theme of world travel market

Travel Industry Today

On the ground at world travel market.

theme of world travel market

World Travel Market London kicks off today in the British capital with the annual event expected to be 20% larger than last year as the industry continues its surging post-pandemic recovery. Travel Industry Today is onsite at the ExCel venue in east London and will offer coverage in the days, weeks, and months to come, reflecting the always overwhelming amount of information disseminated at the world’s largest English language travel and tourism trade fair.

WTM reports that close to 15% of its 4,000 exhibitors will be new at the three-day event this year, similarly reflecting tourism’s recovery. Further, compared to pre-pandemic figures (2019), private sector exhibitor numbers are up 23%, African exhibitor numbers are up 27%, Caribbean exhibitor numbers are up 10% and representation from the Middle East region were set to be up a whopping 60% – a surge that presumably will be threatened by effects of the war in Israel.

The war certainly will present an underlying theme to WTM 2023, not unlike other momentous events that overlapped with the show, such as 9/11, the lead-up to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Donald Trump’s electoral victory on Nov, 2016, and more recently, the pandemic years.

Attended by travel and tourism professionals from around the world, including a typically robust delegation of Canadian buyers, along with some travel advisors and media, the show will also offer more than 60 conference sessions designed to “empower the global travel community, and reminding them they have the ‘Power to Change’ travel.”

With over 9,000 attendees at the conference sessions last year, 2023 will see eight new conference tracks titled Sustainability, Technology, Geo-Economics, Emerging Markets, Consumer Trends, Marketing, Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) and Experience, all presented with the aim to help the global travel community succeed and thrive, by informing, entertaining, and influencing their business decisions.

Other prime events will include 17th annual Ministers Summit (taking place today – Monday), plus additional summits on technology, sustainability, diversity/inclusion, and marketing.

Attendees will also be the first to glimpse the annual WTM Global Travel Report, by renowned researchers Oxford Economics, which provides delegates with valuable insights into the trends shaping the future of travel, including the changing needs of travellers, emerging and growing destinations, and uncover behaviours and trends for 2024 and beyond.

Brooke Gilbertson has lofty expectations for the show.

“For those seeking a macro view of the travel industry and a deeper understanding of the forces shaping it,” he says, “WTM London 2023 is a must-attend show with speakers coming from every corner of the world to spread their wisdom on every element of the travel industry.”

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What next for travel and tourism? Here's what the experts say

In many countries, more than 80% of travel and tourism spending actually comes from the domestic market.

In many countries, more than 80% of travel and tourism spending actually comes from the domestic market. Image:  Unsplash/Surface

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theme of world travel market

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Stay up to date:.

  • In 2020 alone, the travel and tourism sector lost $4.5 trillion and 62 million jobs globally.
  • But as the world recovers from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, travel and tourism can bounce back as an inclusive, sustainable, and resilient sector.
  • Two experts highlight some of the key transformations in the sector going forward during the World Economic Forum's Our World in Transformation series.

The Travel & Tourism sector was one of the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving not only companies but also tourism-driven economies severely affected by shutdowns, travel restrictions and the disappearance of international travel.

In 2020 alone, the sector lost $4.5 trillion and 62 million jobs, impacting the living standards and well-being of communities across the globe. Moreover, the halt in international travel gave both leisure and business travellers the chance to consider the impact of their choices on the climate and environment.

Amid shifting demand dynamics and future opportunities and risks, a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient travel and tourism sector can be - and needs to be - built.

The World Economic Forum's Travel & Tourism Development Index 2021 finds that embedding inclusivity, sustainability and resilience into the travel and tourism sector as it recovers, will ensure it can continue to be a driver of global connectivity, peace and economic and social progress.

We spoke to Sandra Carvao , Chief of Market Intelligence and Competitiveness at the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), and Liz Ortiguera , CEO of the Pacific Asia Travel Association in Thailand (PATA), and asked them to highlight some of the key areas of risk and opportunity in the sector during an episode of the World Economic Forum's Our World in Transformation series.

Have you read?

Travel & tourism development index 2021: rebuilding for a sustainable and resilient future, towards resilience and sustainability: travel and tourism development recovery, how can we really achieve sustainability in the travel sector, what are some of the top global trends you're witnessing currently in the travel and tourism sector.

Liz Ortiguera: Given the extended lockdown that we had on travel with the pandemic, vacation for friends and relatives (VFR) is now a high priority for people who haven’t been in touch for a long time thanks to the pandemic. So, people are reconnecting. And that kind of links to the second trend, which is multi-purpose or blended travel. Never before, particularly now that we can connect digitally through Zoom, has the ability to work from anywhere enabled travellers to cover multiple purposes, like visits with friends and multiple business trips. So, we'll find that the duration of travel and the length of stay is longer. And third is the continued high focus on safety and wellness which is top of mind for travellers due to the pandemic. All travel is wellness-related now.

Sandra Carvao: I think there is a bigger concern with sustainability, which is very welcome in our industry. Consumers, particularly the younger generation, are much more aware of the impact they have, not only on the environment but also socially and on the communities they live in. We've also seen an increase in expenditure per trip, so I think people are very eager to go outside, and they're staying longer. And on the other side, I think there are some challenges: we’re seeing a rise in late bookings because restrictions can change at short notice and that’s having an impact on the decisions of travellers. This is putting pressure on the industry in terms of planning and anticipating fluctuations in demand.

Social media surveys have shown that travellers who have immersive experiences are more likely to post about them, which is good for the industry.

What is community-based tourism and why is it important?

Sandra Carvao: One of the positive impacts of the pandemic is that people are looking for local experiences and are spending more time with communities. So, the concept of community-based tourism is obviously one that puts the community at the core of every development, ensuring that it's engaged and empowered and that it benefits. At the UNWTO, we worked with the G20 and the Saudi presidency back in 2020 and produced a framework for tourism development in communities, which states that communities need to be part of the planning and management of tourism activities. We need to go beyond traditional definitions of community to a point where the industry leans on partnerships between the public and private sectors and communities.

Liz Ortiguera: In July 2022, PATA is hosting a destination-marketing forum and one of the key themes is community-based tourism. The purpose is really to put the community and authenticity-in-culture activities at the heart of the travel experience. There are benefits for all stakeholders. One is that travellers can have an authentic experience. They're not in overcrowded, touristic locations and they experience something new and unique within the community. These experiences are designed in partnership with communities who get the benefit of financial inclusion, and if activities are designed properly, the reinforcement of their cultural heritage. Governments also engage in economic development more broadly across countries. Another interesting trend is creative tourism, which means you create an experience for tourists to participate in, like a dance lesson, or a cooking lesson. Social media surveys have shown that travellers who have these kinds of immersive experiences are more likely to post about them online and that's good for the industry.

It is important to emphasize that virtual experiences, while they are a fun tool, can never replace visiting a destination.

How is technology and innovation helping to leverage cultural resources?

Sandra Carvao: One interesting trend we’re seeing is that more and more people are booking trips directly, so communities need to be supported to digitize their systems. Education and upskilling of communities are important so that they can leverage digital platforms to market themselves. From the tourists’ perspective, it is important to emphasize that virtual experiences, while they are a fun tool, can never replace visiting a destination.

Liz Ortiguera: People have been living virtually for more than two years. Amazing innovations have emerged, such as virtual reality and augmented reality, and all kinds of applications and tools. But the important thing is the experience. The destination. Real-world experiences need to remain front and centre. Technology tools should be viewed as enablers and not the core experience. And when it comes to staff, technology can really democratize education. There’s an opportunity to mobilize a mobile-first approach for those who are on the frontlines, or out in the field, and can’t easily access computers, but need to get real-time information.

theme of world travel market

How is the sector dealing with labour shortages and re-employment of the workforce?

Liz Ortiguera: Labour shortages are much more dynamic in North America and in Europe. But it’s having a knock-on effect on Asia. If, for example, their air carriers are limited by staff and they have to cancel flights, which we're very much seeing out of Europe, seating capacity then becomes a limiting factor in the recovery of Asia Pacific. That's the main constraint right now. And compounding that is the rising price of fuel. But people in the Asia Pacific are keen to get reemployed.

Sandra Carvao: Labour shortages are a priority for the sector in countries around the world. Many workers left the sector during the pandemic and the uncertainty that surrounded the measures taken to contain it left many people unsure of whether the sector would recover. It is time to address things like conditions, scheduling, and work/life balance, all things which have been top of mind for workers during the pandemic. As the sector recovers, we need time to bring new hires on board and to train them to take over where those who switched jobs left off.

Are we seeing a growing trend towards domestic tourism?

Sandra Carvao: We’re talking about 9 billion people travelling within their own countries. And in many countries, for example in Germany, more than 80% of the tourism spending actually comes from the domestic market, similarly in countries like Spain and even smaller economies. Whenever it's possible to travel again, domestic markets tend to be more resilient. They kick off first mostly due to perceptions of safety and security issues. As the world economy recovers from the pandemic, there is a good opportunity for nations to rethink their strategy, look at the domestic market in a different way, and leverage different products for domestic tourists.

theme of world travel market

When it comes to sustainable tourism, how quickly could we mainstream eco-friendly modes of transportation?

Sandra Carvao: Transport is one of the key contributors to energy impacts and tourism. But it's also important that we look at the whole value chain. The UNWTO together with the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme just launched the Glasgow Declaration, which includes green commitments from destinations and companies. We’re seeing a strong movement in the airline industry to reduce emissions. But I think, obviously, technological developments will be very important. But it's also very important to look at market shifts. And we can't forget small islands and developing states that rely on long-haul air travel. It’s important to make sure that we invest in making the problem much less impactful.

Liz Ortiguera: 'Travel and tourism' is such a broad encompassing term that it’s not fair to call it an industry: it is actually a sector of many industries. The pandemic taught us how broad the impact of the sector is in terms of sustainability. There's a big movement in terms of destination resilience, which is the foundation for achieving sustainability in the journey to net-zero. We now have standards to mitigate that impact including meetings-and-events (MIE) standards and standards for tour operators. There are multiple areas within our industry where progress is being made. And I'm really encouraged by the fact that there is such a focus not just within the sector but also among consumers.

This interview was first done at the World Economic Forum's studios in Geneva as part of 'Our World in Transformation' - a live interactive event series for our digital members. To watch all the episodes and join future sessions, please subscribe here .

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Travel, Tourism & Hospitality

Global tourism industry - statistics & facts

What are the leading global tourism destinations, digitalization of the global tourism industry, how important is sustainable tourism, key insights.

Detailed statistics

Total contribution of travel and tourism to GDP worldwide 2019-2034

Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide 1950-2023

Global leisure travel spend 2019-2022

Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

Leading global travel markets by travel and tourism contribution to GDP 2019-2022

Travel and tourism employment worldwide 2019-2034

Further recommended statistics

  • Basic Statistic Total contribution of travel and tourism to GDP worldwide 2019-2034
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism: share of global GDP 2019-2034
  • Basic Statistic Leading global travel markets by travel and tourism contribution to GDP 2019-2022
  • Basic Statistic Global leisure travel spend 2019-2022
  • Premium Statistic Global business travel spending 2001-2024
  • Premium Statistic Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide 1950-2023
  • Basic Statistic Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide 2005-2023, by region
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism employment worldwide 2019-2034

Total contribution of travel and tourism to gross domestic product (GDP) worldwide in 2019 and 2023, with a forecast for 2024 and 2034 (in trillion U.S. dollars)

Travel and tourism: share of global GDP 2019-2034

Share of travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP worldwide in 2019 and 2023, with a forecast for 2024 and 2034

Total contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in leading travel markets worldwide in 2019 and 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Leisure tourism spending worldwide from 2019 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Global business travel spending 2001-2024

Expenditure of business tourists worldwide from 2001 to 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide from 1950 to 2023 (in millions)

Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide 2005-2023, by region

Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide from 2005 to 2023, by region (in millions)

Number of travel and tourism jobs worldwide from 2019 to 2023, with a forecast for 2024 and 2034 (in millions)

  • Premium Statistic Global hotel and resort industry market size worldwide 2022-2023
  • Premium Statistic Most valuable hotel brands worldwide 2023, by brand value
  • Basic Statistic Leading hotel companies worldwide 2023, by number of properties
  • Premium Statistic Number of hotels in the construction pipeline worldwide 2024
  • Premium Statistic Number of hotel rooms in the construction pipeline worldwide 2024
  • Premium Statistic Countries with the most hotel construction projects in the pipeline worldwide 2024

Global hotel and resort industry market size worldwide 2022-2023

Market size of the hotel and resort industry worldwide in 2022 and 2023 (in trillion U.S. dollars)

Most valuable hotel brands worldwide 2023, by brand value

Leading hotel brands based on brand value worldwide in 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Leading hotel companies worldwide 2023, by number of properties

Leading hotel companies worldwide as of June 2023, by number of properties

Number of hotels in the construction pipeline worldwide 2024

Number of hotels in the construction pipeline worldwide as of the first quarter of 2024

Number of hotel rooms in the construction pipeline worldwide 2024

Number of hotel rooms in the construction pipeline worldwide as of the first quarter of 2024

Countries with the most hotel construction projects in the pipeline worldwide 2024

Countries with the highest number of hotel construction projects in the pipeline worldwide as of the first quarter of 2024

  • Premium Statistic Airports with the most international air passenger traffic worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Market value of selected airlines worldwide 2024
  • Premium Statistic Global passenger rail users forecast 2017-2028
  • Premium Statistic Daily ridership of bus rapid transit systems worldwide by region 2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of users of car rentals worldwide 2020-2029
  • Premium Statistic Number of users in selected countries in the Car Rentals market in 2023
  • Premium Statistic Carbon footprint of international tourism transport worldwide 2005-2030, by type

Airports with the most international air passenger traffic worldwide 2023

Leading airports for international air passenger traffic in 2023 (in million international passengers)

Market value of selected airlines worldwide 2024

Market value of selected airlines worldwide as of May 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Global passenger rail users forecast 2017-2028

Worldwide number of passenger rail users from 2017 to 2023, with a forecast through 2028 (in billion users)

Daily ridership of bus rapid transit systems worldwide by region 2023

Number of daily passengers using bus rapid transit (BRT) systems as of April 2023, by region

Number of users of car rentals worldwide 2020-2029

Number of users of car rentals worldwide from 2020 to 2029 (in millions)

Number of users in selected countries in the Car Rentals market in 2023

Number of users in selected countries in the Car Rentals market in 2023 (in million)

Carbon footprint of international tourism transport worldwide 2005-2030, by type

Transport-related emissions from international tourist arrivals worldwide in 2005 and 2016, with a forecast for 2030, by mode of transport (in million metric tons of carbon dioxide)


  • Premium Statistic Most visited museums worldwide 2019-2023
  • Basic Statistic Most visited amusement and theme parks worldwide 2023
  • Basic Statistic Monuments on the UNESCO world heritage list 2023, by type
  • Basic Statistic Selected countries with the most Michelin-starred restaurants worldwide 2024

Most visited museums worldwide 2019-2023

Museums with the highest attendance worldwide from 2019 to 2023 (in millions)

Most visited amusement and theme parks worldwide 2023

Leading amusement and theme parks worldwide 2023, by attendance (in millions)

Monuments on the UNESCO world heritage list 2023, by type

Number of monuments on the UNESCO world heritage list as of September 2023, by type

Selected countries with the most Michelin-starred restaurants worldwide 2024

Number of Michelin-starred restaurants in selected countries and territories worldwide as of August 2024

Online travel market

  • Premium Statistic Online travel market size worldwide 2017-2028
  • Premium Statistic Estimated desktop vs. mobile revenue of leading OTAs worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of aggregated downloads of leading online travel agency apps worldwide 2023
  • Basic Statistic Market cap of leading online travel companies worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Estimated EV/Revenue ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Estimated EV/EBITDA ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment

Online travel market size worldwide 2017-2028

Online travel market size worldwide from 2017 to 2023, with a forecast until 2028 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Estimated desktop vs. mobile revenue of leading OTAs worldwide 2023

Estimated desktop vs. mobile revenue of leading online travel agencies (OTAs) worldwide in 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Number of aggregated downloads of leading online travel agency apps worldwide 2023

Number of aggregated downloads of selected leading online travel agency apps worldwide in 2023 (in millions)

Market cap of leading online travel companies worldwide 2023

Market cap of leading online travel companies worldwide as of September 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)

Estimated EV/Revenue ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment

Estimated enterprise value to revenue (EV/Revenue) ratio in the online travel market worldwide as of April 2024, by segment

Estimated EV/EBITDA ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment

Estimated enterprise value to EBITDA (EV/EBITDA) ratio in the online travel market worldwide as of April 2024, by segment

Selected trends

  • Premium Statistic Global travelers who believe in the importance of green travel 2023
  • Premium Statistic Sustainable initiatives travelers would adopt worldwide 2022, by region
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb revenue worldwide 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb nights and experiences booked worldwide 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Technologies global hotels plan to implement in the next three years 2022
  • Premium Statistic Hotel technologies global consumers think would improve their future stay 2022

Global travelers who believe in the importance of green travel 2023

Share of travelers that believe sustainable travel is important worldwide in 2023

Sustainable initiatives travelers would adopt worldwide 2022, by region

Main sustainable initiatives travelers are willing to adopt worldwide in 2022, by region

Airbnb revenue worldwide 2017-2023

Revenue of Airbnb worldwide from 2017 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Airbnb nights and experiences booked worldwide 2017-2023

Nights and experiences booked with Airbnb from 2017 to 2023 (in millions)

Technologies global hotels plan to implement in the next three years 2022

Technologies hotels are most likely to implement in the next three years worldwide as of 2022

Hotel technologies global consumers think would improve their future stay 2022

Must-have hotel technologies to create a more amazing stay in the future among travelers worldwide as of 2022

  • Premium Statistic Travel and tourism revenue worldwide 2020-2029, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Distribution of sales channels in the travel and tourism market worldwide 2019-2029
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism visitor growth worldwide 2020-2025, by region
  • Premium Statistic Outbound tourism visitor growth worldwide 2020-2025, by region

Travel and tourism revenue worldwide 2020-2029, by segment

Revenue of the travel and tourism market worldwide from 2020 to 2029, by segment (in billion U.S. dollars)

Distribution of sales channels in the travel and tourism market worldwide 2019-2029

Revenue share of sales channels of the travel and tourism market worldwide from 2019 to 2029

Inbound tourism visitor growth worldwide 2020-2025, by region

Inbound tourism visitor growth worldwide from 2020 to 2022, with a forecast until 2025, by region

Outbound tourism visitor growth worldwide 2020-2025, by region

Outbound tourism visitor growth worldwide from 2020 to 2022, with a forecast until 2025, by region

Further reports

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World Travel Market Africa 2024 Set to Opens Its Doors to Global Travel and Tourism Industry Leaders Today

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Cape town, world travel market africa

Navigating World Travel Market Africa 2024: Essential Visitor Information

theme of world travel market

Opening Times:

  • Wednesday, April 10: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM (Registration opens at 7:30 AM)
  • Thursday, April 11: 10:30 AM – 7:00 PM
  • Friday, April 12: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Admission Policy:

Badge policy:, global representation:, industry-wide participation:, a global ensemble: countries and companies at world travel market africa 2024.

theme of world travel market

Admissions Policy for World Travel Market Africa 2024

theme of world travel market

  • Event Dates and Admission : WTM Africa, spanning three days from Wednesday, April 10 to Friday, April 12, welcomes all pre-registered Exhibitors, Hosted Buyers, Visitors, Ministers, VIPs, and Press.
  • Hosted Buyer Programme : Admission is by invitation only, targeting selected members and press for an exclusive experience.
  • Registration Requirement : Attendance is limited to pre-registered badge holders, including travel professionals and exhibitor badge holders. The event is not open to the general public, emphasizing its professional nature.
  • Press Badge Criteria : Access for the press is reserved for Publishers, Editors, Journalists, Photographers, and Broadcasters, with accreditation required to verify status. Advertising personnel and media sales representatives are excluded.
  • Admission Fee for Non-Pre-registered Visitors : Those who have not pre-registered are subject to an admission fee, ensuring an audience of dedicated travel professionals.
  • Dress Code : Business attire is mandatory, reflecting the event’s professional standards.
  • Industry Relevance : Attendees should be connected to or interested in the travel, tourism, or associated industries, ensuring relevant and meaningful interactions.
  • Badge Policy : Badges are personal and non-transferable, with strict enforcement to maintain integrity and security.
  • Age Restriction : No individuals under the age of 16 will be admitted, aligning with the event’s professional environment.
  • Conduct : World Travel Market Africa upholds a strict policy against canvassing, leafleting, demonstrations, or disruptive behavior, ensuring a focused and respectful setting.
  • Student Admission : Students enrolled in travel and tourism courses may be admitted on Friday, April 12, under strict conditions and with prior approval, fostering educational engagement.
  • Photography : Official photographers will capture the event, and attendees consent to the use of their images for future marketing by participating.

Your Stay During World Travel Market Africa 2024: Accommodations and Travel Guide

theme of world travel market

Accommodation Options

  • Southern Sun The Cullinan: Reference #4648806
  • Southern Sun Waterfront: Reference #4648807
  • Garden Court Victoria Junction: Reference #4648808
  • Stay Easy City Bowl: Reference #4648809
  • Southern Sun Cape Sun: Reference #4648820 ( Note: Limited Spaces Available )
  • Reference: WTM 2024

Venue Details

  • Location: Convention Square, 1 Lower Long St, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa
  • Event Dates:
  • Wednesday, April 10: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Thursday, April 11: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
  • Friday, April 12: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Traveling to the Venue

Maximizing your experience at world travel market africa: events and opportunities.

theme of world travel market

Seminars and Workshops

Wtm africa annual trend report, wtm responsible tourism awards africa, awards ceremony details.

  • Date : Thursday, 11 April 2024
  • Time : 16:00 – 17:30
  • Venue : Spotlight Theatre

TIFA at World Travel Market Africa: Bridging Investment and Tourism

theme of world travel market

Objectives of TIFA

Key participants.

  • Local and international private sector business leaders
  • Government ministers and senior officials
  • Development finance institutions
  • Financial institutions and private investors
  • Investment promotion agencies
  • Destination management organizations
  • Diplomatic corps members

Event Details

  • Date : April 10-12, 2024
  • Venue : Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC)
  • Time : 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM daily

Event Format

  • Two-Day Conference : Incorporating ministerial policy discussions, expert insights, and panel discussions, along with presentations highlighting regional investment opportunities within WTM Africa.
  • Investment Opportunity Presentation Rounds : A dedicated platform for showcasing potential investment avenues across different regions.
  • B2B and B2G Meetings : Facilitated encounters between business leaders and government representatives to explore potential collaborations and partnerships.
  • Start-Up Pavilion and Sustainability Village : Specialized zones designed to spotlight innovative start-ups and sustainable practices within the tourism sector.
  • Site Visits : Organized tours to project sites and locations ripe for investment, offering firsthand insights into potential ventures.

TIFA at WTM Africa: A Comprehensive Programme Overview

theme of world travel market

Day 1: Fostering Investment and Sustainability

  • Global Investment Trends and Developments : A deep dive into worldwide investment flows and their implications for the tourism sector.
  • Driving Intra-Africa Investment – African Single Market Opportunities : Exploring the potential of a unified African market in boosting intra-continental investments.
  • Ministerial Policy Dialogue : A strategic discussion on enhancing tourism investment to ensure long-term sustainability within the industry.
  • Bridging the Tourism Investment Gap : Examining how venture capital and private equity can fill investment voids in the tourism landscape.
  • Leveraging Cross Border Investment Opportunities : Identifying and exploiting investment opportunities across borders to enhance tourism growth.
  • African Tourism Investment Funds : An overview of investment funds dedicated to advancing Africa’s tourism infrastructure and services.
  • Investment Opportunity Showcases : Presentations of promising investment opportunities within the tourism sector.

Day 2: Innovation, Sustainability, and Connectivity

  • Technology and Innovation – New Investment Frontiers : Highlighting how technology and innovation open new avenues for investment in tourism.
  • Hospitality Ventures – Meeting New Traveler Imperatives : Adapting hospitality ventures to meet the evolving demands of contemporary travelers.
  • Climate Smart Investments : Focusing on investments that support biodiversity economies and contribute to climate change mitigation.
  • Access, Airlift and Mobility : Enhancing trade and investment bridges through improved access, airlift, and mobility solutions.
  • Financiers and Funders Roundtable : A collaborative discussion on capacity building and training investments to strengthen the tourism sector.
  • Investment Opportunity Showcases : A continued exploration of investment opportunities, providing insights into potential ventures.

Day 3: Exploring Real-World Applications

  • Project Site Visits : An opportunity for attendees to visit project sites and investment opportunity locations, offering a tangible sense of potential ventures and collaborations.

Enhancing Engagement and Sustainability at World Travel Market Africa

theme of world travel market

Conferences and Seminars

Speed networking, sustainability village, who should attend.

  • Project owners and sponsors
  • Policy makers and Government officials
  • Departments of Tourism and Tourism Promotion Agencies
  • Trade and Investment Promotion Agencies
  • Development Finance and Financial Institutions
  • Private Equity and Venture Capital Companies
  • Small Enterprise Development Agencies
  • Businesses in tourism, hospitality, and travel sectors
  • Local municipality and district project promoters
  • Educational institutions and Research institutes
  • Business chambers and Foreign mission representatives
  • Construction firms, Equipment manufacturers, and Consulting firms

Conference Schedule: First Day Highlights – 10.Apr.2024 (Wednesday)

  • Mandisa Magwaxaza (Founder of Molo Mhambi Relations)
  • Official Opening
  • Registration, TIFA 2024
  • Papy Luzala (Head of Commercial & Government Affairs)
  • Theme: Investment
  • Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
  • City of Cape Town Stand
  • 09:30 – 09:45
  • Guest Speaker – Special Address, TIFA 2024
  • Breaking the Stigma: Fostering Open Dialogue on Mental Health
  • Shireen Onia (Founder of ServiceGurus)
  • Theme: Tourism Pulse
  • Brain Box, in partnership with Mastercard & Glyde
  • Leaders in Responsible Tourism
  • Harold Goodwin (Managing Director of Responsible Tourism)
  • Julie Cheetham (Founder Weeva)
  • James Fernie (Director)
  • Chas Prettejohn (MD at Ngwenya Glass Eswatini)
  • Michael Boyce (Business Development)
  • Johan Maree (Co-Founder and Chairperson)
  • Spotlight Theatre
  • Theme: Sustainable Tourism
  • Unraveling the Travel Payment Maze: A Deep Dive into Industry Challenges
  • Mbali Mngomezulu (Manager of Business Development)
  • Paulina Klotzbucher (CEO Gyde Payments)
  • Inspire Theatre, Powered by FNB PayPal
  • Theme: Technology
  • What’s Next in Hotel Tech: From Wired to WOW
  • Samantha Williams (Commercial Director at Profitroom)
  • Future Theatre
  • Insights Exchange: The Future of Tourism Investment
  • Global Stage
  • Keynote Address
  • Session 1: Ministerial Action Leadership Roundtable
  • Can tourism broaden the mid: creating meaningful connections and celebrating diversity
  • Aziz Abu Sarah (Co-founder of Mejdi Tours)
  • Marc Gwamaka (Engagement and Outreach Coordinator)
  • The Future of LGBTQ+ Travel Marketing in Africa
  • Martina Barth (Membership Manager for Africa)
  • Luke Lalin (Head Of Marketing of Rhino Africa)
  • Njeri Gachuhi (Founder of The Travelling Wakili)
  • Theme: Inclusivity
  • The importance of attracting young members to travel and Tourism organizations.
  • Fiona Angelico (Deputy Chair for Global Advocacy)
  • Aimee Lentz (Vice President Jnr.)
  • Michaela Crowe (Work Integrated Learning Coordinator for the Tourism and Event Management Department at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology)
  • Adventure for All Abilities: A Conversation with Warrior On Wheels Foundation
  • Deirdré Gower (Founder & Director of Warrior On Wheels Foundation (NPO) & Accessible Travel South Africa (Pty))
  • Damian Gower (Co-founder of Warrior On Wheels Foundation)
  • How to grow and sustain an engaged audience and use storytelling to boost content on your social media channels
  • Nidha Narrandes (Owner of Reel Stories)
  • Investment And Business Opportunities Presentation – Round 1
  • Leveraging the newly established Africa Private Sector Alliance as a strategic driver for intra-Africa Travel
  • Septi Bukula (Founder and Director of Rendzo Network)
  • Hassan Abdullahi Zakari (Executive Director of the West Africa Tourism Organization)
  • Tshifhiwa Tshivhengwa (Chief Executive Officer of the Tourism Business Council of South Africa)
  • Jillian Blackbeard (CEO of Africa’s Eden)
  • Roaring Responsibly: The path towards ethical and sustainable wildlife tourism
  • Natalia Rosa (Chief Executive Officer of Big Ambitions)
  • Dr. Louise de Waal (Campaign Manager at Blood Lions)
  • Gavin Reynolds (Director of Wild Choices)
  • Cathrine Cornwall-Nyquist (Co-founder)
  • Travel Leaders Lunch
  • The Cullinan Hotel
  • Investment And Business Opportunities Presentation – Round 2
  • Inclusive Tourism: Creating Shared Value
  • Glynn O’Leary (Chief Executive at Transfrontier Parks Destinations)
  • Bangu Masisi (Executive Director at Sapphire Corporate Solutions)
  • Henko Wentholt (Chief Executive Officer)
  • Wanderlust Data: Exploring the Digital Journeys of Travel Buyers
  • Mike Saunders (Chief Executive Officer at DigitLab)
  • Breaking Stereotypes: LGBTQ+ Marketing for African Tourism
  • Aisha Shaibu-Lenoir (Co-founder of The Queer Nomads)
  • Harnessing AI for Business Optimization
  • Nazareen Ebrahim (Head of Communications at Naz Consulting)
  • Putting together the Payments Puzzle
  • Theresa Emerick (Managing Director of NightsBridge)
  • Session 2: Building Bridges: Tourism Investment & Capital Markets
  • The Business of Conservation: A Case Study in Adding Value Through Responsible Land Use
  • Adrian Gardiner (Chairman & Co-Founder of Mantis Collection)
  • Investment And Business Opportunities Presentation – Round 3
  • Breaking into the Market: The Importance of Halaal Tourism
  • Hafsa Gaher (Creator and Director of the Halal Travel Network)
  • Exploring the Ecosystem of Accessible Tourism and Economic Benefits
  • Briony Brookes (PR & Comms Manager at Cape Town Tourism)
  • Lois Strachan (Accessible Travel Podcaster)
  • Winston Fanie (Blind Tour Guide)
  • Tarryn Tomlinson (Accessible Travel Expert)
  • Local indigenous food identities – contributions to sustainability transitions
  • Loubie Rusch (Founder of Making KOS / Local WILD Food Hub)
  • Rupert Koopman (Botanist and Conservation Expert at Veld walks from Wolfgat)
  • Tapiwa Gudza (Custodian and Creative Director at Tapi Tapi)
  • Rirhandzu Marivate (Agroecologist at South African Urban Food & Farming Trust)
  • Jocelyn Myers-Adams (Chef)
  • Telling the full story. How to collaborate with journalists for impactful coverage
  • Iga Motylska (Journalist)
  • Kimmie Conner (Travel Blogger)
  • Dorine Reinstein (Content Director at Big Ambitions)
  • Harriet Owalla (Travel, Tech & Conservation Reporter)
  • Adele Mackenzie (Editor of Tourism Update)
  • Theme: Media
  • Investment And Business Opportunities Presentation – Round 4
  • Investment And Business Opportunities Presentation – Round 5
  • Investment And Business Opportunities Presentation – Round 6
  • Closing Remarks
  • Business Exchange Session / Networking Sessions B2B & B2G Meetings WTM Africa Exhibition Visit
  • Welcome Cocktail

Conference Schedule: Second Day Highlights – 11.Apr.2024 (Thursday)

  • 08:30 – 14:00: PROJECT SITE VISITS
  • Linden Birns, Owner of Plane Talking
  • Dr. Theuns Vivian, Manager Destination Development
  • David King, Project Manager at WESGRO
  • Aaron Munetsi, Chief Executive Officer at AASA
  • Farai Chireshe, Energy Analyst and Project Officer
  • Lisa Scriven, General Manager at Fair Trade Tourism
  • Tshifhiwa Tshivhengwa, Chief Executive Officer of the Tourism Business Council of South Africa (TBCSA)
  • Glenton de Kock, Chief Executive Officer at SAACI
  • Andre du Toit, Executive Head
  • Julia Louw, Head of Leisure Tourism at Wesgro
  • Natalia Rosa, CEO of Big Ambitions
  • David Frost, CEO of SATSA
  • Harold Goodwin, Managing Director of Responsible Tourism
  • Julie Cheetham, Managing Director
  • Jarrod Lyons, Business Development Executive
  • Ruth Crichton, Regional Head Southern Africa
  • Emma Muller, Financial Investment and Project Management
  • Alexis Cronin, Creative Director and Product Designer at Dunia Designs
  • Phakamile Hlazo, Access, Inclusivity and Diversity Board Committee Co-Chair
  • Natalia Rosa, Chief Executive Officer of Big Ambitions
  • Nick Nagle, Marketing Manager at IBTM World
  • Michael Gladwin, Founder of Afrigay
  • Lindiwe Sangweni, Chief Operating Officer
  • Tahir Emrah Tuzun, Director, Enterprise Sales, Middle East and Africa
  • Dr. Kathleen Green, Product General Manager
  • Gisèle Wertheim Aymés, Chief Engagement Officer
  • Annie Galvin, Director of Client Success and Operations
  • Jillian Blackbeard, Founder of Jillian Blackbeard – Africa’s Eden Tourism
  • Delphino Machikicho, Executive Director

Conference Schedule: Third Day Highlights – 10.Apr.2024 (Friday)

  • Can any long-haul destination really be Net-Zero? The challenges and innovations of sustainable long-distance travel
  • Linden Birns (Owner Plane Talking)
  • Dr. Theuns Vivian (Manager Destination Development)
  • David King (Project Manager at WESGRO)
  • Farai Chireshe (Energy Analyst and Project Officer)
  • Captain Paul Wilson (Captain and Training Captain Airbus)
  • Connecting the dots: from local impact to global markets
  • Lisa Scriven (General Manager, Fair Trade Tourism)
  • Why Tourism Matters: the key factors to help us harness the sector’s growth potential.
  • Theme: Business Travel
  • Cultivating Connections: The Art of Building Successful Business Relationships in the Global Landscape
  • Glenton de Kock (Chief Executive Officer at SAACI)
  • One year down the line. What changes has the Adventure Tourism Self-Regulation brought?
  • Andre du Toit (Executive Head)
  • Julia Louw (Head of Leisure Tourism at Wesgro)
  • David Frost (CEO of SATSA)
  • Technology for Responsible Tourism
  • Julie Cheetham (Managing Director)
  • Jarrod Lyons (Business Development Executive)
  • Ruth Crichton (Regional Head Southern Africa at The Long Run)
  • Emma Muller (Launched KaacKai)
  • Alexis Cronin (Co-Founder & COO Dunia Designs)
  • Bridging The Digital Divide
  • Phakamile Hlazo (Access, Inclusivity and Diversity Board Committee Co-Chair)
  • Restoring Confidence in Tourism with Tech-Driven Safety
  • The Power of Meetings: Data to Strategy
  • Is this the Africa you think you know? The 2024 ATW Trends Report Unveiled.
  • Michael Gladwin (Founder of Afrigay)
  • Christy Tawii (Research Manager at Euromonitor International)
  • Elsje Bester (Co-founding of Cape Town Culinary Tours)
  • Navigating the Corporate Horizon: Unveiling the Economic Impact of MICE and Business Travel
  • Nick Nagle (Marketing Manager at IBTM World)
  • Responsible Tourism Drop-in Surgery Brain Box
  • The Vital Role of Online Payments that will Fuel the Future of Travel and Tourism
  • Tahir Emrah Tuzun (Director, Enterprise Sales, Middle East and Africa)
  • Global Trends of Wellness and How To Harness Them
  • Dr. Kathleen Green (Product General Manager at InUversal)
  • Gisèle Wertheim Aymés (Chief Engagement Officer InUversal)
  • Mental Wellness is the Next Big MICE Trend
  • Uncovering the hidden gems of guest experience in 2024
  • Annie Galvin (Director of Client Success and Operations at Flywire)
  • Marie Elefteriou (Founder and Co-Owner of Travel With Marie)
  • Seán Hough (Chief Executive Officer)
  • Building Bridges: Successful Partnerships in African Tourism

Tags: Cape Town , Cape Town News , Cape Town Tourism News , Cape Town travel and Tourism news , Global Travel News , Travel Event in Cape Town , Travel Event news , Travel News , What in the agenda WTM Africa 2024 , What to be discussed in WTM Africa 2024 , World Travel Market Africa , World Travel Market Updates , World Travel News , WTM Africa 2024 , WTM Africa in Cape Town , WTM Africa News , WTM Africa Updates , WTM News

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30 Best WordPress Travel Themes 2025

Exploring WordPress travel themes and website templates can be exciting, especially if you’re building a website to showcase travel experiences, offer travel services, or create a blog documenting adventures. With its vast array of themes, WordPress offers options explicitly tailored for travel websites, each with unique features, designs, and functionalities.

Best Ready to Use Web Themes & Templates

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This comprehensive guide will help you navigate some of the best travel themes available, what to look for in a theme, and how to choose the right one for your needs.

What to Look for in a WordPress Travel Theme

Before diving into specific themes, it’s important to know what features are essential for a travel website:

  • Booking System Integration : A built-in or easily integrated booking system is essential if you’re offering travel services.
  • Gallery and Portfolio Options : Visual appeal is paramount for travel websites. Therefore, a theme with robust gallery and portfolio features is not only necessary but also a key element in attracting and engaging users.
  • Blogging Features : If you plan to blog about your travels, ensure the theme supports a variety of post formats and has a clean, easy-to-read layout.
  • Speed and Performance : Fast loading times are crucial, especially for image-heavy travel sites.
  • SEO-Friendly : The theme should be coded with SEO best practices to help your site rank well in search engines.

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Vitour is perfect for elegantly showcasing your trips, offering beautiful pages to highlight your excursions and destinations. It is ideal for travel agencies, tour operators, holiday booking websites, and booking firms seeking a distinctive and straightforward search tool.

This innovative and comprehensive WordPress theme is specifically designed for the tourism industry, making it an excellent choice for tour operators and travel agents specializing in day tours, tour packages, vacations, hiking, camping, and more.

  • One-Click Demo Importer
  • Advanced Search Functionality
  • Travel and Tour Booking System
  • Frontend Dashboard Page
  • Fully Tested with WordPress 6.x

theme of world travel market

Travelami is a contemporary WordPress theme tailored for travel agencies, operators, and travel blogs. Its creative graphics lend a sleek, modern, and clean look suitable for any business. Whether you’re in hotels, resorts, honeymoons, cruises, or other tourism-related services, this theme fits perfectly.

Built with responsiveness in mind, Travelami ensures your website appears stunning and operates seamlessly on any device, capturing bookings from customers on desktops, tablets, or smartphones alike.

  • Fully equipped with Typography and Shortcodes
  • Compatible with WordPress 6.x
  • Supports WooCommerce
  • Optimized for Gutenberg
  • Flexible template layout with a Layout Builder

theme of world travel market

Embark goes beyond being just a theme—it’s your comprehensive solution for a travel agency website. This feature-rich WordPress theme enables you to highlight your tours, handle bookings, and turn website visitors into satisfied travelers, all through an intuitive platform.

Seamlessly integrate a robust booking system into your site where clients can effortlessly search, compare, and book tours, streamlining the booking process and enhancing conversions.

  • Manage your schedule from any device, anywhere
  • Complete support for WooCommerce
  • Designed for various types of Tour Companies
  • Custom Tour Grid features
  • Includes Conversion Forms
  • Choose between Boxed or Wide layout options

theme of world travel market

Attention, travel enthusiasts! GoTravel is an outstanding WordPress theme designed for tourism and travel, allowing you to quickly establish your travel or city tourism venture. With just a few steps, you can launch a modern travel blog, create an impressive online presence for your travel agency, and more.

Users can effortlessly plan holidays, trips, or tours and book directly through your website. Showcase tour destinations stylishly and categorize them for easy holiday booking management.

  • Highly Customizable
  • Extensive Administration Interface
  • Responsive and Retina Ready
  • Booking Functionality
  • Integration with PayPal
  • Tour Custom Post Type

theme of world travel market

MagPlus is a versatile Blog, Magazine, and Newspaper WordPress theme that provides you with the tools to write and edit articles effortlessly. Crafted with various niches and professions in mind—whether personal, professional, blogging, or editorial—this theme offers great flexibility.

Utilize the one-click import feature to quickly bring in any demo site. Comprehensive guides and videos cover every aspect of this theme, and our dedicated support team is always available to assist you.

  • WordPress Live Customizer
  • Visual Composer Plugin
  • Template Block Builder
  • Advanced Typography Options
  • Custom Post Video Playlist

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Travel Tour is more than just a theme—it’s your gateway to establishing a successful online travel agency. This all-inclusive WordPress theme provides everything you need to showcase your tours, manage bookings, and convert website visitors into globetrotting clients.

Effortlessly manage your tours and travel packages with an intuitive interface, allowing you to add, edit, and update information to keep your offerings fresh and appealing.

  • Full RTL Support
  • Secondary Navigation Menu
  • Unlimited Sidebar Options
  • Custom Skin Color
  • SEO Optimized

theme of world travel market

Discover your own path to heroism with Litho! This high-performance, creatively integrated WordPress theme is optimized for seamless integration with Elementor.

Crafted for both high performance and superior SEO, Litho is a versatile and responsive Elementor WordPress theme designed for experts and novices alike. Easily customize your site with a variety of stunning demos and layouts.

  • Versatile mega menu
  • Enhanced pagination
  • Parallax and video backgrounds
  • Infinite color customization options
  • Personalized sidebars

theme of world travel market

Since its initial release, Jevelin has continually improved and is now one of the most popular multi-purpose WordPress themes available. Users consistently rate Jevelin positively.

With a growing library of high-quality, professional website designs that can be imported into your WordPress site with just a few clicks, Jevelin enables you to launch a wide variety of websites quickly and easily.

  • Powerful Admin Interface
  • User-Friendly Drag and Drop Page Builder
  • No Coding Knowledge Required
  • Change Main Accent Colors for Each Page
  • Auto-Adjustable Mega Menu

theme of world travel market

The Altair WordPress theme is your launchpad to a stellar online travel presence. Stand out from the competition with a design that inspires wanderlust and functionality that simplifies travel planning for your clients.

Streamline the booking process with an integrated optional booking system, allowing clients to search, compare, and book tours directly on your website, saving time and boosting conversions.

  • Instant AJAX Search
  • Off-Canvas Mobile Navigation
  • Advanced Search Option for Tours
  • Installable Google Web Fonts
  • Free Theme Updates and Support

theme of world travel market

Transform your travel agency’s website with a powerful combination: a feature-rich Responsive Travel Management System (TMS) and a stunning Multipurpose Travel Theme.

Effortlessly add, edit, and update your offerings through an intuitive interface. Enable travelers to search, compare, and book their dream vacations directly on your site.

  • Full Localization with WPML Support
  • Google Maps Integration for Hotels and Places
  • Visitor Ratings and Reviews System
  • Multiple Blog Types
  • Responsive Design

theme of world travel market

Tourigo – Tour Booking WordPress Theme is an excellent choice for presenting tours and destinations in a sleek and organized way. It is ideal for travel agencies, tour operators, trip holiday booking websites, and booking companies requiring a unique and user-friendly search function. This innovative and comprehensive theme is specifically crafted for the tourism industry.

  • Elementor Page Builder
  • Niche-Specific WordPress Theme
  • Compatibility with the Latest WordPress Version
  • Elementor Header & Footer Builder
  • Professional Support

theme of world travel market

Triprex is a WordPress theme designed for tour and travel agency needs. It incorporates the latest features to meet modern demands, offering various destinations, tour packages, and essential services like hotel search, visa processing, transportation rental, and tour activities. This theme smartly presents the comprehensive services of a travel agency.

  • Optimized for Speed
  • Global Tour Destinations
  • Transportation Rental Functionality
  • Booking Day-Long Activities
  • Integrated with WooCommerce
  • Simple Customization

theme of world travel market

KALLYAS is more than just a theme—it’s a revolution in website building. This top-selling favorite allows you to create stunning, professional websites without writing a single line of code. Say goodbye to complex coding! With KALLYAS’s intuitive interface, you can visually design your website, placing elements precisely where you want them.

  • Compatible with WordPress 4.6 and above
  • Built on Bootstrap 3 Framework
  • Ready for Translation
  • Includes DummyData
  • Unlimited Homepage Variations

theme of world travel market

Etalon is an easy-to-use WordPress theme, perfect for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and business professionals. It comes bundled with premium add-ons like WPBakery Page Builder and Revolution Slider. With numerous shortcodes, building your website will be a breeze.

  • Constructed with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Smooth CSS3 Animations
  • Well-Organized, Clean, and Valid Code
  • Professional Pre-Built Page Layouts
  • Includes Demo Files

theme of world travel market

Kalium is your all-in-one toolbox for creating a phenomenal business website. This powerful and versatile WordPress theme enables you to build stunning websites effortlessly. Impress potential clients with a visually captivating portfolio that showcases your skills and experience.

  • Includes Advanced Custom Fields PRO
  • Includes WooCommerce Product Filter Plugin
  • Supports Multisite
  • Extensive Theme Options
  • Custom Skin Generator

theme of world travel market

Valley is a comprehensive WordPress theme for managing tours and travel, brought to you by Team ThemeXpert. It includes custom post types for creating destinations, tour packages, and adventure trips categorized by region.

Travelers can conveniently search packages by region, time, and price directly on the website and book with ease. Valley features an intuitive booking system, allowing travelers to book any package, tour, or adventure with just one click.

theme of world travel market

Aucapina – the auto camping & ski rental theme is ideal for renting camping cars or villages. It boasts a clean, attractive, and user-friendly design that captivates travel enthusiasts. Our theme excels in promoting ski resort businesses and seamlessly handles customer bookings.

Owners of camping car rental businesses will appreciate the precise auto online booking tool and the capability to implement conditional pricing. Easily set flexible pricing using our intuitive interface for conditional pricing options.

theme of world travel market

Meet Brando theme, your ultimate solution for creating an engaging and feature-rich single-page website. This modern masterpiece combines professional design, seamless responsiveness, and an array of features to enhance your online presence.

Impress visitors with a website that embodies contemporary style. Brando’s sleek design, captivating visuals, and intuitive layout ensure a memorable experience.

theme of world travel market

Discover the Bellevue Hotel WordPress Theme, an ideal option for your upcoming website project that we’re confident you’ll enjoy. Tailored for hotels, it’s equally suited for vacation rentals and bed & breakfasts.

Bundled with one of the top Hotel Booking WordPress Plugins, Bellevue also includes multiple WordPress Booking Calendar add-ons as a bonus.

theme of world travel market

Introducing Tripo theme, your gateway to a captivating and modern travel website. Tailored for travel agencies, tour operators, and travel businesses, this contemporary masterpiece offers an ideal platform to showcase your services and ignite wanderlust in potential clients.

With a design that reflects the latest trends in the travel industry, Tripo features a clean and stylish aesthetic that ensures a memorable visitor experience.

theme of world travel market

H-Code is a robust, responsive multi-purpose WordPress Theme designed for businesses, creatives, and ecommerce websites. It empowers you to unleash your creativity in limitless ways to craft your ideal website.

With years of experience in website design and development, ThemeZaa is committed to delivering unique, high-quality designs. Our themes are developed using the latest modern coding techniques and structured frameworks, ensuring easy scalability for your development team.

theme of world travel market

CheerUp offers luxurious design options crafted to excel on various types of blogs and minimal magazines. Its modern design choices are not only aesthetically pleasing but also ideal for food blogs and recipes.

Whether you’re passionate about travel, fashion, entertainment, health, fitness, lifestyle, or any other genre of blogging or magazine, CheerUp caters to all.

theme of world travel market

Ekko presents an engaging and contemporary design, ideal for businesses aiming for a modern appeal. Creating a strong initial impression with your users is vital for your business website.

Ekko offers a comprehensive array of practical features, over 50 demos tailored to various industries or niches, and is robust enough to support small businesses and corporate entities alike.

theme of world travel market

Webify is a clean, highly adaptable, and fully responsive WordPress Theme (try resizing your browser), designed for business websites and individuals looking to showcase their portfolios elegantly. It offers numerous options to customize layouts, styles, colors, and fonts directly from the backend.

Create your own unique look or choose from 14 predefined templates. With font, background, and color choices, along with a dynamic template builder, you can quickly create the website you envision.

theme of world travel market

Goyto is more than just a theme—it’s your comprehensive toolkit for creating a robust and visually impressive travel agency website. This feature-rich WordPress theme enables you to streamline the booking process for your clients with an integrated booking system (depending on selected extensions).

Travelers can conveniently search, compare, and book tours directly on your website, enhancing conversions and saving time.

theme of world travel market

Gillion comes pre-packaged with over 15 high-quality, fully functional website demos ready for quick customization and deployment. It includes six versatile multi-use demos that extend well beyond typical WordPress capabilities, along with six specific-purpose sites ready for immediate launch. We’re confident you’ll find Gillion to be a perfect fit for your needs.

theme of world travel market

Trawell is a meticulously crafted professional WordPress theme for travel blogs, designed to effortlessly create stunning travel guides, blogs, or magazines. Packed with smart features essential for every travel blogger, it simplifies the journey of sharing travel adventures.

theme of world travel market

BRIDGE is a versatile, responsive, retina-ready WordPress theme suitable for a wide range of users. Whether you’re a creative professional, part of a corporate team, a lawyer, a medical doctor, or a freelancer seeking a modern portfolio or personal blog, Bridge is the ideal choice for you.

theme of world travel market

Crafted as the ultimate toolbox for web building, TheGem offers a plethora of design elements, styles, and features to help you create stunning, high-performance websites within minutes—no coding required. Spend your time exploring your creativity instead of dealing with code.

theme of world travel market

Travel Time is your comprehensive solution for building a dynamic travel website. This versatile WordPress theme covers every aspect of the travel industry, offering an ideal platform to share your wanderlust and inspire others with captivating content and beautiful layouts.

A suitable WordPress travel theme can make a significant difference in the success of your travel website. Whether you’re a blogger, photographer, or travel agency, there’s a theme out there that will meet your needs. Consider your specific requirements, test out a few themes, and don’t hesitate to invest in a premium option if it offers the features you need. With a suitable theme, your travel website will be up and running quickly, ready to inspire and engage visitors worldwide.

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Global Report Urges Disney World Guests to Reconsider Travel Plans Immediately: “Avoid at All Costs”

in Disney Parks , Universal Orlando , Walt Disney World

Crowds of people walk in front of a grand castle with blue accents and spires, framed by lush greenery under a cloudy sky. The lively, colorful scene evokes a Disney World atmosphere.

Things are about to become even more crowded at Walt Disney World Resort this weekend, but there might be a way to beat the crowds.

A large and ornate castle with spires, surrounded by lush greenery and a colorful garden with umbrellas, under dark, dramatic clouds in the sky. People are walking around the castle, enjoying the park.

While any guest visiting Disney World may think that any day of the week is a busy one at Disney, especially if they are standing on Main Street, U.S.A., waiting for Happily Ever After to begin at Cinderella Castle at Magic Kingdom, there are days that will be busier and more hectic than others.

This upcoming weekend is Labor Day weekend, and holiday weekends typically tend to be busier as there are extra days that many get off of work and school, making it an easier time to travel. The same goes for Universal Orlando Resort, which also has the added “busy” factor of this being the opening weekend of Halloween Horror Nights.

Plus, based on a recent study, in theory, the Orlando theme parks should be among the busiest in America this weekend.

Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom once again claimed the title of the most visited theme park in the world for 2023, according to a new report.

The 2023 Theme Index Report, published by AECOM, Themed Entertainment Association, and Storyland Studios, revealed that the park attracted 17.7 million visitors last year. Disneyland in California followed closely behind, with just under half a million fewer visitors.

A bustling theme park street lined with colorful buildings, leading to a large castle in the distance. Crowds of visitors in casual attire are walking, taking photos, and enjoying the sunny day. Trees and themed storefronts add charm to the lively scene.

EPCOT saw an attendance increase of 19.8% in 2023, reaching 11.98 million visitors.

Universal Orlando Resort’s parks had a less favorable year, with attendance at both Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios Florida decreasing by 9.3%. Other Florida parks in the top 20 included Disney’s Animal Kingdom with 8.77 million visitors, SeaWorld Orlando with 4.34 million, and Busch Gardens Tampa Bay with 4 million.

Overall, the eight Florida parks in the top 20 attracted 76.9 million visitors, while global attendance rose by 3%.

“According to AAA booking data, overall domestic travel over Labor Day weekend is up 9% compared to last year, while the cost to travel domestically is down 2%,” AAA’s Labor Day travel trends report says, with Orlando being the second most visited city in the States.

AAA advises against driving on Thursday and Friday evenings during the 2024 Labor Day weekend. If you’re returning home on Sunday, leaving early is recommended to avoid traffic congestion.

AAA’s report said:

“INRIX, a provider of transportation data and insights, says car travelers should avoid the afternoon and early evening hours of Thursday and Friday, as those times will be the most congested. Drivers should hit the road in the morning unless they’re leaving on Saturday when the best time to travel by car is in the afternoon. Travelers returning on Sunday and on Labor Day should leave as early as possible to avoid heavy traffic in the afternoon.” Credit: Inside the Magic

Best Times to Travel on Labor Day

The Tree of Life at Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park in front of a clear blue sky.

If you are visiting the Orlando theme parks this weekend, traveling during less busy times could save you waiting on the road, so that you can leave the waiting for attraction queues.

Best times for departing:

  • Thursday, August 29 – Before 11 a.m.
  • Friday, August 30 – Before noon, after 7 p.m.
  • Saturday, August 31 – After 12:00 p.m.

Worst times for departing:

  • Thursday, August 29 – 1 p.m. through 7:30 p.m.
  • Friday, August 30 – 2 p.m. through 6 p.m.
  • Saturday, August 31 – 8 a.m. through 11 a.m.

Best times for returning:

  • Sunday, September 1 – Before 12:00 p.m.
  • Monday, September 2 – Before 10 a.m.
  • Tuesday, September 3 – After 1 p.m.

Worst times for returning:

  • Sunday, September 1 – 2 p.m. through 8 p.m.
  • Monday, September 2 – 11 a.m. through 8 p.m.
  • Tuesday, September 3 – 8 a.m. through noon

If you are flying into Orlando International Airport, be aware of flight changes. Depending on weather, there can be more flight delays than usual, which could derail some of your vacation plans. If you are staying on property at either Walt Disney World or Universal Orlando Resort, both theme parks have complimentary transport to their parks, which will help avoid all traffic concerns.

Families Go Into Debt for Disney

Three performers in colorful costumes are dancing and holding tambourines in front of a castle-like backdrop. Each is dressed in vibrant 1920s-inspired attire, featuring headbands, fringes, and bright colors like purple, green, and pink. The setting appears festive.

Lately, families have been loving Disney so much that they are even going into debt to spend time in the most magical place on earth.

The allure of Disney vacations has led many parents to spend thousands of dollars, often going into debt , to create lasting memories for their children.

Johnny Esfeller, a resident of Alabama, shared his experience with the New York Times, explaining how his desire to relive his childhood Disney magic influenced his family’s decision to visit Disney World. Despite careful budgeting, Esfeller was surprised to find himself exceeding his planned budget by $2,500. The fear of missing out on the Disney experience overshadowed financial concerns, leading him to prioritize the trip’s enjoyment over immediate costs.

The Esfellers, a middle-class family, ultimately found themselves in debt after their Disney vacation. An analysis by NerdWallet revealed the significant expense of such trips, with the average family of four spending nearly $6,500 for a week-long stay. Some families even surpass $15,000.

The rising cost of living has prompted many Americans to reduce their spending on Disney, resulting in a decline in theme-park operating profit. However, Disney still generated substantial revenue from its resorts and amusement parks.

A LendingTree survey found that nearly half of families with children under 18 borrowed money to finance their Disney vacations. Many of these families expressed no regrets about their financial decisions.

Alyssa Leach, a frequent Disney visitor, was willing to go into debt to create memorable experiences for her young son. Despite earning a substantial income, Leach charged the entire cost of her family’s Christmastime trip to Disney World to her credit card.

A bustling street scene at a theme park featuring people walking down the main street with the iconic castle in the background. Balloons, decorated shopfronts, and flags add to the festive atmosphere. The sky is partly cloudy, capturing a lively and vibrant moment.

The trip, which included accommodation, tickets, and a rental car, cost approximately $6,000. Leach made only minimum monthly payments on her credit card for two months, accruing interest before paying off the balance. However, she did not regret her decision, prioritizing her son’s experience over financial concerns.

Esfeller and his wife also encountered unexpected costs, such as the introduction of a daily fee for the line-skipping system (Lightning Lane Multi Pass) and changes to the shuttle service (Magical Express). These additional expenses contributed to their overall spending.

Rachel Cruze, a financial advisor, acknowledged the nostalgic appeal of Disney vacations but cautioned against excessive spending. She emphasized the importance of saving for future expenses, including vacations.

Rebecca Mitchell, a single mother, shared her experience of going into debt to provide her child with Disney vacations. Despite financial challenges, she prioritized creating memories with her child.

Do you plan on visiting Disney or Universal this weekend?

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Registration opens for world travel market london 2022.

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In Press Releases , WTM London , WTM Portfolio .

Registration opens for World Travel Market London 2022

Registration is now open for the foremost global event of the international travel industry – World Travel Market London – taking place at London’s ExCeL on 7-9 November 2022 .

This year’s show is back to its fully live, pre-pandemic format, with hundreds of destinations exhibiting and brands from across the globe showcasing their new products to buyers.

Organisers are pulling out all the stops to make WTM London 2022 the most memorable so far, with a packed conference programme across four themed stages: the Future Stage, Sustainability Stage, Technology Stage and the Insights Stage.  Over 70 live sessions have already been confirmed, with more content being added every week.

Visitors will hear from top motivational speakers, celebrities and industry leaders from a variety of sectors during a tailored programme to help inspire, educate and guide – bringing key insights and takeaways that are hard to find anywhere else.

Once again, WTM London will serve as the meeting point for the prestigious WTM, UNWTO & WTTC Ministers Summit.  Responsible Tourism will also be on the agenda, while Travel Tech – the event for cutting-edge technology for travel and hospitality, will attract decision-makers from across the globe.

Networking is back in full force and WTM London is offering plenty of opportunities for meetings, whether that’s specific buyer networking sessions, drinks parties or other opportunities where delegates can enhance their presence, make maximum connections and increase their business network.

Juliette Losardo, Exhibition Director at World Travel Market London, said: “Buyers are telling us how excited they are about walking through the doors of ExCeL once again, where they can discover what’s new in the world of travel and what’s in store for the coming season.” “For over 40 years, WTM London has been THE place to meet new and existing business contacts and nurture relationships, and as the industry builds itself back after a challenging time, this platform is more important than ever.”

“This year, WTM London guarantees inspirational conference sessions, plenty of new features and networking opportunities galore, as we all look ahead towards the future of the travel industry.”

Register here now   


Photography from our previous shows is available via the following link:

World Travel Market  (WTM) Portfolio comprises leading travel events, online portals and virtual platforms across four continents. The events are:

  WTM London , the leading global event for the travel industry, is the must-attend three-day exhibition for the worldwide travel and tourism industry. The show facilitates business connections for the global (leisure) travel community. Senior travel industry professionals, government ministers and international media visit ExCeL London every November, generating travel industry contracts.

Next live event: Monday 7 to 9 November 2022 at ExCel London

Arabian Travel Market (ATM) , now on its 30th year, is the leading, international travel and tourism event in the Middle East for inbound and outbound tourism professionals. ATM 2022 attracted over 23,000 visitors and hosted over 30,000 participants including 1,500 exhibitors and attendees from 150 countries, across 10 halls at Dubai World Trade Centre. Arabian Travel Market is part of Arabian Travel Week. #ATMDubai

Next in-person event: Monday 1 to Thursday 4 May 2023, Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai

Arabian Travel Week is a festival of events taking place within and alongside Arabian Travel Market 2023. Providing a renewed focus for the Middle East’s travel and tourism sector, it includes ILTM Arabia, ARIVAL Dubai, Influencers’ events and activations, ITIC, GBTA Business Travel Forums, as well as ATM Travel Tech. It also features the ATM Buyer Forums, ATM Speed Networking Events as well as a series of country forums.

WTM Latin America takes place annually in the city of São Paulo and attracts around 20,000 tourism professionals during the three-day event. The event offers qualified content together with networking and business opportunities. In this its ninth edition – there have been eight face-to-face events along with a 100% virtual one, which was held in 2021 – WTM Latin America continued to focus on effective business generation, and achieved the advance booking of six thousand meetings that were held between buyers, travel agents and exhibitors in 2022.

Next event: Tuesday 4 to Thursday 6 April 2023 – Expo Center Norte, SP, Brazil

WTM Africa  launched in 2014 in Cape Town, South Africa.  In 2022, WTM Africa facilitated more than 7 thousand unique pre-scheduled appointments, an increase of more than 7% compared to 2019 and welcomed more than 6 thousand visitors (unaudited), the same number as in 2019.

Next event: Monday 3 to Wednesday 5 April 2023 – Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town

About ATW Connect :   Africa Travel Week’s digital arm, is a virtual hub packed to the seams with interesting content, industry news and insights, and the opportunity to hear from experts on a variety of topics in our new monthly webinar series. All with the aim to keep all of us in the travel and tourism industry connected. ATW Connect focuses on inbound and outbound markets for general leisure tourism, luxury travel, LGBTQ+ travel and the MICE/business travel sector as well as travel technology.

WTM Global Hub,   is the new WTM Portfolio online portal created to connect and support travel industry professionals around the world. The resource hub offers the latest guidance and knowledge to help exhibitors, buyers and others in the travel industry face the challenges of the global coronavirus pandemic. WTM Portfolio is tapping into its global network of experts to create content for the hub.

About RX (Reed Exhibitions)

RX is in the business of building businesses for individuals, communities and organisations. We elevate the power of face to face events by combining data and digital products to help customers learn about markets, source products and complete transactions at over 400 events in 22 countries across 43 industry sectors. RX is passionate about making a positive impact on society and is fully committed to creating an inclusive work environment for all our people. RX is part of RELX, a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers.


RELX is a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers. The Group serves customers in more than 180 countries and has offices in about 40 countries. It employs over 33,000 people, of whom almost half are in North America. The shares of RELX PLC, the parent company, are traded on the London, Amsterdam and New York Stock Exchanges using the following ticker symbols: London: REL; Amsterdam: REN; New York: RELX. The market capitalisation is approximately £33bn, €39bn, $47bn.*

*Note: Current market capitalisation can be found at

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India participates in World Travel Market 2022 (WTM) at London to step up recovery of Inbound tourism

Key Highlights

  • Secretary Tourism and High Commissioner of India to UK inaugurate the Indian Pavilion at WTM2022
  • Over 20 participants at Indian Pavilion of WTM
  • Theme of this year`s exhibition is ‘The Future of Travel Starts Now’
  • India to be promoted as a multi product and around the year destination with sustainability at WTM

Ministry of Tourism, Government of India is participating at World Travel Market (WTM) 2022 from 7th to 9th November in London which is one of the largest international travel exhibitions. The theme of this year`s exhibition is ‘The Future of Travel Starts Now’. India’s participation at WTM is significant to step up recovery of Inbound tourism to pre-pandemic level.

theme of world travel market

Ministry of Tourism has taken a space of 650 sq. mtr., over 20 participants around Indian Pavilion to participate in the Exhibition. The formal inauguration of Indian Pavilion was done by Mr. Arvind Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India and Mr Vikram Doraiswami, High Commissioner of India to UK in presence of Tourism Ministers of Kerala, Odisha, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Puducherry and Tamil Nadu. Inauguration of India Pavilion was done with Ribbon Cutting, Lamp Lighting, Ganesh Vandana and Welcome Remarks by Secretary, Ministry of Tourism and Welcome Remarks by High Commissioner of India to UK.

theme of world travel market

After the inauguration the Indian delegation and participants went around the Indian Pavilion and booths of various participating states and other stakeholders. During the day, Incredible India organized various Cultural Performances,Yoga Sessions, Heena and of course BollywoodDance Performance. Secretary, Ministry of Tourism attended the session on “Growing Consumer Demand for Responsible Tourism” held at Future Stage and “Preparing for the next crisis: Reaching for long term sustainability” held at Sustainability Stage, WTM venue.

Later Mr Arvind Singh Secretary and Mr Rakesh Kumar Verma Additional Secretary, Ministry of Tourism held discussions with officials of ABTA to promote tourism between two countries. Mr Rakesh Kumar Verma held meetings with travel trade and media and briefed them about the measures taken by Ministry of Tourism to promote tourism post pandemic.

theme of world travel market

The highlights of the India’s participation of WTM in the first day was India Evening at Copper Chimney, West Field Mall. The invitees to India Evening were members of Travel Trade from India and UK and India Diaspora. India Evening on 7th November, 2022 witnessed the participation of several Tourism Ministers and Secretaries of various State Governments participating in WTM 2022. The India Evening provided a platform for interaction and discussion to promote India as a multi product and around the year destination with the sustainability.

The Incredible India pavilion at @wtmlondon was inaugurated by HE Shri Vikram Doraiswami, Indian High Commissioner and Shri Arvind Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, GOI with much fanfare in the presence of several State Tourism Ministers and the travel fraternity. . — Ministry of Tourism (@tourismgoi) November 7, 2022

Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India  Shri Arvind Singh while delivering the welcome remarks at the India Evening emphasized the priorities and objective of Ministry of Tourism to showcase the diverse tourism products and services including Medical Value travel and wellness, luxury trains and the gamut of tourism products to the international business community.

With this India restarts its journey to be the most preferred destination in Asia. #WorldTravelMarketLondon #WTM2022 #WTMLDN #DekhoApnaDesh — Ministry of Tourism (@tourismgoi) November 7, 2022

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  • home » Russia » Tourism in Tatarstan … all you need to know to travel to Tatarstan

Tourism in Tatarstan … all you need to know to travel to Tatarstan

The Republic of Tatarstan lies between the continents of Europe and Asia and is subject to the jurisdiction of Russia, and half of its population density belongs to Russia, which greatly affects the culture and history of the country. Sunni Islam is the main religion of the Republic of Tatarstan. Kazan or Kazan is the capital of the country, but the Arabs usually call it Kazan, and it dates back more than a hundred and fifty years. Although Tatarstan is not on the first tourism lists, it greatly welcomes Arab tourists, making it a favorite destination for them.

Table of Contents

History of the Islamic State

Tourist places in tatarstan, here is all you need to know about tourism in tatarstan.

Religion is one of the most distinguishing features of tourism in Tatarstan for Arab travelers, where they can enjoy a wonderful trip without feeling any distress or fear of violating Islamic laws. The first colony in the history of the province of Tatarstan dates back to the Stone Age about a hundred thousand years ago. The ancient Bulgarians tribes; the ancestors of the modern Tatar began to colonize the Volga region, between the eighth and ninth centuries. The state of Volga Kama was Bulgaria; the first state to be established in the country, between the end of the ninth century and the beginning of the tenth century as it was; the first hostile state to be established in northeastern Europe. In the year 922, the state embraced the Islamic religion, and construction of mosques and schools began throughout the region to spread the culture and teachings of the Islamic religion. The state of Volga Kama annexed Bulgaria to the 13th-century Genghis Khan Empire, and became part of the powerful state of Zulutaya Urda. The state of Zulutaya Urda collapsed in the 1930s and 1440s, and a number of states were established including the Kazan state of Khanate, which then became The capital of Tatarstan. The foundation of Kazan Khanate ended in October 1552, but after two months it was besieged by the forces of Ivan, where a hundred and fifty thousand people invaded Kazan. After that Kazan became one of the most important industrial and cultural centers in Russia. The end of this century brought many possibilities, the development of Tatarstan where; the Republic of Tatarstan was declared at the end of August 1990 and on the sixth of November 1992 a new constitution was drawn up for the country.

In view of the rich history of the Republic of Tatarstan, the city is full of many wonderful tourist attractions that vary between Islamic culture, its conquest and the influence of Russian and Soviet culture on it.

Kazan Kremlin

Kazan Kremlin

Kul-Sharif Mosque

Kul-Sharif Mosque

Suyumbike Tower

Suyumbike Tower

Tatar State Museum and the Republic of Tatarstan State Museum of the Tatar State and the Republic of Tatarstan

Tatar State Museum and the Republic of Tatarstan State Museum of the Tatar State and the Republic of Tatarstan

Soviet Lifestyle Museum

Soviet Lifestyle Museum

The Temple of all Religions

The Temple of all Religions

Bauman Street

Bauman Street

Ekijat Tatar Puppet Theater

Ekijat Tatar Puppet Theater

Tatarstan National Library

Tatarstan National Library

Old Tatar Settlement

Old Tatar Settlement

Chak Chak Museum

Chak Chak Museum

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Why You Should Add Kazan, Tatarstan to Your Trip to Russia

June 1, 2018 by Bino Leave a Comment

Ironically enough, the city that excited me the most during my trip to Russia was neither St. Petersburg nor Moscow. Sure, I was really looking forward to seeing St. Basil’s Cathedral in Red Square with my own eyes and to wander around the exhibits in the Hermitage but there was something about the Tatars, a Turkic people that call parts of Russia home, that really piqued my interest.

Compared to the Orthodox Christian majority that define most of Russia, Tatarstan (a republic within the Russian Federation) has a Muslim majority. The result is a hodgepodge of cultures. You have Russian with a distinct Turkic blend and this is manifested in the bilingual signs and varied cuisine in Kazan, its capital.

As it is a bit out of the way relative to the typical Russian itinerary , most people don’t visit Tatarstan at all. But if you have a couple of extra days to spare, I wholeheartedly recommend taking the 1.5 hour or so flight to Kazan for a slice of Russia that you definitely don’t see in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Without further ado, here are the top things you can do in Kazan.

Table of Contents

Kazan Kremlin

kazan kremlin

kazan kremlin

One of the more interesting kremlins that you’ll find in Russia is the one in Kazan. The diversity of religions is nowhere more apparent here where you can find an Orthodox church sitting within the same complex as a mosque. Don’t miss a visit to the striking Kul-Sharif Mosque which I would personally count as one of the most beautiful mosques I’ve ever seen both inside and out. If you come to the Kremlin in the day, you can also walk through the walls for a fee and obtain a higher view of the complex through the observation towers.

kazan kremlin

On the opposite side of the Kremlin, you will also find the Annunciation Cathedral and the leaning Suyumbike Tower which together form a fine ensemble of richly decorated buildings. If you walk out towards the bridge (Ulitsa Dekabristov), you can appreciate the fine views of the Kremlin. Better yet, hop on the ferris wheel from the Kyrlay Theme Park on the northern side of town to snap photos of the Kremlin from a high point.

Agricultural Palace

theme of world travel market

agricultural palace kazan

Don’t be misled by the name, the Agricultural Palace is a government building so it’s not really open to the public. It is listed here due to its highly instagrammable nature. You’ll find the curved angles of the building highly picturesque. A popular spot to take photos is from the small hill beside the palace itself.

National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan

national museum of the republic of tatarstan

national museum of the republic of tatarstan

Situated just outside the Kazan Kremlin, the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan is housed in a grand 18th century European style building. Inside, you’ll find Tatar arts and craft including fine jewellry and weapons used by the Tatar people.

St. Peter and Paul Cathedral

st. peter and paul cathedral kazan

st. peter and paul cathedral kazan

Despite the many churches you’ll find scattered throughout Russia, a visit to the beautiful St. Peter and Paul Cathedral is highly recommended for its Naryshkin-style Baroque decor. Look closely at the windows of this 17th century church and you’ll find these decorated in unique floral patterns.

Bauman Street

theme of world travel market

bell tower in bauman street

Bauman Street is Kazan’s main shopping street and is busy in the day and floodlit at night. There is a good mix of shops and restaurants here. Despite being the tourist center of the city, the pedestrian-only street is refreshingly devoid of the tour groups that you encounter in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Towards the end, you will encounter the Epiphany Cathedral’s Bell Tower , a 74 meter high structure that you can climb for views.

Old Tatar Village

theme of world travel market

architecture in the old tatar village

One of the more charming areas in the city marks the spot where ethnic Tatars were forced to stay following the siege of Kazan in 1552. There are not a lot of old buildings left here but the ones that remain date from the 17th or 18th centuries and highly instagrammable with distinctive colorful patterns. The most prominent structures in the area are the Mardzhani Mosque  and the Apanaev Mosque one block away. If you walk towards the side of the lake, you’ll encounter this kitschy restaurant serving Tatar cuisine – Tatarskaya Usadba . My favorites are the nourishing soups and stews that go well especially during cold days. If you are feeling adventurous, you can also try the horse meat which is cooked in a variety of ways.

Getting Here: Ulitsa Kayuma Nasyri is where the bulk of the older buildings are situated.

Temple of All Religions

theme of world travel market

temple of all religions

I visited the Temple of All Religions a month after it was razed by fire. Although the exterior is mostly intact, the inside was heavily damaged. There is no admission to enter although a gatekeeper asks for donations. The highlight of the place is its numerous and colorful towers, each dedicated to a different religion. Do note that the temple is a bit out of the way. I took an UBER here and I had some difficulty getting a ride back to town. Alternatively, you can take Bus #2 from the city center.

Where to Eat in Kazan

theme of world travel market

salmon tartare

Priyut Kholostyaka – Come here for variety. This restaurant has a wide range of Russian as well as European dishes and you can order from the iPads – they have an English menu as well.

Restaurant Hemingway – upscale restaurant located in the Bauman Street area. Excellent service and authentic Mediterranean cuisine.

Tatarskaya Usadba -It may look kitschy from the outside but the food is quite delicious. Come here for the warm Tatar atmosphere.

Where to Stay in Kazan

Frequently cited as the best hotel in Kazan, the Ramada Kazan City Center is located near some trendy restaurants and just two blocks away from TSUM Department Store. Rooms are spacious and the breakfast has relatively good variety for its price.

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Hi, my name is Bino and I started I Wander around 15 years ago with the aim of sharing about some of my personal journeys and experiences, hoping that the information may benefit readers like yourselves. Let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment below. Alternatively, you can also email me at b i n o (at) You can follow I Wander on Facebook , Telegram , or Instagram . Also, if you liked this article, please feel free to SHARE or RETWEET

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theme of world travel market

12 Things to Do in Kazan, the Magical Capital of Tatarstan

After  Moscow  and  Saint Petersburg ,  Kazan  is arguably  Russia ’s nicest big city and its most multicultural one. The capital of historical Tatarstan is home to the country’s only Kremlin with a mosque inside. Included in Unesco’s World Heritage Sites list, it is quite unique. However, there are plenty of other things to see and do in Kazan. The place to be is Bauman Street, the pedestrian street lined with neoclassical buildings and churches, cool cafés, and lots of street performers. Another pedestrian street is Kayuma Nasyri, with loads of colorful wooden houses and old mosques.

  • 1.1 Explore the Kazan Kremlin
  • 1.2 People Watch on Bauman Street
  • 1.3 Soak Up History on Kayuma Nasyri Street
  • 1.4 Visit Kazan’s Most Important Church
  • 1.5 Bike Along Rivers and Lakes
  • 1.6 Admire Soviet Brutalist Architecture
  • 1.7 Discover Kazan’s New Kitchy Architecture
  • 1.8 Visit the Temple of all Religions
  • 1.9 Learn About Tatarstan and Russia at a Museum
  • 1.10 Try Tatar Cuisine
  • 1.11 Join a Local Festival
  • 1.12 Explore the Rest of Tatarstan
  • 2.1 Things to Do in Kazan – Photos
  • 2.2 Related posts

Things to Do in Kazan

Explore the kazan kremlin.

One of the most important things to do in Kazan is visiting its grand  Kremlin . Ivan the Terrible built the medieval citadel to replace the ruins of the former residence of Kazan Khans. This monumental fortress is close to the confluence of the Kazanka and Volga Rivers. Hence, the views are outstanding and sunsets unforgettable. The Kremlin is home to the Governor’s Palace, several museums, towers, churches, and a mosque. The lavish  Kul Sharif Mosque  is from a recent date. It stands on the place of an old mosque destroyed by Ivan the Terrible. The Kremlin’s oldest structure is the  Annunciation Cathedral  from the 16th century. However, its most famous landmark is the  Söyembikä Tower , whose origin is unclear. It owes its name to the Kazan queen Söyembikä, who threw herself to her death from the tower.

People Watch on Bauman Street

Kazan’s main drag  Bauman  is a 1,3-kilometer long pedestrian street in the city center. It bears the name of Nikolay Bauman, a local revolutionary hero. This lively street is where everything happens. Restaurants, bars, shops, churches, and museums line the street. The street begins at the Kremlin and goes all the way to Pushkin Street. Nevertheless, the pedestrian area doesn’t end there. It continues, albeit with a different name: Peterburgskaya Street. At the beginning of the street, close to the Kremlin, you’ll find the late 17th-century  Cathedral of Saint Nicholas . Closer to the end, you will see the  Epiphany Church  with its red bell tower. Take your time, and be sure to notice the little stars on the floor dedicated to Tatar celebrities!

Soak Up History on Kayuma Nasyri Street

Another pedestrian street well worth spending time at is the historical  Kayuma Nasyri . Unlike Bauman Street, there aren’t many shops or commerce of any type. Instead, you’ll find several mosques and some of the most colorful wooden houses in Russia. Kayuma Nasyri is the best-preserved aristocratic street in the Old Tatar Settlement, one of Kazan’s oldest neighborhoods. Noble Tatar families, rich merchants, and representatives of the higher clergy owned the 19th-century houses that line the street. The highlight of the street is the beautiful  Märcani Mosque . It marked the beginning of a multi-faith religious tolerant society in Russia, proclaimed by Empress Catherine II at the end of the 18th century. It is the oldest mosque in Kazan and all of Tatarstan, but also one of the biggest.

Visit Kazan’s Most Important Church

The  Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral  is Kazan’s most distinguished church and one of its spiritual symbols. Upon arrival, you will immediately notice its unique colorful decoration. The church belongs to the so-called Russian baroque, a style that dominated the late 17th and early 18th centuries in Russia. Though it’s unclear who built the church, its resemblance to the early 18th century churches from Ukraine is quite evident. The church impressed many Russian emperors, including no other than Catherine II. Not only that, but three famous Alexanders also visited and wrote about it: Pushkin, Von Humboldt, and Dumas.

Bike Along Rivers and Lakes

Biking is, without a doubt, one of the most fun and relaxing things to do in Kazan! The mighty  Volga and the Kazanka Rivers  surround the city. Additionally, several canals and the Kaban Lakes cross it in the middle. We biked along the rivers on a newly built promenade enjoying the views, and through a bizarre new luxurious neighborhood. Then we went to the National Cultural Center Kazan and turned on Pushik Street to see the  Opera House.  From there, we biked all the way to the  Kaban Lakes . We went back to the bike rental shop along the  Bulak Canal . The shop is right under the Kremlin, between the Kazanka River and Baturina Street. Don’t forget to bring your passport or any other valid ID.

Admire Soviet Brutalist Architecture

Just like all other big Russian cities, a variety of brutalist buildings from the Soviet Period dots Kazan. A bunch of large soviet residential blocks lies on the eastern outskirts of the city. Another massive soviet neighborhood is north of the center, across the Kazanka River. You can see that one from the top of the Kremlin. Among the many interesting buildings, our favorite was the abovementioned  National Cultural Center Kazan . Built in 1991, it is one of the most active museums in Kazan. You’ll recognize the building for its simple red tuff façade and the tall obelisk named Freedom.

Discover Kazan’s New Kitchy Architecture

One of the things that caught our eyes when we were in Kazan’s Kremlin is the plethora of new interesting buildings. Once we got closer, we realized how unusual they are, with weird decorative elements and materials. The one building that we noticed immediately is the so-called  Agricultural Palace , which is the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazan. You’ll easily recognize this lavishly decorated building by its 20-meter high bronze tree. Critics say it combines everything from the baroque to the renaissance, but tourists love it! Another building that we loved for its bold kitschy appearance is the  Tatar State Puppet Theater . Its castle-like structure seems to come from a Russian fairy tale.

Visit the Temple of all Religions

One of the most interesting things to do in Kazan is to go on an excursion to the  Temple of all Religions . This colorful temple is on the outskirts of the city. Consequently, you will have to take a public bus, hire a private taxi, or book an organized excursion. We are not talking about a religious building, but rather a cultural center. Its architecture incorporates an orthodox church, a mosque, and a synagogue. Though it is still under construction, it will eventually have 16 domes, representing the 16 major religions in the world. According to its authors, the Khanov Brothers, it’s a temple of culture and truth.

Learn About Tatarstan and Russia at a Museum

Kazan has several interesting museums. If you didn’t have time to visit the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg, you are lucky. The Kazan’s Hermitage exhibits some of its pieces.   Apart from temporary exhibitions, the Hermitage displays European, Asian, and National art from different periods. The  National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan , Kazan’s premier museum, is across the Kremlin’s main entrance. Here you’ll find large archeological and ethnographic collections. If you have Soviet nostalgia, visit the  Soviet Lifestyle Museum  inside a communal flat. If you are looking for something even more unusual, visit the  Museum of Chak Chak  dedicated to the traditional Tatar dough pastry.

Try Tatar Cuisine

Contrary to our expectations, we enjoyed food all around Russia. It is usually very well prepared, and there are plenty of dishes to choose from. Tatarstan is a great place to savor food since it combines local cuisine with Russian and Asian influences. The Echpochmak, a triangular pie, the Chak-chak, a sweet soft dough, and the Koymak, a kind of pancake, are its highlights. We had lunch on a beautiful terrace in  Tatarskaya Usadba . They offer delicious food, but you have to be patient with your order. If you want to try typical Tatar food, go to  Dom Tatarskoi Kulinarii . If your thing is quick, delicious, and cheap local food, go to  Dobraya Stolovaya  or  Tubatay . Finally, if you want to try something even more exotic, the  Rubai  offers delicious Uzbek food.  

Join a Local Festival

Kazan hosts numerous events and festivals all year round. Our last day was a holiday. Locals were singing and dancing to their national songs. Later we realized that we had attended the celebrations of Tatarstan national day. The city’s greatest local festival is  Sabantuy . It takes place after the crop planting and includes horse races, wrestling matches, and all kinds of singing events. If you happen to visit Kazan in February, you’ll be delighted by its  Opera Festival . If you visit in July or August, don’t forget to attend the  Kazan Jazz Festival . The concerts are held inside the Kremlin’s Pushechnyy Dvor every Thursday evening.

Explore the Rest of Tatarstan

Tatarstan’s cultural heritage is so rich that it has three Unesco World Heritage Sites. Obviously, Kazan is one of them. The other two are Bolgar and Sviyazhsk.  Bolgar  was the medieval capital of Volga Bulgaria, a state that existed between the 7th and 13th centuries. The Bolgar Historical and Archaeological Complex has several mosques, mausoleums, and palaces from that period. Sviyazshk , on the other hand, is a fortress from the 16th century that the Russian army used as a base during the siege of Kazan. Its most important landmark is the Assumption Cathedral.

Where to Stay in Kazan

Kazan is one of Russia’s top tourist destinations. Thus, you have several hotels to choose from. We wanted to stay on the main street, so we chose the  Shalyapin Palace Hotel . It proved a wonderful idea since the hotel is elegant, rooms are comfortable, and views over Bauman Street splendid. Another gorgeous hotel on the same street is the historic  Nogai Hotel . The large constructivist building from 1937 used to host publishers and writers. If you are still not satisfied, book a room in Kazan’s best hotel:  Kazan Palace by Tasigo . This delicately designed hotel is an art nouveau palace from the beginning of the 20th century.

Things to Do in Kazan – Photos

Kazan Sharif Mosque

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