Cities Skylines 2 Mods

Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul)

skyrim fast travel overhaul

A lightweight overhaul of both the vanilla Skyrim carriage system and Dawnguard’s ferry system. Realistic and bug-free.

Kinaga’s Carriage & Ferry Travel Overhaul Realistic, bug-free, functional carriages & ferries

An overhaul of both the vanilla Skyrim carriage system and Dawnguard’s ferry system. Designed to make ferries a viable means of travel, make prices realistic based on travel distance and add loads of cut carriage dialogue. A lot of mods do this already, but I was never really happy with any of them. The biggest problem with mods like this is bugs and instability, so I’ve kept this mod simple and stable. There are no background scripts, no navmesh edits and as few cell edits as possible. Scripts have been tested repeatedly to make sure they’re as efficient as they can be, and there are no known bugs.

Using another fast travel mod and want to switch? See Technical Information at the end of the description

Ferries Ferries operate on the north coast, Solstheim, Lake Ilinata and Lake Honrich. Scroll down for a complete list of destinations.

You can build a jetty and hire a ferryman at Lakeview Manor and Windstad Manor. A ferryman is also available for Honeyside.

Ferries are slightly cheaper than carriages, but only offer destinations on the same waterway. They also offer some destinations that carriages do not. Previously they cost the same price, so there was no reason to use them – carriages were superior in every way.

No more buggy ferry seats – after paying the ferryman you will be transported after a few seconds. You don’t need to “use” the horrendous, glitchy “ferry seat” activator.

To preserve realism, ferries do not offer routes that would involve going up or down waterfalls.

Carriages Carriages have been added to Falkreath, Morthal and Dawnstar.

Different carriages use different breeds of horses, they’re not all plain brown anymore.

Carriages will take you to any settlement in Skyrim. When you ask to hire a carriage, you’ll be presented with a list of nearby locations (usually within the current hold). You can also ask to be taken to any of the other 8 holds, in which case you’ll be presented with a list of their settlements. Hearthfire homes are included as destinations (provided you own the house).

Prices are roughly based on the length and danger of the journey. For example, from Whiterun a carriage to Riverwood is only 40 gold. To Falkreath it would cost 60 gold. To Winterhold it would cost 80 gold.

You have to pay for a carriage before you can use it. If you change your mind, you can ask the driver for a refund. If you wait too long, you’ll lose your money.

Prices All prices can be customised using TES5Edit, but cannot be changed once you have made a save with the mod installed. Scroll down to “customisation” for instructions.

Carriage Nearby location (within the same hold) – 40 gold Distant major city – 60 gold Distant minor settlement – 80 gold

Ferry North coast/Solstheim – 50 gold Lake Ilinata/Lake Honrich – 30 gold (except Ilinata’s Deep) Icewater Jetty – 100 gold Ilinata’s Deep – 50 gold

Exceptions: Although part of Whiterun hold, Riverwood is also considered local to Falkreath, and so is charged the local price tariff by the Falkreath driver. Although a capital, Winterhold is charged at the higher price tariff due to its remote location. Personal carriage and ferry operators do not charge any fee for transport. Icewater Jetty and Ilinata’s Deep are considered dangerous destinations and cost slightly more (as above)

Ferry Routes The ferry system consists of major stops and minor stops. At a major stop, a ferryman will be available to take you to any destination. A minor stop (italics) is a location at which you can be dropped off, but no ferryman is available to take you anywhere else.

North Coast Icewater Jetty* – Solitude Lighthouse – Solitude – Morthal – Windstad Manor* – Dawnstar – Frostflow Lighthouse – Winterhold – Windhelm

Lake Honrich Riften – Honeyside* – Heartwood Mill – Ivarstead

Lake Ilinata Lakeview Manor* – Brittleshin Pass – Guardian Stones – Half Moon Mill – Ilinata’s Deep

Solstheim Raven Rock – Tel Mithryn – Bujold’s retreat – Skaal Village – Northshore landing*

*Some routes are not immediately available:

At the Hearthfire homesteads, building a jetty will make the location a minor stop. If you want to travel from your home, you need to hire a ferryman by talking to your steward. You must have built the jetty before you will be able to hire the ferryman. At Honeyside, purchasing the house itself will make it available as a minor stop. Purchasing the porch upgrade will give you the ferryman. Northshore landing is not available as a stop until “A New Source of Stalhrim” is completed Icewater Jetty is not available until you have spoken to the ferryman about the “Island to the west of here”

Carriage Destinations Eastmarch – Windhelm, Kynesgrove, Darkwater Crossing, Mixwater Mill Falkreath – Falkreath, Lakeview Manor*, Half-Moon Mill The Reach – Markarth, Karthwasten, Old Hroldan, Soljund’s Sinkhole Haafingar – Solitude, Dragon Bridge, Thalmor Embassy Whiterun – Whiterun, Rorikstead, Riverwood Winterhold – Winterhold The Rift – Riften, Ivarstead, Shor’s Stone, Heartwood Mill The Pale – Dawnstar, Heljarchen (Nightgate Inn), Heljarchen Hall* Hjaalmarch – Morthal, Stonehills, Windstad Manor*

* Hearthfire homes are available as destinations as soon as you have purchased the land from the Jarl.

Additional Information If you had already bought it, you will have to purchase the carriage at your Hearthfire homestead again after installing CFTO.

Fully compatible with Expanded Towns and Cities (ETaC) and Dawn of Skyrim. A patch is available for JK’s Skyrim.

The carriages added to Falkreath, Dawnstar and Morthal should be compatible with most other settlement overhauls.

The ferry at Dawnstar has been moved closer to the city and given a jetty.

Where possible, new ferry stops use an existing jetty to maximise compatibility.

The Dawnguard quest “Prophet” has been adjusted to refer to the new carriage drivers instead of the vanilla ones.

Carriage horses no longer raise the alarm when you are sneaking out of a city and guards are looking for you.

To preserve realism, carriages will drop you off at the road nearest your destination. In most cases this is within the settlement itself, but in some cases the settlement will be a few paces away. Ferries will drop you off at the nearest waterway to your destination, which is usually the town/village’s port.

Patches Patches are available for some mods, but there are no severe conflicts. All patches can be safely merged with CFTO’s main esp. Here’s a list of patches and what they do, so you can decide whether you want to use them:

Hearthfire Extended patch – merges steward dialogue from HFE and CFTO so that you can purchase upgrades from both mods. Inconsequential NPCs patch – restores carriage guards added by Inconsequential NPCs. Does not add new carriage guards. Does not fix any actual bugs/conflicts. You may safely decide to go without using this. JK’s Skyrim patch – Removes a cart in Morthal that was clipping with CFTO’s carriage. Moves CFTO’s Dawnstar carriage out of JK’s Dawnstar wall. Removes CFTO’s Dawnstar jetty and moves CFTO’s ferryman to JK’s Dawnstar port. Moves CFTO’s Ivarstead ferry and ferryman to JK’s Ivarstead port. JK’s Towns patch – Identical to JK’s Skyrim patch, but rebuilt for JK’s Towns. JK’s Cities does not require a patch at all. Temporary Hearthfire Mod patch – Placing this at the end of your load order will force CFTO’s steward dialogue changes to overwrite any other Hearthfire mod. Use of this is a last resort. First try saving and then loading the save you just made – most people who use this I suspect are experiencing the CreationKit dialogue bug which is easily fixed by saving and reloading.

If you find another mod that conflicts with CFTO please let me know and I will build a patch for it too.

Limitations Carriage horses don’t always position perfectly against their carriage. This is a vanilla bug, but is made more noticeable by some of the lighter coloured horses.

Attacking a carriage horse may cause it to run away. It will have returned after you leave and reenter the cell. Until it has returned, you will not be able to travel using the carriage and will probably be arrested for damaging property. Realistically, the bolting horse would take the carriage with it, but just assume it broke free somehow… Personally I think this is more realistic than the horse standing there as though nothing happened.

During the Dawnguard quest “Prophet”, a carriage driver says “he wanted to go to Dragon Bridge, but I told him that wasn’t one of my stops”. With this mod installed, it now actually is one of his stops.

Customisation Once you’ve saved a game using the mod, price values are stored in your actual save file and cannot be changed. The reason I’m not adding an MCM is because most people will only ever change these prices once, if at all, so it’s not worth adding background scripts and an SKSE/SkyUI requirement for.

Open CFTO.esp in TES5Edit Open Global Edit the value of the prices you want to change:

KmodCarriageCostLocal – Settlements within the same hold (Default 40) KmodCarriageCost – Distant major cities (Default 60) KmodCarriageCostExtra – Distant minor settlements (Default 80) KmodFerryCostLocal – Lake Ilinata/Lake Honrich (Default 30) KmodFerryCost – North coast/Solstheim (Default 50) KmodFerryCostExtra – Icewater Jetty (Default 100) KmodFerryVolikhar – Do not edit this. It is not used to determine pricing. KmodCarriageDestination – Do not edit this. It is not used to determine pricing.

FAQ My Hearthfire carriage is gone! You need to buy it again after you install the mod.

I’m seeing duplicate carriage drivers Another mod is overwriting CFTO’s changes. Any mod that affects carriage drivers must be loaded before CFTO. Another solution is to disable one of the drivers using the console (NOT markfordelete). Make sure you keep the driver who offers all the new locations – only one of them will, the other driver will not work at all.

Ferry & carriage drivers have no dialogue options Save your game, then load the save. This is the Creation Kit dialogue bug, and is common with all mods that add dialogue.

I see no dialogue option to hire a ferryman or carriage. First, make sure you’re not experiencing the CK dialogue bug (see the previous question). Otherwise, it’s possible that you’re using a Hearthfire mod that edits steward dialogue (such as Hearthfire Extended) and don’t have a patch. If there’s a patch, use it. If not, try adding the temporary Hearthfire mod patch to the end of your load order. Please leave a comment letting me know what mod you’re using it for so I can release a proper patch! The temporary patch will disable the changes to steward dialogue made by any other Hearthfire mod you’re using. You can remove it once you’ve hired the ferryman and/or carriage. (Very few Hearthfire mods edit steward dialogue, so it’s unlikely anyone will have this problem)

Since installing this mod, isn’t working. You’re using a Hearthfire mod that edits steward dialogue (such as Hearthfire Extended) and don’t have a patch. If there’s a patch, use it. If not, ask me to make one. (Very few Hearthfire mods edit steward dialogue, so it’s unlikely anyone will have this problem)

Why is Dawnguard required? Dawnguard adds the dialogue used by the ferry operators. Without Dawnguard, there would be no ferry system to overhaul.

The new carriages are clipping with Please let me know so I can make a patch!

What’s the difference between the Heljarchen and Nightgate versions? Nightgate Inn was originally intended to be the village of Heljarchen, but Bethesda cut it down to just an inn. Cutting Room Floor restores the rest of the village and renames the location back to Heljarchen. If you’re using Cutting Room Floor, it makes sense for the names to match. I think perhaps ETaC and some other mods do the same thing. In any case, none of these mods are actually required so you can pick whichever version you prefer.

Please add carriages to every settlement in Skyrim. I want to keep the mod realistic, and if a settlement consists of nothing more than a few small farmhouses then it wouldn’t make sense for them to have a 24hr carriage service. I might add some new carriages to carefully selected locations, but I’m not going to go adding them everywhere.

Please add an MCM to customise prices. I may add an MCM later, but I’m not going to add one just to offer price customisation. Most players will only need to customise prices once, if at all, so it’s not worth me forcing an SKSE/SkyUI requirement as well as background scripts on all of the other users just because a few users don’t want to have to use TES5Edit.

Please add as a destination. I’ll be adding lots of mod-related destinations soon, so please leave a comment letting me know what location you’d like to see made available.

Does this mod disable normal (map-based) fast travel? No it doesn’t. I might add an option to later, but in the mean time there are other mods that do this already. Frostfall has an option in its MCM, and there are some other mods that exist solely for that purpose. You could also just… not use the map to fast travel?

Technical Information Cleaned with TES5Edit. No bad records, no further cleaning required.

Relevant fixes from USKP forwarded. USKP is however not a requirement.

Using Hearthfire Extended? Remember to use the patch.

This file shares some scripts with my other mod, Hearthfire Extended. Allow them to overwrite each other, the scripts are identical.

The patch for Helgen Reborn adds Helgen as a destination to the carriage system and adds a carriage and driver to Helgen, set up to appear at the same time as one of the buildings (so it won’t be there immediately) (Helgen Reborn patch is temporarily unavailable. The mod still works fine without the patch, the patch only served to add Helgen as a destination and give Helgen a carriage.)

If examining a papyrus log, here’s some errors that are normal and should be ignored:

CarriageDriverScript.psc > Cannot enable an object with an enable parent CWDisableDuringSiegeScript.psc > Cannot enable an object with an enable parent

These errors result from CFTO suppressing the vanilla carriage system. They will not be the cause of whatever issue you are investigating.

If you’re using another carriage/ferry overhaul, you’ll probably need to uninstall it before using CFTO:

Uninstall the other mod, load your game and create a new save. Don’t worry if carriages are missing completely – CFTO will take care of this automatically once it’s installed. Quit the game and install CFTO Load the save you created in (1)

Carriages should then return and work as intended.

Incompatible mods: You can still use the ferry only version alongside any of these mods! They only conflict with the full version. Touring carriages Cart in each big town Any other carriage overhaul mod

Compatible mods: Fast Travel Timescale Fix – Confirmed Small fast travel mods (eg Solitude Jetty) – Confirmed Mods that add individual new carriages, such as new settlement mods Expanded Towns and Cities – Confirmed Dawn of Skyrim – Confirmed JK’s Skyrim – Patch available JK’s Towns – Patch available JK’s Cities – Confirmed. Patch not required! JK’s Cities Lite – Confirmed. Patch not required!

While “Better Fast Travel” does not conflict with CFTO, I do not recommend you use it since it has not been updated recently and has many issues. CFTO is intended as a replacement for BFT, and incorporates most of its features.

If you can confirm whether any other mod is compatible or not, please leave a comment to let me know.

skyrim fast travel overhaul

Have you explored the world of Skyrim Mods? Gamers worldwide are enthralled by these enhancements that address a myriad of in-game challenges. To ascend to elite player status, the Skyrim Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul) Mod might be your express ticket. Simply choose the desired mod file and integrate it seamlessly into your game. This unlocks unparalleled features, equipping you to manage game challenges more efficiently. Our site boasts an array of Skyrim Special Edition mods , you'll want to set aside time to explore at least a few. Every moment spent is worth it, as it catapults your gaming experience to unparalleled heights. We ensure every Skyrim mod in our collection is of the utmost quality and adheres to the highest standards. This guarantees that our users access only the crème de la crème of files. One of our standout offerings is unlimited access to a diverse range of supplementary files, equipping players with a competitive edge. If dominance in the game is your endgame, you must delve into the Skyrim Special Edition Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul) Mod . It's transformative; you'll wonder how you gamed without these enhancements before. Why not redefine your gaming experience? Dive into our mods, and equip yourself with the finest tools, weapons, and functionalities on offer. Miss out? We think not. Make the leap, supercharge your game, and let your gaming prowess shine. Dive in without reservations, and watch your in-game world transform!

Tags: CFTO Icewater Jetty Lake Honrich Lake Ilinata

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  • Skyrim LE Mods

SKYRIMLE Complete Fast Travel Overhaul (by Kinaga)


By Solmyr August 2, 2015 in Skyrim LE Mods

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Complete Fast Travel Overhaul  ( by  Kinaga)

This mod is intended as a replacement for Better Fast Travel. From the Nexus page:

  • Ferries operate on the north coast, Solstheim, Lake Ilinata and Lake Honrich. Scroll down for a complete list of destinations.
  • You can build a jetty and hire a ferryman at Lakeview Manor and Windstad Manor. A ferryman is also available for Honeyside.
  • Ferries are slightly cheaper than carriages, but only offer destinations on the same waterway. They also offer some destinations that carriages do not. Previously they cost the same price, so there was no reason to use them - carriages were superior in every way.
  • No more buggy ferry seats - after paying the ferryman you will be transported after a few seconds. You don't need to "use" the horrendous, glitchy "ferry seat" activator.
  • To preserve realism, ferries do not offer routes that would involve going up or down waterfalls.


  • Carriages have been added to Falkreath, Morthal and Dawnstar.
  • Different carriages use different breeds of horses, they're not all plain brown anymore.
  • Carriages will take you to any settlement in Skyrim. When you ask to hire a carriage, you'll be presented with a list of nearby locations (usually within the current hold). You can also ask to be taken to any of the other 8 holds, in which case you'll be presented with a list of their settlements. Hearthfire homes are included as destinations (provided you own the house).
  • Prices are roughly based on the length and danger of the journey. For example, from Whiterun a carriage to Riverwood is only 40 gold. To Falkreath it would cost 60 gold. To Winterhold it would cost 80 gold.
  • You have to pay for a carriage before you can use it. If you change your mind, you can ask the driver for a refund. If you wait too long, you'll lose your money.

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You have to tag it for testing.

I'm using it right now on STEP extended setup, not errors to report, only improvements:

It aways bugged me that the fast travel overhaul used in STEP placed a carriage in every single settlement, and they stood there all day long.

In this mod, you only have carriages in major settlements and can drop off cart in all settlements.

Boats are carrefully planned where it would be possible to handle then without going over waterfalls.

Both features above put it above the current STEP solution, in my view, not to mention the other stuff like no buggy activators, etc.

High King

Better Fast Travel is obviously superior to this mod when it comes to customization. In fact it is so customizable that you could make it have the same stops as this mod and remove some of the carriages from the minor stops if you so want. This mod feels kinda redundant tbh .


It's supposed to have less script load than BFT. There were always people reporting issues with BFT. (not me though)

Apart from that most noteable differences are the ferry routes which have far more destinations than BFT. And the option to travel to Hearthfire homes once they are built.

However, I saw that BFT is under new management (check comments on Nexus page), so maybe that mod will receive some updates.


I've never had trouble with BFT myself... this one looks good too. Will continue monitoring for developments on both.

It's supposed to have less script load than BFT. There were always people reporting issues with BFT. (not me though) Apart from that most noteable differences are the ferry routes which have far more destinations than BFT. And the option to travel to Hearthfire homes once they are built.   However, I saw that BFT is under new management (check comments on Nexus page), so maybe that mod will receive some updates.

The option to travel to/from HF homes is built-in BFT as well.



We need a real time carriage/ferry travel mod. Like the one in Morrowind, forgot the name though.

Edit: Obviously make it interesting by adding ambushes and raids by bandito horsemen.

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Ever feel disappointed in yourself for abusing fast travel? This Skyrim mod stops you

Slow down and smell the glowing mushrooms.

Image for Ever feel disappointed in yourself for abusing fast travel? This Skyrim mod stops you

I hate it when, partway through a fantasy series, the characters start skipping back and forth between locations that used to take three episodes and multiple frostbitten limbs to bridge. Game of Thrones, The Rings of Power, they all do it. And I get it, because I too cannot resist the temptation of fast travel. We already did the 'it's hard to get from this place to that place' subplot. Why do it again?

It damages the illusion a little though, doesn't it? The more the rules of the world are bent, the less weight the whole story seems to have. Some people hated the long boat rides in The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. I loved 'em. I used to try to walk across all of EverQuest with low level characters for fun. But like fantasy authors who don't want to describe the same gusty mountain pass for the third time, when I get the option to fast travel in most games, I take it. How can I resist?

One modder has a solution, or at least a sort of nicotine gum for habitual fast-travelers: The Regional Fast Travel mod for Skyrim Special Edition.

"Looking for a method to stop you from fast travelling all the time?" asks digitalApple. "This mod will add more rules to fast travel requests."

Those rules are pretty simple. The mod, which can be customized with an ini file, prohibits fast traveling when:

The last restriction there requires certain quests to be completed before you can fast travel to places such as the College of Winterhold, Sky Haven Temple, or Imperial Military Camp.

Of course, there's a chance you'll say "to hell with this" after an hour and uninstall the mod, but I like the idea of it. Efficiency isn't necessarily more fun, but it's hard to resist when the option's there. This is a little hurdle to help keep you honest if, like me, you claim to appreciate the journey as much as the destination.

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You can get Regional Fast Travel on NexusMods , and here's a list of our other favorite Skyrim mods .

Tyler grew up in Silicon Valley during the '80s and '90s, playing games like Zork and Arkanoid on early PCs. He was later captivated by Myst, SimCity, Civilization, Command & Conquer, all the shooters they call "boomer shooters" now, and PS1 classic Bushido Blade (that's right: he had Bleem!). Tyler joined PC Gamer in 2011, and today he's focused on the site's news coverage. His hobbies include amateur boxing and adding to his 1,200-plus hours in Rocket League.

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skyrim fast travel overhaul

Best Skyrim Fast Travel Mods to Try Out

  • February 29, 2024

If you’re a fan of the video game Skyrim, then you probably noticed that there are some mods available for this game. This guide will provide you with the best Skyrim Fast Travel Mods to try out.

Better Fast Travel – Carriages and Ships – Overhauled

skyrim fast travel overhaul

If you’re looking for a way to travel Skyrim faster, this mod is for you! It overhauls the carriages and ships in the game, making them faster and more efficient. With this mod, you’ll be able to get around the province in no time! Want to have this in your Skyrim game? download the link below to try it.

Better Horses

skyrim fast travel overhaul

Better Horses is a Skyrim mod that makes horses travel faster, making it easier to get around the huge game world. This is an essential mod for anyone who wants to explore all of Skyrim’s vast landscapes but it’s buggy in some cases.

Marelo’s Overhaul

skyrim fast travel overhaul

No longer can you simply hop around the map without consequences? You’ll have to plan your travels carefully and watch out for danger at every turn. This mod makes the game more challenging and rewarding and is a must-have for any serious Skyrim fan.

Skyrim Disable Fast Travel

skyrim fast travel overhaul

If you’re like most players, you probably use the fast travel option in Skyrim to get around the map quickly. But what if you want a more immersive experience? What if you want to explore every nook and cranny of this vast world? With our Fast Travel Mod, you can disable fast travel and experience all that Skyrim has to offer at a slower pace. This mod is perfect for players who want to take their time and really soak in the game’s stunning scenery and intricate details.

Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul)

skyrim fast travel overhaul

This mod is for the player who wants to get around Skyrim faster. With this mod, you can take a carriage to any city in Skyrim for a small fee, or use the ferry system to travel between cities. This mod also adds a fast travel map to the game, so you can see all of the locations you can travel to.

Fast Travel From Interiors 

skyrim fast travel overhaul

This mod allows you to quickly travel from one interior location to another, without having to go through all the loading screens. Whether you’re trying to get across town or just want to explore every nook and cranny of a dungeon, this mod is perfect for you.

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Enabling and Disabling Fast Travel with Skyrim Fast Travel Mods

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Skyrim Fast Travel Mods can be used to either enable or disable Fast Travel. In this article, we’ll show you how to change the settings for these mods.

Top Fast Travel Mods in Skyrim

Fast travel mods for Skyrim are quite handy for people who want to save time or have an easier time exploring Tamriel’s vast realm. Fast Travel Mods enable users to go between areas fast and easily without physically traversing the environment. Fast travel mods are available for players to pick from, each with its own set of perks and features.

“ Travel Anywhere ” is the most popular rapid travel mod. This patch provides many additional rapid travel options, such as a virtual map, better teleport spells that no longer need spell purchases, and the ability to teleport straight inside dungeons and other areas in Skyrim’s environment. This mod also includes a number of extra features, such as limiting rapid travel to particular regions, making some factions hostile when traveling, and more.

Other popular mods include:

  • Faster Than Light , which speeds up movement over long distances;
  • No More Wait , which minimizes travel wait times; and
  • Instant Travel , which enables players to immediately shift between any two spots on the world.

Fast Travel Mods may let you explore Tamriel more efficiently and enjoyably.

Better Fast Travel Carriages and Ships Overhauled

Better Fast Travel Carriages and Ships Overhauled is a Skyrim fast travel mod that offers new transportation choices for players to utilize when traveling throughout the game. The update introduces ten new ships and nine new carriages , all of which have been meticulously tuned to give players with speedier and more effective means to travel Skyrim’s geography.

Carriages may be leased in numerous towns, while ships can be found docked in certain spots. Players benefit from faster trip times and may reach their destination considerably faster than previously with this update. Players also have the advantage of being able to dodge challenging terrain or hazardous enemies that might otherwise delay or hurt them on a normal voyage.

The mod is very customisable and can be enabled/disabled using the game launcher’s mods menu as well as scripting commands.

Better Horses

The Better Horses mod for Skyrim Fast Travel allows users to make their horses significantly quicker than the default game. This makes traversing Skyrim considerably faster and more efficient.

With this mod, players may now buy, tame, and breed horses , as well as design personalized stables for their steeds and modify all of the horse’s colors and attributes. Players may even ride during fights while using this Fast Travel mod, and horse-related minigames can be added by installing additional relevant mods.

Players may activate and disable Better Horses in the game’s options menu if they are running a Quick Travel mod that adds additional places or a fast travel menu. This enables players to pick whether they want the horses they’ve acquired or tamed to go throughout Skyrim at extremely fast speeds or at regular rates while still being able to personalize them.

Marelos Overhaul

Marelos Overhaul is an Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim mod that lets users modify how they utilize fast travel . It also adds additional options for activating and inhibiting fast travel, such as giving players discretion over when and where fast travel is permitted.

The mod also includes additional features such as the option to deactivate quick travel in certain places and make it accessible just at specific times of day or night. Finally, the Marelos Overhaul mod allows players to change the pace of movement when Fast Traveling , making it quicker or slower based on the player’s preferred play style. All of these choices are advantageous for people seeking a more personalized experience with their Skyrim playthroughs.

Skyrim Disable Fast Travel

Skyrim Disable Fast Travel is a mod for the popular video game Skyrim. This hack disables quick movement inside the game, requiring players to navigate the globe manually. It does, however, enable the player to employ mods and teleport techniques other than basic rapid travel.

The mod is excellent for individuals who desire a more realistic feeling of reality or just want to explore more of Tamriel without depending on rapid teleportation. It may also help to extend playtime in Skyrim by requiring players to complete side missions and spend more time exploring rather than depending on quick travel.

There are multiple versions of this mod available, each with unique features and setups that may be customized based on user preferences. This mod may be found on Nexus Mods , and installation instructions are given in the readme file .

Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul)

The Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul , originally known as the Complete Fast Travel Overhaul , is a Skyrim multiple marriage mod. This patch enables players to go to any place by boat or horse-drawn carriage while keeping the game’s fundamental rapid travel mechanism.

The mod makes the journey more engaging, as well as more realistic and touching . It also includes new animations, music effects, camera angles, and character models, all with the goal of making the game environment seem more alive and dynamic.

This mod also contains a number of options that allow players to choose how quickly they can travel long distances without losing immersion. The patch also considerably improves the overall Skyrim travel experience by introducing a number of quests and destinations that can only be accessed by utilizing the new modes of transportation given by Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul .

Fast Travel From Interiors

Fast Move from Interiors is a Skyrim mod that allows the player to travel quickly from their present position, even if they are already inside. The mod will enable players to fast travel to any area they have previously found while within another building, dungeon, or any other interior . This improves the convenience of rapid transit and allows players to move around more quickly. It also avoids the need to exit and then re-enter an interior space upon returning.

Fast Travel From Interiors will also make questing simpler by letting players to finish each job step more efficiently, with less time spent waiting for each changeover. Players will be able to move quicker between quest stages since they will be able to go straight from each interior place without first entering back into the overworld. This mod is ideal for anybody who appreciates ease and quickness in their gaming experience.

Thats All Folks!

That’s All Folks. marks the end of Skyrim Fast Travel Mods . These mods allow you to activate and disable quick travel in-game, making for a more immersive gaming experience. When activated, rapid travel lets players to explore Tamriel swiftly and effortlessly without having to worry about lengthy, tiresome travels. When disabled, however, players are forced to depend on horseback riding and walking from one location to the next.

Some modders also develop complex fast travel systems that need particular goals to be accomplished before teleporting from one location to another. These mods may add a new level of difficulty and complexity to the original game.

That’s All Folks. ” acts as a nice reminder that you are now prepared for your next excursion.

Skyrim Fast Travel Mods To Enable And Disable Fast Travel

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Journeyman - A Fast Travel Overhaul

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  1. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel

    A lightweight overhaul of both the vanilla Skyrim carriage system and Dawnguard's ferry system. Realistic and bug-free. ... Complete Fast Travel Overhaul - Traditional Chinese Translation: Changelogs . Version 2.0. Renamed the mod to Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul Added dialogue options to Klimmek, ...

  2. Journeyman

    Fast Travel Many Survival-oriented mods remove fast travel from the game. This encourages exploration and adds to the immersiveness that many players experience when using these mods. Unfortunately, it also sucks massive donkey balls, because playing without fast travel makes it extremely clear that Skyrim was designed around fast travel.

  3. Which carriage/fast travel overhaul? : r/skyrimmods

    I'm looking at 2 carriage/FT overhauls: Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul and Convenient Carriages. I really could not make up my mind and currently installed CC in one profile to see how it works. It's all good, works fine. It adds some extra NPC's around the stops which is nice, and has a storage option which is also nice but I don't really ...

  4. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel

    Kinaga's Carriage & Ferry Travel Overhaul. Realistic, bug-free, functional carriages & ferries. An overhaul of both the vanilla Skyrim carriage system and Dawnguard's ferry system. Designed to make ferries a viable means of travel, make prices realistic based on travel distance and add loads of cut carriage dialogue.

  5. [Mod] Introducing Kinaga's Complete Fast Travel Overhaul

    This improves compatibility with city/village overhauls. I also didn't touch the vanilla carriage quest, so if the user had already installed another fast travel mod that altered that quest CFTO would still work, and could actually serve to fix fast travel if the previous mod had broken it. Stability.

  6. What's the best mod for tweaking carriages/fast travel in Anniversary

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  7. Complete Fast Travel Overhaul (by Kinaga)

    Posted August 2, 2015. Complete Fast Travel Overhaul (by Kinaga) This mod is intended as a replacement for Better Fast Travel. From the Nexus page: Ferries. Ferries operate on the north coast, Solstheim, Lake Ilinata and Lake Honrich. Scroll down for a complete list of destinations. You can build a jetty and hire a ferryman at Lakeview Manor ...

  8. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel

    A lightweight overhaul of both the vanilla Skyrim carriage system and Dawnguard's ferry system. Realistic and bug-free. ... (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul) Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul) Endorsements. 21,358. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views-- Version. 2.0.

  9. Ever feel disappointed in yourself for abusing fast travel? This Skyrim

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  10. Best Skyrim Fast Travel Mods to Try Out in 2023

    Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul) This mod is for the player who wants to get around Skyrim faster. With this mod, you can take a carriage to any city in Skyrim for a small fee, or use the ferry system to travel between cities. This mod also adds a fast travel map to the game, so you can see all of the ...

  11. Enabling and Disabling Fast Travel with Skyrim Fast Travel Mods

    Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul) The Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul, originally known as the Complete Fast Travel Overhaul, is a Skyrim multiple marriage mod. This patch enables players to go to any place by boat or horse-drawn carriage while keeping the game's fundamental rapid travel mechanism.

  12. Mods to overhaul fast travelling? : r/skyrimmods

    there is also Psijic teleport spells. a spell called "omnipresence" makes you go in another realm which you can fast travel through different parts of the map, it also includes the Dragonborn map. 2. CallMeUrsi. • 2 yr. ago. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul is simply the best. Simonrim is pretty good for FT as well, Mysticism gives you Mark ...

  13. Better Fast Travel

    Greetings, Skyrim SE players! I've finally got permission from one of this mod's creators Dj20 to publish this mod on Nexus! I've ported and tested this mod myself, everything works as it is supposed, you can see it on my screenshots. TRANSLATIONS. A German translation of this mod is now available at Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships SE ...

  14. Skyrim Mods: 'The Fast Travel Overhaul'

    Thanks for watching!Featured Mods:Touring Carriages: Version of the Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul:...

  15. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel

    Renamed the mod to Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul Added dialogue options to Klimmek, allowing fast travel to High Hrothgar once the quest "Climb the Steps" is completed Set Klimmek to protected Moved ferry destination marker for Northshore Landing off the main pier Removed requirement to complete "A New Source of Stalhrim" before travelling to Northshore Landing Added markers for player ...

  16. Journeyman

    Nexus-Mods RSS Feed. Journeyman - A Fast Travel Overhaul Journeyman is a lightweight, highly compatible fast travel overhaul that restricts the player from fast traveling unless they have prepared a travel pack. It is designed to be used along with mods such as Survival Mode, or as a replacement for them. Journeyman requires Address Library ...

  17. Mods for a "No Fast Travel" Playthrough for SSE : r/skyrimmods

    In Morrowind, fast travel was more strategic and less precise. I doubt very much that anyone would play Skyrim without any fast travel at all for any length of time. Just going from Skyrim to Solstheim requires fast travel. It would require a very dedicated player to go to the boat and use it every time they needed to go between the two locations.

  18. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel

    A lightweight overhaul of both the vanilla Skyrim carriage system and Dawnguard's ferry system. Realistic and bug-free. ... (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul) Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul) Endorsements. 21,280. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views-- Version. 2.0.

  19. Journeyman

    Journeyman is a lightweight, highly compatible fast travel overhaul that restricts the player from fast traveling unless they have prepared a travel pack. ... Is it really that hard to backport this mod to 1.5.97? I will play my copy of Skyrim how I see fit. Whether you agree with that or not is your prerogative. I just play the game to have fun.

  20. Mod Shoutout : Complete Fast Travel Overhaul : r/skyrimrequiem

    Subreddit Dedicated the Skyrim Mod "Requiem" subtitled "The role playing overhaul" the mod aims to create an immersive experience that provides a good base for player progression with classic RPG aspects influencing design. ... It's a very simple and elegant fast travel overhaul. It makes it so that the default carriages can drop you in more ...

  21. Recommendations for mods on a no Fast travel play through?

    That's actually the base idea of my modlist, but IMO Skyrim's world doesn't work very well without Fast Travel, so i tried my best to turn it into something likeable. The mods I'm using right now: Immersive Wayshrines - Immersive Fast Travel Wait Carriage in Inns - Fast Travel Improvement Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul