CMBYN Country Tour

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Putting feet in the springs’ water

The film shows the Po Valley and the Cremasco area. Oliver and Elio cycle to villages, woods or springs. They observe and interact with nature: they lay down on the grass, they put their feet in the springs’ water. These places were tourist destinations in the past: in the 1600’s noble families used to spend holidays in their country houses , far away from the city

Virtual tour

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The small lake was a private gravel quarry until the Regional Park of the Serio river bought this area. During the night the lawn is covered with dew, so it’s soft and fresh in the morning.

The branches of poplars and willows provide shelter from the light of the sun. There’s a bush near the lake where you can explore and pic-nic. Moreover there’s a picnic area with benches, tables and a gazebo for dining comfortably. You can sit on the shore of the lake, but you are not allowed to swim in.

As an alternative to packed lunch, traditional meals can be enjoyed at the “Al Castel” family restaurant.

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The film focused on the historic Albergoni villa in Moscazzano, which is not the only important mansion of the area.

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The shrine of Santa Maria del Cantuello is a small church of the XI century, but there are no documents confirming this hypothesis. The building underwent a renovation during the XVII century. On the facade there is a sixteenth-century fresco, while the interior is decorated with various frescoes of different eras

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“This is my place. All mine. I come here to read. I don’t know how many books I read here. The source is situated in the mountains: the Orobie Alps, the water comes from there”

Elio describes Quarantina’s springs : a private place, where the attraction between the two guys becomes evident; Elio, lying on the lawn, says to Oliver he loves their relationship: the complicity, the exchange of ideas, the time together. Oliver kisses him.

You can take a break and soak your feet in the water: it will seem freezing, but the heat produces this feeling, in fact the temperature is 11 degrees throughout the year.

“In ancient times the fountains were considered a gift of heaven: the vegetation grew even in the cold winter months. In fact, the waters of the spring, after an underground journey through clay, suddenly emerge in a series of pollas: they are clear and at a temperature between 10 and 11 degrees all year round. The cultivation technique is called “marcita” developed by the Cistercian monks who reclaimed these lands around the year 1000 from the Benedictine centre still existing today of Abbadia Cerreto.”

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The “Quarantina” is very special for its channels’ spider web. The Fontanile was contested by the most important neighbouring municipalities because of its naturalistic value. Many villages focused on promoting this place and making it the “locus amoenus” that everybody loves.

Every year in May, the city of Crema and Capralba organize the “Giro dei Fontanili” (tour of the springs). It is an event in which anyone can visit the Fontanile’s location riding their bike. The main aim is to raise people’s awareness of the environment. The Fontanili’s habitat is very brittle: if the falls (falde) are not protected in the right way, they might drain, causing the death of the local flora and fauna.

If you want to taste the best Cremaschi dishes, you should try Severgnini’s restaurant (piazza Europa, Capralba) or in La Torretta restaurant (via Maggiore, Farinate). Moreover, if you want to buy local products, you can visit RHO farm (via Maggiore, Farinate) that produces all the traditional Cremaschi cold cuts, but, if you prefer eating cheese, you should visit the Merati dairy (via Panizzardo, Capralba).

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Elio accepts to go to Pandino with Oliver to collect some documents about his studies. The two guys decide to ride their bikes because of the sunny day, and they arrive at Piazza Vittorio Emanuele III in Pandino. Oliver enters a bar to buy a packet of cigarettes, and then he goes with Elio near “Monumento dei caduti’s” little gate. They analyze the theme of feelings and their interior conflict. Their way to communicate is represented by the way they walk, which is circular and involves also the monument, which becomes the third actor in scene.

The soldier in the monument is between them, but they are emotionally close and they make a connection with each other. Bar Castello’s owner, in which Oliver buys his cigarettes, appeared in the film. He saw all the process that brought the square back 30 years, for example, they turned an estate agent into a grocery store and an office of the Socialist Party. The bar’s cigarette vending machine was covered with a sign that listed the ice creams they sold. On the outside, the chairs and the tables were also changed into some old ones. You should stop and watch the square, go around the “Monumento dei Caduti” and find all the monuments that were aged in the film.

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Then change your path and walk towards the Castello Visconteo.

Around 1355 Barnabeo Visconti, Lord of Milan,had Pandino’s castle built to have a place to engage in his favourite hobby: hunting. The surrounding territory is full of lush flora and fauna.

This castle is built like the typical Visconti’s castles: it has a square plan surrounded by four towers, a courtyard with a porch with pointed arches on the ground floor and a loggia with rectangular pillars. Many of the original decorations can be seen thanks to recent restorations. Originally the East part of the ground floor was another porch in which banquets were organized.

At the beginning of the fifteenth century, Crema became lordship and Giorgio Benzoni, who was Pandino’s count, became its Lord. From 1470 also Ludovico Maria Sforza, known as Ludovico il Moro, was Pandino’s lord and lived in this castle. If you want to take a guided tour of the castle, you should go to the tourists’ office inside the castle.

Nowadays this building is the seat of the municipality, and it also accommodates “Scuola Casearia” and a boarding school. This is a really unique school: here students learn how to produce the typical Cremasco cheese. We strongly recommend tasting “Salva Cremasco”, a typical cheese, which is part of an amazing speciality called “Salva con le Tighe”.

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Guadagnino chose Villa Albergoni as the Perlman’s residence. Here two scenes were shot: The first one is full of euphoria: Elio and Oliver are swimming in the lake with a funny group of friends. In the second scene it is early morning, Elio asks Oliver to go for a swim but there’s embarrassment. The two friends are swimming far apart.Over the years, Moscazzano’s territory, mainly exploited by agriculture and livestock, has remained strongly rural. In the film this rural atmosphere has not been censored, but wisely used as a sweet and reassuring background.

The inhabited centre develops from the central nucleus, the parish church, around which the residences of the farmers have gathered over the centuries. Inside the church, built in the XVIII century, you can admire the works of artists from Crema, like Angelo Bacchetta and Picenardi. Now you reach Villa Albergoni , the wonderful setting where the characters of the film loved, rejoiced, cried and suffered. Currently the villa is closed and inside it is completely empty. As it is private property, any attempt to enter is prohibited, but it is still possible to admire the beauty of the building and the main facade through the gate. The villa was built on the ruins of an ancient castle. The Moscazzano fiefdom was entrusted in 1499 to the powerful Vimercati family, which in those years transformed the ruins of the castle into a country residence. The guardian of the villa is not the only one who has been allowed to participate as a lucky spectator during the set. Guadagnino wanted to involve other local people in the shooting, such as Signora Pasquina, a skilled cook from Moscazzano who appears in the kitchen while preparing the “tortelli cremaschi”. Among the people included in the project there is also the chef and owner of the restaurant located in Colombare di S. Carlo, a small hamlet of Moscazzano, who prepared the catering for the crew during the shooting period. For the occasion, the halls of the former restaurant in the town center were reopened and the technicians and actors were able to refresh themselves between takes without having to move.

It is said that Guadagnino was particularly careful about small details, especially the gastronomic ones. Finally, other citizens have contributed by lending themselves as appearances or by lending their vintage cars.

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The scenes of the blue bus were shot in Montodine’s square. The film also documents the life of public transport in the 80s, addressing the theme of travel. Oliver and Elio make several trips: the first trip is the one of the American boy to Italy, then the one to Sirmione and Bergamo and finally the return trip to the train station. We see the actors repeatedly getting on trains or waiting at the bus shelter. The situation of public transport has not progressed much, and the inland towns of the Cremasco that do not have access to the main roads are still connected to each other by sobbing blue courier races that have offered the same service for half a century. Continuity has therefore allowed the small towns to maintain their urban and structural characteristics and made them the suitable locations for the film. The landscape of Montodine is the typical Cremasca countryside, mainly characterized by agricultural activity. The constituent elements of the landscape are substantially the Adda and Serio rivers. After crossing the Municipality, the Serio River flows into the Adda al Boccaserio.

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Montodine, a rural town, contains some farmhouses that have preserved architecture of past centuries; walking through the streets of the town, you will meet an example located in via Fadini. The construction is probably from the seventeenth century and still maintains the structure of the Cremasca farmhouse, characterized by the presence of the stable, the barn above and the house next to it. Another important symbol of Montodine is the monumental Palazzo Benvenuti and its Tower. The building is located near the bridge over the Serio river. It was presumably built in two phases. It looks like a country residence, equipped with a tower built in 1646 by Gerolamo Benvenuti (aristocratic family from Montodine). The building stands on its seven floors, including the attic. It was built and then remodeled in different eras until the complete renovation of 1803. On the death of the last descendant of the Benvenuti, the palace was given to the parish. The time has come to say goodbye. We hope you enjoyed the dual itinerary in the lands of “Call me by your Name”. For the return we recommend an alternative itinerary which, without lengthening the road, will lead you to a particular place: San Donato farmhouse. Follow the directions on the map we have provided you. S. Donato is a farmhouse built in the 15th century by the Benvenuti. It is dominated by an ancient tower and flanked by a small recently restored church club. It is said that in 1680 an epidemic broke out in Moscazzano, and it caused the death of many children. Tradition says that they were buried where today there is the Cappella dei Murtì: in fact, excavations conducted in the 1920s around the church brought to light small human remains.

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The itinerary starts from “Laghetto dei Riflessi” in Ricengo

Altri itinerari territorio

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Da Vinci in the Country Side

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Places of Worship

Crema, Italy: places to visit in the Lombardy town of Crema

Photo of Crema

Visit Crema

The town of Crema is situated in the centre of the Lombardy region of northern Italy, about 40 kilometres east of Milan . Although it is not a major Lombardy tourist destination it has several sights of interest so find the time to visit when you are nearby.

Explore Crema

The interesting heart of Crema old town is based around the Piazza del Duomo, and it is here that you can find the most important buildings, both civic and religious, such as the cathedral, the Praetorian Palace, the Municipal Palace and the Renaissance “Torrazzo”.

Old houses on Piazza Duomo in Crema

The cathedral in Crema, which dates back to 1341, is in the Gothic-Lombard style and a work of the Masters of Como.

Inside the cathedral there are paintings by Guido Reni (1575-1642, a Baroque painter and apprentice of the Flemish painter Denys Calvaert [1540-1619] and by Carracci (from a family of Bolognese painters, active between the 16th and 17th century), while another important artist in the cathedral is Vincenzo Civerchio (1470-c.1544)

Also close to here you can see the Praetorian Palace attached to the 14th-century tower and bearing a bas-relief of the Lion of San Marco, and the Town Hall , which is an elegant renaissance building from 1525 with a portico, a double row of windows in the Venetian style and some coats of arms of the old podesta (high-ranking officials).


There are numerous churches in Crema that deserve to be mentioned and which contain frescoes of some importance. These include:

  • the Church of SS. Trinity on Via XX Settembre,
  • Our Lady of Grace on Via Seminario,
  • Saint Giovanni Battista on Via Matteotti and
  • the Church of Saint Benedict on Piazza Garibaldi

As you explore the old town in Crema you will discover historical small streets and cobbled squares framed by numerous palaces, as well as the Teatro San Domenico , housed in a former church and attached to the Convent of San Domenico.

It is also interesting to see the circular sanctuary of Santa Maria della Croce , a famous work by Bramante (1444-1514) that dates from 1493.

street leading to the cathedral

Crema Museum

Be sure to visit the Civic Museum in Crema in the former Convent of Saint Augustine and divided into several sections, including an Archaeological section with an extraordinary collection of vessels thought to be from the early Middle Ages and recovered from the shores of the Adda and Oglio Rivers.

The Art Gallery is also interesting and has many important works by local painters with a broad overview of the major artists from Crema over the course of several centuries, with important works from the 15th and 16th century; frescoes from the church of San Domenico, the former chapel built to the ex Monastery of Dovera; works by Vincenzo Civerchio and frescoes by A. Buso, a local 16th century painter.

The 16th century is represented mainly by the "Nativity" by Tommaso Luini, called the “Caravaggino” (1601-1636), so called for his style which reflects that of Caravaggio and a "Holy Family" by Carlo Urbino (1525-1585), a local painter in the Mannerist style. Some evidence of the Saint Augustine Church, once annexed to the convent of Crema but no longer existing is also exhibited including three altarpieces.

The collection also exhibits some modern and contemporary art, with particular focus on artists from Crema and region.

Rotunda of santa maria della croce

Events and leisure in Crema

In Crema you also have the chance to get close to local traditions as the city, for several years, has launched a series of important events during the year; in particular the “Purification of Mary” celebrated in February with an event called the “Feast of the Ceriola”.

Close to Crema in the village of Saint Mary of the Cross there is a fair in late March each year. From December to the last week of January it is also possible to visit the “Nativity of Sabbioni”, while in June the town celebrates the Feast of Saint Pantaleone, the patron saint of the city and the Diocese of Crema.

Food lovers can visit in mid-August for the so-called "Tortellata Cremasca", where you can taste typical local dishes such as “Tortelli Cremaschi”, consisting of ravioli filled with raisins and amaretto. Among other dishes, the so-called "Salva con le Tighe", where "salva" is a typical cheese of the area of Crema and Lodi, while "Tighe" is a local variety of peppers. Also to enjoy is the “Spongarda”, a typical sweet of the city.

See also history of Crema

You can find more local travel ideas in and the Lombardy guide .

See also Find Crema hotels

Map of Crema and places to visit

Crema places to visit.


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Crema, Italy

12 Best Things to Do in Crema, Italy

Crema is a beautiful town in the Po Valley, where you can still find rich testimonies of history and medieval art, admirable in its beautiful old town. Ordered and quiet, it is a perfect destination for those who want a vacation with a slow pace, with its charming location around the river Serio and its elegant and peaceful atmosphere.

Crema has also been a protagonist in the cinema: the city, in fact, was chosen as the location for the film Call me by your name by Luca Guadagnino, winner of an Oscar and candidate for a total of four statuettes.

Santa Maria della Croce

Crema, Santa Maria della Croce.

One of the most iconic places in Crema is undoubtedly the sanctuary of Santa Maria della Croce, located about one kilometer from the train station. Its origins are linked to a miracle of the Madonna with gruesome implications. The sanctuary was built in the place where, according to the legend, Caterina degli Uberti, a member of a wealthy family of Crema, died at the hands of her husband, a bandit from Bergamo. After the apparition of the Madonna to whom she had turned in prayer, the woman managed to survive long enough to receive the sacraments and die in her city. A cross was placed on the apparition site, and, later, the Sanctuary was built.

Porta Serio

Porta Serio, Crema

Porta Serio was part of the ancient city walls, rebuilt for the first time at the end of the 12th century. The current appearance of this structure, however, is due to several renovations over the centuries. There is news of one that took place in the second half of the seventeenth century. During the nineteenth century were instead demolished walls, when Crema was declared an open city, but Porta Serio and Porta Ombriano were kept standing. However, their appearance was decadent, so it was necessary to remake them in neoclassical style.

Porta Serio presents on the outside two high columns in Ionic order that define the great archway through which one enters the city. Above it, there is a large aedicule with a triangular tympanum. The entire upper part of Porta Serio is studded with statues. Externally they represent Italy and France, while those placed towards the inside, in Carrara marble, represent warriors in military clothing.

Piazza Garibaldi

Piazza Garibaldi, Crema, Italy

After passing through Porta Serio, we find ourselves in Piazza Garibaldi, the first square in the historic center of Crema that we pass on our way. Its aspect is clean and modern, thanks to a substantial renovation made in recent years. On a large base in stone and cement stands the statue of Giuseppe Garibaldi in a small traffic circle. In the background, instead, a series of houses with pastel-colored façades guide the eye towards via Giuseppe Mazzini, one of Cremasque’s shopping streets.

Church of Saint Benedict (Crema)

Chiesa di San Benedetto

The church of San Benedetto also overlooks Piazza Garibaldi and, with the low buildings that surround it, creates a view that seems to be stopped in time.

The church of San Benedetto is a great representative of the baroque style in the city and was built in the seventeenth century on a project by Francesco Maria Richini. There was already another church connected to a monastery in the same place, dating back to the end of the eleventh century. Entering the church of San Benedetto, it is still possible to see some traces of this first construction: parts of the cloister are visible in the iemal chapel and parts of frescoes along the left wall of the church.

Civic Museum of Crema

Museo Civico di Crema

Our visit among the things to see in Crema continues, and we pass by the Civic Museum of Crema. What also strikes us is its location, the ancient convent of Sant’Agostino, built in the first half of the 15th century for Augustinian friars. This was a confraternity that was very dedicated to culture, so much so that there was also a well-stocked library here in ancient times.

The structure of the ex-convent of Sant’Agostino in which the civic museum of Crema and the Cremasque is located had two cloisters on which rose the various rooms among which there is the most particular one, that is the refectory today known as Pietro da Cemmo’s room, endowed with rich frescos of the beginning of the 16th century rediscovered in 1953 under a thick layer of plaster. The phytomorphic scenes on the ceiling and the sides of the refectory are accompanied by the Crucifixion and the Last Supper on the short sides of the room.

After the Napoleonic repression, the convent was transformed into a barracks that first housed French soldiers, then Hapsburg soldiers, and finally soldiers of the Kingdom of Italy, who remained here until 1945. During these centuries, several changes were made to the structure, including, in 1830, the total demolition of the church attached to the convent. At the end of World War II, this space was used to give hospitality to the poor, and from 1959 onwards, numerous restorations were carried out that led it to become a cultural center, with a museum and library. In 1959 the civic museum of Crema and the Cremasque was officially born, and it opened its doors in 1963.

Terni Bondenti Palace

Palazzo Terni Bondenti

The next palace we come across is the Terni Bondenti palace that dates back to the late seventeenth century. It was Count Nicolò Maria Bondenti who had it built to show his power after he obtained the title of count in 1682.

Palazzo Terni Bondenti took the place of other much more modest palaces and a house belonging to the counts Premoli. In fact, Count Bondenti died before the palace was finished, and so in 1737, the works were officially interrupted and then resumed by the subsequent noble families who acquired the property of the palace.

Saint Giacomo Maggiore

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The next stop to see in Crema is the church of San Giacomo. It is a narrow building behind which rises the bell tower with a spire on top. The church was originally built in the thirteenth century but immediately underwent several phases of reconstruction. The current appearance derives from the Baroque revision made in the eighteenth century.

The facade is marked by four pilasters, divided into three orders by large frames and surmounted by the curvilinear tympanum. Intermediate spaces are distributed on a single hall with six side chapels. In the apse, above the wooden benches, a large canvas tells the story of St. James preaching in Judea. In addition to the rich paintings produced since the sixteenth century, noteworthy is the Renaissance baptismal font dating back to 1539 and placed in front of the altar of the first chapel on the left.

Oratorio di San Giovanni Battista (Crema)

Oratorio di San Giovanni Battista (Crema)

Along our walk-in Crema, we take via Giacomo Matteotti, overlooked by the oratory of San Giovanni Battista, built between 1583 and 1584. The simple and linear style of its Renaissance façade is composed of a large tympanum supported by Corinthian pilasters.

The entrance of the oratory of San Giovanni Battista is composed of a massive marble door surmounted by a large rectangular window that illuminates the interior. Entering the small oratory, there is a single nave closed by barrel vaults. What makes these spaces special are the seventeenth-century frescoes by Giacomo Barbelli, representing works of corporal mercy.

The oratory of San Giovanni Battista is finally completed by the bell tower closed by mullioned windows and a polygonal spire.

Piazza Trento e Trieste

Let’s proceed to Piazza Trento e Trieste, a small square with several monuments and historical buildings.

In fact, on its square, the building that housed the Austro-Hungarian market, characterized by a beautiful loggia, the church of San Domenico, which now houses a theater, the palace Benzoni – Donati and, in the center, the monument to the fallen of Cremona.

Teatro San Domenico

Teatro San Domenico

The eastern side of Piazza Trento e Trieste is instead occupied by the former church of San Domenico with its facade in Lombard Gothic style. In the second half of the 15th century, the building was erected based on a previous chapel of 1332 dedicated to San Pietro Martire and some houses.

Over the centuries, these spaces were modified and enlarged with the addition of a convent. At the end of the eighteenth and during the nineteenth century, after requisitioning the spaces, the French troops turned them into barracks, and the church was used as a cavalry. In this period, other structural changes were also made to make the best use of the spaces. The side walls were raised to obtain a larger space, and the total width was enlarged with structural works.

In 1899 the municipality of Crema took possession of the former church of San Domenico. It made further transformations to use the convent for different purposes, from a workroom to an elementary school, from a military hospital to a covered market. In 1943 the podestà of Crema gave the structure to a private individual, who turned it into a cinema theatre and transformed the building into a small house for the custodian. This caused bitter discussions about the use of the church, but after a period in which it was used as a gymnasium, it returned to being a space open to the public in the form of a theater.

In the nineties, huge works of restructuring and safety and recovery of works of art and frescoes inside were implemented. Since 1999, the seat of the theater of San Domenico shows off the particular decorations in brick, some of which date back to the church’s original structure. This theater is the main city theater in Crema.

Palazzo Benzoni – Donati

Palazzo Benzoni – Donati, Crema

The history of Palazzo Benzoni Donati dates back to the beginning of the 16th century, when Socino Benzoni, a descendant of the family that had governed Crema a century before, took over the property. Socino Benzoni was famous in Crema and the surrounding territories for his great military skills and as a mediator, so much so that it is thought to have been instrumental in saving the city from destruction by the French army, mediating directly with King Louis XII. In fact, the king was hosted by Socino Benzoni inside this building on the nights of 27 and 28 June 1509. The palace passed in property to Socino’s sons and then to his nephews. Paola Benzoni had three children among which, in 1579, Francesco Bernardino Visconti, who in Manzoni’s novel Promessi Sposi (The Betrothed) will be indicated as the Innominato. This character, who lived in the Duchy of Milan, sought refuge in his mother’s house many times, therefore right inside Benzoni Donati’s palace.

Piazza del Duomo

Piazza Duomo, Crema, Italy.

Here we are in the main square of Crema, Piazza del Duomo, where our tour of the historic center ends. This square is part of the oldest part of the city and dates back to the fifteenth century when it was created under Venetian rule. Many historical buildings overlook it, such as the Torrazzo of Crema, the city cathedral, the town hall, the Praetorian Palace and its tower, and the bishop’s palace. The southernmost side of the square has a series of houses with porticoes between which there are small covered passages that testify to the ancient accesses to the fortified heart of the city of Crema.

How to Get to Crema

Arriving in Crema is very easy because the town is only an hour’s drive from both Milan and Bergamo and can be easily reached by train from all over Italy. As for the airports, the closest are Linate, Malpensa, and Orio al Serio, but also those of Brescia and Verona are well connected to the city by shuttle bus services.

crema tourist office

My name is Francesca Pascale, and I am a travel expert in Italy. With a passion for exploring the rich history and diverse culture of my country, I have spent years traveling the length and breadth of Italy to discover its hidden gems, must-see attractions, and off-the-beaten-path destinations.

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C apital of music from the Violin Museum to the Auditorium and UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. In the square, medieval architecture. At the table, the unmistakable torrone

Patron saint.

October, 1441. In Cremona, the marriage of Bianca Maria Visconti and Francesco Sforza is celebrated. Among the gifts, a historic mix of egg whites, honey and almonds. The Torrone is born.

Come November, the adored local sweet gets its time in the spotlight with a special festival. At the unique event, booths and banks are adorned with the specialty among below the Torrazzo tower and medieval architecture. The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta , affectionately referred to as the Sistine Chapel of the Po Valley by critic Longhi, enchants with stunning frescoes. The Loggia dei Militi with its 14th century statues has always been a place to chat and come together.

Dotting the various small alleys of the city, are over 150 ateliers crafting violins and other stringed instruments. Following the techniques passed down for generations, this precise art has garnered the city recognition with UNESCO as a World Intangible World Heritage . To preserve it all is the Violin Museum , conserving the violins of the Amati , Guarneri , and the Stradivari . Listen to one of the historic instruments in the Auditorium Giovanni Arvedi designed by acoustics master Yasuhisa Toyota, where the scooped space will have you feeling like you’re in the instrument.

Do not miss the visit to the Civic Museum Ala Ponzone and the more hidden side of the Roman Cremona, enclosed between the aisles of the Archaeological Museum , told by the restored domus of the Nymphaeum, with paintings and mosaic fragments.

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Corso v.emanuele ii, 52, cremona.

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Appartamento romantico in cremona.


















































How to arrive

BY PLANE Milano Malpensa 155 km, Linate 100 km, Orio al Serio 98 km


BY CAR Autostrada A21

How to move




INFOPOINT CREMONA Piazza del Comune, 5, Cremona T. +39 0372 407081

WIFI WiFi Area Linea Com


Useful numbers


HOSPITAL Ospedale di Cremona Largo Priori, 1 T. +39 0372 4051

POLICE Comando Provinciale Cremona Viale Trento e Trieste, 58 T. + 39 0372 5581

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My Italian Diaries

One day in Cremona: things to see and do

Get ready to tune into the musical history of Cremona, home to the world-renowned Stradivarius violins and delicious torrone.

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Table of Contents

If you’re looking for a side trip from Milan, Cremona offers so many interesting things to see and do for a lovely day trip away from big tourist crowds. It’s a delightful town renowned for its violin-making tradition  and delicious torrone – as well as for being the birthplace of fashion blogger Chiara Ferragni !


Cremona is only a one-hour train ride from Milan , at the borders with the Emilia Romagna region. It is one of those places that don’t receive a lot of attention, but once you discover it, it makes you stand in awe. Let me show you why…

1. An extraordinary violin-making tradition

Cremona boasts an ancient violin-making tradition that was included in the Unesco Heritage list in 2012. World-renowned violin maker Antonio Stradivari was born here and some of his masterpieces can be found at the Violin Museum , one of Cremona’s key attractions. The streets are dotted with workshops where local luthiers still realize violins completely by hand . Watching them at work with such skill and passion is truly fascinating.


2. The “Sistine Chapel of the north”

Cremona’s monumental Cathedral  can easily be considered one of the most stunning religious buildings in northern Italy. Its stunning facade with rows of arcades and sculptures reminded me that of the Certosa di Pavia .


3. Elegant palaces and ancient churches

Take the time to stroll around the quiet streets of Cremona and browse the elegant palaces that punctuate the town center, like Palazzo Cittanova and Palazzo Trecchi . These used to be the home of local noble families and the seat of the local council. You will also find some interesting churches, like the Church of Saint Augustine , housing a splendid painting by Perugino, and the tiny Church of S. Omobono , named after the local patron saint, featuring a simple facade that hides some spectacular frescoes.

4. A fantastic culinary experience

Foodies will be spoilt for choice in Cremona, with some pretty unique dishes. The king of local tables is the gran bollito , a dish made with different types of boiled meats and served with mostarda cremonese , a special spicy-sweet condiment that contains a mix of large chunks of fruits preserved in a mustard syrup. Other traditional products include Salame Cremona IGP (a particular type of salami seasoned with crushed garlic and spices) and tasty cheeses such as Provolone Valpadana and Salva Cremasco .

Torrone , a nougat made of toasted almonds and honey, is the most popular sweet in town (and a traditional Christmas treat in Italy), but if you love chocolate, then you should really try pan cremona , a spongy cake with a sweet almond flavor covered with dark chocolate.



Cremona can be easily reached either by train and car. There is plenty of parking, but I found the free parking space at the train station (“Parking Ex Tranvie”) particularly handy; it’s only 10-minute walk to the town center Your first stop should be the tourist office located under the porticoes of Piazza del Comune , where you can grab a map and get information about guided tours and combined entrance tickets for discounted admissions The Violin Museum often organizes concerts and special event, check out its website before your visit Join one of the tours organized by the Consortium of Violinmakers “Antonio Stradivari” to visit a selection of artisan workshops One of the top months in the local calendar is November, when Cremona celebrates the Torrone Festival

Until next time,

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1 thought on “one day in cremona: things to see and do”.

I’ve yet to visit Cremona, but it looks like an Italian town I’d love to see. The town centre and those incredible churches remind me of the same in Vicenza, I just love the baroque architecture! Will surely remember Cremona now 🙂

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An Italian travel writer in love with my country. Having travelled widely across the globe, I realized there was more to explore closer to home. My Italian Diaries is the place where I share itineraries, activities and off-the-beaten-path places to help you experience the best of Italy like a local!

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Crema Italy: A Journey to the Ethereal Town of Call Me By Your Name

Journey to somewhere in northern Italy and explore the ethereal town of Call Me By Your Name with me: Crema Italy. Walk in Elio and Oliver’s footsteps as I share all of the filming locations and other hidden gems in my dreamy trip to Northern Italy. #italytravel #callmebyyourname #visititaly #italytravelguide #travellingitaly #timotheechalamet

Two summers ago, I came across a film that truly resonated with me. This particular movie had seen a lot of awards buzz, but I had sorely overlooked it at the time. And I fell in love. Call Me By Your Name painted an ethereal picture of a place untouched by time or tourism.

Elio and Oliver’s love story was nothing short of enthralling, and the setting of the film was understated yet like something straight out of a fairytale. Country lanes lined with cypress trees, sidewalk cafes in front of soaring churches, a timeless place where bicycles are the primary form of transportation. It was everything I wasn’t expecting Italy to look like. Crema took me off guard in the absolute best way.

I knew that after getting a lingering taste of Northern Italy through the film that I had to see the real place for myself. So, I journeyed across the world to the enchanting town of Call Me By Your Name : Crema.

Journey to somewhere in northern Italy and explore the ethereal town of Call Me By Your Name with me: Crema Italy. Walk in Elio and Oliver’s footsteps as I share all of the filming locations and other hidden gems in my dreamy trip to Northern Italy. #italytravel #callmebyyourname #visititaly #italytravelguide #travellingitaly #timotheechalamet

Just a few short train rides from Milan, Crema is located in Italy’s scenic Lombardy region in the shadow of the Alps. The first thing you see when you step off the train is the all-too-familiar train station where Emilio and Oliver bade their farewells. A short walk through a city park and a few charming cobblestone streets lead me to a place that left me with a subtle yet magnetic sense of deja vu. I was standing where it all began—in the square where Emilio and Oliver sat chatting over coffee at a nondescript but charming cafe. It is so strange to be in a place that you feel like you’ve been to before but are truly seeing with fresh eyes for the first time.

To say that Crema is even more charming in person is a gross understatement. Crema is everything you would imagine an authentic Italian town to be. Filled with kind locals, beautiful historic buildings with pink flower boxes in the windows and something more intangible that’s a little harder to put my finger on. It takes a lot for a place to captivate me, but that little square in Crema did just that. There is a true peace and a warmth about those golden facades and cobblestone streets.

Journey to somewhere in northern Italy and explore the ethereal town of Call Me By Your Name with me: Crema Italy. Walk in Elio and Oliver’s footsteps as I share all of the filming locations and other hidden gems in my dreamy trip to Northern Italy. #italytravel #callmebyyourname #visititaly #italytravelguide #travellingitaly #timotheechalamet

Crema is a slice of Italy that needs to be seen to be believed. Since this little town is such a hidden gem, I thought I’d approach this guide a little differently than I typically do by sharing more imagery mixed in with a few recommendations and filming locations. Here are my top places to see in Crema as featured in Call Me By Your Name (and a few that I discovered on my own):

Highlights of Crema

  • Piazza del Duomo (pictured above: where Elio and Oliver meet over drinks) (square)
  • Duomo (where Marta meets Elio) (church)
  • Laghetto dei Riflessi (where Marta and Elio go for a swim) (lake)
  • Basilica Santa Maria della Croce (church)
  • Chiesa della Santissima Trinita’ (church)
  • Palazzo Bodenti Terni de Gregory (church)
  • Santuario di Santa Maria delle Grazie (church)
  • Botero (Michelin-star restaurant)
  • Crema Train Station

Journey to somewhere in northern Italy and explore the ethereal town of Call Me By Your Name with me: Crema Italy. Walk in Elio and Oliver’s footsteps as I share all of the filming locations and other hidden gems in my dreamy trip to Northern Italy. #italytravel #callmebyyourname #visititaly #italytravelguide #travellingitaly #timotheechalamet

Northern Italy is also home to other captivating scenes from Call Me By Your Name. You can easily visit Crema’s neighboring towns of Moscazanno and Pandini as well as Lake Garda, where smaller scenes were filmed, on any Northern Italy trip.

Call Me By Your Name Filming Locations

  • Sirmione on Lake Garda (Archaelogical Trip Scenes)
  • Villa Albergoni in Moscazanno (Perlmann Family Home)
  • Piazza Gambazocchi in Moscazanno (Card Game Scene)
  • Bar Belvedere in Moscazanno (Elio + Marta Reconciliation Scene)
  • Piazza Vittorio Emanuele III in Pandini (“Speak or Die” Scene)
  • Fontanile Quarantina in Capralba (Oliver’s “Special Place” Scene)
  • Cascina San Giorgio (Il Duce Scene)
  • Church of Montodine (Where Elio and Oliver leave for Bergamo)
  • Le Cascate del Serio (Waterfall Scene)
  • Hotel Agnello d’Oro (Pension in Bergamo)

Journey to somewhere in northern Italy and explore the ethereal town of Call Me By Your Name with me: Crema Italy. Walk in Elio and Oliver’s footsteps as I share all of the filming locations and other hidden gems in my dreamy trip to Northern Italy. #italytravel #callmebyyourname #visititaly #italytravelguide #travellingitaly #timotheechalamet

“Call me by your name and I’ll call you by mine.”

Journey to somewhere in northern Italy and explore the ethereal town of Call Me By Your Name with me: Crema Italy. Walk in Elio and Oliver’s footsteps as I share all of the filming locations and other hidden gems in my dreamy trip to Northern Italy. #italytravel #callmebyyourname #visititaly #italytravelguide #travellingitaly #timotheechalamet

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Burma (Myanmar) Travel Advisory

Travel advisory june 6, 2024, burma (myanmar) - level 4: do not travel.

Updated Country Summary, to include information about implementation of a conscription law, and changes to the “ If you decide to travel to Burma” section.

Do not travel to Burma due to  civil unrest, armed conflict, and arbitrary enforcement of local laws . Reconsider travel to Burma due to  limited and/or inadequate healthcare and emergency medical resources, and areas with land mines and unexploded ordnances . Exercise increased caution due to  wrongful detentions .

COUNTRY SUMMARY:  The Burma military regime detained and deposed elected government officials in a February 2021 coup d'état. Protests and demonstrations against military rule continue, often on significant dates. The military has responded to those protests by  arbitrarily detaining individuals  and with the indiscriminate use of deadly force against protesters and bystanders.

The Department of State has determined that the  risk of wrongful detention  of U.S. nationals by the military regime exists.

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in Burma due to security concerns amidst the ongoing armed conflict. This may be of particular concern to crime victims outside of Rangoon.

To mitigate safety and security risks, U.S. government employees’ dependents, under the age of 21, cannot reside in Burma with their U.S. government parent assigned to work in Burma.

Civil unrest and armed conflict  occur throughout Burma. The level of civil unrest and armed conflict varies significantly between and within states and regions and may change at any time.

Civil unrest and armed violence due to fighting between the military regime and various ethnic groups and militias occur particularly in parts of Chin, Kachin, Kayin, Rakhine, and Shan States, as well as in Sagaing and Magway regions.

Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are used in the ongoing armed conflicts, including within the greater Rangoon area. From January to December 2023, the U.S. Embassy in Rangoon calculated an average of fifteen IEDs per month detonated against regime targets, while an average of eight unexploded IEDs were discovered and safely disposed of per month by security authorities. Outside of Rangoon, there have been IED attacks against checkpoints and other critical infrastructure.

While land mines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) exist throughout Burma , NGOs working on this issue state the greatest concerns are in Shan, Chin, and Kachin State. The locations of landmines and UXO are often not marked or otherwise unidentifiable.

The military regime  arbitrarily enforces local laws , including often detaining individuals without respect for their fair trial guarantees or other applicable rights . Foreigners, including U.S. citizens, are not excluded from this practice. U.S. citizens traveling or residing in Burma may be detained and regime authorities could deny access to U.S. consular services or information about the alleged crime.

Local law enforcement officials may detain and/or deport U.S. citizens for speaking out or protesting against the military regime, including on their personal social media accounts, and for sending private electronic messages critical of the military regime. Facebook and X (Twitter) are banned in Burma. Police have sought bribes from individuals using a virtual private network (VPN) to access social media sites even though VPN use is legal.

Burma has  limited and/or inadequate healthcare and emergency medical resources  due to critical staffing shortages in the public sector health workforce. Importation of medical supplies, including medicine, into Burma is not consistent and medical prescriptions and over-the-counter medicine may not be available.

Burma’s military conscription law was first introduced in 2010 but historically was not widely implemented. The military regime officially implemented the law in April 2024. In general, Burmese males aged 18 to 35 and Burmese females aged 18 to 27 will need to register for military service and report for duty if ordered by regime authorities. Burmese males aged 18 to 45 and Burmese females aged 18 to 35 in specific expert/professional occupations must serve if called upon by the regime. For more information, please refer to the Myanmar People’s Military Service Law (State Peace and Development Council Law No. 27/2010), also known as the Public Military Service Law. The military regime may refuse to acknowledge U.S.-Burmese dual nationals’ U.S. citizenship, prevent their departure from Burma, and/or conscript them into the military. U.S.-Burmese nationals should consider this issue before traveling to Burma.

Read the Country Information page for additional information on travel to Burma.

If you decide to travel to Burma:

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Follow the Embassy on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Follow the Embassy’s Consular Section on  Facebook .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Burma.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel. 
  • Purchase travel medical insurance that covers Burma and includes medical evacuation. 
  • Do not touch unknown metal objects and avoid traveling off well-used roads, tracks, and paths due to risk of unexploded ordnance. 
  • Keep travel documents up to date and easily accessible. 
  • Make contingency plans to leave the country. 
  • Review local laws and conditions before traveling.  
  • Review our website on Dual-Nationality . 
  • Visit our website for  High-Risk Area Travelers .   
  • Share important documents, login information, and points of contact with loved ones so that they can manage your affairs if you are unable to return as planned to the United States. 
  • Review’s Financial Preparedness webpage .
  • Develop a communication plan with family and/or your employer or host organization.
  • Erase any sensitive photos, comments, or other materials that could be considered controversial or provocative by local groups from your social media pages, cameras, laptops, and other electronic devices prior to travel.

Travel Advisory Levels

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Cabinet Office: ministerial gifts, hospitality, overseas travel and meetings, January to March 2024

Data on ministers' gifts, hospitality, their external meetings and any overseas travel.

Cabinet Office ministerial gifts, January to March 2024

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Cabinet Office ministerial hospitality, January to March 2024

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Cabinet Office ministerial meetings, January to March 2024

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Cabinet Office ministerial overseas travel, January to March 2024

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Leader of the House of Commons and Whips’ ministerial gifts, January to March 2024

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Leader of the House of Commons and Whips’ ministerial hospitality, January to March 2024

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Leader of the House of Commons and Whips’ ministerial meetings, January to March 2024

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Leader of the House of Commons and Whips’ ministerial overseas travel, January to March 2024

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Leader of the House of Lords ministerial gifts, January to March 2024

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Leader of the House of Lords ministerial hospitality, January to March 2024

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Leader of the House of Lords ministerial meetings, January to March 2024

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Leader of the House of Lords ministerial overseas travel, January to March 2024

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Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP Chequers, January to March 2024

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Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP gifts, January to March 2024

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Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP hospitality, January to March 2024

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Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP meetings, January to March 2024

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Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP official charity receptions, January to March 2024

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Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP official visits, January to March 2024

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Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP overseas travel, January to March 2024

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Cabinet Office publishes quarterly details of special advisers’ meetings with senior media figures and any gifts or hospitality they received on a quarterly basis.

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  1. Crema, Italy Tourist Information

    crema tourist office

  2. Halaveli Viaggi E Diving

    crema tourist office

  3. Crema Office Photos

    crema tourist office

  4. Crema Office Photos

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    crema tourist office

  6. 6 Best and Fun Things To Do In Crema, Italy

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  1. Crema Catalana

  2. PALOMA FORESTA RESORT & SPA 5* (Турция, Кемер)


  1. CMBYN city tour

    It was built between the 15th and 16th centuries and subsequently renovated in the 19th century. The brick facade has an impressive portal, over which you can see a balcony and an eagle, which was the symbol of the Patrini family. This is where our tour ends, but we suggest you visit the centre of Crema with its many streets and alleys full of ...

  2. Crema

    Worth a visit:- the ... The Museo Civico di Crema e del Cremasco, the Civic Museum near the former convent of Sant'Agostino, collects many archaeological, artistic and ethnographic testimonies. In 2005 a large collection of typewriters was purchased: this is because Crema, in fact, has long been the headquarters of Olivetti.

  3. A day in Crema

    A day in Crema. We recommend you start your tour of the town from Piazza Garibaldi and enjoy a pleasant walk through the wonderful streets of Crema, past its architectural treasures. The first city gate you can see is one of two still standing today. This is Porta Serio . In medieval times and then during the Venetian domination which began in ...

  4. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Crema (2024)

    1. Basilica Santa Maria della Croce. 242. Churches & Cathedrals. By ElenaS08. Difficult to get good photos of the ceiling because of the lights and windows, but definitely worth visiting if you're... 2. Centro Storico di Crema. 98.

  5. Cremona Tourist Office

    Cremona Tourist Office. Opening hours: 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m., from Monday to Friday. 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday. These are the services that we can offer: Tourist Information. At infopoint you can find all the information that you need to visit the town and its territory. We can help you to organize a tailor-made visit based ...


    Corso Garibaldi, 57. 02/01/2024 - 31/12/2024. Art & Culture. 1. 3. Planning a trip to Cremona? Discover breathtaking attractions of our region, timeless scenery and upcoming events of such an enchanting gem in the North of Italy. Find all information on #turismocremona, the Official Tourism Website for Cremona and province.

  7. THE 10 BEST Crema Sights & Historical Landmarks to Visit (2024)

    Beatiful fully pedestrianized historic center, with monuments, historical palacaces and shops. City on a human scale. 3. Duomo di Crema. 218. Points of Interest & Landmarks. By 959abigailf. A beautiful square and church to explore. The architecture is Italian brick and there are lovely stained glass windows.

  8. Crema, Italy: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024)

    What is Crema known for? Pro Loco Crema -Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica. When is the cheapest time to visit Crema? Crema Tourism: Tripadvisor has 15,799 reviews of Crema Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Crema resource.

  9. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Crema (UPDATED 2024)

    4. Piazza del Duomo. 102. Historic Sites. By alessandrofL127YD. At the top the clock built in 1555. The side overlooking street 20 september has one of the two Lions of Saint Mark... 5. Museo Civico di Crema e del Cremasco.

  10. CMBYN Country Tour

    The film shows the Po Valley and the Cremasco area. Oliver and Elio cycle to villages, woods or springs. They observe and interact with nature: they lay down on the grass, they put their feet in the springs' water. These places were tourist destinations in the past: in the 1600's noble families used to spend holidays in their country houses ...

  11. Crema, Italy: places to visit in the Lombardy town of Crema

    Crema places to visit. Soncino. The principal visitor attraction in the Lombardy town of Soncino is the Rocca Sforzesca, a 15th century medieval castle. Soncino guide. Lodi. The Piazza della Vittoria in Lodi is surrounded by medieval palaces and a cathedral and the focus of your visit to the town. Lodi guide.

  12. 12 Best Things to Do in Crema, Italy

    Oratorio di San Giovanni Battista (Crema) Along our walk-in Crema, we take via Giacomo Matteotti, overlooked by the oratory of San Giovanni Battista, built between 1583 and 1584. The simple and linear style of its Renaissance façade is composed of a large tympanum supported by Corinthian pilasters.

  13. Call Me By Your Name

    Visitors embarking on the Crema City Tour will have the opportunity to enjoy the local vibes, discover movie locations, and uncover the hidden anecdotes behind the film's shooting, all while exploring the rich history and arts of Crema.The city tour offers a chance to stroll through the picturesque streets and witness iconic movie scenes come to life.

  14. 14 Best Things to Do in Crema, Italy

    Oratory of St. John the Baptist (Crema) The Oratory of St. John the Baptist is another small masterpiece to visit. The exterior is rather severe and anonymous, while the small interior with a single nave is spectacular. Here too, are paintings by Gian Giacomo Barbelli, who in 1636 was responsible for creating the entire cycle of frescoes ...

  15. tourism cremona

    October, 1441. In Cremona, the marriage of Bianca Maria Visconti and Francesco Sforza is celebrated. Among the gifts, a historic mix of egg whites, honey and almonds. The Torrone is born. Come November, the adored local sweet gets its time in the spotlight with a special festival. At the unique event, booths and banks are adorned with the ...

  16. Crema Historic Sites & Districts to Visit (Updated 2024)

    You can still breathe a lot of the movie's spirit around here, see six or so movie locations on a short walk around the historic center, and see some real artifacts (bicycles, chairs and table) in the tourist office. Enjoy the scenery of cmbyn, enjoy Crema!

  17. One day in Cremona: things to see and do

    1. An extraordinary violin-making tradition. 2. The "Sistine Chapel of the north". 3. Elegant palaces and ancient churches. 4. A fantastic culinary experience. If you're looking for a side trip from Milan, Cremona offers so many interesting things to see and do for a lovely day trip away from big tourist crowds.

  18. Crema, Italy Tourist Information

    Crema is a town and comune in the Province of Cremona, in the region of Lombardy in northern Italy. It is built along the river Serio at 43 km from Cremona. It is also the seat of a Catholic Bishop, who gave to Crema the title of city. Crema's main economic activities traditionally relate to agriculture and cattle breeding, but Its manufactures ...

  19. Crema Italy: A Journey to the Ethereal Town of Call ...

    Crema Train Station; Northern Italy is also home to other captivating scenes from Call Me By Your Name. You can easily visit Crema's neighboring towns of Moscazanno and Pandini as well as Lake Garda, where smaller scenes were filmed, on any Northern Italy trip. Call Me By Your Name Filming Locations. Sirmione on Lake Garda (Archaelogical Trip ...

  20. Burma (Myanmar) Travel Advisory

    Updated Country Summary, to include information about implementation of a conscription law, and changes to the "If you decide to travel to Burma" section. Do not travel to Burma due to civil unrest, armed conflict, and arbitrary enforcement of local laws.Reconsider travel to Burma due to limited and/or inadequate healthcare and emergency medical resources, and areas with land mines and ...

  21. Piazza del Duomo

    Piazza del Duomo in Crema is a real historycal place. You can visit it with family and friends. You can also decide to stay for an "italian aperitivo) sitting directly in one of the place that are in the square. Have a dinner there is also really simple, you can find real characteristic restaurants in the little streets all around this place.

  22. Cabinet Office: ministerial gifts, hospitality, overseas travel and

    Cabinet Office publishes quarterly details of special advisers' meetings with senior media figures and any gifts or hospitality they received on a quarterly basis. Updates to this page Published ...

  23. All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

    Elio & Oliver Love Tour (CMBYN) The unofficial "Call Me By Your Name" movie scene location tour. Let us take you to the CMBYN filming locations in beautiful Crema, Italy and other surrounding towns that were part of Luca Guadagnino's vision in creating his timeless cinema masterpiece. Suggest edits to improve what we show.

  24. THE 10 BEST Hotels in Crema, Italy 2024 (from $87)

    18 in 45 in. Sep - Nov. $117. HIGHEST. 57º F. 37 in. WETTEST. Price trend information excludes taxes and fees and is based on base rates for a nightly stay for 2 adults found in the last 7 days on our site and averaged for commonly viewed hotels in Crema. Select dates and complete search for nightly totals inclusive of taxes and fees.