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Kevin Uxbridge

Kevin Uxbridge was the assumed Human identity of a Douwd who came to Earth in the late 23rd century .

"Kevin" was born in 2281 . While disguised as a Human student aboard a ship at sea , he met a woman named Rishon . Although her parents did not approve of him, within two hours of their meeting Rishon asked "Kevin" to marry her. Kevin fell in love with Rishon, decided to put aside his powers and live as a Human. Rishon and Kevin were married in 2313 , and spent most of their lives in the aquatic city New Martim Vaz , in Earth 's Atlantic Ocean . He became a botanist , specializing in symbiotic plant life. He never told Rishon about his true identity.

In 2361 , the couple moved to the Federation Rana IV colony , " hoping it would make [them] fall in love all over again. " Their life on Rana was full and satisfying, but in 2366 , the colony was attacked and destroyed by the Husnock . The moral code of the Douwd prevented Kevin from taking deadly action, even in defense of the woman he loved, so tried to fool them with his powers, though unsuccessfully. Rishon, however, attempted to defend the colonists and died along with them.

Wracked with grief, Kevin annihilated the entire Husnock species (estimated at fifty billion beings). Subsequently, Kevin recreated his home and wife .

Riker urges the Uxbridges to leave

Kevin encountering Data and Riker

When an away team led by Commander Riker arrived to investigate the colony's destruction and the apparent survival of the Uxbridges and their home, Kevin attempted to protect his home, first with a buried snare and then by threatening the away team with a non-functioning weapon. Lieutenant Worf considered this an act of unmitigated gall, something he admired. Riker encouraged the Uxbridges to return to the USS Enterprise -D with him, but they refused.

While the away team was investigating on the surface, Counselor Troi attempted to probe the Uxbridges' minds. To hide his true identity, Kevin placed the tune from a music box of Rishon's into Troi's mind. This tune distracted her, eventually causing her considerable suffering.

Hoping to lure the Enterprise -D away from Rana, Kevin created a false warship , which appeared from the Lagrange point of Rana's farthest moon and fired on the Enterprise -D with proton - antiproton energy equivalent to forty megawatts . The crew of the Enterprise naturally assumed this vessel was the same Husnock warship that had attacked the colony, though the design was unknown to the Federation. When the Enterprise -D returned fire, the warship quickly left orbit . As the Enterprise -D attempted to catch up with it, the ship matched Enterprise -D's acceleration exactly, and the Enterprise -D was unable to catch it.

The Enterprise -D returned to the Delta Rana star system , and Captain Picard encouraged the Uxbridges to leave the planet; they again refused. After Picard had returned to the ship, Kevin brought the warship back in a slightly different configuration, and fired on the Enterprise -D with 400 gigawatts of particle energy, injuring 66 crewmembers . The Enterprise returned fire, but none of its weapons were effective, and it was forced to leave orbit. Picard hypothesized that the ship was protecting Kevin and Rishon, and to test his theory he informed Kevin that the Enterprise -D would not leave Rana IV as long as Kevin and Rishon were alive. In response, Kevin brought the warship back and had it fire upon the planet, appearing to destroy his home. Picard then ordered a single photon torpedo launched against the warship, and Kevin caused the previously impenetrable ship to be utterly destroyed so that the Enterprise would have no reason to remain in the Rana system. Three hours later the Uxbridge home, and the Uxbridges, were back. Picard had them beamed directly to the bridge of the Enterprise -D, where he explained that he had deduced that Rishon had in fact died in the attack, and Kevin had somehow recreated her and their home. Exposed, Kevin uncreated the copy of Rishon, and disappeared from the bridge . He went to the bedside of the suffering Counselor Troi and removed the music from her mind. When Picard demanded the truth of him, Kevin revealed his true nature and that, in an instant of his regretful grief, he had utterly annihilated the entire Husnock race with a single vengeful thought. Picard decided that Humanity was not qualified to judge Kevin's crime, and permitted him to return to the planet and create his wife and home once more.

Colony records indicated that Kevin was 85 years old at the time of the attack, although this was of course based on his false Human identity. In reality, he had lived in the Milky Way Galaxy for many thousands of years. ( TNG : " The Survivors ")

Kevin Uxbridge was played by John Anderson .

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  • 2 Klingon augment virus
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)


Douwd are an extra-galactic species, able to manipulate their appearance. They are self-described as "immortal beings of disguises and false surroundings." They have been observed to have the ability to create and destroy on an epic scale. Their main ways of both attack and defense were through psychic and psychological means.

Though they possess great power, they are not able to bring people back to life, though they can create near-perfect illusions of whomever they wanted to. The Douwd appear to be nearly omnipotent beings, but not omniscient. Their true form appears as a slender, translucent humanoid, which had a purple hue.

In 2366 , one Douwd revealed himself to the crew of the Federation starship Enterprise-D , posing as a human named Kevin Uxbridge. The Enterprise was responding to a distress signal sent out by the colony on Rana IV, finding only Uxbridge and his wife to be the only survivors of a brutal, planet-wide attack.

It was eventually revealed that Uxbridge is a Douwd in disguise, and his wife an illusion of his creation. When the Husnock attacked Rana IV, the Douwd refused to fight, as he was a devout pacifist. However, when his wife and the rest of the colony were destroyed, Uxbridge was devastated.

Using his immeasurable powers, he instantly annihilated the entire Husnock race –all fifty billion– with a single thought. He then created the illusion of his wife, and their homestead before the attack.

Uxbridge sentenced himself to exile on the now-ruined Rana IV. The truth revealed, Captain Picard confessed that the Federation is not qualified to judge him, or the issue, and allowed him to stay on Rana IV.

It is not known what became of the being known as "Kevin Uxbridge" after his encounter with the Enterprise-D in 2366 .

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Patrick Stewart as Picard smiles in Picard

douwd on star trek

The Douwd were a species made of pure energy, self-described as "immortal beings of disguises and false surroundings" . They have the ability to create and destroy on an epic scale; they also maintain the ability to attack through psychic means. The Douwd appear to be nearly omnipotent, but not omniscient.

Only one individual from the Douwd race has been encountered, a being who referred to itself as Kevin Uxbridge while in Human form. In 2313, he had been traveling on a ship at sea – taking the form of a thirty-three year old, penniless botany student – when he met a twenty-nine year old composer of Tao-classical music named Rishon. Though her parents disapproved of him, she was smitten with Kevin and proposed marriage to him two hours after they met. He put aside his powers and married Rishon; they would be married for fifty-three years, but Kevin never revealed his true identity to her.

In 2361 – with Rishon 77 years old – the couple moved from the aquatic city New Martim Vaz on Earth to the Federation colony on Delta Rana IV to live out their final years together and to "fall in love all over again" .

Unfortunately, in 2366, a warship belonging to a vicious species known as the Husnock attacked the planet . As Kevin possessed a pacifist conscience, he refused to destroy the Husnock attackers outright, instead trying to scare them away with false images. Instead of fleeing, however, they became "angrier and more cruel" , laying waste to the planet. Finally, Rishon left Kevin's side and joined the fight against the Husnock – perishing with the other colonists. When Kevin found her body, he lost control of his emotions; in a fury of blind rage, he summoned his powers and destroyed the Husnock completely – all fifty billion of the species. When Kevin regained his senses and realized what he had done, he was horrified. He used his powers to recreate his house and Rishon, then sentenced himself to exile as the only living being on Rana IV.

It was here that Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the USS Enterprise-D found Kevin and "Rishon", three days after the attack, apparently the sole survivors of the attack on the planet . The ship's counselor, Deanna Troi, began to sense Kevin's true nature through her empathic powers; Kevin sensed this himself and used his own powers to implant an endlessly-repeating piece of music in Deanna's mind, distracting her and nearly destroying her mind. He also attempted to drive the Enterprise away, first by attacking the ship with a vessel he created, then by obliterating his home with the warship in hopes that the Enterprise would leave. Eventually, Captain Picard used the ship's transporter to transport Kevin and "Rishon" directly to the bridge of the Enterprise and then confronted them with their true natures. Consumed by regret and remorse over what he had done, Kevin removed the music from Deanna's mind and confessed his "sin" to Captain Picard. Picard's response: "We are not qualified to be your judges. We have no law to fit your crime. You're free to return to the planet... and to make Rishon live again." Uxbridge returned to Rana IV and once again recreated Rishon and his house; Picard and the Enterprise left orbit, Picard remarking, "We leave behind a being of extraordinary power... and conscience. I am not certain if he should be praised or condemned - only that he should be left alone." (TNG: "The Survivors")

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A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

Unlike 0 , the Douwd was considered one of the advanced intelligences that recognized reality. ( TNG - The Q Continuum novel : Q-Strike )

In the far distant past , the Guardian of Forever displayed an image of the Douwd to a young Q . ( TNG - The Q Continuum novel : Q-Space )

In the year 2366 , the Douwd known as Kevin Uxbridge was encountered by the crew of the Starfleet starship USS Enterprise -D on Delta Rana IV , three days after the destruction of the local Federation colony by the Husnock . Uxbridge was left in self-imposed isolation on the planet after wiping out the entire Husnock civilization in retaliation. ( TNG episode : " The Survivors ")

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  • TNG novel : Planet X

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  • Douwd article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
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A Douwd in Human form

In their true forms, Douwd resemble translucent energy-based humanoids colored purple, possessing incredible essokinetic power. Lighter examples of their power include creating elaborate life-like illusions capable of fooling all senses, clouding the mind of psychics, and taking on the form of a Human, while feats of their greater power include annihilating entire species and civilizations with a single thought, even one that was made impulsively. The only known limit to their power is that they cannot resurrect the dead, although they can create illusions of a deceased person.

Culture and society [ ]

Little is known of Douwd society, as only one has been encountered by Humans. However, despite their capacity to utterly destroy and rewrite galaxies as they please, Douwd appear to be pacifists. Their only known member had a code never to kill, and was willing to set aside his powers to live as a Human. For reasons unknown, this Douwd had been in the Milky Way for thousands of years, and in the 23rd century, came to Earth under the guise of a Human college student, even finding love.

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  • Star Trek: The Next Generation , s03e03, "The Survivors" (1989)
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Published Sep 26, 2024

New Star Trek Action Figure Line Coming From Nacelle

The new line of action figures are based on characters from across the iconic Star Trek franchise that spans nearly 60 years.

LCARs screen with the UFP logo and 'Incoming Transmission Starfleet Command'

Nacelle ( The Center Seat: 55 Years of Trek, The Toys/Movies That Made Us, Disney’s Behind the Attraction ) has struck a deal with Paramount to create a new line of action figures based on the iconic Star Tre k franchise. Nacelle's Star Trek is inspired by some of the most beloved, fan-favorite characters and moments from Star Trek shows and films over its iconic run of nearly 60 years available as 1/12 scale action figures, with a focus on characters never before available, as well as roles in outfits never before produced.

Covering the era from The Original Series , to Star Trek: Enterprise , and the films, the franchise is known for celebrating the beauty of exploration and analyzing ethical dilemmas largely based on societal issues. The trailblazing Star Trek franchise portrays unity and collaboration amongst hundreds of different cultures in their interpretation of a future universal society.

Star Trek and Nacelle Company logos against a blue nebula

With Star Trek 's rich cast of beloved characters, cameos and unforgettable moments, there will be future waves of releases that will include characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation , Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , Star Trek III: The Search for Spock , Star Trek: IV: The Voyage Home , Star Trek V: The Final Frontier , Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country , Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , Star Trek Generations , Star Trek: First Contact , Star Trek: Insurrection , Star Trek Nemesis , and more. In addition, Nacelle is soliciting ideas from Star Trek fans on which characters they would like to see in future waves to complete their collections.

"As a lifelong Star Trek fan who somehow made it through Chekov's Ceti Eel scene at the ripe old age of six (thanks mom!), who would go on to name his company after a term every Trek fan is familiar with, I'm starting to think I’m in the best holodeck program ever made — this has all been so surreal! I promise all the fellow fans out there that we will deliver the deep cuts we've been waiting decades for, and keep the surprises coming too! Warp engines are standing by!" said Brian Volk-Weiss, founder of The Nacelle Company.

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Star Trek: Prodigy Cast and Character Guide


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Kate mulgrew is vice admiral kathryn janeway and hologram janeway, brett gray is dal r'el, cadet captain of the uss protostar, ella purnell is gwyndala, an impossible girl with a destiny, rylee alazraqui is rok-tahk, a child science whiz, jason mantzoukas is jankom pog, engineer with a unique way of speaking, angus imrie is zero, a non-corporeal being in a robot suit, jimmi simpson is the villainous dreadnok, jameela jamil is ascencia, the vindicator out of time, robert picardo is the doctor, a holographic starfleet veteran, robert beltran is captain chakotay, lost among the stars, john noble was the diviner, a once and future villain.

After being pulled from Paramount+, the brilliant animated series, Star Trek: Prodigy is now streaming on Netflix. The series follows a group of new alien characters from the Delta Quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy after they find a lost Starfleet ship: the USS Protostar. The crew makes their way to the Alpha Quadrant -- in much less time than the USS Voyager did -- and Season 2 takes them on new adventures, boldly going where none of their species have ever gone before.

Because Star Trek is a nearly 60-year-old franchise, Prodigy is one of Paramount's most important shows. Not only is it a spiritual sequel to Star Trek: Voyager , but it is the only series in the third wave of shows specifically designed to appeal to new, younger fans of space, starships and weird aliens. With a collection of new and legacy characters, Star Trek: Prodigy makes this massive universe that much bigger.

Kathryn Janeway is the famous Starfleet captain who brought the USS Voyager home after seven years stranded in the Delta Quadrant. She also all-but defeated the Borg collective, with the help of a little time travel and self-sacrifice. Now an Admiral, Janeway searched for the USS Protostar, which was commanded by her former first officer, Chakotay, a man she may love. She was also the model for the holographic training program who led the rag-tag Protostar crew back to the Alpha Quadrant. A mother figure to the crew, she sacrificed herself to save them and Starfleet. Now the crew travels with the real Janeway to explore the galaxy and find Chakotay.

Kate Mulgrew was the second choice to play Janeway on Voyager , after Canadian actor Genvieve Bujold left the series on its second day of filming. As a Starfleet captain, her performance is the spiritual successor to James T. Kirk . Mulgrew played the character with equal parts compassion, curiosity and fierce loyalty to her crew. Mulgrew has a storied television and stage career, having most recently played Red on Orange is the New Black.

Star Trek Voyager

Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is seventy-five years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home.

REVIEW: Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1, Part 2 Blu-ray Brings the Protostar Crew to Life

Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1, Part 2 arrives on Blu-ray and brings the animated characters from the Paramount+ series to life in new and exciting ways.

Dal R'El is the leader of the rag-tag crew of outcasts who steal the USS Protostar to escape from a life of slavery under the Diviner. He wanted to be captain but didn't realize what that entailed. Over the course of Season 1, he learned the importance of command and realized his crew was the family he never had. As a genetically augmented being, with human DNA and many others, he is "crime" in the eyes of Starfleet. Yet, after Janeway argued for him, he was accepted into Starfleet Academy.

Brett Gray is a young actor who's appeared on a number of series in guest spots, like When They See Us , Chicago P.D. and Law & Order SVU . He's perhaps best known as Jamal Turner from all four seasons of On My Block . His role as Dal is one of his first voice acting credits.

Gwyndala is the daughter of the Diviner, a time traveler meant to save the Vau N'Akat species. He was not supposed to have a progeny, making Gwyndala a temporal anomaly. She was aware of his cruel and oppressive nature, and finally abandoned her father when he chose the USS Protostar over her on a planet that was trying to eat them both. As part of the crew, she wanted to join Starfleet, but after her father died at the hands of another of their species, she left Starfleet to try to save her people from extinction.

Ella Purnell is an English actor who began her career in a stage production of Oliver! when she was 10 years old. She's since gone on to appear in 25 films and television series. She appeared in Kick-Ass 2, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, the Army of the Dead franchise and many others. She was most recently seen in Yellowjackets as Jackie. While Gwyn left the crew, she's almost certainly going to appear in Season 2 of Prodigy .

Rok-Tahk is a large, spiky creature that speaks in roars and growls. However, once the universal translator is active, she has a soft, child's voice. Originally picked to be security, Rok-Tahk's intelligence and curiosity made her perfect as a science officer. She is deeply caring, adopting Murf -- an unknown, indestructible lifeform -- as something between a pet and little brother. She is the heart and soul of the Protostar crew.

Daughter of actor Carlos Alazraqui (best known for Reno 911 ), Rylee is one of the youngest members of the Star Trek: Prodigy cast. In her burgeoning career, she has done mostly voice work, but has appeared in live-action roles in Stillwater , The Villains of Valley View and other small roles.

Star Trek: Prodigy Team Reacts to Fans' Aerial Banner to Save the Series

Brothers and Star Trek: Prodigy co-creators Dan and Kevin Hageman praise the sky banner campaign imploring Netflix to pick up Prodigy for season 2.

Jankom Pog is the only member of an Alpha Quadrant species on the USS Protostar crew. He was on a Tellarite "sleeper ship," but was awakened during the flight to make a number of repairs on the ship. The unusual robotic assistant changed the way he spoke, making it so that he only referred to himself in the third person. He eventually had to leave the ship, ending up on the Diviner's planet until Dal recruited him to fix up the Protostar so that they could escape.

Jason Mantzoukas started his career as comedian with the Upright Citizens Brigade in the late 1990s, working under Amy Poehler. Since then, he's had a massive career appearing on film and television. He played a prominent role in John Wick 3 -- Parabellum . He's appeared on many television series, most notably FX's The League. He is also a part of the cast of Percy Jackson and the Olympians , playing Dionysus.

Originally introduced in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Is There No Truth In Beauty?", the Medusans are a non-corporeal species whose true form breaks the minds of those who see it. Zero was a fugitive prisoner on the Diviner's planet, living in a ramshackle robotic suit after being captured by the Kazon for the villainous Vau N'Akat leader. Zero helped Dal, Rok-Tahk and Jankom Pog escape the planet.

Angus Imrie is a British actor best known for another non-corporeal character, Josh Archer on the BBC Radio drama series The Archers . He's appeared in a number of stage, television and film productions, but Zero is arguably his most prominent role yet. He did act opposite Captain Picard himself, Patrick Stewart, in The Kid Who Would Be King . Imrie played young Merlin while Stewart played the older, wiser wizard.

Dreadnok is a sentient artificial lifeform in service to the Vau N'Akat time travelers. He is a war machine, sent to pursue the USS Protostar crew after they escaped with the ship in the series premiere. That Dreadnok was destroyed, but the Vindicator had her own version of the evil robot. The second Dreadnok escaped with Ascensia in the Season 1 finale of Star Trek: Prodigy , sure to strike at them again in Season 2.

Jimmi Simpson has been acting since 2000, mostly known for comedy. His breakout role came as Lyle the Intern on The Late Show With David Letterman , followed by Liam McPoyle on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia . His most prominent role was the younger version of the Man in Black from Westworld . He's a prolific voice actor as well. He's one of the few actors to be in both Star Trek and Star Wars , with his role in Star Wars: The Bad Batch as the sinister Dr. Royce Hemlock.

Posing as a Trill Starfleet officer, Ascencia was another Vau N'Akat sent back through time to destroy the Federation to save her people. She was responsible for restoring the Diviner, and she ultimately killed him in order to complete their mission. When it was clear the USS Protostar crew, specifically Gwyndala, were more than a match for her, she and Dreadnok escaped. She is still out there in space looking for a way to destroy Starfleet, which she blames for the extinction of her people.

Jameela Jamil has been in many high-profile roles after her breakout role on The Good Place . She played Titania in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law for Marvel, along with the voice of Wonder Woman in DC's League of Super-Pets . She has also done a lot of other voice acting, including recurring roles in Crossing Swords , Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous and Mira, Royal Detective . While not confirmed for a return in Prodigy Season 2, she will almost certainly be back.

Star Trek Prodigy's Cancelation Shows Paramount Repeating Past Mistakes

Star Trek: Prodigy is a series that would make a whole new generation of Trekkies, and Paramount is repeating past mistakes by cancelling the show.

Originally meant to be a recurring character, the holographic Doctor on Star Trek: Voyager became one of the show's most iconic characters. Originally designed for emergencies his program ran almost nonstop for seven years. Once he gained control of his own programming, he became sentient, even authoring a holo-novel. While he was supposed to eventually adopt the name "Zimmerman," the character was only known as the Doctor (like another 60-year-old sci-fi figure). He will return for Star Trek: Prodigy in Season 2 .

Robert Picardo is a venerated actor whose sheer charisma and humor helped the Doctor become a vital part of the USS Voyager Crew. He has played hundreds of roles over the years, and he maintains an active YouTube channel. Along with the Doctor, he is best known as the cheekily named Dr. Dick Richard in the 1980s series China Beach . He also played Ithamar Conkey in Dickinson , and Richard Woolsey on Stargate: Atlantis .

Chakotay was a Maquis captain -- Federation guerillas fighting an unsanctioned war against the Cardassians -- when he was sent to the Delta Quadrant in Star Trek: Voyager . Despite an ill-advised romance with Seven of Nine , Chakotay was long thought to be the man Captain Janeway was in love with. Star Trek: Prodigy does very little to debunk this idea. The captain of the Protostar, Chakotay was lost in time after encountering the Vau N'Akat.

Robert Beltran is a journeyman actor working on film and television since his first role in 1981's Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez and starring another famous sci-fi commander, Edward James Olmos. Beltran is best known for playing Chakotay on Star Trek: Voyager , however. Often appearing in guest roles, he played recurring characters on 1994's Models Inc. and in Seasons 3 and 4 of HBO's Big Love .

The Diviner was sent back in time to destroy Starfleet because his people destroyed themselves after making first contact with Captain Chakotay and the Protostar. A cruel, heartless being, he was almost successful. It was only after he looked on Zero's true form that he began to change. He died protecting Gwyndala, but because of time travel, he's still alive out there somewhere, possibly one day returning.

John Noble is a legendary actor known for his roles in Fringe , The Lord of the Rings and many others. He appeared as himself and the voice of the Demon Mallus on one of the funniest seasons of Legends of Tomorrow . Despite his long and storied stage and film career, his role in genre shows and movies has made him beloved to many generations of geeks, nerds and other outcasts.

Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1 is now streaming on Netflix, with Season 2 expected in early 2024.

Star Trek: Prodigy

A group of enslaved teenagers steal a derelict Starfleet vessel to escape and explore the galaxy.

Star Trek: Prodigy

You Can Help Decide What New 'Star Trek' Figures Will Beam Into Stores


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Image via Paramount

A new line of Star Trek action figures is getting ready to beam into stores — and you can help decide what characters will be a part of it. The Nacelle Company is producing a new line of 6-inch Trek figures, and they want fan input. Nacelle intends to focus on characters who have never been available as action figures, and on outfits that have never made the leap from screen to collectible — a tall order, given that Playmates' extensive Trek action figure lines of the 1990s included deep cuts like Worf in 19th-century garb from Star Trek: Generations and doomed peace activist Edith Keeler ( Joan Collins ) from " The City on the Edge of Forever ".

Says Nacelle founder Brian Volk-Weiss:

"As a lifelong Star Trek fan who somehow made it through Chekov's Ceti Eel scene at the ripe old age of six (thanks mom!), who would go on to name his company after a term every Trek fan is familiar with, I'm starting to think I’m in the best holodeck program ever made — this has all been so surreal! I promise all the fellow fans out there that we will deliver the deep cuts we've been waiting decades for, and keep the surprises coming too! Warp engines are standing by!"

What 'Star Trek' Series Will Nacelle's New Figure Line Cover?

Nacelle's new line will cover the pre-streaming era of Star Trek — that's from The Original Series to Enterprise , with everything in between, including The Next Generation , Deep Space Nine , and Voyager . It also includes the first ten theatrical movies — the six movies featuring Kirk, Spock, and company from The Original Series , and four starring Picard and his Next Generation crew. However, it won't include the new generation of Trek series streaming on Paramount+, including Discovery , Lower Decks , and Strange New Worlds , so you'll have to wait for a Battle-Damaged Brad Boimler or a Michael Burnham with Speeder Bike. It also won't include the three "reboot" Star Trek movies starring Chris Pine as Kirk — or that fourth movie, if it ever gets made .

Originally formed as the production company behind documentary TV series like The Toys That Made Us and Disney+'s Behind the Attraction , Nacelle has recently branched out into toymaking. They have revived beloved brands of the past like Robo Force , Sectaurs , and Madballs , and also produced new lines for series like The Expanse .

Nacelle's new line of Star Trek figures is in the works; no release date has yet been announced . Stay tuned to Collider for future updates, and make your voice heard at [email protected] . In the meantime, most Star Trek shows are available to stream on Paramount+ and you can watch Prodigy on Netflix .

Star Trek: The Original Series

In the 23rd Century, Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise explore the galaxy and defend the United Federation of Planets.

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7 years later, star trek: discovery’s premiere is still incredible & controversial.


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I Forgot Star Trek: Discovery’s Detmer Was There Since The Beginning

Patrick stewart & star trek legends bring discovery’s sonequa martin-green to tears with touching tributes, star trek: discovery’s captain burnham was born from section 31.

Star Trek: Discovery premiered 7 years ago, and its first two episodes remain incredible and controversial. The first new Star Trek TV series since Star Trek: Enterprise was canceled by UPN in 2005, Star Trek: Discovery premiered on September 24, 2017. Discovery 's first episode, "The Vulcan Hello," was broadcast on CBS, but its second episode, "Battle at the Binary Stars," was only available on the new CBS All-Access streaming service. Star Trek: Discovery 's premiere strategy was meant to drive audiences to subscribe to CBS All-Access (now Paramount+). This tactic worked, but it alienated many viewers accustomed to Star Trek broadcasts being free on network TV or syndication.

7 years ago, the entertainment landscape was very different. The COVID-19 pandemic was 3 years away. Superhero movies like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Wonder Woman, and Spider-Man: Homecoming ruled the box office, with Marvel Studios' wildly successful Thor: Ragnarok and DC's disastrous Justice League premiering just two months after Star Trek: Discovery. The biggest TV shows in the world were Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, and serialized storytelling was dominant. Star Trek: Discovery arrived to bring Star Trek into the serialized age , with visuals equal to the quality seen in Star Trek Beyond , which was the last Star Trek movie released in movie theaters the year before, in the summer of 2016.

Discovery’s Premiere Taught Audiences A New Way To See Star Trek

Star trek tv was now a movie every week.

Star Trek: Discovery 's premiere was certainly a shock to the system. Simply put, Star Trek had never looked so dazzlingly cinematic on television before. Star Trek: Discovery also broke established Star Trek tropes: For the first time, the lead character, Commander Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green), was not a starship Captain. Discovery was seen through the eyes of the First Officer, and Burnham was a flawed and conflicted character who believed she was acting on behalf of the greater good but made terrible mistakes in her judgment.

Discovery forged the model for Star Trek going forward.

"The Vulcan Hello" and "The Battle at the Binary Stars" showed a complacent Starfleet confronted with a resurgent and terrifying Klingon Empire. Star Trek: Discovery was also an action-packed spectacle that had never been delivered by a Star Trek TV series before, and it was easily on par with the visual splendor of J.J. Abrams' Star Trek movies. Meanwhile, the phenomenal performances by Sonequa Martin-Green, Michelle Yeoh as Captain Philppa Georgiou, and Doug Jones as Saru were urgent, emotional, and gripping. Discovery forged the model for Star Trek going forward. After Discovery, there was no going back for Star Trek.

Discovery Is Surprising Because Of What's NOT In The Premiere

Star trek: discovery's first two episodes were really just a prologue.

Star Trek: Discovery 's premiere is unlike any other Star Trek pilot because it's actually a prologue . "The Vulcan Hello" and "Battle at the Binary Stars" aren't even set aboard the USS Discovery, which wouldn't be introduced until the third episode of Star Trek: Discovery, "Context is King." Star Trek: Discovery 's premiere is shockingly missing many elements that would become integral to season 1 and the future of the series.

Absent from Star Trek: Discovery 's first two episodes is Captain Gabriel Lorca (Jason Isaacs), who would be revealed as season 1's main villain and joined Michelle Yeoh as Discovery's marquee stars. The USS Discovery's controversial spore displacement hub drive - the revolutionary technology of Star Trek: Discovery - doesn't come into the picture until the third episode. Nor are core Star Trek: Discovery characters like Lieutenant Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp) and Dr. Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz) introduced until the third episode. Star Trek: Discovery isn't even Star Trek: Discovery yet until episode 3, "Context is King."

Star Trek: Discovery’s Early Mistakes Defined The Show

Discovery had issues from its inception.

For all of its virtues and innovations, Star Trek: Discovery was also flawed since its inception, and the show couldn't get past its initial mistakes . Series creator Bryan Fuller originally intended Star Trek: Discovery to be an anthology, but after that format changed, the show couldn't overcome the issues inherent in being a prequel set 10 years before Star Trek: The Original Series . Discovery' s aesthetics, uniforms, and advanced technology couldn't be reconciled with TOS canon, and longtime fans couldn't get past this or the unwelcome redesign of the Klingons .

Lt. Detmer didn’t play a huge role in Star Trek: Discovery’s final season, so it was sadly easy for me to forget she’d been there since the beginning.

Star Trek: Discovery 's solution at the end of season 2 was to shed and outrun its most problematic aspects . By permanently jumping to the 32nd century, Star Trek: Discovery left behind its hated Klingons and started anew in an unexplored future era where the USS Discovery was now a relic from the past. Still, the bad taste Discovery left in many fans' mouths never went away, despite the brilliance of the show's acting, production design, and the legacy Discovery was building as the flagship of a new era of Star Trek .

Discovery Season 1 Was About Reclaiming Star Trek’s Identity

"we are starfleet".

The underlying theme of Star Trek: Discovery season 1 was identity, and it worked twofold. The Klingons began Star Trek: Discovery in fear of losing their identity as the United Federation of Planets was expanding. The Klingons, a society fractured for generations, sought to unite, and their mantra was "Remain Klingon." In contrast, Starfleet's own identity as benevolent explorers was subverted by a brutal and bloody war with the Klingons. Faced with potential extinction, Starfleet grew desperate and violent, even considering genocide on the Klingon homeworld to end the war.

Commander Michael Burnham's speech to the Federation at the end of Star Trek: Discovery season 1 was the show reclaiming Star Trek 's virtues . As the first Star Trek on TV in 12 years, Discovery couldn't rest on the past laurels of Star Trek. Discovery had to reassess what Starfleet meant in the present, and what it would represent in the future. By journeying into and through the heart of darkness, Star Trek: Discovery emerged with a better understanding and appreciation of Gene Roddenberry's optimistic vision of the future, re-embracing it for a new era.

Star Trek Is Better Because Of Discovery

Discovery led the way for star trek's renaissance..

Thanks to Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek was reborn, creating a new legacy that honors the past while looking ahead to the future . Star Trek: Picard brought back Patrick Stewart and, eventually, the entire cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation , with Star Trek: Picard season 3 fulfilling most fans' wildest hopes. Star Trek: Lower Decks and Star Trek: Prodigy became the new paragons of Star Trek animation, proving comedy and sweeping, epic sagas weren't limited to live-action.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds would certainly not exist without Star Trek: Discovery . Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount), Number One (Rebecca Romijn), Lt. Spock (Ethan Peck), and the Starship Enterprise found new life thanks to Discovery. Strange New Worlds, and its cast of Star Trek legacy icons and instantly beloved new characters, brought back what Star Trek was missing: The Original Series' episodic style, willingness to boldly experiment, and a new frontier spirit of optimism.

Star Trek remains strong heading into the franchise's 60th anniversary in 2026.

Even with fewer Star Trek series on the horizon than at the apex of 2022, when Paramount+ boasted 5 simultaneous Star Trek shows and a new episode of Star Trek streaming nearly every Thursday of the year, Star Trek remains strong heading into the franchise's 60th anniversary in 2026 . Star Trek enters a new age of made-for-streaming movies with Star Trek: Section 31 , another spinoff of Discovery. Meanwhile, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy is in production, weaving Academy Award-caliber actors with the newest generation of young Star Trek heroes. Star Trek: Discovery' s premiere, flaws and all, made everything possible, and it was a "Vulcan hello" to Star Trek 's continuing renaissance.

Star Trek: Discovery

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Star Trek: Discovery


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  1. Overpowered Aliens Episode 1


  1. Douwd

    The Douwd were a species able to manipulate their appearance, self-described as "immortal beings of disguises and false surroundings". They had the ability to destroy on an epic scale. They also had the ability to create illusions sufficient to pass as real to sensors, transporters, the physical senses and empathic abilities. They could not bring people back to life, only make such illusory ...

  2. star trek

    In TNG episode The Survivors, we meet a member of the Douwd race.This alien, and assuming his entire race, has the ability to manipulate matter to create illusions or constructs capable of crippling the Enterprise, create perfect representations of individuals and even commit galaxy-wide genocide of a hostile species.

  3. Everything We Know About The Husnock, One Of Star Trek's Most ...

    In the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" episode "The Survivors" (October 9, 1989), the U.S.S. Enterprise discovered a mystery. On the planet Delta Rana IV — otherwise uninhabited and whose ...

  4. Q vs. Dowd: Which is More Powerful? : r/startrek

    We'll put a... drop you into a... suspend you in... hmm." Douwd: Staring impassively the whole time, as Q studies him. Q: "You're on our list, buddy!" points to eyes, points to Douwd. (leaves) Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . More posts you may like r/startrek. r/startrek. A casual, constructive, and most importantly, welcoming place on the ...

  5. Kevin Uxbridge

    Star Trek. Kevin Uxbridge was the assumed Human identity of a Douwd who came to Earth in the late 23rd century. "Kevin" was born in 2281. While disguised as a Human student aboard a ship at sea, he met a woman named Rishon. Although her parents did not approve of him, within two hours of their meeting...

  6. The Survivors (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

    Kevin reveals that he is a Douwd, an immortal energy being with vast powers, who fell in love with Rishon and settled with her on Rana IV. When the planet was attacked by an aggressive, destructive species called the Husnock, he refused to join the fight in accordance with his species' pacifism. ... The episode was released with Star Trek: The ...

  7. Douwd

    Douwd. Douwd are an extra-galactic species, able to manipulate their appearance. They are self-described as "immortal beings of disguises and false surroundings." They have been observed to have the ability to create and destroy on an epic scale. Their main ways of both attack and defense were through psychic and psychological means.

  8. Star Trek Lives

    Douwd. A little-known civilization of sentient energy beings capable of assuming the appearance of other life-forms. Possessing awesome powers of creation and destruction, the Douwd considered themselves to be immortal beings of disguised and false surroundings. One member of the Douwd assumed a human identity around 2312, named himself Kevin ...

  9. Star Trek's Mysterious Husnock Aliens Explained

    In the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" episode "The Survivors," the U.S.S. Enterprise encounters a perplexing situation on the seemingly uninhabited planet Delta Rana IV. Kevin is a Douwd ...

  10. Douwd

    Douwd. The Douwd were a species made of pure energy, self-described as "immortal beings of disguises and false surroundings". They have the ability to create and destroy on an epic scale; they also maintain the ability to attack through psychic means. The Douwd appear to be nearly omnipotent, but not omniscient.

  11. One Star Trek: The Next Generation Species Was Too Powerful To Ever

    In the TNG season 3 episode "The Survivors," Star Trek: The Next Generation's crew encounters a decimated planet with only two survivors: Kevin Uxbridge (John Anderson) and his wife, Rishon (Anna Haney). After some suspicious encounters, Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) makes a connection between the seemingly oblivious survivors and the torturous music haunting Counselor Deanna Troi ...

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    Q, Star Trek's omnipotent trickster figure, is a character who rarely admits his true motivations, but his jealousy of four species in franchise canon confirm his most powerful competitors. The Star Trek universe is populated by many fantastic alien species, inspiring fan debate over which are the most powerful, but Q settled the matter once and for all during the five-issue miniseries Star ...

  14. What's the difference between a " Dowd "and a "Q"….

    The Douwd aren't as powerful as the Q, as the Douwd couldn't bring people back/create life, only create a really powerful illusion of it. ... In Star Trek there are various levels of power, just that Q and Q like beings are at the very top and everything else is beneath them but still waaaaay beyond even the Borg or Species 1872 or anything ...

  15. Douwd

    The Douwd were a powerful, immortal race of energy beings. They possessed near omnipotent powers, including the power to wipe out an entire species from existence. Some Douwd impersonated members of other species. (TNG episode: "The Survivors") Unlike 0, the Douwd was considered one of the advanced intelligences that recognized reality. (TNG - The Q Continuum novel: Q-Strike) In the far ...

  16. Whats the difference between a Douwd and Q? : r/startrek

    This implies to me that while both specieses, Q and Douwd, have similar power, the Q seem to be somewhat higher on the ladder. He could simply go back to that primordial pool and pour in bleach. Ask the Hoosnak. they are according to the extended universe contemporaries of the Q.

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    The first is because it's the classic kind of moral quandry that Star Trek does well, and the issue of the right for a person to end one's own life doesn't get more complex. The second reason this episode is a favorite among fans is because it begins to expand the Q Continuum beyond just the character from TNG. Future episodes would introduce ...

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    The Douwd debuted in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3, episode 3, "The Survivors," and the Star Trek alien's only appearance was unique in that its representative acted emotionally, not from a careless curiosity. Discovered on a ravaged planet, a Douwd posed as a humanoid and created a vast illusion to continue its life with its deceased ...

  19. Douwd

    The Douwd are an extragalactic immortal species which can assume any physical appearance. The only known member of this species has a very strong code against killing - although in a moment of unexpected grief and anger he destroyed the Husnock to avenge the death of his Human wife. In their true forms, Douwd resemble translucent energy-based humanoids colored purple, possessing incredible ...

  20. How powerful is the Douwd? : r/DaystromInstitute

    How powerful is the Douwd? Discussion. He's stong enough to destroy 50 billion Husnock with a thought. The Husnock, presumably, were spread throughout the quadrant or galaxy (perhaps universe). I'm just curious if the Douwd's power extends only to relatively weak beings. The Borg, Kelvans, and Husnock are all weak compared to the heavy-duty ...

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  23. TNG: The Survivors (S3E3)

    Having recently watched the titled episode, I was surprised by the reveal of Kevin Uxbridge. We learn that he is a Douwd, an immortal and apparently extremely powerful race.Having fallen for a mortal human woman, he took the form of a human to live a mortal lifetime with her, but when raiders wiped out their colony and killed her he created a fiction where she remained alive and, in his grief ...

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  26. If the Douwd asked, would Q restore his wife, the colonists ...

    The Douwd tells Q of his anguish and kindly asks that he not only restore his wife and the colonists but also all 50 billion Husnock. How do you think Q would respond? 2: Q appears in front of the depressed Douwd and, after introducing himself and his qualifications, offers to restore the dead parties. How do you think Kevin would respond?

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  28. 7 Years Later, Star Trek: Discovery's Premiere Is Still Incredible

    Star Trek: Discovery premiered 7 years ago, and its first two episodes remain incredible and controversial. The first new Star Trek TV series since Star Trek: Enterprise was canceled by UPN in 2005, Star Trek: Discovery premiered on September 24, 2017. Discovery's first episode, "The Vulcan Hello," was broadcast on CBS, but its second episode, "Battle at the Binary Stars," was only available ...