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Rise in international visits

Overseas travel and tourism statistics published for Q3 2023.

Overseas visitors are coming to Scotland in greater numbers than before the pandemic.

Figures published today by the Office for National Statistics show that Scotland has staged a stronger post-pandemic recovery than the UK as a whole, welcoming 1.4 million international tourist visits from July to September last year - up 14% on the same period in 2019.

Visitors spent a record £1.5 billion – 18% more than during the same three months in 2019 when adjusted for inflation.

At the same time, the number of visits in the UK as a whole was down compared to the same period in 2019.

Tourism Minister Richard Lochhead said:

“These encouraging statistics reinforce the resilience, creativity, commitment and innovation of Scotland’s tourism and hospitality sector - especially in response to what has been an incredibly challenging time. 

“Scotland’s unique culture, history and landscapes, plus global events such as the Scottish Open Golf Championship, the UCI World Cycling Championships and Edinburgh’s world-renowned festivals, draw visitors from across the world.

“Tourist numbers and spending in Scotland has recovered faster than the UK as a whole – and overseas visitors are returning here in greater numbers following the pandemic.

“We recognise that the sector faces challenges such as rising costs and skills shortages due to Brexit, and we will continue to support and work with the tourism and hospitality sector to grow its economic value while delivering the very best for visitors, businesses, and communities.”

Overseas travel and tourism, provisional - Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)

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64+ crucial scotland travel & tourism statistics (latest 2024 data).

Bradley Williams

Millions of tourists from all over the world flock to visit Scotland's best locations each year. Why not? After all, it is home to stunning landscapes and natural sceneries, as well as rich cultural and historical heritage.

From the spectacular glens of the Highlands and dramatic castles in Aberdeen, all the way to the charming people of Glasgow and the capital’s buzzing city life.

Did you know...

  • International travellers to Scotland spent £3.15 billion in 2022 alone?
  • Nearly 9% of employees in Scotland work in the tourism sector?

Indeed, travel and tourism are an essential part of Scotland’s lifestyle and economy.

This article is a treasure trove of statistics on the travel and tourism industry in Scotland. We will cover everything from how popular this nation is as a tourist destination to the nitty gritty of its financial earnings.

Let’s get right into it!

Sources: After each stat, I have referenced where the data was gathered and curated from. For a full list of all articles used in this roundup, please head to the bottom of the post. At the time of publication, these are the most up-to-date statistics available. Little data was gathered in 2020 due to the Coronavirus pandemic.


What percentage of Scotland's economy is tourism?

Scotland’s tourism industry contributes roughly £6 billion to the overall GDP, or around 5%.

Scotland tourism spend relative to GDP

Why is Scotland so popular for tourists?

1 in 10 visitors were influenced by a travel feature about Scotland, whereas 8% of visitors were prompted by a TV programme about Scotland.

scotland tourist numbers

Where do most tourists to Scotland come from?

The top 4 source markets for international tourism in Scotland are USA, France, Germany and Netherlands in that order.

Breakdown of foreign visitors to Scotland 2022

Scotland tourism key stats

  • In 2022, there were a total of 111.5 million visits to Scotland
  • Overseas travellers in Scotland spent about £3.15 billion in 2022 alone
  • 94.8 million of total domestic trips made to Scotland in 2022 were day visits, while 13.5 million included a stay of at least 1 night
  • Over 7.6 million of the visits were from Scotland, while almost 6 million were from England
  • 50% of visitors come to Scotland for the scenery and landscape. History & culture is also a core driver for visiting Scotland
  • Most international trips to Scotland were made from the USA, France, Germany and Netherlands
  • Tourist spending generated £12 billion of economic activity in Scotland
  • Scotland’s tourism industry contributes roughly £6 billion to the overall GDP, or around 5%
  • In 2019, 209,000 people were employed in the Scotland tourism sector
  • 14,970 (8.4%) companies in Scotland are in the Scottish tourism industry
  • Over 2012 to 2017, tourism employment in Scotland rose by 13%
  • The most popular region in Scotland is Glasgow & Clyde Valley. It received 29.7 million day visits and 3.1 million overnight visits in 2019
  • Scotland has more than 11,000 miles of coastline, 137 miles of canals, 31,460 freshwater lochs and 118 inhabited islands
  • 16 million people visit Scotland’s coastal destinations annually
  • In 2020, 78% of tourism companies in Scotland reported reduced revenue from 2019 due to the Coronavirus pandemic

Travel & Scotland's economy

How does tourism contribute to Scotland’s economy?

1. In 2019, the total expenditure of overnight and day trips was £11.6 billion.


VisitScotland found that 2019 had been the best year for Scotland’s overnight tourism over the last decade. The spending for overnight trips rose by 12% from the previous year 

2. In 2022, international visitors to Scotland spent a total of £3.15 billion.

International tourism expenditure in Scotland

This was a dramatic 586% increase from the £0.46 billion international tourism expenditure in 2021, and has even surpassed the pre-pandemic figures of £2.54 billion in 2019.

3. Domestic day trips to Scotland in 2022 generated around £3.9 billion.

Scottish residents generated less in day trip expenditure in 2022 compared to 2019 (£5.8 billion).

4. In 2022, domestic overnight trips in Scotland generated £3.4 billion.

GB residents in 2022 spent a total of £3.4 billion in overnight trips to Scotland.

5. Tourist spending generated £12 billion of economic activity in Scotland.

Spending by tourists contributes approximately £12 billion for the overall Scottish supply chain. This industry was recognized as an important growth sector in the nation’s 2015 economic strategy.

6. Scotland’s tourism industry contributes roughly £6 billion to the overall GDP, or around 5%.

In terms of GDP, tourism in Scotland represents 5% or £6 billion of the total GDP.

7. VisitScotland, which is the official tourism organisation of Scotland, has an annual budget of over £45 million.

A huge part of Scotland’s tourism is the official tourism organisation, VisitScotland. The government budgets more than £45 million for this entity each year.

International inbound tourism statistics in Scotland

How many international tourists visit Scotland?

8. There were 3.23 million overseas visits to Scotland in 2022 alone.

International tourism growth in Scotland year over year

International tourism expenditure reached the highest record in 2022 despite a slight decrease in number of visits compared to 2019.

9. The average international tourist stays for 9.2 nights in Scotland.

In 2022, the average length of stay for international tourists in Scotland has increased from just 7.9 nights in 2019.

Understandably, overseas tourists spent more time in Scotland per trip compared to the average 3.0 nights for domestic travellers.

10. In 2022, 1.8 million trips were made for holidaying purposes, while 307,000 had been business visits.

International visits to Scotland 2022 By Purpose

The majority of international tourists (58%) come to Scotland for holiday and vacation, while 9% of the visits were for business purposes .

11. Visiting friends and family is the second most common purpose for visiting Scotland, with 922,000 trips made in 2022 for that purpose.

12. the average spend for international tourists in 2022 is £972 per visit, up 32% from £734 in 2019..

Average spending per international trip to Scotland also reached an all-time high in 2022, compared to only £625 back in 2011.

13. The top 4 source markets for international tourism in Scotland are USA, France, Germany and Netherlands in that order.

Scotland is an especially popular tourist destination for tourists from the USA, France , Germany and the Netherlands, all of which make up the top 4 markets for international tourism in Scotland.

14. In 2022, there were 693,000 visits to Scotland from the USA or 21.4% of all international visits.


The largest portion of international tourists to Scotland from a country is the USA, with American visitors spending 6.588 million nights and £1.2 billion in 2022.

15. Visitors in Norway also made the top 10 source market for international tourists in Scotland, with 107,000 total visits in 2022.

In 2022, Norwegian visitors spent a total of 518 thousand nights and £75 million in tourism expenditure in Scotland.

16. Italy follows closely behind as the ninth largest source market for international tourists in Scotland, with 105,000 total visits in 2022.

Italian visitors recorded 744 thousand nights spent in Scotland in 2022 and £68 million in tourism expenditure.

Domestic Tourism statistics in Scotland

How many domestic tourists travel to Scotland?

17. In 2019, there were a total of 111.5 million visits to Scotland (both domestic and international).

18. 94.8 million of total domestic trips made to scotland in 2022 were day visits, while 13.5 million included a stay of at least 1 night..

Scotland day visits vs overnight visits 2022

19. UK residents made 13.5 million overnight visits to Scotland.

Out of all the total overnight visits made to Scotland in 2019, 13.5 million were made by UK residents .

20. In 2019, over 7.6 million of the visits were from Scotland, while almost 6 million were from England.

Breakdown of domestic visits to Scotland

21. In 2019, domestic visitors in the 14-24 and 55-64 age groups saw a huge increase compared to the previous year.

22. 2019 saw a drastic rise in domestic travellers as the number of trips increased by 33% from 2018..

2019 was the best year over the last decade for overnight trips by domestic visitors in Scotland.

23. In 2022, the main reason to travel to Scotland for domestic visitors is holidaying (35.5% of all visits).

35% of domestic visits to Scotland are made for holiday purposes, which included solo travel as well as family trips . Meanwhile, business visits make up 9.6% of all domestic visits in 2022.

24. 62% of domestic travellers spend between 1-3 nights in Scotland. Only 7% spend more than 7 nights per trip.

For most domestic travellers in Scotland, 1 to 3 nights is the ideal length of stay, whereas only 7% of them stay for 8 nights or more at a time.

25. In 2022, the average amount spent per visit to Scotland was £253, or roughly £83 per night.

Motivations for visiting scotland.

What are the main reasons people visit Scotland?

26. The key motivation for visiting Scotland for 50% of visitors is the scenery and landscape.

A 2015/2016 visitor survey conducted by VisitScotland across 19 regions in Scotland over two summer periods (May to September) concluded that 1 in 2 people visit Scotland for the scenery and landscape.

27. The second core driver after that for visiting Scotland is the history & culture.

Following closely to that, 1 in 3 visitors to Scotland are motivated by the rich history and culture of the nation.

28. 24% of European, long haul, and first-time visitors were persuaded to spend holiday in Scotland by word of mouth recommendation from friends, family, or colleagues.

For many European travellers , long haul and first-time visitors to Scotland, recommendation from friends and family is a determining factor for their visit. On the other hand, Scottish residents tend to be driven by the desire to spend vacation at home.

29. 1 in 10 visitors were influenced by a travel feature about Scotland, whereas 8% of visitors were prompted by a TV programme about Scotland.

Motivations for visiting Scotland

30. Outlander, both the TV series and books, have had a significant impact in inspiring 17% of visitors to travel to Scotland.

31. 47.8 million day trips to scotland were made in 2019 by domestic travellers to visit friends or family..

Visiting friends and family is also a popular motivation for visiting Scotland. In 2019, residents from the UK made around 47.8 day trips to Scotland for this purpose.

Scotland coastal tourism statistics

How popular are seaside destinations in Scotland?

32. Scotland has more than 11,000 miles of coastline, 137 miles of canals, 31,460 freshwater lochs and 118 inhabited islands.

Scotland’s coasts and seaside areas are a crucial part of the local culture and history. From the picturesque beaches to spectacular waterfalls, lochs, and rivers, many tourists flock to these water-based destinations during their travels.

33. There are 16 million domestic day trips to Scotland’s coastal destinations annually.

Day trip visitors to coastal locations in Scotland tend to indulge in outdoor leisure activities and exploring the beautiful landscape.

34. In 2022, there were 0.8 million domestic overnight trips to seaside and coastal locations in Scotland, down from 2.31 million in 2019.

Only 6% of overnight trips in 2022 were to seaside or coastal locations in Scotland, while 52% were to the cities and large towns.

Main location type visited by domestic overnight visitors to Scotland in 2022

35. Most domestic visitors to Scotland’s coastal regions would visit the South (29%) or North of Scotland (28%).

The most popular coastal regions in Scotland among domestic travelers are the South and North. City destinations like Edinburgh and Glasgow, in the East and West of Scotland respectively, are more popular among city enthusiasts.

36. 38% of international visitors visit a beach.

37. international visitors from poland are the most likely to visit seaside destinations in scotland with 62% of propensity, while those from germany and italy have 51% likelihood to do so..

Among international tourists in Scotland, those from Poland are the most likely to visit a coastal location. They have a 62% propensity to do so, whereas German and Italian travellers are close behind with 51% likelihood each.

Tourism employment in Scotland

How many people are employed in the Scottish tourism industry?

38. In 2021, 209,000, people were employed in the Scotland tourism sector, an 8.7% drop from 2019.

Before the Coronavirus pandemic , the tourism sector in Scotland consisted of 229,000 people, which was roughly 1 in 12 jobs. It’s an especially significant industry in cities and rural regions.

39. 14,970 (8.4%) companies in Scotland are in the Scottish tourism industry.

[Scottish Enterprise]

From around 178,214 registered companies in Scotland, 8.4% are in the tourism industry,

40. In 2017, the tourism sector is most important in the region of Argyll & Bute, where 69 out of 1000 people work in the tourism industry.

Scotland's most tourism-dependant regions

41. This is closely followed by Highland and City of Edinburgh, at 68 and 64 people out of 1000 employed in the tourism sector respectively.

42. as of 2021, 33,000 people were employed in the tourism sector in edinburgh., 43. meanwhile, glasgow recorded a total of 31,000 employment in the tourism sector in 2021., 44. the travel industry is least significant in east renfrewshire, where tourism employment accounts to only 0.016% of total employment in the region., 45. over 2012 to 2017, tourism employment in scotland rose by 13%..

The tourism industry is one of the growing industries in Scotland. It saw a 13% increase in employment over a 5-year period from 2012 until 2017.

Tourist destinations in Scotland

What are the most popular tourist destinations in Scotland?

46. For domestic overnight trips, the most visited region in Scotland in 2022 was the West of Scotland, with 4.4 million trips taken there.

Meanwhile, the East of Scotland received 4.1 million domestic overnight trips in 2022.

Main regions for domestic overnight visitors to Scotland in 2022

47. Glasgow & Clyde Valley had been the most popular region to visit in 2019. It received 29.7 million day visits and 3.1 million overnight visits.

48. meanwhile, edinburgh and lothians were the most popular region for overnight visits (5.3 million). it also saw 24.8 million day visits..

Out of the 15 major regions in Scotland as listed on VisitScotland, Glasgow & Clyde Valley is the most popular tourism location overall. Meanwhile, most visitors go to Edinburgh and Lothians for overnight visits.

These two regions are followed in order by: Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, the Highlands, Ayrshire & Arran, and Kingdom of Fife.

  • Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire: 1.3m overnight, 14.6 day visit
  • Highland: 2.9m overnight, 9.6m day visits
  • Ayrshire & Arran: 742k overnight, 10.4m day visits
  • Kingdom of Fife: 705k overnight, 8.6m day visits

49. Free tourist attractions tend to be more popular, with the National Museum exceeding 2.21 million visitors in 2019.

Most popular Free Scottish tourism attractions

Free tourist attractions receive slightly more visits than paid attractions. The National Museum is the most popular attraction in all of Scotland, as it welcomed over 2.21 million visitors in 2019 alone.

50. The next most visited free attractions in Scotland are the Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum, the Scottish National Gallery, and the Riverside Museum in this order.

Museums are no doubt the favorite choice for free attraction amongst visitors. Some famous non-museum destinations in Scotland include St Giles’ Cathedral and Gretna Green Famous Blacksmiths Shop.

51. In 2019, the most visited paid attraction was Edinburgh Castle, which saw around 2.17 million visits.

Most popular Paid Scottish tourism attractions

For paid attractions, the most popular tourist destination would be Edinburgh Castle. It received 2.17 million visits in 2019.

52. The Edinburgh bus tours received 615,000 visitors in 2019.

Travel accommodation in scotland statistics.

How many hotel rooms are there in Scotland?

53. The average Scottish hotel occupancy in 2022 was 61.02%.

During peak season in 2022, the average hotel room in Scotland cost £144.38 per night .

54. As of August 2023, the hotel room occupancy rate in Scotland is 79.40%.

This was a slight decrease from the 84.22% occupancy in August 2022.

55. In 2022, the average peak revenue per available room (RevPAR) for Scottish hotels was £268.20 in February.

56. meanwhile, revpar in august 2023 was recorded at £231.12, a year-on-year increase from £212.01 in august 2022., 57. guesthouses or b&bs in scotland in 2022 had an average occupancy rate of 54.6%, while self-catering accommodations recorded 40.49% in occupancy., 58. guesthouses or b&bs can be a cheaper accommodation alternative in scotland, with the average nightly rate being £56.44 in 2022..

Average Scottish accommodation nightly rate in 2022

59. The average touring pitch occupancy in Scotland was 60.57% in August 2023.

A touring pitch is space on a campsite that you can rent. The RV industry is a popular one in Scotland.

Impact of Coronavirus on Scotland’s tourism industry

How did the Covid-19 pandemic affect Scottish travel & tourism?

60. In the first quarter of 2020, international visitor trips decreased by 17% while international visitor spend dropped by 3% (compared to first quarter of 2019).

From the most recent update we could find on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Scottish tourism, the report stated that overseas trips had decreased by 17% in Q1 of 2020. Note that lockdown in Scotland was enforced only by the end of Q1, yet the consequences are still apparent.

61. In summer and autumn of 2020, accommodation providers reported only 64% peak occupancy compared to 89% in 2019.

61. 78% of tourism companies reported reduced revenue from 2019., 50. 35% of staff were dismissed in 2020, while 69% had been put on furlough., 62. over march and september 2020, there was an 8.4% decrease of jobs in scotland’s accommodation and food services. .

[Scottish Parliament]

Scotland’s food, hotel and accommodation services industry was the worst impacted amongst the four nations in the UK.

63. Between February 2020 (when Covid-19 began to directly impact the economy) and December 2020, Scottish GDP has fallen by 7.2%.

64. in this time period, the sector most impacted is accommodation and food services which recorded 60% loss in gdp., 65. the arts, culture and recreation sector also experienced an approximately 42% decrease in gdp..

Not all the sectors in the Scottish economy were impacted in the same proportion. Industries directly related to tourism such as accommodation & food services, other services, and arts, culture & recreation suffered the most.

The tourism industry makes up 5% of Scotland’s total GDP. And since being identified as a growth sector back in 2015, this nation has received only more and more visitors each year.

Therefore, it is no surprise that this industry has created many job opportunities, especially in the rural areas that depend on tourists for their main source of income.

Despite the pressure and negative consequences of the recent Coronavirus pandemic, it’s reasonable to think that the Scottish tourism sector will recover and continue to grow.

We hope this post has been useful in telling you everything you might want to know about Scotland travel & tourism statistics.

Did we miss anything important? Please leave a comment below!

You might want to check out these other interesting statistics too:

  • Ireland Travel & Tourism Statistics
  • Airbnb Statistics
  • Female Travel Statistics
  • Online Travel Booking Statistics
  • VisitScotland 1
  • VisitScotland 2
  • VisitScotland 3
  • VisitScotland 4
  • VisitScotland 5
  • Scottish Enterprise
  • Scottish Parliament

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Scottish Government

Statistics .gov.scot, [this is a data cube dataset] a data cube dataset in folder s : business, enterprise and energy , visitscotland, regional domestic tourism.

Domestic tourism statistics by region and year. All figures come from the Great Britain Tourism Survey (GBTS) and represent 3-year annual averages due to small sample sizes on regional level.

View as a spreadsheet

About the dataset.

  • Business, Enterprise and Energy
  • VisitScotland

Next update due


Note : Due to ongoing Covid-19 related travel restrictions meaning data collection has had to be suspended and a planned update to the survey methodology during 2020, a temporary gap in the reporting of the domestic tourism monitors has resulted. This disruption means the National Tourist Boards will be unable to publish detailed results from the GB Tourism Study (GBTS) and Day Visitor Study (GBDVS) for 2020 or Q1 2021 and any data from this period will only be published after a thorough review to ensure they meet necessary quality standards. We shall resume fieldwork as soon as domestic travel guidelines ease and anticipate being in a position to commence the delivery of Q2 2021 summary data at some stage during Q3 2021 (barring any unforeseen circumstances).

The Great Britain Tourism Survey (GBTS) provides visitor figures for residents of Scotland, England and Wales. The survey is conducted through face-to-face interviews and is jointly commissioned by VisitScotland, VisitEngland and VisitWales. Welsh data is not presented here, due to small sample sizes. More information about the survey can be found on the VisitScotland web page .

Confidentiality Policy

This data contains no sensitive, personal information.

Quality Management

The information contained in this report has been published in good faith on the basis of information supplied to VisitEngland, VisitScotland and Visit Wales. VisitEngland, VisitScotland and Visit Wales cannot guarantee the accuracy of information in this report and accept no responsibility for any error or misrepresentation. All liability for loss, disappointment, negligence or other damage caused by reliance on the information contained in this report or for any other reason is hereby excluded.

This is a National Statistics Publication. National Statistics status means that the official statistics meet the highest standards of trustworthiness, quality and public value. They comply with the Code of Practice for statistics and are awarded National Statistics status following an assessment by the UK Statistics Authority’s regulatory arm. The Authority considers whether the statistics meet the highest standards of Code compliance, including the value they add to public decisions and debate.

Find out more about the Code of Practice.

Find out more about National Statistics.

Accuracy and Reliability

While results from these surveys can give good precision at a national level, at regional level the results can be less reliable. This is because data at regional level can be based on a relatively small sample size. This incurs a larger margin of statistical error reducing data reliability. Therefore results should be treated with caution. To reduce error margins, 3-year average figures have been calculated to provide a larger sample size. It is good practice to use the data in conjunction with other indicators, for example visitor numbers at attractions and accommodation occupancy levels, to provide a better understanding of tourism in Scotland’s regions.

Coherence and Comparability

Note that visitor numbers for regions may add up to more than the national total as the same person may spend nights in more than one location during their visit. For example a visitor to the Highlands may also spend a night in Edinburgh. Numbers of visits therefore cannot be summed across regions.

For expenditure, nights and visits, there is a value that cannot be attributed to any specific council area but which is included in the national total. Thus, the values given for Scotland could differ from the sum of Council Areas.

Due to a change in methodology between 2015 and 2016, pre-2015 and post-2015 data is not directly comparable. For more information please contact [email protected].

Accessibility and Clarity

More domestic visitor figures can be found on the VisitScotland web page .

GBTS is a survey covering overnight trips taken for any purpose, including holidays, business, or visiting friends and relatives. It measures the volume and value of overnight domestic tourism trips taken by Great Britain residents and provides detailed information about trip and visitor characteristics.

Interviewing is carried out face-to-face every week of the year. Annually, some 100,000 respondents are contacted, and any who have returned from an overnight trip within the past four weeks are asked to describe the details of that trip.

For more information, visit the VisitBritain web page .

Timeliness and Punctuality

This data is updated annually.

This data is not routinely revised. Any revisions in exceptional circumstances will be carried out in accordance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics .

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Scotland's National Tourism Statistics

Information to help you use the national tourism statistics

What are the national statistics?

The national statistics are data that is gathered, analysed and presented to enable policy development at a national level, and made available to tourism stakeholders to enable decision making and planning.

In Scotland, there are 4 sources of national tourism statistics:

  • The Great Britain Tourism Survey (GBTS)
  • The Great Britain Day Visits Survey (GBDVS)

The International Passenger Survey (IPS)

  • The Scottish Accommodation Occupancy Survey (SAOS)

The Great Britain Tourism Survey (GBTS) and The Great Britain Day Visits Survey (GBDVS) 

Managed collaboratively by VisitEngland, VisitScotland and VisitWales, these are Great Britain-wide consumer-focussed surveys. Information is gathered from a representative sample of British residents, and the results are then analysed and reported for both Great Britain and each of the nations.

The GBTS collects data on overnight trips (including holidays, business, or visiting friends and relatives). It measures the volume and value of overnight domestic trips taken by residents and provides detailed information about the trip and the visitor characteristics.

The GBDVS collects information on “day visits” as defined by the survey. 

Important note - Changes to GBTS and GBDVS methodologies

Since January 2011, all results are based on residents of Great Britain only. Information on trips in Northern Ireland is collected separately, and you can find it through the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency.

In 2019, alongside our partner organisations, Visit England and Visit Wales, we reviewed the GBTS and GBDVS survey scope and methods. This provided an opportunity to strengthen the consistency between the two surveys, review the questionnaires, and transition the GBTS method from offline to online. (Prior to 2020, the survey interviews for the GBTS were carried out face-to-face.)

Since 2020, the GBTS and GBDVS have been combined into a single questionnaire collected through a fully online representative panel. The annual sample size is 60,000 split by the representative population size of the GB nations.

Each respondent is asked about any overnight trips they have taken in the 4 full weeks prior to their date of interview and about any day visits that they have taken in the full week prior to their date of interview.

The International Passenger Survey is a continuous survey carried out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Data is collected at all major air, sea and tunnel ports, through anonymous face-to-face interviews.

The survey is conducted with a random sample of passengers as they enter or leave the UK. It provides detailed information on how often people travel to and from the UK, and also what type of visit they’ve made. 

The data is published by ONS on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis. VisitBritain provides analyses of the data for the UK and also the nations including Scotland. 

Scottish Accommodation Occupancy Survey (SAOS)

Data on occupancy in Scotland’s tourism accommodation sectors is gathered and analysed through the Scottish Accommodation Occupancy Survey. This is commissioned by VisitScotland and carried out by the Moffat Centre.  It looks at a number of sectors, including: Hotels, Guest Houses and Bed and Breakfasts, Self catering, Hostels, Camping and Caravanning.

Businesses opt-in to provide their occupancy details through an online portal. This allows them to benchmark themselves against others in the industry and see how they are performing.

The richness of the data and analyses provided by the SAOS is dependent on the number of businesses participating, so accommodation businesses are strongly encouraged to opt-in and submit their data.

Full details are available from the visitscotland.org website (external link)

Accessing the national statistics

As well as the data and analyses included on the Observatory website, you can find the national statistics on the following websites

VisitScotland.org Research and Insights - analyses and insights (link to external website)

Statistics.gov.scot - datasets to view and download (link to external website)

VisitBritain.org - IPS data and analyses (link to external website)

VisitBritain.org - About the IPS (link to external website)

Office for National Statistics - IPS datasets to view and download (link to external website)

Please also see information on the impact of COVID-19 on data and statistics

Scotland’s Tourism Bounces Back, Surpassing Pre-Pandemic Levels!

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May 17, 2024

EDINBURGH, Scotland — In a remarkable turnaround, Scotland’s tourism industry has not only recovered from the devastating impact of the Covid-19 pandemic but has also surpassed pre-pandemic levels , setting a new record for international visitors in 2023.

Kilchurn Castle Scotland

According to a passenger survey conducted by the Office for National Statistics, Scotland welcomed an impressive 3.9 million overseas tourists last year, a staggering 15% increase compared to 2019 . This figure surpasses the previous record of 3.7 million international visits set in 2018.

Edinburgh remains the most visited city outside of London , attracting 2.3 million visitors and surpassing Manchester with 1.7 million visits and Birmingham with 934,000 visits.

The surge in visitors has also translated into a significant boost for the Scottish economy, with inbound visitors spending £3.5 billion in 2023 , up 13% from the previous year and a remarkable 41% from 2019.

It seems that not only are more tourists flocking to Scotland, but they are also more willing to part with their hard-earned cash while enjoying the country’s stunning landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality.

Malcolm Roughead, chief executive of VisitScotland, hailed these figures as a “turning point for tourism in Scotland.” He emphasized that Scotland is the only region in the United Kingdom to have reached this milestone, a testament to the strength of Scotland’s tourism offering and the global appeal of its attractions.

“Our international visitors are hugely important to Scotland’s tourism industry, as well as the wider economy,” Roughead said. “They often stay longer and spend more, generating several billions of pounds annually, supporting a wide range of businesses, jobs, and communities across the country.”

The majority of international visitors to Scotland in 2023 came from Europe, accounting for 58% of all inbound visits, followed by North America at 24%.

The “other countries” category, which includes Australia and China, saw the most significant increase compared to 2022, with a whopping 53% growth in visitor numbers.

While Scotland’s tourism industry is undoubtedly celebrating this remarkable achievement, other parts of the United Kingdom are also experiencing growth in visitor numbers compared to 2022, albeit not yet reaching the heights of their pre-pandemic levels.

Looking ahead, early feedback from tourism businesses, travel trade, and airline partners suggests that the international demand for Scottish tourism is set to continue into 2024 .

Visitors are increasingly interested in exploring lesser-known locations in Scotland and visiting at different times of the year , a trend that could help alleviate the pressure on popular tourist hotspots during peak seasons.

VisitScotland remains focused on sustainably growing the value of Scotland’s visitor economy, encouraging regional and seasonal spread to ensure that Scotland remains a competitive year-round destination.

With its combination of breathtaking natural beauty , the fascinating history , and warm, welcoming people, it seems that Scotland’s tourism industry is well-positioned to continue its impressive growth in the years to come.

Sources: – Travel trends , Office for National Statistics – IPS stats May , VisitScotland

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Travel Reporter & Editorial Director

Ph.D. in Geography, Travel Photographer, and Software Engineer. Been on 4 continents and loved them all.

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Travel and tourism in Scotland

Statistics report about travel and tourism in Scotland

This report presents a selection of statistics and facts about tourism in Scotland. Scotland is the second most visited nation in the United Kingdom (after England), with the majority of tourism coming domestically from the rest of Great Britain. The report includes data on inbound tourism, domestic tourism, accommodation and visitor attractions in the region.

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Table of contents.

  • Premium Statistic Number of inbound visits to the UK 2019-2022, by country of destination
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourist overnight stays in the UK 2019, by country visited
  • Premium Statistic Inbound visitor spending in the United Kingdom (UK) 2019, by country visited
  • Premium Statistic Regions visited on domestic overnight trips in Great Britain 2019
  • Premium Statistic Domestic tourism expenditure in Great Britain 2019-2021, by region visited

Inbound tourism

  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism: total visits to Scotland 2009-2019
  • Premium Statistic Nights spent by inbound visitors in Scotland 2009-2019
  • Premium Statistic Inbound visitor expenditure to Scotland 2009-2019
  • Premium Statistic Main international visitor markets to Scotland 2019, based on number of trips
  • Premium Statistic International visitor spending in Scotland 2019, by country of origin
  • Premium Statistic Number of inbound trips to Scotland in 2019, by purpose
  • Premium Statistic Nights spent by inbound visitors in Scotland 2019, by purpose of trip
  • Premium Statistic Inbound visitor spending in Scotland 2019, by purpose
  • Premium Statistic Inbound holiday visits to Scotland 2009-2019
  • Premium Statistic Holiday visitor spending in Scotland 2009-2019
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourist visits to Edinburgh 2019, by age group

Domestic tourism

  • Premium Statistic Number of trips from Great Britain to Scotland 2012-2019
  • Premium Statistic Nights per trip from Great Britain to Scotland 2011-2019
  • Premium Statistic Number of trips from Great Britain to Scotland in 2019, by purpose


  • Premium Statistic Bedroom occupancy rate in accommodation Scotland 2011-2021
  • Premium Statistic Monthly hotel room occupancy rate in Scotland 2018
  • Premium Statistic Guest house/B&B monthly room occupancy rate in Scotland in 2018
  • Premium Statistic Self-catering units monthly occupancy rate in Scotland in 2018
  • Basic Statistic Hostel bed monthly occupancy rate in Scotland in 2018
  • Premium Statistic Caravan and camping site occupancy rates in Scotland in 2017-2018, by month

Visitor attractions

  • Premium Statistic Leading paid visitor attractions in Scotland 2019-2023, by attendance
  • Basic Statistic Leading free visitor attractions in Scotland 2019-2023, by attendance
  • Premium Statistic Number of visits to Edinburgh Castle in Scotland 2010-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of visits to the National Museum of Scotland in the UK 2010-2023
  • Premium Statistic Most visited outdoor attractions in Scotland 2015

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Recommended statistics.

  • Premium Statistic Brand value of leading global QSR brands 2024
  • Premium Statistic Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide 1950-2023
  • Premium Statistic Countries with the highest number of inbound tourist arrivals worldwide 2019-2023
  • Basic Statistic Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide 2005-2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic Destinations with the highest inbound tourism receipts worldwide 2019-2023

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scotland tourist numbers

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From pristine beaches to magnificent castles, exciting cultural attractions and ancient heritage, Scotland has it all. Come pay us a visit. We promise you won't be disappointed.

Events & Festivals

Travel essentials, visa and immigration, accommodation, getting around scotland.

Sure, we have stunning castles and monuments. Yeah, we have more than 460 museums and galleries. Of course, we have internationally-renowned, national performance companies. However, we’re also an amazing hotbed of new and emerging music, home to one of the largest concert venues in the UK and have a well-earned reputation for putting on a party and having a great time.

Learn more about Scottish culture

Food and Drink

Learn about scotland, map of scotland, money and currency, safety and inclusivity.

We've refreshed our website design so things may look a little different if you've been here before. We'll be making more improvements soon so watch this space.

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Welcome to Scotland

Scotland is a place of epic natural landscapes, engaging cities and rich cultural heritage. Start your adventure and discover our hidden gems to create memories with friends and family. But don't just take our word for it. National Geographic has included Scotland in their Best of the World 2024 list, and Far North Scotland has been named as one of Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel destinations for 2024! 

Whatever you need right now, let's make it a reality. We can’t wait to share Scotland with you. 

Inspiration for your trip

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Things to See & Do in Scotland

Discover a wealth of things to see & do in Scotland.

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Scotland's Landscapes, Scenery & Nature Spots

Explore our ancient pine forests, arctic landscapes, coastal meadows and more.

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Events & Festivals in Scotland

There's something happening in Scotland right now that the whole family will love.

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Unusual Accommodation in Scotland

Fancy staying somewhere a little different? From castles to lighthouses, teepees to brochs, there's lots of unusual choices.

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Scottish Culture & Uniquely Scottish Things

Discover the culture and stories that make Scotland special. 

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Scottish Food & Drink

Get a taste for Scotland and discover the country's mouth-watering food and drink.

Pick of the month

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The Flow Country wins UNESCO status

Visit Scotland's latest UNESCO World Heritage Site, renowned for its diverse habitats that support an abundance of wildlife

Uncover Scotland's regions

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Map of Scotland

Where will you explore?

From the rugged coastline to sparkling city lights, the ancient Caledonian forests of the Highlands to the rich history of the Lowlands, there are plenty of places to start your Scottish adventure. 

Browse our travel blog

Not sure where to start? Check out our list of what's new to spark your imagination. 

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8 Stunning Walks with Foodie Spots Nearby

Explore some of Scotland most scenic walks with foodie spots nearby to enjoy afterwards.

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12 Stunning Highland Walks In Scotland

Discover these stunning highland walks in Scotland. Including Suilven, the West Highland Way, Stac Pollaidh and more!

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Nature spotting in the city

Enjoy the best of both worlds, combining a stimulating city break with a chance to recharge with the restorative effects of nature and wildlife.

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10 Hidden Gems & Things To Do On the Isles of Mull & Iona

Plan your adventure to Mull & Iona with our list of hidden gems and authentic experiences to uncover the real heart of these islands. 

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6 Rebus Filming Locations in Scotland

Explore these Rebus filming locations across Edinburgh, from Grassmarket to the Oxford Bar.

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Walking the Bones of Scotland

Author Christopher Somerville explores the geology of Scotland.

Start planning your seasonal break

Whatever time of year you're coming, Scotland's got you covered. Immerse yourself in each unique season.

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Summer Holidays & Breaks in Scotland

Find ideas and inspiration, from family days out to top camping spots, walks and outdoor activities.

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Autumn Breaks

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Christmas & Winter Breaks

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Spring Holidays & Breaks in Scotland

Top tips for travelling to scotland.

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Driving an Electric Vehicle in Scotland

Everything you need to know about driving, or hiring, an electric vehicle in Scotland.

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Scotland's Weather, Climate & Average Temperature

What's the weather in Scotland? Find out about weather across Scotland's different regions.

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Passports, visas & customs

Coming from overseas? Check the passport and visa requirements for visiting Scotland.

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Travelling to Scotland

Plan your journey to Scotland by train, bus, car, plane or ferry.

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Accommodation in Scotland

Find the perfect accommodation for your break to Scotland.

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Holiday Carbon Calculator

Discover the impact your holiday in Scotland will have on the environment using our carbon calculator.

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Search legislation, visitor levy (scotland) act 2024, you are here:.

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  • Original: King's Printer Version

Changes over time for: Section 29

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  • Prospective - Amendment
  • 06/07/2024 Point in time

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  • where the provision (Part, Chapter or section) has never come into force or;
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29 Payment of levy S

(1) The levy payable in respect of a chargeable transaction must be paid to the relevant local authority.

(2) Where a return is to be made under section 26 , the total amount of the levy payable for the relevant period must be paid at the same time as the return is made.

(3) The levy is treated as paid if arrangements satisfactory to the relevant local authority are made for payment of the levy.

Commencement Information

I1 S. 29 not in force at Royal Assent, see s. 79(2)

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Edinburgh and the Lothians

Research and insights on tourism in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

  • Research and insight on tourism in Edinburgh and the Lothians is available from a range of different sources, including tourism monitors, national statistics, and commissioned research.
  • On this page, you will find key data for the area. There are also links to further information regarding a particular source or study. 
  • We will continue to update this page with the latest data over the next few months.

In this article:

1. scotland visitor survey 2023.

  • 2. Key statistics 2022

In 2023, we commissioned the Scotland Visitor Survey to gather insight on visitor attitudes and behaviours. The scope of the survey was leisure overnight visitors only.

The survey explores all aspects of the visitor experience in Scotland. Further information on the background, methodology, and key highlights from the survey is also available.

Browse Scotland Visitor Survey 2023.

The visitor survey also allows us to explore the experiences of visitors who stayed overnight in a specific area. There are separate factsheets for Edinburgh and for the Lothians (excluding Edinburgh). 

Overnight visitors to Edinburgh

were domestic visitors

were international visitors

were repeat visitors

were on a trip of a lifetime

Source: Scotland Visitor Survey 2023

Scotland Visitor Survey 2023 - Edinburgh factsheet

Published June 2024

Overnight visitors to the Lothians

Source: Scotland Visitor Survey, 2023 (updated August 2024. Please note these figures exclude Edinburgh)

Scotland Visitor Survey 2023 - Lothians factsheet

(updated August 2024)

2.Key statistics 2022 (Edinburgh and the Lothians)

4.5 million

overnight trips by International visitors and GB residents in 2022

19.2 million

day trips by GB residents in 2022

17.5 million

nights spent in accommodations by International visitors and GB residents in 2022

£2.9 billion

total spend by International visitors and GB residents in 2022

Figures shown represent tourism performance for Edinburgh and the Lothians, 2022. Sources: International Passenger Survey, Great Britain Tourism Survey, Great Britain Day Visits Survey, 2022

scotland tourist numbers

Scotland's regions

Tourism research and statistics.

We provide factsheets for Scotland, broken down across 16 different regions.

Related links

Visitors from the uk, domestic sentiment tracker , international visitors, visitor interests and activities.


  1. 50+ Crucial Scotland Travel & Tourism Statistics (2022)

    scotland tourist numbers

  2. 50+ Crucial Scotland Travel & Tourism Statistics (2022)

    scotland tourist numbers

  3. Scotland tourist attractions map

    scotland tourist numbers

  4. Printable Tourist Map Of Scotland

    scotland tourist numbers

  5. 50+ Crucial Scotland Travel & Tourism Statistics (2021)

    scotland tourist numbers

  6. Tourist Map of Scotland

    scotland tourist numbers


  1. International Tourism Statistics

    Visit numbers, nights spent and visitor spending all surpassed the levels seen in both 2019 and 2022. International visitors made a total of 4 million visits to Scotland, stayed for 34.4 million nights and spent £3,593 million. Visits were up 23% compared to 2022 and 15% compared to 2019. The number of nights went up by 20% from 2022 and 25% ...

  2. Scottish Tourism Statistics & Research

    This allows Scottish tourism to meet the challenges of today's marketplace. You can benefit from this research as it informs you of: View some of our key research studies. Find up-to-date research and insights on Scotland's tourism industry, including regional statistics, visitor numbers, markets and trends.

  3. Tourism statistics

    Scotland's tourism economy enjoys a healthy international market that includes a variety of well-established and emerging demographics. Those who flock from around the globe to enjoy Scotland's world-class attractions and experiences make a huge contribution to the overall health of our industry - so it's vital we have a clear ...

  4. Latest Statistics Research

    Find signposting to the latest research and insights on tourism in Scotland. 0 min read ... What's new Our latest research on tourism. Our latest statistics page is your one-stop-shop to navigate to the latest research releases within the Research and Insights section. We invite you to explore insights on tourism in Scotland from a range of ...

  5. Data and Analyses for Tourism in Scotland

    The Scottish Tourism Observatory aims to make tourism data for Scotland easy to find and use, and to enrich the data available. New content and updates will be added throughout the year, so please browse, and please check back as our content grows ... from the Office for National Statistics' Business Insights and Conditions Survey (BICS). UK ...

  6. Rise in international visits

    Overseas visitors are coming to Scotland in greater numbers than before the pandemic. Figures published today by the Office for National Statistics show that Scotland has staged a stronger post-pandemic recovery than the UK as a whole, welcoming 1.4 million international tourist visits from July to September last year - up 14% on the same period in 2019.

  7. 64+ Crucial Scotland Travel & Tourism Statistics (Latest 2024 Data)

    Scotland's tourism industry contributes roughly £6 billion to the overall GDP, or around 5%. In 2019, 209,000 people were employed in the Scotland tourism sector. 14,970 (8.4%) companies in Scotland are in the Scottish tourism industry. Over 2012 to 2017, tourism employment in Scotland rose by 13%.

  8. Tourism in Scotland

    Scotland is a well-developed tourist destination, with tourism generally being responsible for sustaining 200,000 jobs mainly in the service sector, with tourist spending averaging at £4bn per year. [1] In 2013, for example, UK visitors made 18.5 million visits to Scotland, staying 64.5 million nights and spending £3.7bn. In contrast, overseas residents made 1.58 million visits to Scotland ...

  9. statistics.gov.scot : Regional Domestic Tourism

    Domestic tourism statistics by region and year. All figures come from the Great Britain Tourism Survey (GBTS) and represent 3-year annual averages due to small sample sizes on regional level. ... (GBTS) provides visitor figures for residents of Scotland, England and Wales. The survey is conducted through face-to-face interviews and is jointly ...

  10. Scotland's National Tourism Statistics

    What are the national statistics? The national statistics are data that is gathered, analysed and presented to enable policy development at a national level, and made available to tourism stakeholders to enable decision making and planning. In Scotland, there are 4 sources of national tourism statistics: The Great Britain Tourism Survey (GBTS)

  11. Scotland's Tourism Bounces Back, Surpassing Pre-Pandemic Levels!

    EDINBURGH, Scotland — In a remarkable turnaround, Scotland's tourism industry has not only recovered from the devastating impact of the Covid-19 pandemic but has also surpassed pre-pandemic levels, setting a new record for international visitors in 2023. Figures indicate that Scotland saw a record number of international visitors last year ...

  12. International visitor numbers for 2022 revealed

    Inbound visitor statistics. The Office of National Statistics has released the International Passenger (IPS) tourism statistics for 2022. It revealed that last year there were 3.2 million visits to Scotland from overseas visitors, compared to 3.46 million visits over the same period in 2019. With no restrictions on international travel last ...

  13. Scottish Tourism: VisitScotland welcomes increase in international

    International visitors are continuing to head to Scotland. VISITSCOTLAND has welcomed the recovery of a "crucial market" for Scottish tourism as the number of inbound visitors increased. In the period from July-September 2023, figures show there was a total of 1,438,000 international visitors to Scotland - an increase of six per cent on ...

  14. Travel and tourism in Scotland

    Statistics report about travel and tourism in Scotland. This report presents a selection of statistics and facts about tourism in Scotland. Scotland is the second most visited nation in the United ...

  15. Scottish Tourism Statistics 2022

    Scottish Tourism Statistics: The Quick Version. Here's a quick rundown of some key facts about tourism in Scotland: Outside of the UK, Scotland appears to be most popular amongst those in the Republic of Ireland, Malta and Norway, as more searches are made for the term 'Scotland' in these countries than in any other part of the world.; The term 'Glasgow' is searched online ...

  16. Scotland travel: Tourist sites see visitor numbers soar

    Some of Scotland's top tourist attractions have seen visitor numbers soar but they remain below pre-pandemic levels, figures show. The Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (Alva) said on ...

  17. Scotland records highest number of international visitors

    The previous record for international visits was in 2018 when Scotland welcomed 3.7 million overseas tourists. This means that in 2023, Scotland was the only UK nation or region to surpass 2019 levels. The main purpose of international visitors trips to Scotland last year was for a holiday (2.5 million visits).

  18. Visiting Scotland

    Yeah, we have more than 460 museums and galleries. Of course, we have internationally-renowned, national performance companies. However, we're also an amazing hotbed of new and emerging music, home to one of the largest concert venues in the UK and have a well-earned reputation for putting on a party and having a great time. Learn more about ...

  19. About Us

    About VisitScotland. VisitScotland is Scotland's national tourist board. We provide advice, information and inspiration to visitors who are planning a trip to Scotland. We do this in many ways, including through this website.

  20. VisitScotland

    Welcome to Scotland. Scotland is a place of epic natural landscapes, engaging cities and rich cultural heritage. Start your adventure and discover our hidden gems to create memories with friends and family. But don't just take our word for it. National Geographic has included Scotland in their Best of the World 2024 list, and Far North Scotland ...

  21. Highlands

    1. Scotland Visitor Survey 2023. 2. Key statistics 2022. 1. Scotland Visitor Survey 2023. In 2023, we commissioned the Scotland Visitor Survey to gather insight on visitor attitudes and behaviours. The scope of the survey was leisure overnight visitors only. The survey explores all aspects of the visitor experience in Scotland.

  22. Motorhome 'tourist tax' for Scottish island backed using number plate

    Last year, more than 3,000 motorhomes were found parked outwith campsites on Skye over a three-month period, a meeting of the Skye and Raasay Committee heard last week.

  23. Visitor Levy (Scotland) Act 2024

    Number: Type: Search. Advanced Search. Visitor Levy (Scotland) Act 2024 ... There are currently no known outstanding effects for the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Act 2024, Section 29. Changes to Legislation. Revised legislation carried on this site may not be fully up to date. At the current time any known changes or effects made by subsequent ...

  24. Edinburgh & Lothians

    1. Scotland Visitor Survey 2023. 2. Key statistics 2022. 1. Scotland Visitor Survey 2023. In 2023, we commissioned the Scotland Visitor Survey to gather insight on visitor attitudes and behaviours. The scope of the survey was leisure overnight visitors only. The survey explores all aspects of the visitor experience in Scotland.