zante magic tours


Magic tours, najlepsze wycieczki fakultatywne na korfu, bogate programy, po lądzie i na morzu, przewodnicy pełni pasji.

  • Bez pośpiechu

Co warto zobaczyć?


Korfu, czyli grecka Kerkyra, to prawdziwy diament pośród greckich wysp. Licząc 592 kilometry kwadratowe, pod względem wielkości jest drugą po Kefalonii Wyspą Jońską. Rozciąga się naprzeciw kontynentalnych, zachodnich wybrzeży Grecji i Albanii, od których oddziela ją w północnej części wąska 2,5 kilometrowa cieśnina.

Korfu ma podłużny kształt. Północna część wyspy jest górzysta, zwieńczona najwyższym, wzoszącym się na 906 metrów n.p.m. szczytem Pantokrator. Południe zaś zdobią wysokie wzgórza i rozległe doliny. Wybrzeże Kerkyry jest bardzo urozmaicone. Zachodnia część jest skalista, natomiast wschodnia i północna, równinna i piaszczysta.

Korfu otocza wianuszek mniejszych i większych wysepek. Większość z nich to niewielkie, wynurzające się z morza skały. Ludowa fantazja często przypisuje im mityczne pochodzenie. Wyspa Kolovri na przykład to okręt Odyseusza zamieniony w głaz przez rozgniewanego Posejdona. Pontikonissi  – Mysia Wyspa – według Homera była natomiast ulubionym miejscem jego mitycznego bohatera.  Dziś Mysia Wyspa uznawana jest za jedną z najpopularniejszych atrakcji turystycznych w całej Grecji.

Korfu - mapa wyspy z Korfu z zaznaczonymi atrakcjami turystycznymi Korfu, Plażami Korfu, kurortami Korfu. Korfu Grecja

Wybierz dla siebie wycieczkę lokalną na Korfu

Pamiętaj, że dokładny czas trwania wycieczki uzależniony jest od charakteru trasy, sytuacji na drodze, pogody, logistyki zbiórki oraz innych zdarzeń, które mogą wpłynąć na przebieg podróży.

Widok z lotu ptaka na miasto Korfu stolicę Korfu, Korfu Grecja

Miasto Korfu, Paleokastritsa, Mysia Wyspa, Dwa rejsy

Czas trwania:

Rozpoczęcie wycieczki:

Zakończenie wycieczki:

Dzieci 2 – 12 lat:

Dzieci 0 – 2 lat:

  • Na lądzie i na morzu
  • 1 dzień zwiedzania
  • Autorski program zwiedzania
  • Blisko natury
  • Kąpiele i plażowanie
  • Piękne widoki
  • Rejsy w cenie
  • To trzeba zobaczyć


Kanał Miłości, Przylądek Drastis, Porto Timoni, Browar Corfu Beer, Dwa rejsy

  • Kameralna grupa
  • Poza szlakiem

Widok z lotu ptaka na zatokę Antipaxos, turkusowa woda i zielone wzgórza, Paxos i Antipaxos, Korfu Grecja

Stolica Paxos, Antipaxos, całodzienny rejs

  • Przystanek kąpielowy
  • Rejs statkiem

Widok na antyczny teatr w Butrincie Albania, Saranda, Korfu Grecja

Wizyta w Albanii, Saranda, Butrint

  • Obiad w cenie
  • Opowieści przewodnika
  • Przeprawa promowa
  • Tradycja i kultura

Wioska Afionas wioska kwiatow i ialych greckich domkow Korfu Grecja

Wycieczka organizowana na zapytanie (imprezy tylko private i dla małych grup)

  • Pół dnia zwiedzania

Czarny samochód van z logo niebieskiego żółwia na tle zamku i palm - Korfu, Grecja

Wycieczka organizowana na zapytanie (imprezy szyte dla Ciebie na miarę)

  • Grecka kuchnia
  • Nowoczesna flota

Nasi klienci na Korfu najczęściej wybierali

Rejs z paleokastritsa, degustacje kumkwatu, miasto korfu, magia korfu vip, porto timoni, kanał miłości, przylądek drastis, skarby korfu vip, paxos i antipaxos, albania + butrint, jak wyglądają wycieczki lokalne na korfu, tak mogą wyglądać twoje wakacje, katalog magic tours już jest.

Jedno kliknięcie wystarczy, abyś przeniósł się z nami do Grecji! Kolejne strony naszego katalogu zabiorą Cię w magiczną podróż na greckie wyspy i pomogą zaplanować wymarzone wakacje na Zakynthos, Korfu, Kos, Kefalonii i w Atenach. Sprawdź, co warto zobaczyć i które wycieczki fakultatywne po polsku są najciekawsze. Katalog dostępny jest w wersji online, więc teraz możesz mieć go zawsze pod ręką.

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To nasza usmiechnięta drużyna!

Pragniemy opowiadać o Grecji i jej mieszkańcach zgodnie z ich duszą. Z szacunkiem i bez pośpiechu. Niczym dobrzy znajomi chcemy wprowadzać polskich turystów w świat pełen zapierających dech w piersiach widoków, wyjątkowej kultury, słońca, niesamowitych smaków i aromatów oraz sprawiać, by wizyta w Grecji była dla każdego źródłem niezapomnianych wrażeń i wspaniałych wspomnień.

Joanna przewodnik Zante Magic Tours

  • Biuro centralne

Maciej przewodnik magic tours

  • Biuro centralne  / 
  • Przewodnicy

Michałl przewodnik magic tours

Blog Magic Tours

Stare miasto Korfu Grecja wakacje w Grecji 3

Pamiątki z Grecji czyli pomysły na prezenty z wakacji!

  • 16 stycznia 2024

Lubicie przywieźć ze sobą pamiątkę z wakacji, która będzie Wam przypominać o wyjątkowych chwilach spędzonych podczas greckich wakacji? Sami często kupujemy mały gadżet z nowego miejsca, który niczym talizman zachowuje wspomnienia o magicznej przygodzie!

Dzieci podczas wycieczki Magia Korfu wycieczki po polsku Korfu Grecja 2

Korfu z dziećmi! Atrakcje na wyspie dla najmłodszych.

  • 7 czerwca 2021

Wybierasz się z dziećmi na wakacje na Korfu? Super! Wyspa Korfu to miejsce, w którym każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Zestawienie 5 najważniejszych punktów na mapie Korfu, które zachwycą każde go malucha i dorastającą młodzież, a ich rodzice będą także mogli odkryć swoje wewnętrzne dziecko!

Sprawdź lokalizację naszych biur i miejsc zbiórek.

Dowiedz się, jak znaleźć nas na Zakynthos, gdzie zlokalizowane są nasze biura stacjonarne oraz skąd odbieramy naszych turystów. Nasza interaktywna mapa Zakynthos szybko i sprawnie pozowli Ci odnaleźć najbliższe miejsce zbiórki oraz biuro Magic Tours.

Podróże z Magic Tours

Odkryj nasze inne kierunki.

Strona WWW zdjecie glowne Zatoka Wraku Zante scaled

8 wycieczek / 18 wariantów

Kos scaled 1

5 wycieczek / 6 wariantów

Akropol w lindos

3 wycieczki / 5 wariantów

kefalonia scaled 1

2 wycieczki / 5 wariantów

Zdjecia w tle 2

3 wycieczki / 3 warianty

O Wyspie Korfu

Mówią o nas, że organizujemy najlepsze wycieczki fakultatywne na Korfu (Kerkyra), ale także po Grecji. W naszych wycieczkach lokalnych w Grecji można wziąć bowiem udział na Wyspach Jońskich na Korfu, Kefalonii oraz Zakynthos, na wyspach Dodekanezu czyli Kos Rodos a także całorocznie w stolicy Grecji – Atenach. Na lokalnym rynku działamy już od ponad dekady i z każdym dniem jeszcze bardziej kochamy naszą pracę. Korfu i wycieczki fakultatywne z przewodnikiem to nasz żywioł! Oprowadzamy po polsku, bez pośpiechu, w kameralnych grupach, mamy autorskie programy zwiedzania, nowoczesną flotę, pełen pasji zespół. Co bardzo ważne, jesteśmy bezpośrednim organizatorem naszych wycieczek fakultatywnych na Korfu (Kerkyra) i niejako uzupełniamy ofertę polskich touroperatorów.

Mamy doświadczenie w projektowaniu na Korfu wycieczek fakultatywnych: dla dzieci, par, rodzin, singli, seniorów i grup. Wiemy, że największe marzenie, które przyświeca każdemu wyjeżdżającemu to, ogólnie mówiąc, Grecja. Wycieczki fakultatywne na Korfu (Kerkyrze) dla każdej z tych osób wiążą się jednak z innymi oczekiwaniami i potrzebami. Dlatego też nasze wycieczki lokalne po Grecji i Korfu realizujemy w różnych wersjach programowych: klasycznej, VIP, Super VIP, a także Private. Każda z nich charakteryzuje się odmiennym stylem i standardem zwiedzania dopasowanym do potrzeb klienta. Na przykład, na Korfu wycieczki fakultatywne dla dzieci organizujemy najczęściej nie tylko z przewodnikiem, ale także z animatorem, który umila czas najmłodszym uczestnikom naszych wycieczek fakultatywnych dla dzieci. Korfu (Kerkyra) jednym słowem stwarza warunki zarówno dla tych, którzy wolą wycieczki jednodniowe w większym gronie, jak i tych preferujących małe grupy, dla tych lubiących zwiedzać intensywnie, jak i tych nastawionych podczas wakacji na relaks i wypoczynek.

Na Korfu lokalne wycieczki fakultatywne z przewodnikiem organizujemy codziennie z niemal wszystkich miejscowości, a turystów odbieramy z każdego miejsca na wyspie, w tym z najpopularniejszych kurortów wg regionów: 

Region północ: Acharavi, Ag. Giorgios Pagon, Agios Stefanos, Almyros, Apraos, Arillas, Karusades, Kassiopi, Roda, Sidari Region centrum: Dafnila, Dassia, Gouvia, Ipsos, Kanoni, Kommeno, Kontokali, Korfu, Nissaki, Barbati, Ag. Ioannis Afron, Ermones, Glyfada, Liapades, Paleokastritsa, Pelekas, Ag. Gordis. Region Południe: Ag. Giorgios South, Ag. Ioannis Peristeron, Benitses, Kavos, Messonghi, Moraitika, Perama, Boukari, Marathias

Podczas naszych lokalnych wycieczek fakultatywnych z przewodnikiem zdradzamy naszym turystom, co warto zobaczyć na Korfu (Kerkyra), gdzie najlepiej się zatrzymać oraz pokazujemy najważniejsze atrakcje Korfu: Półwysep Kanoni z lądującymi samolotami nad głową, kościołem Vlacherna i możliwością rejsu na Mysią wyspę, Paleokatritsa z rejsem do Błękitnych Grot i rajskich plaż, Kanał Miłości (Canal d’Amour), Wioska Duchów Palia Perithia i wiele innych. Docieramy do tak pięknych miejsc jak przylądek Przylądek Drastis i Logas ze zjawiskowymi widokami na piaskowcowe klify, najwyższy szczyt na Korfu – Pantokratos a także fantastyczne plaże Avlaki, Stelari, plaże Paleokatritsy. Podczas wycieczek lokalnych na Korfu zaglądamy też do tradycyjnych wsi Afionas, Lakones czy Palia Peritchia nazywana wioską Duchów. Próbujemy specjałów greckiej kuchni i lokalnych przysmaków – likierów i konfitur z kumkwatu, oliwy, wina, rodzynek i pysznych serów. Nade wszystko wierzymy, że na Korfu wycieczki fakultatywne to okazja do cieszenia się słońcem, greckim klimatem i stylem życia oraz zapierającymi dech w piersiach widokami.

Warto zwrócić uwagę, że na Korfu wycieczki lokalne z przewodnikiem nie są jedynym obszarem działalności Magic Tours. Poza wycieczkami fakultatywnymi w Grecji mamy także ofertę dodatkową. W Korfu Magic Tours Podpowiemy gdzie wynająć samochód, lub które miejsce na wyspie to idealny klimat dla oczekiwań danego turysty.

Jeśli planujesz zatem wakacje na Korfu (Kerkyra) i udział w wycieczkach lokalnych z przewodnikiem zapraszamy do zapoznania się z ofertą Korfu Magic Tours: wycieczek fakultatywnych na Korfu, wycieczek jednodniowych na Korfu, wycieczek lokalnych dla dzieci na Korfu, wycieczek z przewodnikiem na Korfu. Gorąco zachętami, by zapoznać się też z naszymi innymi programami zwiedzania: wycieczek fakultatywnych w Grecji, wycieczek jednodniowych w Grecji oraz wycieczek z przewodnikiem w Grecji. Korfu

magic tour korfu

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  • +48 607 501 965

A blue and white logo for world cmc travel.

The Magic of Corfu Half-Day Tour

This half-day tour starts with a drive to Paleokastritsa, towards the North-Western part of the island, one of the most beautiful places in Corfu and in the whole of Greece! Stunning panoramas, turquoise, pristine crystal water, capes, and bays! You will visit the small but yet very charming Byzantine monastery of the Theotokou. There, you will discover precious icons from the 15th century. Then you will drive all the way uphill through the traditional village of Lakones. From one of the terraces, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the breathtaking view over the Ionian sea and to have some refreshments. The tour will continue through the mountains to return to Old Corfu Town for a stroll or a scenic drive along with it!


– Paleokastritsa, the monastery of the Theotokou – The village of Lakones. – Bella vista – Corfu old town

What’s included

– Guiding Services – Private Transportation – Entrance fees

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magic tour korfu

Corfu Northern Magic 8hr Sightseeing tour

magic tour korfu

  • Free Browsing WiFi & use of Tablet
  • Mineral Water & Refreshments
  • Child Seats (on Request)
  • Fully Air-conditioned Vehicle
  • Limousine Seating in VIP Mercedes MiniVan
  • Boat Trips Group/Private
  • Official Guides
  • Entrance Fees
  • Hotel pick up is offered subject to customer(s) hotel location. In case property (villa-hotel-airbnb) is not within tour pick up areas, a transfer can be offered at extra charge for customers' convenience - quoted ad-hoc in round trip basis - at the nearest pick up place to meet our group for the tour booked. Please notice that extra charges may apply per person or in total of the group for pick-ups from hotels- villas- airbnb outside the proximity of our tour selected pick route. In that case we can provide round trip transfer for customer(s) convenience ad-hoc quoted as per location of customer(s)' property.
  • Corfu Port Authority Company, Eth. Antistaseos 24, Kerkira 491 00, Greece
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infant seats available
  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • Most travelers can participate
  • Child Seats (on Request) Extra charge
  • Comfortable walking shoes recommended
  • Places or worship need legs & shoulders to be covered
  • Double check your ships departure time
  • This is a private tour/activity. Only your group will participate
  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.
  • You'll get picked up See departure details
  • 1 Paleokastritsa Monastery Stop: 4 hours See details
  • 2 Kassiopi Bay Hotel Stop: 3 hours See details
  • You'll return to the starting point

magic tour korfu

  • mikujamussu 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles Good dance show, mediocre food and nice Athens by night tour The dance show was good with many different kinds of local greek dances with traditional costumes. We were very happy with the performances. The food on the other hand was just ok and nothing special. But it didn't bother us, as the dance show was the most important thing for us. There was also a nice tour around the city before the dinner show. We were able to see the most famous monuments of Athens lit at night, which was beautiful and a nice activity for our first night in the city. Read more Written March 29, 2024
  • Susee10 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Great time Pirates cruise really enjoy it when to a little island where we had a BBQ nice food penalty of it. The pirates kept us entertained there was a bar on the boat which was reasonably priced. Great atmosphere would definitely recommend. Read more Written February 28, 2024
  • 652alisonm 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles Easy to get around Snorkelling was really good . Lovely clear water. Limited space for those that don’t want to hire sun-bed. Very easy to navigate island by the regular buses. Read more Written February 15, 2024
  • patcS2046YC 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles LOVELY DAY OUT This walk was amazing and our guide was very informative. I would definitely recommend it for anyone who loves the outdoors. Read more Written December 22, 2023
  • kateMariaS234 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Serene Pilgrimage Haven Tinos Island, part of the Cyclades in Greece, is a captivating destination known for its unique blend of spirituality, natural beauty, and cultural richness. Pilgrims and visitors alike are drawn to the renowned Panagia Evangelistria (Our Lady of Tinos) Church, a major pilgrimage site with a miraculous icon. The journey up to the church is marked by the ascent of the Holy Staircase, where many express their devotion through prayer and dedication. Beyond its religious significance, Tinos offers picturesque villages adorned with traditional white-washed buildings and cobblestone streets. The island's landscapes are diverse, featuring rugged mountains, lush valleys, and golden beaches, providing a varied and stunning backdrop for exploration. Tinos is also celebrated for its vibrant arts scene. The town of Pyrgos is known for its marble sculptures, and the island hosts an annual art festival, showcasing a rich cultural tapestry. Whether one seeks spiritual solace, natural serenity, or a taste of authentic Greek culture, Tinos stands as a multifaceted gem in the Aegean Sea, inviting travelers to discover its unique charm and character. Read more Written November 21, 2023
  • irene v 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Guide with broad knowledge Very informative tour on Greek history and modern culture, Thessaloniki and of course accompanied by delicious street food. Read more Written November 15, 2023
  • W4300EQkevink 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles A great guide makes a great tour Another "Tours by Locals" tour that was excellent. Our guide, Nota, was very enthusiastic and knew so much about the sights and the history that it was like being taught by your favorite teacher. The tour itself included the area around the Acopolis as well as the Acropolis Museum itself. Very ,very impressive. Quite a bit of walking and steps, but not so bad. The pace of the tour was very relaxed, and Nota made sure we were comfortable. Read more Written November 13, 2023
  • Companion25393306791 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles Lovely day out! The trip was overall a very lovely day out, all travel was well organised!! We got picked up from near our hotel at the right time and were welcomed onto the trip by our guide who was amazing! We then got the boat over to Nisyros which was a lovely boat trip, we arrived in the village of Mandraki where we got free time, however they wasen’t much to do however so didn’t need much free time we then got on bus to the volcano, had to pay €3 to get in, very smelly but amazing to see we walked down to the crater which was very cool. Had about 40mins and volcano which was a perfect amount of time before we got back on bus and then boat back to kos and another transfer back to our hotel! Read more Written November 5, 2023
  • 474kaydencej 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Stunning The views were amazing and I loved the horses! It was the perfect amount of time and beautiful time of day. Be prepared to be sore the next day! Read more Written October 28, 2023
  • OnAir821721 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Worth it The tour guide was very informative and friendly. It was worth it . The bad part is they don't pick you up at your hotel and this tour made us walk back to the pickup point. Read more Written October 22, 2023
  • narfnotlob 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Such a terrific day! We had a wonderful day on this day cruise. Staff were great and made everyone feel welcome and safe on their boat. Pl;enty of time to enjoy each stop. Barbecue lunch was so delicious. All in all, we really enjoyed our day cruise. Read more Written October 22, 2023
  • Raul R 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles Worst tour ever by far It says it start at 8 pm. It started at 9:15 pm The tour guide, while speaking thru the mic, it was impossible to hear her. People asked to speak louder and it was still bad We were packed in a locale like sardines. There was absolutely no room even to eat White wine was warm. I am absolutely positive that a fire department of any county in the US would shut down the place due to lack of security/safety. A few positives: good show but not great and good food but not great either. If you want to waste your money, this would be a fabulous way to do it Read more Written October 21, 2023
  • B4748STjohnb 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles Could not go due to storm that lasted for 3 days We were looking forward to this trip but due to extreme weather the trip was cancelled at the last minute. The whole area was shut down and we were not allowed to leave our hotel. Could not rearrange as we were due to go home before the tour could be resheduled. Read more Written October 20, 2023
  • Z492FProsemarys 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles Athens by foot. Our tour guide Dulce was wonderful. She was punctual and professional… very experienced and knowledgeable… it was lovely to walk at a reasonable pace, never feeling rushed. She was very personable without being intrusive…. It felt like being with family. Lovely day. Read more Written October 18, 2023
  • sophieannenicol 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles A must do in Paros! SO. MUCH. FUN. the best way to see the highlights of Paros and enjoy the gorgeous Greek waters. The staff were lovely, lunch was delicious and the day felt like a dream. 10/10 recommend. Read more Written October 17, 2023

More to explore in Corfu

magic tour korfu

Corfu Northern Magic 8hr Sightseeing tour provided by MTM DMC Ltd - Greece

Yacht charter corfu I The Corfu experience

Corfu Private Tours & Luxury Experiences

Corfu Yacht charter corfu I The Corfu experience

Admire Corfu's Famous Sights

The Corfu experience Corfu Yacht Charter

Explore our Private Cruises or create your own

Corfu Yacht Charters

Cook Traditional Recipes

Corfu Private tours Corfu I The Corfu experience

Dive into the History

Discover hidden gems.

Corfu Private Village Tour

Visit Picturesque Villages

The Corfu Experience / Private tours Corfu

Feel the Relaxation in Luxury

magic tour korfu

Pay 30% in advance 10 days before the tour and final payment on the day of the tour.

Luxury Private Tours

Perfect idea for families, groups of friends, small corporate groups and cruise ship passengers.

magic tour korfu

All travelers are covered by a liability policy during private tours.

The Corfu Experience / Private tours Corfu

We organize for you the most luxurious thematic tours in Corfu, with excellent reviews.

magic tour korfu

All services of each tour (transfer, entrance fees, coffee break, tour guide, lunch) are included in ONE PRICE.

heart image

These are the most luxurious Corfu Private Tours & Luxury Experiences from Local Experts. With our premium private sea and shore tours in Corfu, you will transcend the beauty of Corfu creating experiences that inspire and delight.


Travel your senses

Experience the tranquility of the landscape, the colors, the aura of the Corfu nature and feel strong emotions.

corfu old town

Discover hidden gems

Explore the authenticity behind the Corfiot traditions and everyday life.

magic tour korfu

Savour the local diversity

Let yourself connect to the Corfiot hospitality, people, history and culture.

Corfu Private Tours

Choose your own Corfu Private Tour that suits your taste and enjoy authentic, personalized experiences that you will cherish forever.

Private Luxury Sea Tours 2024

Luxury private cruise to paxos, antipaxos & blue caves.

Private boat trip from corfu to paxos , The Corfu Experience

Luxury Private Corfu Sea Tour for Cruise Passengers


Luxury Private Cruise to Sivota Islands & Blue Lagoon

Luxury Private Cruise to Sivota Islands and The Blue Lagoon

An amazing private Corfu fishing tour experience

Corfu fishing tour experience

Luxury Private Sea Tour, Discover the Eastern Corfu Coastline

Corfu private Sea Tour, the corfu experience

Corfu Luxury Private Sunset Tour

Corfu Luxury Private Sunset Cruise with Cocktails

Private Luxury Shore Tours 2024

Admire the most iconic sights of corfu in one day.

corfu, corfu tours

Cooking class of authentic recipes in the Corfu countryside

Corfu Cooking Class, The Corfu Experience, Corfu private Tours

Discover the most emblematic beaches of Corfu.

magic tour korfu

Taste the unique local products and culinary treasures of Corfu

Corfu Private Wine tour

Discover the authentic way of life in the picturesque villages of Corfu

Corfu Private Village Tour

A Cultural tour in the Historical centre of Corfu Old Town

Corfu Town Private Tour

Durrells Family: A scenic Cinematic Corfu Tour

corfu durrells private tour

Corfu Wine tour to the routes of Dionysus & Wine Tasting

Corfu Private Wine tour, The Corfu Experience

Old Perithia: A Legendary Tour of the Abandoned Village

Old Perithia: A Legendary Tour of the Abandoned Village

Enjoy a lunch with pure products from the Corfu farm

Corfu Cooking Class, The Corfu Experience, Corfu private Tours

Corfu olive oil tour: A 500 year old heritage tour & olive oil tasting

Corfu olive oil tour, The Corfu Experience

The unique folklore traditions in the villages of middle Corfu.

Corfu Folklore Private Tour

Popular Corfu Private Tours

Join us on a luxurious private cruise to discover the “hidden gems” of the Ionian Sea. Enjoy the sun while swimming to the crystal-clear waters of the that can be compared to those of the Caribbean.

Duration: 8 hours Pick up: Door to door Luxury Yacht & Fuel: Included Skipper & Hostess: Included Lunch: Included Cocktails & Snacks: Included

Tour Guide: Upon Request

5* Services – Everything is included in One Price!

Private boat trip from corfu to paxos , The Corfu Experience

Join us on a luxurious private cruise to discover the “hidden gems” of the Corfu coastline. Enjoy the Ionian sun while swimming to the crystal-clear waters of the Ionian Sea.

Duration: 7 hours Pick up: Door to door Luxury Boat & Fuel: Included Skipper & Hostess: Included Lunch: Included Cocktails & Snacks: Included

Corfu private Sea Tour, the corfu experience

A magical journey to all the famous spots that every demanding traveler in Corfu should definitely visit. This Grand Island Tour is an All Inclusive Luxury Experience. Well, with so many must do things on Corfu Island only one visit is never enough.

Duration: 7,5 hours Pick up: Door to door Luxuxry Transfer: Included Entrance fees & Taxes: Included Coffee Break & Lunch: Included

corfu, corfu tours


We have never expected to have so bright moments during only one day. We have visited places in Corfu that most people don’t know actually exist and meet with authentic locals, who became the narrators of brilliant stories from the past. It was an unforgettable experience that we would heartily recommend.

Our tour of the villages of Corfu had many great surprises. We were surprised with the hospitality of common people in the alleyways of the villages and the fact that we always heard “good morning” from people standing outside their home. The cooking experience in the countryside was brilliant and our dish was delightful.

We were always searching for more and more things to see, touch, feel and hear. Original ideas of tours, contact with amazing locals and lovely organization of the whole experience.

We had a full experience with our friends and if we had much more time for holidays we would choose to spend it with you again, for sure. We never felt like common customers, but like friends and your guests. This was the most important to us and the most pleasant day of our holidays in Corfu. Thank you!

We have been visiting Corfu for 20 years and “the corfu expereince” was a big surprise, a unique experience. Thank you for offering this tour of undiscovered places and making us learn about the culture of the countryside in Corfu, a place that we so much love.

corfu olive oil tour

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magic tour korfu

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the tour guy travel blog

Best THINGS TO DO In CORFU in 2024

Eleni Gimouki Last Updated: October 26, 2023

If you wish to visit Corfu next summer but you aren’t sure about what you can do on this island, the article below is for you. Above all, Corfu is one of the biggest Greek islands so you can discover different places to visit and activities to do. Therefore, the best things to do in Corfu are presented to you below.

Top Things To Do In Corfu

Above all, Corfu is one of the biggest islands in Greece. That is to say, there are several top things to do in Corfu. For example, there are many beautiful beaches to enjoy swimming in the crystal clear seawater. Moreover, there are several attractions to visit. Finally, there are some very tasty traditional dishes if you are open to trying them. Finally, staying at a luxury hotel could be a memorable experience during your holidays there.

Therefore, we gathered the top things you can do on the island, so as to be easy for you to visit this unique destination.

Pro Tip:  Bookmarks are the key to organizing a great trip. So, bookmark this post in a “Greece” folder in your browser. This way you can circle back to it while you are traveling. 

11. Natural Spa In Canal D’ Amour

magic tour korfu

Above all, a great idea to spend a day of your vacation is certainly to try and do some natural spa. In Canal D’ Amour, you will find a magical landscape. According to mythology, the nymphs were coming to this place to do a spa. Moreover, the landscape looks like a lunar one and it is unique.

Therefore, it is a great opportunity to do some spas as well. It is certainly a special and unique experience where you will relax and have fun. Finally, the place is also ideal as you have access to the Ionian Sea. So, you will have the unique opportunity to swim in the best sea in Greece.

How to get to Canal D’ Amour

10. Palaiokastritsa Beach

magic tour korfu

Palaiokastritsa beach is certainly a must-visit beach. To clarify, it is one of the most popular beaches on the island. That is to say, it is crowded enough. However, it is worth visiting it. But get ready to feel the cold seawater. On the other hand, the green landscape around will amaze you.

This beach is fully organized with beach bars, sunbeds, and umbrellas so that you can spend all day long there. My favorite place on Palaiokastritsa beach is La Grotta Bar where you can stay until late at night and admire the starry sky by the sea.

How to get to Palaiokastritsa Beach

9. St Spyridon Church

magic tour korfu

One of the most famous attractions in Corfu is certainly the St Spyridon Church. It is a very beautiful orthodox church with an impressive belfry. It is located in Corfu’s Town. So if you have some free time, it is worth visiting it. What I love about this church is its special architecture.

To clarify, it was built in the 1580s. It houses the relics of Saint Spyridon. It is a one-room basilica and its bell tower is the highest in the Ionian Islands. So, you will certainly be amazed. Don’t miss the chance to visit it!

How to get to St Spyridon Church

8. Corfu Customs

magic tour korfu

If you love traveling in spring, then Corfu is the ideal destination, especially on Easter. That is to say, you are going to enjoy some very impressive customs that take place on the island. The most popular one is “Botides”. Botides are clay jugs, full of water, with a narrow mouth and two handles on the side, tied with red ribbons.

On the morning of Holy Saturday, people get to Corfu’s town. Then, people on balconies start throwing the jugs. The breaking of the jugs symbolizes the removal of misfortune. Therefore, people take some pieces of the jugs home in order to bring them good luck and prosperity. I love this custom as it is really fun. All the people are a company so, you will certainly feel the Greek philoxenia.

7. Tasting Traditional Cuisine

Tasting Traditional Cuisine Best Things To Do In Corfu

What’s amazing about Corfu is its traditional cuisine. Here, you are going to discover many tasty dishes, traditional but also modern. There is a wide variety of dishes like pastitsada (pasta accompanied with meat), sofrito (fried slices of beef), braised octopus, etc. There are also some really tasty traditional drinks you can try like liqueur and kumquat.

So, if you wish to try some traditional Corfu dishes, a really good idea is to reserve a table at Avli restaurant where you can try different special dishes. Don’t forget to ask for some wine to accompany your dish.

6. Daily Cruise To Paxos Island

magic tour korfu

If you have decided to visit Corfu the next summer, a great opportunity is to organize a daily trip to Paxos island. Paxos is a small but very beautiful and picturesque island next to Corfu. You will certainly love the crystal clear seawater and the villages. There, you may want to spend some time strolling around or just relax at beautiful cafes and restaurants.

If you are interested in spending a day there, you can come in touch with Corfu Cruises and book your daily cruise. It will certainly be a unique experience. Moreover, you will have the chance to dive into magical Greek seawater and meet a brand new and cute place.

5. Stay At A Luxury Hotel

Corfu Imperial Top Thing To Do In Corfu

€€€€+ | 5 Star | Private Peninsula | Multiple Private Beaches

In Corfu, you are going to find several luxury hotels in different places. Most of them certainly offer numerous luxurious amenities. So, you may just want to spend your time by the hotel’s pool or enjoy a drink at its bar. Moreover, different spa services and sports facilities will let you relax, have fun, and stay fit.

Above all, Corfu Imperial is certainly the best luxury hotel in Corfu where members of royal families chose it as their summer hotel option. Here, there are numerous amenities. For example, you can taste delicious dishes cooked by an awarded chef. Moreover, different activities like music nights and shows are often organized.

The amazing thing about this hotel is that it owns four private beaches. This is certainly one of the best things to do in Corfu. Finally, discover more luxury hotels in Corfu .

Location, photos, and booking

4. Horse Riding

magic tour korfu

If you are a horse riding lover, in Corfu you will certainly find such activity. To clarify, in Gouvia and Avlaki beaches, you will have the opportunity to do a horse riding activity. So, this is a great chance to visit these places. To clarify, the best time of the day to do horse riding is in the evening, when the sun gradually goes down; it’s the magic time.

Above all, while you are doing horse riding, you will be able to admire the beautiful beach. Both places are amazing. On the other hand, you may want to relax and enjoy the sea after finishing the riding. Especially at night, both beaches are great, the sea is warm and calm, and the sky is full of stars. Spin Tours will certainly offer you an unforgettable experience.

3. Nightlife In Corfu

NAOK Azur Top Things To Do In Corfu

On holiday, we all want to have fun and also enjoy the nightlife. In Corfu, you will certainly love nightlife. There are numerous bars and clubs mainly in the town. So, you can certainly enjoy the night until early in the morning. Personally, I love visiting several and spending the night tasting different cocktails and shots and dancing.

One of my favorite bars in Corfu’s town is certainly NAOK Azur . Here, not only will you enjoy the beautiful view but also you will have fun at different DJ events and taste really delicious cocktails. So, you may want to enjoy a cold coffee early in the evening and continue your nighttime here drinking special cocktails and dancing all night long.

How to get to NAOK Azur

2. Visiting Achilleion Palace

magic tour korfu

Achilleion Palace is certainly one of the must-visit attractions in Corfu. Above all, it is of particular interest, due to both the Palace’s architecture and the valuable collections of the Empress’ furniture and personal items. What I really love about this place is its magnificence. I’m certainly getting excited when I admire all of these statues that decorate the space. It feels like you see people living in there and they are ready to welcome you; friendly and happy.

Moreover, it is certainly an amazing fact that you have the chance to visit a Palace and get to know how Emperors were living. Don’t miss the chance to walk around the Palace’s garden and also discover the interior of the Palace. It is certainly a unique experience.

Find out more about Achilleion Palace

1. Hang Out In Corfu’s Old Town

magic tour korfu

One of the most beautiful places in Corfu is certainly its Old Town. Above all, Corfu’s Old Town has been inscribed in UNESCO’s list as a World Heritage Site. Moreover, you will admire neoclassical buildings in a Venetian and English architectural style. It is an amazing town where you will discover so many beautiful alleys. Each alley is unique and an incredible opportunity to take memorable photos. Venetian cantons will certainly enchant you.

Further, you will have the chance to try and buy different local products like honey, olive oil, and liqueur kumquat. After your walk in the Old Town, you can enjoy your coffee with a brunch or even your lunch at Liston Gastrotheque . Such a great place to relax and organize the rest of your day.

How to get to Corfu’s Old Town

magic tour korfu

Where to Stay in Corfu

A great hotel at a great price has become the norm in this internet era. Our article explains what areas are the best in Corfu so you can get a great deal on the perfect location!

Adults and kids playing in a pool with slides.

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Corfu Northern Magic 8hr Sightseeing tour

magic tour korfu

  • Free Browsing WiFi & use of Tablet
  • Mineral Water & Refreshments
  • Child Seats (on Request)
  • Fully Air-conditioned Vehicle
  • Limousine Seating in VIP Mercedes MiniVan
  • Boat Trips Group/Private
  • Official Guides
  • Entrance Fees
  • Hotel pick up is offered subject to customer(s) hotel location. In case property (villa-hotel-airbnb) is not within tour pick up areas, a transfer can be offered at extra charge for customers' convenience - quoted ad-hoc in round trip basis - at the nearest pick up place to meet our group for the tour booked. Please notice that extra charges may apply per person or in total of the group for pick-ups from hotels- villas- airbnb outside the proximity of our tour selected pick route. In that case we can provide round trip transfer for customer(s) convenience ad-hoc quoted as per location of customer(s)' property.
  • Corfu Port Authority Company, Eth. Antistaseos 24, Kerkira 491 00, Greece
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infant seats available
  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • Most travellers can participate
  • Child Seats (on Request) Extra charge
  • Comfortable walking shoes recommended
  • Places or worship need legs & shoulders to be covered
  • Double check your ships departure time
  • This is a private tour/activity. Only your group will participate
  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.
  • You'll get picked up See departure details
  • 1 Paleokastritsa Monastery Stop: 4 hours See details
  • 2 Kassiopi Bay Hotel Stop: 3 hours See details
  • You'll return to the starting point

magic tour korfu

  • mikujamussu 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles Good dance show, mediocre food and nice Athens by night tour The dance show was good with many different kinds of local greek dances with traditional costumes. We were very happy with the performances. The food on the other hand was just ok and nothing special. But it didn't bother us, as the dance show was the most important thing for us. There was also a nice tour around the city before the dinner show. We were able to see the most famous monuments of Athens lit at night, which was beautiful and a nice activity for our first night in the city. Read more Written 29 March 2024
  • Susee10 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Great time Pirates cruise really enjoy it when to a little island where we had a BBQ nice food penalty of it. The pirates kept us entertained there was a bar on the boat which was reasonably priced. Great atmosphere would definitely recommend. Read more Written 28 February 2024
  • 652alisonm 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles Easy to get around Snorkelling was really good . Lovely clear water. Limited space for those that don’t want to hire sun-bed. Very easy to navigate island by the regular buses. Read more Written 15 February 2024
  • patcS2046YC 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles LOVELY DAY OUT This walk was amazing and our guide was very informative. I would definitely recommend it for anyone who loves the outdoors. Read more Written 22 December 2023
  • kateMariaS234 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Serene Pilgrimage Haven Tinos Island, part of the Cyclades in Greece, is a captivating destination known for its unique blend of spirituality, natural beauty, and cultural richness. Pilgrims and visitors alike are drawn to the renowned Panagia Evangelistria (Our Lady of Tinos) Church, a major pilgrimage site with a miraculous icon. The journey up to the church is marked by the ascent of the Holy Staircase, where many express their devotion through prayer and dedication. Beyond its religious significance, Tinos offers picturesque villages adorned with traditional white-washed buildings and cobblestone streets. The island's landscapes are diverse, featuring rugged mountains, lush valleys, and golden beaches, providing a varied and stunning backdrop for exploration. Tinos is also celebrated for its vibrant arts scene. The town of Pyrgos is known for its marble sculptures, and the island hosts an annual art festival, showcasing a rich cultural tapestry. Whether one seeks spiritual solace, natural serenity, or a taste of authentic Greek culture, Tinos stands as a multifaceted gem in the Aegean Sea, inviting travelers to discover its unique charm and character. Read more Written 21 November 2023
  • irene v 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Guide with broad knowledge Very informative tour on Greek history and modern culture, Thessaloniki and of course accompanied by delicious street food. Read more Written 15 November 2023
  • W4300EQkevink 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles A great guide makes a great tour Another "Tours by Locals" tour that was excellent. Our guide, Nota, was very enthusiastic and knew so much about the sights and the history that it was like being taught by your favorite teacher. The tour itself included the area around the Acopolis as well as the Acropolis Museum itself. Very ,very impressive. Quite a bit of walking and steps, but not so bad. The pace of the tour was very relaxed, and Nota made sure we were comfortable. Read more Written 13 November 2023
  • Companion25393306791 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles Lovely day out! The trip was overall a very lovely day out, all travel was well organised!! We got picked up from near our hotel at the right time and were welcomed onto the trip by our guide who was amazing! We then got the boat over to Nisyros which was a lovely boat trip, we arrived in the village of Mandraki where we got free time, however they wasen’t much to do however so didn’t need much free time we then got on bus to the volcano, had to pay €3 to get in, very smelly but amazing to see we walked down to the crater which was very cool. Had about 40mins and volcano which was a perfect amount of time before we got back on bus and then boat back to kos and another transfer back to our hotel! Read more Written 5 November 2023
  • 474kaydencej 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Stunning The views were amazing and I loved the horses! It was the perfect amount of time and beautiful time of day. Be prepared to be sore the next day! Read more Written 28 October 2023
  • OnAir821721 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Worth it The tour guide was very informative and friendly. It was worth it . The bad part is they don't pick you up at your hotel and this tour made us walk back to the pickup point. Read more Written 22 October 2023
  • narfnotlob 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Such a terrific day! We had a wonderful day on this day cruise. Staff were great and made everyone feel welcome and safe on their boat. Pl;enty of time to enjoy each stop. Barbecue lunch was so delicious. All in all, we really enjoyed our day cruise. Read more Written 22 October 2023
  • Raul R 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles Worst tour ever by far It says it start at 8 pm. It started at 9:15 pm The tour guide, while speaking thru the mic, it was impossible to hear her. People asked to speak louder and it was still bad We were packed in a locale like sardines. There was absolutely no room even to eat White wine was warm. I am absolutely positive that a fire department of any county in the US would shut down the place due to lack of security/safety. A few positives: good show but not great and good food but not great either. If you want to waste your money, this would be a fabulous way to do it Read more Written 21 October 2023
  • B4748STjohnb 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles Could not go due to storm that lasted for 3 days We were looking forward to this trip but due to extreme weather the trip was cancelled at the last minute. The whole area was shut down and we were not allowed to leave our hotel. Could not rearrange as we were due to go home before the tour could be resheduled. Read more Written 20 October 2023
  • Z492FProsemarys 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles Athens by foot. Our tour guide Dulce was wonderful. She was punctual and professional… very experienced and knowledgeable… it was lovely to walk at a reasonable pace, never feeling rushed. She was very personable without being intrusive…. It felt like being with family. Lovely day. Read more Written 18 October 2023
  • sophieannenicol 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles A must do in Paros! SO. MUCH. FUN. the best way to see the highlights of Paros and enjoy the gorgeous Greek waters. The staff were lovely, lunch was delicious and the day felt like a dream. 10/10 recommend. Read more Written 17 October 2023

More to explore in Corfu

magic tour korfu

Corfu Northern Magic 8hr Sightseeing tour provided by MTM DMC Ltd - Greece

  • Saint Petersburg
  • Golden Ring
  • Moscow tours
  • Siberia and Arctics
  • North Caucasus
  • Guided tours
  • Tour packages
  • Tips for tourists travelling to Russia
  • Useful apps to download
  • Visa and registration
  • Restaurants and bars
  • Packing tips
  • Transport in Moscow

Visit Moscow Tours


Saint Petersburg - Karelia 9 days - 8 nights


Moscow - Saint Petersburg tour package 8 days/7 nights

Moscow - saint petersburg 5 days/4 nights.


Moscow - Saint Petersburg 6 days/5 nights


Sochi tour 8 days/7 nights


Altai tour package 11 days/10 nights


Murmansk 4 days/3 nights


Happy New Year tour package- best price 8 days/7 nights


Baikal tour package 7 days/6 nights


Christmas tour package- best price 5 days/4 nights

Moscow tour package 4 days/3 nights.


Special Winter Edition Tour 8 days/7 nights


Saint Peterburg tour package 4 days/3 nights


Moscow-Kazan-Saint Petersburg 9 days/8 nights


Moscow-Suzdal-Saint Petersburg 9 days/8 nights


Moscow-Saint Peterburg tour package 8 days/7 nights BEST DEAL (15th of MAY-22d of MAY only)

Moscow-sochi tour package 6 days/5 nights.


Moscow - Velikiy Novgorod - Saint Petersburg tour package 9 days/8 nights


Moscow-Saint Petersburg-Baikal lake 14 days/13 nights


Moscow-Saint Petersburg-Sochi tour package 10 days/9 nights


Moscow-Altai tour package 14 days/13 nights


Moscow-Murmansk-Saint Petersburg 11 days/10 nights


Saint Petersburg - Karelia 8 days/7 nights


Moscow tour package 5 days/4 nights including tank riding and Stalin Bunker visit


Moscow-Saint Petersburg tour package 7 days/6 nights including tank riding and Stalin Bunker visit


Magic Ice of Baikal Lake - 7 days / 6 nights


SPA tour package Grozny (Chechnya) 4 days - 3 nights


Hiking tour package Dagestan 5 days - 4 nights


Suzdal and Vladimir Tour


Moscow Kremlin Tour


River Cruise Tour


Driving Tour around Saint Petersburg


Peterhof Tour


Moscow Driving Tour


Moscow in 1 Day (Walking tour)

Welcome to visit moscow tours.

We provide authentic, informative and memorable tour packages and city tours, at very competitive prices. Visit Moscow Tours are available not only in Moscow, but also in other cities: Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Suzdal and Sergiev Posad.  We also organise customised individual programs tailored just for you.

Our guests come in large groups, small private groups, as couples or as single travellers. We take care of and treat our guests with respect in a friendly and warm family environment. We show people our beautiful cities with passion and deep knowledge of their history, culture and traditions.

Our guides are extremely hospitable, helpful and well-informed. They are simply the best because only by providing the best services can we make the world fall in love with Russia. And we are very happy when our guests say that they will definitely come back to Russia and that they will tell all their friends how great Russia is! That is what inspires us to put even more dedication and hard work into our tours, knowing that what we do is positive and meaningful.

Our classic tours include tours of Moscow and Saint Petersburg, two main Russian cities.

Moscow is a big and busy  megalopolis and Russia’s capital city, where more than 12 million people live and work. Our capital city is happening place; it is mysterious, elegant, luxurious, fashionable, clean and bright, with its unique legends, traditions and events. It is with great pride that we show the Red Square and the Kremlin, our Underground and Tretyakovskaya Gallery, among other stunning attractions.

Saint Petersburg is our second capital,  the second largest city in the Russian Federation. This wonderful city has a strong and lively aristocratic spirit, uniquely Russian royal architecture, magnificent museums and theatres. Saint Petersburg bears the royal heritage of Russia, which can be felt in its air, its streets, parks, monuments, museums and citizens.  In Saint Petersburg tours, we will take you to the Hermitage, Peter and Paul Fortress, Faberge Museum and Orthodox Cathedrals. We’re sure you will love it!

If you have a few more days to spare, venture into the dreamy Russian countryside in Suzdal or Sergiev Posad. Suzdal is a small town with a population of about ten thousand people, situated on less than 15 square kilometres. This tiny area is home to 53 historic cathedrals, five monasteries and a kremlin. Church domes are visible like mushrooms from anywhere and everywhere in the town like in a fairy tale. No wonder Suzdal is called the ‘Town Museum”.  It is definitely worth visiting!

Just try any of Visit Moscow Tours’ tour packages or any individual city tour, and we promise that you will want to come back to Russia again.  Russia is huge with countless amazing places to visit. There are so many unique experiences to be had and energies to be felt that one tour is definitely not enough to explore this vast land. It is also a very safe destination to travel, and we have a tradition of warm hospitality. Our people adore and take care of visitors as our own guests, and even if they do not know your language very well, they still try to be helpful and hospitable.

Our guides will show you the most interesting attractions and historical places, taking you on a journey to the past to enjoy stories of medieval times, the Romanov monarchy, the Soviet Era. And of course, we will show you the contemporary life of our country through authentic local experiences.

We look forward to meeting you soon!

8 interesting facts about the Hermitage


Magical Corfu; 8 Days Alluring Vacation Package In Greece

3 nights Athens, 4 nights Corfu. Explore Athens and visit the princes of the Ionian islands, Corfu!

From family vacations to romantic getaways, Corfu is the perfect place to combine history, myths, culture, modern life, and the amazing landscape with the Ionian turquoise waters!

Highlights of  Magical Corfu; 8 Days Alluring Vacation Package In Greece

  • 8 day / 7 nights vacation package to Athens and Corfu
  • Explore the wonders of the ancients and classical sites of Greece
  • Visit Athens with its world-famous monuments
  • Visit Corfu the beauty of the Ionian islands


Description of the “corfu magic” vacation package.


DAY 1: ATHENS Upon arrival, you will be met and transferred to your hotel. Balance of day at leisure. Optional tours:  Sunset tour to Sounion ,  Athens-by-night tour

DAY 2: ATHENS GUIDED CITY TOUR Morning sightseeing tour of Athens, including the visit to the Acropolis and its Museum. Balance of the day at leisure.

Optional tours:  Sunset tour to Sounion ,  Athens-by-night tour

DAY 3: ATHENS – DELPHI Full-day excursion to the Archaeological site of Delphi once known as the center of Earth. Lunch en route (optional), evening return to Athens.


DAY 4: ATHENS/CORFU Morning transfer to the airport for your flight to Corfu. Arrival & transfer to your hotel.

DAYS 5, 6, 7: CORFU Day at leisure on this beautiful island located in the Ionian sea. Enjoy the sun, the sandy beaches, the picturesque villages, the castles, and the lush green landscape.

Optional tours: Tours in Corfu

DAY 8: CORFU/ATHENS Transfer to the airport for your flight to Athens.


  • 3 nights hotel accommodation in Athens
  • 4 nights hotel accommodation in Corfu Island
  • Half-day Athens sightseeing tour
  • Full day tour to Delphi (including lunch)
  • Air tickets Athens – Corfu – Athens
  • Entrance fees during guided sightseeing
  • All transfers as mentioned
  • Daily breakfast
  • 24-hour assistance phone number


  • Travel insurance
  • International flights
  • Personal expenses
  • Vacation / Holiday package
  • Sightseeing sailing (for packages including islands)
  • All ferry tickets are calculated on economy class, without cabin.
  • Hotels, pickup and drop off (selected hotels only)
  • Round trip shared transfers (Port – Hotel – Port) on each Island are included.
  • An English speaking tour driver, with good knowledge of Greek history and culture (for private tours)
  • Road tolls, All taxes, and handling charges

Excluded from the tour

  • Gratuities (optional)
  • Drinks and Beverage

Booking and Payment Terms:

  • A non-refundable deposit of 30% of the program price (minimum €150.00) is due immediately upon booking to secure your reservation.
  • The remaining balance must be paid in full 90 days prior to the departure date.

Cancellation Policy

Read our cancellation policy

Important Considerations:

  • Tour quotes exclude airfare to/from the trip start point unless explicitly stated on the itinerary.
  • Any cost increases due to currency exchange rates, government fees, taxes, surcharges, or hotel/lodge tariff hikes between the quote date and start date will be the client’s responsibility.
  • Hotel availability cannot be guaranteed until the booking is confirmed. While we make every effort to secure accommodations as per the itinerary, during peak seasons or for bookings made within 90 days of the tour date, substitutions may be necessary.
  • Payment of the program price constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined in our “ Terms & Conditions ” section. We recommend carefully reviewing these terms and conditions to ensure a seamless and well-informed travel experience.
  • Please note that living standards and practices at the destination may differ from those in your home country regarding utilities, services, and accommodation provisions.

Additional info

  • Dress: When visiting religious sites, shoulders and knees must be covered out of respect for the cultural norms
  • Departure Time: Departure as per our program
  • Return details: Returns to original departure point
  • Hotel pickups commence approximately 30 – 60 minutes prior to this time, exact pickup time will be advised on reconfirmation
  • The order of visiting the islands can be changed according to the traffic and weather conditions.
  • Upon booking, an electronic voucher  will be emailed to you containing our contact information, tour details, and all necessary instructions. This voucher serves as your ticket and proof of purchase. Please present a printed or digital copy of the voucher on the day of your tour to redeem your activity.

Special Notes

  • The boat schedules provided in our Greek island packages are flexible and can be adjusted to accommodate clients’ preferences. The times mentioned serve primarily as a reference for the most convenient boat schedule.
  • Accommodation on the islands is subject to availability and may vary based on the booking period and occupancy levels.
  • For added convenience, any portion of the trip involving ferry transportation can be substituted with air travel , subject to availability and at an additional cost.
  • To ensure conciseness, our package descriptions include only the offered services and occasionally a few suggestions. For comprehensive information about each suggested destination, please refer to our detailed destination guides.
  • We aim to provide a seamless and personalized experience , tailored to your individual needs and preferences. Our knowledgeable travel consultants are available to assist you with any specific inquiries or customization requests.
  • By offering flexibility, transparency, and personalized service, we strive to create unforgettable island adventures that exceed your expectations.

Persons with Disabilities

  • Due to uneven surfaces, certain sites are not recommended for persons with walking disabilities or using a wheelchair. Such sites are the Acropolis, the Temple of Poseidon at Sounion, Mycenae, Delphi and Meteora
  • In all cases, we recommend comfortable flat-solid walking shoes, sunglasses and sunscreen.
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  • Opening Hours and Entrance Fees for Archaeological Sites and Museums in Greece

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The Patmos Apocalypse 3-Day Christian Tour Package

The Patmos Apocalypse 3-Day Christian Tour Package

Snow ski on Parnassos and magical Arachova 2 days tour

Snow ski on Parnassos and magical Arachova 2 days tour

Athens and the famous ancient citadels 5-day private package

Athens and the famous ancient citadels 5-day private package

Honeymoon Dream, 14 Days Greece Vacation Package

Honeymoon Dream, 14 Days Greece Vacation Package

Explore Athens & Greece 5-days breathtaking winter package

Explore Athens & Greece 5-days breathtaking winter package

Milos; The Diamond Of The Greek Cycladic Islands 5-D Package

Milos; The Diamond Of The Greek Cycladic Islands 5-D Package

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The epicenter of modern Russia, Moscow booms with shiny new skyscrapers, the bulbous onion domes of the tsars and politically-rich Red Square. Explore the metropolis with a tourHQ guide.

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Moscow Tour Guides

Jorge De Reval

Jorge De Reval

I am a happy, enthusiastic, amusing Spanish guy. Lively and hyperactive. Recently became qualified ...

Julia Koval

Tanya Neyman

I became a local tour guide 6 years ago in Moscow and now we are a team of passionate guides ...

Ekaterina Smirnova

Ekaterina Smirnova

Please note: I'm away from Moscow June 11-26, 2021. I am a native Muscovite but traveled ...

Vasil Valiev

Vasil Valiev

Occupation: Senior guide-translator. Guiding since 2012 in Altai mountains, North of Russia ...

Marina Spasskaya

Marina Spasskaya

Hi there! My name is Marina and I'm a licensed Moscow city guide.Moscow is like ...

Ali Haider

Greetings from Saint Petersburg. This is your private tour guide Ali in Saint Petersburg. I was ...

Maria Deulina

Maria Deulina

Dear friends,My name is Maria, I am a licensed guide about Moscow. Being a native Muscovite I have ...

Ashraf Rabei

Ashraf Rabei

My name is Ashraf ...I'm graduated from faculty of tourism and hotel guidance department, in Egypt ...

Hengameh Ghanavati

Hengameh Ghanavati

My name is Hengameh Ghanavati. Im a licenced international tour guide since 2014 and I have ...

Todd Passey

Todd Passey

We are a cooperative of highly experienced, certified, professional guides. Each guide takes ...

Tim Brinley

Tim Brinley

Young at heart, adventurous, organized, good people skills, a good speaker, entertaining, ...

Nikolay Borkovoy

Nikolay Borkovoy

Hace 32 años nací en la ciudad de Moscú. Tengo experiencia trabajando como guía turístico en ...

Anika Socotra-International

Anika Socotra-International

Our mission is to provide you with the kind of holiday you want: where you can relax in wonderful ...

Al'bina Andreeva

Al'bina Andreeva

Moscow guide&photo! Feel Putin vibes and explore the enigmatic Russian soul through history ...

The sprawling, mind-boggling metropolis of Russian Moscow has long been one of the theatrical stages on which the great dramas of Europe and Asia have been played out in grand style. Burned by Napoleon in 1812, immortalised by Tolstoy, utilised by the Bolsheviks and championed as a bastion of heroic defiance by the post-war communists, it’s almost hard to believe just how defining the historical events that found their home on Moscow’s streets have been. Moscow tour guides will easily be able to mark the major must-see landmarks on the map, from the onion-domed orthodox Saint Basil's Cathedral, to the political powerhouse of Red Square just next door, while others will be quick to recommend a ride on Moscow’s famous subterranean metro system, or a visit to the UNESCO-attested Novodevichy Convent on the city’s southern side. But Moscow is a city also in the throes of a cultural wrangling between the old and the new. Creative energies abound here: Boho bars and pumping super clubs now occupy the iconic mega structures of the old USSR; high-fashion outlets, trendy shopping malls and luxurious residential districts stand as testimony to a city that’s now the undisputed playground of the world’s super-rich, while sprawling modern art museums dominate the cultural offering of the downtown districts north of the Moskva River.  

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  1. Paxos i Antipaxos

    magic tour korfu

  2. Korfu

    magic tour korfu

  3. Korfu Magic Tours

    magic tour korfu

  4. Korfu

    magic tour korfu

  5. Korfu Magic Tours

    magic tour korfu

  6. 15 Best Things To Do in Corfu, Greece

    magic tour korfu



  2. Zwiedź Korfu z Magic Tours!

  3. Sidari ❤️ Mainstreet Walking Tour 🇬🇷 Corfu in 4K UHD

  4. Magia Korfu z Magic Tours!

  5. Korfu 2022 Teil 3

  6. Messonghi Beach 3*


  1. Korfu Wycieczki Fakultatywne

    Odkryj największe atrakcje Korfu podczas wycieczek fakultatywnych z Magic Tours. Organizujemy polskie wycieczki w greckim klimacie! Zapraszamy :)

  2. Magic Tours

    Przewodnik Korfu Magic Tours Przez 12 lat treningów w piłkę nożną nauczył się dyscypliny oraz ciągłego dążenia do perfekcji, a na Akademii Sztuki Wojennej, gdzie studiował bezpieczeństwo narodowe, wyrobił w sobie cierpliwość i systematyczność. Na wycieczkach stawia na rozmowę i dyskusję, jednak nie zapomina o faktach i ...

  3. Korfu Magic Tours

    Korfu Magic Tours - wycieczki po Korfu, Korfu, Kerkira, Greece. 11,996 likes · 98 talking about this · 25 were here. Chodź, opowiemy Ci o Grecji... Korfu z Magic Tours - bezpośrednim organizatorem...

  4. The Magic of Corfu Half-Day Tour

    The Magic of Corfu Half-Day Tour. This half-day tour starts with a drive to Paleokastritsa, towards the North-Western part of the island, one of the most beautiful places in Corfu and in the whole of Greece! Stunning panoramas, turquoise, pristine crystal water, capes, and bays!

  5. 2024 Corfu Northern Magic 8hr Sightseeing tour

    Corfu Northern Magic 8hr Sightseeing tour provided by MTM DMC Ltd - Greece. Corfu. Corfu Tourism Corfu Hotels Corfu Bed and Breakfast Corfu Vacation Rentals Flights to Corfu Corfu Restaurants Things to Do in Corfu Corfu Travel Forum Corfu Photos Corfu Map. Hotels.

  6. Corfu Tours with Local Private Tour Guides

    Corfu has a magic all its own. The only Greek island not to come under Ottoman rule, a visit here lets you mingle with mythical heroes and relive epic battles. ... Book a private Corfu tour and explore this Ionian gem alongside a local guide. Known as Kastropolis - the castle city - Corfu's capital is a labyrinth of narrow streets and tiny ...

  7. Greece Tour

    The Magic of Corfu - Half Day Shore Excursion. (5) Paleokastritsa-Lakones-Old Corfu Town. Starting from the port /hotel, we will drive towards the North-Western part of the island, to Paleokastritsa, one of the most beautiful places in Corfu and in whole Greece! Stunning panoramas, turquoise, pristine crystal water, capes and bays!

  8. Full-day Sightseeing Tour of Northern Corfu. 2023

    Marvel at the North of Corfu on this private sightseeing tour. Over the course of an entire day visitors will be taken to explore Paleokastritsa, the village of Lakones, and will end up in Kassipoi, a picturesque fishing village. Explore the Byzantine history of Corfu while at Paleokastritsa, and feast on local cuisine while looking out to sea in Kassiopi harbour.

  9. Korfu Magic Tours

    Korfu Magic Tours - wycieczki po Korfu, Korfu, Kerkira, Greece. 12 079 osób lubi to · 105 osób mówi o tym · 25 użytkowników tu było. Chodź, opowiemy Ci o...

  10. Corfu Private Tours, Private Shore Excursions, Private Corfu Sea Tours

    Corfu Private Tours, Shore Excursions and Private Sea Tours. Enjoy your Corfu Private Tour with comfort, luxury and safety.Explore the best of Corfu in one of our private tours. ... Discover the Magic with The Corfu Experience. 04 May 2023 Corfu Cooking Class: A Gastronomical Adventure in Paradise. A glimpse of us #TheCorfuExperience ...

  11. Best THINGS TO DO In CORFU in 2024

    11. Natural Spa In Canal D' Amour. Above all, a great idea to spend a day of your vacation is certainly to try and do some natural spa. In Canal D' Amour, you will find a magical landscape. According to mythology, the nymphs were coming to this place to do a spa.

  12. The BEST Corfu Tours 2024

    Our most recommended Corfu Tours. 1. From Corfu Island: Antipaxos & Paxos Blue Caves Boat Cruise. Visit 2 of Greece's most iconic islands on a cruise trip from Corfu Island to Paxos and Antipaxos. Visit the Blue Caves with live narration from your guide, a swimming stop at Mesovrika Beach, and free time to explore the village of Lakka.

  13. 2024 Corfu Northern Magic 8hr Sightseeing tour

    Corfu Northern Magic 8hr Sightseeing tour. By MTM DMC Ltd - Greece. 0 reviews. See all photos. About. Ages 0-120. Duration: 8h. Start time: Check availability. Mobile ticket.

  14. Russian travel agency

    The Food Tour by Visit Moscow Tours is a perfect chance to sample all the variety of cuisines of the former Soviet Republics and to understand the Russian customs, traditions and ways of life. You will taste Russian, Ukrainian and Georgian food. Meeting time: from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Meeting point:

  15. BEST Moscow Metro Tours (and How to Do it Yourself)

    PRICE: US $109. Book a combo tour here. 3. Metro tour, Kremlin, and Red Square. Maybe a 4-hour walking tour around Moscow is your best choice! During this tour you will get picked up from your hotel and make your way to the Kremlin, enjoy the Red Square, Saint Basil's Cathedral, and World War 2 memorial.

  16. Magical Corfu; 8 Days Alluring Vacation Package In Greece

    Description of the "Corfu Magic" Vacation Package Athens, Greece. DAY 1: ATHENS Upon arrival, you will be met and transferred to your hotel. Balance of day at leisure. Optional tours: Sunset tour to Sounion, Athens-by-night tour DAY 2: ATHENS GUIDED CITY TOUR Morning sightseeing tour of Athens, including the visit to the Acropolis and its Museum. . Balance of the day at leis

  17. Walking tour

    #Walkingtour #Moscow #walkWalk along the MagicChristmas Red Square with lights in Moscow on the Christmas Eve. Immerse yourself in the holiday atmosphere wit...

  18. Private Local Guides & Guided Tours in Moscow

    Tell us your destination, date, and group size. Our team of travel experts and guides will design a tailored itinerary just for you. Enjoy your trip with peace of mind knowing everything is taken care of. The epicenter of modern Russia, Moscow booms with shiny new skyscrapers, the bulbous onion domes of the tsars and politically-rich Red Square.