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- July 26, 2023 Setlist
Depeche Mode Setlist at Arena Națională, Bucharest, Romania
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Tour: Memento Mori Tour statistics Add setlist
- Song played from tape Speak to Me ( instrumental outro ) Play Video
- My Cosmos Is Mine Play Video
- Wagging Tongue Play Video
- Walking in My Shoes Play Video
- It's No Good Play Video
- Sister of Night Play Video
- In Your Room ( Zephyr Mix ) Play Video
- Everything Counts Play Video
- Precious Play Video
- Speak to Me Play Video
- Home Play Video
- Soul With Me ( Acoustic ) Play Video
- Ghosts Again Play Video
- I Feel You Play Video
- A Pain That I'm Used To ( Jacques Lu Cont Remix ) Play Video
- World in My Eyes ( Dedicated to Andrew Fletcher ) Play Video
- Wrong Play Video
- Stripped Play Video
- John the Revelator Play Video
- Enjoy the Silence Play Video
- Waiting for the Night ( Peter and Christian on keyboards ) Play Video
- Just Can't Get Enough Play Video
- Never Let Me Down Again Play Video
- Personal Jesus Play Video
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7 activities (last edit by kfinch , 16 Aug 2023, 20:56 Etc/UTC )
Songs on Albums
- Ghosts Again
- My Cosmos Is Mine
- Soul With Me
- Speak to Me
- Wagging Tongue
- Enjoy the Silence
- Personal Jesus
- Waiting for the Night
- World in My Eyes
- A Pain That I'm Used To
- John the Revelator
- In Your Room
- Walking in My Shoes
- It's No Good
- Sister of Night
- Everything Counts
- Never Let Me Down Again
- Just Can't Get Enough
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Arena națională.
- HÆLOS Start time: 7:45 PM 7:45 PM
- Depeche Mode This Setlist Start time: 8:50 PM 8:50 PM
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- Jul 21 2023 28 Black Arena Klagenfurt, Austria Start time: 8:45 PM 8:45 PM
- Jul 23 2023 Arena Zagreb Zagreb, Croatia Start time: 8:45 PM 8:45 PM
- Jul 26 2023 Arena Națională This Setlist Bucharest, Romania Start time: 8:50 PM 8:50 PM
- Jul 28 2023 Puskás Aréna Budapest, Hungary Start time: 8:20 PM 8:20 PM
- Jul 30 2023 Letiště Praha Letňany Prague, Czechia Start time: 8:30 PM 8:30 PM
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Wednesday 26 July 2023
Depeche Mode
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Bd. Basarabia nr. 37-39 022013 Bucharest, Romania +4021 324 9178 www.nationalarenabucuresti.ro/
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DEPECHE MODE la Bucuresti
Bucuresti, 4 octombrie 2022 – DEPECHE MODE revine la Bucuresti pe 26 iulie 2023! Concertul face parte din turneul mondial “Memento Mori” si va avea loc la Arena Nationala, in cadrul unul eveniment organizat de Emagic. Biletele vor fi disponibile incepand de vineri, 7 octombrie, ora 10:00, la bilete.emagic.ro si in retelele iaBilet.ro si Entertix.ro .
Depeche Mode, inclusi in 2020 pe lista “ Rock & Roll Hall of Fame ”, au anuntat astazi, in cadrul unei conferinte de presa sustinute la Berlin, lansarea unui nou album, urmata de un turneu mondial. Cel de-al cinsprezecelea album de studio Depeche Mode va purta numele de “ Memento Mori ’’ si se va lansa in primavara lui 2023.
Dave Gahan si Martin Gore au dezvaluit in cadrul conferintei de astazi ca turneul Memento Mori , prezentat de Live Nation, va incepe in luna martie cu o serie de evenimente speciale in America de Nord, urmata, incepand din luna mai, de concerte in Europa. Pe harta turneului European se afla si Romania, cu un concert extraordinar, ce va avea loc la Arena Nationala din Bucuresti, pe 26 iulie. Show-ul Depeche Mode va cuprinde si piese de pe noul album ‘’Memento Mori’’, cat si piese de pe albumele anterioare, deja consacrate.
Discutand despre Memento Mori , Martin Gore a declarat: “ Am inceput lucrul pentru acest proiect la debutul pandemiei, iar temele materialului sunt direct inspirate din acea perioada. Dupa pierderea lui Fletch, am decis sa continuam, fiind convinsi ca el asta si-ar fi dorit, iar acest lucru nu a facut decat sa confere proiectului o semnificatie aparte ”.
“ Lui Fletch i-ar fi placut la nebunie acest album. Suntem nerabdatori sa impartasim acest material cu voi si de abia asteptam sa vi-l prezentam live in concertele de anul viitor ” – a adaugat Dave Gahan.
Turneul Memento Mori va fi cel de-al 19-lea turneu Depeche Mode si primul dupa mai bine de cinci ani. Cel mai recent si cel mai indelungat turneu Depeche Mode – “ Global Spirit Tour ” (2017-2018) – peste 130 de concerte – a adus trupa in fata a peste 3 milioane de fani, atat in Europa, cat si in America de Nord. Printre tarile norocoase s-a aflat si Romania, cu un show live la Cluj-Napoca, organizat de Emagic in 2017, la Cluj Arena.
Memento Mori va fi cel de-al 15-lea album de studio al trupei Depeche Mode si continuarea albumului Spirit din 2017, intens aclamat de critici, care a ajuns pe locul 1 în 11 teritorii si in top 5 in alte peste 20 de tari. Memento Mori va fi lansat in premiera mondiala in primavara anului 2023 via Columbia Records.
Cu vanzari de peste 100 de milioane de discuri si concerte in fata a peste 35 de milioane de fani din toata lumea, Depeche Mode ramane un nume de referinta, cu influenta majora in industrie, iar muzica lor o continua evolutie, fiind o inspiratie de neuitat pentru fani, critici si artisti deopotriva.
Atat albumul, cat si turneul Memento Mori reprezinta cel mai nou capitol al unei mosteniri statornice si de neegalat.
FACEBOOK EVENT: https://fb.me/e/2qk5GOIjR
Biletele pentru concertul Depeche Mode de la Arena Nationala din Bucuresti pot fi achizitionate de la bilete.emagic.ro , precum si din retelele iaBilet.ro si Entertix.ro , incepand de vineri, 7 octombrie 2022, ora 10:00.
Primirea solicitarilor de acreditare se va face incepand cu luna iunie 2023.
ACCES MINORI: Organizatorii nu incurajeaza prezenta copiilor mai mici de 12 ani la concerte din cauza sunetului si luminilor puternice, insa daca parintii aleg sa vina alaturi de cei mici, o vor face pe propria raspundere, achizitionand bilete de acces si pentru acestia. Minorii vor avea acces in zona de concert doar in baza unui bilet valid propriu. Minorii trebuie să fie însoțiți de un adult, posesor de bilet propriu. Totodată, recomandăm părinților să le asigure copiilor căști de protecție. Castile de protectie sau dopurile de urechi NU vor fi asigurate de catre organizatori.
Intrarea la eveniment se face in baza regulamentului organizatorului si include respectarea tuturor restrictiilor si ale posibilelor conditii suplimentare impuse de autoritatile locale inainte de eveniment si in timpul desfasurarii evenimentului.
Mai multe detalii privind regulamentul de acces vor fi comunicate in zilele din apropierea evenimentului. Cumparatorilor de bilet li se recomanda consultarea siteului oficial si a platformelor social media Emagic , precum si a siteurilor si paginilor de social media ale platformelor de ticketing partenere ( iaBilet.ro si Entertix.ro ), inainte de participarea la eveniment.
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Depeche Mode Concert in Bucharest: National Arena, July 26
Depeche Mode concert in Bucharest takes place on July 26, at National Arena – Arena Nationala. This is the third time the band returns to Romania. The concert is part of the European Tour to promote DM’s latest album, Memento Mori , but the band will also play the songs that made it famous.
The Memento Mori tour will be Depeche Mode’s 19th and first in more than five years. The most recent and extended Depeche Mode tour – „Global Spirit Tour” (2017-2018) – over 130 concerts – brought the band in front of over 3 million fans in Europe and North America. Romania was among the lucky countries, with a live show in Cluj-Napoca, organized by Emagic in 2017, at the Cluj Arena.
Memento Mori will be Depeche Mode’s 15th studio album and the follow-up to 2017’s critically acclaimed Spirit, which reached number 1 in 11 territories and top 5 in over 20 other countries. Memento Mori will be released as a world premiere in the spring of 2023 via Columbia Records.
With sales of over 100 million records and concerts in front of over 35 million fans worldwide, Depeche Mode remains a reference name with significant influence in the industry, and their music continues to evolve, being an unforgettable inspiration for fans, critics and artists alike.
The album and the Memento Mori tour represent the newest chapter of an enduring and unparalleled legacy, and fans from Romania are lucky to see the band playing live after so much time.
Forbidden objects inside the National Arena during the concert
Access to the concert area will not be allowed with: drinks and food products purchased from outside the premises, bottles (including perfume bottles of any quantity, any other bottles, deodorants, etc.), plastic cans, aluminum cans, cans, fireworks, stick banners, sprays, lasers, chairs, guns, blunt objects, chains, umbrellas, pets, rucksacks, motorcycle helmets, bulky luggage larger than an A4 sheet, selfie sticks, professional cameras, audio-video recording devices of any kind or GoPro devices.
Access will be allowed in the concert area with compact cameras, lighters, medicines (any such products are only allowed if they are accompanied by a prescription, medical letter or any other document replacing it with a maximum of one daily dose), insulin, asthma inhaler spray.
For the safety of the public and the smooth running of the event, the participants are also asked to submit to a thorough body control at the request of the security agents.
Can you record the Depeche Mode show in Bucharest?
Recording of any performance is strictly prohibited. The artist’s management can confiscate any audio-video recording device used in this way owned by the event participants, informs the cited source.
Access of children
The access of children under 12 to the concert is not recommended due to the loud sound. But if the parents choose to accompany the little ones, they will do so at their own risk, purchasing access tickets for them as well. The use of protective headphones or earplugs is recommended for children. The organizers will not provide protective helmets or earplugs. An adult must accompany minors, say the organizers.
Food and drinks inside the National Arena
On the premises of the National Arena, the spectators will have at their disposal alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, water, coffee, ice cream and food trucks. All drinks will be served by the glass only. Products can be purchased with cash or bank card at all bars, but due to the large number of participants present at the location, card payments may experience delays.
The bars will cover all public areas: Lawn A, B, rings, and VIP. Smoking will only be allowed in designated areas. There will also be official merchandise points inside the National Arena, where products can be paid with cash and a card.
For tickets and the latest information, please check the organizer’s official website .
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Legendary band Depeche Mode will return to Bucharest next summer
Irina Marica
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Legendary British band Depeche Mode will return to Bucharest in the summer of 2023, for a concert at Arena Nationala. The performance in Romania, scheduled for July 26, is part of the band's Memento Mori world tour.
Tickets go on sale this Friday, October 7, at 10:00, on the Bilete.emagic.ro platform and the Iabilet.ro and Entertix.ro networks. However, according to the organizers, fans registered on the Emagic, IaBilet and Entertix websites have access to a pre-sale campaign starting October 5, 10:00, using the code received by email.
Further details about the concert in Bucharest are available here .
Depeche Mode announced a new album and world tour on Tuesday, October 4. The band's fifteenth studio album will be called Memento Mori and released in the spring of 2023. Next year's tour, set to start on March 23, will be Depeche Mode's 19th tour and the first in more than five years.
Depeche Mode's most recent and longest tour - Global Spirit Tour (2017-2018) - brought the band in front of more than 3 million fans, both in Europe and North America. Romania was also on the list, with a live show in Cluj-Napoca in 2017 .
Depeche Mode previously performed in Romania, in Bucharest, in 2013 and 2006.
(Photo: screenshot from the band's live announcement on Facebook)
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Depeche Mode – 26 July 2023 – National Arena, Bucharest (RO)
Depeche Mode return to Bucharest on July 26 at the National Arena. Tickets go on sale Friday from 10:00 on www.iabilet.ro and in the iaBilet networkThe concert is part of the “Memento Mori” world tour and will take place at the National Arena, as part of an event organized by Emagic. Tickets will be available from Friday 7 October at 10am.
Depeche Mode fans registered on iaBilet HAVE ACCESS TO PRESS SALES STARTING ON OCTOBER 5, AT 10:00 AM, using the code received by email.Depeche Mode, included in the 2020 “Rock & Roll Hall of Fame” list, announced today, during a press conference held in Berlin, the release of a new album, followed by a world tour. Depeche Mode’s fifteenth studio album will be called “Memento Mori” and will be released in the spring of 2023.Discussing Memento Mori, Martin Gore said: “We started working on this project at the onset of the pandemic, and the themes of the material are directly inspired by that period. After the loss of Fletch, we decided to continue, being convinced that this is what he would have wanted, and this only gave the project a special meaning”.”Fletch would have loved this album. We can’t wait to share this material with you and can’t wait to present it live in concerts next year” – added Dave Gahan.The Memento Mori Tour will be Depeche Mode’s 19th tour and first in more than five years. Depeche Mode’s most recent and longest tour – “Global Spirit Tour” (2017-2018) – more than 130 concerts – brought the band in front of more than 3 million fans, both in Europe and North America. Romania was among the lucky countries, with a live show in Cluj-Napoca, organized by Emagic in 2017, at the Cluj Arena.
DEPECHE MODE revine la Bucuresti pe 26 iulie 2023! Concertul face parte din turneul mondial “Memento Mori” si va avea loc la Arena Nationala, in cadrul unul eveniment organizat de Emagic. Biletele vor fi disponibile incepand de vineri, 7 octombrie, ora 10:00, la BILETE.EMAGIC.RO si in retelele IABILET.RO si ENTERTIX.RO .
Depeche Mode, inclusi in 2020 pe lista “ Rock & Roll Hall of Fame ”, au anuntat astazi, in cadrul unei conferinte de presa sustinute la Berlin, lansarea unui nou album, urmata de un turneu mondial. Cel de-al cinsprezecelea album de studio Depeche Mode va purta numele de “ Memento Mori ’’ si se va lansa in primavara lui 2023.
Dave Gahan si Martin Gore au dezvaluit in cadrul conferintei de astazi ca turneul Memento Mori , prezentat de Live Nation, va incepe in luna martie cu o serie de evenimente speciale in America de Nord, urmata, incepand din luna mai, de concerte in Europa. Pe harta turneului European se afla si Romania, cu un concert extraordinar, ce va avea loc la Arena Nationala din Bucuresti, pe 26 iulie. Show-ul Depeche Mode va cuprinde si piese de pe noul album ‘’Memento Mori’’, cat si piese de pe albumele anterioare, deja consacrate.
Discutand despre Memento Mori , Martin Gore a declarat: “ Am inceput lucrul pentru acest proiect la debutul pandemiei, iar temele materialului sunt direct inspirate din acea perioada. Dupa pierderea lui Fletch, am decis sa continuam, fiind convinsi ca el asta si-ar fi dorit, iar acest lucru nu a facut decat sa confere proiectului o semnificatie aparte ”.
“ Lui Fletch i-ar fi placut la nebunie acest album. Suntem nerabdatori sa impartasim acest material cu voi si de abia asteptam sa vi-l prezentam live in concertele de anul viitor ” – a adaugat Dave Gahan.
Turneul Memento Mori va fi cel de-al 19-lea turneu Depeche Mode si primul dupa mai bine de cinci ani. Cel mai recent si cel mai indelungat turneu Depeche Mode – “ Global Spirit Tour ” (2017-2018) – peste 130 de concerte – a adus trupa in fata a peste 3 milioane de fani, atat in Europa, cat si in America de Nord. Printre tarile norocoase s-a aflat si Romania, cu un show live la Cluj-Napoca, organizat de Emagic in 2017, la Cluj Arena.
Memento Mori va fi cel de-al 15-lea album de studio al trupei Depeche Mode si continuarea albumului Spirit din 2017, intens aclamat de critici, care a ajuns pe locul 1 în 11 teritorii si in top 5 in alte peste 20 de tari. Memento Mori va fi lansat in premiera mondiala in primavara anului 2023 via Columbia Records.
Cu vanzari de peste 100 de milioane de discuri si concerte in fata a peste 35 de milioane de fani din toata lumea, Depeche Mode ramane un nume de referinta, cu influenta majora in industrie, iar muzica lor o continua evolutie, fiind o inspiratie de neuitat pentru fani, critici si artisti deopotriva.
Atat albumul, cat si turneul Memento Mori reprezinta cel mai nou capitol al unei mosteniri statornice si de neegalat.
Biletele pentru concertul Depeche Mode de la Arena Nationala din Bucuresti pot fi achizitionate de la BILETE.EMAGIC.RO , precum si din retelele IABILET.RO si ENTERTIX.RO , incepand de vineri, 7 octombrie 2022, ora 10:00.
Intrarea la eveniment se face in baza regulamentului organizatorului si include respectarea tuturor restrictiilor si ale posibilelor conditii suplimentare impuse de autoritatile locale inainte de eveniment si in timpul desfasurarii evenimentului.
Mai multe detalii privind regulamentul de acces vor fi comunicate in zilele din apropierea evenimentului. Cumparatorilor de bilet li se recomanda consultarea SITEULUI OFICIAL si a platformelor SOCIAL MEDIA EMAGIC , precum si a siteurilor si paginilor de social media ale platformelor de ticketing partenere ( IABILET.RO si ENTERTIX.RO ), inainte de participarea la eveniment.
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Tickets for Depeche Mode 2023 concert in Bucharest, on sale from Friday
Tickets for the Depeche Mode concert at the National Arena in Bucharest can be purchased, starting Friday, from the bilete.emagic.ro, as well as from the iaBilet.ro networks and Entertix.ro, the organizers announce, told Agerpres.
Depeche Mode returns to Bucharest on July 26, 2023, where it will hold a concert at the National Arena in the capital, a performance that is part of the Memento Mori world tour, a press release sent on Tuesday by the organizers reads.
Included in the 2020 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame list, Depeche Mode announced the release of a new album, followed by a world tour. Depeche Mode's fifteenth studio album will be called Memento Mori and will be released in the spring of 2023.
Dave Gahan and Martin Gore have announced that the Memento Mori tour will begin in March with a series of special events in North America, followed, from May, by concerts in Europe. Romania is also on the map of the European tour, with an extraordinary concert at the National Arena in Bucharest, on July 26. The show will include songs from the new album, but also songs from the previous albums, already known, the organizers stated.
Martin Gore, as quoted in the press release, said that the band started working on this project at the beginning of the pandemic, and the themes of the material are directly inspired by that period. After the loss of Fletch, he added, we decided to continue, being convinced that this is what he would have wanted, and this only served to give the project a special meaning, referring to the Memento Mori album.
According to the source, Dave Gahan added, in turn, that Fletch would have loved this album and that they can't wait to share this material and present it live in concerts next year.
The Memento Mori tour will be Depeche Mode's 19th tour and the first in more than five years. The most recent and longest Depeche Mode tour - Global Spirit Tour (2017-2018) - more than 130 concerts - brought the band in front of more than three million fans, both in Europe and in North America. Romania was also among the lucky countries, with a live show in central-western Cluj-Napoca, organized by Emagic in 2017, at the Cluj Arena, it is also shown in the release.
Memento Mori will be Depeche Mode's 15th studio album and the follow-up to 2017's critically acclaimed Spirit, which reached #1 in 11 territories and the top 5 in over 20 other countries.
On Wednesday, 26th of July, you are expected at Arena Nationala for a once in a lifetime live concert, with Depeche Mode and special guest HAELOS. You can book your tickets now from https://bilete.emagic.ro/ .
Be your own Personal Jesus and don’t miss out on the ultimate Depeche Mode concert experience in Bucharest! With exclusive access to a premium viewing area, you’ll have the best seat in the house to witness Dave Gahan and Martin Gore deliver an unforgettable performance of their Memento Mori Tour. Get ready to enjoy a truly luxurious concert experience and book your Skybox today. During this event, you and your guests can enjoy a premium viewing experience from our stadium sky boxes, which provides an elevated perspective of the concert through a panoramic view of the stage and the crowd. With comfortable seating, climate control, and access to premium amenities, our sky boxes provide a VIP experience that will impress your guests. In addition to the premium amenities, you will enjoy privacy and exclusivity, as your guests will have their own personal space to enjoy the concert, to fully immerse themselves in the music and atmosphere of this special event.
Book your Skybox / [email protected] / 0727 929 583 The catering for your Skybox is provided by Fratelli Catering. This event is organized by EMAGIC and powered by Magic FM.
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Buy tickets for Depeche Mode concert | Memento Mori World Tour 2023 in Bucharest 2023
General onsale from: thu, 6 oct 2022, 10:00, how to get there, accommodation.
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Concert Information for Depeche Mode concert | Memento Mori World Tour 2023 in Bucharest
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Get the Depeche Mode Setlist of the concert at Arena Națională, Bucharest, Romania on July 26, 2023 from the Memento Mori Tour and other Depeche Mode Setlists for free on setlist.fm!
On the Memento Mori tour, Hublot and Depeche Mode are proud to announce they'll be supporting and raising funds for The Conservation Collective, a UK-based environmental charity. ... Bucharest. GET TICKETS . Opening Act: HÆLOS On Sale: October 7, 2022, 10am (local time) July 28, 2023. Puskás Aréna Budapest. GET TICKETS .
Photos (131) Buy tickets, find event, venue and support act information and reviews for Depeche Mode's upcoming concert at Arena Națională (National Arena) in Bucharest on 26 Jul 2023.
Cel mai recent si cel mai indelungat turneu Depeche Mode - "Global Spirit Tour" (2017-2018) - peste 130 de concerte - a adus trupa in fata a peste 3 milioane de fani, atat in Europa, cat si in America de Nord. Printre tarile norocoase s-a aflat si Romania, cu un show live la Cluj-Napoca, organizat de Emagic in 2017, la Cluj Arena.
Depeche Mode concert in Bucharest takes place on July 26, at National Arena - Arena Nationala. This is the third time the band returns to Romania. ... The most recent and extended Depeche Mode tour - „Global Spirit Tour" (2017-2018) - over 130 concerts - brought the band in front of over 3 million fans in Europe and North America. ...
Depeche Mode's most recent and longest tour - Global Spirit Tour (2017-2018) - brought the band in front of more than 3 million fans, both in Europe and North America. Romania was also on the list ...
Memento Mori Tour, Romania, Bucharest, Arena Nationala00:00 - HÆLOS04:00 - Intro05:45 - My Cosmos Is Mine07:53 - Wagging Tongue08:42 - Walking in My Shoes11:...
Poze concert Depeche Mode la București în 2023. Vezi poze live cu Dave Gahan , Depeche Mode , Martin Gore. Depeche Mode revine cu un nou concert în România, pe Arena Națională din București. Evenimentul va avea loc pe 26 iulie 2023 și face parte din turneul internațional "Memento Mori". În deschidere va cânta trupa HÆLOS.
Depeche Mode return to Bucharest on July 26 at the National Arena. Tickets go on sale Friday from 10:00 on www.iabilet.ro and in the iaBilet networkThe concert is part of the "Memento Mori" world tour and will take place at the National Arena, as part of an event organized by Emagic. Tickets will be available from Friday 7 October at 10am.
Depeche Mode returns to Bucharest on July 26, 2023, where it will hold a concert at the National Arena in the capital, a performance that is part of the Memento Mori world tour, a press release sent on Tuesday by the organizers reads. ... The most recent and longest Depeche Mode tour - Global Spirit Tour (2017-2018) - more than 130 concerts ...
Be your own Personal Jesus and don't miss out on the ultimate Depeche Mode concert experience in Bucharest! With exclusive access to a premium viewing area, you'll have the best seat in the house to witness Dave Gahan and Martin Gore deliver an unforgettable performance of their Memento Mori Tour. Get ready to enjoy a truly luxurious ...
Depece Mode, in concert live @ Arena Nationala.It was more than a simple concert, a really live performance from a great band, for more than two hours! The p...
Depeche Mode - Full Concert Memento Mori, Arena Nationala, Bucharest 2023, Live
Depeche Mode concert in Bucharest | Memento Mori World Tour 2023, General Onsale From: Thu, 6 Oct 2022, 10:00, is a concert which takes place on the 07/26/2023 at 19:00 in Arena Nationala, Bucharest, Romania.
Part of the Memento Mori World Tour, the Grandparents of Synth-Pop had an electrifying and emotional showed on 26th of July 2023 on National Arena, Bucharest...
Depeche Mode's concert in Bucharest on July 23, 2023 was all that and more, because it was also dedicated, in a way, to Andy Fletcher, who died in May last year, and the tour's name is Memento ...
Buy Depeche Mode tickets from the official Ticketmaster.com site. Find Depeche Mode tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos.
Depeche Mode - Memento Mori Tour Setlist 202300:00 My Cosmos Is Mine07:10 Wagging Tongue 10:50 Walking in My Shoes17:50 It's No Good23:00 Sister of Night29:0...
13K subscribers in the Concerts community. A happy place to post concert or festival news, upcoming tour dates, past recordings, line-ups, rumours…
Depeche Mode Bucuresti 26 Iulie 2023 - Arena NationalaDepeche Mode Bucharest concert July 26'th 2023Waiting for the night , Enjoy the Silence, Never let me ...