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When is the Best time to visit Darwin?

The best time to visit darwin in tropical australia.

When is the best time to visit Darwin in tropical Australia?   With so much to see and do in Darwin and the Top End, finding the best time to visit is key to getting the most out of your visit.

Located in the far north of Australia, Darwin is the capital city of the Northern Territory and affectionately known as the Top End.

Darwin enjoys a balmy tropical climate. Discover why you should visit Darwin, and when is the best time to visit.

Why you should visit Darwin

If you’re looking for somewhere different, Darwin is the opposite destination for the icy-cold winters of the southern states of Australia.

A laid-back city, Darwin is about as culturally diverse as you can get.  It boasts the best winter weather in Australia and, is the gateway to some of the most unique cultural destinations.

With UNESCO World Heritage listed sites on our doorstep, the Territory has an extraordinarily beautiful, rugged and untamed landscape.  It is also home to the world’s longest living culture, traditional rock paintings, an abundance of wildlife and predatory crocodiles lording over our waterways.

So when is the best time of the year to visit Darwin?

In short, the best time of the year to travel to the Northern Territory capital, is winter.  Mid-June through to the end of August or, if you don’t mind slightly higher temperatures throughout the day.

While the southern states are rugging up for winter, Darwin temperatures average between 18-30 degrees Celsius. With little to no humidity or rain during this part of the year, it is considered perfect weather!

Effectively, we have only two seasons in our weather cycle each year – a ‘wet’ and a ‘dry’ season.  Hot and not-so-hot.  It’s simple for wardrobe choices.

The Dry season in Darwin

When is the best time to visit Darwin

The ‘dry’ season is the weather all Top-Enders live for.

Legend has it that the first dragonfly sighted, heralds the end of the ‘wet’ and celebrates the incoming ‘dry’ season.

Darwin locals watch for the indicators of oncoming temperate weather and are quick to claim the first sightings of dragonflies.

Just a bit of fun we have with our visitors but it’s true, one morning you’ll wake up to the cool weather change and hear us all exclaim ‘ahh, the ‘Dry’ is here’!

Strange as it may seem, it’s like flicking a switch.  Almost instantly, the humidity is gone, the temperatures are mild and the cool ocean breezes create the true tropical living that we all love.

Dry Season: May – September

The ‘dry’ season falls between May and September.  It’s a time when the Top End of Australia experiences low humidity and almost no rainfall.

Expect beautiful balmy winter days 18 – 30 degrees, clear blue skies, warm tropical nights and beautiful sunny days.

During the ‘dry’ season many waterholes and creeks dry up completely, and once lush grasslands of the Top End, turn dry and brown.

Bush fires are common in the Top End late in the ‘dry’ and through the ‘build up’. The fires are often started as a continuing a practice going back many thousands of years of land management and to drive animals so they can be caught for food.

The Build Up – the ‘in-between’ season

In the Top-End, the annual weather cycle is a little more than just wet and dry .  The period in-between is called ‘ the build-up ‘.

‘Build-up’ Season October – December

The build-up usually occurs a few months before the wet season presenting with high humidity, dark thunderous clouds and during this time, it rarely rains.

Usually the build-up starts around October and runs though into December or until the monsoon rains begin to fall.

The Wet season in Darwin

Jabiru in Tropical Darwin in the wet season

‘Wet’ season October – April

The ‘wet’ is when the rains come.   Warm, moist northwest winds bring high humidity, spectacular storms and monsoonal rains to the Top End.

Expect close hot, humid days averaging 25 – 34 degrees with humidity often over 80%.  The humidity builds-up, and the air is hot and humid with heavy dark thunderous clouds.

Spectacular lightening displays are seen almost daily the lead to torrential downpours of the monsoon rains.  Once a storm hits, temperatures drop magically but then shortly after the humidity builds up again … until the next storm.

If you can stand a little humidity, visiting the Top End at this time of year can be very rewarding.  The waterfalls are magnificent, giant waterlilies bloom and rock pools are at the perfect temperature to swim.   It is the time of year that birds and wildlife are active and many nest or continue their migration journeys.

Best time to visit Darwin

For visitors, travelling to the Darwin and the Top-End is best during the start of the dry season but the other seasons are just as spectacular.

April – May – June – early dry season

It’s still warm but not too steamy.  The waterways are full of water and haven’t started to dry out.  There’s great fishing during the ‘run-off’ resulting from the late rains during the ‘wet’ season and there’s an abundance of birds and other wildlife moving around.  It’s a great time for photographers, bird-watchers and wildlife lovers.  Make sure you go out to Fogg Dam for an amazing show of birds.

August – September – October – late dry season

Temperatures are starting to warm up during the day but the nights are still cooler.  The Mindil Markets and Deck Chair Cinema is still on so that you can enjoy the balmy tropical evenings.  Sunsets overlooking the beaches are gorgeous and August in particular, is the start of the Darwin festival.  It’s the right time to head into Litchfield Park and other National Parks as most of the roads have opened after the wet and everything is lush and green.  It’s a great time to visit the Top End.

Like most Territorians, I enjoy the excitement of the wet season with its spectacular lightening storms and refreshing downpours.  In my opinion, the wet is when the Top End is at it’s best!  Travelling to Darwin or the Top End during this time will give you some season advantages.  Yes, it is a little humid, but there are some amazing sights to see that can’t be seen at other times of the year and photographers come out in droves!

The wetlands are full and often overflowing, waterfalls are spectacular and at their best.  Many birds migrate from the northern hemisphere in the build-up of the wet season and when the rains start waterbirds head to the wetlands to breed.

It’s a unique place ‘our Territory’!

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When is the Best time to visit Darwin_ (2)

If you’d like to read more about Darwin and the Top End … click here

  • Escape to Kakadu – steeped in Culture
  • Why you must visit Litchfield National Park
  • Darwin to Kakadu – Do the Top End in 6 days
  • Top Things to do in Darwin 
  • Best Pubs to spend Beer O’Clock in Darwin
  • Australian Travel Tips – Things to know before you go

Be adventurous, visit Darwin and enjoy our Top End like a local.   Have you been to the Top-End yet?   Which season will you choose to visit?

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Funky Fresh Travels

Best Time to Visit Darwin: Weather and Travel [2024]

Darwin 1 Best Time to Visit Darwin

Going to D Town ? Visiting the NT ? And wondering when is the best time to travel to Darwin ?

I used to live in Darwin for a couple of years and it was a nice experience . To make its simple the best time of the year is May -June to August – September ( dry season ) and the wettest month is December – January . You will get higher temperatures during October – April . Hottest months are November and January-February .

So the dry is definitively the best time of the year to visit Darwin !

There is something special happening during the dry season . The city of Darwin really change . Cool weather, low humidity, minimum temperature of 15 degrees at night. It is the best months and the best tine of the year to visit . During the rest , build up and wet season, it can be hell, as the maximum temperature is high , humidity levels up to 95 % and the average rainfall pretty high .

image 213 Best Time to Visit Darwin


The dry season, best months to visit darwin.

  • The build up : Hot and humid
  • Wet season : get ready for showers

Darwin best time to go : Choosing the Best Time for You regarding your activities :

Reasons for visiting darwin, australia.

image 214 Best Time to Visit Darwin

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✅ Best time to visit Darwin

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Best time to visit Darwin, Australia

Darwin, the capital city of Australia’s Northern Territory, is a vibrant destination with a unique tropical climate and a rich cultural tapestry. Choosing the best time to visit depends on various factors, including weather preferences, outdoor activities, and cultural events. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you decide the ideal time for your Darwin adventure:

Picture2 9 Best Time to Visit Darwin

Kakadu National Park (parksaustralia.gov.au)

1. Dry Season (May to October):

The dry season is considered the best time to visit Darwin. Running from May to October , this period offers cooler temperatures and minimal rainfall. Daytime temperatures range from 24 to 33 degrees Celsius (75 to 91 degrees Fahrenheit) , providing a comfortable environment for exploring outdoor attractions and engaging in various activities. Early June is the best as at the beginning of the dry , there is a unique atmosphere everywhere in Darwin City . Relative humidity , pretty low, even for Darwin .

 Key Highlights:

✔️ Festivals and Events: The dry season hosts several cultural events, including the Darwin Festival in August, showcasing the region’s arts, music, and food. peak season for tourism .Best time of year for celebrations or party . Sunny days, cool nights and chill temperatures

 ✔️ Wildlife Watching: Many national parks and wildlife areas are easily accessible during this time, making it perfect for exploring the unique flora and fauna of the region.

✔️ Outdoor Adventures: Whether it’s exploring Litchfield National Park , taking a cruise in Darwin Harbour, or visiting Kakadu National Park , the dry season offers ideal conditions for outdoor adventures. Good idea if you want to discover the real Outback .

✔️ Market Strolls: Explore the Mindil Beach Sunset Market , where you can enjoy local cuisine, arts, and crafts against the backdrop of a stunning sunset. perfect time for shopping .

End of dry season is either early September, late September or either October .

Picture3 9 Best Time to Visit Darwin

2-) The build up : Hot and Humid ( November to December) :

Picture4 9 Best Time to Visit Darwin

2. Build-up Season

The build-up season marks the transition from the dry to the wet season. While temperatures start to rise, this period is characterized by high humidity and occasional thunderstorms . Daytime temperatures range from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius (77 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit). Hottest month is December .


Humidity: The increasing humidity can be challenging for some visitors. It’s essential to stay hydrated and be prepared for sporadic rain showers.

Pre-monsoon Storms: Thunderstorms can occur, bringing spectacular displays of lightning and short bursts of heavy rainfall.

Unique Atmosphere: The build-up season offers a unique atmosphere, and the anticipation of the upcoming monsoon can add an intriguing element to your visit.

3-) Wet season : get ready for showers (January to April)

Picture5 9 Best Time to Visit Darwin

The wet season in Darwin, spanning from January to April, is characterized by high temperatures, intense humidity, and heavy rainfall. Daytime temperatures range from 25 to 33 degrees Celsius (77 to 91 degrees Fahrenheit). Heavy rains, hot days.


Tropical Rainfall and monsoon rains: Expect heavy rainfall, often in the form of tropical downpours and thunderstorms. This contributes to lush landscapes and vibrant vegetation.

Closures: Some attractions, particularly in national parks, may close due to flooding or inaccessibility. It’s essential to check the status of your planned activities during this season.

Cyclone Risk: The northern part of Australia can experience tropical cyclones during the wet season.

Travellers should stay informed about weather updates and follow safety guidelines.

Picture6 9 Best Time to Visit Darwin

 Unique Experiences:

Waterfalls and Waterholes: The wet season rejuvenates waterfalls and waterholes , offering spectacular views and the chance to witness nature’s abundance.

Cultural Events: Despite the weather, some cultural events and festivals take place during the wet season, providing unique insights into the local way of life.

Picture7 9 Best Time to Visit Darwin

1. Outdoor Enthusiasts:

If you enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, wildlife watching, and exploring national parks , the dry season (May to October) is the great time . Mild temperatures and minimal rainfall create optimal conditions for these pursuits.

2. Festival Lovers:

For those interested in cultural events and festivals, especially the Darwin Festival in August, the dry season offers a vibrant atmosphere and a variety of activities to enjoy.

Picture8 9 Best Time to Visit Darwin

3. Nature Admirers:

Travellers who appreciate lush landscapes, blooming flora, and vibrant greenery might find the wet season (January to April) intriguing despite the challenges. Waterfalls and waterholes are at their most captivating during this time.

Lichfield National park and Kakadu national parks are unique if you want to see real Australian bush.

4. Weather Moderates:

If you prefer milder temperatures with lower humidity and want to avoid extreme heat, the shoulder months of May and September provide a balance between the dry and wet seasons.

5. Budget and Crowds:

Consideration of budget and crowd levels is crucial. The dry season tends to attract more visitors, potentially impacting accommodation prices and availability.

6. Special Interests:

Whether you’re interested in photography, bird watching, or experiencing the unique atmospheric conditions during the build-up season, your special interests can influence the best time to visit.

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image 212 Best Time to Visit Darwin

1. Unique Tropical Climate:

Darwin boasts a unique tropical climate, providing a contrast to other Australian cities. The warm days temperatures and distinct wet and dry seasons contribute to a special atmosphere, allowing visitors to experience different aspects of the region’s natural beauty throughout the year.

2. Abundant Wildlife and Nature:

Darwin is a gateway to some of Australia’s most stunning natural wonders. From the famous Kakadu National Park to Litchfield National Park, visitors can witness diverse wildlife, ancient landscapes, and breathtaking waterfalls.

Picture10 9 Best Time to Visit Darwin

Litchfield National Park | NT.GOV.AU

3. Cultural Diversity:

The city is rich in cultural diversity, reflecting Australia’s Indigenous heritage and influences from Asia. Explore vibrant markets, taste diverse cuisines, and immerse yourself in the local art scene for a well-rounded cultural experience.

4. Indigenous Art and Culture:

Darwin provides a unique opportunity to engage with Australia’s Indigenous cultures. Visit local galleries, attend cultural events, and learn about Dreamtime stories, traditional art, and ancient practices from the Aboriginal communities.

Picture11 9 Best Time to Visit Darwin

5. Sunsets at Mindil Beach:

Mindil Beach is famous for its stunning sunsets. Enjoy an evening at the Mindil Beach Sunset Market, where you can witness the sky transform into vibrant hues while browsing through stalls offering local crafts, international foods, and live entertainment.

6. Laid-Back Lifestyle:

Darwin embraces a laid-back lifestyle, inviting visitors to unwind and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere. Whether it’s a casual stroll along the waterfront, a dip in the wave pool, or a leisurely day at the beach, the city encourages a slower pace.

7. Gateway to the Top End

Darwin serves as the gateway to the Top End, an expansive and diverse region in Australia’s Northern Territory. From the iconic Uluru to the Tiwi Islands, this area offers a wide range of adventures, landscapes, and cultural experiences.

image 218 Best Time to Visit Darwin

8. Outdoor Adventures:

Outdoor enthusiasts will find Darwin to be a paradise. Explore the Mary River Wetlands, go fishing in the clear skies and waters, take a boat tour in Darwin Harbour, or embark on a crocodile-watching adventure – the options for outdoor activities are endless.

9. Festivals and Events:

Darwin hosts various festivals and events, providing entertainment and cultural insights. The Darwin Festival in August, featuring arts, music, and performances, is a highlight that attracts both locals and tourists.

Wrapping up

Choosing the best time to visit Darwin depends on your preferences and priorities. The dry season is generally favoured for its pleasant weather and diverse activities, but each season offers a distinct experience. Whether you’re seeking outdoor adventures, cultural immersion, or a unique atmosphere, Darwin welcomes you throughout the year, each season offering its charm and opportunities for exploration.

image 215 Best Time to Visit Darwin

I am Eric, a French Australian citizen based between Australia, Asia and Bali and I love to travel and experience the world. I generally like outdoor activities, wellness, great food and venues , party and real local adventures ! I am a Yoga practitioner and fitness lover

I created this blog because I love to travel and I want to share my experiences with others. I’ve been traveling since I was a child, and I’ve been to over 50 countries. I’ve seen some amazing things and met some amazing people, and I want to help others experience the same things.

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I believe that travel is one of the best ways to learn about the world and about yourself. When you travel, you’re forced to step outside of your comfort zone and experience new things. You learn about different cultures, different religions, and different ways of life. You also learn about yourself, your strengths, and your weaknesses.

Travel can also be a great way to make new friends. When you’re traveling, you’re surrounded by people from all over the world, and you’re all in the same boat. You’re all there to explore and experience new things, and that can create a bond between people.

Let’s connect together !

I hope that my travel blog will inspire others to travel and to see the world. I also hope that it will help people to learn about different cultures and to become more open-minded.

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Eric, nomad entrepreneur and travel enthusiast , currently living in Indonesia . I love to share my experiences and experiment the best places for food, Yoga, fitness and outdoor fun ! Love physical challenges, adventures and make epic memories !

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Ultimate Darwin Itinerary (Kakadu NP, Litchfield NP, Nitmiluk & More)

By Author Jurga

Posted on Last updated: May 29, 2024

Ultimate Darwin Itinerary (Kakadu NP, Litchfield NP, Nitmiluk & More)

Are you planning to visit Darwin in Northern Australia and are looking for ideas on how to plan the best Darwin itinerary ? This article, written by someone who lived in Darwin for several years, should help you plan the best trip to the Darwin area.

This 7-day Darwin itinerary includes all the highlights of the Top End in the Northern Territory. This itinerary covers Darwin, Kakadu National Park, Katherine Gorge, Litchfield National Park, but also many other amazing places that will make your Darwin trip more memorable.

To make your trip planning easier, we created a map indicating all the places mentioned in this article. You can find it at the bottom of this article.

If you have less time in the Darwin area, you can also just choose to visit the main highlights. In that case, you can also use our tips to create your own custom itinerary for the Darwin area in Australia’s Top End. At the bottom of this article, you can find our suggestions on how to best plan your Darwin itinerary for 3, 4, or 5 days .

Our guest writer Daniel from Destinationless Travel lived in Darwin for two years and knows the area around Darwin as a local. He took every opportunity to explore the Northern Territory and in this itinerary, he shares all the best places to see near Darwin and the best way to do it . Furthermore, this Darwin trip itinerary is filled with insider tips and practical information for travelers visiting the Darwin area for the first time. Find out!

Darwin Trip Itinerary – OVERVIEW

  • Darwin Trip Itinerary with Local Tips
  • Day 1 – Darwin City
  • Day 2 – Litchfield NP
  • Day 3 – Edith Falls & Katherine Gorge
  • Day 4 – Kakadu NP: Gunlom Falls & Maguk
  • Day 5 – Kakadu NP: Ubirr, Cahills Crossing, Bowali Visitor Centeru

Day 6 – Jumping Crocs Cruise, Humpty Doo

Day 7 – back to darwin & tiwi islands day trip.

  • Map of this Darwin area itinerary
  • Darwin itinerary suggestions for 3, 4, or 5 days
  • Practical tips

What to do near Darwin - Australia Top End trip itinerary

Darwin Itinerary with Tips by a Local

Darwin, Australia’s “top end,” is one of the most interesting and exciting places to explore in the entire country – well, in my opinion at least. I may be biased as Darwin is where I called home for two years and in that time, I grew to know and love this tropical paradise.

It isn’t just the city of Darwin that is impressive though. It is all of the nearby national parks, wildlife, culture, and just overall unique experiences that make visiting Darwin really special.

When I was living in Darwin, I got out and visited nearly all of the attractions in the area. And while they all were fun, there are a few that stand out above the rest. There are certain experiences that I think everyone must include in their trip itinerary when visiting Australia’s top end.

So, in this 7-day Darwin self-drive road trip itinerary, I’ve outlined the absolute best places to see and things to do when visiting Darwin and the surrounding area. You can also find lots of practical tips on how to best plan your trip, including where to stay and how to get around the Darwin area. Take a look!

TIP: If you rather not drive, there are quite a few other possibilities to explore the Top End. You can join one of the multi-day tours from Darwin or simply book day trips to the most popular places that you really should see in the Darwin area. In fact, the best places mentioned in this itinerary, are really easy to visit as a day trip from Darwin. Here you can find the best Darwin day trips . Take a look!

Darwin area is a great place to see crocodiles in Australia

Here’s our suggested Darwin itinerary:

Day 1 – Explore Darwin City

I suggest spending your first day in the Darwin area exploring Darwin city itself. Although small, Darwin is the capital city of the Northern Territory and is rich in history, culture, and offers a big variety of things to do. The vibe in the city is relaxed, the weather is warm, and the charm is undeniable – chances are that you will love Darwin!

In all honesty, one day might not be enough to see Darwin, but with our tips below, you are sure to cover the main highlights. If you do have extra time to spare, turn this 7-day Darwin area itinerary into 8 or 9 days by extending your stay in the city. You can easily keep yourself entertained with all of the things to do in Darwin or simply just by relaxing poolside, swimming at the waterfront, enjoying live music at a local pub, or going fishing!

Anyway, if you have just one day in Darwin, make sure to check off the following activities. In my opinion, these are an absolute must. Find out!

Darwin City Tour

The easiest way to really get to know Darwin quickly is on a half-day city tour . Since Darwin isn’t huge, you can easily get around to some of the best sights in only a few hours. And with a guide, you’ll learn all about Darwin’s interesting history and the challenges the city has overcome.

Below is a list of some of the main places you should see in Darwin:

  • Museum of the Northern Territory . This FREE museum in the scenic location in the Fannie Bay in Darwin has it all: from aboriginal art, an exhibit on Cyclone Tracy, to heaps of Australian wildlife and a giant stuffed crocodile ‘Sweetheart’. This 5-meter crocodile was responsible for a series of attacks on boats in the seventies and is considered to be the most famous crocodile in Australia.
  • Cullen Bay Marina . Nice waterfront area with some bars and restaurants. It’s is a nice place to go for lunch.
  • Darwin Military Museum . Good place to get to know more of Darwin’s history, especially around the WWII.
  • Doctor’s Gully . This is a peculiar attraction in Darwin – at high tide, hundreds of fish gather in the area for feeding at Aquascene . If you want to hand-feed wild fish, this is your chance! Just make sure to check the feeding times (tide-dependent) before you go.
  • George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens . These botanical gardens have a great display of plants from Northern Australia and other tropical areas from all over the world. It’s a nice tranquil place to spend an hour or two when in Darwin.
  • WWII Tunnels . A visit to these oil storage tunnels gives a good insight into Darwin’s strategic position in WWII. It’s a unique place in the Darwin area – something you probably wouldn’t even expect to find in Australia.

The organized tours usually cover all the musts, but you can also explore Darwin on your own using the Hop-On Hop-Off city bus .

Alternatively, pick up your rental car immediately upon arrival in Darwin and just drive to all the main landmarks of the city yourself (parking in Darwin is usually not a problem).

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Darwin city visit is a must when visiting Australia's Top End

Crocosaurus Cove and Swimming with the Crocs

After you’re done exploring Darwin it’s time to hit up Mitchell Street right in the city center. Here, you can grab a bite to eat before going to Crocosaurus Cove , a wildlife experience right in the heart of the city.

At Crocosaurus Cove, you can find the world’s largest display of Australian reptiles, visit a turtle sanctuary, or interact with baby crocodiles. Of course, you can also see big crocodiles and attend a scheduled feeding.

The main highlight of any visit to Darwin’s Crocodile Cove is the Cage of Death. That’s right, you can jump in a cage in the water with saltwater crocodiles – the most dangerous breed in the entire world! Would you dare?!

Crocodiles at Crocosaurus Cove in Darwin Australia

Sunset at Mindil Beach or a Sunset Cruise

Darwin is famous for the most amazing sunsets. Practically every night as the sun goes down the sky glows! You have two choices for enjoying the sunset: either go to the Mindil Markets or join a sunset cruise.

On Thursday and Sunday nights during the months of April to October, you can head to Mindil Beach. Here, they have markets where you can buy a bite to eat or go shopping before watching the sunset on the sand. If you’re in town on the right day, going to the Mindil Markets is a must. Don’t miss!

If you’re not in Darwin when the Mindil Markets are on, go on a sunset cruise instead! Some cruises offer dinner whereas some are more about views or having a couple of drinks. It doesn’t matter which cruise you choose though, they all offer the best seats around for watching the magical Darwin sunset! You can book a Darwin sunset cruise here.

Sunset at Mindil beach in Darwin Australia

Where to Stay in Darwin City

For your first night, I advise staying somewhere centrally located in Darwin. There are many different accommodation options to choose from in the city. However, there are three really nice hotels that offer an excellent price/quality ratio that I particularly recommend. Take a look!

Budget . H on Smith Hotel is a really nice hotel walking distance from everything in the city center. They have nice modern rooms, a beautiful outdoor pool, and a good restaurant.

Mid-range. Mantra on the Esplanade is located right on Darwin Harbor and offers amazing sea views. It is only a 2-minute walk from Mitchell Street and has a large outdoor pool.

Luxury. Mindil Beach Casino and Resort is set on a private beach a bit outside the city center. This 5-star resort is one of the most luxurious hotels in Darwin and is a perfect place to see the gorgeous sunsets of Mindil Beach. And it’s quite affordable too!

Darwin trip - places to see near Darwin and itinerary

Day 2 – Berry Springs and Litchfield National Park

If not done yet, pick up your rental vehicle for the rest of this trip in Australia’s Top End. You’re going to need a car if you want to get around to the best places near Darwin without a tour. For more information about renting a car for a Darwin trip, please see the practical tips section at the bottom of this article.

Berry Springs

Only about a 40-minute drive from Darwin is Berry Springs Waterhole . This is your first swimming spot of the day!

I personally always really enjoy Berry Springs as it is a natural warm water spring in the tropics. It isn’t somewhere you need to spend a lot of time, but it is free, it is fun, and it’s what traveling in Northern Australia is about.

Berry Springs is well worth a stop on your way out of the city when driving toward Litchfield National Park.

Berry Springs near Darwin Australia

Litchfield National Park

You’ll spend the majority of this day in Litchfield National Park . Located only about an hour from Darwin, this national park has tons of waterfalls to explore and is a must-do on any Darwin trip!

In fact, many people who just visit Darwin city, go on a day trip out to Litchfield returning back to Darwin in the evening . That’s a good option for those who rather base themselves in the city and not worry about renting a car or driving in the Australian Outback. But if you are doing a self-drive trip in Darwin area, Litchfield is on your way out to many other amazing places, as you’ll see further in this Australia’s Top End itinerary.

There is a lot to see and do in Litchfield National Park . The good thing is that you can see most of the highlights in a day. Below is a list of the nicest places you really shouldn’t miss in Litchfield National Park:

Wangi Falls . This massive waterfall is beautiful! You can swim in the bottom plunge pool or take a short (but steep) hike up to the top for a view of the park.

Florence Falls . This is my personal favorite place in Litchfield! Florence falls is not one, but two waterfalls going into one pool that is perfect for swimming. The falls are located at the end of a short walk through the park. The walk is nothing short of stunning.

Buley Rock Pools (Buley Rockhole) . These pools are perfect for relaxing and a great place to cool off during the day. Buley Rock Pools are open all year round.

Magnetic Termite Mounds . Have you ever seen termite mounds as tall as yourself? Well, if you haven’t, be sure to stop here in the park and see some! It is just a quick stop but it’s totally worth it and it’s an interesting place to see. Some termite hills are over 12 feet high!

Wangi Falls in Litchfield National Park - a must for any Darwin trip

Where to Stay near Litchfield NP

if you want to stay inside Litchfield National Park, you’ll have to camp. Alternatively, stay in a hotel in Batchelor town, which is just on the outskirts of Litchfield NP. You can also opt to drive back to Darwin and stay there. This just means you’ll have a little more driving to do.

Camping in Litchfield . You can actually camp inside Litchfield National Park. There are paid campgrounds at both Florence Falls and Wangi Falls. They cost $6.60 per person and have bathroom faculties and as well as fire pits for cooking. The campsites are first come first serve and you just pay the ranger in cash.

Accommodation in Batchelor. In Batchelor, I recommend staying at the Batchelor Butterfly Farm . It is a small family-run bed and breakfast right in Batchelor town. They offer home-cooked meals and have a beautiful garden complete with plenty of butterflies! It is a fun place to stay that offers good value for your money.

There are several other accommodation options in Batchelor , but the choice is really limited. So if you are exploring the Darwin area on a self-drive trip and want to save some driving, make sure to book your lodging in advance!

Lost City Rocks in Litchfield National Park NT Australia

Day 3 – Drive to Katherine, Edith Falls, and Katherine Gorge

Katherine is a town many people miss when they visit Darwin and the Northern Territory (which is unfortunate.) It is small, but there are actually a couple of awesome attractions. In fact, when I lived in Darwin, I visited Katherine on several occasions and absolutely loved it!

Good to know: Just as Litchfield, Katherine Gorge and Edith Falls can be visited as a day trip from Darwin .

Edith Falls

Your first stop of the day should be Edith Falls . Edith Falls is on the way between Batchelor and Katherine. From Batchelor, the drive to Edith Falls should take you about 2 hours, and then from there, it’s a 40-minute drive to Katherine.

At Edith Falls you can explore the different levels of plunge pools. Spend an hour or two here before heading towards the town of Katherine. In Katherine, you can stop for lunch before visiting the Katherine Gorge.

Edith falls in Darwin area in Australia's Top End

Katherine Gorge – Nitmiluk Gorge

The Katherine Gorge (also known as Nitmiluk Gorge ) is the biggest attraction in Katherine. This deep, water-filled gorge has been featured in many different movies due to its large dramatic cliff faces.

The best way to enjoy the Katherine Gorge is on a boat cruise. The gorge itself is full of crocodiles so it’s not recommended to go swimming here! But from the safety of a boat, you can see the full scale and beauty of the Katherine Gorge.

Nitmiluk Tours offers a range of different boat cruises at Katherine Gorge. Most tours go for 2-3 hours allowing you to spend your afternoon here before heading back to Katherine town for dinner. Alternatively, you can opt for the sunset dinner boat cruise.

TIP: Katherine Gorge cruises are very popular, so be sure to research and book in advance so you don’t miss out! You can find a few options for the Nitimiluk Gorge boat cruise here and otherwise, look online.

Katherine Gorge is not to be missed in any Darwin itinerary

Katherine Hot Springs

If you still have some time when you get back to Katherine town, I recommend going for a swim in Katherine Hot Springs. The water is lovely and warm – it’s a great place to end your day in the Katherine area.

Where to Stay in Katherine

There are several accommodation options in Katherine, most in the lower to the mid-budget range. There is also one really nice luxury accommodation that will make you want to stay longer. Take a look.

Pine Tree Motel. A great budget Motel right in the middle of town. It’s not fancy but has a pool and everything else you could need.

Katherine River Lodge . A simple motel with big rooms that can accommodate 4 people. It has a swimming pool, a restaurant, and kids’ play area.

Knotts Crossing Resort . Good mid-range accommodation in Katherine town center. It offers cottages and rooms for different group sizes, has a pool and a restaurant.

Cicada Lodge . Located about 20km from town and just next to Katherine Gorge, this lodge is simply stunning. This is also the only luxury lodging option in Katherine. It’s all about getting out into the stunning landscape and enjoying beautiful sunsets surrounded by nature! If you can afford it, this is by far the nicest place to stay near Katherine. It’s one of those hotels that make your entire trip so much more memorable.

TIP: While finding a place to stay in Katherine shouldn’t be a problem, it’s still Australian Outback and options are rather limited. Therefore we do recommend booking Katherine accommodation in advance.

Cicada Lodge near Katherine Gorge, Nitmiluk National Park, Northern Territory, Australia

Day 4 – Kakadu National Park: Gunlom Falls and Maguk

Kakadu National Park is one of my absolute favorite parks in all of Australia. It is beautiful and full of culture to learn about. This is an absolute must-visit place in the Top End!

While you could easily spend a week in Kakadu (I have visited for several days on numerous occasions and never got bored), below you can find the very best spots for the sake of this shorter itinerary. If you have more time to spare, I recommend extending your stay in Kakadu, so that you can really take your time enjoying everything it has to offer.

TIP: Be sure to have breakfast before you leave and stop at a grocery store in Katherine in case you plan on camping and cooking your own food for the next two days. Even if you are not camping, you’ll want to take a picnic lunch with you.

Gunlom Falls – Gunlom Waterfall Creek

From Katherine, it will take about 3.5 hours to get to Gunlom Falls . This drive, although long, is gorgeous and much of it is spent driving through Kakadu National Park.

Gunlom Falls is a huge waterfall and while swimming in the bottom plunge pool is nice, the highlight of these falls is climbing to the top! At the top, you’ll find a natural “infinity pool” where you can swim and enjoy the views!

At the bottom of Gunlom Falls, there are picnic facilities, so you can have a picnic lunch here as well.

Top of Gunlom Falls in Kakadu National Park Australia

Barramundi Gorge – Maguk

Maguk (also known as Barramundi Gorge ) is your last stop for the day. From Gunlom Falls it’ll take about 2.5 hours to get to Maguk. Yes, there is a lot of driving today but it is totally worth it.

Maguk offers plenty of natural pools and underwater caves to explore. There is also a waterfall. It’s a really beautiful swimming hole and a great place to relax.

Where to Stay in Kakadu National Park

I love camping at Maguk. This means no more driving for the day and you can relax in the natural pools (also take a dip in the pools the next morning). Maguk campground costs just a few AUD and is a first come first serve basis. You’ll find toilet facilities, picnic tables, and fire pits.

If you are not camping, then the best place to stay is Cooinda Lodge Kakadu , which is just a 1-hour drive from Maguk. If it’s fully booked, try Jabiru town, which is about 1.5-hour drive. In Jabiru there are two accommodation options – Mercure Kakadu Crocodile and Kakadu Lodge .

TIP: Make sure to book your Kakadu NP lodging well in advance because they often book up!

Darwin Itinerary for a trip including Kakadu, Katherine Gorge, and Litchfield NP

*Optional Additional Day . You can turn this 7-day itinerary into 8 days by adding on one extra day in Kakadu National Park. You’ll definitely need a 4wd if you decide to do this! Drive out for 3 hours to Jim Jim Falls and then visit Twin Falls. If you are camping, you can spend the night here. Jim Jim Falls is one of my favorite falls in the park and stands at over 200m high! These places are beautiful to visit but are only open during certain weather conditions. Be sure to check that they are open before you go and be prepared for a few extra hours of driving!

Day 5 – Kakadu NP: Ubirr, Cahills Crossing, Bowali Visitor Center in Jabiru

Your second day in Kakadu National Park is less about waterfalls (by now you’ll have seen plenty of them) and more about culture! The indigenous culture in Kakadu is strong and worthwhile learning about. No trip to the Northern Territory is complete without educating yourself on the indigenous people who called Australia home long before anyone else did.

Ubirr Rock Art Sites

After breakfast head out to Ubirr. Depending on where you spend the night, the drive can be just 40 minutes (from Jabiru) or about 2 hours (from Maguk). You will pass through the small town of Jabiru on the way. Here you can stock up on fuel or groceries before continuing on to Ubirr.

Once you’re at Ubirr , park your vehicle and get on your walking shoes. The Ubirr Rock Art Sites Walk is a 1-kilometer trail that takes you past ancient rock art. Some of the rock art sites at Ubirr are some 40,000 years old, and you’ll find lots of informational panels along the way. You should also climb up 250m to a viewpoint over the Nadab floodplain – it is gorgeous.

TIP: If you want even more information on the artwork and history of the land, I recommend going on a guided ranger walk. You’ll need to check the official NP website in advance to make sure you know when the guided walk for that day takes place.

Indigenous rock art at Ubirr in Kakadu National Park Australia

Cahills Crossing

Have you ever wanted to see a saltwater crocodile in the wild? Well, you are almost guaranteed to see one at Cahills Crossing . This is an actual river crossing for 4wd’s across a croc-infested river to Arnhem Land.

You cannot cross into Arnhem Land without a permit obtained by the Northern Land Council. However, you can walk along the river to a viewpoint and try to spot crocodiles.

This is actually the most crocodile populated area in Australia. Around 30 crocodiles live in this tiny area, so you’ll definitely get to see some.

Salt water crocodile in the Adelaide river in Australia's Northern Territory near Darwin

Bowali Visitor Center

After you’ve seen a few crocs, drive back to Jabiru and visit the Bowali Visitor Center . Here you can check out their many displays and learn more about Kakadu and the park. It is actually very interesting and you can easily spend an hour here.

This is your last attraction for the day so feel free to take your time!

Where to Stay in Jabiru

Tonight, it’s best to stay in Jabiru. This is the only “town” in Kakadu National Park. It is very small but there are hotels, restaurants, and small shops. Once again, you can choose to camp or stay in a hotel.

Camping. The Kakadu Lodge (which also has bungalows with shared- or private bathrooms) has over 200 campsites. This is a proper holiday park with many facilities and even a huge outdoor pool! After roughing it for a night this will definitely be a luxurious camping experience!

Hotel . The Mercure Kakadu Crocodile is a beautiful hotel offering a comfortable stay right in the heart of Jabiru. All rooms have air conditioning and there is a large pool on site along with a bar and restaurant.

TIP: While not easy to see everything in a day, it is possible to visit Kakadu National Park as a day trip from Darwin. Here is the best-rated and most complete Kakadu day trip I was able to find.

Ubirr rock art is must see in Kakadu National Park Australia

This morning you can relax and sleep in for a bit. The last couple of days have been busy, so enjoy a nice breakfast in Jabiru and maybe even a morning swim before hitting the road again!

Jumping Croc Cruise

Depart from Jabiru and head to Adelaide River. Here, you can jump on a boat for a “ jumping croc cruise !” From Jabiru to the departure points for the cruises, it is about a 2-hour drive along the Arnhem Highway.

But what is a jumping croc cruise? Well, it is a boat cruise out on a saltwater crocodile-infested river. The guide will use chicken to lure crocs up to the boat. The crocs use their tails and power to jump out of the water to get the chicken – it is amazing!

There is no other experience in the world where you can get so close to such a dangerous, yet amazing, creature. Seeing these crocodiles only feet away from the boat attack the chicken carcass is a unique experience I guarantee you’ll remember for a lifetime.

TIP: Be sure to book your jumping croc cruise in advance to avoid it filling up. There are a few different companies to choose from. Just be sure to book one later on in the day to allow yourself enough time to get there. If you are not driving, this is also something you can easily do with an organized day tour from Darwin .

Jumping croc cruise near Darwin

Humpty Doo Tavern

For dinner, make a short drive (+-30min) to the Humpty Doo Hotel and Pub . This iconic pub is known for serving the best buffalo, crocodile, and barramundi burgers around. Sounds weird right? Well, it might be, but they are delicious!

Also, if you ever wanted to have a conversation with a real-life “Crocodile Dundee-type”, then the pub is your chance to do so. Expect a crowd of locals who live in the Australian outback, live music, and maybe even dancing on tables!

Where to Stay

If you want to spend an evening with the locals in the Australian outback, then this is your chance. The Humpty Doo Pub is also a hotel, and although not the fanciest, it will do the trick for somewhere to rest your head for the night. There are also a few other lodging options nearby .

Otherwise, you can get back to Darwin and spend the night there. The Humpty Doo Hotel is only about a 30-minute drive from Darwin City Center and staying in town will give you the possibility to make a really special day trip on your last day of this itinerary (recommended). See below.

Kangaroo in Northern Territory Australia

Today is the last day of this 7-day Darwin trip. If not done the previous night, it’s time to head back to the city. The short drive allows enough time to catch a flight or if you want, stay another night in Darwin and see some of the places you might have missed at the beginning of your trip.

If you have the whole day free, consider doing something really special and join this highly-rated Tiwi Islands cultural day tour . You’ll experience a traditional Tiwi welcome smoking ceremony, meet the locals, explore the art center, museum, and Catholic mission precinct with a local guide. You can even make your own Tiwi-style art piece or get some authentic souvenirs.

This is your chance to get to know the local Aboriginal culture and do something truly unique that will make your trip to Darwin unforgettable.

For places to stay in Darwin, please check our suggestions on day 1 of this itinerary.

Carved Poles on Tiwi island near Darwin Australia

Darwin Itinerary Map

To make your Darwin trip planning easier, I created this map indicating all the places mentioned in this article.

As you can see, it’s a circular trip, so it would also be possible to turn it around so that you start with Kakadu National Park and end in Litchfield (although, we do suggest leaving the best for last).

How to use this map:  Use your computer mouse (or fingers) to zoom in or out. Click on the icons to get more information about each place. Click the arrow on the top left corner for the index. Click the star next to the map’s title to add it to your Google Maps account. To view the saved map on your smartphone or PC, open Google Maps, click the menu and go to ‘Your Places’/’Maps’. If you want to print the map or see it in a bigger window, click on ‘View larger map’ in the top right corner.

So, this is our suggested Darwin and Darwin area itinerary that covers all the best places in Australia’s Top End in one week. You will see wildlife, learn about indigenous culture, camp, swim under waterfalls, and of course, explore some of the Northern Territory’s most interesting towns.

It is a side of Australia that many people miss, but it is incredible and typically Australian. Darwin area is well worth a trip if you want to experience the more local and traditional side of Australia. I hope you’ll enjoy Darwin just as much as I did!

Below, you can find some Darwin itinerary suggestions for a shorter trip – take a look!

Darwin Area Itinerary Suggestions for 3, 4, or 5 Days

While we suggest spending at least one week in Darwin in order to see all the main highlights of Australia’s Top End, we understand that not everyone has that much time. Therefore we also have some suggestions for shorter trips if you have less time in Darwin. Take a look!

If you have three days in Darwin , visit Darwin city, Litchfield NP, and take a day trip to either Kakadu or Katherine Gorge.

With four days in Darwin , do all of the above: visit Darwin and take day trips to Litchfield, Kakadu, and Katherine Gorge. It’s probably easiest to just base yourself in the city and take day trips (unless you’re ok with full sightseeing days AND doing lots of driving yourself).

If you have five days in Darwin , you can pretty much follow our itinerary suggestions from day 1 to day 5 and drive back to Darwin from Jabiru.

Darwin trip itinerary suggestions

Practical Tips for Your Darwin Trip

The best time to visit Darwin is the dry season from April/May until September/October. If you are planning to travel in the rainy season, you should know that some roads may get inaccessible.

You will need a rental car if you decide to visit the Darwin area on a self-drive road trip instead of taking organized tours. We use and recommend this website for some of the best deals for car rental.

It’s best to rent a 4wd as many of the roads inside the National Parks are gravel and suitable for 4wd cars only. The biggest part of this itinerary is on paved roads, but there are also some parts, like for example, Gunlom Falls and Maguk that are best visited in a 4wd.

Some car rental companies offer to rent camping equipment (sleeping bags, mats, and a tent) as well. If you want to save on accommodation, this could be a good idea and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to camp! Alternatively, hire a 4wd with a pop-up tent on the top – it would be perfect for this trip! If you don’t camp, don’t worry. As you can see, there are accommodation options for each place mentioned in this itinerary.

TIP: Make sure your rental vehicle is allowed on gravel roads if you are planning to drive them. Cars that aren’t allowed, have signs on them offering rewards (around $100) to people who can take a photo and report you to the rental company!

Termite hills in Australia's Northern Territory

Thanks again to our guest writer Daniel for these wonderful tips for visiting the Darwin area. Even though we have visited Australia twice, we still haven’t been to the Top End. This article left me googling flights to Darwin…

About the author. Daniel is a professional photographer, skydiver, and travel blogger. He uses travel as a way to fulfill his need for adventure and excitement. Daniel is now a full-time traveler exploring the world continually and enjoying the journey along the way. With his partner Bailey, the two write about all of their travels on their blog, Destinationless Travel !

TIP: If you are visiting Australia, make sure to check our tips for planning Australia trip , as well as our Australia itinerary , and articles about some of our favorite places including the Red Center , Kangaroo Island , Sydney , Melbourne , and Hobart (Tasmania), to name just a few. Check it out!

READ ALSO: Best Stops on the Great Ocean Road, Australia

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Trip itinerary for visiting Darwin, Kakadu National Park, Katherine Gorge and Litchfield NP in Australia's Top End

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Peter Midtvik

Friday 21st of July 2023

Looking at the 7 day itinery I would like to do that by a tour company who do you sugest I contact that I get exactly the itinery. It is very good information Plan going September.Await your reply as to my enq Regards Pete

Saturday 22nd of July 2023

Hi Peter, our blog is meant to help people plan their own trips. I'm afraid I can't help you much with group trips, but I'm sure there are plenty. Take a look on Viator, there are quite a few multi-day trips in this part of Australia. Maybe you'll find something that suits your travel dates and interests. Here is just one highly-rated tour example and there are many more. You can search for Darwin and then filter by multi-day trips to see what's available. Hope this helps.

Tuesday 18th of July 2023

This is a great resource. It doesn't mention park passes though which you need if you are a non-resident of NT. You need one pass from Parks Australia for Kakadu and as of 3 April 2023, another from the NT government for Litchfield and Katherine Gorge.

Thanks for the info, Glen.

Tuesday 15th of October 2019

Great article. I have done recently a road trip from Perth to Broom, Darwin and, Cairns. Beautiful places - recommended.

Thank you, Lenka. Yes, traveling in Australia is always a special experience and especially a bit off the main routes up North. Happy travels!

Snag a deal incl $30 off 7 day theme park pass. Limited time only. Book deals now.

Best time of the year to visit Darwin

Despite being unfairly underrated globally, Darwin, the Northern Territory's capital, has much to offer. Local attractions embody the true essence of Australia—wild landscapes teeming with native wildlife, notably signature crocodiles. For an unconventional getaway beyond generic resorts and beaches, Darwin stands as a diverse and culturally rich city by the seaside. It's an ideal gateway to explore famous NT destinations. According to experts, the best time to visit Darwin is winter.

Why Darwin in Winter?

Darwin thrives in winter, particularly from mid-June to August. With comfortable temperatures around 29°C and lower humidity than other times, it's an enjoyable season. This aligns with Darwin's 'dry season', perfect for exploring highlights. Cooler nights mean less need for air conditioning, unlike hotter months. In winter, locals engage actively, and markets like the renowned Mindil Beach Market offer tasty local food and handcrafted finds, complete with the iconic Darwin sunset. Beyond Darwin in winter, visitors often explore Kakadu and Litchfield National Parks. Both are World Heritage sites, each with distinct offerings. Litchfield is closer and slightly less famous than Kakadu. While the dry season is optimal for travel, don't dismiss wet season months. They bring flowing waterfalls, lush greenery, stunning lightning storms (like the 1,634 flashes in a 2002 storm), and great barramundi fishing. Rainfall revitalizes Darwin and its surroundings. For dry season waterfall visits, head to Kakadu or Litchfield early in winter for their best displays.

Kakadu, a must-visit Australian destination, is a 2.5-hour drive from Darwin. Its vastness holds diverse natural wonders, from rivers to plateaus. Allocate several days for exploration; four days are common. Day tours offer a condensed experience. Your Kakadu adventure will focus on balancing flora and fauna photography. Crocodiles are more visible in winter. Croc-focused cruises on Yellow Water Wetlands reveal these creatures. Visit iconic Jim Jim Falls and Twin Falls for stunning cliffs and waterfalls. Litchfield, closer to Darwin, takes 1 hour and 45 minutes to reach. Despite less attention than Kakadu, it's a sound choice. Litchfield can be explored in a day, perfect for families with picnic areas and viewpoints. Abundant waterfalls and swimming holes add to its charm. Staying overnight near Litchfield is a suggestion to maximize exploration. Note that winter travel to Darwin might lead to increased accommodation costs. Look for deals or book in advance to manage expenses.

Can I experience Darwin in a weekend? How should I best experience Darwin in a weekend?

Short answer: yes. For exploring Darwin's natural highlights beyond the city, plan 4-5 days. But if you want to experience Darwin itself as a winter escape, two days are enough due to its compact size. For a weekend in Darwin, begin with breakfast at a waterfront café or famous markets. Visit the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory to learn about Aboriginal art and meet Sweetheart, the notorious crocodile. Enjoy the Wave Lagoon, a wave and swimming spot, and immerse yourself in Indigenous art. Browse and buy art at galleries in the city and Parap. Witness a tropical sunset on a historic pearling lugger, then end your day at bars and pubs on Mitchell Street.

Other essential spots in Darwin depend on your taste. History enthusiasts find the Defence of Darwin Experience at the Military Museum Precinct a must-visit. It documents the city's WWII involvement, offering interactive education and entertainment for all ages. Wildlife-focused visitors can skip Litchfield or Kakadu and head to Crocosaurus Cove. Located in Darwin, it's a crocodile haven with various shows and activities. The highlight is the Cage of Death, lowering guests into the water with a 5-meter crocodile for a unique experience. Darwin's Botanic Gardens offer a tropical retreat. Relax among plants and soak up sunshine. It's a peaceful way to spend time before heading home.

A fun fact about Darwin

Darwin's beautiful harbour is actually bigger than Sydney’s. It also serves as a great spot where you can take a relaxing sunset dinner cruise, an eco-guided water tour or get stuck into some serious fishing.

Experience Oz

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Zebedee Springs, The Kimberley, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Australia Recommends 2024

Dreamtime Dive and Snorkel, Cairns, Queensland © Tourism Australia

Travel Inspiration

Uluru, NT

G'day, the short film

Twelve Apostles, Great Ocean Road, Victoria © Tourism Australia

Discover your Australia

Kangaroo Island, South Australia © Tourism Australia

Travel videos

Elysian Retreat, Whitsundays, QLD © Tourism Australia

Deals and offers

Jacarandas and Sydney Harbour at sunset, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

Australian Capital Territory

Bondi, Sydney, NSW © Georges Antoni and Ken Butti

New South Wales

West MacDonnell Ranges, NT © Tourism Australia

Northern Territory

Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Tourism Australia

South Australia

Cradle Mountain, Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, TAS © Pierre Destribats

Western Australia

Aerial shot of Emily Bay on Norfolk Island © Rose Evans (Norfolk Island Tourism)

External Territories

Bondi Beach, Sydney, NSW ©  Daniel Tran

The Whitsundays

Kangaroo, Lucky Bay, Cape Le Grand National Park, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Mornington Peninsula

Paddleboarding, Noosa, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Port Douglas

Cape Byron Lighthouse, Byron Bay, NSW © Destination NSW

Ningaloo Reef

Airlie Beach, Whitsunday Coast, QLD © Tourism Whitsundays

Airlie Beach

Remarkable Rocks, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. © South Australian Tourism Commission

Kangaroo Island

The Basin, Rottnest Island, Western Australia © Tourism Western Australia

Rottnest Island

Lake McKenzie, K’gari (Fraser Island), QLD © Tourism & Events Queensland

Hamilton Island

Lord Howe Island, NSW © Trevor King, Destination New South Wales

Lord Howe Island

Tiwi Design, Tiwi Islands © Tourism NT/Shaana McNaught

Tiwi Islands

Little penguins, Phillip Island Nature Park, VIC © Phillip Island Nature Park

Phillip Island

Bruny Island Paddle, Southern Sea Ventures, Bruny Island, Tasmania © Southern Sea Ventures

Bruny Island

Cape Naturaliste, near Dunsborough, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Margaret River

St Hugo Wines, Barossa Valley, SA © Tourism Australia

Barossa Valley

Grampians National Park, Victoria © Robert Blackburn, Visit Victoria

The Grampians

Audrey Wilkinson, Hunter Valley, NSW © Audrey Wilkinson

Hunter Valley

Sea turtle, Lady Elliot Island, Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Tourism & Events Queensland

McLaren Vale

Glass House Mountains, Sunshine Coast, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Glass House Mountains

Bubble Tents, Capertree, Mudgee Region, NSW © Australian Traveller

Alice Springs

Cable Beach, Broome, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Uluru and Kata Tjuta

The Kimberley, WA © Tourism Australia

The Kimberley

The Arkaba Walk, Elder Camp, Flinders Ranges National Park, SA © Adam Bruzzone, South Australian Tourism Commission

Flinders Ranges

Jim Jim Falls, Kakadu National Park, NT © Jarrad Seng, all rights reserved

Kakadu National Park

Eyre Peninsula, SA © David Edgar

Eyre Peninsula

Hamersley Gorge , Karijini National Park, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Karijini National Park

Monkey Mia, Shark Bay World Heritage Area, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Great Barrier Reef

Blue Mountains, NSW © Destination NSW

Blue Mountains

Cassowary in Daintree Rainforest, Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

Daintree Rainforest

Twelve Apostles, Great Ocean Road, VIC © Greg Snell, Tourism Australia

Great Ocean Road

Spicers Peak, Scenic Rim, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Purnululu National Park

Boat Shed, Lake Dove and Cradle Mountain, Cradle-Mountain Lake St Clare National Park, TAS © Adrian Cook

Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park

Wangi Falls, Litchfield National Park, NT © Tourism NT, Dan Moore

Litchfield National Park

Saffire Signature Experiences, Freycinet Marine Oyster Farm, Coles Bay, Freycinet National Park, TAS © Tourism Tasmania

Aboriginal experiences

National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, VIC © Robert Blackburn, Visit Victoria

Arts and culture

WOMADelaide 2019, Adelaide, SA Ⓒ Grant Hancock

Festivals and events

Detour Restaurant, Brisbane, QLD © @detourrestaurant and @dine.agency

Food and drink

Raging Thunder, Tully, QLD © Tourism Australia

Adventure and sports

Three Capes Track, Tasman National Park, TAS © Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service

Walks and hikes

Great Ocean Road, VIC © Tourism Australia

Road trips and drives

True North at Bedwell Island, Rowley Shoals, WA © True North

Beaches and islands

Nature's Window, Kalbarri National Park, WA © Tourism Australia

Nature and national parks

Wombat, Symbio Wildlife Park, Helensburgh, NSW © Destination NSW

Eco-friendly travel

Group of friends participate in a body clay ritual at Peninsula Hot Springs © Peninsula Hot Springs

Health and wellness

The Dune Pavilion Deck with views of Uluru at Longitude 131 in the Northern Territory © Baillies Longitude 131

Family travel

Table Cape Tulip Farm, Wynyard, Tasmania © Tourism Australia

Family destinations

Hellfire Bay, Esperance, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Family road trips

Merewether Baths, Newcastle, NSW © Destination NSW


Ellery Creek Big Hole, West MacDonnell Ranges, Northern Territory © Tourism NT/Salty Aura

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Sand Dune Adventures at Stockton Beach, Port Stephens, NSW © Tourism Australia

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Man in a wheelchair looking up at the canopy of the Daintree Rainforest in Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

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 Mrs Macquarie's Chair, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

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Cape Tribulation, Tropical North Queensland, QLD © Tourism Australia

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 Aerial of car driving through palm trees in Tropical North Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland / Sean Scott.

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Kangaroo, Lucky Bay, Esperance, WA © Australia’s Golden Outback

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Beach House on Wategos Beach, Byron Bay, NSW © Tourism Australia

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Snowy region, Jindabyne, NSW © DPIE-Murray Van Der Veer

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Kanangra-Boyd National Park, Kanangra, NSW © Destination NSW

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Hickson Road Reserve, The Rocks, NSW © Destination NSW

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Bronte Baths, Bronte Beach, Sydney, NSW © Tourism Australia

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Prairie Hotel, Parachilna, SA © South Australian Tourism Commission

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Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Georges Antoni / Tourism Australia

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Mount Lidgbird and Mount Gower, Lord Howe Island © Tom Archer

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  Wildflowers, near Hamelin Pool, WA © Tourism Western Australia

When is the best time to visit Australia?

Ringer Reef Winery, Bright, VIC © Visit Victoria

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Human Progress Pride flag, Sydney, NSW © Daniel Boud

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Silverdale Olive Orchard, Coral Coast, WA © Australia's Coral Coast

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Sydney New Year's Eve, Sydney Harbour, NSW © Destination NSW

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Sydney Harbour, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

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Gantheaume Point, Broome, WA © Tourism Australia

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Self-drive, Marrawah, TAS © Tourism Tasmania

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Car driving on road next to the ocean in Lagoons Beach Conservation Area © Pete Harmsen/Tourism Tasmania

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Maui Motorhome parked on the coastline in Tasmania © Tourism Australia

How to hire a car or campervan

Family strolling alongside Tilligerry Creek © Destination NSW

How to plan a family road trip

 Car drives along the Matilda Way in Outback Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

How to plan an outback road trip


Darwin, Northern Territory

Guide to Darwin

Aboriginal name:  Gulumerrdgen (pronounced Golom-merrd-gen)

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  • Getting to Darwin
  • When to visit
  • Accessibility

With everything from Asian food markets and crocodile encounters to open-air movies and sunset cruises, Darwin is as easy going as it is exciting.

If balmy nights, colourful characters and outdoor adventures are on your bucket list, you'll want to visit Darwin, located in the Northern Territory. Along with its crocodiles and cruises, you'll find rich Aboriginal cultures here, evident through the vibrant Aboriginal art that fills the city's galleries, museums and streetscapes. The city's proximity to Asia means you'll also find strong Asian influences, especially in the energetic food scene and buzzing night markets.

The Larrakia people are the Traditional Custodians of Darwin/Gulumerrdgen. The Larrakia people observe seven seasons throughout the year, and each season brings changes in weather, plants and animals. You can connect with First Nations culture, art and food on a range of Aboriginal experiences in Darwin .

  • Traditional name: Gulumerrdgen (pronounced Golom-merrd-gen)
  • Indigenous Peoples: Larrakia people
  • Traditional languages: Larrakia language
  • How to say g’day in Larrakia: Darrandirra (Durran-dirra), Miledma (Mil-ed-ma) or Batji-way (Barchi-way)

Fly into Darwin International Airport on either an international flight, or from any Australian state or territory. 

  • Darwin International Airport (DRW) is 7km (4.5mi) from the city and services international and domestic arrivals
  • Darwin is home to great road trips, but given its distance from other major cities, it may be best to hire a car after arriving on a flight
  • Hire cars, taxis, rideshares and shuttle services are available at Darwin Airport

Getting around Darwin is a breeze as it’s the smallest of Australia’s capital cities. With easy walking and cycling paths, many of Darwin’s attractions can be reached on foot. Darwin also has clean and reliable buses that stop at popular tourist spots.

There are two distinct seasons in Darwin. The dry season is the most popular time to visit, with many of the city’s events and festivals happening during this time. During the wet season, you will witness lush greenery and spectacular evening storms, and you’ll avoid the crowds at the city’s many attractions.

It's important to note that some tours do not operate during the wet season, so be sure to check in advance if you're planning to come at this time.

  • High season: Dry season (May to October)
  • Low season: Wet season (November to July)
  • Don’t miss:   Mindil Beach Sunset Markets (April to October)

Darwin is home to a host of accessible experiences and accommodation options.

  • Arrival: Accessible assistance is available at Darwin Airport for those needing baggage or movement support throughout the airport.
  • Getting around: Public buses in Darwin have low floors and extendable ramps for passengers with limited mobility.
  • Accessible experience highlights: Darwin has a rich and diverse history, so be sure to visit the city’s accessible museums and galleries . If you’re looking for more of a thrill, try your hand at wheelchair-friendly barramundi fishing .
  • Helpful resources: Search for accommodation and explore itineraries on this guide to accessible travel in the Northern Territory.

Top things to do in Darwin

Aerial of woman floating surrounded by palm trees in Zebedee Springs, Kimberley, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

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Darwin made the list. where else will 2024 take you, where to eat and drink.

Mindil Beach Sunset Markets, Darwin, NT © Tourism NT/Helen Orr

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The Precinct Tavern, Darwin, Northern Territory © Tourism NT/Helen Orr

6 of Darwin’s best bars and pubs

Chow, Darwin, NT © Tourism NT, Christopher Nayna

Darwin's best cheap eats

Trip essentials.

Vibe Hotel, Darwin, NT © TFE Hotels

Where to stay

Darwin and Tiwi Islands, Darwin, NT © Tourism NT

Weather in Darwin

Darwin Esplanade and CBD, NT © Tourism NT

Getting around

Kangaroo, Lucky Bay, Esperance, WA © Australia’s Golden Outback

Destinations near Darwin

Wangi Falls, Litchfield National Park, NT © Tourism NT, Dan Moore

The Tiwi Islands

Jim Jim Falls, Kakadu National Park, NT © Jarrad Seng, all rights reserved

Arnhem Land

Trips and itineraries.

Darwin Skycity Pool at sunset, Darwin, NT © Tourism NT/Dave Anderson

3 days in Darwin

The Ghan, Adelaide, SA © Journey Beyond

3 days on board The Ghan train

Twin Falls, Kakadu National Park, Top End, NT © Tourism Northern Territory

From Darwin to Adelaide: 14 days of nature, wine and Aboriginal cultures

Nawurlandja Lookout, Kakadu National Park, NT © Tourism NT, Rachel Stewart

Ultimate 6-day Kakadu family road trip

Explore another city.

Kangaroo Point picnic, Brisbane, QLD © Brisbane Marketing

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Best time to visit Darwin

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  • Post last modified: August 13, 2024

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Darwin may always be hot — daytime temperatures hit the 30s year round — but you can choose between sun-baked and soaked. Do like most and visit during the dry season from May to October when the skies are enchantingly blue. Or, if you chase good deals and want to see the waterfalls cascading at their highest flow rate, come during the wet season between November and April.

May – October (dry season)

May through October is the peak travel season in Darwin, characterised by sunny days and an upbeat vibe. Now the city brims with energy, best displayed at flavourful Mindil Beach Sunset Market, which draws big crowds with its wide array of stalls selling all from food and drinks to arts and crafts on Thursdays and Sundays.

Should you decide to visit during this period, book your accommodation as soon as you can. Although Darwin hotels recognise the appeal of the dry and charge premiums (sometimes as steep as Jim Jim Falls), they regularly sell out.

November – April (wet season)

If you don’t let the signature high humidity, heavy rains or frequent storms deter you, the wet season can be a beautiful time to visit Darwin. Embrace the absence of tourist hordes as you tour the city centre, relax in the waterfront precinct and marvel at cascading waterfalls and rivers filling up in the great national parks, including Litchfield and Kakadu.

While Mindil Beach Sunset Market is in hibernation, less touristy Parap Village Markets — 10 minutes’ ride from the CBD — braves the weather and runs every Saturday morning year round. Make your way over to savour yummy tastes of Asia and Australia and stock up on the fresh produce of the season.

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Darwin Tours

What is the best time of year to go to Darwin?

Written by: Cameron Ward

Published: 01/11/2021

Reading time: 2 mins

Working out the best time to travel to Darwin can be a tough decision.

Luckily, we’ve made a clear guideline for you, listing the weather pros and cons of the two seasons in Darwin, helping you to choose the perfect time to travel depending on your taste!

Darwin’s Wet Season

Darwin Wet Season

The city of Darwin doesn’t have the typical four seasons like many areas of the world. Instead, Australia’s north has only two seasons known as the Wet and Dry. The Wet runs from November until April, comprising of monsoonal rains, tropical lighting storms, and extreme humidity. This may not sound like the best weather for travelling, but this season can guarantee you plenty of greenery, thundering waterfalls, and great swimming weather. The Wet season also brings with it the impressive Top End electrical storms. Simply get inside during these crazy storms and sit down for dinner to watch the natural light show take place. It’s also usually the cheapest time to travel to Darwin. Many travellers opt to avoid the wet season, leading to cheaper prices for accommodation and fewer crowds at top attractions. Travelling during the Wet offers a cheaper and quieter journey through Darwin’s amazing sights!

For the remainder of the months left in Darwin, the city enjoys the Dry season, featuring warm, dry days with clear skies and cool nights. The humidity is at 60% less than the wet season but still hangs about during the day at times. The temperatures reach up to 32 degrees, but the nights can drop significantly to as low as 16 degrees. This time is great for those wanting to explore the outer regions, with barely any rain getting in the way to ruin the fun. The dry season coincides with southern Australia’s winter, so when travelling about the country, it’s best to visit Darwin to avoid any colder winter months that Victoria and South Australia are famous for. Enjoy the bushwalks, waterfall swimming, and many festivals and markets which pop up during this time, making for a truly wondrous visit to Darwin!

Related article: What to pack for the Northern Territory

Cameron Ward

Cameron Ward turned his travel passion into a thriving Australian tourism business. Before he co-founded his own business, Sightseeing Tours Australia, he was enjoying being a Melbourne tour guide. Even now, Cameron delights in helping visitors from all around the world get the most out of their incredible Australian trip. You’ll see Cameron leading tours or writing about his favourite Australian places where he shares his local insights.

Explore Our Darwin Tours

Darwin City Tour & Surrounds $99

Darwin City Tour & Surrounds $99

1 Day Katherine Gorge Deluxe Tour from Darwin $365

1 Day Katherine Gorge Deluxe Tour from Darwin $365

Morning Jumping Crocodile Cruise from Darwin $140

Morning Jumping Crocodile Cruise from Darwin $140

Afternoon Jumping Crocodile Cruise from Darwin $140

Afternoon Jumping Crocodile Cruise from Darwin $140

3 Day Darwin to Alice Springs Tour $769

3 Day Darwin to Alice Springs Tour $769

1 Day Litchfield Tour $169

1 Day Litchfield Tour $169

3 Day Alice Springs to Darwin Tour $769

3 Day Alice Springs to Darwin Tour $769

Tiwi Island First Nations Cultural Tour $419

Tiwi Island First Nations Cultural Tour $419

good time to visit darwin

Weather and climate in Darwin (Australia)

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Darwin - weather by month.

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The Best & The Worst Time to Visit Darwin

Located inside the tropical embrace of Australia’s Northern Territory, Darwin is a metropolis that captivates with its specific combination of natural beauty, cultural richness, and all-around available electricity. As you think about embarking on a journey to this eye-catching destination, your timing will have a great impact on your enjoyment.

Darwin’s weather comprises two major seasons. May to September experiences a dry season with blue skies that is more fascinating for outdoor activities making it the peak season for visitations.

The October to April season is characterized by wet weather including heavy rainfall, occasional cyclones, and high humidity making the exploration of the city risky and challenging.

Whether you seek the fun of outdoor adventures, cultural festivities, or the silence of serene landscapes, knowledge of the temporal nuances could be your compass to unlocking the entire spectrum of Darwin’s appeal.

When is the Best Time to Visit Darwin

When is the worst time to visit darwin, cheapest time to visit darwin, off-season: least busy time to visit darwin, most expensive time to visit darwin, hottest months in darwin, coldest months in darwin, month-by-month weather in darwin.

The Best & The Worst Time to Visit Darwin

Darwin boasts a fascinating combination of vibrant subculture and breathtaking landscapes. The best time to enjoy her charm is at some stage in the dry season, from May to September.

These months provide delightful weather, characterized by clean skies, balmy temperatures, and minimum rainfall. The town comes alive with a plethora of outside sports, gala, and activities.

May marks the beginning of the dry season, with temperatures starting from 24°C to 32°C (seventy five°F to 90°F).

It’s the best time to explore the town’s attractions, embark on nature trails, and witness the lovely sunsets over the Timor Sea.

As June kicks in, the climate becomes cooler, with temperatures averaging between 21°C to 31°C (70°F to 88°F).

This duration is best for indulging in outside adventures like hiking in Litchfield National Park or taking a cruise along the Adelaide River to witness the famous leaping crocodiles.

July and August make the peak of Darwin’s visitor season. The weather remains pleasantly dry, with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 31°C (68°F to 88°F).

These months host diverse cultural festivals, together with the Darwin Festival, showcasing music, arts, and culinary delights from the region.

September marks the end of the dry season, with temperatures starting from 24°C to 33°C (75°F to 91°F).

It’s a high-quality time to visit Kakadu National Park and witness the breathtaking landscapes of their full glory before humidity and rainfall start to boom.

good time to visit darwin

October to April represents the wet season in Darwin. Characterized by high humidity, heavy rainfall, and occasional cyclones, this time is regularly considered less favorable for travelers.

From October to December, temperatures change drastically, averaging between 25°C to 33°C (77°F to 91°F).

The humidity may be stifling, making outside sports much less enjoyable.

January to March is the peak of the moist season, marked by extreme rainfall and humidity.

Temperatures range from 24°C to 32°C (75°F to 90°F), but the humidity could make it sense much hotter.

Flash floods and avenue closures are common at some point in this period, restricting outdoor activities.

April signals the transition from the wet to the dry season. While temperatures vary from 24°C to 32°C (75°F to 90°F), heavy rainfall persists, impacting outside activities.

However, toward the end of April, the climate starts to improve, making it a barely higher time to visit as compared to earlier in the wet season.

The moist season, extending from October to April emerges as a haven for budget-friendly travelers seeking reasonable options. Accommodation rates take a massive dip, offering options of lower-priced alternatives throughout the metropolis.

Airlines, acknowledging decreased calls, often sell discounted fares, rendering travel to Darwin greater financially available, making the season more affordable to visit.

However, it’s vital to weigh those cost advantages against the backdrop of boundaries imposed by heavy rainfall and pervasive humidity in the course of this period.

The primary purpose of visiting Darwin would be her outdoor activities which will be limited during this period making your stay less productive and fascinating.

The wet season, specifically from January to March, unveils Darwin at its quietest. This period experiences a high decline in tourist footfall, remodeling attractions into serene havens and making accommodations more affordable.

The crowds offer an intimate engagement with Darwin’s essence, allowing traffic a deeper and greater non-public connection with the city’s treasures.

However, embracing this off-season allure entails a readiness to navigate the well-known moist and humid conditions.

The pinnacle of the dry season, especially in July and August, stands as Darwin’s more expensive time for travelers.

The lodges and tour packages, driven through renowned activities like the Darwin Festival, always escalates fees.

This busy duration witnesses a flurry of visitors, creating a crowded ecosystem that magnifies the attraction of Darwin’s cultural festivities, albeit at a much higher cost.

The scorching months of October and November are mostly referred to as Darwin’s zenith in temperature, boasting hovering highs of 33°C (91°F).

These months unravel a series of extreme warmth alleviated by the oppressive humidity, creating a harsh climate for outside endeavors.

The environment pulses with a sultry power, beckoning locals and traffic to seek refuge in shaded spots or indulge in aquatic escapes on the town’s lovely waterfronts.

While Darwin keeps a highly constant temperature range throughout the 12 months, the cooler months usually occur throughout June and July.

During this era, the temperatures range between 21°C to 22°C (70°F to 72°F), presenting a reprieve from the extra intense heat of the tropical climate.

The city’s atmosphere takes a refreshing turn because the mild temperatures invite locals and site visitors alike to explore outdoor sights, bask in strolls along the waterfront, or find pleasure in al fresco eating studies.

It’s a lovely time for outside activities, whether or not it is venturing into the nearby countrywide parks or taking inside the city’s cultural offerings without the sweltering heat that characterizes other components of the year.

A table showing Darwin’s weather month by month.

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Here's why August is the best time to visit Darwin

By Amy Nelmes Bissett Presented by Tourism NT | 4 years ago

Darwin Festival

For the best part of the country, August is the month when we start the official countdown until winter is packed away for another year and replaced with a much milder spring.

That is unless you are in Darwin. This Northern Territory city isn't counting down to anything but is living very much in the now.

In August, you'll not only find stand-out events but a city that comes alive with travellers chasing the sun as the rest of Australia feels the chill.

Not convinced? Read on to see why August is the best time to visit this NT city.

The weather

Missing your yearly European escape? Well, look no further. Darwin's average temperature in August is 30 degrees Celsius. And it's also dry season so pretty much every day is sunny and a much lower humidity than any other month. In short, not too hot, not too wet and just right: this is undoubtedly the best time of year to visit Darwin.

Darwin has also held a number of key events this month, with August being one of the busiest times for arts, music and cultural experiences in the city.

Darwin Festival

August 6 th - 16 th

Every year the Darwin Festival, an 11-day extravaganza featuring the very best of the Darwin art and culture scene, always pulls quite the crowd. In 2020, it was the first festival in a major Australian city since the pandemic. But don't worry, the organisers have ensured it is COVID-19 safe.

So, what can you see? This festival is so diverse that you can see comedy to cabaret, and really everything in between.

Darwin Street Art Festival

May 20 th – September 30 th

Running since 2017, the Darwin Street Art Festival this year features 15 new murals by local artists. Each are spotted around the city, with a map available online. Many murals feature an augmented reality experience to really bring the art to life! What 9Travel love about this event is that it's a great way to also see the city.

Finish your street art tour on Mitchell Street, which is a busy hub of restaurants, cafes and bars. Our hot pick? Hanuman inside Darwin Entertainment Centre is a foodie must-visit. Here you'll find south-east Asian fare, with the Hanuman prawns served with coconut, wild ginger and curry paste a true show stealer.

National Indigenous Music Awards

August 8 th

While this year you couldn't attend the event itself, there was a wonderful screening of the National Indigenous Music Awards at Darwin's Deckchair Cinema . It wasn't only a free screening but the food at the outdoor cinema was truly outstanding. There was a whole range from Nepalese to Japanese. But if you prefer something a bit fancier, we'd recommend Wharf One . A true jewel in Darwin's epicurean crown. Don't leave without trying the Dutch beef croquettes.

August 29 th

Bring your finest threads for the Darwin Cup, a momentous event in the city's calendar. And unlike any other city, you know the day won't be rained off. The event, at the Darwin Turf Club racecourse, has an amazing atmosphere, easy access to drinks and food and, unlike most courses across Australia, is unusually family friendly.

BetEasy Darwin Triple Crown Supercars

August 15 th – 16 th

For the petrol heads amongst us, the BetEasy Darwin Triple Crown Supercars was a two-day event being held at the Hidden Valley Raceway. This weekend was a lot of fun (we repeat, a lot of fun!) with the thrill of supercars mixed with family-friendly events, like a meet-and-greet in the form of the much-loved Blue.

There was also free parking, a shuttle bus from four locations in the city and you were allowed to bring your own picnic, but there were food stalls inside if you prefer to travel lightly.

There's no better time to visit Darwin than this August. To discover more, visit https://northernterritory.com/things-to-do/festivals-and-events

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The Best Time to Visit the Northern Territory

good time to visit darwin

Posnov  / Getty Images

Australia's outback paradise, the Northern Territory, is divided into two regions with distinct climates: The Red Centre in the heart of Australia and the Top End on the Timor Sea in the north. The best time to visit the Red Centre is in the transition seasons of fall (March to May) and spring (September to November) which offer pleasant weather and low crowd levels. The days are sunny and warm, perfect for sightseeing, while the nights are crisp and clear. The Top End is at its coolest and most accessible during the dry season from May to July. Visit in May or early June to avoid the crowds. If you want to visit both regions, the best time to visit the Northern Territory is from May to October, thanks to the lower humidity levels and the ability to access most parts of this incredible destination without the risk of flooding.

The biggest town in the Red Centre is Alice Springs, which experiences clear skies, low rainfall, and hot temperatures throughout most of the year. Further north, the capital city of Darwin has a wet season from November to April and a dry season from May to October. Read on for our full guide to the weather, events, and attractions of the Northern Territory .

Dangerous box jellyfish can be seen off the coast from October to May, so make sure to obey any warning signs at beaches during this time. Saltwater crocodiles also pose a threat in waterways in the Top End, so do your research before swimming.

Popular Events and Festivals

Most of the Northern Territory's big events take place in the dry season—especially the cooler months of June, July, and August—and range from internationally renowned arts festivals to quirky outback races. Accommodation for these events can book out months in advance, especially for the ones held in small communities, so we recommend planning ahead.

The Northern Territory also observes Australia's national public holidays including Australia Day (Jan. 26), Easter (mid-March or April), Anzac Day (April 25), May Day (May 1), Queen's Birthday (mid-June), Christmas, Boxing Day (Dec. 26), and New Year's Day.

The Ghan Railway (a luxury train between Adelaide, Alice Springs, and Darwin) has departures once a week from November to March, and twice a week from April to October.

The Weather in the Northern Territory

Daytime temperatures in the Northern Territory are generally on the higher side, although winter brings cold nights to the Red Centre. Average maximums hover around 90 F (32 C) in Darwin throughout the year, while Alice Springs has a larger range of fluctuation, from around 65 F (18 C) in winter to around 95 F (35 C) in summer.  

The wet season can result in flooding and road closures in the Top End, making it a tricky time for tourists. It is also the time of the year with the highest humidity levels.

Peak Season in the Northern Territory

The whole Northern Territory experiences a boom in tourism in winter, as travelers make the most of the milder temperatures and the Australian school holidays. From late June to late July, popular destinations like Uluru and Kakadu can be crowded at these times, but there is still plenty of space to get away from it all.

Summer (December to February)

Summer is hot all over the Northern Territory, and hot and wet in the Top End. Some visitors to the Top End may enjoy the sunny mornings and the lack of fellow travelers, along with the incredible flowing waterfalls and vivid green foliage in the region's national parks. However, most will find that the monsoon rains and the humidity put a damper on their travel plans.

Average summer temperatures range from 75 to 90 F (24 to 32 C) in the Top End, with humidity over 80 percent. January is the wettest time, with around 17 inches of rainfall across 21 days out of the month. From October to December, dramatic storms hit the north coast.  

Further south, in the Red Centre, summer temperatures range from 60 to 95 F (15 to 35 C) and the sun can be a little harsh for outdoor activities, while nights sometimes dip down to 35 F (2 C). Events are often held in the evenings to avoid the heat of the day.

Events to check out:

  • Alice Springs Town Council Night Markets : This market is held in the Todd Mall on Thursday evenings from 5 p.m. once a month, with live entertainment, snacks, Aboriginal art, second-hand books, and boutique cloth­ing and jew­elry.
  • Parap Village Markets : In Darwin, this event runs every Saturday morning year-round, with local food, fresh produce, clothing, jewelry, art, plants, and live music.

Fall (March to May)

The weather cools off a little in most of the Territory from March to May, although regular rain and high humidity continue in the Top End until the end of April. Average temperatures range from 50 to 80 F (10 to 27 C) in Alice Springs and highs drop down to the 70s and 80s in Darwin by May.

It is a great time to visit Alice Springs before the crowds arrive in June, and prices for accommodation and tours may be lower in Darwin through the tail end of the wet season.

  • Alice Springs Cup Day: The biggest thoroughbred race day of the year happens in early May, with fashion and entertainment.
  • Tiwi Islands Grand Final and Art Sale: On Bathurst Island, north of Darwin, the two local passions of art and football collide for one day in March, drawing visitors from all over Australia.
  • Bass In The Grass : An all-ages music festival in Darwin since 2003 with international headliners.

Winter (June to August)

Winter is peak season across the Territory, as domestic and international travelers make the most of the cooler temperatures in Alice and clear skies in Darwin. Average temperatures in Alice Springs range from 40 to 65 F (4 to 18 C), with the occasional morning frost. In Darwin, the cool weather continues until July, with temperatures in the 60s and 70s. The dry season runs through winter.

Prices and crowds are higher across the board, but visitors will be rewarded with access to many parts of the Top End that are cut off during the wet season.

  • Barunga Festival : This festival first took place in the remote Aboriginal community of Barunga (near Katherine) in 1985, and has grown into a three-day program of music, sport, traditional arts, and cultural activities open to visitors.
  • Darwin Festival : With music, art, dance, and storytelling, this festival celebrates all the cultures of the Northern Territory.
  • Finke Desert Race : A famous off-road two-day race for bikes, cars, buggies, and quads from Alice Springs.
  • Run Larapinta : A four-day trail running race through some of Australia's most iconic landscapes near Alice Springs.
  • Beer Can Regatta : A local favorite in Darwin since 1974, all are welcome to make a small boat out of cans, plastic bottles, or milk bottles and race them along the waterfront.
  • Uluru Camel Cup : Two days of camel racing, Fashions on the Field, and an Outback Ball await at the Uluru Camel Cup.

Spring (September to November)

Days start to get warmer in the Red Centre—averaging around 55 to 85 F (13 to 29 C) in Alice Springs—bringing the occasional afternoon thunderstorm. If you're planning on getting outdoors in Central Australia, the spring weather is sunny but not too hot for hiking.

Up in the Top End, it's a different story. The two months preceding the start of the wet season at the end of November are known to Darwin locals as the build-up, as temperatures increase slowly but steadily until the rains roll in. Most attractions are still accessible, but the rising humidity can be uncomfortable for some.

  • Parrtjima : A free light festival in Alice Springs in September, featuring Aboriginal artists.
  • Desert Song Festival : 10 days of concerts and workshops that draw on the Aboriginal, African, classical, and Caribbean musical transitions of Central Australia.
  • Darwin International Film Festival : An extensive calendar of events in September with a focus on local filmmakers and independent international cinema.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Northern Territory can get extremely hot in the summer, so the best time to visit is between May and October when humidity and temperatures are low.

Uluru is the most famous attraction in the Northern Territory and the best time to visit is between May and September when the weather is cool and dry. However, you will find the most crowds between June and September, which makes May the optimum month to visit.

The wet season lasts from November to April, during which the region can experience monsoons and high levels of humidity.

Tourism Australia. "Weather in Alice Springs." Retrieved Feb. 8, 2021.

Tourism Australia. "Weather in Darwin." Retrieved Feb. 8, 2021.

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As you may know, here in the tropical north of Australia many recognise just two main seasons; the wet season and the dry season. These are two vastly different times in the Top End and have a significant impact on the environment around.

The dry season, between May and October is often said the be the best time of year to visit and is a great winter escape of southerners who can come and enjoy the consistently warm sunny days and nice cool nights.

good time to visit darwin

Whilst the shoulder season months, between April & May as well as September & October, may not be so glamorous temperature and humidity wise, there are still many great reasons why travelling to and around Darwin at this time of year can be quite spectacular.

The wet season which occurs typically between November and March is far more bearable than the shoulder seasons and brings with it far more rain. This time of year is unique and special in its own way. Whilst many waterways and areas become inaccessible by road, there are certain advantages to travelling Darwin & surrounds this time of year.

Understanding that there is no ‘one season fits all’ and that the Top End is spectacular all year round, here are some of our ‘pros’ and ‘con’s to visiting Darwin and the Top End at each time of year. 


good time to visit darwin

The dry season is the most comfortable time to travel to Darwin with low humidity and almost no rainfall. Every day is sunny, and the night-time is mild. This is a comfortable time for experiencing the outdoors and enjoying the adventure activities of Kakadu, Litchfield, and Nitmiluk National Parks.

This time of year is by far Darwin’s busiest, creating a fun and exciting vibe throughout the city. These months bring many enjoyable events for locals and tourists including the Darwin Festival, the Barunga Festival, the V8 Supercars and the famous Mindil Beach Sunset Markets.

A real highlight and one of Darwin’s most spectacular natural attractions is the fiery sunsets full of red, orange, pink and purple that sweep across the sky. Mindil Beach fills up on market nights (Thursdays and Sundays) and many enjoy a classic laksa, often clapping as the sun disappears over the horizon.

If crowds aren’t your thing then the Dry season in the Top End may not be the best time to visit. Popular water holes will be busy, caravan parks will be packed, and roads will be full of caravanners and travellers.

THE DRY- If you are travelling this time of year and you want to get away from the crowds, our 5 Day Kakadu, Arnhem Land and Cobourg Peninsula Tour is a specially crafted small group tour which departs during this season. This tour enables travellers to escape the crowds and experience the highlights of the world heritage-listed Kakadu National Park as well as the pristine wilderness and culture of Arnhem Land and the Cobourg Peninsula.  Click here for more details

Alternatively, our 6 day ‘Welcome to Country’ Tour is just as impressive, giving travellers an opportunity to explore the top ends rich indigenous culture and travel through some of the most spectacular landscapes in the Top End.  Click here for all the info

APRIL – MAY (Transition from the wet to the dry)

good time to visit darwin

April and May, being on the cusp of the dry season, is a great time to visit the Northern Territory. Crowds are still minimal and landscapes are still incredibly green and full of life. The weather can be unpredictable, and the humidity can range from high to low during the transition from monsoon to dry. At this time of year you are assured that waterfalls are going to be flowing hard which is well worth seeing in a light aircraft or chopper.

With rivers still flowing high, some areas may be inaccessible, and some waterholes may be closed. It is important to keep an eye on the NT parks website for any closures and openings and arrange your itinerary accordingly. This being said, there is still no shortage of incredible activities and attractions on offer this time of year.

If you’re keen to travel this time of year, we offer a 5 Day tour of Litchfield, Kathrine, Kakadu, and Arnhem Land in May, giving you the chance to see all the top-pick highlights of the Top End and more.  Check it out here!

SEPTEMBER – OCTOBER (Transition from the dry season into the wet season- Also commonly referred to as 'the buildup')

good time to visit darwin

Late September into October brings a 'build up' of humidity and locals all start longing for the first downpour of rain as we edge closer to the wet season. This time of year is great for those who enjoy fishing! Barramundi are likely to be biting with the increase in water temperature and the ocean is often in glass like condition making it the best time to find fish as well as marine life. 

If a ‘bucket-list’ fishing trip to the NT has ever been of interest, this is the time to join one of Australia's premier fishing experiences. Offering exclusive fishing charters on the doorstep of the pristine Cobourg Peninsula,  Cobourg Fishing Safaris offer world class fishing and eco tourism packages tailored to your needs!  Find out all the info here :)

The end of the dry season transitioning into the monsoonal rains also brings with it an electric show in the sky well worth watching. Epic sunsets are still seen this time of year with flashes of lightening surrounding it.

If humidity bothers you steer clear of the Top Ends ‘build up’ as temperatures and moisture in the air can be uncomfortable.


good time to visit darwin

There are a variety of misconceptions that circulate about the tropical summer of the northern parts of the Territory. These are often being it's ‘too hot’ and it's ‘raining all day, every day’. As this is sometimes the case, it shouldn't be a big factor to deter tourists travelling at this time of year.

‘The Wet’, popular among locals, brings a whole new environment for the Top End. Everything turns luscious and green, waterfalls are flowing, the wildlife are more active, the tourists disappear and the slow pace of NT life gets somewhat even slower.

Read our recent blog on  the best of Darwin in the wet season to find out why this time of year is so special and why it is such an attractive time to travel for those who love avoiding crowds and who can appreciate nature as it is, green and full of life.

If you can't handle high humidity, the dry season is a better choice.

As water levels rise during the early months of the wet season, some roads become inaccessible which restricts access to a bunch of tourist attractions.

Croc migration becomes an issue for popular swimming spots, resultingly in various closures of tourist sites in National Parks. (There are still plenty of spectacular safe places to swim although best to travel with a local guide for reassurance)

Although some popular attractions will have to be missed by land, some of these sites can be seen from a different angle. Twin Falls and Jim Jim falls located in Kakadu are the best example of this – at this time of year tourists are blown away seeing the waterfalls in all their glory from above on a spectacular heli-flight experience.

good time to visit darwin

If you’re thinking of travelling the Top End at this time of year, we have crafted a  6-day private tour that takes in the best of what the wet season has to offer and guarantees little to no crowds, fast flowing waterfalls, swollen river systems and an abundance of fish and wildlife.

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Best Time To Visit Darwin

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What is the best time to visit Darwin?

it is the 'dry season' in Darwin from April/May to September/October. It brings along itself a beautiful weather with warm days and clear skies which definitely makes it the best time to visit.

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Best Time to go to Darwin

The best time to go to Darwin is typically during the dry season, from May to October. During this time, the days are warm and dry, with little to no rainfall and lower humidity than during summer. This time of year also compares favorably with southern Australia, which is in the grips of winter and is typically cold and often wet. The dry season months are also when some of the best events are held in Darwin, including the popular Darwin Fringe Festival and horse racing Darwin Cup. However, there are plenty of reasons to go to Darwin throughout the year, and we’ll look at all of these in this article. 

Where is Darwin?

Darwin is located in the far north of Australia in the Northern Territory. Darwin is Australia’s most northern city, a state capital, and one of the most isolated cities. In fact, Darwin is closer to Timor-Leste and Indonesia than it is to the nearest Australian city. It’s situated between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Equator, enjoying a tropical climate throughout the year.  

Best Time to go to Darwin for Good Weather

Darwin’s location in the Tropics means it enjoys a warm year-round climate. Rather than four seasons, the year is divided into a wet and dry season, which both run for an equal period. The wet season runs over the Australian summer, starts in November, and runs through April. The dry season runs over the Australian winter from May through October. So unless you’re a big fan of rainfall, heat, and high humidity, the best time to go to Darwin for weather is during the dry season. The following table demonstrates the stark difference between the wet and dry seasons. 

Best Time to Visit Darwin for Events and Festivals

Often, coverage of when to visit a destination can be too focused on the weather and doesn’t consider what events are going on in and around a destination. If you time your trip right, being in a place for one of their big events or festivals can make a good trip a great trip. To help you decide on the best time to go to Darwin, we’ve included some of the biggest and best events in Darwin’s social and cultural calendar. 

Australia Day – This annual holiday on 26th January is often celebrated with street parties. On the esplanade, there’s a military flyby and 21-gun salute. There’s also free access to various public facilities on the day, including pools.

Territory Day – Held on the 1st of July each year, this is often a raucous occasion to celebrate the Northern Territory achieving self-government in 1978. There are various events throughout Darwin and the Northern Territory, with fireworks on Mindil Beach providing a spectacular end to the day. 

Sunsetting over the Timor Sea at Mindil Beach

Mindil Beach Sunset Markets – Operating every Thursday and Sunday through the dry season, this is a great place to shop, eat, and see entertainment. There’s something here for all the family and a stunning sunset always accompanies it. 

Darwin Fringe Festival – An annual event that runs for 10 days each July, it celebrates the rich arts and cultural scene of the North Territory. It features an eclectic set of performers that range from comedians to cabaret and from circus performers to magicians. This is a really magical time to visit the city.  

Darwin Cup Festival – The Darwin Cup Festival is a series of racing meets that take place through July and August, culminating in the Darwin Cup race. The 8 race meetings that make up the festival are popular affairs with plenty of parties and entertainment included. Plus, of course, lots of high-quality racing. 

With the Darwin Fringe Festival, Darwin Cup Festival, and Mindil Beach Sunset Markets all on during July, you can’t go wrong with a visit at this time. While it’s peak season and costs will undoubtedly be slightly higher, we think the cost is more than justified given the wealth of attractions available at this time. 

Colourful fireworks over Mindil Beach celebrating Territory day

Best Time to Visit Darwin for Kakudu National Park

Kakadu and nearby Litchfield National Park are two of the most popular reasons to visit Darwin and the Northern Territory. These two vast parks offer many amazing experiences, landscapes, and wildlife encounters. Choosing when to visit them isn’t as straightforward as just picking the time with the best weather, as there are pros and cons for both the dry season and the wet season. The final decision will come down to your preferences: what you want to see, what you want to do, and whether you’re prepared to deal with crowds or the rain.

Conventional wisdom tells you to visit Kakadu during the dry season from May through October. There will be little to no rainfall, warm and pleasant days, fewer bugs, and you can swim in some pools and at waterfalls. It all sounds very idyllic. However, on the flip side, the parks are exceptionally busy and, at some points, very crowded. You’ll also find that the landscape isn’t as spectacular later in the season, with the lush green colors fading and waterfalls slowing to a trickle.

The wet season, on the other hand, is a completely different experience. The parks are lush and green with thunderous waterfalls and few other tourists. However, such perfection comes at a cost in terms of rain, humidity, and bugs. A lot of bugs. There are also some issues with access after particularly heavy rainfall. If that doesn’t put you off, consider visiting in the wet season, as you’ll also benefit from a lower price for any tours and accommodation you book.

Our dedicated blog post has a more in-depth look at the best time to visit Kakadu . 

The Jim Jim Waterfall in Kakadu National Park

Best Time to Visit Darwin for Cheap Flights and Accommodation

Darwin’s peak season coincides with the dry season and includes the Christmas School Holidays across December and January. Therefore, the cheapest times to visit are typically from February to early May and from September to November. Although these periods include the months of May, September, and October, which all fall into the dry season, these shoulder months are still significantly cheaper than the peak months of June, July, and August. 

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The Best Time to Visit Darwin, NO, Australia for Weather, Safety, & Tourism

The best times to visit Darwin for ideal weather are

April 16th to October 14th

based on average temperature and humidity from NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Read below for more weather and travel details.

Darwin Travel Guide


  • Perceived Temperature
  • Rain and snow
  • Humidity and wind
  • The busiest and least popular months
  • Overall travel experience by time of year

Other Darwin Travel Info

Weather in darwin.

Average temperatures in Darwin vary very little. Considering humidity, temperatures feel hot for most of the year with a fair chance of precipitation about half of the year. The area is less temperate than some — in the 19th percentile for pleasant weather — compared to tourist destinations worldwide. Weeks with ideal weather are listed above . If you’re looking for the very warmest time to visit Darwin, the hottest months are November, October, and then December. See average monthly temperatures below. The warmest time of year is generally early December where highs are regularly around 93.7°F (34.3°C) with temperatures rarely dropping below 77.3°F (25.2°C) at night.

Darwin Temperatures (Fahrenheit)

Darwin temperatures (celsius), “feels-like” temperatures.

The way we experience weather isn’t all about temperature. Higher temperatures affect us much more at higher humidity, and colder temperatures feel piercing with high winds. Our perceived temperatures factor in humidity and wind chill to better represent how hot or cold the day feels to a person.

Darwin Perceived Temperature (F)

Darwin perceived temperature (c), average darwin temperatures by month.

Daily highs (averaged for the month) usually give the best indication of the weather. A significantly lower mean and low generally just means it gets colder at night.

Show Fahrenheit

Show celsius, precipitation (rain or snow).

If dry weather is what you’re after, the months with the lowest chance of significant precipitation in Darwin are July, August, and then June. Note that we define “significant precipitation” as .1 inches or more in this section. The lowest chance of rain or snow occurs around early June. For example, on the week of June 4th there are no days of precipitation on average. By contrast, it’s most likely to rain or snow in early to mid January with an average of 4 days of significant precipitation the week of January 8th.

Chance of Precipitation

The graph below shows the % chance of rainy and snowy days in Darwin.

Snow on the Ground

The graph below shows the average snow on the ground in Darwin (in).

Average Rain and Snow by Month

Show inches, show centimeters, humidity and wind.

Darwin has some very humid months, with other moderately humid months on the other side of the year. The least humid month is June (45.1% relative humidity), and the most humid month is February (76.7%).

Wind in Darwin is usually moderate . The windiest month is January, followed by February and June. January’s average wind speed of around 9.7 knots (11.1 MPH or 17.9 KPH) is considered “a gentle breeze.” Maximum sustained winds (the highest speed for the day lasting more than a few moments) are at their highest in early to mid January where average top sustained speeds reach 20 knots, which is considered a fresh breeze.

Relative Humidity (%)

The graph below shows the average % humidity by month in Darwin.

The graph below shows wind speed (max and average) in knots.

Average Wind Speeds

Show wind speeds.

All wind speeds are in knots. 1 knot = 1.15 MPH or 1.85 KPH.

Show Relative Humidity by Month

Is it safe to travel to darwin.

Our best data indicates this area is generally safe. As of Dec 04, 2023 there are no travel advisories or warnings for Australia; exercise normal security precautions. Check this page for any recent changes or regions to avoid: Travel Advice and Advisories . This advisory was last updated on Nov 30, 2023.

The Busiest and Least Crowded Months

The busiest month for tourism in Darwin, NO, Australia is August, followed by June and September. Prices for hotels and flights will be most expensive during these months, though you can save if you purchase well in advance. Tourists are unlikely to visit Darwin in November. Those willing to visit at these times will likely find it the least expensive month.

Estimated Tourism by Month

Most popular months to visit, overall darwin travel experience by season, fall (march through may).

Humidity and temperatures combine to make this season feel warm. Highs range from 91.8°F (33.2°C) and 88.3°F (31.3°C) with colder temperatures in the later months. Rain is somewhat common with 2 to 15 days of significant precipitation per month. Fall is the second busiest for tourism, which makes it a good time for those looking for things to do.

Winter (June through August)

The middle-year months have very comfortable weather with high temperatures that are quite warm. These months see the least precipitation with about 0 days of precipitation per month. June – August is the busiest season for tourism in Darwin, so lodging and other accommodations may cost more than usual.

Spring (September through November)

Spring daily highs range from 93.5°F (34.2°C) and 91.3°F (32.9°C), which will feel very nice given the humidity and wind. It rains or snows a significant amount: 2 to 9 days per month. Tourism is fairly slow during these months due to the weather, so hotels may be lower priced.

Summer (December through February)

Weather is perfect this time of year in Darwin to be enjoyable for warm weather travelers. The average high during this season is between 93.7°F (34.3°C) and 88.3°F (31.3°C). On average, it rains or snows a very great amount: 15 to 18 times per month. These times of year are the slowest with tourists.

Best Times to Travel › Australia › Darwin, NO, Australia

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    Garramilla to its traditional owners the Larrakia people, the city lies on a peninsula at the far north of the Northern Territory and is cooled by breezes off the waters that surround it. More than any southern Australian capital, Darwin has two distinct seasons: the wet, from November to April, and the dry, from May to October.

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    In short, the best time of the year to travel to the Northern Territory capital, is winter. Mid-June through to the end of August or, if you don't mind slightly higher temperatures throughout the day. While the southern states are rugging up for winter, Darwin temperatures average between 18-30 degrees Celsius.

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    The dry season is the most comfortable time to travel to Darwin with low humidity and almost no rainfall. Every day is sunny, and the night-time is mild. This is a comfortable time for experiencing the outdoors and enjoying the adventure activities of Kakadu, Litchfield, and Nitmiluk National Parks. This time of year is by far Darwin's ...

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    Mindil Beach Sunset Markets - Operating every Thursday and Sunday through the dry season, this is a great place to shop, eat, and see entertainment. There's something here for all the family and a stunning sunset always accompanies it. Darwin Fringe Festival - An annual event that runs for 10 days each July, it celebrates the rich arts and cultural scene of the North Territory.

  22. The Best Time to Visit Darwin, NO, Australia for Weather, Safety

    Summer (December through February) Weather is perfect this time of year in Darwin to be enjoyable for warm weather travelers. The average high during this season is between 93.7°F (34.3°C) and 88.3°F (31.3°C). On average, it rains or snows a very great amount: 15 to 18 times per month.

  23. When To Go To The Northern Territory

    The Best Time To Visit The Northern Territory, At A Glance. January, February, and March are the wettest months in the Top End, with the potential for cyclones. Of these months, January has the highest recorded rainfall. If you can handle a little humidity and don't mind the drama of a tropical storm, however, you'll find a lot to love ...