voyage train france

Votre panier est vide.

Et si vous réserviez votre prochain trajet ?

  • Train France

Réservez des voyages dans toute l'Europe

  • Distributeur officiel de billet de train
  • Réseau ferroviaire
  • Trajets populaires
  • Billets pas chers
  • Guide de réservation
  • Régions populaires
  • Visiter la France en TER
  • Meilleures villes

Ouverture des ventes SNCF : achetez vos billets pour l'été ! 🌞

À vos marques... prêts... partez ! Les billets SNCF pour l'été sont là ! 😍

Que vous ayez prévu de vous faire dorer la pilule sur un transat au soleil, de randonner dans les Pyrénées ou même d'assister à l' Euro de Football 2024 (ou tout autre évènement sportif 👀), qu’importe votre destination, la SNCF vous y emmène cet été. 

Dès le 13 mars 2024, les billets TGV INOUI et INTERCITÉS sont disponibles pour des voyages entre le 6 juillet et le 11 septembre 2024. Vous pouvez aussi réserver vos billet OUIGO jusqu'au 14 décembre 2024. 

Pas encore décidé sur votre région de vacances ? Voici quelques-unes de nos villes préférées pour un été parfait 💡 :

  • La Rochelle

Vous faites partie des 40% de franciliens qui comptent s'éloigner du tumulte parisien en août 1 ? Nous avons aussi pensé à vous. 🤗 Pourquoi ne pas découvrir Annecy , Rennes ou même Toulouse ? 

Pssst , dernière petite info : l'été appartient à ceux qui réservent tôt. 💪 Si vous devez vous rendre à Lyon depuis Paris par exemple (pour un concert peut-être ? 😏), vous pouvez économiser 12€ en moyenne en réservant 6 semaines avant le départ. Et plus vous réservez tôt, plus les économies sont importantes * ! 

Je réserve maintenant !

Comment prendre le train en France ?

Vous désirez avoir plus d'information sur le voyage en train en France ? Sur cette page nous vous aidons à trouver le type de train qui vous convient et vous expliquons comment fonctionnent les trains en France.

La SNCF exploite les 4 principaux services ferroviaires en France :

  • TGV , le service ferroviaire à grande vitesse qui relie les principales villes de France comme Lyon, Bordeaux et Marseille. Avec TGV, vous pouvez vous rendre dans plus de 230 destinations en France et en Europe.
  • TER , le réseau régional pour les voyages locaux dans les différentes régions de France. 20 régions sont désormais desservies par le TER, ce qui représente plus de 5 000 arrêts et gares.
  • Intercités , le service de trains à grande vitesse qui offre un itinéraire alternatif autour de la France pour toutes les villes non desservies par le réseau TGV.
  • OUIGO , le service de train low cost qui vous permet de voyager en France à partir de 10 €* . Une bonne option pour découvrir beaucoup de villes françaises avec des billets de train abordables.

La compagnie italienne Trenitalia opère aussi en France avec 5 allers-retours quotidiens sur la ligne Paris-Lyon . Profitez de billets de train Frecciarossa à partir de 23 €* entre les deux villes. Les trains italiens permettent aussi de voyager de Paris vers Milan en 6 h 30 environ . 

*Le prix est en euro, tel qu'affiché au 23 juin 2022, et est sujet à changement. Toute demande de modification ou d'annulation devra s'effectuer avec la compagnie de réservation.

Trajets populaires en train

Voici quelques idées de trajets en train direct que les trains de la SNCF effectuent au quotidien.

Paris à Lyon

Temps de voyage : 1h  57

Sauter dans un TGV ou un train Frecciarossa direct à Paris Gare de Lyon jusqu'à... Lyon. Ça, c'était la partie facile. Maintenant, ça se complique. Serez-vous capable de résister à la tentation de la capitale culinaire mondiale ?

Paris à Bordeaux

Temps de voyage : 2 h 11

De la ville des douceurs sucrées à la ville du vin, il n'y a qu'un TGV. Prenez le train direct à la gare de Paris Montparnasse et vous arriverez près du centre-ville de Bordeaux et de son architecture gothique.

Paris à Nice

Temps de voyage : 6 h 06

Vous ne vous lasserez pas de Paris. Mais vous pourriez avoir envie de plages et du climat parfait du sud de la France. Nous ne vous le reprocherons pas. Et dans ce cas, prenez un TGV direct depuis la gare de Paris Gare de Lyon jusqu'à la gare de Nice-Ville.

Paris à Strasbourg

Temps de voyage : 2 h 07

Lorsque vous embarquerez à Paris Gare de l'Est et arriverez à Strasbourg en train direct, vous aurez du mal à croire que vous êtes toujours dans le même pays. L'influence de la culture allemande est si forte dans cette ville charmante que vous la goûterez même dans votre choucroute aux saucisses.

Paris à Marseille

Temps de voyage : 3 h 04 

Embarquez à Paris Gare de Lyon et arrivez à Marseille 3 heures plus tard. Plages, calanques, de nombreuses options pour passer un weekend les pieds dans l'eau cet été. Vous restez plus longtemps ? Profitez des TER pour voyager dans la région PACA.

Paris à Lille

Temps de voyage : 1 heure 

Envie d'un city-break pendant vos vacances ? Pourquoi ne pas visiter Lille et son architecture. En partant de Paris gare du Nord, vous rejoindrez Lille en moins d'une heure. Une fois sur place, vous profitez de l'offre TER à 1 € tout l’été et visiter la région. 

Paris à Nantes

Temps de voyage : 2 h 30

Au départ de Paris Montparnasse, TGV INOUI et OUIGO vous emmènent dans le cœur de la ville de Nantes en 2 h 30 environ. 

Quand réserver et comment trouver des billets de train pas chers en France?

La mission de Trainline est de vous aider à faire des économies. Toutes nos astuces sont détaillées dans notre page billets de train pas chers . Saviez-vous que les prix augmentent à l'approche de la date de départ ? L'achat de billets de train à l'avance vous permet d'économiser beaucoup d'argent. Chez Trainline, nous vous aidons à trouver les billets de train les moins chers pour vos voyages en France, et nous vous disons même quand les prix sont sur le point d'augmenter.

Réservez à l'avance

Les billets de train sont généralement mis en vente environ 3 mois avant la date du voyage. Réservez bien à l'avance pour vous assurer d'obtenir l'option la moins chère car ce sont ces billets qui partent le plus vite, ne laissant que les plus chers.

Voyagez avec OUIGO et Intercités de nuit

Lorsque vous voyagez en France, vous pouvez bénéficier de billets de train très bon marché en voyageant avec le service de train low cost  OUIGO . Les Intercités de nuit  sont également une excellente option pour économiser de l'argent sur les billets de train et d'hébergement (vous pouvez aller de Paris à Toulouse , Rodez, Briançon et Latour-de-Carol dans les deux sens). Lors de la recherche de billets sur Trainline, nous afficherons tous les billets et options disponibles, en mettant en évidence les moins chers.

Bénéficiez d'offres spéciales

Jetez un œil sur les offres en cours*, ainsi que sur les cartes et abonnements SNCF . 

* Profitez-en : SNCF lance plusieurs fois par an une offre sur les cartes de réduction Carte Avantage Adulte TGV INOUI , Carte Avantage Jeune TGV INOUI ou  Carte Avantage Senior TGV INOUI. Ces offres sont applicables aux renouvellements, mais non cumulable avec les 10 euros de réduction habituels lors d’un renouvellement.

Souscrire à l'abonnement Forfait SNCF

Voyagez-vous souvent en France ? Économisez sur vos trajets en train avec l’abonnement Forfait SNCF . Disponibles en 1ère et 2nde classe, en forfaits hebdomadaires ou mensuels, vous ne payez qu'une seule fois votre abonnement pour pouvoir voyager en TGV, INTERCITÉS et TER de façon illimitée. Une fois votre abonnement Forfait SNCF en poche, il ne vous reste plus qu'à régler les frais de réservation qui s'élèvent au maximum à 1,50 € par billet. Pas mal non ?

Vous avez une Carte Avantage Week-end ?

Depuis le 17 juin 2021, la Carte Avantage Adulte TGV INOUI remplace la Carte Avantage Week-end. Si vous souhaitez acheter ou renouveler une Carte Avantage Week-end, sachez qu’elle est désormais proposée sous le nom de Carte Avantage Adulte TGV INOUI. 

Comment les prix fonctionnent pour les billets de train en France

Les billets  TGV et Intercités peuvent normalement être réservés jusqu'à trois mois à l'avance, sauf entre mi-décembre et mi-janvier, où les billets sont en vente deux mois à l'avance. C'est aussi le cas pendant les vacances de février à avril et en été, où les ventes commencent alors quatre mois avant la date du départ. Le prix du billet pour les trains TGV et Intercités augmente à mesure que le train se remplit et se rapproche de la date de départ. Les billets pour les TER (régionaux) sont toujours vendus à un tarif fixe.

Consultez cette page pour plus d'infos sur les billets SNCF en France .

Comment réserver des billets de train pour voyager en France

Pour réserver vos billets de train en France le plus simplement possible, vous pouvez télécharger l'application Trainline sur votre smartphone ou aller sur le site Trainline. Il vous sera alors possible de consulter les horaires et les prix des billets de train pour préparer votre voyage en quelques clics . Si vous planifiez de voyager de la France vers un autre pays d'Europe, consultez notre page sur les trains en Europe .

Planifier un voyage

Une fois que vous avez décidé de votre destination, vous pouvez trouver plus d'informations sur notre page SNCF . Consultez également notre FAQ si vous avez d'autres questions et besoin de plus de détails pour savoir comment prendre le train. Vous avez une question qui ne figure pas dans la FAQ ? Notre équipe de service à la clientèle est là pour vous aider, vous avez juste à choisir l'une des options sur notre page de support .

Une fois que vous avez vos billets en poche, il n'y a plus aucune raison de s'inquiéter, même si vous n'avez pas l'habitude de prendre le train en France – tout est très bien indiqué au sein des gares, et le personnel des gares et des trains est là pour vous aider à vous orienter.

Avant de voyager

Nous vous conseillons généralement de prévoir assez de temps pour arriver à la gare, trouver votre plateforme et monter à bord du train. La même chose vaut pour les voyages qui nécessitent des changements. Lorsque vous réservez des billets pour un voyage en train non direct, nous vous montrons des options réalistes qui vous donnent suffisamment de temps pour changer de train . Comme la plupart des gares principales en France sont très grandes, il faut parfois jusqu'à 10 minutes pour aller d'une plateforme à une extrémité de la station à une autre plateforme à l'autre extrémité. Assurez-vous de consulter nos pages de gares pour plus de détails, y compris les emplacements, les services disponibles, les horaires des trains et les cartes des gares françaises.

Vous trouverez des panneaux de départ électroniques dans les halls d'entrée de la plupart des gares, indiquant les heures de train en direct et les informations sur la plateforme. Les changements dans les horaires des trains tels que les retards et les changements de plateforme seront affichés sur les panneaux de départ , et annoncés généralement via des haut-parleurs. Les plateformes sont numérotées de manière continue, en commençant par 1. Les panneaux de signalisation et les cartes des gares vous indiqueront le chemin. Toutes les grandes gares françaises sont équipées d'une consigne à bagages, de toilettes, de boutiques et de restaurants ainsi que de bureaux de réservation de billets et de bureaux d'information.

Idées voyages en France en train

Consultez notre blog pour trouver encore plus d'inspiration pour votre prochain  voyage en France  !

Que visiter à Paris ?

Visiter paris en 3 jours, 10 balades autour de lyon, 15 plus beaux sites en aveyron, que faire à deauville , où partir en hiver en france , endroits à visiter en france.

Saviez-vous que la France est le pays le plus visité au monde ? Et pour de bonnes raisons. De nombreuses bonnes raisons en fait. La principale ? La France a tout. Que vous préfériez passer vos vacances à nager, skier ou marcher, nous vous apportons des plages, des montagnes et de la campagne sur un plateau d'argent.

Côte d'Azur

Art / Plages / Cuisine / Villes

La Côte d'Azur. La simple évocation de son nom apporte un soleil resplendissant dans la pièce. Cette région est l'une des plus belles de France et est idéalement située dans le sud-est, en faisant une destination de vacances toute l'année.

Il n'est pas surprenant que tant d'artistes célèbres tels que Monet, Picasso et Renoir se soient inspirés de la lumière magique et des couleurs intenses de la Côte d'Azur. Et une fois que vous serez sur les plages de galets de Nice ou que vous ferez un petit tour sur la célèbre Promenade des Anglais, vous regretterez certainement de ne pas être vous-même un peintre.

Si vous êtes en quête d'un peu de glamour et de paillettes, la Promenade de la Croisette de Cannes, le Casino de Monte-Carlo ou les yachts de Saint-Tropez vous attendent. Pour les amoureux de la nature et du calme, prenez une paire de chaussures confortables et ne manquez pas les villages pittoresques d'Eze et de Saint-Paul-de-Vence.

Trains pour Nice

Histoire / Cuisine / Randonnées / Marchés Locaux / Vins

Se réveiller au son des sauterelles, découvrir des kilomètres de paysages de lavande, goûter au vin rosé le plus exquis... Bienvenue en Provence.

Situé juste au-dessus de la Côte d'Azur dans le sud de la France, la Provence n'a rien à envier à son voisin. Capitale de la région, Aix-en-Provence saura vous charmer par ses marchés locaux pleins de couleurs et d'odeurs. De ses huiles d'olive aux fameuses herbes provençales, vous pourriez vous perdre dans une explosion de saveurs. Pourquoi ne pas essayer la bouillabaisse, la daube... ou la tropézienne?

Et pour vous aider à digérer, rien de tel qu'une promenade au milieu de la nature. La Provence possède son propre Grand Canyon : les Gorges du Verdon, un canyon de 25 kilomètres de long, et mesurant 600 mètres de haut en bas. Après votre longue randonnée, vous pourrez vous reposer à Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, village typiquement provençal classé parmi les plus beaux villages de France (dégustez leur crème glacée artisanale,  elle est exquise !). Si vous n'êtes pas encore fatigué, la vue depuis le sommet du Mont Ventoux, l'une des étapes du Tour de France, est incroyable. Mais vous devrez d'abord l'escalader !

Cette région regorge de tant de villages qu'il peut être difficile de faire un choix. Si vous avez besoin d'un coup de pouce, découvrez  les plus beaux villages de Provence sur notre blog.

Trains pour Aix-en-Provence

Vallée de la Loire

Histoire / Châteaux / Vins / Cuisine

Qui n'a jamais rêvé d'être un prince ou une princesse pour un jour (ou deux) ? La Vallée de la Loire déborde de châteaux d'Angers à Orléans , en suivant la Loire dans le centre de la France, à un peu plus d'une heure de Paris en train. Que vous soyez un expert de la royauté française, un fan de la série télévisée Reign ou un lecteur de la série de bandes dessinées Tintin , vous trouverez ce que vous cherchez dans la Vallée de la Loire.

Commencez votre visite des châteaux par le Château d'Angers et sa tapisserie Apocalypse, poursuivez avec le Château de Cheverny qui a inspiré Hergé, et terminez par le plus beau château de tous : le Château de Chambord, situé juste au bord de la rivière. Promis, vous ne le regretterez pas.

Non seulement la Vallée de la Loire est connue pour son architecture, mais elle est aussi célèbre pour ses vins. Au sein de cette région surnommée le berceau ou jardin de la France, vous ne pourrez pas manquer tous les vignobles et les champs à perte de vue. Pourquoi ne pas s'arrêter et profiter d'une dégustation de vin ? Vous aurez l'embarras du choix, car les goûts et les couleurs sont variés. Les vins de la Vallée de la Loire sont parmi les meilleurs en France.

Trains pour Angers

Alpes françaises

Ski / Randonnées / Cuisine / Villes

Amoureux de la nature, amateurs de sport, vous serez ici chez vous. Des montagnes enneigées aux vallées verdoyantes, du lac bleu d'Annecy à la vue de Chamonix sur le Mont Blanc, les Alpes françaises vous charmeront par la diversité de ses paysages et par son air frais .

En hiver, montez sur vos skis et snowboards. L'Alpe d'Huez, Courchevel ou Val Thorens vous ouvrent leurs portes... ou leurs nombreuses pistes. Car ce sont bien des kilomètres de pistes qui s'étendent devant vous. Vous allez dans les Alpes françaises en été ? Enfilez vos chaussures de marche et partez à l'aventure parmi les chamois et les marmottes. Les Alpes françaises sont parfaites pour faire de la randonnée ou de l'escalade et, pourquoi pas, pour un pique-nique romantique au milieu de la nature.

Mais les Alpes ne sont pas seulement faites de montagnes. Découvrez Annecy et promenez-vous le long de son célèbre lac. Apprenez à connaître la cuisine de la région : sa fondue à côté d'une cheminée, sa raclette à déguster en famille ou entre amis. Tout cela avec vue sur le Mont Blanc, la plus haute montagne d'Europe.

Trains vers Annecy

Histoire / Cuisine / Plages / Villes

Située dans le nord-ouest de la France, la Normandie n'a peut-être pas le meilleur climat du monde mais elle possède certainement les plus beaux paysages et meilleurs fromages. Parmi eux : le Camembert, roi des fromages. Berceau de la littérature française, la Normandie a vu grandir Guy de Maupassant et Gustave Flaubert, deux célèbres écrivains français.

Capitale de la Normandie, Rouen vous charmera par ses belles rues pavées et sa cathédrale. La ville a une grande histoire à découvrir, dont le martyr de Jeanne d'Arc. En suivant la Seine jusqu'à l'océan, Le Havre ouvre ses rives et sa délicieuse cuisine. N'oubliez pas de goûter aux moules marinières ! Et pour digérer, promenez-vous le long des plages de Normandie. Les falaises blanches et les mystères de la Seconde Guerre mondiale valent le détour.

Vous pourrez également aller vers le sud, près de St-Malo et de Pontorson. Sortez votre objectif : le Mont-Saint-Michel, célèbre abbaye, est l'un des lieux les plus photographiés de France. Accessible par un pont flambant neuf construit en 2014, l'abbaye fait partie du site du patrimoine mondial et vous transportera quelques siècles en arrière.

Trains vers le Mont-St-Michel

TER France : visiter les régions en train

Le rail français vous emmène dans les grandes régions de France. Jetez un œil à nos pages TER pour trouver un train vers la destination de votre choix.

TER Bretagne

Ter picardie, ter normandie, ter auvergne-rhône-alpes, trains dans les différentes régions de france, les trains en provence côte d'azur, trains en midi-pyrénées, 3 des meilleures villes de france.

La France compte tant de villes fantastiques qu'il est difficile d'établir un classement. Mais Paris, Lyon et Bordeaux sont sans conteste parmi celles qui attirent le plus de monde de par leur architecture à couper le souffle, leur gastronomie à se lécher les babines et leur art de vivre qui laisse rêveur...

La ville de l'amour. La Ville Lumière. Vous avez certainement entendu ces surnoms de nombreuses fois. Ne pensez-vous pas qu'il est temps de découvrir pourquoi par vous-même ? Réserver un voyage à Paris vous permettra de découvrir les multiples visages de cette ville fantastique - qui est à elle seule l'une des principales raisons pour lesquelles la France est le pays le plus visité au monde...

Commencez votre visite au sommet de la Tour Eiffel, afin d'avoir un aperçu de toutes les choses qui vous attendent. Ensuite, redescendez puis descendez encore un petit peu pour visiter les catacombes de Paris et partez pour une visite unique qui vous emmènera 135 pieds sous terre... Ou bien dirigez-vous vers la lumière du dôme emblématique du Panthéon, avant de vous promener dans le Quartier Latin et de vous émerveiller devant le chef-d'œuvre d'art gothique qu'est la cathédrale Notre-Dame.

Une fois que vos yeux seront remplis par tant de beauté, il sera temps de remplir votre estomac avec la gastronomie française. Qui comprend évidemment des gâteaux, des viennoiseries et du chocolat. Paris abrite certains des chefs pâtissiers les plus connus au monde, et des macarons de Ladurée à l'Ispahan de Pierre Hermé, votre dose de sucre est entre de bonnes mains.

Trains pour Paris

Vous avez envie d'expérimenter le véritable art de vivre à la française ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin, Lyon est la prochaine ville sur votre liste de voyage. Là, tout est culture et architecture, nourriture, art et tranquillité.

Mais les choses importantes d'abord. Quand vous serez à Lyon, votre principale préoccupation doit tourner autour d'une seule question : "qu'est-ce qu'on mange ?". Saviez-vous que cette ville française est la capitale de la gastronomie ? La tentation est omniprésente entre les nombreux restaurants étoilés, les bouchons traditionnels (petits bistros servant une cuisine lyonnaise), le prestigieux marché couvert Les Halles de Lyon, les marchés de plein air et leurs produits régionaux... Comme vous pouvez le voir, la liste est interminable. Et comment ne pas mentionner le pape de la cuisine française, Paul Bocuse, pionnier du mouvement de la "nouvelle cuisine".

Maintenant, il est temps d'explorer. Sans hésitation, rendez-vous dans le Vieux Lyon, l'un des plus grands quartiers Renaissance d'Europe. Nous parions que vous comprendrez immédiatement pourquoi ce quartier a été inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco. Vous pouvez commencer de vous émerveiller devant le style roman et gothique de la cathédrale Saint-Jean, avant de vous perdre dans les 200 et quelques charmants traboules, ces passages secrets dévoilant d'étonnantes cours, ruelles et escaliers...

Trains pour Lyon

La première chose qui vous vient à l'esprit lorsque vous pensez à Bordeaux ? Certainement le mot "vin". Et nous ne pouvons honnêtement pas vous en blâmer. Après tout, vous êtes dans la capitale mondiale du vin. Alors avis aux amoureux du Cabernet Sauvignon et du Merlot, cette ville située dans le sud-ouest de la France est sans conteste une destination idéale pour vous.

De nombreuses visites de vignobles et dégustations de vins sont organisées à Bordeaux pour profiter au mieux de votre séjour. Non seulement vous deviendrez un expert du vin de Bordeaux, mais vous visiterez également des vignobles célèbres, des châteaux ou des villages de la région Aquitaine selon la visite guidée qui vous plaira le plus. Et ne manquez pas La Cité du Vin, un musée unique et moderne qui explore l'histoire de cette boisson de manière immersive et sensorielle.

Mais avant même de boire votre premier verre de vin, vous tomberez amoureux de Bordeaux au premier coup d'œil. La ville est inscrite sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO pour sa remarquable unité urbaine et architecturale créée au siècle des Lumières. La majestueuse Place de la Bourse datant du 18ème siècle, l'impressionnant Palais Rohan ou la Place des Quinconces, plus grande place d'Europe de l'Ouest, sont quelques-unes des choses qui vous émerveilleront.

Trains pour Bordeaux

Questions fréquentes

Dois-je acheter mes billets de train à l'avance .

Vous pouvez acheter des billets de train à l'avance pour les lignes TGV et Intercités en France. Les billets Prem's (les moins chers) sont généralement mis en vente trois mois à l'avance. Si vous voulez faire des économies, achetez vos billets de train pour les TGV et les Intercités à l'avance pour être sûr de trouver des prix plus avantageux. En revanche, si vous voyagez sur les lignes TER, le tarif des billets est fixe, il n'est donc pas nécessaire de les acheter à l'avance.

Peut-on avoir son billet de train sur son téléphone ?

Oui, c'est possible. Si vous réservez avec nous, nous vous donnerons la possibilité de recevoir votre billet sous forme de billet électronique lorsque l'option est possible. Nous vous l'enverrons à l'adresse e-mail indiquée lors de la réservation. Il vous suffit de présenter le code-barres du billet (dans notre application) lorsqu'on vous le demande. Vous avez également la possibilité d'imprimer le billet chez vous ou de montrer le code de référence à six lettres au contrôleur, qui pourra l'utiliser pour vérifier votre billet.

Pouvez-vous acheter des billets dans le train ?

Non. Il n'est pas possible d'acheter des billets de train en France, vous devez toujours réserver à l'avance, (surtout lorsqu'on sait que les billets moins chers sont mis en vente jusqu'à trois mois à l'avance).

Ai-je besoin de réserver une place dans le train ?

Vous aurez besoin d'une réservation de place si vous voyagez à bord d'un TGV, mais pas nécessairement pour les trajets en Intercités - en particulier pour les trajets de courte distance. Les lignes Intercites qui nécessitent une réservation de siège sont les lignes Paris-Toulouse et Paris-Marseille. Les trains TER ne nécessitent pas de réservation.

Quel est le train le plus rapide en France ?

Le train le plus rapide en France est le TGV. Ce train à grande vitesse peut atteindre 320 km/h.

Mentions légales

1 Enquête avec Ipsos Digital pour Trainline auprès d’un échantillon national représentatif de 1000 Franciliens âgés de 18 à 75 ans sur des quotas de genre, d’âge, de région (la répartition par CSP a également été contrôlée) via un questionnaire auto-administré en ligne du 22 au 26 février 2024.

Ouverture des ventes SNCF été 2024


Billets en vente dès le 13 mars 2024 à 9H pour des voyages du 06 juillet 2024 au 11 septembre 2024 inclus, pour un trajet effectué en France et vers une sélection de destinations en Europe avec TGV INOUI (France-Bruxelles, Paris-Fribourg, France-Luxembourg) ou INTERCITES. Billets échangeables une fois et remboursables sans frais jusqu’à 7 jours avant départ. À partir de 6 jours avant départ, frais d’échange ou de remboursement perçus de 19€ sur TGV INOUI (hors TGV LYRIA) et de 15€ max pour INTERCITES (à réservation obligatoire). Offre valable dans la limite des places disponibles, sur les trains éligibles et non cumulable avec toute autre promotion en cours, code avantage ou tarif réduit SNCF (hors carte Avantage). TGV - INTERCITÉS sont des marques enregistrées de SNCF Voyageurs. Tous droits de reproduction réservés.

Billets en vente dès le 13 mars à partir de 9H, pour des voyages du 6 juillet 2024 au 14 décembre 2024 inclus, pour un aller simple en OUIGO, certains jours et dans certains trains, sur une sélection de plus de 50 destinations en France, dans la limite des places disponibles à ce tarif sur les trains éligibles. Réservation obligatoire au plus tard 10 min avant le départ du train. Billets non remboursables et échangeables sous conditions. Offre non cumulable avec toute autre promotion en cours. OUIGO est une marque déposée de SNCF Voyageurs SA. Tous droits de reproduction réservés.

Liste des destinations : Aéroport Roissy Charles de Gaulle TGV ; Agde ; Agen ; Aix en Provence TGV ; Angers Saint-Laud ; Angoulême ; Antibes ; Auray ; Avignon TGV ; Béziers ; Bordeaux Saint-Jean ; Brest ; Cannes ; Guingamp ; La Rochelle ; Laval ; Le Mans ; Les Arcs-Draguignan ; Lille ; Lorient ; Lyon (Lyon Perrache, Lyon Part Dieu, Lyon Saint Exupéry Aéroport) ; Marne-la-Vallée Chessy ; Marseille Saint-Charles ; Massy TGV ; Metz (Gare Lorraine TGV) ; Montauban ; Montpellier (Montpellier Saint-Roch, Montpellier Sud de France) ; Morlaix ; Nantes ; Narbonne ; Nice ; Nîmes ; Niort ; Paris (Paris Est, Paris Gare de Lyon, Paris Montparnasse) ; Perpignan ; Poitiers ; Quimper ; Rennes ; Saint-Raphaël Valescure ; Saint-Brieuc ; Sète ; Strasbourg ; Surgères ; TGV Haute Picardie ; Toulon ; Toulouse ; Tourcoing ; Tours (Gare St Pierre des Corps) ; Valence TGV Rhône Alpes Sud ; Vannes

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Train advice from the Man in Seat 61...

The Man in Seat 61

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Train travel in france.

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The best way to travel between French town & cities is by train, in comfort at ground level.  France's world-famous TGV travels at up to 199 mph, from city centre to city centre, and if you pre-book direct with the operator you can find some really cheap fares, too.

small bullet point

International trains to/from France

Station guides, general train travel information, useful country information, how to check schedules & fares.

You can check train times & fares for any journey in France at the French Railways website , called until 2017.  There's no booking fee and if booking 1st class on a TGV you can choose your seat from a seat map.  It can be a little fiddly and has occasionally been known to struggle with non-European credit cards, but normally anyone from any country can use it.

You can also use either (formerly, prices in €, £ or $) or (formerly, in €, £ or $).  These are easy to use, in plain English, international cards no problem and they sell tickets for other European operators too, not just for French Railways.  Both sites charge a small booking fee.

Maps of the French rail network

How to buy train tickets, do you need to buy in advance.

TER regional, local & suburban trains, no .

This includes all TER (Trains Express Régionaux), Paris suburban trains and all other local trains.  For example, Lyon-Grenoble or Dijon-Lyon TERs, Cannes-Nice-Monte Carlo TERs, Paris to Versailles or CDG airport by RER.

Simply buy a ticket at the station ticket office or from the self-service machines, you may still need to validate it ( composter ) in the little machines on the platform (although this requirement is being phased out), hop on the next train and sit where you like.  Or buy one online, just to save time, online TER tickets don't need to be validated.

No reservation is necessary or even possible, the train can't sell out and the fare is fixed so there's usually no price advantage in pre-booking.  There are a few exceptions to this, read more about TER ticketing .

Intercités, probably .

A few shorter-distance Intercité trains don't have compulsory seat reservation, so they can never sell out, you can always buy a full-price ticket at the station and hop on, sitting wherever you like.  Routes include Nantes-Bordeaux, Nantes-Lyon, Toulouse-Hendaye, Béziers-Clermont.  But you can still save some money by booking a cheap train-specific non-refundable prems fare in advance, so it's worth checking online.

However, most Intercités such as Paris-Limoges-Brive-Toulouse, Paris-Vichy-Clermont, Bordeaux-Toulouse-Montpellier-Marseille and Intercités de nuit require compulsory reservation, just like the TGVs explained below.

TGV high-speed trains, yes .

TGV high-speed trains are all-reserved.  All tickets for these trains come with a seat reservation automatically included and the price varies like air fares, so pre-book for the cheapest prices.  In practice there are almost always places available on most trains even just before departure, the issue is price.  On the day of departure you'd have to pay the expensive full-flex fare, for example Paris-Nice €140, but if you pre-book you can buy a cheap Prems fare, Paris-Nice from €25 upwards.  So it pays to book ahead!  Booking now opens up to 4 months ahead .

Fares explained

SNCF simplified TGV & Intercité fares in 2019 and there's now just one type of fare in 2nd class, although they call the higher prices Seconde and the cheaper prices Prems , which is SNCF's long-established brand name for cheap fares.

So you'll now see only one 2nd class price against each train, in contrast to the flexible, inflexible and semi-flexible fares they used to have.  In 1st class there are two fare types, Première & Business Première.

Prices are dynamic like air fares, cheaper in advance, more expensive closer to departure, cheaper on quiet trains, days & dates, more expensive on popular trains, days & dates.  All tickets commit you to a specific train.

All 1st & 2nd class fares are now changeable & refundable, free of charge until 30 days before travel, then there's a €5 fee until 3 days before travel, then a €15 fee until 30 minutes before departure.  You have to pay any difference in fare.

From 30 minutes before the train departs, tickets can be changed up to two times for the same day and the same journey, but they become non-refundable once exchanged.  Tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable after departure.

Business première fares are totally flexible, changeable without any fee until 30 minutes after departure.  From 30 minutes before the train departs, tickets can be changed up to two times for the same day and the same journey, but they are non-refundable once exchanged.  These fares are expensive, aimed at business travellers as their name suggests.

Local and regional ( TER ) trains just have one fixed price fare, usually termed Tariff normal .  These tickets are valid for one journey on any train leaving until midnight on the day they're booked for or (in some cases) after you validate it in a little composter machine on the platform.  Sometimes there are cheaper tariffs at off-peak times, but that depends on the region.

How to buy tickets at the station

It's easy to buy tickets at the station even if you don't speak French.  For local journeys such as Paris-Versailles or Nice-Cannes, you just turn up, buy a ticket and hop on, no reservation necessary.  You can buy tickets from the multi-lingual self-service machines at main stations.  Just touch the UK flag for English.

For long-distance trains including all TGV , Intercités & Intercités de Nuit overnight trains, reservation is compulsory, but there are usually seats available even on the day of travel and you can buy a ticket immediately before the train departs.  But there are much cheaper fares if you pre-book.

In some cases you need to validate your tickets by putting them into the little yellow machines marked Compostez votre billet at the entrance to every platform - there's a fine if you don't!  Print-at-home tickets don't need to be validated, and SNCF are steadily phasing out the need to validate tickets.  You already don't need to in some regions.

How to buy train tickets online

Bookings open 4 months ahead for TGV & Intercités , 3-5 months for TER regional trains.

Over the summer, booking horizons get longer:  In 2024 sales opened on 24 January for travel until 22 May, on 7 March until 5 July, on 13 March until 11 September.

Google SNCF ticket sales opening to find the page on where they give current sales opening dates.

For Christmas & New Year horizons get shorter:  Dates after the mid-December timetable change usually open in mid-October.

Buy direct from SNCF at

This is French Railways' own website selling tickets in € with no booking fee .  You print your own ticket or can show it on your phone.

It's a little fiddly until you get used to it, it's almost as if they made it that way deliberately.  The language selector is out of sight towards the bottom of the page and their home page has just one mysterious all-purpose entry field which confuses a lot of people, instead of having from and to fields like a normal site.  However, I've set up all links to to go to a page in English with conventional from and to fields, at least I can help you with that!

A key advantage of is that when booking a 1st class ticket on a TGV or Intercité you can usually select your seat from a seat map.

Another key advantage is that it can sell all SNCF products including Billets Bambin (which gives infants under 4 their own reserved seat) and Espace Privatif (sole occupancy of a couchette compartment on French overnight trains).  It can sell tickets with the Carte Avantage discount applied (SNCF's discount card) and can sell tickets for Ouigo lo-cost trains as well as full-service TGV InOui.

The vast majority of tickets can be printed or shown on your phone.  In rare cases where only offers you a collect-at-station ticket you'll need a chip & PIN credit card to collect from the machines (without chip & PIN you'll need to use the busy staffed ticket counter) but if you buy at or no credit card is necessary to collect tickets, just the booking reference. normally works for anyone from any country, so give it a try.  In the past I've occasionally known it to reject some overseas credit cards, but if you have any problems you can simply switch to .

Buy at

Three young French entrepreneurs thought they could sell SNCF tickets better than SNCF themselves, and they were right.  They started a website called Capitainetrain which was later acquired by well-known UK ticket retailer The Trainline and absorbed into .  It connects to SNCF's ticketing system and sells the same tickets at the same prices, with a small booking fee.  You can pay in €, £ or $.  Who are

It's easier to use than , anyone of any nationality can buy tickets at , international credit cards are welcome.  You print your ticket or show it on your phone.  They ask you to print in A4 size, but if you're American printing tickets on Letter size paper is absolutely fine.

Like sncf-connect, when booking a 1st class ticket on a TGV or Intercité you can usually select seats from a seat map, a big plus. can sell Billets Bambin , Espace Privatif and tickets for Ouigo lo-cost trains , and can apply the Carte Avantage discount.

Buy at

Two young British entrepreneurs started, aiming to make buying train tickets easier.  Loco2 was acquired by SNCF in 2018, rebranded in 2019 and sold on again in 2020.  It links to SNCF's ticketing system and sells the same tickets as SNCF at the same prices, with a small booking fee.  You can pay in €, £ or $.  Who are

It can sell Billets Bambin to give your infant under 4 their own reserved seat.

However, it can't sell tickets for Ouigo lo-cost trains or Espace Privatif on overnight trains, nor can it sell tickets with a Carte Avantage discount.  It offers a wide range of seating options including upper and lower deck on a TGV Duplex, but unlike SNCF-connect and Thetrainline it doesn't offer seat selection from a seat map.

It's easier to use than , international credit cards welcome.  You print your ticket or show it on your phone.  They ask you to print in A4 size, but if you're American printing tickets on Letter size paper is absolutely fine.

Which website should you use to buy French train tickets ?

Here's a summary of the features of each website, you can draw your own conclusions.  As far as price is concerned, all the sites below charge the same basic fare (give or take exchange rates).

Type = does it offer basic choice of aisle, window, table-for-four or (in 1st class) a table-for-two or solo seat?

Deck = does it offer a choice of upper or lower deck on a double-decker TGV Duplex?

Map = can you select your seat from a seat map when booking 1st class on a TGV or Intercité?

Show = does it show you car & seat number before you pay? This allows you to check against a seat map, and if not to your liking, re-run the enquiry.

Ouigo = can it book the special lo-cost budget-airline-on-rails TGV trains branded Ouigo ( see the Ouigo page )?

FB = Billet Bambin , allows you to pay a few euros to reserve a seat for your infant aged 0-3, more information here .

EP = Espace Privatif , allows you to book sole occupancy of a 4-berth couchette on a French night train, more information here .

CA = Carte Avantage , can this website sell tickets if you have SNCF's Carte Avantage discount card?

* usually works with any credit card, very occasionally I receive an It's rejected my credit card email from overseas users such as Americans or Australians, but give it a go, with one of the other sites as a fall-back if it doesn't.

Buy train tickets by phone in the UK

If you live in the UK you can buy French train tickets by phone with a number of UK-based train travel specialists, see the list of agencies and phone numbers here .  But it's quicker and easier and cheaper to book online.

How to contact SNCF

You can call SNCF telesales & customer service on 00 33 184943635 , listen out for option 85 for English.  Lines open 08:00-20:00 French time, 7 days a week.

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SNCF's discount card : Carte Avantage

What is a carte avantage.

Carte Avantage is SNCF's discount card for leisure travel.  You buy it for a year and it gives discounts on travel.  It may justify the price even for one or two long trips, especially if you're booking close to your departure date when fares would normally be expensive.

Man in Seat 61's top tip

You can read the small print until you're blue in the face, but the only way you'll know for certain what benefit a Carte Avantage gives is by running an enquiry with and without a Carte Avantage added and seeing what effect the card has.

So before buying a Carte Avantage, run an enquiry for the specific journeys you plan to make, on the same days of the week, using either or (a) without any Carte Avantage and (b) with a Carte Avantage discount added.

You can add a Carte Avantage reduction to the passenger details without entering a card number.  See what that does to prices.  If you see no difference, the discount may not apply to your particular route/train/day.  If you see a difference, do savings justify the cost of the card?

Types of Carte Avantage

Carte Avantage Adulte costs €49 at the time I write this and lasts one year, see details & buy online at .

It can be bought by anyone regardless of nationality or country of residence.

It gives 30% discount on French domestic TGV & Intercité journeys and 25%-50% on some TER regional trains if your journey is:

(a)  one-way on a Saturday or Sunday; or

(b)  a return journey on any day of the week which includes a Friday, Saturday or Sunday night away; or

(c)  one-way or return on any day of the week if accompanied by at least one child under 12.

One accompanying adult also gets the same discount - in other words, if there are 2 of you, you only need one Carte Avantage.

Up to 3 accompanying children under 12 years old get 60% off TGV & Intercité fares, and a varying amount off TER fares.

In addition, fares are capped if you have a Carte Avantage so they remain affordable even close to travel date where they'd otherwise be high.

The 30% discount also applies to some international journeys, notably the Paris-Luxembourg TGVs, Paris-Milan TGVs , Paris-Barcelona TGVs ; TGVs & ICEs between Paris & Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich; and TGV-Lyria between Paris & Switzerland.

However, there is no discount on Eurostar or Eurostar (formerly Thalys) , and no discount on TER trains in some French regions.

There is no discount on one-way journeys on weekdays (unless you're travelling with a child), or on some international journeys, so see my top tip above to check whether a Carte Avantage will work for your own specific journeys.

Carte Avantage Jeune is for anyone aged 12 but under 28 years old, see details & buy online .  This costs the same as the adult version, but the discounts apply one-way or round trip on any day of the week, without the weekend or accompanying child restriction.  However, there's no discount for a second adult.  You can buy wherever  you live and whatever your nationality.

Carte Avantage Senior for anyone over 60, see details & buy online .  This costs the same as the adult version, but the discounts apply one-way or round trip on any day of the week, without the weekend or accompanying child restriction.  However, there's no discount for a second adult.  You can buy wherever  you live and whatever your nationality.

How to buy a Carte Avantage

See details & buy online

The card is digital, you can either print it out and carry it as a .pdf document or load it into the SNCF-Connect app to show on your phone.  Either way, there's a QR code which conductors can scan.

In theory, you can upload a photo of yourself to make the card fully digital with no separate ID needed (your photo will appear on the conductor's device the moment he scans your ticket).  However, SNCF's photo upload system doesn't work and will repeatedly reject any photo you try to upload.  So don't waste your time on it, if you can't upload a photo (which you can't), you simply need to carry some alternative form of photo ID, such as a passport or driving licence.

How to buy tickets with Carte Avantage discount

As soon as you've bought your Carte Avantage, you can buy tickets with the relevant discount at either (small booking fee) or (a little more fiddly, no fee).

When using , don't click Add railcard as you'll only see UK railcards, first set up a journey with a French origin and/or destination, then click Add loyalty and railcards, then click SNCF - Discount cards .

You can also use your Carte Avantage if buying French train tickets at .  Unfortunately, you can't use a Carte Avantage at .

What are French trains like ?

Trains à grande vitesse (tgv).

TGVs or Trains à Grande Vitesse are SNCF's premier high-speed trains.  They run on major routes covering most of France at up to 300 km/h (186 mph).  In fact, they run at up to 320 km/h (198 mph) on the new TGV-Est route from Paris to Reims, Strasbourg, Metz, Luxembourg & Basel, opened in 2007.  Smooth & quiet even at high speed, it's a very relaxing way to travel.  All but a handful of shorter-distance TGVs have a cafe-bar, and all have power outlets, free WiFi, toilets, wheelchair accessible spaces and luggage space.

Seat reservation is compulsory on TGV services, and all tickets come with a seat reservation automatically included.

SNCF's full-service TGVs are branded TGV InOui , to distinguish them from the no-frills lo-cost Ouigo trains .

See the TGV page for more photos, tips & information about travelling by TGV .

SNCF used to have a subsidiary company called iDTGV to run special cheap TGVs, but iDTGV was discontinued in December 2017.

Intercités is the name given to SNCF's remaining non-high-speed long-distance express trains.  They come in two varieties, Intercités with compulsory reservation and Intercités without compulsory reservation.

Intercités with compulsory reservation are mostly smart locomotive-hauled trains running at up to 125mph, many using stylish air-conditioned cars formerly branded Téoz like the ones shown below, although SNCF has ceased using the Téoz branding.  New electric units are slowly coming on stream for Intercité services to replace the locomotive-hauled cars.  All seats have access to power sockets.  Intercité routes include the Paris-Limoges-Brive-Toulouse (POLT) route and Nantes-Bordeaux-Toulouse-Perpignan-Marseille.  All tickets for these trains come with a seat reservation for a specific train automatically included.  See seating plan .

Intercités without compulsory reservation usually use similar locomotive-hauled coaches with a plainer interior.  There are only a few routes left now, Nantes-Bordeaux, Nantes-Lyon, Toulouse-Hendaye, Béziers-Clermont.  Most other routes in this category have now been handed over to the French regions and have become TER, notably Paris-Boulogne-Calais & Paris-Normandy.  As the name suggests, you don't need a reservation for these trains, you can just turn up, buy an open ticket which can never sell out, get on and sit where you like.  Seat reservation is an optional extra if you want it.  Although these trains don't need to be pre-booked, if you book in advance you can often find cheaper train-specific prems fares which save money over the on-the-day full-flex price.

All Intercités have plenty of room for luggage, toilets, and often some form of catering - either a trolley service or a cafe-bar.

Some routes formerly branded Intercité have become TER (for example, Paris-Amiens-Boulogne-Calais), whilst Paris-Normandy Intercités have been rebranded Train Nomad with modern unit trains replacing or about to replace the old locomotive-hauled carriages.

Tip: It's possible to pre-order drinks & snacks for delivery to your seat on most Intercités.  Go to (please let me know if that link stops working), order what you want (the cut-off seems to be just hours before departure), enter your train number, you car & seat number, your name & email, and pay.

Intercités de Nuit

SNCF's overnight sleeper trains are called Intercités de Nuit .  Taking an overnight train with couchettes can be great fun and the most time-effective way to travel, in effect faster than flying.  Sleep your way to the south of France in a comfy couchette, from Paris to Cannes, Nice, Narbonne, Perpignan, Toulouse, Rodez, Briancon or Latour de Carol for as little as €29 each way booked at or .  You can book sole or dual occupancy of a couchette compartment as explained here .

For more information, photos & a video guide see the Intercités de Nuit page .

Trains Express Régionaux (TER )

Trains Express Régionaux (TER) come in all shapes and sizes, typical single-deck & double-deck TERs are shown below.  TERs are local regional trains, there are no seat reservations, you just sit where you like.  Some TERs are double-deck such as the Cannes-Nice-Monaco-Ventimiglia TERs and a few use locomotive-hauled mainline carriages including the Paris-Dijon-Lyon and Marseille-Nice TER trains.  All TER trains have space for luggage on various racks (or it simply sits on the floor) and many carry bikes too.  They generally have toilets.

TER ticketing :  TER trains have affordable fixed-price open tickets, so you may as well just buy at the station on the day - although you will now find some cheap train-specific tickets if you book a few days or weeks in advance and commit to a specific departure.  TER trains can never 'sell out' as Tarif normal tickets should always be available, but see the following paragraphs!

Can TERs sell out?   On 95% of TER routes there are no reservations, Tarif normal tickets are fixed-price with unlimited availability and can be used on any TER train that day.  But since the pandemic, SNCF sometimes plays a dirty trick, some TER departures can be shown as 'full' ( complet in French) on trains they think will be very busy.  This has often backfired, it makes it difficult for people to buy tickets and has lead to photos of half-empty 'complet' trains posted on social media!

The workaround :  It's simple!  Buy a full-price Tarif normal TER ticket for any TER train before or after the 'full' train on the same day, a Tarif normal ticket is good for any train that day, so you can use it on the train that was shown as Complet .  Simples.

TERs with compulsory reservation:   There are exceptions to every rule!  TERs on a few routes in Normandy have compulsory reservation, such as Paris-Caen-Cherbourg.  Some longer TER routes in the east (notably Paris-Strasbourg) will have them at some point in 2024.  These TERs can indeed sell out.

Travel tips

Maps of the French rail network:   See the maps section on the Train travel in Europe page .

Printing your ticket

These days you usually get a print-at-home ticket for a French train journey.  You should print it out full-size on normal A4 paper, but it's OK to print on US Letter Size paper if necessary.

Collecting your ticket

Some tickets can't be self-printed so need to be collected from the self-service ticket machines at any French station.  If you bought your tickets online at or or any Rail Europe site, all you need is the booking reference and lead passenger name, you don't need the credit card you used.  However, if you bought online at (any version) you'll need to insert the original credit card, which will need to be chip n PIN for the machine to work.  If your credit card isn't chip n PIN and you bought from you'll need to collect from the staffed counter, rather than from the machines.  See photos showing how to collect tickets .

Ticket validation (compostage)

Originally, all French train tickets had to be validated just before you boarded your train, by putting them into the small yellow machines marked Compostez votre billet at the entrance to each platform.  There was a fine if you didn't!   This process is being phased out and machines removed, it's already unnecessary for TER tickets in some regions of France, and unnecessary if you have a train-specific ticket for a TGV or Intercité.  And of course you can't validate an e-ticket on your phone!  But the need to validate still exists with some tickets in some regions, so be aware of it and if in doubt where there's a machine, validate your ticket.

Language problems?

First-time visitors often think this will be a problem, but it hardly ever is.  At stations, signs are usually in English as well as French, or easy-to-understand pictograms are used.

Food & drink on French trains

Most long-distance trains have a cafe-bar, serving tea, coffee, wine, beer & snacks.  French domestic trains no longer have restaurant cars, though a few key Monday-Friday business services offer pre-bookable at-seat meals in first class.  However, feel free to bring your own food and drink (even a bottle of wine, if you like) onto the train, there's no rules against that on the rails!

A meal at the Gare de Lyon?

If you're passing through Paris via the Gare de Lyon, consider dining at the famous Train Bleu restaurant inside the station .  It was originally the Gare de Lyon's grand buffet, opened in 1903 and decorated in a sumptuous art nouveau style.  It's not the cheapest restaurant around, but the food is superb and the surroundings are perhaps the most spectacular you will ever eat a meal in.  It's an experience in itself, and well worth it!  The restaurant's website is , just email them to book a table.  You can also use their bar section to wait for your train while you have a coffee or beer, far better than waiting for your train at one of the draughty cafe tables downstairs on the concourse!

Luggage on trains

You don't check your bags in, you simply take them with you onto the train, placing them on the racks at the end of each car, or above your head.  More about luggage on trains .

Luggage limits

Since February 2024 SNCF has had a more formal luggage policy for its TGV InOui trains which will be enforced from September:  There are no weight limits, but you must be able to carry it yourself in one go.  You can carry either 1 hand luggage + 2 suitcases or 1 hand luggage + 1 suitcase + 1 specific item.  Your hand luggage can measure up to 40 cm x 30 cm x 15 cm.  Your suitcase(s) can measure up to 90 cm x 70 cm x 50 cm.  Your specific item (musical instrument, pushchair, bike in cover, folded bike, scooter) can measure up to 130 cm x 90 cm.  Bikes, musical instruments, snowboards, and skis must be under a labelled cover.  You can travel with your pair of skis, without a maximum size, one pair per person.  If you exceed these limits there's a €50 fee, but it's not yet clear how tough staff will be.

Left luggage at stations

Major French stations including Paris Gare du Nord, Paris Gare d'Austerlitz Est & Paris Gare de Lyon have left-luggage lockers in various sizes, up to suitcase-sized.  Expect to have your bags X-rayed before entry to the locker area.  More information on left luggage lockers including current prices .

You can take a bike with you free of charge on suburban & regional trains.  On Intercités de Nuit overnight trains & TGVs on a few routes, you can take them for a small fee, about €10.  On other TGVs, you'll need to place you bike in a zip-up 'bike bag' & they then travel free.  For more information, see the bicycles by train page .

Dogs & pets

Dogs can be taken on all French trains, sometimes free, sometimes for a small fee.  For more information, see the dogs & pets page .

Can I book a seat facing direction of travel?

Only on some routes, and then only if you book through the right website!  You can book a seat facing the direction of travel on a handful of TGV routes where the trains have been equipped with a special seat numbering system.  On these trains, each seat has two possible numbers and the relevant one lights up depending on the direction of the train.  Routes equipped with this system where you can choose a seat facing direction of travel include TGV-Atlantique Paris-Brittany, Paris-Bordeaux/Biarritz/Lourdes/Spanish border and most TGV-Est trains Paris-Reims-Nancy-Strasbourg, Paris-Luxembourg and also the Paris-Italy TGVs Paris-Turin-Milan.  Choosing a facing seat is not possible on TGV Duplex, or on routes such as Lille-Lyon-Avignon/Marseille/Bordeaux/Montpelier, Paris-Avignon-Marseille-Nice, Paris-Lyon, Paris-Nimes-Montpelier.  But if there are two of you and you choose dual face to face in 1st class, or a table for 4 ( family or facing ) in 2nd class, you'll know you always have at least one seat facing.  See this comparison table to see which websites can book a forward-facing seat where it is an option, and which sites can't.

Can I book a seat for my baby or infant?

Infants under 4 go free on French trains, no ticket necessary, just buy tickets for yourself and bring your infant along without a ticket.  However, they don't get their own seat if they go free, so they'll have to sit on your lap.  You may want a seat for your baby carrier or wriggly 2 or 3 year old, I know I would!  No problem, on French domestic TGV and Intercité trains you can pay an extra flat €9 for a Billet Bambin and get a reserved seat for your infant next to yours, in either class.  You can only buy Billet Bambin at , or at .  If you want a Billet Bambin, simply add a passenger with age 0-3 and it will be added automatically.

How to change trains & stations in Paris

Which station in paris .

The Gare du Nord serves trains to the north:  Lille, Amiens, Boulogne, Calais, Dunquerque, London, Brussels, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Cologne.

The Gare de l'Est serves trains to the east:  Nancy, Strasbourg, Reims, Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, sleepers to Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Moscow

The Gare de Lyon serves TGV trains to the south-east:  Lyon, Avignon, Marseille, Cannes, Nice, Monte Carlo, Nîmes, Montpellier, Narbonne, Perpignan, Turin, Milan, Geneva, Bern, Lausanne, Basel, Zurich.

The Gare d'Austerlitz serves Téoz trains to Limoges, Toulouse, & overnight couchette trains to Cannes, Nice, Monte Carlo, Toulouse, Perpignan, Narbonne, Lourdes, Biarritz, Madrid & Barcelona.

The Gare Montparnasse serves TGV trains to the southwest: Toulouse, Bordeaux, Nantes, Biarritz, Lourdes, Brest, Rennes.

The Gare St Lazare serves Dieppe and the immediate north.

The Gare de Bercy , a little known station down the road from the Gare de Lyon, now handles most trains to Clermont Ferrand.

Charles de Gaulle airport has its own station, served by TGV high-speed trains on the Paris by-pass line and by RER express metro trains into central Paris, see the section below .

Disneyland Paris is right next to Marne La Vallée station.  This is linked to central Paris by frequent turn-up-and-go RER express metro trains, just buy tickets at the station on the day.  Marne la Vallée is also served by mainline TGV high-speed trains on the Paris by-pass line, carrying trains from Brussels & Lille in the North to Lyon, Avignon, Marseille, Nimes & Montpellier in the south, for times & tickets use .  For park information & tickets see .

Places not served by the main rail network

Mont St Michel has no station, the nearest station is Pontorson-Mont St Michel which is about 5 miles away.

Option 1, cheapest & easiest, but slower, total journey from Paris around 4h30:  Take a regional train from Paris Montparnasse to Pontorson-Mont St Michel then an integrated connecting bus to Mont St Michel.  You can book from Paris to Mont St Michel as one transaction at or , you'll get a through ticket covering both the train and the connecting bus.  There aren't many departures per day, typically one morning service out and one late afternoon service back, allowing day or weekend trips from Paris.  If these don't suit you, buy a ticket to/from Pontorson-Mont St Michel station and use a taxi between the station and Mont St Michel. 

Tip:  When selecting your seating options on , don't panic when it says 'no places available' against the bus (or in French 'car').  That just means there are no allocated seats, you can sit where you like.  It does not mean the bus is full!  And yes, it's a bus between Pontorson and Mont St Michel, not a train, whatever it looks like in the data.

Option 2, faster, total journey from Paris around 3h:  Take a high-speed TGV from Paris Montparnasse to Rennes in 1h30 then a connecting Keolis bus from Rennes to Mont St Michel in around 1h10.  From April to September there are 3 buses a day between Rennes & Mont St Michel in each direction, see .  Book a suitable train to/from Rennes at or .  Buy the bus ticket at Rennes bus station, see for prices & more info.

Option 3, between May & September there's also a daily bus from St Malo to Mont St Michel, journey time 1h20, see for dates, times, prices & more info.  St Malo is linked by ferry to Portsmouth with and with Paris by train.

St Tropez:   Take a train to St Raphael.  Bus 876 links St Raphael bus station (next to the railway station) with St Tropez bus station every hour or so, journey time 1h25, fare around €3, check times and buy tickets using the Zou regional transport phone app at .

The Nice-Digne railway is a private and very scenic line linking Nice (CFP station) with Digne.  Highly recommended, see .

Corsica:   Corsica can easily be reached by comfortable ferry from a variety of ports in Southern France, including Marseille, Toulon or Nice.  The principal ferry operators are (formerly SNCM and Corsica Ferries ( ).  For train service on Corsica see .

Charles de Gaulle (CDG) Airport station

For journeys between CDG Airport and central Paris, simply use the frequent RER express metro - RER Line B has stations at both Terminal 1 & Terminal 2.  RER trains run every 6 to 15 minutes, journey time into Paris around 50 minutes, fare around €10 valid to any RER or metro station in central Paris.  No reservation is necessary or possible for the RER, just buy a ticket at the station on the day.  For more info see .

Charles de Gaulle Airport also has its own TGV station , which is on the high-speed line that by-passes Paris.  It's served by TGVs to Lille & Brussels in the north and to Lyon, Avignon, Marseille, Perpignan, Cannes, Nice, Rennes, Nantes, Le Mans, Poitiers, Bordeaux, Toulouse to the south.  You can check TGV times & prices and buy tickets from CDG to destinations across France at either or .

Remember that TGV tickets are only valid on the specific TGV you book.  Cheap tickets become worthless if your flight is late and you miss your train, so I recommend allowing at least 3 hours between your flight's scheduled landing time and any TGV leaving CDG station.

You'll find more frequent trains to these destinations from the relevant station in central Paris , often with greater availability of cheaper tickets, so if you don't see a convenient departure with an attractive price leaving direct from CDG, use or to check train times & prices from central Paris to your destination, leaving Paris at least 4 hours after your flight lands, and simply hop on the RER express metro to the relevant central Paris station as explained above.

You can't reach every French destination from CDG TGV station - If you're bound for Normandy, Limoges, Brive, Cahors or Clermont Ferrand for example you'll have to take the RER into central Paris as explained above and then take a train from the relevant station in central Paris .

Railpasses for France

By all means check out the Interrail pass for France (for European residents, see the Interrail pass information page ) or Eurail passes for France (for non-Europeans, see the Eurail pass information page ).  However, passes have lost their convenience factor as all TGV, ex-Téoz Intercité de jour, & Intercités de Nuit overnight trains now require a seat reservation before boarding.  A €10 or €20 reservation fee needs to be paid on top of the pass price for each long-distance journey which must be factored into your budget - the €10 seat reservations have a limited quota, when it sells out the fee becomes €20.  For one or two specific journeys, you may find it easier just to book regular cheap advance-purchase tickets at or .

Click the images to buy at

Or buy in the usa from

Alternatively, you can download just the chapters or areas you need in .PDF format from the Lonely Planet Website , from around £2.99 or US$4.95 a chapter.

European Rail Timetable & maps

Traveller's Railway Map of Europe - buy online

Rail Map Europe is the map I recommend, covering all of Europe from Portugal in the west to Moscow & Istanbul in the east, Finland in the north to Sicily & Athens in the south.  Scenic routes & high-speed lines are highlighted.  See an extract from the map .  Buy online at (shipping worldwide) or at (UK addresses).

Custom-made tours of France


Railbookers are a train travel specialist who can put together a tour or short break for you as a package, including rail travel, hotels & transfers.  On their website you'll find a range of suggested tours & holidays which can be varied or customised to your own requirements.  And as you're booking a package, they'll take care of you if anything happens to one part of the itinerary such as a strike or delay.  They now have offices in the UK, USA & Australia.

UK flag

Tailor Made Rail,

Tailor Made Rail can arrange tours of France by train based on your own requirements, they welcome complex itineraries.  As it's a package, they'll take care of you if anything happens on one part of the trip, for example, a national strike.  They're TTA-protected - like ATOL, but not only for agencies that sell air travel.

Call their dedicated seat61 phone line 020 3778 1461 and quote seat 61 when booking.  From outside the UK call +44 20 3778 1461.  Lines open 09:00-17:30 Monday-Friday.  Their website is .

Find hotels in Paris & France

Hotels near the gare du nord & other paris stations:.

If you need to stay over between trains, here are some suggestions that are both very close and get good reviews:

Hotels near the Gare du Nord with good reviews:  Libertel Gare du Nord Suede (5 min walk from Gare du Nord, 2-star), 25 Hours Terminus Nord (formerly the Mercure Terminus Nord, now refurbished in a decidedly funky style, 3-star, directly across the road from the station);  Art Hotel (3-star);  Avalon Hotel (2-star);  Hotel Cambrai (5 min walk from Gare du Nord, 1-star).

Hotels near the Gare de l'Est with good reviews:  Libertel Gare de l'Est Français (opposite the station, 3-star);  Libertel Gare du Nord Suede (350m from the Gare de l'Est, 2-star);  OKKO Hotels Paris Gare de l'Est (2-star).

Hotels near the Gare de Lyon with good reviews:  Citizen M Hotel (just along the road from the station, 4-star, great reviews), Hotel Terminus Lyon (right in front of the station, 3-star);  Mercure Paris Gare de Lyon (on the station itself, 4-star);   Novotel Paris Gare de Lyon (opposite the station, 4-star);  Mistral Hotel (800m from Gare de Lyon, 1-star);  Hotel 26 Faubourg (5 min walk from Gare de Lyon, 2-star);

Hotels near the Gare Montparnasse with good reviews:  Mercure Paris Gare Montparnasse (150m from the Gare Montparnasse, 4-star);  Best Western Sevres Montparnasse (15 minute walk to Gare Montparnasse, 3-star);  La Maison Montparnasse (10 min walk from station, 2-star);  Hotel du Maine (5 min walk from station, 2-star).

A special hotel for that romantic break in Paris

There's the famous & flashy Paris Ritz in the Place Vendôme of course (over €900 a night) or the similarly-priced Le Meurice , but if you want a really special hotel for a luxury break or romantic weekend and can afford to splurge around €280 a night, I'd recommend the small, sumptuous and intimate L'Hotel .  It's on the bohemian left bank, walking distance from the Seine, the Ile de la Cité & Notre Dame.  Oscar Wilde spent the last days of his life here in room 16, and the hotel has been used by many famous people from Sinatra to Mick Jagger.  Rooms are on the cosy side, but they are beautifully decorated and have character that other hotels lack.

Backpacker hostels: :  If you're on a tight budget, don't forget about backpacker hostels.  Hostelworld offers online booking of cheap private rooms or dorm beds in backpacker hostels in Paris and most other European cities at rock-bottom prices.

Travel insurance & other tips

Always take out travel insurance.

You should take out travel insurance with at least £1m or preferably £5m medical cover from a reliable insurer.  It should cover trip cancellation and loss of cash & belongings up to a reasonable limit.  These days, check you're covered for covid-19-related issues, and use an insurer whose cover isn't invalidated by well-meant but excessive Foreign Office travel advice against non-essential travel. An annual policy is usually cheapest even for just 2 or 3 trips a year, I have an annual policy with myself.  Don't expect travel insurance to bail you out of every missed connection, see the advice on missed connections here .  Here are some suggested insurers, I get a little commission if you buy through these links, feedback always welcome.

US flag

Get an eSIM with mobile data package

Don't rely on WiFi, download an eSIM with a European mobile data package and stay connected.  Most newer mobile phones can download a virtual SIM including iPhone 11 & later, see device compatibility list .  There's no need to buy a physical SIM card! is a reliable eSIM data retailer with a 4.5 out of 5 Trustpilot rating and a range of packages including unlimited data .

Get a Curve card for foreign travel

Most banks give you a poor exchange rate then add a foreign transaction fee on top.  A Curve MasterCard means no foreign transaction fees and gives you the mid-market exchange rate, at least up to a certain limit, £500 per month as I write this.  The money you spend on your Curve card goes straight onto one of your existing debit or credit cards.  And you can get a Curve card for free.

How it works:   1. Download the Curve app for iPhone or Android .  2. Enter your details & they'll send you a Curve MasterCard - they send to the UK and most European addresses.  3. Link your existing credit & debit cards to the app, you can link up to two cards with the free version of Curve, I link my normal debit card and my normal credit card.  4. Now use the Curve MasterCard to buy things online or in person or take cash from ATMs, exactly like a normal MasterCard. Curve does the currency conversion and puts the balance in your own currency onto whichever debit or credit card is currently selected in the Curve app.  You can even change your mind about which card it goes onto, within 14 days of the transaction.

I have a Curve Blue card myself, it means I can buy a coffee on a foreign station on a card without being stung by fees and lousy exchange rates, just by tapping the Curve card on their card reader.  The money goes through Curve to my normal debit card and is taken directly from my account (in fact I have the Curve card set up as payment card on Apple Pay on my iPhone, so can double-click my phone, let it do Face ID then tap the reader with the phone - even easier than getting a card out).  I get a little commission if you sign up to Curve, but I recommend it here because I think it's great.  See details, download the app and get a Curve card , they'll give you £5 cashback through that link.

Get a VPN for safe browsing.  Why you need a VPN

When travelling you may use free public WiFi which is often insecure.  A VPN encrypts your connection so it's always secure, even on unsecured WiFi.  It also means you can select the geographic location of the IP address you browse with, to get around geoblocking which a surprising number of websites apply.  See VPNs & why you need one explained .  ExpressVPN is a best buy with a 4.7 out of 5 Trustpilot ranking which I use myself - I've signed up as an ExpressVPN affiliate, and if you go with using this link you should see a special deal, 3 months free with an annual subscription.  I also get some commission to help support this site.

Carry an Anker powerbank

Tickets, reservations, hotel bookings and Interrail or Eurail passes are often now held on your mobile phone.  You daren't let it run out of power, and you can't always rely on the phone's internal battery or on being near a power outlet.  I always carry an Anker powerbank which can recharge my phone several times over.  Buy from or buy from .

Touring cities?  Use hill walking shoes!

One of the best things I've done is swap my normal shoes for hill-walking shoes, in my case from Scarpa.  They're intended for hiking across the Pennines not wandering around Florence, but the support and cushioning for hiking works equally well when you're on your feet all day exploring foreign cities.  My feet used to give out first and limit my day, now the rest of me gives up before they do!

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Oui In France

Ultimate guide to train travel in France (plus where to buy tickets so you don’t get scammed!)

France · travel

As an American, when I think about taking a trip somewhere, I first think of flying or driving to my destination. But in France, train travel is actually one of the most popular ways to get from point A to B.

Whether you’re a commuter or looking to go on vacation, France’s railway system is a well-connected and efficient way to travel around France and to other destinations in Europe. Before considering train travel in France, keep reading to learn what you need to know before you go (and where to buy France train tickets)!

Quick guide to train travel in France

Other than commuting to work back in the US, I didn’t have much experience traveling by train. That all changed when I moved to France. From short regional trips to much longer journeys, traveling by train has a lot going for it.

Let’s get into what you need to know before you buy a train ticket in France.

voyage train france

Photo credit:

Table of Contents

Train travel destinations from France

France’s national state-owned railway company is called the SNCF, which stands for Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français. The SNCF was founded in 1938, and runs all rail traffic nationwide as well as in Monaco. This also includes TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse) service, the high-speed rail network. France has 27,483 kilometers of railway lines (only second to Germany) making train travel in France a popular option. (via Statista as of 2019).

All of France’s big cities are accessible via train, with Paris being a major hub. In Paris alone, there are six train stations that will get you to other areas of France and Europe: Gare du Nord, Gare de l’Est, Gare de Lyon, Gare d’Austerlitz, Gare Montparnasse, and Gare Saint-Lazare.

In addition to big cities, you can take the train to smaller towns and even more rural areas. Train travel is great for weekend trips from Paris as well. If you’re looking to travel to other areas of Europe via train, you’ve got options. Travel to London, Brussels, Amsterdam and more via SNCF service!

Must-know tips for your first trip to France >>

where to buy train tickets in france

Photo credit:

Types of trains and service in France

Train service in France runs like a well-oiled machine with a wide variety of routes nationwide that include big cities, small towns, and even rural areas. As of 2019, the entire SNCF network has over 27,000 kilometers of railway lines, 58% of which were electrified. Over 15,000 commercial trains run daily, transporting more than 5 million passengers and more than 250,000 tons of goods, reported the SNCF.

Let’s talk about the different types of passenger trains available:

TGV INOUI : The TGV is France’s most well-known train, which stands for Train à Grand Vitesse which translates to high-speed train. They can hit speeds of up to 300 km/h (186 mph). The TGV services 200 destinations and has been operating since 1981. TGV Europe also services destinations in Germany, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, and Belgium. The TGV is the train you take when you want to get from point A to B as quickly as possible.

TGV Lyria : High-speed service that connects France to destinations in Switzerland.

OUIGO: OUIGO is all about low-cost train fares on the TGV. Be sure to book early to score these offers! Small pets travel for free, a piece of luggage is included in the fare, and they’re a steal if your destination is one of the 41 they service. Kids 0-11 years old travel for 5€ one way.

One drawback of OUIGO service is that you have to arrive 30 minutes in advance so staff can check tickets. In addition, extra luggage and seats with a power outlet cost extra and there’s no dining car. Seats tend to be a bit smaller and less comfortable, so take all of that into consideration. None of these were dealbreakers for me when I’ve taken OUIGO trains, though they may be for some people.

As of April 2022, the SNCF launched the OUIGO Train Classique. It is a slower service debuting between Paris and Lyon and Paris and Nantes. The fares are between 10 and 30 euros each way (5€ for kids) and are a great budget-friendly option for those of us who don’t mind a longer trip. The fares are fixed – even for last-minute travel. Note that these fares are only sold online.

INTERCITÉS : Services 150 French destinations, some of which don’t require reservations in advance. They also offer overnight trains on some routes.

TER: France’s regional trains that operate in 11 regions and also connect to the main lines. These are not high-speed trains.

Thalys: High-speed service to Cologne, Amsterdam, and Brussels.

Eurostar : High-speed service to London from Paris, Lille, or Brussels.

Transilien and public transport in the Paris region: This includes the Paris metro and RER trains, bus lines, and more (operated by the RATP). Transilien refers to commuter service in the Paris area.

train tickets in france

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Where to buy train tickets in France

You have a couple of options for how to book train tickets in France. You can buy them in person at any train station either at the automated machine terminals or face to face at the ticket window. If you go the ticket window route, take note that they are generally open during French business hours and not 24/7.

Also be aware that there are different types of ticket machines. Some are only for TER train tickets in France, as shown above, and others are for TGV tickets, etc. 

Your other option for where to buy train tickets in France is to do so online. This is the only option for many of us if we’re not currently in France. It’s so important to buy from the French SNCF directly to avoid fees and extra hassle. If you do a quick web search for, “How to book train tickets in France,” the official site is often not the first one that comes up and I’ve heard from many of my readers how they’ve been ripped off.

As I mentioned, France’s railway network is called SNCF and the official website/app to buy train tickets is now called SNCF Connect (formerly known as The new site has easier route mapping, integrated commuter support and so much more that makes planning a trip a breeze. It’s also available in English.

You can buy tickets for all the types of transport listed above from your computer or phone via their website or the app. You then have the option of printing out a paper ticket or saving the digital version to your phone. The direct website for French train tickets:

voyage train france

There are also other sites called Rail Europe and others geared toward English-speaking foreigners where you can buy France train tickets. They are third-party resellers that are not official sites. Prices are often elevated, so I don’t recommend ever using them. Always go the official route. It’s the best way to buy train tickets in France.

On SNCF Connect , in addition to actually buying/exchanging your France train tickets, you can also plan your trip, find the best door-to-door route, get traffic updates and alerts in real time and buy and renew regional cards and passes. You can also access bus lines and ride sharing offers.

If you travel frequently, are a student, or a senior citizen, it may be cost effective to look into special train passes, so see if you qualify to save a few bucks.

Just like with flights, train ticket prices in France fluctuate as well. You can usually get a much better deal well in advance, while last-minute tickets are usually the most expensive.

BIGGEST MISTAKES tourists make in Paris >>

luxury france train travel

Empty first class TGV seats. Photo credit:

Expert tips for train travel in France

1. Buy tickets early for the best price and availability. If you’re looking to travel by train and know your plans well in advance, it pays to buy the tickets well in advance. You’ll get the best price. Another reason why you’ll want to book early whenever possible is because trains in France sell out since all seating is reserved.

This can be especially true during the peak summer months, during school vacation periods, and on popular routes. As I recommended above, be sure to only use the official site SNCF Connect for the most accurate information and cost-effective tickets.

2. Book a seat that makes sense for you. All TGV seating is reserved. TGVs and longer trips require you to book a specific seat and there are different configurations. Most are two by two and you have the choice of an aisle or window seat. There are also “family” seats called carré (square) which are 4 seats in a two-by-two configuration but facing each other with a table in between (imagine sitting at a 4-person dinner table).

That means two are riding backwards. It can be a little awkward facing a stranger the whole ride. Also, riding backwards isn’t always comfortable for people prone to motion sickness, so pay close attention to what seat you’re choosing.

In addition, some trains are double deckers and have an upstairs level accessible by a staircase. If you have several pieces of luggage or aren’t able to easily climb stairs, upstairs may not be the best option. The booking system will assign you a seat that is easily changed before finalizing your reservation, so again just be sure you’re comfortable with the seat you’re selecting.

3. Consider first class. Along with the above, it might make sense to book a ticket in first class. Sometimes they’re only slightly more expensive than regular second class fares, especially when booked in advance. For more comfortable seats with a little more leg room, more luggage storage, a plug for electronics, and more, first class might be a good choice for business travel or long trips where comfort is important.

Overall, I’ve found that first class seats on the TGV aren’t that different from second class so they aren’t worth a splurge if the difference in fare classes is steep.

4. Show up early. If you’re not used to taking the train in France, be sure to give yourself enough time to navigate the station and get to the right platform and track (called voie in French. You’ll see tracks noted as Voie A, for example).

Paris stations are big and it can be confusing if you’re not used to how things are organized. Spare yourself the added stress that comes along with rushing or having to rebook a missed train and get there on the early side.

5. Note the number of your train car and line up on the platform accordingly. This is a VERY IMPORTANT tip . For trips with reserved seating, it’s imperative that you look closely at your ticket and mentally note the specific train carriage number in which you’ll be seated.

Then find the black display sign on the platform titled “Composition des Trains” that tells you where to stand for your specific car number. It looks like a lit up outline of a train and will usually have a “You are here” dot so you can gauge how far left or right you need to walk to get into position.

TGVs and other international trains can be quite long with 20 or more cars or even two trains that are attached. Because stops are often only a couple of minutes long, you need to be in the vicinity of your assigned seat because you won’t have time to run the length of the platform if you’re near car 4 and yours is actually car 18. This happened to my aunt and uncle in Marseille. They couldn’t get to their train car in time with all their luggage and missed the train.

You can’t just get on and walk between the cars because they aren’t always connected and with the crowds and luggage, it’s not feasible. In some cases, as I mentioned, two separate trains might be connected as they depart Paris but at some point they split and go to different final destinations.

It’s really important you check that you’re in the right seat and in the right car! Definitely take extra care when it comes to lining up ahead of time and then finding your seat once on board.

A final note on the Composition des Trains display sign: There won’t be an employee directing you and it’s not required to line up in any specific place. It’s just that the Composition des Trains display is there for a reason, so be sure to take a look so you aren’t on the opposite side of the platform when the train comes. That way you’ll be in the general vicinity of your assigned seat and won’t have to run.

6. Note the train number. Each train has a specific number so when you look up at the big board or screen in the station that lists out all the departures, you’ll see a train number that corresponds to the destination and time.

Several trains may be going to or coming from the same place so it’s important to know you’re on the train you actually bought a ticket for.

Must-know travel phrases for your France trip (with audio) >>

europe train travel

The yellow machine is where you validate your paper ticket prior to boarding. Photo credit:

7. Don’t forget to validate your ticket. All paper tickets for Europe train travel need to be validated before you get on the train in France. To do this, look for the yellow machines with a ticket slot in the train station. There are several usually at the entrance, on the platform, and around the ticket machines and are marked “Compostez votre billet” (validate your ticket).

You insert your ticket into the machine and two seconds later it spits it out with a stamped line of text validating that the ticket is now used. You’ll need to show it to the train employee (contrôleur in French) when he or she checks your ticket after boarding (or in some cases before you board).

Along with that, be sure to have a photo ID with you even for regional trips. In the case of buying your France train ticket online, it’ll be in your name and sometimes they check ID as well. Keep in mind there is no validation process required for e-tickets because they have a special QR code that is scanned directly from your phone. Just the paper ones require the stamp from the yellow machine.

As you’d expect, ID is always checked for TGV and other international trips. Another note on tickets is to always play it safe and buy a train ticket. While the conductor doesn’t always check all tickets, fines are heavy if you try to get a free ride.

Another important tip I should mention is make sure your phone is charged if you have an e-ticket since you’ll need it on and functional to show your ticket.

8. Keep your voice down. Train cars tend to be on the quieter side in France and Europe. People tend to keep their voices low when having private conversations and phone calls are not allowed in some cars. It goes toward respecting the public space and not disturbing those around you. The general attitude for train travel in Europe is to keep your voice down.

American social norms that don’t translate to French cultur e >>

Pros of train travel in France

Easy and efficient way to travel. While France train travel isn’t perfect, it’s a pretty stress-free way to travel. You can easily book your ticket online, arrive at the station, and go. Voilà!

The country is extremely well connected and whether you’re traveling within France or to neighboring European countries, SNCF Connect has you covered. Also, train travel in France doesn’t require you to arrive hours early like air travel does.

Comfortable seats. Compared to regular economy class on most airlines, trains in France are quite comfortable. You have more legroom, big picture windows to take in the view, decent sized bathrooms, and more.

You can head to the bar/food car on some trains where you can buy something to eat or drink. You’re always welcome to bring your own food as well. Many newer trains also have free Wi-Fi.

Lots of options in terms of timing. Most routes have several trains per day (even hourly!) so you have your pick as to whether you leave in the morning or evening or somewhere in between. Train travel is extremely convenient and that’s a top pro.

france train routes

Cons of train travel in France

Possibility of strikes and delays. Like air travel, train travel in France isn’t without its drawbacks. Strikes and delays are not uncommon occurrences. The bright side is strikes are usually announced in advance so you can plan ahead but delays come down to luck.

Weather, technical issues, and more play into whether your trip will be delayed so it just comes with the territory. I take the train regularly and I’m happy to say I’ve only been inconvenienced by strikes and big delays a handful of times in 10 years.

Trips can be long and routing isn’t always direct. If you’re in a rush, train travel may not be for you. TGV and other international high-speed options aside, if you’re trying to get from Angers to Perpignan like I had to when my flight was canceled a couple of years back, be ready for a long day. Routes aren’t always direct and many go through Paris.

In my case I had to change train stations (not just the train!) in Paris which required a taxi. Then my second train was a very slow one that made all the stops. I think the trip was over 8 hours total (flight would have been an hour and 20 minutes).

If you’re in a rush or hate long trips, train travel may not make sense for your specific situation depending on your route.

Not great if you have a lot of luggage. Unlike air travel where you can check large pieces of luggage, when you go by train, you’re responsible for hauling your suitcase(s) onto the train and stowing it in the luggage area. Depending on where you’re seated, this can mean lugging it up or down stairs.

This can be even a bit more challenging on crowded trains when luggage areas are already full. While there aren’t firm luggage limits on regular fare trains, it can get really cumbersome when you have two or three suitcases.

If you are traveling solo and have two or more pieces of luggage, keep in mind that trains only stop for a few minutes so take steps to make the whole on/off process run as smoothly as possible. This includes booking a ticket on the lower level so you can avoid stairs and making sure that you line up on the platform in the area that corresponds to your reserved seat, as we talked about above.

Also, when it’s time to get off, start getting your suitcase out of the luggage area a few minutes before the train arrives in the station. People who got on after you might have boxed your suitcase in so leave yourself time to get organized.

Have you taken a French train? How was the experience? I hope my guide to train travel in France was helpful! Buy your French train tickets and bon voyage!

Traveling to France soon and want to be prepared? Check out my eGuide titled “ 75 Beginner France travel tips for a standout trip! ”

Need some tips on how to dress like a French woman? This is my no BS guide on how to dress in France .

Disclosure: This is a sponsored collaboration between SNCF Connect and Oui In France. All opinions are my own.

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April 22, 2022 at 5:34 pm

Hey Diane, Great article! Good timing as I’m on a Thalys heading Paris-Amsterdam. I have a question about seats. I did switch seats online when I bought them but I’m stumped as how to make sure I’m not sitting backwards. There’s nothing on the seat map that shows if you’re going the correct direction of train or backwards. Am I missing something? Thanks and be well!

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April 23, 2022 at 11:32 am

I’ve been traveling a lot by train in France for the last 2 weeks mostly using the SNCF connect app. The TER tickets I’ve bought with the app are only available on your phone. You can’t print them. The OUIGO and inOui tickets are on the app and sent as PDFs by email so they can be printed if you have access to a printer. The OUIGO tickets can’t be printed at the station if you bought them using the app. The only downside I’ve found is that scanning the tickets is sometimes necessary to get to the platform and it doesn’t always work from the phone. I and a lot of other people had to get assistance from an SNCF employee. That employee was very helpful but only spoke French. Overall I think the app works very well.

If you’re over 60 and book the tickets more than a day in advance you get a 10% discount even without buying a loyalty card.

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April 23, 2022 at 2:54 pm

When traveling via TGV, is there a way to tell which end of your car has the luggage racks? We were a group of 7 in December and sometimes boarded on the end opposite the racks. That made life a little challenging! Also, when booking three sets of TGV tickets for 7, I couldn’t get SNCF to register me. It said I had created an account and would receive an email but nothing ever arrived! Therefore, I couldn’t look up my account to see my tickets. Luckily I had the confirmation numbers and could find them that way. A little frustrating. But the train travel itself was wonderful! We did Paris-Reims-Strasbourg-CDG.

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April 24, 2022 at 1:48 pm

Hi ! Racks for luggage can be at several places. It depends if your train is TGV, a TER ou another type of train. In TGV (INOUi and OUIGO), racks are most of the time at both end of the seated areas and in the middle of them. You can also slide under your seat your luggage if it’s not too big.

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April 23, 2022 at 6:25 pm

Nice article. I always use trains in Europe, as they are faster than using an airplane. I tried to take your advice and tried to sign up for sncfconnect. After entering my credentials, I received an email that says click on Activate my account. Upon doing so, I received

Unauthorized url: , for application: ccl

Upon replying to the email asking for assistance, it was returned as Undeliverable.

Using the Chat feature on the website got me a See our FAQ.

I’ve always used Rail Europe for tickets. While they may be a touch more expensive, at least you can reach a real person if there’s a problem or issue.

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April 24, 2022 at 8:40 pm

Now this was really interesting , I love train travel just don’t have a reason to take a train anywhere.

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April 29, 2022 at 11:42 pm

Great article. I wished there were more photos of things you talked about. I found it hard to find the right car (several years ago so maybe the signage has changed) and when I asked an employee, he was less than helpful, a bit irritated (it wasn’t because of my French; I’m bilingual). I had a hard time finding the right car. Also is the lining up new? I don’t remember having to line up for my car by a sign. I would love to see that photo. Anyway, great practical advice. And safe travels to you and your family. Looking forward to reading about it when you return

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April 30, 2022 at 5:55 am

Hi Jacqueline, thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it! Sorry for any confusion about the composition du train display. It’s not required that you line up anywhere and there isn’t an employee who will direct people to the right spot on the track. It’s just there to help people get to the right spot more or less so they aren’t on the opposite side of the platform when the train comes (thus increasing the chance of missing their train). It was just my tip to take a peek at the display to get close to the spot where your particular car will come to a stop? Does that make sense? I will update the post with a line clarifying that (and add a pic of the display after I next take the TGV). Thx again & bon week-end !

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June 8, 2022 at 6:49 pm

This was an awesome guide to the French trains and systems. I will save it for when we get to go for a few months, maybe next spring. Thanks so much for this and other blogs and videos that you do. They are helpful for us who plan on visiting in the future as well as those there. One question I have is about pets…I think I have read that you can take dogs on the trains except for the TGV high speed. We will have our little 14lb papiillon with us when we travel, so will need to plan accordingly.

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July 23, 2022 at 9:54 pm

Thank you for this article, I found it quite useful. Do you happen to know, if I pre-purchase TER tickets on the SNCF Connect app, am I able to retrieve them while offline? Or would a screenshot do the trick? I will not have cellular access while travelling in Europe (just wi-fi at my destination), and I want to be sure that I can show the conductor my ticket when he/she comes around 🙂

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Early morning in #istanbul when the streets are still calm. Something that caught us by surprise was the fact that cars and scooters really don’t slow down much for pedestrians and they get really close to you when they pass. Definitely use the sidewalk whenever you can! Lots of fun shops and cafes here near the Galata Tower where we’re staying.

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France Railways


France Train Tickets

Popular routes, train stations.

French train stations offer comfort and convenience, enhancing your journey experience!

Traveling on the TGV in France is exceptionally comfortable, allowing you to fully enjoy your journey.

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What to Know About French Railway






Some of the favored French train routes include connections between Paris and Bordeaux , Paris and Marseille , and Paris and Nice .

Book France Train Tickets

Popular french train routes.

Are you interested in embarking on an French railway adventure? Discover your ideal ticket from a variety of routes available today!

Paris to Bordeaux Train

Marseille to paris train, nice to paris train, paris to reims train, lourdes to paris train, lyon to paris.

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voyage train france

Téléchargez l'application OUIGO ! 

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Séléctionnez  le pays  dans lequel vous souhaitez voyager et  la langue  de consultation et de réservation !

Réservez vos trajets TGV chez OUIGO

Départ en vacances, déplacement imprévu ou escapade de week-end : les trajets en train vous permettent de vous déplacer partout en France pour pas cher, quel que soit le motif. Mais quel service choisir pour vos trajets en train ?

OUIGO est un service de transport qui propose des trajets en train, pratiques et pas cher , à partir de 10€* pour les adultes et à partir de 8€ pour les enfants**. OUIGO met à votre disposition un réseau de train qui parcourt toute la France, de et vers 19 destinations – une liste qui s’agrandit au fur et à mesure, pour vous proposer toujours plus de trajets pas chers.

Profitez de trajets TGV avantageux avec OUIGO

La durée des trajets TGV OUIGO est identique à celles des trajets TGV SNCF classiques. En outre, les trajets TVG OUIGO sont pensés pour conjuguer efficacité et confort des passagers. Utiliser OUIGO pour votre trajet en train, c’est profiter de certains avantages :

  • Pique-niques

Pas de voiture-bar à bord des TGV OUIGO : vous économisez et vous dégustez votre sandwich préféré fait-maison, tranquillement assis.e à votre place.

  • Prises électriques

Cette option bien pratique est à choisir lors de la réservation de votre trajet en train . Si vous voyagez à plusieurs, sachez que tous les sièges équipés d’une prise sont regroupés dans un même espace.

  • Bagage supplémentaire

Le prix des trajets TGV inclut le transport d’ un bagage à main et d’un bagage en cabine . Une option bagage supplémentaire est également disponible pour seulement 5€ de plus, sous réserve de le préciser lors de votre réservation de billet en ligne .

  • Service de suivi

Vous pouvez souscrire au service d’alerte via SMS qui vous confirme la réservation de votre billet de train, avec toutes les informations nécessaires pour votre trajet TGV (date, horaire numéro de quai, etc.). Ce service vous informe également de toute modification, en cas de retard du train par exemple.

  • Voyager avec vos animaux domestiques

Les animaux de compagnie sont autorisés. Ce service est gratuit pour les animaux de moins de 6 kg, transporté dans un contenant dont les dimensions ne dépassent pas 55cm x 35cm x 25cm : ce contenant se substitue à un des deux bagages autorisés.

  • Tarif enfant pour voyager en famille à petit prix

Les enfants de 4 à 11 ans – accompagnés d’un adulte - bénéficient d’un prix forfaitaire de 8€ par trajet TGV , quelles que soient la destination et la date du voyage**. Les autres avantages souscris par l’adulte (prise électrique, bagage supplémentaire à partir de plus de 3 enfants de moins de 11 ans) sont gratuits. Le transport des poussettes est offert pour tous.

Vous pouvez profiter de n’importe lequel de ces avantages, il vous suffit de le préciser au moment de la réservation en ligne de votre trajet de train , et voilà !

*Tarif soumis à condition. **5€ sur train classique

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Qualité des eaux de baignade en Europe : Chypre en tête, la France à la traîne

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Alors que la canicule frappe la France, nombreux se demandent si les eaux dans lesquelles ils se baignent sont sûres. Voici les meilleurs et les pires points de baignade en Europe selon un récent rapport de l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement.

À la plage ou au bord d'une rivière, l'eau dans laquelle vous vous baignez l'été est-elle sûre ? Alors qu'en France, 45 départements sont placés en vigilance orange canicule ce lundi 12 août, nombreux cherchent la fraîcheur, les pieds dans l'eau si possible. Que vous passiez cette chaude journée au bord d'un lac, d'une plage ou d'une rivière, vous pouvez vous rassurer : dans l'Hexagone comme sur le reste du Vieux Continent, la grande majorité des points de baignade sont considérés comme sains et répondent aux normes de qualités de l'Union européenne.

Dans le détail, c'est l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement et la Commission européenne qui estiment dans un  rapport  que les eaux de 85% des sites de baignades européens étaient en 2023 « excellentes ». 96% d'entre elles répondaient aux normes minimales imposées par l'Union européenne. L'étude, pour laquelle 22.081 emplacements ont été inspectés, explicite également dans quels pays les eaux de baignade sont de meilleure qualité.

À lire aussi Contaminations et risque de maladies : voici les plages et rivières à éviter en Corse

Chypre en tête du classement, bien loin devant la France

D'après elle,  Chypre  possède l'eau la plus sûre : 97,6% de ses points de baignade sont d'excellente qualité. Autres mentions honorables : en Autriche, en  Croatie  et en Grèce, plus de 95% des eaux testées sont également d'excellente qualité. Dans le reste de l'Europe, la Bulgarie, le Danemark, Malte, l'Allemagne et l'Italie sont également très bien classés. Une  carte interactive  présente également les résultats de chaque pays plus en détail.

Bien loin derrière, en 19 e position, se hisse difficilement la France. Un résultat qui tient moins à la médiocrité de notre pays qu'aux très bons résultats de ses voisins européens. En effet, 74,9% des eaux de l'Hexagone sont qualifiées d'excellentes par le rapport de l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement, sur 3361 lieux analysés. Seuls 2,9% des points de baignade français sont considérés comme médiocres.

À lire aussi Nautisme : quatre façons de découvrir la Croatie d’île en île

1,5% des points de baignade européens sont «médiocres»

Même si c'est peu, c'est presque le double de la moyenne européenne, où 1,5% des eaux analysées sont jugées médiocres par cette étude. En comparaison, ce chiffre était d'1,9% en 2009. Hormis la France, seuls quatre autres pays de l'Union européenne comptent au moins 3% de sites aussi mal notés : la Suède (où 24 lieux sont jugés médiocres, soit 5,1% des points de baignade du pays), les Pays-Bas (32, soit 4,3%), l'Irlande (5, soit 3,4%) et l'Estonie (2, soit 3,1%). Comme le rappelle ce rapport, ces espaces fermeront « pendant toute la saison balnéaire suivante, des mesures étant mises en place pour réduire la pollution et éliminer les risques pour la santé des baigneurs . »

Cinq autres pays sont également bien en dessous de la moyenne : en Albanie, en Belgique, en Estonie, en Hongrie et en Pologne, moins de 70% des eaux sont d'excellente qualité. Pour arriver à de tels résultats, l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement a analysé des échantillons d'eau à la recherche de bactéries associées à un risque pour la santé humaine et indiquant une pollution. Parmi les risques pris en compte revenaient notamment les troubles gastriques, les diarrhées, mais aussi les oreilles, des yeux et des voies respiratoires. Quatre niveaux de qualité d'eau étaient enregistrés : « excellente », « bonne », « suffisante » ou « mauvaise ».

Dans son rapport, l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement a tout de même nuancé ses résultats, expliquant que, « bien que la plupart des eaux européennes soient en excellent état d'un point de vue bactériologique, la pollution des eaux de surface et souterraines reste importante et pourrait être aggravée par le changement climatique . »

À lire aussi Ils déposent leurs serviettes dès l’aube : en été, la guerre des transats dans les hôtels-clubs

À ÉCOUTER - Notre podcast : Camping sauvage, bivouac : où planter sa tente en France et en Europe ?


  • Qualité des eaux de baignade : quelles sont les plages françaises les plus sales ?
  • «À éviter» ou «recommandée» : la plage que vous fréquentez est-elle polluée par des bactéries ?
  • Vacances en solo : nos conseils pour profiter de la plage

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le 12/08/2024 à 15:54

La carte intéractive manque de sérieux: à chaque fois que je me suis baigné en Espagne, otite microbienne. En France, de l'autre côté de la frontière Est, jamais. En Espagne, les eaux grises sont souvent envoyées dans la mer, 300 m plus loin du rivage. En France, les communes ont parfois 2 stations d'épuration: une seule fonctionnant hors saison quand la commune comprend 1000 à 2000 habitants. Les 2 fonctionnant ensemble durant la saison estivale.


le 12/08/2024 à 14:03

Quelle blague ! Je reviens de la Costa del Sol, en Espagne, où j'ai une résidence secondaire. Chaque fois que ma femme se baigne dans la mer, elle attrape une infection urinaire, ce qui ne lui arrive jamais en France. Pourquoi ? Tout simplement parce que l'infrastructure d'assainissement est loin d'être complète, qu'il n'y a aucun contrôle de l'installation des particuliers. Le problème est connu du public et caché par les autorités. Alors les eaux de baignade espagnoles plus propres que les françaises, vous aurez du mal à me le faire croire.

Empire du bien

le 12/08/2024 à 13:13

Hidalgo s’est baignée, l’éducation est polluée !

Cette drôle de coutume des Américains avant de venir en Europe

Pour préparer un voyage en Europe, les touristes américains ne font pas les choses à moitié. Les réseaux sociaux et les blogs spécialisés pullulent de routines pour une remise en forme très spéciale. Explications.

Le saviez-vous ? On peut aussi payer en euros dans ces pays non-membres de l’Union européenne

Bien que ne faisant pas partie de la zone euro, quatre micro-États et deux pays du continent ont fait de la devise européenne leur monnaie officielle.

En Grèce, ce paradis de la randonnée est toujours interdit aux femmes et aux enfants

Depuis près de 1000 ans, une règle interdit à la gent féminine et à tous les animaux femelles de pénétrer sur le mont Athos, au nord du pays.

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voyage train france


  1. Best scenic rail routes in France

    voyage train france

  2. 40 voyages en train pour découvrir la France en mode plus slow

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  3. Comment voyager en France en train, en voiture et en autocar

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  4. SNCF : en 2019, 90 % des voyages en train seront connectés

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  5. 40 voyages en train pour découvrir la France en mode plus slow

    voyage train france

  6. Everything You Need to Know About Taking the Train in France

    voyage train france


  1. SNCF Connect : Book your train tickets to France and Europe

    Download the SNCF Connect app for faster, easier and cleaner mobility across France. With one touch, you can organise, book and manage your day-to-day trips as well as long-distance trips. Travel with peace of mind, and find all the information you need during your trip: e-tickets, real-time timetables, live traffic information...

  2. SNCF Connect : Réservez vos billets SNCF, bus et covoiturage (

    Réservez vos billets de train, bus et covoiturage sur SNCF Connect et profitez des cartes de réduction et abonnements TER.

  3. Trainline

    Recherchez les horaires, prix et réservez vos billets de train et de bus en France et en Europe. Trainline est un distributeur officiel de SNCF.


    Billets de train Low-cost. Dès 10€ pour les adultes et 5€ pour les enfants, voyagez avec OUIGO GRANDE VITESSE et OUIGO TRAIN CLASSIQUE dans toute la France ! Réservez plusieurs mois à l'avance ou jusqu'à 10 min avant le départ, via l'appli voyages ou le site, et profitez de billets de train low cost. Billet OUIGO.

  5. Train France

    Are you looking for a train ticket to France ? On SNCF Connect, find and book with a few clicks your Train at the best price !

  6. Train en France

    Retrouvez toutes les informations utiles pour vos voyages en train en France : horaires, itinéraires. Réservez votre prochain billet de train avec Trainline.

  7. Train travel in France

    A beginner's guide to train travel in France, including TGV trains between Paris, Nice, Marseille, Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Avignon. How to find schedules, fares, & buy cheap French train tickets online at

  8. Book your train tickets now

    In France and Europe, easily book your train journey (TER, Intercités, TGV INOUI, OUIGO or Transilien) and buy your train tickets, passes and season tickets. For all your travel needs in France and Europe, find your tickets here or in one of the 800 agencies approved by SNCF Voyageurs.

  9. Réservation de billets

    Pour tous vos voyages en France et en Europe, trouvez vos billets ici ou dans l'une des 800 agences agrées SNCF Voyageurs . Achetez vos billets, cartes et abonnements.

  10. Mon Espace TGV INOUI

    Des liaisons de centre ville à centre ville pour les trajets directs en France et en Europe. Des fauteuils spacieux et inclinables, tout le confort TGV INOUI. Un portail de contenus gratuits à bord des trains pour vous divertir. 95% de CO2 économisé par rapport à la voiture. Découvrir.

  11. Booking and itinerary

    Book your train journeys and tickets at the best prices on TGV INOUI, OUIGO, Eurostar, TER and INTERCITÉS for your journeys in France and Europe. Read more.

  12. Train tickets

    Find great deals on your TGV INOUI, TGV Lyria, Eurostar and TER train tickets for travels in France and throughout Europe.

  13. Ultimate guide to train travel in France (plus where to buy tickets so

    Whether you're a commuter or looking to go on vacation, France's railway system is a well-connected and efficient way to travel around France and to other destinations in Europe. Before considering train travel in France, keep reading to learn what you need to know before you go (and where to buy France train tickets)!

  14. 15 escapades en train en France

    15 escapades en train en France. Partir à la découverte des belles villes de France sans prendre une auto, rien de plus facile. Il suffit de monter à bord d'un train et de se laisser conduire ...

  15. France Trains

    Discover everything about French trains and purchase your France train tickets online. Take a ride on a French train and discover all its benefits.

  16. Les trains touristiques en France

    Les trains touristiques en France. Redécouvrir la France en train sans aller à la vitesse du TGV ? C'est possible grâce aux lignes touristiques qui permettent de visiter des régions ou de ...

  17. Cheap train tickets in France

    Low-cost trains in France: all OUIGO destinations! Want to explore France? Then hop on the best French trains! OUIGO is the low-cost TGV service that covers the whole of France, perfect for families, couples, students and seniors after cheap travel. From the sea to the mountains, the charm of France is at your fingertips - and your wallet will also be happy. Fixed fares at €5 or €8 for ...

  18. Pass Rail : Voyagez en illimité pour 49€ par mois

    Voyager dans le train désigné sur le billet permet d'assurer un meilleur confort pour l'ensemble des voyageurs qui se répartissent sur toute la journée par exemple et permet aux équipes SNCF Voyageurs de suivre la fréquentation des trains et ajuster les services en conséquence.

  19. Trains en France : Horaires, Services et Billets

    Tarifs et Services des Billets de Train pour la France. Avec l'appli et le site SNCF Connect, retrouvez des billets de train aux meilleurs tarifs pour votre séjour en France. Rejoignez Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux ou toute autre grande ville française, rapidement et sans rien sacrifier à votre confort. Nos offres et nos services sont adaptés pour ...

  20. Trajet en train TGV pas cher

    Réservez vos trajets TGV chez OUIGO Départ en vacances, déplacement imprévu ou escapade de week-end : les trajets en train vous permettent de vous déplacer partout en France pour pas cher, quel que soit le motif. Mais quel service choisir pour vos trajets en train ?

  21. L'Éter à 1€ le trajet

    La Région Hauts-de-France reconduit l'opération l'éTER. 5 000 billets à 1€ l'aller disponibles chaque jour pour des voyages du 6 juillet au 25 août 2024.

  22. Billet de train pas cher : Billets SNCF avec SNCF Connect

    Avec SNCF Connect, trouvez et réservez votre billet de train SNCF au meilleur prix pour voyager en France et en Europe !

  23. French train networks partially restored after sabotage

    French railway company said it made progress in partially restoring high-speed train services after acts of sabotage disrupted three major lines ahead of Olympic Games opening ceremony on the Seine River.

  24. TGV: book your TGV tickets on SNCF Connect

    TGV now refers to a type of train. Find and book your TGV tickets on SNCF Connect to travel in France and Europe at the best price!

  25. Qualité des eaux de baignade en Europe : Chypre en tête, la France à la

    Alors que la canicule frappe la France, nombreux se demandent si les eaux dans lesquelles ils se baignent sont sûres. Voici les meilleurs et les pires points de baignade en Europe selon un ...