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USPS USERS :      Effective 2/3/2024, United States Postal Service will no longer require employees to use a username/password to access the booking tool to make travel arrangements.

Employees will now use new URL links to access GetThere. These links can be found on the Travel and Relocation Blue Page under the GetThere tab or by clicking on the links below.

However, it is important to note that OIG employees will need use their ACE ID and password to log on to GetThere.

Individually Billed Account (IBA) Users GetThere Link:


Centrally Billed Account (CBA) users:   There is a new link to access GetThere when using CBA card.

CBA Users GetThere Link:


Note:  Don’t forget to replace your Get There favorites link with the new one.

Your session will expire in .

Click the "Extend session" button to extend the session and continue working.

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Take charge

Use government-issued travel cards properly.

getthere usps travel login

The Postal Service is reminding employees who have been issued a Citibank GSA SmartPay 3 card to only use them for official USPS business-related travel expenses.

The cards allow employees who travel on postal business to receive government-rate airfares and hotel accommodations .

However, the cards should never be used:

• For another employee’s travel expenses.

• To put air itineraries or hotels on hold for other employees.

• For personal, family or household expenses.

• To withdraw cash from an ATM, unless on international travel.

Additionally, when booking travel, employees must use Omega World Travel/GetThere , the Postal Service’s contracted travel management company.

Booking reservations through other travel service providers is against policy and prevents the organization from fulfilling certain contractual obligations and from receiving discounts and rebates.

Employees should also:

• File expense reports as soon as possible after travel is complete.

• Notify their travel card coordinator and Citibank if a card is lost or stolen.

• Promptly report changes of address or name changes to their travel card coordinator and Citibank.

• Notify travel card coordinators about job changes.

• Dispute any charges that are incorrect.

Additionally, employees should always secure their government travel card as if it were a personal credit card.

To request a travel card, ask your travel card coordinator for an application, have the completed application approved by an approving official and return it to the coordinator for processing.

Cards usually arrive in two weeks.

Additional information is available in Handbook F-15 Travel and Relocation .

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438 Pay During Travel or Training

438.1 pay during travel, 438.11 definitions.

Definitions relevant to pay during travel or training include the following:

  • Travel time — time spent by an employee moving from one location to another during which no productive work is performed and excluding the normal mealtime if it occurs during the period of travel.
  • Local commuting area — the suburban area immediately surrounding the employee’s official duty station and within a radius of 50 miles.

438.12 Commuting To and From Work

438.121 regular commuting.

Commuting time before or after the regular workday between an employee’s home and official duty station or any other location within the local commuting area is a normal incident of employment and is not compensable. It is not compensable regardless of whether the employee works at the same location all day or commutes home after the workday from a location different from the one where the workday started.

438.122 Commuting to a Different Worksite

Commuting time to and from work is not compensable when an employee is called back to work after the completion of the regular workday. However, such commuting time is compensable if the employee is called back to work at a location other than his or her regular work site.

438.123 Commuting With a Break in Duty Status

When an employee is employed to work on a permanent basis at more than one location in the same service day, the time spent commuting between the locations is not compensable travel time, provided there is a break in duty status between the work performed in the different locations. A break in duty status occurs when an employee is completely relieved from duty for a period of at least 1 hour that may be used for the employee’s own purposes. This 1–hour or greater period must be in addition to the actual time spent in travel and the normal meal period, if the normal meal period occurs during the time interval between the work at the different locations. (See 438.132 for travel time between job locations when there is no break in duty status.)

438.13 Types of Compensable Travel Time

438.131 general.

The determination of whether travel time is compensable or not depends upon (a) the kind of travel involved, (b) when the travel takes place, and (c) the eligibility of the employee (see Exhibit 438.13 ). The three situations that may involve compensable travel time are described below.

438.132 Travel From Job Site to Job Site

The following applies to travel from job site to job site:

  • Rule. Time spent at any time during a service day by an eligible employee in travel from one job site to another without a break in duty status within a local commuting area is compensable. (See 438.123 , which makes the travel time noncompensable as commuting time when there is a break in duty status between the work performed in different locations.)
  • Eligibility. This type of travel time is compensable for all employees during their established hours of service on a scheduled workday. At all other times, this type of travel time is compensable only for FLSA–nonexempt employees who are entitled to receive overtime pay.

Exhibit 438.13

Eligibility for Travel Time Compensation

438.133 One–Day Assignment Outside the Local Commuting Area

The following applies to 1–day assignments outside the local commuting area:

  • Rule. Except as stated in the next sentence, time spent at any time during a single service day by an eligible employee who is traveling on Postal Service business to one or more locations outside of the local commuting area and back to the home community is compensable. Time spent commuting in either direction between home and an airport, bus terminal, or railroad station within the local commuting area, if it occurs outside of established hours of service on a scheduled workday, and the usual mealtime, must be deducted from compensable travel time.
  • Eligibility. This type of travel time is compensable for all employees during their established hours of service on a scheduled workday. At all other times, this type of travel time is compensable only for bargaining unit and nonexempt nonbargaining unit employees.

438.134 Travel Away From Home Overnight

The following applies to travel away from home overnight:

  • Rule. Travel time spent by an eligible employee traveling on Postal Service business to and from a postal facility or other work or training site which is outside the local commuting area and at which the employee remains overnight is compensable if it coincides with the normal workhours for a bargaining unit employee’s regular bid job, regardless of his or her schedule while away from the home installation, or for a nonbargaining employee’s schedule in effect while traveling , whether on a scheduled or a nonscheduled day, subject to 438.141 and 438.142 . For instance, an eligible employee with normal workhours of 7:00 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. Saturday through Wednesday is scheduled for training at another location from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If the employee travels from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on any day of the week, 1.0 travel hour is compensable. If the same employee travels from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on any day of the week, no travel hour is compensable. Compensable travel time includes the time spent in going to and from an airport, bus terminal, or railroad station.
  • Eligibility. This type of travel time is compensable for all employees on their scheduled workdays. On nonscheduled days, this type of travel time is compensable only for nonexempt employees.
  • Intermediate Travel Home. Employees who are on an extended assignment away from home may be given the opportunity during the assignment to return home for personal convenience. Although the cost of the round trip is a reimbursable travel expense, the travel time involved is not compensable when it falls outside of the scheduled service week given to the employee during the temporary assignment.
  • Scheduling of Travel. Travel away from home overnight is to be scheduled by management on a reasonable basis without a purpose either to avoid compensation for the travel time or to make the travel time compensable.

438.14 Special Travel Provisions

438.141 use of private automobile for personal convenience.

If an eligible employee who is traveling under the provisions of 438.132 , 438.133 , or 438.134 is offered public transportation but uses a personally owned conveyance for personal convenience, only the lesser of the time spent actually driving or those creditable hours that would have been spent in travel by public transportation are compensated.

438.142 Required Use of an Automobile

All time spent actually driving an automobile while traveling away from home overnight because no public transportation is available is compensable travel time for an eligible employee whether the time occurs within or outside of the employee’s established hours of service.

438.143 Work Performed While Traveling

Any time spent by an eligible employee in actual work that is required or suffered or permitted to be performed while traveling is compensable.

438.15 Compensation Provisions

Provisions concerning compensation are as follows:

  • Compensable travel time is counted as worktime for pay purposes and is included in hours worked in excess of 8 hours in a day, 40 hours in a week, or on a nonscheduled day for a full-time employee, for the determination of overtime for eligible employees (see 433 and 434.1 ).
  • Out–of–schedule premium, nonbargaining rescheduling premium, and guaranteed time are not payable to employees while traveling away from home overnight.
  • Night differential is paid to eligible employees during those hours of compensable travel between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. on either a scheduled or nonscheduled day.
  • Sunday premium is paid to eligible employees for paid travel time during a scheduled tour that includes any part of a Sunday.

438.16 Effect on Other Travel Reimbursement

The rules stated in 438.1 , Pay During Travel, do not affect the entitlement of employees to other types of reimbursement under applicable regulations, such as reimbursement of certain travel expenses and per diem.

438.2 Pay During Training

438.21 general.

Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), provides as follows:

  • 29 CFR 785.27 states:

“Attendance at lectures, meetings, training programs and similar activities need not be counted as working time if the following four criteria are met:

  • Attendance is outside of the employee’s regular working hours;
  • Attendance is in fact voluntary;
  • The course, lecture, or meeting is not directly related to the employee’s job; and
  • The employee does not perform any productive work during such attendance.”

If any one of the four criteria is not met, the time must be counted as working time. (See exception in 438.21 c ).

Note: If the postal training imparts knowledge and skills uniquely beneficial to the Postal Service, it is to be considered as time worked whether the training is directly related to the employee’s job or not.

  • 29 CFR 785.28 states:

“Attendance is not voluntary…in fact if the employee is given to understand or led to believe that his or her present working conditions or the continuance of her or his employment would be adversely affected by nonattendance.”

  • 29 CFR 785.30 states:

“Of course, if employees on their own initiative attend an independent school, college or independent trade school after hours, the time is not hours worked for their employers even if the courses are related to their jobs.”

438.22 Specific Rules on Compensation for Training Time

438.221 general.

The determination of whether time spent in training is compensable depends upon (a) when the training takes place; (b) the category of training, subject to applicable limitations on paid training hours (see 711 and 712 ); and (c) the eligibility of the employee.

438.222 Training During Established Hours of Service

All employees are eligible for compensation for any training time which occurs during their established hours of service on a scheduled workday. For purposes of the preceding sentence, any leave time is not considered established hours of service on a scheduled workday. However, when a senior qualified employee, pursuant to a voluntary bid, engages in scheme study, training, testing, and qualifying, that employee may elect to use annual leave for such purpose, and for directly related travel that would be compensable under 438.132 , provided that that employee has a sufficient annual leave balance. The study, training, testing, and qualifying time must be recorded on PS Form 2432, Individual Training Progress Report. Where the senior bidder passes the appropriate examination and accepts the position, the annual leave (including compensable travel) will be converted to hours worked, the employee’s annual leave balance will be recredited a like number of hours, and FLSA premium pay may be due for any hours worked over 40 in any such workweek.

438.223 Training Outside Established Hours of Service

Nonexempt employees are eligible for compensation for job training time suffered or permitted outside their established hours of service on a scheduled workday, as well as any time suffered or permitted on a nonscheduled workday. (See 711 for categories of training.)

No employees are eligible for compensation for any type of self–developmental training occurring outside their established hours of service on a scheduled workday.

438.23 Special Training Provisions

Provisions concerning compensation for special training time are as follows:

  • Management agreement to fund wholly or partially the tuition and related costs of a course or courses given by an accredited educational institution when such agreement is made at the request of an employee does not cause the training to become job training so as to make the training time compensable.
  • Attendance at training courses sponsored by the various management associations or labor unions is not compensable.

438.24 Compensation Provisions

Provisions for scheduling compensable training time are as follows:

  • Compensable training time is counted as work time for pay purposes, including the determination of overtime for eligible employees. It is included in hours worked in excess of 8 hours in a day or 40 hours in a week and those hours worked by any nonexempt employee on a nonscheduled day.
  • Management may change either a nonexempt or an exempt employee’s regularly scheduled working hours to coincide with the scheduled hours of training. In such cases, out–of–schedule premium (see 434.6 ), or the nonbargaining rescheduling premium (see 434.7 ), is not authorized.
  • Employees who are eligible for night differential and who participate in compensable training are paid the applicable night differential they would have earned during their regularly scheduled workhours had they not been temporarily rescheduled by management to attend such training. Night differential and/or Sunday premiums are paid to all eligible employees whose training hours include night and/or Sunday hours.

Show the table of contents, index, and glossary tabs and the Search box

My Travelers

A travel arranger is a person who is authorized to make travel reservations for another traveler. If you are a travel arranger, you maintain the list of travelers you arrange travel for in the Travel arranger area on the Home page. You can add and remove travelers, as well as specify who receives confirmation e-mail messages when you make travel reservations for another person.

The My travelers section lists your travelers. If you have more than 50 travelers, you must enter the traveler's name and click Search to find a specific traveler.

Note   Travel arrangers can only book travel for their travelers on desktop or tablet devices, not on mobile devices.

Note   If you do not see the option to change this or other profile information, your company may handle this information through another system or internal process. Please contact your corporate travel manager for the proper process for your company.

  • Click the Add a traveler button.
  • Enter as much as much of the person's name as you can, and then Click Search . Tap Search . A list of names that match the search criteria you entered appears.
  • Click the Add button next to the name of the person for whom you want to arrange travel. The name is now listed on the My travelers tab.
  • To access a traveler's page, on the Home page, in the Travel arranger area, click the traveler's name in either the My travelers list or the Frequent travelers tab. The Travel arranger area collapses and travelers name appears at the top of the Home page. You can only access one traveler at a time.
  • Click Add/remove travelers in the My travelers area. The My travelers page appears.

Note   If you cannot find your traveler, you must contact your travel administrator, corporate travel manager, or GetThere representative.

  • In the People who allow me to arrange their travel area, click Remove next to the traveler you want to remove. The name is removed from your list of travelers.

Note   If you have more than 50 travelers, you must enter the traveler's name, click Search , and then click Remove .

  • In the My travelers area or in the Frequent travelers tab, click the traveler's name.

To access the Profile page, click the Profile tab.

Note   If you have more than 50 travelers, you must enter the traveler's name, and then click Search to display a list of travelers matching that criteria.

  • Click any of the profile page links to view and modify traveler profile date.
  • In the E-mail settings area, select who you want to receive confirmation e-mail messages (you and the traveler, only you, only the traveler, or no one).
  • Click Save . Tap Save .

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Postal Times

USPS reminds employees who have Citibank cards to only use them for official USPS business related travel

getthere usps travel login

The Postal Service is reminding employees who have been issued a  Citibank GSA SmartPay 3   card to only use them for official USPS business-related travel expenses.

The cards allow employees who travel on postal business to  receive government-rate airfares and hotel accommodations .

However, the cards should never be used:

• For another employee’s travel expenses.

• To put air itineraries or hotels on hold for other employees.

• For personal, family or household expenses.

• To withdraw cash from an ATM, unless on international travel.

Additionally, when booking travel, employees must use  Omega World Travel/GetThere , the Postal Service’s contracted travel management company.

Booking reservations through other travel service providers is against policy and prevents the organization from fulfilling certain contractual obligations and from receiving discounts and rebates.

Employees should also:

• File expense reports as soon as possible after travel is complete.

• Notify their  travel card coordinator  and Citibank if a card is lost or stolen.

• Promptly report changes of address or name changes to their travel card coordinator and Citibank.

• Notify travel card coordinators about job changes.

• Dispute any charges that are incorrect.

Additionally, employees should always secure their government travel card as if it were a personal credit card.

To request a travel card, ask your travel card coordinator for an application, have the completed application approved by an approving official and return it to the coordinator for processing.

Cards usually arrive in two weeks.

Additional information is available in  Handbook F-15 Travel and Relocation .

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  • Online Booking
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Online Booking Tool

NASPO ValuePoint through GetThere empowers managers and employees alike to make smart collaboration decisions that bolster the bottom line; Experience convenience for your travelers, policy compliance, and cost savings for your company.

Business travelers appreciate the ease-of-use and efficiency of GetThere and get the most content available anywhere to compare multiple trip options.

The most modern and stable booking platform in corporate travel, GetThere maintains a 99.97 percent proven system uptime while driving more than 11 million bookings annually. GetThere is available whenever your travelers need it.

  • Visually appealing website based on Travelocity
  • Customize the look and feel for your travelers
  • Add preferred and negotiated vendors
  • Push policy compliance with “visual guilt”
  • Secure login and website
  • Sync of agent bookings to GetThere and back
  • Change tickets easily and efficiently
  • Pre-trip approval
  • Travel arranger portal to efficiently manage travel
  • Mobile version for your smart phone- GetThere Mobile

GetThere Mobile

GetThere replicates your corporate travel site on a handheld device allowing travelers to shop and book select trip components

  • View and share travel plans
  • Check flight status
  • Access to TripCase a mobile travel itinerary management app
  • Online check in via TripCase

Visit Mobile Site

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  3. GetThere Travel: precios, funciones y opiniones

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  5. GetThere

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  6. GetThere Travel Reviews, Cost & Features

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  1. Access to GetThere booking tool has changed

    USPS employees who use the GetThere travel booking tool no longer need a username and password to access the web-based app.

  2. From here to there

    USPS employees who travel must use GetThere to book transportation and lodging. Reminder: Employees who travel for official USPS business are required to use GetThere to book transportation and lodging. The online service is located on Blue under My Work and General Tools. Here's how to use it:

  3. wx1.getthere.net

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  4. Travel tips

    Here's a brief overview of what USPS wants you to know: • If you currently have a SmartPay 2 card and plan to travel after Nov. 29, don't book advance reservations through GetThere, the Postal Service's online booking tool. Instead, update your GetThere profile with your new activated SmartPay 3 card, then book your reservations.

  5. Does anyone know how to use the get there website for traveling?

    It's been approved by upper management and I've tried my 6 digit username and password I made but it won't let me log in. I'm I supposed to use something else?? None of my managers know how to do it and I need to book a hotel for a training next week.

  6. Travel update

    USPS employees must use GetThere or Omega World Travel for all official business travel, including flights, trains, hotels and rental cars. Employees aren't permitted to book directly using other providers or by contacting travel or transportation companies directly.

  7. Reset button

    If you forget your password for GetThere — the Postal Service's online travel booking tool — you don't need to request a new one through eAccess. Instead, log into the GetThere page and select the "Forgot Password" tab to receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password.

  8. GetThere

    GetThere GetThere ®, a business travel management solution. It is designed to handle the most complex travel programs while remaining intuitive for both travelers and travel managers.

  9. Logon

    All access or use of this system constitutes user understanding and acceptance of these terms and constitutes unconditional consent to review, monitoring, and action by all authorized government and law enforcement personnel. While using this system your use may be monitored, recorded, and subject to audit.

  10. Take charge

    Additionally, when booking travel, employees must use Omega World Travel/GetThere, the Postal Service's contracted travel management company. Booking reservations through other travel service providers is against policy and prevents the organization from fulfilling certain contractual obligations and from receiving discounts and rebates.

  11. Starting Travel Reservations

    Starting Travel Reservations. The online booking tool walks you through the process of making air, rail, hotel, and/or rental car reservations, while using your company's preferred vendors and complying to your company's travel policy. If you have specific questions about your company's travel policy, please contact your company administrator.

  12. 438 Pay During Travel or Training

    438.11 Definitions Definitions relevant to pay during travel or training include the following: Travel time — time spent by an employee moving from one location to another during which no productive work is performed and excluding the normal mealtime if it occurs during the period of travel. Local commuting area — the suburban area immediately surrounding the employee's official duty ...

  13. Government Travel

    Government Travel Omega pioneered government travel management in 1982 and, more than four decades later, continues to be the leading innovator in government travel. Our highly trained and experienced government travel staff provides targeted, specialized services, meeting the unique and ever-changing needs of our federal, state, and local government travel customers.

  14. My Travelers

    Add a traveler to the My travelers list. Note If you do not see the option to change this or other profile information, your company may handle this information through another system or internal process. Please contact your corporate travel manager for the proper process for your company.

  15. PDF CWTSatoTravel Online Booking Tool

    Travelers and travel arrangers can perform the following tasks using GetThere: Update profile information. Select flights. Select seat assignments. Add and book hotels. Add rental cars. -of-policy justificationsLog InComplete the following steps on the Login page. o access the online booking tool.Enter.

  16. USPS Business Customer Gateway

    The USPS Business Customer Gateway provides access to the entire suite of tools and services offered to the United States Postal Service's business customers of all sizes and types.

  17. USPS reminds employees who have Citibank cards to only use them for

    The Postal Service is reminding employees who have been issued a Citibank GSA SmartPay 3 card to only use them for official USPS business-related travel expenses.

  18. NASPO ValuePoint Travel Portal

    Online Booking New booking engine! NASPO ValuePoint through GetThere empowers managers and employees alike to make smart collaborative decisions that bolster the bottom line; Experience convenience for your travelers, policy compliance, and cost savings for your company. more Login Register

  19. NASPO ValuePoint Travel Portal

    NASPO ValuePoint through GetThere empowers managers and employees alike to make smart collaboration decisions that bolster the bottom line; Experience convenience for your travelers, policy compliance, and cost savings for your company. Business travelers appreciate the ease-of-use and efficiency of GetThere and get the most content available ...

  20. GetThere

    GetThere is a global technology company serving millions of business travelers in over 100 countries. GetThere is the industry's most sophisticated and reliable online travel management solution.

  21. Government Online Booking Tools utilizing GetThere Dashboards

    Major government agencies utilize our government online booking tools with personalized travel policy, preferences, and expense management.

  22. GetThere

    GetThere is a corporate travel reservation system that is owned by Sabre Corporation. GetThere first started in 1995 as a company named Internet Travel Network (itn.net) founded by Dan Whaley, Al Whaley and Bruce Yoxsimer.

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    Use This Map to Find Out When Your Sent Mail Should Arrive. It's not your imagination: The mail has gotten slower. When you mail something via the United States Postal Service (USPS), it can be ...