Leclerc Voyages

Optez pour les Baléares dans un séjour tout compris en formule all inclusive. Grâce à Voyages E. Lelcerc, vous pouvez réserver facilement vos vacances aux Baléares, avec des offres tout inclus adaptées à tous les budgets. Profitez d'un séjour de rêve dans un club vacances aux Baléares, où vous serez choyé et où toutes vos envies seront comblées. Que vous choisissiez Majorque , Ibiza , Minorque ou Formentera, les îles baléares vous offriront des plages sublimes, une mer cristalline et un climat méditerranéen ensoleillé. Découvrez les charmants villages pittoresques, les sites historiques fascinants et les soirées animées qui font la renommée des Baléares.

Voyages Espagne - Baléares

Top clubs cala d'or 3*.

  • Le cadre agréable
  • Le bon confort des chambres
  • L'accueil réservé aux clients

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Top Clubs Cala d'Or 3*

Hôtel Bahia Principe Sunlight Coral Playa 4*

  • La vue imprenable
  • Le caractère familial de l'hôtel
  • La station balnéaire animée

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Hôtel Bahia Principe Sunlight Coral Playa 4*

Hôtel Cabot Cala Ferrera 3*

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Hôtel Cabot Cala Ferrera 3*

Pierre & Vacances - Résidence Mallorca Deya 3* - sans transfert

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Pierre & Vacances - Résidence Mallorca Deya 3* - sans transfert

Hôtel THB Cala Lliteras 4*

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Hôtel THB Cala Lliteras 4*

Hôtel Mix Smart 3*

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Hôtel Mix Smart 3*

Hôtel BQ C'an Picafort 3*

  • Hôtel à 200m d'une plage
  • Proche des commerces et bars
  • Bar sur le toit en bord de piscine

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Hôtel BQ C'an Picafort 3*

Hôtel Don Pepe 3*

  • Hôtel réservé aux adultes
  • Situé sur la plage de l'Arenal très proche de la ville de Palma

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Hôtel Don Pepe 3*

Pierre & Vacances - Résidence Mallorca Portofino 3* - sans transfert

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Pierre & Vacances - Résidence Mallorca Portofino 3* - sans transfert

Appartements Isla del Aire 3*

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Appartements Isla del Aire 3*

Hôtel Mix Colombo 3*

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Hôtel Mix Colombo 3*

Aparthotel Sol Parc 3*

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Aparthotel Sol Parc 3*

Apparthôtel HG Jardin de Menorca 4*

  • Situation au calme, au sein d'une réserve naturelle
  • Les 3 piscines

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Apparthôtel HG Jardin de Menorca 4*

Hôtel JS Miramar 3*

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Hôtel JS Miramar 3*

Beach Club Aparthotel 3*

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Beach Club Aparthotel 3*

Hôtel Alua Palmanova Bay 4*

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Hôtel Alua Palmanova Bay 4*

Hôtel Tonga Tower Design 4*

  • A seulement 200 m de la plage
  • Les 3 piscines extérieures

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Hôtel Tonga Tower Design 4*

Hôtel BQ Apolo 4*

  • A seulement 150 mètres de la plage de Ca'n Pastilla
  • La piscine intérieure

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Hôtel BQ Apolo 4*

Hôtel Torre Azul 4* - Adult Only

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Hôtel Torre Azul 4* - Adult Only

Hôtel JS Yate 4*

Souhaitez vous supprimer ce produit des favoris ? Hôtel JS Yate 4*

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Voyages aux BALÉARES

Un voyage aux Baléares, c'est avant tout un voyage au cœur de la grande bleue. Qui n'a pas entendu parler de Majorque ou d'Ibiza ? Ces deux îles font partie, avec Minorque, Cabrera et Formentera, de l'archipel espagnol des Baléares. Des plages de sable fin aux petites ruelles escarpées d'un village typiquement majorquin, découvrez l'âme de la Méditerranée : son histoire, ses traditions, sa cuisine, sans oublier ses chaleureux habitants.

Laissez-vous tenter par les produits du terroir, dont le vin à consommer avec modération, et abandonnez-vous à la pratique du farniente sur un bout de littoral ou sur un bateau. Pour les plus actifs, la Méditerranée offre tous les sports aquatiques et à l'intérieur des îles, vous pourrez notamment partir à la découverte de la Serra de Tramuntana à Majorque, classée au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco, ou d'un des monastères isolés au cœur des montagnes. Profitez de tous les délices de la Méditerranée lors d'un voyage ou d'une croisière aux Baléares. Dépaysement garanti à quelques encablures de la France !

Voyages en petit groupe : circuits, itinéraires d'exploration, croisières

Voyages individuels : voyages itinérants, circuits privatifs, séjours, voyages sur mesure

... Envie d'un voyage entièrement sur mesure ?

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Lundi à Vendredi : 9h-18. Samedi : 10h à 17h. Appel non surtaxé.

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voyage carrefour les baleares

Voyage Baléares

Voyage aux baléares pas cher : découvrez toutes nos offres .

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116 offres de voyages Baléares

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Smart Club Cala Romantica 3*

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1. Sélectionnez votre date de voyage 2. Choisissez votre mode de paiement en 3 ou 4 fois 3. Validez votre commande 4. Complétez le formulaire de notre partenaire Oney 5. Recevez une confirmation immédiate !

Le paiement en 3 ou 4 fois par carte bancaire

Afin de bénéficier du paiement en plusieurs fois, les seules conditions à remplir sont :

  • Réserver un séjour à partir de 100 € et jusqu’à 4000 €
  • Être une personne majeure
  • Résider en France
  • Être titulaire d’une carte bancaire Visa ou MasterCard (hors cartes Electron, Maestro, e-card, Indigo, American Express, …)
  • Posséder une carte bancaire dont la date de validité est supérieure à la durée du financement choisi
  • Un premier paiement est dû le jour de la réservation. Les autres échéances suivent 30 et 60 jours après pour le paiement en 3 fois ou 30, 60 et 90 jours après pour le paiement en 4 fois.
  • Pour le paiement en 3 fois, les frais correspondants sont de 1,62% du montant total de la commande (dans la limite de 25€ maximum). Vous pourrez bénéficier d'un paiement en 3 fois par carte bancaire pour des achats d'un montant compris entre 100 et 4000 euros.

Exemple : Paiement en 3 fois pour un achat d’un montant de 150€, apport de 52,43€, puis 2 mensualités de 50€. Crédit sur 2 mois au TAEG fixe de 21,78%. Coût du financement 2,43€ dans la limite de 25€ maximum

  • Pour le paiement en 4 fois, les frais correspondants sont de 2,43% du montant total de la commande (dans la limite de 50€ maximum). Vous pourrez bénéficier d’un paiement en 4 fois par carte bancaire pour des achats d’un montant compris entre 350 et 4000 euros.

Exemple : Paiement en 4 fois pour un achat de 400€, apport de 109,72€, puis 3 mensualités de 100€. Crédit sur 3 mois au TAEG fixe de 21,92%. Coût du financement 9,72€, dans la limite de 50€ maximum

Offre de financement sans assurance avec apport obligatoire, réservée aux particuliers et valable pour tout achat de 100€ à 4000€. Sous réserve d’acceptation par Oney Bank. Vous disposez d’un délai de 14 jours pour renoncer Oney Bank - SA au capital de 51 286 585€ - 34 Avenue de Flandre 59 170 Croix - 546 380 197 RCS Lille Métropole - n° Orias 07 023 261

Pour le paiement en 3 fois sans frais : le coût du financement est de 0% du montant total de la commande. Exemple pour un achat de 150€, apport de 50€, puis 2 mensualités de 50€, Crédit d’une durée de 2 mois au TAEG fixe de 0%. Coût du financement : 0€ Pour le paiement en 4 fois sans frais : le coût du financement est de 0% du montant total de la commande. Exemple pour un achat de 400€, apport de 100€, suivi de 3 mensualités de 100€. Crédit d’une durée de 3 mois au TAEG fixe de 0%. Coût du financement : 0€

Pour toutes vos questions complémentaires sur le fonctionnement du « paiement en 3 ou 4 fois par carte bancaire », pensez à consulter nos conditions générales de vente .

Voir les conditions > Cette solution est proposée par notre partenaire Oney Bank. Conditions : Cette offre est réservée aux particuliers (personnes physiques majeures) résidant en France et titulaires d’une carte bancaire Visa et MasterCard possédant une date de validité supérieure à la durée du financement choisie. Les cartes à autorisation systématique notamment de type Electron, Maestro, Nickel etc… ainsi que les e-cards, les cartes Indigo et American Express ne sont pas acceptées. Modalités de souscription : Après avoir terminé votre commande, il vous suffit de cliquer sur « paiement en 3x 4x Oney par carte bancaire ». Vous êtes alors redirigé vers la page internet 3x 4x Oney de notre partenaire affichant le récapitulatif détaillé de votre commande et la demande de financement personnalisée, que vous devez ensuite valider. Vous saisissez vos informations personnelles ou, si vous disposez d’un compte 3x 4x Oney, vous vous identifiez au moyen des identifiants de connexion liés à votre compte 3x 4x Oney. Vous prenez connaissance des conditions générales de paiement en plusieurs fois auxquelles vous souhaitez souscrire qui vous sont fournies sous format PDF afin que vous puissiez les lire, les imprimer et les enregistrer avant de les accepter. Vous notifiez ensuite votre acceptation électronique par la case à cocher correspondante. Vous reconnaissez que le « double clic » associé à la case à cocher sur la prise de connaissance des conditions générales valent consentement à contracter et constituent une acceptation irrévocable et sans réserve des conditions générales du produit. Sauf preuve contraire, les données enregistrées par Oney Bank constituent la preuve de l’ensemble des transactions passées entre vous et Oney Bank. Si vous demandez à bénéficier d’une solution de financement proposée par Oney Bank, les informations en rapport à votre commande seront transmises à Oney Bank, qui les utilisera à des fins d’étude de votre demande pour l’octroi, la gestion et le recouvrement de crédit. Oney Bank se réserve le droit d’accepter ou de refuser votre demande de financement en 3x 4x Oney. Vous disposez d’un délai de rétractation de 14 jours pour renoncer à votre crédit. Oney Bank - SA au capital de 51 286 585 € - Siège social : 34 avenue de Flandre 59170 CROIX - RCS Lille Métropole 546 380 197 - n° Orias : 07 023 261 - - Correspondance : CS 60006 - 59 895 Lille Cedex 9 -


Votre projet de voyage

Comment ça marche , dernière ligne droite avant de prendre le large.

voyage carrefour les baleares

Paiement en 4 fois & Chèques vacances.

  • 8 caractères

Problème avec l’envoi de la demande.

Il n'existe aucun compte client avec ce mail

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4 c'est le nombre de critères minimum pour une recherche efficace !


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N'importe où

Ville de départ

Tous les aéroports

Date de départ

N'importe quand

Peu importe

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Circuit Îles Baléares - 1 VOYAGE

Circuit îles baléares avec selectour.

Choisissez un de nos voyages en circuits aux îles Baléares et envolez vous pour une aventure mêlant plages paradisiaques, nature exubérante et petits villages de charme. Sur l’île de Majorque, découvrez des calanques paradisiaques et la baie de Palma de Majorque durant votre circuit en liberté aux îles Baléares . Un voyage en circuit aux îles Baléares , avec ou sans guide, est l’occasion idéale pour découvrir l’authenticité de l’île de Minorque avec ces grandes côtes sauvages et ces petites criques aux plages désertes. Les fêtes nocturnes ne sont pas la seule caractéristique de l’île de Ibiza. Nous vous recommandons également de parcourir l’île lors d’un autour aux îles Baléares pour découvrir ses plages sauvages bordées de dunes et ses petits villages authentiques. La découverte des îles Baléares est aussi l’opportunité de partir en randonnée sur l’île de Formentera et de profiter de sa tranquillité. Créez votre propre itinéraire lors de votre circuit pas cher aux îles Baléares , en suivant les conseils de nos professionnels pour un voyage en toute sécurité. Nos autotours aux îles Baléares sont la promesse d’une expérience inoubliable.

  • Circuit Palma de Majorque
  • Circuit Ile Majorque
  • Dernière Minute Baléares
  • Séjour tout compris Baléares
  • Séjour Baléares
  • Location Baléares
  • Croisière Baléares

Plage Amarador dans le parc naturel de Montrago sur l'île de Majorque - Baléares - Espagne

Voyage Îles Baléares

Planté au milieu de la Méditerranée, cet archipel a su conserver son charme intact. Sa nature protégée réserve encore une multitude de criques sauvages, même dans les îles les plus festives. Contrairement aux idées reçues, Ibiza, aux multiples influences, est d’une grande richesse culturelle qui lui vaut d’être classée au patrimoine de l’Unesco. À quelques encablures, Formentera en jette avec son eau lagoonesque et son phare du bout du monde à découvrir à vélo. 

Au centre de l’archipel, Majorque est la plus verte avec ses champs d’oliviers et d’amandiers, ponctués de belles maisons de maître où se la couler douce. Les amateurs de sentiers perchés arpenteront la Serra de Tramuntana, au nord-ouest de l’île, avec ses tours de guet à pic sur la Grande Bleue. Enfin, Minorque, la plus mystérieuse, conjugue à merveille farniente et découvertes insolites, comme la visite de bodegas dans les ruelles mauresques de Ciutadella. Amoureux de nature sauvage, de villages pittoresques ou d'eaux cristallines, nos idées de voyages en immersion dans les îles Baléares séduiront tous les profils ! 

Nos idées de voyage dans les Îles Baléares

Majorque en famille - Les Baléares - Espagne

  • En famille Îles Baléares

1,2,3 soleil ! Circuit autotour famille aux Baléares : Majorque et Minorque.

Pollenca - Majorque - Baléares - Espagne

Mallorca secrète Circuit autotour à Majorque, dans les Baléares : Orient et Llevant.

Ibiza - Îles Baléares - Espagne

  • Entre amis Îles Baléares

Notre villa à Ibiza Séjour Ibiza en villa privée, avec mini-croisière en voilier.

Les oranges de Majorque - Baléares - Espagne

Douceur majorquine Circuit en train sur l’île de Majorque : Palma et Sóller.

Cala d'en Serra Beach - Ibiza - Îles Baléares - Espagne

Ibizien dans l'âme Séjour aux Baléares, à la découverte de l’île d’Ibiza.

Cala de Sa Calobra - Majorque - Baléares - Espagne

  • Îles Baléares

Cap sur Majorque et Minorque Circuit autotour PMR à Majorque et Minorque, aux Baléares.

Calo Des Morts - Formentera - Îles Baléares - Espagne

  • Plages etc.

Dans l’intimité d’Ibiza et Formentera Circuit aux Baléares : combiné plages et randonnées d’Ibiza et Formentera.

Pas de résultat à afficher.

Avis voyageurs

Ils reviennent de voyage dans les Îles Baléares. Rien de tel que leurs commentaires pour vous éclairer.

Beau voyage d'une dizaine de jours à la découverte de Majorque. Une île propice à la randonnée, ce qui permet d'aller dans des endroits plus reculés et de découvrir Majorque autrement. Idéal au début du printemps. Nos 2 logements en Finca/Agro tourisme (l'un basé dans la Serra Tramuntana et l'autre juste à côté du parc naturel de Mondrago) nous ont donné entière satisfaction quant à l'accueil, la gentillesse du personnel et la qualité des prestations.

Des hôtels de standing situé dans des lieux hors des sentiers communs mais pas toujours tres facilement accessibles compte-tenu du réseau secondaire de Minorque et Majorque. Les visites programmées ont été passionnantes par l'entremise d'une guide particulièrement assionnante et passionnée A noter que deux établissements sur trois malgré leur grande qualité sont pleins de pièges de petites marches et non dotés d'ascenseurs pour le transport des bagages qui est cependant assuré par le personnel des hôtels Un des hôtels ne possédaient que des chaînes TV en langue allemende ce qui est un peu contrariant quand l'actualité internationale s'accélère comme ce fut le cas

Voyage correspondant exactement à notre demande

Voyage très réussi aux Baléares : une semaine Majorque et une semaine Minorque au mois de Septembre 2023. Les hôtels étaient particulièrement bien choisis.

Préparation du voyage et le suivi très bien fait. Les hôtels choisis étaient très confortables , les personnels aimables et les petits déjeuners variés et copieux. Les établissements étaient situés en pleine nature et au calme. En contrepartie on était un peu loin de tout, surtout pour sortir diner le soir. Autant à Minorque la situation était centrale et les distances pas trop longues, autant à Majorque ce n'était pas le cas et pour rayonner j'ai fait près de 500km en 5 jours. Une remarque pour Luciole: le support du téléphone n'est pas orientable donc impossible de l'accrocher et le logiciel pas très utile.

Guide de voyage Îles Baléares

Descente du Puig d'Alaró vers Alaró  - Majorque - Les Baléares - Espagne

Quelle île des Baléares choisir ?

Gare de Soller - Majorque - Baléares - Espagne

Que faire aux Baléares ?

 Nage en eau turquoise - Formentera - Les Baléares - Espagne

Nos conseils de pro aux Baléares

Formentera - Baléares - Espagne

Une envie particulière ?

  • Cala d’Hort - Ibiza
  • Dalt Vila - Ibiza
  • Eivissa - Ibiza
  • Mer Méditerranée

Palma de Majorque

  • Sant Agusti des Vedra - Ibiza
  • Santa Gertrudis de Fruitera- Ibiza
  • Serra de Tramuntana - Majorque

Sylvie Courvoisier

Suivez vos envies et demandez conseils à nos spécialistes

  • Ils sauront organiser votre itinéraire au plus près de vos envies et de la réalité du pays.
  • Échangez en face à face ou depuis nos studios connectés en agence, mais aussi par email ou téléphone.
  • Vous gardez le même interlocuteur avant, pendant et après votre voyage.

Les îles Baléares sur mesure

Un voyage aux îles Baléares… Un nom pluriel aux multiples réalités qui évoque instantanément des vacances de rêve sur les plages de la Grande Bleue. Personne ne restera indifférent face à la beauté des paysages ceinturés d’eaux scintillantes. Tout au long du séjour, on vacille entre la grande Majorque, l’authentique Minorque et l’exalté Ibiza. Plusieurs voyages à travers l’archipel sont nécessaires pour réaliser un circuit aux Baléares et prendre le pouls de chaque île. Pendant longtemps, elle a laissé les clichés altérer sa véritable nature au prix de certains avis déplaisants difficiles à oublier. Et pour cause, les nuits peuvent être rythmées par les noctambules qui en ont fait une destination branchée. En dehors de ces excès, que diriez-vous de découvrir un autre aspect de cette contrée au large de l’Espagne ? Un autre goût de la mer Méditerranée où l’on peut dénicher quelques petites criques secrètes, grimper jusqu’à des villages esseulés et s’émerveiller devant des sites naturels préservés. 

À travers le hublot de l’avion, on aperçoit les premières habitations posées sur des terres escarpées, elles-mêmes disséminées au milieu de la mer. Longuement attendu, le voyage aux îles Baléares va enfin prendre tout son sens. Accablée par de nombreux préjugés, Ibiza ne représente pas seulement les nuits frénétiques dans un club de musique électronique. En effet, elle possède des points d’intérêt historiques incontournables notamment dans le vieux quartier d’Eivissa tandis que le nord de l’île offre une nature plus sauvage, saupoudré de fincas traditionnelles. À proximité, la discrète Formentera est un des endroits favoris pour pratiquer l’écotourisme où les balades à vélo suivent de près les nuances infinies de bleu. Haut lieu du tourisme des îles Baléares, Majorque expose des horizons contrastés où tout semble possible. Devant le déferlement de vacanciers à Alcudia ou Palma, saisissez l’opportunité de découvrir une autre facette de ces villes du littoral. Rassasiés des bains de soleil sur la plage, laissez-vous fasciner par son patrimoine historique unique. À l’exception de son potentiel balnéaire et culturel, les voyageurs recherchent une autre Majorque, celle qui troque l’agitation urbaine pour la quiétude de la Serra Tramuntana. Un havre de paix qui alterne pittoresques villages et végétation luxuriante. Lors d’un voyage en couple, vous aurez peut-être la chance de passer vos nuits dans un agritourisme où la chambre de votre logement donnera sur un panorama parfumé de champs d’olivier et de reliefs accidentés. Maintenant que vous débordez d’idées de séjours, la petite Minorque tient également à vous montrer ses plus beaux atouts. Nullement impressionnée par ses consœurs, elle invite à la lenteur lors d’escapades plus confidentielles. Après quelques sommes sur la Cala Turqueta ou Macarelleta, on s’offre un peu d’adrénaline sur le Camí de Cavalls, pour une chevauchée inoubliable entre mer et montagnes. 

Voyage aux Baléares : 10 lieux incontournables

Ciutadella, minorque.

Un voyage aux îles Baléares traverse assurément Minorque où la plus belle ville de l’île rivalise également de beauté avec Port Mahon, la capitale administrative. Ciutadella de Menorca est appréciée pour son cœur historique bordé de ruelles médiévales. Depuis la Plaça Es Born, on découvre les anciennes résidences de l’aristocratie majorquine, la mairie aux airs de forteresse impénétrable et la cathédrale Santa Maria. En dehors de son patrimoine culturel, la ville est un excellent point de départ pour se prélasser sur les jolies plages de la Cala Macarelleta ou la Cala Mitjana. À la place d’un déjeuner ou dîner à l’hôtel, faites honneur aux spécialités locales dans un des nombreux restaurants du port.

Parc naturel de s’Albufera des Grau, Minorque

Si un circuit aux îles Baléares comble déjà les amateurs de nature, s’Albufera des Grau offre une nouvelle parenthèse bucolique. Du littoral rocheux jusqu’à l’intérieur des terres, ce grand parc naturel déroule des criques, marais et dunes où règnent une faune et une flore remarquables. Paradis des ornithologues en herbe, plusieurs points d’observation permettent de débusquer une centaine d’espèces d’oiseaux. Tandis que s’élancent les volatiles, les petits insectes, tortues, crapauds et lézards endémiques se fondent à merveille dans les paysages sauvages. À pied ou à cheval, vous pourrez pousser la randonnée jusqu’au décor lunaire du phare de Favaritx.

Point de départ d’un voyage aux îles Baléares, la capitale animée Palma de Majorque s’étend au cœur d’une superbe baie ensoleillée. Une fois bien installée à l’hôtel, vous trépignerez d’impatience pour multiplier les loisirs : shopping, art, histoire, plages ou encore gastronomie sont rassemblés pour un séjour inoubliable lors de vos vacances en Espagne. En vous baladant le long des ruelles pittoresques, vous partirez à l’assaut d’exceptionnelles richesses architecturales, tels que l’imposante cathédrale gothique ou le château de Bellver. Après cette escapade culturelle, les voyageurs tendent à piquer une tête dans les eaux turquoise. Éloignez-vous des étendues de sable bondées telle que la Playa Palma afin de privilégier des petites criques moins touristiques. Testez également les délicieux produits locaux à l’heure du déjeuner et de l’apéritif dans le Mercat de l’Olivar où les fruits de mer, charcuteries et tapas en feront saliver plus d’un. 

Célèbre pour représenter les nuits les plus festives de la planète, Ibiza attire la jeunesse dans de nombreux bars musicaux à la mode. Au-delà de l’effervescence du night-club, trop peu de curieux n’ont pas envisagé d’approfondir son âme véritable. Avant d’être le terrain de jeu préféré des fêtards, elle a été le creuset de nombreuses civilisations méditerranéennes qui ont tous laissé leur trace notamment dans le cœur historique de Dalt Vila. Outre les visites culturelles, on s’offre une petite pause iodée dans le parc naturel de Ses Salines à quelques kilomètres de la ville. À l’intérieur du parc, personne n’est autorisé à circuler en voiture, ce qui permet de réaliser de jolies balades autour des bassins colorés. Dans une atmosphère peace and love, dirigez-vous vers le nord de l’île où vous retrouverez d'étonnants sites naturels préservés tels que la grotte Can Marça et certaines plages plus sauvages appréciées des hippies dans les années 60. Vous l’aurez compris, Ibiza réunit plusieurs atouts du tourisme aux îles Baléares et tente de garder encore certains lieux secrets.


Située au sud d’Ibiza, Formentera est un petit bijou méditerranéen lors d’un voyage aux îles Baléares en Espagne. Après une traversée en ferry, votre séjour loin de l’agitation des autres terres de l’archipel est sur le point de commencer. Si les coups de pédales ne vous font pas peur, vous pourrez alors privilégier le cyclisme et ainsi œuvrer pour votre conscience écologique. Une manière d’aborder ses vacances autrement, à un rythme plus lent afin d’explorer ou de redécouvrir vos lieux favoris. Les deux routes qui traversent l’île conduisent à plusieurs villages dont celui de Sant Francesc Xavier et à des plages magnifiques aux airs de Caraïbes telles que la plage de Ses Illetes ou la Cala en Baster. Sur votre vélo, vous pousserez les efforts jusqu’au phare de La Mola pour une vue exceptionnelle au coucher du soleil. 

Parc Naturel de Mondragó, Majorque

Situé à Majorque, ce parc ne se laisse pas influencer par les diverses infrastructures touristiques qui grignotent les côtes du littoral. Très populaire lors d’un circuit aux îles Baléares, il est conseillé de se rendre sur place en dehors de la haute saison afin d’apprécier au mieux ses multiples attraits. Le lieu allie des paysages différents tels que de belles plages, dunes, marais, végétation abondante et bancs rocheux. Pendant que les baigneurs s’affairent sur la célèbre Cala Mondragó ou la plage de S’Amarador, les amoureux de la nature réalisent quelques randonnées à la recherche des oiseaux migrateurs et des orchidées sauvages. 

Serra de Tramuntana, Majorque

Un voyage aux îles Baléares est l’occasion d’expérimenter des séjours dans les recoins les plus préservés de l’archipel, notamment au cœur de la Serra Tramuntana. Inscrite au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, cette chaîne de montagne est une arène ouverte sur la Méditerranée qui prend son départ depuis Andraxt et s’étire jusqu’à Pollença. En chemin, le regard se pose inévitablement sur les falaises accidentées, criques paisibles aux eaux limpides et forêts abritant quelques espèces endémiques. Les petites bourgades méritent tout autant une halte prolongée avec notamment Valldemossa, Soller ou encore Fornalutx considéré comme un des plus beaux villages d’Espagne. Oubliez l’hôtel-club jouxtant les grandes villes de Palma ou Alcudia et favorisez un logement niché dans un décor d’arbre centenaire. Avis aux épicuriens qui pourront également se délecter lors d’un déjeuner, des produits du terroir, à l’arrière-goût prononcé de mer et de montagne. 

Cap de Ses Salines, Majorque

Cap de Ses Salines est une avancée rocheuse de l’extrême sud surplombant les dégradés bleus de la mer. Depuis son phare isolé aux airs de bout du monde, il est possible de réaliser quelques balades au cœur de paysages contrastés avant d’atteindre la magnifique plage de la Platja d’es Caragol. Les yeux rivés sur les flots tranquilles, les pieds ancrés sur la terre austère, vous pourrez apercevoir par beau temps l’île de Cabrera lors d’un voyage aux îles Baléares.

Valldemossa, Majorque

De passage dans la région de la Serra Tramuntana, la visite de nos villages favoris est incontournable lors de vos voyages ou séjours en Espagne. Ici, la bourgade de Valldemossa est nichée au cœur d’un paysage verdoyant où les maisons de pierre soigneusement conservées débordent de plantes et de fleurs, ce qui lui a permis de conserver son caractère pittoresque. Une balade à pied le long des charmantes ruelles est l’occasion de suivre les traces d’un couple mythique, jusqu’à la Chartreuse Royale , héritage historique et artistique des moines chartreux qui accueille les souvenirs de Frédéric Chopin et Georges Sand.

Alcudia, Majorque

Au même titre que certaines villes de l’archipel telles que Palma lors d’un voyage aux îles Baléares, un séjour à Alcudia offre également un double visage. Il faut s’éloigner des côtes bétonnées et notamment de l’immense étendue de sable de la Playa del Muro pour découvrir un aspect plus authentique. En effet, le cœur de la ville permet de découvrir les vestiges de cette ancienne cité médiévale avec ses ruelles pavées, fortifications et portes historiques dont la porta del Moll. Il est possible de longer les vieilles murailles de pierre jusqu’au port d’où partent les bateaux pour Minorque. Autre trésor inévitable, que vous avez déjà sûrement aperçu depuis l’avion, le Cap Formentor avec ses hautes falaises sculptées, abrite de jolies criques propices aux baignades telles que la Cala Figuera. Sur la route qui serpente le paysage, de nombreux belvédères permettent de réaliser d’inoubliables clichés.

Bien préparer son voyage aux Baléares 

Les voyages aux îles Baléares restent les vacances privilégiées pour de nombreux visiteurs. À environ seulement deux heures d’avion de Paris et des grandes villes françaises telles que Bordeaux, Toulouse, Nice ou encore Marseille… ce bijou d’Espagne planté au milieu de la Méditerranée séduit de par sa proximité géographique et sa douceur climatique. En plus d’être toujours disponibles pour vous aider à planifier votre départ, les conseillers de nos agences sont des spécialistes expérimentés de la destination. Ils vous livreront leurs lieux favoris ainsi que des idées d’itinéraires hors des sentiers battus. Avant de commencer le séjour, il faut évidemment penser à quelle île des Baléares choisir… Ibiza, Majorque, Minorque, Formentera, autant de facettes différentes à parcourir. En se fixant sur un circuit aux îles Baléares lors de la basse saison, vous éviterez ainsi l’afflux massif des touristes sur la plage et dans les villes de Palma ou Alcudia. Par ailleurs, si vous souhaitez bénéficier d’un hôtel à un prix correct, il est raisonnable de ne pas réserver au dernier moment. D’un côté, vous pourrez ménager votre budget et de l’autre profiter en même temps du logement idéal à vos yeux. Pour se déplacer, la voiture reste le moyen de transport le plus pratique afin d’explorer des sites parfois difficiles d’accès. Il est possible de prendre le ferry à partir du port de Valence. Les liaisons inter-îles s'effectuent soit par avion soit par bateau. Mais dès que l’opportunité se présentera, préférez les balades à pied ou à vélo qui sont bien plus agréables. Un slow travel pour un tourisme aux îles Baléares responsable que les voyageurs adoptent de plus en plus. 

Qui peut voyager aux îles Baléares ?

Personne ne pourra affirmer qu’un voyage aux îles Baléares est ennuyeux, la preuve certains vacanciers recommencent régulièrement les séjours, car l’archipel est un condensé de délices culturel, naturel et gastronomique. 

Tandis que les adultes peuvent apprécier tout l’art de vivre ibérique dans les plus beaux villages de Valldemossa, Bunyola, Deià ou encore Sant Joan de Labritja, les enfants quant à eux dépensent leur énergie à toute sorte d’aventures : petits explorateurs dans les grottes d’Arta, naturalistes en herbe dans le parc naturel de Sa Dragonera avant de jouer aux Robinson Crusoé sur les rivages préservés de Minorque. Un joyeux mélange d’activités qui convient à tous lors d’un voyage en famille dans les îles Baléares.

Avis également aux curieux insatiables qui échangent volontiers leur place sur la plage pour aller à la recherche de quelques trésors prestigieux. Et ils ne vont pas être déçus… En dehors du manteau méditerranéen jouxtant les côtes du littoral dont la réputation n’est plus à prouver, le territoire possède un patrimoine historique remarquable. La capitale majorquine, Palma, en est le parfait exemple avec le palais royal de l’Almudaina, le château de Bellver ou encore l’imposant édifice religieux au style gothique catalan. L’art pose à son tour un autre regard sur la ville avec le musée contemporain et les nombreux lieux d’exposition comme l’incontournable Fondation Pilar et Joan Miró permettant de mesurer tout le talent de l’artiste. Un voyage culturel aux îles Baléares, c’est aussi la découverte d’Alcudia avec les vestiges romains de Pollentia tandis que Minorque recèle des monuments préhistoriques uniques au monde dont d’exceptionnelles constructions mégalithiques. 

Les voyages de noces dans l’archipel sont très prisés des jeunes mariés qui souhaitent célébrer leur amour à tout prix. Après le stress émotionnel qu’engendre l’organisation d’un mariage, ils pourront enfin s’abandonner sur les criques discrètes et se créer des souvenirs mémorables lors de multiples activités telles que la plongée sous-marine. De retour sur la terre ferme, les couples rejoignent leur petit nid douillet dans un logement de type agritourisme au plus près des montagnes de la Serra Tramuntana. Un hôtel de charme à Fromentera est également idéal pour ceux qui veulent parfaire le rêve bleu, les pieds dans l’eau. Et cerise sur le gâteau, un petit-déjeuner aux douceurs locales, dans votre chambre, avec une vue dégagée sur la Méditerranée.  

Que mettre dans sa valise pour un voyage aux Baléares ?

Avant le grand départ, il est nécessaire de glisser quelques éléments indispensables dans votre valise. 

En été : vêtements légers en journée et tenue plus chic en soirée notamment lors des nuits festives d’Ibiza.

Au printemps et en automne : quelques lainages et une veste chaude.

Pour le soleil et la plage : crème solaire, chapeau, lunettes, maillot de bain, serviette et paréo. N’oubliez pas non plus vos sandales afin de ne pas vous blesser sur certaines criques sauvages et rocailleuses. 

Les plus sportifs quant à eux prendront soin d’emporter une paire de chaussures de marche confortable lors d’une randonnée aux îles Baléares. De plus, les traversées en bateau étant très courantes pour accéder aux différentes étapes d’un circuit, il est important de prévoir un remède contre le mal de mer pour les voyageurs sensibles à ce phénomène. Enfin, il est évident de rappeler que l’appareil photo sera l’atout essentiel pour immortaliser les événements les plus marquants de votre séjour.

Quand partir aux Baléares ?

L’avantage d’un voyage aux îles Baléares, c’est qu’il peut se réaliser en toutes saisons . Généralement, les voyageurs choisissent une date de départ en fonction de leurs envies et du type d’activités qu’ils souhaitent effectuer. Tandis que les hivers sont relativement doux par rapport aux mois froids de l’Hexagone, les vacances au printemps et en automne peuvent être une excellente alternative aux périodes très touristiques. En effet, les températures restent agréables et vous pourrez découvrir tranquillement les nombreux sites de l’archipel, loin du tourisme de masse. En revanche, ceux qui apprécient de se baigner dans les eaux chaudes de la Méditerranée privilégient les séjours en été. Ces derniers sont chauds et secs avec en moyenne seulement 52 jours de précipitations annuelles. 

En dehors de son climat ensoleillé, les voyages aux îles Baléares sont réputés pour être une destination de divertissement qui attire toujours de nombreux visiteurs. Laissez de côté les nuits sulfureuses d’Ibiza pour découvrir quelques fêtes locales et ainsi mieux connaître les traditions culturelles des habitants. En consultant le calendrier, vous aurez peut-être l’opportunité d’assister à plusieurs festivités : foire du vin à Pollença (Fira del Vi), festival du jazz à Formentera, parade des rois mages à Palma ou encore carnavals, processions religieuses, costumes folkloriques, concerts et danses rythment les villes et villages toute l’année.

Voyage Baléares : les points forts de la destination

Des îles aux multiples facettes : tandis que les oiseaux de nuit vivent des soirées palpitantes, les visiteurs à la recherche de nature et de quiétude se tournent vers des adresses peu connues. Les adeptes des lieux chargés en Histoire peuvent également étancher leur soif d’apprendre à chaque étape d’un circuit aux Baléares.

Des activités pour tous : découvertes culturelles, balades côtières, farniente sur les plages, plongée sous-marine et pour les amateurs des sports de glisse, de nombreux spots de surf aux îles Baléares sont à découvrir.

Une douceur climatique : sous le ciel bleu quasi immuable, les étés sont généreux et les hivers doux. Le printemps et l’arrière-saison sont d’excellentes périodes pour se prélasser sur la plage et voguer vers les différents sites d’intérêt lors d’un voyage aux îles Baléares. 

D’îles en gourmandises : à Majorque, on se délecte des produits de l’arrière-pays (charcuterie, fruits de mer) avant de succomber à l’une des nombreuses spécialités majorquines, les ensaimadas, des viennoiseries sucrées à tester au petit-déjeuner. De passage à Minorque, on flâne dans les marchés locaux à la recherche d’un odorant trésor culinaire, le fromage de Maó. Ibiza et Formentera proposent des plats à base de poissons tels que l’incontournable bullit de peix. En accompagnement, les îles s’enorgueillissent d’un vignoble remontant à l’Antiquité, des nombreuses liqueurs et d’un gin local.

Voyage Baléares : autour des 5 sens

Sentir les parfums des épices et des olives marinées sur les marchés de Majorque notamment à Arta ou Pollença.

Regarder un coucher de soleil depuis les plus beaux points de vue de l'archipel, comme le belvédère de Sóller, accessible par funiculaire, le Cap de Formentor ou encore la plage de Ses Illetes, à Formentera.

Goûter à l’une des recettes typiques d’un voyage aux îles Baléares, l'arròs brut, un ragoût à base de riz et de morceaux de viande tendre.

Écouter le langage des oiseaux dans le parc s’Albufera des Grau, le chant des vagues dans des coins de nature isolés ou se familiariser avec quelques musiques d’une playlist originaires de l’archipel. 

Toucher les eaux turquoise ou s’immerger totalement dans les flots limpides des petites criques ou longues plages du littoral.

Village de Sant Francesc Xavier village sur lîle de Formentera - Baléares - Espagne

l'appli qui vous guide dans les Îles Baléares

  • L’itinéraire vers votre villa en 1 clic
  • Notre sélection de bars à tapas
  • Les plus belles plages et criques géolocalisées
  • L'album souvenirs à composer vous-même

Luciole - Iles Baléares - Espagne

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Soller Mallorca from above, with sailboats parked in the brightly covered bay. Mallorca is one of the best road trips in Europe!

55 Epic Road Trips in Europe (Itinerary Ideas + Tips!)

Whether you’re looking for coastal views, mountain villages, castles, wine country, or all of the above, one thing is for sure: there is absolutely no shortage of epic road trips in Europe.

Over the past several years, we have absolutely fallen in love with sampling the best road trips in Europe, and have explored parts of more than a dozen European countries by car, including driving from Portugal to Italy and back a few times!

Driving in Europe provides the freedom to find uncrowded corners and offbeat delights, while also ensuring you have a chance to hit up some of the biggest bucket list destinations on the continent.

In the beginning stages of planning a European road trip and not sure where you want to go?

With the help of many other travel bloggers, we have you covered–more than 50 times over!–in this giant guide to the best road trips in Europe.

Table of Contents

Once You Pick Your Perfect European Road Trip…

Tips for for planning to take a road trip in europe, best northern europe road trips, best southern europe road trips, best road trips in the balkans, best western european road trips, best central and eastern european road trips.

kate storm and jeremy storm posing in front of a rental car iceland ring road trip

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… We’d love to help you plan your trip in more detail!

Here on Our Escape Clause, we’ve written detailed, step-by-step road trip guides for many of the destinations covered in this giant bucket list, based on our personal travels around the continent.

We’ll link them where relevant below, but to see them in one place, you can scroll through all of our road trip guides here .

We also have hundreds of travel guides on specific European destinations on our website.

To peruse by country, you can use our  destinations page  or the search bar on the top right of the page (on desktop) or at the top of the pop-out menu (on mobile) to find what we’ve written about the places you’re most interested in!

kate storm jeremy storm and ranger storm on a balcony overlooking matera on a southern italy itinerary

This travel guide to the best European road trips is already giant, so I’ll keep these brief, but here are a few essential tips for planning a European road trip!

Shop around for your rental car.

The best company to rent a car for your road trip in Europe from will likely vary dramatically depending on where and when you’re traveling.

Sometimes large international carriers offer the best prices, sometimes local outfits. Sometimes one company has an excellent base price, but terrible rental requirements.

The best way to find your rental car is to search through Discover Cars , which will sift through dozens of companies to find the best combination of low prices and reasonable rental terms for your European road trip.

Browse rental cars for your European road trip today!

Jeremy standing to the right of a country road during our road trip in France. He's standing in front of a black rental car with the rear hatch open, and he's wearing a black jacket.

Read the rental requirements carefully.

Especially make sure you know how many kilometers you’ve been allotted (or ideally, if they’re unlimited)!

You’ll also want to note whether you need to return the car empty or full of fuel, what to do if the car breaks down, and what damages you’re liable for in the event of an accident.

ranger storm sitting on a ledge overlooking the puglia countryside in locorotondo

Manuals are cheaper and easier to rent than automatics.

Ideally, you’ll want to know how to drive a manual before taking any road trips in Europe.

While most companies carry a few automatic cars for non-European visitors, manuals are standard on the continent and are both far cheaper and much less likely to sell out.

Don’t focus on big cities.

Generally speaking, Europe’s legendary trains , plus plentiful bus and flight routes, can get you between major cities easier than a rental car.

Plan your European road trips around small towns, natural highlights, and countryside beauty instead.

Kate Storm and Jeremy Storm standing in front of a waterfall when visiting Plitvice Lakes National Park Croatia

Plan ahead if you want to rent a car in a competitive area.

Want to road trip Iceland in the height of summer?

If so, be sure to plan ahead: rental cars have been known to sell out!

Booking your rental car in advance is most important in places at a crossroads of extreme popularity and limited availability–like islands, for example.

kate storm at jokusarlon lagoon iceland in a yellow jacket

Lofoten Islands, Norway

From Michele of The Intrepid Guide

Located in Northern Northern, the Lofoten Islands are a quiet and almost untouched corner of Norway.

Connected to mainland Norway in the north by road, this beautiful archipelago extends out into the Norwegian Sea.

The long highway connects most of the islands by bridges or ferries, making it super easy to get around.

There are countless things to do in Lofoten which range from easy roadside stops to hiking the mountain tops for stunning panoramic views.

Lofoten highlights include seeing the brave arctic surfers ride the waves at Unstad Beach, seeing the bright yellow Fisherman cabins at Nusfjord, watching the Northern Lights reflect in the wet sand at Skagsanden Beach, and seeing the iconic red cabins and cod drying racks on Hamnøy Island. 

If you only do one hike, make the Reinebringen Trail.

view of Reinebringen trail in lofoten islands norway, one of the best places to plan a road trip europe

This popular hike leads you to some of the best views you’ll ever see and the elevation will make you feel like you’re on top of the world.

Start your trip in Svolvær, the region’s capital, and work your way down to Å – the most southerly town connected by road.

For the ultimate Lofoten experience, be sure to stay in a traditional fishermen’s cabin ( rorbuer ) and get hygge (Norwegian for ‘cozy’).

Recommended Road Trip Length

Allow at least 5 days to gently explore Lofoten and take it all in. This is not a place you want to rush!

From Svolvær to Å, it’s just 80 miles (129km), so you’ll be able to cover a lot of ground during your road trip.

Snowy beach in Lofoten Norway as seen during a northern Europe road trip, with a small red building in the center of the photo

Westfjords, Iceland

From James of Where You’re Between

Home to some of the world’s most breathtaking landscapes, Iceland, in general, is one of the best countries for road trips in Europe.

Iceland’s second city of Akureyri is a fairly easy drive from Reykjavik, though one way to stretch out the journey is to take a multi-day detour through the Westfjords . 

Being one of the most remote areas in Iceland means that the Westfjords is also one of the least visited.

Despite this, the Westfjords is one of the most dramatic and spectacular corners of Iceland.

As an added bonus, a detour via the Westfjords also passes through the equally beautiful regions of Western Iceland and Northern Iceland.  

Before reaching the Westfjords take a further detour to Snæfellsjökull National Park, wherein true Icelandic style a glacier sits on top of a volcano.

There are countless waterfalls all along the route, including Kirkjufellsfoss, underneath the jagged shard of Kirkjufell Mountain.

Sunset over waterfalls in Iceland, one of the best places to visit in Europe in summer

Just inside the Westfjords region is Dynjandi, the largest in the whole region at over 100 meters tall. 

Much of the Westfjords is made up of mile after mile of sensational landscapes.

The roads often cling to the craggy mountainsides as they peak and trough around the jutting fjords.

Dotted throughout the Westfjord’s dramatic landscape are a number of beautiful idyllic towns, such as Flateyri and Ísafjörður.

Sat beneath the sloping mountains and facing the fjords these picturesque towns feel as though they’re a million miles away from anywhere.

Iceland’s second city of Akureyri also sits on the rim of a huge fjord in the far north of the country.

The nearby town of Husavik is one of the best places in Iceland to go whale-watching, and don’t miss the other-worldly landscapes of Dimmuborgir lava fields before you make your way back to Reykjavik.

3-5 days will give you a great introduction to the Westfjords.

From there, you can either explore the region more deeply or combine it with time in the rest of Iceland!

Dynjandi waterfall in the westfjords of Iceland, one of the best offbeat road trips in Europe

Algarve, Portugal

From Nina of Where in the World is Nina

We’re not sure what the best part of road-tripping Portugal’s Algarve is… the beauty, the cheap car rentals, or the ease of getting everywhere.

Perhaps it’s all three that make it one of the best European road trips!

If you fly into Lisbon or Faro, get your rental car booked ahead of time.

If you visit in the off-season, you can get a steal of a price for your car rental and lodging.

On your Algarve road trip, you can work from east to west or vice versa.

An ideal route would start in Lisbon, drive south, and then end in Faro.

You may pay just a bit more to drop the car off in another city but it’s well worth not having to backtrack.

The Algarve is known for its incredible beaches, cliffs, coves, and surf.

View of small beach on Algarve Coast in Portugal with a sailboat in the distance and rocky cliffs jutting out to sea

Some highlights you must check out include the sleepy surf town of Sagres featuring three nearby beaches (Amado is the furthest but best for beginner surfers).

Just thirty minutes east is Lagos , known for its headland views, watchtowers, and perhaps the prettiest view you’ll lay your eyes on at Ponta da Piedade.

Take a boat tour to Benagil Cave, or anywhere along the coast, exploring its sandy rock towers that sprinkle the shores.

There are also numerous coastal hikes that are really easy and provide great views. A favorite coastal hike is the Seven Hanging Valleys Trail.

One of the best parts of this Europe road trip is that you don’t have to pack up every day!

There’s no reason why you can’t choose where to stay in the Algarve once, and then not worry about it again since everything is pretty close and you’ll have a car.

Suggested Road Trip Length

Your trip should be nothing under three days, otherwise, it would be too rushed!

Five days is a good number and a week would be extremely ideal and you’d probably get to see everything you want and more without being too busy.

praia da marinha from above, one of the most beautiful beaches algarve portugal

Andalucia, Spain

From Tom of The Travelling Tom

A road trip around Andalucia is the best way to see this beautiful part of Spain.

There is no shortage of beautiful places to stop, such as popular Seville , Granada, and Malaga, and lesser-known spots such as Cadiz and Ronda .

Andalucia is full of history and interesting sights. From the towering Puente Nuevo in Ronda to the Moorish palace La Alhambra, the region is arguably the most interesting part of Spain to visit.

History is everywhere you look. Buildings from the Moorish rule of Spain, to Roman baths and amphitheaters. Andalucia is the place to visit if you’re a culture vulture!

You will also find loads of activities along the way. One of these is the Caminito del Rey outside of Malaga. It once had the reputation of being the world’s most dangerous hike.

court of the lions in nasrid palaces alhambra spain

However, the hike on boardwalks overlooking a gorge is a lot safer than it used to be.

Now, you can admire the views instead of worrying whether you’ll fall off or not!

Starting from Malaga and passing through Seville, Granada, Cordoba , and Huelva is one of the best routes to take. A detour to Gibraltar is possible as well.

This road trip in Spain can be done in 7 to 10 days depending on how fast you want to go.

whitewashed town of tarifa spain with africa visible beyond the water

Amalfi Coast, Italy

From Chrysoula of Travel Passionate

Italy’s stunning Amalfi Coast is a memorable destination for a road trip as the colorful coastal towns are linked together with wonderful winding roads that meander along the hillside with spectacular sea views along the way.

Not only this, but the beaches, restaurants, markets, and museums en route make the Amalfi Coast ideal for travelers of any age.

Keep in mind, though, that driving on the Amalfi Coast in summer is not for the faint of heart: only undertake this road trip if you’re a confident driver!

The whole of the Amalfi Coast has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site which just goes to show what an incredible destination it is.

Start your  Amalfi Coast road trip from Sorrento or Salerno, and work your way down the coast to towns like Ravello, Positano, and Praiano.

The panoramic views you witness as you drive along these coastal roads are absolutely breathtaking so make sure you pull over to take in the views on regular occasions throughout the drive!

While the joy of taking a road trip along the Amalfi Coast is that each journey can be totally unique as you have complete flexibility, there are certain stops that you’ll probably want to add to the list to ensure you see some of the highlights.

View of the Amalfi Coast with the sea to the right and a village on the left. The beautiful Amalfi Coast is one of the best places to visit in Italy.

These include Positano (the official starting point of the Amalfi Coast), Furore (the only fjord in Italy), the quaint village of Atrani, and, of course, the port of Amalfi itself.

The Amalfi Coast runs as far as Vietri sul Mare and you can take in as many or as few towns and villages as you wish.

The larger, more northern towns are the busiest and therefore most expensive, so if you’d prefer something a little more relaxing head to one of the smaller villages further down the coast.

You could spend absolutely anywhere from a few days to a few months exploring the Amalfi Coast, but the sweet spot is probably somewhere between one and two weeks.

If you have longer to spend in southern Italy, consider visiting Sorrento, Pompeii , and Capri too as these all have tons of character, culture, and history to explore.

Positano and Positano Beach from above along the Amalfi Coast, one of the best road trips in Europe

From Rai of A Rai of Light

There are plenty of places to visit in Malta and a road trip sure is one of the best ways of doing so.

The island is perfectly made to get into your car and head for the open roads (as long as you’re confident–the driving on Malta is intense).

However, Malta is small enough to ensure getting lost is not a regular occurrence, while large enough to hold many distinguished features and scenic routes.

From the start point in Sliema don’t miss a stop at the Birgu Waterfront for great views of Valletta, before moving on to the picturesque fishing village of Marsaxlokk.

This laid-back village will make you feel as if you’ve stepped back in time.

kate storm wearing a pink dress on a side street in valletta malta

Most of the scenic drives in Malta will have the sea featuring in one way or another.

After a stop in Golden Bay, the drive down from Mellieħa to Għadira comes with many good stops along the way, including Għadira Bay and The Red Tower.

On the way back to Valetta, a stop in St. Julian’s is recommended.

Malta is just so compact that you really can fit in most of the island on a day-long road trip.

However, it is recommended to increase this to two to four days if you’re really keen to take your time and see all that this island has got to offer.

Things to Do in Malta: Marsaxlokk

Costa Brava, Spain

From Justine Ancheta of Latitude 41

Translated as “the rugged coast”, the Costa Brava blesses northeastern Spain with sandy beaches, medieval villages, and the eccentricities of artist Salvador Dalí.

From Barcelona , head north to Tossa de Mar, a small town where you can get a view of towering medieval walls while basking on Platja Gran, the main beach.

Then spend a day or two exploring the best thin gs to do in Girona, including the 12th-century Arab baths, the well-preserved Jewish Quarter, and the imposing Girona Cathedral.

From there, visit the charming former fishing village of Cadaqués.

tossa de mar, costa brava, from above, with castle in the foreground and water in the background, one of the best beach towns in spain

A warning to the driver: the last few kilometers of the road leading up there are narrow and winding, but not dangerous.

However, the journey is worth the scenic beach coves, whitewashed residences, and cobbled streets wrapped up in a sophisticated ambiance.

It’s also where artist Salvador Dalí spent his summers and home to the famous Casa-Museo de Salvador Dali.

Next up is Figueres, the birth town of Dalí and home to the quirky Dali Theatre-Museum.

Some of his avant-garde works lie here like his holographic art, stereographs, and the Mae West installation. Also, the artist himself is buried in the crypt.

This European road trip is ideal if you’re seeking the warm Mediterranean sun while discovering local Catalan and Spanish art and culture.

Carve in at least seven days to see the magnificent Costa Brava!

coastline of Costa Brava Spain as seen from across with water, with a village visible in the distance. Spain's Costa Brava is one of the best European road trip routes!

Sardinia, Italy

From Hayley Lewis of A Lovely Planet

The stunning Italian island of Sardinia is a fantastic road trip destination, with stunning beaches, incredible scenery, and delicious Italian food.

Start your Sardinia road trip in Cagliari, the island’s largest city, and head southwest to Isola di Sant’Antioco, accessed by a mile-long causeway.

This is one of the oldest parts of Sardinia, and is not as frequented by tourists.

Next, drive to Bosa on the east coast. The coastline is incredibly scenic along the way, with rugged hills and sandy beaches.

Bosa is a hillside town filled with quaint colorful houses, and a castle at the center – a must-visit – especially for great views of the town.

aerial view of the colorful buildings of bosa sardinia surrounded by mountains, one of the best seaside towns in italy

Continue north to Alghero, a town with a strong Spanish influence and striking coastal walls.

North of the town you’ll find some of Sardinia’s most beautiful beaches – perfect for a few days of relaxing.

Make your way across the island to the west coast, and the town of Cala Gonone, the gateway to Golfo di Orosei – a stretch of incredible coastline accessed by boat or by hiking.

The water here is clear and a striking aquamarine color and the coast is dotted with great little beaches including the famed Cala Goloritze – one of Sardinia’s most prized beaches.

There is also an extensive cave network, which you can visit part of, via boat at Bue Marino Grotto, which is filled with striking stalactites and stalagmites.

Before you make your way back to Cagliari for your flight home, be sure to stop at Cala Sinzias, a white sand beach reminiscent of the Caribbean or French Polynesia.

Ideally, it’s best to have at least a week to explore all that a Sardinia road trip has to offer.

overview of a beach near cagliari sardinia

Sao Miguel, Azores, Portugal

From Megan of

In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean where the European plates meet the American ones sits the Azorean Archipelago, a group of volcanic islands that are an autonomous region of Portugal. 

The largest of the islands is Sao Miguel and you’ll find the main airport there, as well as a copious number of things to do.

Sao Miguel is the perfect place to start your Azores itinerary as there is a network of well-taken care of roads that wind around the island allowing visitors to see all of the viewpoints.

This Azorean island is the perfect place for a road trip, and exploring Sao Miguel in-depth by car should take around 3-4 days.

The best place to embark on this road trip is in the capital city of Ponta Delgada.

After visiting the colonial city brimming with architecture constructed with a touch of black, volcanic stones, you should head west where you will have the opportunity to look down into craters of old volcanoes and lakes that now fill them.

Sete Cidades is the most famous and the landscape will blow one’s mind.

As you cruise around Sao Miguel by car, you’ll have the chance to drive by some attractive black sand beaches and small villages, such as Capelas along the north coast.

view of cliffside hiking trail in azores lined with hydrangeas. the azores are a europe bucket list destination

There are several natural pools along this route that you’ll want to be sure to tote along a bathing suit and beach towel.

The next place worth tackling on Sao Miguel is the eastern part of the island, where you’ll find many hot springs, botanical gardens, and relaxing parks such as Terra Nostra where you can spend time rejuvenating yourself in natural pools heated by geothermal energy.

Another can’t-miss thing to do in Sao Miguel is to find a restaurant near Furnas that specializes in ‘Cozido das Furnas’, a famous Azorean dish that has been slowly stewed by the Earth’s underground heat.

There is plenty to do in the Azores and Sao Miguel is an ideal starting point. 

Whether you stay there for three or four days, which is the minimum number I recommend, or more, you will definitely be glad you got to experience one of the best road trips in Europe.

lake filling ancient volcano in azores portugal

Eastern Sicily, Italy

From Annabel of Smudged Postcard

Sicily is a big island so to do it justice it’s worth concentrating on just part of it. Eastern Sicily lends itself particularly well to a road trip.

Fly into Catania and start your Eastern Sicily road trip, starting with a few days spent exploring the beautiful coastal city of Syracuse with its stunning cathedral and fascinating ancient history.

Next up is the Val di Noto where a huge earthquake resulted in many of the cities being rebuilt in an elaborate Baroque style in the 17th century.

Noto and Ragusa are particularly impressive although fans of chocolate might prefer Modica and its interesting chocolate history.

Drive into Sicily’s interior for a morning exploring Caltagirone with its incredible ceramic staircase before heading on to Enna.

Kate Storm in a blue skirt overlooking Ragusa Ilba from Ragusa Superiore, one of the best views on this 10 days in Sicily itinerary

In the center of Sicily, Enna is a hilltop city like none other with awe-inspiring views across the wheat plains.

Also not to be missed near Enna are the Roman mosaics at Piazza Armerina, which are said to be some of the best-preserved in the world.

From Enna, you’ll pass smoldering Mt. Etna before ending the trip in pretty Taormina with its Greek amphitheater and the lovely beaches at Isola Bella below.

This trip will take around 10 to 14 days if you’d like to explore Sicily at a leisurely pace.

The road trip is best undertaken outside of the scorching summer months: the ancient sites are best visited during the milder weather of spring or autumn.

kate storm sitting on a garden wall in taormina sicily overlooking the ionian sea, one of the best places to visit in italy summer

Southern Italy From Puglia to Rome

From Marta Correale of Learning Escapes

The south of Italy is one of the most beautiful areas of the Italian peninsula and a wonderful destination for a European road trip.

Blessed with beautiful weather almost all year round, this is a land of many wonders and rewards the adventurous visitor with stunning coastlines, charming whitewashed villages, and important cultural sites.

This southern Italy itinerary travels from Puglia to Rome, via the little-known region of Basilicata.

Start your trip from the small city of Trani, marvel at its stunning waterside cathedral, and make your first overnight stop in Alberobello.

Famous for its hobbit-like dwellings of UNESCO fame, this is a pretty town with flower-filled alleys and fairy-tale architecture, perfect for slow travelers and photography lovers.

kate storm sitting on the edge of a balcony on matera in summer--visiting matera in july can be considered a bit of an italy travel mistake

Make unique Matera your second stop and spend a few days taking in the incredible sight that is this city, entirely carved out of rock ( sassi ).

Explore its rupestrian churches and get pleasantly lost among its labyrinthine city center, beautiful views, and restaurants!

If you book in advance, you may also be able to find accommodation in one of the  sassi : these have now been restored and are a unique and romantic place to call home for a few days!

From Matera, drive towards Rome but before diving into the dream that is the Eternal City, make sure you visit the archaeological site of Paestum along the way.

Famous for beautiful Greek temples abandoned among vast green fields, it is one of the most scenic Unesco sites in Italy and one not many visitors know about yet! 

This road trip is ideally spread over a week to 10 days and it is particularly suited to those travelers who enjoy cultural sites and getting off the beaten track.

Temple of Athena as seen in Paestum Italy shot dead-on, as seen during a fun Europe road trip itinerary

Tenerife, Spain

From Paulina of Paulina on the Road

Some may think of Tenerife as a plain beach and sun destination, but it’s much more than that.

There are plenty of things to see and do on this Spanish gem once you get away from the shore.

The best to explore Tenerife is by going on a road trip, which will help you understand how diverse this island is: rocky volcano mountains in the north and golden, sandy beaches in the south.

I recommend starting in Adeje, one of the best places to stay in Tenerife , from here you can make your way up north to Santa Cruz de Tenerife, famous for its Auditorium and carnival.

white village perched on a dramatic cliff in tenerife, one of the best winter sun destinations in europe

From here, continue to La Laguna, a gem of historic architecture.

This is already the highest point you can get in Tenerife.

From here, drive all the way southwards passing along La Orotava and Los Gigantes. 

The island may seem small in size, however, you should at least calculate 2-3 days if you want to explore all its attractions with a road trip.

Mountain view of the jagged peaks and dense forests of Tenerife, one of the best islands for a road trip in Europe

Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal

From Sylvia of Wapiti Travel

Terceira Island is probably the most spectacular island in the Azores archipelago. 

It can be visited as part of a broader Azores itinerary . This European road trip is a versatile vacation that is sure to please hikers and nature lovers.

Since none of the islands is really large, most tourists visit multiple islands in one trip. Island hopping, either by boat or by plane, is part of the charm of a trip to the Azores.

The island was the third to be discovered, hence its name, and it is also the third-largest island of the group. 

A few hours is all you need to drive the entire loop, but by just driving around the island you would miss the majority of the impressive sights that are located in the center of the island.

view of  from Alto da Memoria, Terceira from above in azores with ocean in the background

The island is home to two impressive caves. You can visit both in one afternoon leaving ample space to hike the Mistérios Negros trail that starts at the entrance of Gruto do Natal. 

The next day you can visit the Furnas do Enxofre, a fairytale-like landscape at the heart of the island.

The island has numerous impressive viewpoints and if you plan your visit in summer you can dive into the countless natural swimming pools to cool off.

Three days is all you need to see all of the highlights of Terceira, which will allow you time to leisurely road trip the island and enjoy all the beauty it has to offer.

Cave on Terceira Island in the Azores with light shnging in an opening at the top and a trail visible on the right.

From Linn of Brainy Backpackers

A  road trip across the Tramuntana mountain range in Mallorca is a must if you visit the small Spanish island.

Starting in Palma de Mallorca, drive straight to Cap de Formentor for breathtaking cliff views.

You should not miss Cap de Formentor’s viewpoint, but even more spectacular are the views from an old abandoned building and watchtower up the hill next to the viewpoint.

You can either walk for 30 minutes or you can drive up the narrow road.

The reward is the most mesmerizing view of the entirety of Cap Formentor and Menorca in the distance.

famous Cap de Formentor viewpoint on mallorca with road to the left and sea to the right

Continue through the picturesque villages of Pollensa, Fortnalutx, Soller, Deia, Valldemossa, and Port Valdemossa.

In Soller, you should leave the car and take the old-fashioned tram down to Port de Soller. This town is a great place to stay the night during your Mallorca road trip.

 Recommended Road Trip Route

The route can be done in a day, but it is recommended to spend at least 2-3 days to get the most out of it.

With more time, you can add additional island destinations to sightsee, enjoy the beaches, and go snorkeling in Mallorca !

electric tram running along the beach in mallorca spain

Lisbon to Porto, Portugal

From Or of My Path in the World

Full of incredible stops along the way,   a road trip from Lisbon to Porto   is a great and easy way to explore multiple regions in Portugal.

This wonderful route includes quite a few unique landmarks, so it should be on any Europe lover’s bucket list.

The first one that shouldn’t be missed is Cabo da Roca, Europe’s westernmost point.

It provides the most scenic views of the Atlantic coast, and it’s the starting point of several hikes alongside it.

There’s also a nice bonus of getting a personalized certificate confirming the visit to this unique place.

view of coast from cabo da roca, a fun stop during an itinerary for portugal in 10 days

Another must-see on this road trip is Sintra. It’s home to the iconic, colorful, and Insta-famous Pena Palace, but there’s a lot more to this town.

Other historical landmarks to visit here include the Castle of the Moors, the Palace of Sintra, and the palace of Quinta da Regaleira.

The fairytale town of Obidos is also worth a visit: be sure to walk the town walls!

And, Portugal’s incredible UNESCO-recognized monasteries of Alcobaça, Batalha, and Tomar lie between Lisbon and Porto.

Your road trip isn’t complete without a stop at at least one of them!

Not including a few days in Lisbon and Porto, this route can take about 3-4 days.

Pena Palace in Sintra, an excellent day trip from Lisbon Portugal

Northern Spain Road Trip (Bilboa to Santiago de Compostela)

From Jessica of My Feet Will Lead Me

One of the most underrated areas of Europe may just be Northern Spain.

The diverse landscape from San Sebastian to Santiago de Compostela makes for multiple mini destinations in one road trip.

From tiny surf towns to mountain villages, to medieval cities, this region of Spain is an absolute gem.

And because it typically gets overshadowed by Barcelona, Madrid , and Andalucia , there won’t be swarms of tourists and prices are very reasonable.

Starting with the autonomous community of Basque Country, this culturally distinct region of Spain is known for its amazing cuisine and especially seafood.

Here, you’ll want to get your fix of “pintxos” or bar finger food.

For a lesser-known but incredible sight, visit the little surf town of Bakio and see the Game of Thrones filming location for the Dragonstone castle, known as Gaztelugatxe.

Continuing west to the Principality of Asturias, the Picos de Europa National Park is a dramatic and stunning area of snowcapped peaks, turquoise rivers, tiny traditional villages, and cliffside roads with views that will make your jaw drop.

Spain Picos de Europa Puente la Jaya stone bridge over a bright blue river

Head back to the ocean in the Asturias region where seaside villages cling to the dramatic coastline.

There are sandy beaches, rocky and rugged beaches, and jade-colored water.

Visit the capital of Oviedo for architecture and history and if small seaside villages intrigue you more, wind your way down the coast stopping for tapas and drinks in towns like Ribadasella, Lastres, and Cudillero.

Finally come to Santiago de Compostela, the capital of Galicia.

It also is the culmination of the iconic Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, so you’ll see many backpackers with trekking gear.

This is a fairly small city with a stunning medieval old town and cathedral. It’s a perfect place to spend a couple of days sampling tapas and sightseeing.

Northern Spain is perfect for mountain and beach-loving adventurers alike.

You’ll need at least a week to adequately cover the small towns, and longer if you want to spend time in the cities of San Sebastian, Bilbao, Santander, Oviedo, or Santiago de Compostela.

panoramic view of san sebastian spain from above

Barcelona to Andorra

From Mar of Once in a Lifetime Journey

Most people drive from Barcelona to  Andorra  without any stops, arriving at Andorra la Vella in about 2.5 hours.

However, you can also make it a day trip and visit a few of the interesting villages along the way.

Start with a morning stop at Montserrat Mountain. This famous landmark outside of Barcelona is a holy mountain for Catalans and contains the black Virgin of Montserrat.

There is a museum that holds paintings from famous artists such as Caravaggio and Picasso as well as the church which can be visited. 

After Montserrat, the next stop should be Manresa. This modern city has a Medieval core that contains a beautiful church, bridges over the River Cardoner and other places worth a visit.

Visit La Seu, the 14th-century basilica that took almost two centuries to build and is a gem of the Catalan Gothic style. 

Have lunch in Manresa, the more local a place looks, the better. Most restaurants will have lunch menus for less than 15 Euro, including coffee and usually a glass of wine.

view of cathedral of manresa spain from above, a fun stop when planning a european road trip from spain to andorra

With a full stomach, continue towards Berga, famous for La Patum, a fire festival that takes place every year during mid-June and which sees an explosion of fire, dancing, and drums.

If La Patum is not on, you can learn more at its small museum, and explore this small Medieval village with its entry gate called Portal de la Magdalena. 

After Berga, continue to La Seu d’Urgell, the capital of the county of La Cerdanya and the last territory before reaching Andorra.

In la Seu, as the name indicates, you can see a fabulous Romanesque Catedral de Santa Maria, which is one of the most important in Catalonia and has been well preserved.

There is an adjacent museum with Romanesque art pieces and a cloister.

You can comfortably complete this short European road trip in a day.

stone village in the hills of andorra, visible on a france road trip itinerary from toulouse to andorra

From Stephanie of Sofia Adventures

Slovenia is a stunning country, and some of the   best places to visit in Slovenia  are best reached by car.

While many tourists know to see Ljubljana and Lake Bled, gems like the UNESCO World Heritage site of Idrija, Lake Jansa, and Triglav National Park are can’t-miss spots that are slightly more remote. 

Start with a day or two in Ljubljana before you pick up a rental since Ljubljana is famously walkable and compact. When you’re ready to hit the road, you truly can go in any direction!

Head southwest to Predjama Castle, Skogjan Caves, and the seaside town of Piran , or you can head west to Idrija and the Julian Alps. 

Or go northwest to the waterfall-laden paradise of Triglav National Park.

Soca River in Slovenia with trees on either side and a mountain visible in the background, as seen during a Slovenia road trip

If you’re itching to go east, set your GPS to Maribor and enjoy this gorgeous and quiet Slovenian city that too many tourists skip over. 

If you’re going to be in the country in the wintertime and intend to drive through the mountains or do any skiing, make sure you pick a rental car that can handle the driving terrain!

The mountain roads in the west can be a bit tricky.

You can cover a lot of the country in one week, but give yourself two weeks to enjoy a lazy circuit around this tiny but packed country. 

Slovenia Travel Budget: Vintgar Gorge

Bay of Kotor

From Emily of Wander-Lush

Petite, affordable, and with only one toll road to its name, Montenegro is a terrific place for a European road trip.

While you can reasonably cover the entire country from mountains to sea in 7 to 10 days, for a slower-paced  road trip around Montenegro , I highly recommend honing in on the Bay of Kotor.

Montenegro’s crowning jewel, the Boka winds its way along the northern part of the country’s Adriatic coast, carving deep coves into its stony mountains.

Eighty kilometers of well-maintained highway hug the shoreline, meaning it takes just over 2 hours to drive around the entire bay.

Along the way, there are plenty of small towns and national parks to stop off at.

Highlights include the town of Kotor , with its UNESCO-listed Old Town, Budva, Sveti Stefan, and Herceg Novi, and Perast, a tiny Venetian town sandwiched between a pretty blue-water bay and towering hills. 

One of the best things about this road trip is that because of the short distance, you’ll never have to do more than an hour or so worth of driving in a single day.

view of our lady of the rocks from across the bay in montenegro

You can easily break up the journey with longer stays in the more laid-back towns (Perast is perfect for this – mainly because it’s free from cruise ships).

If you want a change of scenery, it’s only a quick detour up the steep hills above the bay to reach Lovcen National Park.

If you’re feeling brave, take the Kotor Serpentine, a notorious road that involves 16 hairpin bends.

The views get more and more spectacular with every turn, and there are plenty of places to pull over for a photo once you reach the top.

I recommend setting aside at least 5 full days to do this route, and the towns along the way, justice.

Girl in pink shirt climbing San Giovanni Fortress: Best Things to Do in Kotor Montenegro

Hvar, Croatia

From Martina of The Global Curious

The island of Hvar, in Croatia, is known for being a stunning, party island lying on the crystal clear depths of the Adriatic Sea.

Some head there to spend a few wild days, and others would visit for a couple of hours as a day trip from Split .

But travelers keen to unwind and truly enjoy Hvar could easily spend from 4 to 7 days road-tripping and discovering some of the island’s gems. 

Hvar’s most famous spots can be found in the Old Town and its surroundings, from the cathedral to the Spanish Fortress and a Franciscan Monastery.

If visiting over the summer, the lavender fields up on the hills around Velo Grablje and Brusje are a must, even if you are just passing by!

Camping and off-the-beaten-path enthusiasts can stay in Milna, a tiny villa by the sea with beautiful sunsets and great seafood.

If planning a visit to Croatia’s most famous beach, Zlatni Rat on the island of Brac, Jelsa is also a cute little town with a campsite where you can park and set camp. 

famous Zlatni Rat beach in brac croatia as seen from above via a drone

The best of road-tripping is the chance to get to more ‘secret’ places.

Pitve is definitely one of those! It’s a tiny ghost town up in the hills with a population of 69 people.

Getting there is quite fun as you must cross an old narrow tunnel before reaching a settlement full of abandoned stone houses left to nature’s will.

Dubovica is also another very scenic beach in Hvar. 

Another great idea is not just touring the island but visiting the Paklinski Islands, especially Marinkovac and Jerolim. 

Small boats parked near a rocky shore on the Pakleni Islands, one of the best things to do in Hvar

To kick start your road trip, catch the ferry in Split, arrive in Stari Grad, and tour the western half of the island. It’s also possible to rent a car once you arrive there! 

To complete the experience, drive across the island to the East and catch the ferry from Sucuraj to Drvenik.

Once in Croatia’s mainland, if you still have time on your hands, drive south for 2 hours and reach Dubrovnik !

Ideally, travelers would spend 5 or 6 nights in Hvar to really explore the island and its surroundings.

The roads are well maintained and although it can get crowded, as soon as you leave the main town, you’ll find peace and quiet.

View of Hvar Town from Spanish Fort with Pakleni Islands in the distance, one of the best things to do in Hvar Croatia

Southern Albania

From Rick of The Road is Life

Albania isn’t the first country that comes to mind when planning a European road trip, but if you give it a chance it will prove to be an amazing adventure.

This is a country with both great natural beauty and interesting history.

Towering mountains plummet precipitously into the crystal clear and stunning Mediterranean waters that span the entire west coast and further inland there is no shortage of beautiful UNESCO-listed sites and old towns to explore.

This southern Albania road trip will start you off in the port city of Saranda before visiting the stunning coastal town of Ksamil, with striking azure waters and nearby UNESCO-listed Roman ruins.

Then, head inland, passing by the beautiful “blue eye” lake before heading to the ancient town of Gjirokaster, with its traditional stone-roofed buildings and market.

Hike up to the ancient hilltop fortress for panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys .

Continuing north you can spend the night in a 13th-century citadel situated high above the UNESCO world heritage town of Berat , eating in beautiful local restaurants as you take in sweeping views of mountains and sunset.

Albanian Riviera as seen from above with a winding mountain road in the foreground and the bright sea in the background

Explore the unique town and architecture before getting back on the road for one of the most stunning drives in the world.

After leaving Berat you’ll head back to the coast via a winding and amazing mountain road, offering jaw-dropping views out across the Albanian riviera; keeping your eyes on the road is no easy task!

You can have lunch at a mountain-top restaurant overlooking the ocean before heading back down to have your choice of beaches to stay on. 

Spend as many days on the Albania Riviera as you please, feasting on fresh seafood (at amazing prices) and enjoying the pleasant lack of crowds compared to mainstream European beachside destinations.

There are multiple ferry trips between Corfu, Greece, and Saranda per day so fly into Corfu to save money.

Cars can be rented at Saranda port, consider paying a little extra for a well-known company to avoid scams.

This road trip in Europe can be done comfortably in a week but can be extended for as long as you can handle the sun-drenched beaches, cheap beer, and delicious seafood. 

Beach chairs and umbrellas facing toward the bright sea on the Albanian Riviera, as seen as part of a Europe road trip itinerary

Bosnia and Herzegovina

From Arzo of Arzo Travels

One of the best road trips to take in Europe is through Bosnia-Herzegovina.

This beautiful but definitely underrated country surprises its visitors who venture to enjoy a Bosnia road trip .

Many travelers drive over from Croatia: if so and you come from Dubrovnik or Split , start from Kravica Waterfalls, Pocitelj, and Blagaj.

You can visit all three beautiful places in one day before driving to Mostar which is just a few kilometers from Blagaj.

After spending a day in Mostar it is time to drive to Sarajevo , which makes for a scenic ride .

stari most bridge as seen from across the river, one of the best things to do in mostar bosnia and herzegovina

Pass the Neretva River, Lake Jablanica, and Konjic and spend a full day on the road with many breaks.

Sarajevo is a wonderful city where you can spend a day or two before ending your day trip.

For this European road trip itinerary, I would plan in about 5 days.

If you have more time (6 or 7 days), consider driving the M 18 toward Montenegro.

You will get to Bosnia´s longest and deepest canyon – Rakitnica Canyon – where you can do some water sports. 

sunset from the yellow fortress, one of the best things to do sarajevo bosnia

Eastern Crete

From Una of Wandernity

Crete is the largest island in Greece, and it takes several days to visit all of the must-see places on the island.

Renting a car and going on a road trip will make it possible to reach as many points of interest as possible, making Crete a fantastic option when planning a road trip in Europe.

Malia is a great choice for the apartment on the Eastern Crete. It’s known as a party location and has a lot of hotels, beaches, and attractions.

A perfect day-trip from Malia is going to   Spinalonga Island, Agios Nikolas town, and Richtis Gorge .

Spinalonga island is uninhabited, and tourists can reach the Venetian fortress and ruins of a former leper colony by boat.

You have to be there early to secure a place on a boat, as during the high season there might be queues.

Agios Nikolas is a coastal town with beautiful houses and streets leading from a hill to the seaside.

There is an old harbor surrounded by charming cafes and very photogenic architecture.

Agios Nikolaos in Crete as seen from above

Richtis Gorge is a green and lush hiking path ending at the seaside. The hike is around 4 kilometers long one-way.

It has a waterfall in the middle for a refreshing swim before going back up the gorge.

Another day-trip you can make from Malia is to the cave of Zeus, Knossos, and Heraklion.

Knossos is a place famous due to the well-known myth of the Minotaur. Half-man and half-bull, the Minotaur is said to have lived there in a labyrinth, and the ruins which exist today actually look like the labyrinth.

Knossos is a ceremonial and political center of the Minoan civilization and culture, which might be the oldest city in Europe.

Finally, Heraklion has an impressive Koules Fortress built by Venetians. It’s a perfect place to go for a walk and see the city from a long breakwater. 

Try to spend at least a few days dedicated to Eastern Crete if possible!

As the island is quite big, one way to save time on road trips is to rent an apartment on one side of the island for a few days, and then change the base to the other side.

boats in the old port of heraklion, a fun stop on a road trip crete

Transylvania, Romania

From Rachelle of Adventure is Never Far Away

With fortress-dotted hills strewn across valleys, quaint medieval towns, and narrow highways slicing through dense forest, road tripping through the countryside of Transylvania is like something out of a fairytale, not a feature that many other corners of the world can boast. 

Starting in Brasov, head north towards the vibrantly colorful town of Sighișoara and wander through the maze of cobblestoned streets.

Get lost in the old town city center, which also happens to double as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Continue northwest to Cluj-Napoca, the unofficial capital of Transylvania, and immerse yourself in the hopping local college nightlife scene.

Travel southwest to the charming town of Hunedoara and visit Corvin Castle, which resembles a real-life version of Hogwarts.

Wander through one of the largest castles in Europe and one of the Seven Wonders of Romania.

Then, start heading east to the city of Sibiu, home to some of the most dramatic houses in all of Europe: the old city center houses have eyes!

cityscape of sibiu romania from above, a unique place to visit on a road trip through europe

Catch a side-eye stare from the homes as you try your luck walking across the Bridge of Lies.

Finish your road trip through Transylvania by heading east back to Brasov, nestled snugly amongst the mighty Carpathian Mountains. 

Transylvania is one of those places that you should visit now before it explodes with tourism.

Prices are cheap, the countryside is beautiful (as you will discover on your road trip through Transylvania!), and it’s fairly easy to navigate! 

Road trippers should allow themselves about 5 days to make the journey, as many of Romania’s country roads have slower speed limits and cut through endless villages along the way. 

Corvin Castle in Transylvania with a bridge to the right side. Transylvania is one of the best road trips in Europe

From Julie & Zach of Ruhls of the Road

A road trip through Croatia is basically a gauntlet of adventure and absolutely stunning sites!

Start in bustling Zagreb and head through Plitvice Lakes National Park to Split, and finish in the walled city of Dubrovnik.

This adventure is full of unique sites and experiences that you can’t find in any other country on Earth!

Start your road trip in Zagreb and get your fill of Croatian city life. Head to a local restaurant and pub to get some fuel and prepare yourself for a once-in-a-lifetime Croatian adventure.

The first stop on the road is Plitvice Lakes National Park, which is about as close to the Garden of Eden as you can get.

Explore this paradise for a few days until you are ready to move on. Once you tear yourself away from Plitvice, head to the Croatian coast to Split. 

Postcard view of Plitvice Lakes Croatia showing lake and waterfalls seen from above in a vertical image

Split is a wonderful coastal town that gives you a truly Croatian experience.

Don’t miss wandering through Diocletian’s Palace, sampling the fresh seafood, or admiring the views from the promenade.

Relax and recharge in Split before making your drive down the coast to Dubrovnik, Croatia’s premier tourist destination.

Dubrovnik’s Old Town, used in Game of Thrones as King’s Landing, is an ancient walled city that makes for a unique adventure.

You can walk the entire wall, experiencing a city that has been home to so much of Europe’s history, and has still never been conquered!

Dubrovnik will be the perfect end to the perfect Croatian road trip.

Plan your trip for one week at least, with a few days in each place, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!

Fun Things to Do in Dubrovnik Croatia: view of Old Town from Minceta Fortress

Korçë to Përmet, Albania

From Anita of Travelling Balkans

One of the lesser-known drives within Albania and the Balkans is the road trip from Korçë to Përmet. 

Korçë is a lively city with the biggest cathedral in Albania as well as the best beer and Qofte (a sort of meatball).  There are many great things to do in Korce , so it makes a great starting point!

The road starting here and leading to Përmet, which is a small town known for its slow food movement and being close to the incredible nature spot Bënjë, is one not to be missed.

It winds through forests, small villages, and natural hot pools, and the road sits parallel to the border of Greece. 

thrift store selling various goods in korce albania

There are also many old bridges along the way which are perfect photo opportunities too. Just beware that you cannot cross safely due to half of the boards missing!

Make sure you stop off at Bënjë which is around 20 minutes from Përmet.

Here you can relax in many hot pools as well as marvel at the Old Ottoman bridge which is a true feature of this area. There is also a canyon and waterfall if you walk directly up the river.  

This road trip takes about 4 hours but do allow a couple of hours at Bënjë to relax in the hot pools as well as the various other stops along the way!

Stone footbridge built over a bright blue river, as seen on an Albanian road trip

Transfăgărășan Road, Romania

From Dominika of Sunday in Wonderland

If you aim to check all the best European road trips from your bucket list, you should definitely visit Transfăgărășan road in Romania.

This picturesque path among the Transylvanian mountains is one of the two most famous roads in the country (just next to Transalpina).

It was called the absolute best road trip in Europe by the Top Gear team, but even without this honor, it has a lot of stories to tell on its own.

The road was built by the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu.

Although there were many easiest ways to travel through the Făgăraș Mountains peaks, he decided to build the Transfăgărășan road to show the power of Romanian technology.

The must-visit place during the Transylvania road trip is the Poenari Citadel.

aerial view of Poenari Castle romania with mountains in the background at golden hour

The ruins of the ancient fortress are situated on a high peak which you can reach by climbing ~1500 steps. The castle was the citadel of Vlad The Impaler.

He was the archetype of the famous character of a vampire from Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”.

There are many more  interesting facts about the Transfăgărășan road  that you should know like Bâlea Lake or Vidraru Dam. But this trip is something you simply must try on your own.

You can drive the Transfăgărășan road in a day, but be prepared! You’ll need to pay extremely good attention when driving, as this is far from the easiest driving in Europe.

Transfăgărășan road winding through the mountains of Romania on a cloudy day--definitely not the easiest road trip in Europe as far as driving goes!

Eastern Scotland

From Gemma of Two Scots Abroad

There’s no denying that Scotland’s most popular road trip is the North Coast 500 but there are other routes which are lesser-known, and have historic castles, cute villages, and fewer midges!

Starting in Scotland’s capital, collect your car from Edinburgh Airport to avoid the stress of city driving or brave the roads and catch the highlights of the city.

Edinburgh Castle and the Royal Mile, Dean Village, Calton Hill, and of course all the Harry Potter attractions should make your list.

Leaving Edinburgh drive over the Queensferry Crossing to the Kingdom of Fife. Park up at North Queensferry for views of the Forth Bridge which is a UNESCO Heritage Site.

Drive to Culross and walk back in time. Outlander fans might recognize Culross Palace.

Next, head to the ancient capital of Scotland, Dunfermline, and spend the afternoon at the Heritage Quarter and the Dunfermline Carnegie Library & Galleries. 

historic stone bridge in a glen with church in the background in east scotland

The following morning, enjoy breakfast in Aberdour. Take a stroll along the beach then drive to the East Neuk stopping at Ellie and Anstruther for fishing village feels.

If you like to hike, consider staying in this area of Fife to do part of the Fife Coastal Path or head to St. Andrew’s for the night before moving on to Dundee.

From Dundee, head north to the city of Aberdeen stopping at Braemar and Ballater in the Cairngorms National Park.

At Stonehaven, visit Dunnottar Castle, you can’t miss it, literally! Arrive in Aberdeen and wander the streets discovering the Nuart street art mural trail all over the city. 

On the final day, head up to Slains Castle and on to Bullers of Buchan.

From here, you can turn back to Aberdeen for the night or drive to the gateway of the Scottish Highlands, Inverness.

It’s best to set aside a minimum of a week and a half for this road trip, but two weeks is even better.

Gemma Armit wearing tartan and looking out over a cliff on the east coast of Scotland

French Riviera

From Victoria of Bridges and Balloons

Experience the glitz and charm of the world-renowned French Riviera on this road trip along one of Europe’s most exciting coastlines.

Though not technically part of France, kick off your French Riviera road trip in Monaco, the fanciest of all the Riviera destinations where you’ll be among mega yachts, Lamborghinis, and diamonds aplenty.

For something more quaint, head to the hills and the village of Saint-Paul-de-Vence, a picturesque enclave famous for its art and the great artists who stayed there in the past.

Cannes is your next stop on this France road trip for some time by the beach and, if you time it right, the famous film festival.

St. Tropez is another popular spot for yachts and as such has the glitz that goes with that, but somehow also retains its charm with pretty streets and a laid-back vibe.

harbor of st tropez in the south of france road trip itinerary

Before your final stop in Marseille, stop at the breathtaking Calanques National Park, one of France’s most stunning sights with turquoise water and hidden coves.

And finally, in Marseille, enjoy the vibrant, multicultural port city with all its gastronomic and cultural delights.

Seven days is ideal for this road trip and I recommend going in the springtime before the crowds hit in the summer.

If you want to extend this road trip into more of the best places to visit in the south of France , consider turning inland to the Luberon Valley after visiting Marseille.

Buildings in front of harbor of Cassis France, their reflections are on the water in the bottom half of the photo.

Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland

From Allan of It’s Sometimes Sunny in Bangor

Probably one of the most iconic road trips in Europe is the Wild Atlantic Way, a 1,553-mile coastal road trip following the west coast along the Atlantic Sea.

It is also a route that connects many of Ireland’s more famous tourist attractions which include the Ring of Kerry, the Cliffs of Moher , Connemara, and of course the cobbled streets of Galway.

The route itself can start in either the north in County Donegal or the very south in County Cork which will likely depend on the vantage point of arrival.

For example, from Dublin (2h 50mins) or Shannon Airport (1h 45mins), it may be best to start in the south at Cork, although a more convenient start would be from  Belfast in Northern Ireland  which is just over an hour from the borders of Donegal.

Kate Storm in a cream cardigan near Inch Beach Ireland at sunset--this is an incredibly romantic place to visit on your Ireland honeymoon!

The overall time it then takes really depends on interests along the way!

With enough time, detours to places like the Slieve League Cliffs and Slea Head Drive are well worth your time.

While it is only an 8-9 hour drive direct from the most Northern Point at Malin Head, Donegal to the most Southern point of Mizen Head in Cork, this time would be at least triple when following the scenic coastal routes.

I would give at least 3 full days for any Wild Atlantic Way road trip, and, for a more leisurely drive visiting the various attractions along the way, I would give a week or so.  

Rocky coastline along Slea Head Drive, Dingle Peninsula drive Ireland

Alsace, France

From Elisa of World in Paris

Alsace is one of the best regions in France and there’s no better way to explore Alsace than on a road trip.

Alsace is best known for Strasbourg, the capital, and its picturesque villages.

It is also one of the most important  French wine regions and there are also beautiful natural sites and impressive châteaux to visit.

Start your trip in Strasbourg , Alsace’s capital, to visit Strasbourg’s amazing Gothic cathedral and the streets of La Petite France, in the Old Town, with beautiful architecture surrounded by canals.

Head to the south to visit Colmar , the most famous town in Alsace.

Colmar is a great place to taste some of Alsace’s typical dishes in one of its traditional restaurants (winstubs).

La Petite Venise in Colmar on a summer day. Visiting La Petite Venise is one of the best things to do in colmar france.

Spend the third day exploring a couple of picturesque towns like Kaysersberg, Riquewihr, or Eguisheim. This may sound like too much but they are really small towns.

Don’t leave Alsace without tasting its wines, especially the whites.

If you don’t know what to choose, let yourself be guided by the winegrowers and you will be fine.

If you want to hit the road to explore Alsace, a minimum of 3 days is recommended.

This will give you time to visit Strasbourg well (we recommend one full day) plus explore some of the region’s picturesque villages and do a couple of wine tastings.

If you are interested in hiking in the Vosges, then a minimum of 4 days will be necessary.

Kate Storm in a brown coat in the Alsace village of Riquewihr with a clock tower in the background

From Ben Holbrook of Driftwood Journals

The open road, cozy country pubs, and wild horses galore… Wales really is made for those who love road trips in Europe.

Many a visitor to the UK makes the mistake of only visiting Cardiff in their bid to “tick Wales off” their bucket list. Needless to say, they’re missing out in a big way. 

Instead, what they should really do is hop in a rental car and head straight to the glorious Brecon Beacons National Park.

Located less than an hour away from the English border (via the newly free-to-cross Prince of Wales Bridge), this is a land of endless rolling hills and unspoiled natural beauty. 

If you have time then be sure to make a pitstop in the charming town of Abergavenny on your way, aka the Gateway to Wales, followed by a quick stomp up Sugar Loaf Mountain. 

white castle in Abergavenny wales on a sunny day when road tripping europe

Once in the Brecon Beacons National Park itself, simply let the winding, pine-fringed backroads guide you and stop for photos and picnics at secluded spots along the way, such as the Talybont Reservoir and Usk Reservoir.

Then it’s time to wind the windows down, shift into top gear and cruise the inspiring Black Mountain Pass, named one of the greatest driving roads in the UK (made famous by none other than motoring icon Jeremy Clarkson). 

From the Brecon Beacons, you can continue west to the rugged Gower Peninsula and/or Pembrokeshire Coast National Park for some of the best surfing and camping in the UK.

And all of this beauty can be reached within just 2 or 3 hours from the English border! 

Ideally, set aside at least a few days to explore all that Brecon Beacons National Park and Wales as a whole have to offer.

Three horses grazing on a hill in Brecon Beacons National Park Wales, with rolling green hills and a small villages visible in the distance. Wales is one of the best underrrated road trips in Europe.

Brittany, France

From Shelley of Lifejourney4two

A Brittany road trip will introduce you to an amazing collection of destinations.

Brittany, located in the northwest corner of France, has a rich Breton culture and a mix of landscapes that makes a road trip here exciting and varied.   

Starting in the historic town of Kerhinet, you can wander through romantic thatched cottages, before moving along to the pretty seaside town of Sarzeau and its moated castle, Chateau de Suscinio, built in the middle ages.

The fabulous Bretagne coastline provides ample opportunity for beautiful coastal walks. Make sure to take time to explore the Quiberon Peninsula with its White Port Arch.

Further along, is the Pink Granite Coast and the seaside town of Perros-Guirec. In Plougrescant, you’ll come across an incredible house nestled impossibly between two rocks.

castle ruins of the coast of brittany france near saint-malo

As well as coastal and seaside experiences, this Brittany road trip will have you stepping back in time in the charming medieval town of Dinan.

Set within its old city walls, it is known for its quaint half-timbered houses, cobbled streets, and its array of historical monuments. 

Don’t forget to sample the local Brittany delicacies such as sweet crepes, savory galettes, and the butter-rich Bretagne Gateau. 

Four days will have you traveling about 500km through Brittany and will give you enough time to experience the variety of flavors Bretagne has to offer. 

Sandy beach in Brittany France as seen on a road trip Europe itinerary

Northern Ireland

From Amanda of Toddling Traveler

Northern Ireland is by far one of the best road trips in Europe.

Between the beautiful scenery and the unique outdoor activities, it’s something that needs to be experienced at least once.

The best area for a 1 week road trip in Northern Ireland is the Causeway Coast and Glens, after spending a couple of days in Belfast. 

With towns like Cushendall, Ballycastle, Ballintoy, and Bushmills, there are so many great places to stop along the way. 

From Belfast, you can make a stop at Carrickfergus for the castle and seaside restaurants.

Between the views of the ocean on one side and the sheep nestled among the cliffs on the other side, there’s so much to take in.

Cushendall is a quaint little seaside town with the friendliest people, and it’s a great location for sightseeing in Northern Ireland. 

From Cushendall, you can drive through the beautiful Glens of Antrim and make a stop at the Dark Hedges for any Game of Thrones fans.

Kate Storm in a red dress facing away from the camera at the Dark Hedges, one of the most popular locations to see on a Northern Ireland road trip itinerary

Another famous stop on the Causeway Coastal Route is the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge which takes you a few hundred feet above sea level. 

Ballintoy Harbour and Fullerton Arms are two additional stops that are popular with Game of Thrones fans. 

From Cushendall, you can change your home base to Bushmills for a change of scenery. 

Bushmills Distillery and the Giants Causeway are two sites that shouldn’t be missed in that area. For golf fans, Portrush is a popular seaside town that also boasts a world-famous golf course.

If your Northern Ireland road trip allows for more time, spending more time in Portrush or Portstewart is definitely recommended as well. 

7-10 days is ideal for a road trip through Northern Ireland, but you can easily spend more time if you’re exploring beyond Antrim County.

giants causeway in northern ireland on a sunny day looking toward the island

Loire Valley + Normandy, France

From Brianna of Curious Travel Bug

The  Loire Valley and Normandy are two of France’s most beautiful areas and combined, they make for a fantastic road trip from Paris.

This European road trip is perfect for those who enjoy the countryside, castles, and adorable villages. 

Start your trip by driving to Amboise from Paris.

Amboise is small enough to be walkable and has a scenic chateau that overlooks the town, and a great base for visiting the Loire Valley.

From Amboise, you can visit famous chateaux like Chateau Chenonceau, Chambord, Villandry, and Usse.

After exploring the Loire Valley head towards Normandy and the coast.

A great halfway point to break up the driving is Chateau d’Angers, a massive castle with huge towers.

Stay in the village of Pontorson to visit nearby Brittany, towns like Dinan and Saint-Malo are both worth a visit.

Mont St. Michel in northern France with its reflection showing in the water in the bottom half of the photo

From Pontorson you will be only 20 minutes from the incredible Mont Saint Michel.

Mont Saint Michel is what brings most people to Normandy and it is certainly impressive.

If you can, try to visit both at high and low tides as the contrast between the two is interesting to witness.

Drive further into Normandy and stay in the town of Bayeux. Bayeux is a cute medieval town made famous by both the Bayeux Tapestry and its proximity to the D-Day Beaches.

The D-Day sites are worth spending at least a day exploring.

Finish up your road trip by stopping in the port town of Honfleur to see its cute harbor.

Head back to Paris, stopping en route in Giverny to see Monet’s gardens.

Other places to include on your itinerary if you have more time are the city of Rouen and the cliffs at Etretat.

This route requires at least 6 days but you can easily spend much longer exploring both the Loire Valley and Normandy as these areas are rich with history, charming villages, and castles to explore.  

White cliffs of Etretat with bright blue water to the left side of the photo. Etretat is one of the best places to visit in France

Cotswolds Road Trip

From Laura of Travelers Universe

If you have more than 3 days in London and are ready for a quick European road trip, then a visit to the Cotswolds is a must. No other area in the UK compares to the old-fashioned charm and heritage of the Cotswolds.

When planning your road trip route I recommend you start with the 4 must-see villages in the Cotswolds: Bourton-on-the-Water, Upper Slaughter, Lower Slaughter, and Bibury.

Bourton-on-the-Water has a unique appeal to everyone. It is regularly voted as one of the prettiest villages in England and is famous for its honey-colored stone architecture and idyllic scenes.

The village is known as the Venice of the Cotswolds and it’s the perfect place for you to enjoy some relaxing time by the River Windrush.

Upper and Lower Slaughter share an interesting name that could be translated as a ‘miry place’.

Lower Slaughter has been very well conserved and walking alongside the stream seems like a trip into the past. 

english village of lower slaughter with creek and bridge in the foreground

There is no wonder the village has been used for filming productions on several occasions. 

Upper Slaughter is equally as charming. Interesting fact – it lost nobody in the First World War and that’s why these days it is considered to be a sainted village. 

If you are by car, I recommend parking in Bourton-on-the-Water and walking from there, as there is limited parking in the Slaughters. 

When it comes to Bibury, everybody will quote William Morris as he famously said that Bibury is ‘the most beautiful village in England’. 

Well, this should be convincing enough to check it out for yourself. 

Don’t miss the picturesque Arlington Row cottages, dating back to 1380. Arlington Row is one of the most photographed places in Cotswold.

Recommended Road Trip Route

Try to set aside at least a couple of days to enjoy road-tripping the main villages of the Cotswolds.

Castle Combe village in the Cotswolds with a small stone bridge in the foreground and stone houses in the background

Route des Grand Alpes, France

From Kat of Wandering Bird Adventures

One of the best road trips in Europe is the Route des Grandes Alpes, in the southeast corner of France. 

It’s possible to drive this route by car and stop along the way at one of the many beautiful towns, but a better option is to   travel the Alps by motorhome  and stop up a mountain in the middle of nowhere.

Technically, the Route des Grande Alpes starts in Lake Geneva and goes south over the highest mountain passes until you reach the French Riviera, but you can easily drive it in reverse if you wish.

Highlights include breathtaking mountain views; the Milky Way at night; going up Mont Blanc in a cable car; exploring picturesque Lake Annecy and the awe-inspiring Gorge du Fier.

Of all the places to enjoy a road trip in Europe, the French Alps are definitely one of the most awe-inspiring! 

view of the french alps from a ski resort in chamonix, one of the best european winter places to visit

This road trip can take anywhere from 3-5 days and the best time to go is late spring or early autumn, (May/ June or September/ October.) 

The reason for this is the weather (winter snow means road closures in the mountains) and also cyclists- you will not believe the number of cyclists who ride up and down these crazy roads! 

And that’s not including the Tour de France which regularly passes through this route- another reason to avoid July!

Chateau d'Annecy as seen from between blooming tulips over a canal. Annecy is one of the best small towns in France.

Dublin to Dingle (Cross-Country Ireland Road Trip)

By Jennifer P. (aka Dr. J) of Sidewalk Safari

A road trip from Dublin to Dingle is one of the longest you can undertake in Ireland.

Dingle is one of the most picturesque places in Ireland and is well-worthy of a road trip in itself. However, sometimes getting there is more than half the fun.

Take a road trip to Dingle and use the 5-hour drive to explore lesser-known parts of Ireland on the way.

Start at Birr Castle, a 19th-century house and gardens that was home to the world’s largest telescope for nearly 75 years.

Next up, drive to Adare, which is best known for quaint thatched cottages and for being one of the most beautiful small towns in Ireland .

Adare is an ideal road trip pitstop; there are cool things to see and do but not so many things that one is tempted to linger (budget 30-60 minutes).

Thatched roof cottages in Adare Ireland with white walls and a red door. Adare is one of the best small towns in Ireland

Listowel is known as the literary capital of Ireland because writers like Bryan MacMahon and John B. Keane once lived there.

Grab a coffee on the colorful square and follow in the footsteps of some of Ireland’s best-known writers.

Do not miss Foynes and the Flying Boat Museum! Fun fact: Irish coffee is believed to have been invented in Foynes.

Finally, stop at Belvedere House in Mullingar for its follies.

Follies are large-scale structures that look ancient but are actually modern.

Belvedere House also has a Jealous Wall erected in a feud between two brothers centered around alleged adultery. 

Recommended length: 2 days. Take one day en route to Dingle and a second day on the way back to Dublin to cover all the stops referenced.

Kate Storm standing on a pebble beach on Dingle Peninsula, Ireland. Minard Castle is behind her. This is a great example of what to wear in Ireland!

Montpellier to Toulouse, France

From Maura of Travel Kiwis

The region of Occitanie in southern France has spectacular scenery and diverse history.   

Start in the pedestrian-friendly and vibrant city of   Montpellier for shopping and French cuisine.

From Montpellier, allow an hour to travel the coastline dotted with pink flamingos to the fishing village of Sete, a perfect place for lunch and fabulous seafood.  

One-hour inland is Beziers, one of the oldest cities in France where high above the river Orb sits the Bezier Cathedral.

Bezier is famous for the Orb Aqueduct, which carries the Canal du Midi over the river, and the Fonserannes Locks, a staircase of nine water levels, which traverses the canal.   

Half an hour from Beziers is the old Roman town of Narbonne.

historic bridge and river in narbonne france with gothic cathedral in the background, an interesting stop on europe road trips

You can explore the Hordeum, a labyrinth of underground warehouses when Narbonne was a Roman port, and view part of the first Roman road in France, Via Domitia. 

An hour from Narbonne, overlooking the Aude river, is Carcassonne.

The spectacular UNESCO heritage site Chateau Comtal de Carcassonne is perfect for a short stay. Make sure to try the local dish Cassoulet.

The final stop is Toulouse, the capital city of Occitanie, referred to as the La Ville Rose with its pink terracotta brick buildings.

Visit the Aeroscopia museum to learn more about the Airbus A380, built-in Toulouse; it is the largest airliner in the world.

This route is 276kms taking four hours with no stops. So, take your time and plan a night or two along the way.

kate storm and ranger storm standing in front of medieval walls of carcassonne france

Scottish Highlands & Islands

From Jessica of One Girl, Whole World

Exploring deep into the Scottish Highlands and islands with one of the most stunning European road trips you can take.

A  10-day road trip itinerary  has gorgeous landscapes, interesting history, hiking options, boat trips and ferries, and few crowds.

There are infinite route combinations, but here is one that’s a great combination of landscapes, history, and activity, and avoids long stretches of driving. You can start from anywhere, but Edinburgh or Glasgow is the most common.  

Head toward the upper Highlands, covering Glen Torridon, Applecross, and (weather-permitting) driving the famous and slightly nerve-wracking Bealach na Ba pass. 

Then spend a few days on the Isle of Skye, possibly hiking the stunning Quiraing and taking a boat trip from Elgol to the misty Black Cuillin mountains.

Colorful village set along the water on the Isle of Skye in Scotland with boats parked in the harbor--Scotland is home to some of the best Europe itinerary road trip options around!

Then get further out to islands that most tourists rarely visit. 

You can take a 90-minute ferry north to the Isle of Harris & Lewis and spend a day or two driving the island and experiencing the turquoise beaches and ancient standing stones. 

Once you’re back on the mainland, consider hitting beautiful Glen Coe and the Glenfinnan Viaduct (the Hogwarts Express!) in the Highlands on your way west to the tiny Isle of Iona. 

Iona has both beauty and some of the earliest Christian history in Scotland, and also a perfect base to take a boat trip to the almost-mythical Isle of Staffa. 

Finally, spend a day or two exploring charming Edinburgh at either the beginning or end of your trip. 

The length of your visit is flexible, but to cover everything above you should plan for at least 10 days–if you can set aside two weeks, that would be even better!

jacobite steam train crossing viaduct in the scottish highlands

Northumberland Coastal Route, England

From Stuart Forster of Go Eat Do

The Northumberland Coastal Route is a scenic driving route that runs for 48 miles between Blyth and Berwick-upon-Tweed.

The marked route meanders past broad beaches and castles built when this region saw regular raids by cattle rustlers, known as border reivers, and Scottish armies.

If you choose to drive on the most direct route, the A1, the journey between Berwick and Newcastle takes just 75 minutes.

Plan at least a couple of days to pause along the way and take walks to view the castles at Bamburgh and Dunstanburgh.

It’s also worth taking a reflective stroll on the golden sand of Alnmouth Beach after popping into nearby Alnwick to shop at Barter Books, England’s biggest second-hand bookstore, and see the castle where Harry Potter movies were filmed.  

Following the Northumberland coastal route offers opportunities to pause for locally landed seafood at the Fish Shack in Amble or The Jolly Fisherman pub in Craster.

alnwick castle in england

The fishing village of Craster gives its name to traditionally smoked kippers, a local delicacy. Craster kippers pair well with Earl Grey tea, which was first mixed for consumption at Howick Hall, the 19th-century British prime minister’s estate in  England’s most northerly county .

Check the tidal table before driving to or from Lindisfarne, otherwise known as Holy Island.

Many a driver has had to abandon their vehicle in the face of rapidly advancing waters.

We suggest completing this trip in about two days.

Dunstanburgh castle england in the distance with rocky landscape in the foreground

Ring of Kerry, Ireland

From Cath of Travel Around Ireland

One of the best road trips to take in Europe is one in which you visit the Ring of Kerry in Ireland .

Encompassing the Killarney National Park and part of the epic Wild Atlantic Way, this part of Southern Ireland is filled with beauty that will leave you awe-inspired.

This is a popular tourist area of the region and it is best explored by car or motorbike.

Points of interest to stop and explore include the Gap of Dunloe, a beautiful valley snaking through the MacGillycuddy Reeks Mountains.

You cannot drive a car through it, but motorbikes, cyclists, hikers, and joggers can traverse it. There are tourist horses and carts which can take those in cars into the Gap to enjoy its beauty.

At the top of the Gap lies Kate’s Cottage, a historic coaching house, now with a restaurant, bar, and craft shop.

Not far from this is Lady’s View, affording magnificent views across the Killarney National Park.

Kate Storm in a blue long-sleeved shirt overlooking Killarney Natoinal Park--a must-see spot when planning a trip to Ireland!

You should also take a day to visit Ross Castle and Muckross House, Gardens, and Farms, both of which are steeped in history.

Got a Star Wars fan on your hands? Then a boat trip from the Ring of Kerry to Skellig Michael is a must. It featured in Star Wars VII – The Force Awakens.

Skellig Michel is famous for its 6th to 8th-century Christian monastery and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.

Another site to visit during your road trip around the Ring of Kerry is Torc Waterfall.

This lies only 7km from Killarney Town and is a beautiful waterfall with a height of 20 meters and a cascade of 110 meters long. 

Many of the towns that you pass through are worth stopping in for a cuppa or a meal including Kenmare, Sneem, and Killorglin.

The town with the most choice when it comes to accommodation and eating options is Killarney and should be your starting point when traveling around this stunning part of Ireland.

Killarney, the town at which you should start your visit to the Ring of Kerry, lies 300km southwest of Dublin and it will take you approximately four hours by car to reach this quaint little town.

Although you could drive the outer circuit of the Ring of Kerry in one day, you will need more than a day to visit the many places to stop around this 179km-long circular route in County Kerry.

Kate Storm in a yellow raincoat standing in front of Torc Waterfall in Killarney National Park Ireland

Germany’s Romantic Road

From Hannah & Adam Lukaszewicz of Getting Stamped

Southern Germany is home to the Romantic Road, a journey from Wurzberg to Fussen that captures both the scenic beauty and beautiful, fairytale castles Germany has to offer. 

Start out by stopping at the Wurzburg Residence, a stunning palace with extensive gardens.

Next up is the Neuschwanstein Castle which has many great viewpoints, like Mary’s Bridge. Another castle in the vicinity that’s worth a stop is the Hohenschwangau Castle.

Those are the most popular stops on this European road trip, but also make sure to stop at some of the charming Bavarian villages along the way, such as Rothenburg ob de Tauber and Würzburg. 

For the average tourist, it is suggested to have a three-day itinerary for the Romantic Road .

It’s just enough time to see all the highlights on the route.

However, it is up to you to extend the trip by a few extra days if you’d like to explore more villages on the way. 

Rothenburg ob de Tauber on Germany's Romantic Road, one of the most popular road trips in Europe. Image from Getting Stamped.

Austrian Alps

From Kati Walzl of Moon & Honey Travel

Austria is synonymous with the Alps. While Austria’s cities are easily accessible by transit, its mountains are best explored on a road trip.

If you love hiking and scenic alpine roads, follow this Vienna to Innsbruck road trip anytime between June and October.  

Start in Vienna, the capital city of Austria before driving directly to Filzmoos, a small alpine town in the Dachstein mountains.

Here, you can hike to scenic alp huts and explore the Gosaukamm, a subrange of the Dachstein.

After hiking in the Northern Limestone Alps of Salzburg, your road trip continues to the heart of Hohe Tauern National Park, which encompasses Austria’s highest mountains.

Drive the celebrated Grossglockner High Alpine Road to East Tyrol. If you want to experience the glaciers of the Vendiger Group, explore the lesser-known Virgental and Gschlösstal valleys.

Next, head west to Mayrhofen, which is the perfect base for exploring the Zillertal mountains.

woman standing in front of bright turqouise lake in the austrian alps, one of the best road trips europe

If there’s one range that epitomizes “the Alps” this is it.

After a few days in Zillertal, continue your drive to Innsbruck.

If you have more time, drive to Vorarlberg to explore the Rätikon Alps for a few days.

Tip: If you rent a car in another country, don’t forget to purchase a “Vignette” before driving on the Austrian “Autobahn” (highway). 

You’ll need 10 – 16 days to complete this route.

Person sitting on a small footbridge in Zillertal Alps in Austria, with a lake and mountain range visible in the distance

Czech Republic

From Celine of Family Can Travel

While Prague is certainly worth the visit, there’s so much more to see in the Czech Republic, and the best way to see it is by planning a Central European road trip.

Plan to make four major stops along the way: Cesky Krumlov , Karlovy Vary, Bohemian Switzerland National Park, and Bohemian Paradise.

The real charm of having a car is not only getting to each of these places but visiting some incredible sights near each of them.

Near Cesky Krumlov, explore the ruins of Hrad Divi.

After visiting the multitude of colonnades around Karlovy Vary, stretch your legs with a hike from Karlovy Vary to the charming town of Loket.

Next, leave the cities behind to enjoy the more natural side of the Czech Republic. 

colorful houses in historic Karlovy Vary in the fall, a czech town that is a great option for driving tours in europe

Hiking in Bohemian Switzerla nd National Park to see the Pravcicka Brana (the largest natural stone bridge in Europe) and then continuing on to the Wild Gorge Loop will give you a real sense of the varying landscapes you can find in the Czech Republic.

If you find yourself with some extra time in Bohemian Switzerland, the Bastei Bridge in Saxon Switzerland National Park (Germany) is only a short drive away.

The Tisa Walls are also worth a stop.

Before returning to Prague, make one final stop in Bohemian Paradise to see Trotsky Castle and the incredible rock formations on the hike from Hruba Skala to Valdstejn Castle.

This Czech Republic road trip could be done in one week, but 10 days would be better to add in a few extra places to visit along the way and truly enjoy all that the area has to offer.

Winter in Český Krumlov: View of the City

East Germany Castle & Nature Road Trip

From Annemarie Strehl of Germany on the Brain

For an East Germany road trip heavy on castles and natural beauty, start in the gorgeous state capital of Mecklemburg-Vorpommern.

It‘s one hour away from Hamburg by train (90 minutes with a car) and there are plenty of things to see in Schwerin .

Its center is simply gorgeous, with typical Baltic houses and historic buildings, and from here, it’s a short walk to the fairy tale castle of Schwerin.

It was modeled after French chateaus and has even been featured in Hollywood productions.

From Schwerin, you can easily reach Berlin, where you can stroll around Charlottenburg Palace or Friedrichsfelde Palace.

Those beautiful baroque buildings can make you almost forget you are in a big and busy metropolis.

Complete your visit in the North with a trip down to Potsdam’s extensive Sanssouci Castle estate.

aerial view of berlin tv tower at sunset, one of the most interesting european cities to visit

For Dresden alone, you can easily fill a week exploring castles inside and around the city.

Your starting point should be at the Zwinger and move on to the famous Frauenkirche, to name just two iconic attractions. For more castles, check out Pillnitz or Moritzburg.

Complete your journey in the neighboring state of Thuringia and visit charming Jena, Weimar, and Erfurt.

Weimar especially looks straight out of a history book in the best of ways.

In total, such a trip should be no shorter than seven days so you don’t have to rush through your destinations.

Driving times are between one to three hours from one place to the next, so it’s definitely doable to do one city per day.

However, for places like Berlin or Dresden you can easily schedule in multiple days.

schwerin castle in germany with lake in the foreground, modeled after french chateaux

The Italian Dolomites

From Kristen & Jeff Miller of Our Passion for Travel

Fans of jagged mountains, windy roads, and stunning landscapes will rejoice in a   Dolomites road trip .

Picking up a car in Verona and heading north, make your first stop in the hillside town of Trento. This stunning town is perfectly wedged in a valley with dramatic cliffs surrounding you.

Choose to spend a night here or head further north to the cute town of Ortisei.

Here, you can excite yourself with some of the winding passes that will take you from blazing sunshine in the middle of summer, up to near-freezing temperatures.

Admire the snow falling off the mountains in the Gardena and Sella Pass.

Later, mix it up with the majestic Lago di Carezza, one of the greenest alpine lakes you’ll ever lay your eyes on.

lake carezza italy with dolomites in the background on a sunny day when road tripping northern italy

Ortisei is also home to the highest alpine meadow, Alpe di Siusi. Spend a day up top wandering in awe as the lush green grass meets the jagged peaks and rich blue skies.

Leaving Ortisei behind, consider Cortina d’Ampezzo as your next overnight destination.

Not only is Cortina d’Ampezzo home to the future 2026 winter Olympics, but it’s well located to explore the surrounding areas.

Lago di Braies is the insta-famous lake, complete with rowboats to fill your feed with.

A short drive from Cortina, you’ll find Tre Cime di Lavaredo.

The entry of €30 to the national park may seem steep, but it’s about as picturesque as you’ll find in this region.

Those jagged peaks you’ve been admiring are so much closer here, and rip into the sky like daggers.

This road trip through the Dolomites can be done comfortably in as little as 4 days.

It is easily stretched to 2 weeks depending on your pace and how much hiking you’re contemplating. Also, be sure to allow time for good weather (it can be temperamental like all alpine regions). 

View of the Italian Dolomites on a clear day with a village visible below it.

Vienna to Budapest Road Trip

From Pashmina of The Gone Goat

Imagine traversing through stunning countryside covering charming and beautiful towns and some very obscure ones, while crossing the capitals of these three countries Vienna, Bratislava, and Budapest .

Whether you want to start your road trip in Vienna and end it with a weekend in Budapest , or vice versa, a road trip in these places is often brimming with exciting stories, culture, and unique landscapes.

Although the entire trip is approximately 243km and may only take you 3 hours to drive, this trip is best done with a detour spending time in Lake Neusield, Austria, followed by Sopron, Gyor, and Esztergom in Hungary. 

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can take the other route and pass through Slovakia and see firsthand what it is like to see a new generation of Slovakians who are eager to bring modern elements and street culture to their lives.

Tips for Airbnb Hosts: Hiking in Slovakia

You can also stop in Bratislava and casually stroll through the old town while taking in the picturesque views of the architecture.

Compared to its neighboring cities, Bratislava is unhurried and feels small and quiet, and deserves that extra time to slow down, people watch and take in what you can.

The recommended time to spend on this Central European road trip is about 4 to 5 days. 

Prague or Budapest: Budapest view of Danube

From Kate of I Live 4 Travel

The small country of Luxembourg is a great place for a European road trip. 

It is a country dominated by castles and old towns that you can walk around and some beautiful countryside to hike in. 

If you fly into Luxembourg then it is very easy to rent a car .

A trip to Luxembourg would not be complete without a visit to Luxembourg City and here you need to spend a day exploring the old town and visiting the Bock Casemates, walk the Chemin de la Corniche and visit Fort Thungen. 

After visiting Luxembourg City head north to visit the beautiful castle of Vianden, the town is worth a walk around and you can always get the chairlift slightly higher up the mountain to get a view of the town and the castle before walking down to visit the impressive castle.

It is worth stopping here for lunch in one of the many cafes in the town.

vianden castle from a distance overlooking the village in the mountains of luxembourg

Next drive to Bourscheid Castle, which is only partially restored but has amazing views down the valley.

After visiting Bourscheid head across to the little town of Esch-Sur-Sure, it is in a horseshoe shape and surrounded by a river running along the outside, it is a beautiful town and it’s worth a walk up to the ruins of the castle located on the top of the hill in the middle of the town.

If you have a third day then head across to Echternach and hike part of the Mullerthal Trail.

If you do not want a long hike, you can just drive the route and explore the highlights.

The drive through the countryside to these places is stunning and it’s recommended you take 2 or 3 days to explore the country of Luxembourg.

View of Luxembourg City from above. Luxembourg's small size makes it an ideal short European road trip itinerary

From Dhara of It’s Not About the Miles

Looking to complete one of the best road trips in Europe? Consider Poland!

In about 10 days, you can see the best of this northern European country. 

Begin your trip in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. Warsaw’s Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

World War II bombing destroyed quite a bit of the city, but it has been reconstructed.

Apart from Old Town, Powazki Cemetery, the monument to the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto, and the Presidential Palace are must-visits.

From Warsaw, drive to Krakow where you can visit Market Square, St. Mary’s Church, and the famous Wawel Castle.

Old Town Krakow is gorgeous so plan on a walking tour to admire the architecture.

From Krakow, drive to Auschwitz  to tour the former concentration camp. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

View of St. Mary's Basilica in Main Market Square, a must-see destination when visiting Krakow in 2 days!

Next, travel to Wroclaw, with its beautiful Old Town. Market Square has stunning architecture.

From Wroclaw, drive to Torun, one of the best-preserved medieval towns in Europe. Torun is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the birthplace of Nicolas Copernicus.

Next, drive to the port city of Gdansk, the birthplace of Lech Walesa’s Solidarity Movement.

Gdansk has a beautiful Old Town as well. A   walking tour of Gdansk Old Town  is the best way to experience the sights.

Also do not forget a stop at Westerplatte, where the first shots of WWII were fired.

Return to Warsaw to complete your road trip through Poland. On the way, you can stop at Malbork Castle, the largest castle in the world!

This Poland road trip is best completed in about 10 days.

View of Town Hall Tower with Cloth Hall in the foreground in Main Market Square, one of the best things to see in Krakow Poland

South Styria Wine Road, Austria

From Lori of Travlin Mad

The  South Styria Wine Road  in southern Austria is the perfect European road trip for food and wine lovers.

This 44-mile-long patchwork of woodlands, lush rolling hills, and verdant vineyards just an hour from Graz is the southern part of Styria, known as the Green Heart of Austria, and looks more Tuscan than Alpine.

This part of Austria also borders northern Slovenia so combining both as part of a multi-country road trip in Europe is a great idea.

Fall is an especially good time to visit when autumn colors begin to appear in the vineyards and the first wine is being pressed.

People gather outdoors at local wineries along Wine Road drinking stürm wine and roasting chestnuts around a crackling fire.

Through the breeze, you’ll hear the unusual clacking sound of the klapotetz windmills spinning slowly through the countryside, designed to ward off birds and other pests who tend to gobble up the grapes.

Vineyard with hundreds of grape vines planted on a rolling hill with a windmill on the foreground on the left side of the photo in Austria

Food lovers should start their tour with a visit to Vinofaktur Genussregal, the largest store in Styria featuring over 2,500 Styrian wine and culinary products from over 250 regional producers.

For lunch or dinner, local winery-owned buschenshanks are the place to go for platters of local smoked meats and cheeses.

It’s all so quintessential Styria and the perfect destination for a fall road trip through Europe.

Though you can complete this European road trip in a day, it’s best to set aside at least a couple of days if you’d like to leisurely explore what the wine route has to offer (and allow your designated driver some chances to sample the wine).

clock tower of graz austria at sunset with fall foliage in the foreground

From Inma of A World to Travel

There are a surprising number of things to do in Latvia , the beautiful Baltic Republic located in northeast Europe–and it’s possible to cross the entire country in six hours!

The road trip itinerary suggested here covers 6 of the wonders of this country, from west to east, starting in the immediate vicinity of the Lithuanian border.

From exceptional natural landscapes to charming villages and large cities, this European road trip itinerary has something for everyone!

Stop first in Liepaja, known for its beaches with dunes and its constant wind, before moving on to Kuldiga, a picturesque village in the Western part of the country.

ruins of bunkers of a beach in liepaja latvia

Be sure to make time for the unique Kemeri National Park, where it is possible to practice bog-walking with the right equipment and a guide!

Riga, the capital of Latvia and your next stop on this Europe road trip, needs no introduction. Neither does its historic center, central market, and lively nightlife.

From there, move on to visit Sigulda, a historical village that has lots to offer to lovers of active tourism.

Finally, pay a visit to Gauja National Park, located near the border with Estonia. There is no other place like this in the whole country to go hiking on its many trails. 

If possible, set aside about a week to explore this European road trip route through Latvia.

Colorful buildings of Riga Latvia as seen from above. Latvia makes a fabulous, lesser-known European road trip itinerary!

From Jo of Lost Wanders

There’s plenty to see in Lithuania other than the trendy capital Vilnius and it’s well worth having your own transportation for a road trip in this beautiful Baltic country .

The first stop is the Hill of Crosses near Siauliai to see a unique memorial dedicated to the many unknown deaths of the Lithuanian uprising against Russian rule.

The hill now holds over 100,000 crosses memorializing people from around the globe with more being added daily.

A two-hour drive west uncovers an old nuclear missile silo, one of only three left in the world, that’s been turned into a Cold War Museum.

It’s located deep within Žemaitijos National Park, down bumpy gravel roads, where you can also get a chance to spot wild animals such as Lynx.

aerial view of trakai castle, a fun stop on a lithuania road trip through europe itinerary

Another hour’s drive towards the Baltic Sea, Klaipeda is the base for heading out to the Curonian spit, a large sandbar covering Lithuania’s coastline.

The town is famous for its spas and long open beaches.

Back down towards Vilnius, Trakai Castle is a must-see.

If you do just one castle on this trip make it this one. It sits on an island out on a lake where you can pedal and paddleboard in the summer months. 

You can do this trip in a week but allow 10 days to 2 weeks to fully see everything and don’t miss a couple of days in the capital.

Summer is by far the most favorable time to do this trip, crowds aren’t as big as in Central Europe and winters can get very cold for taking northern European road trips!

4 photos of Europe: beach in Spain, Cotswolds village, Luxembourg City, and Algarve Coast. Black and red text on a white background in the center reads "50+ Bucket List Road Trips in Europe"

About Kate Storm

Image of the author, Kate Storm

In May 2016, I left my suburban life in the USA and became a full-time traveler. Since then, I have visited 50+ countries on 5 continents and lived in Portugal, developing a special love of traveling in Europe (especially Italy) along the way. Today, along with my husband Jeremy and dog Ranger, I’m working toward my eventual goal of splitting my life between Europe and the USA.

2 thoughts on “55 Epic Road Trips in Europe (Itinerary Ideas + Tips!)”

These road trip ideas are fantastic. I’d love to do the Dublin to Dingle trip someday.

We’ve done that one ourselves, and can absolutely endorse it! It’s phenomenal.

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The Mindful Traveller

The Mindful Traveller

Eco Travel Blog & Photography

Most Scenic Road Trips in Europe: 16 Epic Routes

13 October 2023 · In: Europe , Road Trip

road trip route europe

Are you looking for the  most beautiful and scenic road trips in Europe ? Adventure lovers, you have come to the right place! This article walks you through  16 road trip ideas to add to your bucket list  for an unforgettable holiday, whether you are travelling for 7 days or 2 weeks.

Europe is a breathtaking destination  which has much to offer! From quaint villages and stunning natural landscapes to emblematic historical sites and tasty local cuisine, you will find  plenty of things to do and places to see  on a European road trip in both summer and winter.

Born in Paris and living in Manchester in the UK,  I consider Europe my home , continually exploring it and discovering something new. Each country has something exceptional to offer, and I am always surprised by their  cultural diversity . 

So, are you ready to discover the  top 16 Europe road trips that you must experience ? Let’s get started! And, of course, let me know in the comments below if you have any other suggestions 🙂

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16- Vienna to Innsbruck, Austria

Overview: 16 epic european road trips.

1- Iceland Ring Road 2- North Coast 500, Scotland 3- The Loire Valley, France 4- The Romantic Road, Germany 5- Pula to Dubrovnik, Croatia 6- The Atlantic Coast, Portugal 7- The Tuscan Countryside, Italy 8- The Atlantic Road, Norway

9- The Peloponnese region, Greece 10- Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland 11- Andalusian Escape, Spain 12- Montenegro Loop 13- London to Edinburgh, UK 14- Baltic States Route 15- Into the Wilderness, Finland 16- Vienna to Innsbruck, Austria

road trip route europe

Best Europe road trips – Map

road trip route europe

16 breathtaking road trip routes in Europe

Here are 16 road trips to inspire your next European adventure. Each of these routes is easily accessible by car, campervan or motorbike. But also be sure to check road conditions, especially during the winter months, and book your accommodation in advance.

Best car rental options

Looking for the best car rental deals for your road trip in Europe?

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1- Iceland Ring Road

road trip route europe

⏰  Duration : 7-10 days 📆  When to go : summer (June-August) 

The Iceland Ring Road, also known as  Route 1 , is the main route  that circles the entire island  and connects most of the major towns and attractions, making it an ideal road trip route for exploring the country.

This incredible road offers one of the  most famous and scenic drives  in the world, where you will be able to experience the best of Iceland through its  breathtaking landscapes , including glaciers, waterfalls, volcanoes, hot springs, black sand beaches and more!

Iceland is one of my favourite countries, and I never get tired of it. It is also the  perfect place for a road trip  due to its Ring Road forming a complete loop around the island,  accessible any time of the year , although I would be careful and focus on the South in winter.

READ MORE: 9 Perfect Days in Iceland: Ring Road Itinerary


Here is an example of a  7-day itinerary  covering the most iconic natural wonders in Iceland:

Day 1: Reykjavik

  • Start your road trip in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland.
  • Discover the main attractions and sites, including Hallgrímskirkja Church, Harpa Concert Hall and the downtown area.
  • Bathe in the  Blue Lagoon , a relaxing geothermal spa.

Day 2: Golden Circle

Explore the Golden Circle , which includes three highlights:

  • Thingvellir National Park: walk (or swim) between tectonic plates and visit Lake Thingvallavatn.
  • Geysir Geothermal Area: see the still active and erupting Strokkur Geyser and its hot springs.
  • Gullfoss Waterfall: admire the stunning waterfall.

Day 3: South Coast

Head to the south coast and visit attractions such as:

  • Seljalandsfoss Waterfall: walk behind the waterfall.
  • Skogafoss Waterfall: climb to the top for panoramic views.
  • Reynisfjara Beach: discover the black sand beach and its basalt columns.
  • Vik: stop to discover this charming town.

Day 4: Vatnajökull National Park

Explore Vatnajökull National Park:

  • Skaftafell: hike to Svartifoss waterfall or take a  glacier hike  (I highly recommend it! In winter, you can also join an  ice cave tour ).
  • Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon: marvel at the floating icebergs.

Day 5: East Fjords

  • Take the day to travel through the picturesque East Fjords, stopping at fishing villages and enjoying scenic views.
  • Visit Seydisfjordur, a lovely hidden town with colourful houses.

Day 6: North Iceland

  • Visit Dettifoss, the most powerful waterfall in Europe.
  • Travel north to visit places like Húsavík (known for  whale watching ) and Goðafoss Waterfall.
  • Explore the town of Akureyri, the second-largest city in Iceland.

Day 7: Northwest Iceland and back to Reykjavik

  • Explore the Snæfellsnes Peninsula and its dramatic landscapes.
  • Return to Reykjavik.


Click on the top left of the map to display the list of stops and locations.

2- North Coast 500, Scotland

road trip route europe

⏰  Duration : 5-7 days 📆  When to go : spring & summer (May-September) 

The North Coast 500 (NC500) is a scenic driving route taking you on a circular journey through some of the  most picturesque and remote parts  of the northern Scottish Highlands. It is a fantastic way to explore the  beauty and rich heritage  of the country.

This popular route covers around 500 miles (805 kilometres) of stunning scenery, rugged coastlines, historic sites and charming villages. Some of its highlights include the wild  Torridon Mountains , the fairytale-like  Dunrobin Castle  and the secluded  Cape Wrath .

This road trip itinerary is also perfect for nature lovers! You will find  many outdoor activities  possible, such as hiking, cycling and wildlife spotting. In addition, the area is known for  birdwatching and stargazing  due to its low light pollution. And in winter, you might be lucky enough to  see the Northern Lights !

Here is an example of a  7- day itinerary  covering the main highlights of the North Coast 500:

Day 1: Inverness

  • Start your road trip in Inverness, the capital of the Highlands.
  • Visit Inverness Castle and stroll along the River Ness.
  • Explore the nearby Culloden Battlefield and Clava Cairns.

Day 2: Ullapool

  • Drive to Ullapool, a picturesque fishing village.
  • Along the way, stop at the Rogie Falls and Corrieshalloch Gorge.
  • In Ullapool, enjoy fresh seafood and walk along the harbour.

Day 3: Durness

  • Head north along the coast, passing through the spectacular scenery of Assynt.
  • Stop at Ardvreck Castle and the Bone Caves.
  • Visit Smoo Cave near Durness.

Day 4: Thurso

  • Continue to drive along the north coast to Thurso.
  • Explore the stunning beaches of Balnakeil and Sandwood Bay.
  • Visit the Castle and Gardens of Mey.

Day 5: John O’Groats and Wick

  • Drive to John O’Groats, the northernmost point of mainland Britain.
  • Visit Duncansby Head and its distinctive sea stacks.
  • Head south to Wick and explore the town, including the Old Pulteney Distillery.

Day 6: Dingwall

  • Leave the north coast and head south to Dingwall.
  • Along the way, visit the Black Isle, known for its picturesque villages and dolphin-watching opportunities.
  • Explore the town of Dingwall and its surrounding areas.

Day 7: Return to Inverness

  • Drive back to Inverness and complete the North Coast 500 loop.
  • Along the way, consider visiting the historic town of Beauly and the Beauly Priory.
  • Return to Inverness, where you can spend your final evening exploring, shopping or relaxing.

3- The Loire Valley, France

road trip route europe

⏰  Duration : 5 days 📆  When to go : spring & summer (May-September) 

The Loire Valley, located in central France, is a  picturesque and historic region  known for its magnificent castles, vineyards, picturesque villages and beautiful countryside. It is the ideal place to learn more about the  rich culture and history of France .

Not only a paradise for history and architecture enthusiasts, this road trip itinerary is also a delight for food, wine and nature lovers. It offers a  perfect blend of cultural, culinary and natural experiences  that make it a popular destination for travellers from around the world.

I feel lucky to say that  I was born in the Loire Valley , more precisely in Orleans. I loved the area and its cultural landmarks. It always felt great to be in the countryside whilst still being close to major cities like Paris. I am sure you will love exploring the many castles (châteaux) – a  great location for families with children !

Here is an example of a  5-day itinerary  covering some of the most famous châteaux and attractions in the Loire Valley:

Day 1: Tours

  • Start your road trip in Tours, a city in the heart of the Loire Valley.
  • Explore its historic Old Town with half-timbered houses and Place Plumereau.
  • Visit the Cathédrale Saint-Gatien and the Musée des Beaux-Arts.
  • Take a walk along the banks of the Loire.

Day 2: Château de Villandry and Château d’Azay-le-Rideau

  • Drive to Château de Villandry, famous for its superb Renaissance gardens.
  • Continue to Château d’Azay-le-Rideau, a fairytale castle set on an island in the Indre River.

Day 3: Château de Chambord and Château de Cheverny

  • Visit the iconic  Château de Chambord , a masterpiece of the French Renaissance.
  • Explore its massive double-helix staircase and its vast garden.
  • Head to Château de Cheverny, famous for its elegant interiors and well-preserved furniture.
  • If you have time, you can also discover the pretty village of Cheverny and its vineyards.

Day 4: Château de Chenonceau and Amboise

  • Visit the elegant  Château de Chenonceau , spanning the Cher River.
  • Explore the stunning gardens and galleries of the castle.
  • Drive to the town of Amboise, where you can visit Château d’Amboise and Clos Lucé, the former home of Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Spend the evening exploring the quaint streets of Amboise.

Day 5: Wine tasting and back to Tours

  • Enjoy a wine-tasting experience at a local vineyard in the Vouvray or Montlouis-sur-Loire wine region.
  • Return to Tours in the afternoon.
  • Spend your last evening in Tours sampling local cuisine and wine.


4- The Romantic Road, Germany 

road trip route europe

⏰  Duration : 4-5 days 📆  When to go : spring & summer (May-September) 

The Romantic Road (Romantische Straße) in Germany is one of the  most famous and scenic tourist routes , taking you through charming villages, historic towns and beautiful countryside. You will embark on a journey filled with  medieval architecture, stunning landscapes and a feeling of romance . 

The road stretches for around 350 kilometres (220 miles) through the  southern part of Germany,  near the border with Austria, and is a great way to immerse yourself in  German history and culture  as you come across many influential landmarks.

And for any  food lover  out there, you have come to the right place! The region along the Romantic Road is known for its  delicious Bavarian cuisine , including sausages, sauerkraut, schnitzels and pretzels. And do not forget to try  local beers and wines , such as Franconian wine.

READ MORE: Bavaria Road Trip: Epic 1-Week Itinerary

Here is an example of a  5-day itinerary  covering some of the most iconic stops along the Romantic Road:

Day 1: Würzburg

  • Start your road trip in Würzburg, a city known for its stunning Residenz Palace.
  • Explore the Residenz and its beautiful gardens.
  • Take a stroll through the Old Town.
  • Enjoy a glass of Franconian wine at a local wine tavern.

Day 2: Rothenburg ob der Tauber

  • Drive to Rothenburg ob der Tauber, one of the best-preserved medieval towns in Germany.
  • Explore its charming streets and walk along the city walls.
  • Visit the Town Hall and St. Jacob’s Church.
  • Try a Schneeball, a local pastry speciality.

Day 3: Dinkelsbühl and Nördlingen

  • Head to Dinkelsbühl, another picturesque medieval town along the Romantic Road.
  • Explore its well-preserved city walls and the Cathedral of St. George.
  • Relax in the charming market square.
  • Continue to Nördlingen, a town located in a meteorite crater. 
  • Visit the Daniel Tower for panoramic views.

Day 4: Augsburg

  • Drive to Augsburg, one of the oldest cities in Germany.
  • Visit its historic Old Town, home to the Augsburger Dom and the Fuggerei, the oldest social housing complex.
  • Explore Maximilianstraße and its beautiful Renaissance buildings.

Day 5: Füssen and Neuschwanstein Castle

  • Head to Füssen, a pretty town located at the foot of the Bavarian Alps.
  • Visit Hohes Schloss.
  • Explore the picturesque streets of the town.
  • Do a quick detour to  Neuschwanstein Castle , the iconic fairytale castle.
  • Take a guided tour of the castle or enjoy the views from Marienbrücke (Mary’s Bridge).
  • Return to Füssen to end your road trip.


5- Pula to Dubrovnik, Croatia

road trip route europe

⏰  Duration : 7-10 days 📆  When to go : spring (May-June) & autumn (September-October)

A road trip from Pula to Dubrovnik in Croatia is an adventure you should not miss, as it takes you  along the stunning Adriatic coast  through historic towns and beautiful landscapes. The country has become an increasingly  popular tourist destination  in recent years, and you will understand why!

The perfect  blend of natural beauty  (from the coastline to national parks),  historic monuments and vibrant culture  make Croatia a diverse and attractive destination for travellers looking to explore the Adriatic coast and immerse themselves in  European history and lifestyle .

Stretching for over 1,700 kilometres, the coastline of Croatia is  ideal for a road trip under the sun with friends , with its thousand islands, crystal-clear waters, pebble and sandy beaches and traditional coastal towns.

READ MORE: 20 Best Summer Destinations in Europe

Here is an example of a  7-day itinerary  covering the main highlights of a road trip from Pula to Dubrovnik:

Day 1: Pula

  • Start your road trip in Pula.
  • Explore its Roman heritage, including the well-preserved Pula Arena, Temple of Augustus and Arch of the Sergii.
  • Relax on one of its beautiful beaches.

Day 2: Rovinj

  • Continue south to Rovinj, one of the most charming towns of Istria.
  • Wander its cobblestone streets, visit the St. Euphemia Church and explore the Old Town.
  • Enjoy fresh seafood at a local waterfront restaurant.

Day 3: Poreč

  • Head to Poreč, known for its UNESCO-listed Euphrasian Basilica and historic Old Town.
  • Explore the basilica complex and its Roman heritage.

Day 4: Zadar

  • Leave Istria and continue your road trip south to Zadar.
  • Explore its Old Town, including the Sea Organ and the Greeting to the Sun installations.
  • Visit St. Donatus Church and the Roman Forum.

Day 5: Šibenik

  • Drive to Šibenik, a historic town known for its impressive St. James Cathedral.
  • Explore the cathedral and the charming Old Town.
  • Take a boat trip to nearby islands or Krka National Park .

Day 6: Split

  • Head to Split, the second-largest city in Croatia.
  • Explore Diocletian’s Palace , a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Stroll through the historic Old Town.
  • Enjoy the lively atmosphere along the Riva promenade.

Day 7: Dubrovnik

  • Continue your road trip south to Dubrovnik.
  • Walk on the city walls and admire panoramic views of the Old Town .
  • Visit iconic attractions like the Rector’s Palace, Sponza Palace and Onofrio’s Fountain.
  • Relax on Banje Beach.
  • Take a cable car ride to Mount Srđ for even more breathtaking views.


6- The Atlantic Coast, Portugal

road trip route europe

⏰  Duration : 8-10 days 📆  When to go : spring (April-May) & autumn (September-October)

Are you ready to explore the  stunning Atlantic coast of Portugal ? A road trip from Porto to Faro will allow you to experience the  diverse landscapes ,  historic towns  and  most   beautiful beaches  of the country. 

Vibrant and culturally rich, Portugal is also known for its  delicious cuisine and warm hospitality , making it an  ideal destination for solo travellers  (by car or campervan). I experienced it alone for a few days in May and always felt safe. I mostly stayed in hostels and met many other travellers along the way.  

Whether you are discovering historic landmarks, relaxing on the beach, hiking along the coast or savouring local cuisine, Portugal has  something to offer every type of traveller . And there is no better way to experience it all than a road trip from Porto to the Algarve.

Here is an example of a  9-day itinerary  offering a great mix of cultural, historical and natural attractions as you road trip from Porto to Faro:

Day 1: Porto

  • Start your road trip in Porto, the second-largest city in Portugal.
  • Explore the historic Ribeira district along the Douro River.
  • Visit Livraria Lello, Clerigos Tower and Porto Cathedral.
  • Enjoy a wine-tasting tour in the nearby Douro Valley .

Day 2: Aveiro

  • Drive south to Aveiro, often called the “Venice of Portugal” due to its picturesque canals.
  • Take a moliceiro boat ride along the canals.
  • Explore the colourful houses of its historic centre.

Day 3: Coimbra

  • Visit the University of Coimbra, one of the oldest in Europe.
  • Explore the Joanina Library, Royal Palace and Coimbra Cathedral.
  • Stroll through the medieval streets of the city.

Day 4: Tomar

  • Drive to Tomar, home to the Convent of Christ, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Explore the Templar Castle and its intricate Manueline-style architecture.

Day 5: Óbidos and Nazaré

  • Visit the charming medieval town of Óbidos with its well-preserved city walls.
  • Enjoy a stroll through its narrow streets and visit the Óbidos Castle.
  • Drive to Nazaré, known for its impressive waves and beautiful beach.

Day 6: Batalha and Alcobaça

  • Explore the Batalha Monastery, another UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Visit the Alcobaça Monastery, known for its spectacular Gothic architecture.

Day 7: Lisbon

  • Spend a full day exploring Lisbon.
  • Visit historic neighbourhoods like Alfama, Bairro Alto and Belém.
  • See the Jerónimos Monastery, Belém Tower and the Monument to the Discoveries.
  • Enjoy a traditional Portuguese meal and Fado music in the evening.

Day 8: Faro

  • Drive to Faro, the capital of the Algarve region .
  • Explore its historic Old Town with its medieval walls and charming streets.
  • Visit the Faro Cathedral and stroll through Jardim Manuel Bivar.
  • Relax on the nearby beaches.

Day 9: Algarve Beaches

  • Spend this day exploring the beautiful beaches of the Algarve.
  • Consider visiting Praia da Marinha, Praia de Benagil and Praia da Rocha.
  • Enjoy water activities like swimming, snorkelling or kayaking tours.
  • Or explore traditional villages such as Carvoeiro and Ferragudo.


7- The Tuscan Countryside, Italy

road trip route europe

⏰  Duration : 5-6 days 📆  When to go : spring (April-May) & autumn (September-October)

For any Italy lover out there, you will love this itinerary! A road trip through Tuscany offers a  fantastic mix of picturesque landscapes, medieval towns and excellent cuisine . I experienced it for a few days in March and absolutely loved it. Tuscany has an incredible atmosphere that will  transport you back in time .

Located in central Italy, Tuscany is a  scenic and culturally rich region  renowned for its winding cypress-lined roads, historic villages, Renaissance art treasures, wine production and culinary delights. You guessed it, you will not run out of  things to do . 

In addition, a road trip through Tuscany will be an excellent way to immerse yourself in  Italian culture  and enjoy a blend of  artistic exploration, gastronomic pleasures and relaxation  in a stunning and peaceful setting.

READ MORE: Tuscany Road Trip Guide: Perfect 3-Day Itinerary

Here is an example of a  5-day itinerary  offering a taste of the best that Tuscany has to offer:

Day 1: Florence

  • Start your road trip in Florence , the capital of Tuscany.
  • Explore its historic centre, including the Florence Cathedral, Giotto’s Bell Tower and the Uffizi Gallery.
  • Tour the  Galleria dell’Accademia  to admire the sculpture of David by Michelangelo.
  • Take a walk across the Ponte Vecchio bridge.

Day 2: Siena

  • Drive to Siena, a beautiful medieval town.
  • Explore the Piazza del Campo, its main square.
  • Visit the Siena Cathedral and the Torre del Mangia.
  • Get lost in its narrow streets and alleys.

Day 3: Val d’Orcia and Montalcino

  • Explore the beautiful Val d’Orcia region, known for its rolling hills and iconic cypress trees.
  • Drive to Montalcino, famous for its  Brunello di Montalcino wine .
  • Visit vineyards for wine tasting and explore the town.

Day 4: San Gimignano and Volterra

  • Head to San Gimignano, famous for its medieval towers.
  • Explore the town and enjoy the views from the Torre Grossa.
  • Drive to Volterra, known for its Etruscan heritage and medieval architecture.
  • Visit the Volterra Cathedral and the Guarnacci Etruscan Museum.

Day 5: Pisa and Lucca

  • Drive to Pisa.
  • Visit its iconic  Leaning Tower of Pisa , Pisa Cathedral and Baptistery.
  • Continue to Lucca, a charming walled city.
  • Explore its historic centre, and walk or cycle along the city walls. 
  • Stop at its San Martino Cathedral.
  • Return to Florence.


8- The Atlantic Road, Norway

best europe road trips

The Norwegian Atlantic Road, also known as Atlanterhavsveien, is a  breathtaking drive in Norway  taking you along the rugged coastline of the country, passing over islands and bridges  with spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean . 

With many charming towns and cultural attractions along the way, it is often considered one of the  most scenic drives  in the world, offering a unique and exhilarating experience for travellers seeking to explore the  coastal beauty of Norway  and its  dramatic landscapes .

Whether you are a photo enthusiast, a nature lover or simply looking for an unforgettable (and short) road trip, the Atlantic Road is a  must-visit destination ! Hop on your car or campervan and enjoy.

READ MORE: Norwegian Fjords Cruise: Complete Winter Guide

Here is an example of a  5-day itinerary  for exploring the Norwegian Atlantic Road and the surrounding area: 

Day 1: Ålesund

  • Start your road trip in Ålesund, a picturesque coastal town known for its Art Nouveau architecture.
  • Explore its historic district and climb to Aksla Viewpoint for panoramic views.
  • Visit the Ålesund Aquarium to learn about local marine life.
  • Enjoy a seafood dinner at a local restaurant.

Day 2: Molde and Bud

  • Drive to Molde, another scenic coastal town.
  • Explore its beautiful gardens and Molde Cathedral.
  • Head to the fishing village of Bud.
  • Stop at viewpoints along the way to admire the dramatic coastline.
  • Visit Bud and discover its historic charm.

Day 3: Atlantic Road and Kristiansund

  • Drive along the Atlantic Road, a highlight of your trip, with its iconic bridges and breathtaking views.
  • Make stops at different viewpoints and islands along the way.
  • Arrive in Kristiansund, a coastal town known for its colourful houses and vibrant cultural scene.
  • Explore its city centre and visit the Kirkelandet Church.

Day 4: Geiranger via the Trollstigen

  • Drive to Geiranger, a UNESCO World Heritage site, with a detour to the famous Trollstigen mountain road.
  • Experience the hairpin bends and spectacular landscapes of Trollstigen.
  • Explore the  Geirangerfjord  and go on a boat trip.
  • Visit the Dalsnibba viewpoint.
  • Hike or take a scenic drive to see the Seven Sisters Waterfall and the Bridal Veil Waterfall.

Day 5: Return to Ålesund

  • Return to Ålesund.
  • You might have time for some last-minute shopping or a final meal before heading home.


9- The Peloponnese Region, Greece

best europe road trips

⏰  Duration : 5-7 days 📆  When to go : spring (May-June) & autumn (September-October)

Located in southern Greece, the Peloponnese is a  historically and culturally rich region  separated from the Greek mainland by the Gulf of Corinth. It is a  fascinating peninsula  known for its ancient history, archaeological sites, beautiful coastlines and picturesque towns. 

Venturing on a road trip through the Peloponnese region offers an ideal mix of  history, culture, stunning natural landscapes and outdoor activities . It is a captivating destination if you are interested in exploring ancient ruins, enjoying coastal activities and  immersing yourself in Greek heritage .

And if you are a  food lover , you will also love tasting the culinary delights of the area! The Peloponnese is known for its  delicious Mediterranean cuisine , where you can savour local dishes like pastitsio, grilled lamb, fresh seafood, olives and feta cheese. 

If you would like to extend your trip to the Greek islands, check out this article: 15 Best Things to Do in Santorini, Greece .

Here is an example of a  7-day itinerary  covering some of the highlights of the Peloponnese region:

Day 1: Athens to Corinth

  • Start your road trip in Athens, the capital of Greece.
  • Visit the  Acropolis  and explore the historic Plaka neighbourhood.
  • Drive to Corinth, known for the ancient Corinthian Acropolis and Temple of Apollo.

Day 2: Epidaurus and Nafplio

  • Visit the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus, known for its exceptional acoustics.
  • Explore the Sanctuary of Asclepius and the Epidaurus Museum.
  • Continue to Nafplio, a charming seaside town.
  • Explore its historic Old Town and visit the Palamidi Fortress.

Day 3: Mycenae and Nemea

  • Head to Mycenae, home to the famous Lion Gate and the Treasury of Atreus.
  • Explore the archaeological site and the Mycenae Museum.
  • Drive to Nemea, a wine region famous for its Agiorgitiko red wine.
  • Visit a local vineyard for a wine-tasting experience.

Day 4: Olympia

  • Drive to Olympia, the site of the ancient Olympic Games.
  • Explore its  archaeological sites , including the Temple of Zeus and the ancient stadium.
  • Visit the Olympia Archaeological Museum.

Day 5: Messene and Kalamata

  • Visit the ancient city of Messene, known for its well-preserved ruins.
  • Explore its Ancient Theatre and city walls.
  • Drive to Kalamata, a coastal town known for its olives and olive oil.

Day 6: Mani Peninsula

  • Drive to the rugged Mani Peninsula, famous for its unique stone tower houses.
  • Explore picturesque villages like Kardamyli and Areopoli.
  • Visit the Diros Caves on a boat tour through underground caverns.

Day 7: Monemvasia

  • Visit Monemvasia, a medieval fortress town on a small island.
  • Explore the narrow streets and Byzantine churches.
  • Enjoy panoramic views from the upper town.
  • Return to Athens.


10- Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland

best europe road trips

⏰  Duration : 7-10 days 📆  When to go : spring & summer (May-September) 

The Wild Atlantic Way is a  spectacular coastal route in Ireland , stretching along the west and northwest coasts of the country. It is renowned for its  rugged and dramatic landscapes , quaint villages, historic sites and the raw beauty of the Atlantic Ocean.

It offers a fascinating journey, allowing you to experience the  wild beauty of the west coast of Ireland . From impressive cliffs to pretty fishing towns and unique cultural experiences, a road trip on this iconic road will provide you with  unforgettable   memories ! 

Whether you are driving the entire route or exploring specific sections, exploring the Wild Atlantic Way is the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in  Irish natural beauty, culture and history . 

Here is an example of a  10-day itinerary  covering some of the most spectacular parts of the Wild Atlantic Way:

Day 1: Ring of Kerry

  • Start your road trip by exploring Kerry, one of the most famous scenic routes in Ireland.
  • Drive the Ring of Kerry, stopping at viewpoints and attractions like Muckross House and Torc Waterfall.
  • Visit the town of Killarney and its national park.

Day 2: Dingle Peninsula

  • Drive to the Dingle Peninsula, known for its stunning scenery and traditional Irish culture.
  • Explore the town of Dingle and taste fresh seafood.
  • Drive the Slea Head Drive for breathtaking coastal views.

Day 3: Loop Head Peninsula and Kilkee

  • Drive to Loop Head Peninsula, a hidden gem on the Wild Atlantic Way.
  • Explore the Loop Head Lighthouse and take in the coastal views.
  • Continue to Kilkee and relax on its sandy beaches.

Day 4: The Cliffs of Moher and Burren 

  • Continue to the Cliffs of Moher, one of the most iconic natural attractions in Ireland.
  • Drive to the Burren region, famous for its unique limestone karst landscape.
  • Visit the Poulnabrone Dolmen and explore the walking trails of the Burren.

Day 5: Galway

  • Head to Galway, a bustling city on the western coast.
  • Explore its lively Latin Quarter and listen to traditional Irish music in local pubs.

Day 6: Connemara Peninsula and Clifden

  • Drive to the Connemara Peninsula, known for its spectacular landscapes.
  • Stop at the charming fishing village of Roundstone.
  • Visit Kylemore Abbey, a beautiful castle and abbey located in the Connemara wilderness.
  • Explore the stunning landscapes of Connemara National Park.
  • Continue towards Clifden.

Day 7: Explore Westport

  • Drive to Westport, a picturesque town with colourful buildings.
  • Spend a full day exploring Westport.
  • Tour Westport House and Gardens.
  • Enjoy outdoor activities like cycling the Great Western Greenway or climbing Croagh Patrick.

Day 8: Achill Island and Sligo

  • Head to Achill Island, known for its stunning beaches and dramatic cliffs.
  • Explore Keem Bay and Keel Beach, and take a scenic drive around the island.
  • Leave Achill Island and drive to Sligo to explore the town.
  • Enjoy the stunning landscapes that inspired the poet W.B. Yeats.

Day 9: Donegal

  • Continue north to Donegal.
  • Make a detour to the beautiful Glencar Waterfall.
  • Explore the wild beauty of Slieve League Cliffs, one of the highest sea cliffs in Europe.
  • Visit the charming village of Donegal.

Day 10: Derry

  • Drive to Derry (also known as Londonderry), Northern Ireland.
  • Explore the historic city walls and learn about its troubled history.
  • Take a walk along the Peace Bridge.
  • And if you have time, head to the iconic Giant’s Causeway, a UNESCO World Heritage site.


11- Andalusian Escape, Spain

best europe road trips

⏰  Duration : 7-10 days 📆  When to go : spring (April-May) & autumn (September-October)

Andalusia (Andalucía in Spanish) is a  vibrant and culturally rich autonomous community  located in southern Spain. It is known for its beautiful landscapes, historic towns, Moorish architecture, flamenco music and dance and rich cultural heritage.

Whether you are exploring the historic streets of  Cordoba , admiring the Alhambra in  Granada  or lounging on the beach in  Cádiz , Andalusia offers plenty of experiences  for all travellers and ages . 

The region is also perfect for a road trip thanks to its  diversity and wealth of sites and attractions , from some of the most famous cities in Spain, such as  Seville , to the wide range of landscapes and historical landmarks, including  Roman ruins, Gothic cathedrals and Renaissance palaces .

Here is an example of a  7-day itinerary  covering some of the most iconic locations and attractions in Andalusia:

Day 1: Seville

  • Start your road trip in Seville, the capital of Andalusia.
  • Explore its historic city centre.
  • Visit the Alcazar,  Seville Cathedral  and the Giralda Tower.
  • Stroll along the banks of the Guadalquivir River and watch a traditional Flamenco show.

Day 2: Cordoba

  • Drive to Cordoba, known for the beautiful Mezquita.
  • Explore the Mezquita and the historic Jewish Quarter.
  • Visit the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos and stroll along the Roman Bridge.

Day 3: Granada

  • Head to Granada and visit the  Alhambra , a stunning palace and fortress complex.
  • Explore the Generalife Gardens and the historic Albayzín neighbourhood.
  • Visit the Monastery of Saint Jerome.
  • Relax in a tapas bar and enjoy the local cuisine.

Day 4: Ronda

  • Continue towards Ronda, a picturesque town perched on the edge of a deep gorge.
  • Visit the Puente Nuevo and the Plaza de Toros.
  • Explore the charming Old Town.

Day 5: Jerez de la Frontera

  • Head to Jerez de la Frontera, known for its sherry wine.
  • Visit a sherry bodega for a wine-tasting experience.
  • Discover the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art.

Day 6: Cádiz

  • Drive to Cádiz, a historic port city.
  • Explore the Old Town and visit the Cádiz Cathedral.
  • Relax on La Caleta beach.

Day 7: Seville

  • Return to Seville.
  • Spend your last day in Seville, doing some last-minute shopping or visiting any attractions you missed.


12- Montenegro Loop

best europe road trips

Montenegro is a small yet  incredibly picturesque country  located in southeastern Europe, in the  Balkans . It is known for its diverse landscapes, rugged mountains, pristine coastline along the Adriatic Sea and quaint historic towns.

The combination of  natural beauty, cultural heritage and outdoor adventure  of Montenegro makes it an attractive destination for road trippers looking to explore a  lesser-known corner of Europe .

Whether you are seeking relaxation on the  Adriatic coast , hiking in the  mountains  or immersing yourself in  history and culture , Montenegro has something for everyone. And if you are adventurous, try yourself at  white-water rafting or mountain biking .

Here is an example of a  7-day itinerary  covering some of the most popular destinations and attractions in Montenegro:

Day 1: Podgorica

  • Start your road trip in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro.
  • Explore its main landmarks, including Millennium Bridge and Gorica Hill.
  • Try local specialities like Njeguški pršut (smoked ham) and seafood risotto.

Day 2: Lake Skadar

  • Drive to Lake Skadar, the largest lake in the Balkans.
  • Take a  boat trip  on the lake to explore its natural beauty and birdlife.
  • Visit the picturesque village of Virpazar.

Day 3: Cetinje and Lovćen National Park

  • Head to Cetinje, the historic royal capital of Montenegro
  • Visit the Cetinje Monastery and the King Nikola Museum.
  • Continue to Lovćen National Park and hike to the Njegos Mausoleum for stunning views.

Day 4: Budva

  • Continue to Budva, known for its beautiful beaches and historic Old Town.
  • Explore its historic centre and visit the Citadel.
  • Relax on one of its sandy beaches.

Day 5: Kotor

  • Drive to Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage city.
  • Explore its Old Town and climb the city walls for panoramic views.
  • Visit the Maritime Museum to learn about local maritime history.
  • Discover the lovely Tryphon’s Cathedral.

Day 6: Durmitor National Park

  • Head to Durmitor National Park, famous for its spectacular scenery.
  • Drive along the picturesque Bay of Kotor.
  • Visit the charming coastal town of Perast and take a boat to the  Our Lady of the Rocks  islet.
  • Explore the town of Žabljak and the nearby Black Lake.
  • Consider hiking the Tara River Canyon, one of the deepest canyons in Europe.

Day 7: Return to Podgorica

  • Return to the capital city of Podgorica.


13- London to Edinburgh, UK

best europe road trips

A road trip from London to Edinburgh is the perfect opportunity to explore the  diverse landscapes, historic landmarks and beautiful countryside  of England. You will have the chance to uncover hidden gems and  picturesque villages  that are worth the detour. 

Whether you enjoy the cosmopolitan atmosphere, hiking through scenic national parks or delving into the rich history of the country, England offers a  wide range of experiences for all travellers .

And do not forget to sample  traditional English cuisine  along the way, including dishes like fish and chips, roast dinners, pies and the famous English breakfast. England is also known for its  afternoon tea tradition  and beers in  cosy pubs .

READ MORE: London to Edinburgh Drive: 20+ Best Stops

Here is an example of a  5-day itinerary  covering the best stops and detours for an unforgettable adventure through the UK:

Day 1: Cambridge

  • Start your road trip from London and drive to Cambridge.
  • Explore the historic University of Cambridge, including King’s College Chapel and the picturesque Backs.
  • Discover the city from the water by  punting on the River Cam .
  • Admire the beautiful Mathematical Bridge.

Day 2: York

  • Drive to York, a city rich in history.
  • Stop at the Peak District National Park, known for its dramatic limestone valleys.
  • Discover York Minster and walk along the medieval city walls.
  • Explore the Shambles, a picturesque shopping street.
  • Visit the York Art Gallery and the Castle Museum.

Day 3: Durham

  • Continue north to Durham.
  • Stop at the charming town of Whitby and visit its Abbey.
  • Discover Durham Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Explore the charming city centre.
  • Discover Durham Dales and walk to High Force waterfall.

Day 4: Alnwick

  • Head to the town of Alnwick. 
  • Pass through Newcastle-upon-Tyne and see its historic Tyne Bridges.
  • Visit Alnwick Castle and its beautiful gardens.
  • Explore the nearby Alnwick town centre.

Day 5: Edinburgh

  • Continue to Edinburgh, crossing the Scottish border.
  • Visit the town of North Berwick along the way.
  • Explore  Edinburgh Castle , the Royal Mile and Holyrood Palace.
  • Hike to Arthur’s Seat for panoramic views.
  • Tour the National Museum of Scotland or the Royal Yacht Britannia.


14- Baltic States Route

best europe road trips

The Baltic States, also known as the Baltic countries or simply the Baltics, are a  group of three countries located in Northern Europe  along the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea, which include  Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania .

If they share a common history, geographic proximity and cultural ties,  each has a unique identity  and something different to offer. That is why a road trip through the Baltics is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the  rich heritage of Northern Europe .

From  stunning and well-preserved cities  such as Riga or Vilnius to  breathtaking national parks  and protected areas, the Baltics are the ideal holiday destination whether you are into culture, art or nature. 

Here is an example of a  7-day itinerary  covering many of the major attractions and cities in the Baltic States:

Day 1: Tallinn, Estonia

  • Start your road trip in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.
  • Explore its Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Visit historic landmarks like Toompea Castle and Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

Day 2: Riga, Latvia

  • Cross the border into Latvia and head to Riga, the Latvian capital.
  • Explore its  Old Town , known for its Art Nouveau architecture.
  • Visit attractions like Riga Castle and St. Peter’s Church.
  • Take a relaxing walk along the Daugava River.

Day 3: Jurmala, Latvia

  • Drive to Jurmala, a seaside resort town on the Baltic Sea.
  • Relax on its sandy beaches and enjoy its pretty wooden architecture.
  • Explore Dzintari Forest Park and Majoru Promenade.

Day 4: Kaunas, Lithuania

  • Head to Kaunas, the second-largest city in Lithuania.
  • Visit the Rundale Palace, a magnificent Baroque palace en route to Kaunas.
  • If you have time, also drive to the Hill of Crosses, a unique and spiritual site with thousands of crosses.
  • Explore Kaunas Old Town, the Pazaislis Monastery and the Ninth Fort.

Day 5: Vilnius, Lithuania

  • Continue your journey to Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania.
  • Stop in Trakai and discover  Trakai Island Castle  on Lake Galvė.
  • Explore Vilnius Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Visit attractions like Gediminas Tower and the Cathedral of Vilnius.
  • Sample Lithuanian cuisine at a local restaurant.

Day 6: Tartu, Estonia

  • Drive back north to Tartu, the second-largest city in Estonia.
  • Visit the University of Tartu and the Estonian National Museum.
  • Explore its charming Old Town and stroll along the Emajõgi River.

Day 7: Tallinn, Estonia

  • Return to Tallinn to conclude your Baltic States road trip.
  • If time allows, explore any remaining parts of Tallinn or do some last-minute souvenir shopping.


15- Into the Wilderness, Finland

best europe road trips

⏰  Duration : 7-10 days 📆  When to go : spring & summer (May-September)

A road trip from Helsinki to Inari in Finland will take you through some of the  most beautiful landscapes of the country , including forests, lakes and the magical Arctic region, providing the opportunity to learn about  Sámi culture  and experience the  unique beauty of the far north .

Often referred to as the Land of a Thousand Lakes, Finland is a  haven for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts . Additionally, the country boasts a unique  blend of modernity and cultural traditions , making it an appealing destination for a scenic road trip.

And although it is easier to drive in Finland in spring and summer, I would also recommend doing this itinerary  in winter  to discover the best of the country and the Arctic region under a white coat, which includes  skiing, dog sledding and catching the Northern Lights . 

READ MORE: Travel Guide to Lapland, Finland in Winter

Here is an example of a  10-day itinerary  allowing you to experience a diverse range of Finnish landscapes and cultures as you make your way from Helsinki to Inari:

Day 1: Helsinki

  • Start your road trip in Helsinki , the capital of Finland.
  • Explore its top attractions, including Senate Square, Helsinki Cathedral and Suomenlinna Fortress.
  • Experience a traditional Finnish Sauna at Löyly.

Day 2: Porvoo

  • Drive to Porvoo, a charming historic town known for its well-preserved wooden houses.
  • Explore its Old Town and visit Porvoo Cathedral.
  • Stop at Café Fanny and try their cinnamon buns.

Day 3: Lahti

  • Continue your journey to Lahti, known for its beautiful lakes and outdoor activities.
  • Visit the Sibelius Hall and Lahti Harbour.
  • Explore the nearby Lake Vesijärvi.

Day 4: Jyväskylä

  • Drive to Jyväskylä, a city surrounded by lakes and forests.
  • Discover the architecture of Alvar Aalto, including the Muurame Church and the Alvar Aalto Museum.
  • Explore the Jyväskylä Harbour.

Day 5: Kuopio

  • Head to Kuopio, known for its picturesque lakeside setting.
  • Visit Puijo Tower for panoramic views and explore the Kuopio Market Square.
  • Relax by Lake Kallavesi.

Day 6: Oulu

  • Drive to Oulu, a coastal city with a vibrant cultural scene.
  • Explore the Oulu Market Square and visit the Oulu Art Museum.
  • Relax on Nallikari Beach.

Day 7: Rovaniemi

  • Continue your journey north to Rovaniemi, the capital of Lapland.
  • Visit the Arctic Circle and the Santa Claus Village.
  • Explore the Arktikum Science Museum and Pilke Science Centre.

Day 8: Saariselkä

  • Drive to Saariselkä, a winter sports resort in the Lapland region.
  • Enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and mountain biking.
  • Explore the Urho Kekkonen National Park.

Day 9: Ivalo and Inari

  • Continue north to Ivalo and Inari, which are close to each other.
  • Visit the Siida Sami Museum in Inari and explore the beautiful surroundings.
  • Experience the unique culture and traditions of the Sámi people.

Day 10: Explore Inari 

  • Spend your last day exploring around Inari.
  • Take a boat trip on Lake Inari.
  • Drive the scenic Kaamasentie road.


best europe road trips

Austria, located in the heart of Central Europe, is known for its rich  cultural heritage , stunning  Alpine landscapes ,  picturesque towns  and a high standard of living. And that is why a road trip from Vienna to Innsbruck is an excellent way to discover everything the country offers!

With its perfect blend of  historical landmarks ,  charming historic cities  such as Salzburg and the  ideal setting of the Alps , Austria has become a popular destination for travellers seeking  outdoor adventures with a dose of cultural experiences . 

Whether you are exploring the spectacular palaces and museums, skiing in the Alps or indulging in Austrian cuisine, Austria provides a  diverse range of activities and attractions  for an unforgettable road trip.

Here is an example of a  7-day itinerary  providing a mix of cultural experiences, natural beauty and historical sites along your road trip from Vienna to Innsbruck:

Day 1: Vienna

  • Start your road trip in Vienna , the capital of Austria.
  • Explore the main attractions, including  Schönbrunn Palace , St. Stephen’s Cathedral and the Hofburg Palace.
  • Stop at a traditional restaurant to sample a Wiener Schnitzel.

Day 2: Melk and Dürnstein

  • Drive to Melk and visit the magnificent Melk Abbey, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Continue to Dürnstein, a charming town located on the banks of the Danube River.
  • Explore the medieval streets of Dürnstein and enjoy the views.

Day 3: Krems and Wachau Valley

  • Head to Krems, another picturesque town along the Danube.
  • Explore its historic centre and visit the Gozzoburg Castle.
  • Drive through the Wachau Valley, known for its vineyards and pretty villages.

Day 4: Linz

  • Drive to Linz, the third-largest city in Austria.
  • Explore the Hauptplatz and visit the Ars Electronica Center.
  • Take a stroll along the banks of the Danube.

Day 5: Salzburg

  • Drive to Salzburg, the birthplace of Mozart and a city rich in history.
  • Explore its historic Old Town and visit Hohensalzburg Fortress.
  • Take an unforgettable  Sound of Music tour .

Day 6: Zell am See

  • Drive to Zell am See, a beautiful Alpine town located on the shores of Lake Zell.
  • Enjoy water sports, hiking or take a scenic boat ride on the lake.
  • Explore the charming town centre.

Day 7: Innsbruck

  • Drive to Innsbruck, the capital of Tyrol, known for its breathtaking Alpine backdrop.
  • Explore its historic Old Town and visit the Golden Roof.
  • Take a cable car to the Nordkette mountain range.


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Tips for reducing your impact on a road trip

Are you looking forward to your amazing road trip? I understand! Road trips are a fantastic way of travelling as they allow us to move freely and discover many incredible places at our own pace. However, they can also have negative environmental impacts. That is why considering our carbon footprint and adopting  eco-responsible habits  is essential.

READ MORE: How to Plan an Epic (Eco-Friendly) Road Trip

Here are some sustainable tips on making your Europe road trip more eco-friendly and having a positive impact on the places you visit:

Prepare your route in advance 

I know getting lost on a road trip can feel fun and exciting, but when trying to minimise your footprint, it is best to plan your route to avoid unnecessary travel. In addition, the shorter the distance you travel, the less fuel you will use and the less harmful emissions you will produce. Tip: Get offline maps to stay on track even if you lose signal. 

Plan your meals

Another great way to reduce your impact on the road is to plan your meals. Throughout your journey, try to find local restaurants or eco-friendly facilities. You can try the local cuisine or wander through local markets and buy fresh produce. 

Make your trip plastic-free

As you might know, plastic packaging is a significant environmental issue and causes concerns for wildlife and the preservation of natural landscapes. Therefore, avoid plastic as much as possible and bring reusable items instead. Choose  eco-friendly alternatives , like reusable tote bags, cutlery, plates, etc. Tip: you can also buy  filtered water bottles  to refill your water anywhere. 

Check your car and drive smoothly

Make sure your vehicle is in the best possible condition for the road: check the engine, oil level and tire pressure before your trip. In addition, use the available features in your car, like cruise control, to help you maintain your speed and reduce excess emissions. And even better, drive an electric vehicle if possible! (Or a bike for the most courageous).

Leave a place better than you found it

Aim to live by the principle: leave no trace. And even better, leave a place better than you found it. For example, dispose of your litter appropriately and pick up any trash you encounter. Be respectful of the land and do not drive over protected areas. And finally, stay on the marked trails when hiking, as going off can be dangerous for flora and fauna. 

Adopt a responsible attitude towards wildlife

Be mindful of your surroundings and adopt a responsible attitude towards wildlife, on land and in the sea. Do not come close to, feed or touch animals and corals. Remember that you are only a guest in their home.

Always respect the local heritage

Treat people and their surroundings with respect. Sustainable travel is not only about the environment but also about the local communities. So, always be respectful and try to learn a few local words!

Want more inspiration?

  • The Complete Guide to Sustainable Travel
  • 10 Best Travel Apps for Exploring Sustainably
  • Best Ecotourism Activities Around the World
  • 15 Travel Books to Inspire Your Next Eco-Adventure

road trip route europe

Europe travel planning guide + tips

Yes, buying insurance is always valuable when travelling abroad. Enjoy your European road trip stress-free with one of my favourite providers,  Nomad Insurance .

Yes, tap water is safe to drink in most European countries. But I also recommend travelling with the  UltraPress Purifier Bottle , a filtered water bottle perfect for reducing plastic and staying hydrated.

Yes, renting a car in any European country is easy and is a great way to explore freely. I recommend booking yours with  – they offer a variety of operators for all budgets.

The best way to book your accommodation on a Europe road trip is with  – my favourite platform to compare and reserve places to stay each night, from affordable hostels to luxury resorts.

I recommend booking your plane with  Skyscanner to reach any European cities. It has been my favourite platform for years, as it allows me to book the cheapest flights whilst lowering my carbon emissions.

The best road trip planner app I recommend you download on your phone is Roadtrippers . It will help you build your perfect itinerary with the top stops along the way.

best europe road trips

And you, what is your favourite road trip in Europe ? Let me know in the comments below!

With love ♡ Lucie

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9 of the best road trips in Europe

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written by Rough Guides Editors

updated 13.03.2024


If you've got wheels, wanderlust and a spot of time, a road trip in Europe offers the chance to see the continent at a relaxed pace. From the sunny shores of Portugal to the dungeons of Dracula's castle in Transylvania in Romania , the following itineraries can be easily combined, shortened or altered to suit your wayfaring tastes. Here are 9 of the best road trips in Europe.

1. From the glamour of Paris to the glorious grit of Berlin (France to Germany)

2. surf and sun in the basque country and beyond, 3. the arctic fjords from bergen to trondheim (norway), 4. the unexplored east: bucharest to vienna (romania to austria), 5. to portugal and beyond.

  • 6. High-altitude adventure on Germany's Alpine Road

7. Godly beaches and ancient highways in Greece

8. london to edinburgh and the highlands, 9. the secret shores of sicily and calabria, planning your european road trip.

Leaving Paris , cruise through the gentle hills of Champagne and Reims to the quaint capital of Luxembourg City, and explore the small country’s many fairy-tale castles.

Trier , Germany’s oldest city, is less than an hour’s drive north-east, where ancient Roman baths and basilicas stand marvellously intact.

Spend a night in the medieval village of Bacharach in Riesling wine country, before wandering the riverside streets of Heidelberg . Onward to Nuremberg , and then to Leipzig for a strong dose of hot caffeine with your Cold War history, classical music and cake. Make sure to check out the complete guide to the UNESCO world heritage sites in Germany to visit some of the palaces and gardens , industrial heritage sites or historic town centres along the way.

Detour to Dresden , restored after the ruinous bombing in WWII, before ending in one of Europe’s coolest cities: the creative paradise of Berlin .

For a longer trip, start in London and take the ferry or channel tunnel to France , transforming this road trip into a pilgrimage between Europe’s holy trinity of artistic hubs.

  • Best for: Culture vultures looking for bragging rights.
  • How long: 1–2 weeks.
  • Insider tip: If you’re driving in France, you’ll legally need to keep safety equipment in your car (a reflective vest and hazard signal). Additionally, be prepared with a cash or credit card to pay the French road tolls on the way.

Panoramic aerial view of Trier in a beautiful summer day, Germany © S-F/Shutterstock

Panoramic aerial view of Trier featuring the famous Trierer Dom © S-F/Shutterstock

Begin in Bilbao , where the surrounding beaches boast world-class surf, then drive along the Atlantic to San Sebastian : watersports wonderland and foodie heaven. From there venture south through the rugged wilderness of the Pyrenees to Pamplona . Climb the Roncesvalles Pass before looping back to the coast. Or continue along the Bay of Biscay to the attractive seaside resort of St-Jean-de-Luz.

Travellers with a little extra money lining their pockets will be happy to spend days lingering on boho beaches in Biarritz, while those looking for gargantuan swell can do no better than the surfer hangouts in Hossegor.

Finish the trip northward in Bordeaux – the Pearl of the Aquitaine – where café-strewn boulevards and world-class wines are your trophies at the finish line.

Bilbao to Bordeaux

  • Best for: Sun-seeking surfers and foodies.
  • How long: 1 week.
  • Insider tip: Check seasonal surf forecasts before you go, and look into coastal campsites if you're on a budget.The Basque roads beg for a convertible – or a colourful camper van with surfboards strapped to the roof.


Biarritz City and its famous beach © Boris Stroujko/Shutterstock

Kick off in the city of Bergen , on Norway’s southwest coast, and make way past mighty fjords to Voss and the colossal Tvindefossen waterfall. Then check the world's longest road tunnel off your to-do list, a cavernous 24.5km route under the mountains.

Catch a quick ferry across the Sognefjord and carry on to the Fjaler valleys, a land of glaciers and snowy mountain peaks, to the waterside towns of Stryn or the mountain village Videster.

Work your way northward to the well-touristed towns of Geiranger, down the death-defying hairpin turns of Trollstigen (literally “The Troll Path”).

After the descent, ferry across the Eresfjord to Molde and Kristiansund. For the final stretch, drive the iconic Atlantic Road with its roller-coaster-style bridges, and conclude with some well-deserved downtime upon the still waters and stilted homes of Trondheim .

Bergen to Trondheim

  • Best for: Thrill seekers and landscape junkies.
  • How long : 5–7 days.
  • Insider tip : This route is best tackled from late spring to early autumn. If you plan on road tripping during Norway’s winter months, be sure to check online ahead of time for road closures due to snow and ice.


The idyllic surroundings of Stryn in Norway © Mikolajn/Shutterstock

Start from Bucharest , travelling northward through the Carpathian mountains to Transylvania, and make a mandatory stop at Bran Castle (claimed to be the old stomping grounds of Dracula himself).

Take the Transfagarasan mountain road, one of the most scenic routes in the world, towards the age-old cities and countless castles of Sibu, Brasov and Sighisoara. Then set course to the unexplored architectural gems of Timisoara.

Carry on towards the tranquil hot springs and hip ruin pubs of bustling Budapest, and be prepared to stay at least a few days. Depart for Bratislava – a capital full of surprises – from where it's only an hour further to the coffeehouses and eclectic architecture of Vienna .

  • Best for: Anyone looking for a break from the conventional tourism of western Europe.
  • How long: 7–12 days.
  • Insider tip: Exercise caution when driving through tunnels. Though the weather outside may be fine, tunnels are often slippery.


Bran (Dracula) castle in Transylvania, Romania © Kanuman/Shutterstock

Start in Braga , before driving south to the medieval town of Guimarães , a UNESCO World Heritage site. Then it’s onward to the breathtaking "second-city" of Porto , though it's nothing less than first-rate. Check here for the best places to stay in Porto .

Drive east to the vineyards and steep valleys of Penafiel and Amarante before hitting the coastal road to the vast white beaches of Figueira da Foz - among the best beaches in Portugal . From here it’s on to Peniche, Ericeira and then Lisbon : the country's vibrant capital that's on course to beat out Berlin for Europe’s coolest city. Check out the best areas to stay in Lisbon as well as the best places to eat to match your taste.

Drive south to Sagres , Arrifana and Carrapateira. After soaking up the sun on the picturesque shores of the Algarve, wrap this road trip up in the Mediterranean dreamland otherwise known as Faro .

If you’ve still got itchy feet when you reach Faro, take the ferry from nearby Algeciras in Spain to Morocco . Imagine the satisfaction of parking your ride in the desert village of Merzouga, before exploring the Sahara – that's right, it would feel awesome.

  • Best for: Beach bums and oenophiles.
  • How long: At least 10–14 days.
  • Insider tip: As Portugal is among the more affordable destinations in Western Europe, this can be an especially great trip for travellers on a budget . 


Oliveira Square, Guimarães © Patricia Henriques Barros/Shutterstock

6. High-altitude adventure on Germany's Alpine Road

The Alpenstrasse, or Alpine Road, is your ticket to a bonafide Bavarian odyssey: a safe route through the unforgettable vistas of Germany 's high-altitude meadows, mountains, crystal-clear lakes and cosy village restaurants. Start lakeside at Lindau on the Bodensee and head to Oberstaufen for a therapeutic beauty treatment in the country’s “Capital of Wellness”.

Venture eastwards to the Breitachklamm gorge, where the river Breitach cuts through verdant cliffs and colossal boulders. Carry on to the town of Füssen – famous for its violin makers – stopping along the way at any quaint Alpine villages you please. The iconic Neuschwanstein Castle , the same structure that inspired Walt Disney to build his own version for Cinderella, isn’t far off either - one of those places even more beautiful in winter.

Speaking of winter, hit the slopes of Garmisch-Partenkirchen for some serious skiing if the season’s right. Stop at Benediktbeuern on your way to the medieval town of Bad Tölz, then up through the stunning wilderness scenes of the Chiemgau Alps before ending in the regional capital of Munich . If you’re missing the mountain roads already, carry on to Salzburg in Austria and stop in the ice caves of Werfen on the way.

Lindau to Oberstaufen

  • Best for: Outdoorsy types.
  • How long: 5–8 days.
  • Insider tip: Give your road trip an extra purpose and pack your skis or snowboard. Garmisch-Partenkirchen ski season starts early December and ends early May. In the summer months, you can go hiking or climbing instead.


Church in Benediktbeuern © FooTToo/Shutterstock

Start in Athens and take the coastal roads south through the Athenian Riviera to Sounion, situated at the tip the Attic peninsula. Watch a sunset at the Temple of Poseidon, then drive northward through mythic mountains to the fortress of Kórinthos before posting up in the legendary city of Mycenae (home of Homeric heroes).

If you’re craving a luxurious seaside stay, look no further than the resort town of Nafplio. If not, carry onwards through the unforgiving landscapes to Mystra, the cultural and political capital of Byzantium.

Want more? Then it’s on to Olympia, sporting grounds of the ancients, and the mystic ruins of Delphi. Loop back towards Athens, approaching the city from the north.

  • Best for: Sun-worshippers,and anyone who’s ever read Homer or watched overly action-packed flicks such as Troy and 300 .
  • How long: 5–10 days, though it’s easy to trim a version of this road trip down to a long weekend.
  • Insider tip: If you’re parking in central Athens keep an eye out for coloured parking spaces – these are reserved for locals, so if you park here you’ll get a ticket.

Bourtzi port fortress in Nafplio, Greece © Shutterstock

Aerial view of Nafplio city in the summer © Olga Kot Photo/Shutterstock

Leave the hectic pace of England ’s capital London behind. Make for Oxford, home of the world’s oldest English-language university, and a place of storied pubs where the likes of J.R.R Tolkien and Lewis Carrol regularly wet their whistles.

If you’ve got the time, it’s a quick drive to the cottages of the Cotswolds - check our guide to the prettiest villages to visit . If not, cruise up to Stratford-Upon-Avon, birthplace of Shakespeare.

Take the two-and-a-half-hour drive north to Manchester for a city fix and watch a football match. Carry on north to the Lake District National Park, one of the most beautiful places in England . Drink in the scenery that inspired England’s finest romantics, then head across the Yorkshire dales to the quirky medieval lanes of York, founded by the Romans nearly 2000 years ago.

From there it's north again past tiny villages to the majestic wonders of Edinburgh . If you’re craving the rugged comforts of the highlands go to Stirling, Inverness, or the Western Isles – worth the drive indeed. And if you are going by electric car, check out this great guide to plan your electric car road trip in Britain .

London to Inverness

  • Best for: Locals that want to feel like foreigners, and foreigners that want to feel like locals.
  • How long: 5–10 days.
  • Insider tip: Destinations like Stratford-Upon-Avon and York (not to mention London) are true tourist hotspots in the summer. Plan your road trip for spring or autumn and you’ll enjoy the beautiful scenery along with fewer crowds.


Catbells  in The Lake District © Michael Conrad/Shutterstock

Hit the gas in the Sicilian capital of Palermo, the biggest historic centre in Italy after Rome and arguably the country’s most chaotic metropolis.

Adventure onwards along the Tyrrhenian coast to the golden sands of Cefalù – a great holiday spot for families, with a mellow medieval town centre to boot.

Get to the island’s heartland and the ancient city of Enna. Surrounded by cliffs on all sides, and built atop a massive hill, you'll feel as though you've walked on the set of Game of Thrones . Head southeast to the shores of the Ionian Sea and dock in Siracusa, once the most important in the western world while under ancient Greek rule with much of its historic architecture intact.

Then it’s up to Catania for a trip to molten Mount Etna, the tallest active volcano on the entire European continent.

Finish the trip in Messina, or ferry across into the Italian province of Calabria where rustic mountain villages, friendly locals and the idyllic sands of Tropea and Pizzo await – refreshingly devoid of foreigners.

Sicily to Pizzo

  • Best for: Anyone looking for a truly authentic Italian experience, and of course, hardcore foodies.
  • How long : 6–12 days.
  • Insider tip: Remember that southern Italy can get very hot in July and August. Avoid the heat of the day with a leisurely lunch (go easy on the wine if you’re driving!) and travel in the early morning or evening instead.


Cefalù on a beautiful day with clear skies © Cezary Wojtkowski/Shutterstock

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Elafonissi beach in Crete © Shutterstock

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Don't pronounce it, just drive it

The 12 best and most beautiful road trips in Europe

Fill up the tank, load up the tunes and get behind the wheel. The best road trips in Europe are waiting

John Bills

If you’re anything like us, incredible road trips will be high on your bucket list. You simply can’t beat the feeling of speeding down the road, loading up the tunes and having your main character moment (whether you’re the one behind the wheel or not). 

The best part? Europe alone is home to a number of incredible road trips, from the mountainous views of Iceland to the deserts of Tirana. Pick your favourite road trip playlist or a cracking podcast, load up on snacks and hit the road. Here are the best road trips in Europe. 

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John Bills is a writer for Time Out Travel. At Time Out, our travel guides are written by experts all over the world. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines . 

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Best road trips in Europe

Iceland Ring Road

1.  Iceland Ring Road

Iceland makes an appearance on any self-respecting list of travel experiences. The Iceland Ring Road encircles the entire nation, covering 1,333 kilometres of road, a distance that can be traversed in 12 or 13 hours, depending on speed. Truth be told, you should take a week or so to do it properly, stopping to take in the majestic scenery that only Iceland can produce. Sigur Rós made a video of the whole thing backed by some typically gorgeous music, so head to a well-known internet video streaming site and start making plans. 

Epirus, Greece

2.  Epirus, Greece

Driving around the winding mountain roads of Zagori sounds like a dream, right? These serpentine roads aren’t the easiest, but they are well worth it; think lakes, monasteries, stunning mountain villages and animals that are very much in charge of the place. There are several possible routes, so you might as well just get that driving licence sorted and let your whims do the rest.

Pula to Dubrovnik, Croatia

3.  Pula to Dubrovnik, Croatia

If anyone tells you that Croatia is still a hidden gem, you should stop listening to them. Hrvatska gets mega busy throughout the summer, but spring and autumn remain brilliant times to visit, and what better way to explore the coast than by driving all the way down it? Start at Pula and snake your way down the coast to Dubrovnik, breaking up the 709km with stops in Rijeka, Zadar, Split and wherever else. Heck, you could even nip inland to explore the magical Plitvice Lakes National Park, and extend the last leg by heading into Bosnia and Herzegovina to see Mostar, Kravice waterfall and Blagaj for yourself.  

Transfăgărășan Highway, Romania

4.  Transfăgărășan Highway, Romania

You can also call it the DN7C if you’d prefer. The Transfăgărășan is a stunning mountain road that traverses Romania’s Carpathian Mountains, the second-highest in the country but arguably the best known. Every spectacular second of the 150 kilometres offers up stunning views. The speed limit is 40km/h because of the relatively fragile ground, but going slow makes it easier to enjoy the surroundings. Bâlea Lake is pretty much at the top, and it doesn’t get much more beautiful than that. 

Atlantic Road, Norway

5.  Atlantic Road, Norway

Not all road trips need to be multi-day marathons. Sometimes, going out for a few hours of gorgeous driving interspersed with views (and a picnic, you gotta have a picnic) is all that is needed. Norway ’s Atlantic Road snakes around the west coast of the country, covering just 8.3km but encapsulating the old ‘quality over quantity’ cliche perfectly. The road has been described as the world’s most beautiful car journey, and we aren’t about to disagree.

Tallinn to Tirana

6.  Tallinn to Tirana

Somehow, someway, Eastern Europe remains criminally misunderstood. The vague geographic notion doesn’t tell half the story, so why not drive from the north of the east to the south and see for yourself? From Estonia on the Baltic to Albania on the Med lies a conveyor belt of fascinating nations with beauty around every corner. It would take around 34 hours to drive the 2,945km without stopping, but you’d also need to be a cyborg. Head through the Baltic states before heading central into Poland , Czechia and onwards. 

Autobahn, Germany

7.  Autobahn, Germany

If you’re interested in an incredible European road trip, the chances are you’re already very aware of the Autobahn. Germany and all things automobiles go together like magnet and steel – hurtling down the Autobahn is one of Europe’s great behind-the-wheel experiences. You can’t actually go as fast as you like on this famous road, so pay attention to the various limits, lest you end up in serious bother. Start in Cologne and head north through Bremen and Hamburg before snaking back down to Berlin , covering more than 500km in the process.

Northern Lakes, Italy

8.  Northern Lakes, Italy

Okay, now we’re really entering the world of dreams. The magnificent lakes in the north of Italy have been big business for a long old while, but how about an extravagant road trip taking in as many of them as possible? You can start this one pretty much from the moment you land in Milan , picking up a rental and heading to Lake Maggiore and setting up shop before heading east through Lake Como, Lake Garda and all the rest. Take as much time as is humanly possible, you’re going to want to savour these spots. 

Edinburgh to London, United Kingdom

9.  Edinburgh to London, United Kingdom

You could tackle the entire length of Great Britain, starting at John o’Groats and driving 1,407km down to Land’s End, but the  very northern tip of Scotland isn’t the most accessible place. Instead, make a grand journey between the capitals of Scotland and England , starting in Edinburgh and heading south through the Lake District , the cities of the north, the meat of the Midlands and more. Just 647km sit between the two, so be sure to make this itinerary a winding one.

Vienna to Belgrade

10.  Vienna to Belgrade

Europe has no shortage of great rivers, but the diversity of the Danube makes it the continent’s finest. The second longest in Europe, the Danube runs through four capital cities (Belgrade, Budapest , Bratislava and Vienna ), so why not get behind the wheel and hit up all four? Start in the latter and weave your way towards bouncing Belgrade, treating yourself to a night out in one of the continent’s most exciting cities as a treat. Better yet, if you have the time, why not follow the entire length of the river?  

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A regional guide to Europe's best road trips for 2022

Apr 13, 2022 • 7 min read

road trip route europe

Tuscany's patchwork landscapes of vineyards and rolling hills are perfect road-trip country © Peter Zelei Images / Getty Images

Packed with ancient history, sophisticated cities, cultural treasures, fine food and even finer art, Europe has an embarrassment of riches and is a dream for all kinds of travelers. And with landscapes boasting rugged coastlines, rolling country fields and mighty mountains (to name but a few), this is a region that suits road-tripping down to a T.

These nine diverse and dynamic countries – all featured in our  Europe’s Best Trips  guide – represent some of the top spots to hit the road in Europe. Discover what makes them so special and kick your trip planning into gear with our recommended road trips for 2022.

A series of steps lead down to a Roman plaza with cobbled stone streets and in the center of the photo is a marble foundation in the shape of a boat.

Best Italy road trip: World Heritage wonders

The route: Start – Rome; finish – Venice Length: 14 days, 870 km/540 miles

Few countries can rival Italy ’s wealth of riches. Its historic cities boast iconic monuments and masterpieces at every turn, its food is imitated the world over and its landscape is a majestic patchwork of snowcapped peaks, plunging coastlines, lakes and remote valleys. And with many thrilling roads to explore, it offers plenty of epic driving.

From Rome to Venice , this tour of Unesco World Heritage Sites takes in some of Italy’s greatest hits, including the Colosseum and the Leaning Tower of Pisa , and some lesser-known treasures.

A new way to see Bologna's porticoes, one of Italy's newest Unesco World Heritage sites

Tall green trees flank a single-lane road in the South of France

Best France road trip:  Champagne taster 

The route:  Start – Reims; finish – Le Mesnil-sur-Oger Legnth: 3 days, 85 km/53 miles

Iconic monuments, fabulous food, world-class wines – there are so many reasons to plan your very own French voyage. Whether you’re planning on cruising the corniches of the French Riviera, getting lost among the snowcapped mountains or tasting your way around Champagne ’s hallowed vineyards, this is a nation that’s full of unforgettable routes that will plunge you straight into France ’s heart and soul.

There’s a trip for everyone here: family travelers, history buffs, culinary connoisseurs and outdoor adventurers. Buckle up and bon voyage – you’re in for quite a ride.

From musty cellars to vine-striped hillsides, this Champagne adventure whisks you through the heart of the region to explore the world’s favorite celebratory tipple. It’s time to quaff!

14 places to go to enjoy the best of France

A gray car rides down a single lane road surrounded by green landscape and towards a very tall mountain

The best Great Britain road trip: mountains and coasts of Britain 

The route: Start and finish – London (via Edinburgh and Cardiff) Length: 21 days, 1815 km/1128 miles

Great Britain overflows with unforgettable experiences and spectacular sights. There’s the grandeur of Scotland ’s mountains, England ’s quaint villages and country lanes, and the haunting beauty of the Welsh coast. You’ll also find wild northern moors, the exquisite university colleges of Oxford and Cambridge , and a string of vibrant cities boasting everything from Georgian architecture to 21st-century art.

Swing through three countries and several millennia of history as you take in a greatest hits parade of Britain’s chart-topping sights.

The best things to do in Oxford: exploring the university and beyond

Ireland beckons road-trippers with wild and dramatic roads; Black Valley in Ring of Kerry, County Kerry, Ireland

The best Ireland road trip: the long way around

The route: Start – Dublin; finish – Ardmore Length: 14 days, 1300 km/807 miles

Your main reason for visiting? To experience the Ireland of the postcard – captivating peninsulas, dramatic wildness and undulating hills. Scenery, history, culture, bustling cosmopolitanism and the stillness of village life – you’ll visit blockbuster attractions and replicate famous photo ops. But there are plenty of surprises too – and they’re all within easy reach of each other.

Why go in a straight line when you can perambulate at leisure? This trip explores Ireland’s jagged, scenic and spectacular edges; a captivating loop that takes in the whole island.

Calle de Balborraz in Zamora, where several routes of the Camino de Santiago meet

The best Spain road trip:  Northern Spain pilgrimage

The route: Start – Roncesvalles; finish – Santiago de Compostela Length: 5-7 days, 678 km/423 miles

Spectacular beaches, mountaintop castles, medieval villages, stunning architecture and some of the most celebrated restaurants on the planet – Spain has an allure that few destinations can match. There’s much to see and do amid the enchanting landscapes that inspired Picasso and Velàzquez.

You can spend your days feasting on seafood in coastal Galician towns, feel the heartbeat of Spain at soul-stirring flamenco shows or hike across the flower-strewn meadows of the mountains. The journeys in this region offer something for everyone: beach lovers, outdoor adventurers, family travelers, music fiends, foodies and those simply wanting to delve into Spain’s rich art and history.

Travel in the footprints of thousands of pilgrims past and present as you journey along the highroads and backroads of the legendary Camino de Santiago pilgrimage trail.

Which Camino de Santiago route is right for you?

Wooden footbridge to beautiful beach with cliffs in Algarve, Portugal

The best Portugal road trip: Douro Valley vineyard trails

The route: Start – Porto; finish – Miranda do Douro Length: 5-7 days, 358 km/222 miles

Portugal ’s mix of medieval and maritime makes it a superb place to visit. A turbulent history involving the Moors, Spain and Napoleon has left the interior scattered with walled medieval towns topped by castles, while the pounding Atlantic has sculpted a coast of glorious sandy beaches. The nation’s days of exploration and seafaring have created an introspective yet open culture with wide-ranging artistic influences.

The eating and drinking scene here is a highlight, with several wine regions, and restaurants that are redolent with aromas of grilling pork or the freshest of fish. Comparatively short distances mean that you get full value for road trips here: less time behind the wheel means you can take more time to absorb the atmosphere.

The Douro is a little drop of heaven. Uncork this region on Porto 's doorstep and you’ll soon fall head over heels in love with its terraced vineyards, wine estates and soul-stirring vistas.

Why the Azores are Europe's secret islands of adventure

Street view of houses in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany

The best Germany road trip: the Romantic Road

The route: Start – Würzburg; finish – Neuschwanstein & Hohenschwangau Castles Length: 10 days, 350 km/218 miles

Grandiose cities, storybook villages, vine-stitched valleys and bucolic landscapes that beg you to toot your horn, leap out of the car and jump for joy – road-tripping in Germany is a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of brilliant landscapes and experiences.

On this trip, you’ll experience the Germany of the bedtime storybook – medieval walled towns, gabled townhouses, cobbled squares and crooked streets, all preserved as if time has come to a standstill. 

The 10 best road trips in Germany

A red car drives down a single lane road along snow-topped mountains in Switzerland

The best Switzerland road trip: the Swiss Alps

The route:  Start – Arosa; finish – Zermatt Length: 7 days, 612 km/382 miles

A place of heart-stopping natural beauty and head-spinning efficiency, Switzerland lies in the center of Europe yet exhibits a unique blend of cultures. Dazzling outdoor scenery, such as the ever-admired Alps, pristine lakes, lush meadows and chocolate-box chalets, combines with local traditions, cosmopolitan cities and smooth infrastructure.

In short, Switzerland makes it easy for you to dive deep into its heart: distances are manageable and variety is within easy reach. You can be perusing a farmers' market for picnic provisions in the morning, then feasting on them on a mountaintop come lunchtime. At nightfall, try gazing at stars in the night sky from cozy digs or reveling in the cultural offerings of one of Switzerland’s urbane cities.

From Arosa to Zermatt , this zigzagging trip is the A to Z of Switzerland’s astounding Alpine scenery, with majestic peaks, formidable panoramas, cable-car rides and local charm.

Views you have to see to believe: 9 must-do hikes in Switzerland

A two-lane highway along tall snow-capped mountains. There is a stone structure coming out of the side of a mountain with two flags in front of it

The best Austria road trip: Grossglockner Road

The route:  Start – Salzburg; finish – Bregenz Length: 5-7 days, 644 km/401 miles

Austria is a road-tripper's fantasy land. Not only are there spectacular backdrops of spellbinding landscapes and storybook architecture, but opportunities abound to get out and experience them. Along these routes, you can scale soaring peaks, ski year-round, raft white-water rapids and pelt down toboggan runs.

When you’ve had enough thrills and spills, Austria’s multitude of cultural pursuits span medieval castles to monumental palaces, art-filled museums and magnificent churches. You can taste cheese at Alpine dairies, schnapps at distilleries, and beer and wine in monasteries where they’re still made by monks. Or just hop aboard a horse-drawn carriage to clip-clop through cobbled, lamp-lit city streets.

Austria’s most exhilarating trip takes you on a wild roller-coaster drive over three legendary Alpine passes and packs in outdoor activities from year-round skiing to windsurfing and white-water rafting .

These hikes in Austria offer a taste of the high life

You might also like:  Europe's stunning night skies captured in incredible vibrant detail   Europe's best places for wild swimming   8 stunning European cities for architecture lovers 

This article was first published March 2017 and updated April 2022

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10 Best Road Trips in Europe [2024 Europe Road Trips Guide]

F act: road trip destinations don’t get much better than Europe. From the winding alpine roads of Switzerland and France to the spectacular coastal routes in Italy and Ireland, there are more incredible road trips in Europe than you can shake a stick at!

Furthermore, there are road trips for all occasions and interests. The best road trips in Europe take you through wine country, around lakes, into ancient towns, and up sweeping mountain passes. Truly, whether you have an afternoon or an entire month available, if you’re looking for an epic adventure, a cultural experience, or a simple break from the city, there’s a European road trip that’s up to the task.

The tricky part’s deciding which one to do first! To help, we’re going to reveal 10 of the best Europe road trips available – whether you go in a car, a campervan , or on a motorbike. Let’s dive in.

The Best Road Trips in Europe

Wild atlantic way in ireland.

The Wild Atlantic Way is an epic road trip that runs 1600 miles (2600km) along the west coast of Ireland. One of the world’s longest-defined coastal routes, it starts from Derry in the north and ends at the pretty town of Kinsale, County Cork, in the south.

Wild in both name and nature, driving the entire distance will reveal the very best of Ireland’s rugged, ancient, and weather-beaten coastline. You’ll pass through stunning countryside and picturesque villages, bearing witness to historic monuments, towering cliffs, and legendary landscapes at every turn.

A few highlights of the route include:

  • The magical Cliffs of Moher
  • Slieve League (a mountain in Country Donegal whose name in Irish means “mountain of stone pillars”)
  • The lively and historic town of Galway, and
  • The Ring of Kerry (another famous European road trip)

North Coast 500 in Scotland

The North Coast 500 (NC500) is Scotland’s answer to Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way. Widely regarded as the best road trip in Scotland, it brings together 500+ miles of the country’s most impressive scenery, sights, and attractions.

Passing through the notorious Highlands, your mind will boggle at the remote and unblemished beauty on display. Quaint fishing villages, sugar-soft white sand beaches, age-old lochs, rugged mountains, and sites of historical significance are just a few of the hidden gems you can expect to encounter.

Starting and finishing in Inverness – the UK’s northernmost city – you hug the coast of Scotland along a series of existing roads that form a loop around the top of the country. This road trip was actually only established in 2014 but quickly became popular among locals and visitors alike. A few highlights of the route include:

  • The huge Smoo Cave, which was formed by both sea and rainwater (making it unique in the UK)
  • The ruins of Ardvreck Castle at Loch Assynt
  • The wildlife (especially the infamous highland deer!)
  • The mile-long Corrieshallock Gorge, complete with a Victorian suspension bridge that crosses it

Check out our guide to things to do in Edinburgh, Scotland .

Atlantic Road in Norway

Often referred to as one of the most beautiful drives on the planet, the Atlantic Road in Norway is a real sight to behold. A unique route and remarkable feat of engineering, the road connects Averoy with the mainland, snaking out over the ocean in a series of small islands and bridges.

Proof that the best road trips in Europe aren’t always the longest, the Atlantic Road itself is only 5 miles (8km) long. Officially, it runs from Karvag to Vevang. However, it forms one section of a longer National Tourist Route between Bud and Kristiansund – the entirety of which is worth driving.

A phenomenal road trip, it’ll be a struggle to keep your eyes on the road as you gaze at the coastal scenery – views that chop and change depending on the weather conditions you happen to experience at the time.

Explore more of Norway! Here are the best things to do in Oslo , family-friendly things to do in Bergen , and our guide to exploring Norway’s fjords .

Almafi Coast in Italy

The Amalfi Coast is one of Italy’s most popular travel destinations. And for a good reason! This 30-mile (50km) stretch of coastline is unlike any other on the planet.

Colorful old villages sit atop sheer cliffs, with cerulean waters below reflecting the blue skies and blazing sun above . Beautiful beaches and hikes litter the area, matched only by the mass of restaurants, bars, shopping opportunities…and tourists!

Trust us, a road trip along this inimitable coastline is hard to beat. Driving down the Amalfi Coast road, otherwise known as the SS163, will leave you speechless.

A staggering stretch of tarmac, it hugs the cliffs and winds through pristine, pastel-colored towns – starting in Sorrento and heading south past Positano, Amalfi, Ravello, and Vietri sul Mare. Take it slow, stop to explore each town, and fall in love with the aptly-named Divina Costiera (AKA the Divine Coast).

Arctic Coast Way in Iceland

You’ll find another of the best road trips in Europe in Iceland. One of the most picturesque countries on earth, it’s full of incredible sights and natural wonders – as well as infamous driving routes that take you past some of its most iconic attractions.

Chief among Iceland’s famous road trips is the Arctic Coast Way. This epic, 560-mile (900km) journey runs along the country’s northern coast, encompassing six peninsulas and just as many islands. The whole route takes anywhere from 3 to 12 days to drive, and a 4×4 is recommended for the trip.

This is nature at its finest, and you’ll pass a huge array of unforgettable attractions. Indeed, it’d require an entire article to provide a complete list of Arctic Coast highlights! To keep things short, here are a select few items to add to your Iceland road trip itinerary:

  • The Hofsos swimming pool, with its mindblowing views over the ocean
  • The Hofsos basalt columns that rival the Giant’s Causeway in Ireland
  • Humpback whale watching
  • The geothermal sea baths at Husavik
  • The Arctic Henge in Raufarhofn

Transfagarasan Highway in Romania

Welcome to what’s arguably Romania’s best-known road – not to mention one of its most popular tourist attractions.

Over 93 miles (150km) in length and with countless twists and turns, the Transfagarasan Highway looks like it was built solely to please road trippers! Expect switchback after switchback through a stunning landscape , leading up to an impressive high point of 6500 feet and exceptional views over the surrounding area.

The road cuts a striking sight – especially from above. Another amazing feat of engineering, it winds back and forth up a beautiful natural gorge, passes through tunnels, and crosses the Vidraru Dam (offering a fantastic look at the eponymous lake in the process).

Be sure to take your time and stop at the viewing points as you go. This is partly to stay safe on the ascent! But, with so much beauty on display, it’s mainly so you can make the most of the Transfagarasan Highway’s unbelievable scenery.

Ready to explore the Romanian capitol? Here are 10 great activities in Bucharest, Romania to enjoy with kids .

Route Napoleon in France

Route Napoleon isn’t just one of the best road trips in Europe. It’s also one of the most famous.

Following an escape route that Napoleon Bonaparte took in the early 19 th Century, the journey takes you 200 miles (325km) from the coastal town of Golfe-Juan, in the French Riviera, all the way north to the city of Grenoble.

The route’s as scenic as it is historic, too, passing a wide range and ever-changing landscapes from sweet-smelling lavender fields and pine forests to rolling hills, rocky outcrops, gorges, and mountains. Get ready for stunning vistas and equally impressive roads at every turn.

Trekaroo Tip: You can stick with tradition and attempt this Europe road trip in the same direction as Napoleon (from south to north). Yet many people choose to do it from north to south instead. That way, you can enjoy sweeping views of the Mediterranean Sea when you approach the French Riviera at the end.

Romantic Road in Germany

Romantic in both name and nature, this wonderful road trip is one of the very best in Germany. The Romantische Straße , as it’s called there, is 285 miles (460km) long and takes you through a slew of charming towns and jaw-dropping countryside, complete with ancient castles that look like something straight out of a Disney movie!

As for how long this road trip takes, consider giving yourself between three and four days to go from the start, in Wurzburg, until the end in Fussen. To prolong your German adventure, we recommend spending another couple of days in Munich afterward. Located just over 1.5 hours away from Fussen, the Capital of Bavaria is a popular travel destination in its own right.

Oberalp Pass in Switzerland

Searching for another iconic European road to drive down? Look no further than Oberalp Pass (AKA Route 19) in Switzerland.

Located at over 6,719 feet (2,048m) above sea level, this high mountain pass in the Swiss Alps connects the Graubunden and Uri cantons. However, all you really need to know is that it’s utterly phenomenal! Just under 20 miles long, the pass runs from Disentis to Andermatt and provides unbelievable views of the surrounding mountains at every twist and turn in the road.

Steep and riddled with switchbacks, the pass is magnificent. Take note, though: Oberalp Pass is usually impassable between the end of October through April (although the final dates depend on how much snow and meltwater are present).

Read our full guide to visiting Switzerland with kids .

Glossglockner High Alpine Road in Austria

Last but not least on this list of the best road trips in Europe is the Glossglockner High Alpine Road in Austria – the highest paved mountain road in the country.

Popular with cyclists and sports car enthusiasts alike, this memorable toll route climbs up to an almighty 8215 feet (2504m) above sea level in a mere 30 miles (48km), with no fewer than 36 hairpin bends along the way. It runs from Fusch-Furleiten in Salzburg to Heiligenblut in Carinthia, taking you into the stunning Hohe Tauern National Park in the process.

Once again, this European road trip isn’t available all year round. It’s usually open from the start of May until the end of October, although inclement weather conditions can restrict access to the road at any time of year.

As you can tell, thanks to its countless scenic roads and awe-inspiring landscapes, this diverse continent across the pond is a haven for anyone with a penchant for road trips. In fact, there are so many routes available that picking one can feel impossible!

With any luck, the options in this post will have given you some useful inspiration for which European road trip to do first. From the stunning Swiss Alps to the rugged coastline of Ireland, any of them is sure to leave you with unforgettable memories.

Danny Newman is a digital nomad and freelance writer with a deep passion for travel. He’s also mad about #vanlife and offers fellow enthusiasts wide-ranging advice and inspiration on the topic over at .

The best road trips in Europe are brimming with mountain ranges, river valleys, coastal oases, and iconic cultural landmarks. Here are are top picks.

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10 of the Best Road Trips in Europe

From the U.K. to Italy, here are 10 of the best European road trips.

road trip route europe

Sometimes a road trip is a way to reach a destination; other times the road itself is the destination. Scenery that would disappear if you flew over it, or turn into a blur if you passed by it on a train, is yours to enjoy at your own pace. For Europe road trips, you'll want to take it slow and enjoy the journey as the destination.

Having a car lets you stop where and when you want, letting you find those out-of-the-way spots that make a trip especially memorable. My personal favorite way to do a road trip is to spend time at a destination, and then add a drive to the itinerary for a day or two. Perhaps you would like to focus your entire vacation on the drive, spending a night or two in each place before moving on to the next.

Before you embark on a European road trip, there are a few practical things to know. The major car rental companies (Avis, Hertz, and Budget) generally have pickup offices at airports, near train stations, and in some city locations. You can also use Auto Europe for help selecting a rental company. Be sure to reserve the car in advance.

Most European cars have manual transmissions, but automatics are available at a higher cost, which is probably worth it. Unless you're very comfortable shifting, you don't need another thing to think about as you navigate unfamiliar roads. This is especially true in the U.K., where cars are right-hand drive and you ride on the opposite side of the road. Adding a manual shift to that mix is too much to handle for most of our brains.

Be sure to check if you need an International Drivers Permit (IDP) before you leave. You will of course need your state-issued driver's license and passport, but many countries also require the IDP. It takes a few weeks to acquire if you do it by mail, so be sure to leave time before your trip to complete the paperwork. It's also a good idea to double-check your rental car coverage with your insurance and credit card company, and to consider accepting insurance from the rental company at additional cost.

Driving in Europe has gotten easier with the advent of GPS devices and phone apps. You no longer have to depend on unwieldy paper maps, although they are helpful for getting an overview of your route and noting the next big cities along the way.

Google Maps , Waze , Here We Go , and others are useful in guiding you, and maps can be downloaded offline for convenience. If there are concerns about internet availability, data charges, or phone battery life, you can always rent a GPS with the car or take along a separate GPS device, making sure the specific country information is downloaded before you leave.

Here are a few ideas to get you started with planning your own Europe road trip. The itineraries can be extended with a few days at either end (or somewhere in the middle), and several can be done in a day or two from major European cities.

Berlin to Munich, Germany

This is your chance to drive the famous Autobahn, making the one-way trip in about five to six hours — depending on your speed, of course. Heading south out of Berlin on A-9, you can drive straight through or stop along the way.

Contrary to popular opinion, there are speed limits in certain zones, and they are displayed on electronic signs that can be adjusted based on traffic or weather. In other places, speed limits are just suggestions. Stay to the right — the left lane is mainly for passing. Your signal to get out of the way of a faster car will probably be that car hovering on your rear bumper and flashing headlights. Remember that on Europe road trips, you'll be dealing in kilometers, not miles!

Leipzig is a good halfway point and an ideal place to spend the night. Historic and home to art, music, and culture, it's a blend of old and new with great food as well. Spend at least a day in Munich , Bavaria's capital, exploring its historic buildings, restaurants, and beer gardens. For your return trip, consider a scenic route heading north along A-93 and A-13 with a stop in Dresden, home to art museums and an old town reconstructed after World War II bombing.

Be sure to also spend a few days in Berlin , Germany's capital, at either end of your trip. A visit to the remains of the infamous Berlin Wall and the 18th-century Brandenburg Gate should be on your itinerary.

Edinburgh to Inverness, Scotland

Spend a few days in Edinburgh absorbing the history, exploring the ancient streets, walking up to the iconic Edinburgh Castle at the top of the Royal Mile, and taking in Holyrood Park and its highest point, Arthur's Seat, for a stunning view of the city. When it's time to set out for your drive across the Scottish Highlands, you'll be on Route M-9 and A-82 heading northwest across green hills and rocky peaks, enjoying waterfalls and streams on your way to Fort William .

On the way, you'll pass Helix Park and the Kelpies, the largest horse sculptures in the world, and after about three to four hours, you'll be in Fort William, looking up at Ben Nevis , Britain's highest mountain. It's time for lunch and some warm Cullen skink, Scotland's famous fish soup, at one of the town's restaurants or cafes.

Next head for Inverness , taking Route A-82 along the eastern edge of Loch Ness . Allow nearly two hours for this part of your trip. You'll want photos of the picturesque scenery, and you also want to be ready to snap one in case Nessie should show her head.

You'll want to spend some time in Inverness before heading back to Edinburgh or on to your next adventure in Scotland.

Paris to Strasbourg and the Alsace Wine Route

Christopher Larson/Travel + Leisure

After a few days in Paris , a drive through the countryside could be a nice change, if you can tear yourself away from the Eiffel Tower views and morning croissants. If you have time for a two- or three-day trip, consider spending a night in or near Strasbourg before touring the wine country. The actual drive time between Paris and Strasbourg is around five hours, but you'll want to stop along the way in both directions, especially if you include the Alsace Wine Route .

About two hours east of Paris on Route A-4, you'll get to Reims, known for its magnificent Gothic cathedral as well as for its role as the center of France's Champagne region. After another two hours or so of driving, you'll arrive in the city of Metz , also home to a stunning cathedral, Saint-Etienne, one of the tallest Gothic buildings in Europe. Strasbourg is still around three hours away, so if you've driven enough for one day, you have your choice of lodging in this lovely city situated along the Moselle and Seille Rivers. A relaxing dinner and a walk along the river would be perfect after a day on the road.

On to Strasbourg the next day and a trip down all or part of the winery route. Explore vineyards, medieval chateaux, and quaint villages. Before heading back to Paris, especially after a day in wine country, you may want to continue your Alsace experience with a restful night in historic and charming Colmar . With an early start the next morning, you can be back in Paris after about five hours of drive time.

Barcelona to Málaga, Spain

Rory Fuller/Travel + Leisure

From Barcelona , head south along the coast. After an hour or two of enjoying views of the Mediterranean and stopping to take a photo or two, you'll get to the port city of Tarragona . Roman ruins are among the attractions, including a second-century amphitheater, Roman tombs, and the remains of the Forum. It's also a great stop for its beaches, seafood restaurants, and medieval Old Town.

From there, continue south on AP-7, passing through medieval towns that will beckon you to stop, take in the sights, and of course, take plenty of photos. Peñiscola is known for its thirteenth-century castle, which played an important role in Christianity for many years. The walled city offers steep streets and stunning coastal views from its high point above the beaches.

Your next stop will probably be Valencia , the perfect halfway point and a fascinating place to spend the night. After a day of medieval towns, Valencia's City of Arts and Sciences with its futuristic buildings and displays will be an amazing contrast. There's a lot to explore, both old and new, and Valencia is the place to dine on famous paella.

From Valencia, A-92 takes you inland from the coast and on to beautiful Granada, known for its medieval and Moorish architecture, including the stunning Alhambra . It's just a few more miles to Málaga , with its beaches and blend of Renaissance, Moorish, and modern architecture.

Palermo to Siracusa, Italy

Laura La Monaca/Travel + Leisure

After enjoying Palermo 's cuisine, art, architecture, history, and people, you'll want to head eastward along the northern coast of Sicily on Route A-20 towards Messina, the closest point to the mainland of Italy. On the way, stop in the beach town of Cefalù just an hour away. If the weather is warm, it's a great place for a dip in the Mediterranean, and if you're hungry, you'll find pizza, pasta, and more at the cafes overlooking the beach.

From Cefalù, you'll enjoy unsurpassed views of the Mediterranean and arrive in Messina after about two hours of driving. Take some time to explore the ancient city, and note its cathedral and unique bell tower, said to be the largest astronomical clock in the world. Seafood is the specialty in this city bordered by the Mediterranean and Ionian seas, so if it's mealtime, enjoy some fresh fish.

One more hour of driving will take you to Taormina , a hilltop city with views of the sea, cobblestone streets, and a welcoming place to rest for the night. Stop for cannoli or gelato and then stroll along the Corso with the locals on their evening passeggiatta and watch Mt. Etna sending smoke into the sky. In the morning, explore the ancient Greek theater , which is still used for concerts and events.

From Taormina, head south on A-18 for an hour to the city of Catania , the location of the area's main airport. The ancient port city has much to see, and it's worth exploring if there's time. Another drive of about an hour will take you to Siracusa , with its thousands of years of history, Greek ruins, medieval buildings, and the lovely island of Ortygia, where I suggest you stay. This will allow you to experience its magnificent Piazza Duomo at night, sip a prosecco, and relax after a day on the road.

A few reminders: You'll undoubtedly encounter drivers who want to go faster than you. Move to the right to let them pass when you see them approaching or get their signal. Also, parking in these towns is difficult or impossible, but most have parking garages on their outskirts where you can leave your car and taxi to your destination.

Amsterdam, Netherlands to Brugge, Belgium

This could be a day trip from Amsterdam after you've strolled along the canals and feasted on cheese, stroopwafels , and poffertjes (and managed to avoid getting run over by a bicycle). Or you might want to go on from Brugge to explore other cities in Belgium. The three-and-a-half hour drive along the coastal route takes about an hour longer than the inland route, which I would suggest for the return trip, if your plan is to end up back in Amsterdam.

From Amsterdam, take A-4 South toward Den Haag (The Hague), home of the Dutch Parliament, the United Nations' International Court of Justice, and the International Criminal Court. Set on the North Sea, the city offers several museums and landmarks dating to the 11th century.

The next main city along the way is Middelburg , founded in about the ninth century and once an important trading port. The city has been restored to its original style after bombing during World War II.

If your final destination is Brugge , you'll want to spend a few days exploring the city of canals, history, and medieval buildings. Its background includes evidence of ancient Roman settlements and Viking invasions before its settlement in the ninth and tenth centuries.

Stay and explore or head back to Amsterdam on A-27 and E-19, about a three-hour drive.

London to Cape Cornwall, England

This straight-through drive should take about six hours, so it's not a turn-around day trip. With stops for photos, meals, and enjoying the scenery, it will be a full day of driving, so plan to spend at least a day or two in the Cornwall area.

Besides, there's a lot to see on what has been called the Cornish Riviera. Heading southwest on A-303 and then A-30, you'll end on the tip of the peninsula with hundreds of beaches, quaint villages, and towns with appealing names like St. Ives, Mousehole, Penzance, Lands End, and Porthgwarra, said to be more attractive than their names.

Decide where you want to stay, and then settle in to explore this historic part of Britain. Walk part of the 630-mile South West Coast Path , England's longest footpath, bordering the coast of Devon and Cornwall. See a show at the open-air Minack Theater , high on the cliffs above the Atlantic. Visit castles such as the Pendennis Castle , which was built by King Henry VIII to protect Cornwall. Enjoy fresh seafood at one of the many fishing villages and explore the history of the area dating back to the Stone Age.

Lisbon to Estoril, Portugal

Increasingly popular for good reason, Lisbon is the starting point for this day trip to another coastal city. After you've visited Lisbon's museums, walked its hills, explored its Roman and Moorish history, and listened to its traditional fado music, you'll want to see more of Portugal with Lisbon as your home base.

This road trip takes you inland on A-5, paralleling Portugal's southern coast until it reaches Estoril . The drive is less than an hour, but you'll probably stop as you pass through towns along the way. In Estoril, you'll find picturesque beaches, restaurants, bars, and the Estoril Casino, one of the largest in Europe.

Nearby is the fishing town of Cascais , also a popular tourist destination with beaches, historic buildings, and elegant nineteenth-century architecture. Both Estoril and Cascais can be explored during your day-trip visit.

For the drive back to Lisbon, consider taking a different route for a bit of variety. This one takes you inland a little further, but adds only about fifteen minutes to the trip. Drive north on A-5 and then east on IC-19 for a circular drive to Lisbon in time for dinner and another entertaining evening in Portugal's capital.

Killarney to Dingle, Ireland

Irjaliina Paavonpera/Travel + Leisure

The lovely town of Killarney is the perfect blend of history, city, and nature, with lodging that ranges from quaint guesthouses to luxury five-star hotels. Killarney National Park, Ireland's oldest and a designated UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, is lush, green, and enchanting. You'll want to spend a few days exploring Killarney's historic castles and museums.

From there, it's about a two-hour drive west to the coastal town of Dingle on R-563 and R-561. This small port town offers rugged scenery, friendly pubs, fresh seafood, and the starting point for one of Ireland's most interesting and beautiful drives — the Dingle Peninsula.

Parts of the Star Wars movie "The Last Jedi" were filmed there, and the drive is lined with historic monuments, partial stone houses, and remnants of Bronze Age settlers and medieval buildings. The drive is about thirty miles, and after the trip from Killarney and the Dingle Peninsula drive, you'll want to relax with a night in one of the charming town's hotels or guesthouses. And perhaps enjoy a pint at a local pub.

Heading back to Killarney, if that's your plan, could be done on a slightly different route, taking N-86 north towards Tralee (definitely worth a stop for lunch and a look around) and then south to Killarney on N-22. The trip should take less than two hours. (Keep in mind the right-hand-drive cars and driving on the opposite side of the road.)

Vienna to Graz, Austria

This day trip will take less than three hours of drive time, and there are a few routes to choose from with Vienna as your starting point. There's so much to do in Austria's capital with its legacy of music and art. Palaces, museums, concerts, Wiener schnitzel, wine, and pastries will keep you immersed in the city for several days.

When you're ready to see more of Austria, a pleasant road trip to Graz will let you see the countryside and a new destination. The most direct route is on A-2, for about two hours of drive time. The medieval town of Graz, with its Renaissance and Baroque architecture, invites browsing and strolling through its streets. For a view from above the city, take a funicular to the top of Schlossberg, the forested mountain overlooking Graz.

Nearby wine country features rolling hills, vineyards, restaurants, and ancient castles, so you may decide to extend your visit with some wine tasting and an overnight in Graz. You'll find many lodging options, and you'll be fresh and ready for the return drive to Vienna the next day. Take the longer scenic route on B-72 and A-2, which adds about an hour to the trip.

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9 Unforgettable European Road Trips

Charming french châteaux or windswept irish vistas norwegian fjords or welsh beaches europe’s best drives offer it all..

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A vast and varied continent, Europe has some of the finest driving routes in the world. Think quaint Italian towns and bucolic vineyards, dramatic craggy coastlines in Ireland, and glistening Spanish beaches that’ll tempt you from the car and onto the soft sand. From twisting roads among towering mountains to detours into tiny fishing villages, these European road trips promise an unforgettable drive.

1. Costa Brava

  • Distance: 143 miles (230 km)
  • Start: Barcelona, Spain
  • End: Blanes, Spain

Costa Brava translates to “Rough Coast” in Catalan, appropriately describing the rugged cliffs alongside this coastal region in the autonomous community of Catalonia. This route in northeastern Spain starts with a one-hour drive north to Tossa de Mar from Barcelona, which has been continuously populated since Roman times. The road trip then continues through the fishing village of Calella de Palafrugell and Begur, a 16th-century medieval town.

This journey also goes through well-loved towns like Cadaqués before ending at the Cap de Creus peninsula (where visitors can embark upon a celebratory hike). AFAR’s Claudia Cardia recommends taking at least five days to take this trip. According to the Barcelona-based video editor: “Five days are clearly not enough to see everything Costa Brava has to offer, but they are enough to make us fall in love.”

View of small rocky island off coast of Ireland

Little Skellig is home to a large colony of gannets.

Photo by Matthi/Shutterstock

2. Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way

  • Distance: 1,500 miles (2,400 km)
  • Start: Inishowen, Donegal
  • End: Kinsale, Cork

Passing through eight counties and following the twists and turns of the jagged Irish coast, the Wild Atlantic Way promises spectacular sea views, fascinating history dating back centuries, and a window onto the unique culture of Ireland. Traveling north to south, you can see the dramatic Cliffs of Moher and spend a day in Galway city tasting the region’s best seafood—including oysters from the Galway Bay. For a memorable stop overnight, book into the 300-year-old Glenlo Abbey Hotel , which has regal interiors and a historic abbey attached.

Don’t miss the boat trip out to the Skellig Islands from County Kerry, where a 6th-century drystone monastic settlement sits atop a precipitous rock and, in spring and summer, puffins come to nest. Be sure to make time for the brilliant beaches, too. Strandhill Beach in Sligo has wild, grassy dunes, while Keem Beach in Mayo has sand so white, it looks imported from the Caribbean.

Read more about the best stops on a road trip along Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way .

The lighthouse at A Coruña marks the start of Spain’s Death Coast road trip.

The lighthouse at A Coruña marks the start of Spain’s Death Coast road trip.

Photo by Noemi Garcia Reimunde/Unsplash

3. The Death Coast, Spain

  • Distance: 125 miles (200 km)
  • Start: A Coruña
  • End: Fisterra

The name might seem less than auspicious, but a road trip along Spain’s Death Coast—monikered for its high cliffs and hidden rocks that have sunk thousands of ships here over the centuries—is the ultimate Galician adventure. The route begins in the port city of A Coruña, where a Roman-era lighthouse presides over sweeping ocean views, and then the road wends south through the countryside to a cluster of seaside villages.

Traditional fish auctions take place in Malpica de Bergantiño, and in Cabana de Bergantiños, travelers can sample some of that fresh seafood with a traditional Galician tasting menu at Mar de Ardora restaurant. It’s the beaches here, though, that really capture the attention. You’ll find a long curve of white sand lapped by the azure ocean at Laxe Beach, while Carnota is the region’s longest stretch of sand backed by grassy dunes—ideal for lazy days in the sun.

Discover why Spain’s Death Coast is your dream road trip.

Scotland’s epic road trip begins and ends in Inverness.

Scotland’s epic road trip begins and ends in Inverness.

Photo by Kenny Lam/VisitScotland

4. Scotland’s North Coast 500

  • Distance: 516 miles (830 km)
  • Start: Inverness
  • End: Inverness

This circular route around mainland Scotland’s northernmost peninsula takes in some of the country’s finest beaches and spectacular mountain passes, the best of which is Bealach na Bà. The narrow track is an arresting introduction to driving on Scottish roads, with its twists and turns through the undulating landscape of Wester Ross. If you need somewhere to rest afterwards, the Torridon is a spectacular country estate hotel.

Along the coast, Sinclairs Bay has soft golden sand that’ll tempt visitors away from the road for a day to swim, surf, or spot orcas and seals out at sea, and Duncansby Head offers views of vast sea stacks, where layers of rock have formed and been eroded over millennia. Taste prime Scottish seafood in the village of Ullapool, and don’t forget to spend time in the NC500’s “capital,” Inverness. A 19th-century cathedral dominates the Old Town, and you can cruise nearby Loch Ness to learn about the legend of its eponymous aquatic monster.

Learn more about taking a road trip on Scotland’s North Coast 500.

Aerial view of Asbyrgi canyon in a sunny day and cloudy blue sky on the background

Eschew the busy tourist loop for an Icelandic road trip without the crowds.

Photo by VicPhotoria/Shutterstock

5. The Diamond Circle, Northeastern Iceland

  • Distance: 162 miles (260 km)
  • Start: Húsavík
  • End: Mývatn

For waterfalls and wildlife with a good dose of rugged, classically Icelandic scenery, go to the coastal city of Húsavík (a 45-minute flight from Reykjavík) to begin a tour of northeast Iceland’s “Diamond Circle.” Known as the whale capital of Iceland, Húsavík is a strong starting point, with humpback, minke, bluefin, and fin whales often appearing in its bay. On the Tjornes Peninsula, 14 miles from the start, there are fossils in the cliffs and puffins nesting in the grass.

The landscape up here has a bleak and barren beauty to it—the kind of place that feels as if it’s at the end of the world. A stop in Ásbyrgi Canyon, a vast two-mile-long expanse filled with birch trees, will add to the otherworldly nature of the adventure, and the waterfall at the Jökulsárgljúfur canyon is a thundering sight. Mývatn marks the end of the route with a hive of geothermal activity—perfect for soaking in after a long drive. Spend the night at Hótel Laxá .

Find out more about driving Northeastern Iceland’s Diamond Circle.

Italy’s Great Dolomites Road is 68 miles of spectacular scenery.

Italy’s Great Dolomites Road is 68 miles of spectacular scenery.

Photo by Michal Kmet/Unsplash

6. The Great Dolomites Road, Italy

  • Distance: 68 miles (110 km)
  • Start: Bolzano
  • End: Cortina d’Ampezzo

For those after jagged mountain peaks and sweeping valley views, this road trip comes with great rewards. One of Italy’s most exhilarating drives, the Great Dolomites Road passes almost all of the main sawtooth peaks in this dramatic mountain range. Starting in pretty Bolzano, where painted houses are set against grassy hills and a smattering of appealing museums will tempt visitors to pause for a day or two, the route wends east to Ponte Nova toward the majestic granite peaks. Drive through the glorious Valle di Fassa for more mountain views, and then hit the Passo Pordoi—a mountain pass at 7,345 feet high (2,239 meters).

It’s hairpin bends all the way down from here, but the views are genuinely awe inspiring. The peaks loom large over Val Badia, and the route ends in the chic mountain resort of Cortina d’Ampezzo, where you can take some time to hit the trails on foot.

Norway offers numerous scenic routes, but a road trip through the Lofoten Islands is hard to beat.

Norway offers numerous scenic routes, but a road trip through the Lofoten Islands is hard to beat.

Photo by Kym Ellis/Unsplash

7. Norway’s Lofoten Islands

  • End: Raftsundet

The remote, rugged beauty of Norway’s Lofoten Islands is the type of scene that etches itself in memory for years after the road trip. One of Norway’s many official scenic routes , it takes in glassy fjords, precipitous peaks, and pretty waterside towns and villages. Nusfjord, one of the oldest fishing villages in Norway, is the first stop on this itinerary, and it’s worth staying overnight in one of the old fishing huts now serving as accommodations.

Don’t miss the sensational views of the mountains at Reinehalsen, and try cod fishing—the industry this region is famous for—at the likes of Svolvær or Henningsvær. There are a variety of things to do on the trip —thrilling RIB boat tours to enjoy, sea kayaks to rent, or for the brave, snorkeling excursions in the chilly Arctic waters.

A road trip through the Loire Valley passes many châteaux, including the Château de Chambord.

A road trip through the Loire Valley passes many châteaux, including the Château de Chambord.

Photo by Dorian Mongel/Unsplash

8. The Loire Valley, France

  • Distance: 120 miles (190 km)
  • Start: Chinon
  • End: Chambord

This is one road trip to splash out on, as the Loire Valley has some of the best vineyards in France and a host of historic castles (châteaux) , many of which now serve as luxurious hotels. Start the journey in Chinon and slowly head northeast to Chambord, exploring the region’s ancient towns and villages, such as wine-centric Bourgueil and riverside Amboise, and learn about its dramatic history from medieval warlords to Renaissance royalty. Of course, don’t miss sampling some of the Loire’s best wines en route, too. Taste raspberry-hinting reds at family-run Domaine de la Chevalerie, and head to Domaine Marc Bredif on the edge of Tours to enjoy a glass of chilled vouvray in the sun.

There are countless châteaux to explore, but make time for overnight stops at Domaine de la Tortinière , a 300-year-old castle on a leafy estate, and the Belle Époque Château d’Artigny, which was built by a famous French perfumer in the early 20th century.

Pembrokeshire’s singular charms include the cathedral in St. Davids.

Pembrokeshire’s singular charms include the cathedral in St. Davids.

Courtesy of Hawlfraint y Goron/Crown Copyright Cymru Wales

9. The Pembrokeshire coast, Wales, U.K.

  • Distance: 71 miles (115 km)
  • Start: Tenby
  • End: St. Davids

Cornwall without the crowds is the best way to describe Pembrokeshire, a rural region in south Wales where a coastal path links sandy beach after sandy beach. A road trip here is not to be rushed—largely because there will likely be driving behind the odd tractor or trundling RV, but also because it’s a truly beautiful destination for admiring wildflowers and simply soaking up the sea views.

Start in Tenby, where painted Victorian townhouses offer a splash of color above the soft, sugar-like sand of its main beach. Heading westward along the winding coastal roads, you can stop at Stackpole to take a short walk to the remote, often empty, Barafundle Bay. Stroll around the Lily Ponds at Bosherston ending at Broad Haven South beach, and stop for a seafood lunch at Freshwater West where the Cafe Môr food truck serves fresh lobster rolls and fish sandwiches. There are more spectacular stretches of sand in Broad Haven and Marloes Sands, and the route ends in St. Davids, the United Kingdom’s smallest city (with a population of 1,600), where you can explore its handsome cathedral and ruined medieval palace.

This article was originally published in May 2021 and was updated in May 2023. Chloe Arrojado contributed reporting.

Northern Lights

Road Trips in Europe: 10 Fantastic Routes

We absolutely adore road trips! And how lucky we are that Europe is brimming with incredible routes right on our doorstep. Just hop in the car, and voilà – instant road trip bliss!

Over the years, we’ve embarked on countless road trips across Europe. In this article on our travel blog, we’re excited to share our all-time favourite road trip itineraries with you.

Whether it’s the Dolce Vita in Tuscany to the breathtaking natural landscapes of Montenegro or the mountain love in Austria – get ready for a hefty dose of road trip route inspiration across Europe.

3. Emilia-Romagna

4. slovenia, 6. montenegro, 7. southern france, 8. andalusia, 9. centro de portugal, 10. austria.

Best road trips in Europe

One of our absolute favourite road trips routes in Europe takes you through stunning Tuscany . It’s hard to find another road trip destination that so perfectly combines magnificent cities, picturesque landscapes, and culinary delights like Tuscany does.

Highlights of this Road Trip

Travelling through Tuscany, you’re in for a treat with highlights non-stop! First off, there are dream cities like Florence, Siena , and Lucca – each endlessly fascinating and a must-see!

For those wanting to see the “typical Tuscan” expansive landscape with its gentle hills, Val d’Orcia is a must. This is where you’ll find quintessential Tuscan scenes straight out of a storybook – a dream for photography enthusiasts. And you definitely wouldn’t want to miss the medieval towns in Val d’Orcia, such as Montalcino, Pienza, or Montepulciano, on a road trip.

Speaking of medieval towns – one in Tuscany particularly stands out: San Gimignano. Its medieval towers create a skyline like no other. Our verdict: Tuscany might be quite touristy, but it’s rightly one of the most popular road trips in Europe.

Route for Your Tuscany Road Trip

Florence (3 nights) – Lucca (2 nights) – Pisa – Volterra – San Gimignano (2 nights) – Siena (2 nights) – Val d’Orcia (4 nights) – Florence

For more tips on this route, check out this article : Tuscany Road Trip

Facts & Info about the Tuscany Road Trip

Duration : Approx. 2 weeks Distance : Approx. 450 kilometers Best Time to Travel : Spring or Autumn (We went in October when the landscape is significantly drier than in Spring.) Perfect for : Italy enthusiasts; gourmets; those who adore unique accommodations and restaurants

Val Orcia Instagram Spots

Staying in Italy, this European road trip takes us through the gorgeous region of Puglia in the south of the country. Puglia forms the “heel” of Italy’s boot, surrounded by the sea on both sides. So, you can look forward to plenty of sea-loving experiences on this road trip.

A road trip through Puglia will lead you through numerous dreamy coastal towns . Particularly notable for its spectacular location (and hence its fame) is the small town of Polignano a Mare.

Iconic in Puglia are the so-called Trulli – those white lime-washed round houses popping out of the landscape like little pointed hats. The most famous of these is the small (and very touristy!) town of Alberobello. A visit to Alberobello is almost mandatory on an Puglia road trip.

The Salento, Puglia’s southern peninsula, impressed us greatly with its rugged east coast . Salento is also home to probably the most beautiful Baroque city in Puglia: Lecce. Another gem in Puglia is Ostuni, known as the “White City”.

A little tip: In Puglia’s neighbouring region of Basilicata lies the impressive rock city of Matera, which left us absolutely speechless. We’ve never seen a city quite like it! A detour to Matera is the perfect addition on a road trip through Puglia.

Route for Your Puglia Road Trip

Bari – Matera (2 nights, not directly in Puglia, but very worth visiting!) – Lecce (1 night) – Salento (3 nights) – Ostuni (2 nights) – Valle d’Itria/Alberobello – Putignano (2 nights) – Polignano a Mare – Monopoli – Bari

For more information, check out this article: Puglia Road Trip

Facts & Info about the Puglia Road Trip

Duration : About 8 to 10 days Distance : Approx. 600 kilometers Best Time to Travel : Spring or Autumn, better avoid August around Ferragosto (Italy’s most important holiday) Perfect for : Those who love being by the sea; Italy enthusiasts; fans of unique accommodations

Puglia Road trip

Our third Italian destination, which we’re eager to introduce to you, is more of an insider tip for road trips in Europe . This route takes you through the picturesque region of Emilia-Romagna in Northern Italy. Dream cities (Bologna!), charming mountain villages, and many more highlights off the beaten track await you on this tour.

It’s best to start your road trip in the beautiful city of Bologna. Bologna , a young, charming university city with impressive buildings – we absolutely loved it here.

The numerous picturesque mountain villages of Emilia-Romagna are definitely worth a visit. Particularly noteworthy are places like Dozza with its unusual graffiti and Verucchio, rightly considered one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

Another cultural highlight awaits in Ravenna : Here, you can marvel at countless historical mosaics from Byzantine and early Christian times. We also really enjoyed the somewhat more laid-back Ferrara.

A little tip: You can perfectly combine a road trip through Emilia-Romagna with a detour to the microstate of San Marino . In our opinion, a day trip is indeed sufficient to explore one of the smallest countries in the world.

Route for Your Emilia-Romagna Road Trip

Bologna (2 nights) – Dozza – Brisighella – Santarcangelo (2 to 3 nights) – San Marino (optional) – Verucchio – San Leo – Rimini – Ravenna (1 night) – Comacchio – Ferrara (1 night) – Bologna

Find more info about this route here: Emilia-Romagna Road Trip (available soon)

Facts & Info about the Emilia-Romagna Road Trip

Duration : About a week Distance : Approx. 450 kilometers Best Time to Travel : Spring or Autumn, for a beach holiday in Rimini better in Summer (although it gets very busy) Perfect for: Gourmets (many Italian specialties originate from Emilia-Romagna); Italy enthusiasts who want to travel off the beaten path

Emilia Romagna Travel Guide

Slovenia is definitely one of our most beloved countries for a road trip in Europe. Why? The country is small, making the distances relatively short, travel is moderately priced, and last but not least: Slovenia is truly impressive. Small, but mighty – as we’d sum it up.

Slovenia is a paradise for nature lovers! One of the absolute outdoor highlights on a road trip through Slovenia is the idyllic Soča Valley . The turquoise-blue Soča River winds through a breathtakingly beautiful landscape – a region you absolutely must not miss!

Also worth seeing and one of the most important attractions in Slovenia is the famous Lake Bled. With its tiny island and striking church tower, the lake is one of the country’s most popular photo subjects .

Slovenia’s coast is unfortunately only 46 kilometers long – but it still has quite some highlights to offer, especially the picturesque coastal town of Piran . For a beach holiday, the nearby Portorož is very popular.

A detour to Slovenia’s small but very charming capital, Ljubljana , is also worth it. The picturesque old town of Ljubljana can be explored quickly – leaving plenty of time to visit the many hip cafes of the university city.

Route for Your Slovenia Road Trip

Bled (2 nights) – Škofja Loka – Ljubljana (2 nights) – Postojna (1 night) – Piran (2 nights) – Soča Valley (3 nights) – Vršič Pass

For more information, check out this travel guide: Slovenia Travel Route

Facts & Info about the Slovenia Road Trip

Duration : About a week to 10 days Distance : Approx. 400 kilometers Best Time to Travel : Spring to Autumn, with Summer being naturally busier Perfect for : Those who want to see a lot in a short time; outdoor and nature enthusiasts

Europa Roadtrip Tips

Another fantastic road trip in Europe takes you to one of the most beloved holiday destinations of German-speaking visitors: Croatia. No, Croatia is certainly no longer a hidden gem – but this elongated country on the Adriatic coast is still incredibly worth seeing.

Croatia equals love for the sea! Few European road trips evoke as many holiday feelings as a round trip through Croatia. Hence, you can look forward to a countless beautiful coastal towns and wonderful swimming bays in Croatia.

Because Croatia is so long and narrow (meaning the distances are quite far), you have several route options here: For example, you can just explore the very picturesque region of Istria in the north of the country. Here you will find stunning coastal towns, especially the picturesque (but rather touristy) Rovinj .

For those with more time, we definitely recommend driving further south to Dalmatia. Here lies one of the most beautiful beach stretches in Croatia: the Makarska Riviera . Picturesque towns are tightly nestled at the foot of the spectacular Biokovo mountain range – a unique natural backdrop.

Split is a must-see. The combination of modern coastal metropolis and ancient buildings is unparalleled. You should definitely plan a stopover here on your road trip through Croatia.

Last but not least, Croatia is home to countless islands (around 1,200 to be precise) that you can visit. Hvar is highly recommended. As you can see, Croatia is not short of highlights.

Route for your Croatia Road Trip

Istria/Rovinj (3-4 nights) – Zadar (1 night) – Krka National Park – Šibenik (1-2 nights) – Primošten – Trogir – Split (2-3 nights) – Hvar (3 nights) – Omiš – Makarska Riviera (2-3 nights) – Dubrovnik (2-3 nights

For more information and tips on the route, check out this travel guide: Croatia Road Trip

Facts & Info about the Croatia Road Trip

Duration : approx. two to three weeks (can also be shortened) Distance : approx. 900 kilometres (one way, i.e. you have to drive the route back or book an open jaw flight – e.g. Pula/Dubrovnik) Best time to travel: Spring or autumn; some places are very crowded in summer (if you are travelling in summer, you should definitely book well in advance). Perfect for: Coastal and beach fans; all those who like historic cities and crave a hefty dose of holiday flair

Croatia Travel Itinerary 2 Weeks

Another European road trip that makes it to our list of favourites is Montenegro. This small country in the Balkans offers incredible variety in a relatively small area! From the rugged highlands around the spectacular Durmitor Mountains to the breathtakingly beautiful Bay of Kotor – Montenegro is truly the perfect road trip country!

Montenegro is an absolute nature destination ! In our opinion, it is the comparatively lesser-known interior in particular that makes Montenegro so appealing.

Firstly, there is the breathtakingly beautiful Durmitor National Park. The spectacular mountain massif rises from a rugged plateau. Here you can go on great hikes or drive along the most famous road in the region, the Durmitor Ring Road.

Also incredibly worth seeing is Lake Scutari, the largest lake in the Balkans. It’s partly in Montenegro, partly in Albania. Our morning boat trip o n Lake Skutari is definitely one of our personal highlights in Montenegro.

Last but not least, the Bay of Kotor, that 30-kilometre-long sea bay framed by spectacular mountain ranges, is a must-see on this European road trip. The small town of the same name, Kotor, is an major tourist hotspot (cruise ships dock here). We personally liked Perast even better.

Route for your Montenegro Road Trip

Perast (2 nights) – Durmitor National Park (2-3 nights) – Lake Scutari (2 nights) – Kotor (2-3 nights)

For more detailed information and tips, check out this article: Montenegro travel route (available soon)

Facts & Info about the Montenegro Road Trip

Duration : About 8 to 10 days Distance : Approx. 450 kilometres Best time to travel : Spring to autumn (We went in the peak of summer and it was absolutely fine.) Perfect for : All those who want to experience a lot in a short time and get to know a relatively unknown road trip country in Europe; nature enthusiasts

Montenegro Travel Itinerary

Bonjour, la France! Southern France is a classic among road trips in Europe. The south of the country is an absolute dream destination for many, and rightly so, in our opinion. The blooming lavender fields, the picturesque mountain villages of Provence, the glamorous coastal cities – all this and much more awaits you in Southern France.

A region in Southern France you simply cannot miss is the enchanting Provence . There are several highlights located here. First off, there is the Luberon mountain range with its picturesque mountain villages such as Gordes, Bonnieux and Lourmarin.

Aix-en-Provence is probably the most beautiful major city in Provence and should definitely be on your itinerary. We absolutely loved it here!

For those who prefer to venture off the beaten track , adding the gorges of the Tarn and Jonte to the itinerary is a must. Here, we stayed completely secluded in an old stone house and were welcomed in an incredibly homely atmosphere.

Of course, a detour to the coast is also a must on a road trip through the Southern France. Cannes , a glamorous city on the Côte d’Azur, is a great choice.

Route for your South of France Road Trip

Toulouse – Carcassonne – Narbonne (2 nights) – Cévennes National Park (2 nights) – Pont du Gard – Luberon (2 nights) – Aix-en-Provence (1-2 nights) – Roquebrune-sur-Argens (2 nights) – Cannes (2 nights) – Nice

For more information and tips, check out this guide: Southern France Travel Route

Facts & Info about the Southern France Road Trip

Duration : About 2 weeks Distance : Approx. 900 kilometers Best time to travel : Between the end of June and mid-August (for lavender blossom), otherwise better in spring or autumn Perfect for : All those who like variety (coast, inland, cities, mountain villages, nature); gourmets (though vegetarian might be challenging)

Travel Itinerary South France

Oh, Andalusia! Few destinations in Europe have inspired us as much as Southern Spain. Andalusia is culturally incredibly fascinating , with the Arab influences from the Moorish era omnipresent. The combination of exciting cities, arid landscapes, and the sea really appealed to us.

Andalusia is packed with truly great cities – one more beautiful than the other. First off, there is the capital of Andalusia, Seville . Seville is a must-see. The university city is bursting with energy. Plus, there are impressive sights on every corner, especially the gigantic cathedral.

Granada is no less impressive. It is home to the world-famous Alhambra , one of Spain’s most important landmarks. Next up is Córdoba . Here stands the Mezquita , a mosque-cathedral that truly left us speechless. This architectural masterpiece is an absolute must-see.

But don’t worry: Apart from culture, there’s plenty to discover in Andalusia. For example, the arid interior around the so-called Road of the White Villages is well worth seeing. Here, in the mountainous hinterland, there are several picturesque mountain villages with white lime-washed facades, already visible from afar. Not a typical white village, but still very worth seeing, is nearby Ronda with its iconic stone bridge.

You should also not miss a detour to the sea in Andalusia Cádiz , for example, is one of the oldest cities in Europe and is absolutely worth a visit.

Route for your road trip through Andalusia

Málaga (2 nights) – Ronda (1 night) – Road of the White Villages – Cádiz (2 nights) – Sevilla (3-4 nights) – Córdoba (2 nights) – Granada (2-3 nights) – Málaga

Find more info about this route here: Andalusia Travel Route

Facts & Info about the Andalusia Road Trip

Duration : About 10 days to 2 weeks Distance : Approx. 900 kilometres Best time to travel : Definitely not in the peak of summer, as it gets far too hot. Spring and autumn are ideal. We were there at the beginning of November and were quite lucky with the weather. Perfect for : Those interested in culture (Andalusia has many special cities with really impressive landmarks); all those who long for the Southern Spanish way of life.

Andalusia Travel Itinerary

If you are looking for a road trip in Europe off the beaten path , the region of Centro de Portugal is an excellent choice. As the name suggests, you’ll be travelling through the geographical centre of Portugal , roughly the area between Lisbon and Porto. Of course, it’s a great idea to include one or both of these cities in your road trip.

Highlights of this road trip

On this European road trip, you can look forward to many hidden and lesser-known places away from the classic Portugal travel routes. The journey mainly takes you through the interior of the country , but there are also some destinations along the coast.

Definitely worth visiting is the university city of Coimbra. The town has a special charm and is beautifully situated: Coimbra lies along the Rio Mondego and stretches up a hill in terraces. Do not miss the 700-year-old University of Coimbra with its baroque library, the Biblioteca Joanina.

We also really enjoyed Aveiro , the “Venice of Portugal”, and the fishing village of Costa Nova with its colourful beach houses.

You should definitely not miss out on a detour into the interior of the country on this tour. We can recommend the small, secluded mountain village of Marialva . And last but not least: Serra da Estrela , the highest mountain range on the Portuguese mainland, should not be missing from your route.

A little tip: It is definitely worth visiting the capital, Lisbon. Strictly speaking, it is not in Centro de Portugal, but most people will probably arrive here by plane. At the end of the trip, you could stop in Porto and fly back from there.

Route for your Centro de Portugal Road Trip

Lisbon (approx. 3 nights) – Óbidos (1 night) – monasteries of Alcobaça, Batalha and Tomar – Coimbra (1 to 2 nights) – Aveiro (1 night) – Costa Nova – Marialva (1 night) – Serra da Estrela (2 nights) – Porto

For more information, check out this article: Centro de Portugal Travel Route (available soon)

Facts & Info about the Centro de Portugal Road Trip

Duration : About 7 days (without Lisbon), approx. 10 to 12 days (with Lisbon and/or Porto) Distance : Approx. 900 kilometres Best time to travel: Spring to autumn (We were there in early April and the weather was already quite pleasant) Perfect for : Those who want to travel off the beaten path and are looking for a diverse destination (coast, cities, nature)

Casas do Coro Marialva

Last but not least: Austria, a must in our list of favourite road trips in Europe. And we say this not just because it’s our home. If you love mountains , you’ll adore Austria. And, as a bonus, there are also several Austrian cities that are really worth visiting.

No road trip through Austria would be complete without visiting the beautiful capital, Vienna . Vienna’s baroque, imperial flair is truly unique. And, of course, let’s not forget the city’s delightful coffee houses, oh!

Just as charming is the second major city along the route: Salzburg . The city of Mozart is whimsically beautiful, with the imposing Hohensalzburg Fortress as a visual treat.

However, the special highlight of a road trip through Austria, besides the pretty cities, is above all the spectacular mountain scenery . So, if you enjoy the mountains, Austria is the place to be.

Stunning (and not quite as touristy as other regions) areas include East Tyrol and the Bregenz Forsest. For something different, head to Bad Gastein. Historic Belle Époque buildings nestle close together on the hillside – what a backdrop.

While there’s no sea in Austria, there are magnificent lakes . Some of the most popular swimming lakes are located in the southernmost province of Carinthia. So, if you long to cool off and refresh yourself, you’ll be well catered for here.

Route for your Austria Road Trip

Vienna (2 to 4 nights) – Wachau (optional, 1 to 2 nights) – Salzkammergut (2 to 3 nights) – Salzburg (1 to 2 nights) – Bad Gastein (2 to 3 nights) – Bregenzerwald (optional, 3 to 4 nights) – East Tyrol (3 to 4 nights) – Carinthian Lakes (3 nights) – Southern Styria (2 to 3 nights) – Graz (optional, 1 to 2 nights) – Vienna

You can find the exact travel route in this article: Austria Travel Route

Facts & Info about the Austria Road Trip

Duration : About 2 to 4 weeks Kilometres : Approx. 1,150 kilometres (shorter route), approx. 1,750 kilometres (longer route to Bregenzerwald) Best time to travel : Ideally June or September, to avoid the summer holidays and when most of the huts in the hiking regions are already/still open. Perfect for : Mountain, nature and outdoor enthusiasts; all those who love the imperial baroque charm; gourmets (Kaiserschmarrn, Topfenstrudel and co. are a delight)

Austria Road trip

Which other road trips in Europe can you recommend? Which routes have you perhaps already explored yourself or which road trips are still on your wish list? We look forward to hearing about your experiences and additional tips.

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Most Scenic Road Trips in Europe | Travel Bucket List

Most Scenic Road Trips in Europe | Travel Bucket List

We rightly predicted back in 2020, that in the Post-Pandemic World, Road Trips are going to be the trend and definitely going to take prominence over other kind of trips, specially in Europe. Not only does it give you more control of who you are getting in contact with, road trips give you plenty of freedom to experience any destination at your own pace.

This post is a curation of 20 of the Most Scenic Road Trips in Europe , including road trips in the Scottish highlands, Western Fjords, Faroe Islands, along the Wild Atlantic Way in Ireland, the Golden Circle in Iceland , among others, that have been recommended by travellers and road trippers themselves.

These European Road Trips have been listed on the basis of the total distance they cover, with the least distance of only 30 odd kms to as much as 2500 odd kms. That’s the beauty of road tripping in Europe. Some are short distances involving only a few hours drive, while other are spanning over a couple of days but cover a lot of amazing pit stops, while driving only few hours a day.

PS – Before you head to Europe and discover the beauty of the Top Attractions and Sights in Europe , through these 20 Best and Epic Road Trips across Europe , as  listed below, check out these 20+ Travel Hacks and Resources , that will elevate your Travel experience to a different level all together.

The first and foremost thing you need to do to tick off any of these Best Road Trips in Europe, will be renting a car in Europe. And we recommend you to book your Rental Self Drive Car in Europe on Discover Cars and

Just to warn you, it’s a long post, so if you are a bit short on time at the moment, make sure to Pin this post , and Bookmark it for a leisure and detailed read. 

20 Best Road Trips in Europe | theETLRblog

20 Best and Most Scenic Road Trips in Europe

The alsace road trip | france, wine route |  germany, croatia to montenegro road trip, isle of wight coastal road | england, road trip in the faroe islands , azores road trip | portugal, transfagarasan highway | romania, drive from glasgow to fort william | scotland, slovenia to italy road trip, the golden circle | iceland, causeway coastal route | ireland, drive from porto to lisbon | portugal, romantic road | germany, andalucia road trip | spain, ancient east road trip | ireland, tuscany road trip | italy, london to paris by road, transylvania classic road trip | romania, the albania road trip, nc500 | scotland, road trip from rome to venice | italy, road trip in the western fjords | norway, the wild atlantic way | ireland, pin this post , share this:.

Distance : 30 kms / 19 miles

Duration: 5 Days

Starting point : Colmar

Destination : Ribeauvillé

road trip route europe

The Alsace is home to the best vineyards in France and fairytale-like Beauty and the Beast villages. Two perfect ingredients for one of the most scenic road trips in Europe! As this trip only covers about 30 kilometers, you could already explore the area in two days. But I’d recommend planning at least five to a week for your Alsace road trip .

Start your road trip in Colmar , one of the bigger cities in the area with charming timbered houses. Spend at least a day exploring town. 

Head north to the village of Kaysersberg , located in a valley between the Voges mountains. One of the best photo spots in the picturesque town is the small bridge in the town center. Another highlight is walking around the vineyards and the old castle. The castle tower is still intact and you can climb up for splendid views. 

Your next stop is small Riquewihr , a famous tourist magnet despite its size. Arrive early to avoid the crowds and walk around the cute streets with timbered houses, imagining yourself in either a Beauty and the Beast film set or the Middle Ages.

Continue your Alsace road trip to Ribeauvillé and spend at least a day to enjoy the old town and hike in the area. The town itself is charming and very picturesque with its traditional timbered houses, cobbled streets and flower baskets at every bridge and street lamp. One of the highlights though is a hike to the three castle ruins on the hill next to Ribeauvillé , offering beautiful views of the historic town and the surrounding vineyards. 

Recommended by Maartje & Sebastiaan from The Orange Backpack

Distance : 85 kms / 53 miles

Duration: 1 Day

Starting point : Bockenheim

Destination : Schweigen-Rechtenbach

road trip route europe

The wine route in Germany is one of the most beautiful road trips that one can take when traveling through Europe.  

# It is the oldest tourist route in Germany. 

# The route covers 53 miles (85km), and is nearly 100 years old.  

# While it can easily be done in 1 day, it is best to spend 1 week on the route.

To get the most out of the wine route that showcases stunning scenery, amazing wines and countryside and some seriously wonderful cities to stay in along the way, it is best to spend at least a week exploring the route. The route begins in Bockenheim and ends in Schweigen-Rechtenbach , right on the French border.

Some of the things to see on the route include Neustadt’s half timbered houses as well as Hambach Castle , the castle in Wachenheim , the wine gate in Schweigen-Rechtenbach and Bad Durkheim .  When taking this route in the spring, summer or fall, there will be dozens of festivals and events in the towns and villages along the wine route as the warmer months are a popular time for wine and other festivals.  On the route, tourists will see plenty of vineyards and over 100 wine communities, many of which will have unique and local wines for non-locals to try. 

The best part?  Wines are cheap and plentiful , making the wine route one of the best road trips in Europe.

Recommended by Diana  from Travels In Poland

Distance : 100 km / 62 miles

Duration: 2-3 hours

Starting point : Dubrovnik, Croatia

Destination : Kotor, Montenegro

road trip route europe

There are lots of amazing road trips to take in Europe, from the highlands of Scotland to the scenic Peso da Regua in Portugal, but travellers should not miss out on a drive from Dubrovnik in Croatia down south to Kotor in Montenegro. 

Dubrovnik is no stranger to many, being one of the filming locations of the worldwide hit Game of Thrones . It is here that you can set foot in a medieval walled city. Be sure to take the time to walk on its walls, and get amazing views out to the Adriatic Sea. 

Starting off your road trip from here, it takes just under 2 hours to reach one of the best cities of Montenegro , Kotor. The overall driving distance is less than 100km, making for a smooth and pleasant drive.

The driving experience affords you multiple viewpoints, each unique on its own. This journey takes you along the coastline and passes through beautiful mountainscapes.

Less than 30 minutes into your drive, you will hit the border control where you enter Montenegro. 

Tip: Ask a local about the best time to cross the border. As this is a popular day trip, traffic can build up quickly. Also make sure that your car rental company provides you with the ‘green card’ , which is needed to enter Montenegro. 

The typical route for this trip, which fits perfectly in this 10 day Balkan Travel Itinerary , is to circumnavigate the Bay of Kotor and reach Kotor through the small town of Perast but go against the grain by hopping on to a vehicle ferry to cross the body of water instead. Kotor is an amazing destination that sits at the water’s edge. Enjoy the most stunning views of Bay of Kotor by climbing to a high point, and be sure to enjoy a fresh seafood dinner back in the Old Town.

Recommended by Shang from Zip Up And Go

Distance : 113 kms / 70 miles

Duration: Around 1 hour

Starting point : Chale

Destination : Chale

road trip route europe

Europe is an amazing continent to explore by car. With so many amazing scenic roads it’s not easy to find the most beautiful one. If you are visiting London or the south of England, you have to drive to the Isle of Wight . It is home to one of the most spectacular roads in  Europe.

The A3055, known as Military Road , is a 10 miles long road on the south-western part of the island. It only takes 20 minutes to drive from Chale to Freshwater, but it will take you much longer with a few stops for short walks. The Military road is part of the Isle of Wight coastal road – a 70 miles loop around the island.

With a few amazing beaches like Ryde beach and unusual places like visiting the Garlic Farm and the Needles, there is so much to see while driving around the Isle of Wight.

It is recommended to book 2-3 days for the whole trip (depending on where you start your journey from). Book a hotel in Yarmouth in the western part of the island or Ryde on the east coast. 

Recommended by Darek from Darek and Gosia

Distance : 120 kms / 75 miles

Duration: 3 – 5 Days

Starting point : Vagar Island

Destination : Eysturoy

road trip route europe

One of the best road trips to take in Europe is throughout the wondrous Faroe Islands. The Faroes are made up of 18 islands in between Iceland and Norway (north of Scotland) and the scenic opportunities will astound you.

A road trip throughout the Faroes is unlike anywhere else in that you will circle back and forth throughout the archipelago. There is even a ‘Buttercup’ road that is marked that showcases the highlights of the highway.

Before starting your road trip, you will want to be sure to have an account on Airbnb as that is the best way to find accommodation in villages in the Faroe Islands. There are many Airbnbs in the Faroe Islands that will offer you a diverse trip and a chance to stay in places that don’t have a hotel or alternative options.

It is best to start your road trip on Vagar island , home to Mulafossur and Sorvagsvatn (and the airport!). Depending on when you land, it is easiest just to grab a rental car and start exploring that island right away or you’ll have to pay a toll to cross back over.

From Vagar, head to the capital city of Torshavn where you will find many great places to stay.  On the same island, you’ll have Fossa (the largest waterfall) , Tjornuvik, Kirkjubour, Vestmanna, and Saksun, all worth exploring.

After a day or two on Streymoy, the best option is to head to Kalsoy island up north. This narrow island is only accessible by a ferry and you can drive from the port to Trollanes village, home of the Kallur Lighthouse . It is so remarkably beautiful that even the upcoming James Bond movie has scenes shot there!

When you’re done with Kalsoy, you can explore the northern islands of Kunoy, Vidoy, and Bordoy before heading to Eysturoy. On Eysturoy, you will find the most charming village in the Faroe Islands, Gjogv.  

While this is the standard Faroe Islands road trip , there are many chances to deviate and create your own.  The southern islands of Suduroy and Sandoy are fantastic off-the-path options. Nevertheless, a Faroe Islands road trip is outstanding and something everyone should experience!

Recommended by Megan C. Starr

Distance : 150 kms / 93 miles

Duration: 3 Days

Starting point : Ponta Delgada

Destination : Furnas

road trip route europe

The road trip in the Azores can be done on pretty much any island, but Sao Miguel offers a lot more to see than the rest. While on the road trip you will see lots of natural landmarks like lakes, hot springs, waterfalls, mesmerizing vistas and wild animals. 

On the first day of your road trip, you can start by exploring the capital of the Azores – Ponta Delgada. It was one of the first cities inhabited on the islands, which makes it historically important. In particular, it is famous for its ancient buildings and fortresses, vast marinas and beautiful colourful streets. Then, in the early afternoon, you can head to the village of Sete Cidades . There you can climb to Boca do Inferno and enjoy a heavenly sunset of Lagoa Azul, Lagoa Verde and the Atlantic Ocean. 

The next day you can continue your road trip to Lagoa do Fogo, or the Fire lake as the locals know it. It is set in the middle of the island just 20 minutes driving from the city of Lagoa. Lagoa do Fogo is the most beautiful lake on the islands but is usually covered in fog, thus it is best to check the forecast for the day before going there. After checking the beaches of Lagoa do Fogo you can head to the city of Villa Franca do Campo and climb up to its famous chapel – Our Lady of Peace. From there you can have the most incredible view over the islet of Vila Franca do Campo. 

On the last day, continue to the city of Furnas known for its unique cuisine and hot geysers. There you can visit the lake of Furnas and it’s hot springs , where locals cook cozido – buckets of meat and veggies cooked in the hot ground. While in Furnas you can take a dip into the hot springs either at Terra Nostra or Dona Benija. Eventually, if you have some time left, head down to the Hot waterfall of Ribeira and explore Sao Miguel’s deepest tropical forests and the only hot waterfall!

If you plan to stay in Furnas some more, I would recommend checking Furnas Boutique Hotel which will make your wildest dreams come true! 

We would definitely like you to recommend renting a vehicle through Orbit Car Hire , when you are road tripping in Azores.

Recommended by Alex from EarthOSea

Distance : 160 km / 100 miles

Duration: 4-6 hours

Starting point : Bucharest

Destination : Sibiu

road trip route europe

When in Romania, opt for travelling by road between Bucharest and Sibiu , since part of the route takes you on the Transfagarasan Highway , one of the most scenic roads in the world even dubbed so by Jeremy Clark of Top Gear.

It’s where a road crosses a major mountain pass to get through the Fagaras Mountain Range. You can expect plenty of hairpin turns winding like a large snake and revealing stunning views below. Small waterfalls and often streaks of snow accompany the serpentines, even in summer months. 

On the highest point of the road, at the height of 2042 m, you’ll find a beautiful glacial lake called Balea . A chalet right by the lake provides accommodation too. 

The whole distance between Bucharest and Sibiu takes 4 hours of driving time, but you’ll want to spend at least an hour taking breaks along the Transfagarasan Highway , which is open only from June till October .  The 160km long distance can be traveled faster only when flying. Of the 160 km, 90 km is along the Transfagarasan Road.

Both Bucharest, the capital of Romania, and Sibiu, a cultural gem with Germanic influences, are well worth visiting. Spend at least two days in each city! I can recommend e.g. Continental Forum Hotel in Sibiu. 

Recommended by Veronika Primm from Travel Geekery 

Distance : 169 kms / 105 miles

Starting point : Glasgow

Destination : Fort William

road trip route europe

The journey from Glasgow to Fort William boasts some of the Scottish Highlands most beautiful views and is the perfect road trip for nature lovers. While the drive only takes about 2.5 hours to cover the 105 miles between, it is worth taking longer to admire the sights along the way.

The drive from Glasgow to Fort Williams, not only is one of the most scenic road trips in Europe, but also makes for an amazing add on experience to this 7 Day Scotland Travel Itinerary.

The first stop is about 40 minutes outside Glasgow at Luss. A stroll down their beautiful pier will provide you with views of Loch Lomond and the Ben Lomond Mountain.

Continuing north on the A82 for another half hour to Inverarnan, the Drover’s Inn provides an excellent stop for lunch. This pub and hotel has been around for nearly 300 years and is supposedly home to several ghosts. 

Just around the corner, the Falls of Falloch provide a short opportunity to walk off lunch and enjoy views of the 10m falls before continuing your journey.

Keep an eye out for the iconic Buachaille Etive Mor Mountain out your window as you pass through Glen Coe. There are numerous spots to pull over and take photos as you drive through the highland nature.

Just about 20 minutes from your final destination, you’ll reach Loch Linnhe, which provides scenic views across the water. Finally, you’ll reach Fort William , which is known as the gateway to Ben Nevis, the UK’s highest peak.

Nature is best experienced outdoors and Scotland allows wild camping , so bringing a tent and staying a night outside is highly recommended. If you’re expecting the classic Scottish rain or sleeping in the great outdoors isn’t your cup of tea, a glamping pod might be the perfect option for you – there are some near Loch Lomond, Glen Coe, and Loch Linnhe.

Recommended by Graham Grieve from My Voyage Scotland

Distance : 195 km / 121 miles

Duration : 1 day

Starting point : Most na Soči, Slovenia

Destination : Laghi di Fusine, Italy

road trip route europe

This road trip may easily become an adventure that lasts an entire day. The route is filled with stunning viewpoints, noteworthy stops, and jaw-dropping panoramas of the mountains.

The journey starts in Slovenia’s Most na Soči – a small and cozy town in Triglav National Park. From here, the route heads deeper into the mountains, and accompanying it for the first half of the mileage is the Soča river.

There are quite a few great stops worth making along the way: Tolmin Gorges with an easy and memorable hiking trail, Slap (waterfall) Kozak, and the highest waterfall in Slovenia, Boka. 

A small town Bovec high in the mountains may be a good stop for lunch and some stretching. This town is also a gateway to many mountain activities, including canyoning, kayaking, hiking, and paragliding.

The second part of the road will be a bit more demanding as it runs through the Vrsič Pass. Built by the Russian POW, it is known for its 50 breathtaking hairpin turns. All of them are numbered. Hairpin #8 is famous for a lovely Russian Chapel. Hairpin #49 is the starting point of the great Triglav National Park hike to the top of the mountain.  

Right after the pass, the route runs through Kranjska Gora, another lovely town perfect as the base for many adventures in the Triglav National Park, and finally leads to the stunning Laghi di Fusine in Tarvisio, Italy . These are two glacial lakes, Superiore and Inferiore, connected via an easy hiking trail and surrounded by the majestic mountain peaks.

Parking by the laghi is free, and next to the smaller lake, there is a cozy cafe Belvedere. From here, some other road trip suggestions are either back to Slovenia via the Mangart Saddle , or to Venice in Italy via route A23.

Recommended by Inessa and Natalie of Through a Travel Lens 

Distance : 305 kms / 190 miles

Duration: Day Trip

Starting point : Reykjavik

Destination : Reykjavik

road trip route europe

The Golden Circle in Iceland is the best day trip you can take from Reykjavik and one of the best sightseeing trips as well.  This is an iconic Iceland itinerary and one of the most popular routes tourists take to experience the beauty of Iceland.  The total distance covered is only 190 miles but believe me you will want to take a lot of stops along the way.

You can explore the Golden Circle in summer or winter and this popular driving route will take you through the southern portion of the island.  On this route you will experience such iconic natural wonders of Iceland.  You will go as far south as Selfoss and then you will head east all the way to Gullfoss before heading back west to Reykjavik with a few stops along the way.


  • Gullfoss Waterfall, 
  • Geysir Geothermal Field, 
  • Thingvellir National Park
  • See Icelandic Ponies

This is an easy drive and does not require a 4×4.  Just remember to charge your camera the night before because there are so many photogenic stops along the Golden Circle .

Recommended by Nicole LaBarge

PS – Useful Travel Resources to use while heading to Europe to tick off these Most Scenic Road Trips in Europe – 

  • Book your Rental Car in Europe on Discover Cars and
  • Book the best Europe Tours at GetYourGuide or Viator
  • Book your Accommodation in Europe on Agoda or
  • Get an eSIM by Airalo to stay connected and Save on Roaming Fees
  • Sign up for a Priority Pass before flying to Europe, to enjoy premium Airport Lounge access.
  • Sign up for a Travel Insurance to enjoy a hassle free road trip vacation in Europe.

Distance : 322 kms / 200 miles

Duration: 2-3 days

Starting point : Belfast

Destination : Derry / Londonderry

road trip route europe

Running along the north coast of Northern Ireland the Causeway Coastal Route is considered one of Europe’s best road trips. It showcases some of Northern Ireland’s most magnificent scenery and there is a huge variety to see and do along the route.

The Causeway Coastal Route’s most famous sight is the Giant’s Causeway where 40,000 interlocking columns are surrounded by ocean and basalt cliffs. Crossing the nearby Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge is an adrenaline inducing experience with only a rugged rope bridge connecting the mainland to a tiny island.

Game of Thrones is one of the huge draws to the Causeway Coast and many filming locations are dotted throughout the area. Fans can visit the Dark Hedges, Ballintoy Harbour and Downhill strand to relive scenes from the iconic HBO series.

Other incredible sights include the medieval ruins of Dunluce Castle perched on the edge of jutting coastal cliffs and Rathlin Island, an untouched island with only 100 residents. A walk along the Fairhead Cliffs offers incredible views across the ocean while local cows sunbathing on the White Park Bay beach is an amusing sight. The famous Bushmills Whiskey distillery is another popular stop.  

The entire Causeway Coastal Route covers less than 200 miles and can easily be explored in a weekend. The Roe Park Resort hotel or the Causeway Hotel are both great accommodation options for exploring the Causeway Coast. 

Recommended by David from Your Ireland Vacation

Duration: 4-5 hours

Starting point : Porto

Destination : Lisbon

road trip route europe

One of the most beautiful road trips you can take in Europe is the drive from Porto to Lisbon. There are multiple UNESCO World Heritage Sites to be seen along the way , from the Douro Valley to Coimbra to the Convent of Christ Tomar. In addition, you can visit the modern-day pilgrimage in Fatima , see a bit of the Camino Portuguese, and appreciate the beauty of both Porto and Lisbon.

You can enjoy this road trip in three or four days, but ideally, you should take a week to ten days to get out and see everything. The longer you have, the more cities you will get to enjoy. If you just have four days, make sure to spend at least a half-day in Porto, the Douro Valley, Coimbra, Sintra, and Lisbon – recommended to be one of the best destinations in the world for Solo Travellers . However, if you have a week, you can add in Fatima and a handful of UNESCO sites in central Portugal.

If you were to just drive the route straight, it would only take three hours to cover the three hundred and twenty kilometers that separate the two cities. However, if you give yourself time to see more you will cover more distance because many of the best sites are a bit further inland. 

Recommended by Stephanie Craig from History Fangirl

Distance : 350 kms / 218 miles

Starting point : Würzburg

Destination : Füssen

road trip route europe

Known as the old Roman trade route , the romantic road in Southern Germany leads over 350 kilometers (218 mi) from Würzburg to Füssen via the city of Munich and magnificent chocolate-box towns such as Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Augsburg, Landsberg, and Nördlingen . The name ‘Romantic Road’ or “Romantische Strasse” is deducted from the beautiful sights of charming Bavarian villages along the way and the postcard-worthy Neuschwanstein Castle , which most probably every seasoned traveler has seen in a tourist brochure of Germany at least once.

Based loosely on the old Roman route between a range of picturesque German towns from Würzburg to Füssen, Germany’s Romantic Road really does live up to its name. Taking you to the foothills of the majestic Bavarian Alps, it is particularly pretty in winter, with a dusting of snow bringing out the sheer beauty of the landscape. In addition, if you visit during winter, you will see very few other tourists.

The road is studded with plenty of worthy spots to stop at on your way down to Munich ,   revealing a wealth of European history, art, and culture. A rguably the main reason to drive the Romantic Road is Neuschwanstein Castle , the dream-like castle of Bavarian King Ludwig II that sits atop its rocky crest and forms a fitting marker for the end of one of the most scenic road trips in Europe.

For the average tourist, it is suggested to set aside at least 3 days for the Romantic Road. It’s just enough time to see all the highlights on the route. However, you can always extend the trip by a couple of days if you’d like to explore more villages on the way.

Recommended by Ivan from Mind The Travel

Duration: 3 – 5  Days

Starting point : Seville

Destination : Granada

road trip route europe

The road trip between the sultry Spanish cities of Seville, Cordoba and Granada, will take you through some of Spain’s most dramatic and picturesque landscapes. From wild mountains, to perfectly manicured grove upon grove of olive trees, a road trip in Andalucia is one of the best road trips in Spain .

This 350km trip will take 3 to 5 days, depending how much time you want in each city. 

Visit Seville for the romantic ambiance and beautiful royal gardens, Cordoba for the magnificent Mezquita and Granada for the sublime Alhambra Palace.  

In Seville, head for the Barrio Santa Cruz, the lively and central old Jewish quarter, where you’ll find a great street scene and delicious tapas. You’re close to the cathedral, Giralda tower, Royal Alcazar and Plaza de Espana here, the four must sees in Seville.

In Cordoba, head for the Mezquita (mosque-cathedral), one of the most dramatic in the world. The mix of Moorish and Renaissance architecture is sublime, the history fascinating and the warren of alleys surrounding it perfect for a lazy afternoon’s meandering.

In Granada, it’s all about the Alhambra Palace, a fabulous and fitting monument to Moorish architecture, and love. You will be enchanted by this beautiful palace with gorgeous gardens, which has been carefully restored over the centuries. Book well in advance though, it gets very busy in the summer with up to 6000 visitors a day.  

For a true Spanish experience, stay in one of the many atmospheric Parador’s; hotels which were monasteries, palaces and castles before being converted . You’ll find historic settings and artefacts blended with contemporary extensions to suit the setting. Immersing yourself in the history of Spain has never been so easy!

Recommended by Izzy and Phil  from The Gap Decaders

Distance : 400 kms / 249 miles

Duration: 5 days

Starting point : Cobh, County Cork

Destination : Bray

Most Scenic Road Trips in Europe | theETLRblog

The east coast of Ireland is home to many historical treasures, mythical ruins not to mention some of Ireland’s most stunning, if somewhat underrated, scenery. Regardless of when you travel to Ireland, this is an ideal area to explore if you want to be flexible with your road trip and visit lots of interesting sights along the way. 

One very scenic route along this trail is the coastal route from Cobh in County Cork to Bray, just south of Dublin. It is best to plan at least five days for the 400 km route to ensure that you have enough time to take in all of the best sights. 

One of these must visit locations is Spike Island . This 18th century prison fort was once one of the biggest prisons in the world and shipped a large number of convicts to the colonies. Don’t forget to walk around the star-shaped fort to get some unrivalled views of the harbour and the picturesque maritime town of Cobh. The short boat trip to the island is also highly enjoyable!

The Copper Coast UNESCO Geopark is also part of the route and it is worth taking the time to explore this very scenic, historical copper mining area. There are several great short walking routes which allow you to explore the unusual geology, rugged beaches, dolmens, promontory forts and ruins, including Dunhill Castle . It is an ideal location to explore by bike as well, with several recommended cycling routes. 

As you follow your way up the east coast, another destination that should definitely be added to your itinerary is Hook Head Lighthouse , one of the oldest functioning lighthouses in the world.  

If you fancy visiting some of the filming locations used in Brooklyn and Saving Private Ryan , check out the fabulous beaches of Ballinesker and Curracloe in Wexford.

Recommended by Emer and Nils from Let’s Go Ireland

Duration: 10 days

Starting point : Florence

Destination : Florence

The beautiful vineyards in Tuscany

It’s hard to beat Tuscany in scenery and the region is perfect for a road trip. There are so many cute towns in Tuscany yet you find remote wine tasting opportunities in the middle of nowhere nestled between green hills far from the next village. 

Start your 10 day Tuscany road trip, which also happens to be one of the Best Road Trips in Italy ; in Florence. You should at least spend a day or two  in the astounding capital of Tuscany. Make sure you cover at least the cathedral and don’t forget to climb to the top for spectacular views, Ponte Vecchio, and Piazzale Michelangelo for the best city views. 

Continue the road trip to Pisa for the Pisa tower, stopping by the charming town of Lucca on the way. Stay the night in Pisa before you continue past Pontedera and then stay a night in Volterra . On the way to San Gimignano it’s perfect to stop by a wine farm. You can even stay a night or two so you can indulge in sweet, local wine before you explore the medieval towers of San Gimignano, Tuscany’s Manhattan.

Further, Monteriggioni is a perfect place for a stopover but if you want something bigger for the next nights, continue to Siena for the night where you can spend a couple of days drinking wine at the Piazza del Campo and wander through the old medieval city eating pizza and take pictures.

Before you return to Florence, make sure you stop by Arezzo , also a perfect place to spend the night. Once one of the most important Etruscan cities, rich in history and art, Arezzo easily captures one’s heart. Once back in Florence, splurge in ice cream and walk through the busy streets. If you have the time, check out more sights in this lovely, old city.

Recommended by Linn Haglund from Brainy Backpackers

Distance : 482 kms / 300 miles

Duration: 6-7 hours

Starting point : London

Destination : Paris

road trip route europe

We started our trip from London, heading towards the ferry crossing from Dover to Calais, and ended in Paris. You should give yourself approximately 6 hours of travel time, with the total trip being 300 miles. There are two great times to take the trip, the weeks leading up to Christmas and at the start of summer. Christmas is great because the streets of Paris are buzzing with beautiful lights and there’s lots of street markets happening. But wrap up because it can get very cold! 

As you head out of London towards Dover, you must take a few moments to catch some pictures of the Dover White Cliffs. They are a famous UK landmark with a beautiful gleaming white reflecting off the chalk cliffs. Once you get to Calais port, you can drive non-stop to Paris, however you will pass through stunning fields of flowers on route if you take the slightly longer route. This is highly recommended as the white cliffs and these fields of flowers are the reason this road trip is stunning and one of the best and most scenic road trips in Europe, connecting two amazing cities which are world renowned for their culture. 

There are many chic hotels around the Eiffel Tower , which are great for families who want to be able to walk to the landmark and enjoy the beautiful park and greenery that surrounds it.

Recommended by Manpreet Kaur from Hello Manpreet

Distance : 500 km / 310  miles

Duration: 6 Days

Starting point : Sibiu

Destination : Brasov

road trip route europe

The classic road trip in Transylvania, can be planned along with this 10 day Western Romania Travel Itinerary , and includes some traditional villages, the best known cities of the region and landscapes that will amaze your eyes. Six days are enough to explore it. 

Start your trip in Sibiu with a long walk in the old town. The next day head to Cluj Napoca , the largest city in Transylvania. On the way take a detour to visit one of Iconic Landmarks of Romania – Corvin castle , a beautiful medieval jewel and stop also in Alba Iulia, the white citadel. 

You can dedicate your third day to Cluj Napoca for its old town, modern restaurants and a great botanical garden. If you like horror stories, just a few kilometers outside Cluj Napoca you can get lost in one of the most haunted places in the world: Hoia Baciu forest. 

On the fourth day it’s time to head towards Targu Mures and discover its less known attractions . On the way, you must stop in Turda to enjoy a salt mine like an amusement park, Turda salt mine. 

Your fifth day will take you to an UNESCO heritage site: the medieval citadel – Sighișoara , where you can enjoy colourful buildings and narrow streets. 

On your last day of the road trip you can stop in Viscri , a traditional village connected with Prince Charles, Prince of Wales. The main attraction in this village is the white fortified church. 

End your Transylvanian trip in Brasov , one of the most visited cities in Transylvania. The total tour is around 500 kilometers, but it is enough to fall in love with this region.

Recommended by Corina and Florin of Another Milestone 

Distance : 500 kms / 310 miles

Duration: 7-10 Days

Starting point : Tirana

Destination : Tirana

road trip route europe

Albania is still a relatively offbeat destination, but nonetheless offers some of the most scenic road trip routes in Europe. Car rental is affordable, distances are short, and as long as you learn to manage the traffic, self-driving in Albania is perfectly safe.  

This Balkan nation is incredibly varied, from the Accursed mountains in the north to the Albanian Riviera along the Adriatic Coast and the rugged interior. In as little as 7-10 days you can see a good cross-section of the country. An ideal Albania Road Trip route is a loop starting and finishing in the capital, Tirana, taking in the centre of the country and the coast . This involves roughly 500km (or a total of 8 hours) of driving.

Start by soaking up modern-day Albanian culture and history in Tirana. Visit Bunk’Art (a museum housed in an old communist bunker) and go café-hopping in the colourful Blloku neighbourhood. From Tirana, head south to Berat and Gjirokaster , two historic cities in the interior, both with impressive castles and UNESCO World Heritage-Listed Old Towns. The famous Blue Eye, a scenic swimming hole, is a short drive from Gjirokaster. 

From there, you can continue to Saranda on the coast. Himara to the north offers some of the country’s finest beaches and is less-touristy than the bigger coastal cities. Drive up the coast to finish in Tirana, perhaps with a quick detour to Kruje , another historic city, on the way. You can easily extend your road trip by continuing north to Shkoder and Theth, where you’ll find incredible alpine trekking.

Beautiful scenery at every turn paired with a fascinating history, good food and wine, and old-fashioned hospitality – a road trip in Albania is hard to beat.

Recommended by Emily from Wander-Lush

Distance : 830 kms / 516 miles

Duration: 7 Days

Starting point : Inverness

Destination : Inverness

The scenic NC 500 Road Trip in Scotland

If you’re looking for a spectacular road trip in Europe, look no further than the NC500 in Scotland.

This road is one of the most scenic road trips in Scotland – and for good reason. The scenery is some of the prettiest in the UK and you’ll discover all sorts of incredible places you never knew existed!

The NC500 begins in Inverness , although you can join and leave it anywhere. From Inverness, most people go clockwise, head through the Highlands, aiming (eventually) for Britain’s most northerly town- John O’Groats, (where you can take a day trip to Orkney ) before heading south again to Inverness. 

The route is fairly well signposted, although some of it is single track and very narrow. Be careful where you stop- you don’t want to block the road! 

Highlights of the NC 500 include:

  • Inverness- the most northerly city in the UK
  • Clachtoll Beach 
  • Kylesku Bridge
  • John o’Groats 

The route is 516 miles, but the road is slow. Expect to stop often for vehicles coming the other way or for stray highland cows! We recommend at least a 7-day trip to really make the most of it. There are plenty of B & Bs and hotels on the route to enjoy as you stay.

Recommended by Kat from Wandering Bird

Distance : 985 kms / 612 miles

Duration: 9 days

Starting point : Rome

Destination : Venice

road trip route europe

Highlights of this road trip are the beautiful regions of Umbria and Tuscany and many of central and northern Italy’s major cities and sights.  

After leaving Rome , a recommended first stop is Villa D’Este , famous for its fountain-filled gardens.  The route then heads north and enters the lovely province of Umbria, with medieval hill towns, olive groves and vineyards.  Spoleto, which has a famous aqueduct, is a good place to spend a night.  

After leaving Spoleto the route continues past more hills topped with tiny medieval towns .  One worth visiting is Spello .  The next part of the trip turns off the main roads and dips through the hills and valleys of the Montefalco region , past farmlands and vineyards.  This is the perfect area to visit a winery ; many of them, such as Scacciadiavoli , have tours and tastings.  Other highlights include Assisi, where the founder of the Franciscan order is buried, and an overnight stop in Perugia.   

From Perugia, the route continues northeast through the Tuscan hills to Florence.  Siena is a great place to break this leg of the trip.   The town’s famous sloping scallop-shaped main square and Duomo are both worth visiting. 

After spending several nights in Florence ( AQA Palace is a recommended hotel), the road trip continues north to Verona.  This part of the trip is mostly on major highways, but Parma makes a fascinating side trip .  There are several small cheese-makers that are open for visitors to see Parmesan cheese being made.  From there, the road passes through more farmland to Verona.  A well-preserved Roman amphitheater is still used and summer performances of the opera Aida are an annual event.  

It is then just a short jump to Venice , where highlights include St Mark’s Square and the duomo, taking a gondola ride and even learning to row a gondola .  

Recommended by James Ian from Travel Collecting

Distance : 1000 kms / 622 miles

Duration: 5-14 days

Starting point : Stavanger

Destination : Kristiansund

Road Trip in Fjords in Norway - Most Scenic in Europe

Western Norway is home to over 200 fjords created by a succession of Ice Ages. Its stunning coastline is interspersed with deep blue fjords, lush landscape and mighty glaciers. 

Some of the most beautiful fjords include Lysefjord, Geirangerfjord Hardangerfjord, Nærøyfjord and Sognefjord . Due to their exceptional natural beauty both Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord make up the West Norwegian Fjords listing on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Hiking is also popular and the region has some amazing trails: Pulpit Rock, Flørli 4444, Kjerag, Trolltunga and the Romsdalseggen ridge are considered among some of Europe’s best hikes. 

Other popular sites include Trollstigen, the UNESCO designated Urnes Stave Church, the Jostedalsbreen Glacier, Lake Loen and the Atlantic Road. Trollstigen , a winding road comprising hairpin bends, is known as the Troll Road due to the legend of trolls roaming in the mountains while the Atlantic Road , snaking over the Atlantic Ocean, is considered an exceptional engineering feat, and rightly one of the most epic road trips in Europe.

With most international visitors arriving via Oslo, it takes at least one day to make the drive south west to Stavanger or north west to Geirangerfjord to access the fjords. 

A 2 week Norway itinerary will allow a meandering pace through the 1,000 kilometres of Norway’s western fjords covering Stavenger to Kristaiansund. For visitors with less time to explore it is still possible to see a variety of the highlights in 5 days although. 

Recommended by Elaine from The Whole World is a Playground

Distance : 2500 kms / 1554 miles

Duration: 7 days

Starting point : Derry

Destination : Kinsale

Wild Atlantic Way - Best Road Trips in Europe

The Wild Atlantic Way is a 2,500 kilometre route along the west coast of Ireland . It is actually the longest defined coastal route in the world . Not bad for such a tiny country. The drive takes you along rugged cliffs, past beautiful beaches and through quaint little towns full of friendly locals. To make the most of this road trip it is recommended to take at least 1 week and you can easily spend a lot longer on this trip.

The route starts just outside of Derry and takes you up to Malin Head, the northernmost tip of the island before it winds its way West and South all the way to Kinsale on the South coast of Ireland. While most of the journey takes you through the emerald green countryside you will pass through Galway, one of the most popular and vibrant cities in the country.

The highlights of the trip include the sea cliffs at Sliabh Liag (Slieve League) and the Cliffs of Moher, Galway city and Mizen Head . There are also so many awesome hidden gems scattered throughout this road trip as well and the more time you are able to spend completing this road trip the more you will discover. 

When deciding where to stay there are some main stops such as Sligo and Galway but the best places to stay for the rest of the route are generally in the smaller towns and villages. This will give you a chance to experience the real local culture and most importantly you will find plenty of authentic Irish pubs to enjoy a pint of Guinness.

Recommended by Luke from The Coastal Campaign

I hope you enjoyed reading about these 20+ Most Scenic Road Trips in Europe .  Don’t forget to Pin this Travel Bucket List featuring the  Best Road Trips in Europe , for the future and share with others.

Most Beautiful Road Trips in Europe | theETLRblog

If some of these Road Trips ended up on your Travel Bucket List , y ou might also want to check out some other bucket lists  featured here on  the Eat | Travel | Live | Repeat blog for some travel inspiration :

  • Best Street Foods in Europe
  • Best National National Parks in United Kingdom
  • Best Destinations for Solo Travellers

Or Some Destination specific travel blogs:

Scotland : One Week in Scotland – Travel Itinerary and Guide

Netherlands : 7 Day Netherlands Travel Itinerary + Guide

Romania : 5 Iconic Gems of Romania  | Sighisoara Photo Blog | Western Romania 10 Day Itinerary

Portugal : 10 Day Portugal Itinerary

United Kingdom : Best National Parks in the UK | 5 Scenic Road Trips in the UK | Cornwall Road Trip Guide | Top Things to do in UK

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14 thoughts on “Most Scenic Road Trips in Europe | Travel Bucket List”

Great Article! I love this article because this place is favorite. I am glad to read this awesome article. thanks for sharing this great post!

That’s a great round up of the road trips in Europe! There are so many I want to bucketlist, the Alsace Road trip France , Croatia to Montenegro, Andalucia and Tuscany road trips look absolutely fascinating! Did a few in the Western European stretch from Paris—Brussels—Amsterdam—Berlin—Prague. I particularly enjoyed the drive from Berlin to Vienna!

Having done at least 5 of these roadtrips in my life, I can tell you easily that I’ll definitely be trying more of them that are on this list! If you’ve not thought about trying the Irish routes think again. Car rental is affordable if you drive stick and the car are fuel efficient 🙂

Roadtrips are the best way to explore a new destination. It’s also a great way to get away from the crowds. I would do all of these and I’ve pinned it so I have it handy when I visit any of these destinations.

your post really got me daydreaming and before I knew it I was going down a google maps rabbit hole looking up all the routes! There are so many of these roadtrips on my bucket list. Albania would be amazing, I love that they’ve only opened to tourism fairly recently.

Reading this post and looking at your gorgeous pictures has me itching to go to Europe! The Romantic Road looks absolutely beautiful but the Faroe Islands Road Trip looks equally as fun. Saving this post for my next trip to Europe.

Road trips are always fun. But road trips in Europe or all together on another level. We have not done many road trips in Europe, most trips have been on trains. However a few stand out in memory, like the one we did from Florence to Pisa in Italy. What a lovely list of European road trips you have collaborated, each one of them offers a unique and enchanting experience. Some of the ones that stand out are the Alsace and Montenegro one.

I love road trips so this was a great read for me! I think right now more and more people are looking to do road trips and you’ve put a great list together. The road trips in Norway looks incredible!

Awesome list! I’m a bit lacking as I have only been on four of these. I need to travel again and see these road trips!

Great list! And a long one 🙂 For those who wish to mix the German wine route and the Alsace road trip, you can also add the Loire Valley wine route (well, I’m biased, it’s were I live). The Loire Valley wine route is all diversity of landscapes, castles of course (Chambord, Chenonceaux, Chinon) and many great vineyards listed as UNESCO World Heritage. 300 miles of remarkable scenery. Just need to find some time for now 🙂

Been loving your Europe series, Arnav! The wine route through Germany and the Azores route in Portugal sound especially heavenly to me. Would love to drive around the scenic roads of Europe someday. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post?

Roadtrips are our all time fav. The Seville to Granada one is what the show in ZNMD right? Transfagarasan highway is in our list for long. Thanks for such a comprehensive list !!

Whoa! Such a list, this one.. I had heard only about a few of the ones here but now you’ve opened my eyes to umpteen possible road trips. So thank you. I look forward to ticking off a few of these in the near future. Will keep coming to your blog for the details 🙌 Great post!

What else we need? A bike, a tent, few camping equipments and we are sorted for the next year. Thanks for bringing so many beautiful places. Kudos 🙂

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Epic Europe road trip across 47 countries

Europe road trip feature

Have you ever wondered what is the most efficient way to visit all the countries in Europe by road? The answer is this epic European road trip that takes you to 47 countries in geographical Europe , and almost all of the European Union, whoa! 

Unfortunately, it skips the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland which you can easily do on a roadtrip either on a group tour , or independently.

If you were to drive this amazing road trip across Europe in one go, without stopping and without sleeping, it would take about 364 hours or 16 days to cover the route, and you would drive almost 27,000 kilometers.

But you wouldn’t go on this once in a lifetime European road trip and just drive through, you would want to stop, probably several times every day, to explore some of the most beautiful, heritage-rich, fascinating and delicious parts of the continent. You may even consider hiring a motorhome for your journey so that you can really take your time. 

Realistically, we would recommend completing this epic European road trip in probably a year, but 6 months would be enough to do justice to most of the key highlights.

We planned this road trip with a very cool and addictive app (yep, we stayed up till 2am playing with it!) called Roadtrippers which not only lets you plan a road trip but also shows you all the points of interest, accommodation & restaurants, photo spots, attractions, and more on the map. Use our bonus coupon code BTR5QTP for $5 off. Check out this list of gifts for road trippers to get all the gadgets you need.

Epic European road trip by the numbers

road trip route europe

  • Almost 27,000km of roads.
  • Approximately 364h of driving time without stops.
  • Over $1,600 in fuel spent.
  • 47 countries, including 25 European Union members, Kosovo (which we count as an independent country despite the lack of recognition by the UN), the 3 countries in the Caucasus, Turkey and Russia, both of which are partially in Europe and mostly in Asia. Only 3 island countries would be missing, Malta, Cyprus and Iceland.
  • More than 200 UNESCO sites would be within 50km of the itinerary.

In this unforgettable European road trip you will explore well-known but no less amazing cities such as Barcelona , Prague, London and Rome , and other up and coming ones such as Ljubljana, Bruges, Girona , Kiev, Tirana or Tbilisi. 

Of the 400 UNESCO listed sites in Europe , this road trip will get you within 50km to more than half of the continent’s most fascinating heritage, from Gaudi’s La Sagrada Familia to Switzerland’s stunning mountain train journeys such as the Glacier Express or lesser known spots in tiny countries such as Andorra .

More standouts include medieval Kotor , Salzburg and Dubrovnik, the Vatican City, Santiago de Compostela’s Cathedral, Brussels’ Grand Place, Budapest Castle, Mostar Old City, Casa Batllo , Lake Ohrid, and many more.

You could add about 100 more UNESCO sites if you take a detour to explore southern Italy and Sicily , central Spain or Germany , a country that is only bordered on this itinerary. 

It is also a great road trip for foodie lovers with stops in San Sebastian for pinchos and tapas, in Bologna for parmesan cheese and mortadella, in Lyon for refined French food, Copenhagen for forward-looking Nordic food and in Porto for seafood and codfish.

The route does not just cover mainstream destinations but will also take you to the lesser known parts of the continent such as the tiny country of Liechtenstein (one of the least visited countries in the world despite being located in the middle of Europe), Croatia’s Istria, Romania’s Transilvannia, and historical sites such as Chernobyl. 

European road trip essentials 1. Roadtrippers : Create the itinerary and navigate with points of interest marked along the way with Roadtrippers , such a cool app. Get it, it’s a no brainer. 2. Visas : We highly recommend iVisa , they are prompt and professional and offer lots of services. A Schengen visa gives you access to 25 countries, others have their own system, Russia will be the trickiest. 3. Car rental : Our choice is which aggregates car rental companies across the world. Make sure you can take the car across the border and check additional insurance and permits. Or buy a car and sell it at the end. 4. Travel insurance : Do not leave the house without, really, don’t. We recommend World Nomads or SafetyWing who include coverage for COVID-19 since August 2020. 5. Accommodation : Use they offer free cancellation charge if your plans change. 6. Tours : An efficient way to see cities in a short period of time is to get a day tour. We love and use Getyourguide which allows you to cancel tours up to 24h in advance.

So where does this incredible road trip across all of Europe and the Caucasus take you? Let’s explore the main stops.

1. Dublin, Ireland

road trip route europe

Your journey starts in the capital of Ireland, beautiful Dublin. Being the birthplace of Guinness beer, you’ll definitely need to taste the dark stout in one of Dublin’s 1,000 pubs like Temple Bar or The Brazen Head , Ireland’s oldest pub. 

If you plan on driving after your visit, just go to the Guinness Storehouse where you can dive into the 250+ year history and have a bite to eat. Jameson Whiskey also has its home in Dublin. 

Peer into Ireland’s Emigration history at World Travel Awards winner EPIC to see what it means to be Irish beyond the border. If you have some time left over pop into Dublin Castle which dates back to 1204 and has guided tours.  Ireland is also home to many great thinkers such as Oscar Wilde, Bram Stoker and Samuel Beckett and is even one of UNESCO’s Cities of Literature . Visit Trinity College where they all got their start.

2. London, United Kingdom

road trip route europe

Next on your European road trip is the capital of the UK, London! With a rich history and loads of activities to take part in, you can experience art at museums like the Tate Modern or The National Gallery , have fun on the London Eye , learn something new at Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park , have a pub lunch overlooking the river Thames, or try and see the Queen at Buckingham Palace . 

If you aren’t for visiting tourist sites like Big Ben , the Tower of London , Westminster Abbey or the bohemian Soho district, you can always try something a little different and experience one of these unique things to do in London like eating jellied eel or take a somber stroll around Highgate Cemetery. Make sure to make a stop at Borough Market for a super good vibe with loads of fresh produce and delicious meals!

3. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Streets and canals of Amsterdam

Leaving the island and riding north-east, you’ll soon get to friendly Amsterdan in the Netherlands. This bustling city is so much more than hash brownies, tulips and windmills as you’ll experience on a bike after parking your car. 

Cruise along the canals at your own pace and visit the best tourist attractions in Amsterdam like Rijksmuseum , Van Gogh Museum , the artsy district of Jordaan, or dine way up high at A’dam Lookout .

A must-visit is Ann Frank’s House , where you will learn how this brave soul lived through a treacherous time. Apart from the multitude of historic sights, Amsterdam is also home to hip and up-and-coming neighbourhoods like gentrified Westergas and creative Zaandam’s Hembrugterrein. Walk the cobbled streets of De Negen Straatjes (‘The Nine Streets’) for some boutique retail therapy. 

4. Brussels, Belgium

Grand Place in Brussels

As the administerial centre of the EU, Belgium’s capital can be viewed as quite a stringent place. Yet when you pass the iconic little boy peeing into the fountain at the Manneken Pis, you get a sense for the city’s lightheartedness. It’s this mix that makes it a fascinating place for all types of tourists. 

There is spectacular architecture like the Grand Place , Notre Dame Du Sablon , or the Instagrammable Atomium . See arts and culture at the Musee des Beaux-Arts d’Ixelles or Musee Constantin Meunier and gorgeous nature at Park Malou, Parc Georges Henri or Parc Du Cinquantenaire. 

But you cannot leave Brussels without going on a beer tasting tour while diving mouth-first into their famous fries and mussels. 

5. Luxembourg

Vianden Castle in Luxembourg

Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in the world and most of the top places to visit in Luxembourg are all concentrated in the city center. This makes it a great day stop for your European road trip. Start slow by perusing the Old Quarter in Luxembourg City which is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site , as the night nears, take in a show at the legendary Philharmonic of Luxembourg .

Then make your way to any of the multitude of castles in the country (there are 130 in total) from Luxembourg Fortress to Vianden Castle . The castles you choose to explore will depend on the amount of time you have and whether you’d like to include a bit of nature on your visit or not. 

For nature we suggest the Mullerthal region where you’ll find Schiessentümpel Waterfall. You can even camp there for the night along the river Sûre in your car or spa at Mondorf-les-Bains if that’s more your style.

6. Liechtenstein


While an unlikely candidate, Liechtenstein is actually one of the least visited countries in the world . The main reason is because it’s a landlocked country, sandwiched between Switzerland and Austria, without an airport. This means it’s perfectly reachable by car, great for your European road trip!

A fun fact about Liechtenstein is that it hasn’t had a murder since 2014 and is therefore one of the safest countries in the world. As it’s so small, you can see the entire country in a day from castles like Vaduz , Burg Gutenberg or Obere Burg to jaw-dropping nature (400km network of hiking trails!) and even eat at a Michelin-awarded traditional Restaurant Torkel . This is a popular winter Europe road trip pit stop for ski fanatics.

7. Bern, Switzerland

Old Town Bern

The city where Einstein started dabbling in physics and the older enclave being awarded UNESCO World Heritage status in 1983, Bern is a thriving city with a deep history and stunning sites. In fact you can visit Einstein’s former residence or the museum constructed in his name . 

If you’re a fan of treasure hunts, you could try to find all 11 Renaissance fountains in the centre of Old Bern. Saunter around the Rosengarten , take in the views at Gurten mountain, or see the symbol of Bern (and Toblerone ) at Bärengraben (Bear Pit) or BärenPark (Bear Park). 

With a rich culture, Bern has loads of great artsy festivals to take part in year round from the Summer and Winter Jazz Festivals to the Buskers Festival to July’s Gurtenfestival . If you miss the festivals, don’t worry, there’s more art at the Kunstmuseum (Museum of Art) which contains 51,000 pieces! The fascinating Zytglogge , a medieval clock tower with moving puppets, is always a fun stop over. 

If you’d like to go beyond the capital and are a fan of skiing or being pampered, I would suggest making a stop at either Andermatt or St. Moritz (stay for the night at Chedi, Andermatt ). Or change your mode of transportation and hop on the Glacier Express which connects St. Moritz with Zermatt and is a truly once in a lifetime experience.  

8. Central France

Evening Bordeaux France

Traveling south from Switzerland (with a possible stop in Geneva before crossing the border), you’ll be cruising the central part of France passing by two exquisite regions: Lyon and Bordeaux. 

Lyon is steeped in a 2,000 year history and is the capital of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. It is also considered the foodie capital of France so you should make sure to eat your way around the city. 

Witness the Roman Amphithéâtre des Trois Gaules and venture into Vieux (Old) Lyon with the largest renaissance old quarters in Europe. But don’t miss the modern Confluence district on the Presqu’île peninsula with its elegant bistros and upscale apartments.

There are museums of all kinds from fine art at Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon to the Institut Lumière , an ode to the famed brothers who spearheaded the modern cinema. The architecture will leave your jaw agape, so be sure to pass by the Fourvière Basilica and Lyon Cathedral. 

Making your way toward the Bay of Biscay you’ll end up in one of the most praised wine regions in the world, Bordeaux. Wine enthusiasts better get a designated driver, because this stretch of your Europe road trip is bound to be the most fueled by alcohol. 

La Cité du Vin

The choices of wineries to visit can be a bit overwhelming, so it’s best to first visit the spectacular ode to wine, La Cité du Vin. This is a mammoth 3,000sqm building with a 55m tower that looks like a giant decanter. It has around 10 hours of audiovisual info all about the history and future of the grape. You’ll also be able to get help picking which wineries to visit. 

Beyond wine, there are open spaces (Quais de Bordeaux, Jardin Public), shopping streets (Rue Sainte-Catherine), ancient architecture (La Grosse Cloche, Porte Cailhau, Bordeaux Cathedral) and so much more!

Those wanting to stop by Paris should do so after Luxembourg, as this is the quickest route to the capital and you will only be venturing further south from here. Read our Parisian articles to get more insight about the City of Love:

  • Best Paris Bistros
  • Autumn In Paris, A Perfect Weekend For Two
  • Rooftop Bars In Paris With The Ultimate Best Views Of The City
  • 5 Markets In Paris To Bargain-hunt
  • Adorable Places For A Beautiful Picnic In Paris From Rivers To Gardens
  • Secret Gardens In Paris To Find Romance And Nature

9. Northern Spain

Playa de la Concha, San Sebastian

Reaching the Bay of Biscay with a possible hangover, you’ll surely just want to take it easy on the beach. This is where San Sebastián comes in. Also known as Donostia, San Sebastián is a resort town hidden in Spain’s mountainous Basque Country and is known for Playa de la Concha and Playa de Ondarreta. 

Playa means beach, and beach is what you will get, although not the kind of warm beach you find on the Mediteranean! Bring a sweater, even in the summer months San Sebastian can be pretty chilly.

Not only will you find beautifully soft sand, but also picturesque bayfront promenades, cobblestone roads of old town (Parte Vieja), upscale shopping, vibrant pintxo bars and world-class restaurants. 

San Sebastian is one of Spain’s foodie capitals along with Barcelona and Madrid and the Basque Country where it is located, has more Michelin-starred restaurants than any other part of the country.

Think three-starred Arzak and Akelarre , one-starred Kokotxa and Mirador de Ulía or famous Nerua in the Guggenheim Bilbao. Or just have a picnic at Miramar Royal Palace ( Palacio de Miramar ) if your wallet is feeling a bit light. 

Santiago de Compostela

Taking the most epic coastal drive, you’ll enter one of Spain’s most spiritual centres at Santiago de Compostela. This is the end of the famed Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route as well as the capital of northwest Spain’s Galicia region. Legend has it that the apostle St. James was buried in what is today the UNESCO-listed old town. 

Even if you aren’t religious, you’ll find a spiritual resonance in the idyllic Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque buildings, particularly the remarkable Pórtico de la Gloria . The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela , Praza do Obradoiro and Monastery of San Martiño Pinario are all epic and within walking distance. 

10. Coastal Portugal

Sintra in Coastal Portugal

Grab your surfboards because you are entering a country with some of the best waves in the world. Even if you don’t know how, Portugal is a great place to learn how to surf. It’s also a burgeoning place for digital nomads so you’re sure to bump into other European road trippers here on your journey. 

The three standout places you’re going to pass on the coastal route are Porto in the north, Coimbra in the center and Lisbon at the south. Porto is known for its dessert wine which you will know as Port. But beyond the sweet aperitif Porto offers stately bridges, the medieval Ribeira (riverside) district with cobbled streets and cafes, and grand designs from baroque São Francisco Church to the palatial Palácio de Bolsa .

Travel down to the coast and you’ll end up at the riverfront city of Coimbra. It is famous for its historic University of Coimbra that houses a baroque library, the Biblioteca Joanina with a gorgeous 18th-century bell tower. You can set foot around the city’s old town to take in the calm atmosphere and visit the 12th-century Romanesque cathedral Sé Velha.

Lisbon’s colorful streets

Drive south from the old capital (Coimbra) to the new one, Lisbon. This hilly coastal city has some spectacularly romantic views, particularly at sunset from São Jorge Castle where the pastel-colored buildings blend with the pink and purple hues of the setting sun. 

Nature blends seamlessly with historic buildings in Lisbon, so make sure to pass along the Torre de Belém , the Golden Gate-like Ponte 25 de Abril suspension bridge, and the Padrão dos Descobrimentos . Try to take a day trip to the protected Tagus Estuary. You can ride trams throughout the city and then relax on the beaches of Cascais, Costa da Caparica, or Estoril. 

11. Southern Spain

La Alhambra at night

Now it’s back into Spain where you’ll witness a very different vibe and even peer over into Africa. The south of Spain is spectacular as you travel through Seville, Gibraltar, Granada, Valencia and finishing in Barcelona.

Seville is the capital of Andalusia and has a rich Moorish heritage which is evident in the colourful tiles, the lobed arches and the iconic Giralda tower . 

This is the place to experience the stereotypically Spanish cultural activities – flamenco, tapas and toros (although we strongly oppose bullfighting and you should too). Spring is a particularly festive time to visit with Semana Santa (Holy Week) and the lively Feria de Abril ( Seville Fair ). Or just to stroll along the banks of the Guadalquivir. 

Before you leave the area, consider a day trip to Morocco which you can take from Tarifa . Go on a guided tour which is usually cheaper than buying a ferry ticket, and add a new continent, just for the day. 


Gibraltar may be geographically located in Spain, but it was actually ceded to Britain in 1713 and remains a British Overseas Territory. This means that while Euros are accepted, the main currency is the British Sterling. 

Moorish architecture and the Rock of Gibraltar are the two most famous sites. Europa Point at the most southern tip of Gibraltar is where you can glance into Morocco, an entirely different continent. Try not to visit on a Sunday as most places on Main Street will be closed. 

Laying at the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains is Granada, best known for its pristine examples of medieval architecture, particularly the Alhambra from the Nasrid dynasty . UNESCO-listed La Alhambra is massive and needs a full day to explore properly, especially to see the Generalife gardens . 


From past to future, you’ll then venture forth to Valencia, known for its City of Arts and Sciences . This futuristic structure, reminiscent of Zaha Hadid’s Heydar Aliyev Center in Azerbaijan or Dongdaemun Design Plaza in Seoul , Contains a planetarium, oceanarium and interactive museum. 

As Valencia is a coastal city, you can also set your towel down in one of its beaches including those in the Albufera Park, which is actually a wetlands reserve with a lake and walking trails. This is also a fantastic place to try out authentic paella. 

Your last stop over in Spain will be the capital of Catalunya, Barcelona. There is too much to do in Barcelona and we have written about it extensively as it is our Editor-in-Chief’s home. 

If you’re looking for things to do in Barcelona on this leg of your European road trip, here is a massive list of articles you can save, from the best of Gaudi to the top wineries to some brilliant ideas for day trips…

The stunning views from Bunkers del Carmel

Barcelona guides:

  • A local’s guide to one day in Barcelona
  • Barcelona itinerary – Where a Barcelonian would take you in 4 days
  • Epic and fabulous, the best things to do in Barcelona
  • The most unusual things to do in Barcelona – unique activities to cool places
  • Where to stay in Barcelona – Best areas and luxury boutique hotels
  • The Best Rooftop Terraces in Barcelona to watch the sunset
  • Gaudi Barcelona most incredible sights
  • Guide with Sagrada Familia tickets, sights, history and other info
  • A local’s guide to seeing Casa Batlló inside and out
  • A local’s guide to La Casa de les Punxes
  • Tips to Prepare for your Camp Nou Tour
  • A local’s tips for visiting Barcelona Bunkers del Carmel

Wineries near Barcelona & Food:

  • Weekend wine escape from Barcelona – includes full itinerary
  • Top wineries near Barcelona to visit – Best wine and cava tours
  • Poblet Monastery in Conca de Barbera: How the church brought back wine
  • How to make the most of your Familia Torres Winery visit
  • Visiting Cava Codorniu Spain’s oldest family-run business
  • Albet i Noya – the pioneer in organic winemaking in Spain
  • A day out of Barcelona taking the Cava Llopart 1887 Gran Reserva Tour
  • Learning about Kosher wines at Celler de Capcanes
  • Disfrutar Restaurant, elBulli’s legacy freshly carried on
  • Review of Lasarte, Barcelona’s first 3 Michelin star restaurant
  • Review of ABaC Restaurant Barcelona
  • Gaig Restaurant Barcelona: Traditional Catalan fine-dining since 1869
  • The Proximity Food Movement in Barcelona – Beyond Organic 

Day trips from Barcelona:

  • Perfect day trips from Barcelona for everyone as told by a local
  • Things to do in Sitges where to eat and best beaches
  • How to get from Barcelona Airport to Sitges? (and from Sitges to Barcelona Airport)
  • Guide to Siurana, a legendary village on Priorat’s mountains
  • Day trip to Montserrat from Barcelona by a local
  • Things to do in Girona + 1 day itinerary

12. Andorra

Andorra La Vella

Just like Luxembourg and Liechtenstein, Andorra is another one of the smallest countries on the planet. Landlocked between Spain and France, it’s a hidden secret that will add some spice to your Europe road trip. The “country in the Pyrenees mountains” is all about beautiful nature in any season. 

There are ski slopes to hit in winter, gorgeous hiking trails in summer and a variety of activities for everything in between. Topping the list is the Caldea spa complex that leverages the natural hot springs in the area to provide an entertainment destination with hydrotherapy and wellness in mind. 

We have written a complete guide to Andorra where you can explore all of the best things to do from savoring rustic food to a list of all the museums to the best places to go shopping and the top hotels to stay at. 

13. Southern France

Canal du Midi Toulouse

Crossing the border, you’ll again venture into France, this time exploring the coastal cities along the Gulf of Lion from Languedoc to Provence all the way into Italy. 

Start at Montpellier, an underrated city with a rich history, beautiful architecture and bustling boutiques and sidewalk cafés among magnificent squares. It even has its own Arc de Triomphe . 

Montpellier’s lively vibe is attributed to some 60,000 students that call it home. Sip some Languedoc-Roussillon wines with delicious Mediterranean-inspired cuisine or climb the 658m Pic Saint-Loup. You may want to explore Toulouse, known as “The Pink City” due to its terra-cotta bricks, as it is another lively and gorgeous destination for a European road trip. 

After Montpellier, you can choose to explore the more popular port city of Marseille and Nice along the French Riviera, both in the Provence region, if you like more touristy and cosmopolitan destinations. The former is hailed for the epic Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde and the latter pays homage to native artists Henri Matisse and Marc Chagall . 

Monaco Blue Hour

It’s time to join the rich and famous in another one of the smallest countries in the world, Monaco. In fact, Monaco is the second smallest country after the Vatican and is only 2sqkm. Like Andorra and Liechtenstein, Monaco is a principality, meaning that a monarchy governs, currently ruled by Prince Albert II of the Grimaldi family.

The most well-known area in Monaco is its capital city, Monte-Carlo, synonymous with James Bond, Casinos, F1 and the rich and famous (because of its tax status). Expect a multitude of yachts docked at the ports along this country in the French Riviera housing all the beautiful people of the world. 

For more, check out our guide to Monaco . 

15. The Vatican

The Vatican

From the second smallest to indeed the smallest country in the world and the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church which is home to the Pope. 

Like Lesotho in South Africa , the Vatican is surrounded by the Italian capital, Rome. So if you’re visiting Rome, the Vatican is a must. Your time at the Vatican will be spent viewing ancient buildings, seeing historic art pieces and taking in the spirituality of Catholicism. 

Standouts include Michelangelo’s work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel , St. Peter’s Basilica which is the world’s largest basilica of Christianity, Renaissance art treasures at the Vatican Museums , Castel Sant’Angelo , Saint Peter’s Square and Gardens of Vatican City .

16. Rome, Italy

Rome at sunset

Buongiorno, you’ve reached the “beautiful country”! You’ve explored the Vatican and had your spiritual fix, so now it’s time to venture into the capital of Italy, Rome. While it wasn’t built in a day, you can try to see it all in 24 hours but we recommend spending much longer, Rome needs to be enjoyed not rushed. 

Ancient landmarks like the Colosseum , the Pantheon , the Roman Forum and the Arch of Constantine should all leave you speechless. 

Gaze at the famed Trevi Fountain as you pay homage to Federico Fellini’s La Dolce Vita or “take a little time for yourself…live dangerously” at the Spanish Steps like Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck did in Roman Holiday . Then support the local artists and street vendors at Piazza Navona. 

What next? 

Eat, eat and eat some more by exploring all the Michelin-starred restaurants of Rome (there are around 20!). 

You can then ride directly up into San Marino, which we explore next, or you have the option for going south into Naples and then Sicily to take a detour around the Italian coast and see some of the most famous parts of the country which have recently reached Instagram stardom (Amalfi Coast, Capri, etc.). 

The beaches in Favignana, off Sicily

The beaches in Favignana, off Sicily

In Sicily you can hike up an active volcano at Mount Etna , explore the best Sicilian food , visit the Godfather filming locations like Savoca , or relax in the quaint towns of Syracuse or Taormina and its Ancient Greek Theater . Here’s an extensive travel guide to Sicily for those who want to set out into the island. 

17. San Marino

San Marino

San Marino is a hilly microstate on and around Mount Titano that’s completely surrounded by north-central Italy. It’s as if time has stood still in this ancient republic, with much of its historic architecture still intact. 

The capital, sharing the same name as the microstate, is most well known for its medieval walled old town and narrow cobblestone streets. Once a year in July there’s even a Medieval Days festival which is a spectacle as the entire town dresses up and celebrates their history. 

At the top of Titano’s peaks sits The Three Towers which date back to the 11th century and are great viewpoints. If you have a drone, this would be the place to fly it! 

You may want to pop into foodie heaven Emilia-Romagna or Venice to see the iconic canals and the colorful glass island of Murano before moving onto Slovenia. 

18. Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ljubljana at sunset

Well done, you’ve made it into central Europe! 

Start in Slovenia, a really beautiful country known for its mountains, ski resorts and lakes. Slovenia’s capital Ljubljana (say “loo-blee-ana”) is a university city with epic green spaces. Tivoli Park is the first of these spaces that you’ll want to explore. It’s a well manicured park where you can take a break and wander to your heart’s content. 

Cross over the iconic Tromostovje (Triple Bridge) and visit a few of the outdoor cafes that dot the Ljubljanica River. Then get cultured at one of the many museums like the National Museum of Slovenia or the Museum of Modern Art .

55km north-west from the capital is the epic Lake Bled, the iconic blue lake with Bled island at its center that houses the Pilgrimage Church of the Assumption of Mary (Cerkev Marijinega vnebovzetja). This is closer to the Austrian border though, so you may want to visit it later in your journey as you’re now going down to Croatia. 

19. Zagreb & Split, Croatia

Zagreb Croatia

While Croatia is quite large, you’ll be sticking to the south-west so that you can easily make it into Bosnia & Herzegovina and then Montenegro. This area is also the most well-catered for tourists due to its gorgeous beaches. 

Starting in the capital of Zagreb, you’ll get to stretch your feet as you explore the quaint Tkalčićeva Street with its outdoor cafes and car-free Jelačić Square in Lower Town which also has museums, shops and parks. Upper Town is more focused on Austro-Hungarian architecture like Zagreb Cathedral and St. Mark’s Church.

Quirkier travelers can visit the Museum of Broken Relationships which is dedicated to breakups. Make sure to get a licitar, a traditional honey dough cookie in the shape of a heart and is Zagreb’s symbol. There’s no real to-do in Zagreb so let your feet guide you.


Moving onto the more touristy sites, you’ll venture on down to the coastal cities of Zadar and Split. Zadar, on the Dalmatian coast, is most well known for its Roman and Venetian ruins such as St. Anastasia’s Cathedral and the Church of St. Donatus. 

Split on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea has some really beautiful beaches that get super packed in summer. The entire city center is like visiting a giant Roman palace, still going strong after 1700 years with additions and restorations. Game of Thrones fans will know all about Diocletian’s Palace, which is also UNESCO listed . 

20. Mostar & Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Mostar Bosnia & Herzegovina

Moving onto your next country in the Balkans, Bosnia & Herzegovina came into the public eye in the 90s due to the Bosnian War. Today it’s a lively off-the-beaten track destination that is safe for visitors to soak in the diverse culture. 

Unlike tourist-heavy Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina is yet to have a tourist boom and therefore makes for a great destination for those who like a more intimate experience. 

You can start your journey in Mostar before heading into the capital of Sarajevo. Mostar is a quaint city that’s known for its iconic UNESCO-listed Stari Most (Old Bridge) surrounded by mountains and greenery. Explore the alleyways on foot and find some hidden gems before walking up the hills for some panoramic views. 

Sarajevo Bosnia & Herzegovina

Previously war-torn Sarajevo is now completely restored to its former glory where east meets west – think Vienna paired up with Istanbul. While not too touristy, it still caters for foreigners with information booths and guides to the many churches, mosques, museums, amazing cafes and vibrant nightlife. 

Stroll through the cobbled streets of Baščaršija and look out for the 100 “Sarajevo Roses” which commemorate those who lost their lives in the war. A walking tour is a must! And you should definitely educate yourself on the Bosnian War before heading into the country. Read up more about it here . 

21. Kotor, Montenegro

The view on the way up to Kotor fortress

Back to the coast, you’ll head to the south of gorgeous Montenegro . This is the best place to go in the Balkans for sun, sand and sea as it’s way less packed than neighbouring Croatia. 

The quaint UNESCO-listed fortified city of Kotor is a great place to have a moment of respite as you wander through the cobblestone roads or perhaps walk up to St. George Fortress for a spectacular view of the idyllic bay below.

Sveti Stefan

You could also choose to explore some of the many picture perfect beaches of Montenegro , take a day trip to the uber luxurious and iconic Aman Sveti Stefan , or make your way to the humble oceanside towns of Rose, Perast or Ulcinj. Montenegro also has a very unique local cuisine which is always fresh and super delicious.

22. Tirana, Albania

Skanderbeg Square in Tirana

Similar to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania has a difficult and tumultuous past. After the fall of long term and extremely paranoid dictator, Enver Hoxha, the country has tried to rebuild itself as a center for arts and the freedom of expression. 

You’ll see graffiti all around the country, particularly in the capital of Tirana, where it is encouraged to turn the dreary blocklike buildings into a sign of hope for the future. 

The Bunk’Art museums in Tirana are a perfect example of this change, where underground bunkers built by the Hoxha regime were converted into exhibition and learning spaces. 

Beyond the beautiful Tirana, there is so much to see in Albania, from idyllic Albanian beaches to gorgeous castles (look for Rozafa, Prezë and Kruje Castles), or ancient architecture in Berat , Durres and the Greek ruins at Archeological Park of Apollonia – a UNESCO heritage site .

The other end of Mirror Beach in Albania

Need some more help? I have written articles on fun facts about Albania , the best food in Albania , as well as a complete travel guide to Albania and things to do in Tirana . 

23. Ohrid, North Macedonia

St. John the Theologian Church on Lake Ohrid

Before venturing into the Land of the Gods, you’ll be making a stop at the sleepy resort city of Ohrid, Macedonia. You’ll come back to the capital of Macedonia, Skopje, a bit later in the journey. 

This is your chance to completely relax from the frantic sightseeing and driving – wine glass in hand, platter of cheese and cold cuts in front of you, while gazing deep into the vast expanse of UNESCO-listed Lake Ohrid . 

If you can get off the view, take a stroll in Old Town, a boat tour around the lake or walk along the ancient Somoil’s Fortress and picturesque St. John the Theologian Church for more epic views. 

24. Thessaloniki, Greece

Thessaloniki Ekklisia Agios Pavlos Church

Cruising into Greece, you’re going to stay in the north, stopping halfway at Thessaloniki. This port city, straddling the Thermaic Gulf of the Aegean Sea, is a glimpse into the country’s past. 

You can see Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman remains, particularly if you venture into the upper town of Ano Poli . While parts of the city were destroyed in the Great Fire of 1917 , some ruins remain like Roman Emperor Galerius’ 4th-century palace. Munch on local street food koulouri Thessalonikis and pop open a local wine from the nearby Naousa appellation .

25.  Istanbul & Ankara, Turkey

Istanbul and Hagia Sophia at sunset

You’re now on one of the longest stretches on your trip which is from Greece through Turkey and onto Georgia. You can space out your long drive by stopping first at energetic Istanbul and then in Ankara, the cosmopolitan capital. 

Istanbul is the confluence of East meets West, of Europe and Asia, all in one. The fantastically fascinating Old City will give you a glimpse into the past. 

Explore the Sultanahmet district which houses the Roman-era Hippodrome (think chariot races), Egyptian obelisks, the epic Blue Mosque and the jaw-droppingly beautiful Byzantine Hagia Sophia . Don’t miss the Grand Bazar for some local delights. 

Ankara is more about the present and has a thriving performing arts scene. This is your chance to dress up and go to the Opera, Ballet or see a show at the Presidential Symphony Orchestra . Before the show make sure to visit the grand Anıtkabir , the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the first President of the Republic of Turkey.

26. Tbilisi, Georgia


After a very long drive through the Turkish countryside, you’ll finally cross the border to Georgia, which was once part of the Soviet republic. Today, due to providing 365-day visas on arrival, Georgia has become a digital nomad hotspot if you need to get some work done or meet like-minded travelers. 

Georgia is famous for its black sand beaches, the quaint Caucasus Mountain villages and Vardzia, a sprawling cave monastery dating to the 12th century. 

Yet you’ll be stopping in the capital landlocked city of Tbilisi where you can wander through the maze-like cobblestoned roads of old town or hike up the scenic Narikala Fortress to see the blend of art nouveau buildings, Soviet Modernist structures and Eastern Orthodox churches. 

27. Sheki & Baku, Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan, known as the Land of Fire and the birthplace of crude oil, is a place where East meets West, where Asia and Europe are both present but do not dominate, at once modern and a well-preserved history. 

Shirvan Shahs

Make a culinary pitstop in Sheki, a small but gorgeous historic town on the ancient Silk Road route. You can taste some of the best local Azerbaijani food like piti and halva in a Caravanserai before moving onto the capital. 

In Baku you will experience some of the most luxurious hotels in Azerbaijan like the Fairmont Baku Flame Towers , modern architecture like Zaha Hadid’s Heydar Aliyev Center , and ancient natural wonders like the volcanoes. 

Little known fact about Azerbaijan , it has 45% of the world’s mud volcanoes! For a closer look, read my article on the top things to do in Baku and Azerbaijan . 

28. Yerevan, Armenia

Yerevan at sunset

Yerevan, Armenia’s capital, is your next stop on this epic European road trip. The imposing Soviet-era architecture will astound you and its history will amaze. Make a stop at the Matenadaran library , where you will find thousands of ancient Greek and Armenian manuscripts. 

Then head over to the vibrant Republic Square to watch the musical water fountains. Learn a bit more about Armenia’s past at the History Museum of Armenia with artefacts dating back to 3500 BC.

Note on feasibility : The itinerary considers that you return to Georgia from Armenia and then enter Russia by crossing the disputed territory of Abkhazia, however, at the time of writing, that is not possible. Instead, you should leave Georgia to the north at Kazbegi and enter Russia at Vladikavkaz and then retake the route. Thank you to Alastair Gill for pointing this out.

29. Sochi, Russia

Sochi Port

As you may know, Russia is absolutely massive. In fact, at 17 million sqkm it’s the largest country in the world , by far. 

To put it in perspective, the 2nd largest country, Canada, stands at just under 10 million sqkm. In order to fit Russia into your road trip of Europe, you can travel to Sochi, along the Black Sea and far from the capital Moscow . Sochi is around the same distance between Armenia and the Ukraine. 

You may know Sochi best as the home to the 2014 Winter Olympics, but in summer it’s also a popular beach resort destination. The 1,937sqkm Forested Sochi National Park is a must for nature lovers. Interested in ditching the car and catching the train? I’d definitely recommend either the Golden Eagle on a once in a lifetime trans-Siberian journey .  

Note on safety and feasibility of this portion : At the time of writing, the itinerary passes through the disputed territory of Crimea. Entering Crimea from Russia is possible but, if you plan to continue driving into Ukraine, as shown in this itinerary, you would be entering Ukraine illegally. Likewise, crossing from Russia into Ukraine is currently difficult given the security situation. The safest and easiest way to drive from Russia into Ukraine involves driving farther north on the border between the two, possibly near Kharkiv or Sunny and then driving down to Odessa to continue with the itinerary. Thank you to Alastair Gill, Igor Gakalo and Justin Golden for share their experience.

30. Odessa & Kiev, Ukraine

Saint Andrew's Church Kiev

Traveling along the Black Sea, you’ll cross the border over into the port city of Odessa. You’ll get to relax on one of the many beaches or watch a performance at the Odessa Opera and Ballet Theater. 

Film fanatics will tick an activity off their bucket list as they climb the iconic Potemkin Stairs, immortalized in The Battleship Potemkin . Saunter along Primorsky Boulevard with monuments and mansions.

Next up is Kiev, an important industrial, scientific, educational and cultural center of Eastern Europe. It’s a pedestrian-friendly city with amazing public transport and a metro. So you can visit all the most beautiful monuments quite easily. 

Marvel at Eastern Orthodox Christianity’s most important landmark Pechersk Lavra , which is a complex of churches, bell towers and subterranean caves and contains a host of UNESCO heritage sites . Look up to see notable monuments like Maidan Nezalezhnosti or The Motherland Monument and then finish with a stroll in Hryshko National Botanical Garden .


Before crossing the border to Minsk, you should make a stop in Chernobyl, an historical destination where you can learn about humanity’s flaws, particularly the nuclear power plant accident from 1986 . 

You will need to go on a tour of the abandoned city in a hazmat suit, but it is safe due to stringent precautions. It is a sobering experience and definitely one that will stay with you. Learn more about Chernobyl from the recent HBO docuseries.  

31. Chișinău, Moldova


Adding Moldova to your European road trip will have you taking a bit of a detour. Instead of going straight from Odessa in the south to Kiev up north, you can make a pit stop in Chișinău between the two. 

The capital of Moldova is an up and coming destination, but still one of the least visited in Europe . It’s a pedestrian-friendly city where you can soak up the local culture at Piata Centrala, Stephan the Great Central Park or Valea Morilor Park. There are also a few landmarks to spot like the neoclassical Nativity Cathedral or the dome-topped Chișinău’s Cathedral Park.

32. Minsk, Belarus


Belarus is definitely not one of the most sought after European road trip destinations, but it surely has its own charm. At first it may seem like there is not much to do in the capital city of Minsk, but the attractions could keep you busy for about 2-3 days. 

Like most post Soviet Union countries, one of the top things to do in Minsk is to admire the Soviet architecture, particularly walking along Independence Avenue. 

Main structures include the Central Post Office , Palace of the Republic , Nyamiha Shopping Center, the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre and even an incredible Soviet bas-relief above a KFC. 

There’s also a quaint Old Town, shopping at a GUM (department) store, visiting Mir and Nesvizh Castles , and checking out the hip cafes and street art near trendy Kastrychnitskaya street. 

33. Vilnius, Lithuania

Vilnius, Lithuania

Another city where you can find astounding architecture is Lithuania’s capital Vilnius , a UNESCO heritage center . Architectural styles from all periods can be found here. And did you know you can go on a hot air balloon ride over the city? Amazing.

Strolling along the cobblestoned streets of Old Town you’ll come across the beautiful baroque Gate of Dawn and Basilian Monastery, neoclassical Vilnius Cathedral and Gothic St. Anne’s Church (and so so much more!). 

Get your green fix at Bernardine Park , open air museum Europos Parkas or atop the Hill of Three Crosses for panoramic views. Shop local at Hall Market and explore the multitude of museums.

34. Riga, Latvia

Riga at night

From one capital to the next, this time you’ll be visiting Latvia’s Riga, the largest city in the three Baltic states. 

You may be a bit tired of perusing all the amazing buildings of Vilnius, and Riga is just the right place as it’s a youthful city with a pumping nightlife, hipster eateries and thriving alternative scene. Maybe you’ll take home a bottle of Riga Black Balsam , a bitter but slightly sweet liqueur made in oak barrels.

Before partying it up, take in the old centre of Vecrīga, with its maze-like streets filled with restaurants, museums and nightspots, Medieval churches and is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site . 

But of course, there is more than enough architecture too to keep you happy from the vibrant House of the Blackheads to the world’s largest collection of Art Nouveau buildings, particularly those by “Riga’s Gaudí”, Mikhail Eisenstein . 

35. Tallinn, Estonia

Tallinn, Estonia

Your final Baltic State before crossing over to Northern Europe is another cultural hub right on the Black Sea. Tallinn is for creatives. 

Starting at Telliskivi Loomelinnak (Creative City) where you’ll find Fotografiska (home to fine-art photography), venture onto PROTO Invention Factory for a look into the history of inventions and then end off at Kumu Art Museum which won European Museum of the Year in 2008. 

Cafe hop as you pass ancient monuments like Kiek in de Kök , Gothic-structured Town Hall or 13th-century St. Nicholas Church.

36. Helsinki & Rovaniemi, Finland 


Take the 2 hour ferry ride across the Gulf of Finland where you’ll end up in its capital, Helsinki. You can continue your cultural adventure by taking a walk along the Mannerheimintie, with its multitude of institutions like the National Museum , grand Parliament House and Kiasma contemporary art museum. 

Temppeliaukio Church is out of this world (think Auroville in Pondicherry or Iglesia El Rosario in El Salvador ) and Suomenlinna , a giant maritime fortress spread across seven islands, is man-made marvel. Red-bricked Uspenski Cathedral is also stunning.

In Helsinki, take the option of a ferry ride to St. Petersburg and avail of the 3 day free visa option to explore Russia’s grandest city. 

You wouldn’t want to leave Finland without making a trip to Rovaniemi. Why? Because it’s the official home of Santa Claus! 

Lapland Northern Lights

That’s right, the capital of Lapland is also home to one of the most beloved figures. There’s Santa Claus Village , SantaPark , Santa Claus Office and even Santa Claus Reindeer where you can meet the friendly helpers. Beyond all things Santa there is also lots to do from Arktikum Science Museum , Rovaniemi Art Museum , and of course Angry Birds Park !

Rovaniemi is also your chance to experience an authentic Finnish sauna, munch of some pulla (Finnish cardamom bread), and glimpse the Northern Lights. 

37. Stockholm, Sweden

Royal Palace Stockholm

Journey down the coast of Sweden along the Gulf of Bothnia all the way down to the Baltic Sea where you’ll find the capital, Stockholm. What many travelers to Stockholm might not know is that the capital city actually encompasses 14 islands with over 50 bridges. So the best way to see it all is to hop on the various ferries or sightseeing boats between the islands. 

Like most large European cities, Stockholm has its own old town called Gamla Stan which stands out for its cobblestone streets and ochre-colored buildings. 

Notable sites here include the 13th-century Storkyrkan Cathedral (make sure to go inside), the Swedish monarch abode Kungliga Slottet Royal Palace and the Nobel Museum (about the history of the Nobel Prize ). 

Get your Mama Mia on at the ABBA Museum , learn about all things nautical at the acclaimed Vasa Museum , or be more contemporary at Moderna Museet . Fashionista’s shouldn’t miss a visit to Södermalm (home to Greta Garbo) for “fika” (Swedish coffee break), boutique shopping, and massive photography gallery, Fotografiska . 

38. Oslo, Norway


Take in the gorgeous scenic landscapes of Swedish as you travel across the country into Norway. Shortly after crossing the border, you’ll arrive at the capital of Oslo. 

Here you’ll find vast green spaces and plenty of museums to explore. Nature is a key part of life in Oslo, so this is a great chance to get out and moving as you won’t want to miss the epic scenery of the forests, walking trails and mountains – all easily accessible by public transport if you want to take a break from driving. 

Take a coastal stroll on the Bygdøy Peninsula which has, apart from astounding natural scenery, 5 national museums including the Viking Museum . Saunter around Frogner Park which has some 212 sculptures from artist Gustav Vigeland (as well as an eponymous museum ). 

Another major artist with a dedicated museum is Edvard Munch . Learn all about sliding down snow at the Holmenkollen Ski Museum & Tower or see a show at Oslo Opera House . Make your journey complete with a tranquil trip around the Oslofjord.

We would also recommend you add 3 more weeks to your trip and explore the rest of Norway. Check out this website with 18 scenic routes in Norway .

39. Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen canals

Your epic European road trip continues back into Sweden with an extensive leg of the journey down into Malmö (where you should try their famed kebabs), crossing the epic Øresund Bridge and ending up in Denmark’s capital of Copenhagen. One glimpse at this beautiful city and you’ll see where famed fairytale author Hans Christian Andersen got his inspiration. 

Copenhagen has something for literally anyone from amusement parks ( Tivoli Gardens ) to trendy pedestrian streets (Strøget) to Michelin-starred cuisine (23 stars to 16 restaurants in 2020) to arts and culture galore. A short 10km ride to Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune you’ll find the oldest amusement park in the world called Dyrehavsbakken (“The Deer Pasture’s Hill”), also known as Bakken (“The Hill”).

Rent a bike and do as locals do, explore different areas from Christiania, an old commune, the historic waterfront of Nyhavn and of course the Little Mermaid statue. 

If you can, leave your car in Copenhagen and traverse the waters into the tiny island territory of the Faroe Islands – where the roofs are covered in grass , the sheep outnumber the people and the views are epic. This might inspire you to take a trip…

40. North and East Germany


Catch another ferry from Lolland in Denmark to Fehmarn in Germany. The Fehmarn Belt connecting these two destinations through an 18km underwater tunnel has also been approved , so keep on the lookout for its opening. 

You will be traveling the North of Germany through such cities as Hamberg, Bremen, Münster, Dortmund, down to the tip of the Rhine, then onward through several states from Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg which encompasses the capital of Berlin.

Here is where startup owners mingle with vegans, artists and hipsters, Berlin is the center of art and creativity in Germany and well worth a couple of days. 

While we only border Germany, you can feel free to venture into the country and explore as much or as little as you would like. Cruise straight through as fast as you can on the Autobahn blaring Kraftwerk ,enjoy sausages and beer and just take it all in.

41. Warsaw & Wrocław, Poland

Warsaw Poland

After speeding on the Autobahn and living it up in hedonistic Berlin, it’s time to take it a bit slow as you enter Poland’s capital of Warsaw. 

Warsaw is a city to reflect on the atrocities of the Nazi invasion and the aftermath of World War II by visiting the many monuments dedicated to the mass destruction of the city and the people in it. Yet, like a flower through the cracks, the city has been restored to its former glory – a far cry from the rubble of the 1940s. 

Old Town and Łazienki Park are particularly beautiful and the many museums will keep you intrigued, like POLIN , Warsaw Uprising Museum or the Copernicus Science Centre (Poland is the birthplace of the famed mathematician who found the sun to be the centre of our universe). Make a pit stop at Wrocław on the Oder River, particularly the Market Square for some more culture, art and elegant architecture.

42. Prague, Czech Republic

Prague’s famous Charles Bridge

Crossing over to the center of the Czech Republic, Prague is a beautiful city to go around on foot while exploring the unique baroque buildings, Gothic churches and the stunning medieval Astronomical Clock. 

It’s a place where art and creativity is thriving from puppetry to jazz, and was also home to writer Franz Kafka (he used to live in Golden Lane) and father of modern psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud . There’s even a statue of him hanging from a pole in Old Town.  

Sip some world famous Czech pivo (beer) while gazing at the Vltava river or go the full nine yards by taking a tour of the Czech Beer Museum Tour where you can bottle your own beer. Don’t forget to taste some pork knuckle and pickled cheese before exploring the thriving nightlife. 

43. Salzburg & Vienna, Austria


Cross yet another border and you’ll be in the birthplace of Mozart , Salzburg. It is known for having the best-preserved baroque architecture in the old town centre in Europe, which is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site . If you have time visit The Eagles Nest in nearby Berchtesgaden, Germany for an amazing hike and epic views of the Bavarian Alps. 

Vienna is the next stop on your epic road trip of Europe, home to the United Nations and the cultural, economic and political center of Austria. It’s known as one of the most livable cities in the world and has a rich history of artists, intellectuals, culture and music. So there will be more than enough to keep you busy for a few days.  

44. Bratislava, Slovakia


Right on the border of both Austria and Hungary is Slovakia’s capital, Bratislava. So it’s an easy choice to stop here between the two countries. 

Get your hiking shoes because this beautiful city has many nature trails on offer through vineyards, the Little Carpathian mountains, and overlooking the breathtaking Danube river. From fairytale castles ( Bratislava & Devin) to sky blue cathedrals to the revitalised Eurovea district , there is surprisingly a lot to take in when visiting Bratislava. 

45. Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Castle

Roll along the north of Hungary until you reach the Danube, which bisects Hungary’s capital Budapest. Interesting fact about Budapest is that it’s actually not one, but rather 3 unified cities. 

They are Buda and Óbuda on the west bank of the Danube and Pest on the east bank. Many consider Budapest to be one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and will be a surprising standout of your Europe road trip. 

If you don’t know where to start in this gem, try the UNESCO World Heritage Sites like Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue. Peruse the gorgeous Parliament Building along the banks of the Danube, or Heroes’ Square and St. Stephen’s Basilica before descending into the infamous Faust Wine Cellars under Buda Castle. Then relax your muscles with a dip in the Széchenyi Thermal Baths or the Gellért Baths . 

46. Transylvania and Bucharest, Romania

Bram Stoker Castle

While Transylvania is usually associated with Dracula, Gothic fortresses and churches and baroque buildings, it’s not as spooky as Bram Stoker makes it out to be. 

Most of your Transylvania itinerary will be centred around the castles like Bran , Peleș and Corvin , the UNESCO World Heritage Site of colorful Sighișoara and exploring the Turda Salt Mine are equally impressive. 

But it is a rather large region of around 102,834 sqkm, so there’s a lot to cover. Hop over to the trendy student area of Cluj-Napoca for a taste of Romanian cool, explore the medieval walls and towers of Sibiu on foot or ski at Poiană Brașov.

Keep going south-east until you reach the capital of Bucharest. Once home to Vlad the Impaler and communist despot Nicolae Ceaușescu , it’s now in a boom with highrise towers and sleek glass facades. 

There is still a glimpse of the past among the newer lofty towers. Bucharest has the world’s biggest parliamentary building Palace of Parliament standing at 365,000 sqm and 1,100 rooms. Take a romantic stroll at Cișmigiu Gardens, the cobblestone streets of Lipscani (Old Town) and glimpse a replica of Paris’s Arcul de Triumf, an ode to its former nickname “Paris of the East”. 

47. Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia, Bulgaria

Walking through the capital of the Balkan nation of Bulgaria is like taking a time machine back to almost 2,000 years ago. 

Witness Sofia’s history of outside occupation through the Greek, Roman, Ottoman and Soviet landmarks. The city’s history is deep and complicated where mosques have been converted into churches and monolithic soviet structures overshadow newly formed boulevards. 

While you can’t dip in, the Central Mineral Baths is a very photogenic spot with an informative museum. Adventurous travelers can ascend the 2,200m Vitosha Mountain. 

48. Skopje, North Macedonia

Skopje North Macedonia

Coming back into North Macedonia, this time you’ll be visiting Skopje, the country’s capital and largest city. 

While being the center of politics, culture, economics, and academics, it is an ancient city dating back to 4000 BC with Neolithic remains at the old Kale Fortress. Probably the best thing to do in Skopje is to stroll along the Vardar river and do some quirky architecture and statue spotting (trust us there is a lot of that!). 

After all the walking, get some fuel at the old bazaar where you can also delve more into the culture of Skopje and visit the fort at the top of the hill. Then continue on to find some really quirky brutalist architecture and sip some thick coffee at the hipster Debar Maalo area. 

49. Pristina, Kosovo

National Library of Kosovo Wiki Arben Llapashtica (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Pristina might not be the most popular or well-known city in Europe, but once you start strategizing a trip here, you’ll notice that there is indeed a lot to do. 

One unique fact about Albania concerns Kosovo where 92.9% of the population is actually ethnic Albanian and Muslim. 

This ethnic differentiation between Muslim Kosovar people and the rest of Orthodox Serbia, the official UN country Kosovo belongs to has been the focus of tension for decades and tragically ended in the terrible Kosovo War . 

Sadly, because Kosovo has not been recognised as an independent country by the UN, these tensions continue and mean that parts of the country are under the supervision of the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces . But fret not, traveling in Kosovo is very safe and attacks are rare.

Back to pristina, many of the things to do in the capital are interlinked with Albanian culture.  For example, you can taste some Albanian Rakia , see sculptures of Skanderbeg like the ones in Tirana , and pay homage to the devout spiritual leader at the Cathedral of Saint Mother Teresa (who was ethnically Albanian). 

You can socialise over a thick Turkish coffee, witness the medieval UNESCO Site in Gračanica or see one of the world’s ugliest buildings – the Kosovo National Library . 

To truly enjoy the most beautiful parts of Kosovo, take a detour to Peje and Prizren, two beautiful mountain villages where traditional architecture and rich Ottoman heritage have been preserved, they are real gems.

50. Belgrade, Serbia

Belgrade in winter

You’ve been around the continent and visited almost every country and your final epic European road trip destination is Serbia’s capital, Belgrade. 

Belgrade is one of the oldest cities in Europe and has a tumultuous past of war and upheaval. It’s possibly this turbulent past that’s created it’s free-spirited present, particularly on the Bohemian avenue of Skardarlija and in the frequent splavovi (party boats) along the Danube and Sava.  You can end your monumental road trip of Europe with a bang in Belgrade by partying the night away. After sobering up, take in your final views from the Beogradska Tvrđava fortress , stroll around in deep thought at what you’ve accomplished at Kalemegdan Park and then jump into the water at Ada Ciganlija island.

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One of the most exciting adventures anyone can take is a road trip through Europe. With so much to see and do SIXT has made it easy to decide where to drive with some suggested Europe road trip routes. Whether you have time for a 1-week European road trip, or can tour around for a few weeks, plan an amazing journey with our Europe road trip ideas.

  • Culture + Cuisine
  • Classic Europe
  • Outdoor Adventure
  • Romantic Escape
  • Spanish Fiesta

Europe Road Trip


A trip to Europe can involve so many different kinds of experiences. You can explore the beaches of the Mediterranean during the summer months or ski the Alps in the winter. There are plenty of exciting cities suitable to visit year-round with incredible art and cultural offerings as well as unforgettable shopping and dining experiences. Here are a few things to consider when choosing where to go and when:  

  • SELECT YOUR TRAVEL SEASON:  Decide if it makes sense to travel during peak season or the off-season. Peak season typically means more crowds and higher prices, but might also be your chance to catch the best weather or the best events. Off-season travelers should make sure tourist sights are open and adequate accommodation options are available.
  • CHECK THE WEATHER:  Do you hate walking around in the rain or find high temperatures unbearable? Before choosing your destinations, have a look at the yearly average temperatures to ensure a match with your travel style or the activities you have planned.
  • DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT:  Are you traveling to Europe to dive into the local culture, or are you there for an international event? If you are looking to mix and mingle with locals, make sure you don’t arrive as they leave for vacation.


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1. culture + cuisine, paris > lyon > marseille.

For a Europe road trip that offers the best in both culture and cuisine, drive from Paris to Marseille. Start by diving into the  fashion and art scenes of Paris  before discovering the delights of  fine dining in Lyon , the center of French gastronomy. Before arriving onto the  vibrant shores of the Mediterranean in Marseille  stop in Avignon to admire the well-preserved Roman ruins or detour to experience  the vineyards and lavender fields of Provence .

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Paris > amsterdam > berlin.

For a first visit to Europe, take a road trip that brings you to the best cities and most famous sights. You will get the perfect mix of old and new as you tour historical attractions and contemporary culture. Your itinerary can include iconic landmarks like the  Eiffel Tower  and the  Berlin Wall , plus viewing remarkable works of art at top museums like  the Louvre  and the  Van Gogh Museum . Each city also has easy to find trendy districts offering an amazing choice of shopping, dining and nightlife.

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German alpine road.

The German Alpine road offers an unforgettable journey with plenty of opportunities for adventure. The route stretches for 280 miles across the Alps from  Lake Constance  to  Lake Königsee  near Salzburg, Austria. The road is well marked and it is possible to start your exploration from either end or anywhere along the route. In addition to  incredible mountain views , the drive gives you the chance to swim in  crystal-clear lakes , hike different areas of the German Alps, and in  winter, ski  some amazing slopes. With famous attractions such as  Bad Tolz ,  Neuschwanstein Castle ,  Zugspitze and  Reit im Winkl  it will be hard to choose a favorite memory from the destinations you will visit.

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Rome and the amalfi coast.

The classic beauty of Rome and the panoramic coastal views en route to the Amalfi Coast are the perfect combination to help you celebrate your love. Start by touring the iconic sights of Rome and then drive on to Naples and get inspired by its historic city center. Next stop is  Sorrento , a magnificent backdrop to create special memories. Stroll around and take in the stunning views of  Mount Vesuvius  and the  Isle of Capri  before embarking on the gem of the journey, ‘ The Amalfi Drive ‘. Connecting Sorrento and Amalfi, this breathtaking route weaves along high cliffs overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea. Stop overnight in either  idyllic Positano  or the  gorgeous village of Salerno , where you can capture the passion with the perfect photo at Castello di Arechi before ending the tour in  Tivoli . With welcoming weather throughout the year there is no bad time to enjoy this marvelous region of Italy.

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Barcelona > madrid > seville.

With your own set of wheels, take a 2-week Europe road trip that will immerse you in the diversity and deliciousness of Spain. Begin the journey in Barcelona where you can catch some  sun on the beach , stroll Park Guell and Las Ramblas and sample Catalan cuisine. Admiring  Antoni Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia  and the artworks on exhibit at the  Picasso Museum  should be on your itinerary as well. The next stop is the  modern metropolis of Madrid  to marvel at the collections of the  Museo del Prado  and  Reine Sofia Museum  and try out the latest tapas bars. The last stop lets you see a different Spain as you discover the more traditional side of Seville. Step back in time with visits to the  UNESCO listed Real Alcazar , the  Cathedral , and the  Giralda . For an authentic Andalusian experience, an evening at a Flamenco performance is not to be missed.

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Renting a car in Europe for those coming from abroad is not complicated. Besides a valid driver’s license, you might also need an international driving permit before your trip from either the American Automobile Association (AAA) or the American Automobile Touring Alliance (AATA). You must be 18 years old or older with a valid US driver’s license to apply. A valid passport and an accepted payment method, like a credit card, will also be needed for your European car rental. As regulations may vary, please find country-specific information on our Rental Information page.

Taking a road trip through Europe will probably entail visting more than one country. It is possible to travel across borders with your Sixt rental car, however some restrictions may apply. If arranging a one-way car rental for your Europe road trip please be aware that unless specified, you may be subject to additional fees. Other limitations may apply when crossing borders with a specific car rental category. You can find further details about our one-way fees and border crossing restrictions by visiting the Rental Information page.


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The 20 most beautiful road trips in Europe

The 20 most beautiful road trips in Europe

Written by Maartje

We love road trips . Driving through impressive landscapes and spontaneous stops in the most beautiful places, make up for the ultimate travel experience. We are lucky enough to live in Europe, one of the best parts of the world for the most scenic road trips. To uncover the most beautiful road trips on our continent, we’ve asked the some of the world’s leading travel bloggers to help create the the ultimate European road trip bucketlist.

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Pinterest most beautiful roadtrips in Europe according to travel bloggers

The 20 best road trips in Europe

#1 exploring croatia.

by Maggie from The World Was Here First

One of the best road trips you can take in the entirety of Europe is a drive from Zagreb to Dubrovnik, Croatia. Taking you through some of the most iconic highlights of Croatia, it is particularly good to do this in your own vehicle as it allows you to be a lot more flexible while also making it easier to get slightly off the beaten path.

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Some of the highlights of this road trip include stopping at the incredible Plitvice Lakes National Park , sampling award-winning cheese on Pag Island, strolling along the seaside promenade and listening to the sea organ in Zadar and taking in the incredible Diocletian’s Palace in Split. 

The drive from Croatia’s capital city to Dubrovnik takes you through incredibly diverse landscapes and can allow you to detour to numerous islands or nature parks, as well. If you really want to be able to experience all you can on this road trip, then planning to spend about a week (or more) can be a fantastic idea. 

Leaving Zagreb, plan to spend at least one night near Plitvice Lakes, another night or two near Zadar, and a couple of nights in Split before finally ending up in beautiful Dubrovnik. If you want to go for longer, you could optionally add on a detour to Istria from Zagreb or hop from island to island after visiting Split.

All in all, driving from Zagreb to Dubrovnik is one of the best ways to experience some of the highlights of Croatia and is an excellent way to see this incredible country.

Roadtrip Europe Croatia

#2 The Wild Atlantic Way in Ireland

by Cath from Travel Around Ireland

Following the west coast of Ireland, the Wild Atlantic Way is a 2500km touring route and is one of the best road trips in Europe to take. Whether you start at Malin Head in County Donegal in the North, or at the Old Head of Kinsale in County Cork in the South, you will see some of the most rugged and beautiful landscape Ireland has to offer.

⯈ Check the current prices for a rental car in Ireland .

To try and enjoy as much of the Wild Atlantic Way, it is advisable to take a minimum of 7 days if you want to cover the entire 2500km. Or you could spend more time on one section. There are over 160 official discovery points along the route, and it would be impossible to see them all in one week.

Along the route, from north to south, places you should stop at include Slieve League in Donegal, spectacular cliffs that rival their more famous southern counterparts. In the Sligo section it is worth visiting Glencar waterfall and viewing Benbulbin, with its unmistakable flat summit.

In Mayo, a visit to Achill Island is a must and Keem Bay to see if you can spot any basking sharks from up high. County Galway is all about the wilds of Connemara before you should visit one of the natural wonders of Ireland, the Cliffs of Moher in Mayo.

In Kerry, a visit to Dingle followed by a drive along part of the Ring of Kerry are unmissable before completing the trip at Kinsale. Towns to stay in would include Donegal, Westport, Galway, Tralee, Kenmare and Kinsale.

Roadtrip Europe Altantic Coast Ring of Kerry travel-around-ireland

#3 Lake Geneva in Switzerland

by Paul from The Two That Do

Lake Geneva, the largest lake in central Europe is one of the continent’s most luxurious regions. Overlooked by the peaks of the Alps to the south this has long been a favoured destination for health retreats and recuperation. The deep blue waters of the lake under summer sun the perfect environment to renergise.

200 km of roads hugging the majestic lake on one side, snow topped Alps and lush hillsides the other therefore make for an ideal road trip.

⯈ Check the current prices for a rental car in Switzerland .

Starting in Geneva this is a city that itself makes for a perfect weekend destination. Where the charming old town and artisan suburb of Carouge meet the modernity of CERN.

Just an hour east from Geneva lies the delightful city of Lausanne. Home to the International Olympic Committee and its own old town region an overnight stay at one of its many chic hotels or guesthouses is a must. A visit to the Olympic Museum perched proudly on the lake shore also warrants at least an afternoon of your time.

Continuing east through vineyards lies Montreux, home to the world famous jazz festival and the glorious, floral lined promenade to the fairy tale medieval Chillon Castle.

Our next stop is Évian, in the south of the Lake. Part of the Haute-Savoie region of France this town offers tantalising cheeses and wines as well as the famous spa waters. Understated compared to its Swiss cousins Évian is one of Lake Geneva’s smaller gems.

From Evian the return drive to Geneva and end to your 5 days in the stunning Lake Geneva region is just one hour. You will no doubt return with a warm glow and healthier complexion.

Roadtrip Europe Lake Geneva Switzerland (1)

#4 The North Coast 500 of Scotland

by Kathi from Watch Me See

The North Coast 500 is one of the most  popular places to visit in Scotland  – and for good reason! This 500-mile loop road trip around the far northwestern Highlands takes in dramatic mountain scenery, pristine coastline, sandy beaches and rich local history. 

Starting and finishing in Inverness, most people take between 5 and 8 days to follow the entire NC500 route. Any shorter, and I recommend focussing on one area of the region because there is a lot to discover. 

⯈ Check the current prices for a rental car in Scotland .

The route begins with a beautiful journey from Inverness to Strathcarron by the sea and onwards over the thrilling Bealach na Ba mountain pass to Applecross – not a road for first-time drivers or campervans! From there, the NC500 hugs the coastline and leads through the beautiful areas like the Torridon mountains or Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve and through scenic villages like Shieldaig and Gairloch. 

From Ullapool, the route continues through the mountain scenery of Wester Ross and offers frequent stops at scenic beaches like Achmelvich, Oldshoremore and Sango Sands near Durness. The road trip leads around the northern most tip of mainland Britain (Dunnet Head and John O’Groats) before turning back south towards the Black Isle and Inverness.

Along the way, there are ample opportunities to visit Scottish Castles (Ardvreck and Dunrobin to name just two), stop for activities like boat trips, kayaking, hiking or canyoning, and indulge in local seafood.

It’s a perfect road trip to see the best of Scotland in one week.

Europe Road Trip Scotland Mountains near Tongue - Photo by Kathi Kamleitner, Watch Me See

#5 The Italian Amalfi Coast

by Chrysoula from Travel Passionate

The Amalfi Coast  offers travelers one of the best road trip experiences in the world, with the winding coastal routes passing by azure Italian waters, with colorful, quaint towns teetering below. While the zig-zagging roads and sheer cliff drops are not for the faint of heart, the panoramic vistas, and charming villages more than make up for the somewhat nerve-wracking routes!

⯈ Check the current prices for a rental car in Italy .

Ideally, you’ll want to spend around one to two weeks exploring the Amalfi Coast, so you are able to give yourself plenty of time to soak up the atmosphere of each destination en route and can split up the driving with lots of photo opportunities.

The Amalfi Coast spans from Positano in the west all the way to Vietri sul Mare in the east, with towns such as Ravello, Praiano, and, of course, Amalfi along the way. While you don’t have to stay overnight in each of these towns, I would recommend stopping at each one to compare and contrast it to the last if nothing else! Each town and village is truly picture-perfect so you’ll never be disappointed that you made a stop.

While much of the joy of the Amalfi Coast is driving the picturesque route and soaking up the scenery, enjoying Italian cuisine, reclining on warm beaches, swimming in harbors, and taking short hikes out of the villages are all a great idea too!

I recommend planning to stay in Positano, Amalfi and Vietri sul Mare at the very least and perhaps also adding in stops at Sorrento, Pompeii, and Naples too if you have time.

Road trip Europe Amalfi Coast

#6 Southern Spain

by Emily from Wander-Lush

With well-kept highways, affordable rentals and fuel, and relatively short drive times, Spain is the perfect location for a European road trip. If you’re looking for a good mix of culture, history and nature, I highly recommend focusing on Spain’s southern Andalusia region.

You can see a good chunk of the area in as little as 10 days. Add a few extra days if you want to go hiking in The Alpujarra or kick back on the Costa del Sol.

⯈ Check the current prices for a rental car in Spain .

Andalusia is an autonomous region that’s quite culturally distinct from the rest of the country. Ruled by the Moors from the 8th to the 15th centuries, it boasts incredible architecture and a brilliant food scene. The region also holds some of Spain’s most beautiful natural landscapes within its boundaries, including the southern coastline and the stunning central Sierra Nevada mountains.

It’s Andalusia’s history-soaked cities that are its real claim to fame. Granada, home to The Alhambra, and Cordoba, with its Mezquita, are must-visits. The region’s biggest city and capital, Seville, is another highlight. Set aside at least two full days to see the Alcazar and Plaza de España, watch a Flamenco performance, and eat your body weight in Secreto Iberico. Smaller cities including Cadiz and Jerez de la Frontera, and  Spanish villages  such as Ronda, with its incredible gorge and stone bridge, should also feature on your itinerary.

Narrow lanes are common throughout Spain and can be a challenge to navigate, plus street parking in the bigger cities can be an issue. For these reasons, I highly recommend hiring the smallest car available.

Road trip Europe Southern Spain

#7 From the UK to the island of Corsica

by Annabel from Smudged Postcard

If you have a good chunk of annual leave, a road trip from the UK to Corsica takes in some really incredible parts of Europe.

From the UK, hop on the overnight ferry from Harwich to Hook of Holland. A good overnight stop is Luxembourg: either the rural Ardennes or perhaps the capital, depending on your preference.

It’s a five hour drive from Luxembourg to Switzerland where there are wonderful mountain and lakeside stops to distract weary drivers for a few days. If wine is your thing, cross the border into northern Italy and spend a few days exploring the vineyards of Piedmont, home to the delicious Barolo, among many others.  If you fancy a city break without tourist crowds, a day trip to Turin  is great fun.

There are overnight ferries to Corsica from the Ligurian port of Savona. If time allows, stop at charming Noli for a swim before dinner. The next day, you’re in Corsica: enjoy swimming in rivers and visiting beaches. Ensure you head inland to the mountains, there are some stunning mountain drives.

From Corsica, take an overnight ferry back to Italy: perhaps to Livorno if you fancy visiting Pisa and Florence. From there, head north to the Italian lake district before heading over the Alps into Austria and then north to Germany. Highlights on route might include Innsbruck and Munich. Serious drivers will relish taking to the autobahns in Germany. Back into the Netherlands, Rotterdam is a great place to enjoy dinner before hopping back on the ferry to the UK.

Allow a month to do this route justice.

Road trip Europe UK to Corsica

#8 From Lisboa to Porto in Portugal

by Marie from A Life Without Borders

aking in the main highlights of central Portugal, a ten day Lisbon to Porto road trip explores the two largest cities of Lisbon and Porto, plus 9 epic stops in between.  Discover UNESCO World Heritage sites, traditional whitewashed villages, majestic forests and seaside towns as you travel through some of the country’s most beautiful scenery.

⯈ Check the current prices for a rental car in Portugal .

Starting in the capital of Lisbon, experience incredible azulejo-clad architecture, breathtaking viewpoints, lively nightspots and fantastic cuisine before heading northwest to the colourful town of Sintra.  With its fairy-tale castles and the mysterious underground tunnels and wells, you’ll soon see why this UNESCO site is so popular with visitors.

Next up is the medieval town of Obidos, where you’ll walk the ancient city walls.  Further north, visit Alcobaca and Batalha for their magnificent, historic monasteries, before making a quick stop for the caves of Grutas de Mira de Aire.

Head back to the coast, to spend a day or two getting to know the traditional fishing village of Nazare.  Home to giant waves, white sandy beaches, and fantastic seafood, don’t miss a ride on the historic funicular for spectacular views.

Explore the Bucaco Forest, a beautiful spot to immerse yourself in nature, before continuing on to the seaside towns of Costa Nova and  Aveiro .  Known as the “Venice of Portugal,” don’t miss a ride on a traditional painted boat on Aveiro’s famed canals.

End your trip in Porto to get a taste for the country’s artistic side, including its epic museums and street art – and of course, drink port at one of the city’s many cellars.

Road trip Europe buildings-of-porto-portugal

#9 Italian Apulia

by Anda from Travel For A While

One of my favorite regions in Italy and an ideal one for a road trip is Apulia . Prepare to discover white cities hanging above the sea, fairy-tale houses, and endless olive groves. I suggest spending a week on the road, but of course, you can adapt the itinerary to fit your time frame.

My itinerary to explore Apulia starts in Bari. You can rent a car right at the airport and head south to Polignano a mare, our first stop. The town is built on a spectacular cliff. Have your swimsuit ready or, if you’re not a swimmer, try a boat tour of the grottoes beneath the city. Next stop, Monopoli, a 15 minutes drive south, a white city by the sea. Visit the castle and admire the beautiful churches and piazzas. Carpe Diem is a great B&B to spend the night.

Day two will take you to fairy-tale town, Alberobello, famous for the conic-roof buildings called ‘trullo’- a Unesco World Heritage site. If you’re on a family trip, you might want to visit the Zoo Safari in Fasano on your way to Alberobello. For a complete experience, spend the night in a restored trullo, like Romantic Trulli .

On day three, make your way to Locorotondo for a couple of hours, then to the elegant Martina Franca, a beautiful baroque city.

Next stop, Ostuni, a white town on a hill in the middle of the olive groves. Spend the night at Masseria Moroseta, a beautifully restored old farm.

Discover Lecce, another baroque city and one of the most spectacular Italian cities I ever saw. If time allows, make your way to Gallipoli-an island town in the Ionian Sea.

As you head back, plan to spend one night in Bari and explore the Old City.

Roadtrip Europe Apulia Polignano a mare

#10 Lapland in Northern Finland

by Alexander from Engineer On Tour

How about a road trip to the far north of Finland ? Many know that Lapland is an outstanding place for tourism. Many limit themselves only to Rovaniemi, the region’s capital, which is a bit unfortunate. As people of Lapland say, you haven’t seen it, if you haven’t been to the very north.

⯈ Check the current prices for a rental car in Finland .

Yes, you can do all the tourist activities in Rovaniemi, but there are crowds of tourists. In my opinion, smaller towns and villages are more authentic and provide better value. But to see those in one trip – you have to drive. Public transportation isn’t well-developed in Lapland. Here is a proposed itinerary for winter.

Start in Rovaniemi. You may rent your car there, but you can also move it on a train from Helsinki. A unique thing to do in Rovaniemi its Santa Claus Village. Santa could work as a comedian, he entertains you well and will set you in the mood for further trip.

Next, take a car and go to Levi. It is one of the best places for snowmobiles. You will see all the postcard-like frozen trees on the hills. We also found some of the best restaurants that specialize in reindeer cuisine.

Next, go up north and visit Hetta. It has one of the best husky farms. They will take you for long husky safari and show hundreds of dogs. Also, it is far in the north and you have way a better chance to see the northern lights.

The next spot is Inari. It is one of the major Saami towns and the center of their culture. Make sure you visit their museum and reindeer farm. And as usual, check night for aurora.

After this, you may go down to Kemijärvi. It is a chill and quiet place, with beautiful nature. Good for a day’s rest. It is the last station at the Finnish railroad. There you can put your car back to train (or drive to Rovaniemi)

The whole trip should take around 5 days. 

Snowy Lapland Finland Europe

#11 Calais to the Spanish Pyrenees

by Jenny from Peak District Kids

For those of us in the UK, Calais is an obvious starting point for a European road trip as it’s a short crossing from Dover. No need to hire a car, just bring your own! From Calais, the possibilities are endless across Europe, but last summer we drove from Calais down to the Spanish Pyrenees and back again. It was an incredible trip.

⯈ Check the current prices for a rental car in France .

As it was summer, we wanted to steer away from tourist crowds and find hidden gems off the beaten track. Our route, which is detailed in our France road trip itinerary, included the lush forests of Vaubarlet, the Mediterrean coast of Languedoc-Roussillon with it’s distinct Catalan vibe, the craggy peaks of the Spanish Pyreness, the glitzy Biarritz Region, the windswept sandy beaches of Ile d’Oléron, and the chateaux and tree-lined avenues of the Loire. Each destination notably distinct from the other, providing a true cross section of cultures and landscapes across France.

We stayed either four or five days at each location, and the trip took us thirty days in total. It was about a four to five hour drive between each location and we used the toll roads (which can add up, but they are very efficient).

We camped along the way, bringing our camping gear from home, and self catered. The French campsites in particular are exceptional, with bakeries, restaurants and swimming pools on site; just ensure you book in advance, especially in the high season. 

Europe Road Trip Calais to the Spanish Pyrenees Pyrenees

#12 Transylvania in Romania

by Maria & Katerina of It’s All Trip To Me  

One of the best road trips you can enjoy in Europe is definitely a scenic drive across the stunning Transylvania region in Romania. With gorgeous countryside, countless castles and the most picture-perfect medieval towns, Transylvania is every road-trip lover’s dream come true. 

⯈   Check the current prices for a rental car in Romania .

For the optimal experience, a road trip across Transylvania should last at least seven to ten full days. This way, there’ll be plenty of time to enjoy a full itinerary that includes all major points of interest in the region while taking it quite slow and making time to get acquainted with local culture, savour authentic food and stop to marvel at nature’s wonders along the way. 

Speaking of itineraries, you will most probably start your road trip from Bucharest, Romania’s vibrant capital and then follow a circular route that includes stops at Transylvania’s quaintest towns and must-see attractions. A sample itinerary should look like this: Bucharest – Brasov – Viscri – Sighisoara – Biertan – Sibiu – Bucharest with in between stops at world renowned castles, UNESCO listed towns and, of course, the scenic Transfagarasan Highway.

The most impressive castles to visit in Transylvania include Bran Castle, Rasnov Fortress, Rupea Fortress, Corvin Castle as well as the fortified churches in Viscri and Biertan. As far as picturesque towns are concerned, Sighisoara, Brasov and Sibiu are absolutely unmissable. Yet, the ultimate highlight of any road trip across Romania is taking in the beauty of the Transfagarasan Road, a thrilling mountain pass that has been awarded the title of the best road in the world by no other than Top Gear. 

Europe Road Trip viscri-romania-itsalltriptome

#13 The island of Cyprus

by Stephanie from History Fangirl

Many people just come to Cyprus to stay in Paphos, but there are so many great things to do in Cyprus that you really do need to get out and explore. A great way to see Cyprus is by car, and a Cypriot road trip is a perfect antidote to just experiencing Cyprus as a fly-and-flop.

Check the current prices for a rental car in Cyprus .

I would suggest spending one to two weeks on your trip. Start by flying into Larnaca and picking up your car. Enjoy a half-day in the city, seeing the best of Larnaca before moving onto Nicosia, Cyprus’s divided capital. Dedicate at least a day here (but there’s enough to do for far more than that!), including a trip over the border into North Nicosia / Lefkosia.

From Nicosia, head to Agia Napa for a day lounging on Nissi Beach and exploring the town. This is a resort area of the country and a perfect introduction to Cyprus’s beaches. After Agia Napa, spend a day or two driving through the Troodos mountains and seeing the UNESCO World Heritage protected churches. Many of these are by appointment only or open only on certain days, so plan your itinerary for your visits carefully!

After the mountains, head to Limassol to see ancient ruins and Richard the Lionheart’s Cyprus legacy. This is also a great place to see ancient Greek sites. Additional stops include a day at Aphrodite’s beach and at least two days in Paphos, one to see the UNESCO Site and other important archeological sites and another day to relax at Paphos’s beaches and beach bars. Fly out of Paphos relaxed and enriched!

Road trip Europe Cyprus

#14 A 7 day road trip in Montenegro

by Cassie from Cassie The Hag

From coastal roads to mountainside tracks including a jaw-dropping stretch of 25 hairpin bends, Montenegro is a great place to go for a roadtrip. From a 4 day drive along the coast to a 2-week trip appreciating the great outdoors of the five Montenegrin National Parks, there are many options.

⯈ Check the current prices for a rental car in Montenegro .

On a 7 day Montenegro road trip itinerary , you have time to see many of the best and varied places in the region. Begin at the capital Podgorica, where you can pick up a car, and drive to Lake Skadar. At Lake Skadar, the Bend Lake viewpoint (named ‘Pavlova Strana’) is a must-see. Next, drive to Durmitor National Park and spend at least two days driving around the mountains. In this area, must-sees include the Black Lake, Tara Bridge and Tara Canyon. If you have time, you could also go hiking – Bobotuv Kok is the tallest mountain the region – or check out turquoise Piva Lake. 

The winding dirt roads from Mt Lovcen via Cetinje make for another beautiful drive. Lovcen National Park is home to amazing views over the Bay of Kotor and the beautiful Mausoleum of Petar Njegos. The final stretch of road from Lovcen back to Kotor is certainly the most impressive – each of the 25 hairpin bends has breathtaking, panoramic views over the bay.

Finally, you can relax in historical Kotor! In Summer, you can go swimming or head further along the coast for the beautiful beaches. Any time of the year it is lovely to explore the Old Town.

Road trip Europe bucketlist Montenegro

#15 The Golden Circle in Iceland

by Nicole from Nicole LaBarge Travel Blog

If you’re visiting Iceland for the first time, then going on a Golden Circle day trip is a must since this route is the best way to experience the stunning and dynamic natural landscape of Iceland. Going on the Golden Circle will show you the geothermal activity of Iceland, the beautiful waterfalls in Iceland and the beauty of the National Parks.  Add on the Blue Lagoon and you have a perfect itinerary for Iceland.

⯈ Check the current prices for a rental car in Iceland .

Not to be confused with the Ring Road which goes all the way around Iceland, the Golden Circle is a day trip to some of the most popular spots near Reykjavik.  The Ring Road drive takes a good 6 days to drive around Iceland and stop along the way.  Some people even take longer on this drive whereas the Golden Circle is a day trip from Reykjavik and there are several tour companies that offer a tour of the Golden Circle as well.

You can explore the Golden Circle of Iceland in winter or summer, this popular driving route will take you through the southern portion of the island, where you will experience such iconic natural wonders as Gullfoss Waterfall, Geysir Geothermal Field, and Thingvellir National Park.

The Golden Circle is 237 kilometers long and can be driven in as little as three and a half hours.  Most people take the entire day to complete this drive because you will want to pull over constantly and take photos!

Rondreis IJsland | Roadtrip Iceland | The Orange Backpack

#16 Western Norway

by Radka from Real Camp Life

Western Norway will surprise you by its incredible scenery. On this 5 to 7 days road trip, you will drive along deep fjords, cross high mountains and mountain plateau, admire majestic waterfalls and taste the most delicious apple cider from local Norwegian farmers. 

⯈ Check the current prices for a rental car in Norway .

The best place to start the trip is in Bergen, where you should reserve at least a day for exploring the traditional wooden houses of Bryggen and taking the funicular to Mount Fløyen to enjoy the views over the city. From Bergen drive west to the villages of Gudvangen and Flåm, where you should jump on a boat to explore the UNESCO-protected Nærøyfjord. The next day continues via Geilo to Eidfjord. On this stretch, you will drive the scenic route through the Hardangervidda mountain plateau. The highlight of the day is the hike to the foot of the 182 meters tall Vøringsfossen waterfall. 

If you want to, you can spend the next day hiking to Trolltunga, the most famous rock cliff in Norway. Beware, it is not an easy hike, but the views to the Ringedalsvatnet lake thousand meters below you are definitely worth the sweat.

Take it easy the following day, as you will probably be sore in your legs. There is a beautiful stretch of the National scenic route Hardanger lying ahead of you. You will drive on a small narrow road through beautiful orchards and picturesque villages along the Sørfjorden. Spend a night in a historic hotel in Utne and reward yourself with tasty apple most and cider from the local farmers before you drive back to Bergen.

Europe Road Trip Norway Hardangerfjord_Norway_Realcamplife

#17 Alsace Wine Route Road Trip

by Elisa from France Bucket List

Alsace is a historical region in eastern France, in the French region of Grand Est. Alsace is a great area to explore, world-famous for its wines and picturesque towns, and also with a beautiful nature and interesting history. During the last centuries, Alsace was disputed by France and Germany and the region changed of hands many times. This is why visitors can see many German influences in Alsace, especially in its architecture and gastronomy.

One of Alsace’s tourist attractions is  the Wine Route of Alsace  which explores its wines but also the cutest villages in Alsace. One could be drinking wine and sightseeing in the area forever but we recommend at least 3 days, dedicating one full day for Strasbourg.

The trip starts in Strasbourg, where the car is not necessary. The capital of Alsace and Grand Est is an interesting city to explore, with beautiful sights like La Petite France or the cathedral. Apart from an excellent gateway to the Alsatian countryside, it is a great introduction to Alsace’s culture and traditional food.

Day 2 takes us to Colmar (75km, 45 minutes), the prettiest town in Alsace but also the most crowded with. You can use half-day for exploring the town and its canals and book a wine tasting tour in the afternoon. In the evening, be sure to taste the local cuisine paired with some Alsatian wines.

Day 3 can be used to explore two more small villages or just one village plus a wine tasting tour. If you prefer more sightseeing than wine, we recommend Kaysesberg and Eighisheim, both located at less than 20 km from Colmar.

Extend your Alsace Wine Tour as you please, perhaps with more Alsatian villages or a hike in the Vosges.

Europe Road Trip Alsace France Colmar

#18 Western France: Paris, Loire Valley and Mont St Michel

by Anne from Pretraveller

The road trip from Paris to the Loire Valley via Versailles Palace, the Normandy landing beaches from World War II and Mont St Michel is an amazing way to spend a week during your time in France.  Ideally you should plan at least 7 days to explore along this route, you can easily also shorten or lengthen this time to suit your interests.

Day 1 is to drive to Versailles Palace and spend the whole day exploring – you will need it!  Then stay in either Versailles or Giverny for the night.  Day 2 you will explore Monet’s Garden, then drive on to Rouen to explore and visit the Joan of Arc Museum.  Then drive onto Honfleur, your overnight seaside stop .

Day 3 is for exploring the World War II Normandy Landing Beaches, which stretch 80 miles / 130km from Honfleur to Cherbourg.  Day 4 is a shorter day to visit the World War 2 Museum in Caen, as well as to see the Bayeaux Tapestry before driving on the world famous Mont St Michel and staying overnight in the area.

Day 5 is for an early visit to Mont St Michel before the tourist buses arrive, then to drive to the Loire Valley.  Head to Angers and from there you have a multitude of chateaux to visit – so choose wisely!  There are also many markets, shopping and other activities readily available in the Loire Valley, so plan to spend at least two full days to explore.

From there on Day 7 you can either drive back to Paris via the spectacular Chartres Cathedral, or alternatively drop your car off in Tours and catch the TGV train to your next destination.

Mont St Michel, Normandy

#19 Roadtrip in the Netherlands

by Nichola from Globalmouse Travels

The Netherlands is one of our favourite countries to visit as a family, it has it all, some great child-friendly activities, wonderful food and a fantastic welcome. Our trip takes in two weeks in the Netherlands which could easily be lengthened or shortened depending on how much time you have available to you.

⯈ Check the current prices for a rental car in the Netherlands .

Start in busy Amsterdam with its canal side walks and interactive museums including the NEMO, Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum. Pause for thought at the Anne Frank house, enjoy pancakes everywhere and shop in some of the unique artisanal shops that line the streets. After this head out of the capital for time in the countryside at one of the lovely Landal Parks which can be found throughout the country. These are perfect to get in some time cycling, breathing the fresh Dutch air and really relaxing. If you’re visiting the Netherlands with kids these are ideal for some real quality family time.

When you’re ready to head on, vibrant Utrecht is a wonderful next stop. This is my favourite of the Dutch cities as it’s so picturesque but not as touristy as Amsterdam can sometimes feel. Spend time here rowing along the canal, visiting the simply wonderful Speelklok Museum and stopping for frites.

On your way to Rotterdam stop off at the UNESCO World Heritage site of Kinderdijk where a selection of beautiful, old windmills creak proudly in the wind and give an insight in to another world. Spend a few days in quirky Rotterdam with its modern art, creative buildings and fun restaurants.

Finally head to the beach on the north coast at Scheveningen to watch the waves crash. Take in the beautiful setting at one of the beachside restaurants here and reflect on how much more there is to see in the Netherlands and how a return trip will be essential.

Kinderdijk, Rotterdam | Nederland, Netherlands | The Orange Backpack

#20 A castle road trip in Germany

Last year we had our (in law) parents’ dog at Easter and the three of us made an incredible road trip through Germany. We started in Maastricht , the most southern Dutch city and close to the German border. We explored picturesque villages nearby and had a tour in the Dutch cave system where famous art works were stored in a secret safe during the Second World War.

⯈ Check the current prices for a rental car in Germany .

After this first stop in the Netherlands we continued our road trip in Germany, all the way to the southern border with Austria. Because our white dog friend was with us, we decided to make many hikes in the scenic German forests. Big highlights were Schloss Neuschwanstein near the Austrian border with beautiful mountain views, the picturesque Burg Eltz and Hohenzollern high up a hill.

Our road trip took around 5 days, but you can easily spend much longer in this area, exploring the Black Forest, picturesque villages and even more castles. It was definitely a trip to remember. Especially because our dog friend passed away not long after and this road trip were some amazing last memories together.

Roadtrip Germany castles

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Six Unmissable Germany Road Trip Routes

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The Top Six Germany Road Trips

Germany is an incredible country in which to road trip. With landscapes ranging from the dramatic to gentle, medieval towns alongside cities full of cutting-edge architecture, fairytale castles, and amazing roads, you’ll enjoy the road trip of a lifetime as you explore this often overlooked country.

From the lively attractions of Berlin to historic medieval cities and the mighty Alps to the starkly beautiful northern coast, Germany is a seriously great country for road tripping.

Our Germany road trip planner will help you decide whether you want drama, fairytale castles, towns, vineyards, or something a bit different. Use our detailed guide and travel tips to find our pick of the best German road trip routes, itineraries, and places to see along the way.

Germany road trip

Getting to Germany

Germany is an easily accessible country from the UK and most of Europe, with an excellent network of autobahns to deliver you right where you want to be. Plan getting to Germany as part of your trip and could enjoy an epic road trip to Germany, followed by one in the country itself!

For those flying in, the well-located airports of Frankfurt, Munich, and Hamburg are ideal for car rental, or even hiring a VW campervan or motorhome from Motorhome Republic , and starting your German road trip. We recommend booking your flights through Skyscanner for live deals and the best prices.

RELATED POST: Driving from UK to Germany: Best Routes, Costs & Tips

Fly into the well-located international airports of Frankfurt , Munich , and Hamburg , ideal starting points for your German road trip. We recommend booking through Skyscanner for live deals and the best prices.

Are you planning to rent a car in Germany? As one of the largest car hire aggregator companies in the world, we recommend because they have massive purchasing power which enables them to secure the best car rental prices, which benefits you when you’re planning a roadtrip in Germany.

For a real adventure , hire a motorhome or campervan in Germany. We recommend Motorhome Republic , an aggregate booking site who pull together all the best deals from a number of rental agencies, to offer you a wide choice of options alongside an excellent English speaking expert motorhome Concierge Team.

Use the Park4Night app to find campsites and places to stay along the route, and park for the night on a mountain pass, flower filled meadow of with a glorious view of the sea.

road trip route europe

Best Time to Visit Germany

The German climate is fairly typical of central European weather.

The high season is considered to be between April to August when the weather is generally warm. If you want to increase your chances of a dry holiday without rain, roadtrip in Germany between July and September. Temperatures during this period fluctuate between 68°F/20°C to 86°F/30°C.

The colder low-season German weather starts in November and lasts until late March or early April. Snow is common across the country, with temperatures dropping well below freezing. By late March, snow turns to rain, a sure sign that spring is on the way!

That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t choose to take a German road trip in winter. As a European winter destination , Germany packs a real punch with fantastic Christmas markets, winter activities in Bavaria, and everywhere dusted in snow.

Is this your first time visiting Germany? Get all the information you need in our Germany Travel Guide , including what to pack, the best time of year to go, getting there, and practical tips to help you have the best trip!

The Mosel Valley

Explored by James from The Travel Scribes

Koblenz – Cochem – Beilstein – Zell am Mosel – Traben Trarbach – Trier

  • Distance 172km
  • Duration 5-7 days
  • Drive Time 2 hours

Germany road trip map

A beautiful river snaking through it, soaring medieval castles dotted across it, and almost vertical vineyards nestled on its hills. It’s the picturesque Mosel (or Moselle) Valley, and this is one of the best roads in Germany for wine lovers!

Punctuated by the small but beautiful Mosel river, the valley essentially stretches from the small city of Koblenz, a fairy-tale German town, to Trier along the water’s edge.

This breathtaking valley is best explored by taking a least a week, the pinnacle of slow travel as you hop from one riverside town to the next.

Kick off your west Germany road trip in Koblenz, where the mouth of the Mosel meets the Rhine, to walk along the ancient Roman walls or just amble through the Altstadt (old town), before heading to visit the first traditional  town of Cochem .

On the way there, avid Instagrammers and history buffs should definitely make a turn at Burg Eltz, one of the most spectacular castles and hidden gems in Germany , to take the requisite snap. Once in Cochem, you’ll slow the pace.

You can marvel at the unique vineyards (a signature of the entire Mosel road trip), where the vines crawl up the hillside at 90-degree angles. If you go in harvest time, you’ll see the workers strapped into harnesses with spiked boots just to be able to pick the ripe grapes.

Cochem also boasts one of  Germany’s legendary castles  looming above it, plus it’s the best place to just take a walk along the promenade, stopping in at one of the riverfront cafes for a plate of zwiebelkuchen (onion cake) and a sparkling glass of federweisser , a traditional fizzy grape drink.

Your next few nights should definitely see you stay over in one of the many lovely towns sprinkled along the river: Beilstein for the Burg Metternich castle, a climb up the hill (and more traditional German food) in Zell am Mosel and our favorite stop on the entire itinerary, Traben Trarbach.

This gorgeous little town used to be two villages, Traben and Trarbach, on opposite sides of the river, which were eventually united with the construction of a short bridge.

Before you hit your final destination of Trier, stay overnight in Bernkastel-Kues, a spa town peppered with wood-timbered houses, many a hot spring, and the ruins of the Landshut Castle.

Before you know it, your German road trip is at an end, as it culminates in the beguiling town of Trier. An old Roman city with landmarks like the Porta Nigra black gate, an old-school amphitheater, the Roman baths, and a towering cathedral, just to name a few.

It’s here that you should raise a(nother) glass of perfectly poured Riesling in celebration of the Mosel valley, one of the best road trips in Germany.

Where to Stay

Cochem ⇒ Hotel Villa Vinum  for its highly rated service, perfect riverside location, and quirky decor.

Traben Trarbach ⇒ The Goldene Traube   for its traditional exterior and modern interior, rooftop terrace, and fabulous breakfast buffet!

Trier ⇒  Vienna House Easy for its excellent location close to the old town, modern and funky style, and private parking garage.

Cochem Castle one of the best places to visit Germany

Make sure you have travel insurance you can trust when visiting Germany. We recommend True Traveller for their 5-star TrustPilot reviews, variety of cover options, best activities cover as standard, great prices, and excellent service.

The German Fairy Tale Road

Frankfurt – steinau – marburg – kassel – gottingen – hamelin – bremen.

  • Distance 660km
  • Duration 7 days
  • Drive Time 10 hours

Map of the Fairy Tale Road and some of the best places to visit in Germany

This central to north Germany road trip from Frankfurt does not technically start in the city, but Frankfurt is the perfect place to fly into and pick up a rental car. If you’re spending the night, make sure you visit the South Bank, where you’ll find an eclectic selection of restaurants, bars, and clubs.

The Fairy Tale route officially starts in the pretty town of Steinau an der Strasse where the Brothers Grimm lived until they were aged twelve.

The setting is straight out of their own fairy tales, complete with typical half-timbered houses, twisting cobbled alleys, and the turreted fairy tale castle of Schloss Steinau which overlooks the whole town. Visit the Brüder Grimm Haus and Museum Steinau, both of which showcase the works of the brothers.

Take the back roads to Marburg and enjoy the gorgeous landscapes and slower pace for a few hours. Marburg’s altstadt is full of medieval houses and the hilltop Landgrafenschloss, a dramatic castle holding exhibits on sacred art and local history.

Lively bars and restaurants line the Marktplatz and the narrow streets surrounding it, making this a great location for an overnight stop.  

From Marburg, head to Kassel, where the Brothers Grimm spent their teenage years whilst working as librarians for the King of Westphalia, Jerome Bonaparte, the younger brother of the infamous Napoléon.

There is very little left of historic Kassel but there are two worthwhile attractions to visit; the Brüder Grimm Museum, and the Schloss und Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe, a tranquil green space and the largest hill park in all of Europe.

Gottingen is home to the University of Gottingen, where the Grimm Brothers once served as professors. Make for the traditional and atmospheric central market square, where the statue of Ganseliesel, the little goose girl of German lore, is one of the most kissed statues anywhere in the world. It is said that the kisser is rewarded with good luck, but maybe post-virus this practice will change!

Hameln (or Hamelin) is next up and one of the most famous fairy tale destinations in Europe. Hameln is the home of the Pied Piper, or Rattenfänger, who rid the town of rats in 1284, only to be cheated out of his payment.

The Pied Piper returned to Hameln a year later and lured away all the children. The story is re-enacted in the town center every Sunday between May and October and is a fantastic spectacle.  

The Weser Renaissance architecture of the Rattenfängerhaus and the Hochzeitshaus makes a fitting historic backdrop for the streets which are thronged with locals dressed the part, stalls selling food, and live music playing. 

Finally, on to the Hanseatic city of Bremen, your final stop. Good places to visit in Bremen include the traditional Marktplatz, which is located in the city’s charming altstadt, the 600-year-old Rathaus or town hall, the Roselius-Haus Museum, and the stunning St. Petri Dom, the 11th century gothic cathedral.

Another landmark can be found in the city’s central town square – a statue of the Bremen musicians and heroes of the Brothers Grimm story, “The Town Musicians of Bremen.”  

If you have time, extend your trip and head to the modern and progressive port city of Hamburg. Explore the historic districts, edgy culture, and extraordinary commercial past with our one day Hamburg itinerary.

RELATED POST: Deutsche Märchenstraße: Germany’s Fairy Tale Road

Where To Stay

Frankfurt ⇒ Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch  for its proximity to the airport and city center, fantastic spa, and beautiful surroundings.

Marburg ⇒ The Vila Vita Rosenpark  for its central location, excellent regional restaurant, and stylish bedrooms.

Bremen ⇒ Atlantic Grand Hotel   for its perfect riverside location, bike rental from reception, and ultra-stylish bathrooms.

Marburg on the Fairy Tale Road Trip in Germany

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The romantic road.

Explored by Carolyn from Holidays to Europe  

Wurzburg – Weikersheim – Rothenberg – Dinkelsbühl – Augsburg – Fussen

  • Distance 340km
  • Drive Time 5 hours

Romantic Road Germany Route map

One of the best southern Germany road trips is along the scenic route known as the Romantic Road or Romantische Strasse. This Bavaria road trip stretches for 340km from Wurzburg to Fussen, the route has many highlights and passes through some of Germany’s prettiest landscapes and most fairy tale towns and villages. 

Whilst you could travel this entire Bavaria itinerary in one or two days, to make the most of your Romantic Road drive , I suggest you allow at least 5 days in Bavaria, which will give you the chance to stop and explore many of the 29 towns along the route, of which the best six are listed above. 

The first stop on Germany’s Romantic Road is Wurzburg, an attractive city that was almost totally destroyed in WW2. Highlights include the Marienberg Fortress, Wurzburg Cathedral, the Old Main Bridge (which crosses the River Main), and the stunning UNESCO World Heritage listed Wurzburg Residence. Wurzburg and the Franconia region are also well-known for their wines.

You’ll see vines planted in front of the Marienberg Fortress and in the surrounding countryside, so be sure to sample the local drop. 

After a couple of days in Wurzburg, head south to the fairytale town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, one of the most beautiful places in Germany.

I recommend you stop in the charming town of Weikersheim en route, there’s a beautiful castle you can visit and a small but very pretty old town. In Rothenburg, you’ll see why visitors flock here from all over the world.

The brightly painted timbered houses that line the cobbled streets and the medieval city walls with their watchtowers, ooze romanticism and entice people on day trips from all over southern Germany. 

Other highlights include St. Jacob’s Cathedral, the castle gardens, the views from the tower of City Hall and the Kathe Wohlfahrt Christmas Store and the German Christmas Museum.

With numerous nearby towns and villages worth a visit, too, you could easily fill three days in Rothenburg ob der Tauber. Next, drive further south to your final stop at Fussen.

You’ll want to stop at Wies to visit the Wieskirche, a small baroque church with an impressive interior that is UNESCO listed.  

In Fussen, explore the old town and head to Schwangau to visit Germany’s most famous schloss , Neuschwanstein Castle, built by mad King Ludwig. If you have a few extra days, enjoy some city life by heading to Munich, where you’ll find fantastic Bavarian culture and a lively social scene. 

Base yourself here for a few days and enjoy some of the  day trips from Munich  on offer, to experience the best of the surrounding landscapes and attractions. We think this could well be the best road trip in Germany. 

RELATED POST: Romantic Road Germany: Itinerary, Map & Tips

Wurzburg ⇒ Hotel Grüner Baum  for its great location, traditional Franconian decor, and outstanding breakfast.

Rothenburg ⇒ Hotel Herrnschloesschen  for its gorgeous and unique decor, fantastic restaurant, and beautiful garden.

Fussen ⇒ Hotel Das Rübezahl  for a real treat. This luxury hotel has amazing views across the Alps and both Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau castles. There is also a fantastic spa and restaurant, making this the perfect hotel to end your German road trip.

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Don’t forget your road trip essentials! Our free road trip checklists help you remember everything, including road trip snacks , podcasts and road trip songs for the journey!

The Castle Circuit

Explored by Becki from  Meet Me in Departures

Koln – Frankfurt – Mespellbrunn Castle – Stuttgart – Bad Wildbad – Heidelberg – Koblenz – Eltz Castle – Rheinstein Castle – Cochem Castle – Köln

  • Distance 950km
  • Duration 3-5 days
  • Drive Time 13 hours

road trip route europe

This south Germany itinerary covers a whole mix of destinations in a fabulous circuit, visiting some of  Germany’s best castles  on the route. Starting and finishing in the graceful  city of Cologne  (Koln in Germany) this road trip covers the southwest of the country.

It takes you south as far as Stuttgart, before circling back north towards the Mosel Valley. To make the most out of this road trip, I suggest three to four days, which will give you time to enjoy the castles as well as the wine in the Rhine region; perfect for a long weekend. 

This part of the country is one of the best places to visit in Germany and you’ll get to see some of Germany’s prettiest castles, the stunning and verdant forests, the Rhine river, as well as a number of picturesque cobbled towns. Stay off the autobahns for the best driving, through beautiful landscapes and scenery.

Start your castle road trip in Koln, making sure to visit the simply stunning cathedral, and head southeast towards Frankfurt. Spend some time in the altstadt wandering around the pretty and atmospheric streets.

From here head towards Mespellbrunn Castle. It’s located pretty much in the middle of nowhere, however, it’s a stunning castle, which looks a lot like the Sleeping Beauty tower, located on a lake. 

From Mespellbrunn Castle, keep heading southeast towards Stuttgart, a beautiful city full of green and open spaces. Be sure to spend plenty of time here exploring the town and its elegant buildings.

It’s worth stopping overnight and taking advantage of the fantastic restaurants, bars and beer gardens which line the narrow cobblestone streets of the old town.

From Stuttgart, start to head back north-west. Spend time visiting the lovely Bad Wildbad in the Black Forest and maybe indulge yourself in one of the many thermal baths there.

Head for historic Heidelberg and spend some time admiring and visiting the imposing Heidelberg Castle before crossing the wide river Neckar on the famous old bridge. This is another great town for an overnight stay.

Stop by the pretty and very German town of Koblenz, before heading to Eltz Castle. If you’re looking for a quintessential fairytale castle, then Berg Eltz is it! When you’re done swooning over Eltz, head to the small complex of Rheinstein Castle high on the banks of the Rhine (or Rhein in Germany) river.  

Make for your last stop in Cochem on the gorgeous Moselle, and the impressive Cochem Castle. Stay for the night and try some of the delicious wine produced in this region or take a guided tour of a vineyard with a wine tasting.

This is a fully packed itinerary covering all the best bits of Germany. I’m sure you’ll agree, this makes a fantastic German road trip! 

RELATED POST: 18 Magical Castles in Germany to Add to Your Bucket List

Koln ⇒ Hotel Lyskirchen  for its ideal old town location, boutique vibe and modern rooms.

Bad Wildbad ⇒ Mokni’s Palais Hotel and Spa  for some of that thermal action, as well as old-fashioned elegance and service.

Heidelberg ⇒ Ninetynine Hotel Heidelberg City for funky and modern design, super-comfortable beds and a lively, sociable bar.

Eltz Castle on the Castle Route Germany

Looking for the best SIM card deals in Europe for your trip? Check out our guide to the best data SIMs in Europe and get the best deal for your trip to Germany.

The German Alpine Road

Lindau – bad hindelang – pfronten – füssen – oberammergau – garmisch-partenkirchen – bad tölz – rottach-egern – oberaudorf – aschau im chiemgau – reit im winkl – berchtesgaden.

  • Distance 450km
  • Duration 7-10 days

German Alpine Road map

Starting at Lake Constance (Bodensee) and winding its way through the diverse and spectacular Bavarian landscape to Lake Koningssee, following the Alps from west to east, the Deutsche Alpenstrasse is simply spectacular and has to be one of the most scenic road trips in Germany.

On this south Germany road trip, the oldest tourist route in Germany, you’ll explore picture-perfect towns, alpine lakes and meadows, historic castles, and fantastic driving roads, perfect for whatever your means of transport.

Starting in the pretty harbor town of Lindau on Lake Constance, take the twisting road of the Rohrbach ascent into the Allgäu peaks, for spectacular views and the Scheidegg waterfalls in the Rohrach Gorge.

Continue through Oberstaufen, stopping for a dip in the cold and clear waters of Grosser Alpsee, to the traditional German town of Immenstadt, before crossing the Oberjoch Pass. With 106 bends, this is one of the most scenic and exciting drives of the whole route – make sure you allow enough time to stop for photos!

As you continue east, you’ll step into the fairytale world of King Ludwig II on a tour of the castles of Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau and the Museum of the Bavarian Kings. Three lakes on this part of the route – Weissensee, Hopfensee, and Forggensee – offer gorgeous scenery.

Upper Bavaria, the land of drama, adventure, and extreme sports is next on the route. Here you can explore the summit of the Zugspitze, Germany’s highest mountain, take in Linderhof Palace, swim in the beautiful Eibsee, and discover the many intricate Baroque churches and monasteries, like the Church of Wies. Oberammergau, home of the famous ten yearly Oberammergau Passion Play , is also in this region and well worth visiting.

Fancy a swim? The next part of the route runs through the Tölzer Land, beside Lake Walchensee, across the fabulous Kesselberg Pass, and on to Lake Kochelsee. After Benediktbeuern with its abbey, Bad Heilbrunn, Bad Tölz, and Lenggries, the route climbs to the Sylvenstein reservoir, where you’ll have fantastic views.

The next section of the route in the Tegernsee and Schliersee region sees you driving through Rottach-Egern, Tegernsee, Schliersee, and Bayrischzell, known for their restaurants and cafés that provide Bavarian hospitality and delicious local food and drink for you to sample. As you continue on, the road meanders through the mountains to Chiemsee, and panoramic views are guaranteed.

The German Alpine Route saves the best for last – crossing the 868m high Schwarzbachwacht Pass into the incredible landscape of the Berchtesgaden Alps and Konigsee, widely thought to be the most stunning lake in Germany.

RELATED POST: Deutsche Alpenstrasse: Route, Map & Highlights

Fussen ⇒ Hotel Sonne  for its wonderful old town location, local cuisine, and contemporary decor.

Bad Tolz ⇒ Hotel am Wald for its wellness area, panoramic views, and cozy rooms.

Berchtesgaden ⇒ Alpenhotel Fischer for its fabulous spa, out-of-town location, and family hospitality.

road trip route europe

Want to plan your own road tri p? Get our step-by-step road trip planning guide to help you organize the perfect trip, or check out our favorite Europe road trips for ideas and inspiration!

Iconic German Cities

Frankfurt – munich – cologne – munster – hanover – frankfurt.

  • Distance 1700km
  • Duration 10-14 days
  • Drive Time 24 hours

Map of the best places to tour in Germany

If you really can’t decide which road trip to take and you have a few weeks. then why not consider taking a driving tour of Germany, hopping between some of Germany’s most historic and beautiful cities, and taking in elements of all our road trips on the way?

This road trip route will take you past or in close proximity to some of the most beautiful places in Germany including fairy tale castles and towns, famous landmarks, stunning rivers, and wine regions.

You’ll drive on fantastic roads and if you choose not to use the autobahns, you’ll enjoy a relaxed pace and be able to enjoy the ever-changing scenery and small historic towns of this surprisingly gorgeous country.  

If you’re road tripping Germany in winter, you’ll love the clear crips days, frosty landscapes and of course, the  traditional Christmas markets  that the country is famous for. Fairy lights, gluhwein, traditional artisan gifts, and hearty, warming local food will make your winter road in Germany really memorable. 

Don’t forget Germany’s recent history either. This route will take you close to both Dachau and Bergen Belsen concentration camps, which make for harrowing visits that nevertheless should be taken, lest we forget the past, which must never be repeated.

You’ll also find the opportunity to tour the top car museums of BMW in Munich and Porche and Mercedes in Stuttgart. Why not test yourself and take a drive around the famous Nurburgring on your way past?

If you are lucky enough to have three weeks or longer, then add the eclectic and fascinating  city of Berlin  to the mix, or head south from Munich for the incredible Deutsche Alpenstrasse, or German Alpine Road, one of the most scenic drives in Germany.

Where to Stay – Our Top German Hotels

These are luxurious, treat-yourself hotels, known for their sumptuous decor, opulent furnishings, and outstanding service.

Frankfurt ⇒ Hotel Villa Kennedy  for its incredibly gorgeous rooms, comprehensive spa, and superb, discreet service.

Munich ⇒   Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski  for its high-end location on the fashionable Maximilianstrasse, architectural grandeur, and first-class service.

Koln ⇒  Excelsior Hotel Ernst am Dom  for its fabulous cathedral location, love of tradition, and impeccable service.

Koln at sunset, a perfect stop over on a roadtrip Germany

German Road Trip Resources

Here are the websites and services we personally use and recommend for traveling in Germany.

  • Search for affordable flights to Germany with Skyscanner
  • Search for availability and book hotels and accommodation in Germany with
  • Find and book the best campsites in Germany with Eurocampings
  • Book the cheapest and most reliable hire cars in Germany with
  • Find and hire your perfect motorhome or campervan with Motorhome Republic
  • Get highly rated, reliable, and trustworthy travel insurance with True Traveller
  • Check if you need a visa and arrange your documents with Visagov

Tips for Driving in Germany

The roads in Germany are well maintained, the autobahns are toll-free and there are excellent regional and minor roads with great services for drivers, making Germany a fantastic place to road trip.

Contrary to popular belief though, there are speed limits on the autobahn, and many sections have limits between 120km/h (75mph) and 110km/h (68mph) or lower, especially in urban areas.

Whether you’re traveling in your own vehicle or flying in and renting a car, you need to follow these rules when you drive and travel in Germany;

  • You must have at least three months remaining on your passport (issued in the past ten years) at your intended date of departure from Germany.
  • You must have at least 3rd party insurance for your vehicle.
  • Citizens of non-EU third countries may require an IDP, you can check here .
  • It is compulsory to carry a warning triangle, reflective jacket (for the driver and all passengers), spare wheel, and the tools to change a wheel or a tire repair kit.
  • If you wear glasses you must carry a spare pair.
  • You should carry a first aid kit, but this is only compulsory for four-wheeled vehicles registered in Germany).
  • Germany introduced regulations in 2010 requiring all passenger cars and motorbikes to be fitted with winter or all-season tires in wintry conditions.

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The Best Road Trips in Europe: UK & Ireland Five Ferries Route, Scotland. Rent a Car in: Glasgow or Edinburgh. Route: Androssan - Isle of Arran - Kintyre Peninsula - Cowal Peninsula - Isle of Bute - Ayrshire Coast - Glasgow or Ardrossan . The Five Ferries Route on the west coast of Scotland is traditionally a cycle route, but who says the 55-mile loop can't be equally done by car?

The best Switzerland road trip: the Swiss Alps. The route: Start - Arosa; finish - Zermatt. Length: 7 days, 612 km/382 miles. A place of heart-stopping natural beauty and head-spinning efficiency, Switzerland lies in the center of Europe yet exhibits a unique blend of cultures.

F act: road trip destinations don't get much better than Europe. From the winding alpine roads of Switzerland and France to the spectacular coastal routes in Italy and Ireland, there are more ...

The Best European Road Trips in 2019. 1. Autobahn, Germany. The Autobahn is Germany's famed highway system where there are no speed limits in non-urban regions. It gives drivers the option to really put the pedal to the metal while traveling the beautiful German countryside. 2. Route 500, Germany.

Leipzig is a good halfway point and an ideal place to spend the night. Historic and home to art, music, and culture, it's a blend of old and new with great food as well. Spend at least a day in ...

The epic European road trips you must do in your lifetime From Iceland's Route One to the Wild Atlantic Way, Europe is ripe for exploring by car - here are some of the continent's finest ...

From twisting roads among towering mountains to detours into tiny fishing villages, these European road trips promise an unforgettable drive. 1. Costa Brava. Distance: 143 miles (230 km) Start: Barcelona, Spain. End: Blanes, Spain. Costa Brava translates to "Rough Coast" in Catalan, appropriately describing the rugged cliffs alongside this ...

Its medieval towers create a skyline like no other. Our verdict: Tuscany might be quite touristy, but it's rightly one of the most popular road trips in Europe. Route for Your Tuscany Road Trip. Florence (3 nights) - Lucca (2 nights) - Pisa - Volterra - San Gimignano (2 nights) - Siena (2 nights) - Val d'Orcia (4 nights ...

The wine route in Germany is one of the most beautiful road trips that one can take when traveling through Europe. # It is the oldest tourist route in Germany. # The route covers 53 miles (85km), and is nearly 100 years old.

Epic European road trip by the numbers. Epic Europe road trip to 47 countries. Almost 27,000km of roads. Approximately 364h of driving time without stops. Over $1,600 in fuel spent. 47 countries, including 25 European Union members, Kosovo (which we count as an independent country despite the lack of recognition by the UN), the 3 countries in ...

THE BEST EUROPEAN ROAD TRIP ROUTES 1. CULTURE + CUISINE PARIS > LYON > MARSEILLE. For a Europe road trip that offers the best in both culture and cuisine, drive from Paris to Marseille. Start by diving into the fashion and art scenes of Paris before discovering the delights of fine dining in Lyon, the center of French gastronomy.

Read Our Taxi vs. Car Rental Comparison. To learn more about our company or request more information about renting a vehicle for your dream European road trip, call toll-free at 1-888-223-5555. Our representatives specialize in finding travelers the perfect vehicle at the guaranteed best rate and are available 24/7 in Portland, Maine.

4. Nice, France. A great inclusion for an ultimate Europe itinerary, Nice gives you a chance to experience the famous French Riviera. Since Nice is a coastal city, it only makes sense to start with a good stroll along the Promenade des Anglais, which follows the city's waterfront.

hese Europe road trip itineraries have family travel in mind, with some of the best routes to take in Europe with kids. ... The Wild Atlantic Way is an extensive road trip route of 1,553-miles, from top to bottom, following the majestic shorelines of the west coast of Ireland.

ViaMichelin offers route calculations for 4 possible modes of transport: car / motorcycle / bike / pedestrian. For car and motorcycle routes you can choose from the following variants: Michelin recommended: this route option focuses on safety, simplicity and minimising any risk of route errors. This is the default route that Michelin recommends.

The 20 best road trips in Europe ... #17 Alsace Wine Route Road Trip. by Elisa from France Bucket List. Alsace is a historical region in eastern France, in the French region of Grand Est. Alsace is a great area to explore, world-famous for its wines and picturesque towns, and also with a beautiful nature and interesting history. ...

The German Fairy Tale Road. Frankfurt - Steinau - Marburg - Kassel - Gottingen - Hamelin - Bremen. Distance 660km. Duration 7 days. Drive Time 10 hours. This central to north Germany road trip from Frankfurt does not technically start in the city, but Frankfurt is the perfect place to fly into and pick up a rental car.

Tell us about your favourite trip - the best tip wins £200 towards a Coolstays break Few things beat the sense of freedom of the open road. Whether it's an epic motorcycle ride along Ireland ...

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  1. Voyage pas cher aux Baléares, séjours, circuits pour découvrir ses îles

    voyage carrefour les baleares

  2. Voyage pas cher aux Baléares, séjours, circuits pour découvrir ses îles

    voyage carrefour les baleares

  3. Voyage pas cher aux Baléares, séjours, circuits pour découvrir ses îles

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  4. Carrefour Voyages: promos et bons plans tout compris et all inclusive

    voyage carrefour les baleares

  5. Voyage pas cher aux Baléares, séjours, circuits pour découvrir ses îles

    voyage carrefour les baleares

  6. Voyages all inclusive Baleares : 347 vacances tout compris Baleares

    voyage carrefour les baleares


  1. Voyage pas cher aux Baléares

    Voyage pas cher aux Baléares, séjours, circuits pour découvrir ses îles - Carrefour Voyages. Accueil > Séjours à l'étranger > Voyage baléares. Voyage pas cher aux Baléares. Envie de criques cachées, de plages de sable blanc, de calme ou de festivités ? Un voyage aux Baléares vous comblera !

  2. Voyage aux Baléares dès 63 €

    2 jours / 1 nuit dès 63 € / hébergement. Voir la fiche. Payez en 3X ou 4X*. Résidence Pierre & Vacances Mallorca Deya 3* (Ref. 436050) Majorque, Baléares. On sait que vous allez aimer : À 250 m de la plage, Quartier animé. Piscine extérieuren, Pool bar. nombreuses activités aquatiques.

  3. Voyage à Majorque dès 64 €

    Lors d'un voyage aux Baléares, nombreux sont ceux qui choisissent d'élire domicile sur l'île de Majorque. Cette île espagnole est très réputée pour la diversité et la beauté de ses plages, ses montagnes, sa gastronomie, ses grottes et ses petits villages typiques.

  4. Voyages Baléares, Canaries pas chers

    Vous voulez partir à Baléares, Canaries ? Découvrez nos Offres pour un Voyage de Rêve à partir de 63 €. Réservez votre location, circuit organisé, séjour ou croisières et partez avec Carrefour Voyages pour plus de Sérénité !

  5. Vacances aux Baléares dès 177 €

    Offrez-vous des vacances de rêve dans l'archipel des Baléares en Espagne. Réservez vite votre voyage chez Carrefour Voyages !

  6. Séjour Baléares

    Hôtel Princesa Playa 4*REF : 6383. -46%. dès292€TTC / personne au lieu de 548€ en Séjour à l'étranger de 5 jours / 4 nuits au départ de Barcelone le 12 mai 2024. Voir les prix et disponibilités. Payez en3X ou 4X*. Minorque, Baléares. A proximité d'une crique aux eaux cristallines Un hôtel convivial Très bon rapport qualité/prix ...

  7. 3 Jours Dans Les Îles Canaries Ou Baléares

    Profitez d'un beau voyage en duo de 3 jours sous le soleil des îles Canaries ou Baléares ! Ce coffret vous propose une sélection d'hôtels arborant 3 et 4 étoiles qui vous accueilleront pour deux nuits avec petits-déjeuners. Tombez sous le charme des plages paradisiaques, des criques sauvages et de la riche gastronomie des Baléares ou bien laissez-vous surprendre par les paysages ...

  8. Voyage en Espagne dès 30 €

    Partez en voyage à la découverte des Baléares. Sur les îles Baléares, offrez-vous des vacances all inclusive en Espagne. Hauts lieux de la fête, dotées de plages paradisiaques, ces îles sont parfaites pour des vacances animées. Majorque, la plus grande des deux îles, est appréciée pour ses nombreuses infrastructures.

  9. Circuit aux Îles Baléares dès 779€ : voyage organisé

    Circuits aux Îles Baléares. Avec découvrez une large sélection de programmes pour votre circuit aux Îles Baléares, des formules retenues par nos équipes pour leur rapport qualité-prix incomparable. Destination les Îles Baléares en circuit tout inclus, la promesse d'un séjour original avec le meilleur niveau de confort ...

  10. Les Iles Baléares

    Votre séjour aux Baléares avec les Voyages Leclerc sera aussi une occasion de déguster l' oliaigua, une soupe à base d'ail, de tomates et de poivrons. Tout le soleil et les parfums de la méditerranée se retrouveront dans votre assiette. Séjours pas cher, vacances aux Baléares avec les agences Leclerc Voyages.

  11. All Inclusive aux Îles Baléares : voyages tout compris dès 207

    Envie d'un voyage tout compris aux Îles Baléares ? Comparez les prix sur, offres imbattables garanties pour un séjour tout compris aux Îles Baléares. Bon voyage !

  12. Séjour aux Baléares dès 186 €

    Partez tranquille, nous sommes là. Offrez-vous un séjour pas cher aux îles Baléares en Espagne : Majorque, Minorque ou Ibiza, réservez vite votre séjour aux Baléares au meilleur prix.

  13. Voyage Baleares, sejour Baleares, vacances Baleares avec Voyages Leclerc

    Optez pour les Baléares dans un séjour tout compris en formule all inclusive. Grâce à Voyages E. Lelcerc, vous pouvez réserver facilement vos vacances aux Baléares, avec des offres tout inclus adaptées à tous les budgets. Profitez d'un séjour de rêve dans un club vacances aux Baléares, où vous serez choyé et où toutes vos envies seront comblées.

  14. Voyage à Majorque dès 193 €

    Voyage à Majorque. Lors d'un voyage aux Baléares, nombreux sont ceux qui choisissent d'élire domicile sur l'île de Majorque. Cette île espagnole est très réputée pour la diversité et la beauté de ses plages, ses montagnes, sa gastronomie, ses grottes et ses petits villages typiques. Vous pourrez profiter d'un

  15. Voyages aux Baléares : circuits & séjours

    Un voyage aux Baléares, c'est avant tout un voyage au cœur de la grande bleue. Qui n'a pas entendu parler de Majorque ou d'Ibiza ? Ces deux îles font partie, avec Minorque, Cabrera et Formentera, de l'archipel espagnol des Baléares. Des plages de sable fin aux petites ruelles escarpées d'un village typiquement majorquin, découvrez l'âme ...

  16. Circuit Baléares : tous les circuits aux Baléares

    Un circuit aux Baléares se présente comme l'un des meilleurs moyens de profiter de l'île. Découvrir l'essentiel de Majorque en autotour fait partie des nombreuses possibilités de circuits sur l'archipel.Explorez Majorque en deux temps à travers ses incontournables et les sites hors des sentiers battus.

  17. Voyage Baléares pas cher, séjours et vacances Baléares tout compris

    115 offres de voyages Baléares. Trier les voyages par. Sélection du moment. Ôclub Experience Palia Sa Coma Playa 4. Voyage Espagne - Baléares - Majorque. Inclus : Vols + Hôtel + Tout Compris + Avantages Ôclub. Durées disponibles : 3 à 14 nuits. Meilleure vente. -0% Dès. 352 € /pers. 4 jours / 3 nuits. Découvrir. Coup de coeur.

  18. Circuit Baléares, voyage organisé Baléares

    Choisissez un de nos voyages en circuits aux îles Baléares et envolez vous pour une aventure mêlant plages paradisiaques, nature exubérante et petits villages de charme. Sur l'île de Majorque, découvrez des calanques paradisiaques et la baie de Palma de Majorque durant votre circuit en liberté aux îles Baléares.

  19. Voyage dans les Îles Baléares : circuit, séjour sur mesure

    Nos idées de voyage dans les Îles Baléares. trier. popularité. En famille Îles Baléares. 1,2,3 soleil ! Circuit autotour famille aux Baléares : Majorque et Minorque. 10 jours / 9 nuits. à partir de 2200€ Mallorca secrète Circuit autotour à Majorque, dans les Baléares : Orient et Llevant. 9 jours / 8 nuits. à partir de 2100€ Entre amis Îles Baléares

  20. voyage carrefour espagne baleares

    Prix d'un appel local. Besoin d'aide. Voyages de groupe. Espace Client. Infos & réservations. Pour nous appeler depuis l'étranger, veuillez composer le : +33 170 365 000. Numér

  21. agence voyage carrefour saint jean de vedas

    Horaires et accès; Services pratiques; Plan du centre; Carrefour Voyages - Saint Jean De Vedas Centre commercial Carrefour Les Arcades - Saint-Jean-de-Védas Centre commercial Ca

  22. wengel carrefour voyage

    Horaires et accès; Services pratiques; Plan du centre; Carrefour Voyages - Centre Commercial Carrefour Angers - Saint-Serge Centre Commercial Carrefour Angers - Saint-Serge. Les

  23. Voyage Elektrostal : Organisez vos vacances

    Des destinations sont déjà mises en avant en Europe. Comme chaque année, l'Espagne et ses îles (Baléares et Canaries), la Grèce et ses îles (Crète), l'Italie (Sicile et Sardaigne) sont les pays qui devraient attirer le plus de touristes durant l'été. Voyage Elektrostal : Organisez vos vacances en vidéo