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Jakie jest tłumaczenie "shoestring" po polsku?

"shoestring" - polskie tłumaczenie, shoestring {rzecz.}.

  • volume_up sznurówka
  • sznurowadło

Tłumaczenia na język polski dostarczane przez Oxford Languages

Shoestring noun, tłumaczenia, shoestring {rzeczownik}, przykłady użycia, english polish przykłady kontekstowe "shoestring" po polsku.

Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. bab.la nie jest odpowiedzialne za ich brzmienie.

  • open_in_new Link do źródła
  • warning Prośba o sprawdzenie

Przykłady jednojęzyczne

English jak użyć "shoestring" w zdaniu, english jak użyć "sznurówka" w zdaniu, english jak użyć "sznurowadło" w zdaniu, "shoestring budget" - polskie tłumaczenie.

  • volume_up budżet sznurowadła
  • volume_up budżet sznurówek

"shoestring fries" - polskie tłumaczenie

  • volume_up frytki do sznurowców
  • volume_up frytki sznurowe

"shoestring operation" - polskie tłumaczenie

  • volume_up Operacja sznurowadła

Synonimy (angielski) dla "shoestring":

  • shoe string
  • shoeless man
  • shoemaker's last
  • shoes match
  • shoes must be
  • shoeshine (boy)
  • shoeshine boys
  • shoestring budget
  • shoestring fries
  • shoestring operation
  • shoji screen
  • shone brilliantly

Więcej w słownik angielsko-polski .

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Best Polish Phrases for Travel 2022


Learning a language is an odyssey, but if you want to travel to Poland it’s important to learn useful vocabulary for your trip as quickly as possible. How to do that? By learning the most useful Polish phrases for travel that we have compiled for you in this blog post! You can memorize the basic Polish phrases for travelers or write them down to always have access to them if you forget anything. The more you’re going to practice during your trip, the better you’re going to remember them.


  • Basic Expressions
  • Restaurants
  • Asking for and Giving Directions
  • Emergencies
  • Flattery Phrases
  • Useful Phrases to Go through Language Problems
  • Bonus: Basic Hotel Phrases
  • Final Thoughts

1. Basic Expressions  

People Greeting One Another

Polish travel phrases by default need to include some basic expressions useful in every situation. Here are some handy greetings:

  • Dzień dobry! – Good Day! Used in formal and semi-formal situations during the day.
  • Dobry wieczór! – Good evening! Said in formal and semi-formal situations in the evening.
  • Cześć! – Hi! Used with friends and in informal situations.

Used with friends and in informal situations.

Would you like to learn even more ways of saying hello in Polish? Read our blog post “ How to Say Hello in Polish and Other Polish Greetings ”.

It’s equally important to learn other polite expressions before traveling such as:

  • Dziękuję! / Dzięki! – Thank you! / Thanks! Dziękuję is universal, while dzięki is reserved for informal contexts.
  • Przepraszam . – Excuse me, I’m sorry You can say przepraszam when asking for something: Ex. Przepraszam, czy może się Pan / Pani przesunąć? – Excuse me, could you move, please?  You can equally use it when apologizing: Ex. A: Jestem na Ciebie bardzo zły! – I’m very angry with you! B: Przepraszam . – I’m sorry.
  • Przykro mi . – I’m sorry. Przykro mi is used to express sadness about something that happened. Ex. A: Arleta na mnie nakrzyczała . – Arleta has shouted at me. B: Przykro mi. / Przykro mi to słyszeć . – I’m sorry. / I’m sorry to hear that. 

Some other basic Polish phrases for travelers are:

  • Tak – yes
  • Nie – no
  • Lubię [object] – I like [object] Ex. Lubię koty . – I like cats. Lubię takes the accusative case, in other words, the basic form of words found in dictionaries. 
  • Nie lubię [object] – I don’t like [object] Ex. Nie lubię kotów . – I don’t like cats.  Nie lubię is followed by the genitive case. You can learn more about Polish cases in our lesson on painless Polish grammar . 
  • Nie mówię (dobrze) po polsku . – I don’t speak Polish (well).
  • Super! / Ekstra! – Cool!
  • Czy mógłby Pan / Pani zrobić mi / nam zdjęcie? – Could you take a picture of me / us, Sir / Madam?

As part of your Polish education you may also want to learn about the basic Polish sentence structure .

2. Transport

A Woman on the Bus

Traveling around the country you are in is a part of most adventures abroad. Let’s start with useful taxi phrases:

  • Chciałbym / Chciałabym dojechać do [destination] . – I’d like to get to [destination]. The forms are for male and female speakers respectively. Ex. Chciałbym / Chciałabym dojechać do dworca kolejowego . – I’d like to get to the train station.
  • Ile ten kurs będzie kosztować? – How much will this trip cost me?
  • Czy mógłby się Pan / Czy mogłaby się Pani zatrzymać? – Could you stop the car, Sir / Madam?

Is getting a taxi in Poland easy? You’ll learn everything you need from a guide on taxis in Poland. If you’re on a budget traveling by bus may be a better alternative for you:

  • Gdzie powinienem / powinnam wysiąść? – Where should I get off? The first verbal form would be used by a male speaker, the second by a female speaker.
  • Którym autobusem mogę dojechać do [destination]? – Which bus should I take to get to [destination]? Ex. Którym autobusem mogę dojechać do centrum? – Which bus should I take to get to the city center?
  • Może mi Pan / Pani powiedzieć, kiedy dojedziemy? – Could you tell me when we arrive, Sir / Madam? 

Another option, particularly for long distance traveling, are trains. Here are some handy phrases:

  • Ile kosztuje bilet do [destination]? – How much is a ticket to [destination]? Ex. Ile kosztuje bilet do Krakowa? – How much is a ticket to Cracow?
  • Poproszę bilet do [destination] . – A ticket to [destination], please. Ex. Poproszę bilet do Krynicy Morskiej . – A ticket to Krynica Morska, please.
  • Gdzie jest peron numer [number]? – Where is the platform [number]? Ex. Gdzie jest peron numer 3? – Where is platform number 3?

Before traveling on a train you may also want to familiarize yourself with two lessons on train rides in Poland: reading the train schedule and reading your train ticket .

3. Shopping

A Shopping List

Whether you love shopping or you like to keep it to the bare minimum, you’ll definitely have to buy some things during your trip. Below you’ll find useful expressions for when it happens:

  • Ile to kosztuje? – How much does it cost?
  • Ile kosztuje kilogram [object]? – How much is a kg of [object]? Ex. Ile kosztuje kilogram ziemniaków? – How much is a kg of potatoes?
  • Czy jest na coś promocja? – Is there a promotion on anything?
  • Co by Pan / Pani polecił / poleciła? – What would you recommend Sir / Madam?
  • Czy mogę zapłacić kartą? – Can I pay by card?
  • Reszty nie trzeba . – You can keep the change.  

Of course, the salesperson is likely to give you some numbers when answering your questions. To understand what they’re saying, learn how to use Polish numbers for daily usage with us. 

4. Restaurants

People in a Restaurant

Traveling means also trying food of a given culture. Thus common Polish phrases for travelers have to include phrases useful when visiting restaurants:

  • Na ile osób stolik? – A table for how many people do you need?
  • Czy mogę prosić o menu / jadłospis / kartę dań? – Can I have the menu, please?
  • Jestem wegetarianinem / wegetarianką . – I’m a vegetarian. Jestem weganinem / weganką . – I’m a vegan. In both expressions the first forms are for female speakers and the second forms for male speakers. 
  • Mam alergię na [product] . – I’m allergic to [product]. Mam alergię na orzechy . – I’m allergic to nuts.
  • Wszystko było pyszne . – Everything was delicious.
  • (Ja) poproszę spaghetti bolognese . – I’ll have spaghetti bolognese, please.
  • Czy można prosić rachunek? – Can I have the bill, please? 

To learn what dishes to expect in Poland, check out our lesson on 10 Polish foods . 

5. Asking for and Giving Directions


Asking for directions and being asked about them is a common tourist experience when visiting any country abroad. For these reasons it simply had to make it to our list of Polish language travel phrases: 

  • Gdzie jest [location]? – Where is [location]? Ex. Gdzie jest Muzeum Narodowe? – Where is the National Museum?
  • Jak dojechać / dojść do [location]? – How to get to [location]? Ex. Jak dojechać do dzielnicy Kazimierz? – How to get to the Kazimierz district? If you use the verb dojechać , you ask about getting somewhere by private or public transport. You can’t use it if you could walk to a given place.  Jak dojść do stacji metra? – How to get to a subway station? The verb dojść refers to getting somewhere on foot. 
  • Proszę skręcić w lewo / w prawo . – Please turn left / right.
  • Proszę iść prosto . – Please go straight.
  • [Location] będzie po prawej / lewej . – [Location] will be on your right / left. Ex. Apteka będzie po prawej / lewej . – The pharmacy will be on your right / left.

If you think you’ll be on foot a lot, our blog post on Polish directions (please link to my December article, not published yet) is a must before your trip. 

6. Emergencies

A Firefighter

Ideally, you wouldn’t have to use any Polish travel phrases for emergencies during your trip. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to predict what may happen when traveling, which is why it’s also good to remember these Polish phrases:

  • Pomocy! / Ratunku! – Help!
  • Proszę zadzwonić na 112! – Please call 911!
  • Proszę zadzwonić po karetkę / pogotowie! – Please call an ambulance!
  • Czy jest tutaj lekarz? – Is there a doctor here?
  • Zgubiłem / Zgubiłam paszport / portfel . – I’ve lost my passport / wallet. The first form is for male speakers, the second for female speakers. 

To be sure that you’re prepared for every situation, visit also our lesson on an emergency situation in Poland and the Polish police’s resource on personal safety that includes all relevant emergency numbers.   

7. Flattery Phrases

Two People Laughing

Flattery can win the hearts of other people, particularly when it’s sincere. That’s why common Polish phrases for travelers should also include some for expressing flattery: 

  • Lubię Polaków / Polki . – I like Polish people / Polish women.
  • Lubię polskie jedzenie . – I like Polish food.
  • Lubię Polskę . – I like Poland.
  • Chciałbym / Chciałabym, żebyśmy się zaprzyjaźnili . – I’d like us to be friends. The forms of the verb chcieć are for male and female speakers respectively.  Chciałabym, żebyśmy się zaprzyjaźnili / zaprzyjaźniły . – I’d like us to be friends. Female speakers have two options. If they’re talking to a man they’d say zaprzyjaźnili. If they’re talking to a woman they’d say zaprzyjaźniły. As the rule in Polish is that even one man in a group makes it masculine in gender, the only form for male speakers is zaprzyjaźnili . 
  • Masz konto na Facebooku / Instagramie? – Are you on Facebook / Instagram?
  • Dasz mi swój numer? – Could I have your number? 

These phrases go hand in hand with the top 10 compliments you always want to hear . 

8. Useful Phrases to Go through Language Problems

Even if you learn all Polish language travel phrases you may encounter some language problems. To go through them you’ll need some expressions:

  • Mówisz po angielsku? – Do you speak English? The above is an informal version of this question. Mówi Pan / Pani po angielsku? – Do you speak English, Sir / Madam? The second version is used in formal situations.
  • Nie rozumiem, możesz powtórzyć? – I don’t understand, can you repeat, please? (informal) Nie rozumiem, może Pan / Pani powtórzyć . – I don’t understand, can you repeat, please, Sir / Madam? (formal)
  • Jak powiedzieć [słowo] po polsku? – How do you say [word] in Polish? Ex. Jak powiedzieć “cat” po polsku? – How do you say cat in Polish?
  • Możesz to napisać? – Can you write it down, please? (informal) Może to Pan / Pani napisać? – Can you write it down, please, Sir / Madam? (formal)
  • Jak to przeczytać? – How do you read this?

9. Bonus: Basic Hotel Phrases

A Hotel

Polish hotels and guesthouses in Polish cities are likely to have staff who’ll speak English well. In smaller towns or independent accommodation arrangements it may be more of an issue. These Polish phrases for travel will assist you if you’re stuck:

  • Czy mają Państwo wolne pokoje? – Do you have any free rooms?
  • Chciałbym / Chciałabym zarezerwować pokój dwuosobowy . – I’d like to book a double room. The first form is masculine and the second for female speakers. 
  • Czy w pokoju są ręczniki? – Are there towels in the room?
  • Czy pokój ma widok na morze? – Is it a room with a sea view?
  • Ile kosztuje pokój dla jednej osoby? – How much is a single room?

Have you used any of these Polish language travel phrases yet? Let us know in the comments’ section. 

10. Final Thoughts 

Thanks to this blog post you’ve learnt basic Polish phrases for travelers. They’ll be useful in many everyday situations you could encounter during your travels. Don’t be shy and use Polish as much as you can when in Poland as this is the best language learning opportunity you could imagine. 

Polish travel phrases aren’t everything. Common Polish phrases for travelers are useful but they won’t allow you to have advanced conversations on any topic. To achieve that level you need a platform to structure your learning for you. PolishPod101 is just the right place for you. Try it today! 

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travel on a shoestring po polsku

How To Say ‘Thank you’ in Polish

travel on a shoestring po polsku

How To Say ‘Hello’ in Polish, and Other Polish Greetings!

travel on a shoestring po polsku

How to Say I Love You in Polish – Romantic Word List

travel on a shoestring po polsku

All You Need to Know About the Polish National Anthem

travel on a shoestring po polsku

Useful Polish Classroom Phrases

travel on a shoestring po polsku

Must-Know Polish Restaurant Phrases 2022

How to celebrate april fools’ day in polish.

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on a shoestring

  • 1.1 Pronunciation
  • 1.2.1 Translations

English [ edit ]

Pronunciation [ edit ], prepositional phrase [ edit ].

  • ( idiomatic ) On a very tight budget ; with few resources or little money . The first year after we bought the house, we lived on a shoestring , but we survived.

Translations [ edit ]

travel on a shoestring po polsku

  • English terms with audio links
  • English lemmas
  • English prepositional phrases
  • English multiword terms
  • English idioms
  • English terms with usage examples

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Travelling & Leisure Time in Polish

Polish Vocabulary: Travelling & Leisure Time

Learn the Polish words and phrases you need while traveling.

This page is part of the chapter “ Polish vocabulary and phrases “.

Other helpful Polish lessons:

  • Vocabulary trainer
  • Polish alphabet & pronunciation
  • Polish words & phrases
  • Vocabulary: Conversations
  • Vocabulary: Greeting & Farewell
  • Vocabulary: Basic Polish verbs
  • Vocabulary: Basic Polish nouns
  • Vocabulary: Basic Polish adjectives
  • Polish grammar
  • Videos & Podcasts

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Pimsleur: Conversational Polish

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Rosetta Stone: Polish Level 1

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  • Travel Tips

The Ultimate Guide to Traveling the World on a Shoestring Budget

  • 9 minute read

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  • November 22, 2023

Traveling Smart: 10 ways to Travel on a Shoestring Budget


Are you someone passionate about exploring the world but hesitant due to financial constraints? Fear not, for the allure of travel need not be dampened by a tight budget. Traveling smartly on a shoestring budget is an art that can be mastered with the right approach.

travel on a shoestring po polsku

This guide unveils ten savvy ways to embark on thrilling adventures without breaking the bank. Delve into these budget-friendly strategies and unlock the secrets to traversing the globe economically, ensuring your wanderlust dreams become a reality without compromising on experience or enjoyment.

Discover how to navigate the realms of travel intelligently while maximizing every penny spent, opening doors to remarkable adventures on a budget-friendly voyage.

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What is a Shoestring Budget?

In the context of travel or general finances, a shoestring budget refers to a very tight or limited budget. It means having minimal financial resources or funds available for a particular purpose, such as traveling, living expenses, or managing a project. The term “shoestring” metaphorically implies a thin and minimal amount of money, akin to the thinness of an actual shoelace or string.

When someone mentions they are operating on a shoestring budget, it typically suggests that they have to be extremely cautious and frugal with their spending, making every effort to stretch their limited funds as much as possible to meet their needs or achieve their goals.

This approach often involves careful planning, prioritizing essentials, seeking cost-effective options, and being resourceful to make the most out of a small amount of money available.

1. Leveraging Work Abroad Opportunities


Leveraging work abroad opportunities open doors to unique experiences and a chance to sustain travel while earning.

Working abroad presents a myriad of possibilities for individuals seeking to immerse themselves in different cultures while supplementing their finances. Opportunities such as teaching English, seasonal work, or freelance gigs offer a means to fund travel while gaining invaluable experiences. Many countries provide programs like Work and Travel initiatives, facilitating temporary work for international visitors.

Understanding the visa requirements for working abroad is crucial. Each country has specific regulations governing foreign workers, necessitating thorough research beforehand. Identifying nations with more flexible visa policies can ease the process for those seeking temporary work.

Moreover, the rise of remote work has ushered in a digital nomad lifestyle , enabling individuals to work from anywhere in the world. Online platforms and job boards cater specifically to remote job seekers, allowing them to maintain a steady income while exploring different destinations.

Engaging in cultural exchange programs and volunteering can offer accommodation and meals in exchange for work. Organizations and NGOs worldwide provide opportunities for volunteers, contributing to community development while minimizing accommodation costs.

Managing finances while working abroad involves meticulous budgeting . It’s essential to plan finances considering income, expenses, and savings, ensuring financial stability during travel. Exploring options like local banking and currency exchange rates aids in efficient money management.

Working abroad might pose challenges such as language barriers, cultural differences, or adapting to new work environments. However, embracing these challenges contributes to personal growth and enriches the overall experience.

Real-life testimonials and success stories from individuals who’ve leveraged work opportunities abroad can provide inspiration and insights into making the most of such experiences.

2. Optimizing Hostel Stays for Budget Travel

3. Consider camping or staying in budget friendly accommodations like hostels or motels

Hostels offer cost-effective accommodations while fostering social connections among travelers.

When aiming for budget travel , choosing hostels over hotels significantly reduces accommodation expenses. Optimizing hostel stays involves several strategies :

  • Research and Booking : Conduct thorough research to find reputable hostels with positive reviews and amenities that match your needs. Booking in advance often secures better rates.
  • Shared Accommodation : Opting for shared dormitories or rooms minimizes costs further compared to private rooms. Most hostels offer lockers or storage for personal belongings.
  • Common Areas and Facilities : Utilize common areas and facilities provided by hostels, such as kitchens, lounges, and communal spaces. This allows for socializing with other travelers and preparing affordable meals.
  • Hostel Events and Tours : Many hostels organize events, tours, or group activities, providing opportunities to explore the area inexpensively while making new friends.
  • Membership Cards and Discounts : Consider hostel membership cards or loyalty programs offering discounts or additional perks for frequent travelers.

Hostels foster a vibrant community atmosphere, making it ideal for solo travelers or those seeking budget-friendly accommodations while exploring new destinations.

3. Unlocking Free Accommodation: House and Pet Sitting

family-friendly accommodations

House and pet sitting offer a unique opportunity to stay for free while caring for someone else’s property or pets.

House and pet sitting present a win-win situation where homeowners receive reliable caretakers, while sitters enjoy complimentary accommodation. Unlocking free accommodation through house and pet sitting involves several steps :

  • Registering on Platforms : Sign up on reputable house and pet sitting platforms, creating a detailed profile highlighting experience, reliability, and references.
  • Applying for Assignments : Browse listings and apply for assignments matching preferences and availability. Crafting personalized applications tailored to homeowners’ needs increases the chances of selection.
  • Building Trust and Communication : Establish trust through transparent communication with homeowners. Video calls or interviews beforehand help both parties become comfortable with the arrangement.
  • Understanding Responsibilities : Clarify responsibilities, routines, and pet care instructions before accepting an assignment. Respecting the homeowner’s property and adhering to their guidelines is crucial.
  • Maintaining Flexibility : Being flexible with travel dates and locations increases the likelihood of securing desirable house and pet sitting opportunities.

4. Smart Dining: Cooking Your Own Meals and Eating Locally

Food and Dining

Smart dining involves strategic meal planning, cooking your own meals, and exploring local cuisines to save money while traveling.

  • Strategic Meal Planning : Plan meals in advance to reduce dining expenses. Make a list of essential groceries needed for simple, nutritious meals.
  • Cooking Your Own Meals : Utilize hostel or accommodation kitchens to cook meals instead of eating out. Prepare simple dishes using local ingredients to experience the culture authentically.
  • Budget-Friendly Ingredients : Opt for affordable ingredients available in local markets or grocery stores. Experimenting with local produce often yields delicious and inexpensive meals.
  • Meal Sharing or Potluck Dinners : Collaborate with fellow travelers in hostels or accommodations to organize potluck dinners or meal-sharing events, fostering community while saving money.
  • Eating Locally : Explore local eateries, street food vendors, or markets offering inexpensive yet authentic meals. Engaging in local food experiences can be both economical and culturally enriching.

Smart dining not only helps in managing expenses but also allows travelers to immerse themselves in the local culinary scene, savoring authentic flavors without breaking the budget.

5. Maximizing Credit Card Benefits for Free Flights and Hotel Stays

7. Use loyalty programs or credit card rewards to save on gas and accommodation costs

Leveraging credit card rewards and perks can lead to free flights and hotel stays, significantly reducing travel expenses.

  • Researching Reward Programs : Explore credit cards offering travel rewards, such as points or miles for every purchase made.
  • Signup Bonuses and Offers : Take advantage of signup bonuses and introductory offers provided by credit card companies, often granting a substantial number of reward points or miles.
  • Strategic Spending : Use credit cards for everyday expenses, paying bills, and larger purchases to accumulate more rewards.
  • Redeeming Points or Miles : Understand the redemption options available through credit card reward programs. Redeem accumulated points or miles for flights, hotel bookings, or upgrades.
  • Travel-Focused Credit Cards : Consider specialized travel credit cards offering additional benefits like travel insurance, lounge access, or waived foreign transaction fees.

Maximizing credit card benefits requires responsible financial management and timely payments while capitalizing on reward programs to unlock significant savings on travel expenses.

6. Navigating Top Travel Deals and Exclusive Offers

Travel Deals

Finding and navigating top travel deals and exclusive offers can help travelers access cost-effective options and discounts for various travel-related expenses.

  • Utilizing Travel Aggregator Websites : Explore travel aggregator websites and platforms that compile and compare deals from airlines, hotels, and tour operators.
  • Subscribing to Newsletters and Alerts : Sign up for newsletters or alerts from travel websites, airlines, and hotels to receive notifications about exclusive deals and limited-time offers.
  • Flexibility in Travel Dates : Remain flexible with travel dates to take advantage of off-peak seasons or last-minute deals offering significant savings.
  • Loyalty Programs and Memberships : Join loyalty programs offered by airlines, hotels, or travel agencies to accumulate points, receive discounts, or access member-exclusive deals.
  • Comparison Shopping and Negotiation : Compare prices across different platforms and don’t hesitate to negotiate prices, especially for accommodations or tour packages.

7. Navigating Travel with Rail Passes and City Tourism Cards

Rail passes and city tourism cards offer cost-effective travel options for exploring various destinations.

  • Rail Passes : Consider purchasing rail passes or cards offering unlimited travel within a specified region or country. These passes often provide flexibility and significant savings for frequent train travel.
  • Benefits of Rail Passes : Understand the coverage, inclusions, and additional perks provided by rail passes, such as discounts on attractions or free admission to certain sites.
  • City Tourism Cards : Many cities offer tourism cards providing free or discounted access to public transportation and attractions. These cards often include perks like guided tours or museum entries.
  • Research and Comparison : Research different rail pass options and city tourism cards available at destinations. Compare prices, coverage, and benefits to choose the most suitable option based on planned activities and travel routes.

Navigating travel with rail passes and city tourism cards allows travelers to explore multiple locations conveniently while enjoying cost-effective transportation and access to attractions.

8. Embracing Free Tours and Discount Hunting Strategies

 Free Tours and Discount

Utilizing free tours and discount strategies is an excellent way to explore destinations on a budget.

  • Free Walking Tours : Many cities offer free walking tours led by local guides, providing insights into historical landmarks, culture, and hidden gems without a fixed cost. Consider tipping the guide as a gesture of appreciation.
  • Online Platforms and Apps : Explore online platforms or mobile apps offering discount codes, vouchers, or deals for attractions, tours, restaurants, or activities at various destinations.
  • Off-peak Visits and Special Promotions : Take advantage of off-peak seasons or special promotions offered by attractions, museums, or entertainment venues, providing discounted entry fees or special packages.
  • Group Discounts or Bundled Offers : Look for group discounts or bundled offers when traveling with companions or family members. Many attractions offer reduced rates for group bookings.

Embracing free tours and discount hunting strategies allows travelers to experience destinations affordably while enjoying a range of activities and attractions.

9. Exploring Secondary Destinations for Budget-Friendly Travel


Exploring secondary destinations offers unique experiences and cost savings compared to popular tourist hubs.

  • Lesser-Known Destinations : Research and consider visiting lesser-known or secondary destinations that are off the beaten path. These places often offer authentic cultural experiences and more affordable accommodations.
  • Lower Costs : Secondary destinations typically have lower accommodation prices, dining costs, and activity fees compared to major tourist hotspots.
  • Local Culture and Authentic Experiences : Exploring secondary destinations allows travelers to immerse themselves in local culture, interact with residents, and experience traditions and customs firsthand.
  • Transportation and Accessibility : Consider transportation options and accessibility when planning visits to secondary destinations, ensuring ease of travel and exploring nearby attractions.

Exploring secondary destinations provides an opportunity for budget-conscious travelers to discover hidden gems and unique experiences while avoiding crowds and high expenses.

10. Choosing Accommodations Wisely: Hotel vs. Homestay vs. Couchsurfing

Making informed choices between different accommodation options helps in managing travel expenses efficiently.

  • Hotels : Evaluate hotel options based on location, amenities, and pricing. Consider booking directly or through third-party platforms to secure the best rates or take advantage of loyalty programs.
  • Homestays : Explore homestay options for a more immersive cultural experience. Homestays often offer affordable accommodation while allowing interaction with locals.
  • Couchsurfing : Consider Couchsurfing as an option for free accommodation, connecting with hosts who offer a spare room or couch for travelers. It’s essential to review profiles, references, and safety measures before choosing this option.
  • Budget vs. Experience : Balance budget constraints with the experience desired during travel. Each accommodation type offers a unique experience, catering to different preferences and travel styles.

the world is a vast tapestry of experiences waiting to be explored, and financial limitations should never be a barrier to your wanderlust. By implementing these ten savvy strategies for traveling on a shoestring budget, you’ve learned how to navigate the intricacies of budget-friendly travel without sacrificing quality or enjoyment.

Remember, smart planning, flexibility, and resourcefulness are your greatest companions on this journey. From leveraging work abroad opportunities to embracing free tours, exploring secondary destinations, and making informed accommodation choices, each tip contributes to a richer travel experience while keeping costs in check.

Traveling on a shoestring budget isn’t merely about pinching pennies; it’s about unlocking a world of possibilities, fostering cultural connections, and creating lasting memories without financial burdens. So, whether you’re trekking through hidden gems or savoring local cuisines, the essence of your travels remains in the moments cherished and the stories woven into your adventures.

As you bid adieu to this guide, let these budget-savvy techniques be your compass for future explorations. With a blend of prudent choices and an adventurous spirit, the world becomes your oyster, ready to be discovered on your terms, no matter the size of your budget.

Happy travels!

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Meet David Hoper, a passionate travel Blog writer with 7+ years of experience in travel content. Through his exemplary storytelling and engaging narratives, he shares his experiences and brings destinations to life. With a keen eye for detail and a love for exploration, he has cultivated a diverse portfolio of travel blogs that inspire and inform readers worldwide.

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Poland on a Shoestring: Budget Travel Tips!

Discover Poland without Breaking the Bank!

Poland is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture, and it’s possible to explore it without spending a fortune. With a little bit of planning and smart choices, you can travel around Poland on a shoestring budget. From affordable eats and drinks to hidden gems waiting to be discovered, in this article, we will share some budget travel tips to help you make the most of your trip to Poland without breaking the bank.

Savor Affordable Eats and Drinks!

One of the best things about Poland is its delicious cuisine, and the good news is that it’s affordable! Pierogi, bigos, and kielbasa are some of the staple dishes that you must try. Look for milk bars, which are government-subsidized canteens, where you can find authentic Polish food at a fraction of the cost of restaurants. You can also buy fresh produce from local markets and prepare your meals if you’re on a tight budget. When it comes to drinks, beer is very cheap, and you can get a pint for as little as $1.

Uncover Hidden Gems on a Tight Budget!

Poland is full of hidden gems that are waiting to be discovered. There are plenty of free or low-cost attractions that you can explore, such as museums, galleries, and historic sites. The Wieliczka Salt Mine is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that you can visit for less than $20. If you’re in Krakow, go for a stroll in the Planty Park, which surrounds the Old Town, or take a hike in the Tatra Mountains. You can also join free walking tours in most cities or rent a bike to explore on your own.

Get Around on a Budget!

Getting around Poland is easy, and you don’t need to spend a lot of money on transportation. Public transport is cheap and efficient, and you can buy a 24-hour ticket for less than $5. If you’re traveling between cities, take advantage of PolskiBus or FlixBus, which offer affordable rates for long-distance travel. If you’re feeling adventurous, try hitchhiking, which is popular among locals and a great way to meet new people.

Traveling around Poland on a shoestring budget is a rewarding experience that will give you a chance to explore the country and its culture without breaking the bank. By following these budget travel tips, you can savor affordable eats and drinks, uncover hidden gems, and get around on a tight budget. Remember to plan ahead, be flexible, and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Happy travels!

Cambridge Dictionary

  • Cambridge Dictionary +Plus

Meaning of on a shoestring in English

On a shoestring.

  • budget something for something
  • cut corners idiom
  • draw/pull in your horns idiom
  • economy drive
  • put/lay something on/to one side idiom
  • save (something) up
  • save on something
  • set someone against someone
  • tighten your belt idiom

Examples of on a shoestring

Translations of on a shoestring.

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travel on a shoestring po polsku

"travelling" po polsku — Słownik angielsko-polski | zobacz "travelling" po angielsku

Travelling bre traveling ame.

obrazek do "travelling" po polsku

  • podróżowanie , podróże [niepoliczalny] Travelling is my passion. (Podróżowanie to moja pasja.) Unfortunately, I don't have time for travelling. (Niestety nie mam czasu na podróżowanie.)

travelling, traveling rzeczownik

Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

" Travelling is a nice part of life", she said.

Furniture Travelling has been a big thing for Josie and me.

Old Travelling Jack, he thought, and tried to smile.

Diego, on the show, comments: Travelling is my passion - I'm fascinated by the remarkable stories every country has to offer.

Happy Travelling !

Country Travelling (1977)

His presence is a major factor in tracks such as "Astral Travelling " and "Morning Prayer."

Kayak Travelling : Michael paddled hard when the boat was in view, but when it wasn't, he simply stopped altogether.

Another of his images depicting a steam engine, entitled Travelling , Machynlleth, won a commendation in the youth class.

On Sledge Travelling (1876)

He also was the recipient of the Rotch Travelling Schaola of 1927.

( Travelling is tiring and you've been travelling all day, so you must be tired.)

" Travelling is very expensive to-day,"said Mr. Kuvetli again.

Enjoy Travelling (Sep 2002)

Astral Travelling (5:48)

Nuffield Travelling Scholarship (1977)

Raven Travelling (Guujaaw quote and art)

Kayak Travelling : The players were to travel 12 kilometres by kayak, which was paddled behind a speedboat, within three hours.

Perfecto Presents: Travelling is a mix album by Paul Oakenfold.

From 1947 to 1948, he studied in London after being awarded a Nuffield Dominion Travelling Fellowship.

Mr. Jelly Goes Time Travelling (September 7, 1997)

Titled It's Nice to Go Travelling , the show is more commonly known as Welcome Home Elvis.

VV Brown Travelling Like The Light (2009)

In 2009 his second play, "Long Time Travelling ," was produced by the Actor's Guild of Lexington (Kentucky).

'Desert Travelling , Valley of Sinai'


THE CAR - TRAVELING - DAY INDY has the throttle down, both hands tightly gripping the steering wheel.

How a murderer helped compile the O.E.D. TRAVELING MERCIES, by Anne Lamott.

HAPPY TRAVELING - The Thanksgiving holiday is shaping up as the busiest travel season of the year, with 21.7 million passengers expected to take flight, an increase of 33 percent from last year.

PUERTO RICAN TRAVELING THEATER "La Posadera/The Mistress of the Inn."

" TRAVELING is for people who don't know how to be happy," remarks a housekeeper in New Delhi in Nell Freudenberger's gorgeously written first book, a remarkably poised collection of stories about Americans abroad.


BEN & JERRY'S SOLARIZED TRAVELING SHOW, featuring a cartoon-covered bus and a 45-miniute vaudevile program with musicians, magicians, acrobatics and jugglers.


  • podróżujący , wędrujący

travelling, traveling przymiotnik

They escort the Lady Mayoress, and particularly provide her †Travelling Escort†at the Lord Mayor's Show.

At a time when most Travelling Preachers stayed only one or two years in any one place, Jukes spent 4 years at Ramsor, summer 1834 to 1838.

In June Stützer will be showing ' Travelling Art Works' by French artist Patrick Raynaud, who is also featured at Documenta.

travel ****

obrazek do "travel" po polsku

  • podróżować [nieprzechodni] We're planning to travel across Europe this autumn. (Planujemy podróżować po Europie tej jesieni.) I love to travel and see different places. (Uwielbiam podróżować i zwiedzać różne miejsca.) I've travelled to different places, but here I feel at home. (Podróżowałem w różne miejsca, ale tutaj czuję się jak w domu.)
  • jechać , przejechać (pokonać dystans) [przechodni/nieprzechodni] We've travelled six hundred kilometers, we're tired. (Przejechaliśmy sześćset kilometrów, jesteśmy zmęczeni.) She travelled 50 thousand miles on her own. (Ona przejechała 50 tysięcy mil bez niczyjej pomocy.) We've travelled over 10 thousand miles in 3 weeks. (Przejechaliśmy ponad 10 tysięcy mil w 3 tygodnie.)
  • rozchodzić się (wieści, informacje) [nieprzechodni] In such small towns rumours travel very fast. (W takich małych miastach plotki rozchodzą się bardzo szybko.) The rumour of her pregnancy travelled in one day. (Plotka o jej ciąży rozniosła się w ciągu jednego dnia.) The information about your engagement travelled all over the town. (Informacja o twoich zaręczynach rozeszły się po całym miasteczku.)
  • podążać (np. wzrok, oczy) [nieprzechodni] His eyes travelled to her chest. (Jego wzrok podążył na jej klatkę piersiową.)
  • rozchodzić się (fala światła, dźwięk) [nieprzechodni] Light travels so fast it is hard to comprehend it. (Światło rozchodzi się tak szybko, że trudno to pojąć.) Sound travels slower than light. (Dźwięk rozchodzi się wolniej od światła.)

travel czasownik

Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności. Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.

She seems to travel just as most of us would.

Ona wydaje się podróżować właśnie kiedy większość z nas chciała.

He cannot travel much and has little energy to work.

On nie może podróżować dużo i może wywierać mało energii do pracy.

No, I am not going to travel again for a long time.

Nie, nie zamierzam podróżować jeszcze raz od dłuższego czasu.

And do you need to travel in a group to see them?

I musisz podróżować grupowo zobaczyć ich?

How far can I travel before the road comes to an end?

Jak daleko mogę podróżować przed drogą dobiega końca?

I travel a lot, sometimes 45 out of 60 days.

Podróżuję dużo, czasami 45 z 60 dni.

But someone has to travel , and he does not mind.

Ale ktoś musi podróżować, i on nie zwraca uwagę.

And have you ever tried to travel with my hair?

I kiedykolwiek spróbowałeś podróżować z moimi włosami?

"Some of us just travel a little later at night than others."

"Jacyś z nas właśnie podróżują trochę później wieczorem niż inni."

Or they did not travel at all, simply doing business by phone.

Albo nie podróżowali wcale, po prostu prowadząc interesy telefonicznie.

What if you must travel a long way with children?

Co jeśli musisz przebywać długą drogę z dziećmi?

In between now and then, they will travel a great deal.

W środku od czasu do czasu, oni będą podróżować dużo.

We did not travel to court in the same car.

Nie podróżowaliśmy do sądu w takim samym samochodzie.

So what's the best way to bring the least when you travel ?

Tak co najlepszy sposób by przynieść najmniej gdy podróżujesz?

Did you just travel east or west to get home?

Właśnie przebyłeś wschód albo zachód do mieć domu?

You could travel light years, and some things did not change.

Mogłeś przebyć lata świetlne, i jakieś sprawy nie zmieniły.

I mean they travel all over the world these people.

Mam na myśli, że oni podróżują po całym świecie ci ludzie.

And the big man might not be able to travel for days.

I duży człowiek nie może móc być przedstawicielem handlowym dni.

No, I need to travel by myself for a time.

Nie, muszę podróżować samemu przez czas.

They know we travel to where these things are available.

Oni wiedzą, że podróżujemy aby gdzie te rzeczy są dostępne.

And they are said then to travel by night, not day.

I im każą wtedy podróżować nocą, nie dzień.

They also travel all over the world with the art.

Oni również podróżują po całym świecie ze sztuką.

Now they travel 4,300 feet and are made in 7 days.

Skoro oni przebywają 4,300 stóp i są ustawione za 7 dni.

The other is to travel the road, as we were doing.

Drugi ma przemierzyć drogę ponieważ robiliśmy.

Also, what is the best time of year to travel ?

Co więcej, co jest najlepszą porą roku na podróż?

Uwaga: Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów nie były weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów - mogą zawierać błędy.

  • podróż [policzalny lub niepoliczalny] Time travel is impossible. (Podróż w czasie jest niemożliwa.)

travel rzeczownik

He is still a big name in the travel business.

On jest wciąż wielkim nazwiskiem w biznesie turystycznym.

However, I do not see a problem for air travel .

Jednakże, nie widzę problemu dla podróży powietrznej.

What's the talk in travel over the last week or so?

Co mówienie w podróży przez w zeszłym tygodniu lub coś w tym stylu?

The people he works with are all involved in time travel .

Ludzie, z którymi on pracuje są wszystkimi włączonymi do podróży w czasie.

The next day's travel was much like the one before.

Podróż następnego dnia była dużo tak jak jeden wcześniej.

Even so, travel seems to be an important part of the process.

Mimo wszystko, podróż wydaje się być ważną częścią procesu.

And the first night of travel was only hours old.

I pierwsza noc podróży miała godziny tylko.

Such travel was under its own control and no other.

Taka podróż była poniżej swojej własnej kontroli i nie inny.

In other words, my days of travel had come to their end.

Innymi słowy, moje dni podróży nadeszły do swojego końca.

Her means of travel then was the black road itself.

Jej oznacza z podróży wtedy czarna droga była tym.

How much do you know about the early age of air travel ?

Jak dużo wiesz o bardzo młody wiek podróży powietrznej?

A time travel story, set in the years 1930 and 2030.

Historia podróży w czasie, zbiór za lata 1930 i 2030.

He has worked in the travel industry for 33 years.

Pracował w przemyśle turystycznym przez 33 lata.

The travel time was cut to 21 hours, 34 minutes.

Czas podróży został obniżony 21 godziny, 34 minuty.

And we feel like travel is one of the best things you can give your children.

I czujemy jak podróż jest jednym z najlepszych rzeczy, które możesz dawać swoim dzieciom.

But with time travel , he has been able to stop me, almost before I started.

Ale z podróżą w czasie, mógł zatrzymać mnie, prawie wcześniej zacząłem.

My son took him at his word and went into travel for three years.

Mój syn zabrał go przy swoim słowie i wszedł do podróży przez trzy lata.

So how could a human being travel into either the past or the future?

Tak jak mógł ludzka będąca podróż do albo przeszłości albo przyszłości?

The only thing he did not like about the job was all the travel .

Jedyna rzecz, której nie lubił w pracy była całą podróżą.

He was two and a half months in travel time away from any such help.

Był dwa i połowa miesiące za czas podróży z dala od któregokolwiek taka pomoc.

I put into her hand the little travel case she'd brought to my room.

Wkładam w jej rękę drobny przypadek turystyczny zabrała do mojego pokoju.

With all this travel , what is your personal life like?

Z całą tą podróżą, co jest twoim życiem osobistym tak jak?

That is 90 percent of travel in the third world.

To jest 90 procent podróży na trzecim świecie.

Maybe that's the only way we can look at travel today.

Może być jedynym sposobem, na który możemy wychodzić na podróży dziś.

How much is spent on business travel around the world?

Jak dużo jest wydane na podróż służbową na całym świecie?

  • podróżniczy (np. książka) Travel books are very interesting. (Książki podróżnicze są bardzo ciekawe.) I collect old travel tickets. (Kolekcjonuję stare bilety podróżnicze.)

travel on a shoestring po polsku

Powiązane zwroty — "travelling"

"travelling" po angielsku — słownik polsko-angielski | zobacz "travelling" po polsku.

travel on a shoestring po polsku

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  1. on a shoestring

    "But I would rather do two really good shows a year than four or five on a shoestring.". The film was made over five days on a shoestring budget of $700. "I could have done F3 on a shoestring, but your career is pretty much over at that point." "The true art is to do it on a shoestring.". Most businesses, of course, get their start on a shoestring.. I think that she's done great all these ...


    Tłumaczenie słowa 'on a shoestring' i wiele innych tłumaczeń na polski - darmowy słownik angielsko-polski. Aby wesprzeć naszą pracę, zapraszamy do zaakceptowania plików cookie lub subskrypcji. ... English Polish Przykłady kontekstowe "on a shoestring" po polsku . Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być ...


    English Polish Przykłady kontekstowe "on shoestring" po polsku Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. bab.la nie jest odpowiedzialne za ich brzmienie. Practical information on how to get there and where to stay, even for those travelling on a shoestring budget.

  4. Translation of on a shoestring

    on a shoestring translations: tanio, tanim kosztem . Learn more in the Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary.

  5. on a shoestring po polsku

    Tłumaczenia " on a shoestring " na polski w zdaniach, pamięć tłumaczeniowa. Odmiana Odmieniaj. Dopasuj słowa. wszystkich. dokładnie. którychkolwiek. He remembered the five days he'd spent there in his twenties, going on a shoestring and optimism. Pamiętał pięć dni, które tam spędził, mając dwadzieścia lat, niewiele pieniędzy i ...

  6. Translation of "on a shoestring" in Polish

    Translations in context of "on a shoestring" in English-Polish from Reverso Context: We operate on a shoestring for the first 6 months.

  7. Tłumaczenie hasła "a shoestring" na polski

    Tłumaczenia w kontekście hasła "a shoestring" z angielskiego na polski od Reverso Context: We know what it's like to travel on a shoestring budget. Tłumaczenie Context Korektor Synonimy Koniugacja. Koniugacja Documents Słownik Collaborative Dictionary Gramatyka Expressio Reverso Corporate.

  8. on a shoestring in Polish

    on a shoestring translate: tanio, tanim kosztem , biednie, skromnie, w niedostatku. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary.

  9. Znaczenie ON A SHOESTRING, definicja w Cambridge ...

    on a shoestring definicja: 1. If you do something on a shoestring, you do it with a very small amount of money: 2. If you do…. Dowiedź się więcej.

  10. on a shoestring

    Look up the English to Polish translation of on a shoestring in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function.


    shoestring noun /'ʃuːstrɪŋ/ (US) sznurowadło (neuter), sznurówka (feminine) idioms on a shoestring to live on a shoestring Monolingual examples Most B&B owners aren't millionaires, we run our budget on a shoestring so this is desperate for us. British Having proven his ability to operate successfully on a shoestring budget he is regarded as a prime candidate to return to the cash ...

  12. live on a shoestring

    "Raised on a ranch, getting up at 5 A.M. to take care of the livestock, living on a shoestring. "Podniesiony na ranchu, wstając o 5:00 opiekować się inwentarzem żywym, ledwie wiążąc koniec z końcem. Boondockers can be footloose and spontaneous in their travel and save camp fees - a consideration, because many live on a shoestring.

  13. PolishPod101's Essential Polish Travel Phrase Guide

    [Location] będzie po prawej / lewej. - [Location] will be on your right / left. Ex. Apteka będzie po prawej / lewej. - The pharmacy will be on your right / left. If you think you'll be on foot a lot, our blog post on Polish directions (please link to my December article, not published yet) is a must before your trip. 6. Emergencies

  14. on a shoestring

    on a shoestring On a very tight budget; with few resources or little money. The first year after we bought the house, we lived on a shoestring, but we survived. Translations [edit] on a very tight budget. Finnish: vähin varoin; French: avec des bouts de ficelle;

  15. Polish Vocabulary: Travelling & Leisure Time

    Polish Vocabulary: Travelling & Leisure Time 4.33/5 (15) Polish Vocabulary: Travelling & Leisure Time. Learn the Polish words and phrases you need while traveling. This page is part of the chapter " Polish vocabulary and phrases ". Bon voyage / Have a good trip! Listen to Pronunciation: Miłej podróży! Miłej podróży!

  16. The Ultimate Guide to Traveling the World on a Shoestring Budget

    Traveling smartly on a shoestring budget is an art that can be mastered with the right approach. This guide unveils ten savvy ways to embark on thrilling adventures without breaking the bank. Delve into these budget-friendly strategies and unlock the secrets to traversing the globe economically, ensuring your wanderlust dreams become a reality ...

  17. on a shoestring

    "But I would rather do two really good shows a year than four or five on a shoestring.". The film was made over five days on a shoestring budget of $700. "I could have done F3 on a shoestring, but your career is pretty much over at that point." "The true art is to do it on a shoestring.". Most businesses, of course, get their start on a shoestring.. I think that she's done great all these ...

  18. shoestring

    shoelace, lace, shoestring rzeczownik . Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności. Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.

  19. to travel on a shoestring

    High quality example sentences with "to travel on a shoestring" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English

  20. on a shoestring in Polish

    Translation of "on a shoestring" into Polish Sample translated sentence: He remembered the five days he'd spent there in his twenties, going on a shoestring and optimism. ↔ Pamiętał pięć dni, które tam spędził, mając dwadzieścia lat, niewiele pieniędzy i dużo optymizmu.

  21. Poland on a Shoestring: Budget Travel Tips!

    Get Around on a Budget! Getting around Poland is easy, and you don't need to spend a lot of money on transportation. Public transport is cheap and efficient, and you can buy a 24-hour ticket for less than $5. If you're traveling between cities, take advantage of PolskiBus or FlixBus, which offer affordable rates for long-distance travel.


    ON A SHOESTRING definition: 1. If you do something on a shoestring, you do it with a very small amount of money: 2. If you do…. Learn more.

  23. travelling

    traveling. rzeczownik. podróżowanie, podróże [niepoliczalny] Travelling is my passion. (Podróżowanie to moja pasja.) Unfortunately, I don't have time for travelling. (Niestety nie mam czasu na podróżowanie.) błąd kroków (w koszykówce) [niepoliczalny] Słownik terminów sportowych.