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  • -> Nowy Sącz. A journey in time and space. Tracing multiculturalism, street art and delicious ice cream Nowy Sącz. A journey in time and space. Tracing multiculturalism, street art and delicious ice cream

Nowy Sącz. A journey in time and space. Tracing multiculturalism, street art and delicious ice cream

The Town Hall in Nowy Sącz, covered by flowering trees, with three people in the foreground facing the Town Hall while sitting on a bench.

It is also one of the oldest cities in Małopolska, beautifully situated on the  Dunajec River in the heart of picturesque Kotlina Sądecka, at the foot of the Beskid Sądecki and the Wyspowy Beskids . The castle, intriguing museums and reconstructed towns take visitors back to the past, to 19th-century Galicia, and open the door to the world of the traditional folk culture of the Nowy Sącz Region. All you have to do is find a free moment to let yourself be carried away by the passion of sightseeing!

A walk among greenery and medieval ruins

The castle ruins, towering over the city and the Dunajec River, are one of the most characteristic elements of this picturesque town. They catch the eye and attract attention immediately. The medieval Royal Castle with the Blacksmith Tower are monuments reminding of the long history of Nowy Sącz.

The stronghold was erected during the reign of Casimir the Great. Initially, it consisted of a bailey, a residential building, a tower and two corner towers. Unfortunately, the Swedish Deluge and other historical events left such an imprint on it that only remnants of the peripheral walls and a reconstructed tower have survived to this day. A municipal park surrounds the picturesque ruins. It is therefore worth climbing a small hill and spending some time among the greenery and medieval ruins overlooking the city.

Beautiful Market Square and mysterious backstreets

The Nowy Sącz Market Square is a magnificent pearl and, simultaneously, a city showpiece. Beautiful Renaissance and Baroque townhouses well worth a look and mysterious backstreets and courtyards hide many exciting stories. One of the most interesting buildings dominating the square is the eclectic City Hall – now the seat of the city authorities – with its impressive façade and tower.

Jagiellońska Street and Lwowska Street, the two main streets, are considered the most beautiful in Nowy Sącz and run from the market. These thoroughfares lead along a line of delightful tenement houses with beautiful elevations. At Jagiellońska Street is the historic 15th century Gothic House ,which is the seat of the Museum of the Nowy Sącz Region .

Among the religious monuments in the centre, the Gothic Collegiate Church of St. Margaret, with medieval and Renaissance decorations in the interior, comes to the fore. At the foot of the Castle, in the former Jewish quarter, you will find a synagogue whose congregation is active today and can therefore only be seen from the outside. When strolling around unhurriedly, it is also worth taking a look at the Baroque chapel of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church, located in the former monastery buildings of the Franciscans. The Church of the Holy Spirit, now a Jesuit monastery, is also a valuable religious building.

The renovated railway station is also worth a stroll. The impressive Art Nouveau building is enriched with Edmund Cieczkiewicz's paintings. A leisurely wander along the charming streets of Nowy Sącz, among the city's main monuments, will be a great experience.

Nowy Sącz in an original and unusual way

Those interested in multiculturalism and history are recommended to take a walk In the Footsteps of Nowy Sącz Jews , which takes you to the synagogue and the neighbourhood around it, to the Jewish cemetery and other important places related to the Jewish minority, their history, and their innumerable contributions to Polish society. The pre-war multiculturalism and multi-faith character of Nowy Sącz, in turn, is illustrated by the proposal of a walk along the Ecumenical Pilgrim Route, which leads through places important to Poles, Jews, Gypsies, Germans and Lemkos. Although not all of the synagogues of the Jewish residents and the churches of the Catholics, Evangelicals, and Greek Uniates which had once been so numerous in Nowy Sącz still exist today, the trail runs through exciting places with lots of traces of these vibrant communities. It reminds us of those that have not survived.

A walk along the Nowy Sącz Ice Cream Trail will be ideal for gourmands and those who like to get to know a city by sampling its culinary treasures. Only by following this path will you find the best ice cream parlours in the city on the Dunajec River. The best way to check whether the ice cream in Nowy Sącz is as exceptional as they say, is to try it for yourself!

For those going on a more extended trip, we recommend an unforgettable three-day tour of Nowy Sącz. It offers a thorough and eventful trip with all the sights and attractions. In this way, you will certainly see virtually all there is to see.

An extraordinarily original and intriguing walk through the fascinating milieu of the city also leads along the Nowy Sącz graffiti and street art trail. Few people know that the beginnings of graffiti in Nowy Sącz date back to the 1990s, and there are active street art and graffiti groups in the city. Wandering along the trail of colourful murals is a great idea for sightseeing. Detailed descriptions of the trails with marked routes can be found on the city’s website, and undoubtedly, everyone can select a course for themselves.

Time travel: museums and an open-air museum

There is also no shortage of attractions in Nowy Sącz for those who enjoy museum interiors. Undoubtedly, a visit to the reconstructed buildings of the picturesque open-air museum and the Galician Town (a description of the Galician Town) and the Sądecki Ethnographic Park will greatly impress many.

And yet, the District Museum also opens its doors to tourists. It invites you to these branches in Nowy Sącz, which present the city's history and art trends. The Main Building presents a permanent exhibition on the city’s history, from Galician autonomy to World War II, and Bolesław Barbacki's paintings are displayed there. In turn, the Gothic House hosts an exhibition of sacred art, guild art, old folk art and Orthodox church art. Thanks to a visit to the historic Ritter Tenement House , you can move back to the bourgeois era and see the old interiors decorated with the paintings of Maria Ritter, a Nowy Sącz-based painter.

The unique Galician Town deserves special attention. Located near the centre, it is a unique place created from reconstructed small-town buildings from the turn of the 20th century. The interiors are open to the public, including stylishly furnished workshops such as a watchmaker’s, a photographer’s studio,  and a tailor’s workshop, as well as a café, post office and retro pharmacy. The layout of the urban ensemble recreates the feel of small towns in the former province of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy at the turn of the 19th century. It is also worth visiting the inn where regional dishes are served. A walk around the town without visiting the interiors is free, while admission to the interiors of the buildings is payable.

When visiting Nowy Sącz, it is impossible not to see the largest open-air museum in Małopolska – the Sądecki Etnographic Park. The museum will delight not only lovers of wooden architecture but also all those interested in the folk culture of the local communities who lived in the vicinity of Nowy Sącz: Lachs, Foothills inhabitants and Nowy Sącz Highlanders, as well as ethnic groups: Lemkos, Germans and Gypsies. The museum area is vast, and you can spend a lot of time in open-air walking among the buildings, among which it is worth noting the 17th-century manor house with unique polychrome interiors, the manor farm or 18th-century churches: Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic and Protestant.

Enchanting and picturesque surroundings

If you decide to visit Nowy Sącz, it is worth planning a more extended trip, as the surrounding area, rich in nature and tourism, has much to offer. Those who enjoy mountain hiking will undoubtedly be interested in the trails in the Beskid Sądecki . The trails lead through wooded hills and picturesque mountain pastures with their chalets and shepherd’s huts. The low peaks delight with their panorama, especially in autumn. Cycling enthusiasts can choose from countless routes.

The monumental Wooden Architecture Route also awaits tourists. It is worth mentioning that most of the points of interest on the Wooden Architecture Route are located in the Nowy Sącz Region. Therefore, it is worth enjoying the beautiful weather and taking advantage of the attractions offered by the Nowy Sącz Region.

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Nowy Sacz - 10 attractions to visit!

Travel and respect, explore and smile, be curious and kind. have wild trips, top 10 attractions to visit in nowy sacz and around.

General info 1. Rynek Główny (Main Square) 2. Biała Góra Ski Resort 3. Muzeum Okręgowe w Nowym Sączu (Regional Museum in Nowy Sacz) 4. Zamek Królewski w Nowym Sączu (Royal Castle in Nowy Sacz) 5. Skansen Sanok (Sanok Open Air Museum) 6. Park Zamkowy (Castle Park) 7. Pijalnia Czekolady Wedel (Wedel Chocolate Lounge) 8. Dom Ludowy (Folk House) 9. Biebrzański National Park 10. Bieszczady National Park

A trip to Nowy Sacz


Rynek Główny (Main Square) - Top attractions in Nowy Sacz -1

Rynek Główny, also known as the Main Square, is one of the top attractions in Nowy Sacz, Poland. As the city's central square, it holds great historical and cultural significance. The Main Square is a bustling hub, lined with beautiful Renaissance and Baroque buildings that showcase the city's rich architectural heritage. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll and admire the intricate facades, colorful facades, and charming balconies. In the center of the square, you'll find the magnificent Town Hall, a stunning example of Gothic architecture. This iconic landmark serves as a symbol of the city's long history and is definitely worth a visit. The Main Square is also home to several charming cafes, restaurants, and shops, where you can relax and indulge in traditional Polish cuisine or shop for souvenirs. During the warm summer months, the square comes alive with outdoor seating, providing a perfect spot to enjoy a coffee or a refreshing drink. If you're lucky, you might stumble upon one of the lively markets or festivals that often take place on the square, offering a great opportunity to experience the local culture and traditions. Another notable feature of the Main Square is the Holy Cross Church, an elegant Gothic church with intricately carved details and stunning stained glass windows. Inside, you can admire the beautiful altars and soak in the peaceful atmosphere. Overall, the Rynek Główny (Main Square) in Nowy Sacz is a must-visit destination for history lovers, architecture enthusiasts, and anyone looking to immerse themselves in the charming ambiance of this medieval city. You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday !

Biała Góra Ski Resort - Top attractions in Nowy Sacz -2

Biała Góra Ski Resort is one of the top attractions in Nowy Sacz, Poland, especially for winter sports enthusiasts. Located just a short drive from the city center, this ski resort offers a range of activities for visitors of all ages and skill levels. The resort boasts well-maintained slopes catering to both beginners and advanced skiers. With a total of 9 ski lifts and over 10 kilometers of slopes, there is plenty of room for everyone to enjoy the powdery snow. Additionally, the resort offers ski and snowboard rental services, making it accessible for those who don't have their own equipment. For those who prefer a more leisurely winter experience, Biała Góra Ski Resort also features several cross-country skiing trails, perfect for exploring the beautiful surrounding countryside. The resort provides equipment rental and offers cross-country skiing lessons for beginners. Visitors to Biała Góra Ski Resort can also take advantage of the on-site amenities, including cozy chalets, restaurants serving delicious Polish cuisine, and après-ski bars for some relaxation and refreshments after a day on the slopes. The resort is family-friendly, with a dedicated kids' area and a ski school for children. Apart from skiing and snowboarding, Biała Góra Ski Resort offers a range of other thrilling activities. These include snowshoeing, ice climbing, and snowmobile rides, providing an unforgettable winter experience for adventure-seekers. Whether you're a seasoned skier or simply looking to enjoy the snowy landscape, Biała Góra Ski Resort is a must-visit attraction in Nowy Sacz. Its convenient location, diverse range of winter activities, and charming amenities make it an ideal destination for a memorable winter getaway.

Muzeum Okręgowe w Nowym Sączu (Regional Museum in Nowy Sacz) - Top attractions in Nowy Sacz -3

Muzeum Okręgowe w Nowym Sączu, also known as the Regional Museum in Nowy Sacz, is one of the top attractions in Nowy Sacz, a beautiful city in southern Poland. The museum is located in a historic building that was formerly a local government office. The Regional Museum in Nowy Sacz offers a fascinating glimpse into the history and culture of the region. It houses a diverse collection of artifacts and artworks that showcase the rich heritage of Nowy Sacz and its surroundings. Visitors can explore the museum's various exhibitions, which cover a wide range of themes including archaeology, history, ethnography, and art. Highlights of the collection include medieval sculptures, religious artifacts, traditional folk costumes, and paintings by local artists. One of the museum's most popular attractions is the exhibition dedicated to the renowned Polish painter, Jan Matejko. This exhibition displays a collection of Matejko's works, including his famous historical paintings depicting key moments in Polish history. Apart from its permanent collection, the Regional Museum in Nowy Sacz also hosts temporary exhibitions, educational programs, and cultural events throughout the year. These activities provide visitors with an opportunity to further engage with the local culture and history. Overall, the Muzeum Okręgowe w Nowym Sączu is a must-visit attraction for history buffs, art enthusiasts, and anyone interested in discovering the cultural heritage of Nowy Sacz. With its extensive collection and engaging exhibitions, this museum offers a memorable experience for visitors of all ages.

Zamek Królewski w Nowym Sączu (Royal Castle in Nowy Sacz) - Top attractions in Nowy Sacz -4

The Zamek Królewski w Nowym Sączu, or the Royal Castle in Nowy Sacz, is one of the top attractions in Nowy Sacz, Poland. This historical gem dates back to the 14th century and offers visitors a glimpse into Poland's rich heritage. Situated on the picturesque hill overlooking the town, the Royal Castle is a prime example of Polish Gothic architecture. The castle's grandeur and charm make it a must-visit for history enthusiasts and architecture admirers alike. Inside the castle, visitors can explore various exhibitions that showcase the region's history, including its ties to Polish royalty. The castle's rooms are immaculately preserved, giving visitors a sense of how life was during medieval times. Additionally, the castle's tower provides breathtaking panoramic views of Nowy Sacz and its surrounding landscape. On a clear day, you can see the Tatra Mountains in the distance, making for a picture-perfect moment. The Royal Castle in Nowy Sacz often hosts cultural events, including exhibitions, concerts, and workshops, that offer visitors a chance to engage with Polish traditions and art. If you're visiting Nowy Sacz, a trip to the Zamek Królewski w Nowym Sączu is highly recommended. Immerse yourself in the country's history and enjoy the beauty of this captivating castle. Don't forget to bring your camera to capture the stunning views from the tower. To rent a car at the best price for Nowy Sacz, check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Skansen Sanok (Sanok Open Air Museum) - Top attractions in Nowy Sacz -5

Skansen Sanok, also known as the Sanok Open Air Museum, is one of the top attractions in Nowy Sacz, Poland. Located in the beautiful region of Lesser Poland, this unique museum offers a glimpse into the traditional rural life of the area. At Skansen Sanok, visitors can explore over 200 historic buildings that have been painstakingly moved from various locations across the region and reassembled on-site. These buildings include traditional wooden houses, churches, windmills, and barns, showcasing the architectural heritage of the area. The museum also features a range of exhibits and displays that provide insights into the daily lives and customs of the local people. Visitors can learn about traditional crafts and skills, such as blacksmithing, weaving, and pottery. Additionally, Skansen Sanok hosts various cultural events and festivals throughout the year, offering visitors a chance to experience the region's rich traditions and folklore. These events often include live music, dance performances, and traditional ceremonies. The open-air museum is situated in a picturesque setting, surrounded by beautiful landscapes and scenic views. It is an ideal destination for nature lovers and history enthusiasts alike. For those interested in learning more about the history and culture of the region, a visit to Skansen Sanok is a must. The museum provides an immersive and educational experience that captures the essence of Nowy Sacz's past. Overall, Skansen Sanok is a top attraction in Nowy Sacz, offering visitors a unique opportunity to journey back in time and discover the traditional rural life of the area.

Park Zamkowy (Castle Park) - Top attractions in Nowy Sacz -6

Pijalnia czekolady wedel (wedel chocolate lounge) - top attractions in nowy sacz -7.

Pijalnia Czekolady Wedel, also known as Wedel Chocolate Lounge, is one of the top attractions in Nowy Sacz, Poland. Established in 1851, it is a renowned chocolate cafe and confectionery founded by Karol Wedel. Located in the heart of Nowy Sacz, Pijalnia Czekolady Wedel offers a unique experience for chocolate lovers. The cafe's interior reflects the nostalgia of the 19th century with its elegant decor and comfortable seating arrangement. Visitors can enjoy a wide array of hot and cold chocolate drinks, along with a delectable selection of chocolates and desserts, all made with high-quality ingredients. The menu offers a variety of options, from classic hot chocolate to unique flavors like caramel, chili, and even alcoholic combinations. The chocolates are handcrafted, ensuring an indulgent experience for every customer. Pijalnia Czekolady Wedel also provides a range of traditional Polish sweets, adding a local touch to the menu. Apart from the delicious treats, the cafe also offers a retail section where visitors can purchase their favorite chocolates and gifts to take home. Wedel Chocolate Lounge is the perfect place to relax, unwind, and spoil yourself or your loved ones with the finest quality chocolates. In addition to its mouthwatering delicacies, Pijalnia Czekolady Wedel also hosts events and workshops, allowing visitors to learn more about the art of chocolate-making and engage in exciting experiences. Overall, a visit to Pijalnia Czekolady Wedel is a must for all chocolate enthusiasts visiting Nowy Sacz. It offers a delightful blend of history, ambiance, and exceptional chocolate creations that will undoubtedly leave a long-lasting impression.

Dom Ludowy (Folk House) - Top attractions in Nowy Sacz -8

Dom Ludowy, or the Folk House, is one of the top attractions in Nowy Sacz, Poland. This charming cultural institution showcases the rich folk traditions and heritage of the region. Located in the heart of the city, Dom Ludowy is housed in a beautifully preserved traditional wooden house. Visitors can admire the unique architectural style and immerse themselves in the vibrant local culture. Inside, you'll find a variety of exhibits and displays that showcase folk art, traditional costumes, and handicrafts. The museum also organizes regular cultural events and workshops, providing visitors with an interactive experience. One of the highlights of a visit to Dom Ludowy is the chance to witness live folk performances. Traditional dancers, musicians, and actors bring to life the folk traditions of the region, offering a captivating and authentic experience. The museum also has a souvenir shop where you can purchase local crafts, traditional clothing, and other unique items. Additionally, there is a cozy café where you can relax and savor traditional Polish cuisine. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the beautiful gardens surrounding Dom Ludowy. These well-maintained grounds provide a peaceful escape from the city and offer panoramic views of Nowy Sacz. Whether you're interested in history, art, or simply immersing yourself in local culture, a visit to Dom Ludowy is a must when in Nowy Sacz. The museum offers a fascinating insight into the traditions and customs of the region, making it a top attraction for both locals and tourists alike.

Biebrzański National Park - Top attractions in Nowy Sacz -9

Biebrzański National Park, located in Nowy Sącz, Poland, is a haven for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Spanning over 59,000 hectares, this vast wetland area is one of the largest national parks in Poland and boasts vibrant wildlife and breathtaking landscapes. The park is named after the Biebrza River, which runs through it, creating a unique ecosystem that supports an array of flora and fauna. Nature lovers can embark on guided tours or explore the park's numerous hiking and biking trails, getting up close and personal with its diverse wildlife. With over 260 species of birds, including rare and endangered species like the greater spotted eagle and aquatic warbler, Biebrzański National Park is a paradise for birdwatchers. Visitors can also spot other wildlife such as elk, beavers, otters, and the European tree frog. The park is famous for its vast number of moose, making it an ideal destination for those looking for a chance to observe these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. In addition to its natural wonders, Biebrzański National Park offers educational and recreational facilities. The park features visitor centers where you can learn more about the unique ecosystem, the local flora and fauna, and the park's conservation efforts. There are also picnic spots and campsites available for those who wish to spend more time in the park. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, a birder, or simply seeking a peaceful escape, Biebrzański National Park is a must-visit destination in Nowy Sącz, Poland. Immerse yourself in the beauty of this pristine wilderness and discover the wonders of one of Europe's most remarkable natural landscapes.

Bieszczady National Park - Top attractions in Nowy Sacz -10

Bieszczady National Park, located near Nowy Sacz in Poland, is a captivating destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. It is one of the most scenic and pristine regions in the country, offering a myriad of attractions and activities for visitors to enjoy. Spanning over 29,000 hectares, Bieszczady National Park is known for its stunning landscapes, including dense forests, deep valleys, and picturesque mountain peaks. The park is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, making it a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and birdwatchers. One of the top attractions in the park is the Tarnica Mountain, the highest peak in the Polish part of the Bieszczady Mountains. Climbing to its summit rewards visitors with breathtaking panoramic views and a sense of accomplishment. There are several well-marked hiking trails that cater to both novice and experienced hikers. For those seeking tranquility, Lake Solina is a must-visit spot within the park. This vast artificial reservoir offers opportunities for various water activities, such as boating, fishing, and kayaking. The crystal-clear waters surrounded by lush greenery create a serene atmosphere, perfect for relaxation. Bieszczady National Park also boasts an extensive network of cycling trails, allowing visitors to explore the park on two wheels. Cycling through the scenic countryside and charming villages provides a unique perspective on the region's rural beauty. Furthermore, the park is home to numerous traditional wooden folk houses known as "szczyrki," which provide insights into the local culture and architecture. Exploring these authentic structures gives visitors a glimpse into the area's rich and vibrant history. While visiting Bieszczady National Park, it is advisable to bring comfortable hiking shoes, adequate outdoor gear, and insect repellent. Additionally, check the park's official website for any updates on permits or restrictions for certain areas. In summary, Bieszczady National Park in Nowy Sacz offers stunning natural landscapes, diverse wildlife, and a range of outdoor activities. Whether you're a nature lover, adventure seeker, or cultural enthusiast, this park promises an unforgettable experience. Wild Trips is the Wikipedia of travel: in the unfortunate case you find an error, please write to us to correct it... Thank you! We are always happy to improve and we hope you have appreciated our list of the top 10 places to visit at Nowy Sacz :)

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Visit Poland DMC

Founded by King Wenceslaus II in 1292, Nowy Sącz is one of the oldest and beautiful towns in the Lesser Poland region. This laid-back town lies in the extensive mountainous valleys, between the hills of the Beskid Sadecki, Beskid Wyspowy and Beskid Niski.

Thanks to its beautiful natural surroundings, the town has become an excellent base for outdoor enthusiasts to explore picturesque Beskidy and Pieniny. There are many outdoor leisure activities to choose from, you can go hiking and biking along the numerous tourist trails in the Beskid Sądecki mountains, or enjoy water sports at the Klimkówka Lake among the Low Beskids. With its refreshing climate and wonderful scenery, Nowy Sącz is the “tourist Mecca” of the Beskid Mountains.

The town has managed to retain its medieval layout to a great extent. It features one of the largest Market Squares in Poland, second only to Kraków’s. Not far from the square you can see the gothic church of St Margaret’s dating from the 13th and 14th century and a beautiful “Dom Gotycki” (Gothic House) which houses the Nowy Sącz District Museum. In the suburb of the town, there are also a few decent attractions, most notably its large Sadecki Ethnographic Park. It’s the largest open-air museum in Małopolska, situated on the borders of the town, presenting wooden architecture and traditional folk culture of all ethnic groups living in this part of Poland.

Moreover, a visit to Nowy Sącz is also a perfect opportunity to explore the culture of the Low Beskids. Hidden among the mountains are beautiful wooden Orthodox churches, at present, often turned into Catholic churches, with characteristic three onion-shaped towers.

While you are visiting Kraków, be sure to stop by here, for the Nowy Sącz is less than 2 hours drive from Kraków. ?

Photo: Nowy Sącz

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art tourist nowy sacz

Sądecki Ethnographic Park

Social media.

Smoke stove in a room in a wooden cottage

Practical information

Opening hours

  • Access and parking The Sądecki Ethnographic Park (SPE) does not have its own car park. You can use the free car park for passenger cars and coaches at Miasteczko Galicyskie (ul. Lwowska 226). In Miasteczko Galicyskie you can buy tickets entitling you to visit the SPE.

Lachy sector

Temporary exhibitions and events, performance "from a bird's eye view - or the song of earth and heaven", european heritage days, "10 x best...", nowy sącz historical walk+. the last 150 years of the life of nowy sącz, nowy sącz historical walk+. in the footsteps of bolesław barbacki, the mzs archive is closed from september 1, educational offer, customs and folk rituals related to christmas, lachy sądeckie outfit, easter customs and rituals, nowy sącz lemko region at the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century, german inhabitants of the nowy sącz region from the 18th to the first half of the 20th century, family customs and rituals in the nowy sącz village, pastoral traditions of beskid sądecki, a village from wojciech migacz's photograph, old customs and funeral rites, folk herbarium or ethnobotany for everyone, between medicine and magic - folk ways of healing, witches, goddesses, nymphs - folk demonology, ethnic minorities in the cultural landscape of the nowy sącz region, a play of the imagination, the little ethnographer sets off into the field, supplementary offer.

Church towers in the distance, a flower garden in front.

Available at the branch

The Sądecki Ethnographic Park is an exceptionally charming place. The outdoors of the former Nowy Sącz village attract not only filmmakers. Couples often get married here in churches of three denominations, music concerts and photo sessions are organized here. You can also relax and have fun in the meadow with a barbecue.

A wooden cottage in an open-air museum

Basic information

Additional information, map of the open-air museum and the galician town, open-air museum audio guide, photo gallery.

art tourist nowy sacz

Visiting regulations


One of the oldest towns of Lesser Poland province, Nowy Sacz has a lot to offer in terms of tourism. It is located at the foot of several mountain ranges – Beskid Sadecki from the south, Beskid Wyspowy (west) and Niski (southeast). Lake Roznowskie, situated in close proximity to it, is another holiday attraction of this small town of 84,000 people. This is a good starting point to explore the beautiful environs of Beskidy and Pieniny, and getting here is easy.


Basilica of St Margaret, Nowy Sacz, Poland

There are also several traces of Jewish culture in the town. In Berek Joselewicz Street you can visit the old synagogue, currently serving as an art gallery. Most of Jewish citizens of Nowy Sacz were killed during World War II, and the cemetery situated north of the Old Town is one of the few remembrances of them.

On the outskirts of Nowy Sacz and in close proximity to it you can find many interesting areas to explore. The fine open-air museum (Sadecki Ethnographic Park), just on the borders of the town, presents indigenous folk architecture and things from everyday life. Only 10 km from Nowy Sacz is Stary Sacz, a picturesque small old town with a cobbled market square surrounded by small houses.

Nowy Sacz, Poland

Administratively it is a part of the Lesser Poland Voivodship, with Krakow about 90 km away and Zakopane about 70.

City Hall in Nowy Sacz, Poland

Between the 14th and 17th centuries it could even compete with Krakow for the label of the most important town of the region.


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Travel Guide Nowy Sącz 2024 - Is it worth visiting?

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Is Nowy Sącz worth visiting in 2024?

With around 57 out of 100 overall points, the destination Nowy Sącz has rather less outstanding features for 2024 compared to other cities and is ranked at number 2418.

Travel to Nowy Sącz is not cheap, but is possible at an acceptable cost. There are only a very limited number of attractions in Nowy Sącz in relation to the population size, which make a visit less worthwhile. Nowy Sącz maintains a generally low safety risk, ensuring that travelers can explore with serenity and enjoy a safe and pleasant experience.

The destination Nowy Sącz is characterized as less developed and less well equipped for visitors. The risk of overtourism is very low in Nowy Sącz, even in high season, so travelers can enjoy a very pleasant travel experience.

You can find more in-depth details on the ratings for the price level, attractions, safety and infrastructure categories in the corresponding sections on this page. The assessment presented here is based solely on data. The assessment of whether the destination Nowy Sącz is "worth visiting" for you is subjective and depends on your individual preferences and interests.

If you're not quite sure whether Nowy Sącz is the best destination for you, take a look at other cities in Poland or at cities in the Europe region . Alternatively, you can also take a look at the country profile of Poland . You can also easily find the best cities in the world according to your preferences with the city filter tool .

Facts about Nowy Sącz

Nowy Sącz is a city located in southern Poland. It is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. The spoken language in Nowy Sącz is Polish, and while English may be spoken to some extent, it is not widely spoken. Nowy Sącz is famous for its historical landmarks, including the 14th-century Gothic church of St. Margaret and the 16th-century Renaissance town hall. The city is also renowned for its traditional folk art and crafts, such as woodcarving and pottery. Nowy Sącz offers a charming atmosphere with its well-preserved architecture and picturesque streets. The number of permanent residents in Nowy Sącz is around 84,000.

Best time to visit Nowy Sącz

The main tourist season in Nowy Sącz is during the summer months, from June to August. This is when the weather is warm and pleasant, making it ideal for outdoor activities and sightseeing. The city attracts visitors with its historical landmarks, cultural events, and natural beauty.

As for the rainy season, Nowy Sącz experiences rainfall throughout the year, but the wettest months are typically July and August. During this time, it is advisable to carry an umbrella or raincoat to stay dry while exploring the city.

The best time to visit Nowy Sącz is during the transitional periods before and after the main season. There are fewer tourists on site and the crowds are smaller. The price level is better than in the high season, while the weather conditions are still good.

When it comes to the optimum combination of pleasant local temperatures with the lowest possible rainfall, a good time to visit Nowy Sącz is June through September. During this specific time Nowy Sącz receives a monthly average of 14 dry days and 16 days with a total precipitation of 1,7 inch (43 mm). Also in this time the average monthly day temperature for Nowy Sącz is 72 °F (22 °C) and the night temperature is 52 °F (11 °C).

Overall, throughout the year, Nowy Sącz gets a monthly average of 17 dry days and 13 days with a total precipation of 1,5 inch (37 mm). The average monthly day temperature for Nowy Sącz is 52 °F (11 °C) and the night temperature is 38 °F (3 °C).

Once you have decided on a travel period, it is best to check whether you need a visa for Poland when planning your trip. Take also a look at our hand-picked travel products with extra low weight for your travel gear.

How many days to stay in Nowy Sącz?

The length of your stay in Nowy Sącz depends largely on your preferences, the purpose of your visit and the sights you really want to see. Your time frame can also be influenced by financial considerations.

For first-time visitors, it is recommended to spend around 1 day in Nowy Sącz. This will give you enough time to visit many of the main attractions on your own or with organized tours nearby Nowy Sącz . How long you should stay ultimately depends on what you expect from your trip and how intensively you want to explore Nowy Sącz. If you want to take it slow or relax, you should plan a few more days.

You can use our travel budget calculator for Nowy Sącz to work out a rough budget for the length of your stay based on your personal travel preferences. Simply use the $ symbol in the tool section at the top right of this page.

How to get to Nowy Sącz

The most popular ways for visitors to get to Nowy Sącz are the following options:

  • By train: There are several trains running from major cities in Poland to Nowy Sącz, with connections available from cities such as Krakow, Rzeszow, and Warsaw.
  • By bus: There are several bus companies offering regular service to Nowy Sącz from cities throughout Poland.
  • By plane: There is no airport in Nowy Sącz, but the nearest airports are Krakow-Balice Airport and Rzeszow-Jasionka Airport, both of which are well-connected to Nowy Sącz by train or bus.

If you are traveling by plane, compare prices for transfers from the airport in Krakow to your final destination. Use the flight calendar below to find out the cheapest month to fly to Poland to discover Nowy Sącz. We have already automatically selected the most popular destination airport for you to reach Nowy Sącz.

How to get around in Nowy Sącz?

The most common ways to get around in Nowy Sącz are:

  • By bus: There is a regular bus service in Nowy Sącz, which connects different parts of the city and the surrounding areas.
  • By taxi: Taxis are readily available in Nowy Sącz and can be easily hailed on the street or ordered by phone.
  • By foot: Nowy Sącz is a small and compact city, with most of the attractions and amenities located in the city center, which makes it easy to explore on foot.

If you want to move around independently and freely, it's best to compare prices for rental cars at the airport in Krakow .

If you are not only interested in the city of Nowy Sącz, but the whole country, take a look at organized multi-day tours and trips in Poland . An organized trip offers several advantages that can improve your travel experience. You save yourself a lot of time and effort in preparing and carrying out the trip. You also have expert tour guides with you to explain everything to you.

Which accommodations are popular in Nowy Sącz?

Do I need cash in Nowy Sącz?

The currency used in Nowy Sącz is the Polish Zloty (PLN). There are various types of payment methods accepted in Nowy Sącz, including cash, credit cards, and debit cards. However, it is important to note that cash is the preferred type of payment in many establishments, especially smaller businesses. It is advisable to carry some cash with you when visiting Nowy Sącz, as not all places may accept credit or debit cards.

How is the internet in Nowy Sącz?

With around 90 to 100 Mbps download speed and roughly 30 to 40 Mbps upload speed, the average internet speed in Nowy Sącz is relatively high compared to other cities. Tip: Check the internet speed at your accommodation in advance. It can vary greatly from the average. To stay independent, consider getting an eSIM for Poland before you travel. You can just activate it upon your arrival.

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Is nowy sącz cheap.

The cost of travel to Nowy Sącz is neither expensive nor cheap compared to other cities and regardless of cost getting there. Accommodations fall within a moderate price range and dining in restaurants generally involves a relatively inexpensive cost. Bar drink prices typically fall within a moderate range, providing options suitable for various budgets. Food stores with cheap costs are available, making it attractive to most people trying to save money on their food expenditures. You'll find transportation services with reasonable fares, making it accessible for most travelers.

All prices listed are rounded average prices. If you'd like to calculate your travel budget for Nowy Sącz, you can easily do so by using the button with the Dollar symbol located in the upper right corner of the page. This handy feature will assist you in determining your expenses and financial planning for Nowy Sącz.


The cost of overnight stays in Nowy Sącz is in the medium-priced segment. Serviced accommodations like hotels, hostels and bed & breakfasts are medium priced. One night will cost on average 60 to 70 US-Dollar. Vacation rentals like houses, apartments, or private rooms are at a medium cost level compared to other destinations. One night per bedroom costs, on average, 50 to 60 US-Dollar.

Looking only at private rooms they are priced at an average price of 40 US-Dollar. The cheapest vacation rental units including private rooms usually start around 10 US-Dollar. In Nowy Sącz, a private room is normally less expensive than a typical holiday rental. Vacation rentals are usually cheaper than rooms in serviced accommodations in Nowy Sącz when comparing exact average prices, while they may also offer more space.

Get the best price by comparing all providers for accommodations in Nowy Sącz on our booking platform.


Meals in restaurants in Nowy Sącz are at a reasonable price level. The prices for one meal in cheap restaurants range from 7 to 9 US-Dollar. For starter, main course, and dessert, 15 to 20 US-Dollar will be charged in a good restaurant.

Don't forget to try these popular foods when you visit a restaurant in Nowy Sącz:

  • Pierogi: These traditional Polish dumplings are a must-try in Nowy Sącz. They are typically filled with various ingredients such as meat, cheese, or vegetables, and are often served with sour cream.
  • Kielbasa: Nowy Sącz is known for its delicious sausages, particularly the kielbasa. Made from seasoned ground meat, these sausages are often grilled or fried and are a popular street food option.
  • Zurek: This sour rye soup is a staple in Polish cuisine and is commonly enjoyed in Nowy Sącz. It is made with fermented rye flour and often includes ingredients like sausage, potatoes, and hard-boiled eggs.
  • Golabki: Golabki, also known as stuffed cabbage rolls, are a traditional Polish dish that can be found in Nowy Sącz. They are made by wrapping cabbage leaves around a filling of ground meat, rice, and spices, and are typically served with tomato sauce.
  • Sernik: Sernik is a Polish-style cheesecake that is popular in Nowy Sącz. It is made with a creamy cheese filling and often flavored with vanilla or lemon. Sernik is typically served chilled and makes for a delicious dessert option.

Having drinks at a bar in Nowy Sącz is neither cheap nor expensive. Priced at 1 to 2 US-Dollar, water falls within the midrange of beverage prices. Other non-alcoholic soft drinks are medium-priced. Coke, for example, costs 1 to 2 US-Dollar. A cappuccino is available at an average price of around 2 to 3 US-Dollar. Alcoholic drinks are medium priced, a local beer, for example, costs 2 to 3 US-Dollar.

Shopping in grocery stores in Nowy Sącz is relatively inexpensive. For 1 lb (450 grams) of white bread, for example, 0.80 to 1.60 US-Dollar should be planned. When purchasing, 1 lb (450 grams) of rice costs 1 to 2 US-Dollar. A dozen eggs cost 2 to 3 US-Dollar. For 1 lb (450 grams) of chicken breast, 4 to 5 US-Dollar will be charged. A bottle of water is relatively cheap and costs 0.40 to 0.80 US-Dollar.

Means of transport in Nowy Sącz are available at reasonable prices. For a trip on public transport, you have to pay 0.80 to 1.60 US-Dollar. A private taxi charges 0.60 to 1.20 US-Dollar per mile (1.6 km). For travel by rental car in Nowy Sącz, costs are expected to be at a medium price level. For one day rent, 30 to 40 US-Dollar have to be paid. At the petrol station the charge for filling up the tank is 70 to 90 US-Dollar.

Get the best price by comparing all providers for rental cars in Nowy Sącz on our booking platform.

Book the best accomodations in Nowy Sącz

Is there a lot to do in nowy sącz.

The attractions in Nowy Sącz and the surrounding area have a severely limited number in relation to its population, leaving visitors with very few choices for exploration. The attraction variety itself is extremely sparse. There are quite limited outdoor and rather lower number of indoor options, while there are extremely scarce cost-free attractions.

Take a look at the most popular tours in the Nowy Sącz area on our booking platform or at the end of this chapter.

The variety of attractions in Nowy Sącz is exceptionally sparse in relation to its population, leaving visitors with very few options to explore and enjoy. You'll find around 8 attractions and guided tours. The attractions and tours are sparsely distributed, making it potentially challenging for you to combine nearby points of interest. Without guided excursions, there are about 8 attractions available with an exceptionally sparse density.

The variety of outdoor attractions in Nowy Sącz is very limited in relation to its population, leaving tourists with few alternatives for outdoor exploration. Approximately 2 outdoor options with an extremely low density are available on site.

Indoor attractions in Nowy Sącz are considerably limited in relation to its population, resulting in a somewhat reduced range of options for visitors seeking refuge from inclement weather. Roughly 6 indoor options with a relatively low density can be discovered.

The number of free or low-cost attractions in Nowy Sącz is extremely limited in relation to its population. Visitors may find it difficult to discover economical experiences due to the restricted choices. You'll find around 2 fully free or partially free attractions with a significantly low density.

There are no guided tours officially available.

Book the most popular tours nearby Nowy Sącz

Is nowy sącz safe.

Disclaimer: All information below is based on reports from visitors and tourists with significant statistical relevance and does not necessarily reflect actual incidents. Current unrest or military conflicts on the ground are also not reflected in it. Always pay attention to safety advice from the government and local authorities, as well as advice from your accommodation. If you are interested in overall safety of the region, please check out the country profile of Poland . You can also check out travel insurance for Poland on our booking platform or at the end of this chapter to cover all your safety needs.

Inhabitants and tourists to Nowy Sącz routinely show a relatively high degree of trust in the overall safety of the region. The region is committed to discouraging various sorts of crime, creating a reassuring environment for exploration.

The robust sense of security during daylight in Nowy Sącz is a viewpoint shared by both residents and visitors. The region boasts a strong safety record, creating a comfortable atmosphere for daytime exploration for everyone.

Nowy Sącz provides a modest degree of evening safety, as both locals and tourists agree. Although it may not be the most secure location, most people feel quite comfortable during their nighttime activities.

Nowy Sącz experiences an uncommon occurrence of non-violent theft including scam, a perception shared by both residents and visitors. While not entirely immune, most individuals generally feel reasonably secure in safeguarding their belongings due to the infrequency of such events.

Residents and tourists to Nowy Sącz consistently express confidence about the area's low drug use or engagement rate. The region has a strong track record of discouraging drug-related activity and establishing a safe environment for exploration.


Residents and visitors in Nowy Sącz are concerned about violence in some areas. In tourist areas, you are unlikely to encounter any of these issues. However, it is recommended to take extra measures and be mindful of your surroundings when exiting those areas.

Emergency Numbers in Nowy Sącz

Police: 997 | Ambulance: 999 | Fire: 998

Get your Travel Insurance for Poland

Is the touristic infrastructure in nowy sącz good.

Comparing to other travel destinations, Nowy Sącz provides a limited range of touristic infrastructure options. While it may not offer an extensive array of amenities commonly found in more touristy destinations, visitors can still find their needs met with some planning and exploration. You'll find limited restaurant choices. There are a reasonable range of accommodation and quite limited shopping options available. You can choose from a moderate number of nightlife venues. Moreover the infrastructure for remote work is rather limited.

The available restaurant options in Nowy Sącz are somewhat limited in relation to its population. While choices may be fewer, there are still options available across different cuisines and price ranges, ensuring visitors can find something suitable for their preferences and budgets. You'll find around 600 places to eat, providing a moderate selection of dining options.

Dining establishments, including food stalls, shops, bakeries, and similar venues, are moderately concentrated, providing visitors with a balanced selection of nearby dining options. When it comes to restaurants only, you can choose from roughly 340 options with a medium density. Thereof about 10 restaurants focus on vegetarian food with a rather low density. Seafood lovers will find approximately 25 dining options with a fairly low density.

The accommodation siutation in Nowy Sącz strikes a balance between choice and availability in relation to its population. While there is a decent range of options, it offers a moderate selection of accommodations, providing a comfortable stay for most travelers. It's advisable to consider early booking, especially during peak seasons, to ensure availability and competitive rates.

Roughly 55 serviced accommodations like hotels, hostels and bed & breakfasts with a modest density are available for booking. Alternatively, there are about 30 vacation rentals with a fairly low density to choose from. The most common type of accommodation offered locally as vacation rental is a private room.

The shopping scene in Nowy Sącz has an exceptionally minimal availability of souvenir and gift shops in relation to its population. Visitors should be aware that options may be limited, and finding souvenirs might require some extra effort during their stay. In areas with minimal souvenir shops, the presence of boutiques and special shopping possibilities is less common. There is no dedicated souvenir store available. You still might find souvenirs in general stores.

Nowy Sącz offers a balanced mix of nightlife options in relation to its population, ensuring a pleasant evening for most visitors. Whether you're looking for a lively night out or a more relaxed atmosphere, you'll find suitable venues to enjoy. The scene provides a comfortable space for socializing, making it a great choice for a night out. Approximately 95 nightlife places like bars and clubs with a medium density are available.

While remote work infrastructure in Nowy Sącz may have limitations compared to other places and in relation to its population, it's still worth considering for professionals doing remote work during their travels. Full-time remote workers might have a hard time to find the essentials needed to maintain productivity while enjoying a change of setting.

You'll find roughly 400 Wi-Fi Spots in public spaces with a relatively scarce density. Only one coworking space / short term office rental is available. You can comfortably work and have online meetings without interruptions at an average Wi-Fi download speed of about 95 Mbps and 35 Mbps uplodad speed.

Tip: Check the internet speed at your accommodation in advance. It can vary greatly from the average. To stay independent, consider getting an eSIM for Poland before you travel. You can just activate it upon your arrival.

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  1. Artus

    Artus - Tourist, Nowy Sącz. 733 likes · 6 were here. Poprzez współpracę z wieloma Touroperatorami, nasza oferta jest bardzo bogata i wciąż się posz Artus - Tourist | Nowy Sacz

  2. Nowy Sacz Museum

    Top ways to experience nearby attractions. ul. Lwowska 3, Nowy Sacz 33-300 Poland. Bazylika św. Małgorzaty. Unbeatable museum! This is a small museum but is the best museum I have ever visited. The staff members are so friendly, The display in museum is marvelous and very inspiring too.

  3. THE BEST Nowy Sacz Museums

    Aug 19, 2024 - Looking to get inspired on your trip to Nowy Sacz? Immerse yourself into world-class art, exciting history, and mind-bending science. Check out the best museums in Nowy Sacz to visit in 2024. Book effortlessly online with Tripadvisor!

  4. THE BEST Nowy Sacz Art Museums (Updated 2024)

    The Natural History Museum London Guided Tour - Semi-Private 8ppl Max Easy countryside tour in Swiss Alps - kids friendly The Official Pablo Escobar Meet the Family Museum private penthouse viewing 8-Day Iceland Ring Road Tour: Reykjavik, Akureyri, Golden Circle & South Coast. Top Nowy Sacz Art Museums: See reviews and photos of Art Museums in ...

  5. Museum of Nowy Sącz land

    Museum of Nowy Sącz land. Featured eventEvent. Bolesław Barbacki. Vol 2. 12.09.2024. The Main Building. Find out more. Featured eventEvent. Performance "From a bird's eye view - or the Song of Earth and Heaven".

  6. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Nowy Sacz 2024 (with Photos)

    Top Things to Do in Nowy Sacz, Lesser Poland Province: See Tripadvisor's 1,826 traveller reviews and photos of 15 things to do when in Nowy Sacz. ... Art Museums. By 399kirtim. ... If you accidentally wept as a tourist to Nowy Sącz, I definitely recommend you go to Krynica Górska. Krynica Górska is the most attractive city in the region ...

  7. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Nowy Sacz (2024)

    Things to Do in Nowy Sacz, Poland: See Tripadvisor's 1,826 traveller reviews and photos of Nowy Sacz tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in September. We have reviews of the best places to see in Nowy Sacz. ... Art Museums. By 399kirtim. This is a small museum but is the best museum I have ever visited. The staff ...

  8. THE BEST Nowy Sacz Art Museums (with Photos)

    Top Nowy Sacz Art Museums: See reviews and photos of Art Museums in Nowy Sacz, Poland on Tripadvisor.

  9. THE BEST Nowy Sacz Art Museums (Updated 2023)

    Top Nowy Sacz Art Museums: See reviews and photos of Art Museums in Nowy Sacz, Poland on Tripadvisor.

  10. Artus

    Artus - Tourist, Nowy Sącz. 727 likes · 10 talking about this · 6 were here. Poprzez współpracę z wieloma Touroperatorami, nasza oferta jest bardzo bogata i wciąż się posz Artus - Tourist | Nowy Sacz

  11. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Nowy Sacz

    Things to Do in Nowy Sacz, Poland: See Tripadvisor's 1,603 traveller reviews and photos of Nowy Sacz tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in May. We have reviews of the best places to see in Nowy Sacz. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  12. Nowy Sącz. A journey in time and space. Tracing multiculturalism

    An extraordinarily original and intriguing walk through the fascinating milieu of the city also leads along the Nowy Sącz graffiti and street art trail. Few people know that the beginnings of graffiti in Nowy Sącz date back to the 1990s, and there are active street art and graffiti groups in the city. ... The tourist portal of the Małopolska ...

  13. Nowy Sacz: top 10 attractions to visit

    In this page we give all the tourist information about Nowy Sacz and we present the 10 top places to visit. With full description and recommendation about these top 10 attractions, you will be able to organize the perfect trip to Nowy Sacz! Top 10 attractions to visit in Nowy Sacz and around. General info 1. Rynek Główny (Main Square) 2.

  14. Nowy Sącz

    Nowy Sącz. Founded by King Wenceslaus II in 1292, Nowy Sącz is one of the oldest and beautiful towns in the Lesser Poland region. This laid-back town lies in the extensive mountainous valleys, between the hills of the Beskid Sadecki, Beskid Wyspowy and Beskid Niski. Thanks to its beautiful natural surroundings, the town has become an ...

  15. Museum of Nowy Sącz land

    Opening hours. May 1 to October 16 Tuesday - Sunday 10.00 - 18.00 last entry to the exhibition at 16.30 last guided entrance at 16.00 October 17 - April 30 (walking tour) Tuesday - Sunday 9.00 - 15.00 last entry to the exhibition at 14.00 last guided entrance at 14.00, for organized groups at 13.00 The Sądecki Ethnographic Park is closed on ...

  16. Nowy Sacz

    Nowy Sacz, Poland - Tourist Information

  17. Things to Do in Nowy Sacz

    THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Nowy Sacz (Updated 2024)

  18. Things to do in Nowy Sacz

    Parafia Ewangelicko-augsburska Przemienienia Panskiego. Things to do in Nowy Sacz: Discover the top tourist attractions in Nowy Sacz for your next trip. From must-see landmarks to off-the-beaten-path gems. Plan your visit to with our handy list and make the most of your time in this exciting destination.

  19. THE 10 BEST Places to Visit in Nowy Sacz (UPDATED 2024)

    25. Farms. By Voyager0568. An attraction for children will be definitely a farm with goats and horses. There is also the 'Bartna Chata' restaurant... 3. Nowy Sacz Museum. 26. Art Museums.

  20. Travel Guide Nowy Sącz 2024

    The final ranking is based on the combined results of the sub-ratings: Low-Cost, Attractions, Safety, and Infrastructure, reflecting the overall travel experience. With around 57 out of 100 overall points, the destination Nowy Sącz has rather less outstanding features for 2024 compared to other cities and is ranked at number 2418.