20歳以下の方限定のお席となります。 S席の範囲の中でステージの全体/演出の一部が見えづらいお席となります。当日年齢を確認できる身分証明書をご持参ください。 チケットをご購入された方のみでなく同行者も年齢を当日入場時に確認させていただきますので下記身分証を忘れずにご持参ください。

運転免許書 学生証 パスポート 身体障害者手帳 マイナンバーカード(通知カード不可) 在留カード 特別永住者証明書 住民基本台帳カード 外国人登録証明書

※年齢は各公演当日の年齢となります。 ※年齢確認ができない場合は、ご入場をお断りさせていただきます。 ※期限の切れたものは無効となります。また、公的に発行された状態のままお持ちください。(コピーは不可) ※マイナンバーカード・住民基本台帳カード・学生証は 写真と本人の現住所が確認できるもののみ有効とします。

The seat will be in S Reserved Seat area with an obstructed view which means you'll be unable to see the entire stage from those seats. You’ll have either an incomplete view because of the position of the seats, or something will be in your line of sight. These seats are available for purchase by those 20 or younger and require an ID check at the entrance. Buyers and their companions are required to bring one of the following IDs;

Driver's License Student ID Passport Identification Booklet for the Physically Disabled My Number Card, Individual Number Card (issued by local governments in Japan. Notification Card is unacceptable) Resident's Card of Japan Special Permanent Resident Certificate of Japan Basic Resident Register Card of Japan Alien Registration Card of Japan

*You must be 20 years old or under on the day of the performance, not the age at the time of application. *ID cards that do not describe age, expiration or reproduction are not acceptable. *If you bring your Student ID, Basic Resident Register Card and My Number Card, please make sure that you have a photo on your ID. Otherwise, it will be unacceptable.

  • SS席のチケット1枚(アリーナ前方ブロック席確約)
  • ツアー限定記念品 - 限定のツアー・ポスター1枚(オリジナル・アートワークをもとに作成)
  • VIP限定お土産グッズ - VIPツアーギフト1点(VIPパッケージを購入した人のためだけに作成されたもの) - VIP専用ネックストラップ付きツアーラミネートパス
  • One Amazing SS Reserved Seated Ticket (Arena Front Area Reserved Seat)
  • Limited-Edition Tour Memorabilia - Exclusive Set of Tour Posters (Based on Original Artwork)
  • Exclusive Justin Bieber VIP Merchandise - One Special VIP Tour Gift (Created Exclusively for VIP Package Purchasers) - One Commemorative VIP Tour Laminate & Matching Lanyard
  • S席のチケット1枚(アリーナ席確約)
  • One Phenomenal S Reserved Seated Ticket (Arena Reserved Seat)
  • S席のチケット1枚(スタンド前列席確約)
  • One Phenomenal S Reserved Seated Ticket (Lower Stand Reserved Seat)

ジャスティン・ビーバー VIPパッケージ チケット ご購入にあたっての注意事項 VIP PACKAGE TERMS & CONDITIONS

転売不可: VIPパッケージに含まれる全ての要素は、転売が行われた場合効力を失います。

払い戻し不可: VIPパッケージ及びその内容は移譲不可であり、払い戻しや交換にも応じかねます。

Re-Sale Prohibited: All package elements will be rendered invalid if resold.

No Refunds: VIP packages and contents are non-transferable, no refunds or exchanges, all sales are final.

内容の変更について: VIPパッケージに含まれる内容は全て開催地によって異なる可能性があり、タイミングや理由を問わず変更となる可能性があります。 同様に、開催地における新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大状況に応じて、変更される可能性がございますのであらかじめご了承の上お申し込みください。

購入者の情報: 購入時にお客様が提出された情報(メールアドレスや住所など)が正しく最新のものであることを、お客様の責任において必ずご確認ください。万が一、正しくない情報により特典が受けられない場合、アーティスト、主催者、チケット販売会社は一切責任を負いません。変更がある場合は事前にお問い合わせ先までご連絡ください。

取得した購入者情報に関して: 以下の場合を除いて、個人データを第三者へ提供することはしません。 ①法令に基づく場合 ②人の生命・身体・財産を保護するために必要で、本人から同意を得ることが難しい場合 ③公衆衛生の向上・児童の健全な育成のために必要で、本人から同意を得ることが難しい場合 ④国の機関や地方公共団体、その委託者などによる法令事務の遂行にあたって協力する必要があり、かつ本人の同意を得ることで事務遂行に影響が生じる可能性がある場合

VIPパッケージ内容(グッズ): 全てのVIPパッケージに含まれるグッズはコンサート当日に、会場にて受け取りをお願いいたします。事前/後日発送は承っておりません。

新型感染症対策: お客様ご自身や出演者、ステージスタッフ、会場運営スタッフの健康と安全のために参加条件に追加の項目が発生する場合がございます。主催者は当イベントでのコロナ対策について政府や保険機関、アーティスト、会場による規定を考慮し決定いたします。参加条件には、ワクチン接種やQRコードでの受付、ソーシャル・ディスタンスの確保、マスクの着用やその他の対策が含まれる可能性があり、またこれら以外の条件も含まれる可能性がございます。本イベントへのご参加にあたり、お客様方におかれましてはこれらの諸条件および、コンサート当日が近づくにつれ変更の可能性がある最新の条件にご対応いただきますようお願いいたします。

【お問い合わせ】 <名古屋公演>キョードー東海 052-972-7466(月-金 12:00-18:00 / 土 10:00-13:00 ※日・祝日休み) https://www.kyodotokai.co.jp/ <大阪公演>YUMEBANCHI(大阪) 06-6341-3525(平日12:00-18:00) https://www.yumebanchi.jp/ <東京公演>サンライズプロモーション東京 0570-00-3337(平日12:00-15:00) https://sunrisetokyo.com/

Packages Subject to Change: All VIP package items (including locations and package inclusions) may vary from market to market and are subject to change at any time for any reason.

Purchaser Information: You are responsible for ensuring that your contact information (such as email and address) provided at the time of purchase is correct and current and we are not responsible where incorrect information results in an undelivered product. Please let us know if there are any changes to phone numbers, addresses or email addresses so we can update our contact lists.

VIP Laminates: VIP laminates are for commemorative purposes only. The VIP laminate does not gain or authorize access into the venue or any backstage areas.

VIP Package Components (e.g. Merchandise): All VIP components are to be picked up at the venue, night of the show.

COVID-19 Guidelines: There may be other requirements to ensure your safety and that of the Artist, their crew and the venue personnel. We must consider stipulations from Government, Health Authorities, Artists and venues in determining the COVID Safe measures for the event. These requirements may include, but not be limited to, proof of vaccination, QR code check-in, social distancing, mask-wearing and/or other measures. You will need to comply with these requirements in order to attend the events and will be kept up to date with developments in the lead-up to the show.

The artist, tour, promoter, ticketing company, venue or any other affiliated parties are not responsible for outdated or inaccurate information provided by the consumer at the time of purchase.

【Contact】 <Tokyo> Sunrise Promotion 0570-00-3337(Mon-Fri 12-3 PM) https://sunrisetokyo.com/ <Osaka> YUMEBANCHI(Osaka) 06-6341-3525(Mon-Fri 12-6 PM) https://www.yumebanchi.jp/ <Nagoya> Kyodo Tokai 052-972-7466(Mon-Fri 12-6 PM / Sat 10 AM-1 PM ※Out of Service on Sundays and Public Holidays) https://www.kyodotokai.co.jp/

追加席予約受付開始! 受付期間:7月22日(金)18:00~9月30日(金)23:59(※抽選) Tickets on sale Saturday,Mar.26, 2022 at 12:00PM ※Japan Time

新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止対策およびご来場のお客様への注意事項 covid 19 terms & conditions.

※本公演は、政府の「新型コロナウイルス感染症対策の基本的対処方針」を基に作成したガイドラインに沿った運営を実施いたします。 ※開催公演に関しては理由の如何を問わず、チケット購入後のキャンセル・変更・払い戻しは一切できません。予めご了承ください。 ※ In order to prevent the transmission of Covid-19, this event will take thorough measures in accordance with the novel coronavirus disease control guidelines for concerts established by the national government. ※Please be noted that when the show is decided to be held, cancellation / changes / refunds will not be accepted for any reason after orders are completed.

  • 当公演のチケットは全てデジタルチケットでのお取り扱いとなります。
  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染状況により、ワクチン・検査パッケージなどを適用する場合がございます。
  • マスクを着用頂けない方やくり返し大声を発する等、ガイドラインを守られない方は退場措置を取らせて頂く場合がございます。
  • 会場内の手すり・ドアノブ等お手を触れられる箇所の消毒作業を徹底いたします。
  • 会場内の換気を徹底いたします。
  • ステージと客席間の距離も十分な距離を確保いたします。
  • 整列が必要な場所において来場者が距離を置いて並べるよう目印の設置を行います。
  • 状況により、密を避けるための時間差入場や入場ゲートの増設を行う場合がございます。
  • 来場者への対面対応が必要な場所においてはアクリル板や透明ビニールカーテン等を設置し飛沫感染防止対策を施します。
  • 会場内の各所に消毒液を設置いたします。また、全ての来場者に対し、入場時に手指消毒を行います。
  • 感染予防に関する案内板の設置及び巡回スタッフによる感染予防の呼びかけを行います。
  • 会場内の喫煙所を閉鎖いたします。
  • 出演者に対してのプレゼント、祝い花、スタンド花、お手紙等はお受けしておりません。会場に届いた場合、お断りさせていただきますので、予めご了承ください。
  • 妊婦の方、妊娠が想定される方、持病や基礎疾患のある方、お一人での行動が難しい方等、ご自身のお身体とその関係者の方々の安全を第一に、ご自身の判断のもとご来場をご検討ください。
  • 各入場口において検温所を設置、非接触型体温計によりご来場様の体温を測定いたします。37.5度以上の熱がある場合は指定の待機場所にて再び検温を行い、体温に変化が見られない場合は入場をお断りいたします。
  • 会場内において、お客様の密接な状態など感染リスクの高い状況があった場合、スタッフよりお声がけをさせていただく場合がございますのでご協力いただけますようお願いいたします。
  • All tickets will be sold as electronic tickets. Please follow the direction of staff and operate your smart phone when you enter the venue.
  • Vaccine and testing packages may be applied depending on the infection status of the new coronavirus.
  • Those who do not follow the guideline, refusing to wear masks or keeping to raise voices, for example, will be asked to leave the venue.
  • We disinfect surfaces of things which many people touch, such as handrails and door nobs.
  • We make sure that the venue is ventilated regularly.
  • We secure the enough spaces for social distancing between the stage and audience areas.
  • When the audience is required to stand in a waiting line, we put signs to keep social distances.
  • Depending on the situation on the show dates, there is a possibility that we open the entrance gates with a time difference or that we increase the number of the entrance gates so that visitors can enter the venue without close contacts with others.
  • To prevent airborne transmission, we use acrylic plates or vinyl curtains when we need to communicate with visitors.
  • Hand sanitizers will be placed at several locations inside the venue. All visitors are to disinfect their hands and fingers when they enter the venue.
  • To appeal the audience to follow the measure against the transmission of Covid-19, information boards will be placed at several locations inside the venue, and our staff members will make rounds at regular intervals.
  • On site smoking areas are not available.
  • To those who are pregnant, expected to be pregnant, with underlying disease, with chronic condition, or have difficulty to act by one’s own; Please consider your health condition and people you concern as a top priority in making decisions about whether you should or should not attend this event.
  • We do not receive any gifts, flowers, or letters. Please understand that if you send those items, those will be refused to receive.
  • We check the body temperatures of all visitors before entering the venue with non-contact thermometers. If you have a fever over 37.5℃, you will be asked to stay in a waiting room and if your body temperature do not change, you will be asked to leave the venue.
  • If staff members notice a risk of transmission, like the case in which many people are gathering in one place without distancing, staff members may ask you to cooperate to follow those measures or manners to prevent the transmission.
  • 厚生労働省より、リリースされました新型コロナウイルス接触確認アプリ(COCOA) COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application の登録 を必ずお願いいたします。 Google Play App Store
  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症陽性とされた方との濃厚接触がある方、過去2週間以内に政府から入国制限、入国後の観察期間を必要とされている国・地域への訪問歴及び当該在住者との濃厚接触がある方はご来場をお控えください。
  • 37.5度以上の熱のある方、咳、呼吸困難、全身倦怠感、咽頭痛、鼻汁・鼻閉、味覚・嗅覚障害、眼の痛みや結膜の充血、頭痛、関 節・筋肉痛、下痢、嘔気・嘔吐のような症状のある方は、ご来場をお控えください。また、アルコールの摂取は体温上昇の可能性がございます。来場前の飲酒はお控えください。いずれの場合でも、37.5度以上の熱のある場合には、入場をお断りいたします旨ご了承ください。
  • ご来場の際はマスクの着用を必須とし、着用のない場合の入場はお断りいたします。マスクは必ずご自身でご用意をお願いします。
  • 入場時は、備え付けの消毒液にて手指消毒を必ず実施します。
  • 飛沫感染防止の為、大声での会話・声援を禁止といたします。また、公演中の不要なお席の移動、来場者同士の接触や物の貸し借りを お控えください。
  • 客席・ロビーでは咳エチケットへのご協力と、会話はなるべくお控えいただきますようお願いいたします。
  • 会場内での飲食時には他のお客様と十分な距離をとっていただき、飛沫感染防止のため会話をしながらの飲食はしないようお願いいたします。
  • 当イベントの往路・復路におかれましても、大人数での食事、打ち上げ等は避けていただきますようお願いいたします。
  • 体調不良であることが見受けられるお客様には、スタッフよりお声がけさせていただきますこと、ご了承ください。また、状況により会場内へのご入場をお断りいたしますこと、重ねてご了承お願いいたします。
  • All visitors must download COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA) on your smartphone beforehand. Google Play App Store
  • If you fit a description below, please refrain from attending the event. ▫︎You had a close contact with somebody who has tested positive for Covid-19. ▫︎Within 2 weeks before the show, you visited a country, or you had a close contact with somebody who had visited a country which the government requires quarantine after coming back to Japan. ▫︎You have a fever over 37.5℃. ▫︎You have any symptoms such as coughs, breathing troubles, malaise, a sore throat, snotters, a stuffy nose, taste / smell disorder, pains in eyes, bloodshot eyes, headache, joint ache, sore muscles, diarrhea, vomiting or nausea.
  • All visitors must wear masks. Masks should be brought by visitors by themselves. You cannot enter the venue without wearing a mask. Only non-woven masks are applicable
  • It is prohibited to bring alcoholic drinks to the venue, to drink alcoholic drinks in the venue or to enter the site under the influence of alcohol. *Please do not drink alcohol drinks before or after the entrance to the venue, since it can affect your body temperature. We ask you to leave the venue even if your fever is caused by alcohol.
  • All visitors must sanitize their fingers and hands by using a sanitizer placed at the entrance.
  • To prevent airborne transmission, conversations and cheers in loud voices is prohibited. Please also refrain from sitting seats except for the one you reserved by yourself, from making physical contact with other visitors, or from lending and borrowing things.
  • In the auditorium and the lobby, please keep the “coughing manners” and refrain from talking.
  • Please keep social distances and do not talk while eating and drinking to prevent airborne transmission.
  • On the way to the venue or home, please refrain from gathering or having party with other visitors before or after the show.
  • If you seem to be in bad physical condition, our staff member may talk to you and may ask you to leave the venue when we figured it necessary. Thank you for your understanding.
  • 非接触体温計による検温と手指消毒を行います。 37.5℃以上のお客様は、メディカルチェックにて再度検温させていただき、看護師の判断によってはご入場をお断りする場合がございます。
  • デジタルチケットを確認いたします。会場に設置された端末に、お客様ご自身でQRコードをかざしていただきます。
  • body temperature check and disinfection of hands and fingers ※Those having a fever over 37.5℃ will be asked to have re-check of body temperature in a medical-check room. A nurse will determine whether you can enter the venue or not.
  • e-ticket check You will be asked to hold the ticket QR code on your smartphone over a device placed at the venue entrance.
  • すべてのスタッフや関係者へ、検温・健康状態のチェックを実施いたします。
  • 発熱等の体調不良が確認された場合、その者は業務に就きません。
  • 飛沫感染の防止として、マスク着用のもと業務を行います。
  • 会場入室時等、こまめな手指消毒を行います。
  • 出演者につきましても検温・健康状態のチェックを実施いたします。出演時以外は、マスクの着用を義務づけます。
  • その他、異変が起こった場合、ただちに保健所など保健行政機関や近隣医療機関と連携し、アーティストとスタッフの健康と安全を確保する策を速やかに講じます。



  • We check body temperatures and health conditions of all staff members and performers.
  • If someone has a fever or physical deconditioning, that person will not be allowed to work or to perform for the show.
  • All staff members wear masks at the venue to prevent airborne transmission.
  • All staff members must use hand sanitizer frequently.
  • Performers are also to be checked their body temperatures and health conditions. They wear masks except for the time they are on stage.
  • In case something unexpected happens, we cooperate with health governance institutions and medical institutions near the venue to deal with it and to secure the health of staff members and performers.

※Please note that mandate and protocols, including Covid-19 vaccination requirements may vary and are subject to change. Please make sure to check the latest information before coming to the event.

We take those measures against the transmission of Covid-19 so that all visitors can enjoy the show without anxiety. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

チケットをお申込みの前に必ずお読みください。 Please Note

  • 一部演出が見にくい座席がございます。
  • 座席によっては一部着席でのご鑑賞になりますのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • お客様の都合による、チケット購入後のキャンセル・変更・払い戻しは一切できません。
  • 車椅子にてご来場のお客様は事前に各問い合せ先までご連絡ください。
  • 会場内クローク、ロッカーのご用意はございません。予め御来場頂く前に会場周辺のコインロッカーをご利用ください。
  • 入場時手荷物検査を行います。ご協力頂けない場合入場をお断りする場合がございますので予めご了承ください。
  • カン・ビン類の持ち込みは出来ません。移し替え用のプラカップもご用意いたしませんので、入場口で廃棄いただきます。ペットボトルは持ち込み出来ますが、観覧エリア内およびステージへの投げ入れなどは厳禁です。
  • 危険物や他のお客様のご迷惑と判断されるものは一切お断りいたします。
  • ペット類の同伴入場は不可となります。但し、盲導犬等の補助犬についてはご入場可能です。補助犬同伴でご来場の場合、事前にご連絡をいただけますとスムーズにご案内出来ます。
  • 場内外いずれにおいても、お客様同士のトラブル等については、お客様同士で解決をお願いいたします。
  • 過度な飲酒状態の方、他のお客様のご迷惑となるような行為が確認された方、係員の指示にしたがっていただけない方には、退場していただく場合がございます。その場合のチケット代等の払い戻しは行いません。
  • 会場内では係員の指示に従ってください。係員の指示に従わず事故・怪我などをされた場合は出演者・主催者、及び会場側は一切責任を負いません。
  • ステージへ物を投げ込んだり、駆け寄ったりする危険行為は絶対におやめください。公演中はご指定の席・エリア以外での観覧は禁止とさせていただきます。係員の指示に従わない場合はご退場いただく場合もございますので、予めご了承ください。また、それに伴うチケットの払い戻しも一切ございません。
  • 万が一公演中止となった場合、本公演の中止・遅延に伴う、会場までの旅費・宿泊費等(キャンセル料を含む)の補償はいたしません。

近隣住民の方々、および施設の多大なご協力とご理解のもと開催しております。 特に以下の事項につきましては、固くお断りいたします。皆様のご協力をお願いいたします。

  • 屋内外問わず飛び跳ねる行為。
  • 集団での大声や、明らかに近隣の迷惑となるような団体行動等。
  • 周辺道路での路上駐車やゴミの放置。また、横断歩道以外での車道横断等。
  • Reserved Seat Only
  • Children at the age of 5 and under are not allowed to enter the venue.
  • View form some seats may be obstructed.
  • Please note that some seats may require you to be seated during the show.
  • All sales are final, and refunds are only allowed in limited circumstances
  • Resale for commercial purposes is prohibited.
  • Please contact the local vendors below for wheelchair accessibility.
  • We have implemented virus prevention and disinfection measures.
  • There is no coin-operated locker or cloak service in the venue. Please use public coin-operated lockers outside the venue when needed.
  • We reserve the right to search bags, backpacks, purses and persons to ensure public safety.
  • Please cooperate with the baggage checks, or you may not be allowed to enter the venue.
  • Cans and bins are not allowed to bring inside the venue. If you do, you will be asked to discard them before the entry. Plastic bottles are allowed but it is prohibited to throw them into the stage or the audience areas.
  • Other belongings which are thought to be dangerous or may disturb other customers are not allowed to bring into the venue.
  • Animals or pets of any kind are prohibited with the exception of trained service animals and service animals in training for guests with disabilities.
  • Troubles between visitors are to be solved by those who concerned, no matter it occurs inside or outside the venue.
  • Those who are drunk or thought to be disturbing other visitors and not following the instruction of the staff will be asked to leave the venue. In such cases, we will not refund the tickets.
  • We forbid audience to throw something into the stage, to run toward the stage, or to watch the show outside the seat you reserved. If you do not follow the instruction of the staff, you may be asked to leave the venue and the ticket will not be refunded.
  • In case the show is canceled, please be noted that we do not compensate travel fee, accommodation fee, or any other costs you may have relating to the show cancelation.
  • We prohibit audience to jump inside or outside the venue.
  • Please refrain from gathering in large number of group and shouting in loud voices, on-street parking and/or getting across the streets off the crosswalks, it may disturb the neighborhood.
  • 当公演のチケットは全てデジタルチケットとなり、チケットのお受け取りにはスマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS( https://anypass.jp/ )」対応のスマートフォンが必要となります。必ず事前に参加者全員が対応OSを搭載し、SMS認証が利用可能なスマートフォンをお持ちかをご確認の上お申し込みください。
  • ご入場の際は、お一人様1枚チケットをご提示いただきご入場いただきます。同行者の方には、AnyPASSアプリからチケットを分配してください。同行者の方がチケットを受取いただく際もAnyPASSSアプリが必要となります。 プリントアウト、スクリーンショットをしたものをご提示いただきましても入場は出来ません。
  • 発券が開始されましたら購入時にご登録のメールアドレス宛てに、AnyPASSより発券開始のご案内メールをお送りいたしますので、購入時にご登録の携帯電話番号の端末にアプリをダウンロードの上、お受け取りください。 チケットのお受け取りは、購入時にご登録の携帯電話番号の端末のみとなりますので公演日まで携帯電話番号の変更/解約をしないようお願いいたします。 同じ電話番号での機種変更は問題ございません。 尚、イープラスのインバウンド専用受付サイトでご購入のお客さまについては、 チケットの受取方法が異なります。発券の準備が整いましたらイープラスより、発券方法のご案内メールをお送りいたします。
  • 同一公演日のチケットを同一名義・同一電話番号で複数回ご購入いただいた場合、必ず1枚ずつご購入者様分のチケットとして手元に残り、手元に残ったチケットはご購入者様のみ使用可能です。他の方に譲渡出来ませんのでご注意ください。
  • 同行者の方が未成年で対応のスマートフォンをお持ちでない場合に限り、公演日当日、身分証明書のご提示、氏名・連絡先等の情報をご提供いただくことで、入場対応させていただきます。なお、購入者と同行者全員がお揃いになってからのご入場となります。 身分証明書のご提示がない場合、未成年でない場合は対応出来ない場合がございます。
  • AnyPASSは現在、日本語のみの言語表示となりますが、今夏に英語への言語切り替えが行える機能を提供予定です。
  • All tickets for this performance will be digital tickets, and you will need a smartphone compatible with the smartphone app "AnyPASS ( https://anypass.jp/ )" to receive the tickets. Please make sure that all participants have a smartphone that is equipped with a compatible OS and can use SMS authentication before applying.
  • Please present one ticket per person to enter the venue. Please distribute tickets to your companions via the AnyPASS app. Companions will also need to use the AnyPASSS app to get tickets. Even if you show us a printout or a screenshot, you will not be able to enter.
  • Once the e-ticket is ready to be issued, AnyPASS will send an email to the registered email address you registered at the time of purchase. Please download the app to your smart phone with the registered mobile phone number at the time of purchase and receive a digital ticket. Please do not change / cancel the mobile phone number until the performance date. There is no problem changing the model with the same phone number. For customers who purchase from the E-plus inbound reception site, the method of receiving the ticket is different. When you are ready to issue a ticket, E-plus will send you an email with instructions on how to issue the ticket.
  • In every ticket purchasing transaction, one ticket shall be assigned to the name and phone number of the ticket purchaser. This assigned ticket is non-transferrable. Any other tickets purchased in the same transaction can be transferred.
  • Only if the companion is a minor and does not have a compatible smartphone, we will allow you to enter by checking your ID card, name, contact information, etc. on the day of the performance. Please note that it is necessary for you to arrive at the venue with the purchaser at the same time. If you do not show your ID or if you are not a minor, we have the right to refuse entry.
  • AnyPASS is currently displayed in Japanese only, but we plan to provide a function to switch the language to English this summer.
  • 本受付にて購入されたチケットは、理由を問わず第三者に転売する行為は一切禁止されています。また、転売のために第三者に提供する行為も禁止されています。
  • 公演日当日に会場周辺で不当な金額で販売する行為や、インターネット等を通じて不特定多数に向けて販売する行為は、取引金額や理由に関わらず転売行為とみなします。したがって、オフィシャルホームページなどに掲載されている公式チケット販売サイト以外でご購入されたチケットに関しては、入場をお断り致します。尚、それに伴うチケット代金の払い戻しなどは行いませんのでご注意ください。
  • It is prohibited to resell the purchased tickets to any third party for any reason.
  • The act of selling the tickets on inappropriate prices near the venue on show days or selling them on the internet to unspecified people including putting them on the online auctions is considered as an unofficial resale, no matter the price or the reason.
  • We will not accept the tickets bought not through the official ticket agents named on the official Japan show website. We do not refund the tickets in such cases.
  • ご購入いただいたチケットはVIP Packageを除き後日公式リセールサービスを行う予定です。 公式リセールサービスではイベントに行けなくなった人がチケットを手放せ、行きたい人がそのチケットを購入出来る仕組みをご提供いたします。ご来場できなくなった方は、後日ご案内する公式リセールサービスをご利用ください。 尚、公式リセールサービスのご利用は、こちら「 https://www.zengin-net.jp/company/member/ 」に記載の金融機関、かつ日本国内の支店の口座をお待ちいただいている方のみが対象となります。公式リセールに関する詳細は、改めてご案内いたします。
  • We plan to offer an Official Resale Service for those who purchased the tickets except VIP Package.
  • The Official Resale Service will allow those who can no longer go to the event to let go of their tickets and give the opportunity to those who want to go to the event.
  • In case that you will be unable to go to the show, please use the Official Resale Service that will be announced at a later date.
  • Please note that the Official Resale Service is only available to customers who have a bank account at the financial institution listed here: https://www.zengin-net.jp/company/member/ and who have an account at one of its branches in Japan. More details about the Official Resale Service will be announced shortly.

<名古屋公演>キョードー東海 052-972-7466(月-金 12:00-18:00 /土 10:00-13:00 ※日・祝日休み) https://www.kyodotokai.co.jp/

<大阪公演>YUMEBANCHI(大阪) 06-6341-3525(平日12:00-18:00) https://www.yumebanchi.jp/

<東京公演>サンライズプロモーション東京 0570-00-3337(平日12:00-15:00) https://sunrisetokyo.com/

<Tokyo> Sunrise Promotion 0570-00-3337(Mon-Fri 12-3 PM) https://sunrisetokyo.com/

<Osaka> YUMEBANCHI (Osaka) 06-6341-3525(Mon-Fri 12-6 PM) https://www.yumebanchi.jp/

<Nagoya> Kyodo Tokai 052-972-7466 (Mon-Fri 12-6 PM / Sat 10 AM-1 PM ※Out of Service on Sundays and Public Holidays) https://www.kyodotokai.co.jp/

ジャスティン・ビーバー  ワールドツアー  リオ公演をもって休止を発表 残り全ての公演は来年に延期となります。

2022年10月7日 本日ジャスティン・ビーバーは残りのワールドツアーの日程をすべて延期すると発表しました。 本ツアーは当初2020年から始まる予定でしたが、新型コロナウイルス感染症の流行により延期され、ようやく今年2月にサンディエゴ公演を皮切りに3大陸10カ国に渡って開催されてきましたが、9月6日にアーティストの健康を第一に考えた結果、ツアーを中断、9月15日には、10月18日までの12公演の中止を発表しました。 本日の発表で、残念ながら残りのツアー日程は来年に延期されることになりました。 振替日程に関しては、現在調整中ですので、決定次第、発表させていただきます。

チケットをお持ちのお客様へ ご購入いただいたチケットは、振替公演にてそのまま有効となります。振替日程につきましては調整中となりますので、現時点で払い戻しを希望される方は、ご購入いただいたプレイガイドより順次ご案内させていただきますのでご確認の上、お手続きください。尚、本公演のチケットは電子チケットAnyPASSでのお受取りとなりますが、払い戻しの手続きにチケットは必要ございません。 また、振替公演決定後も改めて、ご都合が合わないお客様には、払い戻し期間を設けさせていただきますのでお待ちいただける方は次のご案内をお待ちください。詳細に関しましては別途ご購入いただいたプレイガイドよりご案内させていただきます。 皆様方にはご心配、ご迷惑をおかけし、誠に申し訳ございません。

AEG Presents / AEGX

JUSTIN BIEBER ANNOUNCES THE JUSTICE WORLD TOUR ENDED WITH ROCK IN RIO.  All remaining dates of his world tour postponed to next year.

Includes all dates up to and including march 25, 2023 ticketholders will be informed on next steps as updates occur.

Justin Bieber today announced that the remaining dates of his WORLD TOUR are being postponed. The tour, originally slated to begin in 2020 before being postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, kicked off in February of this year in San Diego, CA and made stops in ten countries across three continents. On September 6, Justin first announced he was taking a break from touring to make his health a priority. That news was followed on September 15 by his announcement of the cancellation of twelve dates running through October 18.  With today’s announcement, these remaining dates are officially postponed. The potential new dates will be subject to venue and date availability, Fans with tickets to all postponed WORLD TOUR dates should await further news on dates, venues and cities as updates become available.

To all Ticket Holders in Japan, Your ticket will be valid for the rescheduled performance, so please maintain your tickets until the date of the rescheduled performance. We are working with Justin’s team on rescheduled periods and will refund tickets to those customers who are unable to attend the rescheduled performance when confirmed.

Customers who wish to receive a refund at this time are requested to follow the instructions provided by the ticket agencies where they originally purchased their tickets. We ask you to please wait until further notice. No physical ticket is required for the refund procedure.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.



Yahoo!ニュースのすべての機能を利用するためには、JavaScriptの設定を有効にしてください。 JavaScriptの設定を変更する方法はこちら

『TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR ‘READY TO BE’ in JAPAN SPECIAL』味の素スタジアム2daysの追加公演が決定

4/22(月) 18:00 配信


PHOTO BY 田中聖太郎

PHOTO BY 田中聖太郎 ■チケットの最速先行受付は、4月23日10時よりスタート! 【画像】『TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR ‘READY TO BE’ in JAPAN SPECIAL』告知ビジュアル TWICEが、『TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR ‘READY TO BE’ in JAPAN SPECIAL』の追加公演として、7月20日・21日の東京・味の素スタジアムの2days公演を発表した。 『TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR ‘READY TO BE’ in JAPAN SPECIAL』は、これまで7月13日・14日の大阪・ヤンマースタジアム長居、7月27日・28日の神奈川・日産スタジアム公演が発表されていたが、チケット申込数が一般受付前にもかかわらず想定数をはるかに超えたため、急遽、味の素スタジアムの追加公演が決定した。 チケットの最速先行受付(ONCE JAPAN+ 長期会員先行)は、4月23日10時よりスタートする。 PHOTO BY 田中聖太郎 ※メイン写真 ライブ情報 07/13(土)大阪・ヤンマースタジアム長居 07/14(日)大阪・ヤンマースタジアム長居 07/20(土)東京・味の素スタジアム ※追加公演 07/21(日)東京・味の素スタジアム ※追加公演 07/27(土)神奈川・日産スタジアム 07/28(日)神奈川・日産スタジアム


  • ME:Iが、ルミネエスト新宿をジャック!ME:I×ルミネエスト新宿 スペシャルデビューキャンペーン開催
  • LE SSERAFIMファンミーティングでの「1-800-hot-n-fun」フルバージョン披露を予告
  • 向井康二(Snow Man)が悔しげな表情で小ぶりに踊る『それスノ』オフムービーが公開
  • SEVENTEEN ウォヌの“彼氏感がハンパない”爆イケ動画にメンバーが次々コメント
  • マキシマム ザ ホルモンのナヲがSixTONES東京ドーム公演を絶賛!「ものごっっっっつカッコよかったす!!!!」



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織田信成、ファンキーな妻を顔出し!「14回目の結婚記念日」夫婦ショット公開 子どもは4人

world tour jp


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「番組全く呼ばれなかった」元プラス・マイナス岩橋良昌 『めちゃイケ』出演時のトラブルを告発…フジテレビが示した「回答」

world tour jp


world tour jp

  • 通知 0 お知らせ すべて既読にする
  • よくあるご質問 (Q&A)

こんにちは、 ゲスト 様

  • T-Palette Records







昨年2023年12月28日に行われた福岡 PayPayドーム最終日で緊急告知をした「TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR 'READY TO BE' in JAPAN SPECIAL」は、今年2024年7月に大阪 ヤンマースタジアム長居と日産スタジアムで開催されるが、日産スタジアムにおいては海外女性アーティスト初の単独公演となり、その注目度はとても高かった。その期待の大きさからチケット申込数が一般受付前にもかかわらず想定数をはるかに超えたため、急遽味の素スタジアムの追加公演が決定した。



▼リリース情報 TWICE ライヴDVD&Blu-ray 『TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR 'READY TO BE' in JAPAN』 4月24日(水)リリース

▼書籍情報 「ハーパーズ バザー6月号」 表紙:MINA(TWICE)


カテゴリ : タワーレコード オンライン ニュース K-POP | タグ : K-POP

掲載: 2024年04月22日 19:20

前の32件 1/1 次の32件

アーティスト タイトル 発売日

  • MINA(TWICE)、「ハーパーズ バザー6月号」カバーに登場
  • TWICE | 『TWICE MONOGRAPH With YOU-th』5月3日発売
  • 〈春のタワレコチョイス〉厳選!K-POPオススメ盤!
  • TWICE、ライヴDVD&Blu-ray『TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR 'READY TO BE' in JAPAN』4月24日リリース決定
  • TWICE|味の素スタジアム公演収録!『TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR 'READY TO BE' in JAPAN』4月24日発売|タワレコ特典「クリアポーチ」

world tour jp

  • The Beatles(ザ・ビートルズ) | 全曲バイブル新版 公式録音全213曲完全ガイド | 6月24日発売 (2024/04/23)
  • 加藤和彦『バハマ・ベルリン・パリ~加藤和彦ヨーロッパ3部作[復刻版]』5月27日発売 (2024/04/22)
  • NORIKIYO|『五月雨/THE GROWER'S CLUB ANTHEM』7inchアナログ盤が5月23日発売 (2024/04/23)
  • 角松敏生プロデュースによるヴォーカリストプロデュース・プロジェクト「VOCALAND」のNonStop Extended Mix『VOCALAND REBIRTH Extended Mix by TOSHIKI KADOMATSU』6月26日発売 (2024/04/23)
  • WEST.|デビュー10周年!特別企画「店舗スタッフ一問一答」&関連作品紹介 (2024/04/23)
  • 店舗のみで開催!「Wで最大20%ポイント還元キャンペーン!」
  • 〈まとめてオフ〉クラシック・タワーレコード企画盤616タイトル 2点で15%オフ
  • 〈数量限定〉Mirare レーベル 厳選セール〈163タイトル〉
  • 〈数量限定〉Harmonia Mundi&Aparte 厳選セール〈22タイトル〉
  • 〈数量限定〉BIS レーベル 厳選セール〈19タイトル〉

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  • INTERVIEW インタビュー
  • REPORT レポート
  • THE FIRST TAKE ここでのルールは、ただ一つ。 一発撮りのパフォーマンスをすること。
  • RING³ ここにあるのは、素の顔、素の声、素の感情だけ。
  • FUKA/BORI きっとあなたも、その深さを語りたくなる。
  • With ensemble アーティストとアンサンブルが出会って、 いま、ここだけの音が生まれる。
  • FLOOR LIVE -SHOW CASE EDITION- 1台のカメラで、 アーティストの魅力、ライブの熱量を伝える。
  • スタッフが語るヤバイ曲 誰もが知るヤバイ曲。 そのすべてを、スタッフが語り明かす。

world tour jp


『TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR ‘READY TO BE’ in JAPAN SPECIAL』味の素スタジアム2daysの追加公演が決定

『TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR ‘READY TO BE’ in JAPAN SPECIAL』味の素スタジアム2daysの追加公演が決定


TWICEが、『TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR ‘READY TO BE’ in JAPAN SPECIAL』の追加公演として、7月20日・21日の東京・味の素スタジアムの2days公演を発表した。

『TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR ‘READY TO BE’ in JAPAN SPECIAL』は、これまで7月13日・14日の大阪・ヤンマースタジアム長居、7月27日・28日の神奈川・日産スタジアム公演が発表されていたが、チケット申込数が一般受付前にもかかわらず想定数をはるかに超えたため、急遽、味の素スタジアムの追加公演が決定した。

チケットの最速先行受付(ONCE JAPAN+ 長期会員先行)は、4月23日10時よりスタートする。

PHOTO BY 田中聖太郎 ※メイン写真

07/13(土)大阪・ヤンマースタジアム長居 07/14(日)大阪・ヤンマースタジアム長居 07/20(土)東京・味の素スタジアム ※追加公演 07/21(日)東京・味の素スタジアム ※追加公演 07/27(土)神奈川・日産スタジアム 07/28(日)神奈川・日産スタジアム

『TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR ‘READY TO BE’ in JAPAN SPECIAL』特設サイト https://www.twicejapan.com/feature/5thworldtour_readytobe_special

TWICE OFFICIAL SITE https://www.twicejapan.com/

world tour jp


本サービスをお楽しみいただくには、JavaScript を有効にする必要があります。


【延長決定!】TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR ‘READY TO BE’ in JAPAN SPECIAL開催記念!新規入会&継続キャンペーン実施中!

いつも「ONCE JAPAN」をご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。

2024年7月に開催するTWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR ‘READY TO BE’ in JAPAN SPECIALの追加公演発表を記念して、


さらに抽選を通して「TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR ‘READY TO BE’ in JAPAN SPECIAL 終演後見送り会」にも引き続きご応募いただけます!



新規入会: 2024年3月30日(土)10:00~2024年6月2日(日)23:59までに「ONCE JAPAN」に入会した方

継続: 2024年3月~5月末までに「ONCE JAPAN」継続手続きを行った方




お友達紹介: 2024年3月30日(土)10:00~2024年6月2日(日)23:59までにONCE JAPAN会員様の紹介でお友達が新規入会し、申請フォームより申請いただいた方






※本キャンペーンは「ONCE JAPAN」会員対象となります。

「ONCE JAPAN MOBILE」会員は対象外となります。ご了承ください。





‘READY TO BE’ in JAPAN SPECIAL開催記念!新規入会&継続キャンペーン応募はこちら!


world tour jp

  • Feel Special
  • FANCY -Japanese ver.-
  • I CAN’T STOP ME -Japanese ver.-
  • SCIENTIST -Japanese ver.-
  • What is Love? -Japanese ver.-
  • Dance The Night Away
  • Alcohol-Free
  • Heart Shaker
  • 1, 3, 2 (JEONGYEON, MINA, TZUYU)
  • Just be yourself
  • Perfect World
  • ランダムルーレット曲 (Random Roulette)
  • 4. Breakthrough

初回限定盤DVD 2枚組

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¥7,700 (税込)

  • 2022年4月24日東京ドーム公演ライブ映像全曲収録(約167分予定)
  • 特典映像「Documentary of “TWICE 4TH WORLD TOUR 'III' IN JAPAN”」
  • ※28pフォトブックレット / ボックス+デジパック仕様
  • ※“TWICE 4TH WORLD TOUR 'III' IN JAPAN” ソロポストカード【9枚セット】封入


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¥8,800 (税込)

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¥5,500 (税込)

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¥6,600 (税込)

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TOWER RECORDS全店 (オンライン含む/一部店舗除く)

クリアカードケース (76×102㎜)


world tour jp

HMV全店 (HMV&BOOKS online含む)

長方形缶バッジ (44×70mm)

world tour jp

TSUTAYA RECORDS (一部店舗除く) TSUTAYAオンラインショッピング


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缶ミラー (丸型57mm)

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Joshinディスクピア (Joshin webショップ 含む)


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A5サイズポストカード3枚セット (9種の内3種をセット)

world tour jp

Just announced: Def Leppard heading to JAPAN!

Just announced: Def Leppard will be taking the World Tour with Motley Crue to JAPAN’s K-Arena Yokohama this upcoming fall 2023!

Two nights only:

  • Fri 3rd November
  • Sat 4th November

All ticket links + information: HERE



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January 13 - April 20

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VCT Stage 1 China

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VCT Stage 1 Pacific

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VCT Stage 1 NA

IEM Chengdu

IEM Chengdu

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ALGS Split 1 Playoffs

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DreamLeague Season 23

May 20 - May 26

How to unlock JP as a Master in Street Fighter 6 World Tour cover image

How to unlock JP as a Master in Street Fighter 6 World Tour

Michael Hassall

Michael Hassall

JP, the mysterious Psycho Power-wielding antagonist of Street Fighter 6 can be your Master in World Tour if you follow these steps:

JP is the mysterious businessman behind the Nayshall's Suval'hal Tournament, and the primary antagonist of Street Fighter 6. However, despite his malevolent ways, you can adopt JP as your Master in World Tour, and here’s how:

Unlock JP as a Master in Street Fighter 6 World Tour

(Image via esports.gg)

Unlocking JP as a Master in Street Fighter 6 World Tour is a pretty arduous task, as it requires you to complete the entirety of the mainline story. This took us around 20 hours, but we also did a lot of side quests and unlocked all the masters along the way. If you’re just shooting for JP it could take you less time. However, regardless, you'll need to be at least on Chapter 15-1 to unlock JP as a Master.

(Image via esports.gg)

Once you’ve completed the story and defeated JP, head to the Suval'hal Arena Entrance in Nayshall at night. You’ll find JP standing under a pavilion overlooking the city. Watch the cutscene, and accept the Psycho Power, and JP will have become your Master.

How to unlock Juri as a Master in Street Fighter 6 World Tour

There’s a lot of people who want to take orders from Juri in Street Fighter 6, so here’s how Juri can become your Master in SF6 World Tour:

esports.gg undefined Game Page

How to unlock JP’s Outfit 2 in SF6 for free

(Image via esports.gg)

JPs suits and swagger are infectious, and you can get it for yourself by raising his Master Bond level up to the maximum (100) and unlocking his Outfit 2 in Street Fighter 6 World Tour. This can be done by using his fighting style, and giving him gifts. Each Master has a favored Gift and in the case of JP it’s the Antique Playing Cards.

The Antique Playing Cards are available from the Hawker NPC in Jamaica and cost around 5000 Zeny, so you might want to save up. You can quickly level up your Bond with JP by repeatedly gifting him this item. There's also a unique item called the Absurd Check. Originally, this gift item was bugged, and not tied to a specific master. Now, since the Rashid Update, it's JP's unique gift, and gives +40 bond. Good luck unlocking JP's Outfit 2 in Street Fighter 6 World Tour! 

For more Street Fighter 6 guides, info, and more, keep your eyes peeled to esports .gg!

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JP Cooper Announces 2024 World Tour

JP Cooper Announces 2024 World Tour

Ozzy Osbourne and Foreigner Lead Rock Hall Class Of 2024- Imagine Dragons Announce 'LOOM' Album and North American Tour- more

HARDY Announce His First Stadium Concert- Cody Johnson, Hank Williams Jr Lead Born & Raised Festival Lineup- more

world tour jp

  • 2024.04.03 オフィシャルグッズ発表!2024年4月3日(水)12:00より通信販売スタート!
  • 2024.04.03 ご来場に関しての注意事項を掲載いたしました
  • 2023.12.22 2024 来日記念 ALBUM「CARNIVAL」2024年4月3日発売決定!
  • 2023.11.03 本日、18:00よりチケットオフィシャル2次先行(抽選)受付スタート!

JR新宿駅東口正面、巨大街頭ビジョンでのティザー映像放映が決定! 展開場所:東京都新宿区新宿3-23-18 展開期間:~10/16(月)25:00 ※24:00以降音声無しとなります。 ※1時間に4回の放映となります。

コンビニエンスストア、ローソンの店頭ポスターにJay Chouが登場! 展開期間中に是非、足をお運びください! 展開エリア:関東甲信越地区 展開期間:~10/16(月) ※店舗によっては掲載の無い場合がございます。予めご了承ください。

コンビニエンスストア、ローソンの店内放送にJay Chouが登場! 展開エリア:関東甲信越地区 展開期間:~10/16(月) ※放送時間は約40秒となります。

  • 2023.10.06 本日、18:00よりチケットオフィシャル先行(抽選)受付スタート!
  • 2023.09.29 10月6日(金)18:00よりオフィシャル先行(抽選)受付スタート!
  • 2023.09.29 2024年4月6日・7日に横浜・Kアリーナでライブ開催決定!
  • 2023.00.00 テキストテキストテキストテキストテキスト


L IVE ライブ情報


  • ・引火性、爆発性の物品および各種規制品
  • ・サイリウム、LED飾り
  • ・各種風船、花火、発煙筒、スティックバルーン、魔法瓶、長い傘、発煙装置等
  • ・缶、ビン、アルコール飲料
  • ・A3サイズより大きなカバン、またはサポート看板
  • ・カメラ、録音機器(プロ仕様含む)、レーザーポインター、またはコンサートのパフォーマンスに影響を与える可能性のある物。
  • ・政治的、人種的、宗教的、商業的な内容を持ち、現行の法律や規制に違反するバナー、スローガン、動物、楽器、カバン、ライター、マッチ、注射器、医薬品等。

T ICKET チケット



  • SSS席 ¥33,000(税込)
  • SS席 ¥23,000(税込)
  • S席 ¥19,000(税込)
  • A席(着席指定) ¥14,000(税込)
  • A席 ¥14,000(税込)

Kアリーナ横浜 座席図

「Jay Chou Carnival World Tour 2024 – Yokohama」 オフィシャルグッズ発表!



  • ② クレジットカード支払(VISA/Mastercard/American Express/JCB/Diners Club/DISCOVER/銀聯)
  • ③ 電子マネー(交通系IC/iD/QUICPay/楽天Edy/WAON/nanaco)
  • ④ コード決済(PayPay/楽天ペイ/au PAY/メルペイ/d払い/Alipay/WeChat Pay)

「2024 来日記念 ALBUM「CARNIVAL」」ライブ会場限定の購入特典が決定!


■Deluxe Edition【数量限定盤】

■通常盤 ¥4,000(税込).




  • 2024年4月3日発売 2024 来日記念 ALBUM「CARNIVAL」 ■Deluxe Edition【数量限定盤】 <通常盤+グッズ+スペシャルBOX同封> ¥19,800(税込) AZNT-88 ■通常盤 ¥4,000(税込) AZZS-148




P ROFILE プロフィール

Japan Trips & Tour Packages

Group on the famous Shinjuku Crossing in Tokyo, Japan with the colourful neo signs in the background

Beautiful landscapes? Check. Cultural experiences? Check. Tastebud-tingling food? Check. Our Japan tours have it all.

There’s a certain allure to Japan – a place where eastern tradition and western modernity collide among otherworldly scenery that’ll take your breath away and refuse to give it back. Add mouthwatering cuisine, a fascinating history, and a multifaceted culture into the mix and it's easy to understand how Japan continues to captivate travelers. From enjoying a sake tasting at a local brewery and soaking in a steaming hot onsen to marveling at World Heritage-listed temples thousands of years old, our tours in Japan promise the ultimate adventure: one you’ll continue to think about long after you return home. 

Our Japan trips

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Japan tour reviews

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Essential Japan

Classic Japan

Japan: Hike, Bike & Kayak

The top 7 destinations for travel in April 2024

10 awesome places to go for your 21st birthday

6 ways you can go beyond Asia’s hotspots in 2023 

Japan or China: Where to travel next?

Now is the perfect time to visit Japan. This Intrepid leader explains why.

Japan or South Korea? How to choose your next holiday destination

The naked truth: a non-nudist’s guide to using a Japanese onsen

What is Japan famous for? The 11 things to seek out on your next trip 

Japan at a glance

Capital city.

Tokyo (population approximately 37 million)

Approximately 123.1 million

(GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo



Type A (North American/Japanese 2-pin) Type B (American 3-pin)

Learn more about Japan

Culture and customs.

Japan is a multifaceted country made up of many different cultures, rituals, and traditions influenced by Confucianism (introduced in AD285), Buddhism (introduced in AD552), and Shintoism (Japan’s ritualistic native religion). The rise of technology and international trendsetting has also played a part in the culture of Japan today as the younger generation embraces fashion-forwardness, online personas, and high-tech gadgets.

This is in direct contrast to the Confucian-influenced, old-school Japanese culture that the older generations still live by, with a larger emphasis on modesty, respect, and discipline. This can sometimes cause conflict between the two demographics, however, there are still some traditions that are considered sacred regardless of age – tea ceremonies, bowing, kendo, geisha, and sumo.

Visit ancient temples and walk history-laden pilgrim routes on a 8 day Koya-san & Kumano Trek.

History and government

Japan has had an interesting past with its ancient history, pre-modern history, and 20th-century history, all influencing the country we all know and love today.

Ancient history

While there is evidence the archipelago has been occupied by humans for around 35,000 years, what we know now as ‘Japan’ began to take shape about 1700 years ago as disparate tribes started to unify.

Pre-modern history

Over the centuries, Japan has alternated between feudal, empirical, religious, and government rule, with each period birthing different styles of art, architecture, and spirituality. Buddhism and Confucianism, introduced in 552 BC and AD 285, respectively, both proved massively influential on the class structures and governance of pre-modern Japan. You can still visit and stay in many Buddhist temples in Japan today.

20th century

It’s difficult to discuss the emergence of modern Japan without talking about WWII. During the war, the Empire of Japan used aggressive military tactics in an attempt to expand its reach and control in Asia and elsewhere. In response, the US Army instigated a strategic bombing campaign that included the notorious use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The result of these attacks was mass human and structural devastation.

These bombings, along with depleted armed forces and the looming threat of invasion from the Soviet Union, led the Empire of Japan to surrender unconditionally to the Allies in September 1945.

The ‘Empire of Japan’ became ‘Japan’ as part of the extensive terms of surrender, and the nation faced the prospect of rebuilding and reinventing itself in the second half of the 20th century.    

Reflect on the historic and sobering sites of Hiroshima and Nagasaki while on an 24 day Ultimate Japan tour.

After WWII, Japan found its feet operating as a free-market economy based around the manufacture and export of automobiles and electronics, experiencing particularly rapid growth between 1960 and the late 1980s. The late 20th century saw the country emerge as an economic superpower, and with that came the flourishing of several cultural sectors, such as the arts and cuisine. 

Experience Japan's historic sites on a 13 day Land of the Rising Sun tour.

Top places to visit in Japan

One minute you’re walking through a former black-market quarter, the next, you’re paying your respects at a 1400-year-old temple. Eclectic Tokyo is an essential part of any visit to Japan. Wander through the streets of Tokyo on our 12 day Classic Japan tour.

If you’ve ever eaten at a sushi train restaurant, you’ve got the underrated city of Osaka to thank! The motto in this city is 'kuidaore', which roughly translates as ‘eat until you drop’ . You can consider that a (friendly) order. Experience Osaka on our 12 day Japan Family Holiday.

The home of temples, palaces, and the Gion district (where geisha live and work), Kyoto is also where you’ll find the famed Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine. Spot Geisha in Kyoto on our 9 day Japan Express tour.

4. Kanazawa

A great place to see a slice of old Japan, with classic sculpted gardens, a restored Old Town, and well-preserved architecture from a variety of eras. Explore Kanazawa on our 11 day Cycle Japan tour or on our 10 day Essential Japan adventure.

5. Hiroshima

Most travelers visit Hiroshima to see the Peace Memorial Park, constructed around the hypocentre of the atomic bomb that destroyed the city in 1945. Follow this up with nearby Miyajima, a tranquil island where tame deer roam the streets. 

6. Yudanaka

This quaint resort town is best experienced in the winter, when snow coats the normally evergreen trees and Japanese macaques come down from the mountains to bathe and groom each other in the steaming natural hot springs of Jigokudani (Hell Valley).

Geography and environment

Japan is an archipelago of more than 6000 islands located in the Pacific Ocean in Asia . The main islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku. Lying on the Pacific Ring of Fire, Japan is prone to destructive earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity. The most famous volcano, Mount Fuji , is also Japan's highest peak and only 100km from Tokyo.

Japan has plenty of forested, mountainous terrain that is unsuitable for agriculture and development, so much of the population lives in the coastal cities. This has led Japan to become one of the most densely populated countries in the world and the majority of its inhabitants are used to living in very small spaces, with a heavy reliance on public transport.

Although life is fast-paced and crowded in cities like Tokyo and Osaka, rural areas typically feature low-density, traditional housing and a slower pace of life surrounded by greenery such as lush forests and plenty of moss-covered boulders. 

Traverse mountains, cycle coastlines, and meander through forests on a 12 day Japan: Hike, Bike and Kayak tour.

Shopping in Japan is fun but expensive, so be sure to have a budget for souvenirs planned in advance! In cities like Tokyo, there are loads of quirky stores and funky galleries showcasing the works of independent fashion designers and gadget creators. From the outlandish to the kitsch, you're guaranteed to find loads of colorful clothing and edgy art that you won't be able to find elsewhere. 

If you’re planning to bring back leaf tea or any other perishable or edible items, it's a good idea to check with your local customs officials to ensure that you are able to bring certain items back into your home country. Australia and New Zealand, in particular, have strict quarantine laws.

What to buy

  • Kimonos This quintessential Japanese souvenir looks great hung on the wall as an interesting decorative piece. If you plan on wearing one, make sure you do so respectfully and learn the correct way to fold the garment.
  • Paper lanterns, kites and fans Japanese paper goods make great, relatively inexpensive souvenirs. Choose from high-quality, traditionally-made kites or delicate rice paper lanterns.
  • Electronics Shops in Japan are bursting with the latest tech gadgets. Just be sure to check that they are compatible for use at home.
  • Fashion Have fun with the amazing diversity of popular street culture fashion available in Japan. Vibrant, brash and sometimes bizarre – find something that no one back at home will be wearing.
  • Anime and manga paraphernalia Another inexpensive gift option, even for people who can’t read Japanese. Pick up a book, magazine, t-shirt or print from one of Japan’s many anime and manga stores.

Festivals and events

If you want an adventure with a point of difference, consider planning your travels to coincide with these popular festive events in Japan. 

Sapporo Winter Festival

Held every February since 1950, this festival features hundreds of statues and ice sculptures, snow slides and mazes, regional food and artistic performances. Winter in Japan is truly amazing, and the Sapporo Winter Festival is a magical way to celebrate.

Hadaka Matsuri

Head to Okayama to watch thousands of men wearing nothing but loincloths vie to touch the chosen 'naked man'. It may look like a bizarre male-bonding exercise but it's actually a historic cleansing ritual dating back thousands of years. Dates change yearly.

Fuji Rock Festival

Held annually in the stunning surroundings of the Naeba Ski Resort, this outdoor music festival is huge and draws in big-name acts and local bands Thousands of music lovers flock to Naeba for three days of camping, music and partying in the summer months. 

Read more about festivals in Japan

Further reading

For inspiring stories to prepare you for your Japan adventure, check out these books:

  • The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle – Haruki Murakami
  • Sembazuru – Yasunari Kawabata
  • Moshi Moshi – Banana Yoshimoto
  • Goodnight Punpun – Inio Asano
  • Okinawa Notes – Kenzaburo Oe
  •  A History of Japan – George Sansom
  • Embracing Defeat – John W Dower

Similar destinations

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Japan travel FAQs

Do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travelers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

Do I need a visa to travel to Japan?

Under current restrictions, a visa is required to enter Japan as a tourist. We recommend you apply for your visa no later than one month before your departure date. Please contact your local consulate or embassy for more information.

This page is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. 

Last updated: 15 June, 2023 

Is tipping customary in Japan?

Tipping isn't customary in Japan and is not expected – in fact, it will sometimes be considered impolite. Some inns or ryokans may leave a small envelope in your room where a small gratuity can be left for housekeeping staff.

What is the internet access like in Japan?

Internet access is excellent in Japan, with one of the most developed high-speed internet networks in the world. Internet cafes and wi-fi hotspots are easily found in most cities and major towns.

Can I use my cell while in Japan?

Cell phone coverage is excellent in Japan but be aware that talking loudly on your phone in public places (like in train carriages) is frowned upon. You will be expected to hide your mouth behind your hand if you must take a call in public. If you want to use your cell phone, ensure global roaming is activated before you arrive (but be aware of the fees this may incur).

What are the toilets like in Japan?

In Japan, toilets range from high-tech bidets to standard western-style flushable toilets to squat toilets, which are still common outside the city. Sometimes you may need to pay for toilet paper, which can usually be purchased from a vending machine nearby.

What will it cost for a...?

Japan's unit of currency is the yen:

  • Bento box = YEN 550
  • Bowl of ramen = YEN 650-1,200
  • Can of beer = YEN 250
  • Coffee = YEN 100-600
  • Convenience store snack = YEN 200-500

Can I drink the water in Japan?

Drinking water from taps in Japan is considered safe. For environmental reasons, try to use a refillable water bottle rather than buying bottled water. Major cities often have water fountains in train stations.

Are credit cards widely accepted in Japan?

Major credit cards are accepted by some stores; however, Japan is still very much a cash culture and as such, some places may not accept credit cards. Ensure you carry enough cash to cover purchases.

What is ATM access like in Japan?

ATMs are common in Japan but unfortunately many of them don't accept foreign-issued cards. However, you can access cash from non-Japanese bank accounts via the Cirrus and Maestro systems at all post office ATMs around the country, as well as ATMs at 7-Eleven convenience stores.

What public holidays are celebrated in Japan?

  • 1 Jan: New Year's Day
  • *Coming of Age Day
  • 11 Feb: National Foundation Day
  • 23 Feb: Emperor's Birthday
  • *20 Mar: Vernal/Spring Equinox Day
  • 29 Apr: Showa Day
  • 3 May: Constitution Day
  • 4 May: Greenery Day
  • 5 May: Children's Day
  • *Jul: Marine Day, also known as Sea or Ocean Day
  • 11 Aug: Mountain Day
  • *Sep: Respect-for-the-Aged Day
  • *23 Sep: Autumnal Equinox Day
  • *Oct: Health and Sports Day
  • 3 Nov: Culture Day
  • 23 Nov: Labour Thanksgiving Day

* Please note, Japan public holidays may vary.

When is the best time to travel to Japan?

There’s never a bad time to travel to Japan but the months that see the most travelers are March, April, and May as the weather is mild and the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The warm weather (with low humidity levels) of September, October, and November are also suitable months to visit Japan – you’ll even be treated to landscapes colored with oranges, reds, and browns for autumn. While winter can be cold, this is the best time for snow activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and snow festivals. On the other hand, the summer months see high humidity levels that can leave some travelers uncomfortable.

What is the weather like in Japan?

  • Spring (March to May): temperatures range from 50 to 68°F, with conditions getting sunnier and clearer towards the end of the season.
  • Summer (June to August): temperatures range from 70 to 90°F depending on where you are. It’s warmer in the south than in the north. You can expect some rain in June, and it can get quite humid towards the end of the season.
  • Fall (September to November): temperatures range from 45 to 68°F. The humidity starts to calm down in September, but days stay warm until October. Nights can be chilly.  
  • Winter (December to February): break out the coats, temperatures during winter range from 32 to 59°F. The mountains and the north experience snowfall .

How safe is Japan?

Japan is generally safe and is rated among the safest countries in the world. Reports of crime such as theft are very low and travelers are often stunned by the fact that locals leave belongings unaccompanied in cafes and bars (though we certainly don’t recommend it!). 

Is Japan safe for LGBTQIA+ travelers?

LGBTQIA+ travelers shouldn’t have any issues visiting Japan with violence, outright hostility or overt discrimination extremely rare. However, Japan’s older generation still holds conservative values when it comes to LGBTQIA+ sexuality and non-binary gender expression, especially those that live in regional areas.

Same-sex relationships are considered legal in some districts (such as Tokyo); however, same-sex marriage hasn’t been legalized yet. Public displays of affection are often frowned upon, regardless of sex, gender, or sexual orientation so keep that in mind when you’re out in public. 

For more detailed and up-to-date advice, we recommend visiting  Equaldex  or  ILGA  before you travel.

Is Japan accessible for travelers with disabilities?

Intrepid is committed to making travel widely accessible, regardless of ability or disability. That’s why we do our best to help as many people see the world as possible, regardless of any physical or mental limitations they might have. We’re always happy to talk to travelers with disabilities and see if we can help guide them towards the most suitable itinerary for their needs and, where possible, make reasonable adjustments to our itineraries.

The needs of travelers with mobility issues, including wheelchair users, are considered in the infrastructure in major cities. Train stations have lifts (elevators), wide turnstiles and (for the most part) raised platforms so that wheelchair users can glide onto the train without being assisted.  Sidewalks in Japanese cities are sometimes sloped towards the road, which can make traveling a straight line difficult for wheelchair users or people with vision impairment.

It is common practice in Japan to remove shoes when entering a home. Wheelchair users should carry something to wipe down their wheels in respect of this custom. Apply the same logic for other mobility aids such as canes.

Ryokans and other traditional accommodation can be difficult to navigate for people with limited mobility, but accessible hotel options are plentiful in the major cities.

Travelers with vision impairment may find the tactile yellow strips that guide the way to various places in train stations helpful, though please note that there is no barrier between the train tracks and platforms.

If you have a battery-operated hearing aid, it’s a good idea to bring extra batteries or familiarise yourself with the Japanese equivalent of the batteries it takes.

If you do live with a visual, hearing or other impairment, let your booking agent or group leader know early on so they’re aware and suitable arrangements can be made. As a general rule, knowing some common words in the local language, carrying a written itinerary with you and taking to the streets in a group, rather than solo, can help make your travel experience the best it can be.

What should I wear in Japan?

Summer months can be incredibly hot and sticky, so loose, lightweight and breathable clothing is essential.

Spring and autumn can be crisp and cold, so you might want to pack thermal layers in addition to your coat and boots. 

Outside of Hokkaido and the mountains, the winter temperatures in Japan are manageable as long as you have regular cold-weather clothes like a good coat, pair of gloves, a winter hat and a scarf. 

The style of dress common for women in Japan may be a little more covered up than you are used to, particularly outside the major cities.

Packing comfortable trousers is essential as you may find yourself sitting cross-legged on the floor during your stay. 

What are some common phrases/words I should learn before my trip to Japan?

Having a basic understanding of the language and culture of the country you're visiting can go a long way when it comes to, not only communicating efficiently but your overall trip experience as well. Some common phrases you need to learn are: 

  • 'hello' - Konnichiwa
  • 'good morning' - Ohayō 
  • 'thank you' - Arigatou Gozaimasu
  • 'please' - Onegaishimasu

What religions do they practice in Japan?

There are two dominant religions in Japan - Shinto and Buddhism. The majority of Japanese people practice both simultaneously, however, there is a small number of the population that practise other religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Islam. 

What are the best places to visit in Japan?

From the neon-lit streets of Tokyo to the peaceful nature of the Japanese Alps, there are plenty of bucket-list destinations to include on your itinerary of Japan. We know it's hard to see everything but here are a few of our favourite places to visit in Japan: 

What are the best things to see in Japan?

Japan isn't short of spectacular attractions to wander through and fascinating historical landmarks to marvel at but it's pretty hard to do it all on your trip to Japan. So you don't miss the things you simply have to see, we've put together a short list of parks, temples, and monuments worth visiting. Happy exploring! 

  • Hiroshima Peace Park 
  • Cherry blossom trees
  • Osaka Castle
  • Himeji Castle

What should I eat in Japan?

Food lovers, including  vegetarians and vegans , will be more than satisfied with the variety and quality of Japanese cuisine. With a focus on fresh, seasonal produce that is prepared meticulously and presented beautifully, dining in Japan is a memorable experience.

What drinks should I try in Japan?

From craft beer to sake, Japan has plenty of tasty liquids to keep you hydrated throughout your travels.

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

What is it like traveling on a small group tour?

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or you’re about to embark on your first trip, traveling can be as intimidating as it is exciting. That's the beauty of a small group tour. From handling the logistics and organizing amazing cultural activities to local leaders who know each destination like the back of their hand (like which street has the best markets and where to get the most authentic food), traveling on a small group tour with Intrepid will give you unforgettable travel experiences without the hassle that comes with exploring a new place. Plus, you'll have ready-made friends to share the journey with. All you have to do is turn up with a healthy sense of adventure and we’ll take care of the rest.

Does my trip support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. Trips to this country directly support our global Intrepid Foundation partners, Eden Reforestation Projects and World Bicycle Relief. Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects are helping to mitigate climate change by restoring forests worldwide; they also hire locally and create job opportunities within vulnerable communities. Donations from our trips support restoration across planting sites in 10 countries around the globe. Find out more or make a donation World Bicycle Relief

World Bicycle Relief provides people in low-income communities with bicycles to mobilize school kids, health workers, and farmers in far-out areas – giving them access to vital education, healthcare, and income. Donations help provide Buffalo Bicycles – specifically designed to withstand the rugged terrain and harsh environment of rural regions – to those who need them most. Find out more or make a donation

Does my Intrepid trip include airfare?

While our Intrepid trips include many modes of transport, from tuk-tuks to overland vehicles, bullet trains and feluccas, airfare to and from your home country is not included in your tour package.

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2024 ISPS Handa Championship field: A look at the DP World Tour players and their rankings

T he 2024 ISPS Handa Championship field is set with the passing of the typical Friday entry deadline. This week's DP World Tour field is set for this event, played at Taiheiyo Club (Gotemba Course) in Gotemba, Japan.

The ISPS Handa Championship field is headlined by the likes of Dylan Frittelli, Yannik Paul, Matthieu Pavon and more.

This is set to be a 144-player field is played out over four days, with this event featuring a mixture of players from the DP World Tour in the third Asian Swing event and first tournament after the Mastrs.

We do not have Monday qualifiers for this event, with this being a full-field tournament on the 2024 DP World Tour schedule .

The week-of alternate list has been determined, and the field will be updated off the list based on any player withdrawals. Jack Davidson and Kiradech Aphibarnrat are the first two alternates.

The field will be playing for a $2,250,000 purse, with none of the top 50 in the Official World Golf Ranking among the top contenders.

2024 ISPS Handa Championship field

Top 50 players in 2024 isps handa championship field.

There are no top-50 players in the field.

The post 2024 ISPS Handa Championship field: A look at the DP World Tour players and their rankings first appeared on Golf News Net .

Copyright, Golf News Net. All rights reserved.

A photo of Dylan Frittelli

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Tours to Japan

Japan is a diverse and alluring country, full of surprises at every turn. In true Japanese fashion, our tours combine the traditional and the modern. From exploring the grand temples and meeting a Geisha to taking a super-fast bullet train, our Japan vacations have it all.

Ways to explore Japan

Rail journeys, food and drink, walking and trekking, discover our japan tours.

From the ultramodern cityscape of Tokyo to the ancient temples of Kyoto, our  small group tours  to Japan will take you on an all-encompassing trip of discovery. Our  expert tour leaders  will show you the cultural highlights as well as some lesser-known hidden treasures. 

Get into the heart of Japanese culture with a stay in a Buddhist temple and family-run ryokan, observe snow monkey bathing in the hot springs of Jigokudani Onsen and whiz across the countryside on a bullet train to explore the city of Hiroshima. Or, for a Japan tour with a difference, go exploring on two wheels with our Japan cycling trips . Discover the coast of the Noto Peninsula, feel the salty breeze rush past as you pedal along Chirihama Beach and stay in traditional Japanese accommodation with futon mattresses and tatami-mat floors. 

Considering a trip to Japan but new to Explore? We've answered  some of the most-asked questions  about our small group tours. 

Our most popular Japan tours

Simply japan.

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Shogun Trail

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Highlights of Japan

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Walk Japan - Kumano Kodo Trail

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Cycle Japan

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Japan Sapporo Snow Festival

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A Taste of Japan - Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka

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Japan tour highlights

A country of vast contrasts, Japan’s facets offer something for every kind of traveler. Be wowed by the immense skyscrapers and blaring neon lights of always-bustling Tokyo, find serenity in the peaceful gardens of Geisha city Kyoto, look out at the perfectly conical tip of Mount Fuji, and unwind in the warm waters of a traditional hot spring.

From navigating bustling cities to taking time out in sacred temples, wandering around idyllic gardens or sampling the magnificent local dishes, our Japan vacations encompass the country’s most thrilling facets. Take a look at some of our favorite highlights of Japan:

Tokyo is a fabulous city for total cultural immersion: you may spend the morning strolling along the banks of the Sumida River or museum hopping, and in the afternoon spotting sumo wrestlers and shopping for swords and every flavor of chocolate bar under the sun. At night the city comes alive – after dark is when you’ll discover just how busy and cosmopolitan the city is. More than 25% of Japan’s total population lives within 50km of Tokyo’s center. However, dig a little deeper on our  Shogun Trail  tour and you’ll get to experience the ancient history of this teeming metropolis. Pay a visit to Tokyo’s oldest temple, Senso-ji, the Hamarikyu Gardens – a great place for viewing the cherry blossoms in spring – and the Meiji Shrine, for your first sighting of a traditional torii gate.

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Next on the list of our favorite places in Japan is the city of Kyoto, vastly different to Tokyo with its peaceful Zen gardens and charming little shops. Kyoto is the city of the elusive Geisha – you may even get to see some of the beautifully-dressed women as you walk along the quaint cobbled streets, nipping in and out of historic tea houses. Our  Simply Japan  trip includes two days to explore Kyoto, time to walk the path to Fushimi Inari Shrine through the thousands of red torii gates, sample weird and wonderful flavors in Nishiki Food Market, or visit a beautifully manicured bamboo grove. Many trips arrive in Kyoto by the famous bullet train, or  Shinkansen , offering another once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Since the catastrophic atomic bombing in 1945 Hiroshima has transformed into a welcoming and thriving city that is well worth a visit. Whilst the poignant memorial in the Peace Memorial Park reminds us of the tragic event, it also inspires with messages of hope that such horrors should never happen again. Another reason to visit is the nearby Miyajima Island, just off the coast of the city, where tame deer roam. As you arrive on the ferry you'll take in the famous view of the floating torii gate. Considered to be one of the most beautiful sights in Japan, these red gates appear to float on the water. Miyajima is included in the itinerary of our  Highlights of Japan  trip.   

Solo travel in Japan

If you’re looking to travel solo, our Japan vacations are the perfect place to start. Every one of our vacations has been designed to suit solo travelers, and though it depends on the exact tour that you choose, you’ll find that about half of our customers will also be traveling solo. Not only will you get to explore a fantastic new destination, you’ll also get to meet fellow travelers who share the same interests, while we take care of the arrangements.  

Best time to go to Japan

Japan is an all-year-round destination. The summer months tend to be hot and humid with a few rain showers, and the winters are cold and crisp with clear blue skies. 

The weather is at its best during the summer season from April to May, but this is also the busiest time to visit Japan and prices are higher. If you want to escape the crowds, book a trip from June to August - it will be hotter and wetter, but you’ll have more space to appreciate Japan’s wondrous sights. 

For a winter getaway with a difference, head to Japan from December to February. The days are usually crisp, cold and clear, and the Japanese Alps will be covered in a blanket of white snow. Travel in February to visit  Sapporo Snow Festival  and enjoy an ice-breaker cruise in the Sea of Okhotsk before spending time admiring the incredible snow sculptures at the annual Sapporo Snow Festival.

If you want to see Japan’s famous blossom in full bloom, book a trip in spring from late March until mid-April. Or, to see the vibrant Koyo autumn leaves, aim for a trip in the autumn months of October and November. 

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Unforgettable experiences.

From big wows to hidden gems, our tours leave you feeling that you've really explored.

Expert tour leaders

Chosen for their great knowledge of your destination and a passion to make your trip extraordinary.

Small groups

Average groups of 11; solos, couples and friends, united by a desire for authentic experiences.

Responsible at heart

How we operate sets us apart; our flexible booking policy, our loyalty scheme & sustainable approach.

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Search group tours, search private journeys, japan tours & vacations | best japanese travel plans and excursions.

All Japan Tours offers unlimited vacation possibilities to explore and experience an unforgettable trip to Japan. Whether you’re interested in Japanese cherry blossom tours , festival tours , autumn leaves tours or special interest tours , our Japan tour packages will bring your vacation dreams to reality. Choose tours based on style , interest , date , or season . Our Japan group tour packages are fully escorted, and we can also arrange special-interest private tours , custom group tours , and other Asia country tours to match your specific needs. | Why All Japan Tours

From Group Tours, to Custom Private Tours, to Japan Luxury Travel

Whether you're planning for a special occasion, family reunion, company event, luxury trip or an entire Japan holiday package, All Japan Tours can help you plan the perfect Japan experience. No matter what your interests are, you are always in excellent hands when you travel with All Japan Tours. Our Japan vacation packages cover all budgets from luxury to adventure and are available with or without international flights for full flexibility. Join an escorted group tour on a pre-designed itinerary, or let us create one for you. We have the firsthand know-how to take you well beyond ordinary travel.

The Best Japan Vacation Packages & Itineraries

When you consider the cost, hassle, and uncertainty of traveling on your own, you'll discover how an All Japan Tours vacation is like no other. Everything has been arranged in advance, from itinerary to hotel accommodations, so all you have to do is take in the breathtaking scenery. There is no need to worry about getting lost or finding transportation; leave the details to us and start having the time of your life. Our team works together to give you the very best Japan vacation. This includes our long-time tour guides in Japan that offer both current and historical enlightenment of its cities and towns, as well as expertise on where to find the most beautiful Japanese gardens and temples, local restaurants, and interesting shops. We understand how important it is to make your visit to Japan memorable and worthwhile, so our team both in the office and on the tours strive their best to accommodate your specific needs every step of the way. Book a Japan tour with us and start your unforgettable vacation today!

Japan Tour Packages 2024,2025 & 2026

What can we offer for your japan trip, japan escorted group tours.

The most cost-efficient and hassle-free way to travel Japan

AJT group tours are the best way to ensure that you do not miss seeing any of the highlights of Japan. We plan our group tours based on seasonal attractions with must see sites in every tour. All of our Japan group tour itineraries are researched and developed by our professional staff, all of whom have spent years working as a tour guide in Japan. We offer four different tour styles to pick from that are best suited to your interests, from train travel to luxury tours. We are confident that you will find something that is appealing and fascinating to you from our Group Tours. AJT group tour packages offer something suitable for everyone, no matter what your budget or tastes are.

Japan Private Journeys

Just you and your traveling partner

A private journey is the perfect solution for if you can't find a published departure date that you and your companion(s) agree on. Our private journeys allow you to customize the perfect itinerary for you and your companion(s). Our team will do our best to fulfill every detail and request to design your perfect tour.

Japan Custom Group Travel

You plan, with our help, where and when your group travels

Do you wish to travel with family, friends, school, church, club, or organization to Japan? We have the knowledge and experience to fulfill your wants. Let us arrange your sensational trip to Japan!

3 steps to your perfect Japan trip

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When is The Best Time to Visit Tokyo Japan?

Japan Cherry Blossom Tours

Japan Cherry Blossom Tours

Our Japan cherry blossom tours are our most popular tours because we highlight the top places to see sakura, the most renowned flower in the country. Experience Japanese cherry blossom festivals, a cherry blossom dance show performed by geisha, and sakura views from Mt. Fuji, to gardens in Kyoto.

Japan Autumn Leaves Tours

Japan Autumn Leaves Tours

Our Japan autumn leaves tours give you exclusive access to beautiful gardens, temples, shrines, and famous landmarks while enjoying the colorful autumn scenery along the way. We offer Japan tours to rural parts of Japan, historical towns, World Heritage sites, and diverse shopping districts.

Japan Festival Tours

Japan Festival Tours

Our Japanese festival tours cover festivals from all seasons. Matsuri (festivals) can range from celebrations to honor a shrine's deity to joyful seasonal occurrences. Participate in one of the biggest festivals in Japan, the Kyoto Aoi Festival, or check out the Gion Summer Festival on one of our Japan tours.

Special Interest Tours

Special Interest Tours

We offer tours for people specifically interested in anime, the pilgrimage route of Japan, visiting the most beautiful places in Japan, focusing on Japan's breathtaking flowers, seeing snow monkeys in winter, visiting the best nature spots of Hokkaido, and spending time at the art island of Naoshima.

Top 12 Attractions in Japan

Takayama Festivals

Takayama Festivals

Lavenders in Hokkaido

Lavenders in Hokkaido

Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route


Snow Monkeys

Japan Winter Festivals

Japan Winter Festivals

Awa Odori Dance Festival

Awa Odori Dance Festival

Gion Summer Festival

Gion Summer Festival

Kyoto Aoi Festival

Kyoto Aoi Festival

Shibazakura Festivals

Shibazakura Festivals

Baby Blue Eye Flowers at Hitachi Seaside Park

Baby Blue Eye Flowers at Hitachi Seaside Park

Tohoku 3 Great Summer Festivals

Tohoku 3 Great Summer Festivals

Experience the takayama spring & autumn festivals during your trip to japan, one of japan's most beautiful festivals..

Witness the beautiful Takayama Festivals in Japan, not once, but twice a year. We offer a list of Japan tour packages that allow you to experience the lavishly decorated floats, known as yatai, which feature karakuri (mechanical puppets) that dance and move impressively. Whichever season you prefer, we have a Japan tour package reserved for either Takayama Festivals.

View our Japan tours featuring Takayama Festivals

Get lost in the lovely furano flower fields surrounded with lavender flowers, and enjoy views of the spacious fields in biei..

Our Hokkaido lavender tours showcase the best spots to indulge in lavender beauty during its flowering season. Take a Japan trip to Farm Tomita in Furano, known as one of the best places in Japan to see spectacular backdrops of lavender. Our lavender tours will also take you to a small town called Biei, overlapping with picturesque hills, vast fields, and the popular Panorama Road.

View our Japan tours featuring Lavenders in Hokkaido

The tateyama kurobe alpine route is an amazing route that goes through the northern japan alps..

Visit the famous and long demanded Alpine Route in Japanese Alps. Requiring varying modes of transportation, this route takes you through mountains and valleys for some of the most scenic views in all of Japan. From high mountain peaks reflected in the surface of calm, crystal lakes to the lower elevations at the Kurobe Dam and the famous site of the snow corridor, this route is sure to be unforgettably beautiful.

View our Japan tours featuring Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

Take delight in viewing elegant wisteria flowers at ashikaga flower park and kawachi fuji garden during your tour to japan..

Wisteria are dream-like flowers that hang like pink and purple chandeliers. On our Japan Wisteria Tours, you will visit places like the Kawachi Fuji Garden and Ashikaga Flower Park. The Kawachi Fuji Garden features picture-worthy flower tunnels you can walk underneath, while the Ashikaga Flower Park is significant for their "Great Wisteria", a famous tree that's over a 150 years old.

View our Japan tours featuring Wisteria

Watch japanese snow monkeys bathe in hot springs at jigokudani snow monkey park on a japan winter tour..

Our snow monkey tours will take you to the Jigokudani Yaenkoen Park, where you can see Japanese Macaque, known as "snow monkeys". Thousands of people come to see the monkeys, whom are native to northern Japan and can be recognized by their red faces and light brown-grey fur. Watching the snow monkeys bathe up close is quite an experience, so don't forget your camera!

View our Japan tours featuring Snow Monkeys

Our japan tours will take you to the best winter festivals in the country, where you can admire giant ice sculptures and unique fairgrounds..

Believe it or not, some of the best festivals that attract millions of visitors each year are located in the coldest parts of Japan. We have arranged tours to travel to the Sapporo Snow Festival, Otaru Snow Light Path, Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival, Asahikawa Winter Festival, and the Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival. Experience seeing illuminated ice sculptures on one our tour packages.

View our Japan tours featuring Japan Winter Festivals

Join a tour that visits japan's largest dance festival, awa odori, and enjoy traditional music accompanied with lots of food in a lively celebration..

Attracting over 1.3 million visitors per year, Awa Odori is the largest dance festival in Japan. We have a Japan tour package showing you the best of Japan, including this famous dance festival. It is also called the "Fool's Dance", which originates from 400 years ago. Many instruments including taiko, shamisen, and flutes are accompanied with the dancers that parade through the city.

View our Japan tours featuring Awa Odori Dance Festival

Spend your japan vacation indulging in traditional japanese culture and stunning floats at the gion summer festival..

The Gion Matsuri is Kyoto’s largest annual festival and one of Japan's most famous. We have arranged Japan tour packages that include this 1100 year old celebration, which originally began as a religious ceremony dating back to 869. The main event occurs on July 17th and July 24th, where locals and visitors gather to view two extravagant procession parade floats.

View our Japan tours featuring Gion Summer Festival

Book a trip to japan that includes a taste of japanese history at the elegant and popular kyoto aoi festival..

Every May 15th, the Kyoto Aoi Festival features a large parade of over 500 people dressed in Heian Period (794-1185) styled clothing to illustrate a graceful procession. We provide several tours that highlight one of Kyoto's most celebrated festivals. The Kyoto Aoi Matsuri takes you back to the 10th century, where traditional makeup and impressive costumes can be appreciated.

View our Japan tours featuring Kyoto Aoi Festival

Admire thousands of ground cherry blossoms at the fuji shibazakura festival & takinoue koen park shibazakura festival during your japan tour..

Known as the ground cherry blossoms, our Shibazakura Festival tours will take you to attractions that are blanketed with vivid shibazakura. See the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, featuring over 800,000 spectacular moss phlox with the great Mt. Fuji in the background. Also visit Takinoue Koen Park, noteworthy for its hillside covered with 100,000 square meters of shibazakura.

View our Japan tours featuring Shibazakura Festivals

Take your japan tour to the majestic flower gardens at hitachi seaside park, widely known for its hillside of 4.5 million baby blue eye flowers..

Scientifically known as Nemophila, the largest collection of baby blue eye flowers can be seen at the Hitachi Seaside Park. There are over 4.5 million baby blue eyes blooming from mid-April to mid-May, referred as "Nemophila Harmony" during its annual bloom. The Hitachi Seaside Park features vast, gorgeous flower gardens of tulips, poppies, roses, kochia, and more.

View our Japan tours featuring Baby Blue Eye Flowers at Hitachi Seaside Park

Join the fiery celebration at tohoku's 3 great summer festivals during your japan trip..

Be keen on Tohoku's Three Great Summer Festivals all in one Japan tour package. These summer festivals known as Aomori Nebuta, Akita Kanto, and Sendai Tanabata are lively experiences you don't want to miss. Enjoy magnificent views of lantern-lit floats, high-spirited dancing, music performances, kanto skills, firework displays, thousands of colorful streamers, and more.

View our Japan tours featuring Tohoku 3 Great Summer Festivals

Top 12 places to visit in japan.

hokkaido region

1. Hokkaido

Enjoy a tour to japan in hokkaido, renowned for its flower fields and attractions unique to every season..

Hokkaido, Japan has a distinctive change of seasons that only adds to its beauty. The island is renowned for its lavender fields in the summer and winter festivals that attract millions of visitors every year. Our Japan tours to Hokkaido will take you to the flower fields in Furano, the atmospheric Otaru Canal, Hokkaido's biggest entertainment district in Susukino, and to Shiraoi to learn about the Ainu people of Hokkaido. A Japan trip to Hokkaido means trying various fresh foods at the famous Nijo Market, strolling through the heart of Sapporo in Odori Park, and stopping by Hokkaido's most famous hot spring resort in Noboribetsu. Hokkaido is proud to have its four distinct seasonal differences that include a number of events and acitivities each unique to the season. There is no other place like Hokkaido to enjoy your Japan vacation to the fullest.

Make your way to the Tohoku region to see the great Towada Lake, visit the prominent Zeuiganji Zen temple, and see one of Japan's three most scenic views during your Japan tour.

Tohoku is known for its great summer festivals, picturesque landscapes, and its long history of samurai. Predominantly mountainous, this region offers broad areas of natural surroundings. A Japan tour to Tohoku involves visiting must-see sites among its six prefectures. Tour to one of Japan's three most scenic views at Matsushina, Tohoku's famous Zuiganji Zen temple, and the lovely Towada Lake. Numerous castles and samurai homes reside in Tohoku, making it an appropriate place to visit and appreciate history. Tohoku is also a suitable backup option when cherry blossom viewing, since the blossoming period takes place a few weeks later than in Kyoto or Tokyo. We offer several tours to see the best of Tohoku in one Japan trip.

Dive into the fascinating world of Tokyo, where you will visit ancient landmarks and electrifying towns during your tour to Japan.

Populated by over 36 million people, Tokyo is the worlds largest city. It is a metropolis that offers a mixture of both futuristic and traditional qualities. We offer tours to Tokyo that take you to destinations such as the Meiji Shrine, the Tokyo Tower, and the Imperial Palace. Indulge in Japanese history at the interesting Edo-Tokyo Musuem. We have Japan tour packages that will also take you to a popular tourist attraction called Odaiba, a man made island that serves as a shopping and entertainment district. Admire Tokyo's oldest temple built in 645, the colorful Sensoji Temple, also known as the Asakusa Kannon Temple. Find yourself in the lively and colorful Shibuya, renowned for endless dining, shopping, and clubbing. Its trademark is a large intersection featured in a number of films and photos. A Japan trip is not complete without traveling to Japans most distinguished city.

Travel to an active volcano in Hakone and ride the scenic Hakone Ropeway on one of our Japan tour packages.

Located in the Kanagawa Prefecture, the town of Hakone is mostly a mountainous region part of the Fuji Hakone Izu National Park. Hakone is a famed holiday resort renowned for its variety of popular hot springs. On our Japan tours, you can enjoy a stunning view of Mt. Fuji in Hakone and its natural beauty. Our tours will also take you to Owakudani, a volcano with active steam vents, hot river valleys, and scenic trails. Enjoy a ride on the Hakone Ropeway, where you can view the active volcano zone and excellent views of Mt. Fuji on clear days. Hakone is a popular destination in Japan for travelers looking to enjoy their tour outside of Tokyo. Since Hakone is in the Kanagawa Prefecture, our Japan tour packages will also include the must-see sites in this region.

5. Mt. Fuji

Check out astonishing views of mt. fuji and all of its natural surroundings when you book a tour to japan..

Take a tour to the highest mountain in Japan, Mt. Fuji, an active volcano standing at 12,380 feet (3,776 meters). Mt. Fuji is not only famous for its majestic cone shape and impressive aura, but also being the subject for distinguished paintings, photos, and literature. It is recognized as an international famous symbol of Japan. Impressive views can be seen from Tokyo and Yokohama on clear days. On the other hand, cloudy days often block visibility of Mt. Fuji, so those who get to experience the clear view of the mountain are considered fortunate. Our Japan tour packages will take you to the Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station, the halfway point on the climb to Mt. Fuji. It is accessible almost any time of the year and is well developed. This is a popular sightseeing spot for thoroughly admiring the grand and awe-inspiring view of Mt. Fuji and its surroundings.

6. Takayama

Add a traditional touch to your japan tour by visiting rural destinations in takayama and its authentic, historical buildings..

Celebrate at one of Japan's three most beautiful festivals here in Takayama, the Takayama Festivals, held in both spring and autumn. Since Takayama is located in the Japanese Alps, it is preferred among travelers wishing to add a rural destination to their visit to Japan. Takayama has been referred as "Little Kyoto", due to its preserved historical structures and traditional atmosphere. It is also popularly known as Hida-Takayama to refrain from confusion with other places called Takayama. We offer Japan tours to Old Town, where you can view entire streets and structures dating back to the Edo Period (1600-1868). Continue your Japan trip to the Matsumoto Castle, also called "Crow Castle" due to its black exterior. Here you can admire a prime example of original Japanese wooden architecture. Take delight in sightseeing in Takayama on your Japan vacation.

7. Kanazawa

Tour to kanazawa if you wish to see one of japan's three great gardens and a well-preserved samurai district during your trip to japan..

Capital of the Ishikawa Prefecture, the eminent city of Kanazawa is known for its preserved Edo districts and other historical attractions. Since the construction of the Kanazawa Castle during the rule of powerful feudal lord Maeda Toshiie, the city has prospered with many cultural achievements. Visit one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, the Kenrokuen Garden, during your tour to Japan. Its name translates to "Garden of the Six Sublimities", qualities that make up the perfect garden according to Chinese landscape theory. Here you can find Japan's oldest fountain and the two meter tall Kotojitoro Lantern, an icon of Kanazawa and Kenrokuen. Some of our tour packages even travel to Kanazawa's Samurai District. Upon arrival, you will catch sight of well-preserved buildings and the former living quarters of samurai. Tour to Japan to enjoy these attractions unique to Kanazawa.

Say hello to authentic Japanese culture by visiting Japan's most popular temples and shrines, beautiful parks and gardens, and the best summer festivals during a tour to Kyoto.

Kyoto is famous for its numerous Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines, and ravishing gardens. The city served as Japan's capital and was the residence of the Imperial family during 794 to 1868. During your tour to Kyoto, you will get to participate in sake tasting at the Gekkeikan Okura Sake Musuem, visit the famous tunnel of scarlet torii gates at Fushimi Inari Shrine, see the iconic Kinkakuji Temple (Golden Pavillion), and stroll through the city of geisha in Gion. Continue your trip to the former residence of Tokugawa Ieyasu at Nijo Castle, check out the noteworthy Kiyomizu Temple and its impressive wooden stage, and see what a traditional Zen garden looks like at the Tenryuji Temple. Experience three of Kyoto's world-famous festivals, including the Aoi-matsuri Festival, the Gion-matsuri Festival, and the Jidai-matsuri Festival. Tour to Kyoto for an unforgettable Japan experience.

Experience visiting the world's largest wooden building and Japan's biggest bronze statue of Buddha when you travel to Japan.

Located less than one hour away from Kyoto and Osaka, the city of Nara is one of Japan's most rewarding destinations. Nara is Japan's first permanent capital, and is second to Kyoto as a cultural legacy with eight Unesco World Heritage Sites. Under the rule of the Imperial family and aristocrats, many temples and shrines were built here, as well as the development of temple towns. Our tours include seeing one of Japan's most significant temples, the Todaiji Temple, home to the famous Daibutsu (Big Buddha). The temple's main hall (Daibutsuden) is the world's largest wooden building, which is where you can also find the giant bronze statue of Buddha. Your trip to Japan will also give you the opportunity to visit the popular Deer Park nearby the temple, filled with over 1,000 deer you can greet and feed. Choose one of our Japan tour packages to experience Nara's historic treasures.

10. Hiroshima

Travel to the peace memorial park for an awakening experience about war and world peace, as well as the famed "floating" torri gate on the beautiful miyajima island, only in hiroshima..

Hiroshima is located in the Chugoku Region, a major city that is home to over a million residents. After the first atomic bomb dropped, there were predictions that the city would be uninhabitable. However, great endeavors were taken to rebuild Hiroshima and the speculations were proved wrong. During your Japan tour, you can visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and the Atomic Bomb Dome (Genbaku Dome), a must-see exhibition and eye opening experience. You can visit these landmarks of world history at Peace Memorial Park, located in the center of the city. Our Japan tour packages also take you to Itsukushima-jinja, a Shinto shrine located on Miyajima Island. It is famous for its "floating" torii gate and is inscribed as a World Cultural Heritage Site and one of Japan's three most scenic places. Don't miss out on a remarkable tour to Hiroshima.

11. Shikoku

Journey to shikoku during your japan vacation for a tour full of remarkable sites and impressive coastal views, such as the incredibly scenic drive along the great seto bridge and the shimanami kaido toll road..

Shikoku is home to the Shikoku pilgrimage route, which includes 88 temples and other sacred sites. Shikoku offers many historic locations, breathtaking spots in nature, and traditional festivals. Here on your tour to Japan, you can enjoy scenic views from the Great Seto Bridge and the Shimanami Kaido, passing six small islands to get to Shikoku. Shimanami Kaido is renowned for its beautiful drive along its picturesque toll road. Take a pleasant stroll through Shikoku Mura Village and experience an awe-inspiring masterpiece of Japanese landscape at Ritsurin Park, featuring ponds, pavilions, and a Mt. Shuin backdrop. Shikoku may be the smallest main island of Japan, but offers many spectacular attractions to experience.

Explore Kyushu during your tour to Japan, where you'll wander through an abandoned island known as Gunkanjima, and visit the site of legend where the Shinto Sun Goddess hid herself in a cave.

Kyushu is the third largest main island of Japan and offers significant landmarks, natural beauty, and vibrant cities. Our Japan tour packages will take you to the best things to see and do in Kyushu. Take a trip to Gunkanjima, translating to "battleship island", a small and abandoned coal mine with the highest recorded population density in the world. You will also visit Glover Garden, an open-air exhibit featuring mansions of former Western residents in Nagasaki. Tour to Takachiho, a town pervaded with Japanese mythology. There you can visit the supposed site of legend of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, where she hid in a cave distraught from her brother's cruel pranks, causing other gods and goddesses to attempt to lure her out. Takachiho is a "power spot" profound with spiritual energy and religious importance. Nearby, you can see a cascading waterfall at the Takachiho Gorge.

media read more

Though it is possible to do a cherry blossom trip on your own, if you want to see multiple sites and get more out of the trip, I’d suggest a tour. It is much easier to navigate in these rural areas that off the English speaking tourist path when……

Testimonial read more


My husband, Daniel Levine and myself (Cherilyn Brunetti) just returned from our tour which started in Osaka on July 3 and ended in Tokyo on July 8. It was our first trip to Japan and we had a wonderful experience. I credit our tour guide, Bil……

Cherry blossoms in Japan read more

Japan Cherry Blossom Guide

Cherry blossoms in Japan have been a major attraction for tourists. The most common question people ask is “when is the cherry blossom season?” It is an easy yet difficult answer because it depends on the area we are talking about.

Autumn Leaves Guide read more

Japan Autumn Leaves Guide

Autumn leaves in Japan are almost as popular as the cherry blossom season. Kōyō is the Japanese word for autumn leaves. Kōyō and momiji (maple leaves) use the same kanji and has been that way since the Heian Period.

The latest article, gallery and video of Japan



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From Okinawa to Hokkaido, here's where and when to see cherry blossoms in Japan.......

Japan Golf Tour, DP World Tour, PGA TOUR announce formal pathway

Japan Golf Tour, DP World Tour, PGA TOUR announce formal pathway

Top three JGTO finishers to receive DP World Tour membership

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The DP World Tour and PGA TOUR jointly announced today a new landmark partnership with the Japan Golf Tour Organization (JGTO) that will see the top three players on the JGTO Order of Merit earn membership onto the DP World Tour for the ensuing season, beginning with the 2022-23 campaign.

The formal pathway further enhances the existing global pathway system, as the leading 10 players on DP World Tour’s Race To Dubai Rankings [in addition to those already exempt] will earn cards on the PGA TOUR, beginning with the 2024 season, as part of the operational joint venture partnership between the PGA TOUR and DP World Tour announced in June.

In addition to these new formal pathways, which also includes access to DP World Tour Qualifying School for leading players not otherwise exempt, the JGTO will work alongside the DP World Tour and PGA TOUR on other key business areas, including strategic development and commercial growth. Among those is a continued commitment to the ISPS HANDA – CHAMPIONSHIP, which is set to make its debut on the DP World Tour schedule next April 20-23, 2023, at PGM Ishioka GC in Omitama, Japan.

Keith Pelley, Chief Executive Officer of the DP World Tour, said, “The Japan Golf Tour Organization has produced many incredibly talented players over the years, and we are delighted to establish this formal pathway as part of golf’s meritocratic system, defining clear routes for players from the other international Tours to earn status on the DP World Tour and potentially go on to play on the PGA TOUR.

“There are players from 34 different countries exempt on the DP World Tour in 2023 and, alongside our first tournament in Japan next April, today’s announcement further underlines our position as golf’s global Tour.”

Jay Monahan, Commissioner of the PGA TOUR, said: “Japan has a long, storied history of producing world-class golf talent that deserves the opportunity to compete on the game’s highest stage, and today’s announcement is recognition of that. Over the past 30 years, 25 players have claimed at least one victory on both the PGA TOUR and Japan Golf Tour, including current Japan Golf Tour Chairman Isao Aoki, who in 1983 became the first Japanese-born player to win on the PGA TOUR when he holed out for eagle on the 72nd hole to win the Sony Open in Hawaii. His legacy continues today with eight-time JGTO winner Hideki Matsuyama and will now endure for years to come under this new pathway.”

Isao Aoki, Chairman of the Japan Golf Tour Organization, said, “We are proud of the rich tradition the Japan Golf Tour Organization has established over the last 40 years, and this development is the next step in the journey of our organization. Our players have made significant contributions to the global game since our 1973 inception, and we are excited that the next class of Japanese players will soon be able to reap the rewards that their predecessors helped create for them. We are looking forward to working with both the PGA TOUR and DP World Tour on the next era of professional golf development in Japan."



At the flagship shop in Akihabara, TAMASHII NATIONS WORLD TOUR -TAMASHII NATIONS 15th ANNIVERSARY- TOKYO will be held!

Exhibition centering on robot works and special effects works. "Gundam" series, "Kamen Rider", Cinema works, etc. The latest figures are lined up. From METAL BUILD and DRAGON SCALE New products will be released!

  • TOKYO (Local Time)
  • NEW YORK (現地時間)


JST Friday, May 26, 2023 to Tuesday, July 18, 2023 10:00 AM–8:00 PM (EST) (Closed at 6:00 PM on the last day)

* Business hours may change due to congestion. *Business hours are subject to change without notice due to weather conditions and the preparation of the facilities.


JST 2023年4月29日(土)~5月1日(月) 10:00PM-8:00PM (最終日は7:00AM閉場)


*Depending on the congestion situation, admission may be restricted.


world tour jp

1-1 Kanda Hanaokacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

world tour jp



world tour jp

「東京おもちゃショー2023」にて展示した 新アイテムを6月13日(火)より追加展示予定!

Luxurious special gifts will be given to visitors!

world tour jp


Follow the official SNS and add a hashtag You can get it by posting a photo of the event venue!

Click Here for Details!

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All visitors Get a FIGURE POSING BOOK!

* The conditions for handing over the benefits will be announced as soon as they are decided. * The conditions for handing over the benefits and the details of the benefits are subject to change.

During the event period, STEP1 to STEP3 to display the SNS posting screen Show it to the store staff "SPECIAL SHOULDER BAG" I got it!

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Official Social Media

Twitter @t_features

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Instagram @instamashii @instamashii_robot

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*This is from #tamashiiWT Link to search list page.

  • *The number of visitor bonuses is limited, and will conclude once the allotted amount for each day runs out.
  • *Only one gift per person will be distributed during the exhibition.
  • *Please do not post any of the following items. If the Company determines that it is applicable, it will be excluded from the distribution of benefits.
  • ・Content that violates or is likely to violate laws, or public order and morals
  • ・Content meant to advertise by posting a specific site or addresses, etc.
  • ・Content including information that can identify an individual, such as another person's name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address
  • ・Content that interferes with the operation of our website or social media accounts and damages our credibility
  • ・Content that may conflict with the rights of specific characters or talents
  • ・Content that contains inappropriate expressions such as slander, complaints, or discrimination against others
  • ・Content that infringes on the copyrights, portrait rights, or other rights of others
  • ・Other content that the Company deems inappropriate

CLUB TAMASHII MEMBERS Member-only benefits ❶

The purchase price at the venue during the exhibition is 10,000 yen including tax Get one limited stage each time you pass!

* For those living overseas, for those who answered the visitor questionnaire, During the exhibition period, one limited stage will be presented for each purchase exceeding 10,000 yen including tax at the venue.

world tour jp

  • * The number of benefits is limited. It will end as soon as the preparation for each day runs out.
  • * The contents of the benefits are subject to change without notice.
  • *Items may be distributed after the event.
  • * During the period, only one account will be distributed per person.

CLUB TAMASHII MEMBERS Member-only benefits ❷

For those who purchased products at the venue WORLD TOUR TOKYO Get an EXCLUSIVE ORIGINAL MEMO PAD!

* For those who live overseas, we will present it to those who have answered the visitor questionnaire and purchased the product at the store. *All products sold at "TAMASHII NATIONS STORE TOKYO" are eligible.

world tour jp

  • * During the period, it will be distributed only once per person.
  • * For details of CLUB TAMASHII MEMBERS services and questions about services, Official site .


Coming Soon...

We will sell it at the store. 店頭の案内および TAMASHII STORE web ​ please confirm.

Limited to CLUB TAMASHII MEMBERS members Advance reservation (lottery) implementation decision!


Advance reservation lottery will be accepted for CLUB TAMASHII MEMBERS members. Winners can purchase up to the maximum number of commemorative products they want at the venue during the purchase period. Those who join during the application period are also eligible, so please register as a member and participate in the lottery. Enrollment fee and annual membership fee are free. For details, see CLUB TAMASHII MEMBERS website Please check in.

  • * You can purchase up to 1 item per person for over-the-counter sales. (Changed on May 23)
  • *Members who win the advance reservation (lottery) limited to CLUB TAMASHII MEMBERS can purchase up to 2 per person.
  • ※ As soon as the sale of the day is gone, the sale on that day will end.
  • *Please note that we cannot answer inquiries about sales numbers.
  • * Even those who have not won the advance reservation lottery can purchase the event commemorative product.
  • *The organizer and venue will not be held responsible for any problems after the sale, such as loss of items.
  • *Please be aware that customers under the age of 15 are not eligible to apply for or purchase any products.
  • *Cash, credit cards, electronic money, and pre-ban pay can be used for payment at the store.
  • *Please note that depending on the time of day, you may be asked to wait until your order is processed. In addition, we may ask for your cooperation in clearing the waiting line depending on how crowded the venue becomes.
  • *The content and rules of the sales methods are subject to change during the event. For more information, please check out our  TAMASHII STORE web .

Commemorative Items

world tour jp

  • *All schedules listed on this site are in local time at the venue.
  • *This event and all products shown at this event are for ages 15 and up.
  • *Visitors under the age of 15 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to enter the event.
  • *The event organizers and venue will assume no responsibility for any accidents, damages, theft, etc. that occur inside or outside the venue.
  • *Due to venue regulations and to avoid bothering local residents, lining up for the event on the preceding day or early in the morning is strictly prohibited.
  • *Depending on event attendance, limits may be placed on the number of people allowed inside the event, and the event may begin/end early.
  • *Event content schedules may be subject to change without prior notice.
  • *Event content may be subject to change or cancelation without prior notice.
  • *Event guidelines may be subject to change without prior notice.
  • ©車田正美/集英社・東映アニメーション
  • ©創通・サンライズ・MBS
  • ©︎バードスタジオ/集英社・東映アニメーション
  • © 2023 MARVEL © 2023 SPAI & CPII
  • © TOMY ZOIDS is a trademark of TOMY Company, Ltd. and used under license.
  • ©2002 BIGWEST
  • ©1998永井豪・石川賢/ダイナミック企画・「真ゲッターロボ」製作委員会
  • © Cygames, Inc.
  • ©ダイナミック企画・東映アニメーション

TAMASHII WEB | The official website of TAMASHII NATIONS, a brand for adults who like collector's toys.

Street Fighter 6: Every World Tour Master (& Where to Find Them)

Players can train under all 18 Street Fighter 6 characters in World Tour mode, but finding the location of every master is easier said than done.

Street Fighter 6 introduces several new game types, one of which is called World Tour mode. This effectively serves as a sort of Street Fighter RPG, with players able to create their own avatar and then use it to take on some of the toughest street fighters from all over the world. As they do so, they'll run into quite a few familiar faces, with the main cast of Street Fighter serving as masters from whom the playable character can learn and grow.

RELATED: Street Fighter 6: The Best Master Gifts in World Tour Mode

There are 18 World Tour mode Masters in Street Fighter 6 , though not all of them can be encountered right away. Players will run into most of them as they make their way through the main story, though some can only be encountered through exploration and side quests, so players will need to keep their eyes peeled for any extracurricular opportunities that might come their way. Each master will teach players new moves upon meeting them and will also provide unique missions and costumes over time.

Updated June 17, 2023, by Tom Bowen: Finding the locations of every World Tour mode master in Street Fighter 6 can be a little tricky, with some only showing up under very specific circumstances. With this in mind, this guide has been updated to include links to Game Rant's World Tour mode walkthrough explaining when and how players can unlock all of the SF6 masters. There's also a new section dedicated to Master Assists, with details of how exactly the mechanic works.

Where to Find Every World Tour Master in Street Fighter 6

'missable' masters in street fighter 6.

Strictly speaking, none of the masters in Street Fighter 6 are really missable, as players will be able to meet with all of the optional masters at any time after their initial unlock point. That said, it's entirely possible to play through the entirety of the main story without encountering some of them, while others will need to be spoken to multiple times before they will agree to become the player's Master. With this in mind, players might want to refer to the cheat sheet below to get a better idea of when and where they should be looking.

Where to Find Lily in World Tour Mode

From the beginning of Chapter 4, players will be able to trigger a side mission called "The Spirit Guide" by speaking with an NPC called Ana in the Hong Hu Lu Chinatown area of Metro City. This will eventually lead them to the Thunderfoot Settlement in Mexico and an encounter with Lily.

Where to Find Blanka in World Tour Mode

At the beginning of Chapter 6, players will unlock the Ranger's Hut area of Brazil and can go there to meet Blanka. To unlock Blanka as a Master, they'll simply need to speak with him again after the introductory cutscene.

Where to Find Dee Jay in World Tour Mode

At the beginning of Chapter 6, players will unlock the Bathers Beach area of Jamaica and can go there to meet Dee Jay. To become Dee Jay's student, players should speak with him again after the cutscene ends.

Where to Find Cammy in World Tour Mode

From the beginning of Chapter 7, players will be able to trigger a side mission called "Special Unit Del-" by speaking with an NPC called Alfred in the Beat Square Subway area of Metro City. This will eventually lead them back to King’s Street in the United Kingdom and an encounter with Cammy.

Where to Find Manon in World Tour Mode

From about halfway through Chapter 7, players will be able to trigger the "Extra" side mission by speaking with an NPC called Manager Oscar in the Beat Square area of Metro City. This will lead to them visiting Fete Foraine in France and an encounter with Manon.

Where to Find Ryu in World Tour Mode

Not long after the encounter with E. Honda in Chapter 8, players will need to visit the Genbu Temple in Japan. Here, they'll be able to meet Ryu and can speak with him to become his student.

Where to Find Jamie in World Tour Mode

Players will first meet Jamie in the Hong Hu Lu Chinatown area of Metro City at the beginning of Chapter 8. A little later on in the chapter, they'll be able to find him on the rooftop where they met Boluo in Chapter 2 and can speak with him there to become his student.

Where to Find Kimberly in World Tour Mode

Players will first encounter Kimberly as part of the main story in Chapter 8. To unlock Kimberly as a Master, they'll need to speak with her on the roof of the Metro City police station during nighttime hours from Chapter 9 onward. To get up there, they can use the ladder near the Hangout.

Where to Find Zangief in World Tour Mode

To train under Zangief, players will need to complete the "Hither and Thither" side quest, which can be triggered by speaking with the two fighters outside the Mike Haggar Memorial Stadium in Metro City from Chapter 9 onward, though this can only be done at night.

Where to Find Dhalsim in World Tour Mode

Players can meet Dhalsim by completing a side mission called "The Yoga Statue," which can be triggered by speaking with an NPC called Anik in the Bayside Park area of Metro City from Chapter 9 onward.

Where to Find Juri in World Tour Mode

Upon reaching Chapter 12, players will be able to trigger the "A Hardboiled Adventure" side quest by speaking with Govind in the central Bazaar area of Nayshall. They'll meet with Juri as part of this quest.

Where to Find JP in World Tour Mode

After completing the main story of World Tour Mode, players should return to the Suval’hal Arena Entrance in the Mount Vayshal area of Old Nayshall at night. There, they'll find JP hanging around near the stairs opposite the main entrance to the arena and can talk with him to become his student.

How to Change Master Assist in World Tour Mode

After raising their bond with a Master to a certain level, players will gain the ability to summon them in certain fights. To do so, they'll need to have at least one bar of their Super Art Gauge full, at which point, they'll be able to call for help by briefly holding down L1 and R1 (PlayStation) or LB and RB). This will cause the Master displayed in the bottom left or bottom-right corner of the screen to turn up and start attacking enemies, with the duration of the Master Assist determined by how many bars of the Super Art Gauge were full at the time that the assist was triggered. The more bars the player had, the longer the assist will be.

A lot of players will probably be wondering how to change the Master Assist in World Tour mode. Sadly, however, there isn't a way to do so at the time of writing. After unlocking the Master Assist option for a specific Master, they'll be added to a pool, with a new Master being chosen from this pool at random each time players use the mechanic. This means that there isn't currently a way for players to choose which Master will be chosen for Master Assist . That said, a new Master is only chosen from the pool when the currently displayed one is used, so players could technically save a Master for a specific fight if they so wished.

Street Fighter 6 is available now on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

Paris 2024: Why the battle for a spot to represent Japan at Olympic Games might be the fiercest

By Mathieu Wood

The race for qualification to compete at the Paris 2024 Olympics is hotting up, perhaps summed up best by the fight for a spot to represent Japan.

Japan trio

With Hideki Matsuyama, who lost out in a play-off for the bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics, currently eligible by virtue of featuring among the top 15 on the Official World Golf Ranking (OWGR), eyes are on who will join the Major Champion in teeing it up as their second representative at Le Golf National.

And there is an argument for saying the race for qualification for the men's competition at Paris 2024 among Japanese golfers might be the fiercest.

Since February and up to now, the opening week of April, a different player has occupied the second qualification spot in the Olympic Golf Rankings (OGR).

Following his maiden DP World Tour title at the Commercial Bank Qatar Masters in February, Rikuya Hoshino replaced Ryo Hisatsune , who had occupied the qualifying spot since the tail end of last season.

Hoshino, who was given the honour of hitting the opening tee shot at his home Olympics in 2021, had twice finished runner-up on the DP World Tour earlier this season.

Hisatsune, who won the Cazoo Open de France to claim his maiden DP World Tour title at Le Golf National last year on his way to becoming the first Japanese player to be named Sir Henry Cotton Rookie of the Year, reclaimed the spot from Hoshino on March 11 with a top-20 finish at the Puerto Rico Open on the PGA TOUR.

But, in just his 11th start on the DP World Tour, Keita Nakajima became the third Japanese first-time winner in the last six months as he cruised to victory at the Hero Indian Open on Sunday.

  • READ MORE: Keita Nakajima: Five Things to Know
  • READ MORE: Keita Nakajima: What's in the Bag?

As a result, the 23-year-old – a former amateur World Number One – overtook both Hisatsune and Hoshino as he climbed to a career-high 78th in the OWGR and thereby moving into the top 60 men’s golfers on the OGR.

🏆 Ryo Hisatsune, September 2023 🏆 Rikuya Hoshino, February 2024 🏆 Keita Nakajima, March 2024 Japanese stars on the DP World Tour 🇯🇵 pic.twitter.com/hFMaOJLOrz — DP World Tour (@DPWorldTour) April 2, 2024

To highlight just how tight the competition is, the trio are separated by just 10 places in the OWGR: Nakajima (78), Hisatsune (86), Hoshino (88).

Takumi Kanya, another player with status on the DP World Tour this season, is also not to be ruled out after he won the Token Homemate Cup on the Japan Golf Tour to make it two Japanese winners in the men's game over the weekend and climb to 108th in the world rankings.

Opportunity now knocks for Hisatsune, who will this week warm up for his maiden Major Championship appearance at next week’s Masters Tournament by playing in the Valero Texas Open on the PGA TOUR.

A dual member of both the DP World Tour and PGA TOUR, Hisatsune was awarded an invite to participate in the 88th playing of the year’s first Major in recognition of his breakthrough campaign last year.

By contrast, both Nakajima and Hoshino are not due to be in action again until the DP World Tour’s ISPS HANDA – CHAMPIONSHIP in their homeland from April 25-28.

By then, Hisatsune could well have regained the second qualification spot.

However, Nakajima, thanks to his victory in India last week, sits top of the Asian Swing - the third of five Global Swings on the 2024 Race to Dubai.

With just two counting events on the swing left, in Japan and China, he will be hopeful of capitalising on the opportunity of earning an exemption to compete at the U.S. PGA Championship.

The DP World Tour members who finish in positions one to three in the final Asian Swing standings (at the conclusion of the Volvo China Open on May 5) will be exempt into the second men's Major of the season at Valhalla Golf Club from May 16-19.

Nakajima became the fifth Japanese winner in DP World Tour history and his victory, the seventh by a Japanese player, emphasises the remarkable purple patch for his nation on Tour.

When Hisatsune won the Open de France in September just over 40 years after Isao Aoki had become the Tour's first winner from Japan, only Hideki Matsuyama's Masters Tournament win and two World Golf Championships triumphs had come in between. However, we now have multiple Japanese winners in the same season.

With less than 75 days to go until the qualification period for the men's golf competition at Paris 2024 ends on June 17, expect the race among Japanese golfers to go right down to the wire.

Genesis signs new tournament Title Partner agreement in Korea with the DP World Tour

Genesis signs new tournament Title Partner agreement in Korea with the DP World Tour

Genesis has signed a new agreement with golf’s DP World Tour that will see the Korea Championship become the Genesis Championship from 2024 onwards, with the tournament merging with the KPGA TOUR’s existing Genesis Championship. - Agreement will see DP World Tour’s Korea Championship merge with KPGA TOUR’s Genesis Championship

Challenge Tour Partners



  1. Twice Official Site

    速報!!twice 5th world tour 'ready to be' in japan special味の素スタジアム追加公演決定!! 明日23日(火)10:00よりチケット最速先行受付開始。 magazine 2024.04.17. 04.19(金)発売の『フィガロジャポン』6月号にmomoがカバーで登場! news 2024.04.15. nayeonがnaming.のjapan museに ...

  2. Justin Bieber Justice World Tour

    Fans with tickets to all postponed WORLD TOUR dates should await further news on dates, venues and cities as updates become available. To all Ticket Holders in Japan, Your ticket will be valid for the rescheduled performance, so please maintain your tickets until the date of the rescheduled performance.


    ※back stage tourは、名古屋公演:12月17日、福岡公演:12月28日の実施となります。 ※back stage tourは、開場時間前に実施予定となります。 「once japan」「once japan mobile」どちらかの会員の方は1回、w会員ならもう1回チャレンジできます! 【当選内容】

  4. Twice 5th World Tour 'Ready to Be'Special

    いつもTWICEを応援いただき、ありがとうございます。. TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR 'READY TO BE' in JAPAN SPECIALにご来場の皆様へ、歓声、収録等のお知らせとお願いです。. (1)コロナ対策. 令和5年5月8日をもって「音楽コンサートにおける新型コロナウイルス感染予防対策 ...

  5. TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR 'READY TO BE' in JAPAN、 5月21日(日)味の素スタジアム公演のライブ

    2023年5月21日(日)に行われるtwice 5th world tour 'ready to be' in japanの東京2日目公演の模様を、全国各地の映画館にてライブ・ビューイング開催決定!更にhuluストア生配信も決定! ライブビューイングではfc先行&プレオーダーチケット受付スタート!


    twice 4th world tour 'iii' in japan 通信販売決定 【通信販売期間】 4月1日(金)12:00 〜 4月25日(月)23:59 ※お届け予定日は各サイトにて、ご確認下さい。 jyp japan online store; once japan official shop

  7. 『TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR 'READY TO BE' in JAPAN SPECIAL』味の素スタジアム2daysの追加公演

    twiceが、『twice 5th world tour 'ready to be' in japan PHOTO BY 田中聖太郎 チケットの最速先行受付は、4月23日10時よりスタート!


    TWICEが、「TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR 'READY TO BE' in JAPAN SPECIAL」味の素スタジアムの追加公演を発表した。 昨年2023年12月28日に行われた福岡 PayPayドーム最終日 ...

  9. 『TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR 'READY TO BE' in JAPAN SPECIAL』味の素スタジアム2daysの追加公演

    『twice 5th world tour 'ready to be' in japan special』は、これまで7月13日・14日の大阪・ヤンマースタジアム長居、7月27日・28日の神奈川・日産スタジアム公演が発表されていたが、チケット申込数が一般受付前にもかかわらず想定数をはるかに超えたため、急遽 ...

  10. 【延長決定!】TWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR 'READY TO BE' in JAPAN SPECIAL開催記念!新規入会&継続

    いつも「ONCE JAPAN」をご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。2024年7月に開催するTWICE 5TH WORLD TOUR 'READY TO BE' in JAPAN SPECIALの追加公演発表を記念して、新規入会&継続手続きを行う会員様・お友達を紹介していただいた会員様を対象に、限定特典がもらえるキャンペーンの延長が決定 ...

  11. Twice 4th World Tour 'Iii' in Japan

    収録内容. 2022年4月24日東京ドーム公演ライブ映像全曲収録(約167分予定) 特典映像「Documentary of "TWICE 4TH WORLD TOUR 'III' IN JAPAN"」

  12. Just announced: Def Leppard heading to JAPAN!

    Just announced: Def Leppard will be taking the World Tour with Motley Crue to JAPAN's K-Arena Yokohama this upcoming fall 2023! Two nights only: Fri 3rd November. Sat 4th November.

  13. Street Fighter 6 World Tour

    Street Fighter 6 World Tour | JP Master Guide. You'll first encounter the new master of Psycho Power at the end of Chapter 14, when you're sneaking into the Suval'Hal Arena atop of Mt ...

  14. How to unlock JP as a Master in Street Fighter 6 World Tour

    However, regardless, you'll need to be at least on Chapter 15-1 to unlock JP as a Master. Once you've completed the story and defeated JP, head to the Suval'hal Arena Entrance in Nayshall at night. You'll find JP standing under a pavilion overlooking the city. Watch the cutscene, and accept the Psycho Power, and JP will have become your Master.

  15. JP Cooper Announces 2024 World Tour ::antiMusic.com

    04-22-2024. (Republic) JP Cooper announces his 2024 World Tour kicking off in Dallas, Texas, performing music from his acclaimed albums "Raised Under Grey Skies" and "She," alongside a preview of ...

  16. Jay Chou

    2024年4月6日(土)・7日(日)スーパースターJay Chouがワールドツアー「Jay Chou Carnival World Tour 2024 - Yokohama」をKアリーナ横浜にて開催!

  17. Best Japan Trips & Tour Packages 2024/2025

    Japan: Hike, Bike & Kayak. Alan · Traveled March 2024. First time in Japan, our Intrepid tour of was perfect for our needs. It had a good measure of adventure and challenge, culture and fun. Our guide was organised and informative. It was a great introduction to a fabulous country. Review submitted 02 Apr 2024.

  18. Street Fighter 6

    Street Fighter 6 all JP dialogues, cutscenes, and arts in World Tour after maxing out his bond level and mastering level 20.#gameplay #walkthroughSubscribe: ...

  19. 2024 ISPS Handa Championship field: A look at the DP World Tour ...

    The 2024 ISPS Handa Championship field is set with the passing of the typical Friday entry deadline. This week's DP World Tour field is set for this event, played at Taiheiyo Club (Gotemba Course ...

  20. Japan Tours

    Japan tour highlights. A country of vast contrasts, Japan's facets offer something for every kind of traveler. Be wowed by the immense skyscrapers and blaring neon lights of always-bustling Tokyo, find serenity in the peaceful gardens of Geisha city Kyoto, look out at the perfectly conical tip of Mount Fuji, and unwind in the warm waters of a traditional hot spring.

  21. Japan Tours & Vacation Packages 2024-2025-2026

    Whether you're interested in Japanese cherry blossom tours, festival tours, autumn leaves tours or special interest tours, our Japan tour packages will bring your vacation dreams to reality. Choose tours based on style, interest, date, or season. Our Japan group tour packages are fully escorted, and we can also arrange special-interest ...

  22. Japan Golf Tour, DP World Tour, PGA TOUR announce formal pathway

    The DP World Tour and PGA TOUR jointly announced today a new landmark partnership with the Japan Golf Tour Organization (JGTO) that will see the top three players on the JGTO Order of Merit earn ...

  23. Street Fighter 6

    #Shacknews #SF6 #StreetFighter6Read Our Review Here: https://www.shacknews.com/article/135695/street-fighter-6-review-scoreWhen Street Fighter 5 came out in ...

  24. 10 Best Japan Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    10 Best Japan Tours & Trips 2024/2025 - TourRadar. Embark on an epic adventure through Japan with our expertly curated tours and experience Japan's stunning landscapes, ancient temples and futuristic cities.

  25. TOKYO

    TAMASHII NATIONS WORLD TOUR- TOKYO. JST Friday, May 26, 2023 to Tuesday, July 18, 2023 10:00 AM-8:00 PM (EST) (Closed at 6:00 PM on the last day) * Business hours may change due to congestion. *Business hours are subject to change without notice due to weather conditions and the preparation of the facilities.

  26. All Master Locations in World Tour

    The following Master locations are listed in alphabetical order for ease of navigation. Click the links below to jump to a particular Master. All Master Locations in SF6. Blanka Location. Cammy ...

  27. Street Fighter 6: Every World Tour Master (& Where to Find Them)

    Where to Find JP in World Tour Mode After completing the main story of World Tour Mode, players should return to the Suval'hal Arena Entrance in the Mount Vayshal area of Old Nayshall at night.

  28. Show What I Have World Tour

    Show What I Have World Tour is the first worldwide concert tour and second tour overall by South Korean girl group Ive, in support of their extended play I've Mine.The tour began on October 7, 2023, in Seoul, South Korea and is currently set to conclude on September 5, 2024, in Tokyo, Japan.The tour consists of 35 concerts, including 19 in Asia, 6 in North America, 5 in Europe, 3 in Latin ...

  29. How to unlock every character in Street Fighter 6 World Tour ...

    Juri is one of the best characters in Street Fighter 6. Location: Nayshall. Chapter: Unlocked via the sub-quest A Hardboiled Adventure. Juri is one of the most fun characters that you will get to ...

  30. Paris 2024: Why the battle for a spot to represent Japan at Olympic

    Following his maiden DP World Tour title at the Commercial Bank Qatar Masters in February, Rikuya Hoshino replaced Ryo Hisatsune, who had occupied the qualifying spot since the tail end of last season. Hoshino, who was given the honour of hitting the opening tee shot at his home Olympics in 2021, had twice finished runner-up on the DP World Tour earlier this season.