The Discerning Cat

Road Trip With a Cat | 11 Tips for Car Travelling With Your Furry Feline

By: Author Amanda OBrien

Posted on Last updated: February 17, 2024

When embarking on a trip of a lifetime, why leave your cat alone when you can bring your precious cargo along for a road trip with a cat? Whether travelling for an hour or two or looking forward to the ultimate journey from San Francisco to Los Angeles , road trips are the epitome of freedom.

Unsure how to take a road trip with a cat in style, comfort, and with few hiccups? From a road trip packing list to a cheat sheet of cat-in-car problems and solutions, this guide will ensure a less bumpy ride for you and your fur baby.


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11 Tips for a Stress-Free Road Trip with a Cat

While you’ll be tempted simply set sail on your trip through winding roads, a game plan is essential to ensure no hitch in your wagon. Take a look at these key components to consider before going on your mobile adventure with your feline.

1. Determine the Duration

black-cat-carrier road trip with a cat

Image by Ali Kazal on Unsplash

From planning bathroom breaks to packing enough food (pet and others) for your drive, the duration of your trip is important to note for a variety of reasons. When travelling long distances, it’s important to stop every few hours in case your kitty prefers eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom while the car isn’t moving.

2. Talk to Your Vet About Health Conditions

By discussing your pet’s health history and illnesses, you’ll be able to go into your trip with all the necessary information to help your cat travel comfortably and safely. Going to the vet is often seen as a new and scary venture for a cat (much like the uncharted territory of a road trip), their behaviour could be quite telling. 

Are they skittish by sudden movements? Do they get anxious about new experiences? There are a number of factors that could lead to vital pet medication that need to be packed for your getaway:

  • Cat sedative or anxiety medication – Cats have a number of ways to indicate anxiety, such as a shaking tail. If your cat is known for troubling anxious behaviour, talk to your veterinarian about anxiety medication options to keep your kitty feeling relaxed.
  • Necessary medication – If your cat has any medical conditions (such as seizures or diabetes), it’s important to pack enough medication for your trip. This is why calculating the duration of your journey is essential to confirm you have enough pills and potions to keep your kitty healthy.

3. Do a Few Test Drives


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Much like a long-distance marathon, practice makes perfect when trying to get your cat comfortable with car rides. Make sure you take time to get your pet comfortable with riding along roads, so it’s not the first time they take a drive in your metal steering steed.

By taking your cat along on short errands and small drives and presenting them with a tasty nibble after, you’ll be able to create a positive association with the carrier and car. In time, your kitty will become a curled croissant and see a car trip as the perfect nap time getaway.

If you notice your cat is restless, panting, and frequently vocalising, this could indicate that your kitty is just not a fan of travelling by car. This is where you can make arrangements with your veterinarian for feline stress relievers.

4. Ensure Safety Precautions 


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Before going on your road-worthy adventure, a tough choice is to decide whether you’re planning to have your cat roam free or in his carrier. However, it is important to note that a free-roaming cat can be very dangerous when travelling long distances.

From distracting the driver to escaping when car windows are opened, free roaming is often only recommended if your cat is well behaved or you have a traveller sitting with them. A cat carrier can be considered the safest option, but can be an anxiety-inducing experience if your pet does not enjoy confined spaces.

You have a few options if your cat gives the small space of a carrier two paws down. First, you can slowly but surely help your cat become accustomed to his little room. The power of cat treats and cat toys placed in the carrier will soon transform a perceived prison into a pampering palace.

If this does not work, you can always opt for a more open seating concept to allow your cat to feel less constricted. This includes cat booster seats and harnesses to ensure your pet feels part of the conversation and is still nestled in a sense of safety.

5. Book Pet-Friendly Accommodation


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When riding on the road for 2-3 days with your long-tailed pet, booking accommodation on your travels is a good idea to get a few hours of shut-eye. It’s important to ensure you’re driving with a decent amount of sleep to keep your head clear for your travels.

We suggest you check your accommodation website before booking your stay to choose a place that will make arrangements for your furry prince or princess on the premises. 


6. Do Research on Vets on Route

There’s nothing worse than your furry loved one being in pain and not knowing how to identify the issue. From swallowing choking hazards to pesky bee stings when the car window is open, it’s always good to prepare for the worst on the road.

By identifying many vet clinics on your road trip route, you’ll have a game plan to follow when your cat is in distress. 

7. Get a Cat Tag


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While on your road trip, you’ll be bound to stop for various reasons, including filling up on gas and bathroom breaks. Whether you choose to leave your cat in his carrier with someone or take him outside, there is a chance your furry travel companion can orchestrate an escape. 

This is why putting a handy information tag on your cat is very important to ensure a speedy rescue mission can take place to retrieve them. Not only is it a nifty way to jazz up your cat’s look, but it lets people know this kitty has a loving home if found. A trusty tag on a cat c o llar should include the following necessary written data:

  • Name – This might seem like an obvious one, but it’s a necessary piece of information to identify your clawed compadre quickly if they get lost.
  • Your contact details – Whether a phone number or an email, your reachability can make or break your search efforts if someone finds your kitty.
  • Address – This factor is more relevant on short road trip journeys, which will allow animal services to identify that this stray fluff ball does indeed have a home.
  • Microchip – A real time saver when your pet is a frequent flight risk, microchipping your cat is essentially a digital cat tag. This device is a tiny computer chip inserted between their shoulder blades that will display a unique serial code with information to identify the tagged pet.

8. Make a packing plan


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With the cat road trip preparations under the belt, the next step is a handy luggage list to make sure you remember everything you need for the journey. While you’re sure to be more than capable of stocking your suitcase, it’s up to you to include the necessary items and accessories for your cat.

  • Carrier (with blankets and toys) – Your cat will likely have a tendency to roam the car interior, which makes a cat travel carrier so important. Not only is it a comfy place to sleep, but it also protects your pet from serious injury in a motor accident. Try to get them to sleep in their carrier a few nights before the trip to make sure they associate their carrier with a comforting memory.
  • Blanket and toys – By sprinkling your cat carrier with remnants of the home, you’ll allow a sense of comfort and security for your pet to cling to in times of stress. Bring your cat’s favourite toy as a safety blanket (pun intended).
  • Travel litter box – If you prefer your car to stay clear of cat excretions, a travel litter box is needed to allow your cat to go on bathroom breaks. 
  • Treats, food, water, bowls – Nothing causes fear in a cat owner quite like a hangry ball of claws and insistent meows. To keep your kitty hydrated and well fed, you’ll need to pack food and water to keep those stomach rumbles at bay.
  • Pet wipes – Accidents tend to happen when on the road for an extended period of time. From vomit to a nervous bladder, you’ll be happy you’ve packed pet wipes to clean any unwanted spills and a dirty kitty.


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9. What to do if your cat is feeling Too Hot

When travelling in hot and dry areas, your cat can experience elevated levels of heat, which can cause them to feel uncomfortable and uneasy. To prevent your kitty from overheating, you can place a pet cooling mat under them to ensure you have a cool cat on board.

Other solutions include placing a water bowl nearby to make sure your cat stays hydrated in the heat. If needed, you can also spray a small amount of water with a spray bottle on their fur for your cat to cool down faster.

How to Spot Overheating/ Dehydration

  • Panting and breathing fast
  • High heart rate

10. What to do if your cat is feeling Too Cold

Cars have a tendency to get chilly when the sun sets, so it’s essential to have some toasty tools handy to keep warm on your trip. Whether it’s blankets or a heating pad, your cat will be thankful for a bit of warmth when they have the shivers.

How to Spot a Cold Cat

  • Cold body, nose, or tail
  • Shallow and short breaths 
  • Stiff joints

11. What to do if your cat is feeling Car Sick


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With sharp turns and sudden stops, it can be a motion overload for kitties not used to driving in the car. 

As a precaution, you can take away your cat’s food bowl the night before your travels to enhance your chances of a vomit-free trip. But keep in mind that little to no food in their stomach will also increase the chances of your cat feeling nauseated.

If you know your cat has a motion sickness issue, you can ask a vet for a prescription to ease your kitty’s nausea symptoms. 

How to Spot Nausea

  • Excessive licking, chewing, or vocalisation
  • Loss of appetite

Final Thoughts on a Mobile Trip With Your Purry Pet


Your luggage packed, the wind blowing in your hair, and look from your purring pal – by adding a bag of meows toe beans to the mix, you’re in for an adventure. 

With a seemingly endless supply of pet essentials and a keen eye for noticing strange behaviour from your cat, you’re ready to hit the road with confidence. Unfortunately, you can’t prepare for every snag, but experiencing some of the world’s bucket list locations with your cat at your side will be well worth it. 

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Amanda created and owns The Discerning Cat. A lifelong cat lover she is the proud parent of two Siberian cats, Alexei and Vladimir. She is passionate about understanding cats and different cat breeds.

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Article: Going on a Road Trip with Your Cat? Here's What You Should Know

Going on a Road Trip with Your Cat? Here's What You Should Know

Think it's impossible to take your fur baby with you on a road trip? Think again! Traveling with cats doesn't have to be stressful, and there are many ways you can prep in advance to make your road trip go smoothly. 

While cats do like familiar surroundings and can have a hard time adjusting to too much change, there are things you can do before your road trip to make sure they are as comfortable as possible & you can have an enjoyable experience out on the road together. Traveling long distance with cats can seem intimidating at first, but this comprehensive guide to road-tripping with your cat has everything you need to know for your cat-venture, plus lots of cat car ride tips from fellow cat parents. Let's hit the road! 

Table of Contents: 

Before the trip, packing the essentials.

Choosing the Right Cat Carrier

Features of a Good Cat Carrier

Where to Place the Cat Carrier in the Car

Train a Cat to Like the Carrier

Best Cat Carriers and Cat Backpacks for a Fun Road Trip with Your Cat

Litter Box, Scoop, and Litter Supply

Choosing the Best Litter Box

How will my cat use the litter box on a car ride?

The Best Portable Litter Box for Cats

Medical Documents

Cat Stress Medication & Anxiety Relief

Food & Treats

Feeding & Water Essentials

How do I travel with multiple cats or pets?

What not to do on your car trip.

What should I do if my cat gets carsick?

How do I entertain my cat during the trip?

The best way to prepare for a long car ride with your cat is to help them get used to the car at least a few weeks before you plant to leave. Train them by letting them sit in the car for a little bit to get used to the smells & sounds, then begin taking small rides around the neighborhood, to your vet, or run errands together.

Make sure you have a   cat carrier  that they are comfortable in, and that is safe for traveling long distance with cats. Your cat carrier or cat backpack will work as a cat car seat, making sure that they have a cozy place to call home when you're out on the road.  Now is a great time to also start leash training if your cat isn't already used to their leash. For some helpful tips on leash & harness training, see   this article .  

Visit a Veterinarian:   Make sure your cat is up to date on all of their shots before your road trip, and get a general check up to make sure your kitty is good to go. Bring along any paperwork just in case of an emergency vet visit on the road. 

Source a Cat-Friendly Hotel:   If you're planning an overnight road trip, make sure that you are staying somewhere that will welcome your kitty. There are tons of cat-friendly hotel options to choose from, like La Quinta & Hilton 2 Suites . 

Plan Pit Stops:  Plan some stops along the way so your kitty can get out & stretch, use their   portable litter box , or eat from   "The Travel Buddy" Foldable Food Bowl & Mat. 

Microchipping & ID Tags:  It's always a good idea to microchip your pet, just in case of emergency. Always make sure your pet's ID tag has your contact information printed clearly on it, so they can be returned to you ASAP if they are to get lost. 

Leash Training:  Leash training & harness training your cat will make going on a road trip that much easier. Taking pit stops, walking into the hotel, or even having your kitty attached to their leash & harness while in the car will give you peace of mind.  

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Tips from other cat parents:

"Harness Training! Good carriers that they are comfortable with. MICROCHIPS, and lots of patience!" @twintorties

"Practice before long rides. Build in stops to go to the litter box or eat. CBD oil is calming. Make sure you have a plan in case you need an emergency vet visit" @sherlock_thesiamesekitty

"We went for car rides before the big trip to get her used to being in the car for a long time."  @massy_masc

"Start harness training young. Let them adjust to it. Don't force it. Patience!" @ubliani

"Don't be sad if the first time he's afraid. By the second time, your kitty will be good!" @mariuxitapia 

road trip with cat checklist


Cat Carrier

Choosing the right cat carrier is vital to making sure your cat feels safe & secure on your road trip. Cat carriers give your cat a place to call their own while they are riding in the car, and while they're out and about on your adventures! Check out our many different cat backpacks   here , all which are great for taking your cat in the car. We've got something for every Travel Cat!

Features of a Good Carrier -

  • Strong - Obviously. You want your cat carrier to be made of high quality material! All of our carriers are made with top-of-the-line fabrics like oxford cotton & strong scratch-proof mesh. 
  • Well-ventilated -  Your kitty needs a cat carrier that doesn't let them get too hot, and has plenty of airflow. All of our backpacks have multiple air holes or mesh paneling to make sure your cat gets all the fresh air they need!
  • Size - Kitties are cute, in every size! Find the carrier that works best for your furry friend. We have cat backpacks for small, medium, and bigger boned cats that can hold up to 25lbs of floof. 
  • Comfortable - If you aren't comfortable wearing your cat backpack, your kitty isn't going to feel comfortable either. All of our backpacks have adjustable straps and are super comfy for both kitty & hooman. 

"Take them on short walks in the bag and set them in the vehicle daily for 10-20 min. Maybe even drive around for a few min so they know what to expect during a car ride. Reward them with treats!" @ chernobylcat_n_mimo

Where to place the cat carrier in the car - 

Cat carrier backpacks and cat car seats should be placed on a secure surface where they won't slide, like the floor between the passenger's feet, or seat of your car. Never put your cat carrier in the trunk of your car, as there is not enough ventilation for safe airflow for your cat. Keep their carrier secure by fastening with a seatbelt, or placing between things to keep it in place. Avoid putting your cat carrier in front of a direct air conditioning/heating unit so your kitty doesn't get have to brave the elements! Make sure to bring your cat's favorite blankets for an extra cozy ride.

"Make the Backpack the safe space. they will always have somewhere to return to."

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lyra the Bengal Cat (@lyra_thebengalcat)

Train your cat to like the carrier - 

Making sure your cat feels at home in their secured cat carrier is important before you go on any road trips together. Practice by keeping the cat carrier out & accessible to them at home, so they can hop in and out whenever they want. Then practice by taking them outside, then on short walks, then longer walks. For more in-depth advice, check out   this article . 

"Bimini falls asleep in his fat cat backpack, and enjoys some of the trip looking out his space bubble" @bimini.the.ragdoll

Best cat carriers and cat backpacks for a fun car trip with your cat:

  • "The Fat Cat" Cat Backpack for Larger Cats is a great backpack for a kitty who might need a little extra room, or if you're bringing more than one cat along for the ride!  
  • "The Navigator" Cat Backpack for Adventure Cats is perfect for long car rides, because it has extra mesh paneling for optimal air flow, and it also converts into a normal carrier that lies on it's side, so your kitty can have extra space to stretch out in the back seat. 
  • "The Jackson Galaxy" Convertible Cat Backpack is great for car trips because it also converts to a carrier that lays horizontally.    
  • “The Odyssey” Soft Cat Carrier for Every Day and Air Travel is designed for airplanes but works great for car trips as well, making it the perfect two-in-one cat carrier. 
  • “The Boop Coop” Collapsible Travel Cat Crate & Carrier is perfect if you need a carrier that stores easily, as you can fold it up flat when not in use. But don’t worry: it’s nice and roomy for your kitty when set up.

"Transferred to his backpack when we made a stop and he did so well! No fights, no fits, so dreamy." @stephanielshulte  

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Once you reach your destination, you may want a portable play tent so your kitty can accompany you to the park or beach, or just have a safe place to play in an unfamiliar space. That’s why we created The Feline Fun House .  

Travel Litter Box, Scoop & Litter Supply

Bringing a travel litter box along on a road trip is a must. Your cat needs a place to go, and you definitely don't want that place to be your back seat. Bring   "The Porta Pawty" Travel Litter Box   and use your cat's normal litter to keep their mess contained. This litter box zips up to keep mess from shifting around, and is seamless for an easy clean at the end of a long day on the road. Get your cat used to their portable litter box by starting to use it in your house, a few days before you set off on your trip. Put it in place of their normal litter box, using their normal litter to ease the transition.

"The Porta Pawty" Travel Litter Box

road trip with cat checklist

How will my cat use the travel litter box on a car ride?

Your cat might feel comfortable doing their business on the go, and if so, they could be let out of their carrier to go in their travel litter box if you pull over. But if your kitty prefers to go outside of the car, you might need to make a longer pit stop to set up their space. Since kitties like to eat & use the pawty shortly after, we recommend pulling over to do both safely & more conveniently. Thankfully, "The Porta Pawty" is super portable & easy to store away until you need it. Just unroll it, let your cat do their business, and zip back up to contain any mess once your kitty is done. 

Best Portable Litter Boxes for Cats:

"The Porta Pawty" Travel Litter Box is what we recommend. See more of its features,   here . 

Portable Travel Cat Beds

If you're planning an overnight trip, having a place for your kitty to sleep is a must, especially if you're going to an unfamiliar environment. Your cat will want a place to call their home and get away for a snooze sesh every now and then.

Don't forget to pack their favorite blankets, and "The Meowbile Home" Convertible Cat Bed & Cave is just that - a scent soaker bed that will help your kitty feel more at home, wherever you go. A scent soaker is something with your kitties scent or your scent on it and will help calm cats for travel because they'll be in a familiar-smelling place. "The Meowbile Home" is super lightweight and easy to transport in its drawstring bag. 

"The Meowbile Home" Convertible Cat Bed & Cave  

road trip with cat checklist

If your kitty needs some extra space to move around, try out "The Donut" Cat Bed & Cave . This bed is easy to transport and fits right on your car seat or in the back with the seats down, for a fun alternative to your cat backpack carrier. "The Donut" is not only a great place for a kitty snooze sesh, but it will also give your cat another way to play & entertain themselves on the road. 

road trip with cat checklist

"Donuts!! These have been a life saver for us, so much less whining when they have these to hide in." - @birchandluna

Medication & Anxiety Relief

It is important to bring along any medical documents that your cat might need on your road trip, like vaccination certificates, etc. just in case of an emergency. If they are on any medication, make sure to have those documents & the appropriate dosage to last the entirety of the road trip (plus extra). 

Prepare for your cat to feel some stress during the road trip, and if your cat is extremely prone to anxiety attacks, consider leaving them with a trusting friend or family member while you're gone. We do not recommend cat sedative for travel, but there are plenty of anxiety relief medications and solutions that would offer a safe alternative. Be sure to ask your vet what they would recommend you bring if your cat needs a little extra help calming down. We love Jackson Galaxy's "Easy Traveler" All-Natural Holistic Solution.  

Food & treats are also a great way to calm nerves, and entice an otherwise skeptical kitty. Try using their favorite treats while training them to ride in the car as well, rewarding after they get in the car and at the end of the drive. 

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A hungry kitty is not a happy kitty, and you don't want to drive with an unhappy kitty. Continue using your cat's normal food & eating schedule while on your road trip, in order to keep things as familiar to them as possible. Store your cat's food in ziplock food bags to make sure it stays fresh, & mess free.

Keep your cat hydrated throughout the duration of the road trip with portable water bowls, especially if you're traveling somewhere on the hotter side. Make sure to bring more than enough food for the duration of your trip, along with plenty of treats! Check out our cat travel accessories &   food/water bowls , made to help your travels go a little smoother. Whether your cat likes dry or wet food, this silicone travel bowl is super easy to clean and store away when you're not using it.

"The Travel Buddy" Foldable All-In-One Double Bowl & Mat 

road trip with cat checklist

"The Go Anywhere Bowl" Collapsible Travel Pet Food and Water Dish

road trip with cat checklist

While your cat might enjoy peeking out the window for a bit, it won't entertain them for hours on end. Bring along your cat's favorite kickers, teaser wands, and other toys that will help them feel at home & entertain them while on the road. Check out these super fun & portable toys:

“The 90s Cat” Portable Travel Cat Scratcher

"The Rainbow Dancer" Cat Teaser Toy Wand

The Rainbow Dancer

Traveling with Multiple Cats or Pets

The more floof the better! Going on a road trip with more than one furry friend might pose different challenges, but none that any cat-loving parent can't weather. Just make sure to have plenty of food, a carrier big enough for them or multiple carriers , and follow your cat parent instinct. Remember to take plenty of stretch/food/bathroom breaks, and bring treats galore. Having multiple cats come along might mean your cats can help entertain themselves, so the ride might be a little extra fun. Even if that means less - quiet 😹

If you're traveling with different types of pets, make sure your cats are well-adjusted or have time to meet & greet their road trip companions. If you're going on the road trip with some pet parents, try planning a little play date for your kitties and pets to meet before the big day. 

"If traveling with dogs AND cats, put the cats in the vehicle first and let them be used to the environment prior to letting the dogs in."  @chernobylcat_n_mimo

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Penelope and Juniper (@penelopelovesjuniper)

What not to do on your road trip:

Never leave your cat alone in the car.  This is especially important on extremely hot or cold days. If you are traveling and want to explore a bit on your own or go out to eat, we suggest finding a cat friendly hotel to stay at for the night, or pet sitter in the area! If you need to go to the bathroom, either bring your cat with you in their cat backpack, or if you're riding with a friend, have them sit in the car with your cat. 

Try not to let your cat out of their carrier. They might want some freedom & space to move around, which is why it's important to find a cat carrier that they are comfortable in. It is not safe to keep your cat out of their carrier while you are driving, in case of an emergency. They might protest at first, but try & build in plenty of walk breaks so they can stretch their legs, eat & use the bathroom, and give them lots of treats.

Don't leave the windows open too far, and always make sure they are locked. Having a cracked window might help keep your kitten calm, but there should never be enough space for them to escape. Always keep your windows locked, even if they are cracked a bit, so that curious paws don't lower them.

"Windows cracked (and *locked*) help keep kitties calm. Plus breaks for walks!"  @birchandluna

Whether or not your kitty is an experienced car traveler, accidents happen. If they end up getting carsick, keep calm & give lots of comfort, clean them up, and try to clean their carrier as best you can. In order to make clean up easier, pack wipes just in case, and line your car & their carrier with towels or pee pads that you can easily remove. Unless your kitty is seriously ill, carry on with your road trip & don't let it ruin those awesome adventure vibes.

How do I entertain my cat during the road trip?

A bored kitty is a loud kitty 😹 Bring their favorite toys, treats, and make sure to take plenty of rest stops so they can eat, stretch their legs, & be stimulated by the scenery along your drive! If your kitty likes looking out the window, position their bag so they can peer out & check on their whereabouts while you're on the road. Depending on how long your trip is, they will probably sleep a lot too! 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Vincent_Dante_TheMaineCoons (@vincent_dante_themainecoons)

When You Arrive at the Destination

Yay! You did it. 

Reward your kitty with lots of treats & kisses, and give yourself a pat on the back for a road trip well done! And maybe take a nap 😽 💤

We hope you enjoyed these tips & experiences from our community 😽

Disclaimer: You know your cat best. Please use caution & travel with your kitty's safety as top priority! 

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