Safari User Guide

  • Change your homepage
  • Import bookmarks, history, and passwords
  • Make Safari your default web browser
  • Go to websites
  • Find what you’re looking for
  • Bookmark webpages that you want to revisit
  • See your favorite websites
  • Use tabs for webpages
  • Pin frequently visited websites
  • Play web videos
  • Mute audio in tabs
  • Pay with Apple Pay
  • Autofill credit card info
  • Autofill contact info
  • Keep a Reading List
  • Hide ads when reading articles
  • Translate a webpage
  • Download items from the web
  • Share or post webpages
  • Add passes to Wallet
  • Save part or all of a webpage
  • Print or create a PDF of a webpage
  • Customize a start page
  • Customize the Safari window
  • Customize settings per website
  • Zoom in on webpages
  • Get extensions
  • Manage cookies and website data
  • Block pop-ups
  • Clear your browsing history
  • Browse privately
  • Autofill user name and password info
  • Prevent cross-site tracking
  • View a Privacy Report
  • Change Safari preferences
  • Keyboard and other shortcuts
  • Troubleshooting

safari devtools touch

Use the developer tools in the Develop menu in Safari on Mac

If you’re a web developer, the Safari Develop menu provides tools you can use to make sure your website works well with all standards-based web browsers.

If you don’t see the Develop menu in the menu bar, choose Safari > Preferences, click Advanced, then select “Show Develop menu in menu bar.”

Open Safari for me

Safari Developer Tools: The Complete Guide for Web Developers

Introduction to safari developer tools.

Safari is one of the major web browsers along with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. As an Apple product, it comes pre-installed on Macs and iOS devices. Over the years, Safari has evolved to include robust developer tools accessible from the Develop menu. These built-in tools provide web developers with capabilities for debugging JavaScript, inspecting CSS, monitoring network requests, analyzing performance, auditing accessibility, and more.

Safari's developer tools are especially useful for testing and debugging web apps specifically within the Safari browser on macOS and iOS. They allow you to inspect cross-browser compatibility issues that may arise during development.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the key features of Safari's developer tools and how to use them for front-end web development. Whether you are just getting started or looking to optimize your debugging workflow, you'll find tips and examples to help improve your process. Let's take a high-level look at what we'll cover:

  • Using the JavaScript debugger to set breakpoints, inspect scope and objects, profile code performance, and log errors/warnings
  • Inspecting and modifying CSS styles applied to page elements in real-time
  • Monitoring network requests and analyzing load performance with Waterfall charts
  • Throttling CPU and network to simulate mobile devices and slow connections
  • Auditing for accessibility issues like color contrast, focus order, ARIA roles
  • Testing responsive design across multiple device sizes and orientations
  • Integrating with Xcode tools for advanced Swift/Obj-C debugging
  • Additional tips like saving element inspection settings, keyboard shortcuts, and more

By the end, you'll have a solid understanding of how to leverage Safari developer tools in your web projects and debug more efficiently. Let's get started!

Debugging JavaScript with Safari Developer Tools

The JavaScript debugger is one of the most powerful features of Safari dev tools. It allows you to pause code execution at any point and step through your JavaScript line-by-line.

To start debugging, open the Sources tab and set breakpoints by clicking line numbers in your scripts. As you interact with your page, execution will pause when a breakpoint is hit. You can then step over, step into, or step out of functions and examine the current state.

For example, you can use the debugger to identify exactly where a promise-based function is failing by stepping through the promise callbacks line-by-line until you encounter the error.

In the Scope pane, you can inspect variable values in the current closure or parent scopes. The Call Stack shows the sequence of function calls. Object properties can be expanded in the Scope pane for detailed analysis.

The JavaScript debugger is especially useful for debugging asynchronous code like promises, timers, and events. Set breakpoints within callbacks to pause execution at the right moment.

The Console allows you to log messages like values, errors, warnings, and custom output. Use console.log() strategically throughout your code to understand control flow. The Console also displays runtime errors and exceptions to identify bugs.

For performance profiling, the Timelines tab provides JavaScript profiling. It visualizes script activity over time to identify slow functions. This helps pinpoint optimization opportunities.

Inspecting and Editing CSS

Safari dev tools make CSS debugging painless. The Elements tab lists all styles applied to the selected element, including information like specificity and inheritance.

The Styles pane displays media query breakpoints allowing you to view the cascade and specificity at different viewport sizes. This helps debug responsive layout issues.

You can edit CSS rules live in the Styles pane and instantly see the changes reflected on the page without having to save and refresh. This rapid feedback loop allows quick iteration on styling issues.

The magnifying glass tool lets you visually inspect padding, margins, and other box model properties overlaid on the page. This helps debug complex layouts and positioning issues.

To test state changes, you can force elements into states like :hover , :focus , and :active from the Styles pane. This allows you to debug styles applied on interaction without needing to actually interact with the element.

The Coverage tab identifies unused CSS rules that can safely be removed to optimize page load size. It also shows which rules have the greatest impact on render performance.

Debugging Network Requests and Performance

Safari developer tools provide rich insights into network requests, page load performance, and optimization opportunities.

The Network tab logs all requests sent by the page along with details like HTTP headers, response bodies, times, and more. Requests are color coded by type and can be searched and filtered.

Waterfall charts visualize resource loading over time, making it easy to spot assets that delay page render. Performance metrics like First Meaningful Paint help quantify user experience.

To simulate slow network connections, you can throttle CPU or bandwidth. This allows you to debug on 3G, or even EDGE mobile connections right from your desktop.

Auditing for Accessibility

The Audit tab in Safari dev tools scans your page for common accessibility issues and standards compliance.

It checks for insufficient color contrast, missing ARIA roles and attributes, invalid HTML, and more. Each issue links to detailed references to help fix it.

You can also manually inspect if elements have logical focus order, are navigable via keyboard, and meet other requirements. The Accessibility Tree view outlines the semantic structure.

Safari's built-in Reader mode provides a quick way to experience your site through a screen reader. It strips away formatting and extra elements, allowing you to focus on content structure.

Running regular audits during development prevents major accessibility regressions down the road and ensures your site meets guidelines like WCAG 2.1 AA.

Simulating Mobile Devices with Responsive Design Mode

Responsive web design requires continuously testing across viewport sizes. Safari dev tools make this easy with Responsive Design Mode.

You can select preset device dimensions like iPhone, iPad, and desktop or enter custom sizes. Safari will resize to match those dimensions so you can view your responsive layouts.

For mobile testing, you can simulate touch events like pinch/zoom and swipe scrolling. This reveals any issues with touch targets or scroll performance.

Responsive Design Mode also allows flipping between portrait and landscape orientations. Test how your UI adapts to both modes during mobile use cases.

To access experimental features, enable the Safari Technology Preview for additional device simulation capabilities like user agent spoofing. This allows you to test in even more specific mobile scenarios.

Matching real device sizes while building responsive features ensures they'll work correctly across the vast device ecosystem. No more guessing at breakpoints!

Additional Tips and Tricks

Safari developer tools contain many handy power user features beyond the basics. Here are some tips to level up your skills:

  • You can save and reapply custom element selection settings like force states, orientation, and device frames.
  • Changes made in the Console and Sources tabs persist on reload so you can iteratively debug.
  • The dev tools window can be docked to the bottom of the Safari window for more vertical space.
  • Open multiple instances of dev tools to compare different pages side-by-side.
  • Learn keyboard shortcuts for common debugging actions like pause, step over, log, etc.
  • Enable the experimental features tab for tools like WebGL profiler, layer borders, and more.

Debugging Safari Extensions

If you build Safari extensions, enable extension debugging in Preferences > Advanced to load them unpacked.

This allows inspecting extension files, storage, dev tools console, and inter-process communication. You can debug injected scripts, content scripts, cross-origin messages, and more.

Integration with Xcode Developer Tools

For native iOS apps with web views, Safari dev tools integrate tightly with Xcode.

You can connect them to share cookies, caches, and other state. Set Xcode breakpoints in Swift or Obj-C that pause JavaScript execution in Safari tools.

The Xcode CPU profiler helps find JavaScript bottlenecks. Memory debugging, Energy Impact, and other Xcode tools provide additional low-level details when debugging Safari web views in iOS simulators and on physical devices.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Safari developer tools provide a robust feature set optimized for front-end web development. Their tight integration and ease of use can boost productivity.

Key strengths include the precise JavaScript debugger, real-time CSS manipulation, detailed network and performance analysis, thorough accessibility auditing, and accurate mobile simulation.

Web developers should consider integrating Safari dev tools into their broader workflows, especially for projects targeting Apple devices. They excel at responsive design testing and debugging native iOS web views.

While Safari dev tools may not be as fully-featured as competitors, their focus on web fundamentals like JavaScript, CSS, performance, and accessibility makes them very capable for many use cases.

With the tips, guides, and examples covered in this post, you should feel empowered to debug websites efficiently using Safari's built-in developer tools. They can help track down bugs faster, optimize performance, and build high-quality responsive experiences.

If you build developer tools for iOS or macOS, be sure to test them thoroughly with Safari developer tools during the launch process. The comprehensive debugging capabilities can help identify and resolve issues specific to Apple devices and browser engines. Consider submitting your app to DevHunt to get discovered by the developer community.

safari devtools touch

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  • Master Chrome DevTools for Next-Level Web Development
  • Unlock Chrome's Power with These Dev Tools
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  • Dev Tools on Chrome - Your Web Debugging Swiss Army Knife

Simulate different devices and screen sizes

All browser DevTools have a built-in mode that you can use to test a webpage under different screen sizes and device capabilities.

As a web developer, it is very important to realize that your website won't only be used on one type of device. People browse the web with many different device types, from small phones, to large desktop monitors, and everything in between.

Not only do the devices people use have different screen sizes, but they can also have different pixel densities, support for touch input, network speeds, and more.

Browser DevTools make it easy to simulate how a webpage might render under different screen sizes and device capabilities. However, note that this is only a simulation , and you should always test your webpage on the real device too. For example, even if the device mode in Chrome DevTools lets you simulate an iPhone screen, it doesn't actually render the webpage with the same rendering engine as the iPhone would. So, always test on the real device too.

Available features #

This simulation mode comes with the following features (more might be available depending on the browser you're using):

  • Resize the simulated viewport size by hand.
  • Choose one of the pre-defined devices to simulate.
  • Create your own simulated devices .
  • Capture screenshots .
  • Throttle the network speed to test your website on slower connections .

Start simulating #

In chrome #.

To enable the device mode in Chrome DevTools, click the Toggle Device Toolbar button or press Ctrl+Shift+M (or Cmd+Shift+M on macOS).

Chrome, with DevTools on the side, and the rendered webpage wrapped in the device simulation mode

To enable the device mode in Edge DevTools, click the Toggle device emulation button or press Ctrl+Shift+M (or Cmd+Shift+M on macOS).

Edge, with DevTools on the side, and the rendered webpage wrapped in the device simulation mode

In Firefox #

In Firefox, you don't need DevTools to be opened to simulate devices. Click Open application menu > More tools > Responsive design mode , or press Ctrl+Shift+M (or Cmd+Shift+M on macOS).

Or, if you're in DevTools, click the Responsive Design Mode button, or press Ctrl+Shift+M (or Cmd+Shift+M on macOS).

A rendered webpage in Firefox, wrapped in the responsive design mode

In Safari #

In Safari, you don't need DevTools to be opened to simulate devices. Click Develop in Safari's menu bar, and then click Enter Responsive Design Mode , or press Ctrl+Command+R .

If you aren't seeing the Develop menu item, enable it first (this only needs to be done once):

  • In Safari, in the menu bar, go to Safari > Settings .
  • Select the Advanced tab.
  • Click Show features for web developers .

A rendered webpage in Safari, wrapped in the responsive design mode

In Polypane #

Simulating different screen sizes is Polypane's default behavior. Polypane is the only browser DevTools that allows you to see multiple screen sizes side by side too. To learn more, see Simulate multiple devices that are kept in sync .

Polypane showing three different devices side-by-side.

Last edit: 10/19/2022 - Edit this page

How-To Geek

How to turn on the develop menu in safari on mac.

The Develop menu lets you view page source in Safari on Mac.

Quick Links

How to enable the develop menu in safari on mac, how to view page source in safari on mac.

When you right-click on any web page in Safari on Mac, it doesn't reveal the Show Page Source and Inspect Element buttons. To see these, you need to enable the Develop menu---we'll show you how to do that.

Once you've enabled the Develop menu, right-clicking a blank space on any website will reveal the Inspect Element and Show Page Source buttons. These allow you to take a look at the source code of any website, which is useful for things like downloading images from websites and debugging code or finding out what it looks like behind any site (for website designers).

You can easily turn on the Develop menu in Safari by following a couple of steps. Open Safari on your Mac and click the "Safari" button in the menu bar.

Next, select "Preferences." Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Command+, (comma). This will also open up Safari preferences.

Go to the "Advanced" tab.

Check the box for "Show Develop Menu in Menu Bar."

Now the Develop menu will appear between Bookmarks and Window at the top.

Apart from being able to view the page source, this will allow you to access developer-focused features, such as disabling JavaScript on any website.

Once you've enabled the Develop menu, there are a couple of ways to view the page source in Safari.

Open any website in Safari and right-click the blank space on the page. Now, select "Show Page Source." You can also get to this menu by using the keyboard shortcut Option+Command+u.

If you're looking for images or other media elements from any web page, Safari makes it easy to find these. In the left-hand pane, you will see various folders such as Images, Fonts, etc. Click the "Images" folder to quickly find the photos that you need.

After selecting an image, you can view its details easily by opening up the details sidebar. The button to open this is located at the top-right of the console, just below the gear icon. You can also open this with the shortcut Option+Command+0.

Click "Resource" at the top of the details sidebar to view details, such as the size of the image and its full URL.

You can change the position of the page source console easily, too. There are two buttons at the top-left of this console, right next to the X button. Click the rectangle icon to move the console to a different side within the browser window.

If you'd like to open the page source console in a separate window, you can click the two-rectangles icon. This will detach the console and open it in a separate window.

To check out the code for any specific element on the page, you can right-click that element and select "Inspect Element." This will take you directly to the code for the element that you selected.

Whenever you're done looking at the code, click the X button to close the page source console and return to browsing on Safari. You can also check out how to view a website's page source in Google Chrome  here.

Related: How to View the HTML Source in Google Chrome

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How to Use Developer Tools on Safari

It's free and super easy to set up

If you're a web developer or designer working on Mac, Safari is a browser that you cannot ignore. It's the most used browser on Mac, and it is fully featured with all the necessary tools to help developers design and debug their web pages. Most importantly, Safari has a built-in set of developer tools that are available from the moment you install it, making it convenient and efficient for developers to find, inspect, and modify elements of their webpage. In this article, we'll look at how to use developer tools on Safari, step by step.

Enabling Developer Tools in Safari

Developing websites and applications requires the use of developer tools, which allow you to inspect and modify code, debug errors, and optimize performance. If you're using Safari as your browser, you'll need to enable developer tools before you can start using them. Here's how:

Accessing Safari Preferences

To access Safari Preferences, you have two options. You can either click on Safari from the top menu bar and then click Preferences, or you can use the keyboard shortcut Command + , (comma). Either way, you'll end up in the same place.

Once you're in Safari Preferences, you'll see a variety of tabs at the top of the window. Click on the one that says "Advanced".

Activating the Develop Menu

In the Advanced tab, you'll see a checkbox that says "Show Develop menu in the menu bar". Check this box to enable the Develop menu.

Now that you've enabled the Develop menu, you'll see it in the top menu bar, between Bookmarks and Window. Click on it to see the various options available to you.

Some of the most commonly used options in the Develop menu include:

Inspect Element: This allows you to view and modify the HTML and CSS of a page.

Console: This displays any error messages or other output from the JavaScript console.

Network: This shows you the resources that are being loaded by the page, including images, scripts, and stylesheets.

Debugger: This lets you step through JavaScript code and set breakpoints to help you find and fix errors.

By using these developer tools, you'll be able to create more efficient and effective websites and applications. Happy developing!

Navigating the Developer Tools Interface

Once you have enabled developer tools, you can access them by clicking on the Develop menu and selecting Show Web Inspector. This will open the developer tool interface with several panels:

Elements Panel

The Elements panel is a powerful tool for web developers. It allows you to see the HTML and CSS for the currently selected element on the page. You can use this panel to select and inspect individual elements, modify page elements, and edit styles. You can even add new HTML elements and see how they affect the page layout. The Elements panel is an essential tool for anyone who wants to understand how a web page is constructed.

Network Panel

The Network panel is another important tool for web developers. It shows information about any requests made by the page, including the URL, status, size, and timing. This is useful for debugging performance issues and checking how a page loads. You can use the Network panel to identify slow-loading resources, optimize page speed, and troubleshoot network issues.

Sources Panel

The Sources panel shows you the JavaScript files associated with the page and allows you to debug them. You can set breakpoints, step through code, and inspect variables. This is useful for troubleshooting JavaScript errors and optimizing code performance. You can also use the Sources panel to edit JavaScript code and see how it affects the page behavior.

Timeline Panel

The Timeline panel shows you a timeline of how the page loads performance-wise. It can be used to identify slow-loading resources or laggy scripts. You can see exactly when each resource is loaded and how long it takes. The Timeline panel is a great tool for optimizing page speed and improving user experience.

Console Panel

The Console panel is where you can access the browser's JavaScript console. You can execute JavaScript code in the context of the page and view debug messages and errors. This is useful for troubleshooting JavaScript issues, testing code snippets, and experimenting with new features. You can also use the Console panel to log messages and interact with the page in real-time.

Storage Panel

The Storage panel shows you the various types of storage present on a page, such as cookies, local storage, and session storage. It can be used to debug issues related to handling client-side storage. You can view, edit, and delete storage data, as well as monitor storage usage. The Storage panel is a great tool for understanding how client-side storage works and how to optimize it.

Overall, the developer tools interface is a powerful set of tools that can help you understand and optimize your web pages. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, these tools are essential for building high-quality web applications.

Inspecting and Modifying HTML and CSS

Selecting elements.

Using the Elements panel, you can select an HTML element by clicking on it in the panel or directly on the page. When you select an element, you'll see its HTML and CSS properties on the right-hand side of the panel.

Editing HTML

You can easily edit the HTML of an element, either by double-clicking on the HTML code you want to change or by right-clicking on the HTML code and choosing "Edit as HTML". Then, you can make the necessary changes and save them.

Modifying CSS Styles

Similarly, you can modify CSS styles of an element in the Styles section of the panel. To add a new style, click the "+ New Style Rule" button. To modify an existing style, simply click on it and make the necessary changes.

Adding and Removing Classes

You can also add or remove classes from an element in the Elements panel. To add a class, select the element and add the class name in the "class" field. To remove a class, simply delete its name from the "class" field.

In conclusion, Safari's developer tools are an essential toolset for designers and web developers. They offer a wide range of features that make debugging and designing a webpage accessible and efficient. With this article, you should have a basic understanding of how to use developer tools on Safari. Experiment with the tools and explore their full potential to make your web development experience more productive and enjoyable.

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How to Use React DevTools in Safari

Published on Jun 09, 2023 in platforms by Lucien Chemaly 11 minute read

React is commonly used for the frontend in static site generators like Gatsby and now WordPress . React DevTools is a set of developer tools with a multitude of features that can make your workflow more efficient and help you debug and optimize your code.

However, if you use Safari, you may be disappointed to learn that there is no browser extension for React DevTools like there is in Chrome and Firefox.

Fortunately, there is a solution. You can still use standalone React DevTools to connect to your site in Safari. This practical tool is also useful for debugging non-browser-based React applications, like React Native apps. It can help simplify the process of optimizing and debugging your code, making your workflow more efficient.

In this article, you’ll learn how to install and use the standalone version of React DevTools to debug a React application running in Safari. In addition, the article also highlights the differences between the standalone version and the Chrome extension, as well as some limitations of the tools.

Use Cases for Debugging React Apps

The standalone version of React DevTools is a separate application that provides a powerful set of debugging and inspection tools for React applications. It’s independent of any specific browser and can be used across various platforms and environments. This makes it a versatile option for developers who need to debug their React apps in different contexts.

Some of the use cases for the standalone version of React DevTools include:

  • Debugging non-browser-based React apps: The standalone version of React DevTools is particularly useful when debugging React Native applications because it is platform-independent and can connect to apps running on iOS or Android devices. For example, you can use it to determine why a specific component of your React Native app isn’t rendering correctly on an iOS device. You can use React DevTools to inspect the component tree, check component props and state, and identify issues with styling or logic that may be causing the rendering problem.
  • Debugging React apps in Safari: Safari is a widely used browser, especially among macOS users. Although Safari has its own set of developer tools, it doesn’t have extensions or support for React applications like Chrome or Firefox. The standalone version of React DevTools can be used to debug React applications running in Safari, as it provides developers with a powerful set of tools to inspect components and diagnose issues. For instance, if a specific UI component in your React app doesn’t behave as expected when viewed in Safari, you can use React DevTools to inspect the component in question. You can check its state and props and identify any issues.
  • Debugging server-rendered React apps: In most static site generators, React apps are server-rendered, which means components are rendered on the server side and sent as HTML to the client. In these scenarios, the standalone version of React DevTools can help you debug issues related to server-rendered components. For example, if you’re using a solution like Next.js or React Server Components to perform server-side rendering, you can use the standalone version of React DevTools to inspect the rendered components and identify issues related to data fetching, state management, or rendering logic.

How to Debug a React App in Safari

The following tutorial explains how to use the standalone version of React DevTools to debug a React application running in Safari. By the end, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools you need to confidently debug your React application.


To complete this tutorial, you’ll need:

  • A Mac running Safari
  • A code editor, such as Visual Studio Code
  • Git installed on your machine
  • Node.js and npm (the Node package manager) installed on your system

To verify the installation of Node.js and npm, execute these commands in your shell or terminal:

If they aren’t installed, download and install Node.js , which also automatically installs npm. This tutorial uses Node version 18.12.1 and npm version 8.19.2.

Creating a React Demo Application

You’ll first need to set up a basic React demo application, which you’ll run and debug in your Safari browser using the standalone version of React DevTools.

Create a new React project using Create React App by executing this command:

This command will generate a new folder with the specified name and populate it with boilerplate code for a React application.

Change the current directory to your newly created project folder by running the following command:

Execute the following command to start the development server:

Your React application should now be live at http://localhost:3000/ . Use your Safari browser to open the application:

React demo application in Safari

Any modifications made to the source code will trigger an automatic page refresh.

Connecting Standalone React DevTools to Your App in Safari

To connect React DevTools to your app in Safari, you first need to install the standalone React DevTools package using npm from your terminal or shell:

Run React DevTools with this command:

After you run the command, you’ll get the following screen telling you to add an additional script to your React DOM :

React DevTools prompt

This tutorial uses the script with the localhost link ( <script src="http://localhost:8097"></script> ) to connect the React application, but the LAN IP address also works. Since you’re not working with a mobile application, the localhost link will work just fine.

Go to your source project and open the index.html file in the public folder. Add the localhost link just after the <head> tag, then open React DevTools. You should see the following in the Components section:

Debugging with standalone React DevTools

Creating a User Listing

Once you have connected React DevTools to your application, you can use the various features it provides. These features include the ability to inspect the component tree, examine component state and props, and profile component performance.

As the sample application doesn’t have many components, you’ll only see the App component in the tree. To explore more features of React DevTools, you’ll need to add more components.

To add a User component, create a file named User.js in the src folder and add the following code to it:

This component displays user information, such as first name, last name, age, and date of birth (DOB).

You’ll now create a UsersList component that utilizes the User component to display the list of users. Create a file named UsersList.js in the src folder and add the following code to it:

To populate the list of users, you need to create some dummy data and wrap the UsersList component in the App component. To do this, replace the code in App.js with the following:

Note: The App component renders the UsersList component, which in turn renders each User component for every user in the list.

The application in your Safari browser should look like the following:

React users list in Safari browser

Debugging and Inspecting Your App

Now that your application is ready, you can start debugging it with React DevTools.

If you open React DevTools, you should see your application tree. It begins with the App component at the top, followed by the UsersList component, and ends with the User component:

Application tree

If you click the UsersList component in the tree, the props that are passed to the component will be displayed in the right pane. In this case, the props include the array of users from your dummy data:

UsersList component

Clicking a User component displays the props that it passes (the user object in this case). You can click any of three User components and check their relative props:

User component

When you use React DevTools to debug your application, it’s important to understand the application tree and how it represents the component hierarchy. The application tree can help you quickly identify rendering issues and data flow by providing a visual representation of the components. You can inspect the props and state of each component to pinpoint bugs and troubleshoot issues that may arise.

Additionally, you can pin the location of a selected component in your browser by clicking the eye icon in React DevTools:

Pinning a component in React DevTools

Once this has been activated, it will highlight the component in light blue in your browser:

Selected component in the browser

You can also log the selected component in the console by clicking the bug icon in React DevTools:

Logging a component in React DevTools

The following image shows the results in the browser when you click the bug icon:

Logging a component in the browser

Using React DevTools, you can gain a better understanding of the structure and behavior of your applications. You can also more easily identify and fix bugs and performance issues. The standalone version is particularly useful because it can be used with any React application, whether it’s running locally or on a remote server, and it provides a separate, dedicated window for debugging purposes. Overall, the standalone version of React DevTools is a practical tool for developing and debugging React applications.

Differences between Standalone React DevTools and the Chrome Extension

If you use the standalone version of React DevTools, you’ll be able to use it with any browser, not just Safari. It also offers more customization options and flexibility compared to the Chrome extension. The following are some other differences between the two versions:

  • Cross-platform compatibility: The standalone version of React DevTools is designed to work across various platforms, including browsers and devices, enabling a broader range of debugging and development possibilities. Chrome extensions, on the other hand, are limited to working within the Chrome browser environment.
  • Ease of setup and connection: Chrome extensions are designed to integrate seamlessly with the browser, so using the extension version makes it easy to detect and connect to React apps running in the browser. The standalone version of React DevTools often requires manual configuration to connect to the target app, which can be more time-consuming and error-prone.
  • Updates and maintenance: These two versions of React DevTools may have different release schedules and update processes. Chrome extensions typically update automatically with the browser, while the standalone version may require manual updates.

Limitations of Standalone React DevTools

It’s also important to be aware that the standalone version of React DevTools has some limitations. For instance, the tool may not work as effectively with certain types of components, such as those built with third-party libraries. You may need to use additional tools or methods to gather the necessary information if the tool provides limited data.

The following are some of the most notable limitations:

  • Browser-specific features: The standalone version of React DevTools may lack some browser-specific features, such as network request inspection, JavaScript debugging, or browser performance profiling. For these features, developers need to use the browser’s built-in developer tools or rely on other debugging solutions tailored for the specific browser.
  • Integration with browser environment: The standalone version doesn’t have the same level of integration with the browser environment as the extensions. Certain tasks, like interacting with browser APIs or manipulating the DOM, may be more challenging or impossible to accomplish using the standalone version.
  • Learning curve: Due to differences in features, interface, and setup process, developers may need to invest additional time in learning how to use the standalone version of React DevTools. This may slow down their development process, especially if they are already familiar with the Chrome extension.
  • Performance and resource usage: The standalone version of React DevTools may have different performance characteristics and resource usage compared to the Chrome extension version. Depending on the specific tools and configurations used, developers may experience varying levels of performance and resource consumption, which can impact their development experience.

By keeping these limitations in mind, you can adjust your approach and optimize your code more effectively. For instance, you can use alternative tools or workarounds to gather the information you need.

The standalone version of React DevTools offers a versatile solution for developers who need a powerful and flexible set of debugging tools, whether they’re working on browser-based React apps or non-browser-based applications like React Native apps.

This article introduced the standalone version of React DevTools and demonstrated how to use it to debug a React app running in Safari. You should now be comfortable with setting up, connecting, and using React DevTools to inspect and debug your React applications. With the knowledge from this article, you’ll be able to debug your React applications, regardless of the environment or browser they are running in.

You can find the code that was used in this article in this GitHub repository .

Lucien Chemaly

By Lucien Chemaly

Lucien has a Master's and Engineering Degree in IT and Telecommunications from the University of Rennes, France. He teaches seasonal courses for engineering students at the Saint Joseph University of Beirut and has been involved in programming training for private companies. He also writes for

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How to Activate the iPhone Debug Console or Web Inspector

Use Safari's web developer tools to study problematic websites

safari devtools touch

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What to Know

  • Activate Web Inspector on iOS: Go to Settings > Safari > Advanced and move the Web Inspector toggle switch to the On position.
  • Use Web Inspector on macOS: Connect your iOS device to a Mac and choose the URL to inspect from the Develop menu.

If you run into a bug or another issue with a website on Safari mobile, use the Web Inspector tool to investigate. This article explains how to use the Safari console for iPhone to debug errors with the help of your Mac computer. Instructions apply to iPhones with iOS 14, iOS 12, or iOS 11, and well as Macs with macOS Big Sur (11.0), macOS Catalina (10.15), or macOS Mojave (10.14).

Activate Web Inspector on Your iPhone or Other iOS Device

The Web Inspector is disabled by default since most iPhone users have no use for it. However, if you're a developer or you're curious, you can activate it in a few short steps. Here's how:

Open the iPhone  Settings  menu.

On an iPhone with an early version of iOS, access the Debug Console through Settings > Safari > Developer > Debug Console . When Safari on the iPhone detects CSS, HTML, and JavaScript errors, details of each display in the debugger.

Scroll down and tap  Safari  to open the screen that contains everything related to the Safari web browser on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Advanced .

Move the Web Inspector toggle switch to the On position.

Connect Your iOS Device to Safari on a Mac

To use the Web Inspector, connect your iPhone or another iOS device to a Mac that has the Safari web browser and enable the Develop menu .

With Safari open, select Safari from the menu bar and choose  Preferences .

Select the  Advanced  tab.

Select the Show Develop menu in menu bar check box and close the settings window.

From the Safari menu bar, select Develop and choose the name of your attached iOS device, then select the URL that appears under Safari to open the debug console for that site.

After you connect your device, use your Mac to inspect the website you want to debug and have it open in the Safari mobile browser.

What Is Web Inspector?

Web developers use Web Inspector to modify, debug, and optimize websites on Macs and iOS devices. With Web Inspector open, developers can inspect the resources on a web page. The Web Inspector window contains editable HTML and notes regarding the styles and layers of the web page in a separate panel.

Before iOS 6, the iPhone Safari web browser had a built-in Debug Console that developers used to find web page defects. Recent versions of iOS use Web Inspector instead.

With Safari 9 and OS X Mavericks (10.9), Apple introduced Responsive Design Mode in Web Inspector. Developers use this built-in simulator to preview how web pages scale to different screen sizes, resolutions, and orientations.

To set up Web Inspector on your iPad, open your iPad's Settings and select Safari > Advanced , then turn Web Inspector On . Connect the iPad to a Mac computer, then open Safari on the Mac and select Safari > Preferences > Advanced , then turn on Show Develop menu in menu bar .

You cannot just connect your iPhone to a Windows PC and start using Web Inspector through Chrome like you can with a Mac. Installing package manager software can provide you a sort of workaround, but it's not recommended unless you're familiar with the package management app you intend to use.

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How To Open Developer Tools On Safari

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Opening developer tools in a web browser is a fundamental skill for anyone involved in web development, debugging, or troubleshooting website issues. Developer tools, also known as DevTools, provide a suite of powerful features that allow you to inspect and modify the structure and layout of a web page, analyze network activity, debug JavaScript, and much more. In this article, we will explore how to open developer tools specifically in the Safari web browser.

Safari, known for its sleek interface and robust performance, offers multiple methods to access its developer tools. Whether you prefer using the menu bar, keyboard shortcuts, or the context menu, Safari provides convenient options to suit your workflow. By mastering these methods, you can seamlessly integrate developer tools into your web development process, enhancing your efficiency and productivity.

In the following sections, we will delve into each method, providing step-by-step instructions and tips to ensure a smooth experience. Whether you are a seasoned web developer or just starting your journey, understanding how to open developer tools in Safari is a valuable skill that can empower you to create, debug, and optimize websites with confidence. Let's embark on this exploration and unlock the potential of Safari's developer tools together.

Method 1: Using the Menu Bar

Opening developer tools in Safari using the menu bar is a straightforward and reliable method. This approach is particularly useful for users who prefer navigating through familiar menu options to access essential browser features. Here's how you can effortlessly open developer tools using the menu bar:

Launch Safari : Begin by opening the Safari web browser on your Mac or iOS device. Ensure that you are running the latest version of Safari to access the most advanced developer tools and features.

Navigate to the Menu Bar : Look at the top of your screen for the menu bar. You will find the menu options such as "File," "Edit," "View," "History," "Bookmarks," "Develop," "Window," and "Help."

Access the "Develop" Menu : Click on the "Develop" option in the menu bar. If you don't see the "Develop" menu, you may need to enable it first. To do this, go to "Safari" > "Preferences" > "Advanced" and check the box next to "Show Develop menu in menu bar."

Open Developer Tools : Once you have accessed the "Develop" menu, you will find a list of options, including "Show Web Inspector." Click on "Show Web Inspector," and the developer tools panel will appear, providing you with a comprehensive set of tools to analyze and modify web pages.

Explore the Developer Tools : With the developer tools now open, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the various tabs and features available. You can inspect the HTML and CSS of the web page, analyze network activity, debug JavaScript, and much more.

By utilizing the menu bar to access developer tools in Safari, you can seamlessly integrate this essential feature into your web development workflow. This method provides a convenient and intuitive way to leverage the power of Safari's developer tools, empowering you to create, debug, and optimize websites with precision and efficiency.

Method 2: Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Harnessing the power of keyboard shortcuts is a time-saving and efficient way to access developer tools in Safari. By memorizing and utilizing these shortcuts, you can seamlessly integrate developer tools into your web development workflow, enhancing your productivity and efficiency. Here's how you can effortlessly open developer tools using keyboard shortcuts:

Initiate Keyboard Shortcut : To open the developer tools using a keyboard shortcut, simply press "Option + Command + I" on your Mac keyboard . Alternatively, you can use "Option + Command + C" to open the developer tools and immediately activate the cursor for inspecting elements on the web page.

Access Developer Tools : Upon executing the keyboard shortcut, the developer tools panel will swiftly appear, providing you with a comprehensive set of tools to inspect, debug, and optimize web pages. This rapid access to developer tools streamlines your workflow, allowing you to delve into web page elements and network activity without interrupting your creative momentum.

Navigate with Ease : With the developer tools now open, take a moment to explore the various tabs and features available. You can effortlessly navigate through the Elements, Console, Sources, Network, and other panels using the keyboard or mouse, gaining valuable insights into the structure and behavior of the web page.

By leveraging keyboard shortcuts to access developer tools in Safari, you can seamlessly integrate this essential feature into your web development process. The intuitive and rapid nature of keyboard shortcuts empowers you to swiftly analyze and modify web pages, debug JavaScript, and optimize website performance with precision and speed. Embracing these shortcuts as part of your web development toolkit can elevate your proficiency and effectiveness, enabling you to create exceptional web experiences with ease.

Method 3: Using the Context Menu

Utilizing the context menu to access developer tools in Safari offers a convenient and efficient method, particularly for users who prefer a streamlined approach to web development. By leveraging the context menu, you can seamlessly open the developer tools directly from the web page, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple menu options. Here's a detailed exploration of how you can effortlessly open developer tools using the context menu:

Navigate to the Web Page : Visit the web page that you intend to inspect and analyze using the developer tools. Whether it's your own website, a client's project, or a site you're troubleshooting, the context menu provides a swift pathway to accessing the developer tools.

Right-click on the Web Page : Once you are on the web page, right-click (or control-click) anywhere on the page to reveal the context menu. This menu typically offers a range of options related to the content and functionality of the web page.

Access the "Inspect Element" Option : Within the context menu, look for the option labeled "Inspect Element" or a similar variation. Click on this option, and the developer tools panel will promptly appear, providing you with a comprehensive set of tools to inspect and modify the web page's structure and behavior.

Explore the Developer Tools : With the developer tools now open, take a moment to explore the various tabs and features available. You can inspect and modify the HTML and CSS of the web page, analyze network activity, debug JavaScript, and much more, all within the context of the specific elements you've chosen to inspect.

By leveraging the context menu to access developer tools in Safari, you can seamlessly integrate this essential feature into your web development workflow. This method offers a direct and intuitive pathway to swiftly analyze and modify web pages, empowering you to gain valuable insights and optimize website performance with precision and ease. Embracing the context menu as part of your web development toolkit can elevate your proficiency and effectiveness, enabling you to create exceptional web experiences with seamless accessibility to developer tools.

In conclusion, mastering the art of opening developer tools in Safari is a valuable skill that can significantly enhance your web development capabilities. By exploring the various methods to access developer tools, including using the menu bar, keyboard shortcuts, and the context menu, you can seamlessly integrate this essential feature into your workflow, empowering you to create, debug, and optimize websites with precision and efficiency.

Whether you prefer the familiarity of navigating through the menu bar, the rapid accessibility of keyboard shortcuts, or the streamlined efficiency of the context menu, Safari offers versatile options to suit your preferences and workflow. Each method provides a seamless pathway to unlock the powerful suite of developer tools, enabling you to inspect and modify web pages, analyze network activity, debug JavaScript, and much more.

By leveraging the menu bar, users can rely on the intuitive navigation to access developer tools, seamlessly integrating this essential feature into their web development process. The convenience of using familiar menu options ensures a smooth transition into the world of web page inspection and modification.

Embracing keyboard shortcuts as part of your web development toolkit can elevate your proficiency and effectiveness, enabling you to swiftly analyze and modify web pages, debug JavaScript, and optimize website performance with precision and speed. The rapid access to developer tools streamlines your workflow, allowing you to delve into web page elements and network activity without interrupting your creative momentum.

Utilizing the context menu to access developer tools offers a direct and intuitive pathway to swiftly analyze and modify web pages, empowering you to gain valuable insights and optimize website performance with precision and ease. This method eliminates the need to navigate through multiple menu options, providing a streamlined approach to web development.

In essence, understanding how to open developer tools in Safari is a foundational skill that can empower you to create exceptional web experiences. By seamlessly integrating developer tools into your web development process, you gain the ability to inspect, debug, and optimize websites with confidence, ultimately enhancing the quality and performance of your web projects. Embrace the versatility of Safari's developer tools and unlock the potential to elevate your web development capabilities.

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How To Open Developer Tools In Safari

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Debugging iOS Safari

Avatar of Chris Coyier

How do I debug Safari on iOS?

These are my general steps, starting with not even using iOS Safari.

1. Is this just a small-screen problem?

Lemme just use the device mode in Chrome quick.

safari devtools touch

Note that this does a smidge more than just display your site in a smaller area: it sends the correct User Agent String and Client Hints for that device.

2. Does it seem actually specific to Safari? Lemme check Desktop Safari first since that’s just a few clicks away.

safari devtools touch

Now you’re actually using Safari, which is way closer to iOS Safari than desktop Chrome is.

3. Problem not showing here? Then the problem is actually unique to iOS Safari. Try emulation.

I happen to have a Mac, so I can have XCode installed and thus have an iOS simulator that is pretty easy to pop open. And if you can run the iOS simulator, that means you can run desktop Safari as well, and thus even have access to DevTools that can reach into the simulator.

safari devtools touch

4. I’ve seen real-device-only bugs. Sometimes you need a real device.

If you have a Mac, doing this is pretty similar to what we just did. You have to have the phone plugged in via USB (no wireless charging connection or whatever) and then you’ll see the device in that same Develop menu. Select the real device (which must have Safari open on some website) and you’ll get a DevTools instance of that website.

5. No Mac? Use an online emulator.

I have heard of people running over to Best Buy or an Apple Store to quick debug something on a display machine. But that’s — uhhhh — not super practical. You can use something like CrossBrowserTesting to do this right on the web.

safari devtools touch

They even jack Chrome DevTools in there somehow. I just did a little testing and I found the Chrome DevTools a little janky to use (a giant left panel renders, the click-to-select element feature didn’t work, and I kept losing WebSocket connection). But hey, it’s cool that it’s possible.

6. No Mac and still need to test on a real device?

I didn’t think this was really possible, but then I saw Inspect . (This is not an ad, I’m just shouting this out as a very cool tool.) With Inspect, I can plug in my real iOS device via USB and get a Chrome DevTools instance for it.

safari devtools touch

I’m running Inspect on my Mac there. I guess the only real reason I would do that is to use Chrome DevTools instead of Safari DevTools (which, fair play, I might). And it looks like there will be more reasons soon enough. For example, it will bundle React, Vue, and Angular DevTools so you even have those for on-device testing, plus Wi-Fi testing, meaning you don’t have to plug in at all.

But I feel like the real clutch feature here is that it runs on Windows . So now there is a really clear answer for web developers on Windows who need to test on a real iOS device.

I solved some issue earlier today on safari by installing Chrome User agent switching on windows pc:

The issue was webp not being supported on older safari browsers.

Almost forgot the extension thing existed, definitely saved me writing sniffing code.

Tip #6 is also great, we have an ios phone lying around in the office.

Hiya, unfortunately the issues didn’t happen with this one, so I must get an iPhone.. :(

The real solution (that doesn’t yet exist) is on-device developer tools. Will iOS 15 Safari finally offer Inspect Element?

Earlier versions of iOS (for iPad, before it was called iPad OS) actually had on-device developer tools, but it was removed (I believe in iOS 6, but I could be wrong) in favor of the current connect-to-safari-on-macos solution. So it seems unlikely that it’ll come back.

safari devtools touch

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Simulate mobile devices with device mode

Kayce Basques

Use device mode to approximate how your page looks and performs on a mobile device.

Device mode is the name for a collection of features in Chrome DevTools that help you simulate mobile devices. These features include:

  • Simulating a mobile viewport
  • Throttling the CPU
  • Simulating geolocation
  • Setting orientation


Think of device mode as a first-order approximation of how your page looks and feels on a mobile device. With device mode you don't actually run your code on a mobile device. You simulate the mobile user experience from your laptop or desktop.

There are some aspects of mobile devices that DevTools will never be able to simulate. For example, the architecture of mobile CPUs is very different than the architecture of laptop or desktop CPUs. When in doubt, your best bet is to actually run your page on a mobile device. Use Remote Debugging to view, change, debug, and profile a page's code from your laptop or desktop while it actually runs on a mobile device.

Simulate a mobile viewport

Click devices Toggle device toolbar to open a toolbar that lets you simulate a mobile viewport.

The device toolbar.

By default, the device toolbar opens in viewport with Dimensions set to Responsive .

Responsive Viewport Mode

Drag the handles to resize the viewport to whatever dimensions you need. Or, enter specific values in the width and height boxes. In this example, the width is set to 480 and the height is set to 415 .

The handles for changing the viewport's dimensions when in Responsive Viewport Mode.

Alternatively, use the width presets bar to set the width with a click to one of the following:

The width presets bar.

Show media queries

Show media queries.

DevTools now displays two additional bars above the viewport:

  • The blue bar with max-width breakpoints.
  • The orange bar with min-width breakpoints.

Click between breakpoints to change the viewport's width so that the breakpoint gets triggered.

Click between breakpoints to change the viewport's width.

To find the corresponding @media declaration, right-click between breakpoints and select Reveal in source code . DevTools opens the Sources panel at the corresponding line in the Editor .

Reveal in source code drop-down menu.

Set device pixel ratio

Device pixel ratio (DPR) is the ratio between physical pixels on the hardware screen and logical (CSS) pixels. In other words, DPR tells Chrome how many screen pixels to use to draw a CSS pixel. Chrome uses the DPR value when drawing on HiDPI (High Dots Per Inch) displays.

To set a DPR value:

Add device pixel ratio.

In the action bar at the top of the viewport, select a DPR value from the new DPR drop-down menu.

Setting the DPR value.

Set the device type

Use the Device Type list to simulate a mobile device or desktop device.

The Device Type list.

The next table describes the differences between the options. Rendering method refers to whether Chrome renders the page as a mobile or desktop viewport. Cursor icon refers to what type of cursor you see when you hover over the page. Events fired refers to whether the page fires touch or click events when you interact with the page.

Device-specific mode

To simulate the dimensions of a specific mobile device, select the device from the Dimensions list.

The Dimensions list.

For more information, see Add a custom mobile device .

Rotate the viewport to landscape orientation

Click screen_rotation Rotate to rotate the viewport to landscape orientation.

Landscape orientation.

See also Set orientation .

Toggle dual-screen mode

Some devices, for example, Surface Duo, have two screens and two ways to use them: with one or both screens active.

To toggle between dual and single screen, click the devices_fold Toggle dual-screen mode in the toolbar.

The dual-screen mode turned on.

Set device posture

Some devices, for example, Asus Zenbook Fold, have foldable screens. Such screens have a posture: continuous or folded. The continuous posture refers to a "flat" position and folded forms an angle between sections of the display.

To set the device posture, select Continuous or Folded from the corresponding drop-down menu in the toolbar.

Posture set to folded.

Show device frame

Show device frame.

In this example, DevTools shows the frame for the Nest Hub.

The device frame for the Nest Hub.

Add a custom mobile device

To add a custom device:

Click the Device list and then select Edit .


On the Settings > Devices tab, either choose a device from the list of supported ones or click Add custom device to add your own.

If you're adding your own, enter a name, width, and height for the device, then click Add .

Creating a custom device.

The device pixel ratio , user agent string , and device type fields are optional. The device type field is the list that is set to Mobile by default.

Back in the viewport, select the newly added device from the Dimensions list.

Show rulers

Show rulers.

DevTools shows rulers at the top and to the left of the viewport.

Rulers above and to the left of the viewport.

Click the rulers at specific marks to set the viewport's width and height.

Zoom the viewport

Use the Zoom list to zoom in or out.


Capture a screenshot

The Capture screenshot option in the More options menu.

To capture a screenshot of the whole page including the content that isn't visible in the viewport, select Capture a full size screenshot from the same menu.

Throttle the network and CPU

To throttle both the network and CPU, select Mid-tier mobile or Low-end mobile from the Throttle list.

The Throttle list.

Mid-tier mobile simulates fast 3G and throttles your CPU so that it is 4 times slower than normal. Low-end mobile simulates slow 3G and throttles your CPU 6 times slower than normal. Keep in mind that the throttling is relative to the normal capability of your laptop or desktop.

Note that the Throttle list will be hidden if your Device toolbar is narrow.

Throttle the CPU only

The CPU list.

Throttle the network only

To throttle the network only and not the CPU, go the Network panel and select Fast 3G or Slow 3G from the Throttle list.

The Throttle list.

Or press Command+Shift+P (Mac) or Control+Shift+P (Windows, Linux, ChromeOS) to open the Command Menu, type 3G , and select Enable fast 3G throttling or Enable slow 3G throttling .

The Command Menu.

Emulate sensors

Use the Sensors tab to override geolocation, simulate device orientation, force touch, and emulate idle state.

The next sections provide a quick look on how to override geolocation and set device orientation. For a complete list of features, see Emulate device sensors .

Override geolocation


Or press Command+Shift+P (Mac) or Control+Shift+P (Windows, Linux, ChromeOS) to open the Command Menu, type Sensors , and then select Show Sensors .

Show Sensors

Select one of the presets from the Location list, or select Other... to enter your own coordinates, or select Location unavailable to test out how your page behaves when geolocation is in an error state.


Set orientation


Select one of the presets from the Orientation list or select Custom orientation to set your own alpha, beta, and gamma values.


Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License , and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License . For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies . Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2024-02-20 UTC.


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  8. Simulate different devices and screen sizes

    In Safari, you don't need DevTools to be opened to simulate devices. Click Develop in Safari's menu bar, and then click Enter Responsive Design Mode, or press Ctrl+Command+R. If you aren't seeing the Develop menu item, enable it first (this only needs to be done once): In Safari, in the menu bar, go to Safari > Settings. Select the Advanced tab.

  9. Debug Websites Using the Safari Developer Tools

    To debug your website using the Responsive Design mode on Safari, follow the steps mentioned below: Enable the Developer Menu. To do that, launch the Safari Browser on your Mac computer. Go to Preferences > Advanced and check the Show Develop menu in the menu bar. Navigate to the website you want to debug.

  10. How to Turn on the Develop Menu in Safari on Mac

    How to Enable the Develop Menu in Safari on Mac. You can easily turn on the Develop menu in Safari by following a couple of steps. Open Safari on your Mac and click the "Safari" button in the menu bar. Next, select "Preferences." Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Command+, (comma).

  11. How to Use Developer Tools on Safari

    Activating the Develop Menu. In the Advanced tab, you'll see a checkbox that says "Show Develop menu in the menu bar". Check this box to enable the Develop menu. Now that you've enabled the Develop menu, you'll see it in the top menu bar, between Bookmarks and Window. Click on it to see the various options available to you.

  12. How to Use Developer Tools in Safari on iOS

    Touch the On button to activate the Debug Console. After the Debug Console is enabled, Safari reports any errors it encounters when accessing a website. At the top of every web page, just under the address bar, the Debug Console reports any HTML, JavaScript, or CSS errors.

  13. How to Use React DevTools in Safari

    How to Use React DevTools in Safari. Published on Jun 09, 2023 in platforms by Lucien Chemaly 11 minute read React is commonly used for the frontend in static site generators like Gatsby and now WordPress. React DevTools is a set of developer tools with a multitude of features that can make your workflow more efficient and help you debug and optimize your code.

  14. How to Activate the iPhone Debug Console or Web Inspector

    Activate Web Inspector on iOS: Go to Settings > Safari > Advanced and move the Web Inspector toggle switch to the On position. Use Web Inspector on macOS: Connect your iOS device to a Mac and choose the URL to inspect from the Develop menu. If you run into a bug or another issue with a website on Safari mobile, use the Web Inspector tool to ...

  15. How To Open Developer Tools On Safari

    Access the "Develop" Menu: Click on the "Develop" option in the menu bar. If you don't see the "Develop" menu, you may need to enable it first. To do this, go to "Safari" > "Preferences" > "Advanced" and check the box next to "Show Develop menu in menu bar." Open Developer Tools: Once you have accessed the "Develop" menu, you will find a list ...

  16. javascript

    On the ipad go to Settings > Safari > Advanced and activate the Web Inspector.. Connect your ipad with your computer. On your computer open Safari, enable the developer tools in the settings. check the above menu for the tab Developer and find your iPad there.. Full control via console from your desktop machine over the iOS Safari and you're done!. PS: This works exact the same way with the ...

  17. Debugging iOS Safari

    Then the problem is actually unique to iOS Safari. Try emulation. I happen to have a Mac, so I can have XCode installed and thus have an iOS simulator that is pretty easy to pop open. And if you can run the iOS simulator, that means you can run desktop Safari as well, and thus even have access to DevTools that can reach into the simulator. 4.

  18. Simulate mobile devices with device mode

    Device mode is the name for a collection of features in Chrome DevTools that help you simulate mobile devices. These features include: Simulating a mobile viewport. Throttling the CPU. Throttling the network. Key point: Alternatively, you can throttle connection speed in the Network panel. Additionally, in the Sensors tab : Simulating geolocation.


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