Memory Alpha

Ten Forward

Ten Forward (overview)

Ten Forward was a lounge and recreation facility located on Deck 10, forward section 1 of a Galaxy -class starship . ( TNG : " The Child ", " Power Play ", " Deja Q ")

  • 1 Functions
  • 2.1 Personnel
  • 3 Alternate timelines and realities
  • 4.1 Background information
  • 4.2 Appearances
  • 4.3 Apocrypha
  • 4.4 External link

Functions [ ]

Ten Forward (lounge)

Lounge and dining area

Ten Forward (bar)

Crewmembers playing a game of chess

Ten Forward was situated at the extreme forward end of the saucer section and was designed with several large windows, which offered a spectacular view of space ahead of the vessel. The room was accessed by two doors, on the port and starboard sides at the rear of the room. The location served as the social center of the ship and was equipped with a number of recreational activities such as three-dimensional chess , Terrace , and Strategema , tables and seating, and a bar which served several alcoholic and syntheholic beverages. Two replicator terminals behind the bar were able to produce other food and drinks. ( TNG : " The Child ", " Peak Performance ", " The Defector ", " Ménage à Troi ", " Conundrum ", " Relics "; ENT : " These Are the Voyages... ") Ten Forward also had a dedicated wait staff who served patrons both at the bar and at the tables. They were generally civilian members of the crew and wore uniforms with a green color palette. ( TNG : " A Matter Of Honor ", " The Vengeance Factor ", " Deja Q ", " Lower Decks ")

Ten Forward could also be used for many official shipboard functions, such as weddings , ( TNG : " Data's Day ", " Cost Of Living ") diplomatic gatherings, ( TNG : " The Price ", " Ménage à Troi ", " Liaisons ", " Dark Page ", " Journey's End ") the change of command ceremony, ( TNG : " Chain Of Command, Part I ") birthday and other parties for individual ship personnel, ( TNG : " Future Imperfect ", " The Measure Of A Man ", " Preemptive Strike ") concerts, ( TNG : " Sarek ", " In Theory ", " Lessons ", " Second Chances ", " Inheritance ") poetry readings, ( TNG : " Schisms ") and funerals . ( TNG : " The Next Phase ")

Children were not usually allowed in Ten Forward unless accompanied by an adult. ( TNG : " Imaginary Friend ")

Geordi La Forge was seen talking to a boy in Ten Forward in TNG : " Sarek ".

In case of low-power or other emergency situations, Ten Forward was a designated emergency environmental support shelter. ( TNG : " Night Terrors ", " Disaster ")

USS Enterprise -D [ ]

On the USS Enterprise -D , the Ten Forward lounge was hosted by the El-Aurian Guinan , who came aboard the ship in 2365 . ( TNG : " The Child ") She was afforded a small office adjacent to Ten Forward as part of her duties, which contained a desk and a small viewscreen. ( TNG : " Q Who ") Guinan kept a variety of non-syntheholic drinks in Ten Forward, including a bottle of Aldebaran whiskey given to her by Captain Jean-Luc Picard . ( TNG : " Relics ") There was a large fiber-optic mural displayed on the wall behind the bar aboard the Enterprise ; the artwork represented the Milky Way Galaxy seen from an oblique angle.

Guinan, 2366

Guinan watches over Lal's social skills in 2366

Ten Forward hosted a reception shortly following Captain Picard's arrival in 2364 . Counselor Deanna Troi introduced the captain to the senior officers at that time. ( TNG : " All Good Things... ")

When Wesley Crusher inadvertently released a breed of sentient nanites aboard the Enterprise in 2366 , Ten Forward was one of the locations where he set up traps in an attempt to contain the machines. ( TNG : " Evolution ")

Lieutenant Commander Data believed that spending time observing Human social interaction in Ten Forward would be beneficial for his android "offspring", Lal . She worked there for a brief period, under the supervision of Guinan. ( TNG : " The Offspring ")

When Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan visited the Enterprise in 2366 , side effects from Bendii Syndrome began to project negative emotions on the Enterprise crew. Ten Forward became the site of a brawl, injuring several crew members. ( TNG : " Sarek ") There was more violence in Ten Forward in late 2367 , after REM sleep -deprived crew members began to draft conspiracy theories about the Enterprise 's inability to escape the Tyken's Rift . Guinan was able to defuse the situation, thanks to a weapon she had acquired on Magus III . ( TNG : " Night Terrors ")

Guinan firing her Magus III energy weapon

Guinan firing a weapon from Magus III in Ten Forward

In 2367 , Chief Miles O'Brien wed Keiko Ishikawa in Ten Forward. ( TNG : " Data's Day ") Ten Forward also became the birthplace of their first child one year later, in 2368 . The Enterprise had been struck by a quantum filament , disabling most ship's systems and cutting Ten Forward off from sickbay . Keiko was in Ten Forward at the time, and assisted Lieutenant Worf in treating injured survivors. She subsequently entered labor, and Worf acted as midwife during the delivery. ( TNG : " Disaster ")

While investigating the disappearance of the USS Essex at Mab-Bu VI in 2368 , Counselor Troi, Commander Data, and Chief O'Brien were inhabited by the noncoporeal Ux-Mal criminals. They attacked the bridge crew and then stormed Ten Forward, taking several hostages and injuring several crew members. Attempts by Enterprise crew to force the entities from the officers failed, and the hostages were finally freed when Captain Picard deceived the criminals into believing he would transport the rest of the spirits aboard. ( TNG : " Power Play ")

Ten Forward was chosen by Ambassador Lwaxana Troi for her wedding to Minister Campio in 2368 . Although Captain Picard was initially irritated that the ambassador believed she could use the Enterprise at her disposal, his demeanor changed when he learned he would be acting as father of the bride. The wedding was later canceled when Troi offended the minister's strict protocol requirements by arriving at the wedding in the nude, in traditional Betazoid fashion. ( TNG : " Cost Of Living ")

Guinan's office

Guinan's office

Viewscreen in Guinan's office

The viewscreen in Guinan's office

After it was believed Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge and Ensign Ro Laren had been killed in a transporter accident during a rescue mission to a damaged Romulan science ship in 2368, Commander Data planned a memorial service for the two officers which was held in Ten Forward. The service was non-traditional and was upbeat instead of mournful and solemn, which was met with approval by the Enterprise crew. This proved to be fortuitous – Ro and La Forge were very much alive, having actually been "phased" due to chroniton exposure from an experimental interphase generator aboard the Romulan ship. They were able to create a sufficiently large chroniton field in Ten Forward, requiring a heavy anyon sweep to eliminate them. The anyon field temporarily rephased Ro and La Forge just enough so Picard and Data could see them, leading Data – realizing that the numerous unexplained chroniton fields popping up throughout the ship had been caused by their presence – to initiate a high-powered anyon sweep, which completely returned the pair to normal phase. ( TNG : " The Next Phase ")

Captain Picard transferred command of the Enterprise to Captain Edward Jellico during a ceremony in Ten Forward in 2369 . ( TNG : " Chain Of Command, Part I ")

Ten Forward was the last area of the ship to be decontaminated during the baryon sweep in 2369 . Picard and the terrorists attempting to steal trilithium resin from the Enterprise went to Ten Forward to await pickup by a small vessel. Picard narrowly escaped death, as the baryon sweep was discontinued mere meters from the edge of the windows. ( TNG : " Starship Mine ")

Thomas Riker 's description of Ten Forward in a romantic clue to Deanna Troi was " What the future holds, no one can know, but forward we look, and forward we go. " ( TNG : " Second Chances ")

In 2370 , the matter in Ten Forward was partially transformed into a D'Arsay temple due to the effects of the D'Arsay archive . ( TNG : " Masks ")

In 2371 , Dr. Tolian Soran met with Captain Picard in Ten Forward, and Guinan saw him. ( Star Trek Generations )

Ten Forward, Picard's dream

Data and Picard play poker in Ten Forward on the Enterprise -D

In 2399 , the retired Admiral Picard sleeping in Château Picard in France had a dream about playing poker with Data in Ten Forward on the Enterprise -D. ( PIC : " Remembrance ")

Personnel [ ]

  • See : Ten Forward personnel

Alternate timelines and realities [ ]

In an alternate version of 2366 , created when the USS Enterprise -C disappeared from the year 2344 , Ten Forward was suitably altered to befit the military nature of the new timeline. Luxuries were limited, the civilian wait staff was gone, and crew members were often forced to consume TKL rations , since replicator power was generally diverted to the defensive systems. ( TNG : " Yesterday's Enterprise ")

Ten Forward was still aboard the refit USS Enterprise -D of the anti-time future experienced by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. It had been slightly altered, with a new piece of artwork replacing the Milky Way mural. ( TNG : " All Good Things... ")

Ten Forward was a focal point in dreams experienced by Data in early 2370 , influenced by interphasic organisms . ( TNG : " Phantasms ")

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].

Ten Forward design

Ten Forward floor-plan sketch

Ten Forward Okuda design

An early sketch from Michael Okuda

Ten Forward was introduced in TNG : " The Child ", the first episode of the second season of Star Trek: The Next Generation . However, TNG : " All Good Things... " established that it was an unseen part of the ship until then.

In the TNG Season 2 DVD special feature "Mission Overview: Year Two", Ten Forward was discussed by Rick Berman , Jonathan Frakes , Marina Sirtis , Maurice Hurley , and Peter Lauritson . According to Berman, the production had some space over, following a move of the sets, and they discussed what they could build. They decided to show a place where the crew members could be off duty. On every other set, the crew members were always shown on duty.

The set for Ten Forward was created in the interim between the show's first and second seasons . It was designed by Production Designer Herman Zimmerman , and was the last standing set he supervised for TNG. Zimmerman also considered the Ten Forward set as being the final significant Galaxy -class set that was designed for the series. ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 2, Issue 12 , p. 25) However, the designer of the Enterprise , Andrew Probert , did not intend for that part of the ship to represent lounge space. Rather, he preferred clusters of windows located further up on the saucer section. [1] Therefore, the lounge windows were not represented on the first two Galaxy -class studio models , and the discrepancy was only corrected during the run of the third season when the new four-foot model was introduced.

Illustrator Rick Sternbach designed the Milky Way mural in Ten Forward. " I had a lot of fun suggesting various bits of art for Ten Forward, " recalled Sternbach. " After showing them a number of abstractions, it came down to an impressionist view of the Milky Way Galaxy . The whole thing was rimmed in light, and the different layers received very heavy-duty fiber optics, which were lit and cycled. It turned out to be a nice piece that complemented the room. " ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 3, Issue 2 , p. 98)

Empty Ten Forward set

The completed set

Ten Forward was built as a set on Paramount Stage 8 . [2] (X) The doors of Ten Forward had originally been shown as part of Starfleet Command in TNG : " Conspiracy ".

Set Decorator John Dwyer enjoyed the task of working on the Ten Forward set, later remarking, " The only thing we didn't do was put all those cooking appliances and stuff in. We didn't have any of that, we had a bar . If you look at it later on, they had a little barbecue set up in there! " ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 2, Issue 12 , p. 25)

Comparing the challenge of filming on the set for Quark's Bar with the task of filming on the Ten Forward set, David Livingston commented that shooting on the latter was less complicated and difficult. ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 23, No. 6, p. 25) He also explained about Ten Forward, " It's like shooting on an aircraft carrier, it's a big empty room. " Filming on the Ten Forward set while keeping the action quotient constantly high occasionally proved difficult, such as during production on " Power Play ", which made extensive use of the set and was directed by Livingston. ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 239)

The Ten Forward set was redressed to serve as a concert hall in TNG : " Sarek " and a theater in " The Nth Degree " and " Frame of Mind ". It was also heavily redressed to represent the office of the President of the United Federation of Planets in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country . After filming on Star Trek Generations was completed, the set was refurbished to become the mess hall of the USS Voyager on Star Trek: Voyager . In that case, its windows were flipped upside down and used in the captain's ready room and briefing room .

Star Trek: The Magazine claimed that the banquet area seen aboard the USS Enterprise -E during the beginning of Star Trek: Insurrection is that ship's Ten Forward (October 2001, volume 2, issue #6). Although the room was on Deck 10, there was no dialogue or signage which explicitly identified it as Ten Forward. Also, there is no evidence to suggest that Ten Forward was a feature of every Galaxy -class starship. It may have been unique to the Enterprise -D, although all Galaxy -class ships seen possess the distinctive window arrangement of Ten Forward at the bows of their saucer sections.

One of the door pairs for Ten Forward was sold off in the It's A Wrap! sale and auction . [3] In the auction, it was stated that the doors are made up of wood, painted brown, while the viewports are smoked acrylic. The doors are operated by two runners on the top of the structure. Several glasses were also sold off on the It's A Wrap! auction. [4] [5] Window pieces from the Ten Forward set were available to the organizers of the auction, as these set pieces were released for sale by Paramount, but were not ultimately included. Project Manager Colin Warde explained, " These giant items were never part of our inventory due to their overwhelming size. Unfortunately, our collection process in the first couple of weeks had to be about acquiring the items that had best opportunity to not only sell but be shipped. How many people would actually be able to show an item like this let alone afford the freight? " ( Star Trek Magazine  issue 139 , p. 48)

A corner portion of the Ten Forward set was rebuilt for a brief scene during the first act of ENT : " These Are the Voyages... ", integrated via computer with a clip of the rest of the set from the TNG episode " Ménage à Troi ". A larger section of the set was rebuilt fifteen years later for the first scene of PIC : " Remembrance ".

Appearances [ ]

Ten Forward appears in a little over half (55 percent) of the 178 episodes of The Next Generation and in one film.

  • " The Child " (Season 2)
  • " Elementary, Dear Data "
  • " The Outrageous Okona "
  • " The Schizoid Man "
  • " A Matter Of Honor "
  • " The Measure Of A Man "
  • " The Dauphin "
  • " The Icarus Factor "
  • " Pen Pals "
  • " Peak Performance "
  • " Shades of Gray "
  • " Evolution " (Season 3)
  • " The Ensigns of Command "
  • " The Bonding "
  • " Booby Trap "
  • " The Price "
  • " The Vengeance Factor "
  • " The Defector "
  • " Yesterday's Enterprise "
  • " The Offspring "
  • " Sins of The Father "
  • " Allegiance "
  • " Hollow Pursuits "
  • " Ménage à Troi "
  • " Transfigurations "
  • " The Best of Both Worlds "
  • " Suddenly Human " (Season 4)
  • " Future Imperfect "
  • " The Loss "
  • " Data's Day "
  • " The Wounded "
  • " First Contact "
  • " Galaxy's Child "
  • " Night Terrors "
  • " Identity Crisis "
  • " The Nth Degree "
  • " Half a Life "
  • " The Host "
  • " The Mind's Eye "
  • " In Theory "
  • " Redemption " (mention only)
  • " Ensign Ro " (Season 5)
  • " Disaster "
  • " The Game "
  • " A Matter Of Time "
  • " New Ground "
  • " Hero Worship "
  • " Violations "
  • " Conundrum "
  • " Power Play "
  • " The Outcast "
  • " Cost Of Living "
  • " The Perfect Mate "
  • " Imaginary Friend "
  • " The Next Phase "
  • " Time's Arrow "
  • " Time's Arrow, Part II " (Season 6)
  • " Realm Of Fear "
  • " Man Of The People "
  • " Schisms "
  • " The Quality of Life "
  • " Chain Of Command, Part I "
  • " Ship In A Bottle "
  • " Tapestry "
  • " Birthright, Part I "
  • " Starship Mine "
  • " Lessons "
  • " The Chase "
  • " Frame of Mind "
  • " Suspicions "
  • " Second Chances "
  • " Liaisons " (Season 7)
  • " Phantasms "
  • " Dark Page "
  • " Force of Nature "
  • " Inheritance "
  • " Parallels "
  • " The Pegasus "
  • " Homeward "
  • " Sub Rosa "
  • " Lower Decks "
  • " Eye of the Beholder "
  • " Genesis "
  • " Journey's End "
  • " Firstborn "
  • " Bloodlines "
  • " Emergence "
  • " Preemptive Strike "
  • " All Good Things... "
  • Star Trek Generations
  • " These Are the Voyages... "
  • " Remembrance " (dream)

Apocrypha [ ]

Outside of canon information, some novels and comics have referred to this area on Galaxy -class starships other than the Enterprise -D. The USS Excalibur (NCC-26517-A) has a Deck 10 bar area, but it is referred to as the "Team Room" by the crew in the Star Trek: New Frontier stories of Peter David . The USS Challenger 's Ten Forward has been nicknamed as " Shuttlebay Four" according to The Return , a novel by William Shatner (with Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens ).

External link [ ]

  • Ten Forward at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 3 Christopher Russell

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Inside the Star Trek: Picard 10 Forward Pop Up

Guinan's bar makes an appearance in Los Angeles

While we can't promise that Guinan will be there to dispense words of wisdom, fans who live in Los Angeles can visit Paramount+'s 10 Forward pop up for the next ten days. Check out all the photos from last night's opening, featuring the cast of Star Trek: Picard .

Star Trek: Picard

In addition to streaming on Paramount+ , Star Trek: Picard also streams on Prime Video outside of the U.S. and Canada, and in Canada can be seen on Bell Media's CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave. Star Trek: Picard is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

Illustrated graphic of the San Diego Convention Center with the Enterprise flying over with the banner 'Scenes from SDCC 2024'

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10 Forward: The Experience

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10 Forward: The Experience

Michael Juliano

Time Out says

Paramount+ is beaming a  Star Trek -themed bar into the Arts District ahead of the second season of Star Trek: Picard .

From March 10 through 20, you can grab a drink at 10 Forward: The Experience, named after the social club aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise .

Based on the images that’ve been shared of the pop-up, its dive bar aesthetic appears to be pulled from the upcoming season of Picard rather than sleek postmodern look you might’ve found aboard the Enterprise in  The Next Generation .

Each timed ticket ($25) includes themed food and a pair of cocktails per person, plus access to some themed photo ops as well as the 10 Forward Canteen Store, which—you guessed it—features exclusive  Star Trek merch. The food offerings change each day, with a slate of food trucks that includes the Lime Truck, Son of a Bun and Cousins Maine Lobster, among others.

You’ll find 10 Forward at 1262 Palmetto Street in At Mateo (the same development where you’ll find  Girl & the Goat ).

Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

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NBC Los Angeles

Engage! ‘Star Trek: Picard' Fans Can Celebrate Season 2 at ‘10 Forward: The Experience'

The immersive pop-up experience will be in downtown los angeles through march 20 to celebrate the new season of “star trek: picard.”, published march 9, 2022 • updated on march 10, 2022 at 10:13 am, what to know.

  • "10 Forward: The Experience" runs March 10 - March 20
  • Themed drinks, food trucks and experiences every night
  • "Star Trek: Picard" season 2 is streaming now on Paramount +.

star trek picard 10 forward

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“Star Trek: Picard” fans can now boldly go where no one has gone before… an immersive pop-up event called “10 Forward: The Experience.” The event will feature cult-favorite food trucks, “Star Trek” themed cocktails and new merch.

As any Trek fan will tell you, 10 Forward is a meeting place where all the fun stuff happens on the Enterprise. So it's no surprise Paramount + is using it to re-create this social hub of the future in the DTLA Arts District.

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star trek picard 10 forward

Attendees will have access to out of this world food trucks like Lime Truck, Love Bird, Cousins Maine Lobster and more. Craving Romulan Ale or Saurian Brandy? The pop-up bar will feature Trek-themed drinks, experiential environments with digital interactions and photo moments. 

Don't forget your communicator! All alien species are welcome to attend, including Vulcans, Kelpians, Saurians, Cardassians, Romulans and humans. 

Reservations are required and a limited number of tickets will be available. The tickets are timed, and each seating will be open for approximately 90 minutes. All guests must be 21+ years of age to attend.

star trek picard 10 forward

In season 2 of “Picard,” Patrick Stewart is back in his iconic role as Jean-Luc Picard. Picard and his crew go on a bold and exciting new journey: into the past. He must enlist friends both old and new to confront the perils of 21 st century Earth in a desperate race against time to save the galaxy’s future – and face the ultimate trial from one of his greatest foes. 

The series also stars Alison Pill, Jeri Ryan, Michelle Hurd, Evan Evagora, Orla Brady, Isa Briones, Santiago Cabrera and Brent Spiner. “Star Trek: Picard '' is streaming now on Paramount+. Details are below on how you can jump lightyears into the future with fellow fans at “10 Forward: The Experience.” 

star trek picard 10 forward

WHEN: 10 days of 10 Forward will be from Thursday, March 10 to Sunday, March 20

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WHERE: 1262 Palmetto Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013

TICKETING INFO: Advance tickets are required for entry and can be purchased at

Food Trucks:

  • Thursday, March 10 - THE LIME TRUCK
  • Friday, March 11 - RICHEEZE! 
  • Saturday, March 12 - SON OF A BUN
  • Sunday, March 13 - EAST LOS TACOS
  • Monday, March 14 - PINCH OF FLAVOR
  • Tuesday, March 15 - PHILLY JAY’S 
  • Wednesday, March 16 - COUSINS MAINE LOBSTER
  • Thursday, March 17 - MADE IN BROOKLYN
  • Friday, March 18 - ALOHA FRIDAY’S
  • Saturday, March 19 - GOSTOSAS
  • Sunday, March 20 - LOVE BIRD

star trek picard 10 forward

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Here’s the official announcement from Paramount+ and the Star Trek: Picard team:

Doors to the Social Hub of the Future, “10 Forward” Will Be Open in Downtown L.A. from March 10 to March 20 with Cult-Favorite Food Trucks, Themed Cocktails and New Merchandise Feb. 25, 2022 – Get ready to be immersed into everyone’s favorite social hub of the future with 10 FORWARD: THE EXPERIENCE, popping up for Los Angeles-based fans for 10 days starting Thursday, March 10. Step foot inside this one-of-a-kind experience presented by Paramount+ to celebrate the upcoming season two premiere of STAR TREK: PICARD. Attendees will have access to cult-favorite Los Angeles-based food trucks, including LIME TRUCK, LOVE BIRD and COUSINS MAINE LOBSTER (full list of food partners below). Each of the 10 days will include food from a different partner and access to themed cocktails. The pop-up bar will have multiple experiential environments with digital interactions and photo moments throughout the space. Participating restaurants: Thursday, March 10, 2022: Lime Truck Friday, March 11, 2022: Richeeze Saturday, March 12, 2022: Son of a Bun Sunday, March 13, 2022: Philly Jay’s Monday, March 14, 2022: Pinch of Flavor Tuesday, March 15, 2022: East Los Tacos Wednesday, March 16, 2022: Green Truck Thursday, March 17, 2022: Made in Brooklyn Friday, March 18, 2022: Aloha Friday’s Saturday, March 19, 2022: Cousins Maine Lobster Sunday, March 20, 2022: Love Bird Guests will also have access to the 10 Forward Canteen Store, featuring “Star Trek” merchandise and new, exclusive products never sold before. All alien species are welcome to attend, including Vulcans, Kelpians, Saurians, Cardassians, Romulans and humans. A limited number of tickets will be available. The tickets are timed, and each seating will be open for approximately 90 minutes. All guests must be 21+ years of age to attend this event.

star trek picard 10 forward

The ticketed event will run from March 10 – 20 in the Los Angeles Arts District, with entry set at $25 per attendee and a fully-vaccinated-only COVID policy in place.

Address information and tickets for each night’s scheduled sessions are available now at the  10 Forward: The Experience website.

  • 10 Forward: The Experience
  • Los Angeles
  • PIC Season 2
  • Star Trek: Picard
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Star Trek: Picard is launching the 10 Forward: The Experience in March

By chad porto | feb 27, 2022.

"Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1" -- Episode #109 -- Pictured: Sir Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard; of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: PICARD. Photo Cr: Aaron Epstein/CBS ©2019 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Fans of Star Trek: Picard may want to plan their trip to Los Angeles this march.

Star Trek has been known for creating impressive attractions in the past. There was the Las Vegas-based Star Trek: The Experience, and of course the numerous fan sets that have been designed and popped up. Several statues have been erected in recent years as well which feature various captains. Plus Canada has the city of Vulcan which has completely embraced the name.

Coming in March is a brand new place for fans to ‘Trek’ to, and that is going to be 10 Forward: The Experience, opening up in Los Angeles this March. The event is going to be held in 11 different restaurants across the city. There will be food trucks, themed cocktails, merchandise, and more, and the entire event will last 10 days.

The folks at Paramount sent out this press release (courtesy of )

What do you get with a ticket to 10 Forward: The Experience

"Doors to the Social Hub of the Future, “10 Forward” Will Be Open in Downtown L.A. from March 10 to March 20 with Cult-Favorite Food Trucks, Themed Cocktails and New MerchandiseFeb. 25, 2022 – Get ready to be immersed into everyone’s favorite social hub of the future with 10 FORWARD: THE EXPERIENCE, popping up for Los Angeles-based fans for 10 days starting Thursday, March 10. Step foot inside this one-of-a-kind experience presented by Paramount+ to celebrate the upcoming season two premiere of STAR TREK: PICARD.Attendees will have access to cult-favorite Los Angeles-based food trucks, including LIME TRUCK, LOVE BIRD and COUSINS MAINE LOBSTER (full list of food partners below). Each of the 10 days will include food from a different partner and access to themed cocktails. The pop-up bar will have multiple experiential environments with digital interactions and photo moments throughout the space.Participating restaurants:Thursday, March 10, 2022: Lime TruckFriday, March 11, 2022: RicheezeSaturday, March 12, 2022: Son of a BunSunday, March 13, 2022: Philly Jay’sMonday, March 14, 2022: Pinch of FlavorTuesday, March 15, 2022: East Los TacosWednesday, March 16, 2022: Green TruckThursday, March 17, 2022: Made in BrooklynFriday, March 18, 2022: Aloha Friday’sSaturday, March 19, 2022: Cousins Maine LobsterSunday, March 20, 2022: Love BirdGuests will also have access to the 10 Forward Canteen Store, featuring “Star Trek” merchandise and new, exclusive products never sold before. All alien species are welcome to attend, including Vulcans, Kelpians, Saurians, Cardassians, Romulans and humans.A limited number of tickets will be available. The tickets are timed, and each seating will be open for approximately 90 minutes. All guests must be 21+ years of age to attend this event."

Tickets for the event start at $25 per person and will be taking place in the Los Angeles Arts District. You must be vaccinated against COVID to be able to attend.

The ticket to the event includes the entrance to the event, food, and beverage from the vendor of the day you attend. Any other food will be available for purchase. You’ll also get access to the 10 Forward Canteen Store, which of course will have Trek merch for fans; as well as “exclusive products” that have never been on sale before.

There also promises to be photo opportunities within.

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Star Trek: Picard Series Finale Recap: The Next Generation Crew Gets a Fitting Send-Off… But What’s Next?

Dave nemetz, west coast bureau chief.

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Star Trek: Picard signed off after three seasons by giving Jean-Luc and his Next Generation pals the final mission they’ve always deserved… but maybe this story’s not over just yet.

star trek picard series finale season 3 episode 10 watch paramount plus

While Seven and Raffi manage to retake the Titan by transporting the Borg-infected crew off the bridge and locking them in the transporter room, Jean-Luc prepares to beam down to the Borg cube to stop the transmitter and find Jack: “Let me bring him home,” he implores Beverly. Riker and Worf volunteer to go with him, and on the Borg cube, it’s oddly quiet and littered with a bunch of Borg corpses, which explains why they need the reinforcements. Jean-Luc sends Riker and Worf to locate the transmitter while he searches for his son, finding Jack wired into the cube and fully Borgified, spouting Borg-approved rhetoric. Jean-Luc says he’s here to bring Jack home, but the Borg Queen interrupts to say Jack is already home… and so is Jean-Luc: “At last, Locutus has returned.”

Star Trek Picard Series Finale Riker Worf

They send the transmitter coordinates to the Enterprise , and the ship would have to fly into the very center of the Borg cube to reach it, but Data is confident: “My gut tells me I can do this.” (Hey, Data has a gut now!) He pilots them right into the heart of the cube with breathtaking agility as the Borg-infected ships take out Earth’s defense system and start targeting the planet’s most populous cities for destruction. (Plus, the Titan is a sitting duck after the Borgified crew escape and knock out their cloaking device.) Data reaches the cube’s core and finds the transmitter, but to stop it, they’d have to destroy the cube… and everyone on it. A tearful Beverly nods her approval, and Geordi warns Riker and Worf that they’ll only have a minute or so to get off the cube after the Enterprise fires. Meanwhile, Jean-Luc realizes that the only way to reach Jack is to become a Borg himself.

Star Trek Picard Series Finale Jean-Luc

The Borgified youth, including Geordi’s daughter Sidney, all come to their senses now that the Borg have been eliminated, and Jean-Luc proudly gives Jack a tour of the Enterprise bridge. Starfleet fixes all of its ships’ transporters to purge all Borg genetic code, thanks to Beverly’s efforts, and figures out a way to detect Changelings, too. Seven informs Tuvok that she intends to resign from Starfleet, but after seeing the glowing recommendation left for her by the late Shaw (aw!), he promotes her to captain instead. Worf helps Raffi reconnect with her son and granddaughter, and Data now has so many human emotions, he’s boring Troi to tears with them during their therapy sessions.

We flash-forward to a year later, as Jack nervously prepares for his first Starfleet posting. He’s been assigned to the Titan … which has been rechristened the Enterprise-G ! Seven is the captain, with Raffi as her first officer, Jack as “special counselor to the captain” and Sidney onboard as well. (“A bunch of ne’er-do-wells and rule-breakers, really,” Jack notes with a sly smile.) The Next Generation  gang gets drunk at a bar together, and Jean-Luc toasts with a quote from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar . (“We must take the current where it serves, or lose our ventures.”) They clink glasses, and then Jean-Luc pulls out cards for a game of poker! The old friends laugh as they play a few hands, with Jean-Luc taking home a big pot: “I’ve come to believe that the stars have always been in my favor.” And as the cards are dealt, the camera pulls overhead, just as it did in the Next Generation series finale.

Star Trek Picard Series Finale Q

Whoa… once you’re recovered from all of that, Trekkies, give the Picard series finale a grade in our poll and then beam down to the comments and tell us: Would you watch a Jack Crusher and Q series?

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Bring on #StarTrekLegacy.

I wasn’t entirely a fan of more Borg when we had Borg last season, even if a bit different, but overall it was a near perfect send off while also setting things up nicely for a spinoff that they hopefully confirm soon. The Anton Chekov name was a nice touch.

Very Satisfying! I enjoyed the series!

This was so exceptional! I want Star Trek: Legacy!!!!

Well done. All we needed was a Sisko appearances

Oh, that woulda been great.

Shaw! I want Shaw to somehow be alive. Q! Can’t you help???

Loved season 3 overall but a couple of things bugged me. 1) Laris should´ve had a closure scene in the finale. 2) Why did Vadic communicate with the Borg Queen in such a nasty way (cutting her hand)?

So apparently we will indeed have a Picard season 4 but focused on Jack with nice cameos from Patrick Stewart and friends. It would be nice if Jack gets to meet his brother Wesley.

The point about Laris is a good one. All it needed one was just one more midcredit scene of them reuniting maybe. But I think they probably wanted to leave open possible reconciliation between Beverly and Jean Luc? To be honest I was hoping for it until I realized Laris is still out there.

They’ve backtracked a bit on the final season though and said they could come back to Picard at a later date. It just is planned and meant to be. I just am glad we got to see enough of Seven of nine and was happy with where she ended her arc. I was a bit scared considering after she got left behind but I should’ve had faith. The show runner has always seemed to be a huge a fan of her and done right by her.

Terry Matalas is the best thing that could´ve happened to Trek Universe. Let him helm more and more projects.

At the very end, Jack had a wedding photo of Picard and Beverly on his nightstand. Apparently they completely forgot about poor Laris.

Was that a wedding photo? They were both very young in that picture; and in reality it looks like it might have been the actors at an Emmys ceremony. back in the day.

It was obviously a picture of Gates McFadden and Patrick Stewart from some event in the 90s.

Correction, that image is from 1988. No idea why that images makes people believe, they got married.

I don’t think it means we will see a season 4 of Picard. I think there is a chance it transitions into another Star Trek series (either Legacy , which it was confirmed it isn’t in devopment, but doesn’t mean it won’t or another series) especially how Q was at the end of it.

I loved this ending and this season so much. It was amazing to see the big “D” get to do all the things I wanted it to do during the series. It wasn’t “perfect” but it was perfect.

Very nice to have that tip of the hat to Anton Yelchin – he did make a fine Chekov on J.J. Abrams’ movies!

We need to know Seven’s command line. Very mean to tease us like that… she and the crew on the Enterprise G better return! Really enjoyed this season and most of the OG crew got better storylines than in 7 years of TNG – especially Troi and Crusher! But Patrick Stewart really is looking a bit old for this action!

Yeah, most of them look great but Sir Patrick is really showing his 80+ years, bless him. Lol. My wife thinks Q is hot, now.

Really loved this season. This season and Strange New Worlds has proven they can get New Trek right when they try hard enough. Walter Koenig playing the voice of “Anton” Chekov in honor of Anton Yelchin made me tear up a bit. A true class act there.

Agreed! Nice touch.

I absolutely loved. It really managed to make me feel similar to what I felt when I watched the original series finale of TNG. Very satisfying and thank god they didn’t kill anybody of. I didn’t know I needed the episodes to end with my favorite Star Trek crew once again seated at a round table, playing poker.

Thank you Terry Matalas and the whole cast and crew, what a wonderful gift. See you soon.

Wish we could’ve seen Wesley one last time.

Agree 100%. I find it hard to believe Wesley never met his brother and has not visited his mom is 20 years.

Or at least done a drive by & saw them, but not lets them see him.

Agreed. I was holding out hope for a Wil Wheaton cameo. TNG was always my favorite and Picard is my hands down my favorite captain. That last episode was near perfection. Great to see all those characters together for a final ride.

96.74% gave the finale and A (87.46%) or a B (9.28%). Verrrryyyy impressive, Terry Matolis.

What a great end ( well hopefully not) Thankfully they had the time to give it the ending it deserved. Having been a trek fan for over 50 years, TNG has always been my fav..Hats of to cast and crew. Now lets see the Enterprise G, Boldly return to our screens with captain 7 and her crew

It was great until the final scene. I thought he died. He rui Ed it for me.

What a massive improvement over the first two seasons. Amazing what comes of getting somebody in charge who actual respects what came before. (Retconning Q’s death was a perfect way to end things.)

Wow. That was so perfect. I knew the OGs would be playing poker at the end. Looking forward to the (hopefully inevitable) spin-off with Seven and the rest of the crew of the Enterprise G!

Surprised when they were in 10 Forward Guinan wasn’t tending bar instead of having a mention.

Finally Deanna had something to do besides sit next to the captain’s chair and offer advise. Didn’t know she could navigate a star ship.

Is Seven officially Captain Seven or they call her that out of respect to her service to Star Fleet?

Since this is on streaming and shouldn’t have a time limit per episode like the previous episodes with 45 minutes they could have added a few minutes to fill in the gaps in the plot like Laris missing at the end and use the time to make the last episode a 2 parter if the series ever goes on commercial TV.

Keep Q out of any future Trek shows!!! He’s the single most disgusting reason why I didn’t take to Next Gen. Until the Borgs came, anyway. This ressurecting the dead trick is also soooo old that it really deserves to be put to rest in the Trek universe. Permanently!

This season was so good I almost forgive Akiva Goldsman for ruining Batman. ALMOST.

And this episode should be made available to all showrunners – this is how you end a series.

One of the most recognizable and popular video games of all time is Tetris.

I felt so disappointed with S1, S2 was a little bit better, and S3 ruined my childhood and TNG series. The only good and the best thing about S3 was the return of Q. Did anyone really think he would “die”? lol

This was absolutely THE BEST season out of the 3 seasons of Picard! It is what it always should have been!! I loved this season! Wish they would do more. I totally agree with the commenter above saying Terry Matalas should helm more Star Trek projects. He absolutely hit it out of the ballpark with this! Oh and 1 more thing about Terry Matalas. I LOVED all the easter eggs from his TV Series 12 Monkeys! That was an absolutely amazing show also! You guys should definitely check it out!

1 thing I was really hoping for was the Kate Mulgrew would return as Admiral Kathryn Janeway. They kept name dropping her during the season and I was certain she would be in the finale. I guess they couldn’t work it out. It was Awesome to see Tuvok tho!! Hopefully they will do a spinoff of Voyager with Jeri Ryan, Kate Mulgrew, Tim Russ(Tuvok) and the rest.

A+++ to this entire season!!!

The return of Mulgrew as Admiral, this time; Ryan as Captain of the ex-Titan became Entreprise, Russ’s Tuvok as Janeway’s/Seven’s counselour would be great. But please, no more Chakotay or Harry Kim!

I was surprised by the snubb of the Doctor, though the whole 3 seasons. I mean, I’m pretty sure that Robert Picardo would have been happy to be called so what’s happened behind the scene? As for Mulgrew, it seems that she was stuck to Prodigy even if Picard and Prodigy are produced by Krutzman. But yes, I’d like seeing her return in a show.

I despise all the NuTrek for being mostly dumb(ed down) and hip. But Picard S3 was excellent. Yes, they overdid it with the nostalgia at times and yes, the finale did not quite live up to expecations (whatever does ?) but still. Even with its flaws, it was excellent !

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Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 10 Review – The Last Generation

The Star Trek: Picard series finale sticks the landing in every way that matters.

star trek picard 10 forward

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LeVar Burton as Geordi La Forge, Brent Spiner as Data, Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher, Michael Dorn as Worf, Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi, Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker and Patrick Stewart as Picard in "The Last Generation" Episode 310, Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+. Photo Credit: Trae Patton/Paramount+. ©2021 Viacom, International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This Star Trek: Picard review contains spoilers.

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 10

All good things must come to an end. Even the things we might wish wouldn’t. Such is the case with Star Trek: Picard , a series that, to put it mildly, struggled to find a coherent identity and purpose during its first two seasons, but which blossomed in its third and did so by finally embracing the very legacy it at first tried so hard to run away from. I’m as surprised as anyone to find myself wishing this story could last just a little bit longer, that we could somehow spend a little bit more time with these people, that we didn’t have to say goodbye to this piece of Star Trek: The Next Generation , grown older alongside us in rich and fascinating ways. 

Look: If you, as a viewer, haven’t been enjoying the purposeful fan service of Picard season 3, you probably aren’t going to like this finale all that much, which aims itself like a laser directly at the heart of anyone who loved The Next Generation and its characters. Yes, there are some narrative hiccups and shortcuts, but if you ask me,  “The Last Generation” sticks the landing in nearly every way that matters. 

The final confrontation with the Borg and the assimilated Starfleet armada is pure spectacle, dotted with the sort of ’90s-style action movie hero moments that exist for no other purpose than simply to delight viewers. (Seven’s captain’s speech to her ragtag new Titan crew! Beverly Crusher’s surprising tactical skill with photon torpedoes! Worf refusing to fight with phasers because swords are just more fun!) Yet, as has been the case for most of the season, the hour’s best moments are its most emotional ones, each grounded in the decades-long relationships between the Enterprise’s legacy crew.

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From Picard’s choked-up inability to express what his Number One has meant to him over the course of their lives together, to Riker’s wordless telepathic goodbye to Deanna and Geordi’s wonder at Data’s enthusiastic embrace of the new emotions he’s only now finally experiencing, these are all moments that carry extra weight simply because these are relationships we’ve spent literal years watching grow. We love these people as much as they love each other, and the result is a climax that feels both utterly earned and deeply satisfying. 

Picard , of course, knows that the specifics of its conclusion aren’t all that important in light of these facts, but it does manage to (mostly) tie up its larger story in a generally solid way. (Certainly, it does a better job here than in either of its previous season finales.) Picard’s willingness to risk becoming Locutus again in order to save his son is the thematically rich stuff that Patrick Stewart lives to play, and seeing him face off with the Borg Queen one last time is probably where this series was always destined to end. Do the specifics of Jack Crusher’s assimilation and rescue—including his sudden ability to throw off Borg control—really work? Not entirely. But Picard leans fully into the cheesy heart of the moment, and Stewart and Ed Speleers sell the heck out of Jean-Luc’s decision to finally choose his son over everything he’s always put before things like family in the past. 

To the episode’s credit, “The Last Generation” also features some remarkably tense moments, despite all of us essentially knowing going into this that there was no way anything irrevocably awful would happen to any of our The Next Generation faves. Yet, at various moments I was genuinely nervous about the fates of several characters, particularly when both Riker and Picard got the whole “tell your loved one how much they mean to you just in case” treatment on the Borg cube. (Riker did it more than once!!) But, thankfully, this isn’t a bleak and gritty sci-fi drama, it’s a warm fuzzy affirmation that love is still humanity’s greatest achievement. (And a story in which its central romance just happens to share a telepathic bond that conveniently allows one to somehow emotionally track the other in a moment of great distress. We love love!) 

Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine in Star Trek: Picard Season 3

Picard Just Changed Star Trek Forever: Terry Matalas on Legacy and a Post-Credit Surprise

Star Trek: The Original Series

Picard Season 3 Finally Reveals the Future of a Beloved Original Series Character

Perhaps the most unexpected part of the Picard finale is how quickly the episode wraps up the threat of Borg invasion . “The Last Generation” clocks in at over an hour’s runtime, but the last quarter of the episode is basically devoted to giving us a last few moments of our faves together and determining what’s next for all of them. (And maybe setting up an unexpected spinoff in the process.) Geordi returns the Enterprise -D to the Fleet Museum, where she’s given pride of place among the other classic Starfleet ships and a proper goodbye from the three men who loved her best. (Which includes a callback to The Next Generation ’s very first episode.) Data’s talking out all his new Big Feelings extremely extensively during sessions with Deanna. The Troi-Rikers are planning what’s likely their first vacation together since their son’s illness forced them to retire to a planet it turns out they both actively hate. And, of course, everyone’s getting totally bombed together at 10 Forward, playing poker and quoting Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar just like the good old days and reminding us all that these are the sort of relationships that, once again, will keep going on long after the series’ final credits roll.

In many ways, Picard’s finale doesn’t feel as much like a definitive ending as it does a “to be continued,” the conclusion of one adventure in the lives of these characters and the start of many others, whether we ultimately see them play out onscreen or not. It’s incredibly heartfelt and lovely, and maybe the best thing any of us could have asked for from this series’ conclusion. If that is, in fact, what it is. Star Trek: Picard may be over, but if the finale’s credits sequence is anything to go by, there’s plenty of story to tell in this corner of the Star Trek universe. 

Jack Crusher, as we all likely expected, ends up in Starfleet, and is assigned to the newly rechristened Titan —now the Enterprise -G, in honor of Picard—under her new captain, Seven of Nine. (Sorry, Enterprise-F, at least that one shot of you last week was a banger!) Raffi’s her First Officer and while there’s no direct confirmation that the two are back together, if hope springs eternal anywhere, it’s probably going to be on this show. But what will inevitably leave everyone talking is the incredibly welcome reappearance of John de Lancie as Q (with predictably incredible outerwear), a twist that not only wipes out his season 2 death but appears to have extended his original obsession with Picard to his son. And I…surprisingly don’t hate it. 

Yes, the one-year time jump to what appears to be happy families between Jean-Luc, Jack, and Beverly speeds us past all the difficult and necessary emotional work it surely must have taken the group to reach this point. (And, personally, I’m taking the utter lack of any mention of Laris as a hopeful sign on the Picard/Crusher romance front, do not judge me.) But it’s such a natural extension of the Picard universe that I’m eager to see where it all might go next. 

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Fandom’s clamoring for a Star Trek: Legacy series, after all. And even if I’d personally rather see Jonathan Frakes get his shot at the captain’s chair—No, Star Trek: Lower Decks doesn’t count—I’m definitely not averse to the idea of a series in which Jack’s established relationships with his father’s former crewmates and BFFs are part of the larger world of his story either. After all, Picard Season 3 has taught me nothing so much that sometimes, impossible things can happen if you want them bad enough. But if this is the true end of an era, and our time with The Next Generation crew is over, I’m grateful this is how they got to go out, and that we all got the chance to be part of it.

Lacy Baugher

Lacy Baugher

Lacy Baugher is a digital producer by day, but a television enthusiast pretty much all the time. Her writing has been featured in Paste Magazine, Collider,…

Screen Rant

No one noticed star trek: picard season 3 subtly set up uss enterprise-d’s return.


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Star Trek: Every Version Of The Starship Enterprise

Star trek's prequel movie means enterprise's original premise can finally happen, i can't believe star trek only teamed up these 2 tng characters once.

  • Star Trek: Picard season 3 hinted at the return of the USS Enterprise-D at the beginning of the season.
  • Geordi La Forge plays a key role in rebuilding and restoring the beloved Starship Enterprise, tying up loose ends for the TNG crew.
  • The return of the Enterprise-D in Picard season 3 provides a satisfying conclusion and proper send-off that fans have been longing for.

One of the first scenes in Star Trek: Picard season 3 sets up the return of the USS Enterprise-D. Picard season 3 reunited the original cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation for one last galaxy-saving mission. With its nostalgia-filled story involving a Changeling infiltration, a Borg invasion, and the surprise son of Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden), Star Trek: Picard season 3 proved to be a resounding success. But this epic reunion would not have been complete without their beloved ship, the Enterprise-D.

In Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 6, "The Bounty," Admiral Picard seeks out assistance from his former Chief Engineer, Commodore Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton). Now working as the Head Curator at the Fleet Museum, La Forge eventually agrees to help his former crew mates save the galaxy yet again. At the end of Star Trek: Picard season 3 's penultimate episode, "Vox," Geordi reveals that he has been working on a pet project for the last twenty years — rebuilding and restoring the USS Enterprise-D, which was destroyed in Star Trek Generations. This a welcome surprise, but the return of Picard's Starship Enterprise was actually foreshadowed at the very beginning of Star Trek: Picard season 3.

The Federation flagship, the USS Enterprise, has a long, fabled history, and each version of the classic Star Trek spacecraft has its own unique look.

Jean-Luc’s Subtle Hint Of USS Enterprise-D’s Return In Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Explained

Picard season 3 starts with foreshadowing the enterprise-d..

After an initial glimpse of Beverly Crusher and her son, Jack Crusher (Ed Speleers), aboard the SS Eleos XII, Star Trek: Picard season 3's premiere cuts to the retired Admiral Picard at his family's vineyard in France. As Jean-Luc and Laris (Orla Brady) pack up the Chateau for their planned off-world, Picard reminisces about his time on the USS Enterprise-D. A large painting of the ship hangs above Picard's fireplace, and Jean-Luc remarks that the Enterprise-D may not have been his first love, but "she was certainly my favorite."

Star Trek: Picard season 3 plants the seed for the Enterprise-D's return with this big but subtle hint.

Picard remarks that he should give the painting to Geordi La Forge , as he's currently running the Fleet Museum. Laris comments that Geordi would love that. Obviously, the audience doesn't realize it at the time, but Star Trek: Picard season 3 plants the seed for the Enterprise-D's return with this big but subtle hint. Geordi, of course, is the one who rebuilds the Enterprise-D at the Fleet Museum, bringing the story of the Star Trek: The Next Generation crew full circle. The Enterprise-D ends up being vital in the fight against the Borg, as Picard season 3 delivers a much bigger moment for Picard's iconic ship than a look at a painting.

USS Enterprise-D Made Star Trek: Picard’s TNG Reunion Complete

The tng crew would not have been complete without the enterprise-d..

Throughout Star Trek: The Next Generation's seven seasons , the USS Enterprise-D was just as much of a character as its crew members. The Galaxy Class starship became home not only for the characters on the show, but also for many of TNG's viewers. While Star Trek: Picard season 3 could have reunited the TNG crew without their ship, it undoubtedly would have felt like something was missing. Jean-Luc Picard and his crew saved the galaxy numerous times with the Enterprise-D, and the ship's destruction in Star Trek Generations felt like the death of a beloved character.

The USS Enterprise-D's bridge was perfectly recreated by production designers Dave Blass, Liz Kloczkowski, and their team, right down to the carpet.

As the Chief Engineer, Geordi La Forge had a particular love for the USS Enterprise-D, and it makes perfect sense that he would rebuild the Galaxy Class starship. The return of the Enterprise-D in Star Trek: Picard's "Vox" was an emotional moment for the characters and likely for many viewers as well. It was the perfect way to provide Picard and his crew with the proper send-off Star Trek: Nemesis failed to give them. After its final mission, the USS Enterprise-D found a home back at the Fleet Museum, where Geordi will continue to look after it (and keep it mission-ready, just in case).

Star Trek: Picard

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Star Trek: Picard

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Star Trek: Picard

Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Patrick Stewart, Jeri Ryan, Michelle Hurd, Todd Stashwick, and Ed Speleers in Star Trek: Picard (2020)

Follow-up series to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) that centers on Jean-Luc Picard in the next chapter of his life. Follow-up series to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) that centers on Jean-Luc Picard in the next chapter of his life. Follow-up series to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) that centers on Jean-Luc Picard in the next chapter of his life.

  • Kirsten Beyer
  • Michael Chabon
  • Akiva Goldsman
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Michelle Hurd
  • 2.8K User reviews
  • 79 Critic reviews
  • 14 wins & 54 nominations total

Episodes 30

Burning Questions With the Cast of "Star Trek: Picard"

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Patrick Stewart

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Michelle Hurd

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Jeri Ryan

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Alison Pill

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Santiago Cabrera

  • Cristóbal Rios …

Evan Evagora

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Jonathan Frakes

  • La Sirena Computer

Orla Brady

  • Jack Crusher

Gates McFadden

  • Doctor Beverly Crusher

Todd Stashwick

  • Captain Liam Shaw

Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut

  • Ensign Sidney La Forge

Joseph Lee

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Amy Earhart

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Stellar Photos From the "Star Trek" TV Universe

Nichelle Nichols and Sonequa Martin-Green at an event for Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

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Did you know

  • Trivia The first season is set in 2399, 20 years after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) (which was set in the year 2379). Using the Stardate format established in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) , this would place the start of the series just after Stardate 76000.
  • Goofs Commodore Oh often wears sunglasses. Star Trek lore establishes that Vulcans have an inner eyelid to protect against harsh sunlight on their desert planet. Oh's shades are a fashion statement, not a protective measure.
  • The first season features a Borg cube and the planet Romulus.
  • The second season features a Borg ship, a wormhole and hourglass, and the Borg Queen's silhouette.
  • The third season does not have an opening titles sequence.
  • Connections Featured in Half in the Bag: Comic Con 2019, The Picard Trailer, Streaming Services, and Midsommar (2019)

User reviews 2.8K

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  • How many seasons does Star Trek: Picard have? Powered by Alexa
  • Are they going to have any other characters from previous Star Trek shows in this new show?
  • Is there an air date?
  • Why make a TV series about Picard rather than a movie?
  • January 23, 2020 (United States)
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  • Star Trek: Captain Picard
  • The Sunstone Villa and Vineyard, Santa Ynes, California, USA (Château Picard)
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  • Runtime 46 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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Watch: New ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Trailer Shows Us Ten Forward And More Borg

star trek picard 10 forward

| December 20, 2019 | By: Staff 78 comments so far

Out of the blue, CBS has quietly released a new trailer for Picard , but so far only on Facebook. It is embedded below:

star trek picard 10 forward

Picard has a nightmare that takes place in Ten Forward on the Enterprise-D

star trek picard 10 forward

Out the windows of Ten Forward, a planet can be seen being bombarded from space

star trek picard 10 forward

Data in Nemesis uniform flashes onscreen

star trek picard 10 forward

A Borg drone flashes onscreen

star trek picard 10 forward

Picard greets someone

star trek picard 10 forward

An unknown character (played by John Ales) tells Picard to “find the truth.”

star trek picard 10 forward

Picard says he’ll “do what needs to be done.”

star trek picard 10 forward

A huge ship or facility is fired upon by small Starfleet fighters

star trek picard 10 forward

Dr. Agnes Jurati appears to be part of a mindmeld

star trek picard 10 forward

A look at the Borg cube with newer forcefield effects compared to the previous trailer (NYCC)

star trek picard 10 forward

A classic Romulan Bird of Prey fires

star trek picard 10 forward

Picard grins when asked what he’s gotten himself into by Riker

Coverage of previous trailers

This is the third trailer for Picard to be released. The first trailer was brought to San Diego Comic-Con in July, and then earlier in the fall a second trailer was shared with the New York Comic Con crowd in October.

Star Trek: Picard will premiere on January 23, 2020. It will be available on CBS All Access in the USA. CTV Sci-Fi Channel (formerly called Space) and CraveTV in Canada, and on Amazon Prime Video for the rest of the world on January 24.

Keep up with all the  Star Trek: Picard   news at TrekMovie.

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HA! FIRST! I was really looking for some news about Picard today and thinking that a new trailer should be out soon!!… they must have read my mind or I have the ability to see the future…:-)

You were thinking that only today? I’m thinking that every day ;)

“A huge ship is fired upon by small Starfleet fighters”

That looks to be an updated version of the Federation Spacedock (orbiting Mars?)

I think it’s one Starbase at federation’s Utopia Planitia Shipyard facilities, on Mars.

“A huge ship is fired upon by small Starfleet fighters”

That looks to be an updated version of the Federation Spacedock (orbiting Mars?)

I thought of that just after I posted.

Maybe Romulans (military, faction, or refugees) have taken over the station.

“Are we the baddies” looks like the federation is up to no good

Has CBS taken it down already?

Nevermind. For some reason it just didn’t load for me.

It amazes me that on the official star trek website that they don’t have this up yet! Kudos to TrekMovie!

Is this going to be released an episode at a time or all at once? The wording above sort of implies the latter.

I am 99.9% certain it will be released weekly one at a time, thus ensuring people stay signed up for CBSAA as long as possible…

Weekly. Just like Discovery.

A few thoughts:

-The appearance of the Borg seems to hold to the “First Contact” idea of them looking like space-zombies surrounded by black rubber. I always thought the way they looked in DS9’s “The Emissary” was the best, where it didn’t look they were decaying.

-I have a feeling the show is going for the irony of Picard becoming the Borg’s advocate after being forced (and effectively raped) into being Locutus all those years before.

-If they’ve recreated Ten Forward, I’m guessing that maybe the Enterprise-D and other TNG sets might appear again too.

It could be CG tbh. CG getting very good now they wouldn’t create an entire set just for a few nostalgia scenes on the D.

I seem to remember reading they destroyed the bridge set but that was possibly because they wanted to show it wrecked in Generations. I would be surprised if much has been kept though.

I think Worf’s rollbar of a workstation was kept, but don’t recall hearing about any other parts, unless they recycled some screens and electronics for other shows and films.

The bridge of the D was damaged and dismantled after Generations, and unfortunately discarded. There are three known replicas that were constructed after the production of the show, and one group of rabid fans have been rebuilding one of those replicas for years (shockingly they found the components in a junk pile.)

After viewing it: Meh… Nothing new here really.

Agreed, looking forward to it, but warily. Since I have to sign up again, I’ll wait a couple of weeks, see how reviews are.

We’re totally all in to see the new Picard series, but I agree with ML31 that this trailer doesn’t add much for me…and the rest of the household isn’t looking at it.

At this point, it’s not just wanting to avoid spoilers, but also wanting to avoid having to undo in our minds the framing of scenes or moments that the trailers create. The trailers are edited to excite, but given what we’ve seen previously, may be pretty misleading.

That said, it’s good that CBSAA is keeping up the momentum and interest. Running this trailer as an in-theatre ad would definitely take it to the next level for a show that imdb already rates as the ‘most anticipated of 2020’.

I did see this trailer in the theater before TROS. Although, it was among the stuff they show before the lights dim.

Side note… That was the first time there were actual commercials mixed in with the trailers. Guess I’m not going to THAT theater chain anymore. It used to be my favorite but has severely gone downhill the last 5 years. Commercials mixed with the trailers was the last straw.

Loved everything about this except Data, who still looks awful. When will the alleged “post production” be applied?

Interesting that SOME people want Data to look exactly like he did in TNG, forgetting that he always wanted to be more human… so much so that he dyed his hair to replicate aging in the finale ALL GOOD THINGS! Adding a little mass in Picard to simulate weight gain also seems plausible, at least to me. Just my two cents worth.

In-universe, Data looked significantly different from Star Trek Nemesis than when he first appeared in “Encounter at Farpoint.” And we know Soong created androids that can age, since we saw this with the android recreation of Soong’s wife. So it’s completely plausible that Data had something like that as well.

“So it’s completely plausible that Data had something like that as well.”

A “puffy cheek subroutine”? ;)

Geordi mentions in an episode that Data has an aging subroutine. From “Inheritance”: LAFORGE: Basically she’s a Soong-type android, except everything about her is designed to fool you into thinking she’s human. CRUSHER: She’s got tear ducts, sweat glands, even veins and capillaries underneath her skin. RIKER: Why does the scanner read her as a human? CRUSHER: Because she has a feedback processor designed to send out a false bio-signal. LAFORGE: It’s part of her aging programme. Not only does she age in appearance like Data, her vital signs change too.

Hmm, here’s a thought – and I mean to be neither overly pessimistic nor senselessly divisive, please trust me on that: Arya Stark from “Game of Thrones”, X-23/Laura from “Logan”, Eleven from “Stranger Things” etc. etc. – do you think the character of Dahj will try to cash in on the recent “fighting ‘magical’ girl” trend? Granted, the actress as well as the character she portrays appear to be a fair bit older than any of those I just mentioned (at least old enough to engage in what seems to be an intimate relationship with another character), i.e. not a “girl” but a young woman (like… Rey? – except, unlike the aforementioned characters, Rey is not really a character that needs to be protected), but something about those split-second martial arts shots (and I know, it might just be one single scene in ten episodes) just struck me as very … familiar. And there seems to be that one definitive, all-important secret about her character and possibly her abilities, hence the “magical” aspect. Does anyone else get that impression?

I think it is difficult to tell at this point, but I don’t think you are wrong about this being a “trend” these days in many action films and TV shows. Wasn’t even the new Terminator and Rambo movies had this trend too? I have feeling in this show they will focus on Picard more though, I mean his name is in the title.

didn’t ‘beyond’ already do that?

im not watching… no more… sometimes we see too much before something premieres… i’m already in… i couldn’t be more in than if i was inside a box that was inside a box that was inside a bigger box that was inside a room that was inside a building that was inside a really big box

LOL! But yeah I was in the day it was announced…I couldn’t be more in if they paid me to do it.

If they paid me I’m pretty sure I could be more into it. :)

Captain, the odds against Kurtzman delivering something decent are 2,228.7 to 1. Have you seen what his mentor did to the Space Wars saga?

“Have you seen what his mentor did to the Space Wars saga?”

Hey, at least ROTS’ high crime is eternal mediocrity only, NOT insulting large parts of its audience with extremist politicial cr@p like its predecessor. That ALMOST makes me forgive JJ for his junk food approach to movies. Almost ;)

“insulting large parts of its audience with extremist politicial cr@p like its predecessor” …seriously?

“Seriously?” Well, that depends what are you asking about: – Whether there were any poorly concealed political messages in TLJ? – Whether said political message were extremist?

As for the first question: I guess it’s a matter of taste. All I noticed was the usual current-year antics, for example having a disproportionately high number of statistically improbable minorities even though there is no story-based reason for their presence. I am not an American, so I might have missed something, but from what I saw, TLJ’s worst offense wasn’t politics… TLJ’s worst offense was its boring and contrived story that pretty much ignored the first movie.

As for the second question, any hip current-year political message is extremist, because any minority trying to change the established system against the will of the rest of the society is extremist by default. We can’t allow the society to be changed by twitter inquisitors and unelected Hollywood-based soviets. If you want change, win the elections. That’s the only non-extremist way.

”for example having a disproportionately high number of statistically improbable minorities even though there is no story-based reason for their presence”

Glad we have here a historical demographer of a galaxy far, far away.

Fun fact: on earth, white people are a minority. So why would it be odd that non-white people are featured. So that comment was either dumb, racist or both.

Luke Montgomery: Thank you!

I wrote up a long response to this nonsense but I decided to erase it before I posted. I usually don’t bother with this stuff, so I’ll just leave it there.

Ditto from me Luke Montgomery.

I was scanning a fun review of DST Birmingham that talked about how open and accepting fans are at conventions like STLV and DST. It was making the point the Trek’s IDIC values rub off on fans.

But then I think about the intolerance spouted by certain fans on this and other boards and I wonder what they thought they were watching all these years.

DS9 had 3 main actors in the ensemble who were of African descent and 2 main female roles that were groundbreaking with much less of the blow back about a diverse cast.

I’m forced to disagree. It was less than mediocre. In fact it was tired, groan inducing and didn’t answer a single question from any of the two predecessors. Maybe I will change my tune when I see it at home in a number of months. Like what happened with TLJ.

Could say the same about Lindelof, but however he managed it (or whoever he managed it with, since I don’t see how he could do it himself), his WATCHMEN is absolute dynamite, while everything else I’ve ever seen with his name on it is irredeemably bad (my wife says LEFTOVERS was good, but I couldn’t get into it — ditto for LOST.) When somebody’s best credits are INTO DARKNESS and peeing on Spaihts’ draft of PROMETHEUS, producing something excellent isn’t just an exception, it’s a miracle.

NICE!!!! So great to see old friends again. Star Trek is back!

Star Trek never left.

Yeah obviously, I meant this era of Star Trek is back! I could’ve been more clearer. ;)

Star Trek has been back since Discovery.

It looks like there’s some back-reference to ST: Nemesis’s back story. So maybe younger Trek fans will revisit ST X to gain more context. I like the movie, and give it a more generous grade than the critics.

That might be partly if they have decided to bring Data back (not clear yet), that they then need to revisit that story as a matter of necessity in order to write his restoration. No doubt they never in a million years imagined that a TNG spin-off would go back to TV twenty years later or I’m sure they wouldn’t have ever killed him off.

You think the problem most had with Nemesis was Data’s destruction? That’s not how I read the room. But then, I liked Nemesis overall and felt that Data’s story really was pretty much complete.

Looks great, except that I’m dreading for the shoe to fall that this is yet another “Federation are the bad guys” thing.

It looks that way and this plot point might even be the thread that connects this show with Discovery where the Federation might have eventually fallen because of their “losing of their values” and it becomes the Discovery crews job to help reestablish the Federation with its better values.

Most reviews I have read on the new Star Wars movie describe it as a “RUSHED MESS”.

Hell, isn’t that how Abrams slaps every movie together?

Harry, why are you posting about Star Wars? Abrams isn’t involved in DSC or Picard, and there’s no need to spread negative reviews in places where fans might be trying to AVOID Star Wars talk.

Stop being an ass.

Nonsense, PaulB. Abrams ruined Star Trek Into Darkness, which was discussed in detail on this site. Seeing that he has now done the same with Star Wars makes it fair game for comment. Get over yourself.

Uh no, this topic has nothing to do with either STID and certainly nothing to do with Star Wars. It’s about Picard, which Abrams has zero involvement in.

If you want to whine about Star Wars fine, but there are other places to do that in, not here.

Agreed, please move on from Star Wars talk here (unless we have a viable conversation). It’s everywhere outside, just go there. Let this be a refuge, A Trek Refuge.

Alex Kurtzman co-wrote Star Trek Into Darkness and his production company Secret Hideout is in charge of all new Trek TV shows. Abrams and Kurtzman’s styles definitely seem like they’re cut from the same cloth. When a certain someone showed up for the last battle in the Rise of Skywalker I immediately found myself thinking of when Saru’s sister showed up out of nowhere to help out in the final episode of Discovery season 2.

Except that when that certain someone showed up there couldn’t have been a single person in the theater who didn’t think that was going to happen. It was telegraphed WAY in advance so there really was no feeling of dread whatsoever. When Saru’s sister showed up, sure many probably expected some sort of aid but primitives from a society that wasn’t too far removed from the creation of the wheel were probably not very high on the list of helpers showing up.

I’m still waiting for a Short Trek that shows how Sara’s planet was put out of sync time-wise with the broader time universe and had to sort out the dynamic between the Kelpians and Ba’ul without help.

The Discovery was able to warp out of the path of the time Tsunami, but the planet got the full brunt of it. They could have been slowed down.

There may have been plenty of time for Sirrana to lead the Kelpians in a new relationship with the Ba’ul over the course of years…and learn how to fly a Ba’ul fighter before Ash and the Klingons came to seek their assistance.

But it’s a fair point that neither the Discovery S2 finale nor Star Wars IX give the viewer the little tidbit necessary for a sub plot thread to hold together. The roller coaster bullet of surprise takes precedence to the detriment of logical flow.

Well, Star Wars IX had a boatload of plot issues. So many they completely took me out of the fantasy and made the film difficult to enjoy. They are all good questions for another time. ;)

But what your theory on how the Kelpians could have learned to play attach ships could be a thing. But it was not explained at all anywhere. There could have easily been some sort of quick epilogue to explain it. But even your version I still don’t quite buy. Just the Klingons showing up was plenty. The Kelpians I feel only showed up because someone decided they needed to pay off what they did on the planet earlier in the season. But it was such a bizarre and nonsensical payoff that it was better just left alone. It really wasn’t important to the story arc.

Ten Forward has actual windows! :D

But is there real alcohol?

I’m wondering if TREK shows have a windowwashing budget, because the amount of crap on windows and camera glass in the last couple of years has reminded me of a review for the decades-old Vilmos Zsigmond movie called CONFESSIONS OF A YOUNG STOCKBROKER where the critic said the movie looked like it was shot through a dirty windshield.

This was playing before “Rise of Skywalker” yesterday and it looked great on a huge screen in a theater.

Planetary scientist here. The red planet in the trailer is 100% a mirrored image of Mars.

Just google the famous Hubble image of Mars form 1997/98, mirror it left/right and you’ll see the prominent dark feature matches perfectly. It’s called Syrtis Major Planitia. Utopia Planitia is right next to it.

This isn’t surprising, the short trek related to Picard airing next month, is titled children of mars

Cool! Thanks for the info! Now its more exciting knowing its Mars, a planet so close to home.

So is it Mars as seen in the rear-view mirror of some spaceship, owing to the flopped image? Or just the sort of quality control we have to accept in this day and age? (and yes, I know that sometimes artists will intentionally flop an image, like Trumbull with that Golden Gate shot in TMP, when he did it to screw up the viewer’s perspective — still doesn’t mean it is a good idea.)

Its artist discretion – same reaason the Okudas said they could have made the starfield in TNG’s opening credits visually correct during the remaster but didn’t

Story telling is about symbolism, that represents mars in their story. Or shock horror it could be a trailer shot that’s entirely flipped. Or its a dream/nightmare that Picard is having like the painting dream in the other trailer. Do you dream visually accurate things?

As a matter of fact, almost all of the most disturbing dreams I recall from my life are the ones that seem entirely real — they certainly don’t contain the kinds of cliche giveaways that you see when dreams and nightmares are depicted on film.

The ones with stylized aspects, even the nightmare ones, don’t affect me as strongly because those fantasy aspects cushion them. One of the best examples I can think of is a dream I had shortly after TWOK released, in which I was in a group of people dealing with strange weather conditions, and soon after it started I could see the particulates in the air were all film grain, not snow or dirt. The dream turned suddenly extremely graphic and violent, probably about as bad as anything I”ve ever dreamed, with dogs being killed in front of my eyes, yet the fantasy grain aspect was what I remember focusing on and that cushioned/distanced the actual experience. Compare that with one I had of being chased through a warehoue by my grandfather and then set on fire, which was all straight POV, visually accurate to a T. That was over 50 years back and I wish there HAD been some visual tells to cue me in that it was a dream.

Also, more practically: the Picard show is not a David Lynch film. It ain’t going to show visions and dreams that go to the feeling of losing your soul on deep levels like, say, parts of FIRE WALK WITH ME. Flopping Mars certainly sounds like an amateur error rather than a stylistic choice, but if it is, it is akin to Lucas’ scientifically dubious dialog about parsecs — more distracting than relevant.

I’m very excited about this show. But there is something about this trailer that makes me less excited. I’m not sure what it is. Maybe it’s the Babylon 5-looking fighters and space station? Maybe it’s the drab colour palette? Maybe it’s fat Data? Not really sure, but I’m left with the feeling that it might feel cheap and re-hashed. Again, excited but not sure why this trailer dulled that anticipation. I feel kinda like when that first horrible CG shot of Disco came out. I love Disco but that first clip that had incomplete CG rendering was deflating. We’ll see :)

This is not just excite, this is super-excite!

I really must needs say, it is so grand to see Star Trek back on television in many different ways

Anyone remember when that classic BOP had plasma torpedoes?? Too bad can’t go into a Pike/Number One/Spock Series though. Anyone remember being like “whoa that Borg, ultimate bad guys”. They’re so good they got it where Picard could actually win in starship combat. Man are those days over!

It would be hilarious if they generated the interiors of the Enterprise D using that fan recreation in Unreal Engine which they forced to shut down.

Why does that unknown character remind me of Sybok with all the hair and beard?

Didn’t the Borg attack Mars when they invaded? They invaded like 2 times.

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The writer-director talks the high stakes of the finale, the emotions that flowed on set, and his dreams of continuing the story with a new series.

By Phil Pirrello

Phil Pirrello

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Star Trek Picard Still Terry Matalas

[This story contains spoilers for Picard season three’s final episode.]

Star Trek Picard ’s third season finale takes the Next Generation crew back to where it all began — though showrunner Terry Matalas was too busy capturing its key scenes to take in the wonder of being on the bridge of the Enterprise-D nearly 30 years after TNG went off the air.

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During the heartstring-tugging climax, the Enterprise literally swoops in above Picard and Jack to save the day, and it was during post-production on the making of this cinematic moment where all the creative intentions and goals Matalas had hoped to achieve for season three coalesced into one frame. 

“I didn’t think we would pull it off,” Matalas tells The Hollywood Reporter. “But when the visual effects came in, and once Stephen Barton’s incredible score was added, seeing the Enterprise appear above the characters like that, that’s when I let myself consider the possibility that, ‘Hey, I think maybe we did it.’”

But getting to see the crew where they began, back on their Next Gen flagship – on a very expensive set for a brief amount of time – involved some logistic pressure. 

“The studio was all for it,” Matalas explains, “but it just came down to time and money. They were like: ‘You have to find a way to pay for it.’ But it was one of the first ideas I had; it was part of my initial pitch to Patrick. The appearance of the ship was part of the pitch to LeVar and to the rest of the cast, in that during the last two hours we would be on the Enterprise-D. So right from the moment that the season started, we were figuring out how to build that in time for the finale.”

Helping production designer Dave Blass and his crew ensure that the set would be completed on time were TNG veterans Michael and Denise Okuda. They and Blass’ team consulted the original TNG bridge’s blueprints to physically re-create the set. Once it was completed, there was very little time for anyone – including lifelong Trek fan Matalas – to bask in the glow of what would become a fan-favorite accomplishment. 

Also on Matalas’ mind was finding the best way to start the episode after episode nine, “Vox,” ended with the Enterprise warping off to once again save Earth. (Picard’s order in that scene – “Set a course for Earth, maximum warp” – is Matalas’ homage to the exact same line Stewart says in the 1996 feature Star Trek: First Contact ). “Last Generation” starts with the first few seconds of The Next Generation ’s famous opening title sequence: A brief flight through space, toward a bruise-colored streak of nebula, before a blinding star fills the frame with white. But the script originally had a different scene.

“What was scripted, actually, was to reprise the first shot of Picard from the TNG series premiere [‘Encounter at Farpoint’],” Matalas remembers. “It was going to be Picard walking up to the D’s observation lounge windows, stepping forward into the shot, and then we were going to transition from that to modern day Picard. But the cost of using that footage and up-resing it proved prohibitive. But I still wanted, by the time we were changing it all, to honor Next Gen . So we thought: ‘Well, what if we use that famous space shot from the titles, only we continue on with it and reveal the Enterprise?’ And it worked.”

“Initially, I wanted to have Walter on camera for that scene. We were going to see President Chekov on the viewscreen deliver that message,” Matalas says. Sadly, the production ran out of time for that. “But, later on, when we were in post, we agreed it would still be amazing and powerful to hear him.” 

Also powerful was seeing the Enterprise get its own “hero moment” on par with those of her crew: In order to rescue Picard and his son, Data pilots the Enterprise on a Death Star-esque trench run through the Borg cube’s vast, jagged interior. 

“That’s all CG. The ship looks like the model in some shots, especially like the smaller, more-detailed model [ TNG ] used after season three, but that’s a testament to our brilliant visual effects team led by Jason Zimmerman and Brian Tatosky.” 

The VFX team could not use ILM’s previous CG version of the Enterprise-D created for brief shots in 1994’s Star Trek: Generations feature film, so the production had to build a new one from scratch. While no models were used, the team did, however, get a chance to reference a physical piece of the Enterprise for their digital recreation: The saucer section model that famously crashes on the planet Veridian III in Generations. (Ironically, Geordi La Forge salvages that crashed saucer section for his friends’ “Last Generation” mission.)

“That was actually the most fun I had [shooting] on the bridge,” Matalas says. “Shooting Beverly at tactical, firing phasers, and seeing Geordi in the Captain’s chair, and Marina and Brent back at their usual stations – all of that was very exciting.”

It was another moment that proved stressful.

“Shooting the initial reunion, when they first walk on to the bridge, that I felt stressed. Because I knew if I had messed that up, it would have risked ruining it for fans,” says Matalas. “But that great emotional moment Marina has as Troi, when she can sense her husband is in danger, or Brent’s great performance asking the crew to trust his ‘gut’ for the first time – those were the moments that were most exciting for me.”

As exciting as the aforementioned action is, Matalas and his writing staff made sure the emotional drama was always fueling such scenes – never superseded by them. Especially a short but compelling beat aboard the soon-to-be-destroyed Borg cube, where Riker has a very “this is it” moment in the form of saying his goodbyes to his wife, Troi. It’s another powerful dramatic turn from Frakes this season, but according to Matalas, it was also a scene that the production raced the clock to get. 

Time and family – what we leave behind and how it shapes what lies ahead – are at the forefront of both “Last Generation” and season threeas a whole, with those thematic auspices culminating in one more final showdown between Picard and his nemesis, the Borg Queen. 

“It was always going to be the Borg Queen,” Matalas explains. “From the initial pitch, to the story break in the writers room, we had to have her because if the show is going to be about what you pass on, this idea of one’s legacy, then a key piece of Picard’s is the role she has had in it. And if we’re going to do a story about Picard as a father in that way, then it had to lead to the Borg Queen in another way, as in: ‘Hey, I’m a parent, a mother, too, aren’t I? I have a maternal stake in this as well.’ Only it’s one with an evil motivation to it. It’s also a generational story in that Jack is the key to the evolution of the Borg. Sort of an unintended consequence of what happened to Picard as Locutus.’”

As for what will happen to Picard, Jack, and the rest of the Enterprise crew in terms of more adventures featuring them on Paramount+ , that remains surprisingly ambiguous – especially given the critical and ratings success of Star Trek Picard season three. (Recently, Picard entered the Nielsen Top 10 Streaming Shows for the first time – a Trek first.)

“I am very, very grateful that the fans want to see more of this very special and talented cast – so do I. At the moment, Star Trek Legacy is just a pie-in-the-sky wish of mine. There is nothing like that in development, currently. But one day, I hope. It would be an amazing thing to do.”

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  • New Star Trek: Picard Funko Pops are dropping this week, featuring characters from the show's third season.
  • Fan-favorite characters like Jean-Luc Picard, Jack Crusher, Seven of Nine, and Raffi are included.
  • The Pops will be available on Entertainment Earth, Amazon, and The Mighty Hobby this week.

If you're a collector of Funko Pops, or a Trekkie, or both, listen up. According to Funko POP News! four new Funko Pops will be released this week featuring characters from the Paramount+ show Star Trek: Picard . In a social media post, mockups of Jean-Luc Picard ( Patrick Stewart ), Jack Crusher ( Ed Speleers ), Seven of Nine ( Jeri Ryan ), and Raffi Musiker ( Michelle Hurd ) were revealed.

The costumes featured are from the third and final season of Star Trek: Picard , which aired in 2023. Father and son Jean-Luc Picard and Jack Crusher (whoops spoilers) are now in Funko Pop form. Everyone's favorite season two couple, nicknamed Saffi, are also seen. Seven of Nine is donning her command red Starfleet uniform after successfully joining the crew of the USS Titan under Captain Liam Shaw ( Todd Stashwick ) in season 3. Depending on the number of pips, which can't be seen very well in the mockups, it's unclear if this is First Officer Seven of Nine or Captain Seven of Nine (fingers crossed for Captain Seven).

If Fans Can't Get 'Star Trek: Legacy' in Live Action, Funko Pops Might Do Just Fine

Three of the four characters coming out in Funko Pop form are also highly sought after for a Star Trek spin-off called Star Trek: Legacy . After the series ended last year, Alex Kurtzman told Fox LA that the ask for more from the characters of Star Trek: Picard has been heard "loud and clear." Kurtzman said, "there's obviously more story to tell." With the series leaving off with now Captain Seven of Nine, Raffi as her First Officer, and Jack Crusher as one of the newest crew members of the latest USS Enterprise, the show has been perfectly set up for a continuation.

Funko Pop News! says that the pops will be dropping on Entertainment Earth, Amazon, and The Mighty Hobby sometime this week.

Revisit Star Trek: Picard in the meantime on Paramount+

Star Trek: Picard

Admiral Jean-Luc Picard, long retired from Starfleet, is thrust back into the heart of galactic intrigue when a desperate young woman seeks his aid. Determined to uncover a vast conspiracy and protect her, Picard recruits a diverse team of allies. As they navigate a galaxy fraught with new dangers and old enemies, Picard faces personal demons and ethical dilemmas, all while trying to uphold the ideals he has always stood for.

Watch on Paramount+

Star Trek: Picard (2020)

  • Michelle Hurd


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  6. New Star Trek Picard Images Show Patrick Stewart On Classic TNG Location

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  1. Star Trek Picard's 10 Forward Retcons & History Explained

    Star Trek: Picard introduced 10 Forward, Guinan's (Whoopi Goldberg) bar on Earth, in season 2, complicating the legacy and history of the bar of the same name from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Guinan was seen tending bar at the earthbound 10 Forward in the Picard season 2 premiere "The Star Gazer," reuniting with a romantically troubled ...

  2. Ten Forward

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  3. What Picard's "There Is A Tide..." Finale Speech In 10 Forward Means

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  4. Interview: Dave Blass On Rebuilding The Enterprise-D And What You Didn

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  5. Picard Teases The Real Origin Of Star Trek: TNG's Enterprise Bar

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  6. Check Out "10 Forward" Cast Photos And New Clips From 'Star Trek

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  7. Inside the Star Trek: Picard 10 Forward Pop Up

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  9. 10 Forward: The Experience

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  11. The STAR TREK: PICARD Cast Beams Down to 10 Forward in New Season 2

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    Inspired by Guinan's Los Angeles-based bar seen in the upcoming second season of Star Trek: Picard, 10 Forward: The Experience begins March 10, as Paramount+ will host a live event to celebrate the show's second season. This pop-up 'experience' will include visits from many LA-based food trucks, themed cocktails, and several Picard "experiential environments with digital interactions ...

  13. Star Trek: Picard is launching the 10 Forward: The Experience in March

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  14. Captain Picard Visits Ten Forward and Talk With Guinan

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  15. We Went to ... 10 Forward: The Experience

    The venue, in downtown Los Angeles, is made over to resemble Guinan's 10 Forward from Star Trek: Picard based in the historic "Forward District" in contemporary Los Angeles, rather than the 10 Forward most Trekkies are probably imagining aboard the Enterprise-D from The Next Generation. A variety of Los-Angeles based food trucks provides food which can be ordered - along with the ...

  16. 'Star Trek's 10 Forward Experience Beams Down to San Diego

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  23. Watch: New 'Star Trek: Picard' Trailer Shows Us Ten Forward And More

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  25. 'Star Trek: Picard' Beams Up Four New Funko Pops

    Revisit 'Star Trek: Picard' Season 3 with four new Funko Pops featuring Seven of Nine, Raffi Musiker, Jean-Luc Picard, and Jack Crusher.