tours al tayrona

Tours en Santa Marta y El Parque Tayrona

Agencia local, evitese intermediarios. recogida en hoteles, tours imperdibles.


Alquiler de Apartamentos Lujosos

tours al tayrona

Transporte Turístico

Cabo san juan(parque tayrona), desde $175.000, playa cristal(parque tayrona), bahía concha (parque tayrona).

tours al tayrona

Excursión Al Parque Tayrona con Hospedaje

tours al tayrona

Tour Marítimo Cabo San Juan (Parque Tayrona)

tours al tayrona

Parque Tayrona En Lancha

tours al tayrona

Velero Imperdible

tours al tayrona

Boats & Sailing

tours al tayrona

Tour Playa y Bahías

tours al tayrona

Tour Palomino

tours al tayrona

Playa Blanca- Acuario

tours al tayrona

Tour a Buritaca- Río y Playa

tours al tayrona

Excursión Cabo De La Vela

tours al tayrona

Tour Punta Gallina

Desde $1.190.000.

tours al tayrona

Ciudad Pérdida

tours al tayrona

City Tour Santa Marta

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Tour al Parque Tayrona desde Santa Marta: Cómo ir, cuánto cuesta, qué llevar

Destino favorito y un imprescindible que ver en Colombia. Posiblemente uno de los parques naturales más espectaculares y más bonitos del mundo . Ya lo dijo Shakira. Te dejamos aquí todo lo que necesitas saber para hacer el tour al Parque Tayrona .

¿Dónde está el Parque Tayrona?

Tayrona está muy cerca de Santa Marta , a solo 40 km de la ciudad más antigua de Colombia, ciudad caribeña del departamento de Magdalena.

¿Cómo llegar a Santa Marta desde Cartagena de Indias o desde Bogotá?

En nuestra ruta por Colombia fuimos a Santa Marta después de pasar unos días en Cartagena de Indias .

Desde Cartagena a Santa Marta llegamos en bus . Se tarda solamente 4 horas y la empresa que escogimos fue MarSol , una compañía que hace recorridos puerta a puerta. Te recogen en tu hotel de Cartagena y te dejan en el hotel que hayas reservado en Santa Marta . Súper cómodo y recomendable!! 🚌 Puedes reservar tu traslado en el buscador de Bookaway .

Si vas a ir desde Bogotá , puedes volar a Santa Marta o irte en bus, aunque esto último es una gran paliza. Son entre 17 y 22 horas de viaje. Recomendado usar el avión.

En Colombia puedes reservar con Viva Air (consulta precios en Skyscanner ), una aerolínea low cost muy similar a Ryanair en Europa, con precios muy económicos, sobre todo si viajas con poco equipaje. Además esta compañía también vuela a Perú .

excursión al parque nacional tayrona

¿Cuántos días se recomienda estar en el Parque Nacional Tayrona?

Tayrona es un parque natural virgen , donde puedes alojarte los días que quieras (recomendamos estar al menos 2 días ) en campings al lado de la playa, aunque siempre en zonas habilitadas para ello. También puedes dormir en hostales y lodges preciosos o incluso en un ecohotel . A todos estos alojamientos se puede llegar en coche desde la entrada del km 31.

Pero si solo quieres hacer excursiones de 1 día a Tayrona , lo mejor es alojarse en Santa Marta . Nosotros elegimos esta opción e hicimos 2 tours a Tayrona :

⭐ Uno a Playa Cristal , una playa virgen donde no es posible alojarse y al que sólo se llega en pequeñas embarcaciones.

tours al tayrona

⭐ Y una excursión para recorrer caminando el parque de Tayrona, y llegar a las increíbles Playas de Cabo San Juan y la Piscina .

tours al tayrona

Dónde dormir en Santa Marta

Park Hotel . “Situado justo enfrente de la playa, habitaciones cómodas y grandes, además tiene piscina”

República Hostel Santa Marta . “Cerca de restaurantes y del mercado donde se toman los buses a Tayrona y Minca. Hostal con buen ambiente, música, piscina y actividades”

Rua Hostels . «Barato, bien ubicado, buen desayuno, cama confortable, baño en la habitación, aire acondicionado, además de 2 piscinas y terraza con bar»

Masaya Hostel . “Excelente, habitaciones muy cómodas y piscina”

💡 Te puede interesar también 

  • Consejos para viajar a CARTAGENA de INDIAS por tu cuenta
  • Qué ver en Cartagena de Indias en 2 o 3 DÍAS
  • Qué ver cerca de BOGOTÁ
  • RUTA por COLOMBIA de 1 o 2 semanas
  • Cómo organizar un viaje a COLOMBIA por tu cuenta
  • Volar con AVIANCA
  • SEGURO de VIAJE para Colombia

¿Cuánto cuesta la entrada al Parque Tayrona en 2024?

Es caro, no nos engañemos. La diferencia es considerable entre lo que paga un local y lo que paga un extranjero.

Precios para locales y extranjeros (año 2024)

Temporada Baja (resto del año) :

  • Extranjero: COP 73.500
  • Nacional, extranjero residente o miembro de la CAN (adulto a partir de 25 años): COP 33.000. Con edades entre 5 a 25 años: COP 24.500

Temporada Alta (del 15 de Junio al 15 de Julio, 15 Diciembre al 30 de Enero, Semana Santa, fines de semana con puentes festivos) :

  • Extranjero: COP 87.000
  • Nacional, extranjero residente o miembro de la CAN (adulto a partir de 25 años): COP 39.000. De 5 a 25 años: COP 27.500

💡 A tener en cuenta : El Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona tiene 3 cierres anuales programados del 1 al 15 de febrero, del 1 al 15 de junio y del 19 de octubre al 2 de noviembre para lo que han denominado #RespiraTayrona , cierres temporales para que el parque pueda recuperarse del turismo.

Debes de saber también que es recomendable tener vacuna fiebre amarilla para entrar al parque.

¿Cómo ir a Tayrona por tu cuenta? ¿Qué se debe hacer para viajar al parque Tayrona?

Es posible visitar Tayrona por tu cuenta . Puedes ir en taxi o en furgonetas compartidas que salen desde Taganga o desde Santa Marta, también en embarcaciones que parten desde Taganga hasta la playa de Cabo San Juan.

La duración aproximada del viaje es de 1h30′, y su precio, negociable. A nosotros nos hablaron de COP 40.000/ persona.

excursión al parque nacional tayrona

💡 Importante : Llegando en barco a playa Cabo San Juan te ahorras la caminata de más de 2 horas de ida y otras 2 a la vuelta por el parque para coger las furgonetas compartidas o el taxi, ya que salen desde la entrada. La entrada a Tayrona hay que pagarla igualmente al llegar a la playa .

Al final del día estás furgonetas compartidas estarán esperando clientes para volver a Santa Marta.

Excursiones a Tayrona desde Santa Marta: ¿Cuánto cuesta un tour al Parque Tayrona?

La opción que escogimos nosotros. Hicimos un tour a Tayrona con guía, recogida en tu hotel de Santa Marta e incluye todo, también la entrada al parque, que es lo más caro.

Al final echando cuentas y comparando las dos opciones, no compensa  desplazarte a estaciones de bus o puertos de embarque, coger taxis desde Santa Marta o transportes desde la entrada del parque Tayrona hasta las playas o hasta el inicio de los senderos. Además de la ventaja de ir con un guía experto que conoce bien el parque durante el tour a Tayrona . Si te interesa, puedes reservar esta opción online en Civitatis .

excursión al parque nacional tayrona

¿Cuántas entradas tiene el Parque Tayrona?

El parque Tayrona tiene varias entradas que abren a las 7 de la mañana . La principal y a la que casi todo viajero llega es Zaino . Desde esta entrada se accede a los senderos que te llevan a las playas de Cabo San Juan y la Piscina:

  • Horario de acceso de 7:00 am a 12:00 pm
  • Horario de salida de 2 a 5 de la tarde.

La otra entrada sería la de la Palangana , desde esta se llega a la bahía de Neguanje y Playa Cristal .

Recorrido por el Parque Tayrona: Itinerario

Desde la entrada de Zaino tienes unos 10 minutos en bus hasta la verdadera entrada del Parque Tayrona. Nuestro consejo es que tomes uno de los pequeños colectivos, si en cambio llegas en un tour lo tienes incluido.

Desde ahí puedes ir en busca de Cañaveral , la primer playa, una de las más bellas del Tayrona y donde están los famosos ecohoteles . En los miradores encontrarás a gente local vendiendo bebida y fruta por si necesitas.

excursión al parque nacional tayrona

La caminata es dura. Se recorren senderos, caminos de arena, pasarelas, se suben bastantes escaleras… pero todo está muy bien preparado y señalizado, con buenos accesos para que sea lo mas accesible y sencillo posible. Eso si, la humedad es muy alta y sudarás bastante.

tours al tayrona

Pero si no estás en forma, tienes la opción de hacer el recorrido a caballo. Por unos COP40.000 te llevan hasta la Playa de Cabo San Juan. Si inicias la caminata y por el camino te arrepientes o te cansas, puedes contratar igualmente los caballos, pero tendrás que negociar precio.

En Cañaveral te verás tentado a darte un chapuzón en sus aguas cristalinas después de la sudada que seguro llevarás, pero nadar en Cañaveral está prohibido por lo peligroso de sus corrientes.

Después de unos 40 minutos caminando por la selva tropical de Tayrona, llegarás a Arrecifes , la reconocerás por sus gigantes piedras, allí tampoco podrás bañarte. También las peligrosas corrientes y que a esta playa llegan tortugas a desovar, impiden el baño.

excursión al parque nacional tayrona

Pero ya muy cerca de Arrecifes, llegarás a Arenilla , una pequeña playa de aguas turquesas, en la que por fin podrás darte el baño. También recuperar fuerzas, allí podrás comer algo o refrescarte con una cerveza o un jugo natural. Encontrarás varios chiringuitos antes de llegar a la playa de Arenilla.

excursión al parque nacional tayrona

Siguiendo el sendero entre palmeras llegarás a La Piscina , una tranquila playa en la que también podrás bañarte. Ésta, junto con la de Cabo San Juan, es una de las playas más bonitas de Tayrona. Allí también encontrarás chiringuitos donde comer y beber algo, cabañas donde alojarse y alquiler de equipo de snorkel.

tours al tayrona

Desde La Piscina, ya muy cerca, caminando unos 15-20 minutos se llega a Cabo San Juan , la playa más famosa del Parque Tayrona, la de la cabaña en el medio del mar. Un lugar mágico en Tayrona.

En esta playa alquilan tiendas de campaña y hay zona de acampada por si te llevas la tuya. El lugar está muy bien equipado. Además en Cabo San Juan tienes restaurante, lockers y vestuarios.

excursión al parque nacional tayrona

Y muy cerca de Cabo San Juan está la Playa Boca de Saco , por si quieres darte un último paseo antes de volver a Santa Marta. Vale la pena llegar a esta playa nudista de rocas enormes.

¿Qué llevar en la mochila y qué ropa se usa en un tour al Parque Tayrona?

  • Zapato cerrado
  • Repelente de mosquitos
  • Protección solar
  • Gorro o sombrero
  • Recomendable llevar agua y comida para el camino

¿Cuánto cuesta un almuerzo dentro del Parque Tayrona?

Como ejemplo, una botella de agua o un jugo natural dentro del Parque Tayrona cuesta COP 5000. Si quieres comer algo, una empanada o un desayuno está entre los 5000-6000, y un almuerzo en un restaurante de Cabo San Juan cuesta alrededor de COP 30.000.

Si vas a hacer snorkeling en Tayrona,  alquilar caretas + snorkel+ aletas cobran COP30.000/ persona

organizar un viaje


28 comments, elena / 12/08/2019.

hola, muchas gracias por hacer mas facil estos viajes a la gente que vamos «despues» 🙂 Tengo una duda, mi idea era ir desde el Zaino hasta las cabañas y dormir alli, pero es que despues de leerte estoy pensando que puede ser demasie con el calor y las mochilas cargandolas, entonces he pensado que como la noche antes estaremos en santa Marta, empezar el camino al reves, ir desde Santa Marta en Lancha a San Juan y desde alli ir andando a las cabañas, eso sera viable? con las mochilas en la lancha y tal….gracias

Joseba Montes / Author / 13/08/2019

Hola Elena, todo depende donde estén situadas esas cabañas. Si vas cargada tienes la opción de alquilar un caballo para el traslado de la mochila. Un saludo

Andrea / 12/09/2019

Super. Muy agradecida con la información. Si tengo una pregunta. Tu dices que están bien marcados los senderos y que hay señalización. Yo soy un poco floja para caminar entonces pienso irme a mi paso,es decir sin guía. Que me recomiendas. Sin guía es probable perderse?

Joseba Montes / Author / 16/09/2019

Hola Andrea, los tours que te llevan desde Santa Marta son guiados, pero dentro del parque te dejan ir a tu ritmo. Un saludo

Cris / 11/11/2019

Hola! Donde se pueden coger los taxis compartidos en Santa Marta para ir a Tayrona? muchas gracias.

Joseba Montes / Author / 13/11/2019

Hola Cris, nosotros hicimos la visita guiada por el P.N. Tayrona con recogida en el hotel, pero esos taxis compartidos existen aunque no te sé decir desde donde salen. Un saludo

Yessica Aguilar / 16/02/2021

hola te pregunto tienes datos del guía para el Tayrona

Joseba Montes / Author / 16/02/2021

Hola Yessica, nosotros hicimos el tour guiado que aparece en la publicación. Se puede reservar online desde el link. Un saludo

Melisa / 01/03/2021

Hola, una consulta para ingresar al parque por el tema de la pandemia hay que hacer alguna reserva previa o se compra directamente en la entrada del parque?

Joseba Montes / Author / 02/03/2021

Hola Melisa, no hay que hacer reserva previa, excepto si haces un tour o excursión. Saludos

Diana Vinasco / 01/09/2021

Hola, sabes si para entrar al parque exigen la vacuna para la fiebre amarilla?

Joseba Montes / Author / 02/09/2021

Hola Diana, para ir o para hacer el tour al Parque Tayrona recomiendan estar vacunado contra la fiebre amarilla, pero no es obligatorio. Tampoco para entrar. Saludos!!

coray / 25/09/2021

Hola, si vamos en vehículo cual sería la entrada mas recomendada para aparcarlo, si hay parqueadero? y que cuesta el día? te agradezco.

Joseba Montes / Author / 25/09/2021

Hola Coray, si haces una excursión al Parque Tayrona y vas con tu propio coche, tendrás que dejarlo en el aparcamiento de Cañaveral y su precio es de 24.500 pesos. Saludos

Clara Bernal / 28/09/2021

Hola, tenemos pensado ir con mi Papa tiene restricciones por afección cardiaca, pero el tiene muy buen físico, tendremos alguna restricción? La caminata es muy dura?

Joseba Montes / Author / 28/09/2021

Hola Clara, más que duro, el tour por Parque Tayrona es largo. Y restricciones por salud, entiendo que no, pero mejor consulta con el parque natural. Saludos

Christopher Afu / 05/12/2021

Buenas, ¿para alguien que solo tiene un día para conocer Santa Marta, recomendarías visitar este lugar? ¿Tomar la embarcación en Tanganga sería la mejor opción para volver temprano a Santa Marta?

Joseba Montes / Author / 09/12/2021

Hola!! Para nosotros el tour a Tayrona es imprescindible. Para volver a Santa Marta cualquier opción es buena. Saludos

melany / 28/01/2022

Buenas tardes, somos una pareja que va en febrero a conocer Colombia. Vamos a estar en Cartagena, Parque Tayrona e isla barú. ¿La empresa MarSol donde se puede contratar? la idea es salir temprano de Cartagena para poder ir directamente al parque ya que nos vamos a hospedar ahí, ¿este transporte nos dejaría en la entrada de Zaino? Saludos

Joseba Montes / Author / 31/01/2022

Hola Melany. La empresa Marsol solo hace el traslado entre Cartagena y Santa Marta. Una vez allí, tienes que contratar otra transfer o hacer un tour a Tayrona desde Santa Marta como el que hicimos nosotros. Espero haberte ayudado.

Nidian / 05/02/2022

Hola! Me ha gustado mucho tu post, felicidades!! No sabia si hacer tour o irme yo sola y buscar un hotel afuera de Zaino, puesto que me hospedare en Santa Marta y llevo equipaje, pero creo que hare el tour. Mi pregunta es, el tour guiado a que hora llega a la entrada del parque y hacen paradas en todas las playas? Hay tiempos limitados, cuanto tiempo te dan para disfrutar de las playas?

Muchas gracias.

Joseba Montes / Author / 06/02/2022

Hola Nidian! Dentro del parque se va con libertad (cada uno va a su ritmo), te podrás bañar en todas las playas que quieras. Pero calcula que se tarda unas 2 horas en ir al cabo de San Juan y otras 2 en volver. El guía antes de iniciar el tour al Parque Tayrona te indica a qué hora te recoge el transporte para volver a Santa Marta. Saludos

Erich Hurtado / 21/04/2022

Para el 6/6/22 esta abierto el parque

Eva Hernández / 23/04/2022

¡Hola Erich! ¿Nos lo estás preguntando, o es un comentario informativo?

Nata / 12/05/2022

Hola!, ¿los precios del Parque Tayrona están actualizados? Tengo planeado ir del 25 al 27 de mayo. Gracias!

Joseba Montes / Author / 16/05/2022

Hola Nata, así es. Son tarifas del 2022. Disfruta del tour a Tayrona!!

Angie / 08/11/2022

Buen día, cual es el horario del parque Tayrona, ¿desde que hora inician los recorridos?

Joseba Montes / Author / 08/11/2022

Hola Angie, el Parque Tayrona abre desde las 7 de la mañana. Saludos


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tours al tayrona

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Practical Guide to Tayrona National Park, Colombia

With beautiful, windswept and unspoiled beaches, tayrona is a must visit for nature lovers along colombia’s caribbean coast.  the national park gets its name from the tairona indigenous culture, and the area is sacred to the indigenous tribes still living in the area.  it is open to visitors most of the year and offers several good hikes along with the beautiful beaches.  read on for a complete travel guide to tayrona national park in colombia..

*Disclosure:  This post contains affiliate links.  I am a participant in the Amazon Associates Program as well as other affiliate programs and may earn a commission on qualifying purchases made after clicking links from this site.  There is never any additional cost to you.  For more information, please consult my Disclosure Policy.

Photo of the beach beside Cabo San Juan in Parque Tayrona

Why You Should Visit Tayrona

If you’re a nature and hiking fan or a beach fan or both, you have to visit Tayrona National Park during your time in Colombia. The park rightly appears at or near the top of any list of the best hiking trails in Colombia .

Even if you’re not the biggest hiking or camping fan, the hike to the most popular place to stay is about 2 hours of mostly easy going. You can also ride horses or take a boat in and out of the park if you’d really prefer not to hike.

While you can technically do a day trip using the boats or horses, or hiking if you really hoof it, you really should stay at least one night . That way you can have some time to explore, enjoy some hiking, and see some of the different beaches. Given the time hiking in and out, Tayrona is best included in a two week Colombia itinerary or more although it’s possible to fit it in a week spent solely on the Caribbean coast.

The beautiful and mostly unspoiled beaches inside the park are the main attraction.  There are a number of different beaches you can visit, and the backdrop of the mountains running into the sea is breathtaking!

Tayrona is a great chance to get away from it all for a few days, enjoy some great beaches, and do some hiking.   It especially makes for a great stop sandwiched in between visits to Minca and Palomino.

Ready to go?  Read on for a complete travel guide to Tayrona, Colombia including how to get there, what to do, where to stay, travel tips, and a packing list for Parque Tayrona.

Photo of 3 girls chatting overlooking the view, another good thing to see at Tayrona Park in Colombia.

Ultimate Travel Guide to Tayrona Park – Contents

How to get to tayrona from cartagena.

  • Admission Fees
  • Mandatory Insurance
  • What to Do in Tayrona Park

Where to Stay in Tayrona Park

  • Travel Tips for Tayrona Park
  • Packing List for Tayrona Park

Photo of rocks overlooking the Caribbean sea at Tayrona National Park with a Colombian flag flying over them.

How to Get to Tayrona National Park

*Note:  Some information here may no longer be accurate especially as it relates to bus schedules and prices.  I’ve confirmed and updated the prices of the private charter van companies, but am not sure about public bus prices, and the charter companies are subject to change.

There are a few different options to get to Tayrona.  The easiest is to take a bus from Santa Marta.   You can also get taxis or private cars, although prices are usually quite high.  Additionally, you can take a speed boat to Tayrona from Taganga .

Can You Do a Day Trip to Tayrona?

Yes, although personally I feel it’s best to spend the night as hiking in and back out isn’t worth it.  That being said, if you do want to do a day trip to Tayrona, it’s best to do it with a tour.   You could for example do this  private tour that includes transportation and the entrance fee .

If you want a really unique experience, you could do a sailing day trip to Tayrona , giving you a unique view of the park from the sea.  Doing a day trip to one of the the beaches inside the park but a bit closer to Santa Marta like a tour to Playa Cristal or a tour to Bahía Concha is also a good way to do a day trip to Tayrona.

For another easy beach day trip from Santa Marta, you can also check out this tour to Playa Blanca (not to be confused with the better known Playa Blanca of Barú , closer to Cartagena).

How to Get to Tayrona by Bus

The most popular entrance to the park, El Zaino, is located approximately an hour north of Santa Marta .  You can get the bus from the market in downtown Santa Marta .  Look for the buses that say Tayrona and Palomino.

How to Get to Tayrona from Santa Marta

The bus from Santa Marta costs 7,000 pesos (price last confirmed April 2019).  There are different fares for how far you are going along the route, so be sure to tell the guy collecting the money you are going to Tayrona.

Do expect the bus to get crowded, probably with some people carrying food or other goods.  Our bus had bags of concrete and sacks of rice loaded on it.  One guy even had a box of baby chicks.

If you’d like a more convenient and comfortable but pricier transportation from Santa Marta to Tayrona, you can book a private van to Tayrona from Santa Marta .

 Flying into Santa Marta

Santa Marta is the closest airport to Tayrona Park.  While the ease, cost, and relatively short length of bus travel along the Caribbean Coast may make it not worth flying, if you’re coming from the interior and want to bypass Cartagena, it could save you some time to fly into Santa Marta.

Of course, I would encourage you to fly into Cartagena and enjoy all there is to do there (this website’s name is Cartagena Explorer after all!).  Regardless, it’s a good idea to compare your options which you can do on Colombia’s flagship Avianca airline , looking for a package deal at or , looking for a steal at or , or comparing prices at or Jet Radar .

How to Get to Tayrona from Palomino

If you’re coming from Palomino or Riohacha , just hop on the bus headed towards Santa Marta and get out at the park entrance.  The price for the bus from Palomino to Tayrona should be 3,000 pesos and from Riohacha to Tayrona 10,000 pesos.

* Be sure to check out this Practical Travel Guide to Palomino

How to Get to Tayrona from Minca

If you’re coming from our heading to the mountain town of Minca outside Santa Marta, to travel by bus, you’ll have to pass through Santa Marta (follow the instructions above).  Or you could also opt for a private van transfer between Minca and Tayrona .

*Be sure to check out this Practical Travel Guide to Minca

Photo of an iguana on a rock with a boat in the water behind it at Tayrona Park Colombia.

How to Get to Tayrona by Boat

You can also take small speed boats to Tayrona.  The boats leave from the town of Taganga to Cabo San Juan,  the most popular place for staying inside the park.  Taganga is just over a hill from Santa Marta.  Check out our guide to Taganga if you want to spend a night there before or after your visit to Tayrona.

The boats leave at approximately 9 a.m ..  The return trip leaves between 3 and 4 in the afternoo n from Cabo San Juan.

One word of warning:   I normally enjoy boats, but I did not enjoy the boat from Tayrona to Taganga.  Maybe it was just a particularly rough day, but we were bouncing around and I took lots of waves to the face.  Soaking wet and with a sore butt (I’m pretty sure I was bouncing a foot in the air off my seat), I was happy when it was over.

These operations are also questionably organized at best.  While usually, I’m a fan of the less restrictive liability rules, in this case the safety risk seems not worth it.  And it sounds like some have had even worse experiences .  By the same token, lots of people take the boat every day, so presumably most of the time the trip is smoother.

Still, I would strongly recommend avoiding the boat entirely , but if you’re on a tight schedule and the seas don’t look choppy, then it I guess it can save you quite a bit of time.  Just be prepared for a bouncy ride .  Also please note, that the cost of the boat does not include the park entry fee or mandatory insurance .  You will have to pay for those things when you arrive.

Photo of a small motor boat in the bay at Tayrona, one of the ways to get to Tayrona.

If you want to do a day trip to Tayrona from Cartagena, you can do this day tour to Cristal Beach that includes transportation to and from Tayrona as well as the park entrance fee and lunch (via Viator).  Note that that is a separate beach area than the beaches you’ll see hiking in, but if you have to do it in a day from Cartagena, it’s an option.

You can book a private car to take you from Cartagena to Tayrona although it is expensive.

Otherwise you will have to reach Santa Marta.  You can take a private car from Cartagena to Santa Marta but it’s also quite pricey, so a bus will be the best option for most.

You can get buses to Santa Marta at the main Cartagena bus terminal.  These will be the cheapest way to get from Santa Marta to Cartagena.  You can find times and even book ahead at BusBud (note you can likely find more departure times on other companies at the terminal, but those have the added convenience of being able to book ahead).

Berlinas and Marsol offer chartered van service for reasonable prices as well and are the recommended options.  A taxi to the terminal will more than wipe out the savings on the cheaper bus ticket unless you’re a group of 3 or 4.

Berlinas charges 80,000 for buses from Cartagena to Santa Marta and vice versa (price last confirmed November 2020).  Buses leave from 6 am to around 3 pm.  Departure times depend on passenger demand, so it may be worth going the day before and reserving.  Their office is in Marbella, and they arrive to their office in Santa Marta, with a stop to drop off and pick up passengers in Barranquilla.

The bus stops at the office in Rodadero outside of Santa Marta and in Mamatoco.  From Mamatoco, you can catch the bus to Tayrona along the road heading north.

If you return via Berlinas, buses leave Rodadero at 6 am and pass the office in Mamatoco around 7 am until approximately 4 and 5 pm respectively, although also depending on passenger demand.

Fr om Cartagena to Santa Marta they have regular departures every 2 hours from 6 am to 4:40 pm .  The price is 90,000 pesos .  (Marsol prices last confirmed November 2020).

This is nearly double the price it was in February 2020 (56,000 pesos).  It’s unclear if that is due to capacity restrictions that will be a temporary increase until things are back to normal or if it is in fact the “new normal.”  Prices tend to increase slightly in January every year as well, so if you’re planning  a trip in 2021, I would plan to pay around 100,000, but again, hard to know.

You can book Marsol buses from Cartagena online ahead of time via Viator here .

Marsol used to have buses that go directly from Cartagena to Tayrona and arrive to the park entrance, but only twice a day.  However, at this time I have confirmed that they do not.  It’s unclear if they will reinstate them once travel picks up and things return to more normal.  I would lean towards yes, since they also have their service to Palomino suspended, but it’s hard to say for sure, and even harder to say when.

So, if you’re planning a trip to Tayrona in late 2020 or early 2021, definitely plan on arriving to Santa Marta first.

Once in Santa Marta, follow the instructions above.   One note, we thought it would be easier to get the bus to the park from Mamatoco, on the outskirts of the city.  When I went several years back that was the main jumping off point to the park.

We were able to get the bus there, but it was already very crowded.  Therefore, I recommend getting the bus in the city center.

The trip to Santa Marta takes about 4 hours from Cartagena .  You will need at least 3 hours for transportation to the park and the hike in to the camp site.  Therefore, make sure you start your trip to Tayrona from Cartagena early in the morning.

*You can check bus routes, times, prices and even book many buses in Colombia at  BusBud .  Both Marsol and Berlinas are pretty responsive on their facebook pages which you can find here:   Marsol  and  Berlinas .

Photo of waves washing up on a beach in Tayrona Colombia

Visitor Information for Tayrona

You do have to pay an admissions fee for Tayrona Park .  The fee varies slightly depending on your nationality as well as the time of year you visit:

Entrance Fees for Tayrona National Park:

*The prices below are the prices listed on the national park service’s website for 2020.  Presumably the fees should be the same when Tayrona reopens, but it may be worth double checking that link (it is down as I update this in late February 2021), and the prices may go up slightly in 2021 (I will try to update once there has been an announcement).

Normal Entrance Fees to Tayrona National Park:

  • Foreigners:   53,500 pesos
  • Colombian Nationals over 25:   24,000 pesos
  • Children Under 5:  free
  • Colombian Nationals aged 5-25:   18,000 pesos
  • People Born in Santa Marta aged 5-25:   9,000 pesos
  • People born in Santa Marta over 25:   12,000 pesos

*Note if you are a foreign resident of Colombia and have your Cédula (ID Card) or a citizen of one of the members of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN), you pay the price of Colombian nationals.

Peak Season Entrance Fees for Tayrona National Park:

  • Foreigners:   63,500 pesos
  • Colombian Nationals Over 25:  28,500 pesos
  • Children Under 5:   Free
  • Colombian Nationals aged 5-25:   20,000 pesos
  • People Born in Santa Marta aged 5-25:  20,000 pesos
  • People born in Santa Marta over 25:  28,500 pesos
  • June 15 to July 15
  • December 15 to the end of January
  • The 10 days beginning on the Friday before the week of Easter
  • The higher rates also apply to weekends with Monday holidays (at this site you can see a list of Colombian holidays)

A photo of the sign near the entrance of Tayrona showing the different beaches you can visit in Tayrona Park.

It usually isn’t necessary to buy tickets for Tayrona ahead of time, but if you’re going during peak season, it probably isn’t a bad idea.   The park does have a limited capacity and even if it doesn’t fill up, the lines can get long. (For the time being, you cannot buy tickets online any longer).

Insurance Requirement for Entrance to Tayrona Park

*Note:  It’s not clear if the insurance is still bought separately.  The site linked below and all the info on it below was through the old concessionaire.  I can’t find any information on prices at the National Park Service’s website other than the requirement and 3 suggested companies here .  I would assume if you still buy it separately, you can do so at the entrance and that the prices are comparable if not the same.

You must also buy mandatory medical emergency and evacuation insurance for each day you plan to be in the park.  The insurance costs 2,500 pesos per day and offers coverage for up to 30 million pesos (about 10,000 USD).  Find out more about the insurance at this link .

If you have organized your trip through an agency or as part of a tour, be sure to clarify if the insurance is (or isn’t) included.  If it is, be sure to get a receipt or certificate.

Be wary of tour operators outside the entrance selling the insurance.  They are probably legit, but why risk it when you can just buy it at the park ticket booth?

Once in the park, if you decide to stay for more days, you can buy more days of coverage at Cabo San Juan .  (That is also where you will buy it if you come on the boat).

After you enter, you can take a bus for 3,000 pesos to the parking lot and trail head .  It’ll save you about half an hour.

Photo of a beach in Tayrona National Park Colombia

What to Do in Tayrona

Note this covers the areas accessible from the main Zaino entrance , not the areas closer to Santa Marta on the western end of the park.  Those areas are best visited via the day trips from Santa Marta mentioned above.

These areas can also be reached from the Calabazo entrance , but with the closure of the Pueblito trail, require quite a long hike via Playa Brava.   Do note that Playa Brava can be reached by a much shorter hike from Cabo San Juan de la Guía once you hike in via the Zaino entrance.

In other words, unless, you’re planning to stay at Playa Brava and want to reach it first, I would suggest just going in at Zaino.  The hike in from Calabazo is more in the hills and offers less sea views as well.

Enjoy the Beaches

There are a number of nice beaches in Tayrona.  As you hike in, the first one you come to is Arrecifes .  You cannot swim there.  You’ll then pass several others, including La Piscina .  You can swim there.  Offshore rocks make for a natural swimming pool.  It’s also a popular spot for snorkeling .

However, I think the beaches around Cabo San Juan are prettier .  At Cabo, there’s a little bay with calm waters good for wading.  On the other side of the rock, there’s a a nice stretch of beach as well.

If you continue beyond that beach and take a short walk through the forest, you’ll arrive to Playa Brava .  Playa Brava is technically a nude beach , although most people were not actually in the nude when we were there.

The beach at Playa Brava is long and very pretty.  The waves are strong though, and the currents can be dangerous, so it’s advised not to swim there.  I was physically knocked over by the waves.  Therefore, it’s probably best to stick to the beaches marked for swimming.

Photo of one of the beachs at Tayrona National Park. Seeing the beaches is one of the best things to do at Tayrona Park.

Hike to Pueblito

*Update:  As of early 2019 Pueblito has been closed to visitors, reportedly permanently, at the request of the indigenous residents.  So unfortunately, this no longer is one of the things to see in Tayrona at least for the time being.  I will try to keep my eyes open and update if it reopens one day.  In the meantime, you’ll just have to enjoy the beach (I know, it’s a tough life out there).

Located in the hills above Cabo is a tiny indigenous village .  There you can see a few huts where some Kogi people live today.  There are also remains of a larger settlement dating to before the Spanish conquest .  The Tairona indigenous civilization was the most advanced in Colombia and the only to have built stone urban centers.

However, the ruins at Pueblito are not really that impressive.  The real attraction is the hike up .  Note we were told it was of moderate difficulty.  For avid hikers that is probably the case, but we found it a bit closer to hard.

There are a few tough inclines and you spend a fair amount of time climbing over boulders .  I’d recommend not doing the hike alone as having someone to boost you up was definitely necessary in a few spots.

While the ruins themselves weren’t that cool, the hike was fun and enough of a challenge to feel like we had accomplished something .  It takes about 2 and a half hours to get to Pueblito from Cabo .

We actually chose to send our bags out on horses and hiked out from Pueblito to the entrance at Calabazo.  That took about 2 and a half more hours.

There’s another longer hike called 9 Piedras that I have not done, but it is supposed to give some great views of the park.

Unplug and Get Away From It All

A couple days in Tayrona is a great way to disconnect.  With no wi-fi and little to no cell service , you’ll have no choice but to stay off facebook and instagram or work email and just relax.

So spend some time enjoying the scenery on the hikes.  Once you’ve worn yourself out, relax with a good book, get your tan on, and take a nap on the beach .  In the evening, you can contemplate your existence and take advantage of the excellent star gazing .

Photo of a girl making a victory pose with the beautiful things to see in Tayrona behind her.

There are a number of fancy lodges and cabins available both inside and just outside the park .  However, they tend to be very pricey!

Therefore, the most popular option, and my recommendation, for where to stay in Tayrona is Cabo San Juan del Guía.

Cabo San Juan – Most Popular Place to Stay

At Cabo San Juan, you can rent a tent, the space for your own tent, or a hammock.   The hammocks are in a covered area, and there are a limited number of additional hammocks on top of a big rock overlooking the bay.  There are also a limited number of small cabins .

Photo of a group of people at Cabo San Juan, the most popular for where to stay in Tayrona Park in Colombia.

The on-site restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner for fairly reasonable prices.  The restaurant serves the typical fish plate as well as rice, chicken, and pasta dishes.  There are a few vegetarian options.  Expect to spend 20-40,000 pesos per meal.

There were also some fresh breads and sandwiches on sale that were really good for 5-7,000 pesos.  You also have to try the bread at the Panaderia Bere on the hike in .  The tomato, cheese, and basil ones are awesome, especially fresh out of the oven.

You can bring in food, but there is no kitchen and no fires at the camp site.   There is also a little  tienda that sells snacks and drinks .  An Aguila ran 5,000 pesos when we were last there in late 2018.

Cell service was spotty at best and there was no wi-fi .  There is a small cell charging station by the restaurant.  Do be aware that there are no electrical hookups in the camping area.

Photo of tents with palm trees in the background a the camp site at Tayrona.

Prices for Accommodations at Cabo San Juan del Guía : (*Note, these prices were confirmed for the November 2020 Tayrona reopening)

  • Hammock in the main area :  $50,000 pesos per person (includes a locker and mosquito net).
  • Hammock on top of the rock overlooking the bay :  *This area is closed for the time being
  • Tent Rental :  $100,000 pesos a person (single and double tents available and rental includes a mattress pad and pillow).
  • With Your Own Tent :  30,000 per person
  • Cabin Rentals :  *Currently closed for the time being
  • $8,000 peso reservation fee with 50% due at time of reservation (how to make the reservation explained below).

Use of the bathrooms and showers are included .  They are pretty decent for communal campsite showers, but you will definitely want a good set of flip flops.

How to Make a Reservation at Cabo San Juan del Guía

You need to make your reservation at least 1 day in advance to ensure there is enough capacity.

You can make your reservation by reaching out to Cabo San Juan via their Instagram or by writing them via Whatsapp at +57 311-258-9907 .  There you’ll need to verify availability, confirm your arrival and departure dates, and choice of accommodations.

After confirming your reservation, you’ll have to pay the reservation fee+50% of the price of your accommodations.  You can pay it via a Bancolombia bank transfer or via Western Union.

You can find more information on the accommodations and prices at Cabo San Juan in this .pdf:   Camping CABO SAN JUAN .

Other Places to Stay inside Tayrona National Park

There are a handful of other small lodges and camp sites in Tayrona, although there’s not a ton of info on them online.  Staying at Cabo San Juan is definitely the most common backpacker/camping option.

Those with families or looking for a romantic escape might be interested in one of the more exclusive lodges inside or just outside the park below.

Ecohotel Yachay Tayrona

tours al tayrona

Located not far from both the Calabazo and Zaino entrance, Ecohotel Yachay Tayrona is nestled amongst the forest and has a gorgeous little property that includes a small pool.  It is still a good hike to the main beaches in the park, but for those looking to be in the park but want something nicer than camp sites or hammocks, it makes for a good choice.

Check Availability and Book Here via

Other Places to Stay Outside Tayrona Park

If you’re looking for nicer accommodations, there are a number of good options located just outside the park that offer easy day time access while having more modern amenities than the places to stay in Tayrona itself.

Senda Koguiwa – Amazing Lodge Just Outside the Entrance

tours al tayrona

Located practically across the street from the Zaino entrance to the park, Senda Koguiwa is one of the newest places to stay near Tayrona.  It is a gorgeous property and features a big onsite pool and is next to a lake and surrounded by nature.

Senda Casa Los Naranjos   – Atop the Hills Overlooking the Sea

tours al tayrona

Featuring a gorgeous terrace and pool, the accommodations at Senda Casa Los Naranjos here include a family sized bungalow and private rooms.  It is located just on the northern edge of the park, offering access to the beaches nearby.  A great option for where to stay in Tayrona for a romantic getaway.

Quetzal Dorado Eco-Lodge – Amazing and Exclusive Lodge

tours al tayrona

Located a bit further outside the park, Quetzal Dorado is an eco-lodge with pretty rooms as well as a small pool and sitting area with an amazing view of the forest and hills.  There are family rooms as well as double rooms available, making this a good choice for families for where to stay near Tayrona.

Photo of some people swimming in the water with a mound of rocks with a shelter on top at Tayrona to introduce this travel guide to Tayrona in Colombia.

Practical Travel Tips

  • There are no ATMs in the park and cards are not accepted at Cabo san Juan , so be sure to bring cash .
  • If you’re going during the rainy season from October-December , be aware that the trail could be muddy .  Also, be sure to stay off the horse path as it will be worse!  (We made that mistake).
  • You can get large jugs of water just outside the entrance of the park considerably cheaper than in the park (although you do have to carry them in).
  • Bringing alcohol into the park is prohibited .  Police sometimes search bags, sometimes don’t.  We saw people with bottles of wine and whiskey.  So it’s possible you could sneak it in, but be prepared to lose any you take.
  • Don’t litter , remember the park is a sacred site for the indigenous communities!
  • One use plastic bags have also been prohibited in Colombian National Parks, a law that will go into effect starting in April 2020.

Packing List for Tayrona, Colombia

Travel insurance.

It really is a good idea to have travel insurance.   You never know what could happen, especially hiking and swimming in the wild of Tayrona.  2020 has also taught us all the importance of having medical care if we should need it.

I know I mentioned this above, but it is worth repeating.  While you will have the coverage from the obligatory policy to enter the park, a more general plan for your entire time in Colombia is also a good idea.  Check out World Nomads, one of the most well known travel insurance companies.  You can get a quote or learn more about World Nomads travel insurance here .  You can also see the options offered by for travel insurance especially created for Colombia .  Or if you are visiting multiple countries, you couldYou may also want to compare the options available at Visitors Coverage .

Clothes to Pack for Tayrona

You’re going to be hiking and beaching it, so pack comfortable clothes that you are ok getting dirty in.  And also sweating in, as the climate is hot and humid.

Recommendations for Her:

tours al tayrona

  • These tees are comfortable, cute, and comfortable.
  • These Columbia Anytime Capris are light and dry quickly.
  • This cute leaf print halter top bikini would be perfect for Tayrona.
  • A good sarong not only works as a beach cover up, but can double as a beach towel and can even be tied up as a dress.
  • Chaco’s Sandals are comfortable for all the walking you’ll be doing hiking in and out of Tayrona Park.

Recommendations for Him:

tours al tayrona

  • Columbia’s Blood and Guts shirts not only have a killer name but wick away moisture and offer UPF sun protection, perfect for the sun and hiking of Tayrona.
  • Their tees also wick away moisture and are very comfortable.
  • These quick dry hiking shorts are light and offer several pockets.
  • These APTRO board shorts with palm trees will go right with the beautiful beaches in Tayrona.
  • Chaco’s Mens Sandals are also great for lots of walking.

Recommended Travel Gear to Pack for Tayrona:

tours al tayrona

  • I love my Roam backpack that packs in to its front pocket ( see review here ) .  That makes it perfect to stash in a larger pack and use to carry your camera, book, a bottle of water, and whatever else you need to head to the beach or go hike.
  • Speaking of larger packs, the Osprey Rook 65L is roomy and plenty comfortable for hiking, making a great larger pack to take with you to Tayrona and elsewhere in Colombia.
  • If you want something that is carry on compliant, the Osprey Farpoint 40L is also a great option and has plenty of padding to make it easy to carry.
  • There are lockers at Cabo San Juan which makes a good lock a handy accessory to have to keep things safe.  This MasterLock has a code so you don’t have to worry about losing a key and is TSA compliant so you can use it on your bags when you fly too.
  • A good travel towels is a must for Tayrona.  These Rainleaf microfiber towels are easy to pack and can be used at the beach or the campsite showers.
  • A good flashlight is a good idea to have along to make your way back to your tent or hammock late.  This Maglite Mini is perfect and can be easily packed for travel.
  • Finally, you’ll want some good shades for the beach.  These RAWWOOD Bamboo frame sunglasses fit the bill for him or her.  I recently got a pair of my own and love them ( see review here ).

Other Things to Pack for Tayrona:

  • Sunscreen – You’ll want plenty of it as the Caribbean sun can be withering.  Sunscreen tends to run more expensive in Colombia, so bringing some along is a good idea.  I recommend Coppertone Sport , which holds up well to sweat and ocean.
  • Bug Spray – The mosquitos can come out in droves at night time.  If you bring it from abroad, I recommend  OFF! Deep Woods  (also available in  towelettes ) or check out  OFF! Botanicals  for an all natural option.  If you want a sunscreen/repellent combo, check out  Avon’s Skin so Soft Bug Guard .  If you’re planning on camping, this spray can also treat your tent, hammock, or even your clothes to keep bugs way.
  • Water Bottle –  If you follow the advice above, and buy a big jug of water, you’ll want something smaller to refill as you go.  I have a Takeya bottle I love and use everyday at my teaching job.  It does keep things cold.  For something easier to pack, check out this collapsable Nomader water bottle .
  • First Aid Kit – Although there is a first aid station, a basic first aid kit isn’t a horrible idea to have with you in Tayrona.  This one from Coleman is palm sized and comes with all the basics you’ll need to patch up any small cuts or scrapes.
  • Travel Toilet Paper – The bathrooms at Cabo San Juan are pretty decent, but it’s never a bad idea to have some backup paper just in case.  These travel tissues are easy to pack and you will be glad you have them if you need them.
  • Stomach Remedy – Speaking of the bathroom, there’s nothing worse than getting a case of traveler’s diarrhea at a campsite.  Therefore, you may want to bring along some Pepto tablets to help in the event that it strikes while in Tayrona.

Ready to Plan Your Trip to Tayrona National Park?

There you have it a complete travel guide to Colombia’s Tayrona National Park.  I hope this helped you plan your trip.  If you go, be sure to tell us how you enjoyed it in the comments below!

Cheers and Happy Exploring!

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Be sure to check out these guides to other destinations near Tayrona: Travel Guide to Costeño Beach , a chilled out beach just past Tayrona Travel Guide to Palomino , a backpacker haunt about an hour north Travel Guide to Minca , a beautiful mountain town outside Santa Marta Travel Guide to Cabo de la Vela , in the Guajira Peninsula Travel Guide to Punta Gallinas , the farthest point north on the continent across the desert

Planning a trip to explore Cartagena?

Check out the following posts to help plan: Insider’s Guide to the Best Areas to Stay in Cartagena Complete Packing List for Cartagena Top Things to Do in Cartagena

10 thoughts on “Practical Guide to Tayrona National Park, Colombia”

Great detailed info! Thank you!

Hi John. Great, glad it helped, hope you enjoy Tayrona!

Thanks so much for this info! With the closing of the hike to Pueblito, are there still other hiking options available? Is the 9 Piedras trail still open?

Also, do you know what the name of the bus stop at the park is called?

Hi Bonnie. Glad it helped! I’m not sure about 9 Piedras. I would think yes since the Pueblito closure to my understanding was primarily because the residents wanted to be left alone. The main entrance to the park is called El Zaino. The bus will stop anywhere someone calls for a stop, but they always stop there and call out to let people know. Still, to be on the safe side say to the guy collecting money you are going to Tayrona, and he will let you know. Good luck planning your trip!

Thank you for the great article and tips.

I have one tip/remark regarding the tsa lock you’re recommendeding. Never ever EVER! Use it on a locker or a place where your goal is to secure items while you’re not there. The locks are very easily opened with a tsa key you can just order off the Internet for a few bucks and no-one will be even batting an eyelash at someone putting a key into a lock.

Keep on the good work!

Hey. You know to be honest I had not considered that. Just googled it, and you are right, the masters are out there. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, I will have to suggest other locks here and in other posts. Cheers and enjoy your travels in Colombia!

Hi is it safe to do this wire transfer to book hammock? I read we can do it when we get there as well

Hi Aly. I would say it’s safe, I do transfers via Bancolombia all the time. The question is if you are doing it via wire from a foreign bank, what the charge is? You might be better off waiting until you are in country and either doing it via a western union or just going into a bank and depositing it (you’d have to double check with Cabo that you can do that, they told me Western Union for foreigners without a Colombian bank account but I don’t see why you wouldn’t just be able to deposit it in the bank either).

It seems the overnight accomodation is not an option for the next 1 month due to Corona. So how would you make the most of the park in a day trip? Would you recommend getting there by boat if I am totally okay with the roughness?

Hi Val. Yes, if you’re ok with the boat, that might be the best way to see the nicer beaches in a day. It is possible to hike in and out, but you’re talking 2 hours in and then 2 hours back out, so doable. Boat is I guess closer to 45 min-1 hour each way. I’m not 100% sure this is being offered right now and, well to be honest, I haven’t done it so I’m not sure how much quikcer it is than walking, but there are also horses. I’d say though go for the boat, just make sure you have anything that can’t get wet wrapped up in a bag or two!

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Bus stops & Flip-flops

The Ultimate Guide to Visiting Tayrona National Park in Colombia

The Ultimate Guide to Visiting Tayrona National Park in Colombia

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Tayrona National Park was one of our first destinations in Colombia. We’d just arrived from Southeast Asia and were looking forward to discovering a new continent. Tayrona National park is a popular destination for both national and international tourists, so we knew that we could not miss out and had to pay it a visit as well.

We’ve put together this guide for those of you that also want to visit the park. It has everything you need to plan your visit, including how to buy tickets, how to get there and where to spend the night.

Let’s get started!

Where is Tayrona National Park?

Tayrona National Park is located in the department of Magdalena in the North of Colombia, directly on the Caribbean coast. The closest city is Santa Marta, which lies about 15 kilometers West of Tayrona National Park. Further East along the coast lies Palomino, another popular tourist destination. Cartagena, the most famous city on the North Coast of Colombia and the starting point for most coastal explorers, is about 250 kilometers away.

How to get to Tayrona National Park?

The easiest way how to get to Tayrona National Park is from Santa Marta. However, most people do not find Santa Marta a pleasant city to stay in (we disagree, btw) and will therefore either arrive to Tayrona National Park from Cartagena or Minca. We’ll give you directions from each of these three places.

Santa Marta to Tayrona National Park

To get to Tayrona National Park from Santa Marta, you need to first make your way to the Mercado Público between Calle 11 and Calle 12 in the city center. If you’ve spent the night in Santa Marta it’ll probably be within walking distance of your hostel. From here you can catch a Palomino bound public bus for 8.000 COP that will pass by the park. Expect the ride to take about 1 hour.

If you’re coming from Santa Marta Airport, it’s easier to take the bus from the Terminal de Transportes, which is located along the highway outside of the city.

Minca to Tayrona National Park

This is the route we took, and you can choose from either of two options. The first is to take one of the colectivos from Minca back to Santa Marta. This ride will cost you 8.000 COP per person and will take about 45 minutes. Ask to be dropped off as close as possible to the Mercado Público. From there you can take a 1 hour bus to Tayrona for 8.000 COP.

The other option is to take a taxi directly from Mica to Tayrona National Park. We were able to get a good deal from a driver that had just dropped off people in Minca and seemed desperate to not return to Santa Marta without clients. We payed him 60.000 COP for over an hour in the taxi. Not bad, as we’ve seen prices of 80.000 COP quoted from Santa Marta!

Cartagena to Tayrona National Park

To get from Cartagena to Tayrona National Park, you will first need to get to Santa Marta. Though there are a few coach options, the most convenient way is to take the Berlinastur minibus. It departs quite frequently from the Berlinastur office, just a short taxi ride from the walled city. You can just show up and buy your ticket for the next bus (we paid 46.000 COP each). You probably won’t have to wait more than half an hour.

The ride to Santa Marta should take about 5 to 6 hours, depending on traffic. Tell the bus driver that you want to take the bus to Tayrona National Park, and he’ll make sure to let you off as close to the bus stop as possible. There will be taxis waiting to take you the final stretch.

From here, just follow the instructions above as if you’re departing from Santa Marta.

Tayrona National Park Opening Times

Tayrona National Park opening times are fairly straight forward. The park entrances are open from 8 AM to 5 PM. You can enter the park between these hours. If you’re already inside the park, you don’t need to leave at 5 PM. You can stay for as late as you like (or spend the night). Just keep in mind that there aren’t any park services, such as shuttle buses, available beyond the opening hours.

When planning your trip to Colombia, the one thing to keep in mind though is that each year Tayrona National Park is closed for a couple of weeks. This allows the indigenous community that still lives inside the park to perform an ecological and spiritual cleansing.

In 2020 Tayrona National Park will (most likely) be closed from 1 to 15 February, from 1 to 15 June, and from 19 October to 2 November. Be sure to check the official government site a bit closer to the start of your trip, as the dates are subject to change.

Tayrona National Park Tickets

You can buy Tayrona National Park tickets at the park entrance. However, it’s recommended to buy you your tickets online in advance. There is a daily limit of 6.900 people inside the park and on busy days this limit can be reached early in the day.

So to make sure you won’t be turned away at the entrance, buy your Tayrona National Park tickets online as soon as you know your travel dates.

You can buy Tayrona National Park tickets on the official website: . The website is only in Spanish, but otherwise fairly easy to navigate. Payment is by credit card only.

As of 2019 Tayrona tickets for foreigners cost 53.500 COP in low season (most of the year) and 63.500 COP in high season. High season is from 5 June to 15 July, from 15 December to 15 January, Semana Santa (holy week) and several long weekends.

On top of the entrance fee, you have to pay a mandatory 2.500 COP insurance fee per day. The strange thing is that when buying your Tayrona National Park tickets online, you’re not asked how many days you will be staying. You just pay the insurance fee for one day. Another good reason to buy your tickets online in stead of at the park entrance!

There is some confusion about the need to get vaccinated against yellow fever before entering Tayrona National Park. As far as we know (and according to the information we found on the official government website) it is RECOMMENDED, but not mandatory to get vaccinated. We were not asked about our vaccinations at the park entrance.

Where to Stay at Tayrona National Park

There are no hotels in Tayrona National Park, except for the very fancy and very expensive Ecohabs at Cañaveral beach. Therefore, staying in Tayrona National Park basically means you’ll be sleeping in a hammock. Embrace the adventure 🙂

For the night before you enter the park, we recommend you find accommodation near the park entrance. This allows you to enter the park as soon as it opens at 8 AM. Like we said earlier, it can get very busy and having an early start will ensure you stay ahead of the day tripping crowd.

There are some very nice hostels near Tayrona National Park, mostly located along the main road. You can definitely find a nice place (with swimming pool!) for a decent price. Here’s some of our suggestions:

  • Posada La Ofelia
  • La Katia Creative Hostel
  • Casa Hostal Villa del Rio
  • Hostal Dream House
  • La Casablanca Tayrona House
  • Eco Hostal Yuluka
  • Barranquero Hotel
  • Quetzal Dorado Eco-Lodge
  • Kantawa Hotel & Spa

Most hotels will store your luggage for you while you’re inside the park.

How to Visit Tayrona National Park

To plan your visit Tayrona National Park, you first need to decide whether you want to stay one or more nights in the park or whether you want to do a Tayrona National Park day trip. Both are very well possible, so it will probably depend on how much time you have in your itinerary. Below we will describe our recommendations on how to visit Tayrona National Park.

Tayrona National Park Map

Once at the entrance you will be approached by people telling you you need to make a reservation for a campsite, because otherwise it will be full once you arrive. It’s up to you whether you want to do this, but we didn’t and had no problems with finding a place to sleep in the park, even though we were there in the weekend (more on that later).

At the entrance you will find there are different lines. If you’ve already bought your ticket online (which you should have), you’ll have a different (shorter) line than the rest of the people. Here you’ll register and receive your bracelets.

Once you’ve passed through the entrance, you can choose to either walk the 4 KM asphalt road to the beginning of the hiking trail or take the 3.000 COP colectivo. We highly recommend you take the colectivo.

Parque National Natural Tayrona

At the beginning of the hiking trail, you’ll find several men offering to take you to Arrecife on horseback. The horses looked well cared for, so go for it if you would like to try horseback riding. You don’t need any experience. The horses take a different (easier) path than the hikers, so you won’t get in each others way.

Tayrona National Park Horses

The Hiking Trail

The hike itself is quite easy. The path is well maintained and there is a wooden boardwalk for some parts. You will be climbing stairs to get on the other side of some big rocks. There is a man selling water and ice creams along the way, at a very well chosen resting point. It’ll be hot in the sun, so you’ll thank him for carrying the refreshments all the way down the path.

Tayrona National Park Hike

After you’ve passed the ice cream man, you’ll arrive at the first of a few beaches along the way. They are absolutely stunning and invite you to take a dip in the water. Unfortunately, you are not allowed to swim there as the currents are very strong and dangerous. Be patient, your beach will come…

Tayrona National Park Beaches

Reserve your Hammock

It’s about a 1.5 hour hike in total until you reach Arrecife. The first camping you will see once you turn right towards the beach is the official government camping. We highly recommend this place. Reserve yourself one of their clean and comfortable hammocks with mosquito nets, fans and lockers. The bathrooms at this camping are also quite nice as far as camping bathrooms go.

You might be tempted to opt for one of their other accommodation options, but trust us, the hammocks are the absolute best. You’ll pay an arm and a leg for the cabins and the tents get extremely hot in the sun. We slept like babies in our comfortable hammocks.

Stash your stuff in your locker (all but your swimming gear) and continue to walk along the path. You’ll pass other camping options on the way, which are probably cheaper than the official government camping, but they also looked quite unappealing to us.

You’ll also pass a bakery selling great chocolate / ham and cheese breads. This is a great option for lunch or for breakfast tomorrow. You can also check out one of the lunch stalls a bit further on or bring your own lunch.

Finally, you will get to the beaches that are safe for swimming: La Piscina and Cabo San Juan. You’ll know when you get there, because you’ll see plenty of other people sunbathing and enjoying the water.

Once you’ve had your share of sunshine, head back to your camping at Arrecife. Keep in mind that the showers are only open for a limited time before dark, so make sure to not miss that time slot.

We had dinner at the camping’s restaurant. It was good, but a bit on the expensive side. We decided to just accept it as we didn’t want to bother with the hassle of bringing our own food.

The next day spend some more time at the beach if you want or head back to the exit the same way you came. You’ll be sweaty and dusty by the time you reach the exit, so we recommend you find yourself a nice hotel for the evening.

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Everything you need to know before visiting Tayrona National Park. A complete practical guide to visiting Colombia's most famous national park. We'll tell you how to buy tickets, how to get there, where to sleep and much more!

Hi, my name is Sandra and I’m half of the traveling couple that makes up Bus stops & Flip-flops. I’m finally living the dream by traveling the world with my husband Geert. My other hobbies are eating good food, dancing and sleeping in. Did you enjoy reading my blog post? I’d love it if you leave a comment!

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