Golden Celestial


How To Soul Travel – Everything You Need to Know!

Soul travel is travelling without physical limitations to another realm where you become one with God or the higher consciousness. Soul travel is often likened to a near-death or an out-of-body experience where the traveller becomes transformed. A soul traveller can become his/her best version since they receive powerful insights on their journeys from their spirit guides and angels. Soul travellers can also solve complex problems in real life, gain clarity, and live their lives to their fullest potential.

If you think soul travel is difficult or complex, think again. With the right tools and techniques, you can consciously direct your soul’s energy to travel wherever it wants to go. Learn to visualise and meditate so you can achieve your life’s dreams.

Table of Contents

Soul Travelling

What is Soul Travelling? 

Soul travel, as mentioned above, is an out-of-body experience where the traveller’s conscious body leaves his/her physical body and travels to a different realm. Many religious practices and scriptures have described soul travel in detail.

Soul travellers describe their experience as leaving their physical bodies and floating or hovering over them. They report meeting entities (including angels or the deceased) and visiting different locations they have never physically been to. They gain profound insights from these travels and can solve complex problems in real life.

It is believed that Nikola Tesla, Einstein, Edison, and other great inventors all soul-traveled which helped them solve complex scientific problems.

What Happens In Soul Travel? Is It The Same as Astral Projection?

People often confuse soul travel with astral projection. In reality, the two are very different. Astral projection is done with the help of the astral body (also called the subtle body or the energy body), whereas soul travel involves the light body. In astral travel, the subtle body leaves the physical body (either through lucid dreaming or meditation), but the traveller remains aware of her/his physical body.

In soul travel, you travel with your light body . It involves raising the vibrations so you are at the same frequency as the highest source. You achieve this through unconditional love. The main difference between astral and soul travel is that, in soul travel, the light body also encompasses the astral body and the traveller does not remain aware of his/her physical body. 

Here are some experiences you could have during soul travel:

  • Sense of separation – you might get a sense of detachment from the physical body. Some people report floating or hovering over their physical bodies.
  • Visit to different realms – Soul travellers report visiting different realms and dimensions. These realms have a dream-like quality. 
  • Encounters and meetings – a soul traveller might meet different entities and spirit guides on their travels. These could be angels, deceased loved ones, and spirit guides. These entities guide the traveller and give him/her a deep insight into any answers they seek.
  • Loss of time – soul travellers often lose the sense of time as time is not linear during these journeys. 
  • Heightened perception – soul travellers experience bright and vivid colours, sounds, and sensations they have never experienced in real life.
  • A deeper understanding of the self and heightened spiritual awareness – soul travellers often get deep insights into questions about their higher purpose and report having a spiritual awakening. They get a deeper understanding of reality and their true nature and selves. They come back with greater wisdom and knowledge.
  • Lasting bliss – once the soul traveller comes back to the physical realm or back into the body, they feel joy bubbling from their core. They report feeling a high, not very different from an orgasm or climax. This joy bubbles through their being and every cell. Life becomes beautiful.

Soul Travel

What Are The Benefits of Soul Travel?

Soul travellers often experience several benefits in their spiritual, personal, and professional lives. Anecdotal reports suggest that the practice could have the following advantages:

Deeper Understanding of The Self

Soul travel can connect you with the divine consciousness. This helps you become aware of things and concepts beyond the physical realm. A soul traveller could experience expanded consciousness and get a deeper understanding of the self, life, and the interconnectedness of all things.

Spiritual Growth

Soul travel can lead to spiritual awakening and growth. The traveller gets to explore realms beyond the physical. Many travellers encounter their angels or spiritual guides, who help them gain insights into the nature of existence and the afterlife.

Physical and Emotional Healing

Since travellers gain insights into their bodies and minds, they can heal themselves from diseases and emotional trauma. They get connected with their spirit guides, who guide them into spiritual, physical, and emotional healing.

Alleviated Fear of Death and After-Life

Death is one way of soul travelling (since the soul leaves the physical realm after death). With soul travel, you get to experience the concept of heaven without dying. Travellers get an understanding of the continuity of life and with the help of their angels, they can accept the cycle of life and death. Many travellers also report meeting their deceased loved ones, which fosters a sense of love and connection and brings immense peace and happiness.

Personal and Professional Development

Astral and soul travel can help you develop empathy for all those around you. They give you an understanding of the fact that we are all connected through a higher consciousness. This helps you see people and relationships in a different light. This can help you develop amazing relationships. 

Furthermore, soul travels encourage creativity, problem-solving, and intuition. They can help you solve complex issues and give you a greater sense of empowerment. These enhanced skills can also help you in your professional life.

Lasting Joy and Bliss

Soul travels allow you to have unique and beautiful experiences. You get to journey to different planes and exciting places. These mental adventures can give you a “high” without drugs and eternal bliss and joy that extend into your daily life.

What is the Importance of Soul Travel?

Soul travel is important because it gives an individual insight into his/her true purpose. It helps them view humanity with greater empathy. At the core of soul travel is unconditional love. This unconditional love can help human beings connect and look beyond race, gender, and other differences.

By journeying beyond the confines of the physical body, soul travellers get deeper insights into human existence. They explore facets of themselves that might be hidden in the routine of everyday life. This quest for understanding often leads to greater alignment with personal missions, values, and a sense of purpose.

Soul travel can help human beings see the interconnectedness of life. Through soul travel, humans can develop a deeper appreciation for the shared human experience – which can promote love, compassion, and understanding.

At the core of soul travel is unconditional love, which transcends ego and judgment. It can help provide a profound sense of unity and bliss. Imagine if every human got this experience; we could perhaps solve wars and conflicts with compassion, kindness, empathy, and understanding.

Soul Travel

How Can I Soul Travel?

Step 1: chanting a mantra.

Mantras are sacred sounds or phrases used to focus the mind. Some practitioners receive mantras from a guru or spiritual master. If you don’t have a guru, you can use commonly used mantras like “Om” to help centre your thoughts and create a meditative state.

Step 2: Setting Intention

Clearly define where you wish to go or what you aim to explore during the soul travel experience. It could be a specific destination or a realm you wish to visit. Focus your mind on this destination.

Step 3: Meditation or Concentration

Engage in meditation or concentration practises. This involves sitting quietly, relaxing your body, and calming your mind. Concentrate on your breath or a point of focus. You can also do guided meditations available online. We will discuss some meditation techniques later in this guide.

Step 4: Listening to Inner Sounds

As you meditate or concentrate, listen for inner sounds, particularly those related to the mantra you are chanting. The goal is to attune your awareness to these subtle inner vibrations or sounds associated with the mantra. It is not just about hearing with your physical ears but also perceiving these sounds within your consciousness.

Techniques for Soul Travel

Different meditation techniques have helped people transcend to other realms:

Guided Light Meditation

This meditation is aimed at activating the crown and root chakras while invoking unconditional love. 

  • Find a quiet, comfortable space to sit or lie down. 
  • Close your eyes and take deep, calming breaths, allowing your body to relax completely.
  • Take your attention upward to your crown chakra, located at the top of your head. Visualise a loving golden light here. With each inhale, imagine this light intensifying, opening up your connection to higher consciousness (the source) and divine love. Feel a sense of spiritual expansion, transcendence, and connection to the universe.
  • Imagine this light travelling down to your root chakra, located at the base of the spine. Imagine the chakra glowing red and light expanding with each breath, grounding you to the earth. 
  • Allow the light to enhance feelings of security, stability, and a sense of belonging. Feel the connection to the earth’s energy and unconditional love supporting you.

How to Soul Travel

Two Pyramid Technique

  • Find a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths to relax.
  • Visualise a pyramid-shaped energy field inside you. Imagine the base of the pyramid resting at your hips, extending upwards, with the tip reaching your crown chakra (top of the head).
  • Imagine another pyramid within your body, with its base at your heart and its tip pointing downward, grounding into the earth. Continue deep breathing while holding this visualisation.
  • Visualise a golden, loving orb of light encompassing both pyramids. Feel this radiant light fill your entire being with unconditional love and warmth.
  • Imagine the pyramids and the golden orb of light spinning gently and harmoniously. As they rotate, visualise this loving energy expanding and permeating your entire body, infusing every cell with pure, unconditional love.
  • Extend this feeling of love beyond yourself, sending it out to envelop the entire planet. Visualise the Earth bathed in this golden light, radiating love and healing energy to all beings.

Third Eye/Pineal Gland Activation

  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes and take several deep, calming breaths. Relax your body by releasing tension with each exhale.
  • Bring your attention to the area between your eyebrows, often referred to as the third eye or the location of the pineal gland. Visualise deep indigo or purple-coloured energy centre in this area.
  •  Imagine a bright, radiant, loving light or a glowing ball of light at the centre of your forehead, activating and energising your third eye.
  • Focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale naturally while directing your attention to the third eye area. Imagine the breath flowing in and out of this centre, cleansing and energising it.
  • If needed, chant your guru mantra or Om/AUM.
  • Allow your mind to become still and observe any sensations, images, or insights that arise without attachment or judgement. Be open to receiving messages or guidance.
  • See unconditional love flowing through your body. Send this love to the planet.

 Build a Daily Practise

Practise these techniques daily. You can also do reality checks to see if you are dreaming or awake. These checks can help you enter lucid dream states, which help the astral body and light body travel to different realms.

You can also visualise a scene from your past while changing something in that scene – like wind blowing or people moving, etc. 

Keep your vibrations high while keeping up with the daily chanting, visualisations, and meditations. 

Key Takeaways – How To Soul Travel

Soul travel is a method of realising your soul’s true purpose or discovering your true essence or true self. 

To perform soul travel, you need to build a daily meditation practice, such as chanting your guru mantra given to you by your spiritual teacher or master. You also need to practise raising your vibration through unconditional love. Meditate on your pineal gland or use the two-pyramid technique. Do these practises daily and you will surely realise your true essence.

The Soul Travel

Soul Travel FAQ’s

What is Soul Travel?

  • Soul travel refers to the intentional journeying of the soul outside the confines of the physical body, exploring realms beyond the ordinary.

2. How is Soul Travel Different from Astral Projection?

  • While astral projection often involves exploring the astral plane, soul travel is a broader concept, encompassing journeys through various spiritual dimensions.

3. Can Anyone Learn to Soul Travel?

  • Yes, with practice and dedication, most individuals can develop the ability to soul travel. It requires honing spiritual awareness and deepening one’s connection to the soul.

4. Are There Specific Techniques for Soul Travel?

  • Techniques may vary, but common approaches include meditation, visualization, and energy work. Finding what resonates best with you is crucial.

5. Is Soul Travel Safe?

  • When approached with respect and positive intent, soul travel is generally considered safe. However, it’s essential to be mindful and follow spiritual principles during the practice.

6. Can Soul Travel Enhance Spiritual Growth?

  • Yes, soul travel is often seen as a powerful tool for spiritual evolution, providing profound insights, expanded consciousness, and a deeper understanding of one’s spiritual path.

7. How Long Does It Take to Master Soul Travel?

  • The timeframe varies for each individual. Consistent practice and patience are key. Some may experience progress sooner, while others may take more time.

8. Can Soul Travel Be Used for Healing?

  • Many practitioners believe that soul travel can contribute to emotional, mental, and even physical healing by accessing higher states of consciousness and divine energy.

9. What Role Does Intent Play in Soul Travel?

  • Intent is fundamental in soul travel. Clearly defined and positive intentions guide the journey, ensuring a purposeful and meaningful experience.

10. Are There Risks Associated with Soul Travel?

  • While risks are minimal, individuals should approach soul travel with responsibility. Maintaining a strong connection to the physical body and staying grounded are essential precautions.

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Travel for Soul: A Journey to Self-Discovery and Confidence

  • by Psychologs Magazine
  • February 2, 2024
  • 6 minutes read


Remember Rani from the movie Queen who was in trauma due to a sudden break up with her fiance and the way she opted for Solo travel as a way of healing herself. The before and after versions of Rani made a long-lasting impact on our minds, especially the huge change in her personality, and level of confidence. The strong bond she made with herself speaks volumes about the lasting impact of travelling on well-being.

It can improve both our physical and psychological health. Studies have shown that vacations can reduce stress and burnout , as well as make people happier and healthier. Traveling increases creativity , and makes our brains more flexible by keeping them active. Travelling helps your brain function better and boosts creativity. Immersing yourself in new cultures increases your mind’s ability to move between different ideas, think more deeply, and integrate thoughts.

Therapeutic Benefits of Travel

According to Randolph, there are “numerous lasting benefits travel can have on your mental state.” They include:

  • Lowered stress and anxiety : Travel provides a mental reset, which reduces your overall stress and anxiety levels.
  • Better relationships and connectedness: If you are lonely, travelling is a great way to form closer connections and stronger bonds with both your travel companions and new people you meet along your journey.
  • More creativity: Experiencing new cultures, food, and arts can broaden your perspective and open your mind to fresh ideas and ways of thinking, which can be applied to your work and home life.
  • Improved physical health: Often people are outdoors more when they travel and walk around new places to explore, which can improve their overall physical well-being.

The gains are so pronounced that in January 2022, Canada’s National Parks Service Parks Canada developed a program called PaRx that allows doctors to prescribe travel by way of a free annual pass to Canada’s national parks for patients who could benefit from time spent in nature. According to Brein, one of the key benefits of travel is that it offers invaluable learning opportunities. When you travel “you are more curious and more open to new experiences … you learn to relate to people better because you need to interact with new people. And therefore you have many new ways of looking at things.”

Read More: What Is Your Travel Personality?

A January 2023 study published in the Journal of Transport & Health confirmed the important role travel plays in accessing “social participation” and the connections between that social participation and our overall health. The study found that when people didn’t have access to opportunities to travel beyond 15 miles from their homes, they were more likely to self-report poorer personal health than those who did.

How different Destinations affect your mindset

Different destinations can have a profound impact on your mindset due to various factors, including the environment, culture, and experiences they offer:

  • Relaxation and Nature Destinations: Visiting serene places like beaches or mountains can promote relaxation and a sense of peace. The natural surroundings can help reduce stress, clear the mind, and improve overall well-being.
  • Cultural and Historical Destinations: Exploring cities rich in culture and history can broaden your perspective, stimulate intellectual curiosity, and foster an appreciation for diverse traditions. It may encourage a more open-minded and globally aware mindset.
  • Adventure and Thrill Destinations: Traveling to adventurous destinations can boost adrenaline and provide a sense of accomplishment. Engaging in challenging activities fosters confidence , courage, and a willingness to step out of one’s comfort zone.
  • Urban and Bustling Destinations: Visiting vibrant cities can inspire a dynamic and fast-paced mindset. Exposure to diverse people, ideas, and lifestyles may stimulate creativity and a more adaptable outlook.
  • Isolated and Quiet Retreats: Seeking solitude in remote locations can promote introspection and self-discovery. The absence of distractions may encourage mindfulness and a deeper understanding of oneself.
  • Educational and Learning Destinations: Traveling to places with educational opportunities, such as museums, workshops, or educational events, can foster a curious and intellectually stimulated mindset. It encourages a continuous pursuit of knowledge.
  • Social and Community-Focused Destinations: Being in places that prioritize community and social connections can inspire a more communal mindset. Engaging with locals and participating in community activities can enhance empathy and social awareness.
  • Wellness and Spa Retreats: Choosing destinations focused on wellness can positively impact your mindset by offering relaxation, rejuvenation, and a focus on self-care . This can contribute to a more balanced and mindful approach to life.
  • Artistic and Creative Destinations: Traveling to places with a rich artistic scene or cultural events can stimulate creativity. Exposure to different forms of art and expression may inspire a more imaginative and innovative mindset.
  • Challenging and Growth-Oriented Destinations: Venturing to places that present challenges, whether physical or cultural, can foster resilience and adaptability. Overcoming obstacles in unfamiliar settings can lead to personal growth and increased self-confidence .

In essence, the impact of different destinations on your mindset is a dynamic interplay between the external environment and your internal responses. The diversity of experiences gained from travel contributes to personal growth, a broader worldview, and a more nuanced mindset.

Cultivating mindfulness in Travel Experience

Travel has a profound impact on our mental well-being. It provides an escape from the daily grind, allowing us to recharge, reflect, and nurture our mental health. When we travel, we give ourselves permission to step away from our responsibilities and prioritize self-care. Research shows that travel reduces stress, anxiety, and depression . It promotes a sense of relaxation, adventure, and freedom. The change of scenery, exposure to new experiences, and the joy of exploration stimulate our brains, releasing dopamine and boosting our mood.

Travel also enhances our cognitive abilities. We activate our problem-solving skills, creativity, and adaptability by encountering unfamiliar situations. Navigating new environments, learning new languages , and immersing ourselves in different cultures keep our minds sharp and flexible. Moreover, travel cultivates resilience. When we encounter challenges or setbacks during our journeys, we learn to adapt, problem-solve, and bounce back. These skills not only benefit us while travelling but also translate into our everyday lives, helping us navigate the ups and downs with greater ease.

Tips for enhancing mental wellness on your next trip

  • Plan downtime to relax and recharge.
  • Practice mindful observation of your surroundings, focus on sensory details, and savour each moment.
  • Engage in slow, deliberate movements, be present in your actions, and limit distractions like constant phone use.
  • Take time to appreciate the journey, be it the scenery, people, or new experiences, fostering a deeper connection with your travel environment
  • Prioritize self-care by maintaining a regular sleep schedule, staying hydrated, and incorporating short mindfulness exercises.
  • Connect with locals, embrace cultural experiences, and balance exploration with moments of tranquillity.
  • Be flexible, manage expectations, and remember it’s okay to take breaks when needed for your mental well-being.

Dive into your bucket list and pick out one of the destinations you wanted to visit for long. Travel can positively impact well-being by providing new experiences, reducing stress, and fostering personal growth. Exposure to different cultures and environments can enhance perspective, while novel activities stimulate the brain. However, travel stressors or constant movement may pose challenges, so balancing adventure with relaxation is crucial for overall well-being during trips.

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Soul travel, what is soul travel.

Soul Travel is a shift in awareness, a change in consciousness, moving closer to God.

Although in truth, Soul doesn’t actually “go” anywhere, Soul Travel describes the experience of accepting greater states of being.

Broadening your viewpoint from even higher vantage points brings upliftment, problem-solving skills, and endless opportunity for spiritual adventure.

A close cousin to dreaming, Soul Travel is a natural ability.

A bald eagle flying

I had my first conscious Soul Travel experience with the Light and Sound. I felt such peace and joy there are no words to describe it. I felt complete freedom, and the Light was so bright I felt I became the Light. I could actually feel waves of love fill my entire being. AW


Beyond astral projection.

Out-of-body and near-death experiences are forms of Soul Travel. However, you don’t need to be near death or consciously out of your body in order to benefit from Soul Travel’s transformative effect.

People who’ve experienced Soul Travel often say it happened to them spontaneously. They’d like to return to that blissful state.

Soul Travel is a spiritual practice that enables you to explore the vast inner worlds of your own being whenever and wherever you like.

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Explore higher realities.

Want to access dimensions beyond the physical world—the Astral, Causal, Mental, and Etheric Planes, and ultimately the pure worlds of God?

Through the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, you can learn to raise your state of consciousness and enter into these higher planes of reality.

Each spiritual plane has corresponding sacred mantras. Chanting these during the exercises raises one’s vibrations for Soul Travel. You can then access wisdom hidden within each plane of reality.

Several birds ascending in a line

Soul Travel transcends astral or mind travel, and rote prayer, elevating one into profound spiritual areas. Whenever Soul reaches the far orbits of the inner planes through Soul Travel, the human heart opens to God’s all-consuming love. Sri Harold Klemp

Expand Your Life

Soul Travel is also experienced as an expansion of consciousness. It can come as a sudden out-of-the-blue awareness or solution to a problem or issue. This is you, as Soul, simply tapping into your own divine intelligence.

As your consciousness unfolds, life around and within you will fill with more love, perceptiveness, and certainty.

Soul Travel makes it possible to achieve God-Realization in this lifetime. The first step is Self-Realization—to discover who you are and your mission in this life. Upon reaching this state, you can then move into higher realms of divine service toward God-Realization—the fulfilment of Soul’s sacred quest.

travel for soul

Through Soul Travel I have experienced the reality of myself as Soul and have come into the unspeakable healing presence of divine love. I can lift my viewpoint above the mind and bring the attributes of Soul to bear, creatively solving problems in my life. I am better able to live with my heart in heaven and my feet on earth—Soul bridging the two! Sylvia


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Spiritual Exercise: A Gateway to Soul Travel

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This Must Be Soul Travel!

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Explore the God Worlds

Make a giant leap in consciousness.

Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ’s spiritual self-discovery courses will help you take a giant leap in consciousness through practical techniques for Soul Travel. Uncover your purpose in this world, and experience personal proof of your eternal nature.

My first conscious Soul Travel experience convinced me without a doubt that the teachings of ECK are real. It also steered my curiosity into the spiritual life. Soul Travel has helped me develop well-rounded and balanced solutions to issues. It creates harmony in my life. Nigeria

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Five reasons why travel is good for your mental health.

  • A long stretch of road can teach you more about yourself than a hundred years of quiet
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What's the first thing that comes to your mind when I say ‘travel’ – Vacation? Meeting new people? Or maybe, Instagrammable sunsets? While traveling can be exciting and exhilarating, it's so much more than sipping margaritas on a sun-soaked beach.

It's no news that travel is good for your physical wellbeing, but a significant amount of scientific research suggests that exploring a new place can do wonders for your mental and emotional health as well.

Here are five evidence-backed ways traveling makes your mind happy and healthy:

1. It’s a great stress buster. "The stress of work and daily demands can distract us from what we find to be actually meaningful and interesting," says Dr. Tamara McClintock Greenberg, a San Francisco-based clinical psychologist and author of Psychodynamic Perspectives on Aging and Illness. Thus, taking a break from the daily hustle and bustle is essential for your mind to relax, recharge and rejuvenate.

And what better way to do so than to pack your bags and cross wanderlust-worthy destinations off your bucket list? Traveling promotes happiness and helps you take your mind off stressful situations. This leads to lower cortisol levels, making you feel more calm and content. “It also helps us reflect on our personal goals and interests,” adds Greenberg. According to a 2013 study , more than 80% of Americans, who were surveyed, noticed significant drops in stress just after a day or two of traveling. “Even though I’m always busy when I travel, whether it’s sightseeing, taking photos or just exploring a destination on foot, I know I’m the calmest and most relaxed when I travel,” says Jacintha Verdegaal, an avid traveler and founder of travel and lifestyle blog, Urban Pixxels .

2. It helps you reinvent yourself. Writer Patrick Rothfuss said, " A long stretch of road can teach you more about yourself than a hundred years of quiet ." Experiential traveling, particularly to a foreign country, can help you re-evaluate and reinvent your life. “If you allow it, travel has the ability to expand your mind in a way you never realized was possible,” says solo travel expert and founder of the Trusted Travel Girl , Valerie Wilson.

Moreover, the valuable lessons that you learn along the way broaden your perspective, making you more aware and open to new things. “I love traveling to places with different cultures because it forces you to think about your own,” says Verdegaal. “Different is not better or worse, it’s just different. But being confronted with these differences helps me to re-evaluate my own principles and values and, sometimes, change them,” adds the professional globetrotter.

Exploring new places can also give you a fresh start if you're recovering from a major transition in your life. “When I had Lyme disease, for several years, my world shrunk. I lost friends who didn’t know how to deal with a sick friend. I was quite alone and lost a lot of my self-confidence,” says Wilson, who began to travel “out of fear of relapsing.” “By traveling and interacting with the world around me, I found a new passion for life. I convinced myself to travel even when I wasn’t feeling well. It has brought me happiness, given me a purpose, and has made me a strong, independent woman,” she explains.

3. It boosts happiness and satisfaction. Apart from the obvious fact that you don't have to go to work (and can legit eat pizza for breakfast), traveling gives you the opportunity to step away from the daily grind. The new events and experiences help rewire your brain, hence boosting your mood and self-confidence. “I think people, in general, are not meant to be tied down to just one place their entire lives. I especially feel “trapped” when I have to stay in the same place for too much time, without being able to really move about and explore,” says travel aficionado and co-founder of The Passport Memorandum , Marta Estevez. “My life feels most fulfilling when I’m outside, living through new experiences and learning,” adds the travel expert who has been to more than ten countries.

“Travel definitely makes me happy,” agrees Wilson. “Even the act of planning a trip gives me something to look forward to and brings me happiness,” says Wilson. Turns out, she's not the only one who feels that way. According to a Cornell University study , the anticipation of a trip can increase your happiness substantially, even more than the anticipation of acquiring something tangible, like a new car.

4. It makes you mentally resilient. Going and living somewhere where you feel excited and intimidated at the same time can help you toughen up mentally and emotionally. “ When I was younger, I couldn’t see myself traveling the world on my own. But now, I travel by myself most of the time. And I love it! It’s never as scary or dangerous as you make it in your head,” says Verdegaal of Urban Pixxels.

Also, facing difficulties in an unfamiliar environment, among new people, forces you to learn and adapt to a life that's out of your comfort zone. This makes you more flexible, patient and emotionally strong. “Travel has taught me patience, to surrender control to the uncontrollable, and effectively problem solve,” says Wilson who describes herself as a “naturally anxious and impatient person.”

It can also help you deal with “larger issues in life with more grace and patience,” adds the travel expert. “One of the worst experiences I had, early on in my travel life, was being mugged of loads of cash and my passport just a day before I was due to fly home. It taught me to accept situations like this more calmly and to attach less emotion to belongings. Now, I can get over similar stressful situations very quickly, without having the issue get me down for long,” tells Allan Hinton , a  London-based photographer who quit his job to become a full-time traveler. 

Similarly, when travel blogger Marta Estevez injured her ankle during the famous Loi Krathong festival (Lantern festival) in Thailand, “the roads were partially closed off that night and the streets were filled with hundreds upon hundreds of people that made it incredibly difficult for us to move,” she explains. “I had to learn to accept the situation and adapt our travels accordingly, without breaking down. I’m not sure I would’ve had the same composure a few years ago in this situation.” Bottom line is, the more challenges you’re faced with, the better you'll get at overcoming them, eventually becoming more resilient, mentally and emotionally.

5. It enhances creativity. According to Adam Galinsky , a professor at Columbia Business School, visiting a foreign place and immersing yourself in their local environment (for instance, attending a 'snake boat' race in southern India or feasting on crispy tarantulas in Cambodia), increases your cognitive flexibility. It also enhances "depth and integrativeness of thought," consequently giving a boost to your creativity. Galinsky is the author of multiple studies that look into the connection between creativity and international travel. Although, it's important to note that traveling stimulates creativity only when you engage with the local culture of that place. Merely visiting a new city or a country isn't going to cut it.

Additionally, extended traveling also improves your productivity , problem-solving skills and can even  increase your chances of getting promoted at work!

However, "it's important to remember that vacation can be very stressful for some," notes Greenberg. If that's the case with you, try taking "short, structured vacations in order to get used to the experience of having time off," she suggests. Also, plan your trip properly, in advance, to avoid last-minute panic and chaos.

Lastly, how can you reap the benefits after returning from the trip?

"As a clinician, I encourage people to hold on to aspects of a travel experience or vacation that was pleasurable," says Greenberg. For example, "if you liked the food in Paris, learn how to cook French food in order to re-create some of the feelings you had while you were on vacation," she explains. "Another behavioral intervention is to remember peaceful moments you had on vacation and try to remember what was different from your present life. Maybe you took the time to eat breakfast, maybe you exercised. Those things are crucial reminders of what we should do every day," adds the clinical psychologist.

Now that you’ve finished reading about all the wonderful things travel does to your brain, it’s time to pack your bags and get going!

Noma Nazish

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Why Traveling Is Good For The Soul?

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Traveling inspires everyone, it is one thing that is on almost everybody’s bucket list. It is always in the trend to visit new places and take infinite snaps that are social-media worthy. But the point of it is not to show off. The real reason to discover new cities and countries is that traveling is good for the soul.

You get an exclusive chance to see new places, do new things, eat new food, meet new people with strange yet charming accents, and getting to know more cultures. Each of these features is attractive in their own way, but there is more to it. Travel is good for your soul and health. Why? Because it resets your body and frees your soul from any stress or depression it is suffering from. In this article, we are going to discuss why traveling is good for your soul.

Traveling is not limited. You can travel to any place on Earth, where your mind is at peace.

People have different preferences , some like the beach more than the mountains. Some are happy about exploring different cities and villages. But the thing that matters most is traveling, not the forms of it.

You need to leave your home and go into the unknown for the sake of your soul’s health. The following are some more reasons that justify why traveling is good for your soul. Read them and plan your next traveling trip, so that you can be motivated for all the challenges that are waiting for you.

travel for soul

Traveling Helps You See Your Life From The Perspective

When you are busy with household chores, working, and dealing with personal troubles every day, you may get stuck in being miserable.

Traveling is one of the best ways to run away from a daily routine and look at your life from the perspective.

The problems that seemed so big when you are at home can turn out not so scary when you are on the beach in Thailand.

Things you hated may quickly become things that you miss. You will also notice the good things in your life that you should be grateful for.

When you see barefoot, poor kid begging for the food , you start appreciating the luxury you live in. The hustle and bustle of the big city may remind you how peaceful your neighborhood is. The list could go on and on- each one of us has completely different insights and conclusions from the travels.

Traveling Benefits Your Mental Health

The health of the soul is associated with mental strength. To maintain it, you must take part in creative and constructive activities. You need to maintain a bright lifestyle where you are happy, social, and take part in every constructive thing. Your soul’s condition is the key to your mental health, and it is directly associated with the length of your life.

It is important to build your lifestyle around things that help to maintain your soul’s health. Sports is a great activity to keep yourself constructively busy.

Taking part in fitness workouts and exercises is also a great way to take care of your soul. But soul traveling is one bustle that leaves every other soul healing activities behind. You need a powerful soul to fuel your body’s health, and traveling is the best way to do that.

When you travel, you face physical and mental challenges that you need to overcome in order to reach your destination. In this scenario, there is little that you can do except for going forward.

This makes you physically and mentally strong, which ultimately makes your soul capable of taking a beating and remaining robust. Another effective way to stay mentally strong is through therapy. 

Traveling Can Make You Happier And More Fulfilled In Life

travel for soul

It is a fact that when a person is motivated , he or she is capable of doing things that seem impossible to a demotivated person. If your soul is ill, and you are living an unhappy life, you become prone to mental illness, anxiety, and depression.

This leads to other ailments, which isn’t an ideal scenario for an individual. Our body is controlled by our minds , so it doesn’t matter that much what we eat or do. It’s what we do for our soul that affects our mental health directly.

Our mind is always behind our passions and mood. Keep it busy in soul traveling you will live a healthy, stress-free, and very happy life.

It Helps You Relax And Unwind

Some people know the significance of soul traveling and how it helps you reset your soul. However, they always associate traveling with expensive leisure, and rightly so as it is expensive.

But when you are passionate about traveling, you can research different means and methods to find a little bit discount here and there, which makes your soul traveling even more interesting and less expensive. 

Traveling provides you with a way to calm your soul down. Everybody deserves a break from his or her daily routine, as following a 9 to 5 schedule puts you in a depression-prone environment. You need an escape to heal your soul, and you can only do this by traveling.

It’s A Great Way Of Leaving Your Comfort Zone

Traveling makes you see new places, do new things, meet new people, and experience new cultures. It revives your passions, which helps you find a new meaning in your life to live for.

It is healthy for your soul to be creative and passionate about things that make you happy.

You Can Learn New Skills While Traveling

Traveling exposes you to new skills that you need to know for your survival.

Whether you need to learn a new language or learn how to light up a fire by using nothing but stones.

It makes you constructive, which helps in healing a soul and a body from all the damages daily life has done to it.

Every Journey Changes You (In A Good Way)

Whether you like it or not, every journey changes you in a way.

After experiencing so much, you are becoming more conscious, you see the world in a bit different light.

You have learned to eat different things and speak different languages, even just a few words. The new skills can shed light on your old habits, and make you look at your life from a new perspective.

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Do you know any other reasons why traveling is good for the soul? Share them in the comments below!

2 Responses

Thanks for your inspring post Karolina and Patryk. We all love travel but not many people can afford that or they don’t have time to travel. Maybe we should find a way to be a freelance and have enough money to travel the world. Btw, safe travel and keep up your excellent work :)

Thanks for your comment, Luna. Yes, it’s possible to travel the world and make money on the way. It’s not always bed of roses but I think it’s worth it!

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  • Dec 1, 2023

Vacation for the Soul: 6 Transformative Destinations for Inner Peace

Travel is one of the best ways to soothe, heal, and refresh your soul. Any destination can be a life-changing experience in its own way, but there are certain places that are world-renowned for their ability to make you feel like a more blissed-out, rejuvenated, enlightened version of yourself.

travel for soul

Of course, we are all unique, which means we all soothe our souls in different ways. One person might find healing in a five-star resort with an award-winning wellness center, and someone else might reach enlightenment dancing at 3 a.m. on the beach at a full moon party. Whatever your preference, there’s bound to be something that calls to you on our list of top six travel destinations for a soul vacation.

travel for soul

Pamper Yourself in Tulum

If your idea of a spiritual awakening needs to include upscale accommodations and stunning beaches, then head to Tulum, Mexico. Boutique hotels, premium shopping, meditations, sound baths, yoga, healthy food options catering to all diets, and did we mention the jaw-dropping beaches? There are even Mayan temple ruins nearby if you like the idea of getting out into nature after all that pampering.

travel for soul

Skip “Eat” and “Pray” and go Straight to “Love” in Bali

Admit it, we’ve all daydreamed about doing Eat, Pray, Love. Want to skip straight to the “love” part of the equation? Are you longing for tranquility and peace? Then, your next destination needs to be Bali. Ancient spiritual practices, a huge array of treatments and activities, beautiful natural surroundings, rustic charm, and some of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet make Bali the perfect place to experience soul healing.

travel for soul

Go “Woo-Woo” in Glastonbury

Ever been curious about magic, past lives, crystals, or tarot cards? If so, the ancient isle of Avalon awaits you – better known as Glastonbury in the U.K. This quirky town in the English countryside caters to all forms of spirituality, from Druids to Catholics, Buddhists to witches. The colorful high street boasts a dizzying selection of magic shops, and the local wellness centers offer everything from crystal therapy to hot stone massage. Feeling active? Climb Glastonbury Tor, one of the most photographed landmarks in the U.K., rumored to be the final resting place of King Arthur.

travel for soul

Follow the Beatles to Rishikesh

Known as “the yoga capital of the world,” Rishikesh in India is the destination for you if your idea of soul healing calls for yoga and lots of it. Visitors from all around the world come to Rishikesh for its broad selection of yoga centers and wellness retreats. The Beatles even visited in 1968! Stay in an ashram for the full spiritual philosophy of yoga, or stick with one of the many yoga centers if you prefer to focus on the physical aspect of yoga.

travel for soul

Find Balance in Ibiza

While the name “Ibiza” might make you think of parties and Spring Break, this Spanish island has a long history of spirituality and wellness. Ibiza has long been a favorite destination for artists, writers, musicians, and bohemians of all sorts. Visit Es Vedrá, a landmark steeped in legends of goddesses and healing, enjoy a stay at one of the many wellness retreats, and then dance until the sun comes up at a beach party. Life is about balance, after all.

travel for soul

Meet Yourself on the Camino de Santiago

Have you always wanted to go on a pilgrimage? To just walk for days, only your thoughts for company? Well, you can, and it’s easier than you’d think. The legendary Camino de Santiago in Spain draws people of all ages (and fitness levels) year-round and is lined with hostels and B&Bs that cater to the Camino crowd.How you approach it is up to you. Do a little at a time, or spend a few months and walk the full route. Walk by yourself, or join a group. You’re guaranteed to meet new parts of yourself on this unforgettable journey.

Healing, wellness, enlightenment, nourishment for the soul – whatever you choose to call it, travel is one of the best ways to soothe your soul and refresh your spirit. If you’d like help planning your next soul vacation, get in touch with us to make your healing dreams come true!

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Why travel should be considered an essential human activity

Travel is not rational, but it’s in our genes. Here’s why you should start planning a trip now.

Two women gaze at heavy surf while lying on boulders on the coast.

In 1961, legendary National Geographic photographer Volkmar Wentzel captured two women gazing at the surf off Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia. This and all the other images in this story come from the National Geographic image collection.

I’ve been putting my passport to good use lately. I use it as a coaster and to level wobbly table legs. It makes an excellent cat toy.

Welcome to the pandemic of disappointments. Canceled trips, or ones never planned lest they be canceled. Family reunions, study-abroad years, lazy beach vacations. Poof. Gone. Obliterated by a tiny virus, and the long list of countries where United States passports are not welcome.

Only a third of Americans say they have traveled overnight for leisure since March, and only slightly more, 38 percent, say they are likely to do so by the end of the year, according to one report. Only a quarter of us plan on leaving home for Thanksgiving, typically the busiest travel time. The numbers paint a grim picture of our stilled lives.

It is not natural for us to be this sedentary. Travel is in our genes. For most of the time our species has existed, “we’ve lived as nomadic hunter-gatherers moving about in small bands of 150 or fewer people,” writes Christopher Ryan in Civilized to Death . This nomadic life was no accident. It was useful. “Moving to a neighboring band is always an option to avoid brewing conflict or just for a change in social scenery,” says Ryan. Robert Louis Stevenson put it more succinctly: “The great affair is to move.”

What if we can’t move, though? What if we’re unable to hunt or gather? What’s a traveler to do? There are many ways to answer that question. “Despair,” though, is not one of them.

wall-to-wall seaside sunbathers in Ocean City, Maryland

In this aerial view from 1967, wall-to-wall seaside sunbathers relax under umbrellas or on beach towels in Ocean City, Maryland .

During a fall festival, each state shows off its costumes and dances.

A 1967 fall festival in Guadalajara, Mexico , starred traditionally costumed musicians and dancers.

We are an adaptive species. We can tolerate brief periods of forced sedentariness. A dash of self-delusion helps. We’re not grounded, we tell ourselves. We’re merely between trips, like the unemployed salesman in between opportunities. We pass the days thumbing though old travel journals and Instagram feeds. We gaze at souvenirs. All this helps. For a while.

We put on brave faces. “Staycation Nation,” the cover of the current issue of Canadian Traveller magazine declares cheerfully, as if it were a choice, not a consolation.

Today, the U.S. Travel Association, the industry trade organization, is launching a national recovery campaign called “ Let’s Go There .” Backed by a coalition of businesses related to tourism—hotels, convention and visitor bureaus, airlines—the initiative’s goal is to encourage Americans to turn idle wanderlust into actual itineraries.

The travel industry is hurting. So are travelers. “I dwelled so much on my disappointment that it almost physically hurt,” Paris -based journalist Joelle Diderich told me recently, after canceling five trips last spring.

(Related: How hard has the coronavirus hit the travel industry? These charts tell us.)

My friend James Hopkins is a Buddhist living in Kathmandu . You’d think he’d thrive during the lockdown, a sort-of mandatory meditation retreat. For a while he did.

But during a recent Skype call, James looked haggard and dejected. He was growing restless, he confessed, and longed “for the old 10-countries-a-year schedule.” Nothing seemed to help, he told me. “No matter how many candles I lit, or how much incense I burned, and in spite of living in one of the most sacred places in South Asia, I just couldn’t change my habits.”

When we ended our call, I felt relieved, my grumpiness validated. It’s not me; it’s the pandemic. But I also worried. If a Buddhist in Kathmandu is going nuts, what hope do the rest of us stilled souls have?

I think hope lies in the very nature of travel. Travel entails wishful thinking. It demands a leap of faith, and of imagination, to board a plane for some faraway land, hoping, wishing, for a taste of the ineffable. Travel is one of the few activities we engage in not knowing the outcome and reveling in that uncertainty. Nothing is more forgettable than the trip that goes exactly as planned.

Related: Vintage photos of the glamour of travel

travel for soul

Travel is not a rational activity. It makes no sense to squeeze yourself into an alleged seat only to be hurled at frightening speed to a distant place where you don’t speak the language or know the customs. All at great expense. If we stopped to do the cost-benefit analysis, we’d never go anywhere. Yet we do.

That’s one reason why I’m bullish on travel’s future. In fact, I’d argue travel is an essential industry, an essential activity. It’s not essential the way hospitals and grocery stores are essential. Travel is essential the way books and hugs are essential. Food for the soul. Right now, we’re between courses, savoring where we’ve been, anticipating where we’ll go. Maybe it’s Zanzibar and maybe it’s the campground down the road that you’ve always wanted to visit.

(Related: Going camping this fall? Here’s how to get started.)

James Oglethorpe, a seasoned traveler, is happy to sit still for a while, and gaze at “the slow change of light and clouds on the Blue Ridge Mountains” in Virginia, where he lives. “My mind can take me the rest of the way around this world and beyond it.”

It’s not the place that is special but what we bring to it and, crucially, how we interact with it. Travel is not about the destination, or the journey. It is about stumbling across “a new way of looking at things,” as writer Henry Miller observed. We need not travel far to gain a fresh perspective.

No one knew this better than Henry David Thoreau , who lived nearly all of his too-short life in Concord, Massachusetts. There he observed Walden Pond from every conceivable vantage point: from a hilltop, on its shores, underwater. Sometimes he’d even bend over and peer through his legs, marveling at the inverted world. “From the right point of view, every storm and every drop in it is a rainbow,” he wrote.

Thoreau never tired of gazing at his beloved pond, nor have we outgrown the quiet beauty of our frumpy, analog world. If anything, the pandemic has rekindled our affection for it. We’ve seen what an atomized, digital existence looks like, and we (most of us anyway) don’t care for it. The bleachers at Chicago ’s Wrigley Field; the orchestra section at New York City ’s Lincoln Center; the alleyways of Tokyo . We miss these places. We are creatures of place, and always will be.

After the attacks of September 11, many predicted the end of air travel, or at least a dramatic reduction. Yet the airlines rebounded steadily and by 2017 flew a record four billion passengers. Briefly deprived of the miracle of flight, we appreciated it more and today tolerate the inconvenience of body scans and pat-downs for the privilege of transporting our flesh-and-bone selves to far-flung locations, where we break bread with other incarnate beings.

Colorful designs surrounding landscape architect at work in his studio in Rio de Jainero, Brazil

Landscape architects work in their Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , studio in 1955.

A tourist photographs a tall century plant, a member of the agaves.

A tourist photographs a towering century plant in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, in 1956.

In our rush to return to the world, we should be mindful of the impact of mass tourism on the planet. Now is the time to embrace the fundamental values of sustainable tourism and let them guide your future journeys. Go off the beaten path. Linger longer in destinations. Travel in the off-season. Connect with communities and spend your money in ways that support locals. Consider purchasing carbon offsets. And remember that the whole point of getting out there is to embrace the differences that make the world so colorful.

“One of the great benefits of travel is meeting new people and coming into contact with different points of view,” says Pauline Frommer, travel expert and radio host.

So go ahead and plan that trip. It’s good for you, scientists say . Plotting a trip is nearly as enjoyable as actually taking one. Merely thinking about a pleasurable experience is itself pleasurable. Anticipation is its own reward.

I’ve witnessed first-hand the frisson of anticipatory travel. My wife, not usually a fan of travel photography, now spends hours on Instagram, gazing longingly at photos of Alpine lodges and Balinese rice fields. “What’s going on?” I asked one day. “They’re just absolutely captivating,” she replied. “They make me remember that there is a big, beautiful world out there.”

Many of us, myself included, have taken travel for granted. We grew lazy and entitled, and that is never good. Tom Swick, a friend and travel writer, tells me he used to view travel as a given. Now, he says, “I look forward to experiencing it as a gift.”

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What is Soul Travel? The Science and Spiritual Aspects of Out-of-Body Experiences


What Is Soul Travel?

Have you ever felt like you were somewhere else, even though your body was physically present in another location? If so, you may have experienced soul travel. Soul travel is the phenomenon of a person’s soul or consciousness leaving their body and traveling to another location, either in this world or in another dimension.

Soul travel is a fascinating and mysterious phenomenon that has been reported by people from all cultures and time periods. While there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of soul travel, there are a number of anecdotal accounts that suggest that it is possible.

In this article, we will explore the concept of soul travel, examine the evidence for and against its existence, and discuss the implications of soul travel for our understanding of consciousness and reality.


Soul travel, also known as astral projection or out-of-body experience (OBE), is the belief that the soul or consciousness can separate from the body and travel to other realms or dimensions. Soul travel has been a part of human culture for centuries, and there are many different theories about how it occurs.

Some people believe that soul travel is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the body is in a state of deep relaxation or meditation. Others believe that it is a spiritual experience that can be achieved through prayer or other religious practices. Still others believe that soul travel is a paranormal phenomenon that can be induced through hypnosis or other means.

No matter what the cause, soul travel is a fascinating phenomenon that has captured the imagination of people for centuries. In this article, we will explore the history of soul travel, different theories about how it occurs, and the evidence for and against its existence.

History of Soul Travel

The idea of soul travel can be found in the religious and spiritual traditions of many cultures around the world. In ancient Egypt, for example, it was believed that the soul could travel to the afterlife after death. In Hinduism, the soul is believed to be capable of traveling between different realms of existence. And in Buddhism, the concept of astral projection is used to explain how the Buddha attained enlightenment.

In the Western world, the idea of soul travel was popularized by the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg in the 18th century. Swedenborg claimed to have had out-of-body experiences in which he traveled to other worlds and dimensions. His writings inspired a number of other spiritualists and mediums who claimed to have had similar experiences.

In the 20th century, the interest in soul travel continued with the work of parapsychologists such as Dr. Raymond Moody and Dr. Elisabeth Kbler-Ross. Moody’s book, Life After Life, documented the near-death experiences of hundreds of people who claimed to have had out-of-body experiences. And Kbler-Ross’s book, On Death and Dying, explored the different stages that people go through when they are facing death.

Today, the interest in soul travel is still strong. There are a number of organizations and websites dedicated to the subject, and there are even workshops and retreats that offer people the opportunity to learn how to have out-of-body experiences.

Different Theories of Soul Travel

There are a number of different theories about how soul travel occurs. Some of the most common theories include:

  • The separation theory: This theory holds that the soul is a separate entity from the body, and that it can separate from the body during sleep or meditation.
  • The energy theory: This theory holds that the soul is a form of energy, and that it can travel through different dimensions or realms of existence.
  • The holographic theory: This theory holds that the soul is a hologram, and that it can project itself into different dimensions or realities.
  • The dream theory: This theory holds that out-of-body experiences are simply dreams, and that they do not represent a real journey of the soul.

There is no one definitive theory about how soul travel occurs. However, the different theories offer a glimpse into the different ways that people have tried to understand this fascinating phenomenon.

Evidence for and Against Soul Travel

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of soul travel. However, there are a number of anecdotal reports from people who claim to have had out-of-body experiences. These reports often describe similar experiences, such as feeling weightless, floating above the body, and seeing the world from a different perspective.

Some researchers believe that out-of-body experiences are simply dreams, and that they do not represent a real journey of the soul. However, other researchers believe that out-of-body experiences are real, and that they provide evidence for the existence of soul travel.

Ultimately, the question of whether or not soul travel is real is a matter of faith. There is no scientific evidence to prove or disprove its existence. However, the anecdotal evidence from people who claim to have had out-of-body experiences suggests that it is a real phenomenon that is worth exploring.

Soul travel is a fascinating phenomenon that has captured the imagination of people for centuries. There is no scientific evidence to support its existence, but there is a wealth of anecdotal evidence from people who claim to have had out-of-body experiences. Whether or not you believe in soul travel is a matter of faith. However, the evidence suggests that it is a real phenomenon that is worth exploring.

  • Moody, R. A. (1975). Life after life: The near-death experiences of children. New York: Bantam Books.
  • Kbler-Ross, E. (1969). On

3. Evidence for Soul Travel

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of soul travel. However, there are a number of anecdotal reports of people who claim to have had out-of-body experiences (OBEs), near-death experiences (NDEs), and other experiences that they believe to be evidence of soul travel.

Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are reported by a small number of people who claim to have temporarily separated from their physical bodies and observed themselves from a distance. OBEs are often associated with sleep paralysis, which is a temporary inability to move or speak that can occur as a person is falling asleep or waking up.

Near-death experiences (NDEs) are reported by people who have come close to death but have been revived. NDEs often involve feelings of peace and tranquility, out-of-body experiences, and visions of deceased loved ones.

Other experiences that have been interpreted as evidence of soul travel include lucid dreams, reincarnation, and mediumship. Lucid dreams are dreams in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. Reincarnation is the belief that a person’s soul can be reborn into a new body after death. Mediumship is the ability to communicate with spirits of the deceased.

The evidence for soul travel is anecdotal and inconclusive. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of soul travel, but there are a number of people who believe that they have experienced it.

What is soul travel?

Soul travel is the journey of the soul outside of the body. It is a spiritual experience that is often described as a feeling of being weightless and free. During soul travel, the soul may visit other realms or dimensions, communicate with spirits, or learn about past lives.

What are the different types of soul travel?

There are many different types of soul travel, including:

  • Out-of-body experiences (OBEs): In an OBE, the soul leaves the body and travels to another location. OBEs are often reported by people who have been near death or who have experienced trauma.
  • Astral projection: Astral projection is a type of OBE in which the soul travels to the astral plane, a realm of spirits and energy. Astral projection is often associated with meditation and lucid dreaming.
  • Near-death experiences (NDEs): NDEs are often described as soul travel experiences. During an NDE, people report feeling as if they are leaving their bodies and traveling to a bright, peaceful place.
  • Past-life regression: Past-life regression is a type of hypnosis in which people are guided back to their past lives. During past-life regression, people may experience soul travel as they visit the places and people of their past lives.

** What are the benefits of soul travel?

Soul travel can have many benefits, including:

  • Increased spiritual awareness: Soul travel can help people to connect with their higher selves and learn more about their spiritual nature.
  • Personal growth: Soul travel can help people to heal from past traumas, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals.
  • Increased creativity: Soul travel can inspire people to be more creative and to see the world in new ways.
  • Problem-solving: Soul travel can help people to find solutions to problems and to make better decisions.

** How can I experience soul travel?

There are many different ways to experience soul travel, including:

  • Meditation: Meditation can help to quiet the mind and create a space for soul travel to occur.
  • Lucid dreaming: Lucid dreaming is a state of consciousness in which people are aware that they are dreaming. Lucid dreaming can be used to intentionally experience soul travel.
  • Hypnosis: Hypnosis can be used to induce a trance state in which soul travel is more likely to occur.
  • Spiritual practices: Spiritual practices such as yoga, tai chi, and qigong can help to open the mind and body to soul travel.

** Is soul travel dangerous?

Soul travel is generally considered to be a safe experience. However, there are some risks associated with soul travel, including:

  • Disorientation: Soul travel can sometimes cause people to feel disoriented or confused.
  • Fear: Soul travel can sometimes trigger fear or anxiety.
  • Spiritual possession: Soul travel can sometimes lead to spiritual possession, in which a spirit enters the body of the person who is traveling.

** What is the scientific evidence for soul travel?

There is limited scientific evidence for soul travel. However, some studies have suggested that OBEs may be real experiences. For example, a study by Dr. Michael Sabom found that people who had OBEs often had similar experiences, such as feeling weightless and seeing their bodies from a distance.

** Is soul travel real?

Whether or not soul travel is real is a matter of personal belief. There is no scientific proof that soul travel exists, but many people believe that it does. If you are interested in exploring soul travel, there are many resources available to help you.

soul travel is a fascinating concept that has been explored by many cultures and religions throughout history. While there is no scientific evidence to support the idea of soul travel, there are many anecdotal accounts that suggest that it is possible. If you are interested in exploring the possibility of soul travel, there are a number of resources available to you. You can read books, watch documentaries, or even try to experience it for yourself through meditation or other spiritual practices. No matter what your beliefs, it is clear that soul travel is a powerful idea that has the potential to change our understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe.

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Dale Richard

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7 U.S. Trips That Will Reinvigorate Your Soul After a Very (Very) Long Year

Author image: Woman in blue dress with sunglasses traveling.

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If you’re anything like us, after more than a year of being cooped up inside, the drive to get out and explore is real! A great spot to take a selfie? Sure, that’s cool. But we’re not looking for just another pretty place. Right now, it’s a deeper and more meaningful travel experience that’s calling.

For some, that might mean a spa getaway. Others find fulfillment in more eye-opening cultural pursuits—seeing great works of art , tasting incredible culinary delights or sipping fine wine. And, of course, connecting with nature can be thoroughly invigorating.

Because a transformative trip is what just about everyone needs at the moment, we’ve rounded up seven U.S. vacation destinations guaranteed to reinvigorate your soul.


soul searching tips sedona az

1. Sedona, Az

There’s something incredibly therapeutic about communing with nature—and it certainly doesn’t hurt to do so in such a staggeringly beautiful place. Insert Sedona. This deeply spiritual destination boasts some of the most magical scenery anywhere in the world. Need some solo time? Strike out on a less-trafficked trail like Wilson Mountain and you’ll feel like the only person on the planet. Staring at the enormous red rock formations just really puts things in perspective. The landscape isn’t the only thing that promises spiritual awakening. You can stock up on healing crystals at the New Age shops in downtown Sedona.

Where to stay:

  • Casa Sedona Inn (2 guests) : $279/night
  • L'Auberge de Sedona (2 guests) : $399/night
  • 2009 Four Winds Majestic 23A (7 guests) : $168/night

soul searching tips taos nm

2. Taos, Nm

Feeling drained? Taos is a pilgrimage-worthy Southwestern city with reinvigorating energy and a mystical side. This longtime mecca for creatives, adventurers and wellness seekers will refill your cup in so many ways. Marvel at the mythical light on an early morning stroll. Do yoga in the high desert. Navigate the trails along the banks of the Rio Grande. Indulge in an aromatherapy spa ritual or unwind with a trip to the healing mineral pools—said to be a cure-all for whatever ails you. Taos also has rustic ranches that offer horseback riding (equine therapy, anyone?) and a flourishing arts community.

  • El Pueblo Lodge (2 guests) : $110/night
  • The Dobson House (4 guests) : $178/night
  • Cozy House (6 guests) : $129/night

soul searching tips calistoga ca

3. Calistoga, Ca

Tucked away in the northern end of Napa Valley, Calistoga entices weary travelers with its natural hot springs, wineries and low-key ambiance. Plus, its under-the-radar status means fewer tourists than the nearby towns of St. Helena and Yountville. Simply put: This all-too-often overlooked gem is the ultimate spot for R&R. Stressed out? Alleviate tension with deep-tissue massages and facials at a traditional spa or take a dip in one of the area’s mineral-rich mud baths. Obviously, your itinerary will include wine tasting. We love the relaxed vibe and terroir-driven sips at Tamber Bey Vineyards.

Where to stay

  • Calistoga Motor Lodge and Spa (2 guests) : $249/night
  • The Inn on Pine (2 guests) : $597/night
  • Solage, Auberge Resorts Collection (2 guests) : $889/night

soul searching tips kauai hi

4. Kauai, Hi

Leave your iPhone at home (or, at least, turn it to airplane mode). Kauai is the perfect place to unplug and reconnect to the natural world. “The Garden Isle” very much lives up to its moniker. Expect an abundance of lush rainforests, dramatic cliffs, majestic mountain peaks and cascading waterfalls. The most spellbinding vantage point? From above. Gazing at the glory of the Nā Pali Coast State Wilderness Park and 10-mile-long Waimea Canyon from a Blue Hawaiian Helicopter tour is nothing short of a religious experience. There are also gorgeous hiking trails, oceanfront golf courses and pampering spas, if that’s more your idea of a revitalizing escape.

  • Koloa Landing Resort at Poipu, Autograph Collection (2 guests) : $609/night
  • Hotel Timbers Kauai Ocean Club & Residences (2 guests) : $1,346/night
  • Hawaiian Charm House (4 guests) : $225/night

soul searching tips zion national park ut

5. Zion National Park, Ut

Located in southwest Utah, Zion National Park brims with breathtaking scenery—high plateaus, steep cliffs, deep canyons, forested trails, flowing rivers and waterfalls. Exploring this majestic natural preserve is a true mind, body and soul experience. Strenuous treks like Observation Point will push you physically. Covering 148,016 acres with tons of remote corners, Zion National Park provides ample space to be alone with your thoughts. So if you’re seeking a sense of mental clarity, consider it found. And, needless to say, the sheer grandeur of Zion Canyon is all but guaranteed to awaken spiritual awareness.

  • The Boundary Cabin (2 guests) : $185/night
  • Zion Canyon Lodge (2 guests) : $449/night
  • Secluded 10-Acre Estate (10 guests) : $595/night

soul searching tips lake placid ny

6. Lake Placid, Ny

The name says it all. Lake Placid is an utterly tranquil destination known for its fresh mountain air, crystal clear water, cozy inns and full-service spas. In between nature walks, forest bathing rituals and stress-melting massages, carve out some time to sit in stillness. Our favorite setup for reveling in the silence? Spread out a blanket on an empty stretch of shoreline and crack open a self-actualization book or listen to a guided meditation. In the evening, Adirondack chairs and a crackling fire set the stage for a perfectly peaceful night that includes a solid eight hours of shut eye.

  • Town House Lodge (2 guests) : $120/night
  • The Whiteface Lodge (2 guests) : $455/night
  • Newly Renovated Home (10 guests) : $500/night

soul searching tips joshua tree national park ca

7. Joshua Tree National Park, Ca

Yes, it’s an Instagram goldmine. But most people go to Joshua Tree National Park for the purpose of getting up close and personal with nature (epic photos are just a bonus). The desert really does have this incredibly healing energy. Plus, it’s just so serene. Soul-searchers can hoof it to the middle of nowhere, stare out at the arid landscape and enjoy uninterrupted quiet to think. Joshua Tree National Park also shines as one of the best places in the country, err the world, for stargazing. Peering up at the celestial bodies in the sky is sure to shift your perspective on things.

  • Golden Barrel Homestead (4 guests) : $273/night
  • Abstractionist (4 guests) : $327/night
  • Shadow Mountain House (4 guests) : $344/night


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Beyond Religion Beyond Science

Soul Travel: Exploring Higher Spiritual Dimensions

Home » Soul Travel: Exploring Higher Spiritual Dimensions


For many, astral projection is the entry point to spiritual realms. However, this phenomenon only takes you to the lower spiritual realms. There are higher spiritual experiences that involve the mental body, and even better—the soul’s body. These spiritual travels are known commonly as “soul travel.”

Soul travel , a mystical concept deeply rooted in spiritual and metaphysical traditions, offers a journey through various planes of existence, transcending the earthly realm and venturing into higher spiritual dimensions. These planes are typically categorized into seven major levels, with some scholars expanding this framework to include a total of twelve planes.

At its foundational level, we encounter the earthly plane, which represents our physical reality, the very realm where our bodies engage with the material world. It is here that our journey begins, rooted in the tangible experiences of our daily lives.

Just above the earthly plane lies the lower spiritual planes, acting as a vital bridge between the physical and higher spiritual dimensions . This transitional realm serves as a pivotal stepping stone toward higher spiritual insights and experiences. As we continue our ascent, we progress through the Intermediate Spiritual Planes, characterized by heightened intuition, a deeper connection to spiritual energies, and an expanding awareness of our own spiritual essence.

Beyond this, the journey leads us to the higher spiritual planes, where profound spiritual insights await, along with an enriched sense of purpose and destiny. The ethereal planes follow, offering a deep connection with universal love and a profound understanding of cosmic wisdom, elevating one’s state of spiritual consciousness. In the celestial planes, unity with the divine and an overwhelming sense of oneness with all creation is experienced, often leading to profound spiritual mastery and enlightenment.

Finally, the ultimate destination in this spiritual odyssey is the divine plane, where individuals are believed to attain a state of pure spiritual awareness , gaining deep insights into the very nature of existence and experiencing the highest spiritual principles.

By embracing the existence of these planes, we open the door to a broader perspective on our spiritual selves and our place in the universe. Whether we’re rooted in the tangible experiences of the earthly plane or ascending to the highest realms of the divine plane, the exploration of these spiritual dimensions offers profound insights, heightened consciousness , and a deeper connection with our inner selves and the cosmos.

Are you interested in learning more about soul travel, spiritual planes, and the like? Connect with Beyond Religion Beyond Science today!

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Why Traveling Is Good For Your Soul

BY Jess Leak

Travel seems to have become a big aspiration for a lot of people. More and more, it seems that people are always looking forward to that next trip, saving, planning and booking time off work. It also seems to have become increasingly popular to organize trips away for family, friends and partners instead of giving Christmas and birthday presents. So why so much emphasis on travel? 

Why do people love it so much? And should we all aspire to travel more? The short answer is YES. In my opinion, travel is one of the best things you can spend your hard-earned money on. There are so many benefits to traveling, it changes you both physically and mentally. 

Our Best Selling Tour

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If you’re looking for an exciting experience on your Bali vacation, be sure to check out the Nusa Penida Underground Temple Tour. This Bali tour takes you to ...

Many people claim they don’t have enough time or money to travel - but there is always a way to get around this , you have to do it! And it will be so worth it. Here are some of the main benefits to booking that trip away: 

1. Traveling makes you fitter

Hiking while traveling

At work you can find yourself sitting at your desk all day long. Booking that trip away is guaranteed to get you moving. Once the trip is booked, you’ll be motivated to get planning and get organized. You’ll have a goal to work towards and once you arrive at your destination, the best way to explore a new place is by foot. 

If you’re exploring a new place on foot, you’ll be surprised at how far you’ll walk - and you probably won’t even notice! You’ll be so busy taking everything in, it won’t feel like you’ve actually done a LOT of exercise. 

You may even want to schedule in some other fun physical activities like hiking, snorkeling, swimming, bike riding and more! Exercise will no longer feel like a chore, and you’ll make some great memories while doing it! Click here for more tips on how you can stay fit while you travel. 

2. It will allow you to disconnect from your daily life

Yoga when traveling

We can all get a little too caught up in our daily lives. Work tends to take over, and you can forget to take some time out for yourself. You can forget to do things that you really want to do when every day feels the same and you’ve got your boss breathing down your neck or deadlines you need to meet. 

Especially if you also have other responsibilities like children or parents to look after. It can become too much if you don’t take care of yourself. Sometimes, the best thing to do is take a step back, take a deep breath and put yourself first for a little while. You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself first! So book a trip YOU really want to go on. 

I can guarantee disconnecting for a while will help you to return fresher, calmer and more ready than ever to handle whatever life throws at you. Check out my previous blog for tips on how you can escape the office more often ! 

3. It gives your brain a workout

Traveling for your brain

If you’re going abroad, why not try to learn a bit of the local language before you go? It has been shown that learning a new language can improve your brain capacity - plus it will be really useful if you can understand the locals, even just a little bit! Check out Duolingo to get started. 

Not only in terms of languages but even just how you think when planning a trip away will help to exercise your brain. Planning and organizing the trip will force you to think differently and you might run into some challenges that will require you to be resourceful. All of this will help you to develop a new set of skills that will definitely benefit you in the future!

4. It improves your understanding of other cultures

Traveling improves your understanding of other cultures

The world is full of many different cultures and ways of life. If you never experience anything outside of your own way of life, you’ll never understand how differently other people can live. Developing empathy and understanding of other cultures is part of being smarter. 

I truly believe that there is no one ‘right’ way to live and that each culture has something unique to offer, and there is so much that we can learn from each other. Traveling is bound to open your mind and broaden your horizons; you’ll learn new things and maybe even start questioning things you never even thought about before. For inspiration and stories about some amazing cultures, check out 'No Reservations' by Anthony Bourdain .

5. It allows you to try amazing food

Amazing food while traveling

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again - food is one of the best parts of traveling. Discovering new and exciting dishes is one of my favorite things to do when I go away. Be sure to try the local cuisine and don’t just stick to what you know. 

You might even discover your new favorite thing! Food often reflects the culture and history of a place, so it’s also a great way to get to the heart of the place you are visiting. And it’s delicious! Check out our foodie tours in Bangkok , Ho Chi Minh and Bali . 

6. It gets you comfortable with the unknown

Travel into the unknown

The great thing about traveling is that you never fully know what is going to happen. Sure, you can plan what you’re going to do on your trip, but even if you’ve done your research, if you’ve never been to a place you don’t actually know what it’s like. Plus, circumstances are bound to change and it’s unlikely you’ll be able to stick to your plan completely. 

Now, this might sound a little scary but trust me, it’s one of my favorite things about traveling. Learning to think on your feet is a great skill and not knowing exactly what is going to happen is exciting! So get out of your comfort zone and visit somewhere you’ve never been before, you’ll see it will be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made!

7. You’ll meet people you never would’ve met if you’d stayed at home

Meet new people when traveling

Some of my best friends are people that I met when I was traveling. It’s amazing to think that if I hadn’t taken certain trips, I never would have met them as they’re now such big parts of my life! 

When you’re immersed in your daily life, it can be easy to see the same people every day - and I’m sure they’re great people! But meeting new people that you would never have come across if you’d stayed at home is truly amazing. 

People from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds. You will definitely learn some new things, and you might even make a connection for life!

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8. create amazing memories.

Amazing memories while traveling

I really believe that experiences are worth so much more than material things. When you travel, you will create memories that will last a lifetime and stories that you might even tell your grandchildren! Some of my favorite and most vivid memories are from trips I’ve taken. 

When you’re traveling, even the smallest things can have a big effect on you. No matter how insignificant it may seem, the fact that you've had an experience abroad, something that was out of the ordinary, creates a memory that you will remember for a long time. 

And if you take a trip with someone else - a partner, a friend, your family - you’ll be making memories together. This is such an amazing experience to have together and it is bound to bring you closer.

9. It makes you appreciate your home

Traveling with friends

As amazing as going to a brand new place is, there will undoubtedly be some things you miss about being at home. And traveling will make you appreciate those things even more. 

It’s easy to take things for granted when you are wrapped up in your daily life. A change of scenery will give you a bit of perspective and you’ll be so grateful when you get to return home. 

10. It teaches you about yourself and allows you to grow

Learn more while traveling

Travel takes you out of your comfort zone, and you will have to learn to adapt to change and uncertainty. Finding out how you deal with certain situations will teach you a lot about yourself and allow you to change for the better. You will come to understand your strengths and weaknesses and get to test your limits. 

You’ll also learn about what you like and what you don’t. Travel allows you to learn and grow in ways you never would by staying in the same place. It can be a truly life-changing experience and you will develop as a person from it! 

Some final words on why traveling are good for your soul 

To me, there is no better feeling than being sat on a bus or a train or a plane heading towards the unknown. The excitement of discovering a new place and seeing something you’ve never seen before is amazing. 

A new landscape that is completely different from your home, delicious food you never even knew existed, and beautiful people that change your way of thinking - there is so much about traveling to love. There really is nothing else like it. 

Traveling will bring you closer to who you truly are. I hope this article has inspired you to travel more as soon as you can. For more inspiration and ideas about where to go and what to do, check out my previous blogs: The Ultimate Travel Bucket List and Top 10 Travel Photos From Around The World , plus heaps more on The Vacationer ! 

Also, have a look at all of our destinations and the amazing tours we offer! 

“Travel far enough, you meet yourself” - David Mitchell. 

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Travel for the Soul

When getting out of town is the best medicine.

There comes a time in everyone’s life where we are just stuck. Stuck in the same everyday routine, stuck in an unsure relationship, stuck with the idea of not knowing where we want to be and go, and stuck left wanting something more out of our daily lives. Maybe its adventure we seek, change, direction, or even a love story.

Whether it is any of these things listed above, I know that most of you can agree with me when I say we sometimes want more.

travel for soul

I cannot tell you how many times I have talked to people including my best friends, clients, and strangers who feel they are missing something .

Often they don’t even know what it is they are searching for; they just have a feeling of being unfulfilled. My advice to them is always traveling!

Travel allows you to open your eyes to things you could never see before. When you are living your day-to-day life, you lose sight of things, but once you step out of that routine you’re able to find some clarity. Suddenly you are vigilant, fresh and have a new lease on life.

Travel for the soul in action

I can speak firsthand of the “travel cure.” Back in 2009 on my trip to Greece ,

I was sitting on top of a cliff on the island of Santorini watching the most picturesque sunset one could imagine. While taking it all in, something inside of me shifted. I don’t know exactly what it was but I somehow felt happier and in sum, I knew that there was so much more to life, and so many more places that needed to be discovered . I was forever changed.

travel for soul

Earlier this year I was a lost soul, loving life but unsure about what I wanted to do professionally and where I wanted to live. Not to mention I was also regretting my decision to return from an amazing planned year abroad in Australia for a romance back home.

Unfortunately, that “ fairytale ” did not make the books. I knew I had to get away, so in February I was off for a three-month journey throughout Southeast Asia and back to where my heart belongs, Australia .

Being away from my everyday life offered me a sense of euphoria and a sense of direction, which is a bit bizarre considering we were traveling about in an unknown country. There is something in those moments when you meet amazing people, see unknown mythical places you only read about, and share some unforgettable romances that help you take a journey into yourself.

travel for soul

Travel is the best un-prescribed medication there is. We are all so busy with work , family, and other things that we sometimes forget to stop and see what it is we truly want. So take some time for you. Go without familiars and be open to the world that awaits you.

*Photos by and property of the author, used with permission

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1 thought on “Travel for the Soul”

I couldn’t agree more. Jumping into the unknown and experiencing new things provides a angle on life that creates a wider world view and keeps us close to what is most important in life.

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20 Quotes That Prove Traveling is Good for the Soul


Last Updated on February 21, 2024

Routines can make us feel stagnant in our lives. That’s why so many people seek out a grand adventure. Normalcy and daily tasks can put you in a rut, but luckily there’s a way out.

One of the best ways to set your soul on fire and increase your happiness in life is to travel. It doesn’t even have to be across the globe; You could visit a neighboring state, or even go on a camping trip for a night.

Traveling changes the way we think and act, and can only make you a better you, regardless of where you are. The point of traveling is to see a new place and create new experiences.

If you stay stuck in the same location doing the same things, your mind stays stuck too. So tackle the the rut and grow by setting out on an adventure and start traveling.

Why is Traveling Good for You?

You can eat Indian food or attend Oktoberfest right here in the U.S., so why travel thousands of miles? There is one simple answer to this question: people. People create culture and shape your experiences. Eating Indian food in India versus in the U.S. will give you a completely different experience. You won’t just be eating Indian food, you’ll be partaking in their daily life and culture.

Culture wouldn’t exist if people didn’t create it. And if culture didn’t exist, then there’d be no point in traveling. The reason people travel is to open their minds to new experiences. These new experiences then adapt their perspectives.

If you stay within the same boundaries of the same culture, you’ll never expand your mind .

Everything that you do and see while you’re abroad holds a cultural significance to that country. Everything was cultivated from years of history and traditions that are sacred to its people. Whether it is a kiss on the cheek or a national holiday, you’ve become part of their world when you visit.

With every experience abroad you are widening your scope of the world and of culturally-different people. By this point you’re probably thinking, “Yeah, that’s great and all, but how does that affect me?”

Simply put, everything you experience in life changes the way you think and your life’s path.

If you stay stagnant in a routine, you’re not experiencing anything new. But with traveling, you’re constantly exposing yourself to brand new experiences.

On top of that, you’re meeting new people and hopefully learning more about the world. There’s no better way to enhance your education than to experience what you’re reading in a textbook. Seeing the Great Wall of China in a textbook is far different than walking across it yourself.

Traveling will change your life, regardless of where you go or what you do. It makes things you’ve only seen and heard of more real to you.

It’s very easy to get caught up in the daily grind and lifestyle. But not everyone lives like you, and with traveling, you’ll get to see that. The ability to see another person’s struggles makes you reevaluate your own problems.

You’ll be able to come back to your lifestyle and obtain a new perspective on how to live. Some things may not seem important anymore, and others may become the world to you. You’ll leave your little bubble and set your eyes on a new way of life, guaranteed.

Our experiences shape how we see the world. So if you’ve only experienced your own country and culture, your worldview is very small.

It’s hard to see things from a culturally different perspective if you’ve never experienced that culture. But travel will put you in a position where you’re eye to eye with people different than you.

You’ll experience a different culture and see a different part of the world. It’ll be nearly impossible to not have your worldview change after you’ve traveled to somewhere completely new—at least once.

On top of all this, you’ll find a new appreciation for your own culture and country. After you’ve experienced countless other cultures, you’ll start noticing aspects of your own tat you didn’t before.

There are certain things that we take for granted, or don’t notice about our culture in our daily lives.

But after you travel and see these things highlighted in other parts of the world, it’ll be impossible not to see it in your own. Hopefully this will help bring you closer to your own culture.

Traveling is the best way to escape your personal world and enter into everyone else’s. Even a bad trip will shape your mind for the better. There’s no situation where traveling won’t change who you are today to make you a better version of yourself.

Traveling is by far one of the best things you can do for yourself if you want to grow as an individual.

But if you don’t want to take my word for it, here are 20 other people who might be able to convince you.

  • “Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain.” – Jack Kerouac
  • “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert
  • “Adventure is a path. Real adventure, self-determined, self-motivated, often risky, forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world” – Mark Jenkins
  • “To travel is to take a journey into yourself.” – Danny Kaye
  • “You do not travel if you are afraid of the unknown, you travel for the unknown, that reveals you with yourself.” – Ella Maillart
  • “Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta
  • “Exploration is really the essence of the human spirit.” – Frank Borman
  • “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in you sail. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
  • “What you’ve done becomes the judge of what you’re going to do — especially in other people’s minds. When you’re traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don’t have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.” – William Least Heat Moon
  • “The world reveals itself to those who travel on foot.” – Werner Herzog
  • “Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends” – Maya Angelou
  • “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller
  • “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” – David Mitchell
  • “Leave home, leave the country, leave the familiar. Only then can routine experience—buying bread, eating vegetables, even saying hello—become new all over again.” – Anthony Doerr
  • “We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfilment.” – Hilaire Belloc
  • “We live in a world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru
  • “We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.” – Anais Nin
  • “Once you have travelled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.” – Pat Conroy
  • “Jobs fill your pocket, but adventures fill your soul.” – Jamie Lyn Beatty
  • “Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.” – Francis Bacon

travel for soul

Posted by: Hannah Parker

Hannah is a writer for  trekbible  and dreams of being an investigative journalist, or maybe a world traveling videographer, or perhaps the next voice of NPR; basically Hannah wants to be a multimedia journalist. Her voice is too big for her small body so she likes to stand on tall surfaces and shout very, very loudly. Hannah has many passions (some including poetry and the occasional chicken nugget or two) but is always searching for her next hobby.

Travel The Food For The Soul



Hi! I am Shreyashi 

I’m a software engineer by profession and an explorer at heart. I have been to all 50 states in the US, and I’m still not done exploring! The beauty and the joy that I experience on every trip of mine inspires me to write this blog.

Travel The food for the soul

I named my travel blog after a life-changing realization of how crucial it is to feed and nourish our souls, read the full story in the about me page . My travel blog is an ultimate US travel guide, featuring inspirations, destination ideas, city guides, planning resources, travel tips, and more. Travel The Food For The Soul is for all travel-loving people, including the young generation, who wants to travel but needs a starting point, busy people, with no time to plan and tourists from all over the world, who often struggle to find the right resources. I wish to help you see, plan, and explore places via my blog. 

Welcome to Travel The food for the soul, your ultimate US travel guide!

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Happy feeding your soul Shreyashi

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Practical tips to Amplify your Mind, Body, and Spirit with Nanci Reed The Soul Traveler

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Nanci Reed, an intuitive body coach and author, joins Jennifer Mitchell on the Soul Traveler Podcast to discuss the power of intuition and the importance of embracing imperfections. Nancy shares her personal journey of discovering her intuitive abilities and how she overcame the fear of being seen for who she truly is. She explains that intuition is often ignored or doubted due to societal conditioning and the belief that success must come from struggle. Nanci emphasizes the need to make space for intuition and offers practical tips for amplifying it in daily life. She also discusses her work as a sacred embodiment coach, helping individuals align their mind, body, and spirit with love. Nancy addresses the issue of perfectionism and its root causes, encouraging listeners to embrace their perfectly imperfect selves. Key Takeaways: Intuition is a subtle and gentle flow that connects us to our divine inheritance. Society often dismisses intuition due to its effortless nature and lack of empirical proof. Making space for intuition involves silencing external noise and listening to your own truth. Intuition amplification is about inviting the how of intuition into your life and trusting the process. Sacred embodiment coaching combines physical movement, spirituality, and emotional intelligence to empower individuals. Connect with Nanci Reed: CLAIM YOUR FREE GIFT HERE: ALIGN WITH LOVE SELF-HEALING Happily Ever Now by Nanci Reed Join her Facebook Group Social media @nanciannreed or happilyeverliving ************************************************************************************* Thank you so much to my amazing guest for joining me today! If you want to  experience the power of Quantum Healing Hypnosis you can work  with Jennifer 1:1 at   Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions include: Spiritual Counseling Session Past Life Regression Between Life Exploration Self-Healing & Body Scan ( Performed by Your Subconscious) Higher-Self conversation ( Q&A with your higher-self under hypnosis)                      BOOK HERE Want to be a guest on The Soul Traveler podcast or support our "Quantum Research Fund"? Check out our podcast page for more information. Don't forget to follow the show and leave a review, and join our online community, The Soul Traveler, on Facebook.   Love the show? Please show your support by following the show and leaving a review. You can also join our online Facebook community The Soul Traveler.   Connect with Jennifer online: Facebook Group: The Soul Traveler Instagram: @iAmjennifermitchell                                                    TikTok:  @iamjennifermitchell YouTube: The Soul Experience Website: Email: [email protected]  

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Rachael Dixon, 53, dies in suspected mushroom poisoning

A health centre has spoken out following the death of a woman who consumed a drink believed to contain mushrooms, as her son shares a touching tribute.

New mushroom tragedy unfolds in Victoria

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The alternative health centre where a Melbourne mother died after consuming a drink her family believes contained mushrooms says it is devastated about the “tragic incident”.

Personal trainer Rachael Dixon, 53, went into cardiac arrest and died about midnight on Sunday after consuming the drink at Soul Barn in Clunes, near Ballarat in regional Victoria.

Soul Barn, which is described as a “creative wellbeing centre” specialising in holistic and alternative practices, said in a statement on Thursday it was shocked and devastated by Ms Dixon’s death.

Rachael Dixon died on Sunday. Picture: Supplied

The centre said the event was not run by them or facilitated by any of their staff.

“Soul Barn hires out workshop space to external businesses and facilitators,” the centre said.

“The event which took place on April 13 was a private event, and those facilitating the event do not work for or represent Soul Barn in any way.

“None of our regular therapists, staff or facilitators were present at any point during this event.

“We share the shock and devastation of everyone involved, and our hearts are with those families affected.”

The business owners say they are devastated by Ms Dixon’s death. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Ian Wilson

Soul Barn will remain closed while police investigate Ms Dixon’s death.

Two other people were taken to hospital but were later discharged.

While Ms Dixon’s son and ex-husband believe the drink contained mushrooms, police have not confirmed that.

Ms Dixon’s son Matthew posted a heartbreaking tribute to his mother on social media on Sunday, writing that he wished he could give her “one last hug”.

Rachel Dixon, 53, pictured with son Matthew, has died after an alleged fatal mushroom poisoning. Picture: Facebook

“To the most loving, most caring person I’ve ever known, can’t thank you enough for everything you ever did for me and all the support you gave me,” he said.

“Words can’t begin to describe how much I will miss you, wish I could give you one last hug.”

A Victoria Police spokeswoman said it’s believed Ms Dixon became ill after ingesting a drink just after 12am.

“Investigations remain ongoing and police will prepare a report for the coroner,” the spokesperson said.

Before releasing this statement, the owners of the centre had not posted anything on its Facebook page since the weekend, save for a single post on Sunday abruptly cancelling a sound healing workshop for the same afternoon.

Several people commented offering “healing” and their support in the wake of the news on Soul Barn’s last Facebook update.

“I’m sending so much love to you all. Your community is sending you lots of love. Reach out if you need anything,” one woman wrote.

Soul Barn Creative Wellbeing Centre in Clunes, near Ballarat. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Ian Wilson

Soul Barn had earlier advertised a “Slow Beauty Medicine” event with “ritual skincare and reiki to soothe body and spirit”.

“Using infused herbal oils sourced from local farms & wild foraged plants, plus handcrafted skincare from around the world,” a listing in the centre’s newsletter reads.

“Woven into bespoke treatments to deliver your best skin, all while uplifting and enriching your soul with Reiki. This is a facial like none other, one you will never forget!”

Police have called on anyone with information about the incident to get in touch.

A spokesman from Ambulance Victoria said paramedics arrived at the property just after 11.50am on Saturday, with two people taken to Ballarat Base Hospital.

A woman has died in a suspected poisoning at Soul Barn in Clunes, near Ballarat. Picture: Facebook/ Soul Barn

The death comes after Victorian authorities warned residents earlier this month that poisonous mushrooms were growing across the state.

“Unless you are an expert, do not pick and eat wild mushrooms in Victoria,” acting chief health officer Evelyn Wong said.

“There is no home test available to distinguish safe and edible mushrooms from poisonous mushrooms.”

Advertisements in Soul Barn’s window. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Ian Wilson

The town of Clunes was rocked by a tragedy last week after former resident Hannah McGuire was allegedly murdered by her ex-partner near Ballarat.

The 21-year-old’s remains were discovered in burnt-out car at State Forest Road in Scarsdale, south of the town Ballarat on April 5.

Crime Stoppers can be reached on 1800 333 000 or online at

Inside the "alternative health" retreat Soul Barn

A passenger has described inside one of the world’s busiest airport’s as “absolute mayhem” as she showed the painfully long lost luggage line.

A man has broken his leg 30 minutes into a seven hour flight after the plane hit turbulence when he was returning from the bathroom.

A woman shares how she was suddenly banned on the Uber app for her name.


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  21. Travel The Food For The Soul

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