allowable travel and miscellaneous expenses

(CT:LOG-399;   07-02-2024) (Office of Origin:  A/LM)


14 FAM 561.1  Policy

(CT:LOG-255;   10-03-2018) (State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)

It is the general policy of the U.S. Government that less-than-premium-class accommodations must be used for all modes of passenger transportation.  The policies in 14 FAM 567 govern the use of common carrier accommodations and apply to travel while on official U.S. Government business.

14 FAM 561.2  Exercising Care in Incurring Expenses

An employee traveling on official business is expected to exercise the same care in incurring expenses that a prudent person would exercise if traveling on personal business and expending personal funds.  Excess costs, circuitous routes, delays, or luxury accommodations and services unnecessary or unjustified in the performance of official business are not acceptable under this standard.  Employees will be responsible for excess costs and any additional expenses incurred for personal preference or convenience.

14 FAM 561.3  Authorities

(CT:LOG-263;   05-09-2019) (State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)

In addition to the authorities listed in 14 FAM 511.4 , the following authorities apply:

(1)  State Department Delegation of Authority No. 462, dated January 9, 2019, delegates the Secretary of State's travel authority to the Under Secretary and Deputy Under Secretary of State for Management;

(2)  22 U.S.C. 4081 is the travel payment authorization provision of the Foreign Service Act that provides for a domestic relocation allowance;

(3)  The Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) 41 CFR 301.10-124 addresses coach-class seating upgrade programs; and

(4)  The General Services Agency's (GSA) FTR Bulletin FTR 09-02, dated 31 Dec. 2008, clarifying the seat choice options and other miscellaneous fees Federal agencies may reimburse their employees while on official travel.


14 FAM 562.1  Miscellaneous Expenses not Covered by Per Diem

(CT:LOG-381;   09-26-2023) (State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)

a. The following travel expenses, when actually incurred and necessary, can be itemized and reimbursed over and above the per diem allowance for lodging and meals and incidental expenses (M&IE):

(1)  Official telephone calls and faxes in connection with official business; internet access fees while performing official business.  Reimbursement for expenses must be authorized in advance of travel on the travel authorization;

(2)  Commissions for conversion of currency; fees to obtain travelers checks, money orders and certified checks; transaction fees for use of ATMs and other vendors such as hotels when using a U.S. Government contractor-issued charge card.  For locally employed staff (LE staff) who use their personal charge cards and for other travelers who the Department has determined may not be issued a U.S. Government charge card or who have been authorized to use their personal charge cards for official travel, transaction fees for the use of ATMs and other vendors such as hotels may be allowed, if stated on the travel authorization in advance of travel;

(3)  Lodging taxes in domestic and nonforeign areas (see FTR, 41 CFR 301-11.27); energy surcharge and lodging resort fees when such fees are not optional;

      NOTE :  Lodging taxes and mandatory fees in foreign areas are incorporated into the per diem rate for lodging for those areas.  In order to be fully reimbursed, the sum total cost of lodging plus mandatory taxes and fees in foreign areas must be within the prescribed lodging component of per diem for that area;

(4)  Fees in connection with the issuance of passports and visas and other legally required costs; photographs for passports and visas; certificates of birth, health and identity, and affidavits attesting thereto; foreign country entrance and exit fees;

(5)  Inoculations that cannot be obtained for free through a Federal dispensary (reimbursement must be authorized on the travel authorization before travel begins).  For yellow fever inoculations, there is no requirement for prior authorization for reimbursement; and

(6)  Expenses associated with the transport of breast milk expressed by an employee while on TDY, or with the transport of breast milk expressed by an employee or Eligible Family Member (EFM) while on TDY, approved medical travel, or on PCS travel while an employee or EFM is on PCS travel (including for the authorized PCS travel to post for new infants following a parent's authorized obstetrical medevac) in accordance with the FTR, 41 CFR 301-13.2 up to a maximum of $1000.  Reimbursement for expenses must be authorized in advance on the travel authorization and the traveler must submit all receipts, regardless of amount, with the travel voucher.  Expenses may include commercial shipping fees, excess baggage, disposable storage bags, non-durable and/or recyclable containers, cold shipping packages, refrigeration, and transport.  For special cases of TDY travel where expenses exceed $1000, the traveler may receive reimbursement above $1000 only when authorized in writing by the EX Director (or agency equivalent) of the funding bureau in advance of travel.  Such authorization must also accompany the travel authorization and the travel voucher.  Travelers are ultimately responsible for arranging all transport of breast milk and for handling all related logistics.  See 3 FAM 3860 for more information on the Department’s lactation policy.

b. For Agriculture only :  Foreign Agricultural Service allows for reimbursement of authorized telephone calls of a personal nature during official travel.  For foreign travel, the maximum reimbursement is $15.00 per day.  For domestic travel, the maximum reimbursement is $5.00 per day.  The maximum aggregate amount that may be approved for each travel period (i.e., consecutive days of official travel) cannot exceed the amount equal to the daily reimbursement rate multiplied by the number of lodging nights.  This reimbursement is not an automatic claim and should only be reflected on a voucher if actual expenses were incurred while in a TDY travel status.

c.  For USAID only :  ADS 633.3.6.1 Financial Management Aspects of TDY, and ADS 549, Telecommunications Management, defines some telephone calls to family as “Official” and allows for reimbursement of those telephone calls when an employee is traveling on government business.  See those ADS chapters for further details.

14 FAM 562.2  Transportation Expenses

(CT:LOG-385;   12-20-2023) (State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)

a. The following transportation expenses, when actually incurred and necessary, can be itemized and reimbursed if not paid directly by the U.S. Government:

(1)  Travel on railroads, aircraft, sailing vessels, buses, streetcars and other usual means of common carrier conveyance;

(2)  Transfer, storage, and checking of baggage necessary for the purpose of the official travel;

(3)  Charges for transfer, storage, checking, and porters' fees and tips for handling U.S. Government property carried by the traveler;

(4)  Transportation charges for authorized excess official baggage;

(5)  Shipments by express or freight of U.S. Government property not classed as baggage and not admissible to the mail (normally made on U.S. Government bills-of-lading (GBLs) where feasible);

(6)  Packing and necessary preparation for shipment, cost of unboxing at destination, and necessary cartage of unaccompanied baggage or personal effects, or baggage accompanying traveler;

(7)  Hire of a boat, automobile, taxicab, aircraft, or other conveyance when authorized or approved as advantageous to the U.S. Government and when employee is engaged in official business within or outside employee's post of duty;

(8)  Daily travel to procure meals or lodging at the nearest available place when such cannot be procured at a temporary duty station; and

(9)  Transportation by bus, subway, streetcar, taxicab, transportation network company (TNC), or innovative mobility technology company (IMTC) (see 14 FAM 511.3 for definitions):

(a)  Between places of business;

(b)  Between place of lodging and place of business at a temporary duty station;

(c)  Between place of lodging or employee’s home and common carrier transportation terminal in connection with official travel;

(d)  From employee's office to a common carrier transportation terminal on the day of departure from the office on an official trip requiring at least one night's lodging.

b. Use of taxicabs, TNCs, or IMTCs (see 14 FAM 511.3 for definitions):

(1)  When suitable common carrier transportation is available for travel between points other than those listed above, but the traveler elects to use a taxicab or TNC, or IMTC, detailed remarks noting the circumstances must be furnished on the travel voucher;

(2)  Taxicab, TNC, or IMTC reimbursement in excess of $75.00 plus tip must be supported by a receipt along with a statement justifying the use of such conveyance;

(3)  The maximum tip allowable under this section is 20 percent of the reimbursable fare;

(4)  In lieu of the use of a taxicab, TNC, or IMTC as provided in this section, payment on a mileage basis at the approved rate, as described in 14 FAM 566.2-2 , is allowed for the mileage of a privately owned automobile used for a purpose detailed above, provided that the amount of reimbursement for mileage does not exceed the estimated taxicab, TNC, or IMTC cost, including allowable tip, for transportation between the applicable points;

(5)  Membership or application fees, tickets, fines, cancellation fees or fees charged for waiting for the traveler, or other such expenses associated with TNCs or IMTCs are not reimbursable.  Only actual usage charges, booking charges, and reservation charges made directly with the TNC or ITMC (not a third-party company) are eligible for reimbursement; and

(6)  Travelers may not know prior to beginning a trip what ground transportation options will be available at a particular location.  Thus, travel authorizations that contain advance authorization for a taxi, a TNC, or an IMTC are considered to confer authority to use any or all of those ground transportation options.  When completing a travel voucher, however, it is necessary to specify whether a taxi, TNC, or IMTC was actually utilized for each instance of ground transportation in order to facilitate preparation of certain congressionally mandated reports.

14 FAM 562.3  Unaccompanied Minor Charges

(CT:LOG-306;   02-17-2021) (State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)

Most airlines provide a service for children traveling unaccompanied on their airline without the presence of a legal guardian, but fees for this service differ by airplane.  This charge is reimbursable when:

(1)  The EFM child (16 years of age or younger) is the only individual entitled to travel at U.S. Government expense for the type of official travel authorized (e.g., travel of children of separated families, educational travel, educational allowance, or on authorized or ordered departure); and

(2)  The child is engaged in direct travel with no deviation from the authorized itinerary; and

(3)  The fee is authorized on the travel authorization in advance of travel.


14 FAM 563.1  Items Included in Per Diem

(CT:LOG-381;   09-26-2023) (State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture) (Foreign Service)

The following items are included within the lodging and/or meals and incidentals (M&IE) portions of the per diem allowance (see definition in 14 FAM 511.3 ) and may not be paid, itemized, or reimbursed separately:

(1)  Charges for lodging, including:

(a)  Overnight sleeping facilities;

(b)  Personal use of room and bath during daytime;

(c)  Telephone access fee; and

(d)  Service charges for fans, televisions, air conditioning, heaters, microwaves and refrigerators in rooms;

(2)  Charges for meals, including:

(a)  Expenses for breakfast, lunch and dinner; and

(b)  Related tips and taxes;

(3)  Incidental expenses, including:

(a)  Fees and tips given to waiters, porters, baggage handlers, bellhops, hotel personnel, restaurant staff and similar employees;

(b)  Transportation between place of lodging or business and places where meals are taken, except as specified in 14 FAM 562.2 , subparagraph a(8); and

(c)  Bottled water;

(4)  Complimentary meals provided by common carriers or hotels (e.g., complimentary breakfast meals on airplanes, etc.) have no impact on per diem rates paid per FTR, 41 CFR 301-11.17.

14 FAM 563.2  Personal and Other Expenses

(CT:LOG-384;   12-11-2023) (State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)

Costs of a personal nature are not reimbursable, such as:

(1)  Personal telephone calls or faxes, including messages, requesting leave, inquiring as to status of salary, expense vouchers, advance of funds, and reply thereto, or any other matter of personal nature.  This section does not apply to Agriculture or USAID employees (see exceptions for Agriculture employees in 14 FAM 562.1 , paragraph b, and for USAID employees in 14 FAM 562.1 , paragraph c);

(2)  Internet access fees for conducting personal business; internet service provider (ISP) fees (e.g., monthly charges for satellite, fiber, cable or DSL internet access);

(3)  Transaction fees for use of ATMs and other vendors, such as hotels, with a personal charge card except when authorized in accordance with 14 FAM 562.1 , subparagraph a(2);

(4)  Laundry, dry-cleaning, and pressing when traveling in CONUS for less than four consecutive nights, or when traveling OCONUS;

(5)  Alcoholic beverages;

(6)  Entertainment expenses;

(7)  Any expenses incurred for other persons; and

(8)  Miscellaneous service fees (i.e., administrative, booking, and third-party fees) resulting from booking transportation or lodging outside a government-contracted travel management center or government lodging program (e.g., FedRooms).

14 FAM 564  Fare types

14 FAM 564.1  Unrestricted Fare Policy

(CT:LOG-381;   09-26-2023) (State and USAID)

a. In general and when possible, the Department utilizes the lowest-cost unrestricted fares available for travel between authorized origin and destination, respecting the terms of the General Services Administration (GSA) city-pair program, for all official travel.

b. An individual may request the purchase of a restricted or penalty fare for official travel based on personal convenience (e.g., taking an indirect route for personal reasons or wishing to travel in a class of service other than the one authorized), but the individual is responsible for any and all additional costs and/or penalties incurred in connection with such fares regardless of whether those costs are due to official or personal reasons.  See 14 FAM 561 for an employee's responsibility to exercise due care.

c.  When an individual is authorized an unrestricted fare but engages in indirect (cost-constructed) travel and elects to use a restricted fare, the cost of that restricted fare, in the class of service and the route used by the traveler, must be compared to the cost of an unrestricted fare along the authorized route in the authorized class of service in order to determine whether the individual’s deviation results in an additional cost to the U.S. Government:

(1)  If an additional cost would be incurred because of the individual’s decision to engage in indirect travel and/or travel in a class of service other than the one authorized, the individual must pay, to the TMC or air carrier issuing the ticket, the difference in fare between the restricted fare elected by the traveler and the unrestricted fare that would have been purchased by the U.S. Government; and

(2)  If no additional cost would be incurred, the U.S. Government may purchase the restricted fare along the indirect route and/or in the class of service other than the one authorized.  Any cost saving associated with the purchase of a restricted fare in this case is not transferrable to the traveler, and a fare saving may not be used to offset change or cancellation fees incurred as a result of the individual’s decision to use a restricted fare.

d. Whenever a cost comparison is made, documentation of the specific flight itineraries and their respective costs must be retained and included in the travel authorization for future reference and to meet auditing requirements.

14 FAM 564.2  Restricted Fare Policy

a. Restricted penalty fares should be authorized for official travel only when their use is practical and economical to the U.S. Government.  Round-trip tickets with such fares should be authorized only when, based on the journey as planned, the traveler knows or reasonably anticipates that such tickets will be utilized in accordance with their restrictions (see 14 FAM 542 for details of contract city-pair fares).  The use of prohibited ticketing practices, such as “throw-away,” “hidden city,” or “back-to-back” ticketing, is not permitted for any part of either authorized or cost constructed travel itineraries because those tactics violate air carrier contracts of carriage.

b. A mission or bureau has the option of developing a policy requiring the use of restricted, penalty fares subject to the conditions set out in paragraph a of this section.  The authorizing mission or bureau will assume financial responsibility for any penalties associated with these fares, should changes or cancellations be required by the U.S. Government.  The employee will be responsible for any penalties incurred for personal convenience.

c.  If a mission or bureau chooses to use restricted, penalty fares, the mission or bureau must provide the travel management center with a written policy for the use of these fares and the appropriate fare type (restricted or unrestricted) must be indicated in the remarks of each travel authorization.  At posts where a travel management center does not exist, the written policy must be provided to the travel section in the general services office.

d. When an employee is authorized a restricted fare under 14 FAM 564.2 , paragraph b, and engages in indirect (cost-constructed) travel also using a restricted fare, penalties incurred due to changes or cancellations required by the U.S. Government are reimbursable up to the cost that would have been incurred for similar modifications to the authorized routing.  The employee will be responsible for any penalties incurred for personal reasons.

14 FAM 564.3  Disposition of Airline Promotional Items

a. All Department employees, their dependents, and others whose travel is funded by the Department may retain for personal use promotional items (i.e., frequent flyer miles, upgrades, access to carrier lounges) earned from official travel under terms available to the general public and at no extra cost to the U.S. Government.

b. Travelers may accept free upgrades of services to business-class or first-class accommodations if they are obtained under terms available to the general public and at no extra cost to the U.S. Government.

c.  Travelers may redeem frequent flier miles (or use personal funds) to upgrade to business or first-class accommodations when performing official travel.

d. It is the responsibility of each traveler to communicate directly with a service provider to establish his or her frequent travel promotional benefits account.  Costs associated with establishing this account are to be paid by the traveler and are not a reimbursable expense.

e. Travelers need not report as taxable income promotional items obtained from official travel.

14 FAM 564.4  Compensation Received from Airlines for Denied Boarding

a. Voluntary :  A traveler may keep payments from a carrier for voluntarily vacating a transportation seat.  However, no additional expenses (per diem or miscellaneous reimbursable) may be paid as a result of the traveler’s delay.  Additional travel expenses incurred because of voluntarily giving up a seat are the traveler’s financial responsibility.

b. Involuntary :  If a traveler is involuntarily denied a transportation seat, the traveler enters an onward travel status for per diem and miscellaneous travel expense reimbursement.  Any monetary compensation (including meal and/or lodging vouchers) for the denied seat belongs to the U.S. Government.


14 FAM 565.1  Service/Cancellation Expenses

When a train, sailing vessel, or hotel reservation is canceled because of unavoidable, nonpersonal delay or because of official necessity, the cost of a service fee or cancellation expense charged by the service provider is allowed.  Fees paid for cancellations of reservations for personal reasons or avoidable delays in notifying the service provider are not reimbursable.

14 FAM 565.2  Liquidated Damage Payments to Traveler

a. When carrier tariffs require liquidated damage payments to travelers for the carrier's failure to provide confirmed reserved space, such payments by the liable carrier are to be by check, made payable to the "Treasurer of the United States."  In no case is the traveler permitted to accept from the carrier a check showing the traveler as payee.

b. The traveler is to acknowledge receipt of the check and submit a copy of the acknowledgment and the check with travel voucher.  Payment of denied boarding compensation to the Treasurer of the United States is a U.S. Government requirement and is no reflection on the carrier (see 4 FAM 470 ).


14 FAM 566.1  Policy

a. Travel by common carrier is generally considered the most advantageous method to perform official travel.  Other methods of transportation may be authorized if they are determined to be more advantageous to the U.S. Government.  A determination that another method of transportation is more advantageous to the U.S. Government than common carrier transportation will not be made based on personal preference or inconvenience to the traveler.

b. In determining whether the use of a privately owned vehicle is advantageous to the U.S. Government, consider:

(1)  The feasibility of using common carrier transportation or U.S. Government-owned conveyances based on availability, suitability of schedules, and other applicable requirements;

(2)  The total cost to the government, including per diem, overtime, lost work time, actual transportation costs, total distance of travel, number of points visited on official travel, the number of travelers, and energy conservation;

(3)  The advantages resulting from the more expeditious transactions of the public business, economy, and employee performance effectiveness; and

(4)  Any other advantages and/or disadvantages to the U.S. Government in the particular case.

c.  The authority to travel by privately owned vehicle (POV) contained in this section is applicable to the employee and/or other family member(s) authorized to travel.  The vehicle to be used must be the property of the employee or family member prior to the initiation of travel and must be driven or shipped to the ultimate destination stipulated in the travel orders.  Only such vehicles as are eligible for shipment at U.S. Government expense are authorized to be driven on a mileage per diem basis under this provision.

d. Any reimbursement for travel by POV, under the mileage (see 14 FAM 566.2-1 ) per diem basis authorized by this section is limited to the actual mileage between authorized points on a direct route plus related per diem, not to exceed 10 days to each authorized destination.

14 FAM 566.2  Use Advantageous to the U.S. Government

14 FAM 566.2-1  General

a. When the authorized travel from origin to destination (combined with TDY, consultation and/or home leave, as applicable) can be performed entirely using a privately owned vehicle (POV), such use may be authorized.

b. Travel by POV to separation address in the United States, when not otherwise covered under 14 FAM 566.1 , is hereby authorized from the port of discharge of the vehicle to the separation address via consultation point (as applicable).  In accordance with 14 FAM 618.4 , however, this authorization does not apply to vehicles acquired en route to a separation point.

c.  When an employee's vehicle is authorized emergency storage in accordance with 14 FAM 626 , an authorizing officer may determine that it is advantageous for the vehicle to be driven all or part of the distance to the designated storage point.

d. An employee who acquires a vehicle at a point on a direct route to the post of assignment abroad, and who has not previously shipped a vehicle under the provisions of the authorizing travel orders, may drive the POV to the destination.  The point of acquisition is considered the point of origin.  In no case may the cost of driving the vehicle from where it is acquired exceed the cost to the U.S. Government had the vehicle been shipped from the point of origin specified in the travel authorization to the authorized destination.

e. Travel by a POV is considered advantageous to the U.S. Government when the authorized or actual point of origin and the final destination are:

(1)  Connected by a hard-surface, all-weather highway or by vehicular ferry, or both (see 14 FAM 615.1 ); and

(2)  Within the continental United States or Canada or are one of the following Mexican border posts:

(a)  Ciudad Juárez;

(b)  Matamoros;

(c)  Nuevo Laredo;

(d)  Tijuana; or

(e)  Nogales.

f.  When use of a rental vehicle in the United States is authorized, reimbursement for rental fees and actual expenses for gas and tolls is authorized. U.S. Government-contracted rental vehicle services should be used whenever possible.  Collision damage waiver (CDW) is included in the contract amount and should not be accepted at extra cost.  When renting from companies not on the U.S. Government contracting list, travelers will not be reimbursed for CDW.  However, payments for damages to a rental car company or reimbursement to the employee, up to the deductible amount contained in the rental contract, are authorized, providing the employee was acting within the scope of his or her employment at the time of the incident.

g. When use of a rental vehicle abroad is authorized, reimbursement may include rental fees, including value added tax (VAT), and actual expenses for gas and tolls.  U.S. Government-contracted rental vehicle services should be used whenever possible.  The contract rate includes CDW, VAT, and unlimited mileage. When renting from companies not on the U.S. Government contracting list, CDW, VAT, and unlimited mileage will not usually be included.  CDW is a reimbursable expense abroad.  In addition, payments for damages to a rental car company or reimbursement to the employee are authorized up to the deductible amount contained in the rental contract, providing the employee was acting within the scope of his or her employment at the time of the incident.

h. When use of a rental vehicle is authorized for official travel, the least expensive “compact” car available must be used unless one of the following exceptions for another class of vehicle applies and is indicated on the travel authorization:

(1)  When use of other than a compact car is necessary to accommodate a medical disability or other special need, and all applicable requirements set forth in 41 CFR 301-10.450(c)(1) have been met;

(2)  When additional room is required to accommodate multiple employees authorized to travel together in the same rental vehicle;

(3)  When security circumstances (as defined in writing by DS or the RSO) require a larger vehicle;

(4)  When necessary for other safety reasons, such as during severe weather or having to travel on rough or difficult terrain;

(5)  When travelers must carry a large amount of U.S. Government material incident to their official business, and a compact rental vehicle does not contain sufficient space; or

(6)  When the cost of other than a compact car is less than or equal to the cost of the least expensive compact car.

i.  Travelers may not be reimbursed for purchasing pre-paid refueling options for rental cars.  Therefore, travelers must refuel prior to returning the rental vehicle to the drop-off location.  NOTE :  If it is not possible to refuel completely prior to returning the vehicle because of safety issues or due to the location of closest fueling station, travelers will be reimbursed for vendor refueling charges.

j.  Travelers will not be reimbursed for fees associated with rental car loyalty points or the transfer of points charged by car companies.

14 FAM 566.2-2  Mileage Reimbursement

Mileage reimbursement rates for automobiles (including trucks, vans, etc.), airplanes, motorcycles, and motor scooters are set by GSA.  The current rates may be found on the GSA website.

14 FAM 566.3  Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Use for Personal Convenience

14 FAM 566.3-1  General

When no determination of advantage to the U.S. Government is made (see 14 FAM 566.2 ), the employee may elect to use a privately owned vehicle for personal convenience.  Any reimbursement for expenses for travel will be the lesser of:

(1)  Mileage for the authorized mode of travel at the rates provided in 14 FAM 566.2-2 , plus related per diem; or

(2)  For the portion of the route connected by air service, reimbursement may not exceed the constructive cost of the authorized U.S. Government fare for the authorized mode of travel on a direct route, plus related per diem and other expenses.  For any portion of the route not connected by air service, reimbursement may not exceed the constructive cost of commercial fares on a surface common carrier.

14 FAM 566.3-2  Use of Rental Vehicle

When the employee elects to use a rented vehicle for personal convenience, and use of the rental vehicle has not been specifically authorized, per 14 FAM 566.2-1 , paragraphs f and g, reimbursement for travel expenses will be the lesser of:

(1)  Mileage, plus per diem and other expenses allowable on the authorized mode of transportation stated in the travel authorization; or

(2)  The constructive cost of the U.S. Government airfare on a direct route, plus per diem and other expenses.  For any portion of the journey not connected by air service, reimbursement may not exceed the constructive cost of less than premium-class accommodations on a surface common carrier.

14 FAM 566.4  Computing Expenses

14 FAM 566.4-1  Distances

When travel is performed by a privately owned motor vehicle, distances are to be determined by use of standard highway mileage guides.  Travelers must explain any substantial deviation from distances shown in the standard highway mileage.  When travel is performed by privately owned airplanes, distances are to be determined from airways charts issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce.  If a detour is necessary on account of adverse weather, mechanical difficulty, or other unusual conditions, the additional highway or charted air mileage may be included but must be explained.

14 FAM 566.4-2  Allowable Travel Time

Allowable time for travel by privately owned conveyance is limited to that which is reasonably required.  Variations in driving conditions do not permit the establishment of daily mileage requirements.  In the United States, however, 360 miles per day is considered the average normal driving distance.  Where road, climatic, and other factors beyond the control of the traveler cause interruptions and deviations resulting in longer than normal travel time, the traveler will include a full explanation on the travel voucher.  The traveler must also explain any unusual circumstances that influence the elapsed time for travel by privately owned aircraft.

14 FAM 566.4-3  Shared Expenses

When two or more authorized travelers share the same privately owned conveyance, payment of mileage expenses is made to only one of them.


14 FAM 567.1  Accommodations on Trains and Vessels

a. U.S. Government employees who travel by train or sailing vessel (ship/ferry) are authorized the lowest class of accommodation on the train or sailing vessel.  For overnight train travel, employees must use slumber coach sleeping accommodations or the lowest level of economy sleeping accommodations available.  For overnight travel on a sailing vessel, employees must use the lowest-cost stateroom.  First-class train or steamer accommodations may be used only as permitted in 14 FAM 567.1-2 .

b. In some countries, the lowest class of train or sailing vessel service available locally may be considered by posts to be unacceptable by U.S. standards and not comparable to what would be considered as a reasonable basic class of accommodation as defined in 14 FAM 511.3 .  For example, train service described as first class at some posts may only equate to the coach-class definition in the United States.  Accordingly, posts may establish a policy re-defining the acceptable level of local train accommodations that would meet each definition and document this in a written policy for travelers, inspectors, and U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) auditors.

c.  If a train has only two classes of accommodation available (i.e., first and business), then the business class accommodation is deemed to be classified as coach class for the purposes of official travel since it is the lowest class offered.  In such cases, the travel authorization should reflect that use of the lowest class of service available is authorized.  While such travel may take place in the train’s business class compartment, is not reportable to GSA as premium class travel and no Form DS-4087 is required.

14 FAM 567.1-1  Authorization and Approval for the Use of Business- or First-Class Train or Sailing Vessel Accommodations

a. First class :  Heads of agencies, or their designees as listed in 14 FAM 567.2-3 , may authorize or approve the use of first-class train or sailing vessel accommodations under criteria specified in 14 FAM 567.1-2 .

b. Business class :  Officials listed in 14 FAM 567.2-4 may authorize or approve the use of business-class train or sailing vessel accommodations under criteria specified in 14 FAM 567.1-2 .

14 FAM 567.1-2  Use of Business- or First-Class Train or Sailing Vessel Accommodations

The use of business- or first-class accommodation may not be authorized strictly based on position or rank.  When business- or first-class accommodations are authorized under the following circumstances, only the next higher available accommodations satisfying the needs may be used; for example, business-class accommodations should be utilized before going to first-class accommodations.  Circumstances justifying the use of business- or first-class train or sailing vessel accommodations are limited to those listed below ( NOTE :  14 FAM 567.1-2 , subparagraph(4), applies only to trains):

(1)  No reasonably available coach-class train accommodations or lowest class sailing vessel accommodations :

(a)  Trains :  The use of business-class train accommodations may be authorized when no coach-class train accommodations are reasonably available.  For this paragraph, "reasonably available" means coach-class train accommodations that are scheduled to leave within 24 hours of the employee's proposed departure time or scheduled to arrive within 24 hours of the employee's proposed arrival time.  In the case of a direct route that requires overnight travel, "reasonably available” must be based on the availability of slumber coach, or lowest economy, sleeping accommodations.  "Reasonably available" does not include any accommodation with a scheduled arrival time that is later than the employee's required reporting time at the duty site, or with a scheduled departure time that is earlier than the time the employee is scheduled to complete duty;

(b)  When the traveler determines that coach seats are unavailable for reservation for the day he or she must travel to arrive at a destination in time to conduct official business, the traveler may proceed to obtain a reserved seat in the next higher class where a reserved seat is available.  This is only permissible when the traveler has made a good-faith effort to obtain a reservation in coach class at the earliest practicable time, i.e., the employee cannot unreasonably delay or postpone making reservations and travel plans to justify premium class travel; and

(c)  Sailing vessels :  The use of the next higher-class accommodations may be authorized or approved only when lowest-class accommodations are not available on the vessel;

(2)  Travel on trains or sailing vessels by an employee with a disability :  The use of business- or first-class train or sailing vessel accommodations may be authorized or approved when necessary to accommodate an employee's disability or other physical impairment, and the employee's condition and need for business- or first-class train or sailing vessel accommodations are substantiated in writing by MED or the regional medical officer or other competent medical authority.  The use of business- or first-class accommodations may also be authorized for an attendant, when the employee is authorized use of business- or first-class train or sailing vessel accommodations and MED, or the regional medical officer or other competent medical authority certifies that the employee's disability or other physical impairment requires the services of an attendant en route;

(3)  Security reasons aboard trains or sailing vessels :  The use of business- or first-class train or sailing vessel accommodations may be authorized or approved when exceptional security circumstances require such travel.  Exceptional security circumstances include, but are not limited to:

(a)  Travel by an employee whose use of coach train or lowest-class sailing vessel accommodations would endanger the employee's life or U.S. Government property;

(b)  Travel by agents in charge of protective details and accompanying individuals authorized business- or first-class accommodations; or

(c)  Travel by couriers or control officers accompanying controlled pouches or packages and the lowest-class accommodations cannot fulfill the mission; and

(4)  Inadequate foreign coach-class train accommodations (foreign trains only) :  The use of business- or first-class train accommodations may be authorized or approved when coach-class accommodations on a foreign rail carrier lack adequate sanitation or health standards.

# 14 FAM 567.1-3  Reporting Requirements for Business- or First-Class Travel on a Train or Sailing Vessel

a. Refer to 14 FAM 567.2-5 for instructions on reporting the use of business- or first-class train or sailing vessel travel to GSA.

b. Extra-fare train service does not need to be reported to GSA if the traveler was ticketed in the lowest class of service offered, even if that class of service was business class.

c.  Travel that has been authorized under 14 FAM 567.1-2 , subparagraph (4), for inadequate sanitation or health standards, does not need to be reported to GSA.

14 FAM 567.1-4  Extra-Fare Train Service (Express Trains)

a. Extra-fare train service is enhanced performance (i.e., faster speed or fewer stops) relative to other trains available between the same origin and destination.

b. Use of extra-fare trains is not authorized unless determined more advantageous to the U.S. Government or required for security reasons.

c.  To justify time savings as an advantage to the U.S. Government, the extra-fare train must reduce overall journey time by one hour or more.  Authorizing officials are reminded that air travel may be less expensive than extra-fare trains and, if so, should be the authorized mode of transportation.

d. To justify cost savings as an advantage to the U.S. Government, a ticket for the lowest class of service available on an extra-fare train must, relative to a ticket for the lowest class of service available on a standard train1)       Have the same restrictions;

(2)  Be less expensive; and/or

(3)  Depart within 3 hours of the standard train that would otherwise be booked.

e. Authorizing officials listed in 14 FAM 567.1-1 must approve this and the requirements of 14 FAM 567.1-2 must be met to authorize business class (when it is other than the lowest class of service offered on the train) or first class on an extra-fare train.

14 FAM 567.2  Airplanes

(CT:LOG-270;   06-10-2019) (State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce/Agriculture)

a. See 14 FAM 583 .

b. U.S. Government employees who use commercial air carriers for domestic and international travel on official business must be authorized coach-class airline accommodations.  When available, the use of contract-air carriers offering discount (city-pair) fare is mandatory (see 14 FAM 542 , paragraph b).  First-class air accommodations may be authorized only as permitted in 14 FAM 567.2-3 .  Business-class air accommodations may be authorized only as permitted in 14 FAM 567.2-4 .

14 FAM 567.2-1  Seat Selection and Assignment

a. Each traveler, regardless of age, is entitled to occupy a seat on an airplane.

b. The policies and business practices of the airline(s) operating and/or marketing a particular flight determine whether a seat selection is available and, if they are available, whether a fee ust be paid to obtain a seat.

c.  Inability to obtain a seat selection or assignment, either for "free" or upon payment of a fee, does not confer an exception to the mandatory use of contract carriers ( 14 FAM 543 ), the provisions of the Fly America Act ( 14 FAM 583 ), or the requirement to authorize travel on the carrier offering the lowest fare that is consistent with all travel regulations.

d. Except as specified in subparagraphs d(1) through d(3) of this section, travelers are eligible for reimbursement of charges to obtain an economy class seat selection in an amount not to exceed $300 (each way) between any two authorized duty locations (i.e., origin and destination pairs), as indicated on a travel authorization.  When a traveler qualifies for and is authorized a rest stop, the rest stop location is not considered a separate duty location for the purposes of this provision:

(1)  If a bureau/post has a written policy stating that it wishes to limit this benefit, a traveler’s authorizing official may cap reimbursement at a lower amount for a particular instance of travel.  In such cases, the authorizing official must specify, in advance of travel, the amount authorized for reimbursement between each duty location and should offer the traveler an explanation for the reduction;

(2)  Seat selection fees are not reimbursable for any segment(s) of travel:

(a)  Conducted in an indirect manner; or

(b)  For which a traveler has cost-constructed to use accommodation in business or first class; or

(c)  For which a traveler has been authorized business class or first-class accommodations; and

(3)  The "value" of a seat selection fee cannot be applied towards the cost of obtaining a ticket in an other-than-coach class of service or be considered as part of any cost-construct calculation.

e. Payment of a seat selection fee must be made directly to the airline by the traveler.  TMCs are not authorized to pay for seat selection fees, either by charging them directly to the U.S. Government or by facilitating payment on behalf of the traveler.

f.  Reimbursement for a seat selection fee must be approved on the travel authorization prior to commencing travel and can only be approved for authorized direct travel (see 14 FAM 511.3 ).

g. Receipts are required for reimbursement of seat selection fees, regardless of amount.

h. For the purposes of determining eligibility for reimbursement, a seat selection in any cabin except business class or first class will be considered an economy class seat selection.  Travelers may purchase any seating product, including those that offer increased seat width, additional legroom (formerly referred to as “extended economy seating”), or which are bundled/packaged with enhanced onboard or on-ground service, if the seating product is not business class or first class.  For example, whether an airline calls a seating product Economy Plus, Premium Economy, or Preferred Seats has no bearing on eligibility for reimbursement as long as the seats are not business or first-class seats.

i.  Travelers, not the TMC or airline, are responsible for making accurate determinations regarding whether a particular airline product is eligible for reimbursement as an economy-class seat assignment.  Because some airlines have developed branded names that do not give direct indication of their product’s status as business or first class (e.g., United Polaris, Delta One, Copa Dreams Class), travelers who are uncertain whether a product qualifies for reimbursement as an economy class seat selection fee may request a determination of eligibility, before travel commences, by contacting [email protected].

14 FAM 567.2-2  Requirements

14 FAM 567.2-2(A)  Authorization

(CT:LOG-381;   09-26-2023) (State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce)

a. Authorization for first-class or business-class air accommodations must be made in advance of the actual travel and must be documented in accordance with 14 FAM 567.2-2(B) .  The designated approving official must not be subordinate to the traveler except that the Executive Secretary may approve first-class or business-class air accommodations for the Secretary and the Deputy Secretaries.

b. If the documents required under 14 FAM 567.2-2(B) cannot be completed in advance of travel due to an emergency situation, the employee must obtain advance approval from an agency official not subordinate to the traveler or from the chief of the agency’s transportation and travel management division or other designated office and must submit the required documents with the appropriate signatures at the earliest possible time.

c.  If the employee does not obtain written authorization in accordance with this section, the employee is responsible for the difference between the first-class or business-class air accommodations used and the authorized coach-class or equivalent accommodations.

14 FAM 567.2-2(B)  Documentation

(CT:LOG-306;   02-17-2021) (State/USAGM/USAID/Commerce)

a. Authorization :  All requests for authorization must contain the name, grade, and position of the travelers; points between which first-class or business-class air accommodations are authorized; additional cost to the U.S. Government resulting from the difference between first-class or business-class and coach-class air accommodations; beginning date of travel; and an explanation of circumstances justifying the use of first-class or business-class air accommodations:

(1)  Authorization for first-class air accommodations must be reflected in the travel authorization and accompanied by a memo from the appropriate agency head or designee (see 14 FAM 567.2-3 );

(2)  Authorization for business-class air accommodations must be reflected in the travel authorization and accompanied by the appropriate form signed by the designated approving official (see 14 FAM 567.2-4 ):

(a)  State :  Form DS-4087, Authorization Request for Business-Class Air Travel; or Form DS-4086, Special Seating Request Form for Air Travel, if the justification for use of premium-class accommodations is authorized for disability or special need under 14 FAM 567.2-4 , subparagraph (b)(3);

(b)  USAID :  Form AID-522-2, Business Class Memorandum to M/MS/TTD;

(c)  Commerce :  Form CD-334, Request for Approval of Other Than Coach-Class Accommodations;

(d)  USDA/FAS :  Memo requesting premium-class travel;

(e)  APHIS :  Memo to approving official; and

(f)   USAGM :  Memo to approving official.

b. Ticketing :  The travel management center (where applicable) will not ticket first-class or business-class accommodations without the appropriate documentation.  Posts that do not have a travel management center must retain the required documentation for the record.

c.  Blanket orders :  The use of blanket travel authorizations for first-class or business-class accommodations is prohibited (State Department personnel).  Each trip involving first-class or business-class travel accommodations must be separately authorized.

d. Couriers :  A courier who flies first class when business-class air accommodations are not available, must complete and sign Form DS-3031, Certification for Use of First-Class Air Accommodations.  A copy of the certification must be retained by the courier and the original is to be maintained in the courier's regional office.

14 FAM 567.2-3  First-Class Travel

a. Authorization or approval :  Authority to approve the use of first-class air accommodations is limited to the respective agency heads (the Secretary of State, the Administrator of USAID, the Secretary of Commerce, the Director of the U.S. International Broadcasting Bureau of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (USAGM/IBB), and the Secretary of Agriculture) or their designees.  Designees are as follows:

(1)  State :  The Under Secretary for Management (M) per State Department Delegation of Authority No. 198, dated September 16, 1992, except that the Executive Secretary may approve the use of first-class air accommodations for the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary;

(2)  USAID :  The Deputy Administrator;

(3)  Commerce :  The Chief Financial Officer and the Assistant Secretary for Administration except in cases of medical necessity or emergency evacuation when the Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Operations is delegated authority to approve.  First-class travel will only be authorized if no other commercial service is reasonably available or such travel is necessary for reasons of disability or medical condition (for details on Commerce’s policy on use of business-class accommodations, contact the Office of Foreign Service Human Capital);

(4)  USDA/FAS :  The Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service;

(5)  APHIS :  The Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs; and

(6)  USAGM :  The Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau or as specified in the Manual of Administration.

b. Use of first-class accommodations :  Circumstances justifying the use of first-class air accommodations are limited to those listed below:

(1)  No other reasonably available accommodations :  The use of first-class air accommodations may be authorized or approved when coach-class air accommodations or business-class air accommodations are not reasonably available.  "Not reasonably available" means no other class of accommodations other than first-class accommodations is available on any scheduled flight in time to accomplish the purpose of the official travel;

(2)  Travel by an employee with a disability :  The use of first-class air accommodations may be authorized or approved when necessary to accommodate an employee's disability or other physical impairment, and the employee's condition and need for first-class air accommodations are substantiated in writing by MED or the regional medical officer or other competent medical authority. The use of first-class air accommodations also may be authorized for an attendant(s) who is authorized to accompany the employee, when the employee is authorized first-class air accommodations and MED or the regional medical officer or other competent medical authority or the Disability/Reasonable Accommodation Division (GTM/ER/DRAD) certifies in writing that the employee's disability or other physical impairment requires the services of the attendant(s) en route;

(3)  Security reasons :  The use of first-class air accommodations may be authorized or approved when exceptional security circumstances require such travel.  Exceptional security circumstances include, but are not limited to:

(a)  Travel by couriers or control officers accompanying controlled pouches or packages when business-class air accommodations are not available (see 14 FAM 567.1-2 , subparagraph (3)(c)); or

(b)  Travel by agents in charge of protective details accompanying first-class travelers; and

(c)  When required because of agency mission.

14 FAM 567.2-4  Business-Class Travel

a. Authorization or approval :

(1)  State :  For PCS travel, the designated approving official is the Executive Director, Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM/EX).  Except where otherwise indicated, business-class air accommodations may be authorized only with approval from the officials below (or their designated representative(s)) as provided to TMP.  For all other travelers not mentioned below, the designated approving official must not be subordinate to the traveler:

(2)  USAID :  The Chief of the Travel and Transportation Division (M/MS/TTD), the director of the funding bureau, office, or mission or designee;

(3)  Commerce :  The Chief Financial Officer and the Assistant Secretary for Administration except in cases of medical necessity or emergency evacuation, when the Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Operations is delegated authority to approve.  Business-class travel will only be authorized if no other commercial service is reasonably available or such travel is necessary for reasons of disability or medical condition (for details on Commerce's policy on the use of business-class accommodations, contact the Office of Foreign Service Human Capital);

(4)  USDA/FAS :  The Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services and the USDA Chief Financial Officer;

(5)  APHIS :  The Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs and the USDA Chief Financial Officer; and

b. Justification :  Travelers may use business-class air accommodations when an approving/authorizing official specifically approves or authorizes the travel in accordance with one or more of the reasons noted below:

(1)  Coach-class air accommodations not available :  Business-class air accommodations may be authorized when regularly scheduled flights between the authorized origin and destination points (including connection points) provide only business-class air accommodations;

(2)  No space available in coach-class air accommodations :  Business-class air accommodations may be authorized when space is not available in coach-class accommodations on any scheduled flight in time to accomplish the purpose of the official travel;

(3)  Travel by an individual with a disability or special need :  Upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Medical Services (MED) and other competent medical authority, in exigent circumstances the Disability/Reasonable Accommodation Division (GTM/ER/DRAD), business-class air accommodations may be authorized when necessary to accommodate an employee's disability or special need.  Other competent medical authority must certify in writing (to include the supporting clinical findings) the traveler’s condition and need for business-class air accommodations.  Upon the recommendation of MED or, in exigent circumstances, other competent medical authority, business-class air accommodations may also be authorized for an attendant authorized to accompany the traveler when the traveler is authorized use of business-class air accommodations.  Authorization for an attendant to accompany the traveler, by other competent medical authority, must include written certification that the traveler’s disability or other special need requires the services of the attendant en route;

(4)  Security or exceptional circumstances :  Business-class air accommodations may be authorized when such accommodations are required for security purposes or because exceptional circumstances, as determined by the agency head, or his or her designee, make their use essential to the successful performance of the agency's mission.  NOTE :  Exceptional circumstances may include but are not limited to:

(a)  A chief of mission and accompanying eligible family members going to post for the first time or leaving post the last time, in accordance with protocol and diplomatic practice for a chief of mission.  If consultations are authorized en route to and from post, business-class accommodations may be authorized to and from the consultation location(s);

(b)  The spouse or domestic partner as defined in 3 FAM 1610 and accompanying eligible family members of the chief of mission may travel to post separately for the first time or leave post separately for the last time, in accordance with protocol and diplomatic practice for the spouse or domestic partner as defined in 3 FAM 1610 of the chief of mission (however, eligible family members must either accompany the chief of mission or the chief of mission’s spouse or domestic partner as defined in 3 FAM 1610 at the time of travel);

(5)  Overall cost savings :  Business-class air accommodations may be authorized when such accommodations would result in an overall savings to the U.S. Government, including by avoiding additional subsistence costs, overtime or lost productive time while awaiting coach class accommodations.  Whenever a cost comparison is made, documentation of the specific flight itineraries and their respective costs must be retained and included in the travel authorization for future reference and to meet auditing requirements:

(a)  If a traveler is otherwise authorized an unrestricted economy fare and seeks to be authorized a business-class fare under this provision, the unrestricted economy fare must be compared to the cost of an unrestricted business-class fare;

(b)  If a traveler is otherwise authorized a restricted economy fare and seeks to be authorized a business-class fare under this provision, the restricted economy fare must be compared to the cost of a restricted business-class fare;

(6)  Agency mission :  Business-class air accommodations may be authorized when required due to agency mission.  State only :  Business-class travel of 14 hours or less that is based on this criteria must be approved by the traveler's Under Secretary or equivalent in their supervisory chain.  Deputy Secretary and Under Secretary business-class travel is approved by the Executive Secretary;

(7)  Acceptance of payment from non-Federal source :  Business-class air accommodations may be authorized when the employee's transportation is paid in full through agency acceptance of payment from a non-Federal source in accordance with 2 FAM 962.12 (g) and 41 CFR 304-5.5; and

(8)  Travel in excess of 14 hours for temporary duty (TDY) travel, or medical evacuation travel (exception :  USAGM; for further USAGM guidance on when business-class accommodations can be authorized, refer to USAGM’s Manual of Operations and Administration (MOA) directive PART IV Section 636.3, Business-Class Travel Exceptions):

(a)  TDY travel to receive training:  Business-class air accommodations are not authorized for TDY travel over 14 hours in duration where the primary purpose of the travel, as determined by the funding bureau or post approving/authorizing officer, is for the traveler to receive training or instruction;

(b)  TDY travel not related to training:  For TDY travel over 14 hours, travelers are authorized economy-class accommodations with a rest stop or a paid day pass to a business-class lounge at an intermediate point on the traveler’s authorized itinerary.  However, the funding bureau's executive director or authorizing official at post may determine that circumstances warrant issuance of a business-class ticket provided the following criteria are met:

(i)     The origin and/or destination is outside the continental United States;

(ii)    The scheduled flight time (including stopovers, but not including rest stops) on the usually traveled route is in excess of 14 hours;

(iii)    The purpose of the trip is urgent and cannot be postponed. The traveler must physically report to the duty location immediately upon arrival or the following day, and work until the urgent requirements are fulfilled; and

(iv)   Travelers taking leave during or near the dates of their travel indicate that there are no urgent duties requiring the traveler’s immediate departure or return.  Travelers who do not report for duty immediately upon arrival or no later than the next day or take leave within days of their TDY travel should not be authorized business class travel.  The traveler may be held liable for the excess expense of business class accommodations;

(c)  Travelers in U.S. Government-funded business-class are not entitled to a U.S. Government-funded rest stop en route or upon arrival at the duty site.  They are not eligible for a U.S. Government-funded day pass to access business lounge, (see 14 FAM 584 ).  For definition of travel in excess of 14 hours and rest stop en route, see 14 FAM 567.2-4 , subparagraph b(10)(d);

(d)  Medical evacuation travel:  Premium-class travel is not authorized for medical evacuation unless MED, in consultation with the Foreign Service medical provider, or in an exigent situation, authorizes business-class accommodations for medical reasons.  Travelers authorized by MED to use premium accommodations may not be authorized a rest stop en route or a rest period upon arrival at destination, unless specifically authorized by MED.  Travel over 14 hours in duration that is not deemed medically necessary for premium class by MED, will be authorized economy class with a rest stop or a U.S. Government-funded day pass to a business-class lounge at the intermediate point;

(e)  Other official travel:  Business-class air accommodations may not be authorized or approved for other types of official travel in excess of 14 hours (such as R&R, PCS, home leave/return to post, educational travel, EVT, etc.) unless justified under one of the other provisions (see 14 FAM 567.2-4 ); and

(f)   Calculation of 14-hour travel period:

(i)     The “14-hour travel time is defined as the scheduled flight time on the most expeditious available routing from your point of origin to scheduled arrival at point of destination (wheels up at origin to wheels down at destination).  It does not include rest stops or travel from residence/hotel to the airport.  Travel in excess of 14 hours includes a leg of travel (a travel segment) in excess of 14 hour or continuous legs of travel (continuous travel segments) without a U.S. Government-funded rest stop in excess of 14 hours on the most direct route;

(ii)    The time zone dislocation provision for a rest period upon arrival ( 14 FAM 584.5 ) does not apply to business-class travel.  However, business-class travelers may arrive the night before a meeting and be provided per diem for the night if such arrival is necessary to ensure attendance at the meeting.  This is not considered a rest period upon arrival; and

(iii)    The traveler will not be penalized and deprived of business-class accommodations if travel is delayed or accelerated due to airline schedules rather than to accommodate a traveler’s personal convenience.  This is not a rest period or rest stop.

c.  Use of the lowest upgradeable fare :  In cases where business-class travel is authorized in accordance with the justifications above, but not funded by the bureau or post, the bureau or post may approve the lowest-cost upgradable fare if the traveler commits to upgrading to a business-class fare at their own expense:

(1)  Travelers are responsible for obtaining approval for the lowest-cost upgradable fare from the authorizing official by completing a Form DS-4087 prior to travel;

(2)  The cost of the upgradable fare may not exceed the cost of the business-class fare for which the traveler is eligible;

(3)  When available and approved by the authorizing official, the discounted GSA city-pair YCA fare may qualify as the lowest upgradable fare in lieu of the CA fare;

(4)  When a GSA city-pair fare is not available, the authorizing official may approve a fare up to and including the full "Y" fare as the lowest upgradable fare;

(5)  A traveler may be authorized the upgradable fare only when the cost of the upgrade is borne by the traveler; and

(6)  Rest stops or day passes to a business-class lounge are not authorized when a traveler elects this option.

d. Business-class travel within the United States :  U.S. domestic flights do not usually offer separate and distinct business-class seats.  The U.S. Government, however, cannot directly book employees eligible for business-class into first-class accommodations.  When business-class accommodations are authorized and the airline places the individual in first-class seating at no additional cost for the part of the routing within the United States via a connection, such seating would be considered business-class accommodations for the purpose of this rule.

e. Traveler-paid or airline-provided business class :  When a traveler is authorized economy class but actually travels in business class, such as by redeeming airline miles or points, completion of a Form DS-4087 is not necessary.  Such instances are also not included in the annual premium-class travel report since they do not change the authorized class of accommodation or expend more U.S. Government funds than would have been spent on the authorized class of service.

f.  Exceptions :  The Under Secretary for Management or designee may make exceptions to this section to the extent consistent with the law.

14 FAM 567.3  Premium-Class Travel Reporting

a. Each post and domestic office that issues travel tickets must submit a premium-class (first-class and business-class) travel report identifying all premium-class commercial travel (i.e., airplanes, trains, vessels) ticketed and utilized during the fiscal year.  The only exception for reporting premium-class travel is outlined in 14 FAM 567.1-3 .  A negative report is required if no premium-class travel was utilized.  The Department is required to report to the General Services Administration (GSA) no later than October 31 each year.  Travel on U.S. Government aircraft is reported separately and is covered in 14 FAM 558 .

b. When the traveler was ticketed in the lowest class of service offered, or use is authorized under 14 FAM 567.1-2 , subparagraph (4), travel on an extra-fare train does not need to be reported to GSA.

c.  State only :  The Department ‘s Travel Management and Policy Division (A/LM/OPS/TMP) will compile the premium-class travel report from each post with a report from the domestic TMC including domestically issued tickets and submit a consolidated report to GSA in accordance with the guidelines in 41 CFR 300-70.100-103 of the Federal Travel Regulations.


14 FAM 568.1   Authorized Luggage

a. Each traveler is authorized to check, at U.S. Government expense, two pieces of luggage which do not exceed the airline's size limitations or are not considered "oversized" by the operating air carrier, and which weigh up to 50 pounds (23 kilograms) per piece.  This allowance constitutes "authorized luggage."  It applies to all types of travel and to/from all locations.

b. If a traveler checks items that exceed this authorized weight, size, and/or quantity limitation, reimbursement from the U.S. Government is limited to the cost that would have been incurred to transport “authorized luggage.”

c.  Up to two additional pieces of luggage (a maximum of four), which do not exceed the airline's size limitations and which weigh up to 50 pounds per piece, per authorized traveler, may be approved in lieu of an allowable unaccompanied baggage (UAB) entitlement for direct travel if approved in the travel authorization prior to commencing travel.

d. If, for a particular segment of a journey, an air carrier makes a more generous (weight, quantity, or size) checked luggage allowance available to a traveler at no, or no additional, cost to the U.S. Government, the traveler is welcome to utilize the more generous allowance for that segment.  This privilege does not , however, increase the “authorized luggage” allowance for subsequent segments.

e. Authorized luggage for indirect (cost-constructed) travel :  When a traveler elects to engage in indirect (cost-constructed) travel, the total amount that may be reimbursed by the U.S. Government for checked luggage fees is limited to the sum of expenses that would have been incurred to transport authorized luggage along all segments of the direct route.

14 FAM 568.2  Excess Luggage

a. Luggage exceeding the weight, size, or quantity limit for “authorized luggage” is considered “excess luggage.”  To be transported at U.S. Government expense, excess luggage must be required for an official purpose and be specifically authorized in advance of travel.  Travel orders that include authorization for the transport of excess luggage must include a justification detailing the specific official purpose necessitating the transport and an estimated cost of such transport.

b. Travel orders for an individual required to transport a checked luggage piece or pieces entirely comprised of U.S. Government materials should include authorization for the transport of those pieces as excess luggage to ensure that the traveler’s personal authorized luggage allowance is not diminished.

c. Excess luggage is not authorized at U.S. Government expense for permanent change-of-station, rest-and-recuperation, family-visitation, and/or emergency-visitation travel.  For medical travel, please refer to 16 FAM 310 .

14 FAM 568.3  Receipts

Receipts are required for reimbursement of checked luggage fees in any amount, including fees assessed by an air carrier to transport “authorized luggage.”


U.S. flag

FAC Number: 2024-05 Effective Date: 05/22/2024

31.205-46 Travel costs.

31.205-46 Travel costs.

(a) Costs for transportation, lodging, meals, and incidental expenses.

(1) Costs incurred by contractor personnel on official company business are allowable, subject to the limitations contained in this subsection. Costs for transportation may be based on mileage rates, actual costs incurred, or on a combination thereof, provided the method used results in a reasonable charge. Costs for lodging, meals, and incidental expenses may be based on per diem, actual expenses, or a combination thereof, provided the method used results in a reasonable charge.

(2) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(3) of this subsection, costs incurred for lodging, meals, and incidental expenses (as defined in the regulations cited in (a)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section) shall be considered to be reasonable and allowable only to the extent that they do not exceed on a daily basis the maximum per diem rates in effect at the time of travel as set forth in the-

(i) Federal Travel Regulations, prescribed by the General Services Administration, for travel in the contiguous United States , available on a subscription basis from the-

Superintendent of Documents

U.S. Government Publishing Office

Washington DC 20402

Stock No.922-002-00000-2;

(ii) Joint Travel Regulation, Volume2, DoD Civilian Personnel, AppendixA, prescribed by the Department of Defense, for travel in Alaska, Hawaii, and outlying areas of the United States , available on a subscription basis from the-

Stock No.908-010-00000-1; or

(iii) Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas), Section 925, "Maximum Travel Per Diem Allowances for Foreign Areas," prescribed by the Department of State, for travel in areas not covered in (a)(2)(i) and (ii) of this paragraph, available on a subscription basis from the-

Washington, DC 20402

Stock No.744-008-00000-0.

(3) In special or unusual situations, actual costs in excess of the above-referenced maximum per diem rates are allowable provided that such amounts do not exceed the higher amounts authorized for Federal civilian employees as permitted in the regulations referenced in (a)(2)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section. For such higher amounts to be allowable, all of the following conditions must be met:

(i) One of the conditions warranting approval of the actual expense method, as set forth in the regulations referenced in paragraphs (a)(2)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section, must exist.

(ii) A written justification for use of the higher amounts must be approved by an officer of the contractor’s organization or designee to ensure that the authority is properly administered and controlled to prevent abuse.

(iii) If it becomes necessary to exercise the authority to use the higher actual expense method repetitively or on a continuing basis in a particular area, the contractor must obtain advance approval from the contracting officer .

(iv) Documentation to support actual costs incurred shall be in accordance with the contractor’s established practices, subject to paragraph (a)(7) of this section, and provided that a receipt is required for each expenditure of $75.00 or more. The approved justification required by paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section and, if applicable, paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section must be retained.

(4) Paragraphs (a)(2) and (3) of this section do not incorporate the regulations cited in paragraphs (a)(2)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this section in their entirety. Only the maximum per diem rates, the definitions of lodging, meals, and incidental expenses, and the regulatory coverage dealing with special or unusual situations are incorporated herein.

(5) An advance agreement (see 31.109 ) with respect to compliance with paragraphs (a)(2) and (3) of this subsection may be useful and desirable.

(6) The maximum per diem rates referenced in paragraph (a)(2) of this subsection generally would not constitute a reasonable daily charge-

(i) When no lodging costs are incurred; and/or

(ii) On partial travel days ( e.g., day of departure and return).

Appropriate downward adjustments from the maximum per diem rates would normally be required under these circumstances. While these adjustments need not be calculated in accordance with the Federal Travel Regulation or Joint Travel Regulations, they must result in a reasonable charge.

(7) Costs shall be allowable only if the following information is documented-

(i) Date and place (city, town, or other similar designation) of the expenses;

(ii) Purpose of the trip; and

(iii) Name of person on trip and that person’s title or relationship to the contractor.

(b) Airfare costs in excess of the lowest priced airfare available to the contractor during normal business hours are unallowable except when such accommodations require circuitous routing, require travel during unreasonable hours, excessively prolong travel, result in increased cost that would offset transportation savings, are not reasonably adequate for the physical or medical needs of the traveler, or are not reasonably available to meet mission requirements. However, in order for airfare costs in excess of the above airfare to be allowable, the applicable condition(s) set forth above must be documented and justified.

(1) "Cost of travel by contractor-owned, -leased, or -chartered aircraft," as used in this paragraph, includes the cost of lease, charter, operation (including personnel), maintenance, depreciation , insurance , and other related costs .

(2) The costs of travel by contractor-owned, -leased, or -chartered aircraft are limited to the allowable airfare described in paragraph (b) of this section for the flight destination unless travel by such aircraft is specifically required by contract specification, term, or condition, or a higher amount is approved by the contracting officer . A higher amount may be agreed to when one or more of the circumstances for justifying higher than allowable airfare listed in paragraph (b) of this section are applicable, or when an advance agreement under paragraph (c)(3) of this section has been executed. In all cases, travel by contractor-owned, -leased, or -chartered aircraft must be fully documented and justified. For each contractor-owned, -leased, or -chartered aircraft used for any business purpose which is charged or allocated, directly or indirectly, to a Government contract, the contractor must maintain and make available manifest/logs for all flights on such company aircraft. As a minimum, the manifest/log shall indicate-

(i) Date, time, and points of departure;

(ii) Destination, date, and time of arrival;

(iii) Name of each passenger and relationship to the contractor;

(iv) Authorization for trip; and

(v) Purpose of trip.

(3) Where an advance agreement is proposed (see 31.109 ), consideration may be given to the following:

(i) Whether scheduled commercial airlines or other suitable, less costly, travel facilities are available at reasonable times, with reasonable frequency, and serve the required destinations conveniently.

(ii) Whether increased flexibility in scheduling results in time savings and more effective use of personnel that would outweigh additional travel costs .

(d) Costs of contractor-owned or -leased automobiles, as used in this paragraph, include the costs of lease, operation (including personnel), maintenance, depreciation , insurance , etc. These costs are allowable, if reasonable, to the extent that the automobiles are used for company business. That portion of the cost of company -furnished automobiles that relates to personal use by employees (including transportation to and from work) is compensation for personal services and is unallowable as stated in 31.205-6 (m)(2).


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U.S. Government Accountability Office

Premium Class Travel: Internal Control Weaknesses Governmentwide Led to Improper and Abusive Use of Premium Class Travel

Previous GAO work on widespread improper premium class travel at the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of State (State) have led to concerns as to whether similar improper travel exists in the rest of the federal government. Consequently, GAO was asked to (1) determine the magnitude of premium class travel governmentwide and the extent such travel was improper, (2) identify internal control weaknesses that contributed to improper and abusive premium class travel, and (3) report on specific cases of improper and abusive premium class travel. GAO analyzed bank data and performed statistical sampling to quantify the extent premium class travel was improper. GAO also performed data mining, reviewed travel regulations, and interviewed agency officials.


Recommendations for executive action, full report, office of public affairs.

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askFW » Federal Government Policies » Federal Employee Allowances

Federal Employee Allowances

Temporary duty (tdy) allowances.

Temporary duty (TDY) allowances are paid to employees traveling on official business, interviewees performing pre-employment interview travel, employees who must interrupt official business travel to perform emergency travel as a result of an incapacitating illness or injury or a personal emergency situation, and threatened law enforcement/investigative employees and members of their family temporarily relocated to safeguard their lives because of a threat resulting from the employee’s assigned duties.

Employees are eligible for repayment of transportation expenses when performing official travel, including local travel. Reimbursable expenses include fares, rental fees, mileage payments and other expenses related to transportation.

Per diem is an allowance (also referred to as subsistence allowance) for lodging and meals and related incidental expenses for travelers on official government business. GSA annually prescribes rates for the contiguous 48 states, called CONUS. A separate rate, called OCONUS, is established for travel outside the contiguous states.

Generally you must have written or electronic authorization prior to incurring any travel expense.

There are three main requirements for using airlines:

  • use contract carriers, when available;
  • use coach class service unless another class (such as premium economy, business class or first class; terms vary among carriers) of service is authorized; and
  • use U.S. flag air carrier or (ship) service, unless use of foreign air carrier or (ship) is authorized.

Use of contract carriers

You generally must use a contract city-pair fare unless: space is not available; the contractor’s flight schedule is inconsistent with your agency’s travel policies; or in certain other circumstances including when another carrier offers a lower fare to the general public that, if used, will result in a lower total trip cost to the federal government (the combined costs of transportation, lodging, meals, and related expenses considered).

You may also use a non-contract fare such as a through fare, special fare, commutation fare, excursion fare or reduced-rate round-trip fare if your agency determines prior to your travel that this type of service is practical and economical to the government, and in the case of a fare that is restricted or has specific eligibility requirements, you know or reasonably can anticipate, based on the travel as planned, that you will use the ticket.

You may not use contract passenger service for personal travel.

The list of city-pairs is at www.gsa.gov/travel-resources under Airfares.

Class of accommodation

For official business travel, both domestic and international, you generally must use coach-class accommodations. Exceptions are:

  • No -coach-class accommodation is reasonably available. “Reasonably available” means available on an airline that is scheduled to leave within 24 hours of your proposed departure time, or scheduled to arrive within 24 hours of your proposed arrival time.
  • When use of a class other than coach-class is necessary to accommodate a disability or other special need. A disability must be substantiated in writing by a competent medical authority. A special need must be substantiated in writing according to your agency’s procedures. If you are authorized to have an attendant accompany you, your agency also may authorize the attendant to use the same accommodations if you require the attendant’s services en route.
  • When exceptional security circumstances require other than coach-class travel.
  • When required because of agency mission.

Federal Travel Regulations detail conditions that must be met in order to use other than coach-class accommodations and agency approving officials have the responsibility to ensure that the conditions surrounding the request are reasonable and necessary given the circumstances of the travel and/or the cost of the travel.

Note: FTR Bulletin 22-03 specifically included special needs related to breastfeeding among those that allow an agency to pay for additional travel expenses for an employee on temporary duty.

Pre-Check program

Civilian employees of DoD and the Coast Guard are eligible for the TSA’s Pre-Check expedited screening program, available at more than 100 airports.

Government Vehicles

You may be authorized to use a government vehicle between places of official business, between such places and places of temporary lodging when public transportation is unavailable or its use is impractical; between such places and restaurants, drug stores, barber shops, places of worship, cleaning establishments, and similar places necessary for the sustenance, comfort, or health of the employee to foster the continued efficient performance of government business; or as otherwise authorized by your agency.

You are responsible for any additional cost resulting from unauthorized use of a government vehicle and you may be subject to administrative and/or criminal liability for misuse of government property.

Personal Vehicles

You may use a privately owned vehicle (POV) for official travel when authorized by your agency and be reimbursed for mileage costs. Rates typically are set by calendar year but may change at other times in response to significant changes in fuel prices; see www.gsa.gov/mileage.

Reimbursable expenses include parking fees, ferry fees, bridge, road, and tunnel fees, and aircraft or airplane parking, landing, and tie-down fees. Non-reimbursable expenses include charges for repairs, depreciation, replacements, grease, oil, antifreeze, towage and similar speculative expenses.

Rental cars

Your agency must determine that use of a rental vehicle is advantageous to the government and must specifically authorize such use. You must book reservations through your agency’s electronic travel systems where available; when it is not available, you must book through your agency’s travel management center.

Employees are encouraged to rent from vendors that participate in the U.S. Government Rental Car Agreement program, which features pre-negotiated rates and automatic unlimited mileage and collision damage insurance. See www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/rentalCar.cfm.

Ride sharing

P.L. 115-34 of 2017 made the cost of ride-sharing services, formally termed “transportation network companies” and “innovative mobility technology companies,” to the list of “special conveyances” reimbursable when in the government’s interest for federal employees on official travel on the same basis as using taxi and similar services. The policy applies only when on travel.

Hours of work for travel

Rules in 5 CFR 550.112(g) determine hours of work for travel for both Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) exempt and nonexempt (covered) employees. Rules in 5 CFR 551.401(h) and 551.422 are also used to determine hours of work for travel for FLSA-nonexempt employees, so that the total number of hours of work for travel for nonexempt employees is the total determined under both laws.

In general, overtime hours are hours of work that are ordered or approved (or are “suffered or permitted” for nonexempt employees) and are performed by an employee in excess of eight hours in a day or 40 hours in a workweek. Official travel is hours of work if the travel is:

  • outside the employee’s official duty station; and
  • within the hours of the employee’s regularly scheduled administrative workweek, including regularly scheduled overtime hours (note that overtime hours should not be scheduled specifically to accommodate travel); or
  • outside the hours of the employee’s regularly scheduled administrative workweek, is ordered or approved, and meets one of the following four conditions: it involves the performance of work while traveling (such as driving a truck); is incident to travel that involves the performance of work while traveling (such as deadhead travel in order to drive an empty truck back to the point of origin); is carried out under arduous and unusual conditions (for example, on unpaved roads; more arduous than heavy traffic, long distances, cold weather, etc.); or results from an event which could not be scheduled or controlled administratively by any individual or agency in the executive branch of government (such as training scheduled solely by a private firm or a job-related court appearance required by a court subpoena).

Comp time off for travel

Authority at 5 U.S.C. Chapter 55, section 5550(b) allows most federal employees to get compensatory time off for time they spend traveling for official purposes during off-duty hours. Senior Executive Service, Senior Foreign Service, Foreign Service officers, and non-appropriated fund employees are not eligible, nor are employees on intermittent work schedules, but part-time workers are eligible if they are not being paid for the travel time.

To qualify for this purpose, travel must be officially authorized. In other words, travel must be for work purposes and must be approved by an authorized agency official or otherwise authorized under established agency policies.

Travel status includes only the time actually spent traveling between the official duty station and a temporary duty station, or between two temporary duty stations, and the usual waiting time that precedes or interrupts such travel. For example, airline travelers generally are required to arrive at the airport at a designated pre-departure time (often one or two hours before the scheduled departure, depending on whether the flight is domestic or international).

Such waiting time at the airport is considered usual waiting time and is creditable time in a travel status. In addition, time spent at an intervening airport waiting for a connecting flight (for example, one or two hours) also is creditable time in a travel status, subject to exclusions for bona fide meal periods. In all cases, determinations regarding what is creditable as “usual waiting time” are within the sole and exclusive discretion of the employing agency.

Frequent Traveler Credits

Rules at 41 CFR s 301-10 and 301-53 allow federal travelers to keep for their personal use frequent traveler benefits earned while on official travel.

Under the policy, any promotional benefits or materials received from a travel service provider in connection with official travel may be retained for personal use if such items are obtained under the same conditions as those offered to the general public and at no additional cost to the government.

It is the responsibility of each traveler to communicate directly with a service provider to establish a frequent travel promotional benefits account. Any associated costs are to be paid by the traveler, and are not a reimbursable expense.

Employees on official travel may upgrade to first-class or premium-class seating at their personal expense, including through redemption of frequent flyer benefits.

Travel Charge Cards

In general, employees are required to use the government contractor-issued travel charge card for all official travel expenses unless the expense falls under an exemption created either by the General Services Administration or by their agency.

The following exemptions are common for those who have cards: expenses incurred at a vendor that does not accept the government contractor-issued travel charge card or that imposes substantial fees for using one; laundry/dry cleaning; parking; local transportation system; taxi; tips; meals when use of the card is impractical, for example, group meals or the card is not accepted; phone calls (when a government calling card is available for use in accordance with agency policy); individuals traveling on invitational travel; and new appointees.

The card may be used only for official travel related expenses. It is up to individual agencies to determine the discipline for use of cards for non-official purposes. Penalties may range from a reprimand to removal, depending on the seriousness of the offense and whether it was the first such incident involving an employee.

Travel Advances

Travel advances are payable under certain conditions. You must file a travel claim which accounts for your advance after completion of your assignment, in accordance with your agency’s policy. If you are in a continuous travel status (for example, an auditor or inspector) or if you submit periodic reimbursement vouchers on an individual trip authorization, your agency may reimburse you the full amount of your travel expenses without any deduction of your advance until such time as you file a final voucher.

If the amount advanced is less than the amount of the voucher on which it is deducted, you will be reimbursed the net amount. If the advance exceeds the reimbursable amount, you must immediately refund the excess.

Per diem expense allowances

You are eligible for a per diem or actual expense allowance when you perform official travel away from your official station, incur per diem expenses on that travel and are in a travel status for more than 12 hours. Per diem expenses will be reimbursed by one of these methods:

  • lodgings-plus;
  • actual expenses; or
  • reduced per diem rate.

The General Services Administration establishes the maximum CONUS (Continental United States) per diem rates for federal travelers (the Defense Department establishes the “OCONUS” or Outside Continental United States rates for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and U.S. possessions).

The rates are designed to provide a sufficient allowance for the traveler to stay at safe and comfortable rooms while on official business. The rates are set according to a survey of hotel and meal costs in locations regularly traveled to by government employees on official business. These generally are “two-star” and “three-star” hotels that are on a fire safety list (federal law encourages federal employees to stay at hotels meeting certain fire safety standards). GSA establishes the appropriate per diem allowance for each location, setting in-season and off-season rates whose dates vary locally for locations with distinct in-demand travel seasons.

Agencies have the authority to pay actual expenses of up to three times the established per diem rate where rates are not sufficient based on a specific need. The agency decides what may be approved as reimbursement of appropriate expenses incurred for occasional meals or lodging that are determined to be necessary and justified by the circumstances involved.

Rates under the lodgings-plus system vary according to where the travel occurs.

Your TDY location determines your maximum per diem reimbursement rate. If you arrive at your lodging location after 12 midnight, you claim lodging cost for the preceding calendar day. If no lodging is required, the applicable M&IE reimbursement rate is the rate for the TDY location.

If lodging is not available at your TDY location, your agency may authorize or approve the maximum per diem rate for the location where lodging is obtained.

Your per diem or actual expense entitlement starts on the day you depart your home, office, or other authorized point and ends on the day you return to your home, office or other authorized point.

You may stay in a lodging facility of your choice. You are encouraged to stay in lodging facilities that are “approved accommodations” for safety standards. To ensure that you are staying in an approved facility, given the best available choices and/or obtaining government discount rates, you are further encouraged to make lodging arrangements through your agency’s travel management service.

GSA lists local rates and related information at www.gsa.gov/perdiem. The State Department is responsible for setting foreign country per diem rates (https://aoprals.state.gov), and the Defense Department is responsible for rates in non-foreign areas outside the contiguous 48 states (www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiem.cfm).

Lodgings Programs

Use of GSA’s programs is recommended but not mandatory. The FedRooms program provides federal travelers on official business for stays up to 30 days with hotel rooms at or below per diem rates with flexible terms. It is operated through a partnership with a private company. FedRooms rates are available through all of the government’s preferred booking channels. For a list of current hotels or other information, call (800) 226-1741 or go to www.gsa.gov/travel/plan-book/gsa-lodging/fedrooms. That site also has information about a market research tool for planning meetings.

The Long Term Lodging program is designed for lodging needs of 30 days or more for temporary or permanent employee relocation or extended training in facilities that include apartment buildings and condominiums. See www.gsa.gov/travel/plan-book/gsa-lodging.

Actual Expense Reimbursement

Actual expense reimbursement is warranted when:

  • lodging and/or meals are procured at a prearranged place such as a hotel where a meeting, conference or training session is held;
  • costs have escalated because of special events;
  • lodging and meal expenses within prescribed allowances cannot be obtained nearby; and
  • costs to commute to/from the nearby location consume most or all of the savings achieved from occupying less expensive lodging.

Reduced Per Diem Rate

An agency prescribes a reduced per diem rate lower than the prescribed maximum when it can determine in advance that lodging and/or meal costs will be lower than the per diem rate; and the lowest authorized per diem rate must be stated in your travel authorization in advance of your travel.

Filing for Reimbursement

To be reimbursed, you must file a travel claim that includes an itemized list of expenses and other information required on the reimbursement form your agency uses. You must provide receipts for any lodging expense, except when you are authorized a fixed reduced per diem allowances, and for any other expense costing over $75. You must also list any leave taken and any non-duty points visited.

Relocation Allowances

Relocation allowances are payable to civilian employees upon transfer from one official duty station or agency to another for permanent duty, and to those assigned to posts of duty outside the continental United States in connection with overseas tour renewal agreement travel and upon return to places of residence for the purpose of separation. Relocation allowances also are payable to new appointees, career appointees to the Senior Executive Service (SES), prior SES appointees who have elected to retain SES retirement benefits, and medical directors of Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers, upon their retirement and return to the place the individual has elected to reside.

Allowances are payable when: the transfer is in the interest of the government and is not primarily for the convenience or benefit of the employee or at his or her request; the transfer is to a new official station which is at least 10 miles from the old official station; and, in the case of a relatively short distance relocation, a determination of eligibility is made.

P.L. 115-97 made taxable as ordinary income several forms of relocation payments that previously were not taxed, including payments for driving mileage, airfare and lodging expenses for en route travel to the new duty station; shipment of household items; and temporary storage of those items. However, under a series of guidance documents culminating in FTR Bulletin 21-02 (at www.gsa.gov/policy-regulations-regulations under FTR and Related Files), while agencies are to collect the taxes from employees’ pay, they then are to reimburse them for “substantially all” of the increased tax liability through two other forms of relocation benefits, withholding tax allowances and relocation income tax allowances.

The law did not make taxable another relocation benefit, in which a relocation services company buys the residences of transferees and then sells them.

Note: A series of guidance documents culminating in FTR Bulletin 22-07 (at that same address) allows agencies to waive for reasons related to the COVID-19 pandemic normal time limits in policies for relocation, temporary storage of household goods shipments, house hunting trips and certain other purposes in official relocation travel and renewal agreement travel.

Allowances for Transportation and Temporary Storage of Household Goods and Professional Materials

Employees are eligible for transportation and temporary storage of their household goods when they are transferred, regardless of whether the official stations involved are within or outside the continental United States, are appointed to positions in which government transportation to the first official station is allowable, or are separated after completion of a period of service overseas.

The maximum weight of household goods that may be transported or stored at government expense is limited to 18,000 pounds net weight for all employees. There may be instances in which the weight of the professional books, papers, and equipment would cause an employee’s household goods shipment to be in excess of the maximum weight allowance. In such instances, the personally owned professional books, papers, and equipment may be transported to the new permanent duty station as an administrative expense of an agency (not chargeable to travel and transportation appropriations). Shipment of these items as an administrative expense would be instead of shipment as an allowance of the employee.

Allowances for Transportation or Emergency Storage of a Privately Owned Vehicle

An agency may authorize transportation of a privately owned vehicle to a post of duty or emergency storage. Each agency determines the conditions under which it will pay for transportation and emergency storage and the procedures a transferred employee must follow.

Under FTR Amendment 2022-01 (at www.gsa.gov/policy-regulations-regulations under FTR and Related Files),  agencies may reimburse relocating employees rental car fees when their privately owned vehicle suffers a shipping delay when arriving at or returning from a foreign or non-foreign area outside the continental United States.

Only a passenger automobile, station wagon, small truck, or other similar vehicle that will be used primarily for personal transportation may be stored at agency expense. You may not transport or store a trailer, airplane, or any vehicle intended for commercial use.

Househunting Trip Expenses Allowance

The term “househunting trip” refers to a trip made by the employee and/or spouse to the new official station locality to find permanent living quarters to rent or purchase. “Living quarters” includes apartments, condominiums, and cooperatives in addition to townhomes and single family homes.

You are eligible for a househunting trip expenses allowance if you are an employee who is authorized to transfer, and in addition:

  • both your old and new official stations are located within the United States;
  • you are not assigned to government or other prearranged housing at the new official station; and
  • your old and new official stations are 75 or more miles apart (as measured by map distance) via a usually traveled surface route.

New appointees, employees assigned under the government Employees Training Act and employees returning from overseas assignments for purposes of separation are not eligible for a househunting trip expenses allowance.

Your agency determines when it is in the government’s interest to authorize a househunting trip and the procedures you must follow if it is authorized.

Residence Transaction Allowance

The residence transaction allowance reimburses an employee for expenses in connection with the sale of one residence at his or her old official station, for purchase (including construction) of one dwelling at his or her new official station, or for the settlement of an unexpired lease involving his or her residence or a lot on which a mobile home used as his or her residence was located at the old official station. The allowance is payable if a permanent change of station is authorized or approved, the old and new official stations are located within the United States, and the employee has signed a service agreement.

Home sale expenses payable include:

  • brokers’ fees and real estate commissions.
  • other advertising, selling, and appraisal expenses.
  • legal and related expenses.
  • miscellaneous expenses including: FHA or VA fees for the loan application; loan origination fees and similar charges such as loan assumption fees and loan transfer fees.

Expenses incurred for settling an unexpired lease (including month-to-month rental) for residence quarters occupied by the employee at the old official station may include broker’s fees for obtaining a sublease or charges for advertising an unexpired lease.

Temporary Change of Station

A temporary change of station (TCS) means the relocation of an employee to a new official station for a temporary period while the employee is performing a long-term assignment, and subsequent return of the employee to the previous official station upon completion of that assignment. You are eligible if you are an employee who is directed to perform a long-term assignment at a temporary location, and you otherwise would be eligible for payment of temporary duty travel allowances.

Generally a TCS will be authorized when:

  • you are directed to perform a long-term assignment at another duty station;
  • your agency otherwise could authorize temporary duty travel and pay travel allowances, including payment of subsistence expenses;
  • your agency determines it would be more advantageous, cost and other factors considered, to authorize a TCS; and
  • you meet any additional conditions your agency has established.

If your agency authorizes a TCS, you do not have the option of electing payment of temporary duty travel allowances instead.

A TCS may last not less than six months nor longer than 30 months. If your assignment is cut short for reasons other than separation from government service, you will be paid TCS expenses.

If your assignment exceeds 30 months, your agency must permanently assign you to the temporary official station or return you to your previous official station. Your agency may not pay for nontemporary storage or property management services incurred after the last day of the thirtieth month. Your agency must pay the expenses of returning you and your immediate family and household goods to your previous official station unless you are permanently assigned to your temporary official station.

There is no required minimum distance between an official station and a long-term assignment location that must be met to qualify for a TCS.

If it authorizes a TCS, your agency must pay:

  • travel, including per diem, for you and your immediate family;
  • transportation and temporary storage of your household goods;
  • transportation of a mobile home instead of transportation of household goods;
  • a miscellaneous expenses allowance;
  • transportation of a privately owned vehicle(s); and
  • a relocation income tax allowance for additional income taxes you incur on payments your agency makes for your relocation expenses.

The same expenses will be paid in connection with your return to your previous official station at the end of the assignment.

Agencies may reimburse employees for storage of a POV when the employee is assigned a temporary change of station in support of military “contingency” operations, generally meaning combat-type operations.

Payment of TCS expenses stops if your temporary official station becomes your permanent official station.

Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance

“Temporary quarters subsistence expenses” or “TQSE” are subsistence expenses incurred by an employee and/or his or her immediate family while occupying temporary quarters. TQSE does not include local transportation expenses incurred during occupancy of temporary quarters.

You are eligible for a TQSE allowance if you are an employee who is authorized to transfer, your new official station is located within the United States, and your old and new official stations are 40 miles or more apart (as measured by map distance) via a usually traveled surface route. New appointees, employees assigned under the Government Employees Training Act and employees returning from an overseas assignment for the purpose of separation are not eligible for a TQSE allowance.

Your agency determines whether it is in the government’s interest to pay TQSE. If authorized, only you and/or your immediate family may occupy temporary quarters at government expense.

Use of a Relocation Services Company

If you are an employee who is authorized to transfer you may be eligible to use a relocation services company. Your agency determines eligibility. If authorized, your agency will pay the relocation services company’s fees and expenses for the services you are authorized to use. If your agency pays the relocation services company for actual expenses the company incurs on your behalf, payment to the company is limited to what you would have received under direct reimbursement provisions.

If you use a contracted-for relocation service that is a substitute for reimbursable relocation allowance, you will not be reimbursed for the relocation allowance as well.

Miscellaneous Expenses

Under 41 CFR 302-16, an employee transferred in the interests of the government is entitled to a miscellaneous expenses allowance to defray various costs associated with relocation, such as disconnecting and connecting appliances, cutting and fitting draperies and rugs moved from one residence to another, utility fees and deposits, forfeiture of non-reimbursable contracts, certain automobile-related costs, and similar costs. An employee transferring alone is entitled to a lump-sum of the lesser of one week of basic gross pay or $650, and one accompanied by a family is entitled to the lesser of two weeks of basic gross pay or $1,300. No documentation is required for those amounts. With supporting documentation, higher payments may be made within limits.

Travel and Relocation Appeals

If your agency denies your claim for reimbursement related to official travel, you must first follow your agency’s procedures for challenging disallowed claims. This may mean that you must file a new claim, providing full itemization for all disallowed items reclaimed, receipts for all disallowed items reclaimed that require receipts (except that you do not have to provide a receipt if your agency already has the receipt), a copy of the notice of disallowance and state the proper authority for your claim if you are challenging your agency’s application of the law or statute.

If after reconsideration by your agency your claim is still denied, you may mail your claim for adjudication to the Office of the Clerk, Civilian Board of Contract Appeals, 6th Floor, 1800 M St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036 or submit electronically at https://cbca.gov/howto/efiling.html. Phone (202) 606-8800, online www.cbca.gov. (Note: Information on an alternative dispute resolution procedure is at that site.)

The burden is on the claimant to establish the timeliness of the claim, the liability of the agency, and the claimant’s right to payment. The Board will issue the final decision on a claim based on the information submitted by the claimant and the agency.

TSP Returns Summary

Source: TSP.gov

gsa premium class travel

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  • Transportation (airfare rates, POV rates, etc.)
  • State tax exemption
  • Travel charge card
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  • E-gov travel service (ETS)
  • Travel category schedule
  • Federal travel regulation

Travel policy

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  • Per Diem Lookup

Travel resources

Per diem look-up, 1 choose a location.

Error, The Per Diem API is not responding. Please try again later.

No results could be found for the location you've entered.

Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories and Possessions are set by the Department of Defense .

Rates for foreign countries are set by the State Department .

2 Choose a date

Rates are available between 10/1/2022 and 09/30/2025.

The End Date of your trip can not occur before the Start Date.

Traveler reimbursement is based on the location of the work activities and not the accommodations, unless lodging is not available at the work activity, then the agency may authorize the rate where lodging is obtained.

Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those boundaries."

Per diem localities with county definitions shall include "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the listed counties, including independent entities located within the boundaries of the key city and the listed counties (unless otherwise listed separately)."

When a military installation or Government - related facility(whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and / or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality.

City Pair airfares

Visit City Pair Program to learn about its competitive, federally-negotiated airline rates for 7,500+ domestic and international cities, equating to over 14,000 city pairs.

  • Search for contract fares

Note: All fares are listed one-way and are valid in either direction. Disclaimer - taxes and fees may apply to the final price

Taxes and fees may apply to the final price

Your agency’s authorized travel management system will show the final price, excluding baggage fees. Commercial baggage fees can be found on the Airline information page.

Domestic fares include all existing Federal, State, and local taxes, as well as airport maintenance fees and other administrative fees. Domestic fares do not include fees such as passenger facility charges, segment fees, and passenger security service fees.


International fares do not include taxes and fees, but include fuel surcharge fees.

Note for international fares: City codes, such as Washington (WAS), are used for international routes.

Federal travelers should use their authorized travel management system when booking airfare.

  • E-Gov Travel Service for civilian agencies.
  • Defense Travel System for the Department of Defense.

If these services are not fully implemented, travelers should use these links:

  • Travel Management Center for civilian agencies.
  • Defense Travel Management Office for the Department of Defense.

GSA lodging programs

Shop for lodging at competitive, often below-market hotel rates negotiated by the federal government.

FedRooms provides federal travelers on official business with FTR compliant hotel rooms for transient and extended stays (up to 29 days). The program uses FEMA and ADA-compliant rooms with flexible booking terms at or below per diem rates. Federal employees should make reservations, including FedRooms reservations, via their travel management service.

Visit GSALodging for more details on FedRooms and for additional programs offering meeting space, long term lodging, and emergency lodging.

Privately owned vehicle (POV) mileage reimbursement rates

GSA has adjusted all POV mileage reimbursement rates effective January 1, 2024.

* Airplane nautical miles (NMs) should be converted into statute miles (SMs) or regular miles when submitting a voucher using the formula (1 NM equals 1.15077945 SMs).

For calculating the mileage difference between airports, please visit the U.S. Department of Transportation's Inter-Airport Distance website.

Plan and Book

Plan a trip

Research and prepare for government travel.

Per diem, meals & incidental expenses (M&IE) Passenger transportation (airfare rates, POV rates, etc.) Lodging Conferences/meetings Travel charge card State tax exemption

Agency Services

Services for government agencies

Programs providing commercial travel services.

Travel Category Schedule (Schedule L) E-Gov Travel Service (ETS) Emergency Lodging Services (ELS) Employee relocation

Travel Policy

Travel reporting

Federal Travel Regulation Table of contents Chapter 300—General Chapter 301—Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel allowances Chapter 302 - Relocation allowances


  1. PPT

    gsa premium class travel

  2. GSA air travel program to save agencies $2.44B for FY18

    gsa premium class travel

  3. Concur Travel and Expense GSA Demonstration

    gsa premium class travel

  4. PPT

    gsa premium class travel

  5. Premium-class travel peaks in the post-pandemic

    gsa premium class travel

  6. Premium Class Fares|ANA

    gsa premium class travel


  1. Agency travel and relocation reporting

    First class and business class transportation reporting. Each agency must report all first class and business class transportation used by federal employees while traveling for official business in the GSA Travel Reporting Tool by December 30 of each year. If the agency does not have any first class and business class travel data to report ...

  2. PDF Federal Travel Regulation Overview

    Premium Economy Class Seating "Common Carrier" rule effective Oct. 12, 2022. Establishes management controls for use of premium economy class airline seating. Among others, may be authorized when travel exceeds eight (8) hours and is to, from, or between OCONUS locations. Rest period of more than 24 hours may be authorized in limited


    SUBJECT: P. mium Class Transportation Reporting R. uirements1. What is the purpose of this bulletin? This bulletin is issued in accordance with Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) §300-70.101 to inform Federal agencies of the reporting requirements for the authorized use of other than coach class, hereinafter referred to as "premium class ...

  4. Commercial Air

    In the event a GSA CPP or coach fare is not available, a Restricted Fare may be authorized, when the cost savings outweigh any risk of the trip cancellation or itinerary change. ... the AP-PCT-01 Premium Class Travel Decision Support Tool [PDF, 13 pages] the Premium Class Travel Reporting Tool (PCTRT) in Passport [login required], or;

  5. 14 Fam 560 Allowable Travel and Miscellaneous Expenses

    The only exception for reporting premium-class travel is outlined in 14 FAM 567.1-3. A negative report is required if no premium-class travel was utilized. The Department is required to report to the General Services Administration (GSA) no later than October 31 each year.

  6. Federal Travel Regulation; Common Carrier Transportation

    GSA amended the FTR on October 27, 2009 (74 FR 55145) to implement recommendations contained in the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, "Premium Class Travel: Internal Control Weaknesses Governmentwide Led to Improper and Abusive Use of Premium Class Travel" (GAO-07-1268). The final rule replaced "first-class ...

  7. Premium Class Transportation Reporting Requirements

    GSA is publishing the reporting requirements for the use of other than coach class, also known as "premium class" transportation by Government employees on official travel. This bulletin also clarifies which accommodations are not considered premium class, and are therefore not reportable. This information will be available in FTR Bulletin ...

  8. PDF Making Informed, Cost-SAving Travel Decisions and SmartPay Essentials

    ETS2 Benefits for Rob. Simple: Book all travel needs (air, hotel, rental car, rail) at once. Cost savings: Travelers save approximately $25 per transaction when completed online versus agent-assisted. Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) compliance: Government-specific configurations ensure travelers are compliant with agency policy.

  9. 31.205-46 Travel costs.

    31.205-46. Travel costs. (a) Costs for transportation, lodging, meals, and incidental expenses. (1) Costs incurred by contractor personnel on official company business are allowable, subject to the limitations contained in this subsection. Costs for transportation may be based on mileage rates, actual costs incurred, or on a combination thereof ...

  10. Commercial Air Program

    Commercial Air. Commercial air is the preferred mode of transportation for official travel more than 250 miles one way. With few exceptions, all federal government travelers flying commercial air must utilize flights contracted through the General Services Administration's (GSA) City Pair Program (CPP).. The Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) oversees DoD use of the City Pair Program ...

  11. PDF Approved for Release Senior Travel Official DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (DOC

    The General Services Administration (GSA) has issued a . final rule amending the FTR to introduce and authorize a new form of other than coach class accommodation— Premium Economy Class (PEC)—and to consolidate and remove duplicative provisions related to other than coach class accommodations. 1. In addition to exceptions that otherwise ...

  12. PDF 'Other Than Economy/Coach' Transportation Approval Checklist

    "Premium Economy Class" airfare be used for 'Other Than Economy/Coach transportation? NOTE: 'Premium Economy Class' transportation may be authorized when travel exceeds eight (8) hours and is to, from, or between OCONUS locations. 5. Could a GSA "business class" city pair airfare be used for 'Other Than Economy/Coach ...

  13. Login Template Title

    Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

  14. Federal Travel Regulation (FTR); Common Carrier Transportation

    GSA amended the FTR on October 27, 2009 (74 FR 55145) to implement recommendations contained in the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, "Premium Class Travel: Internal Control Weaknesses Governmentwide Led to Improper and Abusive Use of Premium Class Travel" (GAO-07-1268). The final rule replaced "first-class ...

  15. Federal travel regulation and related files

    GSA is amending the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) by updating the exemptions from mandatory use of the Government contractor-issued travel charge card to ensure the card is used as often as practicable. ... Premium Class Travel and Transportation Allowances Publication date: 10/27/2009 Effective date: 11/27/2009 FTR Amendment 2009-05 FTR Case ...

  16. PDF Volume 9, Chapter 1

    instances of first class and business classaccommodations paid by the overnment, which G includes any accommodations used as part of a multi-leg or multi-segmented trip paid by the Government must be reported. Beginning in fiscal year 2015, GSA requires agencies to report premium class travel by ticket, rather than segments as in previous years.

  17. Premium Class Travel: Internal Control Weaknesses Governmentwide Led to

    In October 2009, in response to GAO's findings, GSA, with the support of OMB, strengthened the government-wide management and accountability of federal premium class travel by adding a requirement to the FTR that requires all federal agencies to annually report to GSA the use of all "other than coach-class" transportation accommodations (i.e ...

  18. Lodging

    Per Diem Rates. Federal Travel Regulations. Joint Travel Regulations. Acquisition Gateway. 888-472-5585. [email protected]. Email Page. Last updated: May 1, 2024. Learn about GSA Lodging programs that offer accommodations at or below per diem rates.

  19. Federal Employee Allowances

    Employees on official travel may upgrade to first-class or premium-class seating at their personal expense, including through redemption of frequent flyer benefits. ... 226-1741 or go to www.gsa ...

  20. Reporting.gov

    FAIRS is a management information system operated by GSA to collect, maintain, analyze, and report information on Federal aircraft inventories and cost and usage of Federal aircraft and Commercial Aviation Services (CAS) aircraft and related aviation services. ... GSA collects and reports on agency travel data for Premium Class Travel, Senior ...

  21. PDF Federal Register /Vol. 87, No. 175/Monday, September 12, 2022 ...

    extension to submit their premium class travel data. To provide agencies more time to review their data, GSA is setting the premium class travel reporting requirement as December 31 of each year (instead of the current 60 days after the end of each fiscal year). GSA will now refer to the ''premium

  22. PDF Chapter 102 General Travel Provisions

    considered business class. Premium class travel is only permitted on an exception basis, when fully justified and approved by the premium class approval authority, and only in circumstances ... (GSA) Airline City Pair Program (CPP) for individual air travel. MEPS may contact the Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) at 571-372-1300 to ...

  23. Travel resources

    Federal employees should make reservations, including FedRooms reservations, via their travel management service. for more details on FedRooms and for additional programs offering meeting space, long term lodging, and emergency lodging. GSA has adjusted all POV mileage reimbursement rates effective January 1, 2024.