Grandes Brasileiros: a beleza atemporal do VW Voyage Sport

Sóbrio e elegante, ele conciliava a pegada esportiva do gol gts a uma configuração mais prática e confortável.

VW Voyage Sport

A abertura das importações na virada da década de 90 expôs a indústria automobilística a uma desagradável realidade: quase todos os carros nacionais eram caros e defasados, em comparação com os importados.

Como não po­diam esperar anos para atualizar seus produtos, as montadoras tiveram que improvisar, por isso requentaram alguns modelos dos anos 80 para não perder mercado . Entre eles, estava o Voyage Sport.

Lançado em 1993, parecia uma reprise do Voyage GLS , descontinuado em 1991 para não canibalizar seu irmão da Autolatina, o VW Apollo. Com o fim do Apollo, em 1992, as portas estavam abertas a uma versão mais requintada e potente do sedã, tradição iniciada em 1985 com o Voyage Super.

Na essência, ele era uma versão mais prática e sóbria do Gol GTS, que desde 1987 figurava entre os carros mais rápidos do Brasil. Deixava de lado o aerofólio e as luzes de longo alcance, mas mantinha os faróis de neblina e as rodas de liga leve raiadas, no estilo das clássicas BBS alemãs.

VW Voyage Sport

No interior, o requinte ficava por conta dos bancos Recaro e portas revestidos de tecido navalhado. O clássico volante esportivo VW, de buzina com quatro botões, era revestido de couro, assim como o pomo da alavanca do câmbio.

Disponível em Preto Universal ou Prata Lunar, a pintura chegava até a parte inferior dos para-choques e aos retrovisores, elétricos, assim como vidros e travas. A decoração era finalizada com apliques cinza nos para-choques e lanternas fumês (como no Gol GTi).

Entre os opcionais, só toca-fitas, porta-fitas no console e ar-condicionado. No modelo 1994, a direção hidráulica entrou nessa lista, pondo um fim às críticas de quem sofria para esterçar os largos pneus 185/60 R14.

VW Voyage Sport

Sob o capô estava o aclamado motor VW AP-1800S, do Gol GTS e da Parati GLS: a diferença para o AP-1800 estava no comando de válvulas 049G e na recalibração do carburador. A maior elasticidade era comprovada pelos números: 105 cv, contra 96 cv do motor a álcool de linha.

Ágil e com só 945 kg, ia a 100 km/h em 11,75 segundos e retomava de 40 a 100 km/h em 20,59, figurando entre os dez melhores do ranking da QUATRO RODAS, na versão a álcool. A velocidade máxima foi de 171,2 km/h.

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Ao volante, apresentava o mesmo comportamento neutro dos Gol esportivos: neutro, com tendência ao subesterço no limite. A crítica ia para o freio: apesar da boa modulação, sofria com o fading, devido ao disco sólido na dianteira.

A produção durou só de 1993 a 1995. Além de mais conforto aos passageiros traseiros (pela linha do teto mais alta) e mais espaço para bagagens, alguns elogiavam a rigidez do monobloco, superior pela ausência da terceira porta presente no Gol.

VW Voyage Sport

Esportivo sem ser beberrão e estável sem ser desconfortável, deixou saudade, e os poucos que restaram hoje estão nas mãos de cuidadosos donos, como o carro das fotos, do gerente comercial Ayrton de Negreiros Jr., de Piracicaba (SP). Aquirido em 2007, passou por uma restauração total: “Só de funilaria foram dois anos”, diz.

Descontinuado em 1996, o Voyage era só uma vaga lembrança dos brasileiros até ser reapresentado em 2008 – mas sem a mesma esportividade de um motor próprio e das duas portas.

Teste QUATRO RODAS – fevereiro de 1994

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Voyage Sport – O quadradão que os Antigos adoram !

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VOYAGE SPORT 1.8 - O Quadradão do coração dos Carros das Antigas !

Voyage Sport é apresentado na linha volkswagen de 1993 e indo até o final de 1994,  o Voyage Sport era disponibilizado nas cores preto universal e  prata lunar.

O Voyage teve versões e séries especiais muito marcantes , mas sem sombra de dúvidas a que conseguiu juntar esportividade e luxo foi o Voyage Sport.

Os para-choques a parte superior em tonalidade cinza a parte inferior pintada na cor do carro, assim como, também as capas dos retrovisores na cor do carro.

O Voyage Sport vinha com borrachões laterais também em tonalidade cinza, e, com a nomenclatura esporte estampada.

As colunas da porta da lateral eram pintadas em preto fosco, o carro trazia rodas de 14 polegadas raiadas no estilo bbs.

Na frente ele tinha faróis de neblina, na parte traseira ele tinha lanternas fumê mundo.

A placa em material acrílico preto break light e no capô além do logo da volkswagen vinha também o adesivo identificando a série especial esporte.

O interior do carro era um outro show à part e ele trazia bancos recaro um tecido navalhado numa padronagem exclusiva para versão sport, encosto de cabeça vazado, assim como no GOL GTI.

O volante trazia um revestimento com uma fina camada de couro, na alavanca do câmbio uma manopla e coifa que eram também em couro.

Um maravilhoso painel satélite trazia contagiros e o carro vinha equipado de série com vidros, travas, retrovisores com acionamento elétrico além de ar quente.

  • Os opcionais do voyage sport eram:
  • ar condicionado
  • toca-fitas com código de segurança e console central com porta fitas.

A motorização do voyage sport era o AP 1800s com comando de válvulas G49 mesmo motor que equipava o gol gts.

A volkswagen declarava que esse motor tinha 99 o cavalos, mas, efetivamente ele tinha 105 cavalos e o voyage sport podia chegar até 171 km por hora de velocidade final.

O voyage conseguiu a integrar elementos do gol gts, elementos do gol gti e ao mesmo tempo um ar refinado luxuoso.

A volkswagen para ter deixado esse carro perfeito só faltou colocar injeção eletrônica, mas, mesmo não tendo colocado a injeção eletrônica o  Voyage Sport foi um carro que marcou presença, é um carro muito bonito,  é um carro que agregou elementos de muito bom gosto.

Um carro raro , principalmente um que esteja no seu estado original,  portanto se você tem um voyage sport sinta-se muito feliz que você tem um carro único em mãos.

 Assim como o gol gti, gol gts, o Voyage Sport se tornou um dos colecionáveis mais valorizados no mercado.

Se você tem aí um Voyage   mais uma razão aí para você ficar feliz porque você tem um carro que além de ser um carro único, está muito bem valorizado. Já assistiu aos nossos vídeos no  YouTube ? Inscreva-se no nosso canal!

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VW Voyage Sport

voyage sport preto

Informações Gerais

Marca: VW Modelo: Voyage Sport Ano Fabricação/Ano Modelo: 1993/1994 Cor: Preto Universal Portas: 2 Quilometragem: 74600 Dimensões - Comp./Largura/Altura (mm): 4072/1601/1349 Ocupantes: 5

Mecânica e Segurança

Combustível: Álcool Motor: 1.8 Potência: 105 CV Velocidade Máxima: 171 Km/h Câmbio: Manual - 5 Velocidades Aceleração 0-100km/h: 10,2 Segundos Freios: Disco Dianteiro e Tambor Traseiro Rodas: Liga Leve R14


Bancos: Recaro Ar Condicionado: Sim Sistema de Som: Rádio AM/FM + CD Player Pioneer

Informações Extra

ATENÇÃO! Devido a grande rotatividade em nosso estoque, se faz necessário a consulta diretamente em nossa loja para certificar de que o veículo ainda se encontra sob nossos cuidados. O valor do anúncio deve ser confirmado, pois o mesmo pode ter sido ajustado em nossa loja e ainda não ter sido modificado neste site. Obrigado pela compreensão. Pastore Car Collection.


VW Voyage Sport 1993/1994 na cor Preto Universal em raro estado de conservação. Veículo com interior impecável, faróis Cibié e o ar condicionado gelando. Possui nota fiscal de compra com data de 30/11/1993. Motor: longitudinal, 4 cilindros em linha, 2 valvulas por cilindro, comando de valvulas simples no cabecote, alimentacao por carburador de corpo duplo, alcool, potência de 105 cv a 5600 rpm e torque de 15,3 mkgf a 3600 rpm. Lançado em 1993, parecia uma reprise do Voyage GLS, descontinuado em 1991 para não canibalizar seu irmão da Autolatina, o VW Apollo. Com o fim do Apollo, em 1992, as portas estavam abertas a uma versão mais requintada e potente do sedã, tradição iniciada em 1985 com o Voyage Super. Na essência, ele era uma versão mais prática e sóbria do Gol GTS, que desde 1987 figurava entre os carros mais rápidos do Brasil. Deixava de lado o aerofólio e as luzes de longo alcance, mas mantinha os faróis de neblina e as rodas de liga leve raiadas, no estilo das clássicas BBS alemãs. No interior, o requinte ficava por conta dos bancos Recaro e portas revestidos de tecido navalhado. O clássico volante esportivo VW, de buzina com quatro botões estava presente nessa versão. Disponível em Preto Universal ou Prata Lunar, a pintura chegava até a parte inferior dos para-choques e aos retrovisores, elétricos, assim como vidros e travas. A decoração era finalizada com apliques cinza nos para-choques e lanternas fumês (como no Gol GTi). Entre os opcionais, só toca-fitas, porta-fitas no console e ar-condicionado. No modelo 1994, a direção hidráulica entrou nessa lista, pondo um fim às críticas de quem sofria para esterçar os largos pneus 185/60 R14. Sob o capô estava o aclamado motor VW AP-1800S, do Gol GTS e da Parati GLS: a diferença para o AP-1800 estava no comando de válvulas 049G e na recalibração do carburador. A maior elasticidade era comprovada pelos números: 105 cv, contra 96 cv do motor a álcool de linha.

voyage sport preto

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Country Club Fragrance Reviews

Nautica Voyage Sport EdT Review

Nautica Voyage Sport is a flanker from the ever popular Voyage collection. This falls in line with all of the other aquatic aromatic fragrances from the Nautica line.

This fragrance was released in 2016. It definitely leans more masculine.

This is a sport type cologne, and they did a good job. This cologne is a sporty fresh aquatic fragrance. Nautica has multiple flankers for this collection, and this is another.

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What Does Nautica Voyage Sport Smell Like

Nautica Voyage Sport smells like a bright, fresh, citrus cologne. The citrus scents come from bergamot, grapefruit, and other citrus notes. If you are looking for a fresh citrus dominant fragrance in the Voyage line, then Sport is the choice for you. A lot of the other Voyage flankers have citrus notes, but these come from the fruit line like apple.

Nautica Voyage Sport cologne bottle

While apple is listed as a note, it is not very noticeable. You may catch a whiff here and there, but fresh and tart citrus seem to dominate.

Nautica For Men hit this out of the park when designing a sporty type cologne. This blend of notes falls right in line with what you would expect out of a fresh sport fragrance.

This is a linear fragrance that does not last too long. That is to be expected with a citrus dominant cologne. The featured note to me is bergamot. This is also a familiar note from the 2005 release of Nautica Blue cologne . Both of these utilize bergamot and citrus to add freshness.

Top Notes: Sea Salt, Citrus, Sea Notes, Coriander

Middle Notes: Apple, Geranium, Palm Leaf, Green Pepper

Base Notes: Musk, Patchouli, Vetiver, Redwood

The longevity is weak for Voyage Sport. It will last up to about 4 hours. If you are lucky, you can get up to 6 hours with it. Being a citrus heavy fragrance, it just does not last long. This is typical for all citrus colognes though.

Being a citrus heavy fragrance, the projection is weak. This fragrance evaporates pretty quickly. You will be good to get an hour out of it. After that, it becomes a skin scent. This is probably the weakest of the Voyage flankers.


Nautica Voyage Sport 50ml bottle

Nautica Voyage Sport comes in a glass bottle with a silver cap. The word Sport is in red. There is a boat sail on the bottle as well. The fragrance is light blue and almost clear.

The box is silver with a blue top. It also has the sail boat on it.

It comes in 100ml or 3.4 fl. oz. and it comes in a 50ml bottle.

The concentration is Eau de Toilette spray .

Nautica Voyage Sport will generally cost just under $25, but that can vary. It can be found online at most fragrance retailers. The lowest price that I have seen consistently is at Amazon though.

Check the current price of Nautica Voyage Sport at Amazon .

When To Wear Nautica Voyage Sport

This is a casual fragrance that can be worn almost anywhere. It is simple and linear. Due to its freshness, it is a great fragrance to wear at the gym. It can also be worn to work or any social gathering. Due to its low sillage and longevity, you likely won’t get many compliments on it unless you are very close to someone.

Nautica Voyage Sport bottle top

This is a great cologne to wear when you want to smell fresh and clean personally. There may be times when you do not want others to smell you. But, if they do happen to get real close to you, then you know that you will be clean and fresh smelling.

What We Like

  • Great fragrance for the gym
  • Low cost budget fragrance

What We Don’t Like

  • Does not last a long time
  • Can be generic and synthetic smelling
  • It is a linear scent

Overall Review Of Nautica Voyage Sport

This fragrance for men is a nice budget citrus dominant fresh scent. It is great for a low cost cologne. For a few dollars less, I would probably buy the OG Nautica Voyage. It lasts longer and smells a lot better.

Voyage Sport is not a bad fragrance. It just fills a small niche of what I would want to use it for. There are just a lot of other choices with similar price ranges. So, this fragrance does not get used too much for me.

Nautica Voyage Sport vs. Voyage

If you could take Nautica Voyage and reduce the amount of apple and woods, while also increasing citrus notes like bergamot, then you would have Nautica Sport.

Voyage has more fruit and wood fragrance accords. You will definitely smell a lot of green apple in Voyage, but not so much in Sport.

Sport will be your citrus dominant fragrance while Voyage will be your green and woody fragrance. Both will fall in line with aromatic aquatics.

Nautica Voyage will have better longevity and projection. The cost will be similar, but usually Sport tends to be a few dollars more.

Overall, Nautica Voyage is the better fragrance, but you can’t go wrong with owning them both.

references: Nautica Voyage Sport

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Ryan Gardner

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Your source for reviews on the top fragrances

Nautica Voyage vs Nautica Voyage Sport Comparison

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In this edition of a head to head men’s fragrance match up, we have the ever popular Nautica Voyage vs. Voyage Sport, it’s later released flanker fragrance. Does Sport carry on the Voyage name and surpass the original or does it flop completely?

Which smells better? Does Voyage Sport have good performance? Read below for my full take on these two inexpensive colognes.

Tale of the Tape

Nautica Voyage

Notes include: apple, musk, cedar, lotus, amber, mimosa, and oak moss

voyage sport preto

Read my original review: Nautica Voyage Review

voyage sport preto

Nautica Voyage Sport

Notes include: sea spray accord, citrus zest, coriander, palm leaves, green peppercorn, apple, Brazil wood, vetiver

voyage sport preto

Read my review: Voyage Sport

voyage sport preto

The original Voyage has a rather cold, crisp aroma that you would usually associated with a chilled cucumber. The composition opens with apple, mimosa, and musk notes.

The musk is pretty prominent and Voyage has a green/floral undertone of dewy oak moss, lotus, and that mimosa. The opening is actually my least favorite part of the fragrance, but it does get better.

Voyage Sport, doesn’t do itself any favors in the head to head, with its own opening. It’s kind of messy and runs together. What I get is citrus notes, musk, and some of that familiar alcohol smell from cheaper colognes.

It settles down after a few minutes and the citrus is joined by spice of coriander and green peppercorn. It has some salt water oceanic elements, spice, and that citrus zest.

Which is better? Even if it isn’t my favorite, I’ll take the original Voyage over sport in the one. It’s just much more pleasant and well done, than Sport, which takes a while to work itself out.

Edge: Voyage

Nautica Voyage isn’t a beast in terms of sillage, it’s moderate, but performs well overall for a scent of this category and price. Meanwhile, Sport is just mediocre.

On me, it’s pretty much just a skin scent, and doesn’t project at all. Shame. This has happened with a lot of the Voyage flankers, I wish that they could have some kind of close to equal performance.

At its absolute best the original Voyage nets me about 7 hours of wear. Usually it’ll be between 5-7 hours. Sport, goes 3-4 hours on my skin and doesn’t project.

Again, that disparity in performance. This is why the original Voyage is such a good value play.


Nautica Voyage is a daytime casual or school wear cologne for spring/summer. It’s a light daily wear, that you don’t have to put much thought into, as it is safe a non-offensive.

Voyage Sport aims to hit the same notes as its predecessor. No real advantage as to when either should be worn.

Overall Scent

To me, this isn’t even really much of a contest at all. Voyage is much better than Sport is, on every level. I actually kind of like how Voyage Sport smells when it dries down, but its performance was just lacking.

It could have been a nice aquatic variant of the original, but just couldn’t get its act together.

Voyage still has its unique blend versus most anything else out in the market. Particularly, at this price point.

I like Voyage’s freshness, slightly aquatic vibe, and use of floral notes. Even if, that opening act isn’t great. For what it costs, Nautica Voyage has always been a steal. It’s one of the top cheap scents for guys . Most of its flanker follow-ups, really fail to deliver on the standard it set.

If Voyage Sport, had better performance, it would honestly be a solid cheapie. I really liked what they were going for, but it’s just poor execution. There were some interesting things going on there.

Even if that were the case, I still think that Voyage smells better, and since it does have good performance it is the clear winner.

Winner: Nautica Voyage

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User Review

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Best Men’s Colognes started back in 2013, as a way to share my learning experiences with different fragrances, as I dove head first into the hobby. Since then, I have written hundreds of reviews and other pages about perfumes and colognes.

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For the first time Rosatom Fuel Division supplied fresh nuclear fuel to the world’s only floating nuclear cogeneration plant in the Arctic

The fuel was supplied to the northernmost town of Russia along the Northern Sea Route.

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The first in the history of the power plant refueling, that is, the replacement of spent nuclear fuel with fresh one, is planned to begin before 2024. The manufacturer of nuclear fuel for all Russian nuclear icebreakers, as well as the Akademik Lomonosov FNPP, is Machinery Manufacturing Plant, Joint-Stock Company (MSZ JSC), a company of Rosatom Fuel Company TVEL that is based in Elektrostal, Moscow Region.

The FNPP includes two KLT-40S reactors of the icebreaking type. Unlike convenient ground-based large reactors (that require partial replacement of fuel rods once every 12-18 months), in the case of these reactors, the refueling takes place once every few years and includes unloading of the entire reactor core and loading of fresh fuel into the reactor.

The cores of KLT-40 reactors of the Akademik Lomonosov floating power unit have a number of advantages compared to the reference ones: a cassette core was used for the first time in the history of the unit, which made it possible to increase the fuel energy resource to 3-3.5 years between refuelings, and also reduce the fuel component of the electricity cost by one and a half times. The FNPP operating experience formed the basis for the designs of reactors for nuclear icebreakers of the newest series 22220. Three such icebreakers have been launched by now.

For the first time the power units of the Akademik Lomonosov floating nuclear power plant were connected to the grid in December 2019, and put into commercial operation in May 2020. The supply of nuclear fuel from Elektrostal to Pevek and its loading into the second reactor is planned for 2024. The total power of the Akademik Lomonosov FNPP, supplied to the coastal grid of Pevek without thermal energy consumption on shore, is about 76 MW, being about 44 MW in the maximum thermal power supply mode. The FNPP generated 194 million kWh according to the results of 2023. The population of Pevek is just a little more than 4 thousand, while the FNPP has a potential for supplying electricity to a city with a population of up to 100 thousand people. After the FNPP commissioning two goals were achieved. These include first of all the replacement of the retiring capacities of the Bilibino NPP, which has been operating since 1974, as well as the Chaunskaya TPP, which has already been operating for more than 70 years. Secondly, energy is supplied to the main mining companies in western Chukotka in the Chaun-Bilibino energy hub a large ore and metal cluster, including gold mining companies and projects related to the development of the Baimsk ore zone. In September 2023, a 110 kilovolt power transmission line with a length of 490 kilometers was put into operation, connecting the towns of Pevek and Bilibino. The line increased the reliability of energy supply from the FNPP to both Bilibino consumers and mining companies, the largest of which is the Baimsky GOK. The comprehensive development of the Russian Arctic is a national strategic priority. To increase the NSR traffic is of paramount importance for accomplishment of the tasks set in the field of cargo shipping. This logistics corridor is being developed due regular freight voyages, construction of new nuclear-powered icebreakers and modernization of the relevant infrastructure. Rosatom companies are actively involved in this work. Rosatom Fuel Company TVEL (Rosatom Fuel Division) includes companies fabricating nuclear fuel, converting and enriching uranium, manufacturing gas centrifuges, conducting researches and producing designs. As the only nuclear fuel supplier to Russian NPPs, TVEL supplies fuel for a total of 75 power reactors in 15 countries, for research reactors in nine countries, as well as for propulsion reactors of the Russian nuclear fleet. Every sixth power reactor in the world runs on TVEL fuel. Rosatom Fuel Division is the world’s largest producer of enriched uranium and the leader on the global stable isotope market. The Fuel Division is actively developing new businesses in chemistry, metallurgy, energy storage technologies, 3D printing, digital products, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. TVEL also includes Rosatom integrators for additive technologies and electricity storage systems. Rosenergoatom, Joint-Stock Company is part of Rosatom Electric Power Division and one of the largest companies in the industry acting as an operator of nuclear power plants. It includes, as its branches, 11 operating NPPs, including the FNPP, the Scientific and Technical Center for Emergency Operations at NPPs, Design and Engineering as well as Technological companies. In total, 37 power units with a total installed capacity of over 29.5 GW are in operation at 11 nuclear power plants in Russia. Machinery Manufacturing Plant, Joint-Stock Company (MSZ JSC, Elektrostal) is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of fuel for nuclear power plants. The company produces fuel assemblies for VVER-440, VVER-1000, RBMK-1000, BN-600,800, VK-50, EGP-6; powders and fuel pellets intended for supply to foreign customers. It also produces nuclear fuel for research reactors. The plant belongs to the TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom.

voyage sport preto

Rosatom obtained a license for the first land-based SMR in Russia

On April 21, Rosenergoatom obtained a license issued by Rostekhnadzor to construct the Yakutsk land-based SMR in the Ust-Yansky District of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

voyage sport preto

ROSATOM and FEDC agree to cooperate in the construction of Russia's first onshore SNPP

ROSATOM and FEDC have signed a cooperation agreement to build Russia's first onshore SNPP in Yakutia.

voyage sport preto

Rosatom develops nuclear fuel for modernized floating power units

Rosatom has completed the development of nuclear fuel for the RITM-200S small modular reactor designed for the upgraded floating power units.


  1. Voyage Sport 1.8S 1994

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  2. VW Voyage Sport 1994 🇧🇷 Preto Universal

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  3. VW Voyage Sport 1994 🇧🇷 Preto Universal

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  4. Voyage Sport Rebaixado

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  6. Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 Mi Trend em Curitiba

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  2. Carrinho de Bebê Yupi Voyage Preto #carrinhodebebe #bebeconforto

  3. Voyage LS preto no estilo!

  4. Voyage preto / Mc CaiøZinn ØriginaL

  5. Funcionamento o Voyage Sport 1993/94

  6. Voyage G5 Preto Rebaixado Nas 18.........#baixosbrasil


  1. Grandes Brasileiros: a beleza atemporal do VW Voyage Sport

    Entre eles, estava o Voyage Sport. Lançado em 1993, ... Disponível em Preto Universal ou Prata Lunar, a pintura chegava até a parte inferior dos para-choques e aos retrovisores, elétricos ...

  2. Volkswagen Voyage: Carros usados, seminovos e novos

    Ribeirão Preto - SP. VOLKSWAGEN VOYAGE 1.6 16V MSI TOTALFLEX 4P AUTOMÁTICO. R$ 66.460. 2021/2022. 61.617 Km. Ver parcelas. Ribeirão Preto - SP. VOLKSWAGEN VOYAGE 1.6 16V MSI TOTALFLEX 4P AUTOMÁTICO ... VOLKSWAGEN VOYAGE 1.0 12V MPI TOTALFLEX 4P MANUAL. Car Delivery. R$ 53.900. 2022/2023. 20.785 Km. Ver parcelas. Salvador - BA. Comprar ...


    VOLKSWAGEN VOYAGE SPORT 1.8 - 1993Alarme, Ar quente, Desembaçador traseiro, Farol neblina, Rodas liga leve, Travas elétricas, Vidros elétricos, Vidros verdes...

  4. Preto universal: a cor mais rara do Voyage Sport?

    Conheça a Consultoria SegurosAcesso rápido: https://linktr.ee/consultoriasegurosSite: https://consultoriaseguros.com.br/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/...

  5. Voyage Sport

    Voyage Sport é apresentado na linha volkswagen de 1993 e indo até o final de 1994, o Voyage Sport era disponibilizado nas cores preto universal e prata lunar. O Voyage teve versões e séries especiais muito marcantes, mas sem sombra de dúvidas a que conseguiu juntar esportividade e luxo foi o Voyage Sport. Os para-choques a parte superior ...

  6. VW Voyage Sport 1994 . Pastore Car Collection

    VW Voyage Sport 1994 . Pastore Car Collection VW Voyage Sport 1993/1994 na cor Preto Universal em raro estado de conservação. Veículo com interior impecável, faróis Cibié e o ar condicionado gelando. Possui nota fiscal de compra com data de 30/11/1993. Motor: longitudinal, 4 cilindros em linha, 2 valvulas por cilindro, comando de valvulas simples no cabecote, alimentacao por carburador ...

  7. Voyage SPORT preto Balina 18

    Voyage SPORT preto Balina 18

  8. VW VOYAGE SPORT ☑️ 1993 ☑️ PRETO ☑️ 4 CILINDROS ...

    133 likes, 3 comments - antigosmaringa on February 4, 2024: "VW VOYAGE SPORT ☑️ 1993 ☑️ PRETO ☑️ 4 CILINDROS ☑️ TURBO LEGALIZADO ☑️ AR CONDICIONADO ..." Something went wrong. There's an issue and the page could not be loaded. ...

  9. Nautica Voyage Sport 2-Piece Fragrance Set

    Nautica Voyage Sport 2-Piece Fragrance Set. $21.99. How to Style it >. sold out. product details. For those that live in the spirt of the modern explorer, Voyage Sport is a more active, dynamic twist on our classic Voyage scent. The profile is fresh and aromatic with a hint of spice. Top Notes: Citrus, Sea Salt, Coriander, Apple.

  10. Nautica Voyage Sport Nautica for men

    Perfume rating 3.65 out of 5 with 359 votes. Nautica Voyage Sport by Nautica is a Woody Aromatic fragrance for men. Nautica Voyage Sport was launched in 2016. Top notes are Sea Notes, Citruses, Sea Salt and Coriander; middle notes are Apple, Geranium, Palm Leaf and Green Pepper; base notes are Musk, Vetiver, Patchouli and Brazilian Redwood.

  11. Nautica Voyage Sport EdT Review

    Nautica Voyage Sport comes in a glass bottle with a silver cap. The word Sport is in red. There is a boat sail on the bottle as well. The fragrance is light blue and almost clear. The box is silver with a blue top. It also has the sail boat on it. It comes in 100ml or 3.4 fl. oz. and it comes in a 50ml bottle.

  12. Nautica Voyage Sport Review

    Voyage Sport. The brightest fragrance from Nautica. Nautica Voyage Sport was released in 2016. It is based on aromatics, marines, and greens. It lasts two to three hours on the skin with intimate projection. In this review, I will describe its smell and performance and if it's worth it. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

  13. Voyage Sport 1995 MOTOR 1.8 A ÁLCOOL, RESTAURADO

    VW Voyage Sport Cor: Prata Ano : 1995 Motor 1.8 a álcool original, carro com restauração de altíssimo nível, completo de fábrica com direção hidráulica, ar c...

  14. "Metallurgical Plant "Electrostal" JSC

    Round table 2021. "Electrostal" Metallurgical plant" JSC has a number of remarkable time-tested traditions. One of them is holding an annual meeting with customers and partners in an extеnded format in order to build development pathways together, resolve pressing tasks and better understand each other. Although the digital age ...

  15. Voyage Sport by Nautica

    A couple minutes in, the cologne settles down, but the first two minutes are messy. Once it does settle, Voyage Sport provides both a citrus zest and spice from corainder and the green peppercorn note. This is all surrounded by the so-called 'sea spray accord', which is just a somewhat salty aromatic approximation of the ocean.

  16. Tours in Moscow and St Petersburg

    In Moscow. In Moscow we offer you a city tour to discover most of the city in an original way as well as a night tour to admire the lights. Our pubcrawl is ideal to explore Moscow's night-life and have fun. If you are craving to discover Russian culture, come impress your senses during our monastery diner or join our 100% Russian Banya Excursion.The latest will also bring you to Sergiyev ...

  17. Nautica Voyage Sport

    product details. For those that live in the spirt of the modern explorer, Voyage Sport is a more active, dynamic twist on our classic Voyage scent. The profile is fresh and aromatic with a hint of spice. Top Notes: Citrus, Sea Salt, Coriander, Apple. Base Notes: Green peppercorn, Redwood, Vetiver, Patchouli. Item# 32277817000.

  18. Nautica Voyage vs Nautica Voyage Sport Comparison

    It's just much more pleasant and well done, than Sport, which takes a while to work itself out. Edge: Voyage. Nautica Voyage isn't a beast in terms of sillage, it's moderate, but performs well overall for a scent of this category and price. Meanwhile, Sport is just mediocre.

  19. Voyage

    O carrinho Spot Voyage oferece todo conforto que o bebê precisa desde o nascimento até ficar grandinho. Confortável, com inclinação e ajuste do apoio dos pés...

  20. Moscow Viagens

    Maiores informações 16-38781905. Upvote Downvote. See 1 photo and 2 tips from 8 visitors to Moscow Viagens. "Ótimo atendimento! Empresa familiar e de confiança! Super recomendo!

  21. For the first time Rosatom Fuel Division supplied fresh nuclear fuel to

    21 April 2023 Rosatom obtained a license for the first land-based SMR in Russia. On April 21, Rosenergoatom obtained a license issued by Rostekhnadzor to construct the Yakutsk land-based SMR in the Ust-Yansky District of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).