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Egzotinės pažintinės ir poilsinės kelionės

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Įspūdingiausi JAV nacionaliniai parkai

Liko 1 vieta. ieškome bendrakeleivės, pažintinė kelionė: maroko mozaika, pažintinė kelionė į vietnamą: nuo šiaurės iki pietų, liko 2 vietos, garantuotas išvykimas. liko 2 vietos, liko 2 vietos, pietų afrikos respublika, liko 1-2 vietos. su kelionės vadovu, pažintinė kelionė į kanadą, pažintinė kelionė į nepalą ir butaną, garantuotas išvykimas. liko 6 vietos, pažintinė kelionė po svetingąjį sakartvelą (gruziją), liko 2 vietos. ieškome bendrakeleivės, kelionė peru spalvotai, atsilaisvino 2 vietos. iki 07 10 d., turkmėnistanas: paslaptis vidurio azijos širdyje, ieškome pavienių: moters ir vyro, kelionė į peru ir boliviją: senųjų kultūrų takais, pažintinė kelionė į ruandą ir ugandą, pažintinė kelionė į omaną: jauki prabanga ir nuotykiai, pažintinė kelionė į pietų korėją ir japoniją, ieškome pavienės moters, pažintinė kelionė į indijos šiaurę ir pietus, meksika per mirusiųjų dieną, pažintinė kelionė į singapūrą ir balio salą, pagal atskirą užklausą, ekspediciniai kruizai į antarktidą, pažintinė kelionė į japoniją: rudens spalvos, atsilaisvino 2 vietos, pažintinė kelionė: vietnamo perlai, kelionė į namibiją su grupe, liko 1 vieta ieškome bendrakeleivės, pažintinė kelionė su poilsiu į šri lanką, liko 2 vietos., pažintinė kelionė į argentiną ir patagonijos ledynus, naujametinė meksika, kviečiame registruotis, su jurga kasperavičiūte, pažintinė kelionė į panamą ir kosta riką, ieškome kambariokės, liko 1 vieta, pažintinė kelionė į pietų afrikos respubliką, liko 4 vietos., su tasilio adžero parku, kelionė į alžyrą - nauji atradimai, su žydrone lukšyte. ieškome bendrakeleivės, pažintinė kelionė į kolumbiją: kur karibai susitinka su andais, ieškome bendrakeleivės, kruizas po seišelių salas megajachta, populiarus maršrutas, jūsų pasirinktomis datomis, romantiškas balis ir nusa penida sala, individuali kelionė, pažintinė kelionė į ugandą, jūsų pasirinktomis datomis, poilsinė kelionė į maldyvus, poilsinė kelionė į mauricijų, poilsinė kelionė į seišelius, vestuvės maldyvuose, individuali kelionė į čilę ir patagonijos ledynus, individuali kelionė į balio salą, kelionė automobiliu po namibiją, individuali kelionė į argentiną ir patagonijos ledynus, galimos ir kitos datos - teiraukitės, suplanuosime privačią kelionę jums tinkamu metu, pažintinė kelionė su poilsiu į balį, pietų afrikos respublika automobiliu, trumpa kelionė po namibiją (su gidu arba vairuoti patiems), individuali kelionė į keniją, individuali kelionė į tanzaniją, poilsinė kelionė į meksiką, meksika: laukinės salos, majų kultūra ir smaragdiniai karibai, individuali kelionė po azorų salas, su kelionės vadovu, pažintinė kelionė į šri lanką su poilsiu maldyvuose, ieškoma pavienė keliautoja, pažintinė kelionė į keniją su poilsiu, spalvingieji filipinai: penkių salų turas, populiari kryptis, pažintinė kelionė po meksiką, gamtos mylėtojams, pažintinė kelionė į kosta riką, su kelionės vadovu, pažintinė kelionė su poilsiu: gvatemala ir belizas, safariai ir poilsis, pažintinė kelionė į tanzaniją ir poilsis zanzibare, liko 2 vietos. aviabilietas tik 690 eur, su drugelių rezervatu, pažintinė kelionė po meksiką - 2025 vasaris, liko 2 vietos. florida + plaukimas, bahamai: kur gyvenimas yra viena nuostabi atostogų diena, su gabriele štaraite, didysis indonezijos turas: 6 salos, mūsų komanda.

Keliones lydi arba mūsų komandos nariai, arba toje šalyje gyvenantys/gyvenę lietuviai, galintys praskleisti vietinių paslapčių šydą, arba tam tikros kultūros specialistai, suteiksiantys išskirtinių žinių.

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Deimantė Česnavičiūtė

Kiekvieną kartą keliaujant vis labiau pamilstu pasaulį, ir suprantu, koks jis platus ir spalvingas; užklumpa jausmas, kad keliaujantys žmonės ir patys tampa atviresni, pozityvesni, labiau mėgaujasi tuo, kas vyksta čia ir dabar. Taigi, taip pat šio jausmo ieškančius, kviečiu prisijungti!

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Gabrielė Štaraitė

Afrika ir daugiau

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Jurga Kasperavičiūtė

Lotynų Amerika

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Audra Kondrotė

Centrinė ir Pietryčių Azija

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Aistė Borjas

Kaukazas, Artimieji Rytai ir Himalajai

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Inga Oršauskaitė

Indija, Indonezija, Šri Lanka, Maldyvai ir kitos salos

Žydronė Lukšytė

Žydronė Lukšytė

Turiu svajonių darbą - kuriu maršrutus kitiems, keliauju su grupėmis ir galiu kasdien stebėti atradimo džiaugsmą kitų žmonių akyse.

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Justina Petrauskaitė

Kelionės man - neišdildomų įspūdžių ir neblėstančių emocijų šaltinis, kuris išlieka visam gyvenimui.

Ieva Rutė

Keliaudama suvokiu, koks didelis yra pasaulis ir kiek nuostabių paslapčių dar glūdi neatrasta.

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Vytis Silius

Kad ir kur vykčiau, mano pagrindinis tikslas – sukratyti savo ir keliautojų įsivaizdavimus apie lankomą šalį ir apie mus pačius.

Andrius Zaidovas

Andrius Zaidovas

Kiekvienas iš mūsų turime savo gyvenimo vidinius kalnus ir upes, tad jei kelionės padeda juos įkopti, suprasti ar susidraugauti, ar reikia klausti kam ir kodėl?

Edita Muraškaitė

Edita Muraškaitė

Keliaudama sutikau nuostabių draugų ir aš supratau, koks pasaulis mažas ir kokie mes svarbūs vieni kitiems.


Šauni organizacija, toks jausmas, kad organizavo geriausi draugai ar šeimos nariai 🙂

Labiausiai patiko, tai kad kelionė buvo taip sudėliota, tarsi koptum laiptais ir kasdien atsiveria vis gražesni vaizdai ir įspūdžiai. Kai atrodydavo, kad jau esi galutinai apstulbusi nuo vaizdų ir potyrių, kita diena vėl priverčia aiktelėti iš nuostabos.

Svarbiausia, kad Žydrė visada atvira keliautojų norams, pomėgiams, o kai ji tai supranta, tada neriasi iš kailio, kad svajonės virstų realybe. 

Jei nebūtų pasaulyje tiek nuostabių kampelių, kuriuose dar nespėjome pabuvoti, būtinai grįžtume į Viet Nam’ą. Pasiilgstame šypsenų, vaisių, masažų. 

Vienas malonumas keliauti su šio krašto žinovu, kuris sugeba įgyvendinti kiekvieno keliauninko svajones: ar tai būtų Pekino hutongai, ar Šanchajaus Nanjing šviesų gatvė, ar šilkai ir perlai... 

Galbūt vienintelis dalykas jungiantis visas mūsų aplankytas vietas - tai vietinių žmonių svetingumas, nuoširdumas bei jų mokėjimas džiaugtis.

Įspūdingiausia priemonė tuk-tukas – transporto spūstyje nardo it žuvis vandenyje, Khajurahe viengubame tuk-tuke važiavome kartu su vairuotoju dešimt žmonių, vietos užteko visiems, tilpo ir mūsų juokas ir pirkiniai... 

Atradimas - kelionės vadovas Kęstutis, Japonijos mylėtojas ir žinovas. Reta sutikti tokio brandumo jauną žmogų, kuris girdi kiekvieną. Kurio intelektas ir dvasingumas stebina. Kuris tampa lyderiu be tam būdingo šurmulio.Neabejotinai jo dėka Japonija mums tapo tokia ypatinga.

Valgėm pietus - vakarienes tik jų skanų, įvairų maistą vietiniuose maitinimo vietose, gėrėm arbatas arbatinėse (jei taip galima pavadinti). Visada gerai jautėmės, turėjom jėgų pradėti naują įdomią dieną.

Dienos buvo suplanuotos taip, kad laiko užteko meditacijom, asanom, saulės voniom ir maudynėm.

Šias keliones pavadinčiau labai jaukiomis, stilingomis (nežinau ar šie du žodžiai taikomi kelionių aprašymui, bet kitų atitikmenų neradau 🙂

Mianmaras - šalis, kurios mums, išlepusiems europiečiams, suprasti nebeišeina.

Jordanija - šalis, apie kurią žinojau tiek mažai, o gavau iš jos tiek daug... Šalis, apie kurią visada prisiminsiu su šypsena... Šalis, kurioje jaučiausi kaip Šecherezados pasakoje. 

Puiki organizatorių komanda!!! Jau tris kartus keliavau su šia agentūra ir kaskart grįžtu sužavėta! 

Aš likau sužavėtas mūsų gidės Rūtos darbu! Daug kur esu apkeliavęs, bet dar tokio profesionalaus darbo nebuvo tekę sutikti!

Ačiū Jums visiems, su kuriais teko ragauti, uosti, liesti ir išgirsti Gruziją.

Ačiū gidams, kurie visos kelionės metu spinduliavo gerą nuotaiką, dalijosi žiniomis ir patarimais. Kelionėje labai svarbu kas palydi į pažintį su kita kultūra, papročiais, gyvenimo būdu...

Kelionėje labai svarbu kas palydi į pažintį su kita kultūra, papročiais, gyvenimo būdu.

Patagonija - tai kelionės "razina" ant mūsų kelionės torto. Vėjai,šaltas gaivus oras, kuris išvėdina smegenis nuo visų darbų, kasdienių rūpesčių ir visokiausių mūsų civilizuoto pasaulio nesąmonių.

Ačiū už operatyvumą ir pagalbą sprendžiant mūsų kaprizingos grupes įgeidžius.

Labai rekomenduočiau šią kelionę kiekvienam.

​Kelionės būna geros, būna labai geros, būna puikios. Japonija buvo tobula. 

Kelionė po Japoniją pateisino visus lūkesčius!

Mes leidžiamės į kelionę kaip į nepažįstamą pasaulį ir tik nuo mūsų gido priklauso, kaip jį suvoksime.

Lūkesčiai viršyti!

​Noriu labai padėkoti už puikiai organizuotą kelionę į Tailandą!

Noriu padėkoti visos mūsų kompanijos vardu už puikiai suorganizuoti kelionę, rūpestį ir neišdildomus įspūdžius.

Kelionė pranoko visus mūsų lūkesčius.

Geriausia kelionių agentūra Lietuvoje - ,,Travel Planet "!

Labai patiko pavasarinė kelionė į Sakartvelą!

Man kol kas ši kelionė viena įspūdingiausių ir įdomiausių, paliko didelį įspūdį, pripildė gausa teigiamų emocijų.

Mėgavomės kiekviena iš 22 dienų!



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13-asis rajonas. Kolumbija – lankstumo pamokos tada ir dabar

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Į pasimatymą su Peru

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Laimingų žmonių ir laimingų atostogų šalis Kosta Rika

Laukiame jūsų klausimų.

Jei nerandate sau tinkamos datos, ar norite kitokio maršruto, nei siūlome - parašykite mums!

Jūsų el. pašto adresas

Jūsų telefono nr.

Pasirinkite dominančią šalį

Visos Argentina Australija Belizas Birma / Mianmaras Bolivija Bostvana Brazilija Butanas Čilė Ekvadoras Etiopija Filipinai Gruzina Gvatemala Indija Indonezija Iranas Ispanija Izraelis Japonija JAV Jordanija Jungtiniai Arabų Emyratai Kambodža Kanada Kinija Kipras Kolumbija Kosta Rika Kuba Laosas Madagaskaras Malaizija Maldyvai Marokas Mauricijus Meksika Mianmaras Mongolija Namibija Naujoji Zelandija Nepalas Nikaragva Omanas Panama Papua Naujoji Gvinėja Peru Pietų Afrikos Respublika Pietų Korėja Seišeliai Singapūras Šiaurės Korėja Šri Lanka Tailandas Tanzanija Tibetas Turkmėnija Uganda Uzbekija Vietnamas

Jūsų klausimas apie kelionę ar šalį

Sutinku su šios interneto svetainės privatumo politika.


Naujienlaiškio prenumerata..

Užsisakykite naujienlaiškį ir gaukite elektroninį kelionių kalendorių – kada į kurias šalis geriausia keliauti.

Prenumeruodami Jūs patvirtinate, kad sutinkate su šios interneto svetainės  privatumo politika.

Ačiū! Jūs sėkmingai užsiprenumeravote naujienlaiškį.

Skambinkite arba rašykite visada, kai norite pasitarti dėl kelionių.

Travel Planet kelionių organizatoriaus atsakomybė užtikrinama Kelionių organizatoriaus garantija Nr. 23-006198-GM ir 23-058580-GM ("Swedbank", AB)). Draudimo suma 270 000 eur. Galioja iki 2024-04-30.

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Meet the travel agent who only works with clients earning $100 million a year

When jaclyn sienna india founded sienna charles, her boutique travel concierge, in 2008, she was determined to fake it until she made it.

Image for article titled Meet the travel agent who only works with clients earning $100 million a year

When Jaclyn Sienna India founded Sienna Charles , her boutique travel concierge, in 2008, she was determined to fake it until she made it.

Suggested Reading

“My husband thought I was the dumbest person in the world because we would get calls from people saying, ‘Oh, I saw your article. I’d love to go to Disney,’ or, ‘We’re going to New Jersey for the weekend,’” she told Business Insider . “And I was like, ‘Oh, I’m sorry, we’re so busy, we’re really sold out this season with high-net-worth people.’ But I had no clients.”

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Sixteen years later, however, faking it has paid off. India can now count multiple world leaders, including former President George W. Bush, and celebrities like Mariah Carey as clients. Her services are reserved for clientele making in excess of $100 million a year – in other words, people who already have everything. So what does India provide that her clients can’t get on their own?

“My clients are way more powerful than me, they know so many people. But that’s not what gets things done. It’s care. It’s leading from the heart,” she explains. “I was a server for five years before I started my business. I understand what makes people tick. And paying attention and caring about those people is paramount.”

Sienna Charles boasts a “black book” of more than 2000 of India’s relationships across the hospitality industry – including yachts, hotels and high-end restaurants. This same relationship building that enables India to connect with people working in the hospitality industry also has allowed her to create unique travel and dining experiences for her clients.

“[My clients] are explaining what they’re looking to achieve, because they already see it. They just don’t have the tools, the time, the access and the creativity to be able to fulfill that,” India said. “One of my gifts has been understanding that vision with only a few words, and then delivering that to them.”

But her goal for her clients isn’t simply getting them into the most glamorous or exclusive venues – it’s also ensuring the end experience is genuinely worthwhile.

“I don’t think French Laundry in Napa is really that exciting,” India said, referring to the three-Michelin star California restaurant. “So I don’t sell it,” she continued. “Could we get somebody in there? Sure we can. But I think what they’re doing at Single Thread Farms down the road is far more interesting.”

While India stresses that her focus is on giving her clients the best individual experience – not simply the most luxurious – what she delivers is frequently a one of a kind event. On one occasion, she arranged a candlelight dinner in Versailles. In another instance, her client ate brunch on the Arc de Triomphe.

“We also like to pair meals in with meeting great personalities,” India explained. “We’ve done breakfast with the Hermes family. We’ve done lunch with the Fendi family in Rome.

But sometimes what her clients want is more simple. When Bush traveled to Ethiopia, she ensured that he had the comforts of home – peanut butter and non-alcoholic beer. The former president was also greeted by dozens of children wearing Texas Rangers baseball caps.

“I genuinely care about people,” she explains. India says that she spends her day speaking with everyone from her cab driver, to restaurant employees, to find the most interesting options for her clients. “The world is not just luxury. The world is not just fancy experiences. It’s everything and [my clients] want authentic experiences.”

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What is Crowdstrike? What to know about company linked to global IT outage

Portrait of Gabe Hauari

A global tech outage disrupted major airlines, media companies, banks, and telecommunications firms worldwide Friday morning.

Australia's government said the outage appeared to be linked to an issue at cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike , which is used by over half of Fortune 500 companies, the U.S. firm said in a promotional video this year.

According to an alert sent by Crowdstrike to its clients and reviewed by Reuters, the company's "Falcon Sensor" software is causing Microsoft Windows to crash and display a blue screen, known informally as the "Blue Screen of Death."

The alert, sent at 1:30 a.m. ET on Friday, also shared a manual workaround to rectify the issue. A Crowdstrike spokesperson did not respond to emails or calls requesting comment.

In a post on X, Crowdstrike CEO George Kurtz said the company is "actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts." Kurtz also clarified that the incident is "not a security incident or cyberattack."

In the post, Kurtz says the issue has been identified, a fix has been deployed, and that the company will "continue to provide complete and continuous updates on our website." Additionally, Kurtz said the company is "fully mobilized to ensure the security and stability of Crowdstrike customers."

According to its website, Crowdstrike launched in 2012 and currently has the "world's most advanced cloud-native platform that protects and enables the people, processes and technologies that drive modern enterprise."

Tech outage live updates: Global tech outage grounds flights, hits banks and media businesses

Flight cancellations: Over 670 US flights canceled as global IT outage prompts ground stop

Global tech outage leads to flight cancellations, delays

Air passengers worldwide faced delays, cancellations, and problems checking in as airports and airlines were caught up in the outage.

Several U.S. carriers, including American Airlines, United Airlines, and Delta Air Lines, issued ground stops for all their flights early on Friday due to communication problems, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

There were over 2,000 flights canceled and more than 6,100 delays as of 1 p.m. ET, according to flight-tracking website  FlightAware . Most airlines were able to resume operations as the morning progressed, but many said they expected disruptions to continue throughout the day.

Around the world, airports and airlines advised customers to arrive earlier than normal for flights. Analysts said the outage was likely tied to a glitch in Microsoft software used globally.

Microsoft said users might be unable to access various Office 365 apps and services due to a "configuration change in a portion of our Azure-backed workloads."

Microsoft said in a statement on X that "the underlying cause has been fixed," however, residual impacts continue to affect "some Microsoft 365 apps and services. We're conducting additional mitigations to provide relief."

The Department of Homeland Security said in a statement on X Friday morning it and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency are working with Crowdstrike, Microsoft and federal, state, local and critical infrastructure partners to "fully assess and address system outages."

Outages impacting other industries as well

From the United Kingdom to Singapore, the effects of tech outages were far-reaching on Friday.

British broadcaster Sky News went off-air, and train companies in the U.K. reported long delays. Departure boards at several U.K. airports appeared to freeze, according to passengers who posted reports on social media.

London's Stock Exchange reported experiencing disruptions. Some hospitals also reported difficulties processing appointments and several chain retail stores said they couldn't take payments. The soccer club Manchester United said on X that it had to postpone a scheduled release of tickets.

In Australia, media, banks, and telecoms companies suffered outages.

There was no information to suggest the outage was a cyber security incident, the office of Australia's National Cyber Security Coordinator  Michelle McGuinness  said in a post on X.

New York's  Metropolitan Transportation Authority  said some of its systems were offline due to a worldwide technical outage. It said MTA train and bus services were unaffected.

Contributing: Kim Hjelmgaard, Christopher Cann, Zach Wichter and Josh Rivera, USA TODAY

Gabe Hauari is a national trending news reporter at USA TODAY. You can follow him on X  @GabeHauari  or email him at [email protected].

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The 8 best adults-only all-inclusive resorts in cabo.

Getaway to play, relax and dine in a tropical kid-free setting.

Adults-Only All-Inclusive Cabo Resorts

Le Blanc Spa Resort Los Cabos

Courtesy of Le Blanc Spa Resorts

Los Cabos, which incorporates Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo , is an oceanfront tourist destination in Baja California, Mexico. It's popular for its beautiful beaches, picturesque sunsets, world-class margaritas, festive nightlife, delicious Mexican food and luxury resorts.

If you're looking for a girls getaway or romantic escape , Cabo has a number of stunning adults-only resorts. Make your vacation easier by staying at a resort that is also all-inclusive, so you don't have to worry too much about the budget since most things are included. U.S. News has compiled a list of the top adults-only all-inclusive resorts in Cabo so you can treat yourself to luxurious accommodations, varied dining options and entertaining activities – without the kids.

  • Breathless Cabo San Lucas Resort & Spa

Le Blanc Spa Resort Los Cabos

Marquis los cabos.

  • Pueblo Bonito Pacifica Golf & Spa Resort

Hotel Riu Palace Baja California

Paradisus los cabos, grand velas boutique los cabos.

  • Secrets Puerto Los Cabos Golf & Spa Resort

Breathless Cabo San Lucas Resort & Spa

Guest room at Breathless Cabo San Lucas Resort & Spa.

Courtesy of Breathless Cabo San Lucas Resort & Spa

Adults will love the adults-only Breathless Cabo San Lucas Resort & Spa on Medano Beach (one of the most popular swimmable beaches in Cabo), with two infinity pools and suites with views of the marina. The all-inclusive "Unlimited-Luxury" experience at this Hyatt resort includes unlimited dining and drinks at a dozen different restaurants and bars; room service and pool or beach service; and nightly entertainment such as live music, cultural events and themed nights.

Upgrade to an Xhale Club suite for access to the private Xhale Club with complimentary food and drinks throughout the day, upgraded minibar and bath amenities, and free access to the spa's humid areas. Make time to get pampered with a relaxing couples massage at the spa or enjoy a romantic dinner for two on the beach. Recent visitors praised the excellent service and amazing views at Breathless Cabo San Lucas.

Le Blanc Spa Resort Los Cabos

This beautiful resort offers adults a luxury escape with butler service, eight elegant restaurants, three bars, a state-of-the-art fitness facility and a variety of workout classes (including aquatic spin). Excursions such as whale watching, camel safari, golf and more are also available at Le Blanc Spa Resort Los Cabos. Previous guests commented that the range of activities was a favorite perk.

The all-inclusive rate covers accommodations, dining, top-shelf drinks, wellness experiences like hydrotherapy, exercise classes and access to the outdoor pools. Compliment your stay with a massage, facial or body wrap at the spa. The ultra-luxe accommodations include butler service, nightly petit fours, snacks, a bottle of wine, a bottle of tequila, robes and slippers, and an exclusive beach bag. The rooms and suites feature ocean or garden views.

Aerial of Marquis Los Cabos.

Courtesy of Marquis Los Cabos

At the beachfront Marquis Los Cabos, adults will be spoiled with five restaurants, a coffee shop, a lounge bar, three beachfront pools and the Spa Marquis. Slow down and unwind by spending time on the beach or at the pool, enjoying live music, relaxing in the spa lounge, indulging in the hydrotherapy circuit, or getting a signature spa treatment. For a more active vacation, choose from activities like golf, archery, pickleball, tequila tastings, dance lessons and more. You can also enjoy theme nights such as a festive Latin dance show, a Mexican cultural party or a casino night.

The resort's all-inclusive plan includes dining and alcohol in four of the restaurants, in the cafe and by room service, in addition to daily minibar refreshments, activities, nightly entertainment, and access to the fitness center and tennis courts. Recent travelers praised the food offerings, especially dining at Sakke. There are a variety of room and suite options, ranging from 650 square feet to 2,604 square feet – all with a private balcony or outdoor space.

Pueblo Bonito Pacifica Golf & Spa Resort

Main pool at Pueblo Bonito Pacifica Golf & Spa Resort.

Courtesy of Pueblo Bonito Pacifica Golf & Spa Resort

For a romantic getaway on a secluded beach, Pueblo Bonito Pacifica Golf & Spa Resort is a wonderful option in Cabo. The well-appointed guest rooms and suites are equipped with private terraces and balconies that offer ocean or garden views. This adults-only resort also features a Jack Nicklaus-designed golf course, four restaurants and bars, two swimming pools, an on-site fitness center, and the award-winning Armonia Spa. The attentive staff have been given kudos by many recent guests.

For a VIP experience, book a suite in The Towers – a luxury resort within a resort. Six of its suites even come with private plunge pools. Staying in The Towers grants access to an exclusive oceanfront lounge, beachfront fine dining and a fitness center with ocean views. Guests at Pueblo Bonito Pacifica also have access to additional amenities at sister resorts – Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach , Los Cabos and Rosé – and at Quivira Golf Club.

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Drinks on the patio at Hotel Riu Palace Baja California.

Courtesy of Riu Hotels

This adults-only hotel on Medano Beach not only has reserved beach access, but also four pools – two with swim-up bars. Guests at Hotel Riu Palace Baja California can dine at the buffet or choose from one of the specialty restaurants, cafes or bars for a variety of menu options and drinks. There is no shortage of entertainment, including shows, live music, a night club, RiuParty events, activities and even the Splash Water World water park for adults. You can also stay active at the tennis or pickleball courts, or lift weights at the gym. Leave time to unwind with a relaxing trip to the Renova Spa for a massage.

For an extra-special trip, stay in an Elite Club by RIU room for upgraded amenities, including ocean view rooms, a welcome gift, premium in-room liquor, a bottle of wine and aromatherapy in your room. You'll also be given access to exclusive areas, such as specialty restaurants, a pool deck and a lounge. Reviewers praise the cleanliness of the accommodation and the friendliness of the staff, though some felt it is in need of an update.

At the Paradisus Los Cabos, located in San Jose del Cabo, guests will be treated to breathtaking views of the Sea of Cortez, a variety of restaurants from Mexican to Asian fusion, treatments at the YHI Spa, and golf at the Cabo Real Golf Club. The accommodations are bright and comfortable with private terraces overlooking the garden or ocean. Activities include Latin dance lessons, beach volleyball, sushi classes, tequila and mezcal tastings, and more.

If you want the best that money can buy, previous guests recommend The Reserve suites. They include access to a private lounge with a check-in/check-out area and premium drinks, coffee and snacks. You'll also be spoiled with a private concierge, a private pool with food and beverage service, exclusive areas at the resort, and more. Guests at The Reserve can even book complimentary destination inclusive experiences off-site, such as cooking classes, yoga by a cenote and art workshops.

The newly opened Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos is a boutique all-inclusive adults-only hotel perfect for relaxing. Highlights include signature facilities and services, such as a Michelin-starred consulting chef and innovative spa treatments at SE Spa. Guests can find deep relaxation with sound therapy, work up a sweat at the fitness center, take a dip in the beautiful infinity pool or stroll the scenic private beach area. To get to know the landscape and culture of the area, consider booking a paid excursion for activities like whale watching, sailing or scuba diving. Many people who stayed here recently gave glowing reviews of the property, highlighting the personalized service, decor and ambience.

Guests can choose to dine at the buffet or the two signature restaurants. There are also two bars and an agave tasting room. As a special perk, guests of Grand Velas Boutique will also have access to sister property Grand Velas Los Cabos ' gourmet dinner restaurants with no additional charge. Grand Velas Boutique's contemporary suites with a Mexican flare provide guests with a relaxing retreat to start and end the day. Each suite includes an indoor or outdoor hot tub, welcome bottles of wine and mezcal, in-room aromatherapy, a daily stocked minibar, a pillow menu and a shower with vitamin C. For a true luxury experience, the Elite King Suite is equipped with a private fire pit, a plunge pool and an indoor hot tub.

Secrets Puerto Los Cabos Golf & Spa Resort

Bathroom with romantic tub at Secrets Puerto Los Cabos Golf & Spa Resort.

Courtesy of Hyatt

This sprawling property features a dozen restaurants and bars, the nearly 13,000-square-foot Secrets Spa, an infinity pool, golf at the nearby Puerto Los Cabos Golf Course and a multipurpose fitness center. The excellent food and service are what recent guests appreciated the most. Spend your time enjoying complimentary activities on property, such as volleyball, archery, yoga and water aerobics. Entertainment is also available throughout the day or night, with live music, movies, dance lessons, theme nights, shows and more.

The beautifully decorated rooms and suites reflect the local culture with rich, earth-toned furnishings and Mexican artwork. The indoor-outdoor, dog-friendly rooms include separate living areas, balconies or terraces with expansive ocean or garden views, soaking tubs, daily refreshed minibars, and 24-hour room service and concierge service. Upgrade to a Preferred Club suite, and you'll also have access to a private lounge with complimentary drinks and food, upgraded minibar and bath amenities, access to a private pool, and more.

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Sharael Kolberg is a U.S. News & World Report contributor who enjoys the beautiful beaches, delicious Mexican food and luxury resorts in Cabo. She always appreciates the ease of having accommodations, meals and activities included in the price of a resort stay. Kolberg used her research skills to curate this list of the best all-inclusive adults-only resorts in Cabo.

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"We couldn’t dream of a better travel designer. Lu Ann made our honeymoon run so smoothly. The extra additions we experienced at each resort made our time so magical. Everything from flights to car rides to water taxis and reservations were taken care of. Lu Ann knows Greece so well, and made us feel so comfortable traveling to a new country for the first time. We will definitely use her company for every big trip we have in our future. I could not recommend her enough."

- Mack and Kay

“We cannot say enough good things about the service that Lu Ann has provided for us in planning our trips and vacations. She will take your wish list and make it even better. We like to plan and research everything on our own before talking to Lu Ann, but she always has excellent suggestions for things that we never even thought about doing. We now feel comfortable giving Lu Ann a destination, a few guidelines, and letting her come up with the details. She hasn’t steered us wrong yet!”

- Mike and Nancy

“We had dreamed of seeing Ireland for 15 years but couldn’t get off square one until we called Lu Ann. She took care of everything, listening to what we were interested in and making great recommendations, ensuring that our trip to the British Isles was everything we ever dreamed of and more! Twenty-one days on our own, but with every detail professionally taken care of. Golf at St Andrews, the Edinburgh Tattoo, horse and trap ride through the Gap of Dunloe were just some of our highlights. Thanks Lu Ann!”

“Lu Ann is wonderful to work with…she did a fantastic job helping us create a magical Disney experience. She’s attentive to details, responds quickly to requests, and works closely with you to ensure you get the best possible travel experience. We’ll continue to use Lu Ann and Watercolor Boutique for all our travel needs!”

My husband and I went on our first honeymoon after being married for 11 years, so we were looking for something special. One thing that I think makes using a travel agent more beneficial is that you have an actual person to assist you in the booking who can reserve you great rates. Online travel agent websites are very competitive and always changing. Lu Ann and her team know of many great things to do in so many places which helps ‘Make your vacation a complete exploration!'

- Charli and John

“We decided to use Lu Ann to book our honeymoon trip to Exuma and I am so glad we did! From the moment we contacted Lu Ann she took care of every detail. She was amazing from start to end and even went above and beyond and checked in with us once we got down there and sent us chocolate covered fruit one afternoon to our room. We will never plan another trip without using Lu Ann and I think everyone should use her, she takes care of EVERY detail and makes the planning process incredibly easy and enjoyable, she’s the best!”

- Kate and Ruffin

Lu Ann is it! A warm personality with the professional hard work ethic to go with it! After an amazing honeymoon, we have been lucky enough to book three other vacations with her and scheming for the next location to travel to. Her attention to detail is unmatched. We go on vacation knowing there is nothing to worry about... and I mean nothing. She’s handled our flights, changing seats, arranging cars, excursions. You name it she’s been there. You will not regret booking with her!”

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Let us turn your next trip into perfection!

Welcome to the boutique traveler.

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Nowadays there is so much information online and unlimited amount of hotels and tours to choose from that it can become somewhat of an overload of information. The Boutique Traveler is here for you to make booking your next trip simple, efficient and perfect.  

As our name says it, we are a boutique travel agency, our main company values are very similar to staying at a boutique hotel. We also like to keep our company small, so that we can provide a personalised service, tailor-made to the clients interests and budget.

Besides that we focus on a quick response time and turn-around of requests, together with presenting you all kinds of unique and special experiences in Italy, France, Spain, Greece and Portugal.

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Some unique experiences:.

Douro Valley, Portugal: Explore the Douro Region and experience what makes it so unique during a 2-day private Douro River cruise, that starts from Pinhão. On the first day head towards Foz do Sabor, passing through Valeira’s lock and stopping at a local restaurant for lunch. Then enjoy a wine tasting at Quinta de Vale Meão. At the end of the day overnight at the magnificent Hotel Casa do Rio. The next day, visit in the morning the Côa Museum, where, after the visit, you can also have lunch – overlooking the Douro Valley. We will welcome you aboard again after lunch at Foz do Sabor pier and we will arrive in Pinhão by the end of the day.

Valencia, Spain: First of all Valencia is a wonderful city to visit, a lot less touristic than Barcelona and Madrid. Start the day with a private walking tour of the highlights of the city before heading to the City of Arts and Sciences, with its stunning architecture. Since by now you must be getting ready to have lunch, what better way to join a Paella cooking class, in the city where the dish has originated.

Lisbon, Portugal: The city itself has so much to offer and see, but it would be a shame not to go on at least one day-trip outside of Lisbon. Let your private driver-guide pick you up from your hotel and drive to Obidos. This mediaeval town is one of the most picturesque and well preserved in Portugal. Then visit the Quinta dos Loridos, where the impressive Buddha Eden – the largest oriental garden in Europe, can be found. Such a wonderful and unique place to wander around. And finally head to Quinta de Chocapalha for a tour of their vineyards, and of course a fantastic wine tasting with Portuguese tapas.

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The best boutique London hotels

L ondon is full to the brim with stunning hotels, yet with exciting new stays popping up all the time, it can be hard to decide where best to lay your head.

Sometimes you want to be blown away by a palatial hotel or the biggest and best rooms, but there's a lot to be said for a quieter, more personalised experience in the city. Which is why boutique hotels combines the best of both worlds: the opulence of a big-name hotel with an extra dash of charm. Plus many of them have brilliant bars for a night cap, or even private dining rooms to book for a night to remember with a close crew of friends.

Here's our pick of the very best boutique hotels in London.

Vintry & Mercer

Best for: A hotel with a story.

Located in the heart of the city and near the Thames, Vintry & Mercer is a hotel with a story to share. It is named after the local fine wine and silk trading guilds, with the hotel's 92 individually designed rooms giving a nod to the merchants with fabrics inspired by tailors of centuries past, as well as the photographs and maps on the walls. The Mercer Roof Terrace restaurant has impeccable views of the London skyline and this winter is host to festive igloos and cosy cabins. If you want to hunker down without a blanket, DND (that's Do Not Disturb) is inspired by the clandestine bars of 1920's New York with hand-beaded images of Ziegfeld Follies girls lining the walls. House cocktails and fine wines can be enjoyed with tasty small plates.

Rooms from £315,

The Mitre, Hampton Court Palace

Best for: Rooms by the river and a country feel.

Sitting on the bank of the Thames with the lively riverside terrace to match, this Grade-II listed building (it was commissioned in 1665 to host King Henry VII’s courtiers) has a country feel just 30 minutes from central London. Though the rooms are far from dusty; Nicola Harding, who worked on Beaverbrook and The Rose in Deal has woven her magic with a calming palette pepped up with striped upholstery and hand painted wallpaper. Beds are four posters, baths are roll top with river views. The perfect place to soak after a wander in the acres of Bushey Park before refuelling at the Coppernose restaurant on steaks, seafood or a Sunday roast. The hotel even brews its own beer — could it get any more British?Rooms from £194,

Artist’s Residence London, Pimlico

Best for: A home away from home.

One of London’s best-kept secrets, this eclectic and quiet west London enclave has just 10 rooms. The Artist Residence is housed in a pub with a vibrant country-modern aesthetic which gives it a homey feel. Rooms range from compact, cosy 'Smalls' with a writing desk all the way to the Grand Suite with a four-poster bed and roll top bathtub.

Rooms from £315,

The Portobello Hotel, Notting Hill

Best for: Opulent interiors.

Located down the road from Soho House’s Electric House and a stone’s throw from Portobello Road, this 21-bedroom boutique hotel is in the thick of it. A converted neo-classical mansion, each of the rooms is uniquely decorated with clever design touches. The 'Best Room' has a tempting round bed, sitting against gold Degournay wallpaper and a Victorian bathtub (where Jonny Depp and Kate Moss famously shared a champagne bath). Do make sure you request a garden view room to soak them in from the charming Georgian windows.

There’s no restaurant to speak of but they do offer light meals in the cosy Sitting Room and there’s an honesty bar to sample local booze. Order breakfast to your room and fuel up for a day out in one of London’s most exciting corners.

Rooms from £220,

The Boundary Project, Shoreditch

Best for: Rooftop drinks.

Located within a converted Victorian warehouse, this 17-room hotel also boasts two restaurants, a panoramic rooftop bar, a grocery, a bakery and a deli. The rooftop bar is one of East London’s lushest hangouts, while the individually designed rooms are all spacious, and come in the form of a regular room to a duplex loft suite.

Rooms from £198,

11 Cadogan Gardens, Chelsea

Best for: A village vibe.

In a leafy square in Chelsea, just a stone’s throw from Harrods, you’ll find 11 Cadogan Gardens. Behind the traditional Victorian façade expect modern and eclectic interiors, with an elegant restaurant and a cosy bar. Nearly half of the 56 rooms are suites, all kitted out in luxe furnishings, and if you’re after a private dinner opt for the Mirror Room, a miniature hall of mirrors which will be sure to delight.

If you're looking for a long and extra luxe stay, six newly renovated apartments have been added to the hotel's roster, each comprising an entire floor of a beautiful Victorian townhouse just down the road from the main hotel.

Rooms from £310,

Henrietta Hotel, Covent Garden

Best for: Photo opp lovers.

This 18-bedroom hotel is the first from The Experimental Group (of the cocktail bar of the same name) and has been an influencer favourite ever since it opened, thanks to the hand painted wallpaper, marble details and upholstered headboards in a calming palette of deep greens and plush pinks. The rooms were individually designed by French Interior Designer, Dorothee Meilichzon, with some offering views over the capital’s rooftops to the London Eye. Hospitality here is second to none with 24-hour room service and mini bars stocked with the hotel’s favourite products and bespoke cocktails — ideal for a cheeky nightcap.

Rooms from £250, Belmond Cadogan Hotel, Chelsea

Best for: The ultimate night's sleep.

In the heart of Chelsea, this beloved townhouse boasts 54 incredibly chic rooms with luxe bedrooms panelled in muted tones and with gleaming marble bathrooms. Personalised pillow menus guarantee an uninterrupted night’s sleep and add a major touch of luxury.

The Cadogan Place Gardens are reason enough to visit the hotel, so be sure to visit in spring to experience London’s hidden oasis in full bloom. But in colder months, why not hang out in all-day brasserie The LaLee, treat yourself to a bespoke facial by Teresa Tarmey, or enjoy afternoon tea in the lounge.

Rooms from £767,

Number Sixteen, Kensington

Best for: Lovers of cottage core.

Just seconds away from the museums of South Kensington, Number Sixteen is part of the Firmdale Hotel group, which all boast amazing interiors by Kit Kemp. Think vibrant clashing prints, classic furniture in modern upholstery and imposingly large headboards. The Orangery offers all-day dining with luxe takes on British classics, and in summer the hydrangeas are something to behold. And if you're in need of some pampering you can book a Soholistic facial to your room. Bliss.

Rooms from £350,

The Zetter Townhouse, Clerkenwell

Best for: A night to remember.

The independently-owned, 13-bedroom restored Georgian townhouse hotel has an award-winning cocktail lounge. Serving from morning coffee up until after-work drinks and small plates, it's a rare gem in the heart of East London. If you want to keep the party going, the opulent dining room is perfect for hosting an intimate bash with friends. When you 're ready to head to bed, the room interiors are plush and eccentric, designed by Russell Sage — expect quirky antique furniture and jewel tone schemes. Choose from a deluxe double all the way up to your own apartment.

Rooms from £286.20,

The Mandrake, Fitzrovia

Best for: A unique bar experience.

With jasmine draping down a three-storey wall to create a hidden oasis, no visit to the Mandrake is complete without a drink from its bar, Waeska. Inside, expect a sleek design and the restaurant, Serge & Le Phoque, is another showstopper with a lively French menu. The 33 rooms, including one penthouse are dark and cocooning, mixing mid-century pieces, French rugs and chandeliers for maximum opulence. Yoga and sound healing are inclusive for guests.

Rooms from £447,

The Bloomsbury Hotel, Bloomsbury

Best for: Dinner, drinks and bed.

An influencer’s heaven – The Bloomsbury is beloved for its vibrant bar, The Coral Room, lunch spot the Dalloway Terrace and its ever-changing façade. Yet, this hotel isn’t just a pretty picture. With 153 classic rooms and 11 suites, expect friendly staff, a buzzing atmosphere and some top-notch cultural marvels right on your doorstep, from The British Museum to all the delights of buzzing Soho.

Room prices vary,

Leman Locke, Shoreditch

Best for: Apartment living.

Locke Living are changing the game for aparthotels, one location at a time. With four UK outposts – Cambridge, Edinburgh, Manchester and London – the Shoreditch-based Leman Locke can be found a stone’s throw from Spitafields and Brick Lane. With 168 apartments, you’ll be charmed by the pastel hues and intelligent designs of the apartments and, while this isn’t a typical hotel, you can still find an all-day restaurant downstairs and a café-come-bar as well.

Rooms from £156.67,

Dean Street Townhouse, Soho

Best for: A cosy couples' trip.

One of London’s most romantic hotels, Dean Street Townhouse is a Soho House outpost that knows old world glam. The super central location makes it a perfect base for exploring followed by delicious cocktails, British fare or a delectable afternoon tea. Positioned over two renovated Georgian buildings, the 39 rooms are individually designed and range from ‘Tiny’ to ‘Bigger’ – with the larger bedrooms including in-room bath tubs and his 'n' hers armchairs.

Rooms from £230 (reduced rates are available for members),

Chiltern Firehouse, Marylebone

Best for: The A-list experience.

The Chiltern Firehouse was one of the first purpose-built fire stations in London and, after some restoration became a favourite A-List haunt. The hotel was restored by American hotelier André Balazs in 2013 and has 26 elegant bedrooms, lofts and suites, with each room offering a minimalist chic design that you’ll want to emulate in your own home. Be sure to nip down to Nuno Mendes for dinner while staying.

Room from £650,

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