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Going on a holiday needn’t be a fraught experience …

The experts: travel agents on 20 ways to book a sustainable and sensational summer holiday

Keen to get away? Here is how to find a great deal, pick the perfect destination and support the local community

A holiday should be relaxing, but booking one can be a fraught experience, with days lost to endless scrolling, comparing reviews and prices. How can you be sure you are getting a good deal? Travel agents share their tips for the most affordable, sustainable and memorable trips.

1. Book like an agent

“Everybody views themselves as a travel agent and they can be up to a point,” says Paul Sharp from Newcastle upon Tyne, who operates as part of the Travel Counsellors network and has 30 years’ experience in the industry. He says the rise of budget airlines and online booking have led to people feeling confident about organising trips themselves. What is the one thing we should know when doing so? “It is a false economy to book things separately because you have no protection,” Sharp says. He gives the example of someone planning a trip to South Africa to watch rugby, who booked flights with the airline and hotels directly and rugby tickets elsewhere. The game was cancelled but the flights and hotel were non-refundable. If they had been booked together, the trip would have been covered under package travel regulations. “Book with a company you trust and know – there are a lot of sites that crop up and you don’t really know their provenance,” he says.

2. Be an early bird

“Planning in advance is always going to be better value,” says Helen Youngman , an independent travel agent and partner at 360 Private Travel , based near Norwich. “Late deals do exist, but a lot of hotels use ‘dynamic pricing’, which means prices increase as availability goes down. Flights are only going to increase in price the closer you get to the departure date because the fuller the flight gets, the more expensive it will be.” Sharp adds: “Don’t hang on for a last-minute deal because you could end up disappointed. Scheduled flights tend to be available about 11 months in advance, so that is the best time to book. Also, at that stage, a lot of hotels and accommodation providers will have early-bird specials.”

3. If you do book late, be flexible

Be open-minded …

Jessica Bollinger, who works in the Bristol branch of Danish travel agent Kilroy , which specialises in youth and adventure holidays, agrees that late deals are now something of a myth. “They are not unheard of, but with a last-minute deal there are certain things you’re not going to get. So you have to be really open-minded as to where you’re going to go,” she says.

4. Avoid peak season

The cheapest time to travel is always outside the school holidays, says Youngman, with Christmas and new year the most expensive times. Can you get a good deal if you fly on Christmas or New Year’s Day itself? Sometimes, she says, “but a lot of people are catching on to that trick”. If you have to go in the school holidays, be open to going somewhere off the beaten track. “Being clever about destinations is a good plan,” says Youngman. “In Europe, look farther east at places such as Montenegro, Albania and Georgia. And Morocco is a good summer destination for families.”

5. Midweek can be more affordable

“Midweek can be cheaper, it just depends on availability,” says Youngman. “A Thursday to Monday trip is going to be slightly more expensive than Monday to Friday, but all travel fares are based on availability, so the further in advance you can book, the better.”

6. Take out travel insurance when you book

A lot of people sort out their insurance at the airport, says Sharp, but it is best to do it as soon as you have booked your trip. He says: “Travel insurance doesn’t just cover you if you lose a bag or are poorly while you are away. It also covers you should you need to cancel for an insurable reason before you travel.” This includes illness or a bereavement.

7. On solo trips, consider a group tour

‘Some companies offer specialist female-only tours.’

If you are travelling alone, “pretty much anywhere is possible”, says Youngman. “Embarking on your first solo trip can be daunting, which is why small group tours are an amazing way to travel with like-minded people. Some companies I work with are doing specialist female-only tours with visits to female entrepreneurs, co-operatives, makers and bakers. Small group tours are great because they handle all the logistics, include really immersive experiences and are safe. They pick you up from the airport, and from that point onwards, you’re travelling with other people and you’ve got an expert guide.”

8. Have a daily budget

“We advise setting a daily limit for yourself while travelling and then multiplying that number by the days you are away to get the amount to save for your spending money,” says Bollinger. “When you work it out like this, it makes a lot more sense in people’s minds, especially young people who don’t have much budgeting experience. It also keeps you accountable to yourself, so you don’t blow everything right at the beginning and then have nothing left for the end.” To stick to a tight budget, she says: “Cook food as you go along and use public transport instead of tourist buses – this will really help you save money.”

9. Consider all-inclusive options

“If you are going to spend a lot of time eating and drinking in the hotel, I recommend upgrading to an all-inclusive option if possible,” says Youngman, “especially if you’d like a cocktail or two and you’re grazing throughout the day. Otherwise it can all add up and when you check out it costs a fortune.” With active holidays such as skiing or safaris, she adds: “If you have the option to choose an all-inclusive package that includes the activities, food and drink, that is usually a more cost-effective way of travelling. Because sometimes they will really sting you on the extras and it will be more expensive.”

10. Work your way around the world

“A working holiday is a great way to fund your trip,” says Bollinger, who helps people book travel to Australia, New Zealand and Canada by organising working holidays so they can extend their stay. “A lot of jobs will be hospitality-related, but if you go to a more rural spot you can do farm work, and if you have qualifications already, sometimes those can be used. Working holidays in Canada are often at ski resorts near Vancouver, so you get the added benefit of being in a beautiful place to take advantage of the winter sports.”

11. Travel as sustainably as possible

‘By travelling sustainably, you have more time to absorb the culture surrounding you.’

“You can get to most places in Europe by train , so if you are open to slowing down and having a more relaxed itinerary, not only are you travelling more sustainably, but you have more time to absorb the culture surrounding you,” says Youngman. “Be good to the environment you are travelling to see.” She stresses the importance of limiting flights as much as possible, especially internally, and avoiding indirect long-haul options. “We highly recommend ‘open-jaw flights’, which means you fly into one destination and out of another, to limit the number of flights,” says Bollinger. “We also promote travelling for longer in one destination as opposed to trying to go to many in a short time, and travelling overland when possible, instead of taking multiple flights.”

12. Offset carbon emissions with a reputable company

When considering carbon from flights, says Thomas Power of Pura Aventura , a B Corp sustainable travel company in Brighton: “Don’t believe the airline schemes, or anyone else who promises you absolution for a few quid. While 85% of offset schemes may be worthless, there are high-quality carbon credits starting at about £20 a tonne.” These can be bought to compensate for CO 2 emissions. Companies such as “ C Level ​ ​help you at least take positive action to balance your impact”, says Power.

13. Think of responsible travel as a ‘fair exchange’

When travelling, says Power, consider: “What are we giving and what are we receiving? Is it a fair exchange? Is somebody getting something in return for what I am receiving in this transaction?” This applies to everything from “taking a cruise to Venice and not giving anything to the city, to going camping in Sussex and getting a supermarket delivery to your tent instead of going to the village shop or buying eggs from the house down the road”. This concept of “fair exchange” can be beneficial for everyone, he says, by giving you access to unique experiences. “In terms of the economy, the less money that leaves the village, town or city, the better,” he says.

14. Embrace the great outdoors

‘The carbon footprints of outdoor holidays tend to be much lower than hotel stays.’

If you camp out “you are closer to nature than any other accommodation option”, says Brodie Farrow, of the online camping and touring travel agent Pitchup . There are many benefits to this, she says: “It is really good for mental health. It is also a much more sustainable option: the carbon footprints of outdoor holidays tend to be much lower than hotel stays, as people travel by car rather than flying and it promotes local produce and low-impact activities such as hiking in the surrounding area. The accommodation or pitches are much less carbon intensive than hotels, too. And you have a positive impact on the community that you are visiting: camping attracts a higher number of customers at a lower cost than hotels do, which can help to underpin the viability of local facilities such as the shop, the bar and takeaway, and that benefits the wider community.”

15. If you are camping-phobic, glamp

“There really is something for everyone,” says Farrow. “You can get glamping accommodation with four-poster beds if you prefer camping in luxury, or you can go really wild and remote, with no facilities, out on your own and back to nature. I think you would be hard-pressed to say that there is nothing that appeals.” Although glamping has become a fairly pricey option, she says: “Some types are much cheaper than others. You can get some ‘pod-only’ camping accommodation, where you bring your own bedding, starting from £15 a night.”

16. If the weather is terrible …

… And you are under canvas, “try to keep your bedroom a wet-gear-free zone”, says Farrow. “Store and dry wet stuff in your porch area rather than in your bedroom compartment. Protect your equipment by putting it in plastic bags or dry bags. Don’t let anything touch your tent walls or you will have soggy socks.” For activities, she suggests, “swimming in the sea, because you are wet already, or going to the pub”. If you are disappointed by the weather on a non-camping holiday, “as annoying as it is, try to embrace it”, says Sharp. Many people come back from their holidays exhausted because they try to see and do everything when they’re away. Instead, he says: “Have a lie-in, ask local people which is the best restaurant for a long, lazy lunch and, most of all, relax and recharge your batteries – it’s a holiday after all.”

17. For best value destinations, try …

Belgrade has an underground culture scene similar to Berlin 20 years ago.

“Go for Belgrade over Berlin,” says Youngman. “It has an underground culture scene very similar to Berlin 20 years ago.” For backpackers, Bollinger suggests: “Some places in Central America can be really affordable. Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala are good options for someone wanting to think outside the box.” Sharp says there are more affordable options in “Cyprus, Bulgaria, Turkey and Egypt, compared with Spain and the Balearics, which are becoming increasingly expensive due to cost of living increases”. If you are looking for a staycation, North Yorkshire, Cumbria and Cornwall are some of the most popular UK locations on Pitchup, says Farrow, which can inflate the price. Locations such as Pembrokeshire and the Isle of Wight are cheaper.

18. For a trip of a lifetime that doesn’t cost the earth …

“North Macedonia is just amazing,” says Youngman. “Ohrid has beautiful cobbled streets, Ottoman architecture , fantastic food and wine and you can visit the most biodiverse lake in Europe.” Farrow says: “I camped at the foot of Ben Nevis last year before hiking up it. The weather was terrible but it was worth it for the unreal views.” While Bollinger’s most memorable trip was “Interrailing in Europe and finding a way to do things on my own. It was before smartphones, so it was a very interesting experience and built up my confidence in travelling.”

19. If in doubt, follow local people

“Live like a local person by taking local buses and eating in local spots,” says Bollinger. “It is going to save you money, and will also let you experience life in a different way.” Power adds: “People want to go to Peru but they never come back talking about Machu Picchu, they come back talking about the people they met. Buy local and connections will happen for you. In the absence of interaction with your host community, the things you see are just wallpaper.”

20. And remember: you get what you pay for

“If a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is,” says Sharp.

  • The experts

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The experts: travel agents on 20 ways to book a sustainable and sensational summer holiday

Going on a holiday needn’t be a fraught experience …

A holiday should be relaxing, but booking one can be a fraught experience, with days lost to endless scrolling, comparing reviews and prices. How can you be sure you are getting a good deal? Travel agents share their tips for the most affordable, sustainable and memorable trips.

1. Book like an agent

“Everybody views themselves as a travel agent and they can be up to a point,” says Paul Sharp from Newcastle upon Tyne, who operates as part of the Travel Counsellors network and has 30 years’ experience in the industry. He says the rise of budget airlines and online booking have led to people feeling confident about organising trips themselves. What is the one thing we should know when doing so? “It is a false economy to book things separately because you have no protection,” Sharp says. He gives the example of someone planning a trip to South Africa to watch rugby, who booked flights with the airline and hotels directly and rugby tickets elsewhere. The game was cancelled but the flights and hotel were non-refundable. If they had been booked together, the trip would have been covered under package travel regulations. “Book with a company you trust and know – there are a lot of sites that crop up and you don’t really know their provenance,” he says.

2. Be an early bird

“Planning in advance is always going to be better value,” says Helen Youngman , an independent travel agent and partner at 360 Private Travel , based near Norwich. “Late deals do exist, but a lot of hotels use ‘dynamic pricing’, which means prices increase as availability goes down. Flights are only going to increase in price the closer you get to the departure date because the fuller the flight gets, the more expensive it will be.” Sharp adds: “Don’t hang on for a last-minute deal because you could end up disappointed. Scheduled flights tend to be available about 11 months in advance, so that is the best time to book. Also, at that stage, a lot of hotels and accommodation providers will have early-bird specials.”

3. If you do book late, be flexible

Jessica Bollinger, who works in the Bristol branch of Danish travel agent Kilroy , which specialises in youth and adventure holidays, agrees that late deals are now something of a myth. “They are not unheard of, but with a last-minute deal there are certain things you’re not going to get. So you have to be really open-minded as to where you’re going to go,” she says.

4. Avoid peak season

The cheapest time to travel is always outside the school holidays, says Youngman, with Christmas and new year the most expensive times. Can you get a good deal if you fly on Christmas or New Year’s Day itself? Sometimes, she says, “but a lot of people are catching on to that trick”. If you have to go in the school holidays, be open to going somewhere off the beaten track. “Being clever about destinations is a good plan,” says Youngman. “In Europe, look farther east at places such as Montenegro, Albania and Georgia. And Morocco is a good summer destination for families.”

5. Midweek can be more affordable

“Midweek can be cheaper, it just depends on availability,” says Youngman. “A Thursday to Monday trip is going to be slightly more expensive than Monday to Friday, but all travel fares are based on availability, so the further in advance you can book, the better.”

6. Take out travel insurance when you book

A lot of people sort out their insurance at the airport, says Sharp, but it is best to do it as soon as you have booked your trip. He says: “Travel insurance doesn’t just cover you if you lose a bag or are poorly while you are away. It also covers you should you need to cancel for an insurable reason before you travel.” This includes illness or a bereavement.

7. On solo trips, consider a group tour

If you are travelling alone, “pretty much anywhere is possible”, says Youngman. “Embarking on your first solo trip can be daunting, which is why small group tours are an amazing way to travel with like-minded people. Some companies I work with are doing specialist female-only tours with visits to female entrepreneurs, co-operatives, makers and bakers. Small group tours are great because they handle all the logistics, include really immersive experiences and are safe. They pick you up from the airport, and from that point onwards, you’re travelling with other people and you’ve got an expert guide.”

8. Have a daily budget

“We advise setting a daily limit for yourself while travelling and then multiplying that number by the days you are away to get the amount to save for your spending money,” says Bollinger. “When you work it out like this, it makes a lot more sense in people’s minds, especially young people who don’t have much budgeting experience. It also keeps you accountable to yourself, so you don’t blow everything right at the beginning and then have nothing left for the end.” To stick to a tight budget, she says: “Cook food as you go along and use public transport instead of tourist buses – this will really help you save money.”

9. Consider all-inclusive options

“If you are going to spend a lot of time eating and drinking in the hotel, I recommend upgrading to an all-inclusive option if possible,” says Youngman, “especially if you’d like a cocktail or two and you’re grazing throughout the day. Otherwise it can all add up and when you check out it costs a fortune.” With active holidays such as skiing or safaris, she adds: “If you have the option to choose an all-inclusive package that includes the activities, food and drink, that is usually a more cost-effective way of travelling. Because sometimes they will really sting you on the extras and it will be more expensive.”

10. Work your way around the world

“A working holiday is a great way to fund your trip,” says Bollinger, who helps people book travel to Australia, New Zealand and Canada by organising working holidays so they can extend their stay. “A lot of jobs will be hospitality-related, but if you go to a more rural spot you can do farm work, and if you have qualifications already, sometimes those can be used. Working holidays in Canada are often at ski resorts near Vancouver, so you get the added benefit of being in a beautiful place to take advantage of the winter sports.”

11. Travel as sustainably as possible

“You can get to most places in Europe by train , so if you are open to slowing down and having a more relaxed itinerary, not only are you travelling more sustainably, but you have more time to absorb the culture surrounding you,” says Youngman. “Be good to the environment you are travelling to see.” She stresses the importance of limiting flights as much as possible, especially internally, and avoiding indirect long-haul options. “We highly recommend ‘open-jaw flights’, which means you fly into one destination and out of another, to limit the number of flights,” says Bollinger. “We also promote travelling for longer in one destination as opposed to trying to go to many in a short time, and travelling overland when possible, instead of taking multiple flights.”

12. Offset carbon emissions with a reputable company

When considering carbon from flights, says Thomas Power of Pura Aventura , a B Corp sustainable travel company in Brighton: “Don’t believe the airline schemes, or anyone else who promises you absolution for a few quid. While 85% of offset schemes may be worthless, there are high-quality carbon credits starting at about £20 a tonne.” These can be bought to compensate for CO 2 emissions. Companies such as “ C Level ​ ​help you at least take positive action to balance your impact”, says Power.

13. Think of responsible travel as a ‘fair exchange’

When travelling, says Power, consider: “What are we giving and what are we receiving? Is it a fair exchange? Is somebody getting something in return for what I am receiving in this transaction?” This applies to everything from “taking a cruise to Venice and not giving anything to the city, to going camping in Sussex and getting a supermarket delivery to your tent instead of going to the village shop or buying eggs from the house down the road”. This concept of “fair exchange” can be beneficial for everyone, he says, by giving you access to unique experiences. “In terms of the economy, the less money that leaves the village, town or city, the better,” he says.

14. Embrace the great outdoors

If you camp out “you are closer to nature than any other accommodation option”, says Brodie Farrow, of the online camping and touring travel agent Pitchup . There are many benefits to this, she says: “It is really good for mental health. It is also a much more sustainable option: the carbon footprints of outdoor holidays tend to be much lower than hotel stays, as people travel by car rather than flying and it promotes local produce and low-impact activities such as hiking in the surrounding area. The accommodation or pitches are much less carbon intensive than hotels, too. And you have a positive impact on the community that you are visiting: camping attracts a higher number of customers at a lower cost than hotels do, which can help to underpin the viability of local facilities such as the shop, the bar and takeaway, and that benefits the wider community.”

15. If you are camping-phobic, glamp

“There really is something for everyone,” says Farrow. “You can get glamping accommodation with four-poster beds if you prefer camping in luxury, or you can go really wild and remote, with no facilities, out on your own and back to nature. I think you would be hard-pressed to say that there is nothing that appeals.” Although glamping has become a fairly pricey option, she says: “Some types are much cheaper than others. You can get some ‘pod-only’ camping accommodation, where you bring your own bedding, starting from £15 a night.”

16. If the weather is terrible …

… And you are under canvas, “try to keep your bedroom a wet-gear-free zone”, says Farrow. “Store and dry wet stuff in your porch area rather than in your bedroom compartment. Protect your equipment by putting it in plastic bags or dry bags. Don’t let anything touch your tent walls or you will have soggy socks.” For activities, she suggests, “swimming in the sea, because you are wet already, or going to the pub”. If you are disappointed by the weather on a non-camping holiday, “as annoying as it is, try to embrace it”, says Sharp. Many people come back from their holidays exhausted because they try to see and do everything when they’re away. Instead, he says: “Have a lie-in, ask local people which is the best restaurant for a long, lazy lunch and, most of all, relax and recharge your batteries – it’s a holiday after all.”

17. For best value destinations, try …

“Go for Belgrade over Berlin,” says Youngman. “It has an underground culture scene very similar to Berlin 20 years ago.” For backpackers, Bollinger suggests: “Some places in Central America can be really affordable. Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala are good options for someone wanting to think outside the box.” Sharp says there are more affordable options in “Cyprus, Bulgaria, Turkey and Egypt, compared with Spain and the Balearics, which are becoming increasingly expensive due to cost of living increases”. If you are looking for a staycation, North Yorkshire, Cumbria and Cornwall are some of the most popular UK locations on Pitchup, says Farrow, which can inflate the price. Locations such as Pembrokeshire and the Isle of Wight are cheaper.

18. For a trip of a lifetime that doesn’t cost the earth …

“North Macedonia is just amazing,” says Youngman. “Ohrid has beautiful cobbled streets, Ottoman architecture , fantastic food and wine and you can visit the most biodiverse lake in Europe.” Farrow says: “I camped at the foot of Ben Nevis last year before hiking up it. The weather was terrible but it was worth it for the unreal views.” While Bollinger’s most memorable trip was “Interrailing in Europe and finding a way to do things on my own. It was before smartphones, so it was a very interesting experience and built up my confidence in travelling.”

19. If in doubt, follow local people

“Live like a local person by taking local buses and eating in local spots,” says Bollinger. “It is going to save you money, and will also let you experience life in a different way.” Power adds: “People want to go to Peru but they never come back talking about Machu Picchu, they come back talking about the people they met. Buy local and connections will happen for you. In the absence of interaction with your host community, the things you see are just wallpaper.”

20. And remember: you get what you pay for

“If a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is,” says Sharp.

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Dale Howard Youngman OBITUARY

Dale Howard Youngman Born to Charles and Helen Youngman on April 13, 1920 in Aberdeen, South Dakota and passed on September 16, 2005 at the age of 85. Dale is survived by his devoted wife Edna of 59 years. He leaves his loving sons Dale (Sandra) and Donn (Donna) and his loving daughters Donna Gosswiller (Robert) and Donnae Youngman (Ron). Grandfather of 3 and great-grandfather of 1. Services were held privately. Arrangements by OAK HILL FUNERAL HOME, SAN JOSE.

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helen youngman travel

Memorial Day weekend: Here's the best time to travel to avoid traffic

T he Memorial Day weekend travel period was underway Friday, with record numbers of Southern Californians expected to hit the roads or airways for holiday getaways, and authorities urged people to plan ahead, expect crowds and be patient.

Memorial Day traditionally marks the beginning of the summer travel season, and Los Angeles International Airport officials reminded travelers that passenger numbers and vehicular traffic will be rising over the next few days and remain high for the next few months.

According to the Automobile Club of Southern California, a record 3.5 million Southern California residents are expected to travel over the Memorial Day weekend, besting the level from last year and marking the second straight year the number has exceeded the pre-pandemic record set in 2019.

The 3.5 million travelers marks a 4.7% increase over last year's record number, and 4.2% above the 2019 figure, according to the Auto Club, with the holiday traveling period officially beginning Thursday.

Best time to travel by car

Of the 3.5 million anticipated travelers, 2.9 million are likely to travel by car across California.

INRIX, a provider of transportation data and insights, predicts the best times to travel by car are:

  • Thursday & Friday before 11 a.m. or after 8 p.m.
  • Sunday before 1 p.m.
  • Monday after 7 p.m.

Busiest freeway

I-5 North from Los Angeles to Bakersfield: During the afternoon and evening hours of Thursday May 23, the travel time will increase by 84% over the normal 90 minutes to nearly three hours, according to INRIX.

What to expect from air travelers

This Memorial day weekend, 371,000 people are expected to fly.

“With school breaks, relaxed workdays, and a strong demand for travel to and from Los Angeles, we expect a busy summer,'' Doug Webster, interim chief operations and maintenance officer for Los Angeles World Airports, said in a statement. “Our airport staff and airline partners are aware of the projected wave of travelers to the region, and are ready and well-equipped to provide our guests with the best possible experience at LAX.''

Airport officials urged travelers to arrive at least two hours ahead of domestic flights, and three hours for international flights. Parking is also expected to be at a premium, so travelers were urged to consider booking spaces in advance at parking.flylax.com.

Where are Southern Californians going?

1)     Las Vegas

2)     San Diego

3)     Grand Canyon

4)     Hawaii

5)     Seattle/Alaska cruises

The top national destinations are Orlando, New York, Las Vegas, Seattle, and Anaheim/Los Angeles.

Freeway traffic leaving downtown Los Angeles

Hangtown Travel Office: (530)622-1774 Fax:


1234 Broadway # A

Placerville, CA 95667

We've got a new page coming soon! If you are looking for help with your vacation or custom travel planning, please contact us here >>>


  1. Helen Youngman

    View Helen Youngman's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Luxury and Adventure Travel Designer with 13+ years in the industry. Partner at 360 Private Travel · Over the last decade I've worked for some of the most pioneering and reputable tour operators in the industry.

  2. Helen Youngman on LinkedIn: The experts: travel agents on 20 ways to

    Helen Youngman's Post ... I spoke about my background in travel, my career over the years, and my love for food and all that it brings. Food has the power to connect people, to break through ...

  3. Helen Youngman on LinkedIn: After almost two and a half years…these

    Helen Youngman's Post ... Travel has been my life for over ten years, and at times I feel really lost in these COVID days. As a good friend wisely advised me, "organising holidays for people ...

  4. The experts: travel agents on 20 ways to book a sustainable and

    "Planning in advance is always going to be better value," says Helen Youngman, an independent travel agent and partner at 360 Private Travel, based near Norwich. "Late deals do exist, but a ...

  5. Helen Youngman on LinkedIn: #syriatour #adventuretravel #

    Helen Youngman's Post Helen Youngman Luxury and Adventure Travel Designer with 13+ years in the industry. Partner at 360 Private Travel 1w ...

  6. Helen Youngman

    View Helen Youngman's email address (h*****@360pri***.com) and phone number. Helen works at 360 Private Travel as Partner. Helen is based out of London, England, United Kingdom and works in the Travel Arrangements industry.

  7. Maybe You Can't Travel But Your Tastebuds Can

    In this week's live show I chat to Helen Youngman - an independent travel consultant specialising in sustainable travel and the owner of Global Kitchen....

  8. The experts: travel agents on 20 ways to book a…

    2. Be an early bird. "Planning in advance is always going to be better value," says Helen Youngman, an independent travel agent and partner at 360 Private Travel, based near Norwich. "Late deals do exist, but a lot of hotels use 'dynamic pricing', which means prices increase as availability goes down.

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    Helen is a highly experienced consultant and is able to offer one-to-one support for primary schools across the country. Whether you require leadership and management support, teaching and learning support or the development of a curriculum area we can help you. Helen's areas of expertise include; leadership development, middle leader ...

  10. Team

    Independent Travel Designer. Chisato Nishiyori. Independent Travel Designer. Caroline Heffernan. Independent Travel Designer. Ilonka Molijn. Independent Travel Designer. Henry Wells. Independent Travel Designer. Sally Strang. Travel Designer Team. ... Helen Youngman.

  11. ViPClub

    Luxury Travel Designer. Helen Youngman. Private Travel Club. 360 Private Travel. DMC. Seez in Greece. MICE. nebe B2B events & promotion. Experiential. Dive Butler International. ... Helen Youngman. Independent Travel Designer. Victoria Bruce-Miller. Independent Travel Designer. Luxury DMC. Venice Events. Personal blog / website. Destination Asia.

  12. Helen Youngman

    Check out professional insights posted by Helen Youngman, Luxury and Adventure Travel Designer with 13+ years in the industry. Partner at 360 Private Travel

  13. Primary Training Courses

    PSHE/RSE & Behaviour. For many schools this is the most important element of a schools curriculum. Training and resources to enable schools to deliver the very best personal, social, relationships and health education. All Helen Youngman Education training courses are available live on scheduled dates or on demand via our 24/7 learning portal.

  14. 6 reviews of Helen Youngman Travel Counsellor (Travel Agency) in

    Description. Information of Helen Youngman Travel Counsellor, Travel Agency in Norwich (Norfolk) On this page you'll find the address, open hours, more popular times, the contact, photos and real reviews of this business.

  15. Dale Youngman Obituary

    Dale Howard Youngman Born to Charles and Helen Youngman on April 13, 1920 in Aberdeen, South Dakota and passed on September 16, 2005 at the age of 85. Dale is survived by his devoted wife Edna of 5…

  16. Aditi Travel

    A bespoke holiday consultancy specialising in unique experiences and off-the-beaten-path adventures, Aditi Travel draws its name from the Vedic Goddess 'Aditi', a Hindu celestial mother and a. truly free soul. Like Aditi, we believe the world is full of boundless opportunities and limitless experiences; you just have to seek them out. And ...

  17. Sunnyvale Travel

    Sunnyvale Travel, Sunnyvale, California. 155 likes · 46 were here. Personalized Team Of Agents To Arrange Your Travel Needs At Our Retail Office. We...

  18. Helen Youngman on LinkedIn: #travel #wanderlust #serendipity

    Today marks the 6 year anniversary of setting up my travel consultancy! A short story from the road: it's 2008 and I'm on a free flight to Antigua - two days… Helen Youngman on LinkedIn: # ...

  19. Kent's Tour and Travel

    Or call: (888) 304-0706 (toll free) or (510) 612-3932. Or mail: Kent Ochs. 6754 Bernal Ave., Suite 740-275. Pleasanton, CA 94566.

  20. Memorial Day weekend: Here's best time to travel to avoid traffic

    The 3.5 million travelers marks a 4.7% increase over last year's record number, and 4.2% above the 2019 figure, according to the Auto Club, with the holiday traveling period officially beginning ...

  21. Helen Youngman on LinkedIn: In two weeks' time I will be travelling

    In two weeks' time I will be travelling around Syria with Native Eye Travel 🇸🇾 I would like to write an article on the beauty of the country, ... Helen Youngman Luxury and Adventure Travel ...

  22. Weebly

    Pleasanton VIP Travel is a not-for-profit travel service for seniors. We are a part of the Pleasanton VIP Club, located within the Pleasanton Senior center at 5353 Sunol Blvd., Pleasanton, CA 94466. Our telephone number is (925)931-5370 Email us at [email protected]. Our purpose is to provide safe, affordable travel options for seniors.

  23. Hangtown Travel

    Homepage for Hangtown Travel. Hangtown Travel Office: (530)622-1774 Fax: (530)622-1970. 1234 Broadway # A. Placerville, CA 95667 . We've got a new page coming soon! If you are looking for help with your vacation or custom travel planning, please contact us here >>> ...

  24. Helen Youngman on LinkedIn: #adventuretravel #virtuosotravel #travel

    Luxury and Adventure Travel Designer with 13+ years in the industry. Partner at 360 Private Travel 1y Edited