Kathryn Janeway

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" Er zijn die dingen om te onthouden over het zijn van een sterrenschip kapitein : stop je shirt in, ga ten onder met het schip, en laat nooit iemand van je bemanning achter."

- Kathryn Janeway tegen Naomi Wildman , 2375 (" Dark Frontier ")

Kathryn Janeway was een 24e eeuwse Starfleet officier , die het bekendst is geworden voor haar dienst als kapitein van het sterrenschip USS Voyager . Ze was de eerste kapitein die met succes het Delta kwadrant doorkruiste, waarbij ze talloze nieuwe planeten en beschavingen tegenkwam tijdens de zeven jaar durende reis. Naar schatting van een admiraal had ze het eerste contact gemaakt met meer soorten dan welke kapitein dan ook sinds James T. Kirk . In her jaar 2379 was ze een vice-admiraal bij Starfleet Commando . ( VOY : " Caretaker ", " Friendship One ", " Endgame "; Star Trek Nemesis )

Kathryn Janeway werd geboren op 20 mei in Bloomington , Indiana op Aarde . ( VOY : " Year of Hell, Deel I ", " Imperfection ")

Bloomington is waarschijnlijk een referentie naar Jeri Taylor , wie in dezelfde stad geboren was. Het is ook de thuisstad van Taylors alma mater, Indiana University.

Haar vader was een Starfleet admiraal en ze had een zus, wie ze beschreef als de kunstenaar van de familie. ( VOY : " Sacred Ground ", " Coda ", " The Killing Game ") Haar moeder leefde nog in het jaar 2378 . ( VOY : " Author, Author ")

Volgens Jeri Taylor's boek Mosaic heette Janeway's moeder "Gretchen" en haar zus "Phoebe".

Een van Kathryn's favoriete gerechten, Welsh rarebit , at ze altijd graag terwijl ze bij haar opa verbleef. ( VOY : " Death Wish ") Een ander was haar oma's biriyani met groente . ( VOY : " Timeless ") Ze groeide op in de velden om haar opa's boerderij in Indiana. ( VOY : " Macrocosm ", " Live Fast and Prosper ") Aangezien haar familie was opgegroeid tussen boeren , eisten haar ouders dat ze de basisvaardigheden van tuinieren leerde. ( VOY : " Resolutions ")

Toen ze zes jaar oud was, zag ze eens een bliksemschicht een eikenboom doormidden splijten in haar opa's tuin, eentje waar ze uren eerder nog ingeklommen was. Jaren later herinnerde ze zich dat er geen anomaliteit meer angstaanjagend was dan een donderstorm op de velden, zeker op zo'n jonge leeftijd. " VOY : " Fair Haven ", " Shattered ") Eveneens toen ze zes was, vermaakte Kathryn zich met een interactief holodek sprookjes serie genaamd De Avonturen van Flotter en nam ze ballet lessen, waarbij ze de dans van " De Stervende Zwaan " leerde. Ze beschreef deze dans als de hit van haar " Beginners Ballet " klas en recreëerde het optreden in 2373 , tijdens Talenten Avond op Voyager . ( VOY : " Coda ", " Once Upon a Time ")

Toen ze zes jaar oud was wandelde zij en haar vader over de noordelijke rand van de Grand Canyon . Ze vond dat de "grootste greppel op aarde" - oals haar vader het noemde - haar te zanderig was, en Kathryn gaf altijd de voorkeur aan boerenland. ( VOY : " Imperfection ") Toen ze twaalf was liep ze zeven kilometer naar huis door een donderstorm omdat ze een tenniswedstrijd verloren had. ( VOY : " Deadlock ") In 2354 , tijdens haar middelbare schooltijd, gaf ze tennis op; uiteindelijk pakte ze het niet weer op tot 2373 . ( VOY : " Future's End ") Janeway was ook ervaren in pool, ook al liet ze, toen ze het voor het eerst met de bemanning speelde in Tom Paris zijn holodeksimulatie Chez Sandrine , iedereen denken dat ze een beginner was. ( VOY : " The Cloud ") Ze hield ook van skiën. ( VOY : " Macrocosm ")

Janeway had een speciale relatie met haar vader, wie haar opgevoed had tot een twijfelaar en scepticus en om naar de wereld te kijken met het oog van een wetenschapper. Toen hij verdronk onder een poolijskap op Tau Ceti Prime ergens voor 2358 , was ze verwoest. Ze was zo door verdriet overmand dat ze in een vreselijke depressie viel en maanden in bed doorbracht, haar dagen wegslapend. Uiteindelijk dwong haar zus haar om terug te keren naar de echte wereld. ( VOY : " Coda ")

nam haar vaak mee op kampeertochtjes. Kathryn was de artiest van de familie, ze hield van muziek, maar deze passie groeide nooit uit tot meer. Haar heldin was Amelia Earhart , een bekende vliegenier. Door haar raakte Janeway geinspireerd om zich aan te melden bij de Starfleet academie . In 2358 verdrinkt haar vader tijdens een ongeluk. Na het voltooien van haar opleiding op de academie, wordt Janeway wetenschaps officier aan boord van de USS Al-Batani . Daarna wordt Janeway kapitein van de USS Voyager . ze staat ook bekend om haar koffie verslaving, ze weigert een dag te beginnen zonder een kop koffie.

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  • Janeway family

Kathryn Janeway

  • 1.1 Early life
  • 1.2 Starfleet Academy
  • 1.3 Early career
  • 1.4.1 Shakedown
  • 2372
  • 2373-2374
  • 2375
  • 2376
  • 2377
  • 1.5.1 Search for the Protostar
  • 1.5.2 Stopping the Vau N'Akat plot
  • 1.5.3 Search for Chakotay
  • 1.5.4 Later career
  • 1.5.5 The Needs of the Many
  • 2 Alternate timelines
  • 3 Starfleet service record
  • 5.1 Connections
  • 5.2 Appearances
  • 5.3 External link

Biography [ ]

Early life [ ].

Kathryn Janeway, daughter of Edward and Gretchen Janeway , was born on May 20 , 2336 in Bloomington , Indiana . Kathryn's younger sister, Phoebe Janeway , was born four years later.

As a young child, she was given the nickname " Goldenbird " by her parents. Kathryn was also particularly close to her father. He got his daughter interested in mathematics and science. She still found time for fun as a child and often enjoyed the Trevis and Flotter holodeck programs, including one time when she flooded an entire holodeck.

At the age of 9, Kathryn was treated to her first trip off Earth to the Mars Colonies . Her father took her from San Francisco via shuttlecraft to Utopia Planitia where they toured the colonies with Cadet Data . This was the first of many adventures that Kathryn took with her father. She also hiked the Grand Canyon 's North rim with her father as a child.

Kathryn later began attending The Meadows , and soon became the tennis captain of her team at the school. Despite being a tennis pro, Kathryn also enjoyed swimming. While swimming on Mars under Olympus Mons , she saved the life of Mark Hobbes Johnson after he became trapped in an undercurrent. Despite her brave actions, she was grounded by her father.

While a senior at the Academy Institute , Janeway was dating Cheb Parker . One night, the pair snuck into Magruder Mansion in Ohio , and discovered a deranged old woman living in the mansion. On their return to the Institute, they were severely reprimanded for the incident. ( VOY novel : Mosaic ; VOY episodes : " Coda ", " Year of Hell, Part II ", " Once Upon a Time ", " Imperfection ")

Starfleet Academy [ ]

Janeway was accepted into Starfleet Academy in 2353 at the age of 18. While at the Academy, her roommate was Lettie Garrett . She also roomed with Thrum and Pol for a time, who were collectively known as Thrum'Pol. While her time at the Academy was mainly a happy one, Janeway was often bullied by Wendy Kerrigan , a professor at the Academy. She was also a star student of Admiral Hendricks . ( VOY novel : Lifeline ; VOY episode : " Friendship One ")

Upon entering her third year at the Academy, Cadet Janeway was interviewed by Admiral Owen Paris , in regards to being her adviser in the writing of her junior honor thesis. Paris initially tried to turn her down since he, as a rule, normally only worked with seniors but Janeway persisted. Eventually Paris agreed, but warned her that he was a tough taskmaster and he expected only the best, something Janeway consistently provided. With his assistance, she wrote a brilliant thesis but had to turn down a date with Cadet William T. Riker in the process. The following year, Janeway completed her doctoral degree in quantum cosmology .

While at the Academy, Janeway began a relationship with Lieutenant Justin Tighe , and the two were soon engaged to be married. ( VOY novel : Mosaic ; VOY short story : " In the Queue "; VOY novel : Lifeline )

Early career [ ]

Cadet Janeway

Cadet Janeway

Ensign Janeway graduated from the Academy and was assigned to Admiral Paris' staff in San Francisco in 2357 . At Paris' request, Janeway assisted civilian adviser Kyle Riker uncover the involvement of Vice-Admiral Horace Bonner in the Tholian attack on Starbase 311 in 2353 , as well as several attempts on Riker's life.

Tired of sitting behind a desk, Admiral Paris made the decision to get back into the game and arranged to be in command of the USS Al-Batani for the year-long Arias expedition . Admiral Paris asked Janeway to join his crew as junior science officer . ( TLE novel : Deny Thy Father ; VOY novel : Mosaic )


Cadet Janeway.

Six months into the Arias Expedition, Admiral Paris and Janeway were in a shuttlecraft orbiting Utrea II , when they were captured and tortured by the Cardassian , Gul Camet . The two officers were rescued by Lt. Tighe, whose life was in turn saved by Janeway. As a result, Paris recommended that Janeway switch from science division to command division.

In 2358 , Janeway lost both her fiancé and father while they were testing the prototype ship Terra Nova on Tau Ceti Prime . While making a final approach for landing, the ship crash landed on Tau Ceti into a polar icecap. While Kathryn survived the crash, the others were frozen to death. She was rescued and took a leave of absence to deal with her deep depression.

In 2359 , Janeway returned to active duty and announced her intention to switch to the command division at Starfleet Headquarters . At the arrangement of Admiral Paris, Janeway spent six months on an Earth-bound assignment before being assigned a deep-space mission. While on Earth , she started to become closer to Mark Johnson .

By late 2359, Janeway was second officer aboard the USS Mary Kingsley , under the command of Captain Onna Karapleedeez . During their mission surveying the Scorpius Reach in Beta Quadrant , they assisted a civilian research vessel, the Cleopatra's Needle . One of the researchers Janeway worked with was Jean-Luc Picard , who had taken a leave of absence following his loss of the USS Stargazer . ( TNG novel : The Buried Age )

In 2363 , Captain Janeway assumed command of the USS Billings . The Billings was her first proper command, and she often felt deeply responsible for her actions and the effects on her crew. Following one away team mission, she felt deeply responsible for the loss of Ensign Yvonne Harper 's legs, unborn child, and sanity. ( VOY episodes : " Revulsion ", " Night "; VOY novels : Pathways , Cloak and Dagger )

While choosing key personnel to serve under him on the USS Enterprise -D , Captain Jean-Luc Picard was disappointed that Janeway was no longer available as a candidate for first officer. ( TLE novel : The Buried Age )

In 2365 , the now Captain Janeway was in command of the USS Bonestell on a six-month exploratory mission of the Beta Quadrant . Following the mission, Janeway went before a review board consisting of Admiral Paris, Admiral McGeorge Finnegan , and Admiral Alynna Nechayev . Ensign Tuvok was assigned to review Janeway's performance and he was extremely critical of her reluctance to follow tactical regulations on the mission. Janeway defended herself against the Vulcan's criticism and it was recommended by Admiral Finnegan that Tuvok serve under Janeway on her next deep-space mission. Despite her initial weariness of him, Janeway grew to rely on Tuvok and the two became friends. When Janeway was offered the command of Voyager, she asked Tuvok to transfer with her. ( VOY novels : Mosaic , Pathways )

Captain of the USS Voyager [ ]

Shakedown [ ].

In late 2370 , Captain Janeway was offered the position of commanding officer of the USS Voyager still under construction at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards . As a result she buried herself in all the technical manuals concerning Voyager , and by the time she was given a guided tour by Admiral Theoderich Patterson in early 2371 , she was proficient at every inch of the starship. ( VOY episode : " Relativity ")

Janeway officially assumed command of Voyager on stardate 48038.5 , and took the starship out on its shakedown cruises. The cruise was to proceed to the border of the Demilitarized Zone near the Badlands to test out Voyager 's bio-neural circuitry . On the first test of the systems, the gel packs malfunctioned and Voyager was left drifting in space. Thankfully, the USS Hood , under Captain Robert DeSoto , came to Voyager's aid.

After repairs were completed, both starships were alerted to the detection of one of the Malkus Artifacts under General Order 16 , and discovered that it was found by the Maquis . Janeway sent her tactical officer , Lieutenant Tuvok , undercover to obtain the artifact from the Maquis. Tuvok's mission was successful and the artifact was rescued by the Hood . It was also decided that Tuvok would remain undercover with the Maquis. ( VOY - The Brave and the Bold, Book Two novella : The Third Artifact )

In the Delta Quadrant [ ]


Captain Kathryn Janeway in 2371.

When Tuvok failed to report in, Janeway decided to go after him. Janeway went to the New Zealand Penal Settlement to recruit a cashiered Starfleet officer, Tom Paris - a former Maquis member - to help find the Maquis ship and her chief of security in exchange for her help at Paris' next review.

Janeway then rendezvoused with Voyager at Deep Space 9 and then went into the Badlands . As Janeway and the Voyager crew searched the Badlands, they were then engulfed by a displacement wave that took them seventy thousand light-years into the farthest corner of the galaxy, the Delta Quadrant . There, Janeway discovered that a entity called the Caretaker had brought both Voyager and the Maquis ship Val Jean to help him search for a suitable mate in which to procreate offspring to take his place as caretaker of a species called the Ocampa . Following the rescue of Kim and Torres, Janeway was forced to destroy the Caretaker's array to protect the Ocampa from the Kazon. She then invited the Maquis to join her crew, installing Chakotay as her First officer . She also accepted trader Neelix and his companion Kes . ( VOY episode & novelization : Caretaker )

Janeway then responded to a distress signal from Talaxian Captain Acrux 's ship stuck in a ion storm. She was then able to use the transporters to beam Acrux' crew aboard, but they were pulled into a quantum fissure's dimensional plane. Janeway then gave Chakotay and Neelix bands that to help them return. However, Janeway became duplicitous when she thought about how the Talaxians got themselves into the situation. She and Tuvok then found out that they were Trabe agents trying to steal their technology. She then investigated energy spikes that took The Doctor and merged her holo-novel and the Beowulf holo-novel. Following that incident Janeway was then taken hostage by Acrux and his mercenaries as Trabe Captain Nagrom 's ship attacked. However she was able to subdue them and fight off the Trabe ship. ( VOY comics : " The Storm ", " Under Ion Skies ", " Repercussions ")

Following that incident, Janeway was forced to look for duranium when Voyager was running low on supplies. Janeway was forced to set the phasers to 1/100 power to disable a Kazon raider . Janeway then asked Neelix where the nearest supply of duranium, which was Praja . However, Janeway was told by the Doctor that a botanical plague had devastated. Despite that, she allowed Neelix and an away team to investigate the planet. She continued to hail the planet without little success. She the Doctor, Kim and Kes then examined the virus that poisoned the planet and found that it was not native to Praja. Janeway refused to mine the Duranium with the colonists consent despite Torres' objections. However, Janeway was able to come an arrangement with the Cambrog survivors to mine Duranium in exchange for emergency rations, supplies and to help eliminate the plague. Janeway and Voyager then came under attack by Kazon-Oglamar mining ships. Janeway then used Lt. Paris' idea to trick the Kazon into believing that they were crashing. Janeway was able to get the duranium for the phasers and force the Kazon to withdraw. Afterwards, Janeway had the planet sprayed with healthy bacteria that would heal the planet. ( VOY comics : " Homeostasis, Part One ", " The Conclusion ")

2373-2374 [ ]

Janeway then had Paris and Kim taken to the brig when they started a brawl in the mess hall. Janeway then led an away team to Denar . There she and the away team were attacked by a creature. Following that encounter, Janeway then met Bonai , who sent sent Tuvok and the rest of the away team back to Voyager . Janeway was then forced to help him to prevent the Vidiians , Kazon and Trabe from getting a powerful artifact. She was forced to work with the 3 representatives of each species to find the artifact. She helped the Vidiian Dr. Teraz and saved Kul'Lar from a ape-like creature. Janeway and Teraz were then able to defeat with a scalding weapon. Janeway and the three others then found the artifact. After Kul'Lar and Durin wer destroyed by the artifact, Janeway and Teraz found the artifact. However, she refused to accept Bonai's gift to take Voyager back to the Alpha Quadrant. ( VOY comics : " Relicquest, Part One ", " Part Two ", " Conclusion ")

A month later, Janeway responded to a distress signal from a Zerajhan professor K'Them K'Tra who was stuck in a Dead Zone . However, Janeway and Voyager then came under attack by Overseer Reega Mohl 's Raft Cabal when she refused to join him. Janeway and her crew then fought against the Cabal's boarders. Luckily, Janeway was to use Tuvok's plan to use a torpedo to free themselves from the Deadzone. She then took professor K'Tra and Mohl's renegades to Zerajh to stand trial. ( VOY comic : " Dead Zone ")

Janeway then encountered a chroniton wave that took Voyager to the Battle of Wolf 359 six years earlier. As they made they way back through anomaly, they beamed several escape pod survivors onboard. Unfortunately, she was forced to send them back into the anomaly. ( VOY comic : " Ghosts ")

Following Janeway's brief alliance with the Borg, she took on Seven of Nine as part of her crew. Janeway and Voyager then came under attack by a alien known as the Prospector and his drones from an ocean-wide planet. ( VOY episodes : " Scorpion, Part I ", " Part II ", " The Gift "; VOY comic : " Splashdown ")

In 2375 , Voyager discovered another Federation ship lost in the Delta Quadrant , the USS Equinox , captained by Rudolph Ransom . The away team to the Equinox was led by Captain Janeway. Ransom explained that his ship was attacked by creatures that killed much of his crew. The crew was beamed to Voyager for medical attention and the Voyager crew attempted to repair the Equinox . Janeway discovered that the reason the creatures were attacking the Equinox was that Ransom had been capturing them and using them for fuel for the ship. Janeway confronted Ransom and arrested him and his crew. The EMH for the Equinox , which was beamed aboard Voyager helped the crew escape back to the Equinox . They disabled Voyager , kidnapped Seven and sped away. In the meantime, the creatures attacked Voyager . ( VOY episode & novelization : Equinox )

When Voyager found the Equinox , a battle ensued. When the Equinox was damaged by Voyager and attacked by the creatures, Ransom had a change of heart, dropped his shields and surrendered Seven in exchange for his crew beaming aboard Voyager .

Ransom himself stayed with his ship as it exploded. Janeway's final words to Ransom was her promise to get his crew home. Satisfied with the Equinox' destruction, the aliens ceased their attacks on Voyager . The five surviving Equinox crew members, Marla Gilmore , Noah Lessing , James Morrow , Angelo Tassoni , and Brian Sofin , were stripped of rank and ordered to serve as crewmen on Voyager , with extensive supervision and limited privileges. ( VOY episode & novelization : Equinox )

Janeway then entrusted Seven of Nine with finding out if the attackers in a debris field were Borg or not. Janeway then assisted Hazard team in defeating the Tarlus and the Vohrsoth . She then promoted Alexander Munro to Lieutenant . ( VOY comic : " False Colors "; VOY comic & video game : Elite Force )

After seven years in the Delta Quadrant, Janeway was able to get Voyager and its crew home thanks to help from her future counterpart, Admiral Janeway. ( VOY episode & novelization : Endgame )

Admiral Janeway [ ]

Admiral Janeway 2381

Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway in 2381 .

Janeway was promoted shortly after her return to Earth in 2378. In 2379, she sent Captain Picard and the USS Enterprise -E to Romulus at the request of newly installed Praetor Shinzon of Remus . She later attended the christening of the USS Protostar with her former First officer , Captain Chakotay. Unwilling to return to the Delta Quadrant for further exploration, Janeway allowed herself to be used as the basis for the Protostar's holographic training advisor, Hologram Janeway . ( TNG movie & novelization : Nemesis ; PRD episode : " Asylum ")

Search for the Protostar [ ]

Janeway was then given command of the USS Dauntless and returned the edge of the Delta Quadrant . She and the Dauntless ' crew searched for the Protostar , it's crew and Captain Chakotay. ( PRD episode : " A Moral Star ") This search led to Janeway rescuing the Diviner from Tars Lamora ( PRD episode : " Asylum ") before realizing that Chakotay was no longer in control of the ship after discovering a destroyed Starfleet relay station. ( PRD episode : " Let Sleeping Borg Lie ")

While picking up a survivor of the station's destruction, Janeway had a brief encounter with Dal R'El who recognized the admiral from her holographic duplicate. However, before Dal could consider enlisting Janeway's help, Barniss Frex revealed Dal and his crew's role in the destruction of the station. Janeway pursued the Protostar to the edge of the Romulan Neutral Zone , but was prevented from going any further. Ultimately, the Protostar managed to evade Janeway who learned of the crew's histories from the Diviner's bounty on them. As a result, Janeway realized that she was dealing with kids who were in way over their heads rather than a group of criminals. ( PRD episodes : " Crossroads ", " Masquerade ", " Preludes ")

Stopping the Vau N'Akat plot [ ]

After discovering the Vindicator , Janeway was knocked unconscious and locked in a closet at the same time as the Dauntless engaged the Protostar again. In an effort to warn Starfleet of the living construct , Dal attempted to telepathically contact Janeway, only to accidentally switch bodies with her instead. The Protostar crew revealed the truth to a sympathetic Janeway who agreed to help them. Although unable to disable the living construct, Janeway was able to use her command codes to restore Hologram Janeway 's original programming, freeing her of the Vau N'Akat's corruption. Hologram Janeway revealed to her counterpart that Chakotay and the original Protostar crew had become stranded in the future and showed Janeway the distress call that the crew had found. Before departing, Janeway promised to help the young crew get into Starfleet once they finally reached Earth, but sadly revealed that she could do nothing for Dal due to him being an illegal human Augment . In a daring mid-warp spacewalk, Janway and Dal managed to switch back into their own bodies, but Dal's strange behavior while in Janeway's body made her crew suspicious of her. ( PRD episode : " Mindwalk ")

Shortly thereafter, the Vau N'Akat plot to destroy Starfleet unfolded with the living construct turning a Starfleet armada commanded by Janeway against each other. With no other choice, the Protostar crew chose to abandon ship and destroy their home and the living construct in order to save Starfleet. Hologram Janeway sacrificed herself to detonate the proto-core while at proto-warp, destroying the Protostar while causing minimal damage to the surrounding space. Janeway ordered her crew to begin search and rescue for the young Protostar crew, unwilling to give up on them after their heroic sacrifice. ( PRD episode : " Supernova ")

Search for Chakotay [ ]

A month later, Janeway was informed that her holographic duplicate had used the destruction of the Protostar to open a wormhole to the future through which Starfleet received a second distress call from Chakotay, revealing that he and half of his crew were still alive. Janeway expressed an intention to find and rescue her old friend before the Protostar crew finally arrived on Earth, having made their own way there. Although the kids were put on trial for their crimes, Janeway spoke passionately in their defense, Dal in particular who was looked down upon for being an Augment . As a result, the tribunal dropped all charges and, although they refused to fast-track the kids into Starfleet Academy, agreed to assign all but Gwyn - who intended to return to her home planet - as warrant officers in training under Janeway's personal command. Watching a new Protostar -class ship being rolled out, Janeway revealed that she had a different ship and something much bigger in mind for them. ( PRD episode : " Supernova ")

Later career [ ]

Following the attack on Mars, Raffaela Musiker stalked now-Admiral Janeway seeking support for her conviction that a conspiracy was behind the attack. ( PIC episode : " The Next Generation ")

In 2401, Commander Ro Laren revealed to Jean-Luc Picard that she had tried to approach Admiral Janeway with her evidence of a widespread Changeling infiltration of Starfleet, but Laren was stymied at every turn. ( PIC episode : " Imposters ")

Later that year, the Borg Queen revealed to Jean-Luc Picard that the future Janeway's neurolytic pathogen had brought the Borg to the very edge of extinction, allowing the USS Enterprise -D to finally destroy them. ( PIC episode : " The Last Generation ")

The Needs of the Many [ ]

By the year 2409 , Janeway's death was not remembered as part of Jake Sisko 's study of history , as was noted in an interview with DTI agents Marion Dulmur and Gariff Lucsly . In the course of the discussion, the agents' concerns over the integrity of the timeline was brought about in discussions of the fact that they remembered a different version of history.

Admiral Janeway was remembered by Jake and others as surviving the Long War -era into the 25th century . Previously, she had been the commanding officer of Starfleet's response to the Hobus supernova in 2387 . ( STO novel : The Needs of the Many )

Alternate timelines [ ]

According to Q, following her return to the Alpha Quadrant, it has become a fixed point in time for all versions of Kathryn Janeway to die on stardate 57445, with Janeway being shown brief 'flashes' of her other selves to reinforce this revelation; the only two Janeways to live past this date did so only with the aid of the Q. ( VOY novels : The Eternal Tide , A Pocket Full of Lies )

In the alternate timeline created by the red wormhole and the War of the Prophets , Admiral Kathryn Janeway created Operation Guardian in 2400 in order to combat the threat of the Bajoran Ascendancy . Her plan resulted in Starfleet and Borg forces joining together to assault Gateway in order to use the Guardian of Forever to destroy the red wormhole before it united with the Bajoran wormhole . She landed her forces while combating the Grigari and was in sight of the Guardian when the Grigari activated a Singularity bomb which killed Janeway and everyone on and around the planet. ( DS9 - Millennium novel : The War of the Prophets )

Alternate Kathryn Janeway

Kathryn Janeway in an alternate timeline

In another alternate timeline in which the Cardassian Union did not withdraw from Bajor in 2369 , Captain Kathryn Janeway was in command of a version of Voyager which was not stranded in the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker in 2371 . Her senior staff included first officer Lt. Commander Aaron Cavit , tactical officer and security chief Lieutenant Tuvok , conn officer Lieutenant Veronica Stadi , chief medical officer Dr. Fitzgerald , chief engineer Lieutenant Joseph Carey and operations officer Ensign Harry Kim . By 2373 , she was married to Mark Johnson , who cared for her dog Molly .

The ship was part of a taskforce consisting of nine ships - which also included the USS Bellerophon and the USS Intrepid - sent to Dorvan V in 2373 order to investigate recent suspicious activities being carried out by the Cardassians on the Federation border. The ships were soon fired upon by a fleet of Galor -class warships armed with phased polaron beam weapons. Unbeknownst to the Federation at this time, these weapons had been provided by the Cardassians' newfound Gamma Quadrant allies, the Dominion . The Cardassians had made contact with the Dominion several years earlier via the wormhole which they discovered in the Bajoran sector , the existence of which they kept secret from the other major Alpha Quadrant powers.

In the midst of the battle, Voyager was able to gather detailed sensor readings. Moments before the ship was destroyed with all hands, Tuvok transmitted these sensor readings to Starfleet Command , enabling the Federation to develop countermeasures against the phased polaron beam weapons. The Intrepid was destroyed along with Voyager whereas the Bellerophon barely escaped intact. Of the six other vessels in the taskforce, only one survived. ( TNG - Myriad Universes novel : A Gutted World )

In an alternate timeline in which the USS Voyager was forced to turn back from its journey home to Earth, Kathryn and Chakotay became lovers and would eventually have a child, Shannon Sekaya Janeway . ( VOY - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novella : Places of Exile )

In another alternate timeline, Janeway and B'Elanna Torres were both killed during a Krenim attack on Voyager in 2373 . Chakotay succeeded her as captain and was still in command of Voyager in 2379 . ( VOY episode : " Before and After ")

When the Krenim attempted to destroy Voyager with a chroniton torpedo , Chakotay of 2377 was forced to work with the Kathryn Janeway of 2370, revealing various key details about the ship's future to her as they sought to resolve the crisis. Once he was able to prevent the events that led to Voyager being fractured across time, Chakotay presumed that this Janeway had been 'erased' as she lost all memory of the events, but it was later revealed that she had been abducted from the ship by the Krenim as part of a plan to prevent her potentially interfering with the standing of the Krenim Imperium. She was manipulated into acting as denzit or military commander for the Rilnar during a protracted conflict with the Zahl on the planet Sormana . A Krenim agent named Dayne was surgically altered to look like a Rilnar and was assigned to oversee Kathryn's integration into Rilnar society. He maneuvered her into the position of denzit. This version of Kathryn was forced to send a message to Starfleet informing them of her resignation.

Dayne and Kathryn became lovers. Subsequently, Kathryn gave birth to her and Dayne's daughter named Mollah. After nearly dying during childbirth, she recovered and returned to her position. Kathryn assumed that Dayne and their daughter had been captured by enemy forces. This, in turn, was Kathryn's motivation to win the war. When the Full Circle Fleet was alerted to the existence of this alternate version of Kathryn Janeway, Voyager was assigned to investigate. Tuvok was temporarily assigned to Voyager to work with the Voyager crew in order to appeal to the denzit to stop the conflict and gather intelligence. Tuvok, for his part, was still grieving for his son who had died during the Borg crisis. Finding sympathy with the denzit's situation, Tuvok easily renewed a friendship with this version of Kathryn Janeway. Subsequent events saw Tuvok save the denzit's life during a military operation and being seriously injured as a result. Tuvok was treated by the denzit's personal physician. The denzit would meet Admiral Janeway in person.

Dayne was found to be alive as well. The truth of Dayne's true identity and the Krenim's manipulations were exposed. After Tuvok brutally beat him, Dayne admitted that his and Kathryn's daughter was alive. Dayne had spirited their daughter away safety into the past. He accomplished this using naturally occurring time portals. He placed his daughter in the care of guardians. These guardians were, in actuality, Q and his wife in disguise. Later, Kathryn testified at an inquiry about these events. Subsequently, she resigned her position as denzit. After this, the crew of Voyager took in this version of Kathryn Janeway with the intent of helping her recover from these events. Dayne, though, covertly infiltrated the Full Circle fleet. He then tried to kidnap Kathryn so she could be reunited with their daughter. He was stopped and then an away team was assembled to escort the former denzit and Dayne. She was taken into the past by Dayne with the Starfleet team providing protection. After this, Dayne was tortured by the Krenim for information about Kathryn's location. He refused to cooperate and was killed. Q ensured that this timeline would be 'cut off' from the rest of the multiverse for the duration of this Janeway's life so that she could live in peace. ( VOY novel : A Pocket Full of Lies )

Starfleet service record [ ]

Appendices [ ], connections [ ], appearances [ ], external link [ ].

  • Kathryn Janeway article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Kathryn Janeway article at Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
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  • Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager - Seizoen 1 (1995)


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Show titel: Star Trek: Voyager

Imdb beoordeling: 7,9  (78.651), afleveringen: 16, speelduur: 12 uur, ontwikkeld door: rick berman , michael piller en jeri taylor, met: kate mulgrew , robert beltran en roxann dawson, oorsprong: verenigde staten, datum van release: maandag 16 januari 1995, eerst uitgezonden op: upn (verenigde staten).


Plot Star Trek: Voyager

De Voyager is een onderzoeksschip dat tijdens haar eerste missie door de Caretaker wordt ontvoerd en de ruimte wordt ingeslingerd. Zij komt in het Delta Kwadrant terecht. De reis terug naar aarde duurt ruim 70 jaar. Captain Kathryn Janeway, de eerste vrouwelijke kapitein, zet alles op alles om haar bemanning sneller thuis te krijgen. De Voyager komt steeds dichterbij de aarde, maar het lukt steeds net niet. Onderweg komen ze een oude bekende vijand tegen: De Borg. En daarna zelfs een vijand die zo mogelijk nog agressiever is waardoor Captain Janeway besluit om een pact te sluiten met De Borg.

Afleveringen Seizoen 1 (1995)

1. caretaker (1), 16 januari 1995 (45 minuten).

De bemanning van de USS Voyager, het nieuwe vlaggenschip van de Federatie, is op zoek naar een piratenschip van de Maquis (een rebellengroep). Het nieuwe schip is kleiner, wendbaarder en slanker dan haar voorgangers en daardoor ook in staat om ook te landen en op te stijgen. De Voyager staat onder leiding van kapitein Kathryn Janeway, de eerste vrouw in de geschiedenis van Star Trek die het bewind voert over een sterrenschip. De Voyager en de Maquis worden door de "Caretaker" 70.000 lichtjaren van huis getransporteerd naar de Delta Kwadrant.

2. Caretaker (2)

3. parallax, 23 januari 1995 (45 minuten).

B'Elanna Torres moet leren haar opvliegende karakter en rebellerende geaardheid wat in bedwang te houden, zodat ze hoofd techniek kan worden op Voyager. Torres en kapitein Janeway raken bevriend tijdens hun strijd om een geheimzinnig ruimteschip te redden dat gevangen zit in een magnetisch veld in de ruimte.

4. Time and Again

30 januari 1995 (45 minuten).

Janeway en Paris onderzoeken een enorme explosie op een nabijgelegen planeet. Ze worden bij toeval terug getransporteerd naar de dag voordat de explosie alle leven op de planeet zou doden. Ze besluiten om de planeet te redden van vernietiging, zonder de bevolking te waarschuwen Hierbij komt hun eigen leven ook in gevaar.

6 februari 1995 (45 minuten)

Neelix is op zoek naar dilithium, een bron die ervoor kan zorgen dat het energietekort op het sterrenschip de Voyager wordt opgelost. Tijdens deze zoektocht ontmoet Neelix een vreemdsoortig buitenaards wezen dat bij hem op vakkundige wijze zijn longen verwijderd, om deze bij zijn eigen volk in te transplanteren om te kunnen blijven leven. Neelix heeft een bepaald immuniteitssysteem waardoor hij niet getransplanteerd kan worden. Hij heeft nog één uur te leven. Voor de bemanning van de Voyager begint een race tegen de klok om de originele organen van Neelix terug te vinden.

6. The Cloud

13 februari 1995 (45 minuten).

Terwijl Chakotay Janeway helpt bij het zoeken naar advies van haar mystieke 'dierlijke gids' ontdekt de bemanning van de Voyager tijdens een onderzoek dat ze een nieuwe levensvorm zijn binnengegaan en deze beschadigd hebben. Als ze de nieuwe levensvorm weer willen verlaten, blijkt dat ze eerst een middel tot genezing moeten vinden voordat ze weg kunnen.

7. Eye of the Needle

20 februari 1995 (45 minuten).

De bemanning van de Voyager ziet de zaken weer positief in wanneer ze een wormgat ontdekken.. Hierdoor kan de Voyager niet heen, maar ze kunnen wel communiceren met een ruimteschip aan de andere kant in het Alpha Quadrant.

8. Ex Post Facto

27 februari 1995 (45 minuten).

Luitenant Paris is op zoek naar een navigatieonderdeel voor het ruimteschip de Voyager, omdat het oude onderdeel kapot is gegaan. Tijdens zijn zoektocht wordt hij aangeklaagd voor de moord op een medewerker van Baneal. Het team van Voyager probeert tussen alle oorlogsperikelen van planeet Banwa met planeet Numiri door een oplossing te vinden om de onschuld van Paris aan te tonen.

9. Emanations

13 maart 1995 (45 minuten).

Het ruimteschip Voyager bestudeert een onontdekte planeet en de bemanning stuit op een begraafplaats van een buitenaards ras. Tijdens het onderzoek verdwijnt Harry Kim op mysterieuze wijze naar een andere dimensie, waar de bewoners geschokt zijn wanneer zij ontdekken dat hun hiernamaals niets meer is dan een dorre asteroïde. De bemanning gaat op onderzoek uit, om Kim terug te vinden.

10. Prime Factors

20 maart 1995 (45 minuten).

De bemanning van het ruimteschip Voyager brengt een bezoek aan de prachtige planeet Sikaris. De bewoners van deze planeet beschikken over een speciaal transportmiddel waardoor de U.S.S. Voyager zo'n veertigduizend lichtjaren dichter naar huis getransporteerd kan worden. De wet van de planeet Sikaris verbiedt echter dat de bemanning van het ruimteschip Voyager van dit transportmiddel gebruik kan maken en Janeway komt voor een moeilijke beslissing te staan. Moet de bemanning de wetten van Sikaris volgen of het recht in eigen hand nemen?

11. State of Flux

10 april 1995 (45 minuten).

Nadat ontdekt wordt dat het gebruik van de technologie van de Federatie een schip van de kazons heeft beschadigd, en hierbij Seska ook verdwijnt begint Chakotay te twijfelen aan zijn romantische gevoelens voor Seska, als zij meer en meer wordt afgeschilderd als een verraadster.

12. Heroes and Demons

24 april 1995 (45 minuten).

Wanneer Harry Kim op mysterieuze wijze verdwijnt van het Holodeck, ziet de dokter zich genoodzaakt hem te gaan zoeken. De dokter belandt in een wereld gebaseerd op de historische Engelse epos Beowulf en wordt gedwongen zich te ontpoppen als ware held om een monster te overwinnen dat bemanningsleden verslindt.

13. Cathexis

1 mei 1995 (45 minuten).

Terwijl Chakotay en Tuvok een reis maken in een spaceshuttle worden ze aangevallen door een onbekend buitenaards ruimteschip. Ongemerkt brengen ze een onzichtbaar buitenaards wezen aan boord van de Voyager. Captain Janeway moet zich blootstellen aan het buitenaardse wezen, dat over de eigenschap beschikt om bezit te nemen van menselijke lichamen om ze vervolgens te vernietigen.

8 mei 1995 (45 minuten)

Chakotay vertelt aan de kapitein van het ruimteschip Voyager dat Paris, Torres en Durst, die met een onderzoek bezig waren, worden vermist. Chakotay is bang dat de bemanningsleden in een val zijn gelokt en neemt een team mee om de zaak te onderzoeken. Intussen wordt B'Elanna door een Vidiian wetenschapper gebruikt als proefkonijn. Ze wordt in twee wezens gesplitst: een menselijke en een Klingon.

15 mei 1995 (45 minuten)

Een geheimzinnige arts, genaamd Jetrel, die een wapen ontworpen had waardoor 300.000 Talaxianen gedood werden, belandt aan boord van het ruimteschip Voyager en beweert dat Neelix lijdt aan een dodelijke ziekte. De bemanning van de Voyager moet een medicijn zien te vinden en Neelix moet zich zien te verzoenen met zijn verleden.

16. Learning Curve

22 mei 1995 (45 minuten).

Het ruimteschip Voyager verliest kracht, omdat er sprake is van een aantal technische mankementen. De bemanning van de Maquis en van Starfleet besluiten hun verschillen aan de kant te schuiven om samen te werken aan een oplossing zodat de energiebron van het ruimteschip zich weer zal herstellen.

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De beste serie ooit voor mij persoonlijk. Ook een serie waarbij ik alle seizoenen wel interessant vond.

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Scarafax schreef :

Interessant, zie je niet vaak. Vooral als je ook andere Star Trek series hebt gezien (of iig sf series) ben ik benieuwd: wat vond je beter aan Voyager?

Zelf heb ik vooral genoten van de latere seizoenen (meer met Q, Hirogen en de Borg).

FlorisV schreef :

Een combinatie van verschillende factoren. Allereerst vind ik de gehele cast/crew gewoon goed bij elkaar passen. Bij andere ST series zijn er altijd wel een aantal die ik 'buiten de boot' vind vallen of me ronduit aan irriteer. Dat heb ik bij de Voyager crew niet. Daarnaast zijn het vooral de verhaallijnen die een belangrijke rol spelen natuurlijk...

Qua esthetiek vind ik ook het schip en de uniformen de mooiste uit de serie. En de theme is ook top, alhoewel ik die van TNG ook erg goed vind.

Overigens is Voyager niet mijn fav serie ooit, maar mijn meest fav ST serie.

star trek schip onder leiding van kapitein janeway

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star trek schip onder leiding van kapitein janeway



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Captain Janeway's Fiercest Star Trek Moments

Captain Janeway

Before she was Red on " Orange Is the New Black ," Kate Mulgrew was the unflappable Kathryn Janeway, the captain for an entire generation of viewers who grew up watching "Star Trek" in the 1990s. 

Janeway led a cast of wayward souls stranded some 75,000 light years from home, and she commanded with a combination of poise, strength, and determination. She showed us that a person could be a strong, capable leader while also being graceful and feminine, even as society was telling us otherwise. She inspired countless young adults to become today's  teachers , scientists , and leaders , and fans were delighted to hear she'd be making her long-awaited return in "Star Trek: Prodigy,"   streaming on Paramount+.

For seven years Captain Janeway remained that steadfast leader; steely-eyed but compassionate, never afraid to go toe-to-toe with the worst the Delta Quadrant had to offer, from the Hirogen to the Borg, and usually with a strong cup of coffee in hand. She held true to her most noble ideals, standing up for those who needed a helping hand, and never backed down from a fight. Now we're counting down her fiercest moments in the captain's chair; moments she outsmarted, outmaneuvered, and outmatched her opponents with guile, grit, and sheer strength of will ... and usually with a snappy one-liner.

Janeway refuses death (Coda)

Captain Janeway

On her way back to the ship in a shuttle with Chakotay, Janeway and her first officer experience what appears to be a time loop : they are attacked by the Vidiians, attempt to contact Voyager — but are destroyed — before being right back in the shuttle on the way back to the ship. After a few go-rounds, though, Janeway realizes something is amiss. There is no time loop — she has apparently died in the Vidiian attack but is having trouble 'letting go' of her life, seemingly unwilling to cross over into that which lies beyond. Or so a being claiming to be her dead father tells her.

Her "father" insists that ghosts are real, the afterlife exists, and if she'll follow him, they can be at peace together. But Janeway isn't convinced, and most of "Coda" finds the Captain roaming the halls of the ship attempting to make contact with the grieving crew, to no avail.

In a final confrontation with her "father" after she gets flashes of the real world, Janeway puts it all together: she isn't dead, she's at the mercy of an alien parasite. This "limbo" she seems to be experiencing is just an illusion to convince her to go with the entity so he can feed off of her life energy. But the parasite needs her to go willingly, and Janeway refuses. Before she's revived by the doctor, Janeway fiercely tells the being "Go back to Hell, coward!"

The woman without fear (The Thaw)

Janeway defeats fear

In "The Thaw" Janeway gets a distress signal from a nearby planet, and she — like all good "Star Trek" captains — goes to investigate. What she finds is a group of survivors of an ecological disaster, hooked up to a virtual reality program created to keep them alive for a set period of time. That time, however, has long expired, and it seems the program is holding them hostage. The villain is Michael McKean as the sentient program — who just so happens to be the personification of their fear in the form of a circus clown — who will cease to exist if the survivors are removed from the program.

An underrated episode mostly due to its silly visuals, a PG threat, and a somewhat overused premise , but in some ways it's reminiscent of an episode of classic "Twilight Zone." To the show's credit, the "everything is a simulation" gimmick was more novel when it aired in 1995, and the performances work for the story, though admittedly the dramatic tension might have played better with some more graphic visuals to make the danger feel more real.

In the end, Janeway volunteers to take the hostages place, and the clown accepts. But thanks to some computer trickery, she wins the day, effectively killing the villainous sentient computer program. Before the clown dissolves away into nothing, she makes sure to remind him: "Fear only exists for one purpose ... to be conquered." 

Janeway holds to her principles (The Void)

Janeway gets tough

The episode may begin in the mess hall with Seven of Nine making dinner, chef's hat and all, but the story really starts when Voyager is pulled into a subspace anomaly (a big giant space thing, don't worry about it). Within the anomaly there is nothing; no gases, stellar bodies, or matter of any kind. But just as they enter they're attacked by hostile alien ships. These marauders use their transporters to steal vital supplies: food stores, energy reserves, and computers. This is "The Void," a closed structure that traps nearby ships, who cannot leave, and those inside fight for survival.  

As a diplomat, Janeway manages to form a small alliance — a mini-Federation, if you will — with friendly vessels within the anomaly. Together they share supplies, help newly incoming victims of the anomaly, and defend each other against hostile marauders. They also work together to find a way to leave the anomaly. 

Unfortunately, not every member of this mini-Federation shares her idealistic outlook. When one of them says he has a piece of equipment they thought was unattainable, Janeway discovers he destroyed an entire ship and its crew to get it. Even though the equipment will help them leave the anomaly, Janeway orders its removal, and kicks the alien out of their Federation. Using it, she says, would make them party to murder, and moreover, "It's a violation of everything this alliance stands for!"

Janeway gives the cold shoulder (Displaced)

Janeway gives an ultimatum

In "Displaced," the Voyager crew begin mysteriously disappearing, only to be replaced — one by one — by unwitting Nyrians, sent supposedly against their will to Voyager from a planet they cannot identify on any maps. The Nyrians who arrive seem just as confused as Janeway and her crew, claiming to know nothing of this phenomenon. Some Nyrian scientists even help Voyager to determine the reason for their people swapping places.  

As you can imagine, these supposed lost souls turn out to be not so innocent, and before Janeway knows it, there are more Nyrians aboard Voyager than crew members. This is the Nyrians' way of hostile takeover, as Janeway finds out after she's transported away, arriving on a Nyrian colony ship. There they find a variety of habitats, each perfectly designed by the Nyrians to be unique biospheres that hold prisoners of alien ships they've swapped places with. 

After deciphering their scheme and finding a way to move between the habitats, Janeway uses their technology against them, transporting the Nyrian leaders — who are sensitive to the cold — to a frozen tundra habitat intended for a group of ice dwellers. There, at phaser-point, Janeway snidely threatens to leave them there to die if they don't let her crew leave. Unfortunately, the writers didn't give her a  one-liner here, but leaving the Nyrians to freeze to death in the icy wasteland would have been ... cold-blooded.

Janeway outsmarts the law (Counterpoint)

Janeway and Kashyk

Finding themselves in a region of space that outlaws telepaths — and having a few of their own aboard Voyager — Janeway helps hide a group of mind-reading refugees so they can escape the reach of the Devore, the imperialistic race who rule the area. 

Unexpectedly, a charming Devore captain named Kashyk comes aboard, claiming he's defecting. Janeway is suspicious but he seems sincere, even remorseful of his past as a telepath hunter. They strike an unlikely friendship as Kashyk helps them evade Devore patrols, and a budding romance even develops between the two captains. He double-crosses her when she reveals the location of the refugees, though, and gloats over it. But we know she's gotten the better of him from her snide confidence, and when she reveals her triple bluff, she doesn't hide her pleasure. It's an absolute joy to watch her stand victorious and calm as he chews his lip and accepts his defeat. He's not angry; this was gamesmanship, pure and simple. He played and he lost, and he respects her for it.

In place of a snappy one-liner, Janeway makes an honest and genuine appeal to Kashyk's understanding: No matter his agenda, her offer to extend a hand in friendship was sincere (and seemingly her feelings for him as well). If he had kept his part of the bargain, she would have kept hers and taken him with them. 

Never put Janeway in a corner (Think Tank)

Janeway solves the problem

Notable for Jason Alexander of " Seinfeld " appearing as the episode's antagonist, "Think Tank" sees the crew hunted by an alien race called the Hazari, and Voyager seems unable to escape them. Alexander is Kurros, part of a group of high-minded intellects that travels the quadrant offering their services as problem solvers in exchange for unique items of interest. In this case, they want Seven of Nine to join their group, and if she does, they'll help Janeway solve the "Hazari Paradox."

Of course, things are not quite as straightforward as they seem, and despite Kurros' attempts at hiding his involvement, Janeway uncovers his deceit: he hired the Hazari to hunt Voyager down so they'd be forced to turn over Seven of Nine. Janeway shrewdly makes an offer to the Hazari: Kurros has betrayed them too, and if they can work together, they might turn the tables.  

Janeway once again executes a brilliant plan, using Seven to infiltrate their ship and confuse their computer systems at a critical moment. Suddenly unable to defend themselves, Kurros and his compatriots are at the mercy of the bloodthirsty Hazari. With his ship under attack, Kurros all but begs Seven and Janeway to reconsider their plan. As his vessel is pummeled by Hazari weapons, Janeway leaves him to his fate and tells him "I'm sure you'll find a solution, just give it some ... thought."

Russian roulette with the Borg (Scorpion, Pt. 2)

Captain Janeway

The first big Borg episode of the series, "Scorpion" opens with Voyager approaching the enemy's territory. Delighted to find a corridor right through their space that's devoid of Borg cubes, they're disheartened when they discover why: An even scarier alien race — dubbed Species 8472 — has emerged from another dimension and is destroying the Borg. This gives Janeway an idea, but first officer Chakotay angrily insists they shouldn't get involved. The captain wants to use it to their advantage, and against Chakotay's wishes, Janeway takes a risky trip to a cube to strike a deal that will give the Borg technology to defeat Species 8472 in exchange for safe passage through their space. 

After an attack by 8472, Janeway returns with the Borg drone that will eventually become Seven of Nine, who is now running the Borg end of the agreement.  Despite the friction with her first officer, Chakotay is her ace in the hole, and the linchpin of her plan to outsmart the collective. If things go awry, Chakotay will use his neural link (that he retained from the episode "Unity") to sever the connection between the still fully Borg Seven of Nine and the collective.

When Seven betrays them, taking them into the path of Species 8472, Janeway gives the code word, and sets her plan in motion: "Bridge to Chakotay: Scorpion ." 

Janeway self destructs (Deadlock)

Janeway And Chakotay On The Bridge

Raise your shields, things are about to get very weird. In  "Deadlock," Ensign Wildman is in labor when Voyager encounters a subspace divergence field. This field creates a duplicate of the ship and its crew — although they don't know that at first. The real problem is that both ships are running off the same power source, like Siamese twins linked at the heart, and one Voyager becomes severely damaged when their attempt to break free of the field backfires. The ship's power goes down, and Wildman's baby dies as a result.

After discovering the real problem, they find a way to communicate with the duplicate Voyager, and they work in tandem to fix it. Unfortunately, a poorly timed attack by the Vidiians fouls up an already messy situation, tragically killing Ensign Kim in the process. The two ships can't both survive the attack, and the Captains argue over who should make the sacrifice to destroy the Vidiians and allow the other to escape. Thanks to a portal between the ships that's discovered on Deck 15, duplicate Janeway sends the totally alive duplicate Ensign Kim and baby Wildman to the other ship so the show doesn't lose a cast member, and sets Voyager to self-destruct. The Vidiians beam onto the bridge and duplicate Janeway turns to greet them as the countdown hits zero and the ship self-destructs.

"Welcome to the bridge."

Janeway unhinged (Scientific Method)

Janeway Flies Voyager Into A Star

In the fourth season entry "Scientific Method," a group of invisible alien scientists perform clandestine experiments on the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager, who are completely unaware of the efforts to meddle with their DNA and are forced to endure grueling genetic procedures. Thanks to Seven of Nine's Borg implants, however, the experiments are discovered, and with the help of the Doctor, they begin to turn the tables.  

But the alien's ability to halt them in their tracks makes fighting back difficult. Janeway discovers that she's been experimented on as well — her dopamine levels artificially increased, deprived of sleep, to see how she'd react to increased stress. The answer is not a good one: Janeway goes off the deep end, becoming unhinged and "reckless" as Tuvok calls it, piloting the ship into the heart of a nearby star in an effort to get the aliens to leave.

As the alien ships attacked to Voyager's hull begin to break up, the lead scientist asks her what she is attempting to do with this irrational behavior. Janeway of course, has the perfect comeback — this is exactly what they wanted by pushing her to her mental limit. As the ship buckles under the stress of the star's corona, she states without an ounce of irony, "This is the culmination of your work, and guess what? You're going to be right here to collect the final data."

Janeway unleashed (Equinox, Pt. 2)

Janeway interrogates Lessing

When Voyager was stranded in the Delta Quadrant they thought it would be nearly 75 years before they saw another Starfleet vessel. All that changed, though, when they received a distress call from the U.S.S. Equinox, under attack by inter-dimensional creatures and just 3.2 light years away. When Voyager arrive the Equinox is without shields and losing life support. Janeway comes to their rescue, and after fighting off the alien attackers, has a heartfelt reunion with their Federation friends.

The Equinox's Captain Ransom claims he has no idea who the aliens were or why they attacked, but as Voyager investigates it becomes clear that something more is at play. Seven of Nine and the Doctor discover the body of one of the aliens in the Equinox's engineering section, and realize that Ransom and his crew have been killing these life forms and using the energy from their corpses to power their ship. Janeway is appalled at this violation of Federation principle, but before she can stop him Ransom kidnaps Seven of Nine, reprograms the Doctor, and escapes, leaving Equinox crewman Noah Lessing stranded on Voyager.

Janeway becomes obsessed with hunting Ransom down, and interrogates Lessing. Nearly violating her own principals, Janeway threatens to open a portal and let the aliens kill him right there if he doesn't give reveal Ransom's whereabouts. When he tells her to "go to hell," she leaves the room to open the portal and tells him, "We all make our own hell, Mr. Lessing."

Janeway vs Borg Queen, round 1 (Dark Frontier)

Janeway hunts the Borg

 "Dark Frontier" saw the return of the Borg Queen, her first appearance on Voyager. Here, Janeway hatches a daring plan to raid a Borg ship and steal its transwarp engines to shave decades off their trip home. But she has concerns about Seven of Nine, the ex-drone, going back aboard Borg a vessel for the first time since being de-assimilated.  

Her concerns are well-founded, but not just for reasons of trauma. The Queen has become aware of Janeway's plan, and makes a secret bargain with Seven: if she rejoins the Borg collective, the Queen will spare Voyager. Seven is unique as a reclaimed Borg drone, and the Queen wants that uniqueness. When Janeway puts her plan into motion and goes aboard a Borg sphere, Seven tells her she's staying behind. And in a line that birthed a veritable library of slash fiction, Janeway cries out to Seven, "I'm not leaving without you!" 

In the climax of the double-length feature, Janeway boldly confronts the Queen, phaser rifle in hand, drones swarming all around her. It's a gutsy move, but she knows what she's doing, and she trusts Seven of Nine. When Seven betrays the Queen and helps her captain escape, it's Seven who gets the action hero one-liner. After telling Janeway the weak spot to target her phaser — which she knows because she's reconnected to the hive mind — Seven shoots a dirty look at the Queen and says, "Our thoughts are one."

Janeway plays chicken (The Haunting Of Deck 12)


Told as a kind of campfire story by Neelix to entertain children while the power is down, this episode begins with Voyager traveling through a nebula and picking up an unintended stowaway: An energy-based life-form that infiltrates the ship and begins causing malfunctions. 

There are some genuinely eerie sequences here, as Janeway's coffee materializes without a cup, and the ship goes into warp on its own. These malfunctions could have been played for laughs, but as the ship seems to have a mind of its own, the tone is disturbing, not light-hearted. The tension ratchets up when the problems turn more dangerous, nearly killing members of the crew. They realize that the energy being is trapped in the ship's systems and is attempting to alter the environment to make the ship more like the nebula it came from. Before long, the entity has taken over most of Voyager.

It's then that the entity begins to attempt communication with Janeway, demanding she use her access codes to unlock navigation so it can take Voyager back to the nebula. Janeway agrees to take the ship back, but only if control of the ship is returned to her. As the entity cuts off her oxygen, Janeway begins to suffocate ... but refuses to relent. Playing chicken with the energy being, she is resolute not to give in, insisting that if the entity won't cooperate, "we'll die here together!"

Killing Giant Germs (Macrocosm)

Janeway Hunts Down The Macro Virus

"Macrocosm" sees Janeway and Neelix returning from a trading mission to find the crew comatose, main power offline, and the Doctor barricaded in sick bay. A virus has invaded Voyager, and owing to its unique alien structure has been growing at such a rapid rate that they are now nearly human-sized. The needle-like protrusions they use to puncture cell membranes at the microscopic level are now used to impale their victims at the macroscopic level. After being separated from Neelix, and with the Doctor confined, it's up to Janeway — with little more than a phaser and a knife — to stop the giant-sized virus, regain control of the ship, and revive the crew. 

The original concept for this episode came from writer Brannon Braga, who challenged himself to write  an episode with no dialogue . Unfortunately the need to explain to the viewer what was happening meant a few exposition-heavy scenes, but the episode is still a great thriller, 

Ultimately what we end up getting is part "Alien," part "Rambo," with Janeway as the lone hero aboard an empty ship and out for blood against a horde of deadly human-sized microbes. Captain Janeway is at her best here in action hero mode — in the thrilling climax she manages to lure the creatures into a holodeck simulation, and after killing one last macro-virus with a thrust of her knife, she detonates an antigen bomb and saves the ship.

Janeway vs Borg Queen, Round 2 (Unimatrix Zero, Pt 2)

Janeway And The Borg Queen

Seven of Nine may have started out as an excuse to add some sex appeal to the series, but over the course of her time on the show, the writers developed her into one of the most interesting, nuanced characters in the franchise. Janeway finally had not just a friendly foil of her equal, but someone to mentor as well. "Unimatrix Zero" showcases this character growth for the Janeway/Seven relationship perfectly.  

As the episode opens, Seven discovers a state of collective unconscious where Borg drones go when they're offline. In this dream realm they regain their individuality, and they've apparently been plotting a Borg rebellion. Unfortunately, drones can't remember this realm, or their revolutionary plans, once reactivated. It's hard not to respect this two-parter for that ambitious high concept alone, but the Janeway/Seven relationship, along with the return of the Borg Queen — out for vengeance against Seven, Voyager, and the rebel drones — makes it one of the show's best. Great performances by that triumvirate provides the platform for one of Janeway's best moments. In a bid to infiltrate a Borg cube to rescue Seven and help the Borg rebels, Janeway allows herself to be assimilated (if only temporarily). 

In the end, the Queen offers the captain a compromise, which Janeway refuses. When her plan comes to fruition and she stands victorious, Janeway fiercely proclaims, "I don't compromise with the Borg."

Janeway, Garbage Man (Night)

Janeway and Torres On The Bridge

The bulk of this episode revolves around Janeway, in a depressive state, doing some soul-searching. She reflects on the decision she made that got them stranded in the Delta Quadrant, and the burden of responsibility she carries to get her ship and crew home. Janeway's self-reflection is an interesting choice, and it serves the episode well, showing the heavy toll that the years stranded in the Delta Quadrant have taken on the captain. 

But "Night" is ultimately a social message episode about pollution and the refugee crises created by the destruction of the environment. Janeway and Voyager discover of a group of alien refugees created by the Malon, who use a spatial vortex to dump toxic waste into this remote region of space the aliens call home. This crisis shocks Janeway out of her depression as she stands up for the space refugees, who plead for her help.

As a measure of atonement, Janeway orders her crew to leave her behind in a shuttle to fight off the Malon. This will save the refugees and allow Voyager the time to escape through the vortex, out of this region of space and 2500 light years closer to Earth. One by one, the senior officers all — even knowing the long odds of success — refuse to leave, choosing to face the crisis together. Before firing the torpedoes that destroy the trash-dumping Malons, she steely states, "time to take out the garbage."

Janeway's suicide run (Year of Hell, Pt 2)

Janeway on a collision course

Foreshadowed in the third season episode "Before and After" in which Kes traveled into the future and saw Voyager badly damaged by the Krenim — killing the Captain and blinding Tuvok — "Year of Hell" sees Janeway confront a version of that terrifying reality. 

In this fourth season two-parter, an obsessed alien scientist named Annorax (played by Kurtwood Smith of " That '70s Show ") has created a ship displaced from time, armed with a weapon of his own design that can erase objects, ships, and entire planets from history, altering the timeline. His hope is to change history in an attempt to restore the life of his dead wife. Voyager has managed to stay one step ahead of Annorax, but the Krenim have had them on the run for over a year. Janeway manages to form an alliance with various neighboring species who have also been terrorized by Annorax, and together they attack the Krenim timeship with newly designed "temporal shields." But the fight does not go well.

At the climax of the battle, a bruised and bloodied Janeway crawls around falling debris to take the Captain's chair one last time. As the ship rocks from weapons fire, Janeway sets a collision course, in one final, desperate act. She gives the order to ram Annorax's timeship, believing that its destruction could reset the timeline to before they met. As she hurtles towards Annorax, she gives the audience her best Schwarzenegger-style pun: "Time's up."

Final fight with the Borg Queen (Endgame)

Janeway and the Queen

"Endgame" is the time travel swan song, the culmination of nearly a decade of stories. No, we're not talking about the MCU epic , but about the "Star Trek: Voyager" series finale. As it turns out, it took Voyager more than 20 years to reach home, and there were many casualties along the way. Ten years after returning to Earth, an older Admiral Janeway is unsatisfied with how history played out when she discovers a way to change the outcome.

The admiral plans to travel back in time, and with the help of her younger self and the crew of the Voyager in the past, use the Borg uni-complex — a network of trans-dimensional portals — to get Voyager home more than 15 years sooner. Things go awry, however, when the younger Janeway sees the opportunity to instead destroy the uni-complex and deal a crippling blow to the Borg.

But the younger and older Janeways together hatch a new plan to destroy the complex and get home at the same time. Armed with an invasive computer program, the Admiral goes aboard a Borg vessel where she has it out with the Queen once and for all. Thinking she's victorious, the Queen sinks her assimilation tubules into the older Janeway, dooming her. But that's what seals the Queen's fate, as the program was hidden within Janeway's blood. As the virus quickly spreads and destroys the complex, Janeway tells the Queen, "Must be something you assimilated."

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Star trek: 15 things you didn’t know about captain janeway.


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Star Trek Officially Brands a Surprising Deep Space Nine Hero as a War Criminal

After 57 years, star trek settles the truth about trelane's godlike species, i’m glad voyager’s tom and b’elanna are no longer star trek's only successful romance.

Star Trek   is often credited with breaking boundaries.  The Original Series  showed a future where people of all races, nationalities, and genders would work alongside each other in harmony. Gene Roddenberry's dream of peaceful coexistence continued on into  The Next Generation  era.

While  Star Trek  deserves a lot of credit for how inclusive it was, there is no denying that it was a struggle to get there. No one has experienced this more than Kate Mulgrew, who played Captain Kathryn Janeway in  Star Trek: Voyager .

Her casting and performance were scrutinized like no other  Star Trek  actor before her, for no reason other than the fact that she is a woman.

We are here today to look at the life of the Captain that managed to save her crew from the Delta Quadrant, as well as the craziness surrounding her creation.

From the version of  Voyager  that was staffed by the Crane family to the original actress who took the role of Janeway and quit after only two days, here are the  15 Things You Didn't Know About Captain Janeway .

Kate Mulgrew Was Invited To The White House

It took a lot of hard work on the part of the  Voyager  crew to help bring a female Captain to  Star Trek  and make her the lead of the show.

Kate Mulgrew deserves the most credit of all, as she withstood intense scrutiny from the executives at Paramount and improved the material that the  Voyager  writers were creating for her every week. It can't have been easy to have lived under such pressure, especially with the vocal backlash concerning  Voyager  from the die-hard  Star Trek  fans.

Hillary Clinton invited Kate Mulgrew to visit the White House in 1995 and speak at a function for women who held prominent scientific roles. Chelsea Clinton was a huge fan of the show and of Captain Janeway, which helped to make the meeting happen.

Mulgrew was asked to speak in front of an assembled group of some of the most brilliant women in America at the Kennedy Center, even though she was only an actress in a science fiction TV show.

Like Nichelle Nichols before her, Mulgrew would go on to meet many different women who entered scientific careers due to seeing her in a leadership position on the screen.

Captain Janeway Commanded The Cast Of Frasier

The first episode of  Star Trek  was broadcast over fifty years ago. Paramount and CBS have celebrated each of the anniversaries of  Star Trek  in different ways.

The worst of these happened during a TV special called  Star Trek: 30 Years and Beyond , which involved the most bizarre crossover of all time between  Star Trek: Voyager  and  Frasier .

There have been many actors who have appeared in both  Cheers/Frasier  and the  Star Trek  franchise. That still doesn't explain why anyone thought that a sketch involving Captain Janeway leading a crew made up of the cast of  Frasier  would be funny. The jokes in this sketch are woeful and are not indicative of the level of humor you would see in  Frasier .

The most notable absentee from this sketch (apart from the remainder of the  Voyager  crew) is Frasier Crane himself. He was probably too busy acting as the Captain of the  USS Bozeman. 

Kate Mulgrew & Jeri Ryan Didn't Get Along On The Set

The relationship between Captain Janeway and Seven of Nine became one of the most intriguing parts of  Voyager.  Seven's introduction to the show helped to revive interest in  Voyager  and gave it the push it needed to make it through to the end of its run.

Things weren't so happy behind the scenes of  Voyager.  Jeri Ryan has stated on numerous occasions that she didn't get along with Kate Mulgrew, to the point where she dreaded walking on to the set.

She believes that Mulgrew wasn't happy with a new actress becoming the focal point of the show, especially as she was mainly doing it through her sexual appeal. It wasn't until Jeri Ryan started dating Brannon Braga (the executive producer of the show) that the issues between the two were resolved.

Jeri Ryan and Kate Mulgrew never allowed their issues to affect their performances and the dynamic between Janeway and Seven became one of the best parts of the series.

Janeway Died Many Times In Voyager

Death is cheap in the  Star Trek  franchise unless your name happens to be Tasha Yar. The popularity of the character is what defines how long they will stay dead for.

Spock couldn't even stay dead throughout the credits of  Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , as the final scene of the movie was already hinting at his return. Kirk wasn't even dead for ten minutes before Bones brought him back to life in the worst plot device ever in  Star Trek Into Darkness.

The  Voyager  crew followed in Spock and Kirk's footsteps by repeatedly dying and being brought back to life. Captain Janeway was killed on over fifteen different occasions throughout  Voyager if you include things like clones and alternate timelines.

It seems that the writers really had it in for Janeway, yet they knew that they couldn't make a permanent fatality stick. The prominent  Star Trek  characters should all ask for frequent flyer miles and parking validation from the Grim Reaper.

She Is Still Alive In Star Trek Online

The  Star Trek  reboot movies begin with an event that seemingly wiped all of the post- Enterprise  shows out of continuity. A Romulan vessel travels into the past and causes the death of James Kirk's father. This starts a chain of events that creates a whole new timeline.

The original timeline that includes  The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine , and  Voyager  was continued in an MMO, called  Star Trek Online.  This is a game that builds on the events of the reboot, which includes the destruction of the planet Romulus and the upcoming conflict between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

Kathryn Janeway is still alive in  Star Trek Online  and has reached the rank of Admiral. Janeway is still active in her duties, despite being her in late-seventies.

While she hasn't shown up the game, the other characters have spoken of the things she has accomplished since  Voyager  returned home.

A Large Portion Of The Voyager Pilot Had To Be Filmed Again Because Of Janeway's Hair

The pilot episode of  Voyager  had numerous problems, any of which could have ended the show before it began.

The main problem was the amount of money spent on the pilot, as "Caretaker" cost over twenty-three million dollars to make-- this single episode cost more than some of the  Star Trek  movies.

One of the most unusual problems associated with "Caretaker" involved Captain Janeway's hair. It turned out to be so problematic that parts of the pilot needed to be reshot, which likely inflated the budget even further.

Kate Mulgrew first played Janeway with her regular hairstyle, which is kept long and straight. When the producers checked the footage, they noticed that the studio lights made Mulgrew's hair seem like it was see-through.

This is what prompted Mulgrew to put her hair up into a bun, as this did not conflict with the studio lights.

Linda Hamilton Was Considered For The Role Of Kathryn Janeway

The post- Original Series  iterations of  Star Trek  all required an extensive auditioning process for each role. This is especially important for whoever plays the Captain (or Commander, in Sisko's case), as they are essentially the face of the show.

When the role of Janeway was being cast, there was still some opposition to the idea of having a female Captain in  Star Trek . As such, there were a few men who were allowed to audition for the role, on the off chance that someone especially great was found.

Three actresses made it to the final round of the audition process for Janeway: Kate Mulgrew, Karen Austin, and Geneviève Bujold. There were also some other actresses considered for the role, such as Patty Duke and Chelsea Field.

Linda Hamilton was also reported to have been considered for the role. She is no stranger to science fiction or action films, as she played the role of Sarah Connor in the first two  Terminator   movies. Hamilton would likely have made for an awesome Captain Janeway.

Kate Mulgrew Almost Walked Off The Show Due To The Grueling Schedule

Working on a TV show involves grueling hours and a tight production schedule that leaves little room for error.

This can be even harder if you are stuck working in hot weather all day (like the cast of  The Walking Dead ) or in freezing cold locations (like the poor Night's Watch guys in  Game of Thrones ). Producing enough hours of television to make up a season is a ton of work that can be both mentally and physically draining.

This was the excuse given by Kate Mulgrew when she talked about walking out on  Star Trek: Voyager  in 1999. The main reason that Mulgrew wanted to leave was because of her two young children that she never had time to see.

One of the main conditions of her returning to the show was that she be given a shorter work week in order to spend more time with her family. The executives at Paramount agreed, and Captain Janeway returned to her post.

Seven Of Nine Was Brought In To Be The Sexy Character On The Show

The harmonious future of the Federation happens to be limited by the strict standards of American broadcasting. This is why a disease-free future that exists without prejudice is so sterile when it comes to sexuality.

Starfleet comes across as a Mormon compound at times. Patrick Stewart had to ask the producers to give Picard some sexier storylines, which led to episodes like "Captain's Holiday".

Kate Mulgrew refused to sexualize the character of Kathryn Janeway. She felt that it would diminish the respect that the audience had for her if she went around sleeping with the officers under her command (which never stopped Kirk).

Mulgrew has stated publically that the reason she believes Seven of Nine was introduced to the show was that the producers felt that  Voyager  needed a sexy female character who could engage in romantic relationships with her comrades without it getting weird.

The skin tight outfits also helped Seven become popular with the fans and may have revived the waning interest in the show.

Kate Mulgrew Fought Hard For A Gay Character To Be On Voyager

Star Trek: The Original Series  managed to include a multiracial cast and female characters in a position of authority, at a time when those things almost never happened and were considered to be taboo in certain markets.

Gene Roddenberry and the crew of the show were passionate about the diversity aboard the  Enterprise,  which is why they worked so hard to keep it.

The same cannot be said for sexuality in  Star Trek,  as many of the prominent actors & producers have gone toe-to-toe with the executives at Paramount over the inclusion of a gay character in the show, and have been defeated at every turn.

Kate Mulgrew was one such advocate for a homosexual or bisexual character to appear in  Voyager . She has even stated that she would have played the role herself if that was what it took to make it happen.

Paramount would not relent, however, which meant that Janeway would remain interested in guys... except to some in the fan base.

The Scientific Method Acting

The premise of the  Voyager  episode called "Scientific Method" involves a group of aliens who are messing with the crew of the ship. This involves making Chakotay age rapidly and forcing Neelix to change into a different species.

Captain Janeway is portrayed as particularly irritable during this episode, as she often gets angry and overreacts to slight misfortune. It is revealed that the reason she feels this way is because aliens are experimenting on her, which include sticking spikes into her head.

Kate Mulgrew actually had a very easy time playing the angry and irritable Janeway, as "Scientific Method" was filmed at around the same time that she had given up smoking.

She has since claimed that this acted as a form of method acting, considering she was already pretty cranky from nicotine withdrawals. These feelings continued on throughout the season, which helped Mulgrew play a Janeway who was starting to feel the pressure of her situation.

Captain Janeway Became A Lesbian Sex Symbol

While the writers of  Star Trek  couldn't officially out any of the characters as gay, they had an entire fan base that was willing to do it for them.

Star Trek  was the series that birthed fan fiction as we know it, which was helped by the growing convention scene, which allowed fans to share their stories during the period before the Internet was created.

The idea that Kirk and Spock were gay had been embraced by the fans for a long time. When Janeway took the helm of  Voyager,  she inspired admiration from a different part of the fan base. It didn't take long for the Janeway role to propel Kate Mulgrew to the status of a sex symbol among lesbian viewers of the show.

Kate Mulgrew has been aware of this affection for a long time, especially as it has been rekindled by her role in  Orange is the New Black . She has spoken about how proud she is of helping to inspire such desire for a woman, due to her personality and presence, rather than just for her beauty.

Janeway's Name Was Changed Due To Legal Reasons

The decision to go with a female Captain in  Voyager  was met with some resistance by the executives at Paramount. They insisted that the audition process include both sexes, which led to actors like Rene Rivera trying out for the role of Janeway. These male actors weren't seriously considered for the role by the producers, which is why the final three candidates were all women.

When Captain Janeway was first being developed, her name in the scripts was written as Elizabeth Janeway. When the role of Janeway was first cast, it was decided that her name should be changed.

The reason for this was because there was already a famous Elizabeth Janeway, who was a feminist author. Paramount wanted to avoid any potential legal issues going forward, so the name was changed to Nicole Janeway before the name of Kathryn Janeway was decided upon. This name was a reference to Kate Mulgrew's own first name, which is Katherine.

Kate Mulgrew Has Said That She Would Reprise The Role Of Janeway

One of the questions that every  Star Trek  actor has been asked at conventions is "Would you reprise your role if asked?"

There are some  Star Trek  actors who are dead against the idea of reprising the role for anything other than voice overs. Brent Spiner has said that he doesn't want to play an older version of Data and would rather someone else take over the role.

Patrick Stewart also doesn't want to reprise the role of Picard, even though he looks the same as he did when The Next Generation  ended. There are some  Star Trek  actors who would absolutely reprise their role and have even pitched ideas to Paramount about starring in spin-offs, like a Captain Worf TV show or one following the Rikers aboard the  Titan .

Kate Mulgrew has stated that she would love to reprise the role of Janeway if she was asked. She would love to play the Admiral version of Janeway, who gets to be one of the truly powerful people in the Federation.

Captain Janeway Was Played By A Different Actress For Two Days

It's hard to imagine anyone playing Captain Janeway other than Kate Mulgrew. This almost happened, as she was actually the second choice to play the role of Janeway. The first person who played Captain Janeway in the  Voyager  pilot was Geneviève Bujold.

Geneviève Bujold is best known as a movie actress and was nominated for an Academy Award for her portrayal of Anne Boleyn. She won the audition to play Captain Janeway and was invited to film the pilot for  Voyager.

It seems that the rigorous production and promotion schedule was too much for Bujold, as she was used to working on film sets. She also had difficulty learning the various scientific terms that a  Star Trek  actor would have to say. Rick Berman has confirmed that the stresses of working on  Voyager  caused Bujold to quit the production after only two days of filming.

The quick exit of Geneviève Bujold from the show turned out to be a blessing, as Kate Mulgrew was quickly brought up to speed and helped to make  Voyager  what it became. If Bujold had waited any longer and then walked off the show, then Paramount likely would have killed the pilot, as they wouldn't have been willing to fund all of the reshoots.

Kate Mulgrew quickly made the role of Janeway her own and it is hard to think of anyone but her sitting in the Captain's seat.

Can you think of any other interesting facts about  Star Trek 's Captain Janeway? Let us know in the comments!

  • Star Trek: Voyager

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First look at Captain Janeway in Star Trek: Prodigy

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We’ve got our first peek at Captain Kathryn Janeway in animated form.

As part of the Paramount+ First Contact Day virtual event on Monday, Janeway herself, Kate Mulgrew , along with Star Trek: Prodigy creators and executive producers Kevin and Dan Hageman showed off the character’s look in the upcoming animated series.

Janeway will be an Emergency Training Hologram on the series, which takes place in the Delta Quadrant in the year 2383— five years after the events of  Star Trek: Voyager ‘s finale “Endgame.”

Animated Janeway

Kate Mulgrew as Captain Janeway in animated form.

The Prodigy bridge crew photo, which was first revealed in February , has now been updated to include Janeway.

star trek schip onder leiding van kapitein janeway

You check out the Star Trek: Prodigy First Contact Day panel embedded below.

Star Trek: Prodigy was first teased in 2019 and announced in July 2020, with Mulgrew’s inclusion in the series being revealed in October . The series is set to premiere on the Paramount+ streaming service, prior to being broadcast on Nickelodeon.

Stay tuned to TrekNews.net for all the latest news on Star Trek: Prodigy , Star Trek: Discovery , Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , Star Trek: Picard , Star Trek: Lower Decks , and more.

You can follow us on Twitter , Facebook , and Instagram .

' data-src=

Scott D Olson

April 8, 2021 at 1:15 pm

I love this! I’m going to watch it with my grandkids! Captain janeway was always my favorite of all the Captains

' data-src=

April 9, 2021 at 9:10 am

Horrible journalism. It doesn’t say even with the shows about. So who cares?

' data-src=

April 21, 2021 at 6:42 am

It makes more sense than your comment and I think it says enough about what the show is. Watching the video may enlighten you too.

Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

star trek schip onder leiding van kapitein janeway

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Published Mar 29, 2023

The (In)fallible Janeway

'Come on, Kate, make something great out of that mess.'

Illustrated banner featuring a montage of Captain Janeway from Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Prodigy


One thing I learned watching Janeway growing up is how leadership means being responsible for working through dilemmas [with] no clear answers. All the easy decisions are made before it gets to the top.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , November 4, 2022

"What would the real Janeway do?," asks Hologram Janeway in the sixth episode of Star Trek: Prodigy , "Terror Firma."

With this line, the Emergency Training Hologram aboard the U.S.S Protostar underscores that while she may look and sound like Captain Janeway as we remember her from seven seasons of Star Trek: Voyager , she is her own entity. And, while Hologram Janeway may look to the "real Janeway" for inspiration, she has come into her own as a hero by the time the first season of Prodigy has concluded.

Captain/Admiral Janeway

Janeway sits in the captain's chair on the bridge of Voyager in 'Caretaker'


Although certainly not the first time we'd seen a woman in the captain's seat in Star Trek , when Voyager first made its debut in 1994, it was the first time a woman served as the lead character of a Star Trek series. While the Earth society under the Federation in the 24th Century may have eradicated sexism, Earth society in the 20th and 21st Centuries still shows plenty of "room for growth." As such, it was inevitable that Janeway would face inherent skepticism from certain groups of the audience.

This meant that, especially in the series' earliest episodes, Captain Kathryn Janeway had to be "The Infallible Janeway" — and according to Voyager 's first season show bible , although she was by no means the only woman captain in Starfleet, "it is generally acknowledged that she is among the best — male or female." Because of this, even making a decision considered by some as controversial could result in an outsized amount of attention. For example, we can look to the Voyager Season 2 episode " Tuvix ," a 1996 episode that continues to be so heavily discussed that even U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined a conversation about it on Twitter in 2020 (in contrast, there's little discussion about the death of Trip Tucker's clone in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode " Similitude ").

But, over the course of Voyager , Janeway won over the hearts of even the most skeptical audience members. In fact, by the time Star Trek Nemesis arrived on the big screen in 2002, Janeway had grown so popular that the character received a cameo appearance in the movie. This was true, in 2001 when the Voyager series finale, " Endgame, Parts I   and II ," was also released — Janeway had reached a point where she could make more controversial decisions.

The future Admiral Janeway looks at her viewscreen monitor in 'Endgame'


In "Endgame," this means violating the Temporal Prime Directive to ensure that Voyager would reach Earth much more quickly than it might have otherwise. Traveling back in time over two decades from a parallel 2404, the future Admiral Janeway not only guided her younger self and crew through a path that cut 17 years off their travel time, but also brought technology developed at a high cost in that timeline, including advanced ablative ship armor and transphasic torpedoes.

However, in traveling back to offer this guidance, Admiral Janeway sacrifices her life and eradicates the future timeline from which she originated. While the Admiral can easily justify this thanks to the deaths of Seven of Nine, Tuvok, and Chakotay, the timeline wasn't bad for everyone on the Voyager crew. For one thing, this is the only canon timeline where Captain Harry Kim is given the promotion he's always deserved. And for another, The Doctor — who, after more than 30 years, has chosen the name "Joe" — is happily married to a human and seems to enjoy not only practical benefits like those granted by the long-lost mobile emitter, but also increasing societal respect for holographic sentience. And finally, consider Professor Reggie, the apotheosis of a character who had a very long road getting from Star Trek: The Next Generation 's " The Nth Degree " to here — and it's a future in which he seems well adjusted and happy.

Future Admiral Janeway faces the younger Captain Janeway with her coffee in hand in 'Endgame'

"The sharp edges of loneliness were very much in play for Janeway [generally]," Mulgrew said in the July 2002 issue of Star Trek Monthly . "And that made the ultimate sacrifice that much more delicious. The Admiral sacrificed her life so that the Captain could persevere. That's who I really was as Janeway."

"Endgame" not only saves Janeway from her own loneliness, but her decision to change the timeline also affords survival for Seven, Chakotay, and Tuvok, demonstrating how allowing the woman captain to make a controversial decision can have lasting and unpredictable effects. Without Admiral Janeway's decision to violate the Temporal Prime Directive, Seven would not be involved in the ongoing events of Star Trek: Picard , a role that has proven integral to the survival of the eponymous character more than once, and the Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 3 premiere, "Grounded," could not have featured Tuvok in his integral role where he gathered exonerating evidence for Captain Carol Freeman's highly publicized trial (you probably heard about this; they talked about it on FNN nonstop for a minute). And, of course, Chakotay's survival ensures he's alive to get lost in a parallel future timeline himself, spurring Vice Admiral Janeway's involvement in Prodigy and eventually leading to her involvement with the Protostar crew.

Hologram Janeway

Hologram Janeway looks at a recording of herself in 'Kobayashi'


When we are first introduced to Hologram Janeway in "Starstruck," she's more or less an echo of the "real Janeway" as we might best remember her from Voyager ; she's even wearing a similar style of uniform (albeit without her captain's pips). She even possesses the same personal preferences as this remembered version of Janeway, including her affinity for coffee and gothic Bildungsroman holonovels (as demonstrated by program Janeway Lambda one, first seen in Voyagers ' " Cathexis ," and through Jane Eyre in Prodigy 's "Kobayashi").

Furthermore, Hologram Janeway can draw on many of Janeway's memories, including those that proceeded the events of Voyager , and can even offer Dal guidance through a historical nonfiction parable from Earth — the true story of Apollo 13 ("Time Amok"). Her presence as the ship’s Emergency Training Hologram demonstrates that the advancements brought back to Earth from the Delta Quadrant by Voyager weren't limited to the parallel future tech furbished by Admiral Janeway. This sophisticated recreation of the "real Captain Janeway" is likely only possible thanks to the tech advancements achieved by The Doctor during his tenure on Voyager .

But, when we are introduced to Hologram Janeway, while she may appear to have the experiences of the "real Janeway," it's worth noting that she’s as old as the recently christened (but subsequently time-traveled) Protostar , and during the span of her existence, her programming has been corrupted by the machinations of The Order (although we don’t know that until the final quarter of the first season).

A concerned Protostar crew and Holo-Janeway look out the viewfinder in 'Supernova, Part 1'

"Supernova, Part 1"

Nevertheless, Hologram Janeway experiences significant growth thanks to her time with Captain Dal R’El, Gwyn, Rok-Tahk, Jankom Pog, Zero, and Murf. At the midpoint of Prodigy ’s first season, she has become so integrated into the crew that she even shifts her appearance from the Voyager -era uniforms to better match the style the Protostar ’s current crew wears – an affectation she hadn’t initiated under the command of Captain Chakotay. In “ A Moral Star, Part 2 ,” it is revealed that Hologram Janeway’s programming was even upgraded by Gwyn, allowing her to both deceive The Diviner and Dreadnok in “ A Moral Star, Part 1 ” and physically interact with non-holograms (allowing her to be embraced by Dal in “ Asylum ,” which she describes as “a new experience”).

Dal hugs a shocked Holo-Janeway aboard the Protostar in 'Asylum'


Over the first 16 episodes of Prodigy , Hologram Janeway is an impeccable ally to the Protostar crew. She grows alongside them, her programming becoming too complex to be loaded onto an isolinear chip. But, throughout the tenure of their relationship with her, Hologram Janeway reminds the crew that she is a different character than the "real Janeway," a fact that becomes especially clear over the course of the back half of Prodigy 's first season, as Vice Admiral Janeway undertakes a hunt for Chakotay and the Protostar .

We know from "Endgame" how far Janeway will go to rescue Chakotay. As expressed in "Crossroads," even Hologram Janeway doubts the Protostar can stay ahead of the incredibly persistent clutches of the Vice Admiral.

Vice Admiral Janeway

Admiral Janeway in her captain's chair along with the Defiant crew look ahead in shock in 'Let Sleeping Borg Lie'

"Let Sleeping Borg Lie"

But, when the "real Janeway" does appear in the back half of Prodigy Season 1, she isn't exactly there to provide a good example to the Protostar crew. Instead, she's there to apprehend them!

Whereas "Hologram Janeway has to follow a certain structure," Mulgrew said in an interview , "Vice Admiral Janeway gets to play the Stradivarius." Although Vice Admiral Janeway isn't exactly a villain, running "the gamut of emotions" and "the gamut of command" in doing the job that Starfleet assigned her — the Hageman brothers compare her narrative function to the part Tommy Lee Jones plays in The Fugitive — it's hard to argue that she isn't playing something of an antagonistic role to our young protagonists aboard the Protostar crew.

Some impressive institutional Starfleet power further backs the real Janeway. Both the ship and the Bridge crew she commands underscore this — the Dauntless , based on scientific developments brought back to the Alpha Quadrant aboard Voyager . And, while the Protostar crew may be comprised of inexperienced outsiders, Janeway is backed by a team whose pedigree is underscored by the all-star team of actors who portray them — Daveed Diggs as Commander Tysess, Jameela Jamil as "Ensign Ascencia," and Voyager alum Jason Alexander as Dr. Noum.

At first, Vice Admiral Janeway assumes the Protostar crew is in cahoots with whoever abducted Chakotay. This initial (and erroneous) assumption is obviously augmented by her feelings regarding her one-time First Officer . While this influence is not unprecedented — Chakotay's untimely death is part of the reason the parallel-timeline Janeway elected to violate the Temporal Prime Directive in "Endgame," after all — the extended duration over which Janeway believes the Protostar crew to be antagonist shows the type of imperfect narrative that Captain Janeway was rarely permitted to explore during Voyager 's seven seasons on-air.

With Hologram Janeway filling the role of "perfect role model," the real Janeway is free to expand beyond the confines of a "STEM Barbie" archetype and become a more complicated, nuanced, and imperfect character. Through this, Prodigy can bring us the most human version of our beloved Janeway yet.

A Tale of Two Janeways

Above the Protostar, the Dauntless hovers aboard as the crew is stressed and alarmed in 'Mindwalk'


After examining the bounties that Tysess proffers her in "Preludes," Vice Admiral Janeway has begun re-evaluating her perspective on the Protostar crew. Thanks to the additional information (and her boundless empathy), the real Janeway soon begins to suspect that there's more to the stolen Protostar situation than meets the eye.

These suspicions are confirmed thanks to her swapping minds with Protostar Captain Dal R’El during the events of "Mindwalk." This allows her to meet the rest of the crew — including the idealized version of herself, Hologram Janeway.

This ostensibly impeccable role model has been corrupted by clandestine programming, implanted by the Order as part of the future Vau N'Akat's machinations against Starfleet. In a sense, this makes the Hologram analogous to the '90s incarnation of Janeway, who was obligated to provide a façade of perfection to gain acceptance.

However, while Hologram Janeway may be a "perfect" version of the legendary Starfleet leader, it takes the real (and imperfect) Janeway to help reconnect her with her true mission. Because the ETH is classified as a "non-essential system" in the ship’s computer, Vice Admiral Janeway can purge the corrosive programming. This allows Hologram Janeway to once again assume the position for which she had been designed — a role model for the up-and-coming crew of the Protostar .

Holo-Janeway meets Vice Admiral Janeway in front of the Living Construct in 'Mindwalk'

When Vice Admiral Janeway has returned to her actual body aboard the Dauntless , she finds that Dal's actions while occupying her mind have confined her to the Brig just as the Living Construct is about to activate and set The Order's plan into motion. It's a real mess. Fortunately, Vice Admiral Janeway used her father's words (" Come on, Kate, make something great out of that mess .") to help provide Hologram Janeway guidance in the previous episode, reminding both Janeways that there's power in taking a mess and making something great.

While Hologram Janeway may have represented an "idealized" Janeway, it is only through the actions of the imperfect "real Janeway" that she can purge her corrosive programming and play her integral role in the climax of "Supernova, Part 2."

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Avery Kaplan (she/her) is the Features Editor at Comics Beat. You can also find her writing on NeoText, Geek Girl Authority, Comics Bookcase, and in many issues of the Eisner Award-winning PanelxPanel. She is the co-host of the Matrix 404 podcast and the Comm Officer at Prism Comics. Find her on Twitter @averykaplan6. Rebecca "Ollie" Kaplan (she/he) is a bigender comic critic and judicial scholar and co-author of Double Challenge: Being LGBTQ and a Minority with his wife, Avery Kaplan. His work can regularly be found at Geek Girl Authority, Comics Beat, Prism Comics, PanelxPanel, and MovieWeb. His Twitter is @RebeccaKaplan6.

Star Trek: Prodigy will stream on Netflix globally (excluding Canada, Nordics, CEE, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Russia, Belarus and Mainland China) and Season 1 is currently available on SkyShowtime in the Nordics, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Central and Eastern Europe with Season 2 coming soon. Season two has launched in France on France Televisions channels and Okoo.


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    De naam van Kathryn Janeway, het eerste vrouwelijke hoofdpersonage in Star Trek dat kapitein van een ruimteschip is, verwijst naar feministische schrijfster Elizabeth Janeway (1913-2005). [1]In oktober 2020 werd een standbeeld van Janeway onthuld in Bloomington (Indiana), waar ze op 20 mei 2335 geboren wordt. Actrice Kate Mulgrew gaf bij de onthulling een toespraak via een videoverbinding.

  2. Kathryn Janeway

    Admiral Kathryn M. Janeway was a 24th and early 25th century Starfleet officer. One of the most decorated captains in Starfleet history, she was most noted for commanding the starship USS Voyager during its journey through the Delta Quadrant. Her captaincy of Voyager and its unprecedented journey through the Delta Quadrant became legendary. As the first Federation captain to successfully ...

  3. Star Trek: Voyager

    Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Female Captain Kathryn Janeway. She received a lot of advice from the crew, especially Seven of Nine and Captain Janeway, the latter of whom reminded her the three definitive rules of being a starship captain. "Space must have seemed a whole lot bigger back then. It's not surprising they had to bend ...

  4. Kathryn Janeway

    "Er zijn die dingen om te onthouden over het zijn van een sterrenschipkapitein: stop je shirt in, ga ten onder met het schip, en laat nooit iemand van je bemanning achter." - Kathryn Janeway tegen Naomi Wildman, 2375 ("Dark Frontier") Kathryn Janeway was een 24e eeuwse Starfleet officier, die het bekendst is geworden voor haar dienst als kapitein van het sterrenschip USS Voyager. Ze was de ...

  5. Kathryn Janeway

    Kathryn Janeway is a fictional character in the Star Trek franchise. She was the main character of the television series Star Trek: Voyager, which aired between 1995 and 2001.She served as the captain of the Starfleet starship USS Voyager while it was lost in the Delta Quadrant on the other side of the galaxy. After returning home to the Alpha Quadrant, she is promoted to vice admiral and ...

  6. Kathryn Janeway

    Door haar raakte Janeway geinspireerd om zich aan te melden bij de StarFleet academie. In 2358 verdrinkt haar vader tijdens een ongeluk. Na het vertooien van haar opleiding op de academie, wordt Janeway wetenschaps officier aan boord van de USS Al-Batani. Daarna wordt Janeway kapitein van de USS Voyager. USS Voyager

  7. EXCERPT: The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway

    StarTrek.com. In The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway, the former Voyager captain (with an assist from author Una McCormack) reveals her career in Starfleet, from her first command to her epic journey through the Delta Quadrant leading to her rise to the top as vice-admiral in Starfleet Command. Discover the story of the woman who travelled ...

  8. Janeway Is Star Trek's Greatest Captain Turned Admiral

    The Star Trek franchise has a long history of captains who became admirals, but Admiral Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) is the greatest of them all. Janeway first appeared in the franchise as the captain and lead on Star Trek: Voyager, which ran from 1995 to 2001.As the first female lead of a Star Trek series, Mulgrew broke significant ground with her portrayal of Janeway and cemented herself ...

  9. Star Trek's 1st female captain rises through Starfleet ranks in 'The

    "Janeway is such an important figure in the history of "Star Trek" — the first woman lead, and such a strong female role model," McCormack tells Space.com. "I think people connect to her courage ...

  10. To Captain Kathryn Janeway

    To Captain Kathryn Janeway. How Voyager's captain helped one scientist-to-be fight for her dream. I could finally see the end. Months and months of PhD work were beginning to wind down, and I could see the light at the end of my dissertation tunnel. As I started writing out my acknowledgements to those who had helped me along the way, I looked ...

  11. Kathryn Janeway

    Kathryn Janeway, daughter of Edward and Gretchen Janeway, was born on May 20, 2336 in Bloomington, Indiana. Kathryn's younger sister, Phoebe Janeway, was born four years later. As a young child, she was given the nickname " Goldenbird " by her parents. Kathryn was also particularly close to her father.

  12. Startrek-Voyager.eu

    Het nieuwe schip is kleiner, wendbaarder en slanker dan haar voorgangers en daardoor ook in staat om ook te landen en op te stijgen. De Voyager staat onder leiding van kapitein Kathryn Janeway, de eerste vrouw in de geschiedenis van Star Trek die het bewind voert over een sterreschip.

  13. Star Trek: Voyager

    Het nieuwe schip is kleiner, wendbaarder en slanker dan haar voorgangers en daardoor ook in staat om ook te landen en op te stijgen. De Voyager staat onder leiding van kapitein Kathryn Janeway, de eerste vrouw in de geschiedenis van Star Trek die het bewind voert over een sterrenschip. De Voyager en de Maquis worden door de "Caretaker" 70.000 ...

  14. How Captain Janeway Became Star Trek's Caretaker

    Captain Kathryn Janeway came into my life, when I was an angry teenager, trying to prove myself to the world. She's had a bigger influence on me and some of my life choices than I thought was possible. While we imagine that the Federation has a world view of a better future, all Star Trek is written in the present; in the now that we know. And for more than 50 years, Star Trek has followed the ...

  15. Captain Janeway's Fiercest Star Trek Moments

    Captain Janeway's Fiercest Star Trek Moments. Paramount Domestic Television. By Adam Levine Oct. 21, 2021 1:14 pm EST. Before she was Red on " Orange Is the New Black," Kate Mulgrew was the ...

  16. Star Trek: Facts About Captain Janeway

    The relationship between Captain Janeway and Seven of Nine became one of the most intriguing parts of Voyager. Seven's introduction to the show helped to revive interest in Voyager and gave it the push it needed to make it through to the end of its run. Things weren't so happy behind the scenes of Voyager. Jeri Ryan has stated on numerous occasions that she didn't get along with Kate Mulgrew ...

  17. Seven of Nine

    Kapitein Janeway onderhandelde met de Borg om ongehinderd het territorium van de Borg te kunnen doorkruisen in ruil voor een wapen dat 8472 zou vernietigen. Tijdens het ontwikkelen van het wapen werd Voyager begeleidt door een Borg kubus. Toen deze kubus dor 8472 vernietigd werd, kwam er een groep Borg aan boord van Voyager.

  18. Star Trek

    Gene Roddenberry en enkele acteurs uit de oorspronkelijke Star Trek-serie bij de spaceshuttle Enterprise. Star Trek is oorspronkelijk een door Gene Roddenberry bedachte Amerikaanse sciencefiction-televisieserie die vanaf 1966 tot en met 1969 werd uitgezonden.Uiteindelijk groeide het Star Trekuniversum uit tot een succesvolle mediafranchise met ondertussen acht televisieseries, drie ...

  19. Captains Janeway and Sisko Overcome the Odds

    Two such situations arose in Star Trek: Voyager 's " Scorpion, Part I " and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 's " Call to Arms," when Species 8472 and the Dominion launched overwhelming attacks that tested the resolve of Captains Kathryn Janeway and Benjamin Sisko, respectively. First aired less than a month apart in 1997, these episodes ...

  20. First look at Captain Janeway in Star Trek: Prodigy

    Janeway will be an Emergency Training Hologram on the series, which takes place in the Delta Quadrant in the year 2383— five years after the events of Star Trek: Voyager's finale "Endgame ...

  21. Star Trek Schip Onder Leiding Van Kapitein Janeway

    Antwoorden voor STAR TREK SCHIP ONDER LEIDING VAN KAPITEIN JANEWAY in Kruiswoordpuzzel en pijlen. Vind de ⭐ beste antwoorden en synoniemen om elk soort woordspelletje af te maken. Onder de antwoorden die je hier kunt vinden is Voyager met 7 letters het beste.

  22. Caretaker (Star Trek)

    Een groep genaamd de Maquis, een verzetsbeweging tegen Starfleet, is verdwenen in de Badlands.Dit schip heeft een Starfleetinfiltrant aan boord, Tuvok.De kapitein van het Maquisschip is Chakotay.. De U.S.S. Voyager onder leiding van Kapitein Janeway gaat op zoek naar het Maquisschip. Een gevangene, Tom Paris, wordt vanuit de gevangenis meegenomen omdat hij kennis heeft van de regio.

  23. The (In)fallible Janeway

    Captain/Admiral Janeway. Although certainly not the first time we'd seen a woman in the captain's seat in Star Trek, when Voyager first made its debut in 1994, it was the first time a woman served as the lead character of a Star Trek series. While the Earth society under the Federation in the 24th Century may have eradicated sexism, Earth ...

  24. Star Trek: Generations

    78 jaar later ontvangt de USS Enterprise NCC-1701D onder leiding van kapitein Jean-Luc Picard een noodsignaal van een ruimte-onderzoeksstation bij de ster Amargosa. Bij aankomst lijkt het station te zijn overvallen door de Romulanen. Er blijkt slechts één overlevende te zijn: de El-Auriaan dr. Tolian Soran.