For Star Trek's 58th Anniversary, A Starfleet Museum Appears In Star Trek Online, Granting Titles To Those That Study History

Do a little studying, earn a special title..

Michael Byrne

Back in 1966, Star Trek almost didn't make it onto the air. Fans of the franchise already know this bit of history, but to quickly recap, you have Lucille Ball herself to thank for the franchise that became what it is today. While other studios were reluctant to take on Gene Roddenberry's show, Ball's studio, Desilu Studios, picked up the show and made sure the original series pilot episode made it to film. Many credit her with the series even being a thing today.

We're just shy of the franchise's 60th anniversary with it celebrating 58 years this weekend. That doesn't mean that Star Trek Online can't start celebrating now, though. The MMORPG has launched a new "Starfleet Museum" that's in orbit above Deep Space Nine and Earth Space Dock. No matter what platform you're playing on, if you head to the museum you can see a number of exhibits that show off the starring ships from many iterations of Star Trek. Hail each ship to learn more about it, get some nifty facts about the ship from its time on screen and behind the scenes, and a few words from the ship's crew.

Should you study enough (read: hail all 10 ships) you'll gain the special title "Historical Documents Expert."

Finish studying by September 20th as the museum won't be there past that date.

As a "get ready" note, don't forget that Red Alert events comes back next week on the 12th and will run for one week. Run any of your available Red Alerts once per day on any character and you'll get 1 daily progress point. Gain 5 over the course of the event to win the "Grand Prize": an Ultimate Tech Upgrade and a Specialization Point.

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About the Author

Michael Byrne

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.

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Memory Alpha

Fleet Museum

The Fleet Museum , also called the Starfleet Museum or Starship History Museum , was a museum operated by Starfleet , originally under United Earth and later the Federation . It preserved and restored museum ships and related artifacts for public display. ( ENT : " First Flight "; TNG : " Relics ")

  • 2.1 Starfleet vessels
  • 2.2 Non-Starfleet vessels
  • 3.1 See also
  • 3.2 Background information

History [ ]

The Fleet Museum was founded before the 2140s . The Enterprise NX-01 was placed in the museum, in refit configuration, following its decommissioning in 2161. ( ENT : " These Are the Voyages... "; PIC : " The Bounty ")

Prior to 2369 , Jean-Luc Picard had visited a 2260s -era configured Constitution -class , the USS New Jersey , at the Museum. ( TNG : " Relics "; PIC : " The Bounty ")

Brad Boimler and Beckett Mariner once visited the museum, where they toured the NX-01 and learned about its construction. Mariner was more enthusiastic about the experience than she would later admit. ( SNW : " Those Old Scientists ")

By the 25th century , the museum was housed in Earth 's former Spacedock One and located over Athan Prime . In 2401 , it was under the stewardship of Commodore Geordi La Forge when it was visited by the USS Titan -A . After failing to get La Forge's help with disguising the Titan 's transponder code, Jack Crusher and Sidney La Forge stole the cloaking device from the HMS Bounty , triggering alarms that drew Starfleet to the station. La Forge and his daughter Alandra chose to join the Titan 's crew, helping to properly install the cloak. ( PIC : " The Bounty ")

During Frontier Day , La Forge revealed that he had rebuilt the USS Enterprise -D over the course of twenty years and it was once again a functional starship, albeit not yet fully restored. With the Borg having taken over Starfleet, La Forge led the Enterprise 's old command crew to the museum to press the ship back into service. ( PIC : " Võx ")

In 2402 , restoration on the Enterprise -D was completed and it was put in a display berth in the museum. ( PIC : " The Last Generation ")

Exhibits [ ]

Starfleet vessels [ ], non-starfleet vessels [ ], appendices [ ], see also [ ].

  • Astral V Annex
  • Starfleet Archive Museum

Background information [ ]

Fleet Museum-Athan Prime

Appearing in the end credits of PIC Season 3

In the first draft script of "Relics", the Fleet Museum was said to be "at Memory Alpha ." This placing of the museum was omitted from the installment by the time the final draft of the script was issued. [1]

Originally, the Starfleet Museum was to have been depicted in the anti-time future portrayed in Star Trek: The Next Generation series finale " All Good Things... ". It was visited by Jean-Luc Picard, Data , and Geordi La Forge. Among its collection of ships, the museum contained the USS Enterprise -D, which the visiting threesome intended to commandeer in order to go on a mission Picard felt they needed to undertake. The group was given a guided tour of the facility by a tour guide who didn't know who they were. Just as the three visitors were about to leave, Admiral Riker and a team of security officers entered the museum, though the group ultimately departed on their mission anyway. ( The Fifty-Year Mission: The Next 25 Years , p. 285)

  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Klingon augment virus

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Published Feb 11, 2016

Exploring New Worlds Exhibition Opening in Seattle in May

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The EMP Museum in Seattle, Washington, will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Star Trek with a new exhibition, Star Trek: Exploring New Worlds , that will open on May 21. Exploring New Worlds will showcase Star Trek ’s significant impact on culture, society, arts, sports, technology and fashion, and it will feature more than 100 rare artifacts, set pieces and props from the television series, spinoffs and films.Many of the items to be displayed will come from a private collection, and thus have never before been on public display. Further, fans will be able to participate in state-of-the art interactive photo and video opportunities.“Fifty years after Star Trek: The Original Series first aired, its stories continue to energize people worldwide,” Brooks Peck, Curator at EMP Museum, said in a statement. “This exhibition explores that phenomenon, its enduring impact on our culture and how Star Trek ’s themes of optimism, equality, and heroism have inspired people to imagine, explore and create.” Exhibition highlights will include:

  • More than 100 props and artifacts from all five Star Trek television series and many of the films, including an Original Series tricorder, communicator, and phaser; a Borg cube, Klingon disruptor pistol, Tribbles, and more
  • Set pieces from The Original Series , including Captain Kirk’s command chair and the navigation console, which will be on display for the first time to the public
  • KHAAAAN! video booth where visitors can recreate the memorable scene from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • Rare costumes, among them Spock’s tunic worn by Leonard Nimoy; Lt. Uhura’s (Nichelle Nichols) dress; Khan garments past and present, including the open-chest tunic worn by Ricardo Montalban and the costume worn by Benedict Cumberbatch in the 2013 reboot; Captain Picard’s (Patrick Stewart) costume, a Borg costume, the alien Gorn and more
  • Transporter simulator where visitors can create a film that shows them being beamed to another location
  • Spaceship filming models of the Enterprise, USS Excelsior, Romulan Warbird, Phoenix and the Deep Space Nine space station
  • Original scripts, concept art, storyboards, and production drawings
  • Showcase of Star Trek ’s significant impact on culture, society, arts, sports, technology and fashion that includes a prototype of a real medical tricorder, Star Trek -themed beer, Red Sox “ Star Trek Night” foam finger in the shape of the Vulcan salute, a “Picardigan” sweater, a listening station with songs by Star Trek tribute bands, USPS stamps featuring the U.S.S. Enterprise, and much more.

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Belongs in a Museum

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Accolade Text: [ | ]

Discover all the artifacts held by starfleet hq in “vorgon conclusions” . [ | ].

  • Designation: Tox Uthat Lead Researcher: Dr. Masayuki Takahata Discovery: Jean-Luc Picard - Risa , 2366 Quantum phase inhibitor designed by Kal Dano in the 27th century. After recovering the artifact, Jean-Luc Picard employed an elaborate ruse to deceive would-be treasure hunters (see 'Transporter Code 14'). As a result, the galaxy at large believes the Tox Uthat was destroyed.
  • Designation: Augment Embryonic Tissue Lead Researcher: Dr. T.S. Huxley-Bain Discovery: [CLASSIFIED] - Cold Station 12, 2154 Embryonic tissue samples collected from Human Augments at facility Cold Station 12. Currently kept in stasis by order of Section 31 .
  • Designation: "Overwhelm and Devastate" Lead Researcher: Unassigned Discovery: Benton Reeves - New York City, Earth Archival copy of Colonel Philip Green's manifesto published in 2032, detailing his military philosophy and tactics along with his plans to purify humanity.
  • Designation: S'harien Sword Lead Researcher: Dr. S'vinn Discovery: Sarek - Vulcan's Forge, 2277 A blade of uncanny sharpness and strength, forged by the legendary Vulcan Blacksmith S'harien.
  • Designation: "Alice" Class Android Lead Researcher: Dr. Amelia Utley Discovery: Harcourt Fenton Mudd - Mudd's World, 2268 Inert android of Andromedan origin. Android colony at Mudd's World disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
  • Designation: FNORD Lead Researcher: [REDACTED] Discovery: [REDACTED] - [REDACTED] [REDACTED] use of this [REDACTED] has not been approved by Section 31. All [REDACTED] must be immediately reported to the Daystrom Institute on [REDACTED]. Fnord.
  • Designation: Red Matter Lead Researcher: Dr. C'kenn Discovery: [CLASSIFIED] - [CLASSIFIED] Sample of controversial "Red Matter" substance; believed to be capable of creating localized singularities. Joint study project with Vulcan Science Institute.
  • Designation: Genesis Device Lead Researcher: Unassigned Discovery: [CLASSIFIED] - Regula I Station, 2285 Reconstructed using the research material of Drs. Carol and David Marcus. Highest-restriction status by order of Section 31.
  • Designation: Escape Pod Lead Researcher: Dr. Paige Eisen Discovery: Reginald Barclay - Luna, 2377 Originated from the Mirror Universe. Entered our dimension in 2377 and crashed near Tranquility Base. Pod contained a single canine occupant in a state of temporal suspension, designation "Porthos." Subject was integrated into a safe environment by Reginald Barclay after considerable rehabilitation.
  • Designation: Ktarian Game Sim Device Lead Researcher: Unassigned Discovery: William Riker - Risa, 2368 Device utilizes a sophisticated virtual gaming interface. The game rewarded the player’s successes by stimulating the pleasure center of the brain, creating a psychotropic addiction affecting higher reasoning. Repeat use could render the player completely submissive.
  • Designation: The Lair of Doctor Chaotica Lead Researcher: Dr. Ute Kinnison Discovery: St. John Schulyer - Deep Space Station K-7, 2404 A holodeck memory module unit containing a Captain Proton simulation in where the holocharacter of Doctor Chaotica achieved sentience. Inspired by data on the Excalbians, Chaotica formed a "Legion of Timeless Villainy" composed of holographic recreations of infamous evildoers. The Legion attempted to escape the confines of the holosuite in where the program was running, without success. The memory module was remanded to Section 31 shortly thereafter.
  • Designation: Beta-5 Computer Unit Lead Researcher: Unassigned Discovery: [CLASSIFIED] - New York City, 1969 Sophisticated computer system of unknown make and origin. Recovered from the personal effects of agent Gary Seven by temporal operatives. Believed to be in a self-imposed state of operational stasis.
  • Designation: "The Struggle Undying" Lead Researcher: Dr. Hamish Lafayette Discovery: Juliette Caras - Ceti Alpha V, 2286 Manuscript; author Khan Noonien Singh. The first portion of the manuscript is autobiographical, and the remainder covers a broad plan of conquest, including an intention to "augment all that lives."
  • Designation: Borg Queen Remains Lead Researcher: [CLASSIFIED] Discovery: [Classified] - USS Enterprise-E , 2373 Believed to be inert, though preservation in the highest security fields is in effect by order of Section 31.
  • Designation: Auxiliary Data Core Lead Researcher: [CLASSIFIED] Discovery: [CLASSIFIED] - [CLASSIFIED] Recovered from the wreckage of a Federation starship, designation USS Kelvin NCC-0514. Transdimensional in origin; contents remain under highest security clearance access.
  • Designation: Agrathi Memory Implant System Lead Researcher: Dr. Uliet'kha Discovery: [CLASSIFIED] - Agrathi System, 2375 Developed for the Agrathi penal system, these implants are capable of placing memories into a sentient being’s brain. Under review by Section 31 for potential use in espionage and interrogation.
  • Designation: "Thought Maker" Lead Researcher: Dr. Uliet'kha Discovery: Qolliv - Feringinar, 2398 Powerful psionic control device capable of rendering a sentient being highly susceptible to suggestion and mental dominance. Origin of this advanced technology is unknown; the leading theory suggests that the mechanism is of Hur’q creation, though evidence to support this theory is circumstantial at best.
  • Designation: Kelvan Command Weapon Lead Researcher: Dr. Henri Klassen Discovery: Montgomery Scott - [CLASSIFIED], 2268 Portable weapon used by Kelvan explorers. The weapon can render living targets immobile through a high-powered neural field. It can "distill" a target, placing it into a state of suspended animation within a cuboctahedron solid that contained its physical and mental components.
  • Designation: Menthar Aceton Assimilator Trap Lead Researcher: Unassigned Discovery: [CLASSIFIED] - Orelicus System, 2366 Recovered from the remains of Orelicus IX, this ancient tactical system was capable of draining the power systems of a starship at a rapid rate, rendering it immobile and surrounding it with a field of lethal radiation.
  • Designation: "It's Green" Lead Researcher: Unassigned Discovery: Hannah Simkins - Veridian III, 2371 An amazingly potent liquor of unknown origin, identifiable only by its bright, verdant coloration. Often confused for Aldebaran Whiskey, this alien libation is reportedly strong enough to render a Kelvan intoxicated. Recovered from the wreckage of USS Enterprise-D .
  • Designation: Eymorg Pain Band Lead Researcher: Dr. Kolth Discovery: James T. Kirk - Sigma Draconis IV, 2268 Remote-controlled belt-mounted discipline system utilized by the Eymorgs of Sigma Draconis VI to control their Morg slaves through the infliction of intense pain.
  • Designation: Android Duplicator Lead Researcher: Dr. Ian Wilson Discovery: Dr. Roger Korby - Exo III, 2266 Device used to create a physically exact duplicate of a living being, complete with their thoughts and memories. Device contains the logs, research, notes and data related to Dr. Roger Korby’s work on Exo III.
  • Designation: M5A-23 Lead Researcher: Unassigned Discovery: [CLASSIFIED] - [CLASSIFIED] A replication of the original M5 Multitronic Unit computer designed by Dr. Richard Daystrom. The M5A project continued years after the original ended in failure; 23 iterations were constructed, each with the same fatal flaw as the original. After a Section 31 research facility was annihilated by a rogue M5-A unit, the project was terminated.
  • Designation: Chateau Picard (2346) Lead Researcher: Unassigned Discovery: [CLASSIFIED] - La Barre, 2346 An estate red wine produced at the Picard vineyards in France. Curiously, it has highest-security designation from Section 31, despite an apparent lack of strategic or scientific value.
  • Designation: Telepathic Receiver Unit Lead Researcher: Unassigned Discovery: [CLASSIFIED] - Omicron Delta system, 2267 Obtained from the "Shore Leave Planet," this unit is part of a mechanical telepathy system utilized to determine a subject’s desires and needs. Attempts at reversing the technology in order to project thoughts and desires have been unsuccessful to date. The project was suspended after the "White Rabbit Incident" took place in Admiral Brand’s office.
  • 2 Playable starship
  • 3 List of canon starships

Star Trek Original Series Set Tour

General Information

Star Trek: Original Series Set Tour is Located in Historic downtown Ticonderoga, New York.

When the STAR TREK television series was canceled in 1969, the original sets were dismantled and largely destroyed, only a few small items of the actual sets remain today, and those that have survived are in private collections. Trek superfan James Cawley began the process of rebuilding the sets just as they would have been seen 50 years ago when the series was being filmed, a 14 year journey has culminated in the most accurate rebuild of the original sets, and is now open and welcoming STAR TREK fans from all over the world!

Our sets are complete recreations built using the original blueprints, hundreds of hours of serious research and thousands of photographs – both period images and images culled from extensive review and capture from the original episodes. The sets will NOT and were NOT designed to move from one city to another and are fully licensed by CBS. The Star Trek: Original Series Set Tour Invites you to come see the Desilu Studio as it looked during the years between 1966-1969 while Star Trek was in production.

Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions for ALL sales, regardless of how the sale is accomplished (phone, online, or face-to-face) are at this TERMS AND CONDITIONS page.

View of the USS Enterprise Transporter Room

Admission Prices are:

  • Adult: (Ages 14-54) $23.00
  • Senior: $21.00 (Age 55+)
  • Child: $12.00 (Ages 5-13)
  • Child: Free   Under Age 5, No ticket required
  • Military, Police, Fire – Active or Retired with ID $21.00
  • Family: 2 Adults, 2 children (5-13), special price of $65.00
  • Family: 2 Adults, 4 children (5-13), special price of $90.00
  • Special requests will be priced based on nature of request.
  • Prices above DO NOT include sales tax and ticketing fees

Tickets Now On Sale!

  • You may buy tickets at the door, cash or credit card. Email receipt available.
  • Alternatively, you may buy tickets online (see button below) priced as shown.
  • Tours last about an hour.
  • Groups of 20 or more please call ahead to (518) 503-5497.
  • Lots of time for photo ops. No photos of unfinished sets.
  • Tour guide will remind you where photos are NOT permitted.
  • No food or beverages on sets; no backpacks or packages allowed in studio.
  • Free parking in the lot at the studio.
  • Star Trek Tour at 112 Montcalm Street – Ticonderoga, New York 12883 USA

View of corridor of USS Enterprise

Contact us:

Star Trek Tour email: [email protected]

Please check back for further information.

All prices (except free) plus 8% sales tax.

All prices (except free) may incur handling fee.

Star Trek Original Series Set Tour Logo

Screen Rant

Every star trek ship in picard’s starfleet museum.


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Star Trek: Picard Totally Forgot About Jean-Luc's Other Son

No one noticed star trek: picard season 3 subtly set up uss enterprise-d’s return, i’ve never seen a star trek character go from hated to beloved as fast as this guy.

WARNING: This article contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Picard Season 3, Episode 6 - "The Bounty". The USS Titan-A paid a visit to the Athan Prime Fleet Museum in Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 6, "The Bounty", and it hosts an impressive array of classic Star Trek ships. The Fleet Museum had been teased back in the season 3 premiere, "The Next Generation", when Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) pondered donating his portrait of the USS Enterprise-D to the museum's curator, Commodore Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton). Viewers finally got to see the museum realized on-screen in all its glory when Jean-Luc sought help from his former engineer.

The starships on display in Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 6 provided "The Bounty" with its second Easter egg hunt. Captain Worf (Michael Dorn) finally made it to Daystrom Station alongside Commander Raffi Musiker (Michelle Hurd) and Captain William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and passed by several classic Star Trek weapons, scientific devices, and even corpses. The Athan Prime Fleet Museum is the final resting place of every legendary Starfleet ship, and here's every classic Star Trek ship that was on display.

RELATED: 11 Amazing Star Trek Easter Eggs In Picard’s Daystrom Station

8 The USS Enterprise-A

The USS Enterprise-A was the second ship to be commanded by Captain James T Kirk (William Shatner). It's no surprise that the ship that hosted the historic meeting between Kirk and Chancellor Gorkon (David Warner) that led to the cessation of hostilities between the Klingon Empire and the Federation has become a museum piece. Surprisingly, Jack Crusher (Ed Speelers) was particularly taken with Kirk's Enterprise-A and its " perfectly clean retro lines " before he declared himself to be a "Constitution-class man."

7 The USS Defiant

Commander Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) began quizzing Jack on his knowledge of starships by showing him the USS Defiant . The legendary ship was commanded by Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) during the Dominion War and, in his absence, Sisko's Executive Officer Worf. However, this is the second Defiant, as the original NX-74205 was destroyed in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 7 and replaced by the USS Sao Paulo, which was renamed "USS Defiant." The Defiant was last canonically seen in Star Trek: Prodigy 's 2-part season 1 finale, "Supernova." As Star Trek: Picard season 3 tackles the fallout from the Dominion War decades after it ended, it makes perfect sense to feature the USS Defiant as an exhibit at the Fleet Museum.

6 The USS Voyager

As the Fleet Museum is the final resting place for legendary Starfleet ships, Seven of Nine delivers a perfect eulogy to the USS Voyager. " She made her name farther out than any of those other relics had ever gone " Seven tells Jack, whose exceptional knowledge of classic starships has a Voyager-shaped hole in it. Touchingly, Seven also states that she was " reborn " there, in reference to the guidance and support she received from Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) that led Seven to a career in Starfleet.

5 The HMS Bounty

Another legendary Star Trek ship on display is the Klingon Bird-of-Prey hijacked by the Star Trek: The Original Series crew in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home . Seven of Nine reveals what happened to Kirk's Klingon ship , explaining that Starfleet spent a long time trying to retrieve it from the bottom of San Francisco Bay due to the cloaking device having been triggered. The story of the stolen Klingon ship and its cloaking device inspired Jack Crusher's unorthodox solution to avoiding the Changelings and Starfleet.

4 The USS New Jersey

Although it looks like a TOS-era starship, the USS New Jersey is an original creation exclusive to Star Trek: Picard season 3. The ship is a tribute to Picard showrunner Terry Matalas who was born in the Garden State in 1975. The USS New Jersey's designation of NCC-1975 reflects the year of Matalas' birth. Now that the starship has been introduced into Star Trek canon, there's every possibility that it could cross paths with Captain Pike (Anson Mount) and the crew of the Enterprise in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds .

3 The USS Excelsior

Although not seen on-screen, Star Trek 's USS Excelsior has also been laid to rest at the Athan Prime Fleet Museum. The Excelsior is mentioned in the closing credits to each episode of Star Trek: Picard season 3, which displays its name on the Fleet Museum manifest alongside Voyager and the USS Pioneer from Star Trek: Online . As the Enterprise-A is stored at Athan Prime, it's only fair that the historic ship, commanded by Captain Sulu (George Takei) also sits alongside it.

2 The Enterprise NX-01 Refit

The first Starfleet ship to bear the name Enterprise appears during a very brief flyby of the museum as Altan Inigo Soong (Brent Spiner) explains the returns of Data and Lore. This is the updated refit version of the NX-01 that was briefly seen in model form at Château Picard in Star Trek: Picard season 2. The Enterprise NX-01, previously commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula), is seen alongside a Klingon K'Tinga class battlecruiser that may be Kronos One, the flagship of Klingon Chancellor Gorkon (David Warner) in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country .

1 Other Star Trek Starships At The Fleet Museum

As well as storing many classic starships, Star Trek: Picard season 3's Fleet Museum is actually one big Star Trek Easter egg . When the Titan arrives at Athan Prime, Captain Liam Shaw (Todd Stashwick) refers to it as " the old space dock. " The space dock Shaw's referring to is the one from which Kirk and the crew stole the USS Enterprise in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock . As the site of such a historic rogue action by some of Starfleet's biggest legends, it makes to repurpose the space dock as an orbital museum.

There are a couple of other ships glimpsed in the overhead shot of the Fleet Museum that are notable in Star Trek history. A TOS- era Romulan bird of prey can be seen housed in one of the museum's bays. Furthermore, there's a Constellation-class starship that may be the USS Stargazer, Jean-Luc Picard's first command, as seen in the TNG episode "The Battle". As Star Trek: Picard season 3 is set to conclude the story of the legendary Jean-Luc Picard, it makes sense for his ship to be featured in the collection of the Athan Prime Fleet Museum.

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 streams Thursdays on Paramount+.

  • Star Trek: Picard

10 Times Star Trek Didn't Think It Through

5. kronos one at the fleet museum.

Star Trek Kronos One

The official explanation for Kronos One's presence at Starfleet's Fleet Museum is that it was 'on loan' from the Klingon Empire. This feels a bit tongue-in-cheek, and we're on board with that. But that's really think about this.

Kronos One played a pivotal role in the Federation-Klingon peace talks, so its presence for posterity makes sense. It is also not the only foreign vessel on display - the HMS Bounty and a Romulan-Bird-Of-Prey also adorn these space halls. The Bounty was stolen by Admiral Kirk, whereas there is no Romulan Empire left to demand the return of the Bird-Of-Prey - those we can more-or-less understand.

Kronos One was the Klingon flagship. Allowing for Klingons not being particularly sentimental, it was also the site of the assassination of their Chancellor. Putting it on display feels a bit morbid. Retiring it from service makes more sense but loaning it out to Starfleet - for what purpose? 

It was wonderful to see the ship on display, but it doesn't make a lot of sense for it to be there. Still, it was great to see the refit NX-01 in the same shot!

Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick

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  • ‘Star Trek’ Cast Members To Appear At Crooked Media Fundraiser To Benefit Kamala Harris, Other Democratic Races

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star trek online museum

Cast members from various Star Trek series will gather next week for an in-person and livestream fundraiser for Crooked Media ‘s Vote Save America .

Per organizers, those participating include Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Wil Wheaton, Jonathan Del Arco, Jeri Ryan, Rosalind Chao, Tawny Newsome, Eugene Cordero, and Noël Wells. Also expected:  Mike McMahan, writer and producer of Star Trek: Lower Decks. The event will be hosted by Pod Save America’s Jon Lovett and Trek’s and the City’s  Alice Wetterlund.

Watch on Deadline

The event is the latest fundraising effort for Harris and Democrats tied to fandom. Earlier this week, Lynda Carter headlined a Geeks and Nerds for Harris event, with Mark Hamill, Jon Cryer, Matthew Modine and Patty Jenkins among the participants.

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  5. Star Trek Original Series Set Tour 6/16/24 Ticonderoga,NY


  1. Star Trek Day!

    Star Trek Day! We're celebrating Star Trek's upcoming birthday with a special in game museum of the Federation's history on all platforms! On September 8th, 1966, the world first met a group of people, and a ship, that would change our lives forever. Pitched as "wagon train to the stars", and brought to TV by the force of Lucille Ball's ...

  2. Exploring THE NEW Star Fleet Museum!

    September 8 is officially known to Trekkies as Star Trek Day, and 2021 marks the occasion's 55th anniversary. In celebration STO "Star Trek Online" had added...

  3. Star Trek Online brings back its 'historical museum' for franchise's

    To commemorate Star Trek Day, Star Trek Online likes to dust off a "historical museum". that takes place around Earth Spacedock and Deep Space Nine. It's not a huge event, but by touring all of the classic Trek starships, you can get an appreciation of the franchise's legacy and snag a Historical Documents Expert title.

  4. Star Trek Online opens up a special museum to tour the franchise's

    Play Star Trek Online for free. Ergo, Star Trek Day will arrive in Star Trek Online on August 10th and continue through the 24th. During this period, players can tour a set of two museums (around Earth and Deep Space Nine) that contains ships from the shows and movies, ready to disgorge "behind the scenes" facts about each.

  5. Star Trek Online Brings Back Its In-Game Museum To Celebrate Star Trek

    Star Trek Online is celebrating Star Trek Day, the anniversary of the first broadcast of the original Star Trek series with the return of its Starfleet Museum. To celebrate the occasion, for ...

  6. Athan Prime Fleet Museum Beacon : r/sto

    r/sto. r/sto. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. MembersOnline.

  7. For Star Trek's 58th Anniversary, A Starfleet Museum Appears In Star

    That doesn't mean that Star Trek Online can't start celebrating now, though. The MMORPG has launched a new "Starfleet Museum" that's in orbit above Deep Space Nine and Earth Space Dock. No matter what platform you're playing on, if you head to the museum you can see a number of exhibits that show off the starring ships from many iterations of ...

  8. Star Trek Online's Ship Of The Line Museum Is A Fantastic Homage To The

    Star Trek Online is celebrating Star Trek Day with the return of the Ship of the Line Museum, and it's one of the best ways it can pay homage to the MMO's sci-fi franchise roots.

  9. The Starfleet Museum

    The Starfleet Museum - STO. 196 likes. We run a Star Trek Online Fleet using only Classic ships. From NX-Class to Excelsior and Ambassador-Class. 60's style Temporal ships and Discovery era vessels...

  10. Star Trek Online hosts in-game museum over Star Trek Day

    Paying homage to what has come before. Star Trek Online will feature a limited-time, in-game museum celebrating Star Trek Day 2022, Gearbox has today confirmed.. Starting at 1.00 am AEST on 7 September and running until 3.00 am AEST on 20 September, the in-game museum will honour Star Trek shows of old. "There will be a special Starfleet Museum in orbit above Deep Space Nine and Earth Space ...

  11. Starfleet Academy Experience To Open on NYC's Intrepid

    Star Trek: The Starfleet Experience, the interactive exhibition that immerses visitors in the world of Star Trek, will open to the public at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York City on July 9 and run through October 31.Tickets will go on sale for museum members starting on May 4, with the general public able to purchase tickets beginning on May 11.

  12. Star Trek Day

    Description. How to Get. Points. Happy Star Trek Day. Visit the Starfleet Ships of the Line Museum at Earth Space Dock or Deep Space Nine (Rewards title "Historical Document Expert") Visit museum replicas of Discovery, all Enterprises, Voyager, Defiant. 5.

  13. The Last Generation Lock Box!

    The Last Generation Lock Box brings items and technologies from Star Trek: Picard's season 3 to Star Trek Online! By Ambassador Kael January 22, 2024, 09:00 AM. The Federation's exploration of our galaxy never ceases, and those who paved the way must one day step aside for others to take up the mantle. Serving as guides, advisors, and mentors ...

  14. 10 great sites for a 'Star Trek' pilgrimage

    The National Historic Landmark is the sole remaining intercontinental complex in the country. And it also happens to appear in scenes from the 1996 film Star Trek: First Contact ...

  15. Star Trek Online

    Star Trek Online - Star Trek Day: Starfleet Museum"On September 8th, 1966, the world first met a group of people, and a ship, that would change our lives for...

  16. Fleet Museum

    The Fleet Museum, also called the Starfleet Museum or Starship History Museum, was a museum operated by Starfleet, originally under United Earth and later the Federation. It preserved and restored museum ships and related artifacts for public display. (ENT: "First Flight"; TNG: "Relics") The Fleet Museum was founded before the 2140s. The Enterprise NX-01 was placed in the museum, in refit ...

  17. Star Trek Original Series Set Tour

    We will use YOUR phone or camera to take 2 or 3 shots in each room in fun poses! You will go home with priceless memories of your adventure on the Enterprise! Interact with the set in ways not allowed on regular tours! Prices start at $49.99. Book your photo tour today!!!! *Call us at 518-503-5497 for more information.

  18. Exploring New Worlds Exhibition Opening in Seattle in May

    The EMP Museum in Seattle, Washington, will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Star Trek with a new exhibition, Star Trek: Exploring New Worlds, that will open on May 21.Exploring New Worlds will showcase Star Trek's significant impact on culture, society, arts, sports, technology and fashion, and it will feature more than 100 rare artifacts, set pieces and props from the television series ...

  19. Belongs in a Museum

    Item #: 020290 Designation: Tox Uthat Lead Researcher: Dr. Masayuki Takahata Discovery: Jean-Luc Picard - Risa, 2366 Quantum phase inhibitor designed by Kal Dano in the 27th century. After recovering the artifact, Jean-Luc Picard employed an elaborate ruse to deceive would-be treasure hunters (see 'Transporter Code 14'). As a result, the galaxy at large believes the Tox Uthat was destroyed ...

  20. General Information

    The Star Trek: Original Series Set Tour Invites you to come see the Desilu Studio as it looked during the years between 1966-1969 while Star Trek was in production. Terms and Conditions. Terms and conditions for ALL sales, regardless of how the sale is accomplished (phone, online, or face-to-face) are at this TERMS AND CONDITIONS page.

  21. Every Star Trek Ship In Picard's Starfleet Museum

    2 The Enterprise NX-01 Refit. The first Starfleet ship to bear the name Enterprise appears during a very brief flyby of the museum as Altan Inigo Soong (Brent Spiner) explains the returns of Data and Lore. This is the updated refit version of the NX-01 that was briefly seen in model form at Château Picard in Star Trek: Picard season 2.

  22. Arc Store

    Arc Store - Arc Games

  23. Star Trek Original Series Set Tour

    Star Trek Original Series Set Tour, Ticonderoga, New York. 170,268 likes · 1,414 talking about this · 11,230 were here. Walk the corridors of the Starship Enterprise in historic Ticonderoga,NY !

  24. Star Trek Original Series Set Tour

    641. Star Trek Original Series Set Tour. Star Trek Tour/Used with permission. When Star Trek: The Original Series was canceled in 1969, most of the sets were dismantled and destroyed. The few ...

  25. 10 Times Star Trek Didn't Think It Through

    The official explanation for Kronos One's presence at Starfleet's Fleet Museum is that it was 'on loan' from the Klingon Empire. This feels a bit tongue-in-cheek, and we're on board with that. But ...

  26. 'Star Trek' Cast Members To Appear At Crooked Media ...

    Cast members from various Star Trek series will gather next week for an in-person and livestream fundraiser for Crooked Media's Vote Save America. Per organizers, those participating include ...