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myanmar inbound travel accident insurance

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myanmar inbound travel accident insurance

Inbound Travel Accident Insurance Terms and Condition

Section i: coverages, definitions.

ACCIDENT/ACCIDENTAL refers sudden, unintended and unforeseen mishap caused by external, violent and visible means.

INSURED refers to a natural person or legal entity that purchases an Insurance Policy, and in some cases, an insured can be a policy owner as well as an insured person.

EFFECTIVE DATE refers to the date of premium payment or the date of arrival in Myanmar(after passing immigration counter stationed at the arrival airport) whichever is later.

MEDICAL EXPENSE refers to the services fee that an Authorized Hospital or Medical Center charges Insured that are considered Normal and Customary while he/she is their Inpatient.

MEDICAL PRACTITIONER refers to a person who has a medical degree, is licensed or registered in the country which they operate and is accredited by a medical board or equivalent organization to render medical services, except of Family Members.

LOSS OF SIGHT refers to a physical condition where the Insured is completely blind and cannot be cured.

PERIOD OF INSURANCE refers to the period of cover shown in the Policy Schedule and/or Certificate of Insurance for which the appropriate premium has been paid.

PERMANENT DISABLEMENT refers to Injury which:

  • falls into one of the categories listed in the Scale of Permanent Disablement Benefits
  • having lasted for a continuous period of twelve (12) calendar months from the date of the Accident entirely prevents the Insured from engaging in gainful employment of any and every kind and from which there is no hope of improvement.

PREMIUM refers to the amount paid by an insured to an insurer under an Insurance Policy as consideration for the obligations assumed by the insurer.

REASONABLE AND CUSTOMARY CHARGES refer to charges or fees which are generally prevailing and of normal standard for the medical condition concerned in the country and city where the insured is treated.

THE COMPANY refers to Myanma Insurance.

TRAVELING ROUTE refers to the journey within the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

TRIP refers to the period between the Commencement of Cover and Expiry of Cover.

COVID-19 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).


The Company will pay the sum insured as stated in the Schedule of Benefit, if the Insured sustained Accident during the Trip which results in Death within 90 days from the day the incident occurred.


The Company will pay the sum insured as stated in the Schedule of Benefit, if the Insured sustained Accident during the Trip which results in Permanent Disablement. The disablement must be certified by a Medical Practitioner.

Benefit Schedule

Medical and evacuation benefits  .


The Company will reimburse to the Insured or authorized Hospital/Medical Center up to the limit specified in the Schedule of Benefit and Medical Expense Sub-limit Section which is reasonably and customary charges incurred whilst as a direct, sole and independent result of Accident suffered by the Insured.

The insured shall seek treatment in authorized Hospitals or Medical center only. In case of Medical Emergency, the insured shall however be allowed to seek initial treatment in any nearest private hospitals at the time of emergency. Medical Emergency describes an acute injury that poses an immediate risk to the insured’s life or long-term health.


The Company will reimburse to the Insured or to the authorized hospital / Medical Center up to the limit specified in the Schedule of Benefit which is reasonably and customary treatment charges incurred whilst overseas as a direct, sole and independent result of Covid-19 infection suffered by the Insured.

  • Repatriation of the Dead Body

In the event of death, the Company will take charge the costs of transferring or repatriating the dead body to his/her usual country of residence.

The Insured will not be transported from one hospital to the other without getting the attending doctor to approve the medical report. This assistance is not a first-aid, it is secondary assistance.



The accuracy of the information provided over any means of electronic communications or in the Insured’s proposal form will form the basis of and be part of the contract. Before Insured enter into the Insurance contract and during the Period of Insurance, Insured must declare to The Company everything Insured know or could reasonably be expected to know which will affect The Company’s decision on the coverage and the terms of the insurance. If Insured are uncertain about whether a fact is relevant or not, Insured must declare to The Company about it. The Company will acknowledge receipt of acceptance of material information by stating these on the Policy Schedule. If Insured do not provide this information to The Company, The Company may:

  • reduce the amount payable for the claim under this Policy; or
  • refuse to pay the claim that may arise; or
  • cancel Insured’s Insurance Policy from

Persons eligible for cover under this Policy are:

  • It can be purchased from one year age

The Amendment of the Insurance Policy will be valid when The Company accepts such agreement and it is legally binding after a formal written statement being attached to the Policy or being issued as an endorsement by the Company.


Insured shall give The Company immediate written notice of any changes in the Country of Residence, occupation, pursuits or health of any Insured, which is likely to result in a material increase in hazard to The Company and shall pay any additional premiums that may be required by The Company. Failure to do so shall entitle The Company, in the event of a claim, to repudiate such a claim or at The Company’s discretion, adjust the benefits payable.

The Company reserves the rights to amend the terms and provisions of this Policy on any Policy Anniversary date by giving Insured thirty (30) days’ written notice of such change. Notice can be delivered via electronic means or sent by ordinary mail to Insured’s last known correspondence address in The Company’s records. No alteration to this Policy shall be valid unless approved in writing by The Company’s authorized representative and reflected in an endorsement. No broker or advisor has the authority to amend or waive any of the terms and conditions of this Policy.

  • Misstatement of Age

If the date of birth of any Insured has been incorrectly stated on the proposal form, then the renewal premium shall be adjusted based on the correct age. Any excess premium that may have been paid as a result of any misstatement of age shall be refunded without interest. If at the correct age Insured would not have been eligible for cover under this Policy, no benefit shall be payable, and The Company’s liability shall be limited to the refund of the premium paid without interest. Proof of age of each Insured must be submitted to The Company before any claims can be made under the Policy.

  • Misstatement or fraud

The Company shall have no liability to pay any benefit under this Policy if Insured or any Insured:

  • fail to fully and truthfully disclose to The Company all material information known (or which could reasonably be expected to be known) before inception of this policy and upon each renewal;
  • fail to properly fulfil the terms and conditions of this policy;
  • make any untruth statement;
  • omit, suppress or incorrectly state any material information affecting the risk;
  • make any claim that is fraudulent or exaggerated or make any false declaration or statement in support of a claim.

The Policy shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the Law of Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The jurisdiction is the competent court in Republic of the Union of Myanmar.


In the event the Insured cancels his/her application after the Company has issued the policy but prior to the effective date of the Policy, the Company shall refund the premium to the Insured after the deduction of cancellation administration fee (USD 5); however, bank charges or any other charges or fees for the remittance of refund premium shall be incurred by the Insured. No refund shall be made after the effective date of the Policy or in the event the Insured returns home prior to the expiry of the Policy.

  • Eligibility for Applying Refund Premium
  • In the event of the rejection to the E-Visa application of the insured who has purchased the Inbound Travel Accident Insurance, refund premium shall be applied for within 14 days from the date of E-Visa rejection together with the evidence of E-Visa rejection.
  • In the event that the premium is paid more than once by the insured or proposer for the same policy with the same insurance period, the refund premium shall be applied for together with the evidence.
  • In no other circumstances except above two circumstances, Myanma Insurance shall be liable for the refund premium.
  • Insured’s name
  • Debit/Credit Card
  • Original Payment Transaction Date
  • Original Payment Transaction Amount
  • Invoice Number

The currency of the premium and any coverage amounts (benefits) will be in US Dollar. The Company accesses the claims. This Provision remain applicable unless there is a regulation to control the use of currency.


The Company shall keep all information to which Insured provided confidential either through filling the application form or via electronic communication.


If during the period of cover and whilst on the insured Trip, an Insured disappears following the disappearance, sinking or wrecking of a conveyance in which they were traveling and their body has not been found within twelve (12) months after the date of disappearance, they will be deemed to have died as a result of an Accident at the time of disappearance, sinking or wrecking of the conveyance. If benefit under PERSONAL ACCIDENT BENEFITS is payable because of a disappearance, the Company will only pay provided the Insured’s beneficiary give the Company a signed undertaking that the amounts will be repaid to the Company if the Insured is subsequently found to be alive.


The Appointed Assistance Company would repatriate the Insured only when medical authorization from the attending doctor and the Appointed Assistance Company medical advisors certify that a repatriation is necessary.


  addiction/ intoxication.

Those claims derived from illnesses or pathological states caused by the voluntary consumption of alcohol, drugs, toxic substances, narcotics or medicines acquired without medical prescription, as well as any kind of mental illness or mental imbalance.


This Policy does not pay claims arising from flying or other aerial activity except as a fare paying passenger in a fully licensed aircraft operated by a licensed commercial air carrier or recognized charter company.


The Company will not pay for claims arising from bacterial or viral infections even if contacted by accident except bacterial infection that is the direct result of an accidental cut or wound.


Those claims caused directly or indirectly by the bad faith of the Insured, by his/her participation in criminal acts, or as a result of his/her fraudulent, seriously negligent or reckless actions. The consequences of the actions of the Insured in a state of derangement or under psychiatric treatment are not covered either.


Any Plastic, Elective, Reconstructive Surgery including treatments for skin, blemishes, aging spots, freckles, dandruff, hair loss, weight control or elective surgery to improve physical appearance, except where such Surgery is necessary for the repair of damage caused solely by bodily injuries as a result of an Accident.


Any treatment or accident arising from participating in:

  • animal hunting (game hunting), car/ boat/ horse racing, Boxing
  • all Skiing for recreation or competition including Jet Skiing, Skating, and Parachuting (unless to save

Insured’s life)

  • while getting in, getting out or taxing in Balloons or Gliders
  • Bungee Jumping, Mountain Climbing with or without Mountain Climbing Equipment and Diving using Oxygen Cylinders and others Breathing Apparatus
  • travelling in an aircraft not operated by a commercial airline which is taxiing, taking off or landing.
  • This extends to driving a car or motorcycle without a driver’s
  • Participation in competitions or tournaments organised by sporting federations or similar


  • The Company will not indemnify the Insured in respect of any Liability or Injury arising out of criminal offences
  • The Company will not pay claims for any accident occurring when the Insured is encouraging or taking part or participating in a brawling


Where the Insured or his/her travelling companion were not fit to undertake the Trip as confirmed by his/her medical practitioner when booking the Trip or purchasing this policy.

Any diagnosis, medical investigation, symptom, diseases or treatment relating to emotional, stress, psychiatric or psychological disorders, Insanity, Behavioral or Characteristic Disorders. This extends to Concentration Problems, Autism, Depression, Eating Disorders or Anxiety.


Any Pre-existing condition which the Insured received medical treatment, diagnosis consultation or prescribed drugs for which medical advice or treatment as recommended by physician preceding the Effective Date of the contract.

Any treatment arising from Pregnancy, Child Delivery, Abortion, Miscarriage (except accidental miscarriage), Infertility (includes Infertility Investigation and Treatment), Vasectomy or Contraception.


Nuclear Weapons, Radiation, Radioactivity from Nuclear-Fuel or Nuclear Waste or Nuclear Radiation caused by combustion of fuel and Nuclear Fission which self-ignites. Explosion by Radioactivity Nuclear material or dangerous objects used in a Nuclear Explosion.


Any investigation, test or treatment arising directly or indirectly from Sexually Transmitted Diseases, including Venereal Diseases, Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDs), any AIDs-related condition or infection by Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV).


Loss, destruction or damage directly occasioned by pressure waves caused by aircraft and other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds.

This Insurance does not cover suicide or attempting to commit suicide, self-inflicted accidents, attempting to cause accidents to him/herself or arranging for any third party to undertake such an act.


Any claim that results from the tour operator, airline or any other company, firm or person not being able or not being willing to carry out any part of their obligation to the Insured.


The Insured travel to a specific area or event when the World Health Organization (WHO) or regulatory authority in the country to/from which you are travelling has advised against all, or all but essential travel.


Any accidents or treatment arising from war (whether it is announced or not), invasion or execution by foreign enemy, Civil War, Revolution, Rebellions, Demonstrations against the government, Riot, Strike, Calamity or any political unrest having to announce martial law to control the situation, including Terrorism.


Extraordinary natural phenomena such as floods, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, atypical cyclonic storms, falling objects from space and aerolites, and in general any extraordinary atmospheric, meteorological, seismic or geological phenomenon.


In the event of any occurrence which may give rise to a claim for indemnity under this Policy, the Insured or the authorized Hospital or Medical Center (or the Insured’s beneficiary in case of death) shall:

  • give notice to the Company in writing with full details within 30 consecutive days after the completion of the Trip or 24 consecutive hours from the date of Accident in the case of death or disablement if practicable,
  • give the Company at his/her or authorized Hospital’s / Medical Centre’s own expense, all medical evidence, certificates, reports, original receipts, proof of ownership, documentation and any other evidence, verified by authorized person, which the Company may require from the Insured to support his/her claim.

In the event of an Emergency, Serious Accident, please call the 24-hours the Company’s helpline number shown on the Certificate of Insurance, The Company’s website, or Claim Form. The Insured shall provide his/her name, policy number and details of his/her Accident, contact details of his/her attending doctor, his/her present location and how he/she can be contacted.


No action at law or in equity shall be brought under this Policy against the Company prior to the expiration of 60 days after the proof of claim has been filed in accordance with the requirements of this Policy nor shall such action be brought at all unless it is brought within 2 years from the expiration of the period within which proof of claim is required under this Policy. If the Company shall disclaim liability for any claim under this Policy and no action has within five (5) calendar months from the date of such disclaimer been commenced against The Company, then the claim shall for all purposes be deemed to have been abandoned and shall not thereafter be recoverable.


  • The Parties may agree to take part in the dispute resolution or mediation in good faith and undertake to honor the terms of any settlement reached.
  • Or If any dispute is not reached any settlement through dispute resolution and mediation methods, the dispute may be submitted to Insurance Business Regulatory Board (IBRB) in Republic of the Union of Myanmar and IBRB’s decision shall be final and in force to the Parties of the dispute.
  • [email protected]
  • +959765428630, +959765428631
  • Operating hours are Monday to Friday (Excluding Public Holiday) From 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Myanmar Standard Time (GMT +6:30)

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Inbound Travel Insurance Myanmar: Ultimate Guide 2024

Inbound Travel Insurance Myanmar

Inbound travel insurance Myanmar has become an increasingly important topic for travelers in recent years. Whether you’re planning a short stay or a longer trip, having the right insurance coverage can give you peace of mind and protect you from unexpected events.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what inbound travel insurance is, why it’s essential for visitors to Myanmar, and how to choose the right policy for your needs. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of inbound travel insurance in Myanmar ! 

Table of Contents

Myanmar – general information.

Myanmar, also known as Burma , is located in Southeast Asia, bordered by Bangladesh, India, China, Laos, and Thailand. It is the largest country by area in mainland Southeast Asia and has a population of around 54 million people. The country has a long and complex history, with a rich cultural heritage influenced by various ethnic groups, including the Bamar, Shan, Karen, Kachin, Chin, Mon, Han Chinese, and Indian.

Inbound Travel Insurance Myanmar-Myanmar - General Information

In recent years, Myanmar has undergone significant political and social changes, transitioning from military rule to a more democratic system of government. However, the country still faces numerous challenges, including poverty, hunger crises, and a collapsed healthcare system. Myanmar is also a popular destination for tourists, offering a range of natural landscapes, unique cultures, and historical sites to explore. 

What else should I know about Myanmar?

Inbound travel insurance Myanmar - What else should I know about Myanmar

Myanmar is a fascinating country with a unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty. However, visitors should know about the political situation and take necessary safety precautions. It’s also essential to respect local customs and traditions, including dress codes and religious practices, to have a positive and respectful experience in the country. 

How to Apply: Embassy Registration

To apply for a Myanmar visa and enter Myanmar , you need to register with the Myanmar embassy or consulate in your home country. The requirements for embassy registration may vary depending on your location and nationality. Still, you must provide personal information, travel details, and a copy of your passport.

Inbound travel insurance Myanmar - How to Apply Embassy Registration

You may also need to pay a non-refundable application fee. Once your registration is approved, you can proceed with the visa application process and prepare for your trip to Myanmar.

It’s crucial to ensure that all of your documents are in order and that you understand the entry requirements for Myanmar, including any necessary vaccinations or health screenings. You can easily apply for embassy registration and enter Myanmar with proper planning and preparation.

Myanmar Visa Types

Myanmar offers a range of visa types for travelers depending on the purpose of their visit and the length of their stay. The visa types include diplomatic/official courtesy visas, tourist visas, business visas, social visas, religious visas, transit visas, official visas, employment visas, education visas, journalist visas, crew visas, and workshop/seminar/meeting/research visas.

The most common visa type is the tourist visa, which allows travelers to stay in the country for up to 28 days. Other popular visa types include business, student, and work visas.

In addition to these visa types, there is also the Myanmar international organization official visa, which validates for 28 days and is available to organizations recognized by the UN.

Myanmar also offers an eVisa option for tourists and business travelers. The tourist e-visa allows for leisure travel to Myanmar, while the business e-visa is available for individuals traveling for business purposes.

When choosing the visa type, it’s essential to consider the planned duration of stay in Myanmar and the reason for visiting. Travelers should also be aware that visa fees and requirements may vary depending on the type of visa selected.

Foreigners residing and working in Myanmar can apply for a stay extension and re-entry visa online if their latest entry visa to Myanmar is an eVisa Business obtained from https://evisa.moip.gov.mm .

What is the Myanmar Travel Insurance?

When planning your trip to Myanmar, it is crucial to prioritize Myanmar Travel Insurance. Like any foreign country, Myanmar has its share of travel risks. The tropical climate and humidity create favorable conditions for mosquito breeding, posing a risk of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever from mosquito bites.

Inbound travel insurance Myanmar - What is the Myanmar Travel Insurance

Contaminated water is also a concern in some areas, particularly around Inle Lake. Inle Lake is a popular destination for its stilt houses and floating gardens. Taking precautions when drinking water or eating food in this area is important to avoid getting sick.

In addition to Inle Lake, Sule Pagoda is also a must-see destination. Located in the heart of Yangon, the capital city, the pagoda offers a 360-degree view of the city and is the best vantage point for taking in Yangon’s skyline. Another popular destination is the Popa Taungkalat Monastery, located atop an extinct volcano. Visitors can take a boat ride to the volcano’s base and climb the 777 steps to reach the monastery.

Medical evacuation is a concern in case of emergencies or unforeseen circumstances. It is vital to have proper travel insurance covering medical evacuation to ensure you receive timely medical assistance if needed.

When planning your trip to Myanmar, it is vital to be a smart traveler and take necessary precautions to avoid any risks. This includes visiting Buddhist temples and other sites with appropriate attire and avoiding travel during the monsoon season, which can bring about cyclones and other severe weather conditions.

In conclusion, Myanmar is a perfect place to spend lazy days exploring Buddhist temples and enjoying boat rides around picturesque landscapes. However, planning your trip carefully and obtaining proper travel insurance is important to avoid unforeseen risks and ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey.

Myanmar Visa Insurance

If you are planning to visit Myanmar, it is important to note that you may need to obtain a travel insurance policy that provides coverage for COVID-19, hospitalization, isolation, accidental death, and medical expenses.

You may purchase an inbound travel accident insurance policy from Myanma Insurance online at www.mminsurance.gov.mm/inbound-travel-accident-insurance or other insurance providers. The visa application must attach a copy of the insurance certificate.

The visa application process can be done online through the Myanmar eVisa system. The eVisa is valid for 90 days from the date of issue, and the processing time will take a minimum of 3 working days (Myanmar time), excluding weekends and official Myanmar gazetted holidays.

To apply, you need a passport from your country of origin, a health declaration, and a tourist eVisa, valid for 90 days, and a single entry. The government fee for the eVisa is USD 50.00 per applicant.

The application process consists of four steps: filling in personal and travel details, confirming and paying with various payment processors, waiting for approval from government agencies, and getting the eVisa stamped on arrival.

Suppose you have already started the application process and wish to continue from where you left off without filling in all the details again. In that case, you can use the ongoing application feature.

Suppose you are traveling to Myanmar for business purposes. In that case, an invitation letter and a company registration certificate of the inviting company must be submitted, addressed to you and stating the purpose and the timeframe of your visit. The inviting company’s status in Myanmar Companies Online (MyCO) must be registered.

In an emergency, Indian nationals can apply for a visa at the Myanmar Embassy in New Delhi through the Embassy’s email address: [email protected] . Only email applications are allowed in light of the spread of COVID-19. Until further notice, the following types of visas are applicable: Gratis Diplomatic/Official Courtesy visa.

What is covered by travel insurance?

When traveling to Myanmar, travel insurance can be an essential consideration for protection against unexpected events that may arise during your trip. Many insurance plans offer a range of coverage options, including trip cancellation and interruption, emergency international health insurance, transportation, lost or damaged luggage, baggage delay, and more.

Inbound travel insurance Myanmar - What is covered by travel insurance

Several insurance providers offer coverage for travel to Myanmar, each with unique coverage options and policies. VisitorsCoverage is a popular provider with coverage options that include medical coverage, while SafetyWing is recommended for digital nomads and youth, and Insured Nomads is best for adventure seekers.

Myanma Insurance offers an Inbound Travel Accident Insurance plan specifically designed for foreign visitors to Myanmar, including coverage for COVID-19 and accidents during travel. The coverage options available for travel insurance to Myanmar include accidental death and bodily injury, baggage delay or loss, and emergency medical coverage.

The specific coverage offered by travel insurance plans can vary, so it is important to review the policy and understand what is covered carefully. Most plans typically cover a range of trip protections, including accidental death and dismemberment, baggage delay or loss, and emergency medical coverage.

In addition, some plans also offer coverage for unforeseen events such as pregnancy complications or unexpected trip cancellations. It is important to note that the coverage options and policies will vary between insurance providers and specific plans, so it is essential to research and compare different options to find the best coverage for your travel needs.

Covid-19 Cover | Update COVID-19 Travel Requirements

If you are planning inbound travel to Myanmar during the COVID-19 pandemic, you must be aware of the necessary health checks and documentation required upon arrival. The Ministry of Health in Myanmar has implemented specific measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, which all inbound travelers must adhere to.

Inbound travel insurance Myanmar - Covid-19 Cover Update COVID-19 Travel Requirements

One of the most important requirements for inbound travel to Myanmar during the pandemic is the possession of valid inbound travel insurance. Travel insurance policies that include coverage for COVID-19-related issues are strongly recommended. However, it is essential to note that not all insurance policies treat risks associated with COVID-19 the same way.

In addition to valid travel insurance, travelers must also have the following documents on hand upon arrival to Myanmar: a negative PCR test result conducted within 72 hours of departure, proof of vaccination with one of the following vaccines: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, or Sinovac, and a completed health declaration form.

Upon arrival, travelers will undergo a health check, including a temperature screening and medical assessment. It is important to note that individuals displaying COVID-19 symptoms must undergo additional testing and potentially quarantine.

For more detailed information on the existing laws and regulations surrounding inbound travel to Myanmar during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is recommended to check with the Ministry of Health or the local embassy before departure. Additionally, it is crucial to stay up-to-date with any changes or updates to the existing requirements, as they may change at any time.

Travel requirements and required documents for the Myanmar Travel Insurance?

If you are planning to travel to Myanmar, it is essential to understand the travel requirements and required documents for the country’s travel insurance policy. The policy, which covers the death and injuries of passengers due to accidents during local or international travel, is mandatory for all travelers entering Myanmar.

Inbound travel insurance Myanmar - Travel requirements and required documents for the Myanmar Travel Insurance

Here are some key details you need to know:

Firstly, all travelers must purchase the Inbound Travel Accident Insurance Policy with COVID-19 coverage from Myanma Insurance. This policy covers COVID-19 medical expenses incurred during the trip.

In addition to the travel insurance policy, travelers to Myanmar must have a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test result issued no more than 72 hours before arrival or a COVID-19 recovery certificate issued no more than 90 days before arrival. Furthermore, travelers must have a printed COVID-19 vaccine certificate or a printed negative COVID-19 PCR test result. A health declaration form is also required.

Regarding the travel medical certificate required for the insurance claim form, Myanma Insurance requires Travel Insurance Claim Form-1 for injury, Travel Insurance Claim Form-2 for a medical certificate, and Travel Insurance Claim Form-3 for Police Recommendation.

It is important to note that travelers entering Myanmar through international flights must follow public health requirements set by the Ministry of Health, including having a COVID-19 vaccination certificate showing that they were fully vaccinated at least 14 days before arrival with an approved vaccine.

Double-checking the requirements with the relevant authorities or your travel insurance provider is always a good idea to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey.

How long is the Myanmar Travel Insurance valid for?

The validity of Myanmar travel insurance varies depending on the duration of coverage required. The duration of coverage required affects the insurance cost, while another source indicates that the insurance is valid for 15 days.

How long is the Myanmar Travel Insurance valid for

However, it is essential to note that the terms and conditions of the insurance policy may be subject to change. The insurance company reserves the right to amend the policy terms and provisions on any policy anniversary date. Therefore, it is advisable to refer to the specific policy wording for the most accurate information on the validity of Myanmar travel insurance.

How do I apply for the Myanmar Travel Insurance Renewal?

Contacting the insurance company that issued the original policy is recommended to apply for Myanmar Travel Insurance Renewal. While no specific information is available on how to renew Myanmar travel insurance, most insurance policies can be renewed by contacting the provider directly.

How do I apply for the Myanmar Travel Insurance Renewal

For those planning to visit Myanmar and need to obtain travel insurance, you can apply for a tourist eVisa valid for 90 days, which is required for entry to the country. The visa application process includes obtaining a health declaration and travel insurance, among other requirements.

Suppose you need to claim on your travel insurance policy. In that case, you must provide the required documents, such as the claim form, medical certificate, police recommendation, copy of the insured’s NRC or passport, and evidence of travel insurance. You can find out about the claim procedures and the necessary forms to submit by contacting the insurer.

It is also important to note that the currency of the premium and any coverage amounts (benefits) will be in US Dollars, and the company accesses the claims.

Suppose you have any further questions or concerns regarding travel insurance in Myanmar. In that case, directly contacting the embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in the USA or the insurance company is recommended.


If you are looking for information on the claim procedure for inbound travel insurance in Myanmar, here are some critical points to keep in mind:

inbound travel insurance myanmar-claim prodecure

  • Claim Form: The first step in filing a claim is to complete the claim form. Once you have completed the form, sign it and attach all the necessary supporting documents.
  • Supporting Documents: It is important to attach all the required documents to avoid delays in the claims assessment process. Sending the documents separately is not recommended, as they may get lost in transition.
  • Time Limit: The claim can be submitted within one year from the date of the insured’s death and within two years from the occurrence of the insured’s bodily injury.
  • Exclusions: It is important to note that insurance policies are void when claims are made in contexts of war, strike, riot, or civil commotion.
  • Claim Submission: The Myanmar travel insurance claim can be filed by submitting the scanned copy of the hospital bill and receipts to the insurance company over email, along with the completed claim form. The insurance company reimburses the customer after receiving the bill.

Myanma Insurance

Myanma Insurance is a state-owned company in Myanmar that provides various insurance services, including travel insurance for inbound travelers. If you have purchased inbound travel insurance from Myanma Insurance and must file a claim, follow their procedure.

Inbound travel insurance Myanmar-Myanma Insurance

According to their website, once you have completed all necessary documentation, you should sign the claim form, attach all required supporting documents, and submit them together to avoid delays in assessing your claim. You can find the claim form on their website. For injuries, you will also need to provide a medical certificate.

It is important to note that Myanma Insurance policies are void when claims are made in contexts of war, strike, riot, or civil commotion. Additionally, if you are a traveler planning to visit Myanmar, you may be required to purchase a Myanma Insurance policy on arrival.

If you have further questions regarding your inbound travel insurance in Myanmar, contact Myanma Insurance or consult a licensed insurance agent or broker.

Contact of Myanma Insurance

Contact of Myanma Insurance

The contact information for Myanma Insurance is available on their website and other online directories. You can reach them at 627-635 Merchant Rd., Pabedan Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar. Their phone numbers are 01-252374 and 01-379696. Alternatively, you can email them at [email protected] or visit their 627/635 Merchant St., Yangon, Myanmar headquarters.

Travel health insurance Myanmar, Myanmar Travel Insurance

Travel health insurance is essential for anyone visiting Myanmar, especially during the pandemic. The following information is based on the search results as of 3/19/2023.

Travel health insurance Myanmar, Myanmar Travel Insurance

Myanmar Travel Insurance provides travel health insurance packages that help protect travelers against financial and health risks and losses that may occur during travel. The insurance policy is a binding legal agreement between the traveler and the provider. The policy generally includes medical expenses coverage, accidental cover, third-party cover, luggage insurance, and 24/7 emergency assistance coverage.

Inbound Travel Accident Insurance is a travel health insurance offered by Myanma Insurance that provides financial protection for Covid-19 infection (hospitalization, isolation, and death), accidental death, and medical expenses for bodily injury during a visit to Myanmar.

Forbes recommended Trawick as one of the BEST TRAVEL INSURANCE COMPANIES offered in Myanmar through their agency.

It’s essential to note that medical treatment and advice provided outside of Mandalay and Yangon may not be competent. Also, most pharmaceutical products in Myanmar are considered counterfeit and should not be trusted.

Suppose you’re an ex-pat or planning to live in Myanmar. In that case, it’s recommended to have international health insurance that covers all expenses related to any medical conditions you may encounter while living in another country.

Main Benefits of Health/Covid/Travel Insurance for Myanmar

If you’re planning to travel to Myanmar, it’s highly recommended to have health, COVID, or travel insurance to ensure that you are covered in case of an emergency.

Main Benefits of HealthCovidTravel Insurance for Myanmar

Here are some of the main benefits of having insurance that covers medical emergencies:

  • Emergency medical coverage: Most insurance plans cover medical expenses and dental emergencies during your trip, including emergency medical care, hospitalization, and outpatient services. You can get the necessary treatment in an emergency without worrying about the cost.
  • COVID-19 coverage: Many insurance plans now include coverage for COVID-19-related illnesses and expenses, including testing, treatment, and quarantine costs. It’s important to check the coverage details before purchasing the insurance, as some plans may have exclusions or waiting periods.
  • No waiting period: Some insurance plans offer coverage from the moment you purchase the policy without any waiting period. This means you can get medical care immediately without waiting a certain period.

In addition to the above benefits, insurance can give you peace of mind and protect you from unexpected expenses during your trip. When choosing an insurance plan, check the coverage details, including exclusions, limits, or deductibles. It’s also a good idea to compare different plans to find the one that best fits your needs and budget.

Travel insurance for visiting Myanmar

If you’re planning to visit Myanmar as a foreign traveler, knowing some important facts and travel tips is important before embarking on your journey. One of the key things to remember is the importance of having travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and other unexpected events that may arise during your trip.

inbound travel insurance myanmar-Travel insurance for visiting Myanmar

Some of the main benefits of travel insurance for Myanmar tourists include coverage for medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, trip cancellation, and more. It’s also worth noting that most foreign travelers must obtain a tourist visa before entering the country, which can be done online or through a Myanmar embassy or consulate.

When planning your travel to Myanmar, it’s important to research and understands the local customs and culture and any potential safety concerns or travel restrictions. It’s also a good idea to have a clear itinerary and travel plan in place and to keep copies of essential documents such as your passport, travel insurance policy, and visa.

Overall, travel insurance can provide peace of mind and financial protection for foreign travelers visiting Myanmar, particularly in the case of unexpected emergencies or disruptions to travel plans. By taking the time to research and prepare for your trip, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable experience in this beautiful and fascinating country.

Review and find the best Myanmar travel insurance with Covid19 coverage.

If you are planning a trip to Myanmar, it is important to consider purchasing travel insurance that includes coverage for Covid-19. Many insurance providers have updated their policies to include coverage for Covid-related issues, such as trip cancellations and medical expenses.

inbound travel insurance myanmar-Review and find the best Myanmar travel insurance with Covid19 coverage

Here are some options to consider when looking for Myanmar travel insurance with Covid-19 coverage:

  • Forbes recommends evaluating 22 plans based on cost and coverage features to find the best Covid travel insurance.
  • US News & World Report recommends Generali Global Assistance for comprehensive travel insurance, Allianz Travel Insurance for multi-trip and annual plans, and World Nomads Travel Insurance for active travelers.
  • US News & World Report also recommends Seven Corners for comprehensive coverage with medical included, WorldTrips for annual coverage, and Allianz for single-trip medical coverage.
  • If you need travel insurance specifically for Myanmar, iVisa offers coverage for 15 days and a single-entry tourist visa.
  • When evaluating travel insurance options, it is important to consider coverage for travel medical expenses, trip cancellations or interruptions, emergency medical evacuation, and Covid-19 coverage.
  • Allianz Travel Insurance offers an Epidemic Coverage Endorsement, including Covid-19 as a covered illness.
  • InsureMyTrip notes that Covid-19 became a named event on January 21, 2020, which affects the coverage available for new policies purchased.
  • Some traditional travel insurance policies may cover Covid-19 related travel concerns, such as medical expenses and trip cancellations if the regular guidelines are met.
  • According to a TripAdvisor user, Travel Guard offers insurance coverage for trips to Myanmar.
  • MoneySmart lists Bubblegum Travel Insurance, FWD Travel Insurance, MSIG Travel Insurance , Singlife with Aviva Travel Insurance, and DBS Chubb Travel Insurance as some of the best options for travel insurance with Covid-19 coverage in Singapore.

Inbound Travel Accident Insurance

Inbound Travel Accident Insurance provides financial protection for COVID-19 infection (hospitalization, isolation, and death), accidental death, and medical expenses for bodily injury during a visit to Myanmar. All travelers on international flights to Myanmar must purchase an Inbound Travel Accident Insurance Policy with COVID-19 coverage from Myanma Insurance.

The insured period for Inbound Travel Accident Insurance is a minimum of one day trip to a maximum of three months trip.

Inbound Travel Accident Insurance

Different types of travel insurance are available in Myanmar, including Highway Special Travel Insurance, Air Travel Insurance, Tour Operator Travel Insurance, Pilgrimage Travel Insurance, and Tourist Travel Insurance. Travel insurance covers accidental death and bodily injury for travelers during inbound and outbound trips.

Suppose you are looking for travel insurance for Myanmar. In that case, you can find decent travel insurance for around USD50 per week that provides sufficient coverage for traveling along the tourist trail in Myanmar. If you want additional coverage for trip interruptions and cancellations, expect to pay an extra USD3 to USD5 per person daily.

It is important to note that travel/covid insurance might be needed to enter Myanmar, and the Inbound Travel Accident Insurance Policy with COVID-19 coverage purchased from Myanma Insurance meets the authorities’ requirements.

You can purchase a policy and receive the insurance and COVID certificates in seconds. Before purchasing any insurance policy, it is advisable to thoroughly read the premium rating table of benefits and other relevant policy documents.

The Travel Cayman Portal is an online platform that facilitates travel applications and declarations for visitors to the Cayman Islands. The portal requires inbound travelers to declare their travel and vaccination status and provide identification, immigration, and customs declaration cards upon arrival.

While the portal is not directly related to inbound travel insurance in Myanmar, it does highlight the importance of complying with travel requirements and providing necessary documentation for entry into a foreign country. Travelers to Myanmar should ensure adequate travel insurance coverage, including COVID-19 expenses and trip cancellation benefits. 

Premium rating

According to Myanma Insurance, the premium rating for their Inbound Travel Accident Insurance with COVID-19 coverage in Myanmar varies depending on the coverage units and duration of the insured period.

For the Inbound trip, the insured period can be a minimum of one day up to a maximum of three months, and for the Outbound trip, it can be a minimum of one week up to a maximum of three months. The coverage units can be from a minimum of one unit up to a maximum of 20 units. The sum insured per unit is MMK 500,000.

However, the exact premium rates for Myanma Insurance’s Inbound Travel Accident Insurance with COVID-19 coverage are not specified in the search results. It is recommended to contact Myanma Insurance directly for more information on the premium rates for this type of insurance policy.

Best Expat insurance, Best Expatriate insurance

here are some of the best expat/expatriate insurance options:

  • SafetyWing: This insurance company offers affordable and comprehensive insurance coverage for digital nomads , long-term travelers, and expats. Their insurance plans cover medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, travel delays, lost checked luggage, and more. SafetyWing is also known for providing coverage in countries with challenging political situations, making it a good option for those traveling to Myanmar.

Best Expat insurance, Best Expatriate insurance

  • Allianz: Allianz offers a range of international health insurance plans for expats and travelers, including coverage for medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, and repatriation. Their policies also cover outpatient care, wellness benefits, and more.
  • Cigna: Cigna offers global health insurance plans for expats and their families, covering medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation, and more. Their policies also include access to a worldwide network of healthcare providers and telemedicine services.
  • AXA: AXA offers a range of insurance plans for expats and travelers, including medical insurance , travel insurance, and personal liability insurance. Their insurance policies cover emergency medical expenses, repatriation, and more.
  • Bupa Global: Bupa Global offers comprehensive international health insurance plans for expats, with coverage for medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, and repatriation. Their policies also include access to a global network of healthcare providers and telemedicine services.

It’s important to note that insurance plans and coverage availability can vary depending on factors such as age, health status, and travel destination. Therefore, it’s recommended to carefully review the policy terms and conditions and consult with insurance providers to find the best option for your individual needs.

How to Apply: Travel Insurance

Suppose you are planning a trip to Myanmar. In that case, it is important to consider purchasing inbound travel insurance to protect yourself in case of unexpected events such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or lost baggage. Here are some steps to follow when applying for inbound travel insurance in Myanmar:

inbound travel insurance myanmar-How to Apply Travel Insurance

  • Research and Compare Plans: Look for reputable insurance providers that offer inbound travel insurance in Myanmar. Review each plan’s coverage options, benefits, and premiums to find the one that best meets your needs.
  • Fill Out the Application Form: Once you have chosen an insurance plan, you can begin applying. Fill out the application form with your personal information, trip details, and coverage preferences. Make sure to read the terms and conditions carefully and provide accurate information.
  • Provide Supporting Documents: Depending on the insurance provider and the type of coverage you choose, you may need to provide supporting documents such as proof of travel, proof of medical history, or proof of payment. Make sure to have these documents ready before submitting your application.
  • Pay the Premium: Once you have completed the application form and provided any supporting documents, you must pay the premium for your inbound travel insurance. This can typically be done online using a credit card or other payment method.
  • Receive Your Policy: After your application and payment have been processed, you will receive a policy document outlining the details of your inbound travel insurance coverage. Remember to keep this document with you during your trip to Myanmar if you need to make a claim.

By following these steps, you can apply for inbound travel insurance in Myanmar and have peace of mind knowing that you are protected during your trip.


Several Myanmar insurance companies are available if you plan a trip to Myanmar and need inbound travel insurance. The official insurance provider for inbound travel to Myanmar is Myanma Insurance.

This policy is required for all international travelers arriving in Myanmar. It covers financial protection for COVID-19 infection, accidental death, and medical expenses for bodily injury during your visit to Myanmar. You can purchase this policy upon arrival in Myanmar.

inbound travel insurance myanmar-INSURANCE PROVIDER

Alternatively, other insurance providers offer travel insurance plans for trips to Myanmar. Insubuy , for example, provides trip cancellation insurance for Myanmar, which covers situations such as trip interruption or cancellation, missing a connecting flight, and missing or lost baggage.

American Visitor Insurance also provides travel insurance plans for Myanmar, which cover medical expenses and can be reimbursed after hospital bills and receipts are submitted.

It’s important to note that the Australian government and Smartraveller recommend appropriate travel insurance if you travel overseas, including to Myanmar.

As a healthy individual, you can find decent travel insurance for around USD50 per week that provides sufficient coverage for traveling along the tourist trail in Myanmar. If you want additional coverage for trip interruptions and cancellations, expect to pay an extra USD3 to USD5 per person daily.

Belize Travel Health Insurance is mandatory for all visitors and costs $18 per person for a 21-day coverage period. It covers up to $50,000 in medical expenses related to COVID-19 treatment and up to $2,000 for lodging expenses due to quarantine.

The insurance policy covers visitors for medical emergencies up to the maximum policy limit of $50,000 for the low cost of $18 for 21 days. To purchase the insurance, visitors can contact Belizing customer service or purchase it online via an available link.

Forte Insurance Company is an insurance provider in Cambodia that offers various types of insurance, including travel insurance. However, there is no indication that they offer inbound travel insurance specifically for Myanmar.

World Nomads Travel Insurance offers comprehensive coverage for adventure travelers, including medical expenses, trip cancellations, and baggage loss. The company also offers coverage for activities like trekking and hot-air ballooning for travelers visiting Myanmar. Inbound Travel Insurance Myanmar can provide similar coverage tailored to visitors, offering peace of mind during their travels.

Nonetheless, it’s worth noting that travel insurance is important for those traveling to Myanmar to protect against unforeseen losses such as lost luggage, accidents, and emergency medical care. When choosing a travel insurance provider, reviewing their coverage options and exclusions is important to ensure they meet your needs. 

American Visitor Insurance offers travel insurance plans that cater to travel and medical needs, including Covid19 coverage. Their licensed customer support agents can help you choose the best plan based on your requirements.

Myanma Insurance also provides an inbound travel accident plan for foreign visitors arriving in Myanmar. This plan includes coverage for Covid19 and accidents during your stay. You can contact them at [email protected] or +959765428630, or +959765428631.

IVisa provides an online platform to purchase travel insurance for Myanmar, including a Health Declaration required to enter the country. They also offer expedited document processing and eVisa options. However, it is important to note that iVisa is not an insurance provider but rather a platform that connects travelers with insurance providers.

Traveler offers selective travel insurance plans chosen by their international travel consultants. They also provide a 20% discount with the code MARCH. Their plans include coverage for Covid19, with policy maximums ranging from $50,000 to $100,000.

Here I need to clarify some terms for you.

Dispute resolution is the process of resolving disputes between parties that arise out of a contract or agreement. In the event of a dispute, the parties may agree to resolve the dispute through mediation or another form of dispute resolution in good faith. This means the parties must be willing to participate in the process and genuinely try to find a fair and satisfactory resolution for all parties involved.

Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party , known as the mediator, assists the parties in settling. The mediator does not make any decisions for the parties but helps them communicate effectively, identify the issues, and work together to find a solution. Mediation aims to reach a mutually satisfactory settlement that addresses the interests of all parties involved.

If the parties agree to participate in dispute resolution or mediation, they must honor the terms of any settlement reached. This means they must comply with the agreement and take the necessary steps to implement the settlement terms. Failure to comply with the settlement terms could result in further disputes or legal action.

In Myanmar’s context of inbound travel insurance, the parties may agree to participate in dispute resolution or mediation in case of a dispute or claim. This could involve working with the insurance provider and the insured party to find a mutually satisfactory solution that addresses the interests of all parties involved.

By agreeing to participate in dispute resolution, the parties can avoid the costs and time associated with legal action and work towards a fair and satisfactory resolution for all parties involved.

Single Trip Travel Insurance

If you are a foreign visitor planning to visit Myanmar, you may want to consider purchasing inbound travel insurance. This type of insurance covers accidents and unexpected events during your trip. Here are some options for single-trip inbound travel insurance in Myanmar:

inbound travel insurance myanmar-Single Trip Travel Insurance

  • Myanma Insurance offers an Inbound Travel Accident Insured plan designed for foreign visitors arriving in Myanmar. This plan provides coverage for COVID-19 and accidents and can be purchased by contacting the company directly. The operating hours are Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Myanmar Standard Time (GMT +6:30).
  • Capital Taiyo Life Insurance also offers Inbound Travel Insurance, which covers injury, hospitalization due to accident, temporary non-occupational disability due to accident, total permanent disability due to accident, and accidental death. The sum insured is MMK 500,000 per unit, and one unit covers a minimum one-day trip to a maximum of the three-month trip. You can purchase at least one unit and a maximum of 20 units.
  • In addition to the above options, other travel insurance providers offer coverage for Myanmar. SoEasy Travel Insurance, for example, offers Europe and Worldwide Single Trip and Multi-Trip Insurance policies, which may suit travelers visiting Myanmar. However, it is essential to check the policy to ensure it includes coverage for inbound travel to Myanmar.

It is worth noting that as of April 2022, all travelers arriving in Myanmar on international flights must purchase an Inbound Travel Accident Insurance Policy with COVID-19 coverage from Myanma Insurance, according to the Ministry of Immigration and Population. Therefore, if you are planning to visit Myanmar, it is important to check the latest requirements and regulations regarding travel insurance.

In conclusion, if you are looking for single-trip inbound travel insurance for your visit to Myanmar, several options are available. Reviewing the policy details and coverage before purchasing to ensure that it meets your needs and the country’s requirements is important.

How much your travel insurance for Myanmar should cost?

When planning a trip to Myanmar, it is important to consider purchasing travel insurance to protect yourself against unforeseen circumstances. The cost of travel insurance for Myanmar can vary depending on various factors, such as the length of your trip, the level of coverage you require, and your age.

How much your travel insurance for Myanmar should cost

On average, travel insurance for Myanmar can cost between $50 to $150 for a two-week trip [ 7 ]. However, it is important to note that this cost is just a baseline, and additional costs may be added depending on the level of coverage you require.

If you plan on engaging in high-risk activities, such as trekking or adventure sports, you may need to pay additional costs for your travel insurance policy. Similarly, if you have pre-existing medical conditions, you may need to purchase additional coverage to ensure that you are fully protected in case of a medical emergency.

It is always a good idea to compare different insurance policies and providers to find the best coverage at the most affordable price. Be sure to read the fine print and understand the limitations and exclusions of each policy before making a final decision.

Do I need Myanmar Travel Insurance to transit through Myanmar? 

According to the current public health requirements for travelers entering Myanmar through international flights, visitors are only allowed to enter Myanmar through Yangon International Airport. There are no specific requirements for transit travelers mentioned. However, before departure from Myanmar, travelers may need to take COVID-19 tests as required by the countries they will travel and transit through at their own cost.

Do I need Myanmar Travel Insurance to transit through Myanmar

That being said, travel insurance for Myanmar may still be a wise choice for transit travelers, as it can cover medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, and other travel-related risks. Visitors must also have Inbound Travel Accident Insurance Policy coverage for COVID-19 to enter Myanmar, and the insurance must be obtained through a specified provider.

In summary, while there are no specific requirements for transit travelers to have Myanmar travel insurance, it is still recommended to consider purchasing travel insurance to provide coverage for unexpected events during transit.

USA visa health insurance, Visitor visa health insurance USA

If you plan to visit the United States on a visitor visa, purchasing health insurance to cover unexpected medical expenses is highly recommended. The cost of healthcare in the United States is very high, and visitors who are not covered by insurance may end up paying a significant amount for medical treatment. Here are some options for health insurance for visitors to the USA:

USA visa health insurance, Visitor visa health insurance USA

  • Visitor Guard: Visitor Guard provides affordable travel medical insurance coverage for visitors to the United States. Their plans are designed for US visitors, tourists, students on vacation, parents, exchange visitors, and au pairs, and they provide reliable health insurance coverage in case of illness or injury.
  • Visit USA-HealthCare: Visit USA-HealthCare offers travel health insurance for visitors to the United States. Their plans feature a coverage period of 5-364 days, offer a choice of deductible amounts, and are available to persons aged 14 days and older.
  • IMG Visitor Insurance: IMG Visitor Insurance offers international travel medical insurance plans for visitors to the United States. These plans are perfect for non-U.S. citizens with domestic health insurance but aren’t covered outside their home country.
  • Insubuy: Insubuy offers visitor medical insurance for visitors to the United States. Their plans cover relatives visiting the USA and offer Schengen visa insurance for non-US citizens. Customers can instantly purchase online and receive an instant visa letter.
  • American Visitor Insurance: American Visitor Insurance is a travel health insurance comparison website where international travelers can compare and purchase popular US travel medical insurance plans online. They offer various relevant plans in the current Covid pandemic situation.
  • Via Travelers: Via Travelers provides a list of the best health insurance options for visitors to the USA. Atlas America is considered one of the best visitor insurance options, and it is a reputable insurance firm licensed and regulated by the Dept. of Insurance in the United States.
  • American Visitor Insurance: American Visitor Insurance offers short-term health insurance plans for visitors to the United States. Their plans work ideally for all visas, whether they are visitors, J visas, H1b Visas, or new US immigrants. After purchasing health insurance, customers will receive the visitor immigrant insurance document by email.
  • Path2USA: Path2USA offers the Patriot America Plus plan, which covers anywhere between 5 days to 365 days of your travel. This plan offers insurance coverage within a PPO network and is a comprehensive visitor visa plan.
  • Visitors Health Insurance: Visitors Health Insurance offers American visitor visa insurance for individuals, families, and dependents. Their plans are ideal for parents visiting the USA and tourists to the United States, and many visitor medical insurance plans are available to meet your needs.
  • Visaguide.world: Visaguide.world provides information on health insurance plans.

New US immigrant insurance blogs

here are some options for new US immigrant insurance blogs:

New US immigrant insurance blogs

  • VisitorsCoverage Blog – The VisitorsCoverage blog provides information on various types of insurance plans for immigrants, including travel insurance, new immigrant insurance, and immigrant health insurance. The blog also offers tips and resources for navigating the US healthcare system as a new immigrant.
  • American Visitor Insurance Blog – The American Visitor Insurance blog covers various topics related to insurance for immigrants and visitors to the US, including new immigrant insurance, travel insurance, and more. The blog also provides helpful guides and resources for finding the right insurance plan for your needs.
  • Visitor Guard Blog – The Visitor Guard blog covers various insurance-related topics for visitors and immigrants to the US, including new immigrant insurance, travel insurance, and more. The blog also provides tips and resources for navigating the US healthcare system as a new immigrant.
  • NRIOL Blog – The NRIOL blog covers various topics related to insurance for non-resident Indians and immigrants to the US, including new immigrant insurance, visitor insurance, and more. The blog provides helpful resources and guides for finding the right insurance plan for your needs.
  • Life Ant – While not specifically focused on new immigrant insurance, the Life Ant blog provides information on life insurance options for immigrants, including green card holders. The blog also offers helpful tips and resources for navigating the life insurance application process.
  • Leadsurance – While not specifically focused on immigrant insurance, the Life Happens blog provides information on various insurance topics, including life insurance, disability insurance, and more. The blog also shares personal stories and experiences to help readers understand the importance of insurance.

International travel insurance resources

International travel insurance is essential to travel planning, especially for those outside their home country. Many options are available regarding international travel insurance, so it’s important to research and find the best plan for your needs. To help you get started, here are some resources to consider:

International travel insurance resources

  • “The Best International Travel Insurance Companies”: This article from US News provides a comprehensive list of the top international travel insurance companies. The list is based on analyzing more than 20 providers and includes information on coverage, cost, and customer satisfaction.
  • “The Best Travel Medical Insurance Plans for 2023”: This article from US News provides information on the best travel medical insurance plans for 2023. The plans are ranked based on coverage, cost, and customer satisfaction, and the article provides detailed information on each plan.
  • “The Best Travel Insurance Options in March 2023”: This article from NerdWallet provides a shortlist of the best travel insurance options for March 2023. The list includes information on coverage, cost, and customer satisfaction.
  • “International Travel Insurance”: This article from Generali Travel Insurance provides information on international travel insurance benefits, including emergency assistance and transportation coverage. It also provides information on the costs of air ambulance medical evacuations.
  • “Travel Resources”: This page from InternationalInsurance.com provides a variety of expert articles on international health and travel insurance. The articles cover global health, travel medical plans, and other relevant topics.
  • “International Travel Insurance”: This page from Travel Guard offers customizable travel insurance plans for international trips. The plans include coverage for medical expenses, trip cancellations, baggage, and car rentals.
  • “International Travel Insurance”: This page from TravelInsurance.com provides information on the costs of international travel insurance. According to the U.S. Travel Insurance Association, comprehensive travel insurance typically costs between 4% and 8% of a trip.
  • “International Travel Insurance”: This page from IMG Global offers temporary health insurance for individuals, families, and groups when traveling outside their home country. The plans include coverage for medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, and repatriation of remains.

These resources provide a comprehensive overview of international travel insurance options, costs, and benefits. When selecting a plan, it’s important to consider coverage, cost, and customer satisfaction to ensure you have the best coverage for your needs.

Travel Insurance Myanmar – FAQs

Travel Insurance Myanmar – FAQs

Does Myanmar require travel insurance?

Yes, travelers must purchase the Inbound Travel Accident Insurance Policy with COVID-19 coverage from Myanma Insurance.

What is inbound travel insurance?

Inbound travel insurance is an insurance policy required for travelers entering Myanmar. It covers COVID-19-related medical expenses and accident insurance for travelers in the country.

How to buy Myanmar insurance?

Travelers can purchase the required Inbound Travel Accident Insurance Policy with COVID-19 coverage from Myanma Insurance upon arrival at Yangon International Airport or any other international entry point.

Is travel insurance necessary for international travel?

Whether travel insurance is necessary for international travel depends on the individual traveler’s circumstances. As a general rule, travelers should consider policies that include coverage for medical expenses, personal liability, cancellation, baggage, and cash.

Do I need to take a COVID-19 test before traveling to Myanmar?

Yes, travelers must have a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test result issued 72 hours before arrival to Myanmar or a COVID-19 recovery certificate issued 90 days before arrival to Myanmar.

Do minors need Myanmar Travel Insurance to enter the country?

All travelers, including minors, must purchase the Inbound Travel Accident Insurance Policy with COVID-19 coverage from Myanma Insurance.

Do I need a COVID-19 vaccine or vaccination certificate for Myanmar?

Yes, the COVID-19 vaccine is required to enter Myanmar for everyone aged 12 and older. To be considered fully vaccinated, the final dose must have been administered at least 14 days before departure.

Do I need to quarantine when I get to Myanmar?

Yes, newcomers entering Myanmar must be quarantined at a government facility. Fully vaccinated travelers must quarantine for ten days, whereas unvaccinated travelers must quarantine for 14 days. Before leaving the government institution, the traveler must take a COVID-19 exam on days one, three, and seven. There may be additional costs for COVID-19 insurance.

How to choose appropriate travel insurance?

When choosing travel insurance, travelers should consider policies that include coverage for medical expenses, personal liability, cancellation, baggage, and cash. Cost should not be the only consideration, as the cheapest policy may not provide adequate coverage. It is also important to carefully review the policy’s terms and conditions.

What to do in the event of an insured accident?

In an insured accident, travelers should contact their insurance provider immediately to report the incident and seek assistance.

In conclusion, having inbound travel insurance for Myanmar is a wise choice for any traveler, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only does it provide coverage for unforeseen medical emergencies, but it also meets the entry requirements set by the Myanmar government.

Travelers are strongly advised to purchase an inbound travel accident insurance policy with coverage for COVID-19 through a specified provider. Travelers can enjoy their trip with peace of mind and focus on experiencing the country’s unique culture and natural beauty By having Inbound Travel Insurance Myanmar.

Myanmar – Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myanmar 

23 Safest Places to Live in Mexico (Best Cities for 2023). https://newmiddleclassdad.com/safest-places-to-live-in-mexico/ 

What Does Travel Insurance Cover? – NerdWallet. https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/travel/what-does-travel-insurance-cover 

How to Apply for the Thailand Pass in June 2022 – ThaiEmbassy. https://www.thaiembassy.com/travel-to-thailand/how-to-apply-for-the-thailand-pass-in-2022 

Travel Requirements | Travel Guidelines by Destination – flydubai. https://www.flydubai.com/en/flying-with-us/covid-19/travel-requirements 

Myanmar (Republic of the Union of Myanmar). https://asean.mgimo.ru/en/member-states/myanmar  

Travel Insurance | Get a Fast Quote Online | Fast Cover. https://fastcover.com.au/  

Travel Insurance. https://www.zambianimmigration.org/travel-insurance 

Why Travel Insurance Is Necessary to Travel Abroad?. https://www.policybazaar.com/travel-insurance/articles/why-travel-insurance-is-necessary-to-travel-abroad/ 

Basic Facts about Myanmar – Living Buddhism | Asia Highlights. https://proxy-www.asiahighlights.com/myanmar/basic-facts 

Schengen Visa Insurance, Cheapest Schengen travel insurance, cheap …. https://americanvisitorinsurance.com/schengen-visa/ 

Luxury Travel Brand on Instagram: “5 Travel Tips for Your Luxury …. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cph97U-jyoV/ 

Insurance Demands – Everything Insurance In One Click. https://insurancedemands.com/ 

Dispute Resolution – Definition, Types, Importance and Methods. https://www.marketing91.com/dispute-resolution/ 

Mediation – Harris County, Texas. https://drc.harriscountytx.gov/en-usa/Pages/Mediation.aspx 

Mediation – United States District Court, Northern District of California. https://cand.uscourts.gov/about/court-programs/alternative-dispute-resolution-adr/mediation/  

Know your numbers. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/know-your-numbers-bill-stahelin 

Bali Trip Cost: A Comprehensive Guide for Budget Travelers. https://www.trip.com/hot/articles/bali-trip-cost.html 

International Travel Insurance | TravelInsurance.com. https://www.travelinsurance.com/international-travel-insurance/ 

Visit USA-HealthCare ® Visitors Insurance – Travel Insure. https://www.travelinsure.com/products/visit-usa-healthcare/ 

Visitor Health Insurance Plans for US & International – IMG. https://www.imglobal.com/visitor-insurance 

US Travel Insurance – Health Insurance for Visitors to the USA – Donuts. https://visaguide.world/travel-insurance/us-travel-insurance/ 

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Travellers required to purchase Myanma Insurance policy on arrival

5 april 2022.

All travellers on international flights to Myanmar are required purchase an Inbound Travel Accident Insurance Policy with COVID-19 coverage from Myanma Insurance, according to the Ministry of Immigration and Population. 

Below are screenshots of the policy coverage and costs sent by Myanma Insurance when contacted by Myanmar Financial Services Monitor. 

myanmar inbound travel accident insurance

According to the Myanma Insurance website, its insurance policies are void when claims are made in contexts of war, strike, riot or civil commotion. 

International arrival quarantines reduced to 24 hours

The Ministry of Health released on 6 April a letter stating quarantine on arrival will be reduced to 24 hours for fully vaccinated travellers. 

A PCR test will be carried out at the airport. Travellers will then be transported to a hotel to await the test results. If negative, the traveller can leave the hotel after 24 hours. 

This follows a notice on 26 March where the quarantine period was reduced to five days for fully vaccinated arrivals , with an RDT test on day 1 and PCR test on day 4.

This itself was a change from the policy announced on 23 February, which set the quarantine requirement for vaccinated travellers at seven days.

Unvaccinated or partially travellers are still required to quarantine for seven days on arrival and take an RDT test on day 1 and a PCR test on day 6.

On 1 April, Myanmar began accepting applications for business visas. 

According to a meeting led by Minister of Immigration and Population U Khin Ye said as of 4 April, 54 applications for a business visa had been received. 

The meeting also discussed the status of tourism e-visas, which prior to the pandemic were available to citizens of 100 countries, however, there was no clarification on when tourist visas would become available, and at the time of writing the Ministry of Immigration and Population website continues to display a message saying such visas remain suspended. 

Myanma Insurance Managing Director Daw Sanda Oo was in attendance at that meeting, where she spoke on health and travel insurance requirements.

International commercial flights are to be resumed on 17 April

Other entry requirements

Travellers must have a COVID-19 vaccination showing they have been vaccinated, at least 14 days prior to arrival, with one of the following vaccines approved by the MoH:

  • CoronaVac (Sinovac Biotech Ltd.)
  • AstraZeneca or Covishield (AstraZeneca & University of Oxford/SK Bioscience (Korea)/Siam BioScience/ Serum Institute of India (SII))
  • Pfizer- BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine or Comirnaty (Pfizer Inc., & BioNTech)
  • Janssen or Johnson & Johnson (Janssen Pharmaceuticals Companies of Johnson & Johnson)
  • Moderna (ModernaTX, Inc.)
  • Sinopharm or COVILO or BIBP-CorV (Beijing Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd)
  • Sputnik V (Gam-COVID-Vac) (Gamaleya National Research Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology)
  • Covaxin by Bharat Biotech
  • Myancopharm by Ministry of Industry, Myanmar

Travellers must have a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test result issued at most 72 hours before arrival to Myanmar or a COVID-19 recovery certificate issued at most 90 days before arrival to Myanmar.

In addition, all travellers are required to purchase the Inbound Travel Accident Insurance Policy with COVID-19 coverage from Myanma Insurance.

Travellers must also submit a health declaration card to health officials at the airport upon arrival to Myanmar.

Vaccinated travellers must submit their vaccination card upon arrival.

Health officials present at the airport in Myanmar will carry out thermal screenings of all passengers.

Travellers found to be symptomatic during arrival screening, or test positive for COVID-19 during quarantine, will be immediately isolated and taken to a medical facility. 

Foreign nationals shall bear the medical cost and other costs related to isolation and treatment in designated health facilities.

Travellers must carry hard copies of the relevant certificates and documents needed to enter Myanmar, which will be checked by both airlines upon departure and airport staff in Myanmar. 

Tourists urged to avoid Myanmar 

It is not yet known when tourist visas will become available, however, ahead of the resumption of international commercial flights, would-be tourists have been urged by travel agents and NGOs to avoid visiting Myanmar over security concerns, according to The Guardian .

Bertie Alexander Lawson, CEO of Myanmar-based boutique travel agency Sampan Travel, told the outlet that tourists signified stability, which was likely an image the authorities wanted to project.

He added that while the security risk was high, safe travel was possible “if you’re going with an operator that is taking the risk seriously.”

Jochen Meissner, founder and director of Yangon-based travel agency Uncharted Horizons Myanmar, said it was not a good idea to travel to the country. “Even here [in Yangon], every day there are bomb attacks or assassinations, [and] a lot of army on the streets.”

“I would not suggest anyone travels there,” Michael Isherwood, chair of the Burma Humanitarian Mission and program director of charity Backpack Medics said to The Guardian .

He added that opening to tourism could create an impression of normalcy when “Burma is anything but normal these days.”

According to one aid worker living in Myanmar, reopening to tourism was “an effort to promote a narrative of control and globalisation … an effort to establish the de facto authorities as being in control of the country, being legitimate.”

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