Depriotization Mint: Yes T-Mobile: No (plan dependant)
Depending on the plan you'll be scoring things like a free Netflix account, basic international roaming, and the 'T-Mobile Tuesdays' perks scheme, which gives you access to in-store discounts and giveaways. In comparison, Mint Mobile plans are pretty stripped-down affairs, although you do still get the basics like mobile hotspot allowance and free WiFi calling.
Speed-wise, both carriers are offering 5G data plans and operating on the greater T-Mobile network. Put simply, both should get comparable speed and service, although it's worth noting that as a prepaid carrier, Mint Mobile is subject to what's called 'deprioritization'. This essentially means that your data speeds may be slowed down if the local area is busy as T-Mobile will always prioritize its own customer's data speeds primarily over those of sub-carriers running on its network. This is a relatively complex issue that may or may not be a big deal depending on your local area. It's also worth noting that some T-Mobile plans are also subject to slower speeds after a certain data allowance is exceeded (50GB on essentials).
It's also worth noting that as an MVNO Mint Mobile doesn't participate in the large carrier roaming agreements, which can mean worse coverage in areas that aren't specifically covered by T-Mobile network towers. With T-Mobile, if you're in an area with poor coverage the service will essentially 'borrow' coverage from AT&T or Verizon and visa versa.
What about T-Mobile prepaid?
As well as its more well-known 'postpaid' unlimited plans, T-Mobile also has a number of prepaid plans to check out for those who want a plan on the service, but want to spend a little bit less. The current T-Mobile prepaid plans lineup ranges from a basic 10GB plan for $40 per month to a more premium 'Unlimited Plus' data plan for $60 per month, all of which are available with a multi-line saving (much like the postpaid T-Mobile options).
Generally speaking, if you're thinking about going prepaid, Mint Mobile looks like the strongest option right now for sheer bang for the buck. Possible deprioritization issues aside, Mint Mobile's basic unlimited plan absolutely smokes the T-Mobile Unlimited Plus plan for outright value. At $30 per month, it's half the price and still features the same mobile hotspot allowance.
The only scenario where we could see someone opting for a T-Mobile prepaid plan over Mint is if they didn't want to pay for multiple months of data at once. As previously mentioned, Mint Mobile's cheapest average prices can only be had if you buy a whole year of service at once. If you can get past the lump sum upfront, however, Mint is much cheaper in the longer run.
Both Mint Mobile and T-Mobile are absolutely awesome carriers, but they'll definitely each appeal to a different type of user. For those who are really on a budget, and don't mind having just the basics, then Mint Mobile is absolutely the way to go. While T-Mobile is comparatively good value versus the other big carriers (especially with its family plans), you simply can't get the same sort of reasonable data allowances and rock-bottom prices at this carrier versus what Mint offers.
On the other hand, for those who want a truly unlimited plan, no deprioritization, and HD video streaming, then T-Mobile is going to offer just that. You will, of course, be spending about double for a single-line plan at Mint, but Mint Mobile simply doesn't offer things like unlimited priority data or HD streaming, so it's a fairly easy decision if that's what's important to you.
What other carriers should I check out?
T-Mobile as a network has no shortage of excellent sub-carriers (MVNOs) to consider. First up is Metro by T-Mobile, which offers slightly cheaper prepaid plans all around versus its parent company, but still retains a few perks like free music streaming and Amazon Prime membership on the more expensive plans. At a baseline of $40 per month for the 10GB/mo plan , Metro sits somewhere in the middle in regards to value. Boost Mobile is another great choice with plans starting at $15 per month for the 15GB plan . Competitively priced versus Mint, Boost also features a basic unlimited data plan for $25 per month, albeit with slightly less mobile hotspot and 5G data allowance versus its competitor.
If you're looking for more great alternatives, we definitely recommend heading on over to our best cheap cell phone plans guide for an exhaustive list of options.
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Alex is TechRadar's deals editor, specializing in getting our readers the bang bang for the buck on the tech that we know and love. He's a dab hand at covering retailer events like Black Friday and Amazon Prime Day having over seven years of e-commerce experience at Future PLC; including bylines at our sister sites T3 and GamesRadar. Alex's expertise touches on most areas of TechRadar but he has a particular love for phones, laptops, and cameras, being an avid photographer. Outside of work, you'll find him indulging his love for street and travel photography, at home working on music, or down at the local climbing gym.
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A dokładniej pakiet DENTAL SELECT na rok w prezencie. *** W dniach 17.07 - 30.09.2023 T-Mobile udostępnia w aplikacji Mój t-Mobile Abonentom, Abonentom Mix, Użytkownikom na kartę wybranych taryf, z wyrażoną odpowiednią zgodą marketingową, link umożliwiający skorzystanie z oferty MedicCentre.
Dear customer, The Travel & Surf App is a handy app that supports you abroad. You can purchase our profitable Travel & Surf passes to surf the internet when you are abroad. With just one click you can see at any time your data consumption and have all expenses at a glance. In addition, you can also make the choice to pay per MB. With the app you always have an insight into your data usage and ...
Upoznajte novu dimenziju bezbrižnosti. Više ne morate brinuti na kojoj ste mreži. Roming dodaci sada važe u svim mrežama, u 50 zemalja svijeta. Zbogom ručnom biranju mreže! PROMOTIVNO: Više gigabajta u Travel & Surf dodacima! Putujte i surfujte bezbrižno! Promocija važi do kraja oktobra. Molimo Vas pokušajte ponovo, ili kontaktirajte ...
Get 30 days of Unlimited talk, text, and data starting at just $50. Plus taxes and fees. Plans packed with features. Perfect for traveling. Plans include: hotspot data, Wi-Fi calling, Data Maximizer, scam-blocking protection, and more. Check it out. Simply pick a plan with the data you need. No ID required, pay as you go.
Surf bez nepredviđenih troškova. Aktivirajte neki od Travel&Surf 4G dodataka i nakon potrošenog sadržaja iz dodatka, do kraja perioda trajanja dodatka, osiguraćemo da nemate dodatne troškove sprečavanjem daljeg internet saobraćaja u roamingu. Vodite računa da ste izabrali mrežu u kojoj usluga važi.
Roaming usluga vam omogućuje pozive, poruke i mobilni internet dok se nalazite u inozemstvu. Cijene poziva, poruka i prijenosa podataka ovise o državi u kojoj se nalazite, a za odlazne pozive dodatno i o destinaciji prema kojoj upućujete poziv. Ako putujete u zemlje unutar EEA (Europska unija + Norveška, Island i Lihtenštajn), razgovarate ...
Limited-time offers; subject to change. Qualifying service or T-Mobile MONEY account required.T-Mobile, the T logo, Magenta, and the magenta color are registered ...
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CHICAGO, Ill. and BELLEVUE, Wash. — June 16, 2022 — Today, Rocket Travel (NASDAQ: BKNG), the industry-leading provider of online travel platforms, and T-Mobile (NASDAQ: TMUS), America's Un-carrier, announced they are joining forces to introduce T-Mobile TRAVEL with Priceline, a dedicated travel site delivering steep travel discounts exclusively for T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile ...
We were traveling in Salem, MA and used T-Mobile Travel for the first time to search for a hotel for the night in the area. The app used our T-Mobile phone's location services to identify hotels near us, but for some reason a hotel in Salem, NC showed up (we didn't realized this at the time). This hotel was a great deal and it was late at night ...
12GB plan: T-Mobile's most expensive prepaid plan costs $35/month. 8GB plan: Like the 5GB connect plan, T-Mobile has increased the amount of data while keeping the price the same. This plan costs ...
Opcija nije dostupna uz vašu trenutnu tarifu. Aktivirajte opciju i surfajte u inozemstvu 7 dana uz 500 MB podatkovnog prometa u zemljama EEA, EU. U ostalim zemljama na raspolaganju vam je 100 MB. Podatkovni promet uključen u naknadu opcije Travel & Surf 500 MB odnosi se na promet ostvaren u partnerskim zemljama popisanima u donjoj tablici ...
If you have T-Mobile Home Internet and you travel to another location, can you bring the gateway with you? If there is a signal it should connect, right? 4 replies. Oldest first Newest first Best voted. Userlevel 7 +15. syaoran Pillar; 5935 replies 4 months ago 23 April 2024. No. ...
NEW! Internet Balkan package. Travel and surf worry free abroad with the new Internet Balkan package with included 3GB mobile internet in roaming with validity of 30 days as of the day of the activation, for only MKD 499.. If you travel to Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Turkey, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia this summer, Internet Balkan is the real solution for you.
Select the 'T-Mobile FREE hour of in-flight Wi-Fi and unlimited texting' option. Click the "LET'S GO" button and follow the on screen instructions. Your device should connect to T-Mobile Wi-Fi Calling. It can take a few minutes for your device to register on the ground for T-Mobile In-flight Texting. If you don't want to wait, just ...
The current T-Mobile prepaid plans lineup ranges from a basic 10GB plan for $40 per month to a more premium 'Unlimited Plus' data plan for $60 per month, all of which are available with a multi ...