• Clear Safari cache on Mac
  • Clear Safari cache on iPhone or iPad
  • How to save passwords when clearing your cache

How to clear your Safari browser cache on a Mac, iPhone, or iPad

  • You can clear your cache on Safari in just a few steps on a Mac, iPhone, or iPad.
  • Clearing your cache, as well as history and cookies, can help resolve your device's performance issues.
  • Clearing your cookies will clear your passwords as well, unless you save them with keychain.

A cache is a store of data. When you visit a website on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad, the Safari browser keeps a snapshot of the pages you view.

If you go back to that website, Safari loads the cached page in an instant, instead of taking the time to retrieve the page from the internet again.

But an overloaded cache can take up storage space and cause your device to run inefficiently — and it could use a periodic clearing.

Here's what you need to know to clear your cache on Safari, as well as your cookies and browsing history.

How to clear Safari cache on Mac

You can either clear just your cache or your cache, history, and cookies. 

Clear your cache

1. Click on the Safari tab at the top left of your screen and choose Preferences from the dropdown menu.

2.  Click the Advanced tab of the menu that pops up.

3.  At the end of the tab, select the Show Develop menu in menu bar box and close the Preferences menu.

4. Click the Develop tab from the Safari menu at the top of the page.

5. Click Empty Caches from the dropdown menu.

Clear your cache, history, and cookies

You may also want to clear your browsing history and cookies in addition to emptying your cache. Here's how to do that.

1. Choose the History tab at the top of your screen.

2. At the very bottom of the dropdown menu, choose Clear History.

3.  A box pops up with a choice to clear the last hour, today, today and yesterday, or all history. Choose your time frame and click the Clear History button.  

Once you clear the history, it will also clear the cache and cookies associated with that time period.

How to clear Safari cache on iPhone or iPad

To clear your cache and browsing history:

1. Open the Settings app.

2. Tap Safari .

3. Tap Clear History and Website Data .

4. On the screen that pops up, choose Clear History and Data .

To clear your cache but not your browsing history:

3. Tap Advanced .

4. Tap Website Data .

5. Choose Remove All Website Data .

What happens to saved passwords when you clear your cache

When you clear your cache, history, and cookies, you may discover that Safari has logged you out of your favorite websites.

While clearing Safari's cache alone will not delete your passwords, clearing your history and cookies can. That's because when you empty your cookies, you will lose their password data saved in Safari as well. And keep in mind that clearing your history also clears its associated cookies.

Luckily, Apple has a solution to this problem. If you use iCloud, check your iCloud settings on your phone or computer.

Make sure that you've checked the box for Safari. As long as this box is checked, any passwords you save through your browser will stay safe in your keychain .

cache leeren in safari

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Browsercache löschen in Safari

Browser Cache in Safari löschen

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Löschen Sie den Browsercache in Safari, um den angesammelten Datenmüll wie Bilder von Ihrem Mac zu entfernen.

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Mac: Safari-Cache per Shortcut löschen

Im Cache werden Bilder und Daten der von Ihnen besuchten Websites gespeichert, um diese schneller laden zu können. Doch nach einiger Zeit sammeln sich dort viele unnötige Daten an. Sie haben zwei Optionen, um den Cache in Safari zu löschen. Am schnellsten geht es per Shortcut:

  • Auf dem Mac verwenden Sie die Tastenkombination [command] + [option] + [E]. Der Cache wird ohne zusätzliche Nachfrage gelöscht.
  • Auf dem Windows-PC leeren Sie den Cache über den Shortcut [Strg] + [Alt] + [E]. Es erscheint eine Abfrage ob Sie den Cache wirklich löschen wollen. Dies bestätigen Sie mit Enter.

Entwickler-Menü: Safari-Cache am Mac leeren

Sie können den Cache auf dem Mac auch manuell per Mausklick löschen. Dazu müssen Sie zunächst den Menüpunkt "Entwickler" sichtbar machen:

  • Öffnen Sie Safari und klicken Sie in der Menüleiste oben links auf "Safari".
  • Klicken Sie dort auf "Einstellungen" und wechseln Sie oben rechts zur Kategorie "Erweitert".
  • Setzen Sie ganz unten den Haken bei "Menü Entwickler in der Menüleiste anzeigen". Der entsprechende Punkt sollte nun in der Menüleiste sichtbar sein.
  • Um den Cache zu leeren klicken Sie nun auf den neuen Punkt "Entwickler" und anschließend auf "Cache-Speicher leeren" (siehe Screenshot).

Mac: Cache in Safari löschen

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How to clear Safari’s cache and cookies on Mac

cache leeren in safari

There are a handful of situations when clearing Safari’s cookies or cache–one of the places where Safari stores website data to avoid having to download it afresh each time you access a site–can help improve your browsing experience.

The first is when websites simply stop working when you access them on Safari. Perhaps Facebook stops updating with new posts, for example, or the images on a site don’t appear as they should. If this happens, it’s likely the cache has become corrupted.

Alternatively, if you find that personal info automatically completed on sites isn’t correct, deleting cookies can help. These are small files that sites use to save data about you and what you do on the site.

Even if none of these problems affect you, periodically cleaning browser data can help protect your privacy from snoops who want to discover what you’ve been up to online. In this article, therefore, we explain how to clear Safari’s cache and cookies on Mac.

We also have an article that explains How to clear cache on a Mac.

How to clear Safari cookies and cache for websites

Cleaning cookies and the cache data for individual sites can be done via Safari’s Settings/Preferences.

  • Open Safari
  • Click on Safari in the menu at the top of the screen.
  • Click on Settings or Preferences (depending on the version of macOS you are running).
  • Go to the Privacy tab.
  • Click on Manage Website Data…
  • Choose Remove All or select websites individually to remove.

After the data is loaded you’ll probably see a long list of websites. You can choose to Remove All or just select individual websites you want to remove from this list. If you want to select a number of different sites you can click on one and then press and hold the Command key to select a second, third or fourth and so on. We recommend that you don’t select hundreds this way – it’s better to delete in batches just in case you have to start over.

If you would prefer to select all and then deselect the ones you want to keep you can do so. Use Command + A to select all, then press and hold Command while clicking on any website you are happy to keep in this list. Just click Remove afterwards, not Done, as that will just undo all your hard work.

There’s a search field you can use to track down individual sites.

Bear in mind that deleting cookies might remove autocompleted login usernames and passwords for sites, and will almost certainly log you out of that site if you’ve configured it to automatically log in each time you visit.

How to clear Safari's cache and history on Mac: Privacy

How to clear Safari cache

The hidden Safari Developer menu can be used to clear just the cache, leaving cookies and the browser history in place. This is a very useful diagnostic step to take before removing those two items if a website behaves badly.

If you just want to clear all your cache you can do so by following these steps:

  • Open Safari.
  • Click on Safari in menu bar at top of screen.
  • Click on Settings/Preferences (depending on the version of macOS you are running).
  • Click on the Advanced tab.
  • Check the box beside Show Develop Menu in Menu Bar.
  • Now there will be a new Develop tab in the menu at the top of your screen. Click on this.
  • Click on Empty Caches.

Alternatively click on Option/Alt + Command + E.

Close any open Safari windows and select Empty Caches on the Develop menu. Then click File > New Window to start Safari with a clean cache.

How to clear Safari's cache and history on Mac: Empty caches

How to remove autocomplete data from AutoFill

Safari’s AutoFill tool can fill in username and password details on websites as well as credit card details and other elements like your address and email details.

This can be really useful, but it can also be annoying if the data it fills in is incorrect or out of context. It’s also a problem when AutoFill helpfully enters old or incorrect passwords or emails and addresses.

You can change this data, or delete it by following these steps:

  • Click on Safari.
  • Click on Settings/Preferences.
  • Choose the AutoFill tab.
  • Here you can edit contact information, usernames and passwords, credit cards and other data. Click on Edit beside the category you want access to.
  • You’ll need to enter your password or use Touch ID to gain access.

Delete incorrect data: If you are finding that Safari is autofilling incorrect data about you–your address, for example–click Edit beside Using information from my contacts. This will open up your Contacts app. Your card will be at the top or under My Card. You can add and amend data about you here.

How to clear Safari's cache and history on Mac: Autofill

Delete incorrect passwords and site logins: If you wanted to delete incorrect passwords, for example, you can just click on the Passwords tab. If you know which password you want to remove search for the website or service and then find the older password option (if there is more than one) and select it and then click on the – below the column to remove it. You can then select Delete Password. If that means there is no password saved for that website, you can then recreate the entry for the site by clicking the Add button. You’ll first need to provide the URL of the site (that is, something like https://facebook.com ), and then type the username and password alongside (hit the Tab key to move from field to field).

See: How to autofill passwords, bank cards, names and addresses for more.

How to clear Safari's cache and history on Mac: Site logins

Delete logins and passwords system-wide

Pruning site logins can also be done via the Keychain Access app, which you’ll find in the Utilities folder of the Applications list in Finder, although you should be very careful using this app because it pretty much controls the entire security operation of your Mac! However, by removing errant username and password entries here you’ll stop virtually all of your Mac apps using them, and not just Safari.

Just type the name of the site into the Search field, and look in the list of results for entries of the kind Web Form Password. Right-click the entry and select Delete.

Changing password keychain Mac

If you want to delete your Chrome or Firefox cache, cookies or browsing history read: How to delete your Mac browsing history . For alternative web browsers take a look at: Best web browser for Mac.

Safari User Guide

  • Get started
  • Go to a website
  • Bookmark webpages to revisit
  • See your favorite websites
  • Use tabs for webpages
  • Import bookmarks and passwords
  • Pay with Apple Pay
  • Autofill credit card info
  • View links from friends
  • Keep a Reading List
  • Hide ads when reading
  • Translate a webpage
  • Download items from the web
  • Add passes to Wallet
  • Save part or all of a webpage
  • Print or create a PDF of a webpage
  • Interact with text in a picture
  • Change your homepage
  • Customize a start page
  • Create a profile
  • Block pop-ups
  • Make Safari your default web browser
  • Hide your email address
  • Manage cookies
  • Clear your browsing history
  • Browse privately
  • Prevent cross-site tracking
  • See who tried to track you
  • Change Safari settings
  • Keyboard and other shortcuts

cache leeren in safari

Clear your browsing history in Safari on Mac

You can remove all records that Safari keeps of where you’ve browsed during a period of time you choose. If your Mac and your other Apple devices have iCloud set up for Safari , your browsing history is removed from all of them. Clearing your browsing history in Safari doesn’t clear any browsing histories kept independently by websites you visited.

Open Safari for me

Choose how far back you want your browsing history cleared.

When you clear your history, Safari removes data it saves as a result of your browsing, including:

History of webpages you visited

The back and forward list for open webpages

Frequently visited site list

Recent searches

Icons for webpages

Snapshots saved for open webpages

List of items you downloaded (downloaded files aren’t removed)

Websites added for Quick Website Search

Websites that asked to use your location

Websites that asked to send you notifications

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How to Clear Safari Browsing History and Cache

Whenever you browse the web in Safari, the browser stores website data so that it doesn't have to download it again each time you revisit a site. In theory this should speed up your browsing experience, but there are some scenarios where you might want to clear the cache and start anew. Keep reading to learn how it's done on Mac, iPhone , and iPad .

safari macos icon banner

If a site you regularly frequent has elements that have stopped working, or if a site has stopped loading completely, there may be a conflict between an older version of it that Safari has cached and a newer one.

Or perhaps you simply want to protect your privacy by wiping the slate clean and removing all the data associated with websites you've visited. Either way, here's how it's done on macOS and iOS.

How to Clear Safari's Cache on Mac

There are two ways to clear Safari's cache on a Mac. The first method outlined below deletes everything relating to a website you've visited, including not only the cached versions of the site, but also cookies and any other related data. The second method described offers a more targeted approach and clears only Safari's cache, but it does involve enabling a hidden menu.

  • Launch Safari browser on your Mac.


How to Clear Safari's Cache on iPhone and iPad

Note that the following steps clear all history, cookies and website data on your device, regardless of when the sites were accessed.

  • Launch the Settings app on your iOS device.
  • Scroll down and select Safari .
  • Scroll down and select Clear History and Website Data .
  • Choose the timeframe to clear ( Last hour , Today , Today and yesterday , or All history ), choose the profile or select All Profiles , then tap Clear History .


For another way to protect your privacy while browsing the web, be sure to check out our guide on how to use Safari's Private Browsing Mode .

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How to clear the cache in Safari on Mac and iPhone - and what it does

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Like every web browser, Safari stores data on your Mac , iPhone , and iPad , with the express purpose of speeding up your online life. You may have the kind of internet speed that Apple Park takes for granted, but even so, it's better to spend that speed where it's needed.

So when you revisit a website, Safari makes it so that as far as possible, you only need to download what has changed. Even with a news site that is being updated all day, the basic layout, the furniture of the page, doesn't change all that often, so Safari might as well download it once.

Behind the scenes, then, whenever you ask Safari to go to a site, it goes there with half an eye on what elements of the site it has already stored on your device. Then it will load up anything it can from your device, because retrieving locally stored data is always faster than downloading it.

No question, a Safari cache is a good thing. Except when it isn't.

When you should clear Safari's cache

It's possible for things to go wrong. If Safari doesn't appear to be loading a site, it could be that there's some data corruption in the cache.

Or it could be simply that you are tight on space and all of this invisibly stored cache data is taking up a lot of room. When you're particularly low on space, you know it, too, because your device runs noticeably slower.

So if you are having problems any time you're browsing the web on a Mac, iPhone, or iPad, clearing the cache is at the very least a good first troubleshooting step.

You don't want to inadvertently introduce new problems or inconveniences, though. And clearing caches could also remove passwords that you thought Safari was saving for you.

So before you empty the cache, make sure that Safari is saving those passwords. On the Mac, go to System Preferences, click on Apple ID , then iCloud .

Or on iOS, open Settings , tap on your name at the top, then iCloud .

In either case, then check that Safari is turned on. With the Mac, that means a tick box is on, and with iOS, it means the slider button is turned on and showing green.

On the Mac, you'll need Safari to show you the normally hidden Develop menu

How to clear the cache in Safari on Mac

  • Launch Safari
  • Click on the Safari menu at top left
  • Choose Preferences
  • Click on Advanced
  • Tick the Show Develop menu in menu bar to set it to on
  • Close the Preferences window, and open the Develop menu
  • Choose Empty Caches

There is no OK button, and then no visible confirmation that the caches have been cleared. But they have been.

Choose Empty Caches from the Develop menu

How to clear the cache in Safari on iPhone and iPad

  • Open Settings
  • Scroll down to Safari and tap
  • Choose Clear History and Website Data
  • Confirm by tapping the new Clear History and Data button that pops up

Unlike with the Mac, there is a visible indication that the cache has been cleared. The option for Clear History and Website Data is greyed out and unavailable.

Note that it won't stay unavailable. It is immediately available the moment you do anything more in Safari.

On iPhone and iPad, you have to clear both Safari's cache and history

What happens next

Once you have cleared the cache, you will typically find that some site loading problems are resolved. You'll also find that your device runs faster.

Except, of course, the next time you browse to a website, it will load a little slower than you're used to. But that will speed up again - once Safari has once more cached the site.

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How To Clear Cache and Cookies In Safari

Check out How To Clear Cache and Cookies In Safari at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.

Comments: 13 Responses to “How To Clear Cache and Cookies In Safari”

Why do you have 2 entries for Wikipedia in the list and why didn't you remove both of them?

Jean-Claude: One is Wikipedia, the other is Wikimedia. If I had a reason to remove both, I would. I'm just demonstrating here.

Very useful and helpful. Thank you.

What is the MacOS path to the cookies?

Frederick: Website data is stored in a few locations, depending on the type. Traditional cookies are found in /Users⁩/(user)/⁨Library/Cookies⁩/Cookies.binarycookies but you should NOT try to work with that or the other files directly. Instead, use the technique I show in the video.

Just the information I have been looking for. I immediately used my new knowledge for a website I have trouble with. Unfortunately, It didn't work. For quite awhile now, I can not get to this one website on Safari but if I try on Chrome I can get straight to it. Do you have any other ideas as to why this is happening?

Linda: What website?


I think I figured it out. I decided to google xfinity internet account login and try what came up. That seems to work. So, probably the bookmarked link I was using was old, or had been changed. But, thanks for the nifty information about cache and cookies. I know it will come in handy.

If I use both iCloud Keychain and Lastpass to fill in usernames and passwords, is there any other reason besides login info that I should keep cookies and cache around and not just clear them all regularly?

David: It will probably slow you down and diminish the experience at many sites. Typically, when you log into a site you remain logged in a for a while -- a week, a month, etc. Clearing your cookies will basically log you out of everything. So for the next day or so you'll be logging in everywhere you go. It makes for a painful day where every little thing you "check" online requires a login. And some sites use website data for other things like remembering you preferences. You may also want to ask the question "Is there any reason to clear them?"

How is this different from Finder --> Go (with Option pressed)--> Library, and then clearing the Cache?

sury: I would not recommend that most users go poking around in their Library folder unless they know what they are doing. Also, the location of the Safari cache and cookies is not obvious. Plus, it doesn't allow you to clear out website data for just a a single site. So in all, it is probably a worse option in most situations.

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How to Safely Clear Cached Files on Your Mac

Last Updated: March 15, 2023 Fact Checked

Clear the Application Cache

Clear the safari cache, clear the system cache in safe mode, clear the system cache manually, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Gonzalo Martinez and by wikiHow staff writer, Nicole Levine, MFA . Gonzalo Martinez is the President of CleverTech, a tech repair business in San Jose, California founded in 2014. CleverTech LLC specializes in repairing Apple products. CleverTech pursues environmental responsibility by recycling aluminum, display assemblies, and the micro components on motherboards to reuse for future repairs. On average, they save 2 lbs - 3 lbs more electronic waste daily than the average computer repair store. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 827,321 times.

Is your Mac not running as well as it used to? If your MacBook or Mac desktop computer is low on space, running slow, or you're having trouble with certain apps, clearing your cache can resolve these issues. You can also delete other caches on your Mac, including your web browsing cache in Safari, and, in some cases, the system cache (although this can be risky if not performed properly). This wikiHow guide will teach you how to safely clear the cache on your Mac.

Things You Should Know

  • To clear your Mac's application (user) cache, delete all files and folders in ~/Library/Caches .
  • To clear your web browsing cache in Safari, enable the Develop menu in Safari > Settings > Advanced , then select "Empty Caches" from the Develop menu.
  • The safest way to clear your Mac's system cache is to boot into Safe Mode, and then boot up normally.
  • You can delete files from your Mac's system cache manually, but it could freeze your computer and cause other problems.

Step 1 Open Finder icon.

  • Close as many open programs as possible before you delete your application cache (also known as the user cache).
  • Clearing your Mac's application cache is a safe way to reclaim disk space and troubleshoot problematic applications. Your Mac caches files to improve the speed of apps and services on your computer, so you may notice a small lag the first time you re-open certain apps.

Step 2 Press ⇧ Shift+⌘ Command+G at the same time.

  • You can also get here by clicking the Go menu and selecting Go to Folder… .

Step 3 Type ~/Library/Caches and press ⏎ Return.

  • If you see an error telling you that one or more of the files can't be deleted, they're being used by an application that's open. Skip deleting these files for now, then try deleting them later when the programs in question aren't open.
  • Check out our Mac optimization guide for more tips and tricks to improve your Mac's performance.

Step 1 Click the Safari menu.

  • If you already see a Develop menu item in the bar at the top of the screen, skip to Step 5.
  • If you use Google Chrome to browse the web instead of Safari, check out our guide to clearing the cache in Chrome .

Step 2 Click Settings.

  • You can now close the Advanced window.

Step 5 Click the Develop menu.

  • Booting into Safe Mode clears the font cache, kernel cache, and other system caches. Your Mac then rebuilds these caches automatically.
  • The steps to boot into Safe Mode are different depending on whether your Mac has an Apple silicon or Intel processor. To find out your processor type, click the Apple menu and select About This Mac . [3] X Research source

Step 2 Boot into Safe Mode on an Apple Silicon Mac.

  • Turn off your Mac.
  • Press and hold the power button until you see the Startup Options window. [4] X Research source
  • Select your startup disk.
  • Press and hold the Shift key as you click Continue in Safe Mode .
  • Sign in to your Mac.
  • Reboot your Mac normally when you're finished and your system will start caching again as needed.

Step 3 Boot into Safe Mode on an Intel Mac.

  • Press and hold the Shift key as you turn your Mac back on.
  • Release Shift when you see the login window.
  • Sign in to your Mac (you may have to do this twice). Once signed in, you'll see Safe Boot window at the top-right corner of the window.
  • Restart your Mac to clear your system cache.

Step 1 Open Finder icon.

  • Clearing your Mac's system cache manually is not recommended, as it could cause your Mac to freeze . If you want to clear the system cache safely, you should do so in Safe Mode .
  • If you want to delete files from the system cache manually anyway, use this method to do so. You will need to be an administrator to clear the system cache files.

Step 2 Press ⇧ Shift+⌘ Command+G at the same time.

  • Clearing the system cache may cause your Mac to crash. While your Mac should restart and begin working again without any problems, make sure that your work is saved and that you've exited any open programs before clearing the system cache. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ https://support.apple.com/guide/safari/change-safari-settings-ibrwcd8bc28e/mac
  • ↑ https://support.apple.com/guide/safari/advanced-ibrw1075/16.1/mac/13.0
  • ↑ https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211814

About This Article

Gonzalo Martinez

1. Close open programs. 2. Open Finder . 3. Click Go . 4. Click Go to Folder... 5. Type “Library” for the folder path. 6. Click Go . 7. Double-click Caches . 8. Delete all files in the folder. 9. Click the Finder menu. 10. Click Empty Trash . Did this summary help you? Yes No

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${intro} ${title}

${intro} .plus-icon-svg-rec { fill: #14315b; } .plus-icon-svg-path { fill: #f2f2f2; } .dark .plus-icon-svg-rec { fill: #f2f2f2; } .dark .plus-icon-svg-path { fill: #323232; } ${title}, safari-cache leeren - so geht's.

Im Browsercache sammeln sich eine Menge unnötiger Daten. Wie Sie den Cache in Safari leeren, erklären wir Ihnen hier.

  • Anna Kalinowsky

Im sogenannten Browsercache werden ständig Bilder und Daten der Websites gespeichert, die Sie besuchen. Das hilft dabei, dass die Seiten beim erneuten Aufrufen nicht mehr so lange laden müssen. Allerdings sammeln sich dadurch auch allerhand unnütze Daten an, die Sie von Zeit zu Zeit entfernen sollten. Wie das am Mac, am PC und am iPhone geht, zeigen wir Ihnen in unserer Anleitung.

Safari-Cache mit Tastenkombination leeren

Safari-cache über das entwickler-menü leeren, safari-cache am iphone leeren.

Mac Am Mac leeren Sie den Cache über die Tastenkombination [cmd] + [alt] + [E] .

Windows-PC An einem Windows-PC leeren Sie den Cache über die Tastenkombination [Strg] + [Alt] + [E] .

Folgen Sie unserer Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung oder schauen Sie sich die Kurzanleitung an.

Safari-Cache leeren (3 Bilder)

cache leeren in safari

1. Schritt:

Safari-cache iphone (3 bilder).

cache leeren in safari

Kurzanleitung: Safari-Cache über das Entwickler-Menü leeren

  • Öffnen Sie Safari und klicken Sie oben lnks in der Menüleiste auf " Safari " > " Einstellungen ".
  • Gehen Sie in den Einstellungen oben rechts auf " Erweitert " und setzen Sie ein Häkchen bei " Menü "Entwickler" in der Menüleiste anzeigen ". Daraufhin erscheint in der Menüleiste die Option " Entwickler ".
  • Klicken Sie nun auf die soeben hinzugefügte Option und wählen Sie " Cache-Speicher leeren " aus.

Kurzanleitung: Safari-Cache am iPhone leeren

  • Öffnen Sie die iPhone-Einstellungen und tippen Sie dort weiter unten auf " Safari ".
  • Gehen Sie dann auf " Verlauf und Websitedaten löschen ".
  • Bestätigen Sie mit " Verlauf und Daten löschen ". Achtung: Nicht nur der Cache wird damit gelöscht, sondern auch Ihr Suchverlauf und die Cookies.

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cache leeren in safari

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How to Clear Safari’s Cache, Cookies, and Website Data On a Mac

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Like every other Internet browser, Safari uses a cache to help it serve web pages as quickly and efficiently as it can.  Occasionally the browser cache can cause issues such as Safari not displaying the most recent version of a web page. In this article, I’ll show you two ways to clear the cache in Safari on a Mac—the first, using keyboard shortcuts and the second, using navigation menus. I’ll also show you how to clear website data and cookies in Safari.

Table of Contents

What safari’s browser cache is.

You may have encountered the term browser cache . The subject of caches is a broad one since, behind the scenes, they can be in your browser, in the servers where websites are hosted, or in the software that a website uses for design purposes.

Safari’s cache is the only one we’ll concern ourselves with in this article.

In the most basic terms, Safari’s cache normally keeps a copy of website pages you’ve visited unless hidden code on the server tells it not to.

Safari keeps a copy of those pages to help it display them more quickly the next time you visit them. Like other browsers, Safari may temporarily store the text and images from a web page when you visit it.

One way this can help pages load faster is by “reusing” page assets that are common across several pages on the site. One example might be the logo in the site header. If the logo is loaded on the first page visited, and the same logo image is used on other pages you visit, the logo image should be loaded on the first page and reused on following pages.

The next time you visit (using the same browser—Safari, in this case), the page should load faster because Safari will use the stored text and images instead of waiting for them to travel long distances from the website’s server. That time saved in loading the text and images shows itself when the webpage takes less time to become useful to you.

In some cases a page that is updated many times a day—such as one on a news site—may not be saved in the browser cache. That insures you see the most up to date version of the page each time you visit.

Note: The browser cache is not exactly the same thing as your browsing history or cookies. I’ll show you how to clear those later in this article.

When Safari’s cache needs to be cleared

There are a number of things that could indicate Safari’s cache should be cleared.

  • Perhaps you aren’t seeing an updated page on a website.
  • Maybe a website that you frequent seems to be loading or responding slowly.
  • You may be having difficulty logging in when normally you can breeze right in.

If you are learning to create websites you may have come across the situation where changes you’ve made to the website in the back-end appear not to have been saved when you view the site on the front-end. The problem is often just that your browser is not keeping up with you. It is showing versions of your website that don’t include your most recent changes.

How to clear the cache in Safari

Whether you’ve been told to empty, clear, or delete your cache, it means the same thing. The person who gave you those instructions is telling you to delete the previously stored website content so that the browser will know to load a new version of the page.

For security and other reasons, you should always be using the most up to date version of your browser. Be sure you are running the most version of Safari, then follow the instructions below.

Clear the cache in Safari using a keyboard shortcut

To use a keyboard shortcut to empty the browser cache in Safari, you’ll first need to activate the Develop menu . Do that by going in the top menus to Safari > Preferences > Advanced . Then at the bottom of the Advanced settings tab, tick the box next to Show Develop Menu in Menu Bar .

cache leeren in safari

Once you’ve ticked that box, you can use the shortcut Option + Command + E to empty the cache in Safari.

Note that you won’t see another settings box appear. The cache will simply be emptied behind the scenes.

Clear the Safari browser cache using menus

To clear the cache in Safari using menus, you’ll need the Develop menu activated. If you don’t see the Develop menu , read the previous section titled  How to clear the browser cache in Safari  for instructions on how to make the Develop menu available.

Once it is available, you can clear your cache by opening the Develop menu , then half-way down, click Empty Caches .

clear safari's cache from the develop menu

Clear the Safari browser cache for one site only

  • Select Preferences from the Safari menu .
  • Open the  Privacy tab .
  • Click the Manage Website Data… button .

clear safari's cache on a mac

A window will open which will fill with a list of all the websites that have data saved in Safari. When the list has finished loading, scroll through the list to find the website whose cache you want to clear. Click the name of the site to select it, then click the Remove button .

cache leeren in safari

Browsing history and cookies in Safari

When you visit a website, browsers typically save certain bits of information. Most of that information can be used to make your future browsing experience easier. For example, the browser will usually save a record of your browsing so that you can go back to a previous page you visited. Using the forward button on the browser would then take you back to the website where you started.

You might remember visiting a website a few days earlier and look into your browser history to find out the address of that website.

Those are but two examples of ways that allowing browsers to save certain information about your browsing can be helpful. However, there can come a time when you want or need to clear all of the browsing information that your browser has collected. Perhaps you will begin to share a computer and don’t want another person to know your browsing habits.

Cookies are another bit that browsers save. They sound mysterious and can sometimes be denied simply because you’ve heard so much bad about them without ever hearing of their possible usefulness.

A cookie is simply a small bit of code that is saved on your computer when you visit many websites. You’ve heard of tracking cookies that allow advertisers to track your browsing habits so they can present ads across the Internet that are more likely to match your needs. That is one type of cookie.

There are other cookies that you probably use on a daily basis without knowing it. For example, you probably visit a site where you are a customer or you have a membership that requires you to log in. When you arrive at the site, you might see your name somewhere on the site, possibly near the login link or button. A cookie is what allows that website to recognize you as one of their frequent users.

Some sites may allow you to stay logged in even after you leave. Then when you come back, you can march on in without signing in every time. You can thank a cookie for that privilege (although it’s not always a wise idea to stay logged into a site after you leave).

Clear browsing history and cookies in Safari

Sometime over the course of your online life, you will almost certainly come across a situation where you can’t log in on a website or something about the website isn’t reflecting the most current information. To resolve the issue, the website’s support team may suggest that you clear the cookies for that website which are stored on your computer.

To do that in Safari, use one of the following methods, whichever is appropriate for your situation. With either method, after you delete your cookies for a site where you may have stayed logged in, you will probably have to log in again. That will reset the cookie in your browser.

If the history or cookies that you want to delete apply to browsing you did in the past few days, you can go through the History menu.

  • Click on the History menu .
  • Click on the very last item in the menu: Clear history… .
  • Click on the dropdown list labeled Since . It probably says the last hour .
  • The last hour
  • Today and yesterday
  • All history
  • Select the one that is most appropriate.

cache leeren in safari

Browsing history and any cookies that have been set or used within the chosen period will be deleted.

The second option gives you more control over the websites whose cookies you wish to remove. This uses the same Manage Website Data function that you used to delete a single website’s cache earlier in this tutorial.

  • A window will open which will fill with a list of all the websites that have data saved in Safari.
  • Click the Remove All button to empty the list and delete the cache and cookies for all websites in the list.

If you want to remove cookies or other data for just one website in the list, click the name of the website to highlight it. Click the Remove button to clear the data and cookies for that one site.

To select multiple sites, click on the first one you want to delete. Hold the Command key as you select any others you want to delete.

Apple’s official documentation – How to Clear Browsing History in Safari on a Mac

Change the default search engine in Safari

If you are concerned about your browsing privacy, you might also consider changing the default browser that Safari uses.

Like Firefox, Safari—an Apple Product—is not owned by a company that also has its own search engine (at least not yet). In Safari you can select from the same search engine options that Chrome offers. Those are:

Here’s how to set your favorite search engine in Safari:

  • Go to the menu at the top of the screen. Choose Safari , then Preferences .
  • From the Preferences window , select the Search tab .
  • The first item on that setting page is Search engine . Click in that drop-down menu and select the search engine you’d like to use.

Change default search engine in Safari browser

The search engine you set will be the one that processes any searches that you type into the Safari address bar.

About the author:

Tom Buford - writer at thetechiesenior.com

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How to Clear the Browser Cache in Safari on Mac

cache leeren in safari

This article explains how you can clear cache in the Apple Safari browser on your Mac. Safari temporarily stores Internet files (images, web site pages and files, etc.) when you visit websites to reduce server lag so that you can view the websites faster in the future. In short, these cache files are useful in faster loading of the web pages.

However, you may want to delete your Safari browser cache every few weeks because:

  • It will help you see the most recent webpage changes.
  • It may fix some Safari issues, such as Safari freezing .
  • It may speed up your Mac .
  • It may help you  free up space on your Mac .

There are two ways:

Follow the steps:

The steps below will teach you how you can delete the browser cache in Safari using the developer tools.

  • Open Safari on your Mac.
  • In Safari, click Safari (menu bar).

Safari Preferences

  • Click the Advanced tab.

Safari Developer menu

  • Now a new menu item will appear called Develop in the Safari menu bar.

Empty Caches

  • And click Empty Caches.

You can also delete the cache files manually by dragging them to the Trash folder. Here is how:

  • Go to Finder.
  • Press and hold the Option key and while pressing the Option key, click Go and Library. (You can also, directly, open the cache folder in the Library folder by clicking Go > Go To Folder [Command + Shift + G] and enter ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.Safari/ and hit Go.).
  • Click Caches and then com.Apple.Safari.

Safari caches folder

  • Delete the Safari caches by dragging them to the Trash folder. And restart your Mac.

See also: YouTube not opening ?

cache leeren in safari

Dr. Serhat Kurt worked as a Senior Technology Director specializing in Apple solutions for small and medium-sized educational institutions. He holds a doctoral degree (or doctorate) from the University of Illinois at Urbana / Champaign and a master’s degree from Purdue University. He is a former faculty member. Here is his LinkedIn profile and Google Scholar profile . Email Serhat Kurt .

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How to clear safari browsing data with a keyboard shortcut.


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If you use Safari on Mac and would like to quickly clear your browser history without digging through menus, you can take care of it with a keyboard shortcut and a click by creating a custom shortcut in System Preferences . Here's how.

First, we'll need to visit "System Preferences" to create the custom keyboard shortcut. On your Mac, click the "Apple" icon in the upper-left corner and select "System Preferences."

In "System Preferences," select "Keyboard." In "Keyboard" preferences, click the "Shortcuts" tab.

In the sidebar menu, click "App Shortcuts."

Click the plus sign (+) located near the bottom of the window to add a new shortcut.

A pop-up window will appear. First, click the drop-down menu labeled "Application" and select "Safari.app."

In the "Menu Title" text box, enter "

" exactly. It must include the three dots at the end, as it must match the existing menu command in Safari under the "History" menu.

Next, select the "Keyboard Shortcut" box and type the shortcut you want to use to clear Safari's browser history. We chose Shift+Command+H, but you can enter any unused keyboard combination.

Then click the "Add" button, and the shortcut will be added to the list. You're now clear to close System Preferences (unless you want to tweak the keyboard shortcut key combination after testing it out.)

Open "Safari" and press the keyboard shortcut you just defined. A small pop-over window will appear with a drop-down menu and two buttons. In the "Clear" menu, you can choose how much of your history is cleared. When you're ready, click the "Clear History" button.

Your Safari browsing history will be cleared to whatever level you selected. Safari will remember the setting you chose in the "Clear" menu, so next time you call up the window with your custom shortcut, you can just click the "Clear History" button.

If you find yourself frequently clearing your browser history, consider trying Safari's Private Browsing mode , which is a special mode that doesn't keep track of your browsing history. You can even configure Safari to start with a Private window every time you open the app .

Related: How to Always Start Safari in Private Browsing Mode on a Mac

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Wie Sie den Safari-Cache löschen

Safari: so leeren sie den cache.

chrome lesezeichen löschen

20.12.2023, 19:46 Uhr

Steffen Münch

Tim Fischer

Safari: Cache per Shortcut leeren

  • Verwenden Sie einen Mac, nutzen Sie die Tastenkombination „cmd“ + „alt“ + „E“.
  • Arbeiten Sie hingegen mit einem Windows-Computer, verwenden Sie das Tastenkürzel „Strg“ + „Alt“ + „E“.

So löschen Sie den Safari-Cache über das Menü

  • Gehen Sie im Menü auf „Safari“ und klicken Sie unter Einstellungen auf die Option „Erweitert“.
  • In diesem Menü wählen Sie nun „ Entwickler in der Menüleiste anzeigen “ aus.
  • Sie können die Einstellungen schließen und auf den eben aktivierten „Entwickler-Task“ klicken und dort „Cache-Speicher leeren“ wählen.
  • Im letzten Schritt beenden Sie Safari und starten den Browser neu, damit die Einstellungen angepasst werden können.

Safari: Cache in iPhone und iPad leeren

  • In den Einstellungen des iPhones bzw. iPads tippen Sie auf „Safari“.
  • Anschließend klicken Sie auf „Verlauf und Websitedaten löschen“.
  • Bestätigen Sie den Vorgang mit einem weiteren Klick auf „Verlauf und Websitedaten löschen“.
  • Mit dieser Vorgehensweise werden allerdings nicht nur der Cache, sondern auch Cookies und Suchverläufe gelöscht.
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How To Clear Cache In Safari On IPad

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Clearing the cache in Safari on your iPad can help resolve various issues, such as slow loading times, outdated content, and website errors. The cache is a temporary storage location for files that are downloaded by your browser to display websites. Over time, this cache can become cluttered with outdated data, leading to performance issues. By clearing the cache, you can ensure that Safari fetches the latest versions of web pages and resources, thereby improving your browsing experience.

In this guide, you will learn how to clear the cache in Safari on your iPad, allowing you to free up storage space and enhance the browser's performance. Whether you are encountering sluggish browsing speeds or wish to ensure that you are viewing the most current content on websites, clearing the cache is a simple yet effective solution.

By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, you will be able to navigate the settings of Safari on your iPad with ease, empowering you to take control of your browsing experience. Let's dive into the process of clearing the cache in Safari and optimize your browsing environment for a smoother and more efficient web surfing experience.

Step 1: Open the Settings app

To begin the process of clearing the cache in Safari on your iPad, you will first need to open the Settings app. The Settings app serves as the control center for various configurations and preferences on your device, allowing you to customize your iPad experience to suit your needs.

Start by locating the Settings app icon on your iPad's home screen. The icon resembles a set of gears and is typically found among your other applications. Once you have located the Settings app, tap on the icon to launch the app.

Upon opening the Settings app, you will be greeted by a series of options and preferences that you can adjust to personalize your iPad. The layout of the Settings app is designed to provide easy access to a wide range of features, including those related to Safari, the default web browser on your device.

As you navigate through the Settings app, take note of the various sections and options available to you. The app is organized into different categories, such as General, Display & Brightness, and Safari, among others. These categories house specific settings that you can modify to tailor your iPad experience.

By familiarizing yourself with the layout of the Settings app, you will gain a better understanding of where to locate the Safari settings, which is crucial for the cache-clearing process. Navigating the Settings app is the first step towards optimizing your browsing environment and ensuring that Safari operates at its best.

With the Settings app open and ready for configuration, you are now prepared to proceed to the next step in the cache-clearing process. By mastering the art of navigating the Settings app, you are taking a proactive approach to managing your iPad's settings and enhancing your overall user experience.

Now that you have successfully opened the Settings app, let's move on to the next step in the process of clearing the cache in Safari on your iPad. This will bring you one step closer to optimizing your browsing environment and enjoying a smoother web surfing experience.

Step 2: Scroll down and tap on Safari

After successfully opening the Settings app on your iPad, the next crucial step in the process of clearing the cache in Safari involves scrolling down within the Settings interface and tapping on the "Safari" option. This action will grant you access to a range of specific settings and preferences related to the Safari web browser , allowing you to delve deeper into the browser's configurations and functionalities.

As you scroll down within the Settings app, you will encounter a diverse array of options and categories, each serving a unique purpose in customizing your iPad experience. The act of scrolling down signifies a transition towards uncovering the Safari settings, which are pivotal for managing the cache and optimizing the browser's performance.

Upon reaching the "Safari" option, you will be presented with a wealth of settings that are designed to empower you with control over various aspects of the Safari browser. These settings encompass a wide spectrum of functionalities, ranging from privacy and security features to content and search engine preferences, all of which contribute to shaping your browsing experience.

Tapping on the "Safari" option will open a dedicated interface that is tailored to the specific configurations and preferences associated with the Safari browser. This interface serves as a gateway to fine-tuning the browser's behavior, ensuring that it aligns with your individual browsing habits and requirements.

By tapping on the "Safari" option, you are taking a proactive step towards gaining insight into the inner workings of the Safari browser, enabling you to make informed decisions about its settings and functionalities. This level of control empowers you to optimize the browser's performance and address any issues related to cache accumulation, ultimately enhancing your overall browsing experience.

As you navigate through the "Safari" settings, take note of the various options available to you, each offering a unique opportunity to tailor the browser to your preferences. Familiarizing yourself with these settings will equip you with the knowledge needed to effectively manage the cache and ensure that Safari operates at its best.

With the "Safari" settings now accessible, you are poised to delve deeper into the cache-clearing process, bringing you one step closer to optimizing your browsing environment and enjoying a smoother web surfing experience.

Step 3: Scroll down and tap on Clear History and Website Data

As you navigate through the "Safari" settings on your iPad, the next pivotal step in the cache-clearing process involves scrolling down within the Safari settings interface until you locate the "Clear History and Website Data" option. This essential feature allows you to effectively manage the cache and browsing history stored within the Safari browser, providing you with the means to optimize its performance and address any issues related to accumulated data.

Upon finding the "Clear History and Website Data" option, tapping on it will initiate the process of clearing the cache and browsing history within Safari. This action serves as a proactive measure to free up storage space and ensure that the browser fetches the latest versions of web pages and resources, thereby enhancing your overall browsing experience.

The "Clear History and Website Data" feature is designed to offer users a convenient and straightforward method for managing the cache and browsing history within Safari. By accessing this functionality, you gain the ability to maintain a clean and efficient browsing environment, free from the clutter of outdated data that may impede the browser's performance.

Tapping on the "Clear History and Website Data" option signifies your commitment to optimizing the Safari browser's functionality and ensuring that it operates at its best. This proactive approach empowers you to take control of your browsing environment, allowing you to enjoy a smoother and more efficient web surfing experience.

As you engage with the "Clear History and Website Data" feature, take note of the prompt that will appear, asking you to confirm the action. This confirmation step serves as a safeguard, ensuring that you are intentionally initiating the cache-clearing process. Upon confirming the action, Safari will proceed to clear the cache and browsing history, freeing up storage space and refreshing the browser's data to align with the latest web content.

By tapping on the "Clear History and Website Data" option and confirming the action, you are actively contributing to the optimization of your browsing environment, allowing Safari to operate at its full potential. This proactive measure sets the stage for a more seamless and enjoyable web surfing experience, free from the constraints of outdated cache and browsing history.

With the cache-clearing process initiated, you are now poised to witness the positive impact of this proactive measure on Safari's performance. By taking control of the cache and browsing history, you are paving the way for a more efficient and responsive browsing experience, ensuring that Safari remains a reliable and effective tool for accessing web content on your iPad.

Step 4: Confirm the action

After tapping on the "Clear History and Website Data" option within the Safari settings on your iPad, a prompt will appear, asking you to confirm the action of clearing the cache and browsing history. This confirmation step serves as a crucial checkpoint, ensuring that you are intentionally initiating the cache-clearing process and providing you with the opportunity to proceed with confidence.

Upon encountering the confirmation prompt, take a moment to review the action you are about to perform. This pause allows you to reaffirm your decision to clear the cache and browsing history within Safari, emphasizing the proactive nature of this optimization process. By confirming the action, you are actively contributing to the enhancement of Safari's performance and the overall browsing experience on your iPad.

The confirmation prompt serves as a safeguard, preventing accidental initiation of the cache-clearing process. This deliberate approach ensures that you have the opportunity to proceed with full awareness of the implications of clearing the cache and browsing history. By acknowledging the prompt and confirming the action, you are demonstrating a commitment to maintaining a clean and efficient browsing environment within Safari.

Upon confirming the action, Safari will proceed to clear the cache and browsing history, freeing up storage space and refreshing the browser's data to align with the latest web content. This proactive measure sets the stage for a more seamless and enjoyable web surfing experience, free from the constraints of outdated cache and browsing history. The act of confirming the action represents a decisive step towards optimizing the Safari browser's functionality and ensuring that it operates at its best.

As the cache-clearing process is initiated, the confirmation prompt serves as a reminder of your active role in managing the browsing environment on your iPad. By confirming the action, you are taking control of the cache and browsing history, paving the way for a more efficient and responsive browsing experience. This deliberate approach empowers you to maintain a clean and optimized browsing environment within Safari, allowing you to enjoy a smoother and more efficient web surfing experience.

With the cache-clearing process confirmed, you are now poised to witness the positive impact of this proactive measure on Safari's performance. By taking control of the cache and browsing history, you are paving the way for a more efficient and responsive browsing experience, ensuring that Safari remains a reliable and effective tool for accessing web content on your iPad.

In conclusion, the process of clearing the cache in Safari on your iPad is a proactive and effective measure to optimize the browser's performance and enhance your overall browsing experience. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this guide, you have gained valuable insight into the inner workings of Safari's settings and configurations, empowering you to take control of your browsing environment.

Clearing the cache in Safari serves as a means to free up storage space and ensure that the browser fetches the latest versions of web pages and resources. This proactive approach mitigates issues related to slow loading times, outdated content, and website errors, ultimately contributing to a smoother and more efficient web surfing experience.

As you navigated through the Settings app and accessed the Safari settings on your iPad, you demonstrated a proactive commitment to managing the cache and browsing history within the browser. By tapping on the "Clear History and Website Data" option and confirming the action, you actively contributed to the optimization of Safari's functionality, paving the way for a more seamless browsing experience.

The confirmation prompt that appeared during the cache-clearing process served as a crucial checkpoint, ensuring that you proceeded with full awareness of the implications of clearing the cache and browsing history. This deliberate approach underscored your active role in maintaining a clean and efficient browsing environment within Safari, emphasizing your commitment to enhancing the browser's performance.

By embracing the process of clearing the cache in Safari on your iPad, you have taken a proactive step towards ensuring that the browser operates at its best. This optimization process aligns with the broader goal of enhancing your overall user experience, allowing you to enjoy a more responsive and reliable browsing environment.

In essence, the act of clearing the cache in Safari on your iPad represents a proactive measure to optimize the browser's performance and maintain a clean and efficient browsing environment. By familiarizing yourself with the settings and configurations within Safari, you have gained valuable knowledge that will empower you to address performance issues and ensure a smoother web surfing experience in the future.

As you continue to engage with Safari on your iPad, remember that the process of clearing the cache is a valuable tool for maintaining the browser's efficiency and responsiveness. By incorporating this proactive measure into your browsing routine, you are actively contributing to a more seamless and enjoyable web surfing experience, free from the constraints of outdated cache and browsing history.

By mastering the art of managing the cache in Safari, you are poised to enjoy a browsing environment that aligns with your preferences and delivers the latest web content with efficiency and reliability. Embrace the proactive approach to cache management, and witness the positive impact it has on your overall browsing experience.

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How To Clear Your Safari Browser Cache on PC

When you use Safari to browse the Internet, you accumulate a lot of temporary Internet files. These improve the browsing experience for the most part. However, they can also prove to be a bit of a hassle over the long-term.

And keeping the temp files cleaned up once in a while can solve a lot of problems.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to clear the cache in Safari and go into a bit of why you should. It only takes a few moments and is often a good idea to do so on a regular basis.

What is a Cache in Safari and Why Clear it?

Safari stores temporary Internet files in what’s called a “cache.” It’s a location on the computer which allows the browser to pull information regarding specific websites.

For example, your computer will load images and files from the cache instead of downloading them each time you visit a site. This improves the overall experience by making the site load faster on your end.

However, the cache can also contribute to a few problems. Here are just some of the more common you might want to consider:

  • You Could Save Bad Website Coding Let’s say you visit a page and the coding isn’t right. Perhaps you’re troubleshooting problems you’re having on a particular page. Sometimes the cache will store that coding even if you save changes. Clearing the cache lets you download the most current version of that site.
  • Can Take Up a Lot of Hard Drive Space Images and files stored in the cache can eat up a lot of room on your computer. If you spend a lot of time browsing the Internet, you could save several gigabytes worth of images alone. Clearing the cache in Safari will free up that space.
  • Other Users Can Explore What You Browse From the history of URLs you visit to the images saved from websites, anyone sitting at your computer can see what you’ve been exploring. Deleting all of the information saved in Safari can stop others from snooping through your Internet usage.

Not everyone wants to use a privacy mode where passwords are not saved and the cache is emptied automatically. Clearing the Safari cache lets you choose when that information is removed.

Clearing the Safari Browser Cache on a PC

Open the Safari browser on your computer and click the gear icon in the browser window.

Safari Settings

Click the option to “Reset Safari.”

Reset Safari

In this window, you can select what elements you want to clear in the Safari browser cache on the PC.

For example, you can choose to remove all website icons, save the names and passwords and clear the downloads window by selecting the checkboxes.

Once you’ve decided what parts you want to be deleted, click the “Reset” button on the bottom.

Reset Button

This will remove the data you selected and relaunch the Safari web browser.

Keeping Your Browser Cleaned Up

When you clear the temporary Internet files from Safari, you’re improving the efficiency of the browser as well as your computer. The last thing you want is Safari taking up terabytes worth of space because of downloaded images.

And while this may sound like an absurd figure, keep in mind that every site you visit will download data to your computer. Over the long-term, you can acquire a vast number of useless files and information.

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How to Clear Safari's Cache and Cookies on macOS 10.15

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Audrey Goodwin

2024-05-22 10:38:25 • Filed to: macOS 10.15 • Proven solutions

Some troubles could arise while browsing using Safari, whose causes are known to you. If you would like to have better browsing experience and peace of mind, it is advisable to clear cache and cookies in Safari on macOS 10.15.

Safari’s cache stores website data, which prevents downloading it again whenever you access the same sites. Unfortunately, pilling up of these cookies and cache could affect the sites.

If you notice that some sites are not working when you access them through this application, then it could be time to clear your cache in Safari on macOS 10.15. The cache could be corrupted, causing such behavior.

This article can help you empty cache in Safari for macOS 10.15 safely. The process may include deleting some items to complete the procedure to clear cache and cookies in Safari on macOS 10.15.

How to Empty Cache in Safari for macOS 10.15

Cache and cookies cause problems in Safari when corrupted. Sites stop working or updating information. The appearance of the images can also be affected, whereby they do not appear as expected.

Wrong completion of personal information is another sign. All these indicate that you need to clear cache and cookies in Safari on macOS 10.15. Cleaning Safari Cache

To clear your cache in Safari on macOS 10.15, follow the following steps;

  • Go to “Preferences”
  • Access “Privacy”
  • Choose “Advanced”
  • Then proceed to “Show Develop Menu in Menu Bar”

The Safari Developer menu is usually hidden. You can use it to empty cache in Safari for macOS 10.15 and leave the browser history and cookies in place. So in this step, you do not have to clear your browsing history in Safari on macOS 10.15.

This diagnostic step is known to be useful since you take it before removing cookies and browser history if a website misbehaves.

To activate the Developer menu, use the following procedure;

  • Select “Safari”
  • Choose the “Advanced” icon
  • Then tick the option “Show Develop Menu in Menu Bar,” which is at the bottom.
  • To the left of the options, “Window and Help menu,” you will find a new “Develop” menu option.
  • So, close all Safari windows
  • Then choose “Empty Caches on the Develop menu”; this should clear your cache in Safari on macOS 10.15.
  • To start Safari with a clean cache, ensure that you click “File,” then “New Window”

emptying safari cache

Clearing Both Cookies and Cache in Individual Sites

Clearing cache and cookies in the individual sites can also help to clear cache and cookies in Safari on macOS 10.15. The process involved is;

  • Access “Preferences” dialog box
  • Got to “Privacy” icon
  • Then select “Manage Website Data” button

From here, proceed to pruning the list manually. Select the individual site and ensure that you click on the “Remove” button. To delete all cache and cookies, simply click on “Remove All” button. You can use a search field to track down these individual sites.

As you clear cache and cookies in Safari on macOS 10.15 using this method, you should know that deletion of cookies leads to the removal of autocompleted login passwords and usernames. Therefore, you will be logged out of the sites, especially if the configurations allow you to login automatically each time.

clearing cookies and cache in individual sites

Removing AutoFill’s Autocomplete Data

Removing autocomplete data from autofill can also help to clear your cache in Safari on macOS 10.15. The Safari AutoFill tool may override cookies as it fills in password after username details on sites. AutoFill is also capable of autocompleting other information on the sites.

To access Safari’s AutoFill tool;

  • Then click on “AutoFill.”

If you wish to remove an errant data;

  • Click on the “Edit” button, which is alongside the data type you want gone. The 2 most useful data types are “Other forms” and “User names and passwords.”
  • A dialog box will appear; proceed to choose the site listed.
  • Click on the “Remove” button

removing autofill's autocomplete

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empty cache in Safari for macOS 10.15

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¿Celular lento? Trucos para mejorar su rendimiento: tardará 10 minutos en hacerlo

Sepa cómo eliminar caché y acelerar tanto su celular android como iphone.

Hombre usando su celular (Getty Images)

Hombre usando su celular (Getty Images)

Ana Rodríguez

El celular se ha convertido en una herramienta clave para la cotidianidad de la mayoría de las personas en el mundo. Se usa para almacenar información, chatear con amigos o compañeros de trabajo o hasta como una herramienta clave en su trabajo .

Precisamente por todos los usos y herramientas nuevas que tienen estos dispositivos, algunos de ellos, con el paso del tiempo, puede volverse lentos, pero, ¿cómo mejorar su rendimiento? En la siguiente nota exploramos las razones por la que esto ocurre y algunos trucos para recuperar la velocidad del celular, tanto iPhone como Android .

¿Por qué se vuelve lento su celular?

Las explicaciones de este comportamiento del móvil pueden ser varias. Sin embargo, como explica en un artículo Avast, un software antivirus y una suite de seguridad, las razones más comunes por las que esto podría suceder son:

  • Actividad en segundo plano: ojo con las aplicaciones en segundo plano, pues estas podrían ser la causa de que su celular sea más lento. Esto sucede especialmente con los móviles más antiguos que no están diseñados para manejar mucha actividad en segundo plano.
  • Mala configuración: algunas veces, la lentitud de su celular se puede dar por una mala configuración de las aplicaciones, así que si nota que el comportamiento de su celular cambia con cierta aplicación, lo que debe hacer es revisar la configuración de esta app.
  • Se tiene un sistema operativo antiguo: algunas versiones de los sistemas operativos suelen tener errores, así que debe estar pendiente siempre de las actualizaciones que se anuncian en la tienda de apps de su celular.
  • El hardware está presentando fallas: según explica el artículo, un problema en el hardware impide que su teléfono alcance su máxima velocidad. Usualmente, esto pasa por un sobrecalentamiento del dispositivo, un defecto en la CPU, en la RAM o por una batería defectuosa.
  • Espacio de almacenamiento limitado: cuando se va llenando la memoria, algunas funciones pueden afectarse y esto puede producir que el móvil termine funcionando de una manera más lenta.

¿Su iPhone está lento? Así puede mejorar su velocidad

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El rendimiento de los iPhone suelen perderse al paso de dos o tres años, sin embargo, estos celulares suelen mantenerse con una buena velocidad por un gran tiempo .

En caso de que su iPhone haya comenzado a funcionar lento, iDeviceHelp, un canal especializado en tecnología y en las últimas actualizaciones de iOS de Apple, explica 4 trucos para recuperar su velocidad :

  • Caché y Cookies de Safari: debe dirigirse a configuraciones, encontrar la extensión de Safari en el menú y, en la parte inferior, seleccionar la opción de avanzado . Una vez allí, seleccione la opción que dice ‘Datos de sitios web’ y allí le mostrará todos los datos y caché que guarda. Para eliminarlos, solo debe presionar en ‘ Eliminar todos los datos ’.
  • Mensajes: es importante mantener su almacenamiento limpio, por eso se recomienda eliminar los mensajes que no son relevantes. De igual forma, es clave que recuerde que iPhone tiene una papelera de mensajes, para desocuparla, deberá seleccionar ‘Editar’ dentro de la aplicación y presionar la opción ‘Mostrar eliminados’. Una vez allí, podrá eliminar los mensajes permanentemente .
  • Ubicaciones guardadas: Apple suele guardar mucha información sobre las ubicaciones más recientes que ha tenido su celular y esto puede ocupar memoria y volver más lento su celular. Para eliminar estos datos, diríjase a ‘Privacidad y seguridad ’, ‘ Localización ’, en la parte inferior, seleccione ‘Servicios del sistema’ y ‘ Ubicaciones importantes’. Deberá colocar su contraseña y en la parte final está la opción de ‘ Borrar historial ’.
  • Limpie la opción de eliminados recientes en fotos: para hacerlo, diríjase a la aplicación de Fotos y en Álbum, en la parte inferior, está ubicada la opción ‘Eliminados recientes’, seleccione esta opción y elimine todas las fotos que están allí de manera permanente.

Trucos para mejorar el rendimiento de su Android

Para el caso de los celulares Android, el artículo de la plataforma de antivirus Avast, hace algunas recomendaciones para conseguir que su celular recupere fácilmente su rapidez :

  • Reinicie su celular: de esta manera borrará su memoria y el celular podrá tener espacio para hacer una rápida actualización que podría ayudarlo a acelerar las operaciones.
  • Libere espacio y borre aplicaciones antiguas: esto le ayudará a mantener la pantalla organizada y deshacerse de apps que no usa, mejorando así su espacio de almacenamiento.
  • Borre los datos de navegación: diríjase a Chrome y seleccione los 3 puntos de la esquina superior derecha. Allí encontrará la opción de Borrar datos de navegación. De esta manera también eliminará la memoria caché.
  • Cierre pestañas del navegador: tener muchas pestañas del navegador abiertas puede ralentizar su dispositivo y especialmente su navegación en internet. Haga una revisión de las pestañas que tiene abiertas y cierre las que ya no está usando .
  • Actualice su sistema operativo: recuerde que mantener su dispositivo actualizado le ayudará a mantener su celular en buen funcionamiento y muy ágil.
  • Restablezca los valores predeterminados: si el dispositivo continúa lento, una gran opción es que restablezca los valores predeterminados de su teléfono. Esta es una opción radical, pero que puede ser muy útil para eliminar datos o virus en su celular. Antes de borrar toda la información, recuerde hacer una copia de seguridad y almacenar todo en un lugar seguro.

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  1. Safari: Browser-Cache löschen

    cache leeren in safari

  2. Cache leeren für Chrome, Firefox, Safari und mehr

    cache leeren in safari

  3. Cache leeren Safari

    cache leeren in safari

  4. [4 Tipps] Mac Cache/Temporäre-Dateien komplett leeren

    cache leeren in safari

  5. Cache leeren Safari

    cache leeren in safari

  6. Browser Cache leeren

    cache leeren in safari


  1. How to Clear Safari Browser Cache on Mac, iPhone, or iPad

    Clear your cache. 1. Click on the Safari tab at the top left of your screen and choose Preferences from the dropdown menu. Navigate to the Preferences section. Stefan Ionescu/Insider. 2. Click the ...

  2. Browsercache löschen in Safari

    Am schnellsten geht es per Shortcut: Auf dem Mac verwenden Sie die Tastenkombination [command] + [option] + [E]. Der Cache wird ohne zusätzliche Nachfrage gelöscht. Auf dem Windows-PC leeren Sie den Cache über den Shortcut [Strg] + [Alt] + [E]. Es erscheint eine Abfrage ob Sie den Cache wirklich löschen wollen. Dies bestätigen Sie mit Enter.

  3. Clear the history, cache, and cookies from Safari on your iPhone, iPad

    Delete history, cache, and cookies. Clear cookies and cache, but keep your history. Delete a website from your history. Block cookies. Use content blockers. Delete history, cache, and cookies. Go to Settings > Safari. Tap Clear History and Website Data. Clearing your history, cookies, and browsing data from Safari won't change your AutoFill ...

  4. How to Clear Your Safari Browser Cache: iPhone, iPad, Mac

    This is the bottom option in the pop-up menu. 5. Tap Clear History. Your cookies, cache, and history will be deleted. 6. Clear your cache without deleting history (optional). If you want to just clear your cache and keep your browsing history, do the following: Go to Settings. Tap Safari.

  5. How to clear Safari cache and cookies on a Mac

    Cleaning cookies and the cache data for individual sites can be done via Safari's Settings/Preferences. Open Safari. Click on Safari in the menu at the top of the screen. Click on Settings or ...

  6. Clear your browsing history in Safari on Mac

    Open Safari for me. In the Safari app on your Mac, choose History > Clear History, then click the pop-up menu. Choose how far back you want your browsing history cleared. When you clear your history, Safari removes data it saves as a result of your browsing, including: History of webpages you visited. The back and forward list for open webpages.

  7. How to Clear Safari Browsing History and Cache

    Scroll down and select Safari. Scroll down and select Clear History and Website Data. Choose the timeframe to clear ( Last hour, Today, Today and yesterday, or All history ), choose the profile or ...

  8. How to clear the cache in Safari on Mac and iPhone

    Click on the Safari menu at top left. Choose Preferences. Click on Advanced. Tick the Show Develop menu in menu bar to set it to on. Close the Preferences window, and open the Develop menu. Choose ...

  9. How To Clear Cache and Cookies In Safari

    Clearing the browser cache was simple in Safari, but the menu command is gone. However, you can still clear the cache, and do so more efficiently by clearing cache, cookies and other items on a per-website basis. You can also bring back the Empty Cache command. Clearing a website's cache and cookies is one way to fix things when a website starts misbehaving.

  10. How to Clear Cache on a Mac: App, System, & Safari Cache

    Select all of the files inside of the Caches folder. A quick way to do this is to click one item or folder then press ⌘ Command + A to select all files. 5. Right-click the highlighted area and select Move to Trash. Click the File menu and choose Move to Trash. This clears the cache used by applications on your Mac.

  11. How To Clear The Cache In Safari On Mac

    Step 1: Open Safari Preferences. To begin the process of clearing the cache in Safari on your Mac, you first need to access the browser's preferences. This step is essential as it allows you to navigate to the specific settings where you can manage the cache and other browsing data. Follow the simple instructions below to open Safari ...

  12. Safari-Cache leeren

    Kurzanleitung: Safari-Cache über das Entwickler-Menü leeren. Öffnen Sie Safari und klicken Sie oben lnks in der Menüleiste auf " Safari " > " Einstellungen ". Gehen Sie in den Einstellungen ...

  13. How to Clear Safari's Cache, Cookies, and Website Data On a Mac

    Clear the Safari browser cache using menus. To clear the cache in Safari using menus, you'll need the Develop menu activated. If you don't see the Develop menu, read the previous section titled How to clear the browser cache in Safari for instructions on how to make the Develop menu available.

  14. How to Clear the Browser Cache in Safari on Mac • macReports

    The steps below will teach you how you can delete the browser cache in Safari using the developer tools. Open Safari on your Mac. In Safari, click Safari (menu bar). Click Preferences. Click the Advanced tab. And check the "Show Develop menu in menu bar" option. Now a new menu item will appear called Develop in the Safari menu bar.

  15. How to clear the cache or do a hard refresh in Safari?

    93. Go to Safari > Empty Cache, or hit ⌘ Command + ⌥ Option + E. To refresh, click the refresh button on the addressbar or press ⌘ Command + R. Another tip. If you want to restore Safari, like completely clear all the caches, or parts of it, go to Safari > Reset Safari. I use it usually when I need to clear a lot of memory from Safari ...

  16. How to clear cache on MacBook: 5 quick tips to try

    To clear your user cache manually, do the following: Open the Finder, and from the Go menu, select Go to Folder. Type in ~/Library/Caches and press Return. Optional step: Copy all the files to a different folder if something goes wrong. Make your way through each of the folders and clean out everything.

  17. How to Clear Safari Browsing Data with a Keyboard Shortcut

    Next, select the "Keyboard Shortcut" box and type the shortcut you want to use to clear Safari's browser history. We chose Shift+Command+H, but you can enter any unused keyboard combination. Then click the "Add" button, and the shortcut will be added to the list. You're now clear to close System Preferences (unless you want to tweak the ...

  18. How to clear Safari cache on iPhone

    To clear your Safari cache, do as follows: Scroll down, and tap 'Safari.'. Scroll again until you find 'Clear history and website data.'. T ap it, and then tap it again to confirm that you ...

  19. Safari: So leeren Sie den Cache

    Um Speicher freizugeben, können Sie den Cache von Safari leeren. Welche Schritte dazu notwendig sind, können Sie hier nachlesen.

  20. How To Clear Cache In Safari On iPad

    Let's dive into the process of clearing the cache in Safari and optimize your browsing environment for a smoother and more efficient web surfing experience. Step 1: Open the Settings app. To begin the process of clearing the cache in Safari on your iPad, you will first need to open the Settings app.

  21. Clear browser cache in Safari (Mac)

    That´s how you clear the browser cache in Safari on your mac.https://browser-cache-leeren.de/en/apple-mac-os/safari.html

  22. How To Clear Your Safari Browser Cache on PC

    Clearing the Safari Browser Cache on a PC. Open the Safari browser on your computer and click the gear icon in the browser window. Click the option to "Reset Safari.". In this window, you can select what elements you want to clear in the Safari browser cache on the PC. For example, you can choose to remove all website icons, save the names ...

  23. How to Clear Safari's Cache and Cookies on macOS 10.15

    The process may include deleting some items to complete the procedure to clear cache and cookies in Safari on macOS 10.15. How to Empty Cache in Safari for macOS 10.15. Cache and cookies cause problems in Safari when corrupted. Sites stop working or updating information. The appearance of the images can also be affected, whereby they do not ...

  24. ¿Celular lento? Trucos para mejorar su rendimiento: tardará 10 minutos

    Leer más: ¿Lo ha pensado? Esto es lo que el color de su celular dice de su personalidad ... Caché y Cookies de Safari: debe dirigirse a configuraciones, encontrar la extensión de Safari en el ...