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Traveling while pregnant: Your complete guide

Unless you're nearing your due date or have certain complications, your healthcare provider will generally give you the green light for pregnancy travel. Here's how to safely explore – plus what to consider before making plans.

Layan Alrahmani, M.D.

Is traveling while pregnant safe?

When to avoid pregnancy travel, when is the best time to travel while you're pregnant , can pregnant women travel during covid, when should you stop traveling while pregnant, your pregnancy travel checklist, when to call your doctor while traveling.

Yes, it's generally safe to travel during pregnancy as long as you're not too close to your due date and you're not experiencing any serious pregnancy complications. There are special precautions to take, of course, and you may find yourself stopping to use the bathroom more than you're used to, but that babymoon can be within reach.

Before you pack your suitcase, talk with your healthcare provider to make sure it’s safe for you to travel and that your destination is a good choice. You'll want to avoid places where infectious diseases are prevalent (or there are high outbreaks of Zika or malaria, for example). The COVID-19 pandemic has made people reconsider where they feel safe traveling as well; if you're fully vaccinated, the CDC says you can travel Opens a new window , but it's always best to check with your doctor first.

And bear in mind that the activities you take part in might be different than normal – you'll want to skip the Scuba diving lessons, for example (though snorkeling is okay!).

It's safe to fly when you're pregnant as well, and most airlines will allow you to fly domestically until about 36 weeks of pregnancy. International routes may have different rules, so be sure to check with your airline before booking anything. Your doctor will tell you to avoid flying, however, if you have a health concern that might require emergency care or any other health conditions that aren’t well controlled.

It's best to avoid traveling while pregnant if you have any health conditions that can be life-threatening to both you or your baby. If you have any of the following conditions, your doctor will almost certainly advise you against travel:

  • Placental abruption  
  • Preeclampsia
  • You're in preterm or active labor
  • Cervical insufficiency  (incompetent cervix)
  • Premature rupture of membranes (PROM)
  • A suspected ectopic pregnancy
  • Vaginal bleeding

You might also need to be extra-cautious or skip travel if you're experiencing intrauterine growth restriction , you have placenta previa , or you have other conditions that may place your pregnancy at a higher risk. It’s always a good idea to discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider before travel regarding any medical conditions you have, and they'll be able to advise you on what's best, depending on the trip.

The sweet spot for pregnancy travel is during your second trimester , between 14 weeks and 27 weeks. By the second trimester, any struggles you’ve had with morning sickness and fatigue during the earlier weeks of pregnancy should have hopefully subsided – and after 12 weeks, your risk of miscarriage decreases significantly as well. And you're not too far along to worry about third trimester exhaustion or going into preterm labor yet, either.

Your energy levels are likely to be good during your second trimester too (bring on the sightseeing!), and it will still be relatively easy and comfortable for you to travel and move around at this time. Keep in mind that once you hit that third trimester, pregnancy travel might be more difficult as you find it harder to move around and stay still for long periods of time.

It's complicated (and often a personal decision based on your own risk factors), but the CDC says that if you're fully vaccinated against COVID-19, you can travel. Of course, it's important you still do everything you can to keep yourself and others around you safe, including following all mask-wearing and social distancing guidelines in the destination you visit.

Women are at an increased risk for severe illness if they contract COVID-19 while pregnant , and they're more likely to experience preterm birth and other poor pregnancy outcomes. (This is why the CDC, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine all recommend that women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or are planning on becoming pregnant get the COVID vaccine .)

If you're vaccinated and decide to travel, the CDC advises avoiding international destinations that are designated Level 4, due to high rates of local COVID-19 transmission.

Take all this information into account and talk to your doctor before you decide on where and when to travel while you're pregnant. And if you experience any symptoms of COVID-19, whether while traveling or at home, call your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

The guidelines for when to stop traveling while you're pregnant vary based on your mode of travel, but more or less, you should wrap up travel before you're 36 weeks pregnant.

Most airlines will let pregnant women fly domestically until they're 36 weeks pregnant – and many cut that off earlier for international travel. This rule is often enforced on an honor system policy, but some airlines may ask for a doctor’s note – so make sure you have that from your healthcare provider if you're traveling in the third trimester, just in case.

Most cruise ships don't allow travel after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Some cruise lines' cutoff dates vary, so verify policies before booking a cruise.

As for road trips, there's no official deadline for when you need to stop traveling, but your personal comfort level (physically and emotionally) – and your doctor's advice – might help you decide. You can drive while pregnant all the way up until your due date, but things may get considerably less comfortable on longer trips as you approach full term.  

Travel of any kind requires advance preparation, but when you're pregnant and traveling, that pre-trip checklist gets a little longer. Give yourself a little more time than usual to plan for a trip – and use the tips below to stay safe and comfortable on your next adventure.

Before you travel

  • Talk to your healthcare provider to determine if your trip is safe for you and if there are any medical concerns to consider. It's a good idea to discuss any activities you plan to do while you're away too. If you're planning an international trip, make sure to ask about any vaccines you may need for the areas you're visiting.
  • Make sure you know your prenatal test schedule. Plan travels around any prenatal tests you need to schedule, including ultrasounds and other important screening tests.
  • Book an aisle seat. You'll likely be more comfortable being able to get up to stretch or go to the bathroom on longer flights.
  • Buy travel insurance. You don't need special travel insurance when you're pregnant, but it's never a bad idea to secure a policy. You may want to consider one with a “cancel for any reason” clause that reimburses you for money lost on cancelled trips for reasons (read: any reason) beyond what’s listed on the base policy. Check with your personal health insurance, too, to make sure it covers potential pregnancy complications while traveling internationally (some don’t). Consider adding evacuation insurance as part of a travel insurance plan, too.
  • Gather your medical records and health information . If you’re in your second or third trimester, ask your ob-gyn or midwife for a digital copy of your prenatal chart, and have that easily accessible during your trip. Typically, this chart includes your age, your blood type, the name and contact information for your healthcare provider, the date of your last menstrual period, your due date, information about any prior pregnancies, your risk factors for disease, results of pregnancy-related lab tests (including ultrasounds or other imaging tests), your medical and surgical history, and a record of vital signs taken at each visit.
  • Keep a list of key names and numbers you may need in the event of an emergency saved on your phone and written on a piece of paper (in case your battery dies).
  • Have a contingency plan for doctors and hospitals that will take your insurance where you're going in case you go into labor early or experience pregnancy complications that require urgent care while you're away from home.
  • Pack medicines and prenatal vitamins. That might include an extended supply of prescriptions and over-the-counter remedies , too. Bring enough to cover your entire trip and a written prescription that you can fill if you lose anything. It's a good idea to keep prescription medicine in its original container, so if your bags are searched it will be clear that you're not using medication without a prescription.
  • Prepare for the unexpected. On a road trip, that might mean an unexpected breakdown, so join an auto club that provides roadside assistance. Download any apps you use for renting cars and accessing boarding passes before you leave so you can easily reschedule things in the event of a last-minute cancellation.
  • If you're flying during your third trimester, be sure to call the airline to check about the cutoff week for pregnancy travel. A note from your doctor that says you’re cleared to travel is always good to have when traveling during your third trimester.

During your trip

  • Drink plenty of water and continue to eat healthy foods . Keep in mind that many restaurants abroad commonly serve unpasteurized foods (like soft cheeses and milk), which can be dangerous for pregnant women due to the presence of listeria.
  • Avoid eating raw or undercooked meat or fish , drinks with ice (which may be contaminated), non-bottled water, and other foods that can cause traveler's diarrhea, which can be more of a problem for pregnant women than other people.
  • On long flights and drives, take time to stretch by pulling over for a walk or strolling up and down the airplane aisle. And when seated, always wear your seat belt .
  • Maternity compression socks are handy to have along – both in transit and worn under your clothes while you’re out and about exploring – because they can ease the symptoms of swollen feet and legs. These are a few of our favorite pregnancy compression socks .
  • Take advantage of help. Many countries have dedicated lines in shops and airports for pregnant travelers, so don't feel any shame taking a shorter wait if you see one.
  • Go easy on yourself. Remember, you're growing a baby. You might not have quite the stamina for sightseeing and late nights like you used to pre-pregnancy. Make the most of your vacation but don't fret you miss out on things because you need more downtime from exploring than you usually would.
  • Don’t forget to get photos of your bump. When your baby is older, you'll have fun showing them all the places you traveled with them before they were born.
  • Go for the comfy shoes. Travel during pregnancy is the best reason ever to forgo those strappy stilettos for your favorite sneakers .
  • Pack snacks so you always have something to curb your appetite if there’s a long wait for a restaurant or you get stuck in transit or someplace remote with no food offerings.
  • Try to be in the moment with your travel partners as much as possible. Once your baby is born, your attention will be pulled in a whole new direction.

If you have any medical concerns traveling while pregnant, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call your doctor for advice. The below are a few symptoms that definitely warrant calling your ob-gyn or health care provider or seeking emergency care while traveling or at home:

  • Signs of pre-term labor (including a constant, low dull backache, bleeding, etc.)
  • Ruptured membranes (your water breaks)
  • Severe cramping
  • Spiking blood pressure
  • Severe nausea or vomiting
  • COVID-19 symptoms

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BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies .

AAFP. 2020. Ultrasound during pregnancy. American Academy of Family Physicians.  https://familydoctor.org/ultrasound-during-pregnancy/ Opens a new window [Accessed April 2023]

ACOG. 2020. FAQ055: Travel during pregnancy. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.  https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/travel-during-pregnancy Opens a new window [Accessed April 2023]

CDC. 2019. Pregnant Travelers. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/yellowbook/2020/family-travel/pregnant-travelers Opens a new window [Accessed April 2023]

CDC. 2022. Domestic Travel During Covid-19. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/travel-during-covid19.html Opens a new window [Accessed April 2023]

CDC 2023. International Travel During Covid-19. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/international-travel-during-covid19.html Opens a new window [Accessed April 2023]

CDC. 2022. Covid-19: Pregnant and Recently Pregnant People. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/pregnant-people.html Opens a new window [Accessed April 2023]

Terry Ward

Terry Ward is a freelance travel, health, and parenting writer who has covered everything from flying with toddlers to why you should travel with your kids even when they're too young to remember it. She lives in Tampa, Florida, with her husband and their young son and daughter, and enjoys camping, sailing, scuba diving, skiing, and almost anything else done in the great outdoors.

Where to go next

Image contains compression socks from BabyCenter's Best compression socks for pregnancy story

Pregnancy Travel Tips

Can you travel while pregnant , read this next, when should you stop traveling while pregnant, how should you prepare for a trip during pregnancy, what do pregnant women need to know about travel and the zika virus, travel tips for pregnant people, when should you seek medical care while traveling during pregnancy.

While traveling during pregnancy is generally considered safe for most moms-to-be, you’ll need to take some precautions before making any plans — and get the green light from your practitioner first.

What to Expect When You’re Expecting , 5th edition, Heidi Murkoff. WhatToExpect.com, Zika Virus and Pregnancy , October 2020. WhatToExpect.com, What to Know About COVID-19 if You’re Pregnant , February 2021. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Travel During Pregnancy , August 2020. Johns Hopkins Medicine, Traveling While Pregnant or Breastfeeding , 2021. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 Travel Recommendations by Destination , May 2021. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Pregnant and Recently Pregnant People , May 2021. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Pregnant Travelers , December 2020. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Travel: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers , April 2021. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 and Cruise Ship Travel , March 2020.

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traveling abroad while pregnant

Traveling Abroad while Pregnant: Firsthand Advice from a Pregnant Travel Addict

When I told people that I was planning to travel to a foreign country while 7 months pregnant, I got looked at like I was crazy.  The look turned into shock when they heard I was going to a developing country: Egypt.

“Is it safe to travel while pregnant?”

“Can you fly while pregnant?”

“What if something happens???”

There are some legit concerns about traveling abroad while pregnant – but those can easily be addressed by making some smart travel choices and precautions.

This is NOT Your Last Chance to Travel

Apparently, most people believe that their lives come to a screeching halt once they have a baby.  They have to travel “while they still can.”  There is even a name for these pregnancy holidays – a “ babymoon .”

Fear that this is your “last chance to travel” is a terrible reason to plan a trip!!!

It is perfectly possible to travel with a baby .  In some ways, traveling with a baby is even more fun (such as how you get priority treatment and meet locals easier).  So don’t feel pressured to rush out and take a trip “while you still can.” There will be plenty of opportunities to travel later on.

traveling with a baby

Get the Timing Right

I am one of those unlucky women who gets hyperemesis gravidarum during pregnancy.  Don’t confuse HG with morning sickness.  I’m talking about puking blood because the vomit has eroded your throat.  I’m talking about getting IV transfusions because I couldn’t keep water down…

So it was a bad mistake to go backpacking while 4 weeks pregnant . I ended up having to cut the trip short.  It’s no fun puking all over the trail!!!

But, because this was my second pregnancy, I knew that I would probably stop puking at 6 months. So that’s when I planned my Egypt trip for.

backpacking pregnant

You don’t know how you’ll feel as pregnancy progresses, so here’s what I’d recommend about planning a trip abroad:

  • Go during months 6 or 7: In general, these are the best months for most pregnant women. The hormones and morning sickness have leveled off, but you aren’t so huge that you tire easily.
  • Wait until the last minute to plan your trip: If possible, hold off on planning your trip until you know how you feel.
  • Check refund policies: Most travel insurance policies don’t allow pregnancy as a reason for cancellation . So, be sure you understand cancellation/refund policies. Otherwise you’ll be out a lot of money if you decide to cancel the trip because you feel too crappy.

You Probably Can’t Get Travel Health Insurance while Pregnant

One of the biggest issues with traveling abroad while pregnant is that almost no travel insurance company will give coverage to pregnant women.

If something happens while on your trip, you’ll be stuck with the bill!

Consider the case of Jennifer Huculak-Kimmel and her “ million dollar baby .” The Canadian couple were on vacation in the USA when Jennifer went into premature labor.  Two months in the ICU ran up a hospital bill of $950,000 – none of which was covered under her insurance policy!

I admit that the idea of being saddled with a huge hospital bill terrified me.  Before going to Egypt, I intensely researched the cost of giving birth there, as well as how much a night in ICU would cost.   Egypt is a poor country, so the costs weren’t too high – so I was willing to take the risk.

Know Airline Policies for Pregnant Women

flight restrictions during pregnancy

Flying while pregnant is perfectly safe . The real reason that airlines put restrictions on flying while pregnant is because they are afraid you will give birth in the air.

Thus, a lot of airlines won’t let pregnant women fly after 36 weeks (or 32 weeks if you are having multiples).  You may need a doctor’s note before being allowed to fly.  This was the case with Air Cairo.  The note had to be no more than 7 days old, so I actually had to visit a gynecologist while in Egypt – which was actually a cool part of the trip.

You can find a good breakdown on airline pregnancy restrictions here .

Choose the Right Climate

Since you are already going abroad, you might as well choose an agreeable climate!  The entire reason we chose Egypt for our trip was because it was January.

While everyone else was battling snow, we were swimming in the Red Sea!

However, there is no way in hell that I’d go to Egypt in summer while pregnant.  For a summer trip, I would have chosen a cooler country like Norway or gone into the mountains.

pregnancy travel to Egypt

Only Plan ONE Activity Per Day

In general, I’m not the type of traveler who tries to see/do a zillion things.  But I knew to take it even easier while pregnant.

I made a list of the things I absolutely wanted to do in each destination.  Then planned to do just one per day.  Some days we managed to do more than one thing, but only if I still felt up to it. This kept the pace relaxed so I didn't inadvertently overexert myself.

Consider the Bathroom Situation

One piece of travel advice for pregnant women which commonly gets overlooked is the bathroom situation.   Since pregnancy makes you pee like crazy, this is not something which should not be overlooked.

Going to the bathroom actually ended up being the hardest part of traveling abroad while pregnant.  After this ordeal, here’s what I’d recommend to other pregnant travelers:

  • Make sure you can squat: Public bathrooms aren’t exactly known for their cleanliness – do you really want to sit on them? If you can’t squat over them, you are going to be in for some trouble. Squats are great exercises for preparing for childbirth anyway. 😉
  • Consider a pee funnel: If you can’t squat, then get a pee funnel . This makes it possible to pee standing up.
  • Map out some nicer restaurants: As is the case in many developing countries, it was very hard to find a bathroom in Egypt. The local restaurants didn’t have bathrooms (seriously!) and cafes usually only had a bathroom for men (which might just be a bucket in a corner!!!).  The tourist restaurants consistently had nice bathrooms, so I mapped these out so I knew where to go to pee.
  • Carry TONS of wet wipes and antiseptic gel: Once you have a baby, you’ll be carrying tons of these anyway. 🙂 For traveling abroad, these come in handy for wiping down disgusting surfaces and sanitizing your hands – don’t expect soap in every bathroom!

squat toilet pregnancy

Budget for Luxury Transportation

Normally I’m fine taking cramped minibuses and crowded trains.  But, at 7 months pregnant, I wasn’t keen about shoving into Egypt’s crowded local transportation.

It probably would have ended with me puking or passing out. Or, worse, someone banging into my stomach.

Luckily we were able to afford taxis everywhere (we used Uber to avoid haggling with the crooked taxi drivers).   We took things a step further and even hired a private driver to take us between cities.

Since it was Egypt (and not, for example, Norway), it wasn’t too expensive.  In developed countries, this sort of luxury travel will definitely cost more.

Even a short taxi ride each day in somewhere like Europe can add a huge amount to your travel budget. But in developed countries the public transportation won’t be as crazy.  So really think about the cost vs. hassle of public transport and budget your trip accordingly.

travel transportation while pregnant

Some Activities Will Be Off-Limits While Traveling Pregnant

In the weeks before my Egypt trip, I was Googling things like “Can you ride a camel while pregnant?”

It turns out that riding a camel is a relatively safe activity while pregnant (riding a horse, however, is not).  But, to play it safe, I still decided not to ride a camel while at the pyramids.

I also had to pass on sandboarding, quad biking, and going into certain tombs (because of low oxygen levels inside).  Unfortunately, it was only  after I got into a jeep on our excursion into the desert that I realized that off-roading might be off-limits too! Luckily, the ride wasn't too bumpy — but I still held on tightly to prevent my stomach from getting bounced too much.

riding a camel while pregnant

Playing It Safe with Food while Pregnant

Another major concern I had about traveling to Egypt (or any developing country) while pregnant was getting a stomach bug from tainted water or food.

Most of the time, food poisoning while pregnant isn’t particularly danger.  The biggest risk is that you’ll get dehydrated.

The best thing to do is avoid food poisoning in the first place:

  • Only drink safe water. I stuck to bottled water. I also have a Sawyer Mini water filter in case bottled water isn’t available.
  • Remember to avoid ice cubes and juices too! Unless you know these were made with safe water, don’t drink them.
  • Be cautious about street food. My doctor told me to not eat any street food. But that’s half the fun of traveling abroad! So I instead was careful about the street food I ate.  I stuck with thing that were deep fried since this would have killed most bacteria. I’m vegetarian, but would have avoided all street meat regardless.
  • Take probiotics the first few days. This will help your body adjust to and combat any “bad” bacteria it comes in contact with.

In case you do develop a stomach bug, the CDC says it is best to wait for it to go away on its own (if it’s severe, that’s when you’ll want to contact a doctor).  You’ll need to stay hydrated while waiting for the diarrhea and vomiting to subside.

My traveler’s first aid kit is always stockpiled with electrolytes.  It also has activated charcoal and other remedies for food poisoning.

food poisoning while pregnant

Enjoy the Memories

Taking a trip while I was 7 months pregnant was by far the best decision I made – for both me and my family.

It was a much-needed break from all the pregnancy woes. For the first time in months, I stopped frantically Googling everything pregnancy related. I was able to RELAX and enjoy myself!

Even more importantly, I was able to spend some quality time with my husband and older daughter.

If I had a high-risk pregnancy, then I wouldn’t have done the trip.  But for any other pregnant travel addicts who need a break from focusing on their growing baby, a trip is great for your mental health.

My only regret is that I didn’t take more photos using my bump.  It would have been great to have a funny picture of my belly with a pyramid coming out of it. 🙂

traveling abroad while 7 months pregnant

Have you traveled abroad while pregnant? What tips would you add?

Image credit:  squat toilet , by  Maksym Kozlenko ,  Creative Commons   Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International  license

Travelling abroad pregnant

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  • Section 6 - Medical Tourism
  • Section 7 - Travel & Breastfeeding

Pregnant Travelers

Cdc yellow book 2024.

Author(s): Romeo Galang, I. Dale Carroll, Titilope Oduyebo

  • The Pretravel Consultation

Infectious Disease Concerns

Environmental health concerns, transportation considerations.

Pregnancy can cause physiologic changes that require special consideration during travel. With careful preparation, however, most pregnant people can travel safely.

Pretravel Consultation

The pretravel consultation and evaluation of pregnant travelers ( Box 7-01 ) should begin with a careful medical and obstetric history, specifically assessing gestational age and the presence of factors and conditions that increase risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes. A visit with an obstetric health care provider also should be a part of the pretravel assessment to ensure routine prenatal care and identify any potential problems. Instruct pregnant travelers to carry with them a copy of their prenatal records and physician’s contact information.

Review the pregnant person’s travel itinerary, including accommodations, activities, and destinations, to guide pretravel health advice. Discourage pregnant travelers from undertaking unaccustomed vigorous activity. Swimming and snorkeling during pregnancy generally are safe, but falls during waterskiing have been reported to inject water into the birth canal. Most experts advise against scuba diving for pregnant people because of risk for fetal gas embolism during decompression (see Sec. 4, Ch. 4, Scuba Diving: Decompression Illness & Other Dive-Related Injuries ). Riding animals, bicycles, or motorcycles presents risks for abdominal trauma.

Educate pregnant people on how to avoid travel-associated risks, manage minor pregnancy discomforts, and recognize more serious complications. Advise pregnant people to seek urgent medical attention if they experience contractions or premature labor; symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (e.g., unusual leg swelling and pain in the calf or thigh) or pulmonary embolism (e.g., unusual shortness of breath); dehydration, diarrhea, or vomiting; severe pelvic or abdominal pain; symptoms of preeclampsia (e.g., severe headaches, nausea and vomiting, unusual swelling, vision changes); prelabor rupture of the membranes; or vaginal bleeding.

Box 7-01 Pretravel consultation for pregnant travelers: a checklist for health care providers

☐ Review vaccination history (e.g., COVID-19, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, measles, pertussis, rubella, varicella, tetanus) and update vaccinations as needed (see text for contraindications during pregnancy)

☐ Policies and paperwork

  • Discuss supplemental travel insurance, travel health insurance, and medical evacuation insurance; research specific coverage information and limitations for pregnancy-related health issues
  • Advise travelers to check airline and cruise line policies for pregnant travelers
  • Provide letter confirming due date and fitness to travel
  • Provide copy of medical records

☐ Prepare for obstetric care at destination

  • Advise traveler to arrange for obstetric care at destination, as needed

☐ Review signs and symptoms requiring immediate care, including

  • Contractions or preterm labor
  • Deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism symptoms, which include unusual swelling of leg with pain in calf or thigh, unusual shortness of breath
  • Pelvic or abdominal pain
  • Preeclampsia symptoms (e.g., unusual swelling, severe headaches, nausea and vomiting, vision changes)
  • Rupture of membranes
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration

Contraindications to Travel During Pregnancy

Absolute contraindications are conditions for which the potential harm of travel during pregnancy always outweighs the benefits of travel to the pregnant person or fetus. Relative contraindications are conditions for which travel should be avoided if the potential harm from travel outweighs its benefits ( Box 7-02 ).

Although travel is rarely contraindicated during a normal pregnancy, pregnancies that require frequent antenatal monitoring or close medical supervision might warrant a recommendation that travel be delayed. Educate pregnant travelers that the risk of obstetric complications is greatest in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Box 7-02 Contraindications to travel during pregnancy

Absolute contraindications.

  • Abruptio placentae
  • Active labor
  • Incompetent cervix
  • Premature labor
  • Premature rupture of membranes
  • Suspected ectopic pregnancy
  • Threatened abortion / vaginal bleeding
  • Toxemia, past or present


  • Abnormal presentation
  • Fetal growth restriction
  • History of infertility
  • History of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy
  • Maternal age <15 or >35 years
  • Multiple gestation
  • Placenta previa or other placental abnormality

Planning for Emergency Care

Obstetric emergencies are often sudden and life-threatening. Advise all pregnant travelers (but especially those in their third trimester or otherwise at high risk) to identify, in advance, international medical facilities at their destination(s) capable of managing complications of pregnancy, delivery (including by caesarean section), and neonatal problems. Counsel against travel to areas where obstetric care might be less than the standard at home.

Many health insurance policies do not cover the cost of medical treatment for pregnancy or neonatal complications that occur overseas. Pregnant people should strongly consider purchasing supplemental travel health insurance to cover pregnancy-related problems and care of the neonate, as needed. In addition, pregnant travelers should consider medical evacuation insurance coverage in case of pregnancy-related complications (see Sec. 6, Ch. 1, Travel Insurance, Travel Health Insurance & Medical Evacuation Insurance ).


Over-the-counter drugs and nondrug remedies can help a pregnant person travel more comfortably. For instance, pregnant people can safely use a mild bulk laxative for constipation. In addition, several simple available remedies are effective in relieving the symptoms of morning sickness. Nonprescription remedies include ginger, available as a powder that can be mixed with food or drinks (e.g., tea), and as candy (e.g., lollipops). Similarly, pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is effective in reducing symptoms of morning sickness and is available in tablet form, as well as lozenges and lollipops. Antihistamines (e.g., dimenhydrinate, meclizine) often are used in pregnancy for morning sickness and motion sickness and appear to have a good safety record.

Carefully consider appropriate pain management and use of analgesics during pregnancy. Acetaminophen remains the nonopioid analgesic of choice during pregnancy. Although low-dose aspirin has been demonstrated to be relatively safe during pregnancy for certain clinical indications, it should be used cautiously. Aspirin can increase the incidence of abruption, and other anti-inflammatory agents can cause premature closure of the ductus arteriosus.

Various systems are used to classify drugs with respect to their safety in pregnancy . Refer to specific data about the effects of a given drug during pregnancy rather than depending on a classification. Counsel patients to help them make a balanced decision on the use of medications during pregnancy.


In the best possible scenario, people should be up to date on routine vaccinations before becoming pregnant. The most effective way of protecting the infant against many diseases is to vaccinate the pregnant person. See a summary of current Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)  guidelines for vaccinating pregnant people .

Coronavirus Disease 2019

Pregnant people are more likely to become more severely ill from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) than people who are not pregnant. Having COVID-19 during pregnancy increases a person’s risk of complications that can affect their pregnancy. For these reasons, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people who are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or who might become pregnant in the future get vaccinated against COVID-19 . As of August 2022, the COVID-19 vaccines authorized or approved for use in the United States are nonreplicating vaccines that do not cause infection in the pregnant person or the fetus. Pregnant people may choose to receive any of the COVID-19 vaccines authorized or approved for use in the United States; the ACIP does not state a preference.

COVID-19 vaccination can be safely provided before pregnancy or during any trimester of pregnancy. Available vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe COVID-19, hospitalizations, and deaths; data have shown that the benefits of vaccination during pregnancy, to both the pregnant person and their fetus, outweigh any potential risks. Pregnant people might want to speak with their health care provider before making a decision about receiving COVID-19 vaccine , but a consultation is not required before vaccination. Side effects from COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant people are like those expected among nonpregnant people. Pregnant people can take acetaminophen if they experience fever or other post-vaccination symptoms.

The ACIP recommends that all people who are or who will become pregnant during the influenza season have an annual influenza vaccine using inactivated virus. Influenza vaccines can be administered during any trimester.

The safety of hepatitis A vaccination during pregnancy has not been determined; because hepatitis A vaccine is produced from inactivated virus, though, the risk to the developing fetus is expected to be low. Weigh the risk associated with vaccination against the risk for infection in pregnant people who could be at increased risk for exposure to hepatitis A virus. According to the ACIP, pregnant people traveling internationally are at risk of hepatitis A virus infection; ACIP recommends vaccination during pregnancy for nonimmune international travelers.

Limited data suggest that developing fetuses are not at risk for adverse events resulting from vaccination of pregnant people with hepatitis B vaccine (for details, see Sec. 5, Part 2, Ch. 8, Hepatitis B ). ACIP recommends vaccinating pregnant people identified as being at risk for hepatitis B virus infection during pregnancy; risk factors include >1 sex partner during the previous 6 months, being evaluated or treated for a sexually transmitted infection, recent or current injection drug use, or having a HBsAg-positive sex partner. In November 2021, ACIP recommended vaccination of all adults 19–59 years old.

Japanese Encephalitis

Data are insufficient to make specific recommendations for use of Japanese encephalitis vaccine in pregnant people (see Sec. 5, Part 2, Ch. 13, Japanese Encephalitis ).

Live-Virus Vaccines

Most live-virus vaccines, including live attenuated influenza, measles-mumps-rubella, live typhoid (Ty21a), and varicella, are contraindicated during pregnancy. Postexposure prophylaxis of a nonimmune pregnant person exposed to measles can be provided by administering measles immune globulin (IG) within 6 days of exposure; for varicella exposures, varicella-zoster IG can be given within 10 days. Advise people planning to become pregnant to wait ≥4 weeks after receiving a live-virus vaccine before conceiving.

Yellow Fever

Yellow fever vaccine is the exception to the rule about live-virus vaccines being contraindicated during pregnancy. ACIP considers pregnancy a precaution (i.e., a relative contraindication) for yellow fever vaccine. If travel is unavoidable, and the risk for yellow fever virus exposure outweighs the vaccination risk, it is appropriate to recommend vaccination. If the risks for vaccination outweigh the risks for yellow fever virus exposure, consider providing a medical waiver to the pregnant traveler to fulfill health regulations. Because pregnancy might affect immune responses to vaccination, consider performing serologic testing to document an immune response to yellow fever vaccine. Furthermore, if a person was pregnant (regardless of trimester) when they received their initial dose of yellow fever vaccine, they should receive 1 additional dose before they are next at risk for yellow fever virus exposure (see Sec. 5, Part 2, Ch. 26, Yellow Fever ).


According to the ACIP , pregnant (and lactating) people should receive quadrivalent meningococcal vaccine, if indicated. Meningococcal vaccine might be indicated for international travelers, depending on risk for infection at the destination (see Sec. 5, Part 1, Ch. 13, Meningococcal Disease ).

No adverse events linked to inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) have been documented among pregnant people or their fetuses. Vaccination of pregnant people should be avoided, however, because of theoretical concerns. IPV can be administered in accordance with the recommended immunization schedule for adults if a pregnant person is at increased risk for infection and requires immediate protection against polio (see Sec. 5, Part 2, Ch. 17, Poliomyelitis ).

Administer rabies postexposure prophylaxis with rabies immune globulin and vaccine after any moderate- or high-risk exposure to rabies; consider preexposure vaccine for travelers who have a substantial risk for exposure (see Sec. 5, Part 2, Ch. 18, Rabies ).


Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap) should be given during each pregnancy irrespective of a person’s history of receiving the vaccine previously. To maximize maternal antibody response and passive antibody transfer to the infant, optimal timing for Tdap administration is between 27 and 36 weeks’ gestation (earlier during this time frame is preferred), but it may be given at any time during pregnancy.

Malaria Prophylaxis

Malaria, caused by Plasmodium spp. parasites transmitted by mosquitoes, can be much more serious in pregnant than in nonpregnant people and is associated with high risks of illness and death for both mother and fetus. Malaria in pregnancy can be characterized by heavy parasitemia, severe anemia, and profound hypoglycemia, and can be complicated by cerebral malaria and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Placental sequestration of parasites might result in fetal loss due to abruption, premature labor, or miscarriage. An infant born to an infected mother is apt to be of low birth weight, and, although rare, congenital malaria is possible.

Because no prophylactic regimen provides complete protection, pregnant people should avoid or delay travel to malaria-endemic areas. If travel is unavoidable, the pregnant person should take precautions to avoid mosquito bites and use an effective prophylactic regimen.

Chloroquine is the drug of choice for pregnant travelers going to destinations with chloroquine-sensitive Plasmodium spp., and mefloquine is the drug of choice for pregnant travelers going to destinations with chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium spp. Doxycycline is contraindicated because of teratogenic effects on the fetus after the fourth month of pregnancy. Primaquine is contraindicated in pregnancy because the infant cannot be tested for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, putting the infant at risk for hemolytic anemia. Atovaquone-proguanil is not recommended because of lack of available safety data. A list of the available antimalarial drugs and their uses and contraindications during pregnancy can be found in Sec. 5, Part 3, Ch. 16, Malaria .

Travel Health Kits

In addition to the recommended travel health kit items for all travelers (see Sec. 2, Ch. 10, Travel Health Kits ), pregnant travelers should pack antacids, antiemetic drugs, graduated compression stockings, hemorrhoid cream, medication for vaginitis or yeast infection, prenatal vitamins, and prescription medications. Encourage pregnant travelers to consider packing a blood pressure monitor if travel will limit access to a health center where blood pressure monitoring is available.

Respiratory and urinary infections and vaginitis are more likely to occur and to be more severe during pregnancy. Pregnant people who develop travelers’ diarrhea or other gastrointestinal infections might be more vulnerable to dehydration than nonpregnant travelers. Stress the need for strict hand hygiene and food and water precautions (see Sec. 2, Ch. 8, Food & Water Precautions ). Drinking bottled or boiled water is preferable to chemically treated or filtered water. Pregnant people should not consume water purified by iodine-containing compounds because of potential effects on the fetal thyroid (see Sec. 2, Ch. 9, Water Disinfection ).

As mentioned previously, pregnant people are at increased risk for severe COVID-19–associated illness (e.g., requiring invasive ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) and death compared with people who are not pregnant. Underlying medical conditions (e.g., chronic kidney disease, diabetes, obesity) and other factors (e.g., age, occupation) can further increase a pregnant person’s risk for developing severe illness. Additionally, pregnant people with COVID-19 are at greater risk for preterm birth and other adverse outcomes.

Pregnant people, recently pregnant people, and those who live with or visit them should take steps to protect themselves from getting COVID-19. CDC recommends that people (including those who are pregnant) not travel internationally until they are up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines . Additional information for international travelers is available at CDC's International Travel website.

Hepatitis A and hepatitis E are both spread by the fecal–oral route (see Sec. 5, Part 2, Ch. 7, Hepatitis A , and Sec. 5, Part 2, Ch. 10, Hepatitis E ). Hepatitis A has been reported to increase the risk for placental abruption and premature delivery. Hepatitis E is more likely to cause severe disease during pregnancy and could result in a case-fatality rate of 15%–30%; when acquired during the third trimester, hepatitis E is also associated with fetal complications and fetal death.

Listeriosis & Toxoplasmosis

Listeriosis and toxoplasmosis (see Sec. 5, Part 3, Ch. 23, Toxoplasmosis ) are foodborne illnesses of particular concern during pregnancy because the infection can cross the placenta and cause spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, or congenital or neonatal infection. Warn pregnant travelers to avoid unpasteurized cheeses and uncooked or undercooked meat products. Risk for fetal infection increases with gestational age, but severity of infection is decreased.

Other Parasitic Infections & Diseases

Parasitic infections and diseases can be a concern, particularly for pregnant people visiting friends and relatives in low- and middle-income countries. In general, intestinal helminths rarely cause enough illness to warrant treatment during pregnancy. Most, in fact, can be addressed safely with symptomatic treatment until the pregnancy is over. On the other hand, protozoan intestinal infections (e.g., Cryptosporidium , Entamoeba histolytica , Giardia ) often do require treatment. These parasites can cause acute gastroenteritis, severe dehydration, and chronic malabsorption resulting in fetal growth restriction. E. histolytica can cause invasive disease, including amebic liver abscess and colitis. Pregnant people also should avoid bathing, swimming, or wading in freshwater lakes, rivers, and streams that can harbor the parasitic worms (schistosomes) that cause schistosomiasis (see Sec. 5, Part 3, Ch. 20, Schistosomiasis ).

Travelers’ Diarrhea

The treatment of choice for travelers’ diarrhea is prompt and vigorous oral hydration; azithromycin or a third-generation cephalosporin may, however, be given to pregnant people if clinically indicated. Avoid use of bismuth subsalicylate because of the potential impact of salicylates on the fetus. In addition, fluoroquinolones are contraindicated in pregnancy due to toxicity to developing cartilage, as noted in experimental animal studies.

Vectorborne Infections

Pregnant people should avoid mosquito bites when traveling in areas where vectorborne diseases are endemic. Preventive measures include use of Environmental Protection Agency–registered insect repellants , protective clothing, and mosquito nets (see Sec. 4, Ch. 6, Mosquitoes, Ticks & Other Arthropods ). For details on yellow fever vaccine and malaria prophylaxis during pregnancy, see above.

Zika virus is spread primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito ( Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus ) but can also be sexually transmitted. The illness associated with Zika can be asymptomatic or mild; some patients report acute onset of conjunctivitis, fever, joint pain, and rash that last for several days to a week after infection.

Birth defects caused by Zika virus infection during pregnancy include brain, eye, and neurodevelopmental abnormalities. Because of the risk for birth defects, CDC recommends pregnant people avoid travel to areas with a Zika outbreak, and, for the duration of the pregnancy, to avoid sex or use condoms with anyone who has traveled to a risk area.

Advise pregnant people considering travel to areas with Zika to carefully assess the risks of Zika infection during pregnancy; provide information about prevention strategies, signs and symptoms, and the limitations of Zika testing. Pregnant people should strictly follow steps to prevent mosquito bites and sexual transmission. See additional information, including the most current list of countries and territories where Zika is active . Guidance for pregnant people can be found on the CDC Zika website .

Pregnant people should be aware of specific current environmental issues in their international destinations (e.g., natural disasters, special events or gatherings, travel warnings). More information can be found at the CDC Travelers’ Health website and on the destination pages of the US Department of State website.

Air Quality

Air pollution causes more health problems during pregnancy because ciliary clearance of the bronchial tree is slowed, and mucus is more abundant. For more details on traveling to destinations where air quality is poor, see Sec. 4, Ch. 3, Air Quality & Ionizing Radiation .

Extremes of Temperature

Body temperature regulation is not as efficient during pregnancy, and temperature extremes can create more physiological stress on the pregnant person (see Sec. 4, Ch. 2, Extremes of Temperature ). In addition, increases in core temperature (e.g., heat exhaustion, heat stroke), might harm the fetus. The vasodilatory effect of a hot environment and dehydration might cause fainting. For these reasons, then, encourage pregnant travelers to seek air-conditioned accommodations and restrict their level of activity in hot environments. If heat exposure is unavoidable, the duration should be as short as possible to prevent an increase in core body temperature. Pregnant travelers should take measures to avoid dehydration and hyperthermia.

High Elevation Travel

Pregnant people should avoid activities at high elevation unless they have trained for and are accustomed to such activities; those not acclimated to high elevation might experience breathlessness and palpitations. The common symptoms of acute mountain sickness (insomnia, headache, and nausea) frequently are associated with pregnancy, and it might be difficult to distinguish the cause of the symptoms. Most experts recommend a slower ascent with adequate time for acclimatization. No studies or case reports show harm to a fetus if the mother travels briefly to high elevations during pregnancy; recommend that pregnant people not sleep at elevations >12,000 ft (≈3,600 m) above sea level, if possible. Probably the greatest concern is that high-elevation destinations often are inaccessible and far from medical care (see Sec. 4, Ch. 5, High Elevation Travel & Altitude Illness ).

Advise pregnant people to follow safety instructions for all forms of transport and to wear seat belts, when available, on all forms of transportation, including airplanes, buses, and cars (see Sec. 8, Ch. 5, Road & Traffic Safety ). A diagonal shoulder strap with a lap belt provides the best protection. The shoulder belt should be worn between the breasts with the lap belt low across the upper thighs. When only a lap belt is available, pregnant people should wear it low, between the abdomen and across the upper thighs, not above or across the abdomen.

Most commercial airlines allow pregnant travelers to fly until 36 weeks’ gestation. Some limit international travel earlier in pregnancy, and some require documentation of gestational age. Pregnant travelers should check with the airline for specific requirements or guidance, and should consider the gestational age of the fetus on the dates both of departure and of return.

Most commercial jetliner cabins are pressurized to an equivalent outside air pressure of 6,000–8,000 ft (≈1,800–2,500 m) above sea level; travelers might also experience air pressures in this range during travel by hot air balloon or on noncommercial aircraft. The lower oxygen tension under these conditions likely will not cause fetal problems in a normal pregnancy. People with pregnancies complicated by conditions exacerbated by hypoxia (e.g., preexisting cardiovascular problems, sickle cell disease, severe anemia [hemoglobin <8.0 g/dL], intrauterine fetal growth restriction) could, however, experience adverse effects associated with low arterial oxygen saturation.

Risks of air travel include potential exposure to communicable diseases, immobility, and the common discomforts of flying. Abdominal distention and pedal edema frequently occur. The pregnant traveler might benefit from an upgrade in airline seating and should seek convenient and practical accommodations (e.g., proximity to the lavatory). Pregnant travelers should select aisle seating when possible, and wear loose fitting clothing and comfortable shoes that enable them to move about more easily and frequently during flights.

Some experts report that the risk for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is 5–10 times greater among pregnant than nonpregnant people, although the absolute risk is low. To help prevent DVT, pregnant travelers should stay hydrated, stretch frequently, walk and perform isometric leg exercises, and wear graduated compression stockings (see Sec. 8, Ch. 3, Deep Vein Thrombosis & Pulmonary Embolism ).

Cosmic radiation during air travel poses little threat to the fetus but might be a consideration for pregnant travelers who fly frequently (see Sec. 9, Ch. 3, . . . perspectives: People Who Fly for a Living—Health Myths & Realities ). Older airport security machines are magnetometers and are not harmful to the fetus. Newer security machines use backscatter x-ray scanners, which emit low levels of radiation. Most experts agree that the risk for complications from radiation exposure from these scanners is extremely low.

Cruise Ship Travel

Most cruise lines restrict travel beyond 24 weeks’ gestation (see Sec. 8, Ch. 6, Cruise Ship Travel ). Cruise lines might require pregnant travelers to carry a physician’s note stating that they are fit to travel, including the estimated date of delivery. Pregnant people should check with the cruise line for specific requirements or guidance. For pregnant travelers planning a cruise, provide advice about gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, motion sickness (see Sec. 8, Ch. 7, Motion Sickness ), and the risk for falls on a moving vessel, as well as the possibility of delayed care while at sea.

The following authors contributed to the previous version of this chapter: Diane F. Morof, I. Dale Carroll


Allotey J, Stallings E, Bonet M, Yap M, Chatterjee S, Kew T, et al.; PregCOV-19 Living Systematic Review Consortium. Clinical manifestations, risk factors, and maternal and perinatal outcomes of coronavirus disease 2019 in pregnancy: living systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2020;370:m3320.

Bisson DL, Newell SD, Laxton C; on behalf of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Antenatal and postnatal analgesia. BJOG. 2018;126(4):114–24.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for vaccinating pregnant women. Atlanta: The Centers; 2014. Available from: www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pregnancy/hcp-toolkit/guidelines.html .

Dotters-Katz S, Kuller J, Heine RP. Parasitic infections in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2011;66(8):515–25.

Hezelgrave NL, Whitty CJ, Shennan AH, Chappell LC. Advising on travel during pregnancy. BMJ. 2011;342:d2506.

Irvine MH, Einarson A, Bozzo P. Prophylactic use of antimalarials during pregnancy. Can Fam Physician. 2011;57(11):1279–81.

Magann EF, Chauhan SP, Dahlke JD, McKelvey SS, Watson EM, Morrison JC. Air travel and pregnancy outcomes: a review of pregnancy regulations and outcomes for passengers, flight attendants, and aviators. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2010;65(6):396–402.

Rasmussen SA, Jamieson DJ, Honein MA, Petersen LR. Zika virus and birth defects—reviewing the evidence for causality. N Engl J Med. 2016;374(20):1981–7.

Rasmussen SA, Watson AK, Kennedy ED, Broder KR, Jamieson DJ. Vaccines and pregnancy: past, present, and future. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 2014;19(3):161–9.

Roggelin L, Cramer JP. Malaria prevention in the pregnant traveller: a review. Travel Med Infect Dis. 2014;12(3):229–36.

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Health Encyclopedia

International travel while pregnant or breastfeeding, special considerations for traveling while pregnant.

Traveling during pregnancy is normal, and a lot of women do it. But it's important to think about potential problems that could come up during international travel. Also think about how you would get quality healthcare in the countries you are visiting. Get all of the vaccines you need before becoming pregnant instead of waiting to get them during pregnancy.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says the safest time for a woman to travel is in the second trimester of her pregnancy, from 14 to 28 weeks. This is the time when you will feel your best. You are also at the lowest risk for spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) or premature labor. During the third trimester (28 to 40 weeks), many healthcare providers and midwives advise staying within a 300-mile radius of home because of potential problems, such as high blood pressure, phlebitis, and false or preterm labor. Generally, women are not allowed to travel by air after 36 weeks for domestic travel, and after 28 to 35 weeks for international travel. The decision on whether to travel and how far to travel at any time during pregnancy should be a joint decision between you and your healthcare provider.

For most pregnant women, flying does not pose a risk to the fetus from cosmic radiation. But aircrew and women who often fly may exceed radiation limits.

According to the CDC, pregnant women with the following conditions may be advised against traveling to countries that need pretravel vaccines. This list may be incomplete. So discuss your health history with your provider or midwife before planning travel:

History of miscarriage

Incompetent cervix

History of ectopic pregnancy

History of premature labor or premature rupture of membranes

History of or current placental abnormalities

Threatened miscarriage or vaginal bleeding during current pregnancy

Multiple fetuses in current pregnancy

History of pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure, or diabetes with any pregnancy

History of infertility or trouble getting pregnant

Pregnancy for the first time over the age of 35 years

Heart valve disease or congestive heart failure

History of blood clots

Severe anemia

Chronic organ system problems that need to be treated 

You may also be advised against traveling to places that may have hazards. The list below may be incomplete. Talk about your travel plans with your healthcare provider or midwife before planning a trip.

Places with high altitudes

Places that have outbreaks of life-threatening food- or insect-borne infections

Places where malaria is common

Places where live-virus vaccines are needed or recommended

Healthy tips for traveling while pregnant

Here are tips for traveling while pregnant:

Try to plan ahead for any problems or emergencies that could come up before you travel. Check that your health insurance is valid while you are abroad. Also check to see whether the plan will cover a newborn, should you deliver while away. You may want to think about getting a supplemental travel and medical evacuation insurance.

Research medical facilities in your destination. Women in the last trimester of pregnancy should look for places that can manage complications of pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, and cesarean sections.

If you will need prenatal care while you are abroad, arrange for this before you leave. Talk with your healthcare provider or midwife to figure out the best way to handle this.

Know your blood type and check that blood is screened for HIV and hepatitis B in the areas you will be visiting.

Check that safe food and beverages, such as bottled water and pasteurized milk, are available at your destinations.

If flying, ask for an aisle seat at the bulkhead. This gives you the most space and comfort. If morning sickness is a problem, try to arrange travel during a time of day when you generally feel well. Seats over the wing in the midplane region will give you the smoothest ride.

Try to walk every half-hour during a smooth flight. Flex and extend your ankles often to prevent blood clots in the veins (thrombophlebitis).

Fasten your seat belt at the pelvis level, below your hips.

Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. Aircraft cabins have low humidity.

Try to rest as much as possible while away. Exercise and activity during pregnancy are important but try not to overdo it.

Special considerations for traveling while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding gives babies the most nutritional start in life. It also gives them vital protection against certain infections. But traveling internationally while nursing can be challenging.

If you are breastfeeding only, you don't have to worry about sterilizing bottles or having clean water. You may get vaccines to protect against disease, depending on where you are traveling. But diseases such as yellow fever, measles, and meningococcal meningitis may be a threat to infants who can't be vaccinated at birth. Discuss this with both your healthcare provider and your infant's caregiver before you travel.

If you are feeding your baby formula, it's best to use powdered formula made with boiled water. You may also want to carry a supply of prepared infant formula in cans or ready-to-feed bottles for emergencies.

Breastfeeding helps lower the chance of your baby getting traveler's diarrhea. If you get traveler's diarrhea, drink more fluids and continue to nurse your baby.

Watch your eating and sleeping patterns, as well as your stress levels. This will affect your milk output. Drink more fluids. Stay away from alcohol and caffeine, as well as exposure to smoke.

If you are traveling without your infant, you will need to pump to maintain your milk supply. Check with TSA about transporting your milk on flights.

Medical Reviewers:

  • Donna Freeborn PhD CNM FNP
  • Heather M Trevino BSN RNC
  • Michele Burtner CNM
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Travelling in pregnancy

With the proper precautions such as travel insurance, most women can travel safely well into their pregnancy.

Wherever you go, find out what healthcare facilities are at your destination in case you need urgent medical attention. It's a good idea to take your maternity medical records (sometimes called handheld notes) with you so you can give doctors the relevant information if necessary.

Find out more about getting healthcare abroad .

Make sure your travel insurance covers you for any eventuality, such as pregnancy-related medical care during labour, premature birth and the cost of changing the date of your return trip if you go into labour .

When to travel in pregnancy

Some women prefer not to travel in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy because of  nausea and vomiting and feeling very tired during these early stages. The risk of  miscarriage is also higher in the first 3 months, whether you're travelling or not.

Travelling in the final months of pregnancy can be tiring and uncomfortable. So, many women find the best time to travel or take a holiday is in mid-pregnancy, between 4 and 6 months.

Flying in pregnancy

Flying isn't harmful to you or your baby, but discuss any health issues or pregnancy complications with your midwife or doctor before you fly.

The chance of going into labour is naturally higher after  37 weeks (around 32 weeks if you're carrying twins), and some airlines won't let you fly towards the end of your pregnancy. Check with the airline for their policy on this.

After week 28 of pregnancy, the airline may ask for a letter from your doctor or midwife confirming your due date, and that you are not at risk of complications. You may have to pay for the letter and wait several weeks before you get it.

Long-distance travel (longer than 4 hours) carries a small risk of blood clots (deep vein thrombosis (DVT)) . If you fly, drink plenty of water and move about regularly – every 30 minutes or so. You can buy a pair of graduated compression or support stockings from the pharmacy, which will help reduce leg swelling.

Travel vaccinations when you're pregnant

Most vaccines that use live bacteria or viruses aren't recommended during pregnancy because of concerns that they could harm the baby in the womb.

However, some live travel vaccines may be considered during pregnancy if the risk of infection outweighs the risk of live vaccination. Ask your GP or midwife for advice about specific travel vaccinations. Non-live (inactivated) vaccines are safe to use in pregnancy.

Malaria tablets

Some anti-malaria tablets aren't safe to take in pregnancy so ask your GP for advice.

Zika virus is mainly spread by mosquitoes found in some parts of the world. For most people it's mild and not harmful, but can cause problems if you're pregnant.

If you are pregnant, it is not recommended to travel to parts of the world where the Zika virus is present, such as parts of:

  • South and Central America
  • the Caribbean
  • the Pacific islands

Check before you travel

It's important to check the risk for the country you're going to before you travel.

Find out more about the Zika virus risk in specific countries on the Travel Health Pro website

Car travel in pregnancy

It's best to avoid long car journeys if you're pregnant. However, if it can't be avoided, make sure you stop regularly and get out of the car to stretch and move around.

You can also do some exercises in the car (when you're not driving), such as flexing and rotating your feet and wiggling your toes. This will keep the blood flowing through your legs and reduce any stiffness and discomfort. Wearing compression stockings while on long car journeys (more than 4 hours) can also increase the blood flow in your legs and help prevent blood clots.

Tiredness and dizziness are common during pregnancy so it's important on car journeys to drink regularly and eat natural, energy-giving foods, such as fruit and nuts.

Keep the air circulating in the car and wear your seatbelt with the cross strap between your breasts and the lap strap across your pelvis under your bump, not across your bump.

Road accidents are among the most common causes of injury in pregnant women. If you have to make a long trip, don't travel on your own. You could also share the driving with your companion.

Sailing in pregnancy

Ferry companies have their own restrictions and may refuse to carry heavily pregnant women (often beyond 32 weeks on standard crossings and 28 weeks on high-speed crossings ). Check the ferry company's policy before you book.

For longer boat trips, such as cruises, find out if there are onboard facilities to deal with pregnancy and medical services at the docking ports.

Food and drink abroad in pregnancy

Take care to avoid food- and water-borne conditions, such as stomach upsets and travellers' diarrhoea . Some medicines for treating stomach upsets and travellers' diarrhoea aren't suitable during pregnancy.

Always check if tap water is safe to drink. If in doubt, drink bottled water. If you get ill, keep hydrated and continue eating for the health of your baby, even if you're not hungry.

Find out about a healthy diet in pregnancy , and foods to avoid in pregnancy .

Page last reviewed: 17 August 2022 Next review due: 17 August 2025

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Travelling while pregnant

Find useful information and considerations to help you prepare for safe and healthy travels outside Canada while pregnant.

With careful preparation, travelling while pregnant can be safe. The decision to travel should be made in consultation with your health care professional, based on your personal health circumstances.

On this page

Before you go, while you're away, if you need help.

Medical practices, health standards and infection control measures vary from country to country. You may not have access to the same level of care, procedures, treatments and medications as you would in Canada.

You could also be at increased risk of getting an infection and/or developing severe complications from certain infections, which could also affect the fetus.

Before leaving Canada:

  • consult a health care professional or visit a travel health clinic at least 6 weeks before travelling to get personalized health advice and recommendations
  • check our Travel Advice and Advisories for country-specific information, including about possible health risks
  • know how to seek medical assistance outside of Canada
  • review the policy and the coverage it provides
  • most policies do not automatically cover pregnancy-related conditions or hospital care for premature infants
  • ask your insurance provider about coverage for medical care during pregnancy, giving birth and intensive care for you and your fetus or newborn
  • carry a copy of your prenatal records
  • talk to your health care professional about any additional items you may want to bring that are specific to your health needs

Local laws and medical services relating to pregnancy can differ from Canada. Learn the local laws, and how these may apply to you before you travel.

Pre-travel vaccines and medications

Many vaccines can be safely given during pregnancy. Due to a higher risk of more severe outcomes for you and your fetus, some vaccines are recommended specifically during pregnancy, such as tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (DTaP) and influenza.

Don’t take medications you may still have from prior trips. Tell the health care professional about your pregnancy, or intended pregnancy, before filling any prescriptions. The decision to get any pre-travel vaccinations or medications should be discussed with your health care professional.

The decision can depend on:

  • your purpose of travel (e.g., tourism, visiting friends and relatives)
  • your planned destination(s)
  • the length of your trip
  • your risk of getting a disease
  • how severe the effect of a disease would be to you and/or your fetus
  • your planned activities
  • any underlying medical issues and/or pregnancy-related complications

Malaria could cause major health problems for a mother and her unborn baby. A pregnant woman may want to consider avoiding travel to areas where malaria transmission occurs.

Description of malaria risk by country and preventative measures.

If you can’t avoid travelling to an area where malaria is present:

  • some medications to prevent or treat malaria may not be safe during pregnancy
  • take extra care to protect yourself from mosquito bites

Zika virus infection during pregnancy can pose significant risks to your fetus even if you don’t develop symptoms. While pregnant, you may want to consider avoiding travelling to a country or areas with risk of Zika virus.

Latest travel health advice on Zika virus.

If you choose to travel, take precautions to avoid infection with Zika virus:

  • prevent mosquito bites at all times
  • protect yourself from contact with semen, vaginal fluid and blood
  • always use condoms correctly or avoid sexual contact while in countries or areas with risk of Zika virus

Learn more about Zika virus and pregnancy:

  • Zika virus: Pregnant or planning a pregnancy
  • Zika virus: Advice for travellers
  • Pregnancy and travel (tropical medicine and travel)

Monitor your health and be prepared

Emergencies can happen at any time. Know where the nearest hospital or medical centre is while you are travelling and confirm they will accept your medical insurance.

Seek medical attention immediately if you develop any of the following symptoms while travelling:

  • persistent vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • dehydration
  • vaginal bleeding
  • passing tissue or clots
  • abdominal pain, cramps or contractions
  • your water breaks
  • excessive swelling of face, hands or legs
  • excessive leg pain
  • severe headaches
  • visual problems

If you develop these symptoms after your return to Canada, you should see a health care professional immediately and tell them about your recent trip.


Always wear a seatbelt when travelling by plane or car. When using a diagonal shoulder strap with a lap belt, the straps should be placed carefully above and below your abdomen. If only a lap belt is available, fasten it at the pelvic area, below your abdomen.

If you have any medical or pregnancy-related complications, discuss with your health care professional whether air travel is safe for you.

Most airlines restrict travel in late pregnancy or may require a written confirmation from a physician. Check this with the airline before booking your flight.

During long flights, you may be at higher risk of developing blood clots, known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). The risk of deep vein thrombosis can be reduced by:

  • getting up and walking around occasionally
  • exercising and stretching your legs while seated
  • selecting an aisle seat when possible
  • wearing comfortable shoes and loose clothing

Your health care professional may recommend additional ways to reduce your risk such as wearing compression stockings.

Always stay well hydrated while travelling.

Land travel

The risk of deep vein thrombosis can be reduced by:

  • stopping the vehicle to walk around every couple of hours

Motion sickness

Certain medications used to treat nausea and vomiting during pregnancy may also be effective in relieving motion sickness.

If you think you might experience motion sickness during your trip, speak to your health care professional about the use of these medications.

Environmental and recreational risks

Some activities may not be recommended or may require additional precautions. Discuss your travel plans, including any planned or potential recreational activities with a health care professional.

High altitude

You should avoid travelling to an altitude above 3,658 metres (12,000 feet).

However, if you have a high-risk pregnancy and/or are in the late stages of pregnancy, the highest altitude should be 2,500 metres (8,200 feet).

If you have pregnancy-related complications, you should avoid unnecessary high-altitude exposure.

Keep in mind that most high-altitude destinations are far from medical care services.

Personal protective measures

Food-borne and water-borne diseases.

Eat and drink safely while travelling while travelling. Many food-borne and water-borne illnesses can be more severe during pregnancy and pose a risk to the fetus.

This can include:

  • toxoplasmosis
  • listeriosis
  • hepatitis A and E

To help avoid food-borne and water-borne diseases:

  • before eating or preparing food
  • after using the bathroom or changing diapers
  • after contact with animals or sick people
  • before and after touching raw meat, poultry, fish and seafood
  • if you’re at a destination that lacks proper sanitation and/or access to clean drinking water, only drink water if it has been boiled or disinfected or if it’s in a commercially sealed bottle
  • use ice made only from purified or disinfected water
  • this could cause the fetus or newborn to develop thyroid problems
  • unpasteurized dairy products, such as raw milk and raw milk soft cheeses
  • unpasteurized juice and cider
  • raw or undercooked eggs, meat or fish, including shellfish
  • raw sprouts
  • non-dried deli meats, including bologna, roast beef and turkey breast
  • don’t use bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol®)
  • Information on travellers’ diarrhea

Illnesses acquired from insect and other animals

Protect yourself from insect bites:

  • wear light-coloured, loose clothes made of tightly woven materials such as nylon or polyester
  • prevent mosquitoes from entering your living area with screening and/or closed, well-sealed doors and windows
  • use insecticide-treated bed nets if mosquitoes can’t be prevented from entering your living area
  • information on insect bite and pest prevention

Some infections, such as rabies and influenza, can be shared between humans and animals. You should avoid contact with animals including dogs, livestock (pigs, cows), monkeys, snakes, rodents, birds, and bats.

Information for if you become sick or injured while travelling outside Canada.

For help with emergencies outside Canada, contact the:

  • nearest Canadian office abroad
  • Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa

More information on services available at consular offices outside Canada.

Related links

  • Immunization in pregnancy and breastfeeding: Canadian Immunization Guide
  • Advice for Canadians travelling to Zika-affected countries
  • Advice for women travellers
  • If you get sick before or after returning to Canada
  • Receiving medical care in other countries
  • Travel vaccinations
  • What you can bring on a plane
  • Tips for healthy travel
  • Search Please fill out this field.
  • Newsletters
  • Trip Planning

Flying While Pregnant? Check Out the Policies on 25 Global Airlines

can you travel abroad 7 months pregnant

In the absence of obstetric or medical complications, occasional air travel during pregnancy is generally safe, according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology  (ACOG). Like other travelers, pregnant women should use seat belts while seated. 

Most commercial airlines allow pregnant women to fly up to 36 weeks of gestation, with some restrictions on international flights. 

ACOG does not recommend air travel for pregnant women with medical or obstetric conditions that may be exacerbated by flight or that could require emergency care. It advises checking flight durations when planning travel and that the most common obstetric emergencies occur in the first and third trimesters.

Once aboard a flight, conditions including changes in cabin pressure and low humidity, coupled with the physiologic changes of pregnancy, do result in adaptations, including increased heart rate and blood pressure, reports ACOG. And those traveling on long-haul flights face the risks associated with immobilization and low cabin humidity. This can cause issues such as lower extremity edema and venous thrombotic events.

ACOG recommends preventive measures to minimize these risks, including the use of support stockings, regular movement of the lower extremities, avoid wearing restrictive clothing and encourage regular hydration. It also advises against consuming gas-producing foods or drinks before a flight.

Other ways for pregnant women to be comfortable on their flights include: booking a bulkhead seat for more legroom; reserving an aisle seat for easy access to lavatories and to walk; elevating your legs on a carry-on bag to avoid swelling and cramps; and wearing a layered, comfortable outfit for changing cabin temperatures.

Airlines around the world have different rules and regulations on when and how long pregnant women can fly. Below are the policies from 25 airlines around the world.

The French flag carrier does not require pregnant women to carry a medical certificate for travel during pregnancy. It recommends avoiding travel in the final month of pregnancy, as well as during the first seven days after delivery. The airline also recommends expecting mothers seek their doctor's opinion before traveling.

India’s flag carrier allows expectant mothers in good health to fly up to and including their 27th week of pregnancy. After 27 weeks, if the pregnancy is anticipated to be a normal delivery, an expectant mother will be accepted for travel up to the 35th week, but a medical certificate confirming the mother is fit to travel is required by an attending obstetrician and dated within three days of travel.

Air New Zealand

For single, uncomplicated pregnancies and clearance from a doctor or midwife women can take flights more than four hours up to the end of their 36th week. For flights under four hours, it's up to the end of the 40th week. Women pregnant with twins can fly more than four hours up to their 32nd week and less than four hours until the 36th week.

The airline recommends that women past their 28th week carry a letter from a doctor or midwife that says you are fit for travel, confirming your pregnancy dates and that there are no complications.

The airline's medical team must offer clearance for women experiencing the following: a complicated pregnancy, such as placenta previa or bleeding; a multiple pregnancy; a history of premature labor; or have begun the early stages of labor. 

Italy's flag carrier has no travel restrictions for expectant mothers during the first eight months of pregnancy. But if traveling within the last four weeks of pregnancy, expecting multiple births, or having a complicated pregnancy, medical clearance is required. Completion of a Medical Information Form, MEDIF , prior to travel and signed by both the passenger and doctor is required.

Alitalia advises pregnant not to fly seven days prior to and seven days after giving birth, or if there is a risk of a premature birth or other complications. It will make staff available to escort pregnant women from the airport check-in counter to the boarding gate. Staff onboard the flight will help stow carry-on luggage. Seats can be pre-assigned and women cannot sit in an exit row.

All Nippon Airways

The Japanese carrier requires women within 15 to 28 days of their due date to fill out and carry a medical information form . Women within 14 days of their due date are required to have a medical form and travel with a doctor. The form must indicate there are no complications of pregnancy, that the passenger has no health problems preventing them from flying and the due date. It must be completed by a doctor and submitted no more than seven days prior to departure.

American Airlines

The Fort Worth-based carrier has different rules for international and domestic flights. If a due date is within four weeks of a flight, you must provide a doctor’s certificate stating that you’ve been recently examined and you’re fit to fly. For domestic flights under five hours, pregnant women won’t be permitted to travel within seven days (before and after) their delivery date. Those who need travel within this timeframe will need approval from a physician and help from a special assistance coordinator . The pregnant woman's physician will be required to fill out a passenger medical form before a flight. A special assistance coordinator will send the form directly to your physician.

Clearance from a special assistance coordinator is required for international travel or travel over water. Within four weeks of a due date also requires a physician's note stating that you’ve been examined within the past 48 hours and you’re fit to fly. And seven days before or after delivery also requires a passenger medical form to be completed by your physician.

British Airways

The U.K. carrier does not allow pregnant women to fly after the end of the 36th week if you are pregnant with one baby or the end of the 32nd week if you are pregnant with more than one baby. While it isn't mandated, British Airways recommends all expecting mothers carry a confirmation from a doctor or midwife, such as a letter or certificate, in addition to your pregnancy record. It should be written within seven days prior to travel and confirm your approximate due date, that you're fit to travel and that there are no complications with your pregnancy.

Cathay Pacific

 Hong Kong's flag carrier requires that women with pregnancies after 28 weeks carry a medical certificate, dated within 10 days of travel that states the following: 

  • single or multiple pregnancy
  • estimated week of pregnancy
  • expected due date 
  • certifying you are in good health and the pregnancy is progressing normally, without complications
  • that you are fit to travel

The airline accepts pregnant women with uncomplicated single pregnancies to travel up to 36 weeks and uncomplicated multiple pregnancies up to 32 weeks.

Delta Air Lines

The Atlanta-based carrier does not impose restrictions on flying for pregnant women, so a medical certificate is not required to travel. But the airline will not waive ticket change fees and penalties for pregnancy. The airline recommends that those flying after their eight month should check with their doctor to be sure travel is not restricted.

The U.K.-based airline has no restrictions for pregnant passengers traveling up to the end of the 35th week of single pregnancies and the end of the 32nd week for multiple pregnancies.

Pregnant women can travel up to their 29th week without a medical certificate. After that, they require a certificate or letter signed by a qualified doctor or midwife that states whether the pregnancy is single or multiple, is progressing without complications, includes an estimated due date, that you are in good health and there's no known reason to prevent you from flying. Pregnant passengers are not allowed to fly after the 32nd week of a multiple pregnancy, and after the 36th week of a single pregnancy.

This Abu Dhabi-based carrier allows women with single or multiple pregnancies to travel during the first 28 weeks without a medical certificate. For single pregnancies between 29 and 36 weeks, a medical certificate is required. After 37 weeks, pregnant women will not be allowed to travel. For multiple pregnancies, a certificate is required between the 29th and 32nd week; after that, women will not be allowed to travel.

The medical certificate must include the following: 

  • Be issued and signed by a doctor or midwife
  • Written on a clinic/hospital letterhead and/or stamped by the doctor or midwife
  • State that the guest is fit to fly
  • State if the pregnancy is single or multiple
  • State the number of weeks of pregnancy and the Expected Date of Delivery 
  • Easily understood and written in Arabic or English. Other languages are accepted but must be verified by Etihad Airways' check-in staff

The original medical certificate shall be accepted for the whole journey (originating, return and stopover flights), provided the above validity criteria is met for each sector. And it is valid for three weeks from the date of issue.

The New York-based carrier does not allow pregnant customers expecting to deliver within seven days to travel unless they provide a doctor's certificate dated no more than 72 hours prior to departure stating that the woman is physically fit for air travel to and from the destinations requested on the date of the flight and that the estimated date of delivery is after the date of the last flight.

The Dutch flag carrier recommends pregnant mothers not fly after the 36th week, along with the first week following delivery. For those expecting more than one baby, the carrier recommends consulting with a physician prior to flying. If you have had complications, you always need to have permission to fly from your physician.

Expectant mothers with complication-free pregnancies can fly on the German flag carrier until the end of the 36th week of pregnancy or up to four weeks before their expected due date without a medical certificate from a gynecologist. But the airline recommends that pregnant women beyond the 28th week have a current letter from a gynecologist that includes confirmation that the pregnancy is progressing without complications and the expected due date. The doctor should expressly state that the patient’s pregnancy does not prevent her from flying.

Because of the increased risk of thrombosis during pregnancy, the airline does recommend that expectant mothers wear compression stockings while flying.

Malaysia Airlines

The Malaysian flag carrier requires medical clearance for expectant mothers approaching 35 weeks for international travel or 36 weeks for domestic travel. If medical clearance is required, the MEDIF application form should be completed by a doctor and submitted to the airline through its ticketing offices or travel agents at least five working days before traveling.

Philippine Airlines

An expectant mother who is in normal health and with no pregnancy complications will be allowed to fly after filling out an EMIS form . Pregnant women may be accepted for travel if they are not beyond 35 weeks when they fill out Part One of the EMIS form. Those between 24 and 32 weeks of pregnancy will have to fill out EMIS Form Part 2. And if the expectant mother is below 21 years of age, the consent in writing of the husband, parent or guardian must be secured. For expectant mothers beyond 32 weeks of pregnancy, EMIS Part 3 must be accomplished by the Flight Surgeon or Company Physician, who shall issue the clearance for travel

After the 28th week, women are required to have a certificate or letter from a registered medical practitioner or registered midwife confirming the delivery date, whether it's a single or multiple pregnancy and that the pregnancy is routine.

For flights longer than four hours, women can fly up to the end of the 36th week for single pregnancies and the end of the 32nd week for multiple pregnancies. For flights under four hours, women can travel up to the end of the 40th week for single pregnancies and the end of the 36th week for multiple pregnancies. The carrier requires medical clearance  if there are pregnancy complications or it's not a routine pregnancy.

Qatar Airways

 No doctor's note is required for women traveling through their 28th week of pregnancy. Expectant mothers can fly between week 29 and week 32 with a doctor's note and a pregnancy with no complications. Those with a multiple pregnancy will need a doctor's note and a  Medical Information Form (MEDIF) . Between weeks 33 and 35, women will need a doctor's note and a MEDIF. The airline does not accept women in their 36th week and beyond.

 The low-cost Irish carrier allows expectant mothers to fly up to their 28th week of pregnancy. After that, the airline requires women to have a ‘fit to fly’ letter from their midwife or doctor. For an uncomplicated single pregnancy, travel is not permitted beyond the end of the 36th week of pregnancy, while the cut-off for an uncomplicated multiple pregnancy is 32 weeks. 

Singapore Airlines

For uncomplicated single pregnancies, the carrier restricts expectant mothers from travelling beyond the 36th week of pregnancy; for uncomplicated multiple pregnancies, the restriction is the 32nd week.

For uncomplicated single pregnancies between 29 weeks and 36 weeks, expectant mothers must provide a medical certificate stating the following: (1) fitness to travel, (2) number of weeks of pregnancy and (3) estimated date of delivery. The certificate should be dated within ten days of the date of the first flight exceeding 28 weeks of pregnancy. This certificate will have to be presented at check-in when requested.

Southwest Airlines

The Dallas-based carrier advises expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy to consult with their physicians prior to air travel. The airline recommends against air travel beginning at the 38th week of pregnancy. It warns that in some cases, traveling by air has been known to cause complications or premature labor. Depending on their physical condition, strength, and agility, pregnant women may, in some cases, be asked not to sit in the emergency exit row.

Turkish Airlines

Turkey's flag carrier allows mothers pregnant with one child to travel between the 28th and 35th week if they have a doctor's report that includes the phrase, “There is no particular reason for the patient not to fly.” For women pregnant with more then one baby, the travel cut-off is the end of the 31st week with a doctor's report. The report has to be no more than seven days from the travel date. 

United Airlines

Any woman in the first 36 weeks of pregnancy will be allowed to travel on the Chicago-based carrier without medical documentation. An expectant mother traveling after the 36 weeks of pregnancy must have the original and two copies of an obstetrician’s certificate, which must be dated within 72 hours of a flight’s departure. The original certificate should be submitted to a United representative at check-in.

Virgin Atlantic

 The London-based airline allows travel without restrictions until the 28th week of pregnancy provided that you're free from complications to that point. The carrier asks pregnant mothers to inform its Special Assistance department so they can offer appropriate inflight health advice. Between the 28th and 36th weeks of pregnancy, a doctor's or midwife's certificate is required, stating that the passenger is safe for travel and the expected due date (32 weeks if carrying multiples in an uncomplicated pregnancy). Beyond the 36th week of pregnancy, travel is only permitted for medical/compassionate reasons and the pregnant passenger is required to be accompanied by a medical escort. This travel is subject to the approval of a Virgin Atlantic doctor.

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Ready Steady Baby

Travelling when pregnant.

Whether you’re doing short journeys in the car or getting on a plane for a holiday abroad, it’s important to take extra care of yourself when you’re pregnant. Making a few small changes and planning ahead will help to make sure you have a comfortable and safe journey.

Wherever you’re going, it’s a good idea to take your maternity notes with you in case you need medical help.

can you travel abroad 7 months pregnant

It’s fine to drive or be a passenger in a car while you’re pregnant.

It’s important to wear a seat belt as you normally would. Make sure the straps don’t go over your bump by:

  • placing the lap strap across your hips so it fits comfortably under your bump
  • placing the diagonal strap between your breasts and around your bump

Take regular breaks when driving and make sure you bring some water and snacks with you for the journey.

Going on holiday or abroad

If you’re planning a holiday, seek health advice as early as possible.

You should give some thought to where you want to go as:

  • the things you may normally love, like hot sunny weather, may not be a great idea if you’re uncomfortable or finding it hard to sleep
  • you shouldn’t travel to areas where there’s malaria or the Zika virus if you can avoid it

You should also consider the quality of medical care in the country you plan to visit.

Fitfortravel has more advice for pregnant travellers

Staying safe on holiday

Activities like walking and swimming are fine while you’re pregnant, but it’s not a good idea to do any activity where you might fall.

Take care to avoid coming into contact with water or food that could cause tummy upsets. Some medicines for treating diarrhoea may not be suitable in pregnancy.

Talk to your midwife if you have questions.

Travel vaccinations

You’ll need vaccinations before you travel to certain countries.

There are some vaccinations you shouldn’t have when you’re pregnant, especially in the first 3 months, so always check before you book anything.

Find out which travel vaccinations you might need

Travel insurance

Before you travel, you’ll need special travel insurance that:

  • covers any medical costs
  • allows you to cancel for any issues with your pregnancy

If you don’t tell your insurer you’re pregnant before you travel, your insurance may not be valid.

If you’re travelling in Europe, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) may allow you to use the health services in these countries.

Apply for a European Health Insurance Card

Flying while pregnant

Air travel is generally safe if you’re having an uncomplicated pregnancy.

If you have any pregnancy complications, check with your midwife or GP that there’s no medical reason to stop you flying, such as high blood pressure or a risk of deep vein thrombosis .

Most airlines won’t let you fly if you’re within about a month of your due date. Some will need a letter from your GP or midwife saying you’re fit to fly when you’re 7 months pregnant. Check with the airline before you book.

Having a comfortable flight

When travelling by plane:

  • drink plenty of water as you’re much more likely to get dehydration while flying.
  • take healthy snacks with you so you can follow your own eating plan
  • take whatever makes you more comfortable, such as an extra pillow or warm socks

Be aware it may take you a bit longer than before to recover from jet lag.

Deep vein thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot in a deep vein in your leg, calf or pelvis.

You’re more likely to get DVT if:

  • you sit for long periods of time
  • do very little activity

If you’re travelling on a long-distance flight or sitting for 4 hours or more, talk to your midwife as you may need medication. F ollow your midwife or doctor’s advice.

More about deep vein thrombosis

Further information, other languages and alternative formats

Translations and alternative formats of this information are available from   Public Health Scotland .

If you need a different language or format, please contact [email protected].

  • Ready Steady Baby leaflet in Arabic, Polish, Simplified Chinese (Mandarin) and Ukrainian
  • Ready Steady Baby leaflet in English (Easy Read)

Source: Public Health Scotland - Opens in new browser window

Last updated: 14 December 2023

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  • fitfortravel: Advice for pregnant women
  • Institute for Health Visiting: Travelling with your baby
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Is it safe to fly during pregnancy?

Generally, air travel before 36 weeks of pregnancy is considered safe for people who aren't dealing with any pregnancy problems. Still, if you're pregnant, it's a good idea to talk with your health care provider before you fly.

Your provider might suggest that you not fly if you have certain pregnancy complications that could get worse because of air travel or that could require emergency care. Examples include a history of miscarriage or vaginal bleeding, severe anemia, and high blood pressure or diabetes that's not well controlled. If you had preeclampsia during a previous pregnancy — a condition that causes high blood pressure and extra protein in urine — flying may not be advised. The same is true if you're pregnant with twins or other multiples.

Tell your provider how far you are flying, as the length of the flight might make a difference. Also, be aware that some airlines may not allow pregnant people on international flights. Check with your airline before you make travel arrangements.

After 36 weeks of pregnancy, your health care provider may advise against flying. And some airlines don't allow pregnant people to fly after 36 weeks. The airline also may require a letter from your health care provider that states how far along in your pregnancy you are and whether flying is advised.

If your health care provider says it's okay for you to fly, and your plans are flexible, the best time to travel by air might be during the second trimester. The risks of common pregnancy emergencies are lowest during that time.

When you fly:

  • Buckle up. During the trip, keep your seatbelt fastened when you are seated, and secure it under your belly.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Low humidity in the airplane could cause you to become dehydrated.
  • Avoid gassy foods and drinks before you fly. Gases expand during flight, and that could make you uncomfortable. Examples of foods and drinks to avoid include broccoli and carbonated soda.
  • Think about medical care. Plan for how you'll get obstetric care during your trip if you need it. Bring copies of your medical information in case you need care while you're away.

Blood clots

Air travel can raise the risk for blood clots in the legs, a condition called venous thrombosis. The risk is higher for pregnant people. Moving your legs may help prevent this problem. Take a walk up and down the aisle every hour during the flight. If you must remain seated, flex and extend your ankles from time to time. In general, it's best to avoid tightfitting clothing, as that can hinder blood flow. Wearing compression stockings can help with blood circulation during a long flight.

Radiation exposure linked to air travel at high altitudes isn't thought to be a problem for most people who fly during pregnancy. But pilots, flight attendants and others who fly often might be exposed to a level of radiation that raises concerns during pregnancy. If you must fly frequently during your pregnancy, talk about it with your health care provider.

Mary Marnach, M.D.

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  • Allergy medications during pregnancy
  • AskMayoExpert. Health considerations for air travelers: Pregnancy considerations. Mayo Clinic; 2022.
  • Air Travel During Pregnancy: ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 746. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/committee-opinion/articles/2018/08/air-travel-during-pregnancy. Accessed Dec. 1, 2022.
  • Ram S, et al. Air travel during pregnancy and the risk of venous thrombosis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022; doi:10.1016/j.ajogmf.2022.100751.

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Ticket for Two – International travel during pregnancy

Pregnant woman and priority parking sign

By Stacie Dunkle

“We don’t recommend international travel during pregnancy for first-time mothers,” said my nurse midwife. Those words stopped me in my tracks. As an officer in the Epidemic Intelligence Service with three years of experience working overseas, I couldn’t believe what this nurse was telling me. Rarely a month went by that I wasn’t waiting in a security line at the airport. “Why?” I asked. I was up-to-date on all of my vaccines, even yellow fever, which I knew shouldn’t be given during pregnancy, and I was well-practiced in methods for staying healthy in developing countries (wearing seatbelts and avoiding untreated drinking water, food from street vendors, raw vegetables, etc.). I began to wonder how I was going to break the news to my supervisor that I wouldn’t be able to conduct the investigation we were planning in Nepal in two weeks. We had been preparing for over a month. Our colleagues on the ground were ready to go, and my plane tickets were already booked.

Reality Check

When my partner and I decided to have a baby, I knew that once our little one arrived, my life would change dramatically. There would be no more hopping on planes to far-off places during public health emergencies—I’d have to think about who would watch my baby and how I’d cope with potentially missing all those precious moments with him. Still, the decision was easy since I had always wanted to have children and I was finally at a point in life when the timing felt right. Pregnancy can be a difficult thing to plan, of course, so when it did happen, somehow it still felt unexpected. Even more unexpected was how much my life was suddenly changing before the baby had even arrived.

Pregnant woman standing by a cactus

“You’ll be taking a big risk,” the nurse said. “You can’t take any of the drugs we usually prescribe to prevent malaria.” Although most pregnant women can take a drug called mefloquine to prevent malaria, I couldn’t take it because of my personal health history. I wasn’t just thinking about myself anymore; I also had to consider my baby. Because of the serious risk associated with getting malaria during pregnancy, I decided it was best to cancel my trip.

Of course, my supervisor was very understanding. He had been planning to travel to Nepal as well, and with his guidance, our partners were able to carry out the investigation on their own. Although I was disappointed to not participate fully, I changed my focus to health issues that were closer to home and still traveled quite a bit. During my second trimester, I flew to Mexico, Ohio, Michigan, Canada, Arizona, and Florida. It’s too bad I couldn’t get double the frequent flyer miles while traveling for two! During these flights, I avoided lifting heavy baggage, always requested an aisle seat, and was careful to drink plenty of fluids and walk around every 30 minutes or so. Of course, the latter was no problem since I had to use the restroom that often anyway! I enjoyed traveling while pregnant and laughed thinking that my baby would be born already familiar with the sound of jet engines and having memorized the safety features aboard aircrafts. 

The Home Stretch

When my third trimester arrived, I was offered an opportunity to travel to Lima, Peru to attend a training summit. It would be a valuable trip for me professionally because it would provide background for a project I was working on. I would be able to network with colleagues and focus my work to make it more useful to them. When I looked at the dates for the trip, I realized I would be 33 weeks pregnant upon departure and staying for a little over a week. I hesitated because many physicians don’t recommend traveling after 32 weeks, and most airlines restrict travel after 36 weeks for single, uncomplicated pregnancies. I was fortunate to have been very healthy during pregnancy and decided the trip was worth the risk, but swore I would cancel if any concerns came up before departure.

I still took a number of precautions before I committed to traveling. These included getting approval from my certified nurse midwife and reviewing CDC’s website of “ Health Information for Travelers to Peru .” My biggest concern was premature delivery in an unfamiliar country where Spanish is the primary language. My experience with Spanish is limited to high school classes and a few weeks traveling in Spain and Mexico. If I had to ask anything more than, “Dónde están los baños?” I would be out of luck; that included trying to describe symptoms I might be experiencing to a doctor. Fortunately, I have a friend who had just recently moved back to the US after living in Lima for a year. She was able to provide local English-speaking contacts and recommended an obstetrician and hospital where I could receive care. I also checked to make sure my health insurance would cover any medical expenses I might have had while travelling.

Priority parking sign depicting pregnant, elderly, or handicapped individuals

To everyone’s surprise, I went into labor six days later. My mind raced with questions. Will my baby be healthy arriving at 35 weeks? What would have happened if I had gone into labor in Peru without the support of my loved ones? After reviewing my medical records, my midwife predicted that my due date was off by at least a week and I was closer to full term than we had originally thought. My son was born the following night, completely healthy, into the loving arms of his mother, father, and grandparents. The question I kept asking myself was: if I had it to do again, would I have travelled so far knowing I was so close to delivery?

close-up picture of a newborn baby's face

What do you think?

We want to hear from you. Have you traveled during pregnancy or had to pass on a trip because you were expecting? How has being a parent changed your career?

If you would like more information on traveling during pregnancy please visit http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/yellowbook/2012/chapter-8-advising-travelers-with-specific-needs/pregnant-travelers.htm

15 comments on “Ticket for Two – International travel during pregnancy”

Comments listed below are posted by individuals not associated with CDC, unless otherwise stated. These comments do not represent the official views of CDC, and CDC does not guarantee that any information posted by individuals on this site is correct, and disclaims any liability for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on any such information. Read more about our comment policy » .

I was a little over 20 weeks pregnant with our first. We lived in Seoul, South Korea at the time. We were coming back to the states to visit for Christmas vacation. I was less then enthused about enduring a long 20 hour travel time haul to Boston. I have to say, we flew on Korean Air and it was a wonderfu! From my experience the flight crew on international airlines take great care of their passengers, especially the pregnant women!

Do you regret missing overseas opportunities and wish you had gotten pregnant after EIS?

(From Author Stacie Dunkle) Not at all. EIS is about developing skills to respond to disease outbreaks that occur both here in the US as well as internationally. It’s very important to me to have a balance of career and family. Thank you for your question!

We are currently a year into a journey the length of the Andes from Ushuaia to the the north of Colombia, and my wife became pregnant in Peru. We are frustrated by the lack of coherent advice available. Apart from the not at all helpful ‘Don’t go if you are pregnant’ which you encountered, we have read widely differing reports of risk levels in Colombia. Advice as to the safe altitudes varies from ‘anything above 800m to >1700m. The British seem to have Colombia as low risk for chloroquine resistant malaria anywhere outside the Amazon. The WHO have high risk areas in the Amazon AND along the pacific coast with particular pockets of danger near Panama and Venezuela. As we are travelling by vehicle the oft trotted out advice that you are safe in all cities is of no comfort to us as we have to drive between them through rural areas.

Another dilemma is what anti-malarials are safe in pregnancy. Mixed reports on Mefloquine although the CDC have just come out saying it’s safe (reflecting new FDA guidelines) despite reports of teratogenicity in rats. We tried the top three hospitals in Quito and none had anything but chloroquine despite Ecuador also having choloroquine resistant malaria. The official line from all of them is denial…that there is no malaria in Ecuador. We’re finding the same thing in Colombia…”As long as you don’t go to the jungle there’s no malaria here. Just use DEET (also contraindicated in pregnancy) and wear long sleeves and don’t go out after dusk”. My experience of the tropics is that determined mosquitoes are rarely put off by repellents for long.

If we can find mefloquine we’ll take it but we have major concerns. Data may show that there is little chance of teratogenicity or increased risk of still birth but it is well known for serious neurological side effects such as anxiety and depression and it does cross the placenta. So what affect does it have on a developing brain? No one knows. We have also read that chloroquine along with proguanil might be a safe alternative although proguanil suppresses folic acid so the advice is to take 5mg Folic acid a day which is basically an entire packet at the dosage strengths available here! It may be a blind alley anyway as we haven’t seen proguanil on sale here yet.

We are also facing up to the fact that we may also have to alter our plans due to lack of clear guidance and safeguards.

On the plus side Echo scans are very easy to get here and in these days of internet getting hold of literature on pregnancy has been no problem. Nutrition has been an problematic issue. Fruit is plentiful here which is great but salads are hard to find and even when they are they might have been washed in unsafe water. Concerns about picking up food poisoning are ramped up considerably since we knew about the pregnancy. Any further advice you can send our way would be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely Glyn Griffiths

I felt I had to be exra careful because I was an older mom. Absolutely no risk taking for me because this might have been my last chance to be a mother.

I was also lucky to be married to a man who felt I should be an at-home mom. We gave up a lot of economic advantages but we have felt it was well worth it over the years. I have worked at home on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome information retrieval for the past 15 years.

Please do not drink before, during or after your pregnancy if you are nursing. The behavioral problems caused by prenatal alcohol exposure are not worth the risk.

I think you made a good decision by cancelling your trip due to risks in the destination country.

After reading your experience I’m more in a dilema than I was before. I have a planned trip since last year to the US. It will be the end of this March and my pregnancy will come to week 11. Everything is set, ticket bought, accomodation paid and seminar fee also paid (I will attend a week seminar). My concerns are related to long travel (22hours from my country, Indonesia) and how expensive it would be in the US if anything happens. This is my first pregnancy aswell and I’m 36-year old mother to be. I don’t want to risk it…but I’m still torn in two..go or not.

@Peggy Oba: Thanks a lot for your comments and wise words.

This is a helpful story. I will be three months pregnant and am planning to travel to Galapagos and Peru with my partner and two year old. These are work trips and I really want to go, but still trying to weigh the risks. I had a normal pregnancy with my son but am considered high-risk because I am 38.

I was pregnant once and once was enough. In labor for 50 hours. I could not even imagine flying when pregnant, but “to each his own.” I asked doctor (I had already decided on a tubal after that pregnancy) if a “second would be as bad.” He said: “It could be worse.” Thus, the tubal and I have never, ever regretted it. Only wanted one child.

As an international business executive …extensive travel comes with the territory. I am an “older mom” in that my two year old son was born when I was 37. Presently, at the age of 39, my second son is due in the late Summer. I traveled fairly extensively with my now two year old and have trips to Amsterdam/London/Puerto Rico/Miami during my final trimester. The OB is completely fine with my travel and the airlines say that up to 36 weeks is fine.

With my first pregnancy, I lived in northern India. I took precautions to avoid malaria, typhus, TB, HIV, and food poisoning. I spent time in Amritsar and Delhi. My daughter is now 12 and healthy. I’m pregnant with my second and currently in Delhi, India, waiting to fly to the States for a holiday. Women here have babies, and healthy ones at that. If one takes precautions, traveling while pregnant is safe. We’ve lived in India for four years and not contracted maleria or Dengue fever. I don’t expect to now that I’m pregnant again. My point is that you can choose to be afraid or careful. Being afraid keeps you at home. Being careful allows you to make solid decisions and take calculated risks that lead can present opportunities.

I have planned to travel to India in my 13th week and return on 24th week of my pregnancy. This is my first pregnancy and I will be travelling alone. I am worried if it is safe to take a 22 hours flight and I want to know if something happens what are the services available on board. I spoke to airline but didn’t get satisfactory reply.

I am a student admitted already to do my masters in Cyprus from Africa, I just realized I will be a month pregnant when I travel. Please its really hard on me but please what advice have you for me. Am just 20 years old.

My sister has to travel out of the country in the coming week as she is pregnant I don’t want her to go at this time. She is 4 months pregnant, she anyway wants to go that is why I have booked tickets online using CouponZeta site but I still have that fear whether it is safe for her to travel at this time or not. After reading the above article I have that question am I doing any wrong thing allowing her to travel so long?

After reading your experience I’m more in a dilema than I was before. I have a planned trip since last year to the US. It will be the end of this March and my pregnancy will come to week 11. Everything is set, ticket bought, accomodation paid and seminar fee also paid (I will attend a week seminar). My concerns are related to long travel (22hours from my country, Indonesia) and how expensive it would be in the US if anything happens. This is my first pregnancy aswell and I’m 36-year old mother to be. I don’t want to risk it…but I’m still torn in two..go or not.

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What to expect when traveling in each trimester of pregnancy

Summer Hull

So you're pregnant? Congrats! It's an exciting time but also one in which many aspects of your life will begin to change, including travel. While you'll quickly need to understand the airline industry's rules for flying while pregnant , there are some more personal tips I'd like to share with you based on my experience traveling throughout the first, second and third trimesters of both of my pregnancies.

A few truths about pregnancy

Picky, starving moms need to travel with snacks.

I didn't know I was pregnant when I took the first flight of my second pregnancy. I was on a mileage run from Houston to Los Angeles, and by the time we landed, I was super tired, kinda grumpy and oh-my-so-hungry.

Then began a mad search for food. Luckily, Counter Burger was open and serving up sweet potato fries and burgers. Out of habit, I went for the veggie burger but I quickly regretted my decision, which left me far from satisfied with ground-up veggie mush.

In the early stages of pregnancy, your normal travel habits of going a little hungry for a while, or making due with what's around, may not work well.

Throughout your pregnancy, travel with water to stay hydrated and snacks to stave off hunger pangs and keep you going through travel delays. If you're feeling particularly food sensitive, research the food options at your destination ahead of time. I virtually lived on chicken noodle soup for a whole week early in my pregnancy and then, for a couple of days, all I wanted were hush puppies. I know how to get those items at home but when you are on the road, you either need to do more research or be more flexible -- which is sometimes easier said than done.

Related: 4 tips for planning travel while planning a pregnancy

Research and make choices about inflight radiation and other risks

I'm not an expert, but because I fly often, I have given some thought to inflight radiation exposure , especially during the early stages of pregnancy.

For pregnant flight attendants and pilots, the Federal Aviation Administration recommends a limit of 1 mSv during pregnancy, with no more than 0.5 mSv per month. I don't fly as much as an airline employee, but it doesn't take much research to learn that the amount of radiation you (and your gestating baby) are exposed to in the air varies dramatically from route to route. The highest-level routes are typically longer, higher-altitude polar routes. Here's some information from NASA about polar flights and radiation .

Every expectant mother should discuss the risks of flying during pregnancy with her doctor before getting on a plane. For me, nine months was a tiny moment in my traveling life, so I was OK adjusting my behavior a bit out of an abundance of caution. However, I didn't adjust to the point of never leaving my house. We still flew when I was pregnant, but I was judicious about when and where I would fly.

Check your health insurance policy

If you aren't familiar with your medical insurance coverage for when you travel, brush up on those facts now. Look at in-network and out-of-network benefits, as well as coverage for procedures for medical emergencies in other countries, if relevant. Most likely, if you do have coverage for treatment in other countries, you will still be on the hook to pay for your care up front and then submit for reimbursement from your health insurer. Plan accordingly and plan for the unexpected. If your baby decides to arrive early, for instance, check to make sure your insurance would cover possible extended and expensive care in an intensive care unit in a hospital away from your home.

Be sure to check what your health insurance coverage provides if you deliver at another facility later in your pregnancy. I once had an insurance plan that specifically did not cover out-of-network deliveries after 36 weeks, so that is something you would want to know before venturing away from home late in pregnancy.

Consider travel insurance

Trip insurance can be helpful if you are traveling while pregnant. Read the plan's fine print to determine what might be covered and whether you are covered if you already knew you were pregnant when you purchased the plan. Typically, a normal pregnancy or normal delivery would not be covered but if there are unexpected complications with the pregnancy, then related trip-cancellation or trip-interruption coverage may kick in on certain plans in certain situations.

Here are some travel insurance providers to check out: Allianz Travel Insurance, Travel Guard and Travelex Insurance . You can also compare a variety of plans at a portal like SquareMouth .

Here are some articles that will help you brush up on your travel insurance knowledge:

  • The best travel insurance policies and providers
  • What is independent travel insurance and when is it worth it?
  • When to buy travel insurance versus when to rely on credit card protections
  • Is credit card travel insurance sufficient on its own?
  • Why I buy travel insurance

Traveling in the first trimester

Traveling in the first trimester can range from "no big deal" to "I think I'm going to die from misery right this very instant." Symptoms in early pregnancy can vary widely and can change by the day. A flight in your first trimester may be no different from any other flight you've ever taken or it may feel like you are flying with the worst hangover of your life.

Unless you are very high risk or have other extenuating medical issues, your doctor will probably give you the green light to travel in early pregnancy. Feeling extra tired, nauseous and queasy doesn't make for the perfect travel experience, so here are some tips to make travel easier:

Pick an aisle seat and move about the cabin

When you do hit the skies early on, choose a seat where you will be the most comfortable, likely an aisle seat so you can get to the restroom easily. I also recommend getting up to walk around and stretch your legs. (Here are tips for credit cards that will defeat basic economy and let you get a seat assignment in advance.)

Room service come to the rescue

In my first trimester of my second pregnancy, I went on a trip with my daughter and parents to New York City to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and I was met with another challenge. I was at the point in my pregnancy when I needed food immediately upon waking or I was going to get queasy. Since I was staying in a hotel room with my young daughter, this meant room service. I also had granola bars and fruit on hand, but that was not enough to really do the trick some mornings. Had my husband been there, he could have gone in search of a warm bagel and juice, but since he wasn't on this trip, we had to improvise. Thanks goodness Marriott elite status helped defray the cost of most of the breakfast!

can you travel abroad 7 months pregnant

Take it easy when you need to

Once you are further along in your pregnancy and you actually look pregnant, you will sometimes get a little sympathy or, at least, empathy while traveling. Strangers may offer to help with your bag and people may have more patience with you if you're moving slowly. However, in the first trimester nobody can tell you are pregnant, and no one is going to feel sorry for you. If you act queasy on the plane, you will pretty much be treated like you have Ebola, and any other issue or ailment will pretty much not interest anyone. I once told the flight attendant I was pregnant when she was giving me the eye about looking queasy.

Take care of yourself, don't overdo it and know when to say enough is enough. You may be used to very busy travel days, but now find yourself needing a nap during your first trimester, and that's OK. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

Traveling in the second trimester

You have probably heard that the second trimester is generally the easiest of the three trimesters for most expecting moms. You usually aren't as sick and or as tired as in the first trimester, and you aren't as large, uncomfortable and exhausted as in the third trimester. From roughly weeks 13 to 27 of a pregnancy, your activity and comfort levels are often good, and this means that it can be a great time to travel. Couples that like to take "babymoons" (one last couples trip before the baby arrives) often try to schedule them in the second trimester.

Related: The best babymoon destinations for every month of the year

The beginning and end of the second trimester are quite different

You will probably enter the second trimester not really looking pregnant, and end it looking quite different. This means that you may feel very different at the beginning and end of the second trimester. The second trimester is when lots of belly growing happens and this can mean that some types of travel will be more uncomfortable toward the end of these few months of pregnancy than at the beginning.

can you travel abroad 7 months pregnant

Consider where you are comfortable traveling

A very personal and important decision to make during the second trimester is to determine if there are certain restrictions you will place on yourself in terms of where you're comfortable traveling. Some types of travel will ban women from traveling during the second trimester. For example, many cruise lines will not allow a woman to book a cruise if she will enter her 24th week of pregnancy (or later) while on the voyage.

Royal Caribbean's policy bars pregnant women from sailing at and after the 24th week. It was developed in concert with the Cruise Lines International Association endorsement of the American College of Emergency Physicians Health Care Guidelines for Cruise Ship Medical Facilities .

Many consider unborn fetuses to be viable if born beginning around 24 weeks (though that age threshold is getting earlier and earlier). This means that a baby born at 24 weeks gestation would have anywhere from a 50% to 70% chance of survival outside the womb if (and only if) there is immediate access to advanced medical care. A cruise ship clearly doesn't have an advanced neonatal care unit on board, so presumably the policy is related to why cruise lines draw the line for pregnant passengers.

I personally draw the line for travel at 23 or 24 weeks when talking about destinations that don't have the same level of advanced medical care as the United States -- or long flights or a flight path that could hinder prompt access to advanced medical care if I happened to unexpectedly go into labor. The Maldives is an example of somewhere I would not want to travel in this instance because there would be significant delays in obtaining medical care on these remote islands.

Plan big, but not too big

The second trimester is a great time to squeeze in a pre-baby trip or two since you will probably feel relatively like to your pre-pregnant self much of the time. We went to Aruba when I was 14 weeks pregnant and it was a fantastic trip. I had lots of energy and a normal appetite. Flying was not uncomfortable because my belly was still pretty small and the only real adjustment was to make sure I had a somewhat larger bathing suit before the trip.

At 23 weeks, I traveled to Spain and still felt pretty energetic and "normal." I will admit that the flight in economy wasn't super comfortable since I did have a belly that was hindering curling up in positions that usually help me sleep on the plane, but our time on the ground in Spain wasn't really impacted at all by the pregnancy other than missing out on the Spanish wine.

The great thing about both of those trips was that they were at my own pace. This meant that if I didn't feel like doing much one afternoon, I could take it easy. Even though you may feel great in the second trimester, you can still tire more quickly than normal, so be sure to limit your vacation activities to those you can manage. There are also activities that some doctors might advise against by the second trimester like thrill rides, scuba diving or horseback riding, so double-check any restrictions before planning more adventurous outings.

can you travel abroad 7 months pregnant

Traveling in the third trimester

Pregnancy isn't an illness or disease. For many families, it's just a normal phase in a woman's life before a new baby joins the family. Assuming things are going well, it's not a time when you have to cancel all travel. However, once the third trimester rolls around, travel can get a more complicated and does eventually have to stop.

The beginning and end of the third trimester are quite different

Changes come even more quickly in the third trimester. You enter the third trimester about 28 weeks pregnant and end it with a newborn. This means that types of travel that are possible at 27 and 28 weeks pregnant may be inadvisable, or even prohibited, at 37 and 38 weeks pregnant.

Select destinations and activities carefully

In the final months of pregnancy, some activities are probably going to be more comfortable and enjoyable than others. For example, swimming and spa time may be exactly what you need.

I give strong preference to visiting beach and resort destinations in the final trimester. Trust me when I say that few activities are as comfortable in the third trimester as floating in the water! We went to The Phoenician (a Marriott property) in Scottsdale, Arizona, when I was about 31 weeks pregnant and even with my big belly, it was the perfect mix of spa, swimming and fun activities for our 5 year old before both our lives changed.

can you travel abroad 7 months pregnant

You are going to get uncomfortable

Maybe this isn't universal and there are some magical creatures out there who never feel uncomfortable during pregnancy, but every mom I know eventually hit a point in her pregnancy when she wasn't comfortable. For many, this means that sitting for an extended time in a small airline seat, standing in long lines or trekking around in the heat to explore a city all day eventually become pretty miserable activities.

No one can tell you when you will hit that point, but it will likely happen in the third trimester. For me, my back started giving me a bunch of trouble at around week 30 or 31. I was incredibly grateful there were no more flights scheduled during that pregnancy beyond that point.

If you are going to fly during the later weeks of your third trimester and have the ability to secure a more comfortable seat up front, or at least one with extra legroom so you can stretch out, it may well be a good investment in your comfort. I brought a tennis ball with me when I flew so I could give myself a bit of a "back massage" against the airplane seat.

can you travel abroad 7 months pregnant

Bring your own pillows

Sleep becomes a challenge in the third trimester for many women and a pillow fort of sorts becomes a necessity to get some good shut-eye. Many pregnant moms find that using some sort of body pillow or pillow arrangement helps to keep their bellies supported and comfortable at night. You can't assume that the hotel will have similar pillows, so bring your own if they become essential to good rest in your third trimester. I had no shame in hauling my pillow fort with me on our last road trip at eight months pregnant.

See if you are allowed to fly

Even if your doctor OKs it, many airlines have rules about women flying in the third trimester. Check out airline rules for traveling while pregnant for complete details, but generally speaking, most U.S. airlines don't have many flight restrictions until the last month of pregnancy. However, many international airlines do have restrictions and documentation requirements beginning at 28 weeks. If you are pregnant with more than one baby, the restrictions kick in even earlier.

Decide when to stop traveling

I'm all for traveling while pregnant but, realistically, most women will want to stop traveling at some point in the third trimester. I would imagine by about 36 or 37 weeks, most women will probably decide to stay closer to home. I went on a road trip about three hours from home at 35 weeks and then called it quits for the rest of the pregnancy. There's still a whole new world of travel waiting once a new baby joins the family .

can you travel abroad 7 months pregnant

Bottom line

There is usually no reason to stop traveling when you're expecting. During my last pregnancy, I went on 12 trips, 28 flights, visited four countries and I'm very glad I had the opportunity to stay that active. I'm also glad that I grounded myself from flight after 31 weeks and from road trips at 35 weeks because those were the right decisions for my comfort level.

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  • General Travel Health Advice

Advice for Pregnant Travellers

Disease risks, maternity notes and medical care, travel insurance, vaccinations, malaria prevention.

Pregnancy creates an altered state of health which requires practical consideration before travel. In the first instance travel plans should be discussed with your GP, practice nurse, midwife or obstetrician, ideally before booking and well in advance of your intended departure date.

Fluctuating hormone levels and the psychological impact of pregnancy, as regards changing routines and responsibilities, may adversely affect your capacity to cope with the stressful nature of travel. It is therefore worth considering if you will have access to sufficient emotional and physical support during travel.

Many diseases have more severe consequences in pregnancy, with significant risk to both mother and unborn baby. For example, malaria in pregnancy is harmful to both you and your unborn baby with an increased risk of severe illness or death for both. Consequently, where possible, you should avoid all non-essential travel to tropical destinations during pregnancy, in particular those with a risk of diseases such as malaria , zika virus or yellow fever .

The association between infection with zika virus and birth defects means that non-essential travel to areas with ongoing high risk of zika virus transmission should be postponed by women who are pregnant or planning pregnancy. For further information see our zika virus  page.

Take a copy of your hand held maternity notes in case you need medical care during travel; include information about any pre-existing medical conditions and your blood group.

Carefully consider your intended destinations prior to booking, find out about:

  • availability and standard of medical care
  • existing health risks in the destination countries
  • any other travel warnings.

The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) website provides advice on the availability of medical treatment and facilities alongside any travel warnings on an individual country basis.

It is essential that all your early pregnancy examinations are carried out prior to travel in order to rule out potential complications. If travelling after 28 weeks of pregnancy, it is important to ensure that available medical facilities at the destination are suitable to manage complications of pregnancy such as pre-eclampsia and caesarean section.

Be aware that blood supplies may not be safe in some destinations; this can increase the risks of blood borne infections such as hepatitis B , C and HIV .

Misunderstandings due to language barriers or cultural problems could make communication and therefore diagnosis and treatment of any illness more difficult than it would be at home.

Ensure that your travel insurance policy covers both you and your unborn child, and if delivery should occur during travel, that your newborn is insured.

Failure to notify your travel insurance provider that you are pregnant is likely to invalidate your insurance policy.

Additionally, it should be remembered that insurance policies are only as good as the medical facilities available.

Please see our travel insurance page for further information.

Air travel is generally considered safe in uncomplicated pregnancy. However, it is important to discuss your fitness to fly with your GP, practice nurse, midwife or obstetrician before departure.

Be aware that policies vary between each airline but generally:

  • Most commercial airlines accept pregnant travellers up to 36 weeks if single pregnancy or up to 32 weeks if a multiple pregnancy. This is because labour is more likely after 37 weeks, or around 32 weeks if carrying an uncomplicated twin pregnancy.
  • Some airlines require written documentation from your practice nurse, midwife or obstetrician. This is to confirm you are in good health, that your pregnancy is uncomplicated and your due date.
  • Flying during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy may be considered risky as miscarriage is more common during this early stage. Additionally, at this stage pregnant travellers may be suffering from pregnancy induced nausea and fatigue which could make travelling uncomfortable.
  • You may be at greater risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) during pregnancy and the postpartum period; please refer to our Deep Vein Thrombosis page for further information.

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists have produced an advice leaflet for pregnant women planning to undertake air travel: Air Travel and Pregnancy

Pregnancy does not prevent you from receiving vaccines that can protect the health of you and your unborn baby.

A general rule is that most recommended vaccines can be used if the risk of infection is substantial and if there are serious consequences of infection. However, a careful risk versus benefit analysis is needed for every individual, and the decision on whether to vaccinate should be made in conjunction with an appropriately qualified health care professional.

Inactivated Vaccines in Pregnancy

Inactivated vaccines cannot replicate which means they cannot cause disease in either the mother or her unborn baby. Most inactivated vaccines can be used if the risk of disease is considered high.

Live Vaccines in Pregnancy

The risk of the disease versus the benefit of administering any live vaccine during pregnancy requires expert consideration and expert advice should be sought. This is due to a theoretical concern that vaccinating pregnant women with live vaccines, such as: measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox (varicella) and yellow fever, could potentially infect the unborn baby. Consequently, live vaccines are usually avoided during pregnancy. However, the use of live vaccines in pregnancy may be appropriate if travel is unavoidable and the risk of the disease is high.

Malaria in pregnancy is associated with miscarriage, premature delivery, low birth weight, severe illness or death, affecting both the mother and unborn baby. Consequently, you should avoid all non-essential travel to known malaria risk areas during your pregnancy.

If travel to a malaria area is unavoidable then it is important that you seek expert advice. In the first instance contact your GP for advice, however, be aware that they may refer you to a specialist travel medicine service.

Mosquito bite avoidance is essential in the prevention of malaria. Pregnant women are more attractive to mosquitoes and should therefore be particularly careful to avoid mosquito bites.

For further information please see our mosquito bite avoidance page.

Malaria Medication in Pregnancy

If antimalarial tablets are recommended then you should seek expert advice about which malaria tablets are safest for you to take.

The choice of malaria tablets will largely be determined by your destination, stage of pregnancy and any other pre-existing medical conditions you may have.

Malaria tablets should always be used in combination with mosquito bite avoidance .

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Flying when pregnant: what you need to know

Read time 6 minutes

pregnant lady on plane

If you’re feeling unsure about whether you can hop on that plane when you’re expecting, here’s the info.

Can I fly at one, two or three months pregnant (first trimester)?

Yes, there is no evidence that flying causes miscarriage (RCOG, 2015) . Yet as this is the riskiest time for miscarriage , just be aware that no medical help will be available if that does happen. You also might feel nauseous and exhausted, so that’s something to think about too.

Can I fly at four, five or six months pregnant (second trimester)?

Good news if you’re thinking of going away in the second trimester: it’s considered the safest time to fly (Hezelgrave et al, 2011) . That’s mainly because the risk of pregnancy-related complications, including miscarriage, is lower during the second trimester than in the first and third (Hezelgrave et al, 2011) .

Can I fly at seven, eight or nine months pregnant (third trimester)?

It’s fine to fly in the third trimester but you’re advised to do it before 37 weeks, or before 32 weeks in an uncomplicated twin pregnancy . That’s because you could go into labour any time after those dates (RCOG, 2015) .

Do still check with your specific airline before you fly though. Many airlines have restrictions on travel in advanced pregnancy (Hezelgrave et al, 2011) .

Flying when pregnant: the worries and concerns

First of all, you should know that flying is not considered harmful to you or your baby if you’re having a straightforward pregnancy.

You might feel a bit uncomfortable flying at certain stages of pregnancy. For example, you might have swollen legs, pregnancy sickness , nasal congestion (more common during pregnancy) or ear problems during pressure changes due to this congestion (RCOG, 2015) .

A change in air pressure or a decrease in humidity won’t cause your baby any harm. There is also no evidence to suggest that flying causes miscarriages, early labour or waters to break (RCOG, 2015) . If you have any health issues or pregnancy complications, discuss it with your GP or midwife before you decide to fly. They might advise you not to fly if you have:

  • severe anaemia
  • sickle cell disease
  • significant vaginal bleeding
  • a serious heart or lung condition that makes it difficult to breathe
  • increased risk of going into labour before the due date
  • increased chance of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy  (request an ultrasound before flying)
  • previous history of ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility and documented tubal pathology.

(Hezelgrave et al, 2011; RCOG, 2015)

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) when pregnant and flying

A DVT  is a blood clot that develops in a deep vein in your leg or pelvis. It’s dangerous if a DVT travels to your lungs and causes a pulmonary embolism.

The risk of DVT increases when you’re flying and with longer flights because you are sitting down for a long time. You’re also at a higher risk of developing a DVT when you are pregnant and for up to six weeks after you give birth (RCOG, 2015) . Risk factors like a previous history of DVT and a high BMI can further increase your chance of developing a DVT.

Your doctor or midwife will be able to check your risk of developing DVT and advise you about flying.

How to reduce your risk of DVT

You can reduce your risk of DVT by:

  • wearing loose clothing and comfy shoes
  • getting an aisle seat and going for regular walks around the plane
  • doing in-seat exercises every 30 minutes (ask your GP about how to do these)
  • drinking plenty of water
  • avoiding drinks containing alcohol and caffeine
  • wearing graduated elastic compression stockings to help reduce leg swelling.

(RCOG, 2015; NHS Choices, 2016)

Flying when pregnant: general tips

  • Take your hand-held pregnancy notes.
  • Carry any medication in your hand luggage.
  • Carry any documents confirming your due date and (if needed) that you are fit to travel. If you are 28 weeks pregnant or more, the airline you are travelling with might ask for a letter from your midwife or doctor stating your due date, that you’re in good health, have no complications and have a straightforward pregnancy.
  • Carry your travel insurance documents with you too or make sure you have access to them if they’re on email.
  • Carry your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with you if you are travelling to Europe. You can apply online for one for free .
  • Seatbelt wise, it’s recommended that you strap your seatbelt reasonably tightly across the top of your thighs and then under your bump. If you need a seatbelt extension, ask cabin crew.

Travel vaccinations when pregnant – are they safe?

There’s no evidence of risk from vaccinations that contain inactivated virus, bacterial vaccines or toxoids when you’re pregnant (CDC, 2017) . However, avoid live vaccines like yellow fever because of the risk of contracting a disease that might harm your developing baby (Hezelgrave et al, 2011) .

If you need advice on specific travel vaccinations, contact your doctor or midwife. Some anti-malarial tablets are not safe to be taken during pregnancy, so consult your GP or midwife about those too (NHS Choices, 2016) .

This page was last reviewed in May 2018.

Further information

Our support line offers practical and emotional support with feeding your baby and general enquiries for parents, members and volunteers: 0300 330 0700.

We also offer antenatal courses which are a great way to find out more about birth, labour and life with a new baby.

CDC. (2017) Guidelines for vaccinating pregnant women. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pregnancy/hcp/guidelines.html [Accessed 11th May 2018]

Hezelgrave NL, Shennan AH, Chappell LC. (2011) Advising on travel during pregnancy. BMJ.342. Available from: https://www.bmj.com/content/342/bmj.d2506.long [Accessed 11th May 2018]

NHS Choices. (2016) Travelling in pregnancy. Available from: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/travel-pregnant/#car-travel-in-pregnancy [Accessed 11th May 2018]

RCOG. (2015) Air travel and pregnancy. Available from: https://www.rcog.org.uk/globalassets/documents/patients/patient-information-leaflets/pregnancy/air-travel-pregnancy.pdf [Accessed 11th May 2018]

Rodger MA, Walker M, Wells PS. (2003) Diagnosis and treatment of venous thromboembolism in pregnancy. Best Pract Res Clin Haematol. 16:279-296. Available from:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12763492 [Accessed 11th May 2018]

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