city tour bus salta

Duración: 4 hs


  • Partida desde tu alojamiento
  • Cómodo vehículo con guía experto.
  • Visita a la Plaza 9 de Julio, la Catedral y el Cabildo.
  • Ascenso al Cerro San Bernardo, con vista panorámica de Salta.
  • Visita al monumento a Güemes
  • Visita a la Quebrada de San Lorenzo.
  • Tiempo libre en la Quebrada, para caminata en medio de la belleza natural.
  • Parada en casona histórica, ahora Mercado Artesanal.
  • Tiempo libre para explorar y comprar souvenirs auténticos.
  • Experiencia inolvidable conociendo la historia, cultura y belleza de Salta.

Detalles sobre el tour

¡Bienvenidos a Salta, la cautivante capital provincial del noroeste montañoso de Argentina! Fundada en 1582, esta encantadora ciudad es un verdadero tesoro de arquitectura colonial española y rica herencia andina. Nuestro tour guiado por Salta te llevará a descubrir los tesoros históricos y culturales que hacen de esta ciudad un destino único en el país.

Comenzaremos nuestro recorrido desde la comodidad de sus hoteles, donde nuestra combi pasará a recogerlos para iniciar esta aventura inolvidable. Nos adentraremos en el corazón de la ciudad, centrado en la imponente Plaza 9 de Julio. Rodeada de elegantes cafés, esta plaza es el punto de encuentro ideal para apreciar la majestuosidad de la Catedral de Salta y El Cabildo, un ayuntamiento del siglo XVIII que ha sido transformado en un museo fascinante, repleto de historias y tesoros del pasado.

Nuestro guía experto, les relatará los eventos históricos que han dado forma a Salta; llevándolos por calles empedradas y callejones encantadores. Luego, nos dirigiremos al imponente Cerro San Bernardo, ascendiendo por el sinuoso camino conocido como «el caracol de la ruta». En la cima, serán testigos de una vista panorámica incomparable de toda la ciudad de Salta, una postal que quedaré grabada en sus memorias para siempre. Tendrán 30 minutos libres para disfrutar de este mágico paisaje y capturar las mejores fotografías.

Continuando con nuestra travesía, nos dirigiremos al monumento a Güemes, un homenaje al valiente general argentino que luchó por la independencia del país. A continuación, cruzaremos al otro lado de la ciudad para adentrarnos en la majestuosa quebrada de San Lorenzo, un oasis de belleza natural con arroyos de aguas cristalinas y el aroma embriagador de las Yungas salteñas. También tendrán 30 minutos libres para disfrutar de este paraíso natural y conectarse con la esencia de Salta.

Para concluir este fascinante tour, nos dirigiremos hacia una casona histórica que actualmente alberga el mercado artesanal de Salta. Este edificio del siglo XIX ha sido hogar de colaboradores en la causa española, padres jesuitas y valientes patriotas, y en su interior encontrarán una gran variedad de artesanías y souvenirs auténticos. Tendrán tiempo libre para recorrer el mercado y encontrar el regalo perfecto para llevarse un pedacito de Salta con ustedes.

Nuestro tour guiado por Salta es una oportunidad única para sumergirse en la historia, cultura y belleza natural de esta ciudad que cautiva los corazones de todos sus visitantes. ¡Únanse a nosotros en esta experiencia inolvidable y descubran la magia de Salta, donde cada rincón cuenta una historia única!





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Tours in Salta

Tours in Salta

Adventure, Wine and Golf in Salta

The Great Outdoors, Adventure and Wine with Tours in Salta!

You might fill your camera battery in a single day while exploring the region, and you wont see many other people.

Tours in Salta and around the Jujuy, Tucuman, Salta and Cafayate regions offer a wide and varied choice of things to do from wild adventure to luxury relaxing – there really is something for everyone. Tours in Salta is part of, and operated by, the highly rated Escaped Travel group and all of our tours are custom-made ,   you choose what to do and we make it happen!

  • The highest vineyards in the world – tours and tastings
  • High altitude salt flats and stunning Puna landscapes
  • Isolated, traditional villages & adobe churches
  • Unique day hikes – private, behind closed doors wine tours
  • Rich pre-Inca & Inca history and Gaucho living culture
  • Colonial rule history and architecture
  • Flora and fauna from different ecosystems
  • Adventure sports of all kinds, soft and extreme
  • Local gastronomy experiences – Cooking and bar / wine classes
  • A wide range of interesting museums and exhibits
  • Opportunity to play sports – Golf being a prime example
  • Visits and tours of working farms and ranches
  • A range of lovely rural hotels and haciendas
  • Unique journeys such as the “Train to the Clouds”

Wine & Gastronomy Tours

Who can say they don’t really like eating and drinking a bit too much? It is one of life’s greatest pleasures, especially when you are on vacation when you can indulge yourself much more than when you are working the next day! While on one of our tours in Salta and the surrounding region we encourage you to try local dishes and drink the local tipple. As the local drink in Argentina is often wine, many of us are in our element. Argentine beef is legendary, and the slow cooked Patagonia lamb is also superb. Llama or Alpaca stews made in huge pots can also be tried. Plus while whizzing around on your tours in Salta it would be remiss not to try the daily staple of empanadas. Italian food is always top-notch here with the strong Italian heritage that Argentina has.

Our High Altitude Wine Tour will take you through the vines in Cafayate, Molinos and Cachi

Wine central is the small town of Cafayate, some 190 km from Salta and around 500 meters higher as you climb up into the foothills of the Andes. The lovely road that takes you to Cafayate from Salta is a real highlight in itself. The town is very laid back, has some great hotels, lots of things to do. Of course the choice of vineyard tours and tasting is second only to Mendoza. If you are a wine lover this place cannot be missed. Put a couple of days aside in your itinerary with us to enjoy wine country.

Adventure Activities

You don’t have to be doing really extreme sports to enjoy some adventure, unless that’s your thing of course. Mountain biking and white water rafting don’t have to be death-defying for you to have a great time. Mountain biking of all levels is on offer around Salta and further afield in the lovely Quebrada de las Conchas and Valle Calchaqui. Half days, full days and multi day rides are available. Throw in some vineyard visits in Cafayate and you will ride merrily on your way. Tours in Salta can add many things to the mix. White water rafting, trekking, canopy, horseback rides and bungee jumping and there is plenty to get your pulse racing during your tours in Salta.

The Great Outdoors

What a region to be outside! Make sure you have plenty of camera memory as there are spectacular landscapes everywhere. You can opt for regular, comfortable trips in buses and vans, either in groups or privately. There are also more adventurous 4×4 off-road trips to more remote areas. To start you off and within the city limits you have the San Bernardo hill which can be driven up, walked up or reached by cable car. There are great views of the city and the surrounding mountains. The Salta region has a varied geography, terrain and climate. In the south green valleys and vineyards contrast with the orange hillsides. The more north you go the more arid it becomes giving way to high desert with cacti everywhere. Finally if you keep climbing you will find the high Altiplano at around 3800 meters above sea level and you will find huge salt flats which make for fantastic photo material.

Experience that "middle of nowhere" feeling that is so hard to come by these days!

Getting to Salta

Salta (airport code SLA) is located in the North-west of Argentina, not far from the Bolivian and Chilean borders. There are a number of direct flights from major cities around Argentina, and connections on to major airline hubs to the rest of the world.

Salta is reached from the Argentine capital Buenos Aires via a 2 hour direct flight, several times a day. There are regular flights from other major Argentine cities such as Cordoba, Mendoza and Iguazu. It is also served by direct flights from several international destinations, and as can be imagined Buenos Aires, Santiago, Sao Paulo and Lima are major hubs linking to the rest of the world.

If you are arriving or leaving by land then there are a number of major routes that pass through the city. For example Salta is on the main route into Bolivia, and connects to the southern cities of Sucre, Potosi, Tupiza and the salt flats in Uyuni. There is also a tourist-popular border crossing to San Pedro de Atacama in Chile. From San Pedro the airport at Calama connects to the rest of Chile, so a loop of the north of Chile and Argentina becomes possible.

Salta has long distance, very comfortable bus connections to all the major cities in the North such as Jujuy, Tucuman, Santiago del Estero, Cordoba, Mendoza and of course the capital, Buenos Aires.

Salta History & Culture

Originally these lands were ruled over by the Incas from the 12th Century. From their imperial capital of Cusco, in Peru, the Incas controlled a huge part of the continent from the area of Salta to southern Colombia.

Known as La Linda “the beautiful”, the modern city of Salta was founded by the Spanish conquistador Hernando de Lerma in 1582. During the years of Spanish rule the city became a very important staging point. It rose in stature as a strategic node in the trade between Peru and Argentina. After independence was secured from the Spaniards the city fell into decline and was virtually bankrupt. It was not until waves of new settlers from Europe were encouraged to come during the mid 20th Century that the city recovered somewhat. The city doesn’t have a multicultural feel like New York or London, but with a history of people coming from Italy primarily it has a touch of Italy about it. Immigrants also came from Spain, Syria and Lebanon to add to the mix ands improve agriculture and commerce in the region.

Tours in Salta visit the lovely San Francisco church in the historic center

Tourism on the Increase

News Flash:  The 2017 Adventure Travel Trade Association  summit will be held in Salta, meaning the region really gets onto the international adventure activities map.

Today tourism is important to the region, with most visitors being Argentines. An increasing number of foreigners are visiting and in 2014 Travel Mart Latin America was held in Salta. This international travel fair and forum will have increased the visibility of the city and region. We at Tours in Salta are trying our best to increase the number of foreign visitors, helping them to get the most from this lovely region. Within the city itself you have a number of great visits. Colonial rule has left its mark on the city in many fine buildings. The main square, 9 de Julio, is very impressive and a real pleasure to sit in. People watching while sipping a coffee or beer outside in the street is just like being in Europe.

In the historic center you will find the lovely buildings around the main square plus a number of nice colonial churches. The neo-classical style Cathedral is very imposing, and the 18th Century Cabildo is really worth a look. There are a number of very good museums in the center. One that stands out is the Museum of High Mountain Archeology. This museum displays Inca child mummies found in 1999 on Mount Llullaillaco. Tours in Salta will cover all of these aspects during time in the city and much more.

Special Interests & Activities

You might have a special interest? We can cater for that as everything we do is custom-made. You could be a bird watcher, or interested in certain types of moths or plants, be a day hiker or hard-core trekkers or mountain biker, we can design a trip just for you. Photography safaris in 4 x 4 vehicles across the Altiplano to Chile, not a problem! Just give us your interests and what you are trying to achieve and we at Tours in Salta .com have the contacts and logistics to set it up for you.

Salta Geography & Climate

Salta is found in the far North-west of Argentina, some 1300 km from Buenos Aires as the crow flies. Located at 1152 meters above sea level in the foothills of the Andes the city has a population of just over 600,000. With the weather being good all year round doing things outdoors is a real pleasure. Most of the year is warm and dry and even if there are rains, they are sporadic, and usually in January and february. The average temperature across the year is around 16 degrees celsius. In summer the average is around 20 celsius and in winter about 10, so it is never too hot or too cold for most people. Whether you are visiting the Salta region as part of a larger tour of Argentina, or even other parts of Latin America or choose to spend your whole time here, we at Tours in Salta .com will make the trip very worthwhile.

Things to do in Salta

Select by activity type: : All Wineries Contemplative Tourism Recreational Tourism Gastronomy Mining Tourism Religious Tourism Museums Trekking Bird watching Popular Holidays Off-Road Horse Riding Canopy Adventure Fishing Hydrotherapy Rafting

city tour bus salta

Believe in the Vines: Salta Wineries

For years, the attraction has consisted not only in tasting its varietals, but also in learning about the secrets of winemaking. The circuit includes towns, sceneries and glasses, of course.

city tour bus salta

Carlos Xamena municipal campsite swimming pool

The Carlos Xamena municipal campsite has already opened its swimming pool for residents and visitors to the city of Salta. Everyone into the water!

city tour bus salta

From One <i>Peña</i> to Another

The spirit of Salta will not be grasped completely until we experience a folkloric peña night and good local cuisine at some of the fashionable night venues.

city tour bus salta

La Poma and the Devil´s Bridge

La Poma is a Calchaquí town, between hills and streams of Salta. Geological tourism has strong bases in this town, shaped by the whims of volcanoes.

city tour bus salta

Salta and Its Regional Flavors

In the city, regional food favors the typical ingredients of northern Argentina, cooked and presented in accordance with family recipes from Salta.

city tour bus salta

Salta At Night

Beautiful Salta turns on its lights when the nigh falls. Each corner renovates its charm when the Moon is out. The main square, its cafés , Balcarce Street and the magic of the casino. The night is an invitation.

city tour bus salta

Tourist Bus around Salta

There are always new alternatives to see beautiful Salta. In this case, a novel option is Bus Turístico Salta, which takes visitors down the most beautiful city in northern Argentina.

city tour bus salta

Type of cacti in Northern Argentina

Great temperature extremes, scarce water and colorful mountains delight visitors. However, their presence is an icon whenever the Argentinian North is mentioned.

city tour bus salta

Virgin of the Hill

Every Saturday, Tres Cerritos neighborhood welcomes a mass pilgrimage that has worshipped the so-called Virgen del Cerro (Virgin of the Hill) for over two decades now.

city tour bus salta

Visit to the James Turrell Museum in Colomé

This is a new tour to do, a must from now on. The possibility of watching a museum and a winery at the same time deserves a visit. One of a kind.

city tour bus salta

Quebrada de San Lorenzo

The environment of the lush jungle is a magnet to make a stop in the Quebrada de San Lorenzo, where the splendor of nature surprises the traveler.

city tour bus salta

A New Chapter of Train to the Clouds

An old Argentinian project invites visitors to climb to the highest mountains defying the natural slopes with the comfort of a noble means of transportation. NOT WORKING AT THE MOMENT.

city tour bus salta

Andean Carnival

In the districts of northern Argentina (NOA), and more specifically in the Provinces of Salta and Jujuy, Carnival is celebrated during February and March as a traditional festival in which everyone takes part.

city tour bus salta

Gauchos of Güemes Parade

This celebration is to be witnessed in order to grasp its real sense. Who was Güemes? Why have the people of Salta loved him so much for so long? Who were and still are his gauchos ?

city tour bus salta

San Antonio de los Cobres and thr Train to the Clouds

San Antonio de los Cobres, one of the highest points in the Argentinian puna, is known for the famous Train to the Clouds. But, what happens when the train does not pull in? Does the town have a life of its own?

city tour bus salta

Tribute to Juan Martín Miguel de Güemes

Like every year on June 17th, tribute is paid to General Juan Martin Miguel de Güemes, a liberator who aided the National Army accompanied by his gauchos .

city tour bus salta

Parque Nacional Baritú

En 1971, un grupo de naturalistas e investigadores del Instituto Miguel Lillo de Tucumán, elaboraron un informe preliminar para la creación del Parque Nacional Lipeo-Baritú.

city tour bus salta

Parque Nacional El Rey

De la estancia del siglo XVIII que sirviera de fuerte para el Virreynato del Río de la Plata, en la frontera oriental de Salta y Jujuy, sólo queda el nombre.

city tour bus salta

Like the Train to the Clouds but on a truck (I)

Exciting and amusing, the safari to the clouds goes through the ravines and the Puna, some mythical nooks in the North. Not to be missed. NOT WORKING AT THE MOMENT.

city tour bus salta

Visit to the High Mountain Archeology Museum

The new Museo de Arqueología de Alta Montaña (High Country Archeology Museum) displays an invaluable archeological find discovered in the summits of the Llullaillaco Volcano.

city tour bus salta

Cabra Corral Dam: adventure in Salta

The Cabra Corral Dam is a favorite spot among the people from Salta when they want to enjoy the weekend. Anything goes there: fishing, bungee jumping, rafting, looking for native footprints and much more.

city tour bus salta

More than Northern Cuisine

In addition to the classic empanadas, humitas and tamales, you can taste and choose excellent international cuisine proposals unceremoniously.

city tour bus salta

On a Cable Car over Salta

Very close to the city center, the Mount San Bernardo resort offers magnificent views of the city of Salta and its outskirts. Ideal to visit by car, climb by cable car or simply on foot.

city tour bus salta

Beautiful San Lorenzo

A horseback ride along the trails of this villa in Salta gives us beautiful panoramic views of the nearby valleys and ravines.

city tour bus salta

A Traditional Place in the Night of Salta

La Casona del Molino (the mill house) is the nook where all friends, guitars and bombos of Salta meet to enjoy a true peña, the expression of our costumes.

city tour bus salta

Zip-lining at the Juramento River

Amusing and exciting, canopy tour at the Juramento River Canyon invites visitors to explore its beautiful sceneries from the air.

city tour bus salta

Visit to the North's Historical Museum in Salta

From the old cabildo, the Historical Museum of the North in Salta keeps real treasures of the native culture and from colonial times.

city tour bus salta

Fishing doradons in the Salta Rainforest

The Juramento River is not just another river. Its course is part of the longest hydrological basin in our country. The dorado is not just another fish.

city tour bus salta

Route 40, the highest in America

One of the stretches of National Route 40 reaches 4,895 meters over sea level. Along this road, we discovered the beauty of the puna on a 4x4 vehicle.

city tour bus salta

Tour Around the Calchaquí Valleys

Leaving from the capital of Salta, visitors may tour around one of the most impressive circuits in the Republic of Argentina as they visit the legendary Calchaquí Valleys.

city tour bus salta

Wildlife in the rainforests of Salta

Birdwatching, as well as wildlife mapping, are ideal activities to get deep into the rainforest in Salta. Unique moments that may only be repeated through a photograph.

city tour bus salta

Tourism in Salta

The Province of Salta boasts a mild climate and the perfect charms to be chosen as a tourist destination. In addition to its natural beauties, the diversity of its denizens dazzles whoever comes along...

city tour bus salta

The legendary Hotel Termas de Rosario de la Frontera

Since 1880, the legendary Hotel Termas de Rosario de la Frontera in Salta has offered a privileged site to recover beauty and health.

city tour bus salta

Santa Anita and the History of Tobacco

We visited the Coronel Moldes country house, which has a private tobacco museum, ritual element of the Amerindian culture and present representative of the productive activity of the area.

city tour bus salta

Rafting the Juramento River in Salta

On its shores, General Belgrano sworn loyalty to the Asamblea General Constituyente. Its name is a witness of history and its rapids invite visitors to enjoy the beauty of the landscape.

Travel agency and activities in Salta

Uma Travel


Bus Turístico Salta

Bus Turístico Salta

Clark Expediciones

Clark Expediciones


Puna Expediciones

Niyat Viajes

Niyat Viajes

MTB Salta

Turismo San Lorenzo

View more tourist services

View more tourist services

Hotels and accommodations in Salta

Punta de Mahr

Punta de Mahr

Sheraton Salta

4-star Hotels

Sheraton Salta

La Quinta Residencia

La Quinta Residencia

Las Juntas

2-star Hotels

Cielo Verde

Cielo Verde

Apart Entre Farolas

Apart Hotels

Apart Entre Farolas


Boutique Hotels

Posada de los Poetas

View more lodging

View more lodging

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Watch CBS News

Los Angeles considers restricting tour buses near Marilyn Monroe's home

August 16, 2024 / 6:18 PM PDT / CBS/City News Service

In a 13-0 vote, the Los Angeles City Council approved a motion to explore restrictions for tour buses driving around Marilyn Monroe's home in Brentwood. 

The motion, which Councilwoman Traci Park introduced, orders the Department of Transportation to evaluate street segments to restrict tour bus operations at: 

  • 5th Helena Drive between Carmelina Avenue and 5th Helena Drive's cul-de-sac
  • Carmelina Avenue between Sunset and San Vicente boulevards 

Park spearheaded the effort to have Monroe's home designated as a  historical cultural monument  when the current owners tried to demolish it last year. 

In July 2023, real estate heiress Brinah Milstein and her husband, TV producer Roy Bank, purchased the Spanish hacienda-style residence located at 12305 West 5th Helena Drive in Brentwood for $8.35 million. The couple, who owns the property next door, obtained a city permit to demolish the Monroe home, which was initially granted but later revoked.

The couple sued the city of L.A. in May to complete the tear-down. 

Monroe was found dead of a drug overdose at the home in 1962. It is the first and only residence she owned independently, according to the  New York Times . 


After a lengthy legal battle between the city and the current owners, the City Council voted to designate Monroe's home as a historical monument.

"There is no other person or place in the city of Los Angeles as iconic as Marilyn Monroe and her Brentwood home," Park said in June.   

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Los Angeles could restrict tour buses near Marilyn Monroe home

Los Angeles is exploring whether to restrict tour buses near Marilyn Monroe’s Brentwood home

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Los Angeles is exploring whether to clamp down on tour buses driving near a home once owned by Marilyn Monroe, under a proposal backed Friday by the City Council.

The Brentwood home was designated by the city as a historic monument in June, a move that helps protect the residence from demolition, after its new owners began preparing to tear the house down.

Monroe bought the home for $75,000 in 1962 and died there of an apparent overdose six months later. Councilmember Traci Park, who represents the area where the home is located, argued that demolishing the home “would be a devastating blow for historic preservation.”

The owners sued the city over the push to make the house a landmark, asserting that it had undergone major alterations since Monroe died. “There is not a single piece of the house that includes any physical evidence that Ms. Monroe ever spent a day at the house,” the lawsuit said.

In June, a judge turned down the owners’ push for a preliminary injunction to halt the historic designation process. The council voted soon after to recognize the home as a monument.

Amid the debate over the Brentwood house, neighbors had complained that a flock of tourists and fans were bringing unwanted traffic to the area.

Park proposed that the L.A. Department of Transportation assess whether to restrict tour bus operations on two stretches near the historic home, one on 5th Helena Drive, the other on Carmelina Avenue.

The City Council voted 13-0 on Friday to move forward with that evaluation, a step that could ultimately lead to barring tour buses during particular hours or all times.

Times staff writer Jack Flemming contributed to this report.

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Emily Alpert Reyes covers public health for the Los Angeles Times.

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Her grandfather, Cesar Chavez, taught her about activism. Now she’s running Harris’ campaign

city tour bus salta

Harris and Walz to take bus tour through Pennsylvania ahead of Democratic convention

V ice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, will roll through Pennsylvania on a bus tour Sunday, dropping in on the crucial battleground state just days before the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

It’s a move that underscores how aggressively the Harris-Walz ticket plans to compete for Pennsylvania and its 19 Electoral College votes. The pair’s first rally shortly after Walz was announced as Harris’ running mate was in Philadelphia , the commonwealth’s largest city, and they embarked on a dayslong tour of battleground states shortly after.

Sunday’s tour, which is scheduled to begin in Pittsburgh, will mark the first time that Harris, Walz and their respective spouses – second gentleman Doug Emhoff and Minnesota first lady Gwen Walz – will appear on the campaign trail together since they shared the stage in Philadelphia last week. The goal, according to the campaign, is to have a cluster of intimate events with voters, ranging from canvass kick-offs to stops at local retail shops.

The campaign has 36 coordinated offices and 300 staffers in Pennsylvania, which Harris has already visited seven times this year. The campaign has touted a robust volunteer operation: Some 43,000 people have signed up to volunteer in the Keystone State since Harris announced her candidacy last month.

The Harris campaign is also discussing holding a rally Tuesday in Milwaukee in the battleground state of Wisconsin, just about 90 miles from the site of the Democratic convention in Chicago, according to a source involved in the talks.

Harris’ ascendancy to the top of Democratic ticket appears to have united the party and returned the race against former President Donald Trump to a neck-and-neck contest . Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan make up Democrats’ so-called blue wall of must-win states that Trump won in 2016 only see them flip to Joe Biden four years later.

Trump, meanwhile, is set to hold a campaign rally Saturday in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, marking his second visit to the commonwealth since surviving a July 13 assassination attempt in Butler, located an hour north of Pittsburgh.

Pennsylvania has seen a flood of advertising in the weeks since Biden dropped out and upended the 2024 presidential race. Seven battleground states have been the focus of more than $212 million in ad spending over that stretch, with Pennsylvania accounting for $70.6 million of that total. And across those seven battlegrounds, Republicans lead Democrats in ad spending, by about $109 million to $99 million.

CORRECTION: This story has been updated to reflect that Sunday’s bus tour will be the first time the candidates and their spouses will appear together since a rally in Philadelphia last week.

CNN’s Kayla Tausche and David Wright contributed to this report.

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Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz greet supporters as they arrive at a rally in Philadelphia on August 6, 2024.

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Hurricane ernesto weakens into tropical storm with 70 mph winds as it moves away from bermuda.

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Ernesto weakened into a tropical storm late Saturday as it moved away from Bermuda over open waters of the Atlantic after crossing over the tiny British territory early in the day with heavy rains and strong winds.

Ernesto forced residents to stay indoors, and more than 23,000 people lost power, officials said. By late Saturday, the storm’s maximum sustained winds had decreased to 70 mph (110 kph). It was centered about 140 miles (225 kilometers) northeast of Bermuda and moving north-northeast at 8 mph (13 kph).

The National Hurricane Center had warned of strong winds, a dangerous storm surge and significant coastal flooding for Bermuda.

Tropical Storm Ernesto i

The center said 7 to 9 inches (17-22.5 centimeters) of rain was expected to fall on Bermuda. “This rainfall will likely result in considerable life-threatening flash flooding, especially in low-lying areas on the island,” it said.

Due to the large size of the storm and its slow movement, gusts sometimes up to hurricane force were expected through Saturday night and tropical storm-strength winds were expected to continue well into Sunday, the Bermuda government said.

Late Saturday afternoon, Michelle Pitcher, director of the Bermuda Weather Service, said wind gusts were still reaching hurricane force. “It’s still quite rough out there,” she said.

A tropical storm warning would remain in place into the night, Pitcher said.

Premier David Burt shared a video on the social media platform X thanking emergency services and encouraging residents to stay inside.

“Overnight, there will still be tropical storm force winds, and we’re asking everyone to please exercise caution,” he said. “Remain at home.”

Rodanthe, N.C.

BELCO, Bermuda’s power company, said over 23,000 customers had no power as of Saturday night.

The hurricane center reported life-threatening surf and rip currents on the East Coast of the United States and Canada. Ernesto was expected to pass near southeastern Newfoundland by Monday night, and possibly could regain hurricane strength, it said.

Lana Morris, manager of Edgehill Manor Guest House in Bermuda, said conditions were calm, though the wind has started to pick up again. “I spoke to my guests, they told me they still have electricity, they have running water, and are comfortable.”

Morris said she has been communicating with her guests via phone. “They do not have internet — but if the network is down, it’s down. They are safe and I’m happy with that.”

Bermuda is an archipelago of 181 tiny islands whose total land mass is roughly the size of Manhattan.

A man clears a lane off South Road after Hurricane Ernesto

According to AccuWeather, it’s uncommon for the eye of a hurricane to make landfall in Bermuda. It noted that, before today, since 1850 only 11 of 130 tropical storms that came within 100 miles (160 kilometers) of Bermuda had made landfall.

The territory is a renowned offshore financial center with sturdy construction, and given its elevation, storm surge is not as problematic as it is with low-lying islands.

Ernesto previously battered the northeast Caribbean, where it left tens of thousands of people without water in Puerto Rico.

A man watches waves as the eye of Hurricane Ernesto

LUMA, Puerto Rico’s national power company, said it had restored more than 1.3 million customers’ electricity 72 hours after the storm’s passage.

After cleaning up and removing debris, the Virgin Islands Department of Education said all public schools would resume operations Monday.

Classes in Puerto Rico’s public schools also were scheduled to start Monday, nearly a week after their original date.

Ernesto is the fifth named storm and the third hurricane of this year’s Atlantic hurricane season.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has predicted an above-average Atlantic hurricane season this year because of record warm ocean temperatures. It forecast 17 to 25 named storms, with four to seven major hurricanes.

Tropical Storm Ernesto i


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'We're all in this together': Harris, Walz kick off Pennsylvania bus tour ahead of DNC

With one day to go until the start of the Democratic National Convention — and 79 days until Election Day — Vice President Kamala Harris and running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz embarked on a one-day bus tour of the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania.

What You Need To Know

Vice president kamala harris, minnesota gov. tim walz and their spouses kicked off on a one-day bus tour of pennsylvania on sunday the tour took place one day before the start of the democratic national convention in chicago on monday harris, walz, second gentleman doug emhoff and minnesota first lady gwen walz participated in a phone bank at a campaign office in rochester, pa., speaking to voters in the key battleground state both campaigns are aggressively targeting pennsylvania and its 19 electoral votes; the oft-reliable "blue wall" state flipped red for donald trump in 2016 before joe biden, a scranton native, won it back in 2020.

Harris and Walz — joined by their spouses, second gentleman Doug Emhoff and Minnesota first lady Gwen Walz — debuted new tour buses, emblazoned with “Harris-Walz” and “A New Way Forward,” in Pittsburgh, shaking hands and taking selfies with supporters at an airport hangar.

Our Harris-Walz bus tour is on the road in Pennsylvania. — Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) August 18, 2024

They later headed to a campaign office in Rochester, Pa., located in Beaver County — which went for Republican candidate Donald Trump by roughly 18 points in 2020 — where they participated in a phone bank, speaking to voters in the key battleground state.

“How are you doing, Hannah?” Harris said to one caller. “I am well, I am well and I’m so glad you’ve been able to take some time on a Sunday to have a conversation with me. This election — it’s, I think, the most important of our lifetime.”

"We’re all in this together," Harris added. “Seventy-nine days to go, Hannah."

As Harris spoke to the voter, Walz appeared to be delighted by what he was hearing on the call, remarking: "She's sitting right across from me, I'll pass that on."

After hanging up, he expressed that the individual he spoke to was "a nice person," adding: "She's excited."

Outside the campaign office, Harris and Walz rallied supporters and discussed the stakes of the election. Both candidates discussed a return to civility and norms of what they, apparently, hope is not a bygone era.

“This campaign, for us, is really born out of love of country,” Harris told supporters, adding: “This campaign is about a recognition, that frankly, over the last several years there’s been this kind of perversion that is taking place, I think, which is to suggest that the measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you beat down.”

“What we know, is the real and true measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you lift up,” the vice president added, to cheers. “That’s what we see as strength. We know what strength looks like. That’s what strength looks like. Anybody who is about beating down other people is a coward. This is what strength looks like.”

“We, some of us who have less hair, are old enough, can remember when you could go to Thanksgiving, watch a Steelers game with your relatives and not complain about politics the whole time, not be on each others’ neck,” Walz said. “Because you shared a commitment to democracy, a commitment to personal freedom, a commitment to public education, a commitment to infrastructure.”

“We don’t call each other names, we don’t do it,” the Minnesota governor added. “And we don’t use the least fortunate amongst us as punchlines for a joke, because they’re our neighbors.”

“You’re getting the opportunity to see the best side of America, and for the younger people here, they maybe haven’t seen a campaign like this because of COVID, because of things that’s happening, this is a chance to bring out that joy, turn the page and look to the future,” Walz added. “This idea of going forward.”

They later traveled to a Sheetz gas station and convenience store, a Pennsylvania staple, where the vice president bought a bag of Doritos, a nod to a recent fundraising email Harris sent where she recounted eating an entire family-sized bag of the flavored tortilla chips when Trump was elected in 2016. They also traveled to a firehouse in Aliquippa, where the vice president gave the fire crew treats and met the firehouse dog, a four-month-old yellow Labrador. 

In Alquippa, they attended the local high school's football practice, a team with a history of producing NFL players -- including Super Bowl winners Darrelle Revis and Ty Law -- and won the state championship last year . Walz, who was a coach on a state championship football team, was in his element as he addressed the team.

"Our politics has been pretty ugly, our politics has been pretty negative," he said. "What I fear most is that young people turn away from it rather than turning into it. Politics isn’t so much different than this. It’s about something bigger than themselves. It’s about setting a future goal and trying to reach it. It’s about doing it with dignity and hard work. It’s about doing it with humility, and when you lose, you walk across the field, you shake hands with the other team and know they played hard too. We’re all in it together to try and make it better."

"We're hear in this space to say it's not just a cliche, our future is with you, and we have a responsibility to deliver it to you in good shape," he told the student-athletes. 

Harris later took questions from reporters outside a Primanti Bros. restaurant -- an iconic Pennsylvania sandwich spot -- and stressed that "we need to earn everyone’s vote."

"That means being on the road, being in communities where people are, where they live," Harris said in Moon Township, outside of Pittsburgh, adding: "I'm going to be out here, with Tim, with the second gentleman, with Mrs. Walz and we're going to be working on earning every vote between now and November."

When asked about recent polling showing her up over Trump, Harris reiterated that she "very much" considers her campaign to be the "underdog." She also took questions about her economic proposals , which she unveiled in North Carolina last week.

On the $6,000 expanded Child Tax Credit for the first year of a newborn's life, Harris said that "the return on investment in terms of what that will do and what it will pay for will be tremendous," hailing what the Biden administration's efforts with that tax credit did to reduce child poverty.

And on her housing proposals, like the up to $25,000 in payment assistance: "When we increase home ownership in America, what that means in terms of increasing the tax base, not to mention property tax base, what that does to fund schools, again return on investment."

"I think it's a mistake for any person who talks about public policy to not critically evaluate how you measure return on investment," she continued. "When you are strengthening neighborhoods, stengthening communities, and in particular the economy of those communities, and investing in a broad-based economy, everybody benefits and it pays for itself in that way."

The Pennsylvania tour highlights the stakes of the race, with both candidates aggressively targeting the Keystone State and its 19 electoral votes. The oft-reliable "blue wall" state flipped red for Trump in 2016 before Joe Biden, a Scranton native, won it back in 2020. 

Trump held a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, where he went back and forth between hammering Harris' economic policies and lobbing personal insults, including twice declaring he was better looking than the vice president. 


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    Cafayate Wine Route Day Tour from Salta. 5. Savor the delicious wines and colorful scenery of one of the highest wine route in the world during this 10-hour trip near Cafayate. Explore this increasing popular wine-making region during tasting stops at two local wineries and a stop at the city's Museum of Vine and Wine.

  2. THE 10 BEST Salta Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

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  3. City Tour

    Nuestro tour guiado por Salta te llevará a descubrir los tesoros históricos y culturales que hacen de esta ciudad un destino único en el país. Comenzaremos nuestro recorrido desde la comodidad de sus hoteles, donde nuestra combi pasará a recogerlos para iniciar esta aventura inolvidable. Nos adentraremos en el corazón de la ciudad ...

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  5. 2024 (Salta) City Tour Salta and San Lorenzo

    From Salta: City Tour and San Lorenzo on a half-day tour. 1. Bus Tours. from. $19.97. per adult. LIKELY TO SELL OUT*. Best of Salta: Guided City Tour. 21.

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  7. Salta: 4-Hour Guided Highlights City Tour

    On this 4-hour guided highlights tour, you'll have the chance to see Salta's historical center and surroundings. The tour is a complete circuit with a guide who will offer insights into the history and architecture of the area and the destinations visited. After departing from Central Salta, visit the main attractions of the city.

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  10. From Salta: City Tour of the city on a half-day ride

    From Salta: City Tour of the city on a half-day ride. La Quebrada Turismo. 4.1 / 5 11 reviews. ... Reykjavik Bus & minivan tours; Paris Theme & amusement parks; Dubai Audio guides; Amsterdam Cruises & boat tours; London Entry tickets; Rome Airport transfers; Amsterdam City cards; Venice Airport transfers;

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    36. 7-Day Tour in Salta, the Calchaqui Valley and Cafayate and San Pedro de Atacama. 1. Bus Tours 3+ days English +1. Explore the north of Argentina and Chile on this 7-day tour from Salta, one of traveler's favorite cities. Experience the natural beauty and culture of the region.

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    From Salta: City Tour of the city on a half-day ride. 4 hours; Pickup available; 4.3 (22) From. $20.30. per person. Day trip. Full-Day Tour to Humahuaca from Salta. ... At the end of the tour, return to Salta on the bus where your tour will end. See more. From Salta: Full-Day Tour to Cafayate with Wine Tasting.

  13. Tours in Salta

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  22. Harris and Walz take bus tour in southwestern Penn. on last day of

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  23. CityBus of Greater Lafayette: Home

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  24. From Salta: City Tour and San Lorenzo on a half-day tour

    per adult (price varies by group size) 4-Days Tour of Salta Cafayate and Humahuaca. 1. Bus Tours. from. $1,427.00. per adult. 7-Day Tour in Salta, the Calchaqui Valley and Cafayate and San Pedro de Atacama. 1.

  25. Los Angeles could restrict tour buses near Marilyn Monroe home

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  26. Harris and Walz to take bus tour through Pennsylvania ahead of ...

    Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, will roll through Pennsylvania on a bus tour Sunday, dropping in on the crucial battleground state just days before the ...

  27. The BEST Salta Bus & minivan tours 2024

    The best Salta Bus & minivan tours are: From Salta: City Tour of the city on a half-day ride; Salta: 4-Hour Guided Highlights City Tour; Salta: Guided Half-Day City Tour with Cathedral and Museum; Half-Day City Tour of Salta; Top Attractions in Salta. 1 Martín Miguel de Güemes International Airport.

  28. Hurricane Ernesto weakens into tropical storm with 70 mph winds as it

    Hurricane Ernesto weakened into a tropical storm late Saturday as it moved away from Bermuda over open waters of the Atlantic after crossing over the tiny British territory early in the day with ...

  29. THE TOP 10 Salta Tours & Excursions

    On this small-group tour from Salta limited to just 10 people, travel by bus to reach the train station at San Antonio de los Cobres, stopping along the way to take photos and support local artisan communities. ... From Salta: City Tour and San Lorenzo on a half-day tour. 4. Vehicle tour of the beautiful city of Salta, "Salta La Linda" that ...

  30. Harris, Walz kick off Pennsylvania bus tour ahead of DNC

    Inside City Hall NY1 Political Buzz ... Walz kick off Pennsylvania bus tour ahead of DNC. By Justin Tasolides Pennsylvania. PUBLISHED 4:06 PM ET Aug. 18, 2024 PUBLISHED 4:06 PM ...