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   This page provides a map and aerial view of the sites that were visited by Jesus.

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This page displays a selection of maps of the sites that were visited by Jesus and are described in the New testament.

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Sites of Jesus travels:

The following map shows the major places where Jesus visited in the 3 years of activities (27AD-30AD).

The sites are marked on the Google satellite/road map. Hover over the marker to see the title, and press on the marker to jump to that site’s review. Select Map or Satellite display.

A table of sites appear below it; selecting any row will jump to its marker on the map.

The colored markers on the map stand for the classes of sites:

● Blue = Old Testament

● Red = New Testament

● Purple= other ancient periods,

● Green= prehistoric, nature

● Yellow= regional galleries

Jesus travels map

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References and Links:

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  • Jesus Travel Maps ( Italian )  – Thanks for Ugo who recommended

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  • Tabular list of Jesus footsteps .
  • Footsteps of Jesus – Pictorial presentation – walk with us through the sites of the Holy Land

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This page was last updated on Feb 20, 2020 (New Google Maps)

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Jesus’ Travels: Routes

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Wright, Paul H.

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Jesus’ Travels to Jerusalem .

Two routes connected Galilee with Jerusalem. One passed through the Jordan Valley, crossing the Decapolis from Scythopolis to Pella, then ran along the eastern, spring-fed side of the valley through Perea, an area of Jewish settlement that, like Galilee, was governed by Herod Antipas. This route then ascended to Jerusalem via Jericho. Although the Jordan Valley was insufferably hot in the summertime, it was the preferred route for Jews who wished to avoid Samaria. The other route passed through Samaria. Jews who traveled this latter route north from Jerusalem typically spent the first night at Anuathu Borcaeus at the northern border of Judea and the second in the Esdraelon Valley, so as not to have to stay overnight in Samaria.

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The northern Jordan Valley, looking east toward the hills of Transjordan (the Decapolis and Perea). (Paul H. Wright)

    The name “Jesus,” as written in Hebrew on an ossuary. (Carta collection)John records that Jesus traveled from Galilee to Jerusalem at least three times prior to his final Passover journey that led to the Cross:

  • John (John 2:13–25) notes that Jesus overturned the money-changers’ tables in the Temple precinct during the Passover festival. Many scholars suggest that John placed this event—which probably happened only once, during Jesus’ last Passover journey (cf. Mt 21:12–17)—at the beginning of his Gospel in order to set the stage for an account of Jesus’ life that emphasized his ministry in Jerusalem. Immediately following his narrative of the Cleansing of the Temple, John records Jesus’ nighttime visit to Nicodemus, an influential Pharisee from Jerusalem who was a member of the Sanhedrin (Jn 3:1–21). Nicodemus became a follower of Jesus, advocating on his behalf during a later visit to Jerusalem (Jn 7:45–53) and helping to prepare his body for burial (Jn 19: 38–42).
  • Returning to Jerusalem for an unnamed festival, Jesus healed a man at the Pool of Bethesda who had been lame for thirty-eight years (Jn 5:1–17). The Pool of Bethesda was a huge public water reservoir lying just outside the city wall north of the Temple Mount. Archaeological investigation suggests that this was also a site dedicated to Aesclepius, the Greco-Roman god of healing, and no doubt served the Roman soldiers garrisoned at the nearby Antonia Fortress. Perhaps the lame man had been hedging his bets, hoping for mercy from any deity who happened along. By healing the man, Jesus showed that he could meet the needs of not only the upper crust of Jerusalem society (e.g., Nicodemus), but also the down-and-out.
  • Jesus also traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate the fall festival of Succoth – the Festival of Booths— (Jn 7:1–39). It is not clear whether he made this visit after he had left Galilee for the final time before his crucifixion, or whether he returned to Galilee after the trip. In any case, his visit was made without fanfare, not wanting to take the risk of running afoul of the authorities. On the last, climactic day of the Succoth festival Jesus likened himself and his followers to fountains of living (i.e., spring) water (Jn 7:37–38), a powerful image for the residents of Jerusalem whose own cisterns were nearly dry at the end of the summer drought. It was apparently also on this trip that Jesus healed a man who had been born blind, asking him to wash in the Pool of Siloam (Jn 9:1–12; 2 Kgs 5:10).

After the trip to Jerusalem during which he was visited by Nicodemus, Jesus returned to Galilee by way of Samaria. On the second day of his journey he rested from the noontime heat at Sychar (Jacob’s Well), near the ruins of the Old Testament city of Shechem, in the heart of Samaria (Jn 4:1–6; Gen 33:18–19). Sychar lay beneath Mount Gerizim, the site of a Samaritan temple that had been destroyed by the Hasmonean king John Hyrcanus in 108 BC (Jn 4:19–20). Hyrcanus’s destruction was one of many factors that had bred antagonism between the Jews and the Samaritans over the centuries (cf. 2 Kgs 17:24–41; Neh 4:1–9). Like the Jews, the Samaritans considered themselves to be the true guardians of the pure Mosaic faith, basing this belief on the ties that Abraham (Gen 12:6–7), Jacob (Gen 33:18–19; Josh 24:32) and Moses (Deut 11: 26–32; Josh 8:30-35) had to the region. Jesus remained in Samaria for two days—much to the consternation of his disciples—and many believed in him (Jn 4:39–42). (JW 1:86) (JW 1:170)  (JW 2:371) (JW 2:252)

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Maps: Jesus’ last journey

Questions for bible study groups.

  • List the sequence of events in the days leading up to Jesus’ death – from his arrest to his burial.
  • Locate the events on the map below.
  • Why was Jesus taken before the Roman governor Pontius Pilate?

Possible route for Jesus in Jerusalem: trial, judgment and crucifixion

Probable route for Jesus in Jerusalem: trial, judgment and crucifixion

Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a colt of a she-ass found at a village opposite Bethphage (1, top right corner of map above). He was received by the people with cries of ‘Hosanna’, which means ‘Save now’. They spread their cloaks on the road and waved palm branches in blessing.

After teaching in the Temple (2) he returned to Bethany. The synoptic Gospels place the cleansing of the Temple courts during this visit.

Lamb trussed for slaughter

After the Supper, Jesus and the disciples descended to the Kidron valley (4), to Gethsemane (the ‘Oil Press’) at the foot of the Mount of Olives. There he was arrested by a crowd armed with swords and clubs, led by Judas lscariot, one of the Twelve.

Christ as the Man of Sorrows, Pedro de Mena, 1673

Jesus was interrogated as to his status and ambitions, but though his inquisitors saw his replies as blasphemous, they were not empowered to inflict the death penalty. They decided therefore to accuse Jesus before the governor, Pontius Pilate (6), of a political offense: rebellion against the Emperor, implied in Jesus’ claim to be ‘King of the Jews.’

Jesus on the way to Golgotha, from the movie 'Passion of the Christ'

From there Jesus was led by Roman soldiers to Golgotha (8), traditionally a place outside the Second Wall of Jerusalem. Here he was executed according to Roman practice, by being affixed to a cross.

According to the same tradition he was buried nearby, in a tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimathea.

Gospel references: Matthew 21-27, Mark 11-15, Luke 19:28-23, John 12-19

Extra information

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Caiaphas: the trial

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Peter tormented by guilt

About the Author

• Map of Jesus's miracles - Map shows the locations and estimated locations in and around the land of Israel where Jesus performed about 40 miracles about 2,000 years ago, as recorded by the New Tesrtament writers of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

• Map of Jesus's ministry - Shows many of the cities within the land of Israel that are mentioned in the New Testament, or were important during New Testament times, about 2000 years ago.

• Map of the cities with the seven churches in Revelation - Shows the seven Turkish cities that have the churches that are referred to in the Bible's book of Revelation.

• Paul's first mission journey - From about 46 AD to 48 AD (more than 1900 years ago), Paul the evangelist undertook his first mission journey. He traveled from Syrian Antioch to Derbe, and back again. This journey is described in the Bible's book of Acts, chapters 13 and 14.

• Paul's second mission journey - Paul's second missionary journey took place between 49 AD and 52 AD, more than 1900 years ago. He traveled through part of Asia and Europe. This journey is described in the Bible's book of Acts, chapters 15, 16, 17 and 18.

• Paul's third mission journey - Paul's 3rd missionary journey took place between 54 AD and 58 AD, more than 1900 years ago. He traveled through parts of Asia and Europe. This journey is described in the Bible's book of Acts 18:23-28; Acts 19; Acts 20; through Acts 21:17.

• Paul's journey to Rome - Around 59 A.D. and 60 A.D., Paul the evangelist was taken as a prisoner from Caeserea to Rome, making several stops along the way. Even as a prisoner, he continued to evangelize. This journey is described in the Bible's book of Acts, chapters 26, 27 and 28.

• Bible places map - Maps shows locations of the places that are mentioned in the Bible. Hover your cursor over the dots to see the name of a place, or click on the dots and an information window will pop up.

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Enhance your Bible study experience with our animated maps. Immerse yourself in the biblical world as you journey through ancient lands and witness key events come to life. Our visuals provide a dynamic and engaging way to explore the stories and teachings of the Bible. From The Conquest of Canaan to the travels of Paul, these animated maps offer a unique perspective that deepens your understanding and enriches your spiritual growth. Elevate your Bible study with our animated maps and embark on a transformative journey through the scriptures.

We have developed five map types, which range from the very modern “Lottie” animation, Google Earth foundations with image hotspot links to event summaries, and the high-tech HTML5 animation (best viewed on a desktop computer) to promote the best user experience.

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A Big thank you to iBible Maps and Paul Fogg for letting me use a few of the maps that they have put together. I’m currently preaching through the book of Joshua and having the maps as part of the messages will help the passage come alive and not just be a slog through the names of the cities that were devoted to destruction.

Terry O’Brien, South Pointe Church, Abilene, TX

I found iBiblemaps by accident, but I am glad I did. The way the maps work and the content included with them is easy to follow and brings more clarity to understanding the history contained in the Bible. Could I have permission to use your maps and contact to supplement a Sunday school class I teach?

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William Lam

I am a volunteer teacher of a women’s Bible study at Sun Grove Church in Elk Grove, CA. We will be studying Joshua and Judges this fall using materials from Engage Bible Studies. I am writing to ask permission to use the applicable maps for these books on slides as part of my weekly teaching wrap-ups. I also plan to send out the link to your website so that women can use the interactive features available there for each location. I appreciate the detailed information provided with your maps.

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Deborah (Judges) Click the illustration to view the animation.

For nearly four hundred years following the invasion of  Canaan  in c.1406BC,  Israel  was a loose confederation of self-governing tribes. Far from being a strong and unified nation, the new inhabitants of  Canaan  consisted of scattered groups of tribal clans, often separated from each other by rival settlements of Canaanites, Amorites and Philistines who had occupied the area before the arrival of the Israelites. The ‘conquered’ land of  Canaan  remained dotted with ‘enemy’ strongholds such as  Jebus  ( Jerusalem ),  Gezer  and  Megiddo , and the Philistine cities of  Gaza ,  Gath ,  Ashkelon ,  Ashdod  and  Ekron  were little more than a short march away.

Frequently the rival groups clashed, and often the Philistines and Canaanites became dominant, demanding subservience from the Israelites. Throughout this period, intermarriage between the Israelites and their neighbours was common. The one thing uniting the Israelite tribes was their common worship of Yahweh, the God of  Israel , and the Bible blames the failure of the Israelites to defeat their neighbours on intermarriage and the assimilation of foreign customs – including the worship of foreign gods.

During particularly difficult times of subjection and hardship, God frequently raised up inspirational leaders who cajoled the Israelites into concerted action against their powerful neighbours. These leaders – strong characters such as Othniel, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah and Samson – became known as the ‘judges’. The term is misleading, however, as while these leaders no doubt dispensed justice within their own local area, they had no jurisdiction over the other tribes of  Israel . Even Samuel, the last and probably the most powerful of the ‘judges’, confined his ‘judge’s circuit’ to ‘sittings’ at  Ramah, Bethel, Gilgal  and  Mizpah  – all within a 15 mile / 24 km radius of his home in the central hill country of  Ephraim , north of  Jerusalem  (see 1 Samuel 7:15-17).

Source: The Bible Journey

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Abraham in Canaan

Jacob continues to live in Canaan, at Hebron.

Jacob gives his favorite son Joseph an expensive multi-colored coat. This makes his brothers very jealous. Joseph dreams about his brothers’ sheaves of wheat bowing down to his  sheaf, and when he tells his brothers, it fuels their jealousy. When he tells them about eleven stars bowing down before him, the eleven brothers are furious.

Genesis 37:1-11

Joseph’s brothers take the family’s flocks to graze in the less arid hill country near Shechem.

Joseph, now aged seventeen, arrives at Shechem but the brothers have left. 

He finds them grazing the flocks on the fertile pastures near Dothan – on the plain between the hills of Samaria and the Mount Carmel range.

The brothers plot their revenge and throw Joseph into a dry well.

Genesis 37:17-24

The brothers see a group of Ishmaelite traders travelling from Gilead to Egypt. Their camels are loaded with spices and resins (‘Balm of Gilead’). Reuben – the eldest – had persuaded the brothers  not  to kill Joseph; so they sell him to the Ishmaelites as a slave.

Genesis 37:25-27

Joseph is ultimately sold on to some Midianite merchants and taken to Egypt (along The Way of the Sea).

The brothers dip Joseph’s coat in blood, then trick Jacob into believing that Joseph has been killed by a wild animal.

On reaching Egypt in c.1683BC, Joseph is sold by the Midianite traders to Potiphar, captain of the Pharaoh’s palace guard.

Genesis 37:28-36

Joseph Sold Into Slavery Click a pulsing icon for event summary and scripture link.

Psalms for the Little Ones – 3D illustrations by Paul Fogg

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Events of Resurrection Sunday:

  • About 4:45 A.M. - Women leave Bethany for the tomb while it is still dark (Lk.24:1;Mk.16:2;Jn.20:1) - Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, Salome the mother of James and John.
  • At sunrise, about 5:15, there is an earthquake; Jesus is raised from the dead; an angel rolls the stone back; the soldiers see the angel, they fall down, their fear temporarily immobilizes them, then they run off to report the event to the priests. (Mt.28:2-4)
  • Mary Magdelene runs ahead to the tomb to get someone to roll the stone away
  • Mary finds the tomb open (Jn.20:1)
  • Mary runs to tell Peter and John in Jerusalem (Jn.20:2)
  • About 5:30 A.M. – The other women, Joanna and Mary mother of James, complete their walk from Bethany and arrive after sunrise. They find the stone rolled away.  They enter the grave and find it empty. (Mk.16:2; Lk.24:1-3)
  •  An angel appears to the women at the tomb (Mt.28:5; Mk.16:5)
  • Angel gives the two women a message for disciples.  The women leave to tell the disciples (Mt.28:5-8; Lk.24:3-8)
  • Peter and John have heard Mary Magdelene’s report.  They run to the tomb and find it empty. Mary Magdelene is following them back to the tomb. (Jn.20:3-9)
  • Mary Magdelene has arrived at the tomb. Peter and John have gone back into Jerusalem.  Jesus appears to Mary Magdelene in the garden by the tomb. (Jn.20:10-18) Mary then returns to tell the disciples this information.
  • Jesus appears to the other women, Mary, Salome, Joanna, as they were on their way to see the disciples. (Mt.28:8-10)
  •  Jesus appears to Peter (Luke 24:34; 1 Corinthians 15:5)
  • Sunday afternoon Jesus appears to two men on the road to Emmaus (Lk.24:13-32)
  • Sunday afternoon Jesus appears to ten of the disciples in the Upper Room. Thomas is absent (Luke 24:36-43; Jn.20:19-25)

Other Resurrection Appearances of Jesus:

  • One week later, Jesus appears to all eleven disciples and Thomas believes (Jn.20:26-28)
  • Jesus appears to seven disciples at the Sea of Galilee (Jn.21:1-14)
  • Jesus appears to the eleven disciples on a mountain in Galilee (Mt.28:16)
  • Jesus appears to his brother James (1 Cor.15:7)
  • Jesus appears and teaches his disciples (Acts 1:3-8)
  • Jesus appears at his ascension (Acts 1:9-12; Lk.24:44-49)

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The Life of Jesus: 7 Pro Series Bible Maps

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This package includes 7 Bible maps in HD (1080p) format. These maps cover specific events in the life of Christ.

Included Maps: Mary and Joseph's Journey to Bethlehem (Luke 2:1-6) Jesus' Family Flees to Egypt (Matthew 2:3-23) Jesus Amazes the Teachers in the Temple (Luke 2:41-50) Jesus' Ministry Begins (Matthew 3-4, John 1-2) Jesus' Second Trip to Judea (John 2-4) Jesus' Popularity Grows ( Matthew 5-7, Luke 4-7, John 5) Jesus' Final Journey to Jerusalem (Luke 9-10, 18-35, John 11)

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This package includes 7 of Headwaters Pro Series maps (high resolution and detailed) in HD (1080p) format. These maps cover specific events in the life of Christ.

License: These images are under copyright, when you purchase these images you are permitted to use them for display on a projector screen in front of audiences at multiple locations and print the maps for your personal use and classes you personally teacher. This image may be used/stored on up to two (2) computers at the same time. Mass printing and distribution are prohibited. This image may not be displayed on a web page, re-sold or re-licensed. If you require a different type of license, please contact us.

Included Maps: Mary and Joseph’s Journey to Bethlehem (Luke 2:1-6) Jesus’ Family Flees to Egypt (Matthew 2:3-23) Jesus Amazes the Teachers in the Temple (Luke 2:41-50) Jesus’ Ministry Begins (Matthew 3-4, John 1-2) Jesus’ Second Trip to Judea (John 2-4) Jesus’ Popularity Grows ( Matthew 5-7, Luke 4-7, John 5) Jesus’ Final Journey to Jerusalem (Luke 9-10, 18-35, John 11)

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Table of Contents

1 jerusalem, 10 cana of galilee, 11 jerusalem, 14 nazareth, 15 the sea of galilee, 16 all galilee, 17 capernaum, 18 jerusalem, 20 capernaum, 21 sea of galilee, 22 nazareth, 23 sea of galilee, 24 tyre and sidon, 25 bethsaida, 26 caesarea philippi, 27 capernaum, 28 jerusalem, 3 bethlehem, 30 jerusalem, 31 beyond the jordan, 4 jerusalem, 7 jerusalem, 8 the jordan river, 9 the wilderness, about the map, introduction.


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    Probable route for Jesus in Jerusalem:trial, judgment and crucifixion. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a colt of a she-ass found at a village opposite Bethphage (1, top right corner of map above). He was received by the people with cries of 'Hosanna', which means 'Save now'. They spread their cloaks on the road and waved palm ...

  16. Interactive maps involving Jesus, Christianity and the Bible

    100 examples of how the Bible prophets accurately predicted events involving the land and people of Israel, the rise and fall of empires, and the life, mission, death and resurrection of the Messiah. • Paul's first mission journey - From about 46 AD to 48 AD (more than 1900 years ago), Paul the evangelist undertook his first mission journey.

  17. Interactive Animated Bible Maps|iBible Maps

    Animated Bible Maps. Enhance your Bible study experience with our animated maps. Immerse yourself in the biblical world as you journey through ancient lands and witness key events come to life. Our visuals provide a dynamic and engaging way to explore the stories and teachings of the Bible. From The Conquest of Canaan to the travels of Paul ...

  18. The Jesus Map Digital

    A complimentary digital resource for you from. Pathway to Victory. Trace the life and ministry of Jesus Christ — including 52 key events from His birth in Bethlehem to His ascension on the Mount of Olives. This unique reference tool will be a wonderful addition to your home library … equipping you with Scripture and biblically-sound ...

  19. Jesus Gospel Ministry Maps

    One week later, Jesus appears to all eleven disciples and Thomas believes (Jn.20:26-28) Jesus appears to seven disciples at the Sea of Galilee (Jn.21:1-14) Jesus appears to the eleven disciples on a mountain in Galilee (Mt.28:16) Jesus appears to his brother James (1 Cor.15:7) Jesus appears and teaches his disciples (Acts 1:3-8)

  20. The Life of Jesus: 7 Pro Series Bible Maps

    This package includes 7 Bible maps in HD (1080p) format. These maps cover specific events in the life of Christ. Included Maps: Mary and Joseph's Journey to Bethlehem (Luke 2:1-6) Jesus' Family Flees to Egypt (Matthew 2:3-23) Jesus Amazes the Teachers in the Temple (Luke 2:41-50) Jesus' Ministry Begins (Matthew 3-4, John 1-2)

  21. Paul's Missionary Journeys Map

    51-53 A.D. Paul's Second Missionary Journey is recorded in Acts 16, 17 and 18. Paul and Barnabas separate over a disagreement on whether or not to take John Mark on this second evangelistic voyage, because he had left them during the first journey. Eventually, Barnabas decided to take John Mark to Cyprus with him, while Paul took Silas to ...

  22. Map of Jesus' Ministry

    Map of Jesus' Ministry. You are here: ... Start Your Journey Today! Click here to access our Bible Maps and Images. Table of Contents. 1 Jerusalem. 10 Cana of Galilee. 11 Jerusalem. 12 Samaria. 13 Galilee. 14 Nazareth. 15 The Sea of Galilee. 16 All Galilee. 17 Capernaum. 18 Jerusalem.

  23. The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul: the Maps of the Apostles' Travels

    Apostle Paul's Missionary Journey Map. Paul traveled over 10,000 miles proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. His journeys on land and sea took him primarily through present day Israel, Syria, Turkey, and Greece. Paul walked the roads built by the Romans to facilitate their control over their Empire. Travelers took to the roads in as large a ...