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How Travel Impacts Team Building and Collaboration

Have you ever wondered how to bring out the best in your team? Maybe you’ve seen it in action – teams that collaborate and come up with creative solutions faster than others.  It’s a powerful phenomenon, one which many people believe is down to effective team-building initiatives.  But what if there was something else at play? What if travel could be an equally important ally when it comes to developing strong collaboration within teams? In this blog post, we’ll explore how travel can positively impact on team building and collaboration, boosting innovation, morale, and productivity along the way!

Understand the Benefits of Travel for Team Building and Collaboration

There are many benefits of incorporating travel into team building and collaboration efforts.  Firstly, traveling together allows team members to experience new environments and cultures, which can foster a sense of shared experiences and understanding among colleagues.  This can lead to improved communication, empathy, and problem-solving skills within the team.  Additionally, traveling presents opportunities for fun and adventurous activities that encourage teamwork and bonding.  There are lots of ideas for corporate team building activities such as hiking, white-water rafting, or group cooking classes that can all be incorporated into a travel itinerary.  These activities not only strengthen relationships but also promote creativity and innovation within the team.  Furthermore, traveling can break down hierarchical barriers and foster a sense of equality among team members, leading to increased collaboration and a more cohesive team dynamic.

Get to Know Your Teammates Through Experiences while Exploring a New Place

When traveling, team members are often put in situations where they must rely on each other and work together towards a common goal.  This can range from navigating through an unfamiliar city together to overcoming physical challenges during team building activities.  These shared experiences can strengthen bonds between team members and create a sense of camaraderie.  Additionally, traveling to a new place allows colleagues to see each other in a different light, outside of the typical office setting.  This can lead to more meaningful conversations and connections, ultimately improving communication and collaboration within the team.

Connect with Different Cultures to Improve Communication Skills

Traveling offers tremendous advantages in terms of team building and collaboration, but perhaps one of the most remarkable benefits lies in the chance to forge connections with diverse cultures.  When traveling, team members are exposed to new languages, customs, and ways of life.  This can be eye-opening and help team members develop a more global perspective.  By experiencing different cultures together, team members learn to communicate effectively despite potential language or cultural barriers.  This ability to adapt and communicate in diverse contexts can translate directly into the workplace, where teams are often faced with diverse perspectives and backgrounds.  Plus, learning about different cultures can also improve sensitivity and empathy within the team, leading to better understanding and collaboration.  In our increasingly globalized world, these skills are becoming more valuable than ever before.

How Travel Impacts Team Building and Collaboration

Observe Different Working Styles & Habits While on an Adventure

Team members may have to adapt to new environments, schedules, and ways of doing things when traveling together.  This provides a valuable opportunity for colleagues to observe and learn from each other’s working styles.  For example, one team member may be more organized and efficient in planning the itinerary, while another may excel at problem-solving and adapting to unexpected challenges.  By witnessing each other’s strengths in action, team members can develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for their colleagues’ skills.  This can lead to improved collaboration and delegation within the team, as well as new insights into different approaches to work.  Moreover, observing different working styles while on an adventure can also help team members break out of their usual routines and try new methods of working, leading to increased creativity and innovation.

Use Problem-Solving Strategies Together When Faced With Unexpected Situations

Whether it’s a missed flight, lost luggage, or a language barrier, these situations can be stressful and require quick problem-solving skills.  This is where travel can have a significant impact on team building and collaboration.  When faced with an unexpected situation, team members must work together to find a solution. This requires effective communication, critical thinking, and the ability to remain calm under pressure.  By going through these experiences together, team members can learn to trust each other’s abilities and develop a stronger sense of teamwork.  They also have the opportunity to practice problem-solving strategies in real-time, such as brainstorming, delegating tasks, or seeking outside help.  These skills are not only useful in travel situations but also transferable to the workplace, where teams often face unexpected challenges that require effective problem-solving.

Strengthen Bonds by Experiencing New Activities Together as a Group

Incorporating travel into team building and collaboration offers a myriad of benefits, with one of the most significant being the chance to forge stronger bonds through shared experiences.  By experiencing new activities together as a group, team members can develop a sense of camaraderie and teamwork that extends beyond the office. These activities could include anything from trying local cuisine to participating in cultural events or even embarking on an adventurous activity like bungee jumping or skydiving.  By stepping out of their comfort zones and trying new things together, team members can build trust, improve communication, and develop a deeper understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses.  This not only creates a more cohesive team but also leads to improved collaboration and problem-solving skills.  Also, these shared experiences can create lasting memories that bring team members closer together and foster a sense of belonging within the team.

Incorporating travel into team building and collaboration efforts can have a profound and transformative impact on teams in numerous ways.  By venturing out of the familiar work environment and embarking on shared travel experiences, team members have the opportunity to not only enhance their communication and problem-solving skills but also cultivate a greater sense of camaraderie and equality.  Through travel, teams can immerse themselves in new cultures, unveiling a world of diverse perspectives and practices.  Exploring different activities and working styles in unfamiliar settings allows team members to step out of their comfort zones, fostering personal growth and expanding their horizons.  This exposure to novel environments and situations encourages adaptability and resilience, qualities that are highly valuable in the workplace.

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About the author: james smith.

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Why Travel-Based Team Building Inspires Collaborative Excellence

Are you looking for ways to increase team collaboration and maximize teamwork? Travel-based team building can be an effective tool in creating meaningful connections, cultivating trust, and inspiring excellence. It’s a great way for teams of all sizes to bond, learn new skills, build comradery, and experience healthy competition—all key components often needed to take your business goals from concept to execution. From engaging outdoor activities like rafting or zip lining to interactive city tours that get the creative juices flowing; travel-based team building provides powerful experiences that can have lasting impacts throughout an organization while also being incredibly fun! In this blog post, we’ll explain why it’s so important to engage in these types of activities as well as some tips on how you can make it work for any size budget.

Sunset seen from a plane

Understand the Benefits of Travel-Based Team Building 

Travel-based team building can do wonders for your team and company. Not only does it allow your team to bond and get to know one another, but it also provides the opportunity for employees to step outside of their comfort zones and try new experiences. This can lead to increased creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall productivity in the workplace. Additionally, team members have the chance to collaborate in a fun and exciting setting, which can foster communication and trust. A travel-based team-building experience also shows employees that their company values their well-being and is invested in their personal and professional growth. From team building events in Sydney to retreats in Bali, the possibilities are endless when it comes to choosing a location that will get your team excited and motivated for success. If done right, travel-based team building can have a significant impact on employee morale and motivation, resulting in improved teamwork and company culture.

Explore Why Team Building Away From the Office is Effective 

Team building activities away from the office are proven to be incredibly effective. Being in a different environment allows colleagues to bond and build stronger relationships, resulting in better communication and collaboration back in the workplace. It provides a break from the monotony of the office routine and can help reduce stress levels, leading to a more positive work atmosphere. Team building outside the office also allows team members to showcase their strengths and skills in a different setting, promoting a sense of accomplishment and pride. Whether it’s a ropes course or a culinary workshop, getting out of the office and engaging in team-building activities can provide a much-needed boost to morale and productivity.

Recognize the Positive Impact on Communication and Collaboration 

Effective communication and collaboration are essential for any team to succeed. Travel-based team building provides a unique opportunity for team members to communicate and collaborate in new ways, often outside of their usual roles and responsibilities. This allows individuals to see their colleagues’ strengths and contributions from a different perspective, promoting understanding and appreciation within the team. Team building also encourages open communication, where employees can freely express their thoughts and ideas without fear of judgment. This leads to more effective problem-solving and decision-making, which is crucial for any successful team.

Learn How to Make Travel-Based Team Building Unique and Effective 

Team building is essential to ensure that everyone within an organization is on the same page. And what better way to do team building than through travel? However, not all travel-based team-building activities are created equal. To make them unique and effective, it’s important to tailor them to your team’s specific needs and interests while also incorporating elements of local culture and history. By doing so, you can create a memorable experience that not only strengthens team dynamics but also broadens horizons and fosters a deeper appreciation for diversity. So why settle for run-of-the-mill team-building activities when you can spice things up with a travel-based adventure?

Create Strategies for Having Fun While Learning and Working Together 

Learning and working together doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, it can be incredibly fun and exciting when done through travel-based team building. By incorporating activities that challenge individuals and encourage teamwork, you can create an engaging experience for your team while allowing them to learn and grow together. From scavenger hunts in new cities to cultural workshops and volunteer opportunities, there are numerous ways to make learning and working together enjoyable. By creating a balance between fun and learning, you can ensure that your team-building experience is both effective and memorable. In addition, by providing opportunities for team members to unwind and have fun together, you can strengthen their bonds and improve overall team dynamics.

Ways to Reap Maximum Results from Travel-Based Team Building Exercise

Travel-based team-building exercises can be a great way to boost morale and strengthen team dynamics. In order to reap maximum results from these exercises, it’s important to identify key factors that can make them effective. One way to do this is by ensuring that the activities chosen are specifically designed to target the goals of your team. For example, if the goal is to improve communication, then activities such as blindfolded trust walks or group storytelling exercises can be effective. Additionally, it’s important to encourage active participation from every team member and create an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing ideas and working together. Finally, be sure to take time after the exercises to reflect and discuss what was learned and how it can be applied in the workplace. By taking these steps, your team can maximize the benefits of travel-based team-building exercises and improve their overall performance.

travel collaboration make an impact

Travel-based team-building exercises can offer a unique opportunity to develop relationships, increase understanding, create collaboration, and improve communication between team members. By removing distractions from everyday work environments, travel-based team building creates space to engage in activities that generate ideas and support problem-solving. To ensure your travel-based team-building efforts are successful, keep track of the results you achieve for each activity, and be sure to have fun while learning. With commitment, creativity, and enthusiasm you can turn each exercise into an exciting experience that delivers tangible benefits for all involved. So go explore the world of travel-based team building – it may surprise you with its power! Get creative, start today, and let your business reap all the rewards!



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How to Collaborate with Travel Brands – Forming Partnerships with Travel Brands

  • 12/23/2023 12/19/2023

You’ve turned your wanderlust into a thriving passion project, capturing the essence of travel with every post and story. What if you could take it a step further? Imagine leveraging your love for exploration into profitable travel brand collaborations . Imagine aligning with airlines, boutique hotels, and outdoor gear companies that share your adventurous spirit. By forming partnerships with travel brands , you open doors to a world where your travel experiences not only inspire others but also reward you.

With the right approach, these collaboration opportunities for travel brands could afford you the luxury of traveling even more extensively. As a travel brand ambassador or influencer, you dive into the heart of travel industry collaborations , carving a niche for yourself as an authentic voice in a bustling market. The key is finding those unique travel influencer partnerships that resonate with your audience and reflect your personal brand. Let’s venture into the landscape of collaborative potential together and chart the course for success in the travel arena.

Understanding the Essence of Travel Brand Collaboration

At the heart of successful brand collaborations in travel lies the ability to form a compelling narrative around the shared goals of increased visibility and elevated sales. As a travel influencer or blogger, your firsthand experiences harness the power to embolden a travel brand’s message, turning curious browsers into loyal customers. This synergistic relationship blooms through various outlets like affiliate marketing , sponsored content , brand ambassadorship , engaging press trips , and insightful product reviews .

Understanding and executing travel brand collaboration strategies begin with transparency. It’s imperative to communicate your partnerships with brands in clear terms, particularly when you endorse products or services through affiliate marketing . Platforms such as Travelpayouts allow you to secure commissions for sales made via your unique affiliate links, ensuring your audience knows exactly why you’re recommending a particular service or product.

Creating sponsored content necessitates a harmonious blend between your unique style and the travel brand’s objectives, all within the bounds of SEO best practices. This not only aids in boosting organic traffic but also fortifies your credibility as a content creator. Through brand ambassadorship , you have the opportunity to represent brands that resonate with your persona, extending their reach through your established platforms.

Essential to enriching these affiliations are press trips and product reviews . The former offers a real-world snapshot into the luxe life promised by travel companies, while the latter provides your audience with candid feedback on travel-related commodities. Both are integral in sculpting a reliable image and fostering trust among your followers.

  • Affiliate marketing requires clarity about the nature of advertisement on your platform.
  • Sponsored content must align with both your brand ethos and the partnering entity’s expectations.
  • As a brand ambassador, your role is to personify the brand’s identity in an authentic manner.
  • Press trips are avenues for storytelling, enabling you to share your travel experiences with a personal touch.
  • Product reviews should be honest appraisals that accommodate your readers’ reliance on your guidance.

By adhering to these fundamental elements within travel brand collaboration strategies , you pave a path toward lucrative campaigns that benefit not just you and the brand involved, but your audience as well. An informed, sincere approach in affiliate marketing and content creation fosters an environment where everyone shares in the success.

Different Types of Travel Partnerships

As a travel enthusiast looking to monetize your blog or social media, you’ll find that there are several travel brand collaboration types to explore. Each comes with specific benefits and considerations, whether it’s earning through recommendations as an affiliate marketer , sharing your expertise through sponsored content strategies , engaging deeply with brands as a brand ambassador , or even uncovering unique travel brand collaboration opportunities .

To help navigate these waters, here’s an insightful look into the possibilities and how they can fit seamlessly into your content while enhancing your readers’ experience.

Travel Brand Collaboration Types

  • Affiliate Marketing: A straightforward way to begin. By placing affiliate links within your posts, you can earn a commission for each sale made through your referral.
  • Sponsored Content: This strategy involves creating content that naturally integrates a brand’s message or product, for which you are compensated.
  • Brand Ambassador Programs: For a more long-term commitment, becoming a brand ambassador can offer consistent perks and payments.
  • Ad Placements in Travel Blogging: Strategically incorporating ads in your blog can generate income while also adding value to your readers if they’re relevant to their interests.
  • Brand Mentions: Sometimes a simple mention within high-quality content can boost a brand’s presence while maintaining the organic flow of your article.

Choosing the right type of partnership is crucial. You’ll need to consider your audience’s preferences, your brand values, and the potential for a genuine connection with the travel brand. A successful collaboration should integrate seamlessly into your existing content, highlight your unique voice, and offer real value to both your audience and the brand.

Remember, success in travel brand collaborations is not just about short-term gains but building sustainable, rewarding partnerships that resonate with your wandering spirit and adventurous audience.

Travel Brand Collaboration Strategies for Maximum Impact

Building a substantial online presence in travel is pivotal for maximizing travel brand collaboration impact. To achieve this, you need to employ effective travel influencer partnerships strategies that go beyond typical advertising efforts. Creating content that truly resonates both with your ethos and the essence of the collaborative brand ensures that campaigns leave a lasting impression on your audience.

One of the primary methods for leveraging collaboration in the travel industry is through strategic cross-promotion. By aligning with brands that share a similar target demographic, you can tap into new audiences, providing mutual benefits for both your online presence and the brand’s reach. Consider employing tactics such as guest posting across platforms, co-hosting virtual events, or engaging in social media takeovers to heighten the partnership’s visibility.

It’s equally important to foster personal connections with your audience. As your community trusts your recommendations, so too will they be inclined to trust the brands you partner with. To further amplify this trust, transparent and sincere affiliations are essential. Highlighting genuine experiences and honest opinions about travel products or services not only builds credibility but also drives engagement and conversation, creating a ripple effect of organic, user-generated content that can significantly boost SEO and brand awareness.

  • Cultivate a network of travel brands and influencers
  • Identify shared values and audience overlap
  • Engage in cross-promotional tactics to expand reach
  • Create authentic content that resonates with your personal brand and travel partners
  • Encourage audience interaction to generate user-generated content

Always remember, successful collaborations are nurtured over time. By consistently engaging with the travel community and maintaining strong links with travel brands and industry influencers, you set the stage for partnerships that not only yield short-term gains but also pave the way for ongoing opportunities and an enduring presence in the travel domain.

Identifying and Pitching to Potential Travel Brand Partners

The quest for lucrative travel brand partnerships begins with the adeptness in pitching to travel brands . Your ability to open doors to potential collaborations largely depends on how effectively you present your platform to appeal to specific travel businesses. Whether you are reaching out to a serene beach resort or an energetic urban tour operator, the subtleties of your approach can make a world of difference.

Creating a media kit that exemplifies your brand’s essence, your audience demographics, and previous successful collaborations will serve as the foundation of your pitch. This is your story, professionally packaged, providing travel brands with a tangible impression of who you are and what you can offer them. Consider the media kit as a resume that has just one goal: to make travel brands want to work with you.

When it’s time to establish contact, elaborate email pitches should be your weapon of choice. These emails must grab attention, communicate value, and spark interest within the first few lines. In fact, they need to be compelling enough to persuade busy brand managers to consider your travel brand partnership proposals . This isn’t the time to be generic; tailor your pitch to speak directly to the brand’s goals, audience, and marketing strategies.

Influence is not about elevating self, but about lifting others.

Remember, while influencer outreach strategies are about forming connections, it’s the sustained relationships that pay dividends. Hence, consider every pitch as an entry point to a long-term collaboration. Prioritize quality interactions and patient follow-up schedules. This approach will not only exhibit professional sincerity but will also help you stand out in a sea of proposals.

  • Understand the brand’s mission and values.
  • Showcase how your audience aligns with their target market.
  • Illustrate past partnership successes with analytics and anecdotes.
  • Suggest creative and customized campaign ideas.
  • Be upfront about expectations, but also flexible and open to negotiations.

To sum up, securing your coveted travel brand deal requires more than a mere presence; it necessitates a strategy, a touch of creativity, and a dash of persistence. Go forth with these tips embedded in your toolkit, and the world of travel brand collaborations will open its arms to you.

The Value of Authenticity in Travel Influencer Partnerships

As a travel influencer, one of your most valuable assets is the trust you have built with your audience. This trust is the foundation upon which authenticity in travel influencer partnerships rests. When you partake in collaborations, it’s not just about showcasing a brand; it’s about weaving a narrative that reflects your genuine experiences. That’s why transparent travel brand collaborations are more than a best practice—they’re a must. Your audience values honesty, and they’ll appreciate knowing when content is sponsored or when you are endorsing something because of a partnership. This transparency doesn’t diminish your recommendations; instead, it elevates your integrity in the eyes of your followers.

Maintaining this level of genuineness and genuine travel content creation isn’t always easy, but it pays dividends. By staying true to your personal style and preferences, your content naturally resonates with those who follow you. These are the people who look to you not just for inspiration, but also for guidance on what products to try, places to visit, and experiences to seek out. Building trust with your travel audience isn’t an overnight achievement; it takes time and consistent effort. Your commitment to authenticity is what will help you forge lasting connections with both your followers and travel brands alike.

In the ever-evolving travel industry, transparent and authentic partnerships stand as a beacon of reliability that can weather the tide of changing trends. When you engage in transparent travel brand collaborations , you create a culture of trust that attracts more than just likes and shares—it builds a community of engaged travelers who value your opinion and look forward to your next adventure. So as you chart your course in this landscape, remember that your authentic self isn’t just your best self—it’s your key to a successful and sustainable career in the competitive world of travel influencing.

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Partnerships Are Essential to Growth in the Travel Industry

Connect Worldwide Contributor

The ability to reach audiences, attract awareness, excite interest, and convert it into action can be a significant challenge—particularly in the age of competition for tourism dollars strengthening around the world.

Today the most successful companies build bridges, and the selection of strategic partners with whom to collaborate is becoming more and more important.

Partnership is usually defined as a voluntary collaborative agreement between two or more parties in which all participants agree to work together to achieve a common purpose or undertake a specific task and to share risks, responsibilities, resources, competencies and benefits. Partnerships are what enable many travel companies to grow . By sharing with others, hotel companies, airlines, cruise lines, destinations and car rental companies can direct resources and capabilities to revenue improvement projects and growth ambitions.

At Connect Worldwide, we believe that meaningful partnerships are the foundation for success. Partnerships are what enable our company and our clients to make continuous improvements. Through these strategic partnerships, we can direct resources and capabilities to generate revenue for our clients.

Connect Worldwide maximizes your destination’s tourism budget by building strategic partnerships and combining marketing efforts into one coherent voice. A like-minded partnership approach to marketing provides greater strength, unity, and leveraged results, which will more effectively market the destination together when compared to individual efforts. We go beyond the traditional partner selection and bring in potential partners from other industries to maximize impact and sustainability.

Connect Worldwide successfully partners with companies such as Choice Hotels , Royal Resorts, Paradores Hoteles, Utell, Las Vegas, Houston, etc. for the development of tourism and hotel revenue and is looking for additional representation partnerships. Recent travel industry partnership examples are Marriott and Cosmopolitan Resort Las Vegas, Pegasus and HP, Southwest and Volaris, and Tauck, Disney and Alamo, United and Air Canada, and British Airways and Iberia.

When two parties leverage their assets, resources, expertise, client base etc. for the mutual benefit of both, partnering results in synergies.  Contact us to learn more.

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A wall covered in paint splatters with the word "Together" painted on it

Collaboration opportunities exist both within the tourism industry and beyond. | Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

Rethinking Tourism

January 12, 2021

All Together Now: Innovative Collaboration Ideas and Examples for the Tourism Industry

Staying in business requires being savvy enough to stay one step ahead of everyone else — to anticipate trends and respond immediately to customer needs before anyone else does. Yet working in a silo with the sole goal of staying one step ahead of your competition can mean working against your company’s or destination’s best interests. 

I’ve been thinking a lot about cooperation and collaboration over the last several months. If 2020 has taught me anything, it’s that working together creates fertile ground for solutions that can help address and overcome our individual shortcomings. Tapping into others’ strengths, taking advantage of joint experience and knowledge, and working through challenges beyond an internal team can surface new ideas and position all collaborating partners in a better place than if they’d ventured out alone.

In my research over the last several months, I’ve learned that the cooperative business model is far more resilient than traditional business structures, and they’re far more invested and rooted in local communities’ wellbeing. I spoke to small business owners across a variety of industries who offered advice on collaboration during crises . And, I watched those in the tourism industry, which has its own degree of competitiveness, embrace cooperation in innovative ways and on a much deeper level than ever before. 

This gives me a renewed sense of hope and optimism for the tourism industry. We have a lot of work ahead of us as we rebuild the industry in a more sustainable manner, fold equity and inclusion into every inch of our essence, tackle the climate emergency with a committed sense of urgency, and support communities around the world work toward their sustainable development goals.

None of use can do this work alone. We must embrace a future built on a bedrock of collaboration and cooperation instead of competition. It’s time to think creatively about what that looks like.

Collaborations Through Industry Coalitions

Even before the coronavirus hit, the tourism industry — like all industries — shared ideas and inspiration through association relationships, at conferences, and in workshops. In the past, many of these gatherings have offered inspiration and ideas that individual businesses took back to their offices.

While these gatherings are a great place to meet others in the industry, they haven’t done much to foster true collaboration. On the few occasions where I’ve seen opportunities for true collaboration in order to move the industry ahead as a whole, only a few people and companies have been willing to sacrifice something (time, energy, effort, knowledge, etc.) to benefit the group.

When industry partners intentionally come together with a specific goal, the inertia exists to make real and meaningful changes from within. 

Examples include:

  • Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency - This community of nearly 150 (as of time of writing) travel organizations, companies, and professionals have all committed to actively addressing the climate emergency. The community openly shares ideas, tools, resources, and lessons learned as it works together to address a universal challenge.
  • Future of Tourism Coalition - This coalition has established concrete guiding principles that signatories agree to use in developing sustainable and responsible travel operations. As stated in the coalition’s FAQs, “our organizations regularly communicate with each other and previously had collaborated bilaterally on specific projects. The difference now is we have all come together with a united voice and intend to capitalize on and combine our unique strengths to further a shared mission.”
  • Muda - This Brazilian collective of responsible travel operators works together to promote public policy, hold each other accountable, and work with third parties to fully realize the potential of sustainable tourism practices in the country.

Other ideas for large-scale industry collaborations:

I would love to see a collective developed to help travel companies become Certified B Corporations . These companies balance purpose with profit — an ethos many travel companies believe in — yet the process to become a B Corps is rigorous. That is also why it is important, especially in the tourism industry, which weaves a web throughout every corner of the globe. Florida For Good offers a tentative model for this kind of collaboration.

Collaborations Within Destinations

Whether on a destination-wide scale or with small businesses in a community, there are countless opportunities for collaboration. Travelers choose specific destinations for a myriad of reasons, and it’s important to embrace and showcase that special something in a responsible way that honors local residents and their history, culture, and story.

The focus must be driven by locals — their expectations, wellbeing, and comfort with inviting travelers into their lives and communities. This is why collaborations between tourism boards/DMOs and local community members are so important.

  • Bay of Plenty’s The Love of Tourism Plan - The framework laid out by the Bay of Plenty is led by community inclusivity, local partnerships, and shared goals that benefit and respect all local residents while positioning and marketing the destination in a way that attracts the ideal visitor.
  • Colorado Tourism and Leave No Trace - A partnership with Colorado Tourism and Leave No Trace ensures that Colorado’s many stewardship partners have the resources and messaging they need to educate travelers about environmental care and protection.
  • Indigenous Kokoda Adventures (IKA) and Local Coffee Growers - Hit hard by COVID-19, local communities along the Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea are working with IKA to package and sell their coffee to a wider audience. IKA is considering expanding its partnership with local growers by opening a local coffee mill.

Other ideas for collaborations within local communities:

For a long time, the tourism industry has existed separate from and alongside destinations’ wider development and community goals. Instead of determining or dictating the value of destinations, tourism can add value by being woven into a community’s existing fabric. Destinations and tour operators should seek out, support, and promote social enterprises and community organizations addressing socio-cultural and environmental challenges.

Travelers are increasingly interested in supporting local businesses and having unique experiences. Helping them learn about locally initiated social impact projects is a powerful way to amplify community initiatives while delivering one-of-a-kind stories about the places people travel.

Collaborations Outside The Industry

Some of the most powerful collaborations have very little to do with the tourism industry directly. It’s also what makes them memorable and interesting. It is in this space that tourism professionals can begin to tap into the expertise and learnings that we aren’t even thinking about but that others have already discovered.

By collaborating with partners beyond the tourism industry, we can take advantage of expanded expertise, bigger markets, and larger budgets. Breaking out of the tourism mold also introduces new ways of thinking and approaching ideas, which can have a ripple effect as we uncover other problems that need solutions .

  • Coral Nurture Program - This science-based program works toward reef conservation and preservation by capitalizing on the infrastructure, reach, knowledge, experience, and skills of guides working in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. And, because tour guides come in contact with thousands of travelers, they’re able to use their experience in the Coral Nurture Program to create awareness about and engage people in conversations about this marine habitat.
  • Accor Hotels and Too Good to Go - To address the extensive amount of food waste in the hospitality industry, several Accor Hotels brands have partnered with Too Good to Go , which rescues surplus food and delivers it to local residents at a discounted price.
  • Tomorrow’s Air and Airbnb - A virtual Airbnb Experience in partnership with Tomorrow’s Air (a travelers’ collective interested in carbon removal) encourages people to learn about and remove carbon from the atmosphere. The one-hour experience is ideal for armchair travelers, the eco-conscious consumer, students, science lovers, or anyone curious about this forward-thinking climate solution.

Other ideas for collaborations outside the industry:

Apropos to tourism’s tendency to work within a silo, there is a tremendous opportunity for collaboration with other industries. If the tourism industry wants to promote and encourage more responsible and sustainable practices among travelers, it must play an active role in making responsible and sustainable practices become the default way of living for the average person on the average day.

We must break out of the industry silo if we’re going to make meaningful changes across humanity as a whole. Just imagine the opportunities available to the tourism industry if it can find ways to reach casual travelers through innovative collaborations in the automotive, fashion, and publishing industries and beyond.

Sometimes the most creative collaborations are born out of necessity during times of crisis. Prepare for the next crisis now by downloading  Collaboration + Storytelling Solution in Times of Crisis: A Playbook for Content Creators and Tourism Partners .

JoAnna Haugen

JoAnna Haugen is an award-winning writer, speaker, consultant, and solutions advocate. She is also the founder of Rooted, a solutions platform at the intersection of sustainability, storytelling, and social impact. Hire her as a consultant or to speak at your next event . Find JoAnna on LinkedIn , and stay inspired by following Rooted on Instagram .

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How to Successfully Pitch Hotel Collaborations & Land Free Stays

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As a travel blogger, every trip is essentially a “work trip,” regardless of if you’re getting paid, doing hotel collaborations, or fully funding your own travels.

Your career depends on documentation, whether it’s nailing Instagram shots, writing stellar blogs, recording drone footage, or a combination thereof.

So what if you could leverage your content creation skills and influence to promote hotels while also reducing travel costs?

Hotel collaborations are mutually beneficial partnerships between you as a travel blogger/influencer and your dream properties.

Properties gain free exposure and new potential bookings and you receive complimentary (or discounted) stays. It’s a win-win.

That means you can enjoy more opportunities to travel –  and in turn, more opportunities to create .

Let’s explore what’s involved in a collaboration and how you can create a pitch that will garner results.

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How to pitch hotels in exchange for free stays

How to Successfully Pitch Hotel Collaborations

Reality check: hotel collaborations are hard work.

Before we delve into pitching techniques and how to collaborate with hotels, understand that partnerships require a lot of work .

They are not all champagne drinking and rose petal baths.

Those perfectly curated photos you see on Instagram are the result of hours spent perfecting poses, chasing light, and editing.

Behind the scenes of content creation

This takes time away from exploration, fun excursions, and tasting new foods (things most people enjoy while traveling).

That’s not to say you won’t also do those things, but consider them secondary to your responsibilities as a blogger.

Bloggers who treat hotel collaborations like free rides create a bad name for future bloggers. You don’t want to be that person.

At the end of the day, you’re there to introduce the property to your audience (potential new clientele).

Research Hotels Before Pitching

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk research.

With so many hotels on the market, how do you know where to start?

Personally, when I begin researching, I like to start by finding hotels that work with bloggers. If a hotel has partnered with bloggers/influencers, there’s a greater chance they see the value in this type of partnership.

Unless, of course, they were badly burned in the past (see above).

This can often save you the trouble of having to convince them that hotel collaborations are worth their time.

That’s not to say you should be lackadaisical when pitching, but it helps eliminate an additional hoop to jump through.

You may be wondering how you can possibly determine which hotels have worked with bloggers.

While asking fellow bloggers is always a possibility, you may not have that many connections when you’re just starting out.

Instead, you can turn to trusty old Google (or whatever search engine you prefer).

Open up a new search window and type in: [Destination] all opinions are my own

How to search for hotels that work with bloggers

This will retrieve articles – typically from bloggers – who have previously collaborated with hotels/tourism companies.

Most bloggers will typically include the disclosure “all opinions are my own” in their posts. The purpose of this is to inform their readership that the post was written in partnership with a brand.

As mentioned, sometimes these disclosures will be for companies other than hotels, but you will often find hotels mixed in.

How to Analyze Whether a Hotel Is the Right Fit

Once I’ve compiled a list of these hotel reviews, I will typically delve a bit further into each blog. I’ll usually check out the bloggers’ numbers on social media to get a sense of how influential they are.

However, even if a blogger has more followers on Instagram, for example, it doesn’t mean you can’t pitch that hotel.

Be sure to take into account how long ago the blog post was written. If it’s a year or more old, there’s a good chance they were significantly smaller than they are now. (Just think about how much you’ve grown in a year as a point of reference!)

Also, just because their social media numbers are more impressive, that doesn’t mean their blog stats are or vice versa.

Everyone has something a little different to bring to the table. (We’ll delve more into your unique selling proposition later on.)

In addition to doing a little research on the blogger, you’ll obviously need to consider the hotel itself. Just because a blogger has worked with them doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be the right fit for your brand.

Ask Yourself:

  • Does it align with your brand? (If you’re a budget backpacker, you don’t want to pitch to 5-star resorts and vice versa)
  • Would your audience/readership like to stay there?
  • Will it fit with the aesthetic of your Instagram feed?

Although I like to start by researching hotels that have worked with bloggers previously, that’s only my preliminary research.

After that, I’ll do a deeper dive by looking at hotels in my desired destination that seem like a good fit. For me, that means 4- and 5-star boutique properties, but it may be something completely different for you.

Typically, I will do a general Google search for this, but sometimes I’ll also use sites like Trip Advisor .

Find the Right Media Contacts

One of the questions I get most often about pitching is who to pitch to.

The first thing I suggest is looking for the hotel’s “Contact” page on their website. Most hotels will have this, but if not, scroll down to the bottom of their home page. This information is often at least included in the footer.

While this is a good place to start, keep in mind that sometimes the contact page will have limited information. What you may find are general emails that start with “info@”/“reservations@”/”reception@,” etc.

Although I’ve pitched to my fair share of general emails for hotel collaborations, it’s not the best way to reach someone.

The ultimate goal is to find a contact person who specifically handles media requests. Typically, this is a marketing/PR manager, press person, or media contact. If you can find this person, you’ll likely receive a quicker response, as your email won’t have to change hands.

However, if the contact page doesn’t yield the results you’re hoping for, see if they have a section for “Press.” Sometimes it will list the press contacts directly on that page.

travel collaboration make an impact

If you’ve scoured the website but are coming up empty-handed, you can send the hotel a direct message through Instagram.

When I send DMs via Instagram, they typically look something like this:

“Hello, my name is Elena and I’m a travel blogger interested in collaborating with your hotel. Would you be able to share the email address of the individual who handles media and PR requests? I greatly appreciate your help!”

Keep it short and sweet and save the details for your email.

If you don’t receive an answer within a few days, go ahead and send your pitch to the general email.

Nail Down Your Unique Value Proposition

I learned early on that it’s not about hitting a certain follower number before you start pitching. It’s about being confident that you have something of value to offer in exchange for a stay.

I know content creators who landed their first hotel collaborations before they hit 2k Instagram followers.

What matters is what you can offer and whether the hotel you’re pitching is in need of that skill.

Start by brainstorming what you can provide the hotel in exchange for a stay. What’s your unique value proposition?

Do you have a large, engaged following on Instagram? Are your monthly website visitors something to be envied? Is your blog subscriber list impressive? Perhaps you have some mad photography or videography skills you can leverage.

Now’s the time to focus on your strengths. Don’t obsess over your weaker areas.

Some people are blogging masters, but are completely clueless when it comes to Instagram and vice versa. You don’t have to be good at everything . Just know what your strengths are and how you can leverage them for successful hotel collaborations.

Perfect Your Email Pitch

If you’re confident you have value to bring, it’s time to start perfecting that pitch.

Regardless of how you decide to format your email, the most important thing is that you make it about the hotel , not about you .

This is not about getting a free vacation; it’s about you offering a mutually beneficial partnership.

What you don’t want to say: “I want a free stay at your hotel.”

Instead, say: “I can offer you ‘x’ which will provide ‘x’ benefit.”

For example, “I can offer my photography expertise to provide you with professional-grade photos for your marketing efforts.”

Protect Your Work

By the way, while we’re on the topic of photography, most of the time bloggers will share the photos they take on their own blogs and social channels.

However, after a collaboration, a hotel may want to use your photography in their marketing materials. This was actually the case for me, after a great experience working with The Pand Hotel .

The Pand Hotel, Bruges

After submitting my blog link, they asked to use some of my photos in their brochure.

While this can be wildly exciting – and great to include in your media kit – just make sure the hotel either credits you by linking back to your blog/social channels or offers monetary payment.

In my case, I was more than happy to receive credit, but since that experience, I’ve added a clause to my initial pitch. It says: “I’m happy to make available all photos taken on-site for you to use on your own social channels and marketing efforts, if that is of interest.”

I use the term “make available” so that I can later offer them the ability to purchase the rights to the photos or pay for them on a case-by-case basis.

In any case, I’m sharing a rough pitching outline to get you started.

Some people prefer to keep the intro conversational with a “hello,” but I always favor the more professional intro. This is particularly useful for pitching hotel collaborations in Europe.

Pitching Outline:



My name is [INSERT NAME HERE] and I [INSERT CREDENTIALS HERE] . I’m planning a trip to [INSERT DESTINATION HERE] from [INSERT DATES HERE] and I’m looking to collaborate with a hotel during my stay.

I discovered [INSERT HOTEL HERE] and was impressed by your [INSERT NOTABLE FEATURES HERE]. Your property will be a great fit for my brand/audience because [INSERT REASON HERE] .

In exchange for a complimentary stay, I can offer [INSERT SERVICES HERE] , which will provide [INSERT BENEFITS HERE] .

I have attached my media kit for your reference.

Please let me know if you are interested in moving forward with a collaboration.

I hope to speak with you soon.


Obviously, this is a rough template, but it’s intended to hit on the main points you want to get across in your email:

  • Who you are
  • What you do
  • Why you’re qualified to do this
  • The reason you want to work with this hotel specifically (what makes them special)
  • What value you can offer

You should not copy this word for word, but use it as a framework or jumping off point.  

Consider Your Subject Line

Then, before you hit send, you’ll need an appropriate subject line. Hotels can receive hundreds of pitches a day, so you want to make sure yours isn’t lost in the mix.

I would advise against writing something flashy and attention-grabbing, although it may be tempting.

I like to keep my subject lines brief, direct, and straightforward. Typically, I will write something along the lines of: “Social Media Collaboration for ‘X’ Month,” “Influencer Collaboration for ‘X’ Month” or “Blogger Collaboration for ‘X’ Month.”

However, some people prefer to refer to themselves as “Travel Journalists” instead of bloggers. The reasoning behind this is that more people tend to recognize journalism as a legitimate career.

Lately, I’ve been keeping it really simple with “Collaboration Proposal for ‘X’ Month.”

You may decide to leave the month out, but I incorporate it to add a bit of urgency. Most people won’t want to delay answering an email if it’s time sensitive.

Follow Up & Follow Up Again

I cannot overemphasize the importance of following up.

In fact, I actually landed two hotel collaborations (that I wouldn’t have otherwise had) just because I followed up.

Email follow-up

Think of it this way.

While you’re counting the minutes until a reply, the recipient is either swamped, out of office, uninterested, or forgets to respond.

Your follow-up is often the reminder someone needs to take action. This could mean reading your email, passing it along to the appropriate contact, accepting your offer, or declining.

Since you obviously don’t want to come off as desperate, I suggest following up anywhere between five days and one week after your initial email.

If I don’t hear anything after the second time, I will usually give it another week before following up again.

More often than not, the hotel will appreciate your interest and thank you for the reminder, if nothing else.

Prepare for Rejection

While I’d love to tell you that every pitch you send will be a home run, it’s simply unrealistic to expect everyone to say yes.

In fact, you should actually prepare yourself for rejection (or the cold shoulder) while pitching, because both are inevitable.

There are a number of reasons a hotel may decide it’s not a good fit, but (almost) none of them will have to do with you.

Here are some common reasons you may hear:

  • We have too many blogger requests at the moment and cannot accommodate all of them
  • Since we’re a small hotel, we cannot offer complimentary stays
  • There are not enough resources in our budget for hotel collaborations
  • We cannot accept collaborations in the high season/during “x” event going on
  • Our hotel is highly selective and can only accept collaborations with bloggers/influencers who have “x” number of followers

While arguably the last one has to do with you, don’t beat yourself up. Use each rejection as a learning experience to better prepare for future pitches.

PRO TIP: Unless you have a very large following, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to land hotel collaborations during the high season (June – September) in popular destinations. Start by pitching in the off-season/shoulder seasons OR pitch to less frequented destinations.

Remain Flexible

The best advice I can give is to remain flexible while pitching hotel collaborations.

While you won’t always land the stay, sometimes a hotel will offer a media rate, a free dinner, a spa treatment, etc.

Heated plunge pool at La Maison Favart

Hotels sometimes provide a media rate (discounted cost) to bloggers, journalists, and photographers to help offset the cost of the stay. This is either calculated as a specific percentage off a standard stay or a set amount established by the hotel.

Accepting a reasonable hotel media rate can be a smart move when you’re just starting out. You can gain experience while also building up your portfolio.

However, you’ll still be expected to provide the same amount of work for a media rate. Make sure what you’re getting seems like a fair exchange.

If you agree to a discounted service (such as a spa treatment), you’ll want to adjust your pitch accordingly.

Keep Track of Hotel Correspondence

Once hotels start replying (or you need to start following up), you’ll understand the criticality of staying organized.

Scribbling contacts down on scraps of paper (or not keeping track of information at all) can eventually backfire.

The last thing you want is to follow up with a hotel who declined, unknowingly pitch the incorrect recipient, or send the same pitch repeatedly.

To avoid these common faux pas, I’ve developed an effective organization system with my very own Hotel Pitching Tracker .

Every time I send out a pitch, I plug all of the information into the tracker, which lives in Microsoft Excel.

I keep track of everything from hotels I’ve pitched to, to important media contacts, to social media stats, to detailed property notes.

Now that I’ve been using it, I honestly don’t know how I managed without one.

That’s why I’ve decided to make it available to you for free .

You can download my free Hotel Pitching Tracker here so that you always know where you stand while pitching.

Establish Expectations Prior to Your Hotel Collaborations

Hotels that regularly work with bloggers typically provide a contract outlining the scope of work prior to the collaboration. This is to protect both parties and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

However, if you’re pitching smaller hotels or properties that haven’t worked with bloggers, I highly recommend laying out your terms.

I send an email outlining my exact deliverables and when the hotel can expect them before my hotel collaborations.

The goal is to manage expectations and prevent miscommunication or confusion later on.

When in doubt, give yourself more time than you think you need, especially when you’re just starting out. It’s always better to under-promise and over-deliver than the other way around.

Plus, once you get into the nitty-gritty of editing photos and blogging, you’ll likely discover things take longer than anticipated.

I typically state that all deliverables will be completed no later than two weeks post-stay to allow for any hiccups.

The Importance of Creating a Media Kit

With bloggers constantly pitching hotel collaborations, you may wonder how you can stand out from the competition.

This is where your media kit comes in.

Done right, a media kit can help give you a competitive edge and put you in a more professional light.

Media kit

If you’re not already familiar with what this is, think of it as a resume or portfolio for your brand. It can be anywhere from a single page to multiple pages outlining the key statistics and demographics of your blog/brand.

While your pitch serves as an introduction to what you can offer, a media kit fills in all the details.

Elements to Include in a Media Kit:

  • Your blog name
  • “About Me” section introducing who you are/what you do
  • Your audience demographics (including age, gender, and top countries)
  • Past brands you’ve worked with
  • Information about the services you provide (content creation, videography, blog writing, etc)
  • Testimonials
  • Your contact information

Media kits are important to hotels because they provide pertinent information about a blogger’s audience. This can help a hotel determine if a collaboration will be the right fit.

For instance, if a Canadian hotel wants to target American millennials, a Spanish baby boomer audience won’t be a fit.

From a blogger’s perspective, a media kit can help you build social proof and clout. If, for example, you’re pitching Paris, you’ll likely have a better shot with glowing recommendations from other European hotels.

Start Sending Successful Pitches

That said, everyone has to start somewhere.

If you’re ready to start pitching hotel collaborations but don’t have the time, resources, or design expertise, I’m here to help!

I offer a convenient, fully-customizable media kit template to take your pitches from blasé to ballin.’

I’ve used this exact media kit template to land collaborations with 4- and 5-star properties in major metropolitan cities such as Paris and Brussels . I’m excited to see what it can achieve for you!

All you have to do is download the template and plug in your content in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. Then you can customize the colors and fonts to suit your brand aesthetic.

Or, if you’re really strapped for time (or design illiterate), I also offer custom design services. You can enjoy a hands-free process and save tons of time.

Need help creating a media kit? Get yourself a template or inquire about my custom design services and start landing your dream hotel collaborations!

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How to Pitch Hotels: Travel Blogger Guide

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Break the Ice Media & Travel Alliance Partners have merged to offer you more as Travel Alliance Partnership.

Collaboration Thrives in Travel & Tourism

The travel and tourism industry was indisputably one of the hardest hit during the past two years. Staying in business meant being innovative, flexible and responsive to change. To be successful, it also meant a willingness to collaborate, sometimes with a perceived competitor. Connecting and embracing collaboration with others in the industry, despite being in lockdown, ultimately allowed many travel professionals to stay afloat during the most challenging of times.

Blending knowledge, experiences, and sometimes budgets, can result in outcomes that far exceed the results from working in silos. The travel, tourism and hospitality industry may still have years before returning to its pre-pandemic level of travel. But these travel professionals have used innovative collaboration models to propel them forward during recovery.

Collaboration Thrives in Travel & Tourism

Making Industry Connections

Travel Alliance Partners, LLC (TAP) is in its 21st year of connecting tour operators, destinations, attractions and corporate service providers. During a time of economic decline, founder Serge Talbot, President of Talbot Tours, recognized the need for tour operators to collaborate. Putting aside the natural competitiveness among companies, TAP developed a model with tour operators buying and selling from one another. This created significant buying power as a company. A buying power of a combined $75 million in annual sales. This buying power then led to discount and rebate agreements with hotels, insurance providers, cruise lines and more. The competitors not only grew their own businesses, but, reaped rewards with additional revenue in the form of rebates.

New collaboration opportunities developed as the TAP tour operators elevated the value of suppliers to  their success. Recognizing suppliers (destinations and attractions) as integral to creating inspiring itineraries, TAP created an annual travel conference called TAP Dance. This innovative conference brought new travel ideas to the tour operators and resulted in more visitors to the destinations. It solidified the TAP collaboration model emphasizing the importance of these relationships. Now you can even catch suppliers and TAP Tour Operators hosting TAP travel webinars together. 

The next obvious collaboration for TAP was with travel buyers. TAP developed a program where travel buyers from across the country could sell TAP travel product on their own website; ultimately giving the travel buyer the opportunity to expand their own product portfolio.

The TAP model of collaboration helped tour operators, suppliers and travel buyers weather the pandemic and prepare them for pent-up demand.

Local Communities Collaborate

Traditionally, tourism entities and community economic development organizations have existed in silos. Exceptions to that are becoming more prevalent as more people recognize the value of collaboration. Annette Rummel, CEO at Great Lakes Bay Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau, is a master at building partnerships. Annette recognized the value in collaboration and with her colleagues created the Great Lakes Bay Regional Convention and Visitors Bureau from three county CVBs. Along with that, she created a model detailing how her regional CVB aligns with the regional chamber of commerce. Each of the regional CVBs still maintains control over tourism development while the regional CVB focuses on marketing initiatives. This approach resulted in each county saving 85% in overhead costs. Annette’s key advice for those interested in collaboration: be proactive; don’t wait for invitations.

Hear more of Annette’s story in her Destination on the Left podcast episode, Building Successful Partnerships.  

Dynamic Destinations Collaborate

One of the key criteria for identifying a successful collaboration is typically commonality . Todd Stallbaumer, Consumer and Trade Marketing Direction for Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department, participates in a collaborative group. He and several industry colleagues call their group Dynamic Destinations. These creative travel professionals collaborate based on commonality in the usual areas that come to mind with tourism. It formed from an unlikely grouping of DMOs and attractions at the onset of the pandemic. This group met daily on Zoom to stay connected, share challenges and collaborate on working through ideas and developing solutions.

This group of about six remain and have now attended travel shows together as an entity, cross-marketing one other. They have found a way to complement their competition. By identifying ways these Dynamic Destinations are different and stand out; and not necessarily better, they create a different experience. These six destinations would traditionally not have tours that would include one another in one trip. They’ve found that if they can get a visitor to any of the destinations, they can refer them to one of the other five for these common factors:

  • They are close to a bigger competitor or name geographically. For example, the proximity of Maryland to Washington, D.C.
  • The destination is often a value-added destination to a larger attraction or city.
  • In all cases, traveler feedback for these destinations is that the experience far exceeds the expectations.

They hold group virtual sales calls using the rationale that some areas may have better partnerships with certain tour companies. All six participate on the call to talk about their destinations. They found that tour planners love getting ideas for six diverse destinations in just 30 minutes.

Tips for Successful Collaborations:

  • Leave egos out of the group
  • Establish expectations up-front
  • Be proactive in seeking collaboration partners, don’t wait to be invited
  • Identify a communication strategy that is effective for all involved
  • Look for connection beyond the obvious commonality

Get more tips for successful collaborations when you take this 1-question quiz .

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Elevate Destinations

Experts in socially responsible luxury travel. We design travel experiences that support conservation and local communities without skimping on comfort.

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Social Impact Travel Programs: Supporting Corporate Responsibility Around the Globe

Elevate Destinations is an award-winning, socially responsible travel company whose goal is to positively impact the communities, people and environments across the globe.

We work with partners to create meaningful travel experiences around the world for businesses, including c-level executives, employees, customers as well as donors and corporate foundations.

With our trusted network of NGO partners around the world we have created meaningful, experiential trips that include a focus on issues such as poverty alleviation, health-care, sustainability, gender issues, technology and clean energy.

travel collaboration make an impact

How a signature travel program can benefit your company:

Social impact travel programs are an emerging trend for socially responsible companies and provide numerous benefits to both the company, employees, and local communities.

travel collaboration make an impact

Employee Impact:

  •  Develops new skills
  • Improves leadership capabilities
  • Enhances cultural adaptability
  • Creates opportunities to develop new ideas and relationships
  • Amplifies ability to think differently

Business Impact:

  • Creates better understanding and more comprehensive knowledge of emerging markets
  • Increases employee motivation and commitment to a shared vision
  • Supports retention of top employees
  • Provides an affective recruiting tool
  • Develops the pollination of new ideas and innovation through group collaboration
  • Creates a platform to feature your company’s positive impact on a global stage.
  • Develops new local connections or partnerships
  • Increases ability to serve local communities

Customer Impact:

  • Demonstrates the positive impact of their purchases and how they benefit relevant communities around the world
  • Creates a unique opportunity to gain first-hand, volunteer experience with international communities and make a personal difference
  • Gives travelers reason to feel proud to be part to of the project and support the business with further investment
  • Allows individual travelers to become personal ambassador for a company, product, or brand

Social Impact:

  •  Builds capacity of local clients or communities, through your time, talent or treasure
  • Provides access to normally scarce resources
  • Creates innovative and new positive local relationships


Destinations may be chosen from around the world based on your business’ regional engagement.  We will work closely with you to customize the experience so that it fits perfectly with participants’ needs.

For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or fill out this form and we will follow up with you.

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Impact Travel Group


Facilitating journeys that change lives.

The Impact Travel Group is a collective of educational and experiential travel brands providing transformative experiences.

When we change, the world changes. The key to all change is in our inner transformation—a change of our hearts and minds.

Our collective utilizes education and travel to inspire that inner transformation and create responsible global citizens poised to change the world.

Our Mission

To create and provide transformative, purposeful travel experiences that are committed to cultural, economic, and environmental sustainability.

To realize positive change in the world. By changing individual lives and shaping attitudes through the power of travel, we can create global citizens that act as catalysts for real change.


  • Our Philosophy

Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu Translated simply, this means that “a person is a person because of other people.” I am because you are, and you are because we are; the essence of Ubuntu. This is the philosophy that drives us, as it promotes compassion, kindness, and fairness.

  • Our Commitments

As a group and collective, we’re able to pursue our mission of creating and providing transformative, purposeful travel experiences that are committed to cultural, economic, and environmental sustainability. Each member of our collective contributes meaningful and sustainable commitments to create a more powerful whole and a more powerful collective. As a collective, our commitments are focused on People, Planet, Culture, and Traveler.

Our interactions and relationships with people drive inner transformation.

  • young girls and women encountering gender disparity
  • victims of domestic violence
  • those without access to core education, healthcare or economic opportunity
  • vulnerable children and adults
  • Fair and equal employment practices
  • Sourcing and recruiting locally

Change begins with cultural understanding and immersion.

  • Protecting cultural heritage through authentic and locally curated projects
  • Respecting and retaining cultural values through our support of local communities
  • Sharing the importance of learning about and respecting the local culture on each and every program
  • Homestays or group traveler accommodations designed for interaction and learning
  • Classes with native students where available
  • Language exchange in non-English speaking destinations
  • Working alongside and collaborating with local staff
  • Extra-curricular activities with local communities, volunteers, and/or staff

Each individual traveler can be a catalyst for change.

  • Attaining a greater cultural competency—the ability to understand, appreciate and interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from their own
  • Understanding and committing to the mission of the project prior to participation
  • Educating themselves via pre-trip educational materials
  • Participating with intention and understanding their contribution to the host community
  • Gaining a stronger understanding of global issues and how they can contribute positively in the future

Our Impact highlights

Impact Travel Group’s brands have made a huge impact so far

  • Our Collective

The Impact Travel Group is a collective of educational and experiential travel brands providing transformative experiences. Our collective utilizes education and travel to inspire inner transformation and create responsible global citizens poised to change the world.

Camps International

Camps was founded in 2002 by Stuart Rees Jones in Ringwood (United Kingdom), with their first project location in Kenya. Over the past two decades, Camps International has collaborated with over 1,000 schools and impacted the lives of more than 50,000 young people.

Visit website

African impact.

African Impact is the leader in volunteer abroad programs in Africa. We only provide volunteer programs on the African continent and our in-depth understanding of the community and conservation efforts is unrivalled by any other organisation due to our dev focus purely on Africa.

Kaya Responsible Travel

Kaya gives the opportunity to gain invaluable work experience overseas, and to embark upon a fantastic adventure that will change your vision of the world. Kaya’s programs place participants in supported, sustainable, ethical projects that are locally-led and work with communities, for communities.

Raleigh International

Raleigh International empowers young people worldwide to develop their skills and take action on the issues they care about, all whilst making a positive, long-lasting impact in the communities we work. We do this through Raleigh Expeditions: challenging and fun international volunteering experience.

Roots Interns

Internships that matter. We believe that learning and doing good can go hand in hand. That’s why we create meaningful internships with non profit organizations. Contribute to the important work that is happening at a grass-roots level; a beautiful offshoot of mutual growth. We offer non profit internships in a wide range of academic focus areas, offering something for everyone.

World Endeavors

Transforming lives through international educational programs. World Endeavors provides meaningful intern and volunteer programs abroad for students of all ages. Our programs are focused on immersive, hand-on learning, creating unique opportunities for cross-cultural understanding.

Marine Impact

Be mesmerised by the dazzling blue. Swim freely amongst dolphins and sea turtles. Contribute to the conservation of vivid coral reefs. In some of the most idyllic settings in the world, we work to preserve marine life through innovative projects – and we invite you to join us. Find out more about our marine conservation volunteering opportunities.

Penda Photo Tours

At Penda, we love photography and we love travel. We also love making an impact. So we’ve combined those three elements to bring you photography travel with a do-good twist. Whatever level you’re at as a photographer, we invite you to have an exciting journey, improve your own photography skills, and contribute to a worthwhile cause – all at the same time. We run affordable photo tours, photography volunteer programs, and non-profit photography workshops that all make an impact where it’s needed. A impact on people’s lives, an impact on our planet, or an impact on wildlife conservation. And – not unimportantly – we make sure you have a mind-blowing travel experience. you’ll sharpen your skills, visit incredible places, and build an impressive portfolio.

Ecua Explora

Ecua Explora is the leading provider of study, internship and volunteer opportunities and projects in Ecuador. We enable meaningful experiences for international students in Ecuadorian universities and institutions of higher education, interns in professional placements and volunteers in collaborative projects focused on the sustainable social, environmental and economic development of Ecuador.

African Horse Safaris

African Horse Safaris is an online travel agency specialising in, but not limited to, horse travel in Africa. We offer the largest portfolio of expertly guided and unique horse experiences on the market, hand-picked by our safari specialists. Our riding holidays are exciting, vibrant and unforgettable experiences.

Beyond TEFL

BeyondTEFL exists to provide you the opportunity to gain an accredited TEFL certification which enables you to not only teach abroad, but to make maximum impact in the communities you teach. We work with some of the best TEFL course providers to bring you quality, fulfilling experiences

Impact Gap Year

At Impact Gap Year, we are committed to creating a world where individuals are empowered to lead. where ethical practices prevail, and where young people are equipped to create positive change. Join us on this journey of growth, collaboration, and impact.

Rebel Innovation

Rebel Innovation is an incubator for transforming perspectives, uniting minds from across the globe, face-to-face. Participants engage with diverse individuals in unique challenges that address real-world issues.

Leading Lines

Leading Lines is a cutting-edge photographic travel destination management company dedicated to empowering photographers to run successful workshops worldwide.

The world is a book , and those who do not travel read only a page

We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us., if you are not willing to risk the unusual , you will have to settle for the ordinary., join our team.

Join our growing team at Impact Travel Group. The available vacancies are shown below. If you feel that you’re a good fit please apply using the provided application form.

Recent News

Impact travel group welcomes camps international, bolstering commitment to educational travel and sustainability, roots interns: pioneering ethical internships with impact travel group, impact travel group launches “leading lines”: a new photographic travel destination management company, kaya wins best ethical, responsible, sustainable tourism award, penda photo tours – launches four new photo safari tours for 2024, itg welcomes – ross pownall, itg welcomes – lucy constable fernandez, itg welcomes – olivia o’prey, itg welcomes – mulenga mwamba, itg welcomes – new non-executive directors, trusted by over 4,000 students worldwide.

“ Volunteering abroad with Kaya in Peru was such a rewarding, eye opening and overall enjoyable experience. The staff was great! The staff member who went with us to volunteer was very organized and awesome. She helped us find our way to each destination (including as soon as we got off the airplane in Peru, she was right outside waiting for us to take us to where we would be staying) and she was so helpful. I had a great experience with Kaya while in Peru! Alisa Murphy Volunteer
“ My experience in Ireland was incredible! I learned a ton about sustainability and even Irish wildlife from it. My internship and the experiences I was able to have in Dublin and other parts of the country with other interns on the weekend were all amazing. World Endeavors did a really great job with organizing my internship, getting housing, preparing for travel, etc. Kathryn Volunteer
“ Working with Kaya was an incredible experience! I really enjoyed the activities such as hiking Machu Picchu, building stoves in Umasbamba, and taking health care classes in Peru. Alyssa Pompan Volunteer
“ If looking out to volunteer in Africa and have a great experience making an impact in the beautiful continent , great place to get placement from, enjoy the African experience on the Kruger project , Livingstone project and Kenya and Mara Project Lazaros Dube Local Guide

Address: Impact Travel Group, Cayman Islands, The R&H Trust Co Ltd, Windward 1, Regatta Office Park, PO Box 897, Grand Cayman, KY1-1103, Cayman Islands Email: [email protected] Telephone: +44 7551 886 297

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Collaboration key to African tourism sector success

J J OHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA, SUNDAY, 19th SEPTEMBER 2021 : The success of Africa’s tourism sector in the midst of COVID-19 hinges on increased collaboration among all industry role-players – this is the message from South Africa’s Deputy Minister of Tourism Fish Mahlalela.

Deputy Minister Mahlalela was speaking at Africa’s Travel and Tourism Summit’s SMME Day on Sunday, 19 September 2021.  Under the theme “Re-awakening Africa,” the Summit calls on all tourism role-players to reflect, reimagine and reignite the sector. The Summit is aimed at reviving Africa’s tourism industry, after more than a year of dormancy due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In his address, Mahlalela said collaboration in tourism will boost social cohesion. “For all of us to succeed, we can no longer do business in silos. The new tourism sector calls for greater collaboration between government and the private sector, as well as between the governments of Africa.”

Mahlalela added that government is working closely with tourism role-players to mobilise a response to the debilitating impact of COVID-19. The pandemic has adversely impacted the entire tourism value chain and has restricted the movement of people.

The Department of Tourism has implemented interventions that will help revive small tourism businesses in townships and rural areas that are crucial to the sector. “SMMEs can aid in the sector’s return to pre-COVID performance levels and its long-term sustainable growth trajectory that fully realises Africa’s vast and diverse tourism potential. The Tourism Sector Recovery Plan also makes provision for the establishment of a support hub to provide non-financial support to tourism businesses so as to increase the resilience of SMMEs during the pandemic and beyond.”

An enabling environment for SMMEs

Percy Koji, CEO of Small Tourism Enterprise Association (STEA) echoed Mahlalela, saying collaboration between private and public sectors is vital. “Collaboration is a big word. If you are in business for 10 years, no man is an island; no business can survive on its own.”

He added that government needs to create an enabling environment as an initiative poised to drive growth for small and medium-sized businesses. “People will have more jobs, resuscitate the sector, and address the issues around crime.”

STEA helps small businesses understand the importance of compliance with regulations and trains in this regard.

Koji said that while small and medium-sized enterprises are recognised as a critical part of the tourism industry, they tend to be neglected. This is because SMMEs are not usually compliant in many aspects of business. “Big business will always be ahead because small businesses are not well prepared to compete against them.”

Koji said SMMEs still need training on various issues including tax matters as well being compliant with relevant government regulations.  He added that SMMEs face numerous challenges such as tight cash flow which limits their strategic options, limited market access and lack of relevant business management skills. “For government to have a bigger tax base we have to facilitate small business. We have to professionalise SMMEs so it becomes a more competitive space to be in.”

He also called for increased focus on the domestic tourism market so as to create opportunities within our borders. “In South Africa we have focused a lot on inbound market, but developing the local economy will create better opportunities for everyone. If you buy a coffee at a restaurant, you are creating a job for that person serving you.”

The Summit is being hosted simultaneously in three major cities in Africa – Johannesburg, Durban and Lagos. The hybrid event gives delegates from around th world the option to attend either physically or virtually.

Click here to download both Deputy Minister Mahlalela’s address and the highlights from SMME Day.

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Lesego Marimo at South African Tourism     

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travel collaboration make an impact

Aaron Hall Attorney

The Power of Collaboration, Travel, and Taking Risks: Life Hacks for Success

In a world where success is the ultimate goal, there are those who have discovered the power of collaboration, travel, and taking risks.

These life hacks, like keys to unlocking doors, hold the secrets to achieving greatness.

By joining forces with others, exploring new horizons, and fearlessly stepping into the unknown, individuals can tap into a wellspring of innovation and transformation.

This article dives deep into these strategies, revealing how they can catapult individuals towards unprecedented levels of success.

Get ready to revolutionize your approach to life and business.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Collaboration with others is essential for productivity and success.
  • Traveling and rotating locations can trigger creativity and enhance strategizing.
  • Taking risks can lead to significant rewards and should not be hindered by limited resources.
  • Sticky notes and reminders can improve task management and productivity.

The Impact of Collaboration in Achieving Success

Collaboration allows individuals to achieve greater productivity and success by leveraging the strengths of others.

In the workplace, collaboration fosters teamwork and innovation, creating an environment where ideas can flourish and solutions can be found.

By working together, individuals can maximize efficiency and problem-solving capabilities through collaborative problem-solving. This approach allows for a diversity of perspectives and expertise to be brought to the table, leading to more comprehensive and innovative solutions.

Collaboration also promotes a sense of ownership and engagement among team members, fostering a culture of trust and collaboration.

Travel: A Catalyst for Creativity and Success

Traveling to different locations sparks creativity and provides new opportunities for success. Exploring new cultures broadens perspectives, allowing individuals to see the world through a different lens. This exposure to diverse cultures and experiences fuels creativity, igniting innovative ideas and approaches. Traveling serves as a source of inspiration, offering a fresh perspective and stimulating the mind. It allows individuals to step out of their comfort zones and embrace new challenges, leading to personal growth and professional success. The table below illustrates the transformative power of travel, showcasing how it broadens perspectives and fuels creativity:

Traveling is not only a means of relaxation and escape but also a catalyst for creativity and success. It allows individuals to immerse themselves in different cultures, gain new insights, and explore uncharted territories, ultimately leading to personal and professional growth.

Embracing Risks: Unlocking Opportunities for Success

Embracing uncertainty and venturing into uncharted territory can lead to unexpected opportunities and pave the way for success. Taking calculated risks and embracing uncertainty is a key strategy for those who desire innovation. By stepping outside of their comfort zones, individuals open themselves up to new possibilities and growth.

Here are three ways in which embracing risks can unlock opportunities for success:

Discovering New Opportunities:

  • Taking calculated risks exposes individuals to new ideas, industries, and networks.
  • Embracing uncertainty allows for the exploration of untapped markets and trends.
  • Being open to risks can lead to the discovery of innovative solutions and business models.

Overcoming Challenges and Learning from Failure:

  • Embracing risks means accepting the possibility of failure, but also the opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Taking risks encourages individuals to think creatively and find solutions to unexpected obstacles.
  • Learning from failures can lead to valuable insights and pave the way for future success.

Gaining a Competitive Edge:

  • Embracing uncertainty allows individuals to differentiate themselves from competitors.
  • Taking calculated risks can lead to unique and innovative ideas that set individuals apart.
  • By embracing risks, individuals position themselves as pioneers in their industries, attracting attention and opportunities for collaboration.

Harnessing the Power of Reminders for Productivity

Using visual cues such as sticky notes is a simple yet effective way to enhance productivity and stay organized. Sticky notes serve as constant reminders and help in managing tasks effectively. They are a powerful tool for task management, improving productivity and results. The effectiveness of sticky notes lies in their simplicity and visual nature. By organizing and prioritizing tasks on sticky notes, individuals can easily track and monitor their progress. To emphasize the importance of using visual cues for task management, the following table showcases the benefits of sticky notes for productivity:

The Art of Expressing Desires: A Path to Transformation

Clearly expressing desires to others fosters personal and professional growth by opening doors to new opportunities. The power of communication lies in its ability to bridge the gap between individuals and create understanding. By overcoming fears and stating what one truly wants, people can break free from limitations and achieve their goals.

Here are three ways in which expressing desires can lead to transformation:

Building Relationships: When individuals clearly communicate their desires, they attract like-minded people who can support and collaborate with them. This opens up possibilities for mentorship, partnerships, and networking.

Setting Boundaries: Expressing desires helps individuals establish boundaries and communicate their needs effectively. This leads to healthier relationships and a more balanced work-life dynamic.

Manifesting Opportunities: By articulating their desires, individuals create a powerful intention that attracts opportunities aligned with their goals. This can lead to exciting new ventures, promotions, or personal growth experiences.

Blue Light-Blocking Glasses: Enhancing Sleep and Well-being

Wearing blue light-blocking glasses before bed can help individuals improve their sleep quality and overall well-being. Artificial light emitted by devices such as smartphones and laptops can disrupt the sleep-wake cycle and negatively impact health. Blue light-blocking glasses filter out the harmful blue light, allowing for device usage without the interference of sleep disruption. By protecting the eyes from this type of light, sleep quality is enhanced, leading to better overall well-being.

Focused Work: Unlocking the Key to Productivity

Minimizing distractions and allocating dedicated time for focused work is key to unlocking productivity. To optimize productivity through time blocking, individuals can follow these strategies:

Prioritize tasks: By identifying the most important tasks, individuals can allocate specific time slots for each task, ensuring that they receive the necessary attention.

Eliminate distractions: Creating a distraction-free environment by turning off notifications, closing unnecessary tabs, and finding a quiet workspace can help maximize focus.

Set realistic goals: Breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks allows for better time management and progress tracking.

Virtual Assistants: Streamlining Tasks for Success

Hiring a virtual assistant can greatly streamline tasks and increase efficiency for individuals seeking success in their work. Effective delegation is key to optimizing workflow and maximizing productivity. By assigning tasks to a skilled virtual assistant, professionals can focus on more important activities that drive their success.

However, finding the right virtual assistant may require multiple attempts. Clear communication and detailed instructions are essential for training the assistant to meet the specific needs of the individual. Platforms like Upwork provide a guide to success in finding the right virtual assistant who possesses the necessary skills and expertise.

Delegating tasks to a virtual assistant not only frees up valuable time, but also allows individuals to leverage their strengths and focus on activities that have a greater impact on their goals.

Scheduling Tasks: A Proven Strategy for Productivity

Scheduling tasks in advance allows individuals to prioritize their workload and optimize their productivity. By strategically planning their day, individuals can ensure that important tasks are given the necessary attention and completed on time. This practice of prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively is essential for success in today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving world.

To further enhance productivity and time management skills, individuals can consider the following strategies:

  • Creating a to-do list with specific tasks and deadlines
  • Identifying the most crucial tasks and tackling them first
  • Breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable sub-tasks
  • Using time-blocking techniques to allocate dedicated time for focused work
  • Regularly reviewing and adjusting the schedule as needed

Leveraging Strengths and Delegating for Maximum Success

Leveraging strengths and delegating tasks effectively are essential strategies for maximum success. By identifying and harnessing the expertise of others, individuals can optimize their performance and achieve their goals more efficiently.

Delegating tasks allows individuals to focus on their strengths and areas of expertise, leading to better results and increased earning potential. It is crucial to identify weaknesses and find others who can fill those gaps, ensuring a well-rounded team. By leveraging the strengths of others, individuals can tap into a diverse range of skills and perspectives, fostering innovation and creativity.

Effective delegation also frees up time for more important activities, allowing individuals to prioritize and focus on strategic initiatives. Ultimately, by leveraging expertise and delegating effectively, individuals can achieve maximum success and drive innovation in their respective fields.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do blue light-blocking glasses improve sleep quality and overall well-being.

Blue light-blocking glasses improve sleep quality and overall well-being by mitigating the negative effects of artificial light from devices. Wearing them before bed allows for device usage without disrupting sleep, leading to better overall health and productivity.

What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant and Where Can One Be Found?

Hiring a virtual assistant has numerous benefits, such as freeing up time for important tasks. Platforms like Upwork offer a wide range of virtual assistants. Finding the right assistant may require multiple attempts, but clear communication and detailed instructions are essential for successful training.

How Does Scheduling Tasks as Calendar Events Improve Productivity and Time Management?

Scheduling tasks as calendar events improves productivity and time management by providing structure and organization. It helps in prioritizing tasks, improving focus, and ensuring that nothing is overlooked or forgotten.

How Does Collaboration Impact the Achievement of Goals and Success?

Collaboration significantly impacts the achievement of goals and success. Through teamwork and problem solving, individuals can leverage each other’s strengths, increase productivity, and overcome challenges more effectively, leading to innovative solutions and greater success.

How Does Traveling Trigger Creativity and Enhance Strategizing for Success?

Traveling sparks creativity and enhances strategizing by exposing individuals to new environments and cultures. Stepping out of one’s comfort zone through travel allows for fresh perspectives and new ideas, fueling personal growth and innovation.

travel collaboration make an impact


How global tourism can become more sustainable, inclusive and resilient

A sanitary mask lies on the ground at Frankfurt Airport

A sanitary mask lies on the ground at Frankfurt Airport Image:  Reuters/Ralph Orlowski

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travel collaboration make an impact

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A hand holding a looking glass by a lake

.chakra .wef-1nk5u5d{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px;line-height:1.388;color:#2846F8;font-size:1.25rem;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-1nk5u5d{font-size:1.125rem;}} Get involved with our crowdsourced digital platform to deliver impact at scale

Stay up to date:, the great reset.

  • Tourism rose to the forefront of the global agenda in 2020, due to the devastating impact of COVID-19
  • Recovery will be driven by technology and innovation – specifically seamless travel solutions, but it will be long, uneven and slow
  • Success hinges on international coordination and collaboration across the public and private sectors

Tourism was one of the sectors hit hardest by the global pandemic. 2020 was the worst year on record for international travel due to the global pandemic, with countries taking decisive action to protect their citizens, closing borders and halting international travel.

The result was a 74% decline in international visitor arrivals, equivalent to over $1 trillion revenue losses , and an estimated 62 million fewer jobs . The impact on international air travel has been even more severe with a 90% drop on 2019 , resulting in a potential $1.8 trillion loss. And while the economic impact is dire in itself, nearly 2.9 million lives have been lost in the pandemic.

The path to recovery will be long and slow

Countries now face the challenge of reopening borders to resume travel and commerce, while protecting their populations’ health. At its peak, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) reported in April 2020 that every country on earth had implemented some travel restriction , signalling the magnitude of the operation to restart travel.

Have you read?

Tourism industry experts fear long road to recovery, how we can prioritize sustainability in rebuilding tourism, covid-19 could set the global tourism industry back 20 years.

Consequently, the path to recovery will be long and slow. The resurgence of cases following the discovery of new variants towards the end of last year delivered another disappointing blow to the travel industry. Any pickup over the summer months was quashed following a second wave of lockdowns and border closures . Coupled with mixed progress in the roll-out of vaccination programs, I predict that we will not see a significant rebound in international travel until the middle of this year at best.

Others echo my fears. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) forecasts a 50.4% improvement on 2020 air travel demand, which would bring the industry to 50.6% of 2019 levels . However, a more pessimistic outlook based on the persistence of travel restrictions suggests that demand may only pick up by 13% this year, leaving the industry at 38% of 2019 levels. McKinsey & Company similarly predict that tourism expenditure may not return to pre-COVID-19 levels until 2024 .

How to enhance sustainability, inclusivity and resilience

Given its economic might – employing 330 million people, contributing 10% to global GDP before the pandemic, and predicted to create 100 million new jobs – restoring the travel and tourism sector to a position of strength is the utmost priority.

The Great Reset provides an opportunity to rethink how tourism is delivered and to enhance sustainability, inclusivity and resilience. We must also address the challenges – from climate change and “ overtourism ” to capacity constraints – that we faced before the pandemic, while embracing traveller preferences, as we rebuild.

A 2018 study found that global tourism accounted for 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions from 2009 to 2013 ; four times higher than previous estimates. Even more worryingly, this puts progress towards the Paris Agreement at risk – recovery efforts must centre around environmental sustainability.

Furthermore, according to a study on managing overcrowding, the top 20 most popular global destinations were predicted to add more international arrivals than the rest of the world combined by 2020 . While COVID-19 will have disrupted this trend, it is well known that consumers want to travel again, and we must address the issues associated with overcrowding, especially in nascent destinations, like Saudi Arabia.

The Great Reset is a chance to make sure that as we rebuild, we do it better.

There is no consensus about when the tourist industry will recover from the pandemic

Seamless solutions lie at the heart of travel recovery

Tourism has the potential to be an engine of economic recovery provided we work collaboratively to adopt a common approach to a safe and secure reopening process – and conversations on this are already underway.

Through the G20, which Saudi Arabia hosted in 2020, our discussions focused on how to leverage technology and innovation in response to the crisis, as well as how to restore traveller confidence and improve the passenger experience in the future .

At the global level, across the public and private sectors, the World Economic Forum is working with the Commons Project on the CommonPass framework , which will allow individuals to access lab results and vaccination records, and consent to having that information used to validate their COVID status. IATA is trialling the Travel Pass with airlines and governments , which seeks to be a global and standardized solution to validate and authenticate all country regulations regarding COVID-19 travel requirements.

The provision of solutions that minimize person-to-person contact responds to consumer wants, with IATA finding that 85% of travellers would feel safer with touchless processing . Furthermore, 44% said they would share personal data to enable this, up from 30% months prior , showing a growing trend for contactless travel processes.

Such solutions will be critical in coordinating the opening of international borders in a way that is safe, seamless and secure, while giving tourists the confidence to travel again.

Collaboration at the international level is critical

The availability of vaccines will make this easier, and we have commenced our vaccination programme in Saudi Arabia . But we need to ensure processes and protocols are aligned globally, and that we support countries with limited access to vaccinations to eliminate the threat of another resurgence. It is only when businesses and travellers have confidence in the systems that the sector will flourish again.

In an era of unprecedented data and ubiquitous intelligence, it is essential that organizations reimagine how they manage personal data and digital identities. By empowering individuals and offering them ways to control their own data, user-centric digital identities enable trusted physical and digital interactions – from government services or e-payments to health credentials, safe mobility or employment.

travel collaboration make an impact

The World Economic Forum curates the Platform for Good Digital Identity to advance global digital identity activities that are collaborative and put the user interest at the center.

The Forum convenes public-private digital identity collaborations from travel, health, financial services in a global action and learning network – to understand common challenges and capture solutions useful to support current and future coalitions. Additionally, industry-specific models such as Known Traveller Digital Identity or decentralized identity models show that digital identity solutions respecting the individual are possible.

The approach taken by Saudi Arabia and its partners to establish consensus and build collaborative relationships internationally and between the public and private sectors, should serve as a model to be replicated so that we can maximize the tourism sector’s contribution to the global economic recovery, while ensuring that it becomes a driver of prosperity and social progress again.

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World Economic Forum articles may be republished in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License, and in accordance with our Terms of Use.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum.

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travel collaboration make an impact

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Sustainable Business Magazine

Sustainable Business Magazine

Sustaining Tomorrow Today

Navigating Sustainability in Travel: Overcoming Challenges Through Collaboration and Innovation

travel collaboration make an impact

Sustainability ranks as a top priority in the travel industry, reflecting a global shift towards more sustainably driven and ethical practices. In response to mounting ecological and societal challenges, travel organizations are increasingly prioritizing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives as integral components of their operations. Recent research commissioned by Amadeus underscores this trend, shedding light on the industry’s perceptions and commitments towards sustainability goals.

Our research revealed that 94% of respondents are either currently active or plan to be actively involved in social sustainability initiatives, aiming to generate impact beyond their organization.  Equally, 90% of respondents have or plan to implement step-by-step strategies to achieve environmental sustainability objectives, reflecting a proactive stance towards mitigating the industry’s impact on the planet.

Barriers to overcome

However, our research also reveals that navigating sustainability in the travel industry presents various challenges. Resources and cost constraints, as well as the need to secure buy-in from C-suite executives, emerge as significant barriers to the successful execution of sustainability initiatives. Overcoming these hurdles is essential to drive meaningful change toward a more sustainable industry.

One approach to overcoming these challenges is through the use of technology. 92% of respondents emphasized the importance of technology in helping organizations achieve environmental sustainability objectives, with 91% saying the same for social objectives. In this piece, I delve into four areas where I see technology making a difference.

Innovations supporting more sustainable travel

Technological advancements play a pivotal role in promoting sustainability initiatives within the travel industry and accelerating progress towards ESG goals. In particular, innovative approaches such as carbon offsetting and climate solutions for airlines and travelers are driving change. For example, the technology embedded in corporate travel management tools enables corporate travelers to calculate carbon emissions across various modes of travel, providing them the option to make informed choices in line with their sustainability goals. This technology not only offers employees visibility of CO2 emissions for different travel options but also provides organizations with the capability to report and evaluate the impact of their business travel programs. With respect to airlines, by leveraging detailed data on carbon emissions, they can gain valuable insights into the environmental impact of their operations, enabling them to explore mitigation strategies.

While innovation in technology is key, we need collaboration between its developers and users in order to drive long-lasting change across the industry. For example, as a member of the Travalyst coalition, Amadeus aligns with leading brands in travel and technology to create a common standard when calculating the impact of travel. This data-driven, collaborative approach not only facilitates the dissemination of valuable insights and KPIs but also scales up efforts to offer travelers the option to prioritize environmentally conscious practices and travel behaviors. By working together, stakeholders within the travel industry can overcome challenges and help to bridge the gap between intention and action.

Creating inclusive travel 

In addition to environmental considerations, inclusion is increasingly significant for ESG decision-makers. For example, features like gender-neutral signifiers and safety information for LGBTQI+ travelers within the Amadeus Mobile Messenger contribute to a more inclusive environment. 

Additionally, Accessibility is being increasingly prioritized when creating new technology. For example, at Amadeus, we have Digital Accessibility teams that are working to grow internal awareness of the importance of disability inclusion through information sessions, coaching and the annual internal Digital Accessibility Forum that we hold to promote inclusive and accessible software development.

Moreover, corporate tools that can track nights spent away from home demonstrate a commitment to prioritizing traveler well-being. By embracing such innovations, travel companies can not only achieve sustainability goals but also cater to diverse traveler needs effectively.

Leveraging AI 

Emerging technologies such as virtual or augmented reality and Generative AI interfaces have the potential to accelerate achievement of environmental, social, and governance objectives in the travel industry. These technologies can revolutionize operations, leading to more sustainable practices and lower carbon emissions. 

Generative AI, for example, offers a solution to address the challenge of equipping employees with the skills needed to drive sustainability . By leveraging AI, companies can provide accessible guidance on sustainability best practices, facilitating workforce training and fostering a culture of sustainability. 

Furthermore, AI algorithms can improve resource efficiency in tourism facilities by optimizing energy consumption, waste management, and water usage. Similarly, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide real-time information about the impact of attractions, enabling visitors to make more environmentally-conscious choices and cultivating deeper connections between tourists and destinations. In transportation, AI also optimizes routes, reduces congestion, and enhances fuel efficiency, minimizing environmental impact and raising greater awareness about the carbon impact of commuting.  

These innovations not only align with more sustainable practices but also meet the growing demand for more sustainable options by allowing travelers to understand the impact of their travel and make more informed decisions. 

Industry collaboration and partnerships 

When navigating sustainability in the travel industry, collaboration is a critical strategy for overcoming the multifaceted challenges posed by ESG concerns. By harnessing expertise and resources, we can advocate for collective action among industry stakeholders.

This is why Amadeus has joined with several alliances and partnerships in the ESG space. One example is our work with the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, marking a significant milestone as the first global travel tech company to do so. Through collaborative efforts with industry stakeholders, including hotel companies, owners, investors, and suppliers, the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance aims to address key global challenges affecting our planet and its people. 

By focusing on areas such as education, accessibility, and providing travelers with the option to make informed decisions, we hope to play a meaningful role in advancing the Alliance’s goals.

What’s next for the industry? 

The journey towards sustainability in the travel industry demands collaborative efforts and innovative solutions to address challenges and pursue our goal of transforming travel into a force for good. As highlighted by Amadeus’ research, technology plays a crucial role in driving ESG initiatives forward. From carbon offsetting tools to inclusive features within booking platforms, technological innovations may enable travelers and companies alike to make more sustainable choices.

While progress is being made, our research shows that significant barriers such as resource constraints and organizational alignment remain. Overcoming these hurdles requires continued investment and a holistic approach encompassing all elements of ESG. 

Together, we need to ensure we minimize the potential negative impact of travel and maximize its positive contribution to our planet and our society. By embracing collaboration, innovation, and our collective commitment and expertise, the travel industry can navigate towards a future where more sustainable practices are not just a goal but a fundamental aspect of the travel experience.

by Jackson Pek, Senior Vice President and Group General Counsel, Amadeus

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Nonprofit Collaboration

Journey with Purpose: Amplify Your Nonprofit's Impact Through Specially Crafted Adventures



At Pulse Experiential Travel, we're more than just a travel company – we're a catalyst for change. Our Nonprofit Collaborations pave the way for charitable organizations to embark on impactful journeys that transcend borders and make a lasting difference. Through seamless integration of transformative travel experiences with noble causes, we offer a dynamic and compelling fundraising solution for nonprofits worldwide. With a steadfast commitment to eco-friendly travel practices, we ensure that every adventure leaves a positive footprint on the planet. Our curated collection of sustainable destinations and experiences not only captivates the soul but also champions environmental conservation and stewardship. At Pulse, we believe in the power of travel to inspire, educate, and uplift. By aligning with non-profit missions that contribute to positive outcomes for both people and the planet, we strive to create a world where every journey matters. Join us in this inspiring endeavor and let's embark on a transformative voyage together.

Empowering Impact

Benefits of Nonprofit Collaboration with Pulse

Step into a world where every journey propels a bigger purpose. At Pulse Experiential Travel, we redefine the notion of travel benefits. It's not just about getting from point A to point B; it's about the profound impact each adventure holds.

Delve deeper into our exclusive benefits tailored specifically for nonprofits. Explore how our offerings go beyond mere travel perks to empower your organization, engage your community, and ignite a ripple effect of positive transformation.

Accessible Impact

Accessible Impact

We ensure non-profits can access impactful travel experiences without exceeding their budgetary constraints.

Engagement Amplification

Engagement Amplification

We enable non-profits to elevate their engagement strategies and cultivate deeper connections with donors.

Mission Advancement

Mission Advancement

Organizations can amplify their effectiveness and mobilize support for initiatives that contribute to positive outcomes for people and the planet.

Drive Donations

Features of Nonprofit Collaboration with Pulse

Inspire generosity and support for your cause with compelling travel experiences that incentivize donations and engagement.

On Consignment

Our program enables non-profits to access our travel experiences on consignment and at a discounted, flat rate with a minimum bid. Promote and secure orders and keep the difference for your fundraising campaign. Don’t happen to sell all the packages. No problem! Simply return to us with no fees or charges. 

On Consignment

Exclusive Access

Enhance your fundraising endeavors and ignite generosity and engagement from donors with exclusive event access offerings. Envision incorporating prestigious events into your upcoming fundraising initiatives, from coveted Masters badges or Wimbledon or Millionaire’s Row at the Kentucky Derby. Whether integrating travel experiences into charity auctions or providing unique adventures as donor incentives, our travel experiences provide unique fundraising solutions. Each experience is designed to unlock fresh streams of support, empowering non-profits to reach and exceed their fundraising objectives.

Purposeful Adventures

Mission-Aligned Journeys

Curate travel experiences that seamlessly align with and champion your nonprofit's core values and aspirations. From community-based initiatives to conservation projects, our mission-aligned journeys are meticulously crafted to support and advance the noble causes that matter most to your organization. Each adventure serves as a powerful platform for raising awareness, driving social impact, and fostering meaningful connections with supporters.



Our Masters experience was fantastic! I really appreciate [you] taking great care of our team and customers last week. From the last minute additions to the restaurant reservations to the RV parking for our customers, you guys really went above and beyond... I know our customers that attended had a great time... Your entire team did an outstanding job managing the hospitality. The wait-staff, in particular, was very personable and attentive. We really appreciate the great working relationship and look forward to another Masters next year!

Jon Maxfield

Bombardier Aerospace

We had a great time in Augusta! The assistance of Pulse Experiential in making our Augusta experience possible is greatly appreciated.... I look forward to re-convening with you and the Pulse Experiential Team again at The Masters 2008.

Tony L. Mays

Coors Brewing Company

I just wanted to write a quick note to let you know what a wonderful job Pulse Experiential did with the sweepstakes. I was more than thrilled with the level of service and the way everything turned out. Our customers could not stop raving about the trip and the job that [you] did... true superstars... It was the attention to detail that really set this weekend apart from other events that The Home Depot has done in the past.... We all had a fabulous time and I just wanted to personally thank all of you for making this happen for us. I could not have asked for better partners in this. I very much look forward to working with you soon.

Brooke Gentry

The Home Depot

I wanted to formally thank you again for the wonderful extra day at the Masters and the great dinner! You truly made our experience world class. Going to the Masters has always been a dream for both Jon and I and getting to go two days instead of one made our trip. It was also great to meet both of you. Your organization is first class in customer service and it was fun getting to know both of you over dinner.

Oakwood Worldwide

I had a fantastic time at my first Masters experience and the time at the Lodge with your team made it an unbeatable experience.

Kevin Murphy

I wanted to send you a quick note to say THANKS! What a great experience the Masters was... The Lodge is brilliant. Quite a vision to over-deliver a customer experience. I know we at Willis will be good friends and clients of Pulse Experiential for years to come. Thanks again for making the experience a forever memory. Everyone on your team R.O.C.K.’s.

Mike Hetherman

Willis Group of Companies

The words ‘Thank You’ seem so inadequate to express how much I enjoyed the last few days. You and everyone with Pulse Experiential, were nice, professional, and helpful throughout the entire time we were at Augusta. Your company made a huge impression... The relationship I was able to form with him through the tournament and the subsequent gatherings cannot be achieved in an office or a dealership. It’s a unique environment that I have never experienced before, but I will experience again. Please express my gratitude to Marc and everyone who helped make our time in Georgia so memorable.

Mike Pierce

Simply stated, you rescued us from what could have been an Incentive Trip disaster and delivered a flawless program... No one could have guessed that this trip was coordinated and executed on such short notice. For the first time, I actually felt that I could relax and enjoy the trip with our guests... Our clients consistently remarked how great everything was and that all their needs were covered, questions quickly answered, etc. The meals, excursions, transfers, everything to the smallest detail was delivered with exceptional service. Would I recommend Pulse Experiential? Quite honestly you’ve set the bar in my opinion for Incentive Travel. Our prior trips pale in comparison.

Valerie Brooks

CBS Radio of Columbus

I can’t thank you enough for the incredible job on the CBS Charlotte Vegas trip. The clients had a wonderful experience and had many positive compliments to share. The attention to all the “little details” of the trip... very refreshing!! You did an amazing job and provided a very remarkable experience for our clients! I look forward to a continued relationship with Pulse Experiential!

Keith Cornwell

CBS Radio of Charlotte

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Explore how our Nonprofit Collaborations can be a pivotal part of your success story. Delve into our detailed program guide or engage with our specialists for a tailored consultation that aligns with your vision. Let's make memorable experiences the cornerstone of your growth and success.

Use the form to tell us a little bit more about what you are looking for and one of our travel experts will be in touch soon.

Welcome aboard!

Nonprofit collaboration resources.

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Time To Make An Impact

December 22, 2022

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Uncovering resources, building skills and showcasing solutions-based thought leadership will be the focus of the sixth IMPACT Sustainability Travel & Tourism Conference when it takes place in Victoria, B.C. from Jan. 22 to 25, 2023.

With a top line-up of industry experts, the 2023 IMPACT conference is already exceeding its delegate goals.

Avoiding drawn out presentations, IMPACT instead encourages informed dialogue and the sharing of opinions and resources among all who attend. In addition to the 2.5-day conference, IMPACT offers a Day of IMPACT on Sun., Jan. 22, 2023, with delegates experiencing sustainability in action in Greater Victoria.

Delegates can choose to include the DAY of IMPACT with their registration which ranges from $1,153,95 (no Day of IMPACT) – $1,363.95.

Co-founder Jill Doucette, Synergy Enterprises, explains that: “IMPACT 2023 is inspired by our delegates who help us define our programming, while we also research far and wide for solutions and resources that can benefit tourism stakeholders across the country.”

Doucette continues: “Nationally there has been a huge uptake on sustainable tourism development, and globally we see more collaboration than ever as the world wide tourism industry works together to lessen tourism’s impact on the growing climate crisis.”

Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada ( ITAC) and the Travel Tourism Research Association (TTRA) are back as IMPACT’s strategic partners, guiding its programing.

Intrepid Travel has joined IMPACT as the sole sponsor for its Day of IMPACT and the Glacier sponsor for the conference. The company has been a consistent attendee of the conference in years past, leading workshops and sharing expert knowledge on regenerative tourism and the pathways to decarbonization.

Intrepid’s North America General Manager, Danielle Suarez will attend the 2023 event, observing: “I am so excited to be representing Intrepid Travel at IMPACT this year, coming together with other like-minded industry professionals to discuss and work through the tactical steps required for change.”

Suarez continued: “After a year of building our North America DMC from the ground up, we have many learnings and stories that I cannot wait to share. We believe that the hands-on nature of the IMPACT conference is truly transformative.”

Also back again in 2023 will be the popular PechaKucha (a storytelling format that is as quick as it is impactful), offering real climate solutions to be implemented now.

Plenary and breakout sessions will also follow key themes of reciprocity and partnerships, capacity building, climate action, and diversity. As always, the program will cover IMPACT’s four pillars of Ecology & Environment, Community & Sense of Place, Culture & Heritage, and the Economy.

Morning Dose of Innovations (DOI) will highlight success stories while keynote speakers like Robert Sandford, will continue to challenge delegates to keep on the journey to a more sustainable and regenerative tourism industry for all of Canada.

New sessions this year will address how to build careers with purpose, funding the transition to a more sustainable destination and tourism operation, how to develop effective partnerships to reach your sustainability goals and a deeper look into KPIs and metrics, while exploring ESG best practices.

IMPACT’s sponsors also include: Air Canada, Destination Greater Victoria, Rocky Mountaineer, City of Victoria, MMGY Global, Nanaimo Airport, Huntingdon Manor, Destinations International, Eagle Wing Tours, Prince of Whales, Parkside Hotel & Spa, Inn at Laurel Point, Banff lake Louise Tourism, Richmond Tourism, Simpleview, Chateau Victoria, LA Limousines, Hotel Association of Greater Victoria, Travel Oregon, PNW Transportation, Destination BC, Bannikin Travel & Tourism, Canadian Garden Council.

Ostrom Climate is helping ensure IMPACT remains carbon neutral.

Go to for more.

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