Rajmachi Trek

A Trek to the Twin Forts connecting two hill stations

rajmachi trek lonavala

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The Complete Guide to Rajmachi Trek

Rajmachi Trek is nestled in the midst of two popular hill stations – Lonavala and Karjat. The trek can be approached either via the Lonavala side or the Karjat side and offers trekkers to climb two forts starting from the same base village of Udhewadi. 

Manaranjan Fort is at 2510 feet and west-facing fort while Shriwardhan Fort at 2710 feet faces to the east.

This trek is known for the fireflies which flock to the area in the late evenings.

If you are trekking via Lonavala, the trail is much longer but easier to trek and reach the two forts. You will be trekking through mud trails along the forest section most of the way until you reach Udhewadi. 

The Kandala route starts at the caves and waterfalls of Khondane. This has a steeper climb through a forest section and joins Udhewadi village.

These forts were built by the Satavahanas but gained fame under the rule of Shivaji Maharaj, who took over the fort in the 15th century. Shivaji Maharaj fortified and expanded the fort by adding several structures within the premises. The forts have seen battles between the Marathas and the Mughals. Later in the 19th century, it was taken over by the British. 

The fort was also a popular trade route connecting present-day Mumbai and Pune

Table of Contents

Use this section here to navigate through the documentation. You will get all the information required to do this Rajmachi trek on your own.

What to watch out for

Trail information.

  • GPX File for the Rajmachi Trek
  • The best time to do the Rajmachi Trek
  • How to reach the base of the Rajmachi Trek
  • Is Rajmachi Trek Difficult
  • Permission, Water Sources, and other finer details about the trek
  • Things to Take
  • Nearby Places to Visit after the trek

1. Views from the Twin Forts of Manaranjan and Shrivardhan

The forts offer a vantage point. Starting from the north, you get to see Madan point, Dhak Bahiri, and Bhimashankar. The south side offers views of Kataldhar, Lonavala, and Karjat.

Stunning views of the valley from the forts, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, Treks near Pune, western ghats treks, Sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

Stunning Views of the valleys from the forts. Picture by Deep Thakkar.

You also get to see the valley which cuts through the Hill stations, moving ahead you will also see Valvan Dam, Tungarli Dam and also Duke’s nose at the end. You can also see the Monkey hill on the right from Shrivardhan fort.

The southeast (from your left), you get the glimpse of Kataldhar Waterfall(in Monsoons), the twin hill stations of Lonavala and Khandala. 

2. Trekking through the rich flora and fauna of the Karjat and Khandala forests

The trek is filled with rich flora and fauna. The forests are home to many birds, lizards, and insects. There are instances of the sighting of the mighty leopards in this forest belt. 

You won’t be disappointed choosing either the Lonavala side or the Karjat side. The trail involves trekking through thick forest land covered with trees on both sides of the valley. 

3. A Trek for stargazing and for the views of Sunrise

Since the trek is on the outskirts of Mumbai and Pune, you get to witness clear night skies. The Rajmachi Trek is one of the best treks to camp and witness stars twinkling in the night sky. The trek can be extended as a 2-day trek. You can plan of starting from one side and finish at the other end as well.

 Sunrise from the top, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, Treks near Pune, western ghats treks, Sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

Sunrise from the top of the fort. Picture by Deep Thakkar

The trek is also beautiful to witness the sunrise. If you are camping on the trek, do not miss the views from the fort when the dawn is about to hit with spectacular colors.

4. The Magical sight of Fireflies during the Pre-Monsoon season

Rajmachi trek is famous for the sightings of fireflies. You will be transported into a magical world with these beetles glowing post-sunset.

Fireflies, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, Treks near Pune, western ghats treks, Sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

A long exposure shot of the fireflies flying during late evening/dusk. Picture by Deep Thakkar

Time your trek well. You will see this beautiful spectacle of bioluminescence in abundance just before the monsoon season. 

The base of the trek starts from Udhewadi, a village in the Pune district of Maharashtra. 

To reach Udhewadi, you can trek via two routes. Both the routes have their own distinctive highlights which are covered in the detailed description. 

  • Trek from Lonavala to Udhewadi
  • Trail from Karjat to Udhewadi

From Udhewadi, the trek can be divided into three sections:

  • Udhewadi Village to Bhairavnath Temple
  • Climb to Manranjan Fort and back to the Bhairavnath temple
  • Climb to the Shriwardhan and back to the base

Route Map, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, treks near Pune, western ghats treks, sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

Route Map of the Rajmachi Fort Trek. Screenshot on Google Earth Pro.

Trail I:  Tungarali Dam  to  Udhewadi  (Lonavala Route)

Trek Distance:  24.2 Kilometres (Two Way) Trek Duration:  11 to 12 hours GPS Coordinates of Tungarali Dam:  18°46’33.4″N 73°24’29.1″E GPS Coordinates of Udhewadi/Base of the trek:  18°49’32.6″N 73°23’41.4″E

Trekkers starting from the Lonavala route can hire an auto-rickshaw from Lonavala station or walk around 3 km to reach the start point of Tungarali. This will take about 30 to 40 minutes. Fill your water bottles here. This is the only source until the base village if you are not trekking during the monsoon season. 

There is an alternate option of driving in four-wheelers, jeeps, and off-road bikes until the base of the trek of Udhewadi. Many take this easier option to reach all the way to Udhewadi.  PROTIP : During the monsoon season, the roads can be very tricky to ride or drive. Off-road vehicles are best to be used if you are planning to drive. Do not take your normal bike or car. If you are trekking, then you don’t have to be too worried. You can start the trek until where the road is accessible by Autos or tumtums.

You need to start moving towards the North West from the dam. The trail takes you through the concrete road which turns into a mix of mud and gravel prone trail once the Dam ends. 

Keep walking on the trail. You will first cross Nandgaon Village and you need to keep moving till you reach Captain’s Resort. Turn left on the trail which goes to Valvand and later towards Udhewadi which is your base camp/village of Rajmachi.

Trail from a distance, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, Treks near Pune, western ghats treks, Sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

Trail from a distance. Picture by Mandar B

Do not take the trail to the right, this leads to another trek of Dhak Bahiri.

Once you cross the next village of Fanasrai, you will be entering into the Shirota forest. The forests of Shirota are known for a wide variety of fauna and flora. It is a thrill to just trek inside this forest section. 

You will also be accompanied by many species of birds, insects, and reptiles. There have also been instances of leopard sightings on this trail. So be careful and pay attention when trekking in this forest section. 

The trail is rich with flora. You will spot lots of tamarind trees, mango groves around the periphery of the forest. The trail is straight forward till you reach the Valvand Village Road Fork. 

You will see a signboard here and come across two trails. Take the  left trail  for Udhewadi.   The trail on the right will take us to another trek which is Shirota Lake at Valvand Village.

From the Valvand Fork, continue your trek on the left. The trail goes through a bit of up and down throughout. You will see streams flowing if you are trekking just after the monsoon season.  PROTIP : If you are trekking during the monsoon season and if rains are heavy, the stream can be overflowing. So do not go trekking solo during the monsoon season. It is easier to cross the stream as a team compared to as an individual.

 View of Shriwardhan fort, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, Treks near Pune, western ghats treks, Sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

View of Shriwardhan fort. Picture by Deep Thakkar

Once the stream is at your back, you come to see a small bridge and the trail starts to climb up gradually. You will now enter the plateau from where the first glimpse of Shrivardhan fort looms in front of you. 

Keep Shrivardhan fort on your right, follow the trail till you see the Udhewadi Village. You will see the signboard with the forest entrance fees mentioned. You have now reached the base of your trek, Udhewadi. 

Trail II:  Kondiwade Village  to  Udhewadi

Trek Distance:  10 kilometers (Two way) Trek Duration:  5 to 6 hours GPS Coordinates of Kondiwade Village:  18°51’44.8″N 73°22’36.1″E GPS Coordinates of Udhewadi/Base of the trek:  18°49’32.6″N 73°23’41.4″E

For the trail from the Karjat side, you have to reach Kondiwade village to start your trek. 

Once you reach the Karjat Railway Station, go towards the west side of Karjat. You can take an auto or a Tumtum (Six Seater) to the Kondivade Village which is 13 to 14 km from Karjat. Once you reach Kondiwade Village, keep walking till the outskirts of the Kondiwade village. 

You will find Gupta’s Emu Park on the left with the signboard. Cross the park and there is a trail on the left which climbs gradually.  PROTIP : Follow the trail on the left. If you are not sure, you can talk with local villagers and get the direction.

Once you start on the trail, you will find a stream running on to your right side. The route goes along the stream which flows from Kondhane Waterfall. This is one of the tributaries for Ulhas River in the monsoons. 

You will find lots of Maple trees and many tamarind trees through the forests.

Keep walking on the trail. There are markings with white arrows on a few specific points. After hiking for 2 hours you will come across the Kondhane Caves. 

Spend some time here exploring the ancient Buddhist Caves. It is made up of 16 caves and was excavated during the first century BC.

Buddhist caves, Kondhane, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, Treks near Pune, western ghats treks, Sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

The Marvelous Buddhist caves of Kondhane. Picture by Deep Thakkar

In the monsoon season, you will see the water flowing from above the top of the caves. The streams from here feed the Ulhas River in the monsoons.

After spending some time at the caves, it’s time to move towards the Rajmachi trail. You will notice a small trail on the right of caves that you need to take. 

Walk on the trail till you find a signboard saying Rajmachi with the arrow mark. Keep walking on the marked trail and don’t change the trail as you would see the white arrow marks throughout the route.

Ulhas river from the Kondiwade Village, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, Treks near Pune, western ghats treks, Sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

View of the Ulhas River when trekking from the Kondiwade Village. Picture by Deep Thakkar

Once you reach the top of the hill, you can see the Ulhas River with the view of the mountains in the front. The route turns gradual from here onwards and it will take 35 to 45 minutes to reach your base village of Udhewadi.

Section I:   Udhewadi  to  Bhairavnath Temple

Trek Distance:  540 meters Trek Duration:  15 to 20 minutes GPS Coordinates of Udhewadi:  18°49’32.6″N 73°23’41.4″E GPS Coordinates of Bhairavnath Temple:  18°49’45.4″N 73°23’50.3″E

From Udhewadi, you need to now trek towards the trail which goes out of the village. If you were trekking from the Lonavala route, you would have seen this forest hut forest. 

Trek in the direction of the Lonavala route until you spot a trail gradually climbing upwards on the left. 

The trail is pretty straight forward with an entrance board set as well. You will see the map of the forts and information on Rajmachi on this information board. 

Now your trail leads you to a concrete road. This will take you to the Bhairavnath Temple where the two forts will be accessible.

Section II:  Bhairavnath Temple  to  Manaranjan Fort and Back

Trek Distance:  1.4 kilometers Trek Duration:  45 minutes GPS Coordinates of Udhewadi:  18°49’32.6″N 73°23’41.4″E GPS Coordinates of Manaranjan Fort:  18°49’53.7″N 73°23’41.1″E

The trek to Manaranjan starts from behind the temple. It is a straightforward mud trail all the way to the top of the fort.

Manaranjan Fort, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, Treks near Pune, western ghats treks, Sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

View from Manaranjan Fort. Picture by Deep Thakkar

Section III:  Udhewadi  to  Shriwardhan Fort

Trek Distance:  1.6 kilometers Trek Duration:  50 minutes GPS Coordinates of Udhewadi:  18°49’32.6″N 73°23’41.4″E GPS Coordinates of Shriwardhan Fort:  18°49’45.4″N 73°23’50.3″E

Trekking to the Shriwardhan is even simpler. You have the concrete steps leading most part of the trek. The last section has a mix of mud and rock-cut steps.

Monsoon view, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, Treks near Pune, western ghats treks, Sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

Mountains in monsoons look refreshing. Picture by Mandar B

You can view the Madan point in the front, followed by ranges of Dhak Bahiri (on the left of Madan point), Bhivpuri mountains known for many waterfalls. The view of the Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary is also something to witness from the top. 

View from Shriwardhan Fort, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, Treks near Pune, western ghats treks, Sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

180 Degree view from the top of Shriwardhan Fort - Google Street View. Picture courtesy Deep Thakkar

In this fort, you can explore a water reservoir and another temple near the reservoir. You can explore around for about half an hour. There is also a small route that goes to a clearing which can be used as a camping space. 

Shiva temple, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, Treks near Pune, western ghats treks, Sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

Hemadpanti style Shiva Temple located near the water reservoir. Picture by Deep Thakkar

Best Time to do the Rajmachi Trek

Rajmachi Trek can be done in multiple seasons. Like most treks, the benefits and charm change based on the month that you are trekking. Here are the details of what you will be seeing during these months of trekking.

The months of May, June is the best time to witness fireflies on the trek. These beetles with bio luminescence live for only two months. With them glowing bright during the evenings and nighttime, you will be taken back to a land of wonder. 

Waterfalls during monsoons, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, Treks near Pune, western ghats treks, Sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

Witness beautiful sight of waterfalls during Monsoon. Picture by Mandar B

If you are trekking during the monsoon season, you will get to see the charm of lush greenery and valleys filled with waterfalls.

Post monsoon and the winter season, the color changes on the trek completely. The color of autumn trees and clear views is something totally different to trek for.

Is Rajmachi Fort Trek Difficult

Rajmachi is an easy-moderate-level trek. There are no sections on the Rajmachi trek that can be classified as difficult as such. However, a trekker must know about these sections to keep an eye out while trekking.

This is the only one section on the trek which can be classified as something to be cautious of. 

Stream Crossing after the Valvand Village : Stream crossing is after Valvand Village road fork on the Lonavala trail. In the peak of the monsoon season, the current of the stream could get strong and the water level could increase rapidly.

How To Reach Rajmachi Trek

Reaching rajmachi by your own vehicle from mumbai.

Rajmachi is a trek that is well accessible using your own vehicle. The trek starts from Udhewadi. This is your base village or the start point which is about 100 km from Mumbai. 

If you are planning to reach Rajmachi Trek using your own vehicle, use this  link  to help set up navigation in Google maps.

If you do not have access to Google maps, here is how to reach Mumbai: Head to Panvel from Mumbai. From Panvel take the Mumbai-Pune highway and continue on the highway until you reach Khandala. 

From Khandala, you have about an hour’s drive which is about 15 km to reach the base village of Udhewadi. 

Reaching Rajmachi trek by Public Transport System

The best way to reach the base is to take the Express Train from Mumbai to reach Lonavala Railway Station. Download the M-indicator app for railway express train timings. 

For the Lonavala route  – Travel to Lonavala by booking first class (booked travel) or general class (for Backpackers) tickets for the express trains depending upon the time you want to do it, night trek, or a Day trek.

For Karjat route  – Reach Karjat by Local Train and then take a cab or a six seater Tumtum and reach Kondivade Village. 

Nearest Railway Station

Lonavala Railway Station

Karjat Railway Station

Nearest International and Domestic Airport

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai  – 100 km Pune International Airport, Pune  – 90 km

Frequently Asked Questions

1. do i need any permission to do the rajmachi fort trek.

You don’t need any formal permission for the trek of Rajmachi.

However, at the start of the trek, a small fee (Rs 5 per person) will be collected by the local committee if you are trekking. This amount is used for the good of trekkers. This amount collected is used for signboards, cleaning the trail, information, and the upkeep of the place.

If you are traveling to the base by vehicle, then you need to pay a bit more. For a four-wheeler, Rs 100 needs to be paid. Rs 20 for a two-wheeler. If you are taking a bus, then the cost will be Rs. 150.

2. Are there any sources of food and water on the Rajmachi trek?

There is a place where you can experience traditional Maharashtrian food. However, you need to inform them about your arrival before a day. Here is the contact number: Sangam Ware/Nilesh Ware: +91 9922282388

It’s well known for the food they make, as you will get to including Poha in the Breakfast, Pithla Bhakri Thali (Pithla is a traditional Maharashtrian dish made using chickpea flour or besan). 

Fun fact: Pithla Bhakri Thali is very popular in Maharashtra and consists of Pithla, Jowar or Bajra Bhakri, Gavar ki Sabji, thecha (red paste), onions, and pickles made from tamarind.

The other option is to carry your food from home and take in your dabba. 

For water, the major source on the Lonavala Route is Tungarli Dam (all seasons), but in monsoons, lots of streams pass through, so you have water in abundance, but considering other seasons, you should carry at least 2 to 3 liters of water.

On the Karjat route, as per the monsoons, you could find streams, but in other seasons, you need to carry at least 2 liters of water.

3. Where can I stay on the Rajmachi Trek?

You have 2 options on the trek of Rajmachi. 

The first option is to stay in the courtyard of the villager’s house. The villagers allow you to sleep outside their houses. The other option is to take a tent on your own or to rent a tent near the base of the trek.

Camping near the base village, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, Treks near Pune, western ghats treks, Sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

Camping near the base village on the trek. Picture by Deep Thakkar

4. Do I get any network on the Rajmachi trek?

You will find BSNL and Vodafone 2G sometimes. Otherwise, the connectivity is not so good on the trek.

5. Where can I find ATMs on the Rajmachi Fort trek?

The nearest ATM is in Lonavala (for lonavala trail) and Karjat (for the trail starting from Karjat).

6. How long is the Rajmachi Fort trek?

The Rajmachi trek from Kondiwade Village is 13 km long and around 3.5 km long from Udhewadi side. Though it's a bit long trek, the climb is not that hard and a lot of places to explore on the top adds to the total distance.

7. How long does it take to climb Rajmachi Fort?

It takes around 7-8 hours to complete the Rajmachi Fort trek.

Emergency Contacts

Hospital:  Yash Hospital in Lonavala is 18 km away from the Base Camp Udhewadi.

Reach them on  098232 34159

Police station:  Lonavala Gramin Police Station which is again 18 kms from Rajmachi fort base camp – Reach them on  02114 273 036

ERSS:  For any kind of emergency help, you can contact the Pan-India Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) number- 112

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Nearby Places to Visit on the Rajmachi Trek

1. dhak bahiri caves  .

Dhak Bahiri is a cave in the Sahyadri hill range, situated near the village Jambhivli off village-Malavalli in the Pune district of India.

One needs to ascend a col, walk along a scarp and finally a vertical ascent of almost 70-degree gradient. A small mistake and you will find yourself somewhere deep in the valleys of Sahyadris.

2. Udaysagar Lake  

You can visit a water reservoir named Udaysagar Lake (water reservoir) which was built 200 years ago. This lake is very close to Udhewadi Base village, just 1.5 km in fact and beneath the forest section.

Udaysagar Reservoir, Rajmachi Fort trek, Rajmachi trek, Treks near Pune, western ghats treks, Sahyadri treks, treks in Maharashtra

Udaysagar Reservoir. Picture by Deep Thakkar

3. Shirota Lake Camping  

The campsite is located 11 km from Lonavala. Shirota Lake fills to the brim during the post-monsoon with an abundance of lush foliage. This lake is close to the Valvand Fork when starting from the Lonavala side. The best time to camp is in the winters, which extend from November to March, with night-time temperatures ranging from 12-15 degrees.

4. Kataldhar Waterfall Rappelling  

The Monsoon goes down a bit & it makes us a way to an amazing place, Kataldhar Waterfall. The name literally means waterfall from a rock cliff. This 350 feet waterfall tests your mental strength. Once you are done with this adventure activity, the amount of sheer joy is incomparable.

5. Kondhane Caves Waterfall Rappelling

Pro Tip  – Plan your journey for 2 days as there are more places to cover at Rajmachi fort trek. This will give you enough time to go around.

You can also inform the homestay owners two days before you are resuming the trek. Also, it is better to trek on a weekday or at least on a Friday compared to the weekend to avoid the crowd trekking on the Rajmachi trek.

What to pack for the Rajmachi trek

  • Basic First Aid kit*
  • Identity Card
  • Cap/ Scarf/ Bandana & Sunglasses
  • Water (Minimum two litres)
  • Lemon and salt OR Electrolyte Powder/Drink (Electral/Gatorade/Glucon D, etc.)
  • High-calorie snacks (Nuts & dry fruits, home-baked cake, etc.)
  • Safety Pins, Rubber bands & Whistle (Useful in emergencies.)
  • Quick Dry Full Sleeve T-shirts are preferable over cotton tees.
  • Poncho, only during monsoons
  • Plastic sheet to wrap electronic devices, only during monsoons
  • Sunscreen (SPF 50+)
  • Optional:  Trekking poles

*First aid kit:

  • Band aids (Regular & Waterproof)
  • Analgesic spray (Relispray, Volini, etc.)
  • Antiseptic Liquid (Savlon, Dettol etc.)
  • Antiseptic powder (Povidone-Iodine based powders like Cipladine, Savlon, etc.)
  • Cotton roll & Bandage
  • Crepe Bandage
  • 1 inch wide medical tape (paper or cloth.)
  • Micropore tape
  • Tablet for motion sickness (Avomine), Acidity (Gelusil, Digene, etc.).
  • Mild pain relief tablet (Crocin)

Note:  Always consult a doctor before taking any medicine.

Trek Contribution

Trek documented   by  Deep Thakkar, Suhas Saya

Banner Image:  Mandar B

Trek Images: Deep Thakkar, Mandar B

Author:  Suhas Saya

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  • Maharashtra

Rajmachi Trekking: A Complete Guide for an Easy Trek

Nestled in the scenic Sahyadri mountain range of Maharashtra , India, Rajmachi offers a perfect blend of history, nature, and adventure. The Rajmachi trek is a favorite among both seasoned trekkers and beginners, owing to its relatively easy terrain and breathtaking vistas. If you're looking for a rejuvenating getaway amidst lush greenery and ancient forts, Rajmachi should definitely be on your travel bucket list. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you through everything you need to know to embark on this memorable journey.

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Rajmachi Trekking

Getting There

Rajmachi is located approximately 82 kilometers from Mumbai and 99 kilometers from Pune , making it easily accessible from both cities. The nearest town to Rajmachi is Lonavala, which serves as a base for most trekkers. From Lonavala , you can either hire a private vehicle or take a local bus to reach the village of Udhewadi, which is the starting point of the trek.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to undertake the Rajmachi trek is during the monsoon season, from June to September, when the entire region comes alive with lush greenery and cascading waterfalls. However, if you prefer milder weather and clearer skies, the post-monsoon months of October and November or the winter months of December to February are also excellent times to visit.

Rajmachi Trekking

Choosing the Right Route

There are two primary routes to reach Rajmachi: the Lonavala route and the Karjat route.

Lonavala Route: This route starts from the Tungarli Lake in Lonavala and takes approximately 5-6 hours to reach Rajmachi. It's relatively easier compared to the Karjat route and offers mesmerizing views of the surrounding valleys and waterfalls.

Karjat Route: This route begins from the village of Kondivade in Karjat and takes around 6-7 hours to reach Rajmachi. While it's slightly more challenging than the Lonavala route, it offers a unique trekking experience through dense forests and picturesque hamlets.

For beginners or those seeking an easier trek, the Lonavala route is highly recommended.

Rajmachi Trekking

Accommodation Options

Once you reach Udhewadi, you'll find several options for accommodation ranging from basic homestays to tents. Many villagers offer homestays where you can experience the warmth of local hospitality and savor delicious home-cooked meals. Additionally, camping is also a popular option for trekkers who wish to spend a night under the starlit sky amidst the serene surroundings of Rajmachi.

Must-See Attractions

Shrivardhan Fort: Perched atop a hill, Shrivardhan Fort is a majestic structure that offers panoramic views of the Sahyadri range. Built by the Satavahanas, the fort has historical significance and is a favorite among history enthusiasts.

Shrivardhan Fort

Manaranjan Fort: Adjacent to Shrivardhan Fort, Manaranjan Fort is another historical marvel that dates back to the 17th century. Trekking up to the fort provides an enriching experience as you traverse through ancient pathways and ruins.

Manaranjan Fort

Kondhane Caves: Located near the base village of Rajmachi, the Kondhane Caves are ancient Buddhist rock-cut caves dating back to the 1st century BC. Exploring these caves gives you a glimpse into the region's rich cultural heritage.

Kondhane Caves

Rajmachi Point: This scenic viewpoint offers breathtaking vistas of the surrounding valleys and hills. It's the perfect spot to unwind, soak in the beauty of nature, and capture some stunning photographs.

Rajmachi Point

Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Trek

Stay Hydrated: Carry an adequate supply of water to stay hydrated throughout the trek, especially during the summer months when the weather can be hot and humid.

Wear Suitable Clothing: Opt for lightweight and breathable clothing that provides comfort and allows free movement. Trekking shoes with good grip are essential to navigate the rocky terrain.

Pack Essentials: Pack essentials such as sunscreen, insect repellent, first-aid kit, flashlight, and snacks to keep you energized during the trek.

Follow Trail Markers: Stick to the designated trail and follow the trail markers to avoid getting lost, especially if you're trekking independently.

Respect Nature: Ensure that you leave no trace behind and respect the natural environment. Avoid littering and maintain the sanctity of the trekking trails.

Also Read: 15 Uncrowded Getaways Near Pune for Rejuvenation

The Rajmachi trek is not just about reaching the summit; it's about immersing yourself in the beauty of nature, uncovering the region's rich history, and embarking on a soulful journey of self-discovery. Whether you're an avid trekker or a first-time adventurer, Rajmachi welcomes you with open arms, promising an experience that will leave you enchanted and rejuvenated. So pack your bags, lace up your shoes, and get ready to explore the mesmerizing landscapes of Rajmachi on this unforgettable trekking expedition.

Published at 31 Mar 2024

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rajmachi trek lonavala

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Rajmachi Fort – A Complete Trekking Guide

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If you are an adventure enthusiast and looking for a perfect weekend getaway from Mumbai or Pune, the Rajmachi Fort Trek is an ideal choice. This trek is one of the most popular and picturesque treks in Sahyadris. It is a two-day trek that takes you through beautiful forests, breathtaking waterfalls, and scenic landscapes.

Table of Contents

Rajmachi Fort Trek: An Introduction

View of the Rajmachi Fort - Drone Shot

The Rajmachi Fort Trek is located in the Sahyadri mountain range in Maharashtra. It is situated at an altitude of 2,710 feet and is approximately 17 km from Lonavala. The fort has a rich history dating back to the 17th century when it was ruled by the Maratha Empire. The fort was a strategic location for the Marathas, allowing them to control the trade routes between Mumbai and Pune.

The trek starts from the base village, Fanasrai (Lonavala) & Kondivade (Karjat), and takes you through a beautiful trail that winds through lush green forests and waterfalls.

The trek to Rajmachi Fort is an experience that will leave you in awe of nature’s beauty. It is a moderate-level trek that can be completed by both beginners and experienced trekkers. The walk offers a perfect blend of adventure, soul, and history.

Best Season

  • The  best time to visit Rajmachi Fort is from May to September .
  • From May 2nd week to June 2nd week, you can witness the fireflies festival , and during the monsoon season, the entire trek and the fort are covered in green.
  • The waterfalls around the fort are in full flow.

Attractions on the Trek

Kondana Caves

  • Udhewadi Village : The base of the fort is the small village of Udhewadi. The village has a rustic charm and is a perfect place to take a break and interact with the locals. One can camp here as there are dedicated camping sites.
  • Kataldhaar Waterfall : This is a huge waterfall located in the Lonavala region. The waterfall can be seen from the top of the Rajmachi Fort; the waterfall is a trek in itself.
  • Shrivardhan Fort : This is the main attraction of the trek. The fort is a magnificent structure and offers panoramic views of the surrounding hills and valleys. The fort has two entrance gates, and the architecture blends Maratha and Mughal styles.
  • Manoranjan Fort : This fort is located near Shrivardhan Fort and is a perfect spot to catch the sunset. The fort is smaller than Shrivardhan Fort but offers equally stunning views.
  • Kondana Caves : Kondana Caves are a group of ancient Buddhist rock-cut caves near Rajmachi Fort. These caves date back to the 1st century BC and feature intricate carvings and sculptures of Buddhist deities. The caves are in a scenic location amidst lush green forests and a waterfall, making it a must-visit spot during the trek.
  • During this festival, thousands of fireflies come out at night, creating a spectacular light show in the forests.
  • The festival is usually organized by trekking & travel groups. Visitors can participate in night treks and camping trips at Rajmachi to witness the fireflies in their natural habitat.

How to Reach Rajmachi Fort?

Rajmachi Fort Top View

You can reach Rajmachi Fort from Karjat as well as Lonavala. In this guide, we will cover how to trek from both locations, Lonavala & Karjat.

Via Lonavala:

  • The starting point of the trek is the village of  Fanasrai , located around 11 kms from Lonavala Railway Station. The town can be reached by public transportation, car, or bike from Lonavala or Pune.
  • You can take a shared or private cab from the station or bus stand to Fanasrai village.
  • The cab will cost you INR 3000 for pick and drop from Lonavala to Fanasrai or Udhewadi.
  • It will take around 40-60 mins to reach the start point.
  • During the monsoon season the cabs will only go till Fanasrai village, as the road till Udhewadi is inaccessible.

Via Karjat:

  •  The starting point of the trek is  Kondivade village . You can reach the base village via shared/private rickshaws from Karjat station. 
  • The distance is around 10 kms and takes approximately 30 mins to reach.

Rajmachi Fort Trekking Route & Difficulty

rajmachi trek lonavala

  • The trek difficulty from the Karjat route is challenging and is recommended only for experienced trekkers with prior trekking experience in the Sahyadris. As there are steep climbs from time to time.
  • Trek Route from Kondiwade village.
  • The difficulty of this route is easier compared to the Karjat route and is ideal for beginners.
  • Trek Route from Fanasrai Village on Ramblr.

These routes offer unique experiences and are popular among trekkers and nature enthusiasts.

Food & Accommodation:

If you want, you can also get accommodation at Udhewadi village, the locals charge INR 1000 for 2-person tent & around INR 260-INR 310 for dinner & breakfast.

You can get in touch with Mayu from Little Nest who arranges for food & stay at Rajmachi. 

rajmachi trek lonavala

  • The Rajmachi Fort Trek is an experience that will leave you mesmerized by the beauty of nature and the rich history of Maharashtra.
  • It is a perfect weekend getaway from Mumbai or Pune, and the trek offers an ideal blend of adventure, nature, and culture.
  • So, if you are looking for a thrilling adventure and a chance to explore the hidden gem of Maharashtra, the Rajmachi Fort Trek should be on your bucket list.

The trek to Rajmachi Fort is a moderate-level trek that can be completed by both beginners and experienced trekkers.

Yes, the trek to Rajmachi Fort is safe. However, it is always recommended to hire a local guide and follow basic safety precautions.

The Rajmachi fort trek via Karjat, is about 12-13 km long (including the distance exploring the fort) and takes 5-6 hours to reach the fort.

Via Lonavala, the distance is about 10 kms and takes around 3-4 hours to reach the fort.

Yes, the Rajmachi fort is open throughout the year. However, during heavy rainfall in the monsoons, trekking to the fort might be suspended.

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Do you have any contact for cab-Tata Sumo from Lonavala to Udhewadi or Fanasrai

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Santosh Lobo

Would like to come for Trek to rajmachi in end of July or bring of August

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Rajmachi Trek and Traveling Guide to Rajmachi fort

rajmachi fort trek

Rajmachi trek aka Rajmachi fort trek, located near Lonavala, is one of the most famous forts treks in Maharashtra and popular among trekkers from Pune and Mumbai. The distance between Rajmachi fort and Pune is 75 Km North West and Distance between Rajmachi fort and Mumbai is 20095 Kms towards South East.

rajmachi fort trek

Page Contents

Rajmachi fort trekking Guide:

There are two main trekking routes for the Rajmachi trek. You need no guides and permission for that. You just need the Google Map installed on your mobile device and you are ready to go for the trek. Here are the Rajmachi trekking routes:

Note: There are no public transport facilities to Rajmachi fort trek from either of the trekking route side.

Rajmachi trekking guide from Kondhane Side:

Just search on Google maps for “ Rajmachi Trek, Kondhane, Maharashtra 410201 ” and you will see a driving route on the Google Maps from your place until the point from where the trek starts. This trekking route should be preferred by the trekkers coming from Mumbai side.

Rajmachi fort trek distance from Kondhane side: around 3.5 Kms Time to trek: Almost two hours

You can also download the Rajmachi trek route and use the GPS to trek to the Rajmachi fort.

  • You can find a water bottle and snacks in the last village before starting the trek
  • You can also hire a guide if you want
  • Kondhane caves are also on the way to the Rajmachi fort from this side.
  • They also provide lunch and tents at the village
  • You can park your vehicle near the village.

Rajmachi fort trekking guide from Udhewadi Side:

Just search on Google maps for ‘ Udhewadi, Maharashtra ‘ and you will get a driving route to Udhewadi village. This route is preferred from the Pune side. Be reminded that the road from Lonavala to Udhewadi is very bad and becomes worst during the rainy season. During the rainy season, even bikes find it hard to get driven upon. This stretch of 15 Km is purely a four by four offroad.

If you want to get a vehicle from the Lonavala, you can contact Della Adventures. They hire four by four to the base of the village but I am not sure about the charges.

Rajmachi fort trek distance from Udhewadi side: around 2.5 Kms Time to trek:  Around 45 minutes

  • Try to return before the sunset else you might get stuck
  • There also a taxi facility from Lonavala to Rajmachi/ Udhewadi village.
  • You can also park your vehicle near the village

Rajmachi trek camping information:

There are two big caves at the Rajmachi fort which can together accommodate around 60 people. You can take a local with you, locals take some money can carry firewood and prepare a delicious dinner for the trekking group. On the other hand, if you want to stay at the base village then you can also do that. buy Flomax generic buy Flomax no prescription over the counter Locals will take some money and lend their front yard to you for a night. buy doxycycline online buy doxycycline no prescription no prescription

Places to see around Rajmachi fort:

  • Shrivardhan Ballekilla
  • Bhairavnath temple
  • Manranjan Ballekilla
  • Kondane caves

Other Fort treks that you might also be interested in:

  • Rajgad Trek
  • Purandar fort Trek
  • Pratapgad Trek
  • Raigad Trek
  • LohGad Trek
  • Korigad Trek
  • Kenjalgad Trek
  • Naneghat Trek
  • HarishchandraGad Trek
  • Ghangad Trek
  • Dhopad Trek
  • Chavand Trek
  • Ajinkyatara Trek

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3 replies to “rajmachi trek and traveling guide to rajmachi fort”.

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The road is very bad. The trek is awesome! Trek from Fanasrai to Rajmachi. This article is also pretty helpful if you want to plan your trek from Pune : https://routineblabber.blogspot.in/2018/03/how-to-reach-rajmachi-fort-in.html

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  • Have you ever experienced trekking at two popular hill stations? If not, then you should visit the Rajmachi fort. Rajmachi Trek is a trek between the two most popular hill stations of Maharashtra- Lonavala, and Karjat.   
  • It is located in Maharashtra. The trek is a 16 km long trek, and the fort is at an elevation of 2750 ft. The Rajmachi fort consists of two forts, Shrivardhan and Manaranjan fort. So on this trip, you get to explore the heritage of both these forts. The Rajmachi fort is one of the most beautiful and historic forts in Maharashtra.  
  • The trek route is totally your decision. If you are a beginner at trekking, then the Lonavala route is best for you. The trek route from Lonavala is a long trail. The trek starts from the base village of Rajmachi. The trek route will be an exciting one for you as it is surrounded by forest and greenery.  It takes around 4 -  5 hours to reach the final destination.
  • If you want to have a thrilling experience, then the Kondhane route is the best option for you. The Rajmachi trekking level is a bit more difficult than the Lonavala trek route. It has a steep climb and takes around 2.5 - 3 hours to reach the fort. And it is all worth it when you reach the final destination. 
  • During the Rajmachi fort trek, you will experience immense surrounding natural beauty. You will come across various lush green mountains, glorious waterfalls, green valleys, and whatnot. Once you reach the top, you will fall in love with the place. You can witness the surroundings which have the best scenic views of green mountains everywhere. The mesmerizing architecture of the forts is the biggest attraction. You can view the majestic mountains and the unbound beauty of nature.  
  • The best time to visit Rajmachi Fort is from June to November. During monsoon, the place turns into green heaven, and the trek becomes a bit difficult. During winter, it has the best weather, and it is convenient to walk to the trails. 
  • The other major attraction of this place is the Rajmachi camping. You can experience outdoor camping, especially in winter. You can indulge in stargazing and have a peaceful time. The calm and quiet surrounding makes it best for the camping experience. Feel the fresh air and rejuvenate your mind and soul with Rajmachi camping.         
  • The best trip with your friends and family to escape from the hassle of life and experience the wilderness of  ]this amazing trek experience. It will be an unforgettable experience for you because this will be a natural beauty package for you! 

Rajmachi Camping Event Details :

  • Fort Elevation : Jungle trail
  • Difficulty : Easy
  • Endurance : Moderate
  • Length : Approx. 6 km one way
  • Height of fort : 2710 feet approx.
  • Nearest City : Lonavala
  • Stay: Homestay
  • Shrivardhan Fort Exploration
  • Local village food

Batches  : 

  • March:  1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30
  •  April: 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26,  27.

​ Event Fees:

  • Lonavala : 1599 1299 /-
  • Base Village: 1299  999 /-

Note:  Coupon Code "BESTSELLER" will auto-apply at the checkout. The offer is valid for a limited period, grab it before it's gone.


(For Mumbai and Pune Participants)

  • 07:00 PM:  Reach Lonavala station and report to the trek Leaders
  • 08:00 PM:  Reach Base village 
  • 09:30 PM:  Have a delicious Dinner ( Authentic Maharashtrian Local Veg Thali)
  • 10:30 PM:  Enjoy the overnight camping stay with strangers turned into family, nearby the lake and under the sky full of stars, Have rest and reenergize yourself for the next morning's trek.
  • 05:00 AM:  Wake up call, Get freshen up
  • 05:20 AM:  Start trek to Rajmachi Fort
  • 06:30 AM:  Reach the peak and enjoy the beautiful view of sunrise and surrounding. Click photos.
  • 08:00 AM:  Start descending to the base village
  • 09:00 AM:  Reach Base Village, Wrap your tents, and have Breakfast
  • 09:30 AM:  Explore Shiv Temple and lake outside the Village
  • 10:30 AM:  Start return journey to Lonavala.
  • 11:30 AM:  Reach Lonavala. Goodbye until the next time!!!

Itinerary 01: Mumbai to Mumbai (With Bus Transportation)

  • 03:00 PM:  Report to the Trek Leaders at Borivali National Park ( https://goo.gl/maps/qvxmxjK8Tmn5JgScA )
  • 03:05 PM:  Samta nagar police station, Kandivali ( https://goo.gl/maps/kRgGJ9XvYK3d8FWAA )
  • 03:15 PM:  Sufi Irani Cafe, Goregaon ( https://goo.gl/maps/4ZTNqab65pKPDoNC9 )
  • 03:30 PM:  Hanuman Road Bus Stop Andheri ( https://goo.gl/maps/SWKWuGMXSWgajCsSA )
  • 03:45 PM:  Kalanagar Bust Stop, Bandra ( https://goo.gl/maps/jGkGpBZrRto5gRTJ9 )
  • 04:00 PM:  Neeta Volvo, Sion ( https://goo.gl/maps/iidWMx1DKGybV9jC9 )
  • 04:10 PM:  Mankhurd Vashi Link Road ( https://goo.gl/maps/m6TtFVkCkHd6MdKr7 )
  • 04:30 PM:  Vashi (under the bridge) ( https://goo.gl/maps/3dpGHKPvf49FgJj6A )
  • 04:45 PM:  Nerul LP ( https://goo.gl/maps/tpntbzeYVijHQieF7 )
  • 04:55 PM:  Kharghar station ( https://goo.gl/maps/y7hNW9wxMV7tByPr5 )
  • 05:15 PM:  Kalamboli McD ( https://goo.gl/maps/F4bqaobJhjcPQ8zK9 )
  • 06:30 PM:  Take Halt at Lonavala. Participants can have snacks at their own convenience. 
  • 08:00 PM:   reach the base village which will be followed by Tent Allotment By Trek Leaders and time to get relax and settle down. 
  • We insist you on carrying your own mat and blanket or a sleeping bag.
  • 10:00 PM:  Have a delicious Dinner ( Authentic Maharashtrian Local Veg Thali)
  • 11:00 PM:  Enjoy the overnight camping stay with strangers turned into the family under the sky full of stars. Have rest and reenergize yourself for the next morning trek.
  • 06:00 AM:  Start trek to Rajmachi Fort (Shrivardhan Fort)
  • 07:00 AM:  Reach the peak and enjoy a beautiful view of sunrise and the surrounding. Click photos.
  • 08:00 AM:  Start descending to the base village
  • 09:00 AM:  Reach base village, relax, and have breakfast
  • 10:30 AM:  Start return journey to Mumbai by Private Bus
  • 04:00 PM:  Reach Mumbai. Goodbye until the next time!!!

Itinerary 02: Pune to Pune (With Bus Transportation)

  • 08:00 PM:  Report to the Trek Leaders at Fergusson College Main Gate, FC Road (opposite Starbucks) (  https://goo.gl/maps/53XNsyDPwcSVReZW9  )
  • 08:30 PM:  Pickup from Wakad (  https://goo.gl/maps/8aTY1UsQmiSciTfR9?coh=178573&entry=tt  )
  • 10:00 AM:  Reach Base Village.Get Relaxed. Tent allotment by Trek leaders.
  • Enjoy the overnight camping stay with strangers turned into the family under the sky full of stars. Have rest and reenergize yourself for the next morning trek.
  • 10:30 AM:  Start return journey to Pune by Private Bus
  • 02:00 PM:  Reach Pune. Goodbye until the next time!!!

1. Half Way from Lonavala To Base Village Rote is off-road. and thus if it rains it becomes Muddy and thus non-motorable. In such circumstances, we will have to take a walk for 6 to 8 km. So please be cooperative.

2. Arrival time in Pune is subjective to road congestion till Lonavala and weather conditions. It may get delayed by an hour or two.

Itinerary 03: Lonavala to Lonavala

  • 07:00 PM:  Reach Lonavala station and report to the trek leaders

Inclusion :

  • Jeep Transportation Lonavla to Lonavala
  • Mumbai to Mumbai Bus Transportation
  • Pune to Pune Bus Transportation
  • Breakfast & Tea
  • Dinner( Veg Thali)
  • Overnight Camping Tent Stay
  • Entry Charges.
  • Expertise Charges. 

Exclusion :

  • Travel till Lonavala
  • Mineral water/lime water/ purchased for personal consumption
  • All kinds of Extra Meals / soft drinks ordered
  • Any kind of personal expenses
  • Any kind of cost which is not mentioned in the inclusions above
  • All expenses incurred due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances like roadblocks, bad weather
  • Any medical / Emergency evacuations if required

Things to carry:

  • A photograph.
  • Good grip shoes.
  • Torch with extra batteries.
  • Sleeping bag / Mat with blankets
  • Extra Pair of clothes.
  • Water bottles 2-3 liters.
  • Ready to eat food, like plum cakes, chocolate bar, some snacks & biscuits, etc.
  • Electoral or Glucon D powder. 
  • Personal medicines. Sun protection cap, goggles.

Cancellation Policy:

  • 75% refund if notified via phone conversation 8 or more days before the event date.
  • 50 % refund if notified via phone conversation 4 to 7 days before the event date.
  • No refund if the cancellation requested is less than 3 days before the event date
  • No show No Refund.
  • Event Tickets cannot be transferred to another date against cancellation.
  • Event Tickets cannot be transferred to another person against cancellation.
  • If Trek gets canceled we will refund "Trek Amount" only


The tour is weather-based and depends on the weather conditions. There may be last-minute cancellations if weather conditions deteriorate.

Can I travel solo for the Rajmachi trek?

Of course yes, even we encourage people to travel solo so that they can meet more like-minded people on trek and enjoy the trek in a whole different way. While coming to safety, safety is the first most priority of our community. So there are almost zero problems with doing a solo trek to Rajmachi.

Is the Rajmachi trek difficult?

It’s an ideal trek to start your trekking routine with as the difficulty level of this trek is easy to moderate. There are not many stiff climbs but one will get exhausted while walking the trail full of lush greenery and views to the fort. So even experienced trekkers won’t get bored while doing the trek.

What is the best time to visit Rajmachi trek?

The ideal time is in the monsoon as you can enjoy lush green vegetation all around the region along with a lot of waterfalls on the way to the trek. These scenic views and experiences would help you to feel fresh throughout the trek. In addition to the treat to your eyes, you can experience a lot of adventures like slippery trails and climbs, dense fog, rain, and windstorms that won’t let you stand steadily. Winter is also a good option to do this trek as the trek will keep you warm in the cool and pleasant weather of winters. The hidden peaks of forts above the clouds are yet another lifelong lasting experience one can take during winters. Summer is not a good time to visit this place as humid and hot weather in summer will trouble you trekking this fort and perhaps will not let you enjoy the real fun of trekking this fort.

What is the best time to visit Rajmachi fireflies?

Monsoon or pre-monsoon is an ideal time to visit Rajmachi fort to experience the view of fireflies at night. There is some chance where you can get to see fireflies in the winter but if you have to experience the real thrill of watching fireflies, visit the place in the monsoon.

When will Rajmachi fireflies season 2021 start?

Rajmachi fireflies season 2021 will arrive before the monsoon starts, the weather between summer and rainy season, a period where you can play with fireflies, the little creatures while they keep awaken you all night.

What is the Rajmachi trek distance from Mumbai?

It is approximately 94 km away from Mumbai if you are traveling by road from the Lonavala side. You will have to reach Lonavala which is 75 km away from Mumbai. Lonavala to Rajmachi is approximately 17 km.

If you are traveling from the Karjat side, you will have to reach Karjat by local train. There are auto transport services from Karjat to Kondhana village- the base village.

What is the Rajmachi trek distance from Pune?

Rajmachi is approximately 82 km away from Pune if you are traveling by road through Lonavala. You will have to reach Lonavala which is 65 km away from Pune. Lonavala to Rajmachi is approximately 17 km.

Are toilets available on the Rajmachi trek?

No, but if it’s urgent you can attend nature's call in open. Toilets are available in the base village so you can freshen up there too.

What is the condition of the mobile network at Rajmachi fort?

While climbing up the trek, you can get poor network connectivity but when you reach the top there is less possibility of not getting a network. If you are lucky enough then you can get a good network to send some messages and to make some calls but again possibility is close to zero.

Is smoking and drinking alcohol allowed during the Rajmachi fort trek?

Smoking and drinking alcohol are strictly prohibited on this trek. One found doing this is not allowed to join the expedition and will be told to leave the place immediately. This place comes under the world biodiversity heritage site so it's our national duty to not spoil this place with such notorious activities.

Is Rajmachi fort trek safe?

Yes, it is completely safe. You will be guided by professional trekkers and your safety is their first most priority. While trekking you will be provided with safety equipment where there is a need. Also, you will be told to bring personal safety-related things e.g. First aid kits, insect repellant, and other such things to ensure your safety. You will need to be more cautious if you are visiting trek in the monsoon as there will be many slippery places.

Is there an ATM nearby?

There are ATMs of union bank, IDBI Bank, Vijaya bank, state bank of India, Bank of India, and several other banks near Rajmachi.

How can we get food during camping?

You can ask locals from the base village to cater your food as per your requirement. They will provide you food at your preferred time at the campsite. You can also camp at the base village and get food from them. As a part of camping activities, You can also carry some easy-to-make food packages with you on camping like Maggi, Eggs, etc. to have it while enjoying bonfire but don't spoil the beauty of the premises by throwing empty packets in open. Keep them with you and take them down the fort to the dustbins.

How many days will be required for this Event?

Two days and one night are enough to enjoy both trekking, night camping, and other activities at this fort. If you are short of time then you can also do one day trek. Again it’s as per your convenience.

Can we drive to the base of this trek?

You can drive from Lonavala to the base village of this trek but you should check that your car has enough ground clearance to tackle that 16km of the off-road patch. It will be more dangerous if you are planning to drive in the monsoon as the complete off-road patch would be full of pebbles and slippery mud. So it’s good to avoid driving here in the monsoon.

Where can we park our cars?

Lonavala. But if you are planning to cover the Rajmachi trek distance from Lonavala to base village Udhewadi then you can park your car at the village. You can ask nearby local people to take care of your car but again it’s at your own risk. There is no commercial car parking at all.

Are kids allowed on the trek?

Kids below the age of 9 are not allowed on the trek hence you will need to carry an I card so that age of the kid can be identified. Moreover, kids under the age of 17 should be accompanied by the parents to enjoy the camping activities more safely.

How can I get drinking water on the trek?

You can carry water with you on the trek. If it gets over then there is no chance of getting filtered water throughout the trail to the fort. But you can get normal well water which can be refilled in the reusable water bottles that are carried by you. At the top, you can get water from the old manmade water tanks which will quench your thirst with some real natural flavor, which is also a camping activity.

Can I charge my phone?

Udhewadi village doesn’t receive electricity so carrying a Power bank would be a great option to look for.

Can we listen to music on a Bluetooth speaker?

Listening to music on a speaker or earphones is not allowed while trekking the fort for safety purposes. You can listen to music at the campsite on speaker unless and until no one is getting disturbed. Again using speakers at homestays is not permitted.

Can we complete the trek in one day?

Yes, you can complete the trek in one day but it is advisable to give it two days to explore the complete fort and the caves.

Which trekking route is most preferable?

If you want to enjoy the trek in a full-fledged adventurous way then you should go from the side of Kondhane caves which will take up to 4 hours to climb. This is considered one of the best treks in Maharashtra. You can also drive right up to Udhewadi village and climb up the trek in 30-40 min to the top. You can choose one of these two routes at your convenience.

Can we do an overnight trek to Rajmachi?

Overnight trek to Rajmachi is one of the things in camping activities which is possible and an adventurous thing to do in full moonlight. Also, make sure you carry torches and wear full shoes during the night trek and night camping.

What are the permissions and charges for the Rajmachi trek?

You don’t need any permission to trek this fort however a fee of rupees 5 is collected at the base village by the local committee for the wellness of the trekkers. If you are traveling in your own vehicle from Lonavala and Rajmachi then Rs 100 needs to be paid for a 4 wheeler and Rs 20 needs to be paid for 2 wheeler

What is the trek distance of Rajmachi fort?

The trek distance is approximately 16 km.

What is the distance of Rajmachi fort from Pune?

It is approximately 175 km away from Pune.

What is the height of the Rajmachi fort?

The height of Rajmachi fort is approximately 2750 ft.

What is the difficulty level of the Rajmachi trek?

It is an easy to moderate level of the trek.

What is the distance of Rajmachi fort from Lonavala and Karjat?

It is approximately 16 km from Lonavala and 16 km from Karjat.

What is the distance of Rajmachi fort from Mumbai?

It is approximately 315 Km from Mumba

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Rajmachi Fort Trek Tour

Rajmachi fort trek booking, hostel stay in mcleodganj @500, 100% guaranteed triund top camping.

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Specialized in Triund Camping

rajmachi trek lonavala

Dharamkot Road

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Mcleodganj, Himachal Pradesh

Conquering the Enigmatic Rajmachi Fort: A Comprehensive Trekking Guide

Board on an adventure steeped in history and natural beauty with the Rajmachi Fort Trek. This captivating trail, nestled amidst the Sahyadri Mountains near Lonavala, offers a unique blend of moderate challenges, breathtaking landscapes, and historical significance.

A Legacy Unveiled:

  • Twin Forts: Rajmachi comprises two distinct forts - Shrivardhan Fort and Manangad Fort - believed to be built around the 17th century.
  • Strategic Significance: The forts served as outposts for the Maratha Empire, controlling the important trade route connecting Konkan and the Deccan plateau.
  • Witness to Battles: Rajmachi Fort has witnessed its share of battles, most notably against the Adilshahi dynasty and the British East India Company.

A Moderate Challenge:

Endurance Test: The Rajmachi Fort trek is rated moderate, with well-defined paths, manageable inclines, and some uneven terrain.

2-3 Hour Ascend: The trek typically takes 2-3 hours to complete, depending on your fitness level and pace.

Unveiling the Trail's Allure:

  • Picturesque Landscapes: As you ascend, be captivated by the picturesque landscapes, including cascading waterfalls, lush green valleys, and scenic viewpoints offering glimpses of the surrounding hills.
  • Diverse Flora and Fauna: Keep an eye out for the diverse flora and fauna, including colorful birds, butterflies, and various plant species.
  • Historical Significance: Encounter remnants of the fort's structures, including fortification walls, water cisterns, and watchtowers, offering a glimpse into its past.

Reaching the Summit:

  • Start Early: It's recommended to start your trek early morning to avoid the harsh afternoon sun, especially during the summer months.
  • Carry Essentials: Pack adequate water, snacks, comfortable shoes with good grip, sunscreen, and a hat for sun protection.
  • Guide or Group: Consider hiring a local guide or trekking with a group, especially if you're a first-time trekker, for safety and guidance.

Exploring the Enchantment:

  • Panoramic Vistas: Upon reaching the top, be mesmerized by the panoramic vistas of the surrounding mountains, offering breathtaking views of the valley below.
  • Shrivardhan & Manangad Forts: Explore the remnants of the two forts, each with its unique features and historical significance.
  • Shivling and Ponds: Visit the holy Shivling (representation of Lord Shiva) and the ponds within the fort complex, holding religious importance.

Descent and Return:

Descend with Caution: The descent can be trickier due to loose gravel and steeper sections. Exercise caution and take your time while navigating your way down.

Celebrate Your Achievement: Once you complete the trek, take a moment to celebrate your accomplishment and appreciate the captivating scenery.

The Rajmachi Fort Trek offers a perfect blend of physical challenge, historical exploration, and breathtaking natural beauty. With careful planning and preparation, this trek can be a rewarding and unforgettable experience for adventure seekers, history buffs, and nature enthusiasts alike.


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Rajmachi fort - Rajmachi trek - Shepherd Traveller

Rajmachi Trek, Camping, Fireflies & Kondana Caves

  • Post author: Shraddha
  • Post published: April 6, 2021
  • Post category: shepherdtraveller / Trips near Pune
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

This post is about my adventures of Rajmachi trek, Kataldhar waterfall, fireflies at Rajmachi, camping near the fort & descend towards Kondana caves. I am sharing my beautiful experience so that you can plan your Rajmachi trek easily.

I had already heard numerous tales of the natural paradise at Rajmachi. Earlier in 2016, we hiked halfway up to the Kune falls. We chose to go back due to the heavy rains storms and insane winds. But I realised that I will have to come back one day. Now that I had already seen the wild side of nature at this place in monsoon. I choose a pre-monsoon trek to avoid the wild nature and the monsoon crowds. I was also quite eager to see the fireflies which appear at Rajmachi only before the monsoon.

At this point, I had no previous experience in trekking. The Vasota trek I had done earlier was with my office colleagues. I thought it would be fun to join some trekking group in Pune. I found an organised  trek to Rajmachi  with a quick online search, which was by a trekking group from Mumbai. A few more searches and reviews later I knew that they can be relied upon for my adventure.

Quick Details of My Rajmachi Trekking Adventure

  • Rajmachi Fort Trek duration:  2 days, 1 night.
  • Time of my visit:  June 2019
  • Best time for the trek:  June to Sept.
  • Difficulty level:  Easy to moderate
  • From Fanasarai to Kondana: 14 km.
  • Up and down on Shrivardhan Fort and around Rajmachi: 7 km.
  • Camping areas and Washrooms:  Available at the Udhewadi base village.
  • Accessibility:  Minimum level of physical fitness is necessary. Obviously, not accessible for wheelchairs and strollers.
  • Rajmachi Fort distance from Pune:  81 km
  • Rajmachi from Mumbai distance:  94 km

About Rajmachi

Rajmachi is often mistakenly called as Rajmachi fort. In fact, Rajmachi is the name of the place, which is alternatively called the Udhewadi village. Udhewadi is the base village for the trek. After reaching here, I got to know that Rajmachi fort is actually a set of twin fortresses- Shrivardhan Fort and Manaranjan Fort.

The twin forts at Rajmachi were built by the Satavahanas to protect the most important historical trade route called the  Borghat . Borghat is now declared as a protected monument. This route connected the inland Deccan plateau region (now Pune) to the western coast of India (now Mumbai) in ancient times. The fort was later captured by Chp. Shivaji Maharaj, then by Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, again recaptured by Shahu Maharaj and eventually captured by the British.

Rajmachi Trek route details

Rajmachi Forts are located in the popular hill stations of Lonavala-Khandala. They can be reached from Mumbai side via Kondane village or from Pune side via Lonavala.

Kondane village to Rajmachi trek

This route is from Karjat – Kondane village – Kondane caves – Rajmachi. It is a difficult and challenging trek with extremely beautiful nature and scenery. It is quite hard to climb from that side. You can use this trek for polishing your trekking and mountaineering skills. In our organised trek, we were going to reach the top via Lonavala and then descend via Kondane village.

Lonavala to Rajmachi trek

Lonavala is the easiest route to reach Rajmachi. From Lonavala railway station, you can find numerous jeeps and SUVs that will take you to the base village of Udhewadi. We were asked to reach the Lonavala station from Pune city by 4.30 pm. And the Mumbai participants were also going to come here at the same place. The SUVs organised by the trekking club were ready and waiting near the station.

There is no proper tar road once you leave the highway near Dellas Adventures. If you are going by your car, make sure it is a powerful SUV or Jeep. Some daredevils have managed to do this journey on a bike! We were driven past the Kune falls, to a point called as Fanasarai. From this point, it is around 8 km walk to the Udhewadi village. You can hike from Dellas adventures to Udewadi village. It is an easy route and will take you 2-4 hours.

There is something about being in the nature between the mountains that rejuvenates you. As we walked the sun was already setting. The hiking route is in between the mountains, inside the valley, so the dusk was falling fast. In no time it was dark, and the last bit of the hike was to be done in darkness with torches. I was walking with full hopes of meeting the fireflies at this point. But unfortunately, I didn’t get to see any. Rajmachi night trek should be done in humid weather in order to witness the magical fireflies.

Rajmachi Camping

There are several options of camping at the base of the twin forts of Rajmachi. If you have your own tent and food, you can set up your camp near the Udaysagar Lake or at Kalbhairav temple. If you don’t have tents, you can easily rent them at Udhewadi village. Another way is to stay for the night at traditional local houses in Udhewadi village. Our trek organisers opted for the 2nd option of local homestays.

Udhewadi Village is nothing but a small group of houses at the foothills of Rajmachi twin forts. It has approximately 22 households. The locals are extremely tourist-friendly as this is their source of livelihood. These people offer amazing homestays at some cheap rates. They also provide you with delicious local Maratha food. We reached Udhewadi village after sunset and had our dinner. Unfortunately, untimely rains had caused the fireflies to turn away, meaning we didn’t get to see any.

Shrivardhan Fort (Ballekilla) at Rajmachi

Rajmachi trek - rajmachi fort - hotels near Rajmachi fort - rajmachi hotels

The next day after a quick breakfast we started up the Shrivardhan Fort. Shrivardhan is higher in height than its other twin. It was used for keeping an eye on the Borghat trade route. Going atop Shrivardhan fort is easy because there are stone stairs for half of the way. At later stages, you have to climb over the rocks, which is easy too. Make sure to stop and enjoy the views of Rajmachi.

You will find a person selling lemon sherbet (lemonade) at the top. The remains of the ancient architecture will remind you of the grandeur of our ancestors. From atop the Shrivardhan Fort you can see in the Ulhas valley below. You can also see Kataldhar waterfall in distance.

At the time I visited Shrivardhan Fort the entire valley was full of clouds and the weather was very humid. But standing atop the mountain fort seemed like being above the clouds. For a moment the valley was covered in the clouds, the next moment we could see clearly for miles. While climbing up Shrivardhan Fort, if you look towards your right you can see a small mirror-like Udaysagar Lake.

Rajmachi Caves

There is a cave on the way, where we stopped for resting. The first picture in this blog is clicked at this Rajmachi Cave. You can even set up your camp at this cave. The caves at Rajmachi can accommodate almost 40 people. It is difficult to set up a tent here, as it is always windy on the mountain. Instead, this cave atop Shrivardhan fort is the best place to spend the night.

Kalbhairavnath Temple

Kalbhairavnath Temple - rajmachi fort trek - rajmachi lonavala

At the base of Shrivardhan Fort is the temple of Kalbhairavnath. This temple is also a place where you can set up your camp for the night. The surrounding mountains seem very high due to their close proximity. We visited this place on the way to Shrivardhan Fort. You can see it in the picture above which I clicked from the top of Shrivardhan, from nearby the caves. The temple is in ancient Konkani style architecture.

Manaranjan Fort (Balekilla) at Rajmachi

As we had to descend towards Kondane village in time before sunset, we skipped Manaranjan fort. Manaranjan was clearly visible from the highest point of Shrivardhan Fort. Manaranjan Fort like the name suggests was used for leisure. Even today you can find rock-cut jacuzzi tubs filled with natural water on the top. From the top of Manaranjan fort, you can see Dhak Bahiri, Sinhagad, Raigad, Rajgad, Lohagad and some mountains of Matheran on a clear day. It is an interesting exercise trying to find out which mountains is which fort. Dhak Bahiri is clearly visible due to its close proximity.

Kataldhar Waterfall near Rajmachi Forts

kataldhar waterfall trek - rajmachi trek - rajmachi fireflies

Kataldhar Waterfalls can be seen from Shrivardhan Fort. But alas, when I visited the waterfall was dry. I could still see the beautiful circular shaped rocks, from where it falls. Kataldhar is the highest waterfall in Pune district. Its also called the Horseshoe Waterfall due to its beautiful arched shape. There is no water here except for the monsoon. While visiting Rajmachi, keep 4-5 hours reserved for Kataldhar waterfall trek.

If you wish to go near to the waterfall, you have to descend through the dense forest of Ulhas Valley. Even experienced trekkers cannot find there way near to the waterfalls. It is best to go with a local guide or someone who knows the Kataldhar waterfall trekking route. Behind the waterfalls is an eye-shaped cave which can easily accommodate a 100 people. When you reach the falls you can see the twin-forts in distance.

You need to take a tiny forest trail from near a mango tree. This trail cannot be found so easily. But once you find it, there is a huge waterfall ahead that needs to be crossed. Later you will reach a concrete road leading towards the falls.

Uday Sagar Lake

After coming down from Shrivardhan Fort, we headed straight towards the Udaysagar Lake and the adjacent temple. This is a very good spot to cool off after the trek. This lake is like a reservoir of water for the village and also for everyone who treks to Rajmachi. Several trekkers use the banks of this lake as a campsite.

Godhaneshwar Shiva Temple

Godhaneshwar Shiva Temple - rajmachi trek - rajmachi camping - rajmachi lake

Besides the lake, is a quaint old Shiva temple, which dates long back in time. It is a must-visit place in Rajmachi. The finest details of the carved architecture of this basalt rock temple will leave you speechless. The lake nearby adds a cool and calm atmosphere to this place. Godhaneshwar temple is the best place to meditate by yourself.

There is a Gomukh – water outlet here which miraculously gives water for 365 days a year. At the time we visited, there were small drips falling through. This ancient architecture is so cleverly built by our ancestors, that apart from standing tall for centuries, it also functions as if it were built yesterday!

Descent to Kondana Caves

After lunch, we started our descent towards Kondhane caves. Kondana caves are located near a small village called Kondane near Karjat. This was the challenging yet the most beautiful part of the trek. As we went below, we seldom met other trekkers trying to climb the Rajmachi from this side. The way is through some dense forest. If there was no guide with us, we could have been lost easily. On the way, there were numerous pretty waterfalls and other beautiful sights. But I couldn’t capture much, because by now I was into survival mode. The trek leaders were extremely supportive at this part of the journey.

Kondana Caves

I was tired after trekking from Rajmachi to Kondana Caves. But as soon as I saw the caves in the distance, I pushed forward with newfound energy. Inside the caves, at once you feel really cool and clam. There is a mighty waterfall which comes out through the caves. These Buddhist caves were carved in the 1st century B.C. and found out in the 19th century. There are various carvings and ancient style sculptures here. It also has one inscription which tells about the donors of the caves. There are some vendors selling snacks and lemon sherbet outside the caves.

Homeward Journey

After the Kondana Caves, we headed to the Kondane Village, then took a cab towards Karjat. I headed to Pune – my home with heavy feet and lots of memories.

What to Pack for Rajmachi Trek?

  • Waterproof Backpack:  It is most important to have a backpack which means your hands remain free while you climb.
  • Water bottles and Water Filters:  You will need 2-3 litres of water for a single trek. Bring one or two energy drinks too. You can take a water bottle with a filter (that removes bacteria and turbidity from water) if you want to drink water straight from the waterfalls or lakes.
  • Trekking Shoes : Needless to say you will need proper trekking footwear to scale the Sahyadri.
  • Personal Medical Kit:  You can take a pain relief spray for just in case and your regular medicines, etc. Do take an insect repellent with you. You will also need a good sunscreen in winters.
  • And your  Cameras !


Please carry your trash and also the trash left by others! I saw several plastic bottles atop the Shrivardhan Fort, and also along the descent towards Kondana caves. It is very easy to throw a plastic bottle in the valley. But it is extremely difficult to find and collect the plastic trash strewn by tourist trekkers. If you are coming to the mountains, leave them in a better condition than you found them yourself.

Other places to visit nearby

  • Shirota Lake
  • Kune Waterfalls

Frequently Asked Questions about Rajmachi trek

Rajmachi trek is easy from Lonavala side. However it is difficult from Kondane village.

Satavahanas built the twin forts at Rajmachi.

June – Sept.

Karjat – Kondane village – Kondane caves – Rajmachi.

Lonavala – Dellas Adventures – Kune Waterfalls – Fanasarai – Rajmachi.

There is a dirt road, when you get off from the Lonavala highway near Dellas Adventures. This dirt road leads to Udhewadi village, which is the base village for Rajmachi trek.

Pune – Lonavala – Dellas adventures – Kune Waterfalls – Fanasarai – Rajmachi.

This post is sponsored by  Treks and Trails , which is a Mumbai based trekking club that started in 2012. You can join them for the Rajmachi Monsoon Trek.

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Rajmachi Fort Trek

Rajmachi Fort Trek

Maharashtra • 2 days.


₹ DIY + 5% GST

Rajmachi to Kondhavane

Available Batches

Brief description.

The ancient fort of Rajmachi is located in the Karjat region of Maharashtra near Lonavala serving as a perfect weekend getaway from Mumbai or Pune. The trek to Rajmachi Fort is one of the most popular fort treks in the Sahyadri, the Western Ghats. Taking you through the hidden beauty and wilderness of Maharashtra, the Rajmachi Fort gives you stunning views of the Sahyadri mountains and the backwaters of Shirota Dam. It consists of two forts namely the Shrivardhan Fort and the Manaranjan Fort and was built by Shivaji Maharaj in the 17th century. For years this trek has attracted many nature lovers and people looking to enter the trekking world due to its location amidst dense forests and waterfalls. The region comes to life during the monsoon months and has a different setting altogether in the winter season. Admire the beauty of Kondane Caves, 16 Buddhist caves. The best time to undertake the Rajmachi Trek is in rainy season June - September and the winter months of November to March when the scenery changes significantly. Stay on this page for information on the trek - Itinerary, Facts, FAQs, Images and Reviews.


Lonavala to Rajmachi

Assemble at Lonavala Railway station at 9 AM where you will be picked up by us in vehicles and we drive to the start point of the trek. A 8 km trek takes you to the base village. Have dinner and retire for the night. Overnight in tents.

Rajmachi to Kondhavane Village via Kondane Caves. Drive to Karjat Station.

Today we wake up early to start our day. Have breakfast and visit the fort. Also explore the nearby areas and witness the vast beauty of the Sahyadris. Have lunch and start your descend to Kondane Caves, with are a set of 15 Buddhist caves. Explore the caves and make you way down to the Kondhavane village. Our vehicles will drop you to Karjat station where we bid goodbye.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pick your question, eligibility: experience required.

Since it is a beginner’s trek, you need no special prior experience. Although one is required to have mental preparedness and stamina before he begins the trek. Running exercise is recommended.

Eligibility: Fitness benchmark

1. Jog/Run for 3 Kms in 30 mins and 2. Hold your breath for 20 seconds If you are not meeting these benchmarks, please use the preparation schedule to improve your fitness till you achieve the above benchmarks.

Eligibility: Requisite Skills

1. How to choose a right rucksack: It is essential that you choose a right rucksack for the trek since you are going to carry it all the time while trekking. Make sure you don’t make these common mistakes while buying a rucksack. 2. How to pack a rucksack: Trekking in mountains become more fun when your rucksack is well-organized. It also makes it easier for you to carry without being much load on your shoulders. Follow the guidelines on how to pack a rucksack.

About the activity: Why should I go for this trek?

Best season: what are the best months to visit this trek.

The best season for Rajmachi Fort Trek are the months of June to March. Monsoon season being the best whereas the winter season shows a completely different setting.

Packing List: What to pack

Packing List: How should I pack my rucksack?

Packing List: How should I select my trekking shoe?

Connectivity: How to Reach the base of the trek & how to go back from the end point?

The base of the trek is Lonavala Railway Station located 67 km from Pune and 83 km from Mumbai. Both are well connected to Lonavala by regular trains and buses. One can hire a private taxi to reach Lonavala as well.

Connectivity: What is the cellular network connectivity for this trek?

Intermittent cellular network till the base of the trek following which there will be no network.

Nearby attraction: What are the nearby attractions that I can explore?

Lonavala is a famous hill station surrounded by green valleys of the Western Ghats. The Karla and Bhaja Caves are ancient Buddhists shrines carved out of a rock. The Della Adventure Park and Bhushi dam are popular attractions near Lonavala.

Age limit: What is the minimum & maximum age limit?

The minimum age limit is 9 years. However, minors aged between 9 to 17 should be accompanied with their parents or guardians. If you are above the age of 60, kindly carry a medical certificate from your doctor that deem you fit for adventure activities like trekking.

Accommodation: What will be the accommodation type in this trek?

Accommodation on trek days is in tents on a twin sharing basis.

Equipment and facilities: What kind of tents and sleeping bags will be provided to us?

We use four-season Gipfel tents and sleeping bags. If you carry your own sleeping bag, you will get a cashback reward, provided that you inform us as soon as you have booked your trek.

Equipment and facilities: Are there any washroom/toilet facilities on the trek?

Toilet tents will be provided to you on the trek.These are portable toilets tents where a deep pit will be dug. A shovel will be provided inside the tent to cover the waste after you have made your business. You can take a toilet roll inside. Make sure you dig used toilet paper along with the waste. Though water is recommended in place of toilet paper. Please refrain from using wet wipes as they are non-biodegradable. There will be no facility for bathing on the trek. Go through our blog section for tips on how to maintain personal hygiene on treks.

Equipment and facilities: If we trek in snow, what equipment will you provide?

There will be no snow on this trek.

Equipment and facilities: What kind of food will be provided for the trek?

Vegetarian food will be served throughout the trek. The only non-vegetarian item served on our treks are eggs. Our kitchen staff follows a proper menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner which has been designed in order to fulfil the nutritional requirements of the participants. There will be milk, poha, eggs, muesli/corn flakes, bread and butter served for breakfast. Rice or simple roti sabzi will be packed for lunch. In dinner, you will have dal, egg curry or any other vegetarian dish along with rice, roti, and a dessert item. Packed lunch will be provided to you on the days you are trekking. You are requested to carry your own tiffin box and a mug to consume food. The meals consumed on journey and arrival day are not included in our cost.

Equipment and facilities: What equipment can I rent from you?

You can rent the following items from us- Trekking Pole, Trekking Shoes, Fleece Jacket, Rucksack

Weather conditions: What will the temperatures be like during this trek?

Monsoon season will see a significant amount of rainfall with temperatures ranging from 30 to 20 degree celsius. Winter months will be much cooler with temperatures dropping down to as low as 10 degrees at night.

Weather conditions: When will there be snow on this trek?

No, there will be no snow on this trek.

Miscellaneous : Is there an option to offload my backpack?

No, there is no option to offload your backpack.

Miscellaneous : Who will lead us on the trek?

A team of participant will be led by a course certified trek leader and a local guide. All participants are requested to abide by what their leader says. There will also be a team of kitchen staff and porters on the trek. We maintain 1:8 ratio of trek leader and participants. All our trek leaders and staff have a certified training in first-aid and rescue operation.

Miscellaneous : Is the trekking pole necessary?

No, trekking pole is not necessary.

Miscellaneous : Are there any local stores/shops from where I can shop trekking necessities?

It is recommended that you come prepared with all the stuff. Please do not leave anything for last-minute buying.

Miscellaneous : Is it safe for a solo woman traveller to trek in Fixed departures?

Yes, it is absolutely safe for solo woman to travel in fix departures. Women on the trek will be sharing tent with each other. In case you are the only woman on the trek, you will be given a separate tent.

Miscellaneous : Will you give certificates on completion of trek?

Yes, e-certificates will be given at the end of each trek provided that you completed it. It will bear your name, the trek, and the maximum altitude you achieved on the trek.

Transport: In case we opt for the transport with you, where will you pick us from and where will you drop?

You will be picked up from Lonavala Railway Station and dropped at Karjat Station.

Transport: What time will you drop us at the end point on last day of the trek?

Expect to reach Karjat station late evening by 19:00, so plan your further travels accordingly

Mandatory documents: What are the mandatory documents required for the trek?

No mandatory documents are required for the trek.

rajmachi trek lonavala

Learning Experience

  • We are an Adventure Learning Organisation first.
  • We want you to not just complete a trek safely but also pick up some basic trekking knowledge and skills along the way.
  • To achieve this we have integrated learning modules into our itineraries.
  • These modules will help you build the necessary skills to progress from trekking to mountaineering over time.

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  • Currently we have three levels:
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Personalized Attention

  • Our group sizes on treks don’t exceed 15 members in order to maintain a healthy Participants : Leader Ratio of 8:1.
  • Over time we have found this number to be optimum when it comes to ensuring personalised attention to every member of our group.
  • On mountaineering expeditions this number is even smaller. Our group sizes are capped at 12 members ensuring a Participants : HAP Ratio of 2:1.

Best Expedition Leaders

  • Our Expedition leaders are advanced mountaineering course qualified, specially trained in rescue procedures from NIM and certified first-aid responders.
  • Even our local guides are certified first-aid responders.

Eco-friendly Practices

  • Group sizes are capped at 15 people.
  • Batch sizes are capped at 250 people per trail per season.
  • We follow a rolling campsite model.
  • We are constantly exploring and introducing new trails to reduce the burden on existing ones.

For us, a successful summit is not about reaching the highest point of a mountain but about making it safely back to base.

  • To ensure this:
  • Every region of ours is mapped with an emergency evacuation plan.
  • The equipment we use is UIAA certified.
  • Our trek leaders are AMC certified with specialisation in rescue procedures.
  • Our support staffs are trained in first aid as well.

What's Included

Whats included.

  • Meals during Trek
  • Forest Permits/Camping Charges , if any (Upto the amount charged for Indian nationals)
  • Safety Equipment
  • Trek guide, cook, helpers.
  • Services of a Trek Leader
  • Accommodation during the trek (Tents/Guesthouses)
  • Transportation from Lonavala base and then to Karjat

Whats Not Included?

  • Meals during road journeys
  • Cost of any kind of travel insurance
  • Any expense of personal nature
  • Any expense not specified in the inclusion list
  • Portage of personal rucksacks

Cancellation Policy

Cash refund.

Cancellations up to 30 days prior to departure date 5% Deduction

Between 30 days to 15 days prior to departure 50% deduction

Less than 15 days of departure No Cash Refund

Voucher Refund

Cancellations up to 5 days prior to departure date No Deduction

Cancellations less than 5 days prior to departure No Refund

Please note

  • Cash refund is applicable only in case of bookings made without using any promotional offer code or vouchers.
  • This is only a brief of cancellation terms. For finer details please refer Detailed Cancellation Policy.

rajmachi trek lonavala

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rajmachi trek lonavala

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Rajmachi trek blog❤️this easy trek is the pride of lonavla.

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Rajmachi trek is the most sought after trek in Lonavla. Why? Rajmachi fort is near to Lonavla & Khandala which are one of India’s most famous hill station. Rajmachi is perfect day trip with beautiful monsoon waterfalls enroute & the mighty Kataldhar waterfall visible from the fort. Add to that the historical significance & since it is perfect for beginners makes it a must do activity in Lonavla. This Rajmachi trek blog covers my experience from summer & monsoon visit which will give you the perfect idea about the fort. You might ask Niraj is monsoon the better time to visit. Well read this Rajmachi blog and find out yourself. This blog will act as your Rajmachi trek guide to plan this trek yourself. Similar adventures like Rajmachi at the end of the post .

Rajmachi fort Lonavala best photo

How difficult is the Rajmachi Trek?

Rajmachi Trek itself is very easy with half the trek from Udhewadi paved with stones. The trek is easy during all the seasons and I recommend it for families as well. The real difficulty is in reaching the Rajmachi base village of Udhwadi. Udhewadi is about 15 kms from Lonavla with bad to worse offroads. If you walk all of this 15 kms its tiring & if you take your vehicle its a bad offroad exercide for your vehicle.

How long is the Rajmachi Trek?

Niraj how much time does it take for the Rajmachi trek ? As i said earlier Rajmachi trek gets completed in an hour but the major time taken is to reach Udhwadi village which can require 2 hrs from Lonavla by walking or an hour of back breaking drive

Kataldhar waterf from Rajmachi trek

Khane me Kya hia ?

The base village Udhwadi has sprout many hotels serving home made food. Pithala Bhakri – a local delicacy is a must try. Bro- Tip: When you reach Udhewadi select a particular hotel , order your food and take their mobile number and ask them to start preparing when you start to descend . Since its home made food it takes time. There are rock cut water cisterns / tanks but are no more in regular use. Hence carry your own drinking water . Avoid plastic consumption. ( checkout my trek food & trek gear )

Can we stay at Rajmachi ?

You can stay at Udhewadi. These are normal village homes so you can request locals for the stay. You can expect basic comforts of a village stay. If you want something luxurious one can stay at Lonavla ( During my Lonavala stay I had at the luxury resorts of Dukes Retreat & Upper Deck ). You can can always carry your tents and set up in udhewadi. Last i heard camping on Rajmachi was not allowed.

Kataldhar waterfall from Rajmachi fort trek

How to reach Rajmachi Fort from Pune & Mumbai ?

Where is Rajmachi fort located? Rajmachi is the most famous trek in Lonavala. It is 18 kms from Lonavala, 85 kms from Pune & 95 kms from Mumbai. Rajmachi can be reached from Lonavla side & Karjat side. The routes from Karjat are bit obscure & I will just give you an overview

Rajmachi Trek from Lonavla:

From Lonavla side is where Rajmachi is often visited because of the ease & ofcourse the views. Lonavla Railway station is the nearest one. From here are again two routes which will take you to Udhewadi – the base village of Rajmachi fort.

Route 1: ( 1 5km walk from Lonavla Railway station to Udhewadi )From Lonavla Railway Station ask/search route to Rajmachi route and start walking. Use google maps to search Upper Deck Resort which is at 5kms . Just ahead of this resort is Waterfall1 where you meet the road from Route 2. This route is famously known as the Upper Deck resort Route . From here onwards just walk straight to Udhewadi. There is only one road fork called Valvand fork take left from there to Udhewadi Route 2: ( 14.3km road from Mumbai-Pune Expressway ) Route from Kune Village: This would be nearer for people from Mumbai side or for those who want to take their vehicle. Just start walking from under the Mumbai- Pune expressway towards the Della Adventure & continue ahead to Rajmachi. After Della the road is nothing but rocks, good for offroading but bad for your vehicle. ( I guess Della has paid the officials to get the road concretised till their entrance ) This is route taken by all vehicles to reach Udhewadi

TAXI: there are sumo Taxi’s available from Lonavla Railway station which would charge for 1000 bucks till Fanasrai , from where you can walk for another 1hr to reach Udhewadi. They will take you all the way to Rajmachi (Base village- Udhewadi) for 1500 Rs. If you are lucky you might get a shared Sumo Taxi for 100 Rs per seat but chances of that happening are less

Lonavla Route is described in this blog

Rajmachi Trek Route Map from Lonavla

rajmachi trek lonavala

Rajmachi Trek from Karjat:

kondana rajmachi trek via karjat map gpx

There is single trail which starts from near Kondana Cave & it will take about 2-3 hours from there to reach Udhewadi village. You wll need to follow the orange ribbons tied throughout the way to stay on track . This blog will focus on the Lonavala route , if you need more info for Karjat side you can read the Kondana caves blog

Kondana caves trek blog : Kondana Caves route to rajmachi

How to get leaves & money to travel ?

Niraj, I love traveling but I dont get leaves. How can I work from mountains. Should I quit my job to travel? Sounds tempting, but then what about money. Savings only last so much. How to make money while traveling? I have tried trek leading, vlogging, and freelancing, but nothing worked till I found trading. This needs only 2-3 hours of work and has advantage of taking days off without asking anyone. If you can learn trading , you can earn from anywhere & travel everywhere while living life on your own terms, being your own boss.

Be it a village in Himachal, or an island in the Andamans you can earn from any corner of the world. Instead of wasting time on social media learn trading in your free time & all your dreams will come true. With just an internet connection and a free trading account , you can escape the modern day slavery of 9-7 jobs to your dream life.

Rajmachi Fort Trek Blog: TheFreeBird’s Story

I have done this trek in monsoon as well as summer from Lonavla as well as Karjat hence i have so many different perspectives. For starters i had taken my bike all the way to Udhewadi via the Della Route. You think below road is bad wait for the monsoon version

Bad road for Rajmachi

The route after Della Adventure is bad would be a huge understatement. But then if you want to save some time on walking offroading is the only option. The first point where i stopped was waterfall 1 this is the place where the upper deck resort trail meets the Della road trail.

rajmachi trek lonavala

I remember spending a lot of time in monsoon and really got me excited as I took so many pics. During my summer trip i barely stopped here for 2 minutes. On the same route falls the Kataldhar trek start point . It was difficult to spot this entry when i first visited here. But now a days it has not remained offbeat and attracts a lot of crowd. As such the entrance is also well marked these days.

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Kataldhar trek start point in Rajmachi route

Going ahead a bit more is the waterfall 2 . During monsoon the walk till the waterfall 2 itself can classify as a proper monsoon trek with such picture perfect waterfalls.

kataldhar waterfall trek blog how to reach

In monsoon you will find many people enjoying the easily accessible waterfalls. There is a small make shift hotel in monsoon which served some maize & vada pav. After getting drenched in the waterfall chai tasted the best ever. From here onwards one has to walk with a beautiful landscape on the left side & occasional waterfalls on the right. I was enjoying the off-roading on my xpulse.

Rajmachi road - How to reach Rajmachi fort trek

Once i reached Udhewadi, the Rajmachi trek appeared like a real small one. The real exercise is in reaching Udhewadi itself. There are two parts of Rajmachi fort – Manranjan & Shrivardhan ballekilla. The Shrivardhan is the one which is mostly visited for the great view of Kataldhar warterfall it offers . I planned to do both but could only visit the Shrivardhan due to lack of time.

The fort is well maintained & the trek route from Udhewadi is properly laid stone track.

Rajmachi Shrivardhan ballekilla

I crossed some 150 -200 stairs to enter the fort in about half an 20minutes . This is a straightforward trek hence I highly recommend it to beginners& families (if they can reach Udhewadi by vehicle)

Rajmachi fort trek blog

Another 15-20 minutes and i was at the top of the Shrivardhan ballekilla . The view from here provides a vista of entire range of Karjat forts. I spotted Manikgad , Karnala , Songiri , NathBaba Caves , Matheran , Sondai , Irshalgad on one side. Towards the right one can spot Bhimashankar , Padargad , Kothaligad etc. On the left side is ofcourse the beloved Kataldhar waterfall. Get ready for a beautiful before & after photos.

Kataldhar from Rajmachi fort trek

This baston / buruj is has the best view. Rajmachi was surrounded by clouds with rain drops just floating in the air i.e. clouds making it impossible to take out my camera. I remember sitting here for hours in rain waiting for the clouds to clear up just to get a proper look at Kataldhar . Finally the clouds cleared up and i was able to see the vast green expanse till Lonavla.

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The view from Rajmachi trek of Kataldhar

I remember taking so many pics & videos with a completely drenched mobile. I knew my mobile may stop working and i may loose all my data but such was the beauty that I couldnt stop myself from risking the rain. Here is a reel I shot.

rajmachi trek lonavala

Within few moments the clouds were back again in action covering the entire area,. With that i called it a day and rushed as fast as i could to my Hot Pithala Bhakri wating for me at the Udhwadi hotel. Quick lunch & I was off to my return journey.

That’s it for the Rajmachi trek blog .

If you have any doubts add a comment at the end of this post or reach out to me on my social media channels(at the end of this page). I also create ambience sahyadri videos on youtube.

I've written blogs covering numerous Sahyadri treks, all accessible in the section below. Additionally, I create ambient Sahyadri videos on YouTube, featuring solely natural sounds such as birdsong, wind rustling through the trees, and the soothing patter of rain—the elements of nature that I hold dear.


famous treks

kp falls- railway bridge waterfall

kataldhar 400ft

kumbhe 400ft

nanemachi 500ft

kalu waterfall god valley 1200ft trending

Easy treks near mumbai- pune

kondana caves

nathbaba caves

Treks near kasara & nashik



Treks near Malshej

Kalu waterfall God valley

bhairavgad moroshi

Konkan sea forts

murud Janjira

kolaba fort

korlai fort

Difficult treks

rajapuri caves

Matheran trekking routes from:

garbett plateau

rambaug point

one tree hill

sunset point

hashyachi patti

pisarnath ladder

beatrice cliff

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Rajmachi Trek


Forget 5 Star When You Can Sleep Under Billions of Stars. Join us for the Radiant Rajmachi Trek and Camping Experience!!

Rajmachi Fort is one of the many historical forts in the rugged hills of Sahyadri mountains of Western Ghats. It consists of two twin fortresses Shriwardhan Ballekilla and Manaranjan Balekilla, with a wide machi or plateau surrounding the two Balekillas. Udhewadi is a small village of about 22 houses situated on the machi, at the southern foot of Manaranjan Balekilla of Rajmachi Fort.

Rajmachi trek

Is a popular destination for nature lovers, trekkers and for outdoor campers. Historically, Rajmachi Fort was a strategic fort to control Borghat (a historical trade route). One can easily slip into ancient times in the alleys of ruins of fortifications, ramparts and gateways on the fort.

Places of attraction on Rajmachi Trek: Tiger point Lonavala: A weekend destination from the maddening crowd of city Tungarli Dam/Lake: A standstill water body with an amazing view of the Lonavala city Phanasarai plateau: One of the numerous waterfalls enroute along with a lush green plateau Rajmachi Temple: An ancient rock-made Shiva temple with a 17 th century lake nearby

Information about the Rajmachi Fort:

  • Type: Hill Fort
  • Height: 5400 Feet above MSL (Approx)
  • Base Village: Udhewadi
  • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Endurance Level: Easy

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Rajmachi Trek

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A Guide to Rajmachi Trek: Rajmachi Trek

Rajmachi Trek

Rajmachi Trek

Rajmachi fort trek is situated near Lonavala. The Rajmachi trek is one of the most popular fort treks in Maharashtra. In Pune and Mumbai the Rajmachi trek is famous among the trekkers. The Rajmachi trek  is 75 kilometres far from Pune, North West. The distance between the Rajmachi trek and Mumbai is 20,095 kilometres, South East.

Guidance for Rajmachi fort trek:

In Rajmachi trek there are two main trekking routes. For the Rajmachi fort trek you don’t need any guidance and permission. Only just need to continue this trek is google map with your mobile device.

 For the Rajmachi trek there aren’t any public transport facilities.

Guide from Kondhane side:

The Rajmachi trekking route starts from the Mumbai side. You just need to open google maps to find out the preferred path to go on. From Kondhane side to Rajmachi trek the distance is around 3.5 kilometres. And it will take almost two hours. If you want a guide to hire for your trek, you can. They provide you with a parking lot near a local village.

From Udhewadi side guide:

To reach Udhewadi there are available driving routes from the Pune side. Always keep in mind that the road from Lonavala to Udhewadi is too bad to trek because of the rainy season. During the heavy rain it is hard to keep driving. From Lonavala if you want a vehicle you can contact local guidance. They would help you. From the Udhewadi side to Rajmachi trek the total distance is approximately 2.5 kilometres. And it will take around 45 minutes.

When you are returning try to return before the sunset because you might get stuck in there. There are also private cab or taxi facilities from Lonavala to Rajmachi or Udhewadi village. At the Rajmachi fort there are two vast caves. You can also visit some famous forts around Rajmachi fort which are Shrivardhan Balekilla, Bhairavnath temple, Manoranjan Balekilla, and Kondane caves.

Best time to go for Rajmachi trek:

The Rajmachi trek is best time between June to September. Between the months of May to June you will be witnessed the fantastic views of fireflies on the sky at the night. For the two months the glory of the dark sky shows a beautiful site right before the monsoon it only for the two months. There are several firefly festivals  to allow the all visitors for the stunning panoramic views.

For the others month there’s a great time to visit specifically in monsoon. In the monsoon there are lush greenery, foggy skiy, small waterfalls and valleys. These plot twist scenario makes you energetic and mesmerized your soul.

If you don’t want to visit during the monsoon, you’ll meet the multiple colors of autumn. And in this time you can see the colorful ageing leaves, clear skies and clear air.

The Rajmachi trek is located between the hill stations of Lonavala and Karjat in the Sahyadri hills of the Western Ghats. Those place are famous amongst tourists in Maharashtra. The Rajmachi is based on two forts – one is the Manaranjan fort which is 2510 feet , faces with the West and the other one is the Shriwardhan fort which is around 2710 meet and faces the East.

The two forts are more easier than other. But it will take more time to reach. The route of those forts are enriched with beautiful forests and easy path to walk. In the meantime you will be witnessed with various types of insects, birds, and reptiles on your path. On the path there are multiple plants and weeds. This route will reach you to the Udhewadi which is the base of this Rajmachi trek.

You can hire a rickshaw till Tungarali from Lonavala. From the Lonavala station the destination will take time approximately 3 hours. You can also take four wheelers from the base camp. It will be easier to explore some new things during the starting your journey.

From the Karjat route:

To reach the Kondivade village from Karjat you have to walk. During this time you can pass through the waterfalls and various maple trees. The route which you pass there are also some viewpoints to see for a while like Kondhane caves which makes you  feel more amazing to explore some great scenario. Ans finally you will be reached at Rajmachi. From the Rajmachi you will reach the Udhewadi. You just relax with yourself with the mesmerizing views.

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  • Rajmachi Fort

Rajmachi Fort, Lonavala - Timings, Accessibility, Best Time to Visit

rajmachi trek lonavala

India | Maharashtra | Lonavala

#9 of 22 places to visit in lonavala, distance (from lonavala railway station): 15 kms, visited from: lonavala railway station, trip duration (including travel): half day to full day, place location: near udhewadi village, transportation options: bus / cab / + walk/trek, website: na, phone no: na, place address: na, travel tips: none.

At a distance of 15 km from Lonavala, 15 km from Khandala, 82 km from Mumbai & 82 km from Pune, Rajmachi Fort is an ancient fort situated in Pune district of Maharashtra. It is one of the popular tourist places near Mumbai for trekking and also among the best places to visit in Lonavala . This famous fort in Maharashtra lies at an altitude of 2710 feet. This is a protected monument and is among the most popular attraction not to miss in a Lonavala tour packages . Historically, Rajmachi fort was a strategic fort to control Bor Ghat (between Khopoli and Khandala on Mumbai-Pune route) which was a historical trade route. It is one of the ideal one day trip near Mumbai . The fort complex was originally constructed by the Satavahanas. In 1657 CE, Shivaji Maharaj captured this fort along with other neighbouring forts from the Adilshahi ruler of Bijapur. In 1704 CE, the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb captured the fort from the Marathas. However, the Marathas regained its control in 1705 CE. In 1713 CE, Shahu Maharaj handed over Rajmachi fort to Kanhoji Angre. Eventually in 1818 CE with the downfall of the Marathas, the British took over the Rajmachi Fort. Rajmachi Fort consists of two citadels namely Shrivardhan and Manaranjan Forts. It is a very famous fort located near Pune and also one of the top heritage sites in Lonavala. Surrounded by a wide plateau, this fort overlooks the Bor Ghat. The fort complex consists of huge ramparts, strong walls, massive gateways, residential units, water reservoirs, administrative centers and secret gates for exit. Kal Bhairav temple is situated in the gorge between Shrivardhan and Manaranjan forts. In rainy season this region is more beautiful with several waterfalls, streams and lush green forests and meadows. Ancient Buddhist caves known as Kondhane caves are situated on the western side of the Rajmachi plateau, which were supposedly carved during 200 BC. There are 8 Buddhist caves of the Hinayana Buddhist tradition. The Kondhane caves enclose sculptures, vihara and stupas of ancient Buddhist architecture. Although many stupas, front entrance and the floor of the caves were damaged in an earthquake only the Chaitya remained intact. There are two ways to reach the Rajmachi fort, one is from Lonavala, roughly 15 km flat walk and the other one is from Karjat, a gradual climb of around 5 km. For beginners, it would be better to trek from Lonavala as this is a much easier path. It will take about 5 hours of hiking to reach Udhewadi, the base of Rajmachi fort by this route. Only SUVs can reach Udhewadi village which is situated at the base of Rajmachi Fort to avoid 15 km long trek. The route from Kondivade village near Karjat is tough and involves climb-up of about 2000 feet. From Kondivade village one can reach Rajmachi via the Kondhane village and visit the ancient Kondhane Buddhist caves on the way. The caves are 3 km away from Kondivade village and has mototable road. The trek to Rajmachi fort starts from Kondhane Caves, which is about 5 km from the fort. It takes around 3-4 hours to reach Rajmachi from Kondhane Caves. Camping in Rajmachi is a perfect idea especially because of the long trek. Rajmachi Rural Aid and Development Programme (NGO) have 2 dormitories to provide accommodation facilities for trekkers to Rajmachi in Udhewadi village at a nominal charge. Timings: 9 AM to 5 PM.

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rajmachi trek lonavala

Walk to Remember : Rajmachi

Photo of Manish

Rajmachi Trek

Photo of Rajmachi Trek, Kondhane, Maharashtra, India by Manish

Walk to remember...

It’s been 6 -7 months Suhas, Nikhil & I never been together for any trip, so three of us were talking about one day trek somewhere near to Mumbai or Pune since we were facing time restrictions which was literally thrown on us by Nikhil. Finally we decided to go Rajmachi fort from Lonavla route. There are two ways first from Karjat Side which is tough uphill starts from Kondivade village near Karjat and secound via Lonavala which is like a trail. As it was lazy Saturday we took Udayan Express at 8:10am from Dadar station & reached Lonavla station by 9:30. It’s a 20Km flat walk from Lonavla to reach Rajmachi. We decided to take rickshaw till Tungarli dam which has covered 4Km of the journey. Then we were set for the trek 16 km from Tungarli dam to Base village Udhewadi . We started with zeal & enthusiasm to complete the journey but after 3 hours we started struggling. People who were coming down from the trek giving their own piece of wrong advice to complete the trek, even the arrows, Distance boards made by past trekkers were misleading but we reminded of our final goal and the deadline, we move over with heavy hearts and start climbing.

Photo of Rajmachi Trek, Kondhane, Maharashtra, India by Manish

After 5 hours of continues walk we reached base village & decided to take break of 15 min to have some snacks from the local shop. As we reached to Rajmachi we got to know, Rajmachi peak has two fortified structures – the Shrivardhan fort and Manaranjan fort - Both the forts are good in structure, still maintained, best for Camping & sky watching. Even you can stay up there at Udhewadi they give rooms on rent but we were only interested in one day trek so not bothered to ask about details on stay.

While having snacks we grab the chance to ask local people about history of the fort & we got very interesting facts from them.

The historical Rajmachi fort complex was originally constructed by the Satavahanas. In 1657, Shivaji Maharaj captured this fort along with other neighboring forts from the Adilshahi ruler of Bijapur . In 1704, the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb captured the fort from the Marathas. However, the Marathas regained its control in 1705. In 1713, Shahu Maharaj handed over Rajmachi fort to Kanhoji Angre. Eventually in 1818 with the downfall of the Marathas, the British acquired the control of the Maratha territories including the forts such as Rajmachi.

There are two Fortresses on Rajmachi –the taller one in the east is Shrivardhan fort and the other in the west is Manaranjan fort. Rajmachi is a unique fort having wide plateau on all sides of the twin fortresses. There is a rich treasure of historical monuments on Rajmachi, viz. mighty ramparts and walls, gateways, secret exit gates, administrative offices, water storage tanks and reservoirs, residential quarters, temples and idols of deities. The various functionaries and officers in the military and administrative set-up for Rajmachi region under the Maratha rule resided at Rajmachi, till the British defeated the Peshwa in the year 1818. Ruins of their big residential houses are found in the forest on the south side of the hamlet Udhewadi. A big water reservoir constructed about 200 years ago is situated further down from the forest mentioned above. A carved stone plate in the wall of the water reservoir indicates that it was built by Ramrav Narayanrav Deshmukh, Mamlatdar of Danda Rajpuri (near Murud Janjira in Raigad District). An ancient Shiva temple, built in Hemdpanti style, is situated on the western side of the water reservoir. A large amount of silt coming in the storm water from the high land behind has been deposited around the Shiva temple.

Up trek journey was so time & energy consuming we were not mentally prepared to start down trek journey so we asked for Vehicle from local people which can directly drop us to Lonavla station which definitely going to save our 4 Hours.I will definitely recommend for one day trek. Best time to visit: Monsoon & WintersAccommodation / Food at Rajmachi village: Hotel Shirish -Ram: 9881162648 Suresh: 9850104191 HappY Travelling!!!

For more Travel diaries subscribe on http://manish-patil88.blogspot.sg/

Photo of Walk to Remember : Rajmachi by Manish

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Ideal duration: 1 day

Best Time: June to September Read More

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Rajmachi Tourism

Rajmachi is a small village situated in the Sahyadri mountain range of the Konkan region of Maharashtra. Rajmachi is famous for the historical fortress which has two fortified peaks - Shrivardhan and Manaranjan forts, located near two famous hills of Lonavala and Khandala .

At the base of the fort is the village Udhewadi which is another name for Rajmachi. Rajmachi has seen many change of hands from Shivaji Maharaj, Emperor Aurangzeb, Shahu Maharaj and eventually the British reign. The fort of Rajmachi is famous among trekkers and adventure enthusiasts. If you want to experience a full-fledged trek, you can start from the Kondhane caves side which will take 3-4 hours of climbing, but otherwise you can drive right upto Udhewadi village (from the Lonavala side) and then trek for hardly 20-30 minutes to the top of the fort. The simple and clearly marked trail on both the paths make Rajmachi a very popular beginner's trek.

Things to do in Rajmachi

1. trekking in rajmachi.

Trekking in Rajmachi

More on Rajmachi Travel

Trek to rajmachi fort from mumbai, trek to rajmachi fort from pune, history of rajmachi fort, architecture of fort rajmachi.

  • The Rajmachi Fort has a brilliant architecture and comprises of vast and robust walls, gigantic gateways, residential units, administrative centres, water reservoirs and some secret gateways which were used for exiting purpose at that time.
  • The fort is built upon two hill stretches namely Shrivardhan Hill and Manaranjan Hill. Shrivardhan Fort and Manaranjan Fort inside the Rajmachi Fort have been constructed in a traditional Indian style.
  • Inside the forts are a few ruined complexes. Since the area is considered as a heavy monsoon area, it has a number of man-made as well as natural water catchment areas. Some manmade lakes have been built in the area for the summers.
  • A famous temple known as Kal Bhairavi Temple too has been established here which is decorated beautifully on auspicious occasions.  
  • The various functionaries and officers in the military and administrative set-up for Rajmachi region under the Maratha rule resided at Rajmachi till the British defeated the Peshwa in the year 1818. Ruins of their big residential houses are found in the forest on the south side of the hamlet Udhewadi.
  • A big water reservoir constructed about 200 years ago is situated further down from the forest mentioned above. A carved stone plate in the wall of the water reservoir indicates that it was built by Ramrav Narayanrav Deshmukh, Mamlatdar of Danda Rajpuri (near Murud Janjira in Raigad District).
  • An ancient Shiva temple, built in Hemdpanti style, is situated on the western side of the water reservoir. A fountain in the shape of cow-head and a water tank in the front of the temple has been discovered.

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    Overview. Rajmachi fort trek is situated near Lonavala. The Rajmachi trek is one of the most popular fort treks in Maharashtra. In Pune and Mumbai the Rajmachi trek is famous among the trekkers. The Rajmachi trek is 75 kilometres far from Pune, North West. The distance between the Rajmachi trek and Mumbai is 20,095 kilometres, South East.

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    It's a 20Km flat walk from Lonavla to reach Rajmachi. We decided to take rickshaw till Tungarli dam which has covered 4Km of the journey. Then we were set for the trek 16 km from Tungarli dam to Base village Udhewadi. We started with zeal & enthusiasm to complete the journey but after 3 hours we started struggling.

  21. Maharashtra >Travel Guide, Rajmachi Fort Trek

    The fort of Rajmachi is famous among trekkers and adventure enthusiasts. If you want to experience a full-fledged trek, you can start from the Kondhane caves side which will take 3-4 hours of climbing, but otherwise you can drive right upto Udhewadi village (from the Lonavala side) and then trek for hardly 20-30 minutes to the top of the fort.

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  23. Sagar Chauhan

    sagar_chauhan_iitb on August 20, 2024: "Lonavala in monsoon Rajmachi Trekking . . . . #trekking #trek #rajmachi #rajmachifort #adventure #adventures #nature #naturelovers #naturephotography #dream #reels #reelsinstagram #reel #insta #trending #trendingreels #trendy #viral #viralreels #viralvideo #instagram #trevel #treveling #explorepage #explore #explorer #life #lifestyle".

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