24 Top-Rated Attractions & Places to Visit in Auvergne

Written by Lisa Alexander Updated Dec 22, 2023 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

Experience the beauty of France without the crowds by visiting the off-the-beaten-path Auvergne region. This spectacular rural landscape is distinguished by its impressive volcanic mountains, idyllic valleys, and unspoiled forests.

If you love the great outdoors, the Auvergne region is the place for you. Regional nature parks offer opportunities for fishing, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, skiing , and other active sports.

Cultural attractions are another draw. This region is dotted with old castles, Romanesque churches, and quaint historic villages . The local gastronomy is also a highlight of visiting this region. Several towns are famous for making special varieties of cheese.

Auvergne also boasts the fashionable spa towns of Vichy and Le Mont-Dore, thanks to the area's thermal springs. The bustling capital of Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand is an elegant city with a heritage dating back to the Crusades.

Learn about the best places to visit and things to do in this undiscovered region of France. Our list of the top attractions in Auvergne will help you plan your adventures.

See also: Where to Stay in Auvergne

1. Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne

2. clermont-ferrand, 3. le puy-en-velay, 6. saint-flour, 7. la chaise-dieu, 10. moulins, 11. brioude, 12. saint-nectaire, 13. aurillac, 14. abbatiale saint-austremoine in issoire, 15. roquefort village and cheese, 16. village of bort-les-orgues and château de val, 17. arboretum de balaine, 18. le mont-dore, 19. saint-saturnin, 20. viaduc de garabit, 21. vulcania amusement park, 22. summertime concerts and festivals, 23. parc naturel régional du livradois-forez, 24. musée des manufactures de dentelles (lace museum), where to stay in auvergne for sightseeing.

Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne

One of the largest regional parks in France, this expansive nature reserve features volcanoes, crater lakes, forests, rivers, and thermal springs. The most magnificent of the volcanoes, the Puy de Dôme rises dramatically from the verdant valleys.

By hiking up to the peak of the Puy de Dôme , you can take in views of the Chaîne des Puys , with their ancient craters now covered by pastures of rolling grass. Another impressive volcano is the Puy de Sancy , the highest peak in the Massif Central at an elevation of 1,886 meters.

The Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne is a place to appreciate vast open space and to participate in adventure sports. With its well-groomed trails, this regional park is a hiker's paradise. Other outdoorsy things to do include mountain biking, horseback riding, rock climbing, river rafting, kayaking, and canoeing.

Address: Château de Montlosier, Aydat, France

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Auvergne's atmospheric capital city is actually two historic towns combined in one. Clermont-Ferrand encompasses Le Vieux Montferrand (the old hilltop village of Montferrand) and the medieval town of Clermont , which was incorporated with Montferrand in 1630. Both areas of Clermont-Ferrand reveal a fascinating heritage.

The First Crusades began in Clermont, proclaimed by Pôe Urban II in 1095. The skyline of Clermont-Ferrand reveals 50 towers, which represent the medieval town's churches.

Majestic and awe-inspiring, the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de l'Assomption stands on a hilltop in the historic center of Clermont. This 13th-century cathedral has a striking appearance, thanks to its construction from dark volcanic stone. Beautiful stained-glass windows are another distinguishing feature of the cathedral.

The UNESCO-listed 12th-century Basilique Notre-Dame-du-Port (also in the Clermont historic center) was a stop on the Chemin de Saint-Jacques medieval pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela in Spain . The basilica's crypt contains a copy of a Black Virgin figurine that was venerated by pilgrims in the 13th century. Intricately carved Romanesque capitals, over 250 in total, decorate the nave.

To switch gears and experience Clermont-Ferrand's modern city center, spend time at the happening Place de Jaude . The monumental buildings of this fountain-adorned square are filled with shops, cafés, and restaurants. For a taste of local culture, pick one of the square's many outdoor cafés and enjoy a coffee break on the terrace. There's also a cinema on the square, and steps away is the Opéra-Théâtre de Clermont-Ferrand (Opera House).

A short walk from the Place de Jaude or the cathedral is the Henri-Lecoq Museum, a collection of natural history plus an educational botanic garden.

The Vieux Montferrand historic district is home to the Musee d'Art Roger Quilliot (Museum of Fine Arts) with over 1,500 artworks, from medieval to modern.

From the end of January through early February, the town hosts the International Short Film Festival .

Clermont-Ferrand Map - Tourist Attractions

In this one-of-a-kind town, striking volcanic formations provide stunning sites for medieval pilgrimage churches.

Marvel over the Chapelle Saint-Michel d'Aiguilhe , crowning a mount of lava rock, and try to fathom how it was built in the 10th century. It requires a climb of 268 steps to reach the chapel.

The UNESCO-listed 12th-century Romanesque Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Puy is not to be missed. This church was one of the stops on the Chemin de Saint-Jacques pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela . For centuries, pilgrims came to venerate a Vierge Noire (Black Madonna) figure. Unfortunately, the figure was destroyed during the French Revolution. A copy now graces the Baroque high altar.

Every year in mid-August, the Fêtes Mariales (Feast of the Assumption) is held to commemorate the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. This traditional Catholic celebration features a procession of the famous Black Madonna.

One of the most iconic sites in Le Puy-en-Velay is the statue of the Notre-Dame de France (Virgin Mary). This impressive statue stands on top of the Rocher Corneille , a 132-meter-high volcanic chimney overlooking the historic center of town. You may visit the site, which offers sweeping vistas of Le Puy-en-Velay's cityscape and surrounding countryside.

Five kilometers from Le Puy-en-Velay, the breathtaking Forteresse de Polignac perches above steep cliff sides. Much of the original impregnable fortress is now in ruins (except for the old dungeon, ramparts, and defense system), but the panoramic views merit a visit. The Forteresse de Polignac is open from April through mid-November for self-guided and guided visits.

Le Puy en Velay Map - Tourist Attractions

This Belle Epoque town was a fashionable spa resort in the 19th century, when visitors came to "take the waters" for their health benefits. Thermal baths and spa treatments were popular, as well as leisure activities such as golf and tennis.

Right in the center of town is Les Thermes de Vichy spa, which was founded in 1903. This spa offers a chance to bathe in the mineral-rich Vichy waters, said to cure illnesses. Les Thermes de Vichy offers treatments for various health issues and provides programs for three-day, six-day, and three-week stays.

Other attractions in Vichy are the lush parks such as Le Parc Napoléon III and the Opéra de Vichy, a glittering Art Nouveau monument that hosts opera, theater, and classical music performances.

A 30-minute drive from Vichy is the Château de Chareil-Cintrat, a splendid Renaissance castle classified as a Historic Monument. The castle is open Tuesday through Sunday, from mid-June through mid-September. During your visit, you can admire the sumptuous interior, including murals created from 1560 to 1570 depicting mythological and astrological themes.


Riom is a historic capital city with grand boulevards and elegant old mansions. On the main street, the Rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville, is the 16th-century Hôtel de Ville (Town Hall) and the Musée Mandet , a museum of fine arts and decorative arts.

To learn about the regional culture, visit the Musée Régional d'Auvergne , which focuses on traditional rural life and folk art in Auvergne.

Inside the Palais de Justice (Law Courts) is the chapel of the old château, Sainte-Chapelle , a gem of Gothic architecture illuminated by three exquisite 15th-century stained-glass windows.

For those seeking spa and mineral bath treatments, Châtel-Guyon is worth a detour, about five kilometers from Riom. This Belle Epoque spa town now has a modern spa facility with views of the Parc Thermal , a luxuriant three-hectare park with walking paths, and a rose garden that features thousands of blooms.

Châtel-Guyon is also known for its cultural events , including a springtime jazz festival, Jazz aux Sources; summertime outdoor music concerts; and year-round theater performances.

Aerial view of Saint-Flour

Perched on a volcanic rock promontory, Saint-Flour has a charm all its own. Medieval walls still partially enclose the town's historic center, which is a delight to explore on foot.

Saint-Flour's quaint pedestrian streets are lined with boutiques, restaurants, and cafés. At the Tourism Office near the cathedral, you can pick up maps of walking circuits through the historic center or along the ramparts.

Saint-Flour flourished as a religious capital during the Middle Ages; the Musée de la Haute Auvergne displays the region's archaeological and religious art treasures.

Further evidence of the town's incredible heritage is the Cathédrale Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Flour , an amazing Gothic cathedral built out of black basalt (lava stone).

A short (20-minute) drive south of Saint-Flour is the ruined 13th-century Château d'Alleuze, once the base for the bishops in the area of Saint-Flour. The castle is in ruins, but this hilltop site has an air of romance and provides superb views of the surrounding valley.

Abbey Church of Saint-Robert

This little village is renowned for its Benedictine abbey . The abbey's celebrated 14th-century Church of Saint-Robert has an awe-inspiring, high-vaulted Gothic interior.

The choir contains the tomb of Pope Clement VI , as well as an exquisite set of 16th-century tapestries listed as Monuments Historiques .

Also on display is the three-panel wall painting Danse Macabre , created in the 15th century at a time when plagues and wars had reduced the European population by half.

In August, the Festival de Musique (classical music festival) presents concerts at various venues in La Chaise-Dieu, as well as in nearby villages.

Basilique Notre-Dame d'Orcival

The village of Orcival enjoys a picture-perfect backdrop of the Monts Dômes and the Monts Dore mountain ranges. And the cultural attractions rival the natural scenery.

An exceptional monument, the Basilique Notre-Dame d'Orcival was founded by the abbey of La Chaise-Dieu in the 12th century and is considered one of the finest Romanesque churches in Auvergne. The basilica contains relics that have been venerated by pilgrims since the 6th century, and the choir holds a revered 12th-century statue of the Virgin Enthroned.

Near Orcival (three kilometers away) is the Château de Cordès , which has three elements classified as Monuments Historiques : the façade, the chapel, and the formal gardens. Other unique features include the dining room constructed out of Volvic stone and decorated with Aubusson tapestries.

The Château de Cordès is especially renowned for its French formal gardens designed in 1695 by André Le Nôtre. The Château de Cordès is open on Sundays in June and every day in July and August.

The town of Salers

The little medieval hilltop town of Salers is listed as one of the Plus Beaux Villages de France . Tucked away in the Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne , the town stands at an altitude of more than 914 meters and is still surrounded by its ancient walls.

Salers is distinguished by its houses built from dark lava stone and topped with turrets. Top attractions are the town's central square and the Romanesque and Gothic-style Eglise Saint-Mathieu decorated with 17th-century Aubusson tapestries.

History buffs will want to visit the town's Maison des Templiers , which houses the Musée de Salers. This museum is dedicated to the history of Salers, as well as the folk art and traditions of the region.

Salers is well known for its farming heritage, as well as its hearty cuisine made from ingredients of the terroir. Local specialties include the high-quality beef from Aubrac-breed cattle raised on nearby ranches and the AOP ( Appellation d'Origine Protégée ) Salers cheese .


The town of Moulins takes its name from the many mills that once lined the Allier River. In the 14th century, Moulins became the capital of the Bourbonnais duchy, and the medieval Château des Ducs de Bourbon still stands at the center of town.

Also known as "la Mal-Coiffée " ("the Bad Hairdo"), the château (open every day in July and August) now houses a museum devoted to the heritage of the Dukes of Bourbon. From the top of the castle, you can take in panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.

Opposite the château is the 15th-century Cathédrale Notre-Dame-de-l'Annonciation , designed in the Flamboyant Gothic style with exquisite stained-glass windows. The sacristy displays the Triptyque due Maître de Moulins , a well-preserved late-15th- to early-16th-century triptych.

Other tourist attractions are the Musee du Bâtiment , a museum dedicated to the history of building construction techniques, and the Maison Mantin , a lavishly decorated 19th-century bourgeois home, which is open to the public and displays an eclectic assortment of antiquities, historical items, and collector's items.

Basilica Saint-Julien in Brioude

The small village of Brioude boasts the largest Romanesque church in Auvergne, which was a medieval pilgrimage destination on the Chemin de Saint-Jacques route to Santiago de Compostela.

The town's most important monument, the Basilique Saint-Julien was built in the 11th to 12th century using multicolored masonry. The dazzling interior features 300 richly carved Romanesque capitals and Gothic-style vaulting added in the 13th century. The nave is adorned with intricate 12th-century frescoes depicting biblical stories, while contemporary stained-glass windows illuminate the space.

Another interesting attraction in Brioude is the Aquarium La Maison du Saumon et de la Rivière , located in a beautiful setting on the Allier River. Here, a salmon aquarium houses 800 fish of 35 different salmon species. The museum also educates visitors about the biology of salmon and the history of salmon fishermen.

Saint-Nectaire Church

A tour of Romanesque churches continues in Saint-Nectaire, a small hilltop village surrounded by a picturesque landscape. The area is a popular spa and hiking destination.

Perched on the highest point in the town is the 12th-century Eglise de Saint-Nectaire . The harmonious interior features a 20-meter-high cupola. More than a hundred capitals depict Old and New Testament scenes. The church treasury contains a 12th-century gilded copper bust of Saint Baudine.

Besides its church, the town is also known for its Saint-Nectaire cheese , which has a special designation of AOP ( Appellation d'Origine Protégée ).


Aurillac is the old capital of Auvergne and the current capital of the Cantal département. This attractive town grew up around the Abbaye de Saint-Géraud, founded in the 10th century.

Listed as a Monument Historique , the Église Abbatiale dates to the 12th and 13th centuries. However, the church was completely rebuilt in the 15th century.

Another noteworthy church in Aurillac is the 14th-century Église Notre-Dame-des-Neiges , also a Monument Historique . The church shelters a fine 17th-century Black Virgin.

In the town is Château Saint-Étienne, an ancient fortress dating to the 9th century that is listed as a Monument Historique . The château was renovated in later centuries (12th, 13th, and 19th). One wing of the château now houses the Musée des Sciences . This engaging museum features multimedia exhibits, interactive models, and videos about the science of volcanoes.

Abbatiale Saint-Austremoine

Visit the town of Issoire to admire the second-largest Romanesque church in Auvergne after the Basilique Saint-Julien in Brioude. Built in the 11th and 12th centuries, the Abbatiale Saint-Austremoine is a masterpiece of Auvergnese Romanesque art and is classified as a Monument Historique .

Stepping into the sanctuary gives the impression of entering a jewelry box. The brilliant and ornately decorated interior sparkles with vibrant stained-glass windows, colorful polychrome mosaics, and intricate sculptural decoration.


Famous for its cheese, Roquefort-sur-Soulzon is registered as a Site Remarquable du Goût (awarded to sites with exceptional food products of the French terroir). The tiny village is found near the Grands Causses Regional Natural Park , at the base of the Combalou Rock. This area falls within L'Occitane region, which borders Auvergne.

Natural caves of Combalou Rock offer the perfect conditions for ripening the Roquefort cheese , which has been crafted in the same way for a thousand years. Roquefort is an intensely flavored blue cheese made from the milk of Lacaune sheep that graze on verdant pastures surrounding the village. Some of the local Roquefort producers offer tours of their cellars.

Château de Val

The picturesque town of Bort-les-Orgues is a good starting point to explore the natural landscape of the Dordogne Valley . The most important monument is its church, the Eglise de Bort , which dates back to the 13th century.

Bort-les-Orgues is listed as a Ville Fleurie because of the abundance of flowers adorning its public spaces and parks.

A 10-minute drive away in Lanobre, the turreted 15th-century Château de Val dazzles visitors with its fairy-tale appearance and idyllic lakeside setting. The lavish rooms have been refurbished with outstanding attention to detail. Within the castle is the Chapelle Saint-Blaise , which is listed as a Monument Historique .

The Château de Val is open from February through November. The castle also offers overnight accommodations and has an interesting program of cultural events held throughout the year. During summertime (July and August), the château hosts music concerts on Wednesday evenings.

Arboretum de Balaine

Created in 1804, the Arboretum de Balaine is the oldest botanical garden in France and is classified as a Jardin Remarquable . Formerly the grounds of a Bourbonnais castle (still located on the property), the site encompasses around 20 hectares with 3,500 varieties of plants.

The arboretum blends classic English garden style with areas devoted to exotic plants. Highlights are the heirloom rose garden , a vegetable and aromatic plant garden, and untamed woodlands.

Take a stroll along a meandering walking path that weaves its way through the garden's shrubs and leafy trees and across streams. You may also enjoy a picnic at various spots in the garden.

From early March through mid-November, the Arboretum de Balaine is open every day. Hours are from 9am until 7pm in spring and summer and from 9am until 5pm during autumn. The garden is closed during wintertime.

Address: Château de Balaine, 03460 Villeneuve-sur-Allier

Thermal baths in Le Mont-Dore

This lovely spa resort town nestles along the Dordogne River at the foot of the Puy de Sancy mountain. Le Mont-Dore has several upscale spa facilities .

The most prestigious establishment, the Spa Thermal du Mont-Dore is a classified Monument Historique . This Art Deco spa establishment was inspired by the Caracalla baths in Rome, as well as Byzantine-style Turkish baths. Spa facilities include a thermal pool and a variety of spaces for thermal bath treatments, mineral water hydrotherapy, massages, yoga classes, and beauty rituals.

Le Mont-Dore is part of a protected nature reserve, the Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne . During summertime, the area is popular for outdoor activities such as hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, and golfing.

Popular cultural events in the area include the Sancy Snow Jazz festival dedicated to hot jazz, swing, and New Orleans jazz music; Le Très Court International Film Festival in June; and for fans of traditional blues music, the Mont-Dore Volcanic Blues Festival in September to early October.

In wintertime, the Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne is a winter sports destination for alpine skiing and cross-country skiing.

Read More: Best Waterfalls in France


The fortified medieval village of Saint-Saturnin delights visitors with its country charm and tranquil environment. Saint-Saturnin is about 20 kilometers from the village of Saint-Nectaire.

A must-see sight, the 12th-century Eglise de Saint-Saturnin is considered one of the most important Romanesque monuments of Auvergne. This church reveals a marvelous architectural unity. The somber interior inspires solemn prayer and spirituality.

The town also boasts a 13th-century château , where Catherine de Médicis once held court.

Viaduc de Garabit

Gustave Eiffel designed this 565-meter-long viaduct, with an arch spanning the Truyère River to the south of Saint-Flour. The Viaduc de Garabit was built between 1880 and 1884, before the Eiffel Tower was constructed.

Held together by 600,000 rivets, the massive steel structure is a remarkable feat of engineering. The Viaduc de Garabit is classified as a Monument Historique and is considered among the finest achievements of Gustave Eiffel.

The Viaduc de Garabit is illuminated in the evenings year-round. On Christmas and New Year's Eve, the lights stay on all night long.

The area around the viaduct has several walking paths to take in the scenery.

Vulcania Amusement Park

Get ready to be amazed at this innovative amusement park. You'll learn fascinating details about volcanoes, through animated movies, documentary films, and interactive science exhibits.

Families love the kid-friendly attractions: dragon-themed amusement park rides, a children's exploration lab, an outdoor playground, and a play area just for toddlers.

The Vulcania amusement park is just a short drive away (20 minutes) from Clermont-Ferrand.

Address: Route de Mazayes, Saint-Ours les Roches

Aurillac Street Theater Festival

Auvergne is among the best places to visit in France to enjoy summertime concerts and festivals. Music lovers can choose from many wonderful events.

The Festival de Musique en Bourbonnais presents Baroque music performances at the 12th-century Eglise Saint-Pierre de Châteloy in Hérisson and other Romanesque churches nearby.

The Concerts de Vollore series of classical music concerts takes place at various venues in the village and at the Château de Vollore. This summertime festival includes a wide variety of performances, from classical music to jazz.

La Chaise-Dieu Festival de Musique in August presents classical piano, symphony, and sacred music concerts at the Abbey Church of Saint-Robert and in nearby villages.

On the third weekend of September, the Roi de l'Oiseau Renaissance Festival in Puy-en-Velay entertains crowds with its "Tir de l'Oiseau" archery competition, circus performances, and an authentic Renaissance market.

In mid-July, Issoire hosts the highly acclaimed Festival International Danses et Musiques du Monde , which brings together musicians, dancers, and singers from all over the world.

In August, Aurillac transforms its streets and squares into entertainment venues for the International Street Theater Festival (Festival International de Théâtre de Rue).

The town of Gannat (near Vichy) holds a Festival of World Cultures that takes place over several days in July.

Parc Naturel Régional du Livradois-Forez

The Parc Naturel Régional du Livradois-Forez is known for its contrasting landscapes: mountains, woodlands, heather moors, plains, and wetlands.

The forests are home to amazing bird species, including grouse and owls. The diverse scenery and abundance of birdlife make this natural park a great place for hiking and bird watching.

Address: Maison du Parc, 63880 Saint-Gervais-Sous-Meymont, France

The Musée des Manufactures de Dentelles allows you to discover the fabulous world of lace, through its extensive collection of around 450,000 pieces representing 100,000 different lace designs. The museum also explains the history of lace manufacturing in the region.

This museum explains the history of European lace and shows how women of the region have created lace since the early 20th century. A Decorative Arts exhibit focuses on the wide range of lace designs, along with the sources of inspiration.

This museum is found in the small country village of Retournac.

Address: 14 Avenue de la Gare, Retournac

Although Auvergne's tourism industry is less developed than other areas of France, the region still offers a wide variety of lodging options. The most luxurious accommodations are found in historic castles in the countryside, while more affordable options are located in the towns. We recommend these hotels in and around Clermont-Ferrand, Vichy, Moulins, Le Mont-Dore, and Le Puy-en-Velay.

Luxury Hotels:

  • The five-star Château de Codignat occupies a medieval castle on a hilltop above the village of Bort l'Etang (30 kilometers from Clermont-Ferrand). The location affords panoramic views of the countryside. This Relais & Châteaux property offers sumptuous accommodations on a 15-hectare parkland with a romantic garden. Amenities include a scenic walking trail, outdoor swimming pool, tennis court, and a gourmet restaurant that serves regional cuisine.
  • The peaceful Napoleon III Park at the center of Vichy provides a relaxing setting for the Vichy Célestins Spa Hôtel . This luxurious five-star hotel is designed in 1930s Art Deco style. The spacious, bright guest rooms feature modern decor and sleek marble-accented bathrooms. The hotel has a fine-dining restaurant, fitness center, wellness programs, and a prestigious thermal spa (the largest medical spa in Europe) with indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a hammam, and saunas.
  • In the village of Saint-Saturnin (20 kilometers from Clermont-Ferrand), the Château Royal de Saint-Saturnin is a small boutique bed-and-breakfast hotel, which occupies a renovated medieval castle. The charming guest rooms are outfitted in traditional French style, while the wood-beamed library and a cozy dining room offer inviting spaces for guests to enjoy. The Château Royal de Saint-Saturnin is surrounded by a lovely garden.

Mid-Range Hotels:

  • For a magical French country experience, travelers can choose the Château d'Ygrande (about 30 kilometers from Moulins). Set on expansive grounds with vibrant gardens and sweeping views of the Bourbonnais landscape, this four-star hotel offers the refinement of a 19th-century manor house. Guest rooms are exquisitely decorated in old-fashioned French style. Amenities include a gastronomic restaurant, wellness area, outdoor swimming pool, walking trails, and a lake for fishing and boating.
  • The Hôtel Mercure Clermont Ferrand Centre Jaude is located at the heart of Clermont-Ferrand near the bustling Place de Jaude. This modern four-star hotel offers contemporary-style rooms with modern amenities, such as flat-screen televisions and Nespresso coffee machines. The hotel also has a fitness center and an outdoor terrace with breathtaking views.
  • Located near the center of Le Mont-Dore in a gorgeous natural environment, the Gran Carlina Hotel caters to guests seeking comfortable lodging and a rejuvenating ambience. This four-star hotel has a gourmet restaurant, fitness center, sauna, and spa, as well as indoor and outdoor swimming pools. Nearby are many hiking trails, as well as ski slopes.

Budget Hotels:

  • For those seeking an affordable hotel in Vichy, the three-star Hôtel de Grignan hits the mark for both location and price. Ideally situated on a quiet street near the center of town, this hotel is within easy walking distance of the Opéra de Vichy and the Napoleon III Park. The stylish modern rooms have refrigerators and updated bathrooms; some rooms have kitchenettes. Other selling points are the fitness center and hot tub.
  • A good value for the price, the three-star ibis Styles Moulins Centre is ideally situated in the city's historic center, just a short walk away from the cathedral. The recently renovated hotel provides a 24-hour front desk, and the rooms are decorated in a minimalistic, contemporary style. A continental breakfast buffet is included. When the weather is nice, guests can bask in the sun on the outdoor terrace and take in the views of town.
  • The ibis budget Le Puy-en-Velay is a two-star hotel, which offers comfortable accommodations at budget rates. The rooms are very basic but do have private bathrooms and feature simple modern decor. Conveniently located near the SNCF train station, the hotel is about a 15-minute walk from the historic center of Le Puy-en-Velay. The hotel also has a 24-hour front desk and a buffet breakfast option.

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P. Jayet/Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Tourisme

If there’s one word that rhymes with Auvergne, it’s oxygen! Whether skiing in winter or hiking in summer, its chain of volcanoes is a vast playground for lovers of open spaces. Between lakes, forests and mountains, there is a unique biodiversity. And in the folds of their curves, a real cabinet of curiosities is offered to the traveler who loves unusual discoveries: city dedicated to street art, Buddhist monastery or Orthodox hermitage… Not to mention the castles, fortresses and perched churches, jewels of Romanesque art posted on the way to Santiago de Compostela.

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France’s oldest region lies deep in a land of volcanoes. It cannot help but amaze with the purity of its spring waters, its landscapes described by some as sacred, and the exquisite quality of its produce, embodied perhaps by one of its speciality cheeses: Saint-Nectaire. And these are just some of the magical experiences that await you... Are you ready? 

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L' Auvergne et ses multiples sentiers de randonnées vous feront découvrir des panoramas exceptionnels sur la Chaîne des Puys classée UNESCO, le massif du Sancy , les Monts du Cantal ou encore le plateau du Cézallier . Evadez-vous et profitez du grand air , à pied, à vélo ou avec un âne, et découvrez des milieux naturels préservés et un patrimoine riche !

Vélo en famille en Auvergne

A vos guidons !

Sportifs aguerris ou familles en balade, les petites routes et chemins d’Auvergne sont faits pour vous !

Les plus sportifs trouveront forcément leur bonheur parmi des  itinéraires mythiques comme la Grande Traversée du Massif Central à VTT ,  la Via Allier ou encore les boucles RBX sur les traces du champion Romain Bardet .

Pour des sorties familiales en toute sécurité, pédalez sur les  voies vertes  et pour les adeptes de l’itinérance, choisissez la  véloroute   ! Pour les épicuriens, alliez détente et gastronomie, en suivant la Route des Fromages AOP d'Auvergne .

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Nuits insolites

Cabane dans les arbres au milieu des oiseaux, roulotte romantique ou dôme transparent pour dormir sous les étoiles, sans oublier le traditionnel buron, l'Auvergne vous réserve de belles surprises pour vos week-ends et vacances de printemps.

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Home » Travel Guides » France » 15 Best Things to Do in Auvergne (France)

15 Best Things to Do in Auvergne (France)

Spreading over much of France’s Massif Central, Auvergne is a region of hills, mountain peaks, pastures and lakes.

Many of Auvergne’s biggest landforms were once active volcanoes, and this volcanic rock has even been used as a building material for its medieval monuments.

See the dark spires of Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral, or the basalt that decorates romanesque churches like Sainte-Austremoine.

In winter or summer you’ll spend most of your time in the countryside, trekking through volcanic valleys, swimming in flawless Blue Flag lakes or gliding down ski runs at intimate, unpretentious resorts.

Lets explore the best things to do in Auvergne :

1. Puy-de-Dôme


The colossal Puy-de-Dôme is a lava dome reaching 1,465 metres, just a few minutes  southwest of Clermont-Ferrand.

You’d be remiss not to go to the top, but how you get there is up to you: You can follow in the footsteps of the Gallo-Romans and take the 2,000-year-old path that leads to the ruins of the Temple of Mercury, or join the GR4, which approaches the summit from the northern side.

If walking sounds too much like hard work, the new Panoramique des Dômes is a rack railway that brings you one of France’s great views in complete comfort!

2. Clermont-Ferrand


The drive down to this city on the D941 from the west will stir even the weariest travellers.

There are places to park up and see all of Clermont-Ferrand laid out before you, with the black spires of the cathedral thrown into relief by the city’s red roofs.

The cathedral’s colour comes from its lava stone, and it really sets the monument apart.

Inside, the blue (north) and orange (south) rose windows create an ethereal light, and you can pay a small fee to go to the top of the towers 100-metre-high towers.

This is obviously just the first port of call, and you have to make time for the statue of the chieftain, Vercingetorix, who led the Gauls against the Romans at Alesia in 52BC.

3. L’Aventure Michelin

L'Aventure Michelin

The tyre brand has been a big source of employment in Clermont-Ferrand for more than a century, and whole parts of the city were actually constructed by the company to house its workers.

You can find out everything you need to know about Michelin at its new museum, showcasing almost 130 years of machinery: There’s an electric car dating to 1899 and a plane from the First World War, and you can see the largest tyre in the world by the entrance.

If you’ve ever wondered how the Michelin Man mascot (Bidendum to the French) came  to be, this is where you can find out!


Auvergne’s top tourist attraction is the fifth most-popular in France, combining a theme park with a zoo.

The park rolls out new features most years, one of the most recent being safari lodges.

These can sleep families of five and look over the savannah enclosures where springboks and zebras roam in semi-freedom.

There are 600 animals in the zoo in all, and, as with the savannah area, the habitats are spacious and resemble real wilderness.

The theme park has three roller coasters, five water rides, as well as carousels and roundabouts to bring a smile to smaller members of the family.

5. Le Puy Cathedral

Le Puy Cathedral

Auvergne has five romanesque churches that demand a visit, and this might be the greatest of them all.

It’s mostly from the 1100s but has fragments in its sanctuary that go back to the 400s, and is a UNESCO site for its location on the Way of St. James.

Getting there feels like a pilgrimage too, because you have to climb 132 steps on the stairway from Rue des Pèlerins to reach the entrance.

As you go you can have a good look at the facade and its striped byzantine-style brickwork, with pale sandstone contrasting with black volcanic breccia above carved cedar doors from the 1100s.

6. Église de Saint-Nectaire

Église de Saint-Nectaire

This 12th-century church was included in France’s original catalogue of historic monuments, compiled in 1840. Before you go inside you have to wander around to the external wall of the apse, which has amazing polychrome patterns made with beige, brown and black stones.

The interior is suitably sober for a romanesque church, but check out the carved capitals in the sanctuary, which depict scenes such as the Passion and the Transfiguration.

The statuary is also worth a look, containing a thousand-year-old sculpture of the Virgin with child.

7. MuPop, Montluçon

MuPop, Montluçon

This newly  refurbished museum has France’s largest collection of musical instruments, totalling 3,500 items.

The museum is within two historic mansions, joined by a sleek modern foyer.

You can browse 210 electric guitars, 200 sets of bagpipes, 36 accordions, 80 brass accordions and 30 drum sets, as well as all kinds of equipment for recording and reproducing music, going back to the early-1900s.

MuPop has also gathered a comprehensive archive of graphic art from the history of pop music, with posters, record covers, original album art, as well as masters from music videos and a wealth of other memorabilia.

8. Centre National du Costume de Scène, Moulins

Centre National du Costume de Scène, Moulins

In Moulins you can explore the world’s first museum entirely devoted to scenography and costume design.

The collection is extensive too, with 10,000 ballet, opera and theatre costumes, and numerous prestigious theatres donating their costumes to the museum when their shows close.

Ballet aficionados need to see the Nureyev collection, which has 70 costumes worn by this famous dancer and former director of the Paris Opera ballet.

The museum building is appropriately elegant; Villars is an 18th-century former cavalry barracks on the left bank of the Allier River.

9. Réserve Naturelle de Chaudefour

Réserve Naturelle de Chaudefour

This natural park protects a large U-shaped valley, the result of a titanic volcanic event some 600,000 years ago, causing the partial collapse of the Massif de Sancy.

High on the sides of the valley are strange volcanic rocks like the Dent de la Rancune, which is a magnets for climbers.

Further down you’ll be blown away by the wildflowers: There are a large number of Alpine species like the alpine snowbell, which tend to be very rare in central France.

This is a quirk of the valley’s high elevation and exposed slopes, forming eco-systems you’d usually expect of the Alps and Pyrenees.

10. Église Saint-Austremoine d’Issoire

Église Saint-Austremoine d'Issoire

Another of Auvergne’s celebrated romanesque churches, Saint-Austremoine is a good partner to Saint-Nectaire, and sits 25 kilometres to the east.

Like Saint-Nectaire this church has lovely exterior decorations on its apse, only here the use of dark basalt causes the designs to stand out even more.

Inside, you might be caught off-guard by the brightness of the frescoes, which were restored in the 19th century and, amongst other scenes, show Eve fleeing the Garden of Eden.

The choir is surrounded by eight pillars, each one with a capital with images from the bible.

The most remarkable of these portrays Jesus and the 12 apostles at the last supper.

11. Musée de la Coutellerie, Thiers

Musée de la Coutellerie, Thiers

If you’d like to acquaint yourself with one of Auvergne’s most famous artisan trades, stop by the cutlery museum in Thiers.

High-class knives and cutlery have been honed in the Haute-Marne for several centuries: You can see how they were made by watching a master knife-maker at work in this half-timbered medieval house.

You can also peruse the collection of surgical instruments, scissors, barbers’ kits, clippers, blacksmith tools, butchers’ knife, and more decorative cutlery sets embellished with gold, ivory or mother of pearl.

12. Château de Tournoël, Volvic

Château de Tournoël, Volvic

Declared a French historic monument in the 19th century, this castle dates back to at least the 1000s and maybe even earlier.

It had been in a  state of ruin for centuries when the current owner took over in 2000, but has been restored over the last few years, although the imposing main tower is still off limits.

In its 13th-century heyday it was considered “unconquerable”, and defended the town of Riom, which had a privileged status with the French royalty as a “Bonne Ville”. You’ll be taken on a tour by the children of the owner, and get fun insights about the restoration work, including how some wooden beams were reinstalled with the help of a helicopter.

13. Winter Sport

Le Puy de Sancy

Auvergne has five mountain ranges, and in winter these are an easy-to-reach and affordable alternative to destinations in the Alps and Pyrenees.

The two most popular are Super-Besse and Mont-Dore, on the slopes of Le Puy de Sancy, the highest mountain in the Massif Central at 1,886 metres.

These have inter-connecting slopes totalling 85 kilometres.

If you want to be able to tell your friends you’ve skied down the side of a volcano, Le Lioran on Le Puy Mary is the one for you!

14. Auvergne Cheese Trail

Bleu d'Auvergne

Five of Auvergne’s cheeses have got protected geographic status, more than any other region in France.

These are the strong Bleu d’Auvergne, the nutty Saint-Nectaire, mild and smooth Fourme d’Ambert and Cantal, which varies depending on its age.

Tourist offices in the region can give you all the information about the various farms and dairies on the “Route des Fromages”, and if you’re in doubt you can just follow the signposts.

There are more than 40 stops and each one is assessed each year to make sure that it explains cheese-making clearly  and allows you to taste cheeses of the highest quality.

To pick just one, Fromagerie Wälchli in Condat specialises in Saint-Nectaire and will show you around the cellars where the cheese matures.

15. Beaches

Lac Chambon

Yes, that’s right, landlocked Auvergne has some seriously good beaches, some of which have even earned the Blue Flag, ensuring perfect water-quality and amenities for tourists.

Lac d’Aydat is where Clermont-Ferrand goes to cool off in summer.

On the shore are campsites sheltered by the pine and hardwood forests of the Réserve Naturelle de Chaudefour.

Further into the park, the volcanic Lac Chambon at 877 metres benefits from two Blue Flag beaches on its northern shore.

These waters are very shallow, so the lake warms up quickly for swimmers in summer.

15 Best Things to Do in Auvergne (France):

  • Puy-de-Dôme
  • Clermont-Ferrand
  • L'Aventure Michelin
  • Le Puy Cathedral
  • Église de Saint-Nectaire
  • MuPop, Montluçon
  • Centre National du Costume de Scène, Moulins
  • Réserve Naturelle de Chaudefour
  • Église Saint-Austremoine d'Issoire
  • Musée de la Coutellerie, Thiers
  • Château de Tournoël, Volvic
  • Winter Sport
  • Auvergne Cheese Trail

Must-see attractions in Auvergne

auvergne tourism

Chapelle St-Michel d'Aiguilhe

Le Puy's oldest chapel, first established in the 10th century, and rebuilt several times since, teeters atop an 85m-high volcanic plug, reached by…

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Église Abbatiale de St-Robert

For Pope Clement VI, a humble tomb simply wouldn't do. The pope commissioned a palatial church to shelter his final resting place and the resulting Église…

Notre Dame Cathedral in Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Cathédrale Notre Dame


Clermont-Ferrand’s skyline broods with volcanic stone, but its most impressive edifice is Cathédrale Notre-Dame, whose 108m twin spires pierce the sky…

Lac Pavin and forest.

Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne

This midnight-blue crater lake, enclosed by a fuzz of pine trees, lies 6km southwest of Besse. Blasted out of the earth by a volcanic explosion nearly…

Musée de la Coutellerie

Split across two buildings, this museum gives an entertaining account of cutlery-making history. In number 23, a kid-friendly sound-and-light show evokes…

Volcan de Lemptégy

Feel the Auvergne's smouldering terrain beneath your feet at this mined volcanic site, across the main road from amusement park Vulcania. In summer, at…

Château de Murol

Roosting on a basalt knoll above Murol village, the 12th-century Château de Murol offers peerless views along with insights into a brutish medieval past…

Musée d'Art Roger Quilliot

Housed in an Ursuline convent 3km northeast of central Clermont, the city’s premier gallery takes design cues from NYC’s Guggenheim, its white spiral…

Musée Mandet

Dating back to 1866, the Musée Mandet's splendid collection of art is arranged across two atmospheric hôtels particuliers (town houses). Exploring these…

Fontaines Pétrifiantes

The Papon family put St-Nectaire's hot springs to creative use at the 'Petrifying Fountains', channelling the mineral-rich waters to make art. Calcium…

Roches Tuilière et Sanadoire

One kilometre north of the turn-off to Lac de Guéry is a lookout that gazes towards two of the Sancy region's most noteworthy geological features. The…

Main entrance facade of Cathedral of Notre-Dame du Puy, Le Puy-en-Velay, France.

A chequerboard of grey and white stone perched on a volcanic stone crag, Le Puy's cathedral is the monumental starting point for pilgrims embarking on the…

"Michelin Adventure" facade, a French museum dedicated to the Michelin group located in Clermont-Ferrand, France.

L'Aventure Michelin

Yes, it’s a temple dedicated to the Auvergne’s world-famous tyre brand, but the 'Michelin Adventure' is a crowd-pleasing attraction. Gallery spaces are…

Gazebo in the Parc des Sources, Vichy, France.

Parc des Sources

Vichy's centrepiece is the huge Parc des Sources, the town's oldest park. Dating to the mid-18th century, the park is lined with chestnut and plane trees…

Notre-Dame Basilica is a Romanesque Auvergnat church located in Orcival, France.

Basilique Notre-Dame

The Romanesque basilica towering over Orcival is one of the most impressive churches in the Auvergne. With its octagonal tower and broad stone arches,…

Abbey Saint Austremoine, Issoire, France.

Abbatiale St-Austremoine

Issoire is the proud home of the Auvergne’s most extravagantly decorated Romanesque church. The exterior of this 12th-century edifice is festooned with…

The medieval castle of Tournoel.

Château de Tournoël

This medieval fortress glowers over Volvic from its 600m-high hilltop perch. A watchtower is thought to have stood here since the 10th century, but the…

The Basilica of Saint Julien in the city of Brioude.

Basilique de St-Julien

The Auvergne's largest Romanesque church is a whopper in design as much as size. Built over the tomb of martyred Saint Julien, and housing a gold…

Exterior of Notre Dame des Malades church, built in the 20th century in the art deco style, and and extension of the Sainte Blaise church in Vichy, France.

Église St-Blaise

Two contrasting churches combine at Église St-Blaise: the concrete outer shell of a 1931 art-deco church, resembling something of a Soviet space rocket,…

The statue of Notre-Dame de France, Le Puy-en-Velay, France.

Notre Dame de France

At 16m tall and weighing a svelte 110 tonnes, this crimson Notre Dame de France (Virgin Mary) statue makes an imposing guardian over Le Puy. Since 1860,…

Cloister of Le Puy Cathedral.

Cathédrale Notre Dame Cloister

A peaceful 12th-century cloister adjoins Le Puy's cathedral, its multicoloured bricks and columns alluding to strong Moorish influences. Upstairs is a…

Statue of Vercingetorix at Place de Jaude in Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Place de Jaude

Just southwest of the old city, lined with bars and hotels, Clermont-Ferrand's monumental pedestrianised square is overlooked by a statue of heroic Celtic…

Lieu de Mémoire

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Designed as an impregnable citadel, the village of Usson roosts atop a volcanic plume, 8km east of Issoire. The daughter of Henry II and Catherine de…

Basilique Notre Dame du Port

This architectural gem has all the key elements of a Romanesque church: semi-circular arches, a bulky silhouette and a broad headpiece. But its…

The Auvergne's long-extinct volcanoes are brought back to life in spectacular style at Vulcania theme park, 15km west of Clermont on the D941. Combining…

Thermes du Mont-Dore

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Maison de la Fourme d'Ambert

Creamy blue Fourme d'Ambert, recognisable by its tall, cylindrical shape, is one of the Auvergne's five Appellation d’Origine Protégée (AOP) cheeses. This…

La Ferme Bellonte

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Lac Chambon

The relatively shallow (and thus warmish) waters of Lac Chambon, 1.5km west of Murol, make this crater lake a much-loved place for families to splash…

Temple de Mercure

An enigmatic imprint of the distant past stands atop the summit of Puy de Dôme: a 1st-century Gallo-Roman temple undergoing gradual restoration…

Église de St-Nectaire

This ornate Romanesque church on a hilltop is unmissable as you arrive in St-Nectaire, and it's worth the uphill walk to look inside. Within, you'll see a…

Hall des Sources

Chug a mouthful of reputedly healing waters at the Hall des Sources, a late-19th-century atrium resembling an art-deco greenhouse. The water is naturally…

Grottes du Cornadore

Don a hard hat for a 45-minute tour of St-Nectaire's Roman baths, deep in a cave that glimmers with damp limestone. Two-thousand years ago, these man-made…

Musée Hôtel-Dieu

Within this museum and cultural centre, the highlight is a 19th-century pharmacy, elegantly panelled in walnut and wild cherry wood. Upstairs, French…

Forteresse de Polignac

Sprouting from the sharp crags of a volcanic dome northwest of Le Puy, this late-11th-century castle was built by the powerful Polignac family, who once…

Maison de la Salers

The magnificence of local cattle is the focus of this very French museum, 5km north of Salers. Beef produced in Salers is renowned in France for its rich,…

Église St-Jean

A blushing sandstone church in Glaine-Montaigut, 20km southwest of Thiers, makes a worthwhile detour. The Romanesque church's interior, brightly coloured…

Donjon de Montpeyroux

This castle keep is the stocky centrepiece of the medieval walled town of Montpeyroux, 12km north of Issoire. Montpeyroux's fortifications were built as a…

Rocher de Bonnevie

For great views, brave the lung-busting climb to the top of Rocher Bonnevie. From the town centre, this route is about 2.5km; follow the signposts with…

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14 Best Places to Visit in Auvergne, France

By Spencer Leasca · Last updated on May 4, 2024

If you’re looking for a beautiful and secluded destination to visit in central France, Auvergne is a great choice. This region boasts stunning volcanic mountains, charming valleys, and unspoiled forests that are perfect for outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, and skiing.

But Auvergne isn’t just about the outdoors. There are also plenty of cultural attractions to explore, including ancient castles, beautiful churches, and charming villages. And, of course, the local food is a notable highlight as well!

In addition, Auvergne is home to plenty of charming villages and towns that provide an authentic slice of French rural life – a couple even boast vibrant thermal springs. It also has a bustling and elegant capital city with a fascinating history that dates back to the Crusades.

Whether it’s hiking the rugged trails of dormant volcanoes or strolling through ancient streets, a journey to Auvergne promises a whimsical exploration of both nature and history.


Blesle is a charming village situated along the River Voireuse. Boasting a rich history that dates back to the 9th century, it once played a significant role in trade during the Middle Ages.

The village is notable for its unique half-timbered houses that feature intricate doors and windows. Sitting alongside narrow passages and courtyards, they create a picturesque destination for you to explore, with the riverside location only adding to its beauty.

Within the village, there are several notable sights of interest, one of which is the stunning Abbey Church of Saint Peter. An impressive traditional Roman-style church, its exterior boasts intricate stone ornamentation. While the interior walls are resplendent with vivid colors.

On the other side of the river, the church Notre Dame de la Chaigne is also worth visiting. It is revered as the site of a remarkable event, where a paralyzed lady was remarkably cured after praying at its statue of the Virgin Mary.

13. St-Nectaire


If you love cheese, then you’ll want to pay a visit to Saint-Nectaire. Situated in the Puy-de-Dôme district, it is home to a divine, eponymous brand of cheese that has received a special designation of AOP (Appellation of Origin Protected).

There are several cafes, restaurants, and eateries in the area which showcase the delicious culinary treat that has a sweet flavor, fruity aroma, and rich texture. Take it from us, it is delicious!

Aside from the cheese, the village is a pleasant place to explore. It is set within two sections – Saint-Nectaire-le-Bas and Saint-Nectaire-le-Haut – and features several points of interest. They include the stunning Eglise de Saint-Nectaire, which enjoys an imperious position at the town’s highest point.

While the structure has an impressive exterior, it’s on the inside that it stands out. There you will find a cupola that stands 20 meters high and several depictions of the Old and New Testament

scenes. The church also accommodates a splendid treasury which counts a copper gilded 12th-century bust of Saint-Baudine amount its relics.

12. Volcano Park of Lemptegy

Volcano Park of Lemptegy

It’s not every day you get to visit the inside of a volcano, but that is exactly what you can do at the Volcano Park of Lemptegy. This unique natural site is located in the heart of the Chaîne des Puys, only 15 minutes away from Clermont-Ferrand, and is worth a visit.

During a 2.5-hour guided tour, you can explore a 30,000-year-old volcano by mini-train or on foot. Additionally, you can experience the dynamic 4D cinema show called ‘The Explosive Mine’ which is sure to give you goosebumps.

This adventure should interest those fascinated by volcanoes as you will learn about the different types of volcanoes, rocks, and geological layers that formed the region. You can also visit an exhibition space that showcases artifacts related to the industrial past, several research works, and various rock specimens.

11. Lavaudieu


Lavaudieu in Haute-Loire is a captivating village on the banks of the Senouire. Considered one of the more beautiful villages in France, it is the perfect place to visit if you enjoy leisurely strolling around town.

The village is renowned for its Benedictine abbey, which was founded in the 11th century by Robert de Turlande. The abbey’s Romanesque cloister is especially notable as it is remarkably well-preserved.

Another highlight of the abbey is the beautiful refectory fresco from the 12th century. Inspired by the Byzantine style, it depicts Christ in Majesty above the Virgin and the Apostles. The abbey church is topped by a Romanesque octagonal bell tower. It is also home to stunning wall paintings from the Italian School that dates back to the 14th century.

After visiting the abbey, take a stroll along the village’s narrow streets and the Senouire. You will be enchanted by the golden stone houses replete with rounded tile roofs. The two-story bell tower at the Abbey of St. Andrew and the old bridge with several arches spanning the river that are also noteworthy.


Murat is a charming medieval town situated at the base of the Cantal Mountains in the Alagnon glacial valley. It has been certified as a ‘green resort’ by Station Verte and is located at the crossroads of Haute-Auvergne. The town is surrounded by three volcanic mountains, including the Bredons Rock and the Chastel-sur-Murat Rock.

During the Middle Ages, Murat was a fortified town and a significant road hub, which facilitated trade.

Numerous fairs and markets were held in the town. The old town has many historic houses, some of which are listed as Historic Monuments, that serve as a reminder of its medieval and Renaissance past.

While walking through the town’s streets, you should not miss the consular house, a 15th-century gem with a stunning façade. The old 16th-century bailiwick house on Place de la Boucherie, with its statues and altarpieces from the 17th century, is also a must-see sight.

9. Arlempdes


Another village that can easily lay claim to being one of France’s most beautiful is Arlempdes. Nestled within the Haute-Loire district , about a 30-minute drive from Le Puy-en-Velay, it is a breathtaking sight.

Perched atop a rocky outcrop, the village’s ruined castle offers a stunning view of the valley below. To enter the village, you will need to pass through an 11th-century stone gateway known as the Poterne, which was once part of the castle’s defensive walls.

Arlempdes is a small village that has undergone significant renovation in recent years. It now heavily relies on tourism for its income. Despite its size, there is much to explore in Arlempdes. We recommend you arrive around lunchtime to enjoy lunch at the restaurant near the village’s entrance or picnic in the valley below.


Tucked away inside the Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d’Auvergne lies the charming medieval town of Salers.

Positioned at an altitude of almost 915 meters, the town is enclosed by ancient walls and boasts houses constructed from dark lava stone that has been topped with turrets.

Visitors to Salers should not miss the central square, which is a fabulous spot for people-watching. While the Gothic and Romanesque-style Eglise Saint-Mathieu is worth a visit to see its Aubusson 17th-century tapestries.

If you are a history buff, you will also want to visit the Maison des Templiers. It houses the Musée de Salers, which is dedicated to the history of the town and the folklore and traditions of the region.


Nestled on the picturesque banks of the Allier River, Vichy is a charming small town. It is famous for two things: its World War II puppet government under Marshal Pétain and its historic thermal baths that once attracted the European elite in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Even today, visitors can indulge in the therapeutic thermal waters and marvel at the exquisite Belle Époque architecture of the Vichy Thermal Spa.

Apart from the thermal baths, Vichy boasts several other significant cultural and historic landmarks. For instance, the Opéra de Vichy, built in the 19th century, is renowned for its neoclassical façade. The Hall des Sources, an impressive arcade, is home to numerous boutiques and restaurants.

Additionally, nature lovers can explore the various parks and gardens the town is known for, including the Parc des Sources and the Jardin Public, both offering breathtaking views.

6. Mont Dore

Mont Dore

If you are into skiing, you’ll want to head to Le Mont-Dore. A popular ski resort in the Puy-de-Dôme Department of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, it offers 41 km of slopes for skiing and snowboarding.

Residing at an elevation of up to 1840 meters, there are several lifts available to transport you to the slopes. Once there, you’ll find the town to be a pretty mountain village with a friendly and buzzy atmosphere and some lovely bars and restaurants.

The town is also notable for housing thermal springs, which were used by the Romans. These waters can be drunk or bathed in and are thought to be effective remedies for tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, and nervous and rheumatic paralysis. We certainly felt invigorated after spending some time in them!

5. Chateau de Murol

Chateau de Murol

Situated on a basaltic promontory that faces the Sancy Massif, the Chateau of Murol is a fascinating place to visit.

Located in the Puy-de-Dôme, it offers a spectacular view of the Puy de Sancy. It is open all year round and presents a fabulous program of events showcasing what life was like back in 1423 when lord Guillaume de Murol held court. They include costumed guided tours and knights’ jousts.

One of the key attractions inside the chateau is a 600-year-old account book that provides a fascinating insight into the life of the lord. There are also several other notable artworks and relics worth checking out.

4. Aurillac


Aurillac is a quaint small town surrounded by picturesque scenery and steeped in history. It’s a great destination for outdoor enthusiasts as it’s located near the Cantal Mountains, offering numerous opportunities for hiking and skiing. The town boasts two notable landmarks, the Saint-Géraud Cathedral, a stunning Romanesque structure that dates back to the 12th century, and the Château Saint-Étienne, a 15th-century castle.

Art and history buffs should not miss the chance to visit the Museum of Art and Archaeology, which houses an intriguing collection of works spanning several centuries.

If you plan your visit for August, you’ll have the chance to attend the International Festival of Aurillac, a world-renowned event that features theater, street performances, and circus acts. It’s an excellent opportunity to witness talented performers from around the globe.

3. Clermont-Ferrand


Filled with rich cultural and historical landmarks, Clermont-Ferrand is a fascinating destination to visit.

One such landmark is the Notre Dame du Port Basilica, an 11th-century Gothic-style architectural masterpiece that has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Another is the Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral, a Gothic-style structure that is built from black volcanic rock and features exquisite stained glass windows, perfect for photographing for Instagram.

If you are into cars, as Clermont-Ferrand is the global headquarters of the Michelin tire manufacturing company, you might want to visit the Michelin Adventure Museum. There you will learn about the company’s intriguing history in the automotive industry.

2. Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d’Auvergne

Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne

The Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d’Auvergne is a sprawling nature reserve, known for its breathtaking volcanoes , crater lakes, forests, rivers, and thermal springs.

One of the more notable volcanoes is the Puy de Dôme. It towers above the lush valleys and offers stunning views of the Chaîne des Puys, a range of ancient craters now covered in rolling grass. Another impressive peak is the Puy de Sancy, which is the tallest point in the Massif Central.

You won’t have the place to yourself as visitors flock to the Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d’Auvergne to relax, unwind, and enjoy the great outdoors. However, the park boasts well-maintained trails that are perfect for hiking, making it easy to immerse yourself in a tranquil spot for a while.

As well as hiking, the reserve offers a wide range of activities, including rock climbing, mountain biking, horseback riding, kayaking, river rafting, and canoeing for you to enjoy.

1. Le Puy-en-Velay

Le Puy-en-Velay

Le Puy-en-Velay is a town unlike any other. Its stunning volcanic formations provide a breathtaking backdrop, and it is famous for its medieval pilgrimage churches.

One of these churches is the Chapelle Saint-Michel d’Aiguilhe, which sits atop a lofty formation of lava rock and features stunning Byzantine-style mosaics within its interior. Another must-see is the UNESCO-listed Cathédral Notre-Dame, a Romanesque masterpiece from the 12th century that is home to a revered Black Virgin Mary standing on a Baroque high altar.

If you’re in town in mid-August, don’t miss the Fêtes Mariales. A traditional Catholic celebration held in honor of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, it features a procession of the famous Black Madonna.

And while you’re here, be sure to check out the Notre Dame du Puy or Virgin Mary. It stands atop the Rocher Corneille, a 755-meter-high volcanic chimney that offers incredible panoramic views of the valley.

Map of Places to Visit in Auvergne, France

Places to Visit in Auvergne, France

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Best Things to Do in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France

Article written by Elisa This article may contain compensated links. Please read disclaimer for more info.

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is one of the new regions of France, composed of the former regions of Auvergne and Rhône-Alpes.

For natural splendor and palette of colors, there’s nowhere else in France that can pack in so much: it is a land of volcanoes and snow-covered peaks; the land of fresh air and thermal spas; the region of crystal clear lakes and roaming rivers through deep gorges.

auvergne tourism

The region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes also boasts vibrant cities like Lyon, Saint Etienne, Grenoble or Clermont-Ferrand and architecture passionate will fall in love with Auvergne’s Romanesque churches and the region’s picturesque small towns.

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is divided into twelve departments and it has one métropole: Ain, Allier, Ardèche, Cantal, Drôme, Isère, Loire, Haute-Loire, Puy-de-Dôme, Rhône, Savoye, Haute-Savoye and the métropole of Lyon .

Let’s explore the best things to do in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France.

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Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Travel

BY PLANE: Lyon-Saint-Exupéry (LYS) is one of the top five airports in France , with many international flights to Europe, Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia), Asia (Turkey, Armenia), Middle-East (Emirates, Qatar), and America (Montréal in Canada). If you don’t plan to visit Paris during your next trip to France, consider booking a flight directly to Lyon.

Click here to book your flights to Lyon

BY TRAIN: Traveling in France by train is straightforward. Top destinations like Lyon, Annecy, Grenoble, Saint-Etienne , or Clermont Ferrand, are mostly served by fast trains. The territory is also crisscrossed by secondary roads, served by regional trains (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes TER trains).

Book your train tickets to Auvergne-Rhône Alpes

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes by Car

The region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is a great place for memorable French road trips . With a car, some good tunes, and the best company, you are set for one of the best adventures in your life. Driving in France is very easy, and with the car, you can go off the beaten path to get the most out of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

Recommended road trips in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes:

  • Road Trip from Lyon to Annecy (the long way round)
  • Road Trip French Alps

If you don’t have your own car, we recommend booking in advance through platforms like Discover Cars . This site takes all major rental companies, such as Hertz, Avis, etc., and compares prices for you. Check out our best tips for renting a car in France .

Browse Rental Car Companies Available in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Tourist Attractions

What to do in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France? The list of best things to do in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes includes sightseeing, pretty towns, history, and natural wonders!

1. Visit Lyon

Lyon - France

Lyon is France’s third-largest city and a major tourist destination. Founded 2,000 years ago, Lyon’s streets are a living museum, with beautiful historical buildings and interesting art galleries and museums. Check out this Lyon itinerary with the best things to do in Lyon for two days.

Lyon is also the capital of gastronomy, so be sure you dedicate some time to learn about Lyon’s most popular foods and, most of all, taste them! This Lyon Old Town Food Tour includes 6 to 8 tasting stops in the Old Town and has excellent reviews.

Lyon is also an excellent base camp to explore the countryside on day trips: places like Pérouges, Aix-les-Bains, or Annecy are great day trips from Lyon within a couple of hours’ drive.

>> Book your accommodation in Lyon

2. Winter Sports

La Plagne - French Alps

Looking for winter destinations in France? Head to the region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes for a fun white holiday. Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is the first European region for skiing with 173 alpine and nordic ski resorts. With large ski areas connected to village resorts, there is something for everyone.

The French Alps is home to the three largest ski areas in the world, well known for the quantity and quality of the snow and skiing itself.  

Auvergne’s five mountain ranges are good for skiing too, and they are an affordable alternative to destinations in the Alps and the Pyrenees.

3. Chamonix and Mont Blanc

Aiguille du Midi - French Alps

Don’t miss Chamonix , a charming ski town in the French Alps with must attractions like the Sea of Ice or the Aiguille du Midi.

L’Aiguille du Midi (3,842 m) is a mountain in the Mont Blanc massif, accessible by cable car. One of the top tourist attractions in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, L’Aiguille du Midi, is the highest attraction in Europe, offering visitors a unique panorama that embraces the highest peaks of Western Europe and a great opportunity to get closer to Mont Blanc.

Chamonix and Mont-Blanc are also great destinations for a summer holiday in the French Alps . Due to its proximity to the Swiss border, Chamonix and Mont-Blanc are also popular day trips from Geneva (the Swiss city is located only a 1-hour drive).

4. Annecy and Lake Annecy

Annecy - France

The French Alps host 3/ 5 of the biggest lakes in France: Lac Léman (internationally known as Lac Genève), Lac du Bourget (the biggest and deepest lake in France), and Lac d’Annecy .

Cradled by forested peaks, Lac d’Annecy is France’s second-largest glacial lake, and it also claims to be the cleanest lake in Europe.

Located on the lake’s northern shore, the city of Annecy is a picturesque place to walk around with beautiful medieval buildings, canals, and plenty of relaxing and romantic spots to explore. The city is also the starting point of many wonderful hikes, to the gorges on the River Fier or up to the Tournette peak for a breathtaking view of the lake.

>> Book here your accommodation in Annecy

5. Auvergne Volcanoes & Puy-de-Dôme

Auvergne Volcanoes & Puy de Dôme

The Chaîne des Puys , which includes as many as 80 dormant volcanoes, stretches over an area of 45 km in the northern Massif Central to the west of the central French city of Clermont-Ferrand.

One of the Auvergne tourist attractions is the first UNESCO natural heritage site in France Mainland, and it’s a paradise for walking and hiking.

The range’s highest point is the iconic lava dome of Puy-de-Dôme , which stands at 1,465 meters high. Today, it is possible to reach the summit in just 15 minutes thanks to an electric train that winds up to the top. From there, there’s an amazing bird’s eye view over the Regional Natural Park of the Volcanoes of Auvergne, the Dorez mountains, and the mountains of Cantal.

6. Picturesque Small Towns

Yvoire - France

The region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is dotted with many picturesque small towns, with 22 villages labeled “most beautiful villages of France”. If your time is limited and you cannot explore them all, be sure to visit Pérouges – one of the best day trips from Lyon – and Yvoire , on the French south shore of Lake Léman.

7. Gorges de l’Ardèche

Gorges de l'Ardèche

The  Gorges de l’Ardèche , locally known as the “European Grand Canyon”, are located in the French department of Ardèche. They form a thirty-kilometer long canyon running from Vallon-Pont-d’Arc to Saint-Martin-d’Ardèche.

In addition to a rich historical and archeological site, the canyon is a tourist attraction, drawing over a million visitors per year for hiking, sightseeing, and kayaking.

In Gorges de l’Ardèche there’s the famous   Pont d’Arc , the symbol of the Ardèche department.  This is a unique geological phenomenon 54 meters high and 60 meters large dug by the Ardèche river and turned into a stone archway past the river.  Known as the ‘natural gateway to the Ardèche Gorge,’ it is a must-see during the canoeing down the river.

8. Romanesque Churches of Auvergne

Saint Nectaire Church - Puy de Dôme

Architecture passionates will love the Romanesque churches of Auvergne , the oldest Christian buildings built to last (after 800 AD). There are big basilicas and cathedrals like those in Clermont-Ferrand, Issoire, St. Nectaire, Brioude, and St. Saturnin. Some beautiful examples of the architecture also show up in small towns like St. Menoux and Salers. 

9. Spa Towns of Auvergne

Vichy - Wellness

Auvergne is a great destination for wellbeing activities and health treatments, with water coming out of the ground at high temperatures. Thanks to the richness of its volcanic soil, Auvergne contains a variety of thermal sources to treat many conditions, perfect for a quick recovery during the cold winter.

Among the ten Auvergne spa towns in the Massif Central, Vichy is the spa resort par excellence but there are other popular names like Châteauneuf-Les-Bains , Mont Doré, or Chaudes-Aigues. The latest is the hottest in Europe, with water coming out of the ground at 82°C!

10. Château de la Roche

auvergne tourism

The castles of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes are not as famous as Versailles or as spectacular as the Loire Valley Castles , but this does not mean that they are not beautiful!

Amongst them, Château de la Roche stands out as one of the most picturesque castles in the region due to its wonderful setting, and it deserves to be on the list of most beautiful castles in France . Located in the Loire department, on an island in the lake formed by the Villerest dam, this is a 13th-century castle that went through a deep restoration in neo-Gothic style in the 1900s.

Today, Château de la Roche host many costume events, treasure hunts, and other fun family activities.

11. Le Mont Aiguille, in Le Vercors

Mont Aiguille - Vercors

Mont Aiguille , in the heart of the Vercors Massif , is a wonderful place to explore. Located between the departments of Drôme and Isère, this atypical shape will make a sumptuous decor during your hikes in this natural park.

Amongst the beautiful hikes in this area, we recommend the Tête Chevalière hike , one of our favorite hikes in France.

12. Palais Idéal, by Facteur Cheval

Palais Idéal - Facteur Cheval

Le Palais Idéal (Ideal Palace) is a monument built by the postman Ferdinand Cheval, from 1879 to 1912. It is a hymn to nature, with touches of Hindu and Egyptian architecture. The palace also has some elements inspired by the Bible.  

According to his memories, in April 1879, the rural postman stumbled against a stone during his daily tour, failing to fall on the road. It was a curious and beautiful stone that he will call “the stumbling block.” During the following days, always along his daily tour, the postman found other singular stones, more beautiful than the first one. He then decided that if nature could make “sculpture,” he could also become an architect.

The Ideal Palace is listed as a Historical Monument since 1969. It is considered the only representation of Art Naïf in architecture.

13. Les Monts du Forez

Monts du Forez - France

Les Monts de Forez is a natural region located in-between the départements of the Loire and the Puy-de-Dôme. These granite mountains offer walkers multiples hikes through meadows, forests of fir and beech, and high plateaux.

The highest point in the Forez Mountains is Pierre-sur-Aute (1,634 meters). Months du Forez is a great opportunity to relax and enjoy nature and precious moments in rural France.

14. Saint-Michel d’Aiguilhe

auvergne tourism

This Romanesque chapel in Le Puy-en-Velay, crowning the top of a volcanic core, is dedicated to Archangel Michel, and it’s been a popular pilgrimage route since Medieval times. It can be reached via 268 stone steps that wind up the side: after all, everybody knows that Saint Michel likes the heights!

On the way to the top, there are two chapels dedicated to the other archangels Gabriel and Raphael, and an interesting exhibition detailing this place’s geological and religious story with videos and models. Saint-Michel d’Aiguilhe is a wonderful place to visit, with great views of Le Puy’s Ville-Haute and the surrounding countryside.

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Food

Auvergne cheese

Enjoy unique French wines and local products in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. The region is home of 10 AOP vineyards, (Appellation d’Origine Protégée) including three world-famous wines – Beaujolais , Côtes-du-Rhône and Savoie . It also offers the largest cheese platter with twenty-one AOC (Appellation d’Origine Controlée) cheeses and two cheese routes.

The region has ninety Michelin-starred chefs, including nine chefs with 3 stars. Three cities in the region – Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand, Annecy – are part of the top ten places to eat best in France 2021.

We hope that you enjoyed this list of best things to do in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. If you want to learn about other French regions, head to this  article on the Regions of France , where we have summarized the highlights of each region.

Click here to Explore the French Regions

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Check out the best things to do in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France. Snow-capped mountains, wonderful walks, Lyon cuisine, picturesque towns and more

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I would give this 6 stars if the ratings went that high! This really was one of the highlights of our vacation. Due to scheduling issues, we ended up with ...

The heart of the Massif Central is the Auvergne , a wild and unexpected scene of extinct volcanoes ( puys ), stretching from the grassy domes and craters of the Monts-Dômes to the eroded skylines of the Monts-Dore , and the deep ravines of the Cantal mountains to the forest of darkly wooded pinnacles surrounding Le Puy. It’s one of the poorest regions in France and has long remained outside the main national lines of communication: much of it is higher than 1000m and many roads fall victim to snowfall in winter.


Le puy-en-velay, the monts-dore, the monts du cantal.

If travelling by public transport, you’ll have to pass through Clermont-Ferrand , the Auvergne capital and a city of dramatic historical associations – it was the site of Pope Urban II’s speech, which launched the First Crusade in 1096. The small towns in the spectacular Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d’Auvergne are home to numerous treasures, including the Basilique Notre-Dame in Orcival , the lively market town of Murat and the surprising grandeur of Salers ; at St-Nectaire you can see a beautiful small church displaying the distinct Auvergnat version of Romanesque; and even St-Flour and Aurillac have an agreeable provincial insularity.

Travel ideas for France, created by local experts

An active walking tour out of the way in France

An active walking tour out of the way in France

Your trip starts with an in-depth introduction to France in Paris: several unique day excursions connect you with local Parisians to show you their city and way of life. Afterwards continue south to start a few days walking journey through Southern France before ending around Avignon.

Southern France – Walks in the Alpilles and Lavender fields

Southern France – Walks in the Alpilles and Lavender fields

Start your tour in the coastal city of Marseille, exploring Cassis on the way. Around the Alpilles in Provence, you will be provided with detailed walking materials to explore the area on foot, from both Les Baux and St Remy. End your tour in famous Avignon.

Tasting Eastern France

Tasting Eastern France

A delicious yet active journey through Eastern France. Start your trip in Lyon with some unique food tours before setting off on a 4-day walk across the Beaujolais region. Almost every day ends with a wine tasting in your guesthouse, soothing for body and soul.

Taste of Three - Belgium, France and Switzerland

Taste of Three - Belgium, France and Switzerland

Start your journey in Belgium and explore Brussels, Ghent and Bruges. A high-speed train will then take you to Strasbourg, from where you'll discover the Alsace. Proceed to Basel as your base, from where you'll see plenty of Switzerland: Zermatt, Matterhorn, Mount Pilatus and much more.

The most dramatic approach to Clermont-Ferrand is from the Aubusson road or along the scenic rail line from Le Mont-Dore, both of which cross the chain of the Monts-Dômes just north of the Puy de Dôme. Descending through the leafy western suburbs, you get marvellous views of the black towers of the cathedral , which sits atop the volcanic stump that forms the hub of the old town.

Although its location is magnificent, almost encircled by the wooded and grassy volcanoes of the Monts-Dômes , in the twentieth century the town was a typical smokestack industrial centre, the home base of Michelin tyres. Today, however, focusing on the service industries and with two universities, Clermont-Ferrand is very different. Many of the old factories have been demolished, avenues have widened for tramways, and derelict blocks have become shopping malls. As a result, the old centre has a surprisingly hip and youthful feel, with cafés on the central place de Jaude – well placed for the morning sun – often full of students taking advantage of the free wi-fi offered around the square; come evening, nearby pavement bars fill up as the city’s boutiques and galleries shut up shop for the day.

Brief history

Clermont-Ferrand’s roots, both as a spa and a communications and trading centre, go back to Roman times. It was just outside the town, on the plateau of Gergovia to the south, that the Gauls, under Vercingétorix , won their only victory against Julius Caesar’s invading Romans. In the Middle Ages, the rival towns of Clermont and Montferrand were ruled respectively by a bishop and the count of Auvergne. Louis XIII united them in 1630, but it was not until the rapid industrial expansion of the late nineteenth century that the two really became indistinguishable.

Puy de Dôme

Visiting Clermont-Ferrand without climbing the Puy de Dôme (1465m), the closest and highest peak of the Monts-Dômes, in the Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d’Auvergne , would be like visiting Athens without seeing the Acropolis. And if you choose your moment – early in the morning or late in the evening – you can easily avoid the worst of the crowds. You can climb to the top of the puy (“peak”) in about an hour (2.3km) or take a rack railway, the Panoramique des Dômes , which brings you to the top in thirteen minutes.

The result of a volcanic explosion about ten thousand years ago, the Puy is a steep 400m from base to summit. Although the weather station buildings and enormous television mast are pretty ugly close up, the sense of airy elevation and the staggering views (as far as the Cantal mountains and even to Mont Blanc when conditions are favourable) more than compensate. The on-site café-bar is a great spot to watch paragliders jumping off from the summit, and you’ll also get a bird’s-eye view of the other volcanic summits to the north and south, largely forested and including the perfect, 100m-deep grassy crater of the Puy de Pariou .

Just below the summit are the scant remains of a substantial Roman temple , dedicated to the god Mercury, some of the finds from which are displayed in Clermont-Ferrand’s Musée Bargoin.

Right in the middle of the Massif Central, Le Puy-en-Velay , often shortened to Le Puy, is one of the most remarkable towns in the whole of France, with a landscape and architecture that are totally theatrical. Slung between the higher mountains to east and west, the countryside erupts in a chaos of volcanic acne: everywhere is a confusion of abrupt conical hills, scarred with dark outcrops of rock and topknotted with woods. Even in the centre of the town, these volcanic thrusts burst through. Le Puy is also somewhat inaccessible: the three main roads out all cross passes that are more than 1000m high, which causes problems in winter.

In the past, Le Puy enjoyed influence and prosperity because of its ecclesiastical institutions, which were supported in part by the production of the town’s famous green lentils ( lentilles vertes ). Recently, however, Le Puy has fallen somewhat on hard times, and its traditional industries – tanning and lace – have essentially gone bust. However, in the maze of steep cobbled streets and steps that terrace the Rocher Corneille , lacemakers still do a fine trade, with their doilies and shawls hanging enticingly outside souvenir shops. Le Puy was – and still is, to a lesser extent – also a centre for pilgrims embarking on the 1600km trek to Santiago de Compostela (history has it that Le Puy’s Bishop Godescalk was the first pilgrim to make the journey, in the tenth century). The specific starting point is place du Plot , scene of a lively Saturday market, and rue St-Jacques .

If you happen to be in town in the third week of September you are in luck: the five-day King of the Birds festival engulfs the old town in a colourful feast of Renaissance costumes. The event celebrates the traditional bird-hunting competition introduced to Le Puy by Charles V in 1524, where the winner would be proclaimed “king” for a year. The modern-day festival celebrated its thirtieth edition in 2015 and brings in some six thousand costumed revellers each year.

The Monts-Dore , part of the Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d’Auvergne, lie about 50km southwest of Clermont. Volcanic in origin – the main period of activity was around five million years ago – they are much more rugged and more obviously mountainous than their gentler, younger neighbours, the Monts-Dômes. Their centre is the precipitous, plunging valley of the River Dordogne, which rises on the slopes of the Puy de Sancy , at 1885m the highest point in the Massif Central, just above the little town of Le Mont-Dore .

Some 27km southwest of Clermont and about 20km north of Le Mont-Dore, lush pastures and green hills punctuated by the abrupt eruptions of the puys enclose the small village of Orcival . A pretty place, founded by the monks of La Chaise-Dieu in the twelfth century, it makes a suitable base for hiking in the region.

St-Nectaire lies 26km southeast of Orcival, midway between Le Mont-Dore and Issoire. It comprises the old village of St-Nectaire-le-Haut , overlooked by the magnificent Romanesque church of St Nectaire and the tiny spa of St-Nectaire-le-Bas , whose main street is lined with grand but fading belle époque hotels. The two sections are separated by a salt marsh , one of the biggest in France and an area of protected plant life. Among the town’s other curiosities are caverns, the Grottes de Cornadore , former underground Roman baths dug into 340-million-year-old granite, plus an exhibition on the cheese-making process and the chance to visit a ripening cellar at the Maison du Fromage .

Fifteen or so kilometres south of St-Nectaire, Besse is one of the prettiest and oldest villages in the region. Its fascinating winding streets of lava-built houses – some fifteenth-century – sit atop the valley of the Couze de Pavin, with one of the original fortified town gates still in place at the upper end of the village. Besse became wealthy due to its role as the principal market for the farms on the eastern slopes of the Monts-Dore, and its cooperative is still one of the main producers of St-Nectaire cheese .

St-Nectaire cheese

The cheese of St-Nectaire has been growing in reputation ever since Louis XIV had it regularly served at his table; only cheeses made from herds grazing in a limited area to the south of the Monts-Dore are entitled to the appellation contrôlée . The cheese is made in two stages. First, a white creamy cheese or tomme is produced. This is matured for two to three months in a cellar at a constant temperature; the resulting mould on the skin produces the characteristic smell, taste and whitish or yellowy-grey colour.

There are two kinds of St-Nectaire cheese: fermier and laitier . The fermier (farmhouse) is the strongest and tastiest, and some of it is still made entirely on local farms, using just the milk from one herd of cows. Increasingly, however, farmers make the tomme using the milk of lots of different herds and then sell it on to wholesalers to produce the laitier (dairy) cheese, which is more of an industrial product, with an automated refining stage.

The Monts du Canal , also known as the Cantal Massif forms the most southerly extension of the Parc des Volcans . Still nearly 80km in diameter and once 3000m high, it is one of the world’s largest volcanoes (albeit extinct), shaped like a wheel without a rim. The hub of the Monts du Cantal is formed by the three great conical peaks that survived the erosion of the original single cone: Plomb du Cantal (1855m), Puy Mary (1787m) and Puy de Peyre-Arse (1686m).

Aurillac , the lively provincial capital of the Cantal, lies on the west side of the mountains, 98km east of Brive and 160km from Clermont-Ferrand. Though it has good mainline train connections and has a population of around 30,000, it remains one of the most out-of-the-way French provincial capitals. The most interesting part of Aurillac is the kernel of old streets, now largely pedestrianized and full of good shops, just northeast of the central place du Square.

Salers lies 42km north of Aurillac, at the foot of the northwest slopes of the Cantal. Scarcely altered in size or aspect since its sixteenth-century heyday, it remains an extraordinarily homogeneous example of the architecture of that time. If things appear rather grand for a place so small, it’s because the town became the administrative centre for the highlands of the Auvergne in 1564, and home of its magistrates. Exploiting this history is really all it has left, but Salers still makes a very worthwhile visit.

Murat , on the eastern edge of the Cantal, is the closest town to the high peaks and a busy little place, its cafés and shops uncharacteristically bustling for this region. Rather than any particular sight, it’s the ensemble of grey stone houses, nestled against the backdrop of the steep basalt cliffs of the Rocher Bonnevie, that attracts – especially as you approach from the east along the D680. Many of the houses date from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and are packed in together on the town’s medieval lanes, which meander around castle ruins and are overlooked by a huge white statue of the Virgin Mary.

Vichy , 50km north of Clermont-Ferrand, is famous for two things: its World War II puppet government under Marshal Pétain, and its curative sulphurous springs , which attract thousands of ageing and ailing visitors, or curistes , every year. The town is almost entirely devoted to catering for its largely elderly, genteel population, which swells several-fold in summer, though attempts are being made to rejuvenate Vichy’s image by appealing to a younger, fitness-conscious generation. Still, with Clermont-Ferrand’s nightlife so close, young people don't flock here, except in July and August when Des Célestines , the rather good beach on the banks of the Allier in the west of the city, becomes a big draw.

There’s a real fin-de-siècle atmosphere about Vichy, and the best reason to come is to see its fine belle époque , Art Nouveau and Art Deco architecture , of which a prime example is the hôtel de ville near Place Charles de Gaulle. The tourist office offers afternoon tours (in French) showcasing different periods and also a brochure with suggested walking tours. If you are strolling on your own, you’ll find more striking examples in rue de Russie , rue de Belgique and rue Alquié , and around the old town between the church of St Blaise , the river and the town’s main spring, the Sources des Célestines . There are also four parks on the right bank of the Allier, providing pleasant, wooded river walks. The most famous is the Parc de Napoléon III , an English garden created for Napoléon III.

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updated 26.04.2021


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Auvergne - an inside guide

A discovery of the auvergne and its tourist attractions, an introduction to the auvergne.

Puy de Dome

   The Allier department , chief city Moulins,  is a prosperous agricultural department, an area of wide valleys and gently rolling hills. Vichy, in the south of the department, is an elegant spa town famous for its mineral water.

Cantal mountains

Staying in the Auvergne

Main tourist attractions in the auvergne, allier - 03.

  • Moulins (03),  historic Loire valley city, old town, cathedral.
  • Vichy (03) - Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2021. Elegant former spa town. Opera house, the spa buildings, exuberant Belle Epoque and art deco architecture, the plan d'eau (artificial lake on the river Allier), riverside gardens, racecourse.
  • Lapalisse  (03)   - Fine private Renaissance castle, overlooking the small town. Guided visits, grounds.
  • Noyant d'Allier (03) Mining museum. Trip in an old mine train, and through a reconstructed section of mine.
  • Charroux (03): historic village overlooking the Allier valley; fortified gateways. Classed as a "plus beau village de France"

Cantal - 15

  • Monts du Cantal cluster of former volcanoes; ridge walking, hiking, skiing and cablecar at super Lioran (cablecar open in summer), to the top of the Plomb du Cantal. Pas de Peyrol. high mountain pass accessible by car.
  • Cézallier and Planèze: high prairies. hiking, mountain-biking.
  • Murat: attractive small town at the foot of the Monts du Cantal.
  • Salers: very touristy but authentic old small town. Narrow streets, boutiques,
  • St. Flour. Capital of "High Auvergne"; an austere small city perched on the edge of an ancient lava flow.
  • Pont de Garabit . Famous historic railway viaduct over the river Truyère. Designed by Gustave Eiffel. Viewing centre on the A75 motorway.
  • Gorges de la Truyère.  flooded valley, beneath the Pont de Garabit. Boat trips and hire. Chateau d'Alleuze, dramatic medieval fortress.

Haute Loire - 43

  • Le Puy en Velay Old city with fine romanesque cathedral and cloisters: chapelle St. Michel de l'Aiguilhe, 10th century chapel perched on top of a rocky pinnacle (access on foot up 268 steps). UNESCO  world heritage site. Crozatier museum and art gallery.
  • Brioude & Haut Allier: very attractive valley, with pretty villages and a cluster of remarkable romanesque churches and chapels, many with medieval frescoes. St. Julian's basilica and Doyenné Arts centre in Brioude,  -  Gallo-roman mine at Ally - underground visits. Kayaking.
  • Lavaudieu : the finest Romanesque cloisters in Auvergne, plus medieval abbey with remarkable murals. One of the "plus beaux villages de France".
  • Lavoûte Chilhac : Former Cistercian abbey, ancient hump-backed bridge over the Allier. One of the "plus beaux villages de France"
  • La Chaise Dieu : austere Benedictine abbey famous for its Dance of Death murals, and its classical music festival.
  • Chaviniac Lafayette . Chateau of the counts of Lafayette, birthplace of the Marquis de Lafayette, much honoured by Americans. Visits.
  • Dunières: Velay railway - scenic tourist train running 37 km from Dunières to St. Agrève in the Ardèche. Steam services on some trains.
  • Le Monastier. Twelfth century abbey, small town, from where RL Stevenson set off on is famous "Travels with a Donkey".
  • Polignac: impressive medieval fortress, on a volcanic platform of rock.

Puy de Dome - 63

  • Clermont Ferrand  ,Old town, gothic cathedral, romanesque Notre Dame du Port
  • Puy de Dome - the dormant volcano rises up behind Clermont Ferrand. Rack and pinion railway to the top, where there are the remains of a Roman temple, as well as fabulous views over 360°.
  • Issoire , St Nectaire   Very famous Auvergnat Romanesque 12th century churches.
  • Vulcania  , Volcano-oriented theme park, with rides, interpretive centres, 3-D cinemas, IMAX and other attractions.
  • Le Sancy  Puy de Sancy, 1886m,  is the highest point in central France. Cablecar, hiking, rock climbing, hang-gliding and other outdoor pursuits. Skiing in winter
  • Thiers - Old small industrial city, perched on a hillside, and once famous for its cutlery. Cutlery museum, historic factory visit.
  • Ambert  Moulin Richard de Bas; historic paper mill, making hand-crafted paper to this day.
  • Montpeyroux  village perched on the edge of the Allier gorge. Climb the tower for magnificent views.

st austremoine issoire

 Unmissable Brioude... 

Basilica St Julien

auvergne tourism

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The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region boasts a wide array of destinations, with the city of Lyon, France’s capital of gastronomy, Mont Blanc, Europe’s highest point, the Drôme and Ardèche departments, reminiscent of Provence, and Auvergne with its lakes, Romanesque churches and volcanoes.

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auvergne tourism


auvergne tourism

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What to visit in Auvergne - Road trip around the volcanoes of Auvergne + map

What to visit in Auvergne? If you are looking for a varied and fun tourist circuit, here is my road trip in Auvergne that could inspire you! Indeed, I share with you the itinerary of this 4 day road trip with its Google Map that you can put in GPS mode.

My tourist circuit allows you to cross the most beautiful volcanoes of Auvergne but also beautiful forests, lakes, spectacular gorges, castles and small villages of character.

In short, it is a scenic route that I suggest you do in 4 days but which can adapt to a 2 or 3 day road trip or even break down into several day trips.

Where is Auvergne located in France?

When we speak of Auvergne, we necessarily think of Volcanoes but among the 4 departments of central France that make it up there are much more than volcanoes! Indeed, the departments around the Massif Central (Allier, Cantal, Haute-Loire and Puy-de-Dôme) are rich in tourism and culture.

This is why it is better to visit them in road-trip mode to discover Auvergne through its volcanoes but also its heritage and its tourist attractions.

How to go to Auvergne?

If you come by train you can go directly to Clermont Ferrand. Otherwise, be aware that there are stations in the cities of Vichy, Moulins, Montluçon, Thiers, Saint-Flour, Murat, Aurillac or Le Puy-en-Velay and that some are well served from Clermont-Ferrand .

Train journey times:

  • 3h30 journey from Paris,
  • 2h20 journey from Lyon,
  • 4h30 journey from Marseille,

If you come by plane from Paris for example, you will arrive by Clermont-Ferrand Auvergne airport (daily back and forth).

The most beautiful places in the Massif Central

In order to plan my itinerary, I looked for the most beautiful places in the Massif Central and Auvergne.

Indeed, in a few days it is impossible to discover all the tourist sites and all the volcanoes of Auvergne: Puy de Sancy, Puy-de-Dôme, Puy Mary, Puy de Pariou, Puy de Montchal, Puy de La Vache and Lassolas, Lemptegy Volcano, Tartaret Volcano, Banne d'Ordanche ...

I therefore selected only the most beautiful volcanoes, the most interesting villages and the largest natural and cultural sites in Auvergne.

What to visit in Auvergne?

Here are the main stages of my 4-day road trip in Auvergne :

  • Departure from Clermont Ferrand
  • Puy de Domes
  • Panoramic of the Domes (Mont Dores)
  • Roches Tuilière and Sanadoire
  • Orcival village
  • Puy de Sancy volcano
  • Chauvet lake
  • Village of Saint Nectaire
  • Montpeyroux
  • Usson village
  • Le Puy en Velay
  • The Allier Gorges
  • Medieval city of Salers
  • Lastioulles lake

What to visit in Auvergne - Tourist circuit map

Now you can discover the stages of my 4-day tourist circuit in Auvergne :

Road trip around the Auvergne volcanoes - Day 1

For the 1st day of my road trip, my circuit begins with the regional capital of Auvergne: Clermont Ferrand.

Road-trip in Auvergne - Clermont Ferrand

City of Vercingétorix, Blaise Pascal and Michelin's Bibendum, Clermont-Ferrand is not a very touristy city. Without spending half a day there, I recommend that you go and discover its beautiful Gothic cathedral as well as the Notre-Dame-du-Port basilica.

Or why not visit the L'Aventure Michelin museum? You will thus discover the history of the famous world tire manufacturer whose head office has been based in Clermont Ferrant since 1889.

Road-trip in Auvergne - Vulcania

If you have children, it is impossible to go to Auvergne without going to Vulcania! Only 20 minutes from Clermont-Ferrand, I recommend that you spend 2 or 3 hours in this amusement park dedicated to the world of volcanoes and the natural phenomena of the Earth.

Road-trip in Auvergne Stage at Vulcania

Road-trip in Auvergne - Puy de Dômes

After 15 minutes by car, my program takes us to discover the Puy de Dômes to end the day. And to reach the top of the highest volcano in the Chaîne des Puys, I recommend that you take the Panoramique des Dômes.

The departure station is located at Lieu-dit La Font de l'Arbre - Chemin du Couleyras on the Municipality of Orcines.

This little cogwheel train takes you in 15 minutes to the top of the volcano (1465 meters). Up there you will have a spectacular panorama of the volcanoes of the Chaîne des Puys and the Limagne Fault.

See details on official site of the Panoramique des Dômes .

Road-trip in Auvergne Stage Puy de Dômes

Where to sleep in Puy de Dôme?

If you are looking for simple, well-equipped and inexpensive accommodation, I recommend the Gîte-Hôtel The Little Cham which is located in the ski resort of Mont-Dore.

See this accommodation in Puy de Dôme

Road trip around the Auvergne volcanoes - Day 2

What to visit in auvergne  - the roches tuilières and sanadoire.

On the road that goes from the Mont Dore resort to Orcival on the D27, so on my route, you will arrive at the parking lot of Col de Guery . There, you have to park to admire a point of view is indicated and arranged for visitors.

Point of view Roches Tuilière and Sanadoire PUY DE SANCY

These 2 rocks are the remains of a crater and in the middle the remains of a gorge carved by a glacier over millions of years ago.

What to visit in Auvergne  - Orcival

After the pretty point of view, I recommend that you take a little walk in the pretty village of Orcival. Typical village of Auvergne, you can visit its Romanesque basilica and the castle of Cordès with its gardens.

auvergne tourism

What to visit in Auvergne  - Puy de Sancy volcano

Puy de Sancy is an extinct volcano whose summit reaches 1885 meters. The highest point in the Massif Central, it is the highest volcano in mainland France.

To enjoy the magnificent panoramas offered by the surroundings of this volcano, you can hike from Super Besse, Mont-Dore and from Chastreix-Sancy. Loop trails offer walks from 3:30 to 6:XNUMX around the volcano. See the routes on:

lake in auvergne

What to visit in Auvergne  - Lake Chauvet

Then, the next stage is located at an altitude of 1166 m at Lac Chauvet.

What to visit in Auvergne Le Lac Chauvet

From Picherande , you will be able to make a beautiful hike of 4h30, the itinerary of which you will find below (map kindly shared by BALIRANDO Les Amis des Chemins).

What to visit in Auvergne - Saint Nectaire

After this beautiful hike, you will take the road for 30 km to reach the pretty village of Saint-Nectaire.

Auvergne village in my tourist circuit in Auvergne

This village, known for its AOP Saint-Nectaire cheese, is also an old spa town from the 19th century. As a result, you will appreciate not only its cheese but also its Romanesque church and its architectural heritage from the Belle Epoque.

It is moreover to make the most of it that I advise you to spend the evening and the night there.

Where to sleep near Saint-Nectaire?

Very well located in Saint-Nectaire (opposite the Mercure hotel), this apartment is well equipped and perfect for a stopover night.

See this apartment in Saint-Nectaire

Tourist tour in Auvergne - Day 3

The program of the 3rd day of my tourist circuit in Auvergne takes us to the Gorges de l'Allier. On the road, we will stop to admire two small villages classified among the most beautiful villages in France .

Road-trip in Auvergne - Montpeyroux

Montpeyroux is a superb arkose stone village. From its 13th century tower, you can enjoy a magnificent panorama over the entire region.

Road-trip in Auvergne - Village d'Usson

25 kilometers further south of Montpeyroux, there is another village classified among the most beautiful villages in France: Usson.

On my tourist circuit in Auvergne: Usson

Usson was once dominated by a castle which for 19 years served as Queen Margot's place of exile.

Road-trip in Auvergne - Le Puy en Velay

Then, it will be necessary to make a hundred kilometers (1h30 of road) to arrive at Puy en Velay. Indeed, it is a must-see site when sightseeing in Auvergne!

Road-trip in Auvergne Stage of Le Puy en Velay

On the road to Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, the municipality of Puy en Velay offers pilgrims a place of welcome and information and a museum-trail on the theme of the Way of St-Jacques.

To visit this city, you can visit the Rocher Corneille and the Statue of Notre-Dame de France, the Chapelle St-Michel d'Aiguilhe (at the top of the volcanic rock), the Cathedral, its 12th century cloister and the upper town.

Road-trip in Auvergne - The Gorges de l'Allier

To visit the Gorges de l'Allier with a little tight timing, the tourist train is the ideal solution! So you put down your car and let yourself be rocked by the rails through landscapes accessible only by train.

To make this scenic route by train, you have to go to the train station Langeac (40 km from Le Puy en Velay). Be careful because there is only 1 return trip per day.

Where to sleep in Langeac?

For convenience, I recommend the Abel Hotel, which is just a 10-minute walk from Langeac train station. Restaurants, shops, cafes are also a 10-minute walk away and the hotel has free parking.

See this hotel on Booking

Tourist tour in Auvergne - Day 4

My 4th day program combines history, old stones, relaxation and nature. To begin with, it will take a little over 2 hours to get to Salers.

What to visit in Auvergne - Medieval city of Salers

Ranked among the most beautiful villages in France, the village of Salers is well worth a visit.

Then you will take the road back to the Lac de Lastioulles, 65 km from Salers.

What to do in Auvergne - Lac de Lastioulles

It is in this magnificent setting that my 4-day road trip in Auvergne ends. Thus, you can enjoy the landscapes, the lake beach and the nautical center (rental of canoes, kayaks, pedal boats, etc.).

And if you are in good shape, there are 3 hikes to do:

  • The lakes of Crégut for its panoramas on the Puy Mary, the lakes and the mountains of Cantal; 
  • Lake Laroche; 
  • The Trémouille forest.

last stop of my 4-day tour in Auvergne

Where to sleep at Lac de Lastioulles?

Here is a guest room that I particularly recommend. The house is very well located near Lake Lastouilles and the reception is top notch!

Other ideas from road trip in France ? here is my Normandy tour mon road trip in Ardèche ma trip to Dordogne un Gorges du Verdon course or, my circuit in the Pyrenees

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Guide of Auvergne-Rhône-Alps

Tourism, holidays & weekends in auvergne-rhône-alps.

Guide of Auvergne-Rhône-Alps - Tourism, holidays & weekends in Auvergne-Rhône-Alps

A preferred destination for lovers of mountain landscapes and outdoor leisure activities, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and its exceptional natural heritage are a haven for hikers who love protected, unspoilt countryside and sportier visitors in search of thrills. From walks in the Auvergne Volcanoes Regional Nature Park or the Vanoise National Park to cross-country skiing in the Bauges, through rock climbing in the Mont-Blanc massif, canoe-kayaking in the Sioule gorges or swimming in the lakes of Annecy , Aiguebelette, Aydat , Le Bourget, Grangent and Chambon , you'll be spoilt for choice at holiday time. Skiing fans will be overwhelmed by the sheer number of winter sports resorts in the French Alps ! Less athletic visitors can also enjoy the wonders of nature by travelling along the famous Route des Grandes Alpes, an exceptional itinerary dotted with mountain passes at over 2,000 metres in altitude! And to unwind, you can't beat a rest on the lake shores of the Massif Central and the Alps, or a pampering break in the thermal spas of Aix-les-Bains , Brides-les-Bains , Bourbon-l'Archambault , Chaudes-Aigues , Saint-Gervais-les-Bains , Royat , Uriage-les-Bains or Vichy .

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes also boasts a remarkable built heritage. Its castle forts, Romanesque churches, typical villages and towns of great architectural and cultural importance, like Annecy, Chambéry , Clermont-Ferrand , Grenoble , Le Puy-en-Velay , Montluçon , Moulins and Riom , are sure to wow you! History enthusiasts and lovers of old buildings mustn't miss the chance to visit some major heritage sites, like Lyon 's historical city centre, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the archaeological site of Saint-Romain-en-Gal , Souvigny Priory, Orcival Basilica , Brou Royal Monastery , the medieval towns of Charroux and Salers , the picturesque villages of Balazuc , Bonneval-sur-Arc , Labeaume , Pérouges and Yvoire , and the castles of Anjony, Crussol, Murol , Tournoël and Le Touvet .

South of Lyon, on either side of the Rhône Valley, stand two favourite destinations for holidaymakers: Drôme on one side, with its charming villages, gently rolling hills, lavender fields and mountains, and the Ardèche on the other, with its famous gorges so loved by kayakers, characterful villages, volcanic sites, medieval castles and superb panoramas.

In between visits to these attractions, you can enjoy some delicious regional products and famous specialities. Cheeses from Auvergne and Savoie , green lentils from Le Puy , Lyonnaise salad, potée auvergnate stew, poultry from Bresse, tartiflette , raclette and fondue, Romans ravioles, wines from Côtes du Rhône and Saint-Pourçain, Montélimar nougat , Saint-Genix cake and pompe aux pommes (a local apple pie) are all packed with flavour to tickle your taste bud!

auvergne tourism

Territories of Auvergne-Rhône-Alps

auvergne tourism

Whether or not you're a keen skier, the Alpes region is a choice destination with many treasures in store. The lively and dazzling cities of Grenoble, Chambéry, Sisteron and Briançon are sure to win you over. Its many lakes, Le Bourget, Annecy, Geneva and Serre-Ponçon, are ideal places for relaxation and water sports. The grand canyon of the Verdon Gorges will amaze you, and Chamonix-Mont-Blanc will welcome you to its ski slopes.

auvergne tourism

Auvergne's famous volcanoes are not its only visitor attraction. History enthusiasts can also make the most of Auvergne's rich heritage by exploring Le Puy-en-Velay and its Romanesque cathedral, the medieval town of Salers, Orcival Basilica, the spa town of Vichy and the many castles. When it comes to nature, Puy de Dôme, the Cantal mountains and the Tronçais forest are a hiker's delight.

auvergne tourism

Be immersed in the history of the Dukes of Bourbon by visiting major Auvergne heritage sites like Montluçon old town, Souvigny Priory or the historic capital of Bourbonnais, Moulins, before taking a relaxing trip to the beautiful Tronçais forest!

auvergne tourism

Between the Alps and the Rhône, set off to explore Dauphiné and its amazing heritage: Grenoble and its museums, Vienne and its ancient monuments, Pont-en-Royans and its suspended houses, Mont-Dauphin and its fortifications, as well as Vercors and Chartreuse with their unspoilt scenery, are just some of the destinations not to be missed!

auvergne tourism

Sought-after destinations for lovers of nature and old buildings, Drôme and Ardèche offer many attractions ranging from character villages to medieval castles, through volcanic sites, the Ardèche gorges, the mountains of Vercors and the hills of Provençal Drôme.

auvergne tourism

The ultimate green destination, the Jura Massif is a must for all lovers of nature and hiking, with its wonderful unspoilt landscapes alternating between wooded mountains, Alpine pastures, rivers and waterfalls. Meanwhile, the winter and summer sports resorts of Les Rousses and Les Monts du Jura will thrill fans of board sports and other outdoor leisure activities.

auvergne tourism

On a visit to Lyonnais, as well as exploring cities full of exceptional heritage like Lyon and Saint-Étienne, you can also discover charming villages in the Land of Golden Stones, savour famous specialities, and enjoy beautiful landscapes in the Loire gorges or Mont Pilat.

auvergne tourism

A vast mountainous territory located at the very heart of France, the Massif Central is a favourite destination for lovers of nature and hiking. The Auvergne Volcanoes Park, Cévennes Park and Livradois-Forez Park truly have something to enchant everyone, with their outstanding natural areas strewn with countless paths!

auvergne tourism

The Brou royal convent, gothic masterpiece, the Dombes lakes, the Saracen chimneys in Bresse, and the charming medieval town of Pérouges are among the gems to be discovered in the Ain.

auvergne tourism

Unspoiled nature, magnificent forest of Tronçais oaks, castles and fortresses, Sioule gorges and Vichy spa town are some of the features of the Allier.

auvergne tourism

Bringing together nature discoveries, relaxation, leisure, and sports activities, the Ardèche offers visitors its mountains, its captivating villages, its chestnut groves, its Ardèche Mountains Regional Nature Park, spas, and of course the famous Ardèche gorges.

auvergne tourism

Boasting wild landscapes, the Cantal offers to the lovers of nature and authenticity numerous places of interest to discover: mountain massif of the mounts of Cantal and its famous puy Mary, Chestnut grove, medieval villages, typical dishes and renowned cheeses...

auvergne tourism

Mixing tradition and relaxed pace of life, the Drôme also offers the diversity of its landscapes, ranging from the hills and villages of the Provençal Drôme to the Vercors Pre-Alps massif, wild and unspoiled place great for hikes and spotting bird life.

auvergne tourism

In the south of Auvergne, the Haute-Loire boasts a number of attractions, with its landscapes of forests, high plateaux and verdant prairies, its charming villages, its medieval castles and its City of Art and History of Puy-en-Velay.

auvergne tourism

The Haute-Savoie boasts numerous remarkable sites, such as the famous Mont-Blanc, the highest peak of Western Europe, Lake Geneva lined with spa towns, prestigious winter and summer sports resorts, and the city of Annecy, nicknamed the Venice of Savoie with its wonderful lake.

auvergne tourism

Combining beautiful natural sites and historic sites, the Isère offers visitors its important heritage, with the Vercors massif, the City of Art and History of Vienne, the Chartreuse Regional Nature Park, and Grenoble, a city of Art rich in museums.

auvergne tourism

The Loire is a green département that invites walkers to the discovery of its attractions, among which the Pilat mountain area, the Loire Gorges, the Grangent lake, and Saint-Etienne, the city with seven hills.

auvergne tourism

Situated in the heart of the Massif Central, the Puy-de-Dôme holds a marvelous natural heritage, as illustrated by the mounts Dôme, first volcanic mountain range in Europe, the mounts Dore and the Artense plateau. Besides these treasures, the visitors can also discover the city of Clermont-Ferrand, capital of Auvergne.

auvergne tourism

Famous for its major city of Lyon, with an historic site inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, the Rhône is also renowned for its gastronomy and for its famous Beaujolais vineyards.

auvergne tourism

The famous winter sports and summer resorts, the vast ski resorts attracting skiers from all over the world, and the Vanoise massif, true paradise for the fans about mountain hiking, are just some of the features that make the Savoie a perfect destination for sporty types and nature lovers.

Weekends in Auvergne-Rhône-Alps

Romantic weekend

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  1. 24 Top-Rated Attractions & Places to Visit in Auvergne

    5. Riom Riom. Riom is a historic capital city with grand boulevards and elegant old mansions. On the main street, the Rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville, is the 16th-century Hôtel de Ville (Town Hall) and the Musée Mandet, a museum of fine arts and decorative arts.. To learn about the regional culture, visit the Musée Régional d'Auvergne, which focuses on traditional rural life and folk art in Auvergne.

  2. Auvergne travel guide

    Auvergne tourism. The Auvergne is situated in central-southern France, in the centre of the Massif Central. An isolated region of mountains and dramatically rugged countryside and rocky gorges, Clermont-Ferrand is the capital of the region.

  3. Home

    Visit Auvergne is a member of the Europeana Network Association- an EU-funded community of experts working in the field of digital cultural heritage. Designed by Paolo Zappalà. Visit Auvergne is your guide to Auvergne's little-known wonders, culture, and history. Join us as we explore Auvergne's fascinating heritage.

  4. Auvergne

    Auvergne: what to do, what to see... France's oldest region lies deep in a land of volcanoes. It cannot help but amaze with the purity of its spring waters, its landscapes described by some as sacred, and the exquisite quality of its produce, embodied perhaps by one of its speciality cheeses: Saint-Nectaire.


    A vos guidons ! Sportifs aguerris ou familles en balade, les petites routes et chemins d'Auvergne sont faits pour vous !. Les plus sportifs trouveront forcément leur bonheur parmi des itinéraires mythiques comme la Grande Traversée du Massif Central à VTT, la Via Allier ou encore les boucles RBX sur les traces du champion Romain Bardet.. Pour des sorties familiales en toute sécurité ...

  6. Auvergne travel

    This midnight-blue crater lake, enclosed by a fuzz of pine trees, lies 6km southwest of Besse. Blasted out of the earth by a volcanic explosion nearly…. Musée de la Coutellerie. Auvergne. Split across two buildings, this museum gives an entertaining account of cutlery-making history.

  7. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Auvergne (2024)

    2024. 1. Le PAL - Parc d'Attractions et Animalier. 2,400. Amusement & Theme Parks. Escape to an extraordinary leisure park! The PAL, amusement park and animal park is the only park in France to bring together in an exceptional natural setting of 50 ha, 30 attractions for the whole…. 2024.

  8. 15 Best Things to Do in Auvergne (France)

    Auvergne's top tourist attraction is the fifth most-popular in France, combining a theme park with a zoo. The park rolls out new features most years, one of the most recent being safari lodges. These can sleep families of five and look over the savannah enclosures where springboks and zebras roam in semi-freedom.

  9. Must-see attractions Auvergne, France

    For great views, brave the lung-busting climb to the top of Rocher Bonnevie. From the town centre, this route is about 2.5km; follow the signposts with…. 1. 2. Discover the best attractions in Auvergne including Chapelle St-Michel d'Aiguilhe, Église Abbatiale de St-Robert, and Cathédrale Notre Dame.

  10. Auvergne

    Auvergne. Land of volcanoes, Auvergne is surprising and fascinating! With the Cantal massif, Europe's largest volcano, the Chaîne des Puys -faille de Limagne listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the puy Mary and puy de Dôme classified as "Grands Sites de France", Auvergne has an outstanding natural and geological heritage.

  11. 14 Best Places to Visit in Auvergne, France (+Map)

    It now heavily relies on tourism for its income. Despite its size, there is much to explore in Arlempdes. ... A popular ski resort in the Puy-de-Dôme Department of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, it offers 41 km of slopes for skiing and snowboarding. Residing at an elevation of up to 1840 meters, there are several lifts available to ...

  12. Auvergne Tourism

    Auvergne Tourism - Visit the Auvergne region of France | Visit France. Auvergne is a region located in central France, on the Massif Central, home to some of the wildest, most unusual and beautiful landscapes in France.

  13. Best Things to Do in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France

    The list of best things to do in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes includes sightseeing, pretty towns, history, and natural wonders! 1. Visit Lyon. Lyon is France's third-largest city and a major tourist destination. Founded 2,000 years ago, Lyon's streets are a living museum, with beautiful historical buildings and interesting art galleries and museums.

  14. Auvergne

    The heart of the Massif Central is the Auvergne, a wild and unexpected scene of extinct volcanoes (puys), stretching from the grassy domes and craters of the Monts-Dômes to the eroded skylines of the Monts-Dore, and the deep ravines of the Cantal mountains to the forest of darkly wooded pinnacles surrounding Le Puy. It's one of the poorest regions in France and has long remained outside the ...

  15. The 16 Best Places To Visit In Auvergne

    The 16 Places to Visit in Auvergne - Tourist Spots and Things to do 1. The volcanoes of Auvergne. Let's start with the most obvious: the Auvergne volcanic peaks that make the region famous! The Puy-de-Dôme. Puy-de-Dôme is both the name of a dormant volcano and the region where it is located.

  16. Guide of Auvergne 2024

    Tourism, holidays & weekends in Auvergne. A land of expansive, protected natural areas, ideal for outdoor activities, Auvergne is a dream destination for lovers of nature and hiking. At the heart of the Massif Central, discover this beautiful green region with countless attractions. From the ancient volcanoes of the Puys mountains to the Sioule ...

  17. Auvergne tourism and heritage

    The Auvergne Volcanoes area, notably the Massif du Sancy, culminating at over 1800 metres, are popular holiday areas, and offer skiing in winter. Generally speaking, Auvergne is a region very popular with hikers and ramblers. The two departments of the south of Auvergne, essentially upland areas, are also popular for rural tourism.

  18. Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Tourisme

    The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region boasts a wide array of destinations, with the city of Lyon, France's capital of gastronomy, Mont Blanc, Europe's highest point, the Drôme and Ardèche departments, reminiscent of Provence, and Auvergne with its lakes, Romanesque churches and volcanoes. ... Haut-Bugey Tourism: 1st tourist office in France to ...

  19. Guide de l'Auvergne 2024

    Tourisme, vacances & week-end en Auvergne. Territoire de grands espaces protégés, propice aux activités de plein air, l'Auvergne est la destination rêvée pour les amoureux de nature et de randonnées. Au coeur du Massif central, partez à la découverte de cette magnifique région verdoyante aux innombrables attraits.

  20. Auvergne: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024)

    2024. Best Western Grand Hotel De Bordeaux. 349. from $80/night. 2024. Novotel Suites Clermont Ferrand Polydome. 1,106. from $92/night. Auvergne Tourism: Tripadvisor has 51 reviews of Auvergne Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Auvergne resource.

  21. What to visit in Auvergne

    Tourist tour in Auvergne - Day 3. The program of the 3rd day of my tourist circuit in Auvergne takes us to the Gorges de l'Allier. On the road, we will stop to admire two small villages classified among the most beautiful villages in France. Road-trip in Auvergne - Montpeyroux. Montpeyroux is a superb arkose stone village.

  22. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Auvergne (2024)

    Get ready to explore Vulcania and journey to the heart of the Volcanoes…. 2024. 4. Volcan De Lemptégy. 1,299. Nature & Wildlife Areas. Come and visit a volcano from the inside, with an enthusiastic guide, in the Chaine des Puys, 15 minutes away from the town Clermont-Ferrand.

  23. Guide of Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 2024

    Tourism, holidays & weekends in Auvergne-Rhône-Alps. Virtual visit. See all photos. Open map. A preferred destination for lovers of mountain landscapes and outdoor leisure activities, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and its exceptional natural heritage are a haven for hikers who love protected, unspoilt countryside and sportier visitors in ...

  24. Auvergne

    Auvergne Tourism Guide by Book Auvergne hotels, find an event, go on a tour and have fun. Visit Auvergne.