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Trek Fuel EX8 2020, kokemuksia?


Aihe: Trek Fuel EX8 2020, kokemuksia?


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Villetre ei ole linjoilla

Onko jollain jo kertynyt kokemuksia tästä? Hinta houkuttelisi.. Voisi olla toimiva laite omiin ajoihin(setämies vauhtiin)..

Roces ei ole linjoilla


JH4 ei ole linjoilla

Viikon päästä tulee testipyörä koekäyttöön, sen jälkeen osaa sanoa tarkemmin. Slash olisi toinen kiinnostava vaihtoehto saman valmistajan, saman hintaluokan pyöristä.

Samuli-1 ei ole linjoilla

Nimenomaan peruslenkkiajoon poluilla kyllä hyvä kampe.

Suiza ei ole linjoilla

Kolme lenkkiä ja 60 km on kokemusta. Toki lumisissa maastoissa tuntuma ei ole paras mahdollinen, mutta vaikuttaa kyllä toimivalle pelille. Toisena pyöränä Canyonin Neuron ja siihen verrattuna jousitus on kantavavampi. Pintaherkkyys ei ole suosituspaineilla ja reboundeilla yhtä herkkä, vaikka keula onkin sama Foxi 10mm pitemmällä joustolla. Ilmeisesti iskarien simmitys tai perän vipuvarsien erillainen toiminta aiheuttaa eroa. Kun pääsee sulalle ajamaan hieman karkeampaa alustaa osaa sanoa enempi. Mutta, nyt voisi arvioida Trekin olevan kovempaan ajoon tehty näistä kahdesta.

sak ei ole linjoilla

Alkujaan tämän lähetti Suiza Kolme lenkkiä ja 60 km on kokemusta. Toki lumisissa maastoissa tuntuma ei ole paras mahdollinen, mutta vaikuttaa kyllä toimivalle pelille. Toisena pyöränä Canyonin Neuron ja siihen verrattuna jousitus on kantavavampi. Pintaherkkyys ei ole suosituspaineilla ja reboundeilla yhtä herkkä, vaikka keula onkin sama Foxi 10mm pitemmällä joustolla. Ilmeisesti iskarien simmitys tai perän vipuvarsien erillainen toiminta aiheuttaa eroa. Kun pääsee sulalle ajamaan hieman karkeampaa alustaa osaa sanoa enempi. Mutta, nyt voisi arvioida Trekin olevan kovempaan ajoon tehty näistä kahdesta. Joko tullut enempi kokemusta/ajatuksia? Onko neuroni tätä uusinta kuituista mallisarjaa, näiden vertailua olisi mukava kuullostella lisää. Tuota samuli-onen fuel ex8 videota tuli katseltua niin keskiö näyttäsi pysyvän aikas korkealla, tätä havaintoa tukisi myös pienehkö bb drop geo-taulukossa. Neuronista lueskellut että kammet roikkuu aika alhaalla... Kyllä tuo korkealla pysyttelevä keskiön seutu näillä suomen röllipoluilla on ihan hyvä juttu. Omassa ajussa kammet rupeaa herkästi kolisemaan väsyn iskiessä jos vielä vauhtia yrittää pitää yllä...
Kyllä. Tämä asia monasti itsellä myös mielessä,kammet saisi olla hieman korkeammalla. Mondrakerissa myös korkeat keskiöt.
Trekillä ja Neuronilla on tälle vuodelle aika tarkaan samat kilsat tullut ajettua n. 700+700km, joista 90% maastossa ja loput 10% pakollisia siirtymiä teillä. Neuron al runkoinen 6.0:ON vm. 2019. Trek on pelannut moitteettomasti tähän saakka, jopa parjattu Sramin GX vaihtaja on toiminut moitteetta. Yhden säätökerran on tarvinnut, ei muuta. Kammet on tosiaan Trekissä korkealla, koko M/L. Yhden osuman toiseen kampeen olen saanut omalla virheellä aikaiseksi. kyseessä oli kyllä aika paha kivikko, jossa olisi ottanut kammet kiviin lähes jokaisessa pyörässä, ainakin ajovirheen vuoksi . Neuronissa on kammet alempana ja pitää rytmittää polkemista hieman tarkemmin, muttei itsellä ole ollut asiasta ongelmaa. Vaimolla on Spectral koko S ja siinä on kammet vielä matalemmalla, kuin Neuronissa, koko M. Trekillä olen ajanut molemmilla korkeusasetuksilla, eikä kampiasia ole mielestäni ajossa muuttunut "ottavammaksi"? Keulakulman pienen eron huomaa hankalissa jurakoissa ja kivikoissa matalalla vauhdilla mönkiessä. Tuntuu, että menee paremmin esteiden yli, eikä tökkää? Voi tosin johtua tekniikan puuttestakin, mutta tämä on ollut suurin tuntemus korkeuden muutoksesta. Renkaiden litkutus onnistui helposti mukana tulleilla vannenauhoilla, eikä mitään ongelmaa ilmojen kanssa ole ollut. Knock Blok ei tunnu olevan oikein viimeistelty, ainakaan jos stemmi on yläasennossa. Väliholkeissa on pieni välys toisiinsa nähden ja stoppari antaa tavallan periksi ääriasennoissa. Hankala selittää, mutta huomaa kun tarkastelee pyörää. Ei haittaa toimintaa. Iskarit toimivat herkästi nyt plussakeleillä, edellisen postauksen kommentti johtui pakkaskeleissä saaduista kommenteista. Runkokoko on mielenkiintoinen. Itse 178/80 ja testasin M/L ja L kokoja ostovaiheessa, päätyen M/L oman tuntemuksen ja myyjän näkemyksen perusteella. Koko on hyvä kaikenlaisessa ajossa, mutta seisaallaan ylämäkeen ajaessa tuntuu että ehkä reachia voisi olla hieman enempikin? Neuronissa tule samaa tunnetta. Itse en osaa olla parempaakaan vailla, mielestäni hyvä pyörä päivittäiseen maastoajoon.

Jeltsar ei ole linjoilla

Onko kellään kokemusta verrata edellisiin Fuel ex malleihin? Nythän 2020 mallissa on ainakin erilainen takaiskarin kiinnitys kun luopuivat full floaterista. Itellä 2018 Fuel ex 8 ja jotenkin siinä tuntuu aina juurakkoalamäessä takaiskari tahmaavan. Sillei että syö vauhtia eikä "kellu" juurien ja kivien yli. Liekö sitten iskarista, säädöistä vai ajotyylistä kiinni, mutta kiinnostaisi tietää, onko samaa tuntua uusissa malleissa.

Antza44 ei ole linjoilla

Alkujaan tämän lähetti Jeltsar Onko kellään kokemusta verrata edellisiin Fuel ex malleihin? Nythän 2020 mallissa on ainakin erilainen takaiskarin kiinnitys kun luopuivat full floaterista. Itellä 2018 Fuel ex 8 ja jotenkin siinä tuntuu aina juurakkoalamäessä takaiskari tahmaavan. Sillei että syö vauhtia eikä "kellu" juurien ja kivien yli. Liekö sitten iskarista, säädöistä vai ajotyylistä kiinni, mutta kiinnostaisi tietää, onko samaa tuntua uusissa malleissa. Itsellä Full Stache ja ajoin pariviikkoa 2020 Fuelilla. Kummassakaan en luennihtimaasi ominaisuutta ole huomannut. Fuelissa painetta sai laittaa selkeästi vähemmän iskariin, se oli myös selkeästi tuhdimpi linkustoltaan ja jämäkkä. Muuten en ajossa huomannut juuri käytös eroa. Minusta nuo molemmat toimii oikein hyvin ja iskari auki asennossakin pyörät on polkemistehokkaita.
Aina on kivaa, kun pääsee polkemaan...
Hmm. Pitänee sitten kokeilla vielä eri iskarisäätöjä ellei sitten ole re:aktivin ominaisuus. Ite tulee enimmäkseen ajettua iskari keskiasennossa, se toki vaikuttaa myös. Tosin kokonaan aukikin asennossa ollut itellä samaa "vikaa".

Samik2 ei ole linjoilla

Kolmisen kuukautta ajellut uudella Fuel EX 8:lla eikä ole havaintoja edellä mainitusta. Mutta ajelin melko pitkään ennen kuin säädin kunnolla alustan ja rengaspaineet kohilleen. Vauhti ja fiilis nousi havaittavasti. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Alkujaan tämän lähetti Jeltsar Hmm. Pitänee sitten kokeilla vielä eri iskarisäätöjä ellei sitten ole re:aktivin ominaisuus. Ite tulee enimmäkseen ajettua iskari keskiasennossa, se toki vaikuttaa myös. Tosin kokonaan aukikin asennossa ollut itellä samaa "vikaa". Itse en taas ole oikein keksinyt missä minun tarvitsee iskari laittaa edes kiinni asentoon mitenlie oli nimetty tai eihän se kiinni mene tuossakaan. Jossain asfalttia ajossa tai ihan hiekkatie ajelussa ehkä joo. Keskiasentoakin tulee kokeiltua joskus, mutta kyllä maastossa silti tykkään runnoa mäkiä ylöspäin putkeltakin ennemmin aukiasennossa. Tuo keskiasento on minusta aika turhake. Minulla perä aikalailla Trekin laskurin antamassa sagissä ja näin minusta toimii hyvin perä ei pohjaa ikinä ja kantaa maastossa polkemista, olematta kova, näin oli myös 2020 Fuelissa.
Ite tulee kyllä käytettyä kaikkia iskarin asentoja: -"kiinni" siirtymillä ja tasaisissa nousuissa -keskiasento enimmäkseen helpoilla poluilla, neulasmatto yms, lisäksi vähän teknisemmät nousut -auki alamäissä, juurakkokivikkotekniset pätkät myös tasaisella Keula on enimmäkseen kokonaan auki. Joskus tasaisissa nousuissa tulee lukittua sekin kun putkelta runttaa. Vaikka lyhyitä pätkiä on, tuntuu se nopeammalta kun saa kaiken voiman käyttöön
Alkujaan tämän lähetti Antza44 Itse en taas ole oikein keksinyt missä minun tarvitsee iskari laittaa edes kiinni asentoon mitenlie oli nimetty tai eihän se kiinni mene tuossakaan. Jossain asfalttia ajossa tai ihan hiekkatie ajelussa ehkä joo. Keskiasentoakin tulee kokeiltua joskus, mutta kyllä maastossa silti tykkään runnoa mäkiä ylöspäin putkeltakin ennemmin aukiasennossa. Tuo keskiasento on minusta aika turhake. Minulla perä aikalailla Trekin laskurin antamassa sagissä ja näin minusta toimii hyvin perä ei pohjaa ikinä ja kantaa maastossa polkemista, olematta kova, näin oli myös 2020 Fuelissa. Laitanpa vielä, vaikka hiukan ot: eli laitoin säädöt takaisin laskurin mukaan ja tuntuu nyt toimivan paremmin. Haarukasta tippui 10psi ja iskariin lisäsin 15psi, keulan rebound hidastui useamman naksun. Nyt ajanut myös enemmän kokonaan auki ja toistaiseksi tuntunut siis paremmalta. Edelleen tulee kyllä kaikkia iskarin asentoja käytettyä.
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trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

Trek Fuel EX 8 review – still one of the best trail MTBs?

Trek’s alloy fuel ex trail mountain bike lacks the latest features but is the overall package still a winner.

Trek Fuel EX 8

BikePerfect Verdict

Heavy frame that misses the latest features but still a great package for fast and precise all round mountain biking

Tight, precise frame

Sorted all round handling

Very efficient suspension feel

Durable Shimano kit

Excellent sizing options

Heavy frame

No internal storage

Press fit bottom bracket

Top Fuel is more playful

Why trust BikePerfect Our cycling experts have decades of testing experience. We'll always share our unbiased opinions on bikes and gear. Find out more about how we test.

Trek’s Fuel EX has been one of the best mountain bikes in the world for years, but the alloy-framed 8 is lacking some of the features the latest alloy and carbon Treks. High-durability component spec matches the vibe of a really well-balanced bike. One that plans ahead, hands its homework in early (having double checked it) and rarely puts a wheel wrong or goads you into being silly yourself. So how has Trek done that and is there a better option in the range if you want something short on travel but big on fun?

Trek Fuel suspension

Design and aesthetics

Trek has been using a rocker link-driven, vertical shock suspension design on its bikes for so long that “Looks like a Trek Session” is a cliche on most MTB forums. No surprise then that the Fuel EX continues the clean looks which leave plenty of room for a big bottle on the down tube and strap-on storage. You don’t get the internal storage of the newer Top Fuel alloy frame though and this older frame still uses a press-fit bottom bracket rather than reverting to a more reliable threaded  format. There are ISCG chain keeper tabs on the BB though, a wider-angle Knock Block steering limiter to stop bars hitting the frame in a crash and rear axle concentric ABP rear suspension pivot. Cunning zip tie tabbed ‘Control Freak’ internal cable routing and rubber frame armor including molded chainstay sleeves keep things quiet. 

You also get the 0.5-degree geometry change ‘Mino Link’ flip chip at the seat stay/rocker pivot. That changes head angle from 65.5- to 65-degrees and effective seat angle from 75.5- to 75-degrees on the Large I tested. Reach also shifts from 475 to 470mm and BB height drops from 346 to 340mm. The big win with choosing a Trek though is the sheer range of sizes from XXS to XXL including a sweet spot ML in the centre. Smaller bikes also run 27.5in wheels for proportional balance, too, although the chainstays are the same length on all frame sizes. The Fuel EX 8 is also available in three different two-tone color options.

Shimano XT drivetrain on Trek Fuel EX 8


Trek acknowledges that the ‘priority is on the parts’ with the EX 8 and the highlight is an almost complete Shimano XT drivetrain (the chain is SLX). The Fox Float shock is a custom unit, too, using a Penske race car derived RE:aktiv damper setup for a pert-pedaling feel on top of the 130mm travel. The 140mm Fox 34 fork is the stock Rhythm spec though and the Shimano brakes are basic four-piston MT400s. Bontrager’s functional Line component range completes the bike in well-judged, size-specific cockpit options although dropper post strokes are short on the larger sizes. Big volume versions of Bontrager’s XR5 and XR4 tires on Bontrager Line Comp 30mm internal rims put plenty of air between bike and trail for protection, too.

Trek Fuel EX 8 3/4


While the EX8 isn’t light at just under 15kg (a full kilo heavier than Trek claims) it’s in the ballpark for a mid-travel, alloy-framed bike at this price. What really stands out is how well it hides that weight when it comes to pedaling. The big tires don’t drag nearly as much as they look like they might, while the RE:aktiv shock and overall kinematic give it a really clean, crisp and stable platform to put down power from. That means even with three potential low-compression settings to play with, we rarely felt compelled to flick it out of full open unless we were hoofing uphill out of the saddle. Add the clean shifting, top-quality Shimano XT drivetrain and the Fuel EX is a great choice for high-mileage rides and riders. The fast-engaging ‘Rapid Drive’ freehub and relatively high ground clearance are a bonus for anyone who likes to kick hard out of corners or attack rough technical climbs, too. The efficient suspension feel still gives enough sensitivity to track the ground under power and you can drop pressures in the big tires if you’re into a proper ‘crawler/swamper’ feel. 

The 140mm fork/130mm rear travel feels well balanced on the trail and the Grip damper Fox Rhythm repeatedly proved why its our favorite cost-effective fork. Trek’s suspension calculator is accurate enough to get most people sorted on set-up for most situations. The angles and proportions of the model we tested were confident at speed on jumps but still turned in promptly on woodland twisters. Even the basic Shimano brakes feel better than normal through the neutral suspension responses created by the ABP pivot and the 200mm rotor up front boosts power, too.

While you could speed up reactions with a shorter stem, the stock setup probably suits its overall character better. That’s because while it will pop and play off trailside opportunities if you’re in the mood, it does tend to sit on top of an already relatively high ride height rather than sucking down onto the trail and railing. Interestingly that’s a big - and counter intuitive - difference to the Top Fuel 8. With slightly steeper angles, less travel, significantly different suspension kinematic and top-spec RockShox rear shock, Trek’s pocket rocket has an addictively playful charisma that’s very much at odds with it’s ‘XC’ categorization. 

In fact, despite it being heavier we’d probably opt for the Fuel EX for long marathon-style or efficiency-based events, especially as it’s significantly cheaper than its little brother, leaving you more cash for race entries and energy products. Just make sure you keep an eye on the press-fit bottom bracket and get it replaced as soon as it shows any signs of wobble/creak as that can eventually creates frame issues.

Trek’s Fuel range might be a bit backwards when it comes to assigning categories based on travel but the main thing is that the Fuel EX is still a really efficient, enjoyable and fitness/skill flattering all rounder. While it misses out on the internal storage, threaded BB and super-plush playfulness of the Top Fuel, Shimano XT will always bring a lot of hard riding boys (and girls) to the yard. Those are exactly the riders who’ll appreciate just how well this extremely well balanced bike covers ground and keeps a fresh and sharp feel long into the day, and down tough technical sections, too. 

Tech Specs: Trek Fuel EX 8 XT

  • Price: $3,929.99 / £3,200
  • Discipline: Trail
  • Head angle: 66/66.5-degrees
  • Frame material: Trek Alpha Platinum Aluminum
  • Sizes: XS, S, M, M/L, L (tested) XL, XXL
  • Weight: 14.9kg
  • Wheel size: 29 x 2.3in
  • Suspension (front/rear): Fox Rhythm 34, Float EVOL 140mm travel, 44mm offset/Fox Performance Float EVOL, 3-position RE:aktiv 130mm travel
  • Components: Shimano XT 10-51T, 12-speed gearing, shifter, chainset and cassette. Shimano SLX chain. Shimano MT400 brakes with 200/180mm rotors. Bontrager XR4 Team Issue 29 x 2.6in front and Bontrager XR5 Team Issue 29 x 2.5in rear tires on Bontrager Line Comp 30 wheels. Bontrager Line 780 x 35mm bar and 50 x 35 mm stem, Bontrager Line Dropper 150mm dropper post, Bontrager Arvada saddle

Guy Kesteven

Guy has been working on Bike Perfect since we launched in 2019. Hatched in Yorkshire he's been hardened by riding round it in all weathers since he was a kid. He spent a few years working in bike shops and warehouses before starting writing and testing for bike mags in 1996. Since then he’s written several million words about several thousand test bikes and a ridiculous amount of riding gear. To make sure he rarely sleeps and to fund his custom tandem habit, he’s also penned a handful of bike-related books and talks to a GoPro for YouTube, too.

Current rides: Cervelo ZFS-5, Forbidden Druid V2, Specialized Chisel, custom Nicolai enduro tandem, Landescape/Swallow custom gravel tandem

Height: 180cm

Weight: 69kg

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Trek Fuel EX 8 review

Continually evolving all-rounder

Guy Kesteven

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

Trek’s Fuel EX family has been around for years now, gradually evolving to become more capable and confident every season. We’re not totally convinced by the new tech for this year, but the overall bike is still one of the best all-round trail machines available.

It's keen enough to race your skinny mates up the climbs on, but more than happy to take the fight to lardier, longer-travel bikes on fast and furious descents. More confident angles for 2012, plus confidence boosting tubeless-ready rolling stock and excellent Shimano stop/go gear complete an inspiringly ‘can do’ package.

Ride & handling: Tackles everything from epic cross-country to black-run descents with efficiency and enthusiasm

The Fuel EX is a bike that’s very comfortable riding outside its cross-country/light trail orientated 120mm travel category. The screw-through fork and 68-degree head angle encourage a faster approach to rocks and technical descents, and impressive frame stiffness means accurate and predictable follow through.

It’s one of the few bikes on test that we didn’t want to change the tyres on, although something faster might be in order come summer. That’d help it pick up the pace on smoother sections, where the reasonable weight and excellent pedalling manners make it a naturally efficient and raceable rig on the right rubber.

We’re big fans of the DRCV/Full Floater/ABP back end. It takes longer to set up accurately because you have to cycle the shock to equalize pressures. But the end result is a great balance of stable pedalling but seamless repeated hit-and-drop damping that matches most 140mm bikes in terms of control and speed sustain.

We’re less convinced by the DRCV fork introduced for this year, though. There’s marketing logic for transferring a well reviewed and rated rear suspension technology to the front of the bike, and getting “more travel, more of the time” sounds good. But on the trail, less sensitive small bump response reduces comfort and traction.

Its habit of diving deep, rather than maintaining a predictable ride height under cornering and braking loads, undermines tight tracking and balanced steering geometry. The basic smoothness and control of the Fox fork still shines through though, and given the outstanding get-on-and-go performance of the complete bike it’s not a deal breaker, but we'd score the Fuel higher with a conventional fork.

Frame: Excellent proprietary suspension technology built into a stiff, future-proof chassis

The Fuel EX is a well-established chassis but it’s still loaded with more innovation than most. The angular E2 tapered head tube stiffens up the front end, and for the first time this year the EX 8 model gets a screw-through-axled fork to carry the carving advantage through. Rear dropouts with their concentric ABP pivots get the option of a screw-through axle upgrade too, although the bike comes as standard with a quick-release skewer.

Joining it all together is Trek’s proprietary DRCV-design Fox shock and Full Floater mounting system which squeezes it between extended chainstay tips and the single-piece upper rocker. This not only tunes the spring rate to Trek’s liking but also keeps stress off the main frame tubes.

Trek’s introduction of an 18.5in size between their existing medium and large frame options is something that a lot of other brands would do well to copy to serve the large number of riders stuck halfway between two options. This year semi-internal cable routing joins the feature list too, with a stealthy black/dark grey finish available as well as the more vibrant silver/red/white colourway here.

Equipment: Very good overall kit selection, from screw-through fork to tubeless-ready wheels

As well as colour matching the Bontrager stem and other kit, Trek have thought about the capability of the bike as a whole, rather than going for easy shop floor scores of low weight or easy car park speed. Okay, like most brands the supplied inner tubes are so thin they’ll burst at the sight of the first rock, but the 2.2in wide XR4 tyres are grippy, year-round rubber, and like the broad rims are tubeless ready so all you need is some sealant.

The mixed Shimano Deore XT/SLX drivetrain is a great showcase of how well the Japanese gearing lasts. Even after a winter of lousy weather the only blot on a super-smooth shifting copybook is the scuffing on the XT crank arms. The composite middle ring is still running fine, shifts are still effortless and the SLX brakes have massively impressed everyone who’s tried them. The saddle is comfy, the seatpost is secure and the bar is a decent width. While overall weight is reasonable there’s potential to upgrade and lighten the bike.

This bike was tested as part of What Mountain Bike magazine's Bike of the Year shootout. You can read the full feature in this month's mag, in shops now, and available on Apple Newsstand and Zinio .

Trek Fuel EX 8

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Trek Fuel EX 8 Review

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Trek Fuel EX 8 Review

  • coherent overall package
  • higher quality gears than the other bikes in this price range
  • 25 years warranty
  • with 13,9 kg lighter than comparable bikes



The most importanten ratings of the Fuel EX 8 ⬤ in comparison to the competitor bikes of following categorie: (All Mountain up to 4500 €) ⬤ .


If you are keen on value for money, this is your chart. It shows you at a glance how many bike you get for 3499 €.

Expirience with the Trek Fuel EX 8

Trek Fuel EX 8 Review

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Trek Fuel EX 8 Review

Je steiler der Winkel des Sitzrohrs ist, desto effizienter können Sie in die Pedale treten.

  • Frame Fuel EX Alu
  • Frame Material Aluminium
  • Fork Fox Rhythm 34, Float EVOL air spring, GRIP damper, tapered steerer, 44mm offset, Boost110, 15mm Kabolt axle, 140mm travel
  • Spring Unit air
  • Remote-Lockout yes
  • Damper Size: XS, S, Fox Performance Float EVOL, 3-position RE:aktiv damper, tuned by Trek Suspension Lab, 210mm x 52.5mm; Size: S, M, ML, L, XL, XXL, Fox Performance Float EVOL, 3-position RE:aktiv damper, tuned by Trek Suspension Lab, 210mm x 55mm
  • Gearrange 510%
  • Drivetrain 1x12
  • Gear Lever Shimano XT M8100, 12 speed
  • Rear Derailleur Shimano XT M8100, long cage
  • Crank Size: XS, S, M, ML, L, Shimano SLX M7100, 30T alloy ring, 52mm chainline, 170mm length; Size: XL, XXL, Shimano SLX M7100, 30T alloy ring, 52mm chainline, 175mm length
  • Cassette Shimano XT M8100, 10-51, 12 speed
  • Chain Shimano SLX M7100, 12 speed
  • Brake Set Size: XS, S, M, ML, L, XL, XXL, Shimano hydraulic disc, MT4100 lever, MT420 4-piston caliper; Size: XS, S, M, ML, L, XL, XXL, Shimano 4-piston hydraulic disc, MT4100 lever, MT420 caliper
  • Brake Rotors 180/180
  • Wheel Set Bontrager Line Comp 30, Tubeless Ready, 6-bolt, Boost110, 15mm thru axle
  • Front Hub Bontrager alloy, sealed bearing, alloy axle, 6-bolt, Boost110, 15 mm thru axle
  • Rear Hub Bontrager alloy, sealed bearing, alloy axle, 6-bolt, Shimano MicroSpline freehub, Boost148, 12 mm thru axle
  • Tires Front Size: XS, S, Bontrager XR5 Team Issue, Tubeless Ready, Inner Strength casing, aramid bead, 60 tpi, 27.5x2.50''; Size: S, M, ML, L, XL, XXL, Bontrager XR5 Team Issue, Tubeless Ready, aramid bead, 120 tpi, 29x2.50''
  • Tires Rear Size: XS, S, Bontrager XR5 Team Issue, Tubeless Ready, Inner Strength casing, aramid bead, 60 tpi, 27.5x2.50''; Size: S, M, ML, L, XL, XXL, Bontrager XR5 Team Issue, Tubeless Ready, aramid bead, 120 tpi, 29x2.50''
  • Saddle Bontrager Arvada, hollow chromoly rails, 138mm width
  • Seat Post Size: XS, S, Bontrager Line Dropper, 100mm travel, internal routing, 31.6mm, 345mm length; Size: M, ML, L, XL, XXL, Bontrager Line Dropper, 150mm travel, internal routing, 31.6mm, 440mm length
  • Stem Size: XS, S, Bontrager Elite, 35mm, 0 degree, 35mm length; Size: M, ML, L, XL, XXL, Bontrager Elite, 35mm, 0 degree, 45mm length
  • Handle Bar Size: XS, S, Bontrager Line, alloy, 35mm, 27.5mm rise, 750mm width; Size: M, ML, L, XL, XXL, Bontrager Line, alloy, 35mm, 27.5mm rise, 780mm width
  • Handle Bar Width 780
  • Head Set Knock Block Integrated, 58-degree radius, cartridge bearing, 1-1/8'' top, 1.5'' bottom


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Review: Trek Fuel EX8 Trail bike

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

The Trek Fuel EX 8 is Trek’s best selling trail bike. An enduro / all-mountain bike that promises to be very versatile with its ample travel of 130mm on the front and rear suspension, 29-inch wheels and a few smart features. With a 1×12 SRAM GX Eagle drivetrain and a 10-50 cassette, the Fuel is also well equipped for steep climbing and killer descents.

In itself, the Trek with these specs is not necessarily very different from other bikes. There are two elements that make the bike a bit more unique. That is the ABP and the Mino Link.


We had a short window of opportunity, just two weeks to ride the bike. I mention this because I normally like to ride a bit longer on the bike and preferably under various circumstances. Certainly for the Fuel EX 8 it would have been great to be able to ride it in a bit more mountainous terrain than we have available here in the Netherlands, nut we didn’t have that opportunity. We rode on the Utrechtse Heuvelrug, a natural park area in the Netherlands with technical flow trails, much more XC than enduro. Sand and forest. We drove in dry and slightly humid weather.

You can transform the bike from a more compact, steep, upright XC geometry you can go to a wider/longer and lower DH geometry.

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

The feeling of the Trek on the Dutch trails was really nice. The bike is quite responsive and you can thread it easily through the trails. Not a very compact geometry, by the way, the highest position of the Mino Link is less steep than actual XC bikes (of course), and on the pieces that are faster and more downhill you can (also because of the dropper-post) sit nice and low, attack the turns and really lean your bike into them. The bike climbs well (especially with lock-out on the suspension), and its power delivery is good for an enduro bike.

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

As for the Active Braking Pivot: this technology has to counteract the effect that if you brake, your rear frame becomes more rigid (that happens naturally with braking action in any bike) and therefore your rear suspension does not work as well. With a stiffer rear frame you will bounce more. Trek has tackled this problem by ensuring that the back swing arm on which the brake caliper is fixed “floats” independently from the rest of the frame.

As a result, the braking action does not affect the tension on the rest of the frame and the suspension can also work freely. As a result, the bike should stay track better on the trail and you’ll be more maneuverable when it gets faster and steeper.

I have to say that I did not necessarily feel that the bike was riding or steering better due to the ABP. But that also has to do with the fact that in the two weeks we had the bike at our disposal, we could only ride in the Netherlands and that steepness, speed over rocky terrain: we just don’t have it here. Another reason to hoop that we can ride the bike again under the circumstances where it is really built for.

The bike is nice and playful, it jumps well, whether it is a built jump, a trail feature or a bunny hop, it takes air easily and landing feels safe and stable.

So what does the trek bring.

If we have not been able to properly test and review those special features such as the ABP and the MinoLink, what can we say about the bike? Well above all that riding the Fuel is just a lot of fun because it is simply a good bike. The 29-inch wheels keep speed, and despite that wheel size the bike steers through the trails really well and feels nimble. On the more bumpy, downhill parts that we do have (including brake washboards) the suspension felt nice. The back suspension has the Fox Performance Float EVOL that can be set in three positions, and in front of the Fox Rhythm 34 Float. I also rode a few stairs (closest thing to rocky downhills) and the bike managed these smoothly and stable. The bike is nice and playful, it jumps well, whether it is a built jump, a trail feature or a bunny hop, it takes air easily and landing feels safe and stable.

Smooth, clean and versatile

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

I really liked the Bontrager XR4 Team Issue tires, with a lot of grip and sufficient speed. The aluminum frame is what you can expect from such a frame, and together with the SRAM and other Bontrager components (Bontrager is part of Trek and actually their component brand) the bike weighs around 14 kilos. Not exceptionally light but not too heavy either.

In short, a very complete and versatile bicycle of which we have not yet seen the complete potential. The Trek Fuel does well on trails in the Netherlands, but its real mountains where we expect it will really excel.

De Trek Fuel EX 8

Enduro/trail bike.

Retail price  € 2.999,00


Trek fuel ex 9.9 trail mountainbike | video review, report: the dutch trek fan day 2019 and the new fuel ex lineup, preview: the new trek top fuel trail bike.

I’d agree. Trek bikes are great to use in the mountains. They’re just comfortable to ride on, no matter what trail is ahead. But some of my friends are suggesting a new bike. I am not sure but they say it is one of the models at Morpheus Bikes: . Can anyone help me on this?

Hi Francis, thanks for you reaction. Great to hear from you. I’m afraid we can’t help you: the Morpheus bikes look great, but they haven’t built or sold enduro/trail bikes till as far as we can tell. So no experience on that front I’m afraid. Probably also because we are based in the Netherlands (Europe) and the brand is not readily available around these parts.

Judging by their downhill and dirt bikes though, they seem to know how to build a bike.

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tiistai 24. tammikuuta 2017

Testi: trek fuel ex 9.8 27.5 plus, runko ja osat, ajettavuus/erot.

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

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Mountain Bikes

Trek Fuel EX 8 Trail Bike Review  

  December 22, 2017

By   Max Shumpert

Trek Fuel EX 8 Review

Trek's line of Fuel EX 8 trail bikes is designed to withstand wind, weather, and other wear-and-tear that they might throughout their lifetime.

The heavy-duty 130mm frame is made of hydroformed Alpha Platinum Aluminum frame, offering strength and stability with none of the rigidity that's typically associated with aluminum frames.

The EX 8 is their most costly aluminum-framed model, but we think it's a good deal for a shred-ready component package that features excellent suspension, a GX Eagle engine, a 150mm dropper, and hefty 2.6" wide tires.

The frame is compatible with both standard-sized and plus-sized wheels and can comfortably seat adults ranging in height from 4'10.3" to 6'7.5" in height.

You can adjust the geometry of the Fuel EX using the Mino Link, although I often kept it in the 'Low' setting, which is optimum for 29in wheels. Reasonably priced, with the specification of good components for the budget, excellent minor bump compliance, and a versatile/well-rounded design. 

Its big wheelbase and slack head tube angle make it surprisingly stable at high speeds and confident in steep, rugged terrain.

The Trek Fuel EX 8 comes in four different models:

  • The Fuel EX 8 29 : The most basic bike in the Fuel EX line, the 8 29 model includes Bontrager Line Comp 30 wheels and Bontrager XR4 Team Issue tires. An SRAM GX Eagle 12 speed shifter and rear derailleur give riders more control when navigating a variety of rough terrains.
  • The  Trek Fuel EX 8 29 XT : This model offers a little bit more than its bare-bones cousin, including a Shimano Deore XT M8000 11 speed shifter and both front and rear Shimano derailleurs. The 8 29 XT also boasts a top-of-the-line Shimano MT500 hydraulic disc brake set.
  • The  Trek Fuel EX 8 Women's : This model is designed specifically to work with in tandem with the unique mechanics of a woman's body. Plus-sized tires help to improve balance and traction, while a specially engineered Bontrager Evoke 2 women's saddle offers a more comfortable ride.
  • The Fuel EX 8 27.5 Plus : The 8 27.5 Plus is the most advanced bike in the Fuel EX line. It offers additional stability when riding, with Bontrager sealed bearing alloy axles that provide boost 148/110 hub spacing and robust SUNringlé Duroc 40 SL 28-hole rims. The assembly includes Schwalbe Nobby Nic Performance wheels with Addix compound added for grip and longevity.

Each Fuel EX 8 bike comes equipped with exclusive suspension technology that allows it to act as both a long-distance trail bike or a high-performance XC bike.

Specially engineered Trek systems offer the most consistent possible ride, giving cyclists maximum control while enhancing safety.

The RE:aktiv suspension system improves the bike's maneuverability, while a Full Floater setup absorbs shock and gives a comfortable ride even over rocky terrain.

Braking is also made easier by Trek's patented Active Braking Pivot system, which prevents brakes from locking up on more strenuous trails.

Trek Fuel EX 8 Trail Bike

Trek Fuel EX 8 Tech Specs

TREK FUEL EX 8 FRAME SIZE:  Alpha Platinum Aluminum 130mm frame. BRAKE TYPE:  SRAM Guide R hydraulic disc or Shimano MT500 hydraulic disc. SHIFTER:  SRAM GX Eagle 12 speed or a Shimano Deore XT M8000 11 speed. RIMS:  SUNringlé Duroc 40 SL 28-hole rims. TIRES:  Bontrager XR4 Team Issue tires or Schwalbe Nobby Nic Performance with Addix Compound.

What We Like

The Trek Fuel EX 8 is designed with both comfort and style in mind, boasting a sleek hydroformed frame that comes in black or silver, with pink highlights adding a vibrant touch to the Women's model.

We like that the elegant design forgoes many bells and whistles that too often clutter up the appearance of top-of-the-line trail bikes. Fox Rhythm 34 Float, GRIP adjustable damper, tapered steerer, G2 Geometry w/51mm offset, Boost110, 130mm travel.

A 130mm Fox Rhythm 34 fork with the Grip damper sits up front. This is the most basic model 34, but it's one that rarely disappoints me. The stock spring curve is a little linear, but if you add a volume spacer or two, it will ramp up towards the end of the stroke.

The bike's frame is not only attractive but also lightweight and stronger than many other similar aluminum models.

Trek uses its own design of reinforced Alpha Platinum Aluminum, which doesn't suffer from the rigidity of traditional aluminum.

An Alpha Platinum Aluminum frame not only makes the Fuel EX 8 fast, but also easy to handle and maneuver. The material is stiff enough to offer support but compliant enough that it doesn't stress joints or muscles as you ride. A 148/110 boost also helps to strengthen and balance the frame by increasing spoke angles and creating a more stable base.

Trek Fuel EX 8 buy now

Perhaps one of our favorite features is Trek's RE:aktiv system, which is designed to enhance the responsiveness of the Fuel EX 8.

It applies Formula 1 technology to the biking world, allowing riders to accelerate efficiently and control their bikes even at high speeds. A Full Floater rear shock setup also helps to improve handling by effectively absorbing shock.

Active Braking Pivot technology is another patented Trek system that's designed to keep riders grounded and in control of their bike. By changing the placement of the rear suspension pivot, this system prevents brakes from locking up and offers cyclists both a safer and more consistent ride.

Despite all of the unique features that the Trek EX 8 has to offer, models are still on the lower end of the price range when it comes to quality trail bikes. Using treated aluminum makes the bike cheaper than similar carbon fiber options without sacrificing durability.

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  • Easy to handle
  • Relatively inexpensive

What We Don’t Like

Though the Trek fuel ex 8 frame is made of treated aluminum, the Fuel EX 8 is significantly heavier than other aluminum models.

This not only makes it difficult to transport but can also affect acceleration. Most of the trek fuel ex 8 weight is found in the back of the bike, which can make it tough to handle on downhill trails.

Some riders have found that the tires included with the Fuel EX 8 don't meet their demands when it comes to trail riding. While the wheels handle many types of terrain well, they are designed to cross rougher terrains with ease. The heavy weight and thick tread of Bontrager tires, in particular, can make it difficult for cyclists to make their way through boggy or muddy surfaces.

  • Inappropriate tires

Buying Advice

The Trek Fuel EX 8 is made for a wide spectrum of cyclists, from the casual trail rider to the avid mountain biker.

There's even a model for women that's designed to give a safer, more comfortable ride.

While this bike works well for a wide variety of applications, however, the design is relatively bare-bones and may not offer additional features that more advanced cyclists typically look for in a piece of equipment.

No matter what you’re looking for in a bike, the Fuel EX 8 offers the very best of both trail navigation and an XC handling.

If you’re looking for a bike that safe, durable, and easy to maneuver, you should consider looking into Trek’s Fuel Ex 8 line for a cost-effective option also trek fx1 is good option.

editors pick


Why we liked it?

  • Value for money
  • Fast for a trail bike

87/100 our score

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Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Review

Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 review

  • by Cyclesgo

The Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 is part of the sixth generation of the US brand’s flagship trail-bike family, launched in 2022. It went live hot on the heels of the aesthetically similar, but motor-assisted Fuel EXe bike. The Fuel EX family offers 140mm of rear-wheel travel, paired with 150mm forks, and is targeted at more aggressive trail bike riders. The bulk of the bikes are offered with 29in wheels, the XS frames have 27.5in wheels, while those looking at size-small bikes get the pick of both sizes. One of the most adjustable bikes on the market, the Fuel EX offers two geometry adjustments, as well as suspension adaptability and mullet compatibility. With an expansive range, covering alloy and carbon models, there are bikes for many pockets. This EX Gen 6 sits at the top end of the alloy range, and while the spec list isn’t dripping in top-end kit, the selection of parts suggests solid performance should be expected.

Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 frame and suspension

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

The frame uses Trek’s Alpha Platinum aluminium, which is butted and hydroformed into the tube shapes the brand desires. The down tube features a storage port, into which tools, snacks or pumps can be stashed, situated under the bottle cage. Under the tube is a two-piece rubberised bolt-on protection strip to keep the frame safe. It extends the length of the down tube, which is great to see. Threaded bottom bracket shells will appeal to home mechanics, while there are ISCG05 mounts around the shell too. Thick rubberised protection keeps the rear triangle running quietly and the paint chip-free. A wide 34.9mm seat tube means large-diameter droppers are fitted – a boon when it comes to durability.

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

Chain-slap protection helps keep the bike quiet. Trek uses its ABP (Active Braking Pivot) suspension linkage on the Fuel EX. This places the rear pivot concentric to the rear axle (rather than on the chainstay or seatstay, as on most suspension systems). This, Trek says, separates braking forces from the suspension’s action. The idea is that suspension remains active while braking. Normally, the torque applied to the seatstay by the brake during braking interferes with the suspension, hampering the wheel’s ability to track the ground while slowing down.

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

Trek’s ABP suspension merges 4-bar and faux-bar with a rear pivot concentric to the rear axle. Trek says the seatstay, which floats between the rear pivot and the rocker link, separates the two competing forces. The suspension linkage features a two-position lower shock mount on the frame (the ‘Progression Chip’), enabling you to run a more progressive leverage curve, offering improved bottom-out protection, or the ability to run a coil shock, which is more linear than a standard air shock. This feature should appeal to more aggressive riders.

Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 geometry

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

The Fuel EX 8 features Trek’s MinoLink tech. Trek has given the Fuel EX plenty of adjustability in terms of the bike’s geometry. The MinoLink has been seen on numerous Trek bikes. This flip chip in the suspension rocker gives Low and High settings, altering head and seat angles by 0.5 degrees. It also alters the BB height by 8mm. There are also three headset options – Slack, Neutral and Steep. In Slack (and MinoLink in Low), this offers adjustment from 63.5 degrees to 64.5 degrees (Neutral) up to 65.5 degrees in Steep. There’s minimal impact on other areas of the bike’s geometry. Bikes ship with the Neutral headset (and the bike is tested here in Neutral), with a rotatable headset cup available aftermarket, offering the Slack and Steep options.

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

One of many adjustments available – the progressivity of the rear suspension can be changed here. Finally, in terms of adjustability, if you stick the bike in the Steep setting with a 160mm fork, the Fuel EX can be run as a mullet bike, with a 27.5in wheel in the back. Overall, the geometry is very modern. Reach figures are long, the head angles are slack and the seat tube angles are steep, at around 78 degrees. Chainstay lengths alter with size, too, ranging from 435mm to 450mm across the (impressive) eight sizes on offer. These go from XS to S (27.5 or 29in), Medium and Medium Large, Large, XL and XXL.

Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 specifications

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

Fox’s Rhythm 36 might come from the base of the range, but it’s a smooth, comfortable fork. At £4,350, it’s fair to say the EX 8 doesn’t offer the best value around. However, many of the spec choices are solid, and the alloy chassis is great. Suspension comes from Fox, in the shape of a Rhythm-level 36 fork with 150mm travel. This comes with the basic GRIP damper, which has a lockout dial on the top of the fork and low-speed rebound adjustment at the bottom. At the rear, there’s a Float X shock, in its Performance flavour. This has a piggy-back design, giving it a higher oil volume, which in turn improves performance consistency on long descents.

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

The Float X shock from Fox is a great addition to the spec. The Performance level largely means there’s less adjustment than its pricier siblings, but you still get a lockout lever. The drivetrain is a mix of Shimano XT, SLX and Deore, as well as an e*thirteen 9-50t cassette. The brakes on my test bike are the new mineral-oil based DB8 brakes from SRAM, with 200/180mm rotors. Some bikes may come with M6100-level Shimano brakes, though. Bontrager (Trek’s in-house parts brand), provides the bulk of the finishing kit, from the cockpit to the saddle, as well as its Line 30 Comp wheels, and mid-aggressiveness XR5 Team Issue 29×2.5in tyres.

Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 ride impressions

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

The Fuel EX excelled on rocky, rooty tech. This bike was tested as part of our 2023 Bike of the Year test. It was compared to seven of the best trail bikes, listed later. I took all the bikes to the same locations and trails for some dedicated back-to-back testing on a wide variety of terrain. From hand-dug tracks in the woods to trail-centre laps and BikePark Wales’ rocky runs, I ensured the trail bikes were exposed to every type of trail such a bike is likely to be ridden on. Riding the bikes back to back, usually with four in each testing session, ensured I was able to pick out the finer performance points of each one.

Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 climbing performance

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

The Fuel EX climbs really well, with plenty of poise. The Fuel EX does a solid job when the trails start to ascend. The seated position is excellent, with a steep seat angle putting you right where you need to be over the cranks when the front wheel is higher than the rear. When your weight shifts rearward, the suspension doesn’t seem to squat much, either, so the seat angle rarely dips from its steep position too much. Seated, the suspension is as good as solid when pedalling, with minimal movement of the shock under regular pedalling loads, leading to an efficient feel. The SE5 tyres roll fairly fast, thanks to their low tread height.

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

The Line 3 cockpit is harsher than 31.8mm-diameter bars. Stand up, and you can get the suspension bobbing about, but it doesn’t feel as wallowy as many in this situation, and the lockout lever is within easy reach on smoother drags. Get to a step up in the trail and the suspension stays static as the rear wheel crests the ledge. Traction on slippery roots from the SE5 rubber could be better too – though the trade-off would likely be some rolling resistance. When stood, you get the first impression that the chassis is stiff – there’s no spaghetti feeling as you put power through the cranks, and the whole setup feels, simply put, solid.

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

An omission from the XT drivetrain – the cassette. Despite all this, it’s not the fastest climbing bike ever. It has a reassuringly composed feel, rather than light and flighty, and during testing I never really felt myself being egged on to ramp up the watts to get up the hill faster. It’s a bit of a sit and spin bike. The Shimano drivetrain is good, with Trek speccing a largely XT groupset. Cassette specs seem to vary, like the brakes, with e*thirteen (as I have) and Shimano SLX being listed. The e*thirteen’s shifting performance isn’t quite as slick as a Shimano alternative in my experience, but does feel a little quieter when the drivetrain is covered in grit and grime, compared to Deore/SLX cassettes.

Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 descending performance

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

The stiff chassis still manages to hold lines well through corners. The solidity that was evident on the climbs is almost more so on descents. Trek has made a super-stout chassis that gives the Fuel EX an impressively composed feel on the trail. It is almost unshakeable, pretty much regardless of the terrain. The suspension doesn’t have a light, flighty feel, but is nicely damped, offering buckets of traction, whether you’re on the brakes or not, and provides ample isolation from the minutiae detail of the trail, without leaving you feeling entirely disconnected from it. Lighter riders may well find the shock over-damped. On big hits, after a slightly harsh entry into its travel, the shock is controlled, with a smooth transition towards the bottom of its travel, avoiding any nasty clunks as the shock bottoms out. This is in the normal rather than more progressive shock setting too.

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

Shimano’s XT drivetrain is crisp. In this, I struggled to get through all the travel, suggesting it may well work better with a coil shock (which is, by its very nature, less progressive at the end of its stroke). Drop the bike into a corner, and the chassis doesn’t flex, pushing your weight straight onto the tyre’s shoulder in a reassuring manner, and communicating exactly what’s happening through the rubber. It carves corners beautifully. Fire it through some janky rocks, and the bike seems to shrug off any attempt to push it off-line and you into trouble. It doesn’t display full monster-truck tendencies, but it’s certainly a bike that feels happy being pointed somewhere in the distance and then allowed to get there in as straight a line as possible. It’s a similar story on rolling trails, too. The suspension enables you to push and pump the bike through undulations, gathering speed, avoiding feeling like you’re trying to compress a marshmallow. Turn the pedals and you’re projected forward with ever-increasing speed.

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

A calm, composed ride leads you to hit features at speed. It even displays ample levels of agility, too – want to add a few air miles to your account? There’s support there to boost off a lip. Keen to whip the rear wheel round a tight bend? It’ll drop its shoulder and scrabble its rubber round when required. With a 485mm reach (large) and 64.5-degree head angle, the Fuel EX should excel on steep tracks, especially because the Fox Rhythm 36 has a similarly stout chassis and ample support when needed. However, you do need to trust both the brakes and the tyres in this situation.

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

SRAM’s new DB8 brakes failed to impress. The new SRAM DB8 brakes didn’t impress me in testing. They feel wooden through the lever, with a disconnected lever feel, and their power levels are down on both the SRAM G2 and Shimano’s similar offerings. Given Trek lists both the DB8 and Shimano M6100-series brakes on its spec list, given the choice, I’d opt for the Shimano stoppers. While I’ve been relatively complimentary of the tyres so far, their performance is outshone by Maxxis tyres on other trail Bike of the Year bikes. The tread depth is low, and so in sloppier conditions they don’t have the same bite. The slightly more rounded profile means the shoulder tread doesn’t engage the dirt as effectively as other tyres might.

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

Bontrager’s XR5 Team Issue tyres are okay in the dry, but struggle in the wet and aren’t the most supple. Compared to Maxxis’ 3C MaxxTerra rubber and EXO+ casing, these tyres can’t compete. They ping over rocks more and have less traction on damp rocks and roots. Early testing on the loam, mud and roots of the forest left me impressed. But later trips to the high-frequency rocky chatter of BikePark Wales revealed the Trek’s other weaknesses – the stiff frame, Line 30 wheels and oversized bars. These combined to transmit a whole lot of buzz straight to my hands. Add in under-powered brakes, and arm fatigue was an issue on prolonged rocky descents.

How does the Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 compare to the Merida One-Forty 700?

Pack Shot Of The Merida One-Forty 700 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

The Merida One-Forty 700 represents exceptional value for money. Trek and Merida each launched great new trail bikes in 2022. Both have clearly concentrated on the quality of their chassis, and target the trail rider who doesn’t want descending performance to be compromised. The Trek has a very assured feel – it’s calm, composed and really easy to ride. It’s agile and communicative too. The Merida (in the Long size that I tested) is radical in its shape, and climbs exceptionally well. It has a touch more pedal feedback, but both will tackle steep tech with ease. Merida pips the Trek, though, thanks to its better tyres and cracking value for money. It’s over £1,000 cheaper, and other than the single-can shock, rather than piggyback, I can’t see where it loses out spec-wise.

Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 bottom line

Trek Fuel Ex 8 Gen 6 Full Suspension Mountain Bike

The Fuel EX has a really planted feeling over the rocks. The Fuel EX is undoubtedly a great trail bike, and very nearly made it into my top three for this Bike of the Year category. It was the rockiest tracks that separated the best from the rest, though, and the stiff front end, as well as questionable value, squeezed the Trek off the podium. It’s a bike that best rewards an aggressive, rather than passive, riding style. Treat it right (and maybe get lucky with the brake specs) and you won’t be disappointed by the Fuel EX.

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Korin sisältö

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

3,999.00 € 2,599.00 €

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

Runko ja etuhaarukka

  • Runkomateriaali: Alpha Platinum -alumiini
  • Etuhaarukka: Fox Rhythm 34
  • Etuhaarukan jousi: Float EVOL, ilmajousi
  • Etuhaarukan vaimennin: GRIP
  • Etuhaarukan joustomatka: 140 mm
  • Takaiskari: Fox Performance Float EVOL
  • Takaiskarin vaimennin: RE:Aktiv, 3-asentoinen säätö
  • Takajousituksen joustomatka: 130 mm

Kiekot ja renkaat

  • Kiekot: Bontrager Line Comp 30, Tubeless Ready
  • Etuakseli: Fox Kabolt, 110x15 mm
  • Taka-akseli: Bontrager Switch, 148x12 mm
  • Jarrulevyjen kiinnitys: 6-pulttinen
  • Renkaat: Bontrager XR4 Team Issue, 120 tpi, Tubeless Ready
  • Rengaskoko: 29x2.6" tai 27.5x2.6" (versiosta riippuen)


  • Vaihdevipu: Shimano XT M8100, 12 vaihdetta
  • Takavaihtaja: Shimano XT M8100
  • Vaihteiden määrä: 12
  • Kampisarja: Shimano SLX M7100
  • Eturatas: 30t
  • Rataspakka: Shimano XT M8100, 10-51t
  • Ketju: Shimano SLX M7100
  • Keskiö: Shimano MT500, pressfit
  • Satula: Bontrager Arvada CrMo
  • Satulatolppa: Bontrager Line Dropper, hissitolppa
  • Ohjaustanko: Bontrager Line, alumiinia, nousu 27.5 mm, leveys 780 mm*

(* Koot XS ja S, ohjaintangon leveys 750 mm)

  • Kädensijat: Bontrager XR Trail Elite, lukittavat
  • Ohjainkannatin: Bontrager Line Knock Block
  • Ohjainlaakeri: Knock Block, integroitu
  • Jarrut: Shimano MT420
  • Jarrun tyyppi: Hydrauliset levyjarrut (nelimäntäinen)
  • Jarrulevyt: Shimano RT66, 6-pulttikiinnitys
  • Jarrulevyjen koko: 180 mm
  • Paino: 13.80 kg (M-koko, ilman sisärenkaita)
  • Painorajoitus: 136 kg (ajajan, pyörän ja varusteiden yhteispaino)

Ajajalleen sovitettu

Muokkaa mieleiseksesi, re:aktiv -takajousitus, vähemmän kolhuja, heivaa sisärenkaat, hallintaa joka tilanteessa.

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

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  • Työsuhdepyörät
  • Pyörävuokraus
  • Yhteystiedot

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 Matte Pennyflake

4.169,00  € 3.126,75  €

Tekniset tiedot

Takavaihtaja, vaihteiden määrä, takarattaat, satulatolppa, ohjaustanko, ohjainkannatin, ohjainlaakeri, painorajoitus.

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

Pyörän koko

Saatavilla olevat koot, kokosuositukset, geometriataulukko.

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

Reklamaatioiden käsittely

Elinikäinen takuu, kahden vuoden takuu, pyörän takuu seuraavalla omistajalla, pyörän muut komponentit, mitä takuun piiriin kuuluu.

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

Maksa sinulle  sopivissa erissä

Sinä päätät.

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Salli ensin välttämättömät evästeet tallentaaksesi valintasi.

Lue lisää tietosuojasta

Mahtavat ominaisuudet täydelliseen maastopyöräilyyn Uudistunut Fuel EX on täällä, ja se on valmiimpi kuin koskaan kaikkien polkujen kesyttämiseen. Siitä pitävät huolen napakympin veroinen säädettävyys, tehokas ohjattavuus ja hymyn kasvoille nostava leikkisä ajettavuus. Sen pitkä jousto laajentaa trail-pyörän ajomahdollisuuksia suurempiin maastoihin ja kovempiin nopeuksiin, ja sen eloisa luonne huutaa maastopoluille pääsyä. Fuel EX on valmiina toimintaan jokaisella polulla ja joka päivänä aina tiiviiden haaparykelmien ohi pujottelusta juurakoiden läpi kiitämiseen ja kallistettuihin bermeihin syöksymiseen.

  • Tutustu Fuel EX Gen 6:een


Fuel EX osoitti olevansa näppärä sekä nousemaan että laskemaan mäkiä. Fuel EX selviytyi erinomaisesti lohkareista, juurista ja kulmikkaista esteistä. Mahtava trail-pyörä, joka sopii kaikille ajotyyleille. – Vital MTB

  • Lue arvostelu

Fuel EX on mestariteos

Fuel EX suorastaan ahmii röykkyistä maastoa ja suoriutuu hyvin jyrkistä nousuista. Olen vakuuttunut siitä, että pyörä, jossa on pitkä, vakaa geometria ja keskipitkä joustomatka, voi tarjota parhaan ajokokemuksen. – Freehub Magazine

Se on kotonaan nopeassa ajossa, niin ylä- kuin alamäissä.

Fuel EX on erittäin mukautuva pyörä, joka tuntuu mukavalta todella monenlaisessa maastossa, ja on varma identiteetistään. Pyöräilijät, iloitkaa. – The Loam Wolf

Valmis kaikkeen

Fuel EX:n geometria tuntuu olevan valmis melkein mihin tahansa. Siinä on reilusti pitoa nousuihin, sen ajotuntuma alamäissä on mukavan herkkä ja se suodattaa maaston epätasaisuuksia eleettömästi. – Pinkbike

Se ”juuuuri oikea” tunne

Mino Linkin avulla voit säätää pyöräsi geometriaa nopeasti ja helposti, jolloin saat sen aina täydelliseksi maastoon ja ajotyyliisi nähden.

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

Loiva tai jyrkkä, valinta on sinun

Pyörään voi asentaa kulmasäädettävät ohjainlaakerin kupit (myydään erikseen), joilla 64,5 asteen ohjauskulmasta voi tehdä asteen verran jyrkemmän tai loivemman oman mieltymyksen mukaan vaikuttamatta keskiön korkeuteen.

Bisnes edessä, bileet takana

Tahdotko 27.5″:n kiekkojen ketterän ajettavuuden muttet halua uhrata 29″:n kiekkojen nopeutta? Sinun ei tarvitse valita. Fuel EX on valmis sekakiekoille eli mullet-kokoonpanolle. Riittää kun säädät Mino Linkin korkeaan (High) asentoon, vaihdat pyörään 160 mm:n joustolla varustetun haarukan ja olet valmis hauskanpitoon.

Säädettävä progressiivisuus

Säädä helposti jousituksen progressiota yhtä flip chip -osaa kääntämällä. Vähemmän progressiivinen asetus antaa pehmeämmän ajotuntuman, joka sopii täydellisesti teräväreunaisille töyssyille epätasaisilla poluilla. Progressiivisempi asetus soveltuu kovaan vauhtiin ja isoihin maastonmuotoihin, joissa haluat välttää jousituksen pohjaamista, tai käyttöön kierrejousella varustetun takaiskunvaimentimen kanssa.

Kokoja jokaiselle ajajalle Olitpa pilvien yläpuolella tai matalammalla, Fuel EX:n kattava kokovalikoima tarjoaa erinomaisen istuvuuden jokaiselle ajajalle. Jos kokosi on XS:n ja XXL:n välillä, olet valmis nousemaan satulaan kokokohtaisilla kiekoilla ja takahaarukan alaputken pituuksilla, jotta pyörä sopii sinulle pituudestasi riippumatta.

Emäputken loiva ja vakaa 64,5 asteen kulma täydentää pidempää joustoa ja parantaa luottamusta ajamiseen.

Tavallista jyrkempi, 77,2 asteen satulaputken kulma pitää polkemisasennon tehokkaana pitkillä metsäteillä ja nopeita, jyrkkiä nousuja varten.

Pidempi reach-mitta kompensoi jyrkempää satulaputken kulmaa, joten olosi pysyy ohjaamossa mukavana ja valmiina eteen tulevia tilanteita varten.

Kokokohtaiset takahaarukan alaputket pitävät ajon ketteränä pienemmille ajajille ja parantavat etukiekon pitoa ylämäissä pidemmille ajajille.

Uusi runko, uusia mahdollisuuksia

Fuel EX:n uusi sukupolvi avaa mahdollisuuksia ajajille, jotka haluavat kustomoida pyöräänsä kokonaisvaltaisesti. Laaja yhteensopivuus takaiskunvaimentimien kanssa antaa mahdollisuuden monien jälkimarkkinoilta saatavien takaiskunvaimentimien käyttöön, myös kierrejousella varustettujen. Tavallista suurempi 34,9 mm:n satulaputki mahdollistaa entistä suurempien ja vankempien dropper-satulatolppien käytön.

Aktiivinen jousitus

Trekin yksinoikeudella käyttämä Active Braking Pivot -jarrujärjestelmä pitää jousituksen aktiivisena jarrutuksen aikana – eli silloin kun sitä usein tarvitaan eniten.

Siisti ja helppo

Sisäiset vaijereiden reitityskanavat poistavat vaijerien räminän. Ne myös yksinkertaistavat huoltoa vankkatekoisen kierrekeskiön ohella. Pulteilla kiinnitettävä alaputken suojus ja takahaarukan alaputkien suojukset suojaavat kivien iskuilta ja kuljetusvaurioilta. Ne myös vaimentavat maastopoluista syntyvää ääntä.

Pistä piiloon

Säilytä ajotarvikkeesi putken sisällä olevassa säilytyslokerossa, joka löytyy niin hiilikuitu- kuin alumiinimalleista. Mukana toimitettava Bontragerin BITS-pussi pitää tavarasi järjestyksessä.

Brandon Semenuk x Kade Edwards | Parallel II

Kaksi ajajaa, kaksi yhteenliitettyä rataa ja kaksi uutta Fuel EX:ää mullet-kokoonpanolla varustettuna. Katso kuinka Brandon Semenuk ja Kade Edwards koettelevat uuden Fuel EX:n rajoja ajamalla uskomattoman lähellä toisiaan tajunnan räjäyttävän hyvin kuvatussa filmissä.

trek fuel ex 8 kokemuksia

Fuel EX -mallisto

Fuel EX Gen 5

Fuel EX Gen 5 tarjoaa ketterää ohjattavuutta kevyellä painolla ja hintaansa nähden entistä paremman osakokonaisuuden. Siinä on 130 mm:n takajousto ja 140 mm:n etujousto sekä hiilikuitumalleissa sisäinen säilytyslokero.

Fuel EX Gen 6

Fuel EX Gen 6:ssa on 140 mm:n takajousto ja 150 mm:n etujousto, useita säätömahdollisuuksia ja entistä vakaampi ohjattavuus. Vankkatekoisessa rungossa on lisäksi sisäinen säilytyslokero kaikissa malleissa, alumiinimalli mukaan lukien.

Etsitkö jotain hieman erilaista?

Joskus vähemmän on enemmän. Top Fuel on tavallista lyhytjoustoisempi täysjousitettu down country -pyörä, joka on valmis koko päivän kestäviin pyöräilyjuhliin. Se soveltuu yhtä hyvin kilometrien nielemiseen sulavasti rullaavilla cross country -poluilla kuin seikkailuille syrjäisemmillä seuduilla, joissa muut eivät juuri liiku.

Haluatko isommille poluille? Slash on pitkäjoustoinen trail-pyörä, joka näyttää monster truckilta ja kiitää maastossa kuin lentävä matto. Se on luotu all-mountain-ajoon isoissa maastoissa, kilpailuun kelloa vastaan vaativilla enduroreiteillä ja mahtaviin ajohetkiin teknisesti vaativilla ajoalustoilla.


  1. Trek Fuel EX 8 Trail Bike Review

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  2. 2022 Trek Fuel EX 8

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  3. 2020 Trek Fuel EX 8 GX

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  4. Trek Fuel EX 8 XT Gen 5 2023 Mountain Bike

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  5. Trek Fuel EX 8 Trail Bike Review

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  6. Test VTT Trek Fuel EX 8 29 2016 : vélo All Mountain

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  1. Trek fuel ex 8 27.5 plus custom upgrade

  2. Trek fuel ex 8 gen 5 walkaround

  3. TREK Fuel EX 8 2020

  4. Final Ride for the Trek Fuel EX

  5. Trek Fuel Ex Gen 6 Impressions 2023

  6. Trek Fuel EX 9.8 XT Gen 6 (2023)


  1. Trek Fuel EX8 2020, kokemuksia?

    Itellä 2018 Fuel ex 8 ja jotenkin siinä tuntuu aina juurakkoalamäessä takaiskari tahmaavan. Sillei että syö vauhtia eikä "kellu" juurien ja kivien yli. Liekö sitten iskarista, säädöistä vai ajotyylistä kiinni, mutta kiinnostaisi tietää, onko samaa tuntua uusissa malleissa.

  2. Trek Fuel EX 9 29er kokemuksia?

    Tuo ex 9.8 mikä tuolla on niin on samoissa värityksissä kun ex 9.0 trekin sivuilla ja 9.8 on taas aivan erinäköinen trekin sivuilla. onko joku ostanut tuolta pyöriä? kyllä tuo 2000€ alennus pistää pyöräkuumeen päälle

  3. Trek Fuel EX 8 Review

    OVERALL. SCORE. Fun Factor - 25% 8.0. Downhill Performance - 35% 8.0. Climbing Performance - 35% 7.0. Ease of Maintenance - 5% 6.0. RELATED: Best Trail Mountain Bikes. Our Verdict. The Fuel EX 8 is an impressively capable, versatile, and well-rounded trail bike that is ready for anything you are.

  4. Trek Fuel EX 8 review

    Trek's Fuel EX has been one of the best mountain bikes in the world for years, but the alloy-framed 8 is lacking some of the features the latest alloy and carbon Treks. High-durability component spec matches the vibe of a really well-balanced bike.

  5. Fuel EX 8 Gen 5

    Arvostelut. Tämä pyörä sopii sinulle, jos... Ajamiseesi kuuluu renkaiden irtoaminen maasta aina silloin tällöin mutta pidät myös marathontyyppisistä singletrack-ajeluista. Haluat pyörän, joka soveltuu erinomaisesti kaikenlaiseen maastoon, ja asetat laadukkaat osat etusijalle. Tekniset ominaisuudet.

  6. Trek Fuel EX8 MTB Live Demo Review

    Trek Fuel EX8 MTB Live Demo Review. GuyKesTV. 30K subscribers. Subscribed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  7. Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 review

    Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 review - Full-Suspension - Mountain Bikes

  8. Trek Fuel EX 8 review

    Read our expert review of the Trek Fuel EX 8, a versatile and capable mountain bike that can handle any terrain and challenge.

  9. Trek Fuel EX 8 2023 Review

    Ad. Bikes. All Mountain. Trek Fuel EX 8 Review. coherent overall package. higher quality gears than the other bikes in this price range. 25 years warranty. with 13,9 kg lighter than comparable bikes. fun to ride in. easy terrain Extreme Terrain. seating position. upright efficient. handling. playful easy calm. Framesize runs. small big.

  10. Review: Trek Fuel EX8 Trail bike

    The Trek Fuel EX 8 is Trek's best selling trail bike. An enduro / all-mountain bike that promises to be very versatile with its ample travel of 130mm on the front and rear suspension, 29-inch wheels and a few smart features.

  11. Arto Tikkala: Testi: Trek Fuel EX 9.8 27.5 Plus

    Lähtökohta. Muutama viikko sitten olin viikonlopun Tampereella seuran yhteisreenissä. Omasta täysjoustosta puuttui ohjaustanko ja toinen pyörä oli sillä hetkellä molemmista päistä jäykkä. En jaksanut alkaa vaihtelemaan osia, vaan mieleen juolahti, että Cycli oli tarjonnut minulle testiin Trekin Fuel EX:ää 27,5+ kiekoilla.

  12. 2021 Trek Fuel EX 8 GX Feature Review & Weight

    The Trek Fuel EX is a very capable all-around Trail BIke. Having ridden one for over a year now, I really like it. Well for 2021 the Fuel EX 8 GX is the bike...

  13. Testissä Trek Fuel EX 8 XT

    Pyöräliike Lundbergilta testipyörä lainassa.

  14. Tekniikan Maailma

    Tekniikan Maailma. Polkupyörät. | 9.10.2021 14:46. Trek Top Fuel on uutuus, joka täyttää Supercaliber- ja Fuel EX -mallien välisen aukon juuri sopivasti. Teksti Jukka Mäennenä. Kuvat Trek Bikes. Lajia vähemmän tunteva voi ajatella, että yksi maastopyörätyyppi sopii kaikenlaiseen ajoon.

  15. Trek Fuel EX 8 Trail Bike Review

    What We Like. The Trek Fuel EX 8 is designed with both comfort and style in mind, boasting a sleek hydroformed frame that comes in black or silver, with pink highlights adding a vibrant touch to the Women's model. We like that the elegant design forgoes many bells and whistles that too often clutter up the appearance of top-of-the-line trail bikes.

  16. Fuel EXe 8 XT

    Fuel EXe 8 XT - löydä seuraava mahtava ajokokemuksesi. Tutustu pyörään ja käy paikallisen Trek-jälleenmyyjän luona.

  17. Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 review

    142 Views. share. The Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 is part of the sixth generation of the US brand's flagship trail-bike family, launched in 2022. It went live hot on the heels of the aesthetically similar, but motor-assisted Fuel EXe bike.

  18. Trek Fuel EX 8

    Fuel EX 8 on trail-maastopyörä, joka on pullollaan innovaatioita ja Trekin teknologiaosaamista. Se on tehokas kiipeämään jyrkkiäkin mäkiä ja nauttii vauhdikkaiden alamäkien tuomista haasteista. 140 mm etuojoustoa ja 130 mm äärimmäisen hallittua joustoa takana luovat hyvät lähtökohdat tälle maasto-ohjukselle.

  19. Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6

    Trek Fuel EX 8 Gen 6 Uusin versio suositusta Fuel EX:stä on saanut lisää joustoa molempiin päihin. Se on edelleen do-it-all -tyyppinen täysjoustomaastopyörä, joka on entistäkin valmiimpi teknisiin maastoihin.

  20. Trek Fuel EX 9 29er kokemuksia?

    Aktiivijäsen. Liittynyt. 08/2013. Paikkakunta. oobo. Viestit. 1.662. Alkujaan tämän lähetti deee. Joo siltä vaikuttaa. Arvostelijat ja käyttäjät ylistävät, mutta sun pitää koittaa päteä nollatiedolla. Ehkä sä tästä jotain opit. Ymmärtääkseni Incillä on 29 fuel ex alumiinisena.. 01.11.2015, 20.08 #32. Pexxi. Aktiivijäsen. Liittynyt. 10/2009. Viestit

  21. Fuel EX

    Lue arvostelu. Fuel EX on mestariteos. Fuel EX suorastaan ahmii röykkyistä maastoa ja suoriutuu hyvin jyrkistä nousuista. Olen vakuuttunut siitä, että pyörä, jossa on pitkä, vakaa geometria ja keskipitkä joustomatka, voi tarjota parhaan ajokokemuksen. - Freehub Magazine. Lue arvostelu. Se on kotonaan nopeassa ajossa, niin ylä- kuin alamäissä.