Module 7 – The visit report
Jan 01, 2020
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CAPTE: On-site Reviewer Training. This module discusses the report that the team submits at the conclusion of the on-site visit. The Visit Report is abbreviated VR. Module 7 – The visit report. Objectives. Describe the purpose of the Visit Report
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CAPTE: On-site Reviewer Training This module discusses the report that the team submits at the conclusion of the on-site visit. The Visit Report is abbreviated VR. Module 7 – The visit report
Objectives • Describe the purpose of the Visit Report • Identify the activities of the team members in creating the Visit Report • Before the visit • During the visit • After the visit • Identify the path of the Visit Report from the end of the site visit to presentation at the CAPTE meeting • Utilize hints from writing the report in the upcoming training workshop
Purpose of the Visit Report The Visit Report is the mechanism used to convey the team’s findings to CAPTE. It provides the evidence found on-site that verifies or clarifies the Self-study Report. Through its description of the team’s findings, it provides an assessment of the quality of the program. It is used by CAPTE, along with all materials provided by the program to determine compliance with each element and ultimately to determine the program’s accreditation status. Interviews with On-Site Visit participants Documents evidence (or lack of) to verify and clarify Self-study Report Review of documentation provided on-site Examination of institutional facilities (library, offices, classrooms, laboratories, etc.)
Visit Report & On-site Visit The Visit Report is the main product of the on-site visit. As such, it is important to prepare prior to the visit, work diligently during the visit and submit the Report to the Department of Accreditation in a timely manner once you return home. Before During After Team submits, staff edits, & program responds Team writes during visit Team prepares for visit
Creating the Visit Report Before the Visit • Team Leader assigns specific areas to each team member • Begin to write comments about assigned areas • Identify what needs to be clarified • Identify who or what might confirm Due to the rapid pace of the on-site visit, it is essential that the team identify what needs to be clarified or confirmed well in advance of the visit. While it is helpful to start writing the Visit Report prior to the visit, it is obviously essential that any pre-visit comment be updated based on what was found on site. Remember that the report is most helpful to CAPTE when it identifies the evidence found on site. Therefore, you will need some mechanism to identify pre-visit comments. Some team members use a different font, a different font color, or highlighting to identify comments written prior to the visit. Use whatever works best for you. IMPORTANT! Find a way to clearly identify pre-visit written comments.
Creating the Visit Report Before the Visit • Makes notes on how well the response addresses the element. • Compare response to the Evidence of Compliance listing • Identify how to best verify/clarify on-site • Confirm that policies ‘live’ where reported One of the first things to do as you review the Self-study Report will be to assess how well the program addressed each element. Use the Evidence of Compliance listings, from the Standards and Required Elements to identify any missing, unclear or conflicting information. Consider how you might best clarify or verify information on site. All evidence should be considered in light of the institution’s and program’s mission and the Standards and Required Elements. It is important to keep in mind that this is not an assessment as to how you believe something is best done. The program only needs to demonstrate that it works for them and meets the expectations of the criteria. IMPORTANT! Do Self-study Report responses make sense in light of their mission
Creating the Visit Report At the Start of Visit • Program provides team • An updated General Information Form • Materials Provided On-site Form • Summary of Person’s Interviewed Form • Update each form as appropriate • Becomes part of your report! • Email as attachments with final report • Staff will insert into final Visit Report To facilitate the work of the team, the program provides the 3 forms at the beginning of the visit in both paper and electronic formats. The paper version will facilitate using it while on-site. However, since these forms ultimately become part of the Visit Report, an electronic version is also needed so you can make revisions if necessary and submit to the Accreditation staff along with the Visit Report. The General Information form is the same form that is provided in the Self-study Report. It provides the team with the most current information. Even if the program has no changes, they still need to provide the form. You should review the General Information form for accuracy and if necessary make corrections or provide explanations of discrepancies in your written comments. As its name implies, the Summary of Person’s Interviewed, provides a list of those individuals the program has arranged to meet with the team. The team is responsible for checking this against who was actually interviewed and revising the form as needed. IMPORTANT! Ensure that team is provided with electronic copies of the forms
Creating the Visit Report cont. The third form provides an official record of the documents the team reviewed on site. The team is to indicate which documents were actually reviewed. If documents not listed on this form are reviewed, the team should add them to the form. Alternatively, the team leader can submit the form to staff and indicate that all materials listed were reviewed – and staff can make the changes in the document. At the Start of Visit • Program provides team • An updated General Information Form • Materials Provided On-site Form • Summary of Person’s Interviewed Form • Update each form as appropriate • Becomes part of your report! • Email as attachments with final report • Staff will insert into final Visit Report IMPORTANT! Ensure that team is provided with electronic copies of the forms
Creating the Visit Report During the Visit • Each evening the team completes those portions of the Visit Report for which evidence is available • Writing continues on Wednesday morning • Goal is for the report to be essentially complete before leaving • Overview Section of report MUST be finalized prior to Oral Report In order to expedite the writing process, each team member is involved in writing the report. Team members do need to have a laptop during the visit. IMPORTANT! Revise pre-visit written comments based on on-site evidence
Creating the Visit Report After the Visit • Team Leader emails copy of signature page • If necessary, finalize assigned areas immediately after the visit and send to Team Leader • Final editing by Team Leader • Team Leader e-mails report to staff with 3 forms: • General Information • Person’s Interviewed On-site • Materials Reviewed On-site The team leader is responsible for submitting the Visit Report to the Accreditation staff. Typically the team leader provides the team with an electronic version of the report at the end of the visit, or immediately upon returning home. Although there may be sections that still need to be written, more often the team is only reviewing the report for completeness and accuracy at this point. CAPTE has rules regarding when the report is to be provided to the program so it is very important to adhere to deadlines. If there is an unavoidable delay, the team leader must contact the Accreditation staff. The last page of the report is a signature page for the team. Since the end of the visit may be hectic, the team often signs it at the beginning of visit. A copy of the signature page should be emailed to CAPTE when submitting the Visit Report. IMPORTANT! Submit report within 10 working days ofvisit
Creating the Visit Report The Accreditation staff does the final editing of the Visit Report. While the evidence of compliance listings are included in the report to facilitate your writing, staff will remove them along with any notes that might have been written during the development of the report. Since the program has an opportunity to comment directly into the Visit Report, the last thing staff does is to password protect the document in such a way that the program cannot change the team’s comments. Accreditation Staff • Inserts forms into final report • General Information Form • Person’s Interviewed On-site • Materials Reviewed On-site • Removes evidence of compliance listings or worksheets • Checks grammar & spelling • Contacts Team Leader if clarification is needed • Password protects document and e-mail it to program • Provides feedback to the team regarding the report
Path of the Visit Report The institution has an opportunity to comment on the Visit Report. This allows them to clarify any mistakes of fact and provide further explanations, if needed. They are also able to provide additional materials as an appendix to the Visit Report. This includes any additional materials the team had requested to be sent to CAPTE. The institution’s response to the Visit Report further assists CAPTE in making accurate judgments. A copy of the Visit Report with the institution’s comments is sent to each team member by the Accreditation staff. The CAPTE Panel member assigned as the primary reviewer to the program usually contacts the team leader and must contact program director prior to the CAPTE meeting. This provides an opportunity for CAPTE to learn of any changes since the visit and obtain clarification, if needed. Please keep in mind that CAPTE can only use information from the team that the program has had an opportunity to respond to. Therefore, discussions between the team leader and CAPTE reviewer must address what is already part of the record – the team leader cannot provide new information. The program has 30 working days from receipt of the Visit Report to respond to it. The Visit Report is provided electronically. Program provides comment in the grey box that follows each team response. The program also can add any supplemental materials. The Visit Report with program comments is then provided to CAPTE. IMPORTANT! Program will not be able to change team comments in the Visit Report
Hints for Writing the Visit Report • The Visit Report is especially helpful to CAPTE when statements are supported by evidence. Keep the following principles in mind when determining what evidence should be included in the report: • The evidence MUST be relevant to the Required Element. Sometimes teams make good comments that are not related to compliance as will be demonstrated in a later slide. Staff will often delete these comments during editing. In addition, comments should be relevant to the level expected by the Required Element and/or entry- level practice. For example, comments by employers regarding the lack of skills that are not considered entry-level would not need to be included. • Evidence should be verifiable. Confirmation should be sought from multiple sources whenever possible. Is there written documentation that supports what faculty tell you? Do students and faculty indicate the same information? Relevant Verifiable from MultipleSources Good evidenceis Representative • Evidence must be representative of what is typically done, not what happened once or twice or what previously occurred but has since changed. Think in terms of assessing student clinical performance. If by the end of a clinical experience the student is consistently demonstrating good body mechanics, reporting this as a problem during the first week of the clinical is not representative of current performance and would not effect the student’s grade.
Hints for Writing the Visit Report Providing the evidence that leads to your conclusions Provide team’s assessment of the quality by Identifying the source(s) of evidence Identifying what has been verified or clarified It is more helpful to describe what you have found on site that has lead to your conclusion that something is good - or not good - than just providing the assessment. For example, saying the laboratory facilities were impressive - or not impressive - does not give the Commission the details needed to determine compliance.
Missing or Incorrect Information Although the evidence of compliance listings identify the evidence that CAPTE believes is necessary to determine compliance, it is possible that compliance can be determined even if all material has not been provided. CAPTE has gone on record to say that if they can determine compliance based on the information they have, programs will not have to submit missing information in a Compliance Report. However, neither the program nor the team will know for sure if CAPTE will need the missing information. Therefore, the Visit Report should identify what is missing or incorrect in the Self-study Report and then indicate what was confirmed on site and how the confirmation was made. If the related data is too lengthy to be provided in the Visit Report, the program should be requested to send it as additional material as part of their response to the Visit Report. There is a page at the end of the Visit Report for the team to indicate what additional materials, if any, have been requested. In addition, the request should be noted under the appropriate Required Element indicating what has been requested and why. The team should not request the program to submit any material that does not already exist, unless it is something that should have originally been provided based on evidence of compliance listings Indicate what was able to confirm on site Identify what is missing or incorrect Identify source(s) used to confirm When too much to provide in report, request program to submit after the visit
Missing or Incorrect Information An important note about meeting minutes, which is requested under many elements. Should a program not have minutes of faculty meetings, annual retreats, etc., the team should make every attempt to confirm the Self-study Report in another manner, for example through interviews with faculty. Although the fact that there are no meeting minutes can be identified under the first relevant element, it should not be repeated each time. To do so gives the appearance that meeting minutes are required by the element rather than being one way to confirm the information provided. The same would be true of other evidence that is requested under multiple elements Indicate what was able to confirm on site Identify what is missing or incorrect Identify source(s) used to confirm When too much to provide in report, request program to submit after the visit
Sample Visit Report Responses • The exam for PT 999 was not provided in the Self-study Report. The program has been requested to submit it as additional materials with their response to the Visit Report • On-site interviews with faculty confirmed that PT 999 is a 4 credit course, not 3 credit as was reported in the Curriculum Summary Form • Although faculty meeting minutes were not available, interviews with core faculty confirmed the assessment process described in the Self-study Report IMPORTANT! Don’t keep repeating that requested evidence is not available
Avoid The Visit Report comments must directly relate to the Standards and Required Elements. Examples are provided in this slide of comments for which there is no related element. While the Standards and Required Elements require that faculty are qualified to teach what they teach, there is no element requiring them to be enthusiastic and dedicated. This can be especially problematic when the Oral Report provides the positive assessment of dedicated faculty but the related elements indicate that they are not qualified. Sometimes unrelated comments are made because they relate to the team member’s expectations rather than the element. Care needs to be taken to ensure that comments are not a reflection of your bias about how something should be done. Finally, CAPTE never comments on faculty salaries. The compliance issue is that they have a sufficient # of qualified faculty. The team should not address faculty salaries either during interviews or in the Visit Report • Comments not related to the element • Core faculty are enthusiastic and dedicated • But are they qualified • There are no interdisciplinary health care experience • Not all topics in the textbook are covered • Faculty salaries are low • Note: CAPTE never comments on salaries • Own Bias • Except if it is something the program says it does-in which case must make this clear! • Although the Self-study Report indicated that interdisciplinary health care is a curricular thread, on-site review of curriculum materials and interviews with core faculty identified related learning experiences only in courses during the first year (PT 666 & PT 668)
Avoid • Prescriptive Statements • Should; needs to; must • Consultative Statements • The librarians provide individualized instruction upon request. This could be more efficient by having a formalized program early in the program • Wording that appears to indicate you are searching for negatives • “no evidence of a problem was found” Prescriptive statements that indicate what a program must or should do need to be reworded to indicate what the problem is. CAPTE always leaves it up to the program to determine how to fix a problem. For example, if a lab space is too small for the number of students in the program, the program could get a larger lab. But it could also hold multiple lab sections. Or decide to decrease the class size. It is institutional prerogative as to how it wishes to address the issues. Sometimes the team’s comments are provided in an attempt to be helpful to the program. Although consultative comments can be provided during the consultative session, they should not be included in the Visit Report. Finally, the report should not keep repeating that no evidence of a problem was found as it sends the message that the purpose of the on-site visit is to find problems.
Avoid • Conflicting statements • Review of the Self-study Report indicated that the courses are well sequenced. Curriculum planning logic is not always evident in terms of sequential and integrated learning experiences. • Overview indicates a problem but response to related element does not – or vice versa • Stating: Element appears to be met • Instead, please report on what they have and the quality of what they have that leads you to believe the element is met The team should also avoid statements that conflict with other statements in the report. This is most often seen when the Overview is not consistent with comments found elsewhere in the report. In addition, the team should avoid stating that the Required Element appears to be met or is met. In part this is because only CAPTE can make that determination, but also because it provides no details that assists CAPTE in determining compliance.
Overview Section of the Visit Report • Includes • Brief history of program • Brief description of program • Type of institution • Number of students • Degree offered • Number of faculty • Basic curricular model The Overview section of the report is used for the Oral Report, which is given on the last day to core faculty and institutional administrators. The first part of the overview is intended to provide information that puts the program in context with its environment.
Overview • Summary of each major section of the Standards and Required Elements • If problem identified in related element, needs to be in Overview/Oral Report • An assessment of overall quality of program in relationship to meeting its mission The Overview also includes a summary statement for each major section of the Standards. As has been indicated previously, any major issue identified in the body of the report must also be commented on in the Overview. Likewise, when a problem is identified in the Overview, it must also be included under the appropriate element. This is necessary to ensure that the Oral Report provides core faculty and administrators with an accurate understanding of the team’s findings. The last part of the Overview is the team’s assessment of the overall quality of the program related to the program meeting its mission. The next slide provides an example of this. Please note that while there is no statement regarding program strengths and weaknesses, such assessments can be included under the appropriate standard or Overview section.
Example of Assessment of Overall Quality The following faculty, student and program outcomes support that the program is meeting its mission of graduates being prepared for practice in rural health care: • 90% graduation rate • 98% licensure pass rate (3 year average; all takers) • 100% employment rate; 72% employment in rural areas • Curricular content and clinical experiences that prepare graduates for practice in rural health environments • Faculty practice and scholarship related to rural health care
Confidentiality CAPTE Considers the Visit Report to be confidential so Team cannot release information If programs release information it must be complete and accurate Programs that release incorrect information will be publicly corrected by CAPTE
Summary • Purpose • Process • Path The Visit Report is an essential data source used by the Commission in its deliberations. Information has been provided to assist writing a report that will be useful to CAPTE in its review of a program.
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How to Write a Visit Report
Last Updated: March 30, 2024 References
This article was co-authored by Madison Boehm . Madison Boehm is a Business Advisor and the Co-Founder of Jaxson Maximus, a men’s salon and custom clothiers based in southern Florida. She specializes in business development, operations, and finance. Additionally, she has experience in the salon, clothing, and retail sectors. Madison holds a BBA in Entrepreneurship and Marketing from The University of Houston. This article has been viewed 678,401 times.
Whether you’re a student or a professional, a visit report helps you document the procedures and processes at an industrial or corporate location. These reports are fairly straightforward. Describe the site first and explain what you did while you were there. If required, reflect on what you learned during your visit. No additional research or information is needed.
Writing a Visit Report
Explain the site's purpose, operations, and what happened during the visit. Identify the site's strengths and weaknesses, along with your recommendations for improvement. Include relevant photos or diagrams to supplement your report.
Describing the Site
- Reports are usually only 2-3 pages long, but in some cases, these reports may be much longer.
- In some cases, you may be asked to give recommendations or opinions about the site. In other cases, you will be asked only to describe the site.
- Ask your boss or instructor for models of other visit reports. If you can't get a model, look up samples online.
- If you visited a factory, explain what it is producing and what equipment it uses.
- If you visited a construction site, describe what is being constructed and how far along the construction is. You should also describe the terrain of the site and the layout.
- If you’re visiting a business, describe what the business does. State which department or part of the business you visited.
- If you’re visiting a school, identify which grades they teach. Note how many students attend the school. Name the teachers whose classes you observed.
- Who did you talk to? What did they tell you?
- What did you see at the site?
- What events took place? Did you attend a seminar, Q&A session, or interview?
- Did you see any demonstrations of equipment or techniques?
- For example, at a car factory, describe whether the cars are made by robots or humans. Describe each step of the assembly line.
- If you're visiting a business, talk about different departments within the business. Describe their corporate structure and identify what programs they use to conduct their business.
Reflecting on Your Visit
- Is there something you didn’t realize before that you learned while at the site?
- Who at the site provided helpful information?
- What was your favorite part of the visit and why?
- For example, you might state that the factory uses the latest technology but point out that employees need more training to work with the new equipment.
- If there was anything important left out of the visit, state what it was. For example, maybe you were hoping to see the main factory floor or to talk to the manager.
- Tailor your recommendations to the organization or institution that owns the site. What is practical and reasonable for them to do to improve their site?
- Be specific. Don’t just say they need to improve infrastructure. State what type of equipment they need or give advice on how to improve employee morale.
Formatting Your Report
- If you are following a certain style guideline, like APA or Chicago style, make sure to format the title page according to the rules of the handbook.
- Don’t just say “the visit was interesting” or “I was bored.” Be specific when describing what you learned or saw.
Sample Visit Report
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To write a visit report, start by including a general introduction that tells your audience where and when you visited, who your contact was, and how you got there. Once you have the introduction written out, take 1 to 2 paragraphs to describe the purpose of the site you visited, including details like the size and layout. If you visited a business, talk about what the business does and describe any specific departments you went to. Then, summarize what happened during your visit in chronological order. Make sure to include people you met and what they told you. Toward the end of your report, reflect on your visit by identifying any strengths and weaknesses in how the site operates and provide any recommendations for improvement. For more help, including how to format your report, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No
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Market Visit Report Presentation Templates
A Market Visit Report Presentation is a crucial communication tool that shares insights gathered during field visits to different markets. It helps businesses make informed decisions and refine their strategies. Acting as a bridge between field teams and stakeholders, this presentation ensures alignment and facilitates data-driven decision-making.
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Tips to create a detailed market visit report presentation
Start With A Strong Introduction
Begin with a compelling introduction by clearly defining the purpose and objectives of the market visit. Highlight the focus areas and key data points to be covered.
Present The Market Assessment
Present the market assessment by providing background information and outlining the business case. Utilize visualizations to effectively convey data collected on market size, insights, competitive landscape, and opportunity assessment.
Structure The Flow
Structure the presentation logically, organizing information coherently and using headings, subheadings, and bullet points for clarity and readability.
Stakeholder Engagement
Engage stakeholders by fostering discussion and inviting questions, feedback, and insights. This will encourage collaboration and alignment on the next steps to guide decision-making and strategic planning.
Summarize The Insights
Conclude the presentation with a summary of key findings, actionable insights, and proposed action plans, reinforcing the significance of the market visit and its impact on business strategy.
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Yes, the Prezent platform is designed with in-built storylines that cater to a wide range of presentation needs. Whether you're creating a business pitch, a project update, a sales presentation, or any other type of presentation, Prezent provides a diverse library of storylines for varied business communication needs. These pre-designed storylines help streamline the content creation process and ensure that your presentations are not only visually appealing but also effectively convey your message.
By offering a variety of storylines, Prezent aims to simplify the presentation-making process, allowing users to choose templates that align with the specific goals and themes of their presentations.
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tools4dev Practical tools for international development
Monitoring visit report template
The purpose of a monitoring visit (sometimes called a supervision visit or a field visit) is to make sure that project activities are implemented the way they are described in the plan. It normally involves meeting with the people running the project, meeting with the participants, and observing the activities.
At the end of a monitoring visit, it is important to prepare a report that describes what you found. These reports will document any discrepancies between the plan and actual implementation, as well as improvements made by the project team.
This monitoring visit report template is appropriate when:
- You need to report the results of a monitoring visit, supervision visit, or field visit.
This monitoring visit report template is NOT appropriate when:
- Your organisation or donor already has a standard template for monitoring visit reports (in which case use their template).
Photo by U.S. Mission Uganda
Tags Monitoring & Evaluation
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Top 10 Site Report Templates with Examples and Samples
Samradni Pradhan
Ever wondered what exactly goes into a site report and why it's so crucial for businesses? A site report is a detailed document that provides insights into aspects of a particular location, whether it's a construction site, a restaurant, or an e-commerce platform. It includes information about operations, safety measures, compliance status, and much more.
Did you know that according to a recent survey, 90% of businesses believe that regular site inspections are essential for maintaining safety and quality standards? That's right! Site reports play a vital role in ensuring compliance with regulations, identifying potential risks, and optimizing operations to enhance efficiency and productivity.
But here's the thing – creating these reports from scratch can be time-consuming and tedious. That's where our templates come in handy! With our ready-to-use templates, you can streamline the process and generate professional site reports in no time. Whether you're conducting inspections, presenting project proposals, or managing online stores, our templates offer a user-friendly solution to meet your diverse business needs.
Why wait? Simplify your reporting process and elevate your business operations with our innovative templates, each of which is 100% editable and customizable, today!
Template 1: Production Site Inspection Regulatory Report
Introducing a slide that streamlines your manufacturing processes. This comprehensive collection presents vital information on site details, approval statuses, action items, inspection information reports, operating company specifics, and segmented analysis. Whether you're ensuring compliance or optimizing operations, this PPT Template offers a thorough overview of Production Site Inspection and Regulatory Reporting. Equip your team with the insights needed to maintain quality standards and regulatory compliance effortlessly. Elevate your manufacturing efficiency and regulatory adherence with our tailored presentation, designed to empower your decision-making and streamline your production processes.
Download Now
Template 2: Checklist For Monthly Site Visit Security Report
Introducing a tool for monitoring and enhancing security measures at your facilities. This template features a thorough checklist of questions, each with a yes/no parameter for easy assessment. Additionally, it includes priority mapping to highlight critical areas requiring immediate attention. Use this PPT Template to ensure a structured approach to ensure nothing falls through the cracks. Get a systematic method to evaluate security protocols, manage risks, and maintain a safe environment. Streamline your site visit reporting with our user-friendly and customizable template.
Template 3: SEO Audit Report Dashboard with Site Audit And Backlink Audit
Dive into Position Tracking to monitor keyword rankings and refine your SEO strategy. Conduct thorough Site Audits to identify and rectify website issues affecting performance. Utilize the On-Page SEO Checker to fine-tune content for maximum visibility. Stay ahead on social platforms with the social media tracker, ensuring consistent engagement. Monitor brand mentions across the web with brand monitoring to safeguard your reputation. Finally, streamline your link-building strategy with the backlink audit feature. Do all this and more with this all-in-one dashboard, empowering you to boost rankings, enhance visibility, and dominate your digital landscape.
Template 4: Construction Site Inspection Report Findings
The PPT Template showcases details including project name, inspector’s name , number, inspector's contact information, and construction activities, ensuring thorough documentation of on-site operations. Dive into Weather Conditions insights to anticipate and mitigate potential disruptions. Explore Construction Project specifics for a comprehensive understanding of ongoing activities. General Information section provide a holistic overview of site operations. Get access to structured reporting, facilitating efficient communication and decision-making. Elevate your construction management process with these detailed slides, fostering transparency and accountability at every stage of your project.
Template 5: Job site incident reporting manufacturers slide
Introducing our Job Site Incident Reporting template, a comprehensive toolkit for manufacturers to effectively manage and address on-site incidents. Each element of the slide captures incident details, involved employees, incident descriptions, and action plans for resolution. Streamline your incident reporting process and foster a culture of safety with this set of slides. Dive into discussions on Job Site specifics, Incident Reporting protocols, and tailored insights for Manufacturers. Empower your team to respond promptly and effectively to any on-site incidents, enhancing workplace safety and productivity. Elevate your incident management approach with this structured presentation template.
(Explore some of the best website evaluation templates with examples and samples, here )
Template 6: One-page proposal to build nuclear power site presentation report document
Introducing a comprehensive tool for presenting ambitious nuclear power projects. This succinct document covers sections such as project background, objectives, work plan with timelines, assumptions, and risks. Dive into detailed discussions on power plant capacity, funds required, prospective team members, and plant layout. Streamline your proposal process with this PPT Template. Showcase the feasibility and potential of your nuclear power initiative, facilitating informed decision-making and securing support for your project.
Template 7: One-Page static restaurant business site presentation report document
Introducing a sleek and efficient solution for showcasing your culinary venture. Seamlessly navigate sections including the main page for an enticing introduction, the dishes display page for tantalizing visuals, and the reservation page for seamless booking. Explore upcoming events and accolades on dedicated pages, enticing patrons with exciting offerings. Finally, connect with customers effortlessly via the contact us page. Elevate your restaurant's online presence with this PPT template, designed to captivate visitors and drive engagement. Streamline your digital strategy and attract diners with this user-friendly and visually appealing presentation report.
Template 8: One-page static ecommerce business site presentation report document
Introducing a comprehensive solution for showcasing your online store. Go through inviting home page, detailed product specification page, and customer review page section to build trust. Use the PPT Template to simplify the purchasing process with a user-friendly payment page, while the about us page adds authenticity. Elevate your ecommerce presence with this versatile template, designed to captivate visitors and drive conversions.
(Browse through some of our must have website audit report templates here )
Template 9: One-Page Template for production site rules presentation report infographic document
Here’s a dynamic tool for communicating guidelines and regulations in manufacturing environments. Navigate through sections offering a comprehensive general overview and detailed plant layout. Ensure clarity and safety with precise worker instructions , while the site do's and don'ts section emphasizes compliance and best practices. Delve into machinery rules to enhance operational efficiency and minimize risks. Upgrade workplace safety and productivity with this visually engaging and informative template, designed to empower your team on directives and promote adherence to production site protocols. Enhance communication and foster a culture of safety with this unique presentation report.
Template 10: Site inspection checklist report with solutions
Simplify your inspection process with a user-friendly table layout, detailing items for evaluation alongside checkboxes for defect identification. Explore through each item, marking defects with ease using a simple yes or no system. Enhance efficiency with the provision for comments or solutions, ensuring resolution of identified issues. Help your team with a structured approach to site inspections, promoting thoroughness and accountability. Elevate your quality assurance efforts and streamline decision-making with this unique template, designed to optimize your inspection workflow and enhance project outcomes.
SlideTeam’s suite of templates offers solutions for business needs, from streamlining site inspections to enhancing digital presence. With user-friendly layouts and customizable features, these templates empower teams to communicate, streamline processes, and drive success. Whether it's presenting project proposals, showcasing culinary offerings, or managing online stores, our templates provide the tools to captivate audiences and achieve objectives efficiently. Upgrade your presentations, reports, and digital strategies with our versatile and visually engaging templates. Take the next step toward efficiency and excellence with our unique solutions tailored to meet your business requirements.
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Use and edit template for free
Construction site visit report template and example: better than pdf, word & excel.
Start with a free 30-day trial. No credit card required.
Ensure you're properly documenting your construction site visits to review the conditions of the site, status of the project and team performance so your project is progressing on time, on scope and you're meeting your compliance requirements.
Use this standardised construction site visit report template to run well-documented reports digitally from on site via mobile or tablet with much more functionality than using Word or Excel to run site visits.
Trusted by over 250,000 people from built-world companies of all sizes
~200 employees
~20 employees
~25,000 employees
~40 employees
~10,000 employees
~1,500 employees
~35,000 employees
How does this digital construction site visit report template compare to using a static PDF, Excel or Word doc?
Preview this site visit report template below. Try the interactive demo.
Use this construction site visit report template for free.
This site visit report template was generated with dashpivot.
Digitise your construction site visit reports to make it easier to run, update or access them on site to build better processes rather than using Excel Sheets or a Word Doc.
- Record new site visits or access and update existing site visit reports via mobile or tablet, then sync back up to the office as soon as they're submitted.
- Share site visit reports as perfectly formatted PDF or CSV with brand colours and company logo.
- Attach photos or videos of the site condition and use photo markup to highlight defects, hazards or work completed.
- Get digital signoff from Supervisors, Engineers, Visitors and more with eSignatures.
- Customise the digital template with any fields you need to capture the site condition or project progress.
Other popular templates you can use and customise for free
Construction Log Book template
Make your log book easier to complete, share and organise with this digital log book template.
Construction Work Order template
This construction work order template can be used and adapted for any work order, to make your communications more efficient and more reliable.
Construction Stop Work Order template
This construction stop work order template ensures your stop work orders never get missed or ignored.
Construction site visit reports are crucial for visibility on site condition and project progress
A well-detailed construction site visit report is essential for ensuring project success and safety. It gives stakeholders a comprehensive overview of site conditions, progress, and compliance, ensuring informed decision-making on if the project or contract need changes.
By identifying hazards, recommending controls, and serving as a digital audit trail, site visit reports play a vital role in risk management, promoting transparency, accountability, and quality in the construction process.
Whether your site visit report is in Word, Excel or you're using this digital contruction site visit report template, you need to include:
- Date of Visit
- Site Details
- Site Condition & Work in Progress
- Photos of site and hazards
- Issues found and how to resolve
Share your construction site report as a PDF so external stakeholders have easy access to it when they need to review it.
Sitemate builds best-in-class software tools for built world companies.
- Real Estate
Home » Report Templates » Free Industry Visit Report Templates (Excel / Word / PDF)
Report Templates
Free industry visit report templates (excel / word / pdf).
When an individual visits the industry whether he or she is a student or an employee, they need an industry visit report template to create a visit report. This document contains a detailed summary of the visit organized in a sequence.
Table of Contents
How to write an industry visit report?
Here are the steps to write an industry visit report;
In this section, provide the introductory information about the event including;
- Who proposed and organized it
- Complete designation of the facility you’ve visited
- The name of your college or company
- The names and positions of people who played a significant role in organizing and implementing the event
- Faculty members who are associated with the students or employees
- Total number of people involved in it
Details of Visit
Here, you need to provide the following details about the visit;
- The timeline of the visit
- Point-by-point detail of every part of your journey
- Where and when you started
- What industries and facilities you’ve visited
- Where and when you attended seminars
- When the event ended
- When you come back
Detailed descriptions
Describe the important stages of your visit in detail. In case, you have attended seminars then specify the following;
- When and where they took place
- How long they lasted
- Who conducted them
- What they were about
- What you’ve learned
- Your general impressions
In addition, if you have visited any specific places then mention the locations, staff members that are with you during the visit, knowledge you got during the visit, and your feedback about the visit.
Travel details
This part of your report includes technical and statistical details;
- Names of the people or students who are with you during the visit
- The place where you stayed
Feedback from students or employees
In the end, the students or employees have to provide their generalized opinion of the whole event. State whether it was useful and whether you got any specific new knowledge and experiences from it.
Store Visit Report Form
School Visit Report Form
Site Visit Report Sample
Industry Visit Report Template
Team Home Visit Report Template
Field Visit Report Template
Sales Person Daily Progress Report Template
Construction Site Visit Report Template
Business Visit Report Template
It provides you with updated details regarding the current events after a visit. It facilitates decision-making in a company.
First, state the general information about the visit and specify the purpose of the visit. Describe the entire visit in detail and summarize the report with important information.
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I am Ryan Duffy and legal writer. I received a bachelor of business administration (BBA) degree from London Business School. I have 8+ years of writing experience in the different template fields and working with for 7 years. I work with a team of writers and business and legal professionals to provide you with the best templates.
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All Formats
Report Templates
21+ visit report templates.
For every business’s marketing initiative, a customer visit is one of the most vital activities a company’s product manager should do. This is to ensure that you get direct feedback from your customers regarding how your product has impacted your costumes, in both positive and negative aspects. You get a list of action items that you need to do to improve your product based on customer suggestions.
Customer Visit Report Template Word
File Formats:
File sizes:, industrial visit report sample.
Report Template Bundle
- Google Docs
Visit Report Format
Site Visit Report Template
Field Visit Report Format
Market Visit Report Sample
Site Report Format
Field Trip Report Template
Customer Visit Report Template
Creating a Visit Report:
1. Describe the Site
2. operations at the site, 3. reflect your visit, 4. format your report, free daily field visit report in pdf format.
Free Company Engineers IT Site Observation Report Template
Free Industrial Visit Site Report Template
Free Data Quality Site in Doc Format
Free One Day Home Training Visit Report Template
How to Write a Visit Report?
- Taking down simple notes during your visit can help you later on, while you make the report. Request reports and other documentation you’ll need to back up the input you are compiling and ensure that you have authorization from your source.
- Begin analyzing raw data for your visit report as soon as possible. You can follow your organization’s format or download and edit any of the above-mentioned printable templates easily.
- Start your visit report with an area emphasizing typical data such as the name of the site, address, contact person, arrival, and purpose and objectives of the visit.
- Write an introduction telling the organization you visited. Mention who are those you interacted with while on site. Exclude sensitive information from your quarterly report .
- Don’t forget to proofread your first draft. Add titles, subheadings, bullet points, and other organizing details.
- Arrange the attachments following your visit report in an organized manner.
Free Property Building Construction Site Inspection Report
Free Weekly Plant Visit Report Template
Free Hospital / Nursing Home Project Site Report
Free Professional Academic Visit Report Template
Free Market Product Monitoring Visit Report
Free NGO Site Visit Summary Report in PDF Format
How to Write a Report?
- Make your research – Ensure you have the right number of sources for your services report.
- Always make sure that your sources are reliable – Make sure to double-check any facts you find. It is recommended to stay with the details gathered by known experts.
- Write a report states – This serves as the main concept of the report layout . This summarizes what you want to prove in your report for your reader.
- Write a precise and engaging introduction – Your goal is to entice readers to read your report. You should provide some background details on your topic.
- Write your content – The body paragraphs are where you describe the evidence that supports your report. Each paragraph contains a topic sentence and supports the proof sentence.
- Create your conclusion – This part should summarize your report and provide your final input.
1. What is a Visit Report?
2. what information does a visit report contain, 3. what is the importance of a visit report, 4. what are the benefits of using a report, 5. what are some examples of visit reports.
- Professional visit report
- Monitoring visit report
- Business visit report
- Site visit report
- Industrial visit report
- Field trip visit report, etc.
More in Report Templates
It site visit report template, technical site visit report template, project site visit report template, sales site visit report template, hotel site visit report template, security site visit report template, job site visit report template, customer site visit report template, school visit report template, all visitors report site office sign template.
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File Formats
Word templates, google docs templates, excel templates, powerpoint templates, google sheets templates, google slides templates, pdf templates, publisher templates, psd templates, indesign templates, illustrator templates, pages templates, keynote templates, numbers templates, outlook templates.
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Factory Visit Report Prepared by Sk.Tawhidur Rahman Dec 15 th,2012.
Published by Geraldine Wade Modified over 9 years ago
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Free Report Presentation Templates
Browse our vast library of premade free report powerpoint templates and google slides for every occasion. choose from stunning pre-made slides with creative infographics, editable charts, and easy-to-customize layouts. whether you're presenting a financial report, a project update, or a market analysis, perfect slides are here. get started for free now.
- Stunning infographics: Captivate your audience with visuals that tell the story at a glance.
- Editable charts and graphs: No data-wrangling needed. Simply plug in your numbers and watch your slides come alive.
- Professional layouts: Choose from a library of pre-designed templates, each tailored to your report type.
- Student report cards: Make grades shine with engaging visuals.
- Survey results: Transform data into digestible insights.
- Quarterly roadmaps: Chart your course with clear timelines and milestones.
- Financial reports: Impress investors with professional presentations.
- Marketing reports: Showcase your campaigns' impact with compelling storytelling.
- Company annual reports: Tell your year's story with elegance and impact.
- Weekly and monthly reports: Keep stakeholders informed with regular updates, beautifully presented.
- And so much more! From internal audits to project progress trackers, and SEO reports to yearly, weekly, and monthly business reviews , we have a template for every need.
We're here to help you!
What is a report.
A report is a brief piece of writing that examines problems, circumstances, events, or discoveries using facts and evidence. Usually, subsections, numbered sections, and subheadings are used to organize statements.
What types of report presentation templates do you offer?
We have a wide variety of templates for all kinds of reports, including financial reports, project reports, marketing reports, student report cards, and more!
Are your templates free to use?
Yes, we offer a generous selection of free templates to get you started.
Can I edit the templates?
Absolutely! All of our templates are 100% editable, so you can customize them to fit your specific needs and brand.
What formats are the templates available in?
Our templates are available in both PowerPoint and Google Slides formats, so you can choose the platform that you're most comfortable with.
Can I use your templates for commercial purposes?
Yes, you can use our templates for both personal and commercial use.
What are some tips for creating a great report presentation?
Keep your slides concise and focused, use visuals to help illustrate your points, and practice your delivery beforehand.
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Sharon Rutto
August 27th, 2024 0 1
The user insights feature is generally available (GA) in Microsoft Entra External ID external tenants. It is accessible via Microsoft Graph APIs, which are currently in beta, or through prebuilt dashboards in the Microsoft Entra admin center. User insights dashboards provide organizations with valuable insights into user behavior and patterns within customer-facing applications. You can query and analyze user metrics such as total user count, monthly active users (MAU), daily active users (DAU), newly added users, authentications, and multifactor authentication (MFA) usage.
Custom dashboards with Microsoft Graph API
The out-of-the box dashboards in the Microsoft Entra admin center provide easy-to-digest graphs and charts but have limited customization options. Microsoft Graph APIs enable you to build powerful, customized dashboards with data tailored to your specific needs and preferences. This has some advantages:
- Flexibility: You can integrate with other data sources to present your data in a way that aligns more with your business objectives.
- Enhanced visualization: You can have richer and more interactive visual representations of your data.
- Complex query handling: You can apply advanced filters, aggregations, and calculations to your user insights data and get more granular and accurate results.
User insights APIs are summarized into daily and monthly data, offering varied insights tailored to different needs:
- Daily APIs: Monitor daily fluctuations in user activity; perfect for recognizing immediate changes, tracking sudden spikes in requests and authentications, or evaluating the impact of daily marketing campaigns and product updates.
- Monthly APIs: Gain a broader understanding of user behavior trends and retention across extended intervals, beneficial for gauging the success of long-term strategies and initiatives.
Example dashboards you can build
- Seasonal trends: Visualizing seasonal trends can help in strategic planning and forecasting. For example, heatmaps showing user activity, sign-ups, or authentications by day of the week or month, can help identify high-traffic periods. This dashboard can help identify patterns and trends in user activity, enabling more effective resource allocation.
- Anomaly detection: This dashboard can show the number and frequency of unusual or suspicious events in your applications, such as failed sign-ins, sign-ups from unknown locations, or spikes in user activity. You can use this dashboard to monitor application security, troubleshoot issues, and respond to incidents.
Build your own user insights dashboard
Let’s explore how to build a customized Power BI dashboard using user insights Microsoft Graph APIs.
- External tenant – To access user insights data, you must have an external tenant. If you already have an Azure subscription, use this quickstart to create an external tenant. If not, you can sign up for a 30-day free trial here .
- Registered app(s) – User insights collects and aggregates data from your customer-facing applications. Ensure you have at least one registered app with sign-in and/or sign-up activity.
- Power BI – For the purposes of the example in this blog post, we will use Power BI to visualize the data. You can use Power BI desktop or Power BI service . Alternatively, you can choose any other analytical tool you prefer.
Setting up External ID
- Confirm you’re in your external tenant – In Microsoft admin center , go to Identity > Overview > Manage tenants . Confirm your external tenant is the current tenant you’re in.
Register an app for authorization – To securely access Microsoft Graph APIs, you need to register an app that will be used to generate access tokens for authorization. Go to Identity > Applications > App registrations to create one as outlined here .
Configure API permissions for Microsoft Graph – Add the necessary API permission Insights-UserMetric.Read.All to the registered app from step 2. Follow the instructions provided here . Keep in mind that the access token you generate will only be valid for one hour. To manage this, you can create a function in Power Query to check for token expiration and automatically refresh it.
Creating a Power BI report
Once you have successfully set up your tenant, you can now create a Power BI report using custom connectors to fetch user insights data. Here’s how you can connect Power BI to Microsoft Graph and build your report .
Transforming and visualizing data
Power BI comes with Power Query Editor that can help you clean and shape your data. You can remove unnecessary columns, handle missing values, and apply transformations such as merging, grouping, filtering, and many more.
- Transform and model your data – Once you have pulled all the data you need from the user insights APIs, transform and model your data to suit your needs. Go to Home > Transform data to use Power Query Editor.
- Visualize your data – Build engaging reports and dashboards once your data is ready for use. Power BI offers a range of visual elements to help you represent your data effectively. The example below shows a summary of user activity with daily and monthly growth trends.
Let’s recap
In this blog post, we explored how to build customized Power BI dashboards using user insights data in Microsoft Entra External ID. We went through accessing user insights data via Microsoft Graph APIs, setting up an external tenant and registered app, and using Power BI to connect to Microsoft Graph and build a report. We covered how to transform and visualize data in Power BI, enabling you to create insightful dashboards that can improve decision-making and security monitoring in customer-facing applications.
To test out other features in the Microsoft Entra portfolio, visit our developer center . Sign up for email updates on the Identity developer blog for more insights and to keep up with the latest on all things Identity, and follow us on YouTube for video overviews, tutorials, and deep dives.
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Campus Climate Survey Follow-Up
We are excited to announce more opportunities to engage with Campus Climate Committee members. The Center for Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Co-Directors will be hosting additional Follow-up sessions.
The purpose of these sessions is to serve as a platform for discussion, as we look to leverage the data from the survey results to further strengthen areas where we are succeeding and address areas where we are experiencing challenges as a college community. The participation and feedback from the members of our campus community are critical in helping to inform and guide the priorities and decisions for the next stage of this work. These sessions will be structured to allow space where all three of our core constituencies – students, faculty, and staff – can have equal opportunity to engage and share their perspectives.
Session Details:
Student Session: Sept 3, 12:10 to 1:00pm in the Ithaca Falls Room, Campus Center
Remote Staff Session: Sept 4, 2:00 to 3:00pm via Zoom
Staff Session: Sept 5, 12:10 to 1:00pm in the Center for EIB lounge, Job Hall 219
Faculty Session: Sept 5, 12:10 to 1:00pm in the Ithaca Falls Room, Campus Center
We hope that you can join us and help play a role in shaping the future of our campus climate at Ithaca College. If you are unable to join us at one of these upcoming sessions, but would still like to engage with us, please contact us directly at [email protected] .
Please visit the Campus Climate website to access the Key Findings Report, Results Presentation, and additional updates.
The Center for Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Co-Directors
Belisa González, Dean of Faculty Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Luca Maurer, Executive Director for Student Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Omar Stoute, Director for Staff Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Center for Equity, Inclusion & Belonging at [email protected] or 6072747011. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
CAPTE: On-site Reviewer Training This module discusses the report that the team submits at the conclusion of the on-site visit. The Visit Report is abbreviated VR. Module 7 - The visit report. Purpose of the Visit Report The Visit Report is the mechanism used to convey the team's findings to CAPTE.
1. Add a title page to the beginning of your report. The title should be the name of the visit and site, such as "Visit to Airplane Factory" or "Corporate Headquarters Visit Report." Under the title, include your name, your institution, and the date of the visit. Do not put any other information on this page.
A site visit report is a formal document that provides a detailed account of a visit to a particular location or project site. It records the observations, activities, conditions, discussions, and any deviations or issues identified during the visit. The report often includes recommendations or action items based on these findings.
A Market Visit Report Presentation is a crucial communication tool that shares insights gathered during field visits to different markets. It helps businesses make informed decisions and refine their strategies. Acting as a bridge between field teams and stakeholders, this presentation ensures alignment and facilitates data-driven decision-making.
A visit report is an essential document that captures the details and outcomes of a business visit. In this guide, we'll provide a comprehensive overview of how to create a visit report, complete with examples and templates. Whether you need to draft a Report Form or a detailed Trip Report, this guide will walk you through each step.
Present your company with an eye-catching site visit report using this unique report template. With professionally-designed pages dedicated to site visit objectives, images and final comments, the template is a prime choice if you want to break down your analysis of activities during site visits. Change colors, fonts and more to fit your branding.
Monitoring visit report template. The purpose of a monitoring visit (sometimes called a supervision visit or a field visit) is to make sure that project activities are implemented the way they are described in the plan. It normally involves meeting with the people running the project, meeting with the participants, and observing the activities.
How to Write a Visit Report - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.
An industrial visit report is a summary of the measures taken and the policies put in place to ensure the safety of employees. This voluntary assessment provides an overview of the company's safety objectives, how those objectives are being met and makes actionable suggestions for improvement. ... Place it at the front of the presentation ...
CAPTE: On-site Reviewer Training Module 7 - The visit report This module discusses the report that the team submits at the conclusion of the on-site visit. The Visit Report is abbreviated VR. The Visit Report is the mechanism used to convey the team's findings to CAPTE. It provides the evidence found on-site that verifies or clarifies the ...
Template 4: Construction Site Inspection Report Findings. The PPT Template showcases details including project name, inspector's name, number, inspector's contact information, and construction activities, ensuring thorough documentation of on-site operations. Dive into Weather Conditions insights to anticipate and mitigate potential disruptions.
Use this standardised construction site visit report template to run well-documented reports digitally from on site via mobile or tablet with much more functionality than using Word or Excel to run site visits. 100% fully customisable construction site visit report template. Export your construction site visit report to PDF or CSV.
Size: 75 KB. Download Now. When the time comes that you have to make a site visit activity report, then use this template to help you out. Be sure to use either Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Apple Pages so that you can open the template as well as make whatever changes you want until it becomes the report document you need.
Free Industry Visit Report Templates (Excel / Word / PDF) Posted on January 19, 2024 by Ryan Duffy. When an individual visits the industry whether he or she is a student or an employee, they need an industry visit report template to create a visit report. This document contains a detailed summary of the visit organized in a sequence.
Use this template to build your presentation for the opening conference of your trauma hospital designation site visit. Use as many or as few of the slides as you like. The more you use, the better the reviewers will understand your program. Many slides suggest pasting a trauma registry report onto the slide. Follow the instructions and you ...
Annual Report Infographics. Download the "Annual Report Infographics" template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover the power of infographics. An infographic resource gives you the ability to showcase your content in a more visual way, which will make it easier for your audience to understand your topic.
File Formats: Google Docs MS Word Apple Pages Editable PDF. File Sizes: A4, US. Download Now. You can use the above-given simple template and you get complete features of all the internal report's layout and content, including all the details like customer profile and Q & A regarding your product.
Visit Time & Date : 3:00PM-4:30PM Dec 15 th,2012. 3 2. Factory Specifications Factory Site The Factory is located by the side of the 4-lane Savar-Ashulia Highway Road. It's been into productions since 2002. The Factory is divided into 2-portions i) Teen Shed Hall. ii) Main 4-storey Building. Size of the Land The total area of the land on ...
Free Report Presentation Templates. Browse our vast library of premade free report PowerPoint templates and Google Slides for every occasion. Choose from stunning pre-made slides with creative infographics, editable charts, and easy-to-customize layouts. Whether you're presenting a financial report, a project update, or a market analysis ...
Market Research Report Presentation. Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template ... Whether you're using PowerPoint or Google Slides, this PPT template ensures your data is showcased with clarity and professionalism. ... People who find this template also visit . Free PowerPoint Templates ; Free Google ...
In this blog post, we explored how to build customized Power BI dashboards using user insights data in Microsoft Entra External ID. We went through accessing user insights data via Microsoft Graph APIs, setting up an external tenant and registered app, and using Power BI to connect to Microsoft Graph and build a report.
Please visit the Campus Climate website to access the Key Findings Report, Results Presentation, and additional updates. Sincerely, The Center for Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Co-Directors. Belisa González, Dean of Faculty Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Luca Maurer, Executive Director for Student Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
Virginia Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly called for Arlington Cemetery leadership to publicly release the report on the incident at the visit, casting doubt on Trump's intentions and calling his ...
The crime took place on the night of 9 August, when the woman, who was a junior doctor at the city's RG Kar Medical College, had gone to a seminar room to rest after a gruelling 36-hour shift.