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How to get from Kenosha to Milwaukee

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Trips from Kenosha

  • Kenosha to Green Bay
  • Kenosha to Madison
  • Kenosha to Gurnee
  • Kenosha to Chicago
  • Kenosha to Lake Geneva
  • Kenosha to Waukegan
  • Kenosha to Waukesha
  • Kenosha to Minneapolis
  • Kenosha to Rockford
  • Kenosha to Marquette
  • Kenosha to Racine
  • Kenosha to Wilmette
  • Kenosha to Columbia
  • Kenosha to Port Washington
  • Kenosha to Oak Creek
  • Kenosha to North Chicago
  • Kenosha to Winthrop Harbor

Trips to Milwaukee

  • Rockford to Milwaukee
  • Aurora to Milwaukee
  • Chicago to Milwaukee
  • Appleton to Milwaukee
  • Cleveland to Milwaukee
  • Indianapolis to Milwaukee
  • Detroit to Milwaukee
  • New York to Milwaukee
  • Janesville to Milwaukee
  • Minneapolis to Milwaukee
  • Oshkosh to Milwaukee
  • Seattle to Milwaukee
  • Kansas City to Milwaukee
  • Boston to Milwaukee
  • Manitowoc to Milwaukee
  • Holland to Milwaukee
  • Wausau to Milwaukee
  • Grand Rapids to Milwaukee
  • Peoria to Milwaukee
  • Columbus to Milwaukee
  • Memphis to Milwaukee
  • Baltimore to Milwaukee
  • Cincinnati to Milwaukee
  • Des Moines to Milwaukee
  • Washington to Milwaukee
  • Orlando to Milwaukee
  • Pittsburgh to Milwaukee
  • Philadelphia to Milwaukee
  • Austin to Milwaukee
  • Atlanta to Milwaukee
  • Nashville to Milwaukee
  • Houston to Milwaukee
  • Charlotte to Milwaukee
  • Dallas to Milwaukee
  • Oak Park to Milwaukee
  • Denver to Milwaukee
  • Waukesha to Milwaukee
  • Madison to Milwaukee
  • Racine to Milwaukee
  • Saint Louis to Milwaukee

Popular routes

  • Chicago to Columbus
  • San Antonio to New Orleans
  • Costa Mesa to Huntington Beach
  • Lexington to Frankfort
  • Paris to Frankfurt am Main
  • Los Angeles to Toronto

travel from kenosha to milwaukee

Bus from Kenosha, WI to Milwaukee, WI

More travel options, enjoy free onboard entertainment, reserve a seat, need to make a change, on this page, bus stations and stops in kenosha, wi, bus stations and stops in milwaukee, wi, milwaukee bus station.

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To view more info about this station, visit our page Milwaukee Bus Station

Milwaukee (Downtown)

To view more info about this station, visit our page Milwaukee (Downtown)

Milwaukee Mitchell Airport

To view more info about this station, visit our page Milwaukee Mitchell Airport

Goerke's Corners Park & Ride

To view more info about this station, visit our page Goerke's Corners Park & Ride

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Discover more popular bus connections

  • Milwaukee, WI - Kenosha, WI
  • Kenosha, WI - Milwaukee, WI
  • Kenosha, WI - Green Bay, WI
  • Green Bay, WI - Kenosha, WI
  • Minneapolis, MN - Kenosha, WI
  • Kenosha, WI - Chicago, IL
  • Columbus, OH - Kenosha, WI
  • Kenosha, WI - Toledo, OH
  • Kenosha, WI - Columbus, OH
  • Wisconsin Dells, WI - Kenosha, WI
  • Memphis, TN - Kenosha, WI
  • Kenosha, WI - Dallas, TX
  • Sheboygan, WI - Kenosha, WI
  • Indianapolis, IN - Kenosha, WI
  • Chicago, IL - Kenosha, WI
  • Madison, WI - Kenosha, WI
  • Kenosha, WI - Cleveland, OH
  • New Orleans, LA - Kenosha, WI
  • Lafayette, LA - Kenosha, WI
  • Dallas, TX - Kenosha, WI
  • Chicago, IL - Milwaukee, WI
  • Milwaukee, WI - Chicago, IL
  • Milwaukee, WI - Madison, WI
  • Minneapolis, MN - Milwaukee, WI
  • Milwaukee, WI - Minneapolis, MN
  • Madison, WI - Milwaukee, WI
  • Milwaukee, WI - Indianapolis, IN
  • Indianapolis, IN - Milwaukee, WI
  • Green Bay, WI - Milwaukee, WI
  • Milwaukee, WI - Detroit, MI
  • Saint Paul, MN - Milwaukee, WI
  • Milwaukee, WI - Chicago 95th & Dan Ryan, IL
  • Milwaukee, WI - Saint Paul, MN
  • Chicago 95th & Dan Ryan, IL - Milwaukee, WI
  • Detroit, MI - Milwaukee, WI
  • Milwaukee, WI - Eau Claire, WI
  • Milwaukee, WI - Green Bay, WI
  • Milwaukee, WI - Nashville, TN
  • Milwaukee, WI - Atlanta, GA
  • Eau Claire, WI - Milwaukee, WI

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Home > Ride > Routes > Kenosha WI to Milwaukee WI

Best way to get from Kenosha WI to Milwaukee WI

Find the best ways to travel from Kenosha WI to Milwaukee WI. You can also request a ride directly in the app at the tap of a button.

Reserve a ride in advance to Milwaukee WI

Complete your plans today by reserving a ride with Uber to get from Kenosha WI to Milwaukee WI. Request a ride up to 90 days before your trip, at any time and on any day of the year.

Reserve may not be available for your pickup location.

Getting from Kenosha WI to Milwaukee WI

When you ride with Uber on your next trip from Kenosha WI to Milwaukee WI, you’ve got choices. Whether you’re traveling alone or with others, find a ride option that fits your needs and budget. If you like to plan ahead, consider scheduling a ride to Milwaukee WI in advance. Or you can request a ride on demand from Kenosha WI in the Uber app.

The route your driver takes might depend on the time of day and other factors, like traffic and how many other riders are making requests. You can have a stress-free ride knowing that the Uber app will suggest the most efficient route to your driver.

Average Travel Time

Average route price, average route distance, how to get from kenosha wi to milwaukee wi.

Compare ride options getting from Kenosha WI to Milwaukee WI. Check the Uber app for current prices and travel options available.


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Sample rider prices are estimates only and do not reflect variations due to geography, traffic delays, promotions, or other factors. Flat rates and minimum fees may apply. Actual prices for rides and scheduled rides may vary.

Frequently asked questions

The Uber app gives you the power to request a ride from Kenosha WI anytime, 24/7.

The average price for this trip is $73. Open the Uber app and input Milwaukee WI in the “Where to?” box. The price estimate for each ride option will appear; scroll to see what’s available. Prices will vary based on time of day and how many riders are making requests.

The most affordable ride choice from Kenosha WI to Milwaukee WI is UberX.

The average duration for this ride is 37 minutes. Before a trip starts, your app gives an estimated time of arrival (ETA) for when your driver is likely to arrive at Kenosha WI. After your trip starts, your app provides an ETA for when you are likely to arrive at Milwaukee WI. Please note: ETAs are not guaranteed; various factors like heavy traffic or road construction could affect travel time.

The average trip from Kenosha WI to Milwaukee WI using the Uber app is about 32 miles.

If Uber Reserve is an option in the Uber app at Kenosha WI, you can request a ride from Kenosha WI anywhere from 2 hours to 90 days in advance, at any time and on any day of the year. Uber’s ride-scheduling technology and Uber Reserve can help you be on time.

Check in the Uber app to see if car rentals are available at Kenosha WI. If you see the Rent icon, you can complete your reservation using the Uber app. Then you can rent a car and drive yourself to Milwaukee WI. To get more details, go to

The data presented on this page represents historical average prices, durations, and distances for routes. Actual prices, durations, and distances may vary based on factors such as location, traffic conditions, and other variables. Information provided here is for reference purposes only and should not be considered as binding.

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Popular routes

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  • ORD to Brookfield WI
  • Oak Creek WI to Greendale WI
  • MKE to West View, West Allis WI
  • Menomonee Falls WI to Wauwatosa WI
  • Hales Corners WI to Franklin WI
  • Glendale WI to ORD
  • Greenfield WI to West Allis WI
  • Investor relations

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How to get from Kenosha to MKE

Compare trains, buses, carpooling, rideshare and shuttles tickets from $4

Kenosha to MKE train information

Two available routes · 1 train companies

The Kenosha to MKE WI train is often considered a favorable option compared to driving, taking the bus, or flying to MKE. It provides a comfortable and efficient mode of transportation, with fewer potential delays and traffic concerns. The scenic route and onboard amenities make the train a pleasant and stress-free choice for travelers, allowing you to relax or be productive during the journey.

Trains to MKE

Train stations for traveling from kenosha to mke.

2 Train Stations near Kenosha · 3 Train Stations near MKE

Kenosha to MKE bus information

Two available routes

Taking the bus from Kenosha to MKE WI can be a good option. Buses provide an affordable and convenient mode of transportation between the two cities, offering a straightforward journey with multiple departure times from Kenosha. The bus allows you to relax and enjoy the scenic route while avoiding the hassle of driving or navigating through traffic and should last about 1 hours and 10 minutes to 1 hours and 25 minutes.

Bus routes to MKE

Bus stations when traveling to mke.

2 Bus Stations near Kenosha · 2 Bus Stations near MKE

Kenosha to MKE driving information

It's 26 miles between Kenosha to MKE. On a typical day, it might take between 37 minutes and 39 minutes from Kenosha to MKE under normal conditions. If traffic is heavy, it could take around 47 minutes and costs will only go up due to traffic and congestion to drive to MKE by car. In these situations, we would highly recommend alternative modes of transport if available. We estimate driving cost by using a 20 mpg fuel economy, fuel costing $3.47 per US gallon, the one-way cost of the drive, excluding tolls, may be about $4.

Rideshare from Kenosha

Two available Rideshare companies

By choosing a rideshare service for your trip from Kenosha to MKE, you can enjoy the convenience, cost savings, reliability, safety, and local expertise that these services offer, ensuring a smooth and stress-free start to your journey. Consult the rideshare companies for more information regarding actual prices and other estimates, but normally should cost you somewhere between $25 and $29.

Kenosha to MKE Shuttles Information

One available route

There are situations where opting for a shuttle or private transfer from Kenosha to MKE might be the best choice over public transportation or rideshare services. If you have a considerable amount of luggage or are traveling with a group, a shuttle or private transfer can offer more space and convenience for your 50 minutes journey.

Kenosha to MKE General Mitchell Intl Travel

The details you need to know

Discover inside tips for traveling from Kenosha to MKE General Mitchell Intl

Compare transportation from Kenosha to MKE General Mitchell Intl including five options by trains, buses, carpooling, rideshare or shuttles

  • The Kenosha to MKE train is the quickest and most environmentally friendly option
  • Taking the by car is the cheapest way from Kenosha to MKE.
  • Five modes of transportation - trains, buses, carpooling, rideshare, and shuttles - can give you more options and better savings to MKE
  • Amtrak operates the cheapest train from Kenosha to MKE and tickets will start around $10
  • The train to MKE costs roughly $10 and takes about 14 minutes
  • Bus tickets from Kenosha to MKE can be found for about $13 and will take 1 hours and 10 minutes
  • The drive from MKE take about 37 minutes
  • Lyft and Uber are some rideshare options available in the Kenosha area to help take you to MKE
  • Shuttles and airport transfers are available starting around $51

Frequently Asked About Traveling From Kenosha to MKE General Mitchell Intl

Other trips from kenosha to mke, top tips for traveling from kenosha to mke for cheap, everything you need.

All in one platform

Find the best way to travel from Kenosha to MKE on Faretrotter - compare schedules and tickets from just $4.

Find Train Stations and Bus Stations when traveling from Kenosha to MKE

Stops in kenosha.

SVT is one of two Kenosha train stations. There is one train company operating between SVT and MKE - Amtrak .

MKA is one of two Kenosha train stations.

General Mitchell Intl is the only airport in Kenosha.

Stops in MKE

Milwaukee Intermodal Station is one of two MKE bus stations.

433 W St Paul Ave

Ste 150, Milwaukee, WI 53203

Travel companies operating between Kenosha and MKE

Amtrak kenosha to mke.

Amtrak operates four routes from Kenosha to MKE. Amtrak from SVT and take you to MKA or MKE in MKE. You can usually find tickets starting around $10.

Lyft Kenosha to MKE

Lyft operates one route from Kenosha to MKE. You can usually find tickets starting around $26.

Uber Kenosha to MKE

Uber operates one route from Kenosha to MKE. You can usually find tickets starting around $28.

Kenosha to MKE travel

Return travel deals, more about kenosha, more about mke, popular trips and destinations.

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The driving time from Kenosha, Wisconsin to Milwaukee, Wisconsin is:

Average driving speed: 49.9 mph Kilometers per hour: 80.2 km/h This is based on typical traffic conditions for this route.

  • Kenosha to Milwaukee drive
  • road conditions from Kenosha to Milwaukee
  • flattest route from Kenosha to Milwaukee

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Map of driving directions from Kenosha, WI to Milwaukee, WI

View a map with driving directions using your preferred map provider: Google Maps , Bing Maps , or MapQuest . You can use to find out how far is it to drive from Kenosha to Milwaukee with full directions.

More trip calculations

  • Driving Distance
  • Cost To Drive
  • Reverse Driving Time
  • Places To Stop
  • Hotels near Milwaukee, WI
  • Flight Duration
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  • airports near Milwaukee, WI
  • airlines flying to Milwaukee, WI
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Driving time from Kenosha, WI to Milwaukee, WI

How long is the drive from Kenosha, WI to Milwaukee, WI? The total driving time is 46 minutes .

Your trip begins in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It ends in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

If you're planning a road trip, you might be interested in seeing the total driving distance from Kenosha, WI to Milwaukee, WI .

You can also calculate the cost to drive from Kenosha, WI to Milwaukee, WI based on current local gas prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage.

If you're meeting a friend, you might be interested in finding the city that is halfway between Kenosha, WI and Milwaukee, WI .

Planning to fly a plane instead? You might be more interested in calculating the flight time from Kenosha, WI to Milwaukee, WI.

Kenosha, Wisconsin

Related links.

  • hotels near Kenosha, WI
  • airports near Kenosha, WI
  • cities near Kenosha, WI

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  • airlines serving Milwaukee, WI
  • hotels near Milwaukee, WI
  • cities near Milwaukee, WI

Driving time calculator

Travelmath helps you find the driving time based on actual directions for your road trip. You can find out how long it will take to drive between any two cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes. This can also help you plan the best route to travel to your destination. Compare the results with the flight time calculator to see how much longer it might take to drive the distance instead of flying. You can also print out pages with a travel map.

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Kenosha to Milwaukee

Kenosha to Milwaukee

Best options, other options, kenosha to milwaukee schedule, transportation from kenosha to milwaukee.

  • Flights RUB 19,350
  • Trains are not available
  • Buses are not available
  • Ferries are not available
  • Taxis are not available
  • Vans are not available

Facts about the transport from Kenosha to Milwaukee

Popular routes, from kenosha.

  • Kenosha → Detroit
  • Chicago OHare Airport → Kenosha
  • Masovian Voivodeship → Kenosha
  • Warsaw → Kenosha

From Milwaukee

  • Milwaukee → Chicago
  • Milwaukee → Washington DC
  • Milwaukee → Tampa
  • Milwaukee → Santo Domingo
  • Milwaukee → Saint Petersburg Florida

To Milwaukee

  • Chicago → Milwaukee
  • Phoenix → Milwaukee
  • Chicago Airport → Milwaukee
  • Chicago OHare Airport → Milwaukee
  • West Memphis → Milwaukee

Popular Routes in USA

  • Los Angeles → Las Vegas
  • New York → Washington DC
  • New York → Boston
  • Boston → New York
  • Las Vegas → Los Angeles

How to get from Kenosha to Milwaukee

Travelling between Kenosha and Milwaukee is possible by flight. At the moment it is the only option available for this route.

How far is Kenosha from Milwaukee?

Travelling by land the distance between Kenosha and Milwaukee is 723 km while it is about 723 km as the crow flies.

How long does it take to get from Kenosha to Milwaukee?

Travelling by flight between Kenosha and Milwaukee, expect to spend about 1 hours.

How much does it cost to get from Kenosha to Milwaukee?

flight tickets for Kenosha - Milwaukee route will set you back about RUB 32,932 . To ensure the best price, buy tickets in advance.

How many trips per day are there between Kenosha and Milwaukee?

Flights from Kenosha to Milwaukee are operated 6 times a day.

Useful tips for travelling between Kenosha and Milwaukee by flight

To get from Kenosha to Milwaukee your choice is limited to a single transportation option but it does not mean you cannot make your trip as comfortable as possible. Check our simple hints to avoid disappointment during your travel.

United Airlines.

How many travellers choose to get from Kenosha to Milwaukee by flight?

We have sold flight tickets to 501 passengers. Some of them left reviews on their trip above on this page. Check travellers' reviews to get prepared. They are always the most useful and reliable source of information.

  • Transport Options

Commuter & Transit Routes

Wisconsin Coach Lines Commuter & Transit Routes

travel from kenosha to milwaukee

Book Bus Tickets

Travel for commuter and airport routes, commuter & transit routes.

In addition to our airport and charter services, Wisconsin Coach Lines is committed to bringing you reliable commuter service throughout Wisconsin. View our several weekday and weekend routes below.

Kenosha – Racine – Milwaukee

Daily service between downtown Milwaukee, General Mitchell International Airport, Racine, Carthage College and Kenosha METRA Train Station in Kenosha.

View Schedule

Milwaukee - Janesville Daily Loop

Daily service between Janesville, Milton, Whitewater, East Troy, Muskego and Milwaukee


Weekend service between the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater campus and Brookfield, West Allis and Milwaukee.

Waukesha Milwaukee Express – Route 901

Weekday service between Waukesha, Brookfield and Milwaukee

Oconomowoc Milwaukee Express – Route 904 & 905

Weekday service between Oconomowoc, Okauchee, Nashotah, Hartland, Delafield, Pewaukee, Waukesha, Brookfield and Milwaukee

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Distance between Milwaukee and Kenosha

Driving non-stop from milwaukee to kenosha.

How far is Kenosha from Milwaukee? Here's the quick answer if you make this quick drive without any stops. Of course, traffic is going to make a big difference so make sure you check that before leaving.

Nonstop drive: 39 miles or 63 km

Driving time: 46 minutes

Even on a short drive, it might be more interesting to stop along the way and explore the local area. You can scroll down to see the calculation if you drive with stops .

Flying non-stop from Milwaukee to Kenosha

Now let's assume you have a private jet and you can fly in the fastest possible straight line between Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Kenosha, Wisconsin. Because of the curvature of the Earth, the shortest distance is actually the "great circle" distance, or "as the crow flies" which is calculated using an iterative Vincenty formula.

Flight distance: 32 miles or 51 km

Flight time: 10 minutes

The straight line flight distance is 7 miles less than driving on roads, which means the driving distance is roughly 1.2x of the flight distance.

Your plane flies much faster than a car, so the flight time is about 1/2th of the time it would take to drive.

This is a relatively short flight in a private plane, but you might be planning to book a commercial flight. In that case, your travel time would really need to include how many minutes to get to your local airport, wait for security, board and taxi on the runway, land at the other airport, and get to your destination. Scroll down to see a more realistic calculation that takes into account all these factors to get a more accurate estimate of your actual flight time .

Milwaukee to Kenosha road trip

Let's say you're actually planning a road trip to Kenosha, and you want to stop on the way to explore. If it's a real road trip, you might want to check out interesting places along the way, or maybe eat at a great restaurant. That's what Trippy is perfect for, helping you figure out travel plans in detail.

Road trip: 1 day of driving

With the full itinerary planned out, we can estimate your total travel time for this trip.

Travel time: 1.5 hours on the road

Start in Milwaukee .

Drive for about 9 minutes , then stop at Leon's Frozen Custard and stay for about 1 hour. Next, drive for another 16 minutes then stop at KWIK TRIP #422 and stay for 1 hour. Drive for 10 minutes then stop in Caledonia (Wisconsin) and stay for 1 hour. Drive for 14 minutes then stop at Days Inn Racine/Sturtevant and stay for 1 hour. Drive for 17 minutes then stop at Mars Cheese Castle and stay for 1 hour. Drive for 9 minutes then stop at Care Animal Hospital and stay for 1 hour. Finally, drive for about 11 minutes and arrive in Kenosha .

Milwaukee to Kenosha airports and flights

In the quick calculation above, we assumed you had a private plane and just wanted to know the time in the air from city to city. But for most of us, we're going to be flying on a commercial airline (whether it's first class or coach). So that means we really need to account for all the extra travel time getting to the airport, waiting for our flight, and making it to the destination.

To give you a better estimate of real-life travel, we've put together a flight itinerary with actual airports. Eventually you'll be able to customize this plan, choosing your own airports and flights. But for now, here's an example we've selected to give you an idea of how traveling might work between airports.

Departure airport: General Mitchell International Airport (MKE)

Arrival airport: Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD)

With the airports selected, we can estimate the travel time to and from the airport, based on how far the airport is from downtown.

Getting to the airport: 19 minutes

Getting to your destination: 126 minutes

Now finally, let's look at an example flight from MKE to ORD and figure out how long it would take to fly including take-off and landing, and time to taxi on the runway.

Commercial flight time: 21 minutes

So now we can finally get an idea of the total travel time from Milwaukee to Kenosha including time spent getting to/from the airports, an estimated wait time of 2 hours at the airport for TSA security lines and waiting at the gate, and the actual flight itself.

Total travel time: 5 hours

Plan a trip to Kenosha

Trippy has a ton of information that can help you plan your trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin. Start by reading the Trippy page on where to stay in Kenosha . A great place to eat might be Mars Cheese Castle . Click the button below to explore Kenosha in detail.

How far is it the other way?

The distance is the same either way if you're flying a straight line (or driving the same roads back and forth). But for a real trip, there can be plenty of differences so go ahead and check the reverse directions to get the distance from Kenosha to Milwaukee , or go to the main page to calculate the distance between cities .

If you happen to know Milwaukee, don't forget to help other travelers and answer some questions about Milwaukee!

More info on this route: drive from Milwaukee to Kenosha road conditions alternate routes Google driving directions

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Train Milwaukee WI - Kenosha WI

  • Train Milwaukee to Kenosha

Travel information

Information about the train from Milwaukee to Kenosha . The train is one of the safest modes of transportation in existence, and offers a comfortable atmosphere for you to relax on your journey from Milwaukee to Kenosha. Best of all, getting from Milwaukee to Kenosha is budget-friendly, with train tickets starting at just $25. This is an estimate, so please contact the train ticket seller directly for precise information.

According to our database, the best route to go from Milwaukee to Kenosha is through North Chicago. Take a look at the route we propose for this trip. We show you all available schedules for each train trip.


Tickets and schedules

Milwaukee Station

North Chicago Station

Frequently asked questions

How can i get cheap train tickets to go from milwaukee to kenosha.

If you want to get cheap train tickets from Milwaukee to Kenosha we recommend that you book in advance as the best Amtrak tickets sell out fast.The cheapest ticket is usually $25 and the most expensive one to go to Kenosha is approximately $27. .Remember that you must also add the cost of the journey: North Chicago -> Kenosha

What time is the first train from Milwaukee?

The first trains for the route we propose are: Milwaukee -> North Chicago: 06:15 North Chicago -> Kenosha: -

What companies can help me on my trip?

The companies that can help you are: Amtrak.

How can I get ticket refund on Amtrak?

Each company has its rules and depending on the ticket, price, and offer different refund policies apply. We recommend that you contact the company where you bought the ticket to get a solution.

Why do I see more than one step on the route Milwaukee - Kenosha?

In Goticket we try to give a solution for every trip the user asks. Sometimes is not possible but we do our best to group different train direct routes to in order to create a multi-step journey that satisfies the user. This is the route we recommend:: 1.- Milwaukee -> North Chicago 2.- North Chicago -> Kenosha

How far is Milwaukee from Kenosha?

The approximate distance between the two places is 59 km. With the route we propose, it will take approximately 1h 59m (plus the time it takes to you to make: North Chicago -> Kenosha).

Trains from Milwaukee WI

  • Train Milwaukee to Bozeman
  • Train Milwaukee to Asheville
  • Train Milwaukee to Grayslake
  • Train Milwaukee to Charleston
  • Train Milwaukee to Marshfield
  • Train Milwaukee to Hinesville
  • Train Milwaukee to Pittsfield
  • Train Milwaukee to Flagstaff
  • Train Milwaukee to Saginaw
  • Train Milwaukee to Terre Haute
  • Train Milwaukee to Lawrence
  • Train Milwaukee to Stillwater
  • Train Milwaukee to Oak Park
  • Train Milwaukee to Clarksville
  • Train Milwaukee to Downers Grove
  • Train Milwaukee to Jackson
  • Train Milwaukee to Lake Zurich
  • Train Milwaukee to Greenville
  • Train Milwaukee to Libertyville
  • Train Milwaukee to Wisconsin Dells
  • Train Milwaukee to Harvey
  • Train Milwaukee to Dyersburg
  • Train Milwaukee to Hammond
  • Train Milwaukee to Cheyenne
  • Train Milwaukee to Evansville
  • Train Milwaukee to St. Joseph

Trains to Kenosha WI

  • Train Las Vegas to Kenosha
  • Train Michigan City to Kenosha
  • Train Greenville to Kenosha
  • Train Moline to Kenosha
  • Train South Bend to Kenosha
  • Train Marinette to Kenosha
  • Train Durand to Kenosha
  • Train Newbern to Kenosha
  • Train La Crosse to Kenosha
  • Train Jackson to Kenosha
  • Train Ann Arbor to Kenosha
  • Train Janesville to Kenosha
  • Train Cincinnati to Kenosha
  • Train Champaign to Kenosha
  • Train Wichita to Kenosha
  • Train Tampa to Kenosha
  • Train Kalamazoo to Kenosha
  • Train Alton to Kenosha
  • Train Sarasota to Kenosha
  • Train Rochester to Kenosha
  • Train Orlando to Kenosha
  • Train Carbondale to Kenosha
  • Train St. Paul to Kenosha
  • Train Naperville to Kenosha
  • Train Colorado Springs to Kenosha
  • Train San Antonio to Kenosha

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News & Reviews News Wire Long-stalled Kenosha-Milwaukee commuter rail proposal gets new, if limited, state support

Long-stalled Kenosha-Milwaukee commuter rail proposal gets new, if limited, state support

| Last updated on February 19, 2024

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Wisconsin DOT provides federal sponsorship for private company’s plan

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Commuter train arrives at platform with another train stopped on adjacent track

MILWAUKEE — The state of Wisconsin has filed a brief document with the Federal Transit Administration in support of a private corporation’s plan to provide commuter rail service between Milwaukee and Kenosha, Wis. — a long-discussed but moribund project dating to 1998.

The two-page “Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee Commuter Rail Project Development Profile” was filed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation in conjunction with the Wisconsin Transit & Realty Group. It proposes a 33-mile operation from the Kenosha station served by Metra’s Union Pacific-North line to the downtown Milwaukee Intermodal Station, with seven intermediate stops.

Map showing rail line and stations between Kenosha, Wis., and Milwaukee

The state DOT said in a statement to WUWM-FM that it was serving as the public sponsor required by FTA rules for the proposal from the Wisconsin Transit & Realty Group, “a private corporation that will own and operate the commuter service if the FTA agrees to the plan. … There are no state funds associated with the project, as all costs will be paid by WTRG.” The application, the DOT said, was a request to enter the project development phase of the FTA’s Capital Investment Grant Program, during which WisDOT will lead an environmental study of the proposal.

The proposed route would use an existing Union Pacific freight line, with infrastructure upgrades including improvements to allow 79-mph operation, up to three new 10,000-foot sidings, implementation of positive train control, and other improvements. The proposal also calls for use of hydrogen-powered trainsets, and initially would operate only during peak periods on weekdays. The estimated capital cost is $460 million.

WUWM also notes that Wisconsin Transit & Realty’s website is incomplete , listed phone numbers do not appear to be working, and that the officials listed on the site did not respond to emails.

The concept of a Milwaukee-Kenosha commuter line began receiving consideration in 1998, when a study by the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission found the idea to be feasible. Additional studies were conducted between 2005 and 2011 by the planning commission, and then by the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority, created by the state legislature in 2009. The legislation creating the transit agency was repealed in 2011, but some of the material it produced remains available on an archived website . The Racine County Eye reports the idea received a brief revival in 2021 by Racine officials hoping to take advantage of federal infrastructure money.

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17 thoughts on “ long-stalled kenosha-milwaukee commuter rail proposal gets new, if limited, state support ”.

Rush-hour only service? Metra will be attempting to determine what rush hour looks like going forward by way of a rider survey. The old traditional “rush hours” may never return as we knew them. Already, Metra is noticing a more spread-out commute pattern, and ridership is still only a fraction of pre-pandemic daily total.

There is 7-day a week bus service Between Kenosha and Milwaukee. 7 trips each way weekdays, 6 Saturdays and 4 Sundays and holidays. Service is operated by Coach USA/Wisconsin Coach Lines as a service of Racine Transit Sysyem.

There is also local traffic on Amtrak from the Sturtevant (Hwy 20) park-ride to either MIwaukee Airport or Milwaukee downtown. An Amtrak park-ride could be added at Hwy 158 Kenosha County. Admitedly both these are cornfield park-rides; neither is center-city Kenosha or Racine. The UPRR line (ex-CNW) goes through the urban areas of Racine and Kenosha. It’s also slow single iron through those cities and the Milwaukee County cities of South Milwaukee, Cudahy and St. Francis.

To get from ex-CNW into downtown Milwaukee Amtrak station, as in this proposed commuter service, would overload CPR which already carries Empire Builder, Hiawatha, and three mile long frieghts. CPR has already staked a claim for substantial improvements to add even one Hiawatha pair, let alone commuter trains off the UP.

That one additional Hiawatha pair proposal disappeared during the COVID shutdowns. I don’t know if Wisconsin would bring it up again.

Not that I think this will happen, but the plan to “operate only during peak periods on weekdays” spells failure. “Commuter” rail will always be lackluster in its usage. It caters to only the 9 to 5 commuter. All day frequent service (7 days a week) is the key to successful regional rail.

460 Million. Ya right. And California High Speed rail was initially supposed to cost how much and be done when? And those costs are STILL adding up. Im sure the cost of this, if it gets off the ground, will be way over 460M. And what kind of train frequency are we talking? Not every Metra train on the UP-N runs into or out of Kenosha. Plus, you already have the Hiawathas making the run in an hour and a half.

Really, people, where would this be without a federal grant? The Wisconsin legislature would not appropraite ten cents for these consulting fees.

Instead the GOP-led WI legislature authorized $1 million investigating imaginary election fraud. The giant investigation made attorneys wealthy and turned up ZERO cases of fraud. The fraud is the WI GOP and its never-ending dishonesty.

If there was that much demand for service in this corridor the state(s) would have been more assertive in initiating it but obviously there is a lot of push back from the communities & their xenophobic fear of what it might bring they gladly give up a mobility option for these unfounded fears just another justification to continue their love affair with their cars. No passenger travel mode can survive without direct/indirect public $$ no private entity is going to buck that trend without an ulterior motive to take advantage of the losses. FL is autocentric with scattered & dispersed communities making Brightline an unlikely choice for most Floridians including visitors who want the mobility of their rental cars to see all the sights. As for Gov Evers I feel sorry for him a sane voice amongst all the insane Trumpers!

OK. So we had this outfit in Greater Boston that had similar nebulous backing and ideas. An idea for a commuter train from Worcester to Providence or vice versa. Even bought an FL-9 or two. Ran a few test trains on the P&W who in those days would do anything for you if you paid them enough (would that more RR’s were like that: they’d have more business). Forget its name; no, I didn’t ride its promotional train as I was busy elsewhere and I already had the mileage. Then it started having other wild brainstorms: a Nashua-Worcester commuter train (Timmy Mellon must have been hard up), etc. They finally vanished leaving behind a pile of bills and two FL-9’s.

And the money of some foolish railfan (and non-railfan) investors who actually thought that this proposal was feasible and would succeed.

Sounds like they’re taking a page out of the Brightline playbook use rail losses to offset huge real estate profits.

Well, you got it wrong, Riley! The people have to get to and from that real estate somehow to make that real estate worth anything–that’s what Brightline did and Philly Suburban, the West End Street Railway, and countless others did. Now when that real estate bubble bursts (think Florida RE Bubble of the 1920’s) things will come crashing down. Hydrogen? Why not electric? Say, why not use electric to come into Milwaukee running on city streets? One could even go to Chicago and come in over the El into the Loop itself! Why Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee would be a great name for the outfit–it’s only been gone for 59 years!

Not this one again.

A passenger train proposal that was found to be utterly without merit the first time around, resurrects from the Madison – Washington swamp. Whoever or whatever the Wisconsin Transit and Realty Group is or is supposed to be (or even if it exists), purports to sponsor a train route that won’t require state funds. Yeah, sure. Folks, greenies, rail advocates, even if you want this train, you have to ask yourself how it comes to be sponsored by a group that no one in Wisconsin has ever heard of.

Welcome to America, the worst – governed nation on earth. There will always be countless millions for bureaucrats and consultants to apply for grants for a train that will never run.

I’m the only Republican in Wisconsin who is 100% sure that Dem. governor Tony Evers will be re-elected next November. So prepare for four more years of this mindless waste.

I sure hope Tony Evers is re-elected!

Do you ever have anything positive to say about anything?

You sure seem to have very tight cranky pants on 24x7x365. And those kids have been on your lawn for decades.

The Wisconsin GOP lacks all credibility given its illegal, coordinated effort to create a second, false set of electors in 2020-21. This same GOP supported Scott Walker whose reactionary efforts put Wisconsin far behind Minnesota in new investment and thwarted new rail efforts because he would be seen to be working with Mr. Obama. Also the same GOP who backed Ron Johnson, among the most ineffectual and least-capable members of the Senate. The slam on Madison makes sense; it is both an-intellectual commentary as well as anti-progressivism in a state renowned for its progressive history dating back to Robert La Follette.

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Travel vaccinations.

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  • Children’s vaccinations
  • Vaccinations during pregnancy

When planning a trip to another country, it's natural to focus on all the fun things you'll be doing. But it’s also important to consider what you need to do before your trip to stay healthy and safe.

Aurora Health Care offers travel vaccinations, medications and other services to protect you and your family. With several convenient locations throughout Wisconsin, we make it easy for you to get the travel medicine services you need. Our international travel clinic specialists help you stay healthy so you can enjoy your trip to the fullest.

What are travel vaccinations?

Travel vaccinations help protect you against certain diseases while traveling abroad. You may need specific vaccines to enter certain countries. Other vaccines help protect you from diseases that are more common in other countries than in the U.S.

Getting the right vaccinations helps you avoid getting ill while traveling. It also helps prevent bringing the disease back home or spreading it to others.

Who needs travel vaccines?

Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, it’s a good idea to check with a travel medicine specialist about vaccinations. These people may also need travel vaccines:

  • Business or government travelers
  • Employees of nongovernmental organizations (NGO)
  • Humanitarian aid workers
  • Parents planning on international adoption
  • Students on spring break or studying abroad

Required vaccinations for travel

Before you travel, work with your primary care provider to make sure you’ve received your routine vaccinations, such as:

  • Chickenpox (varicella) vaccine
  • COVID vaccine
  • Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
  • Meningococcal vaccine
  • Pneumococcal vaccine
  • Polio vaccine
  • Shingles vaccine
  • Tetanus-diphtheria (Td) vaccine

Depending on your history and the country you’re visiting, you may also need travel vaccines such as:

  • Dengue fever vaccine
  • Hepatitis A and B vaccines
  • Japanese encephalitis vaccine
  • Meningitis vaccine
  • Rabies vaccine
  • Typhoid vaccine
  • Yellow fever vaccine

When should I get travel vaccines?

You should schedule your appointment with the travel clinic at least four to six weeks before you leave. It can take up to a few weeks for your body to build immunity after getting a vaccine. You may also need more than one dose of a vaccine. Visiting the clinic well in advance ensures you have enough time to get the necessary care.

How long before travel should I get the hepatitis A vaccination?

The hepatitis A vaccine is a two-dose series given six months apart. If you’ve never received the vaccine and are traveling to an area where hepatitis A is common, you should get vaccinated.

However, if you don’t have enough time before your trip for both vaccine doses, you can get just the first dose. The first dose will still have some protective benefits.

Where to get vaccinations for international travel

Your primary care provider is a great person to start with to find out what vaccines you may need before you travel. They can provide routine vaccines but don’t typically carry some of the specialized vaccines required for international travel. You should visit a travel clinic for more targeted vaccinations.

A travel clinic is a special outpatient clinic run by travel medicine specialists. These experts discuss your itinerary with you and provide recommendations to help you stay healthy and safe. A travel medicine specialist can tell you what vaccines you need and often provides those vaccines onsite.

What to expect during your visit to the travel clinic

Before your travel clinic appointment, please print and complete the traveler history form (PDF) . The form helps us make the best recommendations to keep you safe and healthy. Some of the questions require you to gather information from several sources, so please allow plenty of time to fill out the form before your visit.

You’ll need to bring the completed form to your appointment along with your:

  • Health insurance card
  • Photo identification to verify your insurance, such as a driver’s license, passport or government ID
  • Travel itinerary
  • Vaccination records

You’ll meet with one of our travel medicine specialists to review your itinerary and medical needs. This provider:

  • Answers your questions
  • Evaluates your current health
  • Gives vaccinations as needed
  • Prescribes medications as needed
  • Reviews your medical history

Plan for your appointment to last around 90 minutes. We recommend you receive all your travel vaccinations at one location for a more accurate health record.

Travel clinic services

Our travel clinics provide vaccines, exams and medical treatments before you visit another country. We also offer:

  • Contact information for local doctors and emergency facilities in the countries you plan to visit
  • Corporate accounts if you have employees who need our services
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  • Medical examinations for immigration
  • Medications for travel conditions such as altitude sickness, traveler’s diarrhea and malaria
  • Personalized advice, information about potential risks at your destination, and appropriate precautions based on your age, health history and itinerary
  • Recommendations for travel first aid kits

International travel clinics in Wisconsin

We provide travel consultations in multiple convenient locations throughout Wisconsin. Start planning your trip today by calling 833-986-2170 to make an appointment with one of our international travel clinics.

Aurora Health Center 250 McHenry St Burlington, WI 53105

Aurora Lakeland Medical Center W3985 County Road NN Elkhorn, WI 53121

Aurora Health Center 210 Wisconsin American Dr. Fond du Lac, WI 54937

Aurora Health Center 4202 W. Oakwood Park Ct. Suite 330 Franklin, WI 53132

Aurora BayCare Medical Center 2845 Greenbrier Rd. Green Bay, WI 54311

Aurora Health Center 1640 E. Sumner St. Hartford, WI 53027

Aurora Medical Center 10400 75th St. Kenosha, WI 53142

Aurora Health Center 4111 W. Mitchell St. Suite 300 Milwaukee, WI 53215

Aurora Health Center 6611 Spring St. Mount Pleasant, WI 53406

Aurora Occupational Health 14555 W. National Ave. Suite 195 New Berlin, WI 53151

Aurora Medical Center – Oshkosh 855 N. Westhaven Dr. Suite 230 Oshkosh, WI 54904

Aurora Health Center 2414 Kohler Memorial Dr. Sheboygan, WI 53081

Aurora Health Center 2219 Garfield St. Two Rivers, WI 54241

Aurora Health Center W231 N1440 Corporate Ct. Waukesha, WI 53186

Aurora Health Center 3115 Lewis Ave. Zion, IL 60099

We help you live well. And we’re here for you in person and online. 

TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Neighbors jump into action after a driver crashes into a food truck on Milwaukee's south side

Driver crashes into food truck

MILWAUKEE — A Milwaukee business owner is devastated after a suspected drunk driver crashed into their parked food truck with three employees inside.

Surveillance video from Rivera’s Western Wear on Cesar Chavez Dr. shows a driver barreling into Marta’s Tamales on Friday night.

Alejandro Rivera and his wife Teresa Ruiz told TMJ4’s Tahleel Mohieldin they heard a loud noise and were startled to see what happened across the street.

“We were worried because we know people are in there working,” Ruiz said. “My husband just ran to see what we can do and help.”

Rivera wasn’t alone, several other neighbors and fellow food truck owners were on hand to offer their help.

Rivera, who witnessed the event, said the driver and passenger of the car were intoxicated and tried to flee, but members of the community stepped up to help.

He said several community members caught and detained the pair until police arrived.

Rivera whose business has been on that block for the past 25 years said he and his neighbors couldn’t stand by and do nothing.

“It’s a family,” Rivera said. “Everybody is family.”

He said three workers who were inside Marta’s Tamales when the crash happened had minor injuries.

Witnesses said Milwaukee police arrested the driver, but Marta’s food truck is a total loss. TMJ4 has reached out to MPD to learn more about the incident.

If you want to help Marta’s Tamales recover from the loss, owners are asking you to have a meal at their restaurant located at 551 W Becher St, Milwaukee, WI 53207.

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Man, 25, dies after crashing into cow in the road who had escaped its pasture in Kenosha County

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A 25-year-old man died in a crash between his vehicle and a cow that had wandered into the roadway in Kenosha County.

The Kenosha County Sheriff's Department said the fatal crash took place Thursday shortly before 5 a.m. on the 29500 block of 31st Street in the town of Brighton.

The cow escaped its pasture and entered the roadway before the 2004 Honda Accord being driven by Michael Alayan Forero collided with the cow, instantly killing Alayan Forero and the cow, according to the sheriff's department.

Alayan Forero had been traveling west on 31st Street approaching a small hill. As Alayan Forero came over the crest of the hill, he struck the cow head-on.

Anyone with any information about the crash can contact the sheriff's department at 262-605-5100.

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Driver, cow die after car hits cow in kenosha county.

Kenosha County Sheriff's Office received a call and, upon arrival, noticed that the car's roof had been torn off

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A driver and a cow died in a car collision after the vehicle hit a cow that was in the middle of the road in the town of Brighton in Kenosha County.

At around 5 a.m., the Kenosha Sheriff's Office received a call and, upon arrival, noticed that the car's roof had been torn off and the driver had died. The driver was identified as 25-year-old Michael Alayan Forero.

"The car was pulled up on the road and they were extracting. Looked like they were trying to extract somebody out of the car," said Ronald Mark, who lives near the crash scene.

The crash happened on the 29500 block of 31st Street. The car came to a stop after hitting a nearby fence, causing multiple cows to escape into the road.

Kenosha County Sheriff's Office dashcam video:

"There's been some close calls here with animals, you know, farm animals wandering in the road, but, oh, my gosh, I didn't realize it was that," said Mark.

The crash was loud enough to wake neighbors in the quiet town of Brighton.

"I was awakened to a big boom, bang," said Mark.

"We definitely heard something it was like, whoa," Wayne Rhody, who also lives near the crash scene, said. "So we walked out. Cow's laying right there in the middle of the road, car was down there in other ditch."

Detectives and deputies spent more than four hours at the scene carrying out an investigation.

Daylight revealed the driver's path down 31st Street. The car would have been traveling up over a hill in the dark.

"It's so dark out here. You can't see anything, you know, at four in the morning," Rhody said.

WISN 12 News tried contacting the nearby dairy farm, to ask how the cow ended up in the roadway, but they did not answer the phone or door.

The Kenosha County Sheriff's Office said they secured all of the additional cows that had escaped after the fence broke.


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travel from kenosha to milwaukee

2024 Racine County Photo Contest: A collaboration between Educators Credit Union and Racine County

R ACINE COUNTY — Racine County is delighted to launch the 2024 Racine County Photo Contest, an initiative that invites all amateur and professional photographers to capture and share the splendor of our county.

This contest seeks to collect images that showcase the vibrant community, stunning landscapes and iconic landmarks of Racine County from the East end to the West end, from Spring to Winter.

Photographers are encouraged to let their creativity flow and submit photos that illustrate the diversity and beauty of Racine County. The photo contest is open from now until Nov. 27, 2024, providing ample time for participants to explore and photograph the county throughout the seasons.

2024 Racine County Photo Contest participation

To participate, photographers should submit their photos via the contest link , providing their first and last name, email and the photo’s location to receive full credit for their work. This acknowledgment not only celebrates the photographer’s contribution but also serves as a curated guide to the picturesque sights within our county. If people are photographed, please be sure to have them complete the media release form that is found at the above link.

Once the contest ends, a panel will choose a winning photo that will hold the honor of being featured on an Educators Credit Union credit/debit card. Additionally, more selected photos will be published in a 2025 Racine County Calendar, which will be available to order at the end of 2024, as well as used for county outreach materials, presentations, and social media platforms.

Racine County is committed to supporting its community programs and nonprofits. By participating in this contest, photographers contribute to a visual narrative that strengthens community bonds and promotes the local beauty and culture.

Our county is home to a rich tapestry of landscapes and communities. From the serene shores of Lake Michigan to charming Downtown Burlington, the county offers a unique blend of natural beauty and community spirit. This photo contest aims to capture the essence of Racine County as seen through the lenses of those who experience its charm daily.

We eagerly anticipate the diverse perspectives that will be submitted, offering everyone a chance to view Racine County through the eyes of its residents and visitors. Let’s come together to highlight the place we call home and celebrate the stories that make our county unique.

For any inquiries regarding the contest or media release form, please contact Val Danculovich at [email protected] . For more information on the Racine County Photo Contest, please visit or follow Racine County Wisconsin on Facebook.

The Racine County Eye, which includes the Kenosha Lens, is your source for local news that serves our diverse communities. Subscribe today to stay up-to-date with local news.

Follow us on Facebook: Racine County Eye or Kenosha Lens to make sure you get the latest news.

Racine County Eye and Kenosha Lens – Journalism that serves.

RACINE COUNTY — Racine County is delighted to launch the 2024 Racine County Photo Contest, an initiative that invites all amateur and professional photographers to capture and share the splendor of our county. This contest seeks to collect images that showcase the vibrant community, stunning landscapes and iconic landmarks of Racine County from the East […]


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  1. Kenosha to Milwaukee

    What companies run services between Kenosha, WI, USA and Milwaukee, WI, USA? Wisconsin Coach Lines operates a bus from Kenosha - Sheridan/Washington to Milwaukee - Michigan/Cass every 4 hours. Tickets cost $3 - $5 and the journey takes 1h 16m. Bus operators. Wisconsin Coach Lines. Other operators.

  2. Take the Train to Milwaukee, WI

    Getting There. With 14 trains daily (Monday - Saturday) between Chicago and Milwaukee and 12 on Sunday, getting to the Milwaukee intermodal station is easy. Every ride counts as an Amtrak Guest Rewards member. Earn points toward reward travel, upgrades and more. Join Now. Earn 20,000 bonus points*. Take an Amtrak train to Milwaukee, Wisconsin ...

  3. Kenosha to Milwaukee from $3 → 4 ways to travel by bus, train, flight

    The distance between Kenosha and Milwaukee is approximately 51.5 km by air and 63.4 km by road. By car, it typically takes around 45 minutes to an hour to travel between the two cities, depending on traffic conditions. Alternatively, taking a bus from Kenosha to Milwaukee typically takes around 1 hour and 16 minutes.

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  5. How to get from Kenosha WI to Milwaukee WI

    Before a trip starts, your app gives an estimated time of arrival (ETA) for when your driver is likely to arrive at Kenosha WI. After your trip starts, your app provides an ETA for when you are likely to arrive at Milwaukee WI. Please note: ETAs are not guaranteed; various factors like heavy traffic or road construction could affect travel time.

  6. Kenosha to Milwaukee Trains

    Kenosha to Milwaukee Travel. Overview about taking the train. Average price: $10 - $24: Travel time: 14min: Distance: 32 miles: What to know about traveling by train from Kenosha to Milwaukee. Explore train options and schedules from Kenosha to Milwaukee. All Modes Compare buses. Highlights.

  7. Train Kenosha WI to Milwaukee WI from $10

    If you want to get cheap train tickets from Kenosha to Milwaukee we recommend that you book in advance as the best Amtrak tickets sell out fast.The cheapest ticket is usually $10 and the most expensive one to go to Milwaukee is approximately $11. . Remember that you must also add the cost of the journey: Kenosha -> Sturtevant.

  8. Kenosha to Milwaukee MKE airport

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  9. Driving Distance from Kenosha, WI to Milwaukee, WI

    The total driving distance from Kenosha, WI to Milwaukee, WI is 39 miles or 63 kilometers. Your trip begins in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It ends in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Kenosha, WI to Milwaukee, WI so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.

  10. Driving Time from Kenosha, WI to Milwaukee, WI

    If you're planning a road trip, you might be interested in seeing the total driving distance from Kenosha, WI to Milwaukee, WI. You can also calculate the cost to drive from Kenosha, WI to Milwaukee, WI based on current local gas prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage.

  11. Kenosha to Milwaukee by flight from USD 209

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  12. Milwaukee to Kenosha

    Wisconsin Coach Lines operates a bus from Milwaukee - Michigan/Cass to Kenosha - Sheridan/Washington every 4 hours. Tickets cost $3 - $5 and the journey takes 1h 16m. Bus operators. Wisconsin Coach Lines. Other operators.

  13. Wisconsin Coach Lines Commuter & Transit Routes

    In addition to our airport and charter services, Wisconsin Coach Lines is committed to bringing you reliable commuter service throughout Wisconsin. View our several weekday and weekend routes below. Kenosha - Racine - Milwaukee. Daily service between downtown Milwaukee, General Mitchell International Airport, Racine, Carthage College and ...

  14. How far is Kenosha from Milwaukee

    So now we can finally get an idea of the total travel time from Milwaukee to Kenosha including time spent getting to/from the airports, an estimated wait time of 2 hours at the airport for TSA security lines and waiting at the gate, and the actual flight itself. Total travel time: 5 hours

  15. Milwaukee to Kenosha

    Rome2Rio makes travelling from Milwaukee to Kenosha - Metro Train Station easy. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Milwaukee to Kenosha - Metro Train Station right here.

  16. Train Milwaukee WI to Kenosha WI from $25

    Travel information. Information about the train from Milwaukee to Kenosha. The train is one of the safest modes of transportation in existence, and offers a comfortable atmosphere for you to relax on your journey from Milwaukee to Kenosha. Best of all, getting from Milwaukee to Kenosha is budget-friendly, with train tickets starting at just $25.

  17. Long-stalled Kenosha-Milwaukee commuter rail proposal gets new, if

    MILWAUKEE — The state of Wisconsin has filed a brief document with the Federal Transit Administration in support of a private corporation's plan to provide commuter rail service between Milwaukee and Kenosha, Wis. — a long-discussed but moribund project dating to 1998. The two-page "Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee Commuter Rail Project Development Profile" was filed by the Wisconsin ...

  18. About Us

    Welcome to LaMacchia Travel! We're a full-service, family owned and operated travel agency that's been committed to travel satisfaction for now over 91 years. ... 2014 Kenosha County Business Excellence Awards. Kenosha Area Business Alliance. The Agenda: Traveling the World ... Travel Pulse. Sustainable Travel. Fox6 WakeUp Milwaukee ...

  19. Buses to Kenosha, WI

    What is a good price for a bus ticket to Kenosha? $34.00 is the cheapest price for a bus ticket to Kenosha, according to recent searches on Wanderu. You can use our search to check if this price is currently available on buses from your city to Kenosha. In the last month, buses from Chicago to Kenosha had the lowest average price at $34.00.

  20. Travel Vaccinations

    We provide travel vaccinations, medications and other travel services. Menu Call 833-528-7672; Español; Find a Doctor ... Aurora Medical Center 10400 75th St. Kenosha, WI 53142. Aurora Health Center 4111 W. Mitchell St. Suite 300 Milwaukee, WI 53215. Aurora Health Center 6611 Spring St. Mount Pleasant, ...

  21. Neighbors jump into action after a driver crashes into a food truck

    If you want to help Marta's Tamales recover from the loss, owners are asking you to have a meal at their restaurant located at 551 W Becher St, Milwaukee, WI 53207. It's about time to watch on ...

  22. Bus Kenosha to Milwaukee from $3

    What companies run services between Kenosha and Milwaukee? Wisconsin Coach Lines operates a bus from Kenosha - Sheridan/Washington to Milwaukee - Michigan/Cass every 4 hours. Tickets cost $3 - $5 and the journey takes 1h 16m.

  23. What time is the April 8 solar eclipse in Wisconsin? Find out here with

    Kenosha ― 12:52 p.m. to 3:21 p.m. ... Experience it at these Milwaukee eclipse events. Eclipse travel info:Where is the closest city to Milwaukee to view the 2024 total solar eclipse?

  24. Man, 25, dies after crashing into cow in the road in Kenosha County

    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. ... The Kenosha County Sheriff's Department said the fatal crash took place Thursday shortly before 5 a.m. on the 29500 block of 31st Street in the town of Brighton.

  25. New Starbucks in the works for Milwaukee's Brady Street

    Starbucks could open a new location on Milwaukee's east side. The Business Journals. Select a City Milwaukee Business Journal. 2024 Real Estate Awards ... and it proposed a location in Kenosha.

  26. Driver, cow die after car hits cow in Kenosha County

    A driver and a cow died in a car collision after the vehicle hit a cow that was in the middle of the road in the town of Brighton in Kenosha County.At around 5 a.m., the Kenosha Sheriff's Office ...

  27. 2024 Racine County Photo Contest: A collaboration between ...

    2024 Racine County Photo Contest participation. To participate, photographers should submit their photos via the contest link, providing their first and last name, email and the photo's location ...