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Francorosso fa ritorno in Uzbekistan

Francorosso fa ritorno in Uzbekistan

Dopo tre anni di assenza,  Francorosso fa ritorno  in Uzbekistan. Per scoprire il Paese il brand di Akpitour World propone il tour  di otto giorni “La Terra di Tamerlano” . Le prime partenze saranno il  26 agosto da Malpensa e il 27 settembre da Fiumicino, in tandem con Uzbekistan Airways: voli diretti verso Tashkent , capitale da cui parte il tour, e rientro dalla città di Urgench, ultima tappa.

L’itinerario è un’esclusiva dell’operatore e consentirà ai clienti di percorrere le tappe più celebri della Via della Seta : Khiva , sito di valore universale protetto dall’Unesco,  Bukhara, la città santa,  Samarcanda , con monumenti dell’epoca di Tamerlano, e la moderna città di  Tashkent .

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

I passeggeri soggiorneranno in hotel di categoria quattro stelle e saranno accompagnati dall’Italia da un tour leader Francorosso per poi essere seguiti in loco da una guida parlante italiano per tutta la durata del viaggio.

“ Dopo tre anni, siamo pronti per tornare in Uzbekistan e riscoprire gli antichi tesori di questa meta ; torniamo a collaborare con i nostri partner di fiducia, servendoci di collegamenti rapidi grazie a Uzbekistan Airways e delle guide locali parlanti italiano. Da settembre abbiamo già diversi gruppi prenotati e, per il 2023, avremo un rafforzamento della programmazione tour verso gli stati dell’Asia Centrale, per permettere a tutti di conoscere questo angolo di mondo”, ha dichiarato Massimiliano Ceriani , E urope, Jordan & Central Asia destination manager per il pillar Mainstream di Alpitour World.

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

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Francorosso torna in Uzbekistan con il tour la Terra di Tamerlano

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Uno scorcio di Khiva

Con il tour la Terra di Tamerlano, Francorosso torna dopo tre anni di assenza in Uzbekistan . Le prime partenze del 2022 sono previste per il prossimo 26 agosto da Milano Malpensa e il 27 settembre da Roma Fiumicino . Il viaggio è organizzato in collaborazione con la compagnia di bandiera Uzbekistan Airways : voli diretti verso Tashkent, capitale da cui parte il tour, e rientro dalla città di Urgench, ultima tappa dell’itinerario.

Il tour è un’esclusiva del brand mainstream di fascia più elevata di casa Alpitour e consentirà ai viaggiatori di percorrere le tappe più celebri della via della Seta: Khiva , sito di valore universale protetto dall’Unesco; Bukhara , la città santa magnificamente conservata; Samarcanda , ricca di preziosi monumenti dell’epoca di Tamerlano; Tashkent , città moderna e affascinante. Gli ospiti soggiorneranno in hotel 4 stelle e saranno accompagnati dall’Italia da un tour leader Francorosso, per poi essere seguiti in loco da una guida parlante italiano per tutta la durata del viaggio.

“Dopo tre anni, siamo pronti a tornare in Uzbekistan e a riscoprire gli antichi tesori di questa meta – spiega Massimiliano Ceriani , Europe, Jordan & Central Asia destination manager per il pillar mainstream di Alpitour World -. Torniamo a lavorare con i nostri partner di fiducia, servendoci di collegamenti rapidi e affidabili grazie a Uzbekistan Airways, delle migliori guide locali parlanti italiano e con la garanzia della sicurezza e della qualità di Francorosso. Da settembre abbiamo già diversi gruppi prenotati e, per il 2023, avremo un rafforzamento della programmazione tour verso gli stati dell’Asia Centrale , per permettere a tutti di conoscere questo angolo di mondo”.

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Francorosso torna in uzbekistan.

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Le prime partenze del 2022 saranno il 26 agosto da Milano Malpensa e il 27 settembre da Roma Fiumicino

Francorosso , il Brand di Alpitour World da scegliere per vivere esperienze uniche e visitare luoghi straordinari attraverso tour e hotel esclusivi, torna dopo tre anni di assenza in Uzbekistan. Per scoprire il territorio, noto per le sue bellissime moschee, i mausolei e i luoghi legati alla Via della Seta, l’antica rotta commerciale che collegava la Cina al Mar Mediterraneo, Francorosso propone  il tour “La Terra di Tamerlano”,  otto giorni per lasciarsi incantare da questa meravigliosa destinazione.

Le prime partenze del 2022 saranno il  prossimo 26 agosto da Milano Malpensa e il 27 settembre da Roma Fiumicino,  in collaborazione con la compagnia di bandiera Uzbekistan Airways: voli diretti verso  Tashkent , capitale da cui parte il tour, e rientro dalla città di Urgench, ultima tappa dell’itinerario.

Il tour è un’esclusiva Francorosso e consentirà ai viaggiatori di percorrere le tappe più celebri  della Via della Seta :  Khiva , sito di valore universale protetto dall’Unesco;  Bukhara,  la città santa magnificamente conservata;  Samarcanda , ricca di preziosi monumenti dell’epoca di Tamerlano;  Tashkent , città moderna e affascinante. 

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Gli ospiti soggiorneranno in hotel di categoria quattro stelle e saranno accompagnati dall’Italia da un tour leader Francorosso per poi essere seguiti in loco da una guida parlante italiano per tutta la durata del viaggio, entrambi a loro disposizione per vivere l’esperienza in completa tranquillità.

“ Dopo tre anni, siamo pronti per tornare in Uzbekistan e riscoprire gli antichi tesori di questa meta; torniamo a lavorare con i nostri partner di fiducia, servendoci di collegamenti rapidi ed affidabili grazie a Uzbekistan Airways, delle migliori guide locali parlanti italiano e con la garanzia della sicurezza e della qualità di Francorosso. Da settembre abbiamo già diversi gruppi prenotati e, per il 2023, avremo un rafforzamento della programmazione tour verso gli stati dell’Asia Centrale, per permettere a tutti di conoscere questo angolo di mondo ” Ha dichiarato  Massimiliano Ceriani , Europe, Jordan & Central Asia Destination Manager per il Pillar Mainstream di Alpitour World.

Il tour La Terra di Tamerlano è disponibile a partire dalla quota di 1.690 euro a persona che comprende: volo intercontinentale, volo di collegamento interno tra Bukhara e Urgench, tour di sei giorni, soggiorno in hotel 4 stelle in pensione completa ed ingressi ai monumenti e attrazioni come da  programma .

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Francorosso torna in Uzbekistan con un nuovo tour

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Francorosso, Brand di Alpitour World, torna dopo 3 anni di assenza in Uzbekistan. Per scoprire il territorio, noto per le sue bellissime moschee, i mausolei e i luoghi legati alla Via della Seta, l’antica rotta commerciale che collegava la Cina al Mar Mediterraneo, Francorosso propone il tour ‘La Terra di Tamerlano’, otto giorni per lasciarsi incantare da questa meravigliosa destinazione.

Le prime partenze del 2022 saranno il prossimo 26 agosto da Milano Malpensa e il 27 settembre da Roma Fiumicino, in collaborazione con la compagnia di bandiera Uzbekistan Airways: voli diretti verso Tashkent, capitale da cui parte il tour, e rientro dalla città di Urgench, ultima tappa dell’itinerario. Il tour è un’esclusiva Francorosso e consentirà ai viaggiatori di percorrere le tappe più celebri della Via della Seta: Khiva, sito di valore universale protetto dall’Unesco; Bukhara, la città santa magnificamente conservata; Samarcanda, ricca di preziosi monumenti dell’epoca di Tamerlano; Tashkent, città moderna e affascinante. Gli ospiti soggiorneranno in hotel di categoria quattro stelle e saranno accompagnati dall’Italia da un tour leader Francorosso per poi essere seguiti in loco da una guida parlante italiano per tutta la durata del viaggio, entrambi a loro disposizione per vivere l’esperienza in completa tranquillità. “Dopo tre anni, siamo pronti per tornare in Uzbekistan e riscoprire gli antichi tesori di questa meta; torniamo a lavorare con i nostri partner di fiducia, servendoci di collegamenti rapidi ed affidabili grazie a Uzbekistan Airways, delle migliori guide locali parlanti italiano e con la garanzia della sicurezza e della qualità di Francorosso. Da settembre abbiamo già diversi gruppi prenotati e, per il 2023, avremo un rafforzamento della programmazione tour verso gli stati dell’Asia Centrale, per permettere a tutti di conoscere questo angolo di mondo”, spiega Massimiliano Ceriani, Europe, Jordan & Central Asia Destination Manager per il Pillar Mainstream di Alpitour World. Il tour La Terra di Tamerlano è disponibile a partire dalla quota di 1.690 euro a persona che comprende: volo intercontinentale, volo di collegamento interno tra Bukhara e Urgench, tour di sei giorni, soggiorno in hotel 4 stelle in pensione completa ed ingressi ai monumenti e attrazioni come da programma .

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B2B magazine indipendente di turismo, hospitality ed eventi

Francorosso torna in Uzbekistan

Di redazione qualitytravel.it.

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Francorosso , il Brand di Alpitour World da scegliere per vivere esperienze uniche e visitare luoghi straordinari attraverso tour e hotel esclusivi, torna dopo tre anni di assenza in Uzbekistan. Per scoprire il territorio, noto per le sue bellissime moschee, i mausolei e i luoghi legati alla Via della Seta, l’antica rotta commerciale che collegava la Cina al Mar Mediterraneo, Francorosso propone il tour “La Terra di Tamerlano”, otto giorni per lasciarsi incantare da questa meravigliosa destinazione. Le prime partenze del 2022 saranno il prossimo 26 agosto da Milano Malpensa e il 27 settembre da Roma Fiumicino, in collaborazione con la compagnia di bandiera Uzbekistan Airways: voli diretti verso Tashkent, capitale da cui parte il tour, e rientro dalla città di Urgench, ultima tappa dell’itinerario. Il tour è un’esclusiva Francorosso e consentirà ai viaggiatori di percorrere le tappe più celebri della Via della Seta: Khiva, sito di valore universale protetto dall’Unesco; Bukhara, la città santa magnificamente conservata; Samarcanda, ricca di preziosi monumenti dell’epoca di Tamerlano; Tashkent, città moderna e affascinante. Gli ospiti soggiorneranno in hotel di categoria quattro stelle e saranno accompagnati dall’Italia da un tour leader Francorosso per poi essere seguiti in loco da una guida parlante italiano per tutta la durata del viaggio, entrambi a loro disposizione per vivere l’esperienza in completa tranquillità.

“Dopo tre anni, siamo pronti per tornare in Uzbekistan e riscoprire gli antichi tesori di questa meta; torniamo a lavorare con i nostri partner di fiducia, servendoci di collegamenti rapidi ed affidabili grazie a Uzbekistan Airways, delle migliori guide locali parlanti italiano e con la garanzia della sicurezza e della qualità di Francorosso. Da settembre abbiamo già diversi gruppi prenotati e, per il 2023, avremo un rafforzamento della programmazione tour verso gli stati dell’Asia Centrale, per permettere a tutti di conoscere questo angolo di mondo” Ha dichiarato Massimiliano Ceriani , Europe, Jordan & Central Asia Destination Manager per il Pillar Mainstream di Alpitour World.

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Il tour La Terra di Tamerlano è disponibile a partire dalla quota di 1.690 euro a persona che comprende: volo intercontinentale, volo di collegamento interno tra Bukhara e Urgench, tour di sei giorni, soggiorno in hotel 4 stelle in pensione completa ed ingressi ai monumenti e attrazioni come da programma.

Redazione Qualitytravel.it

Qualitytravel.it è un web magazine b2b di approfondimento su turismo, business travel, marketing ed eventi: un punto di vista autorevole sui trend di settore e un utile strumento di lavoro per tutti i lettori. Il pubblico a cui ci rivolgiamo è prettamente professionale ed è composto da tutti coloro che lavorano nella filiera del turismo e degli eventi: gestori di hotel e di location, tour operator e agenzie viaggi, dmc e tmc locali, fornitori di servizi e agenzie di organizzazione eventi, trasporti e infrastrutture, attività di ristorazione e catering, divisioni marketing, travel, eventi ed hr delle aziende. Il nostro impegno è quello di fornire un’informazione puntuale su novità e trend del settore, raccontare case study e consigli utili per l’attività quotidiana, offrire uno spaccato del mondo del lavoro e notizie di attualità su business, marketing, bandi e gare di settore.

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E ora Francorosso torna in Uzbekistan

E ora Francorosso torna in Uzbekistan

Dopo tre anni di assenza, Francorosso – brand di Alpitour World – torna in Uzbekistan . Maestose moschee, mausolei e luoghi incantati legati alla Via della Seta, la promessa è di esperienza di viaggio magiche ed esclusive.

In programma il tour di otto giorni “ La Terra di Tamerlano ” con le prime partenze il 26 agosto da Milano Malpensa e il 27 settembre da Roma Fiumicino , in collaborazione con la compagnia di bandiera Uzbekistan Airways , che opera voli diretti verso Tashkent , capitale da cui parte il tour. Il rientro è invece previsto dalla città di Urgench, ultima tappa dell’itinerario.

Tra le tappe: Khiva , sito Patrimonio Unesco; Bukhara , città santa magnificamente conservata; Samarcanda , con i suoi preziosi monumenti dell’epoca di Tamerlano; la moderna Tashkent .

Gli ospiti soggiorneranno in hotel a 4 stelle e saranno accompagnati dall’Italia da un tour leader Francorosso per poi essere seguiti in loco da una guida parlante italiano per tutta la durata del viaggio.

«Torniamo a lavorare con i nostri partner di fiducia, servendoci di collegamenti rapidi e affidabili grazie a Uzbekistan Airways, delle migliori guide locali parlanti italiano e con la garanzia della sicurezza e della qualità di Francorosso. Da settembre abbiamo già diversi gruppi prenotati e, per il 2023, avremo un rafforzamento della programmazione tour verso gli stati dell’Asia Centrale», commenta Massimiliano Ceriani , Europe, Jordan & Central Asia destination manager per il pillar Mainstream di Alpitour World.



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Sulle tracce di Tamerlano: Uzbekistan & Kirghizistan

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Tour Uzbekistan Classico: Via della Seta

Tour Uzbekistan: La Via della Seta | Arché Travel

Tour Uzbekistan Classico lungo la Via della Seta

Tour Uzbekistan Classico sulla leggendaria Via della Seta alla scoperta di antiche città, steppe e altopiani . Un Via della Seta Viaggio dove visiteremo le città situate lungo le vie carovaniere che da Khiva a Samarcanda raggiungevano Baghdad sino al Mediterraneo. Qui, le antiche madrase, i minareti magnificamente colorati di maioliche e mosaici azzurri daranno l’impressione di essere tornati indietro nel tempo.

Un Tour Via della Seta Uzbekistan per intenditori, per chi vuole scoprire le splendide testimonianze storico architettoniche di questa magnifica regione dell’Asia viaggiando attraverso lem antiche rotte della Via della Seta.

Tour Uzbekistan Classico: La Via della Seta Tour | Arché Travel

Principali Attrazioni Del Tour Uzbekistan Classico

  • La Via Della Seta Tour
  • La Cittadella di Khiva, patrimonio dell’Umanità
  • Il centro storico di Bukhara
  • Sachri Sabz, la città “Verde”
  • La mitica Samarcanda, in un viaggio lungo la Via della Seta

Programma Dettagliato – Tour Uzbekistan Classico

1° giorno : italia – volo.

Partiremo per l’Uzbekistan Tour Classico dall’Italia con volo di linea e trascorreremo la notte in volo. ( Pasti : -/-/- )

2° Giorno : Arrivo a Urgench – Khiva

Il Tour la Via della Seta arriverà dunque all’aeroporto di Urgench, dopodiché disbrigheremo le formalità doganali e avremo il trasferimento in hotel a Khiva dove avremo la colazione. Successivamente daremo inizio alle nostre visite della città e dei suoi luoghi più significativi come la madrasa di Allakuli Khan e quella di Muhammad Amin Khan . Passeremo poi al minareto di Kelte e alla moschea di Juma arricchita da 200 colonne lignee, a cui seguiranno il palazzo di Tash Hovli e il minareto Islam Khoja con l’omonima madrasa. Termineremo con il mausoleo di Pahlavan Mahmud , dedicato al patrono della nazione nonché noto poeta e lottatore del XIV secolo. Infine, avremo la cena e il pernottamento in hotel. ( Pasti : C/P/C )

Le mura di Khiva

Mura Khiva - Tour Via della Seta Uzbekistan

Il centro storico di Khiva

Khiva centro storico

Minareto di Muhammad Amin Khan

Minareto Muhammad Amin Khan, Khiva - Viaggio Via della Seta

3° Giorno: Khiva – Bukhara

In seguito alla prima colazione, il Tour Via della Seta Uzbekistan procederà con una giornata di trasferimento via terra in direzione di Bukhara . Percorreremo quindi le strade lungo il deserto di Kizilkum, tipico deserto steppico dell’Asia Centrale, il cui nome letteralmente significa “Sabbie rosse”. Lungo il percorso, ci fermeremo per una sosta fotografica sul fiume di Amu Darya. Giunti a Bukhara, avremo infine la sistemazione in hotel per il pernottamento. ( Pasti : C/P/C )

Il deserto di Kizilkum

Deserto Kizilkum - Tour Uzbekistan Classico

Scenari lungo il Kizilkum

Scenari Kizilkum

Tesori nel Kizilkum

Tesori Kizilkum - La Via della Seta Tour

4° Giorno : Bukhara

Oggi, dopo la prima colazione, con il Tour Uzbekistan Classico dedicheremo l’intera giornata alla visita della città di Bukhara che, con i suoi 2000 anni di storia, è una vera e propria città-museo con i suoi magnifici monumenti di architettura islamica. Grazie alla sua posizione strategica lungo le vie carovaniere che collegavano l’Arabia all’India ed alla Cina, la città divenne presto un importantissimo centro commerciale, culturale e religioso.

Visita dei monumenti di Bukhara

La Via della Seta Tour procederà dunque alla scoperta dei monumenti più importanti tra cui il complesso di Labi Hauz, la moschea di Magokki Attori e le madrase di Ulugbeg e Abdulazizkhan . Poi proseguiremo con la visita delle moschee di Poi Kalyan e Bolo Hauz con i loro meravigliosi minareti. Successivamente ammireremo la cittadella fortificata di Ark e il misterioso edificio Chashmai Ayub. Inoltre, potremo visitare la fabbrica di ricami d’oro dove vengono prodotti tappeti, chapan e oggetti di pelletteria. Se sarà possibile, a fine giornata assisteremo allo spettacolo folkloristico presso la madrasa Nadir Devonbegi. Al termine delle visite, torneremo in hotel per la cena e il pernottamento. ( Pasti : C/P/C )

Vista di Bukhara

Visita di Bukhara - Via della Seta Viaggio

La moschea di Poi Kalyan

moschea di Poi Kalyan Bukhara

La cittadella di Ark

Cittadella di Ark Bukhara - Uzbekistan Tour Classico

5° Giorno : Bukhara – Shakhrisabz – Samarcanda

Dopo la prima colazione, l’Uzbekistan Tour Classico si sposterà via terra in direzione di Samarcanda. Lungo il percorso del Tour Uzbekistan Classico, ci fermeremo a visitare Shakhrisabz, la città natale di Tamerlano, il leggendario condottiero e re che a cavallo tra il XIV e XV secolo conquistò gran parte dell’Asia Centrale fondando l’Impero Timuride con capitale a Samarcanda. Qui apprezzeremo i monumenti più significativi come il palazzo di Aksaray , al cui fianco si trovano le rovine di due imponenti torri alte cinquanta metri, e il mausoleo di Kuk-Gumbaz . Dunque passeremo al mausoleo di Djakhanjir e alla moschea Imam Hazrati . Infine, nel tardo pomeriggio arriveremo nella mitica città di Samarcanda dove avremo la sistemazione in hotel con cena e pernottamento. ( Pasti : C/P/C )

Palazzo di Aksaray

Palazzo di Aksaray - Tour Uzbekistan Classico

Mausoleo di Kuk-Gumbaz

Mausoleo di Kuk-Gumbaz - Shakhrisabz

Il complesso Imam Hazrati

Complesso Imam Hazrati - Tour Via della Seta Uzbekistan

6° Giorno : Samarcanda

In seguito alla prima colazione, il Tour in Uzbekistan Via della Seta dedicherà interamente la giornata alla visita della città che fu la capitale dell’Impero di Tamerlano e un importante crocevia sulla Via della Seta. Esploreremo Samarcanda tra madrase, moschee e cortili dove lo spettacolo di maioliche e mosaici azzurri sarà una costante.

Visita di Samarcanda

Il Viaggio Via della Seta procederà dunque verso la magnifica Piazza Registan , simbolo della città con le sue madrase. Dopodiché, continueremo con il mausoleo Guri Emir , dal persiano letteralmente significa “Tomba del Re”, dedicato al Grande Tamerlano. Il nostro tour ci porterà inoltre alla necropoli di Shakhi Zinda prima di visitare l’ Osservatorio di Ulugbek , sovrano dell’Impero Timuride nonché grande matematico e astronomo del XV secolo che qui a Samarcanda intorno al 1428 fece costruire il suo osservatorio. Seguiranno quindi le rovine di Afrosyob , la moschea Bibi Khanym e il bazar di Siab , il più grande della città. Conclusa la giornata, torneremo in hotel per la cena e il pernottamento. ( Pasti : C/P/C )

Vista di Samarcanda

Vista di Samarcanda - Viaggio Via della Seta

La Piazza Registan

Samarcanda Pizza Registan Uzbekistan

Il Mausoleo Guri Emir

Mausoleo Tamerlano Guri Emir Samarcanda - Tour in Uzbekistan Via della Seta

7° Giorno : Samarcanda – Tashkent

Oggi, dopo la prima colazione, il nostro Uzbekistan Tour Classico proseguirà con il trasferimento per Tashkent. Arrivati a destinazione, andremo alla scoperta delle bellezze della capitale. Tashkent è formata da un dedalo di viuzze strette e polverose su cui si affacciano basse case di fango e mattoni, antiche madrase e moschee. Qui visiteremo la madrasa di Barak Khan risalente al XVI secolo e la moschea Tillya Sheikh . Poi ci immergeremo nel meraviglioso bazar Chorsu , uno dei mercati storici più autentici del paese, e concluderemo il nostro tour in Piazza del Teatro di Navoi . Infine, ci sistemeremo in hotel per la cena e il pernottamento. ( Pasti : C/P/C )

La Madrasa di Barak Khan

Tashkent Madrasa di Barak Khan - Tour Uzbekistan Classico

La Moschea Tillya Sheikh

Tashkent Moschea Tillya Sheik

Il Bazar di Chorsu

Bazar Chorsu Tashkent - Tour Via della Seta Uzebkistan

8° Giorno : Tashkent – volo – Italia

Nelle prime ore del mattino, con il Tour Uzbekistan Classico avremo il trasferimento in aeroporto in tempo utile per l’imbarco sul volo di rientro. Arrivo in Italia. ( Pasti : -/-/- )

Partenze – Tour Uzbekistan Classico

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  • La quota non comprende
  • I prezzi indicati si intendono per persona.
  • I prezzi di tasse e imposte non dipendono dalla nostra volontà e possono cambiare senza preavviso.
  • Si applicano le seguenti condizioni .
  • Tasso di cambio applicato 1 EUR = 1,08 USD. Una variazione del tasso di cambio potrebbe portare ad un ritocco delle quote.
  • Supplemento adeguamento tariffa aerea, da comunicare in fase di prenotazione.
  • Volo di linea Turkish Airlines in classe economica, tasse aeroportuali escluse.
  • 23 kg franchigia bagaglio da stiva.
  • Assistenza di personale locale qualificato parlante inglese (arrivo).
  • Trasferimenti aeroporto/hotel/aeroporto.
  • Trasferimenti con mini-van / minibus / bus con aria condizionata a seconda del numero di partecipanti.
  • Sistemazione negli hotel indicati, per la/le camera/e selezionata/e nella richiesta.
  • Pasti dettagliati nel programma.
  • Guida locale parlante italiano durante il tour.
  • Ingressi ai siti e musei come da programma.
  • Visite ed escursioni come da programma.
  • Tasse di soggiorno.
  • Accompagnatore Arché Travel dall’Italia durante il tour per un minimo di 20 partecipanti.
  • Tasse aeroportuali e di sicurezza, 320€ (da riconfermare in fase di prenotazione).
  • Visto Uzbekistan, non richiesto per cittadini con passaporto italiano.
  • Pasti non indicati.
  • Permessi per fotografie e videocamera.
  • Bevande, mance e quant’altro non espressamente indicato.
  • Extra personali.
  • Assicurazione di viaggio, obbligatoria (per maggiori informazioni consultare la sezione Assicurazione ).
  • Nessuna quota di iscrizione.
  • Per Viaggiare sicuri e preparati consultare la pagina Viaggiare Sicuri Uzbekistan .
  • Per maggiori informazioni fare riferimento al sito Viaggiare Sicuri .

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Arché Travel - Viaggi d'Autore Rotte Antichi

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Richiesta preventivo su misura per: Tour Uzbekistan Classico: Via della Seta (UZARCH0901)

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Informazioni sul viaggio

Provincia di partenza* —Seleziona un'opzione— ESTERO Agrigento Alessandria Ancona Aosta Arezzo Ascoli Piceno Asti Avellino Bari Barletta-Andria-Trani Belluno Benevento Bergamo Biella Bologna Bolzano Brescia Brindisi Cagliari Caltanissetta Campobasso Carbonia-Iglesias Caserta Catania Catanzaro Chieti Como Cosenza Cremona Crotone Cuneo Enna Fermo Ferrara Firenze Foggia Forlì-Cesena Frosinone Genova Gorizia Grosseto Imperia Isernia La Spezia L'Aquila Latina Lecce Lecco Livorno Lodi Lucca Macerata Mantova Massa e Carrara Matera Medio Campidano Messina Milano Modena Monza e Brianza Napoli Novara Nuoro Ogliastra Olbia-Tempio Oristano Padova Palermo Parma Pavia Perugia Pesaro e Urbino Pescara Piacenza Pisa Pistoia Pordenone Potenza Prato Ragusa Ravenna Reggio Calabria Reggio Emilia Rieti Rimini Roma Rovigo Salerno Sassari Savona Siena Siracusa Sondrio Taranto Teramo Terni Torino Trapani Trento Treviso Trieste Udine Varese Venezia Verbano-Cusio-Ossola Vercelli Verona Vibo Valentia Vicenza Viterbo

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Durata del Viaggio? * —Seleziona un'opzione— 3 giorni 4 giorni 5 giorni 6 giorni 7 giorni Sopra i 7 giorni

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tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

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Uzbekistan Tours & Trips

Soak up the cultural history of Central Asia on a adventure to Uzbekistan where vodka flows in local restaurants. Follow the legendary Silk Road to the historical city of Bukhara and explore dazzling bazaars, mosques and palaces. Trek through the remote Pamir Mountains past icy glaciers.

100 Uzbekistan tour packages with 218 reviews

Highlights of Uzbekistan Tour

  • In-depth Cultural

Highlights of Uzbekistan

Hotels and transport good. CEO (Farrukh) excellent! My only suggestion would be to offer the option of taking the fast train from Tashkent to Samarkand.

Premium Uzbekistan Tour

Premium Uzbekistan

Excellent tour, excellent guide Lochin. Well-planned and thoughtful itinerary.

Uzbekistan Cultural Tour (Tashkent to Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva) boutique hotels option Tour

Uzbekistan Cultural Tour (Tashkent to Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva) boutique hotels option

A beautiful country with wonderful people I highly recommend everyone to visit. Tour was amazing and well organised

Uzbekistan Adventure Tour

Uzbekistan Adventure

A great mix of Silk Road splendours with rural retreat. Our guide Jamshed was superb and greatly facilitated our group’s interaction with the people, places and cultures we encountered. Samarkand was a dream come true and Bukhara a surprise highlight. Our group strongly recommend the hammam visit as a great bonding experience and u can’t go past a bottle of Shtoff vodka for the price of a beer!

Uzbekistan 7 Day Cultural Tour (from Tashkent to Bukhara, Samarkand, and back to Tashkent) Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

Uzbekistan 7 Day Cultural Tour (from Tashkent to Bukhara, Samarkand, and back to Tashkent)

Tourradar adapted the tour as needed specifically for us. Our guide was very knowledgeable and allowed us to set the pace to suit our needs. Will definitely use again.

Varied Uzbekistan Tour

Varied Uzbekistan

Excellent. No other comments it was worthwhile.

Uzbekistan cultural tour - 10 days Tour

Uzbekistan cultural tour - 10 days

This was an excellent tour, start to finish. Communication with Responsible Travel was prompt and courteous throughout, the tour offered good value for money and everything was done on time and as promised. The guides were highly knowledgeable, professional and friendly, as were the drivers. Special mention to Nilufar as my guide in Bukhara - encyclopedic knowledge of everything and everyone in the city and region. All guides were also able to recommend great options for me for supplementary activities and food for me as a vegetarian. The tour exceeded my expectations and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I would highly recommend it for anyone wanting to have a genuine experience of the real Uzbekistan.

Looking for tours beyond just Uzbekistan?

Explore tours with itineraries going through multiple countries, including Uzbekistan.

Trekking to the Hissar mountains Tour

  • Hiking & Trekking

Trekking to the Hissar mountains

The guide was perfect. The accommodation was all right. The planning of the trek could be better. It is more satisfactory to progress from one location to another. Staying at the same place or even coming back retracing our steps_like we did the last 2 days_ is not optimal.

The Silk Road of Uzbekistan Tour

The Silk Road of Uzbekistan

Great trip with lots to see. Nice group as well which also makes for a great experience.
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Uzbekistan Tour Tour

  • Sightseeing

Uzbekistan Tour

East Site is the perfect choice for you if you're travelling as a family. We did "Uzbekistan" tour (my spouse, our two sons 27 y.o and 34 y.o. and I) in May, 2019 and we felt like we were well cared all the time. Gulya - the tour guide was amazing! Punctual, a very charismatic Lady.

Country where thousands-old antiquity exists in harmony with modern civilization. Tour

Country where thousands-old antiquity exists in harmony with modern civilization.

Excellent, tour guides were on time, drivers excellent, thank you

Uzbekistan Cultural Adventure Tour Tour

Uzbekistan Cultural Adventure Tour

Excellent tour. The itinerary is a good balance, which is the main reason we chose this tour - it covers the historic cities and has a break in the middle for a desert/mountain trip with yurt and homestay. We did this as a family of 4, and it was just us on our tour, for the same price per person as the listed group tour. We had 2 main drivers to cover our trip, and a different guide in each place to show us round, plus some free time during which we saw a couple of things not included in the city tours. On this trip most meals are not provided, but we had no trouble finding veggie food in the cities (in the tourist areas at least), and veggie meals were provided for us at the yurt and homestay. Uzbekistan is a stunning place and people are so friendly. I'd have liked longer in the Ulugh Beg museum in Samarkand, but that's all I can think of. Thanks Sherzod for organising everything.

Uzbekistan Uncovered Tour

Uzbekistan Uncovered

I liked the trip very much. Our tour guide was great and the tour plan was very educational

Classic Uzbekistan Group Tour Tour

Classic Uzbekistan Group Tour

Tailor-Made Best Uzbekistan Tour with Daily Departure & Private Guide Tour

Tailor-Made Best Uzbekistan Tour with Daily Departure & Private Guide

  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

What people love about Uzbekistan Tours

A WONDERFUL COUNTRY WITH MANY SPENDORS... BUT BE PREPARED TO SPEND A LOT OF TIME ON THE BUS IF YOU TAKE THIS TOUR Uzbekistan is fabulous and there are so many great things to see. The guide for this tour (Kamila) was very kind and competent. The accomodation was fine. The itinerary was standard. While the driver was excellent, a lot of time was spent on the bus. In retrospect, I wish I had had the confidence to travel independently using planes and trains.
Loved the Uzbekistan tour! It was well organized, and the tour group size was just right. Lochin Juraev was an excellent guide and we had a wonderful experience visiting Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva to learn about the rich history of the country. Some suggestions: The hotel choices were good to excellent, and were located well. The madrasa stay in Khiva, while interesting to experience, had tight quarters for two people. We enjoyed the food and the marvelous fruit/produce. We did note that the food choices are somewhat limited for people who are vegetarians. A quicker way to get to either Bukhara or Khiva (rather than via long bus rides) would have given us more time in these two historical gems. Also, allocation of some down time to wander around in the historical areas/ do shopping would enhance the overall experience!
Javlon and Shaxnoza were great english speaking guides. Enjoyed all the historic sites and had excellent accommodations while staying in Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva. A suggestion for future tours is to provide an option when visiting Samarkand and Bukhara- instead of 2 days in each places, each places can be viewed in a day. We had lot of free time and besides walking nearby the hotel there was not much more to explore in these cities. Thanks Odil for your team in providing a wonderful experience

Uzbekistan Destinations

  • Silk Road (10)

Travel Styles

  • Small Group (60)
  • Budget (20)
  • Singles and Solo (65)
  • For Couples (9)
  • Seniors (18)
  • Personalized (63)
  • In-depth Cultural (59)
  • Family (51)
  • Fully Guided (50)
  • Partially Guided (41)
  • Private (40)
  • Explorer (37)
  • Active (12)
  • Intl. Flights Included (7)
  • Hiking & Trekking (6)
  • 3 Day Tours (5)
  • 7 Day Tours (11)
  • 10 Day Tours (31)
  • 2 Week Tours (21)
  • 3 Week Tours (7)
  • Spring 2024 (63)
  • Summer 2024 (64)
  • Fall / Autumn 2024 (72)
  • Winter 2024 / 2025 (25)
  • Spring 2025 (18)
  • Summer 2025 (17)
  • Fall / Autumn 2025 (18)
  • Winter 2025 / 2026 (9)
  • April 2024 (49)
  • May 2024 (64)
  • June 2024 (61)
  • July 2024 (51)
  • August 2024 (61)
  • September 2024 (70)
  • October 2024 (65)
  • November 2024 (41)
  • December 2024 (24)
  • January 2025 (14)
  • February 2025 (13)
  • March 2025 (15)
  • April 2025 (18)
  • May 2025 (16)
  • June 2025 (15)
  • July 2025 (13)
  • August 2025 (13)
  • September 2025 (16)
  • October 2025 (14)
  • November 2025 (10)

Uzbekistan Tours starting in

  • Starting in Tashkent (63)

Viaggi Dell' Elefante - Tour Operator

  • Asia Centrale

11 Proposte di viaggio

L’Uzbekistan è il paese più ricco di storia fra tutte le repubbliche dell'Asia centrale. Bellissimi i paesaggi; nella Valle dello Zeravasan sorse la prima civiltà fluviale. La natura si fonde alla storia… ma la storia e le tradizioni sono anche negli aspetti più quotidiani: nelle piccole botteghe dove si lavorano i tappeti o gli arazzi di seta o nei laboratori dove si impara a costruire liuti di legno. Affascinante la vista del mausoleo di Gur-e Amir, nella romanzesca Samarcanda: i mosaici e le decorazioni creano un emozionante impatto visivo. Il paese annovera alcune delle città più antiche del mondo, molti dei principali centri sulla Via della Seta e la maggior parte delle bellezze architettoniche di quest'area geografica.

Uzbeskitan, quando andare?

L’Uzbekistan ha un clima essenzialmente continentale: freddo in inverno (nel mese di gennaio la temperatura scende spesso sotto zero), e molto caldo in estate (a luglio può raggiungere anche i 46 gradi centigradi). La temperature variano notevolmente, con escursioni termiche diurne, soprattutto tra i deserti e le zone montuose. Con l’approssimarsi della stagione estiva il clima risulterà piuttosto caldo; le temperature oscilleranno tra i 25 e i 30 gradi di giorno, più fresco nelle ore notturne. Consigliati abiti di cotone comodi, non succinti, un copricapo per ripararsi dal sole durante il giorno. I condizionatori possono risultare agli occidentali alquanto antiquati e rumorosi.

Vedi dettaglio

Introduzione all’uzbekistan.

ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 4 partecipanti 8 giorni/ 6 notti L’Uzbekistan è di gran lunga il paese più ricco e straordinario dell’Asia centrale. Culla di civiltà da oltre due millenni, l’Uzbekistan può vantare un sug...

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Alla scoperta dell’Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan, sulla via della seta.

UZBEKISTAN Sulla via della seta 2024 ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 4 partecipanti 9 giorni/ 8 notti Date di partenza 2024: ogni venerdì L’Uzbekistan è di gran lunga il paese più ricco e straordinario dell’Asia centr...

Uzbekistan, sulla via della seta con Termez

ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 4 partecipanti 11 giorni/ 10 notti L’Uzbekistan è di gran lunga il paese più ricco e straordinario dell’Asia centrale. Culla di civiltà da oltre due millenni, l’Uzbekistan può vantare un s...

UZBEKISTAN Sulla via della seta ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo con accompagnatore dall’Italia Partecipanti: Min 4/Max 15 9 giorni/ 8 notti Data di partenza: 25 ottobre 2024 L’Uzbekistan è di gran lunga il paese più ricco e s...

Uzbekistan, sulla via della seta con Fergana

ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 4 partecipanti 11 giorni/ 10 notti  L’Uzbekistan è di gran lunga il paese più ricco e straordinario dell’Asia centrale. Culla di civiltà da oltre due millenni, l’Uzbekistan può vantare un ...


TURKMENISTAN, UZBEKISTAN Essenza del Turkmenistan e Uzbekistan ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 4 partecipanti 10 giorni / 9 notti Date di partenza 2024: ogni mercoledì File lunghissime di animali carichi di merci, dune...

Uzbekistan e Tagikistan

Date di partenza 2024: da aprile a settembre: ogni martedì ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 4 partecipanti 12 giorni/ 11 notti L’Uzbekistan è di gran lunga il paese più ricco e straordinario dell’Asia centrale. Culla di...

ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo con accompagnatore dall’Italia minimo 10 partecipanti 11 giorni / 10 notti   L’Uzbekistan è di gran lunga il paese più ricco e straordinario dell’Asia centrale. Culla di civiltà da oltre due mil...

Tour Kazakistan, Kirghizistan e Uzbekistan

ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Date di partenza 2024: ogni venerdì Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 6 partecipanti 13 giorni / 12 notti Un viaggio emozionante ed insolito a contatto con i paesi dell’ex Unione Sovietica, situati nell’Asia Centrale. Paes...

La valle di Fergana

Estensione nella valle di Fergana: Estensione al tour base Uzbekistan, sulla Via della Seta



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THE 10 BEST Uzbekistan Tours & Excursions

Uzbekistan tours.

  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Scenic Railroads
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Likely to Sell Out
  • Special Offers
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

1. Samarkand One Day Tour - Departure From Tashkent

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2. Uzbekistan 6 days private tour Tas-Khiva-Buk-Sam-Tas

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3. Tashkent City Tour

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4. All in One Day Tour of Samarkand from Tashkent

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5. Samarkand City Tour

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6. Samarkand City Tour

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7. Tashkent Mountain Tour

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8. Full Day Private Tour in Seven Lakes from Samarkand

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9. Bukhara Full Day Old City Private Tour

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10. Day Tour to Shahrisabz of Amir Timur

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11. Kolkhoz: Private visit to the cotton farmers' village

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12. Guide / excursion service in Samarkand

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

13. Samarkand city history, architecture and the culture tour (standard)

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14. Bukhara One Day Tour - Departure From Tashkent

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15. Fergana Valley Tour

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16. Tashkent Vegan Street Food Tour

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17. Khujand One Day Tour from Tashkent

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18. Best of Bukhara: All Day Private Old Town Tour

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19. One-day tour in the Old Town of Bukhara

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20. Day Trip to Amirsoy Ski Resort, Chimgan and Charwak from Tashkent

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21. Khujand Day Tour from Tashkent

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22. Uzbekistan 8 Days Private Tour Tashkent-Urgench-Bukhara-Samarkand-Tashkent

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23. Uzbekistan Tour - 6 Days 5 Nights

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24. Shahrisabz Private Excursion From Samarkand.

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25. Penjikent Day Trip From Samarkand

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26. Desert Yurt Camp tour - 2 days (shared)

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27. Aral Sea One Day Tour from Tashkent

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28. Uzbekistan 3 Day Private Tour Tashkent-Bukhara-Samarkand Bullet Train

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29. Muynak - "Ship Cemetery" Tour from Nukus

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30. Yurt stay and Hiking in the Nurata Mountains tour - 2 days

What travelers are saying.

James K

Wandering Earl Tours

Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan (2022)

Everywhere you look in this region there seems to be the most beautiful snow-covered mountain range or the most mesmerizing lakes, the most dramatic gorges and beckoning deserts. Wandering through ancient cities full of pulsing energy, you’ll soak up the history. Traveling along dirt roads into hidden valleys, you’ll soak up the serene nature. Spending time in small towns and villages, you’ll understand why this region is considered one of the friendliest in the world.

This trip takes you to the heart of the Silk Road, where being welcomed into local homes for tea is as common as could be. There’s the colorful non-touristy markets, traditional crafts, unique regional cuisine and several activities that will leave your heart warm, your smile wide and your days unforgettable.

As we travel through these wonderful lands, you’ll stay in traditional yurts, warm guesthouses and even with local families. And you’ll dine in homes, with nomads and at some of the best eateries around.

In reality, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are two countries that few travelers reach. But for those who do travel here, they quickly become two of their favorite destinations on the planet.

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  • 1 Day 1 Bishkek Bishkek Arrival day Included: Dinner Upon arrival at the Bishkek International Airport, you'll be picked up by our private driver and taken to our hotel in the city center. Once everyone has arrived we'll have an evening orientation followed by a great local dinner.
  • 2 Day 2 Bishkek Bishkek Highlights: Walking tour of Bishkek Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner After breakfast we'll embark on a full walking tour of Bishkek, heading through the center of this planned city, with its endless monuments and grand plazas. From colorful markets to the public ping pong parks, into hidden neighborhoods that are home to a mix of the modern and traditional, you'll get an excellent feel for this peaceful city that maintains an appealingly positive vibe. We'll also enjoy lunch at one of Bishkek's most famous local eateries.
  • 3 Day 3 Tamga Tamga Highlights: Lake Issy-Kul, dramatic Ala-Too Mountains, Skazka Canyon Included: Breakfast, Dinner Off we go towards the majestic Ala-Too Mountain Range, with a journey that will take us along the second largest mountain lake in the world. Backed by towering snow-covered peaks, Lake Issy-Kul is a gorgeous destination, with scattered villages, towns and nomadic communities near its shores. We'll stop for a walk through the gorgeous Skazka Canyon and will arrive in the little-known town of Tamga in the late afternoon. We'll then check in to our wonderful family-run guesthouse. (Total driving time to Tamga can be 7 hours including all stops, but it’s a gorgeous drive!)
  • 4 Day 4 Tamga / Jety Oguz Tamga / Jety Oguz Highlights: Soviet sanatorium, incredible nature, yurt camp Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner After a home-cooked breakfast from our hosts, we'll explore Tamga with a nature walk that leads straight to Lake Issy-Kul. We'll also pay a visit to the old Soviet sanatorium near town for a 'step back in time' experience like no other! In the afternoon, we'll take the 1 hour drive to Jety-Oguz, a beautiful area of mountains and valleys. After exploring Jety-Oguz, we'll head to our yurt camp where we'll spend the night. *This night includes shared accommodation at the yurt camp. We will have 3 yurts with 4 beds in each and the group will share the yurts.
  • 5 Day 5 Yrdyk / Karakol Yrdyk / Karakol Highlights: Jety-Oguz region, incredible nature, yurt camp Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner A short drive will take us to the village of Yrdyk, home to Dungan people (Muslim Chinese people of Hui origin). We'll meet our local hosts and have a traditional lunch of Dungan dishes in their home. After lunch, we'll head out with our guide for a walk around this unique village to learn about their culture and gain a deeper understanding of this seldom visited area. In the mid-afternoon, we'll continue to the town of Karakol and check in to our accommodation.
  • 6 Day 6 Karakol Karakol Highlights: Walking tour of Karakol Included: Breakfast, Dinner After breakfast, we'll head out for a complete walking tour of this friendly, traditional town. With its Orthodox wooden church, picturesque neighborhoods and many local craft markets, we'll explore at a leisurely pace, always flexible to the local experiences that will pop up along the way. We'll also visit local workshops and taste some excellent regional cuisine, while meeting local people who will be excited to interact with foreign visitors.
  • 7 Day 7 Karakol » Chon-Kemin Valley Karakol » Chon-Kemin Valley Highlights: Sunday Animal Market, Chon-Kemin Valley, family-run guesthouse Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Waking up early will be worth it today as we stop by the traditional Sunday morning Animal Market on the outskirts of Karakol. Once we tour this bustling market that is probably unlike any other market you've ever seen, we'll begin our journey around the north side of Lake Issy-kul. Our destination is the beautiful Chon-Kemin Valley where we'll visit a local farm village. We'll go for a short hike through the valley, meet local farmers and then enjoy an excellent dinner and overnight at a local family-run guesthouse. (Total driving time to Chon-Kemin can be 5 hours, but it’s another gorgeous drive on a different route!)
  • 8 Day 8 Chon-Kemin Valley » Bishkek Chon-Kemin Valley » Bishkek Highlights: Burana Tower, return to Bishkek Included: Breakfast, Dinner After a leisurely breakfast, we'll leave the valley and head back to Bishkek. Along the way we'll stop at the Burana Tower, an impressive and ancient minaret located in the Chuy Valley. We'll arrive back in Bishkek in the afternoon, and you'll have some free time to relax before one last Kyrgyz dinner experience.
  • 9 Day 9 Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Highlights: Flight to Tashkent, orientation tour of the city Included: Breakfast, Dinner With a short 1.5 hour flight to Tashkent this morning, we'll be in Uzbekistan before you know it! After transferring to our hotel in the city center, we'll head out with our guide for an afternoon wander that takes in the mix of modern and Soviet-era architecture. Once our walk is over, we'll enjoy dinner and evening views over the city from the Tashkent Tower.
  • 10 Day 10 Samarkand Samarkand Highlights: Main bazaar, evening in beautiful Samarkand Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Today's morning walking tour will take in more of Tashkent's highlights, including the main bazaar (Chorsu market) full of local products, food, crafts and more. After lunch we'll take a 4 hour drive to the city of Samarkand, an ancient site along the Silk Route. We'll take an evening orientation walk to soak up the great atmosphere of this picturesque location before sitting down for a local dinner in the heart of the old city.
  • 11 Day 11 Samarkand Samarkand Highlights: Full tour of Samarkand, hammam experience, free time, local dinner Included: Breakfast, Dinner The full tour of beautiful Samarkand today will include Registan, the heart of the ancient city and home to some of the most spectacular architecture in the country. We'll visit the Bibi-Khanum mosque, Ulugh Bek observatory and you'll have a chance to visit an ancient hammam/bathhouse for a scrub and massage. You'll also have some free time before we meet up for an evening visit with a local family who will cook us a traditional regional dinner.
  • 12 Day 12 Nurata Yurt Camp Nurata Yurt Camp Highlights: Tour of Nurata, Yurt Camp in the Kyzylkum Desert Highlights: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner After a 3 hour drive through the Uzbek steppes, we'll reach Nurata, where we'll take a short tour through this historical town before having lunch with a local family. From here we'll continue into the Kyzylkum Desert where we'll arrive at our yurt camp near Aydarkul Lake. This is where we'll spend the day and night, interacting with nomadic families, doing some light hiking, admiring the scenery and hanging out with the camels. At night, we'll settle into our traditional Uzbek yurts for a peaceful sleep experience out in nature. *This night includes shared accommodation at the yurt camp. We will have 3 yurts with multiple beds in each and the group will share the yurts.
  • 13 Day 13 Bukhara Bukhara Highlights: Travel to historic Bukhara, evening out in town Included: Breakfast, Dinner Leaving our yurt camp in the morning, we'll drive to Bukhara, often considered the most beautiful city in Uzbekistan! It's beyond stunning and we'll spend time exploring the ancient mosques, caravanserais, local neighborhoods, monuments and more. Once evening comes around, we'll out into town for a local night time experience in this magical destination!
  • 14 Day 14 Bukhara Bukhara Highlights: Walking tour of the ancient city, free time Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Our walking tour today will take us straight inside the old city walls where you'll be awed by the Kalyan minaret, Bolo Haus mosque, traditional bazaar and the local crafts and jewelry market. That's not to mention the incredibly friendly people who are bound to strike up conversations, invite you for tea and most likely to meet their friends. With free time in the afternoon, you'll be able to wander around to the areas you like best and to really feel as if you are in an ancient land that not many visitors reach.
  • 15 Day 15 Tashkent Tashkent Highlights: High speed train back to Tashkent, farewell dinner Breakfast, Dinner After a free morning in beautiful Bukhara, we'll board a high speed train to Tashkent in the early afternoon. The trip back to Tashkent takes 3-4 hours. Upon arrival, we'll check in to our hotel. In the evening, the group will meet up for an excellent dinner as you share your favorite experiences from the past 16 days in this fascinating part of the world!
  • 16 Day 16 Tashkent Tashkent Departure Day Included: Breakfast Today you'll be picked up at the hotel by our private driver and taken to the airport in time to catch your departing flight.

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Tour Essentials

What's included.

  • Wandering Earl Tours leader throughout
  • Small group (maximum 12 participants)
  • Accommodation (15 nights – 3* hotels, guesthouses and shared tents at yurt camps)
  • Transportation within Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan (flights, private vans)
  • Local guides in each destination
  • All mentioned activities, entrance fees and workshops
  • Breakfast every day, 5 lunches and 12 dinners
  • Water throughout the trip
  • Gratuities at hotels/included meals
  • All airport transfers (Bishkek arrival / Tashkent departure)
  • Flights to/from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan
  • Passport/visa fees
  • Meals and activities not mentioned
  • Travel insurance (mandatory)
  • Other gratuities

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

What's a Wandering Earl Tour Leader?

A Wandering Earl Tour Leader is more than a guide. They’re a travel fanatic, and this is more than just a job for them. It’s a passion. They’ll be with your group every step of the way, excited to lead you around the next bend and to take care of all the logistics so that you can relax and travel with ease.

They’ll be your ambassador as they introduce you to hyper-local guides who know their part of the world better than anyone else. They’ll work hard every single day to ensure that you have the type of travel experience that brings you the most rewards. With endless connections and the freedom to improvise, our leaders know exactly how to make a trip extraordinary.

And, most importantly, they’ll always be there for you any time you need them.

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Tours to Uzbekistan for Spring 2022


Uzbekistan is the ancient cradle of oriental civilizations, which has preserved its rich history, incomparable cuisine and unique hospitality. And also here is more gentle and warm climate, the spring temperature averages +20 degrees and in May can rise to +30 degrees. So it’s a great time to plan a tour to Uzbekistan.

Our Minzifa Travel team has prepared different travel programs so that every tourist can easily find something special for themselves. Sunny Uzbekistan is already ready to envelop you with its warmth, cozy atmosphere and centuries-old history. You only need to choose a tour, time to travel and actively start preparing for your trip

5 reasons to book a tour to Uzbekistan for Spring 2022

If you plan to buy a tour to Uzbekistan, you will be pleasantly pleased with the warm weather. In spring it is very comfortable to walk along the street, the sun is warm and bright. But good weather is not the only reason why you should consider this destination for a spring trip.

Book a tour to Uzbekistan in March, April or May to see for yourself:

1.   Visit the colorful and bustling bazaars in Tashkent and Samarkand .

2.   Taste the unique flatbreads and samosas made in clay tandoor.

3.   See the ancient monuments with artful decoration, which keep in their walls exciting stories.

4.   Experience the hospitality of the Uzbek people.

5.   Tasting different sorts of pilaf, because the recipes in different cities are not similar to each other.

And in the spring, the country celebrates the second New Year’s Day – Navruz , or the day of the vernal equinox. It is celebrated for 13 days, starting on March 21. During this period, the country turns into a continuous holiday – in the cities there are festivities, horseback riding tours, competitions, fairs.

Spring Festival is the best time to come to the country

Book a Navruz tour to Uzbekistan from Minzifa Travel, which includes visits to museums, attractions, workshops and more.

Discover the secrets of Uzbekistan with Minzifa Travel team

You can visit our country in any spring month. We have prepared a separate program for each, so that you can fully experience the oriental color. You can choose a tour to Uzbekistan in April, which is designed for 8 days. Or you can book a tour to Uzbekistan for May holidays , which includes guided tours to Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara and other famous places. What will be the trip – a group or individual – is entirely up to you. In the first case, you will be able to share your emotions and experiences with the other participants of the tour, you may find good friends and acquaintances. In the second case, you will be more comfortable to get acquainted with the surroundings, explore the area and walk around the country at your own pace. During tours to Bukhara, Samarkand and other cities in Uzbekistan you will discover unique locations, which you will not find in European or African countries. You will get completely new emotions, impressions and memories.

In the selected tour to Uzbekistan, which we will organize for you, you will be able to get acquainted with:

1.         Cultural life of Tashkent.

2.         The ancient city of Samarkand.

3.         Bukhara, a tourist gem.

4.         Colorful Shakhrisabza.

5.         Famous forts, madrassahs, mausoleums.

6.         And that’s not all.

Tours to Uzbekistan in May , March and April will delight you with exciting programs that will include not only tours to Samarkand, Khiva and other cities, but also visits to bazaars, lunches and dinners in restaurants, meet locals and many highlights.

Want to go on tours in Uzbekistan? Choose a tour from our list and book it. We will do everything to make your trip leave a pleasant aftertaste and a desire to return again.

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Uzbekistan Tours & Vacations

Samarkand Registan Square in Uzbekistan with Intrepid Travel

Experience a remote adventure – well and truly off the tourist trail – in dazzling Uzbekistan.

There are the famous cultural sites we’ve been told we have to visit (here’s looking at you, Instagram), and then there are the iconic sites we never knew we had to see . Like the glittering turquoise domes of Registan Square in Samarkand, the breathtaking Kalon Mosque and Minaret in the ancient Silk Road city of Bukhara . And outside of the cities, Uzbekistan is just as full of surprises – like the traditional villages of the Nuratau Mountains or a desert-bound yurt camp. This is Uzbekistan, in all its charming glory

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Premium Uzbekistan

Central Asia Explorer

The people you meet: the art of connecting with strangers in Uzbekistan

The beauty of travelling to Uzbekistan, even though I knew nothing about it

What to expect on an Intrepid Premium trip

6 ways you can go beyond Asia’s hotspots in 2023 

6 unique places you can stay on an Intrepid Premium trip

6 foods you have to try in Central Asia

What to expect at an overnight stay in an Uzbek yurt

10 photos that prove the Tashkent Metro Stations are the most beautiful in the world

Uzbekistan at a glance

Capital city.

Tashkent (population: 3 million)

Uzbek Sum (UZS)

Uzbek (official), Russian (widely spoken), Tajik (widely spoken)

(GMT+05:00) Tashkent



Type C (European 2-pin) and Type F (2-pin with earth sockets) 220V supply voltage and 50Hz

Learn more about Uzbekistan

Geography and environment.

Located in Central Asia and sharing borders with  Turkmenistan ,  Kazakhstan ,  Tajikistan ,  Kyrgyzstan  and Afghanistan, Uzbekistan is one of only two double-landlocked countries in the world (the other is Liechtenstein).

It has a variety of different terrain, and travelers can expect to see deserts, mountains and valleys with little water mainly due to most areas receiving very little rainfall throughout the year.

As a result of this, much of Uzbekistan's countryside is dusty, sandy and dry, with pockets of fertile, green land interspersed throughout the rocky landscapes.

The Kyzylkum Desert is one of the country’s biggest features; a red sand desert (Kyzylkum means red sand in Turkic) located between two rivers – Amu Darya and Syr Darya. It spans Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

This part of Uzbekistan is largely inhabited by Kazakh ethnic people, some of whom are nomadic and inhabit traditional yurt-style homes. The Karakum Desert (meaning black sand) is predominantly found in Turkmenistan but also spans Uzbekistan.

Another prominent topographical feature of Uzbekistan is the Nuratau Mountains, found east of the Kyzylkum Desert. These mountains are a luscious ecosystem of forests, rivers, lakes and small villages. This area sees snow in the winter months.

Read about the top 5 places to see in Uzbekistan

If local handicrafts and unique cultural items are your bag, then you'll love shopping in Uzbekistan. Whether you’re in a large city like Tashkent or a local bazaar in a small town, there'll be opportunities to buy local souvenirs.

When you visit mosques or other historic buildings in Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva, you’ll find many little shops full of knick-knacks like traditional clothing and accessories, hand-painted ceramics, colorful doppi (skullcaps) woolen hats, handmade cloaks and embroidered bags.

In the old city of Tashkent, a visit to the Chorsu Bazaar is a must. This traditional bazaar is frequented by locals and travelers alike and is famed for its attractive, blue-domed ceiling. You can buy everything here from fresh fruits and vegetables, spices, sweets, local breads and meat (including the local delicacy of horsemeat), through to jewelry, souvenir knives, ceramics and clothes.

There's also a large street food market where you can eat a number of local favorites including fried pike, plov, kababs, soups, manti and more.

In Samarkand, the Siyob Bazaar is the place to for artistic souvenirs, traditional clothing and embroidery. It's also where locals shop for all types of fresh produce, dairy, baked goods and meat. Most vendors are happy to let you try before you buy, which can be a fun way to explore the market.

Culture and customs

There are mixed ethnicities in Uzbekistan with Uzbek making up 80% of the population. Other ethnicities include Russian, Tajik, Kazakh and even Korean and Armenian. This is largely due to its strategic location as part of the ancient Silk Road trade route between the East and West.

Uzbekistan was part of the Persian Empire in the 4th century, when Alexander the Great arrived and married a local Uzbek chieftain’s daughter in Samarkand. This attracted the attention of Western Turks, who ceased their nomadic existence in the 6th century and settled in Uzbekistan. The introduction of Islam in the 8th century then saw many Arabic groups immigrate into the area.

In the 13th century, Genghis Khan conquered Uzbekistan as part of his Mongol empire which was followed by numerous smaller invasions. The most notable of these was Amir Timur (also known as Tamerlane), who dreamed of restoring Uzbekistan to the former glory of Genghis Khan’s Mongol empire. Amir Timur was an Islamic leader but led a people and army that was inclusive of a range of ethnicities. He was known as a patron of arts, architecture and intelligence.

The next great change in Uzbekistan came in the form of the Soviet takeover in the late 19th century. While it was part of the Soviet Union until 1991, Uzbekistan has retained much of its Islamic history and culture, making it a melting pot of Russian, Central Asian and Islamic customs today. It's a welcoming yet conservative society.

Eating and drinking

Food in Uzbekistan is hearty, with an emphasis on red meat, bread and noodle-based dishes. Both green and black loose-leaf tea are the national drink and accompany all meals; they're traditionally drank without milk or sugar.

Unlike many other conservative countries, alcohol is widely available and accepted in Uzbekistan, largely thanks to the Soviet influence from the 20th century. Some restaurants may have designated dry areas but will often still serve alcohol to people over the age of 20, which is the legal drinking age. Locals toast to good health in Uzbek by saying  rahmat .

Below are some must-try dishes in Uzbekistan:

Uzbekistan’s national dish and version of pilaf. A rice dish containing pieces of meat, onions, yellow carrots, spices and sometimes raisins or chickpeas.

Many varieties of local soups normally include a thin broth, pieces of meat, an assortment of vegetables, and rice or noodles. They're normally topped with fresh herbs like parsley and dill and served with local bread.

Uzbekistan’s answer to a meat pie, somsa is a street food pastry filled with minced meat, onions and spices.

A Turkic style steamed or boiled dumpling filled with spiced minced lamb or beef meat. It's often served with yogurt as a dressing.

A kebab can refer to a variety of grilled meat dishes, often cooked over an open flame and served with onions and tomatoes. A shish kebab is a common type and consists of spiced, ground meat that has been skewered and cooked over a fire.

Festivals and events

Due to the melting pot of cultures and ethnic groups in Uzbekistan, there are a diverse number of national, historical and religious holidays recognized. Some of the most popular ones include:

1. Independence Day – 1 September

This day marks Uzbekistan’s independence from the Soviet Union and is celebrated with feasts and festive performances throughout the entire country.

2. Day of Defenders of the Native Land - 14 January

This has been celebrated since 1992 to honor the creation of Uzbekistan’s own armed forces after they were liberated from the Soviet Union.

3. Navruz - 21 March

Navruz is one of the oldest national holidays that celebrates the spring equinox. Families celebrate with traditional feasts.

4. Day of Memory and Honour - 9 May

This day celebrates the opening of the Square of Memory in Tashkent to honor the memory of national heroes who have defended Uzbekistan over the centuries.

5. The cultural festival of Boysun Bahori - May

This festival dates back to the Persian Empire and celebrates ancient local traditions through a celebration of song, dance and storytelling. It has been labeled a UNESCO Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

6. Ramadan Hayit - date changes yearly

Since gaining independence from the Soviet Union, Ramadan Hayit has been celebrated to mark the end of the 30 days of fasting and purification of Ramadan. There is no exact day, but each year there are several days of celebration and traditional feasting and the first of these days is a public holiday.

Top 5 monuments of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is full of spectacular monuments and buildings. Here are five you shouldn't miss.

1. Ark Fortress

Bukhara's massive fortress is a most impressive architectural wonder. Masked in legend, tourists flock to this grand structure to admire its existence and gain some understanding of local history. If the walls could talk they'd speak of royal dynasties, Mongol conquerors and Bolshevik sieges, all taking place over hundreds of years of history.

Uncover this fort's fascinating history on our 17 day Central Asia Explorer tour

2. Shah-i-Zinda Mausoleum

This ancient, sprawling complex features mausoleums and other buildings used for rituals and worship. With intricately carved mosaics, elaborate tile work and arched doors, a visit here reveals architectural gems and fascinating moments in Central Asia's history.

3. Ak-Saray Palace

Shakhrisabz is home to many monumental buildings, but one of the most spectacular is the ruins of the awesome Ak-Saray Palace. With colored, glazed bricks that shimmer in the sun, elegant mosaics and splendid calligraphy, this monument is a standout of Uzbekistan.

4. Bibi Khanum Mosque

This huge, holy site located in Samarkand was built all the way back in the 14th century. Suffering damage due to earthquakes and the ravages of time, it has now been partially restored and stands as a magnificent example of Central Asian Islamic architecture.

Marvel at this stunning mosque on our 9 day Uzbekistan Adventure

5. The Registan

Hailed as one of Central Asia's most recognizable monuments, the Registan's towering minarets, blue domes and beautiful, tiled exteriors are decadently dazzling. The interiors are as exceptional as the facade, so don't miss a visit here while traveling through Samarkand.

Tick off this iconic monument on our 10 day Premium Uzbekistan trip

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Further reading

Uzbekistan travel faqs, do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travelers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

Do I need a visa to travel to Uzbekistan?

Over 60 nationalities do not require a visa for Uzbekistan for stays of up to 30 days, including most European countries, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and most Latin American countries.

Your passport should be valid for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of entry into Uzbekistan.

E-visas For the 70 or so nationalities not included in the visa exemption list, an e-visa is available. The e-visa is issued for a period of stay in the territory of Uzbekistan up to 30 days with a single entry, or 90 days with a double or multiple-entry visa with a limit of 30 days for each entry. 

Travelers must submit an online application for a visa at least three working days before the planned date of travel to Uzbekistan. Check if you are eligible for an e-visa and apply.

Information required for an e-visa application includes:

  • Address of your joining point hotel
  • You will need to have a scanned PDF copy of your passport to upload for your application
  • You will need to upload a passport photo that meets the standard of ICAO
  • Your passport will need to be valid for at least three months after you’ve entered Uzbekistan to obtain a visa.

Last updated: 30/11/2023

Is tipping customary in Uzbekistan?

Tipping isn't generally expected in Uzbekistan but is considered polite, particularly when considering the low wages earned by service workers. Leaving 10-15% extra for guides, porters, restaurant workers and taxi drivers is always appreciated.

What is the internet access like in Uzbekistan?

Travelers should be able to use the internet in the cafes, hotels and restaurants of Uzbekistan's big cities. Rural areas will have little to no access so be prepared to disconnect from the net when travelling in remote areas.

Can I use my cell phone while in Uzbekistan?

Coverage is generally good in the cities but is not available in remote and mountainous areas. Ensure that global roaming is activated before leaving home but be aware that you may not be able to access texts and calls when in Uzbekistan.

Buying a local SIM card from a general store to put in your cell phone is an easy way to ensure you'll have more reliable access to texts and calls in cities. Some stores require you to show your passport to buy a SIM card.

What are the toilets like in Uzbekistan?

Uzbekistan has a mix of Western and squat toilets, with Western-style toilets usually found in city hotels, cafes and tourist areas, and more basic toilets found in rural areas. Be prepared by carrying your own toilet paper, hand sanitizer and/or soap as these aren't always provided.

What will it cost for a…?

Uzbekistan's unit of currency is the Uzbekistani Som. Here's what you can expect to pay for a:

- Bottle of beer = 9,500 UZS

- Simple lunch at a cafe = 43,000 UZS

- Cappuccino = 123,000 UZS

- Dinner for 2 people at a mid-range restaurant = 145,000 UZS

Can I drink the water in Uzbekistan?

Drinking water from the tap isn't recommended in Uzbekistan. Tea is served with most meals and we recommend you ask your leader where filtered water can be found instead of relying on bottled water.

Are credit cards accepted widely in Uzbekistan?

Foreign credit cards aren't widely accepted so be sure to carry other modes of payment when traveling in Uzbekistan.

What is ATM access like in Uzbekistan?

Relying on ATM access isn't wise when traveling in Uzbekistan. Be sure to arrive in Uzbekistan with enough USD for the trip to exchange at the airport or hotels for local currency. While you will encounter some ATMs, operational ATMs that accept foreign cards are hard to come by.

What public holidays are celebrated in Uzbekistan?

  • 1 Jan New Year Day
  • 8 Mar International Women's Day
  • 21 Mar Navruz
  • 9 May Day of Memory and Remembrance
  • 25 Jun Eid al-Fitr *
  • 1 Sep Independence Day
  • 1 Sep Eid al-Adha*
  • 1 Oct Day of Teachers and Instructors
  • 8 Dec Constitution Day

*Please note these dates vary. For a current list, see public holidays in Uzbekistan.

When is the best time to visit Uzbekistan?

Most of Uzbekistan has an extreme continental climate with sweltering summers and freezing winters. With such pronounced seasons, March to mid-June and September to October are considered the best times to visit as you’ll avoid the extreme weather. The desert is also in bloom briefly during spring, while the harvest season in fall means the markets are full of fresh produce. However, spring and fall are also the peak seasons, so you may want to consider visiting outside of these months if you prefer smaller crowds. 

What is the weather in Uzbekistan like?

Uzbekistan’s summer between June and August can get very hot, reaching high 104 ˚F ( 40 ˚C ) in the cities. In the winter months between December and February, it can drop a few degrees below freezing. Over spring and autumn, the weather is cool to mild, with temperatures ranging anywhere from about 46 ˚F (8˚C) to high 60s ˚F (20 s ˚C) in the cities.

What should I wear in Uzbekistan?

While Uzbekistan is a conservative country, western clothing is worn by many people, particularly in the larger cities. Both men and women will need to cover their shoulders and knees at certain historic and religious sites, so it is a good idea to wear pants/ skirts that reach the knee and avoid singlets where possible. Carrying a scarf to wrap around your shoulders is also an option.

Is Uzbekistan a safe destination for LGBTQIA+ travelers?

Everyone should feel comfortable when they travel with Intrepid, and we know that many of our travelers are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. It’s important for our travelers to be aware of the local laws and customs. 

Same-sex relationships between men are illegal under Uzbek law. The law does not specifically address same-sex sexual activity between women or the status of transgender people.

Regardless, if you're a man or woman in a same-sex relationship and are traveling with your partner, it's best to avoid any public displays of affection and discussing your relationship with locals openly.

Double rooms have twin beds as a standard and our trips are twin share (unless you request a single supplement), so asking for one room is unlikely to raise any suspicions. Travelers will find little scrutiny compared to locals, but using discretion is advised in this tightly monitored country.

For more detailed and up-to-date advice, we recommend visiting  Equaldex  or  Smartraveller  before you travel.

Is Uzbekistan accessible for travelers with disabilities?

Intrepid are committed to making travel  accessible  for everyone, regardless of ability or disability. That’s why we do our best to help as many people see the world as possible, regardless of any physical or mental limitations they might have. We’re always happy to talk to travelers with disabilities and see if we can help guide them toward the most suitable itinerary for their needs and where possible, make reasonable adjustments to our itineraries.

However, Uzbekistan can be a difficult destination for travelers with disabilities, with very little infrastructure at sights or hotels. Smaller hotels are unlikely to have lifts and even larger ones may have floors without lift access. Few locals will have experience in interacting with people with disabilities and assistance from staff isn’t guaranteed. The traditional architecture of old towns in places like Bukhara and Khiva can make getting around challenging with uneven ground, narrow doorways, steps and unrestored brickwork, etc. Other hazards include broken paving, open drains, uncovered manholes and exposed utility pipes. Crossing the street in Tashkent often requires using underpasses rather than street level crossings. Metro entrances and underpasses may sometimes look to be equipped with wheelchair lifts but are unlikely to be operational.

For those with mobility restrictions or wheelchair users, getting around will take plenty of patience and determination. If you are traveling to Uzbekistan and have a disability your experience will be greatly enhanced if you can travel with a companion who can help when the infrastructure and customer service aren’t able to meet your needs.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

Does my trip support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. Trips to this country directly support our global Intrepid Foundation partners, Eden Reforestation Projects and World Bicycle Relief. Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects are helping to mitigate climate change by restoring forests worldwide; they also hire locally and create job opportunities within vulnerable communities. Donations from our trips support restoration across planting sites in 10 countries around the globe. Find out more or make a donation World Bicycle Relief

World Bicycle Relief provides people in low-income communities with bicycles to mobilize school kids, health workers, and farmers in far-out areas – giving them access to vital education, healthcare, and income. Donations help provide Buffalo Bicycles – specifically designed to withstand the rugged terrain and harsh environment of rural regions – to those who need them most. Find out more or make a donation

Small Group Uzbekistan Tour 2024-2025

  • Uzbekistan Tours
  • Group Tours
  • Classic Uzbekistan Group Tour

Classic Uzbekistan Group Tour 2024-2025 8 Days | Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand


Explore the historical cities of Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent with this Classic Uzbekistan Group Tour 2024-2025. Our most popular group tour takes you to the most popular cities in Uzbekistan, while also introducing you to tourists from around the world. Enjoy the modernity of Tashkent, the monuments of Samarkand, the serenity of Bukhara, and the history of Khiva, all while making the most of your time and money (and making new friends). Make your journey even bigger by combining the Classic Uzbekistan Group Tour with group tours to Turkmenistan or Kyrgyzstan , or book an extension to Darvaza Gas Crater , the disappearing Aral Sea , natural beauties of Aidarkul , a lake in the middle of desert, or visit Penjikent , the most ancient city of Tajikistan .

Tour itinerary:

  • Accommodation based on double room sharing throughout the tour, breakfasts included;
  • Transportation throughout the tour, including airport/train station pick ups and drop offs;
  • Sightseeing with an English speaking guide in each city;
  • Entrance tickets to the museums, mausoleums and other sights;
  • Economy class tickets for flights Tashkent-Urgench, Urgench-Bukhara;
  • Economy class tickets for train Samarkand-Tashkent (on rare occasions when the high-speed train is unavailable, we will replace this with the most-comfortable class of regular train);
  • Folklore show program at Nadir Divan-begi Madrasah and dinner at National house in Bukhara, farewell lunch in Samarkand and tea/coffee breaks Day 3–Day 7;
  • English speaking  tour leader  from Advantour to accompany the group of 8 persons and more.
  • Charges in hotels for additional services;
  • Consular fees for Uzbekistan tourist visa;
  • Camera fees, charged separately by museums;
  • Travel insurance;
  • International flight tickets before and after the tour;
  • Full board (lunches and dinners).

Dates & Prices

100% guaranteed departures – even if there is only 1 traveler.

Group size: 1-16 persons

Please note that itinerary and prices are subject to change due to airline and train schedule changes, currency fluctuations and other unforeseeable events.

We strongly recommend NOT to purchase airline tickets for 2025 tours without discussing it with your travel consultant.


Tour request.

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Uzbekistan Relaxed Group Tour 2024-2025

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Fly to Tashkent

Fly overnight from London (regional connections available) to Tashkent with Uzbekistan Airways. (N)

Meal basis As per itinerary – B: Breakfast, L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.

Arrive and transfer to the Mercure Tashkent (or similar) for 1 night. Afternoon tour of the old city stopping at Kukeldash mosque and madrasa. (D)

Fly to Urgench - Khiva

Transfer to the airport and take a 1-hour morning flight to Urgench. Visit the ancient fortresses of Ayaz Kala and Toprak Kala before an afternoon drive to Khiva via Ulli Khovli. Stay 2 nights at the Malika Kheivak Hotel (or similar). (B, L, D)

Full-day tour of Khiva, including Kunya Ark, Islam Khoja minaret, Tash Havli Palace and a local bakery. (B, D)

Full-day drive to Bukhara (7-8 hours) through the Kyzylkum Desert, stopping at the Amudaryo River for photos. Stay at the Minorai Kalon Hotel  (or similar) for 3 nights. (B, L, D)

City tour of Bukhara, including visits to Chor Minor mosque, the Poi-Kaylan complex, the surviving trade domes and Lyab-i-Hauz complex, once the city's principal source of water. This evening enjoy dinner and a cooking demonstration. (B, D)

After breakfast, continue your tour of Bukhara, including visits to the imposing fortress known as 'The Ark', located on the site of a 2,000-year-old fortress; the Summer Palace; and the Samanid mausoleum, built in the early 10th century with a facade incorporating Zoroastrian symbols. (B)

Shahrisabz - Samarkand

Drive to Shahrisabz, birthplace of Tamerlane, and visit the summer palace, mosques and mausoleums. Continue to Samarkand for 3 nights at the Hotel Royal Samarkand (or similar). (B, L, D)

Full-day tour of Samarkand, including visits to Registan Square, the Ulugbek observatory, Afrosiab Museum, Shah-i-Zinda necropolis, and the Bibi Khanum mosque. (B)

Continue your tour of Samarkand. Visit Gur Emir mausoleum, which marks the final resting place of several members of the Timurid dynasty, including Timur himself. Other visits include Nodir Divan Begi madrasa, Hazrat Khizr mosque and the Khodja Doniyor mausoleum. After lunch, stop at a silk carpet factory before returning to your hotel. (B, D)

Morning at leisure in Samarkand. This afternoon visit the one of Samarkand’s renowned silk paper workshops before travelling by rail to Tashkent. Transfer to the Mercure Tashkent (or similar) for 1 night. (B, D)

Fly to London

Morning at leisure. Afternoon transfer to the airport. Fly from Tashkent to London with Uzbekistan Airways. (B)

Arrive and transfer to the Lumiere Hotel & SPA Tashkent (or similar) for 1 night. Afternoon tour of the old city stopping at Amir Timur Square and the Kukeldash mosque and madrasa. (D)

Transfer to the airport and take a 1 hour morning flight to Urgench. Visit the ancient fortresses of Ayaz Kala and Toprak Kala before an afternoon drive to Khiva via Ulli Khovli. Stay 2 nights at the Malika Kheivak Hotel (or similar). (B, L, D)

Full-day drive to Bukhara (7-8 hours) through the Kyzylkum Desert, stopping at the Amudaryo River for photos. Stay at the Labi Rud Hotel (or similar) for 3 nights. (B, L, D)

Morning at leisure in Samarkand. This afternoon, visit the Koni Gil Silk paper workshop before proceeding by rail to Tashkent. Transfer to the Mercure Hotel (or similar) for 1 night. (B, D)

The Cox & Kings signature experiences

  • Comprehensive tours of the mosques, madrasas & mausoleums of Khiva, Bukhara & Samarkand
  • Learn how to make traditional Uzbekistan cuisine with a cooking demonstration
  • Excursion to Shahrisabz, birthplace of Turco-Mongol conqueror Timur
  • Travel by Uzbekistan’s famous Afrosiyob train from Samarkand to Tashkent

Important information

What's included.

  • Small group size - average 18 people (max 20)
  • 3- & 4-star accommodation
  • Flexible - extensions & flight upgrades available
  • International flights
  • Internal flights as specified
  • Transfers in air-conditioned vehicles
  • Experienced local tour manager
  • 10 breakfasts, 3 lunches & 8 dinners
  • Guided sightseeing & entrance fees
  • Porterage at all hotels
  • High-speed rail between Samarkand and Tashkent

Is your preferred tour date fully booked?

Private journey option: guideline prices.

Low season from £3,379 |  Guide price month: May  

Single supplement from £495

Looking for a holiday that’s tailored to you?

Why not extend your tour, other tours you may like.

14 days 13 nights

From £2,895

Take an exciting journey across all three states of the southern Caucasus

22 days 20 nights

From £7,365

Discover the rich history of the Silk Road and the dramatic scenery of Central Asia on this 22-day journey through Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

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    Le prime partenze del 2022 saranno il 26 agosto da Milano Malpensa e il 27 settembre da Roma Fiumicino. Francorosso, il Brand di Alpitour World da scegliere per vivere esperienze uniche e visitare luoghi straordinari attraverso tour e hotel esclusivi, torna dopo tre anni di assenza in Uzbekistan.Per scoprire il territorio, noto per le sue bellissime moschee, i mausolei e i luoghi legati alla ...

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    Per prenotazioni, preventivi e richieste informazioni contatta il nostro servizio clienti. Siamo a tua disposizione dal Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 9.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 14.00 alle 19.00 e il sabato dalle 9.00 alle 13.00. +39 049 7620111. Scopri tour e viaggi in Uzbekistan offerti da Viaggi di Boscolo, prenota online il tuo viaggio e vivi un ...

  8. Francorosso torna in Uzbekistan

    Francorosso torna in Uzbekistan. Di Redazione Qualitytravel.it. Lug 20, 2022 #francorosso. Francorosso, il Brand di Alpitour World da scegliere per vivere esperienze uniche e visitare luoghi straordinari attraverso tour e hotel esclusivi, torna dopo tre anni di assenza in Uzbekistan. Per scoprire il territorio, noto per le sue bellissime ...

  9. E ora Francorosso torna in Uzbekistan

    E ora Francorosso torna in Uzbekistan. 20 Luglio 12:56 2022 da Redazione Stampa questo articolo. Dopo tre anni di assenza, Francorosso - brand di Alpitour World - torna in Uzbekistan. Maestose moschee, mausolei e luoghi incantati legati alla Via della Seta, la promessa è di esperienza di viaggio magiche ed esclusive.

  10. Quality Group

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  11. Tour Uzbekistan Classico: Via della Seta

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  13. 10 Best Uzbekistan Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Browse the best tours in Uzbekistan with 217 reviews visiting places like Samarkand and Tashkent. All Major Brands. Biggest selection. Best Prices. APRIL SALE: Discover and book at up to 60% off! Ends on 1 May, 2024 ... (Updated 2022) What people love about Uzbekistan Tours ...

  14. Asia Centrale

    Tour Kazakistan, Kirghizistan e Uzbekistan. ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL'ELEFANTE Date di partenza 2024: ogni venerdì Viaggio di gruppo - minimo 6 partecipanti 13 giorni / 12 notti Un viaggio emozionante ed insolito a contatto con i paesi dell'ex Unione Sovietica, situati nell'Asia Centrale.

  15. inTour 2022

    inTour 2022 | Francorosso | Catalogo Sfogliabile ... ...

  16. THE 10 BEST Uzbekistan Tours & Excursions

    Fergana Valley Tour. 10. Historical Tours. 10-14 hours. Fergana Valley Tour is the best tour for learning more about Uzbekistan's famous handicrafts from the masters themselves…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 90% of travelers. from. $199.

  17. Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan (2022)

    Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan (2022) Sold Out! Jun 13 — Jun 28, 2022. 16 days. ... By the end of their stay, they don't want to leave. This is the ultimate tour of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Interact with nomadic Kyrgyz and Uzbek communities and learn about their culture. Go straight into nature - incredible canyons, valleys, mountain lakes and ...

  18. Tours to Uzbekistan 2022 • Best prices

    And if some find out about last minute tours to Uzbekistan and decide to go to a new country for themselves without any preparation, others plan their trip purposefully and carefully, studying the culture and history of these places in order to be more prepared. But both are similar in one thing - it is definitely worth going to Uzbekistan ...

  19. Tours to Uzbekistan for Spring 2022

    Book a tour to Uzbekistan in March, April or May to see for yourself: 1. Visit the colorful and bustling bazaars in Tashkent and Samarkand. 2. Taste the unique flatbreads and samosas made in clay tandoor. 3. See the ancient monuments with artful decoration, which keep in their walls exciting stories. 4.

  20. Best Uzbekistan Tours & Vacations 2024/2025

    Like the glittering turquoise domes of Registan Square in Samarkand, the breathtaking Kalon Mosque and Minaret in the ancient Silk Road city of Bukhara. And outside of the cities, Uzbekistan is just as full of surprises - like the traditional villages of the Nuratau Mountains or a desert-bound yurt camp. This is Uzbekistan, in all its ...

  21. Francorosso

    Francorosso, Torino. 122,010 likes · 4,332 talking about this · 177 were here. Dove i vostri desideri prendono la forma di vacanze disegnate su di voi. #francorossostories. Francorosso, Torino. 121,984 likes · 4,267 talking about this · 177 were here. Dove i vostri desideri prendono la forma di vacanze disegnate su di voi....

  22. Classic Uzbekistan Group Tour 2024-2025

    Group Tour from US$ 1,160. Tashkent. Itinerary. Dates & Prices. Request. Reviews. Explore the historical cities of Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent with this Classic Uzbekistan Group Tour 2024-2025. Our most popular group tour takes you to the most popular cities in Uzbekistan, while also introducing you to tourists from around the world.

  23. Uzbekistan: Heart of Central Asia

    020 7873 5000. Save up to £200pp on Uzbekistan: Heart of Central Asia. Valid for travel on selected dates in 2024. Book by 30 April 2024. Enquire. Lead Price. From £2795pp. Duration. 12 days & 10 nights.