birthright trip to israel for adults

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This trip is a gift from Birthright Israel.

The gift of  a Birthright Israel trip is made possible thanks to tens of thousands of donors including individual donors and foundations, and alumni and their families that support Birtright Israel Foundation in the United States as well as the people of Israel through the Goverment of Israel and Jewish communities and Federations around the world. 

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Jewish Journal

Connect. inform. inspire., rethinking the ‘birthright’: a trip to the israel for adults.

  • By Elyse Glickman
  • Published April 15, 2015

Picture of Elyse Glickman

Elyse Glickman

Birthright trips to Israel are the ultimate opportunity for young Jewish adults to get face-to-face with the places and history that shape their Jewish identity. But what about more mature adults who never got that chance?

Stacy Wasserman believes she has the answer in her L’Dor V’Dor (From Generation to Generation) program, which provides partially subsidized, 12- to 14-day trips to the Holy Land for people 55 and over, who have either never been to Israel or haven’t been in at least 30 years. The program is financed by a foundation she developed with money willed to her by her father, which she named for him: The Dr. Jesse L. Simon Charitable Foundation.

“We were smart to create the Birthright program for young people, but we haven’t done as good a job with other parts of the community,” said Wasserman, 58, of Thousand Oaks. “As many people realize what they’ve missed by not visiting Israel, going there is definitely on their bucket lists. We’re empowering them to act upon what we all promise ourselves at Passover: ‘Next year in Jerusalem.’ ”

The nonprofit sent its first group to Israel in February 2012, followed by others annually, each accommodating a maximum of 40 people. So far, a total of about 200 people have participated on the trips.

This year, there are two trips: a spring sojourn April 23 to May 4 ($2,350 per person, not including airfare), and another in the fall, Oct. 16-28 ($2,650 per person). There is an application and selection process (available online at involved for inclusion, as well as a hard-set rule that people can only take this trip once. Registration for the fall trip opened April 5. 

Wasserman said she is seeking additional charitable donations to the program, because there is only enough money in the foundation to fund three or four more trips. For this year’s spring trip, for example, the foundation is contributing about $900 per person on top of what participants pay.

Itineraries for each trip vary, but they all include sites that capture Israel’s past, present and future: a kibbutz, the Western Wall, Masada, the Dead Sea, wineries, various marketplaces and a visit to the Knesset.

Although Wasserman describes each journey as the “trip of a lifetime” for her travelers — average age is between 68 and 73 — she stresses that they experience the real Israel rather than a luxury jaunt and do lots of walking. Hotels are generally modest, and there are a few days where the lodgings are tents. In other words, similar to the way things are done on a Birthright trip.  

Wasserman made her first trip to Israel in 1980 at age 22 to live on a kibbutz, and ended up exploring the country for a year. Her big moment of discovery was encountering the Western Wall and pondering the number of generations it had been standing.

She went on to build a career as a preschool teacher and Jewish preschool owner in Canoga Park, but always knew deep down that one’s discovering of what makes Israel “Israel”  changes as one gets older, prompting her to start planning a return trip. The genesis of the L’Dor V’Dor program, in turn, stemmed from trying to convince her hesitant husband, Morrey, to join her.

“I had to think of a way to get him to go to Israel so I could return,” she said. “I [also realized] that it is not enough to just send our children or grandchildren to Israel. … If my husband was hesitant about going, there had to be many others afraid to go for a variety of reasons.” 

And there were other important things to think about, like how such trips offer people “an opportunity for them to show their support for Israel by physically going there.”

San Fernando Valley residents who were on last year’s fall trip had distinctly different reasons for going, but they all reported that the shared experience of exploring Israel was life changing.

Harriet Wasserman (no relation to Stacy), 75, of Tarzana, a former ICM agent, traveled the world extensively. However, Israel was a notable exception, as her husband, Ted, had been afraid to go. When they made the trip with L’Dor V’Dor, both found themselves profoundly transformed.

“My husband was never bar mitzvahed, but on the dinner of our last night, he got up with tears coming down his face and told the group, ‘Now I know what it means to be a Jew,’ ” she said. “The first time I touched the Wall, it really was like coming home.”

Although Tarzana resident Linda Hyman, 73, and her husband traveled to Israel in the 1970s, they found this trip to be particularly affirming of their Jewish identities. 

“Although we could not go to the Mount of Olives, we went to the [Haas] Promenade [in Talpiot] for a blessing. Stacy brought a large challah, grape juice and wine, and we all came together in a circle with the blessing,” Hyman said. “We were overlooking Jerusalem, and when we said the blessing, at that moment I knew that I was Jewish.” 

Steven Young, a lawyer from Tarzana born in 1948 — the same year as Israel — said L’Dor V’Dor’s itinerary made the perfect trip to Israel possible on many levels. 

“My religious connection was deepened by seeing the Wailing Wall and touring the base of the outer walls of the city,” he said. “It is incredible to see firsthand the physical and visual perception of how old and how deep our roots are as a religion. 

“When touring Tel Aviv, I saw [an intriguing mix of] the Old City mixed with the new — high-tech companies, a thriving economy and architecture.”

Although never a fan of men’s jewelry, he was moved to purchase an Israeli-made Star of David, which he has not taken off since the trip.

Like Harriet Wasserman, Marlene Miller, 78, of Woodland Hills had long wanted to see Israel, but had not made the journey because of her husband’s concerns. She ended up going on her own with L’Dor V’Dor, and although she went “in the middle of the last Gaza situation,” she swears she felt safer there than here.

“Unless you see these sites in person, you’re not really seeing them,” Miller said. 

Fred Levine of Oak Park said, “Yad Vashem was emotional for me, while The Museum [of the Diaspora] at Tel Aviv University reflected the reality that no matter where we are in the world, our customs, traditions and values are everlasting and we all originate from a common history. Being at Independence Hall and listening to [David] Ben-Gurion announce the independent State of Israel and then the playing of ‘Hatikvah’ was the prefect conclusion to the trip.”

In an affirmation of what Stacy Wasserman hopes to accomplish with L’Dor V’Dor, Levine said he sent his daughter, Rachel, a picture of himself and his wife, Sue, in front of the Israeli flag at Masada. Two seconds later, Rachel sent them back a photo of herself — at the same spot one year earlier.

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Authentic Israel

It's YOUR turn to discover the very best of Israel on our signature 8, 10, or 12-day tour designed for active adults – with guaranteed small groups and confirmed tour dates conveniently scheduled year-round.

My Turn brings together active adult travelers to explore Israel’s rich history, modern culture, and stunning landscapes. Experience the highlights of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the Dead Sea, the Galilee, Haifa, Golan Heights, and the Mediterranean Coast – with plenty of off-the-beaten-path discoveries and delicious meals to cherish along the way.

Choose from an 8-day or 10-day core itinerary with a 12-day Eilat Extension on the Red Sea with the option to explore the wonders of Petra in Jordan. Our fixed tour dates are scheduled throughout the year, and we guarantee no more than 26 travelers in a group.

My Turn is pluralistically Jewish in approach and welcoming to all. The itinerary is ideal for travelers seeking a complete first-time Israel experience or returning anew. Because My Turn is organized in-house by our own staff and our own caring guides/educators, we provide a higher level of service, a truly authentic journey, and an excellent value.

Smiling Adults Traveling to Israel

Early Registration Savings + Risk-Free Terms = Act Now!

Sign up at least five months in advance to lock in your spot and receive a $100/person savings. All payments are fully refundable up to four months in advance, so your savings are commitment-free.


For a more detailed view of the program, check out the Program Itinerary

The old walls of Jerusalem.

Discover the four quarters of the  Old City , explore millennia of history in the  Western Wall Tunnels,  and experience the quiet of  Shabbat in Jerusalem

Masada in the Judean desert in Israel

Descend to the lowest place on earth to float in the Dead Sea at a local resort and scale the heights of Masada  in the Judean Desert

Travelers in Israel riding camels

Navigate the Negev Desert  wilderness the old-fashioned way on  camels  and enjoy a delicious  desert tent dinner feast

The Sea of Galilee

Experience Israel’s pioneering heritage along the  Sea of Galilee  shores, and ascend the  Golan Heights  on an  off-road jeep trek

Yad Vashem

Make a solemn visit to  Yad VaShem  World Holocaust Remembrance Center and celebrate Israel’s revival at  Independence Hall

A street festival vendor with food in Tel Aviv

Soak up the cultural riches, browse colorful  street festivals , and enjoy the always lively beach culture of  Tel Aviv

Bahà’í Gardens in Haifa

Travel along the Mediterranean coast to view the Bahà’í Gardens  in Haifa, the Rosh Hanikrah ocean caves, and Caesarea palace ruins

A Bedouin Tent in Druze Village

Sample Israel’s diverse cuisine at  gourmet restaurants , in a  Druze village , and in  open-air marketplaces



Enjoy the Red Sea's tropical beaches and underwater wonders while staying at a resort hotel in  Eilat Included with the 12-day tour


Explore hidden Nabatean Kingdom treasures on a guided  Petra day tour  in neighboring Jordan Add-on to the 12-day tour


Travel to Israel is unlike any other destination, which is why we strive to offer so much more than expected.

Educational Touring

Thoughtful educational touring with a focus on more experiences and fewer museums

Passionate Staff

Led by passionate 24×7 staff and backed by an organization you can count on

Fantastic food! 

Enjoy more authentic genuine local flavor and fewer hotel meals

Shared Journey

A focus on creating a sense of community and connection as part of a shared journey

Small Groups

Guaranteed small group tours with confirmed travel dates – plan with confidence

Program dates are confirmed, however, Authentic Israel reserves the right to consolidate or cancel trip dates in extraordinary circumstances.

No Hidden Costs 

Absolutely no hidden costs, no surprises, and a near   all-inclusive package


We know you’ll cherish the My Turn experience, but don’t just take our word for it. Check out these real reviews from past travelers who have completed the journey.

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Looking for even more reviews? See what our travelers say about us on TripAdvisor!

7 Day Experience (27-32 Year Olds)


Birthright Israel trip is now available for 27-32 year olds!

it's NOW OR NEVER: travel with us on & make sure you don't miss out again!  There are limited spots available for these specific trips, so make sure you don't miss out on this opportunity again!

This journey is customized for 27-32 year olds & you get the chance to explore Israel with local Israelis & young adults from around the US. Discover Israel's history, land, scenery, cities, food, & unbelievable culture on the adventure you thought was forever out of your reach.

Why This is the Shorashim Trip for you

"This was truly a trip of a lifetime. I went into this trip unsure of what was ahead of me and walked away with a true appreciation of a new culture, my family's history, tons of new friends, lots of laughs, an absurd amount of coffee & falafel, endless gratitude and memories that will stay with me for the rest of my life. [Birthright Israel] with [Shorashim] was truly life changing."

Upcoming Dates

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For young Jews (18-26) who’ve never been

to Israel on the Jewish GROUP tri p

(Israeli citizens who left Israel before the age 12 qualify as well)

Highest Security Measures In Place (Click Here to Learn More)

Direct flights from S. Francisco &  New York

Departure on 12/16/24

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Sponsored by: TAGLIT - Birthright Israel Foundation

Organized by : Mayanot Israel - one of the largest providers of Birthright Israel experience

Supported and marketed in the US : EZRA USA & partnering Russian-speaking Jewish communities

birthright trip to israel for adults

Federations' ‘Serve Israel’ to bring at least 1,000 volunteers to Israel

Jewish Federations of North America are thrilled to launch Serve Israel, an initiative to activate and mobilize 1,000 volunteers through service trips to Israel that will support recovery and growth efforts during this time of great need.     Serve Israel provides funding opportunities for Federations and Jewish organizations to organize and lead impactful service trips to Israel in 2024 that address urgent and ongoing needs and deepen the connection between North Americans and Israel. These funds will increase the number of people volunteering in Israel at this pivotal time.    “Over these past 10 difficult months, we have seen the critical role that Israel travel and North American volunteers have played in both helping Israelis confront the deep challenges they face and strengthening the bonds between North Americans and Israel,” said Shira Hutt, Executive Vice President, Jewish Federations of North America.     “These programs represent an essential tool for supporting Israel and Israelis at this critical time, and we are so proud that once again, Jewish Federations' unique position allows us to build strategic partnerships that mobilize across the Jewish community and address Israel's urgent needs,” she added.   

Since October 7, thousands of Jewish people from North America have sought out opportunities to travel to and volunteer in Israel, such as helping on farms whose workforces remain seriously depleted since the attacks.    North American volunteers are critically important to supporting Israel at this time, as tens of thousands of Israelis serve on reserve duty and fewer foreign workers are available.  These volunteers have made meaningful contributions to Israel and have found their experiences transformative, significantly strengthening their connections to Israel while fostering a profound sense of belonging with the Jewish community back home. 

  With the support of the program, at least 1,000 North American volunteers will join a 7-to-10 day or a 4-week volunteer trip experience through January 2025. Participants will include teens, college students, young adults, early career professionals, and midlife adults up to age 65. Participants must be between the ages of 16 and 65, with age guidelines varying depending on the duration of the program.   

Volunteers may be deployed to work on farms in various parts of the country whose workforces are seriously depleted—contributing both to the economy and Israel’s national food security—work in logistics and food packaging centers, assist displaced families and soldiers, tutor students, and more.     In addition to funds, Jewish Federations of North America will provide organizations support in designing their service trip, including educational content to complement the service experience. Participating organizations may also partner with Birthright Israel Onward or Masa Israel Journey to implement trips.     Serve Israel applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted. Organizations are encouraged to apply no later than October 1st for 7-10 day trips and November 4th for 4-week experiences to allow for sufficient planning time.    Serve Israel is being led by the Jewish Federations of North America and the Israel Educational Travel Alliance, with support from Mosaic United, The Jewish Agency for Israel, the Government of Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism, and Jewish Federations of North America’s Israel Emergency Fund. Serve Israel is also a partner of Birthright Israel Onward and Masa Israel Journey.    Interested Federations and Jewish organizations can learn more and apply online at     


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  4. Birthright Trip to Israel: A Transformative Experience

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  5. Birthright Israel Trip Builds Lifelong Bonds Among Participants

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  6. Free Taglit-Birthright Travel to Israel Continues Amid Shelling

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  1. A Free Trip to Israel

    Taglit- Birthright Israel offers a FREE trip to Israel for Jewish young adults between the ages of 18 - 26. Sign up today. ... A 10 day journey for Jewish Young Adults, Ages 18-26 Winter trips are now open! Depart. From Trip Style. View trips. This winter, Join over 850,000 participants Birthright Israel invites you to travel to the center of ...

  2. Choose Your Free Israel Trip

    Israel Outdoors. Iconic sites, epic terrain, delicious local eats. Jerusalem, Masada, Dead Sea + lots of TLV time. Inclusive approach alongside new Israeli friends. Browse hundreds of free Birthright Israel trips geared towards a variety of lifestyles and interests. Find the one that's right for you and register today.

  3. Eligibility

    You must be 18 to 26 years old at the time of the trip and not in high school. If you meet that criteria, mazel tov!—you're eligible for the Birthright Israel trip. Nearing the end of the age bracket? If you're applying for a summer trip, you must be 26 before May 1st. For winter trips, you must be 26 by December 1st.

  4. Birthright Israel: MAYANOT

    Get your FREE 10 day trip to Israel with Birthright Israel: MAYANOT (A.K.A Mayanot Israel). You only Birthright once - discover Israel with Mayanot Israel! ... "In 10 days I bonded with about 40 other Jewish young adults and made friends that will last a lifetime." ... The gift of a Birthright Israel trip is made possible thanks to tens of ...

  5. Mayanot Legacy

    An incredible 8 day tour that explores the length and breadth of Israel, offering a once-in-a-lifetime unforgettable journey, in a group dynamic that will leave you with a lasting connection to both the people and the Land of Israel. JOIN US IN 2024: . MAY 20 - 27, 2024. SEPTEMBER 16 - 23, 2024.

  6. The Free Birthright Israel Trips

    Israel Outdoors is a leading organizer of free Birthright Israel trips for Jewish young adults, ages 18-26. Experience the ultimate gift and adventure on a summer or winter trip departing from across North America.

  7. Free Trips to Israel, Travel for Jewish Young Adults

    It's commitment-free and takes just 10 minutes. Refer your friends and family who are also interested. Apply Now Tell a Friend! Israel Free Spirit is a leading Birthright Israel trip organizer in participant satisfaction. Trips are for Jewish young adults ages 18-26.

  8. Overview

    The mission of Birthright Israel is to give every Jewish young adult the chance to explore Israel at least once in their lifetime. The gift is funded through the generous support of philanthropists and the State of Israel. ... The gift of a Birthright Israel trip is made possible thanks to tens of thousands of donors including individual donors ...

  9. Rethinking the 'Birthright': A trip to the Israel for adults

    Birthright trips to Israel are the ultimate opportunity for young Jewish adults to get face-to-face with the places and history that shape their Jewish identity.

  10. Sample Itinerary

    In our sample itinerary, you'll see how a typical, 10-day Birthright Israel trip comes to life, and how it unites young Jewish adults from all over the world with the people, history, and land of Israel. Upon taking my first steps into Jerusalem, I felt all of these emotions rush through me, and I immediately knew I was home.

  11. Israel Outdoors

    In a nutshell, you're eligible for a Birthright Israel trip if you are: (1) age 18-26, and (2) ... You traveled to Israel after your 18th birthday on a program for college students or young adults. Examples include university, study abroad, gap year, yeshiva/seminary, internship, or any other experience affiliated with Onward Israel or Masa ...

  12. Birthright Israel

    Taglit-Birthright Israel ( Hebrew: תגלית ), also known as Birthright Israel or simply Birthright, is a free ten-day heritage trip to Israel, Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights for young adults of Jewish heritage between the ages of 18 and 26. [ 1][ 2][ 3] The program is sponsored by the Birthright Israel Foundation, whose donors subsidize ...

  13. About the trip| Taglit

    Taglit- Birthright Israel offers a FREE trip to Israel for Jewish young adults between the ages of 18 - 26. Sign up today.

  14. My Turn

    It's YOUR turn to discover the very best of Israel on our signature 8, 10, or 12-day tour designed for active adults - with guaranteed small groups and confirmed tour dates conveniently scheduled year-round. MULTI-GENERATIONAL 8-12 DAYS My Turn brings together active adult travelers to explore Israel's rich history, modern culture, and stunning landscapes. Experience…

  15. A Free Trip to Israel

    Taglit- Birthright Israel offers a FREE trip to Israel for Jewish young adults between the ages of 18 - 26. Sign up today.

  16. Birthright Israel 27-32 Year Old Trip I Shorashim

    Birthright Israel trip is now available for 27-32 year olds! ... This journey is customized for 27-32 year olds & you get the chance to explore Israel with local Israelis & young adults from around the US. Discover Israel's history, land, scenery, cities, food, & unbelievable culture on the adventure you thought was forever out of your reach. ...

  17. Birthright Israel

    Taglit- Birthright Israel offers a FREE trip to Israel for Jewish young adults between the ages of 18 - 26. Sign up today.


    Birthright Israel TRIP Sign Up Form WINTER 2024. You will receive an email with registration info once your eligibility for the free trip to Israel is determined. Free trip to Israel for Jewish young adults (ages 18 -26) who have not been to Israel on the group trip organized by Jewish group.

  19. Choose Your Free Israel Trip

    Mayanot Israel. Meet new people, form deeper connections. Explore the country, get immersed in the culture. 7 day trip, lifetime journey. Browse hundreds of free Birthright Israel trips geared towards a variety of lifestyles and interests. Find the one that's right for you and register today.

  20. About the Gift

    The gift of a free trip to Israel — with absolutely no strings attached! Birthright Israel was launched in 1999 with the mission of giving young Jewish adults (ages 18-26) of all backgrounds the chance to visit Israel at least once in their lifetime. With the exception of one meal a day, the program is entirely free, including round-trip airfare from a variety of gateway airports.

  21. Individuals with Disabilities

    Special Needs Birthright Israel trip for for 18-32 yr olds. Itinerary specifically designed for accessibility on Israel Free Spirit: Birthright Israel. Our Vision; ... The trip is open to Jewish young adults age 18-32 years old with developmental or cognitive disabilities living in North America. Applicants cannot have spent time on any ...

  22. Israel for older adults and seniors trip

    Birthright Israel for older adults is the best way to experience Birthright after ages 26-32, Birthright for adults will make you experience Taglit Israel at your own pace ... This free E-book can be used to organize trips to Israel for adults and seniors as well, who want to do the trip in their own pace without someone telling them where to ...

  23. FAQ

    Birthright Israel Excel is an immersive 10-week summer fellowship that engages talented Jewish young adults interested in making a tangible impact in business, tech, entrepreneurship, the Jewish community, and the State of Israel. The program is highly subsidized and runs separately from the Birthright Israel 10-day trip to Israel.

  24. Federations' 'Serve Israel' to bring at least 1,000 volunteers to

    Participating organizations may also partner with Birthright Israel Onward or Masa Israel Journey to implement trips. Serve Israel applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted. Organizations are encouraged to apply no later than October 1st for 7-10 day trips and November 4th for 4-week experiences to allow for ...