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Thousands of Workaway members are looking for a travel partner. New travel-mates added daily. Lots of opportunities to find exactly the right travel buddy for you. Choose the places you want to visit, write a quick note explaining the type of person you'd like to travel with or what you are intending to do while away. You'll then appear on the list. Other travellers can find you, get in contact and discuss plans.

Sign up to put yourself on this list and find a travel buddy.

People on this list are looking for someone to travel with, you can join them. Send messages to other travelling members and be contacted yourself.

Perfect if you're going to an unfamiliar destination or just fancy some company on a trip.

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  • let lastPlace = { country: '', countryName: '', isCountry: false }; let addressLevels = { 'locality': 50, 'neighborhood': 50, 'administrative_area_level_5': 80, 'administrative_area_level_4': 100, 'administrative_area_level_3': 150, 'administrative_area_level_2': 200, 'administrative_area_level_1': 250, 'country': '' }; $(function () { if ('undefined' === typeof $window) { window.$window = $(window); } if (window.getRealWidth() Loading results '); $.ajax(aurl, {data: data, method: 'get'}).done(function (responseText) { let response = ajaxWasSuccessful(responseText); if (response) { let objData = { locals: { ajaxfile: '/report_request.php', results: response.results.data, data: { 'currentPage': response.params.Page, 'pagination': response.results.pagination }, totalNum: response.results.totalNum, params: response.params, loggedIn: false, lang: 'en', langtext: { 'delete': 'delete', 'dateformat': 'd/m/Y', 'meetup_linktext_visit_profile': 'Profile', 'meetup_linktext_contact': 'Contact', 'meetup_linktext_add': 'add', 'travelbuddy_no_results': 'We couldn’t find anyone to match that search.', 'travelbuddy_try_searching_country': 'Try searching all travelling to', 'lastLogin': 'Last login', 'travelbuddy_label_destination': 'Destination:', 'travelbuddy_label_dates': 'Dates', 'meetup_title_lastlogin_status_green': 'This Workawayer has been active within the last 7 days', 'meetup_title_lastlogin_status_yellow': 'This Workawayer has been active within the last 30 days', 'meetup_title_lastlogin_status_red': 'This Workawayer has been active within the last 60 days', 'ww_label_last_activity': 'Last activity', 'found': 'found', 'label_showing': 'Showing', 'splr_of': 'of', 'splr_to': 'to', 'travelbuddy_label_show_more': 'show more...', 'popover_signuptocontact_workawayer_guest': '<p><b> <a href="/en/login">Login here</a></b> to start a conversation</p>', 'signup_workawayer_url': '/en/signup/workawayer', 'join_as_workawayer': 'Join as a Workawayer', 'signup_host_url': '/en/signup/host', 'join_as_host': 'Join as a Host', 'profile_verified_popover_title': 'Verified with ID', 'profile_verified_popover_content': 'Member has provided their ID to increase trust in their profile.', }, testversion: false } }; let template = swig.render('{% if data.pagination.pages.length > 1 %}\ {% set addPlusToTotal = \'\' %}\ {% if \'10000+\' == totalNum %}\ {% set totalNum = 10000 %}\ {% set addPlusToTotal = \'+\' %}\ {% endif %}\ \ \ \ \ \ {#\ {% if data.pagination.arrows.first %}\ \ \ \ \

Workaway has committed over $20,000 USD from the Workaway foundation to help refugees from Ukraine.

Upon request all workawayers based in Ukraine will have their accounts extended for free until further notice.

Hosts in Ukraine have been temporarily disabled for safety reasons.

If you are a host and are able to take in refugees please add the information in your account and you will be added to our last minute host list .

Should you wish to donate and help please click here .

My Flying Leap

How to Find a Good Travel Partner (& How to Be One)

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Many people ask me why I enjoy traveling solo, and I have a lot of responses, including that it’s not easy to find a good travel partner. No matter how close of friends you are with someone, it can be difficult to travel together.

This is especially true on an international trip where you don’t speak the local language.

Being a good travel partner isn’t always about compromising, especially if doing so will frustrate you or cause you not to have a good time. It’s about being as considerate of yourself as the person you’re traveling with and ensuring everyone gets most of what they want.

This post includes my thoughts on what makes a good travel companion.

traveling with friends, traveling with others

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links at no extra cost to you. Please read the  full disclosure  for more information.

1. Reach Agreement Before the Trip

What kind of trip do you expect to go on? Is this going to be a five-star splurge or a bare-bones budget vacation? Are you seeking a relaxing getaway or a jam-packed exploration of a location? City or country?

What is the budget you’re able to spend, and do you both agree? One way to have disagreement and frustration very quickly is if you don’t agree on the kind of vacation you are going on.

Being a good travel partner starts at the beginning of the planning stages. I recommend discussing this when planning the trip to ensure you are on the same page. Then, continue the discussion with the decisions that need to be made.

This dialogue continues until the end of the trip as well. There are a lot of decisions you make while you’re traveling, and it’s important to come to an agreement that you are both ok with.

travel buddy, travel partner, travel companion, finding a travel partner, find a travel partner

Areas of Potential Friction

Even amongst the best of friends, you can have very different views about your vacation and your expectations during it. When you start planning your trip, keep these things in mind and discuss any issues throughout.

  • Total budget : It’s important to determine an approximate budget before you travel to ensure you’re on the same page about accommodation and activities.
  • Priorities : Is cost the driving factor in your decisions or experience? Do you want to be active, see certain things, and connect with people? Knowing your own priorities and those of your travel partner is key to agreeing.
  • Where to stay/accommodation : discuss your ideal place to stay before you book, along with your budget. Do you want a hotel or an apartment? Separate bedrooms? What amenities are important?
  • Activities : What are the things you most want to do on this trip? Do you enjoy being active, like hiking or biking, or are you more interested in sitting in cafes and watching the world go by?
  • Early or late start : Are you more of a morning person or a night owl? Do you take forever to get ready in the morning, or are you in for a quick shower, then you want to dash out the door?
  • Downtime : Do you like to go for 12-hour stretches or take breaks during the day, either when you’re out and about or going back to the room to rest?
  • Alone time : Are you used to being with someone 24/7, or do you need some “me time.” What does that look like to you: reading a book in quiet, separate rooms, solo time?
  • Dining/types of cuisine : Besides the budget, what type of restaurants do you enjoy eating in? Take out, sit down, street vendors? Do you want to dress up or go casual? Local and ethnic or American-style food (or that of your country).

What to Do When You Disagree

You don’t want to get up before 8 a.m., and your travel partner wants to be up and out by then. Or you have simple needs and want to stay at budget accommodation in a safe area, but your travel buddy has loftier expectations.

Take the time to talk through these things and work towards a compromise you can both be happy with.

When I went to Italy, I had a day when I was feeling exhausted. My friend wanted to go to a market, but I was not up for all of the hustle and bustle.

Instead of trying to talk her out of it or her trying to talk me into it, I encouraged her to go and enjoy herself while I took a nap. I was nice and rested when she returned, eager to get back out there to see more.

Alternatively, we could have agreed to go to the market on a different day and do something more chill instead.

Don’t be afraid to do your own thing for a while if something is significant to you. Or if there’s something your friend wants to do that you don’t, maybe you can offer to do something he wants to do for him to come with you for what’s important to you.

Compromise and being considerate of each other are what it’s all about.

2. Share Responsibility and Effort

A lot of work goes into planning a trip, before the trip and during. Vacations are fun, but a lot of work goes into making it that way unless you go on a guided trip where everything is planned for you.

There is research to do before you go, bookings to be made, and decisions to be made before and during the trip. It’s a good idea to expect to share those responsibilities to have a good time on the trip.

Several people I have traveled with assumed that since I travel so much, I love to do all the work. The truth is that I enjoy going on great trips, and I’m willing to do the work needed to achieve the result I want.

So, if you’re not offering to help with the research, then offer to do something else.

Some Examples

For example, on a recent trip I took with a friend to Alaska, I did most of the research before the trip. She did all of the driving.

I was over the moon as I hadn’t driven on the snow and ice for many years and was a little concerned, especially at night (I am NOT a night owl). She took that worry from me, so we both felt it was a great share of work.

Alternatively, I went on a trip to Costa Rica with a friend, which was the opposite experience. I planned everything before the trip and even heard her tell someone that she let me because I love doing it (she never asked if that was the case).

Then, I had to make every decision during the trip. This included when to go places, where to eat, and research restaurants. I tried to go for a walk to get some “me” time, and she insisted on going.

Needless to say, it was a very frustrating trip and not a fun experience for me at all.

3. Talk About Splitting Costs

Talk about how you plan to split costs during your trip before you leave. Do you plan to alternate meals or split the bills? Will you get the rental car, and the other get meals?

Or will one person pay for everything, and the other will pay after the trip? However you do it, make sure you agree and both feel comfortable.

4. Have Patience

Traveling can be stressful, particularly internationally, when you don’t speak the local language. Patience certainly is not one of my virtues, but when traveling, you have to dig deep to find it where you don’t know you have it.

I remember on my first trip to Asia, after a painfully long and sleepless flight, we arrived at a ridiculously crowded airport. I don’t recall what set my friend off, but it was about figuring out where we had to go.

He had a bit of a meltdown at the airport. That was ok—I was on it. I suggested he sit down and watch our bags, and I’d head out to figure things out.

It could have escalated to an argument since we were exhausted and cranky, but it didn’t. Don’t worry; I paid him back later in the trip with my meltdown.

He was equally patient with me and cared while I cooled off. Travel is all about teamwork when you travel with others.

5. Consideration and Compromise

No matter how close of friends you may be with your travel companion, you will have differences of opinion on things during the trip. How you handle it is essential to make for a great time on vacation.

Do you want to see something your friend doesn’t? Or does your travel partner want to stay in, but you want to go out? Take turns with the decision-making; remember, it’s ok to do things independently.

travel buddy, travel partner, travel companion, finding a travel partner, find a travel partner

6. Communication Before & During the Trip

It is crucial that you express your needs and wants during a trip. Of course, this is important at any time in any relationship. When you are traveling with a person, it’s essential.

Say what you want or what you need, and listen when the other person does the same. Although you may be friends, hanging out together and living together, even for a week or two, is very different.

Ask questions instead of assuming. Is your friend in a bad mood or angry with you? Ask the question so you can handle it so it doesn’t fester on the trip. I didn’t heed this advice once, and it strained a friendship.

I got angry and didn’t want to start a fight, so I didn’t talk to my travel partner for a couple of days on the trip. Talk about uncomfortable and awkward! It’s a shame, too, as we had a good time before then.

How to Find a Good Travel Partner

Finding a travel buddy can be challenging, and finding a good one is even more challenging. Before you consider joining a person on a trip, it’s essential to consider your wants and expectations.

Talk about them with your potential travel partner to see if you align. When you get frustrated, as you invariably may at some point in the trip, step back and consider if you are a good travel partner.

Think about how you can open a dialogue to work through the issue so you can continue to have fun.

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Sam is a travel-obsessed animal lover on a quest to create a life of travel with her dog. She loves learning new things, snuggling a dog, architecture, hiking, and bold red wine. Join her in creating a life to dream about!

So you’ve traveled with your cousin a few times…how is he as a travel partner? I am thinking he is one of the easiest people to travel with. ????

I’ll let you know the next time we travel together! 😉

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Hey Explorer

12 Apps and Sites to Find a Travel Partner

Traveling is always a magical experience, even if you’re going solo. But in case you’d love to arrange an exciting trip with a new friend, this post is for you. I’ll introduce you to the coolest apps and sites to find a travel partner.

group of friends side hugs by the sea

You’ll notice how simple it is to browse the web for folks with travel preferences that match yours, as well as fine-tune the results according to age, gender, and other filters if you want.

Let’s do this!

Table of Contents

Top apps to find a travel partner

1. travello.

Travello mobile app. Travello is one of the best apps to find a travel partner.

Available on iOS and Android

Travello tops our list because it’s hands down the most thorough app of its kind, in addition to one of the largest travel communities on Earth.

Despite not being designed specifically as a travel partner search tool, the issue-oriented groups you can take part in are perfect for that. You can interact with fellow solo travelers, photographers, hikers,… or any other interests you may think of.

Chances are you’ll get to meet new friends in your hometown too, as there are millions of users around the globe.

What’s more, Travello offers 30,000+ tours and activities all over the planet that you can book for a discount by collecting points on the app.

The app also features a built-in GPS functionality that locates sweet deals, events, and free Wi-Fi wherever you are. 

2. Facebook

Facebook groups for travel partners

Facebook isn’t as popular with the younger crowd as it used to be a couple of years back, yet Meta’s flagship social media platform remains unrivaled when it comes to one precious tool: groups.

You probably know the drill. You just have to tap on the Groups icon on Facebook’s homepage and search for keywords or phrases related to your need. In this case, “travel buddies”, “travel partners”, or “travel friends” are the best combinations.

Then, simply join the groups that match your interests and either post your travel plans or scroll down to see what’s up.

A few of the highlights here include I Need a Travel Buddy , with 33,000+ members, and Travel Buddies , with 26,000+.

Women Who Travel , a private group with over 155,000 members, might turn out to be a lot of help to female travelers.

Meetup mobile app

Meetup isn’t exclusively travel-oriented, but it is definitely an amazing place to find a travel partner. 

The platform’s basic premise is to hook you up with people who share similar interests with you, based on the events that the 61 million users organize in 9,000 cities. Meetup’s impressive size is by far one of its greatest assets. 

Like Facebook, the app also offers the possibility of creating and joining groups so you can interact with folks who enjoy the same stuff as you, be it cooking, visiting museums, or cycling.

Though that doesn’t necessarily amount to finding a travel buddy, you’ll be able to meet new friends and hopefully make plans to see the world together.

Plus, you can always attend an event in the city you’re traveling to and meet up a local to show you around.

Gaffl mobile app

Gaffl is a reliable resource that connects you to potential friends, which means you never again have to travel all by yourself if you don’t want to.

The first thing you have to do is pick a destination. The app will then show you people near you who have similar travel plans so you can use the chat tool to get to know them better and arrange the details. Alternatively, you can post your itinerary and let other members join in.

 One of Gaffl’s advantages is the fact that you can see which users have a verified account and choose to interact only with trustworthy profiles.

5. Travel Buddy

Travel Buddy mobile app

Whether it’s Japan , Peru , or Italy , Travel Buddy is your go-to guide to explore the must-sees, find the best deals on everything you may need while abroad, and meet new friends on-site. 

Built as a community of travelers that connects over a million locals and visitors around the world, the app also allows users to list services like walking tours and accommodation options in such a way that you’ll hardly need any other travel app.

This is an innovative system to find a travel partner, as you’ll bond with authentic globetrotters and passionate locals. 

6. Tourlina

Tourlina mobile app

Women face far larger safety risks than men when traveling by themselves, especially in remote areas or in countries where traditional values are still upheld by the majority of people. Traveling with a male partner, in turn, can end up being just as complicated.

That’s what Tourlina aims to address: letting women make travel plans with other female travelers. It works like a regular dating app, where you swipe left or right on potential matches after setting the outline of your plans (i.e. dates and destination) and your partner preferences, including age range.

The best thing about the app is that only verified users with a Facebook profile are admitted, which makes it extremely reliable. On the other hand, Tourlina is an expanding platform, which means you’ll often struggle to match with someone depending on your travel plans.

7. CouchSurfing

Couchsurfing mobile app

When CouchSurfing was launched in 2004, it was a truly groundbreaking initiative because it was the first-ever website to connect travelers and folks who would host them for free.

While that remains its core business, with its 12 million users, CouchSurfing is also a wonderful forum where you can meet new friends to travel the world with you.

One of the best ways to do that is by taking part in the weekly events members organize in 200,000 cities across the planet. 

In 2020, in order to bear the financial burden brought about by the pandemic, CouchSurfing introduced a membership fee for users registering from a bunch of countries, among which Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, the UK, as well as several EU nations.

Yet that takes nothing away from the app’s status as the no. 1 platform connecting travelers and hosts on a global scale.

8. Workaway

Workaway mobile app

Like Couchsurfing, Workaway is a different sort of app in that it’s not aimed as much at matching you with a travel partner , but rather with a travel host . This is a fantastic alternative for those of you who want to travel on a budget.

Basically, you’ll be given accommodation and food in exchange for pre-agreed services you’ll be performing for your host according to your skills. You can tend their garden, do some house sitting, or teach their kids your native language, for example. Even better, you’ll be paid an actual wage in case your host needs help with business matters. 

The app was launched approximately 20 years ago and is extremely effective, so the fact that it charges a  $49 annual membership isn’t really absurd. Both hosts and volunteers are reviewed by other users, meaning you can trust Workaway to help you take a totally safe trip. 

Best sites to find a travel partner

9. tripgiraffe.

TripGiraffe website home page

TripGiraffe is one of the most comprehensive websites on our list, as it does its best not to leave room for ambiguities. 

Upon registering, you’ll get to specify your budget, your target destinations, your preferred accommodation type, the languages you speak, and more. You can even let people know how you want to split expenses.

It works as a full-on social network for travelers where you can message users that seem to match your profile. TripGiraffe can do the hooking up for you as well if you want, connecting you to fellow travelers in 100+ countries.

On top of that, you can join an existing trip if finding the ideal travel buddy sounds like too much work. In other news, TripGiraffe maintains a blog with precious travel tips to help you prepare as you should when it’s time to hit the road.

10. JoinMyTrip

travel partner usyd

JoinMyTrip’s app is only available for Android users, which is why I’m listing it as a website instead.

Upon selecting among 8,000 destinations all over the planet, the platform will introduce you to members who want to discover that exact place too.

As its name suggests, JoinMyTrip also allows you to… well, join other people’s existing trips or create your own itinerary as a tripleader so other users will come along.

You can preset the dates and group size and estimate the total budget per tripmate, then wait for one or a few of the 160,000 members to hop on the boat. 

One of the things that set JoinMyTrip apart from other similar solutions is its excellent customer service. The team advertises itineraries on Instagram daily and is always ready to answer your questions.

11. Women Welcome Women WorldWide

travel partner usyd

Women Welcome Women WorldWide’s promise is similar to Tourlina’s, as its name suggests. Women who don’t feel safe traveling alone or simply don’t want to do it can interact with other users to organize a trip together.

While the website is UK-based, women from all over the globe can register. You’ll be expected, however, to pay a $50 admission fee to help cover Women Welcome Women WorldWide’s maintenance costs. 

Besides finding a partner to travel with, you can use the website to connect with a local in your next destination so she can show you around and keep you company as you explore her hometown. 

WWWW currently has 1500 members in 40+ nations on all continents; it’s a relatively small but expanding community.

12. YourTravelMates

YourTravelMates home page

On YourTravelMates, travel is more of an excuse than the end goal. Founded about 30 years ago as TripTogether, the platform is present in over 40 nations and has as many as a million members worldwide.

Yet the focus here is more on finding a life partner rather than a travel buddy. The website’s purpose is to foster romance on a global scale. Still, tons of users are seeking friendship and companionship instead, just like most of the other entries on our list.

When looking for other users, you can narrow the results down according to gender, age, arrival dates, and destination.

You can then exchange e-letters or video chat with them until you eventually decide to meet up. Though YourTravelMates charges for these services, membership is 100% free.

Final thoughts

three women laugh at tulip field

As exciting and enlightening as traveling on your own can be, finding a travel partner can be a great way to ensure your trip will be safer, more affordable, and often more fun.

Through top-notch apps like Gaffl and Travello and websites like JoinMyTrip and TripTogether, you can connect with millions of globetrotters from across the planet and find a travel partner to see the world with you.

2 thoughts on “12 Apps and Sites to Find a Travel Partner”

I highly recommend these two couchsurfing communities to find female travel buddies:

Host a Sister – Facebook group where women around the world can find accommodations and travel buddies. Travel Ladies – mobile app connecting women who want to travel with other women

I highly recommend these two women-only communities to find female travel buddies:

Host A Sister: Facebook group Travel Ladies: mobile app

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The University of Sydney

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FEA Scholars pursuing a semester of study at the University of Sydney and who meet FEA’s eligibility requirements may receive a tuition waiver scholarship or an accommodation scholarship.

NEW in 2023: If attending the University of Syndey through the Institute for Study Abroad (IFSA), scholars may be eligible for a tuition waiver AND a round-trip airfare voucher.

Accommodation waivers are valued at $5500-$5700 USD. Tuition waivers are valued at $8250-8500 USD.

The IFSA-USYD scholarship provides a tuition waiver and round-trip airfare valued at over $10,000 combined! Recipients MUST study abroad through IFSA at the University of Sydney for a semester to be eligible for this scholarship.

Applicants who are awarded USYD Access Partner Scholarships will receive their scholarship disbursement as a billing credit from the University of Sydney. The Fund for Education Abroad and the University of Sydney will work with scholarship recipients to communicate with recipients’ program providers and/or home institutions to ensure the scholarship is applied.

Applicants who are awarded the IFSA-USYD Access Partner Scholarship will receive a billing credit and airfare through IFSA.

The University of Sydney offers the best experience in Australia coupled with state-of-the-art learning environments and academic support services in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.  A Semester or Year Study Abroad experience is a brilliant way to experience our exciting culture, develop global connections in your chosen profession, and gain a competitive advantage in the graduate employment market. Every year, hundreds of students from around the world are welcomed to the University of Sydney through our Study Abroad program. Some come for our academic reputation while others wish to experience our vibrant student life bolstered by our guaranteed housing and unique Internship Program.  Whatever the reason, join us and find out why we’re Australia’s favourite option.

USYD offers a variety of options for both semester as well as yearlong studies.

We have several thousand units of study across 16 Faculties and Schools.  Units of study at 1000-level through 4000-level are considered Undergraduate and units of study at 5000-level and above are considered Postgraduate. Explore all available options here .

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Additional Opportunities with USYD

MATES Abroad – Social Mentoring Program Each semester, hundreds of Study Abroad students opt-in and are paired with enthusiastic Australian student mentors to ease their transition into Sydney life, foster an international culture, and share exciting adventures in Australia together.

The MATES Abroad Program includes:

  • M eeting and connecting with their Aussie mentors, pre-arrival via email, phone or social media
  • A rrival help and support in the initial days/weeks of life in Sydney
  • T ravelling on a mode of Sydney transport
  • E xperiencing something quintessentially “Australian” together
  • S haring the mentor’s friends by inviting the international mates to meet more local students

Study overseas scholarships

To find a scholarship that works for you, expand the relevant category and click on the scholarship title links. Alternatively, you can browse the full list of undergraduate scholarships for study overseas in the table below.

This page includes scholarships for both prospective and current students. 

General scholarships

  • Experience Israel Travel Scholarships
  • Frank Knox Memorial Fellowships to Harvard University
  • Lionel Murphy Postgraduate Scholarship
  • New Colombo Plan Scholarship Program
  • Oxford Australia Scholarship Fund
  • Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program
  • University of Sydney Exchange Programs
  • Vice Chancellor's Global Mobility Award
  • Westpac Asian Exchange Scholarships

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  • Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Languages) Exchange Scholarship
  • Charles Herbert Currey Memorial Scholarship
  • Frank McDonald Memorial Fund
  • International and Global Studies Travelling Scholarship
  • James Wolfensohn Travelling Scholarship
  • Language Student Travel Scholarship
  • Marion Macaulay Bequest Equity Travel Scholarship
  • The Chinese Studies Alumni Bursary
  • The Chinese Studies Travelling Bursary
  • The Frances Merenda Travelling Scholarship (Italian Studies)
  • United States Study Centre Study Abroad Fund
  • United States Studies Centre Travel Support Scheme  -  Honours
  • WH and Elizabeth M Deane Archaeology Research Grant

The University of Sydney Business School

  • Strategic Exchange Partner Scholarships
  • Student Exchange Travel Scholarships

Sydney Conservatorium of Music

  • George and Margaret Henderson Scholarship
  • George Henderson Scholarship
  • Mary Greville and Bert Coughtrey Scholarship for Pianists
  • Sydney Conservatorium of Music Mobility Scholarship
  • The Richard and Doreen Wilson Organ Travelling Scholarship

Sydney Law School

  • Sydney Law School Exchange Scholarship

Find a scholarship

Study abroad and exchange.

  • 1800 SYD UNI ( 1800 793 864 )
  • or +61 2 8627 1444
  • Open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

Prospective students (domestic)

Prospective students (international)

Current students

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  • Find out more about study abroad and exchange

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  • Information Sessions and Events
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  • Vice Chancellor's Global Mobility Scholarship
  • Vice Chancellor's Global Mobility Award (equity)
  • Mitsui Educational Foundation Study Tour of Japan
  • New Colombo Plan (NCP) Scholarship Program
  • New Colombo Plan (NCP) Mobility Program
  • Westpac Asian Exchange Scholarships
  • Global Mobility Travel Registry
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The perfect travel partner for you, according to your star sign

The perfect travel partner for you, according to your star sign

Delta and Junior Achievement Europe partner to launch Sustainable Skies Challenge

The Sustainable Skies Challenge aims to formulate innovative sustainable aviation solutions among Europe's brightest young minds. 

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This year, Delta held the inaugural Sustainable Skies Challenge, an ambitious project in partnership with Junior Achievement (JA) Europe . The challenge aimed to formulate innovative sustainable aviation solutions among Europe's brightest young minds. The competition, held May 21-22 in Atlanta, received a spotlight at the GEN-E 2024 festival (July 2-4 in Catania, Italy), where thousands of young entrepreneurs showcased their cutting–edge business ideas and competed for the titles of ‘Best Company’ and ‘Best Start-Up of the Year.’  

The GEN-E 2024 festival brought together young entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and educators to celebrate and inspire innovation. The event featured a range of activities, including workshops, panel discussions, career fairs and networking opportunities—all designed to empower youth and encourage sustainable business practices.  

In April, nine teams from across Europe competed in a pitch competition where they researched and presented unique, eco-friendly solutions with positive potential impact in the broader industry. From advanced research in cogeneration, to designing inflight uniforms using fruit fibers, the solutions were a testament to the creativity and commitment of the next generation in tackling climate change. 

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Three teams of JA Europe Alumni were selected to participate in the final Sustainable Skies Challenge pitch:  

  • Team Nocta from Lithuania  
  • Team Fictionnal Jobs from France 
  • Team The Sky Isn’t the Limit from the Netherlands 

Two members from each team flew to Delta’s headquarters in Atlanta and presented their ideas to a panel of Delta leaders that included Tad Hutcheson, Managing Director of Community Engagement; Kelly Lauber, General Manager for Global Sustainability and Strategy; Ekrem Dimbiloglu, Managing Director of Inflight Entertainment and Wi-Fi Experience; Gail Grimmett, S.V.P. – Sustainability Performance & Strategic Partnerships. 

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The winner, The Sky Isn’t the Limit, presented an innovative idea and business plan to make the airline food supply chain more sustainable.  

At GEN-E 2024, Tricia Rumola, General Manager of Community Engagement and Matteo Curcio, Senior Vice President for Europe, Middle East, Africa, and India (EMEAI) and JA Europe Board Member served as judges for the Upper-Secondary competition, where the winner, Plantech , was presented with the Delta Air Lines Sustainable Innovation Award . Plantech’s business model seeks to innovate the future of plant care with a self-watering plant pot technology that users can control using an app—making it easier for busy people to have a green thumb.  

Matteo Curcio expressed his enthusiasm for this competition and Delta’s sustainability efforts during a special podcast episode recorded ahead of the GEN-E 2024 festival .  

“There is no idea or initiative too small to explore, so don’t let the difficulties deter you,” said Curcio. “[Delta] supports organizations like Junior Achievement because we’re teaching youth how to be stewards for the future. The solutions exist, we just have to create them.” 

The success of the Sustainable Skies Challenge underscores Delta’s commitment to sustainability and its role in shaping an eco-friendlier future for aviation. 

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Delta’s partnership with Junior Achievement spans 30 chapters across five continents to teach students financial literacy, career readiness and entrepreneurship. We look forward to continuing to collaborate and drive meaningful change and inspiration for the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs.  

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So how do we make money? Our partners compensate us. This may influence which products we review and write about (and where those products appear on the site), but it in no way affects our recommendations or advice, which are grounded in thousands of hours of research. Our partners cannot pay us to guarantee favorable reviews of their products or services. Here is a list of our partners .

The Guide to Chase Transfer Partners

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Many, or all, of the products featured on this page are from our advertising partners who compensate us when you take certain actions on our website or click to take an action on their website. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

Table of Contents

Which Chase Sapphire transfer partners are the best?

Chase airline transfer partners: the complete list, chase hotel transfer partners: the complete list, chase points calculator, how to earn chase ultimate rewards® points, chase travel cards with transfer partners, how do you transfer chase points, using chase transfer partners: is it worth it.

Chase Ultimate Rewards® are some of the most valuable transferable points available. Called Chase Ultimate Rewards® points, they can be redeemed for travel through Chase's travel portal for 1 cent each on certain cards. However, they can be redeemed at a higher value of 1.25 cents each if you have a Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card or an even more impressive 1.5 cents each if you have a Chase Sapphire Reserve® . That type of exchange on its own makes for an excellent way to redeem Chase Ultimate Rewards® points .

However, that's not necessarily the best way to redeem Chase points because three specific Chase cards available in 2024 offer what might be potentially far more value.

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

The cards at play here are the:

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card .

Chase Sapphire Reserve® .

Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card .

» Jump to learn more about these card options .

With those cards, you have the additional option to send those points to one of Chase's transfer partners , which are generally hotel chains and airlines. And assuming you hold (or someone in your household owns), one of those three Chase cards, you'll very likely unlock even greater value out of your spending rewards when you use one of the Chase Ultimate Rewards® transfer partners. That's because converting Chase points to hotel points or airline frequent flyer miles can often maximize their value.

» Learn more: The best travel credit cards right now

Before we dig into the best Chase Sapphire transfer partners, here's a complete overview of the estimated value of transferring Chase points to each transfer partner, sorted in alphabetical order:

Using that estimated value stated above, here's the ultimate NerdWallet power ranking of the six best Chase transfer partners (with No. 1 being the best) are:

World of Hyatt.

Virgin Atlantic Flying Club.

JetBlue TrueBlue.

Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards.

Air Canada Aeroplan.

Air France/KLM Flying Blue.

Best airline partner for Chase points

As far as Chase's airline transfer partners go, Virgin Atlantic Flying Club is Chase' best airline transfer partner. Even still, you can easily get more than 1 cent per point in value from Chase points when you transfer points from Chase to fixed-value programs like Southwest Rapid Rewards and JetBlue TrueBlue.

Other airline transfer partners can be hit-and-miss, such as Emirates, which is generally a miss when points are transferred to book Emirates economy class . But, it's usually a massive hit if you can transfer Chase points to be used for booking the incredibly-swanky Emirates business class on points.

Best Chase hotel transfer partner

Meanwhile, World of Hyatt comes out on top as the best Chase hotel partner. And not only is it the best hotel partner, but it's the best travel partner period given that eye-popping value over 2 cents.

NerdWallet's estimated value is exactly that — an estimate. You might find individually great redemptions while using other Chase transfer partners for specific trips.

Of the 14 Chase Ultimate Rewards® transfer partners, 11 are airline mileage programs, which are:

Aer Lingus AerClub

Aer Lingus AerClub became one of the Chase travel partners in 2017. While not officially part of the Oneworld alliance, Aer Lingus partners with several Oneworld airlines — most notably British Airways, Iberia and Qatar .

Air Canada Aeroplan

There are plenty of reasons not to overlook Aeroplan — the newest of the Chase Sapphire airline partners. Air Canada is a Star Alliance member, so you can use Aeroplan points to book award flights on any Star Alliance airline, including United.

Seek out those Aeroplan sweet spots to help boost the value of Aeroplan points to 1.4 cents for award tickets.

» Learn more: A guide to Air Canada’s Aeroplan rewards loyalty program

Air France-KLM Flying Blue

Flying Blue is the loyalty program of Air France, KLM, Kenya Airways and a few smaller airlines. Because many Flying Blue airlines are members of the SkyTeam alliance , you can transfer points from Chase to Flying Blue to book award flights on other SkyTeam member airlines, such as Delta Air Lines.

The Flying Blue program offers a monthly Promo Rewards promotion that discounts certain routes by up to 50% — which can make Flying Blue sweet spots even a better deal.

» Learn more: A points collector’s guide to Air France-KLM Flying Blue

British Airways Executive Club

Most travelers might think of flights to London when thinking about British Airways. However, that's not where the value of British Airways Avios lies. In fact, most British Airways Avios sweet spots don't involve flying British Airways.

Instead, use this Chase transfer partner to book inexpensive awards on American Airlines, Alaska Airlines and other Oneworld partners — including flying to the Caribbean .

» Learn more: The complete guide to the British Airways Avios program

Emirates Skywards

Dubai-based Emirates Airlines is best known for its glitzy business- and first-class products. And while premium cabins command huge cash prices, paying with miles through the Emirates Skywards loyalty program is possible and considered the best use of miles (as opposed to using miles to book in the Emirates economy class ). A NerdWallet analysis found that you only get about 0.6 cent per mile in value for Emirates economy, but the value of Emirates miles jumps up if you redeem an award in Emirates business class.

Unfortunately, the Emirates Skywards sweet spots are limited — particularly on partner airlines. That said, the Skywards program is one of only a few ways to book Emirates first class with points since the airline restricts award availability through partner airlines.

» Learn more: The guide to Emirates Skywards

Iberia Plus

Just like British Airways, Iberia is a member of the Oneworld alliance and uses the Avios program. And after Iberia's recent overhaul to its award chart , award rates to book American Airlines flights match the British Airways Executive Club’s rates on partner airlines. However, other Iberia sweet spots include some incredible gems. Iberia often offers among the cheapest business class awards to Europe .

» Learn more: What to know about Iberia Airlines Plus loyalty program

JetBlue TrueBlue

JetBlue uses a revenue-based TrueBlue points program in which the required number of points for an award roughly equates to the cash price of the flight. That means you can't get outsized value from redeeming TrueBlue points.

However, just because the program doesn't have an upside doesn't mean JetBlue isn't a good Chase transfer partner. TrueBlue points are worth 1.5 cents per point — making it a valuable currency for economy flights among U.S. airlines.

» Learn more: The complete guide to the JetBlue TrueBlue rewards program

Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer

Singapore Airlines is another Star Alliance Chase travel partner that can provide excellent premium cabin redemptions. Singapore KrisFlyer sweet spots include flights to Europe and Hawaii, and flights within the continental U.S. Luxury travelers also flock to KrisFlyer, as it's typically the only way to book the award-winning Singapore first class product with points.

» Learn more: The guide to Singapore Airlines’ KrisFlyer frequent flyer program

Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards

Like JetBlue, Southwest uses a revenue-based redemption program, where points prices correlate with cash prices. This means you don't have to seek out sweet spots to get good value from your Southwest Rapid Rewards points.

Instead, the value of Southwest Rapid Rewards is a predictable 1.5 cents per point when redeemed for Southwest flights. Steer clear of other Rapid Rewards redemptions for hotels, rental cars or merchandise though, as the redemption value can drop to 0.6 cents per point.

» Learn more: The complete guide to Southwest Rapid Rewards

United MileagePlus

United joins JetBlue and Southwest as the three U.S.-based Chase Sapphire airline partners. MileagePlus miles are worth around 1.2 cents per mile when redeemed for United economy flights .

In addition to redeeming miles on United, you can redeem United MileagePlus miles for award flights on other Star Alliance partners. Just keep in mind that United can charge more miles for partner awards.

» Learn more: The complete guide to United MileagePlus program

Virgin Atlantic Flying Club

London-based Virgin Atlantic is a member of the SkyTeam alliance and it uses a different redemption chart for each partner, meaning the Flying Club sweet spots are just as diverse as its partners.

» Learn more: The guide to Virgin Atlantic Flying Club


Chase has just three hotel loyalty program parters, which are:

IHG One Rewards

The IHG loyalty program is good, but it's generally a weak Chase transfer partner.

NerdWallet values IHG points at 0.8 cent each. But since Chase points transfer to IHG One Rewards at the same 1:1 transfer ratio as all other partners, that makes for a pretty bad transfer that can actually devalue your points. Unless you find a killer IHG redemption, only transfer points from Chase to IHG to top off your account if you're a few points shy of booking a hotel you want with the rest of your IHG points. Otherwise, you’re generally better off booking IHG hotels via Chase's portal.

» Learn more: What you need to know about IHG One Rewards

Marriott Bonvoy

Marriott Bonvoy is one of the largest hotel loyalty programs around. You can redeem Bonvoy points for free nights and room upgrades at over 7,000 properties across more than 30 brands.

However, bigger isn't always better. When NerdWallet analyzed the value of Marriott Bonvoy points , we found that points were worth around 0.8 cent each. That puts Marriott in the same category as IHG, where points often lose their value when you transfer them from Chase to Marriott Bonvoy.

Considering Chase points can be redeemed for 1.25 cents or 1.5 cents each (depending on which Sapphire card you have), make sure that you're getting at least this much value before transferring Chase points to Marriott Bonvoy — which is unlikely. With that, save Bonvoy transfers only for situations where you find an outstanding hotel deal, or if you need just a few more points to book using your existing Bonvoys.

» Learn more: The complete guide to the Marriott Bonvoy program

World Of Hyatt

World of Hyatt is undoubtedly Chase's most valuable hotel transfer partner — and perhaps its most valuable travel partner overall, too. In NerdWallet's analysis, World of Hyatt points are worth 2.3 cents each when used for award stays.

Hyatt is one of a few hotel loyalty programs that still publishes an award chart . That means predictability in planning how many points an award stay may cost. Award nights start at 3,500 points, meaning you can really stretch out your Chase points at Hyatt hotels.

» Learn more: The complete guide to the World of Hyatt loyalty program

Is it worth transferring Chase points to united?

While you might book hotels and airfares with cash or through Chase’s travel portal , it’s clearly often a better deal to put in the extra effort and transfer your points to one of Chase’s transfer partners — especially those named above. That said, folks seeking to maximize value should always calculate the value of the Chase Ultimate Rewards® points relative to the price to pay for airfare or hotel rooms in cash.

Use NerdWallet’s Chase points calculator below to determine the value of your points, based on both the baseline and NerdWallet estimated values:

With a little bit of research, you can get even more value through other Chase Ultimate Rewards® transfer partners versus redeeming points through the Chase portal.

The most common way to earn Chase Ultimate Rewards® points is through spending on a Chase credit card that participates in Chase Ultimate Rewards®. You might earn points through taking advantage of introductory offers — where you can get a windfall of points upon meeting a certain threshold within a window of time upon card approval — and via ongoing spending.

Chase Freedom Flex

Just note that not all Chase credit cards earn transferable Ultimate Rewards® points. That said, Chase cards that do earn transferable Ultimate Rewards® points include:

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Chase Freedom Flex®

Chase Freedom Unlimited®

Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Ink Business Cash® Credit Card

Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card

Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card

Some of these cards offer bonus points in certain categories, so someone seeking to maximize their points earning might have multiple cards in their wallet to use depending on the transaction. To maximize points, you might use the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card to pay at restaurants (it earns 3 points per $1 spent on dining), the Chase Freedom Flex® to pay at drugstores (it earns 3% back at drugstores) and the Ink Business Cash® Credit Card to pay the monthly internet bill (it earns 5% back on internet, cable and phone services, up to a combined $25,000 in annual spending).

Even though the latter two cards don't let you transfer your rewards directly to any of the above airline or hotel partners, you can transfer them to another card that you hold (or that someone in your household holds), as long as that card is one of the cards that allows for transfers to partner airline and hotel brands.

The three Chase travel cards with transfer partners are the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card , the Chase Sapphire Reserve® and the Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card .

on Chase's website

Chase Sapphire Reserve Credit Card

Annual fee: $95 .

Earning rates:

• 5 points per $1 on travel booked through Chase.

• 3 points per $1 on dining (including eligible delivery services and takeout), select streaming services and online grocery purchases (not including Target, Walmart and wholesale clubs).

• 2 points per $1 on other travel.

• 1 point per $1 on other purchases.

Bonus offer: Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Annual fee: $550 .

• 10 points per $1 on Chase Dining, hotel stays and car rentals purchased through Chase.

• 5 points per $1 on air travel purchased through Chase.

• 3 points per $1 on other travel and dining not booked with Chase.

Bonus offer: Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $900 toward travel when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Bonus offer: Earn 120k bonus points after you spend $8,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $1,200 cash back or $1,500 toward travel when redeemed through Chase Travel℠.

Use this guide to learn how to transfer Chase points between two credit cards you own.

Here's how to to transfer Chase points to family member or spouse .

Once you've got all the points you need in one account, you're ready to then send them to the actual airline or hotel loyalty program you want to convert your Chase points into. Learn how to transfer Chase Ultimate Rewards® points to travel partners here.

Chase Ultimate Rewards offers a smaller selection of transfer partners compared to some competitors with transferable bank point currencies like American Express, Capital One and Citi. But some say that size matters not (at least in terms of number of transfer partners).

It's more about their value — and some Chase travel partners are particularly valuable. Just look at Hyatt as an example. Using this Chase hotel partner can morph a point that might be worth a measly 1 cent each when exchanged for Chase to something worth more than 2 cents when used for a Hyatt hotel room. That offer becomes even more tantalizing when you consider that NerdWallet ranks World of Hyatt among the most valuable hotel rewards programs out there.

With that, Chase Ultimate Rewards® points rank among the most valuable transferable points available.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card

IHG&reg; One Rewards Premier Credit Card

Earn 5 free nights at an IHG property after $4k in spend (each night valued at up to 60k points).

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  3. Global Mobility Travel Registry > Sydney Abroad

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    The IHG loyalty program is good, but it's generally a weak Chase transfer partner. NerdWallet values IHG points at 0.8 cent each. But since Chase points transfer to IHG One Rewards at the same 1:1 ...