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Sierra Negra Volcano full day tour

Trekk up a 1124 meters (3687 ft) above sea level to the biggest crater you can see on the islands, 12km (7.5 miles) wide, the second in the world. Visit Sierra Negra volcano. Enjoy a great galapagos islands tour with our full day tour to the most visited volcano in Isabela Island. Along with a naturalist certified guide, explore magnificent views from the summit of this majestuous volcano.

Naturalist Guide

Key Features

Second biggest crater of the world.

Breathe the purest air while enjoying the perfect view of lower lands.

Naturalist guide included.

Good chance to see: birds, flora and amazing landscape.

Great trekking path.


The Sierra Negra Volcano is located 30min away from town, Puerto Villamil. It is the only volcano that can be hiked up to its crater in the islands, with no restrictions but to be in the company of a certified naturalist guide. We will hike the 12km (7,5 miles) trail starting from the National Park access control. It is a medium difficulty trail with a fare slope.

tour sierra ecuador

It is considered the oldest volcanoes of the island, it is in an erupting process at the moment from the 20th of June 2018, there has been 25 mild earthquakes of less than 9 km (5.6 miles) deep. So far the eruptive process is not harmful to the population. This is a good place to observe the rich archeological history of the islands born from fire.

Sierra Negra Volcano

On the way up to the volcano you will notice the change in vegetation, from a dry volcanic vegetation to a humid forest to start the hike. Make sure to look around while you walk, you’ll be paralyzed with the most fabulous views of the island, the great contrast of the great highlands landscape and the perfect turquoise of the sea shore.

Sierra Negra Crater

The second biggest crater of the world after the Tgorontgoro in Tanzania, it´s surely worth visiting. Don’t miss out the amazing photo with the crater, if you can get all of it to fit in the camera. Just close your eyes and feel the immense power of nature and its energy.

Sierra Negra Volcano Hike

  • Only Volcano in Galapagos that can be hiked up
  • Amazing Views
  • Medium Level of experience required

Sierra Negra Crater

Unnamed Road, Ecuador

Sierra Negra Volcano

Be sure to be on time at the meeting point to start our journey. You will meet the guide and ride for about 30 – 40 min uphill. You’ll disembark when you arrive to the park control entrance. From there you will start the 12km (7,5 miles) trail.

The guide most likely will ask the group to consider either going to “Volcan Chico” or up to the border of the Crater, democracy rules and the most voted will be taken. The guide will give you a small lunch on the way. The return will have the same logistics down the hill.

Weather in Isabela is generally warm but there are some months were we have some rain, so it will be a good idea to bring a rain jacket. Of course don’t forget your sunscreen, sunglasses, comfortable shoes, trail snacks and of course a camera. Besides the view there is a good chance for bird watching.

This walking tour goes from sea level to an altitude of 1100mts (3600 ft), it involves fairly steep climbing. The hike will last about 3 – 4h.


Tour details.

Bilingual guide


  • Reviews (5)

5 reviews for Sierra Negra Volcano full day tour

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Silvana Delgado (verified owner) – January 8, 2022

Prepárate para una gran caminata para ver desde el mismo borde el cráter del volcán y lava petrificada que logró captar el movimiento de la furia de la fuerza de una erupción, una visita increíble a un lugar mágico. No olvides llevar tu sombrero, crema solar y agua

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Grace – January 25, 2022

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Brishnananda Garcia Delgado (verified owner) – January 15, 2022

Long distance walk with out of this world landscapes, the power of lava creating km of land at the feet of one of the larggest craters in the world, is just worth seeing!

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Erik Enbody (verified owner) – January 19, 2022

This was an gorgeous hike through the highlands of Isabela. An exceptional opportunity to view the islands from high above. The views of the huge crater are absolutely stunning and the guide took us on an informative tour of a lava field from a previous irruption. I’m a birdwatcher and was hoping to see Brujo Flycatcher and Galapagos Martin here – both of which were readily findable on the hike (martin at the crater rim). I can especially recommend the assistance of Grace who arranged this tour and others for me while in the Galapagos!

Grace – January 20, 2022

I was a pleasure helping you on your Galapagos’ adventure!

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Franzi D. (verified owner) – January 31, 2022

This long-distance walk has different stages, all beautiful; this scenery is simply one of another kind. The lava creates a specific stunning atmosphere. Definitely worth seeing it.

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Michael Garcia (verified owner) – February 5, 2022

The hike was absolutely gorguous (we got to see one of the larger craters in the world!), but what really stuck with me is that we got to see the different geological stages of how new islands form: the black, burnt earth of new lava, the red (oxcidized) land with cactus after a few thousand years, then slowly vegetation, then trees, and then the rainforest south-edge of the mountain. It’s like flying through time in a cosmos episode, but you’re actually walking through this scenery. Plus our tour-guide was very knowledgable and accommodating, and made the whole day feel like the best geology class in the entire world. One recommendation: bring lots of sun protection! The ecuatorial sun beats down hard. We were saved because we had an umbrella.

Grace – February 21, 2022

A top attraction in Galapagos, an active volcano! Full of stories to tell through its landscape.

Only logged in customers who have purchased this tour may leave a review.

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Our trip to Peru was organised brilliantly by Raquel and Tamer. The itinerary was perfect and the transportation and accommodation arrangements were great ...

As you head south down the Panamericana from the central highlands, the snowcapped peaks and rumbling volcanoes give way to a softer, gentler landscape of lower elevations and warmer, drier climates. Ecuador’s southern sierra – made up of the provinces of Cañar, Azuay and Loja – was until recently a very isolated part of the country, left without proper roads to the capital and Guayaquil until the 1960s. The region still has a lonely, faraway feel to it, reinforced by its sparse population, scarcity of large towns and long stretches of wild, uninhabited countryside. Its charms, however, are considerable, with some of the most rewarding and beautiful pockets of Ecuador tucked away here.

Around Cuenca

Parque nacional cajas, loja and around.

The main urban centre – and only large city – of the southern sierra is Cuenca , famed for its stunning colonial architecture and graceful churches and monasteries. Easily the country’s most captivating city, it was raised on the site of the ruined city of Tomebamba, built by the Incas in the late fifteenth century following their conquest of the region, which had been occupied by the Cañari people for almost a thousand years. Virtually nothing remains of Tomebamba, but you can get an idea of the remarkable stonework the Incas were famous for – executed without iron to carve it or wheels to transport it – at the ruins of Ingapirca , Ecuador’s only major Inca ruins, within easy striking distance of Cuenca. On Cuenca’s doorstep is an attraction of a very different nature: the starkly beautiful wilderness of Parque Nacional Cajas , which provides some of the best backcountry hiking and trout fishing in the country, if you’re willing to put up with a bit of rain and mist.

South of Cuenca, the sense of remoteness and abandonment increases as you pass mile after mile of largely uncultivated hills and pastures. The few villages and one-horse towns staggered down the highway seem scarcely to have entered the twentieth century, let alone the twenty-first, with their steep cobbled streets, ageing stuccoed houses and grand old churches. The town of Saraguro , in particular, feels like a real step back in time, with an indigenous population that maintains a centuries-old tradition of dressing in black. Further south, the small provincial capital of Loja is an island of comparative motion and activity, hemmed in by jagged, deep-green hills that soar over the town. It serves as a good jumping-off point for a couple of highly worthwhile excursions: east to Parque Nacional Podocarpus , stretching down from the sierra to the tropical cloudforests of the Oriente, close to the old gold-mining town of Zamora ; and south to the laid-back gringo hangout of Vilcabamba , nestled in a peaceful mountain valley. Loja is also the starting point of the only direct bus service to Peru; for more details.

Top image: Glittering-throated Emerald © Wilfred Marissen/Shutterstock

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A journey to the heart of Ecuador: discover the Andean highlands, go on a deep dive in the Amazon jungle, explore the colonial cities on the Pacific Coast and end your trip with the incredibly diverse Galapagos Islands. This trip packs all into one, the adventure of a lifetime!

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There are a number of very rewarding excursions you can make in the area around Cuenca, using the city as a base for day-trips. Fifteen minutes away, the thermal baths of Baños are supremely relaxing, particularly after a spot of hiking or fishing in Parque Nacional Cajas , forty minutes west of the city, packed with trout-filled lakes, brooding mountains and swirling mists. Heading east, you can visit the rural communities of Gualaceo , Chordeleg and Sigsig on a scenic bus ride through the hills, and find out more about the crafts produced there. Southwest of Cuenca, on the road to Machala, the small town of Girón makes a worthwhile excursion for its nearby waterfall surrounded by lush vegetation.

Only 35km northwest of Cuenca, PARQUE NACIONAL CAJAS is one of the most beautiful wilderness areas in Ecuador: a wild, primeval landscape of craggy hills and glacier-scoured valleys studded with a breathtaking quantity of lakes (235 at last count), glinting like jewels against the mottled earth and rock surrounding them. Spread over 290 square kilometres of high páramo (3000–4500m), the park offers superb hiking and trout fishing opportunities and – despite sitting on the doorstep of a major city – a tremendous sense of solitude, with visitors kept at bay by the rain and fog that so frequently plague the area. This inhospitable environment harbours more flora and fauna than first impressions might suggest: native quinua trees, with their gnarled and twisted branches, grow alongside the rivers that thread through the park, and many species of shrubs and flowers adapted to harsh climates – such as the orange-flowered chuqiragua – survive on the moorland. There’s also a tract of dense, humid cloudforest, peppered with orchids and bromeliads, on the eastern edge of the park. The park is also home to wildcats, pumas, deer and some spectacled bears, though you’re far more likely to see ducks, rabbits and perhaps some recently reintroduced llamas. Cajas is also rich in birdlife, including woodpeckers, hummingbirds, mountain toucans and Andean condors. Human relics include a scattering of pre-Hispanic ruins , probably of former shelters for those travelling between the sierra and the coast, as well as a four-kilometre restored section of the Ingañán, an old Inca road , conserving much of its original paving.

The best place to start exploring Parque Nacional Cajas is at the Information Centre on the edge of the shimmering Laguna Toreadora , easily reached from Cuenca along the paved highway running through the park on its way to the coast. This is where you register your visit, pay your $10 entrance fee (if you have not already done so at the Quinuas road control 8km closer to Cuenca) and pick up a free 1:70,000 colour map of the park.

Hiking in Parque Nacional Cajas

The official map details ten hiking routes across the park, ranging from short hops of an hour or two to end-to-end treks of two or three days. You can supplement this map with 1:50,000 IGM maps covering the area (Cuenca, Chaucha, San Felipe de Molleturo and Chiquintad), but the black-and-white copies can be hard to read.

The most popular day-hike (a combination of route 2 and part of route 1; 5–6hr) starts at the Information Centre, taking you northeast past Laguna Toreadora, through a quinua forest and down southeast past Laguna Totoras and Laguna Patoquinuas . The hike ends back at the highway, some 8km east of the Information Centre, at the Quinuas checkpoint, where you can catch the bus back to Cuenca; ask the warden to show you the path, which is straightforward to follow and quite easy-going.

Alternatively, there’s a good hike (also 5–6hr), which starts 4km further west along the highway from the Information Centre, at the Tres Cruces hill on the left-hand (south) side of the road. At 4160m, the hill straddles the continental divide between waters draining west into the Pacific and east into the Amazon basin – you can scramble up it in about fifteen minutes, for great views over the park. The trail (route 5 on the map) takes you down past a string of three lakes – Negra, Larga and Tagllacocha – bringing you to the Ingañán (paved Inca road) by Laguna Luspa, before heading right (west) back towards the highway.

There are numerous possibilities for multi-day hikes too – consult the park map and IGM maps and ask the warden for guidance. It’s essential to come well prepared: with the possibility of thick fog obscuring visibility, and a tendency for paths to peter out into nowhere, you should bring emergency food and ideally a survival blanket even on short day-hikes, in case you get lost. Although it’s often hot enough to hike in a t-shirt when the sun’s out (usually in the morning), the temperature can quickly drop below freezing in bad weather, and is perishing at night, so take plenty of layers and warm gear, including a hat and gloves. You’ll also need waterproof clothing and sturdy, waterproof boots, preferably with gaiters; if you’re camping make sure your tent is well sealed or you’ll have a wet and miserable time. It’s driest between June and August, but it might rain, hail or snow at any time of the year.

Santa Ana de los Cuatro Ríos de Cuenca, otherwise known simply as CUENCA (2530m), is Ecuador’s most seductive – and possibly its most beautiful – colonial city. A classic example of a planned Renaissance town in the Americas, Cuenca is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and shares many architectural features with Old Quito: narrow, cobbled streets, harmonious, balconied houses with interior courtyards and an abundance of flashing white churches and monasteries – all presented without the pollution, noise and overbearing crowds of the capital.

Founded by the Spaniards on April 12, 1557, Cuenca was not the first dazzling city to be erected here: the Inca Tupac Yupanqui founded the city of Tomebamba here around 1470, which was said to have rivalled Peru’s Cuzco with its splendour. Its glory was short-lived, however, as the city was destroyed during the Inca civil war that broke out during the second decade of the sixteenth century, prompted by rival claims to the throne by the brothers Atahualpa and Huáscar. By the time Cieza de León (one of the chroniclers of the Spanish conquest) saw it in 1547, Tomebamba was in ruins, but enough remained to evoke its former grandeur: “These famous lodgings of Tumibamba were among the finest and richest to be found in all Peru…The fronts of many of the buildings are beautiful and highly decorative, some of them set with precious stones and emeralds…Today, all is cast down and in ruins, but it can still be seen how great they were.” These days, Cuenca’s Inca legacy has all but vanished, hinted at only by the foundation stones of some of its buildings, and some modest ruins excavated in the twentieth century.

Museo del Banco Central

About half a kilometre east of the Iglesia Todos los Santos, at the eastern end of Calle Larga, the Museo del Banco Central is Cuenca’s most polished and absorbing museum. The ground floor contains a room devoted to the Inca city of Tomebamba, displaying some beautiful Inca artefacts including jewellery, fertility symbols and ritualistic objects. Also on the ground floor is a collection of nineteenth-century art , dominated by religious paintings and sombre portraits, but with some wonderful costumbrista (folk art) pieces showing indigenous people dancing, playing the fiddle or roasting a hog. The highlight of the museum is the Sala Etnografía Nacional on the first floor, which illustrates the diversity of Ecuador’s indigenous cultures using day-to-day objects and reconstructions. Displays include an extraordinary exhibition of Shuar tsantsas (shrunken heads) from the southern Oriente; a model of a masked dancer from the southern sierra; a collection of festival costumes; and many musical instruments. At the bottom of the building is the Museo Numismático , holding coins and notes of the republican and colonial epochs, dating back to the mid-seventeenth century.

Entrance to the Museo del Banco Central includes access to the Pumapungo archeological park (same hours), right behind the museum, which is where most of the artefacts displayed in the museum’s archeological sala were found. Excavations have revealed this is where the most important religious buildings of Tomebamba were located, though all that’s left to see are the foundation walls. The site also features the so-called Jardines del Inca , combining the ruins with botanical displays of important Andean plants and a bird-rescue centre.

Marooned at the bottom of the country and several hours’ drive from any other major town, LOJA is a remote but thriving little provincial capital. Thanks to its isolation, it has long been good at taking care of its own affairs, even dabbling with self-government in 1857 – not to mention its distinction of being the first city in the country to generate electricity, in 1897. With a progressive emphasis on learning and culture, the city boasts two universities, a law school and a major music conservatory, which give the place a youthful, vibrant atmosphere. Spread over a fertile valley at 2100m above sea level, Loja is about 500m lower than most sierra cities, and noticeably warmer (usually 16–21°C).

Loja’s most exciting fiesta kicks off on August 20 when the icon of the Virgen del Cisne arrives in the cathedral for a two-month “visit”, having been carried on foot from El Cisne, accompanied by hundreds of pilgrims. The festivities which follow culminate on September 8 with the Feria de Integración Fronteriza, a huge craft and trade fair Simón Bolívar established in 1824, in an effort to promote cross-border relations; the fair is still attended by many Peruvians today.

The town sits on the doorstep of the western edge of Parque Nacional Podocarpus , a pristine tract of páramo and cloudforest, and is the best place to get information on the park or arrange a visit. The eastern part of the park, over the sierra and down towards the Oriente, is approached from Zamora , easily reached by bus from Loja. Loja is also the gateway to Peru via two border crossings, one of which is a short hop from Vilcabamba , an easy-going village that has become an obligatory stop for many backpackers before leaving the country.

A paved road heading east connects Loja with the small town of ZAMORA , sitting 64km away in foothills on the edge of the Oriente, the other side of the Sabanilla Pass which, at 2700m, is one of the lowest crossing points in the Andes. For most visitors Zamora’s main use is as a base for visiting the lower section of Parque Nacional Podocarpus , but the bus ride here is itself worthwhile, with the road snaking down from the sierra past numerous waterfalls, giving occasional views onto miles of densely forested hills. As you get lower, the air becomes warmer and moister, and the vegetation becomes increasingly lush, with giant ferns hanging over the road. At 970m above sea level, Zamora has a subtropical climate, with an average temperature of 21°C – a stark contrast to the coolness of the sierra.

Sitting at the confluence of the Zamora and Bombuscaro rivers with a backdrop of steep, emerald-green hills rising over its rooftops, the town’s setting is lovely, yet the town itself is unattractive, with sprawling grid-laid streets and functional, cement-built houses. Despite having been founded by the Spaniards in 1549 it’s still, at heart, a modern, rough-and-ready pioneer town, its main function being to service the local gold-mining industry – which it’s being doing on and off for four hundred years.

Although visitors to Zamora mainly use it as a base from which to visit Podocarpus, there are a couple of other sights to take in while you’re here, including a 1600-square-metre clock – apparently the largest clock face in the world – in the hillside above the market, where it glitters like a fairground at night. A block from the parque central is the Refugio Ecológico Tzanka , on Tamayo and Mosquera, once the town rubbish dump, but now a small zoo and orchid garden.

Parque Nacional Podocarpus

Spilling down the eastern flanks of the Andes towards the tropical valleys of the Oriente, PARQUE NACIONAL PODOCARPUS presents a spectacular landscape of high páramo, dense, dripping cloudforest, rushing waterfalls and crystalline rivers. Its wide-ranging altitudes (900–3600m), climates and habitats harbour a staggering diversity of flora and fauna, including an estimated 3000 to 4000 plant species, over 500 recorded bird species – hummingbirds, toucans, tanagers and parrots among them – and important populations of mammals such as mountain tapirs, giant armadillos, pudu (dwarf deer), spectacled bears, monkeys and pumas. The park was created in 1982, partly to protect some of the country’s last major stands of podocarpus trees (Ecuador’s only native conifer, also known as romerillo ), whose numbers commercial logging had drastically reduced. Other notable trees here include the cinchona (known locally as cascarilla ), whose bark is the source of quinine , first discovered in this very region.

There are two main entrances to the park, corresponding to its geographical divisions: one is the Sector Cajanuma in the Zona Alta (upper section), near Loja; the other is the Sector Bombuscaro in the Zona Baja (lower section), reached from Zamora. Also in the Zona Baja is a third, little-visited entry post at Sector Romerillos , the gateway to a very rugged, long-distance hike down to an even less frequented entrance to the Sector Valladolid in the far south. The southwestern reaches of the park are often visited on guided hikes and horse treks from the small village of Vilcabamba (for more details), though there’s no formal entry post here. Tickets , available at the entrance posts, cost $10 and are valid in all sectors for up to five days.

South of Cuenca, the Panamericana winds its way through increasingly remote and isolated countryside, passing only a handful of villages on its way to the city of Loja. The most interesting stop en route is the small agricultural town of SARAGURO (“land of corn” in Quichua), 140km south of Cuenca and 64km north of Loja, the site of a lively and atmospheric Sunday-morning market. As you approach from the north, a large sign proudly announces your arrival in “ Saraguro, Tierra de Maíz, centro indígena más importante de América ” – the centre of one of the most distinct highland groups of Ecuador, the Saraguro indígenas . Their forebears, originally from the altiplano region of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, were relocated here by the Incas during their expansion into Ecuador, as part of the mitimae system used to consolidate colonization. More than 500 years on, the Saraguros are still set apart by their particularly pure form of Quichua and very distinctive clothing. The men wear black ponchos and black knee-length shorts, often over black wellington boots used for their farm work, while the women wear pleated black skirts and hand-woven black shawls, fastened by elaborate silver or nickel brooches called tupus . Saraguros have also maintained very traditional forms of celebrating religious festivals . Their Easter celebrations, in particular, follow a strict pattern of processions, re-enactments and symbolic rituals, all marked by their great solemnity. Other important Saraguro festivals include Tres Reyes (January 6), Corpus Christi (early or mid-June) and Christmas.

Most Saraguro indígenas live as cattle herders in rural farming communities, but just about all of them come into town for the Sunday-morning market for fresh produce, cattle and household goods, and Sunday Mass, held in the handsome, honey-stone church on the main plaza.

Regular buses make the five-hour journey from the terminal in Loja to MACARÁ along the Panamericana via the town of Catacocha, with a slower service on subsidiary roads via Cariamanga. Three daily direct buses also go all the way from Loja to Piura in Peru (7am, 1pm & 11pm; 8hr journey; $8, best bought a day before travel), operated by Cooperativa Loja Internacional ( t 07/2579014), which has offices in Loja at the bus terminal and at 10 de Agosto and Avenida Lauro Guerrero. In Vilcabamba, there’s an office near the bus terminal or you can buy tickets from one of the hostales in Vilcabamba that act as agents, including Madre Tierra and Las Ruinas de Quinará ; note this bus does not go through Vilcabamba.

There isn’t much to do in Macará, but if you stay the night there’s decent accommodation. The best places are Terra Verde , on Calle Lazaro Vacao a couple of blocks west of the Coop Loja Internacional terminus ( t 07/2694540; $16–20), the smartest hotel in town, with clean a/c rooms; El Conquistador on Bolívar and Calderón ( t 07/2694057; $16–20) with fans, cable TVs and private bathroom; and Espiga de Oro , on Antonio Ante and 10 de Agosto by the market ( t 07/2694405; $11–15), which is a little cheaper for only having cold water, but has en-suite facilities and a choice of air conditioning or fan. Nearby D’Marcos’s , Veintimilla and Calderón, offers standard, inexpensive food . The banks do not change currency or traveller’s cheques, but you can find moneychangers with Peruvian soles at the border and around the park where taxis to the border are ranked.

The crossing

If you’re on the through bus to Piura it will simply wait while passengers have their passports checked and stamped. If you’ve taken the bus to Macará, you’ll need to get to the international bridge between Ecuador and Peru, a little over 2km southwest of town, which you can walk to in about forty minutes, or take a taxi ($1) or colectivo ($0.25) from 10 de Agosto at the park near the market. Either side of the bridge, the Ecuadorian and Peruvian immigration offices , where you get your exit and entry stamps , are open 24hr. In La Tina , the little settlement on the Peruvian side, you’ll be whisked away by colectivo to Sullana (2hr), from where there is easy transport to the larger city of Piura (40min further). You could also hop on the international buses direct to Piura as they pass through Macará.

Just over 40km south of Loja, sitting in a beautiful valley enfolded by crumpled, sunburnt hills, VILCABAMBA is a small agricultural village that’s become something of a tourist magnet over the last couple of decades. It first caught the attention of the outside world back in 1955, when Reader’s Digest published an article claiming Vilcabambans enjoyed a considerably higher than average life expectancy, with a very low incidence of cardiovascular health problems. Soon Vilcabamba was being touted as “the valley of eternal youth” and the “valley of longevity”, as international investigators unearthed a string of sprightly old people claiming to be up to 120 or 130 years old. More rigorous studies revealed these claims to be wildly exaggerated, and to date no hard evidence has been produced to support theories of an abnormally long-living population in Vilcabamba – though scientists acknowledge villagers in their 70s and 80s tend to be extremely fit and healthy for their age.

These days Vilcabamba feels like a place not quite grounded in reality – partly because of the myths associated with it, partly because of the high proportion of resident gringos who’ve come here in search of the simple life (and, inevitably, have ended up competing vigorously with each other for business), and partly because of the conspicuous presence of foreign tourists. People head here for a variety of reasons. Some come for the hallucinogenic cactus juice, San Pedro , the village has become famous for, even though this is illegal and heavily frowned on by locals. Others come for the hiking and birding in the nearby hills of Parque Nacional Podocarpus , but most come just to relax, enjoy the warm climate and nice views, or maybe take a horse ride or indulge in a massage or steam bath. The best months to be here are June to September, while October to May can often be rainy. Daytime temperatures usually fluctuate between 18°C and 28°C.

There’s not a great deal to do in the village itself. The focal point is the leafy Parque Central , surrounded by the main cornerstones of village life: the church, the municipio and the telephone office. The church is quite a grand affair, with its large, white Neoclassical facade sporting a row of apricot-coloured pillars. It’s worth wandering down to the square around 6 or 7am – you’ll catch a beautiful dawn chorus, and the early-morning light is gorgeous. A short walk southeast of town down Calle Diego de Vaca de la Vega for 1.5km will bring you to the Centro Recreacional Yamburara , the site of a swimming pool ($0.50), a small zoo and an impressive orchid garden (closed at lunchtime).

Striking a little further afield, you could hike up Cerro Mandango for fabulous, panoramic views over the valley. The hill resembles a person lying down – with the forehead, nose and chin quite distinct from certain angles – and rises over the village’s southeastern side. The tourist office can give you a map with instructions on finding the path, which can be tricky. It’s best to set out before 7am to avoid walking during the hottest part of the day; take plenty of sunscreen and water with you.

There’s a less-used border crossing near ZUMBA over 145km due south of Vilcabamba, on a rough, slow road through remote and beautiful country, which is serviced by eight daily buses from Loja (6–7hr) via Vilcabamba (5–6hr). From Zumba, where there are a few simple hotels, catch a ranchera (Mon–Fri 8am & 2.30pm, Sat–Sun 8am, 10am & 2pm) or hire a private camioneta to La Balsa , about 1 hour 30 minutes away on a potholed road, which is prone to landslides and closures in the rainy season. The Ecuadorian immigration office, not far from the international bridge over the Río Canchis, is open 24hr, though you may have to search around for an official at quiet times. Once in Peru, busetas ferry you to Namballe (20min), from where there is transport to San Ignacio (around 2hr), a nice enough place to spend the night, then Jaén (3–4hr), a city of reasonable size with hotels, money-changing facilities and transport connections to major centres.

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Day Tour Sierra Negra Volcano

Hike to the caldera & Volcán Chico. Difficulty: Medium High

Sierra Negra Pics Book-ec

1. Request your booking* 2. Pay online 3. Enjoy the tour!

*NOTICE: Bookings are subject to availability. We'll contact you to proceed with payment with a debit or credit card.

NO hotel pickup. Meeting point: the Catholic Church next to the Central Park at 7:15am.

Wear long sleeves, pants and hiking shoes.

Select date for this day tour:

Check out also:.

Bespoke Galapagos Logo

Sierra Negra Volcano Conquest

tour sierra ecuador

$80 per person

  • Isabela Island
  • Sierra Negra Volcano Tour


It is located 13 miles from Puerto Villamil and boasts the world's second largest volcanic crater, measuring 6 miles in diameter and 300 meters deep. The site offers impressive views and the opportunity to observe up to 7 species of finch and a rich display of vegetation. The north side of the caldera provides evidence of its most recent volcanic activity in 2005.

Operation days

Departure time.

07:00 - 11:00

4 - 5 hours

Type of service


  • The Sierra Negra Volcano’s crater has a circumference of 14 square km and it is the biggest in the Galapagos.
  • This walk offers spectacular other-worldly landscapes.
  • One of the best walks in the archipelago.


Sierra Negra

Our adventure starts with a journey from Puerto Villamil to the beginning of the trail. Once there, we will prepare our backpacks and start our walk through the relatively young woods, which suffer from constant geological changes. On the trail, it is possible to observe Darwin’s finches, flycatchers, mockingbirds, and occasionally, the Galapagos Gavilan.

Our finishing point is the edge of the Sierra Negra Volcano’s crater. This volcano is still active, and its last eruption was in June 2018, which deposited a new layer of lava in this already inhospitable landscape.

Once at the edge of the crater, we will have spectacular views from the crater and the volcanoes that surround it. The circumference of the crater is huge, with a diameter of almost 10 km along its widest point. We will continue the hike up to the Chico volcano, a secondary crater with an interesting landscape, active fumaroles and impressive lava formations, as silent witnesses to the island’s geological past.

We will enjoy a boxed-lunch at the volcano’s viewpoint, to later descend back to Puerto Villamil to enjoy the rest of the evening on our own.

Activities: Active walk, wildlife observation.

Wildlife: Gavilan Galapagos, Darwin’s finches, flycatcher, mockingbird.

Departure Location: Hotel pick up or Meeting Point (depends on provider at the moment of booking).

Return Location: Hotel pick up or Meeting Point (depends on provider at the moment of booking).


What to bring:.

  • Hiking & water shoes
  • Rubber boots (rainy season) optional rent for $2
  • Light rain jacket
  • Water bottle

Please Note:

Please consider that in order to protect the environment of the Galapagos Islands, the Government of Ecuador has banned the use of shopping plastic bags, plastic straws and polyethylene containers in the Archipelago. Visitors to the islands are not allowed to bring these objects with them. This measure is effective as of May 2018.

We thank you for collaboration in protecting the Galapagos pristine ecosystem.


  • English/Spanish Naturalist Guide
  • Activities described on the itinerary


  • Gratuities (optional)


Cabo Rosa

Cabo Rosa Tuneles

Tintoreras tour in Isabela Island


Sierra Negra Isabela Galapagos



Sierra Negra & Volcán Chico Day Tour

This is another I ncredible Tour Experience in Isabela Island , We will take you to see two active Volcanoes through a magical landscapes. It is perfect for people who look for an active day while in Isabela Island.

Tour Information

Price per person, tour length, physical rating, travel style, tour highlights.


This is an early bus ride for 30 minutes towards Volcan Sierra Negra , hike up to the Volcano Caldera , along the way you can observe some plants and birds endemic from the Galapagos Islands and off course if the weather allows you will have a great Volcano View.  This volcano erupted on July 2018 , so you will see the reminds of the last eruption. If you think is all , the travesy continues towards Volcan Chico , located at the eastern side of Sierra Negra. Both volcanoes are still active and with some luck you will be able to see some activity  So Once we returned back to the Park control and then back to town

The program includes

  • English & Spanish Speaking Guide
  • Private Transportation.
  • Personal Bottle of Water
  • All sightseeing mentioned in program
  • Snack & Cold Drink at the End of the Tour
  • Pick up and Drop Off at your hotel  ( this tour does not include Hotel accommodations , however if you need it , please let us know in advance )

Not included in Program

  • Hotel Accommodations in Galapagos
  • Any other activity or meal, not specified in program
  • Any other extra expense while on tour like extra drinks
  • Gratuities for our Tour Guide


24/7 booking phone number: +1-888-469-2230, tour overview.


AGE RANGE :  4 to 80 year old





TRAVEL STYLE:  Galapagos Island Hopping , Multisport

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Sierra Negra Volcano – Isabela Island

Itineraries for Galapagos Cruises

Differences between the Western and the Southern Itineraries in the Galapagos

Ecuador Tours

Best and Highest Waterfalls of Ecuador

The Sierra Negra volcano is an active volcano that is found on Isabela Island in the Galapagos archipelago. Its name translates to “Black Mountain” in English. It is categorized as a shield volcano. The volcano has seen activity fairly recently as its last eruption was in the summer of 2018. The opportunity to visit an active volcano is one that we often get asked about, and here we explain what you need to know about visiting the Sierra Negra volcano. We will consider the location, how and when to visit, what the highlights are of a visit here, the wildlife that you might get to see, and we will also give you our insider tips for taking a visit to this area, so you can make the most of your trip.

The Sierra Negra volcano is located approximately 13 miles (21 kilometers) from Puerto Villamil , which is the primary settlement found on Isabela Island . Puerto Villamil is found on the coast, on the southern shore of the volcano, and the land is used for farming. The mountain is one of six volcanoes which comprise the Island. Isabela Island can

How to Visit

Some Galapagos cruises or Galapagos land-based options include a visit to the Sierra Negra volcano as part of their itineraries – though check carefully because even if a tour is visiting Isabela Island it does not necessarily mean that there will be a stop at Sierra Negra.

Other visitors will need to take a day trip to the volcano. Tours usually start from Puerto Villamil and involve hiking. The hike is nine miles (15 kilometers) long, though the trip is considered to be relatively easy. There is not too much ascent and the journey is not particularly steep at any point either. Be mindful that you will be hiking for a few hours, however.

Sierra Negra Volcano Galapagos Tours

By Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders

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Sierra Negra Volcano on Isabela Galapagos Island.

Sierra Negra Volcano Tour 2024

On this tour to Sierra Negra Volcano in the Galapagos island you can see the rocks formed by lava flows and volcanic fumaroles. It is considered one of the best places for hiking in South America. Sierra Negra volcano has a height of 1124 meters above sea level. It is one of the most active and is 535,000 years old. Its last eruption was in June 2018.

TRIP DETAILS: • Departure time: 7:20 am. • From: Puerto Villamil - Isabela Island. • Duration: 5 hours. • Route: 16km in total. • Activities: 100% Hiking.

Pay with credit card.

$65 per person.

Map of the route to the Sierra Negra Volcano.

Travel Itinerary to Sierra Negra Volcano

Please go to the meeting point indicated by our advisor , the guide and a vehicle will be waiting for you and will take you to the beginning of the hike to the Sierra Negra volcano. The terrain is generally flat and has only a few tall mountains.

Guide explaining the route to the Sierra Negra volcano.

When you reach the top of the Sierra Negra Volcano you will be able to observe the 10km in diameter that is covered with solidified lava. The guide will take you on a walk to appreciate the scenery even more.

People at the Sierra Negra volcano

The walk is long, and the guide will offer you a box lunch but it is advisable to bring additional water for the tour. We will continue with the journey to Chico volcano . From there you can see Santiago, Pinzón, and Fernandina Island on a good clear day.

People walking to Chico volcano

If you would like to walk on another planet, this tour is for you.

Chico volcano.

The tour to Sierra Negra Volcano includes:

• Certified Guide (English - Spanish) • Snacks.

The tour does not include:

• Sodas. • Hydrating Drinks. • Tips.

icono persona que guía

Tours from Isabela island

Sierra Negra Sulfur Mines Tour

Tour the Tunnels

Kayak Tour to Tintoreras islet

Copyright © 2024 Grupo Galápagos Travel Agency. Terms and Conditions.

Sierra Negra Volcano and Chico Volcano

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Sierra Negra Volcano and Chico Volcano

Let Cesar know what you think!

Days available

Languages offered, transportation, mobile ticket.

The Sierra Negra volcano is one of five volcanos on the island of Isabela, and boasts the second largest volcanic caldera in the world- On the Sierra Negra Volcano Tour you hike to the rim of the six mile wide crater and then trek across an alien landscape of lava fields and fumaroles. The Sierra Negra is one of the most active volcanoes in the Galapagos, with the last eruption in 2005. Though you probably won't see any lava flowing, you will have the opportunity to explore thermal vents and other fascinating geologic features before stopping for a snack near Volcan Chico. The vistas from this spot are among the most breathtaking in Isabela.

Pick up at the hotel for the VOLCAN SIERRA NEGRA tour Accompanied by a Naturalist guide to the Galapagos National Park, Will be transferred to the beginning of the trail of the volcano in terrestrial transport.

The guide will accompany you on your excursion for a total of 5 hours. Reach the edge of one of the largest craters in the world, the volcano Sierra Black, 12km in diameter. Then continue to Chico Volcano, a Volcanic landscape nearby and of very different characteristics. Along the way you will be able to observe the different landscapes and formations Volcanic rocks that reflect the creation and evolution of the islands. Are included Sandwiches and fruit for the road. 2:00 pm Return to the Hotel.

Includes: Ground transportation, Naturalist Guide of the Galapagos National Park, sandwiches and fruits.

What to Bring

What's included, culinary & cultural encounters, adventure sports, hidden local gems, photo opportunities, mind & body rejuvenation, easy sightseeing, city-life energy, rugged exploration, rest & relaxation, romantic moments, mind-blowing vistas, off-the-beaten-path exploration.

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Private tour Sierra Negra

Islas Galapagos, Ecuador

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 Tours a Cuenca Centro Historico, mirador del Turi,fábrica de zombreros pánama hat Chordeleg  Ingapirca


Sobre los tours

- Los tours empiezan en Quito.

- También ofrecemos el servicio de transfers desde y hacia el aeropuerto con un valor adicional.

- Para nacionales organizamos tours desde otra ciudades siempre que haya un grupo de mínimo 10 personas.

Recuerda!! Podemos organizar un tour a tu medida y con los destinos que tu prefieras -Tour a mi Medida-

1.- TOUR QUITO, COTOPAXI Y BAÑOS 3 días 2 noches

2.- TOUR QUITO, QUILOTOA Y BAÑOS 3 días 2 noches


4.- TOUR BAÑOS 2 días 1 noche



7.- TOUR QUITO LAS LAJAS 5 Días 4 Noches

8.- TOUR SIERRA NORTE Quito-Las Lajas



TOUR QUITO, COTOPAXI Y BAÑOS -3 días 2 noches-

DÍA 1.- Quito

Pick up 09:00 am. En la mañana recorremos el centro histórico de Quito. Visitaremos la Basílica del Voto Nacional, el Palacio Arzobispal, la plaza de la Independencia, el Excuartel Real de Lima (C.C.Metropolitano), La Iglesia del Sagrario, La iglesia Barroca de la Companía de Jesús, la plaza e iglesia de San Francisco.

Luego subimos hacia la cima del Panecillo. (break para almorzar o comer algo ligero)

En la tarde vamos hacia San Antonio para visitar el Monumento de la Mitad del Mundo y el Museo Intiñan. Retorno al hotel.

DÍA 2.- Cotopaxi

Pick up 08:00 am. Viviremos la experiencia de caminar alrededor de la laguna de Limpiopungo, disfrutar del paisaje del páramo, contemplar la belleza del volcán y subir hasta el refugio del Cotopaxi. LLegada a Baños.

DÍA 3.- Baños

Pick up 09:00 am. Empezamos el tour visitando la Casa del Árbol y su columbio al fin del mundo. Luego tomamos la ruta de las cascadas: Agoyán, deportes extremos, el Manto de la Novia y el Pailón del Diablo. Retorno a Quito.

TOUR QUITO, QUILOTOA Y BAÑOS -3 días 2 noches-

DÍA 2.- Laguna del Quilotoa

Pick up 08:00 am. Viviremos experiencias como: visitar la galería de los pintores de Tigua, observar el cañon del Toachi, caminar hacia la parte baja de la Laguna o hacer un corto recoorido por los alrededores del crater del Quilotoa (como prefieras).


DÍA 2.- Cotopaxi y Quilotoa panorámico

Pick up 08:00 am. Tendremos la oportunidad de contemplar los atractivos de el valle y laguna de Limpiopungo, el volcán Cotopaxi e incluso llegar hasta el parqueadero del refugio. Seguidamente avanzamos hacia el Quilotoa conociendo, la galería de los pintores de Tigua, el cañon del Toachi y el mirador de la laguna del Quilotoa.

Al ser un día un poco apretado por el tiempo, solo se realizará paradas cortas que no incluyen caminatas largas. LLegada a Baños.

TOUR BAÑOS 2 Días 1 Noche


Día 1

Llegada a Baños. Acomodaciones en el Hotel Rossy o similar. Temprano en la mañana realizaremos un tour de cascadas:

Pasaremos por la represa del Agoyán y, aguas abajo, disfrutaremos de la primera cascada llamada "del Agoyán". Seguidamente visitaremos la cascada el manto de la novia , aquí cruzaremos en la tarabita el río Pastaza. Luego pasaremos a río verde, donde nuestra próxima aventura consiste en una caminata hacia la hermosa cascada El pailón del diablo . Retorno al hotel. Almuerzo.

En la tarde, disfrutaremos del hermoso balneario público de aguas termales de Baños. Luego, disfrutaremos el resto de la tarde conociendo la iglesia de Baños y sus alrededores -momento oportuno para compra de recuerdos- Cena. Noche de discoteca (opcional).

Día 2

Desayuno, visitaremos la casa del árbol donde tienen el culombio del fin del mundo. Almuerzo. Ya de regreso a la ciudad de origen pasaremos haciendo shoping por Pelileo Jean, - lugar muy reconocido por sus textiles de calidad y a precios super económicos -.


  • Transporte de Turismo
  • Alojamiento
  • Alimentación
  • Guía de Turismo
  • Termas de Baños
  • Tarabita en la cascada el manto de la novia
  • Ingreso a la cascada el pailón del diablo
  • Casa del árbol
  • Desayuno del primer día
  • Almuerzo del último día
  • Llamadas telefónicas, bebidas alcohólicas y extras.
  • Lo no especificado en el programa.

Precio del Tour en Privado DESDE QUITO:


Precio del Tour en Privado DESDE GUAYAQUIL:

SIERRA NORTE Quito-las Lajas 3 Días 2 Noches

Día 1 Acomodaciones en el Hotel Ambasador o Similar. Desayuno. A las 10:00 de la mañana iniciará nuestro recorrido hacia el Complejo Turístico Ciudad Mitad del Mundo - Lugar donde se encuentra el Monumento a la línea ecuatorial - . Luego del Almuerzo, visitaremos el famoso centro histórico de Quito y subiremos al panecillo . Cena.

DIA 3 TULCÁN-LAS LAJAS. - Luego del desayuno, viajaremos a Tulcán . En el trayecto entraremos a conocer la laguna de Yahuarcocha y en Tulcán,  visitaremos la famosa escultura verde. Luego cruzaremos la frontera para conocer una de las 7 maravillas de Colombia , el Santuario de las Lajas. Almuerzo típico colombiano . Tarde de Shopping. Retorno a la ciudad de origen.

INCLUYE Transporte de Turismo desde y retorno a la ciudad de origen 2 noches de alojamiento Alimentación acorde a programa turístico Guía de Turismo Visitas a los lugares especificados en el programa turístico

NO INCLUYE Llamadas telefónicas, costos de entradas a museos y atractivos turísticos Bebidas alcohólicas Almuerzo del último día

Precio del Tour en Privado DESDE Y RETORNO A QUITO:


Precio del Tour en Privado DESDE Y RETORNO A GUAYAQUIL:


QUITO .- Acomodaciones en el Hotel Calima o similar. Desayuno. En la mañana, realizaremos un City Tour : recorreremos el mirador de Guápulo, el Centro Histórico de Quito y subiremos al Famoso Panecillo. Almuerzo. Por la tarde viajaremos al Complejo turístico Ciudad Mitad del Mund o. Cena (discoteca opcional).

OTAVALO.- Temprano en la mañana viajaremos a la provincia de Imbabura. Conoceremos la Mitad del Mundo en Cayambe y nos deleitaremos de un Desayuno tradicional . En San Pablo visitaremos el mirador de la laguna y Taita Imbabura . Ya en Otavalo realizaremos shopping en su mercado indígena . Pasaremos también a visitar la famosa Cascada de Peguche .. Almuerzo en Atuntaqui (Fritadas amazonas). Luego visitaremos: Cotacachi, pueblo que destaca por sus trabajos en cuero; San Antonio de Ibarra , pueblo dedicado al tallado de la madera . Acomodaciones en el Hotel en Ibarra. Cena. (discoteca opcional).

TULCÁN-LAS LAJAS. - Luego del desayuno, viajaremos a Tulcán . aqui visitaremos la famosa escultura verde. Luego cruzaremos la frontera para conocer una de las 7 maravillas de Colombia , el Santuario de las Lajas. Almuerzo tÍpico colombiano . Tarde de Shopping. Retorno al Hotel en Ibarra. Cena.

RETORNO A LA CIUDAD DE ORIGEN. Desayuno. Visita a la laguna de Yahuarcocha y en Guayllabamba visitaremos su gran zoológico .

  • Transporte de Turismo desde y retorno a la ciudad de orígen
  • Guia de Turismo
  • 3 noches de alojamiento
  • Alimentación acorde a programa turístico
  • visitas a los lugares especificados en el programa turístico
  • Entradas a los destinos tuístico
  • Llamadas telefónicas
  • bebidas alcohólicas


Día 1. Arribo a Quito. Tarde, visita el Centro Histórico de Quito.  Cena. City tour, visita al Panecillo.

Día 2.- Desayuno. Salida hacia la Provincia de Imbabura conociendo: el Zoológico de Guayllabamba; la mitad del mundo en Cayambe  y las bizcocherías tradicionales; la laguna de San Pablo junto al taita Imbabura; Almuerzo típico en Atuntaqui, las fritadas Amazonas (de paso visitaremos los locales comerciales de este centro textilero). Acomodaciones en el Hotel. Tarde visita a San Antoño de Ibarra (pueblo que se destaca por el tallado de la madera) y mirador el Angel. Cena. Noche libre

Día 3.- Desayuno. Salida hacia la plaza de ponchos de Otavalo (compra de artesanías). Luego, visita al Parque Condor; la famosa cascada de peguche (sitio ritual de las culturas indígenas) y el antiguo obraje. Almuerzo en Cotacachi, paseo por este pueblo reconocido por sus finos  trabajos en cuero. Tarde visita y paseo en la laguna de Cuicocha (originado por el colapso del volcán). Cena. Noche libre.

Día 4.- Desayuno. Salida hacia Tulcán conociendo: La laguna de Yahuarcocha (lago de sangre). La Gruta de la Paz. Conoceremos en la vía los pueblos del valle del chota. Almuerzo.  Acomodaciones en el Hotel en Tulcán. Tarde visita al cementerio de Tulcán (conocida como las escultura verde y por ser patrimonio nacional) visita al puente internacional de Rumichaca.

Día 5.- Desayuno. Visita a la famosa Iglesia de la virgen de las Lajas en Colombia; luego, compras en Ipiales. Almuerzo. Retorno a Quito. Transfer out. Fin de nuestros servicios.

  • Transporte privado de turismo
  • 5 noches de alojamiento en Hotel clase turista
  • Desayunos de todos los días
  • Guía profesional de turismo.
  • Botiquín básico de primeros auxilios
  • Recorrido a todos los lugares turísticos ofrecidos en el itinerario
  • Transfers in-out. Aeropuerto-Hotel-Aeropuerto

NO INCLUYE: Almuerzos y Cenas Entradas a los destinos turísticos Entradas a discotecas y lo no especificado en el programa.



DIA 1.- Acomodaciones en el Hotel Prado in o similar. En la mañana, después de un desayuno típico,  realizaremos un city tour , visitaremos la catedral vieja , la catedral nueva ;  el parque calderón;   el famoso mercado de flores , el mercado central, etc.  Posteriormente visitaremos el museo del Banco central y la muy reconocida fábrica de sombreros Panamá hat . Almuerzo. En la tarde visitaremos;  el mirador del Turi ;  la fábrica artesanal de las macanas ; Gualaceo  -pueblo reconocido por la elaboración de zapatos de cuero- y Chordeleg –destino turístico que destaca por la elaboración de joyas en oro, plata y otros metales-. Retorno a Cuenca. Cena (Discoteca Opcional)

DIA 2.- Desayuno. Salida hacia Loja, en el viaje haremos una parada en  Saraguro , conoceremos su iglesia, vida y costumbres de esta comunidad. Llegada a Loja. Acomodaciones en el hotel París o similar. Almuerzo. Aprovecharemos la tarde para conocer el famoso Parque Jipiro , donde avestruces, patos, caballos ponis y otros animalitos permanecen en estado libre. El ornato del parque, es otro atractivo turístico que nos asombrará mucho. A la vez, haremos un City tour conociendo parques iglesias y demás sitios interés turístico. Cena. . (Discoteca opcional).

DIA 3.- Desayuno. Viajaremos hacia el Santuario del Cisne , lugar donde se encuentra la milagrosa virgen conocida como “la Churona o del Cisne” elaborada por Diego de Robles en el siglo XVI. Seguidamente viajaremos hacia  Portovelo , tendremos una vista panorámica de las fábricas de extracción de oro y además, visitaremos el muy reconocido museo mineralógico . Almuerzo. Si el tiempo lo permite, haremos una corta visita a Zaruma. Continuaremos nuestro recorrido hacia la Ciudad de Machala. . Cena. Acomodaciones en el Hotel San Francisco o similar   DIA 4 .- Desayuno. Visita a Puerto Bolívar, para posteriormente trasladarnos en bote hacia la Isla de Jambelí, donde disfrutaremos de su playa y un almuerzo playero. Almuerzo. Retorno a la ciudad de origen.  

Tour Ruta del Tesoro incluye:

  • Transporte de turismo
  • alimentación completa (Desayunos, almuezos y cenas acorde al programa)
  • Botiquín de primeros auxilios
  • Guía profesional de turismo
  • Entradas a todos los lugares especificados en el programa

Tour Ruta del Tesoro no incluye:

  • Llamadas telefónicas, bebidas alcohólicas, gaseosas, bebidas extras, y lo no especificado en el programa.
  • Cena del último día

TOUR BAÑOS – PUYO 3 Días 2 Noches

  • Transporte turístico  con seguro de viaje
  • Alimentación  y Alojamiento
  • Guía de turismo profesional
  • Termas de Baños
  • Entradas a los lugares turísticos enumerados en el programa


  • Bebidas alcohólicas  y gaseosas
  •  Almuerzos del tercer día
  • Y lo no especificado en el itinerario


Día 1 Salida desde Quito con destino a Ipiales. Luego de cruzar la frontera, primeramente, visitamos el santuario de las Lajas (espacio para tomar el desayuno); seguidamente realizaremos shopping en Ipiales para luego ingresar al Hotel Rumichaca o similar. En la tarde, si el turista prefiere puede utilizar el transporte público para llegar a Pasto - a 2 horas en bus desde Ipiales- o contunuar con el shopping -el guía lo asesorará sobre sus requerimientos-

09:00 am. Retorno a la ciudad de Quito visitando: La Gruta de la Paz y la famosa cascada de Peguche. Espacio para Almuerzo y compritas en Otavalo.

INCLUYE Transporte de Turismo desde y retorno a la ciudad de Quito 1 noche de alojamiento Guía de Turismo Visitas a los lugares especificados en el programa turístico

Llamadas telefónicas,costos de entradas a museos y atractivos turísticos Bebidas alcohólicas Impuestos Alimentación



Atractivos y destinos turísticos de la Serranía Ecuatoriana:

Carchi ecuador.

Iniciamos este recorrido en Tulcán ubicado al norte de la región andina ecuatoriana. Ciudad fronteriza con Colombia (de paso visite la virgen de las Lajas y mercado de piales). Sin duda el mejor atractivo de Tulcán es la escultura verde de su cementerio. Continuando al sur tenemos la Reserva ecológica del Angel, La gruta de la Paz, etc.... Información de tours


Avanzando hacia el sur, el valle del Chota, su poblacion en su mayoría pertenece al grupo étnico negro. El valle es cuna de figuras deportivas con gran reconocimiento a nivel nacional e internacional. Existen balnearios reconocidos como el Oasis, Tierra del sol,etc. No se olvide visitar Ambuquí (de clima benigno - tierra de longevos ). Continuando tenemos el balneario de aguas termales de Chachimbiro. La laguna de Yahuarchocha. En Ibarra, el mirador del Angel. Los trabajos en madera de San Antoño de Ibarra. Atuntaqui sus textiles. Cotacachi trabajos en cuero. El lago de Cuicocha. Otavalo, su cascada de Peguche, plaza de ponchos, la laguna de San Pablo, etc... Información de Tours


En pichincha empezamos con la mitad del Mundo en Cayambe (disfrute también los biscochos). Las lagunas de Mojanda Cajas. Pirámides de Cochasquí. El cañón del Guayllabamba. Bosque seco tropical de Jerusalem. El Zoológico de Guayllabamba. Y ya en Quito, su centro histórico; mirador del panecillo; teleférico,etc. El complejo turístico Ciudad Mitad del Mundo. Visite el museo Intiñan. El mirador del crater Pululahua. La mitad del mundo y casa de Carlota Jaramillo en Calacalí. En Mindo, el CEA, mariposarios, orquidearios, cascadas,etc... Información de Tours.


Avanzando hacia el Sur desde Quito, nos encontramos con el maravilloso paisaje que ofrece la imponente Ruta de los volcanes y montañas como: El Pasochoa, Corazon, Ilinizas, Ruminahui, Cotopaxi, etc. Sin Lugar a duda, el atractivo mas importante de este sector es el Parque Nacional Cotopaxi. Bueno, hay que destacar también los sitios de: Catedral e iglesias de Latacunga (en este lugar la famosa fiesta de la Mama Negra), Helados tìpicos de Salcedo, Feria de Saquisilí, Paisajes de Sumbagua y la laguna del Quilotoa, etc... Información de Tours.


LLegando al centro del país tenemos: Ambato, tierra de las flores y de las frutas; tierra de los tres juanes, destacan entre otros la Quinta de Juan Leon Mera y el museo del ITS Bolivar. Mas adelante tenemos la comunidad de los Salasacas con su mercado artesanal, luego, Pelileo Jean. Ya en Baños, centro turístico de exelencia tenemos, el zoológico, las aguas termales, cascadas como el pailón del diablo y manto de la novia, tarabitas, canopy, rafting, mirador del volcán Tungurahua,etc etc... Información de Tours.


Imponente aparece el Chimborazo, la montaña mas alta de Ecuador 6310m. a.s.n.m. Riobamba, capital de la provincia, está ligada al origen de la historia de Ecuador, su paisaje andino conjuga con las calles, plazas e iglesias coloniales. Además, es el punto de partida en tren hacia la nariz del diablo. Destacan otros atractivos turísticos como las lagunas de colta y atillo; la iglesia de la balbanera, ferias y mercados indígenas, etc. Información de Tours.


Provincia cuyo legado aborígen hoy en día constituye uno de los mejores sitios arqueológicos que tiene Ecuador, INGAPIRCA. Sumamos a este atractivo, el gran camino del inca y las ruinas habitacionales alrededor de la laguna de culebrillas de la cultura Cañar-Inca. Por otro lado, en Biblián, tenemos el hermoso santuario de la Virgen del Rocio y en Azogues, la Virgen de la Nuve. etc. Información de Tours.


Sin duda alguna, Cuenca, capital provincial, es el atractivo turístico mas importante; sus calles, plazas, iglesias y demás edificaciones coloniales y su gente, fue catalogado por la UNESCO como PATRIMONIO CULTURAL DE LA HUMANIDAD. Destacan además atractivos como; el mirador del turi; mercado artesanal; la misma chola cuencana, museos arqueológicos, etc. A sus alrededores: Chordeleg (joyerías), Gualaceo con sus balnearios al igual que Baños y sus aguas termales; el PARQUE NACIONAL CAJAS, etc. Información de Tours.


Llegando al extremo sur, frontera con el Perú, la provincia de Loja. Atractivos que destacan son: el famoso mercado y pueblo de la comunidad de los saraguros; en la ciudad de Loja, las galerías de arte y el parque Jipiro; el famoso valle de los longevos en VILCABAMBA; el santuario de la virgen del Cisne; el bosque petrificado de Puyango, el parque nacional Podocarpus, etc. Información de Tours.

TOURS EN ECUADOR DESDE: Quito, Santo Domingo, Ambato, Cuenca, Loja, Otavalo, Ibarra,Tulcán, Baños, Atacames, Manta, Salinas, Guayaquil, Machala, Puyo, Tena, Lago Agrio, etc. A todo Ecuador incluido las Islas Galápagos.

Ecuador tourístico,marca ecuatoriana

MIDDLEARTH TRAVEL CIA LTDA. EXPEDIENTE: 158168 Fecha Constitución: 10/07/2007

Descubre los secretos mejor guardados de la sierra de ecuador con nuestros emocionantes tours. ¡completa el formulario y comienza tu aventura en las alturas.

DIRECCIÓN: Estamos ubicados al sur de la ciudad, sector de San Bartolo, calles Pistishi S 15-26 y transversal B.

TELÉFONOS Celulares: +593998313548 O al +593987892734

Emails [email protected] QUITO-ECUADOR

Go Ecuador Travel

La sierra ecuatoriana es una región montañosa espectacular que cautiva a los visitantes con su belleza natural y su rica cultura. Con majestuosos picos cubiertos de nieve, exuberantes valles y coloridos mercados indígenas, ofrece una experiencia turística única.

Los viajeros pueden disfrutar de actividades como senderismo en los Andes, exploración de pintorescos pueblos indígenas con su artesanía y cultura ancestral, y visitas a hermosas ciudades coloniales como Quito y Cuenca, declaradas Patrimonio de la Humanidad.

La gastronomía de la sierra ecuatoriana es famosa por su deliciosa comida tradicional, como la fritada y el locro. Además, la sierra ecuatoriana ofrece la oportunidad de sumergirse en la historia y la cultura del país, con museos, iglesias coloniales y festivales tradicionales que muestran la riqueza cultural de esta región única.

Con su impresionante paisaje montañoso y su herencia cultural vibrante, la sierra ecuatoriana es un destino turístico fascinante para aquellos que buscan una experiencia auténtica y enriquecedora.


Bicicleta y caminata al Cotopaxi

Senderismo y naturaleza en Quilotoa

Senderismo y naturaleza en Quilotoa

Las Maravillas de Mindo

Las Maravillas de Mindo

Otavalo cultura y comercio

Otavalo cultura y comercio

Descubre los mejores

Destinos del Ecuador


Galapagos Island Hopping


Reserva los mejores

Tours en Ecuador

Tenemos la mejor opción de tours en todo el Ecuador, ingresa en nuestra sección de tours y reserva tu tour ideal. Si tienes alguna duda escríbenos directamente, estaremos gustosos de atenderte



Yate Isabela II

Descubre la vida silvestre única de las Islas Galápagos a bordo del lujoso yate Isabela II. Sumérgete en aguas cristalinas y admira la belleza natural de estas islas mágicas.

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Nature Galapagos & Ecuador

Sierra Negra Galapagos | Full Day Trekking Tour

Isabela Island Full-Day Tour

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Sierra Negra Galapagos Trekking Tour in Isabela Island!


  • Sierra Negra Volcano is 1124 mt. above sea level.
  • 6-mile diameter that makes it the second biggest crater on earth.
  • Sierra Negra Volcano crater is 300 feet deep.
  • One of the best hike routes in Galapagos.

Description Tour: Sierra Negra Galapagos | Trekking Tour

Get ready for Sierra Negra Volcano hike (wear comfortable clothes, walking shoes and a light rain jacket). Make sure your camera is stored in waterproof bags, wear some sunscreen, bring enough water, and a hat. The meeting point will be Hotel San Vicente, located at a central point in Puerto Villamil. Be there at 8am to have enough time to prepare your box lunch at the hotel with the foodstuff of your choice.

After a 40-minute drive from Puerto Villamil through some barren lava flows and endemic vegetation, you will arrive to starting point for the hike.

The hike is long in terms of distance, but not very difficult as the slopes are quite gradual. The first hour the trail goes uphill on a relatively gentle slope through some lush fern-covered trees. Once you get to the edge of the rim you can catch sight of the 6 miles in diameter and 300 feet deep caldera. Sierra Negra Volcano has the second largest crater in the world . The hike then continues for the next hour along the rim of the caldera as you will witness the vegetation get drier and drier as you advance.

You will then reach Volcan Chico, a collection of small craters which erupted during the 1970´s where you can see fumaroles and an impressive volcanic landscape. This area also provides a spectacular view of Elizabeth Bay across Isabela. You will have time to enjoy your box lunch under the shade of a large tree known as Jaboncillo before reaching Volcan Chico. Return time to San Vicente Hotel – Puerto Villamil is programmed around 3 pm.

Important notes

  • In order to fulfill this tour, you must be at Isabela Island (Puerto Villamil) one day prior to departure .
  • Due to recent increase in volcanic activity near Sierra Negra volcano on Isabela Island, certain areas of Volcan Sierra Negra have been declared off limits to visitors. Since Janaury 17, 2018, the hiking area known as Volcan Chico, has been closed for hiking. The trail may be re-opened at any time, or other areas may be restricted, depending on seismic activity. For now, our hiking tour will reach up to Elizabeth Bay viewpoint, but the regular hike in Volcan Chico will be omitted
  • There is an option to ride a horse for an additional cost, if interested please let us know beforehand. However, horse rides only reach till Jaboncillo.

What to Expect:

Location : South eastern end of Isabela Island in the Galapagos. 40-minute drive from Puerto Villamil Wildlife & Vegetation : Mostly endemic vegetation and birds. The geology of the Sierra Negra and Volcan Chico volcanoes. Difficulty Level : Moderate to strenuous. Long hike. Uneven terrain and rocks, prolonged gradual inclined trails that can be alternatively very wet & slippery or dry and dusty. Activities: Long hike, landscape viewing.


Sierra Negra Galapagos

Please be aware that the prices vary consistently due to promotions, so in order to GET THE BEST PRICE for the dates you desire please fill out the request form below. After doing so, we will send you the absolute best prices for the dates that you indicate.

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La Sierra Ecuatoriana

Es una de las cuatro regiones naturales de Ecuador, extendiéndose a lo largo de los Andes con altitudes que van desde los 1800 m hasta los 6268 m. Esta región, que representa el 24,8% del territorio nacional, incluye provincias como Pichincha, Carchi, Tungurahua, entre otras.

Es conocida por sus montañas, volcanes y nevados como el Cotopaxi y el Chimborazo. Alberga ciudades históricas como Quito y Cuenca. El clima varía con la altitud y la orientación de las laderas.

La Sierra es la región con mayor biodiversidad en Ecuador, albergando el 60% de las especies de plantas del país. Su fauna incluye felinos como el puma y aves como el cóndor de los Andes.

Por lo que la Región Sierra de Ecuador es considerada una zona montañosa, que, se extiende a lo largo de los Andes. Y es conocida por su diversidad geográfica y biológica, albergando ciudades históricas, una variedad de climas y una rica biodiversidad.

Sitios de Interés

Ecuador es un país pequeño con un gran corazón. Cada rincón está lleno de belleza natural, cultura rica y gente amable. Así que ven y descubre por ti mismo los tesoros escondidos de este maravilloso país. Cada uno de estos lugares ofrece una experiencia única e inolvidable. Así que, ¿a qué estás esperando? ¡Empieza tu aventura con nosotros hoy mismo! 

Quito Luz de América

Lugares & Actividades

Ofrecemos una variedad de tours emocionantes y únicos que te permitirán explorar y descubrir la belleza de nuestra región. Desde caminatas por la montaña hasta paseos en bote, cada tour está diseñado para brindarte una experiencia inolvidable


Descubre la majestuosidad de la Sierra ecuatoriana, donde cada mirada te regala una vista hermosa sin igual.


Nuestra rica diversidad, un paraíso donde una gran variedad de orquídeas deslumbrantes florecen en todo su esplendor.


Conoce nuestras imponentes montañas ecuatorianas, donde cada cumbre te invita a una aventura inolvidable.


Embárcate en un viaje mágico a través de los serenos lagos, donde cada reflejo cuenta una historia diferente.


Experimenta la comodidad y hospitalidad excepcionales en nuestros hoteles, en un hogar lleno de maravillas.


Prueba la rica gastronomía en nuestros tours, donde cada restaurante es una nueva aventura culinaria esperándote.


Recorre la vibrante vida nocturna, donde los bares te ofrecen una inmersión auténtica en la cultura de la región.


Recorre la serenidad espiritual de las iglesias, que te conecta con la fe y las tradiciones ancestrales de nuestro territorio.


Enfráscate en la emoción de la pesca de la sierra ecuatoriana, una experiencia inolvidable que te conecta con la naturaleza.


Explora cada rincón de la Sierra Ecuatoriana, en nuestras caminatas guiadas, donde cada sendero cuenta una historia.


Experimenta la libertad de acampar bajo las estrellas, un lugar donde la aventura y la tranquilidad se encuentran.


Visita y observa la magia del teatro, donde cada escena cobra vida en el esplendor de la vida Ecuatoriana.

tour sierra ecuador

Tours a Ecuador, Machu Picchu y Peru

tour sierra ecuador

Inicio > Tours en Ecuador > Expediciones en Ecuador > Ecuador Completo

Tours en Ecuador: 

Ecuador Completo (14 dias)

DIA 1: Recepción y trasbordo al Hotel en Quito.

Día 2: Tour de la Ciudad y “Mitad del Mundo” (D) Nos pasearemos en auto por el centro colonial de Quito y veremos la fachada de piedra tallada del Congreso Nacional del Ecuador, la cual representa escenas de la historia ecuatoriana. Veremos también la Plaza de la Independencia, donde se encuentra el Palacio de Gobierno y la Catedral. Visitaremos la iglesia de La Compañía (1605), la cual es considerada el mejor ejemplo de arte barroco en América, por sus deslumbrantes altares dorados. También visitaremos la iglesia y el monasterio de San Francisco (1535). Para una vista panorámica de la capital ecuatoriana, subiremos hasta el cerro de El Panecillo.

Nuestro país, sin tener que mencionarlo, debe su nombre a la Línea Ecuatorial o Equinoccial, la cual lo cruza a 15 minutos al norte de Quito. Allí encontraremos un monumento que marca la latitud 0º 00` 00”, un lugar único donde usted puede literalmente, tomarse una foto saltando del norte al sur del planeta. Este tour incluye una visita al Museo Etnográfico del lugar. Sus visitantes son entregados unos certificados quienes toman parte en esta aventura. Los alojamientos son en la ciudad de Quito .

DIA 3: Otavalo 2 Días (D-C) Empezamos el viaje al pasar por Calderón, con sus figuras de mazapán, y Cayambe por sus especialidades culinarias. Después de pasar por algunos de los centros artesanales y paisajes andinos más atractivos, llegaremos a Otavalo y su famoso mercado indígena, justo a tiempo para regatear por suéteres de lana, coloridas tapicerías, maderas talladas, joyas de plata, pinturas nativas, sombreros de paja y lana y mucho más. También visitaremos San Antonio de Ibarra, famosa por sus tallados de madera, y el pueblo de Peguche, donde se tejen textiles en telares antiguos. La cena y el alojamiento son en la ciudad de Otavalo.

DIA 4: (D) El segundo día, después de desayunar, visitaremos Cuicocha y el pueblo de Cotacachi, un pueblo entero dedicado a la producción de productos de cuero fino y artesanías. Regresaremos a Quito, su alojamiento será en su hotel.

DIA 5: QUITO – COTOPAXI (D-C) En la mañana, le recogeremos del hotel. Seguiremos por la carretera Panamericana hacia el sur de Quito, pasaremos por muchos pueblos importantes de Quito y nuestro país, como: Valle de Los Chillos y Aloag. Estos pequeños pueblos son la conexión entre la “Sierra” y la “Costa.” Continuaremos a lo largo de la “Avenida de los Volcanes” donde podrá ver muchos volcanes como: el Corazón, el Rumiñahui, el Iliniza Norte y Sur, y el Cotopaxi, que es uno de los volcanes nevados más altos del mundo. El alojamiento será en La Ciénega o similar.

DIA 6: QUILOTOA – BAÑOS (B-D) Después de desayunar, nuestro viaje empieza con una visita al volcán Quilotoa, uno de los lugares más bellos de Zumbahua. El Quilotoa es un volcán inactivo el cual tiene una laguna de aguas cristalinas dentro de la caldera. Caminaremos por sus alrededores, almorzaremos y continuaremos hacia la parte sur de las tierras altas, cruzando valles y ciudades como Latacunga y Salcedo. Llegaremos a Baños, otra ciudad pequeña la cual es conocida como La Puerta a la Cuenca Amazónica. Si el clima nos permite, visitaremos el área y conoceremos sus hermosas cascadas. También veremos árboles de tomate y una gran variedad de orquídeas. El alojamiento será en el hotel La Floresta o similar.

DIA 7: BAÑOS DIA ENTERO (D-C) Esta aventura empieza después del desayuno, visitaremos el "Pailón del Diablo", "Manto de la Novia", "Agoyán". Alojamiento es en Hotel La Floresta o similar.

DIA 8: BAÑOS – RIOBAMBA (D-C) Avanzamos por la carretera Panamericana hasta llegar a la ciudad de Riobamba, ubicada a los pies del nevado Chimborazo (6310). Esta ciudad está llena de historia. Nos cuenta sobre la primera Constitución Ecuatoriana, la Catedral, el museo de “Las Conceptas” y otros lugares. Pasaremos la noche en la Hostería Abraspungo o Andaluza .

DIA 9: RIOBAMBA – TREN – INGAPIRCA - CUENCA (D-C) El día empieza con un viaje a través de las montañas ofreciendo espectaculares vistas del Chimborazo. Llegada a Alausí para empezar un descenso imponente por la Nariz del Diablo, una montaña de 45 grados de pendiente. Una vez de regreso en Alausí viajaremos al sur hacia la fortaleza de Ingapirca, una de las más importantes obras incas pre-coloniales del siglo XV. Este es el monumento religioso y político más importante dejado por los Incas y muchas de las culturas pre-colombinas que una vez habitaron en esta área. Este es un testimonio directo de sus mecanismos de defensa y de cómo los Incas realmente vivieron. Antes de regresar a Cuenta en la tarde para disfrutar un merecido descanso en el hotel.  

*Importante: Debido a razones operacionales y mantenimiento de las rieles, la parte del viaje en tren, está sujeta a cancelación sin previo aviso. El tren funciona todos los días excepto los días lunes y el despertar temprano es necesario para completar este viaje.

DIA 10: CUENCA DIA COMPLETO (D-C) En este día, tendrá la oportunidad de disfrutar un día entero para descubrir la belleza y encanto por los cuales Cuenca ha sido considerada Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad. Sus techos de teja roja, calles adoquinadas, parques floridos y museos la hacen muy especial. El alojamiento y cena serán en el hotel Carvallo o Crespo .

DIA 11: CUENCA – VILCABAMBA (D-C) Saldremos desde Cuenca y disfrutaremos de un panorama hermoso por los Andes. Pasaremos por el pueblo de Saraguro y bajaremos hasta el valle caliente de Vilcabamba donde el clima y las condiciones le dejarán relajarse. Pasaremos la noche y cenaremos en Madre Tierra.

DIA 12: VILCABAMBA – LOJA – ZARUMA (D-C) Saldremos de Vilcabamba hacia Zaruma, una hermosa ciudad pequeña que evoca el pasado por su arquitectura y cultura. El alojamiento y cena serán por la noche en el Hotel Roland.

DIA 13: ZARUMA – PORTOBELO – GUAYAQUIL (D-C) Temprano por la mañana, después de desayunar, saldremos desde ZARUMA hacia Guayaquil, pasando por Portovelo. El paisaje es uno de los más bellos en Ecuador. Montañas, valles, volcanes, ríos y lagos, con una maravillosa mezcla de colores y vegetación. Continuaremos hacia Machala, la cual es conocida como “La Capital Mundial del Banano". Podrá disfrutar del cambio de clima, desde las tierras altas hasta la costa, terminando el viaje en Guayaquil. Pasaremos la noche y cenaremos en el o Palace

DIA 14: TRASBORDO DE REGRESO DESDE GUAYAQUIL (D-C) Le proporcionaremos con el trasbordo hotel / aeropuerto para tomar su vuelo a las Islas Galápagos o su vuelo interno. Usted tiene la opción de tomar un tour a las ISLAS GALAPAGOS.

Precios 2017 por persona:

  • Private transportation with an English speaking guide
  • Meals according to itinerary
  • Box Lunch during the train trip
  • Entrances to Museums in Quito and Cuenca, Ingapirca
  • Devil's Nose train ticket
  • Cotopaxi, Cajas National Park
  • Entrance to Historic Park, Guayaquil

Not included

  • Additional entrance fees
  • Personal expenses
  • Extra soft drinks or alcoholic drinks
  • Other expenses not specified
  • Domestic and international air tickets
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner in Quito
  • NH Collection Superior (Quito)
  • El Romeral or Palmeras de Quisinche (Otavalo)
  • La Cienega (Cotopaxi)
  • La Floresta (Baños)
  • Abraspungo (Riobamba)
  • Carvallo (Cuenca)
  • Roland (Zaruma)
  • Madre Tierra (Vilcabamba)
  • Palace (Guayaquil)


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My Trip To Ecuador

Oleg and Natalia's Epic Journey Across Ecuador and the Galapagos

Ecuador is a hidden gem for adventurers and after travelling on our own in Ecuador for 30 days we can officially state: it's an extremely underrated country and highly worth visiting. We rented the car to drive through the country on the Ecuador mainland and spent another two weeks on the amazing Galapagos Islands . I will share our route, places we visited, the budget spent on accommodation and food, and many more details day by day for you to decide whether you want to travel to Ecuador or not.

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Best Things to Do in Otavalo, Ecuador (Besides Famous Market)

tour sierra ecuador

Things To Do and See in Cuenca Ecuador: Local’s Ultimate Guide

Sierra Tours

Sierra Tours

Discover latin america.

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Sierra Tours has many years of experience in the tourism industry in South America, with a particular focus on Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Peru. Our idea is to combine the highest quality with low prices to be able to offer our customers the most affordable trip in Latin America. We are a close-knit team that thrives together and with our work to give you as a customer the best possible service through a close personal contact.

”Memories for a lifetime”


Peru is the third largest country in South America, after Brazil and Argentina. It is made up of a variety of landscapes, from mountains and beaches to deserts and rain forests. Most people live along the coast of the Pacific Ocean, where the capital, Lima, is located.


Argentina is a vast country located in the southern part of South America. The eighth largest country in the world, it is the second largest country in South America after Brazil. Argentina is bordered by the Andes Mountains and Chile to the west.


Belize is a small, vibrant country located on the northeastern coast of Central America, bordered to the north by Mexico, to the west and south by Guatemala, and to the east by the Caribbean Sea. Known for its stunning natural beauty.


Brazil is the largest country in South America and the fifth largest nation in the world. It forms an enormous triangle on the eastern side of the continent with a 4,500-mile .It has borders with every South American country except Chile and Ecuador.


A long, narrow country, it has an average width of only about 110 miles, with a maximum of 217 miles at the latitude of Antofagasta. It is bounded on the north by Peru and Bolivia, on its long eastern border by Argentina, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.


It is the fifth largest country in Latin America and home to the world's second largest population of Spanish-speaking people. Through its center run the towering, snow-covered volcanoes and mountains of the Andes.


Officially the Republic of Costa Rica is a country in the Central American region of North America. Costa Rica is bordered by Nicaragua to the north, the Caribbean Sea to the northeast, Panama to the southeast, and the Pacific Ocean to the southwest


Cuba, the largest island in the Caribbean, is a vibrant tapestry woven from threads of history, culture, and natural beauty. Nestled between the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, this enchanting island stretches over 1,000 kilometers.


Ecuador is located in the western corner at the top of the South American continent. It's the imaginary line around the Earth that splits the country in two. Most of the country is in the Southern Hemisphere. Ecuador is bordered by Colombia and Peru.


Guatemala is a vibrant Central American country known for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and diverse cultures. Here’s a brief overview of what makes Guatemala a unique and compelling destination:


Panama is a small, yet incredibly diverse country located at the crossroads of North and South America. It serves as a vital link between the two continents and is best known for the Panama Canal.

Our Best Sellers Packages

This is the our Best Sellers Packages

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Belize 12 nights & 13 days

Lake Atitlan_0004_Guatemala-Pier at Lake Atitlan in Guatemala_sierra tours

Panama – Guatemala – Belize 14 nights & 15 days

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Cuba: Cayo Coco

Cuba Sierra Tours

Cuba Bella – Havana, Cienfuegos and Trinidad in 13 nights & 14 days.

Havana - Cuba - Sierra Tours

Cuba – Havana, Trinidad & Varadero in 09 nights & 10 days!

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Costa Rica 12 Days Trip


Costa Rica 11 Days Trip

Costa Rica 10 Days Luxury Trip

Costa Rica 10 Days Luxury Trip

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Peru Machu Picchu

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Santiago de Chile – Easter Island & Rio de Janeiro

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Argentina Buenos Aires

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Machu Picchu & Galapagos

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Buenos Aires – Iguazú & Rio de Janeiro

Machu picchu & rio de janeiro.

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Titicaca Lake – Taquile Island & Uros Island

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Amazonas – Inca Trail & Machu Picchu

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Colombia Cartagena

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Sandoval Lake & Macaw Clay Lick

tour sierra ecuador

The Rainbow Mountain

tour sierra ecuador

Why Book with Us

Travel to South America is our speciality. Study our suggestions for ready-made package tours and choose the one that suits your interests and wishes best, or why not let us customise a “own” trip just for you. Adventure, culture, sun, swimming, jungle and wildlife, or why not a bit of everything. Whatever your dream trip looks like, we make sure it becomes a reality. We are on-site at our offices in South America, and our staff is always on hand to provide you with the best service and travel experience.


Our specialist works only with Latin American and knows what they are talking about. Whether you dream of hiking the Inca Trail, watch the sun rise over Machu Picchu, fly over the Nazca Lines or paddling on Lake Titicaca so we ensure that your trip to Peru will be an unforgettable experience


Budget travelers can live very cheaply and take advantage of the low prices. With simple lunches, overnighting and cheap tourist buses, you can easily get a low budget price from the Pacific coast to the depths of the Amazon jungle.


You can get away several times a week – all year round. It is entirely up to you. Our finished packages to Peru and other South America are designed according to previous experiences and traveler reviews.


You will experience that we are here to give you a lifetime experience and it permeates our entire team. You get a package tour programs based on our experience and your wishes.


Sierra Tours uses of native English-speaking guides with extensive local knowledge and experience. Our guides have years of experience and training, and are bilingual. All can be fluent in English and Spanish.


Start a journey of adventure and unique destinations in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Brazil combined with the closure sun, swimming and golf, experience the Galapagos Islands unique and amazing wildlife, or activities in other South American countries.


Our trips are organized by experts who have worked in and with Latin America in more than 10 years. We are passionate about the concept and objective; giving customers an amazing travel experience which you will never forget.


Our luxury trips are designed to give you the best Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Brazil has to offer in comfort and service, with the best 5 star hotels available, the luxurious Hiram Bingham train to Machu Picchu and the Andean Explorer train between Cuzco and Puno, and more.

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South America

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Machu Picchu

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20 best places to visit in south america

20 BEST Places To Visit In South America

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A Complete Travel Guide To Machu Picchu

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23 Beautiful Travel Photos From Colombia

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  • UK Toll Free: 0808 1896 443
  • Toll Free Number: 1 877 355 2034
  • USA Number: 908 316 3139
  • USA Number: 850 708 7025
  • Direct Ecuador: +593 2 3827 490

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Check Availability of La Selva Amazon Lodge Here

La selva amazon eco-lodge, the spirit of the rainforest.

Located within Ecuador’s Yasuní Biosphere Reserve and on the borders of the famous Yasuní National Park — one of the most biodiverse areas of the planet — La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat was among the first Amazon rainforest lodges in Ecuador and today is still regarded as the premier eco lodge in Ecuador’s Amazon basin.

Uniquely located on the shores of stunning Lake Garzacocha, a full 70 km into the rainforest from the nearest urban center, the lodge is a veritable cocoon of comfort and luxury, offering breathtaking views of the incredible life in the Amazon from wherever you are.

La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat is Golden Experiences & Travel’s latest acquisition, marking its expansion across the four regions of Ecuador as a full-service luxury travel company.

The impeccable reputation of Golden’s products, our commitment to excellence, and our profound understanding of the needs of the luxury sector ensures that our guests enjoy enchanting, distinctive and redefined products and adventures in the most remote and privileged places on our planet.

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A Sustainable Lodge

With premium confort.

Caring for rainforest wildlife species is one of the pillars of Golden Sustainability, our multi-faceted sustainability program that we channel our efforts through to care for the delicate ecosystem and pristine reserve where the Lodge is located. La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat is signed its commitment to carbon neutrality, joining our sister company Golden Galapagos in reducing our carbon footprint and preserving the Amazon rainforest for future generations to cherish.

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– Swipe to explore –

Wellness and Spiritual

Our remote location and specialized spa services create a heightened sense of relaxation and connection with the unique wonders of the forest.

Enjoy our yoga sessions with expert teachers, having an invigorating select spa treatment after of day of wonder, or simply relaxing to the incredible symphony of nature in the heart of the Amazon.

Disconnect from the outside world and connect with spirit of the amazon jungle with our ceremonies and spiritual packages overlooking the waters and energy of the lake…


Epicure Cuisine

Amazon flavors and sensations.

Overlooking the glassy waters of Lake Garzacocha, our main lodge and restaurant will become your favorite place to spot birds and other wildlife, exchange stories with other guests or simply relax, cocktail in hand, before enjoying the dishes prepared by our passionate team of talented chefs, a gastronomic experience to remember: international cuisine coupled with the finest Ecuadorian ingredients and influences.

Staterooms in the Jungle

Premium and genuine hospitality.

La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat offers 16 spacious luxury suites, three scenic premium rooms overlooking the lake, and four sumptuous family staterooms. Our luxury suites and premium rooms have rainforest showers and private balconies, while the family staterooms have extra-large bathrooms, hammock, and large decks equipped with hot tubs.

The design of the lodge is inspired by the architecture native to the area, and the soaring ceilings and unique layout of the rooms and the lodge help to keep everything cool, even when the renowned Amazon sun is at its hottest.

View Suites

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Connect with Magic Wildlife

Deep in the amazon.

From your base at La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat, set out to explore Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest and its people, accompanied by our English-speaking naturalist guides and indigenous guides, whether paddling by canoe, kayaking on the lake, walking along trails, birdwatching or seeking out incredible wildlife encounters, enjoying fascinating night walks to discover rare nocturnal species, climbing canopy towers and visiting native communities.

See Our Programs

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Promotions & Combinations

Enjoy special offers.

Be sure to check out our special promotions for Amazon rainforest tours, as well as the option to combine your journey to our Amazon ecolodge with a cruise to view the fabled wildlife of the Galapagos Islands or a chance to discover the wonders of Peru.

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Ecuador Amazon Highlights

Enjoy unique experiences.

Deep within the Amazon rainforest lies La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat, an extraordinary destination that immerses guests in the wonders of nature.

Towering trees, vibrant foliage, and captivating sounds of birds surround you. Guided by an experienced team, explore the jungle’s marvels through treks, canoe rides, and wildlife encounters. Witness the astonishing biodiversity and raw beauty of the Amazon, forging lasting connections with nature all while being responsible with the environment. Memories of this extraordinary experience will linger with you beyond your departure!

Wildlife Viewing

Wildlife Viewing

You don-t have to be an expert! With the help of our specialist naturalist and native guides, you’ll soon be spotting parrots, monkeys, toucans, caimans, frogs and much, much more.

Birding at La Selva

Birding at La Selva

Bird life is exceptionally diverse at La Selva and one of the highlights of our Amazon ecolodge — even if you’re not a serious birder, you’ll soon become a bird-lover of some of our 600+ species.

Responsible Tourism

Responsible Tourism

We believe in responsible tourism and are proud of the mutually-beneficial relationships we have created with local communities. Interact with local wildlife as well as local people in a sustainable way.

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Winner of South America’s Leading Eco-lodge at World Travel Awards 2024

La Selva Eco Lodge & Retreat has proudly achieved the coveted 2024 World Travel Award, a reflection of its extraordinary […]

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Romantic experiences in the Amazon Rainforest

Experience an extraordinary adventure where you can rekindle your love in a stunning jungle paradise. La Selva Ecolodge and Retreat, […]

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La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat is a paradise of natural beauty and cultural richness


  1. Qué hacer en la sierra ecuatoriana: 5 lugares que debes visitar

    tour sierra ecuador

  2. 3 Lugares para visitar en la sierra de Ecuador

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  3. Atractivos Turísticos de la Sierra en Ecuador

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    tour sierra ecuador

  5. Estos son los 5 lugares de la Sierra ecuatoriana que debes visitar

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  6. Ecuador Andes Mountains Tour

    tour sierra ecuador


  1. Sierra Negra Volcano Full Day Tour

    Sierra Negra Volcano full day tour. Trekk up a 1124 meters (3687 ft) above sea level to the biggest crater you can see on the islands, 12km (7.5 miles) wide, the second in the world. Visit Sierra Negra volcano. Enjoy a great galapagos islands tour with our full day tour to the most visited volcano in Isabela Island.

  2. Sierra Negra Volcano Galapagos A Complete Visitors Guide

    Both private and group Sierra Negra tours depart most days of the week, with a naturalist guide, transport, and box lunch included. These tours usually start at 07:30 / 08:00 am, returning to Puerto Villamil around 13:00 / 14:00 pm. Many visitors also choose to include a Sierra Negra tour into their longer Galapagos land tour itinerary.

  3. The southern sierra Travel Guide

    21 days. Ecuador's Best in 3 Weeks. A journey to the heart of Ecuador: discover the Andean highlands, go on a deep dive in the Amazon jungle, explore the colonial cities on the Pacific Coast and end your trip with the incredibly diverse Galapagos Islands. This trip packs all into one, the adventure of a lifetime!

  4. Day Tour Sierra Negra Volcano

    Day Tour Sierra Negra Volcano Hike to the caldera & Volcán Chico. Difficulty: Medium High 1. Request your booking* 2. Pay online 3. Enjoy the tour! *NOTICE: Bookings are subject to availability. We'll contact you to proceed with payment with … Read More

  5. Northern Sierra, Ecuador

    Situated at nearly 0 degrees latitude, the Northern Sierra is located on the namesake of Ecuador, the equator. Connecting the northern cities is the Pan-American Highway, which winds through the high plains and valleys for roughly 150 miles (241 km) from Quito to the Ecuador-Colombia border. Flying into the capital city of Quito is the entry ...

  6. Mountain Range Tour

    Go Ecuador Travel. The Ecuadorian Sierra is a spectacular mountainous region that captivates visitors with its natural beauty and rich culture. With majestic snow-capped peaks, lush valleys, and colorful indigenous markets, it offers a unique tourist experience.

  7. Ecuador Andes Mountains Tour

    ECUADOR HIGH SIERRA TOUR ADVENTURE IN THE ANDES. Call us toll free: US & CA . 1-800-269-0216. Trustpilot. Highlights of Ecuador high sierra tour. Number of Days 8 days / 7 nights. Visits Cotopaxi, Quilotoa, Baños, Chimborazo, Ingapirca, Cuenca, El Cajas. Activities Sightseeing, Trekking.

  8. Sierra Negra volcano conquest

    The north side of the caldera provides evidence of its most recent volcanic activity in 2005. The Sierra Negra Volcano's crater has a circumference of 14 square km and it is the biggest in the Galapagos. This walk offers spectacular other-worldly landscapes. Our adventure starts with a journey from Puerto Villamil to the beginning of the trail.

  9. Sierra Negra & Volcán Chico Day Tour

    This is an early bus ride for 30 minutes towards Volcan Sierra Negra, hike up to the Volcano Caldera , along the way you can observe some plants and birds endemic from the Galapagos Islands and off course if the weather allows you will have a great Volcano View. This volcano erupted on July 2018 , so you will see the reminds of the last eruption. If you think is all , the travesy continues ...

  10. Sierra Negra Volcano

    The Sierra Negra volcano is an active volcano that is found on Isabela Island in the Galapagos archipelago. Its name translates to "Black Mountain" in English. ... Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders is a leading travel company based in Ecuador and run by local tour guides and travel specialists, we are happy to provide expert and free trip ...

  11. Galapagos horse riding the ridges of Sierra Negra Volcano

    Embark on an exhilarating 5-hour adventure starting at 800 meters above sea level, exploring the unique landscapes of Sierra Negra Volcano in the Galapagos Islands. The journey begins with a horseback ride through humid vegetation and agricultural areas, gradually ascending to the summit of the world's third-largest active caldera.

  12. Sierra Negra Volcano

    Sierra Negra Volcano Tour 2024. On this tour to Sierra Negra Volcano in the Galapagos island you can see the rocks formed by lava flows and volcanic fumaroles. It is considered one of the best places for hiking in South America. Sierra Negra volcano has a height of 1124 meters above sea level. It is one of the most active and is 535,000 years old.

  13. Sierra Negra, Chico Volcano Tour

    Meet the Ecuador Team. Destinations Trip Types Things To Do. About us How It Works Trustpilot Reviews Meet the Ecuador Team. 1-888-456-3212 1-844-840-8780 ... Pick up at the hotel for the VOLCAN SIERRA NEGRA tour Accompanied by a Naturalist guide to the Galapagos National Park, Will be transferred to the beginning of the trail of the volcano in ...

  14. Private tour Sierra Negra in Islas Galapagos, Ecuador

    Student, Sports & Performance Travel. Travel Agencies & Advisors. University & MBA Travel. Wellness & Retreat Travel. BUILT FOR; PRODUCT. How It Works. ... Islas Galapagos, Ecuador. See more photos. Private tour Sierra Negra ...

  15. Tours a La Sierra De Ecuador

    SIERRA NORTE Quito-las Lajas 3 Días 2 Noches . Día 1 Acomodaciones en el Hotel Ambasador o Similar. Desayuno. A las 10:00 de la mañana iniciará nuestro recorrido hacia el Complejo Turístico Ciudad Mitad del Mundo - Lugar donde se encuentra el Monumento a la línea ecuatorial - . Luego del Almuerzo, visitaremos el famoso centro histórico de Quito y subiremos al panecillo.

  16. Tour de Sierra

    Tour de Sierra. Go Ecuador Travel. La sierra ecuatoriana es una región montañosa espectacular que cautiva a los visitantes con su belleza natural y su rica cultura. Con majestuosos picos cubiertos de nieve, exuberantes valles y coloridos mercados indígenas, ofrece una experiencia turística única. ... Tour de Sierra. ECUADOR. 3 dias 2 ...

  17. Sierra Negra Galapagos

    Difficulty Level: Moderate to strenuous. Long hike. Uneven terrain and rocks, prolonged gradual inclined trails that can be alternatively very wet & slippery or dry and dusty. Activities: Long hike, landscape viewing. Sierra Negra Galapagos is a full day tour specialized in trekking. Including walks and landscape.

  18. Sierra

    La Sierra Ecuatoriana Es una de las cuatro regiones naturales de Ecuador, extendiéndose a lo largo de los Andes con altitudes que van desde los 1800 m hasta los 6268 m. Esta región, que representa el 24,8% del territorio nacional, incluye provincias como Pichincha, Carchi, …

  19. Tour Ecuador Completo (14 días)

    Vilcabamba valley. Guayaquil City Port. Guayaquil City Port. AVERIGUE AQUÍ. DIA 1: Recepción y trasbordo al Hotel en Quito. Día 2: Tour de la Ciudad y "Mitad del Mundo" (D) Nos pasearemos en auto por el centro colonial de Quito y veremos la fachada de piedra tallada del Congreso Nacional del Ecuador, la cual representa escenas de la ...

  20. Ecuador Travel Guide: Our Route, Budget, Things To Do

    Oleg and Natalia's Epic Journey Across Ecuador and the Galapagos. Ecuador is a hidden gem for adventurers and after travelling on our own in Ecuador for 30 days we can officially state: it's an extremely underrated country and highly worth visiting. We rented the car to drive through the country on the Ecuador mainland and spent another two ...

  21. Ecuador

    Ecuador is a country in northwestern South America, bordered by Colombia on the north, Peru on the east and south, and the Pacific Ocean on the west.Ecuador also includes the Galápagos Islands in the Pacific, about 1,000 kilometers (621 mi) west of the mainland. The country's capital is Quito, but its largest city is Guayaquil.. The territories of modern-day Ecuador were once home to a ...

  22. Discover Latin America

    Sierra Tours has many years of experience in the tourism industry in South America, with a particular focus on Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Peru. Our idea is to combine the highest quality with low prices to be able to offer our customers the most affordable trip in Latin America. We are a close-knit team that thrives together ...

  23. La Selva Eco Lodge & Retreat

    Deep within the Amazon rainforest lies La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat, an extraordinary destination that immerses guests in the wonders of nature. Towering trees, vibrant foliage, and captivating sounds of birds surround you. Guided by an experienced team, explore the jungle's marvels through treks, canoe rides, and wildlife encounters.