The Awkward Traveller

The Best Taipei Food Tour Review: Xinyi Tour by Taipei Eats – is it Worth It?

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image text: taipei eats food tour review, the awkward traveller. image: stinky tofu picked up by chopsticks from a plate of food

I feel like everyone goes to Taiwan with the highest expectations of the food – well, everyone except me that is. I visited Taiwan back in 2016, before I had a blog or travel Instagram or anything. Plus, it was my first big international trip as an adult so I didn’t really know much about other countries and their “highlights.” I quickly discovered that if you do nothing else in Taiwan, make sure you EAT. Later on, I would learn that food tours are one of my favorite activities abroad, but what about a Taipei Food Tour?

If you only have 3 days in Taipei, like I did, then you want to book at least one food tour, and you want to make sure it’s worth it! Here is a review of the Xinyi Food Tour by Taipei Eats , a popular Taipei food tour, if not the most popular. This review will cover all the iconic Taiwanese food featured in this Taipei food tour, as well as what to expect!

Table of Contents

What’s so Great about Food Tours?

I unfortunately hopped on the food tour game a little late in my travels, but trust me, once you take a food tour, you never go back. So far, I’ve done a cooking class in Chengdu at The Chuancais Museum , a Sichuan cuisine museum. I’ve also done a street taco tour in Jalisco, Mexico, where I tasted LITERALLY the BEST tacos in Puerto Vallarta .

Wherever you travel, book a food tour if you can. Why? Three reasons that can take your travel experience to the next level:

girl receiving box of from a food vendor

  • You get the REAL stuff.

Food tour organizers are usually either born-and-raised locals, or people who have lived in the city for a long time. A LONG TIME. That’s usually the case for most tours, and honestly I wouldn’t book a tour if the organizers didn’t fit that description. For the Taipei food tour specifically, Taipei Eats checked all of those boxes. Taipei Eats carefully curates their Taipei food tour routes so that guests get to try the freshest and most authentic Taiwanese dishes.

  • You get the background info.

By selecting a Taipei food tour that ensures their organizers are deeply familiar with the city and culture, you get the added benefit of learning a little more about the dish’s background and cultural significance. You not only get to taste delicious dishes, but also an explanation how to enjoy them (e.g. what kind of seasoning is best) and in some instances, which social occasions certain dishes are served. In addition, you get information about the origin of a dish, more details about a shop, and recommendations on where else to go to enjoy it again.

  • You get to meet people.

There is, of course, the tour guide who will be there to answer all your questions you might have about food. But there will be other participants who you can get to know and exchange stories (and contact information)! Then once the tour is over, you have the opportunity to hang out after – a huge plus especially for solo travelers who want to make friends while traveling. I’m not the biggest fan of solo travel, and meeting people on my own gives me the heebie jeebies, so I’ll take assistance in that area anywhere I can!

Taipei Food Tour: The Taipei Eats Experience

Now that I’ve successfully converted you into a food tour addict, let me tell you all about the experience with Taipei Eats. The Taipei food tour I will be focusing on today is the Taipei Eats Xinyi Tour. Taipei Eats also offers a few other tours, including ones that are shorter, more traditional, and even at night! The Xinyi Tour, however, is arguably the most iconic, giving you a taste of the most popular Taiwanese dishes and classic flavors.

man wearing a mask at a food stall serves his customer soup

 Taipei Eats Xinyi Tour Info

  • Name: Taipei Eats Xinyi Tour
  • Time: 4 hours. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Cost: 70$ per person (all food included)
  • Tour Language : English
  • Homepage:

The staff of Taipei Eats is super friendly and you can reach them easily on Facebook or via Email, so don’t hesitate to contact them directly. If you a traveler with food allergies or any dietary concerns or restrictions, I highly recommend reaching out to them in advance so that they can (and will) accommodate the tour for you.


Rain or shine, for the Xinyi Taipei food tour, you will meet at 11am at Yongchun station. Expect to be warmly greeted by your tour guide and mini introductions! In this case, the tour guide was a young woman named Amber, who was a Journalism Student and a part-time guide for Taipei Eats. The group consisted of 7 people, mainly from different parts of the US. Y’all know Americans love to eat. Everyone was super friendly and open and it was really easy to get to know each other while walking and eating.

woman with short hair in a business suit explains something to the taipei food tour group while in front of a fruit stall


Right around the corner from the station is the local wet market where locals buy their groceries. While in Taiwan, and many parts of Asia, you’ll hear terms like “wet market” and “dry market.” A wet market generally specializes in perishable items and products, such as produce, fish, meats, and whatnot. Whereas a dry market usually sells nonperishables like spices, textiles, crafts, and whatever else.

This particular market gets busy in the afternoon, so if you come back, definitely aim for noon. You can get fresh fruit, vegetables, and fish, but also cooked foods that you can eat right away or take home with you to eat later.

Taiwan has some of THE BEST FRUITS I HAVE EVER TASTED IN MY LIFE!!! Honestly, I can’t even tell you what half of them are called, but if you see a fruit – you should eat it.

image of a hand holding a sliced piece of fruit

During the Taiwan food tour, they will give you samples of fresh guava and star fruit. The real icing on the cake is that the tour guide will season the fruit with a little bit of plum powder and salt to really bring out the natural sweetness of the fruit. I LOVE SALT. It’s one of the main reasons I love Mexican candy so much – it’s the perfect blend of sweet and salty. Of course, if you aren’t a fan, you can always get it sans extra flavoring.


Scallion cake is Taiwan’s take on the pancake. They’re also a super popular street food item. It is equal parts flaky like a croissant, chewy like dough, and crispy like fried chicken skin. But uh, none of those things actually.

During the Taipei food tour, you will get to watch how chefs make Taiwan’s famed layered scallion cake, and then you’ll get to taste it hot and fresh out of the oven. The tour guide will also let you know the best places to get scallion cake at, so have your Notes App ready!

food stall owner stands behind a pot of meat and bun steamer while holding out a meat filled bun and smiling

After leaving the market, you’ll make your way to the first restaurant on the Taipei food tour! You will visit a small place that sells Taiwanese “burgers”, aka Gua Bao. The ingredients are simple: Pork, cilantro, peanut powder and mustard greens in a bun. You’ll get to taste one hot and fresh, with a mouthwatering aroma that will make you want to throw your whole life away and immigrate to Taiwan. Even if you are the world’s biggest spice wimp, definitely give the red sauce a try. It LOOKS spicier than it actually is.

hand holding up a small seed (betel nut)

Now you didn’t think you’d get through a Taipei food tour without at least a little bit of adventure, right? Taiwan has some pretty unique and…memorable dishes, and Taipei Eats Xinyi Tour makes sure to highlight those items. First up on this Taipei food tour…betel nut!

Uh…what is that?

If you are not familiar with the betel nut, that’s…not surprising. Though chewing Areca nuts and Betel leaves is a thousand year old tradition in many East-Asian countries, including Taiwan. The effect is supposed to be similar to nicotine, or a VERY STRONG caffeine, and is commonly used by taxi drivers and construction workers.

I mean, I don’t want to brag, but  Us Weekly  once described me as ‘up for anything’ so I was pumped. Metaphorically and uh, literally.

But if you’re a little more hesitant about popping simulants, no worries. You won’t be pressured to. If you’re curious about what it tastes like…well, here’s a photo of one of the other guests on the tour after taking a bite and PROMPTLY spitting it back out hahaha.

man wearing glasses is making a disgusted face


I visited Taiwan with a Taiwanese friend, and before the trip, all she would emphasize is how we HAD to try stinky tofu. HAD TO. So it was actually the first thing I tried when I arrived in Taiwan. My friend showed us around a night market and surprised me with it. I didn’t even realize it was stinky tofu because…I imagined it to be…a lot more pungent than it actually was. I was expecting like…durian levels of…smell. But it was pretty mild to me.

That said, I don’t even like tofu so naturally I didn’t like stinky tofu either, but honestly it was fine.

image of fried stinky tofu being lifted out of a paper container with chopsticks

Although, other people have a lot more dramatic reaction to the smell. In any case, if you smell something a lil funky, it just might be stinky tofu. During the Taipei food tour, they are definitely going to serve you some!

The tour will take you to a restaurant that is actually known for being one of the less “stinky” recipes, and really once you eat it the actual taste isn’t stinky at all.

man with glasses lifting a piece of stinky tofu into his mouth using chopsticks

Bubble/Boba/Milk Tea

Taiwan is the undisputed champion of Boba. I mean, it was INVINTED in Taiwan after all. The “boba” or “bubble” part of the tea refers to the tapioca balls in the milk tea. I actually don’t even like tapioca, but if it’s in milk tea, I want it.

You can get me to do a lot of things for milk and sugar.

Anyways, the Taipei food tour will introduce you to boba tea if you haven’t tried it already. And trust me, no matter where you go in the world, boba will always be better in Taiwan. In fact, many of the popular boba chains coming to the USA are actually Taiwanese companies! So as a rule of thumb, if you come across a boba place while in Taiwan, get one.

You haven’t really been to Taiwan if you didn’t try some dumplings. Thankfully, this Taipei food tour has you covered.

steamer full of soup dumplings

You’ll get to try two different kind of dumplings. One that you’re probably more familiar with, with thicker and fluffier dough, is a “Northern style” dumpling. The other, my absolute favorite, are soup dumplings. The dough is a lot thinner, with hot broth inside. They are a type of dumpling from the South, and definitely more difficult to make on your own.

While your tour guide will mention a few great places to get dumplings (and soup dumplings!) from popular places in Taipei, one of my favorites actually turned out to be from a big chain named Din Tai Fung. There are even a few on the west coast USA now!

a soup dumpling in a soup being poked with a chopstick and soup dripping out

Dumplings are probably going to be your favorite part of any Taipei food tour, and Taipei Eats certainly does it right! You might be getting pretty full by this point, but there is one more stop.


After stuffing your faces for about three hours, you will finally get to dessert. Specifically sorbet. But TAIWANESE sorbet. Expect sugar and fruit and condensed milk and…omg, even if you’re stuffed it’s going to be hard to stop. The flavors are very unique to Taiwan, so if you’re up for it, I’d recommend trying something new like lychee or a pineapple plum mix! Delicious.

Taipei Food Tour Review: Critiques

If you haven’t noticed, most of the things mentioned were positive. And with good reason. But no Taipei food tour is perfect. So what are some things that could have been a little better?

man eating out of a bowl with chopsticks

  • The time could be longer.

Not necessarily more food -please, no more food actually, it was more than enough- but just more time to enjoy it. Also more time to chat and get to know the people on the tour. There was a little bit of talking time while walking from one stop to the next, or while we were eating, but even one more hour would have been nice to enjoy the Taipei food tour in a more relaxed atmosphere.

  • The tour could start earlier (or later).

11am is a bit early for lunch (if you eat breakfast) and a bit late if you don’t. I typically wake up late anyway so 11am isn’t a problem for me personally, but it could be a bit of an inconvenience for others.

  • The walking distances could be shorter.

If you travel with a wheelchair or just don’t prefer to walk a lot, then I can see a few of the distances between stops might be longer than comfortable. Overall, I would rank Taipei as okay in terms of accessibility, but again, I don’t personally use a wheelchair or walker so I’m not the best judge. And also someone might not associate a food tour as covering such an expansive distance, so it is definitely something to keep in mind.

Taipei Food Tour Review: Praises

Even with the few critiques, overall this Taipei food tour did have a lot of positives as well.

older man holding a snack and smiling

  • A chance to eat carefully selected foods.

Even if you only have a very short time, this Taipei food tour will give you an overview of the food culture of Taiwan. All of the stops are delicious and very easy to return to if you have extra time in the city. Even the stinky tofu spot was great. Each stall or restaurant is popular with locals and not just a highly rated (and sometimes overpriced) tourist spot.

  • Meeting awesome people.

Meeting new people on a tour is always great, and a food tour is a great way to bond!

  • Get additional information.

You are not only eating, but you are being told what you are eating, what the food is made of, the history of the dish, and interesting facts and stories about the restaurant, people, and food in general. The Taipei Eats guide Amber was really knowledgeable and I’m sure the other awesome guides at Taipei Eats are as well.

Taipei Food Tour Review: Conclusion

Thanks for reading all that! In conclusion, I definitely feel that the Taipei Eats Xinyi Tour is one of the best Taipei food tour options that you can book. It’s a great introduction to the city and country, and you get to taste yummy food as well. What’s not to love??

I’m still working on some of my other Taiwan content (I know I know, IM SLOW OKAY??), but for now you can read about my time in Taiwan with these post:

  • The Gold Museum in Jinguashi

Have you ever done a food tour before? Where was it? Tell me about your experience in the comments below!

Love this Taipei Food Tour Review? Share it!

image text: the best taipei food tour with taipei eats xinyi tour. image: a piece of stinky tofu being held up by a pair of chopsticks

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Oh my gosh! This sounds AMAZING! I’ve never done a food tour, but it is definitely something I need to look into for future travels!

Yesss! Give it a try!

Oh my gosh, this sounds AMAZING! I’ve never done a good tour while traveling but definitely plan to start!

You should def give it a shot the next time you have a chance! Thanks for reading!

Wow! That was such a unique post… I am craving for dumplings after reading this post 😀

Same here!! Hahha

Super neat post. Doing a food tour in Taiwan would be really awesome! We have not been to Taiwan yet. The only thing close to a food tour we have done was Christmas in New Orleans. Pre-COVID, November-December NOLA restaurants are big on food and wine pairings! So fun to experience different flavors from different places. Can’t wait to visit Taiwan someday. I am saving your post for later!

Yooo that sounds amazing! NOLA has some INCREDIBLE food! I’d love to do that!

Oh my this made me miss my Taipei trip a few years back! I should have tried the food tour – seems like a great way to really sample their different yummy dishes. I did go to their various night markets where I got to sample many of their street foods. I didn’t get to try stinky tofu though… haha my friends exaggerated the awfulness it so I got turned off. Looking back, I should have tried it! lol! Oh well next time.

NExt time next time!! Hahah. Thank you for reading!

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Taipei Eats Food Tour Review

Updated on April 26th, 2024

White rice flour peanut treat served on a toothpick in Taipei

As one of the best food tours in Taipei, we went with Taipei Eats on a gastronomic adventure of the Dadaocheng District, trying foods from markets, gourmet shops and food stalls.

This article may contain affiliate links. We earn a small commissions when you purchase via those links — and it's free for you. It's only us (Becca & Dan) working on this website, so we value your support! Read our privacy policy and learn more about us .

Posted in Taiwan

Table of contents

  • Why take a food tour with Taipei Eats?
  • Food tour of Bao’An Street Food Market
  • Food tour stops in Datong District, Taipei
  • Trying noodles in Datong District
  • Famous and unique fish balls
  • Sweet rice on Di Hua Street
  • Food stops near Xia Hai Temple
  • Local Taiwanese seafood delicacies
  • Final stops on the Taipei food tour
  • Reasons to take a Taipei Eats food tour

Having mostly eaten sushi since landing in Taipei, Taiwan , we were delighted to go on a food tour to a part of the city that was new to us, with Taipei Eats.

Taipei Eats is the most well-known food tour in Taipei, and for a good reason! The company offers tours to various parts of Taipei, so in a single trip to Taiwan’s capital, you can explore multiple neighborhoods…through food!

Our food tour to Dadaocheng was interesting because we got to taste food from market stalls and from small family-owned boutiques. We’ll show you what we ate, through the photos below!

Cup of metal chopsticks arranged in a swirl pattern

Why take a food tour with Taipei Eats?

Until our food tour with Taipei Eats, we hadn’t ventured too far into Taiwanese food. We had enjoyed what we knew we liked - sushi, bubble tea, fruits and the delicacies of 7-Eleven in Taiwan.

It’s a big challenge with the food limitations between the two of us - Dan with a preference for vegetarian food and Becca with a list of allergies.

Walking around a new part of the city with a guide who helped us ask questions in Chinese was brilliant, as we got to eat at local eateries with all the information we needed.

Our Taipei Eats tour brought us to hole-in-the-wall places with years of history, street stands we never would have noticed otherwise and more. Here’s what happened!

Food tour of Bao’An Street Food Market

Our guide Tina brought us to a very local market outside a city temple in the Dadaocheng area after meeting us at the MRT station to begin our morning.

Our first stop was a choice of food stalls, all serving different types of soups, noodles and rice. I had meat and radish soup with rice (allergen free) and Dan had noodle soup. We sat at tables in a big courtyard off the street next to a Taoist temple.

Bowl of fluffy white rice with a white spoon in a green bowl

Food tour stops in Datong District, Taipei

After stopping by a pork jerky store (pork jerky is famous in Taipei!), we went to a pastry store to try mung bean sweets and black sesame sweets for me, because I can’t have bean products.

Continuing on Yanping North Road, we tried betel nuts from a street stall and learned about why people chew them. Chewing betel nut gives people a light buzz when the nut is chewed, and it’s popular among working class laborers and taxi drivers as a way to stay awake during long shifts.

Chewing betel nut made our throats a little warm and made our tongues red. We washed down the flavor with some sweet green tea.

Trying noodles in Datong District

Next was the traditional Yimian noodle, an old traditional noodle, served in a small bowl and with some sauce.

Because I can’t eat wheat noodles, Tina ordered me a preserved plum dessert with shaved ice! This was actually some really interesting flavors, like salty, sweet and cold, all together.

Famous and unique fish balls

Do you know about fish balls? They’re such a popular food in Taiwan! The type at this particular famous fish ball restaurant have meat inside, and they’re served in soup. The place is super busy, and people come for take-away fish balls as well.

Tina told us that this fish ball restaurant started by an immigrant’s recipe from Fujian province in China, and it all began with a street cart. Now it’s a restaurant, and a staple in the neighborhood.

Taiwanese people waiting on line for street food at a metal stall in a market

Sweet rice on Di Hua Street

The adorable gourmet rice cakes were both vegan and gluten-free! This was exciting for me and for Dan as well. There were a few flavors to try - red bean, Chinese date, peanut, black sesame and more. When they were served (piping hot, by the way!) they came with tiny cups of tea on a tray.

Woman holding a steamed sweet rice treat at a boutique store in Dadaocheng Taipei Taiwan

From here, we explored the rest of Di Hua Street, a popular street with both locals and tourists. Some of the shops have been in business for around one hundred years and still attract repeat clientele.

We liked tasting the dried fruit samples as we passed by stores and stores all selling the same types of dried fruit and dried products (jellyfish, shrimp, mushrooms… you name it!).

Pistachios in their cases with a silver scooping spoon on top

Food stops near Xia Hai Temple

We walked by the Xia Hai Temple, a small but famous Taoist temple on the main street. I had read about this temple in CNN Travel only a few months before, in the days leading up to Valentine’s Day, as this temple is a place where people go to pray for love.

On the day we passed by, it was no different - there were people of all ages praying inside to the City God and “Chinese Cupid.”

Around the corner was a cart where a lady sells herbal grass tea. Tina warned us that one of the types was very strong, and is only enjoyed by people who truly enjoy the taste of strong drinks like Jägermeister. Dan tried it, though, and had the whole thing! I opted for a lighter and grassier tea that I enjoyed because it had some sugar in it.

Local Taiwanese seafood delicacies

Some things we did not try because of allergies or vegetarian preferences were the fried oyster fritter (we both don’t eat oysters) and the fried shrimp rolls that come from a popular joint not too far from the Xia Hai Temple. We were already full, anyhow!

Street vendor placing fried chicken into a white bag for sale in Taipei

Final stops on the Taipei food tour

To finish the morning (it was then around 1:45 PM, actually), we had some savory food followed by sweets. Dan tried a “savory rice bowl cake,” served cold, and with a mix of meat, sauce and rice. It’s eaten with a spoon because it comes in a bowl and is kind of solid.

For the finale, we stopped at a cute street stand selling “aiyu jelly.” Aiyu jelly is made from the seeds of fruits, and it’s like a light herbal jell-o. As I was cold by this point, due to the change in weather, I opted for a hot ginger tea.

Red and white rubber gloves held up to dry on poles next to a wall

Reasons to take a Taipei Eats food tour

Overall, our Taipei Eats food tour introduced us to 100% new foods in Taipei! We’re adventurous, but sometimes when we’re faced with a menu containing the unknown, we aren’t sure what we can have.

Tina, our guide, walked us through a cool region of Taipei and helped us find out the history behind lots of foods and what was in them. Our favorite part, of course, were all the new and exciting flavors!

Heading to Taipei soon? Book your tour with Taipei Eats online.

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taipei eats tour

Taipei Eats food tour takes a big bite out of Taiwan

Last Updated on March 22, 2024 by Christine Kaaloa

taipei eats food tour, food tour taipei

Taiwan is very much a foodie capital to explore if you love food and travel! Oh yes, it is.  So of course, I wanted to take a food tour to see and experience the country through its food.  Enter Taipei Eats food tour.

 As the leading Taipei food tour, Taipei Eats takes you on a walking tour of Taipei , making the trip fun, informative and sprinkled with enough variations of food to give you insight into the culture with every bite. From wet market , to street stalls, hole-in-the-wall cafes and a posh restaurant, the tour covered a variety of gastronomical experiences, balancing sightseeing and eating…. a walking picnic.

Although I’ve experienced really good food tours , Taipei Eats showed me how great food tours should be.  …And well, now I’ve been spoiled.

Here’s a summary of my memorable Taipei food tour highlights:

Table of Contents: Taipei Eats food tour takes a big bite out of Taiwan

  • 1 Eating Taipei with Taipei Eats Food tour
  • 2 A Taiwanese Food Guide:
  • 3.1  Thousand Layer Bread
  • 3.2 The Taiwanese Burger
  • 3.3 Pork Ball Soup  (Vegetarian Substitute:  Seaweed Soup)
  • 3.4 Cold Noodles
  • 3.5 Tai Nam Rice Cake (sans pork sauce)
  • 3.6 Stinky Tofu
  • 3.7 Betel Nut
  • 4.1 Soup Dumplings
  • 4.2 Taiwanese Beer and Tea
  • 4.3 Popular Taiwanese Desserts
  • 4.4 Taiwanese Sorbet
  • 5 Information:
  • 6.1 Related Posts

Eating Taipei with Taipei Eats Food tour

Personally, the beauty of taking a food tour in a cosmopolitan foodie city like Taipei is to understand what makes Taiwanese food outstanding and different amidst global diets. It also makes gives me confidence that as a vegetarian in Taiwan ,  there’s always a substitute for a meat dish, if you can find one.

Vegetarian diets are not common in Taiwan, but they exist. The Taiwanese culture recognizes vegetarianism through Buddhism. Some Buddhists have diets, abstaining from eggs and dairy; others might be more strict, avoiding fiery foods like garlic. For myself, either or any of these will suit me just fine.

Taipei eats food tour

A Taiwanese Food Guide:

  wet markets and popular taiwanese street snacks.

I arrived a little late, to find Napolean, one of the local Taiwanese food guides, waiting for me outside the Yong Chun MRT station .   The food tour’s first stop was a wet market tucked inside a nearby street alley.   We caught up with them to find Jean- our second foodie guide, a western expat – explaining some of the popular produce found in Taiwan.

Strolling through Taiwanese markets somehow feels like you’re walking through the heart of Taiwanese home cooking. You’ll certainly find foods that you’d see in a Taiwanese grandmother’s kitchen.

Check out Best Things to Do Taipei (Part 1)

taipei food tour- wet market

  Thousand Layer Bread

Making our way through the market, we stopped at a vendor who sold scallion pancakes. Scallion pancakes are often sold on the streets of Taipei. Generally, they’re a thinly fried crepe pancake with scallions and eggs. The vendor we went to sold a different type of scallion pancake called “ Thousand Layer Bread “. It was a fluffy pancake with many layers and  it was to die for!

Taiwanese street snack, scallion pancake , taipei eats, taipei food tour

The Taiwanese Burger

You might have already heard of Gua Bao ( or the “Taiwanese Burger” ) if you’re from the U.S.   The popular New York eatery,   Momofuku , popularized it in some of their dishes.  Gua Bao is a steamed bun filled with braised pork with sweet sauce, peanut powder and cilantro. The one I ate was for vegetarians; it was filled with a steamed mustard greens instead of pork.  A signature Taiwanese style are peanut powder and cilantro .

For Taiwanese, this dish is especially popular  during Chinese New Year celebrations, as it resembles a wallet, which symbolizes good fortune.

gua bao, taiwanese burger, bao shop, Chinese bao

Pork Ball Soup  (Vegetarian Substitute:  Seaweed Soup)

At Hong Do (“Red Bean”) Restaurant,    pork ball soup was one of the restaurant highlights.  The pork ball soup had a miso broth with egg drop, green onions and …pork balls.  I got a vegetarian soup substitute: a  seaweed soup with light broth. It was something I was quite fine with.

taipei food tour, taipei eats food tour review

Cold Noodles

Next up, we were given  cold noodles with a light miso dressing . These cold noodles are known as a great cure for hangovers (who knew!).  The noodles are bouncy and chewy.  It’s a light type of comfort food that’s popular with Taiwanese.

Top Taiwanese foods, cold noodles

Tai Nam Rice Cake (sans pork sauce)

Tai Nam Fish Cake is a simple dish that’s influenced by  China. It’s a popularized street dish, as it is quick and easy to make on the streets. The main flavor comes from fish floss (aka fish flakes), which Jean explained is commonly used in Taiwanese cooking, due to its strong flavor. Pickled radish, boiled peanuts and sticky rice (similar to mochi rice).  The dish is usually made with a pork sauce, but mine was sans pork.

Tai Nam Rice Cake, taipei eats

Stinky Tofu

Chodofu or Stinky Tofu is stinky by western standards, but Taiwanese appreciate the smell.  “ We usually like it stinkier, ” remarked Napolean. Somehow, I expected him to say that.

 On a breezy day, you can find a vendor based on smell alone. A strong, pungent smell wafts through the air, kinda like the smell of dirty socks. Tofu is naturally fermented,  so the stink is attributed to the aged brine.  The first bite is a little off-putting, as it tastes the way it smells. A couple bites later, it will grow on you.  Sometimes, the chodofu is accompanied by pickled cabbage and hot sauce. They both enhance the flavor in a good way.  If you love tofu, check out the tofu town of Daxi in Taoyuan .

Check out more interesting things to know about traveling Taipei .

stinky tofu, taipei food tour, taipei eats

 This next stop was a secret highlight for me and it wasn’t about food… it was to sample betel nut. Betel nut is a mild intoxicant similar to having a can of beer.  The cheesy blinking neon sign, is unassuming, but if you’re a  taxi or bus driver in-the-know , you’d probably stop for it.

Now we were delving deep into food culture for more adventurous travelers…

 In countries like India and Myanmar ,you’ll notice dark red stains on the teeth of those who chew it regularly. I’d long been tempted to try it, but  I never wanted to try it unguided.  The seller reached into her refrigerator and pulled out a packet of several nuts wrapped in a leaf. This was my once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to enter forbidden territory. Jean gave us guided   instructions on how to chew it.

I chewed off the top of the betel nut and proceeded to chew. The taste filled my mouth with a bitter taste of grass and leaf. … very  bitter . I spat it all out, with my lips now painted a blush of red. Two minutes later, my head felt a little light, buzzed and a little short of breath.  I finally understood why Asian/Southesast Asian working class men are drawn to with this little seeded nut.

Taiwanese betel nut shop, betel nut

Taipei  contemporary  posh to  Taiwanese desserts

We made our way through the streets to Songshan Cultural and Creative Park .   The park was once a tobacco factory. Now it’s transformed into a sprawling park, with a multi-story building of artist workshops and restaurants. The park is mildly reminiscent of Central Park and has raised the cost of rent in the area to astronomical prices.

The artist creative labs and studios are open for public use and holds anything from innovative items for sale to studios, where you can learn how to blow glass, make clay sculptures and jewelry. It’s a favorite for parents, enrolling their children in a day of extracurricular arts.

But we weren’t here just to see the creative labs and to shop. We were here to try our next dish…

Songshan Creative Park taipei, taipei parks

Soup Dumplings

Did you know that Taiwan has dumplings which contain soup?  If you’re a fan of dim sum, then you probably heard of a popular dim sum restaurant chain, called  Din Fai Tung.  They’re renowned for xiao long bao dumplings ( aka soup dumplings ).  In the Sonshan Creative Park building, housed on the bottom level, we visited Din Fai Tung’s competitor, Gai   Chi restaurant  (Shanghai inspired Dim Sum). It was a chance to sample the contemporary side of traditional Taiwanese cuisine, taste some  Taiwanese beer (yeah-huh!) and tea.

Xiao Long Bao are soup dumplings that often contain a pork or seafood meat but I was given one filled with vegetables and mushrooms.  The beauty of being a vegetarian on a food tour is this often, you don’t have competition with your food.  I got a whole plate to myself.

Of course, I shared.

Taipei Eats food tour

Taiwanese Beer and Tea

The Taiwan Beer is a Taiwanese beer lover’s favorite. I’m not a beer lover, but let’s put it this way– I didn’t hate the taste. It was smooth.

The tea, I indulged in and appreciated.  In Taiwan, the tea is one of Taiwan’s top exports!

taiwanese beer and tea

Read Top Reasons to visit  Northern Taiwan and Juifen

Popular taiwanese desserts.

Next door to Gai Chi restaurant was a bakery. Walking through Taipei, you’ll see many bakeries. I’ve noticed that breads are seen as  bakery desserts .

I’m not a big fan of eggs, yet  custard pudding tart  (aka egg custard) was the next dessert. If all custard pudding tarts were like this, I’d easily convert to the dark side. It was the most perfect and smooth non-eggy tasting custard I’ve had.  We also sampled a pineapple tart cake, a favorite souvenir for travelers, who want to take home a bite of Taiwan.

This made me realize that Taiwanese foods and desserts have a very subtle beauty to their flavor.  Foods and flavors work in harmony with each other to produce something smooth and not overpowering.

Taiwanese bakeries, Taipei Eats

Exiting the park our two guides, led us  through the Sun Yat Sen memorial , explaining some of the history and to catch a glimpse of the Taipei 101 building.

sun yat sen memorial, best things to do taipei, taipei travel guide, taipei top attractions, top attractions taipei

Taiwanese Sorbet

We were sampling many different types of food from street to posh.  The finish line, heralded the dessert category.  We walked down a residential side street in the expensive and trendy Dongchu area .   Beimen Fong Lee Bing  ( bing means “ice”) is easy to miss as a sorbet shop. The shop’s furnishings are minimal, due to the high cost of rent.

Pineapple, Salted plum, Lichi, Taro, Dragon Eyes … are the top sellers on their menu. The servings are pretty large (with exception to the lichee which is their most expensive ingredient ).

taiwanese sherbet, Beimen Fon Lee Bing, taipei eats, food tour taipei, taipei food tour

From well-spoken guides with cultural insight into food culture, to dishes ranging from popular Taiwanese street snacks to desserts and posh experiences, our sightseeing picnic took us through a nice balance of landmark/local sightseeing and its variations of food.

Taipei Eats is a model example of how great food tours are and should be.  I’d highly recommending making this day tour as part of your next trip to Taipei!  Your stomach won’t regret it.


Taipei Eats (website: ) *At the end of your tour, they can send you a list of top eateries to visit to experience more tastes of Taipei!  Additionally, thanks to Jean who sent me a great list of restaurant recommendations for my vegetarian diet.

(You’ll find some of these foods and my food tour experience in my 1 6 Top Taipei Street Foods  guide and my video below).

Recommended Accommodations in Taipei

ColorMix Hostel & Hotel   What happens when you mix a hostel with a hotel? Apparently at ColorMix Hostel & Hotel you get a pod hotel! Small, compact and inexpensive, this was a budget friendly hotel was still on the luxurious side for me. I got an all inclusive hotel room the size of an officetel with bathroom ensuite. It literally had just enough room for me to do all the business I needed. Location convenient in Ximending, near three 7 Elevens, free wifi, highly recommended.

Backpackers Inn Taipei has convenient location, just 2-minute walk from the MRT. A 10-minute walk away from Taipei Main Station or Ximen Station.  I haven’t stayed here but this was one option I was considering based on friend recommendations. There are Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, the Presidential Palace and other famous attractions nearby.

Hotel Resonance Taipei, Tapestry Collection by Hilton is an elegant, modern four star hotel with a unique Cubist architectural design is just a stone’s throw from Taipei Main Station.

Book more accommodations options in the Taipei area here .

Note: Thanks to Taipei Eats for sponsoring this trip so I could review this tour. Companies like these make my job as a travel blogger easier.  As always, my travel and stomach’s opinions are my own.

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Food , Taiwan

Taipei food tours: the best tours for food travelers to taiwan.

Taipei is one of the best cities in Asia for food travelers. There’s so much good food and so many food markets in Taipei, Taiwan it can be intimidating. A Taipei tour that is focused on food markets or street food is a great way to learn about Taiwanese food culture. In this post, we share our tips on how to book the best Taipei food tours, tea tours, and cooking classes. 

*This post contains compensated links. Find more info in my  DISCLAIMER . As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Why Book A Taipei Culinary Tour

There are lots of great reasons why booking a Taiwanese food tour could make your visit to Taipei that much more special.

First, there is a  language  barrier in Taipei. We found a good number of people who spoke English. There are some English translations or picture menus at night markets.

But, to make the most of your experience and to learn about Taiwanese food culture, a  food tour  can help overcome these hurdles. 

A local Taipei tour guide will also help with understanding what makes Taiwanese food special. This includes helping you understand what is specifically Taiwanese versus Chinese or even a Hong Kong specialty.

Taiwanese cuisine is loaded with influences from their neighbors and a Taipei guide can help explain all of these intricacies. 

Last, we love taking food tours at the start of our stay in a new city. It really makes the rest of our trip better.

Your guide will give you inside tips on where and what to eat in Taipei too. Over the years, we’ve received great restaurant recommendations from some of our food tour guides.

Want to learn more about food in Taiwan? Check out our recommendations for the  best breakfast foods in Taiwan .

Taipei Food Tours: The Best Tours For Food Travelers To Taiwan

See The Top Rated Food Tours In Taipei On Viator 

How About A 9 Day Taiwan Food Tour?

This post focused on recommendations for Taiwan street food tours and cooking classes within Taipei. But, if you have more time and want to really dive into Taiwanese food culture, consider booking a Taiwan tour with a focus on food.

Intrepid Travel  offers a  9 Day Real Food Adventure in Taiwan . This tour focuses on exploring Taiwan street food, local dishes, cooking classes, and demonstrations. We took Intrepid’s Real Food Adventure in  Morocco  and learned so much about Moroccan cuisine.

Their Taiwan food tour package includes visiting some iconic Taiwanese restaurants, learning how to make some iconic dishes, and visiting tea fields and a whiskey distillery.  Book A Taiwan Food Tour With Intrepid Travel Here 

Eating street food when traveling

How To See The Best Of Taipei On A Food Tour

A great  food tour  means that you can start to understand Taipei food culture while exploring a new city. It is more than just the food that is served.

It means you have the chance to meet locals, ask loads of questions, and learn about the history and culture of a new city. It’s one of our favorite ways to see a city! In this post, we share our recommended food tours and cooking classes in Taipei.

All pricing is provided in US dollars. With some tours, pricing will adjust based on how many people have already booked, how many people are in your party, and the time of year. 

We recommend using  Viator  for booking food tours and experiences. We like Viator for a few reasons. One, we’ve used them for tours around the world without any problems.

Second, you will receive immediate confirmation of your booking.

Last, Viator is a reputable company that is actually owned by TripAdvisor, so if there are any issues with your booking, there is a big company standing behind the booking. See The Top Rated Food Tours In Taipei On Viator 


taipei eats tour

Small-Group Taipei Night Market Tour

Taipei is a 24-hour city that really comes alive at night. Seven days a week across the city, dozens of night markets pop up, cooking a wide range of local food specialties.

During this two-hour small-group Taiwan night market food tour, you’ll explore one of Taipei’s most renowned markets, Yansan Night Market. Known for its delicious ‘xiaochi’ or street food, Yansan Night Market is a must-visit for any trip to Taipei. 

While walking the market, guests will sample eight popular Taiwanese dishes and regional specialties including tasty  Taiwanese desserts . 

Pricing for the night tour begins at $60. The tour is not wheelchair accessible and comfortable shoes are recommended. 

Book this tour  here .

taipei city tour itinerary for foodies

Why We Like This Tour

This walking tour is limited to an intimate group of just four people. The small group setting allows for the undivided attention of your guide and allows you to experience Yansan like a local.

As one of the oldest night markets in Taipei, guests will enjoy amazing food and enjoy a slice of Taiwan’s history. Check Rates For This Taipei Night Market Tour Here 

Stinky tofu in Taipei

Taipei Backstreets Food Tour

Navigating Taiwan’s immense food scene can be difficult for any traveler. During this four-hour backstreet tour, sample some of the best street food Taipei has to offer.

Explore the XinYi district on foot, taking in the sights, sounds, and delicious smells of Taipei. Renowned for its culinary offerings, guests will sample some of XinYi’s best dishes including stinky tofu and soup dumplings. 

The tour can accommodate up to 8 guests with pricing beginning at $70. A fair amount of walking is involved during the tour.

Comfortable walking shoes are recommended. Because of uneven street surfaces, the tour is not recommended for those with walking disabilities or using a wheelchair.

Guests with any dietary requirements are welcomed and asked to provide notice at the time of booking. 

Led by a local and knowledgeable guide, guests will receive personalized recommendations for after the tour.

In addition to delicious food, the tour will provide guests with views of stunning temples and other Taipei sights.

The tour includes over 10 different food tastings. Check Rates For This Taipei Backstreets Food Tour 

Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup

Full-Day Taipei Private Food Tour

Explore the wonders and tastes of Taipei on your very own Taipei private tour with a highly knowledgeable local guide.

From visiting the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall to taking selfies at Taipei 101, your private guide will escort your group around Taiwan’s capital highlighting the city’s many must-see sights.

In between stunning sights, taste a variety of traditional Taiwanese snacks  and dishes. Enjoy local favorites from beef noodle soup and dumplings to bubble milk tea and many other local dishes. 

The pricing for the tour begins at $310. The private tour begins promptly at 9 am with a pick-up at your local hotel.

Lasting eight hours, the tour includes a full lunch in addition to sampling snacks throughout the day.

Vegetarian options are available for guests with dietary restrictions. Notification at the time of booking is requested. Unfortunately, the tour is not wheelchair accessible. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended.

As this is a private tour, customization to the itinerary can be made. We like private tours because they can be customized.

They are a great way to explore the city if you are traveling in a group with family or friends. This full-day Taipei city tour is also a great way to make the most of your time in the city. Check Rates For This Taipei Private Tour Here 


foodie destinations in Asia

Xao Long Bao Cooking Class

One of the iconic dishes of Taiwan, Xiao Long Bao or ‘soup dumplings’ are at the top of everyone’s must-eat list in Taipei.

During this three-and-a-half-hour cooking class, guests will learn to make traditional Xiao Long Bao from scratch and enjoy them in a sit-down lunch.

This experience begins with a quick trip to the historic Kuang Fu market. Led by your chef and instructor, you’ll explore one of Taipei’s many fresh markets, shopping for fresh spices and ingredients.

After finding your ingredients, return to the kitchen and roll up your sleeves, because it’s time to cook. In addition to making the famous Xiao Long Bao, guests will also learn the secret to making delicious Braised Beef Noodle Soup, and Bubble Milk Tea. 

Dumpling Cooking Class In Taipei

Pricing for the market tour and cooking class begins at $87. The tour is suitable for all levels of culinary experience and is suitable for ages 12 and above.

Morning and afternoon classes are available. If you have any food allergies substitutions can be made with advanced notification. The cooking class is conveniently located near public transportation.

Book this cooking class  here .

Amber loves here xao long bao. It’s one of her favorite things to eat in the world. And it is one of the most famous dishes to eat in Taiwan. 

With a maximum number of 10 guests, each participant will receive hands-on guidance from the local chef.

After all the dishes are made, sit down with the group to enjoy your feast while hearing stories about Taiwan’s incredible cuisine.  Check Rates For This Taipei Xao Long Bao Cooking Class Here 

Braised pork over rice in Taipei

Taiwanese Cooking Class And Market Tour

Discover what makes Taiwanese cuisine one of the best in the world from an expert local chef during a private cooking session.

This four-hour market tour and cooking class begins a visit to Dongmen Market to shop for fresh ingredients. Learn about different Taiwanese produce and discover how locals shop for delicious ingredients.

After shopping, it’s back to the professional kitchen to begin cooking. Guests can choose from one of two set menus, each featuring traditional Taiwanese dishes. Choices range from chicken with sesame or delicious braised pork.

During the cooking class, each guest will receive hands-on lessons in a variety of Taiwanese cooking methods.

With a maximum of eight guests in class, the local expert chef will provide personalized help in preparing braised beef noodle soup and other signature Taiwanese signature dishes from scratch.

After all the dishes are ready, it’s time to savor them and learn more about Taiwanese cuisine. 

Taiwanese Cooking Class Details

Pricing for the cooking class begins at $130 and includes round-trip transport by taxi from Dongmen MRT Station. The tour and cooking classes are not wheelchair accessible. A minimum of two guests is required for the experience.

Guests with dietary requirements are welcome to participate. Substitutions to the menu are available with advance notice at the time of booking.

Learning how to cook local specialties is a great way to learn about a new culture. Plus, the tour starts with a local Taipei market tour. Exploring a local fresh produce market is another great way to experience a city.  Check Rates For This Taipei Cooking Class Here 


Taipei tea tour and experience.

Taiwan is world-renowned for its tea. During this small-group tour and tea tasting, guests will leave the noise of Taipei behind to see the tranquil natural beauty of Taiwan.

An eight-hour experience, guests are picked up at their hotels to set out by minivan to the green hills of the Bagua Tea Plantation.

Enjoy a scenic ride on the Maokong Gondola to reach the plantation, you’ll meet highly skilled local tea experts who will teach you how to steep the perfect pot of tea. The tea experts will provide the small group with insight into the history of tea cultivation in Taiwan.

Taipei Tea Tour

Depending on the season, guests might have the opportunity to handpick tea leaves.

Regardless of the time of the year, guests will participate in a traditional Taiwanese tea ceremony with the tea expert. After your tea lesson, stop at a lookout point above Thousand Island Lake (Qiandao Lake) and soak in Taiwan’s natural beauty. 

Tea Tour Details

The pricing for the tour begins at $100 and can accommodate a maximum of six travelers. A minimum of four guests is required for the tour. The tour is not wheelchair accessible. Travelers with heart problems or other serious medical conditions are advised not to participate. 

We love drinking tea but are always looking for ways to learn more about tea drinking culture in Asia. This Taipei tea tour is a great way to spend a day. It’s also one of the more unique day tours from Taipei.  Check Rates For This Taipei Tea Tour Here 


Comfortable shoes! Many food tours involve a lot of walking. Also, be prepared for bad weather. Just because it’s rainy doesn’t mean the tour will be canceled. The same goes for the summer when temperatures can soar. Just be prepared.

Some people look at the cost of the individual items eaten on a food tour to determine whether they’ve gotten their money’s worth. A quality culinary tour, though, is more than the food served. It’s the value of the guide, the history learned, and the overall experience. And, it is almost always worth it!

In addition to booking a one day tour in Taipei that focuses on food, definitely consider heading out to the Keelung night market and Beitou hot springs. Both of these spots are easily visited from Taipei.

Yes. Like all cuisines, Chinese food is regionalized. In Taiwan, the food is generally mild compared to Sichuan. The food has been been shaped by outside influences for centuries. It’s most similar to Cantonese Chinese food or Hong Kong Chinese food.

Amber Hoffman

Amber Hoffman, food and travel writer behind With Husband In Tow, is a recovering attorney and professional eater, with a passion for finding new food and drink destinations. She lives with her husband, Eric, in Girona, Catalonia, Spain. Together over the last 20 years, they have traveled to over 70 countries. Amber is the author of the Food Traveler’s Guide to Emilia Romagna. She regularly lectures on social media marketing to travel professionals throughout Europe.

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taipei eats tour

Girl Eat World

A girl's adventure in food and travel around the world, taipei food: 10 must eat food and where to find them.

Taipei is truly heaven for foodies. There is so much good food available around the clock and all over the city.

When I first visited Taipei seven years ago, I was a newbie traveler. I didn’t do much research and relied on whatever food I happened to find, or friends to take me around. It has always killed me to realize how much food I missed out on! So when I finally had the chance to go back, and I went back to Taipei multiple times after that, I redeemed myself by going on a Taipei food marathon each time I was in the city.

Read on to find out which food I ate and enjoyed in Taipei, so you won’t miss out as I did on my first visit.

Taipei Guide - Rainbow street at Ximending

General Travel Tips on Visiting Taipei

Taipei is a very safe and tourist-friendly city. Here are some quick tips that would make your trip even easier.

💡 Tip: This is just a summarized version of my travel tips for Taipei. For the full version, head over to my Taipei travel guide !

  • Buy a prepaid SIM Card – I cannot stress how important it is to have an internet connection during your visit to Taiwan, especially if you don’t speak the language.
  • Buy an EasyCard – EasyCard is the transport card used across Taiwan. It works on the local trains as well as buses. You’ll definitely want to get the card so that you can use public transport easily while you’re in Taiwan.
  • Download Google Maps and the traditional Chinese language pack from Google Translate – This is my tip for pretty much every destination. Pre-download Google Maps so that you can use it when you don’t have the internet on your phone. Taiwan uses traditional Chinese, so download the traditional Chinese language pack from Google Translate!

What to eat in Taipei

Alright, now that we’ve got the practical stuff out of the way – on to the fun stuff: good local Taiwanese food in Taipei!

Here are my 10 must eat food in Taipei:

1. Braised Beef Noodle Soup (Niu Rou Mian 牛肉麵)

I was introduced to Taiwanese cuisine when I moved to Singapore. There is a stall I frequent at Food Republic (a food court in Singapore) called Formosa Delights, which specializes in… well, Taiwanese food.

Throughout the years of coming here, I’ve become fond of their beef noodles, especially with the “ Dao Xiao ” style – I’ll elaborate more on what this means later!

Two styles of broth at Yong Kang Beef Noodle

So while I was in Taipei, it was a no-brainer that I had to go look for the authentic version of Taiwanese beef noodles. I went to Yong Kang Beef Noodle  as it has been lauded as one of the city’s best beef noodles!

This is kinda silly of me, but I decided to go on a Sunday afternoon, shortly before 1 PM, when they were probably at the busiest. Sure enough, when I arrived there was already a line of 30 people ahead of us. It was very intimidating. But thankfully, they are very efficient and the line moved fast. We waited only about 10-12 minutes for a table for two.

I ordered the small dark-broth spicy noodles, which is the typical Taiwanese style, for myself while my boyfriend ordered the small clear broth noodles, both of which are actually not very “small”. I think most people would be happy with the small portion especially if you plan to walk around Taipei and eat more after this.

The tender beef chunks at Yong Kang

You can also get some side of stir-fried vegetable dishes, which you have to order separately from the booth next to the entrance – this will get added to your bill later.

So remember how I said I would elaborate on what “ dao xiao ” means? “ Dao Xiao ” means knife-cut, and this refers to the way the noodles are cooked – by literally hand-shaving a huge block of dough straight into a boiling pot of broth. It results in uneven cuts of noodles which are chewy and thicker in the middle and thin on the edges. Love it!

Tip: You could also order the noodles “Dao Xiao” style at Yong Kang but I totally forgot while I was there!

I loved both styles of broth at Yong Kang. The beef chunks are so tender and just fall apart on the first bite. The soup broth is made from tomatoes and dark soy sauce so it tasted slightly sweet, but very savory thanks to the beef chunks. And although they said it’s spicy, honestly it’s not THAT spicy.

I personally prefer the dark broth style as the broth is more flavorful. If you want to taste more of the beef chunks then you’d want to try the clear broth version.

Thanks to my friend Jasmine Chen for recommending this one!

Where to eat Beef Noodle in Taipei:

  • Yong Kang Beef Noodles (永康牛肉麺館)
  • Liao Jia Beef Noodle Restaurant (廖家牛肉麵)
  • Liu Shandong Beef Noodles (劉山東牛肉麵)
  • Lin Dong Fang (林東芳牛肉麵)
  • Chun Shui Tang – Yes they are more known for Bubble Tea, but their braised beef noodle is also good!
  • In addition to the above, many beef noodle restaurants/stalls have received the Michelin Bib Gourmand title. You can view the list here .

2. Scallion and Daikon (Radish) Pancake

One of my fondest memories from my first visit to Taipei in 2011 was getting a freshly fried scallion pancake from a street stall in Ximending. It was one of the modern stalls, so they had a bunch of toppings you could add to your pancake – I added egg, cheese, and ham. The pancake was delicious, especially during cold winter!

It wasn’t until later that I learned that authentic pancakes are not supposed to have that many toppings, maybe just the option to add eggs.

Fast forward to last weekend, I was on a bus to Shida night market with my friend Kyle – except I wasn’t sure if we were on the right bus. We had problems communicating with the bus driver and even though I showed him the location on the map, he could not confirm whether the bus was going in that direction.

While I was busy racking my brain on how to get out of this situation, with the bus speeding and us holding on to dear life so that we wouldn’t fall, a kind lady behind me started talking to us (in perfect English, I should add) and asked where we were going. She told us that we were on the correct bus, but since she knew we were visiting, she asked if we would like to get off one stop earlier and come with her to get some scallion pancakes that are popular with the locals – it took me about 0.2 seconds to agree and follow her.

Wenzhou Street Daikon Pancake

When we got to the place, which I found out from Google Maps is called Wenzhou Street Daikon Pancake , there was already a long queue forming. The total wait time was about 15-20 minutes, but it was so worth every second. Most people in the queue were locals who would buy multiple pancakes to bring home to their families.

While we were waiting in the queue, Anne, the lady who helped us, told me about Daikon (radish) pancakes. I’ve never tried this so I decided to get two pancakes – one normal scallion pancake with eggs and one daikon (radish) pancake . They’ll set you back about NT$35 each.

Scallion pancake with egg

The scallion pancake was wonderful – perfectly chewy on the inside but crispy on the outside. The daikon pancake was also very interesting, it was much thicker than the scallion pancake and most of the filling is fresh daikon wrapped in a crispy deep-fried batter, which creates a contrasting texture as you bite into the pancake. I personally prefer the daikon pancake more than the scallion one.

And that’s the story of how I followed a stranger on a bus in Taipei. Kyle and I still joke about how easy it would be to kidnap me – just promise me some food and I’ll gladly follow any strangers! 😀

And, I’m happy to report that I went back to Wenzhou Street in 2023 and their pancakes are still as good as I remember them!

Where to find Scallion and Radish Pancakes in Taipei:

  • Wenzhou Street Daikon Pancake (温州街蘿蔔絲餅達人)
  • Tian Jin Onion Pancake
  • Any of the Night Markets in Taipei

3. Authentic Taiwanese Breakfast

The traditional Taiwanese breakfast basically consists of loads of carbs, eggs, and soy milk. Dip a youtiao (dough fritters) into a warm bowl of soy milk, and get yourself a roll or two of the omelet cake.

Taipei Food - Traditional Breakfast

I went to Yong He Soy Milk King near Da’an MRT which opens past breakfast except on Sundays. First of all, I must thank my friend Yi-Wei for sending me here, as well as for telling me exactly what to order. There was no English menu and I would have been pretty lost.

So, I’m paying it forward by telling YOU what to get! Order a portion each of 甜豆浆 (Tian Dou Jian – Sweet Soy Milk), 蛋饼 (Dan Bing – Omelette Cake),油条 (You Tiao – Fritters), 葱油饼 (Cong You Bing – Scallion Pancakes). This should be good to share between two people. If you want, you can also order 小籠包 (Xiao Long Bao – the beloved soup dumpling).

The cashier could speak basic English, but showing the items written in traditional Chinese characters and showing him on my phone definitely made the ordering process MUCH easier.

Where to eat:

  • Yong He Soy Milk King (永和豆漿大王)
  • Fu Hang Dou Jiang (阜杭豆漿)
  • Shin Taipei Dou Jiang (新台北豆漿)
  • Ji Di Dou Jiang (及第豆漿) – Their specialty is Yilan-style egg pancake, which is thicker and chewier.

Hot Pot is a universal meal in Asia – you can find variations of hot pot in China, Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Hot Pot is usually best enjoyed with a group, where a boiling pot of soup is shared in the middle of the table along with a variety of raw ingredients (meat, vegetable, tofu, dumplings, and seafood). Usually, you choose two types of soup as a group but each individual can choose what they want to put into the pot.

Taipei Food Hot Pot

In Taiwan, Hot Pot is also a popular choice for a group meal and it is often eaten with a DIY dipping sauce, which you can make your own personal sauce by combining different sauces and/or egg yolk.

We had a hot pot at Tai Ho Dien on our first night in Taipei seven years ago. We enjoyed the meal very much, especially because we went during winter, and the hot pot is perfect to have during cold months.

I’ve also visited Orange Shabu , and while they’re more Japanese than Taiwanese, it was one of the best hot pot experiences I’ve ever had so I feel compelled to share it here! The sets are huge, and they make you an amazing porridge using the leftover broth at the end of the meal, so you will not go home hungry.

Where to eat Hot Pot in Taipei:

  • Tai Ho Dien (太和殿)
  • Orange Shabu (Multiple branches in Taipei)
  • Chien Tu Hot Pot (Multiple branches in Taipei)
  • Ding Wang Spicy Hot Pot (鼎王麻辣鍋)

5. Pork Pepper Bun (Hu Jiao Bing 胡椒餅)

Take note, this might just be my favorite item among the entire list of food to eat in Taipei. MUST try.

I found the famous Fuzhou Pork Pepper Bun at Raohe Night Market, where the bun is baked en-masse by sticking the dough, filled with peppery minced pork, to the sides of a large cylindrical oven. This process oddly reminded me of the method used to cook Zarb underground barbecue in Jordan .

How the Pork Pepper Buns were cooked

The result is a very tender, juicy, and very peppery pork bun. I’m a huge fan of pepper, so needless to say I was sold from the first bite. But if you get a freshly made one, be careful that it can get really hot! Let the steam escape from the bun and try to not burn your tongue trying to eat it too fast.

Fuzhou Pepper Buns is the very first stall you see if you enter Raohe Market from the northeast side, next to Songshan Temple.

Hat tip to my friends Yi-sheng and Michael Paravati for this recommendation!

Where to find Pork Pepper Bun in Taipei:

  • Fuzhou Pepper Buns (福州世祖胡椒饼) at Raohe Night Market

6. Braised Pork Rice (Lu Rou Fan 滷肉飯)

Lu Rou Fan is another Taiwanese cuisine that keeps coming up on my recommendation list.

Taipei Food Lu Rou Fan

Lu Rou Fan is a very simple but comforting dish, consisting of small cubes of braised pork marinated in thick, dark gravy sauce, served over piping hot steamed rice. When you get your bowl of Lu Rou Fan, you can mix the meat gravy sauce into your rice – I found this to be the best way to enjoy the dish.

That taste of the sauce and fresh scallions coating over each grain of rice was the definition of comfort food. It kinda reminds me of Mapo Tofu in terms of comfort level, but they taste completely different.

Jiufen Old Street

Some say Lu Rou Fan is probably the most well-loved Taiwanese dish, tied with beef noodles, and I can see why! You can also order braised boiled eggs and braised tofu to complete the experience.

Where to find Braised Pork Rice in Taipei:

  • Jin Feng Lu Rou Fan (金峰魯肉飯)
  • Huang Ji Braised Pork Rice (黃記魯肉飯)
  • Fu Ba Wang Zhu Jiao (富霸王豬腳)
  • Formosa Chang

7. Taiwanese Fried Chicken

In recent years, street food in Taiwan has also become synonymous with Fried Chicken, thanks to its prevalence in the night markets, which is an important part of Taiwanese culture.

The Fried Chicken you can find in the night markets usually consists of bite-sized chicken coated in potato starch with salt, pepper, garlic, and basil leaves. You can then add some chili to it as you like. It’s basically Taiwan’s take on popcorn chicken, but because they usually use potato starch instead of simple, this result is a more tender coating around the chicken pieces.

My bag of fried chicken at Shi-yun in Shida Market

My friend Yi-Wei (again) messaged me because he watched my Instagram stories and saw that I was at the Shida market. He recommended Shi Yun Fried Chicken , and that message came at perfect timing because I was actually standing right in front of the stall, wondering what to get! So I quickly placed my order for their most popular item – salt pepper chicken.

This place is actually a Yong Tau Foo type of place, where you can mark items to orders for items on a pink sheet of paper, or grab a basket and place ingredients you see on the stand into the basket, and they’ll fry it up for you. I was already eating non-stop that day so I just ordered the fried chicken – which was wonderfully juicy and very strong on the garlic side.

Thanks, Yi-Wei! I might have had bad breath for the rest of the night but it was worth it 😛

Shi Yun Chicken at Shida Night Market

In more recent years, Taiwan has also become known for its deep-fried chicken cutlets, which were introduced by Hot Star XXL Fried Chicken and became popular due to their massive portion. Basically, fried chicken has earned its status as the most popular street snack in Taiwan.

Where to find Fried Chicken in Taipei:

  • Shi Yun Fried Chicken (師園鹽酥雞) in Shida Night Market ( Facebook )
  • Monga Fried Chicken in Ximending
  • Shilin Night Market

8. Bubble Tea or Pearl Milk Tea

When I was living in Los Angeles in the early 2000s, Bubble Tea (aka “Boba”) had somehow gained popularity and became the hottest thing in the city. I remember my Taiwanese friends told me that Boba is not anything new to them – in fact, the concept of Bubble Tea was invented in the 1980s in Taiwan.

Bubble Tea in Taipei

The original bubble tea was simply just black tea mixed with milk and tapioca balls, but since it became popular, it has sprouted new variations which include fruit-flavored juice (such as passion fruit, strawberry, mango, lychee, etc) and ice-blended base.

In recent years, it has also become a trend to be able to pick the level of sugars so you can feel slightly better when you are sipping on your milk tea drink. However, I personally think the traditional pearl milk tea with full sugar is still the best thing to get!

Taipei Food

Where to find Bubble Tea in Taipei:

  • Chun Shui Tang (春山茶水舖) – Known as the inventor of Bubble tea
  • Chen San Ding Bubble Tea (陳三鼎黑糖粉圓鮮奶 專賣店)

9. Pineapple Cake

I suppose Pineapple cake is not something you actually eat while you are in Taipei – instead, it’s something often brought back as a souvenir.

Why Pineapple cake? Pineapples became a critical component of Taiwan’s economy during the Japanese era, during which the Japanese imported a wide variety of pineapples and established numerous processing plants.

When the export demand diminished, local bakeries did not let the pineapples go to waste and used them as jams inside pastries, which resulted in the Taiwanese Pineapple Cakes as we know them today.

There are many popular places to get your pineapple cakes from, with one of the names I kept hearing being Chia Te . I did not have enough time to go to the store but I happened to come across Amo Bakery at Taipei Main Station, which is the station you take the airport express from if you’re flying out from Taoyuan Airport.

I bought a dozen to share with my roommates and office friends. Many of them told me this was one of the best pineapple cakes they’ve had! So if you are taking the airport express from Taipei, I recommend saving your time and just getting your pineapple cakes from Amo Bakery. They are near locker 307 in the Taipei Main Station.

However, if you are still keen on buying the most famous one (Chia Te) but don’t want to visit the store in Taipei, you can still order Chia Te Pineapple Tart and pick it up at the airport when you fly out.

Where to get Pineapple Cake in Taipei:

  • Amo Bakery at Taipei Main Station
  • Chia Te Bakery (佳德鳳梨酥) (also available at Taipei Airport)
  • SunnyHills Pineapple Cake

10. Pork Intestine & Oyster Noodle

During my time in Taiwan, I mostly employed the eat-first-google-later method. So when we found out that our accommodation was only a 5-minute walk from Ay Chung Flour Rice Noodle , which was recommended by friends and blogs, I quickly dragged my friend there without much research.

Ay Chung Flour Noodle

The shop is located in Ximending a popular shopping area in Taipei. Once you get to the vicinity, the shop was easy to find. Just look for a large crowd slurping noodles out of paper bowls on the street. Ay Chung is not a sit-down restaurant after all, and they only have one thing on their menu – the noodles!

You go up to the store and place your order size (either Small or Large) then immediately queue up to the left of the cashier to receive your noodles. The process is highly optimized and very fast so you’ll receive your order and before you know it, you’ll be joining the rest of the crowd slurping on your bowl in the middle of Ximending.

The noodles were really soft and slippery so you do need to use a proper soup spoon, or else it will be very challenging to eat. The soup was more like gravy, the consistency was rather thick but still slurp-able. I loved this type of noodle so I enjoyed my bowl very much. I had no idea what was in the noodles, but we knew they contained some sort of innards and seafood.

Later on, during the “Google-later” phase of the day, our suspicions were confirmed – they were indeed pork intestines and oyster sauce.

Where to eat Vermicelli Noodle in Taipei:

  • Ay Chung Flour-Rice Noodle (阿宗麵線)
  • Chen Ji Intestine & Oyster Taiwanese Vermicelli (陳記專業蚵仔麵線)

Quick Guide to Visiting Taipei Food Markets

Taiwan Night markets are, to put it in one word, AMAZING! They are the ultimate definition of what a night market should be: bustling atmosphere, great shopping, and most importantly: a large variety of street food with an affordable price tag.

The South entrance of Raohe Night Market

Okay, now, the popular night in Taipei food markets are:

  • Shilin Night Market – Shilin needs no introduction. This is Taiwan’s biggest and most popular night market. For most tourists, this is the ultimate night market since it has both: food and shopping!
  • Shida Night Market – I would say Shida is more about fashion than food. I was told this is where Taiwanese students go to find cheap yet fashionable and good-quality clothes. Most of the styles I found were inspired by Korean fashion, which is all the rage across Asia these days. I found some cute earrings for a reasonable price here. That said, you can still find solid food options at Shida too, such as Shi yun fried chicken and Hsu Ji Shen Jiang Bao.
  • Raohe Night Market – Raohe spans across a narrow street called Raohe street. While the two rows of temporary stalls in the middle of the street consist mostly of snacky street food and drinks, you can find some night market goodies in the shophouses that line up the street. This night market is extremely popular so expect it to be very crowded over the weekend. My favorite here is the Fuzhou pepper bun.
  • Ningxia Night Market – In comparison to the other night markets, Ningxia is very small. However, I think they’re great to visit, especially if you are trying to avoid crowds. They still have at least one stall for each famous night market meal. My favorite here is the peanut ice cream stall.
  • Nanjichang Night Market – I have not been to Nanjichang, but I expect it to be similar to Ningxia market where its slightly smaller.

Except for Nanjichang, I have been to all of the above markets. Shida and Ningxia is probably my favorite, simply because I get overwhelmed easily and Shilin and Raohe was too big and too crowded for me with way too many options. However, Ningxia and Shida might be too quiet if you’re looking for a bustling night market vibe.

Taipei Food Peanut Ice Cream

What you should eat in Taipei Food Markets

And because night markets can be overwhelming, here are the items I recommend to try at the night market. There’s a bit of overlap with some food items I’ve covered above, but I’ll also add some stuff that I didn’t cover before.

  • Taiwanese Fried Chicken – see above
  • Pork Pepper Bun – MUST get! My favorite thing in Taiwan! see above
  • Scallion Pancake – see above
  • Roast Beef with Pink Salt – I kept seeing this in all the night markets I went to in Taipei – they are cubes of beef, freshly torched to perfection with each order. You can get other toppings but I personally loved the Himalayan pink salt!
  • Shengjiang Bao – Originating from Shanghai , this pan-fried dumpling is also a common feature in Taiwan’s night market.
  • Soy Beancurd (Tofu) Pudding – This is a favorite dessert in Asia. It’s a very silky pudding made from soybean (so basically Tofu) with syrup and any other toppings you might want. The most common one I’ve seen is the almond-flavored ones, but in Taiwan, they are also served with small tapioca balls like the ones from bubble tea!
  • Papaya Milk – I know this sounds weird, but I tried it and loved it! You can also get a carton of this at any convenience store if you didn’t catch them at the night market.

Don’t want to go by yourself? Try these Street Food Tours with an English-speaking Guide

If the prospect of braving the night market on your own sounds intimidating, you might want to consider booking one of these night market tours! They are more expensive than going on your own, but the tours do come with an English-speaking guide.

I do find it better when a local takes you around since they are able to explain and provide the back story of the delicious food you are eating.

  • Ningxia Night Market Michelin Food Tour
  • Shilin Night Market Tour
  • Rao He Night Market Tour

Other Notable Food Experiences and Restaurants in Taipei

Are you STILL looking for more food after all that? OK, fine, you might just be my worthy adversary when it comes to eating. Here are a few more places you can hit up if you’re still hungry!

1. Addiction Aquatic Development (上引水產) – Taipei Fish Market

I call this Tsukiji 2.0! Why? Because this is the place where you can get the freshest seafood in Taipei, but the market is more like a really huge, nicely decorated restaurant. Also, it’s half the price of what I would have expected. We ordered 4 sets of sushi platters, miso soups, and a dozen of oysters but the bill came out to be only NT$1,000 (US$33) per person. That’s MUCH cheaper than it would be in Singapore.

Sushi Platter at Addiction Aquatic Development

2. Xiao Long Bao (小籠包) at Din Tai Fung

I did not go to Din Tai Fung (DTF) in Taipei since there are plenty of DTF restaurants in Singapore and I eat there almost every week – it even made the list of favorite restaurants in Singapore . However, if you’ve never tried Xiao Long Bao (aka the soup dumpling, aka XLB) and have no plans to go to Shanghai any time soon (where XLB is originally from) you definitely must go to DTF in Taipei!

The original Din Tai Fung restaurant is on Xinyi Road, very close to Yong Kang area. You’ll most likely have to queue up, but if it’s anything like the Singapore experience they’ve got it all down with digital queue numbers and everything.

3. Huashan 1914 Creative Park

This was one of my favorite places in Taipei! Huashan 1914 is a block full of shops with local brands, cute cafes, and trendy restaurants. It’s a great place to spend an afternoon chilling with a cup of coffee and winding down. I bought a few cute succulent planters from one of the shops for a reasonable price too!

Need more help with your trip to Taipei?

I’ve written an extensive travel guide for Taipei . You’ll find detailed recommendations on where to eat, what to do in Taipei, where to stay, and things to do.

➡️ Read my Taipei travel guide here !

Phew, that was an extra long post. I told you it was going to be a food marathon trip 😛 Let me know below if you find this post useful or not, and if you have questions or suggestions to add. Until next time!


  • April 14, 2024

Thanks for the information, especially the food where to get it and what to eat. Very helpful.

  • January 28, 2024


  • January 29, 2024

haha thanks for the feedback! maybe you’ll thank me when you get older 😂

  • January 31, 2024

hehe yeah! i like them big…

  • January 17, 2024

Hello, Melissa! Appreciate your informative & yummy post 😀 I’m curious about the succulent planters you bought. Are these allowed to be brought into Singapore?

Hey Bernice, it was only the planters without any plants, so they are allowed.

  • December 11, 2023

Hi Melissa,

I have to say your blog is very informative, it provides me the most information I need to prepare for my Taiwan travel. It is very detailed yet effectively listed the top most important places to go, how to get there, and what to eat, including what to order as a must try food while in Taiwan. It’s amazing!! I have been browsing around, but your blog is the most comprehensive that I can get all the information I need in one place. Thank you so much for putting this information together, you have been a great help to all of us 🙂

– Bianca

  • December 12, 2023

Hi Bianca, thanks for the kind word. I hope you will have fun in Taiwan!

  • May 15, 2023

Hi Michelle,

It will be my first time to Taipei with my family. Could you recommend which hotel is nearer to the MRT at Ximending?

Hey Lisa, you can read my Taipei blog for this

  • May 27, 2022

Great recommendations. We’re heading back to Taipei after a three-year absence due to the pandemic. My wife is from there, so I usually don’t seek out reccos, but I’m looking forward to trying some of yours in July. Another thing I like to eat there are the oyster pancakes. In LA, they’ve become quite expensive, but in Taipei, they’re about a third of the cost, as is everything else. Especially the tea!

Thanks for the comment Bob! hope you enjoy your time back. I live in Singapore so I can relate with the absence of travel.

  • December 23, 2020

I have waited in line twice for the pepper buns at Raohe Market and waited 15 minutes to get them, soooooooooo Goodwood to eat, want to go back again

  • September 14, 2020

Thanks for the commendation. A fantastic choices of food. This local handmade bun shop looks amazing too!

  • July 6, 2020

One of my favourite country to visit. I always go there once a but not thia year because of covid-19. Food paradise and love the night market, easy public transport, easy to communicate- great hospitality and most people are very discipline and polite, great public transport nearly links across the whole country and most important affordable. Can’t wait to visit Taiwan again

Amazing article! Thank you for all the tips! I am planning a trip to Taiwan sometime this year or the next. My biggest concern is my nonexistent Chinese speaking skills. Do you think I’ll be able to get around and order food without knowing Mandarin?

I don’t speak Mandarin either and I feel it is very doable. People are friendly and they know basic english. Usually I just research ahead of time, or buy a phone data and have google translate ready!

  • April 8, 2020

Thank you Melissa. Planning my honeymoon there and you have saved me a lot of trouble 🙂 will be traveling to the hot springs up north too. Along the way, we will be feasting on ice creams as well. I heard even the 7Es there have good soft serves! Wanna try 8%Ice too. Heard they’re one of the best in Taipei. Wish me luck!

  • January 18, 2020

Wow, Melisa. All your photos are nice!! And I went to Taiwan too!! 🙂 I think your website can let me have a even good information for my taiwan project. Because I’m doing a manila card taiwan project. and it can really help me, so ya. Thx

  • January 16, 2020

Your pictures looks really amazing and you’ve provided me more information upon the pepper cakes that I never knew about as well as reminded me to have beef noodle soup when I go back soon. Thank you! 🙂

  • December 14, 2019

I used this as my “tour guide book” for Taipei! Thanks for writing!!

  • December 15, 2019

thanks for stopping by Crystal!

  • October 29, 2019

Which Airbnb did you stay at in Taipei?

  • October 30, 2019

hi there, it’s linked above.

Hi, I noticed that you recommend Klook for the bundle package. Tried to get information from Klook website but no avail, may I know whether Klook package you bought include : 1) SIM Card 2) One way (or is it two way?) MRT trip to Taipei 3) EasyCard that we have to top up?

Hey Arvyl, the bundle includes 1x SIM Card (Unlimited data for 5 or 8 days) and 1x EasyCard. You can then use the EasyCard to take the MRT to Taipei, but yes you need to top up the EasyCard. Normally if you had bought it separately the EasyCard costs NT$100 just for the card itself without any balance and SIM Card costs NT$500 for Unlimited data 5 days at the airport, so the Klook bundle is still the economical choice at ~NT$320.

  • November 26, 2019

Great article Melissa! It was very helpful for me when I was in Taipei with my daughter. We just finished our review of some really good Ramen restaurants in Taipei so you might want to share with your audience.

  • September 3, 2019

Did the Authentic Taiwanese Breakfast have meat in it?

Hey Renee, the items I mentioned in this blog post for breakfast didn’t seem to have meat in it, but if you’re vegetarian you might want to do more thorough research on the pancakes. The soy milk and fritters is definitely meat-free, the pancakes probably contains eggs.

  • August 22, 2019

Thank you for this list! We are in Taipei now and are loving your suggestions!

I’m glad to hear this! 🙂

  • June 25, 2019

Thank you for this great article! What’s the name of the stall/shop where you had your sushi platter meal for NT1000 at Addiction Aquatic Development? Would love to visit the place!

Thanks for the comment! Honestly, I don’t remember but it’s inside the market (we walked past the aquarium of fish). It’s a standing stall and there are plenty of them, we just chose one that has a spot for us!

  • May 29, 2019

Planning a trip to TPE and just came to this page for food. I bookmarked it because you basically covered everything I need to hit the ground running.

Thank you very much! I never comment on blogs like this, but figured this one deserved it 🙂

thanks Mehran. Have fun in Taipei!!

  • May 22, 2019

Thank you so much for this informative article! We’re actually going to travel to taipei in a few days and I’m already so excited. I’m a little nervous because I don’t speak Chinese though XD. I’ll be sure to go to the places you mentioned. Thank you so much, again!

  • March 21, 2019

Hello! Do you have more info about the lockers? Can I easily spot them in the station? Thank you for this blog

Hey Anne, the lockers are really easy to spot. I remember it was located between the Main station and the airport express train. The one I used is locker 307 across Amo Bakery.

  • June 6, 2019

many stations have lockers that can be easily spot in open areas

  • March 6, 2019

This is great! Thanks so much for all the details I can’t wait to try to some of these.

have a fun trip Alisa!! Thanks for the comment xx

  • February 12, 2019

Hi! Nice article. Thank you for this. I would this as a reference in visiting Taiwan next month! Do you have list of prices of the above-mentioned foods? 😉

Hey Katrina, unfortunately I don’t remember! But it was quite affordable, ranging from $5-10 and even less for the street foods.

  • February 5, 2019

This blog is fantastic. I live in Shanghai but am going to Taiwan on my own in a few days and this has sorted me right out. Thanks a bunch!

Thanks for the kind words David! Hope you have fun in Taipei!

  • January 17, 2019

Thanks for your article! I’m going there tomorrow and staying for 4 days, was wondering if you had any recommendations for a date night in Taipei?

  • January 21, 2019

Hey there! Unfortunately, I did not go anywhere fancy while I was in Taipei.. just the night markets and street food. I hope you enjoyed your stay!

  • December 17, 2018

thanks, took your advice and book a hotel in ximending itself. be going there in Feb to catch the lantern festival, besides all the food 🙂

you won’t regret it! have fun! Feb might be a little cold so prepare some jackets

  • June 29, 2018

They all look amazing! I love Taiwan cause the night markets are everywhere in any cities. Thanks for the recommendation!

  • July 4, 2018

No problem! I hope you get to try them!

  • June 28, 2018

This sounds so delicious. I am already getting hungry!

Haha yeah, I was eating non-stop when I was there.

  • May 10, 2018

This list is great and I 100% agree with all of it! Thanks for sharing Melissa~

Also great that you mentioned Amo Bakery–what really makes them good for me is their rectangular cakes! The Dutch butter layer cake specifically is so amazing. So for those who are picking up pineapple cakes there (though Chie Te is super good too!), don’t forget to also pick up a rectangle cake! 🙂

  • May 16, 2018

Thanks Hau 😀 I wish i had time to get more stuff from Amo but I only discovered them in my last hours in Taipei!

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Taipei travel guide for food lovers

Introduction to taipei.

If you love food, this Taipei Travel Guide is for you!

Having heard about the amazing night markets and the abundance of delicious food, I knew Taipei would be a city that any food lover should visit at some point. And so I was excited to have an opportunity to visit.

My wife and I ended up staying for almost two full weeks in Taiwan’s biggest city, and both the food and the friendliness of the people, kept us wanting to stay longer.

Taipei is a big, but very manageable, modern, clean, and friendly city. It’s easy and hassle free to get around, there’s an amazing selection of restaurants and street food, and the night markets, with their never ending supply of interesting foods, are a highlight.

In this Taipei travel guide blog I’ll be sharing with you travel details from my personal trip there, plus lots of food.

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport

Arriving and Leaving Taipei

If you fly into Taipei on an international flight, most likely you’ll land at  Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport . It’s located north of Taoyuan City, to the west of Taipei City. It takes about an hour or more to get from the airport to the center of the city.

Here’s how I got into the center of Taipei from the airport.

  • Once you go through immigration and grab your bag, you then exit the airport and look for the signs leading to the High Speed Rail / Bus Station .
  • At the bus counter there are a bunch of different buses you can take. I bought a ticket with UBus that went directly to THSR Taoyuan Station – 30 TWD ($0.96)
  • At THSR Taoyuan Station I bought a ticket on the high speed train to Taipei Station – 165 TWD ($5.28)
  • From Taipei Station you can get the local Metro to whichever station you need to get to.

The journey from the airport to Taipei city center can take about 1 – 1.5 hours, so it’s important to be aware of that, both for when you arrive or leave.

When leaving Taipei, you can take the same journey, just in reverse. When you get to THSR Taoyuan Station, there will be a line of buses waiting, that go straight to the airport.

best hotels in Taipei

Places to stay in Taipei

Choosing a place to stay when you’re in Taipei, and picking a good location, is one of the keys to having a successful trip. If you can get a good place to stay in a good location, that improves everything during your trip.

I’d also like to mention that in comparison to some other cities, the good thing about Taipei is that the central part of the city is really not all that big, and public transportation is really good. So even if you’re staying somewhere a bit far out, as long as you’re close to a public transportation station, it should still be pretty easy to get around.

Here are a couple of best areas in Taipei to consider staying in and why, and a couple of hotel suggestions in each.

1. Ximending

Ximending is the shopping, nightlife, and entertainment heart of Taipei. If you want to stay at a hotel where you walk out the front door and have all-you-can handle shopping, street food and restaurants, and plenty of people watching opportunities, Ximending has some of the best places to stay in Taipei. You’ll find everything from budget hotels like Energy Inn , and plenty of mid-range hotels like Via Hotel Ximen . Do some good research though, because there are also quite a few love hotels in Ximending.

2. Zhongshan

Zhongshan is one of the main districts of Taipei, and it’s considered both the center of Taipei tourism, and a central business district of Taipei. If you want to feel like you’re in the heart of suburban Taipei (yet with plenty of pleasant neighborhood side-streets), Zhongshan is a great area to choose. There’s plenty of shopping and restaurants to choose from. Zhongshan has a range of hotels from mid-range like Homeyhouse Hotel where I stayed to many high end hotels like the elegant  Okura Prestige Taipei .

3. Da’an District

Another one of Taipei’s main districts, that includes a mix of business and residential is Da’an district. You’ll find a mix of everything in this area of Taipei, and it’s just a short distance from Yongkang Street which has plenty of great restaurants, cafes, and places to hang out. In Da’an district accommodation tend to be on the higher end side like the trendy Home Hotel Da’an and Shangri-La , but there are also some budget places to stay like Green World Hostel .

When my wife and I were in Taipei while writing this Taipei travel guide, we I stayed at two different hotels, and here are the pros and cons of each.

Here’s where I stayed:

  • Go Sleep Hotel Xining (Ximending, I paid about $75 per night for a triple room) – Right after landing in Taipei, my wife and her sister and I checked into Go Sleep Xining Hotel, located in the busy fashion district of Ximending. The hotel, located on the top of a building, was basic, a little old, but it had everything we needed, and I thought it was of decent value. The location is great, right in the heart of the main fashion, shopping and young cultural area of Taipei.
  • Homeyhouse Hotel (Zhongshan District, I paid about $50 per night for a double deluxe room) – Halfway through our trip to Taipei, my wife and I transferred to Homeyhouse Hotel, which was an excellent place, and a completely different environment. The hotel itself was very nice, the staff were friendly, and the room was spacious and modern – even including a high-end electronic heated toilet seat. The only thing is that it is about a 10 – 15 minute walk from the nearest Metro station (Zhongshan station), which was not an issue for my wife and I as we love to walk, but it is something to think about.

I’d highly recommend Homeyhouse as my favorite place my wife and I stayed during our trip to Taipei.

NOTE : The links to hotels are affiliate links, meaning that if you make a hotel booking, at NO extra cost to you, I will get a small commission. Thank you for your support.

Travel packing list

A good travel packing list makes it easy to pack quickly and not forget anything. Here are some of the essentials I carried with my during my trip to Taipei:

Also, if you’re interested you can see my complete camera and electronics gear list here .

taipei eats tour

Restaurants and Street Food in Taipei

Taipei, just like many cities in Asia like Bangkok or Seoul , has an incredible food culture, and in Taipei, there seems to be a never ending supply of delicious and interesting foods to try.

One of the best things about eating in Taiwan is that there are many different types of Chinese and even Japanese food influences in the cuisine. And along with local Taiwanese dishes, you’ll find restaurants in Taipei that serve dishes from around continental China.

Additionally, Taiwan is one of the world leaders when it comes to night markets… there are so many different night markets throughout Taipei that offer both shopping and an opportunity to walk around and feast.

In this Taipei Travel Guide for Food Lovers I’ll first share some of my favorite Taipei food night markets and some of my personal favorite Taiwanese dishes.

best night markets in Taipei

Best Taipei Night Markets:

There are lots and lots of night markets in Taipei, and I wasn’t able to visit them all, but out of the ones I did visit, here are my favorites.

  • Shilin Night Market – Despite being the most famous and one of the biggest night markets in Taipei, and also supposedly one of the most touristy markets as well, after visiting, I still think it’s a must visit night market when you’re in Taipei. The sheer size of the market, the busyness of the lanes, the amount of snacks and shopping, and just the amount of people that go there, give the market a lot of energy. You’ll find things like fried dumplings, everything on skewer, and blowtorched steak.
  • Raohe Night Market – One of the things I loved about Taipei is that even when some attractions or markets are well publicized and have potential to be too touristy, they still remain pretty local in many ways. Raohe Night Market is another famous night market, and while there are many tour groups that frequent the market, I found it to be an amazing mix of shopping and food, plus packed with Taiwanese culture. While Shilin Night Market is exciting and energizing, Raohe is much more relaxed and has more of a friendly neighborhood feel to it. One of the best things to eat at Raohe Night Market are the pepper pork buns right at the entrance of the market and pork ribs soup.
  • Ningxia Night Market – Ningxia Night Market is a Taipei night market that I just kind of showed up at without much planning, and it turned out to be fantastic. The market is exclusively focused on food and I didn’t really notice any other stalls, just solid food. It has a neighborhood feel, in a good location, still very much local, and there are lots of food choices. I enjoyed the skewers of meat and vegetables, all grilled and seasoned, and also there are a number of legendary oyster omelet restaurants at this night market.
  • Keelung Miaokou Night Market – This night market is not in Taipei, but because it’s close enough and easy enough to get here, and because it’s one of the most mind-blowing displays of food in one place, I’ve included it on this Taipei list. You can get to Keelung City by train in about 30 – 45 minutes from Taipei Station, and what awaits you at Keelung Miaokou Night Market are a few bedazzling streets packed with food.

best Taiwanese food

My favorite Taiwanese dishes:

Listed below are just a few of my absolute favorite Taiwanese dishes. For a more complete Taiwanese food guide, be sure to check out Taiwanese Food Guide blog post (coming soon).

  • Lu rou fan (minced pork rice) – Considered one of the national dishes of Taiwan, lu rou fan is the combination of rice topped with minced braised pork. The sauce seeps into the rice blending with the fatty, slow cooked, outrageously tender pork. It’s an amazingly comforting simple dish.
  • Niu rou mien (beef noodle soup) – Another dish you can’t miss eating in Taipei is beef noodle soup. There are many different types, but the basic combination is a bowl of noodles, topped with tender beef, and a soothing complex beefy broth. Beef noodles are a Taiwanese favorite.
  • Hujiao bing (pepper buns) – When I think about Taiwanese food, I never really imagined little bread buns, stuffed with a combination of meat and pepper, and baked in an Indian tandoor like oven. But hujiao bing, which is exactly that, is popular in Taiwan, and they are so incredibly delicious when they are piping hot. I could eat them all day long. The best one I had was at Raohe Night Market.
  • Taiwanese hot pot – Hot pot is a meal popular all over Asia, and in Taipei it seems like every second restaurant serves hot pot. There are some different regional variations and even Japanese style shabu shabu in Taipei, but the basic components of a hot pot meal include a personal or table-side pan of boiling soup where you dip meat and vegetables in to cook right before you eat.
  • Xiaolongbao (soup dumplings) – Likely the most famous Taiwanese food in the world, in a large part due to the expansion of Din Tai Fung restaurant , are xiaolongbao, steamed soup dumplings. Despite their widespread popularity, xiaolongbao are originally from mainland China in Jiangnan near Shanghai. A tray of steamed soup dumplings with some extra side dishes, makes an outstanding meal in Taipei.
  • Gua bao (pork belly sandwich) – Looking for one of the ultimate Taiwanese snacks? Gua bao, which is similar to a sandwich made with a steamed piece of bread stuffed with braised pork belly and pickled mustard greens, is one of the finest Taiwanese hand-held creations.
  • Bubble tea – I’m personally not a huge bubble tea drinker, but my wife, along with basically the entire population of young people in Taiwan, are crazy for it. Bubble tea typically consists of extremely milky tea filled with boba tapioca pearls. What I do like about ordering bubble tea in Taiwan is that you can typically choose your sweetness level, or even choose to have no sugar at all. Bubble tea is definitely a Taiwanese national treasure of a beverage, and it’s now found just about everywhere in the world, from Bangkok to Los Angeles.
  • Chou doufu (stinky tofu) – There’s no other food in Taiwan that’s more noticeable by smell or that has more passionate food followers, as the infamous Taiwanese stinky tofu, a national dish. On my first stinky tofu experience in Taiwan, I didn’t even know I had ordered it. It definitely had a little bit of a rotting taste to it, but I quite enjoyed it – it’s a bit unique and something you have to eat in Taipei.

Latest Taipei blog posts

taipei eats tour

Incredible Pork Belly Bun in Taipei: Lan Jia Gua Bao (藍家割包)

Taiwan does braised pork, in all styles and flavors, really well. One of the most popular Taiwanese dishes that includes braised pork is lu rou fan, braised pork belly, minced up and topped over a bowl of rice. But another…

Shilin Night Market

Food to Eat at Shilin Night Market (and Surprise Stinky Tofu)

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taipei eats tour

Ay-Chung Flour Rice Noodles: Don’t Miss This Goopy Snack

One of the best signs of good food when you travel is a big crowd. And preferably a big crowd that’s standing around on the street or sidewalk, some waiting in line and others already happily eating scattered around. Located…

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Beitou Hot Springs

Day Trip to Beitou Hot Springs (and an Unexpected Taiwanese Feast)


One of the most relaxing things to do anywhere, is sit in a natural hot spring. Located within Taipei city limits is Beitou, a natural hot spring recreation area in the city. During our stay in Taiwan, we decided to…

taipei eats tour

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best beef noodles Taipei

Lin Dong Fang: You’ll Love These Beef Noodles in Taipei


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Taipei attractions

Things to do in Taipei

When my wife and I were in Taipei, we were on a mission to do quite a lot, and so along with eating, we ran around visiting many attractions in-between meals.

Here are some of the top things to do in Taipei, when you’re taking a break from the food!

Taipei 101 Observatory – Designed to look like a pole of bamboo, Taipei 101 is the tallest and most iconic landmark skyscraper of Taipei. At the bottom of the monstrous tower is a giant luxury mall, but the main attraction is the observatory from the 88th – 91st floors. It is a little pricey at 500 NTW entrance for adults, but it truly is a breathtaking view of the city. I spent about an hour at the observatory, admiring Taipei from all directions. Conveniently located on ground floor, as soon as you get out of the elevator is Din Tai Fung, and it’s kind of a rite of passage to have xiaolongbao after finishing at the observation deck… at least I think so. Address : 110, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District, Section 5, Xinyi Rd, 7號; Opening hours : 9 am – 10 pm daily; Entrance price : 600 TWD for adults.

Elephant Mountain – Just like Hong Kong, Taipei is not only an incredible city, but it’s surrounded by lush green mountains. Right in the middle of the city is a place called Elephant Mountain, where you can take a hike, and in literally just a few minutes, you feel like you’re in middle of the jungle rather than in a huge city. The main trail leads to a series of views of Taipei, with an amazing view of Taipei 101 and the entire downtown area of Taipei. Another great thing is that you can take a little hike at Elephant Mountain even if you just have an hour or two to spare.  Address : 110, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District; Opening hours : 9 am – 5 pm daily; Entrance price : it’s free to enter as it’s a memorial.

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall – The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is a gigantic memorial landmark in Taipei, dedicated to Chiang Kai-shek, a former leader of the Republic of China. The overall structure and courtyard that it’s part of is gigantic. And also one of the main attractions at the hall is watching the elaborate changing of the guard ceremony which happens every hour on the hour.  Address : No. 21, Zhongshan S Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100; Opening hours : daylight hours; Entrance price : this is a free attraction.

Longshan Temple – Fully known as Mengjia Longshan Temple, the temple is one of the most important Chinese temple in Taipei, and considered to be a national treasure of history and cultural heritage. When I visited, the temple was packed full of people both inside and out, and the entire temple seemed to be going up in a cloud of incense smoke and scurrying people. The environment was very lively yet calm at the same time.  Address : No. 211, Guangzhou St, Wanhua District, Taipei City, Taiwan 10853; Opening hours : 6 am – 10 pm daily; Entrance price : it’s free to enter as it’s a temple.

Dalongdong Baoan Temple – In short just known as Baoan temple, this small incredibly well preserved and ornate temple, is another cultural Taiwanese heritage icon. Of all the temples I visited in my trip to Taipei, this was probably the most impressive for its incredibly detailed decorations and paintings. Also, in contrast to the lively action of Longshan Temple, Baoan Temple was extremely quiet and peaceful.  Address : No. 61, Hami St, Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan 103; Opening hours : 7 am – 10 pm daily; Entrance price : free.

National Palace Museum – I’m not huge on museums when I travel, but sometimes I do enjoy visiting, and the National Palace Museum was what I considered to be a museum that’s worth the time and entrance fee – largely due to its important collection. According to Wikipedia , the museum includes 696,000 pieces, making it one of the largest museums in the world, mostly focusing on Chinese history and art. When I was in University I took a number of art history courses, and I remember studying some of the most famous masterpieces on display at the museum – pieces by artists like Fan Kuan and Zhang Zeduan. If you love art and Chinese history the National Palace is a museum you have to visit in Taipei.  Address : No. 221, Section 2, Zhishan Rd, Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan 111; Opening hours : 8:30 am – 6:30 pm on Sunday – Thursday and 8:30 am – 9 pm on Friday and Saturday; Entrance price : 250 TWD.

Night Markets – I’ve already covered this above, but it’s worth adding it to the attractions list as well, since night markets are such an important part of Taiwanese culture. Of all the attractions within this Taipei travel guide, visiting night markets is one of my favorites. You simply don’t go to Taipei without going to a night market a few times, or even every night you’re up for it. They are fun, entertaining, provide a cultural Taiwanese experience, and the greatest bonus is that you’ll find a never ending variety of delicious food to eat.

Maokong Gondola – I thought it was going to be a little short gondola ride, but the ride is actually a means of both transportation (connected to the mass transit system) and a touristy attraction. The entire Maokong Gondola ride takes about 30 minutes, offers incredible views, and when you reach the top there are tea houses in the mountains. The only setback is that the gondola closes if there’s rainy weather and sometimes there can be a pretty long line. But it’s very affordable and a great thing to do.  Address : At Taipei Zoo station – 116, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wenshan District; Opening hours : 9 am – 9 pm on Tuesday – Thursday, 9 am – 10 pm on Friday, 8:30 am – 10 pm on Saturday, and 8:30 – 9 pm on Sunday, hours are also subject to change due to festival, events, and weather; Entrance price : They have a variety of different ticket options, but a single ticket costs 120 TWD.

Lin Family Mansion and Garden – One of the things I wasn’t sure if I was going to have time to do, but I’m very happy I did, is visit the Lin Family Mansion and Garden, a privately opened house and museum. Walking around the ancient and well designed gardens was a true throwback in time. It was both peaceful and eerie.  Address : No. 9, Ximen St, Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 220; Opening hours : 9 am – 5 pm daily, but close on the 1st Monday of each month; Entrance price : This is one of the best free attractions in Taipei.

Beitou hot springs area – When you arrive to Beitou, a hot spring mountainous resort area, it’s hard to believe you’re still right in Taipei. The area has a completely different countryside feel to it, and it’s most famous for the hot springs which can be accessed from both hotels and a public bathing facility. Additionally in the area you’ll find restaurants and other attractions that you can easily visit in a hale or full Taipei day trip.  Address : Beitou Station – No. 1, Guangming Rd, Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 11246; Opening hours : Most things are open 9 am – 5 pm daily, but some museums close on Mondays (so best to not go on a Monday if possible); Entrance price : Depending on what you do, there are some free attractions, but to enter the public hot springs it costs 40 TWD per person.

There are many more things to do in Taipei, but I included just a concise list of my personal favorite attractions within this Taipei travel guide.

how to get around Taipei

How to get around (transportation)

Taipei has one of the best, most convenient, and most clean and modern mass transportation systems in Asia. And another great thing is that it’s somehow never extremely crowded (very well managed) and it’s hassle free.

Pair the MRT with the great bus system as well, and Taipei has wonderful public transportation. For my entire trip to Taipei, I didn’t ever use a taxi, but relied completely on the Metro and bus.

  • Metro – The Metro Taipei is extremely nice and convenient, and very affordable as well. You have a couple of options, depending on how long you’re in Taipei and how much you’ll be running around. A one day pass, including unlimited rides costs 150 TWD ($4.59). But if you’re in Taipei for a few days, I’d recommend purchasing an Easy Card, which you can purchase at any station, which allows you to add money so you can just touch and go. Rides on the Metro vary in price depending on distance and can range from 16 TWD – 55 TWD ($0.49 – $1.68). It’s very affordable.
  • Bus – The bus system is also very easy to use if you know which bus to take. And to pay you can use your same Easy Card and just tap in.

Taipei travel guide

Prices and expenses

I would say that Taipei is a mid to low priced range travel destination, and I think that overall the value for money in Taipei is excellent.


  • Hostel: $10 – $25 USD per bed
  • Mid-range hotel: $25 – $75 USD per night
  • High end: Everything above $75 USD


  • Metro ride: Depending on how far you go, about 16 TWD – 55 TWD ($0.49 – $1.68)
  • Bus ride: Also depending on how far you go buy similar prices to the Metro
  • Taxi: Even taxis are not too high in price, and if you need to take one, they are very reliable option. The only reason I didn’t take a taxi in Taipei is just because the public transportation is so adequate if you can walk a little bit. For a taxi ride about a 10 kilometer ride should cost somewhere around 250 TWD – 300 TWD ($7.65 – $9.17).
  • Street snack: 15 – 100 TWD ($0.46 -$3.06)
  • Bowl of beef noodles: 100 – 250 TWD ($3.06 – $7.64)
  • Rice and side dishes (local style meal): 100 – 200 TWD per person ($3.06 – $6.12)
  • Local hot pot meal: 250 TWD per person ($7.64)
  • Nicer indoor restaurant: About 300 – 600 TWD per person ($9.17 – $18.35)
  • Bubble tea: 35 NTW ($1.07)

This is just an estimate of prices that I took note of while visiting and writing this Taipei travel guide. So it’s meant to just be a rough guide to give you an idea of prices and expenses you can expect.

Taipei travel guide videos

During my trip to Taipei, I decided to make a Taipei travel guide video blog for every day I was in Taipei.

So this series of videos covers all 12 days that we stayed in Taipei, including our full travel and food itinerary that we did each day. There are also a few extra Taiwanese food videos in the playlist at the end.

You can watch the full video series on YouTube here .

Map of Taipei

On this map (if you can’t see it above, here’s the direct link ), you’ll find all the attractions and restaurants listed in this Taipei travel guide. One of the ways I plan my daily itineraries is by studying a map of attractions and restaurants. So I hope this will be helpful for you.

Taiwan travel guide

Taipei is the capital and largest city of Taiwan, offering a wealth of shopping, art, culture, history, and most importantly food.

One of the reasons I was most excited to visit Taipei was to explore the famous night markets, and with an almost incomprehensible quantity and variety of different food stalls to choose from, and they didn’t disappoint.

Taipei is an extremely modern, convenient, and even very friendly travel destination. You’ll love the mix of modern culture and ancient history, the contrast of skyscrapers and lush green parks and mountains, and the variety of Taiwanese and Chinese food you can eat.

Taipei has a lot going for it, and if you love to eat, you’re going to enjoy Taipei.

Thank you for reading this Taipei travel guide, and I hope it will assist you in planning your trip to Taipei.

Have you been to Taipei? Are you planning to visit?

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taipei eats tour

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  • Eater Travel

The Eater Guide to Taipei

The island of endless eating that’s too delicious to miss

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Taiwan is, first and foremost, an island. It’s surrounded by three different seas; boasts unique biodynamics, with its own endemic species of creeping fig and mountain peppercorn; and has nurtured a distinct and vibrant culture, one that melds the influences of all the groups who voyaged to get there — including overlapping periods of colonialist rule by the Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese.

But functionally, Taiwan is more a crossroads than an island. It is bound by strong, troublesome ties to China, its neighbor to the west, which puts Taiwan in a state of political and societal limbo; neither China nor the U.N. officially recognize it as a free and sovereign nation. In the midst of the uncertainty, one of Taiwan’s most recently in-demand exports — its food — has emerged as an important cultural anchor, and the country’s capital city, Taipei, its electrifying epicenter.

Each night, hallmarks of Taiwanese cuisine are devoured throughout Taipei’s humming night markets, hot pot restaurants, and beef noodle soup shops. The basil-flecked melange of sugar, spices, and deep umami that we’ve come to know as Taiwanese food is an edible scrapbook of its past several hundred years, from the Japanese-derived bentos that are a beloved train station staple to the so-called “Taiwanese hamburger,” a sticky-sweet pork belly bun that originated in China’s Fujian province.

The influences may be far-flung, but the way they’ve come together in Taipei is inarguably, unmistakably, exclusively, delectably Taiwanese. And like the xiao chi (little eats) its denizens consume with gusto throughout the day and into the wee hours, Taipei has a character all its own, with a mix of Japanese and Chinese architectural styles, world-class public transportation, and a 24-hour eating culture that borders on maniacal.

In truth, you hardly need a guide to eat well in Taipei. Just step out your door and enter a ceaseless sidewalk bazaar of scallion pancakes, skewered meats, shaved ice, and boba. By the same token, logistics and planning can help you avoid sensory — and digestive — overload. Eater’s Guide to Taipei hones in on all the most utterly essential, locally endorsed ways to get your fill. Plus, we’ve put together a comprehensive collection of explainers, features, and essays — all written by locals — providing the crucial context needed to get the most out of every mouthful.

taipei eats tour

The 38 Essential Taipei Restaurants

taipei eats tour

Everything to Know About Eating in Taiwan

Raohe is taipei’s must-hit street food destination, a guide to the can’t-miss dishes at one of the city’s best night markets.

taipei eats tour

Boba Explained: A Taxonomy of Taipei’s Bubble Tea

A sipper’s guide to the bouncy, chewy treat taiwan has exported to the world.

taipei eats tour

A Perfect 24 Hours of Eating

taipei eats tour

The Superstars of Street Food

taipei eats tour

Behold Taipei’s Leviathan Seafood Paradise

taipei eats tour

The Day Trip: Tainan

taipei eats tour

It’s Always Hot Pot Season in Taipei

An expert boils down the city’s communal dining obsession.

taipei eats tour

All Hail the Taiwanese Train Bento

How the japanese takeaway staple became a cult obsession on taiwan’s railways.

taipei eats tour

Editorial lead: Lesley Suter Creative director: Brittany Holloway-Brown Consulting editor: Clarissa Wei Contributors: Stephanie ZY Hsu, Leslie Nguyen-Okwu, Chris Horton, Steven Crook, Karissa Chen Photography: An Rong Xu, Sean Marc Lee, Farley Elliott Editors: Rafe Bartholomew, Erin DeJesus, Monica Burton Fact checking: Lisa Wong Macabasco, Pearly Huang Copy editors: Rachel P. Kreiter, Emma Alpern Engagement: Adam Moussa, Milly McGuinness Project manager: Ellie Krupnick Special thanks to William Yang, Elizabeth Kao, Clarissa Wei, Farley Elliott, Matt Buchanan, Sonia Chopra, Amanda Kludt

The Faces of Taipei’s Street Food Scene


Home > Tour > Food

Taste all kinds of Taiwanese signature dish in one single tour

Learn to eat like a local while listening to stories behind the food

Visit the most famous culinary neighborhood in Taipei


Taiwan is considered by many to be the heaven for gastronomes due to our creative and prolific ways to pleasure one’s palate. From local street food to luxurious delicacy, Taiwanese cuisine reflects the geographic location of our island as well as our tumultuous historic development - which has blossomed into an abundant and dynamic food culture after hundreds of years of development. Through our Food Tour, Like It Formosa takes you to the much celebrated Yongkang Street at Dongmen Station of Taipei, where guests will be shown a glimpse of the Taiwanese gourmet culture that locals take pride in. You are advised to come with an empty stomach, as it will be an afternoon that not only opens your eyes but also challenges your appetite!

Know Taiwan - the nation of street food and snacks - at the tip of your tongue: There is no better way to learn about a culture other than tasting it!

Every Tue / Thu / Sat 11:00 meet up with guide

Meeting point: Exit 1, MRT Dongmen Station

Our guide is recognized with a green and white paper fan saying "Like It Formosa".

1. Seasonal Fruits

Our Food Tour starts off at the hidden traditional market, where we introduce you to the tasty seasonal fruits of Taiwan, dubbed “Kingdom of Fruit”.


2. Dumplings

Often considered an extension from Chinese and Japanese culture, but Taiwanese dumplings have their own unique taste (and traditionally, along with the hot and sour soup).


3. Bubble Milk Tea

The most identified local pride when it comes to Taiwanese cuisine. Don’t miss your chance to have an authentic one here!


4. Flaky Scallion Pancake

Never miss out the both flaky and al-dente Taiwanese scallion pancake when at Yongkang Street. With our help, you will have special access to this popular snack spot without a queue!


5. Taiwanese Vermicelli

Another prominent street food for Taiwanese locals. The vermicelli is served with intestines and the optional coriander. Don't forget to add some black vinager in order to experience the soul of this authentic street food! 


6. Beef Noodle

Now a famous dish for worldwide gourmets, Beef Noodle had a humble beginning that started from Post-World War 2 military family villages in Taiwan. Every year, Taipei city hosts a competition for residents to vote for the best Beef Noodle in the city!


7. Taro & Mango Shaved Ice

Last but not least, Our Food Tour takes you to one of the hidden gems of Yongkang Street for the glorious Taiwanese shaved ice. With the options of taro, mango or other season fruit, this taste will sure leave you a lasting impression of Taiwanese food!


Every Tue / Thu / Sat 13:30 tour ends

Every Tue / Thu / Sat 11:00~13:30

​Or,  book a private tour !

Meeting Point

Exit 1 of Dongmen Station

NT$1,800/person   (10% discount for a group of 3 or more!)

Important Notice

Online registration closes 12 hours before the tour starts (11:00PM on Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Travel insurance is included.

P lease specify your dietary restrictions upon registration. It is important to note that dishes included in this tour may contain allergens like nuts, milk, and other common allergens. While substitutes are available for most dishes, not all requests can be fully accommodated.

This tour is vegetarian and vegan friendly. However, please be aware that strict dietary adherence cannot be guaranteed because cooking procedures may vary according to different restaurants and vendors.

The guide is recognized with a green and white paper fan saying "Like It Formosa".

If less than 2 people register or if the Taipei City Government announces a day off because of natural disasters , the tour will be canceled and you will be notified via email one day in advance and receive a full refund.

In the event of emergency situations, please call the guide or message our  Facebook Fanpage .

Anything not covered hereunder, the Organizer reserves the right of final modification.

Cancelation Policy

1. Full refunds will be issued for cancelations made at least 7 days prior to the tour.

2. 50% refunds will be issued for cancelations made 1~6 days prior to the tour.

3. No refunds will be issued for cancelations made on the date of the tour.

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Sat, Jun 29, 2024 page3

Travel warning depends on china: premier, cross-strait relations: the non-mandatory ‘orange’ travel alert advises taiwanese against taking nonessential trips to china, hong kong and macau.

  • By Lin Hsin-han and Kayleigh Madjar / Staff reporter, with staff writer

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The length of the government’s “orange” travel warning to China would depend on Beijing’s actions, Premier Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰) said yesterday, while opposition parties criticized the “downward spiral” in cross-strait relations.

The Mainland Affairs Council on Thursday announced that the travel advisory to China, Hong Kong and Macau would be raised from “yellow” to “orange” in light of new penalties for “Taiwanese independence diehards.”

The 22 judicial guidelines announced by Beijing on Friday last week include jail terms ranging from three years to life imprisonment and even the death penalty for supporting Taiwanese independence, and permits holding trials in absentia.

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Premier Cho Jung-tai speaks at the legislature in Taipei yesterday.

Photo: George Tsorng, Taipei Times

The non-mandatory “orange” travel alert advises Taiwanese against taking nonessential trips to China or its territories.

President William Lai (賴清德) in his inaugural address on May 20 called for a restart to cross-strait exchanges, beginning with reciprocal tourism, Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Lai Shyh-bao (賴士葆) said yesterday during Cho’s appearance at the legislature.

However, only a month into his presidency, the plan has been “throttled,” he said.

Cross-strait animosity is increasing, he said, adding that everyone knows it is in the name of protecting Taiwan, but “it is actually isolation.”

Cho said Beijing’s new definitions of “Taiwanese independence advocacy” include many erroneous restrictions, adding that the travel warning is meant to protect the safety of Taiwanese in China.

Asked how long the warning would be in place and whether it could be lowered to “gray” or raised to “red,” Cho said it “depends on China’s attitude.”

“Hopefully Beijing will ease up and change its approach so we can all have peaceful and rational exchanges,” he said.

Separately yesterday, KMT Chairman Eric Chu (朱立倫) criticized the “tit-for-tat” decision to increase the travel warning as “elevating the spiral of hostility” across the Taiwan Strait.

The move is harmful to Taiwanese and cross-strait relations, worrying not only the travel industry, but also businesspeople and students, he said, calling for an end to the “downward spiral.”

Cross-strait relations are getting worse, Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) said.

Beijing’s announcement has made Taiwanese worry about whether things they say in Taiwan could be used against them, he said.

“People could be arrested if they travel to China, so it is reasonable for Taiwan to issue a travel warning,” he said.

However, this shows that cross-strait relations are continuing their downward spiral, Ko added, urging for a solution to protect Taiwanese studying, working and traveling in China.

Additional reporting by Wang Chun-chi and Lee Wen-hsi

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2024 PGA Tour Player Survey: Which Tour Stop Has the Best Food?

Art stricklin | jun 27, 2024.

Milkshakes at Jack Nicklaus's Memorial Tournament have long been a player favorite.

Earlier this summer Sports Illustrated surveyed a number of PGA Tour players about a range of topics around golf, from Tour perks to golf-viewing habits to greens fees, and much more. We think you’ll enjoy the answers.

Previous topics: Bucket-list courses | Best rookie advice

Today’s question: 

Which tournament has the best food?

“TPC Sawgrass is really good, Augusta is incredible, but Colonial has really upped its game in the last several years.” — Zach Johnson

“You’ve got to say Memorial. With those great milkshakes and everything.” — Kevin Streelman “Jack, at Memorial.” — Gary Woodland “ The Minnesota PGA Tour stop by a mile.” — Aaron Baddeley

“BMW Wentworth really does a nice job with food and hospitality. They’re hard to beat.” — Francesco Molinari “TPC Sawgrass really stepped up its game lately on food.” — Matt Kuchar

“Got to be Jack’s place at Memorial or TPC Sawgrass.” — Keegan Bradley

“Memphis. I love that food and love Memphis.” — Stewart Cink

“When the CJ Cup was in Korea, it was incredible, like a 5-diamond Michelin restaurant. You would have people who would never miss a meal. Sometimes I’ll skip 2-3 days out here because of the food.” — Jason Day “I’ve got to say New Orleans, love that Cajun food.” — Ryan Palmer

“The best steak house I know of is in Jackson, Mississippi.” — Jimmy Walker “Jack’s Place at Memorial. The Milkshakes are pretty good.” — Mackenzie Hughes “Gotta be Jack’s place.” — Adam Scott

“Memorial in Ohio.” — Akshay Bhatia “ They’re all pretty good.” — Tom Hoge

Art Stricklin


Art Stricklin is an award-winning golf writer based in Dallas and the president of the Texas Golf Writers Association. He spent more than a decade working for Texas newspapers. Stricklin is the author of 10 books, including, “Thanks for the Memories,” on the history of Northwood Club in Dallas, and “Links, Lore & Legends: The Story of Texas Golf.” He has become one of Texas’ foremost experts on golf history and travel, having witnessed a countless number of professional and amateur golf tournaments in the state. His work has been published in regional, national and international titles, including Sports Illustrated, Connoisseur Golf, Golf Magazine, Texas Monthly, Global Golf Post, D Magazine and Texas Golfer Magazine. Email: [email protected]; Twitter: @artstricklin

Nicky Zimmermann Shares Her Guide to Sydney

nicky zimmermann sydney travel guide

Below, Zimmermann rounds up the best things to do in Sydney.

nicky zimmermann sydney travel guide

o Swim — Sydney is home to some of the best beaches in the world, and nothing beats a morning swim. My favorite beaches are Tamarama Beach, Camp Cove, and Nielsen Park.

o Walk — The Hermitage Foreshore walk is a gorgeous, easy track with views out to Sydney Harbour and the Opera House. The Bondi to Coogee walk along the coastline is another must-do while you’re in town.

o Boat — Sydney Harbour is really the centerpiece of the city. It also offers a great vantage point, so seeing it by boat is the best way. There are incredible bays and nooks for anchoring and swimming.

nicky zimmermann sydney travel guide

o Capella Sydney — An incredible luxury hotel in a historic building. Their spa feels like stepping into a world-class retreat.

o Ace Hotel Sydney — A boutique hotel with lively atmosphere. The lobby bar is a convenient meeting place for drinks and often has local DJs on the weekends, while Kiln on the rooftop is a beautifully designed restaurant with a menu curated by chef Mitch Orr.

o Paramount House Hotel — Another boutique property in Surry Hills, Paramount House Hotel has a community feel, with local artist collaborations in the reception area, a newly opened pilates studio on the rooftop, and a Golden Age-era cinema and bar right next door.

nicky zimmermann sydney travel guide

o Icebergs Dining Room and Bar — Icebergs is an unparalleled spot that looks right over Bondi Beach. A nice place for both dinner or drinks in their bar. The Tiramisu is divine!

o Margaret — A restaurant by beloved chef Neil Perry, Margaret is home to some of Sydney’s best seafood and always has a good energy.

o Bert’s Bar & Brasserie — When I’m in the Northern Beaches or for special occasions, Bert’s is always warm and welcoming, with a delicious menu and oysters.

nicky zimmermann sydney travel guide

o Ariel Books — Ariel stocks an impressive selection of Australian authors, coffee table books, and emerging magazines.

o William Street — A community street in Paddington with an eclectic mix of vintage and emerging designers, homewares, jewelry, flowers, and small businesses.

o Mitchell Road Antique & Design Centre — A warehouse rife with one-of-a-kind vintage homewares. You can spend hours exploring here.

nicky zimmermann sydney travel guide

o Art Gallery of New South Wales — A cultural hub that’s home to Australia’s annual Archibald Prize. Plus, they’ve just opened up a fantastic new modern wing.

o Sydney Opera House — There’s always something to see at the Sydney Opera House, from writer’s festivals to the Australian Ballet, they run year-round cultural programming. Watching artists perform in the Joan Sutherland Theatre always feels like an intimate experience.

o Ocean Pools — So much of the magic and beauty of the city is on our coastline and harbour; ocean pools like Watsons Bay Baths and Wylie’s in Coogee are wonderful places to experience it in its full glory.

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54 Must Eat Foods in Taipei

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If you are planning a trip to Taipei for the first time and you’re still clueless about where to start, the first thing you need to realize is that eating is one of the top things to do in Taipei, after all, according to a poll CNN Travel made in 2015, Taiwan is the BEST food destination in the world, especially here in Taiwan’s capital–Taipei City.

So we’ve compiled a 2020 updated list of what places to visit in Taipei for the ultimate culinary adventure, from gastronomic destinations to legendary street vendors, this is the food guide you will want to keep in your back pocket for your first Taipei tour, the insider scoop of some of the best Taipei eats you wouldn’t want to miss.

But before we get started, what is Taiwanese cuisine exactly?

The essence of Taiwanese cuisine is complicated, to say the least, you can find culinary influences from a diverse pool of cultures due to its colonial history and multiple mass migrations of ethnic Chinese subgroups from China since the 17 th century, creating a flavor profile that is uniquely Taiwanese, yet also easily accepted even by the pickiest palates.

Although Taipei is mostly known for its street food in the past, the Taipei food scene has gone through an impressive transformation in recent years, with many new culinary points of views emerging from 2 nd or 3 rd generation food business owners, and chefs returning home to open shop after going through culinary training abroad, bringing new life to what Taiwanese food should be or could be. Of course, we will be missing some amazing gems because the list is just 54 deep, but you will be able to find more culinary treasures than you can devour for a 2 weeks visit, so please enjoy some of the best foods Taipei has to offer and make you’re next Taipei visit a trip to remember.

Noodles & Rice

Noodles and rice plays an important role in most Asian cuisines, with each culture developing their own lineage of flavors and techniques, you can often find how history and geography left marks on their food culture by examining the way their signature dishes are constructed, and there is no better way to experience Asian cuisine than trying out some of their iconic noodle and rice dishes.

1) Beef Noodle Soup (牛肉麵)

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It’s impossible not to start a Taipei food guide without putting beef noodle soup at the top of the list.

Beef was once considered a festive only ingredient because of its rarity in the early 20 th century, but as the economy began to improve post World War 2, being able to enjoy large pieces of beef became a representation of economic prosperity, and that’s how this signature Taiwanese dish was born.  Now widely recognized as the national dish of Taiwan, there are multiple festivals and competitions held annually just to honor this dish.

There are countless variations of this beef, vegetable, noodle, and soup combination, but the beef shank and tendon with a five-spice and soy beef broth is considered as the basic form, Lin Don Fang Beef Noodles (林東芳牛肉麵) and Yong Kang Beef Noodles (永康牛肉麵) are often rated as champions of this style. Or if you are looking for something lighter in flavor, Jin Chun Fa Beef Noodle (金春發牛肉店) or Muslim Beef Noodle Restaurant (清真黃牛肉麵館) are both known for their white broth, an umami-rich soup made with beef and vegetables.

Danzai Noodles (擔仔麵)

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This noodle dish was invented by a boatsman named Hong Yu-Tou back in 1895, he used to sell this noodle dish during summer and fall, when he was trying to make an extra buck because the constant typhoon made his boating career impossible to make ends meet, Hong’s noodle invention later became so famous his customers nicknamed the dish after the wooden pole ( danzai ) that he carried over his shoulders to transport his noodle business, and since it was only available during the off season of boating, it is also known as “slack-season noodle soup”.   

Danzai noodle is usually topped with braised minced pork, shrimp, bean sprouts and cilantro, with the option of wheat noodles or rice flour noodles, and because it was designed to be more of a snack than a meal, the portion size is fairly small for an adults’ appetite.

You can still find the original recipe by Hong Yu-Tou at Du Xiao Yue Danzai Noodles (度小月擔仔麵) , with multiple locations throughout Taiwan, the restaurant brand is now operated by Hong’s 4th generation grandchildren. Or you can visit Hawji Danzai noodles (好記擔仔麵), where they also offer a huge selection of seafood dishes that are displayed at their storefront.

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Misua is a vermicelli-like thin noodle made with a combination of wheat flour and sweet potato flour, the noodle soup takes on the form of geng (羹), which is a Taiwanese specialty of thickening the broth with a corn starch slurry that gives the dish a silky and slippery texture. The 2 most commonly seen variations are presented with oysters and pig intestines, garnished with cilantro and garlic paste, you can also enjoy this dish with a dash of black vinegar to give it an acidic kick.

You can find Misua in countless specialty food stalls throughout Taipei, but Dong Fa Hao (東發號) at Raohe Night Market and Ah-Chuan Oyster Misua (阿川蚵仔麵線) at Ningxia Night Market have both created cult followings that some of their customers swear by them being the only Misua stall they’d ever go to.

Baby Eel Noodles (鱔魚意麵)

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This local delicacy was invented in Tainan during the Japanese colonial era in the early 20 th century, using the local fresh water Field Eel, this fish is rich with vitamins and is considered a tonic food that brings stamina and energy.

Traditionally paired with an egg noodle called Yi-mien (意麵) that is pre-fried to bring extra aroma and texture, there are also 2 ways of serving this dish, one being a “dry” preparation of sautéing the eel and noodles with spices and aromatics, another being a “wet” preparation, where the eel and noodles gets a quick stew in a sweet and sour sauce that is thickened with cornstarch.

As this dish is so synonymous with Tainan, there hasn’t been much re-inventions of this dish, most of the restaurants that specializes in the baby eel noodle in Taipei has an origin story that can be traced back to their Tainan roots, such as the popular food stall An-Ping Baby Eal Yi-Mien (安平鱔魚意麵) or the tourist friendly restaurant Tainan Ah-Hui Fried Eel (台南 阿輝炒鱔魚) .

5) Braised Pork Rice / Lu Rou Fan (滷肉飯)

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If beef noodle soup is the king of all noodles, then Lu Rou Fan is the master of all rice, this is that one dish that every grandma has a secret recipe to, it is essentially a sweet and savory soy braised pork belly that is poured over steamed rice, but the Lu Rou can also be used in many applications, poured over noodles, poured over vegetables, or add more ingredients into the braising liquid and make braised eggs or braised tofu.

With that said, you can imagine just how many places serve this humble dish, but it wouldn’t be hard to figure out which restaurants reigns supreme, if there is a line of locals waiting, you know you came to the right place, Huang Ji Braised Pork (黃記魯肉飯) and Fu Ba Wang Pork Knuckles (富霸王豬腳) are always busy during rush hours, like 30 min long wait busy, so either come early or come late.

But even if you weren’t able to avoid the lines, their Lu Rou Fan is well worth the wait, the fatty pork is tender and packed with flavor, the fat is rendered out from the gentle braise leaving a gelatinous and slightly sticky texture on your lips, and when the braising soy syrup mixes with the steamed rice, that is what Taiwanese comfort food taste like.

6) Goose Rice (鵝肉飯)

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Goose became a popular meat option during the early 70’s, where goose specialty restaurants ran by goose farmers first opened their doors in the Taoyuan area, and because it is so delicious, goose took the country by storm, and goose specialty stores opened shop in every city in Taiwan. The meat is usually cooked in a salt water bath, similar to Singapore’s Hainan chicken, then served at room temperature over rice that is mixed with a little bit of goose fat to give it a richer flavor.

Goose is still only served at specialty restaurants that focuses on the goose, you can try out Yong Le Goose Shop (詠樂鵝肉店) where they were voted the best Goose rice in Taiwan in 2018, or Acheng Goose (阿城鵝肉) which received a Michelin Bib Gourmand recommendation in 2019.

7) Tube Rice Cake 筒仔米糕

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Don’t be fooled by name, it is a savory rice dish all the way. Sticky rice stir fried with dried shrimp, shallots, mushrooms in a soy based seasoning, then shaped into a tube and steamed until the rice becomes tender, often topped with a sweet and spicy sauce and coriander, it is usually eaten as a snack rather than a meal, a good boost of energy to get ready for the rest of the day.

A popular option of pairing with this dish is a side of fish ball or meat ball soup, to slightly cut through the rich flavor and dense texture.

Bao, Bing & Sandwiches

Bao is a yeast flour dough formed into a ball with filling inside, then steamed until cooked all the way through. Whereas, the Bing is a similar dough that is pressed flat then grilled or toasted, sometimes with a thin filling, sometimes with the ingredients mixed within the dough.

And then there are sandwiches, Taiwanese love bread, but the characteristics of the loaves are more related to Japan than Europe, as Taiwanese likes to add in a wide variation of fillings or toppings for different flavors and texture, and has created several original sandwiches that are quite delicious and a good representation of the Taiwanese bread culture.

1) Baozi (包子)

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For many, the Baozi is the go-to snack for any time of the day, breakfast, late-morning, early afternoon, mid-night, you can find it in the frozen section in supermarkets, or in a dedicated steamer at a convenient store, it is EVERYWHERE.

But who can blame it, with a near endless variation of filling, it can be savory or sweet, it can be soft with a ground meat center or crunchy with chunks of bamboo shoots, there are also regional variations, such as the famous Cantonese Cha-Siu Bao , with a sweet braised pork filling and a spongy bun that melts in your mouth, or if you happen to be near Chao Zhao Baozi (潮州包子) , their signature Chao Zhao style Pork Baozi is so addicting, you will probably end up ordering a 2 nd one and eating it standing in front of their stall.

2) Soup Dumpling / Xiao Long Bao (小籠包)

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Xiao Long refers to the small bamboo steamer the buns are steamed in, although this version of the Baozi is originally a Shanghai style snack, it has become synonymous to Taiwan food culture thanks to the global restaurant chain Ding Tai Fung, where they have turned the making of Xiao Long Bao into a science.

What makes the Xiao Long Bao special is the splash of flavorful pork broth that bursts out when eaten, giving an umami filled unctuousness that leaves an unforgettable impression. The soup inside the dumpling is created by adding a pork broth jelly to the filling, which melts back into its soup form once steamed and cooked.   And if you were in Taipei, you will want to visit original Ding Tai Fung (鼎泰豐) that started it all. Yes the line is usually 1-2 hours long, but eating their world famous Xiao Long Bao at the original location that’s been around for over 60 years is the kind of experience that great memories are made of.

3) Pan Fried Bun (生煎包)

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Similar preparation to the Japanese Gyoza , where the Baozi is steamed and grilled at the same time, to create a crunchy crust that not just adds a layer of texture, but the caramelisation also adds flavor and aroma to the dish, making it a very popular form of the Baozi . The pan fried bun also uses the same technique as the Xiao Long Bao by added soup to the filling, so be careful not to burn yourself when you bite into it.

You will be able to find a pan fried bun stall at most night markets ( Shanghai Pan Fried Dumplings (上海生煎包) ), or you can give Old Shanghai SFRY-Dumpling (老上海生煎) a try, they have been dominating Instagram in 2019 with their beautiful presentation, and is considered by many to be the best pan fried bun in Taipei. You can try both soup dumplings and pan fried buns on Taipei Eat’s Iconic Tour .

4) Gua Bao (掛包)

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With a presentation that resembles a hamburger, guabao has made a name for itself through western food culture. The traditional guabao is a big slab of soy braised pork belly sandwiched between a thin steamed bun, topped with pickled mustard greens, coriander, sprinkled with of a crushed peanut and sugar mixture, to give it a little sweetness and texture.

You can find the traditional preparation at almost any night market, but there are also modern interpretations where the pork belly is replaced with fried chicken, braised beef, or even seafood, so don’t hesitate to give it a try if you happen to pass one by during your visit. You can line-up at the very popular Lan Jia Traditional Taiwanese Snacks or try the above 3 foods on the Iconic Food Tour .

5) Scallion Pancakes (蔥油餅)

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The staple of the Taiwanese bing , it is savory and light, flaky on the outside, chewy on the inside, this is one of those street foods that can be found not just in night markets, but sometimes at the most random street corner because the demand for it is so high, it can turn into a business almost anywhere.

Some stalls has fried eggs as an add-on option, ALWAYS add the egg. Eat the egg scallion pancake with a brush of thick soy sauce and some chili paste, and you will be asking yourself where has this been all your life.

5) Pepper Cake(胡椒餅)

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Unlike its baozi cousin, the pepper cake is baked inside a clay pot similar to the Indian tandoori oven, giving the pepper cake a much flaky and crunchier exterior. The filling is usually a ground pork mixture flavored with an intense black pepper spice mix, which might make it a little too spicy if spicy is not your thing, but for those who do enjoy a little spice in their food, then the pepper cake will leave a fragrant aroma and a spicy aftertaste that will make you go back for more. Raohe Night Market has a pepper cake stall that is recommended by tourists and locals alike.

7) The “Nutritious” Sandwich (營養三明治)

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This sandwich was first introduced by a food stall in Keelung, using an egg and milk dough rolled into a long roll shape, served warm by frying the dough to order, so it stays crunchy on the outside and fluffy on the inside.

The roll is cut open and a layer of mayonnaise is squeezed from edge to edge, then adding in tomatoes for acidity and moisture, cucumber for freshness and crunch, ham for its smoky flavor and lastly some soy-braised eggs for creaminess, it is truly a winning combination. You can find this sandwich through out Taipei in most night markets, sometimes in a food stall, or a food truck.

8) Hongrui Zhen Sandwich (洪瑞珍三明治)

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Originally created in Taichung by Hong Rui Zhen, this is a deceivingly simple sandwich, their signature ham sandwich only has 4 ingredients, white bread, mayonnaise, eggs and ham, but somehow they were able to make it into one of the best ham sandwiches you can find anywhere in the world, the secret lies in their house made sweet mayonnaise, and the pro tip of eating this sandwich is to eat it chilled.

After decades of operation, this is still a family owned business with multiple outlets in Taipei, you should also try out their strawberry jam sandwich if you were ever to visit one of their locations.

Street Food

Taiwan is most famous for its night markets and street food, just in Taipei alone are 6 night markets bustling 7 nights a week, 51 weeks a year (most night markets don’t operate during Chinese New Years), including the world famous Shilin night market and Raohe Night market. You can find most of this list in almost every night market, with just a few exceptions that are a little more regional.

1) Stinky Tofu (臭豆腐)

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This is perhaps the most infamous street food Taiwan has to offer. The stink of the tofu comes from its fermentation process, where the bean curd is often fermented up to a few weeks, but as foul as it may smell, you don’t really taste the fermentation, it is more of a deeper soy bean flavor that adds a complex umami to the tofu.

There are usually 3 ways of preparing stinky tofu, steamed, stewed or deep fried, the deep fried version can be found in almost every night market, served with pickled cabbage and chili sauce. Don’t think you can stomach an whole order? Go on the Iconic Food Tour with Taipei Eats .

2) Oyster Omelet (蚵仔煎)

Oysters are a big part of the Taiwanese diet, and the oyster omelet is probably the most eaten oyster preparation as it has been a staple of the street food category for decades. You first pan fry the oysters with eggs and vegetables, then a sweet potato batter is ladled over the oysters to form a slightly chewy and springy thin pancake (this texture is called “Q” in Taiwan, a sought out characteristic in starchy foods), served with a sweet and spicy chili sauce. Ningxia night market has 3-4 wildly popular omelettes such as 圓環邊蚵仔煎 . However, if you are looking for an hidden, cities best oyster omelette go on the night market tour with Taipei Eats .

3) Grilled Corn (烤玉米)

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Taiwanese grilled corn is quite different than the grilled corn you find anywhere else, mostly because Taiwanese likes to use waxy corn for grilling compared to the sweet corn variety that Western cultures are more accustomed to. The reason of choosing the waxy corn is mostly for its chewy texture, you guessed it, the Q texture.

At the end of the grilling process, a BBQ sauce made of soy sauce, oyster sauce, Sha-cha sauce, garlic and sesame is then brushed onto the corn and thrown back onto the grill to give the sauce a sticky and gooey finish.

4) Pig’s Blood Cake (豬血糕)

This is a very popular street food that can be found at every night market, Pig’s blood is first mixed with sticky rice and steamed until cooked all the way through, giving it a chewy mochi like texture. A thick layer of a sweet soy sauce is brushed onto the blood pudding and sprinkled with a generous amount of finely crushed peanuts and some coriander.

5) Shrimp Roll (蝦捲)

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The shrimp roll is a historic snack, where people used to ground leftover seafood into a paste and deep fry them so the uneaten seafood wont go to waste. The modern shrimp roll has many interpretations, but the body of the roll still maintains a similar combination of shrimp, squid and fish paste, fried until the outer layer turns golden brown, and served with a simple mustard sauce. Can be found on the Taipei Eat’s Old School Food Tour .

6) Salt Water Chicken (鹽水雞)

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As the name mentions, salt water chicken is chicken cooked in salt water and chilled in an ice bath to tighten up the skin and the meat, to give the chicken a chewier texture. There are also a wide variety of vegetables and tofu products to choose from that are also blanched in the same salt water cooking liquid, this is one of the most popular street foods to enjoy with a nice cold beer.

7) Fried Chicken (鹹酥雞)

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Fried chicken is probably the most beloved guilty pleasure in Taiwan, and of course when we talk about Taiwanese fried chicken, it’s not just chicken, but also the huge selection of all the other ingredients you can find at the stall, from green beans to baby crabs to sticky rice sausage, it is hard not to be excited when you’re choosing from those small sinful piles of deep fried goodness.

8) Ba Wan (肉圓)

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The typical Ba Wan is a pork mixture wrapped inside a starchy and chewy (that “Q” texture) wrapper made from sweet potato starch, imagine an oversized translucent dumpling. There are many schools for this dish, where southern Taiwan steams the ba wan, and northern Taiwan adds another confit process after steaming, to add another crunchy element on top of the Q texture. Same with the sauce, where some likes to serve it with a sweet and spicy miso sauce, some prefer a more savory garlic and soy sauce. Sample this delicious dumpling on Taipei Eat’s Old School Tour .

9) Tien Bu La (甜不辣)

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Tien Be La , also known as tempura, is originally a roll shaped deep fried fish paste that is braised in a light katsuo-bushi broth, but don’t get it mixed up with the Japanese tempura, which is a method of fried food preparation.

Tien bu la now refers to the method of braising a variety of ingredients in the light broth, ranging from pork meatballs, Daikon radish, eggs, and all kinds of seafood balls, it is often served with a sweet chili sauce.

10) Lu Wei (滷味)

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Lu wei is a variety of ingredients braised in a soy and five spice liquid that is served at room temperature, the usual Lu wei ingredients include chicken wings, been curds, eggs, beef shank and pig’s blood cake. There is also the warm version called Heated Lu Wei (加熱滷味),where your ingredients of choice are reheated to order, which you can also have the option of adding instant noodles or glass noodles to your lu wei , turning the lu wei into a complete meal.

11) Sausage (香腸)

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Meat in tube form is beloved all over the world, the same goes in Taiwan, you will find grilled sausage stalls literally everywhere, from music concerts to political rallies, if there is a gathering of people, there is a sausage stand.

The Taiwanese sausage is a sweet pork sausage, the traditional way of eating it is with a side of raw garlic, or another popular variation called “Big Sausage Wrapped Small Sausage (大腸包小腸)”, which is the pork sausage stuffed into a sticky rice sausage. You can try the original presentation of this night market staple on Taipei Eat’s Night Market Tour .

Sounds greasy? Yes.

Taste delicious? YES!

12) Hakka Rice Cake (草仔粿)

The Hakka Rice Cake is a variety of fillings wrapped in a green glutinous rice cake, the green hue comes from wormwood juice, a medicinal herb that adds a pungent herbal aroma to the rice cake. There is a wide range of what the fillings can be, from sweet red bean pastes to savory dried radish and dried shrimp.This is a specialty in the Jiufen area, so if you have planned a trip to Jiufen , don’t miss out on Ah Lan’s Hakka Rice Cake (阿蘭草仔粿) , they have been operating since the 50’s and is widely considered as the best Hakka Rice Cake in Taiwan.

13) Ah Gei (阿給)

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Ah Gei is the specialty of Tamsui, the name comes from the Japanese term a-ge, which is short for Abura-age , meaning fried tofu. Ah gei is a hollowed out fried tofu stuffed with glass noodles and sealed with fish paste, usually served with a sweet chili sauce. This dish was created in the 60’s, the original store that invented it is still operating under the name Tamsui Old Ah gei (淡水老牌阿給) , and because they open their doors at 5am and close shop after they’re sold out, it is common to see their closed sign hung up right before noon, so make sure to get there early.Popular Spot: Tamsui Old Ah gei (淡水老牌阿給)

14) Oyster Fritter (蚵仔酥)

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As mentioned, Taiwanese find ways to consume oysters, and the oyster fritter is probably one of the simplest forms, dipped in a thin batter and fried to golden brown and delicious, usually seasoned with a salt and pepper, the burst of oceanic flavors from the plump oysters are always delightfully satisfying. Taipei Eat’s Old School Food Tour

Hot Pot & Soups

Hot pot is one of those fundamental pillars that define Taiwanese food culture, and despite it taking on the form of a winter meal option, Taiwan locals enjoy it any time of the year.

And then comes soup, soup is viewed as a standard part of the meal in Taiwan, your server will often ask you if you would like some soup when you order, not just because they’re trying to rack up your bill, but because it really is how the locals eat.

There is even an official statement to back up this claim, the Taiwanese government actually promoted a 5 dish 1 soup meal combination called the “Plum Blossom meal” for small families, to reduce excessive eating back in the early 70’s, that truly shows how important soup is.

1) Hot Pot (火鍋)

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Hot Pot begins with a simmering pot of hot broth sitting on a burner as the centerpiece, accompanied by a spread of thinly sliced meat, vegetables, seafood, meatballs, tofu, and fish cakes, you gently place your desired ingredients into the pot to cook, then dipping it into a savory sauce you’ve just customized from a variety of condiments.

For the adventurous eaters, spicy hot pot (麻辣鍋) is something you won’t want to miss, with spicy hot pot institutions that have been around for decades, like Taihodien Restaurant (太和殿麻辣火鍋 ) or Ning Chi (寧記火鍋店) , or new schools restaurants like Spicy God Hot Pot (麻神麻辣鍋) are all good options to consider.

If you’re looking for something more mild, you can try Hsiao Hong Mei Hot Pot Restaurant (小紅莓自助石頭火鍋城), where they sauté your choice of meat with onions, garlic and sesame oil inside the pot before adding the broth and other ingredients, or try Yuan Xiang Sha Cha Hot Pot Restaurant (元香沙茶火鍋) where they’re famous for their specialty house-made Sha Cha Sauce, with the option of the local beef breed Taiwanese Yellow Cattle.

2) Four Spirit Soup (四神湯)

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Four spirit soup is a pig intestine soup that is cooked with 4 kinds of Chinese herbal ingredients,traditionally, the 4 ingredients are gorgon nut, lotus seeds, Chinese yam, and Chinese Tuckahoe, which has the medicinal effect of strengthening the stomach and improve indigestion.

The modern four spirit soup often replaces the gorgon nut with Chinese pearl barley to lower its medicinal taste, and give a more desirable texture, it is a popular soup that can be found in most night markets. An optional tasting is offered on Taipei Eat’s Iconic Tour .

3) Milkfish Soup (虱目魚湯)

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Milkfish is a beloved fatty white fish that is heavily consumed in Southern Taiwan, especially in Tainan, where milkfish farming is a big part of the local economy.

Milkfish soup is a light soup that is usually just seasoned with ginger, scallions, and salt, but keep in mind that milkfish is a bony fish, always check for pin bones before biting into it.

4) Medicinal Pork Rib Soup (藥膳排骨湯)

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The medicinal pork rib is a winter staple in Taiwan, as the medicinal effect of the soup is aimed to increase circulation and relax soreness from joints and muscles, which often gives a warm and fuzzy feeling after eating during the wintertime.

The medicinal broth is usually simmered for hours to cook off the bitterness from the medicinal ingredients, which later the pork ribs are added to tenderize and absorb the flavors from the broth. This is another one of those dishes where every household or restaurant has its blend of medicinal ingredients, resulting in every store tasting a little different from the other.

5) Fish Ball Soup (魚丸湯)

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Fish paste products are very popular in Taiwan, other than the tien bu la genre, you can also find it in almost every restaurant or food stall in its purest form, the fish ball soup.

Milkfish ball soup is one of the more popular options, there is also the Fuzhou fish ball soup, which is unique in the way of having a pork filling, basically a meatball wrapped inside a fish ball. There are many other seafood ball options as well, like the squid ball or shrimp ball, which are also fan favorites when eating hot pot. One of the best fish ball soups in Taipei can be savored on the Taipei Eat’s Old School Food Tour .

6) Geng (羹)

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As mentioned in the Misua section, geng is a Taiwanese specialty of thickening a soup with a cornstarch slurry that gives a silky and slippery texture, since the slurry can be used in almost any type of soup, that makes it difficult to narrow down how many types of geng are served in Taipei.

The most commonly seen is the pork geng (肉羹), or sometimes pork and mushroom geng (香菇肉羹) that are offered in many small eateries, there are also duck geng (鴨肉羹) and squid geng (花枝羹) that are typically served in specialty stores, then there is the southern Taiwan favorite that made its way to Taipei, the narrow barred Spanish mackerel geng (土魠魚羹), which the Spanish mackerel is often considered as the top 5 best tasting fishes to eat in Taiwan.

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” is somewhat of an understatement in Taiwanese food culture, there are just as many breakfasts only restaurants and eateries as there is any other type of cuisine, with the shao bing you tiao and the Taiwanese breakfast shop representing the 2 largest genres.

1) Shao Bing You Tiao (燒餅油條)

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Shao bing (燒餅) is a toasted sesame flatbread and the you tiao is a fried breadstick, both being essential parts of the traditional Chinese style breakfast, alongside the rice roll (飯糰), egg crepe (蛋餅) and soy milk.This is the type of breakfast that has been eaten for centuries by the Chinese Han culture, and there are a few institutions that are masters of this type of breakfast, while Fuhang Soy Milk (阜杭豆漿) is famous for their shao bing with a guaranteed 15-20 minute wait any time during business hours, there is also Yong He Soy Milk King (永和豆漿大王) that is open 24 hours, which also makes it a popular destination for late-night cravings.

2) Taiwanese Breakfast Shop (台式早餐店)

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When it comes to the Taiwanese breakfast shop, we are talking about the shops that serve mainly sandwiches and egg crepes, which can be found near schools, business districts, residential communities, or hospitals. It’s basically everywhere.

What makes the Taiwanese breakfast sandwich unique is the usage of a sweet salad dressing that is smeared from edge to edge onto the toast, with shredded cucumbers to add freshness and crunch. The latest trend for the sandwich is to use a charcoal grill to toast the bread, giving it an extra layer of smokiness.  

The egg crepe is a wheat and sweet potato flour crepe thrown on top of a griddled egg with a variety of toppings to choose from, like bacon, pork floss, corn, cheese or tuna. There are usually other menu additions to order from that also utilizes the griddle, such as the radish cake or pan-fried noodles in mushroom or black pepper sauce.

Although traditionally Taiwan doesn’t have a strong dessert culture, as fresh fruit is usually served as the ending to a meal, but that doesn’t mean that Taiwanese doesn’t enjoy a sweet snack whenever they have the chance, and there are many delicious specialty desserts that you will find only here in Taiwan. 

1) Fruit (水果)

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Being known as the fruit kingdom, Taiwan has a diverse and abundant production of fruit thanks to its subtropical climate and distinct geography, you will be able to find fresh fruit in supermarkets, traditional markets, fruit stores, and also food stalls that sell pre-cut fruit at most night markets.

There are a variety of fruit options for different seasons, there are strawberries and star fruits during springtime, watermelon, mango and lychee during summer, persimmon, passion fruit, and peach during fall, tangerines, wax apple, and jujubes during winter, with pineapple, papaya, banana and guava almost year-round, so don’t miss your chance to try some of these out.

Note: I definitely recommend avoiding pre-cut fruits in the night markets as most of the vendors soak the fruits in sugar water and with fruits already being sweet in Taiwan, it becomes really sweet!

2) Eight Treasure Ice (八寶冰)

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Shaved ice has been a summer staple with a long history that goes back to the early 20 th century, and the eight treasure ice can be considered as the granddaddy of them all. Borrowing from the concept of the traditional dessert eight treasure rice, the eight treasure ice uses some of the same ingredients, such as sweet red beans, sweet taro, and sugar braised peanuts.One of the most beloved institutions that sell the eight treasure ice is Long Du Shaved Ice Experts (龍都冰菓專業家), which has been selling their signature eight treasure ice since 1920.

3) Mango Shaved Ice(芒果冰)

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If you think mango shaved ice is simply using mango as a topping, then you are in for a treat. Besides using fresh mango, the ice itself is also shaved from a mango juice ice block, drizzled with mango syrup, and sometimes with a couple of scoops of mango ice cream depending on how the store constructs it, the mango shaved ice has been named one of the worlds finest desserts by CNN travel.If you were to visit during May and August when mango is in season, remember to visit Ice Monster for the ultimate mango experience.

4) Aiyu Jelly, Grass Jelly (愛玉、仙草)

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The aiyu jelly is made from a fruit called the jelly fig that can only be found in Taiwan, while the grass jelly is made from the Chinese mesona plant, which is also a regional plant unique to southeast China and Taiwan.The aiyu jelly is typically enjoyed as a summer snack, flavored with lemon juice and honey, but the grass jelly can be eaten in both cold and warm preparations, with a light licorice taste, the grass jelly is delicious with just a simple brown sugar syrup, and can often be found added into milk or milk tea. Can be tried on the Taipei Eat’s Old School Food Tour .

5) Wheel Cake (車輪餅)

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What makes the wheel cake so irresistible is its contrast in texture, using a batter similar to the waffle as the outer crust, the batter becomes crispier as it cooks, while the center filling remains soft and gooey, with red bean paste, custard cream, sesame and taro being the most popular flavor options. The wheel cake is a popular street food that can be found not just in night markets, but also in food stalls near train stations or MRT stations, and sometimes near hospitals and schools.

6) Taro (芋頭)

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Taro is a national favorite when it comes to dessert flavors, you can find taro cakes, taro puffs, fried taro balls, sweet taro gnocchi, taro popsicles, taro milk tea, taro slushy, there really isn’t any limitations on how the taro can be made into a dessert.

7) Pineapple cake (鳳梨酥)

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The pineapple cake is an iconic Taiwanese pastry, one of the most purchased food souvenirs by far. The pineapple cake is a chewy and sweet pineapple filling baked inside a crumbly and buttery pastry, Chia Te Bakery (佳德糕餅) and SunnyHills (微熱山丘 ) are some of the most popular brands, and will be a memorable gift to give out or simply enjoy all by yourself. There is a hidden pineapple cake bakery tucked away in the Xinyi district that is visited on the Iconic Food Tour by Taipei Eats .

8) Buffalo’s Tongue (牛舌餅)

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The buffalo’s tongue is a cracker with a maltose center, it got the name buffalo’s tongue because of its long shape. Although this is a specialty of Yilan, it has made its way to most souvenir stores and is a great gift to choose from.

9) Sun Cake (太陽餅)

Sun cake is a buttery and flaky pastry with a maltose filling, originally a specialty of Taichung, it can now be found in many traditional pastry stores throughout Taipei, just like the pineapple cake and buffalo’s tongue, the sun cake is a popular food souvenir option.

Taiwanese are very enthusiastic about beverages, and we’re not just talking about tea and coffee, but also many other specialty drinks that have been favorites for the local palate, after all, beverage brands are becoming one of Taiwan’s’ largest food exports, with expansions to Europe, northern America and southeast Asia. 

1) Bubble Tea (珍珠奶茶)

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Bubble tea, also known as boba, has become one of the food items that put Taiwan on the map, the concept is very simple, sweet tapioca pearl added to milk tea, but the flavor and texture combination really makes this an addicting drink, and the fulfillment from the tapioca pearls also makes this beverage a great snack option.

The origins of the bubble tea has been linked to Chun Shui Tang (春水堂) and Hanlin Tea Room (翰林茶館) , whoever was the real inventor of this drink will most likely remain a mystery, but we are glad that they did, as the bubble tea is now a part of daily life for many, local and abroad.

2) Oolong Teng (烏龍茶)

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Taiwan’s oolong tea is renowned as being the best in the world, one reason being the combination of climate and geography, the other reason being the mature production methods. Taiwan produces over ten varieties of oolong tea, each with a unique characteristic and flavor profile. You can find tea houses all around Taipei, with some being direct distribution sites of the tea plantations from southern Taiwan.

3) Papaya Milk (木瓜牛奶)

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The papaya milk was one of the early inventions that sparked a beverage trend way before the popular tea houses or coffee shops. Although the popularity of the papaya milk has gone down due to all the new beverage options, it can still be found at most juice stores or papaya milk chain stores like City Milk or Taipei Milk King (台北牛乳大王) .

4) Herbal Tea (青草茶)

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Also known as 100 herb tea, this is another one of those items that doesn’t have a standard recipe, making every herbal tea taste a little different from the other, but all maintaining the same medicinal effect of lowering what the Chinese medicine refers to as “internal heat”, which is the cause of all types of body discomforts, from bad breath to mouth inflammation, insomnia, and mood swings.

Other than specialty stores like Healing Herbar (老濟安) or Taiwan Herbal Shop (一兩十錢青草舖) . While you can find herbal teas in most beverage shops or even convenient stores, if you want to visit a 3rd generation shop that has been selling teas for 3 generations, give the Old School Food Tour a look.

5) Winter Melon Punch (冬瓜茶)

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Winter melon punch has a long history that can be dated to almost 200 years ago, the method is simple, you cook down the winter melon with malt sugar into sugar blocks, and then melt the winter melon sugar blocks with water to the sweetness of your liking.  

To most Taiwanese, the flavor of winter melon punch will always bring back childhood memories no matter which generation they belong to. You will be able to find the winter melon punch at any beverage shop, and one of the popular versions of it is the winter melon punch lemonade, a great summer drink to cool down during those hot and humid days. Grab a cup at most night markets or try some on the Iconic Tour .

6) Craft Beer (精釀啤酒)

This might be a surprise to many, but microbreweries have been popping up left and right in Taiwan for the past 10 years, and have reached a point where craft beer has become commonplace, with many local brands gaining critical and commercial success. So if a nice cold pint is what you enjoy, you can visit Taihu Craft Beer Tasting Room (啜飲室) or Jim & Dads Taipei (吉姆老爹 台北大稻埕店) to experience some of the fantastic local brews Taiwan has to offer.

Here are 2 honorable mentions of Taiwan food culture that don’t necessarily fit into the categories above, but are a huge part of how the locals like to eat.

1) Re Chao (熱炒)

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Re Chao means hot stir fry, similar to a Japanese izakaya or a British pub, the food at the re chao is mostly designed to accompany the star of the show, beer. You can find all kinds of cuisines at the re chao , from Taiwanese specialties like the three-cup chicken and sha cha lamb noodles to sashimi and kimchi pork stir fry, the re chao restaurants are almost always crowded, noisy and full of energy, a great way to experience Taiwan’s’ drinking culture.

2) Seafood Restaurants (海產店)

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Taiwan is an island in the Pacific Ocean, so you can count on the seafood is a big part of the locals’ diet. The typical seafood restaurant will display their ingredients right in front of the store, where the customers can choose exactly which ingredients they like, and request the chef to prepare the dish however they like, whether it’s deep-fried, stir-fried or steamed, the customer has total control.But don’t be too intimidated by all the decisions you need to make, the staff is always happy to recommend what the catch of the day is, and what kind of cooking method they think suits it the best. So if you’re up for the challenge, you can try out Shien Jin Seafood Restaurant (先進海產店) or Shin Tung Nan Seafood Restaurant (新東南海鮮餐廳) for a memorable seafood experience.

I hope this article will shed some light on what places to visit in Taipei for your next Taipei trip, if you have any questions or have any comments, please leave a message in the comment section, we would love to help.

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Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂

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Taiwanese-Style Vermicelli (Mee Sua) The queue for Ah Zong Mian Xian (or Ay Chung Rice Noodles) ???? has extended to a lengthy line with a throng of crowd surrounding the shop at Ximending

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Visit a french wine region during a trip to the paris olympics.

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French SNCF high speed train

If you are traveling to Paris for the 2024 Olympics between July 26 th and August 11th, consider arriving early or staying late for a few days and visiting at least one French wine region. The four wine destinations below can be reached by trains from Paris within a few hours. At these destinations you can rent a car, use public transportation or hire a guide service to show you more of the region.

A few notes on train travel in France.

Be aware that security will be tight within and around the city of Paris during the Olympics. If you decide to travel by train, arrive at your station at least thirty minutes before departure. Try to book, pay for and download your ticket in advance at the French railway SNCF website . Alternatively, try the Trainline wesbite. The Swiss railway site— SBB —also provides information on French trains.

First class train tickets are reasonably priced. Buy them online in advance so you can book seats—especially if you are traveling with others so that you can sit together.

You may need to show your ticket before boarding a train in France. However identification is usually not requested.

Most trains have cars that sell food, and nearby tables where you can stand and eat. You can also buy food and bring it back to your seat. Remember the French are fastidious about their lunch hours, so it is better to eat before noon or after 2:00 p.m. to avoid standing in what could be a long line to order food.

For the same price you will pay for a hotel room in Paris, you will be able to secure more spacious accommodation at a wine region outside of that city.

Don’t hesitate to book a guide or a van/mini-bus trip—if only for a half day or a full day. Experts will save you time and inconveniences and reduce language difficulties, They can also provide historical insights while you travel and identify where to eat well at a reasonable price.

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Bordeaux is a beautiful city designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Travel within the city is easy using the tram system . Purchase a tram ticket valid for at least 10 trips from a machine located at many (but not all) tram stops, or from any Relay book/magazine store within a train station or airport. Within the city, find a restaurant off any side streets to the west of the attractive Place de la Bourse (in the opposite direction of the waterfront). Also, amble along the Garonne waterside. The Cité du Vin wine museum highlights vintages from throughout the world and includes a wine store and restaurant. Consider having a picnic in the Jardin Public , a park located a ten minute walk from the Opera House in the center of the city.

Note that from July 24 th to August 2 nd , Bordeaux will be hosting seven men’s and women’s soccer matches.

Place la Bourse in Bordeaux, France

Paris has four main train stations, each one known as a gare . From Gare Montparnasse, located to the south of the Seine River, the voyage on a high speed TGV (Train Grande Vitesse—which moves at up to 185 miles per hour) from Paris to Bordeaux Saint-Jean train station takes two hours and nine minutes. From the Bordeaux station take a taxi/Uber or a tram into the city center. You can also rent a car at the train station (book in advance), but driving and parking within Bordeaux city can be challenging. It is better to use public transportation within the city, and hire a car to visit regions outside of the city, such as the Médoc wine region to the north.

The majority of Bordeaux wines are red. These are usually blends containing Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot, and also sometimes including Petit Verdot and Malbec (and, infrequently, Carménère). Although Bordeaux produces a lower quantity of white wines than red, whites can be spectacular and are principally made from the grapes Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon and Muscadelle.

Food/Wine Pairings

White wine made principally from Sauvignon Blanc grapes paired with oysters from the Bay of Arcachon, as well as a fresh baguette.

For lunch or dinner, try magret de canard duck breast and potatoes with a Bordeaux red wine from Médoc or Saint-Émilion.

For dessert—a sweet white Sauternes wine with local cannelé pastry.

The Burgundy wine region is located approximately between the city of Dijon to the north and the city of Mâcon to the south (with the walled city of Beaune between). It includes hills to the west, adjacent vineyards to the east, and a main road and a railway line running north to south. This is a land of small domaine vineyards, quiet villages and locals who take enormous pride in their culture and wine. Loud accents and garish colored clothing? Not here. Stay in or near Beaune or Nuits-Saint-Georges and hire a guide to take you to visit wine domaines.

Clos de Vougeot castle in Burgundy, France

From the Paris train station known as Gare de Lyon, a train to Dijon takes about one hour and 40 minutes. From Dijon station you can pick up a rental car or have a service drive you into the Burgundy wine country.

Alternatively, you can continue on a second train from Dijon for 19 minutes to arrive at the ancient walled city of Beaune—which includes excellent restaurants, wine stores and the attractive Hotel Dieu of the Hospices de Beaune.

Burgundy is renowned for red wines made from the Pinot Noir grape, and white wines made from Chardonnay. You may also want to try white wines made from the Aligoté grape, and reds made from the Gamay grape.

Chablis white wine (which is Chardonnay from a particular region of Burgundy) pairs classically with escargot snails and, of course, a bread baguette.

Coq au vin or beef bourguignon can be paired with a red wine; also try gougères—cheese savory pastries—with a glass of sparkling Crémant de Bourgogne.

The Gothic cathedral at Reims is attractive to visit, and also consider setting up a visit to a cellar of a smaller champagne house such as Bouquet . The town of Aÿ-Champagne is a quiet location surrounded by vineyards owned by well known champagne houses; however driving around the beautiful countryside of Champagne reveals its attractions— patches of woodlands interspersed with vineyards on rolling terrain with small villages.

Champagne wine region in France

From the Paris Gare de l’Est train station, take two connecting trains for a total of one hour 30 minutes to the city of Reims. The intermediate stop is Champagne-Ardenne.

Champagne is made from either single grapes or a blend; the grapes are Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier. Lesser used grapes include Pinot Gris, Pinot Blanc, Arbane and Petit Meslier.

Ardennes ham or roast quail with a Henri Giraud champagne made 100% from Chardonnay.

Strawberries with a champagne made 100% from the Pinot Meunier grape, such as Bérêche et Fils Rive Gauche.

Loire Valley

This is a vast countryside of ‘châteaux’—castles near the calm Loire River, which flows for over 600 miles. The riverside towns of Tours, Angers , Nantes, Chinon and Orleans all include their own cultural attractions. Consider taking a boat trip on the Loire River.

Town of Saumur with the Loire River

From Gare Montparnasse in Paris, you can travel directly by train to the city of Tours in one hour and 20 minutes.

Alternatively, you can travel from Gare Montparnasse to Angers in the Loire Valley in one hour and 40 minutes.

From Gare d’Austerlitz, travel to Orleans takes one hour and five minutes.

Generally, Loire Valley white wines are made from the Chenin Blanc grape as well as Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay, while red wines are made from Cabernet Franc, as well as Gamay and Pinot Noir. On the coast however, excellent value white wines known as Muscadet (made from the Melon de Bourgogne grape) are renowned for pairing with seafood.

Food/Wine Pairing

Andouilette sausage and Cabernet Franc red wine.

White wine from the Muscadet Sèvre et Maine appellation—such as from Domaine du Fayd’Homme —with scallops.

Tom Mullen

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  1. Savory Food Tours and Night Market Tours

    Taipei Eats Food Tours. After years living abroad, food-obsessed founders Mike Lee and Tina Fong returned to Taiwan and rediscovered the culinary masterpieces of their homeland. The desire to share their unique outsider-insider perspective coupled with their love for food culminated in early-2015 as Taipei Eats.

  2. Tours

    Iconic Food Tour. Our original Iconic tour takes you on an authentic culinary and visual journey. We'll sample classic Taiwanese dishes from both award winning chefs and in-the-know local's restaurants. 4 hours | 12 tastings | $75 USD. VIEW TOUR.

  3. Iconic Food Tour

    On the Taipei Eats Xinyi food tour, we'll take you through one of Taipei City's lengthiest and busiest traditional markets, still drawing a healthy number of local shoppers each day. About Our Expert Guides. Your tour will be lead by one of our expert, English-speaking guides. They're all gifted storytellers who are smart, passionate and ...

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  5. Taipei Eats

    Taipei Eats. 442 reviews. #1 of 6 Tours & Activities in Xinyi District. City ToursWalking ToursNight ToursPrivate Tours Food Tours. Open now. 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM. Write a review. See all photos. About.

  6. Taipei Eats Food Tour Review (Dadaocheng Route)

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  8. THE 10 BEST Taipei Food Tours (with Prices)

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  10. Taipei: Private Food Tour

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  13. Taipei Night Market Tour

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  19. Food Tour

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  20. Visit Taipei: Travel Guide to Taiwan

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  21. Old School Food Tour

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  26. About Us

    About Us. Started in early 2015 by a pair of food-obsessed friends rediscovering the culinary masterpieces of their homeland, Taipei Eats' goal is to offer curated English-language walking food tours that give visitors a "taste" of why Taipei has been called a foodie's paradise by outlets such as CNN and Conde Nast Traveller.

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  28. 54 Must Eat Foods in Taipei

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