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Going On Vacation Alone As A Man: Best Tips For Solo Male Travelers

  • last updated April 5, 2024 by TWD Team

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A man packs a backpack and checks a map in a serene forest.

Traveling alone as a man for the first time can sometimes feel like uncharted territory, full of unknowns and ‘what ifs’. Did you know that around 35% of solo travelers are men just like you seeking adventure? In this post, we’ll share essential tips to make your solo journey safe, enjoyable, and unforgettable.

Preparing for Solo Travel as a Man

Embarking on a journey solo? Let’s talk prep—your game plan for navigating this adventure with confidence and smarts. Whether it’s your first solo trip or you’re a seasoned traveler, setting out alone demands a unique set of strategies to ensure safety, satisfaction, and stories worth sharing back home.

And hey, along the way you just might discover that striking balance between caution and thrill is half the fun.

Don’t rush into decisions

Take your time making travel plans. Quick decisions can lead to mistakes or missed opportunities. Look at all the options for flights, lodging, and activities. If you’re thinking about a hostel for its social vibe, consider a private room instead of a dorm for more comfort and security.

Research is key—find the best places that fit your interests and budget.

Choose experiences wisely while on vacation. You might want to jump into every adventure that comes your way, but stop and think first. Does the activity align with what you enjoy? Will it be safe? 35% of readers from the  Solo Travel Society  are men just like you who say they value smart choices over impulsive ones.

So, slow down and use common sense as your guide; it will make your trip better in many ways.

Be aware of your surroundings

Pay attention to what’s happening around you. You might find yourself in busy streets or quiet alleys. Look out for signs that something’s off, like someone following too close or a deal that seems too good to be true.

Scammers often target solo male travelers, so stay sharp and trust your gut if a situation doesn’t feel right. Notice the little details—safe areas usually have plenty of open shops, lights at night, and locals going about their business.

Keep your eyes open for local customs too. In some places, certain gestures or styles of clothing can send the wrong message. Watch how people interact and dress; it’ll help you blend in and avoid drawing unwanted attention.

And remember, respecting different cultures is not just polite—it keeps you safe by showing you’re mindful of where you are.  Always keep an escape route in mind  should things turn sour—know where the nearest exit or busy street is located to quickly remove yourself from any potential danger.

Keep alcohol and drugs in check

Partying is part of the travel experience, especially in big cities and famous spots. But, keep a close eye on your drinking and stay away from drugs. They can dull your senses and lead to trouble.

You want to have fun but staying safe is key. Overdoing it with alcohol or trying local drugs might put you at risk or get you into legal trouble.

Know the local laws about drinking and using substances like marijuana or party drugs. Stick to what’s legal and wise for maintaining control of any situation that comes up. It helps protect you from dangerous situations while enjoying new places solo as a man.

Always stay sharp so you can make the best memories without unwanted hiccups!

Avoid risky situations

Let’s now focus on sidestepping danger while journeying solo. Being a man on the move means always being ready for the unexpected.

Know the area you’re exploring and avoid places that feel off or are known to be unsafe. Trust your gut – if something doesn’t seem right, walk away.

Steer clear of shortcuts through unfamiliar neighborhoods, particularly at night. Watch out for scammers who prey on tourists; keep personal information private and stay alert in crowds where pickpockets might lurk.

Limit the use of technology

Stepping away from dicey scenarios often leads to another important safety tip—going easy on tech gadgets. Flashy phones and cameras can draw unwanted attention. They might signal to thieves that you’re a traveler worth targeting.

Keep your devices out of sight when not needed, and use them discreetly.

Cut down on the electronics you carry around. Only take what’s truly necessary for your journey. This step minimizes the risk of losing something valuable or getting it stolen. Also, less screen time means more opportunities to enjoy your surroundings and meet new people face-to-face—a huge part of the travel experience!

Different Types of Solo Travel for Men

A man hiking alone in a beautiful mountain landscape.

Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or taking your first leap out of your comfort zone, solo travel can shape up in many forms. From the freedom of hitting the road alone to the camaraderie found on guided tours, there’s a perfect match for every solo male traveler looking to explore new cultures and meet new friends – all at his own pace.

Independent travel

Traveling solo lets you go at your own pace. You choose when to hop on a train or catch a bus, making it easier to explore at will. Coaches and trains are the best way for you to get around, especially in developing countries where they’re very popular among solo male travelers.

This freedom means every decision is yours – from which sights to see first to where you’ll eat dinner.

Take this chance to dive into new cultures without the need of waiting for anyone else. 

Escorted tours

Join a group tour and you’ll never feel alone, even on a solo trip. Tour companies design these group trips to take the stress out of planning. A tour guide leads the way, showing off new locations and telling stories that bring them to life.

You’ll have company from people of all ages, making it a great opportunity to make new friends.

Opting for an escorted tour also means safety concerns are handled by professionals who know the region well. They can steer you clear of risky areas and ensure you get the most enjoyment without any hassle.

It’s a good idea for single travelers wanting a little structure with their freedom—like having on-demand travel companions!

Hybrid travel

Group travel can be fun, but maybe you want a taste of independence too. Enter hybrid travel – it’s like having the best of both worlds. You get the freedom to explore on your own terms with a safety net nearby.

It’s a mix where part of your trip has set plans with a group, and another chunk is all up to you. This means while one day you could be hiking with new friends, the next day could be spent wandering through markets alone.

Here’s how it works: start off by joining a tour to see major attractions and meet fellow travelers. Then veer off the beaten path when you feel comfortable and want alone time. Hybrid travel gives solo male travelers flexibility without feeling completely isolated in a foreign country.

Break away from the itinerary as you please and discover hidden gems in an adventurous spirit – just make sure to stay safe out there!

Hit the road for your solo adventure and experience freedom like never before. Road trips are perfect for men traveling alone, offering flexibility to explore at your own pace. You can take in the sights, sounds, and hidden treasures that only come when you steer off the beaten path.

Pack a map or set up your GPS—adventure awaits around every corner.

And important consideration is to make sure your car is in tip-top shape before you begin. Bring along snacks, water, and a good playlist to keep things lively. Stay at motels or camp under the stars; each day is yours to design.

Road trips as a solo traveler allow you to meet locals and other travelers alike—sharing stories or getting tips on the best places to visit next. Just remember: safety first! Drive during daylight hours when possible and always let someone know where you’re headed.

Top 10 destinations for Solo Male Travelers

For solo male travelers seeking unique and enriching experiences, there’s a world of destinations ready to explore. Here are top recommendations based on different interests and activities:

  • Bangkok, Thailand : Renowned for its vibrant nightlife and cultural sites, Bangkok offers a blend of modernity and tradition. From exploring ancient temples to enjoying the bustling street markets and nightlife, there’s something for every solo traveler here​.
  • Bogota, Colombia : Bogota is a city that has transformed its image and now boasts a rich arts scene, delicious cuisine, and numerous parks and bike routes for exploring. It’s a city where passion and culture converge, offering an immersive experience for solo visitors.
  • Ibiza, Spain : Known for its world-class beaches and epic party scene, Ibiza is a hotspot for those looking to enjoy scenic ocean views by day and electrifying nightlife by the party. It’s perfect for meeting new people and experiencing the vibrant local and tourist mingling spots​.
  • Gangnam, South Korea : Offering a glimpse into South Korea’s modern lifestyle, Gangnam is famous for its trendy nightlife, K-pop culture, and luxurious shopping districts. It’s an excellent place for those interested in modern Korean culture and entertainment.
  • Canggu, Bali :  Bali captivates solo travelers with its serene landscapes and vibrant cultural scene. Canggu, in particular, stands out with its beautiful beaches, new bars, and restaurants, making it an ideal destination for those looking to enjoy both relaxation and social opportunities.
  • Tbilisi, Georgia : Praised for its safety, especially for solo female travelers, and its rich culture and affordable lifestyle, Tbilisi offers an underrated yet deeply enriching travel experience.
  • Mexico City, Mexico : The largest city in North America, it’s a place of endless activity and cultural exploration, offering everything from museums to street food at budget-friendly prices.
  • Iceland : Though not the cheapest option, Iceland’s stunning landscapes and natural wonders, like the Northern Lights, make it a worthwhile destination for solo travelers​.
  • Abu Dhabi : Known for its desert beauty and architectural wonders, Abu Dhabi offers a unique blend of modernity and tradition, with plenty of activities and sights to explore.
  • Tokyo, Japan : A city that perfectly combines a vibrant, bustling culture with politeness and respect, Tokyo offers endless exploration opportunities, from karaoke nights to unique dining experiences.

Expectations and Tips for Men Traveling Alone

Navigating the solo travel landscape as a man comes with its unique set of expectations and challenges—read on for our savvy tips to make your journey impactful and memorable.

Meeting single women

Meeting other solo female travelers on your travels can sometimes happen, especially since over 75% of men find themselves in romantic situations while backpacking or traveling alone. Be open to conversations at tourist spots, restaurants, and even during transit like planes or buses.

Just keep it real and be yourself.

Stay smart about the interactions though—safety first! Always use protection if things lead to sex; you don’t want STDs tagging along when you head back home. Respect is key; make sure any woman you meet is comfortable and on the same page with your intentions.

Remember, a genuine connection beats a one-night adventure any day.

Staying safe and avoiding STDs

Protect yourself and your partners by always using condoms, especially if you plan on having sex while traveling. STDs don’t take vacations, so it’s important to stay vigilant about protection no matter where you are.

It’s one of the easiest ways to prevent  sexually transmitted diseases  and unwanted pregnancies.

Check local laws and customs, too – age of consent can vary around the world, and what’s okay in your home country might not be elsewhere. Enjoy your trip without  health worries by being smart and safe  in intimate situations.

Enduring uncomfortable situations

Traveling alone can bring moments that are tough to handle. You might feel lonely or out of place at times. Facing these feelings head-on is part of the adventure. Take a deep breath and look for ways to make things better.

Keep your mind open in awkward situations, too. They can turn into great stories later! Try new things even if they scare you a bit – like eating local foods that seem strange or joining a dance nobody back home does.

Such experiences often lead to personal growth and amazing memories.

Making new friends

Hit the road with an open mind and making new friends might just be the highlight of your trip. Hostels and tourist spots are buzzing with solo travelers and expats eager to chat. These places are like magnets for folks on their own looking for company.

You could strike up a conversation over breakfast, join a group tour, or share stories at a shisha lounge after sunset.

With one or two new buddies likely each day, you’ll never really feel alone. Share thoughts about the best scuba spots with fellow adventurers or debate which South American city has the most vibrant culture.

Each interaction is a step towards expanding your circle – embrace it! Remember not to spend all your time glued to your phone’s Instagram account; look up and see who’s around you ready to befriend someone just like you.

Party responsibly

Party responsibly on your solo trip, and you’ll make the best out of every celebration. Respect local laws and cultures to avoid trouble. Watch how much you drink—it’s easy to overdo it when you’re having fun, but staying in control means a better time in the long run.

Keep drugs off your list; they can lead to serious issues far from home.

Don’t forget to keep up your hygiene. Use deodorant regularly, especially before heading out to social events. Good hygiene leaves a positive impression and helps you feel confident among new people. Dance, laugh, and enjoy your own company while keeping safe boundaries.

The key to a memorable and smooth solo journey lies in your hands – embrace every moment, stay alert, and immerse yourself in the adventure of self-discovery; don’t forget to dive deeper into  our resources for even more insights and guidance  tailored just for you.

Be mindful of cultural differences

Respect  local customs and traditions  wherever you go. Different cultures have their own ways of doing things, and what’s normal for you might not be for them. From greeting people to dressing appropriately, take the time to learn about these practices before your trip.

This shows respect and can save you from awkward situations.

You’ll likely encounter various social norms that could surprise or challenge your own beliefs. Keep an open mind; solo travel is a great chance to expand your perspectives. Remember, not all kindness is genuine—stay savvy to street scams where friendliness may have hidden motives.

Enjoy the diversity of the world’s cultures; it’s one of the best parts of traveling alone as a man!

Pack lightly

Understanding cultural differences helps you choose what to pack. Bring only the essentials. This means  packing clothes that are versatile  and appropriate for various situations. Think multipurpose—shirts that work for both day explorations and evening dinners, shoes comfortable enough for walking yet smart enough for a night out.

Traveling light gives you freedom and saves time. You won’t waste hours waiting at baggage claims or risk losing your luggage. A small backpack keeps your hands free, making it easier to move around, climb onto buses, or walk through crowded streets.

Plus, it’s less of a hassle when finding space in overhead bins or under your seat. Keep it simple; bring items that serve more than one purpose whenever possible—like a phone that doubles as a camera or shorts that can swim trunks too. 

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Protect your valuables

Keep your wallet, phone, and passport safe with  travel gear that zips  up tight. Go for clothes with special pockets designed to keep important stuff out of sight and reach from pickpockets.

You’re on the move a lot when you travel alone, so don’t make it easy for thieves.

Always lock up your luggage in a hostel or hotel room. Use a sturdy padlock if you’re leaving things behind while you’re out exploring. Just bring what you need – leaving extra cash and cards locked away can save you big trouble.

Embrace new experiences

After making sure your valuables are secure, turn your focus to the heart of travel: new experiences. Solo trips offer a unique chance to dive into activities you’ve never tried before.

Say yes to that local food tour or dance class. Join a hiking group and share stories on the trail. Each day is yours to shape—fill it with adventures that excite you.

Remember, as a solo male traveler, embracing these moments fosters growth and unforgettable memories. You’re in great company; 35% of members in the Solo Travel Society on Facebook are men just like you, often surrounded by fellow travelers ready to explore.

Let curiosity guide you and who knows? Your next life-changing trip is just one daring experience away!

1. What should I think about when choosing the right place for my first solo trip as a man?

Make sure you consider safety, local cultures, and things to do. Pick a spot where other solo travelers go too—this way, you’ll find activities that suit your style and meet new friends along the way!

2. Can traveling alone really improve my mental health?

Absolutely! Going on vacation by yourself gives you time to relax and reflect. It’s like hitting the reset button; watch how your stress fades away as you explore at your own pace.

Check out our article on the health benefits.

3. Are there best tips for guys who want to try solo vacations but worry about feeling lonely?

Yeah, start by staying places where it’s easy to talk with others, like hostels or group tours. Also dive into local events or classes – they’re great spots to mingle without pressure.

4. Do men face any specific issues when traveling alone that I should know about?

Well, everyone faces different challenges on the road—but gents might want some privacy sometimes or have concerns about their possessions while out adventuring. Being aware is key: keep an eye on your stuff and trust your gut feelings.

Best Tips for Solo Male Travel generated pin 4261

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Author picture

Dayvee Sutton is a national TV correspondent, host, and top expert who covers travel experiences, local cultures, and the environement.

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Matthew 25:13


Unveiling the Mystery: Are You a Traveling Man? Understanding Masonic Phrases in the World of Hotels and Travel

Welcome to Hosteliest ! Today we delve into the intriguing world of Masonic phrases, specifically, “ Are you a traveling man? ” Explore the fascinating links between Freemasonry and travel with us, in this unique piece.

Demystifying the Masonic Phrase: “Are You a Traveling Man?”

Have you ever wondered what the phrase “Are you a traveling man?” means? Is it simply a question asked by one traveler to another, or is there more to this story? In this article, we delve into its origins and connection with Freemasonry.

Table of Contents

The Origin of the Phrase

As a global fellowship, Freemasonry employs several symbolic phrases and gestures that hold profound meanings for its members. The masonic phrase “are you a traveling man” is one such term that has deep significance within this fraternity.

The phrase originates from the ancient stonemasons who built the grand cathedrals and castles of the Old World. These architects often had to travel afar for work, thus the term “traveling man” .

Are You a Traveling Man – What does it mean?

The question “Are you a traveling man?” is often used among masons to discreetly identify each other. If the person addressed is a mason, he would recognize the phrase and respond appropriately, confirming his membership in the fraternity without explicitly stating it.

However, the meaning of the phrase goes beyond just recognizing fellow masons. It also refers to the masonic journey or spiritual advancement of a member. The term “traveling” symbolizes the progression towards enlightenment and wisdom, which is the ultimate goal of every mason.

How to Respond?

When a suspected mason asks, “Are you a traveling man?”, an appropriate response would be, “Yes, I have traveled from the west in search of the light in the east.” This signifies one’s pursuit of knowledge and truth, key principles held high by the Freemasons.

The Connection with Hotels and Travel

You might be wondering, how does the masonic phrase “are you a traveling man” connect to our Hosteliest blog? True to its name, the term associates strongly with travel and the shared experience among travelers. The fraternity of Freemasons was built on the camaraderie and exchange of knowledge among members, much like the bonhomie experienced by travelers residing in hostels.

Moreover, the quest for knowledge and truth, symbolized by the term “traveling,” resonates with the spirit of exploration that lies at the core of every passionate traveler. When one travels, they’re not just moving physically but also broadening their horizons, exposing themselves to new experiences that add to their wisdom.

The masonic phrase “are you a traveling man” is more than just a coded language among Freemasons. It embodies the essence of one’s journey towards knowledge and enlightenment – a principle that is synonymous with the journey of a traveler. So the next time you hear, “Are you a traveling man?” remember, it’s not simply about moving from one place to another but signifies the pursuit of wisdom, much like the essence behind every travel story.

So are you a traveling man? What’s your journey towards knowledge and understanding? Share your thoughts and experiences with us – we’d love to hear your stories! Let’s continue exploring the fascinating connections between history, culture, and travel – because the world has so much to offer!

Unlocking the Mysteries: Masonic Phrases and their Significance for the Traveling Man

Whether you’re a jet-setting businessman or a globetrotting tourist, every traveler carries with them a common quest for new experiences and enlightening discoveries. Today, we delve into the intriguing world of Masonic phrases and their potential significance and allure for the traveling man.

The term “Traveling Man” is actually a code phrase used among Freemasons , referring to their historical beginnings as stonemasons who literally traveled from town to town sharing their craft and knowledge. Today, this Masonic lingo is evolved into representing a Freemason’s symbolic journey towards gaining wisdom.

Freemasonry, with its rich tapestry of symbols, allegories, and philosophical teachings, can add a fascinating layer of depth to your travels. Each city visited may possess Masonic temples or landmarks that hold a wealth of history and tales waiting to be discovered.

The phrase “Meeting on the Level” denotes the Masonic ideal of all men standing equal, regardless of their social, political, or economic status. This ethos is an appealing notion for travelers, reminding us to interact humbly and without prejudice when encountering different cultures or people during our travels.

Another phrase, “Act by the Plumb” , encourages a Mason to act uprightly and justly in their dealings – a valuable principle not just for Masons but also for travelers. Honoring local customs, respecting environments, and dealing honestly with others are essential for meaningful and sustainable travel experiences.

The Masonic saying, “Part upon the Square” , suggests members should part or separate in harmony and brotherly love. As travelers, this is akin to leaving a place with a sense of fulfillment and making a positive impact, ensuring we part on good terms.

These are just a few examples of how the mystical world of Freemasonry intertwines with the world of travel. So the next time you embark on a trip remember these phrases, not just for their rich historical significance but also for the ethical guidelines they provide for the modern traveler.

Understanding the Masonic Phrase: “Are You a Traveling Man?”

The phrase “Are you a traveling man?” is a colloquial idiom used widely in freemasonry, often regarded as a form of recognition between members. It indirectly asks if one is a Freemason because Freemasons are often referred to as ‘Traveling Men.’ This stems from the symbolic notion of moving or ‘traveling’ from west to east in search of light and knowledge, major principles in Masonry.

The Impact of Masonic Phrases on Hotel and Travel Industry

Even though this particular phrase might seem cryptic, it has found its way into the hospitality and travel industry. Hoteliers, tour guides, and other service providers who understand this phrase can recognize a Freemason guest and potentially provide a personalized experience. This unique understanding could potentially lead to stronger bonds with clientele belonging to the Freemasonry fraternity, fostering repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

How Travel Experience can be Enhanced with the Knowledge of Masonic Phrases

In-depth understanding of masonic phrases like “Are you a traveling man?” can significantly augment a traveller’s experience. Especially for those invested in historical societies or intrigued by secrecy and symbolism, learning about such phrases provides a whole new lens through which to view their travel experiences. It also opens up opportunities for meeting like-minded individuals or engaging in conversations about Freemasonry’s fascinating history and societal influence, enriching their overall journey.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

“how is the phrase ‘are you a traveling man’ used in masonic lore and culture, and can it be related to travel and hotel experiences”.

The phrase ‘Are you a traveling man’ holds significant value in Masonic culture and lore. Traditionally, Freemasons used this phrase as a coded language, a form of secret recognition among members of the Fraternity – a way to identify whether someone else was also a Mason.

In terms of traveling, Freemasons are regarded as ‘travelers,’ implying more of a spiritual journey in search of knowledge and enlightenment rather than physical travel. However, the analogy can still be drawn to actual traveling and hotel experiences.

For instance, when we consider the phrase ‘Are you a traveling man’, it could relate to individuals who have a passion for exploring new destinations, meeting people, learning new cultures, and sharing their experiences.

Similarly, hotels play a crucial role in this journey, providing a resting space for these ‘traveling men’. The quality of service, amenities, location, and distinctive character of a hotel can significantly enhance their overall travel experience. A hotel can either serve as a mere convenience or become a noteworthy part of the journey.

So, even though the phrase has a different context in Masonic culture, it can symbolically represent the adventurous spirit of travelers and the important role hotels play in their journeys.

So, in the context of Hotels and Travel, ‘Are you a traveling man’ takes on the meaning of someone seeking new experiences, with hotels serving as an integral part of this quest .

“In what way does the Masonic phrase ‘Are you a traveling man’ affect the journey or accommodation preferences of Masons while traveling?”

The Masonic phrase, ‘Are you a traveling man’ is an informal mode of identifying a fellow Mason. It is often used in Masonic ritual and conversation to signify a connection, or a shared understanding among Freemasons. However, when it comes to travel and accommodation, this phrase doesn’t necessarily affect the journey or accommodations preference of Masons.

Masonic lodges exist worldwide and are often open to visiting Masons. Therefore, a traveling Mason could potentially seek out local lodges in places they visit to find camaraderie and friendship. However, as for choosing hotels or other forms of accommodation, that would likely depend more on personal preferences rather than their association with Freemasonry.

The Freemasonry network can provide a sense of familiarity and comfort while traveling, especially if one is in a new or foreign destination. There may also be times when a fellow Mason might offer accommodation or recommend places. Yet, these would be more so acts of fraternity and hospitality, rather than standard traveling practices amongst Freemasons.

In conclusion, the phrase ‘Are you a traveling man’ may act as a symbolic reminder for Masons of their ties to a larger fraternal organization while on their journeys. However, it does not generally dictate or have any significant influence over their practical travel or accommodation preferences. Masons, like any traveling individuals, would likely base these decisions on factors such as comfort, convenience, cost, and personal taste.

“Can the Masonic phrase ‘Are you a traveling man’ be incorporated or interpreted in a meaningful way within the hospitality and travel industry?”

Absolutely, the Masonic phrase ‘Are you a traveling man’ can be interpreted and incorporated in the hospitality and travel industry in many meaningful ways.

To start with, one can interpret the term ‘traveling man’ to mean a person who is always on the move , constantly experiencing new places, people, cultures, and ideas. This is exactly the kind of person that the hospitality and travel industry caters to – individuals who love to travel, explore and have adventures.

Incorporating this phrase can also highlight an important philosophy of hospitality and travel: the idea that journeying broadens the mind and enriches the spirit . The phrase can thus serve as a tagline or slogan for hotels or travel agencies that aim to inspire and cater to those with a passion for exploration.

Moreover, the phrase is laden with meaning in Masonic tradition, symbolizing personal growth and progress in life. This can resonate with those seeking transformative, enlightening experiences through their travels, tying in neatly with the trend towards ‘experiential travel’ .

In conclusion, as in Masonic tradition, the phrase ‘Are you a traveling man’ can hold deep significance in the hospitality and travel industry, representing the archetypal traveler who embarks on journeys not just physically, but also emotionally and spiritually.

In conclusion, the phrase “Are you a traveling man?” holds unique significance in Masonic tradition, symbolizing a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. While the use of such phrases are widespread in Masonic circles, encountering such phrases during your travel may not only spark interesting conversations but also deepen your understanding of local cultures and history. The vast intricacies and symbolism within Masonic traditions make every journey more enriching and fulfilling, showcasing how travel is not merely about visiting new places, but also about embracing diverse narratives and traditions . Whether you’re in the opulence of luxury hotels or the simplicity of bed and breakfasts, remember that each place has a story to tell, a story that might just be whispered in phrases like “Are you a traveling man?”. So, when you set off on your next adventure, embrace the chance not just to see, but to truly discover.

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Jones Around The World

50 Best Travel Gift Ideas for Men: Presents & Gift Ideas for Him

Looking for the perfect travel gifts for men? Perfect, you’ve landed on the right page as I’m also a man who travels, so I know a little bit about the topic. While getting yourself things that will make traveling convenient is great, it feels so much better getting them from others, and that’s what inspired me to write this post.

Recently my family asked, “Hey Dave, what do you want for Christmas?” I realized that I actually haven’t been home for the holidays in several years, so I haven’t needed to give them a “Christmas gift wish list” in quite a while!

So this year, I decided to jot down some items that I know would be amazing gifts for all the traveling men out there! I know these would work be great travel gift ideas for men because:

  • A) I already own the products mentioned and love them!
  • B) I’ve looked into purchasing these exact ones for myself /friends/family.

So take a read below and get some holiday/birthday gift-giving inspiration. While there may be a few standard/typical gift ideas, I know there are definitely a few unique gifts for men that travel that you likely haven’t thought of.

Also, make sure you read through my articles “ The 50 Best Gifts for Photographers ” and “ 14 Perfect Gift Ideas for Music Festival Lovers ” for some more fun and unique gift ideas for this upcoming Christmas/holiday season!

The Best Travel Gift Ideas for Him in 2024

While the post focuses on the best gifts for men that travel, trust me when I say some gifts are also perfect for female travelers.

1) Tinggly Experience Box

Gift an experience of a lifetime

Tinggly - Travel Gifts For Men

When I discovered Tinggly , I instantly thought it was an absolutely brilliant idea, especially since, in this day and age, people are beginning to prioritize experiences over material things!

This company provides different “gift boxes” that include unique and fun travel experiences that the person gets to choose from! Take a look through the Tinggly Collections for an idea of what they offer, and watch the video above to see how it works!

It’s one of the coolest and most unique travel gift ideas for men, and the options are endless.

Prices Vary: $79 – $289

Browse Experience Gifts & Getaway Gifts

How does Tinggly work? Give stories, not stuff

2) Tropicfeel — The Ultimate Travel Shoe

Tropicfeel Travel Shoes - Jungle Night Blue

Every traveling man needs a quality pair of versatile shoes, and I’m so glad I’ve discovered this amazing company called Tropicfeel ! They’ve made five different styles of shoes that are absolutely perfect for travelers and would make for an incredible gift idea!

I’m a big fan of their Jungle Night Blue & Canyon Asphalt Grey shoes , but I’d recommend browsing through all the different styles and colors to find the best fit.

“Jungle is a slip-on all-terrain sneaker with 4-in-1 versatility: providing the benefits of aqua shoes, the comfort of sports shoes, the technical outsole materials of hiking shoes, and the styling of your favorite daily pieces.”

They’re comfortable, fashionable, and can be used for tons of different travel activities during your boyfriend’s or bud’s next trip. A key selling point is that they’re water-friendly/quick-drying, so they’re perfect for adventure seekers looking to hit the trails! The company also has a sustainable focus on its product line, and all of its products are crafted from responsibly sourced materials (which I think is very important in today’s world).

Prices Vary: $99-$115

3) Trtl Travel Neck Pillow

Trtl Travel Neck Pillow for Airplanes

Sleeping on planes has always been a challenge for me, especially being 6’4 and struggling to get comfortable. While numerous times I’ve been somewhat satisfied with those cheap neck pillows I’ve purchased at an airport – I’ve recently discovered Trtl, a leader in the travel neck pillow industry!

Their best-selling travel pillow provides completes support for your head with no bobbing, and will help avoid neck pain, strains, and aches. Perfect for travelers who are on those long haul flights regularly and want to hit the ground running and feel refreshed upon landing.

It’s a fun and easy gift idea that I know he’ll love, and will become one his new favorite travel accessories!

4) HORIZN Studios Luggage

Luggage - Travel Gifts For Men

Having high-quality luggage has become a personal essential to while traveling, and I’ve become obsessed with my new checked luggage by Horizn Studios ! So much so that I’ll probably end up buying their carry-on-on luggage so I can have a matching set.

Their entire line is elegantly designed with a German-designed Aerospace Polycarbonate Hardshell that feels truly remarkable to touch, is suberbly lightweight, and has incredible 360° spinner wheels that roll flawlessly across those airport floors.

While I think their cabin luggage would be a better gift for the traveling man in your life, the H7 that I have is one of my favorite travel accessories now. I’ve gotten tons of compliments on it, and I’ll be using it FOREVER as it comes with a lifetime warranty.

5) Steel & Borough Weekender Bag


Every traveling man needs a quality weekender bag for those quick getaways, and I believe I’ve found the absolute best one on the market! I recently got my hands on one of these Navy Blue bags from Steel & Borough, and am already loving it!

Steel & Borough specializes in weekender bags , and spent over 7 years making 100 different prototypes to finally land on their incredible design.

“The zippers, the lining, the handles, and the colors have all been measured, tested, rejected and reworked again and again to achieve perfection. We believe in long-lasting design and “less is more” the mantra of Scandinavian design philosophy that we are proud to represent.”

Durable, sustainable, versatile, and unbelievably fashionable.

It’s luxurious yet affordable, and this timeless design is guaranteed to impress whoever receives this as a gift! They’ve got tons of color combinations to choose from, but I  couldn’t resist this stylish Navy/Brown combo that just screams elegance!

Price:  $220

6) The Wander Club

Wander Club Travel Gift

“Keep your travel memories alive! Collect an engraved token for every country, US state, or national park you’ve visited!

I recently discovered this new collectible travel item called The Wander Club , and I think it’s a fantastic way to be reminded of your travels everywhere you go! It’s simple – every time you visit somewhere new, you order an engraved token and add it to your token holder and keep it with you everywhere you go. Lots of different colors and styles are available; check it out!

Click Here to Visit The Wander Club’s website

Prices: Engraved Tokens $5.00 | Token Holder $25

**The Wander Club is a charitable shop for those who love to travel and give back. For every engraved token purchased, we’ll donate a meal to an orphaned child abroad.**

7) Rainbow Sandals

Travel Gifts For Him 2019

Every traveling guy needs a quality pair of sandals, and these are honestly the best sandals in the world!

I’ve been a Rainbow Sandals customer for as long as I can remember, and they’re extremely popular in Southern California.

While at first glance you might find them to be at a higher price point for sandals, they are seriously worth the extra cost! They are super stylish, last forever, and are incredibly comfortable. It also helps that there’s an excellent warranty! I truly believe every man needs to own a pair of Rainbows and so they would make great gifts!

8) Atlas Coffee Club

“Discover coffee from countries like Papua New Guinea, Peru, Burundi, Brazil, and beyond.  With 50+ countries producing coffee, Atlas Coffee Club highlights the top 2% of the world’s best .  All single-origin and all roasted fresh by their team of roasters.”

Gifts for Men Who Travel

Is the travel-obsessed guy in your life just as obsessed with coffee? Then look no further than the amazing Atlas Coffee Club ! When I first learned about this unique international coffee subscription-based company, I absolutely loved the idea and thought of at least a dozen people who would love this as a Christmas present (myself included)!

One of the best travel-related gifts for him, you pick how many bags you want per shipment, select if you want 2 or 4-week deliveries, and your roast/grind preferences. They’ll deliver coffee bags to your house with a postcard from a new country each month, with tasting notes & brewing tips for each batch. Check it out .

9) JBL Waterproof Portable Speaker

JBL Speaker - Best Travel Gift Ideas for Men

I never go anywhere without my portable speaker! It’s one of the best gifts for guys that are traveling as I believe that music can make a massive difference while traveling, and I always get a lot of use out of mine.

Whether I’m relaxing on a beach in Thailand, watching the sunset in Florence, or sitting on a balcony at an overwater villa in the Maldives (which I guess I’ve only done once) – music will typically make that moment better and far more enjoyable!

While there are tons of different options available, I personally use and recommend the JBL Charge 3 Waterproof Portable Speaker ! It has incredible sound, a long battery life, and is one of the best-reviewed/affordable speakers out there.

Even when I’m not traveling, I get a lot of use out of it! I use it as the main speaker in my room, will take it outside while washing my car, and bring it to every camping music festival I go to!

10) Timekettle M3 Translator Earbuds

Timekettle M3 Language Translator Earbuds - Travel Gift Ideas

For travelers who are frequently on the road in foreign countries, these new M3 Translator Earbuds from Timekettle are a totally thoughtful gift! I’ve just got myself a pair of these to test out for an upcoming trip to Japan, and I know they’ll come in handy quite often

Offering multiple functions for translation applications, music listening, and phone calls (so a step up from regular Apple airpods, three different translation modes, noise cancellation, currently supports 40 different languages, and a 25-hour battery life.

It’s one of the top-rated real-time translators on the market, and it’s simply one of the most unique gifts for travelers, men or women!

11) Tortuga Travel Backpack

This award-winning backpack is a masterpiece in the industry, and has become a personal favorite in my travel luggage/accessory collection!

You can bring everything you’d need for a long trip without the hassle of checking a bag at the airport (saving a ton of money long-term fees)! I’ve found my Tortuga backpack to be super easy to pack with tons of helpful storage compartments, and love that it opens like a suitcase for easy access (but wearable like a backpack for quick transportation).

It’s sleek and comfortable and comes equipped with an advanced, hiking-style suspension system that I adore while on the road. Everything from their high-quality material in the shoulder straps and belt make this great to travel with. It pairs well with their stylish packing cubes as well for staying organized.

If you’re looking for a gift any guy would love for an upcoming trip – this Tortuga 40L backpack is an excellent idea!

Tortuga Travel Backpack - Travel Gifts For Men

12) Large World Map Push Pin

Push-Pin-Map-best travel-gifts-for-him

While everyone has obsessed over the scratch-off world map that definitely belongs on a list of travel gift ideas for him, I have to recommend Large World Map Push-Pin Travel Maps . I recently bought it myself and I’m obsessed with it.

The colors are incredibly stylish, it comes in two different sizes, and you can even personalize the title at the top for an extra thoughtful touch!

Price: $64.95+

13) GoPro Hero 11 Black

GoPro 9 Black - Travel Gifts For Men

A GoPro will always belong on a list of cool gift ideas for men. I’ve been traveling with a GoPro in my backpack for at least 6+ years now, and I’m absolutely obsessed with their latest GoPro Hero 11 Black Edition .


On top of that, it’s simply one of the ultimate travel cameras! It’s super compact yet takes incredibly stunning pictures and videos, and is one of the best luxury travel gifts for him if he’s into adrenaline sports.

While this is one of the more expensive items on the list, I personally think it’s worth every penny, because everyone needs a GoPro with them when they travel! From epic time-lapses, 4K video, and wide-angle selfies, it’s a pretty awesome travel accessory! It’s also crucial for people who are snorkeling/scuba-diving regularly, as the content you can create underwater is amazing!

Price: $399+ ( Read Reviews & Check Availability )

14) Mobilo Card

Mobilo Card - Gifts For Men

Share contact details with a single tap

One of the best gifts for business travelers, the  Mobilo Card  would be an awesome, affordable, and great gift idea or stocking stuffer.

Offering four different modes, this card offers its users an easy way to transfer their contact information to a person’s phone with one tap. It’s simple yet effective, and there are tons of fun ways to design it.

The card is sized like a credit card, so it would easily fit into his passport holder or the typical wallet and will absolutely be among the best gifts for men who travel for work.

15) Universal USB Travel Power Adapter

Universal Travel Adaptor - Best Gifts for Traveling Man

Alright, so this may not be one of the sexiest or most interesting travelling gifts for him, but the truth is that it’s 100% necessary for international travelers! I get so much use out of mine, and this could be a great addition to another larger travel gift. Trust me, nothing’s worse than getting into your hotel room and finding out you can’t charge your devices.

Also, this could be a nice idea for a stocking stuffer at Christmas time! 

There are a lot of different ones to choose from, but I personally love my Epicka Universal Charger , and find having 4 USB ports is super helpful!! (I have to charge multiple devices at once pretty often).

16) An Inspirational Travel Book

Best Travel Books - Gifts for Him

Whether you buy the guy a paperback edition or download it to their new Amazon Kindle , I guarantee they’ll love one of these inspirational tales.

While I could write a whole other blog post about books that will inspire travel, I’d recommend starting out with the following three:

  • The Alchemist
  • Into the Wild

A really fun idea would be to buy a book those goes well with a destination they are about to visit! For example, if you know a guy who’s planning a trip to Thailand , you should pick them up a copy of The Beach!!

17) Earbuds & Noise Cancelling Headphones

a man travelling

No one goes traveling without a decent pair of headphones, and that makes them an excellent idea for a gift! Whether you’re looking for more budget-style earbuds or fancier noise-canceling over-the-ear headphones, these would be top picks!

  • Otium Bluetooth Headphones ($18.99
  • Active Noise Canceling Headphones ($49.99)

There are literally thousands of different options of headphones and earphones, and it really just depends on your budget/preferred style. I think BLUETOOTH is a must these days, as cables are becoming a thing of the past.

18) DJI Spark, Air, or Mavic Pro 2 

a man travelling

Okay, a drone is obviously expensive but it’s also one of the best Christmas gift ideas for men if you save enough during the year.

Purchasing a drone for traveling will really take photos and videos to the next level…literally and figuratively.  I’ve been traveling with a drone for about a year now, and I’m so stoked every time I get to launch it up in the air over a beautiful destination.

I recently upgraded and bought the brand new MAVIC PRO 2 , and I’m telling you, this is a game-changer . If you did buy this for someone as a gift, they would be extremely happy!! :-)

DJI Mavic Pro 2 :  $2,624 (Read Reviews)

What I love about DJI, though, is that they have completely revolutionized the entire industry and have several different models. These two are the best for traveling as they’re super compact and lightweight but produce unbelievable content!

  • DJI Spark Mini-Drone ($589)
  • DJI Mavic AIR Drone ($895.00)

Unique Gift IDeas for Men

Mavic Pro2 | Maldives | November 2018

19) WiseOwl Travel Hammock

Travel Hammoch - Gifts for Men

This top-rated lightweight hammock is “everything you need to start relaxing right away – all in a small little package”.

Perfect for the outdoors adventure travelers ! It’s super high quality, budget-friendly, and guaranteed to be an excellent travel gift for him! I just purchased one of these myself as I’m planning on doing a lot more hikes up in Washington national parks, and can’t wait to test out my new hammock!

Price:  $34.95+ ( Browse Designs & Prices )

20) Ticket to Ride – Europe (Board Game)

Board Games For Travel Gift Ideas

I have my parents to thank for introducing me to Ticket to Ride Europe !!

This board game is a ton of fun and one of the best gifts for travel lovers! The goal is to complete “train routes” between popular cities in Europe. For example, one person will have to build a track between “Athens & Edinburgh”. While I’m not going to explain the whole rulebook, it’s honestly become one of my favorite board games.

Whenever I’m back home visiting California, I make sure to play with my family a few times! I’ve shown a few friends this game as well, and it’s becoming quite a favorite in my circle!

Price:  $33.80

21) Journeys Of A Lifetime: 500 of the World’s Greatest Trips 

Journeys of A lifetime - Best Travel Gifts for Men

Just the title alone has got me desperate to pick this up and flip through it!  It’s a foot-tall, has over 400 pages, and is filled with gorgeous travel photography…

“ Journeys of a Lifetime:  500 of the World’s Greatest Trips “

This book will look damn good on top of the coffee table.

“This lavish volume reveals National Geographic’s top picks for the world’s most fabulous journeys, along with practical tips for your own travels. Compiled from the favorite trips of National Geographic’s travel writers, this inspirational book spans the globe to highlight the best of the world’s most famous and lesser known sojourns. It presents an incredible diversity of possibilities, from ocean cruises around Antarctica to horse treks in the Andes. Every continent and every possible form of transport is covered.

A timely resource for the burgeoning ranks of active travelers who crave adventurous and far-flung trips, Journeys of a Lifetime provides scores of creative ideas: trekking the heights of Mt. Kilimanjaro (in one of the safest countries in Africa )… mountain biking in Transylvania… driving through the scenic highlands of Scotland… or rolling through the outback on Australia ‘s famous Ghan train… and dozens of other intriguing options all over the world.”

Price: $40 ( Hardcover )

22) Manfrotto BeFree Travel Tri-Pod

Best Tri Pod For Travel - Gifts For Men

Continuing for gift ideas for the photographers out there…

This is the tripod I use to capture ALL of my long-exposure photography shots while traveling abroad. It’s super compact, relatively affordable, and completely sturdy — making it one of the best gifts for travelers who take pictures at every turn.

The Manfrotto BeFree Travel Tripod folds up to easily fit inside my backpack and has become a rather important item pretty much every day.

Manfrotto also has an excellent warranty program that I can vouch for! When I first started getting into photography, I had an issue with one of their cheaper tripods, and they were quick to get the problem resolved and sent me a brand new one!

Any traveling man who’s interested in photography needs a quality & compact tripod, and I think this is one of the best-valued options on the market!

Price: $204.88

23) Carry-on Cocktail Collection

a man travelling

This is such a fun, unique, and perfect gift idea for any guy who’s flying all the time (or even just wants to make better cocktails at home).

The idea is simple – put popular cocktail ingredients in the easy-to-carry case , ideal for plane rides, hotel rooms, and on-the-go excursions! Not only is it handy to make more refreshingly delicious cocktails, but it’s also pretty damn fun and an excellent affordable gift for birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, etc.

Price: $22.99

24) Personalized Travel Deck of Cards

Custom Playing Cards - Mens Travel Gifts

I always travel with a deck of playing cards , so when I discovered I could order a Personalized Travel Deck of Cards with my own travel photos…I instantly loved the idea!!

While I haven’t ordered one yet, I think this would be one of the great gifts for men who travel! It’ll take some time to put together, but the end product will be well worth it!

Tip: Combine this gift with the calendar, and you can use all the same photos.

Price: $20+

25) RayBan Wayfarer Sunglasses

Best Gifts For Men Who Travel 2019

I’ve actually NEVER bought a pair of decent sunglasses before , but that’s mainly because I lose and break them like it’s my job, lol.

I normally buy multiple $5 pairs of fake Ray Ban’s in Europe & Asia and just see how long they last me.

With that being said – every time I wear a friend’s REAL Ray Ban’s , I think to myself – “hot damn, these are nice”!  I’m thinking it’s time I finally buy myself a pair or patiently wait for someone to buy them for me as a Christmas present *hint hint*.

Price:   $151+

26) A Hydration Backpack

hydration backpack - travel gifts for men

I only just recently discovered how much I love a good Camelback hydration backpack (or any other brand)! While they are obviously super handy at music festivals, they’re fantastic for hiking, biking, and traveling as well, so it’d be one of the most versatile travel presents for him.

I’ve already written about my Top 10 Festival Hydration Backpacks , so give that one a read, and I’m sure you’ll find one you love!  I’d personally recommend one of these:


There are a wide variety of designs for every budget, and I think it’d make for one of the best traveling gifts for him.

27) Meowoo Packing Cubes

Meowoo packing cubes

Packing cubes will always be one of the great gift ideas for men and women, making packing so much easier.

I tend to be kind of a messy person who lives out of his suitcase, and when I check into a hotel, my stuff somehow explodes all over the place. Sounds familiar…?

Well, by having these Packing Cubes , it helps keep my suitcase a little bit more organized, and I can keep my socks, underwear, shirts, and shorts all in separate cubes. They have made a huge difference in my efficiency while packing, and I’ll never go back to my old ways!

Price: $38.97

28) Anker PowerCore Portable Charger

Travel Gift Ideas For Men

I can’t even tell you how many times this portable charger has come in handy while traveling! Not only does it keep my iPhone at full power, but it has given much-needed extra life to my GoPro and portable music player while traveling.

This really is a must-have for people who are always traveling, and I love my Anker PowerCore Portable Charger !  It’s extremely lightweight and compact, so it won’t be an inconvenience to carry around during the day – but it also packs a big punch with 10,000mAh capacity.

This means it can charge an iPhone X 2.6 times, an iPhone 7 3.6 times, and a Galaxy S9 2.3 times. This is the #1 Best Seller on Amazon for portable chargers , and I’ve personally bought two of them!

Price:   $16.99

29) ZeroGrid Money Belt

a man travelling

While I’ve actually never personally used one before , a money belt can be a nice item to use while traveling internationally.

To be perfectly honest – the only place I would consider wearing one would be in certain destinations in Central & South America .  I don’t think it’s necessary anymore while backpacking in Southeast Asia or in Europe .

ZeroGrid makes some really amazing travel products, and they all come with a 100% lifetime guarantee which is always great to have!

Price:   $23.99

30)   Passport & Credit Card Travel Holder

Best Travel Gifts for Men 2019

This item has definitely been essential to all my international travels, and it’s probably the only reason why I’ve never lost my passport (knock on wood)! It really is crucial to keep all your important travel documents organized in a decent holder — making it one of the best small gifts for men.

I keep my passport, credit cards, SIM cards, different currencies, boarding passes, business cards, and important receipts all in this zip folder. It slides easily in the back of my backpack (where I always keep it), and I make sure to only keep my passport there to ensure it’s always in a safe place.

Price:   $22.99

31) Lensball

Lensball - Travel Gifts for Men

So I was first introduced to this Lensball photography accessory from a Facebook promo advertisement, and I’ve been obsessed with it ever since.

While it’s becoming quite popular in the Instagram/photography scene, it’s also just a super fun toy to play around with smartphones! I love seeing different types I can take with it, and it’s simply all about creativity – and the more you use it, the more you fall in love with it! It’s essentially just an ultra-clear Crystal Ball that reflects whatever you point it at in a cool way.

There are two different sizes available; it’s easy to travel with and would be an excellent travel gift idea!

Read Reviews & Check Availability

32) Tile Mate 

Tile Mate - Best Gifts for Traveling Men

If you haven’t heard of Tile Mate yet, then let me introduce you to this relatively new incredible technology! It’s basically like “Find Your iPhone”, but for all of your important belongings! You just put one of the Tile Mate rings on travel luggage/items you don’t want to lose, and it connects to your phone and saves the location.

While, fortunately, I haven’t had to use it yet to track down missing belongings yet, it definitely provides some peace of mind! It’s becoming a popular tool, and would definitely be a solid gift idea for travelers!

33) Ultra Bright CREE LED Headlamp

Headlamp - Best Travel Gifts For Men

It’s always a good idea to have a headlamp handy while traveling, especially for those adventures that involve hiking/ expeditions! While I mainly use mine for astrophotography, it really does have a lot of practical uses!

There are tons of different companies that make top-notch products, but I personally really don’t need anything too luxurious, so I’d stick to one of the more budget-friendly options! I’m a big fan of this Ultra Bright CREE LED Headlamp because it’s simple & easy to use, super affordable, and has outstanding reviews/customer service.

34) Bombas Compression Socks

Bombas Compression Socks - Gifts For Men Who Travel

A few pairs of compression socks are great gifts for guys going abroad and taking long flights. If you’re a frequent traveler, you’ll know that these socks make all the difference.

Last year, a friend of mine gifted me a ton of BOMBAS products (introducing me to the company), and I’ve been singing their praises ever since. They’ve got a ton of different styles/ colors, and I’m not exaggerating when I say they are the most comfortable pairs of socks I’ve ever tried.

While the childhood version of myself looks at socks as a boring gift – there is nothing boring about gifting that traveling man in your life some pairs of BOMBAS Compression Socks . They are one of my favorite long-haul flight essentials I pack as part of my carry-on luggage, and I guarantee the recipient will LOVE them! I also love how their business has a giving-back model and donates one pair for every pair purchased.

35) MZOO Eye Mask

MZOO sleep mask

While we’re on the subject of surviving long-haul flights, I don’t know about you, but the lighting on planes can be really bothersome. When I’m home in my bed, I need it to be pitch black to enjoy deep sleep, and that’s why I always travel with an eye mask when I’m on long-haul flights.

If you’ve stayed at a luxury hotel, you can typically get these for free, but there are a couple available on Amazon that would be an excellent purchase and gift idea for men who are frequent travelers!

Once again, this might not be the most flashy gift, but it can really come in handy, and I’m sure it would be appreciated!


AlphaBeing Inflatabale lounger - Best Travel Gifts for men 2019

While you may look a little silly while trying to inflate this by running it back and forth in the air, these inflatable loungers are a super practical and fun way to have a place to sit anywhere while you’re traveling! Hell, you can use these while having a beer at the Eiffel Tower, smoking a joint in Amsterdam, or relaxing on a beach!

I’ve seen these become quite popular in recent years (especially at music festivals), and think they would make for an excellent travel gift!  There are a ton of different brands available online, but I’d recommend this  AlphaBeing Inflatable Lounger , as I’m a big fan of the company as that’s what my friends use and told me it works great!

Here’s a great instructional video on how to efficiently inflate these types of loungers! 

How to inflate laybag, lazy bag, air sofa, air lounge, inflatable lounger!


Xenvo Phone kit - Best Gifts for Men Who Travel

With the growing technology of smartphones, you really don’t even need to carry around an expensive camera anymore! And with this fun Xenvo Pro Smartphone Lens kit , you can expand your travel photography while traveling abroad (but this wouldn’t be a great gift idea for someone who has an iPhone 11). But this item is the #1 best-selling product in the industry, has stellar reviews, and would make for a perfect gift idea for men who travel!

Price: $39.99


Sterkmann Tech Pouch - Gift Ideas for Travel Men

I’m not sure about you, but I travel with quite a lot of technology and camera equipment, and sometimes things can get a bit messy! So I’ve become a big fan of using tech pouches to stay organized while I’m traveling, and this FYY Tech Pouch has been completely perfect for me.

I tend to store an external power bank, headphones, spare SD cards, my GoPro, and various necessary cables inside mine. It’s pretty spacious, with tons of different storage compartments, and is backed by an incredible lifetime warranty!

Price: $15.99


MagicFiber - Gifts For men Who Travel

Microfiber cloths are always nice to have around, and MagicFiber is the #1 best-selling brand online and is regularly recognized for its premium quality! You can purchase a 6-pack of these for less than $10 and gift one of them to a bunch of different traveling friends.

This would be a great small addition to a travel gift, a stocking stuffer for Christmas, and are simply perfect for anyone with an LCD TV screen, smartphone, glasses, computer, etc.

I’ve personally purchased a few packs of these now, and would highly recommend them!

Price: $9.95


Skylight Picture Frame - Best Gifts For Men Who Travel

Since I’ve recently moved into my new apartment, I’ve had tons of fun ordering prints of my favorite photos, and displaying my artwork. So with this awesome digital picture frame, you’ll be able to give them a gift of awesome memories from their travels.

It’s a super fun item to have around the house, and this Skylight Frame has an undeniably beautiful 10” color touch screen that showcases your photos with extraordinary clarity, color, and brilliance. They work exceptionally well, have fantastic reviews, and come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

“Join tens of thousands of families who use Skylight Frame to be closer with their loved ones! It’s been called “genius” and a “perfect gift” by outlets like The Today Show, Wired, Glamour, and more.

Price: $159.99



Okay, some might say that this gift would be better suited for women, but I personally love my Fujifilm Polaroid camera ! I use it to make super cool shots for social media, and it’s just a fun thing to have on trips. There’s just something special about Polaroid pictures, and it would also be a gift that keeps on giving!

These have actually become quite popular in the Instagram community, and if used properly can get some awesome shots.

They are simply awesome, and affordable, and would be a great travel gift idea for this upcoming holiday season!

Price: $79.99

42) Peak Design Slide Camera Strap

Camera Strap - Gift Ideas for Men Who Travel

T his is perfect for the photographer lads out there.

I’ve been using this Peak Design camera strap for some time now, and I think it’s a must-have for anyone traveling with a DSLR camera . It’s really comfortable, easy to use, and will definitely keep your camera gear safe.

I actually put the other adaptors on my camera bag because it’s super easy to change the strap from one to the other.

Another fun idea would be to order them a Customized Camera Strap Design on Etsy !

Price: $69.95

43) Microfiber Travel Towel

Microfiber Towel

Having one of these bad boys is crucial to any long-term backpacking trip, hiking adventure, or beach day. They’re also super handy for sports, gym, and swimming.

They don’t take up much space in your luggage at all but will do the job perfectly.

You can get them from several brands and most will do the job of ultraquick absorption and drying — I’ve purchased many as I’ve accidentally left one during my last trip to Bali .

Price:   $17.50

44) Convenience 15-Pieces Men’s Travel Kit

Mens Travel Kit - Gift Ideas 2019

When it comes to ultimate convenience for travel-sized items, it really doesn’t get better than this 15-Piece Travel Kit .  Ideal for carry-on travel or shorter vacations abroad, it’s honestly crazy how many items you get for the price point!

I know I’d be pretty stoked to get this in my Christmas stocking, but I do use the majority of the brands in this kit.

Price:   $14

45) Altura Photo Professional Cleaning Kit

Camera Cleaning Set - Travel Gifts For Men

This top-selling Altura Photo Professional Cleaning Kit is an absolute steal and is a perfect small gift for anyone with a DSLR camera! It also comes with 3 micro-fiber cleaners, which are great for cleaning off computer screens, phones, and TVs.

I just purchased one a couple of months ago and got a lot of use out of it. I love the air blower for getting small pieces of dust off my lenses too! I don’t even know how they’re turning a profit at these prices for everything, lol.

Price: $14.99

46) Travel Journal For Men

Travel Journal - Gift Ideas for Men

I love traveling with a journal and jotting down little memories throughout my trips! It’s a fun item to have and look back on years later, and I know some traveling guys who are super good at this!

They treat it like a mini-scrapbook and will tape in plane tickets, festival wristbands, and other various travel mementos. This is a super fun gift idea, and it also won’t break the bank!

Price: $24.99

47) Etekcity Luggage Scale

Etekcity Luggage Scale - Travel Gift Ideas For Him

The feeling of getting to the airport and the airline check-in agents telling you that your bag is overweight is super frustrating! Gifting them a portable luggage scale will fix this problem!

I’ve got a couple of these laying around the house now! When I originally got one as a Christmas gift, I wasn’t sure how much I’d use it, but I actually use it every trip now to make sure my bag is underweight! It’s a nice travel accessory that every guy should have at home.

Price: $10.99

49) Travel Power Strip with USB

a man travelling

This is one of my NEW favorite travel gifts for men on this list! If you’re anything like me, you use a ton of different outlets when you’re traveling!

Especially when you’re traveling around countries with different outlets, this allows you to only need to use one travel adapter! This is also a great gift idea for men who like going on cruises, as you need a travel-safe power strip to go on cruises!

While it’s not the most lavish gift, it’ll be super appreciated and will get a ton of use while abroad.

Price: $19.99

50) Hanging Travel Toiletry Bag for Men

Hanging Travel Toiletry Bag for Men

Last but certainly not least – I’m a HUGE fan of my hanging toiletry bag! It is stylish, functional, and makes toiletry packing super easy. Whenever I check into a new hotel, I take this out of my suitcase and hang it up on the bathroom door or shower!

There are tons of compartments that fit all your basic hygiene products and will make life while traveling super easy.

Price: $29.99

Looking for some travel inspiration…?

I started my travel blog way back in 2014 as I was backpacking around the world while simultaneously studying for my Master’s Degree.  I’ve visited 60+ countries across 6 continents, and my website is filled with helpful travel articles, destination guides, and lots of gorgeous photographY!

Check out a few of my favorite articles below, and feel free to reach out to me with any questions!

  • The Best EXPLORE Quotes to Inspire Your Next Adventure
  • The 50 Best Music Festivals in the U.S.A | Ultimate US Festival Bucket List
  • 10 Days in Thailand | How to Plan the Perfect Thailand Vacation
  • 40 Parties in 40 Countries to Experience Before You’re 40
  • One Month in the Philippines | The Ultimate Travel Itinerary
  • 4 Days in Paris Itinerary & Travel Guide
  • 30 Perfect Burning Man Accessories, Outfits, Costumes, and Outfit Essentials
  • 35 California Music Festivals That’ll Keep You Dancing All Year Long
  • The Ultimate Sydney Itinerary | How to Spend 4-7 Days Exploring Sydney
  • 50 Music Festivals in 50 Countries To Experience Before You Die
  • The 20 Best Beaches in Malaysia | Epic Islands & Beach Resorts
  • Top 12 Safest Countries to Visit in Africa in 2023
  • The Best Caribbean Liveaboards For Scuba Diving Trips

Travel Gifts Ideas For Men

Am I Missing Any of The Best Travel Gifts for Men?

Whether you’re looking for the best Christmas gifts for men that travel or just want to spontaneously spoil the traveling man in your life, there’s something for everyone. There’s an infinite amount of different products and items that travelers would love to receive as a gift, so I’d love to hear from you if you have any ideas for what I should add to my gift guide!

What’s the best travel-related gift you’ve received? Plane tickets? Guided tour? Camera accessory? Let me know so I can update my article with the best gift ideas for travelers!

If you’re looking for a bit more inspiration, check out this fun YouTube video about 10 awesome travel gifts!

Travel Gifts – 10 Gift Ideas For Travelers

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Travel Gifts For Men

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Travel Gifts For Men 2020

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The 20 Best Travel Gifts For Men: Tech, Toiletries, Apparel And More

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Men may be notoriously easier to please, but that doesn’t mean they’re easier to shop for. Whether you’re searching for a gift for a brother, boyfriend, father or son, it can be difficult to narrow down the perfect item for the man who’s been around the world. Luckily, men who enjoy traveling tend to have more specific needs and regimens that require specific products. The best travel gifts for men are equal parts meaningful and useful, making the travel grind seamless, with a thoughtful touch.

The best travel gifts for men are equal parts meaningful and useful, making the travel grind ... [+] seamless, with a thoughtful touch.

To narrow down the gifts that would be a welcome addition to any man’s travel repertoire, we combed through countless reviews and tasked the jet-setting men in our lives to narrow down a list of the must-have items for any trip, from tech and airport accessories to luggage and apparel. Our top picks range from electronics like a wireless charger and a high-tech e-reader to comfortable shoes and sweatpants that make even the roughest long-haul flight feel more bearable. Below, find our top selections for every well-traveled man on your gift list.

The 41 Best Father’s Day Gifts For Grandpa That Will Make Him Smile

The 10 best date night subscription boxes to enjoy as a couple, best travel gifts for men at a glance:.

  • Best Accessory Travel Gift For Men: Aer Travel Pack 2
  • Best Tech Travel Gift For Men: Apple AirTag 4-pack
  • Best Luggage Travel Gift For Men: Halfday The Garment Duffel
  • Best Apparel Travel Gift For Men: Bombas Men’s Gripper Slipper

Best Travel Gifts For Men: Accessories

A stylish passport holder and luggage tag set.


Leatherology Passport Holder and Luggage Tag Set

For product reviews, gift ideas, and latest deals, Subscribe to the Forbes Finds newsletter .

This Leatherology passport holder and luggage tag set will ensure that two of the most important travel documents remain secure as they’re manhandled by gate agents and TSA as your loved one galavants from place to place. Pick from 10 classic shades of grain leather like olive, cognac, and black onyx to spice up their current accessory collection (or lack thereof). Be sure to splurge on the personalization add-on for that extra special touch.

A Water Bottle That Eliminates Bacteria And Controls Liquid Temperature

Monos kiyo uvc water bottle.

Take the guesswork out of determining whether or not a city’s tap water is drinkable with the Monos Kiyo water bottle. This sleek and sustainable stainless steel vessel features ultraviolet-C (UVC) technology that eliminates 99.9 percent of bacteria found in H2O with the simple press of a button. Batteries last up to one month with normal use and its double wall vacuum insulation can keep beverages hot for 12 hours and cold for a whopping 24 hours. No warm-up time is needed and the device can volley between two modes: Quick Clean, which lasts 60 seconds, and Deep Clean, which lasts three minutes. A USB cable is also included for charging convenience.

A Sleek Dopp Kit

Aer travel kit 2.

Bid adieu to oversized toiletry cases that are impossible to find anything in. This sleek toiletry bag makes packing a breeze by storing essentials in one of many easy to access zipped compartments, including exterior toothbrush holders. Made from ballistic nylon, it can stand up to the wear and tear that comes with frequent globetrotting and even features an interior liner treated with antimicrobial coating to control any possibility of odor.

Statement Sunglasses Made For Adventure

Roka barton 2.0 sunglasses.

A solid pair of sunglasses will never go unappreciated, and this pair of Barton 2.0 specs from ROKA combines style and functionality. Extremely lightweight with comfortable padding around the nose bridge and grips on each side to make sure they don’t fly off the head, they make a perfect gift for the adventurous traveler who will wear them while climbing, biking or skiing. They’re also versatile enough to add to a casual daytime look, making them a gift that is sure to be put to use in a variety of situations.

A Hands-Free Phone Mount For Flights Without Seatback Screens

Perilogics universal in-flight airplane phone holder mount.

No in-flight screens? No problem. Download your favorite movies and TV shows before you jet and this mount will allow you to watch anything on your phone’s screen for the duration of the trip. It can fit most sizes, both iPhones and Androids, and comes with a 360-degree rotation that allows for viewing at any angle and orientation. If you’re not on a plane, the compact, foldable gadget can also attach to tables, luggage handles, gym equipment, and more so that your hands can focus on other tasks like eating snacks or resting comfortably in your lap.

A Fresh-Smelling Toiletry Set

Oars + Alps

Oars + Alps Everyday Essentials Kit In Alpine Tea Tree

Not every hotel bath product is created equal, so it’s always good to bring in the reinforcements. Oars and Alps’ tea tree-based essentials kit is a must-have with an alluring spa scent, TSA-approved sized bottles, and, most importantly, a wonderful range of vegan, cruelty-free products. This travel set includes an invigorating shampoo, conditioner, body wash, charcoal face wash, lip balm, and an aluminum-free deodorant so that you’ll never leave your room feeling anything less than so fresh and so clean, clean.

Best Travel Gifts For Men: Tech

A luggage tracker for peace of mind, apple airtag 4-pack.

Men who are always on the go will appreciate these slender discs that ensure they will always know where their belongings are. After tossing one into a suitcase or wallet, he’ll be able to track exactly where his items are on his phone, bringing peace of mind during adventure getaways or longer business trips where he’ll need to check a bag.

An Amazon Kindle Scribe Bundle That Does It All

Amazon kindle scribe essentials bundle.

For the bookworm or business traveler on your gift list, Amazon’s Kindle Scribe takes reading to a whole other level. This digital notebook, complete with a smart pen and Kindle’s signature Paperwhite background, allows users to jot notes as they’re reading into the text’s margins. Users can also rely on it to create to-do lists, mark up PDF files and even sketch drawings for business projects or personal pleasure. Of course, the purchase of a Kindle will give any Amazon member access to over 13 million titles from its robust library, so there is no shortage of material to download, take in and inspire future getaways. This particular bundle comes with an elegant leather folio cover and power adapter.

A 3 In 1 Wireless Charger For Every Type Of Trip

Hicober 3 in 1 charging station.

Gone are the days of only being able to charge one electronic device at a time. The Hicober 3-in-1 foldable charging station, available in six different color options, is the answer to cord-free convenience. Manufactured specifically for Apple devices, the magnetic wireless gadget can accommodate anything from your iPhone to Apple Watch to AirPods. It also doubles as a phone stand so that the user can type, eat, or sip coffee without worrying about clumsy drops and spills. Best of all, it’s compact, lightweight, and can easily be tossed into a travel bag, ensuring that all electronics will stay juiced up and ready to go at any time. 

A Waterproof Camera To Capture Every Adventure

Gopro hero 12.

For the adrenaline junkie who wants to effortlessly capture every moment of an activity-filled trip, a GoPro is a gift that is sure to be put to use. The brand’s latest model, the Hero 12, can run up to two and half hours and comes with a curved adhesive mount and buckle so that it can be attached to helmets, dashboards, or whatever a traveler may need to grab the perfect shot. Additionally, the device can be submerged in up to 33 feet of water and can be synced to AirPods and other Bluetooth technology for wireless sound and voice control. Needless to say, it’s a must-have contraption for anyone who wants to shoot, edit, and disperse high-quality travel content to the masses.

A Mini Drone For Travel Photography

Dji mini 3 mini camera drone.

If this is the year your recipient is planning to take his travel photography to the next level, it might finally be time to invest in a drone camera. We recommend this super lightweight and compact option from DJI, which is perfect and bulk-free enough for taking along on trips. It can fly for up to 38 minutes and films in 4K HDR video, ensuring crystal clear aerial shots.

Best Travel Gifts For Men: Luggage

A do-it-all carry-on, travelpro platinum elite hardside expandable spinner.

If you’re looking to gift your recipient with a gift he’s sure to use on every trip, it’s hard to beat the gift of a solid carry-on suitcase. Travelpro’s Platinum Elite Hardside Spinner has tons of top-notch features, including an ergonomic handle for comfort, self-aligning magnetic spinner wheels, external USB ports to ensure his gadgets are always charged and even a TSA-approved lock. It also offers an expandable panel for extra space that can be opened or sealed with a zipper. Inside, organization is made simple with multiple pockets as well as a water-resistant pouch to separate any damp toiletries.

A Garment Bag For Wedding Season

Halfday the garment duffel.

This garment duffel from Halfday is a thoughtful gift for the man who is constantly dragging his suit around for business trips or weddings. It fits a full suit alongside enough room to squeeze in several outfits for a weekend trip plus a pair of shoes within its two interior shoe pockets. Since it lies flat when not in use, it can also count as a personal item on flights.

An Elegant Weekender Bag For Business And Pleasure

Carl Friedrik

Carl Friedrik Compact Weekender

London-based luggage brand Carl Friedrik gained attention after being featured in episodes of HBO’s “Succession” and “The White Lotus,” and with its high-quality finishing and elegant-looking design, it’s not hard to see why its bags have become statement pieces for posh jet-setters, both real and fictional. The brand’s Compact Weekender is the perfect gift for the sophisticated gentleman seeking a versatile bag he can use for both business and pleasure: this sleek, chocolate bag will look just as good on a quick business trip as it will on a fishing getaway with the boys.

A Handsome Travel Tote That Fits It All

Lo & Sons

Lo & Sons Catalina Supreme Tote

Another great option is this stylish tote from Lo & Sons, which challenges any preconceived notion of what constitutes high-quality carry-on luggage. Featuring a waxed eco-friendly polyester made from recycled water bottles, the bag is as handsome as it is practical. A bottom pocket can be used to store a pair of shoes while velcro front straps can carry yoga mats or jackets on the go. Its interior compartments are also completely adjustable and the back is adorned with a suitcase handle sleeve so that it can slide effortlessly on top of your favorite spinner suitcase. Needless to say, it will become the go-to carrier for any trip, big or small.

Best Travel Gifts For Men: Apparel

A warm parka for cold-weather travel, arc'teryx therme down parka.

Named our top pick for best winter coats for men , this parka from Arc’teryx is truly the definition of toasty. It offers versatile protection from all of nature’s elements thanks to its 2L Gore-Tex shell and 750-fill-power goose down insulation and synthetic insulation. But just because it’s warm doesn’t mean it’s bulky: outdoor experts call this one of the most lightweight winter jackets on the market, making it easy to travel with. We also love its fashionable look, featuring internal cuff gaskets and zippered hand and chest pockets, which will allow your recipient to look sleek while battling the tundra.

Comfortable Travel Pants For That Next Long-Haul Flight

Mack Weldon

ACE Sweatpant Total Eclipse Blue

When it comes to airport travel, comfort trumps everything. This is why Mack Weldone reigns supreme among most men’s athleisure brands. Lined with a micro-brushed French terry fabric that features a relaxed fit and back-ribbed ankle cuffs, the lucky recipient will not only want to nap in these sweatpants, but also show them off. The wardrobe staple can easily be dressed up or down, making it perfect for not only airplane comfort, but for a styled daytime look.

A Men's Travel Sweater For Finicky In-Flight Temperatures

Ministry of Supply

Ministry Of Supply Men's Atlas Full-Zip

Those who spend a large portion of each year on an airplane know from experience that in-flight temperatures can range from too hot to freezing cold in a matter of minutes. That’s where this zip-up sweater by technical apparel brand Ministry of Supply comes in: it’s soft, breathable, and naturally mitigates heat and odor through its use of hygroscopic yarn. It provides a perfect layer to keep your loved one feeling fresh but still looking stylish (goodbye, ratty hoodie) on a long day of travel.

Cozy Slippers To Get Around The Cabin

Bombas men's gripper slipper.

For long-haul flights, these super comfortable slippers are perfect to bring in a carry-on: your loved one will be thrilled to change into them as soon as it’s safe to walk around the cabin. The sock-slipper hybrid is so cozy, they are sure to also end up being used around the house during winter. Lined with stay-put grips to prevent sudden slips or falls, they’re manufactured with a cushioned footbed as well, so soles aren’t doing all of the work to support body weight. As with all Bombas socks, one purchased equals one donated, so it’s a gift you can feel even better about. ‘Tis the season of giving, after all.

The Perfect In-Flight Sneaker

Allbirds men's tree dasher 2.

For men who are seemingly always sprinting to their airport gate or just in need of an in-flight sneaker that won’t constrict blood flow, Allbirds’ Tree Dasher 2 shoes make a great gift. Constructed with an impressive list of sustainable materials like Tencel Lyocell eucalyptus tree fiber, sugarcane-based SweetFoam, natural rubber, and laces made from recycled plastic bottles, these shoes were designed with comfort as a priority. A no-slip collar helps lock ankles in place while a cushy crash pad conforms to unique heel shapes and softens the impact of walking or light jogging. They’re also quite stylish, boasting a mesh exterior with contrasting nylon eyelets that provide a simple, yet statement-making pop of color.

Joey Skladany

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Solo Travel Packing List for Males – 100 Items Men Must Pack

Wondering what to pack when traveling alone as a man ? Worried that you’re going to forget essential items? Relax. Preparing for your trip is easy when you use my solo travel packing list for males.

This packing list contains 100 items that every man needs for solo travel; including essential documents, different types of bags, electronics, gadgets, clothing, shoes, toiletries and miscellaneous extras. It is suitable for trips of any length, from a few days to a few months.

I’ve also listed items that should not be included on a male solo travel packing list. Plus, I help you decide between a suitcase vs backpack and share my top ten tips for travel packing.

Learn about male solo travel from a man that’s done it for 5+ years – only on Nomadic Yak!

Essentials and documents

Bags and backpacks, electronics and gadgets, clothes and shoes, miscellaneous extras, photography.

  • What Not to Include
  • Suitcase vs Backpack
  • Packing Tips
  • More Solo Travel Tips

Solo Travel Packing List for Males – 100 Essential Items for Men

An American passport and plane ticket.

Regardless of where and when you are travelling, there are some essential items and documents that must be included on every man’s solo travel packing list. 

  • Passport 
  • Driving licence – If you plan on driving around your destination, check whether you are required to carry an International Driving Permit (IDP).
  • Visas – Check whether you need a visa to visit your destination. Use your official government travel advisory.
  • Tickets and reservations – You will likely have your flights, transport and booking information stored in your email. Download the files to a folder on your phone in case you don’t have internet access. You could also print off physical copies in case you lose your phone.
  • Credit and debit cards – Before leaving, alert your bank that you will be travelling overseas so that your cards aren’t blocked. Also, consider getting a travel debit card, which can help you save on transaction, withdrawal and exchange fees.
  • Local currency – Visit an exchange before leaving and get about $100-200 USD of currency for your destination. You may need it when you arrive, for transport from the airport to your accommodation.
  • Extra passport photos – Can be used if you need to replace a lost or stolen passport whilst overseas.
  • Copies of your ID – Scan and save a digital copy of your passport, driving licence and any other form of ID. Consider also printing off a copy of each and carrying it with you.
  • Vaccination certificate – Some countries may recommend or require you to show proof of vaccination upon entry. Check this CDC list of destinations .
  • Bank statements – Some countries will require you to show that you have a certain amount of savings upon entry.
  • Travel insurance documents – Some countries will require you to show proof of travel insurance upon entry.
  • Emergency contacts – Carry a piece of paper with your emergency contacts (in case you lose your phone). Also, set up the emergency contacts feature on your iPhone or Android .
  • Plastic folder – Use a thin plastic folder to store all the essential documents on your solo travel packing list for males. Stow it in your carry-on bag.
  • Travel wallet – Use a travel wallet to store your passport, cash and cards in one easy-to-reach place when travelling alone.

All Your Vital Documents in One Safe Place

Travel Wallet & Family Passport Holder w/RFID Blocking- Document Organizer Case

Zero Grid Travel Wallet

  • No more fumbling around for passports, credit cards, cash, pens, etc.
  • Small enough to slide in your pocket or backpack.
  • Protects against card skimmers and pickpockets.

A black travel backpack.

Most male solo travellers carry one large bag for luggage, one mid-sized bag for day use and a number of smaller bags for specific purposes. Your setup will depend on the type of equipment you are taking. It will also depend on how you like to travel and how manoeuvrable you want to be.

  • Suitcase or 70L travel backpack (luggage) – This big bag will carry your clothes and toiletries. See the section below when trying to decide between a suitcase vs a backpack for solo male travel. Each has advantages and disadvantages.
  • Small backpack (day/carry-on bag) – This smaller backpack will carry your electronics, essential documents and miscellaneous extras. High-quality travel backpacks (such as the 70L Osprey Farpoint ) come with a detachable daypack.
  • Bum bag – You can use a fanny pack for carrying small items on day trips (when you don’t want to carry a small backpack). When not in use, I stow it in my small backpack.
  • Faux leather toiletries bag – For keeping all your toiletries together and hygienic. If you’re backpacking and need to save space, use a roll-up toiletry bag instead .
  • Ziplock bags x3 – Keep together small items and keep your phone dry in the wet.
  • Dry bag (optional) – If you plan on partaking in water sports such as kayaking or tubing during your solo male travel, a dry bag will protect your things from the wet.
  • Backpack rain cover (optional) – If you are travelling during the rainy season and concerned about your backpack getting soaked, protect it with a cover.

My Daily Go-To

Eastpak Doggy Bag Riñonera, 27 cm, 3 L, Negro (Black)

Eastpak Doggy Bag

  • Worn close to the body. Can’t easily be snatched.
  • No more walking around with bulging pockets.
  • Heaps of storage: I can easily fit my iPhone X, Airpods, wallet, charging cable, and sanitiser.

Various electronics and gadgets for clothing for travel, including a backpack, laptop and cameras.

The electronic devices and gadgets that a man includes on his solo travel packing list will depend on how long he will be travelling, how much photography he will be doing and whether or not he will need to work whilst travelling.

  • Smartphone and case – Your smartphone is your lifeline when travelling alone as a male. Protect it with a shock-proof case and a glass screen protector .
  • Multi-charging cable – One cable with three connectors – lightning, USB C and Micro USB. Can be used to charge all my devices (iPhone, iPad, Airpods, GoPro, power bank) without carrying multiple cables.
  • Local SIM Card – Most of the time, you will buy a local SIM card upon arriving at your destination. However, sometimes you can preorder them in advance and pick them up at the airport. Just make sure you buy a SIM with plenty of data.
  • Global adapter – Rather than buying an adapter for each country that you visit, buy a global adapter with multiple USB A and USB C charging ports. Make sure that it has adapters for the USA, UK, EU and Australia.
  • Airpod Pros 2 – Earbuds are preferable to headphones because they take up less space. I also protect my Airpod Pros with a rubber case .
  • Airfly Bluetooth transmitter – Listen to aeroplane movies on your Bluetooth earphones. Only takes 10 seconds to set up and means you don’t have to use crappy airline earphones.
  • VPN – One of my best solo travel safety tips is to connect to a VPN before using any public Wi-Fi network. This will help to protect you from having your data stolen. 
  • Maps.Me – This is the best navigation app for solo travel overseas. It allows you to download offline maps and save points of interest so that you can always find your way around without internet access.
  • Laptop and sleeve case (optional) – It is not necessary to travel with your laptop unless you will need it for work. Most of your bookings and trip organisation can be done on your smartphone.
  • iPad (optional) – Again, it is not necessary to include a tablet on your solo travel packing list for males. However, it is nice if you want to read or watch a film. It can also be handy for photo editing software.
  • Kindle E-reader (optional) – Do not take a separate E-reader if you have already included a tablet device on your solo travel packing list. Save space by using apps such as Kindle or Apple Books on your tablet.
  • Power bank (optional) – If you take a power bank, be sure to pack it in your carry-on luggage. It cannot be stored in your checked luggage on flights.
  • Airtag (optional) – Place the Airtag in your luggage so that you can track its location if it is lost by an airline or stolen.
  • Nintendo Switch (optional) – Keep yourself entertained during long flights and lonely nights.

3 Pieces of Tech I Take on Every Solo Trip

EPICKA Universal Travel Adapter One International Wall Charger AC Plug Adaptor with 5.6A Smart Power and 3.0A USB Type-C for USA EU UK AUS (TA-105, Grey)

Epicka Universal Travel Adapter

  • 4 different plugs cover 150 countries.
  • 6 simultaneous charging ports: USB-A, USB-C and AC.

Minlu Multi Charging Cable 3A [2Pack 4ft] Retractable Multi Charging Cord 3 in 1 Fast Charger Cord Multi Charger Adapter with IP/Type C/Micro USB Port for Cell Phones/Samsung Galaxy/PS/Tablets/More

Multi Charging Cable

  • 3-in-1 fast-charging adapters: lightning, USB-C and Micro-USB.
  • Retractable for easier packing.

Twelve South AirFly Pro Bluetooth Wireless Audio Transmitter/ Receiver for up to 2 AirPods /Wireless Headphones; Use with any 3.5 mm Jack on Airplanes, Gym Equipment, TVs, iPad/Tablets and Auto

AirFly Bluetooth Transmitter

  • Listen to airplane movies on my Bluetooth earphones.
  • 10-second setup.
  • No more crappy airline earphones.

Mens clothing including a watch, tee shirt, shorts and pants.

Your season of travel, the size of your bags, the duration of your trip and the type of trip that you are undertaking (e.g. adventure, backpacking, luxury, etc.) will determine the types of clothes and shoes that you include on your solo travel packing list for males. 

  • Underwear x5
  • Socks x5 – Include one pair of thick dry-tech hiking socks if you plan on trekking.
  • Swimsuit x1 – Try to take a pair that can double as both sports shorts and swim shorts.
  • Shorts x1 – Avoid denim shorts as most men find that they chafe. Instead, take cotton, linen or moisture-wicking fabric.
  • Tee-shirt or tank top x4
  • Long-sleeved top x1 – Offers sun protection in summer and warmth in winter for men travelling alone.
  • Sweatshirt x1 – Even the warmest destinations can get chilly sometimes (especially during the night). Take a sweatshirt or hoodie for warmth.
  • Bucket hat x1 – Protect your face and neck from the sun and keep your hair out of your face.
  • Sunglasses and case – Protect your eyes from sun damage. Particularly important when visiting the sea or snow.
  • Rain jacket or poncho x1 – If you will be travelling solo during the wet season, take a proper rain jacket or rain shell that can be packed into its own little bag. If you think there is only an occasional chance of rain, a throwaway poncho should suffice.
  • Trainers or sneakers x1 – It’s worth investing in a good pair of men’s trainers or sneakers that provide comfort, support and grip. These will be your main shoes when travelling solo.
  • Sandals or flip flops x1 – All men should include flip flops on their solo travel packing list. They can be used at the beach, in the shower, around your accommodation and for quick trips to nearby stores.
  • Throwaway shorts x1 (optional) – An old pair of shorts that you can get dirty during adventure activities and throw out afterwards.
  • Throwaway tee x1 (optional) – An old t-shirt that you can get dirty during adventure activities and throw out afterwards.
  • Jeans or trousers x1 (optional) – Chances are that you will visit a restaurant, bar or club at some point during your solo travel and men may be expected to wear jeans or trousers.
  • Button-up shirt x1 (optional) – Again, if you plan on visiting fancy restaurants or clubs whilst travelling solo, men may be expected to wear a button-up shirt.
  • Belt (optional)
  • Hiking shoes x1 (optional) – Only take a pair of hiking shoes or boots if you plan on doing lots of trekking doing your solo travel. Otherwise, it is not worth carrying the extra weight.

Additional winter clothes

If you will be travelling during the colder winter months, add these additional clothes to your solo travel packing list for males.

  • Winter Jacket x1 – The outer layer that will trap heat and protect you from wind and rain.
  • Fleece x1 – A middle layer that traps heat and dries quickly.
  • Tracksuit pants x1 – Comfortable pants that trap heat.
  • Thermal top and pants x1 (optional) – These inner layers may be necessary if travelling in sub-freezing temperatures.
  • Scarf or neck warmer x1 (optional)
  • Gloves x1 (optional ) – A simple pair of woollen gloves may suffice. However, in extreme cold and wet, you may want to opt for waterproof winter gloves.

A male toiletries travel bag.

Whilst most men don’t mind roughing it, your fellow travellers won’t want to hang around with you if you stink of body odour and bad breath (and female travellers certainly won’t want to get down and dirty with you). Put together a toiletries bag with the following items.

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste – Store your toothbrush inside a breathable travel case to protect it from bacteria.
  • Deodorant – Men’s roll-on deodorant tends to be smaller and more travel-friendly than spray deodorant.
  • Sunscreen – Wrap in a plastic zip-lock bag to prevent spillage.
  • Lip balm – Protect your lips from getting chapped and sun damaged.
  • Razor and shaving soap (or rechargeable electric shaver ) – Whilst a razor gives a close shave, an electric shaver is more convenient and faster for your face and body.
  • Prescription medication – Make sure that you buy enough prescription medication before leaving for your solo travel. You don’t want the hassle of seeing a doctor for a prescription when travelling overseas. 
  • Condoms – Take them out of the box but keep them in your toiletries bag to prevent them from being damaged.
  • Mosquito repellent – Particularly important when visiting countries where malaria and mosquito-borne diseases are prominent.
  • Hand sanitiser – Keep it in your day bag as a convenient way to clean your hands before meals and after visiting the bathroom.
  • Tissues – Buy a small travel pack rather than a large box of tissues.
  • Face masks – It is still mandatory to wear a face mask on some flights and attractions.
  • Solid shampoo and conditioner (optional) – Most hostels will not provide you with shampoo or conditioner. However, motels, hotels and Airbnbs might. Save space in your luggage by buying these when you arrive at your destination.
  • Body soap (optional) – Most hostels will not provide you with body wash or soap. However, motels, hotels and Airbnbs might. If you need to save space in your luggage, buy body wash when you arrive at your destination.
  • Motion sickness pills (optional) – Particularly important if you suffer from travel sickness or will be travelling a lot by water or air.
  • Band-Aids (optional)
  • Antibiotic ointment (optional) – clean and sanitise wounds (small cuts and bites) to prevent infection.
  • Q-tips (optional)

How to Stay Handsome on the Road

Philips Norelco Multigroomer All-in-One Trimmer Series 3000, 13 Piece Mens Grooming Kit, for Beard, Face, Nose, and Ear Hair Trimmer and Hair Clipper, NO Blade Oil Needed, MG3750/60

Philips All-in-One Style Kit

  • 13 tools for trimming facial, body and head hair.
  • Comes with a travel bag for convenience.
  • Self-sharpening blades mean no oil needed.

Zipper and TSA padlock on a suitcase.

Solo travellers face unique dangers that most tourists never encounter. Add these safety items to your solo travel packing list for males and keep yourself safe on the road.

  • TSA-approved padlocks – Always keep your luggage and day bag locked to prevent theft. Combination locks are best because you don’t have to carry a key.
  • Fake smartphone and fake cash (optional) – If you’re solo travelling through a dangerous destination, keep a fake smartphone and cash in one pocket of your fanny pack (separate from your real phone and cash). Should you be mugged or robbed, you can hand over the fakes and immediately leave the area.
  • Acemining portable door lock (optional) – Allows you to lock any hotel or motel door. Only takes 10 seconds to set up and prevents intruders from being able to turn the door handle.
  • ZZRUI door stopper security alarm (optional) – Jam this behind your closed door to stop intruders from breaking in. An alarm will warn you if someone is trying to open the door.

I’ve Never Had Anything Stolen From My Bags

TSA Approved Cable Luggage Locks, Re-settable Combination with Alloy Body

2x Forge TSA Numeric Locks

  • Stop thieves from getting into your bags or hostel locker.
  • Don’t worry about carrying and losing keys.
  • Just remember a 4-digit code of your choosing.

Miscellaneous travel items including a camera, film, boots and a map.

Add these odd bits and bobs to your solo travel packing list for men. Some are essential, whilst others will just make your trip a little easier and more enjoyable.

  • Trash bag – Can also be used to store wet swimwear or rubbish.
  • Quick-drying microfiber towel – Smaller and faster drying than a bath or beach towel. An essential on your male solo travel packing list.
  • SIM card tool – Required to remove your smartphone SIM card and replace it with a local SIM card.
  • Pen – Vital for filling out forms in a hurry, such as immigration arrival cards.
  • Inflatable travel pillow (optional) – Stop your head from flopping around and get a comfortable sleep on planes, trains and buses.
  • Loop earplugs and case (optional) – If you will be sharing a hostel dorm room with other snoring women and men, you should add earplugs to your female solo travel packing list.
  • Eye mask and case (optional) – Again, great for blocking out the light when sleeping in hostel dorms.
  • Pocket knife (optional) – Can be very handy for fixing things, picking splinters and all sorts of odd jobs. But double-check if it is allowed to be stowed in your checked baggage.
  • Headlamp or torch (optional) – Can be useful when camping or digging around in your bag in a dark hostel dorm. However, it is often more convenient to use the torch on your smartphone.
  • Lighter (optional) – Whilst this is mostly for smokers, offering a lighter can also be a great way for men to make friends when travelling solo.
  • Trinket from home (optional) – Take a small photo or other memento from home to help you feel better when you’re homesick.

How I Sleep Like a Log on Long-haul Flights

Sunany Travel Pillow, Inflatable Neck Pillow Used for Airplanes/Cars/Buses/Trains/Office Napping with Eye Mask/Earplugs (Gray)

Inflatable Travel Pillow

No more flopping head or sore neck. Sleep comfortably.

Loop Quiet Ear Plugs for Noise Reduction – Super Soft, Reusable Hearing Protection in Flexible Silicone for Sleep, Noise Sensitivity - 8 Ear Tips in XS/S/M/L – 26dB & NRR 14 Noise Cancelling – Black

Loop Earplugs

Block out the noise of rattling plane parts, crying babies and snoring dormmates.

MZOO Sleep Eye Mask for Men Women, 3D Contoured Cup Sleeping Mask & Blindfold, Concave Molded Night Sleep Mask, Block Out Light, Soft Comfort Eye Shade Cover for Travel Yoga Nap, Black

Contoured Eye Mask

Soft memory foam and contour mean no pressure on eyes.

Male solo traveller in the mountains holding a camera and taking photos.

Share your adventures with the world and grow your social media following with epic content. Include these photography items on your solo travel packing list for males.

  • Camera – Only take a camera and lens if you want high-quality photographs. Otherwise, your smartphone’s camera should be capable of getting some decent shots and will save you a lot of hassle.
  • Camera cleaning kit – Keep your lenses and mirrors clean so that you can capture clear shots.
  • Camera battery and charger
  • GoPro Action camera (optional) – Want to capture exciting moments during your solo trip? Take your GoPro.
  • Camera bag backpack (optional) – A shoulder bag for your camera can be a nuisance when travelling solo. If you’re a photographer, consider buying a backpack with storage compartments for your camera and lenses.
  • Selfie stick (optional) – Save yourself from constantly having to ask others to take photos of you. Some selfie sticks also transform into a tripod and have a remote so you can take epic landscape selfies.
  • Camera tripod (optional) – Capture landscape or high-speed shots without camera shake. Also useful for taking selfies. 
  • Microphone for camera/smartphone (optional) – Capture crystal-clear audio when videoing your travels on your camera or smartphone.
  • Pro lens kit for smartphone (optional) – Capture epic landscapes with the wide angle lens (expands the field of view by 45%). Magnify nearby subjects with the macro lens for breath-taking close-up shots.
  • Micro SD memory card (optional) – Buy a 256GB SD card or larger so that you can take lots of photos and videos without constantly changing cards.
  • SD card to Lightning adapter (optional) – Transfer photos from your SD card to your iPad in seconds. Perfect if you plan on doing lots of photo editing.

Quality Content with a Smartphone

Xenvo Pro Lens Kit for iPhone and Android, Macro and Wide Angle Lens with LED Light and Travel Case Black

Xenvo Pro Lens Kit

3 lens combinations. Wide lens for 45% larger landscapes. Macro lens for stunning close-ups.

Movo VXR10 Universal Shotgun Mic for Camera - Camera Microphone for DSLR, iPhone and Android Smartphones - Compatible with Canon EOS, Nikon, and Sony Cameras - with Shock Mount, Deadcat Windscreen

Movo VXR10 Microphone

Capture crystal-clear audio when videoing your travels on your smartphone.

TONEOF 60" Cell Phone Selfie Stick Tripod,Smartphone Tripod Stand All-in-1 with Integrated Wireless Remote,Portable,Lightweight,Extendable Phone Tripod for 4''-7'' iPhone and Android(Black)

Selfie Stick and Tripod

No more asking others to take photos. Comes with a remote for epic selfies.

What Not to Include on Your Solo Travel Packing List for Males

A bulky wallet full of cards, cash and documents.

There are many advantages and disadvantages of travelling alone . One of the disadvantages is that you have limited luggage space.

Keep your solo travel packing list as light as possible, even if you’re a big man with lots of strength. Keeping things light makes you more manoeuvrable, reduces stress on your body and helps to minimise luggage fees.

Do not include these items on your solo travel packing list for males:

  • A thick wallet – A big, chunky wallet is uncomfortable to carry in your pocket and may make you a target for theft. Replace it with a slim wallet or money clip.
  • Unnecessary cards and items in your wallet – Empty your wallet of unneeded healthcare cards, rewards cards, business cards, spare keys, cash and coins.
  • Snacks and food – Don’t bother taking food with you from home, as some of it may not even make it through customs at the airport. Just buy snacks once you arrive.
  • Pyjamas – Question whether you need to take a pair of pyjamas. If not, sleep in a pair of underpants or shorts.
  • Paper notebook – It is much more convenient to take notes on your phone, rather than carry a paper notebook which is bulky and can be damaged.
  • Guidebooks – There’s no need to carry big and bulky guidebooks with you. You can always access Nomadic Yak’s destination guides online (and even save the pages for offline reading).
  • Large amounts of cash – Try not to carry more than USD $200 at any one time. Carrying more than this could make you a target for theft or robbery.
  • Water bottle – There are many countries around the world where you should not drink tap water as it may cause illness. Instead of filling up a water bottle, buy sealed bottles of water and recycle the bottle whenever possible. 
  • Keys – Don’t take your car or home keys overseas with you. You don’t want to risk losing them. Instead, leave them with family or friends.
  • Card games – There’s no need to carry a deck of cards with you. Most hostels and hotels will offer cards and games. And other travellers often carry their own.

Suitcase vs Backpack for Male Solo Travel

Several suitcases sitting next to each other with backpacks on top.

Solo male travellers often question whether they should take a suitcase vs backpack. Both suitcases and backpacks have advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Your destination – Are the sidewalks well paved for suitcase wheels or would it be easier to carry a backpack?
  • Your need for manoeuvrability – Will you need to navigate stairs, hills and hiking trails?
  • The type of transport you will be travelling on – Will you be travelling frequently on planes, trains and coaches? Will you be travelling by motorcycle or scooter?
  • Protecting your possessions – Do you have fragile items in your luggage that need the protection of a suitcase shell?
  • How often do you need to access your possessions – Will you be staying in one place for multiple days or will you be travelling on an almost daily basis?

A suitcase is better suited to solo travellers who won’t be frequently catching transport between destinations. In other words, a suitcase is great if you plan on staying in one place for more than a few days (i.e. hotel stays).

The advantages of a suitcase are:

The Only Suitcase You’ll Ever Need to Own

Amazon Basics 28-Inch Hardside Spinner, Black

Amazon Basics Hardside Spinner

  • Extra-thick ABS hard shell protects your fragile items.
  • 30% cheaper than other brands.
  • 30-inch option makes it easy to fit all your luggage.

A backpack is better suited to solo travellers who will be frequently catching transport between destinations. In other words, a backpack is great if you plan on travelling every few days (i.e. backpacking, touring or adventure travel).

The advantages of a backpack are:

This Backpack Has Lasted Me 7+ Years

Osprey Farpoint 70L Men's Travel Backpack, Black

Osprey Farpoint 70

  • 15L daypack with laptop sleeve (included) can be attached to the back of 70L backpack.
  • Comfortable to carry thanks to hip belt design.
  • Lots of padding for extra protection.

Packing Tips for Solo Travel

Three rolled t-shirts for easy packing when travelling.

Men must pack lightly when travelling solo. Remember, a light packing list will make you more manoeuvrable, save you money on baggage fees and reduce stress on your body.

Here are my top ten tips for travel packing as a solo male:

  • Buy clothes at your destination – Sometimes, it’s cheaper and easier to buy some clothing at your destination (particularly in developing regions such as South Asia, South America and Africa). This will help you save space in your luggage. Afterwards, you can ship it home, throw it out or donate it.
  • Wear bulky items when flying – If you are concerned about your luggage being over the airline’s weight limit, wear the heaviest items whilst flying (e.g. sweatshirt, jacket, jeans, etc.)
  • Buy travel-sized toiletries – Full-sized toiletries take up too much space. Instead, use travel-sized toiletries, which are small enough to take in carry-on (great for refreshing yourself on long flights).
  • Roll your clothes – The most efficient way to pack your bag is to roll your clothes up rather than folding them. Then, stack the rolls beside one another and fill every crevice in your bag.
  • Pack inside your shoes – There is valuable packing space inside your shoes. Stuff them with socks, underwear and other small items.
  • Pre-pack liquids in a zip-lock bag – Airport security will only let you through if your liquids are smaller than 100ml (3.4 ounces) each and packed in a clear quart-sized zip-lock bag (about 17cm by 20cm). Instead of stressing out at the airport, prepare this in advance.
  • Use packing cubes – Packing cubes are an affordable way to keep luggage organised in your bag. You can quickly reach for the cube you want and stack it back in your bag when done.
  • Pack electronics in carry-on – The best way to protect your valuable electronics is to pack them in your carry-on luggage. However, be aware that you will need to pull it out at airport security.
  • Keep frequently-used items at the top – Keep frequently-used items such as toiletries, a towel and flip-flops at the top of your bag for easy access.
  • Don’t pack bed linen – Once upon a time, it was the norm to bring your own linen when backpacking. These days, hostels provide the linen for visitors. Just make sure you book a hostel that rates highly for cleanliness.

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Find more solo travel tips at nomadic yak.

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Have you put together all the items on this solo travel packing list for males? 

Even though you now know what to pack for solo travel, there’s a lot more that you need to do before setting off on your trip!

Nomadic Yak helps solo travellers to plan journeys that are adventurous and authentic.

Every article is written by me, Harry Dale. I’ve travelled to 40+ countries over the last 5 years – alone.

On Nomadic Yak, I’ve shared everything you need to know about male solo travel .

You’ll also find 100s of solo travel tips on how to save money, make more friends, build a social media following and much more.

Plus, you can use my solo travel destination guides to discover international sights and attractions that few other travellers get to witness.

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Creator of Nomadic Yak

At age 22, I had never travelled overseas. Six years later, I have travelled alone through 35 countries and work wherever I like as a freelance writer.

Solo Traveler

Solo travel tips, destinations, stories... the source for those who travel alone.

a man travelling

Solo Travel for Men: A Male Perspective


March 20, 2019 by Tracey Nesbitt

While I never tire of talking about solo travel, I sometimes feel a bit irritated by the media focus on “solo female travel,” as though there is some requirement to divide travelers into different groups. What about solo travel for men?

Surfing the Internet or reading newspaper headlines, you would think that it is only women who travel alone – or only women who need tips and advice on how to do so.

It doesn’t make sense to me.

a man travelling

At Solo Traveler, we have never intended to be a community only for women. Obviously, as Janice and I are women, we experience travel, as we experience all of our lives, through a particular lens. And we have set aside a page on the website that focuses on the experiences of women . But by and large, day to day, we write for travelers. Full stop.

Since it seems that the voices of men are sometimes left out of this conversation, I thought it was time to give them some profile. I turned to the Solo Travel Society , our Facebook community, where 36% of the members are male, to ask the men a question: What is your primary reason for traveling solo?

In more than 120 comments, they shared their thoughts on male solo travel. As I waded through the responses, I pulled out some major themes. Here's what they had to say about why they, personally, travel alone.

Table of Contents

Exploration and Adventure

Exploring new cultures, having exciting adventures, and pursuing personal passions were some of the reasons the men gave for choosing solo travel. Stefano talked about the excitement of the unknown, “the feeling of exploring that it's difficult to have if you're with others, especially because many tend to plan and foresee everything, which takes away the magic. I even avoid pictures of a place I'm about to visit in order to have that surprise factor, because often we think we know something about a place, but then we go there and happily (for me) discover we knew nothing and much of the world is still a gem to discover!” Karl seeks the adventure of “meeting people different than me, eating different food and going places I have never been.” Clayton enjoys being exposed to new languages and cultures and meeting new people, without being restricted by other people's schedules.

As a photographer, Kendrix finds it “difficult to find someone to travel with that understands photography and what it demands. It’s also easier to meet people than if I was traveling with someone. Plus it’s easier to change schedules and plans at the last moment when I’m alone.” Sporting events are the draw for Robert, who doesn't have many friends who share his interest. He says, “I also enjoy having my own plan of what to do, and not having to change it to fit in someone else's plans, and I don't have to worry about anyone else being on time.” Akshay enjoys exploring local cuisine, and traveling solo allows him the opportunity to “focus on food and not on sightseeing and partying which my family and friends are keen on.”

photo, image, man, olympic national park, first solo trip

Personal Discovery

A lot of the men who responded to my question gave very thoughtful responses, particularly around the potential for male solo travel to help them step outside themselves and their daily lives and to get to know themselves better and in a different light. As Asif said, “In our lives we have different roles like father, son, husband, and brother so we sometimes lose ourselves in these roles. Solo traveling gives you a chance to meet yourself and just be yourself.”

Kanian spoke about the spiritual impact. “Traveling solo is the most rewarding experience–it makes me feel human, it makes me trust humanity, it breaks me, shapes me, and nourishes me with all it does to my sensibilities, emotion, psyche, and soul. It’s spiritual and it’s bliss. It's my salvation!”

A number of men commented on the value of being pushed out of their comfort zones. Mark asked, “Where is the fulfillment of staying in your comfort zone? Where are the experiences which keep your memories warm at night?” Dan said, “I like the feeling of being placed outside of my comfort zone. Travel feels like more of an adventure when you are alone.” And Jeremy shared the four benefits that solo travel offers him: “the adventure of being out of my comfort zone and not knowing where each day will take me; the reflective thoughts that come from the time spent in solitude lead to an evaluation of life and how I am spending it; a time to just ‘be' rather than just ‘do'; and the opportunity to meet more locals for a more immersive experience and make more friends.”

Steve summed up the power of solo travel to inspire personal discovery very nicely:

It’s my therapy, and I am convinced it helps keep me somewhat sane. It’s the time in my life where I can truly step outside my comfort zone. Away from work, responsibility, day-to-day routines, I completely do things on my own terms. I traveled a certain way in my previous life. My solo trips now are the opposite of everything I used to do travel-wise. Traveling solo is a completely unique process for me, personally. It fuels my everything. No plans, no commitments, no reservations. Buy a ticket, get off the plane, and figure out what I’m doing from there. I truly love the getting lost part and absorbing myself in a new place and new culture. No checklists. It gives me a huge sense of accomplishment that carries me forward to my next trip. 

a man travelling

Men Travel Solo for Independence and Freedom

This was the category that yielded the largest number of responses. Many readers love the freedom and lack of restrictions that go along with traveling alone. Shaun said “I travel solo because I want my journey to be about me and the places I’m going to see.” David said, “I guess it's a bit selfish, but I love the independence. I always travel shoulder or off-season with only a tentative itinerary in my head. If I get to a place I like, I just stay longer; if I get to a place I don't like or I see the highlights more quickly than anticipated, I just move on. You're less able to do that when fitting in a travel companion's wishes.”

Some of the men spoke about the unique ways that they travel and how much easier it is to do so alone. “When I travel, I don't stop. I'm out sightseeing by 9 am and won't rest or eat until around sundown. I'm a peculiar traveler, and nobody I know would be willing to walk 10-12 hours a day, every day,” said DX. Conversely, Sambor said this: “I want to see the world and learn about it on my own terms and at my own pace. Generally, I'm an introvert so going out in the world, spending hours in the hustle tires me out. I need my own space and often I might not get it when travelling with others. I also dislike taking care of others, and I had to do so on a few occasions, which just made me feel more tired. No such problems when travelling solo.” Marinus prefers to explore a destination on wheels. “I'm single and have done most of my holidays on a bicycle, varying from 600 to 5,000 km. Apart from the fact that it's not easy to find people wanting to take such long bicycle trips and having the time for it, I like being absolutely free to make my own decisions. It also makes it easier to make contact with the people around you, because when you're two you can always talk to each other, but when you're solo you have to talk to others when you're fed up with talking to yourself.”

Not having to explain their choices or worry about the enjoyment of others was frequently mentioned as a great benefit of traveling alone. “I don't have to worry about someone asking why I'm taking pictures of certain things, or why I'm waking up early to catch a sunset, or why I just want to relax instead of going out and doing something. It's the freedom to do what I want without being questioned about it,” said Willie. For Mike, the “complete flexibility to make plans, change plans, and avoid the disappointment of compromise” is important. Similarly, Mitch said, “I like making my own itinerary and doing all the stuff I want to do without feeling obligated to make anyone else happy.”

Anand values the independence of being responsible for every aspect of his trip. “I first traveled solo because I had no one available to accompany me. There has been no looking back. I travel solo all the time now. I like it because you are solely responsible for all your decisions. It keeps your senses alert and you have an unrestricted time the way you want.” Endro sums it up this way: “The freedom to go wherever, whenever, and for however long and the freedom to do whatever, meet whomever, is something I can only do after ‘talking, reflecting on, debating, and connecting with' myself. This is the luxury I can not get when traveling with someone familiar.”

photo, image, tokyo, male solo travel

Male Solo Travel: It's Not Always Plan A

In spite of all of the positive aspects of solo travel shared by the men of the Solo Travel Society, there were a large number of responses indicating that traveling alone was not their first choice. Some fell into it because their partner wasn't interested in traveling, or because their spouse had passed away. Some were single, with married friends who wanted to travel with their partners. Some found that their friends couldn't afford the time or money to travel the way they wanted to.

Oswald said, “My main motivation for traveling solo is I want to see the world. At the end of the day, I'd rather do it alone and have all the experiences that come with it rather than not travel and wonder what could've been, while waiting for others to join in.” Xavier concurred, saying, “My friends and I have different ideas of travel. Life is too short to wait around for someone.”

The last word on male solo travel as Plan B goes to Ted. “It's better than staying home alone. I'm not a passionate, enthusiastic solo traveler like some people are, but I do it anyway. Maybe that's typical of men, and explains why solo travel so often seems to be exclusively a topic for women. So thanks for asking the question!”

On Solitude

Interestingly, Tom was the only person who mentioned valuing the solitude of solo travel. “I'm an introvert and enjoy solitude. Plus, planning a trip with other people can be a pain. I love the flexibility a solo trip gives me. I can be social whenever I want, I can go off on a random hike whenever I want, I can do whatever I want. I enjoy traveling with people, but most of my trips are solo trips. I would be doing solo trips whether I was a man or a woman.”

You might also enjoy Men Traveling Alone: Unique Tips for Male Solo Travelers .

a man travelling

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Travel Essentials for Men – How to Pack Perfectly for Any Trip

Love to travel but have no idea what to pack? Don’t worry. I created this ultimate list of travel essentials for men based on my own travels in more than 50 countries. Read on to make packing hassle-free.

Choose Your Ideal Travel Backpack or Luggage

Get an anti-theft day pack, invest in packing cubes, gather the essential men’s travel clothing, choose the right travel shoes, essential men’s outerwear for travel, travel toiletries list for men, essential travel gadgets, travel safety gear for men, essential travel accessories for men, what men need in their carry-on, things you don’t need to bring, a final word about travel essentials for men.

This article may contain affiliate / compensated links. For full information, please see our  disclaimer  here.

Let’s admit it.

Guys tend to be a little sloppy when it comes to packing. Most of us spend 15 minutes the night before our flight, throwing a bunch of random items in a suitcase and calling it done.

In fact, the chances are that more women will read this guide than men. And then they’ll pass it on to the man in their lives to encourage them to pack better.

Is that how you got here?

No matter who you are or how you got here, this guide is going to help you pack more efficiently and effectively.

I’ve been nomadic for almost 7 years now and before that, I travelled a lot for work. In that time, I’ve taken packing from a haphazard night-before rush and turned it into a science.

stephen in a street in china

Now I know exactly what constitutes a travel essential for men and what items have no place in a suitcase.

In fact, any time security opens my suitcase at the airport they look at me and say something like, “Wow. Impressive.” I nod and casually respond, “I travel full-time. It’s gotta be organised.”

In this (massive) guide, I’ll walk you through what’s in my suitcase and help you decide what should be on your travel packing list.

I also recommend my favourite travel gear, most of which is eco-friendly and vegan because I want my (and your) trips to be as earth-friendly as possible!

Read on for your guide to…

Travel Essentials for Men

Don’t miss our guides to travel gifts for men , travel essentials for women , and our complete guide to minimalist packing !

pack light carry on luggage

Travel packing, and travelling itself, is so much easier if you have the right suitcase or backpack for the job. So the first step in gathering your travel essentials is to assess your luggage situation. If you already have a serviceable bag, that’s great! Save money and the environment by using what you’ve got.

If not, then it’s time to figure out which travel bag is right for you.

What Kind of Luggage Do You Need?

Luggage is a personal thing, like underwear or hats. What’s right for you might be all kinds of wrong for the next guy.

You’re going to want to pick your luggage based on a few factors, like:

  • Your travel style (luxury? backpacker? or somewhere in between?)
  • Your fitness level (can you wander comfortably around a city carrying your bag on your back?)
  • Your destination (you’re going to want a very different bag for a trip to New York than one to Cambodia)

If you are going to be mostly roughing it, staying in hostels, visiting rural areas, or doing almost anything in Southeast Asia, then a travel backpack is your best bet. It’s much easier to hop on a bus or a tuk tuk with a backpack and you’ll thank me when you’re making your way down cobbled streets, up multiple staircases, or through packed train stations.

On the other hand, if you plan to stay in upscale hotels, travel mostly to cities, or travel for work, a hard-sided suitcase wheelie is a better choice.

man in suit rolling suitcase behind

If your travel style is somewhere in between, a travel bag that converts from a suitcase to a backpack gives you the best of both worlds.

I travel with a hard-sided suitcase because it protects my stuff, both from my own carelessness and the rough treatment from baggage handlers and taxi drivers. Sometimes I wish it converted to a backpack as well, but those moments are rare.

What Size of Luggage Do You Need?

Most people think that you need more room in your suitcase the longer your trip is going to be. Totally not true. I pack almost the same amount of stuff for a week on the road or for a year.

For almost all travellers, I recommend a carry-on size bag around 35–40L. This is big enough to fit in all your essentials but not so big that you’re tempted to pack a hundred unnecessary extras that will weigh you down.

Plus, carrying a carry-on means you’re out of the airport faster than all those other fools who checked their bag (plus you saved some essential cash for beer).

The Travel Luggage We Recommend

hard-sided carry-on suitcase

I’m pretty rough on my gear, so I carry the Haupttstadtkoffer Alex 20 , a durable hard-sided suitcase. It took me years of experimenting to find it and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

The best part is that when the wheels or handle breaks (as they inevitably do on wheelie luggage — especially if you’re a full-time traveller) I can order replacement parts from the manufacturer that are super easy to install. Because of that, this suitcase has lasted me far longer than any other piece of luggage I’ve owned before. Seriously.

black soft sided suitcase with orange handles

If I had to trade it in, I would get the same suitcase Jane has. It’s the Standard Luggage convertible suitcase which is a soft-sided suitcase that quickly converts into a backpack.

My hard-sided suitcase is great in Europe but in Asia, I’m pretty jealous when Jane can just swing her bag over her back and take off down the dusty street or easily climb the seemingly endless stairs up to our guesthouse room.

If you need to select a new travel backpack or luggage, make sure to read our complete guide to the best minimalist backpacks for travel .

cyclist drinking water with backpack nearby

Alongside your suitcase, you’re going to need a small backpack that you can load up with your carry-on essentials for the plane and use as a daypack when you’re travelling.

Since we go so many places where pickpockets roam, I covet Standard Luggage’s Anti-Theft Daypack (Jane has one and it’s great). It has an RFID pocket for your passport, a laptop sleeve, lots of zippered compartments for keeping things organized, and a hidden zipper to foil thieves. It also looks nicer than your average backpack, meaning you can carry it almost anywhere without feeling like a bum.

orange packing cube with pants inside

If you’re the type of guy who gets dressed by rummaging through your laundry basket for the least smelly option, you might not need packing cubes.

For those of us who are not barbarians, packing cubes are almost as essential to travel as money and a passport.

Without packing cubes, you waste precious exploration time trying to find your stuff amidst a jumble of toiletries, shoes, and clothes in your suitcase. Packing cubes keep all this stuff organized so it only takes seconds to locate clean socks or your sunglasses when you need them.

Packing cubes also make unpacking easy when you get to your destination. Just grab the cubes, stick them on a shelf or in a drawer, and then you’re good to go.

Packing Cubes We Recommend

packing cubes three white and green eagle creek

Back when I first started travelling, Eagle Creek packing cubes were just about the only ones available. My early packing cubes lasted through decades of travel. Sadly, they don’t make them like they used to. My newer Eagle Creek cubes are good but not as rugged as the old ones (but they are much lighter) and I have had a couple of zippers split after a couple of years of hard use.

These days there are tons of packing cubes out there and they all look pretty much the same.

packing cubes six orange gonex

Jane just got a set from Gonex that seem to be working well for her. Most cubes these days come in sets of 5 or 6, but you realistically only need a maximum of 4 medium ones to fit all your stuff in.

Sadly, we haven’t been able to find any widely available eco-friendly packing cubes. Great business idea for a budding entrepreneur!

man waking down a narrow alley dressed in good travel clothes

What Should You Look for in Travel Clothes?

Trying to figure out exactly what you need and don’t need on any given trip can be a headache. After nearly 7 years of full-time travel, I’ve got my packing list pared down to the essentials. I wear every item in my suitcase on a regular basis and hardly ever find myself reaching for a piece of kit that’s not there.

When you start packing remember that every item you pack should be:

Comfortable — This is the top priority. Pants that pinch in the wrong places or shirts that leave you itchy and sweaty do not belong in your suitcase. But that doesn’t mean you just bring sweats and t-shirts either.

Stylish — Though your most comfortable clothes might be cargo shorts and old ratty t-shirts, there are lots of advantages to looking a little more presentable while travelling. The good thing is, there are plenty of men’s travel clothes that are comfortable and stylish at the same time.

stephen waiting for an elevator in russia

Versatile — Never bring an item you can only wear for one specific occasion (unless, of course, you’re travelling to a wedding or something). Pants, shorts, and shirts should be versatile enough that they work on the street, on the beach, and for a dinner out.

Durable — Travelling is tough on clothes, so go for fabrics that won’t rip or stain easily. If you’re a bit messy, packing darker colours will help hide any BBQ sauce drips or trail dirt.

Of course, the type of trip and your travel style will make a huge difference to what you pack.

A Quick Travel Clothing Packing List

Start with these essential travel clothes:

a man travelling

3 or 4 quick-dry travel t-shirts — Like most guys, I wear t-shirts every day of my life. When travelling, that means I have to wash them out in the sink or shower every few days. Quick-dry shirts (these don’t have to be special tech material shirts, but shirts that simply dry quickly) make it easy to stay smelling good while you travel, and ensures they will be dry come morning.

If you’re in the market, Bluffworks makes a great anti-stink quick-dry t-shirt .

Long-sleeved button-up shirt — Sometimes a t-shirt just isn’t good enough. For these times, you need a great button-up shirt that will make you feel much more presentable and confident without sacrificing comfort. Try these ones from Bluffworks if wrinkle-free, quick-dry, and stylish sounds good to you.

kuhl essential travel pants for men

2 pairs of awesome travel pants — Good travel pants for guys can be hard to find. They need to be comfortable enough to wear on the plane, durable enough for a hike or bike ride, and look good enough that they’re OK to wear out to a restaurant or bar.

I just got a pair of Kuhl Renegade Radikl Aktion pants that are perfect for rainy days out and about. They’re made with water resistant technical fabrics which makes them comfortable when I’m on my bike or out for a hike — even if it starts to rain. But, they look more like chinos than technical travel pants, so I can still wear them to dinner without feeling like a caveman.

Find out more about these and my other favourite travel pants in my post about the best men’s travel pants for your trip.

1 pair of travel shorts — If you’re going somewhere hot, you’ll definitely need a pair of shorts in your bag. You might even want to just bring one pair of pants and bring a couple of pairs of shorts. Like travel pants, travel shorts should look good enough to wear out in the evening but also be rugged enough for days on the beach.

Sweatshirt or sweater — Thick hoodies and bulky sweaters are out for travelling. They’re comfortable, yeah, but they just take up way too much space in your suitcase. Instead, bring a thin sweatshirt to layer over whatever else you’re wearing. If you get one in black with a zipper up the front, you’ll be able to wear it even on dressier occasions.

3–5 pairs no-hassle quick-dry travel underwear — For whatever reason, underwear for dudes always seems to be super thick, which means they take ages to dry and they’re not always that breathable. If you’re looking for sweat-wicking quick-dry travel underwear, check out the Ex-Officio line of breathable, quick-dry underwear. They might cost a little more but they’ll probably be your new favourite underwear.

man putting a passport in his blazer pocket

Blazer or jacket — If you’re travelling for work or just want to up your style game at times, then a suit jacket is probably essential. While I don’t really need one in my profession as a yoga teacher, sometimes I’m tempted to carry the Bluffworks blazer , which is designed to be stuffed into the bottom of a backpack and come out looking great.

It’s also breathable, lightweight, and machine washable. If you want something slightly less formal, the Bluffworks field jacket is also very cool and totally versatile.

These are the men’s essential travel clothes we recommend

Bluffworks travel clothes — From quick-dry t-shirts and button-up shirts to wrinkle resistant pants and jackets, Bluffworks makes reliable and stylish men’s travel clothes. Pants and jackets come with hidden zippered pockets to keep your valuables safe while you travel. Also, if you need to look good on the road, invest in a Bluffworks travel suit, which is anti-wrinkle, breathable, and machine washable!

Find your new favourite travel clothes →

Prana and Columbia travel pants — These two make some of the most reliable men’s travel pants on the market. They are perfect for guys who want to hike, bike, rock-climb and be active when they travel. Many of their pants feature technical fabric with UPF (UV ray) protection, multi-way stretch, and zippered pockets.

Find some amazing travel pants →

best lightweight walking shoes for travel vegan

Figuring out what shoes to pack for travel is one of the great mysteries of the universe.

Whatever travel shoes you pack, they need to cover almost every possibility, from walking miles along European city streets to hiking miles to the top of a volcano in Indonesia . It’s also nice to have a pair of shoes that will keep your feet cool in hot weather and a pair that doesn’t look terrible if you go out with friends (old or new).

After 7 years of full-time travel, I’ve settled on two essential pairs of shoes that I always need with me. Plus, I allow myself a bonus pair that is a luxury item for me.

The right travel shoes need to be:

Comfortable & worn in — This is the top priority. Don’t pack any shoes that you haven’t worn at least a half-dozen times. Getting a blister on holiday sucks. Don’t do it.

Versatile — Your main travel shoes should be ones you can wear almost anywhere without feeling like a total loser. Personally I take this to mean “no loud colours” but you be you.

Lightweight — When you’re walking more than 20,000 steps per day, every ounce counts. Lightweight shoes make things easier on your legs, ankles, and calves, while also helping you keep under those strict luggage weight limits.

These are the shoes in my suitcase

Lightweight walking shoes — If you want to go minimalist and only pack one pair of shoes, make them a pair of neutral-coloured ultra-comfortable lightweight walking shoes. I wear black Salomon XA Lite GTX shoes which they don’t make any more.

a man travelling

Next time I need shoes, I might try the Salomon Outbound hiking shoes which are waterproof, lightweight, and more stylish than your average trail shoe. They’re also non-leather, so no animals were harmed in their making!

Find your perfect adventure shoes →

travel sandals keen clearwater cnx  vegan grey blue

Hot-weather sport sandals — My feet get hot, even in cold climates, so for Asia or hot summers anywhere, I need a pair of comfortable walking shoes that also have maximum airflow. I wear Keen Clearwater CNX which are lightweight, washable, and have enough support for city streets and medium intensity hikes.

Find your Keen sandals →

Luxury casual shoe — My last pair of shoes is not strictly essential and if I was packing ultra-minimalist, I wouldn’t bring them. But, since I travel full-time, I give over some carry-on space to a pair of casual street shoes.

I’ve been wearing Feiyue shoes since I discovered them on a trip to Shanghai several years ago. They are comfortable, have a vintage sneaker style, are small enough to pack easily — and they are the shoes Shaolin monks wear. How cool is that? (They even make a special Shaolin all-black version!)

a man travelling

Your choice of jackets really depends on where you’re going, what season you’ll be there, and how long your trip is.

On a tropical vacation, you might be able to get away with no jacket at all. For a winter trip, of course you’ll need something warm and packable.

Since I travel full time, my jackets need to cover all weather possibilities, from winter in northern Norway to wet season in Vietnam.

These are the two jackets I carry:

winter jacket the north face thermoball vegan black

1. Packable insulated jacket — My North Face Thermoball jacket insulates me from the cold and is water repellent, keeping me warm and dry even in damp conditions. The jacket packs right into its own pocket, so when I’m not using it, it’s easy to stow away in my carry-on or suitcase. Plus, the insulation is synthetic, so no worries about the cruelty of down .

2. Lightweight rain jacket — When it gets really cold and wet outside, I bring out my lightweight rain jacket to add an extra layer of protection. I have the Showers Pass Men’s Elite 2.1, which is designed specifically for cycling, so is extremely waterproof and breathable. I love the under-arm zippers that give me extra breathability if I get too warm. If you’re not going cycling, try out the packable and waterproof North Face Venture 2 jacket or the Columbia Men’s Pouration jacket .

3. Ultimate travel blazer — If you’re going on a city trip, where you’ll be doing more bar crawling and less trail hiking, you can dress up your look with a blazer that’s specifically designed for travel.

The Bluffworks Gramercy Blazer is packable, machine washable, and wrinkle-resistant. It has a total of 7 inner pockets, some with zippers, some completely hidden, to keep everything safe, from your passport to your iPad (Seriously. That’s not a typo!). If you really want to step up your travel style game, you can also get the matching Gramercy pants .

Can’t be bothered reading the whole guide? No problem! Just go to our Amazon storefront where you can pick out your travel essentials all in one place.

toiletries travel bag blue green eagle creek pack-it system

Expert toiletry packing starts with the right toiletry bag. If you already have something serviceable, stick with it. But, if you’re looking for a new one, I highly recommend the Eagle-Creek Pack It Specter Tech toiletry kit . Jane got me this for Christmas about 5 years ago and it’s been the perfect addition to my suitcase.

While women tend to overpack when it comes to travel toiletries, men usually under-pack. It might be tempting to just throw your toothbrush in a bag and go. But, unless you rock an unreconstructed mountain man look, there are a few more things you’re going to need to keep feeling and looking your best while you travel.

Don’t forget the obvious stuff, like deodorant, a razor, toothpaste, floss, and a toothbrush.

Then consider packing these essential travel toiletries as well:

1. Bar soap and shampoo bar — We’re sick of the single-use plastic bottles that go along with shower soap and shampoo these days. Especially the little travel-sized ones, which are just a disaster for the environment. Instead, grab an all-natural bar of soap like Dr. Bronner’s All-One. I find that this works as soap and shampoo for me.

But if your hair needs a little extra help, grab a bar of shampoo, too. You can cut both in half and store them in a leak-proof mini tupperware container like I do. Leave the other half at home or keep it dry in your toiletry kit until you need it.

a man travelling

2. Lip balm with SPF — Another item a lot of guys don’t usually use, lip balm with SPF is a travel essential because during travel you’ll be exposed to a lot more sun, wind, and harsh conditions that you are at home. Dry, cracked, sunburnt lips are the perfect way to ruin your trip — so slap on that balm anytime your lips feel a bit dry.

3. Use anywhere moisturizer with SPF — Even if you don’t use moisturizer at home, travel can wreak havoc on your skin, leaving it dry and itchy. Bring a bottle of moisturizer with SPF that you can put on your face every morning and use as needed on other rough spots.

4. GoToob travel bottles — Instead of buying mini travel-sized toiletries, which are a rip-off and a waste of plastic, get a set of reusable GoToob travel bottles. These bottles are seriously dope. They never leak no matter how much I put them through.

a man travelling

5. Shaving oil — OK, this is probably only good for the less hairy dudes out there, like me. But, if you can’t really grow a full beard, shaving oil is genius. A small bottle will last you ages and you won’t need to carry shaving cream. How I had never heard of shaving oil before becoming a full-time traveller I don’t know.

One last note on toiletries. If you’re packing cologne, that’s fine, but dammit dudes, go easy. There’s nothing that turns people off faster than you smelling as though you’re just back from a swim in a vat of Eternity for Men.

vegan headphones marley

If guys under-pack our toiletries, we also usually overpack when it comes to gadgets. What can I say? It’s a sickness!

The thing about packing too many gadgets is that they weigh a LOT. Plus, they cost a lot, meaning you’ll spend more time than is necessary worrying about people stealing your precious gear.

To prevent this, just stick to the bare essentials when it comes to travel gadgets:

  • Phone & charger: Obviously the first and most important items. A good phone, set up properly, can be your compass, your map, your travel planner, your tickets, your entertainment and so much more. Don’t miss my list of essential travel apps below.
  • Power adaptor: For frequent travellers or multi-continent trips, get a universal adaptor that can accept any kind of plug and be inserted into any kind of plug. If you’re just heading to a single destination, then a smaller adapter specific for that country makes more sense.

noise cancelling headphones sony wh1000xm3

  • Headphones: About a year ago I got a set of Sony noise cancelling headphones which I credit with keeping me sane while I travel. I wear them on the plane, in the airport, on busses, in crowds, and when I’m trying to get to sleep at night.
  • Portable charger/power bank: Since phones are the new Leatherman (a million uses in one device), it’s pretty essential that you keep yours charged. Travel can use your battery more quickly, since you’ll be shooting videos and photos, listening to music, using maps and other apps, and probably watching videos more than normal. If you have any doubts about your phone battery’s lasting power, get a portable charger. I just got the RAVPower 18 W charger which is compact, charges super-fast and holds enough charge for two phones.

action camera video adventure dji osmo

  • Action camera: This is perfect for anyone who is going on an adventure and wants a video record to bring back home. I recently got the DJI Action Camera and it has transformed the way I shoot videos. The stabilization is incredible (even when I’m running it somehow manages to look smooth) and the huge wide angle is perfect for capturing all the action. It also takes a pretty great still shot when I need it to. Highly recommended!

The apps on my phone are as important as the device itself. These are my top 5 essential apps for travel:

screen grab of

1. – This offline mapping app allows you to add your own pins. I add pins for my hotel, restaurants I want to visit, useful services like banks and laundry, and the must-see tourist attractions. With that done, I can confidently wander wherever I want and check back in with the map when I want to get unlost.

2. Apple Wallet or Android equivalent – Now that much of the world offers payment by tap, my Apple Wallet is an essential app. I love not having to take my real wallet out to pay for things, which greatly reduces the chances that I might lose it. Apple Wallet also stores all my travel documents (boarding passes, hotel confirmations, transport tickets) so I no longer have to keep track of a bunch of paper. Plus you can also toggle a switch within the app and use your phone to pay for public transport in many cities around the world without having to use your thumb or face to confirm the purchase.

3. Local metro app – If you’re travelling to a big city, make sure to get the local metro app. This will save you tons of time staring at the metro maps in the station trying to figure out how to get from A to B. It’ll also help you not look like a lost tourist, which reduces the chances of becoming a target for pickpockets or con artists.

4. WhatsApp – Everybody everywhere uses WhatsApp to keep in touch. Except China where you need WeChat. From contacting your Airbnb host to getting in touch with friends, WhatsApp is indispensable when travelling. Heck, it’s pretty much indispensable full stop.

5. Spotify – Remember when a thousand songs in your pocket was Earth-shattering? Now, you can bring your whole music library when travel! With apps like Spotify, you can listen to whatever, whenever, wherever. I use it every day.

man walking across a rock bridge high above a beach

Even though guys don’t have to worry about personal safety as much as our female friends, to prevent any unpleasant experiences, you should still be aware and prepared.

Start with these travel essentials for men.

Don’t leave home without travel insurance

If you ignore all the other advice on this list, make sure you don’t ignore this one tip:

Get travel insurance.

Lots of guys have an invincibility complex but shit happens, even to the luckiest of us.

Travel insurance is a small expense (usually about a dollar or two per day) to guard against bankruptcy in case the worst comes to the worst. It certainly came in handy that time I had to have elbow surgery in Germany after a simple fall off my bike. And Jane was happy to have it when she got malaria in Laos .

The good news is, we can recommend a couple of travel insurance companies that are great — reliable, inexpensive, and trustworthy. Their plans give you coverage for delayed or lost baggage, emergency medical treatments, trip interruption and more.

Plus, they both make it super-quick and easy to sign up so you can spend your time trip planning.

World Nomads — One of the most popular brands recommended by most of the pro travel bloggers we know, World Nomads provides reliable coverage for short and long trips.

SafetyWing — A new player in the market, designed especially for people who travel frequently or for long stretches at a time. You can sign up for the monthly plan and then cancel whenever you decided to go home.

Get a quote now.

Bring a travel-size first aid kit

man holding travel first aid kit

Chances are, you’ll never need to use your first aid kit to save a life. But it’s damn handy to have around when you get minor cuts, blisters, food poisoning, or bug bites. Of course, if you ever do need to staunch a severe wound or survive in the wilderness overnight, you’ll need to write and thank me. For food poisoning make sure you pack some activated charcoal pills in the lot. Again, thank me later.

Common sense

Fact: Most travel injuries and disasters are caused by guys acting like total idiots. OK, I don’t have a study to prove it but life has taught me it’s true.

Try not to let your most testosterone-y self rule your every decision while you’re travelling. It’s A-OK to say “no thanks” to a challenge or to back down from an argument before it turns into a fight.

Also, if you’re in a foreign country and a woman who is way out of your league starts hitting on you, think twice. Some of the most common travel scams are focussed on single guys who are looking for some holiday action.

I’m not saying you should let fear be your guide but a healthy dose of caution is worth gold.

three packable water bottles on the beach

Refillable water bottle for every adventure

It’s almost 2020 and there is no excuse for single-use plastic water bottles in the world! Maybe carrying a refillable water bottle won’t solve the climate crisis but it can reduce your plastic consumption dramatically when you travel.

Finding a versatile and packable water bottle can be tricky though. 

That’s where the MODL utility bottle comes in — it is so much more than just a water bottle. It is designed for all your adventures, from climbing dramatic peaks to enduring endless flights and everything in between. 

MODL comes with a unique set of interchangeable lids and accessories, which transform it into a:

  • Sport-top bottle
  • Hands-free hydration pack
  • Water filter
  • Hand-held shower (yes, seriously!)
  • And more to come…

person using special bottle lid to spray mud off of hiking boots

It has an extremely tough silicone shell that folds in on itself to make it perfectly packable, is equipped with loops at either end so you can attach it to practically anything, and it opens at both ends to make cleaning super easy.

Plus, the MODL team keeps on creating — they’re currently working on new designs to expand the functionality even further.

This is a bottle you’ll love from day one and keep for a lifetime of adventures. 

See how MODL works →

Reliable earplugs

Sleeping well is the most important part of any trip. If you’re a light sleeper, you’ll want earplugs to drown out street noise, early morning roosters, chirping frogs, buzzing fridges and mosquitos, and babies crying next to you on the plane.

Bamboo cutlery set

Not only does having your own travel cutlery set save you from eating using bendy plastic forks, but it also prevents you having to use questionably clean cutlery at the street stall. And, of course, it’s way better for the world!

Jane and I have been carrying our To-Go Ware bamboo cutlery sets for more than 10 years now — think how many plastic forks that is!

bamboo cutlery set in case

Ergonomic eye mask

It might not be manly but trust me on this one. Usually, I can sleep pretty much anywhere but with an eye mask I can sleep literally anywhere!

Hat & sunglasses

When you travel you spend a lot more time outside than usual. A hat and sunglasses will stand between you and permanent UV damage when you travel. (Note to self: I should really get a hat.)

travel coffee cup green klean kanteen

Leak-proof travel mug

Here’s another item to save the world and save you from having to drink coffee from a paper cup. If you’re a caffeine addict, bring a travel mug and use it every day. I love my Klean Kanteen coffee mug and have travelled with it non-stop for 7 years.

Small hand towel / handkerchief

I carry a handkerchief to use instead of paper towel. It saves trees, comes in handy to mop away sweat, and is useful in about a dozen other ways (yes, I am talking Bum Gun usage).

Travel is harder on your clothes than regular life, and you never know when a seam will split or a fabric will rip. My favourite shorts just got torn open on a rickety chair in Bali — my sewing kit has saved me from walking around with my boxers hanging out.

Now you’ve got all your gear together, the big question is, what goes in your carry-on to take on the plane, and what can you safely put away in your suitcase?

Here are the essentials for your carry-on luggage:

Passport & other ID — Obviously you won’t get far without this.

Earplugs — Whether your seatmate is a crying baby or a constant chatterer, earplugs are essential on the plane.

Noise-cancelling headphones — See above.

Eye mask — Flight crews always seem to turn on the lights just when you’re really falling asleep. Foil their evil plans with an eye mask.

Water bottle — Yes, even on the plane, you can say no to single-use plastic. I politely ask them to fill my water bottle when I run out.

All electronics and chargers — I never check my electronics. Baggage handlers can be rough, plus, you never know which gadget you’re going to need at 40,000 feet. Also, it’s the law now that any rechargeable battery must be in your carry-on.

Hand towel / handkerchief — Great for drying hands or mopping the sweat from your furrowed brow.

Snacks — Have you ever had a meal on the plane that was satisfying? Me neither. That’s why snacks are an essential carry-on item.

Toothbrush & toothpaste — Are you planning to meet a friend when you arrive at your destination? Brush your teeth before you meet them. They might not thank you but they also won’t recoil when you greet them.

man wearing rolex watch

Keeping your luggage light and nimble means leaving behind some of the more useless items you might be tempted to pack. Here are a few you should definitely leave at home.

Expensive clothes & shoes — Unless you’re travelling 5-star the whole way (In which case, why didn’t you get your assistant to read this post? And why don’t you sponsor our next year of travel? Email me!), expensive clothes and shoes are going to get ruined while you travel.

Either that, or you won’t take them out of the suitcase because you’re worried about them. So, just leave them at home. Instead, bring clothes that are designed to stand up to the rigours of travel.

An expensive SLR camera — Are you a photographer? Will you be doing anything with your travel photos other than sharing them on social media? If not, then you don’t need the latest SLR with six interchangeable lenses. This stuff is heavy, expensive, and a target for thieves. Leave it at home.

Laptop — Chances are you do not need your laptop when you travel. If it’s even an option, leave it at home! Having a laptop with you just adds weight to your suitcase and is an extra enticement for thieves. If you do NEED to work while you travel, or will be doing a lot of photo and video editing, then investing in a lightweight laptop is worth it.

Fancy watch — Nothing says “Hey pickpockets, come steal from this guy!”, quite like an expensive watch on your wrist. Leave the watch at home and look at your phone if you need to know the time.

Saying that each item on this list is essential for every man and every trip just doesn’t make sense. Essentials vary widely between each person travelling and each destination visited.

For example, for me, my Tempur-Pedic Travel Pillow is completely essential. But I didn’t put it on this list, because I doubt it’s essential for most of you.

So use my suggestions above as a starting point for you own travel essentials list. Then add and subtract items to make this list your own.

We hope you’ve found this guide to men’s travel essentials useful. Our goal is to help make your next trip into a transformational journey. With the right gear in your suitcase, you’ll be ready for any opportunity that arises. If you have any questions about this list, give me a shout on email or Instagram.

♥   Happy transformational travels, Jane & Stephen

We’re not going to lie, it takes a LOT of work to create travel guides like this. But it’s easy to help us out! If you book or buy something using one of our personal links in this post, we’ll earn a small fee at no extra cost to you. Of course, we would never recommend anything we didn’t 100% believe in! Huge thanks in advance! –S&J

Love to travel but have no idea what to pack? Don't worry. I created this ultimate list of travel essentials for men based on my own travels in more than 50 countries. This packing guide will help you fit all the essentials into one carry-on sized suitcase or backpack. Read on to make packing hassle-free. #travel #packing #packinglist #men #myfiveacres

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About Stephen Ewashkiw

Hi, I'm Stephen. I travel the world leading Adventure Yoga workshops and trainings. Plus I run My Five Acres with Jane. I've taught yoga in 25 countries and we've had adventures in more than 50! My goal is to empower you to decide who you want to be and what you want from life — and to help you cultivate the courage you need to to go get it.

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Eight years ago, we sold our house and quit our jobs. Now we travel full-time and help others transform through travel.

We're here to help you find life-changing travel experiences that widen your perspective, challenge your beliefs, and shake you awake into your own life.

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The Meaning Behind The Song: Travelin’ Man by Rick Nelson

Song Meanings

The Making of a Legend: The Meaning Behind the Song “Travelin’ Man” by Rick Nelson

Rick Nelson’s hit song “Travelin’ Man” has become one of the most iconic tracks of its era, and for good reason. Its catchy melody and timeless lyrics have stood the test of time, resonating with audiences across generations. However, there is more to this classic tune than just a catchy tune. Let’s dive into the story behind “Travelin’ Man” and uncover the meaning behind its lyrics.

Table of Contents

The Inspiration Behind the Song

“Travelin’ Man” was written by Jerry Fuller and first released by Rick Nelson in 1961. The song was inspired by Rick’s own experiences touring across the United States and Europe. At the time Nelson was only 21-years-old and had already made a name for himself in the music business with hits like “Poor Little Fool” and “Lonesome Town”. Rick had become a bona fide teen idol, known for his good looks, charming personality, and talent as a singer-songwriter.

However, Rick experienced both the highs and lows that come with life on the road. He had a reputation as a ladies’ man and was known to have a fair share of flings while on tour. Nelson was married at the time to his first wife Kris Harmon, but that didn’t stop him from getting involved in a few extramarital affairs.

This tumultuous time in Nelson’s life is reflected in the lyrics of “Travelin’ Man”. The song tells the story of a man who travels the world, experiencing both the thrill of new adventures and the heartache of leaving relationships behind.

The Appeal of “Travelin’ Man”

Despite the personal turmoil that Rick Nelson was experiencing during the making of “Travelin’ Man,” the song remains one of his most beloved tracks. There are a few reasons why this quintessential ’60s track still resonates with audiences today.

One of the main reasons why “Travelin’ Man” still has relevance today is because it speaks to the universal human experiences of wanderlust and love. Everyone wants to travel the world and experience new things, but at the same time, people also want to find love and form meaningful connections with others. “Travelin’ Man” captures both of these desires, making it a relatable and enduring song.

Another appeal of “Travelin’ Man” is its catchy melody. The song’s upbeat rhythm and catchy chorus make it a feel-good track that is guaranteed to lift your spirits. Even if you’ve never heard the song before, it’s hard not to nod your head along to the infectious beat.

The Legacy of Rick Nelson and “Travelin’ Man”

Rick Nelson’s life was tragically cut short when he died in a plane crash on New Year’s Eve, 1985. However, his contributions to rock and roll music have not been forgotten. “Travelin’ Man” is just one example of the timeless music that Nelson created during his career.

“Travelin’ Man” has been covered by numerous other artists over the years, from Bob Seger to Willie Nelson to Lynyrd Skynyrd. The song has even been used in commercials for companies like Toyota and Pepsi. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless appeal and the lasting legacy of Rick Nelson as a musician.

The Bottom Line

“Travelin’ Man” may be a song about a man who travels the world, but it has resonated with audiences across generations. Its catchy melody and relatable lyrics have made it a timeless track that still gets airplay today. Even as we celebrate the legacy of Rick Nelson, “Travelin’ Man” stands as a testament to the power of music to connect people across time and space. So, the next time you’re feeling the wanderlust bug, put on “Travelin’ Man” and let Rick’s smooth voice take you on a journey you’ll never forget.

Explore More Song Meanings

The Meaning Behind The Song: Flor Del Amor by Mixteco

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Boy, 14, found mysteriously strangled by seatbelt in family's van, sunshine girl marall, fred hahn asked to resign from cupe national executive.

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LILLEY: Piccini's grilling of Hahn was perfect, now Hahn must go

Bloody hair transplant gets las vegas man booted from plane: report.

Eugenio Ernesto Hernandez-Garnier charged after refusing to change bandages, leave plane

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A Las Vegas man with a bloody head wound and his travel companion were booted from a flight in Miami after he refused to change the bandages from what he said was a hair transplant.

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Bloody hair transplant gets Las Vegas man booted from plane: Report Back to video

An arrest report obtained by Local 10 News said the man had boarded an American Airlines flight to Las Vegas at Miami International Airport before the flight crew noticed he was bleeding from the forehead and had a bloody bandage covering his wound .

THIS JUST IN: A man and a woman were arrested Tuesday at Miami International Airport after boarding an American Airlines flight that was heading to Las Vegas, authorities confirmed. — WPLG Local 10 News (@WPLGLocal10) August 20, 2024

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Eugenio Ernesto Hernandez-Garnier, 27, was asked to clean the wound and replace the bandage, but he told staff he didn’t have one, Miami-Dade police said via Local 10 News.

The arrest report said Hernandez-Garnier was asked to deboard the plane “multiple times” over concerns about his health and possible bodily fluid contamination. But Hernandez-Garnier and travel companion Yusleydis Blanca Loyola, 32, also of Las Vegas, refused and said, “if they could not fly, no one else can either.”

They refused again when police arrived to respond to the “unruly passenger,” the arrest report cited by Local News 10 said, and again when warned they could be arrested for trespassing.

Loyola livestreamed the incident on TikTok, reportedly yelling at officers that Hernandez-Garnier just had surgery.

“After a brief moment of resisting to be handcuffed, they were subsequently placed under arrest,” the arrest report said, before being taken to a hospital and the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center.

Hernandez-Garnier told NBC 6 South Florida that he was returning home from a hair transplant and liposuction and had paperwork from a doctor clearing him to fly. When Hernandez-Garnier confronted staff, he said he was told that, “You need to go out because somebody don’t like what you have on your head.”

Man, bleeding from head, wife arrested for refusing to get off American Airlines flight A man who was bleeding from his head after a hair transplant was arrested along with his wife after they refused to get off of a flight in Miami. Eugenio Hernandez boarded the American… — T_CAS videos (@tecas2000) August 21, 2024

He also told NBC 6 that he had a “lot of pain” in his head when he was released from jail.

Police said Hernandez-Garnier and Loyola were charged with trespassing and resisting an officer without violence.

“This could have all been avoided if they would have just followed the commands or the request of the officers to vacate the aircraft,” Miami-Dade police spokesperson Argemis Colome told NBC 6.

As for their threat that “if they could not fly, no one else can either,” other passengers were asked to deboard the plane as well before the flight was delayed.


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Pennsylvania State Police at Belfast confirm the young man was traveling alone when his Toyota Prius crashed into a cluster of trees just off the roadway.

17-year-old dead after single car crash in Lower Nazareth

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L. NAZARETH TWP., Pa. – A 17-year-old male from Hellertown has died after his car left the Route 248 exit ramp of Route 33 and crashed Thursday night.

Crews were called to the incident just before 11:30 p.m. 

PA State Police are continuing the investigation to determine the cause of the accident.

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Sam Sam the Kittycat Man ran away. Thanks to a microchip, he was found close by — 11 years later

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Associated Press

After Sam Sam the Kittycat Man disappeared 11 years ago, Jennifer Ravenel couldn’t hold another cat in her lap. Her heart never could overcome the loss of that feral kitten she had rescued from the crook of a tree on her South Carolina farm.

But Sam is now back in Ravenel’s lap, thanks to her decision to have a microchip put in him.

Charleston County Animal Control found Sam this month, skinny and feeding off scraps from a feral colony less than a mile from Ravenel’s home. His microchip was scanned, and Ravenel got a nearly unbelievable phone call.

“I really though y’all were playing a prank on me, because it couldn’t be possible. But this is a miracle in itself,” Ravenel told workers at the Charleston Animal Society.

They guided Ravenel to a room where Sam was in a cage. She cried as soon as she saw him.

“Sam, Sam the Kittycat Man! I’m missed you so much! 11 years!” she said.

Once everyone was sure Sam was OK, Ravenel got to hold her lap kitty again. She squeezed him, telling him that he was her boy and remarking how skinny he was.

“I haven’t held a cat since he left — 11 years — because it broke my heart. To feel his little heartbeat in there, oh, gosh, it’s the craziest thing that has ever happened to me,” Ravenel said in a video provided by the Animal Society.

Sam weighed probably 15 pounds (6.8 kilograms) when he disappeared and half that when he was found, said Kay Hyman, a spokesperson for the Animal Society.

Ravenel initially found Sam in a feral colony after hearing quiet meows from a crook in a tree. He sat in her lap and followed her around the farm.

But one day a dog came along and spooked Sam, and she couldn’t find him.

“I searched and searched the woods. I asked everybody that lived around us, and nobody saw him. But he’s a survivor,” Ravenel told society workers as she petted her now-old friend.

The reunion would have been impossible without the microchip implanted just under Sam’s skin. The Animal Society said it shows how important it is to have that kind of permanent identification for pets.

Ravenel told the shelter that Sam is spending most of his time at the foot of her bed and does not want to go back outside.

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A man travelling in a car with a maximum constant speed of 20 m/s watches the friend start off at a distance 100 m ahead on a motor cycle with constant acceleration ‘ a ’. The maximum value of ‘ a ’ for which the man in the car can reach his friend is

The correct option is a 2 m/s 2 step 1: given maximum speed of the car, u = 20 m / s distance, s r e l = 100 m initial velocity of motorcycle = 0 step 2: calculation of acceleration v 2 − u 2 = 2 a s r e l for the man to reach his friend, his friend should not be faster than him until he moves a relative displacement of 100 m w.r.t his friend ⇒ 20 2 > 2 a ( 100 ) ⇒ a < 2 m/s 2 hence, the maximum value of a is 2 m/s 2.


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Two months after Robert Morris resigned, Gateway Church campus pastor let go due to ‘moral issue’

After Gateway Church’s founder and an elder resigned from their positions earlier this summer, Southlake campus pastor Kemtal Glasgow was terminated from his position due to a “moral issue,” the church said Wednesday.

Glasgow was let go from the church Monday.

“We were informed last week of a moral issue which we believe as elders disqualify him from serving in the role he had at Gateway,” said church elder Tra Willbanks in the update.

“We love his family, we love his wife and his kids, and we want to come alongside them during this difficult time and help them find restoration and healing that they need as a family,” Willbanks said.

The church did not specify the “moral issue.” Kemtal’s removal from his position had “nothing to do with the departure of Robert Morris nor related to those circumstances,” said Gateway’s executive director of media, Lawrence Swicegood, in a statement sent to the Star-Telegram.

“Glasgow had a moral failure so we’ve asked him to step down as a pastor at Gateway and devote time to his marriage and family,” said Swicegood. “Although his employment is ending, we are devoted to still caring for Kemtal and his family.”

As of Wednesday, Gateway’s website no longer shows Glasgow on its Campus Leadership page.

Willbanks said Adana Wilson has been promoted to campus pastor, replacing Glasgow, overseeing the megachurch’s multiple locations.

“We’re excited for Adana and Adana is the perfect person to take on this responsibility and she is going to do terrific,” Willbanks said.

Glasgow’s termination comes after Robert Morris , the founder and lead pastor of Gateway, resigned from his position in June after admitting to molesting a girl, starting when she was 12, in the 1980s and 90s.

Founding elder Steve Dulin also parted ways with the church, deciding to go in “different direction,” he said in a statement.

This story was originally published August 21, 2024, 6:35 PM.

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